J.Huston Introduction To QCD From An LHC Perspective-02
J.Huston Introduction To QCD From An LHC Perspective-02
J.Huston Introduction To QCD From An LHC Perspective-02
Q is a (factorization)
scale at which PDFs
are evaluated)
momentum fraction
Parton distributions
l The momentum of the proton is distributed among the quarks and
gluons that comprise it
◆ about 40% of the momentum is with gluons, the rest with the quarks
◆ note that the quarks at high x tend to be valence quarks (uud), while
the quarks at low x tend to be sea quarks produced by gluon splitting into
quark-antiquark pairs (u-ubar, d-dbar, s-sbar, etc)
as we expected from
our simple model
momentum fraction
Parton distribution functions (PDFs)
we’ll discuss
Master formula for cross section calculation
a factorization scale µF a renormalization
scale µR
both PDFs
and matrix
can be at LO,
NLO and
We’ll start by calculating the matrix element for W boson production at leading
W boson production at leading order
l Consider production of an on-shell W+ boson; only 1 diagram
factor of 3 comes from sum over 3 possible quark-line colors, 1/9 takes care of averaging over
all possible color configurations of the quark and antiquark, and 1/4 takes care of averaging over
the incoming quark spins.
...add the decay
l Now let the W+ decay
W is no longer a
final state particle,
but instead a
l Squaring yields propagator
width of the
l Then can re-write W boson
some kinematic
Breit-Wigner for
W propagator tricks
l And for the final cross section
Narrow width approximation
l It is often useful to use the narrow width approximation to simplify
the calculation, where the propagator (Breit-Wigner) of mass MX
and width Γx is replaced by
l Note this ignores correlations between the initial state particles and
the final state particles (spins for example)
Consider the emission of a gluon (or quark from a gq initial state)
l Closer inspection reveals that the squared matrix elements can be written
as the leading order matrix element squared (for W production) times a
QCD emission term, consisting of the strong coupling and a color factor
times an expression representing the kinematics of the extra emission
note the
divergence when
t-hat or u-hat
goes to zero
Modern life
l Note that this procedure works for simple processes, 2->n, where n
is small (n=1 for W production, n=2 for W+j), but the number of
Feynman diagrams increases (more than) factorially with n
l Squaring the amplitudes, taking traces, is just too complex a
process for large n
l In modern techniques, alas beyond the scope of these lectures, the
focus is on evaluating individual amplitudes as a function of their
internal and external degrees of freedom
◆ helicity amplitude method: any Feynman amplitude
◆ where
4πα 2
σˆ o =
3M 2
◆ and
◆ where
Observables and orders
l As
# 1 &
log% (
$ ΔR34 '
in momenta: kT algorithms
What do I want out of a jet algorithm?
l It should be fully specified, l It should be IR safe, i.e. adding a
including defining in detail any soft gluon should not change the
pre-clustering, merging and results of the jet clustering
splitting issues
l It should be simple to implement
in an experimental analysis, and
should be independent of the
structure of the detector
l It should be boost-invariant
l It should be collinear safe, i.e.
l It should be simple to implement
in a theoretical calculation splitting one parton into two
collinear partons should not
◆ it should be defined at any order
in perturbation theory change the results of the jet
◆ it should yield a finite cross
section at any order in
perturbation theory
◆ it should yield a cross section that
is relatively insensitive to
hadronization effects
Jet algorithms
l The algorithm should behave in a similar manner (as much as
possible) at the parton, particle and detector levels. Note that
differences between levels can unavoidably creep in.
The kT family of jet algorithms
l p=1 d=distance measure
◆ the regular kT jet algorithm ΔRij2
l p=0 (
dij = min pT2 ,ip , pT2 ,pj ) D2
◆Cambridge-Aachen algorithm
l p=-1 dii = pT2 ,ip size of
jet in
◆ anti-kT jet algorithm
◆ Cacciari, Salam, Soyez ’08 l #1 algorithm for space
◆ also P-A Delsart ’07 (reverse
hard jets
ATLAS W + 2 jet event
.with the W
decaying into
an electron
and a neutrino
parton 2
If we add the real+virtual contributions, we find that the singularities will cancel,
for inclusive cross sections. We have to be more clever for differential distributions.
Scale choices
l We know that we have two l Often µR and µF are taken
scales, µR and µF equal to each other, but the
l We know that they should be physics associated with each
associated with the relevant is a bit different, so they can
scale in the hard scattering be varied separately…as long
process as the ratio between the two
◆ sometime this scale is
scales is not too large (>2)
evident, like mW for W l For then, we would introduce
production, pTjet for a new log into the calculation,
inclusive jet production the log of the ratio of the two
◆ but what if I have a
process like W+jet(s) l These logarithms would then
▲ there I have both mW and have to be re-summed to
pTjet, and these scales can be restore precision to the
very different->very different measurement
▲ we’ll see that for some
l We don’t want to have to do
cases, general scales like HT that
may work best sum of transverse momenta of all objects in event
Scale uncertainties
l We try to estimate the uncertainty due to uncalculated
higher order terms by varying µR,µF over some range,
typically a factor of 2
l This is normally the best we can do, but we have to
keep in mind that higher order corrections can arise
from a number of other sources such as Sudakov
effects, large color factors, large π2 terms, the opening
of new channels
l These contributions are not estimated by the variation
of the scale logarithms and can be larger than the
What does the scale dependence for a cross section look like?
in jets
◆ more species of incoming
More scale terms in NNLO expression
Back to W production to NLO
l In 4-dimensions, the contribution
of the real diagrams can be
written (ignoring diagrams with
incoming gluons for simplicity)
+ # uˆ
2 2 tˆ 2Q2 sˆ &
M(ud → W g ~ g CF % + +
$ tˆ ˆu uˆ tˆ ('
#* 1 + z 2 - * − sˆ − sˆ - &
~ g CF %, / + ˆ + ˆ . − 2(
$+ 1− z . t u '
◆ where
€ z = and sˆ + tˆ + uˆ = Q2
and don’t sweat the details; I just
l Note that the real diagrams want you to see in general terms
contain collinear singularities, how a NLO calculation is
u->0, ^t->0, and soft singularities,
€ carried out
Aside: dimensional regularization
l Suppose we have an integral of the form, typical of the integrals in a NLO
d4k 1
(2π ) 4 ( k 2 − m 2 ) 2
l We get infinity if we integrate this in 4 dimensions, so go to 4-2ε
€ d4k 2ε d 4 −2ε k 2ε dΩ4 −2ε 3−2ε
∫ (2π )4 → ( µ ) ∫ (2π )4 −2ε → ( µ ) ∫ (2π )4 −2ε dk
∫ EEk
dΩ4 −2ε 2 1
∫ (2π )4 −2ε (4π )2−ε Γ(2 − ε )
k E 3−2ε (µ ) 2ε 1
ε −1 1* µ,
Γ(ε )Γ(2 − ε )
(µ ) ∫ dkE 2 = 2ε
∫ dzz (1− z) =
0 (k E
+ m2 ) 2( m) 0
2 + m- Γ(2)
l Using
Γ(1 + z) = zΓ( z);Γ' (1) = −γ E = −0.5772...
Dimensional regularization, continued
l Find
Γ(ε ) & µ ( 1 , 1 & µ( /
I= → + − γ + ln( 4π ) + 2ln + O(ε )
(4π ) 2−ε ' m ) ε->0 (4π ) 2 .- ε E ' m) 1
◆ singular bits, plus finite bits as ε->0, plus log singularity as m->0
l Define MS scheme: subtract (absorb) 1/ε pole, γE, and ln(4π) bits
Now do the dimension trick for the real part
l Problem: if I work in 4
dimensions, I get divergences
l Solution: working in 4-2ε
dimensions, to control the
divergences (dimensional
α s % µ 2 ( /% 2 3 π 2 ( 2 2 / ln(1− z ) 2 1 + z2 2
σ real = CF ' 2 * cΓ 1' 2 + − * δ (1− z) − Pqq (z) − 2(1− z) + 4 (1 + z ) 1 4 − 2 ln z 4
2π & Q ) 0& ε ε 3) ε 0 1− z 3 + 1− z 3
l with “+ distribution”
(4π )ε # log(1− z) & - log(1− z) 1 0
cΓ = % ( ≡ lim. θ (1− z − β ) + log 2 (β )δ (1− z − β )1
Γ(1− ε ) $ 1− z ' + β->0/ 1− z 2 2