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Shamaki et al. 2018
equilibrate for 10 minutes, it was then made up 100 ml volumetric flask and filled to mark, and
to volume with distilled water and the it was sonicated for 5 minutes, further dilution
absorbance was determined at 353 nm. of 1 ml in 10 ml of the solution was made twice
and ultraviolet absorbance was read twice at
Assay of albendazole was done by adding 50 ml 252 nm taking E 1 %, 1 cm = 6.0 using 0.1 N
of methanol in a 100 ml volumetric flask and 2 sodium hydroxide as diluents.
ml of Hcl was diluted to volume and mixed with
standard solution, 90 mg of Albendazole was Results
accurately weighed and added to 250 ml The results of the analysis is presented in Table
volumetric flask, 10 ml of acidified methanol 1. It showed that Oxytetracycline had the
was added and shaken to dissolve. It was then highest concentration of active ingredients with
diluted with 0.1 N HCl to volume and mix, 102.9 %, and is the most abundant drug in the
another 5.0 ml of this solution was transferred Nigerian market, and has the highest
to a 200 ml volumetric flask and diluted with concentration of 200 mg, followed by
0.1N NaOH to volume and mixed. Similar Vetcotrim (sulphadiazine) which had 102.8 %
assay was adapted for trimethoprim evaluation. and a concentration of 205.6 mg.
Shamaki et al. 2018
may be due to some factors like environmental improper measurement and manufacturing
elements, transportation, improper storage, shortcomings.
Table 1: The concentrations and percentage levels of active ingredients contained in the drugs
Name of drugs Conc. (mg) Std range (%) Results mg (%)
Oxytetracycline 200 - 205.6 95-105 (102.9)
Vetcotrim 200 95-105 205.6 (102.8)
Vetcotrim 400 90-110 371.2 (92.8)
Fortified procaine 600 95-105 702.6 (117.1)
Albendazole 250 90-110 241.5 (96.6)
Another factor that may be responsible for Albendazole has the dose of 250 mg active
ineffectiveness of antibiotic therapy is the principle as claimed by the manufacturers,
difference in concentration of active ingredients however results from this work has shown that
as claimed by the manufacturers. The result of it has 241.5 mg active principle, 8.5 mg less of
this study showed that there is a significant the manufacturers claim. The pharmacological
(p<0.05) difference between the manufacturers’ implication of this is that appropriate dosing
Shamaki et al. 2018
may be compromised and not adhered to and under dosing per body weight of an animal
sometimes whole drug administration may not when treated with such drug, thereby
be complete hence, less the actual amount that predisposing the animal to drug resistance
can give maximum therapeutic value per development.
kilogram weight of the animal. This trend can .
predispose prevalence of gastrointestinal Conclusion
helminthes in animals resulting to risk of It can be concluded that there exists
exposure of animal owners to zoonotic discrepancies in concentrations of active
infections (Idika et al., 2016), this is in principles contained in some drugs in Nigerian
agreement with findings of Odeniran et al markets, and in addition to other factors, (such
(2013) who reported zoonotic infections by as transportation, environmental temperature,
helminthes are among the most common on improper measurement, improper storage of the
earth, and are responsible for > 60 % human drugs, poor record history of a herd and poor
infectious diseases. Fortified procaine advice, and inappropriate dosing of drugs by
penicillin has the highest of 117.1 % in the Veterinarians), as reported by Muhammad et al
Nigerian market and frequently used in (2015) may be responsible for drug resistance
veterinary practice. Findings from this study development by microbes, and other residual
showed that fortified procaine penicillin effect in tissues of animal, which is of public
(Benzyl penicillin) is one of the drugs that health significance. Therefore, provides the
failed the standard test with actual basis of the importance of awareness of
concentration at variance with the National Veterinary Drug use for safety, its
manufacturer’s claim of milligram public health and economic significance and the
concentration of the drug. This corroborated enforcement of control measures of National
with the findings of (Dipeolu, 2002). Veterinary Drugs use in food of animal origin
by the regulatory agencies..
Vetcotrim (sulphadiazine) in this study has 200
mg within the range of (95-105) % according to Recommendation
manufacturer’s claim, while the result obtained Based on the findings of this study, it is
in this study was 205.6 mg (102.8%), although recommended that veterinary workers should
within percentage range, an increase of 5.6 mg use those drugs that are found to be of standard
away from the appropriate weight dose in an preparation, especially in diseases caused by
animal can cause serious consequences in susceptible parasites, and to be pharmaco-
treated animals, and can predispose the patient vigilant in terms of adverse drug reactions,
to adverse drug reactions, and if such animals especially after use of those drugs with
treated is slaughtered, residual effects of such discrepancies in concentrations of active
drug may be experienced in the consumers. The principles. It is also recommended that more
same was observed with Vetcotrim analysis should be conducted on Procaine
(trimethoprim) which has 400 mg and a penicillin (Benzyl penicillin) which shows high
percentage range of (90-110) % as claimed by variation compared to the manufacturers claim.
the manufacturers, however, the result obtained
in this study showed that it only contain 371.2 Acknowledgements
mg of the active principle, thus, 28.8 mg less of The authors wish to thank the Management of
the claimed active principles. This shows that NAFDAC for technical assistance and
the manufacturers claims and result obtained permission for the work to be carried out in
were not in agreement, but within the their laboratory in Maiduguri.
percentage range. The implication of this is
Shamaki et al. 2018
Shamaki et al. 2018