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Research · May 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4654.2240


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2 authors:

Rachid Bennacer Abdelaziz MIMET

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris / Univ. Paris Saclay Abdelmalek Essaâdi University


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Prof. Rachid BENNACER, ENS Cachan, France
Prof. Mohamed El GANAOUI, University of Lorraine, France
Prof. Abdelaziz MIMET, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco

Assembling edition by Abdelaaziz El HIBAOUI

Abdelmalek Essaâdi University
FS Tetouan-Morocco, Asso. Prof.
Printing coordination by Choukri BARBARA
École Normale Supérieure de Tétouan

ENS Cachan- ENS Martil and the University of Lorraine are pleased to run the
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy (ICOME'15) in the beautiful
city of Tétouan in Morocco. ICOME'15 host Energy & the City of the Futur (EVF)
symposium chaired by the EPMI Cergy Pontoise.

Natural coupling materials and energy is a strong point of this event. This is an
interconnected topics with very fecond elds of application in our modern societies.

The inter-Mediterranean link is also an important fact of this international

conference and will allow a better Sud/North mixture allowing to share innovation
and sustainable development.

The conference chairs hopes that everyone will found in this meeting an important
topical interest, a great pleasure on exchanging with the both community of materials
and energy ...

ICOME'15 Chairs

Prof. R. Bennacer Prof. M. El Ganaoui Prof. A. Mimet

ENS Cachan University of Lorraine Abdelmalek Essaadi University

Dr. M. Darcherif

Human history is close to the energy and materials one. Since antiquity, civilizations
have a permanent challenge of perfecting materials and saving energy. This approach
been rst done for survey and second for comfort. Then, progressively, they laid
more and more importance on the machinery needed for their agriculture, habitat
and industry. The increasing knowledge on the mathematics, physics and chemistry
has gradually become more and more rational for material and energy, and by
the way the subject of emerging publications, and has then become a discipline
systematically taught at scientic institution. However, there remain a number of
phenomena to be understood directly aecting considerable technological consequences.

The added value of exchanges between theoretical workers and engineers, junior
and senior scientist provide more and more opportunities to understood phenomena,
explain mysterious experiments and run a new ways of sustainable shared development.

The International Conference on Materials and Energy (ICOME'15) represents a

agship event of research on Materials and Energy in 2015 and will be held in the city
of Tetouan (Morocco).

The Conference is the place where academic researchers, industrial and professionals
share information, successful and innovative cases and motivate industrial engagement
broadening the movement scope. The Scientic Committee, the University of
Abdelmalek Essaadi, the National Superior School of Cachan and the University of
Lorraine extend a warm invitation to attend and take part.

The Conference covers several themes and is organised in parallel educational

content sessions for all professionals who want to deepen their knowledge in Materials
and Energy elds.
It is a great opportunity for participants to have high quality current technical content
and also to explore new knowledge horizons on a variety of topics interconnected with
elds of application in Materials and Energy. The conference will host an Energy &
Materials symposium dedicated to the city of the future and a topical spring school on
Eco-materials and durable construction.

The themes represent the major scientic headings for the meeting and reect the
key position of these topics in Materials and Energy. However, in assembling the
program we are also keen to see contribution related to Energy and Materials such as
presentations of practical deployment and implementations in new applications areas :
• Bio-resources / wood/ energy
• Wind / Solar / Biomass / energy mix
• Recent developments on innovative materials
• Computational Environmental Engineering
• Energy Systems / Energy eciency
• Micro and Nano structured systems
• Heat and Mass transfer in Porous Media and building materials
• Double diusive convective coupling
• Phase change for energy storage
• Inverse Problems and optimization
• Benchmarking and Validation
• Classical Heat and mass interlink problems

The conference chairs thanks the dierent committees, the sponsors, the sta of
the organizing Universities for the preparation of this event.

The conference chairs hopes that everyone will found in this meeting an important
topical interest, a great pleasure on exchanging with the both community of materials
and energy.

ICOME'15 Chairs

Prof. R. Bennacer Prof. M. El Ganaoui Prof. A. Mimet

ENS Cachan University of Lorraine Abdelmalek Essaadi University
2015 International Conference on MATERIALS & ENERGY v

ICoME General Chairs

• BENNACER Rachid, ENS Cachan, France
• EL GANAOUI Mohammed, Lorraine University, France
• MIMET Abdelaziz, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco

Honorary Committee
• AMEZIANE Houdaifa - President of Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco
• DAOUDI Lahcen - Minister of Higher Education, Scientic Research and Executive
Training, Morocco
• MUTZENHARDT Pierre - President of Lorraine University, France
• ZALIO Pierre Paul - President of High School Normal Cachan, France

International Scientic Committee

• Alexander J. I. D. - Case Western Reserve University, USA
• Bayazitoglu Y. - Rice University, USA
• Benim A. C. - Duesseldorf University, Germany
• Bennacer R. - Ecole Nomale Sup. Cachan, France
• Bontoux P. - Aix Marseille University, France
• Bouali M. - Mondragon University, Spain
• Bouhadef Kh. - USTHB, Algeria
• Castaneda R. J. - Cadiz University, Spain
• Chai J. - School of Computing and Eng, UK
• Costa V. - University of Aveiro, Portugal
• Cotta R. Me - Coppe UFRJ, Brazil
• Cruz I.I. - CIEMAT, Spain
• Darcherif M. - ECAM EPMI, Cergy Pontoise, France
• De Lemos M. - Inst. Tecno. De Aeronautica, Brazil
• Dombrovsky L. Inst. High Temperatures, Russia
• El Ganaoui M. - Lorraine University, France
• El Manssori I. - Hassan II University, Morocco
• Ikken B. - IRESEN, Morocco
• Khadja M. - Constantine University, Algeria
• Khatib J. - Wolverhampton University, UK
• Lappa M. - Napoli University, Italy
• Meyer J. - Pretoria University , South Africa
• Michela R.- University of Genova, Italy
• Mimet A. - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco
• Nandakumar K. - Louisianan State University, USA.
• Nunzi J. M. - Queen's University, Canada
• Oka S. - University, Slovania

2015 International Conference on MATERIALS & ENERGY vi

• Papadakis G. Agr. - Athens University, Greece

• Pérez Garcia M. - Almeria University, Spain
• Ramiro leo J. G. - Cadiz University, Spain
• Runchal A. - CFD Inov. ACRI, USA / India
• Sammouda H.- Monastir University, Tunisia
• Seghir Z.- Ryerson University, Canada
• Soria E. - CIEMAT, Spain
• Timchenko V.- NSW University, Australia
• Viera G. - UCP University, Brazil
• Voelker C.- Kaiserslautern University, Germany
• Yuen R. - Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
• Zarza E. - CIEMAT, Spain
• ZHU Ji-hong. - Northwestern Polytech University, China

Organizing Committee
• ADDOU Mohammed - FST - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - Morocco
• BARBARA Choukri, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco
• CHAOUNI Abdenour, Amendis, Tetouan, Morocco
• DJEDJIG Rabah, University of Lorraine, France
• EL HIBAOUI Abdelaaziz, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco
• EL BOUARDI Abdelmajid, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco
• EZBAKHE Hassan, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco
• KHARBOUCH Bousselham, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco
• LABADI Karim University of Technologie, Troyes- France
• LAHLAOUTI Mohamed Lhassan, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco
• LAMRANI Zouhaire, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco
• MAALOUF Abdellah, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco
• MAOUNI Abdelfettah, ENSAbdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco
• ZAZ Youssef, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco

Operational Scientic and Technical Committee

• ABDERAFI Souad - EMI - Mohammed V University - Morocco
• ADDOU Mohammed - FST - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - Morocco
• AHACHAD Mohamed - ADEREE - Morocco
• ASBIK Mohamed - FS - Moulay Ismail University - Morocco
• BELAFHAL Abdelmajid, FS, Chouaib Doukkali university - Morocco
• BEN ABDELLAH Abdellatif - FST - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - Morocco
• BENCHRIFA Rachid- FS - Mohamed V University- Morocco
• BENNOUNA Amin - FS - Cadi Ayyad University - Morocco
• BENQLILOU Chouaib - Ecole des Mines Rabat - Morocco
• BERRADI Touria - SMADER - Morocco
• BESSAIH Rachid - FST - Constantine 1 University - Algeria

• BOUHELAL Oum Keltoum - ENSMR - Morocco
• BOUMEDDANE Boussad - Saad Dahlab. University Blida, Algeria
• CHAFIK Tarik - FST - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University -Morocco
• DAKKINA Abdelali - ADEREE , Morocco
• DIANI Mustapha - FST - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - Morocco
• DJEBLI Abdelouahed - FS - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - Morocco
• DRAOUI Abdeslam - FST - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - Morocco
• ECHCHELH Adil - Kenitra Univerisity- Morocco
• EHMIMED Jamal - FS - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - Morocco
• EL BOUARDI Abdelmajid - FS - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - Morocco
• EL MAHI Mohamed - ENSET - Mohamed V University - Morocco
• EZBAKHE Hassan - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - Morocco
• ELMIDAOUI Azzeddine - Ibn Tofail University - Morocco
• EL OMARI Mohamed - FS - Cadi Ayyad University - Morocco
• EL QARNIA Hamid - FS - Cadi Ayyad University - Morocco
• Gabsi Slimane - ENIS - SFAX University - Tunisia
• GAROUM Mohammed - EST - Mohamed V University- Morocco
• HAMDI Hassan - FS - Cadi Ayyad University - Morocco
• HASNAOUI Mohamed - FS - Cadi Ayyad University - Morocco
• HOUAT Samir- Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University, Mostaganem - Algeria
• IDLIMAM Ali - ENS - Cadi Ayyad University - Morocco
• IHLAL Ahmed - FS - IBN Zohr University - Morocco
• KHAMLICHI Abdellatif - ENSA - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - Morocco
• KHARBOUCH Bousselham, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco
• LAHLAOUTI Mohamed Lhassan - FS - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - Morocco
• LEMMINI Fatiha - FSR- Mohammed V University - Morocco
• MAALOUF Abdellah - FS - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - Morocco
• MECHAQRANE Abdellah -FST - Sidi Mohamed Ibn Abdellah University - Morocco
• MEZRHAB Ahmed - FS - Mohamed Premier University- Morocco
• MORSLI Souad - UST of Oran Mohammed Boudiaf- Algeria
• OUADHA Ahmed- UST of Oran Mohammed Boudiaf - Algeria
• SABEUR Amina - UST of Oran Mohamed Boudiaf - Algeria
• SAIFAOUI Dennoun - FS - Hassan II University- Morocco
• SEKKAT Zouheir - MAScIR - Morocco
• TAQI Mohamed - FS - Hassan II University - Morocco
• ZAZOUI Mimoun - FST - Hassan II University - Morocco
• ZEJLI Driss - ENSA - Ibn Tofail University - Morocco
• ZORKANI Izeddine - FS - Sidi Mohamed Ibn Abdellah University - Morocco
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy
Keynote talks

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bartout Driss

Technical University of Berlin

Innovative Joining and Coating Technology for Energy

and Automotive Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Prof. Bassir David

Institute of Industry Technology,
Guangzhou & Chinese Academy of Sciences (IIT, GZ&CAS)

Towards sustainable biopolymer composites .......... 4

Dir. Benhamou Khalid

Sahara Wind, Rabat, 10170, Morocco

North Africa's key asset in the world's global energy

transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Prof. Bernède Jean Christian
Nantes University, Nantes, France.

Small molecule organic semiconductors for future

photovoltaic energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Prof. Castaneda Rafael
University of Cadiz, Spain

Renewable energy application to reduce the energy

requirements in aquiculture plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Prof. Coronas Alberto
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

Combined Absorption Power and Refrigeration Systems

Driven by Thermal Energy Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Prof. El Bouhtoury - Fatima Charrier

Pau et des Pays de l'Adour University

Eco-Innovation and Energy Challenges ............. 12

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy

Prof. Gabsi Slimane

National School of Engineers of Sfax

Solar Energy and cooling systems by sorption ...... 14

Dir. Ikken Badr

IRESEN, Morocco
Development of outdoor research platforms and tests
on photovoltaic modules in the green energy park in
Morocco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Prof. MENEZO Christophe
Savoie Mont-Blanc University

From Solar buildings to future solar cities: Solar energy

production and use from building scale to city scale 17

Dr. Nunzi Jean-Michel

Queen's University

A technology for ultimate eciency solar cells ...... 19

Prof. Perré Patrick

Ecole Centrale Paris, France

Biomass and Biomaterials Strategic and Sustainable

Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xi

Renewable Energy
(Wind Energy / Conversion)

Analysis of a RBF neural network based controller for pitch angle

of variable-speed wind

turbines [ID: 12] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
El Kabira EL Mjabber , Abdellatif Khamlichi, Abdellah El Hajjaji

Evaluation of wind potential and estimated production of wind

energy in Tetuan

[ID: 16] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
A. Sadouk , A. Djebli

Assessing yield of 1,2an active solar still

for seawater2desalination [ID: 20] 25
Hamadou Osman Ali , Abdellatif Khamlichi , Hassan Ali Barkad

Comparison of dierent methods of control ray hybrid aspheric

lenses [ID: 23] . .∗ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Evaluation du champ éolien dans la region d'annaba par une analyse

aerodynamique pour l'installation d'une petite eolienne [ID: 39] . . . . . . . 27
Zerari Naziha, Benretem Abdelouahab

Thermal behaviour of paran slurry in a vertical plane plate heat

exchanger [ID: 51] . . . . . . .1,2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Mohamed Najib EL Boujaddaini , Abdelaziz Mimet

Toward an evolutionary multi-criteria model for the analysis and

estimation of wind potential [ID:52] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Fouad Amri, O. Bouattane, T. Khalili, A. Raihani, A. Bifadene

Optimal choice of a multilevel inverter for integration on a hybrid

wind-solar power station [ID: 53] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Tajeddine Khalili, H. Ouajji, O. Bouattane, F. Amri, A. Raihani

Sensor faults detection and estimation for a DFIG equipped wind

turbine [ID: 55] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Samir Abdelmalek, Hocine Belmili

Comparaison of synthesis routes of winds turbine lubricant additives

based on M oS12 nanoparticles
[ID: 60] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 1
Hanane Akram , Ouafae Achak , Mohamed Zoubair Saadi , Chaouki Elmoujahid ,
SalahEddine Bensemlali2 , Abderrahim Elmouakibi3 and Tarik Chak1∗

Design and devolepment of a solar refrigerator based on solid

adsortion (activated
cycle [ID: 61]2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Hicham BOUSHABA , Abdelaziz MIMET , Mohammed El GANAOUI

Étude analytique et numérique des transferts dechaleur dans un

Hangar avec inuence des conditions aux limites [ID: 79] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
M. Nachtane, D. Saifaoui, R. Sehaqui

Dessalement via la chaleur récupérée au niveau des unités de production

d'acide sulfuriques mpiii/iv jorasfar an de répondre aux
besoins croissantes en eau [ID: 96] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Three-dimensional uid ow simulation into a rectangular channel

with partitions
the lattice-boltzmann
3 1
method [ID: 100] . . . . . . . . . . 36
A. Boutra , K. Ragui , R. Bennacer , Y.K. Benkahla

Evaluation of the performances of an air refrigeration system

coupled with a parabolic trough solar collector [ID: 103] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Study of incidence angle modier in linear fresnel reector [ID: 114] .. 38

Youssef Elmaanaoui, Dennoun Saifaoui

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xii

Estimation Global Solar Radiation and ModelingPhotovoltaic

Module Based

on Articial Neural Networks [ID: 116] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Lalia Miloudi , Dalila Acheli

A General Fractional-Order Heat Transfer Model for Photovoltaic/

Thermal (PVT)
hybrid systems
and its 1Observer Design
[ID: 130] . . . . 40

Drivetrain exebility eect on control performance of a horizontal

axis wind turbine [ID: 145] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Cloud and aerosol single scattering albedos of mediterranean areas

[ID:155] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Ibtissam MARSLI and Mohammed DIOURI

Thermal setup for energy measurementtechniques in electrical

systems [ID:157] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Contribution to the study of a photovoltaic system with storage

[ID:166] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Statistical Modeling of Electrical Energy Consumption (EEC) in the

Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewater by Electrochemical Process
[ID:168] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
M. Tir and N. Moulai-Mostefa

Aerodynamic performance simulation of horizontal axis wind turbine

[ID: 169] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

The solar domestic water heating system in the six moroccan climate
zones [ID: 179] ∗. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Ibtissam FELLAK , Mohammed El Ganaoui, Abdelaziz Mimet, Abdelah Maalouf

Flow numerical simulation in a cross ow turbine in bidirectional

operation for wave energy conversion [ID: 194] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
S. El Khchin, A. El Marjani

Estimation of solar radiation and sizing method of an autonomous

photovoltaic system.

Application to Algeria [ID: 195] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Zakaria Bouzid , Nassera Ghellai, Moussaab Belarbi

Flow analysis in three-dimensional double-diusive convection in an

elongated1,∗porous enclosure [ID:
196] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
O. Rahli , N. Mimouni1, R. Bennacer

Blade rotor design optimization of a self-rectifying air turbine for owc

devices by numerical experimental design method [ID:220] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Khalid ELATIFE, Abdelatif EL MARJANI

Étude technico-économique d'une centrale solaire a concentration de

type fresnel, destinée à la production électricité [ID:241] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
H.Beltagy, D.Semmar, N.Said

Drivetrain exebility eect on control performance of a horizontal axis

wind turbine [ID: 279] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Using matlab to develop articial neural network models for

forecasting global

solar radiation in souss territory-morocco [ID: 281] . 54
O. Nait Mensour , B. Hlimi, K. Bouabid and A. Ihlal

Modeling and simulation of an autonomous PV generator of power

4,2 Kw dedicated to 1supply an agricultural
pumping station
[ID: 282] 55
Bennacer EL HASSOUNI , 2, Ali HADDI , Abdellatif GHACHAM AMRANI

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xiii

Evaluation et analyse statistique du potentiel eolien de la wilaya de

[ID: 297] .1. . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . 56

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xiv

Materials in Energy
(Inovative Materials/Process)

Seismic assessment of the masonry inll  Concrete frame interaction

[ID: 2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Sabri Attajkani 2
, Abdellatif Khamlichi , Abdelalh Jabbouri 3

Solution of 1d Elastic-hydrodynamics-erosion Coupled equations in

porous media ∗[ID: 4] . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Fatima Yakhlef 1, Abdellatif Khamlichi , Philippe Dubujet

Modelling an eddy-current probe for damage detection of surface cracks

in metallic parts1∗ [ID: 7] . . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Abdeslam Aoukili , Abdellatif Khamlichi

Bayesian multiple forces reconstruction during impact with uncertain

time transfer matrix
[ID: 9] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 1 2
Souleymane Samagassi , Abdellatif Khamlichi , Abdallah Driouach , Eric Jacquelin

Mechanical Coupled Vibrations in an Individual Double-Walled

Carbon Nanotubes [ID: 13] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .∗. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
M. Boutahir, A.H. Rahmani, H. Chadli, and A. Rahmani

Tight-binding model for phosphorene, phosphorus nanoribbons and

nanotubes. [ID: 15] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .∗. . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Raman spectra

of boron doped single-walled carbon nanotube [ID: 24] 65
A. Elbiyaali , M. Bentaleb, B. Fakrach, H. Chadli, and A. Rahmani

Vibrational properties of Nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes [ID: 25] .. 66

F. Allali, A. Elbiyaali, and A. Rahmani

Ractical tribometer to estimate pumpability of fresh concrete and

boundary layer
[ID: 26] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 1
El-Hadj Kadri , Tien-Tung Ngo , Rachid Bennacer , Adrien Bouvet ,
François Cussigh3 , Hamza Souahli1

Numerical study of the inuence of ZnT e thickness on CdS/ZnT e

solar cell performances
[ID: 34] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1,2∗ 2 2
Othmane SKHOUNI , Ahmed El MANOUNI , Bernabe MARI and Hanif ULLAH

Moisture sorption isotherms and modelling of moroccan rosemary

leaves [ID:a45] . . . . . b. . . . . . . . . . . .a. . . . . . . . . . a. . . . . . . . .a. . . . . . . . . . . . .a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
S. Mghazli , A. Idlimam , M. Mahrouz , L. Lahnine , N.Hidar , M.Ouhammou

Microstructural aspects of displacive transitions in shape memory

alloys [ID: 71] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Osman Adiguzel

The numerical simulation of permeability for brous reinforcement

composite1 by inverse method
[ID: 74] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 3 1

Solid-state structures and properties of scandiumhydride: hydrogen

storage application

[ID: 76] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
K. Khodja , L. Saddik, Y. Bouhadda and K. Benyelloul

Description thermodynamique du systeme Co-Sc [ID: 105] ............. 73

Houda Ghamr, Yassine Djaballah, Aissa Belgacem-bouzida

Characterization of the durabilityof natural SiO2 aggregates

[ID: 108] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
H. El Bahraoui 2∗
, L. Khouchaf 3
, A. Ben Fraj

Organic photovoltaic
cells: fabrication
and processing [ID: 122] ........ 75

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xv

Chemical preparation, crystallographic characterization, vibrational

study and thermal behavior of a new cyclotriphosphate
.6H2 O superphosphate
M N (N H4 )4 (P3 O9 )2a,b a
fertilizer [ID: 124] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Improvement of pentathiophene/fullerene planar heterojunction

organicphotovoltaic cells through MMO3/CUI anode buer
bilayer [ID:1,2127] . . .3. . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . .4. . . . . . . . . .3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Z. El Jouad , L. Cattin , F. Martinez , G. Neculqueo , G. Louarn ,
M. Addou2 , P. Predeep5 , J. Manuvel5 , J.C. Bernède1

Modeling and fatigue damage evolution of composite materials under

cyclic loading (application on a wooden specimen [ID: 134] . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Analysis of a thermal system by contact for defect detection in

[ID: 144
] .......................................... 79
A. Kabouri , A. Khabbazi , H. Youlal

Thermodynamic analysis of combined csp-med desalination in

Algeria [ID:153] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
M. Laissaoui, A. Touil and D. Nehari

Copper : molybdenum sub-oxide blend as transparent conductive

electrode (tce) indium free [ID:154] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
M. Hssein, L. Cattin, M. Morsli, M. Addou, J. C. Bernède

Cold sprayed copper coating: numerical study of particle impact and

coating characterization [ID:156] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Yamina MEBDOUA, Yazid FIZI and Nadjet BOUHELAL

Unsteady heating of spheroidal particle in plasma spray process

[ID: 158] 1,2
1 3 2
Y. Hamza , Y. Mebdoua , M. El-Ganaoui , M. Tribeche

A markovian process for the matching problem [ID:163] ................ 84

Hati Khalid and Abdellah El Hajjaji

Identication and characterization of mechanical and structural

properties against static damage of a composite oating wind turbine
blade [ID: 187] . .∗. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
O. Shah, M. Tarfaoui

Mechanical and durability properties of precast concrete with

treated channel
sediments1,2[ID: 189] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
A. Ben Fraj , O. Abdulkareem

Innovating device for characterizing the mechanical properties of

metals based on an
sensor [ID: 198] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Zakaryae.EZZOUINE , Abdelrhani.Nakheli

Study of the hygrothermic behavior of the wood of algerian eucalyptus

camaldulensis dehn and modeling [ID: 201] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Tazrout Mansour, Abadlia Mohamed Tahar, Bezzazi Boujema

Kinetic study and optimization of extraction process conditions

[ID:202] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Sarah Rezazi, Salah Hanini, Samir Abdelmalek

Lean construction: the evolution of construction management [ID: 203] 90


Fluid ow in the melt during the welding sequence GTAW [ID:207] ... 91
Mohammed BENZERGA, Younes BENKEDDA, Abderrahmane BENHAFFAF

Eect of hipco single walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) on the thermal

stability and structure of the poly(3 hexyl thiophene) P3HTP/ SWCNT
nanocomposite [ID:209] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
M. Zorkani, M. Baitoul, Eric Faulques, J. Wery-Venturini

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xvi

Eect of CdS buer layer on the eciency of Cu(In, Ga)Se2

solar cells [ID: 214∗] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Optical properties of undoped and tin-doped nanostructuredIn2 O3 thin

lms deposited by spray pyrolysis [ID:224] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
N. Fellahi, M. Addou, A. Kachouane, M. El Jouad and Z. Soani

Investigation on magnetic refrigeration of F e80−x Vx B12 Si8 (x = 8, 10 and

13.7) amorphous alloys [ID:227] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
A. Boutahar, H. Lassri, E.K. Hlil and D. Fruchart

Computational study of evaporative cooling of falling binary liquid

lm inside a vertical channel [ID:231] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
H. Meftah, A. Nait Alla, M. Feddaoui and A. Azzabakh

The computational study of thermal stress of the cdznte's semi-

conducteur: the growth of cdznte in the bridgman conguration
[ID:233] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Hanen JAMAI, Habib Sammouda, Mohamed El Ganaoui

Numerical study of nanouid heat transfer AL2 O3 through a cylindrical

pipe maintained at a constant temperature at the wall [ID:242] . . . . . . . 98
MAOUASSI Ammar, BEGHIDJA Abdelhadi and ZERAIBI Noureddine

Numerical study of the evaporation of a liquid lm with a low

nanoparticles volume fraction ∗[ID: 253] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Monssif NAJIM, M'Barek FEDDAOUI , Abderrahman NAIT ALLA, Adil CHAREF

Eect of the subdivision of a Lozenge conducting body on natural

convection inside a dierentially heated square cavity using Lattice
Boltzmann method
[ID: 255
] . . . . . . . .a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
A. El Mansouri , M. Hasnaoui , A. Amahmid and R. Bennacer

Lattice-boltzmann modeling of mixed convection in a lidd riven

square cavity lled with a nanouid and containing a horizontal thin
heater [ID: 258] . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Y. Dahani, M. Hasnaoui and A. Amahmid

Lattice-boltzmann modeling of natural convection in a cavity with a

heated plate inside [1ID: 259] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
M. Alouah, M. Hasnaoui , A. Amahmid and K. Rehhali

Modeling of
of aluminum-tin alloys [ID: 264] .. 103
S. Elhamzi , E. Saad , A. Ibnlfassi

Lattice boltzmann modeling of the dissolution process of silicon

into germanium
using a simplied
[ID: 267] 104
F. Mechighel , M. El Ganaoui , N. Armour , S. Dost , and M. Kadja

Identication and characterization of mechanical and structural

properties against static damage of a composite oating wind turbine
blade [ID:1 271] . . . .1∗. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
O. Shah , M. Tarfaoui

of the durability
of natural
SiO2 aggregates [ID: 276] 106
H. El Bahraoui , L. Khouchaf , A. Ben Fraj

Template-free solvothermal fabrication of NiCo2 O4 hollow microspheres

used in energy related applications

[ID: 284] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Xin-Yao Yu, Weihong Xu, Jinhuai Liu

Excitonic transitions in inhomogeneous QDTWO levels system

[ID: 287] . . . a. . . . . . . . . .a,∗
F. Benhaddou , I. Zorkani and A. Jorio

Infrared thermography applied to detection of pipes and steel

bars in a concrete wall [ID: 289] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Mohamed EL AFI, Sougrati BELATTAR

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xvii

Physical incorporation of particles in a wooden porous substrate

through a stream of nitrogen at high pressure and low temperature
[ID: 293] . .a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. . . . . . . . . . . c. . . . . . . . . .d. . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Structural and Raman properties of the tetragonal tungsten bronze

ferroelectric Pbx−y/2 Gdy Ba1−x Nb2 O6 [ID: 295] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
L.zerhouni, Y.Guaaybess, A.Laaraj, E.Elmoussar, R.Adhiri, M.Moussetad

Cyclic voltammetry study of copper interaction with GlyHisGlyHis

peptide 1,∗
[ID: 296] .1. . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
S. Sam , S. Belhousse , F. Z. Tighilt , A.C. Gouget-Laemmel , J.-N. Chazalviel ,
F. Ozanam2 , C. Henry de Villeneuve2 , P. Allongue2, N. Gabouze1

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xviii

Building Eciency
(Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

Thermography diagnostic of prototype habitat in northern Morocco

[ID: 32] . . . . . .∗. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Zakaria Choulli , Abdelmajid El Bouardi, Meriem Lebied,
Youness El Mghouchi,Taib Ajzoul, Hassan Ezbakhe

The convective solar drying behavior of thymus satureioides

preserved by thermobiochemical
1,2∗ 2
treatment [ID:
35] . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
HIDAR Nadia1 , Hanine Hada3

The comparative in situ hygrothermal performance of Straw-Clay

and vertically

perforated clay bricks buildings[ID: 37] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
D. Samri , E. Stéphan, B. Moujalled, F. Pesteil

Towards a better energetic eciency in the use of urban multi-source

systems: applicationa,b∗
to a campusb building[ID:
38] . . . . . . .c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
M. A. Mohamed Mladjao , I. El Abbassi , M. El Ganaoui , A. M. Darcherif ,
B. Amgharc , and A. Scipionid

Evaluation of energy eciency potential for building in Morocco:

application to the social housing zone (Z2) of Tangier-Tetuan
Morocco [ID:

72] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
M. Lebied , A. El Bouardi, T. Ajzoul, Z. Choulli

Heating and cooling power demand of residentialbuilding with

dirent envelope
design under
moroccan conditions
[ID: 77] . . . . . . .c. . . 120
Hicham Bidaoui , Ikram El Abbassi , Abdelmajid El Bouardi and Abdel Moumen Darcherif

Estimation of porosity, thermal conductivity anddensity of volubilis

building stones
from p-wave
[ID: 101] . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Issam Aalil , Kevin Beck , Khalid Cherkaoui , Xavier Brunetaud ,
Ali Chaaba1 , Muzahim Al-Mukhtar2

Numerical study of a solar system  storage - capturing  [ID: 106] .. 122

Sichaib Amel, Aliane Khaled

Application of multilayer perceptron for prediction of the rat acute

toxicity of insecticides
[ID: 1231] . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Refroidissement par convection forcée turbulente des blocs chaues

dans un canal horizontal (comparaison des modèles de turbulences)
[ID: 149] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Khaled Bourezg, Rachid Bessaih, Farid Berrahil

Energetic aspects of bioclimatic building in the north of




[ID: 181] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Lamkharouet Najat, Ajzoul Taib, EL Bouardi Abdelmajid,
∗∗ Ahachad Mohamed, ∗ Ezbakhe Hassan

A study of the eect of window on energy consumption during winter

and summer seasons in an oce building [ID:221] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Kaoutar JRAIDA, Abdelmajid FARCHI, Badia MOUNIR, Ilham MOUNIR

Optimization of thermal performance of a building integrating solar

collector with phase change material [ID:234] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Zineb BOUHSSINE, Mostafa NAJAM and Mustapha EL ALAMI

Optimizing insulation thickness of external walls in cold region of

Morocco based on life cycle cost analysis [ID:246] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

The comparative in situ hygrothermal performance of Straw-Clay and

vertically perforated clay bricks buildings [ID:249] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
D. Samri, E. Stéphan, B. Moujalled and F. Pesteil

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xix

Numerical study of humid air condensation in presence of non

condensable gas along an inclined channel [ID: 254] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Adil CHAREF, M'barek FEDDAOUI, Abderrahmane NAIT ALLA, Monssif NAJIM

Study of the ows in mixed convection in an open channel in form

 U : application to the air cooling in the habitat in Morrocco
[ID: 272] . . . . . . 1∗
Meryem NAOUM , Mustapha EL ALAMI

Integration of updated weather of Casablanca in the TRNSYS

software [ID: 273

] .......................................................... 132
Ayoub GOUNNI , Mustapha EL ALAMI

Double diusive natural convection in a bi-layered porous enclosure

[ID: 274] . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Noureddine Hadidi , Rachid Bennacer and Yacine Ould-amer

Contribution to summer comfort by underoor cooling in a bioclimatic

ecohouse model [ID:
275] . . . . . . . . .1,2. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Nessa BELKACEM , Larbi LOUKARFI , Hassane NAJI , Mohammed MISSOUM

MHD convection in a power law non-Newtonian uid saturating a

Darcy mediaa,b,∗[ID: 290] . . a. . . . . . . .a. . . . . . . . . . a,b,∗
................................. 135
C. Chahtour , H. Ben Hamed , H. Beji , A. Guizani

Numerical simulation of the ow eld analysis in the mixing twin jets
[ID: 291] . . . . . . . . 1,∗
1 2 1 1
Mustapha Boussou , Amina Sabeur-Bendehina ,M. El Ganaoui , Souad Morsli , A.Ouadha

An example of feasibility study of eco materials production chain and

bio-based products for eco-construction/renovation in the named great
region (Belgium,
France, Luxembourg)
[ID: 294] 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. . . . . . . . . 137
Faiza MNASRI , Mohammed EL GANAOUI , Mourad KHELIFA , Slimane GABSI

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xx

Energy in Materials
(Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)


of beam cracks by solution of an inverse problem [ID: 1] 141
Sara Teidj , Abdellatif Khamlichi, Abdallah Driouach

Inverse problem solution for delamination detection in Composite

plates [ID: 3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Fadoua El Khannoussi, Abdellatif Khamlichi

Study on the energy and damage behavior on black polymeric lm


to the devices of greenhouse eect [ID: 27] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Numerical study of mixed convection heat transfer with an oriented

conned jet 1,2,∗
in a porous 2channel [ID: 328] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
A. Abdedou , K. Bouhadef and R. Bennacer

Détermination des propriétés thermo-physiques de bre

alfa avec un matériau

a base d'argile [ID: 30] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Yassine Elhamdouni , Abdelhamid Khabbazi, Chaimaa Benayad, Soumia Mounir

Simulation of premixed jets of hydrogen-air in opposed-jets

conguration [ID: 44

] ...................................................... 146
Kheireddine CHOUAL , Redouane BENZEGUIR

Heat storage potential of the uidized bed technology: hydrodynamics

and thermal analysis

[ID: 46] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Nadjiba MAHFOUDI , Mohammed EL GANAOUI, Abdelhad MOUMMI

Calcul du cout et optimisation du dimensionnement d'une installation

photovoltaïque autonome basée sur le concept d'utilisabilité horaire
(Application a Tlemcen, Algerie) [ID: 58] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Zakaria Bouzid, Nassera Ghellai

Natural convection ow in a rectangular enclosure under a vertical

magnetic ∗eld [ID: 661 ] . . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
I. Baaziz 1, N. Ben Salah , S. Kaddeche

Analytical study of the stability of plates FGM under the inuence

of combined charges

(mechanical and thermal) [ID: 68] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
BARKA Merbouha , K.H. Benrahou, A. Fakrar, A. Tounsi, E.A. Adda Bedia

Paper waste recycled by the elaboration of a biodegradable plastic:

the cellulose acetate 1∗[ID: 70] . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . 151
Fatima Zahra BERAICH , Moha AROUCH , Mina BAKASSE , Hamid Nasrellah

A computational work on turbulent ow and heat transfer in a

channel tted ∗with corrugated baes [ID: 73] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Younes MENNI , Ahmed AZZI, Chaka ZIDANI, and Boumédiène BENYOUCEF

Numerical study
of a cold 1storage system for air
cooling [ID: 78] ..... 153
Laila Khatra , Hamid El Qarnia and Mohammed El Ganaoui

Thermal behavior of air solar collector with rectangular perforated

baes [ID: 82] ∗. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Henaoui Mustapha , Aliane Khaled

MCRT with cuda

parallel computing in the PTC [ID: 84] ............. 155

Modélisation de transfert de chaleur et de massedans un absorbeur en

utilisant le charbon

actif/methanol comme couple de travail [ID: 90] . 156
Abdelghani Hamdi , Abdelaziz Mimet, Abdellah Maalouf

Inuence of aspect ratio on the natural convection and entropy

generation in∗ rectangular cavities with wavy-wall [ID: 95] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Souad Morsli , Amina Sabeur-Bendehina

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xxi

Simulation and realization of a dc-dc boost converter controlled by

microcontroller [ID: 97] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
M. Jbilou, IS.Bousmaha, Z.Dey, M.Brahami

Eect of cylindrical fuel assemblies arrangement on the heat and mass

transfer into
a square
porous media
[ID: 99] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
K. Ragui , A. Boutra , R. Bennacer , Y.K. Benkahla

Study of new pcm composite for energy storage by latent heat

[ID: 109] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
1 1 1
Dihia Djefel , Said Makhlouf , Souad Khedache , Gilles Lefebvre , Laurent Royon 2 3

Study of production and storage of solar cooling through phase

change materials (PCM): Application for buildings [ID: 112] . . . . . . . . . . 161
H. Sammouda

Optimal maintenance of the electric motors to improve the energy

eciency [ID:
113] . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
M. Kaddari , M. El Mouden , A. Hajjaji , D. Saifaoui

Modeling and optimization of distillation to produce bioethanol

[ID: 128] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

Moisture sorption isotherm and drying kinetic of mirabelle plum

stones [ID: 131
] .............................................................
2 2 1
Souad Messai , Laurent Chrusciel , Mohamed El Ganaoui , Slimane Gabsi

Design and simulation of dual-band RF energy harvesting antenna

for WSNs 1,2
[ID: 137] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 2 2 1
A. Bakkali , J. Pelegri-Sebastia , T. Sogorb , A. Bou-Escriva , A. Lyhyaoui

Modeling the stabilization column, in the oil process [ID: 142] ........ 166
Ould Brahim Ahmed, Abdera Souad and Bounahmidi Tijani

Kinetic studies of amoxicillin removal from wastewater using wheat

grain [ID: 150] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

Experimental study of sensible heat storage in a nanouid enclosed

between concentric annular tubes [ID:151] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

Numerical study of the melting of nano-pcm in a thermal energy

storage unit [ID:160] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Etude numerique du tansfert de chaleur par convection mixte dans un

canal vertical ∗chauee par un ux uniforme [ID: 172] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Khaled Bourrez , Azeddine Moumeni, Ould Lahoucine Cherif et Ali Boukercha

Simulation of a rotating membrane disk using computational uid

dynamicsa [ID: 177] . . . . .a,∗. . . . . . . . .b. . . . . . .b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
S. Ladeg , N. Moulai-Mostefa , L. Ding , M.Y.

Experimental study of thermal behaviour of two cavities 'test' with

and∗ without pcm on the roof [ID: 183] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Amina MOURID, Yassine BOUZLOU, Mustapha EL ALAMI, Mostafa NAJAM,
Mustapha FARAJI

Misaligned porous journal bearings lubrication analysis by including

the thermal eects [ID:206] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
S. Boubendir, R. Bennacer, S.Larbi

High-temperature properties investigation of the high nitrogen

stainless steel [ID:215] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Gennadii Sapozhnikov, Irina Shabanova

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xxii

Experimental study of thermal behaviour of two cavities'test' with

and without pcm on the roof [ID:219] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
mina MOURID, Yassine BOUZLOU, Mustapha EL ALAMI,
Mostafa NAJAM and Mustapha FARAJI

Numerical study of the thermal behavior of a novel composite

pcm/concrete wall [ID:222] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
M. Faraji, D. Saifaoui, F. Berroug

On the shoreline wave energy potential and its conversion in Morocco

[ID:223] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
H. Bouhrim, A. El Marjani

Hard and soft method of dc over-voltage control for three-phase pv

inverter connected to lv grid [ID: 229] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Mohamed DHARIF, Abdellah AIT OUAHMAN

Numerical study of natural convection in anano-uid lled enclosure

with two squares [ID:230] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Aniss Azzabakh, M'barek Feddaoui, Hicham Meftah

Simultaneous heat and mass transfer by evaporation of a binary liquid

lm falling along a vertical plate [ID: 257

] ............................... 180
Abderrahman NAIT ALLA, M'barek. FEDDAOUI , Hicham MEFTAH

Phase change
for cooling
and better 5air quality [ID: 263] ... 181
N. Martaj , R. Bennacer , M. Elomari and M. El Ganaoui

Study of a sensible heat storage system & feasibility study of selected

materials [ID: 268] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
BERRHAZI Samir, BARGACH Mohammed Najib and BENCHRIFA Rachid

Alternative fuels impact of burning pomace on cement quality and

process progressing [ID:

270] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Z. Ngadi & M. L. Lahlaouti

Exact Solution of Heat Transfer in a Shell-and-Tube Latent Thermal

Energy Storage System [ID: 278] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Mohammed BECHIRI and Kacem Mansouri

Numerical study of heat and masse transfer in storage silos submitted

to a periodical
wall temperature
283] . . . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
N. Himrane , D.E. Ameziani , M. El Ganaoui , R. Bennacer

New dual-axis solar

tracker design
based on 1a sheye camera1[ID: 299] 186
Zakaria El Jaouhari , Salah Moughyt , Omar El Kadmiri , Lhoussaine Masmoudi ,
Zakaria El Kadmiri1, Youssef Zaz2

Nanomatériaux fabriqués pour générateurs des

éoliennes [ID: 304] ... 187

Développement des aimants permanents pour les générateurs des

éoliennes [ID: 305] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .∗. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xxiii

Interface Renewable Energy
Wind farm feasibility study and its impact on the environment in
algerian highland 1region of tiaret
[ID: 56] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Miloud Benmedjahed , Nassera Ghellai

Conception et construction d'une éolienne synchrone [ID: 63] ......... 192


Improvement of the availabiliy of the DFIG wind turbines during

voltage DIP with crowbar circuit [ID: 64] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Gradual band energy to passivate the window layer in solar cells

[ID: 265] .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . .3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . 194

Comparative studies between the Productivity PV of two cities in

Morocco And the city of Nancy in France [ID: 277] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
S. M'ZRED , I. ZORKANI , A. Jorio

Interface Innovative Materials

Calculation of Raman-active modes in boron nitride peapods [ID: 14] 196
B. Fakrach, M. Boutahir, S. Ait Abdelkader, H. Chadli, A. H. Rahmani, A. Rahmani and K. Sbai

Vibrational properties of BNNT@CNT double-walled nanotubes

[ID: 18] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .∗. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
H. Rahmani, M. Boutahir, B. Fakrach, H. Chadli and A. Rahman

Vibrational properties of carbon nanotubes with mono-vacancy

defects [ID: 21] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .∗ . . . . . . . 198

A Monte Carlo Study of the spin-1 Blume-Emery-Griths Phase

diagrams within biquadratic exchange anisotropy [ID: 69] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Ibtissam Dani, Najim Tahiri, Hamid Ez-zahraouy, Abdelilah Benyoussef

Electronic properties
of Lix T2 iO2 Ramsdellite
[ID: 86] ........... 200
Jamal Sayah , Larbi El Farh , Allal Challioui , Hamza Elkouch and Hamid Amaoui1

Thermodynamical properties of rosemary [ID: a138] .................... 201

S. Mghazli , A. Idlimam , M. Mahrouz , L. Lahnine , N.Hidar , M.Ouhammoua
a b a a

Design of substrat integerated waveguide bandpass lter based on

metamaterials csrrs [ID:165] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Ahmed Rhbanou, Seddik Bri and Mohamed Sabbane

Release study of oxytetracycline from chitosan/hydroxyapatite

composites [ID: 173] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Maachou Hamida

Kinetic study of∗ active substance release from pectin beads [ID: 174] 204
Yamina Zouambia , Mohamed Krea, Nadji Moulai Mostefa

New electro-stimulation and functional rehabilitation system

[ID: 199] 1,∗. . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
A. Salbi , S. Bri

A batteryless temperature sensor based on a sensitive material [ID:208] 206

A. Bakkali, J. Pelegri-Sebastia, Y. Laghmich, M.R. Britel, A. Lyhyaoui

Photoluminescence quenching in the reduced graphene oxide - Sn(IV)

tetrakis(4-pyridyl)porphyrin dichloride composite [ID:212] . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
O. BAJJOU, M. KHENFOUCH, A. Bakour, M. BAÏTOUL, M. MAAZA and J. Wery Venturini

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xxiv

Kinetic study of lead alloys for battery grids [ID:237] .................. 208

Kinetics study of softening and hardening transformations of pbsbal

alloys [ID:247] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Natural convection of al2 o3 -water and propylene glycol nanouid in a

threedimensional cubic cavity $[ID: 256] . . . . . . .∗ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Abdellatif DAYF, M'barek FEDDAOUI , Hossine EL IHSSINI , Aniss AZZABAKH

Eect of ∗alcohol in the formulation of microemulsion [ID: 260] ....... 211

Rahal S , Khalladi R, Moulai-Mostefa N

Interface Building Eciency

State of the bioclimatic art path in France and its wearablity in
Morrocco [ID: 47
] . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Mohamed Ameur , Ikram El Abbassi , Abdelaziz Mimet , A.-Moumen Darcherif

Évaluation de l'ecacité énergétique desrégions marocaines et choix

d'indicateurs de performances
[ID: 110 ] 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Najwa EL MOUTEZ , Oum Kaltoum BOUHELAL , Abdallah LAOUINA

Contribution to summer comfort by oor cooling in ecological

house pilot [ID: 146 ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,2
Nessa BELKACEM , Larbi LOUKARFI , Hassane NAJI

Experimental study of the eect of injecting heated air in dierent

position in a new desalination system by HDH process, using solar
energy [ID:162] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Sara LADOUY and Abdelhamid KHABBAZI

Thermal impact of aspect ratio and rayleigh number on heat transfer

in a triangular
roof for summer
[ID: 1262] . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

Interface Material-Energy & Safety

Assessing the eect of slope on the development of thermal plume
during a tunnel

re [ID: 6] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Hajar Chaara , Abdellatif Khamlichi, Abderrahmane Hajraoui

Optimisation des méthodes de maintenance pour améliorer le

rendement des 1,∗
systèmes industriels
29] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

Thermal impact study of a bio-based wall combined with an Inner pcm

layer [ID: 59] . . 1∗. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . 219
Yassine Kharbouch , Abdelaziz Mimet , Mohammed El Ganaoui , Lahoucine Ouhsaine

Numerical simulation of ow with obstacles by the k − ω SST

turbulence model

[ID: 89] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Bensenouci Djamel , Aliane Khaled

Thermal behaviour in dynamic regime of a multilayer roof provided

with two phase change materials in the case of a local conditioned
[ID:∗ 184] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Nisrine Hanchi, Hamid Hamza, Bouchra Abouelkhayrat, Jawad Lahjomri and Abdelaziz Oubarra

2015 Internatinal Conference on Materials & Energy xxv

Industrial euent treatment: Anaerobic digestion of wastewater

distilleries [ID:
193] .1 . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
M. El Azhar , F. El Azhar , N.Lahlou , A. Elmidaoui

Higher performance of ecological biobased adhesives from Acacia

Mollissima Tannins used for bonding plywood. [ID:243] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

Cloud coverage estimation using ground based images and

segmentation 1techniques [ID:1 298] . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Salah Moughyt , Zakaria El Jaouhari , Omar El Kadmiri , Lhoussaine Masmoudi ,
Zakaria El Kadmiri1 , Youssef Zaz2

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 3

Innovative Joining and Coating Technology

for Energy and Automotive Industry
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bartout Driss
Technical University of Berlin
Department of Joining and Coating Technology
Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management
Sekretariat PTZ 6, Pascalstrasse 8-9
D-10587 Berlin

AbstractJoining and coating technologies as cross-sectional technologies take

a key function within the manufacturing in many industrial sectors and can oer
innovative solutions and technological progress.
Power and automotive engineering are two of the major growth markets worldwide.
The integration of such technological sectors as well as needed manufacturing
technologies (e.g. welding/coating) in emerging markets like Morocco is a condition
for the successful industrialisation of those countries.
In the mentioned elds special demands are imposed on the characteristics of
innovative and complex materials such as weight reduction, optimisation of construction
and intelligent surfaces, properties that will also lead to cost reduction. With the
development of such materials the demands imposed on the used manufacturing
processes also get higher.
Examples from the area of joining and coating illustrate the value added in the
sectors of power engineering (solar and wind power) and automotive industry.

BiographyProf. Dr.-Ing. Driss Bartout studied mechanical engineering with

specialization in machine tools at the Technical University of Berlin. After graduating,
he worked at the company HTM Reetz GmbH, Department of Research and
Development, in the eld of high performance materials.
From 2003 to 2008 he worked as an assistant professor with lectureship at the
Department of Joining and Coating Technology in the Institute for Machine Tools and
Factory Management at the Technical University of Berlin.
Currently he works as Professor and Chief of the Department of Joining and Coating
Technology. Prof. Bartout is member of the German Welding Society (DVS) and of the
Association of Thermal Sprayers (GTS). He is International Welding Engineer (IWE)
and European Thermal Spray Specialist (ETSS).

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 4

Towards sustainable biopolymer composites

Prof. Bassir David
Institute of Industry Technology,
Guangzhou & Chinese Academy of Sciences (IIT, GZ&CAS)

AbstractThis keynote addresses the recent development on biopolymer

composites and aims at providing a landscape of the research eort going on about
sustainable materials in Europe. Natural bres as abundant, renewable, inexpensive,
biodegradable materials are the subject of extensive research in Europe, more
particularly hemp or Cannabis sativa plant. The reduction of ecological footprint,
recycling issues and the recent policies opened a new window for such plant to
compete with conventional synthetic bres. The benet of using hemp as a reinforcing
ller comes from its specic properties but in most applications problems related to
regularity, constant quality, sensitivity to environment, presence of defects raise and
need to be handled with care for any application. Added to that loss of sustainability
goes with mass production, which imposes only niche market. France and Germany
are the most concerned countries with hemp development with regards to the large
annual production and available lands. As a structured material, biocompatibility is
an important issue to overcome diculties related to lack of mechanical performance.
An example of such biocompatibility is illustrated with the starch - hemp blend. The
processing of this composite is however limited as all technologies do not match mixing
requirement. In this particular case study, thermomoulding oers no premixing stage
leaving an open question about the eciency of the load transfer. The mechanical
characterization provides a preliminary result about the interfacial eect by comparing
the possible reinforcement eect based on realistic bounds and the observed response.
Numerical approaches such as nite element computation quantify the interfacial eect
at any phase content and allow the understanding of lack of adhesion between intrinsic
phases. Interfacial coalescence phenomena are advanced as an important factor in
driving the mechanical performance of the composite. These phenomena are enhanced
by the clustering of the brous network and the decrease of the bre inter-spacing.

Further reading: Guessasma, S., Bassir, D., & Hedjazi, L. (2015). Inuence of
interphase properties on the eective behaviour of a starch-hemp composite. Materials
& Design, 65, 1053-1063.

BiographyDavid H. BASSIR is as Professor at the French University of Technology

UTBM and also a foreign expert for advances material and structures at GZIIT-
Chinese academy of sciences (China). Previously, he was the dean of IUT at the
University of Lorraine (France), Consult for Science and Technology at the French
Embassy to serve at the Consulate General of France in Guangzhou (China), General
Director of Research at the Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics , du Batiment et de
l'Industrie (Paris) and Space Craft engineer at GECI Technology in dierent space
agencies such as Arianespace (France) and Matra Marconi Space (Astrium Group).
He joined the Mechanical Department of the UTBM as Associate professor in 2001
and the Chair ? Aerospace Structures ? in 2008 at Technical University of Delft as

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 5

visiting professor.

He holds a Master and a PhD degree in structural optimization from the University
of Franche-Comté (France), with the most honorable mention. He has published more
than 150 papers in journals, books and conference proceedings, including more than
30 articles in indexed journals.

He is the founder of the ASMDO association Association for Simulation and

Multidisciplinary design Optimization and the Int. journal IJSMDO that is published
by EDP Sciences. He serves as member of various expert committees in many
international organizations and highly estimated scientic societies.

He's actual scientic research activities are related to Simulation and Modelling
of Composite materials either in Macro, Micro or Nano scales, Optimization
strategies using gradients, heuristic methods and/or Articial Neural Networks to solve
industrials applications.

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 6

North Africa's key asset in the world's global energy

Dir. Benhamou Khalid
Sahara Wind, Rabat, 10170, Morocco

AbstractFrom its 788MW operating wind power base, Morocco's wind

capacities will exceed 1200MW by 2015. With ONEE's public utilities additional
850MW Integrated Wind Energy program, over 2GW of wind electricity will come
online by 2020. To keep-up with a 7% domestic power demand growth, auxiliary
wind capacities will be added through Morocco's Renewable Energy Law 13-09 which
enables wind-electricity to be wheeled directly to industrial end-users. Matching power
with demand opens signicant opportunities for extractive industries which represent
North Africa's major energy loads. To satisfy their needs from the exceptional Atlantic
Trade Winds blowing over the Sahara desert coastline, new synergetic processes
will be developed. The large-scale, cost-competitive incorporation of wind energy in
transforming 75% of the World's Phosphates reserves into fertilizers becomes a key
element of global sustainability. Deposited through oceanic currents powered by trade
winds, resource transformation eciencies of phosphates can be signicantly improved.
Matching these, the complementary processing of Mauritania's iron-ore deposits into
steel derivatives through similar electro-chemical processes (using wind-electrolysis)
will enable a capacity build-up to be achieved on a regional scale. The latter will be
essential to provide low-cost wind-electricity to North Africa's load centers, located over
1200km away. Within such context, the phased deployment of a High Voltage Direct
Current (HVDC) transmission line is likely to enable excess intermittent wind power
ows to be exported to Europe as well. The perspectives laid out by the Sahara Wind
Project's 5 GW HVDC line will mobilize the region's industries for some time. Backed
by end-user driven academic partnerships, Africa's rst 30 kW wind-hydrogen storage
systems are already powering Morocco and Mauritania's leading Universities. Based
upon these, synergetic applications ranging from access to potable water to mineral
processing are being developed. To that extent, a regional wind resource assessment
network deployed in both countries with the help of their telecom operators is likely to
facilitate the deployment of integrated wind-energy driven industrial applications.

Keywords: Sahara, Wind, HVDC, Phosphates, Iron-Ore, Resource eciency

BiographyKhalid Benhamou (B.S. Engineering 1992, California Polytechnic

University, USA), started his career in agricultural operations which rapidly led to
wind power developments. While in charge of Research & Innovation at the Direction
des Domaines Agricoles - the agricultural assets of the King of Morocco- from 1992-
2001, he installed Morocco's rst hybrid wind/diesel system in the Sahara desert in
1994. His involvement in wind energy, has since never faltered. As developer and
founder of Sahara Wind Inc. in 2002, he supported early-on the vision of large
integrated wind energy developments to build the Sahara Wind Project. This large
wind energy and HVDC transmission project with a phased implementation and a
threshold capacity of 400-500 MW is aimed at supplying over 5 GW of green electricity

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 7

to North Africa while enabling excess power to be exchanged with Euro-Mediterranean

and Sub-Saharan electricity markets. The project inspired several European industrial
and political initiatives eager to capitalize on this concept. Focused on a market based,
locally integrated economic development derived from the signicant Atlantic trade
wind resource, Khalid Benhamou coordinates regional capacity building in Morocco
and Mauritania. This activity is conducted in partnership with the regions academia
and local industries where wind energy integration in weaker grids remains critical.

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 8

Small molecule organic semiconductors for future

photovoltaic energy
Prof. Bernède Jean Christian
Nantes University,
CNRS, UMR 6200,
2 rue de la Houssinière,
P.O. Box 92208, Nantes, F-44000 France.

AbstractTo day, monocrystalline silicon is the leader in module eciency,

followed by polycrystalline silicon, CIGS, CdTe, and a-Si, but eciency is not the
only metric by which to evaluate the value of a given photovoltaic technology. Organic
photovoltaic cells (OPVCs) bring a promise for substantial savings beyond simply
lower cost modules by eliminating racking, simplifying installation, and reducing
costs associated with transport because of their light weight and mechanical exibility.
Moreover semitransparent OPVCs, through the use of transparent electrodes can be
easily grown due to the fact that the width of the absorption band of organic materials
does not cover the entire visible spectrum. Flexibility and semi-transparency made
OPVCs ideal solution for building integrated solar installations.
Usually, plastic organic solar cells are based either on two superposed layers (planar
heterojunction: PHJ) or on an homogeneous mixture of two organic materials (bulk
heterojunctions: BHJ).
In polymeric systems, power conversion eciency (PCE) of more than 9% was
achieved through the optimization of materials used in BHJ conguration [1].
Recently, an eciency of 8.5% was achieved using PHJ with an active hearth which
consists of three small molecules organic layers [2].
Due to easy control of the structure (thickness, morphology) and the high facility in
increasing the number of lms during the cell growth, the planar OPVCs using small
molecules deposited by sublimation under vacuum have a very promising potential.
Experience showed that vacuum deposition allows achieving highest eciency due to
better purity and better-ordered layers.
Here, after a short reminder about the functioning of organic cells, we present the
latest developments in these structures. We are particularly interested in the eect of
the buer layers introduced at the interfaces electrode/organic layer.

S. B. Darling, F. You, The case of organic photovoltaics, RSC Adv, 3 (2013) 17633-
K. Cnops, B. P. Rand, D. Cheyns, B. Veeet, M. A. Empl, P. Heremans, 8.4% ecient
fullerene-free organic solar cells exploiting long-range exciton energy transfer,Nature
Communications 5 (2014) 3406.

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 9

Renewable energy application to reduce the energy

requirements in aquiculture plants
Prof. Castaneda Rafael
University of Cadiz


BiographyProfessor at the University of Cadiz since 1986

R&D advisor of IGFOTON group
Ph.D., University of Cadiz with the thesis: Determination of Design and Optimum
Energy Eciency in a Photovoltaic plants grid connected, qualication: excellent cum
laude Engineer in Industrial Organization
Industrial Engineer in electricity with two specialties:
- Plants and Networks
- Industrial Electronics

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 10

Combined Absorption Power and Refrigeration Systems

Driven by Thermal Energy Sources
Prof. Coronas Alberto
Universitat Rovira i Virgili,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, CREVER Avda. Paisos Catalans, 26, 43007, Tarragona, Spain

AbstractThe combined production of decentralized electricity and cold using

ecient thermally-driven systems are one of the suitable technological solutions to
address the current global energy-related challenges. These challenges include energy
supply uncertainty, rising price of fuels and adverse environmental impact. Air-
conditioning, refrigeration and electricity are useful forms of energy products, usually
produced using separate energy conversion technologies. Further, most end-users need
at least dual energy products: typical example could be building's applications where
space air-conditioning and electricity for various purposes are in need.
The objectives of this research work is the development of new class of
combined absorption systems (cycles), capable to produce mechanical power and cold
simultaneously and/or alternatively by using a single thermal energy source available

at low and medium temperatures below 300 C. The dual-output nature of such kind of
systems makes it dicult to evaluate their energetic and exergetic performances so that
various performance indicators were used to evaluate the cycle performances.
Several new combined absorption power and refrigeration cycle congurations are
presented and analysed from the energetic and exergetic viewpoints. These systems
are suitable for ecient utilization of low and medium temperature heat sources for
the co-production of mechanical power and cold at several temperature levels intended
for deep freezing (cold storage), refrigeration and space air-conditioning applications.
And, they are capable to operate in dierent modes of operation from only cold-mode,
co-production mode with variable power/cold ratio to only power-mode. For instance,
a basic single-stage combined absorption power/refrigeration cycle produce 18.7 kW of
mechanical power and 149.5 kW of cold with eective rst-law and exergy eciencies
of 9.6% and 46.9% respectively. When the heat source inlet, heat sink and, chilled uid
◦ ◦ ◦
inlet/outlet temperatures are 120 C, 32/37 C and 12/7 C respectively with vapour
split ratio of 0.5. For the same thermal boundary conditions the cycle produces 32.2
kW of mechanical power with thermal and exergy eciency of 9.0% and 42.0% when
it operates in only power-mode. For only cold-mode of operation it produces 293.6 kW
of cooling eect at a COP of 0.626.

Keywords: Absorption cycle, Mechanical power, Refrigeration, Thermal energy


1. D.S. Ayou, J.C. Bruno, R. Saravanan, A. Coronas. An overview of combined

absorption power and cooling cycles. Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews, 21: 728-748, 2013.

2. D.S. Ayou. Combined Absorption Power and Refrigeration Systems Driven

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 11

by low and mid-grade heat sources. PhD Thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili,
Tarragona, Spain, 2014.

BiographyProf. Dr. Alberto Coronas is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the

University Rovira i Virgili and founder and director of the Research Group of Applied
Thermal Engineering-CREVER.
Professor Alberto Coronas has carried out a number of various developments and
projects in the following areas of expertise:

• Absorption heat pumping and refrigeration technology. Development and

integration into energy supply systems.

• Modelling, mathematical programming optimisation and energy management

software tools development.

• Absorption solar air conditioning. Solar cooling plant monitoring and analysis
using dierent software tools. Development of components for simulation

• New distributed energy generation technologies. Field test of small scale

trigeneration systems, analysis and integration with the building demand site.

He has published over 100 refereed papers, and delivered over 200 communications
at national and internationals lectures and conferences. In the last ten years, he
has participated in more than 40 national and international R+D projects as main
researcher and in some of them as coordinator, and in many research contracts with
several corporations and institutions.
He has supervised around 30 Ph D theses and many master theses. He is the
coordinator of a doctoral programme on Engineering Thermodynamics of Fluids and a
Master degree on Air Conditioning Technologies and Energy Eciency in Buildings at
He served in many scientic committees of International Conferences like:
International Sorption Heat Pump Conference (2008, 2011, 2014), Solar Air
Conditioning Conference (2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015...), International Polygeneration
Conference (2007, 2011, 2015), IMPRES 2013, etc.
He is visiting professor of Anna University, Chennai India (2014-17) and
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil (2014-17).

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 12

Eco-Innovation and Energy Challenges

Prof. El Bouhtoury - Fatima Charrier
Pau et des Pays de l'Adour University
IUT des pays de l'Adour/Dpt SGM
371 rue du Ruisseau
40004 Mont de Marsan

AbstractIn today's world the joint reduction of overall energy consumption and
that of CO2 emissions is the foremost priority. The policy to be pursued to achieve
this goal is through a drastic reduction in the use of non-renewable fossil resources.

Improving the CO2 emissions and saving energy will necessarily implement new
technological solutions and wood and innovative biosourced materials are one of the
important cost eective keys.

So spurred on by global environmental context, the eco-friendly material eld

is blossoming. Currently, there are a large number of structural and/or insulation
materials based on wood, hemp, ax, straw, cellulose ... However, many of them are
still in development and much remains to be done to make these new products less
expensive, more predictable and safe.

Because that the ability to use is a result of coupling between the requirements of the
considered function and performance of the product, and that is often a combination of
materials is used to achieve an optimum solution, the novel materials and components
should be considered as an intermediate product. They have to be studied taking into
account their properties, an optimal designs and techniques and paying attention to the
correct combination of materials and techniques to suit the particular situation.

Because there is an increasing interest for generating bio-based products with high
added value from the forest and agriculture sectors for a wide range of industrial
applications, the design of biosourced materials should include resource availability and
the impact on the social community.

BiographyFatima Charrier - El Bouhtoury is currently an Associate Professor  HDR

(Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) at Pau and Pays de l'Adour University. She
is a team member of the Institut Pluridisciplinaire de Recherche sur l'Environnement
(IPREM  Equipe de Physique et Chimie des Polymères). Her research interest is
diverse and covers the development of biobased and wood-based composites involving
the design and development of adhesive mixtures based on renewable resources,
development of composites panels made of wood and natural bers and also the study
and development of WPC. Her research also deals with durability and wood quality.
At national level, Fatima Charrier  El Bouhtoury is a titular member of the wood
commission of the Cometitiveness Cluster Xylofutur and a member of GDR 3544
Sciences du Bois. Her research work is based on the collaborative network Xylomat.

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 13

Network dedicated to composites based on wood and is one of six technical platforms
of the platform for research and innovation Xyloforest.

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 14

Solar Energy and cooling systems by sorption

Prof. Prof. Gabsi Slimane
National School of Engineers of Sfax

In hot countries the use of cold is increasing for various applications: bulding,
housing, preserve medicine, food storage ... In these countries, the production of many
perishable food is seasonal, and these foods are not available, therefore only during
part of the year. During this brief period, production exceeds the market absorption
capacity. This mismatch causes losses after food grain crops, fruits and vegetables,
lack of the necessary precautions during harvesting, handling and transportation.
Indeed, after harvest, the fruits and vegetables remain alive because they breathe,
carry out gas exchange with the surrounding environment and continue to evolve
throughout the marketing chain. These changes result in phenomena that are impacting
the visual quality, nutrition and taste.Temperature is the most important factor for
preserving fruits and vegetables. Low temperatures slow down the metabolism of the
fruit or vegetable to allow the maintenance of product quality. The short-term storage

temperature (less than 7 days) fresh fruit and vegetables is between 4 C and 8 C,

corresponding to the range of cold produced by chillers single-stage sorption.

Compression refrigerating machines, very often used in air conditioning and
domestic refrigerators, require the compressor operating a considerable expenditure of
electrical energy. These machines use for their operation, most of CFCs deplete the
ozone layer. Scientic research must decide for a technology capable of ensuring the
future of our planet's environmental and energy saving. In these hot country solar
energy is available almost throughout the year.
Alternative systems should use refrigerants healthy for the environment and have
high performance to reduce the CO2 emissions that contribute to the greenhouse eect
and consumes the least amount of fossil energy such as solar in our case. Solar
refrigeration coupling is of great interest for these countries and it is the object of
this work.
The purpose of this paper is to present the functioning for sorption machines
(absorption and adsorption) on their principles, used systems, their performance and
the coupling with solar.
This solar sorption coupling requires knowledge or meteorological data is validated
simulation models as well as the characteristics of solar collectors. We will present the
models that we have developed and used and give good results.

• Physical Chemistry DUESS, June 1976 (Faculty of Sciences of Tunis) Chemistry
Degree, June 1978 (Faculty of Sciences of Tunis)

• DEA "Science and Technology of Chemical Processes" (Chemical Engineering)

in June 1979 with honors (National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, National
School of Engineers of Chemical Engineering TOULOUSE).

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 15

• Doctorate 3rd cycle 30 June 1981 'Contribution performance of a Heat pump

working with the H2O-LiBr System "(National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse,
National School of Engineers of Chemical Engineering TOULOUSE).

• Doctorat d'Etat PHYSICAL SCIENCES Mention "Process Engineering Dec. 3,

1987" Thermodynamics of irreversible processes applied to process engineering:
Simulation of unit operations in dynamic mode uctuation (National Polytechnic
Institute of Toulouse, National School of Chemical Engineering Engineers

• Professor of Chemical Engineering and Process at the National School of

Engineers of GABES, Professor of Chemical Engineering and process at the
National School of Engineers of Sfax, Director of the Higher Institute of
Biotechnology of Sfax (2006 -2011)

• Director of the Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Sfax (1999-2006),

Head of the Research Unit : Catalysis, Environment and Process Analysis
URECAP 99 / UR / 11-20 ENI Gabès, Unit Head Applied Thermodynamics
Research URTERAP 99 / UR / 11-21 ENI Gabès, a member of the jury of
recruitment in dierent grade since 1987- 2015.

• Research Axes a) solar refrigeration by absorption and adsorption, b) solar

desalination with the technique Solar pond coupled with a heat pump,
the humidication-dehumidication technique, the technique of membrane
distillation, c) cooling technologies, 9 Research projects in the eld of
chemical engineering and automation.3 Federating research projects PRF
energy air conditioning with natural gas, solar refrigeration, water heating, 1
European project on solar desalination with submerged membranes, international
cooperation projects France, CNRS, Spain, Morocco, Syria. Director of twenty
PhD and Master and 10 PhD in progress. 2 Patents, coordinator of a federated
research project.

• Authors and co author of 324 publications.

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 16

Development of outdoor research platforms and tests on

photovoltaic modules in the green energy park in
Dir. Ikken Badr

IRESEN, Morocco

AbstractMorocco is the largest energy importer in North Africa. The solar

program aims to install 2000 MW of solar power production by 2020. In this context
the keynote intends to introduce the concept of the PV outdoor test platform that has
been set up in the Green Energy Park, Ben Guerir, as part of cooperation between
the Moroccan IRESEN, Rabat and the German Fraunhofer CSP, Halle. This outdoor
test platform is designed, combining a multitude of test-set-ups, in order to investigate
and characterize PV modules in the worst weather conditions and to get a valuable
data about their performances in situ.

The aims of the dierent test-set-ups as well as the recorded parameters will be
presented. Some aspects of module improvements in design, materials for hot regions
like Morocco will be furthermore introduced.

BiographyMr. Badr Ikken received an engineer degree in mechanical engineering

and industrial production and solar systems from the Berlin Institute of Technology.
He wrote a thesis on production technologies of hard materials.

During 8 years, he worked in the Department for Machining Technology of the

Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) in Berlin, rst as a
research associate, then as a project manager. In the Institute for Production Systems
and Design Technology (Fraunhofer IPK), he served as leader for several industrial
projects involving companies such as Siemens Power Generation, INA Schaeer,
Saint-Gobain Diamantwerkzeuge, Audi AG and SGL Carbon.

Between 2008 and 2010, Badr Ikken served as CTO of Lunos-Raumluftsysteme,

a multinational company. During this period, he developed and launched two new
production lines in German and he also expanded the production in China. In
September 2010, he joined the Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN) as
Director of Integrated Development, in charge of Industrial Integration and R&D. He
co-founded the Moroccan-based National Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies
IRESEN, that he leads since July 2011.

In 2005, he was awarded the Carl-Eduard-Schulte-Prize from the Association of

German Engineers (VDI) for his research eorts in Industrial Production. He was
member of the Management Board of IWF between 2005 and 2007 and founding
member of the German National Committee for machining of hard materials.

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 17

From Solar buildings to future solar cities: Solar energy

production and use from building scale to city scale
Prof. MENEZO Christophe
Professor, Head of Chaire INSA/EDF Habitats and Energy Innovations
Research Federation on Solar Energy - FedEsol FR CNRS 33 44
LOCIE UMR 5271  Savoie Mont-Blanc University 
National Institute of Solar Energy (INES)

AbstractDespite all the eorts of the last few decades, one can notice a
continuous increase of building energy consumption. Moreover the building sector is
the largest consumer of energy (around 45-50% of the global energy consumption for
a European country). The energy and environment impacts of cities are even worth
when including transportation.

Substantial eorts have been undertaken to move towards energy self-suciency or

even positive energy for homes, apartment blocks, and oces, entire neighbourhoods or
even cities. This could be reach by optimizing local energy production, fatal energy
recovery and self-consumption declined at dierent scales. First a presentation of
solar energy potential especially in urban environment will be introduced. However
solar energy is abundant but intermittent, non-generating green house gazes but non-
concentrated. That implies several locks and specicities that could be resolved by a
multi-scale and global approach including energy grids, storage, transportation and
conversion in other energy vectors. This presentation will deal then deal with the
production and use spread across the urban territory for future solar cities.

BiographyDr. Ménézo is a Professor and Head of Chair Research and Education

Habitats and Energy Innovations, INSA of Lyon/Electricity of France. He has been
Associate Professor at the University Lyon1/IUT and researcher on solar systems for
15 years at the Thermal Centre of Lyon (CETHIL-INSA of Lyon/CNRS). In 2005 he
became the coordinator of the Solar systems Team at the CETHIL UMR CNRS 5008.
His current research focuses on building integration of solar components (especially
on photovoltaic and hybrid photovoltaic/thermal components) and redenition of the
envelope (roof and facades) conventionally concerned with insulation and sealing to
include dynamic (seasonal or daily variation) and active features (energy production
and augmented ventilation). He was the Head of the Building System and Solar Energy
Integration Unit of LOCIE UMR CNRS 5271 (Design Optimization and Environmental
Engineering Laboratory) at the University of Savoie Mont-Blanc until 2010. Professor
Ménézo was extensively involved in the recent establishment of the CNRS Solar Energy
Federation (FedEsol FR CNRS 3344). This Research Federation directed by Gabriel
Olalde aggregates the French academic competences in Solar Energy. C. Ménézo is
Executive Board Member of FedEsol FR 3344 and is in charge of the Solar Building
Section. His research is mainly supported by the CNRS, the Electricity of France, the
National Research Agency (ANR) and the National Agency of Energy and Environment
(ADEME). He is the leader of 3 national projects in this eld (supported by the
ADEME). His research is balanced between basic and applied approaches. Thus, more

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 18

than 30 international journal publications were published on academic approaches (heat

and mass transfers) as well as on applied hybrid solar technology, building integration
of photovoltaic systems, green building technologies and heat and mass transfers.

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 19

A technology for ultimate eciency solar cells

Dr. Nunzi Jean-Michel

Queen's University

AbstractWe propose an optical antenna technology revisited with plasmonics and

organic rectiers that permits the development of an ultra-high eciency PV technology.
This one will be compatible with large-area fabrication (self assembling) and low-cost
(plastic) technologies.

BiographyMy research interests are the optical and electronic properties of organic
materials and devices: photo-physics, nonlinear optics, self-organization under light,
charge generation and transport, solar cells, plastic lasers, nano-materials. I also study
the fabrication of chiral structures using light - matter interactions.

Research Specialization: Photonics, Nonlinear Optics, Organic Devices, Organic

Electronics, Organic Semiconductors, Polymers, Nanomaterials.

Areas of Research: Optics and Photonics, Micro and Nanoelectronics, Renewable


11 patents, 220 peer-reviewed publications, 42 H-index

• 2006/7 - Professor, Canada Research Chair, Physics, Engineering Physics and
Astronomy, Chemistry, Queen's University at Kingston

• 2014/7 - 2014/7 - Visiting Professor, General and Inorganic Chemistry,

Technology, Univerzita Pardubice

• 2000/9 - 2006/10 - Professor, Physics, Université d'Angers, Head of Plastic Solar

Cells Technology Research Team

• 1984/1 - 2000/8 - Researcher, Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique, Lab. Leader

from 1995 to 2000

• 1984/5 - Doctorate, Physics, Plasmon Nonlinear Optics, École Polytechnique


• 1982/7 - Master's Thesis, Theoretical physics of liquids, Engineer degree, École

Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles Paris.

Keynote talks
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 20

Biomass and Biomaterials Strategic and Sustainable

Prof. Perré Patrick

Ecole Centrale Paris, France



Keynote talks
Renewable Energy
(Wind Energy/Conversion)
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 23

Analysis of a RBF neural network based controller for

pitch angle of variable-speed wind turbines

El Kabira EL Mjabber , Abdellatif Khamlichi, Abdellah El Hajjaji
Communications Systems and Detection Laboratory; Faculty of Sciences at Tetouan,
Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan 93002, Morocco
∗ Correspondence author: Fax: +212 539994624 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe study presented in this work has been carried out for three-bladed
horizontal axis wind turbines that produce electric energy through a double fed induction
generator DFIG. The wind turbine is connected to the electricity distribution network
and the blades undergo pitch angle control in order to extract maximum power from
the owing air. This work proposes the design of a robust neural network controller in
order to rotate the blades to their optimal orientation for a given input wind speed. The
RBF neural network variant was applied for its eectiveness in improving the control
performance against large uncertainty of the wind turbine system.
The performance and robustness of this controller are analyzed and compared to other
known standard controls by using simulation under Matlab/Simulink software package.

[ID: 12] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 24

Evaluation of wind potential and estimated

production of wind energy in Tetuan

A. Sadouk , A. Djebli
EEMFM, Faculty of Sciences, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetuan, Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: A. Sadouk

Email: [email protected]
Phone number: +212667309728
POBox 2121, Mhannech 2 .Tetuan 93030, Morocco

AbstractThis study is included in wind energy sector, which seems a more

promising in Tetuan city northern of Morocco, where it is part of very Moroccan region
windy, with annual average speeds close to 11 m/s. So for this, estimating of wind
energy potential values of three sites in Tetuan city in northern of Morocco is made,
taking account of weather data provided by quantifying of wind resources of each site
and its yearly average power available estimations. We begin by determining the various
parameters of wind such as mathematical modeling of Weibull distribution frequency,
also the processing and simulation of real wind data collected. We evaluated for each
site the wind energy potential, the generated electricity prediction based on a judicious
choice appropriate to wind turbine energy needs from wind climate.

KeywordsEnergy Potential; Tetuan; average wind speed

[ID: 16] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 25

Assessing yield of an active solar still for

seawater desalination
Hamadou Osman Ali
1,2 , Abdellatif Khamlichi1∗ , Hassan Ali Barkad2
1 Departement de Physique, Faculté des Sciences de Tetouan, Tetouan 93030, Morocco
2 IUT-I, Université de Djibouti, Djbouti, Djbouti
∗ Correspondence author: Fax: +212 539994624 Email: [email protected]

AbstractSolar sea water desalination can be made by a solar still in which

saline water is circulated and put in contact with a heat source to obtain distilled water
by evaporation/condensation phase changes. The passive solar still is enclosed with
a glass cover so that the solar radiation passes through it and supplies heat to sea
water with limited back reection. The evaporative heat transfer between the water
surface and the glass cover produces the distillate as the evaporated water undergoes
lm type condensation at the inner surface of the glass cover. This results from the
inclination of the glass cover, cohesion between condensed water molecules and gravity
eect. The condensed water trickles then down to a trough which guides it into a
container. Extensive research work has been dedicated to improve the productivity of
passive solar stills. Active stills were introduced to provide additional energy supply
by using various kinds of concentrators. With more energy supplied to the system the
distillate productivity increases.
In this work, an active solar still conguration using additional heat supply which is
provided by a parabolic solar collector is considered. This heat source takes action
under the basin liner such that the sea water temperature can increase to reach an
optimal value with regards to evaporation requirement. The obtained model was solved
numerically by using Matlab software package.
Calculations were then carried out to assess the yield Γ of the still as function of the inlet
temperature and rate of the heat transfer uid and the saline water dept. Optimization
of the distilled water ow was then performed.

[ID: 20] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 26

Comparison of dierent methods of control

ray hybrid aspheric lenses

Laboratoire de l'optique appliquée
Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif1
∗ Email : aliouane.tou[email protected]

AbstractIn the technology of today, the manufacturing technology of aspheric

optical components at low cost has become a research priority. There are dierent types
of aspherical lenses, such as lenses molded by injection, the molded glass lenses, hybrid
lenses. From these methods of manufacturing lenses, the hybrid method is considered
one of the most appropriate, since it combines the good optical properties at low cost.
The hybrid lens is manufactured by depositing a layer of monomer between a spherical
glass lens and an aspherical mold. To make hybrid lenses at low cost, a printing method
is preferred for its simplicity. To evaluate the proposed printing process, a hybrid lens is
designed and manufactured, and its geometric property is measured and compared with
the design value. Measurement of aspheric surfaces is one of the most important and
dicult applications of metrology. Many techniques exist to examine these surfaces.
Each of these methods has its own advantages and weaknesses.
The main objective of this study is to nd feasible methods for measuring the aspheric
surfaces lenses manufactured by the hybrid method. This leads us to produce aspheric
lenses by the hybrid method, measuring the curvature radii of lenses with dierent
methods, and then compare the results of these methods.

[ID: 23] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 27

Evaluation du champ éolien dans la region d'annaba

par une analyse aerodynamique pour
l'installation d'une petite eolienne
Zerari Naziha, Benretem Abdelouahab
Laboratoire de Génie Electromecanique
Université Badji-Mokhtar Annaba BP 12
Annaba 23000 Algérie
[email protected], [email protected]

RésuméLa connaissance du régime des vents est très importante pour optimiser
les performances des éoliennes, il est nécessaire d'étudier l'intensité, la vitesse, la
fréquence et la direction du vent. C'est dans ce contexte que nous allons évaluer les
ressources éoliennes de la région d'Annaba - Algérie an d'installer une petite éolienne.
Nous allons utiliser une méthode d'ajustement de Weibull pour déterminer le potentiel
éolien et de prévoir les conditions extrêmes du vent dans cette région. La première
partie de ce travail est d'estimer des deux paramètres de Weibull ; le paramètre forme
k et le paramètre d'échelle c. En plus de ces on doit étudier la direction du vent,
qui apparaît comme une étape primordiale importante pour choisir l'emplacement de
l'aérogénérateur. Depuis 10 ans, on a calculé à partir des données moyennes des vitesses
du vent mesurées chaque heure dans une station météorologique située à "l'aéroport
Après l'analyse du comportement du vent dans cette région et le calcul la vitesse
moyenne on étudie la possibilité d'installer une petite éolienne dans la région, ainsi
que savoir l'énergie que peut produire avec une étude aérodynamique pour améliorer
la forme de la pale. L'étude utilise deux théories, la théorie d'élément de pale et la
théorie de l'écoulement axial. Les forces de traînée agissant sur les deux types de pale,
le couple et la puissance générée peuvent être déterminées. Enn, par conséquent, le
présent document traite des techniques applicables aux ensembles de données dans une
zone dénie pour implanter une éolienne de petite puissance avec le meilleur rendement.
Nous avons pris la région d'Annaba pour installer une petite éolienne malgré la vitesse
du vent en utilisant une bonne forme de la pale.

[ID: 39] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 28

Thermal behaviour of paran slurry in a vertical

plane plate heat exchanger
Mohamed Najib EL Boujaddaini
1,2 , Abdelaziz Mimet2
1 Centre Régional des Métiers de l'Éducation et de la Formation (CRMEF) Tanger, Maroc
2 Laboratoire d'Energétique .Faculté des Sciences Tétouan, Maroc

Correspondence author. Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe main objective of this paper is to model, analyze and estimate

wind energy at East region of Mohammedia and other Moroccan sites. The basic data
were taken from meteorological records of each region. In this context this work is
focused on a methodological approach of a decision support system for optimal choice of
wind turbine using multi-criteria model that takes into consideration both the accurate
Weibull distribution in the area (wind speed  ground roughness), and the technical
parameters of the wind turbine. In this approach we realized an adapted modeling of
each element of the turbine (rotor  multiplier  generator).

[ID: 51] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 29

Toward an evolutionary multi-criteria model for

the analysis and estimation of wind potential
Fouad Amri, O. Bouattane, T. Khalili, A. Raihani, A. Bifadene
Laboratory Signals, Distributed Systems and Articial Intelligence -SSDIA-
ENSET Mohammedia, Hassan II University of Casablanca Morocco
Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractThe main objective of this paper is to model, analyze and estimate

wind energy at East region of Mohammedia and other Moroccan sites. The basic data
were taken from meteorological records of each region. In this context this work is
focused on a methodological approach of a decision support system for optimal choice of
wind turbine using multi-criteria model that takes into consideration both the accurate
Weibull distribution in the area (wind speed  ground roughness), and the technical
parameters of the wind turbine. In this approach we realized an adapted modeling of
each element of the turbine (rotor  multiplier  generator).

[ID: 52] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 30

Optimal choice of a multilevel inverter for integration

on a hybrid wind-solar power station
Tajeddine Khalili, H. Ouajji, O. Bouattane, F. Amri, A. Raihani
Laboratory Signals, Distributed Systems and Articial Intelligence -SSDIA-
ENSET Mohammedia, Hassan II University of Casablanca
Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractIn this article, we present in details, a comparison between three

dierent architectures of multilevel inverters (5 levels), the ying capacitor multilevel
inverter (FCMLI), the diode clamped multilevel inverter (DCMLI), and the cascaded
H-bridge multilevel inverter (CHMLI). The study uses Matlab Simulink platform as
a tool of simulation, and aim to choose the most qualied inverter, for a potential
insertion on a hybrid renewable energy platform (wind-solar). Thus the comparison is
focused on the output voltage quality, the complexity of the power circuits, the cost of
implementation, and the inuence on a power bank inside the renewable power station.
In all the simulations we use the same PWM control type (SPWM).

[ID: 53] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 31

Sensor faults detection and estimation for

a DFIG equipped wind turbine
Samir Abdelmalek, Hocine Belmili
Unité de Développement des Equipements Solaires, UDES,
Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, CDER, 42415, Tipaza, Algérie
Corresponding author: Fax: +213699843338 Email: [email protected]

AbstractWind turbine systems demand a high degree of reliability and

availability and at the same time are characterized by expensive and safety critical
maintenance work. This paper deals with a new methodology for detection and
estimation sensor faults for a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) equipped wind
turbines. Based on Clark's transformation a state space model of a DFIG is developed,
which can be used for the design of a Luenberger observer. Then, the residual results
are used for electrical faults detection and estimation. The eectiveness of the proposed
observer based fault detection and estimation scheme is validated through simulation
tests performed by dierent faults scenarios.

KeywordsDoubly fed induction generator, Diagnosis faults, sensor faults states

variables, estimation faults.

[ID 55] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 32

Comparaison of synthesis routes of winds

turbine lubricant additives based
on M oS2 nanoparticles
1 1 1
Hanane Akram , Ouafae Achak , Mohamed Zoubair Saadi , Chaouki Elmoujahid ,
SalahEddine Bensemlali , Abderrahim Elmouakibi
3 and Tarik Chak1∗
1 Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Tanger-University Abdelmalek Essâadi,

B.P. 416 Tangier, Morocco.

2 Salub Afriquia, Akwa group, Casablanca Morocco
3 Guepo GmbH Chemie und Technik, Kehl, Germany
∗ Corresponding author: Email: tcha[email protected]

AbstractInorganic fullerene like nanoparticles made of transition metal

dichalcogenides M X2 (M = Mo , W, ..., X = S, Se ...) are considered as anti-wear and
friction additives allowing excellent lubricating properties thanks to their small size
and morphology. Comparing their dierent synthesis routes is of interest with respect
to environmental impact assessment. This issue has been addressed using Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) approach in the case of MoS 2 nanoparticles. We used available
inventory data for reactants and electricity supply obtained from literature and database.
The objectives were to evaluate the feasibility of this approach at design stage for
comparison of the most relevant synthesis strategies of M oS2 .

[ID: 60] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 33

Design and devolepment of a solar refrigerator based

on solid adsortion (activated carbon/ammonia) cycle
1 1
Hicham BOUSHABA , Abdelaziz MIMET , Mohammed El GANAOUI
1 Laboratoire d'Energétique, Faculté des sciences.

BP 2121, 93000 Tétouan. Maroc.

2 LERMAB, Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Longwy,

Université de Lorraine, 186, rue de Lorraine,

54400 Cosnes et Romain, France

AbstractSolar refrigerator machines based on solid adsorption present a highly

interesting solution to the Industry of Cooling Production. In one hand, they are
signicantly interesting economy ways because of the abundance of the solar energy
resources. In the other hand, they are environment friendly. As a result, these machines
could present one of the most competitive solutions to the improvement of this very
Several theoretical studies have proven the utility of such engines in the Moroccan
climate, especially in sunny areas. These potential machines could meet the needs of
users in various situations and domains such as: households, small and medium size
enterprises, food storage units (ex: dates, apples ...), the medical eld ... etc.
The aim of this paperwork is to provide an accurate study on how to design, seize
and build a prototype of an adsorption solar refrigerator using activated- carbon/
ammonia couple. This prototype would consist of: -A solar panel, size: 1mx1m, -An
air condenser, -A cold chamber containing air evaporator.

[ID: 61] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 34

Étude analytique et numérique des transferts de

chaleur dans un Hangar avec inuence des
conditions aux limites
M. Nachtane, D. Saifaoui, R. Sehaqui
Laboratoire de physique appliqué et théorique,
Département de physique, Université Hassan II

RésuméIl est à noter qu'il n'y a pas que les régions chaudes qui sont aectées
par le stress de la chaleur mais aussi les zones tempérées pendant les mois d'été.
Le stress de chaleur survient quand les animaux ont des dicultés à équilibrer la
production et la perte de chaleur corporelle. Cela veut dire que les animaux ne sont pas
capables de maintenir une température constante sans faire d'eorts supplémentaires.
Le stress chaleur est un compromis entre la baisse de production et le bien-être des
Dans ce travail, on présente une étude analytique et numérique du transfert de chaleur
en régime permanent dans un hangar en 3D avec l'inuence des conditions aux limites
(la climatisation du Hangar avec des sources solaires et thermosolaires). Pour cela,
un code numérique est développé sur FORTRAN et EES puis validé avec des résultats
expérimentaux et analytiques. Parmi plusieurs méthodes de discrétisation des EDPs
utilisé dans l'analyse numérique, nous étudierons l'équation elliptique de Laplace
de conduction de la chaleur dans un hangar selon deux approches : la première est
numérique et est la méthode de discrétisation de Diérence Finie d'ordres 2 et la
méthode de Volume nis, et la deuxième est analytique et est la méthode de séparation
des variables.
Dans cet article on va présenter le problème bidimensionnel qui sera une perspective
pour développer notre sujet en 3D, le cas d'une plaque que nous avons développé
avec un bon résultat analytique et numérique grâce à des programmes que nous avons
exécuté sur des logiciels numérique (Matlab, Fortran) et formule (Maple, EES) avec
une représentation des lignes de températures pour les diérentes cas des conditions
aux limites sur le logiciel (Windsurfer).

Mots-cléstransfert de chaleur, hangar, lignes des températures, Optimisation,

Diérence Finie, Volume nis, séparation des variables, étude numérique.

[ID: 79] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 35

Dessalement via la chaleur récupérée au niveau des unités

de production d'acide sulfuriques mpiii/iv jorasfar
an de répondre aux besoins croissantes en eau
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

RésuméLa question hydrique en Méditerranée se pose avec acuité et à des

échelles extrêmement diverses. Les enjeux se multiplient autour de l'eau, ressource
déjà limitée par la géographie de la zone, inégalement répartie entre les États et
de plus en plus convoitée en raison de l'importance tensions dans la région. D'une
autre côté, la croissance démographique et industrielle a fortement accru la demande
d'approvisionnement en eau. De plus, les changements climatiques et la densité de
population ont placé le thème de la durabilité de l'eau au premier plan.
Au Maroc, le programme de développement industriel de l'OCP prévoit une
augmentation des consommations d'eau de 73 millions de m3/an à 181 millions
de m3/an (équivalent à plus de 5 millions d'habitants) pour ses diérentes opérations
de traitement et de valorisation.
Notre étude est concentrée sur l'équipement des unités sulfurique par des systèmes
de récupération de chaleur HRS pour produire de la vapeur BP qui sera utilisé en
combinaison avec la vapeur BP issue de la centrale thermique an de dessaler une
quantité importante d'eau de mer déjà utiliser pour le refroidissement d'acide et qui a
déjà subit un prétraitement (ltration, chloration...).

[ID: 96] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 36

Three-dimensional uid ow simulation into

a rectangular channel with partitions
using the lattice-boltzmann method
A. Boutra
1,2 , K. Ragui1,∗ , R. Bennacer3 , Y.K. Benkahla1
1 Laboratory of Transport Phenomena, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria.
2 Preparatory School of Science and Technology, Algiers, Algeria.
3 LMT, Superior Normal School Cachan, Cachan, France.

(BP. 32 El Alia, 16111 Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria;

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]).
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +213 21 20 77 67 Email: [email protected]

AbstractIn this paper, we investigate numerically a 3D dimensional laminar

ow of an incompressible Newtonian uid into a rectangular channel, including several
blocks mounted on the lower and the upper walls. To do so, a numerical code based
on the Lattice Boltzmann method is utilized and it has been validated after comparison
between the present results and those of the literature. The adiabatic partitions are
arranged in three dierent manners: In the rst one, and by using two blocks, the latter
are mounted the one against the other. In the second, the bottom block is disposed
next to the ow entry. Whereas, in the third three parallel (or alternative) blocks are
taking place the one close to the other at an equal distance. Regarding the Reynolds
number and the partitions' distance eects on the uid ow inside the channel, our
phenomenon is widely analyzed throughout the streamlines and velocity proles, with
special attention to the partitions' arrangement.
It is to denote that the three dimensions D3Q19 model is adopted in this work, based
on a cubic Lattice, where each pattern of the latter is characterized by nineteen discrete

[ID: 100] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 37

Evaluation of the performances of an air refrigeration

system coupled with a parabolic
trough solar collector
Department of mechanical engineering, Faculty of technology University BLIDA 1,
BP 270, Route de Soumaa, 09000 Blida, Algeria
[email protected]

AbstractWe show in this work the eect of operating conditions variations on

the performances of solar refrigeration System equipped with an ejector. The modeling of
this system coupled to a solar radiation collector, is carried out through a specic model
that integrates all the components of this system in order to determine the optimum
operating conditions. The proposed system comprises a boiler connected to a parabolic
through solar collector, a condenser, an evaporator and an ejector. This study showed
that the best performances of the system are achieved when the ejector entrainment
ratio is signicant. To reach high values of ejector entrainment ratio, it is preferable
to increase the temperature of the evaporator, instead of increasing the temperature
of the boiler. In addition, it was noted that the ejector variable geometry achieves
better performances compared with the xed geometry ejector. In the section on solar
collectors, the study shows that the use parabolic concentrators allow signicant increase
in temperature in the generator without performances being aected.

[ID: 103] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 38

Study of incidence angle modier in linear fresnel

Youssef Elmaanaoui, Dennoun Saifaoui
Department of physics, faculty of sciences Ain Chock, University of Hassan II,
B.P 5366 Maarif Casablanca 20100 Maroc
Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractThis paper presents a study of the Incidence Angle Modier (IAM)

in a Linear Fresnel Reector (LFR). Simulations of the optical behavior of LFRs
designed according to dierent design prole angles (DPA) are conducted using the ray
tracing software TracePro. Results shows that low DPAs enable high optical transversal
eciency but a poor longitudinal one. Longitudinal IAM followed nearly the same
path for all DPAs decreasing from a maximum equals 1 to a minimum equals 0 when
◦ ◦
the longitudinal incidence angle varies from 0 to 90 . However, for transversal IAM
a noticeable dierence between LFRs is recorded at high transversal incidence angles
where the maximum is reached. In fact, low DPAs recorded higher transversal IAM at
high transversal incidence angles.

[ID: 114] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 39

Estimation Global Solar Radiation and Modeling

Photovoltaic Module Based on Articial Neural Networks

Lalia Miloudi , Dalila Acheli
Faculty of Hydrocarbons and Chemistry, University M'hamed Bougara Boumerdès
Avenue de l'Indépendance 35000 Boumerdès, Algeria
∗ Email Correspondence author: [email protected]

AbstractArticial neural networks (ANNs) are used for the performance

estimation the global solar radiation and modeling curves (I-V) of PV module. The
structures tested are MLP and RBF. The obtained coecients of correlation R were
very satisfactory. What shows the eciency of the ANNs to predict the behavior of the
photovoltaic systems.

[ID: 116] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 40

A General Fractional-Order Heat Transfer Model for

Photovoltaic/Thermal (PVT) hybrid systems
and its Observer Design
1,2 , Y. BOUKAL3,4 , M. El GANAOUI1 , M. DAROUACH3 , M.
3 2
1 LERMAB and 3 CRAN, Université de Lorraine, IUT Henri Poincaré de Longwy,

186 Rue de lorraine, 54400 Cosnes et Romain, Longwy France

2 Energetic Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences- Abdelmalek Essa^adi University

P.O. Box 2121 M'hannech II, 93030 Tetouan, Morocco

4 Laboratory Materials Physics, Microelectronics, Automation and Thermal,

Faculty of Sciences-Ain-Chock, Hassan II University,

BP : 5366 Maarif, Casablanca 20100, Morocco
[email protected]

AbstractThis paper presents the results of modelling the heat transfer process
for the new system called Photovoltaic/Thermal (PVT) hybrid systems in state-space.
The heat transfer process in a solid material can be described by an integer- order
partial dierential equation. However, in the Photovoltaic/Thermal (PVT) hybrid
systems, which is characterized by heterogeneous behaviour due to the materials that
make up the layers of system, it can be described by a fractional-order partial dierential
equation. The major objectives of this study were to establish a new mathematical
model of the Photovoltaic/Thermal (PVT) hybrid systems and their fractional-order
observers in time domain. This model has been constructed in the context of a new
consideration of heat conduction with a time fractional-order derivative. On the other
hand, after obtained the general model of the system in state-space, the existence
conditions of the fractional-order observer of such systems are given. Then, a necessary
and sucient condition for the asymptotic stability of the estimation error is given in
a LMI formulation.

KeywordsModelling PVT systems, Fractional-order diusion equation, Fractional-

order System, Fractional-order Observer, Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI).

[ID: 130] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 41

Drivetrain exebility eect on control performance

of a horizontal axis wind turbine
Laboratory of energetic, Faculty of science,
Abdelmalek ESSAIDI University,
Tetouan, Morocco
Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractWind turbine is a complex machine, several elements has height

exibility such as blade, tower and drive train, this phenomena have important inuence
on the behavior of system it's can make damage in system structure, Torsional
vibrations in the drive train of wind turbine can cause large mechanical stress and reduce
the life cycle of the components, its can aect the stability of the system and reduce the
quality of produced energy, the aim of this work is shows the eect the exibility of
drivetrain on the control performance, in the rst we apply a control law on a rigid
model and we keeping same parameters to control a exible model which is presented
by a tow mass model , we note the exibility eect on the performance system.

[ID: 145] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 42

Cloud and aerosol single scattering

albedos of mediterranean areas
Ibtissam MARSLI and Mohammed DIOURI
Department of Physics, University Mohammed 1st, Oujda, Morocco
Corresponding author: Fax: +0536500603 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe AERONET/PHOTONS(*) program is a federation of ground-

based remote sensing aerosol networks established by NASA and LOA(Lille).
AERONET collaboration provides globally distributed optical parameters and specially
Cloud albedo, and single scattering albedo, for which we analyze those for
six Mediterranean areas Oujda (Morocco), Gozo (Malta), Evora (Portugal),
Badajoz(Spain), Cabo-da-Roca (Portugal), and OHP Observatoire (France) for 2013
and 2014.
For all sites the calculated cloud albedo are quite similar and varies from 0.04 to 0.09
for 440 nm and from 0.25 to 0.4 for 870nm .The single scattering albedo values are
higher in spring and summer and we observe many peaks of decrease which indicate the
importance of absorption linked to the coarse mode proportion.

[ID: 155] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 43

Thermal setup for energy measurement

techniques in electrical systems
Electro mechanical's systems laboratory, Faculty of science of the Engineer
University BADJI Mokhtar of Annaba  Algeria,
B.P 12, Annaba 23000, Algeria.
Fax: + Email: [email protected]

AbstractIn modern power systems, more energy is transmitted by no sinusoidal

voltages and currents as a result of widely used nonlinear loads. The taris of the
electric companies for billing the energy user depend on methods of measurement and
calculation of the active power under no sinusoidal conditions. This is why it is
necessary to determine correctly the active power in no sinusoidal circuits.

[ID: 157] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 44

Contribution to the study of a photovoltaic

system with storage
Laboratory LTII, Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Bejaia, Algeria
[email protected]

AbstractThis work focuses on the study, modeling and simulation of a system

of conversion of solar energy, to provide a constant power to the load, based on an
energy storage unit. The solar panel provided to the load of the active power, regardless
of temperature and light.
A study of the electrochemical cell behavior was simulated for the dierent parameters
that aect the behavior (temperature, time of loading and unloading), and determination
of the internal impedance of the battery used. A model of the whole (photovoltaic
panel, selected storage system supplying a continuous load) to show at any time
the value of a storage system in photovoltaic station. To ensure every moment
operation of the PV generator at its optimum power, we introduce an adaptive converter
between the generator and the load this converter has a command of the maximum
power point tracking (MPPT). Practical results show the validation of our model
of photovoltaic panel Siemens 110W type. The propose simulation module uses the

KeywordsModeling, storage system, solar generator, MPPT

[ID: 166] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 45

Statistical Modeling of Electrical Energy

Consumption (EEC) in the Pretreatment of Industrial
Wastewater by Electrochemical Process
M. Tir and N. Moulai-Mostefa
Laboratory of Materials and Environmental (LME),
Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Medea,
Ain D' Heb, 26001 - Medea- Algeria
(E-mail: [email protected])

AbstractIn this study, D-Optimal experimental design of response surface

methodology has been employed to evaluate the individual and interactive eects of three
independent parameters, namely current density (A): 535 mA/cm ; initial pH (B):
511; and reaction time (C): 630 min on the electrical energy consumption.
The results have been analyzed using Pareto analysis of variance (ANOVA). Analysis
showed a high coecient of determination value (R
2 = 0.998) and satisfactory

prediction for second-order regression model. Energy consumption was found depend on
the current density and reaction time. As a result, it was seen that energy consumption
for oil removal by electro-coagulation method could be minimized at optimum conditions.
The electrical energy consumption for maximum Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
removal is observed to 4.5 kWh/m at the optimum conditions.

KeywordsCutting oil emulsions, Electro-coagulation, Energy consumption, D-

Optimal design, modelling

[ID: 168] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 46

Aerodynamic performance simulation of horizontal axis

wind turbine
Sciences Laboratory Engineer - LSI
Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University
Polydisciplinary Faculty of Taza, BP. 1223, Taza, Morocco
Address: Al amal Lot Block: 2 N◦ : 1000 Taza
Email: [email protected]

AbstractIn this work, we study the numerical simulation of aerodynamic

performance of a horizontal axis wind turbine, which is based on the resolution of the
equations of uid mechanics with advanced turbulence model (k − ω ). This simulation
was done using Ansys Fluent CFD-software, which allows to give ne predictions
pressure elds proles, velocity and turbulence developed around a blade element.
Similarly, it provides quantities characterizing the aerodynamic performance of wind
(lift coecient, drag, moment, pressure ...). Simulation results compared with those
available in the literature are in good agreement. Finally, a detailed analysis of the
results and phenomena developed around the blade.

KeywordsHorizontal axis wind turbine, S809 Prole, CFD Simulation, Model k − ω,

aerodynamics Performance, Optimization.

[ID: 169] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 47

The solar domestic water heating system in the six

moroccan climate zones

Ibtissam FELLAK , Mohammed El Ganaoui, Abdelaziz Mimet, Abdelah Maalouf
Laboratory of Energy,Fluid, Mechanics, and Materials ,AbdelMalek Essaadi University, Faculty of Science
Tetouan, Morocco
∗ Fellak ibtissam: [email protected]

AbstractMorocco has adopted a national energy strategy for the promotion of

renewable energy and the energy eciency. The building's sector is an area targeted
by this strategy, since it is one of the major energy consumers in the Moroccan level.
With a 25% share of nal consumption countries (ADEREE) Its consumption is set to
increase further in the future years. In addition the building is a strategic energy sector
taking into account the long life of buildings. In this perspective, in order to establish
a regulatory and legal framework governing the energy eciency in the building sector,
this regulation was based on several steps among them, the establishment of a climate
zoning based on the degrees of heating-days and zoning .This zoning has left Morocco
in six climatic zones.
In this context, the present work aims to make a contribution in packaging useful
climate data for the evaluation of the building thermal requirements, specically the
production of hot water. To achieve this goal, we developed a solar radiation calculation
model for the six Moroccan climate zones based on the model of "Capderou". However,
from these data, a mathematical model was developed in order to calculate the water
heater solar performances and the production of domestic hot water in these dierent
zones. This model is based on the platform "ENERBAT" Laboratory "LERMAB" at
the University of Nancy Lorraine.

[ID: 179] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 48

Flow numerical simulation in a cross ow turbine in

bidirectional operation for wave energy conversion
S. El Khchin, A. El Marjani
Labo. de Turbomachines, Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs (EMI), Université
Mohammed V, Av Ibn Sina, B.P. 765 Agdal, Rabat, Morocco,
Email: [email protected], [email protected],

AbstractIn this paper, a numerical model for simulating the viscous and
turbulent ow in the geometry of a cross ow turbine will be presented. The
objective of this study is to perform a geometry adaptation of the Banki turbine, and
evaluate the possibility of use of this turbine to convert wave energy in an OWC device.

[ID: 194] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 49

Estimation of solar radiation and sizing method of an

autonomous photovoltaic system. Application
to Algeria

Zakaria Bouzid , Nassera Ghellai, Moussaab Belarbi
Unité de Recherche en Matériaux et Energies Renouvelables (U.R.M .E.R),
Université de Tlemcen, Algérie
∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractAlgeria has a large solar energy deposit (rst in the Mediterranean

sea). This deposit makes it suitable for the installation of solar energy conversion
systems, especially photovoltaic (PV) systems. The design of these systems is an
important step, its optimization, as well as optimization of the various parameters of
the system, is a crucial step. In our work, after estimating hourly solar radiation,
we have optimized the design of a photovoltaic installation in "Zenata" (Tlemcen),
western Algeria, by focusing on the panel's eciency, total capture area, and total
battery capacity. We used the concept of hourly solar usability to develop a design
method through several stages.

[ID: 195] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 50

Flow analysis in three-dimensional double-diusive

convection in an elongated porous enclosure
O. Rahli
1,∗ , N. Mimouni1, R. Bennacer2
1 Laboratoire LTPMP, Fac. GMGP, USTHB, BP 32, Alia, Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria
2 LMT-ENS Cachan, 61 av. du président Wilson F-94235 Cachan Cedex, France
∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractThe main purpose of the present study is to analyze the limitation of the
parallel ow in 3D double diusive problem in an elongated enclosure fully lled with a
uid-saturated porous medium subject to constant heat and mass uxes on the vertical
and the horizontal boundaries respectively (Figure1). The Boussinesq approximation
is made in the formulation of the problem. The used numerical method is based on
the control volume approach with the third order QUICK scheme A wide range of
the controlling parameters (Rayleigh-Darcy number Ra, lateral aspect ratio Ay, Lewis
number Le and the buoyancy ration N) is investigated. The 2D perfect parallel ows
obtained for small lateral aspect ratio are drastically destabilized by increasing the cavity
lateral dimension.
KeywordsNatural convection, parallel ow, double diusive, Heat and mass transfer,

[ID: 196] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 51

Blade rotor design optimization of a self-rectifying

air turbine for owc devices by numerical
experimental design method
Khalid ELATIFE, Abdelatif EL MARJANI
Labo. de Turbomachines, Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs,
Université Mohammed V
B.P. 765 Agdal, Rabat, Maroc
Corresponding author: Fax: +212 6 13 11 47 20 Email: [email protected],
Corresponding author: Fax: +212 5 37 77 88 53 Email: [email protected]

AbstractNowadays, wave energy exploitation is of great interests due to its

sustainability, reliability and large potential. This paper draws up rstly a brief analyze
of wave energy potential in the Moroccan coastline with an idea on the importance
of implementing WEC, and presents secondly an implementation of the experimental
design method to optimize the self-rectifying impulse radial turbine in the OWC devices,
which is the most exploited system, for wave energy extraction. A new design with
circular arcs and straight lines for the rotor blade will be presented. A rst work of
optimizing the rotor blade design in terms of the turbine eciency by the experimental
design method has been done. Two optimal rotor blade proles have been found, one
for the exhalation mode and the other for the inhalation mode. A second part of the
work will consist on optimizing the guide vanes geometry by implementing a second
experimental design.

[ID: 220] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 52

Étude technico-économique d'une centrale solaire

a concentration de type fresnel, destinée
a la production électricité
1 1
H.Beltagy , D.Semmar , N.Said
1 Laboratoire des applications énergétiques de l'hydrogène (LApEH),

université de Blida, B, P 270 Soumaa, Blida, Algérie

2 Centre de développement des énergies renouvelables,

route de l'observatoire, B, P 62 Bouzaréah, Alger, Algérie

Corresponding author: Fax: +213 26 34 46 55 Email: [email protected]

RésuméL'objectif du présent travail est de caractériser une centrale à

concentrateur de Fresnel de moyenne puissance (5MWe) sur diérents sites Algériens
(Sahara), ces sites ont été choisis pour comparaison en déplaçant la centrale dans ces
derniers, à savoir Hassi-R'mel, Tamanrasset, Béni-Abbes, et El Oued. Une étude
technico-économique a été faite pour déterminer les diérentes caractéristiques de la
centrale. Cette dernière a été réalisée à travers une simulation à l'échelle horaire
: elle concerne l'ensoleillement, le système `champ', et le système récepteur. Les
résultats de la simulation sont représentés en moyenne annuels. Les rendements, la
production énergétique annuelle, et le coût du kWh sont évalués. En eet, le calcul du
rendement dière d'un site à un autre avec des valeurs de 15.711.8%,11.6%, et 10.4%
respectivement pour les sites Tamanrasset, El Oued, Béni-Abbes, Hassi R'mel. Les
performances thermiques et les résultats technico-économiques sont évalués aussi pour
ces mêmes sites.

Mots clésénergie solaire, concentrateur solaire à miroirs de Fresnel, les centrales

solaires thermiques, performance, les centrales thermoélectriques.

[ID: 241] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 53

Drivetrain exebility eect on control performance of a

horizontal axis wind turbine
Laboratory of energetic, Faculty of science,
Abdelmalek ESSAIDI University,
Tetouan, Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractWind turbine is a complex machine, several elements have height

exibility such as blade, tower and drive train, this phenomena has important inuence
on the behavior of system it can make damage in system structure, Torsional vibrations
in the drive train of wind turbine can cause large mechanical stress and reduce the life
cycle of the components, it can aect the stability of the system and reduce the quality
of produced energy, the aim of this work is shows the eect the exibility of drivetrain
on the control performance, in the rst we apply a control law on a rigid model and we
keeping same parameters to control a exible model which is presented by a tow mass
model , we note the exibility eect on the performance system.

[ID: 279] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 54

Using matlab to develop articial neural network models

for forecasting global solar radiation in souss

O. Nait Mensour , B. Hlimi, K. Bouabid and A. Ihlal
(Materials and renewable energies laboratory, Faculty of sciences, Ibn Zohr University, BP 8106 hay dakhla,
80000 Agadir)
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +212 0528220100 Email: [email protected]

AbstractArticial neural networks (ANNs) have attracted attention of many

researchers in the eld of renewable energies, particularly for meteorological data
prediction such as solar radiation. For this reason we have developed a model based
on Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) neural networks to predict the evolution of the overall
monthly solar radiation of the territory of Souss (south-West of Morocco). In this study,
we used a large database on a wide period (1993-2005). This database contains a set
of metrological and geographical data such as: Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, month
number, the average temperature, sunshine, relative humidity and the average of the
monthly global irradiation. After testing several models, we found the appropriate model
that gives a minimum mean square error (MSE). Furthermore, a good coecient of
correlation (R) was found, between values measured and values predicted.

[ID: 281] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 55

Modeling and simulation of an autonomous PV generator

of power 4,2 Kw dedicated to supply an agricultural
pumping station
1,2 , Ali HADDI1 , Abdellatif GHACHAM AMRANI2
1 Laboratory Innovative Technologies (LTI) at the University ABDELMALEK Essaadi

(ENSA) Tangier, Morocco

2 Faculty multi-disciplinary of Larache at the University ABDELMALEK Essaadi,

Larache, Morocco
[email protected]; [email protected]; ab [email protected]

AbstractThe objective of this work is the study, design and validation by simulation
the model of an isolated photovoltaic chain composed of a 4.2 KW PV generator, a
power conditioning system and a direct current load. This system is used to supply
agricultural pumping station that will be installed soon in the province of Larache in
Morocco. The eects of temperature and irradiation on the generator are studied, in
particular on the magnitudes such that the short circuit current, the open circuit voltage
and the power delivered by the system. According to the characteristics of the load
(motor-pump) and the operating conditions (temperature, irradiation), we can nd a
big gap between potential maximum PV generator power and that actually transferred
to the pumping system. In order to extract every moment the maximum of power
available at the terminals of the PV generator and transfer it at the pumping system,
we use a matching stage composed of a boost converter controlled by an algorithm of
power maximization "P&O" and a pulse width modulation (PWM). The modeling and
simulation of the studied system will be realized using Matlab / Simulink software.
KeywordsPV System, boost converter, MPPT control, PWM, Design, Simulation.

[ID: 282] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 56

Evaluation et analyse statistique du potentiel

eolien de la wilaya de Tanger-Tétouan
1,∗ , A.ECHCHELH1 , A . SAAD1 , F. LAHLOU1 ,
1 Laboratory of electrical engineering and energetic systems Faculty of Sciences

BOP: 133, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco.

2 University of Lorraine, LERMAB/IUT Longwy, Institut Carnot, Nancy, France
∗ Corresponding author: echeladil@yahoo.

RésuméL'énergie éolienne a connu une très forte croissance au cours de la

dernière décennie au vue des avantages qu'elle présente pour l'environnement, aux
percées technologiques connexes et aux programmes d'encouragement gouvernementaux.
Sa caractéristisation de source d'énergie inépuisable et propre a fait d'elle un champ
privilégié de recherche scientique et de développement Technologique principalement
en Europe. Le taux d'évolution de cette technologie est d'environ 25%. Pour réduire
sa dépendance énergétique, le Maroc s'est orienté entre autres vers le développement
de la mobilisation des sources d'énergies renouvelables notamment l'énergie éolienne.
En eet, le Maroc, par sa situation géographique favorable, dispose d'un potentiel
éolien important estimé à environ 6000MW. Les potentiels énergétiques solaires,
géothermiques et éoliens existants au Maroc, leurs utilisations pour le développement
économique de certaines régions semblent favorables. Le but du présent sujet est
l'établissement de l'atlas vent de la région de la Wilaya Tanger-Tétouan. En premier
lieu, une étude statistique des mesures de vent basée sur la distribution de Weibull
est établie ce qui nous permettra la détermination des vitesses moyennes annuelles
du vent. Ceci a permis l'établissement d'une carte du vent de la région étudiée. La
deuxième partie est consacrée à l'estimation du potentiel énergétique éolien de la vallée
de Tanger-Tétouan et au tracé de l'atlas de la densité de puissance de la région. Les
résultats ont montré que le site de (Tétouan-Ksar Sghir) est le plus venté de la région
Mots clésEnergies renouvelables, Production concessionnelle, Paramètres de Weibull,
Potentiel énergétique éolien, Mapinfo.

[ID: 297] Renewable Energy (Wind Energy/Conversion)

Materials in Energy
(Innovative Materials/Process)
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 59

Seismic assessment of the masonry inll

Concrete frame interaction
Sabri Attajkani
1∗ , Abdellatif Khamlichi2 , Abdelalh Jabbouri3
1∗ Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Tetouan 93002, Morocco
2 Department of Physics, National School of Applied Sciences at Tetouan 93030, Morocco
3 Departement of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology at Tangier, 90000, Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: + 212- 539994500 Email: [email protected]

AbstractDesign to earthquake is a major concern in the eld of seismic

engineering, especially for existing buildings that are at seismic risk. In particular,
research is being conducted on how to take advantage of inll in order to enhance
seismic resistance of this kind of buildings.
Two main methods were proposed for analyzing the in-lled reinforced concrete frames:
micro modeling approach which is nite element based that takes into account local
eects in detail and macro modeling approach which is a very simplied method that
considers only the global behavior of the structure by replacing the inll with equivalent
struts: one or several according to the various theories existing in this eld.
In this work, a parametric analysis is presented in order to investigate the inuence
of variations in mechanical properties of the inll and also its geometry on the in-
plane behavior of masonry in- lled frames. The resulting complex nonlinear behavior
is analyzed through nite element modeling under Abaqus software package.
Masonry inll is modeled by means of a constitutive law incorporating damage
mechanism that represents the interaction occurring at components level between mortar
and bricks. The internal boundary interface with the reinforced concrete frame was
modeled by means of cohesive elements.

[ID: 2] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 60

Solution of 1d Elastic-hydrodynamics-erosion
Coupled equations in porous media
Fatima Yakhlef
∗ 1, Abdellatif Khamlichi1 , Philippe Dubujet2
1 National School of Applied Sciences, University Abdelmalek Essaadi,

BP 2222 Tetouan 93030, Morocco

2 National School of Engineers at Saint-Etienne, 58 Jean Parot Avenue,

Saint-Etienne 42100, France

∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractIn this work, coupled elastic- hydrodynamics-erosion soil equations

are considered in the framework of one- dimensional approximation to the problem.
The modelling is based on the continuum approach where it is assumed that the soil
is constituted from a well denite sand-clay mixture that is containing only a small
fraction of clay phase which is susceptible to be removed by water discharge owing
through the porous medium. Asymptotic expansion of coupled equations has been

[ID: 4] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 61

Modelling an eddy-current probe for damage detection

of surface cracks in metallic parts
Abdeslam Aoukili
1∗ , Abdellatif Khamlichi2
2 Department of Physics, FST, University Abdelmalek Essaadi, Tetouan 93030, Morocco
1 Department TITM, National School of Applied Sciences at Tetouan,

University Abdelmalek Essaadi,Tetouan 93030, Morocco,

∗ Correspondence author: Fax: +212 539994624 Email: [email protected]

AbstractSurface crack detection in metallic parts was considered through

modelling of eddy-current pattern which is induced by their presence. This was
undertaken by means of the nite element method under harmonic inductive excitation
and stationary conditions. The proposed model included the array excitation coils, the
array sensing coils, the tested defected plate and the ambient air. A parametric study
was conducted then in order to determine the inuence of the work frequency and the
position of the receiver coil on voltage variation at its bottom edge.
The obtained results have shown that the work frequency has little inuence on
the results in the investigated range of frequencies. On the opposite the position
of the receiver coil was found to have a drastic eect on the voltage variations
during scanning. It was then possible to optimize the positions of the receiver coils to
provide best sensing in terms of voltage variations when the probe passes over the aw.

[ID: 7] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 62

Bayesian multiple forces reconstruction during

impact with uncertain time transfer matrix
Souleymane Samagassi
1∗ , Abdellatif Khamlichi1 , Abdallah Driouach1 , Eric Jacquelin2
1 Systems of Communications and Detection Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, Tetouan, Morocco
2 IFSTTAR, LBMC, UMR_T9406, University of Lyon, F-69622, Villeurbanne, France
∗ Corresponding author: Department TITM, ENSA Tetouan, BP: 2222, Tetouan 93030, Morocco;

Fax: +212 539994624 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThis paper presents a Bayesian approach for multiple forces

reconstruction which can deal with measurement noise. The posterior density
of probabilities function integrating both the likelihood and prior information was
considered in the particular case of a linear system which is aected by an additive
random term resulting from measurement noise. Compressed sensing technique was
used to provide an adequate sparse representation of the inverse problem through using
projection on a wavelet basis. The unknown forces and the regularization parameters are
jointly determined through Monte Carlo Markov chain methods. The proposed approach
is illustrated and validated through a numerical example.

[ID: 9] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 63

Mechanical Coupled Vibrations in an Individual

Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
M. Boutahir, A.H. Rahmani, H. Chadli, and A. Rahmani

Laboratoire d'Etude des Matériaux Avancés et Applications (LEM2A), Université Moulay

Ismail, FSM -FLSH-FPE, BP 11201, Zitoune, 50000 Meknes, Morocco.
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +212 671934093

Email: [email protected]

AbstractIn this communication we calculate the Raman spectra of dierent

Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (DWCNTs) by using the spectral moment's method.
Using a convenient Lennard-Jones expression of the van der Waals intermolecular
interaction between the inner andouter tubes, the optimized structure of DWCNTare
derived. We found that the C-C bond lengthin DWCNT is depending on the metallic
(M)or semiconducting (Sc) character of the innerand outer nanotubes. We show
that the radialbreathing-like modes (RBLM) of DWCNT arecollective characterized by
concerted inner andouter wall motions. Comparison with Ramanspectra measurements
is given.

[ID: 13] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 64

Tight-binding model for phosphorene, phosphorus

nanoribbons and nanotubes

Laboratoire d'Etude des Matériaux Avancés et Applications (LEM2A), Université Moulay

Ismail, FSM -FLSH-FPE, BP 11201, Zitoune, 50000 Meknes, Morocco.
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +212 671934093 Email: [email protected]

AbstractIn this paper, we study the band structure and the electronic properties
of zigzag and armchair phosphorene, which is a monolayer black phosphorus, and
single-walled phosphorus nanotube, obtained from phosphorene sheet by rolling it up
along the straight line connecting two lattice points. The band structures as well as the
electronic density of states (DOS) are calculated in the tight-binding framework, using
ve parameters to model charges transfer in these nanostructures. Dierent diameters
and chiralities are studied. Email: [email protected]

[ID: 15] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 65

Raman spectra of boron doped single-walled

carbon nanotube

A. Elbiyaali , M. Bentaleb, B. Fakrach, H. Chadli, and A. Rahmani
Computational Physics and Nanomaterials Research Team, Moulay Ismaïl University
(URAC 08), BP 11201, Zitoune, 50000 Meknès, Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected] Fax: +212 06 4802 5388

AbstractThe polarized non-resonant Raman spectra of boron doped single-wall

carbon nanotubes are calculated by using the spectral moments method in the framework
of the bond-polarization theory. The calculation of Raman spectra of these materials
as a function of doping rate dependence, the diameter and the nanotube chirality are
performed. The results are compared to experimental Raman data measured on various
samples of Boron doped carbon nanotubes.

[ID: 24] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 66

Vibrational properties of Nitrogen doped

carbon nanotubes
F. Allali, A. Elbiyaali, and A. Rahmani
Computational Physics and Nanomaterials Research Team, Moulay Ismaïl University
(URAC 08), BP 11201, Zitoune, 50000 Meknès, Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected] Fax: +212 06 4802 5388

AbstractHeteroatom doping (e.g., boron, sulfur, phosphorous, and nitrogen)

of graphitic carbon lattices eects various physicochemical properties of sp 2 carbon
material [1, 2]. In particular, the substitutional doping of nitrogen has received focused
attention because signicant changes in hardness, electrical conductivity, and chemical
reactivity have been theoretically predicted and experimentally observed[3]. Using Siesta
code combined to the spectral moments method [4, 5], we have calculated the Raman
spectra of NCNTs for dierent concentrations of N.
To model the structure of these nanomaterials, random distributions of N on the NTC
surface are considered. A comparative study of the Raman spectra prole and the
intensities ID/IG ratio was made. Analysis of the calculated Raman spectra in the
light of experimental data is presented.

[ID: 25] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 67

Ractical tribometer to estimate pumpability of fresh

concrete and boundary layer composition
El-Hadj Kadri
1 , ∗, Tien-Tung Ngo1 , Rachid Bennacer2 , Adrien Bouvet1 , François Cussigh3 ,

Hamza Souahli
1 Laboratory L2MGC, University of Cergy Pontoise, F9500 Cergy Pontoise, France
2 ENS-Cachan Dpt GC/ LMT, 61, Av du Président Wilson 94235 Cachan Cedex, France
3 VINCI Construction - 61, avenue Jules Quentin 92730 Nanterre Cedex - France
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +33 31 25 69 41 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe friction at the steel-concrete interface on the boundary layer (note

BL) that occurs during the ow of a uid concrete in a drain plays an important part in
its pumpability. These frictions are directly related to the composition of the formed BL
which depends on the concrete composition parameters. To highlight this relationship,
the authors' initially developed and validated an apparatus called tribometer allowing
them to make steel concrete interface friction measurements and deduce interface
parameters (called pumping parameters). Its' simple use at building sites enabled the
authors' to study the inuence of the concrete composition on the resulting interface
friction and its parameters, namely, viscous constant and interface yield stress. The
results show that the increase in the cement paste volume, the water/cement ratio and
the proportioning in super-plasticizer support the concrete pumpability.
The increase of a quantity of ne-sand in concrete induces negative eects on the
interface frictions and on pumpability. The authors also proposed in this study a simple
experimental method to extract the BL matter by using their validated tribometer. The
extracted BL matters were then analysed by a simple method. The obtained results
show that the BL is formed by water, cement and ne sand particles of concrete with
a diameter lower than 0.25 mm. It also shows that the water/cement ratio of the BL
and that of the concrete are almost the same. The ne-sand relative enrichment in the
BL decreases with the increase of the ne sand voluminal proportion in the concrete.

[ID: 26] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 68

Numerical study of the inuence of ZnT e thickness

on CdS/ZnT e solar cell performances
Othmane SKHOUNI , Ahmed El MANOUNI
1,2∗ , Bernabe MARI2 and Hanif ULLAH2
1 Laboratoire de Physique de l'Atmosphère et Modélisation (LPAM),

Université Hassan II, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, BP 145 Mohammedia (Morocco)
2 Departament de Física AplicadaETSED, Universitat Politècnica de València,

Camí de Vera s/n 46022 València (Spain)

∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +212 (05) 23315353 Email: [email protected]

AbstractAt present all most of II-VI semiconductor based solar cells use the
CdTe materiel as an absorber lm. The simulation of their performances is realized by
means of various numerical modeling programs. In our case we suggest modeling and
simulating the performances of a solar cell based on ZnTe thin lm in substitution to
the CdTe eliminating therefore the element cadmium which is very known by its toxicity
and optimizing the absorber layer thickness. This work reports on the analysis of ZnTe
thin lm solar cells by using Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator software (SCAPS). A
PV device was modeled, which consists in a ZnTe absorber, a CdS buer and a ZnO
window layer. Dark and illuminated I-V characteristics and the results for dierent
output parameters of ZnO/CdS/ZnTe solar cell were analyzed. The eect of ZnTe
absorber thickness on dierent main working parameters such as: open- circuit voltage
Voc, short-circuit current density Jsc , ll factor FF, photovoltaic conversion eciency
eta was intensely studied in order to optimize the ZnTe lm thickness. This study
revealed that increasing the thickness of ZnTe absorber layer results in higher eciency
until a maximum value and then decreases slightly. This maximum was around 10% at
optimum ZnTe thickness around 2.3 µm

[ID: 34] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 69

Moisture sorption isotherms and modelling of

moroccan rosemary leaves
a b a a a
S. Mghazli , A. Idlimam , M. Mahrouz , L. Lahnine , N.Hidar , M.Ouhammou
a ERIDDECV (Research Team of Innovation and Sustainable Development & Expertise in Green

Chemistry), Department of Chemistry, Cadi Ayyad University, B.P. 2390,

Marrakesh 40000, Morocco
b Laboratory of Solar Energy and Medicinal Plants, Teacher's Training College,

Cadi Ayyad University BP 2400 Marrakesh, Morocco

∗ Correspondence author: Safa Mghazli Email: [email protected]

Abstract In this work, we study water sorption isotherms of rosemary at

three temperatures: 30, 40 and 50 C, using the standard static gravimetric method.
This method consists on the use of dierent salts solutions, over a range of relative
humidity from 0.05 to 0.9. These isotherms have been tted using four dierent
sorption equations, Enderby model found to be the most suitable model for describing
the sorption curves for both of samples.

[ID: 45] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 70

Microstructural aspects of displacive transitions

in shape memory alloys
Osman Adiguzel
Firat University, Department of Physics, 23169 Elazig, Turkey
Fax: +90 424 2330062 Email:

AbstractA series of alloy systems exhibit a peculiar property called shape

memory eect and superelasticity. These alloys are temperature sensitive materials, and
their crystal structures change in a certain temperature interval, on cooling and heating
by means of martensitic transformation and reverse transformation, respectively.
Martensitic transformation is a displacive solid state phase transformation and occurs
on cooling in the material from high temperature parent phase region through critical
transformation temperatures. These alloys have an ability to recover the original shape
on heating after deformation in low temperature product phase condition in bulk level.
Shape memory eect is facilitated by martensitic transformation governed by changes
in the crystalline structure of the material in the crystal and lattice level. Martensitic
transformations occur with the cooperative movement of atoms in thermal manner, and
the movement of atoms is in the sub-nanometer level and conned to the interplane
level, due to this property.
Martensitic transition occurs as martensite variants with cooperative movements of
atoms in two opposite directions, < 110 >-type directions on the 110-type planes of
austenite matrix which is basal plane of martensite. The {110}-plane family has 6
certain lattice planes; {110}, {1 − 1 0}, {101}, {1 0 − 1}, {011}, {0 1 − 1}.
Thermal induced martensite occurs as lattice twinning by means of lattice invariant
shear, and the twinned martensite structures turn into detwinned structures by means of
reorientation of twinned martensite with deformation of the material in the martensitic
condition. The detwinned martensites also turn into the parent phase structure ob
Copper based alloys exhibit this property in metastable β -phase region, which has
bcc-based structures at high temperature parent phase eld, and these structures
martensiticaly turn into layered complex structures with lattice twinning process on

[ID: 71] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 71

The numerical simulation of permeability for brous

reinforcement composite by inverse method
1 1 2
3 1
1 Laboratory of Electrical Engineering and Energetic Systems,

Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Tofail University,

BOP: 133, Kenitra, Morocco
2 Applied Research Team on Polymers, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

ENSEM, Hassan II University,

POB: 8118, Oasis, Casablanca, Morocco
3 University of Lorraine, LERMAB/IUT Longwy, Institut Carnot, Nancy, France
∗ Corresponding author : Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe permeability of textile reinforcements is a crucial input for the

simulation of the impregnation stage of a composite material fabrication process. In
this paper, we present a fast and accurate simulation inverse method of Gauss Newton
Levenberg Marquardt for the identication of bre reinforcement permeability in the
Resin Transfer Moulding process for composite materials. The comparison between
the experimental and the computed parameters is used as convergence criteria in the
iterative inverse technique, satisfactory agreement was obtained. Furthermore, this
method oers the possibility to determinate permeability of several part of composite
at the same time.

[ID: 74] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 72

Solid-state structures and properties of scandium

hydride: hydrogen storage application

K. Khodja , L. Saddik, Y. Bouhadda and K. Benyelloul
Unité de Recherche Appliquée en Energies Renouvelables, URAER,
Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables,
CDER, 47133, Ghardaïa, Algeria
∗ Fax : +213 29 870 152, [email protected]

AbstractFirst-principles calculation has been performed on the rare earth

hydride ScH2 for hydrogen storage and switchable mirror applications, using the pseudo-
potentials and plane waves based on the density-functional theory (DFT). The electronic
and structural properties are studied within both local-density and generalized gradient
approximations for exchange energy. The formation energy has been investigated and
discussed. Our calculated results are generally in good agreement with theoretical and
experimental data.

[ID: 76] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 73

Description thermodynamique du systeme Co-Sc

Houda Ghamr , Yassine Djaballah, Aissa Belgacem-bouzida
Laboratoire d'étude physico-chimique des matériaux,
Faculté des sciences, Université Hadj Lakhdar,
Batna (05000), Algérie,
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

RésuméUn calcul thermodynamique du système Co-Sc a été envisagé en se

basant sur la méthode CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagrams) [1]. Des modèles
raisonnables ont été construits pour l'ensemble des phases du système. La phase liquide
et les quatre solutions solides terminales εCo, αCo, αSc et βSc ont été décrites par
le modèle des solutions de substitution avec l'énergie de Gibbs d'excès exprimée par le
polynôme de Redlich-Kister. Les composés CoSc, CoSc2 , et CoSc3 ont été considérés
comme des composés st÷chiométriques. La phase non-st÷chiométrique (Co2 Sc) a
été modélisée par un modèle en deux sous-réseaux, suivant le schéma : (Co, Sc)0.67
(Sc, Co)0.33 . Un ensemble cohérent de paramètres thermodynamiques décrivant les
phases a été obtenu. Le diagramme de phases calculé montre un bon accord avec les
données expérimentales.

[1]. Kaufman, L., and Bernstein, H., 1970, Computer Calculation of Phase Diagrams,
Academic Press, New York.

[ID: 105] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 74

Characterization of the durabilityof natural

SiO2 aggregates
H. El Bahraoui
1,2∗ , L. Khouchaf2∗ , A. Ben Fraj3
1 Laboratoire de Chimie Appliquée et d'Environnement, FST de Settat,

Route de Casablanca, BP:577, Settat, MAROC.

2 Univ-Lille Nord de France, F-59000, Lille, France,

EMD, 941, Rue Charles Bourseul, BP: 10838, 59508 Douai, France.
3 Laboratoire Eco-Matériaux, centre d'études et d'expertise sur les risques,

l'environnement, la mobilité et l'aménagement,

120 Route des Paris  BP: 216, Sourdun, 77487 PROVINS CEDEX, France.
∗ Corresponding author: mail: [email protected] [email protected]

AbstractThe durability of SiO2 compounds is closely related to its structural

properties. In this work three natural siliceous aggregates (called G1 , G 2 and G3 ) are
studied. The chemical composition of the three natural aggregates shows that G1 and
G2 have almost the same chemical composition (SiO2 ) and G3 is dierent and contains
SiO2 quartz type and calcite as major components (SiO2 , Calcite and Dolomite). X-
Ray diraction (XRD) shows that natural aggregates G1 is more crystallized than G2
and G3 . After Alkali silica Reaction (ASR) process, the reactivity of G3 aggregate seems
to be higher than the G1 and G2 aggregates. The mechanical results show the slight
dierence between mortar containing G1 (M _G1 ) and that containing G2 (M _G2 ).
Their compressive strength is 10% less than that of reference (M_SS). As it is more
reactive, G3 seems improving the compressive strength of M _G3 , compared to M _G1
and M _G2 .

[ID: 108] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 75

Organic photovoltaic cells: fabrication and processing

1 FST Tangier, University Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Tangier, Morocco
2 University of New England, Tangier Campus
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: + 212 5 39 39 39 53 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThis work aims to give the state of art of organic based solar cells.
A detail of the used components and the fabrications processes will be given with the
related conversion eciency. The features that are explored by scientists to improve the
eciency, such as absorption, circuit voltage, device structure will be discussed.

[ID: 122] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 76

Chemical preparation, crystallographic characterization,

vibrational study and thermal behavior of a new
cyclotriphosphate M N (N H4)4(P3O9)2.6H2O
superphosphate fertilizer
a Laboratoire de Chimie-Physique des Matériaux,Faculté des Sciences Ben M'sik,

B.P. 7955. Casablanca. Maroc.

b Centre Régional des Métiers de l'Education et de la Formation du Grand Casablanca (CRMEF).

Derb Ghallef - Bd. Bir Anzarane - Casablanca Anfa Maroc.

e-mail : [email protected]

AbstractA new cyclotriphosphate hexahydrate of manganese and ammonium,

M N (N H4 )4 (P3 O9 )2 .6H2 O, was obtained as polycrystalline samples by the method of
ion-exchange resin.
Its crystallographic characterization, vibrational study and thermal behavior are given.
M N (N H4 )4 (P3 O9 )2 .6H2 O crystallizes in the monoclinic system, C2 m, with the
following unit cell parameters: a = 13.178(3)Å, b = 11.030(2)Å, c = 9.965(2)Å,
β = 126.76(2)◦ and Z = 2. The P3 O9 ring of M N (N H4 )4 (P3 O9 )2 .6H2 O has a Cs
symmetry. The intermediate products of dehydration of M N (N H4 )4 (P3 O9 )2 .6H2 O
are M n2 P4 O1 2 and M n2 P2 O7 . The total dehydration and calcination of
M N (N H4 )4 (P3 O9 )2 .6H2 O lead to a cyclotetraphosphate, M n2 P4 O12 . The thermal
behavior of the title compound has been investigated and interpreted by IR absorption
and X-ray diraction experiments. M N (N H4 )4 (P3 O9 )2 .6H2 O, M n2 P4 O12 and
M n2 P2 O7 have been found to have a wide range of applications and can be used
as catalysts, ion exchangers, reactants in ionic conditions, intercalation reactions,
superphosphate fertilizers and as inorganic pigments in ceramics.

[ID: 124] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 77

Improvement of pentathiophene/fullerene planar

heterojunction organic photovoltaic cells through
MMO3/CUI anode buer bilayer
Z. El Jouad
1,2 , L. Cattin3 , F. Martinez4 , G. Neculqueo4 , G. Louarn3 ,
2 5 5
M. Addou , P. Predeep , J. Manuvel , J.C. Bernède
1 Université de Nantes, MOLTECH-Anjou, CNRS, UMR 6200, 2 rue de la Houssinière, BP 92208,Nantes,

F-44000 France. 2 LOPCM, Université Ibn Tofail, Faculté des Sciences BP 133 Kenitra 14000, Morocco.
3 Université de Nantes, Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (IMN), CNRS,

UMR 6502, 2 rue de la Houssinière, BP 92208, Nantes, F-44000 France. 4 Departamento de Ciencia de los
Materiales, Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas y Matemáticas,
Universidad de Chile, Casilla 2777 Santiago, Chile
5 Laboratory for Molecular Photonics and Electronics, Department of Physics,

National Institute of Technology, Calicut 673 601, Kerala, India.

Corresponding author: Linda Cattin, Email: [email protected]

AbstractOrganic photovoltaic cells (OPVCs) are based on a heterojunction

electron donor (ED)/electron acceptor (EA). In the present work, the electron
donor which is also the absorber of light is pentathiophene. The typical cells were
ITO/ABL/Pentathiophene/fullerene /Alq3 /Al with ABL = Mo O3 , CuI, MoO3/CuI.
After optimisation of the pentathiophene thickness, 70 nm, the highest eciency,
0.81%, is obtained with the bilayer Mo O3 /CuI as ABL. In order to understand these
results the pentathiophene lms deposited onto the dierent ABLs were characterized
by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, X- rays diraction, optical
absorption and electrical characterization. It is shown that CuI improves the
conductivity of the pentathiophene layer through the modication of the lm structure,
while M0 O3 decreases the leakage current. Using the bilayer M0 O3 /CuI allows
cumulating the advantages of each layer.

[ID: 127] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 78

Modeling and fatigue damage evolution of

composite materials under cyclic loading
(application on a wooden specimen)
Department of Mechanical engineering
Laboratory of Innovation and Industrial Performance (LaMIPI)
Higher School of Technical Education of Rabat
Mohammed V University Rabat, Morocco

AbstractA composite material is made by combining two or more materials

with dierent properties, the two materials work together to give the composite unique
properties. In this context this paper presents the fatigue behavior and some damage
models for composite materials, than the characteristics of damage growth in a wooden
specimen was studied to evaluate the degradation performances of composite wood under
cyclic loading.
Results of static and fatigue analysis have been shown and characterized by the lifespan,
safety coecient, von mises stresses and damage evolution, which will allow us to
highlights the causes that can lead to the breakdown of our structure.

[ID: 134] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 79

Analysis of a thermal system by contact for defect

detection in homogeneous materials
1 2
A. Kabouri , A. Khabbazi , H. Youlal
1 LASTIMI, University Mohammed V-Rabat, EST Salé, B.P. 227, Salé-Médina, Morocco
2 LEME, University Mohammed V-Rabat, EST Salé, B.P. 227, Salé-Médina, Morocco
3 UFR in Automatic and Information Processing, Faculty of sciences - BP 1014  Rabat - Morocco

Fax : 05 37 88 15 64 Email : [email protected]

AbstractThis is mainly an experimental contribution for defect detection based

on the Flash method generally used to characterize the thermal diusivity of the
material. Indeed, the temperature rise generated by the ash on the rear face represent
important information to explore. We have conceived and realized a contact thermal
sensor consisting of forty-nine type K thermocouples distributed over the rear face of
the sample to be tested. The thermocouples responses resulted by several thermograms,
are given in several measuring points distributed over the entire bottom surface of the
sample. Analysis of the experimental results shows that the temperature rise provide
important information to establish a thermal system for defect detection in homogeneous

[ID: 144] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 80

Thermodynamic analysis of combined csp-med

desalination in Algeria
M. Laissaoui
1,2 , A. Touil3 and D. Nehari3
1 Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, CDER, 16340, Algiers, Algeria
2 Department of Mechanical Eng. Univ. of Mostaganem, Algeria
3 Laboratory of Smart Structure, Cent. Univ. A. Temouchent, Algeria

Email: [email protected]
Corresponding author: Fax: +213 43 60 33 97

AbstractThe aim of this work is thermodynamic analysis of the combine of

concentrated solar power plant CSP and multi-eect desalination (MED) compared with
the combination of CSP with a reverse osmosis (RO) plant. The solar power plants
disposed a solar tour (heliostat eld and volumetric receiver and steam turbine for
electric production. The performance of the solar plant and the desalination plant both
working together is tested in a case study. In the city of MOSTAGANEM in ALGERIA.
In this work, the radiometric and meteorological data arise directly from the software
meteonorme 7. In addition, a steady state model has been made by proposing a set of
nonlinear, algebraic equations for each cycle and implementing them in the Engineering
Equation Solver (EES) software.

[ID: 153] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 81

Copper : molybdenum sub-oxide blend as

transparent conductive electrode
(tce) indium free
1 2 3 1
M. Hssein , L. Cattin , M. Morsli , M. Addou , J. C. Bernède
1 LOPCM, Université Ibn Tofail, Faculté des Sciences BP 133 Kenitra 14000, Morocco.
2 Université de Nantes, Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (IMN), CNRS,

UMR 6502, 2 rue de la Houssinière, BP 92208, Nantes, F-44000 France.

3 Université de Nantes, Dpt Physique, 2 rue de la Houssinière,

BP 92208, Nantes, F-44000 France.

4 Université de Nantes, MOLTECH-Anjou, CNRS,

UMR 6200, 2 rue de la Houssinière, BP 92208, Nantes, F-44000 France.

Corresponding author: Mehdi Hssein Email: [email protected]

AbstractOxide/Metal/Oxide structures have been shown to be promising

alternatives to ITO. In such structures, in order to decrease the high light reection
of the metal lm it is embedded between two metal oxides dielectric. MoO3-x is often
used as oxide due to its capacity to be a performing anode buer layer in organic solar
cells, while silver is the metal the most often used [1]. Some attempts to use cheaper
metal such as copper have been done. However it was shown that Cu diuses strongly
into MoO3-x [2]. Here we used this property to grow simple new transparent conductive
oxide (TCE), i.e. Cu: MoO3-x blend. After the deposition of a thin Cu layer, a lm
of MoO3-x is deposited by evaporation. An XPS study shows more than 50% of Cu is
present at the surface of the structure. In order to limit the Cu diusion an ultra-thin Al
layer is deposited onto MoO3-x. Then, in order to obtain a good hole collecting contact
with the electron donor of the organic solar cells, a second MoO3-x layer is deposited.
After optimization of the thickness of the dierent layers, the optimum structure is as
follow: Cu (10 nm):MoO3-x (20nm)/Al (1 nm)/ MoO3-x (10 nm). The sheet resistance
of this structure is Rsq = 5.2 Ω/sq and its transmittance is T max = 65%. The factor
of merit ΦM = T /Rsq = 2.510 Ω
−3 −1 , which made this new TCE promising as anode

in organic solar cells

KeywordsTransparent conductive electrode, ITO free electrode, Molybdenum oxide,

copper diusion, sheet resistance.

[1] L. Cattin, J. C. Bernède, M. Morsli, Phys. Stat. Sol. a (2013).
[2] C. G. Granqvist, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 91, 1529 (2007).

[ID: 154] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 82

Cold sprayed copper coating: numerical

study of particle impact and
coating characterization
Yamina MEBDOUA, Yazid FIZI and Nadjet BOUHELAL
Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées,
Cité 20 août 1956, BP.17 Baba Hassen, Alger, Algérie
Corresponding author: Fax: +213 21 35 10 39 Email: [email protected]

AbstractCold spray is a promising process fabricating high quality metallic

coatings. This work concerns both numerical and experimental investigation of cold
sprayed copper taking into account impact conditions including, particle velocities
and temperature, gas pressure and materials. The conducted numerical study is an
examination of the deformation behavior of Cu particles sprayed onto steel substrate
using ABAQUS/Explicit software, allowing a good understanding of the deposition
characteristics of copper particles and the eect of particle velocity on the coating
microstructure. Various combinations of calculation were performed. The numerical
results are correlated to mechanical properties of the cold sprayed copper coating.

[ID: 156] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 83

Unsteady heating of spheroidal particle in plasma spray

Y. Hamza
1,2 , Y. Mebdoua1 , M. El-Ganaoui3 , M. Tribeche2

1Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées Cité 20 aout 1956 Baba Hassen, BP 17, 16303 Alger,
2 Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene, BP 32 El Alia 16111 Bab Ezzouar Alger,

3 Université de Lorraine, IUT Henri Poincaré de Longwy 186 Rue de Lorraine 54400 Cosnes-et- Romain.
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +213 21 35 10 39 Email: [email protected]

AbstractIn this work, an unsteady heat transfer from plasma to spheroid

particles, which are injected in plasma plume during atmospheric spraying process, is
investigated. The governing equations developed are non linear. The approach is based
on analytical solutions of the mathematical equations governing the heat conduction
to particles initially not heated immersed into a uniform temperature of an innite
medium of constant temperature. The spheroidal shapes considered are of two types;
prolate and oblate, in this work, prolate case is more developed. The time development
of temperature inside the particle and the heat transfer rate across the surface has
been studied for various axis ratios assuming nite thermal and physical properties
of materials. It is considered that Biot and Rayleigh numbers are small and uid
heat conduction dominates the thermal resistance. Results are presented for alumina
materials in argon/H2 plasma. The analytical solution using a mathematical model
treating the plasma/particle interaction reveals an important heating on the particle
caused by the presence of thermal plasma. The eect depends on the thermal properties
of material and plasma gases. The results are compared with spherical case.

[ID:158] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 84

A markovian process for the matching problem

Hati Khalid and Abdellah El Hajjaji
Systems of communications and Detection Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences
M'hannech II 93002 - Tetouan  Morocco
Email: [email protected]

AbstractStereo matching is one of the main topics in computer vision. It

consists in nding in two images of a same scene, taken from dierent viewpoints, the
pairs of pixels which are the projections of a same scene point. Since the last twenty
years, many local and global methods have been proposed to solve this problem.
In this paper, we will present the results obtained by matching two satellites images,
After extracting points of interest, two steps follow: matching points of interest and
matching the rest of points in each interval delimited by two successive points of interest
by using the Markovian process.

KeywordsPoint of interest, SPOT images, Markovian process, matching,

reconstruction 3D, stereovision

[ID: 163] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 85

Identication and characterization of mechanical and

structural properties against static damage of a
composite oating wind turbine blade
O. Shah, M. Tarfaoui

ENSTA-Bretagne, MSN/LBMS/DFMS, 2 rue François Verny, 29806 Brest Cedex  France

∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +33 2 9834 8705 Email: [email protected]

AbstractEnergy lies at the heart of modern society, enabling everything from

heating, lighting, computers, and food production through to manufacturing, medicine,
and transport. The next step in the design process of the blade is the determination
of the material properties. The material properties of composite materials need to
be determined in order to model the structure precisely and for doing further more
detailed delamination and fatigue failure investigations. The composites were fabricated
2 ◦
in the form of 2 m (2x1m) plates using unidirectional and 45 biaxial mats, in

dierent thicknesses. Furthermore the 45 biaxial type composite plates in dierent
thickness were joined with NORPOL vinylester adhesives of dierent thicknesses for
the characterization of resistance in de-bonding type failures. Sandwich structures with
2mm face thicknesses and 10-30mm thick 80gm/m PVC foam cores were also used for
the characterization of sandwich in exion and delamination properties. The base of
any design is the performance and the power output parameters. It is based on these
parameters that the overall dimensions of the blade are ascertained. After which a
more detailed structural design is done based on the forces applied as determined by the
operational parameters of the turbine blade. The structure then needs to be modeled
more accurately using the real material properties, the materials which will be used in
the fabrication of the turbines. Therefore experiments and mechanical tests are done
on the material specimens to develop a material properties prole, which this paper in
part will deal with.

KeywordsComposite blade, composite layups, sandwich structures, materials

strength, delamination.

[ID: 187] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 86

Mechanical and durability properties of precast concrete

with treated channel sediments
A. Ben Fraj
1,∗ , O. Abdulkareem1,2
1 Laboratoire Eco-Matériaux, centre d'études et d'expertise sur les risques, l'environnement,

la mobilité et l'aménagement (CEREMA), 120 Route des Paris  BP: 216, Sourdun,
77487 PROVINS CEDEX, France
2 LUNAM, Université de Nantes, GeM, UMR CNRS 6183  Institut de Recherche en génie Civil et

Mécanique, , IUT de Saint Nazaire, France

∗ Corresponding author: mail: [email protected]

AbstractTo limit environmental impact related to the cement production process

(CO2 release into the atmosphere and energy consumption), the current trend is to
decrease the clinker content in cement through the use of alternative materials. In our
research work, the valorization of treated channel sediments (TCS) in precast concrete
is investigated. Like reference concrete (C0), the compressive strength of C10 is of 25
MPa at 2 days, after thermal treatment. More sediments (C30), decreases strongly the
compressive strength. Results show also, that the durability properties of C0 and C10,
except carbonation, are very close, proving that the valorization of sediments in precast
concrete is a promising idea.

[ID: 189] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 87

Innovating device for characterizing the mechanical

properties of metals based on an
electromagnetic sensor
1,∗ , Abdelrhani.Nakheli2
1 Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, Laboratory LASMAR, Meknes, Morocco
2 Moulay Ismail University, Electrical Engineering Departments, ESTM, Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe system we propose is a strain that allows the Young's modulus

of the material measurements, using the method of the bending beam embedded at
extremity and subjected to a force applied to the other free extremity. It consists of
a device for fastening a beam to a rectangular extremity, to the other free extremity
is connected an S-shaped hook for hanging masses and apply a vertical force directed
downwardly on the free end of the beam. Measuring the resulting force F applied to
the beam and the corresponding deviation (arrow) via electromagnetic force sensor
and displacement led us to the Young modulus of the material by application of the
Relations from the theory of elasticity and the laws of the beam bending embedded at
one extremity and in which a force is applied to the other free extremity.

[ID: 198] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 88

Study of the hygrothermic behavior of the

wood of algerian eucalyptus camaldulensis
dehn and modeling
Tazrout Mansour, Abadlia Mohamed Tahar, Bezzazi Boujema
Genius of Materials, Research Unit Materials,Processes and Environment (URMPE),
Faculty of Science of the Engineer, University M' Hamed Bougara,
Boumerdes, Algeria.
Correspondence author: [email protected]

AbstractThe diculties encountered by theindustrialists durin g the articial

wood seasoning are on the one hand deformations which appear important and on
theotherhand the existence oftensions in the mass of wood.In the articial drying cycle
of the wood of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Dehn having served under investigation as the
kinetics of drying andwith modeli ng; we analyzed the quality of drying.The mesures
were made on all the samples at the time of the dryingcycle which areappreciated
bythe d eformations and the proportion of the samples which weresplit during
drying.The measured deforma tions are: arrow of face,markswitharrows of song, inti
le, warping,slits and collapse. The Eucalyptus kind is particularly sensitive to the
phenomenon ofcollapse which appears during drying causing thecollapse of the structure,
the more or less serious structural deformations of the parts and the appearance of the
slits. The collapse can be partly controlled, by a drying suciently wellcontrolled, an
d mostof the collapse, is recoverableby techniques of treatment the vapor, during the
operation of drying.
In this context, we carriedout this preliminarystudy, o f drying on the wood of Eucalyptus

Camaldulensis Dehn (2 identical tests T s = 30 C and HR = 85%).
During the drying of a timber chock,it is necessary that drying is as much as possible
homogeneous in all the pile. For this purpose, we carried out study air velocities on
several points of the space of the drier with forced convection (14m volumes). Through
the results got on speeds, we note a nohomogeneousdistribution of the air in the drier;
consequently, the samples placed at various places do not dry in the same way.
Tocure that, one envisaged devices inside the drierw ho can improve aerodynamics
(site of masks, tore-examine the zone of mixture...).The quality of dried wood is poor
(many defects); but it would not be not interesting to carry out for this species a test
of reconditioning and to see the quality of this wood. The model suggested reects
theexperimental values well; what can already give usan outline on the kinetics of drying
even thecoecient of transfer of matter. Lastly, it would be also interesting, to integrate
the coecient of transfer of heat and to reexamine the model,startingfrom the various
equations and tomodelthe couple: coecients of transfer of heat andmatter.It is a
species which is dicult todry and requiresconsequently, the taking into account of
otherparameters suchas the constraints of drying and mécanosorption. To determine
product quality dried, it is necessary tomodel the internalstresses and the deformations
inkeepingwith theevolutionary eld of moisture in the board.

[ID: 201] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 89

Kinetic study and optimization of extraction

process conditions
a a
Sarah Rezazi , Salah Hanini , Samir Abdelmalek
a Laboratoir de BioMatériaux et Phénomène de Transfert (LBMPT),

Université de Médéa,
Quartier Ain D'heb, Médéa, Algérie
b Unité de Développement des Equipements Solaires, UDES,

Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, CDER,

42415, Tipaza, Algérie
Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractOptimization and advanced control of extraction processes are very

important in the chemical engineering eld for development of processes resulting in
high yield with minimal costs of time and energy. In the present work, two extraction
methods (hydrodistillation and volatile solvent extraction using a Soxhlet extractor) were
performed on a medicinal plant (Marrubium vulgare L.). The inuence of various
operating parameters such as: (Temperature, drying and grinding the plant, the solvent
to solid ratio, the extraction time, and the nature of the solvent) on the extraction
yield was studied in order to determine the operating conditions favorable to the
realization of the extraction process, resulting in high yield. The optimum conditions
were: the weight ratio, 3%; extraction time, 180 min; diameter of powder particles
(0.1 < d < 0.63(mm)); and proportion of water pretreatment aected also on the yield

KeywordsOptimization, Essential Oil, Marrubium vulgare L

[ID: 202] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 90

Lean construction: the evolution

of construction management
1 1
1 Ecole Mohammedia d'Ingénieurs -EMI-

(Maroc - Laboratoire du Génie Civil)

2 Ecole Nationale de l'Industrie Minérale -ENIM- (Maroc)

E-mail : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

AbstractThis article represents a reection about the evolution of construction

Construction is conceived as a set of activities performed to achieve a nal product;
these activities transform inputs to outputs using tools.
However, a construction activity is not only a process of transformation (value-added
activity), is also non- value added activities (handling, control, wait ...), representing
up to 99% time of the activity cycle. The non-value added activities are the roots of the
enormous waste in the eld of construction, compared to industrial eld.
For this reason, indeed, why scientist decided to adopt the production management
model in the industrial eld "Lean Production", which involves cutting waste, and adapt
it to the building and thus, construction will be designed as a set of transformation
processes and ows. This new management approach aims focused on the nal value
delivered to customers. The system- that is inspired from TOYOTA Production System
(TPS) - is called Lean Construction.
After dening the two basic principles of Lean Construction and its four main tools,
this article will lead to a discussion about the implementation of this philosophy, then
suggesting the principles lines to analyze for the development of this research.

KeywordsLean Construction, Project Management, ow

[ID: 203] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 91

Fluid ow in the melt during the welding

sequence GTAW
1 1
Mohammed BENZERGA , Younes BENKEDDA , Abderrahmane BENHAFFAF
1 Aeronef laboratory. Aeronautical institute. Blida University,
2 Department of physics.Faculty of Science. Blida University.

Corresponding author younès Benkedda Fax :21325438323 E mail: [email protected]

AbstractDuring GTAW, many physical phenomenon have been presented, when

the arc energy has been transferred toward the object which is melted when the
temperature has reached melting degree. The main forces that drive the melting metal
are the surface tension and buoyancy. The present work aims to investigate the
inuence of the both of forces on temperature eld, also, the velocity, and uid particles
direction. At the end we studied buoyancy enrollment in the model, the inuence of
operating parameters such as net power, radius distribution of heat ux on weld pool

[ID: 207] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 92

Eect of hipco single walled carbon nanotube

(SWCNT) on the thermal stability and
structure of the poly(3 hexyl thiophene)
P3HTP/ SWCNT nanocomposite
1 1 2
M. Zorkani , M. Baitoul , Eric Faulques , J. Wery-Venturini
1 University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Faculty of Sciences, Dhar El Mahraz,

Laboratory of Solid State Physics, Group Polymers and Nanomaterials,

PO Box 1796, Atlas, Fes 30000, Morocco
2 Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel, Université de Nantes,

CNRS, UMR 6502, PO Box 3229, 44322 Nantes cedex, France

Corresponding author: [email protected]; [email protected]

AbstractIn this work we present the eect of HiPCO single walled cabon
nanotubes (SWCNT) insertion into the conjugated polymer matrix P3HT on the
structural and thermal stability of these nanocomposites. The P3HT / SWCNT
nanocomposite lms were prepared using chloroform and chlorobenzene as solvents
and optimized ultrasonication time. The prepared samples were analyzed by
Thermogavimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray Diraction to study the eect of
carbon nanotubes on the thermal stability and structure of the polymer matrix. The
measurements carried out for dierent SWCNT loadings show that the thermal stability
was enhanced for a 0.5wt% after that it decreases with increasing the content of the
SWCNT. Our results prove the structural enhancement which is in favor of a better
organization in both P3HT chains and carbon nanotubes after their interaction.

[ID: 209] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 93

Eect of CdS buer layer on the eciency of

Cu(In, Ga)Se2 solar cells

Materials and Renewable Energies Research Unit (U.R.M.E.R)
University Abou Bakr BELKAID, BP 119 Tlemcen, 13000 ALGERIA
∗ E-mail: [email protected]

AbstractSeveral technologies are being developed for the production of

photovoltaic cells. Degrees of maturity, performance and life are very dierent from one
technology to another. The eorts of current research and development lead to rapid
progress, making of the photovoltaic a sector in constant evolution. The eciency
of photovoltaic conversion of the solar cells resulting from technology "layers thin"
does not cease this work of modeling and simulation, we use the software
silvaco atlas-2d, to study the performances of the solar cells based on Cu (In, Ga)
Se2 (CIGS). We evaluate initially, the current of short-circuit Isc , the tension in open
circuit Vo c , maximum power Pm , the factor of form FF and the electrical eciency
η for a typical structure of ZnO/CdS/CIGS . Thereafter we are interested the doping
and the thickness of the CdS buer layer to investigate the inuence of these-ones on
the electrical eciency of the structure. We obtain an optimal eciency of 23.71%.and
a form factor of 82.96% for a structure of 1cm with a doping of 5 × 10
20 cm−3 and a

thickness from 5 nm of the CdS buer layer.

[ID:214] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 94

Optical properties of undoped and tin-doped

nanostructured In2O3 thin lms
deposited by spray pyrolysis
N. Fellahi, M. Addou, A. Kachouane, M. El Jouad and Z. Soani
Laboratoire Optoélectronique et Physico-Chimie des Matériaux Unité de Recherche
Associée au CNRST- Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université Ibn Tofail,
BP 133, Kenitra 14000, Morroco.
Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractTin-doped indium oxide (In2 O3 : Sn) thin lms in dierent

concentrations (Sn = 0,3,5,8 at.% ) were deposited by reactive chemical pulverization

spray pyrolysis technique on heated glass substrates at 500 C. The eect of tin
dopant on the nonlinear optical properties was investigated using X-ray diraction,
transmission, electrical resistivity and third harmonic generation (THG). All lms were
polycrystalline, crystallize in a cubic structure with a preferential orientation along the
(400) direction. The Sn (5 at.%) doped In2 O3 thin lms exhibited the lower resistivity
of 3x10
−4 Ωcm and higher transmission in the visible region about 94%. Optical

Parameters, such as extinction coecient (k), refractive index (n) and energy band
gap (Eg) were also studied to show the composition dependence of tin-doped indium
oxide lms. The nonlinear properties of the In2 O3 : Sn thin lms have been found to
be inuenced by doping concentration, and the best value of χ
(3) = 3x10−11 (esu) was

found for the 5 at.% doped sample.

[ID: 224] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 95

Investigation on magnetic refrigeration of

F e80−xVxB12Si8 (x = 8, 10 and 13.7)
amorphous alloys
1 1
A. Boutahar , H. Lassri , E.K. Hlil
2 and D. Fruchart2
1 LPMMAT,Université Hassan II-Casablanca, Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock,

BP 5366, Mâarif - Casablanca, Morocco.

2 InstitutNéel, CNRS et Université Joseph Fourier,

BP 166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9,France.

Fax : 00 212 522 23 06 74 [email protected] (A. Boutahar)

AbstractAmorphous soft magnetic F e80−x Vx B12 Si8 ribbons (0 < x < 14)
have been fabricated by melt spinning technique and their magnetic and magnetocaloric
properties have been studied. The value of magnetocaloric eect has been determined
from the measurements of magnetization as a function of temperature and an external
magnetic eld. The addition of vanadium to the ternary F e80 Vx B12 Si8 alloy results
in a decrease of the Curie temperature of amorphous alloys, Tc, from 473.5 to 335
K. With an increasing V content, the average magnetic moment of Fe atom and the
magnetic entropy change also decrease. F e66.3 V13.7 B12 Si8 alloy exhibits the highest
refrigeration capacity of 93,7 J kg-1 and moderate peak magnetic entropy of 1.034 J
kg-1K-1 (TC = 335 K) under maximum applied eld of 2T. The results from this work
showed that V containing amorphous alloy 13.7 at. potential candidate for magnetic
refrigerants working near room temperature. The observed (−∆SMmax ) values compare
favorably with other amorphous Fe- based alloys.

[ID: 227] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 96

Computational study of evaporative cooling

of falling binary liquid lm
inside a vertical channel
H. Meftah, A. Nait Alla, M. Feddaoui and A. Azzabakh
Laboratoire Génie de l'Énergie, Matériaux et Systèmes
Corresponding author: Fax: +212 5 28 23 20 07
Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe present work focuses on a numerical analysis of the evaporative

cooling of falling binary liquid lm inside a vertical channel. The liquid mixture consists
of water with alcohol (ethanol or methanol), while the gas mixture has three components:
dry air, water vapor and alcohol vapor. The numerical method applied solves the coupled
governing equations together with the boundary and interfacial conditions. Parametric
study showed that the cooling of the liquid lm is more important for mixture with high
mass fraction of alcohol.

KeywordsBinary mixture, Evaporation, Mixed convection, Heat and mass

exchanges, Two phase ow, Numerical simulation

[ID: 231] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 97

The computational study of thermal stress of the

cdznte's semi-conducteur :the growth of
cdznte in the bridgman conguration
1 2
Hanen JAMAI , Habib Sammouda , Mohamed El Ganaoui
1 Laboratoire d'Energétique et de Transferts Thermique et Massique (LETTM),

Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, EL Manar 2, Tunisia

2 LabEM (LR11ES34), University of Sousse, ESSTH Sousse,

Rue Lamine Abbassi, 4011 Hammam Sousse, Tunisia

3 Université de Lorraine, Lab. Energétique de Longwy  LERMAB/FJV,

Longwy, France
[email protected]

AbstractThe solidication of the singular CdZnTe in axisymetric Vertical

Bridgman (VB) cavity is investigated in the current study. The numerical approach is
developed by using COMSOL Multiphysics software, which is based on nite elements
method (FEM) with Arbitrary Lagrangian-Euleurian (ALE) formulation allowing
treating the moving interface. Numerical aspects of dierent parameters that aect
the solidication interface and present an important factor during the crystal growth's
process are presented and analyzed. Especial attention will be paid to investigate the
thermal stress in the semiconductor of CdZnTe.
In fact, the thermal stress These stresses are the consequences of the thermal gradient,
which inuences the shape nal crystal and consequently its quality.

[ID: 233] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 98

Numerical study of nanouid heat transfer AL2O3

through a cylindrical pipe maintained at a
constant temperature at the wall
1,2 , BEGHIDJA Abdelhadi1,2 and ZERAIBI Noureddine3

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Constantine,

25000 Constantine, Algeria
Renewable Energy and Sustainable development laboratory LEDD,
25000 Constantine, Algeria
Department of Transportation of Hydrocarbons, University of Boumerdès,
35000 Boumerdès, Algeria
Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractA numerical study of nanouids laminar forced convection permanent

and stationary (AL2 O3 ) is conducted in a cylindrical pipe with a constant temperature
at its wall. The eectiveness of these nanouids will be compared to traditional
coolant (water);where the dynamic and thermal properties will be evaluated for four
volume concentrations of nanoparticles (1%, 3%, 5% and 10%) by varying the
Reynolds number from 25 to 800. The analyses of results are obtained versus average
temperature, pressure drop coecient and Nusselt number; then are discussed. Finally
we concluded that heat transfer increases with increasing nanoparticles concentration
and the Reynolds number.

[ID: 242] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 99

Numerical study of the evaporation of a liquid lm with a

low nanoparticles volume fraction

Monssif NAJIM, M'Barek FEDDAOUI , Abderrahman NAIT ALLA, Adil CHAREF
Laboratoire Génie Energie, Matériaux et Systèmes, ENSA, B.P. 1136, Agadir - Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractIn this present work, a numerical study of conjugated heat and mass
transfers along a vertical channel was performed. The eect of nanoparticles introduced
in a liquid lm ow (nanouid) is investigated. The left plate of channel is heated
by a constant heat ux, while the right wall is dry and insulated. The numerical
method applied solves the coupled governing equations together with the boundary and
interfacial conditions. Results are presented for air-water and nanouid-air systems.
Parametric computations are analysed to evaluate the nanouids performances with
volume fractions of dierent types of nanoparticles.

[ID: 253] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 100

Eect of the subdivision of a Lozenge conducting body

on natural convection inside a dierentially heated square
cavity using Lattice Boltzmann method
A. El Mansouri
a,b , M. Hasnaouia,∗ , A. Amahmida and R. Bennacerb
a UCA, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Physics Department, LMFE, Unit aliated to CNRST (URAC 27)

BP 2390, Marrakech, Morocco

b LMT Cachan, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, 61, Av. Président Wilson,

94230Cachan, France
∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractTwo-dimensional numerical simulations are conducted to study natural

convection ows and heat transfer characteristics in a square cavity containing
conducting solid blocks. The initial solid block, of lozenge shape, is placed at the center
of the cavity and subdivided following the mathematical formulae 4 (n= 0, 1, 2 and
3). The solid blocks resulting from the subdivision of the initial block are uniformly
distributed within the cavityto maintain unchanged the volume occupied by the uid.
The eect of the fragmentation of the initial solid block on uid ow and heat transfer
inside the cavity is examined.

[ID: 255] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 101

Lattice-boltzmann modeling of mixed convection in a

lidd riven square cavity lled with a nanouid and
containing a horizontal thin heater
Y. Dahani, M. Hasnaoui
1 and A. Amahmid

Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia

LMFE, Laboratory aliated to CNRST (URAC 27)
BP 2390, Marrakesh, Morocco
1 Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractIn the present paper, we studied mixed convection uid ow and heat
transfer generated in a square liddriven cavity lled with the nanouid water-Ag and
provided with a horizontal thin heater. The vertical walls of the cavity are maintained
at a constant temperature, TC , lower than that of the heater denoted TH while its
horizontal boundaries are insulated. The problem is governed by the Richardson number
(0.01 ≤ Ri = Gr /Re2 ≤ 100), the relative location of the heater (S = 0.25, 0.5 and
0.75), the relative length of the heater (D = 0.75) and the volume fraction of the Ag
nanoparticles (0 ≤ ϕ ≤ 0.04). We found that the nanouid is ecient in enhancing the
heat transfer rate in a lid-driven cavity and the mean Nusselt number is a decreasing
function of Ri. We found also that the heat losses through the cold boundaries of the
cavity are substantially reduced by moving upward the heater from its lower position.

[ID: 258] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 102

Lattice-boltzmann modeling of natural convection in a

cavity with a heated plate inside
M. Alouah, M. Hasnaoui
1 , A. Amahmid and K. Rehhali

Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia

LMFE, Laboratory aliated to CNRST (URAC 27)
BP 2390, Marrakesh, Morocco
1 Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractIn the present work, Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is used to

analyze the natural convection ow and heat transfer in a square cavity with an
inside thin heater. The vertical walls are kept adiabatic, while the horizontal ones
are maintained at constant temperature Tc . The square cavity contains a thin vertical
heated plate, with the temperature Th . The present problem is governed by the Rayleigh
3 6
number (10 ≤ Ra ≤ 10 ), the heater length (0.25 ≤ L ≤ 0.75), the heater location
(S = 0.25 and 0.50) and the Prandtl number (P r = 0.71). The results of the study show
that the position and the length of the heated plate alter signicantly the temperature
distribution, the ow eld and the heat transfer in the cavity.

[ID: 259] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 103

Modeling of mechanical properties of aluminum-tin alloys

S. Elhamzi
1∗ , E. Saad2 , A. Ibnlfassi1
1 Environmental Sciences and Development, Biology Department, Hassan 1er University, Settat, Morocco
2 Physical Chemistry of Processes and Materials, Chemistry Department, Hassan 1er University, Settat,

∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +212 2340 0969 Email: [email protected]

AbstractIn order to master and improve the quality and properties of the
nal products, the major industrial challenge lies in the possibility of controlling the
morphology, size of microstructures that reside within the molded pieces, as well as
their defects; this is the fundamental reason according to which we are more and
more interested in mastering the growth and germination of such alloys, as well as
the developing structures, at the time of solidication process.
The whole work focuses upon the modeling of the mechanical properties of aluminum-tin
alloys according the cooling rate for dierent tin proportions during the solidication

[ID: 264] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 104

Lattice boltzmann modeling of the dissolution process of

silicon into germanium using a simplied crystal growth
F. Mechighel
1,5,∗ , M. El Ganaoui2 , N. Armour3 , S. Dost3 , and M. Kadja4
1 University of Annaba, Mechanical Engineering Department, PO.12, Annaba, Algeria
2 University of Lorraine, IUT de Longwy, 54400 Cosnes et Romain, France
3 Crystal Growth Laboratory, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada V8W3P6
4 University of Constantine, Lab. Energétique & Pollution, Mech. Eng. Depart. Constantine, Algeria
5 University of Limoges, SPCTS UMR CNRS 6638, Euro. Centre for Ceramics, Limoges, France.
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractNumerical simulations were carried out to explain the behavior

exhibited in experimental work on the dissolution process of silicon into a germanium
melt. The experimental work utilized a material conguration similar to that used in
the Liquid Phase Diusion (LPD) and Melt-Replenishment Czochralski (Cz ) growth
systems. The numerical simulations were carried out under the assumption of 2D. The
mathematical model equations were developed using Lattice Boltzmann Method (namely
the BGK approximation was adopted). Measured concentration proles and dissolution
height from the samples processed with and without the application of magnetic eld
show that the amount of silicon transported into the melt is slightly higher in the samples
processed under magnetic eld, and there is a dierence in dissolution interface shape
indicating a change in ow structure. This change in ow structure was predicted by the
present LB model. In the absence of magnetic eld a at stable interface is observed.
In the presence of an applied eld, however, the dissolution interface remains at in the
center but curves back into the source material near the edge of the wall. This indicates
a far higher dissolution rate at the edge of the silicon source.

[ID: 267] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 105

Identication and characterization of mechanical and

structural properties against static damage of a
composite oating wind turbine blade
O. Shah , M. Tarfaoui

2 rue François Verny, 29806 Brest Cedex  France

∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +33 2 9834 8705 Email: [email protected]

AbstractEnergy lies at the heart of modern society, enabling everything from

heating, lighting, computers, and food production through to manufacturing, medicine,
and transport. The next step in the design process of the blade is the determination
of the material properties. The material properties of composite materials need to
be determined in order to model the structure precisely and for doing further more
detailed delamination and fatigue failure investigations. The composites were fabricated
2 ◦
in the form of 2 m (2x1m) plates using unidirectional and 45 biaxial mats, in

dierent thicknesses. Furthermore the 45 biaxial type composite plates in dierent
thickness were joined with NORPOL vinylester adhesives of dierent thicknesses for
the characterization of resistance in de-bonding type failures. Sandwich structures with
2mm face thicknesses and 10-30mm thick 80gm/m3 PVC foam cores were also used for
the characterization of sandwich in exion and delamination properties. The base of
any design is the performance and the power output parameters. It is based on these
parameters that the overall dimensions of the blade are ascertained. After which a
more detailed structural design is done based on the forces applied as determined by the
operational parameters of the turbine blade. The structure then needs to be modeled
more accurately using the real material properties, the materials which will be used in
the fabrication of the turbines. Therefore experiments and mechanical tests are done
on the material specimens to develop a material properties prole, which this paper in
part will deal with.
Furthermore, the wind turbine blade consists of varying thicknesses of dierent
materials. These materials are in the form of dierent types of composite layups as
well as sandwich structures. The dierent components of the blade are then assembled
together with the help of adhesive bonding. The mechanical tests done to determine the
material properties are used as a precursor to every design process. Their reproducibility
and accuracy is important.
The strength of materials that were determined experimentally showed good
repeatability even when taken from random places in the same batch. This shows a
good quality control on the part of the manufacturer and the manufacturing process
being used. It has however been seen that the use of higher ply thicknesses cause
dimensional variations which aects the material characterization process. However
the use of dimensionless constants or unit constants such variations can be reduced but
the size eects always remain. [...]

KeywordsComposite blade, composite layups, sandwich structures, materials

strength, delamination.

[ID: 271] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 106

Characterization of the durability of natural SiO2

H. El Bahraoui
1,2∗ , L. Khouchaf2∗ , A. Ben Fraj3
1 Laboratoire de Chimie Appliquée et d'Environnement, FST de Settat, Route de Casablanca, BP: 577,

Settat, MAROC.
2 Univ-Lille Nord de France, F-59000, Lille, France, EMD, 941, Rue Charles Bourseul, BP: 10838, 59508

Douai, France.
3 Laboratoire Eco-Matériaux, centre d'études et d'expertise sur les risques, l'environnement, la mobilité et

l'aménagement, 120 Route des Paris  BP: 216, Sourdun, 77487 PROVINS CEDEX, France.
∗ Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected].

AbstractThe durability of SiO2 compounds is closely related to its structural

properties. In this work three natural siliceous aggregates (called G1 , G2 and G3 ) are
studied. The chemical composition of the three natural aggregates shows that G1 and
G2 have almost the same chemical composition (SiO2 ) and G3 is dierent and contains
SiO2 quartz type and calcite as major components (SiO2 , Calcite and Dolomite). XRay
diraction (XRD) shows that natural aggregates G1 is more crystallized than G2 and
G3. After Alkali silica Reaction (ASR) process, the reactivity of G3 aggregate seems
to be higher than the G1 and G2 aggregates. The mechanical results show the slight
dierence between mortar containing G1 (M_G1) and that containing G2 (M_G2).
Their compressive strength is 10% less than that of reference (M_SS). As it is more
reactive, G3 seems improving the compressive strength of M_G3, compared to M_G1
and M_G2.


[ID: 276] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 107

Template-free solvothermal fabrication of NiCo2O4

hollow microspheres used in energy related
Xin-Yao Yu, Weihong Xu, Jinhuai Liu

Research Center for Biomimetic Functional Materials and Sensing Devices, Institute of
Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, 230031, P. R. China
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +86 551 6559 2420 Email: [email protected]

AbstractA simple template-free solvothermal method was developed to

synthesize hierarchical urchin-like NiCo2 O4 hierarchical hollow microspheres in an
isopropyl alcohol (IPA)-water system and subsequent calcination process. The initially
formed microsphere precursors were observed to undergo an interesting hollowing
process. These hollow microspheres can be easily converted to NiCo2 O4 hollow
microspheres by thermal decomposition with a well maintained structure. In view of
their unique structure and high specic surface area, the electrochemical performances
of the as-synthesized NiCo2 O4 hollow microspheres were evaluated for methanol
oxidation. The novel urchin-like hollow structures could enable full exposure of the
active sites to the electrolyte and provided a short diusion path for electrons, thus
leading to faster kinetics, lower overpotential and higher electrocatalytic reactivity
for methanol oxidation. The good electrochemical performances suggested that these
unique hierarchical NiCo2 O4 hollow microspheres could be promising materials for
energy related applications.

[ID: 284] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 108

Excitonic transitions in inhomogeneous

QDTWO levels system
F. Benhaddou , I. Zorkani
a,∗ and A. Jorioa
a Groupe des Nanomatériaux et Energies Renouvelables, L P S,

Faculté des Sciences Dhar Mehraz, BP 1796, Fès-Morocco

∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractIn this work, we study the excitonic transitions in inhomogeneous

spherical quantum dot IQD. These nanostructures can be considered as a coherent
monocolor source, they are promising in many technological applications: photovoltaic,
LED, QD Laser and, quantum computing. The excitonic binding energy signicantly
increases, which gives them greater stability at room temperature. Theses
nanostructures become luminescent under dual control in a wide spectral range
from near UV to the near and medium infrared IR. With these optical properties
the nanostructure enriched the eld of IQD which generally have a high quantum
eciency and high photostability. The IQD presented in this work are made
out o ZnSe/HgS/ZnSe; CdS/GaSb/CdS; ZnS/HgS/ZnS and CdS/InSb/CdS
(Core/well/shell) modeled by a spherical well with innite potential. Our theoretical
investigation shows that the high degree of connement retains the 1Se − 1pe − 2se
(1sh − 1ph − 2sh ) order, guarantees excitonic transitions and isolates the ground state
e,h e,h
1se − 1sh (E2s − E1p can be exceed 6eV). The strong connement provided by the
innite barrier, reduces the population relaxation and limit the coupling between the
well and the electrostatic environment. These results qualify the nanostructure as a
system of two levels isolated and coherent.

[ID: 287] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 109

Infrared thermography applied to detection of pipes and

steel bars in a concrete wall
Mohamed EL AFI, Sougrati BELATTAR
Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, BP 2390. 40000 Marrakech, Morocco
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Semlalia, BP 2390,
40000 Marrakech, Morocco
[email protected]

AbstractInfrared thermography has emerged recently as a powerful method

of nondestructive testing in many applications especially in the civil engineering
domain. By subjecting the structure under test to an external thermal excitation well
controlled and analyzing the propagation of heat in the examined region, one can,
with appropriate treatment, highlight the presence of an internal defect of the studied
structure such as cracks, delamination or corrosion. In this work we present a method
of thermal nondestructive testing of civil engineering structures, based on the nite
element numerical modeling and the infrared thermography principle to detect bodies
of water pipe or steel bars type in a given building wall.

KeywordsWall, pipes, concrete, temperature, infrared thermography, nite


[ID: 289] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 110

Physical incorporation of particles in a wooden porous

subsrate through a stream of nitrogen at high
pressure and low temperature (JAZOLTHOP)
a Lorraine University, LERMAB-Longwy, IUT Henri Poincaré Longwy,

186 rue de Lorraine 54400 Cosnes et Romain, France

b Lorraine University, LERMAB-Nancy, FST, ue des aiguillettes,

54000, Nancy, France

c CRITT - Techniques Jet Fluides et Usinage, Bar-le-Duc, France
d Unité de Recherche Environnement, Catalyse et Analyse Des Procédés,

Ecole nationale d'ingénieurs de Gabes, Tunisie

Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe aim of this work is to develop a functional wood incorporating, in

its surface, physical and chemical properties that meet popular demand. For instance:
re resistance, magnetic electrical conduction (metalwood particles), antibacterial
reaction (copperwood), anti-pollution (zeolite-wood), dry coloring, reective eects
(minerals-wood). As part of the research on wooden materials, the technique of
"JAZOLTHOP" (CRITT-TJFU) driving micrometric particles before combining them
and moving in supersonic speeds was used in the framework of enriching a wooden
Various tests were conducted on two wooden materials (r and ash tree) submitted
to four typologies of particles (steel shot, garnet, corundum and glass beads). The
surfaces of the test samples were machined beforehand for a use of conventional
smooth quality, thus dening a reference surface before incorporation. The enriched
samples were characterized by using two optical techniques; rstly a surface technique
through macroscopy Leica 110X ZP, then a volume technique through tomography by
using the Ens-Cachan facilities. Subsequently, volume simulations (wood-inclusions)
were implemented to study the thermal transfer. The obtained results showcase the
existence of certain set conditions to reach the critical uency of incorporation and to
localize the enrichment on a parallel plan to the sample surface. The results show also
the inuence of particles concentration and the kind of the chosen wood on the nal
composite matrix/particle media.

[ID: 293] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 111

Structural and Raman properties of the tetragonal

tungsten bronze ferroelectric
Pbx−y/2Gdy Ba1−xNb2O6
L.zerhouni, Y.Guaaybess, A.Laaraj, E.Elmoussar, R.Adhiri, M.Moussetad
LIMAT, Faculty of sciences Ben M'sik, Casablanca

AbstractIn this work, lead

barium niobate tetragonal tungsten bronze
structured ceramics modied with Gd
3+ with the stochiometric formula
Pb−x − y/2Gdy Ba1−x Nb2 O6 , where y=0  10 mol% Gd , were fabricate through the
solid state reaction method and investigated for structural and raman properties. The

dried powders were calcined at 800 C for 6h and one sample was calcined at 1050 C

for 20h. As it can be observed, there is a mixture of tetragonal and orthorhombic

phases. The analysis of the raman spectra allowed a clear identication of the phase
evolution Kinetics as a function of the calcining temperature.
KeywordsTTB, ceramics, DRX, Raman spectroscopy

[ID: 295] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 112

Cyclic voltammetry study of copper interaction

with GlyHisGlyHis peptide
S. Sam
1,∗ , S. Belhousse1 , F. Z. Tighilt1 , A.C. Gouget-Laemmel2 ,
2 2
J.-N. Chazalviel , F. Ozanam , C. Henry de Villeneuve ,

P. Allongue2, N. Gabouze
1 Division Couches Minces Surfaces & Interfaces CMSI, Centre de Recherche

en Technologie des Semiconducteurs pour l'Energétique CRTSE,

02 Bd. Frantz Fanon, BP 140, Alger-7 Merveilles, Algiers, Algeria
2 Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée LPMC, École Polytechnique,

CNRS, 91128 Palaiseau, France

∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +213 21 43 26 30 Email: [email protected]

AbstractWe report in this work the electrochemical behavior of copper complexes

with GlyHisGlyHis peptide in aqueous solution using cyclic voltammetry in order to
understand the interaction nature of the metal with the peptide and to determine the
appropriate electrolyte. The electrochemical study of copper in PBS buer without the
presence of GlyHisGlyHis ligand revealed the formation of Cu(I) and Cu(II) complexes
with chloride ions and the formation of other adsorbed species. This result shows
that the use of PBS buer leads to an interaction between chloride ions and peptide
ligand and then makes the study very complicated. However, the use of acetate buer
discloses one redox process corresponding to Cu(II)/Cu(0) couple. So, we chose acetate
buer for all the subsequent studies. By adding GlyHisGlyHis peptide, we observe
two electrochemical processes corresponding to the redox couples Cu(II)/Cu(I) and
Cu(I)/Cu(0). This indicates that copper ions Cu(I) are stabilized by this peptide by
forming stable complexes.

[ID: 296] Materials in Energy (Innovative Materials/Process)

Building Eciency
(Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 115

Thermography diagnostic of prototype habitat

in northern Morocco

Zakaria Choulli , Abdelmajid El Bouardi, Meriem Lebied,
Youness El Mghouchi, Taib Ajzoul, Hassan Ezbakhe
Energy Laboratory, Thermal, Solar Energy & Environment Team.
Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Faculty of Sciences of Tetuan, MOROCCO.
∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractThe aim of the study is to evaluate the usefulness of infrared

thermography as a technique for detecting the thermal performance in a prototype
habitat. This habitat is located in the northern area of the Faculty of Sci-ences of
Tetuan, Morocco. It is of 7m of length, 4m of width and 3m of height, and it comprises
6 windows, 4 on the western face and 2 on the southern face. To take the best results,
the survey will be made at the daybreak because at this time, there is no disturbance
due to solar radiation, and this survey requires that the temperature dierence between

the inside and outside of the building will be equal to about 10 C. The results of
this diagnostic will allow us to identify air leakage through the building envelope;
assess insulation continuity and the severity of thermal bridges; and to investigate the
performance of building services.

KeywordsBuilding diagnostics; Thermography; Thermal performance, Air leakage.

[ID: 32] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 116

The convective solar drying behavior of

thymus satureioides preserved by
thermobiochemical treatment
1,2∗ , IDLIMAM Ali2 , MAHROUZ Mostafa1 ,
1 1
MGHAZLI Safa , HIDAR Nadia , Hanine Hada
1 ERIDDECV (Research Team of Innovation and Sustainable Development & Expertise in Green

Chemistry), Department of Chemistry, Cadi Ayyad University, B.P. 2390, Marrakesh 40000, Morocco
2 Laboratory of Solar Energy and Medicinal Plants, Teacher's Training College, Cadi Ayyad University
3 Laboratoire de Valorisation et Hygiène des Produits Agro-Alimentaires, My Slimane University
∗ Correspondence author: [email protected]

AbstractThe medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP) are a value-added sector

and a strategic human development. Conservation and hygienic quality of MAP showed
several hazards related to hygiene and safety: pesticide residues and microorganism
contamination. The use of solar energy as a mean of drying preservation of food
products is promising. It leads to reduce the water activity and make the product less
susceptible to microbial contamination and therefore prolong its shelf life.
Thymus satureioides, medicinal and aromatic plants, was conserved by nondestructive
innovative preservation process integrating sustainable energy. The process is based
on spraying an aqueous solution of natural organic acid followed by a partially solar
convective drying. Therefore, it is overridden to understand mechanisms inuencing the
treated thyme drying process compared with the drying kinetics of witness thyme under
the same conditions. For this, we studied the behavior of the product dried in a partial
solar convective dryer operating continuously. The experiments were performed under
real weather conditions.We studied the eect of drying temperature using dierent

temperature ranging from 50 to 80 C and the eect of air ow drying of 150 and
300m /h. The experimental results show that there are no signicant variations between
the two thyme lots examined. However, the eects of temperature, air ow drying and
citric acid were observed.

[ID: 35] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 117

The comparative in situ hygrothermal performance of

Straw-Clay and vertically perforated clay bricks buildings

D. Samri , E. Stéphan, B. Moujalled, F. Pesteil
CEREMA, Rue Pierre Ramond, CS 60013,
33166 Saint-Médard-en-Jalles Cedex
∗ Corresponding author; Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe use of bio-based materials in new buildings, such as Straw-Clay

(SC), corresponds perfectly to the French goal of 10% share of renewable construction
materials by 2020. However, few laboratory and in situ studies have been undertaken
on SC.
This paper presents a comparative experimental study of transient hygrothermal
behaviour of a SC building to a traditional one with vertically perforated clay bricks
(VPB). They are located close in South West of France and have same orientation.
Same protocol measurement has been used for both constructions. The envelope is
examined through airtightness test with infrared thermography survey. Two walls are
monitored for hygrothermal performance. Moreover, RH/T sensors for indoor air have
been placed in dierent rooms.
Data presented in this paper are related to the period between July and October 2013.
Unlike SC construction which shows homogeneous surface apparent temperature,
VPB building presents thermal bridges located at junctions between the intermediate
oor and the walls. In situ monitoring of walls underline that VPB structure has a
higher ability to dampen variation of external temperature than SC wall. However,
the SC wall acts as a moisture buer managing the humidity levels within the building.

[ID: 37] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 118

Towards a better energetic eciency in the use of urban

multi-source systems: application to a campus building
M. A. Mohamed Mladjao
a,b∗ , I. El Abbassib , M. El Ganaouia ,
c c
A. M. Darcherif , B. Amghar , and A. Scipioni
a University of Lorraine, LERMAB, Nancy, France
b ECAM-EPMI, Cergy-Pontoise, France
c ECS-Lab 3649 EA ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise, France,
d GREEN EA 4366 , Nancy , France

(32 bis avenue du général de Gaulle, Saint-Ouen l'aumône 95310 France; Cergy-Pontoise)
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe use of hybrid plants combining renewable energy sources (RES),

national distribution network (classic power grid) and storage system is commonly
considered ecient and reliable. Various analyses (planning and sizing) have been
focused on RES (PV). The goal being to determine the best system conguration for
an ecient and safe operation. The aim of this paper is to treat the case of an urban
hybrid system composed of two renewable energies sources (solar photovoltaic and wind
turbines), connected to the national distribution grid and including a storage system.
A complete technical and economic analysis for ve system congurations and two
storage scenarios (e.g. with or without storage): National distribution grid - only, RES
(PV)-only, RES (WECS)-only, RES (PV/WECS)-only, RES (PV/WECS) coupled to
National distribution network. Numerical simulations are achieved using, among other,
an American CAD Software (HOMER, developed by from the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory, US). For practical purposes and experimental validations, we
selected the Longwy Campus which houses the IUT Henri Poincare, as a pilot site.
The results demonstrate that:

1. The storage is uneconomical in grid-connected congurations.

2. The RES are absolutely able to supply signicant power systems with the size of
an IUT, in conjunction with National distribution network.

3. The RES are technically and economically viable as an addition to grid-connected

supply. They should become even more attractive with increased powers provided
and declining purchasing supplies prices.

[ID: 38] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 119

Evaluation of energy eciency potential for building

in Morocco: application to the social housing
zone (Z2) of Tangier-Tetuan Morocco

M. Lebied , A. El Bouardi, T. Ajzoul, Z. Choulli
Energy Laboratory, Thermal, Solar Energy and Environment Team
Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Faculty of Sciences of Tetuan, MOROCCO.
∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractEnergy Eciency (EE) and Renewable Energies (RE) are among the
priorities axes to contribute to the reduction of the energy bill in Morocco. The National
programs of Energy Eciency, developed or under development, aim mainly to reduce
the energy dependency of the country and the preservation of natural resources.
The main aim of this work is to develop a methodology for performing experimental and
simulation studies in Morocco on prototypes of habitats in order to improve their Energy
Eciency [1]. We are interested in this study in a prototype already made in the climate
zone Z2 (Tangier-Tetuan region in the northern of Morocco). The methodology consists
in carrying out models for an energy performance evaluation and thermal comfort of
summer and of winter of habitats.

[1]Friedrich Sick, Stefan Schade, Adel Mourtada, Dieter Uh, and Michael Grausam
Building: Winter 2014, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 145-165.

[ID: 72] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 120

Heating and cooling power demand of residential

building with dirent envelope design
under moroccan conditions
Hicham Bidaoui
∗a , Ikram El Abbassib , Abdelmajid El Bouardia and Abdel Moumen Darcherifc
a Energetic Laboratory, ETEE Team, Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences,

Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan 93000, Morocco.

b Research Laboratory in Industrial Eco-innovation and Energetics,

ECAM-EPMI graduate School, Cergy-Pontoise, 95052, France.

c ESC-Lab (3649 EA ENSEA)- ECAM-EPMI graduate School Cergy-Pontoise, 95052, France.
∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractImproving the energy performance of buildings is important for

reducing energy consumption. In Morocco, buildings consume for about 36% of the nal
energy consumption. In this paper, a series of computer simulations were conducted
to predict the power demand for heating and cooling process of a residential building
prototype with dierent envelope design. We found that adding Air layer and Gypsum
to the existing ceiling presents an adequate choice to our building in terms of reducing
heating and cooling power demand to 45% than the actual building also this technic is
large used in Moroccan architecture.

[ID: 77] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 121

Estimation of porosity, thermal conductivity and

density of volubilis building stones
from p-wave velocity
Issam Aalil
1,2 , Kevin Beck2 , Khalid Cherkaoui1 , Xavier Brunetaud2 , Ali Chaaba1 , Muzahim

1 Moulay Ismail University, National Higher School of Engineering (ENSAM),

Meknes, Morocco
2 PRISME, University of Orleans, France

Corresponding author: Fax: +212 5 35 46 71 63 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThis paper deals with laboratory measurements of some physical

properties of calcarenite stone from an original quarry of the Volubilis archaeological
site. Besides characterization of the calcarenite, this study aims to estimate its
porosity, bulk density and thermal conductivity using P-wave velocity. This non-
destructive method is easy to apply both in the site conditions and laboratory ones.
Good correlations are established between these properties for dry and water saturation

[ID: 101] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 122

Numerical study of a solar system

 storage - capturing 
Sichaib Amel, Aliane Khaled
University OF Tlemcen Bp 230 Chetouane Tlemcen
[email protected] [email protected]

AbstractEnergy sources play a very important role in the development of

moisture, with industrial and technological development of our century.
Energy demand is increasing every year, therefore we must seek another new source
of energy specically renewable energy including solar energy. We will look at the use
of solar energy by heat using a solar air plane sensor with rectangular baes, the
introduction of baes (obstacles) arranged in rows in the ducts of these systems greatly
improves heat transfer .
The passive use of solar energy makes it possible to reduce heating needs (in temperate or
cold climates). Some technical rules architecturally simple enough have been developed.
We addressed in this work, rst, natural convection in solar air collectors Plans for the
case of sensors with rectangular baes, then in a second, the study of the dynamic and
thermal elds in a Trombe wall for the thermal storage of the heat. We systematically
performed numerical calculations using a computer code uent.

[ID: 106] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 123

Application of multilayer perceptron for

prediction of the rat acute
toxicity of insecticides
1 LBMPT, Université de Médéa, Quartier Ain D'heb, 26000, MEDEA, Algeria
2 Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1,

CNRS, UMR 6226, 11 allée de Beaulieu, CS 50837, 35708 Rennes Cedex 7, France
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: 025 58 12 53 E-mail: [email protected]

AbstractInsecticides are one group of pesticides that are most commonly used
worldwide. With the growing number of insecticides that can potentially contaminate
the environment, the determination of their acute mammalian toxicity is of prime
importance. Chemoinformatics present an alternative way to avoid animal testing..
because laboratory tests cost time and money and actively opposed by animal rights
activists. In this work, Quantitative Structure- Toxicity Relationship (QSTR) model
established by using the articial neural network (ANN) has been used to estimate the
acute oral toxicity (LD 50 ) of these insecticides to male rats. The 123 insecticides of
the training set and the sixteen insecticides of external testing set have been described by
using molecular descriptors. The QSTR model was validated internally and externally.
2 2
A good results (Q = 0.96 and Qext = 0.95) were obtained. The prediction results were
in good agreement with the experimental values of LD 50.
The degree of importance of each descriptor has been evaluated by sensitivity analysis
approach for the nonlinear model. The main contributions to the toxicity were shown
to be the polarizability weighted Mor26p, the mass weighted R6m + and the nArX

KeywordsQSAR, Insecticides, prediction, Articial Neural Network, Domain


[ID: 123] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 124

Refroidissement par convection forcée turbulente

des blocs chaues dans un canal horizontal
(comparaison des modèles de turbulences)
Khaled Bourezg, Rachid Bessaih, Farid Berrahil
Département de Génie Mécanique, Université 08 Mai1945, Guelma, Algérie
Département de Génie Mécanique, Université Constantine 1, Algérie
Département de science naturelle, centre universitaire de Mila, Algérie
Corresponding author : Khaled Bourezg : Email : [email protected]

RésuméUne analyse numérique du refroidissement par convection forcée en

régime turbulent des blocs chaués dans un canal horizontal est considérée dans cette
étude. La géométrie est bidimensionnelle, la paroi inférieure est formée par des
blocs chaués (obstacles) de sections rectangulaires est soumise à un ux de chaleur
uniforme, tandis que, la paroi supérieure est isolée thermiquement. Deux modèles de
turbulence sont utilisés an de caractériser l'écoulement turbulent, le modèle standard
k − ε et le modèle RSM. Le uide est newtonien, incompressible, le régime est
stationnaire et purement turbulent. A l'entrée, l'écoulement est purement turbulent et
à la sortie du canal, l'écoulement est turbulent établi. Le tenseur d'eort de Reynolds
est calculé selon l'hypothèse de Boussinesq. Le nombre de Reynolds est varié entre
104 ≤ Re ≤ 3.104 et le nombre de Prandtl turbulent est P rt = 0.85.
L'approche numérique est basée sur la technique des volumes nis utilisée pour
convertir les équations régissantes aux équations algébriques qui peuvent être résolues
numériquement. Le code Fluent est appliqué pour intégrer ces équations sur chaque
volume de contrôle. L'algorithme Simple est utilisé pour la discrétisation des termes
couplés de la pression - vitesse.

[ID: 149] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 125

Energetic aspects of bioclimatic building in the north of

morocco: computationel analysis
∗ Lamkharouet Najat, ∗ Ajzoul Taib, ∗ EL Bouardi Abdelma jid,∗∗ Ahachad Mohamed, ∗ Ezbakhe

Lamkharouet Najat, ∗ Ajzoul Taib, *EL Bouardi Abdelmajid, ∗∗ Ahachad Mohamed, *Ezbakhe Hassan
∗ Group of Thermic, solar energy and environment, Faculty of Sciences Tetouan BP: 2121 Tetouan Morocco
∗∗ Laboratory of heat Transfer and energetic, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, BP: 416 Tangier Morocco

Corresponding author Email: [email protected]

AbstractAs population level continue to rise and the high cost of building
materials, the housing storage in Morocco has reached critical levels. Thus, a strategy
of diversication of building materials is recommended. Earth has the potential to
make a signicant contribution for low-cost housing, improving standards of living and
decreasing the use of purchased energies. The main objective of the study is to improve
the earth construction in the north of Morocco and demonstrate the importance of adobe
house to get an economic and energy comfort in harmony with the climatic condition
of our town. This is achieved by comparing from the thermal point of view between a
cement-stabilized earth block construction and a similar current house built out with a
hollow bricks, which is the construction method followed in Tetouan nowadays. This
study uses the TRNSYS computer program for the modeling and simulation of the
energy ows of dwelling. The eect on the heating and cooling load resulting from the
use of clay thermal mass is presented. In summer, the use of adobe leads to a reduction
of cooling load of 37.92%. Also the investigation shows that the earth construction is
more eective in summer than in winter.

[ID: 181] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 126

A study of the eect of window on energy

consumption during winter and summer
seasons in an oce building
1 1
Kaoutar JRAIDA , Abdelmajid FARCHI , Badia MOUNIR , Ilham MOUNIR
2 2
1 LIMMII Laboratory Faculty of science and Technology of Settat, Morocco
2 High School of Technology of Sa University Cadi Ayyad, Sa, Morocco

[email protected]

AbstractReduction of energy consumption in buildings is a major objective in

the world and a special challenge for Morocco, where the building sector is responsible
for about 36% of the total energy consumption. Windows are essential components of
buildings since they allow daylighting, air ventilation and passive solar gain. However,
for oce building, the open view through windows is considered as highly desirable
characteristics. Consequently, the evaluation of the positive and negative aspects of
windows requires a great attention to several parameters. Thereby, the main objective
of this paper is to understand how a typical oce building is aected by the window in
winter and summer seasons in Casablanca. According to the results it's found that the
enlargement of window's size from 10% to 90% decreases the heating needs by 33.87%
and increases the cooling needs by 70.37%, additionally it was also shown that an annual
energy saving of 9.05% can be achieved if we use the south orientation instead of the

[ID: 221] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 127

Optimization of thermal performance of a

building integrating solar collector
with phase change material
Zineb BOUHSSINE, Mostafa NAJAM and Mustapha EL ALAMI
Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, Microélectronique, Automatique et Thermique (LPMMAT)
Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Université Hassan II de Casablanca, MAROC .
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

AbstractThermal storage plays a major role in a wide variety of industrial,

commercial and residential applications when there is a mismatch between the oer
and the claim of energy. For storing thermal energy, two types of storage systems have
been developed. The rst is the sensitive heat storage system and the other is the latent
heat storage system. However, as part of this last topic, we study, numerically, the
contribution of a PCM in saving energy for a residential building. To this end, we will
use the PCM for heating (through the slab) to ensure the thermal comfort conditions
in the building. Thus, a solar collector coupled to a concrete slab provided with a layer
of PCM will be studied. In this work, a mathematical model for the thermal behavior
of the studied system is developed using the enthalpy method. Model parameters were
dened and the resulting equations are solved iteratively using the nite volume method.
Several simulations were performed to optimize the specic heat of the PCM. The results
show that the possession of a high specic heat C p,m ensures a thermal comfort in the

[ID: 234] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 128

Optimizing insulation thickness of external

walls in cold region of morocco
based on life cycle cost analysis
1 2
Rachida IDCHABANI , Ahmed KHYAD , Mohamed EL GANAOUI
1 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Rabat,

Av Hadj Ahmed Cherkaoui- BP : 753 Agdal Rabat, Maroc

2 Laboratoire d'Énergie Solaire et d'Environnement, Département de Physique,

Faculté des Sciences de Rabat

3 IUT Henri Poincaré, Université de Lorraine

Corresponding author: Fax: ++2125 3777 0084 Email: [email protected]

AbstractOne of the eective ways to reduce energy consumption of buildings

is the use of thermal insulation. This study focuses on the optimization of thermal
insulation thickness of typical building's wall in the cold regions of Morocco based on
life cycle cost analysis and national technical and economic data. It demonstrates the
protability of the thermal insulation of building's walls in this region for expanded
polystyrene, polyurethane and cork using degree-days method. The optimum insulation
thickness varies signicantly based on the selected insulation material and the source of
energy and its pricing. The maximum recorded optimum thickness is 16.8 cm and the
minimum is 3.4 cm.

[ID: 246] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 129

The comparative in situ hygrothermal performance

of Straw-Clay and vertically perforated
clay bricks buildings
D. Samri, E. Stéphan, B. Moujalled and F. Pesteil
CEREMA, Rue Pierre Ramond, CS 60013, 33166 Saint-Médard-en-Jalles Cedex
Corresponding author; Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe use of bio-based materials in new buildings, such as Straw-Clay

(SC), corresponds perfectly to the French goal of 10% share of renewable construction
materials by 2020. However, few laboratory and in situ studies have been undertaken
on SC.
This paper presents a comparative experimental study of transient hygrothermal
behaviour of a SC building to a traditional one with vertically perforated clay bricks
(VPB). They are located close in South West of France and have same orientation.
Same protocol measurement has been used for both constructions. The envelope is
examined through airtightness test with infrared thermography survey. Two walls are
monitored for hygrothermal performance. Moreover, RH/T sensors for indoor air have
been placed in dierent rooms.
Data presented in this paper are related to the period between July and October 2013.
Unlike SC construction which shows homogeneous surface apparent temperature, VPB
building presents thermal bridges located at junctions between the intermediate oor and
the walls. In situ monitoring of walls underline that VPB structure has a higher ability
to dampen variation of external temperature than SC wall. However, the SC wall acts
as a moisture buer managing the humidity levels within the building.

[ID: 249] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 130

Numerical study of humid air condensation in presence of

non condensable gas along an inclined channel
Adil CHAREF, M'barek FEDDAOUI, Abderrahmane NAIT ALLA, Monssif NAJIM
Laboratoire Génie Energie, Matériaux et Systèmes ENSA, B.P. 1136, Agadir-Morocco ∗ Corresponding author:
Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to analyse the combined heat and mass
transfer of liquid lm condensation from vapour-gas mixtures owing downward along
inclined channel. Both liquid and gas stream are approached by two coupled laminar
boundary layer. An implicit nite dierence method is employed to solve the coupled
governing equations for liquid lm and gas ow together with the interfacial matching
conditions. One of the purposes of this study is to improve our understanding by
examining the eects of a wide range of changes the inlet wall temperature dierence,
inlet values of Reynolds number, Froude number on the lm thickness and the condensed
rate. We found that a large temperature dierence and higher Reynolds Number
promotes the condensed rates and lm thickness. The condensation rate increases
by decreasing the fraction of noncondensable gas. Increasing the angle of declination
(decreasing the Froude number) makes the lm move faster

KeywordsCondensation, Liquid lm, inclined channel, Noncondensable gas, humid


[ID: 254] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 131

Study of the ows in mixed convection in an open

channel in form  U : application to the air cooling in
the habitat in Morrocco
Meryem NAOUM
1∗ , Mustapha EL ALAMI1
1 LPMMAT Team of thermals, Faculty of sciences, University Hassan II Casablanca, BP 5366 Maarif
∗ Corresponding author: Meryem NAOUM Email: [email protected]

AbstractIn this work, we study numerically the mixed convection ows in an

open channel in form "U". The right input let pass the fresh air at ambient temperature,
which will be cold in winter. The walls buried in the ground are maintained at the indoor
temperature (Tc > TF ). Our study is based on a volume control method performed for
100 < Re < 700, Ra = 105 , P r = 0.72. The results are presented in form of thermal
and dynamic eld, Nusselt number variation, variation of average temperature at the
outlet of the channel.

[ID: 272] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 132

Integration of updated weather of Casablanca in the

TRNSYS software

Ayoub GOUNNI , Mustapha EL ALAMI
Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, Microélectronique, Automatique et Thermique (LPMMAT)
Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock,
Université Hassan II de Casablanca, Maroc
∗ Ayoub GOUNNI: Email : [email protected]

AbstractThe use of TRNSYS software for the simulation of the thermal behavior
of a building requires the integration of meteorological data of the site and solar
radiation into three components (global, direct and diuse) classied under TM2 format.
However, the weather station located at the FSAC (Faculté des sciences ainchock)
measures only global radiation, the measured data are provided in Excel format. It
is with this mind we validated correlations to calculate the other components of solar
radiation (i.e. direct and diuse) and have developed an integration process of climate
data in TRNSYS. A validation of this work is presented.

[ID: 273] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 133

Double diusive natural convection in a bi-layered porous

Noureddine Hadidi
1 , Rachid Bennacer2 and Yacine Ould-amer3
1 University Dr.Yahia Farès of MEDEA, neighborhood Ain D'Hab Médéa 26000
2 LMT-ENS Cachan, 61 av. of president Wilson F-94235 Cachan Cedex, France
3 USTHB, FGMGP, LTPMP, Department of Energy Bab Ezzouar, 16111, Algeria
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +213 78 58 32 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe present work deals with an numerically solution the double

diusive convection generated in a bi-layered porous cavity. Each porous layer is
considered homogeneous, isotropic and saturated with the same uid. The numerical
results are presented and analyzed in terms of streamlines, isotherms, isoconcentrations
lines and for the average and are mainly analyzed in terms of the average heat and
mass transfers at the walls of the enclosure.

Keywordsdouble-diusive, convection, bilayered, porous medium, multilayer

[ID: 274] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 134

Contribution to summer comfort by underoor cooling in

a bioclimatic ecohouse model
1,2,∗ , Larbi LOUKARFI1,2 , Hassane NAJI3,4 , Mohammed MISSOUM5
1 Laboratoire de Contrôle, Essai, Mesure et Simulation Mécaniques
2 Université Hassiba Benbouali de Chlef, Hay Salem, route nationale N◦ 19, 02000 Chlef  Algérie
3 Laboratoire de Génie civil et géo-Environnement, Université d'Artois, 62400- Béthune, France
4 Université Lille Nord de France, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
5 Centre de développement des énergies renouvelables, Route de l'observatoire, BP 62, Bouzaréah, Algiers,

∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +213 27 72 17 94 Email:[email protected]

AbstractIn this present work, the energy required for cooling of a house located
in Algiers (Algeria) is determined by the degree-day method. The comparison of results
with those obtained with Trnsys software, shows that they are similar and compatible
with the cooling requirements with the seasons. In summer, a suitable hydraulic system
is used to cool the atmosphere for not investing in a mechanical air cooling system.
The selected starting temperature avoids the risk of condensation. A calculation in
permanent mode of operation has allowed us to determine the absorption capacity of
the cooling oor and its contribution to the improvement of summer comfort for the
occupants of a bioclimatic house.

[ID: 275] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 135

MHD convection in a power law non-Newtonian uid

saturating a Darcy media
C. Chahtour
a,b,∗ , H. Ben Hameda,∗ , H. Bejia , A. Guizania,b
a Laboratoire des Technologies Innovantes, Université de Picardie Jules Vernes d'Amiens,

Avenue des Facultés le Bailly, 80025 Amiens Cedex, France

b Laboratoire des procédés thermiques, Centre des Recherches et des Technologies de

l'Energie, Technopole Borj Cedria B.P N95, Hammam Lif 2050, Tunisia
∗ Auteur correspondant : [email protected] ; [email protected]

AbstractThis paper investigates the onset of motion and the resulting convective
ow in a shallow porous cavity lled with a non-Newtonian Darcy uid exposed to a
magnetic eld. The two horizontal walls of the system are subject to constant uxes
of heat while the two vertical ones are impermeable and adiabatic. A power law model
is used to characterize the nonNewtonian uid behavior. The governing parameters
for the problem are the Darcy Rayleigh number R, power-law index n, normalized
porosity, aspect ratio A, and Hartmann number Ha controlling magnetic volume
forces. An analytical solution, valid for shallow enclosures (A  1), is derived on
the basis of the parallel ow approximation. Criteria, for supercritical and subcritical
onset of motions, are predicted. It has been shown that for dilatant uids, convection
is possible regardless of R value, and the magnetic eld increases the ow without any
impact on the threshold of convection. Nevertheless, pseudoplastic uids, the magnetic
eld contributes to the installation of nite amplitude convection largely below the
supercritical Rayleigh R = +∞ predicted by linear stability analysis. Examples of
analytical solutions for both cases are reported (n = 2 and n = 1/2).

[ID: 290] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 136

Numerical simulation of the ow eld analysis in the

mixing twin jets
Mustapha Boussou
1,∗ , Amina Sabeur-Bendehina1 ,M. El Ganaoui2 ,
Souad Morsli , A.Ouadha
1 Faculté de Génie Mécanique, USTO MB BP 1505 el M'Naouer Oran Algérie
2 Université de Lorraine  Laboratoire IUT de Longwy - LERMAB, France
∗ Corresponding author Email: boussou[email protected]

AbstractThe aim of this work is to simulate numerically the twin jets ow; the
dimensionless spacing b between tow nozzles is ranging from theses values 2.39, 1.89
and 1.5. The equations which simulate the ow are solved by the CFD code Fluent
6.3.26 and the turbulence model k-epsilon is activated in order to simulate the energy
turbulence. The most result which is obtained was the increasing of the turbulence
energy when the Reynolds number is growing; however the results show also that the
twin jets attracts actually.

[ID: 291] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 137

An example of feasibility study of eco materials

production chain and bio-based products for
eco-construction/renovation in the named
great region (Belgium, France, Luxembourg)
1,∗ , Mohammed EL GANAOUI1 , Mourad KHELIFA2 ,

Slimane GABSI
1 Lorraine University, Longwy Laboratory of Energy / LERMAB, Henri IUT

Poincaré Longwy, 186 rue de Lorraine 54400 Cosnes et Romain, France

2 Laboratory of studies and research on the wood material, Lorraine

University National School of Technology and timber industries (ENSTIB)

3 Environment Research Unit, Catalysis and Process Analysis,

National School of Engineers of Gabes

∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe energy consumption of today and the concept of thermal housing

comfort, has created a critical issue that allows the development of eco materials,
as a social, economical and environmental solution. However, think back to these
demands requires the establishment of local industrial systems and creating harmony
between industrialization and local development and craftsmanship. In this context a
methodology and an analysis process to identify a die materials in the named Greater
Region which is a delimiting three borders between Belgium, France and Luxembourg
has been followed. Thus an European INTERREG project called ECOTRANFAIRE
was lunched to resume the needs of cold regions. This is an example of a joint
investigation was conducted in three trans-boundary countries, which allowing work
together artisans, socio economists and researchers to propose practical solutions and
environmentally friendly. Thus, a state of place of eco materials market in the sorting
countries was studied and a dierent families of materials were examined according to
various criteria to be proposed as a solution of energy eciency of building in the cross
border context. The analysis of these types of materials has led us to identify seven eco
promising materials in this Region. The characteristics and the thermal performance
of these materials will be described in this work as well their hygrothermal responses
by the MBV test will be established.

[ID: 294] Building Eciency (Systemic Approach/RnE Integration)

Energy in Materials
(Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 141

Identication of beam cracks by solution

of an inverse problem

Sara Teidj , Abdellatif Khamlichi, Abdallah Driouach
Faculty of Sciences at Tetouan, BP: 2121, M'Hannech II, Tetouan 93002
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +212 05 39 99 45 00 Email: [email protected]

AbstractDetection of cracks in mechanical components as earlier as possible

enables monitoring structural health and scheduling more properly the maintenance
tasks such as replacing the critical parts just in time. Vibration analysis based
techniques for crack detection have been largely considered in the literature. This
methodology relies essentially on the observed changes of beam frequencies and mode
shapes induced by the presence of damage. In the present work, using an explicit
analytical model assessing the eect of a crack on beam strain energy, the beam
rst resonance frequencies as they depend on a single crack defect characteristics
were evaluated. The crack equations were obtained by means of fracture mechanics
approach. Variations of the rst beam frequencies and modes shapes were then related
explicitly to the location and depth of the crack. Measuring the beam frequency changes
and monitoring their variations is shown to enable identication of the crack defect
parameters by solution of an inverse problem.

[ID: 1] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 142

Inverse problem solution for delamination detection in

Composite plates
Fadoua El Khannoussi
∗1 , Abdellatif Khamlichi2
2 Systems of Communications and Detection Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, Tetouan, Morocco
∗1 Department TITM, ENSA Tetouan, BP: 2222, , Tetouan 93030, Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +212 539994624 Email: [email protected]

Structural health monitoring research enables on time damage detection in order to
achieve fail-safe design of structures. This can be performed through relevant inspection
online or at optimally scheduled regular time intervals. The objective is control of the
risk of failure while optimizing the cost of servicing tasks.
Experimental procedures that enable damage detection as earlier as possible are essential
in this eld. Advanced analysis of the acquired information by the implemented sensors
can enhance damage detection, its quantication and decision making about how to deal
with some particular event.
In this work, detection of delamination occurring in a composite plate is considered
through using Lamb guided waves. These ultrasonic waves are generated by using
specic piezoelectric devices which can emit short time impulses centered at a given
high frequency. The presence of delamination damage modies the wave speed and
this characteristic can be used for the identication of damage by processing the
collected information. A multi-layered composite plate was analytically modeled and
the dispersion branches were calculated as function of the actual wave frequency and
material properties.
The time of ight between an excitation point and a sensor position is linked directly to
the group velocity of lamb waves which is calculated was by an explicit analytical model.
Solution of an inverse problem was then performed to the delamination defects features.

[ID: 3] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 143

Study on the energy and damage behavior

on black polymeric lm
Application to the devices of greenhouse eect

Faculty of Technology, Mechanical engineering department, University of Tlemcen, Tlemcen, ALGERIA

∗ Correspondence author: Tel: +213 790 841 773 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThis article describes the experimental results obtained by the solar

distiller by specifying the radiative properties of materials, the analysis of various types
of losses in the system and the establishment of the energy assessment of the system
being the main question to consider. The experiment was undertaken in Tlemcen-
Algeria by working out a solar distiller in order to measure the various temperatures
of the system. Salt was added to study the negotiable eect of the salinity of water on
solar distillation and it is noted that the production of distilled water decreases with
The distiller is forwarded to a constant global solar ow. Experimental results obtained
in heat transfer of natural convection in the pure and simultaneous heat and mass
transfer, proven that these phenomena are in the boundary layer. This enables us to
admit that the existence of a stagnant zone inside of distiller is called the buer zones.

[ID: 27] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 144

Numerical study of mixed convection heat transfer

with an oriented conned jet in a porous channel
A. Abdedou
1,2,∗ , K. Bouhadef2 and R. Bennacer3
1 DGM, FGC, Université Mouloud Mammeri De Tizi Ouzou, Algerie
2 LTPMP Laboratory-FGPGM- USTHB University, Algiers, Algeria
3 LMT-ENS Cachan, 61 av. du president Wilson, F-94235 Cachan Cedex, France
∗ Correspondence author: Fax: +213 21 20 77 64 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe present study deals with mixed convective heat transfer in porous
channel with an oriented inlet jet at uniform velocity and temperature distributions. The
upper wall is insulated and the bottom one is kept at constant temperature higher than
that of the uid at the entrance. The ow is modeled by the Brinkman- Forchheimer
extended Darcy model. The numerical solution of the governing equations is obtained
by using the nite volume method. The results mainly concern the eect of Richardson
number and jet angle on the ow structure and local Nusselt numbers evolution.

[ID: 28] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 145

Détermination des propriétés thermo-physiques de bre

alfa avec un matériau a base d'argile

Yassine Elhamdouni , Abdelhamid Khabbazi, Chaimaa Benayad, Soumia Mounir
Université Med V-Agdal, Ecole Mohamedia d'Ingénieurs, Laboratoire Énergétique,
Matériaux et Environnement, 227 Avenue Prince héritier EST- Salé, Maroc.
∗ Corresponding Author. E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: +212662895155

AbstractThis work is part of the development of local materials such as clay

and ber alfa in the north of Morocco. These materials are abounding, natural and
renewable, they have thermal properties very interesting. Our objective is to study
the ber alfa eect on the thermal characteristics of clay based materials. For this
reason we mix the clay (chosen as base material) with dierent percentages of bers
alfa (0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%). Then we compare the properties thermo physical of this
new material with those of clay only, to motivate the proposal to use this material as
insulation in rural construction. This comparison of the energy performance of these
two materials, will enable us to deduce that the new material is lighter, its capacity to
delay the transmission of warmth is superior to that of the only clay and its use as
brick walls should give an energy saving over 30%.

[ID: 30] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 146

Simulation of premixed jets of hydrogen-air

in opposed-jets conguration

Kheireddine CHOUAL , Redouane BENZEGUIR
Laboratoire des carburants gazeux et environnement,
Université des sciences et de la technologie d'ORAN
Mohamed-Boudiaf, ORAN, ALGERIE
[email protected]

AbstractThe opposed-jets conguration is very used in industrial systems.

Premixed jets are one of the greatest needs of the industry. The present work is a
numerical simulation of opposed premixed jets of hydrogen-air using FLUENT6.3.26.
We have compared dierent turbulence. The comparison between k − ε, k − ω and
RSM turbulent models shows that both of k−ε and RSM gives good results. The
use of k−ε is more practical because it requires less long time to be implied. Our
contribution is in order to make better the simulation in turbulent combustion domain.

Keywordsopposed-jets, premixed jets, turbulence, hydrogen-air

[ID: 44] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 147

Heat storage potential of the uidized bed technology:

hydrodynamics and thermal analysis

Nadjiba MAHFOUDI , Mohammed EL GANAOUI, Abdelhad MOUMMI
Laboratoire de Génie Civil, Hydraulique, Développement Durable et Environnement, LAR-GHYDE,
Université Mohamed Khider , BP 145 , RP , 07000 , Biskra , Algérie
Université de Lorraine, Laboratoire d'Energétique de Longwy/LERMAB, IUT Henri Poincaré de
Longwy, France
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe development of innovative systems of heat storage is imperative

to improve the eciency of the existing systems used in the thermal solar energy
applications. Several techniques were developed and realized in this context. The
technology of the sand uidized bed (sandTES) oer a promising alternative to the
current state of art of the heat storage systems, such as xed bed using a storage
materials, as sand, ceramic, stones, ...
Indeed, the use of the uidization technique allows an eective heat transfer to the
solid particles. With the sand, an important capacity of storage is obtained by an
economic and ecological material.
This paper presents a CFD simulation of the hydrodynamics and the thermal transient
behavior of a uidized bed reactor of sand, to determine the characteristics of storage.
In this context the Eulerian- Eulerian laminar model with heat transfer was adopted.
This model takes into account the continuity, momentum, and the energy equations for
solid and gas phases (Sand-air). To close the governing equations for both phases, the
Eulerian approach requires developing constitutive equations as well as the granular
temperature of the solid phase and the drag coecient equations. The Syamlal-O'Brien
scheme is used for the drag coecient. It was validated by experimental results
available in the literature [1-3].
The simulation shows a symmetry breaking that occurs and gave way to chaotic
transient generation of bubble formation after 3 s. Furthermore, the predicted average
temperature of the solid phase (sand) increases gradually versus the time with a gain

of 1 C in an interval of 10 s, and reaches the uidization air temperature (473 K)
after 60 minutes.

[ID: 46] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 148

Calcul du cout et optimisation du dimensionnement

d'une installation photovoltaïque autonome basée sur
le concept d'utilisabilité horaire.
Application a Tlemcen, Algerie
Zakaria Bouzid, Nassera Ghellai
Unité de Recherche en Matériaux et Energies Renouvelables (U.R.M .E.R),
Université de Tlemcen, Algérie
Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractDe nos jours malgré la maturité qu'a connue le secteur énergétique,

le dimensionnement des systèmes photovoltaïques pose encore de nombreux problèmes.
Dans notre étude, nous examinons cette question de dimensionnement en essayant
d'optimiser la surface de captation des panneaux photovoltaïques et la capacité totale de
stockage des batteries. La méthode utilisée est basée sur le concept d'utilisabilité horaire.
Cette dernière ne pose pas beaucoup de restrictions en ce qui concerne la conception
du système ou la distribution de la charge dans le temps, ce qui la rend apte pour un
large spectre d'applications. En plus du dimensionnement du système photovoltaïque,
un intérêt particulier sera porté au coût de l'installation. Nous avons appliqué notre
étude au site de Tlemcen dans l'Ouest de l'Algérie.

[ID: 58] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 149

Natural convection ow in a rectangular enclosure

under a vertical magnetic eld
I. Baaziz
∗ 1, N. Ben Salah1 , S. Kaddeche2
1 Laboratory of Mechanics, Materials and Processes, Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de Tunis,

University of Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et Technologie,

University of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia

∗ Correspondence author: Fax: +216 71 391 166 Email: [email protected]

AbstractA numerical study of electromagnetic braking of natural convection

ows in a dierentially heated rectangular cavity lled with a dilute incompressible
electrically conducting metal alloy of low Prandtl number was performed by investigating
the ows structure and the temperature distributions for various applied magnetic eld
intensities. This cavity, with electrically insulating walls, is subjected to externally
constant horizontal temperature gradients. A numerical collocation spectral method was
developed to solve the two dimensional Navier-Stokes equations written in a vorticity-
stream function formulation. The two velocity components are deduced from the stream
function and the resulting components allow the resolution of the energy conservation
equation in order to obtain the temperature distribution.

Keywordsbuoyancy convection, Hadley circulation, magnetic eld,

magnetohydrodynamics, spectral method.

[ID: 66] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 150

Analytical study of the stability of plates FGM

under the inuence of combined charges
(mechanical and thermal)

BARKA Merbouha , K.H. Benrahou, A. Fakrar, A. Tounsi, E.A. Adda Bedia
Laboratory materials and Hydrology, University of Sidi Bel Abbes (Algeria)
[email protected]

AbstractAn analytical approach to investigating the stability of simply

supported rectangular functionally graded plates under combined loads mechanical and
thermal.The material properties are assumed to be temperature-dependent and graded in
the thickness direction according to a simple power-law distribution in terms of volume
fractions of constituents. The equilibrium and compatibility equations for the plates are
derived by using the rst- order shear deformation theory of plates, taking into account
both the geometrical nonlinearity in the von Karman sense and initial geometrical
imperfections. The resulting equations are solved by employing the Galerkin procedure
to obtain expressions from which the postbuckling loaddeection curves can be traced
by an iterative procedure. A stability analysis performed for geometrically midplane-
symmetric FGM plates shows the eects of material and geometric parameters, in-plane
boundary conditions, temperature-dependent material properties, and imperfections on
the postbuckling behavior of the plates.

Keywordspostbuckling, functionally graded materials, temperature-dependent

properties, imperfection

[ID: 68] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 151

Paper waste recycled by the elaboration of a

biodegradable plastic: the cellulose acetate
Fatima Zahra BERAICH
1∗ , Moha AROUCH1 , Mina BAKASSE2 , Hamid Nasrellah2
1 Laboratory Engineering, Industrial Management and Innovation LIMII

University Hassan 1, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques Settat, Morocco

2 Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Bioorganic and Environment (LOCBE)

Faculty of Sciences University Chouaib Doukkali El Jadida El Jadida, Morocco

∗ Corresponding author. Tel: 0600424642 Email: [email protected]

AbstractWe propose in this work an alternative solution to plastic of

petrochemical origin, by biodegradable and compostable plastic, and which will come
from waste paper.
We present a new method of recovering waste paper, to obtain cellulose acetate.
Over than 80% of the composition of the paper is comprised of a biopolymer that is
cellulose, our objective is the recovery of cellulose synthesizing a cellulose derivative
that is cellulose acetate with high degree of substitution via direct acylation using acetic
anhydride. So the optimization of experimental parameters inuencing the acetylation
reaction (temperature, reaction time, report (acetic acid/cellulose anhydride). The
cellulose of waste paper was treated with acetic anhydride and catalytic amount of
sulfuric acid to make cellulose acetate. The production of cellulose acetate was
conrmed by ray-X analysis.
The results conrmed the identity with literature, It is identied by the features that it
◦ ◦
exhibits three peaks in the vicinity of angles of diraction (2θ) of 8.4 , 10.4 and 13.2

in X-ray diraction.

[ID: 70] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 152

A computational work on turbulent ow

and heat transfer in a channel tted
with corrugated baes

Younes MENNI , Ahmed AZZI, Chaka ZIDANI, and Boumédiène BENYOUCEF
Research Unit of Materials and Renewable Energies (UR.MER),
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Abou Bekr Belkaid University,
BP 119-13000-Tlemcen, Republic of Algeria, Tel-Fax: 00 213 43 21 58 90-89,
∗ Correspondence author: Tel: 00 213 7 81 02 55 27 , Email: [email protected]

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

AbstractSteady turbulent ow and heat transfer characteristics in a two

dimensional horizontal channel with isothermal walls and with staggered waved baes
is investigated numerically. The geometry of the problem is a simplication of
the geometry of corrugated baes found in shell-and- tube heat exchangers. The
governing equations that describe the uid ow and heat transfer were integrated by the
Finite Volumes Method, in two dimensions, employing the Commercial CFD software
FLUENT 6.3 with the low Reynolds number k−ω model to describe the turbulence.
In particular, ow eld, pressure loss, and local and average heat transfer coecients
were obtained. The simulation runs were carried out for dierent values of Reynolds
numbers at constant wall temperature condition along the top and bottom walls. The
largest variations in the velocity and temperature elds occur in the regions near to the
deectors, as expected.

KeywordsComputational Fluid Dynamics, Finite Volume Method, energy transfer,

shell-and- tube heat exchangers, corrugated baes.

[ID: 73] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 153

Numerical study of a cold storage system for air cooling

Laila Khatra
∗1 , Hamid El Qarnia1 and Mohammed El Ganaoui2
1 Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Department of Physics, P.O 2390,

Fluid Mechanics and Energetic (aliated to CNRST, URAC 27), Marrakesh, Morocco
2 Lorraine University, Energetic Laboratory of Longwy, (FJV/LERMAB),

Henri Poincaré Institute of Longwy, France

∗ Email: [email protected]

AbstractThanks to the advantages of storing the latent heat of melting,

phase change materials (PCMs) are used in many applications including building air
conditioning systems. This study examines the process of solidication of a PCM in a
rectangular cold storage unit with identical horizontal internal ns. The PCM, placed
in the enclosure, is initially in heated liquid state having a temperature, Ti , higher than
the melting point, Tm . Heat is transferred from the energy storage unit through the
left vertical wall on which ns, aluminum, are attached. These ns, embedded in the
PCM, allow increasing heat transfer thanks to their additional exchange surface. The
wall is in contact with a vertical duct through which heat transfer uid (air), having
an inlet temperature, Ta,in , lower than the melting point, Tm , ows in the downward
direction. A parametric study was conducted in order to highlight the impact of thermal
and hydrodynamic parameters such as air inlet temperature and ow rate on the thermal
behavior and thermal performance of the cold storage unit.

[ID: 78] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 154

Thermal behavior of air solar collector with

rectangular perforated baes

Henaoui Mustapha , Aliane Khaled
Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Technology,
University of Tlemcen, Bp 230 Chetouane Tlemcen, Algeria
∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

[email protected]

AbstractThe purpose of this work is to make a numerical simulation of the ow

of air in the duct of at-plate solar collector with rectangular perforated baes. The
numerical solution of the studied problem uses the nite volume method to discretize
the governing equations.
The turbulence modeling is based on the model k−ω . The choice of the geometrical forms
of used obstacles has to satisfy certain criteria. Indeed the shape and the arrangement
of the obstacles aect the air ow during its trajectory. The obstacles provide a good
irrigation of the absorber, create the turbulence and reduce the inactive zones in the
The work presented in this paper focuses on the comparison of the performance of a solar
collector with simple baes and perforated baes. Study of dierent hydrodynamic and
thermal parameters allowed to visualize the importance of the presence of perforated
baes in the uid dynamic vein on the energy performance of the collector.
The results show that the optimization of the performances by the introduction of drilled
perforated baes leads:

• orientation of a maximum of coolant towards the absorber

• heating of a maximum of the coolant

[ID: 82] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 155

MCRT with cuda parallel computing in the PTC

Hassan II University- Faculty of Science Ain Chok
BP 53 66 Maarif Casablanca, Morocco;
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: 05 22 211223 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe Monte Carlo Ray Trace (MCRT) and the Finite Volume Method
(FVM) are used in this work to solve the complex coupled heat transfer problem of
radiation, heat conduction and convection in parabolic trough solar collector system. In
this paper the MCRT is implemented on the Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) using
an NVIDIA graphics card, CUDA and DirectX tools box. In order to reduce the
computation time in this MCRT simulation, this CUDA parallel computing was found to
run more than 60 times faster than a single implementation similar thread on a standard
desktop. DirectX coupled to CUDA is used to accelerate the 3D system representation
and the various progressions of treatment outcomes with great interaction. In the
MCRT simulation, the eects of dierent geometric concentration (GC) and dierent
rim angles were examined. To validate the coupled simulation, the heat transfer and
uid ow performance, in the LS-2 Solar Collector tube, was investigated. The results
found are very satisfactory.

[ID: 84] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 156

Modélisation de transfert de chaleur et de masse

dans un absorbeur en utilisant le charbon
actif/methanol comme couple de travail

Abdelghani Hamdi , Abdelaziz Mimet, Abdellah Maalouf
Laboratoire d'énergétique, Mécanique des uides,
Faculty of sciences Abdelmalek Essaâdi University.
P.O. Box 2121 M'hannech II 93030 Tetouan, Maroc
Emails: [email protected] and [email protected]
∗ Corresponding author: Abdelghani Hamdi Email : [email protected]

RésuméCe travail a pour objectif de modéliser numériquement le phénomène

d'adsorption d'un adsorbeur utilisant le couple charbon actif/méthanol dans l'objectif
d'évaluer les performances des diérents éléments pouvant inuencer le fonctionnement
d'une machine frigorique à adsorption. Par ailleurs nous avons modélisé le transfert
de masse et de chaleur dans le milieu poreux en utilisant la méthode des diérences
Cette analyse est accompagnée d'une discussion des paramètres inuençant le transfert
de chaleur. Nous avons prouvé que le choix des paramètres de contrôle tels que
la densité de ux, le diamètre du tube et les caractéristiques thermo-physiques est
déterminant dans l'étude de dimensionnement des machines frigorique.

[ID: 90] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 157

Inuence of aspect ratio on the natural convection

and entropy generation in rectangular
cavities with wavy-wall

Souad Morsli , Amina Sabeur-Bendehina
Faculté de Génie Mécanique, USTO MB BP 1505 el M'Naouer Oran Algeria
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: 00213 41513168 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe natural convection in rectangular cavities with dierent aspect

ratios and hot wavy walls was investigated through numerical simulations. The
undulation of the cavity is xed to three (03) however the Rayleigh numbers is ranging
5 8
from 10 to 10 . Second law of thermodynamics was also applied to predict the nature of
irreversibility in terms of entropy generation. Heat transfer between vertical walls occurs
by laminar and turbulent natural convection. The computations have been performed
using FLUENT 6.3.26 by employing the k−ε model for turbulence .Based on the
obtained dimensionless velocity and temperature values, the distributions of local entropy
generation due to heat transfer and uid friction are determined. The distributions of
the stream function, static temperature, the total entropy generation and the local Bejan
number are plotted for dierent aspect ratios , Rayleigh number, and irreversibility
coecients 10
−4 < φ < 10−2 . The total entropy generation is found to increase with

increasing aspect ratios.

[ID: 95] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 158

Simulation and realization of a dc-dc boost converter

controlled by microcontroller
M. Jbilou, IS.Bousmaha, Z.Dey, M.Brahami
Laboratory: Intelligent Control and Electrical Power system ICEPS Djilali Liabes
University Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria
[email protected]

AbstractThe energy demand in the world is steadily increasing and new types
of energy sources must be found in order to cover the future demands, since the
conventional sources are about to be emptied.
One type of renewable energy source is the photovoltaic (PV) cell, which converts
sunlight to electrical current, PV cells are usually connected together to make PV
modules, consisting of which generates a DC voltage between 24 Volt to 45 Volt,
This project proposes a converter (DC / DC) which convert low voltage DC into
high voltage DC. A Microcontroller 16F877A design was chosen to implement a pulse-
width modulation technique for greater eciency .Before realization of the converter,
Protus Isis and Matlab simulink were used in order to simulate the high ecient boost
converter, some results of the proposed converter were presented.
These converters perform positive (DC-DC) voltage increasing conversion with high
power density, high eciency, low cost in simple structure, small ripples, and wide
range of control.

[ID: 97] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 159

Eect of cylindrical fuel assemblies arrangement

on the heat and mass transfer into
a square porous media
K. Ragui
1,∗ , A. Boutra1,2 , R. Bennacer3 , Y.K. Benkahla1
1 Laboratory of Transport Phenomena, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria.
2 Preparatory School of Science and Technology, Algiers, Algeria.
3 LMT, Superior Normal School Cachan, Cachan, France.

(BP. 32 El Alia, 16111 Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria;

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]).
∗Corresponding author: Fax: +213 21 20 77 67 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe present work refers to the study of natural convection into a porous
enclosure, driven by cooperating thermal and solutal buoyancy forces. The cavity walls
are maintained at constant temperature and concentration lower than that of four inner,
heat and solute, cylinders witch arranged in two dierent manners. The physical model
for the momentum conservation equation makes use of the Brinkman extension of the
classical Darcy equation, the set of coupled equations is solved using the nite volume
method and the SIMPLER algorithm. Through a parametric study conducted, the eect
of the distance between the cylinders on the heat and mass transfer are widely inspected.
Powerful correlations predicting the mean transfer enhancement inside the porous media
as a function of the cylinders' disposition are proposed, at the end, which predict within
±1% the numerical results.
It is to note that the validity of the computing code used was ascertained by comparing
our results with the experimental and the numerical ones already available in the

[ID: 99] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 160

Study of new pcm composite for energy

storage by latent heat
1 1 1 2
Dihia Djefel , Said Makhlouf , Souad Khedache , Gilles Lefebvre , Laurent Royon
1 L.M.S.E. Laboratory, Mouloud Mammeri University

Po Box 17 RP 15000 , Tizi Ouzou, Algeria.

2 CERTES-IUT Laboratory, Paris Est Créteil University,

61 Av. Général de Gaulle, 94010 Paris Créteil, France.

3 Matière Système Complexe Laboratory, Paris Denis Diderot University,

UMR 7057 CNRS 75013 Paris, France

[email protected]

AbstractA novel shape-stabilized phase change material composite for thermal

energy storage was prepared by the impregnation method followed by uniaxial
compression. Paran was used as a phase change material for thermal energy storage
and activated carbon acting as a support material.
The microstructure of activated carbon and the composite Paran/Activated Carbon
(COMP P/AC) was observed by Environmental Scanning Electronic Microscope
(ESEM). The thermal properties and thermal stability were studied by a Dierential
Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA), respectively.
The thermal conductivity of the PCM composite was determined by the hot disk method

at ambient temperature (25 C) using a conductivity meter (Hot Disk TPS 500).
The ESEM results showed that paran is conned within the porous network of AC.
DSC results indicated that the latentheat of fusion and solidication of the composite
P/AC are respectively 102.54 J.g -1 and 104.67 J.g -1 when the mass percentage of the
paran in the AC is 40%. The TGA results showed that the composite exhibits good
thermal stability in the operating range. The conductivity of the PCM composite was
improved by the addition of graphite.
Due to its adsorption capacity of paran, its high latent heat, good thermal stability, low
cost and simple preparation mode, the composite can be considered as thermal storage
material by latent heat for practical applications such as storage of solar energy.

KeywordsPCM Composite, Activate carbon, Paran, Thermal energy storage

[ID: 109] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 161

Study of production and storage of solar cooling

through phase change materials (PCM):
Application for buildings
H. Sammouda
LabEM, LR11ES34- Université de Sousse,
Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et de Technologie,
Rue Amin ElAbbassi, 4011 Hammam Sousse (Tunisia)
Corresponding author: Fax: +21673370710; [email protected]

AbstractIn this work we analyze the production of solar coolness through a MCP
placed in the verso of PV sensor integrated in building face. A numerical study was
carried out to simulate and to nd out the optimum design for space storage lled with
phase change material (PCM) which is used ventilation systems. One could simulate
such a system and analyze the dynamics and heat of these dierent components and
identify the characteristic parameters of the modeling of such a system.

[ID: 112] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 162

Optimal maintenance of the electric motors

to improve the energy eciency
M. Kaddari
1,∗ , M. El Mouden1 , A. Hajjaji1 , D. Saifaoui2
1 Laboratory of Engineering Sciences for Energy (LabSIPE)

- National School of Applied Sciences - El Jadida

2 Faculty of Sciences, Hassan II University. Casablanca

Route Nationale N◦ 1 (Route AZEMMOUR), Km 6, ELHAOUZIA. BP 1166 El Jadida Plateau 24002

∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +212 523 39 49 15 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe energy savings achieved by implementing high- eciency motors

are sometimes not sustainable since they may vanish rapidly. To have high-eciency
motors in factories is just a step but not an end in itself; the eciency of motor is
degraded when it is rewound. So that an electric motor stays ecient in time and
its durability lasts, it is necessary that it must be properly maintained. This paper
proposes measures to improve energy eciency and the availability of electric motor
in industry. For this purpose, the motors failures that were extracted from a typical
chemical industrial site and obtained during the period of 2012-2013 were used. Using
a critical study and analysis of Pareto, we were able to identify the most frequent
defaults that have a purely negative eect on eciency of motors and good way of
production. We also found the causes, and we proposed solutions to eliminate them.
Then we also developed a new strategy for maintenance. Furthermore, this study has
various objectives it aims: to increase the availability of motors from 79% to 93%,
to reduce times of stops caused by failures, to minimize power consumption, to reduce
maintenance costs by generating signicant benets to the company and protecting the

KeywordsEnergy Eciency, Electric motor, Optimal maintenance, Motor failures,

Availability, Vibration analysis, Infrared image

[ID: 113] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 163

Modeling and optimization of distillation

to produce bioethanol
Laboratoire d'Analyse et Synthèse des Procédés Industriels (LASPI),
Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs (EMI), University Mohammed V-Rabat, Morocco
Ahmed TGARGUIFA: Fax: +21 25 3777 8853 Email: [email protected]

AbstractDistillation is the most widely used separation operation in chemical

industries; the great consumption of energy is the major disadvantage of this process
that is unable to reach a high level of purity of bioethanol. The objective of this study
is to model and optimize the distillation column, by testing the eect of impurities
of wine in their compositions which depend on the kind of the raw material and the
fermentation conditions. A parametric study of sensitivity of the tray feed of the column
and the reux ratio was carried out to optimize operation and improving the production
of bioethanol. The results of this study show that acetaldehyde has more eect on
the separation of binary water/ethanol in comparison with acetic acid and glycerol,
the existence of acetaldehyde at low contents changes signicantly the properties of
bioethanol, hence the need to install a control system to eliminate them.

[ID: 128] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 164

Moisture sorption isotherm and drying

kinetic of mirabelle plum stones
Souad Messai
1,∗ , Laurent Chrusciel2 , Mohamed El Ganaoui2 , Slimane Gabsi1
1 Unité de Recherche Environnement, Catalyse et Analyse des Procédés URECAP,

Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Gabès,

Rue Omar Ibn-Elkhattab 6029, Gabès, Tunisie
2 Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherche sur le Matériau Bois LERMAB,

Université de Lorraine-Faculté des Sciences et Technologies, Nancy France

∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +216 75 392 390 Email: [email protected]

AbstractTo permit the valorization of Mirabelle plum stones considered as

biomass wastes, sorption isotherm and drying kinetic of shell and mandel of mirabelle
plums are experimentally investigated. Adsorption and desorption isotherm were
determined at ambient temperature with gravimetric method. The isotherms have a
Type II behavior and hysteresis was observed. The experimental results of sorption
isotherms were tted by widely used models namely, GAB and Owswin models.
Moreover, a set of drying experiments were carried out to obtain drying kinetics
data of the two elements composing mirabelle plum stone: the mandel and the shell.
Experiments were conducted using ve air temperature (75, 85, 95, 105 and 110
◦C) with low air velocity. Empirical models such as Page, single-term and two-term
exponential models were used to t experimental results of air drying. It is found
that exponential models are suitable for fruit stones drying. Page's model is the most
appropriate model to describe air drying of mirabelle plum stones.

[ID: 131] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 165

Design and simulation of dual-band RF energy

harvesting antenna for WSNs
A. Bakkali
1,2 , J. Pelegri-Sebastia2 , T. Sogorb2 , A. Bou-Escriva2 , A. Lyhyaoui1
1 Laboratory of Innovative Technologies,

Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco

2 Research Institute for Integrated Management of Coastal Areas,

Universitat Politècnica Valencia, Spain

Email: [email protected]

AbstractRadio frequency (RF) energy harvesting technology is attracting a great

deal of attention, as it can provide power to electronic devices, including applications
related to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In this context, we focus on ambient
RF energy available in the ambient environment. The receiving antenna is the main
element of RF harvester as it has to capture the RF energy from the radiating sources.
Our work provides a new design of the receiving antenna to harness RF energy more
eectively. Several simulations and optimizations are performed in order to maximize
the antenna gain around the Wi-Fi bandwidth (2.45 GHz and 5 GHz). Variation of
the return loss (S11) passes below -29 dB for 5 GHz frequency and the radiation shape
shows a quasi omnidirectional pattern in WiFi bands. The dual band antenna proposed
is very interesting for the RF harvesting energy system, meeting the desired criteria to
maximize the ambient harvested RF energy.

[ID: 137] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 166

Modeling the stabilization column, in the oil process

Ould Brahim Ahmed, Abdera Souad and Bounahmidi Tijani
Laboratoire d'Analyse et de Synthèse des Procédés Industriels,
Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs (EMI), University Mohammed V-Rabat, Morocco
Abdera Souad: Fax: +21 25 3777 8853 Email:

AbstractIn this work, we will seek to model the distillation column of petroleum
fractions, especially the gasoline stabilization column to get a better use of energy,
increased yield and reduced costs of operation.
The calculation of the stabilization column was performed by using Soave-Redlich-Kong
(SRK) thermodynamic model, with the help of PROII software. A technical feasibility
study was followed to run the stabilization column at an optimum pressure. The results
allowed us to highlight the eect of pressure on the separation of products. From an
economic point of view, stabilization with optimal pressure may contribute to a decrease
in expenses related to the energy consumption of reboiler and of condenser.

[ID: 142] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 167

Kinetic studies of amoxicillin removal

from wastewater using wheat grain
Biomaterials and transport phenomena laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, Chemical
Engineering and Environment Department, University of Medea , Ain D'heb 26000, Medea Algeria
Corresponding author: Fax: +21325780511 Email: [email protected]

AbstractWheat grains are a natural product which grows in the north of Algeria,
was used as adsorbent to remove amoxicillin antibiotic produced by SAIDAL, antibiotical
company from wastewater. Adsorption isotherm of amoxicillin on both crude and traited
wheat grain was determined by batch tests. A model was developed regarding the kinetic
partitioning of amoxicillin and regarding the mechanism governing the forward transfer
of amoxicillin. Results were interpreted in terms of a two-lm theory for at interface.
Dierent experimental parameters such as eect of contact time, temperature, adsorbent
dose and particle size have been studied. The results showed that the maximum %
removal of amoxicillin was found to be 84% on wheat grain treated with 20% tartaric
acid for the following optimum conditions: temperature of 25 ircC, particle size of 150
µm, adsorbent dose of 4g and agitation speed of 300 rpm.

[ID: 150] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 168

Experimental study of sensible heat storage

in a nanouid enclosed between
concentric annular tubes
1 1
Latifa EL-KADDADI , Mohamed ASBIK , Omar ZEGAOUI

Equipe de Matériaux et Energies Renouvelables (EMER), LP2MS, URAC08,

Laboratoire  Chimie-Biologie Appliquées à l'Environnement ,
Université Moulay Ismaïl, Faculté des Sciences,
BP 11201, Zitoune, Meknès, Maroc
Email: [email protected]

AbstractIn this work, an experimental study has been carried out to quantify
an amount of sensible heat storage/recovery in a specic Nanouid (distillated water +
Titanium dioxide). The experimental results show, especially, the inuence of nanouid
volumetric concentration on the heat storage/recovery performance for a xed mass
ow rate ( Γ = 100kg/h) of heat transfer uid (HTF). This parameter contributes to
improving the heat transfer and hence the sensible heat storage/recovery.

[ID: 151] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 169

Numerical study of the melting of

nano-pcm in a thermal energy
storage unit
Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Science Semlalia, Department of Physics,
Fluid Mechanics and Energetic Laboratory
Marrakesh, B.P. 2390, Morocco
E-mail: [email protected]

AbstractAs demand for energy increased in the various sectors of consumption,

the use of thermal energy storage (TES) systems for energy saving has become a
requirement. In this work, the modelling and numerical investigation of the melting
of a phase change material (PCM) dispersed with nanoparticles (Al 2 O 3 ) in a
thermal energy storage unit (TESU) is presented. The storage unit consists of a
number of vertical and identical plates of Nano-PCM separated by rectangular channels
in which circulate heat transfer uid (HTF: water). A mathematical model based
on the conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy has been developed.
These equations are then discretized using the nite volume approach and the pressure
correction method for the treatment of velocity-pressure coupling. The equation of
energy conservation in PCM was formulated using the enthalpy method. A series of
simulations were carried out to study the eect of volumetric fraction of nanoparticles
on the thermal performance of the latent heat energy storage unit. The temperature
eld and the ow structure are also investigated.

[ID: 160] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 170

Etude numerique du tansfert de chaleur par convection

mixte dans un canal vertical chauee par un ux

Khaled Bourrez , Azeddine Moumeni, Ould Lahoucine Cherif et Ali Boukercha
Département de Génie Mécanique, Université 08 Mai1945, Guelma, Algérie
∗ Corresponding author : Khaled Bourezg : Email : [email protected]

RésuméUne étude numérique du transfert de chaleur par convection mixte

laminaire de l'air dans un canal vertical contenant un obstacle rectangulaire sur l'une
des parois du canal est faite. La géométrie est bidimensionnelle, de longueur du canal
est (Lt) et sa largeur est (b). L'obstacle a une longueur (L) et une hauteur (H). La paroi
contenant l'obstacle est supposée être chauée à un ux uniforme tandis que l'autre paroi
est supposé adiabatique. A l'entrée du canal, l'air pénètre avec une vitesse uniforme
U0 à l'intérieur du canal pour refroidir la paroi chauée. Le uide est newtonien,
incompressible, le régime est stationnaire et laminaire. Nous avons deux cas à étudier
; l'eet du nombre de Reynolds et l'eet de la hauteur de l'obstacle sur le transfert
de chaleur. Nous présentons pour chaque cas les isothermes et les lignes de courant.
Pour toutes les simulations réalisées dans cette étude, nous avons adopté un nombre
de Prandtl égal à 0.71 (cas de l'air). La méthode des volumes nis a été utilisée pour
discrétiser les équations de l'écoulement en convection mixte en régime stationnaire et
l'algorithme SIMPLE pour les résoudre. Le code Fluent est appliqué pour intégrer ces
équations sur chaque volume de contrôle.

[ID: 172] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 171

Simulation of a rotating membrane disk using

computational uid dynamics
S. Ladeg
a , N. Moulai-Mostefaa,∗ , L. Dingb , M.Y. b
a LME, University of Medea, Ain D'Heb, 26001 Medea, Algeria
b UMR 6600, University of Technology of Compiègne, BP.20529, 60205 Compiègne Cedex, France
∗ E.mail: [email protected]

AbstractThis work reports computational uid dynamics (CFD) studies on the

performance of ow inside a rotating disk ltration module. This module consists of
a smooth disk rotating at speeds up to 3000 rpm inside a cylindrical housing equipped
with a stationary circular at membrane.

[ID: 177] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 172

Experimental study of thermal behaviour of two cavities

'test' with and without pcm on the roof
∗ Amina MOURID , Yassine BOUZLOU , Mustapha EL ALAMI , Mostafa NAJAM et

Mustapha FARAJI
Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, Microélectronique, Automatique et Thermique (LPMMAT),
Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Université Hassan II de Casablanca, Maroc
∗ Correspondence author: Amina MOURID Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe objective of this work is to evaluate the eect of the integration

of phase change materials (PCM) on the roof of the home. Two identical cells have
been built within the Faculty Ain Chock Casablanca, the rst is a reference cell while
the second is equipped with a paran PCM placed on its roof. The study is done for a
summer period. The conductive heat ux is calculated for this period, and the thermal
resistance of each wall for the two cells. The results show that the phase change material
can reduce the inner temperature of the walls as well as the room temperature of the
cell with PCM

[ID: 183] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 173

Misaligned porous journal bearings lubrication

analysis by including the thermal eects
1 2
S. Boubendir , R. Bennacer , S.Larbi
1 FGMGP. U.S.T.H.B, BP. N◦ 32, 16111, El-Alia Bab- Ezzouar. Algiers, Algeria
2 LMT-ENS Cachan, France
3 LGMD-. Algiers, Algeria

Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractIt is well known in conventional journal bearing lubrication studies,

the thermo-hydrodynamic aspect analysis is focused essentially on the aligned journal
bearings by neglecting the rotating shaft deection [1-2]. However, they are the main
causes of premature wear of these mechanisms. According to the literature review,
under isothermal boundary conditions assumptions, extensive works have been reported
to determine the characteristics of misaligned rigid journal bearings [3-4]. El -Butch
et al. [5] noticed that the increase in journal misalignment deteriorates the oil lm
thickness and leads to the wear metal- metal contact issue.
In the present work, a numerical study of the eect of misaligned porous journal bearing
caused by shaft deformation is analyzed by taking into account the thermo-hydrodynamic
lubrication aspect. The generalized Reynolds equation is derived according to thermal
aspect, the porous structure and the shaft misalignment degrees. Dierent parameters
are calculated versus the misalignment degree, the eccentricity ratio and the porous
bearing permeability. Good agreement is observed between the results obtained in this
study and those of the literature.

[1] S. Boubendir, S. Larbi, R. Bennacer. Tribology international, 44, p. 1-8 (2011)
[2] S. Boubendir, S. Larbi, R. Bennacer. D.D.F, 297-301, p. 618-623 (2010)
[3] J. Sun, G. Changlin. Tribology international, 37, p. 841-848 (2004)
[4] S. Das, S. K. Guha, A. K. Chattopadhyay. Tribology international, 35, p. 201-210
[5] A.M. El-Butch , N.M. Ashour. Tribology International, 38, p. 4148 (2005)

[ID: 206] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 174

High-temperature properties investigation of the

high nitrogen stainless steel
Gennadii Sapozhnikov, Irina Shabanova
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia, Universitetskaya St., 1
Physicotechnical Institute of the UB RAS, Izhevsk, Russia Kirova St., 132
Corresponding author: Fax: +73412614467 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThere is increasing interest to develop new steels capable of reliable

operation at high temperatures in many branches of industry, including ssion energy
power plants. The new steels should have higher properties: yield strength, ultimate
tensile strength, oxidation resistance, nonmagnetic, ecological characteristic and became
more manufacturable. Due to their high-temperature strength and anticorrosion
properties, high nitrogen stainless steels (HNSS) are becoming an important group
of materials [1]. Steels with dierent content of elements were melted in induction
furnace. Dierent kind of production was made: forgings, plates, tubes. Microstructure,
mechanical properties and corrosion strength was investigated. The addition analysis
has been conducted by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy method (XPS). XPS allows
to investigate an electronic structure, chemical bond and nearest surrounding of an
atoms. The investigation was conducted on a unique automated X-ray electron magnetic
spectrometer with double focusing allowing the investigation of samples in both solid
and liquid state. It is shown that the formation of a strong covalent bonds leads
to an increase in the activity of nitrogen, which is necessary for eective material

[1]. G. Stein, I. Hucklenbroich and M. Wagner: P2000 - a new austenitic high nitrogen
steel for power generating equipment; Material Science Forum Vols. 318-320 (1999)
pp. 167-174

[ID: 215] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 175

Experimental study of thermal behaviour of two

cavities 'test' with and without
pcm on the roof
mina MOURID, Yassine BOUZLOU, Mustapha EL ALAMI, Mostafa NAJAM and Mustapha
Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, Microélectronique, Automatique et Thermique (LPMMAT),
Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Université Hassan II de Casablanca, Maroc
Correspondence author: Amina MOURID Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe objective of this work is to evaluate the eect of the integration

of phase change materials (PCM) on the roof of the home. Two identical cells have
been built within the Faculty Ain Chock Casablanca, the rst is a reference cell while
the second is equipped with a paran PCM placed on its roof. The study is done for a
summer period.
The conductive heat ux is calculated for this period, and the thermal resistance of each
wall for the two cells. The results show that the phase change material can reduce the
inner temperature of the walls as well as the room temperature of the cell with PCM.

[ID: 219] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 176

Numerical study of the thermal behavior of a

novel composite pcm/concrete wall
1 2
M. Faraji , D. Saifaoui , F. Berroug
1 Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux, Microélectronique, Automatique et Thermique,

Département de Physiques, Faculté des Sciences Ain- Chock, Université Hassan II-Casablanca, Maroc
2 Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Appliquée- Département de Physiques,

Faculté des Sciences Ain-Chock, Université Hassan II-Casablanca, Maroc

3 Laboratoire d'Automatique de l'environnement et Procédés de Transferts,

Université Cadi Ayyad, Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, Département de Physique, Marrakech - Maroc
Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe main aim of the paper is to investigate the possibility of

substituting the thick and heavy thermal mass external walls used in Mediterranean
countries by thin and light thermal mass ones whilst maintaining similar comfort levels
throughout the year. To make this substitution the use of PCM (phase change materials)
panels incorporated into external wall structure are considered. The results show that
inner temperature swings decreases remarkably in the wall with PCM. On the other
hand, there is time shift between PCM wall temperature oscillations and those of the
standard heavy concrete wall. This shows the ability of PCM to increase the thermal
comfort of buildings.

[ID: 222] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 177

On the shoreline wave energy potential

and its conversion in Morocco
H. Bouhrim, A. El Marjani
Turbomachinery LAB, Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs
University Mohamed V-Rabat-Morocco
BP 765 Agdal, Rabat Morocco
Fax: +212 5 37 77 88 53 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe eciency of an oscillating water column (OWC) for wave energy

conversion depends on many factors, among which the incident wave conditions. In
the present work, the special case of Moroccan Atlantic shoreline have been discussed
through the examination of a meteorological data for wave height and period variations.
It is found that with its 3000 km coastline the global potential of oshore wave energy is
nearly 75 000 MW which makes the country able to reinforce signicantly its renewable
energy resources. As a part of this paper, the ow behavior inside the chamber of an
OWC-device has been analyzed through a numerical simulation using ANSYS Fluent
code. The ow is set to be incompressible, three dimensional (3D), viscous, and
unsteady. The turbulence has been modeled with the classical (k − ε) turbulent model.
Computations have been conducted considering the geometry of Pico built in Azores,
with a moving boundary in the area corresponding to the water's free surface. Analyses
are concentrated on the local ow characteristics inside the chamber in order to obtain
an accurate understanding of the ow behavior.

[ID: 223] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 178

Hard and soft method of dc over-voltage

controlfor three-phase PV inverter
connected to lv grid
Mohamed DHARIF, Abdellah AIT OUAHMAN
Labo.of Optimization of Communication Systems Advanced, Systems and Security
University CADI AYYAD, (ENSA) Marrakech, Morocco
[email protected]
[email protected]

AbstractThe Instant disconnection of PV generators, in case of voltage dips, has

become for the network manager a real constraint aecting the stability of the electrical
grid, especially, for wide-scale integration of these renewable sources. However,
maintaining the connection of the PV systems generates an excessive increase in the
voltage at the DC bus of PV inverters equipped by a matching stage DC/DC for research
of point of power maximum. In this paper, we studied two methods (Hard and Soft)
proposed for limiting the DC voltage to an acceptable operating value of PV generators.
The results obtained show the eectiveness of these two proposed methods.

[ID: 229] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 179

Numerical study of natural convection in a nano-uid

lled enclosure with two squares
Aniss Azzabakh, M'barek Feddaoui, Hicham Meftah
Laboratoire Génie Energie, Matériaux et Systèmes (LGEMS)
Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées ENSA,
B.P. 1136, Agadir  Morocco
Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractA numerical study is carried out concerning natural convection heat

transfer of CuO-water nanouid inside a square enclosure containing a heater and
a cooler with isothermal walls of T h and Tc (Th > Tc ) respectively. A computer
code, based on the nite volume method and the SIMPLER algorithm, is used to solve
the Two-dimensional NavierStokes and energy. This code has been validated with
comparison between the obtained results and those of Arefmanesh et al. [15].
To analyze the eects of pertinent parameters such the Rayleigh number, the solid
volume fraction on the uid ow and heat behaviors, the present work report the
convection phenomenon by means of streamlines, isotherms, and velocity proles, with
a special attention to the Nusselt number.
The results show that the overall mean Nusselt number is an increasing function of the
Rayleigh number and the nanoparticles volume fraction.

[15]. Arefmanesh, A., Amini, M., Mahmoodi, M., Naja, M., 2012, Buoyancy-driven
heat transfer analysis in two-square duct annuli lled with a nanouid, European
Journal of Mechanics B-Fluids, 33, pp. 95- 104.

[ID: 230] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 180

Simultaneous heat and mass transfer by evaporation of a

binary liquid lm falling along a vertical plate

Abderrahman NAIT ALLA, M'barek. FEDDAOUI , Hicham MEFTAH
Laboratoire Génie Energie, Matériaux et Systèmes, ENSA, B.P. 1136 Agadir, Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractThis paper deals with a simultaneous heat and mass transfer by

evaporation of a binary liquid lm falling along a vertical plate. The left plate which
is externally subjected to a uniform heat ux while the right plate is the dry wall and
is kept thermally insulated. The liquid mixture consists of waterethanol while the gas
mixture has three components: dry air, water vapour and ethanol vapour. The model
solves the coupled governing equations in both phases together with the boundary and
interfacial conditions. The systems of equations obtained by using an implicit nite
dierence method are solved by Tridiagonal Matrix Algorithm method. The inuence
of the inlet lm composition of heat and mass transfers are examined.

KeywordsHeat and mass transfer, evaporation, binary liquid lm, vertical plate,

[ID: 257] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 181

Phase change materials for cooling and better air quality

N. Martaj
1,2∗ , R. Bennacer3 , M. Elomari4 and M. El Ganaoui5
1 EPF-Ecole d'Ingénieurs, 21 boulevard Berthelot, 34000 Montpellier, France;
2 IES-UMR5214 CNRS Université de Montpellier, 860 St Priest, Bât.5- 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5;
3 LMT CNRS UMR 8535, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Cachan, France;
4 Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Maroc;
5 Université de Lorraine, Laboratoire Lermab, IUT Henri Poincaré de Longwy, 186 rue de Lorraine, 54400

Longwy - Cosnes et Romain, France ;

∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe performance of components of cooling process (machines) is

strongly related to their eectiveness. In this paper, the goal is to perform a study
on the eectiveness of a cooling system using phase change materials (PCM) inside
wall of a Mediterranean building. The objective is to quantify the ability of the material
to store and release energy and also to control the temperature of the building to be
cooled to allow a good thermal comfort. The objective is to increase the thermal inertia
of the building which will have the eect of signicantly reducing the eect of diurnal
external temperatures. To realize these, the paran gel is incorporated in construction
materials. Indeed, the PCM has the characteristic of being able to change moderate
temperature phase and thus stores a large amount of energy. Moreover, the PCMgel
form avoids intra-PCM ows and leaking of the outside of the building material. The
time of charge and discharge of energy is not the same which results an ineciency
of such system. To control the time of charge and discharge, control of the exchange
surface is required. To achieve this, internal grooves are included of the PCM with a
ventilation control.
The objective of this study is the thermal modeling of the block in order to improve
its capacity to energy storage/destorage. Dierent numerical models were developed
using the Comsol Multiphysics software. An experimental study of the eect of
storage/destorage cinderblocks containing PCM with ventilation tubes was carried out.
The aim is to determine the eect of the closing and opening of the tubes on increasing
inertia of the block.

[ID: 263] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 182

Study of a sensible heat storage system & feasibility

study of selected materials
BERRHAZI Samir, BARGACH Mohammed Najib and BENCHRIFA Rachid
Laboratoire d'Energie Solaire et d'Environnement
Faculté des Sciences, 4 Avenue Ibn Battouta B.P. 1014 RP, Rabat, Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractSeveral studies have been made to enhance the sensible heat storage
materials other than ordinary cement. Concrete, Castable Ceramic, alumina with 1%
nano-ZrO2 and Cofalit were identied as promising materials for thermal energy storage
at high temperature for their thermo-physical, chemical, economic and environmental
properties. The objective of this work is to study the eciency of these materials in
thermal storage and the structure of the storage system by demonstrating the inuence of
the dimensions of the drains, spacing, and thermal conductivity and thermal capacity on
storage temperature. The results of this work show that the Cofalit can store two times
more of heat than other materials studied; it reaches its maximum storage time twice
less than other materials. Alumina with 1% nano-ZrO2 has a large storage capacity
so improves its thermal conductivity. Materials with thermal conductivity values which
vary between 0.627 and 2.7 (W/m.K) have generally similar temperature variation, this
means that large thermal conductivity values are not necessary to achieve an optimal

[ID: 268] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 183

Alternative fuels impact of burning pomace on cement

quality and process progressing
Z. Ngadi & M. L. Lahlaouti

Team: Energy, uid mechanics and materials

Laboratory: Energy
Faculty of sciences of Tétouan  University Abdelmalek Essaadi- Morroco
∗ Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]

AbstractThe cement industry is one of the major sectors energy consuming.

In fact the integral part of the cement manufacturing process, the sintering reaction of

the raw material requires high temperatures around 1500 C [1]. This paper presents
the valorization of pomace used as alternative fuels (AF) at rotary kiln in Cement
plants. This study will present the impact of AF on process parameters, the quality
of products and the environmental component, the real scale data is employed. AF is

injected to be burnt at a temperature adjacent to both 800 C [2]. The physical and
chemical analysis of AF, and cement products; also the characteristic curves of the
incineration gases and their correlation with the kiln operating parameters allows the
optimization of the substitution rate AF. The work submitted therefore seeks to draw
the obtained results and advance a study in the energy cost of olive pomace. It seeks
after that to investigate the possibility of using other AF that could allow developing
the alternative fuels combustion.

[ID: 270] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 184

Exact Solution of Heat Transfer in a Shell-and-Tube

Latent Thermal Energy Storage System
Mohammed BECHIRI and Kacem Mansouri
University M. Bougara, Energy and Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Boumerdes 35000, Algeria
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractAn analytical solution of a latent heat storage unit (LHSU) consisting

of a shell-and tube was obtained by using the Exponential Integral Function and
the variables separation technique. The working uid (water) circulating by forced
convection inside the inner tube charges and discharges the storage unit. The
comparison between analytical predictions and experimental data shows good agreement.
Extensive parametric studies were conducted in order to examine the eect of the
pertinent parameters (such as natural convection, mass ow rate of HTF, outer tube
radius, pipe length etc.) on the melting and solidication processes of paran as a
PCM. In order to provide guidelines for system performance and design optimization,
unsteady temperature distributions within PCM during melting, energy stored, position
of moving interface and thermal eciency have been obtained by a series of numerical
calculations and represented graphically.

KeywordsEnergy storage, Latent heat, Phase change material, Conjugated laminar

forced convection, Circular tube.

[ID: 278] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 185

Numerical study of heat and masse transfer in storage

silos submitted to a periodical wall temperature
N. Himrane
1,∗ , D.E. Ameziani2 , M. El Ganaoui3 , R. Bennacer4
1,2 USTHB  Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering (FGMGP)

Laboratory of Multiphase Transport and Porous Media (LTPMP)

3 Université de Lorraine  Laboratoire IUT de Longwy - LERMAB
4 ENS-Cachan Dpt GC/ LMT
∗ Corresponding Authors: [email protected]

AbstractIn this paper, unsteady natural convection problem in vertical open

ended, and porous cylinder has been investigated numerically to simulate the transient
heat mass convection in the grain storage in silos. A varying temperature prole is
imposed on the lateral wall of the enclosure. Time-dependent boundary temperature is
presented as sinusoidal function which can approximate real weather conditions. In the
case of constant temperature a map diagram (Ra, A, N, Ak) of the two observed ow
types, with and without uid recirculation, was obtained. In order to approve that heat
transfers are dependents of reversal ow and control parameters, the phase diagrams
connecting heat transfer (Nu) to the recirculation ow rate (Qr) was proposed. The
observed relative dierence between sinusoidal and constant wall temperature increases
with increasing Rayleigh number (Ra), dimensionless temperature amplitudes (XA)
and it is particularly sensitive to the values of buoyancy ratio (N).

[ID: 283] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 186

New dual-axis solar tracker design based

on a sheye camera
Zakaria El Jaouhari
1,∗ , Salah Moughyt1 , Omar El Kadmiri1 ,
Lhoussaine Masmoudi , Zakaria El Kadmiri1, Youssef Zaz
1 Physics department, Mohammed V University, Faculty of sciences, Rabat, Morocco.
2 Department of Computer Sciences Faculty of Sciences, Abdelmalek Essaadi University Tetuan, Morocco.

∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractThe daily and seasonal movements of earth aects the power

generation of photovoltaic solar systems. The aim of using sun-tracking systems is to
optimize the orientation of solar panels to compensate the power lose, maintaining
the best orientation relative to the sun irradiation. In this paper, we present a
new design of dual-axis solar tracker. This tracker is based on the use of computer
vision techniques to acquire the accurate orientation towards the sun. The main
advantage of proposed design is that it uses a sheye camera as an acquisition module.
The sheye camera oers a wide eld of tracking of 360 degree horizontally, and
180 degree vertically, with no blind zones. The processing of the acquired images
provides exact information about the sun spectrum position in spherical coordinates.
This tracker does not need any initial calibrations since the tracking process is
done independently of the geodetic and temporal coordinates of the site. An analysis
study explains the proposed tracking strategy and the relative advantages of such design.

[ID: 299] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 187

Nanomatériaux fabriqués pour générateurs des éoliennes


La Fondation Marocaine pour les Sciences Avancées, Innovation et la Recherche (MAScIR)

Laboratoire de matériaux, Nanomatériaux, Nanomagnétisme Nanotechnologie et Enseignement des
Sciences. Ecole Normale Supérieure Rabat  Université Mohammed V - Rabat

RésuméLe vent est une énergie naturelle, appelée énergie éolienne, est capable
de créer de l'électricité: L'utilisation de cette énergie n'a aucun eet néfaste pour
l'environnement, Ceci fait d'elle une énergie propre qui est une réelle alternative au
problème de gestion des déchets nucléaires et aux émissions de gaz à eet de serre. Les
éoliennes représentent également une chance pour plus de deux milliards de personnes
isolées d'accéder enn à l'électricité. De plus, peu coûteuses à long terme, elles sont
une véritable possibilité d'économie au vue de la consommation croissante en énergie.
La production de l'énergie éolienne est relativement simple: le vent fait tourner des
pales qui font tourner le générateur de l'éolienne. A son tour le générateur transforme
l'énergie mécanique du vent en énergie électrique de type éolienne. L'électricité
éolienne est dirigée vers le réseau électrique ou vers des batteries de stockage.

De cette façon, pour une rentable conversion énergétique, les générateurs des
éoliennes doivent être conçus par des matériaux magnétiques de hautes performances.
La sélection précise des matériaux magnétiques doivent répondre à des conditions
d'utilisation diciles (par exemple, des températures élevées provoquant le phénomène
de démagnétisation) c'est la phase cruciale de la conception d'une éolienne. A cet
eet, faisant partie des familles des aimants permanents et ayants des propriétés
magnétiques relativement similaires à celles des aimants à base de Néodyme, les
nanoferrites avec un potentiel résistifs à la corrosion ont fait l'objet de plusieurs
travaux de recherches qui touchent le domaine de la fabrication et la conception des

Le travail qu'on a réalisé s'inscrit dans le cadre de la recherche et développement

de procédé de synthèse des nanoferrites à partir des réactifs non standards extraits
de minerais marocains. Les résultats de la caractérisation physico-chimique des
nanoferrites obtenus seront présentés. Ces résultats ont montré que les nanomatériaux
élaborés ont à la fois les mêmes propriétés que les nanoferrites commerciaux et peuvent
répondre aux conditions d'utilisation dans les générateurs des éoliennes. En perspective,
notre équipe de recherche s'intéresse aussi au stockage de l'énergie convertie part
l'éolienne. Dans ce domaine, on a réussi la fabrication des nanomatériaux d'électrodes
pour la batterie Li-ion. Le choix de ces nanomatériaux vient remédier aux problèmes
de la stabilité structurale, qui par la suite augmente les performances électrochimiques
de la batterie Li-ion (cycle charge-décharge, la capacité de stockage).

[ID: 304] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 188

Développement des aimants permanents pour les

générateurs des éoliennes

La Fondation Marocaine pour les Sciences Avancées, Innovation et la Recherche (MAScIR)

Laboratoire de matériaux, Nanomatériaux, Nanomagnétisme Nanotechnologie et Enseignement
des Sciences. Ecole Normale Supérieure Rabat  Université Mohammed V - Rabat

RésuméLa consommation mondiale d'énergie ne cesse d'augmenter posant des

questions cruciales sur l'eet de serre et l'amenuisement des ressources énergétiques.
L'utilisation des ressources d'énergies renouvelables, telle que l'énergie solaire, éolienne
et hydraulique, devient une nécessité pour l'homme. En eet le soleil, l'eau, le vent
ont un faible impact nocif sur l'environnement ce qui a fait d'eux des énergies d'avenir
face au problème de la gestion des déchets nucléaires et aux émissions de gaz à eet de
serre. Parmi toutes les énergies renouvelables contribuant à la production de l'énergie
électrique, l'énergie éolienne tient actuellement une place importante. La production
électrique éolienne permet de moins utiliser les centrales thermiques à amme et de
diminuer les dépendances énergétiques. L'énergie éolienne est donc une alternative
majeure d'énergies renouvelables électriques, elle est produite par des aérogénérateurs
qui captent à travers leurs pales l'énergie cinétique du vent. La performance des
machines électriques est liée directement à la qualité des matériaux ferromagnétiques
utilisés. Ainsi pour concevoir un dispositif performant dans le domaine éolien, il est
impératif de choisir des matériaux de haute qualité, tels que les ferrites qui entrent
dans la famille des aimants permanants utilisés de plus en plus fréquemment dans
les machines tournantes (éoliennes). Les ferrites présentent le meilleur rapport
performances magnétiques/coût. Ils sont souvent utilisés en grande série, dans de
très nombreuses applications. La quasi-totalité des petits aérogénérateurs actuellement
disponibles sont équipés d'alternateurs à aimants permanents, formant le rotor, et
assurant l'excitation dont la plupart sont fabriqués à partir des ferrites de haute

Le travail qu'on a réalisé, s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche et

développement (R&D), de procédés de fabrication des nanomatériaux en utilisant des
réactifs non-standards extraits de minerais marocains ce qui permettra de valoriser les
ressources minières marocaines dans le domaine de la Nanotechnologie. Ce travail a
abouti à la fabrication de trois types de nanoferrites par deux procédés diérents. Tous
les résultats de caractérisations telles que, DRX, FTIR et EDX conrment la formation
de nanoferrites avec une pureté concurrente à celle déjà existante sur le marché. Durant
ce travail on a aussi réussi à fabriquer des nanocobaltites de haute pureté qui peuvent
être utilisés dans le domaine du stockage et qui complète le processus de conversion de

[ID: 305] Energy in Materials (Conversion Optimisation, PCM ...)

Interface Sessions
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 191

Wind farm feasibility study and its impact

on the environment in algerian highland
region of tiaret
Miloud Benmedjahed , Nassera Ghellai
1 Unité de Recherche en Énergies Renouvelables en Milieu Saharien Adrar, Algérie
2 Unité de Recherche en Matériaux et Énergies Renouvelables (U.R.M .E.R),

Université de Tlemcen, Algérie

∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractThe objective of this work is to evaluate the wind resource in the area
of Tiaret in Algerian highlands. The hourly data used in this study span a period of
10 years. The parameters considered are the speed and direction of wind. For this
purpose, the most energetic and frequent speed as well as the Weibull parameters to plot
the wind rose were evaluated. Treatment focuses on coverage, the average monthly rate,
annual average speed and average speeds by sector and their frequencies, to optimize
site selection for future wind farm.
The highland site Tiaret is favorable for large ZDE (zone of wind development), why it
was decided to investigate the possibility to set up a wind farm of 9 MW consisting of
fteen wind turbine type WGT 600KW. Next, its noise was calculated and then modeled.
To assess the noise impact of our wind farm on the chosen site, we made a simulation
using the ISO 9613-2 method. We found a noise level of 42 dB (A) at 320 meters from
the nearest wind park consisting of six wind turbines type WGT 600KW and 39 dB (A)
at a distance of 480 meters. We can conclude that these noise levels have no eect on
health and comply with the Algerian standard (Executive Decree No. 93-184 July 1993
regulating the emission of noise).For visual impact, we tried to simulate interaction
between wind turbines and the environment of the chosen site. For this, we used the
software Google Earth. We optimized the placement of wind turbines.

[ID: 56] Interface Renewable Energy

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 192

Conception et construction d'une éolienne synchrone

Laboratoire d'Energétique Faculté des Sciences  Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi
B.P. 2121 M'Hannech II 93030 Tetouan Maroc
Courriel : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

RésuméDe nos jours, le paysage énergétique actuel est caractérisé par

l'accroissement continu de la demande mondiale, l'épuisement des réserves des énergies
fossiles, la hausse des prix, et les changements climatiques. Ainsi le Maroc, à l'instar
de beaucoup de pays non producteurs du pétrole, est amener à chercher des sources
d'énergie rendant compatibles la demande future en énergie, réduire la dépendance,
et soulager la balance commerciale en limitant la consommation des énergies fossiles.
C'est ainsi que, le lancement dans le développement des énergies renouvelables, propres
sans danger et inépuisables, reste une réponse parmi d'autres à ces dés. C'est dans
cet objectif que nous sommes lancés pour réaliser une éolienne synchrone à double rotor
avec acquisition des données (température du stator, vitesse de rotation, ...).
Dans ce travail, nous exposons les diérents composants des deux principaux parties de
notre projet :

1. L'éolienne.

2. L'unité de contrôle et d'acquisition des données.

Mots-ClésÉnergie renouvelable, éolienne, génératrice synchrone, aimants

permanents, capteurs, carte d'acquisition.

[ID: 63] Interface Renewable Energy

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 193

Improvement of the availabiliy of the DFIG

wind turbines during voltage DIP
with crowbar circuit
Energetic Laboratory Faculty of Sciences  Abdlmalek Essaâdi University
P.O. Box 2121 M'Hannech II 93030 Tetouan Morocco
[email protected], [email protected], abderrahman.mouradi@gmail,com [email protected]

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to solve the problem of disconnection of

the wind turbines from the grid in order to increase the annual benets from the wind
farm. Our project is about the wind turbine which uses doubly fed induction generator
(DFIG) to supply electrical power. The main defect of this technology is its sensitivity
to the reaction of grid voltage dips. In fact we started by analyzing the response of DFIG
to the grid fault by using mathematic model. Then, we elucidated the performance of
the generator during grid faults using simulation results and we suggested a solution to
keep wind turbines connected to the grid. We eventually veried the eciency of this
solution using Matlab/Simulink.

KeywordsComponent, Renewable energy, wind turbine, doubly-fed induction

generator, active crowbar

[ID: 64] Interface Renewable Energy

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 194

Gradual band energy to passivate the window layer in

solar cells
1 , Y. MIR1 , E. FEDDI2 , M. ADDOU3 and M. ZAZOUI1
1 Laboratory of Condensed Matter and renewable energy, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of

Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco

2 Université Mohamed V Souissi, Ecole Normale Supérieure de l'Enseignement Technique (ENSET), Rabat,

3 Faculty of Sciences and Technology Tanger, Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractThe passivating layer at the front of the cell is often referred to as the
window layer because it must be transparent if the solar cell is to have a high eciency.
In this work, numerical simulation has been proposed to study the eect of the AlGaAs
window on the cell sensitivity to the electron irradiation to passivate the solar cell.
To expect the eect of gradual window layers, the current voltage characteristics are
evaluated for dierent electron irradiation uences. The results show how the gradual
window layer improves resistance to electron irradiation through its own parameters.

[ID: 265] Interface Renewable Energy

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 195

Comparative studies between the Productivity PV of two

cities in Morocco And the city of Nancy in France
S. M'ZRED , I. ZORKANI , A. Jorio
LPS, department of physics
Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mahraz-Fes , University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
Fez, Morocco.

AbstractIn this work we have done a comparative study of the theoretical

productivity of three dierent technologies to base of the Si (monocrystalline, poly
crystalline and amorphous) of the three cities Fez and Midelt (in Morocco) and Nancy
(France). The model that allows us to determine the theoretical productivity based on the
meteorological data of the site considered. The cities of Fez and Midelt presents almost
the same duration of sunshine DS except for the summer or is the city of Fez presented
a duration DS slightly higher, regarding the city of Nancy presented the city the less
sunny by report to the two cities of Morocco. Similarly the levy monthly temperatures
for two cities (Fes and Midelt Morocco) presents the values almost identical, except for

Nancy (in France) its minimum temperature average is 6 C and the mean maximum

temperature does not exceed 14 C. As regards annual productivity for it is best to Midelt,
a little less for Fes and low for Nancy. This due to the made to the dierence in the
amount of insolation received by each site. We note that the values of radiation and of
annual productivity for a follower to 2 axs increase by a third, compared to the case of
the xed system.

Keywordsclimate data, productivity photovoltaic, If monocrystalline, polycrystalline

If, if amorphous, duration of sunshine

[ID: 277] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 196

Calculation of Raman-active modes in boron nitride

B. Fakrach, M. Boutahir, S. Ait Abdelkader, H. Chadli,
A. H. Rahmani, A. Rahmani and K. Sbai
Laboratoire d'Etude des Matériaux Avancés et Applications (LEM2A), Université Moulay Ismail,
FSM -FLSH-FPE, BP 11201, Zitoune, 50000 Meknes, Morocco.
[email protected]

AbstractCarbon and boron nitride nanostructures are of considerable interest

to researchers from many scientic areas due to their unique electronic and mechanical
properties. In particular, a single walled boron nitride nanotube (SWBNNT) [1] and a
fullerene peapods (C 60 @SWCNT) [2], have been reported.

The spectral moments method (SMM) [3] was shown to be a powerful tool for
determining vibrational spectra (infrared absorption, Raman scattering and inelastic
neutron-scattering spectra) of harmonic systems. This method can be applied to very
large systems, whatever the type of atomic forces, the spatial dimension, and structure
of the material. A usual method to calculate the vibrational spectra requires the
eigenvalues and the eigenvectors which can be obtained by direct diagonalization of the
dynamical matrix of the system. However when the system contains a large number
of atoms, the dynamical matrix is very large and its diagonalization fails or requires
long computing time. By contrast, the spectral moments method allows us to compute
directly the vibrational spectra of very large boron nitride nanotube systems without
any diagonalization of the dynamical matrix.

In the following, we use the SMM, together with a bond-polarizability model, to

calculate the nonresonant Raman spectrum for innitely long isolated C60 peapods (C
60 @SWBNNT). The eect of C60-tube interaction on the mode frequencies both of
the peas and the pod has been calculated using the Lennard-Jones, potential showing
that the lowest frequency mode region is more aected than the higher one. The tube
chirality's and diameter eects on Raman spectra were studied. These predictions are
useful to interpret the experimental data.

KeywordsRaman, boron nitride, peapods, spectral moments method

[1] B. Fakrach, A. Rahmani, H. Chadli, K. Sbai, M. Bentaleb, J. L. Bantignies and J.
L. Sauvajol, Phys. Rev. B85, 115437 (2012)
[2] H. Chadli, A. Rahmani, K. Sbai, P. Hermet, S. Rols and J. L. Sauvajol, Phys. Rev.
B 74 205412 (2006)
[3] A. Rahmani, J. L. Sauvajol, S. Rols, and C. Benoit, Phys. Rev. B 66, 125404

[ID: 14] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 197

Vibrational properties of BNNT@CNT

double-walled nanotubes
AH. Rahmani, M. Boutahir, B. Fakrach, H. Chadli and A. Rahman

Laboratoire d'Etude des Matériaux Avancés et Applications (LEM2A), Université Moulay

Ismail, FSM-ESTM-FPE-FLSHM, BP 11201, Zitoune, 50000 Meknes, Morocco.
∗ Email: [email protected]

AbstractCarbon and boron nitride nanostructures are of considerable interest

to researchers from many scientic areas due to their unique vibrational, electronic and
mechanical properties. In particular, a single walled boron nitride nanotube (BNNT)
[1] and a single walled carbon nanotube (CNT) [2], have been reported.
The spectral moment's method (SMM) [3] was shown to be a powerful tool for
determining vibrational spectra (infrared absorption, Raman scattering and inelastic
neutron- scattering spectra) of harmonic systems. This method can be applied to
very large systems, whatever the type of atomic forces, the spatial dimension, and
structure of the material. The calculations of vibrational properties of BNNT@CNT
double-walled hybrid nanostructures are performed in the framework of the force
constants model, using the spectral moment's method (SMM). A LennardJones
potential is used to describe the van der Waals interactions between inner and outer
tubes in hybrid systems.
The calculation of the BNNT@CNT infrared and Raman active modes as a function of
the diameter and chirality of the inner and outer tubes allows us to derive the diameter
dependence of the wave number of the breathing-like modes, intermediate-like modes
and tangential-like modes in a large diameter range. These predictions are useful to
interpret the experimental data.

KeywordsRaman, Infrared, carbon, boron nitride, spectral moments method

[1] B. Fakrach, A. Rahmani, H. Chadli, K. Sbai, M. Bentaleb, J. L. Bantignies and J.
L. Sauvajol, Phys. Rev. B 85, 115437 (2012)
[2] A. Rahmani, J. L. Sauvajol, S. Rols, and C. Benoit, Phys. Rev. B 66, 125404 (2002)
[3] H. Chadli, A. Rahmani, K. Sbai, P. Hermet, S. Rols and J. L. Sauvajol, Phys. Rev.
B 74 205412 (2006)

[ID: 18] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 198

Vibrational properties of carbon nanotubes

with mono-vacancy defects

Laboratoire d'Etude des Matériaux Avancés et Applications (LEM2A), Université Moulay Ismail
FSM -FLSH-FPE, BP 11201, Zitoune, 50000 Meknes, Morocco. ∗ [email protected]

AbstractThe excellent mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of carbon

nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted the attention of many researchers. However, carbon
nanotubes are not defect-free in reality. Synthetized carbon nanotubes present various
kinds of defects such as mono-vacancy (MV) point defect.
The spectral moment's method [1] was shown to be a powerful tool for determining
vibrational spectra (Infrared absorption, Raman scattering and inelastic neutron-
scattering spectra) of harmonic systems. In this work, we have calculated the non-
resonant Raman spectra of carbon nanotubes with dierent concentrations of mono-
vacancy defects using the spectral moment's method. Raman spectra are calculated for
dierent nanotube diameter and chirality. A dynamical model for carbon nanotube
with MV point defect is proposed. Characteristic Raman modes of rings of defect are
identied. These predictions are useful to interpret the experimental data.

KeywordsCarbon nanotube, spectral moment's method, mono-vacancy

[1] A.Rahmani, J.L. Sauvajol, S. Rols, and C. Benoit, Phys. Rev. B 66 (2002), 125404.

[ID: 21] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 199

A Monte Carlo Study of the spin-1

Blume-Emery-Griths Phase diagrams
within biquadratic exchange anisotropy
Ibtissam Dani, Najim Tahiri, Hamid Ez-zahraouy, Abdelilah Benyoussef
Université Mohammed V Agdal

AbstractThe eect of the bi-quadratic exchange coupling anisotropy on the

phase diagram of the spin-1 Blume-Emery-Griths model on simple-cubic lattice is
investigated using mean eld theory (MFT) and Monte Carlo simulation (MC). It
is found that the anisotropy of the biquadratic coupling favors the stability of the
ferromagnetic phase. By decreasing the parallel and/or perpendicular bi- quadratic
coupling, the ferrimagnetic and the antiquadrupolar phases broaden in contrast, the
ferromagnetic and the disordered phases become narrow. The behavior of magnetization
and quadrupolar moment as a function of temperature is also computed, especially in
the ferrimagnetic phase.

[ID: 69] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 200

Electronic properties Study of LixT iO2 Ramsdellite

1 1 2
Jamal Sayah , Larbi El Farh , Allal Challioui , Hamza Elkouch
1 and Hamid Amaoui1
1 Faculté des Sciences, Département de Physique, 60000 Oujda, Maroc
2 Faculté des Sciences, Département de Chimie, 60000 Oujda, Maroc

AbstractIn this study, initially we calculated the total and partial density
of states DOS and band structure of ramsdellite T iO2 using the full potential
linearized augmented plane wave (FP LAPW) method implemented in the WIEN2k
code. We employed the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), LDA local density
approximation and Tran and Blaha's modied Becke- Johnson (TB-mBJ) exchange
potential (plus GGA correlation potential). We found that TB-mBJ results give one
band gap of 3.4 eV, very close of the experimental values obtained by other authors.
After, we used just Tran and Blaha's modied Becke-Johnson (TB-mBJ) exchange
potential (plus GGA correlation potential) for calculate and compare electronic and
structural properties between materials ramsdellite T iO2 and Lix T iO2 (x = 0.5 and x =

KeywordsRamsdellite T iO2 , electronic properties, FP-LAPW, LDA, GGA, TB-


[ID: 86] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 201

Thermodynamical properties of rosemary

a b a a
S. Mghazli , A. Idlimam , M. Mahrouz , L. Lahnine , N.Hidar , M.Ouhammou
a a

(Research Team of Innovation and Sustainable Development and Expertise in Green Chemistry),
Department of Chemistry, Cadi Ayyad University,
B.P. 2390, Marrakesh 40000, Morocco
b Laboratory of Solar Energy and Medicinal Plants,

Teacher's Training College, Cadi Ayyad University

BP 2400 Marrakesh, Morocco
Correspondence author: Safa Mghazli Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe aim of this paper is to study the dierential enthalpy and

dierential entropy of sorption of rosemary leaves. Thermodynamic properties were
determined from moisture adsorption and desorption data, using the Clausius-Clapeyron
equation. The experimental data showed that enthalpy-entropy compensation theory was
applicable to the moisture sorption behaviour of rosemary.

[ID: 138] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 202

Design of substrat integerated waveguide

bandpass lter based on
metamaterials csrrs
Ahmed Rhbanou , Seddik Bri
2 and Mohamed Sabbane1
1 Department of Mathematics, FSM, Moulay Ismail University,
2 MIN, Electrical Engineering Department, ESTM, Moulay Ismail University,

Meknes, 50000, Morocco

Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractThis poster presents a band-pass Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW)

lter based on Complementary Split Ring Resonators (CSRRs). By etching Square
Complimentary Split Ring Resonators on the surface of the substrate integrated
waveguide. The bandpass lter is treated by three square double rings CSRRs cells
are etched on the top plane of the SIW, the simulated results of this lter have shown
that the passband is from 7.34 GHz to 9 GHz, while the insertion loss is -0.47 dB within
20.31% bandwidth around 8.17 GHz and the return loss in the passband is better than
-15 dB. The structure is designed on a single substrate of RT / Duroid 5880 permittivity
2.2. The compatibility with planar circuits is provided via a specic microstrip transition
(microstrip tapered transitions).

[ID: 165] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 203

Release study of oxytetracycline from

chitosan/hydroxyapatite composites
Maachou Hamida
(Materials and environment laboratory, University of Medea, Ain D'Heb, Médéa 26000, Algeria)
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +213 25594550 Email: [email protected]

AbstractPrevention and treatment of bone infections is a very important subject

because the poor circulation of blood in the bone leads to the need for administration of
a large amount of antibiotic to achieve appropriate therapeutic threshold. The in situ
use of sustained release systems has proved so attractive to maintain therapeutic levels,
reduce the spread in unwanted sites and reduce toxicity. In the present work, we studied
the possibility of using composite microparticles Chitosan / Hydroxyapatite (Cs / HA)
as antibiotic vector. The composite microparticles were prepared by emulsication by
dispersing a chitosan solution containing hydroxyapatite in paran oil. The formed
droplets were crosslinked with glutaraldehyde. The antibiotic used in this study is
oxytetracycline. Inclusion of the antibiotic in the composite microparticles was made
by immersion of microspheres in a concentrated solution of oxytetracycline for 4
hours. The encapsulation rate was about 44%. In addition, we studied the release
of oxytetracycline under physiological conditions using a solution that simulates the

physiological uid such as release medium and a temperature of 37 C. The amount
of oxytetracycline released was measured by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The results showed
a sustained release which decreases while the HA amount increases in the composite.
These biomaterials can, therefore, be used as antibiotics vehicle to treat or prevent bone

[ID: 173] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 204

Kinetic study of active substance release from pectin


Yamina Zouambia , Mohamed Krea, Nadji Moulai Mostefa
Materials and Environment Laboratory (LME), University of Medea, Heb Ain, 26001 Medea, Algeria.
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +213 25594550 Email: [email protected]

AbstractThis present work is devoted to the trapping study of two drugs

(penicillin G sodium: PenG and ampicillin sodium: Amp) in pectin (plant
polysaccharide) beads using the ionotropic gelation method. The kinetics study of
penicillin and ampicillin release through these systems, using UV-visible spectroscopy
has allowed us to know the release prole of these two drugs in two mediums of dierent

KeywordsPectin, encapsulation, Gelation, Release.

[ID: 174] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 205

New electro-stimulation and functional rehabilitation

A. Salbi
1,∗ , S. Bri2
1 Spectrometry Laboratory of Materials and Archéomateriaux (LASMAR),

Faculty of Science, University Moulay Ismail Meknes - Morocco

2 Materials and Instrumentation (MIN), Higher School of Technology,

University Moulay Ismail Meknes  Morocco

∗ Email: [email protected]

AbstractIn this paper, we present a new solution of electrical muscle

stimulation, to restore defective functions of the nervous systems in some patients or to
train the muscles for athletes. The solution is to create a signal similar to the one sent
by the central nervous system to contract a peripheral system responsible for muscle
contraction. Thus, the work aims to develop an electronic circuit for stimulating
muscle contraction to determine its function by an electric biphasic pulse train. This
stimulator system comprises a clock, an inverter and a logic sequencer which shifts
the clock signal. The power stage is used to adapt the incoming signals on a booster
transformer coupled to a control stage to adjust the pulse amplitude.

[ID: 199] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 206

A batteryless temperature sensor based

on a sensitive material
A. Bakkali
1,2 , J. Pelegri-Sebastia2 , Y. Laghmich3 , M.R. Britel1 , A. Lyhyaoui1
1 Laboratory of Innovative Technologies,

Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco

Research Institute for Integrated Management of Coastal Areas,
Universitat Politècnica, Valencia, Spain
Polydisplinary Faculty, Hassan 1 st University, Morocco
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

AbstractThe major challenge in wireless sensor networks is the reduction of

energy consumption. Passive wireless sensor network is an attractive solution for
measuring physical parameters in harsh environment for large range of applications
requiring sensing devices with low cost of fabrication, small size and long term
measurement stability. Batteryless temperature sensing techniques are an active
research eld. The approach developed in our work holds a promising future for
temperature sensor applications in order to successfully reduce the energy consumption.
The temperature sensor presented in this paper is based on the electromagnetic
transduction principle using the integration of the high temperature sensitive material
into a passive structure. Variation in temperature makes the dielectric constant of this
material changing, and such modication induces variation in the resonant frequencies
of high-Q whispering-gallery modes (WGM) in the millimeter-wave frequency range.
Following the results achieved, the proposed device shows a linear response to the
increasing temperature and these variations can be remotely detected from a radar

[ID: 208] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 207

Photoluminescence quenching in the reduced

graphene oxide - Sn(IV) tetrakis(4-pyridyl)
porphyrin dichloride composite
a,b,d , A. Bakoura,e , M. BAÏTOULa , M. MAAZAc,d and J.

Wery Venturini
a University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Faculty of Sciences Dhar el Mahraz,

Laboratory of Solid state Physics, Group of Polymers and nanomaterials,

BP 1796 Atlas Fez 30 000, Morocco.
b UNISA Africa Chair in Nanosciences-Nanotechnology, College of Science,

Engineering and technology Science Campus, Corner of Christiaan de Wet Road and Pioneer Avenue,
Florida, 1709, Johannesburg, South Africa.
c UNISA Africa Chair in Nanosciences-Nanotechnology, College of Graduate Studies,

University of South Africa,

Muckleneuk ridge, PO Box 392, Pretoria, South Africa.
d iThemba LABS-National Research Foundation of South Africa,

Old Faure Road, POBox 722, Somerset West 7129, Western Cape Province, South Africa.
e Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel, Nantes,

2rue de la Houssinière, BP32229,44322 Nantes, Cedex3, France

AbstractPorphyrins are photoactive molecules generally known to be

photoconductors, photovoltaics and capable of light induced charging and facilitate
charge transfer to acceptors under the visible light irradiation. In this work, we have
synthesized few layered reduced graphene oxide (RGO) as graphene derivative. The
RGO nanocomposites based were obtained using Sn(IV) tetrakis(4-pyridyl)porphyrin
dichloride (SnTPyP ) and their optical properties were investigated by means of
Photoluminecence (PL) in steady and time resolved state. The PL spectrum of
2+ and RGO based composite indicates an important interaction suggesting
charge transfer from SnTPyP
2+ to RGO in steady state.

[ID: 212] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 208

Kinetic study of lead alloys for battery grids

1 1 1
2 2
1 1 and L. ZERROUK1
1 Laboratoire Physico-Chimie des Procédés et des Matériaux(PCPM),

Université Hassan 1er FST Settat, Maroc.

2 Laboratoire des Sciences des Matériaux, des Milieux et de la modélisation (LS3M),

25000 Khouribga, université Hassan 1er Morocco.

Corresponding author : Email : [email protected] Fax: 05 23 40 09 69

AbstractThe study back to the equilibrium state of Pb-Cd-Bi alloys was carried
out by various experimental techniques such as hardness, microhardness, optical
microscopy and X-ray diraction. Two structural states were considered: raw casting
alloy and rehomogenized alloy, their compositions are: Pb2% Cd1% Bi; Pb2% Cd2%
Bi; Pb2% Cd3%Bi and Pb3.2% Cd2% Bi. The experimental temperatures are 20 C

and 80 ◦C. The latter one was chosen because it corresponds to the temperature of
ripening of battery grids and the hot temperature for battery working.

[ID: 237] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 209

Kinetics study of softening and hardening

transformations of pbsbal alloys
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Materials and Processes (MPCP),
Hassan 1st University FST Settat, Morocco .
Corresponding author Email: [email protected]

AbstractSince the industrial market demands, in the battery manufacturing

eld, to produce batteries with low maintenance or maintenance-free, we try to minimize
the composition of antimony in lead alloys. For this, and to more improve the
mechanical and electrochemical properties, we added aluminum to lead alloys. The
addition of aluminum leads to a ner and a harder structure. With the addition of
aluminum, we have reached to acceleration in the kinetics of the hardening reaction
by comparing it with that of PbSbSn alloys transformations. Three states are
studied, namely, cast product stored at room temperature, rehomogenized- cast, as-cast

maintained at 80 . The quantities used are less than 2wt.% of Sb and 1,5wt.% of Al.

[ID: 247] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 210

Natural convection of al2o3-water and propylene glycol

nanouid in a threedimensional cubic cavity
Abdellatif DAYF, M'barek FEDDAOUI , Hossine EL IHSSINI , Aniss AZZABAKH

Laboratoire Génie Energie, Matériaux et Systèmes (LGEMS)

∗ Laboratoire de Mécanique, Procédés de l'Energie et de l'Environnement (LMP2E)

Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées ENSA, B.P. 1136, Agadir  Maroc
$ Corresponding author: [email protected]

AbstractThe present paper focus on problem of natural convection uid ow

and heat transfer of Al2 O3 - Water and Propylene glycol nanouid in three dimensional
dierentially heated cavity. The governing equations have been solved numerically
following nite volume approach using SIMPLEC algorithm. The left and the right
vertical sidewalls of the cavity are maintained at constant temperatures Th and TC,
respectively. The remaining walls of the cavity are insulated. Eective viscosity and
thermal conductivity of the nanouid are determined using Brinkman and Maxwell
models, respectively. Through a parametric study, the eects of the Rayleigh number
and volume fraction of nanoparticle were analyzed. The results show that the average
Nusselt number of the plane with y equal to half of the cavity, in general, increase with
increasing the volume fraction of the nanoparticle.

Keywordsnite volume method, 3D natural convection, nanouid.

[ID: 256] Interface Innovative Materials

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 211

Eect of alcohol in the formulation of microemulsion

Rahal S , Khalladi R, Moulai-Mostefa N
Materials and Environmental Laboratory
University of Medea, Ain D'Heb, 26001 Medea, Algeria
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +00 (213) 25594540 Email: rahalsou[email protected]

AbstractThe aim of our study is the formulation and comparison of

microemulsionbased brine / decane / anionic surfactant and two alcohols which plays
the role of a co-surfactant. The surfactant used is sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and
the alcohols are butanol and pentanol.
To investigate the eect of alcohol on the behavior of the microemulsion, pseudo-
ternary phase diagrams were established to identify regions of existence of the three
isotropic microemulsion structures (WI, WII and WIII). The results show that the
alcohol chain length has a remarkable eect on the regions of microemulsion. And,
a progressive transformation of the oil-in- water (W I) in bicontinuous (W III) and
inversion to water -in-oil (WII) microemulsions occurs upon increasing salt fraction.

[ID: 260] Interface Building Eciency

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 212

State of the bioclimatic art path in France and its

wearablity in Morrocco
1 2 1
Mohamed Ameur , Ikram El Abbassi , Abdelaziz Mimet , A.-Moumen Darcherif
1 Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Faculty of Sciences,

Energy Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics

Av. de Sebta Mhennech II, 93002 Tetuan
[email protected] ; [email protected]
2 ECAM EPMI, LR2E, Research Laboratory Eco -innovation

Industrial and Energetic engineering,

13 Boulevard Hautil, 95092 Cergy Pontoise, France
[email protected] ; [email protected]

AbstractIn a dicult energetic context, Morrocco enjoys a privileged state. It

arranges an important potential in renewable energies (Solar and eolien in particular),
and resources in a favorable material construction to the bioclimatic construction's
wearability answering the building norms in a high environmental quality. The purpose
of this paper is to dress a technical synthesis of French bioclimatic materials construction
under constrained energetic eciency depending the sustainable development stakes
and to analyze the wearability of its concept on the Moroccan territory. Fundamental
principles of the bioclimatic architecture in France are identied in a function of their
phisical property. The purpose of this work is also to supply used materials matrix
in France to the Moroccans oces and the identical materials or equivalent that are
available in Morocco.

[ID: 47] Interface Building Eciency

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 213

Évaluation de l'ecacité énergétique desrégions

marocaines et choix d'indicateurs
de performances énergétiques
1 2
Najwa EL MOUTEZ , Oum Kaltoum BOUHELAL , Abdallah LAOUINA

CERGéo-Université Mohammed V-Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines- Agdal

21, av. Abdelkrim Khattabi Hay Salam  Salé
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Rabat ENSMR
Fax: 05 37 20 68 98 Email: [email protected]

RésuméL'objectif de cet article est d'évaluer le niveau d'ecacité énergétique

des diérentes régions du Maroc entre 1998 et 2012 en termes de consommation
d'électricité, et ce, à travers le calcul de deux indicateurs énergétiques, à savoir
l'intensité et l'élasticité énergétiques.
En eet, le Maroc a mis en place une stratégie énergétique nationale dont l'un de ses
objectifs principaux est d'améliorer l'ecacité énergétique en particulier en analysant
les consommations d'énergie au niveau des diérentes régions.
Toutefois, en absence de cartographie énergétique des diérentes régions, on ignore
lesquelles faut-il cibler le plus pour améliorer l'ecacité énergétique du pays, puisque
nous sommes incapables de savoir si l'augmentation annuelle de la consommation
d'électricité des diérentes régions engendre ou non la création de richesse, ni quelles
sont les régions qui gaspillent le plus d'énergie.
Cet article se focalise sur l'évolution de la consommation d'électricité dans les
diérentes régions, l'analyse de l'ore par rapport à la demande, ainsi que la relation
par rapport à d'autres critères macroéconomiques tels le PIB et la population. Pour cela,
nous avons procédé au calcul de l'intensité énergétique au niveau des consommations
d'électricité et de son Taux de Variation Annuel Moyen sur la période s'étalant
entre 1998 et 2012, ainsi qu'au calcul de l'élasticité énergétique. Nous avons ensuite
procédé à une classication des diérentes régions étudiées selon leur niveau d'ecacité
énergétique en termes de consommation d'électricité selon ces deux critères ; en guise
de conclusion, nous avons pu identier quelles sont les régions les plus économes en
énergie électrique.

[ID: 110] Interface Building Eciency

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 214

Contribution to summer comfort by oor

cooling in ecological house pilot
1,2,∗ , Larbi LOUKARFI1,2 , Hassane NAJI3,4
1 Laboratoire de Contrôle, Essai, Mesure et Simulation Mécaniques
2 Université Hassiba Benbouali de Chlef, Hay Salem, route nationale N◦ 19, 02000 Chlef  Algérie
3 Laboratoire de Génie civil et géo-Environnement, Université d'Artois, 62400- Béthune, France
4 Université Lille Nord de France, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: +213 27 72 17 94 Email:[email protected]

AbstractComfort, in living and working spaces, is a recognized and justied

request, which the designer must provide sustainable solutions to prevent premature
rehabilitation operation of the frame. The shape of the building, its compactness and
orientation, have a signicant impact on its energy performance. It is the same for the
choice of ventilation systems, etc.
In this study, the energy required for cooling of a house located in Algeria is determined
by the degree day method without consideration in calculating the free contributions
(solar and internal), the results will be compared to those obtained with Trnsys. The
results obtained by this software and those obtained by the method of degree days are
quite similar and are consistent with the cooling requirements with the seasons. In
summer, a suitable hydraulic system is used to cool the atmosphere for not investing in
a mechanical air cooling system.
The selected starting temperature avoids the risk of condensation. A calculation in
permanent mode of operation, will determine the absorption capacity of a cooling system
built into the oor of the house, perfectly discreet and silent. We can then assess the
contribution of the oor cooling in improving summer comfort for the occupants of a
house performance envelope .

[ID: 146] Interface Building Eciency

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 215

Experimental study of the eect of injecting heated

air in dierent position in a new desalination
system by HDH process, using solar energy
Sara LADOUY and Abdelhamid KHABBAZI
Institute LEME, Med V University -Higher School of Technology,
Corresponding author: Fax: Email: [email protected]

AbstractThis work is part of increasing the protability of a sea water

desalination system, single stage , held at the laboratory scale, using the method of
Humidication Dehumidication ( HDH) combined, instantaneous ( shorten up the
HDH cycle). This is essentially an experimental approach which consists on studying
a new combination of HDH system based on the use of a plate condenser cooled by
sea water and the envelope of the system cooled by the ambient air, subsequently,an
experimental investigation of humidication process by injecting hot air in dierent
altitudes of the unit was held, where the solar energy was used to heat the air in
closed system through natural convection. The temperature of the free evaporation
surface was also analyzed to determine its eect on the ow rate values of the distillate.
This is a closed air system using solar energy and the cooling energy provided by the
low temperature of sea water and ambient air. The results justify the feasibility of
the proposed system, since we got encouraging results and quite comparable to other
desalination systems using solar energy, those results also allow us to understand and
predict the characteristics required for a new prototype of this desalination system.

[ID:162] Interface Building Eciency

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 216

Thermal impact of aspect ratio and rayleigh number on

heat transfer in a triangular roof for summer conditions

1 Université Mohammed 1, Faculté des Sciences, Laboratoire de Mécanique & Energétique, 60000 Oujda,

2 Université Clermont 2, LaMI EA 3867, IUT de Montluçon, Av. A. Briand, BP 2235, F-03101 Montluçon

cedex, France.
3 Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal, Institut Pascal, UMR/CNRS 6602, BP 10448, F-63000

Clermont-Ferrand, France.
∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractThe energy performance is inuenced by the dierent forms which

constitute the roof of a building. This communication aims to highlight the convective
and radiative heat transfert in a triangular roof in summer conditions. A specically
developed numerical model, based on the nite-volume method, is used for the solutions
of the governing dierential-equations. The SIMPLER algorithm was adopted for the
treatment of velocity-pressure coupling. Concerning the radiation exchange, we consider
that the working uid (air) is transparent, so only the solid surfaces contribute to the
radiation exchange and assumed to be diuse-gray. The key parameters for this analysis
are considered as Rayleigh number (Ra) and aspect ratio (A). Results are reported in
terms of isotherms, streamlines and average Nusselt numbers (Nuw).

[ID: 262] Material-Energy & Safety

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 217

Assessing the eect of slope on the development

of thermal plume during a tunnel re

Hajar Chaara , Abdellatif Khamlichi, Abderrahmane Hajraoui
Systems of Communications and Detection Laboratory, FST, Tetouan, Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences at Tetouan, BP: 2121,

Tetouan 93002, Morocco; Fax: +212613835181, Email: [email protected]

AbstractThis paper concerns the analysis of the eect of slope on the

development of thermal plume due to a re occurrence within a trac tunnel. The
objective is to evaluate the natural temperature stratication in the downstream ow of
the re in the presence of air stream induced by the chimney eect. The ow is assumed
to have low speed and to be nearly incompressible, but likely to undergo strong density
Numerical simulations are performed with the FDS code (Fire Dynamics Simulator,
Version 5.0) with the aim to emphasize the inuence of the intervening parameters on
the stratication of smoke during a re happening inside a sloped tunnel .

[ID: 6] Material-Energy & Safety

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 218

Optimisation des méthodes de maintenance pour

améliorer le rendement des systèmes industriels
1,∗ , A. SOULHI2 , J. EL ALAMI1
1 LASTIMI, Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Salé, Salé
2 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Rabat, Email : [email protected]
∗ Corresponding author: Tel: +212.668.57.60.70 Email: [email protected]

RésuméLa présente communication consiste à analyser l'impact des diérentes

politiques de maintenance sur le rendement des systèmes industriels productifs. En
fait, les méthodes classiques de maintenance, largement connues et employées dans
les unités industrielles, reposent, entre autre, sur les opérations dites préventives ou
prévisionnelles. Il en découle que les arrêts immobilisant les unités en maintenance
soient inévitables générant ainsi les inconvénients onéreux suivants :

• Manque à gagner pour arrêt de production ;

• Dégradation de la performance du système notamment sa disponibilité

opérationnelle ;

• Génération de contraintes d'exploitation liées à l'arrêt et au redémarrage des

unités ;

• Détérioration de l'image de marque de l'organisme en charge du système en

question et insatisfaction probable des clients.

Notre travail vise à analyser les principales notions en interactions avec la fonction
Maintenance Préventive, en l'occurrence, la disponibilité et la maintenabilité. Cette
analyse repose sur les méthodes de modélisation de la maintenance des systèmes et de
leur cycle de vie en quête d'une rentabilité économique des investissements. L'objectif
est de réduire au maximum les coûts globaux liés à la dégradation de la productivité et
les manques à gagner liés directement aux arrêts pour maintenance.
Le résultat nal escompté consiste ainsi à dénir les fondamentaux et méthodes d'une
nouvelle vision de la maintenance, à dénir les conditions sous lesquelles cette politique
serait plausible et mettre à disposition des décideurs concernées une boîte à outils,
permettant de dégager des rendements meilleurs de leurs systèmes de production.

[ID: 29] Material-Energy & Safety

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 219

Thermal impact study of a bio-based wall combined

with an Inner pcm layer
Yassine Kharbouch
1∗ , Abdelaziz Mimet1 , Mohammed El Ganaoui2 , Lahoucine Ouhsaine1
1 Laboratory of Energy, Fluid Mechanics and Materials Sciences. Faculty of Sciences,

BP 2121 - 93000, Tétouan, Morocco.

2 Laboratory of Studies and Research on Wood material - Lorraine University,

186, rue de Lorraine, BP 54400, Longwy, France.

∗ Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

AbstractOur study focuses on thermal performances evaluation of a solar room

built using a new bio- based composite wall coupled with a phase change material (PCM)
layer during the cooling season under climatic conditions of Nancy city France. This
composite wall consists of a bio-based panel IBS- IZOLOX developed by the Belgium
company ISOHABITAT.the inner side of this bio-based composite wall will be coupled
with a PCM layer in order to improve the thermal inertia of room envelope. The results
show that this system wall can improve signicantly the thermal comfort performance
of the solar room during the cooling season.

[ID: 59] Material-Energy & Safety

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 220

Numerical simulation of ow with obstacles by the

k − ω SST turbulence model

Bensenouci Djamel , Aliane Khaled
Faculty of technology Bp 230
Chetouane University of Tlemcen , Algeria
∗ Corresponding author: [email protected]

[email protected]

AbstractForced turbulent convection driving is encountered in many industrial

applications such as cooling of nuclear reactors, solar water heaters, heat exchangers
etc ... A numerical study of a turbulent two-dimensional incompressible ow of air
through a duct of rectangular cross section with at baes is undertaken using the
mesh Gambit and Fluent CFD code. The governing equations based on the k − ω SST
model used to model the turbulence, are solved by the nite volume method using the
SIMPLE algorithm. Proles and the elds in the axial velocity, and the proles and the
distribution of the total temperature in the duct have been obtained for all the considered
and selected sections of varying geometry: upstream, downstream and between the two
at baes.

[ID: 89] Material-Energy & Safety

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 221

Thermal behaviour in dynamic regime of a multilayer

roof provided with two phase change materials in the
case of a local conditioned
∗ Nisrine Hanchi, Hamid Hamza, Bouchra Abouelkhayrat, Jawad Lahjomri and Abdelaziz

Faculty of sciences Ain Chock, Laboratory of Mecanics,BP 5366 Maarif, Casablanca, Morocco
∗ Corresponding author: Fax: ++212 5 2223 0674 Email: [email protected]

AbstractUse of phase change materials (PCMs) in walls and roofs of the

premises is one of the solutions to reduce the eect of external climatic conditions
and energy consumption. This work is intended to compare the thermal behaviour of
two types of roofs of local conditioned. The rst as a reference is constituted by the
conventional building materials. In the second, two phase change materials are inserted
in several combinations and in dierent positions.
Both roofs are processed and compared for the same external thermal conditions for
the city of Casablanca. The comparative study is performed using a numerical code
developed and successfully validated. Comparison criterion between the roof reference
and that provided by phase change materials is the annual heat ux density transmitted
to the local conditioned.
The simulation results show that insertion of phase change materials within the
reference roof is favourable. The reduction of energy consumption in the room
conditioned dependent on the choice of the PCMs inserted, their thickness and locations
within the roof as well as the temperature of the conditioned room.

[ID: 184] Material-Energy & Safety

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 222

Industrial euent treatment: Anaerobic digestion of

wastewater distilleries
1 1 2
M. El Azhar , F. El Azhar , N.Lahlou , A. Elmidaoui
1 Laboratory of Separation Processes Department of Chemistry Faculty of Sciences

Ibn Tofail University,kenitra 2 Sotrameg Society Morocco Kenitra

Azh [email protected]

AbstractThe Management of the vinasse resulting from the conversion of

molasses in alcohol by fermentation is a preoccupation for distilleries. Indeed, its high
organic load actually a highly polluting euent.
The anaerobic digestion of this substrate is an interesting alternative to the process
of management/already existing treatment. In addition to the purifying aspect, the
biomethanisation allows to value a source of organic matter available in renewable
energy by production of the biogas (45% to 95% [1]). The Biomethanisation process
can be treated the euents with the higher pollution load [2], in our case the vinasse
has the value of COD equal to 78 g/l. SOTRAGEM "Company of the Gharb molasses
processing" is one of three subsidiaries of Delta Holding group constituting the
chemistry Husbandry pole. The unique ethanol distillery in Morocco by fermentation
of molasses beet and sugar cane, it has the peculiarity of involving the manufacture of
ethyl alcohol to that of the liquid carbon dioxide. In order to remedy the discharges
from the fermentation plant, SOTRAMEG has invested heavily in an innovative way
for the treatment of the euents. The processing treatment consists to coupling the
process for Biomethanisation with the extended aeration of the activated sludge. This
work presents the results of the performances of the anaerobic digestion of the of the
biomethanisation process and explains the energy savings generated by this investment.

[ID: 193] Material-Energy & Safety

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 223

Higher performance of ecological biobased adhesives

from Acacia Mollissima Tannins used
for bonding plywood.

1 LIMAT-Thermostructural Materials and Polymers Team, Faculty of science Ben M'sik,

University Hassan II Mohammedia-Casablanca,

Boulevard Cdt Driss Harti, BP.7955, Ben M'sik, Casablanca, Morocco.
2 IPREM-EPCP, University of Pau, IUT des Pays de l'Adour,

371 Rue du Ruisseau, BP201, 40000, Mont de Marsan, France.

3 ENFI BP: 511 Tabriquet 11015 Salé, Morocco.

Emails: [email protected], [email protected]

AbstractThe main objectives of this research were to develop an ecological

adhesive from Acacia Mollissima tannins, with a good bonding quality of plywood panel,
good water resistance, higher mechanical proprieties and lower formaldehyde emission.
The screening factors evaluated were: the eect of lignin activation, pressing time,
pressure, pressing temperature, addition of epoxy resins, surfactant and the eect of the
order addition of the reactive. The quality of bonding plywood panels was carried out by
normative tests: tensile, shear strength and evaluation of the apparent cohesive failure
of the adhesive in the wood. The mechanical proprieties of plywood panels were aected
by lignin activation, pressure, epoxy resins, pressing temperature and order addition of
reactive. This study showed that inserting 40% of biobased resin in epoxy adhesives
formulations gives high water resistance for plywood panels and strong thermal stability
for adhesives formulation. This adhesives formulation can be used with successfully in
dry, wet and exterior application.

KeywordsAcacia Mollissima, Ecological adhesives, Lignin, Tannin, plywood

[ID: 243] Material-Energy & Safety

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 224

Cloud coverage estimation using ground based images

and segmentation techniques
1 Salah Moughyt, Zakaria El Jaouhari1 , Omar El Kadmiri1 , Lhoussaine Masmoudi1 , Zakaria El
Kadmiri , Youssef Zaz
1 Physics Department, Mohammed V University, Faculty of sciences, Rabat, Morocco.
2 Department of Computer Sciences Faculty of Sciences, Abdelmalek Essaadi University Tetuan, Morocco.

[email protected]

AbstractNowadays scientists and researchers started using more and more

ground based sky imagers as a rich source of information about the potential of local
solar production. Sky coverage rate by clouds represent a very important factor for
calculating the power generation by photovoltaic panels. This paper proposes the use
of image segmentation techniques to estimate the cloud coverage rate. The aim of
this article is to demonstrate the eectiveness of two segmentation methods: Otsu and
Multi-Objective optimization to distinguish between clouds and the sky as two dierent
classes. We will compared the results of the Multi-Objective Optimization approach
that calculates the optimal threshold with the Otsu's method.

[ID: 298] Material-Energy & Safety

2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 225

Prologue Energy & the City of the future EVF

Foreword: Energy & the City of the future EVF international symposium in

Magazines and the web are full of references to the city of the future. Through
architectural freedom, city problems, geopolitical projections, sketches of the city of
tomorrow already exist in our contemporary world with their realities and fantasies.

Whatever form cities will take, a vegetable city, connected towers, adorned with
wind gardens, surrounded by photovoltaic farms ... Human realizes his happiness and
well-being in terms of mobility, housing, health, recreation ... elements that must
remain the outcomes of everyday life.

A simple trip to Asia or Africa today conrms that our reality is relative and
evolves according to the new geopolitical picture of the world. Thinking has its
place to converge to a balanced world and keep constant human development in its
sociocultural environment.

Regardless the screening, Engineering, Human and Social Sciences and the
interface between these elds will be determinant for the city to travel its way
between realities and potentialities. Simultaneously driven by human evolution and
architectural extrapolation, while meeting the constraints of energy resources and
wastes related to the human machine and its environment.

The projection will swing between uncertainty, models and their predictions and
hope into favorable technological innovations for weighting consumers' needs with
planet resources. Bio and nanotechnology also fuel these hopes by giving us the
necessary ingredients of a sustainable development.

The international EVF symposium is a place for expressing the dream, like a
futuristic tower with a strong science base and a top in the clouds. The habitat and
mobility will be entangled and sustainable tomorrow and they will feature prominently
in this day, which we wish you fruitful and rich in exchanges and interactions.

EVF serie's Chairs

Prof. A.M. DARCHERIF, Prof. M. El Ganaoui Prof. J.M. Nunzi,

CEO of ECAM-EPMI University of Lorraine Queens University, Canada

Energy & the City of the future EVF

EVF Session
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 229

La végétalisation des toitures pour une ville future :

technique alternative pour
la gestion de l'énergie et des eaux pluviales

AbstractCette étude vise à mettre en valeur une des techniques alternatives de

gestion des eaux pluviales et de l'énergie appelée toiture végétalisée. Une technique qui
se réfère à une approche plus écologique et plus verte de conception d'infrastructures
urbaines. Il s'agit de créer des espaces qui permettent d'adoucir le climat urbain et
favorisent l'inltration, la ltration et la rétention des eaux pluviales. Avec toute
une variété de designs possibles, les infrastructures vertes s'intègrent au paysage et
rehaussent l'esthétique des lieux.

Commande décentralisée et supervisée par réseaux de

Pétri des Micro-Grids
B. Amghar, I. El Abbassi, A.M. Darcherif, D. Boukhetala

Un Microgrid peut-être déni comme un système électrique de taille réduite composé
de sources d'énergie distribuées (DER), de batteries de stockage, et de charges exibles
de basse à moyenne tension. L'usage des énergies renouvelables dans les microgrids
permet d'en faire des systèmes d'alimentation de proximité, en particulier pour les zones
éloignées et/ou isolées. Cependant, cet usage nécessite des précautions notamment au
niveau de la commande. Le présent article développe une modélisation ne du Microgrid
et des stratégies de contrôle optimal. Le système étudié est composé de deux sources
: sources éoliennes (PE), une source diésel et des systèmes de stockage. La nature du
système nous a mené à proposer une stratégie de contrôle basée sur la supervision
décentralisé. Cette dernière est assurée par une commande à base de Réseaux de
Pétri conditionné par les états des diérentes sources d'énergie et la demande en
consommation. Des résultats de simulation ont montré l'ecacité et les performances
de notre approche pour le maintien d'une production permanente et moins polluante de

EVF Session
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 230

Analyse économique pour le choix entre un système

hybride et l'extension du réseau national pour une
commune isolée au mali
Mouhammad Al anfaf Mohamed Mladjao, El Abbassi Ikram, Figea Clément, and Kanté

La production hybride décentralisée à base d'énergies renouvelables est une solution
technologique prometteuse dont l'intérêt économique doit être apprécié en fonction
notamment de l'éloignement de la zone à desservir, de ses besoins en énergie ainsi
que de l'écart relatif entre le coût d'extension de réseau et celui d'une production
décentralisée. Le but de ce papier est de proposer une analyse économique visant à
choisir entre un système de production d'électricité hybride (PV / générateur thermique
en conguration  Fuel-Save ) et l'extension du réseau national pour l'électrication
d'une commune isolée au Mali Dioro située à 70 km du poste source. L'analyse
prend en compte le coût du cycle de vie (LCC) et le prix d'extension du réseau. Les
résultats montrent que le seuil de rentabilité à partir duquel l'extension du réseau n'est
plus rentable est 35000 US Dol/km

Hydrothermal precursor-based synthesis of nanopowder

for solid oxide fuel cells technology to generate electrical
El Himri Abdelouahad1, Karzazi Yasser, Haboubi Khadija, Dimane Fouad1,
Hana Issam, Lamhamdi Abdellatif, El Himri Mamoune, Pedro Nunez

Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-δ ne powder has been synthesized by a simple and fast hydrothermal
method at relatively low temperature (140 deg C) from high-purity commercial CeO2
and Gd2O3. The XRD results showed that the powder crystallite has a single phase with
cubic uorite structure; the average crystallite size was about 8.6 nm. The SEM results
exhibited that electrolyte pellets sintered at 1100-1300 deg C were dense, and the relative
densities of these pellets were over 96%. Impedance spectra analysis of this electrolyte
has been performed at 200-850 deg C. The results displayed for Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-δ high
conductivity at the temperature range of 550-700 deg C.

EVF Session
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 231

Recycling of AcrylonitrileButadieneStyrene
Issam Hana, María de Gracia Trujillo García, Manfred Schlatter, José Tejero Manzanares,
Francisco Mata Cabrera El Himri Abdelouahad, Khadija haboubi, Dimane Fouad,

Abdelouahid El Amri, Mounir El Yakhlou, Abdellatif Khamlichi

ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) is a thermoplastic resin commonly used for
injection moulding applications. The eects of the recycling of ABS on mechanical
properties were assessed. In this study, ABS was investigated in an attempt to
overcome some of the barriers that currently hinder the progress of recycling activities.
A recycling process was simulated in order to study the eects of recycling on
mechanical properties of pure ABS with the injection moulding machine to create
the specimens. Phase structure and mechanical properties of the ABS material
were characterized by scanning digital microscope and tensile tests measurements.
It was found that the eect of recycling on ABS is signicant, in that change in
tensile strengths and strains to failure were reduced considerably. Recycling of ABS
caused no more deterioration in properties than occurred as a result of the rst process.

Etude du stockage et déstockage d'énergie thermique

dans un matériau a changement de phase
Amina Akrouche, Mourad Balistrou, Mustapha Karkri, Jean-Félix Durastanti

La présente étude est consacrée à l'analyse de transfert de chaleur dans un système
de stockage de chaleur dans un matériau à changement de phase. Ce système peut
être utilisé an d'emmagasiner de la chaleur pour la restituer en vue de son utilisation
ultérieure. Le système étudié ne vise pas une application précise mais se limite
à l'analyse des phénomènes de transfert thermique dans un MCP macroencapsulé
composé d'un mélange de parane immergé dans une matrice en béton. Un prototype
de module de stockage thermique a été conçu, réalisé et instrumenté en laboratoire
an d'étudier son fonctionnement. Pour étudier les cycles de charge et décharge de
chaleur de l'élément, on a conçu et réalisé un échangeur à plaque aux dimensions
précises de la face d'échange du module. Un modèle par analogie thermoélectrique a
été développé sur Matlab/Simulink pour étudier le fonctionnement du système et les
résultats obtenus ont été confrontés avec ceux des essais eectués en laboratoire.

EVF Session
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 232

Intelligent energy management and control for hybrid

electric vehicle

The hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is one of the most promising solutions for
terrestrial mobility. The most sold in the market, and certainly the most innovative
powertrain is the Prius. It uses an original serial/parallel conguration for the power
path to achieve the benets of both. The main purpose of this paper is the design of a
new hierarchical hybrid control for the HEV with Petri nets supervisor. The goal is to
reduce the fuel consumption and optimize the battery solicitation. The components of
the vehicle; including internal combustion engine, the driving machine, the generator
machine, batteries and transmission, the vehicle's load model as well as the designed
controller are modeled by MatlabSIMULINK software. The simulations are performed
in some urban and highway driving circuits.

Quasi-orthogonal sequences for low power wireless sensor

using event based radio wake-up

The common way to reduce power consumption of wireless sensor is to use protocol
based duty cycling which leads to a tradeo between power consumption and latency.
The approach based on radio wake-up event with addressing capabilities is a more
ecient way to reduce power consumption while keeping latency bounded. However
the major drawback of the radio wake-up approach is its lack of reliability that leads to
false and missed wake up in noisy environment with multi-access interference (MAI).
In this paper we present a theoretical approach to construct quasi-orthogonal sequences
used as wake up signal with addressing capabilities. We used the framework of the
theoretical approach to develop a new algorithm, based on nding maximal clique in
undirected graph, for extracting sequences with low cross-correlation. False Wake Up
(FWU) probability of the proposed sequences is compared to FWU of Gold sequences.
Simulation results show that the proposed sequences achieve low FWU probability than
Gold sequences. We conclude this paper by extending the use of the proposed sequences
in ultra wide band (UWB) wireless sensor network

EVF Session
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 233

Optimization of grid connected, photovoltaic and wind

turbine system for an oce building north morocco
Hicham Bidaoui, Ikram El Abbassi, Abdelmajid El Bouardi and Abdel Moumen Darcherif

The aim of this work is to examine the feasibility of grid-connected solar PV and
wind turbine system for an oce building prototype located in the Abdelmalek Essaadi
university campus.The system consists of a wind turbine, Photovoltaic panel(PV)
andgrid. Sampled oce load of 5.2 kWh day was considered with 3.3 kW peak load.
The Hybrid Optimization model for electric renewables (HOMER) simulation tool was
used in this study. Eight dierent combinations results were discussed, according to
their Total Net Present Cost (NPC), to grid energy purchases and sales and to gases

Etat de l'art de la lière bioclimatique en France et sa

portabilité au Maroc
Mohamed Ameur, Ikram El Abbassi, Abdelaziz Mimet, A.-Moumen Darcherif

Dans un contexte énergétique dicile, le Maroc jouit d'une situation privilégiée
: il dispose d'un potentiel important en énergies renouvelables (solaire et éolienne,
en particulier), et de ressources en matériaux de construction favorable à l'émergence
d'une lière de construction bioclimatique répondant aux normes du bâtiment à haute
qualité environnementale. L'objectif de ce papier est de dresser une synthèse des
techniques et des matériaux de construction bioclimatique de France sous l'angle de
l'ecacité énergétique, des contraintes et enjeux du développement durable et d'analyser
la portabilité de ce concept sur le territoire marocain. Les principes fondamentaux de
l'architecture bioclimatique en France sont identiés et les principaux matériaux utilisés
sont identiés en fonction de leurs propriétés physiques. L'objectif consiste à fournir
aux bureaux d'études marocains une matrice des matériaux utilisés en France et les
matériaux identiques ou équivalents, disponibles au Maroc.

EVF Session
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 234

Gestion et traitement des déchets solides ménagers :

l'expérience Algérienne
Elias Fouad MAMI, Mustapha Stambouli BOUDGHENE, Jean-Michel BRUCKER

L'Algérie a connu ces dernières années un développement économique et
démographique sans précédent. Le taux élevé d'accroissement de la population a
engendré une urbanisation galopante. Cela ne s'est pas déroulé sans conséquence sur
l'environnement. En eet, le pays aronte aujourd'hui encore, de nombreux problèmes
liés à l'environnement, en particulier le problème d'augmentation des déchets solides
ménagers, devenu une véritable source de pollution. De ce fait, le traitement, le
recyclage et la valorisation de ces déchets sont devenus un impératif économique
environnemental et social pour l'ensemble de la population. Un programme national
de gestion des déchets municipaux (PROGDEM) fut alors lancé par le gouvernement.
Cela consistait à assurer la collecte et le nettoiement des villes en atteignant un taux
de collecte de plus de 90

Analysis of the impact of ventilation systems on air

changes in underground garages in presence of re
Milka Uzunova, Viktor Stoyanov, Angel Terziev

The spread of harmful generated as a result of a re in a room depends on the
following parameters: amount of smoke discharged, geometric dimensions of the room
as well as the operation of the ventilation system. Proper design of the ventilation
system is essential for the rapid removal of smoke from the room and providing a
safe environment for residents. The purpose of this work is to numerically predict
the behavior of smoke in case of re in underground garages of large public buildings.
Numerical study will show the time and manner of lling the room with smoke and
its spreading in the presence of the ventilation system in the room. An essential part
of the study is to determine the exact location of the supply/discharge items, part of
the ventilation system, and the parameters of the installed fans. The results of the
numerical solution will provide information for more precise design and positioning of
such systems for their eectiveness leading to low energy consumption.

EVF Session
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 235

Numerical modeling of processes of transportation of ue

gases carrying solid coal particles through the exhaust
system of boiler
Angel Terziev, Rositsa Velichkova

In worldwide, one of the top positions at energy production process refers to the
burning of coal in the combustion chamber. This types of installations are used mainly
for simultaneous production of thermal and electric energy. The process of burning of
the raw material (coal) is performed in the combustion chamber of the boiler. In process
of coal burning is formed high temperature convective ow carrying solid particle (ash
or non-burning materials). The temperature of ue gases depends on the operation
mode of the boiler, and generally these ranges are between 6700 and 8300. After
production of the ue gases they pass through a series of cooling devices (extractors or
heaters), where the temperature of ue gases is reduced signicantly. This is so-called
the rst stage of heat energy recovery. The experimental study shows that the size
of the solid particles varies from 90 to 200µm in diameter and it depends mainly on
the composition of the raw material. Following the geometry of the exhaust system,
solid particles initially are carried out in a vertical direction then horizontally the
two-phase ow passes through a series of cooling elements and then leave the exhaust
part of the boiler. The cooling elements represent minor losses that signicantly alter
the aerodynamics of the passing ue gases. Hence the velocity of heavier particles
decreases leading to their settling below the heat extractors. This resulting in reduction
of the neat area below the heat extractor deteriorating the operation of the boiler.

Diagnostic d'une génératrice asynchrone dans une

éolienne à vitesse variable à base d'un observateur de
court-circuit statorique
T. Sellami, H. Berriri, S. Jelassi, M.F. Mimouni, M. Darcherif

Cet article présente une méthode de détection et d'isolation de défaut dédiée à la
commande tolérante aux défauts de système éolien à vitesse variable intégrant une
génératrice asynchrone. Ce travail s'intéresse au défaut de court-circuit entre spires
statoriques de la génératrice du système éolien. Le diagnostic à base d'observateurs
à mode glissant est l'approche utilisée. Les dépassements signalés des résidus, des
valeurs seuils prédénis, génèrent des indicateurs de présence de défaut exploitables
pour faire la décision de switcher ou non vers une commande tolérante au défaut de
court-circuit entre spires. La validité de l'approche développée est testée en simulation
sous l'environnement MATLAB Simulink.

EVF Session
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 236

Potentiel solaire algérien et aperçu des installations

Zakaria Bouzid, Nassera Ghellai

L'énergie solaire, présente partout sur Terre, représente une séduisante alternative
pour la production d'électricité grâce à la technologie photovoltaïque (PV). En
eet, en plus de diminuer la dépendance vis-à-vis des sources fossiles, elle protège
l'environnement contre d'éventuels rejets de gaz à eet de serre. L'Algérie, qui dispose
du gisement solaire le plus important de tout le bassin méditerranéen (169440 TWh/an),
est une candidate idéale pour l'exploitation à grande échelle de l'énergie photovoltaïque.
Dans ce contexte, nous proposons dans notre travail de passer en revue la production et
consommation nationale d'énergie, et de présenter les plus importants projets eectués
et prévus pour l'exploitation de l'énergie PV en Algérie.

Modèle de connaissance des ux d'une smart city


L'étude d'une  smart city  devient dicile et coûteuse compte tenu des
congurations multiples et complexes existantes et des coûts engagés dans la conception
et la construction de tels systèmes. Pour résoudre les problèmes posés par ceux-ci,
nous proposons une modélisation qui permettra la construction d'outils dévaluation de
performance. Nous proposons alors dans cet article une démarche amenant à un modèle
générique de connaissance d'une smart city basé sur trois ux principaux : les ux de
données, logistique et d'énergie. Ces trois ux contiennent des éléments en communs :
des réseaux avec leurs systèmes de routages et des zones de stockage. Ils entrent aussi
en interaction les uns avec les autres. Nous illustrons notre approche sur un système
de tracc routier

EVF Session
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 237

Modélisation des Systèmes Multisources d'énergies à base

de Réseaux des Petri Stochastiques
El-kadi HELLEL, Samir HAMACI, Arezki ZIANI

Dans cet article nous proposons l'étude d'un système énergétique à base
de ressources renouvelables, constitué de plusieurs éléments (batterie, hacheur,
modulateur, champ photovoltaïque, éolienne) dont la liaison est assurée par un bus
DC. L'objectif consiste à faire une analyse du comportement de chaque élément, dès la
réception de l'énergie (cinétique, solaire ou les deux en même temps) jusqu'à sa sortie du
modulateur. Notre approche se base sur une analyse qualitative (analyse fonctionnelle et
dysfonctionnelle) permettant d'obtenir les fonctions internes du système multi-sources
d'énergies ainsi que les diérents modes de défaillance qu'il peut rencontrer.

Eco-Mobilité : Les Systèmes de Transport en


La croissance de la population urbaine, le développement et l'extension des villes,
les préoccupations environnementales, l'augmentation des prix des carburants et les
grands dés énergétiques ont fait du transport urbain et de sa gestion un des enjeux
majeurs pour la ville de demain. Ce contexte a conduit les sociétés actuelles à une
réelle prise de conscience des questions environnementales ainsi qu'à des révolutions
dans le domaine des transports urbains notamment avec l'introduction de nouveaux
concepts alternatifs et durables tels que la mutualisation des parkings, l'auto-partage,
la voiture électrique ou encore le transport en libre-service. De nombreuses villes en
Europe ont suscité un intérêt considérable et un engouement à l'égard du transport
en libre-service notamment avec l'introduction des réseaux de vélos comme un moyen
de transport écologique (Vélib' à Paris, Vélov'v à Lyon, Bicing à Barcelone, ...) qui
présentent plusieurs avantages du point de vue socio-économique, de l'espace public, de
la santé ou encore de l'environnement ... et dont les progrès technologiques ne cessent
de les faire émerger dans les quatre coins du monde. Malgré le grand succès de ce
nouveau mode de transport et contrairement aux systèmes de transport traditionnels,
peu d'études fondamentales sur la mise en ÷uvre et l'exploitation de ces systèmes ont
été menées. Pourtant, de nombreuses questions émergent, la principale étant celle d'un
rééquilibrage ecace des stations. Cette communication constitue un tour d'horizon sur
ce domaine en plein essor technologique et scientique.

EVF Session
2015 International Conference on Materials & Energy 238

Valorisation des déchets de Fibres de Carbones

Jean-Michel BRUCKER

Cet article est une synthèse d'une étude industrielle sur le recyclage et la
valorisation des déchets de bres de carbones. Une technique innovante fera l'objet
d'une présentation théorique et pratique. Les résultats obtenus montrent l'ecacité et
le rendement de la technique utilisée.

EVF Session

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