The Basic Cognitive Functions
The Basic Cognitive Functions
The Basic Cognitive Functions
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1 author:
Antonis Theofilidis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
All content following this page was uploaded by Antonis Theofilidis on 22 September 2023.
Citation: Antonis T (2023) The Basic Cognitive Functions. Anna Clin Rev Cas Rep: ACRCR-115.
Received Date: August 29, 2023; Accepted Date: September 02, 2023; Published Date: September 07, 2023
The basic question of cognitive psychology is how a person acquires knowledge. On this issue, her basic position is that the
input and processing of information, which leads to learning and knowledge, follows a process similar to that of the processing
of food during the digestive process. With this processing knowledge is transformed and stored, to be activated when we need
it. This means that in order to transform information into knowledge, not only the senses mediate, which filter external stimuli,
but also some processing processes which transform data into knowledge. These processes are determined by cognitive
functions, i.e. perception, memory, language, thinking and problem solving.
Keywords: cognitive psychology, cognitive functions, perception, memory, language, thinking, problem solving.
Introduction the retina of the eye, smell is mediated by odor molecules, and
The basic question of cognitive psychology is how a person hearing includes pressure waves. Perception is not the passive
acquires knowledge. On this issue, her basic position is that the reception of these signals, but is shaped by learning, memory,
input and processing of information, which leads to learning and expectation, and attention [2]. Perception can be divided into
knowledge, follows a process similar to that of the processing of two processes. First, the processing of sensory information,
food during the digestive process. With this processing which converts this low-level information into higher-level
knowledge is transformed and stored, to be activated when we information (eg, extracting shapes from memory to recognize
need it. This means that in order to transform information into objects). Second, the processing is related to the concepts of the
knowledge, not only the senses mediate, which filter external individual, his expectations (knowledge) and his selective
stimuli, but also some processing processes which transform mechanisms (attention) and their influence. Perception depends
data into knowledge. These processes are determined by on its complex functions nervous system, but subjectively it
cognitive functions, i.e. perception, memory, language, thinking seems mostly effortless, because this processing takes place
and problem solving. Cognitive psychology considers that in outside the conscious consciousness [2]. Psychologists usually
order to study learning we must study in detail the distinguish between sensation and perception. The senses are
transformation of information into knowledge, i.e. the phases of inexplicable sensory impressions created by the detection of
cognitive information processing, and places its weight on the environmental stimuli, while perception refers to the set of
study of specific cognitive functions. It contributes significantly processes by which the senses make sense. Perception enables
to the interdisciplinary field of cognitive science while sharing the individual to literally navigate through the world, avoiding
the same object of study, from a different perspective, with risk, decision-making, and preparation for action. Visual
artificial intelligence. perception has received the most attention from researchers,
followed by speech perception [3].
The Cognitive functions
Mind is the psychic energy or process of acquiring knowledge Memory
and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses Memory is the process by which information is encoded, stored,
[1]. It includes processes such as knowledge, attention, memory, and retrieved. Coding allows information from the outside world
judgment and evaluation, logic and problem solving and to be detected in the form of chemical and physical stimuli. In
decision making, comprehension and production of language, the first stage, the information must be changed so that it can be
etc. The human cognitive function is conscious and put into the coding process [4]. Storage is the second stage of
unconscious, solid or abstract, as well as intuitive (such as memory or process. This means that the information is kept for
language knowledge) and conceptual (as a model of a language). a short time. Finally, the third process is to recover the stored
Cognitive processes use existing knowledge and produce new information. This information must be found and returned to
knowledge. consciousness. Some recovery efforts may be easy due to the
type of information, as some other efforts to recover mortgaged
Perception information may be more demanding for a variety of reasons [4].
Perception (from the Latin perceptio, percipio) is the From the point of view of information processing, there are three
organization, recognition, and interpretation of sensory main stages in the formation and recovery of memory:
information in order to represent and understand the • Coding or recording: receiving, processing and combining
environment [2]. Perception includes signals of the nervous information received.
system which are the result of physical or chemical stimulation • Storage: creating a permanent file of encrypted information in
of the sense organs [2]. For example, vision includes light hitting short-term or long-term memory