2020-21 III Year 6 Sem SLP
2020-21 III Year 6 Sem SLP
2020-21 III Year 6 Sem SLP
S.No Details
Common to All Courses
15. Vision and Mission of the College
16. Vision and Mission of the Department
17. Programme Educational Objective(PEOs)
18. Programme Outcome(Pos)
19. PEOs- Pos Mapping
Details Per Course
8. Course Objective
9. Course Prerequisite
10. Course Outcomes-Programme Outcome Mapping
11. Concept Map Diagram
12. Syllabus
13. Lesson Plan
14. Question Bank
Programme Program Outcomes
Objectives PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
Course Code : ME8651
Approved By : Mr.V.VELMURUGAN / HOD
Learning Objectives:
To gain knowledge on the principles and procedure for the design of Mechanical
power Transmission components.
To understand the standard procedure available for Design of Transmission of
Mechanical elements
To learn to use standard data and catalogues
Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this course the students will be able to
CO1 apply the concepts of design to belts, chains and rope drives.
CO2 apply the concepts of design to spur, helical gears.
CO3 apply the concepts of design to worm and bevel gears.
CO4 apply the concepts of design to gear boxes.
CO5 apply the concepts of design to cams
CO6 apply the concepts of design to brakes
CO7 apply the concepts of design to clutches
Course Prerequisite:
Mode of Delivery:
1 Oral Presentation 6 Field Visit
2 Power Point Presentation 7 Hands on/ Demo
3 Glass Board 8 Videos/Animation
4 Seminar/Guest Lecture 9 Lab / Virtual Lab
5 Tutorial 10 Innovative Teaching Method
Assessment Methods: (Tick the methods used)
Unit Test Online Record / Project Report
Assignment /Technical Writing
Internal Quiz / Viva / Project Review
Assessment Seminar
Model Exam Attendance End Semester
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Course/Cou Mapping with Programme outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CO1 2 1 3 2 1 1
CO2 2 1 3 2 1 1
CO3 2 1 3 2 1 1
CO4 2 1 3 2 1 1
CO5 2 1 3 2 1 1
CO6 2 1 3 2 1 1
CO7 2 1 3 2 1 1
3- Strong Correlation, 2 – Medium Correlation, 1- Weak Correlation
Mapping of Course Outcomes (CO) with Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)
Mapping with Programme Specific
Course/Course Outcomes Outcomes
CO1 2 - -
CO2 - 2 -
CO3 - 3 -
CO4 - 2 -
CO5 2 - 3
CO6 - - 2
CO7 2 - -
3 0 0 3
To gain knowledge on the principles and procedure for the design of Mechanical
power Transmission components.
To understand the standard procedure available for Design of Transmission of
Mechanical elements
To learn to use standard data and catalogues
Design of Flat belts and pulleys - Selection of V belts and pulleys – Selection of hoisting
wire ropes and pulleys – Design of Transmission chains and Sprockets
Page 6 of 183
Speed ratios and number of teeth-Force analysis -Tooth stresses - Dynamic effects –
Fatigue strength - Factor of safety - Gear materials – Design of straight tooth spur &
helical gears based on strength and wear considerations – Pressure angle in the normal
and transverse plane Equivalent number of teeth-forces for helical gears.
Straight bevel gear: Tooth terminology, tooth forces and stresses, equivalent number of
teeth. Estimating the dimensions of pair of straight bevel gears. Worm Gear: Merits and
demerits terminology. Thermal capacity, materials-forces and stresses, efficiency,
estimating the size of the worm gear pair. Cross helical: Terminology-helix angles-
Estimating the size of the pair of cross helical gears.
Geometric progression - Standard step ratio - Ray diagram, kinematics layout -Design of
sliding mesh gear box - Design of multi speed gear box for machine tool applications -
Constant mesh gear box - Speed reducer unit. – Variable speed gear box, Fluid Couplings,
Torque Converters for automotive applications.
Cam Design: Types-pressure angle and under cutting base circle determination-forces and
surface stresses. Design of plate clutches –axial clutches-cone clutches-internal expanding
rim clutches Electromagnetic clutches. Band and Block brakes - external shoe brakes –
Internal expanding shoe brake.
T1. Bhandari V, “Design of Machine Elements”, 4 th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Book
Co, 2016.
T2. Joseph Shigley, Charles Mischke, Richard Budynas and Keith Nisbett “Mechanical
Engineering Design”, 8 th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
R1. Merhyle F. Spotts, Terry E. Shoup and Lee E. Hornberger, “Design of Machine
Elements” 8 th Edition, Printice Hall, 2003.
R2. Orthwein W, “Machine Component Design”, Jaico Publishing Co, 2003.
R3. Prabhu. T.J., “Design of Transmission Elements”, Mani Offset, Chennai, 2000.
R4. Robert C. Juvinall and Kurt M. Marshek, “Fundamentals of Machine Design”, 4 th
Edition, Wiley, 2005
R5.Sundararajamoorthy T. V, Shanmugam .N, “Machine Design”, Anuradha
Chennai, 2003.
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No. Referen Mod Videos Date
S.N Topics to be of ce e of modules/lectures of
o covered Peri & Page Deliv Cover
ods No. ery age
Prof. B Maiti
Design of Flat T1 IIT Kharagpur
1. 2 3 1
belts and pulleys 517-521 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
Prof. B Maiti
IIT Kharagpur
Selection of V T2
2. 2 3 1 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
belts and pulleys 522-540
Prof. B Maiti
Selection of R3 IIT Kharagpur
3. hoisting wire ropes 2 18.1- 3 1 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
and pulleys 18.13 rses/112/105/1121051
Demo: belt and Prof. B Maiti
chain drive IIT Kharagpur
4. 1 10.1- 3 1
working and
Prof. B Maiti
Design of
IIT Kharagpur
Transmission T1
5. 2 3 1 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
chains and 544-562
Total 9
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Speed ratios and Prof. M.Mayuram,
number of teeth- T2 IIT, madras
6. 2 3 2
Force analysis - 685 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
Tooth stresses rses/112/106/1121061
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Dynamic effects – Prof. M.Mayuram,
7. Fatigue strength - 2 2&3 IIT, madras
Factor of safety - https://nptel.ac.in/cou
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No. Referen Mod Videos Date
S.N Topics to be of ce e of modules/lectures of
o covered Peri & Page Deliv Cover
ods No. ery age
Gear materials Prof. K.Gopinath &
Design of straight Prof. M.Mayuram
tooth spur & IIT, madras
8. helical gears based 2 2&3 2 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
on strength and rses/112/106/1121061
wear 37/
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Prof. M.Mayuram
Pressure angle in
T2 IIT, madras
9. the normal and 1 2&3 2
659 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
transverse plane
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Demo: spur and Prof. M.Mayuram
helical gear T2 IIT, madras
10. 1 2&3 2
working and 646-694 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
application rses/112/106/1121061
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Prof. M.Mayuram
Equivalent number
T1 IIT, madras
11. of teeth-forces for 1 2&3 2
702 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
helical gears
Total 9
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Straight bevel gear:
Prof. M.Mayuram
Tooth terminology,
T1 IIT, madras
12. tooth forces and 2 2&3
711-722 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
stresses, equivalent
number of teeth
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Estimating the Prof. M.Mayuram
dimensions of pair T1 IIT, madras
13. 2 2&3
of straight bevel 722-728 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
gears rses/112/106/1121061
Page 9 of 183
No. Referen Mod Videos Date
S.N Topics to be of ce e of modules/lectures of
o covered Peri & Page Deliv Cover
ods No. ery age
Worm Gear: Prof. K.Gopinath &
Merits and Prof. M.Mayuram
demerits IIT, madras
terminology. T1 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
14. 1 2&3
Thermal capacity, 730-737 rses/112/106/1121061
materials-forces 37/
and stresses,
2&3 Prof. K.Gopinath &
Prof. M.Mayuram
estimating the size
T1 IIT, madras
15. of the worm gear 1
733 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Prof. M.Mayuram
industrial and
T1 IIT, madras
16. automobile 1 2&3
715 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
application of
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Prof. M.Mayuram
Cross helical:
T2 IIT, madras
17. Terminology-helix 1 2&3
672 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Estimating the size
Prof. M.Mayuram
of the pair of cross
T1 IIT, madras
18. helical gears 1 2&3
702 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
drawing Tube
Total 9
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Prof. M.Mayuram
progression -
R3 IIT, madras
19. Standard step ratio 1 2&3 5
6.3 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
- Ray diagram,
kinematics layout
Page 10 of 183
No. Referen Mod Videos Date
S.N Topics to be of ce e of modules/lectures of
o covered Peri & Page Deliv Cover
ods No. ery age
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Prof. M.Mayuram
Design of sliding R3 IIT, madras
20. 1 2&3 5
mesh gear box 6.3-6.4 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Design of multi Prof. M.Mayuram
speed gear box for R3 IIT, madras
21. 2 2&3 5
machine tool 6.1 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
applications rses/112/106/1121061
Prof. K.Gopinath &
Constant mesh
Prof. M.Mayuram
gear box - Speed
R3 IIT, madras
22. reducer unit. – 1 2&3 5
5.1&6.1 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
Variable speed
gear box
IIT, kharagpur
23. Fluid Couplings 1 2&3 5 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
Field work:
IIT, kharagpur
Dismantling and R1
24. 1 2&3 5 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
assembling of gear 6.1
box models
Torque Converters IIT, kharagpur
25. for automotive 1 2&3 5 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
applications rses/112/105/1121051
Total 9
Cam Design: Prof.A.K.Mallik
Types-pressure R3 IIT, Kanpur
26. angle and under 2 15.1- 2&3 6 https://www.youtube.
cutting base circle 15.31 com/watch?v=55tKV
determination- BVQDUY
Page 11 of 183
No. Referen Mod Videos Date
S.N Topics to be of ce e of modules/lectures of
o covered Peri & Page Deliv Cover
ods No. ery age
forces and surface
Design of plate
IIT, Kanpur
clutches –axial T1
27. 2 2&3 6 https://www.youtube.
clutches-cone 448-450
Internal expanding
IIT, Kanpur
rim clutches T1
28. 2 2&3 https://www.youtube.
Animation:Electro 465 6
magnetic clutches
Prof. B Maiti
IIT Kharagpur
Band and Block T1
29. 1 2&3 7 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
brakes 480
Prof. B Maiti
external shoe
IIT Kharagpur
brakes – Internal T1
30. 2 2&3 7 https://nptel.ac.in/cou
expanding shoe 472-498
Total 9
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Concept Map
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Design of Flat belts and pulleys - Selection of V belts and pulleys – Selection of hoisting wire
ropes and pulleys – Design of Transmission chains and Sprockets.
1. What is a power drive (transmission drive)? Mention their types. R1.
2. Classify flexible power drive. Write its advantages and disadvantage. U
3. State the "Law of Belting". R
4. Name the types of belts used for transmission of power. R
5. Name the few materials for belt drives. U
6. Name the different joints used to connect the ends of belts. R
7. What are the types of flat belt drives? R
8. Distinguish between open and cross belt drives. U
9. Write short notes on: a. Creep b. slip c. Speed ratio in belt R
10. Describe ply in a flat belt. U
11. Define maximum tension in a belt. U
12. Illustrate the condition for maximum power transmission in terms of centrifugal U
tension in case of belt drive.
13. Two pulleys are arranged in a machine at 90° to each other, select a suitable belt A
drive for power transmission.
14. Analyse the use of stepped pulley drive when it use in power transmission? U
15. Illustrate the Crowning of pulley during the usage A
16. State the functions of idler pulley. R
17. What are the conditions for maximum power transmission in a flat belt? Give the U
18. Illustrate the industrial applications of Flat belt. A
19. What are the factors that influence coefficient of friction between belt and the pulley A
while running?
20. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of flat belt drive. U
21. Select a belt drive for transmitting power in opposite direction when the distance A
between the two pulleys is 3m.
22. An engine running at 150 r.p.m. drives a line shaft by means of a belt. The engine A
pulley is 750 mm diameter and the pulley on the line shaft is 450 mm. A 900 mm
diameter pulley on the line shaft drives a 150 mm diameter pulley keyed to a dynamo
shaft. Fine the speed of dynamo shaft, when there is no slip at each drive.
23. An engine running at 150 r.p.m. drives a line shaft by means of a belt. The engine A
pulley is 750 mm diameter and the pulley on the line shaft is 450 mm. A 900 mm
diameter pulley on the line shaft drives a 150 mm diameter pulley keyed to a dynamo
shaft. Fine the speed of dynamo shaft, when there is a slip of 2% at each drive.
Selection of V belts and pulleys
24. Sketch the cross section of a V-belt and label its important parts. U
25. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of V- belt drive. U
26. Examine the ratio of tensions in a V-belt drive. U
27. In what way timing belt is superior to the ordinary belt? U
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28. Mention the losses in belt drives. U
29. The V belt drive is not suggested for power transmission of longer distance. Justify A
30. What is whipping? How it can be avoided in belt drives? R
31. Identify which type of belt is used for primary drive in motor cycle. A
32. Calculate nominal pitch length of a drilling machine belt. If the diameter of driver A
and driven pulley are 220mm and 750mm respectively. The center distance between
two pulleys is 440mm.
33. Find the speed of driven pulley of a lathe machine having power 20kW and speed of A
driver pulley N1=1440 rpm. Speed ratio is 3.also select a suitable belt.
34. What are the functions of wire rope? U
35. How is a wire rope specified? Give an example. U
36. In load lifting of automobile industries which type of rope is used for cranes and A
37. Rope drive is not suitable for low power transmission. Justify. A
38. Examine the various stresses induced in the wire ropes when it having a load U
39. Name the materials in wire ropes. R
40. List out the advantages of rope drives. U
41. What is the lay? R
42. Identify the suitable method of power transmission if the distance is more than 100 A
43. Sketch and name the different types of compound wire ropes. U
44. Illustrate the industrial applications of wire rope. U
45. A work shop crane is required to lift a load of 30kN using a wire rope and hook. The A
hook weighs 15 kN. Find the design load if factor of safety is 6.
46. List out the types of chains. U
47. Name four important elements in a chain. R
48. In what way silent chain is better than ordinary driving chain? Justify. A
49. List the parts of a roller chain. U
50. Why the lubrication is need for chain drive? U
51. What is meant by chordal action in chain drives? R
52. How does a hoisting chain differ from a roller chain? U
53. Identify which type transmission drive is more than 90% efficiency. 1.Belt drive, 2. A
Rope drive, 3.chain drive.
54. Under what conditions chain drives are preferred over V – belt drives. U
55. What do you mean by galling of roller chains? R
56. List the advantage of belt drive over chain drives. U
57. Why duplex and triplex chains are employed? U
58. Name the materials used for a chain. R
59. Illustrate which condition the chain drive can fail. R
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60. What will be the effect of chain sprocket wear on chain drive? U
1. Select a flat belt to drive a mill at 250 rpm from 10kW, 730 rpm motor; center 16 S
distance is to be around 2m. The mill shaft pulley is of 1m diameter.
2. Design a flat belt drive to transmit 110kW for a system consisting of two pulleys of 16 R
diameters 0.9m and 1.2m respectively, for a center distance of 3.6m, belt speed of
20m/s and coefficient of friction 0.3. There is a slip of 1.2% at each pulley and 5%
friction loss at each shaft with 20% over load.
3. A compressor is to run by a motor pulley running at 1440rpm, speed ratio 2.5. 16 S
Choose a flat belt crossed drive. Center distance between pulleys is 3.6m. Take belt
speed as 16m/s. load factor is 1.3. Take a 5-ply, flat Dunlop belt. Power to be
transmitted is 12kW. High speed load rating is 0.0118kW/ply/mm, width at
V=5m/s. Determine the width and length of the belt.
4. For a flat belt drive, the following data are given: Power transmitted = 9kW, Speed 16 S
of motor = 1500rpm. Speed of driven pulley = 500 rpm, velocity of belt = 16m/s,
density of belt material = 9.8 kN/m3 , small diameter to thickness of belt ratio = 36,
factor of safety=8, ultimate strength of belt material = 24Mpa, Center distance =
2.1m, coefficient of friction = 0.36. Design the belt.
5. A belt is to transmit 25kW at 720 rpm to a rolling machine with a speed ratio of 3. 16 U
Center distance between the pulleys is 2.8m. Design a suitable belt drives if the
rolling machine pulley diameter is 0.9m.
6. An open belt is to transmit 20kW at 720 rpm to a crushing machine. The centre 16 A
distance the pulley is 3 m and speed ratio 3. Design a suitable flat belt drive and
mild steel pulley if the pulley on the machine has a diameter of 1.2 m.
7. a) A leather belt 9mm x 250mm is used to drive a cast iron pulley 900mm in 8 A
diameter at 336 rpm. If the active arc on the smaller pulley is 120O and stress in
tight side is 2MPa, find the power capacity of the belt. The density of leather may
be taken as 980 kg/m3 and coefficient of friction of leather on cast iron is 0.35.
b) It is required to design a leather crossed belt drive to connect 7.5 kW, 1440 rpm 8 S
electric motor to a compressor running at 480 rpm. The distance between the
centers of the pulleys is twice the diameter of the bigger pulley. The belt should
operate at 20m/s approximately and its thickness is 5mm. Density of leather is 950
kg/m3 and permissible stress is 5.6 MPa. Give the design.
8. Design a V belt drive to drive a machine at 40rpm from a motor running at 16 S
1440rpm. Assume suitable parameters.
9. A V belt drive is to be arranged between two shafts with 1.2m as center distance. 16 A
The driving pulley is of 250mm effective diameter and is to be supplied with 20kW
power at 960rpm. The follower pulley is to run at 460rpm. Determine the number
of belts required from the following; Arc of the belt cross section = 143mm2 ; mass
density of the belt material=1000 kg/m3 ; permissible tensile stress=2N/mm2 ; Co-
efficient of friction 0.3 Groove angle of the pulley 40
10. (i) A V belt drive is to transmit 15kW to a compressor. The motor runs at 1150 rpm 16 A
and the compressor is to run at 400 rpm. Determine belt specification; number of
Page 16 of 183
belts; correct center distance; drive pulley diameters.
(ii) A V belt is to transmit 45kW in a heavy duty saw mill which works in two 16 S
shifts of 8 hours each. The speed of motor shaft is 1400 rpm with the approximate
speed reduction of 3 in the machine shaft. Design the drive and calculate the
average stress induced in the belt.
11. A compressor running at 250rpm requires 80kW. The drive is by V-belts from an 16 A
electric motor running at 800rpm. The diameter of the pulley on the compressor
shaft should not be greater than 1m while center distance between pulleys is
limited to 1.8m. the belt speed should not exceed 1500m/min. determine the
number of belts required to transmit the power if each belt has a cross-sectional
area of 360mm2 , density 100kg/m3 and allowable tensile stress of 2.5N/mm2 . The
groove angle of pulley is 36 . The coefficient of friction between the belt and the
pulley is 0.3. Also determine the length of belt.
12. Two shafts whose centres are 1 m apart are connected by a V- belt drive. The 16 A
driving pulley is supplied with 100 kW and has an effective diameter of 300 mm. It
runs at 1000 rpm, while the driven pulley runs at 375 rpm. The angle of groove on
the pulley is 40o. The permissible tension in 400 mm 2 cross sectional area of the
belt is 2.1 MPa. The density of the belt is 1100 kg/m3. Taking µ = 0.28, estimate
the number of belts required. Also calculate the length of each belt.
13. Design a V belt drive and calculate the actual belt tension and average stress for the 16 S
following data. Driven pulley diameter, D=500mm, driver pulley diameter
d=150mm, center distance C = 925 mm, speed N1 = 1000 rpm, N2 = 300 rpm and
power P = 7.5kW.
14. Design a V- belt drive and calculate the actual belt tension and average stress for 16 S
the following data. Power to the transmitted = 7.5 kW, speed of driving wheel =
1000 rpm, speed of driven wheel = 300 rpm, diameter of driven pulley = 500 mm.
Diameter of driver pulley = 150 mm and center distance = 925 mm.
15. Design a V belt drive to the following specifications. Power to be transmitted 16 S
75Kw, speed of driving wheel 1440rpm speed of driven wheel 1400rpm, Diameter
of driving wheel 1300 mm centre distance 2500 mm service 16 hours/day. (16) [S]
16. Design of Wire Rope and pulleys At the construction site, 1 tonne of steel is to be 16 S
lifted up to a height of 20m with the help of 2 wire ropes of 6x19 size, nominal
diameter 12mm, and braking load 78kN. Determine the factor of safety if the
sheave diameter is 56d and if wire rope is suddenly stopped in 1second when
travelling at a speed of 1.2m/s. What is the factor of safety if bending load is
17. Select a wire rope for a vertical mine hoist to lift a load of 20 KN from a depth of 16 R
500 meters, A rope speed of 3 m/s is to be attained in 10 seconds.
18. Select a wire rope for a vertical mine hoist to lift 10,000kN of coal from a depth of 16 R
750m in each 8 hours shift. Assume a two compartment shaft with hoisting skips in
balance. Assume rope velocity 750m/min, acceleration and deceleration periods of
each 10seconds and rest periods of each 10 seconds, for discharging and loading.
Assume skip weight to be half of that of the load, E=8x104 N/mm2 . (16) [R]
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19. A bucket elevator is to be driven by a geared motor and roller chain drive with the 16 S
information given below: Motor output = 3 kW Speed of motor shaft = 100 rpm.
Elevator drive shaft speed – 42 rpm. Load – even Distance between centres of
sprockets approximately – 1.2 m, Period of operation – 16 hours / day. Geared
motor is mounted on an auxiliary bed for centre distance adjustments. Design the
chain drive.
20. Select a suitable chain to transmit 15kW at 1000rpm of a sprocket pinion. Speed 16 S
reduction is 2.5:1. Driving motor is mounted on an adjustable base. Assume that
load is steady, drive is horizontal and service is 12 hours/day.
21. The transporter of a heat treatment furnace is driven by a 4.5 kW, 1440 rpm, 16 S
induction motor through a chain drive with a speed reduction ratio of 2.4. The
transmission is horizontal with bat type of lubrication. Rating is continuous with 3
shifts per day. Design the complete chain drive.
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18. What is the minimum number of teeth on spur gear? Why? U
19. Why is tangential component of gear tooth force called useful component? U
20. How does the number of teeth affect the design of gears? U
21. What are the conditions to be satisfied in order to avoid interference? R
22. What is a hunting tooth? R
23. What is herringbone gear? Where are they used? R
24. Define formative or virtual number of teeth on a helical gear. R
25. A helical gear has a normal pressure angle of 20o, a helix angle of 45o, normal A
module of 4 mm and has 20 teeth. Find the pitch diameter.
26. Define backlash. What factors influence backlash. R
27. What is helix angle? R
28. What are the types of helical gear? R
29. A pair of helical gear consists of a 20 teeth pinion meshing with a 70 teeth gear. The A
normal module is 3 mm. Find the required value of the helix angle if the centre
distance is exactly 150 mm.
30. What are the components of resultant forces acting on a helical gear tooth? U
31. What is the condition and expression for maximum efficiency in spiral gears? U
32. Illustrate the effects of pressure angle in gear design. A
33. What is pressure angle? U
34. List out the various methods of manufacturing gears. U
35. The Helical Gear manufacturing which pressure angle is mostly preferred? A
36. Why is a gear tooth subjected to dynamic load? U
37. Why spur gears are noisy in operation when compared to helical gears? U
38. State some materials used for manufacturing of gears. U
39. Most of the gear drive pinion is harder than gear. Justify. A
40. The crossed helical gear drive is mostly not used for power transmission. Justify the A
41. Compare the features of spur and helical gears. U
42. What are the different causes for gear tooth failures? U
43. Differentiate double and herringbone helical gear. U
44. State the disadvantages of herringbone and double helical gears. U
45. In a speed reducer, why is the diameter of an output shaft greater than the input A
46. Compare the contact between mating teeth of spur and helical gears. U
47. Identify which gear is preferred for heavy load applications. spur or helical gears A
48. Where do you use herringbone and double helical gears? R
49. What is meant by stub tooth in gear drives? R
50. Define virtual number of teeth in helical drive R
51. Specify the types of gear – failures. S
52. In a gear manufacturing the 20° pressure angle system is more advantage over 14.5° A
pressure angle systems. Justify
53. Mention the methods to eliminate interference in different pressure angle systems of A
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1. A pinion of 120mm pitch diameter, running at 900rpm transmits 5kW of power to 16 S
gear whose pitch diameter is 360mm. For straight tooth, the angle of pressure is
20°. Determine the tangential force, the transverse or bending force on shafts and
torques on driving and driven shafts.
2. A compressor running at 300r.p.m is driven by a 15kW, 1200 r.p.m motor through 16 S
14° full depth spur gears. The centre distance is 375mm. The motor pinion is to be
of C30 forged steel hardened and tempered, and the driven gear is to be of cast iron.
Assuming medium shock condition, design the gear drive completely.
3. A bronze spur pinion rotating at 600r.p.m drives a cast iron gear at a transmission 16 S
ratio of 4:1. Allowable static stress for pinion and gear are 85 and 105N/mm2
respectively. The pinion has 22 standard 20° full depth involutes teeth. The power
transmitted is 32 kW. The surface endurance limit for the gear is 520N/mm2,
modulus of elasticity of the pinion material is 1.2×10 5N/mm2 and that of gear is
1×105N/mm2. If the starting torque is 25% more than the mean torque, design the
gear drive completely.
4. A Bakelite pinion driving a cast iron gear. The pinion rotating at 700r.p.m transmits 16 S
5Kw to a gear. The velocity ratio is 3, the teeth are 20° full depth, and the load is
smooth. Design the gear drive. Take the allowance static stress for Bakelite as
40N/mm2 .
5. (i) In a pair of spur gears, the number of teeth on the pinion and the gear are 20 and 8 A
100 respectively. The module is 6mm. The pressure angle is 20° full depth.
Calculate the following parameter: a. The centre distance b. The pitch circle
diameters of the pinion and the gear c. Addendum and dedenum d. Tooth thickness
and bottom clearance, and e. The gear ratio.
(ii) A pair of spur gears consists of a 20 teeth pinion meshing with a 120 teeth gear. 8 A
The module is 4mm. calculate (a) the center distance, (b) the pitch circle diameters
of the pinion and the gear, (c) the addendum and dedundum.
6. Design a spur gear drive to transmit 22.5Kw at 900r.p.m speed reduction is 2.5. 16 S
Material for pinion and wheel are c15 steel and cast iron grade 30Respectively.
Take pressure angle of 20°and working life of the gears as 10000hrs.
7. It is desired to determine the proportions of a spur gear drive to transmit 8Kw from 16 A
a shaft rotating at 1200r.p.m to allow speed shaft, with a reduction of 3:1. Assume
that the teeth are 20°full depth involutes, with 24teeth on the pinion. The pinion is
to be of 40C8 normalized steel and gear of 30C8 normalized steel and gear of 30
C8 normalized steel. Assume that the starting torque is 130% of the rated torque.
8. In a spur gear drive for a stone crusher, the gears are made of C40 steel. The pinion 16 S
is transmitting 30Kw at 1200r.p.m. The gear ratio is 3. Gear is to work 8 hours per
day, six days a week and for 3years. Design the drive.
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9. A speed reducing unit using spur gear is to be designed. Power to be transmitted is 16 S
60 hp and is continuous with moderate shock loads, the speeds of the shafts are 720
rpm and 144 rpm, respectively. The centre distance is kept as small as possible.
Select suitable materials and design the gears. Give the details of the gears.
10. Design a pair of straight spur gear drive for a stone crusher, the pinion and wheel 16 S
are made of C15 steel and cast iron grade 30 respectively. The pinion is to transmit
22 kW power at 900 rpm. The gear ratio is 2.5. Take pressure angle of 20 o and
working life of gears as 10, 000 hours.
11. Design a spur gear drive required to transmit 45kW at a pinion speed of 800rpm. 16 S
The velocity ratio 3.5:1. The teeth are 20° full depth involute with 18 teeth on the
pinion. Both the pinion and gear are made of steel with a maximum safe static
stress of 180N/mm2.Assume medium shock conditions. vm = 12 m/s and steel is
hardened to 200 BHN.
12. Design a helical gear to transmit 15kW at 1400r.p.m to the following 16 R
specifications; Speed reduction is 3, pressure angle is 20°; Helix angle is 15°; the
material of both the gears is C45 steel. allowance static stress 180N/mm2;E1
=E2=2×105 N/mm2.
13. (i) A pair of parallel helical gear consists of a 20 teeth pinion and the velocity ratio 8 A
is 3:1. The helix angle is 15°and the normal module is 5mm. Calculate: a. The
pitch the circle diameter b. The centre distance
(ii) A herringbone speed reducer consists of a 26 teeth pinion driving a 104 teeth 8 A
gear. The gears have a normal module of 2mm. the pressure angle is 200 and the
helix angle is 250. The pinion receives 100kW power through its shaft and rotates
at 3600 rpm. The face width of each half is 35 mm. the gears are made of alloy
steel and heat treated to a surface hardness of 450 BHN. The service factor is 1.25.
Determine the factor of safety against bending failure and against pitting failure.
14. A parallel helical greatest consist of a 19-tooth pinion driving a 57-tooth gear. The 16 S
pinion has left hand helix angle of 20°, a normal pressure angle of 14° and a normal
diameter pitch of 0.4 teeth/mm. Find: a. The normal, transverse, and axial circular
pitches, b. The transverse module and the transverse pressure angle c. The pitch
diameters of two gears.
15. In a spiral gear drive connecting two shafts, the approximate centre distance is 16 S
400mm and the speed ratio is 3. The angle between the two shafts is 50°and the
normal pitch is 18mm. The spiral angle for the driving and driven wheels is equal.
Find the number of teeth,Exact centre distance, and Efficiency of the drive, if
friction angle = 6°
16. (i) A pair of spiral gears connects two shafts inclined at 80°. The velocity ratio is 2 8 A
and driver has 25 teeth of normal pitch of 12mm and spiral angle of 30°. Find the
centre distance between the shafts.
(ii) A pair of parallel helical gears consists of a 20 teeth pinion meshing with a 40 8 A
teeth gear. The helix angle is 250 and the normal pressure angle is 200. The normal
module is 3mm. calculate the transverse module, transverse pressure angle, the
axial pitch, center distance.
Page 21 of 183
17. A pair of helical gears subjected to moderate shock loading is to transmit 30 kW at 16 S
1500 rpm of the pinion. The speed reduction ratio is 4 and the helix angle is 20o .
The service is continuous and the teeth are 20o FD in the normal plane. For gear life
of 10,000 hours, design the gear drive.
18. Design a pair of helical gear to transmit 10 kW at 1000 rpm of the pinion. 16 S
Reduction ratio of 5 is required. Pressure angle is 20o and the helix angle is 15o .
The material for both gears is Ni2Cr1 Mo 28. Give the details of the drive in a
tabular form.
19. For intermitted duty of an elevator, two cylindrical gears made of alloy steel 16
40Ni2Cr1Mo28, and have to transmit 12.5kW at a pinion speed of 1200r.p.m.
Design the gear pair for the following Specifications; Gear ratio 3.5, pressure angle
20°, involute full depth, helix angle 15°. Gears are expected to work 6 hours a day
for 10years.Minimum number of teeth on the pinion may be taken as 20 and IS S
quality 8.
20. (i) Design a Pair of spur gears to transmit 20 kW at a pinion speed of 1400 rpm. 8 S
The transmission ratio is 4. Assume 15 Ni2Cr1Mo15 for pinion and C45 for gear.
(ii) Design a helical gear drive to transmit the power of 15kW. Speed ratio 6, pinion 8 S
speed 1200 rpm, helix angle is 25 degree. Select 15 Ni2Cr1Mo15 for pinion and
C45 for gear and design the gear pair.
Page 22 of 183
16. What is Zero Bevel gears? R
17. What is Spiral angle in bevel gears? R
18. What is crown gear. R
19. Write some application of worm – gear drive. U
20. What is known as formative number of teeth on bevel gears? R
21. Define the terms Addendum angle and Dedendum angle . R
22. What are the Proportions for Bevel Gear? U
23. What is meant by Formative or Equivalent Number of Teeth for Bevel Gears? U
24. What is back cone in bevel gears? R
25. Write a short note on Strength of Bevel Gears. U
26. What are the forces acting on a bevel gear? U
27. How the shaft for bevel gears is designed? U
28. Define worm gear. R
29. What is meant by worm and worm wheel? R
30. Define straight worm. R
31. Give a short note on strength of worm gear teeth. U
32. What is wear tooth load for worm gear? R
33. Mention the materials of worms in worm drive. And also list out main types of A
failure in worm gear drive.
34. What do you mean by thermal rating of worm gearing? R
35. What are the factors depend upon the heat dissipating capacity? U
36. What are the forces acting on worm gears? U
37. How worm gear is designed? U
38. What is meant by double enveloping worm? R
39. What is meant by axial pitch of worm and worm wheel? R
40. Define lead angle of worm and worm wheel. R
41. What is meant by tooth pressure angle in worm gear? R
42. What are the recommended values of lead angle and pressure angle in worm gear? R
43. What is nominal pitch in worm? R
44. Define helix angle in worm. R
45. What is velocity ratio for worm and worm wheel? R
46. What is meant by efficiency of worm gearing? R
47. What is the condition and expression for maximum efficiency in spiral gears? A
48. What is meant by formative or equivalent number of teeth for helical gears? R
49. How bevel gears are manufactured? U
50. What are the disadvantages worm gear drive? U
51. What is meant by Mitre gears? R
52. When do we use bevel gear ? U
53. In which gear-drive, self- locking is available? A
1. Design a bevel gear drive to transmit 3.5 kW with driving shaft speed is 200 rpm. 16 S
Speed ratio required is 4. The drive is non-reversible. Pinion is made of steel and
Page 23 of 183
wheel of CI. Assume a life of 25,000 hours.
2. A hardened steel worm rotates at 1440 r.p.m and transmits 12kW to a phosphor 16 S
bronze gear. The speed of the worm wheel should be 60 r.p.m. Design the worm
gear drive if an efficiency of at least 82% is desired.
3. Design a worm gear drive to transmit 20 hp from a worm at 1440 rpm to a worm 16 S
wheel. Assume the bronze is sand chill cast. The speed of the wheel should be + 2
rpm, initial sliding velocity can be assumed as 3 m/s and efficiency as 80%.
4. Design a worm gear drive to transmit 22.5 kw at a worm speed of 1440 rpm. 16 S
velocity ratio is 24:1 an efficiency of atleast 85% is desired.the temperature rise
should be restricted to 40o c. Determine the required cooling area.
5. Design a bevel gear drive to transmit 7.5 kW at 1440 rpm. Gear ratio 3. Pinion and 16 S
gear are made of forged C45 steel. Life of gears 10,000 hours. Assume surface
hardened treatment and IS quality 6.
6. A pair of bevel gears is to be used to transmit 10kW from a pinion rotating at 16 R
420r.p.m to a gear mounted on a shaft which intersects the pinion shaft at an angle
of 70°. Assuming that the pinion is to have an outside pitch diameter of 180mm, a
pressure angle of 20°, a face width of 45mm, and the gear shafts is to rotate at
140r.p.m, determine 1.Pitch angle for the gears; 2.The forces on the pinion and the
gear; and 3.The torque produced about the shafts axis.
7. Design a pair of bevel gears to transmit 10kW at a pinion speed of 16 A
1400r.p.m.Required transmission ration is 4. Material gear is 15Ni2cr 1Mo
15/steel. The tooth profiles of the gears are of 20°composite form.
8. (i) A pair of straight bevel gears has a velocity ratio of 2:1. The pitch circle 10 U
diameter of the pinion is 80mm at the large end of the tooth. A 5 kW power is
supplied to the pinion, which rotates at 800rpm. The face width is 40mm and the
pressure angle is 20°. Calculate the tangential radial and axial components of the
resultant tooth force acting on the pinion.
(ii) Discuss in detail the angle relation for different bevel gears. 6 U
9. A pair of cast iron bevel gears connects two shafts at right angles. The pitch 16 A
diameters of the pinion and gear are 80 mm and 100 mm respectively. The tooth
profiles of the gears are of 14 1/2º composite form. The allowable static stress for
both the gears is 55 MPa. If the pinion transmits 2.75 kW at 1100 r.p.m., find the
module and number of teeth on each gear from the standpoint of strength and
check the design from the standpoint of wear. Take surface endurance limit as 630
MPa and modulus of elasticity for cast iron as 84 kN/mm2 .
10. Design a cast iron bevel gear drive for a pillar drilling machine to transmit 1875W 16 S
at 800r.p.m to a spindle at 400 r.p.m. The gear is to work for 40hours per week for
3 years. Pressure angle is 20°.
11. A Pair of 20° full depth involutes teeth bevel gears connect two shafts at right 16 A
angles Having a velocity ration of 3;2;1. The gear is made of cast steel with an
allowable static stress as 72N/mm2 and the having a static stress of 100N/mm2 .
The pinion transmits 40Kw at 840 r.p.m. find the module, face width and pitch
diameter from stand point of beam strength and check the design from the stand
Page 24 of 183
point of wear.
12. A pair of worm gears is designated as 2/54/10/5. Calculate: 1. The centre distance; 16 A
2.The speed reduction; 3.The dimensions of the worm; 4.The dimension of worm
wheel. The input to worm gear shaft is 18kW and 600rpm. Speed ratio is 20. The
worm is to be of hardened steel and the wheel is made of chilled phosphor bronze.
Considering wear and strength, design worm and worm wheel.
13. A pair of worm and worm wheel is designated as 2/52/10/4.10kW power at 8 S
720r.p.m is supplied to the worm shaft. The coefficient of friction is 0.04 and the
pressure angle is 20°. Calculate the tangential, axial and radial components of the
resultant gear tooth force acting on the worm and the worm wheel.
14. A double threaded worm drive has an axial pitch of 25mm and a pitch circle 8 A
diameter of 70mm. The torque on the worm gear shaft is 1400 N-m. The pitch
circle diameter of the worm gear is 250mm and the tooth pressure angle is 25°.
Calculate the following 1.Tangential force on the worm gear; 2.Torque on the
worm shaft; 3.Separrating force on the worm; 4.Velocity ratio. Take the
coefficient of friction between the worm thread and gear teeth as 0.04.
15. Design a straight bevel gear drive between two shafts at right angles to each other. 16 S
Speed of the pinion shaft is 360r.p.m and the speed of the gear wheel shaft is 120
r.p.m. pinion is of steel and wheel of cast iron. each gear is expected tom work 2
hours/day for 10years. The drive transmits 9.37kw.
16. A double threaded worm has a lead of 65mm. The gear has 42 teeth and is cut with 16 A
a hob of module 8mm perpendicular to the teeth. Find the pitch diameters of the
worm and gear, and the centre distance of the shafts.
17. A triple threaded worm has teeth of 6 mm module and pitch circle diameter of 50 8 A
mm. If the worm gear has 30 teeth of 14½° and the coefficient of friction of the
worm gearing is 0.05, find The lead angle of the worm, Velocity ratio, Centre
distance, and Efficiency of the worm gearing.
18. A 2-tooth right –hand worm transmits 0.746kW at 1200r,p.m to a 30-tooth worm 8 A
gear. The gear has an external an axial pitch of 13.5mm. the worm has a pitch
diameter of 50mm. The normal pressure angle is 14. Coefficient of friction = 0.03.
Find the lead angle, the lead, the normal pitch and the centre distance. Find the
force components on the worm and worm gear. The gear is supported by bearings
A and B.
19. A pair of 20° full depth in volute teeth 30° helical gears having a velocity ratio of 16 A
3. The pinion is made of steel with allowable static stress of 100 N/mm2 and the
gear is made of cast steel with allowable static stress of 70 N/mm2. The pinion
transmits 40kW at 1500 rpm. 20. 20. Determine all the basic dimensions of the
gear pair. Assume width of face as 3 times the normal pitch and tooth form factor
as 0.154-0.0912/zv , where Zv is the equivalent number of teeth.
20. In a non-reversible type of rolling mill drive a gear is designed to run 20 hour per 16 A
day, transmitting power in the following manner: a. 3.5kW for 4seconds b.
1.2kW for remaining day. 5.25 kW for maximum, all at a constant speed of speed
of 50 r.p.m. take the life of the gears is to be 8yeats. Determine the equivalent
Page 25 of 183
number of loading cycles.
1. What is meant by a Gear box? R
2. What are the uses of Gear box? U
3. What is geometric progression? R
4. What are the advantages of geometric progression? U
5. Why geometric progression is selected for arranging speeds in gear boxes? R
6. What is preferred number? R
7. Mention the applications of preferred numbers. U
8. What is R20 series? R
9. What are the types of gear box? U
10. What are the main components of a gear box? R
11. What is ray diagram? R
12. What does the ray diagram of a gearbox indicate? R
13. Write short notes on 1. Step ratio 2. Speed ratio R
14. Define progression ratio. R
15. Discuss about kinematic layout of gear box. U
16. What is a speed diagram or structural diagram? R
17. What situations the gear boxes use in machines? A
18. Write any two requirements of a speed gear box. U
19. Write the significance of structural formula. R
20. Differentiate ray diagram and structural diagram. U
21. Sketch the ray diagram for a six speed gear box. U
22. What kinematic arrangement is as applied to gear boxes? U
23. Write the step by step procedure to design the gear box. U
24. What purpose does the housing of gear box serve? U
25. What are the methods of lubrication in speed reducer? U
26. What are the possible arrangements to achieve 12 speeds from a gear box? U
27. What is step ratio? R
28. Name the series in which speeds of multi-speed gear box are arranged U
29. List any two methods used for changing speeds in gear boxes. U
30. Name the components of simple speed helical gear box. U
31. Give some application of constant mesh gear box. U
32. What is multispeed gearbox? R
33. State any three basic rules to be followed while designing a gear box. A
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34. Why G.P. series is selected for arranging the speeds in gear box? R
35. What are the possible arrangements to achieve 18 speeds from a gear box? U
36. Draw Kinematic arrangement for 14 speed gear box of a lathe. U
37. Find the progression ratio for a 12 speed gearbox having speeds between 100 and U
355 r.p.m. Also find the spindle speeds.
38. What are rules to be followed while constructing acceptable ray diagram? U
39. What is the function of spacers in a gear box? U
40. What is meant by Constant mesh gearbox? R
41. What is meant by Non-synchronous transmissions? R
42. Centrifugal tension has no effect on the power transmitted, justify the statement. A
43. What is meant by Arc of contact (Kα)? R
44. What is meant by Centrifugal tension? R
45. What are the factors for the heat dissipating capacity? R
46. What do you mean by thermal rating of worm gearing? R
47. Draw the ray diagram for 12 speed gear box. U
48. Write any two principles to be followed to obtain optimum design in gear box. A
49. For what purpose we are using gearbox? S
50. What is a speed diagram? U
1. A six speed gearbox is required to provide output speeds in the range of 125 to 16 A
400 rpm, with a step ratio of 1.25 and transmits a power of 5 kW at 710 rpm.
Draw the speed diagram and kinematic diagram. Determine the length of the
gearbox along the axis of the gearbox
2. Draw the kinematic diagram and speed diagram of the headstock gear box of a 16 A
turret lathe having arrangement for 9 spindle speed range from 31.5 rpm to 1050
rpm. Calculate the number of teeth on each gear minimum number of teeth on
each gear is 25. Also calculate the percentage deviation of the obtainable speeds
from the calculated ones’.
3. Design the layout of a 12 speed gearbox for a milling machine having ranging 16 A
from 25 to 600 rpm. Power is supplied to the gearbox from a motor at 1440 rpm.
Construct the speed diagram using standard speed number of teeth on each gear
and sketch the arrangement of the gear box.
4. Sketch the arrangement of a six speed gear box for a minimum speed of 460 rpm 16 S
and a maximum speed 1440 rpm. Draw the speed diagram and kinematic
arrangement showing number of teeth in all gears. Check whether all the speeds
obtained through the selected gears are within + 2% of standard speeds. The drive
is from an electric motor giving 2.25 kW at 1440 rpm.
5. Design a nine speed gear box for milling machine with speeds ranging from 56 to 16 S
900 rpm. The input is 720 rpm. Make a neat sketch of the gearbox. Indicate the
number of teeth on all the gears and their speeds. Assuming the gears and shafts
are made of C45, calculate module, centre distance and diameter of the spindle.
6. Design a 12 speed gearbox. The required speed range is 100 to 355 rpm. Draw the 16 S
ray diagram, kinematic arrangement and number of teeth on each gear. Check for
Page 27 of 183
the interference.
7. A nine speed gear box used as a head stock gear box of a turret lathe is to provide 16 S
a speed range of 180 rpm to 1800 rpm. Using standard step ratio draw the speed
diagram and kinematic layout. Also find and fix the number of teeth on all gears.
8. A gearbox is to be give 18 speeds for a spindle of a milling machine. Maximum 16 S
and minimum speeds of spindle are to be around 650 and 35 rpm respectively.
Find the speed ratios which will give the desired speeds and draw the structural
diagram and kinematic arrangement of the drive.
9. Gear box is to be designed to provide 12 output speeds ranging from 160 to 16 S
2000rpm.The input speed of a motor is 1600rpm.Choosing a standard speed ratio,
construct the speed diagram and kinematic arrangement.
10. Design the layout of a 12 speed gearbox for a lathe. The minimum and maximum 16 S
speeds are 100 and 1200 rpm. Power is 5 kW from 1440 rpm, motor. Draw the
speed and kinematic diagram. Also calculate the number of teeth on all gears.
11. Design a 9 speed gear box to give output between 280 and 1800 rpm. The input is 16 S
5.5 kW at 1440 rpm. Draw the kinematic layout diagram and speed diagram.
Determine the number of teeth on all gear.
12. Sketch the speed diagram and the kinematic layout for an 18 speed gear box for 16 S
the following data; Motor speed=1440 rpm, minimum output speed =16rpm,
maximum output speed=800rpm, arrangement=2x3x3.
13. Sketch the ray diagram and the kinematic layout for a 12 speed for a lathe is to 16 S
provide a speed range of 180rpm to 1800 rpm. Using standard step ratio draw the
speed diagram and kinematic layout .Also find and fix the number of teeth on all
14. Design a 18 speed gear box for an all geared headstock of a lathe. Maximum and 16 S
minimum speeds are 600 rpm and 25 rpm respectively The drive is from an
electric motor giving 2.25kw at 1440rpm.Use standard step ratio.
15. Sketch the speed diagram and kinematic layout for a 18 speed gear box for a lathe. 16 R
Maximum and minimum speeds are 600rpm and 25 rpm respectively .The drive is
from an electric motor giving 2.25kw at 1440rpm.
16. The spindle of a piller drill is to turn at 12 different speed in the range of 100 rpm 16 S
and 355 rpm. Design a gear box. sketch the layout of the gear box indicating the
number of teeth on each gear. The gear box receives 5Kw from an electric motor
running at 360 rpm. Also sketch the speed diagram.
17. (a )Design a six speed gear box with a step ratio 1.25.The input is from a motor 8 S
running at 1440 rpm .The minimum speed is 112 rpm. Power of the motor is 3kw.
(b)Design an all geared speed gear box for a radial machine, with the following 8 S
specifications: i) Maximum size of the drill to be used = 50 mm. ii) Minimum size
of the drill to be used = 10mm, iii)Maximum cutting speed = 40m/mt iv)Minimum
cutting speed = 6 m /mt, v) Number of speeds = 12
18. A 12 speed gear box is to provide a minimum speed of 30 rpm with a step ratio of 8 U
1:12.Using standard step ratios, find the number of teeth on all gears.
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19. A machine tool gear box is to provide 14 spindle speeds ranging from 20 to 400 16 S
rpm. Draw the kinematic arrangement and the ray diagram.
20. A 16 speed gear box is to furnish speeds in the range of 100rpm to 560rpm.Sketch 16 S
the kinematic layout and the speed diagram. Use standard progression ratio.
Page 29 of 183
30. Mention few applications of cams U
31. Define jerk. Name the profile of the cam that gives no jerk. A
32. What is a clutch or frication clutch? R
33. What are the functions of clutch in a transmission system? U
34. What is meant by positive clutch? R
35. Name a few commonly used friction materials. U
36. What are the desirable properties of friction materials to be used for clutches? A
37. What are the uses of clutch? R
38. Give examples of axial and radial friction clutches. A
39. If a multidisc clutch has 6 disc in the driving shaft and 7 disc in the driven shaft, U
then how many number of contact surfaces it will have?
40. Distinguish between single and multi-plate clutch. U
41. Cone clutch are better than the disc clutches – Justify. U
42. Differentiate between uniform pressure and uniform wear theories adopted in the U
design of clutches.
43. What are the effects of temperature rise in clutches? U
44. Why is it necessary to dissipate the heat generated during clutch operation? U
45. When we use multiple disc clutch? U
46. Why do we not use brakes with more than 80% efficiency in automobile? U
47. What are the disadvantages of block brake with one short shoe? What is the A
48. Why in automobiles, braking action when travelling in reverse is not as effective S
as when moving forward?
49. In a hoisting machinery, what are the different energies absorbed by a brake U
50. Differentiate self –energizing and self-locking brakes. U
51. Give the reason for left and right shoes of the internal expansion brakes having U
different actuating forces.
52. Write a short note on Antilock braking system. Why its need? U
53. Why should the temperature rise be kept within the permissible range in brakes? U
54. What is fade? R
55. Differentiate brakes and dynamometer. U
56. What do you mean by self-energizing brakes? R
57. Double shoe brakes are preferred than single shoe brakes, why? A
58. Write the different between dry and wet clutch. U
59. What are the types of brakes used in modern vehicles? A
60. How does the function of a brake differ from that of a clutch? U
1. A radial cam rotating at 100 rpm is driving a 15 mm diameter translating roller 16 A
follower to produce the following motions, rise of 25 mm with SHM in 15 degree
of cam rotation, dwell for 60o, fall of 25 mm with SHM in 120o of cam rotation
and dwell for remaining 30o. Construct the cam contour 1. With the pressure angle
Page 30 of 183
limited to approximately 20o and 2. With the pressure angle limited to exactly 20o .
2. A cycloidal cam with a central roller follower has a rise of 25 mm in cam angle of 16 U
70o . Base circle radius is 90 mm and the follower roller radius is 20 mm. Speed of
rotation of the cam is 5000 rpm. Mass of the follower is 0.5 kg. Find the maximum
value of the acceleration of the follower corresponding pressure angle, stiffness of
the spring used with the follower and maximum cam force. The friction between
the follower and the guide may be ignored.
3. Determine the radius of curvature of pitch curve for a total displacement of 35 16 A
mm, prime circle radius = 80mm. The cam angle for rise = 60o . Consider 1.
Parabolic motion 2. Cycloid motion 3. SHM.
4. Determine the maximum and minimum and average pressure in the plate clutch 16 A
when an axial force is 4kN. The inside radius of the contact surface is 50mm and
the outside radius is100mm.Assme uniform wear.
5. A single plate clutch, effective on both sides, is required to transmit 25kW at 1500 16 A
rpm. Determine the inner and outer diameter of friction surface if the coefficient of
friction is 0.25, ratio of diameters is 1.5 and the maximum pressure is not to
exceed. 0.2 N/mm 2 . Also, determine the axial thrust to be provided by springs.
Assume the theory of uniform wear.
6. A single plate clutch both sides being effective is required to connect a machine 16 A
shaft to a driver shaft which runs at 500rpm. The moment of inertia of the rotating
parts of the machine is 1kgm2. . The inner and outer radii of the friction discs are
50mm and 100mm respectively. Assuming uniform pressure of 0.1N/mm2 and
coefficient of friction of 0.25, determine the power transmitted by the clutch and
energy dissipated.
7. A single plate clutch with both sides effective is required to transmit 25kW 16 A
at 900rpm. The outer diameter of the plate is 350mm. The maximum intensity of
pressure over the friction surface is not exceed 0.1N/mm2 . Considering uniform
wear and assuming wear and assuming coefficient of friction as 0.25. Determine
the inner diameter of the clutch and the axial force required to engage the clutch.
8. Multi disc clutch steel on bronze is to transmit 20 kW at 1440 rpm. The clutch is 16 A
to be operated in oil with the co-efficient of friction 0.08 and the average pressure
0.3 MPa. Space limitation permits only 230 mm as outside diameter of the clutch.
Assuming uniform pressure, determine 1. Size of the clutch, if the ratio of mean
radius to face width is 3 2. Actual axial force required 3. Actual maximum
pressure 4. Actual average pressure. The ratio of Ri/Ro can be chosen between 0.5
to 0.75, suitably and logically.
9. A multiplayer clutch with both sides effective transmits 30kW at 360 rpm. Inner 16 A
and outer radii of the clutch discs are 100 and 200 mm respectively. The effective
coefficient of friction is 0.25. An axial load of 600 N is applied. Assuming
uniform wear conditions find the number of discs required and the maximum
intensity of pressure developed.
Page 31 of 183
10. A multi plate clutch, steel on bronze is to transmit 6 kW power at 750 rpm. The 16 A
inner radius of contact surface is 4 cm and outlet radius is 7 cm. The clutch plates
operate in oil, so the co efficient of friction is 0.1. The average pressure is 0.35
N/mm2 . Determine 1. The total number of steel and bronze friction discs 2. Actual
axial force required 3. Actual average pressure 4. Actual maximum pressure.
11. A multiple disc wet clutch is to be designed for a machine tool driven by an 16 A
electric motor of 12.455kW running at 1400rpm. Space restrictions limit the
outside disc diameter to 100mm. Determine appropriate values disc diameter, total
number of discs, clamping force.
12. A leather faced conical clutch has cone angle of 30 . The pressure between the 16 A
contact surfaces is not to exceed 1/3 of the mean radius. Find the dimensions of the
contact surfaces to transmit 22kW at 2000rpm. Also calculate the force required to
change the clutch. Take coefficient of friction as 0.15.
13. A dry disc clutch is to carry 150kW at 400rpm. The outside disc diameter is not to 16 A
be larger than 600mm. The service factor is 2.Only one face of the disc is
effective. Design the clutch.
14. What is the maximum torque capacity for a multiple disc clutch with 8 plates with 16 A
inner diameter of the plates as 45mm and outer diameter of the plates as 60mm,
when the clutch operates at both dry and wet region?
15. A cone clutch with asbestos lining transmits 25kW at 600rpm. The coefficient of 16 A
friction is 0.25 and the maximum intensity of pressure is not to exceed 0.25N/mm2
The semi cone angle is 12.5 . The outer diameter of the friction lining is 250mm.
considering uniform wear theory, determine inner diameter of the lining, face
width of the lining and force required to engage the clutch.
16. The mean diameter of the cone clutch is 75mm; the semi cone angle is 12.5 0. 16 A
Assuming coefficient of friction as 0.3, determine the minimum torque required to
produce slipping of the clutch for an axial force of 180N. If the clutch is used to
connect an electric motor, with a stationary flywheel of an engine; how much time
is required to attain the full speed. How much energy will be lost during slipping?
Motor speed is 960rpm and the M.I of the flywheel is 0.5kg/m2 .
17. A cone clutch with asbestos friction lining transmits 25 kW at 600 rpm. The 8 A
coefficient is 0.25 and the maximum intensity of pressure is 0.25 N/ mm2. The
semi cone angle is 12.50. The outer diameter of friction lining is 250 mm.
considering uniform wear theory. Determine i. the inner diameter of the friction
lining, ii. The face width of friction lining and iii. The force required to engage to
the clutch.
18. A centrifugal clutch consisting of four shoes transmits 20kW at 760rpm to be 8 A
engaged at 500rpm. The inner radius of the drum is 160mm. The radius of centre
of gravity of the shoes in engaged position is 135mm.Assuming coefficient of
friction as 0.25. Determine mass of each shoe.
19. A 400 mm radius brake drum contact s a single shoe as shown in fig. and sustains 16 A
200 N-m torques at 500 rpm. For a co-efficient of friction of 0.25, determine 1.
Normal force on the shoe 2. Required force F to apply the brake for clockwise
Page 32 of 183
rotation 3. Required force F to apply the brake for counter clockwise rotation 4.
The dimension c required to make the brake self-locking, assuming other
dimensions remain same 5. Heat generated.
Page 33 of 183
Page 34 of 183
Mapping of Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO)
Course/ Mapping with Programme outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
C301.01 1 - - - 3 - - - - - - -
C301.02 3 2 - - - - - - - - - -
C301.03 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
C301.04 - 3 - - - - - - - - - -
C301.05 1 - - - 3 - - - - - - -
C301.06 2 - - 3 - - - - - - - -
C301.07 2 - - 3 - - - - - - - -
3- Strong Correlation, 2 – Medium Correlation, 1- Weak Correlation
Page 35 of 183
controllers- 2D and 3D machining on CNC- Introduction of Part Programming, types -
Detailed Manual part programming on Lathe & Milling machines using G codes and M codes-
Cutting Cycles, Loops, Sub program and Macros¬- Introduction of CAM package.
Page 36 of 183
No. Referen Mod Date
S.N of ce e of Videos of
Topics to be covered O
o Peri & Page Deli modules/lectures Cove
ods No. very rage
CAD system https://www.youtube.c
architecture- Computer 2 1 om/watch?v=fwzYuhd
graphics uME4
Co-ordinate systems 3 1 om/watch?v=yEjUOS0
2D and 3D R2
2 8 1 om/watch?v=iWxS2zp
transformations 184-187
Homogeneous 1 2 1 om/watch?v=iWxS2zp
coordinates aRjk
Line drawing, 3 1 om/watch?v=0HeTPi8
Clipping 8 1 om/watch?v=f9E8T-
1 eBcbo
Viewing transformation om/watch?v=k2ajK9u
8 1 M0Co&list=PLE4D97
Brief introduction to https://www.digimat.in
CAD and CAM 1 1 2 /nptel/courses/video/11
Manufacturing Planning T2 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
10 2
737-747 es/112107143/
Manufacturing control T2 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
8 2
749-762 es/112107143/
Introduction to https://nptel.ac.in/cours
708 1 2
CAD/CAM es/112107143/
Types of production T2 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
1. 2 2
23-44 es/112107143/
Manufacturing models T2 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
2. 3 2
and Metrics 48 es/112107143/
Mathematical models of T2 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
3. 1 3 2
Production Performance 49 es/112107143/
Page 37 of 183
No. Referen Mod Date
S.N of ce e of Videos of
Topics to be covered O
o Peri & Page Deli modules/lectures Cove
ods No. very rage
Total 9
Page 38 of 183
No. Referen Mod Date
S.N of ce e of Videos of
Topics to be covered O
o Peri & Page Deli modules/lectures Cove
ods No. very rage
2 4 http://textofvideo.nptel.
Graphical Kernel T3
2 iitm.ac.in/video.php?co
System (GKS ) 576
1 4 http://keepvid.com/?url
Standards for exchange T3 =http://www.youtube.c
images 576 om/watch?v=EgKc9L7
1 4 https://commons.erau.e
Open Graphics Library T3
2 ?article=2243&context
(OpenGL) 580
1 2 4 https://www.youtube.c
Data exchange T3 om/watch?v=JuNDS4R
standards- Introduction 584 -OwI
for computer
1 T1 2 4 https://www.youtube.c
Data exchange 739-745 om/watch?v=JuNDS4R
standards -IGES -OwI
1 2 4 https://www.youtube.c
Data exchange om/watch?v=JuNDS4R
standards -STEP -OwI
1 2 4 https://commons.erau.e
Other Communication ?article=2243&context
standards =space-congress-
Total 9
Introduction to NC T2
10 5 om/watch?v=tEfn7k-
systems and CNC 142-148
1 4WwM
Machine axis and Co- T2 5 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
ordinate system 866-868 es/112105211/
T1 5 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
865 es/112105211/
CNC machine tools 1 2
Page 39 of 183
No. Referen Mod Date
S.N of ce e of Videos of
Topics to be covered O
o Peri & Page Deli modules/lectures Cove
ods No. very rage
Principle of operation T2 5 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
CNC 142-153 es/112105211/
T3 5 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
Construction features 373-379 es/112105211/
including structure T2
T2 5 https://nptel.ac.in/conte
Drives and CNC
1 2 nt/storage2/courses/112
T2 5 .
2D and 3D machining https://nptel.ac.in/cours
1 8
on CNC es/112105211/
T2 5 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
Introduction of Part 171-179 es/112105211/
1 3
Programming T3 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
369-403 es/112105211/
T2 5 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
171- es/112105211/
Detailed Manual part
180&18 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
programming on Lathe
9-196 es/11210511/
& Milling machines 1 3
using G codes and M
T3 5 https://nptel.ac.in/cours
Cutting Cycles, Loops,
Sub program and 1 3
Introduction of CAM T3
1 2
package 453-464
Total 9
1 https://www.youtu
T2 be.com/watch?v=y
Technology(GT),Part 2 6
509 3-5ENFtqrQ
Page 40 of 183
No. Referen Mod Date
S.N of ce e of Videos of
Topics to be covered O
o Peri & Page Deli modules/lectures Cove
ods No. very rage
1 6 https://www.youtu
Parts Classification and T2
10 be.com/watch?v=t
coding 512
Simple Problems in 1 T2 6 https://www.youtu
Opitz Part Coding 514 3 be.com/watch?v=y
system 3-5ENFtqrQ
1 6 https://www.youtu
Production flow T2
2 be.com/watch?v=y
Analysis 516
1 T2 6 https://www.youtu
Cellular Manufacturing 2 be.com/watch?v=t
518 oTYb7Sirm0
6 https://www.youtu
Composite part T2
2 be.com/watch?v=t
concept 523
Types of Flexibility 1 T2 7 https://www.youtu
FMS – FMS 545 2 be.com/watch?v=ti
Components arT1YS-lM
T2 7 https://www.youtu
FMS Application &
555 10 be.com/watch?v=ti
1 T2 https://www.youtu
FMS Planning and
5. 558 3 7 be.com/watch?v=ti
2 https://www.youtu
Quantitative analysis in T2
6. 3 7 be.com/watch?v=ti
FMS 560
Total 9
Page 41 of 183
T1.Ibrahim Zeid “Mastering CAD CAM” Tata McGraw-Hill PublishingCo.2007
T2.Mikell.P.Groover “Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated
Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall of India, 2008.
T3.Radhakrishnan P, SubramanyanS. and Raju V., “CAD/CAM/CIM”, 2nd Edition, New Age
International (P) Ltd, New Delhi,2000.
Reference Books:
R1.Chris McMahon and Jimmie Browne “CAD/CAM Principles", "Practice and
Manufacturing management “ Second Edition, Pearson Education, 1999.
R2.Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker “Computer Graphics”‟. Prentice Hall, Inc,1992.
R3.Foley, Wan Dam, Feiner and Hughes - "Computer graphics principles & practice" Pearson
Education -2003
R4.William M Neumann and Robert F.Sproul “Principles of Computer Graphics”, McGraw
Hill Book Co. Singapore, 1989
Page 42 of 183
Concept Map
Design Collecting
Design definitions relevant design
need specificatio information and
ns and feasibility study
Design Design Design Design Design
communication optimizatio analysis modelling conceptualisati
and n and on
documentation simulation
CAD Process
planning CAM process
Material order
Computer Aided Design (CAD) is the technology concerned with the use of computer system to
assist the creation, modification, analysis and optimization of design. CAD process is the subset
of the design process. Industries have to continuously upgrade their products as well as
introduce new products in the market in order to retain as well as to increase their market share.
The product development is the responsibility of the research and development (R&D)
department of a manufacturing company. When a product is initially introduced the sales
volume will be low..
Product cycle
Page 43 of 183
1. Define product life cycle. [R]
2. Distinguish synthesis and Analysis. [U]
3. Rephrase various phases involved in the design process. [U]
4. Summarise various methods of design process. [U]
5. Construct a conceptual design for an innovative weightless multipurpose pen. [A]
Sequential and concurrent engineering
6. Outline the pit falls found in sequential engineering [U]
7. Compare sequential and concurrent engineering [U]
Computer aided design -CAD system architecture
Computer graphics
8. Under what circumstances random and raster scan display techniques are used [U]
in CAD
9. Define resolution and aspect ratio. [R]
10. Brief about DVST, LED and LCD display techniques. [R]
Co-ordinate systems
11. What are the different types of coordinate systems used in CAD? [R]
12. How is WCS related to MCS? [U]
13. Brief about Screen coordinate system [U]
2D and 3D transformations
14. Define translation. [R]
15. Assume you are given a point (x,y) =(2,1). Where will be the point if it is [A]
moved 3 units to the right and 1 unit up?
16. Briefly explain how entities are scaled. [U]
17. Scale the below figure with scale ratio (30,20) [A]
Page 44 of 183
24. Draw the reflection image of a triangle if the matrix for this transformation [A]
Homogeneous coordinates
25. Define homogeneous coordinates. [R]
26. If a point P (3, 2) in a 3 dimensional space is viewed orthographically and [A]
translated 2unit horizontally and 4 units vertically, find the new coordinates
using homogenous coordinates.
27. If a point P (3, 4) is represented in homogeneous coordinates? Find the new [A]
coordinates if it is rotated 30° anticlockwise using homogenous coordinates.
28. What is composite transformation? [R]
29. If a point P (6, 8) is subjected to two successive translation (2, 3) and (4, 7) [A]
find the new coordinates using composite transformations.
30. If a point P (4, 9) is subjected to two successive rotations of 20° and 30° find [A]
the new coordinates using composite transformations.
31. If a point P (8, 10) is subjected to two successive scaling of (3, 4) and (4, 6) [A]
find the new coordinates using composite transformations.
Line drawing
32. Brief about DDA line algorithm [R]
33. Draw a straight line connecting two points (2, 7) and (15, 10) using DDA [A]
34. Write down Bresenham‟s Algorithm. [R]
Clipping- viewing transformation
35. Name some clipping algorithms [R]
36. Brief about Cohan sutherlan clipping algorithm. [U]
Brief introduction to CAD and CAM
37. Define CAD/CAM and List out some CAM packages [R]
38. Relate production quantity and production variety. [U]
39. Differentiate batch production and mass production.
40. A company specialises in customer photographic products. It produces only [A]
cameras and projectors. Thus P1= 2.In its camera line it offers 15 different
models and its projector line it offers five models. Thus for cameras P21=15,
Page 45 of 183
P22=5. What is the totality of the product models?
41. The mean time between failures for a certain production machine is 250 hrs. [A]
And the mean time to repair is 6 hrs. Determine the availability of the
42. Define production rate and narrate the expression for operation cycle time
43. Derive the expression for the rate of production for the batch production and [A]
job order production.
44. Define production capacity and how it is calculated? [R]
45. The turret lathe section has six machines are devoted to the production of the [A]
same part. The section operates 10 shifts/wk. The number of hours per shift
averages 8.0. Average production rate of each machine is 17 unit/hr.
Determine the weekly production capacity of the turret lathe section.
46. A production machine operates 80 hrs/wk. (two shifts, 5 days) at full capacity. [A]
Its production rate is 20 unit/hrs. During a certain week, the machine produced
1000 parts and was idle during the remaining time. (a) Determine the
production capacity of the machine. (b) What was the utilization of the
machine during the week under consideration?
47. A certain part is produced in a batch size of 100 units. The batch must be [A]
routed through five operations to complete the processing of the part. Average
setup time is 3 hr/operation, and average operation time is 6 min (0.1
hr).Average non operation time due to handling, delays, inspections, etc., is 7
hours for each operation. Determine how many days it will take to complete
the batch. Assuming the plant runs one 8-hr shift/day.
48. Define lean production. [R]
49. Justify why automobile industries prefer lean production system. [R]
50. What do you mean by the term KAIZEN? [R]
51. Explain in short JIT and KANBAN production systems [U]
52. Brief about manufacturing model. [U]
53. Define manufacturing planning. [U]
54. Define master production schedule. [U]
55. What is MRP (material requirement planning)? [R]
56. Write short notes on CAPP. [U]
57. Explain about inventory planning [U]
58. What are various manufacturing controls adopted in a manufacturing Plant? [R]
59. Explain about shop floor control. [U]
60. Define inventory control. [R]
1. (a) Explain conventional design process and product cycle in detail. [U] [8]
1. (b) Give a brief account of sequential Engineering and compare it with [U] [8]
concurrent Engineering.
2. (a) Describe various clipping and viewing strategies in CAD. [U] [8]
2. (b) Give details on Homogenous coordinates and Composite transformations [U] [8]
Page 46 of 183
with suitable illustrations.
3. (a) Explain DDA algorithm about creating straight lines. [U] [8]
3. (b).Write Bresenham‟s algorithm for plotting straight line. [A] [8]
4. Explain various 2D transformations of primitives with their vector/matrix [U] [16
representations. ]
5. (a)Rotate the rectangle of (0, 0), (2,0), (2,2), (0,2). 300 counter clockwise about [A] [8]
its centroid and find the new coordinates of the rectangle.
6. (b).Given the triangle, described by the homogeneous points matrix below, [A] [8]
Scale it by a factor 3/4 keeping the centroid in the same location. Use (1)
separate matrix operation and (2) condensed matrix for transformation.
2 0 0 1
p 2 5 0 1
5 5 0 1
6. (a) A certain part is routed through six machines in a batch production plant. [A] [8]
The setup and operation time for each machine are given in the table below.
The batch size is 100 and the average non operation time per machine is 12
hrs. Determine: (a) manufacturing lead time and (b) production rate for each
Machine Set up Operation
Time (hr) time (min)
1 4 5
2 2 3.5
3 8 10
4 3 1.9
5 3 4.1
6 4 2.5
6. (b) An average of 20 new orders started through a certain factory each month. [A] [8]
On average, an order consists of 50 parts to be processed through 10 machines
in the factory. The operation time per machine for each part = 15 min. The non
operation time per order at each machine averages 8 hrs, and the required
setup time per order = 4 hrs. There are 25 machines in the factory, 80% of
which are operational at any time (the other 20%are in repair or maintenance).
The plant operates 160 hrs/month. However, the plant manager complains that
a total of l00 overtime machine-hours must be authorized each month to keep
up with the production schedule. (a) What is the manufacturing lead time for
an average order? (b) What is the plant capacity (on monthly basis) and why
must the overtime be authorized? (c) What is the utilization of the plant
according to the definition given in the text? (d) Determine the average level
of work-in-process (number of parts- in-process) in the plant.
7. (a) Explain in detail JIT production systems [U] [8]
7. (b) Explain the mathematical models of production performance. [U] [8]
8. (a) Explain the types of production involved in CIM [U] [8]
Page 47 of 183
8. (b) What is lean production? Explain various steps involved in lean [U] [8]
9. (a) Explain the functions of manufacturing Planning. [U] [8]
9. (b) Explain various types of manufacturing control. [U] [8]
10. (a) Suppose that all costs have been compiled for a certain manufacturing, firm [A] [8]
for last year. The summary is shown in the table below for the company at two
different manufacturing plants plus a corporate headquarters. Determine (a)
factory overhead rate for each plant (b) the corporate overhead rate. These
rates will be used by the firm to predict the following year‟s expenses.
Plant 1 Plant 2 Headquarters Totals
Expense category
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Direct labour 800000 400000 1200000
Materials 2500000 1500000 4000000
Factory expense 2000000 1100000 3100000
Corporate expense 7200000 7200000
Total 5300000 3000000 7200000 155000000
10. (b) A customer order of 50 parts is to be processed through plant 1 of the [A] [8]
previous example. Raw materials and tooling are supplied by the customer.
The total time for processing the parts (including setup and other direct labour)
is 100 hrs. Direct labour cost is 10.00/hr. The factory overhead rate is 250%
and the corporate overhead rate is 600%. (a) Compute the cost of the job. (b)
What price should be quoted to a potential customer if the company uses a
10% mark-up?
Page 48 of 183
9. Why B-rep modeling approaches are widely followed than CSG approach? [A]
10. State the differences between Hermite and B-spline representations. [R]
11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using NURBS curves? [U]
12. Mention the two approaches available for modeling synthetic curves. (R)
13. Briefly explain about cubic spline. [U]
14. Define Bezier curves. [U]
15. Define Quadratic Bezier curve. [U]
16. State the advantages for Bezier curve [U]
17. Define analytical curves. [R]
18. State how curves are interpolated. [U]
19. Define approximated curves [R]
20. Define conic curves. [U]
21. Justify why the synthetic curves as necessary in mechanical applications. (A)
22. Construct hermite curve with control and tangent points . (A)
0 1 2
23. Write short notes on c , c , c continuity. [U]
24. Define surface modeling. [U]
25. Choose the common entities used in surface modelling. (A)
26. What is meant by boundary in surface modeling? [U]
27. Identify the field applications of surface modeling. (A)
28. How do you ensure smoothness of surface? [U]
29. Model & evaluate material surface accuracy. (A)
30. Write the Euler‟s equation of surface. [U]
31. In the design applications why cubic spline curve is not popular? [A]
32. What is coons patch surface? [U]
33. Briefly explain about ruled or lofted surface. [U]
34. Define tabulated surface. [R]
35. Develop the suitable diagram about revolved surface. [A]
36. What is edge surface? [R]
37. Define P-face command. [R]
38. The parametric design is most familiar in curve design. Justify [A]
39. Define Geometric Modelling [U]
40. Classify Geometric Modelling [R]
41. Mention any four challenges faced by the product designer. [A]
42. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wireframe modeling? [R]
43. Solve the techniques used in solid modeling. (A)
44. Define sweep method. [R]
45. What is the significance of CSG? [R]
46. Write short note on B-Rep. [A]
47. How the solid modeling differ from wire frame modeling? [A]
48. Mention the applications of solid modeling in design. [R]
49. What is meant by feature based design? [U]
50. Identify some important features available in solid modeling packages. [A]
51. What is meant by revolution in surface modeling? [R]
Page 49 of 183
52. Organize some modelling software packages available in CAD. [A]
53. Construct the solid objects, when it is to be manifold. [A]
54. How do you differentiate topology and geometry? [R]
55. Define the terms. (i) Vertex (ii) Edge (iii) shell [R]
56. Mention an example for Boolean operations. [R]
57. List the entities or primitives used in CSG Technique. [A]
58. Write short note on linear sweep. [R]
59. Making use of the primitive based and half spaced CSG construct any one of automotive
component [A]
60. Build the different solid modeling Techniques. [A]
61. Define String primitives. [R]
1. (i)Using Bresenham‟s circle drawing algorithm construct a circle whose radius is 4
units and center is (8,8) [R] (8)
(ii) A set of control points are given by P0=(4,4,4) P1=(6,8,6) and P2=(10,3,4) compute
Bezier curve with two intermediate points. [R] (8)
2. Explain about the following surfaces 1. Bicubic patch 2. Bezier [U] (16)
3. What are the major surface entities provided by CAD/CAM systems ? [R] (16)
4. Briefly explain the different schemes used to generate a solid model [U] (16)
5. (i) Write short notes on approximated synthetic curves. [R] (08)
(ii)Explain about B-rep and CSG? (08)
6. (i) A cuboid. has F= 6 E= 12 and V = 8 Applying Euler‟s rule for this cuboid. (8)
(ii) A tetrahedron has F= 4, E= 6 and V= 4 Appling Euler‟s rule for this tetrahedron. (08)
7. A parametric cube curve passes through the points (0,0) , (2,4),(4,3),(5,-2) which are
parameterized at t = 0, ¼,3/4 and 1 respectively. Determine the geometric co-efficient
matrix and the slope of the curve when t =0.5. [A] (16)
8. (i)Using Lagrange polynomial find the expression of the curve containing the points
P0(1,1), P1(2,2),P2(3,1) [A](08)
(ii) Generate the conical surface obtained by rotation of the line segment AB around the
z- axis with A= (1,0,1) and B=(7,0,7) [A](08)
9. Determine the quadratic Bezier blending functions for three control points. Plot each
function and label the maximum and minimum values. [S](16)
10. Explain constructive solid geometry techniques. What is the role of primitives and Boolean
operations in CSG? Explain with suitable examples. [A](16)
Page 50 of 183
interchange of CAD documents between different offices and CAD programs, especially in
architecture and engineering
Computer-aided drafting (CAD)
1. Define computer interfacing. [R]
2. List the types of interfacing in CAD /CAM environment. [U]
3. Classify hardware-hardware interfacing. [R]
4. Compare three CAD standards for exchange of modeling data. [A]
5. List some of neutral file format to achieve software interfacing? [R]
6. Compare the shape based and the product data based exchange standards [A]
7. Write the basic steps involved in CAD data transfer. [R]
8. What is meant by CAD data exchange? Mention its importance. [U]
9. What is IGES? List the two types of engineering analysis. [U]
10. Make use of open (Graphics Library)? What are the data in component database contains?
11. Illustrate some primitive functions used in GKS systems. [A]
12. What is Graphics Kernel Systems (GKS)? What is direct data translation? [U]
13. Mention the components of STEP architecture. [U]
14. Define computer graphics. [R]
15. Discuss some Standards of computer Graphics. [A]
16. Identify the Classification of graphic standards. [A]
17. What is GKS cell array? [R]
18. State the need for data exchange standards. [U]
19. What are the coordinates followed in GKS systems? [U]
20. Discuss about the primitives used in GKS System. [U]
21. How the GKS systems are categorized? [A]
22. Define String primitives. [R]
23. What is Stroke? [R]
24. Experiment with the output primitives used in PHIGS. [A]
25. How the data are interfaced in PHIGS systems? [U]
26. How the structures are created in PHIGS? [R]
27. Discuss the Structure Attributes followed in PHIGS. [A]
28. Define Geometric attributes. [U]
29. How are the images exchanged? [U]
30. Mention some popular file formats for exchange images. [R]
31. What are the advantages of GIF format? [R]
32. What are the geometrical data that can be transferred? [R]
33. What is vendor Format? [R]
34. What are the Data Exchange Standards? [R]
35. Why the graphics standard Revisions are necessary? [U]
36. What are the problems in writing IGES processor? [R]
37. What are the information‟s that can be transferred through CAL? [U]
38. Mention the advantages of CALS standard. [R]
39. Construct the Data to be exchanged between software packages [A]
Page 51 of 183
40. With neat sketch illustrate how data is transferred between two software. [A]
41. What are the types of translators? [R]
42. Briefly explain how entities are defined in the IGES model? [U]
43. Give brief account of IGES data types. [A]
44. Develop How geometric entities are represented in the Coordinate systems? [A]
45. Modify how curves are exchanged in IGES? [A]
46. How drafting data represented in the IGES? [R]
47. Develop &Explain how Structure entities are represented in the IGES‟ [A]
48. Illustrate how property entities are represented in IGES. [R]
49. Organize how records are maintained in IGES file. [A]
50. What is the structure of the file formats in IGES? Explain. [U]
51. Give a brief account of Global section in IGES file structure. [U]
52. Organize contents of Directory entry section entity in the IGES file. [A]
53. How is the data transferred using STEP? [A]
54. Distinguish IGES and STEP. [R]
55. Furnish the three layer STEP architecture. [A]
56. Briefly explain how STEP is implemented. [R]
57. State the application of STEP. [U]
58. Discuss in short ACIS files. [A]
59. Write short note on DXF files. [U]
60. Plan & modify the different levels in the communication standards. [A]
Page 52 of 183
The part program is a sequence of instructions, which describe the work, which has to be done
on a part, in the form required by a computer under the control of computer numerical control
(CNC) software. It is the task of preparing a program sheet from a drawing sheet.
Numerical Contol (NC)
1. Define numerical control (NC) and Define numerical control machine? (R)
2. Write the advantages of NC machines over conventional machine tools. (U)
3. Name the major elements of NC machines. (R)
4. What was the need for NC machines? (U)
5. List the problems with conventional NC system. (R)
6. Sketch the components of a traditional NC system. (R)
CNC machine tools- Principle of operation CNC
7. What is a machine tool? (R)
8. Write the classification of the CNC machine tool system. (U)
9. Sketch the block diagram of CNC machine. (A)
10. Give the applications of CNC machines. (A)
11. Suggest a suitable CNC machine for producing Aircraft turbines. (A)
12. How automobile engine blocks are produced? (A)
13. List the advantages and limitations of CNC machines (U)
Drives and CNC controllers
14. Explain about power drives. (R)
15. What are the types of motors used in Electric drive of a CNC machine? (R)
16. What are feed drives and Spindle drives. (R)
17. Illustrate the requirements of spindle drive motors if it used in CNC machine. (A)
CNC controllers
18. What are the types of motion control system used in NC machines? (U)
19. Write on the Point to point tool movements. (PTP) system? (U)
20. What is Analog and Digital Control? (U)
21. What is an Open Loop system? (R)
22. Explain closed loop system. . (R)
23. What care must be taken in designing a closed loop system? (A)
24. Mention some commercial controller for doing turning operation. (A)
25. List few commercial controllers with specifications for milling operations. (A)
26. Select a suitable controller for performing milling operation. (A)
27. What is feedback in a closed loop system? (R)
28. What is analogue and digital feedback system? (R)
29. What is a resolver? (R)
30. A Closed Loop system is more expensive than open loop system. Justify. (A)
31. State the principle of DC motor. (U)
32. Narrate the Working principle of AC motor. (U)
Page 53 of 183
33. Write notes on synchronous motor. (R)
34. State the working principle of Induction motors. (U)
35. Give the advantages of AC induction motors. (U)
36. What is a stepper motor and how many are its types? (R)
37. What are servo motors? Why are they called as control motors? (U)
Introduction of Part Programming, types
38. What is NC part programming? (R)
39. What are the NC part programming techniques? (R)
40. What is manual programming? (R)
41. Write on reference points in part programming.(U)
42. Write notes on CNC codes. (R)
43. What is a preparatory function? How is it important in CNC programming? (R)
44. Write a program for machining using a CNC milling machine. (A)
45. Write on incremental system in CNC machines. (R)
46. Explain the incremental system using a milling machine. (R)
47. Explain an absolute system in CNC machine? With suitable example. (R)
48. Illustrate the difference between incremental and absolute systems of programming
Mode in CNC machines. (A)
49. Write a G codes for Machine zero setting through absolute zero shift. (A)
50. Write G codes for setting work coordinates. (A)
51. Write a program for performing chamfering operation. (A)
Cutting Cycles, Loops, Sub program and Macros
52. What is a „canned cycle‟ in a manual part programming? (R)
53. Define linear interpolation. (R)
54. Write an Articulate program mentioning canned cycle. (A)
55. Write a program to move the tool through linear interpolation. (A)
56. What is mean by circular interpolation? Give example. (U)
57. Write a program to provide fillet on the turned edge. (A)
58. Write on helical interpolation. (U)
59. Give a short program representing helical interpolation. (A)
60. What is parabolic interpolation and cubic interpolation? (U)
61. Write a program for parabolic interpolation. (A)
1. Define NC machines and explain the advantage of NC machine tools. (16)(R)
2. Explain briefly about working principle and the features of CNC machine.(16)(U)
3. (a)Write the Advantage and disadvantage of CNC. (08)(U)
(b)Write a turning program to make given shape. (08)(A)
Page 54 of 183
4. (a)Write a turning program to make the given shape. (8)(A)
Page 55 of 183
6. Write a part program to make the required shape. (16)(A)
Cellular manufacturing is a process of manufacturing which is a subsection of just-in-
time manufacturing and lean manufacturing encompassing group technology. The goal
of cellular manufacturing is to move as quickly as possible, make a wide variety of similar
products, while making as little waste as possible.
Page 56 of 183
Group Technology(GT),
1. Define Group Technology [R]
2. What is meant by machine cell design? [R]
3. Mention the benefits and disadvantages of GT [U]
Part Families
4. Write brief notes on part family and its type. [U]
5. Two parts of identical shape and size but different manufacturing [A]
(a) 1.000,000 pc/yr, tolerance = ±0.01 mm material = 1015 CR steel, Nickel
plate; and (b) 100 pc/yr, tolerance = ±0.0001mm, material = 18 - 8 stainless
Justify whether both parts are to be kept in same part family or at different
Page 57 of 183
Production flow analysis
16. Construct a form code in Opitz coding system for the following part. [A]
Operation Code
Cut off 1
Lathe 2
Turret 3
Drilling 4
21. Write short notes on cluster analysis. [U]
22. Find the decimal equivalent and rank the following part machine index. [A]
Page 58 of 183
28. List the seven possible design and manufacturing attributes of following parts. [A]
Types of Flexibility
29. Classify the types of FMS based on operation. [U]
30. List the System flexibilities in manufacturing. [R]
31. Define machine and volume flexibility. [R]
32. Differentiate Mix flexibility and Product flexibility. [U]
33. Define Expansion and routing flexibility. [U]
34. Write the different levels of flexibility. [U]
35. Define FMS. [R]
36. What are the Objectives of FMS? [U]
37. Distinguish dedicated and random order FMS. [U]
38. List out few patents related to the Flexible manufacturing system. [A]
39. Narrate about Molins FMS US patent. [A]
Components of FMS
40. List the components of FMS. [R]
41. With suitable application draw single machine cell. [A]
42. Draw a flexible manufacturing cell for suitable application [A]
43. Mention the physical subsystem elements of FMS [R]
44. What are the various types of layouts used in FMS design? [R]
45. Pick the right type of Equipment for the following automation strategy and [A]
give explanation.
(a) Stand alone programmable
(b) Programmable automation
(c) Dedicated automation.
FMS Application & Benefits
46. List the applications of FMSs. [U]
47. Draw the FMS lay out of Ingersoll-Rand plant. [A]
48. Plot a loop lay out for any suitable application. [A]
49. Draw an inline lay out for a suitable application. [A]
50. Plot a ladder lay out any appropriate application. [A]
51. Plot the FMS lay out of Avco-Lycoming plant. [A]
Quantitative analysis in FMS
52. Classify the quantitative analysis techniques [U]
53. How bottleneck model is represented? Write various terminologies used in it. [U]
54. How to assess the performance of FMS using deterministic model? [U]
55. Name the recent method of assessing the performance of FMS and brief it. [U]
Page 59 of 183
56. Consider a manufacturing system with two stations: (1) a load/unload station [A]
and (2) a machining station. There is just one part processed through the
production system, part A, 50 the part mix fraction PA == LO. The frequency
of all operations is frAk = 1.0. The parts arc loaded at station 1, routed to station
2 for machining, and then sent hack to station 1 for unloading (three operations
in the routing).Determine the number of transport.
57. Find the Work load of each stations [A]
58. Determine how many servers at each station will be required to achieve an [A]
annual Production rate of 60,000 parts/yr. The FMS will operate 24 hr/day, 5
day/wk. 50 wk/yr. Anticipated availability of the system is 95%. Assuming
there are three workstations and their work loads are in the order of 6, 19 and
15 minutes.
59. If the annual Production rate is 60,000 parts/yr. The FMS will operate 24 [A]
hr/day, 5 day/wk. 50 wk/yr. Anticipated availability of the system is 95%
Assuming there are three workstations and their work loads are in the order of
6, 19 and 15 minutes. Find the utilization of each work station and the
maximum possible production rate at each station if the utilization of the
bottleneck station were increased to 100%.
60. What is extended bottleneck model? [U]
1. (a) Describe about Group Technology and its benefits. [U] [8]
(b) Explain how part families are classified and grouped. [U] [8]
2. (a) Explain various attributes and features of Parts classification and coding [U] [8]
(b) Elucidate Multi class coding system with suitable illustration [U] [8]
3. (a) Explain Opitz part classification and coding system with suitable [U] [8]
3. (b) Develop the form code (first five digits) in the Opitz System for the part [A] [8]
illustrated in Figure
Page 60 of 183
4. (a) Explain about production flow analysis with a case study. [U] [8]
4. (b) Apply the rank order clustering technique to the part machine incidence [A] [8]
matrix in the following table to identify logical part families and machine
groups parts are identified by letters and machines are identified numerically.
5. (a)Explain about Cellular manufacturing with machine cell design and [U] [8]
composite parts concept.
5. (b) Suppose four machines. I, 2,3 and 4 have been identified as belonging in a [A] [8]
GT machine cell. An analysis of 50 parts processed on these machines has
been summarized in the from-To chart Table shown. Additional information
is that 50 parts enter the machine grouping at machine 3, 20 parts leave after
processing at machine 1, and 30 parts leave after machine 4. Determine a
logical machine
Arrangement using Hollier Method 1.
Page 61 of 183
load/unload station. Station 1 is the load/unload station. Station 2 performs
milling operations and consists of two servers (two identical CNC milling
machines). Station 3 has one server that performs drilling (one CNC drill
press). The stations are connected by a part handling system that has four work
carriers. The mean transport time is 3.0 min. The FMS produces two parts, A
and B. The part mix fractions and process routings for the two parts are
presented in the table below. The operation frequency f'ik = 1.0 for all
operations. Determine: (a) maximum production rate of the FMS, (b)
corresponding production rates of each product, (c) utilization of each station,
and (d) number of busy servers at each station. Process
8. (a) Explain about FMS workstation and discuss its benefits. [U] [8]
8. (b) Discuss how FMS can be implemented and what are the issues arising [U] [8]
during implementation.
9. A flexible manufacturing cell consists of two machining workstations plus a [S] [16]
load/unload station.
The load/unload station is Station? Station 2 performs milling operations and
consists of one server (one CNC milling machine). Station 3 has one server
that performs drilling (one CNC drill press). The three stations are connected
by a part handling system that has one work carrier. The mean transport time is
2.5 min.The FMC produces three parts. A, B, and C The part mix tractions and
process routings for the three parts arc presented in the table below. The
operation frequency, fijk = 1.0 for all operations. Determine : (a) maximum
production rate of the FMC,
(b) corresponding production rates of each product, (c) utilization of each
machine in the system, and (d) number of busy servers at each station use
extended bottleneck method for N=2 parts.
10. A flexible machining system is being planned that with four workstations. [A] [16]
Plus a part handling system. Station 1 will be a load/unload station. Station 2
will consist of horizontal machining centres. Station 3 will consist of vertical
machining centers. Station 4 will be an inspection station. For the part mix that
will be processed by the FMS, the workloads at the four stations are: WL1 =
7.5 min, WL2 = 22.0 min, WL3= 18.0 min, and WL4= 102 min. The workload
of the part handling system WL5= 8.0min.The FMS will be operated
16hr/day,250 days/yr. Maintenance will be performed during non production
Page 62 of 183
hours, and uptime proportion {availability) is expected to be 97%.Annual
production of the system will be 50,000 parts. Determine (a) the number of
machines (servers) of each type (station) required to satisfy production
requiremems. (b) the utilizations of each station in the system for the specified
production requirements and (c) the maximum possible production rate of the
system if the Bottleneck station is to operate at 100% utilization.
Page 63 of 183
Page 64 of 183
Course Mapping with Programme outcomes
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
C311.1 3 3 3 - - ` - - - - - -
C311.2 2 - 3 - - - - - - - - -
C311.3 - - 2 3 - - - - - - 1 -
C311.4 3 2 - - - - - - - - - -
C311.5 3 2 - - 1 - - - - - - -
C311.6 2 3 - - - - - - - - - -
C311.7 3 - 2 - - 2 - - - - - -
CO1 3 2 1
CO2 3 2 3
ME 8693 CO3 2 2 3
CO6 2 1 3
CO7 2 2 1
3- Strong Correlation, 2 – Medium Correlation, 1- Weak Correlation
3 0 0 3
Page 65 of 183
Black Body Radiation – Grey body radiation - Shape Factor – Electrical Analogy –
Radiation Shields. Radiation through gases.
Basic Concepts – Diffusion Mass Transfer – Fick‟s Law of Diffusion – Steady state
Molecular Diffusion – Convective Mass Transfer – Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer
Analogy –Convective Mass Transfer Correlations.
T1. Holman, J.P., "Heat and Mass Transfer", Tata McGraw Hill, 2000
T2. Yunus A. Cengel, "Heat Transfer A Practical Approach", Tata McGraw Hill, 5th Edition
R1. Frank P. Incropera and David P. Dewitt, "Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer",
John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
R2. Kothandaraman, C.P., "Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer", New Age
International, New Delhi, 1998.
R3. Nag, P.K., "Heat Transfer", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002
R4. Ozisik, M.N., "Heat Transfer", McGraw Hill Book Co., 1994.
R5. R.C. Sachdeva, “Fundamentals of Engineering Heat & Mass transfer”, New Age
International Publishers, 2009
No. Mode Date
Reference Videos
S. Topics to be of of CO of
& modules
No covered Peri Delive No Covera
Page No. /lectures
ods ry ge
Introduction to all
1 01 2
5 units
General Differential
General equation of Heat
Differential TI Conduction-
2 01 2 CO1
equation of Heat 02 Prof.S.Suman
Conduction Chakraboty IIT
Cartesian and Polar
Cartesian and T1
3 01 3 CO1 Coordinates Prof.S.K
Polar Coordinates 05-07
Som IIT Kharagpur
One Dimensional
One Dimensional Steady State Heat
4 Steady State Heat 01 4 CO1 Conduction Prof.
Conduction Suando Dasgupta.IIT
Plane and Composite
Plane and
R5 Systems Prof.
5 Composite 01 1 CO1
60 S.K.Som IIT
Page 66 of 183
No. Mode Date
Reference Videos
S. Topics to be of of CO of
& modules
No covered Peri Delive No Covera
Page No. /lectures
ods ry ge
Conduction with
Conduction with Internal Heat
Internal Heat R2 conduction
6 01 10 CO1
conduction/Parallel 51-52 Prof.S.Suman
flow Chakraboty IIT
Extended Surfaces-
Generation – R5
7 01 3 CO1 Prof. S.K.Som IIT
Extended Surfaces 96
Unsteady Heat
Unsteady Heat T1 Conduction Heat and
8 01 3 CO1
Conduction 140 Mass Transfer by
Prof. S.P.Sukhatme
Lumped Analysis
9 Lumped Analysis 01 2 CO2 Prof. S.K.Som IIT
Semi Infinite &
Semi Infinite & R1 Infinite Solids -Prof.
10 01 1 CO2
Infinite Solids 268 S.K.Son IIT
Use of Heisler‟s
Use of Heisler‟s T2 charts. Prof. Suando
12 01 2 CO2
charts. 239 Dasgupta.IIT
13 Summary 01 CO2
Total Hours 12
Brief Introduction to
Convection Heat
Introduction to R2
12 01 2 CO3 Prof.S.K.Som,
Convection 292
Chakraborty, IIT
Heat and Mass
Transfer by Prof.
S.P.Sukhatme and
R2 Prof. U.N.Gaitonde,
13 Free Convection 01 2 CO3
292 Department of
Engineering, IIT
Page 67 of 183
No. Mode Date
Reference Videos
S. Topics to be of of CO of
& modules
No covered Peri Delive No Covera
Page No. /lectures
ods ry ge
Heat and Mass
Transfer by Prof.
S.P.Sukhatme and
R2 Prof. U.N.Gaitonde,
14 Forced Convection 01 3 CO3
292 Department of
Engineering, IIT
Concept of
boundary layer, Brief
Introduction to
R2 Convection Heat
15 and Thermal 02 4 CO3
289 Transfer
Boundary Layer.
Chakraborty, IIT
) methods for laminar
external flow and
heat transfer Dr.
Convection during
T2 Arvind Pattamatta &
16 external flow over 01 1 CO3
421-423 Prof. Ajit K. Kolar,
Department of
R2 Heat and Mass
292 Transfer by Prof.
S.P.Sukhatme and
Free and Forced Prof. U.N.Gaitonde,
17 01 10 CO3
Convection Department of
Engineering, IIT
External forced
External flow over T1
18 01 3 CO3 Cylinders, spheres
Cylinders. 352
and tube banks
By Josua meyer
Internal flow T2 Internal Forced
19 01 CO3
through tubes. 352-354 Convection. Heat
Page 68 of 183
No. Mode Date
Reference Videos
S. Topics to be of of CO of
& modules
No covered Peri Delive No Covera
Page No. /lectures
ods ry ge
transfer by Prof
Josua Meyer
20 Summary 01 3 CO3
Total Hours 14 -
Heat Transfer L29 p1
Nusselt‟s theory of - Condensation -
20 1
condensation Nusselt's Mode
By Ron Hugo
Page 69 of 183
No. Mode Date
Reference Videos
S. Topics to be of of CO of
& modules
No covered Peri Delive No Covera
Page No. /lectures
ods ry ge
519 method and Log
Mean Temperature
Difference Method
Josua Meyer
29 Summary 02 2 CO4
Total Hours 12 - -
Radiation in Heat
R2 Transfer- Prof.S.P
30 Radiation 01 2 CO5
634 Sukhatme IIT
Black Body
Black Body T1 Radiation-
31 01 10 CO5
Radiation 398 Prof.C.Balaji IIT
Grey body radiation-
Grey body T1
32 01 3 CO6 Prof.C.Balaji IIT
radiation 415
R5 Heat Transfer by
404-405 Prof. J. Srinivasan,
Department of
33 Shape Factor 01 4 CO6
Science, IISc
R4 Heat Transfer by
434-435 Prof. J. Srinivasan,
Department of
34 Electrical Analogy 01 1 CO6
Science, IISc
T1 Radiation
432 Shields.Prof.Sunando
35 Radiation Shields. 01 2 CO6
Dasgupta, IIT
Radiation through T1 Prof.C.Balaji IIT
36 01 3 CO6
gases. 432 Madras
Problems on R5
37 01 3 CO6
Radiation 383-386
38 Summary 01 2 CO6
Total Hours 10 - -
Page 70 of 183
No. Mode Date
Reference Videos
S. Topics to be of of CO of
& modules
No covered Peri Delive No Covera
Page No. /lectures
ods ry ge
Mass Transfer
Operations I by Prof.
Dr. B. Mandal,
Basic Concepts of R2
39 01 2 CO7 Department of
Mass Transfer 656
Engineering, IIT
Mass Transfer
Operations I by Prof.
Dr. B. Mandal,
Diffusion Mass R2
40 01 2 CO7 Department of
Transfer 657
Engineering, IIT
Mass Transfer
Operations I by Prof.
Dr. B. Mandal,
Fick‟s Law of T1
41 01 3 CO7 Department of
Diffusion 617
Engineering, IIT
Mass Transfer
Operations I by Prof.
UnSteady state Dr. B. Mandal,
42 Molecular 02 4 CO6 Department of
Diffusion Chemical
Engineering, IIT
Mass Transfer
Operations I by Prof.
Dr. B. Mandal,
Convective Mass R2
43 01 1 CO6 Department of
Transfer 735
Engineering, IIT
Heat and Momentum
Transfer Analogy
Prof. Sunando
43 Momentum 01 2 CO7
Dasgupta, IIT
Page 71 of 183
No. Mode Date
Reference Videos
S. Topics to be of of CO of
& modules
No covered Peri Delive No Covera
Page No. /lectures
ods ry ge
Heat and Momentum
Transfer Analogy
Heat and Mass T2
44 02 10 CO7 Prof. Sunando
Transfer Analogy 797
Dasgupta, IIT
Chemical Reaction
Engineering 2
Convective Mass
R2 Reactors) by Prof K.
45 Transfer 01 3 CO7
736,737 Krishnaiah,Departme
nt of Chemical
46 Summary 01 2 CO7
Total Hours 11
Content beyond the Syllabus:
1. Conduction through Plane wall.
2. Laminar flow, Turbulent flow.
3. Fouling Factor
4. Introduction to Gas Radiation.
5. Theories of Mass Transfer, Dimensionless Number
Topics for Innovative Teaching:
Unit 1: Conduction with Internal Heat conduction/Parallel flow.-ANIMATION VIDEO
Unit 2: Free and Forced Convection – BRAIN STORMING
Unit 3: Regims of Pool boiling– CHART WORK
Unit 4: Black Body Radiation- ROLE PLAY
Unit 5: Heat and Mass Transfer Analogy – QUIZ
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/107/112107256/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/108/112108246/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/105/112105248/
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/108/112108149/
5. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/101/112101097/
Page 72 of 183
This unit deals with General Differential equation of Heat Conduction for Cartesian and
Polar Coordinates, One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction through plane and
Composite Systems, Conduction with Internal Heat Generation, Extended Surfaces,
Unsteady Heat Conduction – Lumped Analysis – Semi Infinite and Infinite Solids and Use of
Heisler‟s charts.
PART-A (2 Marks)
Introduction To Heat Transfer
1. Define heat transfer. (R)
2. List out the modes of heat transfer. (R)
3. Define conduction? Give an example (R)
4. Define Coefficient of thermal conductivity. (R)
5. Define radiation. Give an example (R)
6. State Fourier‟s law of heat conduction. Why the negative sign is used (U)
7. Define thermal diffusivity. (R)
8. Write down the general equation for one dimensional steady state heat transfer (U)
in slab or plate wall with and without heat generation.
9. State some practical applications of transient heat transfer analysis. (R)
10. State Newton‟s law of cooling.. (U)
Differential equation of heat conduction
11. How is combined heat transfer coefficient defined? What convenience does it (A)
offer in heat transfer calculations?
Page 73 of 183
12. Give mathematical expression for three dimensional heat conduction equations (R)
in cylindrical Co-ordinate system
13. Write down the equation for conduction of heat through a slab or plane wall. (R)
14. Give expression for conduction of heat through a hollow cylinder. (U)
15. Write down equation for conduction of heat through hollow sphere. (U)
16. State Fourier‟s law of conduction. (S)
17. Derive an expression for heat transfer through a composite plane wall. (U)
18. Define Overall heat transfer co-efficient. (U)
19. A hot fluid flows through the cylinder having three layers. Write the equation for (A)
finding out the rate of heat transfer (Q) when the flow doesn’t change with
respect of time.
20. In what medium is the lumped system analysis more likely to be applicable: in (A)
water or in air? Why?
Steady state heat conduction
21. When the heat conduction is in steady state? Justify (R)
22. What is meant by transient heat conduction or unsteady state conduction? (R)
23. Describe periodic heat flow. (R)
24. What is meant by non-periodic heat flow? (U)
25. Comment on lumped heat analysis and its applicable on Heat transfer analysis. (A)
26. Give short notes on semi – infinite solids? (R)
27. Explain infinite solid. (U)
28. List out the factors affecting the thermal conductivity. (R)
29. When is the system said to be in thermodynamic equilibrium? (A)
30. How thermodynamics differ from heat transfer? (A)
31. List down the three types of boundary conditions. (U)
32. Define N.T.P. AND S.T.P. (R)
Extended surfaces or fins
33. Define fins or extended surfaces. (R)
34. State the applications of fins (R)
35. Explain Fin efficiency. (U)
36. What is meant fin effectiveness? (R)
37. Explain the significance of Fourier number (S)
38. What is critical radius of insulation (or) critical thickness? (U)
39. How does transient heat transfer differ from steady heat transfer? (A)
40. Is the heat flux independent of radius in one dimensional conduction without (A)
heat generation in the case of hollow cylinder? Explain
41. In a pipe carrying liquid chemical to be cooled should the fins be arranged (A)
inside or outside the pipe? Justify
42. Write down the formula for heat transfer of short fin. (R)
43. Indicate the shape of temperature distribution in one dimensional conduction (A)
without heat generation in case of fins.
44. Define internal heat generation. (S)
45. Write down the convective principle in which heat is transferred through fins in (A)
Automobiles engines?
46. Distinguish between fin efficiency and its fin effectiveness. (U)
Page 74 of 183
47. If heat transfer by conduction through a medium occurs under steady-state (A)
conditions, will the temperature at a particular instant varies with location time
or medium?
48. In the general formulation of Fourier’s law (applicable to any geometry), what (A)
are the vector and scalar quantities? Why is there a minus sign on the right-
hand side of the equation?
49. Why is the thermal conductivity of a solid generally larger than that of a liquid? (A)
50. Under what circumstances from the heat transfer point of view, will the use of (A)
finned walls be better? Justify
PART-B (16 Marks)
General Differential equation of Heat Conduction:
1. A furnace wall consists of three layers. The inner layer of 10 cm thickness (16) (A)
is made of fire brick (k = 1.04 W/mK). The intermediate layer of 25 cm
thickness is made of masonry brick (k = 0.69 W/mK) followed by a 5 cm
thick concrete wall (k = 1.37 W/mK). When the furnace is in continuous
operation the inner surface of the furnace is at 800°C while the outer
concrete surface is at 50°C. Calculate the rate of heat loss per unit area of
the wall, the temperature at the interface of the firebrick and masonry brick
and the temperature at the interface of masonry brick and concrete.
2. An external wall of a house is made up of 10cm common brick (16) (A)
(k=0.7W/mK) followed by a 4cm layer of gypsum plaster (k= 0.48W/mk).
What thickness of loosely packed insulation (k=0.065W/mK) should be
added to reduce the heat loss through the wall by 80%.
3. Derive the general heat conduction equation in Cartesian coordinates. (16) (R)
4. Derive the general heat conduction equation in cylindrical co-ordinates. (16) (R)
5. (a) Steam at 320°C flows in a cast iron pipe (k=80 W/m K) whose inner (10) (A)
and outer diameter are D1 = 5 cm and D2 = 5.5 cm, respectively. The pipe
is covered with 3 cm thick glass wool insulation with k = 0.05 W/m K.
Heat is lost to the surroundings at 50C by natural convection and radiation,
with combined heat transfer coefficient of h2 = 18 W/m2K, determine the
rate of heat loss from the steam per unit length of the pipe. Also determine
the temperature drop across the pipe shell and the insulation.
(b) Write short notes on types of fins. (6) (R)
6. A composite wall is formed of a 2.5cm copper plate (k=355W/mK). A (16) (A)
3.2mm layer of asbestos (K=0.110W/mK) and a 5cm layer of fiber plate
(K=0.049W/mK). The wall is subjected to a overall temperature difference
of 5600C. on the Cu plate side and 00C on the fiber plate side. Estimate the
heat flux through this composite wall and the interface temperature
between asbestos and fiber plate.
7. Air at 900c flows in a copper tube of 5 cm inner diameter with a thermal (16) (A)
conductivity 380W/m K and with point 0.7 cm thick wall which is heated
from the outside by water at 1200c a scale of 0.4 cm thick is deposited on
the outer surface of the tube whose thermal conductivity is 1.82W/m K.
The air and water side unit surface conductance are 220W/m2k and
3650W/m2k respectively. Calculate
i. Overall water to air transmittance
ii. Water to air heat exchange
Page 75 of 183
iii. Temperature drop across the scale deposit
8. A steel pipe of 120 mm inner diameter, 140 mm outer diameter with (16) (A)
thermal conductivity 55 W/mK is covered with two layers of insulation
each having a thickness of 55mm. The thermal conductivity of the first
insulation material is 0.05 W/mK and that of the second is 0.11 W/m K.
The temperature of the inside surface of the insulation is 240 ◦C and that of
the outside surface of the insulation is 60◦C. Calculate the loss of heat per
metre length of pipe and the interface temperature between the two layers
of insulation.
Cartesian and Polar Coordinates – One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction
9. A steel pipe of 170 mm inner diameter, 190 mm outer diameter with (16) (A)
thermal conductivity 55 W/mK is covered with two layers of insulation.
The thickness of the first layer is 25mm (k = 0.1 W/mK) and the second
layer thickness is 40 mm, (k= 0.18 W/m K). The temperature of the steam
and inner surface of the stream pipe is 320 °C and outer surface of the
insulation is 80◦C. ambient air temperature is 25◦C. The surface co-
efficient for inside and outside surfaces are 230 W/m2K and 6 W/m2K
respectively. Determine the heat per metre length of the stream pipe and
layer of contact temperature and also calculate the overall heat transfer co-
10. a). A hollow sphere (k = 65W/mK) of 120 mm inner diameter and 350 mm (08) (A)
outer diameter is covered 10 mm layer of insulation (k = 10 W/mK). The
inside and outside temperatures are 500o C and 50o C respectively.
Calculate the rate of heat flow through this sphere.
b). A hollow sphere 1.2 m inner diameter and 1.7 m outer diameter is (08) (A)
having a thermal conductivity of 1 W/mK. The inner surface temperature
is 70 K and outer surface temperature is 300 K. Determine
i. Heat transfer rate
ii Temperature at a radius of 650 mm.
11. (a) A hollow sphere has inside surface temperature of 300oC and then (08) (A)
outside surface temperature of 30oC. If k = 18W/mK. Calculate
i. Heat lost by conduction for inside diameter of 5cm and outside
diameter of 15 cm
II. Heat lost by conduction, if equation for a plain wall area is equal to
sphere area.
(b) Hot air at 40°C flowing through a steel pipe of 10 cm diameter. The (08) (A)
pipe is covered with two layer of insulating material of thickness 4 cm and
3cm and their corresponding thermal conductivities are 0.1 and 0.32
W/mK. The inside and outside convective heat transfer co-efficient are 50
W/m2K and 15 W/m2K. The outer temperature is 10°C. Find the heat loss
per meter length of steam pipe.
Plane and Composite Systems – Conduction with Internal Heat Generation
12. A steel tube with 5 cm ID, 7.6 cm OD and k=15W/m°C is covered with an (16) (A)
insulate covering of thickness 2 cm and k=0.2 W/moC. A hot gas at 330°C
with h = 400 W/m2oC flows inside the tube. The outer surface of the
insulation is exposed to cooler air at 30oC with h = 60 W/m2oC. Calculate
the heat loss from the tube to the air for 10 m of the tube and the
Page 76 of 183
temperature drops resulting from the thermal resistances of the hot gas
flow the steel tube insulation layer and the outside air.
13. An aluminum rod (k=204 W/mK) 2cm in diameter and 20 cm long (16) (A)
protrudes from a wall which is maintained at 300 C. The end of the rod is
insulated and the surface of the rod is exposed to air at 30oC. The heat
transfer co-efficient between the rod surface and air is 10 W/m2K.
Calculate the heat lost by the rod and the temperature of the rod at a
distance of 10cm from the wall.
14. a) A body of an electric motor is 360 mm in diameter and 240mm long. It (08) (S)
dissipates 360 W of heat and its surface temperature should not exceed
55oC. Longitudinal fins of 15 mm thickness and 40 mm height are
proposed. The heat transfer coefficient is 40 W/m2K when the ambient
temperature 30oC. Determine the number of fins required, if k of the fin
material is 40W/mK
15. b) Derive an expression for critical radius of insulation for a cylindrical (08) (U)
Extended Surfaces – Unsteady Heat Conduction – Lumped Analysis – Semi Infinite
and Infinite Solids
16. 15. (A). Determine the minimum depth at which one must place water (08) (A)
main below the soil surface to avoid freezing. The soil is initially at a
uniform temperature of 20oC. In severe winter condition it is subjected to a
temperature of -15oC for a period of 60days. Use the following properties
of the soil; ρ = 2050kg/m3, C=1840 J/kgK and k = 0.52 W/mK..
17. 15. (B) The ground at a particular location is covered with snow pack at - (08) (A)
100C for a continuous period of three months, and the average soil
properties at that location are k = 0.4 W/m K and α = 0.15× 10 -6 m2/s.
assuming an initial uniform temperature of 150C
18. 16. A thick wood piece is initially at a uniform temperature of 200C. (16) (A)
Suddenly the surface temperature is raised to 1200 C. calculate the
temperature, 2 cm from the surface at 2 and20 min after the exposer.
Assume α = 0.8 × 10-7 m2/s and k = 0.15 W/m 0C.
19. 17. A metallic sphere of radius 10 mm is initially at uniform temperature (16) (A)
of 400°C. It is heat treated by first cooling it in air (heat transfer
coefficient h=10W/m2K at 20°C until its central temperature reaches
335°C it is then quenched in a water bath at 20°C with h = 6000 W/m2K
until the centre of the sphere cools from 335°C to 50°C. Compute the time
required for cooling in air and water for the following Physical properties
of the sphere density = 3000 kg/m3, specific heat = 1000 J/kgK; thermal
Conductivity = 20 W/mK, thermal diffusivity 6.66 x 10-8 m2/s.
20. 18. A cylinder 1 m long and 5 cm diameter is placed in an atmosphere at (16) (A)
45°C. It is provided with 10 longitudinal straight fins of material having k
= 120 W/mK. The height of 0.76 mm thick fins is 1.27 cm from the
cylinder surface. The heat transfer coefficient between cylinder and
atmosphere air is 17 W/m2K. Calculate the rate heat transfer and the
temperature at the end of fins if the surfaces temperature of cylinder is
21. 19. An Electric motor drives a centrifugal pump which circulates a hot (16) (A)
Page 77 of 183
liquid metal at 480°C. The motor is coupled to the pump impeller by a
horizontal steel shaft (k= 32 W/m°C) 25 mm in diameter. If the ambient
air temperature is 20°C, The temperature of the motor id limited to a
maximum value of 55°C and the heat transfer coefficient between the steel
shaft and the ambient air is 14.8 W/m2°C, what length of shaft should be
specified between the motor and the pump?
22. 20. A steel pipe line ( thermal conductivity k=50W/mK) of Inner diameter (16) (A)
100 mm and outer diameter 110 mm to be covered with two layers of
insulation each having a thickness of 50mm. The thermal conductivity of
the first insulation material is 0.06 W/mK and that of the second is 0.12
W/mK. Calculate the loss of heat per meter length of pipe and the interface
temperature between the two layers of insulation when the temperature of
the inside tube surface is 250°C and that of the outer surface temperature
of the insulation is 50°C.
This unit deals with convection heat transfer - Free and Forced Convection - Hydrodynamic
and Thermal Boundary Layer. Free and Forced Convection during external flow over Plates
and Cylinders and Internal flow through tubes.
Free and Forced Convection
1. Define Convection. (R)
2. What do you understand by free and forced convection? (U)
3. Differentiate forced convection and Natural convection? (U)
4. State Newton‟s law of convection. (R)
5. What are the dimensionless parameters used in forced and free convection heat (U)
transfer analysis?
6. How is the hydrodynamic entry length defined for a tube? Is the entry length (A)
longer in laminar or turbulent flow?
7. Mention the important of Reynolds analogy in view of heat transfer. (A)
8. How does surface roughness affect the pressure drop in a tube when flow is (A)
9. State the momentum equation in a rectangular coordinate system for a steady (A)
and two dimensional flow.
10. Discuss about Heat transfer fluids in convection. (U)
11. What is overall heat transfer coefficient? (R)
Hydrodynamic and Thermal Boundary Layer.
12. What is hydrodynamic boundary layer? (U)
13. Define the term „thermal boundary layer‟ (R)
14. Write about the term velocity boundary layer. (U)
15. What is viscosity? Whether viscosity causes in liquids or gases? Justify (A)
16. Indicate the concept or significance of boundary layer. (U)
17. What is the significance of Dimensional Number? (U)
18. State Buckingham theorem. (R)
19. What are all the advantages of dimensional analysis? (U)
20. State the limitations of dimensional analysis? (U)
Page 78 of 183
21. Define Reynolds number (Re). (R)
22. Under what condition does natural convection enhance to the forced convection (A)
heat transfer?
23. Sketch the boundary development of a flow. (U)
24. Define displacement thickness.(δ) (R)
25. Define momentum thickness (R)
26. Define energy thickness. (R)
27. Define Nusselt Number (Nu). (R)
28. Define Grashof number (Gr). (R)
29. Will the heat flux be higher near the inlet or near the exit of the tube in a laminar (A)
forced convection?
30. What is meant by Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids? (U)
31. Compare laminar and turbulent flow. (U)
32. What physical features distinguish a turbulent flow from a laminar flow? (A)
33. Write about the term about skin friction coefficient. (U)
34. Discuss about viscous sub-layer and buffer layer. (U)
35. Write about Physical Meaning of Prandtl Number. (U)
Free and ForcedConvection during external flow over Plates and Cylinders and Inter
nal flow through tubes
36. Define critical Reynolds number, what is its typical value for flow over a flat (U)
plate and flow through a pipe?
37. Write the expression to calculate heat transfer for flow through cylindrical pipes? (U)
38. Under what conditions velocity, thermal, and concentration boundary layers (A)
termed analogous?
39. Recognizing that convection heat transfer is strongly influenced by conditions (A)
associated with fluid flow over a surface, how is it that we may determine the
convection heat flux by applying Fourier's law to the fluid at the surface?
40. Draw the velocity and temperature profiles for free convection on a hot vertical (S)
41. Do we expect heat transfer to change with transition from a laminar to a (A)
turbulent boundary layer? If so, how?
42. In which mode heat transfer coefficient is higher? (A)
43. Write about Laminar and turbulent regions of the boundary layer during flow (U)
over a flat plate?
44. What is the Effect of Surface Roughness in turbulent flow? (U)
45. Write about Combined Laminar and Turbulent Flow in convection process. (U)
46. What is Dittus- Boelter equation? When does it apply? (U)
47. What special approximations may be made for conditions within thin velocity (A)
and thermal boundary layers?
48. Define Grashof number and explain its significance in free convection heat (R)
49. What is the physical interpretation of the Reynolds number? (A)
50 What role is played by the critical Reynolds number? (A)
51 How does the Prandtl number's value affect relative growth of the velocity and (A)
thermal boundary layers for laminar flow over a surface?
Page 79 of 183
Free and Forced Convection
1. In a straight tube of 50 mm diameter, water is flowing at 15m/s. The tube (16) (A)
surface temperature is maintained at 60oC and the flowing water is heated
from the inlet temperature 15oC to an outlet temperature of 45oC. Calculate
the heat transfer coefficient from the tube surface to water and length of
the tube.
2. a).A horizontal heated plate measuring 1.5 m x 1.1 m and at 215oC, facing (08) (A)
upwards is placed in still air at 25oC. Calculate the heat loss by natural
conversion. Use the relation h 3.05T f 1/ 4 , T f = Mean film temperature
2 b).Explain the velocity and thermal boundary layer for flow over a (08) (U)
horizontal flat plate.
3 Water at 60oC and a velocity of 2cm/sec flows over a 5m long flate plate (16) (A)
which is maintained at a temperature of 20oC. Determine the total drag
foce and the rate of heat transfer per unit width of the entire plate.
4 A horizontal pipe of 6m length and 8 cm diameter passes through a large (16) (A)
room in which the air and walls are at 18oC and 70oC respectively. Find
the rate of heat loss from the pipe by natural convection.
52. Castor oil at 30oC flows at a velocity of 1.5m/s part a flat plate, in a certain (16) (A)
process.If the plate is 4 m long and is maintained at a uniform temperature
of 90oC, calculate the following:
i. The hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer thicknesses on one
side of the plate.
ii. The total drag force per unit width on one side of the plate‟
iii. The local heat transfer coefficient at the trailing edge it is heart
transfer rate;
[properties of oil at 60oC are 956.8 kg/m3;k =0.213 W/m.K;
0.6 10-4 m2/s; 7.2 108 m2 / s ]
6 a).A vertical plate of 0.7 m wide and 1.2 m height maintained at a (08) (A)
temperature of 90oC in a room at 30oC. Calculate the convective heat loss.
6 b).Calculate the heat transfer from 60 W incandescent bulb at 115 oC to (08) (A)
ambient air at 25oC. Assume the bulb as a sphere of 50 mm diameter. Also
find the % of power lost by free convection.
Hydrodynamic and Thermal Boundary Layer
77 7 Atmospheric air at 30oC flows with a velocity of 4 m/s over a 1.5 m long (16) (A)
flat plate whose temperature is 130oC. Determine the average heat transfer
coefficient and the rate of heat transfer for plate width of 1m.
8 8 A steam pipe 80 mm in diameter is covered with 30 mm thick layer of (16) (A)
insulation which has a surface emissivity of 0.94. The insulation surface
temperature is 85oC and the pipe is placed in atmospheric air at 15oC. If
the heat is lost both by radiation and free convection, find
i. The heat loss from 5 m length of the pipe.
ii. The overall heat transfer coefficient.
iii. Heat transfer coefficient due to radiation
9 Air at 30oC flows over a flat plate at a velocity of 2 m/s. The plate is 2m (16) (A)
long and 1.5 m wide. Calculate the following:
i. Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer thickness at the trailing
edge of the plate
Page 80 of 183
ii. Total drag force,
iii. Total mass flow rate through the boundary layer between x=40 cm
and x= 85 cm.
10 Air at atmospheric pressure and 200°C flows over a plate with velocity of (16) (A)
5 m/s. The plate is 15 mm wide and is maintained at a temperature of
120°C. Calculate the thickness of hydrodynamic and thermal boundary
layers and the local heat transfer co-efficient at a distance of 0.5 m from
the leading edge. Assume that the flow is on one side of the plate. ρ =
0.815 kg/m3 ; µ= 24.5x 10-6 Ns/m2 : Pr= 0.7 K=0.0364W/mK
11 Cylindrical cans of 150mm length and 65 mm diameter are to be cooled (16) (A)
from an initial temperature of 20oC by placing them in a cooler containing
air at a temperature of 1oC and a pressure of 1 bar. Determine the cooling
rates when the cans are kept in:
(i).horizontal position,
(ii).Vertical position
3. 124. Air at 20oC at atmospheric pressure flows over a flat plate at a velocity of (16) (A)
3.5 m/s. If the plate is 0.5 m wide and at 60oC, calculate the following at
x=0.400 m.
i. Boundary layer thickness.
ii. Local friction coefficient.
iii. Average friction coefficient.
iv. Shearing stress due to friction.
v. Thermal boundary layer thickness.
vi. Local convective heat transfer coefficient.
vii. Average convective heat transfer coefficient.
viii. Rate of heat transfer by convection.
ix. Total drag force on the plate.
x. Total mass flow rate through the boundary.
Free and Forced Convection during external flow over Plates and Cylinders and
Internal flow through tubes.
13 A vertical pipe of 12 cm outer diameter, 2.5 m long, at a surface (16) (A)
temperature of 120oC is in a room where the air is at 20oC. Calculate the
heat loss per metre length of the pipe
14 Atmospheric air at 275 K and a free stream velocity of 20 m/s flows over (16) (A)
flat plate 1.5 m long that is maintained at a uniform temperature of 325 K.
Calculate the average heat transfer coefficient over a region where the
boundary layer is laminar, the average heat transfer coefficient over the
entire length of the plate and the total heat transfer rate from the plate to
the air over the length 1.5 m width 1 m. Assume transition occurs at
Rec=2X 105
15 a).Air at a pressure 8 kN/m2 and a temperature of 250°C flows over a flat (08) (A)
plate 0.3 m wide and 1 m long at a velocity of 8 m/s. If the plate is to
maintained at temperature of 78°C estimate the rate of heat to be removed
continuously from the plate.
15 b).A heated sphere having a diameter of 30 mm is maintained at a (08) (A)
temperature of 90°C and is placed in a water stream at 20°C. The water
flow velocity is 3.5 m/s. Calculate the heat loss from the sphere.
Page 81 of 183
16 a).2 cm diameter tube having a relative roughness of 0.001 is maintained (08) (A)
at constant wall temperature of 90oC. Water enters the tube at 40oC and
leaves at 60oC. If the entering velocity is 3 m/s, calculate the length of the
tube necessary to accomplish the heating.
16 b).A fine wire having a diameter of 0.02 mm is maintained at a constant (08) (A)
temperature of 54oC by electric current. The wire is exposed to air at 1 bar
and 0oC. Calculate the electric power necessary to maintain the wire
temperature if the length is 50 cm.
17 a).Determine the average heat transfer coefficient over the entire length (08) (A)
from a vertical plate height 2 m to the surrounding air, if it is known that
the surface temperature of the plate is 105°C. Assume the ambient
temperature is 15°C.
17 b).A 10 mm diameter spherical steel ball at 260°C is immersed in air at (08) (A)
90°C.Estimate the rate of convective heat loss.
18 a).Engine oil at 20°C is forced over a 20cm square plate at a velocity of (08) (A)
1.2 m/s The plate is heated to a uniform temperature of 60°C. Calculate the
heat loss of the plate.
18 b).Water at 60°C enters a tube of 2.54 mm diameter at a mean flow (08) (A)
velocity of 2 cm/s. Calculate the exit water temperature if the tube is 3 m
long and the wall temperature is constant at 80°C.
19 a) Considering a heated vertical plate in quiescent fluid, draw the velocity (08) (A)
and temperature profile.
19 b).A long 10 cm diameter steam pipe whose external surface temperature (08) (A)
is 110°C passes through some area that is not protected against the winds.
Determine the rate of heat loss from the pipe per unit length when air is at
1 atm and 10°C and the wind is blowing across the pipe at a velocity of 8
20 An air stream at 0°C is flowing along a heated plate at 90°C at a speed of (1 (A)
. 75 m/s. The plate is 45 cm long and 60cm wide. Calculate the average
values of friction coefficient for the full length of the plate. Also calculate
the rate of energy dissipation from the plate.
This unit deals with concept of boiling and condensation phase change heat transfer.
Heat exchanger types and its applications. Effectiveness of parallel flow and counter flow
heat exchanger. LMTD and NTU method of the problems
Boiling and Condensation
1. Define boiling. Explain its types. (R)
2. What is meant by pool boiling? (U)
3. Define Nucleate boiling. (R)
4. Describe film boiling? (U)
5. Write the expression for critical heat flux. (U)
6. Write the formula for nucleate pool boiling. (U)
7. Define interface evaporation. (R)
Page 82 of 183
8. Write the applications of boiling heat transfer phenomena. (U)
9. Under identical conditions, which process will be faster? Freezing or melting. (A)
10. Write the formula for heat transfer coefficient. (U)
11. What is meant by condensation? (U)
12. What are modes of condensation? (R)
13. What do you meant by film wise condensation? (U)
14. What is meant by drop wise condensation? (U)
15. What is meant by Modified latent heat of vaporization? How does it differ from (A)
the ordinary latent heat of vaporization?
16. In condensate flow, how is the wetted perimeter defined? How does wetted (A)
perimeter differ from ordinary perimeter?
17. Water heating process is a sub cooled boiling process-justify. (A)
18. What are the different Boiling Regimes in the Boiling curve of water? (U)
19. What are the assumptions to be made during the Film condensation according to (R)
20. Draw different regions of boiling and explain nucleate boiling. (A)
21. In film wise condensation will the heat flux be higher at the top or at bottom of (A)
the plate? Explain
22. What is burnout point in boiling heat transfer? Why is it called so? (A)
23. Distinguish the pool boiling from forced convection boiling. (U)
Heat Exchanger
24. What is a compact heat exchanger? Give applications. (R)
25. What is meant by compact heat exchanger? (U)
26. How heat exchangers are classified? (U)
27. What is meant by direct heat exchanger (or) open heat exchanger? (U)
28. Determine the value of minimum heat flux in film boiling of water at 100°C over (A)
a horizontal stainless steel surface.
29. What is meant by parallel flow heat exchanger? (U)
30. Under what conditions is the thermal resistance of the tube in heat exchanger is (A)
negligible? Explain
31. What are the assumptions made in Nusselt theory of condensation? (U)
32. What is meant by shell and tube heat exchanger? And write its applications? (U)
33. How fouling factor affect the rate of heat transfer? Justify? (R)
34. Sketch the temperature variations in parallel flow and counter flow heat (A)
Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference
35. Define LMTD of a heat exchanger. (R)
36. Write the formula for LMTD parallel flow. (U)
37. Enumerate limitations of LMTD method? How is NTU method superior to (A)
LMTD method? Justify
38. List out the assumptions made for LMTD method? (U)
39. Write the expression for LMTD for counter flow. (U)
Fouling factors
40. What are Fouling factor? Give example. (R)
41. Write the expression for Average heat transfer coefficient for bank of tubes (U)
laminar flow.
Page 83 of 183
Number Transfer Unit (NTU)
42. What is meant by Non Transfer units (NTU)? (U)
43. Write down the relation for overall heat transfer coefficient in heat exchanger (A)
with fouling factor. What is the effect of fouling factor in heat transfer rate?
44. Write the expression for Average heat transfer coefficient for horizontal surface (U)
laminar flow.
45. To what extent is the boiling heat flux influenced by the magnitude of the (A)
gravitational field, Liquid sub cooling and surface roughness?
46. How does the cross flow heat exchanger is differ from counter flown one? (A)
47. As applied to a cross-flow heat exchanger, what is meant by the terms mixed and (A)
unmixed? In What sense are they idealizations of actual conditions?
48. State Latent heat of vaporization and write its applications? (U)
49. Mention the significance of Capacity ratio in NTU Method. (R)
50. What are the Physical Principles to be considered during the working of a Heat (A)
1. (A)Discuss briefly the pool boiling regimes of water at atmospheric (08) (U)
(B) Two black square plates of sixe 2 by 2m are placed to each other at a (08) (A)
distance of 0.5m. One plate is maintained at a temperature of 1000 0C and
the other at 5000C. Find the heat exchange between the plates.
2. Water at atmospheric pressure is to be boiled in polished copper pan. The (16) (A)
diameter of the pan is 350 mm and is kept at 115oC. Calculate the
i. Power of burner
ii. Rate of evaporation in kg/hr
iii. Critical heat flux.
3 Calculate for the following cases, the surface area required for a heat (16) (A)
exchanger which is required to cool 3200 kg/hr of benzene (Cp=1.74kJ/kg
C) from 72oC to 42 . The cooling water (Cp=4.18 kJ/kg o C) at 15 o C has
a flow rate of 2200 kg/hr.
i. Single pass counter – flow
ii. 1-4 exchanger (one –shell pass and four –tube passes) and
iii. Cross flow single pass with water mixed and benzene unmixed.
Assume all the cases U= 0.28 kW/m2K.
4 Consider laminar film condensation of a stationary vapour on a vertical (16) (U)
flat plate of length L and width b. Derive an expression for the average
heat transfer coefficient. State the assumptions made.
5 a) Explain briefly fouling in heat exchangers. (08) (R)
b) Hot gases enter a finned tube, cross flow heat exchanger with a flow (08) (A)
rate of 1.5kg/s and a temperature of 250 .The gases are used to heat water
entering the exchanger at a flow rate of 1kg/s and an inlet temperature of
35 .On the gas side, the overall heat transfer coefficient and the area are
100W/m2K and 40m2 respectively. What is the rate of heat transfer by
exchanger and what are the gas and water exit temperatures? Assume Cp
of gas as 1.0 kj/kg k.
Page 84 of 183
6 Saturated steam at atmospheric pressure condenses on 2-m high and 3-m (16) (A)
wide vertical plate that is maintained at 80°C by circulating cooling water
through the other side. Determine:
i. The rate of heat transfer by condensation to the plate and
ii. The rate at which the condensate drips off the plate at the bottom.
7 a) Derive the LMTD for a parallel flow heat exchanger stating (08) (R)
b) Derive the LMTD for a counter flow heat exchanger stating (08) (R)
8. A double pipe counter flow heat exchanger, 10000kg/hr of an oil having a (16) (A)
specific heat of 2095 J/kg- K is cooled from 80 °C to 50 o C by 8000kg/hr
of water entering at 25 . Determine the heat exchanger area for an overall
heat transfer co efficient of 300W/m2 K. Take C p for water as 4180 J/kg –
9 A counter flow double pipe heat exchanger, is to heat water from 20oC to (16) (A)
80 o C at a rate of 1.2 kg/s. The heating is to be accomplished by
geothermal water available at 160oC at a mass flow rate of 2 kg/s. The
inner tube is thin- walled and has a diameter of 1.5 cm. The overall heat
transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger is 640 W/m2K. Using the
effectiveness-NTU method determine the length of the heat exchanger
required to achieve the desired heating.
10 Explain the neat sketch of heat exchanger with its types. (16) (R)
11 A counter flow concentric tube heat exchanger is used to cool engine oil (16) (A)
(C= 2130 J/kgK) from 160oC to 60 o C with water available at 25 o C as the
cooling medium. The flow rate of cooling water through the inner tube of
0.5m is 2 kg/s while the flow rate of oil through the outer annulus, outer
diameter = 0.7 m is also 2 kg/ s. if U is 250 W/m2K, how long must the
heat exchanger be to meet its cooling requirement?
12 In a parallel flow heat exchanger, hot water is cooled from 80ºC to 40ºc by (16) (A)
cold water entering at 20ºc. The mass flow rate of hot water is .2 kg/s and
the mass flow rate of cold water is 0.5 kg/s. if the individual heat transfer
coefficients of both sides are 600 W/m2K, find the area of the heat
13 In a parallel flow heat exchanger, hot liquid enters at 400ºC and leaves at (16) (A)
250ºc. Cold fluid enters at 50ºC and leaves at 110ºC. The inside and
outside heat transfer coefficients are 120W/m2K and 190W/m2K
respectively. The inside and outside diameters of the tube are 0.06m and
0.08m respectively. If the heat transferred per hour is 1.6 ×105kJ, find the
length of the tube required.
Page 85 of 183
14 A parallel flow heat exchanger is used to cool 4.2 kg/m of hot liquid of (16) (A)
specific heat 3.5 kJ/kg at 130ºC. a cooling water of specific heat 4.18 kJ/kg
K is used for cooling purpose at a temperature of 15ºC. the mass rate of
cooling water is 17kg/min. calculate the following
i. Outlet temperature of liquid
ii. Outlet temperature of water
iii. Effectiveness of heat exchanger
Take Overall heat transfer coefficient is 1100 W/m2K and Heat exchanger
area is 0.03 m2
15 In a counter flow heat exchanger, water at 20ºC flowing at the rate of (16) (A)
1200kg/hr. it is heated by oil of specific heat 2100J/kgK flowing at the rate
of 520 kg/hr at inlet temperature of 95ºC. Determine the following
i. Total heat transfer
ii. Outlet temperature of water
iii. Outlet temperature of oil, Take Overall heat transfer coefficient is
1000W/m2K.Heat exchanger area is 1m2
16 A vertical plate of 65mm outside diameter and 1.5m long is exposed to (16) (A)
steam at atmospheric pressure. The outer surface of the tube is maintained
at a temperature of 60 by circulating cold water through the tube. Calculate
the following.
i. The rate of heat transfer to the coolant
ii. The rate of condensation of steam.
17 It is desired to use double pipe counter flow heat exchanger to cool 3kg/s (16) (A)
of oil (Cp=2.1 kJ/kg K) from 120ºC.Cooling water at 20ºC enters the heat
exchanger at a rate of 10 kg/s. the overall heat transfer coefficient of the
heat exchanger is 600 W/m2K and the heat transfer area is 6m2. Calculate
the exit temperature of oil and water.
18 A parallel flow heat exchanger has hot and cold water stream running (16) (A)
through it, the flow rates are 10 and 25 kg/min respectively. Inlet
temperatures are 75°C and 25°C on hot and cold sides. The exit
temperature on the hot side should not exceed 50°C. Assume hi = ho
=600W/m2K. Calculate the area of heat exchanger using € – NTU
19 a) Dry steam at 2.45 bar condenses on a vertical tube of height 1m at (08) (A)
117°C. Estimate the thickness of the condensate film and the local heat
transfer coefficient at a distance 0.2 m from the upper end of the plate.
b) Hot exhausts gases which enter a cross-flow heat exchanger at 300oC (08) (A)
and leave at 100°C. The specific water at a flow rate of 1 kg/s from 35 to
125oC. The specific heat of the gas is 100 J/Kg.k and the overall heat
transfer coefficient based on the side surface is 100 W/m2.K. Find the
required gas side surface area using the NTU method and LMTD method.
20 Hot oil (Cp = 2200 J/kgK) is to be cooled by water (Cp = 4180 J/kgK) in a (16) (A)
2- shell pass and 12- Tube – pass heat exchanger. The tubes are thin –
walled and are made of copper with a diameter of 1.8 cm. The length of
each tube pass in the heat exchanger is 3m, and the overall heat transfer
coefficient is 340 W/m2K. Water flows though the tubes at a total rate of
Page 86 of 183
0.1 kg/s, and the oil through the shell at a rate of 0.2kg/s. The water and
the oil enter at temperatures 18°C and 160°C respectively. Determine the
rate of heat transfer in the heat exchanger and the outlet temperature of the
water and the oil.
This Unit deals with types of radiation an
Black Body Radiation , Grey body radiation Shape Factor Electrical Analogy Radiation Shie
lds. Radiation through gases.
PART-A (2 Marks)
Black Body Radiation
1. Define Radiation. (R)
2. What are the Types of Radiation? (R)
3. Distinguish between emissive power and monochromatic emissive power.. (U)
4. The temperature of the sun‟s surface is estimated at 5800 K. determine the (A)
fractions of emissive falling in the ultraviolet (up to 0.4micrometer), visible (0.4
to 0.7 micrometer) and infrared (above 0.7 micrometer) regions.
5. What is black body? (R)
6. How does the wavelength distribution of radiation emitted by a gas differ from (A)
that of a surface at the same temperature
7. What do you mean by absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity? (U)
8. How does the body lose heat by radiation? (A)
9. What is thermal radiation and how does it change with temperature? (A)
10. Determine the maximum value of Ebλ at a temperature of 1400 K. Also determine (A)
the value at a wavelength of 4 X 10-6 m.
11. State Wien‟s displacement law and Planck‟s distribution law.. (R)
12. State Stefan – Boltzmann law. (R)
13. Define Emissivity. (R)
14. What are the characteristics of Blackbody Radiation? (U)
Grey body radiation:
15. What is meant by grey body? (U)
16. Write about Radiative Heat Transfer. (U)
17. State Kirchoff‟s law of radiation. (R)
18. What is reradiating surface? What simplification does a reradiating surface offer (A)
in the radiation analysis?
19. State Lambert‟s cosine law for radiation. (R)
20. What is meant by radiation surface? How they expressed? For what kind of (A)
surfaces in the radiation surface resistance is zero?
21. How does radiosity for a surface differ from the emitted energy? For what kind (A)
of surfaces are these two quantities identical?
22. What are the assumptions made to calculate radiation exchange between the (U)
23. Determine the emissivity of a gas body of spherical shape of 1 m dia. At a total (A)
pressure of 1 atm and 1500 K. The gas body consists of 17.96% CO 2 and the rest
oxygen and Nitrogen by volume.
Page 87 of 183
Shape Factor:
24. What is meant by shape factor and mention its physical significance? (U)
25. Distinguish between irradiation and radiosity. (U)
26. Write the expression for Emissive Intensity. (U)
27. What kind of thermal radiation does the Earth emit? (A)
28. What is the wave length band of thermal radiation? (R)
29. The filament of a light bulb is a rectangle of size 5 mm X 2 mm and consumes (R)
60W. The filament is at 2800K. Determine the efficiency of the bulb assuming
visible radiation in the band 0.4 to 0.7 micrometer.
Electrical Analogy:
30. Discuss the term electrical analogy. (R)
31. How does thermal energy transfer by radiation? (A)
32. What does the view factor represent? When is the view factor from a surface to (A)
itself not 0
33. Explain why surfaces usually have quite different absorptivities for solar
radiation? Justify
34. What is the crossed- strings method? For what kind of geometries is the crossed- (A)
strings method applicable?
35. Which method of heat transfer causes the greatest heat loss from the body?. (A)
36. What is reradiating Surface? (R)
37. Give short note on opaque body. (U)
38. What is a radiation shield? Why is it used? (R)
39. What is gas radiation? (R)
40. Define Beer‟s Law. (R)
41. How radiation from gases differs from solids? (R)
42. What is meant by infrared and ultra violet radiation (R)
43 Draw the Schematic diagram of a three-surface enclosure and its network (S)
Radiation Shields:
43. Discuss about the term radiation shields and the radiation effects. (U)
44. What is the purpose of radiation shield used in nuclear reactor? (A)
45. What are the reasons to present for a participating medium that complicates the (U)
radiation analysis?
Radiation through gases
46. Explain the radiation characteristics of carbon dioxide and water vapour. (R)
47 What is meant by black body? Does a blackbody actually exist? (A)
48. Under what conditions is there equivalence between the spectral, directional (A)
emissivity of a surface and the spectral, directional absorptivity? The spectral,
hemispherical emissivity and the spectral, hemispherical absorptivity? The total,
hemispherical emissivity and the total, hemispherical absorptivity?
49 How is the thermal energy of a material affected by the absorption of incident (A)
50 Write down the expression for a thermometer used to measure the temperature of (U)
a fluid.
Page 88 of 183
are 0.3 and 0.5 respectively. Find the net radiant heat exchange per square
metre for these plates. Find the percentage reduction in heat transfer when
a polished aluminum radiation shield ( 0.05 ) is placed between them.
Also find the temperature of shield.
2. a).State laws of radiation and solve the following. Assume the sun to be (08) (A)
block body emitting radiation with maximum intensity at 0.5m ,
Calculate the surface temperature of the sun and the heat flux at its
b).Derive the relation for heat exchange between infinite parallel plates (08) (R)
and solve
3. Consider double wall as two infinite parallel planes. The emissivity of the (16) (A)
walls is 0.3 and 0.8 respectively. The space between the walls is
evacuated. Find the heat transfer/unit area when inner and outer surface
temperatures are 300oC and 260oC. To reduce the heat flow, a shield of
polished aluminum with ( 0.05 ) is inserted between the walls. Find the
reduction in heat transfer.
4. What is a black body? A 20 cm diameter spherical ball at 527oC is (16) (R)
suspended in the air. The ball closely approximates a black body.
Determine the total black body emissive power, and spectral black body
emissive power at wavelength of 3 m
5. An oven approximated as a long equilateral triangular duct, which has (16) (A)
heated surface maintained at a temperature of 1200 K. The other surface is
insulated while the third surface is at 500 K. The duct has a width of a 1 m
on a side and the heated and insulated surfaces have an emissivity of 0.8.
The emissivity of third surface is 0.4. for steady state operation find the
rate at which energy must be supplied to the heated side per unit length of
the duct to maintain its temperature at 1200 K. What is the temperature of
insulated surface?
6. Calculate the following for an industrial furnace in the form of a black (16) (A)
body and emitting radiation at 3000oC:
i. Monochromatic emitting power 1 m length
ii. Wavelength at which the emissive is maximum
iii. Maximum emissive power
iv. Total emissive power
7. Two parallel plates of size 1.0m 1.0 spaced 0.5 m apart are located in (16) (A)
very large room, the walls are maintained at a temperature of 27oC. One
plate is maintained at a temperature of 900oC and the other at 400oC. Their
emissivities are 0.2 and 0.5 respectively. If the plate‟s exchanges heat
between themselves and surroundings, find the heat transfer to each plate
and to them. Consider only the plate surfaces facing each other.
8 Two very large parallel planes exchange heat by radiation. The (16) (A)
emissivities of the planes are respectively 0.3 and 0.8. To minimize the
radiation exchange between the planes; a polished aluminum radiation
shield is placed between them. If the emissivity of the shield is 0.04 on
both sides, find the percentage reduction in heat transfer rate.
9 Derive the radiation exchange between (16) (U)
(i) Large parallel gray surfaces and
Page 89 of 183
(ii).Small gray bodies
10 A cylindrical shaped furnace is 1 m dia and 1 m high. The top surface (16) (A)
having an emissivity of 0.7 emit a uniform heat flux of 7 kW/m2. The
bottom surface with an emissivity of 0.4 is maintained at 350 K. The sides
are insulated and function as reradiating surfaces. Determine the heat
transfer to bottom surface and also the temperatures of the top and sides.
11 Two large parallel planes are at T1 =800 K, 1 =0.3, T2 =400 K, 2 =0.7 (16) (A)
and are separated by a gray gas having g =0.2, τg=0.8. Calculate the heat-
transfer rate between the two planes and the temperature of the gas using a
radiation network. Compare with the heat transfer without presence of the
12 A thin aluminum sheet with an emissivity of 0.1 on both sides is placed (16) (A)
between two very large parallel plates that are maintained at uniform
temperatures T1 = 800 K and T2 = 500 K and have emissivities 1 0.2 and
1 0.7 , respectively. Determine the net rate of radiation heat transfer
between the two plates per unit surface area of the plates and compare the
result to that without the shield.
13 a).Two very large parallel plates are maintained at uniform temperature of (08) (A)
T1 = 1000 K and T1 = 800 K and have emissivity‟s of ε1 = ε2 = 0.2
respectively. It is desired to reduce the net rate of Radiation heat transfer
between the two plates to 1/5 th by placing the thin aluminum sheets with
emissivity of 0.15 on both sides between the plates. Determine the number
that needs to be inserted.
b).Define the following terms (08) (R)
1. Monochromatic emissivity
2. Grey body
3. Shape factor
14 a)The spectral emissivity function of an opaque surface at 1000K is (08) (A)
approximated as ελ1 = 0.4, 0≤ λ< 2µm; ελ2 = 0.7, 2 µm ≤ λ< 6µm;
ελ3 = 0.3, 6 µm ≤ λ< ∞
Determine the average emissivity of the surface and the rate of radiation
emission from the surface, in W/m2
14 b).A small cubical furnace 50 x 50 x 50 cm on the inside ISV constructed (08) (A)
of fire clay brick (k = 10W/mK) with a wall thickness of 10 cm. The inside
furnace is maintained at 500° C. Calculate the heat loss through the wall.
15 A thin aluminum sheet with an emissivity of 0.1 on both sides is placed (16) (A)
between two very large parallel plates that are maintained at uniform
temperatures T1 = 800 K and T2 = 500 K and have emissivities 1 0.2 and
1 0.7 , respectively. Determine the net rate of radiation heat transfer
between the two plates per unit surface area of the plates and compare the
result to that without the shield.
16 A truncated cone has top and bottom diameters of 10 and 20 cm and a (16) (S)
height of 10 cm. Calculate the shape factor between the top surface and the
side and also the shape factor between the side and itself.
17 Derive the radiation exchange between (16) (R)
i. Large parallel gray surfaces and
Page 90 of 183
ii. Small gray bodies
18 a).Considering radiation in gases, derive the exponential decay formula. (08) (U)
18 b).Consider a cylindrical furnace with outer radius = 1 m and height = 1m. (08) (S)
The top (surface 1) and the base (surface2) of the furnace have emissivities
0.8 & 0.4 and are maintained at uniform temperatures of 700 K and 500K
respectively. The side surface closely approximates a black body and is
maintained at a temperature of 400 K. Find the net rate of radiation heat
transfer at each surface during steady state operation.
19 a).Derive Wien‟s displacement law of radiation from Planck‟s law (08) (A)
b).A 5-m-long section of hot and cold water pipes run parallel to each (08) (A)
other in a thick concrete layer, as shown in Fig. The diameters of both
pipes are 5 cm, and the distance between the centerline of the pipes is 30
cm. The surface temperatures of the hot and cold pipes are 70°C and 15°C,
respectively. Taking the thermal conductivity of the concrete to be k= 0.75
W/m°C, determine the rate of heat transfer between the pipes.
20 Two large parallel planes at temperature 1000 K and 800 K having (16) (A)
emissivity of 0.5 and 0.8 respectively. A radiation shield having an
emissivity 0.5 on one side (facing hot place) and an emissivity of 0.04 on
the other is placed in between the planes. Determine the heat transfer rates
by radiation with and without radiation shield
This unit deals with Diffusion Mass Transfer and Fick‟s law and about the steady state
molecular diffucion. Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer Analogy and Convective Mass
Transfer Correlations. Convective Mass Transfer Correlations.
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. Define mass transfer (R)
2. State any two applications of mass transfer. (U)
3. What are the modes of mass transfer? (R)
4. What is mass transfer coefficient? (U)
5. Write down the unit for mass transfer coefficient. (R)
6. Define liquid phase mass transfer. (R)
7. What is the analogy between heat and mass transfer? (R)
8. State Fick‟s law of diffusion. (R)
9. Compare Fourier Law and Ficks Law (U)
10. Indicate the limitations of Ficks law (U)
Page 91 of 183
Diffusion mass transfer
11. What is molecular diffusion? (R)
12. How molecular diffusion takes place through stationary gas? (U)
13. What is Eddy diffusion? (R)
14. What is meant by diffusion resistant? (U)
15. Define counter diffusion. (R)
16. When hydrogen at 300 kPa and 258 K is in contact with Nickel surface, What (A)
will be the molar and mass density of Hydrogen at the contact surface.
Convective mass transfer
17. What is convective mass transfer? (U)
18. What is free convective mass transfer? (U)
19. Define forced convective mass transfer. Give two example (R)
20. Differentiate mass transfer from bulk fluid flow. Can mass transfer occur in a (A)
homogenous medium?
21. Give the expression for laminar flow in flat plate convective mass transfer. (U)
22. Write the expression for Turbulent flow in flat plate convective mass transfer. (U)
23. Hydrogen diffuses through a steel wall of 3mm thickness. The molar (A)
concentration of hydrogen at interface is 1.5 kg mol/m3 and it is zero on the outer
face. Determine the diffusion rate of hydrogen
Dimensionless groups
24. Write the Application of Dimensionless Analysis to Mass Transfer (U)
25. Define Schmidt Number. (R)
26. Define Sherwood Number. (R)
27. How does the mass diffusivity of a gas mixture change with (a) temperature and (A)
(b) pressure
28. What is meant by molar concentration? (U)
Steady state molecular diffusion
29 What is equimolar counter diffusion? (U)
30 Write down the expression for equimolar counter diffusion of gases (U)
31 Define boundary layer concentration along with its application (R)
32 Why are the insulations on the chilled water lines always wrapped with vapor (A)
barrier jackets?
33 Under what conditions will the normalized velocity, thermal, and concentration (A)
boundary layers coincide during flow over a flat plate?
34 How does mass transfer differ from bulk fluid flow? Can mass transfer occur in a (A)
homogenous medium?
35 When prescribing a boundary condition for mass transfer at a solid- gas (A)
surface? Why do we need to specify the side of the surface?
36 Write the expression for steady state equimolar counter diffusion. (R)
37 State the significance of Lewis number. (R)
38 What do you mean by equimolar counter diffusion? (R)
39 Mention the various mechanisms of the Fick‟s law. (U)
40 Consider two identical cups of coffee one without sugar and the other with sugar (A)
at the same temperature. Which cup of coffee will cool faster? Why?
41 During evaporation from water body to air, under what condition will the latent (A)
heat of vaporization be equal to convection heat transfer from the air?
42 Compare gas phase mass transfer coefficient with its applications. (A)
Page 92 of 183
43 State the significance of Dimensional Number in mass transfer during its (A)
44 What is the driving force for (a) Heat transfer (b) Mass transfer? (U)
45 What is meant by Permeability? Compare the permeability of a gas in a solid to (A)
the solubility of the gas in that solid.
46 What is the driving potential for dispersion of the Sugar in the coffee, if a cube of (A)
sugar is placed? Compare the physical mechanism responsible for the dispersion
of sugar, while the coffee is Stagnant and during stirring.
47 State the conditions at which diffusion flux is equal to the absolute flux during (A)
transport of the species.
48 Under what conditions a diffusion resistance may be used to determine the (A)
species flux from knowledge of the species concentrations at the inner and outer
surfaces of a medium?
49 If convection mass transfer is associated with gas flow over a liquid or solid in (A)
which the gas is transferred by diffusion, what can be said about the ratio of
convection to diffusion resistances?
50 How is Biot number correlated with mass transfer? (U)
PART –B (16 Marks)
1 Dry air at 27 C and 1 bar flows over a wet plate of 50 cm at 50 m/s. (16) (A)
Calculate the mass transfer coefficient of water vapour in air at the end of
the plate.
2 The dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures recorded by a thermometer in (16) (A)
moist air are 27oC and 17oC respectively. Determine the specific humidity
of air assuming the following values Prandtl number=0.74, Schmidt
number=0.6, Specific heat at constant pressure=1.004 kJ/kgK, pressure =
1.0132 105 N / m2 .
3 Explain different modes of mass transfer and derive general mass diffusion (16) (U)
equation in stationary media
4 Define mass transfer co-efficient. Air at 1 bar pressure and 25oC contains (16) (A)
small quantities of iodine flows with velocity of 5.2 m/s. inside a tube
having an inner diameter of 3.05 cm. Find the mass transfer coefficient for
iodine transfer from the gas stream to the wall surface. If cm is the mean
concentration of iodine in kg.mol/m3 in the air stream, find the rate of
deposition of iodine on the tube surface by assuming the wall surface is a
perfect sink for iodine deposition. Assume D=0.0834 cm2/s.
5 Explain equimolar counter diffusion in gases. (16) (R)
6 Air at 25oC ( 1.205 kg / m3 ; 15.06 106 m2 / s; D 4.2 105 m2 / s) flows (16) (A)
over a tray (length =30cm, width=40 cm) full of water with a velocity of
2.8 m/s. The total pressure of moving air 1 atm and the partial pressure of
water present in the air is 0.006 bar. If temperature on the water surface is
15oC, calculate the evaporation rate of water.
7 CO2 and air experience equimolar counter diffusion in a circular tube (16) (A)
whose length and diameter are 1.2 m and 60 mm respectively. The system
of total pressure of 1 atm and a temperature of 273K. The ends of the tube
are connected to large chambers in which the species concentrations are
maintained at fixed values. The partial pressure of CO2 at one end is 200
mm of Hg while at the other end is 90 mm Hg. Estimate the mass transfer
Page 93 of 183
rate of CO2 and air through the tube.
8 Air at 1.01 bar and 30oC flows past a tray full of water with a velocity of 2 (16) (A)
m/s. The partial pressure of water vapour is 0.7 kPa and the saturation
pressure is 3.17 kPa. The tray measures 40cm along the flow direction and
has a width of 20 cm. Calculate the evaporation rate of water if the
temperature on the water surface is 25oC. Assume the following properties
for air 1.2 kg / m ; 15.06 10 m / s; D 0.145m / h
3 6 2 2
Page 94 of 183
24 and 28 respectively. The molecular weight of gas mixture is found to be
30. If the mass concentration of the mixture is 1.2 kg/m3, determine
i. Mass fractions
ii. Molar fractions
iii. Total pressure if the temperature of the mixture is 290 K
17 a).A 3cm diameter Stefan tube is used to measure the binary diffusion (10) (U)
coefficient of water vapour in air at 20°C at an elevation of 1600m where
the atmosphere pressure is 83.5 kPa. The tube is partially filled with water,
and the distance from the water surface to the open end of the tube is 40
cm. Dry air is blown over the open end of the tube so that water vapor
rising to the top is removed immediately and the concentration of vapor at
the top of the tube is zero. In 15 days of continuous operation at constant
pressure and temperature, the amount of water that has evaporated is
measured to be 1.23 g. Determine the diffusion coefficient of water vapor
in air at 20°C and 83.5 kPa.
b).State some analogies between heat and mass transfer. (6) (U)
18 a).A thin plastic membrane separation hydrogen from air. The molar (8) (A)
concentrations of hydrogen in the membrane at the inner and outer
surfaces are determined to be 0.045 and 0.002 kmol/m3 respectively. The
binary diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in plastic at the operation
temperature is 5.3 x 10-10 m2/s. Determine the mass flow rate of hydrogen
by diffusion through the membrane under steady conditions if the
thickness of the membrane is
i.0.2 mm and
ii.0.5 mm
b).Dry air at 15°C and 92 kPa flows over a 2 m long wet surface with a (8) (A)
free stream velocity at 4 m/s. Determine the average mass transfer
19 The pressure in a pipeline that transports helium gas at a rate of 2 kg/s is (16) (A)
maintained at 1 atm by venting helium to the atmosphere through a 5-mm-
internaldiameter tube that extends 15 m into the air, . Assuming both the
helium and the atmospheric air to be at 25°C, determine
i. The mass flow rate of helium lost to the atmosphere through an
individual tube,
ii. The mass flow rate of air that infiltrates into the pipeline, and
iii. The flow velocity at the bottom of the tube where it is attached to the
pipeline that will be measured by an anemometer in steady operation.
20 Pressurized hydrogen gas is stored at 358 K in a 4.8-m-outer-diameter (16) (A)
spherical container made of nickel (Fig.). The shell of the container is 6
cm thick. The molar concentration of hydrogen in the nickel at the inner
surface is determined to be 0.087 kmol/m3. The concentration of hydrogen
in the nickel at the outer surface is negligible. Determine the mass flow
rate of hydrogen by diffusion through the nickel container.
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Course Code: ME8692
Learning Objectives:
To introduce the concepts of mathematical modeling of engineering problems.
To appreciate the use of FEM to a range of Engineering Problems.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able
CO312.1: To form governing equations for the Simple structural problems.
CO312.2: To implement finite element techniques to solve one dimensional structural
CO312.3: To solve Eigen value problems using FEA techniques.
CO312.4: To examine two dimensional scalar variable problems on thermal and torsion.
CO312.5: To adapt FEA techniques in solving vector variable problem using plane stress,
plain strain and axisymmetric elements
CO312.6: To apply Finite Element concepts to plate and shell structures.
CO312.7: To analyse the two dimensional problems using isoparametric elements.
Course Prerequisite: Strength of Materials (II Year /IV Sem)
Thermal Engineering (III Year /V Sem)
Dynamics of Machinery (III/V Sem)
Mode of Delivery:
1 Oral Presentation 6 Field Visit
2 Power Point Presentation 7 Hands on/ Demo
3 Glass Board 8 Videos/Animation
4 Seminar/Guest Lecture 9 Lab / Virtual Lab
5 Tutorial 10 Innovative Teaching Method
Assessment Methods
Record / Project Report
Unit Test Yes Online Assignment No No
/Technical Writing
Internal Quiz / Viva /
Yes No Project Review No
Assessment Test Seminar
Model Exam Yes Attendance No End Semester Examination Yes
Mapping of Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO)
Course Mapping with Programme outcomes
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
C312.1 3 - 2 - - - - - - - - -
C312.2 3 3 2 - - - - - - - - -
C312.3 3 3 - - - - - - - - -
Page 97 of 183
C312.4 3 3 - - - - - - - -
C312.5 3 - - - 3 - - - - - - -
C312.6 3 - - - 2 - - - - - - -
C312.7 - 2 - 3 - - - - - - - -
3- Strong Correlation, 2 – Medium Correlation, 1- Weak Correlation
Mapping of Course Outcomes (CO) with Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)
C312.1 3 1 2
C312.2 3 1 1
C312.3 3 2 1
C312.4 3 - 1
C312.5 3 2 1
C312.6 1 1 2
C312.7 3 1 2
3- Strong Correlation, 2 – Medium Correlation, 1- Weak Correlation
3 0 0 3
Historical Background – Mathematical Modeling of field problems in Engineering –
Governing Equations – Discrete and continuous models – Boundary, Initial and Eigen
Value problems– Weighted Residual Methods – Variational Formulation of Boundary
Value Problems – Ritz Technique – Basic concepts of the Finite Element Method.
One Dimensional Second Order Equations – Discretization – Element types- Linear and
Higher order Elements – Derivation of Shape functions and Stiffness matrices and force
vectors- Assembly of Matrices - Solution of problems from solid mechanics and heat
transfer. Longitudinal vibration frequencies and mode shapes. Fourth Order Beam Equation
–Transverse deflections and Natural frequencies of beams.
Second Order 2D Equations involving Scalar Variable Functions – Variational formulation
–Finite Element formulation – Triangular elements – Shape functions and element matrices
and vectors. Application to Field Problems - Thermal problems – Torsion of Non circular
shafts –Quadrilateral elements – Higher Order Elements.
Equations of elasticity – Plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric problems – Body
forces and temperature effects – Stress calculations - Plate and shell elements.
Natural co-ordinate systems – Isoparametric elements – Shape functions for iso parametric
elements – One and two dimensions – Serendipity elements – Numerical integration and
application to plane stress problems - Matrix solution techniques – Solutions Techniques to
Dynamic problems – Introduction to Analysis Software.
Page 98 of 183
1.Reddy. J.N. An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-
2. Seshu, P, Text Book of Finite Element Analysis, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi, 2007
1.Bhatti Asghar M, "Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications", John Wiley
& Sons, 2005 (Indian Reprint 2013)
2.Chandrupatla & Belagundu, “Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering”, 3rd
Edition, Prentice Hall College Div, 1990
3.Logan, D.L., “A first course in Finite Element Method”, Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2002
4.Rao, S.S., “The Finite Element Method in Engineering”, 3rd Edition, Butterworth
Heinemann, 2004
5.Robert D. Cook, David S. Malkus, Michael E. Plesha, Robert J. Witt, “Concepts and
Applications of Finite Element Analysis”, 4th Edition, Wiley Student Edition, 2002.
No. Referenc Mode Date
S. of e of CO of
Topics to be covered modules
No Perio & Delive No Cover
ds Page No. ry age
Background – Introduction to Finite
Mathematical T1 Element Method by
1 1 2 1 / /19
Modeling of field 23-25 /Dr. R. Krishna
problems in Kumar /IIT Madras
Introduction to Finite
T2 Element Method by
2 Governing Equations 1 3 1 / /19
16-19 /Dr. R. Krishna
Kumar /IIT Madras
Introduction to Finite
Discrete and T2 Element Method by
3 1 3 1 / /19
continuous models 41-57 /Dr. R. Krishna
Kumar /IIT Madras
Introduction to Finite
Boundary, Initial and
T1 Element Method by
4 Eigen Value 1 3 1 / /19
33-39 /Dr. R. Krishna
Kumar /IIT Madras
Introduction to Finite
Weighted Residual T1 Element Method by
5 1 3 1 / /19
Methods 16-31 /Dr. R. Krishna
Kumar /IIT Madras
Introduction to Finite
Weighted Residual T1
6 1 3 1 Element Method by / /19
Methods 17-31
/Dr. R. Krishna
Page 99 of 183
No. Referenc Mode Date
S. of e of CO of
Topics to be covered modules
No Perio & Delive No Cover
ds Page No. ry age
Kumar /IIT Madras
Problems on Introduction to Finite
weighted residual Element Method by
7 1 T233-41 3 1 / /19
methods /Dr. R. Krishna
Kumar /IIT Madras
Problems on Introduction to Finite
weighted residual T2 Element Method by
8 1 3 1 / /19
methods 75-86 /Dr. R. Krishna
Kumar /IIT Madras
Variational Introduction to Finite
Formulation of Element Method by
9 1 3 1 / /19
Boundary Value T1 /Dr. R. Krishna
Problems 13-21 Kumar /IIT Madras
Total Hours 9
Lecture Series on
One Dimensional
T1 Computer Aided
10 Second Order 1 2 2 / /20
103-138 Design/ Dr.Anoop
Chawla/IIT Delhi
Discretization – Lecture Series on
Element types - T1 Computer Aided
11 1 2 2 / /20
Linear and Higher 106-118 Design/ Dr.Anoop
order Elements Chawla/IIT Delhi
Lecture Series on
Derivation of Shape T1 Computer Aided
12 1 3 2 / /20
functions 108-112 Design/ Dr.Anoop
Chawla/IIT Delhi
Derivation of Lecture Series on
Stiffness matrices and T2 Computer Aided
13 1 3 2 / /20
force vectors 93-104 Design/ Dr.Anoop
Chawla/IIT Delhi
Assembly of Matrices T1 Lecture Series on
125- Computer Aided
14 1 2 2 / /20
129/105- Design/ Dr.Anoop
107 Chawla/IIT Delhi
Solution of problems T1 Lecture Series on
from solid mechanics 162- Computer Aided
15 1 3 2 / /20
and heat transfer 180,183- Design/ Dr.Anoop
194 Chawla/IIT Delhi
Longitudinal T2 Lecture Series on
16 vibration frequencies 1 233- 3 2 Computer Aided / /20
and mode shapes. 237,248- Design/ Dr.Anoop
1D problem 2D problem
Introduction Linear element formulation
Higher order
Solid mechanics Isoparametric
Mathematical elements
modeling Heat transfer
Vibration Serendipity elements
Boundary Value Numerical integration
problems Triangular
Initial Value Plane strain
problems Plane stress
Eigen Value Axi-symmetric
problems problems
Torsion of non-
Weighted residual Plate element
circular shafts
method Shell element
Variational method elements
UNIT-I Introduction
Analytical solutions can be obtained only for certain simplified situations. For problem
involving complex material properties and boundary conditions the engineers prefer
numerical method that gives approximate but acceptable solutions. This unit helps to find the
functional approximation of a boundary value & Eigen value problems using weighted
residual method and Rayleigh -ritz method.
Historical Background- Basic concepts of the Finite Element Method
1. Write short note on numerical methods and its classifications. U
2. Define functional approximation. R
If the free end of the fin is insulated, give the boundary conditions and
determine using the collocation technique the temperature distribution in the
fin. Report the temperature at the free end
10. A bar of uniform cross section is clamped at one end and left free at the 16 A
other end and it is subjected to a uniform axial load p as shown in fig.
calculate the displacement and stress in a bar by using weak form
1 dy
I = 300 x 2 y dx
2 dx
Find the solution of the problem using Rayleigh ritz method using a one
term solution is y=ax(1-x3).
13. A simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load over entire 16 U
span and it is subjected to a point load at the center of the span. Calculate the
bending moment and deflection at mid span by using rayleigh-ritz method
and compare with exact solution.find :1. Deflection and bending moment at
midspan. 2. Compare with exact solution.
14. A beam AB span „l‟ simply supported at ends. And carrying a concentrated 16 U
load W at the center „C‟ as shown in fig. determine the deflection at mid
span by using rayleigh-ritz method and compare with exact solutions.
16. Consider a 1mm diameter, 50 mm long aluminum pin-fin as shown fig. used 16 A
to enhance the heat transfer from a surface wall maintained at 300˚C. the
governing differential equation and the boundary conditions are given by
d 2T ph
dx 2 A
T (0) =Tw=300˚C
d 2T
at L=0 (insulated tip)
dx 2
Where, k=thermal conductivity, p= perimeter, A= cross-sectional area, h=
convective heat transfer coefficient, Tw=wall temperature, T∞=ambient
temperature. Let, k=200W/m˚C for aluminum, h=20W/m2˚C, T∞=30˚C.
Estimate the temperature distribution in the fin using the Rayleigh-ritz
17. Compute the coefficient matrix and the right – hand side of the N-parameter 16 A
Ritz approximation of the equation
d du
(1 x) 0 for 0 x 1; u(0) 0, u(1) 1
dx dx
use algebraic polynomials for the approximate functions. Specialize your
result for N = 2 and compute the Ritz coefficients
18. A steel rod of diameter d = 2 cm, length L = 25 cm, and thermal 16 A
conductivity k = 50 W/moC is exposed to ambient air T∞ = 20oC with a heat
– transfer coefficient β = 64 W/m2oC. Given that the left end of the rod is
maintained at a temperature of T0 = 120oC and the other end is exposed to
the ambient temperature, determine the temperature distribution in the rod
using a two-parameter Ritz approximation with polynomial approximation
For which the right face of the fin is in contact with water at 4.5 ᵒC. the left
face of the fin is subjected to a constant temperature of 82.2ᵒC, while the
exterior surface of the pin is in contact with moving air at 22 ᵒC, using 4
equal length two node elements to obtain a finite element solution for the
temperature distribution across the length of the fin
20. Find the solution for the following differential equation using weak form 16 A
d y
EI q0 0
dx 4
The boundary conditions are u (0)=0,
2 3
0 0 , d u2 L 0 , d u3 L L
dx dx dx
One Dimensional Second Order Equations
1. Define continuum. R
2. Illustrate the steps to be followed in solving one dimensional problem in FEA. R
3. Classify one-dimensional problems in FEA U
4. Formulate the governing differential equation for a shell and tube heat exchanger A
pin- fin with convective heat transfer.
5. Apply the governing equation for a beam pipe with primary and secondary A
6. Apply a global node numbering system for cell‟s vertices. A
7. Write short note on nodes, primary nodes, secondary nodes & internal nodes. U
8. Explain about effective ways of node numbering scheme. U
Element types- Linear and Higher order Elements
9. Classify one dimensional linear element. U
10. Distinguish linear and higher order elements. U
11.` Formulate the finite element equation for a member of the high transmission A
6. For the bar element shown in fig. Calculate the nodal displacements and 16 R
element stresses.
7. Derive shape function and stiffness matrix [k] for a truss element. 16 S
8. Derive shape function and stiffness matrix for beam element. 16 S
9. For the two bar truss in fig. determine the displacement of node 1 and the 16 U
stress in element 1-3
11. Determine the maximum deflection for the beam loaded as shown in Fig. 16 A
Young‟s modulus 200 GPa and density 0.78 x 106 kg/m2. The beam is of “T”
cross section shown in Fig.
14. Compute the slope, deflection and reaction forces for the cantilever beam of 16 A
length L carrying uniformly distributed load of intensity f0.
15. Determine the first two natural frequencies of longitudinal vibrations of the 16 A
stepped steel bar shown in figure and plot the mode shapes. All dimensions
are in mm. E=200GPa, density= 0.78 kg/cc, A=4cm2 , and length = 500 mm.
18. Determine the Eigen value for the stepped bar shown in fig 16 A
3. Derive the shape functions of the CST element in terms of natural coordinate 16 A
4. The nodal values at specified coordinates are T1= 42ºC, T2= 54ºC, T3= 56ºC 16 A
and T4= 46ºC. Determine the temperature at a point (7, 4). Also determine
three points on the 50oC contour line for the rectangular element shown in
7. Compute element matrices and vectors for the element shown in Figure when 16 A
the edges j k and ki experience convection heat loss.
12. Derive torsion equation of square cross section bar using finite element 16 A
method using linear triangular mesh.
13. A bilinear rectangular element has coordinates as shown in figure and the 16 A
nodal temperatures are T1=100°C,T2=60°C,T3=50°C,T4=90°C compute the
temperature at the whose coordinates are (2.5,2.5) also determine the 80°C
14. Derive Stiffness matrix and shape functions for the Six noded LST element. 16 A
15. The x,y coordinates of nodes i, j and k of a triangular elements are given by 16 U
(0,0), (3,0) and (1.5, 4) mm respectively. Evaluate shape functions N1, N2
and N3 at an interior point P(2, 2.5) mm of the element. Evaluate the strain-
displacement relation matrix B for the above same triangular element and
explain how stiffness matrix is obtained assuming scalar variable problem.
16. Derive Shape function of A
i. Four node quadrilateral element. 8
ii. Eight node quadrilateral element using serendipity approach. 8
17. Determine the shape functions N1, N2 and N3 at the interior point P(4,.2) for 16 A
the triangular element as shown in figure.
19. (i)Derive the weak form for the two dimensional scalar variable problems. 8 A
(ii) Establish the finite element equation for the two dimensional scalar 8 R
variable problems
20. Derive the expression for nodal vector in a CST element subjected to 16 A
pressures Px1, Py1 on side 2 and Px3, Py3 on side 3 as shown in figure
Equations of elasticity
1. Explain the three dimensional elasticity equations. U
2. Derive two dimensional stress strain relationship using elasticity theory. R
3. Write constitutive equations in two dimensional problems. U
4. Construct stress strain relationship for the two dimensional plane stress element R
including initial strain.
2. Determine the stiffness matrix for the CST Element shown in Figure. The 16 A
coordinates are given in mm. Assume plane strain condition. E = 210 GPa, v
= 0.25 and t = 10 mm.
3. For the plane strain element shown in fig. the nodal displacement are: 16 A
4. Assuming plane stress condition, evaluate stiffness matrix for the element 16 R
shown in figure. Assume E = 200 GPa, Poisson‟s ratio 0.3.
5. The two dimensional propped beam shown in fig. is divided in two CST 16 U
elements. Determine the nodal displacement and element stresses using plate
stress conditions Body force is neglected in compression with the external
forces. Take: thickness=10mm, young‟s modulus , E=2X105 N/mm2,
Poisson‟s ratio=0.25
12. For the constant strain triangular element shown in fig. Assemble strain 16 A
displacement matrix. Take t=20mm, E= 20x 105 N\mm2.consider plane strain
17. Calculate the element stiffness matrix for the axisymmetric triangular 16 A
element shown in figure. The element experiences a 15oC increase in
temperature. The coordinates are in mm. Take α=10 x 10 -6 /oC, E=2 x 105
N/mm2, v = 0.25
19. A thin plate is subjected to surface traction as shown in fig. calculate the 16 A
global stiffness matrix. Take E= 200 Gpa, µ= 0.3. Assume plane stress
21. Write down the strain displacement matrix for four noded isoparametric U
quadrilateral elements in terms of natural coordinates.
22. Write down the stiffness matrix for four noded isoparametric elements. U
23. In which way numerical integration method helps to solve one dimensional A
24. State Trapezoidal rule of numerical integration. R
25. State Simpson‟s rule of numerical integration. R
26.` Write down the Gaussian quadrature expression for numerical integration. U
27. State the advantages of using gauss quadrature numerical integration method. R
28. Write short note on one point and two point Gaussian quadrature approach U
29. Evaluate the integral using one point rule and check it with the original solution. A
I (2 x x 2 )dx
30. Evaluate the integral using one Gauss point and cross check with the original A
I cos dx
31. Differentiate implicitly and explicitly methods of numerical integration. U
32. Locate sampling point for a 2X2 Gauss quadrilateral element. A
33. Apply a 2X2 Gauss quadrature rule for the quadrilateral element. A
34. Locate sampling points for the 3X3 Gauss quadrilateral element. U
9. Determine the Cartesian coordinate of the point P (ξ= 0.8, η= 0.9) as shown 16 A
in Figure.
10. Derive shape function of the rectangular element using natural coordinates. 16 A
11. Calculate the jacobian matrix and the strain displacement matrix for four 16 A
node two dimensional quadrilateral elements corresponding to the gauss
point (2.57735, 2.57735) as shown in Figure.
15. Determine the Jacobian matrix and evaluate its value at the point (1/3, 1/3) 16 A
for the four noded element shown in figure.
y c 4 x a 2
ii) Derive the shape function for all the corner nodes of a nine noded
quadrilateral element 8 R
17. Using Gauss quadrature evaluate the following integral using 1,2 and 3 point 16 A
sin S
S (1 s 2
18. Evaluate the Jacobian matrix for the isoparametric quadrilateral element 16 A
shown in figure.
1 1
weight 1.000
20. (i)Explain serendipity elements 8 R
(ii)Evaluate the integral I. 8 A
1 1 1
I (1 2 )
(1 ) 2 (3 2) 2 d d d
1 1 1
Assessment Methods
Unit Test Yes Online Assignment No Record / Project Report No
/Technical Writing
Internal Yes Quiz / Viva / Seminar No Project Review No
Assessment Test
Model Exam Yes Attendance NO End Semester Examination Yes
CO 2 - 2 1
CO 3 3 3 3
CO 4 2 1 2
CO 5 2 - 2
CO 6 2 2 2
CO 7 - 2 -
3- Strong Correlation, 2 – Medium Correlation, 1- Weak Correlation
Introduction to Fluid power – Advantages and Applications – Fluid power systems – Types of
fluids - Properties of fluids and selection – Basics of Hydraulics – Pascal‟s Law – Principles
of flow - Friction loss – Work, Power and Torque Problems, Sources of Hydraulic power :
Pumping Theory– Pump Classification – Construction, Working, Design, Advantages,
Disadvantages, Performance, Selection criteria of Linear and Rotary – Fixed and Variable
displacement pumps – Problems.
6 1 160 3 1 https://www.bing.com/vid
Construct ion, mp+Classification+nptel+
/ / 20
Working, &&view=detail&mid=A6
7 1 T1 3 1 https://www.bing.com/vid
187- eos/search?q=selection+o
Performan ce,
200 f+pumps+nptel+&&view
Selection criteria
=detail&mid=4F6AC51E / / 20
of Linear and
Total Hours 9
No Refer Mo
S. Topics to be . ence d e Co Date of
N covered of & of No Cove
o Per Page Deli rage
iod No. very
T1 https://www.bing.com/videos
10. 1 243 3 2 /search?q=hydraulic+actuator
Hydraulic =07EBC7A16E393BEB5477 / / 20
Actuators 07EBC7A16E393BEB5477&
11. 1 T1 3 2
Hydraulic 229 https://www.youtube.com/wa
/ / 20
cushioning tch?v=pnXRkyzwS1E
13. 1 270,3 3 2 https://www.bing.com/videos
00 /search?q=Hydraulic+Flow+
Control, Flow / / 20
14. 2 T1 10 2
291 https://www.bing.com/videos
pressure control valves+pdf&&view=detail&
/ / 20
valves mid=8E88BEBE60AF700DE
15. 2 T1 3 2 https://www.bing.com/videos
Fluid Power 320 /search?q=Fluid+Power+AN
ANSI SI+Symbols+&&view=detail
/ / 20
Symbols – &mid=519BB6EBF44EEB1F
Problems. C19D519BB6EBF44EEB1F
Total Hours 9 - -
Accumulat ors,
16. 1 T1 3 3 s/search?q=accumulators+np
328 tel&&view=detail&mid=BB
Industrial / / 20
hydraulic circuit
Regenerati ve,
17. 1 T1 3 3
332 https://www.bing.com/video
Pump Unloading, s/search?q=Hydraulic+Intens / / 20
18. 1 T1 3 3
333 https://www.bing.com/video
Double- Pump, / / 20
19. 1
Air-over oil, T1
3 3 https://www.youtube.com/w / / 20
Sequence, 338
20. 1
R1 https://www.youtube.com/w
Synchroni zation, 3 4 / / 20
339 atch?v=EgRYDaL0KfI
21. 1
T1 https://www.youtube.com/w
Fail-Safe, 3 4 / / 20
341 atch?v=wIUsgTtld04
22. 1 https://www.youtube.com/w
R3 / / 20
Speed Control, 3 4 atch?v=9eSHOXfFaZM
23. 1 / / 20
Hydrostati c T1
10 4 https://www.youtube.com/w
transmissi on 349
/ / 20
24. Mechanica l 1
hydraulic servo T1 https://www.youtube.com/w
3 4
systems. 355 atch?v=5Ty7oMgdfOA
Total Hours 9 - -
25. 2 T1 3 5
468 https://www.youtube.com/w
Properties of air / / 20
26. 2 T1 10 5
Perfect Gas 470 https://www.youtube.com/w
/ / 20
Laws atch?v=bJluUxA7aaY
28. 1 https://www.bing.com/video
Regulator, ators+nptel&&view=detail
485- / / 20
Lubricator 3 5 &mid=07EBC7A16E393BE
29. 1 https://www.bing.com/video
Design of T1
=detail&mid=AA2098FD8E / / 20
Pneumatic circuit 523 3 5
30. 1
Cascade method 3 5 =detail&mid=83F374078C2 / / 20
Total Hours 9
31. 2 3 6 Fundamentals of Industrial
Shooting and
Oil Hydraulics and
Remedies in T2
Pneumatics by Prof. R.N. / / 20
Hydraulic and 100
Maiti,Department of
Mechanical Engineering,IIT
Fundamentals of Industrial
32. 2 10 6 Oil Hydraulics and
T2 Pneumatics by Prof. R.N.
Trouble / / 20
458 Maiti,Department of
Mechanical Engineering,IIT
33. Pneumatic 1 T2 3 6
/ / 20
systems 270 Proff.A.Roy chaudry ,IIT
Unifor Non-
m unifor Pumps
flow m flow Impact classi
of Jet ficati
Gradually classification
Rapidly varied
varied flow flow
Work done
29. Draw the graphical symbols of the following pumps i) Variable displacement U
ii) Bidirectional
30. How will you determine the loss of head due to friction in pipe by using Darcy R
31. Where are pneumatic systems preferred? A
32. How is the displacement varied in a vane pump? U
33. What is used to change the eccentricity in a variable displacement pump? R
34. Give the relation used to determine the volumetric displacement of the vane U
35. How would you calculate the theoretical flow rate of the vane pump? R
36. Why is the application of unbalanced vane pumps limited to operating R
pressures less than about 100 bars?
37. What is the range of a vane pump? U
38. At what speeds do vane pumps operate? R
39. Differentiate between unbalanced and balanced vane pumps U
40. Write the construction of a balanced vane pump U
41. Write on the operation of a balanced vane pump U
42. Illustrate a balanced vane pump U
43. Give two advantages of balanced vane pump over unbalanced vane pump. A
44. Differentiate between hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic motor? A
45. A circular and square pipe of equal sectional area is considered. For the same A
flow rate, determine which section will lead to a higher – value of Reynolds
46. Differentiate between single acting and double acting compressors. A
47. Differentiate between axial and radial piston pumps S
48. How is the displacement in an axial piston pump varied? S
49. What are the undesirable results when an oil viscosity is too high? A
50. What is the difference between pressure switch and temperature switch? U
51. What is overall efficiency of a pump? R
52. Write about the characteristic curve showing the relation between discharge U
pressure and rate of delivery of an external gear pump.
PART B (1*16=16)
1 A hydraulic motors has displacement of 150cm3 and operates with a 12 A
pressure of 120 bar and a speed of 2500rpm. The actual flow rate consumed
by the motor is 0.00781m3/sand the actual torque delivered by the motor is
250Nm. Find
a. Volumetric efficiency
b. Mechanical efficiency
c. Overall efficiency
d. Power delivered by the motor
ii) Name the common types of semi rotary actuators?
4 S
2 Explain the different types of hydraulic motors with neat diagram. 16 S
3 i)A motor has a displacement of 300cm and speed of 200rpm with a 12 A
pressure drop of 200bar. The volumetric efficiency is 90% and the
mechanical efficiency is 95% determine theoretical and actual a.discharge
torque power.
ii) What are the basic valve symbols? Describe.
4 R
ii) Explain with a neat sketch, the constructional details of a pilot check
valve. 8 R
10 In a meter in circuit a cylinder with 100mm bore diameter and 70mm 16 S
diameter is used to exert a forward thrust of 100KN, with a velocity of
Identify the circuit and write what would happen if the check valve was not
present in the above circuit?
29. What is the difference between a regular relief valve and an unloading valve? U
30. S
How would you modify the system as shown in fig if you wanted to unload
pump B instead of pump A?
31. Select a circuit where the speed of extension of cylinder is greater, but the A
speed of retraction is similar than that of a regular double acting cylinder.
32. Compare, point by point a regenerative reciprocation circuit with a A
conventional one.
33. What is loading and unloading of pump? R
34. Discuss the function of an unloading valve. S
35. The necessity of having a very expensive high-pressure, high-flow pump is A
eliminated for a punching operation. Justify
36. Identify the valves provided in the circuit for the punching application. A
Explain their purpose.
37. Choose a circuit to avoid wasting power idle periods. A
38. What are different types of control valves? R
39. Explain all parts of the symbol of the directional valve U
40. Describe meter – out circuit and where is it used. A
41. How does the solenoid get energized if the limit switch is made? U
42. Discuss the function of bleed off circuits. S
43. Illustrate the spool positions of 4/3 DC valves? A
44. What is a two way valve? R
45. List any four types of pressure control valves . S
46. Differentiate between pressure reducing valve and pressure relief valve giving S
graphical symbol.
47. Differentiate between pilot operated and direct operated pressure relief Valve. S
48. What is a combined flow control valve and check valve? R
49. What are the functions of reservoir? U
50. Define „pressure override‟ in pressure controls valves. R
51. Name various types of pressure control valves. R
52. Choose a circuit for accomplishing 2 identical tasks and how is it achieved? A
53. Distinguish between a pressure control valve and a pressure relief valve? U
5 Sketch the graphical symbol and Explain the construction and working 16 S
principle of FRL Unit with neat sketch
6 Explain the construction and working of following control components U
1)check valve 4
Assessment Methods
Record / Project Report
Unit Test Yes Online Assignment No No
/Technical Writing
Yes Quiz / Viva / Seminar No Project Review No
Assessment Test
Model Exam Yes Attendance No End Semester Examination Yes
CO 2 - 2 1
CO 3 3 3 3
CO 4 2 1 2
CO 5 2 - 2
CO 6 2 2 2
CO 7 - 2 -
3- Strong Correlation, 2 – Medium Correlation, 1- Weak Correlation
30 0 3
Types of automobiles, vehicle construction and different layouts, chassis, frame and body,
Vehicle aerodynamics (various resistances and moments involved), IC engines –components
functions and materials, variable valve timing (VVT).
Electronically controlled gasoline injection system for SI engines, electronically controlled
diesel injection system (Unit injector system, Rotary distributor type and common rail direct
injection system), Electronic ignition system (Transistorized coil ignition system, capacitive
discharge ignition system), Turbo chargers (WGT, VGT), Engine emission control by three way
catalytic converter system, Emission norms (Euro and BS).
Clutch-types and construction, gear boxes- manual and automatic, gear shift mechanisms, Over
drive, transfer box, fluid flywheel, torque converter, propeller shaft, slip joints, universal joints
S. No. Mode Videos
Topics to be e CO Date of
N of of modules
covered & No Coverage
o Periods Delivery /lectures
Page No.
Vehicle Dynamics by / /2020
Types of
1. 1 2 1 epartment of
T1 vol-I Engineering
15 Design,IIT Madras.
Vehicle Vehicle Dynamics by / /2020
construction Dr.R.Krishnakumar,D
2. and 1 2 1 epartment of
different T1 vol-I Engineering
layouts 17 Design,IIT Madras.
Vehicle Dynamics by / /2020
3. 1 T1 vol-I 1 1 Dr.R.Krishnakumar,D
12-27 epartment of
Breaking systems
Page 164 of 183
This unit deals with various types of automobile systems and their constructional layouts , chassis and their
frame structures. Aerodynamics factors considering on design and fabrication of the vehicle structures and
components of engines , materials used in automobile system.
1. Outline the properties of automobile system and state its various significance. (R)
2. Write a short note on automobile engineering with examples. (U)
3. Classify automobiles based on their concept of conceptual design and body structure. (R)
4. Give the typical specification of an automobile. (U)
5. List the various manufacturers of automobile products in India. (R)
6. A vehicle of front engine rear wheel drive moving at a speed of 60kmph and the design (A)
is based on curve shaped, mass of 2tonnes and list out forces acting on those running
7. Classify automobiles with respect to the drives of the vehicle. (U)
8. Enlist the types of loads acting on rear axle and explain any two in detail. When it is (A)
subjected to an speed of 120kmph.
9. How will you classify vehicles based on their drives and enumerate difference between (A)
left and right hand drives.
10.Define square engine? What is the special characteristic of square engine when (R)
compared with conventional engine?
11.Predictthe various prominent materials used for manufacturing of valves and valves (A)
seat inserts for an multi valve engines.
12.How would you classify an automobile on the basis of capacity, fuel used per mile, (A)
wheels, suspension system, drive, number of cylinders, etc.?
13.Why we prefer aerodynamics design for an automobiles, is it suitable for increase in (A)
efficiency of the vehicle and enumerate the process of design.
14.Enumerate the types of cross sectional frames used in automobiles. (R)
15.List out the various materials used in the construction of vehicle body. (R)
16.List the three basic forms of sub frame and how fameless construction is not suitable (R)
for high speed automobile engines.
17.Classify the automobiles based on capacity. (U)
18.Enumerate any two demerits of a mono-que body construction over conventional body (A)
19.List the Classification of Chasses name according to its control method and various (R)
materials used for construction of vehicle chassis.
20.Identify the defects that can appear in a chassis body and Sketch the Layout of front (A)
engine rear drive chassis.
21.Identify where are bumpers provided? Why? (A)
22.How is spring eye used in body frame? Justify. (S)
23.List the types of components that are mounted on the chassis frame. (R)
24.Write the advantages of four wheel drives over two wheel drive. (R)
1. Explain the types of Electronic ignition system and explain the electronically 16 (U)
5.(i) Explain the working principle, merits and demerits of a fuel cell with schematic 10
diagrams. 6 (U)
(ii) State the merits and demerits of hydrogen fuel?
6.Explain construction and working principle of Hybrid vehicle? Explain its 16
advantages and disadvantages.
7.(i) Define Electric vehicle? Compare the merits of a pure electric vehicle over 8 (R)
conventional automotive vehicle. 8 (R)
(ii) List out the advantages and disadvantages of using Alcohol as a fuel.
8.Explain about SAE. Mention the importance of SAE to the automobile domain. 16 (U)
9.(i) With the systematic layout, explain the working of series and parallel 8
configuration type hybrid cars. 8
(ii) Compare the performance and emission characteristics of a vehicle fuelled with
bio-ethanol with that of a neat gasoline fuelled vehicle.
10. (i) Describe various precautions necessary while storing and using auto fuels. 8
(ii) Explain the process of bio diesel. Discuss its merits and demerits compared 8
to ordinary diesel fuel.
Learning Objectives:
The main objective is to give an opportunity to the student to get hands on training
in the fabrication of one or more components of a complete working model, which
is designed by them.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of mini project the students will be able to:
CO1- design the machine element or the mechanical product.
CO2- demonstrate the working model of the machine element or the mechanical
CO3- Demonstrate through a systematic understanding of project contents
CO4- able to working model of the machine element or the mechanical product.
CO5- on Completion of the project work students will be in a position to take up any
challenging practical problems
CO6- on Completion of the project work can able to find solution by formulating proper
CO7- Understand methodologies and professional way of documentation and
Course Pre-requisite: NIL
Mode of Delivery:
1 Oral Presentation 6 Field Visit
2 Power Point Presentation 7 Hands on/ Demo
3 Glass Board 8 Videos/Animation
4 Seminar/Guest Lecture 9 Lab / Virtual Lab
5 Tutorial 10 Innovative Teaching Method
Assessment Methods: (Tick the methods used)
Unit Test Online Record / Project Report
Assignment /Technical Writing
Quiz / Viva / Project Review
Introduction to Soft Skills-- Hard skills & soft skills - employability and career Skills—
Grooming as a professional with values—Time Management—General awareness of
Current Affairs
Self-Introduction-organizing the material - Introducing oneself to the audience –
introducing the topic – answering questions – individual presentation practice––
presenting the visuals effectively –5 minute presentations
Introduction to Group Discussion— Participating in group discussions – understanding
group dynamics - brainstorming the topic -– questioning and clarifying –GD strategies-
activities to improve GD skills
Interview etiquette – dress code – body language – attending job interviews–
telephone/skype interview -one to one interview &panel interview – FAQs related to job
R1. Butterfield, Jeff Soft Skills for Everyone. Cengage Learning: New Delhi, 2015
R2. Interact English Lab Manual for Undergraduate Students,. OrientBalckSwan:
Hyderabad, 2016.
R3. E. Suresh Kumar et al. Communication for Professional Success. Orient Blackswan:
Hyderabad, 2015
R4. Raman, Meenakshi and Sangeeta Sharma. Professional Communication. Oxford
Press: Oxford, 2014
R5. S. Hariharanetal. Soft Skills. MJP Publishers: Chennai, 2010.
1. Employability skills
2. Hard/Soft Skills
3. Presentation Skills
4. Group Discussion
5. Interview Skills
6. Time/Stress/Team Management
SOFTWARE: Globarena Software