Q 6 Yqn 7
Q 6 Yqn 7
Q 6 Yqn 7
M.A History
For July 2023 and January 2024
Ancient and Medieval Societies
July 2023 and January 2024 Sessions
Dear Student,
As explained in the Programme Guide for M.A. in History you will have to do one assignment in
each course. The assignments are compulsory. Each assignment covers the whole course.
It is important that you write the answers to all the assignment questions in your own words.
Your answers should be within the approximate range of the word-limit set for a particular
The assignment should be submitted to the Coordinator of your Study Centre. You must
obtain a receipt from the Study Centre for the assignment submitted and retain it. If possible,
keep a photocopy of the submitted assignment with you.
The Study Centre will have to return the assignment to you after evaluation. Please insist on
this. The Study Centre in turn will send the marks to the Student Evaluation Division at
IGNOU, New Delhi. These will be entered in your grade card.
Submission of Assignment
You should note that the submission of assignment is compulsory before taking up Term-end
Examination. It is therefore suggested that you do assignment within time. We have given you
a lot of time to do the assignment but we advise you to do assignment one by one along with
your study of the particular course and submit on timeso that you may get back the marks and
comments of the Counsellor with evaluated assignment. With a proper planning you will be able
to do your assignment for each course within the stipulated period. Please do not wait for the
last date to submit all the assignments because it would be difficult to do all of them in one go.
Specific dates for the submission are given below.
1) Essay Type Questions which you have to answer in about 500 words each and they carry
20 marks each.
2) Short notes to be answered in about 250 words each and they carry 10 marks each.
a) Planning: Read the assignment carefully. Go through the units on which they are based. Make
some points regarding each question and then re-arrange these in a logical order in your own
b) Organisation: Be a little more selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline
of your answer. In an essay-type question, give adequate attention to your introduction and
conclusion. The introduction must offer your brief interpretation of the question and how
you propose to develop it. The conclusion must summarise your response to the question.
a) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answers, you can write down the final version for
submission, writing each answer neatly and underlining the points you wish to emphasis.
Note: Attempt any five questions. The assignment is divided into two Sections 'A' and 'B'. You
have to attempt at least two questions from each section in about 500 words each. All
questions carry equal marks.
5. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each.
i) Pastoral Nomadism
ii) Zoroastrianism
iii) Rise of city of Mecca
iv) Confucianism
7. Give an account of India’s maritime trade. How did Portuguese trade affect Indian
overseas trade? 20
9. Discuss the main features of administration, economy and society of medieval towns in Europe. 20
10. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each.
i) Banjaras
ii) Trade routes
iii) Printing technology
iv) Gunpowder revolution.
(January 2024 Sessions)
Course Code: MHI-101
Assignment Code: MHI-101/AST/ TMA/2023-24
Total Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. The assignment is divided into two
Sections 'A' and 'B'. You have to attempt at least two questions from each
section in about 500 words each. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Write a note on the Shang civilization of Northern and Central China.
The Shang civilization, also known as the Yin dynasty, is one of the earliest
recorded Chinese civilizations, flourishing in Northern and Central China from
around 1600 to 1046 BCE. This period is notable for its advancements in
bronze metallurgy, its development of a sophisticated writing system, and its
establishment of a complex social structure.
The Shang civilization emerged in the fertile plains along the Yellow River,
benefiting from the agricultural potential of the region. The exact origins of the
Shang are somewhat obscured by myth and legend, but archaeological
evidence suggests that they rose to power by conquering or assimilating
various neighboring tribes and city-states. The dynasty was founded by Tang of
Shang, who overthrew the last ruler of the preceding Xia dynasty, marking the
beginning of the Shang's dominance.
The society was stratified into different classes, including the royal family,
nobility, artisans, and farmers. The nobility played a crucial role in the
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administration and military, often governing regions on behalf of the king. The
Shang king's power was supported by a network of loyal vassals who provided
military and economic support.
Religion played a central role in Shang society, with the king acting as the chief
priest. The Shang practiced ancestor worship, believing that the spirits of their
ancestors could influence the living world. They conducted elaborate rituals
and sacrifices to honor these spirits and seek their favor. The Shang also
believed in a supreme deity, Shangdi, who controlled the forces of nature and
One of the most significant aspects of Shang religious practice was the use of
oracle bones for divination. These bones, typically from ox scapulae or turtle
plastrons, were inscribed with questions about future events and then heated
until they cracked. The patterns of the cracks were interpreted by diviners to
provide answers and guidance. These inscriptions represent some of the
earliest forms of Chinese writing and offer invaluable insights into Shang
society and beliefs.
Writing System
Despite its fall, the Shang civilization left a lasting legacy on Chinese history and
culture. The advancements in bronze metallurgy, the development of writing,
and the establishment of religious and social practices all had a profound
impact on subsequent Chinese dynasties. The Shang period is often seen as a
formative era that laid the groundwork for the enduring civilization of China.
In the early stages of Greek civilization, the political landscape was dominated
by monarchies and oligarchies. City-states, or “poleis”, were ruled by kings and
later by small groups of aristocratic families. These oligarchic regimes were
characterized by concentrated power and control in the hands of a few
Rise of Tyranny
By the 7th century BCE, many Greek city-states experienced social and
economic tensions due to growing inequalities and the dissatisfaction of the
lower classes. This unrest often led to the rise of “tyrants”—individuals who
seized power by force or through popular support. Though modern usage of
the term "tyrant" carries a negative connotation, many of these rulers initially
gained power by championing the cause of the common people against the
entrenched aristocracy.
One notable example is “Pisistratus”, who became the tyrant of Athens in the
mid-6th century BCE. He implemented policies that favored the lower classes,
such as land redistribution and economic reforms, which helped to mitigate
some of the social tensions. However, the rule of tyrants was often unstable
and subject to the whims of individual leaders, making it an unsustainable
long-term solution.
Solon's most significant reform was the creation of the “Council of Four
Hundred”, which allowed for greater representation of different segments of
society. While his reforms did not establish a full democracy, they laid the
foundation for more inclusive governance and alleviated some of the
immediate social pressures.
The next major leap towards democracy came with “Cleisthenes” in 508/507
BCE. Often referred to as the "Father of Athenian Democracy," Cleisthenes
implemented comprehensive reforms that fundamentally transformed the
political system of Athens. His changes aimed to break the power of
aristocratic families and foster greater participation among the citizenry.
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Cleisthenes reorganized the population into ten tribes, each composed of
demes (local units), which broke the power of regional and familial loyalties.
He also established the “Council of Five Hundred”, which replaced Solon's
Council of Four Hundred and allowed for more direct citizen involvement in
governance. The council's members were chosen by lot, ensuring a more
democratic and representative body.
Periclean Democracy
The democratic reforms continued to evolve, reaching their peak during the
leadership of “Pericles” in the mid-5th century BCE. Pericles expanded the
democratic institutions and ensured that more citizens could participate in the
political process. He introduced measures such as pay for public officials, which
allowed even the poorest citizens to serve in government roles.
Despite its achievements, Athenian democracy was not without its challenges
and limitations. Participation was restricted to male citizens, excluding women,
slaves, and non-citizens from the political process. Additionally, the democratic
system faced internal and external threats, including the Peloponnesian War
and conflicts with other Greek city-states.
Economy: The Khoisan, who were among the earliest inhabitants, were
primarily hunter-gatherers and pastoralists. Their economy was based on the
sustainable use of natural resources, hunting game, gathering edible plants,
and herding livestock. The arrival of Bantu-speaking peoples around the 4th
century CE introduced new economic activities, such as agriculture and
ironworking. These groups cultivated crops like millet and sorghum and raised
cattle, which became a significant economic resource and a symbol of wealth
and social status.
By the early 19th century, the Zulu kingdom had emerged as a significant
power under the leadership of King Shaka.
Economy: The Zulu economy was largely based on cattle herding and
agriculture, with a strong emphasis on military conquest and expansion.
Shaka's military innovations, including the use of the short stabbing spear
(iklwa) and the development of disciplined regiments (impis), allowed the Zulu
to consolidate and expand their territory, incorporating other tribes and their
Polity: The Zulu polity was highly centralized under Shaka's rule, characterized
by a rigid hierarchical structure. The king held absolute power, supported by a
network of loyal chiefs and military commanders. This centralized authority
enabled the efficient mobilization of resources and manpower for both
economic production and military campaigns.
The arrival of European settlers, beginning with the Dutch in 1652 and later the
British, profoundly transformed South Africa's economy and political
Polity: Colonial rule imposed new political structures, often marginalizing and
exploiting indigenous populations. The British established a colonial
administration that imposed taxes, controlled land distribution, and enforced
labor practices that benefited European settlers and mining companies.
From 1948 to 1994, South Africa was governed by the apartheid regime, which
institutionalized racial segregation and economic disparity.
Polity: The apartheid polity was a highly centralized and authoritarian system
that disenfranchised the non-white population. Political power was
concentrated in the hands of the white minority, with laws enforcing racial
segregation and discrimination. Opposition to apartheid, led by figures such as
Nelson Mandela and organizations like the African National Congress (ANC),
ultimately resulted in the dismantling of apartheid and the establishment of a
democratic government in 1994.
Post-Apartheid Era
Since the end of apartheid, South Africa has undergone significant political and
economic changes.
In summary, the economy and polity of South African civilization have evolved
from indigenous systems through colonial and apartheid eras to the present-
day democratic state. Each period has left its mark, contributing to the
complex and dynamic nature of contemporary South Africa.
The late Roman Empire, spanning from the 3rd to the 5th centuries CE, was a
period of significant religious transformation and diversity. This era saw the
coexistence and eventual dominance of Christianity, alongside a rich tapestry
of traditional Roman religious practices, mystery cults, and philosophical
schools. The interplay between these various traditions shaped the religious
landscape of the late Empire in profound ways.
Public Worship: The state religion involved elaborate public ceremonies and
festivals, such as the Ludi Romani (Roman Games) and Saturnalia, which
reinforced the social and political order. Temples and altars dedicated to the
gods were central to communal life, and the priesthoods, including the
Pontifex Maximus, played crucial roles in maintaining these traditions.
Cult of Isis: Originating from Egypt, the cult of Isis gained popularity
throughout the Roman Empire. Isis, a goddess associated with fertility, magic,
and the afterlife, was worshipped in secretive rites that promised initiates a
personal relationship with the goddess and hope for a better afterlife.
Early Persecution and Growth: Initially, Christians were often persecuted for
their refusal to participate in state rituals and emperor worship. However,
despite these persecutions, Christianity continued to spread, appealing to a
wide range of people across different social strata due to its message of
salvation and community.
Constantine and the Edict of Milan: A significant turning point came with
Emperor Constantine the Great. In 313 CE, Constantine issued the Edict of
Milan, granting religious tolerance throughout the Empire and specifically
legalizing Christianity. Constantine’s conversion to Christianity and his
patronage greatly accelerated the religion’s growth.
In addition to religious traditions, the late Roman Empire was also a period of
philosophical exploration, particularly through Neo-Platonism.
The late Roman Empire was a period of profound religious diversity and
transformation. Traditional Roman religious practices coexisted with a variety
of mystery cults, philosophical schools, and the rapidly growing Christian faith.
The interplay of these traditions, along with the political and social changes of
the era, created a dynamic and evolving religious landscape that would leave a
lasting impact on the history of Western civilization.
5. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250
words each.
i) Pastoral Nomadism
ii) Zoroastrianism
iii) Rise of city of Mecca
iv) Confucianism
-The Bedouins: In the deserts of the Middle East and North Africa, the
Bedouins herd camels, goats, and sheep, moving between oases and
grazing grounds.
-The Maasai: In East Africa, the Maasai people are known for their cattle
herding, which is central to their culture and economy.
(ii) Zoroastrianism
Zoroastrianism is one of the world's oldest monotheistic religions, founded by
the prophet Zoroaster (or Zarathustra) in ancient Persia, approximately in the
early part of the 1st millennium BCE. It has had a profound influence on other
major religions and cultures, particularly those of the ancient Near East.
Core Beliefs
Religious Practices
Fire Temples: Fire is a symbol of purity and the presence of Ahura Mazda.
Zoroastrians worship in fire temples where an eternal flame is kept burning.
Fire and water are considered agents of ritual purity.
Rituals and Festivals: Key rituals include the Yasna, which involves the
recitation of sacred texts and the offering of haoma (a sacred drink). Important
festivals include Nowruz (New Year), celebrated at the spring equinox, and
Gahambars, seasonal festivals marking important agricultural and pastoral
Historical Influence
Contemporary Status
Zoroastrianism's emphasis on ethical living, the battle between good and evil,
and its profound theological and cultural contributions highlight its enduring
legacy and relevance in the history of religious thought.
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(iii) Rise of city of Mecca
The rise of the city of Mecca is a significant chapter in the history of the
Arabian Peninsula, intertwined with trade, religion, and the early development
of Islam. Located in present-day Saudi Arabia, Mecca's emergence as a central
city began well before the advent of Islam in the 7th century CE.
Trade Hub: By the 5th century CE, Mecca had become an important trading
center. Caravans would pass through the city, bringing goods from places as
distant as the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. The Quraysh tribe, which
controlled Mecca, capitalized on this trade, enhancing the city's wealth and
Religious Significance
Sanctuary Status: The area around the Kaaba was considered a sanctuary,
where violence was prohibited. This status promoted Mecca as a peaceful
meeting place for commerce and worship, further solidifying its importance as
a trade and religious center.
The Quraysh Tribe: The Quraysh tribe played a crucial role in Mecca's rise.
They were adept merchants and traders who managed the city's economic and
political affairs. Their control over the Kaaba and the pilgrimage rituals gave
Islamic Pilgrimage (Hajj): Mecca's role as a major religious site was cemented
with the establishment of the Hajj pilgrimage, one of the Five Pillars of Islam,
which requires Muslims to visit the Kaaba at least once in their lifetime if they
are able.
In summary, the rise of Mecca was driven by its strategic location, its role as a
trade and religious center, and its transformation through the advent of Islam,
which redefined its place in the world.
Core Principles
Zhi (Wisdom): “Zhi” refers to wisdom and the ability to make judicious
decisions. It involves a deep understanding of moral principles and the
discernment to apply them correctly in various situations.
Feudalism is a complex and multifaceted term that has been the subject of
significant scholarly debate. It refers to the socio-economic, political, and
military system prevalent in medieval Europe, roughly between the 9th and
15th centuries. The major debates on feudalism revolve around its definition,
origin, characteristics, regional variations, and its eventual decline.
Origins of Feudalism
Regional Variations
Western Europe: In France, England, and the Holy Roman Empire, feudalism
manifested as a well-defined system of landholding and vassalage, with a clear
hierarchy of lords and vassals. The Norman Conquest of England in 1066, for
example, introduced a centralized feudal system that profoundly shaped
English society.
Southern Europe: In contrast, regions like Italy and Spain experienced more
fragmented and less hierarchical forms of feudalism. The presence of powerful
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city-states and continued Islamic influence in Spain created unique social and
political structures.
Decline of Feudalism
Economic Changes: The growth of trade and the revival of urban centers in the
late medieval period shifted the economic base away from the rural, agrarian
system that supported feudalism. The rise of a money economy and the
increased importance of market relations undermined the traditional feudal
India's maritime trade has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. The
subcontinent's strategic location and its long coastline facilitated extensive
maritime activities. Indian merchants and sailors engaged in trade with regions
such as Southeast Asia, the Middle East, East Africa, and beyond.
Roman and Arab Trade: During the Roman Empire, Indian ports like Muziris (in
present-day Kerala) thrived as trade hubs. Indian spices, particularly pepper,
were highly sought after in the Roman markets. Following the decline of the
Roman Empire, Arab traders dominated the Indian Ocean trade, and Indian
merchants adapted by engaging in trade routes connecting the Middle East,
East Africa, and Southeast Asia.
The arrival of the Portuguese in the late 15th century marked a transformative
period in Indian maritime trade. The Portuguese sought to control the lucrative
spice trade, which had long been dominated by Arab and Indian merchants.
Long-term Consequences
Shift in Trade Dynamics: The arrival of other European powers led to increased
competition and further reshaped Indian maritime trade. The Dutch East India
Company (VOC) and the British East India Company established their own
trading networks and monopolies, further marginalizing Indian merchants.
India's maritime trade history is marked by its early dominance and the
significant changes brought about by the arrival of the Portuguese. While the
Portuguese disrupted traditional trade networks and imposed monopolistic
practices, their presence also facilitated cultural exchanges and set the stage
for further European involvement in the region. The Portuguese era in Indian
maritime trade, though relatively brief, had lasting impacts that influenced the
course of Indian and global history.
Textile manufacture is indeed one of the oldest crafts in most societies, with a
history that spans thousands of years and a profound impact on human
civilization, culture, and economic development. This enduring craft
encompasses the production of fabrics, clothing, and various textile products
through processes like spinning, weaving, dyeing, and finishing. The
Historical Roots
Spinning: The art of spinning fibers into yarn predates recorded history.
Initially done by hand using tools like spindles and drop spindles, spinning
evolved with the invention of the spinning wheel in the Middle Ages,
dramatically increasing productivity.
Weaving: Weaving, the process of interlacing yarns to create fabric, also has
ancient origins. Early looms, such as the warp-weighted loom and later the
horizontal loom, revolutionized textile production, allowing for more complex
patterns and designs.
Technological Advancements
Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries
marked a significant turning point in textile manufacture. Mechanization
replaced manual labor, with inventions like the spinning jenny, power loom,
and cotton gin revolutionizing the industry. Factories emerged, leading to mass
production and the rise of textile towns.
Economic Implications
Industrialization: The textile industry played a pivotal role in the early stages of
industrialization. The mechanization of textile production laid the foundation
for factory systems, urbanization, and the growth of modern economies.
Textile mills became centers of innovation and employment, driving economic
growth in regions like Manchester (UK) and Lowell (USA).
Cultural Influence
Traditional Crafts: Many cultures have rich textile traditions rooted in their
history and heritage. Handcrafted textiles, such as Indian sarees, Japanese
kimonos, and African kente cloth, are not only functional but also symbolize
cultural identity and craftsmanship.
Fashion and Style: Textiles play a central role in fashion and style trends.
Fabrics and garments reflect social status, aesthetics, and cultural values. The
fashion industry drives innovation in textile design, production techniques, and
sustainable practices.
2. Legal Status: Many towns enjoyed a degree of autonomy and were granted
charters by feudal lords or kings, giving them rights such as self-governance,
exemption from certain taxes, and the ability to hold markets and fairs. These
charters were crucial in defining the legal status and privileges of urban
3. Law and Order: Maintaining law and order was a significant aspect of
medieval town administration. Towns had their own legal systems, often based
on customary laws, which were enforced by appointed officials such as bailiffs
and constables. Courts were established to settle disputes among residents
and ensure justice.
1. Trade and Commerce: Urban centers were hubs of trade and commerce in
medieval Europe. Markets, fairs, and trade routes facilitated the exchange of
goods and services, attracting merchants from various regions. Guilds played a
vital role in regulating trade, setting standards for craftsmanship, and
protecting the interests of their members.
2. Guild System: The guild system played a pivotal role in shaping medieval
urban society. Guilds provided social support, training for apprentices, and
opportunities for economic advancement. They also fostered a sense of
community and identity among members.
10.Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250
words each.
i) Banjaras
ii) Trade routes
iii) Printing technology
iv) Gunpowder revolution.
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i) Banjaras
1. Origin and History: The Banjaras trace their origins to the early centuries AD,
believed to have migrated from Rajasthan and Punjab regions to various parts
of India. They were traditionally nomadic, traveling long distances with their
herds of bullocks and carrying goods for trade.
5. Art and Craft: Banjaras were skilled artisans known for their intricate
embroidery, weaving, and metalwork. They produced exquisite textiles like the
famous Banjara embroidery, characterized by colorful thread work, mirrors,
and beads, which gained recognition for its beauty and craftsmanship.
7. Challenges and Preservation: Over the years, the traditional lifestyle of the
Banjaras faced challenges due to modernization, urbanization, and changes in
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trade patterns. Efforts are being made to preserve their cultural heritage,
promote their traditional crafts, and improve socio-economic opportunities for
the community.
1. Definition: Trade routes refer to established paths or corridors used for the
transportation and exchange of goods and services between different regions,
cities, or civilizations. These routes can be overland, maritime, or a
combination of both, depending on geographical features and historical
- Overland Routes: Overland trade routes spanned vast territories and often
involved caravans, pack animals, and later, wheeled vehicles. Examples include
the Silk Road in Asia, connecting East and West, and the Amber Road in
Europe, known for the trade of amber.
4. Key Players: Trade routes attracted merchants, traders, and travelers from
diverse cultures and regions. They often led to the establishment of bustling
market towns, ports, and commercial centers along the route, fostering
economic prosperity and cultural exchange.
7. Legacy: While some ancient trade routes have evolved or faded over time
due to changes in technology, political dynamics, and economic structures,
their legacy continues to influence global trade patterns, cultural interactions,
and historical narratives. Efforts to revive or preserve traditional trade routes,
such as the modern Silk Road initiatives, highlight their enduring significance in
the contemporary world.
1. Early Forms of Printing: The history of printing can be traced back to ancient
civilizations where techniques like stamping and woodblock printing were used
to reproduce texts and images. Examples include the Chinese woodblock
printing dating back to the Tang Dynasty and the Gutenberg press in Europe,
which revolutionized printing in the 15th century.
5. Art and Design: Artists, designers, and creatives utilize printing technology
for various artistic and design applications. Printmaking techniques such as
Future Trends: