Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus
# Type1-
1 autoimmune factor -
2 immunological marker- islet cell Ab
3 Enviromental- coxsackie n rubella
# Type 2
1 impaired Secretion, peripheral insulin resistance
excessive hepatic glucose production
homozygous mutation of glucokinase
diabetic ketoacidosis n hyperglycemic hyperosmol. Coma
# chronic
@ microvascular
retinopathy , macular edema, sensory n motor mono or polyneuropathy, nephropathy
@ macrovascular
coronary art dis. , PVD, cerebral vascular dis,
@ other
GI: diarhea , gastroparesis
genitourinary: uropathy n sexual dysfunctn
dermatological , infection, cataract glaucoma
Type 1
age < 40, duration- days 2 wks, normal 2 wasted body habitus, polyuria, polydysia,
polyphagia, plasma insulin low
Type 2
age>40, mths 2 yrs duration, obese, diabetic ketoacidosis doesnt develop, norm or
increased pl insulin.
Benedicts test
If reducing sugar in glucose it gives quantitive rslts
light green- 0.1 - 0.5 g%
green - 0.5-1 g%
yellow -1-2g%
red - >2g%
1 sulphonylurea
@ insulin secretogogues
@ chlorpropamide 100- 500 mg, tolbutamide 500-3000mg, glibenclamide n glipizide
@ side eff. Hypoglycemia , wt gain
2 meglitinide
@ repaglinide, nateglinide, meglitinide-o.5-16 mg/day
3 Biguanide
@ metformin - reduce hepatic glucose prod. N improve periphera glu. utilisation.
@ doesnt produce wt gain so useful in obese pts wth type DM
@ started at dose of 500mg twicd day n gradually increased 2 max of 1g tds
@ side eff. acidosis, anorexia, diarhea, metallic taste.
5 thiazolidinediones
@ rosiglitazone 2-8 mg OD or pioglitazone 15-25 mg/day
@ the bind 2 peroxisome proliferator activated receptor that regulates
transcription of genes involved in lipid metabolism n insulin action. This promotes
adipocyte diff. N reduce ins resistnce
@ side eff. Wt gain
6. other
@glucagon like peptide 1 analogues
@ dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitor - vildagliptin n sitagliptin
1.It is injected s.c. into d anterior abdominal wall, upper arms, outer thigh &
2.The rate of absorption of insulin is influenced by many factors other than the
insulin formulation including the site, depth and volume of injection, skin temp,
local massage & exercise.
3. Absorption is delayed from areas of lipohypertrophy at injection sites, which
results from the local trophic action of insulin. So repeated injections at d same
sites should be avoided.
4. Short acting has to be injected atleast 30min b4 a meal..
5. Fast acting ones can be administered immediately b4 food or even after meals.
6. Once in blood it has a half life of few minutes.
7. It is removed mainly by liver & also the kidneys.
1. Hypoglycemia
2. Weight gain
3. Peripheral edema
4. Insulin antibodies
5. Local allergy
6. Lipodystrophy @ injection site
It is fasting hypoglycemia caused by release of counter regulatory hormones during
d night as part of d normal circadian rhythm which increase insulin requirement b4