Detailed Lesson Plan-BCSHS-Filipino Identity

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Baybay City Division
Baybay City, Leyte

Developing Filipino Identity in the Arts

Date: April 26, 2022

Grade and Section: 12- Hamilton and Picasso

I. Objective

1. Construct an identity of their own community based on its culture of mass entertainment
and its artistic expressions.
1.1 Define community identity and culture of mass entertainment.
1.2 Determine the different existing community identity and its corresponding culture
of mass entertainment and artistic expressions.
1.3 Express appreciation of one’s own community based from its culture of mass

II. Subject Matter

Culture of Mass Entertainment
III. Learning resources
CG Page: AD_DFI12-IIIf-3
References: CCP Plenary Session AUG 2 – Video & NCCA Ep 6 Buhay na Buhay Video
Other Resources: Internet
Materials: Laptop, TV
IV. Procedure

A. Preliminaries Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Prayer Before we begin the lesson this
morning, let us ask the guidance of
our almighty God and let us enlighten
our mind to completely understand
the lesson this morning. Would you
please lead the prayer Mr. ___? (Student will lead the prayer:
“Yes Ma’am”)

“Let us bow our head and feel

the presence of the Lord, Our

b. Attendance Good morning, everyone! “Good morning, ma’am”

Who is absent today? “None ma’am”

Very Good, Keep it up!

Before we start, check if there are (Students will arrange their
pieces of trash on the ground, and chairs and will pick up the
kindly pick if there are. Also arrange trashes.)
your chairs.
Let’s start our day with positivity, “Yes, ma’am”
respect and practice discipline,
Now, I would like to introduce myself
since this is our first meeting, Hi, my
name is Ann Fatima Cancio, you can
call me Miss Ann or Ma’am Ann. I am
a student teacher from Visayas State
University, taking up Bachelor of
Culture and Arts Education. Again “Hi, Ma’am Ann!”
nice to finally meet you students!

c. Recapitulation

Now, since our topic for this morning

is a continuation from the previous
topic, let’s have a recap.

Can you give me the at least three (Student answer the

cultures that you have learned from questions of the teacher:
the previous discussion? “Kultura ng Pananahanan,
Kultura ng Pag-uuma at Pag-
uukir, Kultura ng

Yes, that is correct.

We have Kultura ng Pagdidiwata (Student answer the

which is about what? questions of the teacher:
“Harmony with the Deities,
Creative Forces of Nature and
Ancestral Spirits”)
How about Kultura ng Pag-uukir at “Poetic Mysticism and
Pag-uuma? Devotion to Islam”

Kultura ng Pamamanata? “Devotion to the Patron Saint

and Village Community”

Kultura ng Pananahanan? “Devotion to the Home and

I see that you pay attention, that’s
B. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
We have here some pictures that I got
from the websites which contains
geographical views of some areas in
the Philippines as well as from the
other country.

Using this pictures, I want you (Students get a piece a paper

students to determine their for the activity)
differences and describe them base
from your observation. Use any type
of paper as long as it is not crumpled,
using the paper list down your ideas.
You can do a bullet forms if you like, “Yes ma’am”
do you get me?

(Students list down their

opinions and ideas about the
two pictures)

We have here the first picture, which

shows two Cities here in Region 8.
Ddetermine their differences and try
to describe them, no need for long
descriptions I just need words to
describe them.

(Students list down their

opinions and ideas about the
two pictures)

The second pictures show the two


(Students list down their

opinions and ideas about the
two pictures)

The third pictures show the two

different art forms.

b. Analysis

Are you done listing your ideas? “Yes ma’am”

If you’re done, can we have 2 (Two students raised their

volunteers to read their ideas from hands and read their ideas:
the three slides? Raise your hand if Student 1: The first slide
you want to volunteer. show that Baybay City is not
highly developed, while
Ormoc City is well developed.
Then for the second slides,
the two different events. Then
the third pictures show two
art forms”
Student 2: “Baybay City is the
City of Discovery, Beauty and
Serenity. Ormoc City is known
for City of Beautiful People.
Two events held, and the last
slide shows music and

Yes, thank you for the wonderful (Students pass their papers:
ideas my dear students. Kindly pass “Thank you, ma’am)
your papers to your classmates who
are in front, I’ll give you 5 points each
for this.

What have you learned from the Student 3: “What I feel about
activity and what did you feel about the activity is that I’m sad
it? that there are some places
that are not well developed
yet and I learned how to
identify the differences from
the different places.”
Alright, thank you for the well
informative answer.

c. Abstraction This morning you were able to

identify and determine some pictures
in the activity. To enlighten you more,
let me tell you about this culture. (Students are listening)

Kultura ng Pag-aaliw in English term

Culture of Mass Entertainment. In this
topic why is it significant to know the
different kinds of community identity
corresponding to the culture of mass
entertainment and artistic
Before that, our objective for today
1. Construct an identity of their own (Students are listening)
community based on its culture
of mass entertainment and its
artistic expressions.

1.1 Define community identity and

culture of mass entertainment.
1.2 Determine the different
existing community identity and its
corresponding culture of mass
entertainment and artistic
1.3 Express appreciation of one’s
own community based from its
culture of mass entertainment.

We have here three key words for our

Culture of Mass Entertainment
Community Identity
Artistic Expressions

Culture of Mass Entertainment. In this

culture it includes the various mass
entertainment in the Philippines.

When we say entertainment it’s a

form of activity or event that gives the
audience a sense of pleasure or fun.
If we put the word mass, we have
Mass Entertainment.

(Students are listening)

Mass Entertainment is about

entertainments that includes a large
amount of people or population
crowded together to join the event or
Can you give an example of this “Sabong ma’am”
entertainment that includes many “Concert ma’am”

Yes, those are correct, that, my dear

student is an example of mass

We have here Sabong and Amateur

Singing Contest

Concerts and Pageants

Then Sports League and Art Exhibit.

These are some examples of Culture
of Mass Entertainments.
Now let’s talk about culture since you
always hear this word in your
previous topics. Who can define Student 6 raised hand:
culture for me? “Culture is a way of life,
Yes, indeed it is a way of life thank
you for that Mr.__

Culture is defined as a way of life, it

includes arts, beliefs, and institutions
of a population that are passed down
from generation to generation. It also (Students are listening)
encompasses religion, food, fashion
or clothing, marriage, language music
and many more.
How does Culture correspond to
Mass Entertainment? If you notice
mass entertainment is composed of
many activities that arts are
incorporated. With this, since art and
culture is not separated they are
always together mass entertainment
was influence with culture.

For example; in the Philippines

Sabong is popular in many areas in
the Philippines. Sabong is an
entertainment, where people
especially men crowded together to
watch and even join the fight. Then,
sabong is considered a mass (Students are listening)
entertainment dating back to pre-
colonial times. The game has, thus,
been firmly embedded in Filipino
culture for thousands of years to the
extent of being considered as a
culture and tradition.

Do you get me? “Yes ma’am”

(Students are listening)

In addition to that, culture of mass
entertainment is explained by Sir
Felipe de Leon Jr. who is a cultural
ecologist and the chairman of NCCA,
He called this culture as mass
society, and he mentioned that
culture of mass entertainment
emerged because people need it.

Organizing Principles:
Mass Entertainment

This culture is influenced by

American culture, where in this
culture, pop culture is popular and art
became a commodity, then culture
became a consumerist. Why is that?
Of course by simply making money of
the events or activity for the people to

For example; you watch concerts of

BTS, Sports, Pageant, Sabong, Dance
Competitions, Art Exhibits, Theater
Play, Musical Play etc. There is an
entrance fee for those kind of events.

Community Identity this includes our

language, religion, place, interest and

For example; I am from Southern

Leyte named Silago, our language is Students are listening
Bol-anon, majority of our religion is
Roman Catholic, our interest is into
Amateur Contest, Sports League,
Disco and Festivals, and my ethnicity
is Filipino – Visaya.

If you notice, I was able to identify my

community identity.

Community Identity give you or us the

sense of belongingness in a society
or social group, since we have
similarities in our identity. That’s why
it is significant to know your own
community identity.

Do you get me? “Yes ma’am”

Now for the artistic expressions,
since you are Arts and Design majors
you are all aware of this right?

Alright, artistic expression my dear

students, gives you a voice to what
you see and feel. It is a form of
expression which means that it is an
expression of ideas or feeling sowing
them through art and crafts or artistic
Students are listening
Now how can we relate artistic
expression to the previous term?

As you all know culture and art are

inseparable they are always together
in relate to arts.

Artists are a product of the culture

and society in which they are
influenced by the customs and norms
of their society. Often their artwork
reflects upon and upholds the
objects, ideas, and customs that
society values.

If we combine all those key words

that we tackled, we will be able to
determine the different mass
entertainment and artistic expression
of a community.

Here is an example;
(the teacher let the student read the (The student read the text)

G1: Are you from Ormoc City?

G2: Yes, why?
G1: Just guessing, it’s because your
beautiful, you know if you are from
Ormoc they say it is a City of beautiful
people. By the way your Pinya
Festival is the best and the abaca and
coco handicrafts are excellent!
G2: Wow, you really know a lot about
d. Application
Now, let’s have a game.
Kindly fix yourself up.

This game, I call it “Magic Ball” where

in this ball of paper contains simple
questions about our topic as well as a
challenge. I want you to close your
eyes, be honest. This ball right here if
you open your eyes if you see the ball
in your arm chair that means it’s your
turn to answer. Is that clear? “Yes, ma’am”
Now, I want you to sing bahay kubo
and if I say stop you stop singing
“Yes, ma’am”

(The teacher started the game) (The students participated in

the game)

What have you learned from this Student 7: “I learned about
topic, class? the culture of mass
entertainment and on how to
determine our community
identity and artistic

Very good, why is it important to Student 8: “It is important to

know these 3, the community identity, know them so that we are
culture of mass entertainment, and knowledgeable about it. Since
artistic expression? we are Arts and Design

That’s true, indeed, how about the


None? “None, ma’am”

Any questions? “None so far, ma’am”

(The teacher give the student the test (The students answer the
paper) test)


___ 1. It is a form of activity that

holds the attention and interest of an
audience or gives pleasure and
___ 2. Can be defined as a way of life
including arts, beliefs, and institutions
of a population that are passed down
from generation to generation.
___ 3. It is a form of expression of
ideas or feeling showing them
through art.
___ 4. This culture in influenced by
the Americans, where pop art is
widely used.
___ 5. This person explained the
significant of the Culture of Mass
Entertainment, and is the chairman of
the NCCA.


(6-7) Give me (2) two examples of

Culture of Mass Entertainment

(8-10) Give me the (3) key words

Answer Key:
1. Mass Entertainment
2. Culture
3. Artistic Expression
4. Culture of Mass Entertainment
5. Felipe de Leon Jr.

6-7 Pageant, Concert, Drama Play, Art

Exhibit etc.

8-10 Community Identity

Culture of Mass Entertainment
Artistic Expression

(No assignment)

V. Remarks
 Were all the objectives met?
 If not, why? ________________________________________________________________
 What objective/s need/s to be covered in the next meeting?
 Is there a need to reteach the topic/s?
 Why? ________________________________________________________________
VI. Reflection
CPL: ______
Attendance: ______
 What went well?

 What went wrong?

Realizations: ________________________________________________________________

Prepared by: Submitted to:

Ann Fatima P. Cancio Beth Catherine M. Dongon

Student Teacher TVL Department Head

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