ADK Deficiency
ADK Deficiency
ADK Deficiency
1 Division of Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, King Abdullah Address for correspondence Majid Alfadhel, MD, MHSC, FCCMG,
International Medical Research Centre, King Saud bin Abdulaziz Division of Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, King Saud bin
University for Health Sciences, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, King Abdulaziz Medical City,
Saudi Arabia PO Box 22490, Riyadh 11426, Saudi Arabia
2 Department of Internal Medicine, VU University Medical Center, (e-mail: [email protected]).
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
3 Division of Metabolic Diseases, Department of Laboratory Medicine,
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
4 Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Science for Life
Laboratory, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
5 Centre for Inherited Metabolic Diseases, Karolinska University
Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
6 Max Planck Institute Biology of Ageing, Karolinska Institute
Laboratory, Stockholm, Sweden
the adenosine is removed by deamination into inosine via labor and a previous caesarean section with an Apgar’s
adenosine deaminase (prenatally) and into adenosine mono- score 7 and 8 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively. Her birth
phosphate via phosphorylation (postnatally) by ADK.6,7 weight was 2.9 kg (75–90th percentile), length: 49 cm (75–
Accumulation of adenosine will cause elevated S-AdoHcy 90th percentile), and head circumference (HC): 33.5 cm
which is a strong inhibitor of most methylation reactions. (75–90th percentile). A few hours after birth, she developed
Consequently, levels of S-AdoMet and methionine can tachypnoea, respiratory distress, and hypoactivity, and
become increased. therefore was transferred to an Intermediate Care Nursery
The clinical features of ADK deficiency include global and was connected to a nasal cannula and treated using
psychomotor retardation/delay, muscular hypotonia, dys- antibiotics and other supportive measures. On examination,
morphic features (especially frontal bossing), mild to severe she was found to be hypotonic with poor sucking and she
hepatic dysfunction, and epilepsy.1,2 Laboratory findings developed jaundice. Therefore, the neurology department
include high levels of liver enzymes, hyperbilirubinemia, became involved and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of
hypermethioninemia, and elevated plasma AdoHcy and the brain showed delayed myelination and a left subepen-
AdoMet. Neuroradiological abnormalities include brain atro- dymal cyst. At this time, a metabolic genetics service
phy, hydrocephalus, nonspecific white matter changes, and became involved and the review for initial newborn screen-
delayed myelination. Diagnosis requires the aforementioned ing was unremarkable. However, plasma amino acid levels
clinical and biochemical abnormalities and confirmation at 18 days of life showed a high methionine level of 123
through molecular analysis of the ADK gene.1,2,5 There is µmol/L (normal range 11–27 µmol/L) with a normal homo-
no curative treatment. However, some previously reported cysteine level. The patient improved, and demonstrated
cases were treated through a methionine-restricted diet and spontaneous breathing, good sucking, weight gain, and
Fig. 1 Dysmorphic features and brain MRI features of ADK deficiency. (A) An axial T2-weighted image shows delayed myelination. (B) Frontal
bossing, high forehead, deep-seated eyes, and depressed nasal bridge. (C) An axial FLAIR image shows a small subependymal cyst at the left
lateral ventricle. ADK, adenosine kinase; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; FLAIR, fluid attenuated inversion recovery.
Adenosine Kinase Report Alhusani et al.
exon 9 of the ADK gene; NM_006721.3 [c.813dup (p. cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) deficiency. And secondary
Asn272Glufs16)]. This variant was detected in the hetero- due to, fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH) deficiency,
zygous state in both parents and was not detected in a citrin deficiency, and mitochondrial depletion syndrome
healthy brother of the patient. The patient stabilized fol- caused by mutations in the MPV17 and DGUOK genes.8,9
lowing supportive measures and was discharged. An MRI The most common cause of hypermethioninemia is liver
scan of the brain, repeated at 22 months of age, showed disease, next to low birth weight and prematurity.9
cerebral atrophy, delayed myelination, and a left subepen- ►Table 1 summarizes the clinical characteristic of pre-
dymal cyst (►Fig. 1). Subsequently, the patient continued to viously reported patients with ADK deficiency, including the
demonstrate global developmental delay, dysmorphic fea- current case. To date, 19 cases have been reported in the
tures, no history of seizure, and was admitted to hospital literature. ADK deficiency is pan-ethnic. Patients from Swe-
several times because of recurrent chest infections. Addi- den, Malaysia, Turkey, Kuwait, Italy, Morocco, Germany, and
tionally, the patient demonstrated a mild elevation in Iran have been reported. The current report details the first
transaminases: aspartate aminotransferase levels (AST) ran- Saudi patient to date. A total of 90% of cases present in the
ged between 47 and 200 U/L (normahealthy: 5–34 U/L) neonatal period, indicating an early onset with sepsis-like
while alanine aminotransferase (ALT) ranged between 77 symptoms, hypoglycemia, and neonatal jaundice in 84% of
and 194 U/L (normal 5–55 U/L). However, there was no patients. All patients demonstrate global developmental
hepatomegaly and the synthetic function of the liver was delay, frontal bossing, and hypotonia. The most common
normal. phenotype includes dysmorphic features in the form of
Currently, at 48 months of age, she is wheelchair-bound frontal bossing, deep-seated eyes, hypertelorism, a high
with severe hypotonia and global developmental delay, she forehead, a depressed nasal bridge, thin sparse hair, and
Adenosine Kinase Report Alhusani et al.
Table 1 Summary of the clinical characteristics of previously reported patients with ADK deficiency compared with the current
Authors Bjursell et al, Staufner et al, Shakiba et al, Current study, Total (%)
2011 2016 2016 2018
Number of cases 6 11 1 1 19
Male:female 4:2 4:7 0:1 0:1 8:11
Ethnicity Two Swedish and Four Turkish, Iranian Saudi
four Malaysian two Kuwaiti, one
Italian, one
Moroccan, one
German, two
Age at diagnosis (y 8–24 1.9–29 3 1 1–24
Neonatal onset 6/6 9/11 þ þ 17/19 (90)
Developmental 6/6 11/11 þ þ 19/19 (100)
Frontal bossing 6/6 11/11 þ þ 19/19 (100)
Hypotonia 6/6 11/11 þ þ 19/19 (100)
Abbreviation: ADK, adenosine kinase; FTT, failure to thrive; MA, megaloblastic anemia.
improvement in cognitive function, developmental delays, over the past 2 years. The early onset of ADK deficiency in the
and speech were reported while in others treatment was first few days of life indicates that the pathology may start in
ineffective. The current patient was not treated through an utero and this may explain why MRD has been largely
MRD. However, methionine levels decreased spontaneously ineffective in this disorder.
Adenosine Kinase Report Alhusani et al.
Two patients died in the reported cohort, while the others Funding Sources
survived into the third decade, demonstrating that this No funding for this article from any institution or agency.
disorder is generally not lethal and patients can live but
with global developmental delay. Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate
This study was approved by the institutional review board
office at King Abdullah International Medical Research
Centre (KIMARC; study number: RC16/113/R).
We expand the phenotype of ADK deficiency to include tall
stature, developmental dysplasia of the hip, optic nerve gliosis, Consent for Publication
and tigroid fundus. We have reported a novel mutation, and we Written consent was obtained from the parents.
compared the current case with previously reported cases.
ADK deficiency consists of a triad of global developmental Acknowledgments
delay, hypotonia, and frontal bossing. Macrocephaly and We are grateful to the patient and her family for their
hypertelorism are common findings; and this disease has a genuine support.
variable degree of hepatic and cardiac features, and early onset
of the disease is characteristic. Moreover, international regis-
tries such as E-HOD (European Network and Registry for References
Homocystinurias and Methylation Defects; 1 Bjursell MK, Blom HJ, Cayuela JA, et al. Adenosine kinase defi-, which document more cases of the ADK gene defect, ciency disrupts the methionine cycle and causes hypermethioni-
nemia, encephalopathy, and abnormal liver function. Am J Hum
will lead to a better understanding of the natural history of this