Bethary 2022 IOP Conf. Ser. - Earth Environ. Sci. 1000 012015

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3rd International Symposium on Transportation Studies in Developing Countries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1000 (2022) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1000/1/012015

Evaluation of the Green Transportation Concept in the Sultan

Ageng Tirtayasa University Campus

Rindu Twidi Bethary1, Arief Budiman1, Dwi Esti Intari1, Dandy Ramdhan1
Department of Civil Engineering, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Cilegon, Banten, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected]
Abstract. A green campus is an environmentally friendly concept that promotes the creation
and the use of transportation means with minimal effects on people and the environment.
Notably, the green campus program is adapted to create awareness in the campus community
to make the environment habitable. This research used UI GreenMetric World University
Rankings with 8 green transportation criteria to conduct the assessment. Based on the
observation and analysis, a total of 1475 from a maximum value of 1800 was obtained. This
was 81.9%, which means that green transportation at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University is
progressing. However, several improvements need to be made, including special policies to
restrict vehicles from entering the campus, developing emission-free transportation, and
making an integrated parking building.

1. Introduction
The academic community has the mandate to keep the campus environment free from greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions in an effort to use the resources and technology effectively (1). Applying a green
campus can create a healthy environment and build awareness, especially regarding the importance of
the environment, which decreases operational costs [2, 3]. The Indonesian government strives to
reduce the impact of global warming using various organizations, including the academic community
[4]. In 2013, five pilot campuses were set for the green campus program to reduce global warming [5].
The campuses were tasked to play an active role in addressing sustainability issues in energy
management and human data sources in their functions, including teaching, research, partnerships, and
services such as helping communities to live sustainably [6].
Increased greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) do not only concern Indonesia but the world at large. The
research conducted by the environment ministry indicated that one of the sources of GHG emissions is
from the transportation sector. Therefore, strategies are in place to minimize GHG in the transportation
sector to 26% - 41% [7]. To achieve the set target, the IPB campus developed the concept of green
transportation to encourage people to use environmentally friendly public transport [8]. The key idea
in this concept was to minimize the use of motorized vehicles by providing public transportation
facilities with low emission levels besides promoting a walking culture [9].
Several methods can be used to evaluate green campus indicators, including UNEP (United Nation
Environmental Program), Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Green Public Facilities), Green
Building Council, and UI GreenMetric. Both international and domestic, Campuses use the UI
GreenMetric standard rating system to assess environmental management [10, 11]. The research
conducted at the Semarang State University regarding the development of green transportation found
that the available infrastructure was not optimal. Consequently, the high pollution within the campus
affected the comfort of the academic community [12].

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3rd International Symposium on Transportation Studies in Developing Countries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1000 (2022) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1000/1/012015

Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University (UNTIRTA) is also among the campuses implementing a green
campus program with a UI GreenMetric. In 2020, the university was ranked 30th at the national level
with regard to the implementation of the green campus program. It is hoped that the program will
minimize the current environmental problems. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the green
transportation system at the UNTIRTA campus to increase the UI GreenMetric ranking in the coming

2. Methodology
In this research, a qualitative approach was used through direct observations of the criteria for green
transportation at UNTIRTA. Also, quantitative approach to make comparisons by assessing the green
campus using the UI Green Metric World University Ranking [13]. In 2019, at least 780 universities
from 85 countries across the globe participated in the UI GreenMetric assessment with a focus on
sustainable green campuses [14].
There are six Green transportation assessment categories and indicators for UI GreenMetric, including
the ratio of the vehicles divided by the total population in the campus, shuttle services within the
campus, policies regarding emission-free vehicles on campus, the ratio of the number of emission-free
vehicles divided by the total population in the campus, the ratio of the parking area to the total area,
campus transportation programs designed to limit or reduce parking areas on campus over the past 3
years, and the number of transportation initiatives to reduce private vehicles on campus. Each
indicator is presented in the percentage form and divided into 5 levels ranging from the lowest to the
highest. Each criterion was categorized as general until the results were processed, and the gross value
multiplied by the score's weight to obtain the final figure [13].

3. Analysis and Discussion

Vehicle pollution at the UNTIRTA campus has risen to worrying levels necessitating the
implementation of a green campus. The analysis of the assessment on each indicator is as follows:

3.1. The ratio of the number of vehicles divided by the total campus population
This indicator reviewed the ratio of vehicles, both cars and motorcycles, divided by the campus
population. The data required for this indicator includes the volume of vehicles with a total of 4905
vehicles. The total population at the UNTIRTA campus is 17664, and the vehicle ratio is 0.51 with a
maximum value of 200, thus the score is being (0.5 x 200 = 100).

3.2. Campus Shuttle Service

The shuttle services are used to ease the transportation of passengers from one point to another within
the campus. Additionally, specific shuttles ferry the members of staff within the campus while others
take the staff to and from Serang, Cilegon, and UNTIRTA's Sindangsari campus, as shown in Figure
3. The assessment criteria looked at the availability of shuttle services provided by the campus with a
specified schedule. Notably, the university contributed part of the financing to provide a maximum
score of 300, therefore, the score: 0.75 x 300 = 225.
The UNTIRTA campus provides free bus services to support the academic community in accessing
various destinations. The bus service operation schedule, divided into B.01 and B.02, runs from
Monday to Friday, with Sindangsari being the central bus stop. Route B.01 goes through the New
UNTIRTA Sindangsari Campus – Campus D Nursing - Campus B, and Faculty of Engineering
Cilegon. Route B.02 serves the New UNTIRTA Sindangsari Campus - Campus C FKIP Ciwaru –
Campus A UNTIRTA in Pakupatan. In a bid to reduce the use of private cars with the main campus in
Sindangsari, there are plans to have buses operating within to serve the entire academic community.

3rd International Symposium on Transportation Studies in Developing Countries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1000 (2022) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1000/1/012015

Figure 1. Shuttle Bus and Elf Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

3.3. Policy regarding emission-free vehicles on campus

The UNTIRTA has provided free bicycle services to create a pollution-free environment within the
campus. The university should continually support this initiative by providing the required
infrastructure to encourage the daily use of bicycles as a means of transportation. This will increase
the safety of all road users besides helping to reduce the use of vehicles, which are the major
pollutants. Figure 2 below presents bicycle users within the campus.

Figure 2. Emission Free Vehicles Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

Therefore, bicycle service as an alternative in facilitating the movement of the UNTIRTA academic
community to move from one building to another one to avoid vehicle emissions on campus. Also, the
availability of campus bicycle services can improve the quality of the environment and the safety of
road users on the UNTIRTA campus by starting to reduce the use of motorized vehicles in the campus

3.4. The ratio of Total Parking Area to Total Campus Area

The parking area ratio is calculated by dividing the total campus area covered by the parking space.
This calculation is required to determine the percentage of the total parking area on campus as
presented in Table 1, which shows a total campus area of 356193 m2 compared to the parking space of
5127.83 m2. The percentage of the parking area to the total campus area is 1.44% and belongs to the
category < 4 – 1%.

3rd International Symposium on Transportation Studies in Developing Countries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1000 (2022) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1000/1/012015

Table 1. Total area and parking area of UNTIRTA Campus

No Campus Area (m2) Parking Area
1 Pakupatan Campus 28.384, 0 3.015, 8
2 Sindangsari Integrated Campus 230.975, 0 3.226,23
3 Cilegon Campus / Faculty of Engineering 61.685, 0 1.546, 85
4 Ciwaru Campus 29.216, 0 574,6
5 Kepandean Campus 5.050,550 1327, 0
Total Area 356.193, 0 5127,83

3.5. A transportation program designed to limit or reduce the parking area on campus over the past
three years (from 2016 to 2018)
Enacting policies regarding entrance and parking within campus premises will help to preserve the
environment. Also, some campuses have limited space for parking, in particular, A Pakupatan
UNTIRTA. As a result, policies were put in place to ensure only vehicles with stickers park within the
campus. Consequently, only vehicles belonging to the University (Dinas), Senior Lecturers (Sepuh),
Education Personnel have access to the parking lots within the campus. Additionally, third parties to
provide alternative parking areas to the motorists who miss parking within the campus. Furthermore,
the University has drafted several additional policies to limit the number of vehicles parking within the
campus, especially at the New Sindangsari. The drafting of the new regulations was based on the
Rector's Decree No. 637 / UN43 / KPT.PR.00.00 / 2020. The new policies include:
- The application of vehicle parking fees in the UNTIRTA campus
- Enforcement of vehicle plate odd-even system for all vehicles entering the campus, except for
official vehicles
- Enactment of the operation of buses serving inter-campus routes that operate from 0700 - 1800
- Enforcement of Car Free Day (CFD) at the UNTIRTA, where no car is allowed at least once a
- Prohibition in bringing vehicles into the campus for one year for the first-semester students

3.6. Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University's policy is to limit or reduce the number of private vehicles on
The Car Free Day is a routine plan by UNTIRTA to support and care for the environment as stipulated
in Rector's Decrees and Rector's Letters. By implementing the CFD activity, the campus is protected
from vehicle emissions that pose a danger to people and the environment. The policy of the CFD
program can create a new culture in transportation, using public transportation, cycling, and walking,
which can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Conditions of Car Free Day Implementation at UNTIRTA

3rd International Symposium on Transportation Studies in Developing Countries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1000 (2022) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1000/1/012015

As UNTIRTA's main commitment to realize a green campus, plans are underway to build an
integrated public transport service system. A ticketing system with low rates is set to be put in place
and provided at no cost in some situations. To support this service, UNTIRTA will implement
restrictions on the SRP (Parking Space Unit) as an effort to force motorized users to switch to public
transportation. Also, UNTIRTA has provided free campus bus services to each UNTIRTA campus
from Monday to Friday.

3.7. Pedestrian Paths

Sidewalks in the UNTIRTA campus are intended to make it easier for pedestrians to comfortably and
safely reach their destinations. In this regard, the pathways have shelters to protect pedestrians from
heat and rain besides being constructed from the main roads to ensure pedestrian safety. Additionally,
there are guide blocks for pedestrians with physical disabilities, as seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Pedestrian Paths Implementation at UNTIRTA

3.8. Total of UNTIRTA Green Campus Assessment

The green campus assessment for UNTIRTA is shown in Table 2. Based on the results, UNTIRTA's
assessment of UI Greenmetric found that TR1 is weakest due to the absence of vehicle restrictions
entering the campus. Furthermore, long-term campus policies should be put in place.

Table 2. Transportations Category and Indicator

No Category and Indicator Maximum Assessment
TR 1 The ratio of the number of vehicles divided by the total 200 100
TR 2 Campus shuttle service 300 225
TR 3 Policies regarding emission-free vehicles on campus 200 200
TR 4 The ratio of the number of emission-free vehicles divided by 200 150
the total campus population
TR 5 The ratio of the parking area to the total campus area 200 150
TR 6 Transportation program designed to limit reducing parking
areas on campus over the past 3 years (from 2016 to 2018) 200 150
TR 7 Number of transportation initiatives to reduce private 200 200
vehicles on campus
TR 8 Pedestrian policy on campus 300 300
TOTAL 1800 1475

3rd International Symposium on Transportation Studies in Developing Countries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1000 (2022) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1000/1/012015

While the total value of green transportation is 81.9% out of the UI GreenMetric maximum value, it is
necessary to implement alternative strategies to maintain green transportation. The alternative
strategies include drafting policies to encourage green transportation themed activities, such as using
emission-free vehicles provided by the campus, coming up with specific plans, monitoring, reporting,
evaluating, and creating a special team to ensure sustainability in the green campus program.

4. Conclusion
The green transportation analysis at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University based on UI GreenMetric
scored 81.9% of the maximum value, which indicates great efforts to keep the environment free from
pollutants. However, it is necessary to improve each criterion by checking the ratio of vehicles to the
total population and using emission-free vehicles. Furthermore, there is a need for special policy
planning to improve the criteria for Green Campus by UI GreenMetric. This will be achieved by
restricting the number of vehicles entering the campus, developing emission-free transportation, and
making integrated parking buildings. All these require the support and cooperation from all
stakeholders to participate in the green transportation program actively.

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