Ish QC
Ish QC
Ish QC
J. Neal Lott *
National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, North Carolina
b) A complete inventory of all input and There were many people who contributed to
output data, to ensure no data loss during the this project’s success. The key members of the
processing. team were: Rich Baldwin, NCDC; Vickie Wright,
NCDC; Dee Dee Anders, NCDC; Danny
c) Thorough checking of test data and Brinegar, NCDC; Neal Lott, NCDC; Pete Jones,
archive data, to fully test the software before full TMC Corporation; and Fred Smith, TMC
database processing began. Corporation. As mentioned previously, the Air
Force (AFCCC) and Navy (FNMOC Det)
d) Random checks of the final output contributed to the effort. Bob Boreman (NCDC),
database (ISH). who devoted a great deal of time and effort to
ISH, especially in the research and development
Phase 2: of the time conversion control file, passed away
a) Extremes / validation checks, to ensure in July 2001. He is greatly missed, and his
no obviously erroneous values are present in the contributions to this effort are gratefully
data. acknowledged.
c) Consistency checks of one element vs Lott, Neal. Quality Control of USAF Datsav3
another within a given data record/observation, Surface Hourly Data–Versions 7 and 8.
such as temperature vs present weather (e.g., [Asheville, N.C.]: USAF Environmental Technical
no snow at 10 C) Applications Center, 1991.
The lessons learned include: Lott, Neal. Data Documentation for Federal
Climate Complex Integrated Surface Hourly
a) Thorough test data are critical to any Data. [Asheville, N.C.]: National Climatic Data
process such as this. Though proven to be true Center, 2000.
in many of the author’s previous projects, it
certainly proved to be critical in this one. Lott, Neal. Quality Control Documentation for
Federal Climate Complex Integrated Surface
b) Peer review is very important to ensure Hourly Data. [Asheville, N.C.]: National Climatic
that the overall process and the individual QC Data Center, 2003.
checks are not merely the ideas of one
individual, but are consistent with good science Lott, Neal and Dee Dee Anders. NNDC Climate
and good data processing standards. Data Online for Use in Research, Applications,
and Education. Twelfth Conference on Applied
c) The concept of “phases” in a project of Climatology. Pages 36-39. American
this magnitude is critical to success. There is a Meteorological Society, May 8-11, 2000,
tendency to “bite off more than we can chew” Asheville, NC.
with any project, and the phased-in approach
was one of the keys to success with ISH. Lott, Neal, Rich Baldwin, and Pete Jones. NCDC
Technical Report 2001-01, The FCC Integrated
Surface Hourly Database, A New Resource of
Global Climate Data. [Asheville, N.C.]: National TD3280. [Asheville, N.C.]: National Climatic
Climatic Data Center, 2001. Data Center, 2000.
Plantico, Marc and J. Neal Lott. Foreign Steurer, Pete and Greg Hammer. Data
Weather Data Servicing at NCDC. ASHRAE Documentation for Hourly Precipitation Data,
Transactions 1995, V. 101, Pt 1. TD3240. [Asheville, N.C.]: National Climatic
Data Center, 2000.
Steurer, Pete and Matt Bodosky. Data
Documentation for Surface Hourly Airways Data,
The following table provides an inventory by WMO block of the number of stations in the ISH database
having at least one year of data.