JCDR 6 1381
JCDR 6 1381
JCDR 6 1381
Original Article
Bacterial Dissemination
INTRODUCTION of our hospital. All the invited students were asked to read the
White coats are worn primarily for identification, but there has always questionnaire and to sign the consent forms.
been some concern that white coats, like nurses’ uniforms and
A brief, self-administered, structured questionnaire was used
other hospital garments, may play a part in transmitting pathogenic
to collect demographic data and information on the white coat
bacteria in a hospital setting, as white coats are known to be poten
laundering habits of the participants. The demographic variables
tially contaminated with pathogenic drug resistant bacteria [1].
included gender, place of staying, the subject’s positions (student,
Since many medical colleges are closely attached to hospital
intern or post-graduate), their current work locations (paediatrics,
environments and as there is no changing area in the hospitals,
medicine, ophthalmology, ENT, skin and STD, microbiology,
students wear their white coats on the way to their colleges and
surgery, public health and obstetrics and gynaecology), the
even in the non-clinical and non-practical classes, library, cafeteria
reason for wearing the white coat (to cover clothing, to appear
and in the resting areas around their colleges. It is not uncommon
professional, dress code of the hospital, for the usage of pockets
to see white coats being left on chairs or being carried around
or other), length of the usage of the coat (<1 year, 1-2 years,
outside the hospital premises [2].
2-3 years or > 3 years), when the coat was last washed (<3
It was the interest of this study to find out the level and the type days, 1 wk, 2-4 weeks or >1 month), the frequency of washing
of microbial contamination which was present on the medical (<3 days, 1 week, 2-4 weeks or > 1 month), type of cleaning
student’s white coats in our college, in order to assess the risk (home or laundry), washing agents used (soaps, liquid wash
of transmission of the pathogenic organisms by this route in our or disinfectants), number of white coats possessed (1, 2, 3 or
hospital. The student’s way of handling the coats and cleaning >3), method of carrying the white coat (cover, bags, hands or
them, as well their perception towards white coat contamination shoulder), location of the use of the white coat (hospital only or
also were investigated. hospital and college), the wearer’s perception of whether the coat
was dirty or clean and whether they believed if their white coats
MATERIALS AND METHODS carried microbes and were the possible agents of the transmission
This cross sectional study was conducted in the Department of of pathogens.
Microbiology of a tertiary care hospital which was attached to a
Swabs were taken from four different areas of the white coat
medical college. Approval from the institutional ethical committee
(collar, pocket, sides and lapels). The swabs which were used
was duly taken for this study. 100 undergraduate and postgraduate
were plain, cotton-tipped and sterilized swabs. Normal saline
medical students and interns were randomly selected and they
was used to moisten the swabs before collecting the sample by
were included in this study, of which 65% were males and 35%
passing the swabs up and down twice on the desired areas and
were females. Of the 100, 83% were undergraduate students,
the swabs were sent immediately to the laboratory. The swabs
10% were interns and 7% were postgraduate students. All the
which were received by the Department of Microbiology were
students were working in the outpatient and the inpatient wards
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2012 October, Vol-6(8): 1381-1384 1381
Asima Banu et al., White Coat Contamination www.jcdr.net
immediately streaked onto blood agar and McConkey’s agar and Do you perceive your white coat to be Number of
the plates were incubated overnight at 37oC. The colonies which clean if if it has no stains students
were obtained were identified by using standard techniques [3]. No 46 68.0
Antibiotic sensitivity testing was done by using Kirby Bauer’s disc Yes 32 32.0
diffusion method as has been described in the CLSI guidelines
Do you perceive your white coat to be clean if collar and pockets
2011 [4]. are clean
No 55 55.0
RESULTS Yes 45 45.0
Number of students Do you consider your white coat to be contaminated with or
Basic variables (n=100) % without stains
Gender No 77 77.0
Male 65 65.0 Yes 23 23.0
Female 35 35.0 Do you think your white coat carries germs
Staying No 8 8.0
Hostel 59 59.0 Yes 92 92.0
Home 41 41.0 Do you believe that white coats can be a potential transmitting
agent for pathogens:
Year of study
No 9 9.0
Student 83 83.0
Yes 91 91.0
Intern 10 10.0
[Table/Fig-4]: Knowledge with regards to white coat
PG 7 7.0
[Table/Fig-1]: Basic variables of subjects included in the study
Organism Collar Pocket Side Lapel Total
Staphylococcus 25 23 26 17 91
Number of
students (n=100) %
Coagulase negative 4 6 5 3 18
The reason to wear white coat
To cover clothing 4 4.0
Pseudomonas 4 4 6 5 19
To keep warm 0 0.0 aeruginosa
To appear professional 67 67.0 Total 33 33 37 25 128
(25.8%) (25.8%) (28.9%) (19.5%)
Dress code of hospital 45 45.0
[Table/Fig-5]: Sites from which organisms were isolated
For usage of pockets 11 11.0
Any other 5 5.0
S. Organism(s) Number of Percentage
How do you carry your white coat No. isolates of isolates
Cover 16 16.0 1. Staphylococcus aureus 44 64.7%
Bag 80 80.0 2. Coagulase negative Staphylococci 7 10.3%
Hands 3 3.0 3. Pseudomonas aeruginosa 3 4.4%
Shoulder 1 1.0 4. Staphylococcus aureus + Coagulase 5 7.3%
Frequency of usage of white coats negative Staphylococci
Only hospital 82 82.0 5. Staphylococcus aureus + 5 7.3%
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Hospital & college 18 18.0
6. Coagulase negative Staphylococci + 3 4.4%
[Table/Fig-2]: Attitude towards white coat
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
7. Staphylococcus aureus + 1 1.6%
When was your white coat last Number of Coagulase negative Staphylococci +
washed students % Pseudomonas aeruginosa
3 days or less 39 39.0 [Table/Fig-6]: Organism isolated from white coats
1 week 32 32.0
2-4 week 26 26.0 S. Percent- Percent-
No. Antibiotic Resistant age Sensitive age
1 month or more 3 3.0
1 Penicillin G 89 81.6% 20 18.4%
How often do you wash your white coat
2. Erythromycin 77 70.6% 32 29.4%
Once in 3 days 18 18.0
3. Clindamycin 64 58.7% 45 41.3%
Once in week 42 42.0
4. Amoxi-Clav 13 11.9% 96 88.1%
2-4 weeks 27 27.0
5. Ciprofloxacin 11 10.0% 98 90.0%
More than a month 13 13.0
6. Cefoxitin 5 4.6% 104 95.4%
Type of cleaning
7. Vancomycin 0 0% 109 100%
Laundry 11 11.0
[Table/Fig-7]: Sensitivity pattern of Gram positive cocci isolated from
Home wash 89 89.0
white coats
[Table/Fig-3]: Practice of washing lab coat
1382 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2012 October, Vol-6(8): 1381-1384
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1. Dr Asima Banu AUTHOR:
2. Dr Mridu Anand Dr. Asima Banu
3. Mr. Nagarjun Nagi Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology,
Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital.
Phone: 9845720258
1. Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology,
E mail: [email protected]
Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, India.
2. Post Graduate Student, Department of Microbiology, Financial OR OTHER COMPETING INTERESTS:
Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, India. None.
3. Undergraduate Student, MBBS, Bangalore Medical Date of Submission: Mar 16, 2012
College and Research Institute, India. Date of Peer Review: May 30, 2012
Date of Acceptance: Jun 11, 2012
Date of Publishing: Oct 10, 2012
1384 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2012 October, Vol-6(8): 1381-1384