8 Winscp
8 Winscp
8 Winscp
From the list choose the most up-to-date release available. At the time of writing this is WinSCP
4.0.6. Click on the Installation Package to download the software.
The Licence Agreement appears confirming that the software is Free and Open Source.
Click on the Next button.
The Setup type screen now opens. Click on the Next button to continue if you are
happy to accept the default options. Alternatively you may customize the installation.
Next select the Initial User Settings screen opens. Choose the Norton Commander
Interface if it is not already selected. Click on the Next button to continue.
Finally the Ready to Install screen shows which components you have chosen to
install and where this will be put on your machine. If you want to adjust anything click on
the Back button to make changes. If you are happy with your choices press the Next
Once installation is complete you will see the competion screen.
If you do not want to start the program on exiting setup, uncheck the Launch WinSCP tick
Using WinSCP Client
Initial Setup Pg 6
Accessing Your Web Space Pg 9
Initial Setup
Once the installation of the program is complete you can open the program and begin to use it.
To open the program either click on the program icon on your desktop or find the program in
your file programs list ([Start] > [All Programs] > [WinSCP] > [WinSCP]). The interface is
similar to older FTP or File Transfer Protocol Clients.
To avoid problems where cached (saved) information gets out of date, you should configure the
cache settings (you should only have to do this once).
To avoid Permission Errors in WinSCP also select Preferences from the options on the left hand
Click the Preferences tab and on the next window select Transfer and make sure your settings
are: Transfer Mode = Automatic, transfer following files in text mode = *.*html; *.htm; *.txt;
*.php; *.php3; *.cgi, etc; Filename modification = No change and Replace special characters;
Upload options = Clear Archive attribute; Common options = Calculate total size, speed =
Unlimited; Other = exclude mask, then select save.
Accessing your web space
To access your users' Web space (filestore) you first need to make a secure connection to your
Home Folder by follow the procedure outlined below:
The left-hand panel shows your local files (on your own computer), the right-hand panel
shows the contents of your home folder on the GNU/Linux server. The .bash_history,
.bash_logout, etc. files are normal and should not be removed.
To quit the program press <F10> or press the F10 Quit button near the bottom of the
An alert box will appear asking you to confirm termination of your connection and to
close the program. Click OK to exit the program.