2021 MS
2021 MS
2021 MS
MN3194 Entrepreneurship
Important note
This commentary reflects the examination and assessment arrangements for this
course in the academic year 2020–2021. The format and structure of the
examination may change in future years, and any such changes will be publicised
on the virtual learning environment (VLE).
Information about the subject guide and the Essential reading references
Unless otherwise stated, all cross-references will be to the latest version of the
subject guide (2019). You should always attempt to use the most recent edition
of any Essential reading textbook, even if the commentary and/or online reading
list and/or subject guide refer to an earlier edition. If different editions of Essential
reading are listed, please check the VLE for reading supplements – if none are
available, please use the contents list and index of the new edition to find the
relevant section.
General remarks
Learning outcomes
This course is about entrepreneurship both from an economics and practitioners
angle and shows how economics can contribute to our understanding of
entrepreneurship. The course also sheds light on the societal impact of
entrepreneurship and its utility for economic development. It further provides a range
of practical skills such as developing business models, designing market research
frameworks, creating product development cycles, establishing customer relationship
channels, raising seed capital, pricing strategies, and protecting intellectual property.
At the end of this course, and having completed the essential reading and activities,
you should be able to:
● Have a thorough understanding of how economics can contribute to
● Explain how social entrepreneurship creates impact and how to measure it
● Describe the theoretical insights and recent empirical findings of academic
research in the field of economics of entrepreneurship
● Explain how entrepreneurship drives economic change and growth
● Understand how government utilise entrepreneurship to stimulate economic
● Analyse and develop business ideas and business models
● Design market research frameworks, develop and evaluate business models
MN3194 Entrepreneurship
● Be able to build a Profit and Loss (P&L) statement for your business
● Have a solid understanding of how to approach, acquire, and keep customers
● Be able to develop analyse and apply various pricing strategies
● Be able to design, structure, and execute the process of launching a new
familiarity with the subject guide and practical experience gained throughout the
course is highly advisable. Candidates are sometimes overly descriptive in their
answers, as a consequence, they do not provide a critical perspective on the material
presented. Candidates are expected to warrant their claims by citing literature or
giving examples, rather than just expressing unsubstantiated opinions. Avoid a
descriptive approach and consider writing in a way that articulates different
viewpoints. Better answers are able to link these to different theoretical frameworks
and practical evidence, and provide references of key authors in the academic
literature. The examiners like answers to be clearly and logically set out, and to
include a beginning, a middle and an end.
Middle: develop and substantiate the argument in the main body of the answer.
End: use the concluding paragraph to summarise the main points of the argument.
Your answer must address the given question, and so it is important when answering
the question to always ask yourself ‘how is each point I am making relevant to the
question?’ By doing so, you should be able to filter out information that is irrelevant
to the question and only keep the parts that are. Do not leave it to the closing
paragraph of your answer to make your argument explicit. Also, you need to
demonstrate clear evidence of practical experience you have gained by completing
all the tasks in the subject guide.
Examiners’ commentaries 2021
MN3194 Entrepreneurship
Important note
This commentary reflects the examination and assessment arrangements for this
course in the academic year 2020–2021. The format and structure of the
examination may change in future years, and any such changes will be publicised
on the virtual learning environment (VLE).
Information about the subject guide and the Essential reading references
Unless otherwise stated, all cross-references will be to the latest version of the
subject guide (2019). You should always attempt to use the most recent edition
of any Essential reading textbook, even if the commentary and/or online reading
list and/or subject guide refer to an earlier edition. If different editions of Essential
reading are listed, please check the VLE for reading supplements – if none are
available, please use the contents list and index of the new edition to find the
relevant section.
Examiners’ commentaries 2021
Question 2
a) Discuss how governments can utilise entrepreneurship to facilitate
economic development. (5 marks)
b) Discuss how innovation performance levels of EU member states
correlate to economic growth rates. (5 marks)
An excellent answer would critically analyse the four different hypotheses of Crudu
(2019) and why he questions this underlying assumption. Further, a concluding
discussion of the findings of the case study by Crudu how innovation performance
levels of EU member states correlate to economic growth rates is expected.
Question 3
a) What are the key drivers for social entrepreneurship? (5 marks)
b) Discuss the advantages of a hybrid enterprise over a non-profit social
enterprise? (5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapter 4 of the subject guide.
MN3194 Entrepreneurship
Question 4
a) Discuss what approach you would take to developing a viable business
model. (5 marks)
b) How would you mitigate the biggest risk to new multi-sided market
business models? (5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapters 5 and 9 of the subject guide.
Examiners’ commentaries 2021
Question 5
a) Discuss which strategy yields the highest benefits on group-level when
the cost of competing for market share is high on individual level. (5
b) Explain how competition drives innovation in relation to resources
available. (5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapter 6 of the subject guide.
Question 6
a) What is the difference between the value proposition (VP) and the
unique selling proposition (USP)? (5 marks)
b) Explain what each of the blocks of the Business Model Canvas by
Osterwalder should be used for. (5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapter 8 of the subject guide.
MN3194 Entrepreneurship
Proposition (USP), also called Unique Selling Point (USP), refers to any
factor or aspect of a product or a service that differentiates it from the
competition and also highlights it’s unique benefit to the customers. It
should answer the question: “How is the product or service different from
that of your competitors?” Taking the preceding competitor analysis into
account this should not be a difficult task. In the article Unique Selling
Proposition (USP) by Entrepreneur Europe (2019) the authors recommend
for the business owner to take a step back and put themselves into his
customers' shoes.
b) The Candidate is expected to be cognisant of each of the building blocks of
the Business Model Canvas developed by Alexander Osterwalder. A good
answer would entail all a description of all the building blocks and its
purpose. An excellent answer would include a sample business idea for
which each of the building blocks will serve for illustrative purposes.
Question 7
a) You have been hired as a startup consultant by a startup that is building
an invitation-only audio-chat social networking app. They are now
looking to break into the market of your home country. Your initial task
is to size up the market. Justify which methodologies you would
choose. (5 marks)
b) Your client is now looking to develop a strategy to grow the market
share of the female 16 - 26 year-old customer market segment. What is
your route-to-market strategy? (5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapters 9 and 10 of the subject guide.
Examiners’ commentaries 2021
Question 8
a) The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the startup you are working for
is 85% complete but the company ran out of money. Without the MVP
the company is unable to launch. What strategies can you apply to
validate the business model at the current stage to attract new
investors? (5 marks)
b) The startup you work for was able to raise capital and successfully
complete the MVP and are now in the process of finding a market.
Discuss various marketing strategies and channels and which one you
would choose. (5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapters 5, 9, 10, 11 of the subject
Question 9
a) You are a startup consultant and your client, a newly established
African haute couture platform is looking to establish itself in the
Ghanaian market. You are now tasked to come up with a value
proposition geared towards the local market. (5 marks)
b) One year later, the new business took off and the haute couture
platform is now looking to diversify its revenue streams. You are tasked
to develop three additional revenue streams including new value
propositions. (5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapters 8 and 10 of the subject guide.
MN3194 Entrepreneurship
The Candidate is required to build upon their developed value proposition and
enhance the proposition by diversifying its target market. It is required to develop
additional revenue streams in line with the new value propositions and make use of
the various techniques as set out in the subject guide. A good answer would include
additional revenue streams that include adjacent verticals of a fashion platform
which can be easily integrated. An excellent answer would further take the specific
market conditions into consideration and include a more horizontal approach
addressing different target markets beyond the adjacent markets. Creative thinking
and a business savvy mindset will be rewarded.
Question 10
a) The platform management is looking to raise venture capital. The pre-
money valuation is $30,000,000 with two co-founders holding 30% of
the shares each and two investors holding 20% respectively. Now, the
platform receives a venture capital injection of $10,000,000. Answer the
following questions:
i. What is the post-money valuation in $?
ii. How much equity holds each founder in % and $ after the capital
iii. How much equity holds the venture capital firm in % and $ after
the capital injection? (8 marks)
b) How would you compose the new advisory board and what skills would
you look out for in this particular case. Discuss five different advisory
board member roles. (7 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapter 15
Examiners’ commentaries 2021
answer the Candidate is required to highlight the potential short falls of the
company upon the venture capital injection and opine as to why the capital
injection would create a shortfall in skills with the company. An excellent
response would also include a future outlook of how the advisory board
composition may add value in its entirety including a potential draft strategy.
MN3194 Entrepreneurship
Important note
This commentary reflects the examination and assessment arrangements for this
course in the academic year 2020–2021. The format and structure of the
examination may change in future years, and any such changes will be publicised
on the virtual learning environment (VLE).
Information about the subject guide and the Essential reading references
Unless otherwise stated, all cross-references will be to the latest version of the
subject guide (2019). You should always attempt to use the most recent edition
of any Essential reading textbook, even if the commentary and/or online reading
list and/or subject guide refer to an earlier edition. If different editions of Essential
reading are listed, please check the VLE for reading supplements – if none are
available, please use the contents list and index of the new edition to find the
relevant section.
Examiners’ commentaries 2021
Question 2
a) Discuss how private sector development can be facilitated through
entrepreneurship. (5 marks)
b) Discuss how economic growth rates are correlated with innovation
performance levels in EU member states. (5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapters 2 and 3 of the subject guide.
Question 3
a) Discuss what motivates people to become social entrepreneurs?
(5 marks)
b) Discuss how one of the key barriers for growth for social entrepreneurs
can be overcome. (5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapter 4 of the subject guide.
MN3194 Entrepreneurship
Question 4
a) You are tasked with implementing two key performance indicators to
measure social entrepreneurship. Justify your choices. (5 marks)
b) Develop a business model based on the Four Factor Value Matrix and
discuss each factor. (5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapters 4 and 5 of the subject guide.
Question 5
a) Discuss which strategy yields the highest benefits on the individual
level when a business competes for market share. (5 marks)
b) Explain how Darwin’s principle ‘survival of the fittest’ can be integrated
in the strategy decision making process of a business. (5 marks)
Examiners’ commentaries 2021
Question 6
a) What distinguishes the unique selling proposition (USP) from the value
proposition (VP)? (5 marks)
b) Discuss how an entrepreneur can apply the model of resource
equivalence to gain a competitive advantage over a competitor. (5
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapters 8 and 9 of the subject guide.
MN3194 Entrepreneurship
Question 7
a) You got hired by a startup that is selling customised one-off travel
insurances through a mobile phone app. Your initial task is to size up
the market of your home country. Discuss which methodologies you
would choose. (5 marks)
b) The startup is now looking to develop a strategy to target the 29 - 39
year-old digital nomad segment. What is your route-to-market strategy?
(5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapter 8, 9, and 10 of the subject
Question 8
a) The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of your startup is 50% complete but
one investor pulled out leaving the company in financial distress. A
local accelerator is able to provide financing provided the MVP has
been validated. What is your market validation strategy? (5 marks)
b) Your startup has joined the accelerator cohort and is looking to take
the product to the market. Develop a three-step route-to-market
strategy. (5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapters 8, 9, and 10 of the subject
Examiners’ commentaries 2021
answer would include a potential risk mitigation strategy and one alternative
b) The Candidate is required to develop a three-step route-to-market strategy
by making references to the methods outlined in the subject guide. It is
expected to make references in particular to the concepts of Customer
development, Hypothesis testing, and Customer validation as set out by
Blank and Dorf (2012) and Majaski (2019). A good answer would include
various customer relationships strategies and the underlying reasoning for
each step. An excellent answer would further include a risk mitigation
strategy and outline alternative pathways for each of the three steps.
Question 9
a) You joined a startup that brokers sharia-compliant Islamic financial
products to residents in the USA. You are now tasked to come up with
a value proposition geared towards the Islamic community. Give two
examples. (5 marks)
b) One year later, the startup took off and the platform is now looking to
diversify its revenue streams. You are tasked to develop a new unique
selling proposition (USP). (5 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapters 8, 9, and 12 of the subject
Question 10
a) The startup management is looking to raise venture capital. The pre-
money valuation is $10,000,000 with two co-founders holding 40% of
the shares each and two investors holding 10% respectively. Now, the
platform receives a venture capital injection of $10,000,000. Answer the
following questions:
i. What is the post-money valuation in $?
ii. How much equity holds each founder in % and $ after the capital
MN3194 Entrepreneurship
iii. How much equity holds the venture capital firm in % and $ after
the capital injection? (8 marks)
b) The platform is looking to scale into North Africa and is looking to form
an advisory board. What types of advisors would you recommend and
justify your decision? (7 marks)
Reading for this question
The material for this question is outlined in Chapter 15 of the subject guide.