ECET350 Week1iLab SM Shahnewaz

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Laboratory Report Cover Sheet

DeVry University
College of Engineering and Information Sciences
Course Number: ECET350
Professor: Professor: SM Shahnewaz
Laboratory Number: 1
Laboratory Title: Sallen-Key Active Filter Design
Submittal Date: 11/1/2018


 Design and simulate a Butterworth, low-pass Sallen-Key active filter.

 Construct and test the designed Butterworth, low-pass Sallen-Key active filter.

Results: Summarize your results in the context of your objectives.

A Butterworth low-pass Sallen-Key filter was successfully designed and tested. The design phase,
however, relied heavily upon guidance from the iLab writers. Nonetheless, the resultant filter shows a flat
frequency response below the cutoff frequency, with an average roll-off rate of -38.3 dB/decade. The
filter operates within the parameters expected of a typical Butterworth low-pass Sallen-Key filter of the
second order.

Conclusions: What can you conclude about this lab based on your results?

There is a stepwise process, well established in the field of electronics design, that allows for relatively
easy analog active filter design. Given desired specifications of the filter, a designer can obtain an
appropriate design by acquiring the transfer function from the mathematical approximation, choosing the
appropriate circuit topology, acquiring the transfer function of the aforementioned circuit, match the
coefficients of the calculated and the selected circuit transfer function, and then simulate the circuit and
build and test the prototype.

Student SM Shahnewaz CET shahnewaz

Name Program Signature
Observations, Measurements, and Calculations
Step 1
355.306 E Ho
1. H ( s )=¿ 2 3 8
s + 266.479 E s+355.306 E

b o=¿ 355.306 E8 radians/sec b 1=¿ 266.479 E3 radians/sec


R1=R 2=
√ 1
bo C 1 C 2
=5.305 µ Ω*Note that this resistor value was not used in the actual simulation
or prototype build; R1 = R2 = 4.86 kΩ was used instead.

R3=10 kΩ R 4 =5.86 kΩ

H o =G=1+ =1.586 G ( dB ) =20 log G=4.006 dB

A p ( dB )
ϵ =10 10

M C= =2.82843
√ 1+ ϵ 2

M C ( dB )=20 log M C =¿0.903091 dB

Roll-off rate: RR ≅ −20 N =¿ -40 dB/decade

4. Record your measured response values from the multisim simulation in Table 1.

Meas. (dB) Meas.


4.004 dB 1.074 dB -38.3

Table 1:
Multisim Filter Schematic.

Steady State Frequency Response—Bode Plot.

Frequency Response—Wide View.

Step 2
Excel Data Table of Filter Response Measurements.

Sallen-Key low-pass filter input (in volts), output (in volts) and gain (in dB).

Frequency Vin Measured Filter Vout Calculated Filter Gain 20 log

(Hz) (peak to peak) (peak to peak) 10(Vout/Vin)
300 2 3.2 4.08
600 2 3.2 4.08
900 2 3.2 4.08
1200 2 3.2 4.08
1500 2 3.12 3.86
1800 2 2.91 3.86
2100 2 2.78 3.29
2400 2 2.65 2.92
2700 2 2.47 2.41
3000 2 2.28 1.87
3300 2 2.01 0.98
3600 2 1.84 0.00
3900 2 1.66 -0.72
4200 2 1.53 -1.51
4500 2 1.36 -2.38
4800 2 1.19 -3.35
5100 2 1.11 -4.43
5400 2 1.05 -5.19
5700 2 .94 -5.85
6000 2 .85 -6.56
6300 2 .81 -7.33
6600 2 .70 -7.96
6900 2 .63 -8.64
7200 2 .59 -10.01
7500 2 .53 -10.69
7800 2 .54 -11.31
8100 2 .51 -11.84
8400 2 .47 -12.39
8700 2 .41 -13.15
9000 2 .38 -27.96
9300 2 .37 -14.42
9600 2 .36 -14.89
9900 2 .34 -15.39

Table 4: Filter Output Measurements and Calculations

5. Excel graph of the Butterworth, low-pass filter response.

Output (V) vs. Frequency (Hz)



2 Vout (V)


0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000

x-axis: Output Voltage (V) Y-axis: frequency (Hz)

Sallen-Key Low-Pass Filter Analysis Questions
Using the measured filter output voltage and calculated dB answers in Table 4, answer the questions
below, and record your answers in the Week 1 iLab Cover Report.

Note: A second order, low-pass filter theoretically has a roll-off rate of 40 dB per decade, which translates
to a roll-off rate of 12 dB per octave. A decade is a frequency 10 times higher than a lower frequency. An
octave is a frequency two times higher than a lower frequency.

1. What was the average dB per octave attenuation of your filter?

-12 dB/octave

2. What was the average dB per decade attenuation of your filter? This answer will need to be
calculated since a full decade of frequency response measurements was not taken.
-40 dB/decade

3. Compare the dB per octave attenuation measurement to the design specifications. Is it close to the
expected value?

4. Compare the dB per decade attenuation calculation to the design specifications. Is it close to the
expected value?

5. What is the measured cutoff frequency of your filter?

3300 Hz

6. How does it compare to the design specifications?

It is slightly askew by roughly 285-315 Hz

7. How closely does the overall performance of the constructed, second-order, low-pass Butterworth
filter compare with the simulated version?
Simulated takes into account the “real” world values into effect, they are unable to
adequately and precisely replicate the real-world effects. That being said they were fairly
close in terms of results.

8. List and explain any possible reasons for differences between the simulated and constructed filter.

There is a plethora of variations within any physical component that will offset its intended
“number” that simulations just can’t replicate exactly. They might take an average of a
skew to manipulate throughout the simulation, but there is no real way to predict the
properties and levels of any physical component.

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