Hall Ticket
Hall Ticket
Hall Ticket
Hall Ticket
Important Instructions :
1. Check all the information mentioned on the Hall Ticket is correct.
2. The student is forbidden to take any book or paper in the examination hall.
3. Cellular phone, Scientific Calculator, Digital Diary or any other means are not allowed in the examination hall.
4. Be Present at the College Campus at least 1 hours before the starting of examinations.
5. Carry your own water bottle, pen, pencil, calculator, data handbook etc.,
6. Do not share your belongings with anybody.
7. Check your belongings and pockets for any written material and electronics devices other than calculator which should not result into Malpractice
8. The schedule of examination/ declaration of results depends on the administrative procedures and requirements of the University and students will have no claim on preponement / postponement of
examinations and dates Of declaration of results.