MMPB 738
MMPB 738
MMPB 738
• High strength
permanent magnetic field
• High capacity
® • Continuous operation Patented in U.S. & Mexico
• Low operating and maintenance costs Others pending and applied for.
• Inversion of matrix prevents plugging
due to oversize particles
In the design of a magnetic separator, the magnetic field expanded metal, steel balls, and steel wool have been used.
intensity and the magnetic field gradient are the only two first When placed in a magnetic field, the function of the matrix
order variables that affect separation response. The intensity of is threefold. The matrix 1) amplifies the magnetic field, 2)
the magnetic field refers to the number of lines of flux passing converges the lines of flux to produce localized regions of
through a unit area. Lines of flux are measured in gauss extremely high magnetic field gradient, and 3) provides
(1 line/cm2). collection sites for the magnetic particles.
The magnetic field gradient refers to the rate of change or Separator Design and Operation
the convergence of the magnetic field strength. Figure 1
A conceptual illustration of the Ferrous Wheel™ Separator is
illustrates two different magnetic field configurations. Case
shown in Figure 2. The separating ring is vertical and rotates
A has a very uniform pattern of flux lines without gradation.
clockwise. The separating ring consists of two discs with the
The magnetic field intensity is essentially equal at any point
matrix situated in pockets between them. The depth of the
in the field. A magnetic particle entering this field will be
matrix is typically 5-inches (125 mm). The separating ring
attracted to the lines of flux and remain stationary without
is open in the middle to allow the removal of the separated
attraction to either pole piece. Case B illustrates a converging
products. Magnets are mounted on each side of the separating
pattern of flux lines displaying a high gradient.
ring and generate a magnetic field through the matrix.
Advanced RE ERIUM
50 5000
Present RE
40 4000
Early RE 3000
ERIUM 45 2000
Original RE
20 1000
35% 5, 6, & 7 9 Mish-Metal RE
Early 5
Cobalt 5DG
1% Steel
6% 2, 3, & 4 5
Carbon Tungsten
10 Steel ALN 1 ERIUM 25
Lodestone Steel
5 8
12 3 Ferrite
1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
Eriez Engrg Doc 9918583
As a point of reference, upgrading magnetite ore requires The magnetic particles are rinsed from the matrix from the
magnetic fields of less than 300 gauss. The collection of para- outside of the separating ring in the rougher stage, and from
magnetic hematite, ilmenite, or chromite typically the inside of the separating ring in the cleaner stage. This
requires magnetic fields of 1500 - 2500 gauss. prevents buildup of oversize particles and physically entrapped
There are several types of continuous feed wet particles that is common on all carousel separators.
high-intensity magnetic separators. Essentially all other
separators use electromagnets to generate the magnetic field Capacity
and have the separating ring in a horizontal “carousel” The feed capacity is related to the diameter and width of the
configuration. Although the magnetic field strengths available separating ring. The ring diameter is an engineered option with
from permanent magnets may not be as high as those 96-inches (2440 mm) as standard. A magnetic field of 1000
produced by electromagnets, there are several major gauss can be generated in a 5-inch (125 mm) wide separating
advantages with using permanent magnets to generate the ring capable of treating up to 10 tph feed. A magnetic field of
magnetic field. Initially, the capital cost is significantly 3000 gauss can be generated in a 2 1/2-inch (65 mm) wide
reduced compared to separators using electromagnets. separating ring capable of treating up to 5 tph feed.
Permanent magnets eliminate the need for a magnetic coil, Several separating rings are combined to provide the
an extremely heavy steel circuit to carry the flux, a direct necessary production capacity feed rates. The permanent
current rectifier and heat exchangers and pumps for cooling magnets are placed between each ring to generate the magnetic
the magnetic coil. Operating costs are greatly reduced when field. The feed distributor consists of a box that runs the length
using permanent magnets. The only utility required is the of the separator. Each separating ring has a single feed nozzle
power to drive the separating rings. Approximately .5 HP attached to the distributor box to accept new feed.
per ring is required. The separating rings are typically driven
at 2-3 rpm. Further, with a lighter and more compact separator,
installation costs and maintenance costs are greatly reduced.
Pumping costs are minimized; feed flows through the Ferrous
Wheel Separator by gravity flow, and the separated products
are also channeled out of the system by gravity flow.
Several rinse stations can be employed to control both grade
and recovery. Although a rinse is usually not used in the
magnetic field while magnetic collection takes place, one
may however be employed for grade control. In such a
configuration, the rinse further expels entrapped non-magnetic
particles or even locked particles.
Typical Applications
Magnetic Concentration Magnetic Cleaning
• Magnetite • Ilmenite • Mica Group • Talc
• Hematite • Chromite • Alumina • Kaolin
• Zircon • Rutile
• Calcium Carbonate
96-inch diameter, 5-inch wide separating rings containing
• Silica Sand / Quartzite flux-converging matrix. In this machine, each ring can treat
• Feldspar Group up to 10 tph feed.
Eriez and Eriez Magnetics are registered trademarks of Eriez Manufacturing Co., Erie, PA ©2001 ERIEZ MAGNETICS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
World Authority in Advanced Technology for Magnetic, Vibratory and Metal Detection Applications
HEADQUARTERS: 2200 ASBURY ROAD, P.O. BOX 10608, ERIE, PA 16514-0608 U.S.A.
Telephone 814/835-6000 • 800/345-4946 • Fax 814/838-4960 • International Fax 814/833-3348
Web Site: e-mail: [email protected]