Chapter Two Data
Chapter Two Data
Chapter Two Data
This chapter reviewed literature related to the study. It was done in
three sections, the theoretical framework, conceptual framework, and the
review of empirical studies.
Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework of this study reviewed theories which give
explanation to how single parenting influences the academic performance of
students. Theories that were reviewed include the Family Deficit Model,
and Protective Factor Model, The Social Exchange Theory, Family
Socialization Perspective Model, The Theory of Social Network Paradigm,
The Theory of Overlapping Spheres of Influence, Economic Deprivation
Theory and other perspectives (No-Impact Perspective and Systems
Family Deficit Model
The Family Deficit Model was propounded by Hetherington and Kelly
(2002). This model viewed the intact or two-parent home as the ideal home
family structure. The model assumes that the lack of a nuclear family
in single-parent families is what results in a negative impact on the children
hence the proponents of the Family Deficit Model postulate that single
parenting is bad for children. Marsh (1990) indicated that early research into
the effects of single parenting focused on a "family deficit model".