Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Semester Ii Sekolah Dasar Fix
Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Semester Ii Sekolah Dasar Fix
Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Semester Ii Sekolah Dasar Fix
I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b, atau c yang merupakan Jawaban
yang paling benar pada lembar jawab yang disediakan!
A. I like watermelon
B. I has a slice of watermelon
C. I have a slice of watermelon
3. This is … of pizza
A. Three slices
B. Three plates
C. Three cups
4. Who is he?
A. He is father
B. He is aunt
C. He is sister
6. This is …
A. Duck
B. Chicken
C. Turtle
9. A : “…”
B: “His name is Berto”
A. What does his name?
B. What is his name?
C. What is it his name?
13. This is …
A. A glass of water
B. A glass of juice
C. A glass of milk
This picture to answer the questions on number 14 -16!
14. Mira is …
A. Ami’s mother
B. Didi’s sister
C. Soni’s mother
18. it has ….
A. Mane
B. Funny hand
C. Long tail
1. Fill in the blank with the right name of body parts! (Isilah titik – titik kosong dengan nama
bagian tubuh yang benar!)
2. Match the word and the animal! (cocokkan antara nama binatang dan binatangnya!)
Sita : “…“
Aji “she is my sister”
Sita “how is your sister?”
(imut dan kecil_
Sita “…“
Aji “she likes mango and grapes”
Sita “…“
Aji “yes, I like fried egg”
2. A 12. C
3. A 13. C
4. A 14. B
5. A 15. C
6. A 16. A
7. B 17. C
8. A 18. C
9. B 19. C
10. B 20. C