Sample Write Up of Design Phase
Sample Write Up of Design Phase
Sample Write Up of Design Phase
Methods and Procedures. This section should present the proposed system design using
the Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Activity Diagram, and Entity-
Relationship Diagram.
Design Phase
Use Case
Figure 1 represents the interactions between actors namely Librarian, Member, and
Visitor, and the various use cases of the library system including Manage Inventory, Renew Book,
Check Out Book, Return Book, Reserve Book, and Search Book. Each use case serves a specific
functionality within the system specifically:
Manage Inventory. Allows the librarian to add, remove, or update books in the library's
inventory, ensuring accurate tracking and management of available resources.
Renew Book. Enables both members and librarians to renew the borrowing period for
books that are currently checked out, providing flexibility and convenience to users.
Check Out Book. Facilitates the process of borrowing books by members, allowing them
to select desired books and complete the borrowing transaction with the librarian's assistance.
Return Book. Allows members to return borrowed books to the library, updating the
inventory and making the returned books available for other users.
Reserve Book. Enables members to reserve books that are currently unavailable,
ensuring they can access desired resources once they become available in the future.
Search Book. Provides a functionality for users to search the library's catalog for specific
books based on criteria such as title, author, or genre, enhancing accessibility and efficiency in
locating desired resources.
These use cases collectively contribute to the smooth operation of the library system,
catering to the needs of both users and administrators while ensuring effective management of
library resources.
Class Diagram
Figure 2 shows the class diagram of the proposed Library System. Library class
represents a library with attributes namely name, address, and a catalog of books. It also
manages members. Catalog class represents the collection of books in the library. Book class
represents a book with attributes namely title, author, publication year, and ISBN. Member class
represents a library member with attributes namely ID, name, address, and a list of books
borrowed. Members can borrow, return, and renew books.
Figure 3 shows the sequence diagram that shows the interaction between a Member,
Library, and Catalog in the process of checking out a book. The Member requests to borrow a
book, the Library searches for the book in the Catalog provides a list of available books to the
Member, the Member selects a book, and finally, the Library confirms the borrowing and updates
the availability of the book in the Catalog.
Activity Diagram
Figure 4 outlines the sequential steps involved in the borrowing process, including
checking the validity of membership, selecting a book, checking its availability, and processing
the borrowing transaction. If the book is unavailable, the member is notified accordingly.
Additionally, if the membership is not valid, the process includes membership renewal before
proceeding with the borrowing process.
Figure 4. Activity Diagram for Check out Book Use Case
The Library entity represents the physical locations of the library, with attributes namely
library_id, name, and address. This entity serves as the central hub where books are stored and
made available to members.
The Book entity embodies the collection of books within the library, featuring attributes
namely book_id, title, author, publication_year, and isbn. Each book is uniquely identified by a
book_id and contains details essential for cataloging and identification.
The Member entity represents individuals who are registered patrons of the library,
containing attributes namely member_id, name, and address. Members have the privilege of
borrowing books from the library, forming a crucial relationship between the library system and its
The Borrowing entity represents the borrowing relationship between members and books,
with attributes namely borrowing_id, borrow_date, and return_date. Each borrowing record is
associated with a member borrowing a book from the library.
The Crow's Foot notation was used to denote cardinality and the nature of relationships
between entities. The "o" symbol represents many, and the "=" symbol represents one. For
example, "Library ||--o{ Book" signifies that a library can have many books, but a book belongs to
only one library. Similarly, "Member ||--o{ Borrowing" indicates that a member can have many
borrowings, but each borrowing is associated with only one member.
Figure 5. Entity Relationship Diagram of the Proposed System Using Crow's Foot
(Note: Discuss how to use the proposed application based on the storyboard. Explain each
(Note: Discuss the design of each page. As well as the data that needs to be input and the
buttons to be clicked.)
(Note: Discuss the design of each page. As well as the data that needs to be input and the
buttons to be clicked.)