Brochure Large Hydraulic Cylinders

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Large hydraulic cylinders

Customized solutions
Sophisticated design tools and unique in-house research facilities
for a reliable and cost-efficient cylinder design.
The perfect fit

At Van Halteren Technologies, your project is our challenge. We design and

manufacture custom built cylinders, high pressure piston accumulators and
pressure vessels for your individual applications. Our large hydraulic cylinders
range from bore 200 mm to 1,500 mm and strokes to 27 meters and longer.
Our highly skilled specialists have a unique expertise for a large variety of
industry sectors and know the special requirements of your application.

Van Halteren Technologies has an outstanding And we supply additional services like project
track record of building large hydraulic cylinders management, engineering, commissioning,
for more than five decades. Our proven supervising and training. One-stop-shopping
application-based engineering and production at VHT reduces the complexity of your project
processes give you the assurance that every by instating clearly structured responsibilities.
cylinder is perfectly crafted and suited to
its task. Safe and reliable operations are As a global player with an international network
important to all industries where these in production, sales and service, VHT is always
heavy cylinders are used. We work consistently as big as you need it: as a cylinder supplier; as
to maintain industry-specific standards from a main contractor for drive and control projects;
classification societies such as LLOYD’s Register, and/or as a partner for lifecycle management
DNV, the American Bureau of Shipping, VHT and support. Large hydraulic cylinders from VHT give
customer standards. your machinery the perfect fit – every time!

One of the most essential parts of large

hydraulic cylinders is the piston rod surface.
VHT has been a pioneer and trend setter in
developing new technologies that improve
uptime and reduce Total Cost of Ownership.
All in-house surface technologies are bundled
under the brand name Enduroq.

VHT offers more than unusual dimensions and

dedicated surface technologies. We deliver
extra functionalities like integrated measuring
systems, as well as complete drive and control
solutions with perfectly matched power units,
hydraulic piping and control systems.

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Engineering and production:
Using the real performance potential

Large hydraulic cylinders are used to transmit heavy forces in often extreme
environments. Additionally, they must operate reliably and safely over a long
period of time. Only systematized engineering and production processes can
make sure that the cylinder always meets the individual requirements.
Van Halteren Technologies has developed sophisticated design tools and
unique in-house research facilities for a reliable and cost-efficient cylinder design.

Avoiding deflection and buckling Preventing fatique

Our experts calculate the deflection and buck- VHT has developed several unique construction
ling of hydraulic cylinders. All typical mounting details, as well as a set of demands for the
styles, friction moments in spherical bearings, materials, in addition to the applicable
transverse loads, accelerations and eccentric standards. These details are calculated with
loads are taken into account. The calculations FEM (Finite Element Method) and combined
also encompass typical phenomena as with calculation methods according to
ballooning of the shell, fabrication clearances recognized standards in order to realize a
in the cylinder guiding and identification of reliable design without critical fatigue.
the bearing material. The result is a precise The calculations cover parameters such as
prediction of the cylinder under pushing as material type and thickness, local stresses,
well as pulling loads. amplitudes, stress gradients and the number
of load cycles. A load spectrum is required for
The eccentric position of the rod in the head, cylinders in dynamic applications.
as well as the piston in the shell, is thoroughly
analyzed. Local stresses in the rod, shell and
bearings are precisely calculated. In several
cases a force stroke diagram is required.
These advanced and detailed calculations
are the basis for a reliable and cost-efficient
cylinder design.

Unique in-house research facilities

The art of surface technologies:
Improving uptime whilst reducing
Total Cost of Ownership

The piston rod surface of large hydraulic cylinders is one of the most essential
parts of the hydraulic installation. The right combination of surface technology,
seal concept and hydraulic medium defines the eventual uptime and Total Cost
of Ownership. VHT has been one of the pioneers and trend setters in developing
various in-house technologies for every industry and application.

Best surface technology in this field the dilution of the base material
Enduroq uses an integrated concept for can be very low whilst maintaining the best
selecting, engineering, and producing the possible metallurgical bonding. This unique
best surface technology in any industry or coating allows large cylinders and piston rods
application. It bundles all in-house surface to last longer without showing any signs of
technologies for piston rods. To develop this corrosion, regardless of application. It’s a robust
concept, VHT analyzed service data from its material, and forms a very important part of
installed cylinder base, which is the largest the tribological system which makes pistons
one in the world. Enduroq 2000 and 2200 are and the associated mechanisms work, and
both based on the proven HVOF technologies it contributes towards maximum uptime and
as Enduroq 3 is a single layer Ultimet-based makes the road easier to repair for the end user
technology. if there are any issues. This single layer cylinder
technology was designed for long-lasting
Enduroq 3 surface protection, and VHT will continue to
We are experts when it comes to offering piston innovate and improve the concept.
rods with the best possible coating solutions
for the toughest applications. Enduroq 3 is Seal configuration
our coating solution specifically designed for VHT has developed a Seal Matrix for all kind of
applications in extremely corrosive environ- applications and piston rod surfaces. This
ments, or applications where the risk of impact matrix is the result of an extensive ‘tribology’
or bending is greater. More specifically development program in co-operation with
Enduroq 3 is ideal for offshore applications, world leading seal manufactures. Tribology
particularly where the piston rods are exposed analyzes friction, lubrication and wear of
to saltwater for longer periods. Additionally, interacting surfaces in motion. Some seal
this coating can be considered for typical configurations are able to withstand the
civil engineering applications where the piston complete extrusion gap, fit for speeds up to
rod is exposed to a corrosive environment for 15 m/s, usable for low-friction applications
prolonged periods of time. and have excellent wear properties. Other seal
configurations are adjustable, maintenance
Enduroq 3 is applied using laser cladding friendly and non-sensitive to dirt.
techniques, and because of the advances

© van Halteren Technologies 2022 | Cylinders 5

Cylinder integrated measuring system

The Van Halteren Technologies smart Cylinder Integrated Measuring System

(CIMSmart) provides a highly reliable and versatile solution to measure
the position of the piston rod. The sensor provides functional data indicating
the usage of the cylinder.

When a cylinder is equipped with CIMSmart, series piston rod surface technologies.
a patented pattern is machined into the rod’s Grooves underneath the piston rod coating
base material. The purpose of this is for a cause a variation in the magnetic field from
specifically designed sensor to be able to the permanent magnet inside the CIMSmart.
register where the pattern is, and then tell The CIMSmart linear Hall-effect sensor elements
the user where the piston rod is, and how much measure the magnetic field and its variations
it’s extended. CIMS also logs usage informa- resulting in precise position measurements with
tion, which makes preventive maintenance an accuracy of less than 1 mm (linearity < 1 mm).
easier and more reliable. There’s even more Their signals are fed into a microcontroller which
potential for innovation around the integration calculates the position inside the groove and
of CIMS capabilities for different applications generates the incremental RS-422 output signal
in the future. Fully integrated in our large (1024 pulses/cm). The sensor and electronics are
hydraulic cylinder, CIMSmart works in virtually protected by a robust stainless steel housing,
every environmental situation. which is installed into the head of the cylinder.

Application areas CIMSmart can withstand almost any environ-

CIMSmart is used on a wide variety of large ment: low (-40ºC) to high temperatures (70ºC);
hydraulic cylinders. Many industries depend high pressure when submerged in (sea)water
greatly on accurate piston rod positioning. (IP68, 10 bar); and even potentially explosive
Application areas in which CIMS is often used atmospheres (ATEX zone 1).
Dredging vessels
Offshore platforms
Ship loading and unloading systems
Tunneling machines
Bridges, sluices and dams
Metallurgy systems

Function and characteristics

The CIMSmart is a highly unified incremental
position measuring system for use on hydrau-
lic cylinders with Enduroq 2000 and Enduroq 3

Life cycle management: Improving
overall equipment effectiveness

More than 90% of the life cycle costs are determined during the design phase.
As a partner in the engineering phase of the installation, Van Halteren
Technologies can save you maintenance time and costs, not to mention
improving availability over the complete life cycle.

Unique developments Repair and maintenance

We have developed unique construction We offer a wide range of repair and
details and piston rod technologies which maintenance services. Our maintenance
offer a twofold advantage: in addition to concept is made up of spare part management
a longer life span, our cylinders also save and delivery, field service, regular health
maintenance time and improve the uptime checks and inspections, repair and overhaul
and profitability of installations. services and technology upgrades. With various
specialized service centers around the globe
to support your maintenance operations.

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Keep your hydraulic cylinders healthy:
Specialized services

Proactive maintenance of cylinders is essential for any drive and control system,
especially when operating in hostile environments where high reliability and high
performance of the equipment is required. In addition to our quality repair
services as the original manufacturer of hydraulic cylinders, we offer application
based maintenance solutions to ensure long life-time, prevent unplanned
downtime and reduce maintenance costs for your critical assets.

Rod coating Spare part management

Mechanical damage and corrosion of the rod We offer a spare parts management program,
coating will eventually result in degradation in addition to hydraulic cylinder spare part
of the cylinder. We are experts and offer services for planned overhaul and emergency
application-based rod coating solutions break-downs. Our experts can assist in keeping
for any environmental condition. your spare parts in optimal condition.
Key benefits: Key benefits:

P revent consequential damage 
P revent down time caused by
on cylinder and system “out-of-date” spares

E xtend cylinder and system life time 
E xpertise and (local) presence

Avoid unplanned repair events 
F lexible maintenance offering

Upgrade to CIMSmart: Split chevron seal

get cylinder performance insides We offer on-site repairs by special developed
Our newest contactless CIMSmart position split chevron seals, applicable for cylinders
sensor provides functional data indicating equipped with a chevron seal concept.
the usage of the cylinder. Key benefits:
Key benefits: No need to remove the cylinder
Contactless operation, no wear from object
Plug & play installation Prevent environment contamination
Compatible with previous versions Postpone immediate overhaul,
Read-out function allowing planned service
Extend life time

Electro Hydraulic Actuator - EHA

The Electro Hydraulic Actuator (EHA) is a heavy duty plug & run actuator
especially developed for an outside harsh (salty) environment with high humidity
and extreme temperatures. In comparison with the SHA, which is dedicated for
the Industrial market, the EHA is suitable to use in the civil and marine & offshore
market. High forces in combination with large strokes are available.

The EHA provides users a standard configu- Advantages

rable Electro Hydraulic Actuator including 
R educed footprint, no space required for HPU
a control cabinet with an IndraDrive drive 
R educed installation costs, no interconnect-
system. A Smart, freely programmable drive ing hydraulic piping and hoses required
system allows the realization of complex 
R eady to install solution – pre-assembled,
travel profiles (parameters for force, position filled and with only a few defined interfaces
and travel speed can be set as required 
E asy startup – Plug & Run
over the complete working travel range). 
L ittle maintenance expenditure,
closed system, diagnostics capable
Key features 
E nergy efficient operation,

D edicated for outdoor use in an harsh power on demand
S elf-contained, separated from central

D esigns available according recognized (civil) hydraulic – flexibility
engineering standards and guidelines 
C ost saving trough open standards

D esigns available with approval from a in the control concept
certifying authority, such as especially 
“ Safety on board” – functional safety
for Marine & Offshore applications optional speed controlled electric motors

S uitable to use an environment-friendly and converters
bio-degradable fluid 
C onnectivity – flexible connection to bus

T he EHA combines the power density 
C ontrol and diagnostics – technology
of hydraulics and flexible networking function, position – force control (PFC)
capability of an electric driven actuator, with monitoring and protective function
and has the benefits of an hydraulic 
R emote access/I4.0 capability
operating principle (e.g. the capability 
V HT – custom system solutions, worldwide
to absorb high external shock loads) after-sales service

The portfolio according to the construction

kit principle offers:

M aximum forces up to 10000 kN

S troke lengths up to 27 m

I nstalled power up to 150 kW ADVANTAGES

R educed footprint, no space required for HPU

R educed installation costs, no interconnect-
ing hydraulic piping and hoses require

© van Halteren Technologies 2022 | Cylinders 9

Electro Mechanical Actuator - EMA

The Electro Mechanical Actuator (EMA) is a heavy duty plug & run mechanical
actuator especially developed for an outside harsh (salty) environment with
high humidity and a wide temperature range. It is suitable for markets such as
Civil, Marine, Offshore and Heavy Industry. The EMA focuses on high forces in
combination with large strokes.

The EMA provides users with a standard, Advantages

configurable electromechanical linear 
R eady to install solution – pre-assembled,
actuator optionally including a control with only a few defined interfaces
cabinet with an IndraDrive system. A smart, 
S ustainable, clean solution
freely programmable drive system allows 
E asy startup – Plug & run
the realization of complex travel profiles. 
L ittle maintenance expenditure
Parameters for force, position and travel 
E nergy efficient operation –
linear velocity can be set as required over power on demand
the complete working travel range. 
C ost saving trough open standards
in the control concept
Key features 
“ Safety on board” – functional safety possible

F or outdoor use in harsh environments 
R emote access / I4.0 capabilities

S afety functions up to SIL 3 and PL e

P lug & run with optional Control cabinet

P ortfolio according construction kit principle:
• Forces up to 1030 kN [231553 lbf]
• Stroke lengths up to 6590 mm [259 in] Advantages EHA VS. EMA
• Linear velocities up 833 mm/s [33 in/s] 
L arge actuating forces – hydraulic operating

O n request, larger forces, longer strokes or 
R obustness – long life service
faster linear velocities may be realized out- 
O verload protection (over total stroke) –
side the portfolio of pre-engineered solution pressure relief valves

IndyRex 250: Large hydraulic cylinder
for general applications

Easy configuration to reduce design and lead times. This is the main aim
of the IndyRex250 series. With this configurable product, we offer the flexibility
you need, in the most time and cost efficient manner. In case IndyRex250 does
not fit your demands, please contact our experts; they will be able to find you
a suitable solution.

All IndyRex 250 cylinders can be equipped Key features

with an optional CIMSmart position sensor. 
S tandards: ISO 3320
This is an incremental sensor. CIMSmart, when 
4 Mounting styles
applied works together with Enduroq 2000. 
P iston ø (øAL): 280 … 560 mm
The sensor is located in a pressure free area 
P iston rod ø (øMM): 180 … 400 mm
of the hydraulic cylinder. It requires an 
S troke lengths up to 12 m
additional length compared to the standard 
C omponent series 1X
length without sensor. The sensor housing 
N ominal pressure 250 bar [25 MPa]
is built in a robust way in full stainless steel.
The sensor provides, next to the position of
the cylinder, data on operating temperatures,
stroke distribution and total traveled distance,
as well as multiple types of historic data
about the usage of the cylinder. Application
of CIMSmart increases predictive maintenance

© van Halteren Technologies 2022 | Cylinders 11

Asset management

More than 90% of the life cycle costs are determined during the design phase.
As a partner in the engineering phase of the installation, Van Halteren
Technologies can save you maintenance time and costs, not to mention
improving availability over the complete life cycle.

Choose the right partner to support

your asset management
The management of movable civil infrastruc-
ture involves the commissioning, operation and
maintenance of civil engineering installations.
To be able to choose the best solution, it is
essential to have knowledge in the supply chain
on all aspects which influence capital and op-
erational expenses. What exactly is the role of
a supplier such as Van Halteren Technologies
in this process, and what support can be given?
In principle there are six main topics to cover:
costs, reliability, availability, maintainability, The importance of maintainability
safety and environment. and environmental management
During development and engineering process-
Total Cost of Ownership es, the maintainability needs to be taken into
When it comes to costs, there are two types to account, and this isn’t just a case of making
consider– direct and indirect. Direct costs are parts more accessible. A good example of
simply the costs for acquiring and installing maintainability is the new seal development
the system and operating it as intended. of VHT: The Low Friction Chevron seal.
This includes the physical footprint, as the This new development is a chevron seal that,
more space you need for the system the higher unlike conventional seals, builds up a fluid film
the costs will be. Indirect costs are related to and has a back pump effect, making the fluid
the other total cost of ownership (TCO). This film effective in both moving directions.
includes not only the maintenance costs but This technology has a possible lifetime of
also the costs of depreciation and downtime, more than 10,000 km where most conventional
which can have a huge impact. chevrons show a 500 to 1000 km lifetime.
This new seal concept can also be split for
easy maintenance in the field, which means
huge time and cost saving potential.

Offshore cylinders:
Made for toughest demands

Designed for the aggressive offshore environment our cylinders meet the
highest demands regarding safety, corrosion resistance and heavy duty
operation. As the leading supplier Van Halteren Technologies is continuously
adopting new technologies.

Whether high in the derrick, in the moon pool Your benefits

or deep down under water: Large hydraulic Be it in tropical seas or the Arctic sea, in coastal
cylinders from VHT are accurate, reliable and waters or in a depth of 5,000 meters: Offshore
cost effective. applications always have to stand the test in
extremely harsh environments. VHT is one of
Special features: the world’s leading specialists in the field of
Cylinder designs based on decades Drive & Control technologies. VHT has main-
of knowledge and field experience tained its outstanding track record for over
Extremely high wear and corrosion 50 years in the field of marine and offshore.
resistance Concentrating on delivering the best custom
High quality seal and bearing fit solutions, whether components delivery,
configuration customized systems or project implementation.
Integrated high quality piping From gearboxes to hydraulic power units, and
Unique solution for from winch drives to complete active heave
Position Measuring system compensation systems. VHT is the right partner
Measuring systems for potentially with the best comprehensive portfolio.
explosive atmospheres
Welding for low temperature applications

Riser tension cylinder for oil-drilling vessels

Piston diameter: 560 mm

Piston rod diameter: 230 mm

Stroke length: 16,300 mm

Application: dynamic application

in aggressive environments

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Heave compensation Skidding and jacking systems
and deck mating systems rig skidding
wire line tensioning load out skidding
direct riser tensioning positive engagement systems
passive/active heave compensation rack and pinion systems
linear concepts hydraulic concepts
fender systems
integrated skidding systems
decommissioning systems

Cylinder for jack up system

Piston diameter: 600 mm

Piston rod diameter: 280 mm

Stroke length: 3,150 mm

Application: transforming a ship

into a platform

Cylinder for heave compensation

Piston diameter: 300 mm

Piston rod diameter: 220 mm

Stroke length: 3,750 mm

Application: compensating tidal influences

on the system

Civil Engineering:
Reliable solutions for highest uptime

Due to the critical functions, operation has to be secured under all

circumstances. All solutions are designed to specific standards and
regulations like DIN, ASME, JADEE and NEN. Our experience with design
standards and sector related requirements lead to lowest possible
Total Cost of Ownership.

Whether you are constructing power

generation plans, dams, ship locks, bridges Robust, powerful,
or barriers, Van Halteren Technologies is your and low-maintenance solutions
worldwide partner for civil engineering. All civil engineering projects have one thing
in common: They require extremely robust,
Special features: powerful, and low-maintenance automation
Extreme resistance against corrosion, solutions. To build structures to last for
scratch and wear centuries, and to operate them with ultimate
First class seal and bearing configuration availability for decades: Clients, designers
Integrated measuring system, and operators of civil engineering projects
with or without redundancy think longterm.
Submerged solutions possible
Mechanical locking system
Integrated oil reservoir possible
Special options for low temperature
Oil supply through piston rod possible

Bottom outlet cylinder for hydro power dams

Piston diameter: 450 mm

Piston rod diameter: 150 mm

Stroke length: 15,415 mm

Application: partly submerged

and low dynamic

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Power generation Movable bridges
radial gates bascule bridges
flap gates lifting bridges
intake gates swing bridges
bottom outlet roll-on/roll-off bridges
Ship locks roller/sliding gates
miter gates
culvert gates
double hook gates
sector gates

Miter gate cylinder for ship locks

Piston diameter: 300 mm

Piston rod diameter: 160 mm

Stroke length: 3,700 mm

Application: medium dynamic operating

in splash zone

Cylinder for bascule bridge

Piston diameter: 540 mm

Piston rod diameter: 280 mm

Stroke length: 5,500 mm

Application: low friction

heavy mass movement

General industrial applications
and presses

The environment and working conditions are usually hard and intensive due
to the frequency of movement and 24/7 operations. Life time and durability
are key words to our engineers for custom tailored cylinders.

Highly dynamic applications, such as

presses for scrap, paper, baling, laundry
and pipe bending require special features.

Special features:
Optimal design because of application Special rod sealing for submerged
experience and highly specialized solutions
calculation and simulation tools Manifold block, pre-fill valve or measuring
Piston rod surface technology where system integrated in the cylinder design
required with an extremely high wear Integrated high quality piping
and corrosion resistance Special design based
First class seal and bearing configuration on fatigue calculations
for demanding environments and
long life time

Main pressing cylinderfor baling presses

Piston diameter: 720 mm

Piston rod diameter: 700 mm

Stroke length: 600 mm

Application: multi shift high cycle

movement under

harsh conditions

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General industry
pressure intensifiers
cement rolling mills

metal forming
injection molding
jack rams

Press cylinder with jack ram for slab press

Piston diameter: 480 mm

Piston rod diameter: 440 mm

Stroke length: 2,350 mm

Application: high efficiency with

low force high speed,

approach and pull back

Double acting press cylinder for forging press

Piston diameter: 800 mm

Piston rod diameter: 750 mm

Stroke length: 1,950 mm

Application: high impact load case under

severe working conditions

Special projects:
Unusual design for unusual demands

Our expertise in special projects supports you to realize the most challenging
architectural designs. Movable roofs, for example in sport stadiums, typically
are static large structures. Unstable movement should be avoided by all means
because of high safety standards.

For theaters and elevators it is necessary to Stadiums

develop a compact design because of the movable roofs
limited built in space. Reducing stick-slip and movable floors
noise levels are key in these applications. platform supports

Large cylinders in special projects have Theaters

to meet various requirements related to movable stages
design standards, position measuring movable sceneries
and mounting styles transport equipment

Special features: Elevators

Optimized tribology system lifting equipment
in order to avoid stick-slip accumulator systems
In-house simulation of dynamic system
Integrated measuring system
to control movement
Optimal design to reduce built in
High safety factors due to
exceptional rules and regulations

Special cylinders for movable roofs

Piston diameter: 840 mm

Piston rod diameter: 400 mm

Stroke length: 15,213 mm

Application: tennis arena with three

movable roofs

© van Halteren Technologies 2022 | Cylinders 19

Van Halteren Technologies B.V.
Van Salmstraat 70
5281 RS Boxtel
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)88 411 05 00

© van Halteren Technologies 2022 | Cylinders

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