Hustler USA - Anniversary 2018 (SFILE
Hustler USA - Anniversary 2018 (SFILE
Hustler USA - Anniversary 2018 (SFILE
ANNIVERSARY 2018 $11.99 U.S.
WARNING: Material is of an adult nature. This
literature is not intended for minors, and under
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7 Publisher’s
9 Robert Scheer
11 Brad Friedman
13 Asshole
of the Month
14 Marianna Merkulova:
Auto Erotic
Photography by Davide Esposito
24 Romi Rain:
Naked Ambition
Interview by Shane Andalou
Photography by Sir Ron
32 Lust in Space
Classic Photography by Clive McLean
42 Stormy Daniels: 82 Alice:
Ring Mistress Bare Beaver
Classic Photography by Suze Randall, 90 Gia Paige:
52 Roe v. Wade in Photography by
Trump’s America 90
Article by Jessa Jordan
Photography by Elizabeth Rudge
102 Vote for Beaver
of the Year
Andrea Landrum Network Systems Director
Gina J. Lee Production Director
Shannon Poe Production Coordinator
Mickey Puyda National Sales Consultant
323-951-7907, [email protected]
Wendy Camacho Advertising Production Coordinator
HUSTLER (ISSN-0149-4635), Vol. 45, No. 4, Anniversary 2018. The U.S. edition of
HUSTLER is published monthly and twice in July by LFP Publishing Group, LLC at
8484 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 900, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Copyright © 2018 LFP
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except as otherwise noted. Neither said photos nor words used to describe them are
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T his may sound like a joke, but top Senate Republican Mitch Mc-
Connell is pushing for the federal legalization of hemp. He was
enlightened by his farmer constituents in Kentucky. Hurt by the down-
jumping on the bandwagon now? Because it’s safer to do so now that
several states have legalized both medicinal and recreational marijuana.
Conservatives are always two steps behind on any kind of forward-
turn in the tobacco market, they see salvation in hemp, a crop already thinking progress. And perhaps the most important reason: McConnell
legalized in several states and Canada. and Boehner are simply adhering to what should be the real motto of
No wonder. Industrial hemp is the single most versatile plant on the GOP, money talks. There is big money being made in the pot busi-
Earth, used for everything from clothing, paper, fiberboard, insulation, ness today.
fuel and food to toxic cleanup. Hemp requires considerably less water But leave it to liberals to do something more significant and far-
than cotton and virtually no toxic herbicides and pesticides. And reaching. Senators Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders and Kirsten Gillibrand
there’s not enough THC in it to get anyone high. How this most bene- have been advocating for the revolutionary Marijuana Justice Act,
ficial crop was outlawed in the 1930s—by collusion between Repub- which would remove pot from the Controlled Substances Act, thus de-
lican Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon, Bureau of Narcotics terring Jeff Sessions from interfering in states where legalization has
chief Harry Anslinger and the petrochemical and timber interests who passed. The act would also withhold federal funding for states that
feared hemp as a competitive product—is an object lesson on gov- continue criminalization and even expunge convictions for pot pos-
ernment corruption by big business. Forget all the antigovernment session. As Bernie tweeted, “We are spending $80 billion locking peo-
rhetoric by corporate interests—they love Uncle Sam when he can ple up. Think about what it would mean if we invested that money in
be arm-twisted into stifling competition. our people instead of more jails.”
If McConnell’s enthusiasm for hemp legalization is not shocking After nearly a century of corrupt and vicious cannabis policies that
enough, consider this: Former Republican Speaker of the House John have damaged our environment and industry while ruining many peo-
Boehner has joined the board of a company that cultivates, process- ple’s lives, it appears that sanity, at long last, is finally prevailing.
es and dispenses cannabis in 11 states! “I’m joining the board of
#AcreageHoldings,” tweeted Boehner, “because my thinking on can-
nabis has evolved. I’m convinced descheduling the drug is needed so
we can do research, help our veterans and reverse the opioid epidemic
ravaging our communities.”
Well, better late than never. Of course, while Boehner was in power, Larry Flynt
he claimed to be “unalterably opposed” to pot legalization. Why is he Publisher
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In any case, American elections tend to be de-
cided primarily on the basis of domestic economic
issues. As one of President Bill Clinton’s strategists
DEMOCRATS, BE WARNED: THE PRESIDENT’S RECENT “BETTER” famously declared, “It’s the economy, stupid,” and
the pollution of the atmosphere by carbon from fos-
sil sources,” Muffett said. “By 1962 we can demon-
strate that Shell’s chief geologist was very explicitly
acknowledging the links between Shell’s products
WARMING DECADES AGO, BUT PROFITS TRUMPED HUMANITY. and carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and the poten-
f all of Robert Mueller’s digging and indict- but according to a report by McClatchy news
ments haven’t done much to budge our Blow- agency, Robert Mueller has evidence that Cohen
hard in Chief from his prime-time spot in entered Prague by train from Germany, a route
the White House, the raid of Trump’s legal- that would not have required a Czech pass-
eagle fixer, Michael Cohen, has to have port stamp.
him sweating bullets. The worst dis- Undisputed is the January 2017 meeting
aster for any don or mogul on the Cohen arranged in Manhattan
shady side of the law is this: his con- between Ukrainian lawmaker An-
sigliere—the man who knows where all the drey Artemenko and Felix Sater, a
bodies are buried and how and why they got shady Russian-born real estate devel-
there—rolling over to provide state’s evidence. oper, to discuss lifting sanctions
In April the FBI raided Michael Cohen’s of- against Russia. Cohen then alleg-
fice, home and hotel room, seizing, among oth- edly delivered their secret proposal
er files, confidential documents related to the to disgraced former national secu-
$130,000 payoff to porn star Stormy Daniels, rity adviser Michael Flynn. All of this
who allegedly had a brief affair with the points to an inescapable conclusion: If
Donald in 2006. Trump did collude with the Russians to slant the
True to character, Trump denied election in his favor, his go-to
having anything to do with Stormy guy was Michael Cohen, and
or her big payday, and Michael Robert Mueller just may have
Cohen claimed that he paid her him by the balls now. If so, it’s possible he won’t
out of his own pocket and never received re- have to squeeze very hard.
imbursement from the Trump Organization or According to multiple witnesses interviewed
campaign. He just did it out of dog-like loyalty by The New York Times, Trump has treated his
to his boss and the goodness of his great big, MICHAEL COHEN pit bull just like a mangy dog, and this abuse
generous heart, the kind of altruism that lawyers could very well come back to haunt him. “Don-
as a breed are so famous for. Giving away over Mr. Trump doesn’t like, I do everything in my ald goes out of his way to treat him like gar-
100 grand, why, he’s almost the Mother Teresa power to resolve it to Mr. Trump’s benefit. If you bage,” says Trump loyalist and Republican
of corporate attorneys! do something wrong, I’m going to come at you, operative Roger Stone.
Except Cohen is no Mother Teresa, and the grab you by the neck, and I’m not going to let Another source, former Trump aide Sam
whole shaky story is riddled with holes: If Trump you go until I’m finished.” Nunberg, says, “The President has also taken
didn’t fuck around with Stormy, then why the Cohen has almost made a whole career out Michael for granted. Whenever anyone com-
apparent hush money, delivered in the final of being an adultery fixer. In addition to the plains to me about Trump screwing them over,
stretch of the 2016 election campaign? No, this money paid to Stormy Daniels, he arranged a my reflexive response is that person has nothing
episode was yet another fix-it job by Trump’s $150,000 payoff to Karen McDougal to seal her to complain about compared to Michael.”
“pit bull,” a role that Cohen gleefully acknowl- lips about an extramarital affair with Trump and Trump is famous for not having many close
edges with statements like these: “I will do any- a whopping $1.6-million payoff to a Playboy friends, and possibly the only person he hasn’t
thing to protect Mr. Trump,” and “I’m the guy Playmate who was impregnated by a prominent screwed over in his life is his own mother. Which
who would take a bullet for the President.” But Republican fund-raiser. really doesn’t give Cohen much of an incentive
the question now is, will Cohen take the whole In 2015, after The Daily Beast inquired about to clam up when Mueller and company finally
barrage of bullets aimed his way by the U.S. At- rape allegations by Ivana, Trump’s former wife, shine the hot lights on him.
torney for the Southern District of New York? the pit bull growled and barked this, “I’m warn- With Cohen treading hot water, Trump hired
Possible charges include bank fraud, wire fraud ing you, tread very fucking lightly, because what another pit bull to fend off the wolves—Rudy
and violating campaign finance laws. I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking dis- Giuliani, who may have let a leopard out of the
Cohen confesses that he grew up idolizing gusting. You understand me?” Cohen even as- bag by confessing on Fox News that Trump
Donald Trump, whose book The Art of the Deal serted that Ivana’s rape charge (later recanted) did, in fact, reimburse Cohen for the $130,000
was his bible. He began working for his hero in was a nonstarter, because “you cannot rape your Stormy payoff. Just not with campaign money,
2006, eventually rising to become executive VP spouse. There’s very clear case law.” It’s a won- says Rudy. All of which starkly paints Trump and
of the Trump Organization, copresident of Trump der that Mikey passed the bar, because marital Cohen as the serial liars they’re known to be.
Entertainment and a board member of the Eric rape has been illegal in the state of New York Now that all of these elephant turds have hit
Trump Foundation. All this is the official resumé, since 1984! the chopper blades, the real question moving
but that’s only half the story. But back to the center ring of this circus: The forward is, will a possible Democratic majority
“He took care of a lot of things for Mr. Trump infamous Trump-Russia dossier published in in the next Congress use all of this accumulated
without Mr. Trump knowing about it,” says long- 2017 alleges that Cohen traveled to Prague in dirt to launch impeachment charges?
time friend David Schwartz. “He’s the guy that 2016 to deliver another hush-hush payoff—to As for poor Michael Cohen, when your role
you could call at three in the morning when you Russian operatives who had hacked the DNC model is one of the world’s biggest Assholes,
have a problem and you need something taken servers and obtained Hillary Clinton’s and John with no loyalty to anything beyond his own mon-
care of.” In a 2011 interview with ABC News, Podesta’s emails. Cohen adamantly denies this strous ego, it can’t really be a surprise when you
Cohen bragged, “If somebody does something allegation, claiming he’s never been to Prague, end up swimming for your life in the sewer.
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live in Russia and Ukraine, and in my city it is not possible to buy HUSTLER Magazines. So my first exposure
to them was when my friend brought a few from the U.S. and showed them to me. I immediately fell in love
with the magazine. It is an artistic work that is both erotica and porn and celebrates the pleasure of beauty.
“When I was a small child, I was very curious, open-minded and friendly, but later I grew up to be shy.
Working in erotica has helped me come back to that girl I was in my youth. All I really want out of life is to be
happy. I’m a tranquil, peaceful person, kind and friendly. Everyone tells me I look so sweet, like an angel, but I
have my naughty side. Minimum once a day I masturbate, and I don’t know why, but I love porn where a woman
gets her clothes cut off her body.
“My most memorable sexual experiences have been with a man I loved. I know that’s not the most exciting, but
love just makes sex better for me. Oh, but once we fucked at sea during a storm with thunder and lightning.”
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not to have too many roots, that I could just pack up and leave. I wanted
up there? to explore. I wanted to see a little bit more of the world and the country
ROMI RAIN: Cold. But I love the East Coast. I miss the people. and see what else I could get into. I knew I was bisexual at 13, and I
We always joke about East versus West, the weather versus loved to perform and dance. I’m like, “I want to see what’s out there in
people. I like really direct, blunt, crazy, fun people—I feel lucky to have this big, weird world.” So two months after I turned 18, I moved to L.A.
been born and raised where I was. I grew up around drag queens and with…nobody. With no money, no friends, no nothing. But it was an
burlesque dancers, and I always knew, when I was younger, that being experience, and I’m glad I did it. And I’ve never technically gone home
bisexual or gay was okay. So, yeah, I love Boston. I don’t think I’d be except for visits, so I feel pretty cool in that it was brave when I look
single if I was in Boston. I kind of like the East Coast men a little better. back on it.
Is that wrong to say?
I read in a previous interview that your mom posed for us.
As a man who was raised on the East Coast, I’ll allow it. Yeah. Not like HUSTLER HUSTLER, but Busty Beauties, and she did the
I love entertainment and performing, but I don’t know if I would nec- Boob Cruise back in the day. But she didn’t do porn. And she was on
essarily want to be with a male model, somebody who looks in the the fence about [me getting into the adult industry]. People are like,
mirror more than me. I want the mirror space. “Was she cool with it?” Yes and no. Of course she had her moments
with it. But I’m an adult, and she likes that I’ve been making good de-
What made you want to leave Boston? cisions and I didn’t just get in to screw around. I wanted to be suc-
In all honesty, I was the first person in my family to actually leave. East cessful and thought of professionally. So she’s happy with that. You
Coast people, mostly Boston and New York, they love being from where know, like if you’re going to have a daughter in porn, have a daughter
they’re from. I don’t have any siblings, so in a way, I was kind of lucky in porn with really good credentials.
If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. in my career, and that’s important. I take a lot of pride in that, because
That’s always what I’ve said. The stigma people tried to give me was, that is hard.
“Oh, if you do it—no one’s ever going to forget you were in porn, no
matter if you do one scene or 500.” I’m like, I agree with you, so that Prior to entering the adult field, you had a lot of service-industry jobs.
means I better make this worth it. Make the juice worth the squeeze. Oh, God, service industry is hard, but it helps your work ethic. Because
Make it worth all this trouble. Like, yeah, I was in porn, but I was great I didn’t grow up with very much money. We were off and on poor. It
in porn. I was on a lot of covers. They gave me awards for having sex. was off and on free lunch. I know what government cheese tastes like.
How weird is that? If you do whatever you do well, that’s bragging So I had a job at 14. I worked at Friendly’s, East Coast chain.
rights. Because it’s hard to be successful at anything. It’s hard to be
considered really good in your chosen field and to get recognition for I know Friendly’s well.
it. So fucking work it. Friendly’s was awesome. Delicious. But I didn’t like working there be-
cause I’d just scoop ice cream. It was the only thing they would let me
You’ve approached your career very deliberately. do, being that young. And it hurts your hands—it’s really cold—and
I thought about it. I did dancing to camming to nude modeling, solo to people are mean when it comes to how they like their ice cream and
girl-girl, boy-girl…I did everything one at a time because I wanted to shakes. It’s weird, but they are. It was fine, but service like that, it
enjoy it. I wanted to see what was really going on and dip my toes in wasn’t really my cup of tea. People were nicer to me in the strip club.
and see if this was something I could really be a part of. And I didn’t All right, weird fun fact. It’s fucked up, but it’s true: I’ve been more sex-
want to say, “Porn destroyed me. It was porn’s fault.” I want bragging ually harassed in my service-industry jobs as a teenager than I’ve ever
rights. I’m not ashamed of myself and what I do. I’ve decided every been in the strip clubs. Isn’t that weird? People try to grab your ass, or
sex act I’ve done or haven’t done. I really have been in the driver’s seat they touch you, or they’re flirting with you all night long. At least in a >>
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strip club or on a porn set, I can say, “Get the fuck away from
me.” I can slap somebody. I can walk away. But they actually re-
ally make you eat more shit if you’re in service because the cus-
tomer’s always right and you’re at people’s mercy. I felt like I
was able to be stronger and more powerful and self-assertive
once I got into the adult industry. I feel like I’m less harassed in
general. People talk shit online, but that’s just online. It’s nothing.
R O M I R A I N : N A K E D A M B I T I O N
And you’re not in a relationship currently? to stand together. We all have to mind our words and our P’s and Q’s.
No, not right now. That’s why I get so much done. If you’re going to be The word bully has been thrown around a lot, and there’s ups and
single, in the middle of an adult entertainment career is a good time downs to that. Because there are people who I’ve seen use the word
to be single. At least that’s what I tell myself. There have been so many bully that I would consider a bully. That’s why I think it’s more about
months the past two years where I’ve been home a week out of the respect. Instead of all these fancy little words that you’re doing this,
month. I might go to Florida for a week to shoot. I was in the U.K. for you’re doing that. No one’s completely innocent. Everybody talks shit,
ten straight days last April. Feature dancing, I’m gone for two to five especially on Twitter. Oh, my God, the amount of stuff that I see people
days. And then if I’m just shooting scenes, I could be gone 12 hours in saying to each other on Twitter, and then the next day they want to be,
the day. My schedule is so crazy, but so full. Again, it’s milking the ca- “We’re in this together.” It’s like, “You gotta pick one. Because you just
reer for what it’s worth. I want to make sure I’m doing everything that called her a cunt.” So be honest. Be real. But we are all in this together,
I need to do. You have a certain amount of time to really capitalize on and there does need to be a mutual respect.
all of this in the industry.
You’ve described yourself as a class clown growing up. Do you
You’ve been active in helping new starlets. What motivates you still maintain the joker personality?
to do that? Yeah. I have a dark sense of humor sometimes. I can make a joke out
I wanted to start helping people by being honest, because I thought a of pretty much any situation. Almost the worse it is, the funnier you
lot of people weren’t being very honest. When I was newer, I didn’t get can make it because it’s just that dark, funny humor.
a lot of help. It always struck me as so strange why people want to act
like anal prep is a secret. I’m like, “You want this girl to do a DP to- Have you ever played a joke on set?
morrow, but you’re not going to tell her how to properly stretch out Not really, because I know that if I pranked somebody, they would do
and clean her butt? Come on, guys.” And girls don’t know. New girls something to me, and I just couldn’t live in fear like that. I would be
are being handed a douche on set, and they don’t know what to do waiting for something to jump out at me forever.
with it. People like to joke about it. I’ve heard these funny stories of
girls gargling with the douche water or not knowing how to use it or When you’re not filming or dancing, what are your activities?
using an enema as douche or vice versa—putting a douche in their Nowadays, being lazy is an awesome activity. I always joke with my
butt. I’m like, “Oh, girl, no.” Some of these girls are brand-new, 18, 19. fans—I will tweet sometimes, “What should I watch on Netflix?” And
And as much respect as I have for some agents and some directors, it then they give me the rundown on stuff. I like to just unwind. If I can
bothers me how little education there is for girls and anybody in gen- go home and Netflix and video-game—
eral. I don’t really want to be anybody’s role model necessarily. But I
always at least wanted to be a good example of an adult entertainer. Any particular favorite games?
Because we already get so much heat, and we’re not all heroin addicts; More of the role-playing games, like the Final Fantasy games. And
we’re not all assholes; we’re not all trying to fight every chick we see. then fighting games, like SoulCalibur and Grand Theft Auto. Anything,
I want this industry to be as good as it can be. I want the new girl to especially online, because now you can play with people all around
have a clean vagina and a clean butthole so that when we do a scene the world. And those are great fans to have because those guys are
together, it’s awesome. at their computers all day and all night. Those are the kind of porn
fans you want, because they’re on the computer; they’re buying
It’s win-win. your merch. The geek culture is so cool nowadays. It wasn’t this cool
That’s exactly the way I look at it. I have been so open about, “Look, if when I was a kid. They didn’t think that wrestling and all this shit
you have any fucking questions, ask me. I’ll tell you how to actually was as neat as it is now. Now, when I talk about it, it blows people’s
clean out your butt, what you should eat, what you shouldn’t eat, I minds. Now you’re not cool if you don’t watch Marvel shows and have
mean, just the basics.” a PlayStation.
Why do you think there’s been a lack of that basic training in the You have your own Fleshlight model. What’s that process like?
industry? Did you model for it?
I hate to say it—sometimes you’re just thrown to the wolves. They Yeah, they really do mold you. You have to put your legs behind your
want to see what’s going to happen, because they don’t know how head, and they put this foamy plaster stuff on you. You have this blue
long you’re going to stick around. If I can use my position for good, or green plaster, and there’s two dudes with gloves on kind of handling
that would be nice. Because it would’ve been even easier for me had it. So it’s not as sexy as it seems. But it’s funny. It’s business. They pop
I had some people tell me the truth and help me out back then. I don’t it off after like ten minutes, and it’s the outline of your outer labia lips.
think me being honest and helping out somebody else is going to hin- They just pop that out and make the Fleshlight. You get to help name
der my success. I can be successful, and you can be successful too. it. They named mine Storm. I’m the Storm Fleshlight. It was really cool.
Let’s be successful together and make this industry better and some- It’s soft, and it’s pretty legit.
thing more brag-worthy, rather than looking all lost and scared.
What are your goals in the industry?
The issue of bullying among performers has come up recently in One of my big goals was to never feel like I was ever going to turn my
light of August Ames’ death and other unfortunate incidents. back on the industry. I always wanted to build up to the point where I
It’s hard, because that conversation goes so many ways. We do need don’t necessarily even have to leave my house to get checks coming >>
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in the mail. So between Fleshlight, my website, things like OnlyFans good, it looks good. It matters to me. If the stuff that you put out there
and ManyVids—and all these clip sites, I’m doing all of that from my is quality, that’s what you’re going to be remembered for.
home. It’s getting to where I’m getting a borderline-comfortable
amount of residuals. As long as I’m doing what I need to do from home, Legacy is extremely important.
like my clips and going online every once in a while and uploading Especially in this kind of industry, where you can crash and burn pretty
stuff, it’s going to get to the point where I don’t even necessarily need easily. You can go from being Best New Starlet to two years later peo-
to go to sets. That’s kind of my goal for the next two years, to be doing ple don’t even like you anymore because of your bad attitude. I’ve seen
this more for myself—being in complete control of all of my scenes it happen.
and work and using certain shooters and certain directors. And I’m
getting much better with editing. I’m trying to be more hands-on in the Banned from the set.
next year to the point where, as much as I love sets and companies, I If you aren’t taking the time and building your own stuff, you’re not
might not need to work for as many. going to have a lot to fall back on in a few years, once shooting for
other people slows down. Because it’s going to slow down no matter
Do you see yourself working as a director or producer at some what, even if you are popular. If you’re not shooting your own clips or
point? making your own website or trying to build yourself, that’s when I feel
I already feel like I have done some of that. I’ve done a bit of producing like some girls get a little bit more desperate, like, “Oh, I have to do
and directing, even if I haven’t always gotten all the credit for it. I’ve this,” “Oh, can I say no?” And you never want to be in that position.
definitely been the producer on many, many of my sets. I usually am That’s another reason why I try to be honest with girls—so you don’t
picking my own wardrobe and getting that handled. I try to have a say get locked in those positions of, “How do I pay rent? I guess I gotta do
in everything—not because I think I’m great but because I want it to this scene that I don’t really want to do, with this person I don’t really
be great. I’ll be as involved as I need to be, so I look good, we look want to work with, and it’s not really my style.” Never do that.
R O M I R A I N : N A K E D A M B I T I O N
It’s a lot of work, but at least I can say I haven’t ever sucked a dick things, we’ll see. I’m open and excited about the future.
I didn’t want to. I don’t take jobs I don’t want to take. There are certain
sites I never worked for, never will work for. That’s the great thing about Well, you’re probably not going back to work at Friendly’s.
social media—we have the capability nowadays to make ourselves Probably not. I mean, that would be neat to like buy a chain, right? Just
into a bigger name. Five, ten years ago, you had to be a contract girl. to get in business. Franchise a bunch of Friendly’s and Taco Bells.
Nowadays contracts are kind of silly—you’re just not working for
everybody else. You don’t need one with social media and all these dif- Check out the 2018 XBIZ Performer of the Year on, and
ferent sites you can get on by yourself. You can really create your name join her 2.5 million followers on Instagram @RomiRain and Twitter
and build yourself up and have star power without needing somebody @Romi_Rain. A special thanks to Evolve Pole + Erotic Dance Studio in
to back you and push you. Los Angeles, California, for the awesome shoot location!
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o go where no man has gone before
is a pleasure on Lesbos, the all-girl
planet. There they have studied sex
for thousands of years, developing
it into a high art. They know every aspect of
dominance and submission and play them
out in their never-ending love games, seek-
ing the ultimate orgasm. Nowhere else in
the universe are passions more intense, as
tongues press to genitals and lips seek
inviting breasts—every waking minute is
spent practicing close encounters. We think
these girls are out of this world.
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APRIL 2003
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t’s not the usual circus. Discreetly touring the jaded capitals of the old world, Stormy’s
I carnal carnival offers “specialized acts” for a select audience. They pay handsomely to
dally with suspended aerialists who suck cock exquisitely while hanging upside down
or to ride in carriages pulled by harnessed human show-ponies. And in the center ring
Stormy presides, whip ever at the ready.
Few are so generous—and so bold—as so merit the hospitality of Stormy’s exotically
appointed wagon. She’s not immune to their flattery. Far from it. She takes great delight in
displaying her corsetted curves and luscious parts while they tongue her shiny boots. They
love it when she makes the pretty, blown-glass dildo disappear in her glistening depths. If
Stormy didn’t enjoy putting on a good, dirty show, she would choose another line of work,
but circus life suits her just fine.
Sprawling on the fur rug of her cozy nest, she invites the ones she chooses to crawl to
her treasure box, where they can earn their rewards by sucking and licking her pussy and
ass just how she likes. They learn quickly enough at the searing stroke of her riding crop.
And best of all, when she’s properly enriched and sated, she sends them all away and
moves on to the next booking, where new opportunities always await.
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t’s nearly 11 p.m. on January 21, 2018, when my phone’s screen of Shout Your Abortion’s website and YouTube channel. The video was
illuminates with a new iMessage notification. Out of the blue, the first of many campaigns since #ShoutYourAbortion began in 2015
the first photographer I ever posed nude for, Kyle Depew, has sent by Amelia Bonow in her efforts to shift the dialogue about abortion
me two images. Based in New York City, Kyle has access to tons from stigmatized to normalized by sharing accounts of abortion ex-
of cultural events in real time—events like the multimedia installa- periences from womxn all over the country and the world. Now, in
tions for Shout Your Abortion (SYA), the reproductive justice collec- 2018, it’s the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade—the landmark U.S.
tive I collaborate with. This particular time around, portraits of me Supreme Court decision that legalized American abortions—and my
shot by my mother a few months earlier have been converted to portraits, as shown by Kyle’s quick snaps, have been displayed front
monotone and projected alongside the proclamation, “Abortion Is and center in Union Square in New York City. I zoomed in to confirm:
Normal.” In the images, I am stoic and wearing the signature SYA My image—a Black bisexual sex worker—was being displayed as an
T-shirt reading, “EVERYONE KNOWS I HAD AN ABORTION.” And it’s advocate of reproductive justice in one of the busiest intersections in
true; by this time my abortion story has been shared in the form of a one of the biggest cities in the world. I needed a moment to pick my
brief video anecdote across social media thousands of times as part jaw off the ground.
R O E V. W A D E I N T R U M P ’ S A M E R I C A
Flashback five years earlier: I was barely 21. My modeling and per- the day along at the hospital. Other than the crushing disappointment
formance career was finally gaining traction, although I was only de- at my new status as a statistic, I felt relieved that there wasn’t anything
voting a quarter of my time to photoshoots and promotion. I was knee seriously wrong with me. But I cried like I’d just been told some ob-
deep in the third of five years at Drexel University, studying for my un- scure and vicious cancer was dissolving my brain stem. My business
dergraduate English literature degree and commanding my college’s casual attire felt at once like a cage and a shield. I vividly recall my
literary and arts magazine as editor in chief. I was a five-foot-four Black doctor, an Indian woman not much older than me, hugging me tightly
femme Clark Kent-Superman dynamo—quickly capable of shedding and saying it was going to be all right. Her perfume smelled like fresh
a sweet, nerdy exterior for the sassy, confident and sexually liberated lavender, and I wondered if she wore it because of the soothing nature
core I could shamelessly exude online. Non-school days and nights of the flower and its scent. I remember the shock of calling my mother
were little more than blurs and speed bumps, lost in a mesmerizing and the numbness I felt as I prepared for her to berate me, disown me
collage of go-go dancing in Philly dive bars, burlesque performances, even. Thankfully she did neither and consoled me as best she could
work as a masturbation booth girl at a derelict strip club and sex toy given our distance. “Come home,” she cooed. “You’ll be all right once
shop in Southern New Jersey and nude photoshoots—some erotic, you know what you want to do.”
some fetish-based, but mostly artistic. Whatever holes existed in my “I know what I want to do. There’s no way I’m having a fucking
21-year-old life could be paved by one of two things: glitter or tequila. baby.” The edge softened as I listened to my mom’s soothing voice
My Bambi eyes were always set on the next project, the next party, the and jokes all the way back home.
next move—I didn’t know what it meant to be present, to be tethered
to anyone or anything. Save for my ex-dormmate turned best friend This is where my particular experience with abortion stops being
Kaycee, my mom and a few mutual acquaintances, I trusted no one unique. I was lucky. I lived in Philadelphia, where access to Planned
with my innermost self and was ready to kick in the teeth of anyone Parenthood was easy and scheduling my abortion was like making any
who displayed cause for a good beatdown. There was far too much other appointment. My mother and best friends supported me. After
punk music and budding activist rage in my blood. dipping into some textbook and supplies savings, I could afford the
That’s what made the morning after fucking Alex* so strange. I procedure—although I did delay my appointment by showing up two
couldn’t explain why I felt so weird about it. He hadn’t coerced or forced hours late accidentally (nothing like pregnancy grogginess to convince
me into anything. But it had felt too personal, too intimate—and he’d you 12 p.m. is 2 p.m. when you’re writing info quickly). I only missed
also taken the condom off without mentioning it in the middle of us a day of class after choosing to have a pill abortion in the comfort of
having sex. I didn’t think twice about it once his brown tattooed form my own adolescent bedroom at my mom’s home.
bicycled out of view on his little silver fixed-gear that balmy Sunday But even with all the support I had in making my choice, a dark
afternoon. The next day I got Plan B and blocked his number. cloud hung over me. It was the notion that I should feel bad or, worse
Not long thereafter, the stress of juggling my ridiculously busy social yet, worthless—that getting pregnant in the first place was already a
and scholastic lives pushed me off the tightrope I’d been tiptoeing, so severe fuck-up, but choosing to terminate the pregnancy was also a
at 21 I experienced my first panic attack. Shocks of tension rocked my cruel and immoral flaw. This was purely society’s influence. I do not
chest. I could barely breathe. My heart rate was erratic and thunderous now and did not at the time regret my decision. But the modern repro-
for hours as I sat through a revolving door of school-imposed internship ductive rights movement frequently forgets or ignores the stories that
interviews in between studying for that quarter’s finals. So this is what are not like mine. The stories of sheer agony and horror that accom-
death feels like, I thought melodramatically as I sat in my assigned ex- pany the pain of claiming ownership over the fledgling lives now hang-
amination room hours after my last interview that particular day. ing in the balance—both yours and the developing fetus within—and
The staff at Thomas Jefferson Hospital was kind to me and ran what should become of each. My choice was simple, and yet we hardly
every test they could think of, including a CAT scan—which required hear from the women and girls whose stories aren’t unless they’ve
a pregnancy test. Had I not dragged my ass to the hospital for the em- been sensationalized alongside other topics, such as immigration, the
barrassing diagnosis of, “Well, it’s not a heart attack,” it would’ve been prevalence of rape culture, kidnapping or human trafficking—the very
weeks before I discovered I was pregnant. I was barely four weeks to extreme cases that can’t be dismissed and undignified. >>
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R O E V. W A D E I N T R U M P ’ S A M E R I C A
Fast-forward back to the semi-surrealist present, where 45 years post- toward the end of the second wave of the feminist movement. Encour-
Roe v. Wade, the reproductive rights movement is slowly being forced aged by the desire for globalism in human rights and excluded by their
back to the same drawing board from which it sprang in 1973, scram- white peers, Black feminists developed the phrasing and strategies of
bling to hold on to the few pieces of progress we’ve been able to sal- resistance for the reproductive justice movement. Through commu-
vage. The closet fascist Donald J. Trump has become the only sitting nity-oriented action, Black feminists demanded our stories be told,
President to directly address and even applaud the March for Life, the offering accounts of the lack of access to basic healthcare and repro-
nation’s oldest and most fervent antiabortion rally. This came on the ductive options. By attributing reproductive rights under the umbrella
same platter as the announcement from the U.S. Department of Health of human rights, Black activists succeeded in establishing a universal
and Human Services presenting a new regulation that will safeguard level of significance, empathy and support for reproductive health ac-
healthcare providers’ civil rights based on “religious and conscience cess. But this history has long been lost to whitewashed reiterations,
objections,” basically defending a healthcare worker’s right to decline the terminology and actions co-opted in the name of and solely to sup-
providing an abortion on these grounds. I consider the ways the doctor port the modern mainstream feminist movement.
comforted me when I found out I was pregnant, the way I was treated So while I can salute the efforts of the mainstream (read white) fem-
by the staff at Planned Parenthood—who had enabled my abortion by inist movement, I also understand and emphasize the reality: Feminists
providing me with both doses of mifepristone and misoprostol and who can and should do better. I am not a part of mainstream feminism’s
examined me a short while later to confirm the success of the termi- reproductive rights movement; I am, however, a steadfast advocate for
nation. Some of them had genuinely been indifferent toward me; I was the reproductive justice movement. If we want to actually propagate
probably the 60th patient of the day. But I remember the doctor who’d progress versus constantly defending the small percentage of rights
provided the first dose, the mifepristone. He’d been a middle-aged currently afforded us, we’ll need white feminists to relinquish their no-
Black man, jovial and informative. There is no doubt in my bones that tions of entitlement over the entire reproductive justice movement.
he was glad to be helping his patients, and yet it is entirely possible We’ll need to transition from excluding the most marginalized groups
that he was a lifelong Christian in fervent opposition to acting as a con- to full inclusion of marginalized groups and all of our ideas without pa-
duit for termination services. It’s unlikely though, given the progressive tronizing or tokenizing any group. As it stands, co-opting terminology
culture in Philadelphia. In fact, the local Planned Parenthood lies in a is not getting policy developed; co-opting terminology is not devising
modern, stucco structure smack in the center of the Gayborhood. better arguments to persuade the moderates on the right to start get-
ting behind our aims and preventing further pockets of conservatism
Fewer moments in my life have been more bittersweet than choosing from developing in this new generation; and co-opting terminology is
not to participate in the 2018 Women’s March, which fell on the week- not improving the conditions or facilities that poor, immigrant, nonwhite
end prior to Roe v. Wade’s anniversary. Womxn’s reproductive justice and/or disabled womxn must utilize when faced with making choices
correlates with the feminist movement’s aim for womxn’s autonomy, regarding their own reproductive health.
socioeconomic equity and an end to systemic racialized and gendered
discrimination. And yet the feminists organizing the march were pre- Technology affords me the ability to engage in conscious action or ad-
dominantly white, American, cisgendered, able-bodied, non-sex work- vocacy at any moment and instantly share it on an international scale.
ers—excluding some of the most vulnerable groups of womxn That is what makes the appeal of Shout Your Abortion an ideal platform
disproportionately affected by the very issues they seek to end. Seeing to share advocacy work. The collective is decentralized, autonomous
a sea of folks rocking Pepto-Bismol pink, vulva-shaped hats and signs and collaborative, artistic activism—real-time multimedia and tangible
about “Pussy Power” doesn’t empower or inspire me to lend my time, conversations aimed to reorient the ongoing dialogue about abortions,
influence or talent to any public action. It almost feels insulting to see everything from the policies to the actual experiences. While a great
these marches occur when few of the organizers or speakers are deal of the work is digital, it’s important to note that SYA has hosted
trans-women, womxn of color, immigrants—undocumented or not— many events in cities around the country in conjunction with the social
or disabled womxn. The insult grows in intensity when I consider the media promotions. Activism in the age of the internet isn’t limited to
source of why we now more often refer to the reproductive justice hostile rallies and marches in the streets.
movement as the reproductive rights movement. This transition was Five years after my own abortion, I’m not only proud but insanely
a direct influence and co-opt from the work Black feminists were doing honored to hear that I’ve been invited to contribute a new project for
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’m a true bisexual. I don’t have a preference between
men and women. I love them equally. The first time I
had sex, I did it with my best friend, and we’re still best
friends to this day. Three of our pals were watching
us get it on, and it was so awkward and funny that we
still laugh about it. I’m currently dating a woman, and
she makes me come so much that I threw my wand
away! We love hanging out and watching movies in
theaters. The minute a flick comes out, I’m there.
“I grew up in Miami, and it’s still my favorite place to
be. I know the city like the back of my hand, and all my
friends and family are there. It has gorgeous beaches,
and the girls are really hot and half-naked all the time!
“Beautiful smiles turn me on—I’m weak for perfect
teeth. And being close to your family gets bonus points in
my book. When it comes to sex, I have tons of fetishes: I
could be flogged for hours; I like clothespins on my body;
and I love, love, love foot torture. To me, the secret to great
sex is letting go and embracing every single sensation.
“I’m pretty stoked to be the anniversary centerfold.
If it weren’t for the iconic Larry Flynt, sex wouldn’t be
as mainstream as it is. So thank you, Larry, and happy
anniversary, HUSTLER!”
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wenty-five years after the end of the Cold War, thousands of Site R in Raven Rock Mountain sounded the alarm: Soviet submarines
MIRV (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) mis- had launched 2,200 missiles toward the U.S.! Bomber crews scram-
siles remain on hair-trigger alert worldwide, ready to “launch bled, and missile officers removed their launch keys from safes, ready
on warning” by order of any leader with a nuclear arsenal: for instant retaliation. Again, cooler heads prevailed, guessing that
Trump, Putin, Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping, Ram Nath Kovind, Mamnoon it was possibly a false alarm. The error was later determined to
Hussain, Netanyahu…or maybe some Dr. Strangelove hacker who just have been caused by a defective 46-cent computer chip.
wants to end it all. And the truly insane kicker: There exists no possi- Other false alarms during the Cold War were caused by the
bility of recall for most of these weapons. Once launched, it’s all over. mistaken insertion of a realistic training tape simulating
Considering all this, the Hawaii incident was not really a false alert. an all-out Soviet assault, a Norwegian weather rocket, a
It was a wake-up call to remind us that we’re still sitting on a rotten solar storm and a faulty AT&T telephone switch.
old powder keg, but now we’re insanely stuffing it to the staves with In 1961 a B-52 bomber suffering mechanical prob-
brand-new and improved nukes. A new Cold War shows every sign of lems accidentally dropped two hydrogen bombs near
getting hot soon. The old Cold War taught us a hard lesson, but it’s one Goldsboro, North Carolina. A single low-voltage
we’re quickly forgetting. switch prevented detonation. In 2007 six nu-
We’ve come damn close to slipping over the cliff edge and blowing clear-tipped cruise missiles were mistakenly
up the world several times: In 1983 a radar screen in a missile com- loaded onto a B-52 bomber, which was then
mand center outside of Moscow lit up, indicating five American Min- flown cross-country and left unguarded on
uteman missiles soaring toward the Soviet Union. The duty officer, the tarmac for a staggering 36 hours be-
Stanislav Petrov, recalls, “The siren howled, but I just sat there for a fore the error was discovered.
few seconds, staring at the big, back-lit, red screen with the word We’ve been very lucky in avoiding
launch on it. All I had to do was to reach for the phone to raise the catastrophe so far, but how long will
direct line to our top commanders.” this luck hold out? Former Secre-
The urgency to launch a retaliatory strike before the enemy’s mis- tary of Defense William Perry
siles destroy your own is almost irresistible: Use ’em or lose ’em. The states, “The problem of start-
window of opportunity is narrow, perhaps 10 to 15 minutes. With Pres- ing a war by mistake is prob-
ident Reagan then publicly declaring the USSR an “evil empire,” top
Soviet leaders seriously worried that the Gipper was planning a first
strike—and here it was. Fortunately for us all, Petrov correctly guessed
that it was a malfunction in the early warning system. Sun rays re-
flecting from cloud tops, recorded by a Soviet satellite, had caused
the phantom missiles.
Three years earlier a networked computer system buried below
the Pentagon, NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain command center and
W O R L D W A R I I I : O O P S , G A M E O V E R
ably more—greater today than it was during the Cold War because the using psilocybin. So we’ve got hallucinating gangbangers hunched over
things that can cause a false alert are not just a single person making insecure Stone Age computers managing hair-trigger doomsday mis-
the wrong judgment. It’s not just a machine here. Now we have the pos- siles with no possibility of recall. No, this is not a Terry Gilliam film. It’s
sibility of malicious hacking into the system either by a malevolent indi- reality. Have a nice day!
vidual or by an unfriendly government.” The military brass assures us that infallible safeguards are in place
In his book and documentary film Command and Control, Eric to prevent a single deranged General Ripper from launching a missile:
Schlosser catalogs the vulnerability of nuclear arsenals today as we The nuclear strike cannot be initiated without codes supplied from the
“contend with threats that barely existed during the Cold War: malware, President, and four switches have to be turned by four hands to initiate
spyware, worms, bugs, viruses, corrupted firmware, logic bombs, Tro- the launch. That’s our protocol, but who knows what safeguards pertain
jan horses,” and thoroughly obsolete computer systems controlling to the nuclear arsenals of other countries?
some of our missiles. The Royal Navy’s ballistic missile subs are con- If a decapitating first strike was successful—meaning the obliter-
trolled by Windows XP—discontinued and without security patch up- ation of Moscow or Washington, with all command-and-control func-
dates since 2014. Journalists allowed into Minuteman silos have found tions—would an all-out nuclear war then be avoidable? No. Because
a blast door propped open with a crowbar and a floppy-disk IBM Se- both powers have “Dead Hand” technology, guaranteeing retaliation
ries/1 computer from 1976 being used to receive Emergency Action even with a brain-dead capital. The Russians got there first with the
Messages (EAM) from the President. Your first flip phone was more Perimeter system: In the event the Soviets were attacked, special com-
powerful and secure. munication missiles in Siberia or elsewhere would soar, broadcasting
A report by the Defense Science Board in 2013 concluded that the launch orders to all surviving missile bases, bombers and subs world-
Pentagon’s computer networks were increasingly using foreign parts, that wide. The “Dead Hand” system is allegedly still active in Russia. The
Red teams (simulating a hostile hacker) had been able to penetrate and U.S. responded with the AN/DRC-8 Emergency Rocket Communications
disrupt the systems with “relative ease,” and that the “complexity of System, since abandoned in favor of satellites providing the same ca-
modern software and hardware makes it difficult, if not impossible, to pability. The doomsday device portrayed in Dr. Strangelove, it turns out,
develop components without flaws or to detect malicious insertions.” was no mere fantasy.
Worse, many of the underground troglodytes manning these silos William Perry and other defense pundits advocate further restric-
are essentially bored and demoralized mall guards. In the past five tions on the President’s sole decision to launch nukes. Missiles
years Minuteman watch officers have been caught cheating on profi- launched from Russia or North Korea would give the President about
ciency exams; three officers at Malmstrom Air Force Base in 20 minutes to decide on a retaliatory strike—or as little as five minutes
Montana were canned for using ecstasy, cocaine and if the missiles were launched from subs near our coasts. He would
amphetamines; and one officer at Minot Air Force hopefully consult with officers of the U.S. Strategic Command and other
Base in North Dakota was sentenced to 25 years aides who might be present or reachable, but he’s under no legal ob-
in prison for running a violent street gang and ligation to seek consent from Congress or the Joint Chiefs of Staff be-
fore initiating nuclear Armageddon.
Perry also suggests that land-based ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic
missiles) should be eradicated, and we can rely solely on mobile subs
and bombers as a deterrent. They aren’t as vulnerable to the “use ’em or
lose ’em” and “launch-on-warning” urgency governing fixed-site missiles.
A protocol requiring launch approval from a second person beyond the
President would deter an impulsive or unbalanced leader, but would it
be feasible if sub-launched missiles were only five minutes from im-
pact? And in the event of a widespread cyber attack knocking out com-
munications, could the two decision makers even be hooked up?
Newt Gingrich offers another reliably wacko solution after Hawaii:
reviving the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), derisively nicknamed
Star Wars. We need to spend billions and billions, he tells us, on a com-
plex, sprawling ABM (anti-ballistic missile) system that may or may not
work—except as another enriching boondoggle for Lockheed Martin,
Raytheon and company.
Perry’s suggestions may enhance American security to some de-
gree, but they ignore a fundamental problem: We are the big gorilla in
the nuclear jungle, but we are not alone; we control only part of it. Even
if every stringent new safeguard we can think of were adopted in
Washington, what guarantee is there that Moscow, Beijing and Pyong-
yang would follow suit? We may come up with the most impregnable
computer network and the most conscientious personnel possible, but
God only knows what relatively primitive system is employed by Is-
lamabad. Even a limited nuclear exchange—between India and Pak-
istan, for instance—would not spare the rest of us. Weather patterns >>
W O R L D W A R I I I : O O P S , G A M E O V E R
The Russians’ bet on Trump hasn’t paid off either. He too has sur- “a level compatible with national survival and recovery.” That’s straight
rendered to the hawks, with a new Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) out of Dr. Strangelove, but unfortunately it’s not a satire. Payne dismisses
promising even more escalation, including a new class of “low-yield” proposals for eliminating ICBMs and adopting a “no first use” policy
nuclear warheads. Reportedly, he wants to showcase them down Penn- for nuclear weapons as “naive proposals, suited to a benign world that
sylvania Avenue in a multimillion-dollar military parade. These nuclear does not exist and offered by activists who have yet to figure that out.”
lite weapons will be easier to use, and the new NPR even advocates No, that “benign world” does not yet exist, but it is desirable, possible
using them against non-nuclear strategic cyber/infrastructure attacks! and absolutely necessary to prevent humanity from committing collective
This is a historic first in nuclear weapons policy. This massive upgrade suicide. A galloping new nuclear arms race, combined with the vulner-
of our nuclear weapons infrastructure will cost an estimated $1.2 tril- abilities of cyber warfare, almost guarantee an accidental or deliberate
lion over the next 30 years—if we survive that long. blowout sooner or later. As journalist Eric Margolis advises, “Anyone
Not everyone in the Pentagon is happy over this. Army, Navy and who thinks a nuclear war can be waged without permanently polluting
Air Force brass worry that all this money for nukes will be diverted to our planet should be put under psychiatric care.” That would include
promote massive new funding initiatives at the expense of badly a sizable number of the crazed warlords infesting our nation’s capital.
needed money for military readiness. One senior Army officer says the Ultimately, it will be up to American citizens to derail this locomotive,
new nuke lite weapons provide Trump with “a kind of gateway drug because our government is in the driver’s seat. We need to ignore con-
for nuclear war.” Kingston Reif, director of disarmament and threat re- servative psychopaths like Keith Payne and adopt more enlightened
duction policy at the Arms Control Association, states, “If we were to attitudes. Either we make the moral progress necessary to sustain life
put low-yield warheads on our submarine-launched missiles, as the on Earth, or we continue on the long, sad historical path of barbarism
NPR recommends, and actually fire them, how would the Russians ac- until we wipe ourselves out. Let’s choose wisely.
tually know they were low-yield warheads? The answer is that they
wouldn’t—and they’d respond strategically. The truth is, even launch-
ing a ballistic missile is a huge escalation.”
In response to this aggressive madness, Vladimir Putin announced
in March that Russia is developing its own new nukes, including a new
ICBM and a nuke-tipped cruise missile, and America’s NPR mentions
the possibility of a Russian underwater drone sub capable of carrying
a 100-megaton warhead. All these developments are a stunning U-
turn from disarmament, leading us straight back to the horrors of
MAD—mutually assured destruction.
There is a ray of hope. In July 2017 the U.N. adopted the landmark
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons signed by 122 nations,
calling for a “competent international authority or authorities to nego-
tiate and verify the irreversible elimination of nuclear weapons pro-
grams,” further stipulating that any “State Party that owns, possesses
or controls nuclear weapons…shall immediately remove them from
operational status” and “submit to the Secretary-General of the United
Nations a declaration that it has fulfilled its obligations.” Unfortunately,
the major nuclear weapon players of the world—namely the U.S., Rus-
sia, U.K., France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea—ac-
tually boycotted the U.N. assemblies and refused to sign the treaty.
Instead of listening to voices of sanity, Washington is enamored with
madmen like Dr. Keith Payne, president of the hawkish think tank Na-
tional Institute for Public Policy, who helped to author Trump’s dangerous
new NPR. In 1980, Payne penned an article in Foreign Policy arguing that
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MARCH 1976
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t started with a disagreement after dessert. “A
shaved pussy would never turn me on,” said
Richard. “I like my women to be soft and furry.”
“I’ll bet you’d grow hard as granite if you
could see me shaved,” replied Alice. “What do you
say to that?”
Richard smiled slyly. “You’re on!” he answered,
and suddenly everybody wanted to lend a hand.
“Take it easy with that razor!” Alice cried,
squirming her ass on the tabletop. “You’re getting
a little too close for comfort.”
“Don’t worry,” the men laughed. “We’ll be care-
ful. Just settle down or we might accidentally nick
your nookie.”
“Well, Richard, now that you’ve seen my snatch
all slick and smooth, who wins our bet?”
“You do,” Richard answered. “Now come and
get your prize.”
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rowing up, I was a huge nerd,
and I don’t think much has
changed—well, except that I’m
not in marching band anymore.
I like to draw, paint, write, play video
games, and I have three wiener dogs
who take up most of my time. Truth is,
I’m totally passionate about animals.
Someday I want to buy a farm and take
in terminally ill animals so I can give
them their best last days.
“I’m super shy but impulsive too. One
minute we could be sitting at home
watching TV, and the next we’re going on
a road trip! And every day I masturbate
at least once. I do it when I’m stressed,
happy, sad, angry or just because I want
to. I don’t think there’s ever a wrong time
to get yourself off.
“Other than stealing my dad’s mag-
azines, my first real experience with
HUSTLER was on the set of Sugar Babies
Love Their Sugar Daddies. I worked with
Aaron Wilcoxxx, and we had a ton of
chemistry. That was such an awesome
day on set. Porn has changed my life for
the better, and after three and a half
years I’m still loving it. It’s helped me
find myself sexually, meet some really
great people and travel to all my bucket
list spots. I’ve also discovered what a
strong creampie fetish I have. :)”
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posing for a hustLer layout is the dream of every amateur model featured in
our monthly roundup. so once again it’s up to you, the readers, to decide
which Beaver will return in a full-length nude pictorial shot by one of our ace
photographers. we’re presenting 15 standouts from the past year for your
consideration, capped off by an official ballot to indicate your pick. “good
luck, ladies!” declares reigning Beaver of the Year melody wylde.
issue: July ’18 | hometown: McDonough, Georgia | age: 25
height: 5-9 | occupation: Caregiver | naked truth: “I’m a
sweet, bubbly Southern girl with a great sense of humor and
a heart of gold. I have a lot of military friends who, during
their tours, survived off of adult magazines because they
couldn’t access other forms of porn. I want to give back what
I can to our brave servicemen. When it comes to sex, I love it
all. I’m seductive, passionate and truly bi. My fantasy is to meet
a stranger—service member, veteran or civilian—who first saw
me in HUSTLER and play out his or her sexual fantasies.”
issue: Holiday ’17 | hometown: Albuquerque, New
Mexico | age: 23 | height: 5-1 | occupation: Medical
assistant | naked truth: “I admire HUSTLER, and
being in it—naked of course—has been my ultimate
dream. A girl unwrapping her goodies is always
a nice touch! I’m a straight woman who loves to
be manhandled in the bedroom. But watch out!
Sometimes I’ll turn the tables when a guy least
expects it and womanhandle him. Never a dull
moment in my sex life, just a lot of X-rated ones!”
ISSUE: September ’17
HOMETOWN: Chicago, Illinois
AGE: 31 | HEIGHT: 5-6
OCCUPATION: Sex educator and
researcher | NAKED TRUTH: “I
want to celebrate my youthful
beauty as much as possible
while I have it. Posing nude
lets folks see me at my prime.
At a Seattle sex club, about two
dozen dudes formed a circle
around me and wanked away
while I was masturbating on my
blankie. I’m a mutualist. I really
get off when others are pleasured
as well. I hope your readers are
just as enthused when they see
me in my birthday suit.”
ISSUE:July ’18 | HOMETOWN: Hallandale Beach,
Florida | AGE: 24 | HEIGHT: 5-2 | OCCUPATION:
Receptionist | NAKED TRUTH: “I’m an exhibitionist
and an adrenaline junkie. I’ll do almost anything
that can give me a rush. My favorite pastimes are
parasailing, jet-skiing, betting on horse races at
Gulfstream Park and coming, coming and coming
again. I hope everyone gets a good buzz seeing
my wet pussy, bubble butt and all the rest!”
HU1318_P102-109_BH_FINAL_TX_BH monthly template revised 6-25-2014 5/10/18 4:39 PM Page 104
ISSUE: February ’18
HOMETOWN: Astoria, Oregon
AGE: 23 | HEIGHT: 6-0
entertainer | NAKED TRUTH:
“I had fun dancing at Larry
Flynt’s HUSTLER Club in
Las Vegas, and being naked
in his magazine is icing on
the cake. I love nudity, and
I’m very comfortable with
my body, so I don’t mind
ANASTASIA ROSE others enjoying it. I’m very
ISSUE: March ’18 | HOMETOWN: Orlando, Florida outgoing, adventurous,
AGE: 20 | HEIGHT: 5-4 | OCCUPATION: College cheerful, charming and
student | NAKED TRUTH: “I’m all about playful. I think giving and
adventuring, whether it’s outdoors or visiting getting massages before
museums, exhibits, etc. I’m very curious. I love sex is very sensual and a
writing, reading and watching documentaries. real turn-on, and I’ve been
I love seducing guys and girls till they’re so told many, many times that
driven crazy that they need me. My hottest I’m amazing at giving head.
fantasy is a gangbang. I want to be fucked in I really get into it.”
all my holes. I want to be completely stuffed
full of dick! I appreciate everyone who’s
taking the time to read this. If you weren’t
a fan before, I hope you are now!”
ISSUE: June ’18 | HOMETOWN: Kapaa, Hawaii | AGE: 19
would be a nudist all the time if I could. One of my
favorite pastimes is dancing topless at beach drum
circles. I’m an open-minded free spirit, and I like to
show off my body. I love cock and coochie, and I’ve
always been amazed that a vagina is shaped like a
taco. I really enjoy getting eaten out, but I like
giving guys great head too.”
ISSUE: September ’17
HOMETOWN: Austin, Texas
AGE: 26 | HEIGHT: 5-3
OCCUPATION: Cosmetologist
NAKED TRUTH: “I love being
naked where it’s risky. One
time a guy fucked me in his car
with the windows rolled down.
People were walking by, and I
was loud. It was so thrilling,
I began looking for places to
have sex besides on a bed. My
favorite is being bent over the
hood of a car. I’m always up
for performing oral on a guy,
fucking doggy-style and
receiving a facial. My fantasy
is to have sex with a guy I like
a lot on a beach in Hawaii
or Florida.”
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ISSUE: October ’17 | HOMETOWN: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
AGE: 27 | HEIGHT: 5-6 | OCCUPATION: Internet model
NAKED TRUTH: “It is an honor to appear in HUSTLER. I’m a
big Larry Flynt fan. He has defended the porn industry’s
First Amendment rights like no one else. I’m extremely
seductive and aggressive. When I see it, I want it!
I’m bi with a preference for cock, and two cocks are
better than one! I love getting into all sorts of naughty
trouble. I hope my hot pictures make your cocks drip!”
ISSUE: May ’18 | HOMETOWN: South Lake Tahoe,
California | AGE: 23 | HEIGHT: 5-4 | OCCUPATION:
Legal courtesan | NAKED TRUTH: ““I feel
empowered when I show my nude body to one
person. Appearing in HUSTLER has magnified
that feeling. I’m frank, cocky and always ready
to please. I can be a bit aggressive when I’m
intimate, but it’s only so my partner and I
can come to a drenching climax! Most of
all, I love to be eaten out while a guy and
I are 69ing. I’m a very tasty ex-pastry chef.”
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ISSUE: April ’18 | HOMETOWN: Eugene, Oregon | AGE: 32
HEIGHT: 5-5 | OCCUPATION: Marijuana consultant | NAKED TRUTH:
“I love being naked, especially when others can see me.
Sharing is caring. When I’m high as fuck, I’m more open-
minded to trying new things I may have previously thought
no way Jose to. I’m pretty sure I was stoned the first time
I tried anal sex. I think everyone would get along much bet-
ter if recreational marijuana was legalized in all 50 states.”
ISSUE: April ’18
HOMETOWN: Gainesville,
Florida | AGE: 18
NAKED TRUTH: “I’m wild in
bed, and I like it rough—
spanking, hair-pulling
and choking really make
sex funnnnnner! I’m an
adventurous jezebel. One
of my fantasies is fucking
a well-hung dude in the
Butterfly Rainforest at the
Florida Museum of Natural
History. And I want to suck
2,018 dicks in 2018. I love
getting on my knees and
worshiping a penis with
my mouth. I’m strong
and motivated, but I have
a sense of humor too.
Maybe I’m just being
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ISSUE: Holiday ’17 | HOMETOWN: Youngstown, Ohio | AGE: 26
HEIGHT: 5-1 | OCCUPATION: College student | NAKED TRUTH: “I hate
wearing clothes, and I’ve always liked being in the spotlight.
I’m comfortable in my own skin. I think I’m addicted to sex,
and I’m very creative in bed. It’s a major turn-on for me when a
man takes what he wants and comes inside me, either vaginally
or anally. I can only orgasm if I’m eaten out, so I’m still waiting
on that first guy to work his magic while fucking me!”
ISSUE:September ’17 | HOMETOWN: Mankato, Minnesota
AGE: 21 | HEIGHT: 5-4 | OCCUPATION: Retail salesclerk | NAKED
TRUTH: “I’m sweet, flirty, seductive and frisky. I love going
down on men and learning positions that I’ve never tried
before. But a lot of guys like doggy-style, which makes it
my favorite. I’ve always wanted to give a pizza delivery guy
a surprise threesome with me and another girl. I may not
be your cup of tea, but I’ll sure be your shot of whiskey!”
TIFFANY VOTING OPTIONS! Mail your ballot (or photocopy) to HUSTLER, Beaver
ISSUE: September ’17 | HOMETOWN: Sunrise, Florida
AGE: 26 | HEIGHT: 5-5 | OCCUPATION: Water park guide
of the Year Contest, 8484 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 900, Beverly Hills, CA
NAKED TRUTH: “I love being naked; it’s a natural high. 90211. Or email your pick to [email protected]. Only one ballot per
I love it even more when I get to turn on HUSTLER envelope or email is permitted. Voters must be 18 years of age or older.
readers. Yes, I’ll admit it: I’m a big tease and flirt. I’m Remember to include your name and hometown. Ballots must be post-
straight, I like a good manhandling with a guy who marked or received electronically by 11:59 p.m. (PDT) on 8/6/18.
knows what the heck he’s doing, and my fantasy
is to have sex on a raft in the middle of a lake.” Voter’s Name
Phone Number/E-mail
Signature Required (I am 18 years of age or older.)
Please send order form along with check or money order (payable to LFP PUBLISHING) to:
For faster service go online:
South Bend, IN; Memphis, TN; Cincinnati, OH; Jacksonville, FL; Tallahassee, FL; FL zip codes
beginning with 320-326 and 344. We do not ship to correctional facilities in any state. No interna-
tional orders accepted. All sales are final. No refunds will be issued. Delivery time is 2-3 weeks with
money order or credit card; 3-4 weeks with check. *Priority Shipping is 2-5 business days via USPS.
HUST1318_110-125_Layout 1 5/21/18 7:00 PM Page 112
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APRIL 1986
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Today a new wave of young
humorists are adding diverse
viewpoints to America’s stand-
up. They include more female
voices, alternative sexual pref-
erences and comedians with
Indian, Afghan, Pakistani and
Iranian backgrounds. Report- EVA LOVIA
er Ed Rampell catches up with
the multi-culti talents of the
Minority Reportz.
Triple anal, blowbangs, piss-
boarding and epic gapes—is
extreme sex in porn the new
normal? It’s definitely not va-
nilla fare and definitely not for
the faint of heart. Five top per-
formers weigh in on the un-
deniable popularity of this
genre. In-depth interviews by
John Blaylock. Photo courtesy
Jules Jordan Video.