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Drafting Pleading and Conveyancing Notes 3

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Page 91
YT Channel – YES Academy for CS In Karma, I Believe.... Marathon Notes
These are the agreements which we generally come across while surfing internet such as “I
AGREE” to the terms or “I DISAGREE” to the above conditions. A click-wrap agreement is
mostly found as part of the installation process of software packages. It is also called a “click
through” agreement or click-wrap license.

Shrink Wrap Agreements:

Shrink wrap contracts are license agreements or other terms and conditions which can only be
read and accepted by the consumer after opening the product like CD ROM of software. The
terms and conditions are printed on the cover of CD ROM.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI):

These contracts used in trade transactions which enables the transfer of data from one
computer to another in such a way that each transaction in the trading cycle can be processed
with virtually no paperwork. Here unlike the other two there is exchange of information and
completion of contracts between two computers and not an individual and a computer.


The process of eviction of tenants is generally difficult. The law is tilted in favour of the tenant
for various purposes.

Generally it is being witnessed that a person having a vacant apartment will never rent it out
fearing what if the tenant decides not to vacate and makes the apartment his
own. That is why tenancy has been put on the backburner and Leave and License is now the
most popular option.

The word “leave” has many meanings. In Leave and License Agreements, it is used to indicate
“permission”. The occupancy is in essence a permission granted by the landlord or owner to
use and occupy the property concerned.


“License” under Section 52 of the Indian Easement Act, 1882 is a grant by one person to
another or to a definite number of persons, a right to do, or continue to do, in or upon the
immovable property of the grantor, something which would, in the absence of such right, be

CS Vikas Vohra (8888 078 078) YES Academy for CS, Pune (8888 235 235)

Downloaded by MUSKAN SARAOGI ([email protected])


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YT Channel – YES Academy for CS In Karma, I Believe.... Marathon Notes
unlawful, and such right does not amount to an easement or an interest in the property, the
right is called a license.

A lease of immovable property as per Section 105 of the Transfer of Property Act is a transfer
of a right to enjoy such property. It may be for a specified period, express or implied. The price
or payment of money is usually referred to as the “rent”.

In a Leave and License Agreement, the juridical possession of the premises is deemed to
remain with the licensor and the licensee is said to be in constructive possession of the said
premises. Thus, a leave and License does not create any interest in the premises in favour of
the licensee but gives the licensee the mere right to use and occupy the premises for a
temporary period.

A Rental Agreement between the landlord and tenant sets down the terms which will be
followed while the tenant lives in the rental unit. Month-to-Month Agreement is commonly
called a “Rental Agreement”. This agreement is for an indefinite period of time, with rent
usually payable on a monthly basis.

In a number of judgements various High Courts as well as the Apex Court have distinguished
the lease and the licnese. In Khalil Ahmed Bashir Ahmed v. Tufelhussein Samasbhai
Sarangpurwala, the Supreme Court has held:
“In order to determine whether a document created a license or a lease the real test is to
ascertain the intention of the parties i.e. whether they intended to create a license or a lease. If
the document creates an interest in the property entitling the transferee to enjoyment, then it
is a lease; but if it only permits another to make use of the property without exclusive
possession, then it is a license.


This Agreement of Leave and License executed on 8th December 2014 at Pune :


CS Vikas Vohra (8888 078 078) YES Academy for CS, Pune (8888 235 235)

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YT Channel – YES Academy for CS In Karma, I Believe.... Marathon Notes
A. [Hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor” or “Transferor” and unless the text
otherwise expresses, shall include all its legal heirs, representatives, successors,
administrators etc.

B. [Hereinafter referred to as the “Licensee” or “Transferee” and unless the text

otherwise expresses, shall include all its legal heirs, representatives, successors,
administrators etc.]

WHEREAS ‘A’ age 50 years, son of Mr. K is a resident of 2/55, Tulsidas Apartments, 4
Moledina Road, Pune – 411 001.

AND WHEREAS ‘B’ age 45 years, son of Mr. : is a resident of 4, Pearl Apts., Kalyaninagar, Pune
– 411 004.

AND WHEREAS ‘A’ is desirous of letting his property on rent on Leave and License basis,
which is situated at Boat Club Road, more particularly described in the Schedule to the
agreement and accordingly gave an advertisement in the newspaper.

AND WHEREAS ‘B’ referring to the advertisement expressed his interest in taking the said
property upon the following terms and conditions under mentioned.


1. Description of the Property
That the subject property is situated at 2/55, Chanakya Apts.,Boat Club Road, details of
which are particularly mentioned under Schedule to this agreement.

2. Consideration
That the said property be transferred by the licensor to the licensee on a monthly rental of
Rs. 30,000 (Rupees thirty Thousand only).

CS Vikas Vohra (8888 078 078) YES Academy for CS, Pune (8888 235 235)

Downloaded by MUSKAN SARAOGI ([email protected])


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YT Channel – YES Academy for CS In Karma, I Believe.... Marathon Notes
That the licensee agrees to pay an unsecured interest free deposit of Rs. 3,00,000 (Rupees
Three Lakhs only) as a security on refundable basis which shall be repaid within 7 days from
the Termination of this agreement.

That the said security deposit shall not bear any interest during the tenure of the

That the said rent shall be paid in advance by way of cheque within 10 days from the
beginning of the month.

3. Tenure
That the said agreement shall be effective for a period of 11 months from the date of this
agreement. The said agreement may be renewed for a further period of 11 months upon
the mutual consent of both the parties.

4. Possession of the Property

That the licensor agrees to pass a clean and clear title over the said property to the
licensee and further affirms that no prior right and interest over the said property has been
created by him. It is understood between both the parties that it is just the constructive
possession which is given to the licencee, legal possession continues to be with the licencor

5. Terms and Conditions

That the Licensee agrees not to make any material alterations in the said property without
obtaining prior permission of the licensor.

That all the society rules and regulations shall be strictly abided by the licensee.

That the said property shall be used for residential purposes only.

6. Costs and Charges

That the licensor agrees to pay the Municipal Taxes over the said property. All other
maintenances charges and taxes shall be borne by the licensee. The cost of this agreement
shall be equally borne by both the parties.

CS Vikas Vohra (8888 078 078) YES Academy for CS, Pune (8888 235 235)

Downloaded by MUSKAN SARAOGI ([email protected])


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YT Channel – YES Academy for CS In Karma, I Believe.... Marathon Notes

7. Sub-Lease of the Property

That the licensee in not allowed to sublet the said property to any other person without
obtaining prior permission of the licensor.

8. Termination
That either parties to the agreement shall have the right to terminate the said agreement
by giving a 60 days notice in writing to the other party.

9. Default
That in case if any of the clauses of this agreement is breached by the Licensee, the shall be
liable to pay a sum of Rs. 5,00,000 (Rupees Five Lakhs) to the licensor as a penalty and
accordingly the agreement shall also stand terminated with immediate effect.

10. Dispute
That in case of any dispute or disengagement between the parties over any terms of this
agreement, the said matter shall be referred to an Arbitrator as appointed under
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The said arbitrator shall be appointed mutually by
both the parties to the agreement.


The property is rightfully situated at Survey no. 912, plot No. 81, Lane No. 7, Plot measuring
1500 sq.ft. (Built up area) and is surrounded by the following properties as :
Towards North : Mr. D
Towards South : Subway
Towards East : Dominos
Towards West : Fasoos


ADDRESS Signature of Licensor

CS Vikas Vohra (8888 078 078) YES Academy for CS, Pune (8888 235 235)

Downloaded by MUSKAN SARAOGI ([email protected])


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YT Channel – YES Academy for CS In Karma, I Believe.... Marathon Notes
Address Signature of Licensee

Witnesses :
1) Name : ___________________
Address : ___________________
Sign. : ___________________

2) Name : ___________________
Address : ___________________
Sign. : ___________________


Collaboration refers to cooperation between a party within India and a party abroad. The
agreements drawn and executed between such collaborating parties are known as “foreign
collaboration agreements. Such agreements are drawn for exchange of technical know-how,
technical designs and drawings; training of technical personnel; continuous provision of
technical, administrative and/or managerial services.


This Agreement of Joint Venture executed on 31st October, 2015 at Pune.


MARUTI LTD. (Hereinafter referred to as the “Indian Company” or “Party of the First Part”
and unless the text otherwise expresses, shall include all its administrators, representatives,
liquidators etc)


SUZUKI LTD. (Hereinafter referred to as the “Foreign Company” or “Party of the Second
Part” and unless the text otherwise expresses, shall include all its administrators,
representatives, liquidators etc)

CS Vikas Vohra (8888 078 078) YES Academy for CS, Pune (8888 235 235)

Downloaded by MUSKAN SARAOGI ([email protected])

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