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Shaman Guide by Haqua

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Shaman Class Guide

By Haqua | Former Rank 1 Shammy | EU2 Blaze – Updated: 8th December 2023

Now slightly easier to read on Mobile! (Designed for Print Layout)

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Haqua | EU2 Blaze

Contents (Quick Navigate)

Contents (Quick Navigate) 2
Class Overview 4
Pros/Cons 4
Shaman vs Druid Damage (This is before the pet update, pet dealing more
damage than either of us could now) 4
Equip 6
Attributes 6
Tempers 6
Temper Breakthrough Points 6
Bunny Gear 7
Overview 7
When to Craft Bunny Gear 7
Skills/Toys 8
Skill Evos 8
Tier List 8
What to Wish for 9
What to look for when making a build 10
Skills that need interrupting 10
Debuffs that need to be cleansed 11
Boss buffs that need to be dispelled 11
Now what? 12
Lastly, 12
Example Builds 13
Single Target Healing 13
AoE Healing 13
PvP Example Builds 14
Afk Skills 14
Training Dummy Builds 15
Red T-Rex 15
Skill Crystals for Dummy 15
Blackrock T-Rex 15
Skill Cast Timings 16
Toys 16
Core Toys 16
Situational Toys 16
Hero Souls 17
My thought process 17
Genesis Soul Priority 17
Gacha Soul Priority 17

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First Unlock 17
Max Order 17
Hero Transformation 18
Level order 18
Skill Crystals 18
Fun table for support proc count (you may need to zoom in) 19
Attribute Crystals 20
Clatter Cards 21
Primary Clatter Buffs 21
Clatter Builds 21
Fluff/Bone/Snow Mountain: Starter Deck (no legendary cards) 21
Fluff/Bone/Agile/Snow Mountain: Defensive Setup 22
Fluff/Bone/Claw/Snow Mountain: Standard Setup 22
Fluff/Jaw 22
Pets (Skills are WiP) 23
What pets to use 23
How to tell what element the boss is weak against 23
How to evolve pets 23
Pet skills (still under review of testing) 24
End notes 25

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Class Overview
This class is more focused on burst healing but also has great overtime AoE heals
through the use of totems. Another totem is used to negate damage from a
member of the team (fantastic vs huge burst bosses like Yak or Sharptalon) that is
only a 2-cost skill!
The only real downside to Shaman over Druid is that a Shaman will be unable to
achieve the damage a Druid can. Pet update means pets are destroying us both
in damage anyway…
As a healer, your basic attack damage is reduced by half and instead also heals
the lowest hp ally for 6.75% of your Atk.

● Has very strong healing ● Unable to deal the damage a
● Able to do both burst healing Druid would (Nulled by Pet
and healing over time Update really)
● Strong AoE healing without ● Druid AoE shield ability is nice
channelling ● Lack of 2 cost skills
● Has Life Totem and Spring ● Weapon skins are meh…
Totem ● Tambourine may cause you to
● Stronger anti-heal disable sounds
● Isn’t a pigeon or turkey

Shaman vs Druid Damage (This is before the pet update, pet dealing
more damage than either of us could now)
In the test we did a while back, the Druid was able to deal 51,198,955 more damage
on a crit run, this was roughly 16% more damage than the Shaman was able to do.
Although this may seem like a lot, when compared to the overall damage of the
team, it was only a 0.9% increase. The reason for this is that DPS spells continue to
increase in damage on breakthrough % margins, whereas healers' main source of
damage comes from x-form.
Big thanks to Xena for all the help comparing.

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The attributes for Shaman are “3-0-2”.
What this means is to put all of your
available points into Int and any
remaining points into Tech.
The new update gives us more attribute
points on promotions, you can dump
overflow into Sta if you want.
After reincarnation, you will go 6-0-4 with remaining points going into Stamina,
once you reach Tier 1 Lv. 79 you can reset to move those points back into Tech

Temper priority is ATK > Crit > HP > Armour(Survivability)/Impale(Damage)

While below level 200 you will want to hold

onto your Special Temper Vouchers as
you will need them for reincarnation.
The suggested time to use them is once
the gear is Temper Lv34 (Max) and at
least blue, although with the amount of
shells Hero Hill is raining on us, you can
probably get to purple easily without
using them and save them for 2nd
Reincarnation requirements

Temper Breakthrough Points

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Bunny Gear
Bunny gear is far too expensive as it is in my opinion, starts low but ramps up
very fast. My recommendation is to just ignore bunny gear until it is required for
the second reincarnation.
I have left the old information in here in case people still want to craft it.
For bunny gear, you will only need 1-star gear for all pieces.
If you plan on getting 3-star gear my suggestion is to craft in the following order
as it'll grant the most Atk stat (comparing it to the difference between 1* and 3*)
Ring > Neck > Bracer - Main Hand > Off Hand
This is due to these 3 gaining a bonus attack stat on 3 star.
You may also go for Main Weapon for the Piercing passive
(not 100% draw) but generally it's considered better to save
materials until levelling takes a long time as the cost
becomes very expensive and not all parts used are
returned. (Suggested Level would be 200+ as level 200 is the
highest afk gear)
If you’re close to Tier 1 Lv. 40 after Reincarnation then I
would recommend waiting for that instead of crafting Tier 1
Lv. 20 gear.

When to Craft Bunny Gear

Just do 1 star until you're level 200 unless you

whale the custom topup packs as the rare
bunny materials are the biggest problem
later on due to the amount needed.
You don't get all the materials back for
upgrading/smelting so crafting early isn't
worth it for how long that power spike will
Level 200 is the highest level gear that'll drop
from afk so the only way to get better gear is
through bunny, leveling is much slower past
reincarnation too so will last longer.
Here is a chart for mats lost up to level 200 to make your judgement on what to

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Skill Evos
There are 6 Evo skills for each class, these will all be available to unlock once
you’ve reached the 3rd zone of the Frost Continent (Tovana Snowland), you unlock
them by drawing a Legendary version of the skill from the Skill Shop.
Note: if you draw a legendary skill that has an up variant before unlocking it in
the manual you will have to draw it again afterwards to unlock the up scroll.
(Information on these is in the skill Tier List)

Tier List
Note that just because a spell is low in the tier list does not mean they are
useless, just situational.
S-Tier (Used in almost all cases)
- Font of Purge: Huge instant AoE heal which also removes debuffs

- Riptide: Single Target Heal over time

o Up Skill – Increases healing by 10% for 8 seconds

- Life Totem: Damage negation spell and a 2 cost with no cast time.

- Spring Totem: AoE heal over time that affects 2 targets (adjusting
throughout as needed)

A-Tier (Slightly Situational)

- Rain Dance: Standard single-target burst heal

- Drums of Purge: Single target debuff removal and prevention for 5


- Drums of Recovery: Burst heal that increases effectiveness the lower HP

the target has
o Up Skill – If target is below 30% HP, provide a shield for 30% of the

- Recovery Totem: Not as useful as Spring totem but good if more AoE
heals are needed

- Drums of Rain: Burst AoE heal for 2 targets, much better once you have
o Up Skill – Reduce damage targets receive by 15% for 5 seconds
(nice in PvP)

- Ancestral Protection: Increases healing output for the fight after use
o UP Skill – Also gives an extra 10% boost to totem healing

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B-Tier (Situational)
- Ancestral Aegis: Each basic attack received heals, great against bosses
that summon minions.

- Surge: Reduces the cast time of the next skill by 0.56s(legendary),

allowing a faster rotation for specific heals or to hit CC earlier.

- Dance with Me: Works like Drums of Rain but forces a heal to hit you,
usually used when you’re the weakest member of the team.

- Fury of the Ancestors: AoE damage and lowers enemy healing, is also
one of our only 2 cost spells so is good for timing if needed.

- Faith Protection: Instant heal with a secondary heal over time


- Charm Dance: This and Dodo toy are our only interrupt capabilities

C-Tier (Rarely used) Damage spells are here as you should only use them when
healing isn’t required - not often.
- Electric Shock: Single target heal with AoE Damage (can hit same target
more than once if 2+ enemies are present)

- Thunder Heart: AoE damage with small heal on the next 3 attacks, it’s
also one of our 3 cost spells with no cast time so is good for timing.
o Up Skill: Heal on 4 attacks instead of 3

D-Tier (Meh) These things cost way too much for what they do
- Ancestral Gift: AoE heal, gain 1 Ancestral Mark

- Blessing of Spirits: AoE heal, increased by 10% if Mark and gain 1

Ancestral Mark

- Chain Heal: AoE heal increased by 25% per mark

o Up Skill – “give 30% Damage Reduction to the targets, Up to 10% of
that skill can be reduced from each Ancestral Mark for 10

What to Wish for

The skills you will want to wish for first are going to be Font of Purge and Spring
Totem as these are two of the best abilities you will have. You may also wish for
Riptide or Rain Dance as single-target options.
A good thing to do while still collecting skills is to wish a skill to purple, claim it
and then spend 2 wish coins to swap to another skill and collect that one at
Once you reach skill breakthrough (all skills level 20) you can focus your 8
favourite skills for reincarnation, which requires 8 skills at +20.

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What to look for when making a build

Before making a build, we first want to view the boss information and skills, this
can be found in Pre-War Configuration. There are 3 main things to consider before
you start;

Skills that need interrupting

Some bosses will have mechanics that are crucial to interrupt, such as the turtle's
spin ability. All classes have the ability to interrupt bosses and may be required to
use multiple characters to hit all rotations. I highly recommend using combat
stats to view skill timings.
There are 2 types of cc, Interrupt and Stun. Interrupt abilities need to hit while the
boss is charging or guiding. Whereas a stun, in some cases, can interrupt the skill
even after the charge as long as the animation has not completed.
Be aware that some skills cannot be interrupted, but usually, it will state that
within the boss's ability description.
CC abilities:
Warrior: Lion’s Roar (Interrupt) / Powerful Knockup (Stun)
Gladiator: Intercept (Interrupt) / Uppercut (Stun)
Assassin: Roundhouse Kick (Interrupt) / Ambush (Stun)
Hunter: Numbing Shot (Interrupt) / Boar’s Rush (Stun)
Mage: Silence (Stun) / Frost stacks (Stun) not worth trying to use tbh
Warlock: Quack Quack (Stun) / Polymorph Frog (Stun)
Druid: New Bud (Stun) / Dodo Toy (Stun)
Shaman: Charm Dance (Stun) / Dodo Toy (Stun)

Boss buffs that need to be dispelled

Majority of the time, the only buffs that need dealing with are shields and defence
buffs. The only role that cannot do this is Tank. Healers are unable to early game,
but unlock the ability to with toys.
Dispel Abilities:
Assassin: Scatter Blade
Hunter: Scatter Shot
Mage: Purification Wave
Warlock: Drain

Later into the game, Healers can use the Queen Dragon toy.

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Debuffs that need to be cleansed

There are a few different types of debuffs, they range from poison, reduced
healing received, stacking effects which either stun or increase damage taken.
These will be either single target or AoE, so you’ll need to use the correct abilities
to remove these debuffs.
Healer single target purge, Druid: Purification Seed / Shaman: Drums of Purge.
These spells both remove debuffs as well as prevent them for 5 seconds.
Tank single target purge, Warrior: Unwavering Will / Gladiator: Battle Shout. These
spells will only remove debuffs that are active at the time of casting.
Healers can remove AoE debuffs, Druid: Life Bloom / Shaman: Font of Purge. Like
the tank’s ST they only remove debuffs active at the time of cast.
Special mention to Dandelion Toy which can be used on all classes to remove a
debuff from themselves when they cast the spell with the toy attached.

Now what?
Once we have all that stuff out of the way, we still want to be able to buff our team
for X-form. Preferably we have the team synced, within reason, and for basic
optimisation of DPS you’ll want to check out the individual DPS class guides,
having an understanding of how all classes in your team work is essential.
The ways to stack your buffs are as follows
Warrior - Call to Arms / Gladiator - Let’s Charge. These are team buff spells that
increase the atk of your team by a % for 6 seconds.
Tanks also have access to the toy Triceratops. This decreases the boss’s armour
by 15% for 10 seconds starting from the basic attack after the spell it’s equipped
We have access to the Hermit crab toy, which will buff the atk of the team by 25%
for 10 seconds starting from the cast of the spell it’s equipped on.
DPS only have the Moblin/BlackMobiln toy to increase their atk by 33%/50%
between the time the spell it’s equipped on is cast until the next skill.
Assassin also has Cloak of Bush available which stacks with the above buffs.

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The type of damage the boss is dealing, if the tank is dying - use more single
target healing, if the team is dying - you’ll want AoE healing.
Tanks can also reduce the teams damage taken, if tank can also survive using it.
Warrior: Hoo hah hah (AoE) / Safeguard (Single Target)
Gladiator: Hoo hoo hoo (AoE) / Sacrifice (Single Target)
DPS also have survivability spells available to them if more healing is required.
Assassin: Cloak of Bush (DEF) / Zeal (Heal)
Hunter: Aspect of the Eagle (Heal) / Flaying Arrow (Instant heal)
Mage: Mirror Image (DMG Negate)
Warlock: Pharmacist Frog (Heal) / Soul Rebirth (Heal)
If your team’s survivability is fine but still need to squeeze out damage, one major
change is using your tanks offensive state, although this will make them squishy
AF so use only if you can.
Warrior: Overwhelming Assault / Gladiator: Frenzy
A lot of cases you’ll want to abuse cast timings to either slow or speed up your
rotations for targeted healing, interrupts, cleanses, and damage reduction. All
boss battles are different and each team's situation is not often the same.
There are a few other mechanics in the game, be sure to read the boss abilities to
better understand what you need to use.

I forgot to mention anti heal

A boss may have self-healing effects, luckily we can reduce the amount.
Tank: Only Single Target, last whole fight
Warrior: Overwhelming Assault / Gladiator: Frenzy
Only available in the offensive state, use with caution. Lasts the whole fight.
Heal: AoE, lasts whole fight (Shaman Anti heal > Druid)
Druid: Can someone dm me the name? / Shaman: Fury of the Ancestors
DPS: Only lasts 6 seconds on Assassin, 10 seconds on other dps
Assassin: Mortal Wounds (Single Target) / Fatal Knife (AoE)
Hunter: Lunar Shot (Single Target)
Mage: Magic Suppression (Single Target)
Warlock: Ignition (Single Target)

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Example Builds
Just because there are example builds here doesn’t mean you shouldn’t edit
according to the boss

Single Target Healing

AoE Healing

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PvP Example Builds

Afk Skills

Note: I didn’t
bother editing this
for anything past
the 2nd skill as
that’s all it takes to
kill them on my
Add heals if you
need them instead.

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Training Dummy Builds

These builds are designed for Level 6/7 Gifting, any higher and the timing won’t

Red T-Rex

Although I have Rain Dance here,

Dance with Me will perform better
depending on the level.
You can tell which is better when Dance
with Me is more than half the % of Rain

Skill Crystals for Dummy

Blackrock T-Rex

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Skill Cast Timings

Thanks to the latest update, skills no longer say which have a cast… So here’s a
list of the skill timings for Shaman (will make a graph for it at a later date)
● Fury of the Ancestors - 0.43s
● Charm Dance - 0.96s
● Dance With Me - 0.96s
● Drums of Purge - 0.96s
● Drums of Rain - 0.96s
● Drums of Recovery - 0.96s
● Electric Shock - 1.38s
● Faith Protection - 0.96s
● Font of Purge - 0.96s
● Rain Dance - 0.96s
● Chain Heal - 0.96s

When it comes to toys, you want to focus on getting the full 6 set in any quality
first. Then move onto upgrading the parts to legend/BiS stats (Same as Temper)

Core Toys
● Marmot/Snowfield Marmot
o Grants you 1 (2 for Snowfield) energy points after casting your skill,
this toy is essential for faster skill rotations. You will want both to help
adjust for timings.
● Hermit Crab
o Increases the teams damage by 25% for 10 seconds, best used to buff
allies x-form abilities and can only be activated once per battle.
Situational Toys
I say situational, but all of these will be required!!
● Dodo Bird
o Next basic attack after the skill silences the target (No level cap)
● Queen Dragon
o Next basic attack after the skill removes buff from target
● Sheep
o Increases any healing done until next spell cast by 50%
● Irish Elk
o Reduce damage taken until next spell by 32% (handy in PvP and AoE
● Moblin
o Increases ATK by 33% (healing is based on your attack) until next skill.
● Bone Ankylosaur
o Until next skill, immune to fatal damage once. Can only be triggered
● Dandelion
o After casting a skill, remove all debuff from yourself

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Hero Souls
My thought process

Genesis Soul Priority

Gacha Soul Priority

Joy is only important if you craft higher than 1 star gear, otherwise it can be saved
until later on

First Unlock
Civilization Arbiter (1 free bunny search & Agi/Int) > Luffy (Daily SF) > Joy (Bunny
Mats) > Gold Pei Pei (Bonus Hero draw chance) > Lawrence (2x bunny challenge
reward) > David (Food%) > Green Dumpling (Food%) > Wind (Atk/Tech) > Mantis
Blade (Atk) > Puppet (HP & Agi/Int) > Vulture (Free SF & Agi/Int) > Geoya (Agi/Int)

Max Order
Gold Pei Pei (Bonus Hero draw chance) > Joy (Bunny Mats) > Lawrence (2x bunny
challenge reward) > David (Atk/HP/Tech) > Wind (Atk/Tech) > Mantis (Atk) >
Civilization Arbiter (Atk) > Green Dumpling (Impale) > Puppet (HP & Agi/Int) >
Vulture Free SF & Agi/Int) > Geoya (Agi/Int) > Luffy (HP/SF)

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Hero Transformation
This is unlocked after completing Hero Bond, and typically this is what you want
all of your team's buffs to be hitting. The Shaman X-Form release does decent
damage as well as a huge single-target heal.

Level order
First I’d recommend leveling evenly until you have a Total Level 30 for maxed out
Skill Resonance. After this level gifting to match the team or a preferred timing,
personally, I’d start with level 5 (Level 7 with Snow Marmot). Once this is done Max
Combo first.

Skill Crystals
My Current Setup 🡪
This is a very simple list of which crystals
to focus on. Be aware that healers tend
to swap crystals to the situational
requirements so eventually, you’ll be
leveling multiple filler crystals.
The main 4 skill crystals that everyone
should be using in most cases
1. Gifting and Combo
When leveling gifting, the most flexible
levels are;
Level 7 With Snow Marmot
Level 5 With Regular Marmot
This allows you to run both 3332 and
3333 setups so it is worth keeping it at
this level and focusing on other crystals
Gifting will charge x-form faster and
Combo will increase the damage of the x-form with a bonus healing totem at max
rank, preferably you’ll want your x-form timing to match as many members of your
team as you can in order to buff everyone at the same time.
2. Charging and Secret
Charging will increase your Rage points faster after transformation and every 100
points gained will release a charge of Secret. Once you have Gifting9 you can
probably ditch Charging as you’ll still get 2 charges off.

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Filler options
● Piercing
▪ When calculating damage, it’ll do it as if the boss were a lower level.
This also adjusts for your Armour/Crit, increasing your defence and
the chance to crit on healing.

● Attack Speed
▪ Increases attack speed, good for adjusting timings or faster
rotations but not of use outside of that.

● Splash
▪ Basic attack crits cause damage to 2 random enemies, if there is only
one enemy it still procs. Take on AoE boss or if you don't need healing

● Pursuing
▪ Increases the damage of the next attack after each skill, take if you
don't need healing crystals.

● Support
▪ Charge up a burst heal throughout the fight. WILL NOT PROC IF
UNDER LEVEL 6 (See table below for proc count)

● Resist
▪ Reduces the damage you take while the tank is still alive, good to
take if your survivability is low but your tank survives.

● Survival
▪ Grants a shield when you drop below 30% HP, useful against burst
AoE damage.

Fun table for support proc count (you may need to zoom in)

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Attribute Crystals
You may swap some of these out for Atk
crystals earlier on, but due to the level cap
on those these will be stronger in the late

Clatter Cards
Primary Clatter Buffs
These are the clatter buffs featured in the suggested builds
● Fluff
○ You start combat with 1 skill energy
● Snow Mountain
○ Healing effect increased when the target is under 25% HP (bonus
healing increases with clatter wish level)
● Solid Bone
○ After 4 attacks, the next attack will heal for an additional 10% of Atk.
(Increases with clatter wish level)
● Rain Forest
○ When your HP drops below 25%, heal 5% hp/second for 3 seconds
● Agile
○ Every 3 attacks, restore 1%hp/second to yourself (increases with
clatter wish level)
● Sharp Claw
○ Atk +15% and Evasion +30% FROM CLATTER CARD STATS
● Plain
● Volcano
● Jaw
○ Every 4th attack will have increased damage of 64% atk (scales with
clatter wish level)
● Mountain Range
○ Basic Attack DMG increased by 5% (scales with clatter wish level)

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Clatter Builds
Fluff/Bone/Snow Mountain: Starter Deck (no legendary cards)

The following 3 suggested builds for

late game will be based on the snow
mountain cards in this starter set.
Note that Gray and Green cards
become unavailable at higher
clatter wish levels.
Grey at - Will need to test on an alt
Green at level 135

Fluff/Bone/Jaw/Snow Mountain: Offensive Setup

I took this setup from a new

character of mine, but you’ll want to
replace them with Legendary
alternatives where applicable.
It is worth using the Purple version
of Liondragon/Tyrant Dragon if you
have it 3 star until you have access
to the 3 star legendary version due
to the passive effect.

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Fluff/Bone/Agile/Snow Mountain: Defensive Setup

It is worth using the Purple version

of Liondragon/Warg King if you
have it 3 star until you have access
to the 3 star legendary version
due to the passive effect.



Fluff/Bone/Claw/Snow Mountain: Standard Setup

It is worth using the Purple version

of Liondragon if you have it 3-star
until you have access to the 3-star
legendary version due to the
passive effect.
You may also swap rainforest for 4
plains if you’d prefer.

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Pets (Skills are WiP)

What pets to use
There are 6 different elements in the game, with different
bosses being weak against a specific element. Therefore
we will be running 6 pets, one of each element.
You will want to have the highest elemental advantage
equipped for each type. Eventually, that will be ancient
pets but as you will want to star up every pet in the game,
including lower-quality pets you can use your current best.
When upgrading pet stars there are breakthrough points
to increase the elemental % so in some cases early game,
lower-quality pets may be better.
Upgrading the star rank of any pet increases your combat power, so feel free to
upgrade everything. Early game I would dismantle duplicate purple pet shards
until you have all 5 pet skill slots unlocked.

How to tell what element the boss is weak against

From the main plot you can access pre-war configuration,
there it will tell you the elemental weakness of the boss so you
know which pet to take. For example here the boss is weak
against Lightning so I will be equipping a Lightning pet.

How to evolve pets

Pets now evolve automatically in combat, it is no longer an
active upgrade. Once the white bar in combat is destroyed
your pet will evolve increasing its and your atk by 50% until
the end of combat. Only pets that counter the element will
damage the shield but all pets will evo when it breaks.

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Pet skills (still under review of testing)

I’ve not had a chance to test the skills yet but will get around to it soon, Milky has
produced this recommended starter set that you can try.
Feel free to test and feedback to me your results.

Better results were reported with this slight change

Another proposed build

Chabo has provided me with what they’ve tested to be the best dummy build!!
I unfortunately can't try it as I didn't pick skill draws in the exchange event.

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End notes
Pet information is still being updated as it was just reworked, but hopefully, this
information helps you in some way. If you have any further questions, feel free to
head over to the main discord for Ulala https://discord.gg/Ulala there are plenty
of people here willing to help in either #questions or #shaman
You may also message me directly on Discord, .haqua or in-game Haqua (EU2).
Blaze account is inactive, but I play regularly on Na2 under the same name.
Just wanted to add a thank you for all the support I’ve received regarding the
guide, it’s great to hear that it has not all been a waste of time, haha. If any
information is unclear or you’d like to see added, please let me know.
Happy Hunting all!

Shaman > Druid

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