Syllabus in Engineering Calculus 1 For Geothermal Engng
Syllabus in Engineering Calculus 1 For Geothermal Engng
Syllabus in Engineering Calculus 1 For Geothermal Engng
Course Syllabus
The course covering the core concepts of limit, continuity and differentiability of functions involving one or more variables. This also includes
the application of differential calculations in solving problems on optimization, rates of change, related rates, tangents and normals, and
approximations; partial differentiation and transcendental curve tracing.
At the end of the course, the student must be able to:1) Differentiate algebraic and transcendental functions.
2) Apply the concept of differentiation in solving word problems. 3) Analyze and trace transcendental curves.
All these are achieved through ( excellent instruction, relevant and responsive research and/or extension services, and quality-
assured production ( of a true NOrSUnian with the core values of SAPPHIRE needed to ( become dynamic, competitive and
globally responsive.
A – Value the importance of Lecture and See list of Note taking Written Exam 6.1.1
the slope and rate of change. discuss the reference
slope and rate below Oral 6.5.1
- The Slope
S – Manipulate some of change. discussion
- Rate of Change
examples related to finding
4-6 -The Chain Rule and
the rate of change. Solving Problem
the General Power
problems using solving
K – Specify the importance of chain rule and
using chain rule and general general power Seat works
power rule formulas. rule.
A – Value the importance of Discussion of See list of Note taking Written Exam 6.1.1
implicit differentiation. illustrative reference
-Implicit examples of below Oral 6.5.1
Differentiation S – Manipulate some implicit discussion
- Higher-Order examples related to higher differentiation
Derivatives order derivatives. Problem
- Polynomial Curves Solving solving
K – Evaluate the solutions for problems on
higher order derivatives and higher order Seat works
polynomial curves. derivatives.
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A – Value the solutions for the Solving See list of Note taking Written Exam 6.1.1
applications of the derivative. problems for reference
the below Oral 6.5.1
- Applications of the S – Manipulate the solutions applications of discussion
Derivative for differential. the derivative.
- The Differential Problem
- Derivatives of K – Evaluate the solutions for Discuss solving
Trigonometric the derivatives of differential
10-11 Functions trigonometric functions problem. Seat works
problems on
the derivatives
of trigonometric
A – Value the solutions for Solving See list of Note taking Written Exam 6.1.1
- Derivatives of the derivatives of inverse problems on reference
Inverse trigonometric functions. derivatives of below Oral 6.5.1
Trigonometric inverse discussion
Functions S – Manipulate the solutions trigonometric
-Derivatives of for the derivatives of functions. Problem
Logarithmic and logarithmic and exponential solving
Exponential functions. .
Functions Seat works
K – Evaluate the solutions for
the derivatives of inverse
trigonometric functions .
-Derivatives of the A – Value the solutions for Solving See list of Note taking Written Exam 6.1.1
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A – Value the solutions for Solving See list of Note taking Written Exam 6.1.1
-Transcendental transcendental curve tracing. problems on reference
Curve Tracing partial below Oral 6.5.1
-Parametric S – Manipulate the solutions differentiation. discussion
16-17 Equations for parametric equation.
-Partial Problem
Differentiation K – Evaluate the solutions for solving
partial differentiation.
Seat works
Course Requirements At the end of semester, the learners are to comply the requirements on:
1. Attendance
2. Pass Summative Exams
3. Homework/Assignment Problems
Grading System The students are graded according to rubrics on the following:
Attendance 5%
Research Work/Oral Participation 15%
Homework/Assignment Problems 10%
Quizzes 20%
Midterm Examinations 25%
Final Examinations 25%
Passing grade is 75%.
E . C L A S S P O L I C I E S (Specific to the Course)
Pedagogical The course uses a classroom-lecture and discussion. The students will be able to learn the subject matter through
Nature and problem solving.
Attendance, Assignment Students are required to observe attendance in the class as monitored in the School Register Form. Individual
and Submission Policies activities and their submission are to be on time as announced or as scheduled in the class.
Uniform and Students are deemed accountable to follow the proper conduct inside the classroom and wear proper uniform as
Decorum stipulated in the students handbook.
Academic Honesty All forms of dishonesty as indicated as ideal class rules in the basic and higher education is automatically equivalent
and Scholarship to a failing grade of the academic exercise. Plagiarism is automatic “Failed” in an output.
Special Education Need Persons with physical/ learning disabilities are requested to see the Professor within the first two weeks of the
and Disabilitysemester. A doable strategy is designed by both the Professor and student throughout the semester. Have an
Accommodation appointment with the Professor for his/ her consultation time.
Gender and Development All oral and written communication outputs/ class interactions are required to observe the use of gender sensitive
Related Accommodation language. The course prohibits discrimination and harassment based upon race, ethnicity, sex (including sexual
assault), pregnancy, color, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, age, marital status, sexual
orientation, gender identity, and genetic information. Any student who has concerns about such behavior should the
Religious In the academic work in the class, everybody is required to avoid conflicts with student’s religious practices and/ or
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Accommodation observances. For an exemption, the student may request reasonable accommodations. This request must be in
writing, and the Professor will review the request and this may even seek for assistance from the Dean.
Academic Consultation related to the course can be done between 8:00 am to 9:00 am – Monday and Wednesday at
Mentoring, Coaching and College of Engineering & Architecture Faculty Office or queries can be emailed to texted to the following contacts
Consultation E-mail Address: [email protected]; Cellphone No: (+63)9338599670. Use of social media is
discouraged unless in a “discussion room” designed specifically for such course.
Associate Associat
Faculty e Faculty
Schedule Schedule
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Prepared By: Reviewed By: Approved By: Vice President, Academic Affairs
Instructor Program Chair College Dean
Effective Date:__________________
Code#: Revision#:___ Date Approved:________________
Date Reviewed:____________ ___Standard___Law___Regulation
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