35mm Lens
35mm Lens
35mm Lens
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The field of view of a 35mm lens on a full-frame With my 35mm I find it easier to include a little
camera is a little wider than what we see naturally, more background with my subject. I love taking
not including our peripheral vision. This means environmental portraits and find the 35mm focal
photos taken with this lens can tend to look more length is often perfect for this type of photo. In tight
natural. There’s an added comfort and connectivity spaces, where you may not be able to back up far
because the photos appear more natural, say, than enough to capture your subject with a 50mm, the
ones taken with a longer or wider lens. 35mm comes in handy. It’s wide enough without
being too wide.
Even though a 50mm lens is considered a standard
lens, its field of view is actually slightly narrower
than how we see life. Wider lenses will distort an Key Lesson: The slightly wider field of view,
image, especially elements close to the edges of a in my opinion, only has advantages over a
composition. Longer lenses compress distances and 50mm prime. With a 35mm focal length lens on
make elements appear closer together than they are. your camera, you can do everything with it that
you can with a 50mm and more.
5) Does using a 35mm lens for environmental portraits make it easier or more difficult to have a conversation with the person you
are photographing?
6) What can you do to take a landscape photo created with a 35mm lens look more panoramic?
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