MB-335 StudyGuide ENU v2

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Exam MB-335: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Expert

Study guide for Exam MB-335: Microsoft

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Functional Consultant Expert
Purpose of this document
This study guide should help you understand what to expect on the exam and includes a summary of
the topics the exam might cover and links to additional resources. The information and materials in this
document should help you focus your studies as you prepare for the exam.

Useful links Description

How to earn the Some certifications only require passing one exam, while others require passing
certification multiple exams.

Certification Microsoft associate, expert, and specialty certifications expire annually. You can
renewal renew by passing a free online assessment on Microsoft Learn.

Your Microsoft Connecting your certification profile to Microsoft Learn allows you to schedule
Learn profile and renew exams and share and print certificates.

Exam scoring A score of 700 or greater is required to pass.

and score

Exam sandbox You can explore the exam environment by visiting our exam sandbox.

Request If you use assistive devices, require extra time, or need modification to any part
accommodations of the exam experience, you can request an accommodation.

Objective domain: skills the exam measures

Some exams are localized into other languages, and those are updated approximately eight weeks after
the English version is updated. Other available languages are listed in the Schedule Exam section of the
Exam Details webpage. If the exam isn’t available in your preferred language, you can request an
additional 30 minutes to complete the exam.

Exam MB-335: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Expert

The bullets that follow each of the skills measured are intended to illustrate how we are assessing that
skill. Related topics may be covered in the exam.

Most questions cover features that are general availability (GA). The exam may contain questions on
Preview features if those features are commonly used.

Skills measured
Audience profile
Candidates for this exam are expert or senior supply chain functional consultants who implement and
configure advanced features of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management to meet the requirements of a
business. They have an advanced knowledge of supply chain management operations including
production, logistics, master planning, and asset management. The candidate will identify use cases for
applying mixed reality.
Candidates analyze business requirements and translate those requirements into fully realized business
processes and solutions and applies industry-recommended practices to implementations.
Candidates demonstrate expertise in one or more of the following manufacturing methods: discrete,
process, and lean. The candidate partners with architects, developers, consultants, and other
stakeholders to implement solutions that meet or exceed the needs of their customers.
• Configure products (15-20%)
• Configure production prerequisites (20-25%)
• Implement production methods (15-20%)
• Configure production control (20-25%)
• Describe and implement additional supply chain management features (10-15%)

Configure products (15–20%)

Implement product information for production
• Configure planning items, co-products, and by-products for batch orders
• Configure catch weight handling policies
• Configure inventory batches, batch attributes, and lot inheritance
• Manage product compliance including regulated and restricted items
• Define configuration groups and routes for dimension-based products
• Manage products with dimension-based, constraint-based, and pre-defined variants
• Configure bills of materials (BOMs), formulas, and routes to manage scrap

Implement Product Configurator for Dynamics 365

• Create and manage product configuration model components and subcomponents

Exam MB-335: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Expert

• Create calculations for product configuration models

• Differentiate between table and expression constraints
• Configure BOM lines and route operations for a product configuration model
• Configure and manage pricing for configuration models
• Describe the purpose and capabilities of the product configurator
• Validate, approve, and test product configuration models

Implement Engineering Change Management

• Design an engineering product lifecycle
• Configure engineering categories
• Configure product readiness policies and product release policies
• Create an engineering product with engineering attributes
• Review and accept released products to a local company
• Add engineering products to a sales order, purchase orders and production orders
• Schedule and implement engineering change requests and change orders

Configure production prerequisites (20-25%)

Configure resources, routes, and calendars
• Implement and manage work calendars and working time
• Create and configure resource capabilities
• Implement and manage resources and resource groups
• Create and manage operations and routes

Configure production settings and processes

• Create production units, production groups, production pools, and production journal names
• Describe integration between general ledger and production control modules
• Manage reservations in production process, including partial reservations and re-reservations
• Configure warehouse processes for raw materials picking and finished goods put away
• Describe unified (mixed mode) manufacturing
• Configure production control parameters
• Describe production and batch order process statuses

Implement costing
• Configure costing sheets and indirect costs
• Configure and manage cost groups, costing versions, and cost categories
• Configure cost allocations for co-products and burden allocation for by-products
• Configure and perform BOM/formula calculations
• Activate item prices
• Describe production posting profiles
• Describe common sources of production variances

Exam MB-335: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Expert

• View and analyze production and inventory costs

Implement production methods (15–20%)

Implement discrete manufacturing
• Create BOM and item configurations
• Create and process production orders
• Create and process picking list journals
• Create and process job card and route card journals
• Create and process reports as finished journals
• Reset the status of a production order
• Describe use cases and configure production-related reservations

Implement process manufacturing

• Configure batch reservations and release to warehouse process
• Configure consolidated batch order processes
• Manage batch balancing and batch order sequencing
• Configure formulas features
• Create and process report as finished journals with co-products and by-products
• Create and process batch orders and a rework batch order
• Create formulas and formula versions

Implement lean manufacturing

• Create value streams and production flows
• Configure production flow costing
• Create kanban rules
• Process kanban orders by using kanban boards
• Create and manage fixed, scheduled, and event kanbans

Configure production control (20–25%)

Implement subcontracting
• Describe use cases for subcontracting processes
• Implement activity-based subcontracting
• Configure BOM and formula lines, resources, and routes for subcontracting items
• Create service items for subcontracting
• Create and process subcontracting purchase orders

Implement manufacturing execution

• Configure time and attendance prerequisites and activate workers for time registration
• Identify the capabilities of manufacturing execution
• Process production and batch orders by using manufacturing execution processes

Exam MB-335: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Expert

• Configure production floor execution interface and job card terminals

• Calculate and approve time registrations

Implement advanced master planning scenarios

• Process and view planned orders
• Configure intercompany master planning
• Configure forecast models and parameters
• Run demand forecasting and adjust as appropriate
• Execute explosion and validate results
• Describe how supply chain calendars affect master planning

Implement production scheduling and capacity planning

• Define scheduling parameters
• View, monitor, and update production schedules
• Configure capacity for production resources including machines, labor, and tooling
• Describe infinite and finite scheduling and capacity
• Describe differences between operations and job scheduling

Describe and implement additional supply chain management

features (10–15%)
Describe cloud and edge scale units
• Describe the value proposition for scale units for warehouse workloads
• Describe warehouse management processes that can run on a scale unit
• Describe manufacturing processes that can run on a scale unit

Describe use cases for integrating mixed reality technologies with Dynamics
365 Supply Chain Management
• Describe use cases for Dynamics 365 Guides
• Describe the process for integrating mixed reality Dynamics 365 Guides with manufacturing
• Describe the process for integrating mixed reality Dynamics 365 Guides with asset management

Implement Asset Management

• Configure maintenance plans
• Configure functional locations
• Manage maintenance requests
• Manage work orders consumption
• Manage work order scheduling

Exam MB-335: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Expert

Study resources
We recommend that you train and get hands-on experience before you take the exam. We offer self-
study options and classroom training as well as links to documentation, community sites, and videos.

Study resources Links to learning and documentation

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instructor led course

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Supply Chain Management documentation

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