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Essential Oils For Womens Health Eoa

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Essential Oils for Women’s

Health & Remedy Guide

by Dr. Eric Zielinski

Copyright © 2023 by NaturalLivingFamily.com

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopy-
ing), recording, or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from the author.

The products and statements in this book have not been evaluated by the United States
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or
prevent disease. All information provided in this book is for informational purposes only,
and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care
professional. You should not use the information in this book for diagnosis or treatment of
any health problem.

Learn more information at: NaturalLivingFamily.com.

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“Beginner-level essential oil information abound, but when

one begins to seek out evidence-based protocols for more
complicated ailments, finding information you can trust
is incredibly difficult. The Essential Oils Apothecary is the
volume I wish I had years ago.”

- Jill Winger, Bestselling Author of The Prairie Homestead

Cookbook and the host of the Old Fashioned On Purpose

“Essential Oils are powerful medicine, and nobody knows

more about them than Dr. Eric and Sabrina Ann Zielinski.
If you’re looking for both state-of-the-art science and
practical, hands-on information, this is the book you need.”

- Kellyann Petucci, ND, New Your Times Bestselling

Author, Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet


Spiritual Disclaimer
Please note that I am a Christian and it is from this perspective that I present the
information that is in this book. Amongst other things, this means that I will refer
to “God,” not the “Universe.” This also means that I may reference Biblical teaching
and ancient proverbs that I have found to be helpful and applicable today.

Sometimes people get offended by the words that I use, or the spiritual references
that I make. Please don’t fall into this trap.

As a trained public health researcher and world-renowned essential oils educator,

you can trust that the information presented in these pages is solid, evidence-
based and that it will help you.

I do not judge people that don’t share my faith and I am committed to helping
everyone (regardless of who they are or what they believe) benefit from my
experiences. In fact, I whole-heartedly believe this is my mission in life and why God
put me on this planet.

You see, there I go referencing “God” again. ;)

A Note About Faith

Personally, I have found that my faith has been vital to helping me overcome
sickness and disease - as it has for the thousands of people that we have helped
get well.

Being a Christian, it’s impossible for me to separate my personal beliefs from my

actions and lifestyle habits. As a researcher, I am intrigued to see how clinical trials
and science continues to uncover the role that prayer, positive thinking and faith
play in the healing journey.

My dear friend and Integrative Oncologist, Dr. Tony Jimenez often says that “cancer
is an emotional disorder.” The same can be said of all chronic, long-standing
disease like gut disorders, autoimmunity, arthritis, fatigue and insomnia.

It is with this in mind that I present to you the information in the Introduction and
scattered throughout this book where you will discover eternal truths that will pro-
vide you with hope, inspiration and may even shed some light on things if you are
willing to take a dive into the spiritual side of healing with me.

Table of Contents
Click on Title to go to Chapter

Part One Women’s Health Challenges

Chapter 1 PMS & Menstrual Cramps 8
Chapter 2 Sex & Libido 14
Chapter 3 Libido & Vaginal Dryness 19
Chapter 4 EO Pregnancy Myths 23
Chapter 5 Breastfeeding 31
Chapter 6 Thyroid Disorders 36
Chapter 7 Hormones 44
Chapter 8 Stress & Anxiety 48
Chapter 9 Depression 54
Chapter 10 Using Essential Oils for Pain 64
Chapter 11 Insomnia & Poor Sleep 75
Chapter 12 Menopause 86
Chapter 13 What is Vaginal Atrophy? 94
Chapter 14 Anti-Aging Skincare 114

Part Two Must-Have Essential Oils

Chapter 15 Bergamot 126
Chapter 16 Clary Sage 132
Chapter 17 Fennel 137
Chapter 18 Geranium 145
Chapter 19 Lavender 149
Chapter 20 Marjoram 155
Chapter 21 Neroli 159
Chapter 22 Rose 164

Chapter 23 Roman Chamomile 168
Chapter 24 Ylang Ylang 173

Part Three Easy Quick-Start Recipes

Breastfeeding Nipple Cream 180
Clear and Peaceful Roll-On 182
Dr. Anna’s Moisturizing Homemade Lubricant 183
Fibromyalgia Massage Oil 184
Hormone Balancing Serum 185
Lemon-Mint Energy Boost Roll-On 186
Menopause Relief Body Oil 187
Menopause Relief Room Spray 188
Mood & Depression Roll-On 189
Natural Pain Relief Massage Oil 190
Pain-Away Roll-On 191
PMS Relief Blend Recipe 192

References 193

About the Author 206

Women’s Health Challenges

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PMS & Menstrual Cramps
Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is a naturally occurring condition that likely
happens due to those lovely little friends we call “hormones.” Learning how to
use essential oils for menstrual cramps can be very helpful when dealing with

Does Every Woman Suffer from PMS?

During a woman’s menstrual cycle her hormone levels change, causing a range
of symptoms that can include anything from cramps to the mood swings
commonly associated with PMS. Other common symptoms include breast
tenderness, skin breakouts, bloating, food cravings and fatigue.

All in all, PMS can make a woman completely miserable. Before we talk more
about how to manage these symptoms with essential oils for menstrual cramps,
it’s important to note that no one can stop the hormonal shifting that happens
during the menstrual cycle altogether.

Those changing hormones are what cause fertility and menstruation, so they
are a natural part of being a woman. That said, it’s possible to use essential oils
for menstrual cramps to calm many of the symptoms, so PMS does not have to
derail your life every single month.

The severity of the symptoms also has a pretty big range. For some women, PMS
symptoms are little more than an annoyance. For others, the symptom can stop
normal life for a few days. They can also make conditions such as depression or
affective mood disorder more pronounced.

With that said, many women do NOT suffer from PMS. According to MedlinePlus,
it actually only affects one out of every four women during their menstrual
cycle. In spite of what you hear, it’s important to recognize that – although quite
common – monthly menses doesn’t have to be down-right miserable for you.

Is it PMS or Something Else?
Many women confuse more serious health conditions (or even pregnancy) for
symptoms related to PMS. This has caused many to undergo necessary medical
treatments – particularly for depression – when many of these more concerns
can be tackled naturally.

So what, exactly, are the symptoms of PMS? Some common symptoms include:

⚫ Breast tenderness
⚫ Skin breakouts (acne)
⚫ Bloating
⚫ Food craving
⚫ Fatigue
⚫ Menstrual cramping
⚫ Mood swings
⚫ Headaches and migraines

As you can imagine, a combination of these symptoms can wipe a woman out for
a few days easily, which is why help is needed. Most, if not all, of these symptoms
can be managed with essential oils for menstrual cramps.

Managing PMS Symptoms

Oftentimes, medical professionals tell women to use anti-inflammatory
medications and heating pads to manage menstrual cramping, leaving them to
manage mood swings and other symptoms on their own. Women should note
that several essential oils for menstrual cramps, including lavender, peppermint
and orange oils, have anti-inflammatory properties. Others boost mood and
improve sleep.

Combined, a number of essential oils for menstrual cramps can make PMS
symptoms much easier to live with. For women who suffer from serious
symptoms during their menstrual cycles, a natural, effective solution is great

Which is the most effective? That answer has not yet been found, and in fact
sometimes a combination of oils is the best choice. That said, here are the 10
most popular essential oils for PMS symptoms.

10 Essential Oils for Menstrual Cramps

Lavender oil is an often-studied oil that has been linked to a number of health
benefits, including improved sleep and lessened pain. This makes lavender an
excellent choice for managing PMS symptoms, because cramps and muscle
aches are a common symptom of the condition, and some women experience
insomnia when they are uncomfortable and agitated during PMS. Lavender
essential oil can help with both of these. Some women experience migraine
headaches during their menstrual cycles, and inhaling lavender essential oil has
been found in at least one scientifically controlled study to be an effective and
safe treatment option to help manage migraines.

Application: Massage lavender oil on the skin or inhale it to enjoy the improved mode
and reduced inflammation of this essential oil.


Considered one of the most popular of the essential oils sold on the global
market today, eucalyptus can be found in everything from antiseptic to insect
repellent. Medicinally it can help with cough and cold symptoms, stimulate the
immune system and provides anti-inflammatory benefits, as concludes a study
published on PubMed.gov. The anti-inflammatory benefits help women suffering
with PMS, because it can help lessen the severity of cramps and other aches and

Application: Rub eucalyptus oil on the abdomen to help relieve menstrual cramping.


Tea tree oil (Melalueca) is highly useful for its antiseptic and antimicrobial
properties, that help keep your skin clean and clear. And because it’s so gentle,
you can use it on acne breakouts to help clear up pimples as a spot treatment.

In fact, a clinical trial was conducted comparing tea tree gel against the use of a
placebo and tea tree gel was 3.5-5.75 times more

Application: Use diluted tea tree essential oil, or products containing it, to manage
acne breakouts related to PMS.


Insomnia and fatigue are difficult to manage, especially for a busy woman who
is building her career or raising her family. You simply don’t have time to spend
taking a nap simply because it’s “that time of the month.” Peppermint oil has
an almost instant affect on energy levels, energizing you and giving you the
energy to go about your day. As an added bonus, peppermint has been linked
to reduced appetite, so you’ll be less likely to give in to those chocolate cravings
during PMS.

Application: Inhale peppermint for an instant jolt of energy and to reduce food
cravings and appetite.


Orange oil, as well as other citrus essential oils for menstrual cramps, have a
proven psychological effect, boosting the mood and creating a more relaxed
state, as one study of 20 young university women. Since women suffering from
PMS often feel increased anxiety, stress or depression, this relaxing effect is
particularly beneficial. The relaxing effect of orange oil is best experienced
through inhaling the oil.

Application: Add orange essential oil to your aromatherapy routine while dealing with
PMS symptoms.


Neroili essential oil comes from orange tree blossoms. It has powerful relaxation
properties just like orange oil. However, it may be even more effective for PMS
symptoms, because studies have found that it is particularly beneficial during
times when hormones are the trigger for anxiety or stress.

Application: Use neroli oil in aromatherapy to reduce anxiety and stress associated
with PMS.


Ylang Ylang oil is a double-sided coin when it comes to PMS benefits. Not only
does it serve as an antiseptic, fighting the bacteria that can cause acne, but it also
has been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac. Any oil that can be an aphrodisiac
must have mood-boosting potential! In one study in particular, ylang-ylang

aroma was found to reduce blood pressure, a sign of stress, significantly.
Reducing stress and potentially reducing acne means ylang-ylang needs to be
part of your PMS-fighting routine.

Application: Add ylang ylang oil to a topical mixture to reduce cramping and to your
favorite floral diffuser blend improve mood.


Rose essential oil can help regulate irregular menstrual periods, which can
reduce PMS symptoms by making the entire cycle more balanced, including
the hormones that trigger menstruation. It also supports good uterine health.
Rose Oil also can provide menstrual cramp relief and has strong antidepressant
properties, helping boost the mood during menstruation.

Application: Inhale rose essential oil and add it to lotions to apply topically to improve
several symptoms of PMS.


Clary sage essential oil both improves peace of mind and reduces muscle
cramping, a winning combination for those suffering from PMS symptoms. It also
has antiseptic properties, so it could help reduce acne breakouts, though more
study on this particular effect is needed.

Application: Add clary sage oil to a topical mixture to reduce cramping and improve


Finally, consider adding marjoram essential oil to the mix. It helps reduce pain
and inflammation by limiting muscle spasms, which can lead to menstrual
cramping, and also provides antibacterial properties.

Application: Make marjoram another addition to your PMS-fighting topical blends.

PMS Relief Blend
During PMS, you will want to both inhale and diffuse essential oils for menstrual
cramps and apply them topically for the ultimate benefit. As an article at the
University of Maryland Medical Center said, “The ‘smell’ receptors in your nose
communicate with parts of our brain that serve as storehouses for emotions
and memories. When you breathe in essential oil molecules, the stimulate these
parts of your brain and influence physical, emotional and mental health.” During
PMS, physical, emotional and mental health is all a little precarious, and essential
oils for menstrual cramps can provide a significant benefit.

To use essential oils for menstrual cramps prevention and relief, create a PMS
Relief Blend in a 5ml bottle that includes:

⚫ 33 drops of lavender essential oil

⚫ 17 drops of clary sage essential oil
⚫ 50 drops of marjoram essential oil

Now you can use this PMS relief blend in many healing methods. Combine
around 10 drops of this mixture in a tablespoon of liquid castle soap and add to
your bath water. Or you can use it in your diffuser to help relieve brain fog and
emotional distress caused by PMS symptoms as well.

For topical applications, add 6 drops of the PMS Relief Blend to 2 teaspoons of a
carrier oil, and massage over the abdomen, lower back, feet and ankles.

This essential oil blend will help reduce pain, increase energy and diminish
anxiety to help make all your PMS symptoms a little easier to cope with.


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Sex & Libido
Using essential oils for sex has been something our ancestors have enjoyed for
thousands of years. Let’s see what the Bible says about the two famed lovers
from the Song of Solomon…

⚫ “Your oils have a pleasing fragrance, Your name is like purified oil; Therefore
the maidens love you.” (Song of Solomon 1:3)
⚫ “How fair is thy love, my sister, my bride! How much better is thy love than
wine! And the fragrance of thine oils than all manner of spices!” (Song of
Solomon 4:10)

Enjoying a strong and vibrant sex drive is normal. Sadly, low, low libido and
erectile dysfunction affects more people than you can imagine. If you can relate
to this, it’s important to realize that sexual desire is the product of many factors
and natural therapies like essential oils for sex can help boost libido like few
things can!

You’re Not Alone

Before we dive into the best essential oils for sex, the first thing to understand
is that you are not alone. For men, low libido often culminates in erectile
dysfunction, which ranges in prevalence from 5% in younger men to 25% in men
over 65. In women, low libido is common in all stages of life thanks to fluctuating

Suffering from low libido periodically or chronically is nothing to be ashamed of.

Bringing your concerns into the open with your spouse can start the path toward
health, intimacy, and resolution. Our hope and prayer is that your and spouse
can support each other with no judgement or criticism and seek the Lord for a
viable, loving solution.

Low Libido & Erectile Dysfunction Causes
Causes of low libido and erectile dysfunction vary from person to person and
range from lifestyle influences to serious disorders. Some of the most prevalent
factors include:

⚫ Stress – One of the most basic yet most difficult causes of low libido to fix,
simply being stressed out and overtired can put a damper on the mood.
Stress over relationship issues such as raising the kids, money, and house
concerns, can lead to lack of intimacy and hinder libido as well. Most stress
can be relieved with simple lifestyle changes.
⚫ Drinking Alcohol – An often overlooked cause of sexual dysfunction,
alcohol can be a stressor of its own. While contemporary advice says
to utilize alcohol to just relax, it could have the opposite effect and ruin
efforts toward libido increase.
⚫ Hormones – Here’s where it gets complicated. The body’s network of
hormone responses (the Endocrine system) create long-term messages
for the body to respond to. So they aren’t quick to fix. Hormones are
connected to causes like stress, aging, disease, and menstrual discomfort,
pregnancy, and menopause related libido issues. When hormones are at
the root of libido issues, expect change to come progressively over time.
⚫ Illness – Physical stressors on the body – such as obesity, heart health,
and other illness – can hinder sexual desire and response, as well. When
an illness or condition is at the root of low libido, working with a doctor is

Check the resource list at the bottom of this article for more about low libido and
its various causes. If you are one of the many who struggles with low libido in the
face of stress and normal hormonal shifts, essential oils to boost libido may soon
become your new best friend!

6 Essential Oils for Sex
As gentle and relaxing aromas, these oils can be used in diffusions, sprays,
topical applications and more. Get creative to see how you can boost libido by
incorporating these essential oils for sex into both your daily life and romantic


As an anxiety-relieving, calming oil, it comes as no surprise that rose essential oil

is also traditionally used as an aphrodisiac. As a pricey oil, though, rose is most
efficiently used in blends or heavy dilutions.

Application: Blend into a perfume to carry this romantic floral scent with you, or
diffuse periodically throughout the day for both partners to enjoy.


A precious and pricey oil derived from delicate flower petals, jasmine has proven
itself well in studies. Researchers tested alertness and “behavioral arousal”
after a topical treatment of jasmine oil. The participants were found to be more
refreshed, with their senses on alert.

Application: Apply jasmine topically in a perfume or sensual massage oil for men and
women. Note that the delicate petals sometimes require the use of a solvent to extract
the oil. Check labels carefully, especially for an organic certification.


A 2014 study undertook the question of menopause symptom relief and

essential oils. The found that simply inhaling hormone-balancing clary sage
essential oil had an anti-depressant effect on menopausal women. (6) When
libido is low due to hormonal shifts like menopause, clary sage is a balancer that
may bring some relief.

Application: Diffuse or inhale periodically to relax, balance hormones, and get in the


Ylang ylang is widely used as an aphrodisiac throughout the aromatherapy world

and is one of the best essential oils for sex. Its gentle floral scent is appealing to

nearly everyone, and its application potential is diverse. Enjoy with other floral
oils or deepen the fragrance with sandalwood.

Application: Diffusion, inhalation, or diluted into a carrier oil as a massage oil for
both men and women.


Essential oil derived from orange blossoms instead of the fruit’s peel is called
neroli, a precious and very useful oil. In one clinical trial, researchers found that
“inhalation of neroli oil helps relieve menopausal symptoms, increase sexual desire,
and reduce blood pressure in postmenopausal women,” making it another helpful
option when libido is low due to hormones or stress.

Application: Diffusion or inhalation a couple of times each day for calming, balancing


As a whole herb, “Fennel seeds have been reputed to increase milk secretion,
promote menstruation, facilitate birth and alleviate the symptoms of the female
climacteric, increase libido and alleviation of the dysmenorrheal symptoms.” Fennel
essential oil retains some of these estrogenic effects, making it a beneficial
addition to your libido-increasing, hormone-balancing diffusion or massage

Application: Include fennel essential oil in DIY lotion blends or massage oils for
balancing effects.

Message of Hope
Men and women of all ages have faced low libido and have found hope and
renewal. There is no shame in admitting the struggle and seeking a solution! As
a bonus, openness and partnership in finding a remedy or resolution as a couple
will help to increase intimacy, as well.

To relieve the stresses of every day life, boost libido and begin to ignite a spark
with your significant other, try this DIY libido boosting blend diffused or diluted
into a carrier oil (almond or coconut are excellent!) for a soothing massage.
Simply blend:

⚫ 2 drops neroli (or sweet orange)
⚫ 2 drops jasmine
⚫ 2 drops ylang ylang

Directly into an ultrasonic diffuser (you could alternatively add this blend to an

To use this blend topically, add one drop of each of these oils to a 10ml roll on
bottle and fill the remaining space with your carrier oil of choice. A light carrier
oil, like fractionated coconut oil, is a great choice for this kind of application.
Apply your finished roll on to your pulse points!

When it comes to essential oils for sex, ylang ylang, clary sage, rose and jasmine
are go-to oils that can be safely used as long as their dermal cautions are
observed and make great options for massage oils.

⚫ For either ylang ylang or jasmine, use 2 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil.
⚫ For clary sage, use 6 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil.
⚫ For rose, use 1 drop per tablespoon of carrier oil.


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Libido & Vaginal Dryness
This featured article was written by our dear friend, Dr. Anna Cabeca. There are
many factors that come into play and contribute to vaginal dryness. This article
will give you excellent advice for a DIY personal lubricant.


⚫ Not only is Dr. Anna a woman of deep faith in Christ, she is a triple-board
certified OB/GYN and the creator of Julva® – an anti-aging feminine cream
for women and several other abundant life giving products for men &
⚫ You can get a sample of Julva® by clicking HERE.
⚫ Already love Julva? Click HERE to stock up and get a special Natural Living
Family discount!
⚫ Click HERE to take a quiz Dr. Anna has put together to help you Get The
‘Skinny’ On Your Female Pelvic and Sexual Health
⚫ Dr. Anna is also the creator of MightyMaca™ Plus – a superfood hormone
balancing health drink.

About Vaginal Dryness in Women

As women’s sexual hormones naturally decline with age we start to see:

⚫ A reduction in the elasticity of the vagina and thinning of the skin

⚫ An increase in vaginal pH and decrease in healthy vaginal flora
⚫ Diminished natural lubrication
⚫ Things may start to just “hurt” down there!

Dryness and discomfort often become the “accepted” norm. Researchers

have also found that women start to experience many emotional, mood and
confidence issues as vaginal dryness symptoms take over.


⚫ A sex life that needs life-support (Because it hurts!)

⚫ A reduced sense of self-confidence as a woman or partner
⚫ A feeling of disconnectedness or loneliness

Dr. Anna’s Moisturizing Homemade Lubricant

A natural lubricant can help by reducing the irritation and painful intercourse
caused by vaginal dryness. Natural solutions such as organic coconut oil, aloe
vera gel and essential oils do not contain the additional chemicals that can
be seen in some commercial lubricant and vaginal moisturizing solutions. DIY
lubricants can be created using many ingredients found in your kitchen cabinets
and can offer temporary relief.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 2 Tbls. fractionated coconut oil M 1-2 drops essential oils

g Mix in a glass jar.
g Shake well.
g Keep Bedside and Voila!
g Use as much as desired prior too and during intimacy.
g Enjoy!

See Dr. Z’s Favorite Essential Oils for Sex: Boost Libido and Set the Mood Naturally for
some great oils to use in your natural lubricant. Oils like patchouli, sandalwood, or
rose might be good options.

Warning: Coconut oil as a lubricant may impact the effectiveness of condoms so

please be aware if going this route.


M 2 Tbls. fractionated coconut oil M 1-2 drops essential oils

g Mix in a glass jar.
g Shake well.
g Keep Bedside and Voila!
g Use as much as desired prior too and during intimacy.
g Enjoy!

See Dr. Z’s Favorite Essential Oils for Sex: Boost Libido and Set the Mood Naturally for
some great oils to use in your natural lubricant. Oils like patchouli, sandalwood, or
rose might be good options.

Warning: Coconut oil as a lubricant may impact the effectiveness of condoms so

please be aware if going this route.

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Organic Age-Defying clean skincare when you buy TODAY. Check out
Purity Woods Dream Cream HERE!

EO Pregnancy Myths
When researching essential oils for pregnancy you’ll find a huge array of opinions
thrown at you, which has stirred up a lot of confusion and unreliable claims
about essential oils for pregnancy. People can say whatever they want on their
blog and this leads more people astray than you might think.

Hey, if it’s on the Internet, it must be true, right? Wrong!

There are several bloggers out there with absolutely no training or qualifications
whatsoever to write on health care issues, and they’re literally misguiding
millions of people. This is particularly true with heated issues like essential oils
for pregnancy! Because of the confusing mixture of information out there, it’s
very important to hold ourselves accountable by following one of my favorite
Bible commands: “Test all things, and hold fast to what is good.” (I Thessalonians

Although there are many false claims about essential oils for pregnancy out in
the blogosphere, I have found that these 5 myths are the most misleading.

Myth #1: Essential Oils are Dangerous for Babies in

There is little to no research on whether or not the inhalation, internal or topical
application of essential oils for pregnancy is at all harmful to fetuses. In the
words of the book, Aromatherapy for Health Professionals, “There is no available
evidence that any natural essential oil has ever provoked mutagenicity or
teratogenicity in an embryo or developing fetus. No tests have ever been carried
out because the possibility of fragrant materials causing either genetic mutation
or malformation is regarded as unlikely.”

In the words of Dr. Jane Buckle, author of Clinical Aromatherapy, “The use of
essential oils in pregnancy is a contentious subject, especially during the vital
first 3-month period. It is extremely unlikely that a nightly bath containing a few
drops of essential oils will cause any problems for the unborn child…. there are
no records of abnormal fetuses or aborted fetuses due to the ‘normal’ use of
essential oils, either by inhalation or topical application.”

The reality is that, contrary to popular opinion, dangers linked with the use
of certain essential oils for pregnant and nursing mamas is not conclusively
supported by the scientific literature. Women have and will continue to use
essential oils for pregnancy with no adverse effects to their babies. Because they
cross the placenta, most chemicals everything Mama gets, Baby will get. In the
case of essential oils, whether taken orally, topically or inhaling them this can
be a very good thing. With that said, not all essential oils are safe for Mama and
Baby, and general safety guidelines should apply, and this is what the National
Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) recommendations:

⚫ “Due to the lack of clear information regarding the toxicity of essential oils
during pregnancy, it would be best to adhere to general safety guidelines.”
⚫ Then NAHA goes on to quote “Tisserand and Balacs, who claim that the
following essential oils should not be used during pregnancy: wormwood,
rue, oak moss, Lavandula stoechas, camphor, parsley seed, sage, and
⚫ And, finally, NAHA’s gives their blessing on these oils as being safe for
use during pregnancy: “cardamom, German and Roman chamomile,
frankincense, geranium, ginger, neroli, patchouli, petitgrain, rosewood,
rose, sandalwood, and other nontoxic essential oils.”

Myth #2: Peppermint is a Uterine Stimulant &

Depletes Milk
The myths around peppermint are two-fold – 1) that it will promote premature
birth and 2) that it will decrease your milk supply.

Clinical research has actually shown that, like geranium and lavender,
peppermint essential oil is a spasmolytic; it helps relieve smooth muscle spasm
and can calm the uterus. The theory that peppermint is a uterine stimulant is
simply not founded on science. In fact, just the opposite is true. When discussing
the claim about peppermint decreasing the milk supply, an article published
in the Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research emphatically states that, “It
has not been reported any data about toxic effects of using peppermint during
pregnancy and breast feeding.”

I’ve searched the topic of essential oils for pregnancy far and wide to find
anything about it in the literature and it just doesn’t exist. My wife bagged
over 1,000 ounces of milk in her first month of nursing, and she regularly used
peppermint oil and drank peppermint tea – BUT this isn’t “proof.” I cannot make

the blanket statement that women should use peppermint oil to boost their milk
simply because of my wife’s experience. Likewise, I will not deny the possibility of
a mother experiencing adverse effects to peppermint and producing less milk.
It’s just “unproven” scientifically, and has not been our experience as a family of

Pregnant women can enjoy a wide range of benefits with the regular use of
peppermint tea and essential oils for pregnancy, yet many are so afraid of the
supposed side-effects, they avoid it like the plague! A 2004 article published in
the Complementary Therapies in Nursing Midwifery sums it up best. Comparing
ginger, peppermint and cannabis the researchers discovered that, “Only ginger
has been subjected to clinical trials among pregnant women, though all three
herbs were clinically effective against nausea and vomiting in other contexts,
such as chemotherapy-induced nausea and post-operative nausea.

While safety concerns exist in the literature for all three herbs with regards to
their use by pregnant women, clinical evidence of harm is lacking.” As Eastern
Virginia Medical School researchers put it, “The use of peppermint oil for
pregnancy and breast-feeding is considered likely safe by the National Institute
of Health on their educational website Medline Plus. This is based on the
classification of peppermint oil as a food additive, which is generally recognized
as safe (GRAS) according to the the Food and Drug Administration.” The bottom
line, when it comes to peppermint side effects, essential oils for pregnancy are
not clinically proven.

Myth #3: Frankincense Stimulates Uterine Blood Flow,

Menstruation & Miscarriage
Like all of these essential oils for pregnancy myths, there is no research
supporting that frankincense resin nor frankincense essential oils are
abortifacients or emmenagogues (stimulates uterine blood flow and cause
menstruation). The best explanation I could find to help sort this out comes from
LIVESTRONG. Definitely not one of the peer-reviewed sources that I try to quote
in my essential oil profiles, this article has a lot of merit.

⚫ “Conclusions about the safety of frankincense during pregnancy are

inconsistent. Frankincense has sometimes been classified as an abortifacient
or emmenagogue — a stimulator of absent menstrual flow and thus
possibly at times an early abortifacient. Until further research is conducted,
herbalist Denise Tiran recommends that potential emmenagogues, including
frankincense, be generally avoided during pregnancy, at least during the first

trimester. Aromatherapist Maria Lis-Balchin considers it safe for pregnant
women to inhale frankincense, but advises caution in massage with the
essential oil, which in the laboratory it is known to relax uterine muscle.
⚫ According to Simon Mills and Kerry Bone’s herbal safety manual, frankincense
has received an Australian government pregnancy category B1 classification.
In other words, according to limited human and animal studies, there is no
evidence to date that frankincense causes fetal harm. If you are pregnant, ask
your doctor whether and which form of frankincense is safe for you and your

It seems that the claim that frankincense essential oil can cause a spontaneous
abortion is not necessarily about the oil, but about frankincense as a whole. With
that said, it is interesting to note that:

⚫ Nearly 30% of Iranian women use frankincense during their pregnancies,

which suggests that it is extremely safe; or else one-third of their
population would be regularly exposed to mutagens and become
⚫ According to a 2013 article published in the Journal of Traditional and
Complementary Medicine, learning and memory performance is enhanced
in the offspring of the mothers who consumed frankincense extracts
during their pregnancy.
⚫ A study published in the International Journal of Preventative Medicine
this past May explained similar results. “Oral administration of Boswellia
extract during pregnancy and lactation strengthens short-and long-
term memory in infants in field models. Further, administration of the
extract during pregnancy causes an increase in the size of the neurons in
pyramidal cells of the hippocampus CA3 area as well as increase in the
number of dendritic process in these cells. Extract administration during
lactation promotes memory function in infants through increasing cell
volume, neurotransmitters release and number of synaptic contacts.”

The main point about essential oils for pregnancy is this: As we have seen above,
the many forms of frankincense (essential oil, extract, and resin) are widely used
across the world and there is a growing body of research supporting its use in
pregnant women. To refrain from enjoying its benefits because of misguided
myths that it can cause an abortion, is absolutely absurd.

Myth #4: Essential Oils for Pregnancy Can Harm Mom
Yes, some essential oils are harmful during pregnancy, but the same is true
for all people in general, not just pregnant women. I’m passionate about this
because clinical trials evaluating the safety of essential oils for pregnancy is
limited. However, that doesn’t give people license to arbitrarily advise against
certain oils and compounds like many are in the habit of doing.

Furthermore, to warn people to “err on the side of caution” for no reason

but hearsay is misleading and instills fear that essential oils are dangerous or
inherently harmful. At least have some scientific reasoning to back up your point!
Today, the best resource we have is the classic aromatherapy textbook “Essential
Oil Safety.” In spite of not having sufficient research on the actual oils, the authors
combed through the archives for articles discussing the individual compounds in
each oil to provide safety guidelines and best practices. Essentially, they created
dos and don’ts based off of logic in the research of essential oils for pregnancy
because humans trials don’t exist.

Although, we cannot accurately extrapolate that research about single, isolated

chemicals will affect people in the same way that they will when they are
naturally interacting with other chemicals in essential oils. Bottom line: just
because isolated menthol may harm babies, for example, it doesn’t mean that
the menthol in peppermint oil is harmful because of all of the other chemicals at
play. The parts do not equal the whole in this case.

For the time being, this is the best that we have at our disposal until the funding
becomes available to conduct longitudinal cohort studies, randomized control
trials and can take the information learned to create sufficient Cochrane reviews;
which would give us a much better baseline. Sadly, I have found that essential
oils are a victim of misrepresentation because they are commonly referred to as
“concentrated versions” of their original sources.

It is not that simple, and misappropriated concern is given to oils due to

confusion. Let’s take frankincense, for example.

It is generally understood that: “Boswellia Species is reported to contain 60-85%

resins (mixtures of terpenes), 6-30% gums (mixture of polysaccharides), and 5-9%
essential oil.

⚫ Resin portion is composed of pentacyclic triterpenes, in which boswellic

acid is the active functional group.

⚫ Gum portion consists of pentose and hexose sugars with some oxidizing
and digestive enzymes.
⚫ The essential oil is a mixture of monoterpenes, diterpenes, and

Like all individual plant constituents – in this case the resin, gum and essential
oil from frankincense – all have different biochemical combinations than their
original source. To help illustrate this point with a hypothetical case study,
let’s say that next week scientists discover boswellic acids (BAs) are dangerous
for pregnant women. This would mean that frankincense resin would be
contraindicated, whereas frankincense essential oil would be completely safe
because BAs are not found in essential oils.

This is why it is common for some people to be allergic to cinnamon powder or

citrus fruits, but do very well with cinnamon and citrus essential oils. With that
said, certain precautions regarding essential oils and pregnancy would be wise
and here is a list of oils that you will want to avoid altogether or use caution
when pregnant nursing.

Essential Oil Latin Name

Birch Betula lenta
Camphor Cinnamomum camphora
Mugwart Artemisia vulgaris
Parsley seed or leaf Petroselinum sativum
Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium
Tansy Tanacetum vulgare
Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus
Thuja Thuja occidentalis
Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens
Wormwood Artemisia absinthium

Remember, there are dozens of alternatives for each of these oils and, as Dr.
Penny Lane has said it best, “It is true that essential oils are powerful substances,
but used knowledgeably and with due diligence, pose little to no threat to one’s

Myth #5: Contact Your OB/Midwife to Use Essential Oils
for Pregnancy
I know this one is going to get me some extra email, but it’s got to be said… When
you read the statement (“contact your OB/GYN or midwife before…”) on a blog,
someone is trying to dodge the legal responsibility of giving medical advice. We
all do it because we have to in this Internet health world, but it really means
nothing. I am a trained primary care physician and public health researcher,
and I can tell you this with confidence: DCs, DOs, and MDs do not learn about
essential oils in school. Sadly, all three curricula focus on toxicology and how
pharmaceuticals interact with the human body.

If, by chance, alternative therapies like essential oils are mentioned in

chiropractic college or medical school, it’s a hasty approach at best and nothing
in depth is discussed. Regarding midwives, they receive very little (if any) “formal”
training of any kind that would qualify them as essential oil authorities.

One concern about taking the recommendation of many Aromatherapists is that

their opinion is largely based off the geographic location where they studied.
U.S. aromatherapy schools, for example, are traditionally reserved and most
strongly advise against the internal use of oils. Whereas, European schools are
much more liberal and enjoy a wider spectrum of essential oil usage. French and
German aromatherapists, for example, regularly give essential oils orally.

Truth is, relatively few people truly understand essential oil chemistry, which
would qualify them as a valid resource. And I am not one of them, even though I
am currently being trained by one of the most reputable aromatherapy schools
in the nation! As a trained clinical researcher, I have spent a fair amount of
time in the public health sector, which inspired me to earn my Master of Public
Health at Emory University. Right next door to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, the public health world is literally based between these two
campuses! It has taken me several years of coursework, personal mentorship
and a lot of trial & error to help me understand research in a way that makes
sense. Yet, that still does NOT qualify me as an “essential oils” expert. This is one
of the reasons why have been formally trained in aromatherapy by seasoned,
certified aromatherapists via an Aromatherapy School, but that still would not
qualify me as an “expert.”

There are few, true essential oil experts on the planet. These men and women
are chemists or have a profound understanding of the chemistry of essential
oils, and this takes years of study and practical application. So, to make the best
decision for your family about essential oils for pregnancy, remember to:

⚫ Do your own homework.
⚫ Be a avid reader and researcher.
⚫ Learn the basic essentials.
⚫ And don’t indiscriminately trust someone just because you see it in writing!

God has given each of us a perceptive spirit and the intellectual ability to make
wise decisions. Just like our family, my desire is that you discover that essential
oils for pregnancy can be used in a wide variety of ways for the entire family. But,
remember, don’t take my word for it. You need to make the best decision for
your own family!


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From our home to yours, Mama Z shares her best natural breastfeeding tips that
have helped her manage all of the issues related to nursing our four babies.

Why Breastfeeding is So Important

Without question, breast milk is the best nutrition for your baby. Period. Even
the U.S. surgeon general is on board! As a 2016 Cochrane Review said, “We know
breastfeeding helps babies avoid illness and stay healthy.” It’s as simple as that,
which is why the breastfeeding tips my wife shares below are so important!

Unfortunately, many women are not aware of these benefits. According to a

national survey, only 25 percent of the U.S. public agreed that feeding a baby
with infant formula instead of breast milk increases the chances the baby will get

In the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding, we are told that
this is because “information about breastfeeding and infant formula is rarely
provided by women’s obstetricians during their prenatal visits.”

The Office of the Surgeon General also makes this profound statement:
“Moreover, many people, including health professionals, believe that because
commercially prepared formula has been enhanced in recent years, infant
formula is equivalent to breast milk in terms of its health benefits; however, this
belief is incorrect.”

Breastfeeding is Worth the Effort!

No wonder so many women stop nursing early on. Even though the American
Academy of Pediatrics recommends that breastfeeding continue for at least
twelve months, only 27% of moms stick it out that long, believing there is no
major benefit to breast milk over formula.

If you are having difficulty breastfeeding, it can be very helpful to work with a
lactation consultant, or even a friend or family member who has experience

breastfeeding. Be encouraged and empowered that you have everything you
need to sustain the life of your baby.

It’s not easy, nor is it always glamorous, but you have what it takes!

Mama Z’s Breastfeeding Tips

Nursing my baby Bella before the Mrs. Georgia Pageant

A Note From Mama Z to Moms…


Milk coma… Another totally nummy knockout!

This beauty had her milestone appointment for 6 months (a little early) and was
in the 80-90 percentile for everything. Our babies never eat any solid foods till
after they turn 1 year. But as you can see they never miss a meal!

This is actually also congruent with the American Academy of Pediatrics on their
recommendations to exclusively breastfeed for one year. If you ever need help
in this area, feel free to reach out to me as a peer mentor in this area or always
contact a good lactation consultant as they are more valuable than gold.

Never feel bad if you weren’t able, chose not to or didn’t get the support you
needed for breastfeeding. I was so grateful for the breastfeeding classes that
I took while I was pregnant with my oldest daughter and for the support I had
from my mother (after nursing 3).

I also received help from a doula, a lactation consultant, the local LaLeche league
and a midwifery group when I first was getting started! I wanted to surround
myself with successful nursing support as nursing by choice was my only option.

People contact me and ask for my tips on nursing frequently. I’ve successfully
used these tips with my 4 babies so I decided to pass this info onto you.
Remember always to run any changes you make by your naturopath or midwife.


⚫ I utilized fennel & basil therapeutic grade essential oils heavily diluted and
massaged around milk ducts after feeding.
⚫ Eat a lot of “super” greens in shakes and salads, and fresh pressed juices
and good fats like avocados and coconuts.
⚫ Make sure your diet is balanced and free of allergens – wheat, gluten,
processed sugar, preservatives, dairy, casein, soy, peanuts, etc.
⚫ Use hot compresses of Chamomile tea during the first two weeks (which
I lovingly call the razor blades phase) or anytime there is painful nursing
from thrush or engorgement.
⚫ Sign up for my weekly email newsletter. You can get my free kitchen
makeover conversion guide to help you convert to allergy-friendly.

People ask a lot about recommended products so we did an article that sorts
through recommended products by type from books to household kitchen
staples. Also, check out these beneficial related products:

⚫ Traditional Medicinals Teas Organic Mother’s Milk Herbal Tea – 32 Count

⚫ Herb Pharm Mother’s Lactation Herbal Formula with Fenugreek Extract – 1
⚫ Nature’s Way Fenugreek Seed – 100 Vcaps (Pack of 2)
⚫ Choice Organic Caffeine Free Chamomile Herbal Tea – 16 Count Box


Hang in there and make it through the razor blades phase. After the first few
weeks of nursing then you can make it for the long haul. Not there won’t be
difficulties along the way, but they are all workable.

⚫ Pump to store and save your breast milk to mix with puréed fruits &
veggies later.
⚫ Breast to baby contact stimulates your production best and unfortunately
everyone I’ve known who solely pumped their breast milk to bottle feed
their baby, had their breast milk dry up within 6 months.

I’m blessed to be home with my babies which I know isn’t always possible for
everyone. My babies have never drunk from a bottle but only from the breast
with on demand feedings. My first went 2 years, 1.5 months; my second went
17.5 months, my third went 2.5 years and, of course, Bella is still nursing.

⚫ The Lord will perfect that which concerns me! (Psalm 138:8 (NKJV) This was
my prayer all the way through my pregnancy and while nursing.
⚫ Winston Churchill said, “Without struggle there is no progress.”
⚫ Remember the Bible says in James 1:4 (NKJV), “But let patience have its
perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
⚫ You have given him his heart’s desire, And have not withheld the request
of his lips. Selah. – Psalm 21:2 (NKJV)

This was truly my heart’s desire and I know it’s not everyone’s…If this is yours, I
hope and pray these tips help you in a useful way!!!

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Thyroid Disorders
Of all the natural remedies, there are 10 essential oils for thyroid support that
can be a real game-changer for anyone looking to balance hormones and
support their body. You may be pleasantly surprised to learn how cost-effective
and easy it is to prepare personalized blends at home with powerful compounds
proven to improve thyroid health, and help control the discomfort that thyroid
imbalance brings.

How Essential Oils Benefit Your Thyroid

Because so many thyroid sufferers also test positive for heavy metal toxicity,
some toxins and heavy metals are suspected of contributing to or even causing
thyroid imbalance. These include lead, aluminum, cadmium, and mercury.
Additionally, environmental toxins are everywhere, from the shampoo in your
shower to the flavor enhancers and preservatives in your foods.

Specific essential oils for thyroid support can help you detox, such as cilantro,
and can be used as part of a detoxification process. Others are good for helping
support symptoms of thyroid imbalance.

How do you know if you would benefit from these essential oils for thyroid support?

First you can understand more about hyper vs hypo thyroid issues. If your
thyroid is underactive, you may have hypothyroid symptoms such as sudden
or unexplained weight gain, sensitivity to cold, lethargy, hair loss, hair or skin or
dryness, constipation, enlarged thyroid gland, irritability, or even a slow heart

Conversely, if your thyroid is overactive, you might experience hyperthyroid

symptoms such as: unexplained weight loss or inability to gain weight, heat
sensitivity or excessive sweating, excessive or persistent hunger, restlessness or
fatigue, light menstruation, insomnia, diarrhea, hair loss, tremors, fast heart rate
or abnormal heart rhythm, nervousness, hyperactivity, or panic attacks.

Of course, making adjustments to your diet so you include plenty of foods to
support thyroid health will help. And studies are showing that essential oils can
also be used to support thyroid health, and help you manage the discomfort
thyroid imbalance can cause.

Top 10 Essential Oils & Uses

Here are our ten favorite essential oils that will provide powerfully effective help
for thyroid symptoms.


Frankincense is one of my favorite essential oils. Many of the things frankincense

essential oil helps with are issues either caused by thyroid imbalance, or like
memory issues, can result from thyroid imbalance.

Frankincense essential oil is great for addressing immune health, chronic and
inflammatory diseases, brain and memory disorders, autoimmunity, asthma,
skin conditions, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, and even cancer!



Lavender essential oil is among the most widely recommended essential oils for
thyroid dysfunction and for many other ailments, with good reason. Lavender
can help diabetes & oxidative stress (free radicals), induce calming, help alleviate
insomnia, alleviate depression, reduce inflammation, boost antioxidant activity,
and act as an analgesic.

Many of these symptoms describe what people suffer with hyperthyroid issues,
or hypothyroidism. So you see why lavender is a top pick essential oil for thyroid



Roman chamomile oil addresses a narrower range of symptoms very well, but
all common to thyroid imbalance. Anxiety, depression, and insomnia all respond
beautifully to chamomile.


Geranium essential oil helps reduce the inflammation associated with thyroid
imbalance. Most people who suffer thyroid problems, benefit from reducing
overall inflammation in their bodies. Additionally, people often find the rosy
fragrance lightens the mood and allows them to let go and relax.


Lemongrass oil is a powerful ally both to inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines

and reduce allergic and inflammatory disease response associated with thyroid
imbalance. This points to a strong anti-inflammatory effect! It brightens any
aromatherapy blend, and many say intensifies the effects of the entire blend.


Lemon essential oil is truly a boon to those suffering from thyroid issues. One
of my favorite uses is as an energizer that brings mental clarity. It’s perfect for
helping to overcome the brain fog so common with thyroid imbalance.

Lemon essential oil would also help support your thyroid by reducing damage
and oxidative stress to your liver, providing antioxidant effects on your liver and
brain, and fighting inflammation. It also helps with weight loss – a significant
concern of many thyroid patients.



Peppermint oil has been proven to have an instant positive effect on physical
performance, as well as improving cognitive performance and mood.



Ginger essential oil is not only energizing itself, but it acts as a catalyst-activating
other compounds around it. We also know that many who suffer from thyroid
imbalances have digestive irritations or nausea and ginger can help with that.

Ginger essential oil is also good medicine for your thyroid in general – helping
your body’s response to inflammation, oxidative stress, autoimmune issues,
allergic response, and asthma. What a wonder!


Cilantro is among the most powerful forces in your arsenal, boasting unequaled
heavy metal detoxification, liver protection, and antioxidant provision. It’s a
culinary herb we grow in our garden, and a very useful essential oil.

It’s high in linalool, a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic. That’s why it’s one
of the oils we recommend people use in our fibromyalgia muscle relief massage
blend – another autoimmune disease that can wreck havoc in the body.



Black pepper is not merely an energy booster. It is also a known bioenhancer –

magnifying the effects of every ingredient in the blend. It fights inflammation,
toxins, anxiety, and depression – all common struggles with thyroid imbalance.

Two Powerful Thyroid Remedies

These essential oil blends are carefully crafted to provide a specific range of
benefits to people who suffer from under or overactive thyroid symptoms.
Try them in proper dilutions and see how your body begins to respond. You’ll
find best results if you are keeping your health care provider in the loop and
addressing other areas in your life such as removing toxins from your home, and
adjusting your diet to include foods that support thyroid health!


Do you feel overwhelmed at times? One symptom of thyroid imbalance—

whether you struggle with hypothyroid or hyperthyroid—is an anxiety-inducing,
paralyzing weight of feeling constantly overwhelmed.

Thyroid imbalance is often synonymous with being overwhelmed, over-stressed,

anxious, fatigued (yet unable to rest), and hopeless. This thyroid balancing
essential oil blend helps clear your mind, calm your spirit, and allow restful sleep.

Stress can increase inflammation, and lack of quantity AND quality sleep (as
well as never taking time for waking mind-rest) intensifies any inflammatory
condition. Thyroid imbalance is strongly associated with inflammation and
immune dysfunction including autoimmunity.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 1 drop lemongrass essential oil
M 4 drops chamomile essential oil
M 5 drops frankincense essential oil
M 5 drops lavender essential oil
M 5 drops rose geranium essential oil
M Quality carrier oil or Mama Z’s oil Base
M 10 ml. roller vial

g Mix a blend of up to 20 drops total into a 10 ml. roller bottle and
fill it with a high-quality carrier oil of your choice.
g Apply to the base of your neck whenever you begin to feel anx-
ious and overwhelmed, and at bedtime to destress and calm
your spirit. If you practice prayer or meditation for health, this is
a perfect blend to see that you enter your sacred time with tran-

Apply to the base of your neck whenever you begin to feel anxious and
overwhelmed, and at bedtime to destress and calm your spirit. If you practice
prayer or meditation for health, this is a perfect blend to see that you enter your
sacred time with tranquility.


Thyroid causing constant fatigue? One main symptom of under active thyroid is
an oppressive sense of fatigue. A sluggish thyroid can leave you feeling over-tired
and worn down most of the day.

Since optimum thyroid function is associated with so many body systems that
affect energy—from your liver which produces glycogen energy stores to your
adrenal glands—you’ll clearly feel an acute lack of energy if it becomes under

An underactive thyroid gland saps your energy in numerous ways. This blend
is full of proven energy boosters which also impact thyroid symptoms directly.
You’ll feel better right away, and you’ll also help heal your thyroid long term.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 2 drops lemon essential oil* M 4 drops cilantro essential oil
M 2 drops ginger essential oil M 4 drops black pepper essential oil
M 2 drops orange essential oil M Quality carrier oil
M 4 drops peppermint essential oil M 10 ml. roller vial

g Mix a blend of up to 20 drops total into a 10 ml. roller bottle and fill it with a high-
quality carrier oil of your choice.
g Try this essential oil blend first thing in the morning and when your day begins
to drag. Many practitioners recommend these oils for application to the small of
your back, especially if you also suffer from adrenal fatigue.

Note: *Lemon essential oil is photoreactive and may cause sunburn if used on
exposed skin while spending significant time outdoors in bright sunlight. Use this
blend on the soles of your feet if your neck or the small of your back will be exposed
after application.


M 2 drops lemon essential oil* M 4 drops cilantro essential oil
M 2 drops ginger essential oil M 4 drops black pepper essential oil
M 2 drops orange essential oil M Quality carrier oil
M 4 drops peppermint essential oil M 10 ml. roller vial

g Mix a blend of up to 20 drops total into a 10 ml. roller bottle and fill it with a high-
quality carrier oil of your choice.
g Try this essential oil blend first thing in the morning and when your day begins
to drag. Many practitioners recommend these oils for application to the small of
your back, especially if you also suffer from adrenal fatigue.

Note: *Lemon essential oil is photoreactive and may cause sunburn if used on
exposed skin while spending significant time outdoors in bright sunlight. Use this
blend on the soles of your feet if your neck or the small of your back will be exposed
after application.

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Hormones Imbalance
Two of the most common things that women are exposed to, stress and toxic
chemicals, can trigger a hormone imbalance. Although we recommend you try to
avoid toxic chemicals by creating a chemical-free home, this serum, made from
essential oils to balance hormones, has been known to be a true lifesaver for
PMS, mood swings, and overall hormone imbalance by balancing hormones with
essential oils.

Start Balancing Your Hormones

There are many things you can do to relieve hormonal imbalance naturally
but essential oils can be particularly powerful. Clary Sage has been used since
Medieval times to treat PMS, infertility, difficult or irregular menstrual cycles,
lowered libido, and difficult menopausal symptoms like sweats and hot flashes.
The lavender essential oil will promote relaxation and help you deal with any
added stress caused by your hormone imbalance.

But first – realize that using essential oils to balance hormones is just one step
you need to consider when looking for healing. Diet can play a huge role in
hormone imbalance issues. For example, dairy often contains hormones that
can throw your levels our of whack, while healthy nuts and seeds like hemp
seeds can help bring hormones into balance. See other simple ways to balance
hormones that might help you as well.

I also want to make sure you aren’t making a hormone imbalance WORSE
with toxic ingredients in your home. Did you know many air fresheners and
fragrances have hormone-disrupting ingredients in them? Many laundry care
products also have dangerous chemicals – dyes, fragrances, and cleaning agents
can all have negative effects on your body’s hormonal balance. As you look to
heal your body with essential oils to balance your hormones, make sure you
detox your home to eliminate harmful chemicals as well!

Essential Oils to Balance Hormones
Hormone imbalance issues can create a myriad of problems, and have many
different causes. You might be struggling with menopause, for example. Finding
natural solutions to menopause hot flashes, fatigue, and other symptoms can
feel overwhelming. Sometimes birth control, pregnancies, or other life changes
can throw your hormones out of whack. Sabrina had a molar pregnancy that
hurt her hormone balance for awhile and she needed to heal from that.

Essential Oils are a powerful tool for dealing with symptoms of hormone
imbalance whether that’s postpartum depression, menstrual cramps, or more.
This is why our favorite essential oils to balance hormones work so well together.

⚫ Clary Sage – Clary sage is known to have anti-inflammatory and

antidepressant effects, as well as shown to relieve cramps and pain from
hormonal surges in women. This is a must-try for hormone balancing
⚫ Frankincense – One of my favorite essential oils for overall balance and to
enhance the effects of other essential oils in many of my blends.
⚫ Lavender – The restful anti-anxiety properties of lavender essential oil
make it invaluable in this hormone balancing blend.
⚫ Neroli – Neroli, or bitter orange blossom, is a prized essential oil with
proven benefits for libido, stress and other menopause or hormonal
imbalance symptoms.
⚫ Ylang Ylang – The queen of essential oils, this floral essential oil is one I
turn to for libido, stress and more.

Hormone Balancing Serum
After creating your Hormone Balancing Serum, massage a few drops over your
thyroid and adrenals in the morning and before bed. Take a few deep breaths
while you give yourself a light massage with the healing serum each day.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 10 ml Evening primrose oil M 2 drops neroli oil
M 2 drops clary sage oil M 1 drop ylang ylang oil
M 2 drops of frankincense oil M 10 ml. roller bottle
M 2 drops lavender oil

g Put essential oils in a roller bottle and fill with evening primrose oil.
g Massage over the neck (thyroid) and along lower back/over kidneys
(adrenals) morning and night.


M 10 ml Evening primrose oil M 2 drops neroli oil
M 2 drops clary sage oil M 1 drop ylang ylang oil
M 2 drops of frankincense oil M 10 ml. roller bottle
M 2 drops lavender oil

g Put essential oils in a roller bottle and fill with evening primrose oil.
g Massage over the neck (thyroid) and along lower back/over kidneys
(adrenals) morning and night.

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Stress & Anxiety
For thousands of years, millions of people have found that utilizing
aromatherapy is the quickest way to stop stress in its tracks and there are 10
essential oils for stress that stand out amongst the rest!

How do you like to relax at the end of the day? A good book, your feet kicked up,
a nice bath? In real life, though, most of us don’t have time for luxuries – that’s
why we’re stressed! There are many ways you can use natural remedies like
essential oils for stress relief and you may be surprised at how cost-effective and
easy they are.

The Impact of Stress on the Body

Before diving into my Top 10 Essential Oils for Stress Relief, we need to call out
the elephant in the room real quick.

Allowing stress to take over our lives could be the biggest mistake of the 21st
century. Since stress is a prominent cause of inflammatory disease, moving
toward a stress free life is a core recommendation for the prevention of most

High blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and respiratory disease all seem
to be increasing in prevalence as we become more and more stressed. Reduce
stress, reduce risk of illness.

Our sources of stress may vary – what sends me over the edge might not be
a problem for you. Identifying trigger points and structuring our lives to be
abundant and stress free should be an ongoing goal.

A group of nurses, working with and evaluated by Vanderbilt Medical University,

took this to heart in their ER environment. Of their essential oils for stress
diffusion, they said that they “recognized an opportunity to positively impact our
coworkers,” and that they did!

Before the oils were used in the ER, staff reported an almost complete
elimination of feelings of stress and overwhelm while energy and feelings of
empowerment shot through the roof!

Essential oils for stress are too easy to use to miss out on their stress-relieving
abilities. Before stress drags you down another day, use the tools available to
you to reduce stress and pursue the Abundant Life!

Top 10 Essential Oils for Stress Relief


In a clinical study on the effects of both orange and rose oil, simply smelling
the oils triggered the brain for relaxation. As a bright and uplifting oil, it stands
alone nicely and blends well with other oils. If you had to choose just one stress
relieving oil, sweet orange is the effective and versatile choice.


Lemon essential oil is an excellent choice for stress relief. In a 2014 evaluation of
the oils cancer patients used to relieve stress, lemon was among one of the most
frequently chosen.


Citrus oils are definitely go-to oils for many things, stress relief included. Another
on the list is bergamot, with a range of effects for stress relief:

“…improving mood and mild symptoms of stress-induced disorders and facilitating

sleep induction. Aromatherapy massage has been shown to relieve symptoms of
anxiety in patients with cancer.”


Staying within the citrus varieties but moving toward florals, neroli essential oil is
derived from the blossom of orange trees and just as powerful for stress relief.
While it specifically thrives in cases where hormones trigger stress and anxiety,
neroli is generally calming and relaxing, as well.


Noted earlier for its ability to affect the brain directly, rose essential oil appears
time and again in studies demonstrating the ability that essential oils for stress
have to trigger relaxation and relieve anxiety.


Ylang ylang has demonstrated sedative and stress relieving effects that have
peripheral benefits. One study carried these effects out to a reduction of high
blood pressure. Traditional use employs ylang ylang as an aphrodisiac. The direct
connection between stress and these conditions is no coincidence. Remember:
reduce stress, reduce illness!


When better to test stress and anxiety reduction than in one of the most
stressful times in life – early labor! From simple inhalation techniques, “The mean
anxiety score decreased significantly after inhalation of the aroma of geranium
essential oil.” Include geranium in stress relief blends to take the edge off of
stressful anxiety.


Sleep issues can rob our bodies of the ability to heal and shed the stress of
the day. Lavender as both an herb and an oil has long been used for sleep
improvement. Again testing around birth as a stressful time, researchers in 2015
evaluated lavender oil for its ability to improve sleep quality during the sleepless,
stressful, restless postpartum period. After 8 weeks of aromatherapy use, sleep
quality and restfulness was improved, taking one major component out of the
stress equation.


With a calming chamomile tea in hand to relax, you’ve inhaled some of the
essential oils for stress component as you settled into its stress relieving
benefits. Using the essential oil directly is just another way to make the most of
the tools for health that have been tucked throughout nature.


Less common than some of the other oils on the list, spikenard is probably
more familiar to you from its mentions in the Bible. Today, we refer to spikenard
as a strongly scented essential oil derived from a plant in the Valerian family –
valerian, of course, is known as an herbal sedative. Spikenard essential oil is also
used as a relaxing oil, with good results on murine tests on its sedative effects.

Essential Oils for Stress Relief Blend

Diffusion and inhalation are excellent ways to maximize stress relieving benefits.
As a Yale Scientific article noted, “Indeed, the olfactory system is the only sensory
system that involves the amygdala and the limbic system in its primary processing
pathway.” The limbic system is part of the brain that has some control of mood,
memory, and emotions.

The direct connection between scent and the limbic system is likely why scent
triggers memory, as well as why certain scents have such powerful effects.

Experiment with any of these 10 stress-relieving oils. Here are a few you can
begin with if you aren’t sure where to start. The bright scent of citrus and soft
tones of floral combine to ease stress, calm the mind, and energize you for that
next task!

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 2 drops bergamot
M 2 drops lemon
M 1 drop geranium

g Add to a diffuser or personal inhaler and enjoy!


M 2 drops bergamot
M 2 drops lemon
M 1 drop geranium

g Add to a diffuser or personal inhaler and enjoy!

A Note about Depression – If your stress reaches the point of overwhelming

you may find yourself with symptoms of depression. These essential oils for
depression and Bible verses for depression could help you through a tough time.

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I understand depression – struggled with it throughout my teen years and early
twenties – even led me to have suicidal thoughts. Then, when I met Christ in
2003, I discovered what the Bible says about depression and I prayed that God
lift the burden off my shoulders and, “Poof!” it literally vanished instantly. Today,
15 years later, I can confidently boast in the Lord that I am still free! My hope
and prayer is that you and your loved ones experience this type of miraculous
deliverance in your life, but if your healing doesn’t come right away, then I highly
encourage you to check out essential oils for depression because there are no
other substances on the planet that I know of that can boost your mood and
help get you out of a funk so effectively!

In all seriousness, if you or a loved one struggles with depression, it is crucial to

find safe and effective treatments. If at any time you have thoughts of harming
yourself or others, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at
1-800-273-TALK (8255) or www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org any time, day or
night. You were never meant to deal with depression alone.

According to the FDA, many people who are depressed find conventional
psychiatric or psychological treatment very helpful. However, many express
concerns about the long list of documented dangerous side effects associated
with mind-altering drugs and seek safer alternatives.

How Do Essential Oils Alleviate Depression?

Depression is associated with changes in brain chemistry including corticotropin
releasing factor (CRF), serotonin (5-HT), and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). There is
evidence that inhaling the dilute, diffused volatile oils of certain essential oils can
influence brain chemistry in several ways.

These compounds enter the blood circulation system through the lungs and
effect brain chemistry when they are carried by the blood to the brain. Another
path that volatile oil compounds travel to affect the brain’s limbic system is
through its connection to the olfactory (sense of smell) system where they bind
to olfactory receptors. From there they reach the deeper parts of the brain that
control things like stress and emotional responses through a fascinating journey
that is beyond the scope of this post but worth a read!

Top 18 Essential Oils For Depression
With the growing popularity of essential oils, many people have strong opinions
regarding which oils may help your symptoms. Clearly, an essential oil guide
cannot replace the advice of a knowledgeable medical professional.

Use of the following essential oils for depression symptoms is backed by

stringent studies demonstrating their effectiveness. As with any home treatment
options, always use common sense and follow safety guidelines as well as the
advice of your medical professional.


Bergamot may help you avoid the side effects of anxiety drugs while providing
many of the benefits. It was shown in this rat study to normalize and balance
brain chemistry. Aromatherapy best practices acknowledge a similar effect in
humans that bergamot is a great essential oil to reach for use as an anxiolytic


This essential oil is a powerful tool if your depression or anxiety symptoms are
negatively impacting your work performance—this applies to schoolwork and
housework, too! The woodsy aroma not only seems to improve performance
in stressful working conditions, but may be useful for a variety of depressive

Keep in mind that the study above doesn’t state which cedarwood was
use but the most likely candidates are Cedrus atlantica or Cedrus deodara.
Aromatherapists are most likely to use Atlas Cedarwood for these purposes. This
essential oil for depression helps you leave work worries behind and transition
to a peaceful, stress-free after work routine.

Australian red cedar essential oil is the specific oil hailed in this rat study as a
“new candidate for curing depressive disorders”. As you can see, the cedar family
has a lot of potential in this arena and you may try experimenting to see which
works best for you and your specific symptoms.

What if I’m Sensitive or Have Allergies? A few people are sensitive to cedar,
so if you have cedarwood allergies try one of the other essential oils for
depression from this list instead.


Clary Sage demonstrates mood-enhancing activity even when the mood is

altered due to hormonal changes associated with menopause. Clary sage
essential oil influences brain chemistry to help restore more normal levels of key
brain chemicals responsible for thyroid function and depression.


It is obvious why frankincense essential oil is a favorite when dealing with

depression, particularly for women. It helps balance hormones and brain
chemistry with a heavenly, deep and resinous aroma.

In this 2008 study, it was used alongside two other essential oils for depression,
lavender and bergamot, to ease depression in terminally ill patients. Not only did
it improve their depression but the mixture diminished their pain levels as well.


This study used geranium during other depression treatments such as massage.
Geranium essential oil increases the antidepressant impact of other oils
synergistically. The rosy scent is immediately mood-enhancing and relieves


Chamomile is known to be calming and soothing to numerous body systems, as

this review highlights! Used both internally and externally, German chamomile
and Roman chamomile have destressing compounds present in both forms.

Chamomile essential oils also significantly decrease symptoms of depression

when diffused during times of stress or low motivation. When choosing from
essential oils for depression, choose chamomile if your anxiety symptoms are
also causing digestive upsets. You’ll be surprised how much it can help!


If you can use only one of the essential oils for depression, lavender is one of the
best. It has a long and well-documented history as a calming and healing agent.

The Power of Lavender in Essential Oil Research Lavender essential oil has
been used in a variety of studies both in mice and humans and seems to show
an ability to: relieve stress and anxiety by acting directly on brain chemistry,
protect brain cells from neurotoxins in vitro, restore normal function after
caffeine excesses, relieve stress, offers possible protection to the brain from
chemical damage up to and including Alzheimer’s Disease, treat anxiety
disorders, treat inflammation, headache, stress, and depression, and to ease
some premenstrual tensions.

While everyone must address the cause of depressed feelings, it’s safe to say
that lavender essential oil can improve some mood upsets or restore motivation
level, and support your other healing efforts.


All citrus essential oils have a role in addressing depression, but lemon’s
brightening effect may be the most powerful of all. Not only is lemon essential
oil great at improving mood, it also can help lift the brain fog which frequently
accompanies symptoms of depression.


Melissa helps to relieve agitation, reduce social withdrawal, increase time spent
on constructive activities, improve brain chemistry, and it works synergistically
with lavender.

For example, one study published in 2012 demonstrated the ability that lemon
balm has to directly affect the brain and neurotransmitters. The specific action
studied actually has implications for improving cognitive function and even
reversing the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.


Nutmeg essential oil when diffused, closely resembles the intended results of
antidepressant medications without the dangerous side effects in this rat study.
The benefits seem to be increased if the nutmeg essential oil is combined with
Thai black ginger extract (a variety closely related to common ginger root). It’s
warming and stimulating – perfect for beating the blues!


Both the sweet and bitter orange trees produce essential oils that have
antidepressant benefits. Neroli essential oil, distilled from the flowers of the
bitter orange tree, demonstrates significant anti-anxiety effects. We see people
use it successfully with hormonal mood swings and stress.

Sweet orange essential oil offers solutions for some of the most pressing
problems surrounding depression. It significantly improves the ability to visually
concentrate on tasks, making it ideal for use with young children. Its sweet
aroma is pleasant and appropriate for all settings.

Orange essential oil was consistently found in this rat study to be helpful
for treating anxiety and to have a tranquilizing, destressing effect. Diffusing
sweet orange upon the family’s return home sets the stage for calm, enjoyable
evenings together.


Palmarosa is a sweet-smelling grass in the lemongrass family. It has been

proposed as a potential natural source of MAO inhibitors without the harmful
side effects of pharmaceuticals. It’s one of the recommend ingredients in our
sleep spray essential oil blends!


One of our favorite oils in the Z house! Peppermint essential oil tangibly
energizes you when you are fatigued and lack motivation. It has been found to
increase motivation, vigor, cortex stimulation, mood, relaxation, and alertness.


One of the most precious oils, rose essential oil is associated with subjects
feeling more relaxed, comfortable, or natural. It protects the brains of depressed
subjects from oxidative stress in rat studies.

Rose essential oil also relieves depression and feelings of distress. We often
use it in our Heavenly Scent Essential Oil Spray as a homemade body spray or
room freshening spray. Not only does this minimize the dangers of synthetic air
fresheners, but you get to enjoy the benefits of this precious oil.


Rosemary essential oil is shown in this 2017 study, and this 2013 study to have
potential mental health benefits. These findings are in alignment with historic
use of rosemary and accepted aromatherapy practices.

Rosemary essential oil is shown to exhibit antidepressant activity within two

weeks when diffused for 30 minutes per day. Rosemary improves stress
response, helps clinical depression, and protects the brain. It’s a powerful
essential oil for depression.


Sandalwood essential oil demonstrates a powerful, grounding, antidepressant

activity when inhaled or diffused. Some people find quality sandalwood essential
oil to be cost prohibitive; however, it can be seen as a worthwhile investment in
your long-term health.

It’s well-established history of health benefits, and being a useful essential oil
for depression, make adding sandalwood to your collection a wise decision. Use
sandalwood for diffuser blends, body care recipes, and sleep support blends.


The effects of breathing diffused vetiver essential oil make it a start on the list
of essential oils for depression. This study shows action in rats similar to anti-
anxiety drugs; however the harmful side effects wouldn’t be there compared to
traditional prescription drugs.

The scent is calming, grounding, and earthy—another good choice for young
people who have trouble with focus or attention due to anxiety. At least one
researcher claims it is superior to other essential oils in reducing symptoms of
ADHD. In fact we recommend it in the Focus and Calm Blend Essential Oils Roll-
On for Kids!


Ylang ylang essential oil has historically been used to balance the central nervous
system and for mental relaxation. You could call it the queen of essential oils for
depression. Ylang ylang works directly on brain chemicals to reduce anxiety and

Modern researchers have found it to be sedative and calming, to impart a
harmonizing effect, and reduce symptoms of both anxiety and depression. Many
people struggle with finding appropriate care when they experience symptoms
of both anxiety and depression together; ylang ylang may be the answer.

Married couples who find their intimate time is negatively impacted by

depression will be excited to hear that research confirms ylang ylang can help.
Inhaling diffused ylang ylang essential oil can help improve positive feelings
regarding sexuality in general. Additionally, ylang ylang is one of the most
sought-after scents for perfumery, so men and women alike will appreciate
adding it to their routine.

Now that the top essential oils for depression have been examined individually,
let’s look at a couple ways they can be used together to maximize their
effectiveness. Many essential oils work synergistically and these are two blends
you can pre-mix for addressing some of the symptoms you may be dealing with
as you struggle with your depression.

Mood-Lifting Essential Oils for Depression Blend

These essential oils can be combined into a unique blend just for you. The
amounts below should fill a 5ml amber glass bottle so you can have your own
master blend to use with your favorite aromatherapy techniques!

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 10 drops lemon essential oil M 20 drops lemon balm (Melissa)
M 10 drops bergamot essential oil essential oil
M 15 drops ylang ylang essential oil M 30 drops lavender essential oil
M 15 drops frankincense essential M A 5ml amber glass bottle with
oil dropper insert

g Combine the essential oils by rolling gently to combine. Amber
bottles are best as they protect oils from ultraviolet light damage,
and dropper inserts mean you can dispense your blend safely and

Help Me Focus Essential Oils for Depression Blend

If brain fog, inattentiveness, or ADHD/ADD are a struggle for you, you might find
this blend below very helpful. The oils should be the perfect amount to fill a 5ml
glass bottle and create your own unique essential oil blend. Use it any time you
find your depression causing you to lose track of what you are trying to do.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 10 drops neroli essential oil M 20 drops vetiver essential oil
M 10 drops rose geranium essential oil M 30 drops sweet orange essential oil
M 15 drops bergamot essential oil M 5 ml. amber glass bottle with
M 15 drops German chamomile dropper insert
essential oil

g Combine the essential oils in the 5ml glass bottle and roll gently to combine.

Depression has so many elements and symptoms can come in clusters. And it
can make you feel isolated and alone sometimes. But you aren’t alone – and
there is hope!

These essential oils for depression can help you manage your symptoms
naturally, when appropriate. And we are, as always, praying for you to experience
the abundant life!


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Using Essential Oils for Pain
Essential oils for pain relief may very well be the missing link to giving you a life
free from suffering that you’ve been praying for! Pain conditions are not only
rampant, but they can be difficult to treat with conventional medication, and you
may find natural remedies Here are some tips that can help you.

Chronic Pain Lethal?

Chronic pain … it will take down the toughest of the tough, harming livelihood
and lives. It can impact you and those you love on every level – the ability
or inability to work and make a living, relationships, and your very way of
functioning successfully in life.

Each kind of pain and each person is different. In general, however, chronic
pain is generally defined as ongoing, unrelenting pain. We’re talking about daily
headaches, arthritic pain, or pain that persists after an injury heals. There may
be an underlying cause like cancer, a virus, or an infection. But some people hurt
even in the absence of any past injury or body damage.

The problem with pain relief lies is that there is no great solution. If pain is
considered a symptom, are you more focused on managing symptoms or
discovering what the symptoms point to? And no matter the goal, with painful
conditions, it’s difficult to do more than damage control simply because you have
to ease it in order to function.

Unfortunately, that damage control has created a lethal epidemic in the U.S
with millions of people becoming hooked on prescription painkillers, technically
termed “opioids.” Opioid subscription rates are higher than they’ve ever been,
and more and more people have become dependent on painkillers. Tragically, on
average, 130 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose, according to the
CDC, making safe alternatives for pain relief more urgent than ever.

Chances are, you’ve turned to this chapter because you’re struggling with pain
and tired of the bandage solutions that just treat it symptomatically and come
with a myriad of side effects. You want a real change instead of temporary relief.
Read on!

Chronic Pain & Inflammation
What actually causes chronic pain?

There are a huge number of possible causes. For some people, it’s activated by
an illness such as diabetes, arthritis, or cancer; for others, it turns up after an
injury or accident. Sometimes chronic pain can erupt for no obvious reason.
Medical tests and scans can’t always determine the source.

But one common denominator exists: The genesis of pain is inflammation,

regardless of the factors producing the pain.

Inflammation is not necessarily bad and can be a part of your body’s healing
system. When you injure a muscle (as in a twisted ankle), for example, your
immune system initiates an inflammatory response by sending blood and
immune cells to the affected area, which can result in redness, heat, and
swelling. Otherwise, why would God design our immune system to function
this way? The problem is when our bodies become chronically inflamed due to
preventable risks such as food choices, stress, anxiety, and overuse of harmful

Thankfully, a growing number of physicians are looking into root causes of

disease and helping their patients get off unnecessary drugs, discover unknown
food allergies (which trigger inflammation), detoxify heavy metal poisoning, and
address other chronic inflammation triggers.

The bottom line is this: if you want to solve and prevent chronic pain effectively,
you need to solve your inflammation problem. You can find out clinically if your
body is inflamed through a simple blood test that looks for a marker called
c-reactive protein, or CRP. Increased levels of CRP could be a major warning sign
for health problems. But the good news is that higher CRP levels can be brought
down with certain lifestyle adjustments, including exercise, weight loss, and an
anti-inflammatory diet, along with anti-inflammatory supplements.

Disease-Related Chronic Pain
Pain can manifest due to a variety of causes such as illness, injury, and
inflammation. It can be dull or sharp, acute or chronic, widespread or at a
specific point. The unifying factor is that pain is incredibly difficult to live with and

Here’s a brief rundown of some of the most prevalent chronic pain conditions:

Chronic Back Pain. This the leading cause of disability in the United States. It
can be caused by injury or develop with advancing age. A common source of
back pain is a spinal misalignment called a “subluxation” in chiropractic terms.
Misalignments “pinch” or irritate spinal nerves, leading to spasms and pain. Disc
herniations in the spine, which press against nerves as they exit the spinal cord,
may also be involved. (This condition is frequently misdiagnosed by MRIs.) Other
sources of chronic back pain include soft tissue damage; traumatic fractures; and
structural problems in the back that strain muscles, among many other causes.

Disease-Related Headaches. Certain diseases will cause chronic headaches: MS,

cancer, brain injuries, HIV, and high blood pressure. Even the prescription drugs
used to treat these illnesses can cause headaches.

Chronic Joint Pain. The most common types of joint pain include osteoarthritis,
the wear and tear on joints over time; rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune
disease in which the body attacks its own bones, ligaments and tendons; and
repetitive strain injury, in which frequent assaults on larger joints, like the knee
or shoulder, result in chronic pain.

Neuropathic Pain. With neuropathic pain, there is a lesion, disease, or

dysfunction in the nervous system. When impacted like this, the nerves within
that system can’t transmit sensations to the brain. This often leads to numbness,
or lack of sensation, or pain that is often described as pricking, tingling, pins
and needles, electrically shocking or shooting, or hot or burning. For many
patients, pain intensity can wax and wane throughout the day. Injuries to the
brain or spinal cord can also lead to chronic neuropathic pain. A few examples of
neuropathic pain are neuropathy (a common nerve disorder), shingles, diabetic
neuropathy, and trigeminal neuralgia (a type of facial pain),

Chronic Illness-Related Pain. People also suffer from cancer pain, caused by
tumors or even by the cancer drugs used to treat the disease. Similarly, people
with heart disease often experience angina (chest pain). Angina is considered
a sign of heart disease, and indicates that you might be at an increased risk of
suffering a heart attack.

Conventional Treatment
As we mentioned, opioids are commonly prescribed for pain, including
morphine, oxycodone, and milder painkillers like tramadol. Once opioids enter
your bloodstream, they attach to brain receptors, producing a sense of euphoria.
This sensation is very addictive and creates a physiological dependency that is
very difficult for people to overcome. Medical studies have shown that physical
dependence can happen in as few as five days.

Then are also over-the-counter products to fight pain, particularly NSAIDs. These
include aspirin and drugs containing ibuprofen or naproxen, such as Advil and
Aleve, or acetaminophen (Tylenol). Some of these most commonly used pain
relievers can cause troublesome and potentially deadly side effects: kidney
damage, liver damage (particularly with acetaminophen combined with alcohol),
and stomach bleeding. Researchers say 16,500 people die and 107,000 are
hospitalized each year because of NSAID-related problems, according to a report
published online by the American Nutrition Association.

Over-the-counter NSAIDs are routinely taken for arthritis. They don’t really
treat the arthritis, however; they really just ease the pain and discomfort of
the disease. Still, some people mistakenly believe that they actually slow the
progression of arthritis or that by taking them, their arthritis will improve, but
that’s not true. Outcome studies have shown that these drugs, may actually
accelerate joint and cartilage damage – the very condition patients think they are

Finally, there are surgical options to correct pain. But many of these represent
a major assault on our bodies. Consider back surgery, for example. Currently,
nearly 700,000 disc surgeries are performed in the United States, supposedly to
remove pain-producing herniated discs in the back. Research now indicates that
perhaps only one percent of these procedures is necessary, and that herniated
discs, in most cases don’t produce pain.

Total knee replacement has emerged as a mainstream surgery. These

procedures are performed more frequently for women than men, according to
the National Center for Health Statistics.

An estimated 4.7 million Americans have undergone total knee replacement.

Another orthopedic surgery on the rise is total hip replacement. More than 2.5
million people in the U.S. have had this procedure.

Whether it’s back, knee, hip, or other surgery, the risk of complications looms,
such as blood clots, infections, allergy to metal implants, complications of
anesthesia, artery damage, nerve damage, joint stiffness, loss of mobility in the
joint, and ironically, continued pain.

Top 5 Essential Oils for Inflammation

Of all of the essential oils evaluated for their pain-relieving, inflammation-busting
properties, these top the list.


The pain relieving ability of aromatherapy massage was tested with patients
struggling with cancer. They were treated with an aromatherapy hand massage
that included frankincense, and their pain was relieved significantly. Because
there is a connection between inflammatory processes and pain, oils that
are anti-inflammatory (as we will see below) are often analgesic, as well.
Frankincense has this dual role.

While the trial may have been directed toward cancer rather than arthritis, the
hands are a common site of pain for people with arthritis, and the analgesic
effects can be appreciated by all.

These pain-relieving essential oils for arthritis can be used in diffusers, topical
body care products, and can be directly inhaled. It’s one of the main ingredients
in my favorite essential oil pain-relief roll-on recipe.


When discussing the best essential oils for arthritis inflammation, lavender will
always come up.Generally used to improve sleep or treat the skin, lavender
essential oil once again displays its wide range of results when considering its
therapeutic benefits for arthritis.

As an anti-inflammatory oil, lavender can help to relieve the painful swelling and
inflammation that arthritis, in its various forms, creates. Lavender is an analgesic
as well, tackling arthritic pain from multiple angles.

Since lavender can be used for anxiety and depression, it may also help to relieve
secondary issues that arise in a life of a person in chronic pain. Its gentle nature
makes lavender a reliable choice for most people’s use and application.


Roman chamomile essential oil is regularly used for its calming, soothing, and
anti-inflammatory effects. As a whole herb, chamomile is renowned for its
healing, soothing, and calming effects. The essential oil isolates some of these
abilities, especially as an anti-inflammatory substance.

To work the anti-inflammatory compounds into the skin and onto joints and
other sites of pain, add roman chamomile to topical massage oils. You can also
diffuse chamomile for relaxing an anxious or depressed mind.

Note: Those with allergies to ragweed will want to test chamomile first as they are


Yarrow is a soothing and healing herb, and its essential oil also carries anti-
inflammatory components that can be beneficial for arthritic ailments. Yarrow
essential oil is used in many anti-inflammatory preparations, and is part of the
Ayurvedic tradition.

Topical preparations of yarrow essential oils for arthritis can help to improve
anti-inflammatory and pain relieving combinations. Making the most of
synergistic reactions – oils working together to make each other more effective –
creates special blends that help to relieve pain and inflammation for your specific
arthritis conditions.


Wintergreen oil, another traditional analgesic that has helped countless arthritis
patients, is known as “liquid aspirin.” Used with peppermint, it is particularly
effective in reducing inflammation. A 2014 study published in the Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine states,

“The predominant natural ingredient in wintergreen oil is methyl salicylate, which

is a compound closely related to acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin. When applied
to the skin, including tissues at the site of pain, wintergreen oil has analgesic
properties… A combination of wintergreen oil and peppermint oil is commonly
used because it is believed to give far better pain relief than either wintergreen
oil or peppermint oil alone.

In addition, the combination of the two essential oils for arthritis may potentiate the
individual effects of each oil, thus enabling the use of lower doses of each, which, as
a consequence, is likely to produce fewer side effects.”

Using Essential Oils for Specific Conditions

Each kind of pain and each person is different, but taking a whole body approach
and using natural solutions like essential oils for pain relief and other conditions in
a much more direct way.

As easy topical applications, essential oils for pain relief can complement a holistic,
natural approach to minimizing your suffering and giving you your life back! Oils
and methods chosen might vary based on the kind of pain and the part of the
painful condition you wish to address. Here are some of the more prominent
painful illnesses and the essential oils that may help.

Looking for a general essential oils for pain relief remedy? Check out our Pain Away

For specific conditions, I have listed some below and discuss what the research has
to say about each one.


As a relatively recent official diagnosis, fibromyalgia is increasing in prevalence

simply because more and more people realize there is a name for the pain they
have struggled with for years. At this point, about 5 million people are diagnosed
with fibromyalgia, dealing with many concurrent symptoms:

⚫ Morning stiffness.
⚫ Tingling or numbness in hands and feet.
⚫ Headaches, including migraines.
⚫ Irritable bowel syndrome.
⚫ Sleep disturbances.
⚫ Cognitive problems with thinking and memory (sometimes called “fibro fog”).
⚫ Painful menstrual periods and other pain syndromes.

Essential oils for pain relief can address many of these symptoms, helping to
alleviate the various forms of suffering that fibromyalgia present as. Relieving

these symptoms can help to slow the pain cycle, allowing more movement and rest
that can limit further pain. Try this fibromyalgia massage blend with essential oils
designed to relieve muscle aches.

Application: Consider bolstering gut health with essential oils and probiotics. Alleviate
sleep issues with lavender and bergamot. Improve focus with citrus and peppermint. And
massage painful menstrual abdominals with clary sage and ylang ylang.


Caused by sinuses, migraine disorders, diet and hydration, and even stress,
headaches can range from mildly annoying to debilitating pain. The cause of the
headaches need to be discovered to rule out anything serious and to help prevent
recurrences, but acute pain relief is necessary when a headache strikes.

⚫ The cooling, pain relieving effects that peppermint oil has make it soothing
for headache applications. Massaged with a carrier oil onto the site of pain,
such as sinus pressure, peppermint can help to work the pain of a headache
away. It may also help to counter headaches that are triggered by scent.
⚫ In light of chamomile’s traditional use for migraine relief, researchers are
looking into verifying its mechanisms of action. Known for its relaxing
abilities, Roman chamomile as both an herb and an essential oil is good to
have on hand for headache relief.
⚫ Calming in cases of anxiety and useful when sleep is hindered, lavender
essential oil is effective simply via inhalation. In a placebo-controlled trial,
lavender exhibited excellent pain relief in a simple inhalation application.

Application: Headache relief with essential oils can be administered with inhalation or by
adding the oil to a carrier and massaging the temples.


Arthritis comes in multiple forms, sometimes caused by age and others by genetics.
The type of arthritis can affect both severity and location of pain, but the results
are similar across the board. Secondary depression that comes with chronic pain is
common and difficult to counteract.

A 2005 study used aromatherapy to help relieve the depressive symptoms

associated with arthritic pain. The study used lavender, marjoram, eucalyptus,
rosemary, and peppermint in a blend of carrier oils on a total of 40 patients. After
using the oils, both pain and depression were lessened.

Application: Blend lavender, marjoram, eucalyptus, rosemary and peppermint essential
oils into a carrier and massage into painful areas.


Inflammation is at the heart of most painful conditions, from injuries to chronic

illness. Anti-inflammatory oils are important tools when fighting pain.

⚫ A good reason for lavender’s pain relieving abilities is that it’s an anti-
inflammatory essential oil.
⚫ Tested in the lab, Melissa (lemon balm) essential oil has shown some
effectiveness against both inflammation and swelling.
⚫ Monoterpenes. Really, any essential oils with monoterpenes – which, as one
study notes, can comprise about 90% of essential oils – have some level of
anti-inflammatory ability. So feel free to play!

Application: For relief of inflammation, add a blend of anti-inflammatory essential oils to

to your carrier oil(s) of choice and massage onto areas that are painful.

Other Natural Therapies

Approach pain relief as a holistic venture in order to carry your efforts further.
Keeping your body loose with exercise, getting good sleep, and eating good foods
are all important. In fact, one of the biggest benefits we hear from people who go
through The Essential Oils Diet book Fast Track challenge, report less pain and

It’s also helpful to minimize stress and keep the immune system functioning well.
And remember, using essential oils for pain relief is great to have as part of your
pain relief toolbox. For example, you might like to try this magnesium spray for
muscle relief as well.

The problem with conventional pain relief lies is that there is no great solution.
If pain is considered a symptom, are you more focused on managing symptoms
or discovering what the symptoms point to? And no matter the goal, with painful
conditions, it’s difficult to do more than damage control simply because you have to
ease it in order to function.

Natural pain remedies are often less invasive than medications and usually include
lifestyle changes that begin to address the underlying causes. Stretches to ease

back pain, for starters, and then essential oils for advanced relief. With something
like essential oils for pain relief, you can easily incorporate them into your lifestyle
while taking advantage of pain-relieving effects that – when used properly – carry
few side effects.

Additionally, a comprehensive review of complementary and alternative medical

therapies for chronic pain was published in the China Journal of Integrative
Medicine in 2016. It outlined several researched-based treatments worth looking
into the following.

Massage therapy. Massage may be a helpful addition to the overall treatment

strategy of patients with chronic pain. It has a short-term effect on pain, but also
relieves the stress associated with trying to live with chronic pain, and in this regard,
has a healing benefit.

Acupuncture. The practice of acupuncture, is an ancient system that recognizes

that disease is due to imbalances in the flow of Qi (pronounced “chee”) or “life
energy” that moves through everyone. Qi is believed to be disrupted by stress, poor
diet, fatigue, and excessive heat or cold.

Traditional acupuncturists insert hair-thin needles into acupuncture “points,”

located throughout the body, to balance the Qi and restore health. When energy
“flows” freely, there is less pain, better communication among bodily systems, and
improved well-being. Some Western scientists believe that acupuncture triggers the
release of the body’s natural painkillers.

Unlike some forms of alternative medicine, acupuncture has been well researched.
To date, nearly 20,000 human trials have studied this system. In the area of chronic
pain, results from a number of studies suggest that acupuncture may help ease
low-back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis/knee pain, to name just a few

In other conditions of chronic pain, acupuncture may also help reduce the
frequency of tension headaches and prevent migraine headaches. It is also effective
for people with neuropathy, the painful nerve damage of diabetes. Acupuncture
therefore appears to be a reasonable option for people with chronic pain to
consider, and it works well with other drugless, non-surgical treatments.

Herbs and Dietary Supplements. This review listed several pain-relieving

supplements that have been fairly well-researched: Devil’s claw, curcumin,
capsaicin, white willow bark), and Boswellia.

Prayer & Meditation. Several mind-body interventions can alter how your brain
processes pain, thereby reducing your perception of pain, plus ramping up

production of the body’s supply of natural painkillers. Common therapies include
prayer, Bible reading and meditation, guided imagery, and the “moving meditations”
like yoga, Tai Chi, and qi gong.

To this review study, we would add natural therapy with essential oils. With
something like essential oils for pain relief, you can easily incorporate them into
your lifestyle while taking advantage of pain-relieving effects that – when used
properly – carry few side effects.

As easy topical applications, essential oils for pain relief can complement a holistic,
natural approach to minimizing your suffering and giving you your life back! Oils
and methods chosen might vary based on the kind of pain and the part of the
painful condition you wish to address.

With that said, you should always work with your doctor to determine the best
strategy for tackling pain and its causes. Use caution and learn of contraindications
and interactions before introducing supplements and essential oils for pain relief
when you are already taking medications.


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Insomnia & Poor Sleep
If you’re reading this and live in an area that would be considered “modern” or
“industrial,” there’s a 70% chance that you don’t get the rest that you need every
night and using essential oils for sleep can be a major game-changer.

There’s a lot that we can say about the research data out there, but it cannot
be stressed enough that pharmaceutical sleep aids are not the answer. People
across the globe have traditionally used natural remedies like essential oils
for sleep, and we need to get back to our roots before sleep disorders ruin
everyone’s health!

Sleep Disorder Epidemic

Before we dive into how to use the best essential oils for sleep, we need to
understand why so many people struggle getting rest at night.

In America alone, an estimated 50 – 70 million people suffer from sleep disorders

or sleep deprivation and we literally have an epidemic on our hands!

Ever since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published their
landmark study in 2013, it has become glaringly obvious that we have a sleep
disorder epidemic on our hands that has significant ramifications on our health.
At first glance, it may be easy to dismiss sleep deprivation as something that
only causes us to be “groggy” or feel tired. Nothing could be further from the
truth! Sleep literally affects every aspect of the abundant life and not getting
the necessary amount every night can absolutely cripple us physically, mentally,
emotionally, socially, and professionally.

Some of the more common problems related to not getting enough sleep are:

⚫ Trouble concentrating
⚫ Decreased judgment
⚫ Increased irritability
⚫ Difficulty in performing daily activities

⚫ Hemostatic and nerve function and dysfunction
⚫ Mood imbalance
⚫ Caffeine and drug addiction
⚫ And much more!

The effects of moderate sleep disturbances don’t just affect insomniacs, but can
be similar to actual “sleep deprivation” on life and health quality.

The Great Coffee Dilemma

For most people, a cup of coffee in the morning and mid-afternoon keep them
going relatively strong during their workday, but this isn’t sustainable. There are
several side effects to consider before making coffee a daily habit. Some of the
lesser-known facts about coffee:

⚫ Increases blood sugar levels

⚫ Creates sugar and carbohydrate cravings
⚫ Contributes to acid reflux and damages gut lining
⚫ Exhausts the adrenals
⚫ Worsens PMS and lumpy breasts
⚫ Gluten-cross reactive food
⚫ Impacts the conversion of thyroid hormones
⚫ Increases the risk of miscarriages
⚫ Highly inflammatory
⚫ Contributes to poor bone health and osteoporosis
⚫ Can cause insomnia and poor sleep

Coffee is never the answer to fatigue, and simply inhaling peppermint for an
energy boost during that mid-day crash at work can help you break the coffee
habit; which why I recommend preventative ways to using essential oils for sleep.

The Medical Approach for Sleep Disorders
When caffeine doesn’t work, many people suffering from sleep disorders resort
to over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids. Unfortunately, more patients
than ever with sleep disorders are being prescribed sedative-hypnotic drugs like
benzodiazepine, which were originally designed to reduce anxiety, to help them

Data published in the British Medical Journal states, “An estimated 6%–10% of US
adults took a hypnotic drug for poor sleep.” That is a ton of people, especially
considering the side effects!

Hypnotic use has been associated with a 35% increase in developing cancer,
and patients receiving hypnotics are more than 4 times likely to die than people
who are not on the drugs. It appears that the dosage plays a key role, but
“even patients prescribed fewer than 18 hypnotic doses per year experienced
increased mortality, with greater mortality associated with greater dosage

In addition to the increased cancer risk, the problem with prescribing sedative-
hypnotic drugs like benzodiazepine is two-fold: benzodiazepines are highly
addictive and interact with neurotransmitters like GABA.

It is interesting to note that benzodiazepines are rarely the sole drug of abuse,
because people usually combine them with other drugs to increase the effect. It
is highly common for drug abusers to add in pain killers like opioids to boost the
euphoric effects. Among them, Valium and Xanax are most popular.

If you or a loved one are currently taking benzodiazepines, note that they don’t
seem to be addictive within the first few months of use, nor does tolerance or
difficulties in stopping the medication settle in. However, after several months
of regular use, you’re likelihood to develop addiction, tolerance and withdrawal
symptoms significantly.

How Essential Oils for Sleep Can Help
Essential oils are transdermal and work on the body’s physiology in a variety of
ways. This means that you can affect your body’s biochemistry when applying
them topically in a similar way as when taking them internally or inhaling them
via diffusion.

Research suggests topical application may actually be one of the most effective
methods for people with sleep disorders as the chemical components of
lavender have been shown to enter the blood stream within 5 minutes of
massaging the oil on the skin. The calming and relaxing effects of lavender
essential oil have a one-two punch when applied topically because of the direct
benefit on the brain when the volatile organic compounds are inhaled and
through the skin!

The 1992 study that proved this, also uncovered that maximum concentration
levels were observed within 20 minutes. Don’t worry, it’s not like the sedative
properties last forever. Within 90 minutes most of the lavender was eliminated.

Essential Oils for Sleep to the Rescue!

Unlike common sleep aids and benzodiazepines, there are virtually no side
effects when people use essential oils for sleeping. In the words of a 2014
systematic review of the literature, “A majority of the study findings suggested a
positive effect of essential oils for sleep. Lavender was the most frequently studied
essential oil. No adverse events were reported.”

In fact, oils can possibly help get people off of drugs!

Since a clinical study dating back to 1995, for example, we have known that
sleep duration significantly decreases in older patients who are dependent
on benzodiazepines. However, once lavender essential oil aromatherapy was
introduced into their lives, their sleep quality and duration can be restored to
previous levels, in spite of not being on the drugs. According to the researchers
who conducted this landmark research, “This study suggested that ambient
lavender oil might be used as a temporary relief from continued medication for
insomnia and reduces the side-effects of these drugs.”

Note of caution, be sure to never take yourself off of benzodiazepines without

medical guidance because the side effects can be quite severe.

Essential Oils That Help with Sleep
Does this mean that lavender is the best essential oil for sleep? Before we jump
to premature conclusions, let’s keep these facts in mind from the 2014 review of
the literature I mentioned above:

⚫ Lavender is the most frequently studied essential oil in research trials.

⚫ One of the few other oils evaluated for sedative purposes is Baccharis
uncinella, which is used by the Laklaño Indians in Santa Catarina, Brazil.
⚫ Lavender and Baccharis uncinella are not the only essential oils for sleep.
Though, until we have more research at our disposal, we’re limited to
reading anecdotal testimonials online about other oils.
⚫ “No adverse effects” were uncovered by the University of Minnesota when
they evaluated 15 studies (11 of which were randomized controlled trials)
that examined hypnotic effects of essential oil inhalation in the scientific
literature to date.

With that said, tucked away in the collection of lavender-sleep studies are golden
nuggets suggesting that other oils can also have a profound effect on sleep

In 2013, for example, the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine published an article that evaluated the effects that aromatherapy
had on anxiety, sleep quality and vital signs within an intensive care unit (ICU)
patient population. The researchers blended lavender, roman chamomile, and
neroli with a 6 : 2 : 0.5 ratio and discovered that this aromatherapy (AT) strategy
“significantly” lowered anxiety and improved sleep quality compared with
conventional nursing intervention. Interestingly, blood pressure was also lower
in the AT group. This should give hope to people with cardiovascular disease-
related insomnia as the connection between the two is well-established in the

More recently, the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine published a

systematic review reporting that these oils are also superbly effective at helping
people’s insomnia:

⚫ Angelica archangelica rad. (angelica)

⚫ Cananga odorata (ylang ylang)
⚫ Chamaemelum nobile (Roman chamomile)
⚫ Citrus aurantium var. amara (neroli)

⚫ Cistus ladaniferus (labdanum)
⚫ Citrus bergamia (bergamot)
⚫ C. limon (lemon)
⚫ Citrus reticulata (mandarin)
⚫ Citrus sinensis (sweet orange)
⚫ Cuminum cyminum (cumin)
⚫ Juniperus communis fruct. (juniper berry)
⚫ Lavandula angustifolia (lavender)
⚫ Litsea cubeba (may chang)
⚫ Melissa officinalis (lemon balm)
⚫ Myrtus communis (myrtle)
⚫ Ocimum basilicum (basil)
⚫ Origanum majorana (sweet marjoram)
⚫ Ravensara aromatica (ravensara)
⚫ Thymus vulgaris ct. geraniol, ct. linalool (sweet thyme)
⚫ Valeriana officinalis (valerian)

A Note About Anxiety

It is important to point out that anxiety is not only a primary cause of sleep
disorders, it’s also a side effect. Meaning, that anxiety can cause sleep
deprivation and sleep deprivation can cause anxiety, thus creating a vicious cycle
that is challenging to stop.

The research about anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) essential oils is much more robust
than sleep studies and we see that the systematic reviews of the literature
suggests that these essential oils for sleep are the most potent in managing

⚫ Angelica archangelica rad. (angelica)

⚫ Cistus ladaniferus (labdanum)
⚫ Citrus aurantium var. amara fol. (petitgrain bigarade)
⚫ Citrus aurantium var. amara per. (orange bigarade)
⚫ Citrus bergamia (bergamot)
⚫ Citrus sinensis (sweet orange)

⚫ Cymbopogon martinii (palmarosa)
⚫ Eucalyptus staigeriana (lemon-scented ironbark)
⚫ Lavandula angustifolia (lavender)
⚫ Litsea cubeba (may chang)
⚫ Ocimum basilicum (basil)
⚫ Origanum majorana (sweet marjoram)
⚫ Pelargonium graveolens (geranium)
⚫ Pogostemon patchouli (patchouli)
⚫ Valeriana officinalis (valerian)

There are other studies suggesting that these essential oils for sleep also have
significant calming effects: clary sage, lemon, roman chamomile, rose, rose-
scented geranium, sandalwood and ylang ylang.

Inhalation and topical application of these essential oils for sleep during a panic
attack or during stressful times can help considerably!

Using Essential Oils for Sleep

As we’ve seen, most of the research discussed focuses on topical and inhalation
benefits of using essential oils to calm the mind, body and to help people sleep
better. Primarily lavender is the case study, but other essential oils for sleep can
surely be of help.

Keep in mind that everyone’s biochemistry is different and what works for me
may not work for you. It is critical for you to follow your intuition and listen
to your body. Essentially, any oil that helps calm the mind and body will help
reduce sleep disturbances. Same with other anti-stress techniques like prayer,
meditation, Tai Chi, exercise and well-balanced nutrition. When you find
something that “works,” stick with it and then try to switch things up periodically.

Diffusion – the easiest and arguably the most effective approach is to put a few
drops of any of these essential oils for sleep above (or a homemade blend) in
your diffuser before you go to bed. Some nice diffuser blends you might want to
try are:

⚫ 2 drops ylang ylang, 1 drop bergamot, 1 drop lavender, 1 drop sweet
marjoram, 1 drop roman chamomile and 1 drop valerian
⚫ 2 drops lavender, 1 drop clary sage, 1 drop of ylang ylang and 1 drop
⚫ 2 drops geranium, 1 drop sweet marjoram, 1 drop of patchouli and 1 drop
sweet orange
⚫ 2 drops roman chamomile, 1 drop rose and 1 drop palmarosa

Topical – another effective strategy is to simply apply these key oils over certain
parts of the body – particularly the trigger points – like the bottoms of the feet,
on the wrists, behind the knees and behind the ears on the mastoid bone or on
the back on the neck.

Be sure to use with a good carrier oil, and create a 2-3% dilution that is
considered safe by most experts:

⚫ 1% dilution: 6 drops of EO per oz of carrier oil (1% of 600 drops is 6)

⚫ 2% dilution: 12 drops of EO per oz of carrier oil (2% of 600 drops is 12)
⚫ 3% dilution: 18 drops of EO per oz of carrier oil (3% of 600 drops is 18)

If you are more comfortable working with tablespoons, 1 oz. = 2 tablespoons and
there are 300 drops of EO in a tablespoon.

⚫ 1% dilution: 3 drops of EO per tablespoon of carrier oil (1% of 300 drops is

⚫ 2% dilution: 6 drops of EO per tablespoon of carrier oil (2% of 300 drops is
⚫ 3% dilution: 9 drops of EO per tablespoon of carrier oil (3% of 300 drops is

Misting Spray – another nifty trick is to make a DIY Sleep Spray. Using some of
the same oils above, simply:

1. Add 20 drops of essential oil into a glass spray bottle.

2. Fill the remaining 4oz bottle with water.
3. Shake well.
4. Mist your pillow before bedtime to help aid sleep and provide a restful

Other DIY Hacks – try making your favorite DIY recipes with these sleepy time
essential oils. It’s a great way to calm the body and the mind. Here are some
recipes for you – but remember, just use the oils and blends above to give you
the desired calming result:

⚫ Detox bath
⚫ Foaming hand soap
⚫ Hand cream
⚫ Hand sanitizer
⚫ Healing skin serum
⚫ Liquid hand soap
⚫ Lotion bar
⚫ Laundry detergent
⚫ Sugar bath scrub

Other Natural Tips to Promote Good Sleep

Ask any chiropractor and they will tell you that sleep position is as important
as all the other factors we’ve discussed. If your body is not in a truly “restful,”
relaxed posture, your sleep will definitely be dampened and you’ll end up with a
kink in your neck or back. According to chiropractor Dr. David Jockers, here are
some key dos and don’ts:

⚫ Sleeping facedown requires an individual to have their head turned to the

⚫ Sleeping face up with a large pillow underneath your head will cause a
hyper flexion and protraction of the neck.
⚫ One of the best positions is sleeping on your back with a specific posture
pillow customized to help improve the cervical curve.
⚫ Another great sleeping posture is lying on your side in a fetal-like position
with hips and knees flexed about 45 degrees.
⚫ It is important to have pillow support under the neck to keep the head
level and face in a neutral position.
⚫ Also, it is critical to have a pillow between the knees which assists the body
in keeping proper pelvic integrity.

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There are a lot of other tips out there in addition to using the best essential oils
for sleep and optimizing your sleep posture. I have found these 9 Ways To Hack
Your Sleep For Optimal Health And Rest published by pharmacist Dr. Izabella
Wentz to be especially helpful:

1. Track your sleep quality – using an app like SleepCycle will help you keep
a good diary, which will give you the tips you need to truly hack your sleep!
2. Wake up at the top of a sleep cycle – the difference between waking up
groggy and being refreshed can simply be a matter of changing up WHEN
you get up. Wake up from a deep sleep and you’ll feel crummy, wake up
on the top of your sleep cycle and you’ll feel great. The SleepCycle app
can act as an alarm clock and you wake you up at the right time for your
internal clock!
3. Fill up with fat at dinner – good healthy fats are long-burning fuel sources
that help you sleep through the night and fuel your brain. Grass-fed
butter, coconut oil and MCT oil are great choices.
4. Prime with protein – during the night, our muscles relax, repair and need
protein to regenerate. It is key to consume healthy, easy to digest proteins
for dinner to help this process along.
5. Turn down the lights – sleeping in the absolute dark is best. Unlike our
ancestors who lived by the yellow and orange light provided by the moon
and stars and fire, we are inundated with bright blue light all around us.
Blue light sources are the sun (designed by God to keep us awake and
alert), TVs, cell phones and other electronic devices. Ever notice how
looking at your phone or watching TV at night makes your eyes pop wide
open and gives you a jolt of energy? Softer lights (like yellow and orange)
on the color spectrum help us relax and get us ready for sleep. Use apps
like f.Lux for your computer that automatically change the blue screen to
orange as the sun sets, dim your cell phone brightness and try to keep the
house as dark as possible at night.
6. Don’t exercise near bedtime – highly energizing, it’s best not to exercise
right before bed, unless you’re enjoying some relaxing yoga or breathing
exercises, etc.
7. Don’t drink coffee past the afternoon – according to the sleep expert Dr.
Michael Breus, “It can take as much as 8 hours for the caffeine in a single
cup of coffee to leave your system.” So, it’s a good idea to be caffeine-free
by 2 p.m. to protect your ability to fall asleep.

8. Go to bed before your second wind – it has been said that 1 hour of sleep
between the hours of 10:00 pm and 2:00 am has the same effect on your
body as 2 hours of sleep after 2:00 am because of our natural circadian
rhythm. This seems logical as most people become naturally tired around
10:00 pm or so. What’s the risk of staying up late? If you choose to stay
awake past this time, you will often experience a cortisol-driven “second
wind.” Our body regulates hormones around midnight and people will find
themselves up until 2:00 am or so unless they get to bed earlier.
9. Bring down your stress – as we’ve seen above, stress, anxiety and sleep
disorders go hand in hand. Focusing on mental and emotional balancing
strategies like prayer, meditation, Tai Chi and deep breathing are key to
getting a good night’s sleep.


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For a vast majority of women, menopause symptoms are mild and do little to
disrupt daily life. However, the discomfort of hot flashes, irritability and fatigue
can make life exceptionally difficult. Thankfully, for the growing number of
women who wish to avoid prescription hormone medications to manage their
symptoms, remedies like essential oils for menopause can provide natural and
effective relief!

Menopause Risks & Symptoms

Every middle aged woman will go through a major life change where her
body transforms from being fertile to infertile by stopping the menstruation
process. This is a major life change that can take several months or years, and
the completion of the process is known, clinically, as menopause. However,
menopause has been the name most people give to the process of this change,
and the symptoms it produces.

When a woman’s body starts the process of menopause, estrogen levels begin
to drop. This change in hormone levels causes a number of symptoms, including
hot flashes, irritability, insomnia and fatigue. For many women, these symptoms
make enjoying normal daily activities difficult. In addition, the changing hormone
levels can increase a woman’s risk of osteoporosis, which can increase the risk
for fractures. This is why it’s more common for elderly women to fracture a hip
than other populations.

On that note, it should be of interest that using essential oils for menopause
such as juniper, sage, rosemary, pine, dwarf pine, turpentine, and eucalyptus
have been found to inhibit bone resorption when added to the food in animal
studies. Pine oil, specifically, can protect from bone loss.

Embracing Menopause & the Change of Life
If you asked the average woman what she knows about menopause, she would
likely give you an answer relating to hot flashes and mood swings. It’s no wonder,
as our society and media have made this to be one of the most prominent parts
of this life change. These are some of the symptoms of menopause, but they are
not the actual change itself.

Interestingly, menopause is a major life change that can bring uncomfortable

symptoms, but for many women, it’s also a freeing time. Once a woman has
been without menstruation for 12 consecutive months, she is considered no
longer fertile and the all-too-familiar hassle of her monthly “blessing” becomes a
distant memory. For those who no longer want to take birth control or manage
natural family planning any longer, menopause is also a welcomed event.

It is no wonder that many women find themselves celebrating the end of a very
long chapter of their lives where they are forced to use pads, tampons and the
inconvenience of unsightly stains from menses every month!

Seven Essential Oils for Menopause Relief

Research is clear on one thing: essential oils for menopause work well for many
women during their change of life. A 2008 article published in the Evidence-Based
Complementary and Alternative Medicine journal summarizes what we do know
quite well:

⚫ “Many studies have found that aromatherapy improves psychological

symptoms such as anxiety, depression and mood swings, and induces
more relaxed states in young and middle-aged women”
⚫ “Several aromatic oils have been recommended as phytoestrogens
because they include components related to the sex hormones.”
⚫ “Some of these oils have similar structures and functions such as clary
sage, fennel, cypress, angelica and coriander.
⚫ “It has been proposed that geranium oil balances hormones and that rose
oil strengthen uterus function.”
⚫ “Evening primrose is recommended as a base oil in aromatherapy for
menopausal women.”

This article goes on to report how 60 menopausal women aged 45 and 54 years
old responded to a series of essential oil massage treatments in light of these
11 menopausal symptoms: hot flushes (vasomotor), paresthesia, insomnia,
nervousness, melancholia, vertigo, weakness, arthralgia or myalgia, headache,
palpitations, and formication. Each woman received one 30-min aromatherapy
treatment session each week for 8 weeks with essential oils for menopause
using lavender, rose geranium, rose and jasmine diluted in almond and evening
primrose oil.

Compared to controls, the measured menopausal symptoms were greatly

reduced in the women who enjoyed regular aromatherapy massage.

Whether one essential oil has more benefit over another still remains to be
seen. However, these essential oils for menopause are usually some of the most
popular…You can easily use them in a diffuser or place them in your evening
detox bath. For more daily use, see our recipes at the end of this article.


The changing and shifting hormones of menopause can cause feelings of anxiety
and problems with sleep. Lavender has long been known to promote feelings of
relaxation while lifting the mood, also promoting better sleep in people dealing
with insomnia. Adding lavender aromatherapy to the nighttime routine can help
improve sleep and relaxation.

It is also suspected that lavender can help calm the body so that hormone levels
naturally balance, and a cold compress with one drop of diluted lavender oil can
help reduce discomfort in the perineum during menopause.


As women continue to share their story, clary sage oil has been known to
effectively help with hot flashes. Those who are feeling a hot flash coming on can
get fast relief by rubbing 1-2 drops of diluted clary sage oil on the back of the
neck or on the feet. It also is effective when inhaled during episodes. Additionally,
clary sage has been shown clinically to be more effective than the monoamine
neurotransmitter serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and can specifically
menopausal women by:

⚫ Reducing thyroid stimulating hormone

⚫ Decreasing depression
⚫ Significantly decreasing cortisol (i.e. stress levels)


Peppermint is another essential oil that can lessen discomfort during a hot flash.
Misting one’s face with a water spritzer or using a portable inhaler during an
episode can mitigate the symptoms instantly. Since hot flashes are one of the
most noticeable symptoms of menopause, having some peppermint oil on hand
is a good idea.

Menopause signals the end of menstruation. However, menstruation and

menstrual cramping can still occur. In addition, even after menstruation, as
many as 50 percent of women experience menstruation-related cramping, a
condition known as dysmenorrhea, during the beginning stages of menopause.
Peppermint oil may help reduce some of the pain and discomfort of this type of


It has been suggested that basil (the estragole chemotype) contains an estrogen
hormone-like component. This means that it can potentially help the body adjust
to changing estrogen levels, reducing some of the discomfort of menopause.
Traditionally, basil oil has been used to help fight hot flashes when diluted oil
is applied to the feet or back of the neck, and aromatic use can help boost the
mood during menopause.

However, before you jump on the essential-oils-can-balance-my-estrogen-levels

bandwagon, please keep in mind that essential oils chemist Robert Pappas, PhD
says that this is not likely. In the context of a discussion over clary sage and the
chemical sclareol:

“Hopefully, even without a chemistry degree, anyone can see that, based on
the structural parameters of both systems, there is no way that sclareol could
ever perform the function of estrogen in the human body….I think the chemical
evidence is pretty clear that sclareol is not a steroidal estrogen, does not mimic the
function of any estrogen molecules, does not stimulate estrogen production (why
would it?), and would not appear to have any mechanism by which it can “balance
hormones” at least not by a pathway that has anything to do with estrogens.

If you see anyone making these types of claims, simply ask them to site the
research that can propose a chemical mechanism that is remotely plausible to
accomplish any of these tasks. I don’t think they will be able to produce anything
credible to support the claims. If clary sage oil does actually work in any of the
above capacities then it has to do it by some other mechanism, unrelated to how

estrogens perform in the body. I am not saying that it’s impossible that clary sage
can have some of the effects that have been claimed, but just be aware that its not
really possible that the oil can mimic estrogens or that the oil contains estrogen
like molecules.”

Pappas’ statement seems well-supported by research as King’s College London

researchers confirmed that, “None of these compounds showed estrogenic or
anti-estrogenic activity in the estrogen-responsive human cell line.” However,
this is not to say that essential oils for menopause cannot trigger the pituitary
gland to produce follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which causes the release of


In one 2014 study, 63 healthy postmenopausal women inhaled neroli oil for five
minutes twice a day. During this time, they answered a questionnaire specific
to quality of life during menopause. The women who were given the neroli oil
instead of a control an increased desire for sexual intimacy, improved estrogen
concentrations and improved blood pressure. They also reported less stress
after inhaling the neroli oil. Women who are frustrated with a lack of libido, high
stress levels and increased blood pressure can get relief from this oil.

In addition, neroli has anti-inflammatory properties. This can help with many of
the aches and pains that come from getting older and the menopause process.


Geranium oil can help with many of the symptoms of menopause. It helps
improve dry skin, which can be a common problem during menopause. It
also may help balance hormone levels. Research has also found that the
antidepressant properties of geranium oil can benefit women who are struggling
with depression and mood swings. In a clinical trial of 120 menopausal women,
those who received aromatherapy massage using geranium essential oil and
almond oil indicated an improvement in depression and mood after an 8-week


An oil you’re probably not too familiar with, Vitex agnus-castus is a shrub that
is native to Central Asia. The plant has blue-violet flowers, long, finger-shaped
leaves, and dark purple berries and it’s the fruit and seed are used to make
medicine while the leaves and berries are distilled to make essential oils.

Vitex has been traditionally consumed for a variety of female health concerns
such as:

⚫ Controlling bleeding
⚫ Female infertility
⚫ Helping the body force out the placenta after childbirth
⚫ Increasing breast milk production
⚫ “Lumpy” (fibrocystic) breasts
⚫ Menopause
⚫ Menstrual cycle irregularities
⚫ Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (a more severe form of PMS)
⚫ Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
⚫ Preventing miscarriage in women with low levels progesterone

Of the studies that have evaluated the essential oil, one discovered that,
compared to the oil extracted from the berry, the leaf oil appears to have a
broader range of actions.

Menopause Relief Body Oil
Create a moisturizing body oil that will help relieve the symptoms of menopause
with some of your favorite essential oils.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 10-15 drops of essential oils for menopause*
M One ounce carrier oil of your choice.

g Mix essential oils with your choice of carrier oil in a glass container.
Evening primrose is especially beneficial to help balance female hor-
g Apply 2-3 times daily as needed.

*Use one or more of the following essential oils known to help with
menopause symptoms: lavender, clary sage, peppermint, basil, neroli,
geranium, or vitex agnus-castus.

Menopause Relief Room Spray
Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 10 drops of essential oils for menopause*
M 190 proof alcohol or vodka
M 2-oz. glass spray bottle

g Add 10 drops of essential oil in 2 tablespoons of 190 proof alcohol to
two ounce spray bottle.
g Fill the bottle the rest of the way with distilled water.
g Roll between your hands to mix thoroughly.
g Spray on your pillow before bed or in your room area when experienc-
ing symptoms.

*Use one or more of the following essential oils known to help with
menopause symptoms: lavender, clary sage, peppermint, basil, neroli,
geranium, or vitex agnus-castus.


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Vaginal Atrophy & Feminine Cream

There’s a subject that doesn’t get talked about enough but that many women
experience – the vaginal atrophy symptoms that can happen naturally with aging
and menopause. This post includes a lot of research and experience to help anyone
struggling with these challenges.

Let’s look at some of the current treatment options and cover one of my favorites
(and often overlooked) – the use of the natural hormone DHEA – for effectively
treating a more comprehensive range of vaginal atrophy symptoms.

We’ll explore the scientific research and clinical findings relating to the preferred
vaginal atrophy treatment method, non-prescription topical DHEA cream.

What Is Vaginal Atrophy?
With aging, menopause, and hormonal changes some 75% of post-menopausal
women suffer from vaginal atrophy which can include,

⚫ vulvar-vaginal thinning and irritation

⚫ painful intercourse due to excessive vaginal dryness
⚫ increased vaginal and bladder infections (due to decreased normal flora,
loss of lactobacilli, and increased pH)
⚫ leaking urine
⚫ increased skin disorders affecting the urogenital tract (vulvodynia,
vestibulitis, hypertrophic dystrophy, dermatitis)
⚫ decreased desire, arousal, and orgasm
⚫ pelvic prolapse symptoms such as pressure and trouble eliminating

Younger women can experience these symptoms as well.

Before menopause, a woman’s ovaries produce many of her sex hormones

including estrogen. This female hormone maintains the health and integrity
of the vaginal lining. During peri-post menopause, women experience
declining hormone levels including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

Women’s ovaries gradually decrease producing these hormones causing vaginal

lining shrinkage and drying due to decreased healthy secretions. Muscle loss also
occurs. The lining becomes less elastic and thin, causing irritation and discomfort.
The ovaries predominantly stop producing estrogen after menopause.

These and the other symptoms women experience from these decreasing
hormones are life-affecting.

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI), the involuntary leakage of urine, has been
estimated to affect over 50% of women between the ages of 20 to 80 years and
was reported at 47% in a younger group consisting of women between 20 and 49
years of age.

Women may suffer from decreased libido. The decline in androgens such as
testosterone and DHEA are particularly associated with diminishing libido.

Increased pain during intercourse, increased post-coital infections and the
decreased libido associated with vaginal atrophy have also been shown to
increase the level of overall sexual distress in women. Sexual distress has been
associated with a higher incidence of depression and relationship conflicts with
more than 40% of women in the United States reporting sexual problems.

Yet only 20% to 25% of symptomatic women having vaginal atrophy seek medical

Lack of reporting symptoms to a doctor can be due to embarrassment, and/

or a lack of awareness of vaginal health or treatment options. Women cannot
readily examine their vulva or vagina, and can’t see the tissue changes that
are otherwise easily visible to a physician. A physician can see extreme tissue
changes in terms of color (pale or red), dryness, thinning, and irritation (red or
raw patches).

Women may also mistake their symptoms for common irritations, allergies,
or infections. More often the changes are so gradual, that the symptoms go
unnoticed until there is pain, discharge, or incontinence.

The current life expectancy for American women is greater than 80 years old (as
benchmarked in 2010 census data) and continues to increase. Given the average
age of menopause, the onset is 50.5 years, it is estimated that women may
expect to live almost 40% of their entire lives after menopause in this discomfort
and decreased quality of life.

Unlike hot flashes which usually end even without treatment, vaginal atrophy
symptoms usually increase in severity over time.

Decreasing hormones are also an important clinical health issue beyond

vaginal health. Hot flashes, bone loss, fat accumulation, loss of muscle mass
and strength, memory loss, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 Diabetes are
additional concerns.

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Current Treatment Options Are Ineffective
Traditional treatment options for vulvar-vaginal atrophy are only partially
effective in addressing the many symptoms. Additionally, there are known safety

Treatment for vulvar-vaginal irritation and pelvic support issues has been
traditionally limited to lubricating creams and OTC options, herbal therapies,
estrogen therapies, and other prescriptions, Kegel/pelvic-strengthening exercise,
and surgery.

Lubricants And Vaginal Moisturizing Creams
While helpful for lubrication these products are primarily cosmetic and do not
treat underlying concerns. They may help with irritation and painful intercourse
due to reducing dryness.

⚫ Water-based lubricants include: K-YJelly, FemGlide, Summer’s Eve and

others are non-staining. Silicone-based lubricants include Pink, Pure
Pleasure, and others.
⚫ Oil-based lubricants include using mineral oil, petroleum jelly, or baby oil.
These are not recommended as they can actually cause irritation and have
also been associated with high rates of latex condom breakage.
⚫ Vaginal moisturizers include Replens, Moist Again, Fresh Start, and K-Y

Natural solutions such as organic coconut oil-based homemade lubricants,

Ayurveda ghee (combined with herbs), and an OTC organic lubricant are also
available and do not contain the additional chemicals that can be seen in other
commercial lubricants and vaginal moisturizing solutions.

Herbal therapies have been used and a number of OTC herbal remedies are
available containing black cohosh, soy isoflavones, magnolia bark, and other

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) reports a concern

that many of the early studies of black cohosh were poorly designed and did not
evaluate its safety and effectiveness beyond 6 months of use.
A soy-rich diet has been shown to be helpful in some cases, but more research is

Soy products – like Estroven and Remifemin – may not be appropriate for women
having breast cancer. Also, some doctors have advised women to only use non-
GMO fermented soy foods such as miso or tempeh in moderation.

This chart summarizes the above treatment options:

Estrogen Therapies For Vaginal Atrophy
One common treatment for vaginal atrophy is to replace the diminished estrogen
levels through a variety of potential chemicals, creams, or other means.


Predominant medical therapy of vaginal dryness and pain has been with vaginal

This therapy can be prescribed as vaginal tablets, creams, or rings. These are
delivered locally within the vagina and therefore minimize estrogen increases in
blood levels along with related possible side effects. They help improve the thickness

and elasticity of the vaginal lining but do not affect the deeper tissue or supporting
muscles, nor does research show that they address incontinence issues.

Examples include prescription medications, Vagifem, Premarin, Estring, and Estrace.

Due to the estrogen content, vaginal estrogen therapy is not recommended for
some women. Women with breast cancer or women with a history of stroke or
heart attack, blood clots, or liver disease should not opt for estrogen replacement


Estrogen products, alone or in combination, that raise levels of the hormone

throughout the body (systemically), not just in the vagina, are referred to as
“hormone replacement therapy (HRT)”. These products address vaginal atrophy
and related pain during sex in postmenopausal women as well as addressing other
common symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats.

Despite their benefits on vasomotor symptoms, 40% of women receiving systemic

estrogen therapy have persistent vaginal symptoms. Additionally, some studies
conclude that HRT has been associated with worsening urinary incontinence.

⚫ HRT, typically not bio-identical including estrogen and progestins (differs

from bio-identical progesterone) is not known to address libido although
pain during sexual intercourse may be diminished.
⚫ HRT therapy has been shown to help prevent osteoporosis.
⚫ Hormone replacement therapy prescriptions may contain estrogen alone
or may include progestogen (synthetic progesterone) along with estrogen.
There are known risks relating to increased risk of blood clots, breast cancer,
heart attack, and stroke with oral administration.

My friend, Dr. Anna, has a strong preference from clinical and scientific experience
and research that hormone replacement should only be bio-identical and in the
lowest effective dose initially to achieve optimal results.


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Kegel And Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises
Kegel exercises strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle and can improve symptoms
of incontinence, as well as arousal and orgasm. They can also prevent or improve
symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse, in which the uterus or bladder bulges into the
vagina due predominantly to muscle weakness.

⚫ Kegel exercises involve contracting and relaxing the muscles of your pelvic
floor, which holds your uterus and bladder above your vagina.
⚫ Women can also use jade balls/Lelo balls/kegel balls
⚫ It is also important to avoid exercises that cause increased pressure on the
pelvic floor.

Here is a summary of the estrogen treatment options, as well as the pelvic

floor health (Kegels) options:

Surgical Options For Vulvar Rejuvenation
Surgical options have traditionally included specific surgeries focused on vulvar
rejuvenation as well as those to support pelvic support and incontinence issues.
These are currently viewed as two different categories of surgical intervention, one
for functional health reasons (incontinence and prolapse) and one viewed primarily
as cosmetic.


Many women view these procedures as important for their self-esteem and sexual
satisfaction. However, most mainstream health organizations still consider them as

American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) released statistics in 2014 that
revealed a 49% increase (from 5,070 surgeries to 7.535) in labiaplasty and other
genital cosmetic procedures. A detailed review of these procedures can be found at

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have stated in 2007, and
reaffirmed in 2014 that,

“So-called “vaginal rejuvenation,” “designer vaginoplasty,” “revirgination,” and “G-spot

amplification” are vaginal surgical procedures being offered by some practitioners.
These procedures are not medically indicated, and the safety and effectiveness of
these procedures have not been documented. Clinicians who receive requests from
patients for such procedures should discuss with the patient the reason for her
request and perform an evaluation for any physical signs or symptoms that may
indicate the need for surgical intervention. Women should be informed about the lack
of data supporting the efficacy of these procedures and their potential complications,
including infection, altered sensation, dyspareunia, adhesions, and scarring.”


This is the injection of collagen or Hyaluronic acid injected into the G spot. 87% of
recipients in one pilot study reported increased sexual arousal and gratification.



This vaginal laser treatment was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) for aesthetic use in 2014, including approval for gynecologic use.

The laser technology results in tissue regeneration and addresses several

symptoms relating to vaginal atrophy. In particular, the vaginal mucosa tissue
becomes more nourished and hydrated; the epithelium becomes thicker and
regains some elasticity. It also reestablishes a more acidic vaginal pH. It is not FDA
approved for treating urinary incontinence. The procedure is relatively new, and is
not normally covered by insurance, and can be expensive.


Research prior to 2014 has shown that about 3% of U.S. women will have
symptoms of prolapse in a given year. According to the authors of one study
published in 2014, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, about 300,000
U.S. women undergo surgery for prolapse every year.

The two most common surgeries are uterosacral ligament suspension and
sacrospinous ligament fixation. This study, partly funded by the National Institute
of Health Office of Research on Women’s Health, found positive outcomes for both
treatments relating to prolapse symptoms and a small risk of side effects.

While these procedures may address pelvic prolapse and incontinence issues they
do not address many of the other major symptoms of vaginal atrophy including
dryness and itching, pain with intercourse, or libido/sexual satisfaction.


Less known hormone therapy treatment options include selective estrogen

receptor modulators (SERMs) and the use of DHEA.


Women suffering from vaginal atrophy may utilize SERMs, rather than traditional
estrogen therapies, for relief. SERMs block or activate the estrogen receptors in
certain areas of the body and not others. This can make them safer than estrogen
therapy alone especially in a woman having a history or family history of breast
cancer. SERMs can also relieve other menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes
and even bone density.

SERMS with positive vulvar-vaginal effects include lasofoxifene and ospemifene.
These SERMs improve vaginal atrophy and reduce vaginal pH and more, but do
have potentially serious side effects. More research is ongoing but this is an exciting
new area of addressing vaginal atrophy.


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DHEA – The Perfect Natural Solution
While most research and available treatments have been focused on the effects
of diminishing estrogen and testosterone, there is another key hormone that has
been found to play an important role in addressing vaginal atrophy symptoms, and
that is dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

DHEA is an androgen, like testosterone. Androgens are important to the

integrity of skin, muscle, and bone (in both males and females) and have a role in
maintaining libido. They also improve energy level and mental alertness, provide
cardiovascular protection by lowering cholesterol and enhance bone building (by
increasing calcium retention).

DHEA originates from the adrenal gland. It is an inactive precursor that leads to
the production of active sex hormones like androgens or estrogens in specific cells
and tissues. As estrogen levels naturally decrease it is DHEA that continues to be a
remaining source of estrogens and androgens in the woman’s body.

DHEA is produced by the body naturally and “extends” protective benefits to

women as their estrogen levels decrease, but only for a time. There is a progressive
decrease in serum DHEA which starts at the age of 30 years with an average 60%
loss observed by menopause.

DHEA, however, can be introduced and utilized by the body. DHEA can be
introduced orally, vaginally or through topical application around the vulva.

Natural decline of DHEA


While used for a variety of other health benefits, Oral DHEA has not been shown to
address vaginal atrophy symptoms.


Topical DHEA has been found to have favorable effects on skin health and
appearance due to the production of collagen.

If DHEA is delivered directly to the vagina, the tissues transform DHEA to estrogen,
estradiol. This natural production of estradiol occurs without a significant release of
estrogens systemically in the blood.

Dr. Anna and other physicians have been able to write prescriptions for customized
vaginal and topical DHEA and other hormones for decades with many positive

In November 2016 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first
product containing the active ingredient Prasterone, also known as DHEA. The
product, Intrarosa®, was approved to treat women experiencing moderate to
severe pain during sexual intercourse, a chief symptom of vulvar atrophy.

Here is a summary of surgical options, SERMS, and DHEA.

Locally Applied DHEA To Treat Symptoms
There is a good deal of research on the benefits and effectiveness (as well as safety)
of DHEA in treating vulvar-vaginal symptoms.

The research surrounding vaginally applied DHEA has shown it to:

⚫ Reduce vaginal dryness and irritation

⚫ Strengthen vaginal musculature
⚫ Increase bone mineral density
⚫ Decrease pain during intercourse
⚫ Increase arousal and libido, as well as sexual satisfaction

For women who have had breast cancer: There has also been some exciting research
done (not yet published) that has shown vaginally applied DHEA to effectively treat
vaginal dryness, pain, and other vaginal atrophy symptoms – including libido. This 2014
clinical trial has not yet been published but there is more information included on Dr.
Anna’s website should you be interested in learning more.


In a study reported in the Journal of The North American Menopause Society in 2016,
daily intravaginal administration of DHEA caused highly statistically significant
improvements in four measurements of vaginal atrophy.

482 Participants using DHEA (0.50% daily

Prasterone for 12 weeks)

1.44 severity score units compared to baseline,

Vaginal dryness improvements
or 0.27 units over placebo

86% to 121% improvements (4 measures) over

Gynecological evaluations
the placebo

Vaginal pH acidity Decreased by 0.66 pH units over placebo

Decreased by 1.42 severity score units from

Pain during sexual activity
baseline or 0.36 units over placebo


In another 2009 study, DHEA was applied locally within the vagina resulting in
a significant improvement to all three layers of the vagina (epithelium, lamina
propria, and muscularis) versus simply affecting the superficial epithelial cells.

Dr. Anna has numerous case studies demonstrating improvements in vaginal

musculature as well as urinary incontinence issues through the use of locally
applied DHEA.


In clinical studies, locally applied DHEA has been found to increase bone mineral
density and to result in an increase in serum osteocalcin, a marker of bone


In a clinical trial in 2015 using intravaginal Prasterone (6.5 mg daily for 12 weeks)
there was a statistically significant beneficial effect on moderate to severe
dyspareunia. It’s also been noted that vaginal dryness and dyspareunia presented
together in 70-80% of women.


In the 2009 study, 1.0% (13 mg) DHEA applied locally within the vagina resulted
in a marked improvement to four aspects of sexual dysfunction: desire, arousal,
pleasure, and orgasm.

1.0% vaginal DHEA over a 12 week period

Improvements in desire 23% versus placebo

Improvements in arousal and

139% versus placebo

Improvements to orgasm 75% versus placebo

Improvements in dryness dur-

57% versus placebo
ing intercourse

In a 2015 study the long-term effect on the sexual function of 154 postmenopausal
women reporting some form of vaginal atrophy was evaluated based on a 52-week
treatment with daily intravaginal 0.50% (6.5 mg) DHEA. pubococcygeus

Results showed increases as follows: desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm,

satisfaction and pain were improved by 28%, 49%, 115%, 51%, 41% and 108%,


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Julva, natural cream for delicate feminine tissue. Grab your FREE
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DR. Anna’s Clinical Experience Using DHEA

As an Emory trained physician, Dr. Anna started using androgen therapy in her
private practice in 1999. She used bioidentical DHEA and Testosterone vaginally or
applied it topically to the vulvar area. Patients came to her complaining of vaginal
atrophy symptoms including vaginal dryness, irritation, pain during intercourse, and
urinary leakage. Many suffered from libido issues.

She routinely achieved positive results with her patients for improvements to sexual
health and vaginal dryness, and a reduction in irritation and pain during intercourse.
There were regular improvements in libido and sexual satisfaction. Some patients
also reported decreased incontinence symptoms. Many patients seeing her for
possible surgery due to pelvic prolapse and stress incontinence issues were able
to avoid surgery altogether once she prescribed vaginal DHEA and testosterone to

For these patients, a physical examination verified their reported improvements;

there were notable tissue improvements in the lining and within the vaginal
ruggations (the normal folds and elasticity) as well as contractility (the ability to
contract the muscles of the pelvic floor). This meant more strength, more support to
the urethra and bladder too.

The Birth Of Julva And Natural Living Family Special

Dr. Anna wanted to be able to provide a non-prescription based topical solution that
provided the least systemic effect. This would provide women all over the world with
a less embarrassing option to address a significant quality of life and overall health
issue associated with aging.

Three years of research along with her extensive clinical results led me to combine
DHEA in cream form with other quality natural ingredients having been shown to
be beneficial to the skin and its underlying tissues. Those ingredients include Alpine
Rose Stem Cells, Emu oil, Vitamin E Tocopherol, Coconut oil, and Shea Butter.

Alpine Rose Stem Cells are harvested from Swiss alpine plants and contain unique
compounds that help the plant survive extremely challenging environments. The
stem cells have been shown to increase skin cell replenishment, protect against
age-related oxidative stress, have antiviral effects and are loaded with polyphenolic
antioxidant compounds.

Vitamin E Tocopherol provides anti-inflammatory support; Coconut oil provides

a safe and natural lubricant; Emu oil promotes deeper tissue absorption and
regenerates skin cells while improving thinning skin.

Her research concluded that a small 5-10 mg daily dosage of DHEA topically applied
achieved excellent symptom improvements, after which she recommends a reduced
maintenance dosage protocol.

Dr. Anna perfected this cream with love and prayers that it helps women around
the world feel good about their sexual health especially as we deal with the normal
changes of age. We’ve shared it with our Natural Living Family in the past and the
testimonials have been empowering.

We love that there was such a focus on making it really safe, and along with
addressing all of the issues above…it is designed to effectively improve the divinely
designed function of our beautiful, feminine, pelvic floor. You don’t have to suffer
from these symptoms any longer and you don’t have to resort to unsafe treatments
to find relief. Please try my friend Dr. Anna’s safe and effective cream and see how it
can help.

Anti-Aging Skincare
For clean skincare products to be worth the investment, it is necessary that only
natural ingredients be used. In fact, synthetic preservatives and fillers are the
enemy to enjoying younger-looking skin.

If you want to avoid wrinkles and unsightly lines in your golden years, remember
the age-old adage, You are what you eat. Not only is this true of the foods you feed
your body through your mouth, and it is true of the foods you feed your skin and
body topically.

The Importance of Feeding Your Skin Well

And make no mistake — what you apply on your skin is largely consumed into your
skin and body when it comes to clean skincare product ingredients, which is why
you need to be so selective in what you choose! The bottom line is, just like the
foods you choose to put in your mouth, if you want to look and feel like junk food,
feed your skin non-organic, synthetic, and toxic ingredients that are so prevalent in
both inexpensive and expensive luxury skincare products today.

However, chances are you are reading this because you want the smoothest,
firmest, healthiest, and youngest-looking skin possible (and to feel your best and
avoid serious health issues while you’re at it), right? In which case, you are definitely
in the right place.

So, before we get to those 10 most effective ingredients to feed your skin, here is
something important you first need to know to AVOID premature aging and serious
potential health problems…

Why USDA Certified Organic is Important
Whether you are feeding it to your body through your mouth or skin, synthetic
ingredients and pesticides and other agricultural chemicals can be sources of
hormone-disrupting, cancer-causing, reproductive-toxic chemicals.

(And in the case of skincare products, many contain penetration enhancers

designed to make chemicals infiltrate your skin more deeply… that means they’re
designed to suck those toxins into your body more aggressively. YIKES!)

This is one reason why choosing clean skincare products – and foods whenever
possible — with the USDA Certified Organic label is so important. The closer to
nature that anything you feed your body through your skin or mouth is, the better
for you and the planet it is.

However, please BEWARE of getting bamboozled by words like “organic” and “wild-
crafted” and other natural-sounding words in promotions and on labels, especially
when it comes to skincare products. If it doesn’t actually show the USDA Certified
Organic seal (or the independent scrutinization/certification equivalent in other
countries), be very cautious and take a very close look at their ingredients label.

Words like “organic” are thrown about very loosely today to trick people into
buying… even though, when you look closely at the label, they may only contain
a very small portion of total ingredients that are actually organic. In fact, they can
slap “organic” on the front label even if just one product is organic while ALL the
rest are synthetic and toxic!

How can they get away with it? Well, claims such as “wild-crafted,” “non-toxic,”
“plant-based” and “free of” are not really regulated – in the cosmetics industry
especially – nor do they have legal definitions.

Your “natural” beauty cream may contain cancer-causing petrochemicals, for

instance (as was revealed in 40 percent of such products in one study, and it’s all
perfectly legal.

Even stating “organic” isn’t a guarantee of safety, as these “poser organic” products
do not have to meet actual USDA organic standards, which are rigorous and only a
select number of cosmetics companies have actually achieved this status.

If you want to be sure you’re getting only the good stuff for your skin (and nothing
else), only the USDA Certified Organic seal (or its equivalent in other countries,
such as ECOCERT in France) can guarantee this.

If a product is USDA Certified Organic, it means it:

⚫ Contains at least 95 percent true organic ingredients

⚫ The remaining 5 percent of ingredients are on an approved safe and
nontoxic list
⚫ Even the natural ingredients used must be raised free of synthetic additives,
including pesticides, chemical fertilizers, petrochemicals, and dyes
⚫ Was not processed using industrial solvents or irradiation
⚫ Is free of genetically modified organisms (non-GMO)

In other words, it means — independent of any claims the company makes for itself
— the product has been proven organic, in terms of both the ingredients used and
how they were raised on the farm.

USDA Certified Organic standards prohibit the use of sewage sludge, synthetic
fertilizers, and genetic engineering, and require producers to maintain the integrity
of organic crops, preventing contact between organic and conventionally grown
crops, as well as contact with prohibited pesticides and fertilizers.

The bottom line here?

Because toxic and synthetic ingredients and byproducts can contribute to early
aging — and, worse, they may be carcinogenic and disruptive to hormones — it’s
more important than ever to care about high organic standards for whatever you
put into your body, whether it’s through your mouth or skin!

10 Most Effective Clean Skincare Ingredients

Here’s a wonderful thing about your skin…No matter how old you are or what
issues you may have, your skin may be THE #1 easiest thing you can improve on
your body. Your skin is highly receptive to positive change.

Of course, the artificial and toxic ingredients found in MOST anti-aging and other
skin products today are not that “positive change” your skin needs. Living things do
not thrive on synthetic things, after all. Meanwhile, though, as always nature knows
what it is doing, and it does provide.

And on that note, below and based on research are 10 of nature’s most powerful
ingredients to feed your skin. They’re presented in countdown style to the big #1.
However, it must be noted that of course there is some subjectivity with any list like

Everyone’s skin shares many similarities, but each person’s skin – and what each
person would like to improve with their skin — is also unique. As such, certain
ingredients may rank higher for you personally.

With that said, these ingredients were chosen for their effectiveness and the range
of benefits they provide. Again, though, comes the big caveat…Please make certain
that whatever products you choose that provide these ingredients is USDA Certified
Organic (or your country’s equivalent.)

I started Purity Woods along with my wife, Iwona, a cosmetologist, because
we couldn’t find clean skincare products that were both truly effective and
independently certified organic and safe. We’ve quickly grown into one of the most
successful organic clean skincare lines because of our commitment to providing
THE safest and most effective skincare products.

Therefore, I hope you’ll personally TRY the Age-Defying Dream Cream to experience
first-hand how fast and how well it truly works. Now onto those healthy ingredients
your skin finds absolutely delicious…


Also known as the oil-seed camellia and tea oil camellia, this remarkable oil comes
from cold-pressing the seeds of camellia oleifera, a flowering evergreen shrub native
to Asia that the Japanese call Tsubaki, or “rose of winter.”

⚫ Camelia seed oil has a molecular structure and weight similar to the skin’s
natural oil, so it is absorbed well deeply into the skin.
⚫ Rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, camelia seed oil is excellent for moisturizing
skin, helping to achieve velvety smoothness.
⚫ It’s also loaded with nutrients that strongly support a youthful glow and
combat signs of aging.

Camelia seed oil is particularly rich in squalene, which is an important part

of the skin’s hydration system and which helps protect skin against external
environmental elements and the “old-looking” skin they can otherwise cause.

Bottom line is that camelia oleifera is one of the best-kept Eastern skin secrets… and
now you are in on the secret!


Hey, if it comes from the same plant as chocolate – the Cacao tree – it’s got to be
good, right? And this classic clean skincare ingredient truly is.

⚫ Cocoa seed butter is rich in natural compounds that promote soft, supple,
and radiant-looking skin.
⚫ It is high in oleic acids, linoleic acid, palmitoleic acid, vitamin E, and vitamin K,
which can reduce the appearance of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines.
⚫ Cocoa seed butter is also high in stearic acid, which can actually help
eliminate dirt, sweat, and excess sebum from the skin.

And it contains compounds that can help lock moisture into the skin… tighten the
skin… enhance the skin’s appearance of brightness… and even support healthy
inflammation in the skin.

Bottom line is that your skin loves cocoa seed butter as much as your mouth loves


Exposing ourselves to too much sun over the years can get us in trouble, just like
exposing ourselves too much in other ways can also get us trouble (not that I’d
know that personally, mind you.)

⚫ In fact, one of the biggest reasons skin can look wrinkled, weathered, and
otherwise “old” is because of an excess of sun over the years.
⚫ Enter the superstar ingredient called astaxanthin.
⚫ Astaxanthin comes from both certain marine plants and animals (astaxanthin
sourced from organic algae is most recommended.)
⚫ It’s a very highly effective “carotenoid,” an antioxidant that provides superior
protection for skin.

And it has very powerful blocking properties against the sun’s UV rays. This
supports the skin in combating photoaging and that “weathered look,” such as the
appearance of dark spots and wrinkles from sun-related damage.

Astaxanthin has also been shown in clinical studies to help with elasticity, skin
moisture, and moisture retention, and in promoting skin smoothness while
decreasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


Sunflower oil, prized for centuries by Native Americans, is rich in vitamin E, an

antioxidant powerhouse that can also ward off damage caused by overexposure to
the sun.

What’s more, sunflower seed oil contains beneficial linoleic acid — even more than
olive oil — which has skin barrier-enhancing properties.

In fact, sunflower seed oil is so good for your skin that when adult volunteers
applied six drops of sunflower seed oil to their forearm twice a day for five weeks,
they had improved the integrity of the outer layer of their skin as well as improved

If you’re looking for the ultimate hydrator for your skin, sunflower seed oil fits the


Mango butter, which can be cold-pressed from the seed, has absolutely exceptional
skin-enhancing effects.

Rich in vitamin C, mango seed butter can help to enhance collagen synthesis for
smoother, plumper, and brighter-looking skin while acting as a protective factor
against skin damage from the sun.

Mango seed butter provides supreme moisturizing and soothing benefits. It

provides your skin with an abundance of antioxidants and vitamins, including
vitamin A, known for smoothing the appearance of fine lines.

Fun fact: In India, the mango tree is a sacred symbol of love and some believe that
they can even grant wishes. If your wish is for younger-looking skin, at least, they
certainly and literally deliver!


If you have an aloe vera plant at home, cut off a leaf, and scoop out the gel inside.
Applying this vitamin- and enzyme-rich gel to your skin may help with exfoliation
and has powerful anti-inflammatory and soothing effects (it’s great for anti-aging
and, as many already know, also great for cuts and other skin wounds.)

It has also been shown to significantly reduce the appearance of wrinkles and boost
elasticity in human skin.

Interestingly, research showed that consuming aloe gel can also be beneficial
because it may increase collagen production and decrease the collagen-degrading
MMP-1 gene expression.

Researchers went so far as to say, “[O]ral aloe gel supplementation may be a novel
anti-aging strategy that prevents and repairs cutaneous [skin] photoaging.”

NOTE: Aloe vera can have a laxative effect when taken internally, so start with a very
small amount to avoid any… ahem… surprises.


Camu camu is fun to say, but that’s the least of its benefits. It’s a low-growing shrub
that grows near rivers in the western and central Amazon basin in South America,
and its berries are even more of a nutrition powerhouse for you than the famed
açai berry.

Camu camu is a rich source of polyphenols including flavonoids, phenolic acids,

tannins, stilbenes, and lignans. With a higher phenolic and vitamin C content
than many other tropical fruits, camu camu is bursting with antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory power.

Because of this, applying camu camu extract to your skin may provide a range
of powerful antiaging benefits, such as lightening the appearance of dark spots,
smoothing the appearance of wrinkles, and evening out your complexion.

The high concentration of vitamin C in camu camu is a powerful way to stimulate

collagen production and supports antioxidant protection against photodamage
from the sun.

Along with the amazing benefits of applying it to your skin, also note that eating
camu camu has shown strong potential to help with weight loss, protect the liver
from injury, and prevent immune-related disease.

As noted in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: “[T]here is a

pressing need to increase the visibility of natural products such as camu camu to point
to their potential benefits in populations that are not only aging but also experiencing
the negative effect of inflammatory and oxidative conditions.”

It can be both eaten and applied topically to the skin; whatever products you use
that contain camu camu, though, make 100% certain it is USDA Certified Organic to
ensure purity.


Chamomilla recutita (Matricaria), also known as German chamomile, is not

just another pretty flower. This natural plant has very impressive antioxidant,
antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, to say the least.

While chamomile tea and extracts may be useful for dampening systemic
inflammation, chamomile applied to the skin penetrates below your skin’s surface
to the deeper layers and has a soothing, anti-inflammatory effect that helps to calm
dry or irritated skin areas.

It’s also excellent for promoting the appearance of tighter and healthier “plump-
looking” skin.


Indian gooseberry is a medicinal plant long used in ayurvedic systems of medicine

to restore lost vitality and vigor.

⚫ Ayurvedic texts consider Indian gooseberry to be a Rasayana, which is a

compound ideal for longevity and rejuvenation.
⚫ And science is showing that is precisely the case.
⚫ Indian gooseberry is a very rich source of vitamin C, amino acids, minerals,
and phenolic compounds – all reasons why it’s so beneficial to apply to your

Indian gooseberry stimulates pro-collagen (a precursor of collagen) while protecting

your skin from sun damage, helping to prevent dark spots and wrinkles. It’s also
known for shrinking and unclogging your pores, leading to a fresher, smoother skin



Native Americans have long treasured maple leaves for their healing properties.
Modern science is finally catching up and seems to be in total agreement. Because
new research shows that maple leaf extracts may be amongst the closest things we
have on earth to a real fountain of youth!

You see, it turns out that maple leaves are packed with phenolic compounds
that can boost elastin and may restore the look of youth to your skin better than
anything else out there.

When researchers looked in detail at red maple leaves, they found 106 such
compounds, including 11 that may have never been discovered before and 75 that
weren’t known to exist in red maple until now.

Now, perhaps THE key reason skin can increasingly look wrinkled, saggy, and
otherwise “old” is because the elastin in the skin that maintains skin’s elasticity
increasingly breaks down.

Well, certain glucitol-core-containing “gallotanins” in maple leaves were even found

to inhibit this breakdown of elastin in the skin, and at the same time, they may also
fight skin inflammation and lighten age spots.

The researchers described them as having the potential to tighten up skin like a
plant-based Botox, and with just topical application — not an injection.

The Age-Defying Dream Cream

Okay, so you now know 10 of the planet’s most powerful research-based natural
ingredients that each provide a range of different benefits and that, in total, add up
to your youngest and healthiest-looking skin.

Up to now, though, it would have been quite the challenge to find most of these.
(Especially given that, as you now also know, it is so important to only choose USDA
Certified Organic versions of these ingredients, and really USDA Certified Organic
versions of anything you put on or into your body today!)

And even if you could find them, it would be an enormous hassle to apply some
much less all of them to your skin… and it would cost hundreds of dollars on a
monthly basis, which is beyond impractical.

That’s why here at Purity Woods — once we had done our research on the planet’s
genuinely most effective anti-aging ingredients for skin – we set out to provide you
the planet’s MOST effective solution to restore the appearance of youth to your

⚫ YES, Purity Wood’s Age-Defying Dream Cream provides you all 10 of the top
natural anti-aging ingredients for skin you just discovered above. In fact,
it provides you all 10 PLUS over 15 additional top USDA Certified Organic
⚫ YES, Purity Wood’s Age-Defying Dream Cream is USDA Certified Organic,
which is a true rarity amongst skincare products.
⚫ And YES, as you can imagine it was a very long and painstaking process to be
able to bring you this natural wonder (I could fill another 50 pages with just
how challenging it was, but I’ll spare you that.)

Now, with all of that in mind, many people automatically assume that Purity Woods’
Age-Defying Dream Cream is going to be priced like so many other “high-end”
luxury anti-aging skin products… in the $100s or $200s or beyond.

However, there is where you’re going to be quite pleasantly surprised!

So, head HERE now to find out more about clean skincare and the Age-Defying
Dream Cream!


Our Natural Living Family “group buy” will save you 38% off USDA
Organic Age-Defying clean skincare when you buy TODAY. Check out
Purity Woods Dream Cream HERE!

Must-Have Essential Oils

Age-Defying Dream Cream...

We have fallen in love with a USDA Certified Organic Age-Defying

Dream Cream made by our friends at Purity Woods. Not only does
it provides you with maple leaf extracts, it includes 25 organic
clean skincare botanicals to combat the signs of aging that make
skin look “old.”

Yes, Age-Defying Dream Cream is 100% cruelty-free, never tested

on animals, and it is completely FREE of synthetic additives like
pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and dyes, and it was NOT processed
using industrial solvents, irradiation, or genetic engineering

Right now, clean skincare is available

to our masterclass student at a very
special “Group Buy” price you cannot
find anywhere else.

i Go here to learn
more, or get yours

Bergamot essential oil benefits go far beyond its uplifting fragrance and include
stress relief, mood boosting, pain relief and more. In fact, some claim that the
anxiety-relieving benefits parallel that of conventional drugs!

History & Chemical Components of Bergamot

Bergamot essential oil belongs to the citrus family of oils. Derived from the
plants of the Citrus bergamia Risso tree, this plant’s origins are a mystery. Like
many other citrus plants, bergamot is very likely a hybrid, that is, a cross between
two plants. However, there is no consensus among botanists on which two
plants were its parents. Bergamot is not to be confused with bergamot mint, a
completely different essential oil derived from the mint family of plants.

The bergamot tree produces a fruit that is suitable for fragrance but is rarely
used for eating as it has a “perfumey” flavor. However, you might recognize the
scent of bergamot if you drink Earl Grey tea, which often is made by mixing black
tea with bergamot essential oil or other bergamot extractions.

The name bergamot most likely comes from the Berga region of Spain.
Bergamia Risso trees were grown there then shipped to the southern coast of
Italy where they are now primarily grown. Most bergamot oil available today is
cultivated from trees in this region, however, it does grow in other areas of the

Bergamot oil is most commonly obtained through the cold expression of the
peel. The major constituents of bergamot essential oil include the following:

⚫ limonene
⚫ linalyl acetate
⚫ linalool
⚫ β-pinene
⚫ γ-terpinene
⚫ bergapten
⚫ bergamottin

Bergamot is popular for its stress-reducing qualities and is also commonly
used in commercial products that have a “citrusy” scent. In recent years, it has
garnered a lot of interest from the research community because its extract is rich
in polyphenols, making it advantageous for health and medicinal applications.

Let’s see what health benefits this unique oil has for you.

10 Benefits Of Bergamot Essential Oil


Due to its long reputation as a stress reliever, several studies have been done on
bergamot essential oil and its impact on cortisol, the stress hormone. Bergamot
oil was found to reduce cortisol levels among 41 healthy females who inhaled it.
AIn experiments done on lab rats, it also reduced stress responses in the body.

This pleasing scent blends well with a variety of other oils and is a must-have in
your toolbox if you suffer anxiety or have high-stress responsibilities.

Application: Add bergamot, orange, sandalwood and ylang ylang oils to your personal
inhaler for panic attacks or times of high anxiety.


Like many of the citrus oils, bergamot oil is known for its ability to boost your
mood. It was shown to lift the mood of patients in the waiting room of a mental
health treatment center.

In another study, bergamot, lavender, and frankincense oils were blended and
used as a massage oil in a hospice care facility in Korea. Treated patients had
reduced pain, anxiety, and depression. (8) We recommend using these oils to
help during times of illness and or difficult health issues.

Application: Bergamot oil has a light citrusy flavor. Use 1-2 drops when cooking mild
bakery items like scones, tea bread, or pound cake.


Like many other citrus oils, bergamot has powerful antimicrobial properties,
making it useful for cleaning and disinfecting. Several citrus oils were tested and
compared for their effect on foodborne pathogens, such as E. coli and other

bacteria for use in the food industry. Bergamot oil was determined to be the
most effective of all in combating these pathogens.

This effect may be due to the presence of linalool, which has demonstrated
strong antimicrobial properties in the lab including antifungal properties.
Bergamot is a refreshing scent to add to your homemade bath and hand

Bergamot oil was also one of several oils that reduced the spread of influenza
after 10 minutes of diffusion, making it a superior choice to promote health and
wellness in your home.

Application: Add several drops of bergamot oil to your favorite DIY cleaning recipes.


Can bergamot oil help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease? Several
studies have explored the impact of bergamot essential oil on heart disease,
blood pressure, and cholesterol with interesting results. For example, one
of its constituents, bergamottin, was tested on guinea pigs induced with
arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and demonstrated “significant antianginal and
antiarrhythmic properties.”

Research also suggests that bergamot may lower overall cholesterol, including
LDL, the so-called “bad” cholesterol, reducing overall risk for cardiovascular
disease. This is an excellent oil to keep on hand to protect you from
cardiovascular disease.

Application: Diffuse a blend of ylang ylang and bergamot oil to support good heart


Bergamot essential oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties thanks to

its major components of linalool, limonene, and linalyl acetate, making it an
excellent choice for pain relief! Data shows that bergamot oil also may reduce
sensitivity to pain and reduce pain caused by events or conditions that do not
normally cause pain, something commonly experienced by fibromyalgia patients.

Application: To a roller bottle, add 2 drops each of bergamot, camphor, lemon,

peppermint, and rosemary to 3 ounces of Mama Z’s oil base and blend well. Use as


According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 54 million Americans suffer

from osteoporosis and low bone mass. This bone disease occurs when bones are
weakened and become more susceptible to breaks and fractures. Osteoporosis
has many causes including diabetes.

In 2016, researchers in China discovered that mice with diabetes-related

osteoporosis who were treated with bergapten had improved collagen levels and
the effects of the disease were reduced. When you consider its pain-relieving
properties, bergamot is a must-have tool in your medicine box if you suffer from

Application: Add 2 drops each of bergamot, lavender, and frankincense oil diluted at
1.5% with sweet almond carrier oil and massage into affected areas.


Bergamot oil is not only great for reducing stress, but it can also help alleviate
the symptoms of regular or chronic fatigue. In a small 2015 study, healthy
women were exposed to bergamot essential oil vaporized in water. These
subjects quickly experienced reduced levels of cortisol, the stress hormone and
also demonstrated improved scores for both negative emotions and fatigue.

Another small experiment showed that hospice subjects who received a massage
with bergamot and lavender oil mixture had better sleep compared to those who
did not. This lovely scent is an ideal addition to your medicine cabinet!

Application: Create Mama Z’s Homemade Hand Cream recipe with bergamot and
lavender oils and massage into your hands before sleep.


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a serious illness that can be caused
by metabolic syndrome or a diet filled with unhealthy fatty or sugary foods
combined with a sedentary lifestyle. When left untreated, it can escalate into
more serious diseases or conditions. The effects of bergamot were researched
in a 2014 study on subjects who had NAFLD and metabolic syndrome. Treated
patients had improved lipid and blood sugar levels, as well as reduced LDL
cholesterol and enhancement of HDL, the “good” cholesterol.

While we recommend a healthy diet and an appropriate fitness regimen to
combat metabolic syndrome, bergamot essential oil can support you as you
develop more healthy habits.

Application: Use bergamot oil in our essential oil gel capsule recipe.


In recent years, some fascinating research has come out about the
neuroprotective benefits of bergamot oil. An animal study suggested that it may
protect neurons from damage caused by excitotoxins.

What’s even more interesting is research from 2017 where 20 schizophrenia

patients were treated with bergamot juice in addition to their regular treatment.
Improved cognitive scores were seen across the group, indicating that bergamot
may be a helpful supplement for people with neurological disorders.

Application: Blend bergamot with ylang ylang, sweet marjoram, Roman chamomile,
and valerian oils before sleep.

Bergamot Essential Oil & Safety

According to the NAHA, bergamot essential oil has a moderate risk of
phototoxicity, meaning that it can burn the skin when exposed to sunlight. They
recommend avoiding exposure to sunlight or tanning beds after using bergamot
oil on your skin.

You can also find versions of bergamot oil that are free of bergapten, which is
the constituent that causes phototoxicity, but they are not as commonly available
and will have a very different composition, therefore impacting its benefits.

Bergamot oil can oxidize more quickly than some other oils so we recommend
you store it in a dark, cool area or in your refrigerator for the longest life.
Bergamot oil has a maximum dermal use of 0.4%, so be sure to dilute it properly.

Use these common-sense tips when working with bergamot essential oil:

⚫ At present, there is no clinically safe level of dosage for children, but this
doesn’t mean that you cannot give it to them. You should start off small
with “culinary doses,” that is, no more than drop per dish. Bergamot
essential oil is safe to use in your diffuser and topical applications if you
keep it to 1% or less for children.

⚫ Don’t consume straight out of the bottle, and don’t drink with water
(remember that oil and water do not mix).
⚫ Do not use around cats as they are sensitive to d-limonene. Always make
sure your pets can leave any room where you diffuse oils for their safety.
⚫ You can consume safely by adding 2-3 drops of bergamot essential oil into
a veggie gel capsule and fill it with olive oil. Consume with food.
⚫ Do not stay on bergamot oil for an extended length of time. Ideally, you
should rotate your oils every few weeks.
⚫ Stop using it immediately if you experience any side effects.
⚫ Use with caution if you take medications. Check with your healthcare
provider first.

Bergamot essential oil blends well with floral oils, and naturally, other citrus oil,
as well as resins like frankincense. Its delicate scent is pleasantly uplifting and

With a host of amazing health benefits, particularly the ability to reduce stress
and boost mood, bergamot oil is a useful, affordable addition to your essential
oil cabinet. The mild scent makes it a flexible addition to many of your favorite


Our Natural Living Family “group buy” will save you 38% off USDA
Organic Age-Defying clean skincare when you buy TODAY. Check out
Purity Woods Dream Cream HERE!

Clary Sage
The foundation women’s health remedy, clary sage essential oils benefits both
men and women. It’s calming, healing and very safe to use, but it does come with
some potential risks. Learning how to properly use this ancient remedy is pretty
straightforward and important to know!

What is Clary Sage?

To learn about the benefits of clary sage essential oil, let’s learn more about this
plant. The medicinal use of clary sage dates back to the age of Rome and Greece.
Officially named Salvia sclarea, it was used for eye conditions, to clear (clarify) the
eyes, potentially with the mucilaginous seeds. In 1653, Dante Culpeper’s work
Complete Herbal described clary sage as such:

“The seed put into the eyes clears them from motes, and such like things gotten
within the lids to offend them, as also clears them from white and red spots on
them. The mucilage of the seed made with water, and applied to tumours, or
swellings, disperses and takes them away; as also draws forth splinters, thorns,
or other things gotten into the flesh. The leaves used with vinegar, either by itself,
or with a little honey, doth help boils, felons, and the hot inflammation that are
gathered by their pains, if applied before it be grown too great… The juice of the
herb put into ale or beer, and drank, brings down women’s courses, and expels the

Centuries later, we still embrace the benefits of clary sage essential oil in similar
ways, with particular focus on its anti-inflammatory benefits and role in women’s

Primarily originating from the Mediterranean region, clary sage is a species in the
Salvia genus, which you may know from your ornamental perennial garden or
from its cousin sage, which is used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. The
Salvia genus is a part of the larger Lamiaceae distinction, where we also find our
the mint varieties, which is full of fragrant plants rich in essential oil and healing

Clary sage is used in both herb and essential oil form, and even the seeds have
nutritional value. As with any herb or essential oil, where clary sage is grown,
how and when it is harvested, and the parts of the plant used all play a part in
the quality and components.

Covered in spikes of flowers, fragrant, and grown as a perennial, it’s little wonder
that the ancients found use for this favorite family of herbs!

Composition of Clary Sage

Clary sage essential oil is derived from the flowering tops and contains many
components known for their anti-inflammatory and calming benefits, including
linalool (a major component of lavender essential oil), linalyl acetate (excellent
for anti-inflammatory benefits on skin), and a minor component called sclareol.
The method of extraction may affect the components found in the essential oil,
so always be aware of your source before using an oil therapeutically.

Aside from anti-inflammatory abilities, clary sage is also known to be relaxing

and antidepressant, making it useful for stress relief, sleep aid, and more. It’s
also shown to be antifungal and antimicrobial.

Another component, sclareol, has shown some promising things in lab tests.
Over the last couple of decades but as recently as this year (2015), studies have
emerged that analyze sclareol’s effect on cancer cells. With the caveat that these
benefits occurred within the confines of lab cultures and dose adjustments,
sclareol may have an impact on the way that cancer cells proliferate, and they
could help to induce apoptosis (cancer cell death).

While this does not tell us how much potential sclareol has to directly treat
cancer – and it’s exciting to think about where that could go one day! – it is
a common thread that we see in many antioxidant-rich essential oils. This is
especially interesting for clary sage, because some claim that it is “estrogenic”
due to the sclareol content and should be avoided by estrogen-dominant cancer
patients. This, of course, is a myth and I discuss the reasons why at the end of
this report.

3 Clary Sage Oil Uses
Really, you can’t go wrong with anti-inflammatory effects. There are a few
benefits of clary sage essential oil that stand out as particularly effective, because
there is plenty of research to back them up.


In 2015, researchers in Poland published results of their search for effective

treatments for antibiotic resistant bacteria in vitro. When applied to resistant
strains of the Staphylococcus bacteria, clary sage performed better than many of
the typically used antibiotics for treating staph infections.

Earlier, in 2012, a blend of essential oils was tested against Staphylococcus

bacteria, as well as E. coli and the pervasive Candida fungus. A blend of lavender,
clary sage, and ylang ylang was found to be synergistically effective against all
three. Studies show clary sage oil has an active effect against bacteria.


Aromatherapy is linked with relaxation and stress-relief in many of our minds,

even before we become familiar with essential oils. I know that’s all I knew of
them at first! But certain oils are more effective than others, and clary stage
stands out. In fact, when a group of essential oils were tested for antidepressant
abilities int his rat study, clary sage showed far and away the most potential,
indicating it as a potential stand-alone treatment thanks to dopamine regulation.


Clary sage is most commonly known as an herb and essential oil for women’s
health issues, exhibiting benefits in all phases of life. Young women dealing
with menstrual pain have found relief, even moreso than what acetaminophen
could provide. Women with dysmenorrhea found similar relief. This study used
aromatherapy in conjunction with massage.

In childbirth, where pain is often exacerbated by anxiety and stress, clary sage
and chamomile exhibit strong pain relieving results in a safe, easily administered
manner. In fact, when a midwifery practice implemented the use of these oils
both topically in a carrier oil and via diffusion, there appeared to be a reduction
in the use of opioid medications.

Finally, as women reach menopausal years, the use of antidepressants begins to
increase dramatically. Clary sage may help to ease this stressful transition of life,
reducing cortisol levels and exhibiting and antidepressant-like effect. See more
essential oils for menopause here.

For maximum effects, try blending clary sage with oils that have similar
properties, like lavender and chamomile.

Is Clary Sage Oil Estrogenic?

The simple answer is, “No.”

There is a myth floating around the cyber world that because clary sage contains
sclareol, it mimics the steroid estrogen, but this is simply a poor understanding
of the science of phytochemicals. Chemist Robert Pappas, PhD explains it best:

⚫ “First of all sclareol is actually a very minute component of the essential oil
of clary sage despite some authors claiming that sclareol is present in clary
sage oil at 1.6-7.0%, an utterly ridiculous claim. Almost all steam distilled
clary sage oils on the market (I would say 99.9% of them) have less than
0.5% sclareol content….
⚫ “Secondly, if we look at the structure of sclareol…we will see that it actually
has very little in common with the structure of any of the estrogen
molecules…Sclareol is not a steroid but what would have to be termed
a diterpene diol, not even remotely close to the necessary steroidal
⚫ “Sclareol is not a steroidal estrogen, does not mimic the function of
any estrogen molecules, does not stimulate estrogen production (why
would it?), and would not appear to have any mechanism by which it can
“balance hormones” at least not by a pathway that has anything to do with
estrogens… I am not saying that it’s impossible that clary sage can have
some of the effects that have been claimed, but just be aware that its not
really possible that the oil can mimic estrogens or that the oil contains
estrogen like molecules.”

In regard to estrogenic breast cancer, essential oil expert Robert Tisserand

mimics Pappas’ assertion, “Sclareol does have an interesting anticancer activity,
including in vitro action against human breast cancer MCF-7 cells (Dimas et al
2006). An isomer, 13-epi-sclareol, which is also present in clary sage oil, inhibits
the growth of breast and uterine cancers in vitro, and was slightly more potent

than Tamoxifen, but was not toxic to normal cells (Sashidhara et al 2007). This
suggests the possibility that sclareol might actually inhibit estrogen, and might
after all have some capacity to interact with estrogen receptor sites. What we do
know is that sclareol will not give you breast cancer.”


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Tasty, aromatic and a global favorite, fennel essential oil benefits help manage
anxiety, cramps, digestive upset and a number of other health conditions. You
may be surprised how useful it can be to your overall health!

Various preparations and applications of fennel have strong and reliable

benefits, and safety is a priority with this potent essential oil.

Traditional Fennel Essential Oil Uses

From the flowering herb – related to the carrot family of plants – fennel seed is
most commonly used in culinary preparations, though fennel essential oil uses
can come from the seed or the aerial (above ground) parts of the plant.

Native to southern Europe, fennel is found in many Mediterranean recipes, much

like its closely related dill, caraway, and coriander. Fennel’s primary use in whole-
herb preparations has been for digestive health. Seeds would be chewed after
a meal to improve digestion, and it was included in many recipes for the same

While the seed was the more substantive part of the plant used, the leaves, stem,
and flower are highly aromatic. Like anise, fennel has a touch of black licorice
scent and flavor that make it uniquely suited for aromatic preparations.

While we have little evidence of fennel being used aromatically throughout

history, there’s no question that the ancients enjoyed the fennel oil benefits, if
only as they walked by their cultivated plants and brushed the leaves, releasing
the oil. Today, we can do far more.

6 Fennel Essential Oil Benefits
Traditional uses of fennel include everything from digestive wellness to anti-
inflammatory, pain relief, antioxidants, breast milk production, and more. The
primary use would have been with the whole herb, and many believe that the
concurrent compounds help deactivate the risks of estragole.

According to one study,

“Anethole is the most basic fennel compound that reduces inflammation and
prevents cancer (source). Anethole also protects the liver against damage.
Researchers ascribe the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties of fennel to
postpone or off the intra cellular signaling pathway called TNF.”

The essential oil has fewer compounds, but choosing an oil that has lower
estragole, using it in appropriate concentrations, and sticking to external use can
help us access the benefits of fennel without compromising safety. Here are the
top six benefits of fennel I’d like to feature.


Somewhat a surprise, as I researching electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and

the potential dangers of 5G recently, I stumbled upon a fascinating research
article suggesting that fennel essential oil can help reduce reproductive organ
damage due to EMFs. “The antioxidant compounds in fennel and vitamin E, with
other antioxidants,” the Iranian researchers stated, “Can reduce the harmful
effects of EMFs on the reproductive system.”

Harmful effects of EMFs on the reproductive system? Yep!

Most people are unaware that, “EMFs induced cell death in testicular germ cell
in mice” and, “According to many researchers, neuroendocrine changes caused
by EMFs are a key factor in changing hormone function and cause infertility
symptoms in females.”

What’s the solution? Reduce EMF exposure and consider applying a 2% dilution
of fennel as a gentle, therapeutic body oil when you’re stuck in a heavy wi-fi zone.


Historically, fennel seeds were chewed after meals to improve digestion. More
recently, fennel has been used and tested as a remedy for infant colic. It’s

important to note that the above concerns led to unfortunate and tragic side
effects for some of the infants and the study and its methods should not be

However, we do know that “Fennel seed oil has been shown to reduce intestinal
spasms and increase motility of the small intestine.” For adults with appropriate
application, we can translate that knowledge into safe use. Including fennel in
recipes and moderate internal applications, as well as including the whole seed
into our diets can help maximize the digestive benefits of fennel seeds.

Indications: One drop diluted into lipids and combined into recipes; topical massage
oils for stomach aches.


Fennel essential oil’s antispasmodic abilities are showcased when used against
menstrual cramps and dysmenorrhea. In 2001, researchers tested fennel
essential oil on a rat model of menstrual issues and painful cramping. The
essential oil was able to reduce both the frequency and intensity of some of the
“cramp” contractions.

The soothing actions of aromatherapy are well suited to this kind of application,
as each step works together toward the ultimate goal of relief. The soothing
aroma, calming effects of massage or breathing deeply, and medicinal actions
work together to further the results.

Indications: Topical massage oil blended with balancing herbs for PMS and cramping.


A potential benefit of fennel that researchers are in the preliminary stages on is

that of anxiety reduction. The researchers used internal applications studied on
mice, finding significant and promising anti-anxiety results. As an animal model,
preliminary test, and internal use study, this isn’t a 1:1 application to real life.
However, we can utilize it in our inhaled and topical anxiety and calming blends
to seek synergistic and added benefits. In other words: It can’t hurt to try!

This is especially noteworthy in light of the menstrual cycle benefits just

described. Both cramping and anxiety tend to be symptoms of PMS and difficult
menstrual cycles, and fennel could help to relieve them.

Indications: Anti-anxiety inhalers, topical or inhaled PMS blends, diffusion during

anxious times.


Topical antifungals are a big over-the-counter market, yet not all are effective.
Fennel essential oil provides a potential alternative, with excellent antifungal
actions. From a 2015 in vitro study,

With better antifungal activity than the commonly used antifungal agents and less
possibility of inducing drug resistance, fennel seed essential oil could be used as a
potential antidermatophytic agent.

Inhibiting fungal growth in the form of athlete’s foot or other topical infections,
or even just in the home environment, can be difficult. This puts fennel among
potential protective and healing sources for combating fungal issues.

Indications: Diluted into topical applications and foot soaks for antifungal treatments.


A 2014 study published in the Veterinary Medicine Journal evaluated what the
research literature had to report about galactogogues (substances used to induce,
maintain, and increase milk production) in both in humans and animals and
found the whole herb anise and fennel to be the most potent; estragole’s strong
estrogenic activity may play a role in the success of these herbal preparations in
helping to stimulate milk production. (More on the potential effects of estragole

In a special section about fennel, the authors of this article state, “The first report
of its galactagogue properties was by a Greek botanist Pedanius Dioscorides
(40–90 A.D)…It has been used as a galactogogue in humans and no adverse
effects have been reported yet… F. vulgare has been used as an estrogenic
agent for centuries. It has been reported to increase milk secretion, improve
the reproductive cyclicity, facilitate birth, and increase libido. It contains E2-like
molecules, such as anethole and estragole.”

While fennel essential oil lacks other milk-stimulating components the herb
has, we have seen strong anecdotal evidence of it’s ability as a galactogogue.
Personally, Mama Z can attest to fennel’s ability to stimulate breast milk and
so can the dozens of women we’ve coached from low to normal-to-high milk
production throughout the years.

Indications: Applying a highly diluted blend of basil and fennel oil around the breasts
into the armpit regions has done wonders for our friends, family and clients.

Unfortunately, there has been little research to prove this and it remains a
controversial topic in the essential oil community. Many Aromatherapists believe
that au naturel is always best. Meaning this: once baby enters the world and
has been checked to make sure that everything is ok, the only things that are
needed is skin-on-skin time with Mama, immediate nursing, and nothing else. No
oils, no creams, nothing. Just Mama and baby. A connection needs to be made
between the two, and a primary component is through the sense of smell; which
is profound sensitive from birth.

A Parent’s Magazine editorial covers this topic well, and here are some key
takeaway from their article.

⚫ According to Lise Eliot, Ph.D. the sense of smell starts in the womb as baby
can detect odors from the foods you eat and aromas you inhale through your
amniotic fluid.
⚫ Subsequently, breastfed babies can even “sniff out” Mom sooner than bottle-
fed babies because they are held close to her body more often.
⚫ Research actually suggests that, shortly after she arrives, baby can recognize
the comforting scent that emanates from their mother’s breasts, underarms,
and even beauty products because of her keen sense of smell.

Because of this keen sense of smell, many Aromatherapists passionately

recommend that Mama shouldn’t use essential oils or scented body care
products for the weeks postpartum – to give baby the time to experience the
world and not overload the senses.

To this point, I feel it’s important to mention that should put things into proper
perspective. Moms across the nation regularly wear deodorant, perfume, use
aerosols, burn scented candles and bring their baby to places that are filled with
fragrances. It’s impossible to avoid artificial or natural fragrances.

In fact, Marcia Levin Pelchat, Ph.D., a sensory psychologist at the Monell Chemical
Senses Center, in Philadelphia. suggests exposing baby to a variety of scents,
and telling her what she’s smelling. Pelchat recommends placing safe household
items and objects underneath baby’s nose – “just be sure she doesn’t inhale
or touch irritating spices, such as wasabi, powdered mustard, chili powder, or
pepper, any of which can create a burning sensation in the back of her nose.” (8)

⚫ Aromatic flavorings and seasonings (vanilla extract, cinnamon, paprika)

⚫ Baby shampoo
⚫ Clean diapers
⚫ Coffee

⚫ Crayons
⚫ Flowers
⚫ Herbs
⚫ Leather shoes
⚫ Ripe fruit

We tend to avoid dangerous artificial fragrances, and use essential oils around
infants with caution and as-needed to address specific needs. Mama Z will use
essential oils in her nipple cream, but apply it immediately after a feeding to give
it time to absorb before the baby’s next feeding.

Essential Oil Composition

Fennel essential oil can be derived from the “aerial parts” (aboveground stems,
leaves, and flowers) or the seeds of the Foeniculum vulgare plant, and the seeds
are the primary part used in herbal and culinary preparations. Typically, the seed
is what is used for essential oils, as well.

Familiar compounds like alpha-pinene and limonene are found in fennel, but the
seeds contain varying – and usually significant – amounts of another compound
that we don’t see as often: estragole.


Estragole is a phytochemical compound found in essential oils like fennel,

tarragon, and basil. Interestingly, experts claim that estragole “is a naturally
occurring genotoxic carcinogen with a DNA potency similar to the one of safrole.”
This has led to much controversy, culminating in official statements by health

“…Exposure to [estragole] resulting from consumption of herbal medicinal

products (short time use in adults at recommended posology) does not pose a
significant cancer risk. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to define both
the nature and implications of the dose- response curve in rats at low levels
of exposure to [estragole]. In the meantime exposure of [estragole] to sensitive
groups such as young children, pregnant and breastfeeding women should be

So how do we balance that with our family’s use of fennel to help stimulate milk
supply? Well any concern about risks associated with fennel use (both herbal and
EO) seem to be correlated to long term use. So we focus on short term use to

help establish supply. With use for a couple weeks any potential risk is likely very

Note on Seizures & Hypertension

A 2011 case report tells the story of a women who, “Although she was under
antiepileptic treatment and had well-controlled epilepsy, she developed a typical
generalized tonic-clonic seizure and remained unconscious for 45 minutes
following ingestion of a number of cakes containing an unknown quantity of
fennel essential oil.” Because of this, the researchers concluded that, “This
reported case recalls the fact that fennel essential oil can induce seizures and
that this oil should probably be avoided by patients with epilepsy.”

There are several epidemiological reasons why this conclusion is false and is out
of the scope of this article to cover each one, but I’ll leave you with this thought:
just because fennel oil was a common ingredient in the cakes that this woman
ate, it does not prove that fennel was the cause. This is a classic statistics blunder
that many make. “Correlation does not imply causation,” because there are
countless other variables that not being considered (diet, environmental triggers,
medicines, other ingredients, and etc.).

This is also a tough one for me to figure out because there’s virtually no research
on this. Nonetheless, virtually every blog that I see on the topic states that fennel
is contraindicated for epileptics and people prone to seizures.

According to Aromatherapist Lauren Bridges, a mother of an epileptic child, this

issue has become convoluted by myths and jumping to conclusions prematurely.

“Long story short, a lot of the seizure lists floating around the internet are not
accurate nor real pictures of the risks and threats. None of them seemingly
account for species or chemotype, which makes a difference in this matter. As
far as a list of oils with convulsant properties, I would check essential oils safety
expert Robert Tisserand’s work, but with the understanding that this list can
no way give a complete risk profile because of the nature of epilepsy an other
seizure disorders.”

Same message applies to hypertension. According to Tisserand “I believe that

there is no case for contraindicating any essential oil in someone with high blood
pressure. As well as closely examining the evidence above, I also refer to more
recent research, which confirms that the four “Valnet oils” present no risk. The
lack of compelling evidence is reason enough to let go of this chimera.”

If these are areas of concern for you, please contact your physician before using

Best Ways to Use Fennel

Fennel remains an important digestive substance in spite of safety concerns.
When used in appropriate aromatherapy doses and for the appropriate
circumstances, it remains beneficial. Remember:

⚫ Seizure disorders are contraindicated for some although Tisserand does

not directly contraindicate fennel for seizures. Remember that levels of
sensitivity vary from person to person.
⚫ One drop diluted into a lipid should be plenty for a full culinary recipe
⚫ Safety is established for inhalation, topical use, and small, diluted amounts
⚫ Don’t exceed or override cautions without a trained and certified

These precautions can be considered for the other estragole-heavy essential oils,
including anise and tarragon, so that you can feel confident enjoying their health
and wellness benefits. Some of the best ways to include fennel essential oil uses:

⚫ Topical antifungal treatments with anise diluted into a carrier oil for topical
⚫ Bath salts mixed with a topical dilution used periodically as a foot soak
⚫ Topical sprays are also beneficial for applying the treatment without
leaving the skin to a moist, fungi-inviting environment
⚫ Relieve PMS cramping and anxiety with a topical massage of anise and
clary sage
⚫ Add a drop or two of fennel to full recipes for digestive assistance


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Not just a pretty floral scent, geranium essential oil benefits the mind and body
in a myriad of ways from wound healing to skin soothing. Floral essential oils
are most familiar to us when we think of essential oils and aromatherapy. It’s
not surprising, since the aromatherapy and perfumery industries – arts, really
– are so closely intertwined. But the medicinal uses of geranium shouldn’t be

Essential Oil Profile for Geranium

While the scent of geranium essential oil is floral, the oil itself is distilled from
the leaves of the Pelargonium graveolens plant. It is native to South Africa and has
since been cultivated further north into Middle Eastern and Asian countries.

While the Latin name usually gives us clarity as to what kind of oil we have,
geranium is a bit trickier. The strains of Pelargonium graveolens aren’t necessarily
indicated by those two names; the strain and location of growth can make a
huge impact on the chemical composition of the oil in spite of sharing the name
P. graveolens.

For the most part, with trusted suppliers, we can tell based on the common
name – this is not the norm for other oils. Geranium Bourbon is grown in
a specific region and is mostly used for fragrances rather than therapeutic
purposes. Rose Geranium is ever-so-slightly ‘rosy’ smelling.

If your supplier provides the GC/MS evaluation for their oils, look for something
with at least the compounds geraniol, linalool, and citronella – again,
remembering that a trusted supplier is important. Any of these compounds can
be synthesized for affordability in spite of lessened quality!

5 Geranium Essential Oil Uses
Geranium essential oil is a powerful therapeutic oil that is also relatively gentle
and safe, used primarily in inhaled and topical application methods. Add it to
your diffuser or topical blend to enjoy the following healing benefits.


There is something incredible about the way the brain responds to scents. Think
about scent-memory and the way a familiar smell can transport you back to
another time and place. Similar reactions work together to make aromatherapy
well-suited to relaxation, and some oils are specifically beneficial in relieving
anxiety which is one of the great geranium essential oil benefits.

Geranium is one such oil, and its anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) actions are
demonstrated well in the 2015 study published in Journal of Caring Sciences,
analyzing geranium essential oil used in labor.

The researchers used a rose geranium variety diluted and dropped onto some of
the participants’ collar as a personal inhalation method. During the heavy work
and high anxiety of active labor, those with geranium had improved in not only
reported anxiety levels but in blood pressure, too.

Indications: Diffuse for a calming effect in the whole room; use personal inhalation
methods for relief of acute anxiety. Blend with other calming oils like lavender and
sweet orange.


The discovery of antibiotics saved lives, but the modern overuse of antibiotics
risks them. As bacteria become more and more resistant to traditional
treatments, the varied abilities of antibacterial essential oils become vital.

Geranium is an excellent choice for antibacterial use in wound healing, thanks

to its gentle nature that’s not likely to cause sensitization. A 2014 in vitro study
demonstrated this benefit, declaring geranium essential oil to be “an effective
component of therapy” especially when infections were recurrent and resistant.

Of course, you’ll want to beat your wounds to the punch and treat them before
becoming infected or in need of a physician’s attention. Including geranium in
your wound-healing salves and sprays can help!

Indications: Scratch/Bite healing sprays, topical balms, creams, and salves.


Environmental toxins, stress, and other disrupting factors leave their mark on the
body by way of oxidative damage or oxidative stress. This is a cellular problem
that can manifest in anything from visible signs of aging to the development
of cancer. Antioxidant substances work against that damage by seeking it out,
eliminating the source, and repairing the cell structure.

Geranium’s antioxidant capacity contributes to its traditional uses, demonstrated

in a 2013 study. The oxidative damage targeted in this study was infertility, and
mice were used as an observational platform.

After administration of geranium essential oil, the oxidative damage was healed
enough that sperm motility improved. While this tells us little in terms of how
to use the oil for infertility, it gives us a picture of how far-reaching antioxidant
benefits extend and, yet again, how traditional uses are so frequently validated
by science.

Indications: Topical applications for massage blends.


Fungal infestations can manifest in both topical and systemic ways, as well as
in our homes. Geranium is named among antifungal essential oils that can be
active as both a vapor or a direct contact application.

Among ten essential oils chosen for evaluation as potential antifungal properties,
geranium was listed in the group that inhibited all of the strains of fungi the
researchers checked. It is clearly a versatile oil that can inhibit microbes in all
areas of our lives.

Indications: Cleaners, diffusion, and topical preparations to inhibit the growth of fungi
in its various forms.


To add to the wound healing benefits geranium exhibits, it is also an anti-

inflammatory agent. Inflammation itself is a normal and even beneficial process
of the immune system, but in excess it can be painful and problematic.

The researchers used a mouse model to test their application, using geranium
essential oil topically for swelling. As suspected, parts that were in contact with
the oil preparation saw significant reduction of swelling. Geranium’s combination
of actions gives you a multifaceted approach to wound care.

Indications: Anti-inflammatory sprays and salves, massage oils.

Great Essential Oils to Blend w/ Geranium

One of the geranium essential oil uses include that it blends well with oils that
share its properties, so keep that in mind when playing with combinations and

⚫ Antianxiety: lavender, bergamot, rose, chamomile

⚫ Antimicrobial: citrus, thyme, clove
⚫ Healing: lavender, lemongrass, tea tree

Geranium has a heavy scent, so lightening it up with citrus and herbaceous oils
can make an enjoyable and effective combination.


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Lavender essential oil benefits are some of the safest and most versatile natural
remedies on the planet. While the millennia have used lavender based on
tradition and ancient wisdom, modern science is only just now discovering the
mechanisms of lavender’s benefits and its rich health benefits.

5 Lavender Essential Oil Benefits

Since antiquity, the precious herb has been documented in medicinal and
religious uses, from ancient texts through modern movements.

Beginning with Egyptian mummification, it moved to Roman bathhouses,

fragrance, and cooking. In modern times, lavender essential oil has been credited
as the healing solution that Gattefosse instinctively covered his burned arm with,
igniting a renewed interest in essential oils and inspiring the term aromatherapy.
That lavender has stood the test of time, inspiring interest in so many eras,
cultures, and generations, is a testament to the varied and effective capabilities it

To scratch the surface of its capabilities, let’s look at the top 5 properties that
lavender essential oil benefits brings to the table – a table riddled with health


A recurring theme in any natural health discussion, antioxidants are, in effect,

the super healers that our culture needs. The free radicals created by toxins,
pollutants, chemicals, and even stress are the culprits for a cascade of cellular
damage, immune inhibition, and limitless health risks – including chronic illness
and cancer.

If free radicals are the villain, antioxidants are the hero.

The body itself creates antioxidants in the form of the enzymes glutathione
peroxidase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), among
others. But we expose our bodies to an onslaught of free radicals and drain our
bodies in sedentary lifestyles, so our natural production is not always sufficient.

We’ve already seen some super antioxidants, like clove essential oil, and lavender
joins the ranks as a powerful natural antioxidant support. Not long ago, Chinese
researchers observed that lavender essential oil would attenuate all three major
antioxidant enzyme levels in mice within the first day of treatment.

In Romania, researchers noted similar activity using inhaled lavender for an

hour each day and, according to the study, “Taken together, our results suggest
that antioxidant and antiapoptotic activities of the lavender essential oils are the
major mechanisms for their potent neuroprotective effects against scopolamine-
induced oxidative stress in the rat brain.” Tap into this power by including lavender
essential oil into your diffuser blends on a regular basis.


Tunisian traditional medicine utilizes lavender, grown in their region, as a remedy

and health support. In 2014, local scientists released the results of a study they
had conducted to determine how this traditional remedy actually works. Their
findings were fascinating.

The researchers established a 15-day study of diabetic rats, during which

lavender essential oil was used as a treatment. The lavender treatment protected
against all of the following, each one a hallmark of the diabetic illness:

⚫ Blood glucose increases

⚫ Metabolic illness
⚫ Weight gain
⚫ Depletion of antioxidants
⚫ Liver and kidney dysfunction and lipoperoxidation

The presence of unmitigated free radicals, the depletion of antioxidants and liver
and kidney function, the descent into metabolic illness and weight gain – all are
components of diabetes as an illness. Potent antioxidants like lavender essential
oil are allies in the pursuit of long term health, and this study underscored its

There are other essential oils for diabetes if you are struggling with this in your
life. With more research and concrete answers, perhaps one day lavender
essential oil and other natural treatments will be the standard for diabetic
prevention and relief!


While Tunisian researchers were analyzing metabolic health, lavender was taking
center stage in published neurological research, and for similar reasons – to
confirm longstanding traditional use. Lavender essential oil has long been used
for stress, headaches, depression and anxiety, which all fall under the umbrella
of neurological conditions.

Just as confirmation of diabetic and metabolic support was uncovered in 2014,

lavender’s neuroprotective abilities were confirmed time and again in 2012 – the
year of the lavender! In other words, science and history are slowly but surely
meeting on common ground.

A full literature review made its way to the International Journal of Psychiatry in
Clinical Practice in 2010, confirming lavender oil’s efficacy over the breadth of
seven separate trials. A lavender essential oil capsule under the name Silexan
was shown to consistently relieve symptoms such as sleep disturbance, anxiety,
and improve the quality of life of those with these conditions. What’s more, no
one reported side effects, interactions, or withdrawal symptoms. If you’ve ever
encountered pharmaceutical use for these conditions, you know how incredible
that statement is!

Lavender’s neuro-heroics don’t stop with sleep. Research confirms time and
again its incredible properties.

⚫ A 2012 study conducted in Germany demonstrated the restorative

benefits of inhaled lavender essential oil vapor. With 60 minutes a day
inhaled by patients with dementia, lavender was shown to prevent
scopolamine-induced oxidative stress.
⚫ The same study took Post Traumatic Stress Disorder into consideration,
as well, finding significantly improved sleep, moods and health, as well as
reduced depression in individuals who were plagued with PTSD.
⚫ In the same year, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practices published
a control study that highlighted the benefits of lavender for postpartum
women. Twenty-eight women at high risk for postpartum depression
found lessened anxiety and depression symptoms under a four week
lavender aromatherapy treatment plan.
⚫ Finally, in 2012, Molecules took a different neurological route when they
published the theory that lavender may be a treatment worth considering
for stroke. Yes, you read that right! According to the murine study, “In
comparison with the model group, treatment with lavender oil significantly
decreased neurological deficit scores, infarct size, the levels of [free
radical], and attenuated neuronal damage [and antioxidants].”


As much as lavender has been inhaled for neurological health, it has been
utilized as an antimicrobial protectant against infections and disorders. Nearly
one hundred studies have been conducted and published on this topic,
confirming repeatedly what history has known to be true.

Generational wisdom has rarely used oils singly when treating infectious illness.
The combination of oils creates a synergistic reaction, maximizing each oil’s
potential. This has been validated with science.

Scientists from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa found that
75.6% of the forty-five blends they attempted produced favorable results.
Of the blends used for this in vitro trial, the lavender-cinnamon and lavender-
orange mixtures were the most powerful. Candida albicans and Staph aureus
were susceptible to a 1:1 ratio of these oils, both frequent causes of topical and
respiratory illness.


Those antimicrobial and antioxidant components come full circle in this last –
and certainly not least – major benefit of lavender essential oil.

Particularly when mixed with a soothing carrier oil like aloe or coconut – 10 drops
per 1 ounce – lavender essential oil is highly effective against sunburns, dry skin,
minor scrapes and cuts, and canker sores. Even some immediate-type allergic
reactions may be mitigated with lavender according to this rat study!

As part of a calming, soothing skin salve for daily use, lavender oil blends well
with sandalwood essential oil. Try incorporating lavender into relaxing bath
bombs you make yourself!

Lavender & Working Memory

As we’ve already seen, lavender essential oil can possibly help protect people
with dementia from oxidative stress. However, we need to remember that
lavender is so calming, that it can affect “working memory.” This doesn’t mean
that lavender will make people stupid, it’s just that you don’t want to be diffusing
lavender while taking an important test or doing work at the office when you
need to focus; especially if you have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease!

Over 140 participants were gathered for the study conducted by University of
Northumbria, Newcastle. Aromatherapy including rosemary and lavender, as
well as a control group were utilized to affect cognitive performance.

⚫ Regarding lavender and it’s calming abilities, “lavender produced a

significant decrement in performance of working memory, and impaired
reaction times for both memory and attention based tasks.”
⚫ On the other hand, as a memory stimulant, “rosemary produced a
significant enhancement of performance for overall quality of memory and
secondary memory factors.”

In other words, lavender made participants feel relaxed and complacent, while
rosemary increased alertness and provoked memory retention.

A Note About Estrogen & Lavender

The only reason why we’re even having this discussion is because of a poorly
researched 2007 New England Journal of Medicine article titled, “Prepubertal
Gynecomastia Linked to Lavender and Tea Tree Oils.” The long and the short
of it is that three boys obscurely developed idiopathic cases of prepubertal
gynecomastia (when boys experience enlarged, tender breast buds) for a short
period of time (1 – 5 months).

It was determined that all three patients were using either a shampoo, lotion,
soap or balm that included lavender oil and Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree)
oil as ingredients. The researchers extrapolated that these essential oils were
“estrogenic” based off of a preliminary in vitro evaluation. In their words, “On the
basis of the three case reports and the in vitro studies, we suspect that repeated
topical application of over-the-counter products containing lavender oil or tea
tree oil was the cause of gynecomastia in the three patients.” It is likely that the
plastic used with the essential oils leeched estrogenic materials, making the
results of this study flawed. See more about how we evaluate studies about
essential oils.

There are several epidemiological reasons why this conclusion is false and is out
of the scope of this article to cover each one, but I’ll leave you with this thought:
just because lavender and tea tree oils were two common ingredients in the
products that these three boys were using, it does not prove that they were the
cause. This is a classic statistics blunder that many make. “Correlation does not
imply causation,” because there are countless other variables that not being
considered (diet, environmental triggers, medicines, and etc.).

Suffice it to say that essential oils safety expert Robert Tisserand emphatically
states that, “Lavender oil does not mimic estrogen nor does it enhance the
body’s own estrogens. It is therefore not a ‘hormone disruptor’, cannot cause
breast growth in young boys (or girls of any age), and is safe to use by anyone
at risk for estrogen-dependent cancer.” And Tisserand’s conclusion has been
supported by more recent research.

In 2013, for instance, the International Journal of Toxicology published a study

confirming that lavender is not estrogenic, at least in female rats. Whether it
is for humans remains to be seen, but there is literally no research to prove


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Warming & sweet, marjoram essential oil benefits pack a wonderful, curative
punch. We think of it as a culinary herb, but there are powerful health benefits as

The History of Marjoram Essential Oil Uses

If you recall, oregano essential oil is derived from the Origanum vulgaris culinary
herb. Sweet marjoram – Origanum majorana – is a close cousin. Also a culinary
herb, marjoram shares similarities with oregano, but also has some marked

Both plants are native to the Mediterranean, and marjoram quickly stood out for
its restorative benefits. In Greek history, marjoram was a symbol of happiness,
called “the joy of the mountains.” It was used in momentous ceremonies
during life, such as weddings, as well as during death, such as a sign of post-life
happiness when found growing on a grave.

The whole herb was used extensively for healing, body pain and headache relief,
and digestive relief. If each plant and oil has a theme – citrus for energy and
revitalization, tea tree for microbes, peppermint for healing the gut – marjoram’s
is that of relief.

Because marjoram essential oil benefits can include being used as an

emmenagogue, stimulating blood flow in the pelvic area, historic cautions say
it should be used when pregnant with caution. In various other stages of life,
however, marjoram essential oil uses make it a must-have for its soothing and
curative effects.

4 Marjoram Essential Oil Benefits
There are actually two oils referred to as marjoram – sweet marjoram (Origanum
majorana) and Spanish marjoram (Thymus mastichina). It’s sweet marjoram
essential oil uses that we’ll focus on today. Here are four ways marjoram oil has
surprised me.


Long known to be a pain reliever, marjoram has traditionally been a go to for

muscle aches and pains or other generalized soreness. The essential oil makes
this especially accessible, easily added to massages or baths, improving their
already-soothing effects.

To test the oil on a more specific kind of pain, marjoram oil was added to a small
blend of oils and diluted into a cream to be tested via randomized, double blind,
clinical trial. The control group used a synthetic scent. When massaged onto the
abdomen during a painful bout of dysmenorrhea, the analgesic effects of the oils
combined together to help the test group find relief.

The oils used for the trial were simply lavender, clary sage, and marjoram.

Application: Dilute into a carrier or DIY cream blend with other soothing oils, or
simply dilute and use as a single. Massage onto areas experiencing pain.


The internal effects of essential oils are of great interest for researchers,
wondering just how they work and what they do after we inhale, apply, or ingest
an oil. Because the research process exists in steps – from exploring the validity
of an idea before even bringing it to the lab to testing in vitro in petri dishes and
mice and rats to finally observing controlled groups of people.

It was an in vitro study on marjoram essential oil that found a potential for the
protective benefits of the oil.

The study in question observed the effects of diluted, internal marjoram against
outwardly-unseen damage inflicted by a strong medication. After 28 days, the
internal system showed a great deal of improvement both restorative and

While marjoram isn’t used extensively as an internal oil beyond culinary use, its
potential protective effects can certainly be maximized when used in times of

Application: Use in culinary preparations and sparingly in diluted internal

preparations. Work with an aromatherapist and your doctor to use marjoram oil and
potentially other essential oils as a protective measure when taking potentially toxic
medications, working around toxic fumes and chemicals, or other cases that put an
extra load of work on the liver.


This may sound like a repeat of the previous benefit, but there is a significant
difference between protection from medicinal damage and protection or
prevention against a specific illness. The chemopreventive potential that
marjoram displays fits nicely with our understanding of other protective culinary

It makes you think – God must have made all of these herbs to taste and smell so
good that we would use them to guard our bodies against harsh meals!

Marjoram joins a long line of essential oils stepping forward in the literature with
promising anti-cancer results. As with all cases of cancer prevention, we must
realize that the research is still in development and that we can’t know what hard
and fast rule there is to making sure we don’t get cancer.

Still, we can include them as part of our daily routines and know that we’re doing
all we can to make our bodies uninhabitable for cancer!

Application: A drop or two diluted and mixed into recipes for a flavorful and
restorative meal.


When searching for a curative or healing essential oil, the action antioxidant is
one to prioritize. The way that an antioxidant literally seeks out damaged cells for
restoration is endlessly fascinating and can be incredibly curative.

Marjoram essential oil’s antioxidant abilities have been studied with very
promising results. In a 2011 publication, the researchers said that we can
“conclude that the marjoram EO has a significant potential to be used as a natural
antioxidant and anti-AChE.”

That last term refers to neurotransmission linked with Alzheimer’s disease –
much like the benefits we see with lemon balm essential oil – and opens another
group of exciting questions about marjoram for further study.

Application: Aside from the benefits of diffusion and inhalation, antioxidants are
excellent skin healers. Include in DIY body care products to battle the effects of time
and sun damage.

Marjoram Blends & Companion Oils

As a fresh, herbaceous scent, marjoram essential oil uses include pairing it with
citrus, mints, and just about anything you can think of. Experiment with blends
like these to enjoy complementary benefits – not to mention create one of a kind

⚫ Topical: Dilute into a rich carrier oil and blend with oils like bergamot,
lavender, rosemary, peppermint, and chamomile.
⚫ Diffusion: Add a drop of marjoram with a drop each of orange, lemon, and
⚫ Culinary: Cook with a drop of essential oil to flavor a full recipe – try with
other culinary flavors like oregano, thyme, and basil.


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Distilled from the blossoms of orange trees, sweet-smelling neroli essential oil
has benefits that many natural remedies cannot match!

Bitter Orange Blossom

In our grocery store society, we are used to seeing just one part of a plant as
edible – the vegetable or fruit. But our flowers, vegetables, trees, and shrubs
have so much more to offer!

We know that essential oils can be taken from multiple parts of some plants, and
neroli essential oil is an excellent example – it comes from Citrus aurantium, just
as bitter, or sweet orange essential oil, but the chemical composition is quite

In fact, an analysis of each found that there were more than twice as many
compounds in the essential oil found in orange blossoms than there were in the
peel. One of the reasons for this is because orange oil is cold pressed from the
peel, whereas neroli essential oil is distilled from the blossoms.

The blossoms that are harvested to create neroli essential oil would otherwise
have become oranges, and it takes a significant amount of them to make the oil
(the supplier Mountain Rose Herbs indicates 100 lbs. of blossoms to make 1 lb.
of oil!). These factors alone justify neroli essential oil as a rather pricey oil. But
demand for essential oils is high, so adulteration is a common problem.

It is difficult to know whether an oil has been cut with cheaper oils, additives, or
scents. The best we can do is choose reputable manufacturers who are willing to
be transparent about their production methods, batch analyses, and sourcing.

5 Benefits of Neroli Essential Oil
When you see Citrus on a bottle of neroli essential oil, don’t mistake it for the
same old orange oil. I love orange oil as much as the next person, but when
you pay a pretty penny to enjoy the luxury of neroli essential oil, you treat it like
something special!


There’s a reason people go through the trouble of harvesting specific blossoms

at a specific time to make an oil – traditionally infused or hydrosol, more recently
distilled for concentrated essential oils. It’s completely worth the effort!

Neroli oil was recently tested in the lab to isolate its compounds and determine
why it has been used to combat painful inflammation. Although not every
traditional use is verified in the lab, we have seen over and over again that many
of them are. In this case, researchers came to the following conclusion:

The results suggest that neroli possesses biologically active constituent(s) that have
significant activity against acute and especially chronic inflammation, and have
central and peripheral antinociceptive effects which support the ethnomedicinal
claims of the use of the plant in the management of pain and inflammation.

Some of the compounds in neroli are able to target the inflammatory process,
so neroli would be worth the investment if you are struggling against chronic
inflammation and painful conditions.

Applications: Massage oil, topical pain ointment.


Not every woman struggles heavily with menopause, but for those who do, the
effects can be debilitating. For others, it can be disruptive and unpleasant – and
who has time for that?

According to the ACOG, most women will spend 40% of their lives in menopause
or post-menopausal, and while the slight majority of women do nothing for
symptoms, an estimated 38 million hormone replacement drugs were prescribed
in 2010.

In 2014, Korean researchers focused on neroli essential oil’s impact on the
symptoms of menopause, with good results. Just by inhalation, neroli was found
to have a positive impact on:

⚫ Stress relief
⚫ Sexual desire
⚫ Blood pressure

Personal inhalers are simple and use very little oil, making neroli a worthwhile
investment for anyone dealing with unpleasant symptoms of menopause. While
hormone replacement therapy is sometimes necessary, some symptoms may be
controlled with the simple addition of this invaluable essential oil.

Applications: Room diffusion and personal inhalers.


It seems menopausal and post-menopausal women aren’t the only ones who
benefit from neroli’s antihypertensive effects. In another study conducted by
Korean scientists, neroli was combined with other calming essential oils for
evaluation in control groups.

There were 83 participants, all of whom had high blood pressure or pre-high
blood pressure, and the group was divided into three sections: no treatment; a
placebo fragrance; and a blend of lavender, neroli, ylang ylang, and marjoram.
After inhalation only, the test group had improved cortisol (stress) markers as
well as lower blood pressure.

High blood pressure is a potentially dangerous condition that should be treated

promptly upon discovery, but for most cases, lifestyle changes will come first.
Especially when stress has contributed to elevated blood pressure, including
stress relieving oils like neroli can be an important and effective lifestyle change.


Such prominent effects on stress indicate some kind of action in the brain.
Traditional uses of the blossom include anticonvulsants and anti-seizure
treatments, so researchers in 2014 analyzed whether the essential oil itself had
any of these actions.

The studies were conducted on mice, so the results are preliminary and don’t
indicate any kind of replacement for current treatments. However, they were
able to trace and replicate anticonvulsant activity in neroli essential oil. (6)

Until we know more about how this might impact future approaches in medicine,
we can acknowledge the overall protective effect that neroli seems to have for
brain and mental health and wellness.

Applications: Diffusion, inclusion in calming blends.


A few years age, eight essential oils for stomach health were analyzed for
their effects on gut dysbiosis (bacterial imbalance). The findings included
caraway, lavender, and neroli as stand-out examples of essential oils that
would harmonize well with the beneficial bacteria in the body. These studies
demonstrate the excellent ability that these essential oils have to affect
detrimental bacteria while remaining gentle on the body and beneficial strains. In
addition, neroli is superbly helpful for a number of health conditions.

Applications: Massage oil, topical ointment.

Calming Oils to Blend with Neroli

The best application for neroli seems to be diffusion or inhalation. It’s a light,
floral fragrance that blends well in many preparations. Try it with other relaxing,
focus, or anti-anxiety oils to create a calming, enjoyable fragrance:

⚫ Lavender
⚫ Orange
⚫ Geranium
⚫ Chamomile
⚫ Rose
⚫ Clary Sage

Choose 2-4 oils and blend 1-2 drops of each into a carrier oil, or one drop each
into an ultrasonic diffuser or personal inhaler.

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Rose essential oil benefits are as valuable as the product itself. Notororiously one
of the most expensive oils on the market, every drop is pure gold.

Healing Properties of Rose Oil

Roses are every bit as delightful and hopeful as they are depicted. Swedish chefs
have added rose hips to soup as a centuries-old delicacy. Rose flower water has
permeated culinary and folk medicine practice as long as we have had the ability
to distill it – over a thousand years!

“An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than
a cabbage, concludes that it makes a better soup.”
~ H.L. Mencken, A Book of Burlesques

Roses are so frequently associated with idealism. We wear rose-colored glasses

when we want to avoid the truth. A rosy disposition is unreasonably cheerful.
The idioms don’t originate with roses, of course – rose tinted glasses actually
helped roosters not to fight! – yet there they are, circling back to this lovely
flowering perennial family.

The scent of roses evoke memories and emotions associated with young love
and evening strolls through the garden. How many of us remember the first
time we ate a rose? I do. It was awkward and I was uncertain – flowers are
ornamental! Of course, you wouldn’t walk through a random garden (and
certainly not a nursery or flower shop!) to pick a rose for dinner, but the organic,
edible petals were pleasantly delicious. Why had I never done this before?

Later, rose essential oil hit my radar and I was fully hooked. You see, more
than their beautiful blossoms and sweet smell, roses are a life-giving source of
nutrients and healing.

Distilled from Rosa damascena petals, rose essential oil carries a myriad of
chemical compounds that bring wellness and healing to the body. Just some of
the properties include:

⚫ Citronellol – Known for its contribution to citronella, its most popular
feature is as an effective mosquito repellant.
⚫ Geraniol – the powerhouse phytochemical that makes geranium and
thyme so healing.
⚫ Citronellyl Acetate -This is where roses get their pleasant aroma, and is a
key component of beauty products and fragrances.
⚫ Nerol – Hops and lemongrass also boast this antibiotic with a gentle, sweet
⚫ Eugenol – Found most richly in clove essential oil, which is likely the most
powerful antioxidant substance in existence.
⚫ Farnesol – A safe and natural pesticide, farnesol is found in ylang ylang,
jasmine, and orange blossoms as well as rose essential oil.
⚫ Methyleugenol – A component of lemon balm and cinnamon, it has local
antiseptic and anesthetic effects.

With so many well-studied compounds contained in these delicate petals, it is

little wonder that rose is so beneficial! Rosa damascena reportedly contains the
most of these chemicals compared with other rose varieties, as well as a stronger

How wonderful is our God to place such rich and powerful healing effects in a
beautiful and fragrant package! With the most attractive flowers and fragrances
emerging as some of the most beneficial, just think of all the good that colorful,
fragrant, and beautiful fruits, vegetables, and edible flowers can impart in your
diet! The abundant life is a lovely one, and rose essential oil you experience it by
addressing these 3 health concerns.

1. Depression & Mood Support

The first example that comes to mind when describing rose essential oil’s effects
would be its interaction with depression. Imagine struggling against a dampened
mood, faltering mental state, or all out depression. Now place yourself in our
ancient ancestors’ shoes, with nature more readily accessible, and the wild sights
and sounds of flowers surround you. Are you drawn to the flowers? Do you
inhale the fragrance and take the moment in, a twinkle in your eye? Like magic,
some of that heavy load begins to life.

Better than magic, it’s science!

The draw to beautiful flowers and fragrances went under the figurative
microscope as published by the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical
Practice. Clinical tests of nearly thirty women in a postpartum stage of life
treated half of them with a rose and lavender oil aromatherapy treatment. They
followed this practice twice weekly for a month, while the control group did not.
Remarkably, postnatal depression was lessened in the rose group, as well as a
lower occurrence of anxiety!

Application: Place room diffuser by your bed, and enjoy 5 drops each of lavender
and rose essential oils before bed. Rest, and allow the therapeutic benefits to
work as you sleep.

2. Antimicrobial Benefits & Skin Health

Really, multiple components of rose essential oil make it ideal for skin
treatments. Chinese researchers in 2010 pinpointed an excellent reason to
include a few drops in DIY lotions and creams. In their studies, they found rose
essential oil to contain some of the most potent antibacterial effects out of ten
essential oils evaluated. After five minutes at just 0.25% dilution, rose essential
oil was able to completely destroy the bacteria that causes acne (P. acnes).

More evidence of rose’s benefits for the skin emerged from Germany, also in
2010, not for what it could eliminate but for what it could create. Researchers
explained that, “For substances applied in rose oil a clear relationship between their
lipophilic character, chemical structure, and skin permeation could be confirmed.”

In other words, rose helps to drive substances into your skin, increasing
permeability and carrying with it whatever it contains. For natural preparations,
this is an excellent trait. For toxin-laden commercial products that happen to
include Rosa damascena, you may be ushering the worst right into your body!

Application: Truly clear acne by dabbing one drop of diluted rose essential oil
onto blemishes when they arise, continuing three times a day until it is gone. For
safe application, use a sterile cotton swab, and dilute to .5% with a bit of coconut
oil or other preferred carrier oil.

3. Relaxation & Heightened Libido
Bringing rose oil home may be more romantic than the roses themselves. As
an effective anti-anxiety oil, stress and anxiety related sexual dysfunction may
be relieved with rose essential oil. According to a study published in the journal
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment that evaluated the effectiveness of various
treatments have on SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction (SSRI-I SD) for men with
major depressive disorder (MDD),

“This double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled clinical trial showed

that the administration of R. damascena oil ameliorates sexual dysfunction in
male patients suffering from both MDD and SSRI-I SD. Further, the symptoms of
depression reduced as sexual dysfunction improved!”

Application: Planning a lovely evening with your spouse? Use the bedside room
diffuser for two drops each of rose, sandalwood, jasmine and ylang-ylang. OR, to
take things up a notch, place the oils in almond or jojoba carrier oils and gift your
partner with a massage. The massage will be heightened by the healing, relaxing,
and sensual fragrances.


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Roman Chamomile
Roman chamomile essential oil benefits are profound and many prefer it to
other chamomile varieties for its power to help with anxiety, pain relief and
more! Let’s take a look and see what you think about this famous herb and it’s
healing oil…

Chamomile Throughout History

As flowering annuals and part of the daisy family, chamomile varieties actually
span multiple species. Depending on your location and background, you may
view German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilia) as the true chamomile and
Roman chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) as the variation, or vice versa.

Both species – as well as many subspecies and varieties – have been cultivated
and used throughout history, dating back to ancient Greeks and Romans. As
with many herbal plants, the fragrant draw of essential oil alerted the ancients to
the plants as the flowers or leaves were stepped on or brushed against and the
volatile oil released.

Whole Herb Uses

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center,

Traditionally, Roman chamomile has been used to treat nausea, vomiting,

heartburn, and gas. It is often used today to relieve anxiety. Used on the skin, it
may also reduce inflammation from cuts or hemorrhoids. It is sometimes used to
ease the discomfort from eczema and gingivitis (swollen gums).

Chamomile can be prepared as a tea, poultice, powder, extract, and essential oil.
Various preparations have been studied for their actions. For example, Roman
chamomile’s digestive prowess has been demonstrated in extract form, as
having an ability to lower blood sugar in rats and as a soothing and protective
gastrointestinal treatment.

Essential oil preparations contain specific compounds in greater amounts than
what’s in the whole herb, and won’t contain others that the whole preparation
does. Where research on Roman chamomile lacks, we can evaluate its
composition to verify traditional uses and guide modern applications.

5 Uses for Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

German chamomile essential oil is primarily comprised of sesquiterpenes and
oxides and is indicated for some basic digestive, inflammation- and pain-relieving

The uses for Roman chamomile oil tend to be a bit more varied. Its constituents
include a variety of isobutyl angelate, butyl angelate, camphene, borneol, pinene,
terpinene, and is indicated for more varied antiseptic protection, anxiety and
depression relief, antispasmodic and tonic actions, and more.

Here are the top uses for Roman chamomile essential oil as guided by the
literature, though as a rather safe essential oil, most traditional uses can be
considered worth attempting as well.


Stressful situations can often perpetuate themselves – as the situation becomes

more stressful, the body’s response might exacerbate problems, making it feel
even more stressful, and so on.

Hospitalization in an Intensive Care Unit can exhibit this cyclical problem, and
measures to relieve anxiety are being explored as a low-intervention way to
reduce this kind of acute anxiety, allowing patients to relax, sleep, and heal
during their treatment process.

A study published in the journal Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine gave ICU patients treatments with an aromatherapy blend of Roman
chamomile, neroli, and lavender. Thanks to the Roman chamomile essential oil
benefits, they were able to relax, combat anxiety, and get better sleep.

Indications: Inhalation for anxiety relief in stressful situations.


Medical stress on an entirely different level is demonstrated in long term care

and palliative care for chronically ill patients. This level of anxiety and depression
is less acute but just as difficult to overcome.

Back in 1999, as complementary therapies were really starting to pick up in

popularity, palliative care patients were found to have better quality of life when
massage was incorporated into their care. Then, when aromatherapy was added
to the massage via Roman chamomile essential oil, anxiety relief and both
physical and phsychological health were improved.

Indications: Aromatherapy massage and topical treatments for anxiety relief.


Roman chamomile essential oil benefits includes being used for anti-
inflammatory effects, which is well suited for wound healing. In one study,
Roman chamomile was included in a mixture of a variety of essential oils
and diluted into a cleanser or sitz bath. Then, mothers who had received an
episiotomy during birth used the treatments as part of their successful healing

The anti-inflammatory effects of the Roman chamomile essential oil benefits

no doubt contributed to the healing process that was demonstrated, as well as
antibacterial effects that helped to curb the risk of infection.

Indications: Healing balms, sprays, or baths


Analysis of essential oils of both German and Roman chamomiles indicates

strong antioxidant effects. Of the two, Roman chamomile contains significantly
higher antioxidant levels long-term as German chamomile is prone to quick
oxidation and has a shorter shelf-life.

Antioxidants scour the body on a cellular level to rejuvenate health and repair
damage. These levels make sense in light of traditional skin healing and digestive
wellness benefits, which can be affected by cell-level scavenging actions.

Indications: Digestive wellness, topical treatments for skin healing and rejuvenation.


The research regarding German and Roman Chamomile essential oil benefits for
digestion and gut health is lacking in the scientific literature. However, traditional
use suggests that science needs to play some catch up in this area.

One of the few studies I found reported on the topic examined a variety of
aromatherapy treatments offered to twenty-five patients suffering from nausea
in a hospice and palliative care program. Using a synergistic blend of Pimpinella
anisum (aniseed), Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce (sweet fennel), Anthemis nobilis
(Roman chamomile) and Mentha x piperita (peppermint) a majority of the patients
reported relief. While multiple treatment measures were in place, it was nice to
see essential oils being studied alongside other medical treatment options.


Chamomile oils are largely safe, with the caution that individuals with ragweed
allergy could react to all preparations of the plant.

Due to relaxing effects, chamomile preparations might interact poorly with

sedatives. Take caution with blood thinning medications, as well. As with any
medicinal compound, keep an open line of communication with your physician
and work with a professional aromatherapist whenever more specific and
intensive internal use is considered.

Roman Chamomile Preparations

Chamomile essential oils are versatile in preparation options, with plenty of ways
to utilize it in both daily use and special treatments. Try these applications to
maximize Roman chamomile’s specific actions.

⚫ Salves and lotions for skin rejuvenation

⚫ Balms, sprays, and sitz baths for healing acute topical conditions such as
hemorrhoids, wounds, and inflammation
⚫ Inhalation and diffusion to relieve stressful situations
⚫ Dilution into internal and culinary preparations for digestive protection

If you haven’t explored the benefits of Roman chamomile compared with

German chamomile, take the time to try it for its more intensive and varied

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Ylang Ylang
If frankincense is the King of Essential Oils, then ylang ylang essential oil benefits
make this his Queen! Simply put, the healing efficacy of this potent remedy
is absolutely remarkable and the research supporting therapeutic claims is
impressive. Ylang ylang oil is widely known and you will commonly find it in food,
body care and cleaning products.

Grades of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Scientifically referred to as Cananga odorata, this evergreen produces the
wonderfully fragrant blossoms that we distill to get the essential oil. Also
known as the “perfume tree,” it is native to tropical Asia – Philippines, Malaysia,
Indonesia, and islands of Indian Ocean.

Although steam distilled, the process required to extract ylang ylang oil is
interestingly similar to pressing olives for oil in that the essential oil is collected
at various stages of the process and graded. Through a method known as
fractional distillation (the separation of volatile components of different boiling
points in a mixture by the gradual increase of temperature and the separate
collection of each component) each successive collection of oil produces varying
grades containing a wide array of chemical constituents. This is something of an
anomaly in essential oil manufacturing, therefore, ylang ylang essential oil is sold
in various grades: Extra, 1, 2, 3, Complete.

⚫ Extra Grade: Regarded by many as containing the finest notes from the
distillation process, the first collection after an hour or two of steam
distillation. Contains roughly 30 different chemical constituents, it is
usually the most expensive.
⚫ Grade I – III: As the steam distillation process continues, essential oil
collections are taken every few hours, which make up less potent (and
expensive) oils in descending order: Grade I, then II and finally III.
⚫ Complete: Represents the whole distillate encompassing all the collections
from the entire distillation process. This synergy oil offers maximum
fragrance potency.

7 Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Benefits
Ylang ylang has had many uses in traditional medicine ranging from a skin tonic
to help relieve insect bite irritation to treating more serious health concerns like
malaria, asthma, gout, and digestive issues. Here are 7 that stand out:


This is a big one.

Inflammation is arguably one of the most destructive processes that can destroy
your health known today, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
have been introduced as the answer. Unfortunately, prolonged use has been
linked to, “Renal problems, gastrointestinal irritation, and even myocardial
infarction and strokes have been reported due to the prolonged use!”

Is there a solution?


⚫ Eating an anti-inflammatory diet

⚫ Practicing anti-inflammatory activities like deep breathing and meditation
⚫ Exercising regularly
⚫ Getting sound sleep
⚫ And using natural remedies like essential oils!

In a study evaluating the antioxidant properties of essential oils, ylang ylang

interestingly stood out as containing substantial anti-inflammatory properties.
Most likely due to its ability to calm the senses and stop anxiety in its tracks,
regular topical use is key to enjoying the anti-inflammatory therapeutic benefits
as is inhaling the volatile organic compounds via diffusion.


In a comprehensive study that appeared in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation

researchers evaluated whether inhaling ylang ylang essential oil in a closed room
for 20 minutes is an effective tool to lower blood pressure in healthy men. The
results were not only tested using the traditional blood pressure cuff but also
tested using a 12-lead EKG. The results show that there was a marked difference
between the control group and the test group.

More specifically, the ylang ylang oil group had significant decreases to both
their systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Further, the results of the 12-lead EKG
showed that the test subjects who inhaled ylang ylang oil experienced a slower
heart rate following the application.

If you’d like to take advantage of the heart healthy properties of ylang ylang, but
do not enjoy the aroma, don’t worry!

Research suggests that you’d be well served by blending ylang ylang oil with
others like lavender and lemon. Evidently, mixing with key oils help produce a
synergistic effect that produces reduced systolic blood pressure and sympathetic
nerve system activity via heart rate variability.

Application: To enjoy heart healthy benefits, add 3 drops ylang ylang, with 2 drops of
lavender and lemon into your diffuser and enjoy for at least 30 minutes!


In addition to the sedative properties mentioned above via inhalation, studies

also suggest that topical application is exceptionally calming as well. The
results of one 2006 study uncovered that simply massaging a 20% solution of
ylang ylang oil in sweet almond oil over the abdomen for 5 minutes resulted
in a “significant decrease of blood pressure and a significant increase of skin
temperature.” A rise in skin temperature, by the way, is an indication of muscle
relaxation and, therefore, a decrease in sympathetic nervous system function.

It is interesting to note that the study participants had their abdomen wrapped
with plastic film to prevent evaporation. In addition to these physical measures,
ylang ylang oil had a direct effect on their feelings and emotions: participants
reported more “calm,” “relaxed,”

Application: To enjoy the calming effects and to start your day on a stress-free note,
mix 2 drops of ylang ylang essential oils with 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil and
massage over abdomen first thing in the morning. Use just enough to cover the
skin and store until used completely. Note that while the study above used a higher
concentration, we recommend observing the dermal limit of 0.8%.


It has been well-established that terpenoid derivatives and flavonoids isolated

from the flower buds of C. odorata can reduce the effects of aldose reductase;
an enzyme that changes glucose to sorbitol. This is important because the
accumulation of intracellular sorbitol can lead to diabetes complications such as:

⚫ Cataracts
⚫ Diabetic neuropathy
⚫ Retinopathy
⚫ Nephropathy

Application: Try applying a 0.8% dilution over the abdomen twice a day for 2 weeks
and monitor results with physician.


Traditionally, ylang ylang has been used to treat bites, repel biting insects (like
mosquitos) and can also kill their eggs. One study revealed that a 10% dilution
serves as a potent egg control agent against these types of mosquitos: Aedes
aegypti, Anopheles dirus, and Culex quinquefasciatus.

That is significant as Aedes aegypti is a known carrier for the Zika virus.
Hopefully, essential oils will one day be on the forefront of the public health eye
as humanity faces emerging diseases spread by insects such as the Zika virus
where the best course of action is prevention. Note, the study did not mention
that ylang ylang oil could treat the Zika virus, simply that it kills the mosquito
eggs that spreads it.

Application: Apply ylang ylang oil to your homemade insect repellant and into your
DIY floor cleaner to proactively kill mosquito eggs.


Along with oregano, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, cinnamon oil and lemongrass, ylang
ylang essential oils has been shown to exhibit potent anti-biofilm activities.
Biofilm, the slimy film of bacteria that adheres to slick surfaces is becoming
more of a public health concern because of its role in infectious disease and
importance in a variety of device-related infections.

Biofilm formation of Staphylococcus aureus is also a mechanism of drug

resistance. Of 83 essential oils that were evaluated in a 2014 study published in

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, ylang ylang oil was a Top 3 performer,
destroying upwards of 80 % of the biofilm produced by S. aureus. The implication
is that ylang ylang may make a good home-based topical oil for protecting
against certain types of bacteria and potentially virus and other microbial

Application: Add ylang ylang to your favorite homemade dusting spray and all-
purpose cleaners!


Ending on a passionate note, you most likely know of ylang ylang as an

aphrodiasiac. But is this true?

Actually not really. Traditionally used to enhance sexual function, inhaling ylang
ylang oil is actually proven to reduce the anxiety related to sex. This is not to say
that our ancestors were misled in using it for sexual enhancement, but just that
there is little modern research to substantiate it.

Either way, using ylang ylang oil can help enhance your sexual experience, so I
give it a thumbs up!

Side Effects of Ylang Ylang

When 140 people were evaluated after smelling peppermint and ylang ylang
aroma, something interesting was discovered.

⚫ Peppermint was found to enhance memory

⚫ Ylang ylang impaired memory and lengthened processing speed.
⚫ Peppermint increased alertness
⚫ Ylang ylang decreased alertness
⚫ Additionally ylang ylang significantly increased calmness

What does this mean?

Well, the effects are not long-lasting so ylang ylang essential oil uses aren’t going
to make you stupid. However, I wouldn’t want it around me before taking an
important exam or when I’m about to speak in public!

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Cut-Out Recipe Card



For Infused Oil
M 1 cup organic olive oil
M ½ cup calendula flowers
M ½ cup chamomile flowers (optional)
For Cream
M ½ cup infused oil
M ½ cup organic cocoa butter
M 8 drops essential oils – suggestions: lavender essential oil,
chamomile essential oil

g Use a double boiler, or make one by setting a glass jar or mea-
suring cup in a medium pot with 1-2 inches of water. Bring the
water to boiling then turn down to med/med-high.
g Make the infused oil by putting the olive oil and flowers into a
double boiler and letting it heat on low for several hours. You
should see the oil slightly change color and take on the smell of
the herbs.
g Strain the flower pieces out of the oil.
g Melt together the infused oil and cocoa butter. If using, melt the
beeswax also.
g When melted, remove from heat and add essential oil.
g Store the cream in a sterilized glass jar. It should last for up to 6
months if not sitting in sunlight.
g Apply a thin layer to your dry nipples and areola between feed-
g For even more soothing benefits, cool the cream in your refrig-
erator before applying it.


g To have a super smooth balm, just use the infused oil.
g For a soft balm mix equal parts infused oil with cocoa butter.
g A harder balm can be made by adding more cocoa butter or (if
your baby is a bit older) unbleached beeswax. For the beeswax
try half the amount of oil you started with and adjust from there
to your liking.

Here are some suggestions of essential oils you can use diluted in a
carrier oil or in the homemade nipple cream.

● Clary sage – to start production (Mama Z starts at 36-38 weeks

pregnant and stops this mixture after birth)
● Chamomile, lavender geranium & tea tree – for comfort and
● Fennel, basil & lavender – to increase production
● Sage – to decrease production
● Lavender, tea tree, patchouli, orange – to stop or prevent

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 1 drop lemongrass essential oil
M 4 drops chamomile essential oil
M 5 drops frankincense essential oil
M 5 drops lavender essential oil
M 5 drops rose geranium essential oil
M Quality carrier oil or Mama Z’s oil Base
M 10 ml. roller vial

g Mix a blend of up to 20 drops total into a 10 ml. roller bottle and fill it
with a high-quality carrier oil of your choice.
g Apply to the base of your neck whenever you begin to feel anxious and
overwhelmed, and at bedtime to destress and calm your spirit. If you
practice prayer or meditation for health, this is a perfect blend to see
that you enter your sacred time with tranquility.


M 1 drop lemongrass essential oil
M 4 drops chamomile essential oil
M 5 drops frankincense essential oil
M 5 drops lavender essential oil
M 5 drops rose geranium essential oil
M Quality carrier oil or Mama Z’s oil Base
M 10 ml. roller vial

g Mix a blend of up to 20 drops total into a 10 ml. roller bottle and fill it
with a high-quality carrier oil of your choice.
g Apply to the base of your neck whenever you begin to feel anxious and
overwhelmed, and at bedtime to destress and calm your spirit. If you
practice prayer or meditation for health, this is a perfect blend to see
that you enter your sacred time with tranquility.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 2 Tbls. fractionated coconut oil M 1-2 drops essential oils

g Mix in a glass jar.
g Shake well.
g Keep Bedside and Voila!
g Use as much as desired prior too and during intimacy.
g Enjoy!

See Dr. Z’s Favorite Essential Oils for Sex: Boost Libido and Set the Mood Naturally for
some great oils to use in your natural lubricant. Oils like patchouli, sandalwood, or
rose might be good options.

Warning: Coconut oil as a lubricant may impact the effectiveness of condoms so

please be aware if going this route.


M 2 Tbls. fractionated coconut oil M 1-2 drops essential oils

g Mix in a glass jar.
g Shake well.
g Keep Bedside and Voila!
g Use as much as desired prior too and during intimacy.
g Enjoy!

See Dr. Z’s Favorite Essential Oils for Sex: Boost Libido and Set the Mood Naturally for
some great oils to use in your natural lubricant. Oils like patchouli, sandalwood, or
rose might be good options.

Warning: Coconut oil as a lubricant may impact the effectiveness of condoms so

please be aware if going this route.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 3 oz. of Mama Z’s oil base
M 2 drops of bergamot essential oil
M 2 drops of camphor essential oil
M 2 drops of lemon essential oil
M 2 drops of peppermint essential oil
M 2 drops of rosemary essential oil
M 4 oz. glass jar

g Once you have your Mama Z’s oil base ready, mix in the aloe and essential oils
until well blended.
g Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator and use every four hours as needed.
g Shake before each use as the ingredients may separate.
Notes: *One ounce of oil base = 2 tablespoons


M 3 oz. of Mama Z’s oil base
M 2 drops of bergamot essential oil
M 2 drops of camphor essential oil
M 2 drops of lemon essential oil
M 2 drops of peppermint essential oil
M 2 drops of rosemary essential oil
M 4 oz. glass jar

g Once you have your Mama Z’s oil base ready, mix in the aloe and essential oils
until well blended.
g Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator and use every four hours as needed.
g Shake before each use as the ingredients may separate.
Notes: *One ounce of oil base = 2 tablespoons

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 10 ml Evening primrose oil
M 2 drops clary sage oil
M 2 drops of frankincense oil
M 2 drops lavender oil
M 2 drops neroli oil
M 1 drop ylang ylang oil
M 10 ml roller bottle

g Put essential oils in a roller bottle and fill with evening primrose oil.
g Massage over the neck (thyroid) and along lower back/over kidneys
(adrenals) morning and night.


M 10 ml Evening primrose oil
M 2 drops clary sage oil
M 2 drops of frankincense oil
M 2 drops lavender oil
M 2 drops neroli oil
M 1 drop ylang ylang oil
M 10 ml roller bottle

g Put essential oils in a roller bottle and fill with evening primrose oil.
g Massage over the neck (thyroid) and along lower back/over kidneys
(adrenals) morning and night.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 2 drops lemon essential oil* M 4 drops cilantro essential oil
M 2 drops ginger essential oil M 4 drops black pepper essential oil
M 2 drops orange essential oil M Quality carrier oil
M 4 drops peppermint essential oil M 10 ml. roller vial

g Mix a blend of up to 20 drops total into a 10 ml. roller bottle and fill it with a
high-quality carrier oil of your choice.

Note: *Lemon essential oil is photoreactive and may cause sunburn if used on
exposed skin while spending significant time outdoors in bright sunlight. Use
this blend on the soles of your feet if your neck or the small of your back will be
exposed after application.


M 2 drops lemon essential oil* M 4 drops cilantro essential oil
M 2 drops ginger essential oil M 4 drops black pepper essential oil
M 2 drops orange essential oil M Quality carrier oil
M 4 drops peppermint essential oil M 10 ml. roller vial

g Mix a blend of up to 20 drops total into a 10 ml. roller bottle and fill it with a
high-quality carrier oil of your choice.

Note: *Lemon essential oil is photoreactive and may cause sunburn if used on
exposed skin while spending significant time outdoors in bright sunlight. Use
this blend on the soles of your feet if your neck or the small of your back will be
exposed after application.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 10-15 drops of essential oils for menopause*
M One ounce carrier oil of your choice.

g Mix essential oils with your choice of carrier oil in a glass container. Eve-
ning primrose is especially beneficial to help balance female hormones.
g Apply 2-3 times daily as needed.

*Use one or more of the following essential oils known to help with meno-
pause symptoms: lavender, clary sage, peppermint, basil, neroli, geranium,
or vitex agnus-castus.


M 10-15 drops of essential oils for menopause*
M One ounce carrier oil of your choice.

g Mix essential oils with your choice of carrier oil in a glass container. Eve-
ning primrose is especially beneficial to help balance female hormones.
g Apply 2-3 times daily as needed.

*Use one or more of the following essential oils known to help with meno-
pause symptoms: lavender, clary sage, peppermint, basil, neroli, geranium,
or vitex agnus-castus.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 10 drops of essential oils for menopause*
M 190 proof alcohol or vodka
M 2 oz. glass spray bottle

g Add 10 drops of essential oil in 2 tablespoons of 190 proof alcohol to two
ounce spray bottle.
g Fill the bottle the rest of the way with distilled water.
g Roll between your hands to mix thoroughly.
g Spray on your pillow before bed or in your room area when experiencing

*Use one or more of the following essential oils known to help with meno-
pause symptoms: lavender, clary sage, peppermint, basil, neroli, geranium, or
vitex agnus-castus.


M 10 drops of essential oils for menopause*
M 190 proof alcohol or vodka
M 2 oz. glass spray bottle

g Add 10 drops of essential oil in 2 tablespoons of 190 proof alcohol to two
ounce spray bottle.
g Fill the bottle the rest of the way with distilled water.
g Roll between your hands to mix thoroughly.
g Spray on your pillow before bed or in your room area when experiencing

*Use one or more of the following essential oils known to help with meno-
pause symptoms: lavender, clary sage, peppermint, basil, neroli, geranium, or
vitex agnus-castus.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 1 drop lemon essential oil M 1 drop lemon balm (Melissa)
M 1 drop bergamot essential oil essential oil
M 1 drop ylang ylang essential oil M Carrier oil of your choice
M 1 drop frankincense essential oil M 10 ml. roll-on bottle
M 1 drop lavender essential oil

g Add one drop of each essential oil for mood balance to your amber
glass roll-on bottle.
g Add your favorite carrier oil to fill the rest of the bottle and apply to
pulse points as needed.
g Mix the essential oils and carrier oil by rolling gently between your
palms to combine.
g Apply to pulse points whenever you need a pick-me-up.


M 1 drop lemon essential oil M 1 drop lemon balm (Melissa)
M 1 drop bergamot essential oil essential oil
M 1 drop ylang ylang essential oil M Carrier oil of your choice
M 1 drop frankincense essential oil M 10 ml. roll-on bottle
M 1 drop lavender essential oil

g Add one drop of each essential oil for mood balance to your amber
glass roll-on bottle.
g Add your favorite carrier oil to fill the rest of the bottle and apply to
pulse points as needed.
g Mix the essential oils and carrier oil by rolling gently between your
palms to combine.
g Apply to pulse points whenever you need a pick-me-up.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M Glass lotion bottle
M 2 oz. carrier oil of choice
M 20 drops orange essential oil
M 10 drops copaiba essential oil
M 10 drops frankincense essential oil
M 10 drops peppermint essential oil
M 5 drops wintergreen essential oil

g Mix essential oils into lotion bottle.
g Fill bottle with Mama Z’s oil base or your carrier oil of choice.
g Shake well.
g Massage into sore muscles and joints twice daily.


M Glass lotion bottle
M 2 oz. carrier oil of choice
M 20 drops orange essential oil
M 10 drops copaiba essential oil
M 10 drops frankincense essential oil
M 10 drops peppermint essential oil
M 5 drops wintergreen essential oil

g Mix essential oils into lotion bottle.
g Fill bottle with Mama Z’s oil base or your carrier oil of choice.
g Shake well.
g Massage into sore muscles and joints twice daily.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 10 ml. roller bottle
M 5 drops copaiba
M 3 drops sweet marjoram
M 3 drops basil (linalool chemotype)
M 3 drops frankincense
M Carrier oil (jojoba and fractionated coconut oil absorb quickly
and work best)

g Add essential oils to the glass roller bottle.
g Fill the remaining space in the roller bottle with your carrier oil of choice and
shake well.
g Apply over problem areas up to 2x daily at the onset of pain.


M 10 ml. roller bottle
M 5 drops copaiba
M 3 drops sweet marjoram
M 3 drops basil (linalool chemotype)
M 3 drops frankincense
M Carrier oil (jojoba and fractionated coconut oil absorb quickly
and work best)

g Add essential oils to the glass roller bottle.
g Fill the remaining space in the roller bottle with your carrier oil of choice and
shake well.
g Apply over problem areas up to 2x daily at the onset of pain.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 33 drops of lavender essential oil
M 17 drops of clary sage essential oil
M 50 drops of marjoram essential oil

g Combine around 10 drops of this mixture to a tablespoon of liquid castle
soap and add to your bath water. You can use it in your diffuser to help
relieve brain dog and emotional distress caused by PMS symptoms as well.
g For topical applications, add 6 drops of the PMS Relief Blend to 2 teaspoons
of a carrier oil, and massage over the abdomen, lower back, feet and ankles.
Reduced pain, increased energy and reduced anxiety will all make PMS
symptoms a little easier to cope with.


M 33 drops of lavender essential oil
M 17 drops of clary sage essential oil
M 50 drops of marjoram essential oil

g Combine around 10 drops of this mixture to a tablespoon of liquid castle
soap and add to your bath water. You can use it in your diffuser to help
relieve brain dog and emotional distress caused by PMS symptoms as well.
g For topical applications, add 6 drops of the PMS Relief Blend to 2 teaspoons
of a carrier oil, and massage over the abdomen, lower back, feet and ankles.
Reduced pain, increased energy and reduced anxiety will all make PMS
symptoms a little easier to cope with.

Chapter 1 - PMS & Menstrual Cramps

Chapter 2 - Sex & Libido


Chapter 4 - EO Pregnancy Myths

Aromatherapy for Health Professionals


Chapter 5 - Breastfeeding

Chapter 6 - Thyroid Disorders



Chapter 8 - Stress & Anxiety


Chapter 9 - Depression


Chapter 10 - Using Essential Oils for Pain


Chapter 11 - Insomnia & Poor Sleep



Chapter 12 - Menopause

Chapter 13 - What is Vaginal Atrophy?

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Chapter 14 - Anti-Aging Skincare

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Chapter 15 - Bergamot

Chapter 16 - Clary Sage

Chapter 17 - Fennel

Chapter 18 - Geranium

Chapter 19 - Lavender

Chapter 20 - Marjoram

Chapter 21 - Neroli

Chapter 22- Rose


Chapter 23 - Roman Chamomile


Chapter 24 - Ylang Ylang



About the Author
ERIC ZIELINSKI, D.C. has pioneered natural
living and biblical health education since
2003. Trained as an aromatherapist,
public health researcher, and chiroprac-
tor, Dr. Z started NaturalLivingFamily.com
alongside his wife Sabrina Ann in 2014
to help people learn how to use natural
remedies like essential oils safely and
effectively. Now visited by more than six
million natural health seekers every year,
it has rapidly become the #1 source for
Biblical Health and non-branded essential
oils education online.

Dr. Z is an accomplished researcher with

several publications, conference proceed-
ings and is committed to sharing the
healing power of natural therapies at
churches and events across the globe.

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