A MATLAB Approach For Developing Digital
A MATLAB Approach For Developing Digital
A MATLAB Approach For Developing Digital
Atefeh Vafaie1 Josep M. Soler2 Jordi Cama2 Iman R. Kivi1 Victor Vilarrasa3
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London
Exhibition Rd, South Kensington, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom. E-mail: [email protected]
Kivi E-mail: [email protected]
Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), CSIC
Jordi Girona, 18-26, 08034 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Soler E-mail: [email protected].
Cama E-mail: [email protected].
Global Change Research Group (GCRG), IMEDEA, CSIC-UIB
Miquel Marquès, 21, 07190 Esporles, Illes Balears, Spain. E-mail: [email protected]
Porosity is a key parameter controlling the physico-chemical behavior of porous rocks. Digital rock physics offers
a unique technique for imaging the inherently heterogeneous rock microstructure at fine spatial resolutions and its
computational reconstruction, through which a better understanding and prediction of the rock behavior can be
achieved. In this study, we propose a simple but accurate method to build a 3D porosity map of centimeter-scale
carbonate rock cores from X-ray Micro Computed Tomography (XMCT) imaging data. The method consists of
3 main steps: i) decomposition of 3D volumetric XMCT data into sub-volumes, ii) processing of equidistributed
2D cross-section images in each sub-volume and iii) 2D slice-by-slice calculation of porosity and its assembly
to reconstruct a 3D continuum porosity map over the whole core domain using a MATLAB code. The proposed
approach significantly conserves the required memory to manipulate large image datasets. The digitized porosity
representations are used to build 3D permeability maps of the cores by applying an explicit permeability-porosity
relationship. The permeability maps are used as input for numerical simulation of the rock response to the
percolation of reactive fluids through which the general validity of the approach is verified. The developed digital
rock model paves the way for an improved understanding of reactive transport in carbonate rocks.
KEYWORDS Computed tomography. Digital rock physics. Rock heterogeneity. Porosity reconstruction. Reactive transport modeling.
INTRODUCTION 2022; Taron and Elsworth, 2009). The rock behavior under
diverse loading conditions is controlled by its inherently
Understanding the rock response to Electrical, heterogeneous microstructure (Ju et al., 2014; Li and
Thermal, Hydraulic, Mechanical, and Chemical (ETHMC) Benson, 2015). Importantly, the density, distribution, and
loading paths is of paramount importance to a variety of shapes of the pores and grains largely control macroscopic
geoscience and engineering applications (Rutqvist et al., rock properties (Eberli et al., 2003; Wan and Xu, 2014).
Therefore, a thorough characterization of these properties Here we propose a simple yet computationally efficient
requires an accurate assessment of relevant microstructural and accurate MATLAB-based method to construct a 3D
features (Ju et al., 2014; Wan and Xu, 2014). To fulfill this representation of porosity distribution in heterogeneous
requirement, several imaging techniques, including but not carbonate rocks. The code is publicly accessible at https://
limited to, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Focused github.com/AVafaie/Porosity-reconstruction-from-CT.git and
Ion Beam (FIB), and X-ray Micro Computed Tomography http://hdl.handle.net/10261/284837. The proposed method
(XMCT) have been developed (Ju et al., 2014; Zhang et includes: i) decomposition of the 3D volumetric image
al., 2016). The XMCT technique, although with a relatively of the rock into equal-size sub-domains, ii) processing of
lower spatial resolution compared to SEM and FIB, provides individual, equidistributed 2D images and calculation of
invaluable 3D information on the rock microstructure (Ju et porosity along each sub-domain and iii) assembly of slice
al., 2014; Rabbani et al., 2016, 2019; Wan and Xu, 2014; porosity distribution and mapping onto a 3D continuum rock
Zhang et al., 2016). domain that is defined by arbitrary, user-defined grid sizes
and can be used directly in numerical codes. The proposed
Digital rock physics, i.e. imaging and computing, emerged decomposition of the rock domain and 2D slice-by-slice
in the 1990s as a powerful tool for visualizing the internal image processing significantly minimizes computational
structure of rocks and inferring effective rock properties costs, particularly, in terms of the required memory to
from 3D realizations of the rock microstructure (Fredrich et handle data, while maintaining accuracy. We also propose a
al., 1995; Spanne et al., 1994). Since then, this technology technique to account for sub-CT (Computed Tomography)
has been increasingly employed as a complementary resolution porosity distribution in the rock. As an example,
instrument to conventional core experiments not only we used the obtained porosity distribution of a limestone core
for the nondestructive characterization of geomaterials sample, i.e. Pont du Gard Limestone (Vafaie et al., 2023a)
but also for developing a deep understanding of relevant to build 3D permeability maps as inputs for CrunchFlow
physical processes, mainly involving fluid flow and rock (Steefel and Molins, 2016), an open-access continuum-scale
deformation (Andrä et al., 2013). The latter is achieved by Reactive Transport (RT) code. The proposed procedure can
numerically simulating physical processes in digital rocks, be applied to other problems that require the magnitude and
featuring a representative distribution of relevant properties, distribution of porosity over porous geomaterials.
and making quantitative comparisons with experimental
measurements (Jackson et al., 2018; Rabbani and Jamshidi,
2014). The simulations are commonly carried out at the METHODS
continuum scale, where the numerical grid cells are based on
the concept of Representative Elementary Volumes (REV) Image acquisition
comprising a large enough assembly of pores and grains
with equivalent properties (Hao et al., 2013; Jackson et al., The proposed method relies on discretizing the full core
2020; Smith et al., 2017). The size of the grids is assigned XMCT image into smaller sub-volumes along the axis of
primarily based on computational costs (in particular for the rock sample (z-direction). The discretization enables
3D models where the computational time and memory the parallelization of subsequent data processing on sub-
requirements may become exceedingly high for fine grid volumes, which significantly reduces the computational
cells) and constraints on the applicability of physical cost. To this end, the image dataset is opened using the
models. Accordingly, digital rock physics applies statistical open-access myVGL 2022.4 (data viewer from Volume
or homogenization approaches to derive representative Graphics Software, see www.volumegraphics.com), and
distribution maps of rock properties from microstructural the 3D volumetric image is discretized into an arbitrary
data. These techniques have been successfully used to number of rectangular cuboid layers (i.e. sub-volumes)
evaluate a variety of ETHMC properties of rocks (Durán et with the same size along the core axis. Equal-size 2D
al., 2019; Ettemeyer et al., 2020; Hao et al., 2013; Smith grayscale cross-section images in which every pixel has
et al., 2017; Vanorio and Mavko, 2011; Wu et al., 2020). an intensity value between 0 and 255 (0 for black and
Among them, porosity is a primary parameter that can 255 for white) are then exported out of each sub-volume
be derived from the analysis of XMCT data and is also a using an equal lengthwise interval. This means that each
key input variable to predict other physical rock properties sub-volume comprises a sequence of equal-size 2D cross-
(Eberli et al., 2003). section images separated from each other by a particular
distance. To avoid errors in porosity calculations associated
As digital rock physics gains momentum in geosciences and with small-scale heterogeneities along the core axis, this
engineering applications, the need for appropriate approaches distance should be ideally kept at the minimum value equal
to construct 3D image-based maps of rock properties to the voxel resolution. Excluding the non-rock portions at
becomes a priority. Such approaches are computationally the bottom and top sides of the images, the remaining cross-
demanding as they require analyzing large imaging datasets. section images are exported for each cuboid sub-volume.
Extracted images are first cropped to squares fitting the one hand, a simple approach is to set the threshold value
the circular core cross-sections. The images are then in a way the measured total porosity equals independent
segmented (binarized) by applying a global threshold reference measurements (e.g. from helium or mercury
(Otsu thresholding technique, Otsu, 1979; see Porosity porosimetry). Nevertheless, this method is well known to
distribution of a Pont Du Gard Limestone sample Section) result in over-segmentation and unrealistic representation
to differentiate the pore network from the solid matrix. The of the rock structure (Berg et al., 2018). On the other
output is a stack of 2D binary images (Fig.1). Accordingly, hand, the binarization scheme could be optimized through
pixels on the grayscale image having intensities smaller than the comparison of a dry scan (air-saturated) image with
the threshold value are generally characterized as pores and that of water-saturated rock, as this technique eliminates
converted to black pixels on binary images (elements with the need for knowing the CT number of the solid matrix,
value 0 in image matrices), while the remaining ones above which is principally unknown (Akin and Kovscek, 2003;
the threshold represent the solid rock matrix and converted Pini and Madonna, 2016). The CT number of a material
to white pixels on binary images (elements with value 1 (nCT Mat) is defined in the Hounsfield Unit (HU) (Withjack,
in image matrices). The dark air-filled pixels of the region 1988)
surrounding the core with resembling intensities to pores
turn to black pixels after segmentation. This region is then (1)
manually converted to solid material (white area) before
exporting images to serve as inputs for MATLAB code. where µMat is the linear X-ray beam attenuation
coefficient of the material and µRef is the coefficient of a
The choice of threshold values is however uncertain and reference material, i.e. usually water. Note that CT numbers
thus intrinsically prone to user perception. Appropriate are projected onto the grayscale level (0 for black and 255
criteria should be applied to calibrate segmentation. On for white) in CT images for illustration purposes.
Impor t 2D image sequenc e > Cropping & Segmentat io n >
Save binar y i mage sequence
Pixel frequency
2.5 mm
C 1.5 2
2.5 mm
FIGURE 1. A) A 2D XMCT grayscale cross-section image of the Pont Du Gard Limestone, B) flow diagram of adjusting segmentation threshold using
the ImageJ software and C) extracted 2D binary images.
B input
A CS=3
L = length
FIGURE 2. A) Photograph of the core of Pont Du Gard Limestone used in this study that comprises 1400×1400×2300voxels with a resolution of
20μm, B) Illustration of the Horizontal Segments (HS) along the core length, C) 2D binary Cross-Section (CS) images in one segment and D)
Magnified pixel-based illustration of a pore in a cross-section.
(not necessarily the same), respectively. Each element section pixels (i.e. the sum of Section_Domain elements).
within these matrices is either 0 or 1, referring respectively The number of pore (0) pixels is obtained by subtracting
to black (pores) and white pixels (solid part) (Fig. 3). The the sum of solid part (1) pixels in the IMG matrix from
obtained 3D array of binary images in this step is the basis the total number of pixels in each image. Subsequently, the
of the 3D porosity reconstruction algorithm. average XMCT porosity of each sub-volume (Porosity_
zgrid_total in the code) and the whole core (Porosity_total
Figure 4 illustrates the entire workflow of the proposed in the code) are derived by calculating the arithmetic mean
algorithm, which includes six steps: of the porosity of all images in domains of interest. Note
that the calculated porosity accounts for both connected
1. Locating the core cross-section in the image and isolated pores.
Given that 2D binary images are squared, a white 3. Modifying XMCT-based porosity (optional)
marginal area surrounds the circular core cross-section of
the core. Image processing starts with diagnosing the image The average dry XMCT porosity calculated in the
pixels located on the core (named Section_Domain matrix previous step may be considerably smaller than the
in the code) from those pixels belonging to the marginal core effective porosity (Por_Eff in the code) measured
area. Assuming that the core cross-section is perfectly by other methods. This difference is due to the XMCT
circular, the image pixels with a (X, Y) coordinate belong resolution that limits the diagnosis of relatively small
to the rock only if (X-X0)2+(Y-Y0)2≤ r2, where (X0,Y0) and pores (Mayo et al., 2015; Ramandi et al., 2016). To use
r are the coordinates of the center and radius of the core, the 3D porosity maps in ETHMC numerical simulations,
respectively. The rock pixels are set to 1 in the Section_ the effective porosity distribution should be first adopted.
Domain matrix while the pixels of the white marginal area One should notice that such effective porosity maps
are set to 0. accounting for sub-resolution porosity can be directly
obtained by processing XMCT images of the rock
2. Calculating the average XMCT porosity of the core saturated with a high salinity brine referred to as doped
specimen fluid (Lin et al., 2016). The high CT contrast of the fluid
with the background mineral(s) enables resolving the
The porosity of 2D cross-section images (named effect of tiny pores on the average porosity of the rock.
Porosity_slice_total in the code) is calculated by dividing the However, this requires integrating a flow-through setup
number of pore pixels by the total number of the core cross- into a XMCT system, which is not frequently available
1 2 3 ⋯ ⋯ Cell_X_No 1 ⋯ Cell_X_No
1 1 1 1 1 ⋯ 1 1 1 1
2 ⋯ ⋯
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
⋮ 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
⋱ ⋰
1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮
1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
⋮ 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
⋯ ⋯
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
⋯ ⋯
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
FIGURE 3. A) Illustration of a discretized 2D binary image in X and Y directions and B) the corresponding (0, 1) matrix representation of the image
with the size of Pixel_No×Pixel_No.
as it is the case in this study. Thus, we here take into in the code) with the size of Cell_Y_No × Cell_X_No is
account sub-resolution porosity by adding the difference created for each cross-section image (Fig. 3). Each cell in
between the effective porosity and the average XMCT the Cell_Phi matrix is correlated with a number of pixels in
porosity, i.e. Porosity_Eff - Porosity_total, to the porosity the IMG matrix based on the relative size and coordinates
of each cross-section image. Accordingly, the equivalent of pixels in cells.
number of additional pore elements (Delta_Pixel in the
code) is randomly distributed on the solid portion of 5. Calculating the porosity of grid cells
the core cross-section in 2D binary images. The solid
portion of the core cross-sections is identified by dot The porosity of each grid cell is calculated using the
multiplying (element by element multiplication) IMG same logic as in step 2, i.e. by counting the number of the
and Section_Domain matrices, which returns a matrix of pore (0) elements and dividing it by the total number of
the same dimension with elements equal to 1 denoting elements occupying each cell. It is worth noting that the
the solid portion of the rock. zero-porosity grid cells (white marginal area) surrounding
the core form a non-reactive, impervious zone in our RT
4. Correlating pixel and grid cell domains simulations and help to impose appropriate boundary
conditions. However, these elements are excluded for
Regardless of the implementation of the porosity illustration purposes.
modification step, the workflow continues with correlating
the pixel domain with the grid cell domain to construct 6. Visualizing and exporting the 3D porosity map
the grid-based porosity map across the core as these two
domains have different dimensions. A matrix (Cell_Phi Following the calculation of porosity in grid cells of
each sub-volume, an output 2D array (Porosity_2D in the
code) is defined to store (X, Y) coordinates of the centers of
the cells and their corresponding porosities. These matrices
are then used to plot grid-based porosity distribution maps
in each segment. The higher the Cell_Y_No and Cell_X_
No, the more precise the porosity representation map. The
compilation of porosity distribution matrices for 2D cross-
sections (Porosity_2D in the code) is used to construct the
3D porosity map of the core. Several options are provided
to create different 2D and 3D porosity maps. 3D arrays of
all initial and adjusted binary images, porosity distribution
on the grid domain, and grid information are exported for
further analyses.
As for the segmentation, the Otsu thresholding which the pore and the air-filled surrounding region pixels
technique (Otsu, 1979) returns reliable realizations of the are black and solid matrix pixels are white (Fig. 5B). The
rock structure. This technique selects appropriate thresholds black surrounding region is then manually converted to
from gray-level histograms by minimizing the intra-class white (solid matrix) before exporting binarized images (not
intensity variance or equivalently by maximizing the inter- shown in Fig. 5) to be used in MATLAB code as explained
class intensity variance (σ2) as in the image acquisition section.
FIGURE 5. Pont du Gard Limestone core: A) 8-bit gray-level cross-section image from the XMCT data, B) corresponding binary image with a size of
1.49MB and C) the segmentation procedure based on the Otsu method.
20 × 20 40 × 40
2.5 mm
FIGURE 7. 2D illustrations of: A) a raw binary cross-section image, B) a reconstructed grid-based porosity map with a size of 20×20 cells and C) a
reconstructed grid-based porosity map with a size of 40×40 cells. Similar plots D, E and F) provided for the cross-section after adjusting the XMCT
porosity to effective porosity from bulk porosimetry.
a cylinder and the more accurate the calculated mean grid in porous rock media (Steefel et al., 2015). It should be
porosity. noted that our numerical grid size (1.25×1.25×2.2mm3) is
much larger than the largest pore throat size measured by
Code performance the MICP test to be ≈100µm (Vafaie et al., 2023a). Thus,
numerical cells well represent the average properties of the
The described image processing steps were implemented involved microstructural features and allow considering
in MATLAB version 2010b and run on a quad-core Intel their effect on flow, transport, and reaction processes, a gap
Core i7-4790 (up to 3.6GHz) with a maximum of 8GB in conventional simulation workflows (Hao et al., 2013;
RAM. The total runtime was 211s, divided by 57.7s for Smith et al., 2017; Wenck et al., 2021). CrunchFlow uses
importing and calculating porosity for all images, 130.2s a single-column format .txt file for initial rock properties
for adjusting the calculated porosity to the effective porosity in each direction (3 files in 3D problems). The input files
obtained from mercury porosimetry, 6.4s for building consist of one value per line, specifying a rock property
porosity maps on the grid cell domain of 20×20 size, and (e.g. porosity, permeability) in one single grid cell (see
16.8s for calculating permeability maps (as described in Steefel and Molins, 2016, for a detailed explanation of the
the application to reactive transport modeling section) and file formats).
exporting data for further analyses. MATLAB used a total
memory of less than 750MB to perform all calculations. We use the 3D grid-based porosity map to build the
The code can be further optimized to conserve more single-column-format permeability files (PermX, PermY,
memory and make processing larger datasets affordable and PermZ in the code) for the studied limestone core. The
with low-power computational resources. initial permeability of each grid cell from the corresponding
porosity was calculated using the Kozeny-Carman cubic
law, which is expressed as
In this section, we discuss the application of the
developed digital rock model to reactive transport modeling
of an experiment, in which an acidic solution (CO2-saturated where ki and ϕi are the initial permeability and porosity
water) percolated through a Pont du Gard Limestone core. of the grid cell i in the core domain, and keff and ϕeff are the
The experimental results were reproduced by 3D Darcy- effective porosity and permeability of the core, respectively,
scale reactive transport modeling using the CrunchFlow measured by appropriate laboratory techniques and
code (Dávila et al., 2021; Steefel and Molins, 2016; Steefel supplied as input values to the code (Fig. 4). It should be
et al., 2015). This code can consider the spatial distribution noted that the Kozeny-Carman relationship is supposed to
of porous rock properties (i.e. porosity, permeability work well for intact rocks when strong modifications in the
and tortuosity) when solving fluid flow, solute transport porosity and pore structure do not occur. To demonstrate
and multicomponent equilibrium and kinetic reactions the validity of this relationship for our rock sample, we
FIGURE 8. Heterogeneous distribution of porosity over the examined core: A) histogram showing the grid-based distribution of total porosity obtained
from image processing and B) 3D porosity map with the size of 20×20×20 grid cells for Pont Du Gard Limestone core.
have used the generated permeability map to reproduce to calculate the evolution of permeability with porosity
the initial bulk permeability of the core. Interestingly, the changes (Hommel et al., 2018)
higher or lower n values cause deviations of the estimated
bulk permeability from the experimentally measured value. (4)
Indeed, using the same keff (measured experimentally for
the bulk rock permeability), but different n exponents in
the porosity-permeability relationship (Eq. 3) generates where ϕ and k are porosity and permeability for each
different realizations of the initial permeability distribution grid cell, respectively, and ϕi and ki are initial porosity
and the numerically calculated bulk flow across the rock. and permeability values, respectively. Note that the
initial rock heterogeneity is exclusively considered in the
The extracted permeability maps in the CrunchFlow permeability map. Thus, ϕi is constant and equals the
code were used to assess the influence of rock heterogeneity effective rock porosity in all cells. The exponent n is an
on the reactive flow of CO2-saturated water in the limestone empirical parameter against which the model is calibrated
core during a percolation experiment (see Vafaie et al., to reproduce the structure of the formed wormhole.
2023a for detailed information). In this experiment, the
CO2-saturated water with a pH of ≈3.13 ([CO2 (aq)]= By setting n=15 (Eq. 4), simulations satisfactorily
1.03mol/kg_H2O) was injected into the core for 28 days at reproduce the composition of the solution at the outlet
a constant flow rate of 0.15mL/min and a constant pressure of the rock core (not shown here) and both the porosity
and temperature (100bar and 60°C, Vafaie et al., 2023a). enhancement in the reacted limestone and the structure and
XMCT observations after injection revealed a significant orientation of the created wormhole (Fig. 9C). The large
increase in bulk rock porosity (∆ϕ ≈ 13.8%) due to calcite n value, which increases the sensitivity of permeability
dissolution (Fig. 9A, B), leading to wormhole formation in to porosity changes, is necessary to reproduce the strong
response to the initial heterogeneity of the rock (Vafaie et feedback between flow and mineral dissolution resulting
al., 2023a, b). in fluid channeling and wormhole creation. The obtained
exponent value is consistent with reported values for
In the numerical simulation, the initial and boundary carbonate rocks used to simulate the injection of acidic
conditions in numerical simulations are considered identical fluids into these rocks (Hao et al., 2019; Hao et al., 2013;
to those of the experiment: i) no-flow lateral boundaries, ii) Smith et al., 2017; Voltolini and Ajo-Franklin, 2019).
constant pressure at the outlet and iii) constant flow rate at
the inlet under constant temperature conditions during the Figure 10 shows histograms of permeability distribution
experiment. Rate laws and reaction rate constants (inputs across the core sample before and after the percolation
for simulations) are those given by Dávila et al. (2015). experiment. It is observed that upon interaction with CO2-
A power-law porosity-permeability relationship, similar saturated water, permeability largely increases (by orders
format to the Kozeny-Carman cubic law (Eq. 3), is used of magnitudes) corresponding to the large n value of 15 in
XMCT Simulation
FIGURE 9. Dissolution pattern in the Pont du Gard Limestone core after percolation with CO2-saturated water: A) grayscale XMCT cross-section of the
reacted core representing pore space distribution (black areas) featuring a wormhole structure, B) porosity map of the same cross-section, and C)
RT simulation of the porosity distribution in the same cross-section capturing wormhole formation.
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