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WR 2023 Rulebook Final Version

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Cover Illustration by Sigrid Skov Asmussen

CONTENTS TYPES OF UNITS .................................................. 14

PREFACE: WHY DID I WRITE THIS? ................. 8 Regiments ........................................................... 14

Size of regiments ................................................. 14

Forever young ....................................................... 8
Units that are not regiments ................................ 14
The decay ............................................................. 8
CHARACTERISTICS .............................................. 14
A new beginning ................................................... 9
Movement Allowance .......................................... 14
What I aspired to achieve...................................... 9
Weapon Skill ....................................................... 15
The Old World returns ......................................... 10
Ballistic Skill......................................................... 15
The evolution of the Renaissance ....................... 10
Strength and Toughness ..................................... 15
Dedication ........................................................... 10
Wounds ............................................................... 15
CHAPTER 1: BASIC CONCEPTS ...................... 11
Initiative ............................................................... 15

A MINIATURE WARGAME......................................11 Attacks................................................................. 15

DICE ........................................................................11 Leadership........................................................... 15

Artillery dice ........................................................ 11 Characteristic tests .............................................. 15

Modifiers and fixed rolls ...................................... 12 CONVENTIONS OF PLAY...................................... 16

To hit rolls ........................................................... 12 CONFLICTING RULES ........................................... 17

Re-rolls................................................................ 12 START OF TURN PROCEDURES ......................... 17

BASES.....................................................................12 CHAPTER 2: THE MOVEMENT PHASE ...........18

MEASUREMENT .....................................................12
½” APART ............................................................... 18
CONCEPTS .............................................................12
MOVEMENT IN BRIEF ........................................... 18
Units vs. regiments.............................................. 12
DECLARE CHARGES ............................................ 18
Achieving rank bonus .......................................... 12
Flank charges ...................................................... 19
The boundary rectangle ...................................... 12
CHARGE REACTIONS ........................................... 19
Command groups................................................ 13
Hold ..................................................................... 19
Entering and leaving melee combat .................... 13
Flee ..................................................................... 19
Line of sight ......................................................... 13
Stand and shoot .................................................. 19

RALLY FLEEING TROOPS .....................................20 HITTING THE TARGET .......................................... 28

COMPULSORY MOVES .........................................20 HITTING MOUNTED CHARACTERS ..................... 29

MOVE CHARGES ...................................................20 SHOOTING INTO MELEE ...................................... 29

COMMENTS ON ALIGNING UNITS INTO COMBAT BREATH ATTACKS ................................................ 29

TEMPLATES........................................................... 29
GENERAL MOVEMENT RULES .............................22
CASUALTIES AND PANIC TEST ........................... 30
Troops with different movement allowance ......... 22
SEQUENCE SUMMARY......................................... 30
Marching ............................................................. 22
CHAPTER 3½: WAR MACHINES ......................30
March blocking .................................................... 22

Wheeling ............................................................. 22 Moving war machines .......................................... 30

Shooting at war machines ................................... 30

MUSICIANS AND MANOEUVRES ..........................23

Pivot on the spot ................................................. 23 War machines in melee combat .......................... 31

Move backwards or sideways ............................. 23 Aiming with war machines ................................... 31

BOLT THROWERS ................................................. 31

Turn to face another direction ............................. 23

Add or deduct ranks ............................................ 23 CANNONS .............................................................. 31

Complete reform ................................................. 23 STONE THROWERS .............................................. 32

Snaking ............................................................... 24 CHAPTER 4: THE MELEE PHASE ....................33

TERRAIN RULES ....................................................24

WHICH MODELS FIGHT? ...................................... 33
Impassable terrain............................................... 24
FIGHTING IN SEVERAL RANKS ........................... 33
Difficult terrain ..................................................... 24
HITTING AND WOUNDING .................................... 33
Woods ................................................................. 24
SAVING THROWS ................................................. 34
Water .................................................................. 24
Armour saves ...................................................... 34
Obstacles ............................................................ 24
Unmodified saves ................................................ 34
Hills ..................................................................... 25
MULTIPLE WOUNDS ............................................. 36
SKIRMISHERS ........................................................25
WEAPONS AND ARMOUR .................................... 36
FAST CAVALRY ......................................................26
MELEE WEAPONS ................................................ 36
DISMOUNTING .......................................................26
Hand weapons .................................................... 36
SEQUENCE SUMMARY .........................................26
Additional hand weapon ...................................... 36

CHAPTER 3: THE SHOOTING PHASE ............. 27 Flail ...................................................................... 36

Double handed weapon....................................... 36

WHO CAN SHOOT?................................................27
Halberd ................................................................ 36
LINE OF SIGHT .......................................................27

RANGE ....................................................................27 Lance................................................................... 36

Spear ................................................................... 36
MISSILE WEAPONS ...............................................28

Pike ..................................................................... 37 STUPIDITY ............................................................. 43

Pistol ................................................................... 37 FLEEING................................................................. 43

ARMOUR.................................................................37 Fleeing from melee combat ................................. 43

Light armour ........................................................ 37 Fleeing from a charge ......................................... 43

Heavy armour ..................................................... 37 Fleeing from multiple charges ............................. 43

Shield .................................................................. 37 Unengaged units fleeing ...................................... 43

Being mounted on a steed with 1W on its profile 37 Several sources of panic ..................................... 43

Barding for steed ................................................. 37 Fleeing units fleeing again ................................... 44

REMOVE CASUALTIES ..........................................37 Distance of flee move .......................................... 44

The “step-up” rule................................................ 37 Fleeing off the table ............................................. 44

Separated models ............................................... 37 CHAPTER 6: CHARACTERS .............................45

COMBAT RESOLUTION .........................................38
TYPES OF CHARACTERS..................................... 45
FLEE AND PURSUIT ..............................................38
Regimental champions ........................................ 45
Restrain pursuit ................................................... 38
Independent characters ....................................... 45
Fleeing units caught are destroyed ..................... 38
Awkward pursuits ................................................ 39
Compatibility and incongruity of base sizes ......... 46
Pursuing into enemy troops ................................ 39
Characters charging out of regiments ................. 46
Moving into friendly troops and terrain ................ 39
Regiments lending protection to characters ........ 46
Overrun moves ................................................... 39
Characters and regiment psychology .................. 46
Pursuit off the table ............................................. 39
Unable to rally ..................................................... 47
ALIGNING REMAINING UNITS .............................. 39
CHALLENGES ........................................................ 47
SEQUENCE SUMMARY .........................................40
MAGIC ITEMS ........................................................ 47
CHAPTER 5: PSYCHOLOGY ............................ 41
Personal re-rolls .................................................. 48

OUTNUMBERING ...................................................41 THE GENERAL AND THE BATTLE STANDARD ... 48

PANIC......................................................................41 CHAPTER 7: CHARIOTS, MONSTERS &

FRENZY ..................................................................41 FLYING ...............................................................49

HATRED ..................................................................42 CHARIOTS ............................................................. 49

FEAR .......................................................................42 Moving chariots ................................................... 49

TERROR .................................................................42 Shooting from chariots......................................... 49

IMMUNE TO PSYCHOLOGY ..................................42 Impact hits from chariots ..................................... 50

RESOLUTE .............................................................42 Chariots as mounts for characters ....................... 50

STUBBORN .............................................................43 MONSTERS............................................................ 50

UNBREAKABLE ......................................................43 Monsters carrying a howdah ............................... 50

Monsters as mounts for characters ..................... 50 DARK MAGIC SPECIAL RULES ............................ 60

AERIAL COMBAT ...................................................52 HIGH MAGIC SPECIAL RULES ............................. 60

Flying high........................................................... 52 DWARFS AND MAGIC ........................................... 61

Driven off............................................................. 52 SPELL COMMENTARIES....................................... 61

CHAPTER 8: BUILDINGS .................................. 53 Shooting spells .................................................... 61

Spells and saves ................................................. 61

Entering a building .............................................. 53
Travelling templates ............................................ 61
Shooting at buildings ........................................... 53
Remain in play spells .......................................... 61
Fighting in buildings ............................................ 54
Split units ............................................................. 61
Monsters attacking buildings ............................... 54
Wizards raised into the air ................................... 61
CHAPTER 9: THE MAGIC PHASE .................... 55
Must flee but cannot move .................................. 61

SPELL CARDS ........................................................55 Melee combat casualties ..................................... 62

THE WINDS OF MAGIC ..........................................55 Summoned/raised units ....................................... 62

LORE OF MAGIC ....................................................55 Regiments taking characteristic tests .................. 62

Army Lore ..................................................... 56 CHANGED SPELLS ............................................... 62

SELECTING SPELLS ..............................................56 TELEPORTATION SPELLS.................................... 62

TARGETING AND LINE OF SIGHT ........................56 IS MAGIC TOO POWERFUL? ................................ 62

THE MAGIC PHASE................................................57 AN EXAMPLE OF THE MAGIC PHASE ................. 63

Dispelling “remain in play” spells ......................... 57 SEQUENCE SUMMARY......................................... 64

Casting and dispelling ......................................... 57 CHAPTER 10: PREPARING FOR BATTLE .......65
When are natural dispels triggered? ................... 58
CREATING THE ARMY .......................................... 65
Measuring range of spells ................................... 58
Limits and restrictions for army building .............. 65
Bound spells ....................................................... 58
Characters and magic items ................................ 66
Wizards unable to cast spells .............................. 58
Special characters ............................................... 66
THE WINDS OF MAGIC CARDS ............................59
BATTLEFIELD AND OBJECTIVE ........................... 66
Drain magic ......................................................... 59
1: Dominate the Field .......................................... 67
Total power ......................................................... 59
2: Raid Enemy Camp .......................................... 67
Destroy spell ....................................................... 59
3: Take the Field.................................................. 67
Rebound ............................................................. 59
4: Take the Centre ............................................... 67
Mental duel ......................................................... 59
5: Take the Hill .................................................... 67
Escape ................................................................ 59
6: Take the Tower ............................................... 67
RETAINING CARDS................................................60
7: Take the Village ............................................... 67
WAAAGH MAGIC SPECIAL RULES .......................60
8: Take the Relic ................................................. 67

9: Take the Bridge ............................................... 68 SPECIAL DEPLOYMENT RULES .......................... 69

10: Two Objectives.............................................. 68 Ambush ............................................................... 69

CHOOSE SIDES AND MAKE DEPLOYMENT ........68 Scouts ................................................................. 69

VARIATION IN DEPLOYMENT ............................... 68 Vanguard ............................................................. 69

Broad Deployment .............................................. 68 THE 6th TURN ......................................................... 69

Displaced deployment ......................................... 69 WINNING CONDITIONS......................................... 70

Oblique line deployment...................................... 69


Forever young The decay

A few years ago, I took the decision to re-experience my 2010 was coincidentally the year I gave up the hobby.
youth. In other words, I decided to play Warhammer The arrival of child number two simply put an end to just
Fantasy Battle again. about everything except working and parenting.
However, the year 2010 also saw the publication of the
Back in the day – it was the early 1990s – I started
8th edition of the game. An edition that initiated what I
playing Warhammer Fantasy Battle, the brand-new 4th
perceive as the decay of Warhammer Fantasy Battle.
edition, produced by Games Workshop. A game of two
fantasy miniature armies warring on a tabletop In this last edition of the game, the rules tended toward
battlefield. It was a great game because it was not an the abstract. Objects on the battlefield were no longer
abstract game, but a detailed simulation that gave you realistic representations, but merely symbols. You could
the feeling that this was real. Warhammer was more than see and shoot through a wood for example (and five out
a game; it was the unfolding of a story. of six woods were magic woods that would try to eat you
if you entered them). The element of guessing ranges
Warhammer Fantasy Battle became an unexpected
was left out (darn, I had finally become good at it). Every
success. Who would have thought? The rules were
unit in the game got a bunch of special rules (and when
many, the game took a whole evening to play (often
everybody is special, nobody is special).
more), and it cost a fortune in time and money to collect
and paint the miniatures. As a competitive game, it was Yet, far worse was what happened to The Warhammer
ill conceived. The rules were more a guideline for World.
storytelling than an actual code, thus the rules didn’t
The remarkable success of Warhammer Fantasy Battle
cover every possible situation. Sometimes they needed
can undoubtedly be ascribed to the tremendous amount
interpretation. The intention of the authors was that you
of fiction written for The Warhammer World. Some of it is
should theme your armies as it suited you, with virtually
really good, look out for everything written by Bill King
no restrictions. The story was the important matter.
and Jack Yeovil (a.k.a. Kim Newman). This body of
In practical terms, this meant the game became fiction, inspired equally by J.R.R. Tolkien and Michael
unbalanced, it was more concerned with wizards and war Moorcock, created a common sphere of reference
machines than with the ordinary troops on the battlefield. shared by all players. The development of the
This is why the 4th and 5th editions of the game are often Warhammer World began in the 1980s, evolved in the
referred to as “Herohammer.” 1990s, stagnated in the 2000s, and terminated in the
Later editions remedied most problems with game
balance. A bit of the fantastic and epic was lost in the The Old Ones – the original creators of the game and the
streamlining process, but the game flourished, and all stories behind it – had left Games Workshop, and their
was well. Until the year 2010. successors were incapable of creating new narratives.

The successors told the story of The End Times and Secondly, in 4th edition each of the various armies were
destroyed the common sphere of reference. And then expanded both in terms of background, in terms of the
they discontinued the game altogether. number of special rules, and in terms of troop choices
available, as each army was given their own army book.
Warhammer Fantasy Battle was no more.
Thirdly, 4th edition included a huge selection of magic
A new beginning items which you could purchase for your characters and

Meanwhile, as the kids grew older, I managed to carve troops. In this way you could create fairly unique army

out a limited amount of spare time for myself. Realizing I compositions. And doing just that was a large part of the

had already spent probably half of my lifetime on this fun. Warhammer players all around the world have spent

planet, I suffered the midway crises of men. What to do hours and hours trying to come up with just the right

with the other half? combination of magic items to vanquish their foes.

The answer was obvious. More of the same. The only Finally, and most importantly, 4th edition introduced a

challenging question was: which edition to play? novel set of rules for magic, wonderfully inspired by Terry
Pratchett’s Discworld novels. These rules introduce a
The game mechanics worked best as they were in the
game within the game. Every so often, the milling about
2000s (6th and 7th editions), but the game was more
on the battlefield is interrupted by a swift card game of
narrative, grand, and epic in the 1990s (4th and 5th
spell casting. The spells are powerful and potentially
editions). And the 1990s were also the most creative
game changing; thus, magic is exciting, and there is a
period when it came to the fiction that made The
great element of storytelling in the spell descriptions and
Warhammer World come alive. If only I could merge
their effects.
these two periods together into one great game…
In Warhammer Renaissance I wanted to include this
If only I could… What an insane thought. It would take a
magic system as well as a huge number of magic items,
ridiculous amount of time. Yet, I simply could not give up
and all the troop choices available in the original army
the thought. There was no way out. I did it. And here it is.
books from 4th edition (and other editions as well). There
What you are reading is a re-make of Warhammer were, however, also elements from 4th edition I wanted
Fantasy Battle, which I have chosen to call Warhammer to avoid.
Renaissance. It is NOT a new game. It is Warhammer as
While the army books of the time were admirable
you knew it. Think about it as some pretty serious house
achievements that I still love to read before turning in, the
principles of army selection and the points costs were
nowhere close to balanced. Some options were simply
What I aspired to achieve
better than others.
As stated above, Warhammer Renaissance includes
The biggest problem with this lack of balance was that it
highlights from all editions. There is no doubt, however,
could make the game predictable. There were hundreds
that the 4th edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle is the
of magic items available, but it was always the same ten
main source of inspiration. There are several reasons for
to fifteen that were used, because they were clearly the
best. The various armies had a vast selection of troops,
Firstly, 4th edition heralded a new turn in Warhammer but some were never used, because their points costs
Fantasy Battle which have been pursued in all later had been set too high. Another problem was the balance
editions as well. The game mechanics became between ordinary troops versus great heroes, monsters,
somewhat streamlined, and the idea of having a and war machines. The latter seemed to dominate. A
gamemaster was omitted. The game became gradually shame for a game that above all else should be a game
more suitable for competitive play. of manoeuvring regiments around the battlefield.

To sum up: I wanted to recreate Warhammer Fantasy rules issues that may be brought up, however. A new
Battle as it was played in the 1990s, but I wanted to version of the rulebook will appear each year (on the 1st
change the balance (albeit only slightly) in favour of of January), but the changes will be insubstantial.
regular troops and regiments, and I wanted to make all
The above also applies to the army books which you can
the various options about equally attractive in order to
find in the file section of the Warhammer Renaissance
encourage players to try out more combinations of troops
Facebook Group. These books cover the thirteen army
and magic items.
books that appeared during 4th and 5th edition (The
Empire, High Elves, Orcs & Goblins, Dwarfs, Skaven,
The Old World returns
Undead, Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Wood
Years after this project began, Games Workshop Elves, Bretonnia, Lizardmen, and Dogs of War) plus
announced the remake of Warhammer Fantasy Battle some new army books: Norse, Ogres, Kislev, Slann and
under the new name Warhammer the Old World. I look The Moot (Halflings).
forward to this. Everything I have read about this game
The points cost of the various units found in these army
so far (which isn’t much) sounds good. I really believe
books may change slightly and the special rules may
Games Workshop will bring our beloved Warhammer
receive some clarification, but aside from that they aren’t
World back and I appreciate their effort. I would be
much liable to change as they get their yearly updates.
surprised, however, if they made the game so permeated
with nostalgia for the 1990’s as this game is, and thus I This is not to say that nothing new will ever appear.
believe that Warhammer Renaissance will endure Would you like to contribute? Warhammer Renaissance
alongside Warhammer the Old World. is mostly my creation, but many other people have
contributed as well. You are most welcome to submit a
The evolution of the Renaissance proposal. Contact me on Messenger.

Over the years Warhammer Renaissance has evolved. The type of proposals I am inclined to accept is finished,
Surprisingly, the game has received international tested and well written rules for units not yet included but
attention and is being played by many people around the which you own and have painted and want to play with.
world. This has fostered some invaluable feedback and If your proposal conflicts with my conception and
incited us – me and my buddy Rune Christensen who idiosyncrasies of what Old School Warhammer is, I may
has meticulously proofread the 300-odd pages I have still be inclined to include your proposal in the rules albeit
written and rewritten over the years – to make the game as optional rules. In that case you will need the approval
more accessible to newcomers and to try harder to make of your opponent before you can include them. For
the rules consistent and easy to understand. This is example: For purposes of balance, and also because of
hopefully reflected in this 2023 edition of the rules. my personal old school views, Chaos armies cannot

The game is far from perfect, but we believe we have include war machines. However, if you want to field the

resolved many more issues with inconsistencies in the Hellcannon introduced in 6th edition, it is included, you

rules than we have created, and thus we believe players just need your opponent’s permission to bring it.

will find this ruleset even more satisfying to play than the
original. And if you spot any ambiguities or are uncertain
how a rule works, you can just ask in the Warhammer Whether they approve of it or not, Warhammer
Renaissance Facebook group. Renaissance is dedicated to the Old Ones, the original
creators of Warhammer Fantasy Battle.
Since the first years of development, the game has
changed only a little. With the 2022 edition the game was
very much finished. The 2023 edition does not include
Balder Asmussen, 2023
any changes of import. We will continue to iron out any

A MINIATURE WARGAME Before battle commences, each player prepares his
army, choosing troops worth a point value set
Warhammer Renaissance is not a new game. It is a
beforehand (the game mechanics work best with armies
rewrite of Warhammer Fantasy Battle produced by
of a size ranging from 1000 to 4000 points). Each player
Games Workshop in bygone days. This rewrite clarifies
brings a painted miniature army to the lavishly decorated
the original rules, it adjusts the balance between
tabletop battlefield and makes notes of his deployment.
characters and regiments slightly in the favour of the
The battle is played in five or six game turns during which
latter, and it implements the best rules from various
each player has a player turn.
editions. Most notably, Warhammer Renaissance uses
the magic system as it was in 4th and 5th editions of the Each player turn is divided into four phases: (1) the
original game. Magic works as a little game within the movement phase; (2) the shooting phase; (3) the melee
game, where each player receives a numb of magic phase; and (4) the magic phase. Only the player whose
cards to be played to evoke spells, dispel enemy magic, turn it is may initiate movement and shooting, though
and the like. both players fight in the melee phase and both players
may cast spells in the magic phase.
Warhammer Renaissance holds no threats to any
copyrights owned by Games Workshop. On the contrary, The overall aim of the battle is to destroy the opponent
Warhammer Renaissance is supportive of Games and take the objective. In the end it is calculated which
Workshop. It is a presupposition of Warhammer army won how many points. By comparing scores, a
Renaissance that its players are familiar with the winner (if any) is found.
Warhammer World as described in a wide range of
books produced by Games Workshop, and the game is DICE
meant to be played with miniatures produced by Games
The game uses six-sided dice; 1D6 means one die, 2D6
Workshop (but proxies are perfectly legal nevertheless).
means two dice, and so forth. A roll of e.g. 3+ indicates
A Warhammer Battle (no matter if you play this rewrite or you need to roll 3 or more with a single die to succeed.
the original version) is more than just a game. It is an When rolling 1D3, roll a 1D6: a roll of 1-2 equals one; 3-
attempt to recreate a real battle set between two fantasy 4 equals two; while 5-6 equals three.
armies. While the core rules are relatively simple, there
are many details and procedures to master. Artillery dice

As a game Warhammer demands more of its players Warhammer Renaissance uses two special dice: the
than most games do. Complexities aside, it is also more artillery die (marked 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and MISFIRE), and the
rewarding than most games, as it is much more than just scatter die (marked with four arrows and two HIT
an abstract exercise. A Warhammer Battle is an symbols). These dice are used to represent the effects
unfolding of a story. of war machines.

Modifiers and fixed rolls MEASUREMENT
A die roll is often prone to modifiers. For example, you Whenever you measure the range between two models,
might hit with a bow on a roll of 4+, but since you moved measure from the edge of the models’ respective bases.
this turn, you suffer a -1 to hit, and therefore need 5+ to
A model is always assumed to fill up the space of the
hit. Sometimes, however, a die roll is specifically
entire base. If you touch or can reach the base of a
mentioned to be fixed. In this case you do not modify the
model, you touch or reach the model on the base as well.
die roll. This could be a magic sword always hitting on
2+, or a magic sword automatically wounding. This roll is Note that it is illegal to conduct measurements on the

never modified by circumstance. battlefield at your own leisure. Only when it is strictly
relevant for moving models or checking to see if troops
To hit rolls are within range of missile weapons and so on, is it legal
to measure distances.
The most common die roll in Warhammer is the to hit roll.
No matter if you roll to hit in melee or missile combat the
basic principle is that a roll of six always hits and a roll of CONCEPTS
one always misses. The same does not apply when To distinguish between the various unit types in the
rolling to wound, where you may sometimes face an game a series of key concepts is introduced.
opponent so tough that you cannot wound him.
Units vs. regiments
All entities on the tabletop – whether they are individual
Sometimes the rules allow you a re-roll of the dice. The models or regiments – are defined as units. A regiment
second roll always stands. Even if two different sources is a body of largely homogenous troops acting together
each allow a re-roll, you can only re-roll the same roll as one. Regiments either come in rank-and-file formation
once. or act in a loose skirmish formation.

Note that except where clearly specified, only normal

Achieving rank bonus
dice can be re-rolled, not artillery dice.
The front of rank-and-file regiments must be at least four

BASES models wide to function well on the battlefield (most

notably, to be able to claim a rank bonus in combat). The
All models are mounted on a base of a particular size.
ranks behind the first must be of the same size, except
For example, most infantry models are mounted on
the last rank, which may be smaller.
bases measuring 20x20 mm, but some models (Orcs
come to mind) are mounted on bases measuring 25x25 The boundary rectangle
The space of the outer boundary of the bases within a
Sometimes a model may simply be too large to fit its rank-and-file regiment is called the regiment’s boundary
designated base size. In such a case it is acceptable to rectangle. There may be empty space in a boundary
use a slightly larger base. However, doing this may not rectangle if there are not enough models in the last rank
incur some unfair advantage (which is NOT acceptable). to fill up the entire rectangle.

Most often, large bases are a drawback. You are more When units align with each other for melee combat,
likely to be hit by cannons for example. Yet, some magic models separated by the empty space of the boundary
items and other special rules allow for a penalty for rectangle are assumed to be in base contact for
enemy models touching your base. It is illegal to combine purposes of fighting.
a base larger than stipulated in the rules with such magic
items and special rules.

Command groups Entering and leaving melee combat

Most regiments include a musician, a standard bearer, During battle, players endeavour to get their units into
and a regimental champion – commonly referred to as a melee combat. This is done by declaring a charge and
command group. subsequently moving the charging unit into base contact
with its target.
By default, regiments of at least ten models automatically
upgrade two troopers to become musician and standard The ensuing combat lasts until one side is destroyed or
bearer (at no cost). is forced to flee. It is not possible to leave melee combat
Smaller regiments can choose to upgrade to include a
musician and a standard bearer, this costs +10 ten points
Line of sight
for each (a total of +20 points for both musician and
standard bearer). Charges are declared before any other movement takes
place. It is only possible to declare a charge if the
For purposes of combat, the musician and standard
charging unit has line of sight to the enemy, and if it is
bearer fight exactly like the other regimental troops.
physically possible to move and engage the target.
Regimental champions are always bought separately; a
Skirmishers and single models which are not large
regiment can only have one regimental champion; these
targets can see in all directions (they have a 360-degree
models have enhanced characteristics and thus fight
line of sight) for purposes of charging, but large targets
better than the ordinary trooper.
and rank-and-file regiments have a limited line of sight.
All command group models, as well as independent They can only see what is within their front zone.
characters positioned within regiments, must always be
A unit’s front zone is measured as a 45-degree angle
positioned in the front rank (if there is not enough space,
from its corners (as shown on the picture). A unit can see
you must expand your frontage, or the characters must
all models within its front zone, but terrain and other units
find another regiment to join).
may block its line of sight.
A musician improves the regiment’s manoeuvrability,
while the presence of a standard adds to combat
resolution (to be explained later). In addition, a standard
bearer can be given a magic banner (at a given points
cost) which confers advantageous special rules upon the
regiment carrying it (all regiments can take a magic

When suffering casualties, the musician and the

standard bearer are removed as the last models.
The rule that you can only charge enemies if you have
Assume the instrument or standard is picked up by
line of sight is the most important rule in the game. Of
another trooper if the bearer is slain.
course, we can imagine that a model in the rear rank of
If a regiment breaks and flees from combat and manages a rank-and-file regiment can turn his head and look to
to escape, the regimental standard is lost amidst the see what is behind him. It is possible, it happens, but this
confusion. Remove the standard bearer and replace it does not mean that the whole regiment can see and
with an ordinary trooper. charge in a 360-degree angle. It is a front-rank model
that issues the orders, and the rest must follow his lead.

TYPES OF UNITS and the steed’s characteristics when the steed attacks,
and use the rider’s characteristics for all other purposes.
Several different types of units exist. As mentioned, a
If the rider is slain, the whole model is slain.
unit can either be a single model or comprise of a body
of troops organised into a regiment, which must be In case of characters riding chariots or monsters, treat
deployed either as rank-and-file (whose line of sight is the character and his mount as wholly separate models.
limited to their front arc) or skirmishers (who have a 360- If shot at, only the mount or its rider is hit. If one of the
degree line of sight). models is slain, the other model remains on the
battlefield. It is easy to distinguish between a cavalry
Regiments steed and a chariot/monster mount. A cavalry steed only

Regiments can be categorised as either infantry has one wound on its profile, chariots/monsters always

(standing on bases of 20x20 mm or 25x25mm), or have more.

cavalry (standing on bases of 25x50 mm), or monstrous War machines and small monsters have 360-degree line
regiments (standing on bases of 40x40 mm). Monstrous of sight as is the case for skirmishers, while chariots and
regiments are never skirmishers unless they are flying, large monsters (and all other large models) have their
in which case they are always skirmishers. line of sight limited to what is within their front arc as is
the case for rank-and-file regiments.
Size of regiments
While rank-and-file regiments and large models are
Infantry and cavalry must be bought in regiments of at
limited in their line-of-sight, they have advantages that
least five models, while monstrous regiments must be
more than make up for this drawback. If an enemy unit
bought in regiments of at least three models.
breaks from combat and is forced to flee through a rank-
and-file regiment of at least five infantry models, at least
Units that are not regiments
three cavalry or monstrous regiment models, or a single
Units that are not regiments are categorised as either large model, the fleeing unit is destroyed. This is not the
war machines, chariots (mounted on 50x100 mm bases), case for any other type of unit.
small monsters (mounted on 40x40 mm bases), or large
Furthermore, the enemy only aligns up against rank-and-
monsters (mounted on 50x50 mm or bigger bases) or
file regiments and large models, thus only such unit types
independent characters (varying base size).
can be used to force the enemy to align in certain
Note that all models mounted on a 50x50 mm base or direction.
bigger are classified as large (and thus have 90-degree
And finally, let it be noted that rank-and-file models of at
line of sight for purposes of charging).
least five infantry models, three cavalry models, or three
War machines typically have a few crewmen attached to monstrous models (not including characters) are the only
it who move as skirmishers but who will not abandon unit able to claim objectives.
their war machine voluntarily as long as the machine
remains functional.
Chariots consist of several physical models but are
A model is defined by a value in each of the following
treated as one model in game terms (i.e. chariots work
like in Warhammer Ancient Battles rather than as in the
more cumbersome rules of Warhammer Fantasy Battle Movement Allowance
in the 1990’s).
Movement Allowance (M) measures the model’s
Cavalry models usually consist of a rider and a steed movement in inches. During a normal move, a model
(centaurs being an obvious exception). Use the cannot move any further than its movement allowance.
characteristics of the steed for purposes of movement,

Weapon Skill Initiative

Weapon Skill (WS) is used to calculate one model’s Initiative (I) nominates striking order in melee combat.
chance to hit another model with melee attacks. Highest I strikes first.
Compare the attacker’s and the defender’s WS. If the
attacker has the highest WS, the chance to hit is 3+. If Attacks

the WS of the two combatants are equal the chance to Attacks (A) nominates the number of dice used to hit an
hit is 4+. If the defender has the highest WS, the chance enemy in melee combat (only one shot is fired in the
to hit remains 4+ unless the defender has more than shooting phase regardless of the model’s number of A).
double the WS of the attacker. In this rare situation, the Attacks can be divided against multiple targets. Declare
chance to hit becomes 5+. Differences in WS cannot targets before rolling the dice. Each successful hit may
alter the chance to hit further, but magic items and cause a wound on the enemy. This way it is possible for
special rules might. one model with several attacks to kill several models with
one just one wound on their profile during the same
Ballistic Skill
melee phase.
Ballistic Skill (BS) nominates a model’s chance to hit with
ranged attacks. If the shooter has a BS of 1, the chance Leadership

to hit is 6+; f the shooter has a BS of 2, the chance to hit Leadership (LD) is used to: (1) avoid breaking and
is 5+; if the shooter has a BS of 3, the chance to hit is 4+, subsequently fleeing when losing a combat engagement;
and so forth. This number may be modified by various (2) rally fleeing troops; (3) take all tests that involve
circumstances such as shooting at targets hiding behind psychology. If an entire regiment must take a leadership
cover etc. test, use the highest LD value present in the regiment.

Strength and Toughness Characteristic tests

Strength (S) and Toughness (T) are used to calculate Sometimes you are required to take a characteristic test.
one model’s chance to wound another model after it has Normally, you pass all tests, except LD tests, by rolling
been hit. Compare the attacker’s S with the defender’s equal to or below your characteristic value using 1D6. A
T. If S and T are equal, the chance to wound is 4+. If the roll of 6 always fails even if your characteristic is 6 or
attacker’s S is one point higher, the chance to wound higher.
improves to 3+. If the attacker’s S is two or more points
A LD test is passed by rolling equal to or below LD using
higher, the chance to wound improves to 2+. If the
2D6. A roll of 11 or 12 always fails even if your LD
attacker’s S is one point lower, the chance to wound is
exceeds 10. In Warhammer Renaissance a few models
5+. If the attacker’s S is two points lower, the chance to
have a LD value higher than 10, a Dwarf Lord for
wound becomes 6+. If the attacker’s S is three points
example, has LD 11. There is no limit as to how high any
lower, the chance to wound remains at 6+, but if the
characteristic can go.
difference becomes bigger than that, it becomes
impossible to wound. Weapons, magic items, and spells may increase the
value of a characteristic for purposes of combat, but
Wounds these increases do not benefit you when you take a

Wounds (W) nominates how many times a model can characteristic test. For example: A model with S4 still

suffer a wound before being removed as a casualty. Most needs to roll four or lower to pass a strength test, even

models only have a single wound. though the model possesses a double handed weapon
which increases strength by two for purposes of

CONVENTIONS OF PLAY finished a move, it may be appropriate to inform your
opponent that you believe that your unit now has a line
When you meet with your opponent for a game of
of sight to this or that of his units.
Warhammer Renaissance, you will each have a roster
specifying exactly what units are fielded in your army It is acceptable to measure for line of sight using a
along with the total points value of all units, making sure protractor, a laser beam, or levelling yourself to the eye
it does not exceed the value you agreed upon view of the model. The opponent then has the
beforehand. An army roster should state the equipment, opportunity to disagree with you now, before the
magic items, spell decks and the like employed by all movement is final. This enables you to agree upon a
models in the army. solution. Always try to ensure in advance that both of you
share the same conception of the current situation on the
In Warhammer Renaissance at least 50 percent of the
battlefield. This is extremely convenient if models or
points value of the army must be spent on regiments.
terrain are accidentally meddled with and become
This includes points spent on magic banners for standard
bearers. The remaining points can be spent on war
machines, chariots, monsters and characters as you see A move is final the moment you have begun moving
fit, except you must purchase at least one character to another unit or proceeded to the shooting phase.
act as the army general (note that regimental champions
As guessing ranges is an important part of the game, it
and the battle standard cannot be the general).
is important that you never make any measuring unless
You keep the exact content of your roster secret for your it is strictly necessary. If you are going to find out whether
opponent until the game is over. Just inform your your archers are within 24” of the enemy, the best way to
opponent of all details that are visible, such as “this measure would be to roll out exactly 24” of tape measure,
regiment of spearmen wears heavy amour” or “this turn it around so you cannot see the numbers, and then
character is a hero using a hand weapon”. see if the archers are within range. In this way you don’t
accidentally access information regarding other
The existence of magic items, special abilities, etc. are
distances on the battlefield, such as which regiments are
revealed the moment you use them. You must also state
currently within charge range of the archers.
which character uses the magic item, special abilities,
etc. During deployment, it is legal to make any amount of
measuring within your own deployment zone. But the
During the spell selection phase, all players must reveal
moment the battle begins, it becomes illegal to do so.
the respective levels and lore for their wizard(s). Players
must declare all sources that let them take additional It should be unnecessary to state that you never move a
spells. All stored spells (stored within The Ring Volans, unit without measuring the distance of your move, unless
for example) must be written down on the army roster it is obvious that the unit does not utilize its full movement
and the opponent must be informed which lore the stored allowance.
spell belongs to. Do not reveal exactly which spells you
If you deviate from these conventions, you should agree
have drawn for your wizards.
with your opponent beforehand.
It is legal to look up the rules at all times. Furthermore,
Some players prefer to play with open army rosters (no
you are obliged to explain to your opponent any special
secrets) and open spell generation (so you know your
rules concerning your troops if he is not familiar with
opponent's selection of spells before the battle begins).
This is perfectly acceptable as long both players are
When moving your models around on the battlefield it is content.
strongly recommended that you state your intention in
order to avoid confusion and arguments. When you have

In a game that attempts to cover almost every possible Before the movement phase begins some procedures
situation, contradictions are bound to arise. Here are must be resolved.
some general principles for solving such issues.
1. Resolve all effects provoked by spells, magic
Q: What happens when two rules directly oppose each items and special rules which are described as
other such as if one rule says you strike first and another happening at the start of the turn.
that you strike last? What happens when one rule says 2. Units take terror tests (LD) for terror-causing
you automatically pass a test and another that you enemy models within 8”. If they fail, they flee
automatically fail? directly away from the source, avoiding
enemies and impassable terrain.
A: The two rules cancel each other. This is a general
3. Units take panic tests (LD) for fleeing friendly
principle in situations where two rules directly oppose
units within 8” (unless the relevant unit
each other.
outnumber the combined number of models in
Q: What happens when two sides attempt the same feat, the fleeing units). If they fail, they flee towards
but they cannot possibly both succeed such as if a Giant the nearest table edge, avoiding enemies and
on each side of a combat engagement uses the Yell and impassable terrain.
Bawl special attack to achieve an automatic win combat 4. A unit that contains stupid creatures must take
resolution? a stupidity test (LD) at the start of every turn

A: Roll off to see which Giant yells the loudest. Each except when engaged in combat or fleeing. If

player rolls 1D6, re-roll ties. The player who rolled the the stupidity test is failed, roll a 1D6. On a roll of

highest won combat resolution, the player who rolled the 1-3, the unit stumbles forward half its normal

lowest lost the combat resolution. Rolling off is a general move (stopping if it reaches friendly troops

principle that should be applied when the rules impassable terrain, counting as charging if it

accidentally point to some sort of stalemate. comes upon an enemy). On a roll of 4-6, the unit
simply does nothing, and no one in the unit
(stupid or not) can shoot or cast spells. Units
that contain stupid creatures that failed their
stupidity test are immune to psychology (they
simply don’t realise the danger they are in).
5. Units subject to Animosity or being Unruly must
take their tests (explained in the relevant army

½” APART combat, is unengaged, or is fleeing. All enemy units are
viable targets for a charge.
As a rule, all units on the battlefield must be kept ½” apart
Always start by declaring charges before other
from each other at all times. At the end of a move a unit
movement. All charges must be declared at once (i.e.,
must be at least 1” away from enemy units.
before the enemy declares his charge reactions). Note
The only exception regards units charging and units that a unit is not allowed to charge multiple enemy units
engaged in melee combat. These units may come closer unless it is the only option for it to declare a charge.
than ½” to other units when moving and may end up
Certain (though rather obvious) conditions must be met
closer than 1” to other units at the end of their move, even
to declare a charge. The enemy must be within your line
if they do not engage those other units in melee combat.
of sight – this was the most important rule in the game,
How precisely to establish line of sight is discussed in
The movement rules are the main part of the rules. They
depth in the chapter on shooting. As a rule, what you see
may appear complex and lengthy (and in fact the melee
is what you get. Go to the eye view of the models in the
and psychology rules also deal with movement). This is
charging unit. If one of them can actually see the enemy,
because the rulebook strives to give guidelines on how
the enemy is within line of sight. Note, however, that it is
to tackle all the odd situations that can occur. In general,
only possible to see 2” through woods.
movement is straightforward and intuitive.
Furthermore, the target must presumably be within your
In the movement phase, the first thing you must do is to
charge range (normally double the movement allowance
declare all charges, after which the opponent declares all
of the charging unit), and no regiment or impassable
charge reactions. Then you move units out of control. If
terrain piece may block the route towards the target.
these do not get into the way, you go on to move your
charges (and those enemy units which chose to flee). The importance of “presumably within charge range”

Having accomplished this, you move the rest of the army. should be emphasized. When a player declares a

If there are no enemies in the vicinity, a regiment may charge, he must be reasonably sure that his unit can

march, doubling its movement allowance. If a regiment reach its target. A player cannot attempt to gain an

passes over difficult terrain its movement is halved. advantage by declaring a charge if it is immediately
obvious his unit cannot reach its target. In most cases
this will be disadvantageous, but it is possible that an
advantage might be gained in some situations. When it
Unengaged units may declare a charge against an is obvious a unit would be unable to reach its target, a
enemy unit in order to enter melee combat. It does not player may not declare a charge.
matter if the enemy is already participating in melee

To complete a charge, your move must take you into Remember that only large targets and rank-and-file
base contact with the target. When charging you double infantry regiments of at least five infantry models, three
your movement allowance (the exceptions are flying cavalry models or three monstrous models are able to
units and units with random movement, they move their cancel rank bonus by engaging the enemy to the flank or
normal movement allowance). rear.

You must move directly towards the target. You only

need enough move to reach and touch an enemy unit in CHARGE REACTIONS
order to complete the charge. The remaining move The target unit must declare one of the following charge
needed to align your unit towards the enemy is “free”. reactions; (1) hold, (2) flee, (3) stand and shoot. Note that

Before actually moving the charging unit, some other troops that are already fleeing must take the flee reaction

procedures must be executed, such as charge reactions, when charged, while units already engaged in melee can

rally tests and compulsory movement. only hold.

Flank charges Hold

You may wish to charge enemy units in the flank or rear The unit stands and receives the charge.

(which is smart for various reasons such as cancelling

rank bonus and preventing the “step-up” rule from taking
effect). The unit takes a flee move directly away from the
charging enemy. The distance of a flee move is 2D6” for
You can do this only if the front rank of your charging unit
units with a movement allowance of 6 or less, or 3D6” for
is more than 50 percent within the flank or rear zone of
units with a movement allowance of 7 or more. Fleeing
the enemy target or in the rare circumstance where it is
troops ignore movement penalties for difficult terrain.
the only possible solution in order to complete the
charge. Measure from centre to centre of the units involved to
determine the exact direction of a flee move. When
The front, flank and rear zones of a unit are measured
fleeing from a charge, units that run into impassable
from a 90-degree angle from the unit’s boundary
terrain are slain and removed from the game. The same
rectangle corners as shown on the illustration.
applies if a fleeing unit accidentally flees through an
enemy unit (which itself is not fleeing), though said unit
must be a rank-and-file regiment of at least five infantry
models/three cavalry models/three monstrous models,
or a large target, or the fleeing unit will not be destroyed
but simply flee through and past the enemy unit.

If fleeing from multiple charges, the direction should be a

reasonable alternative that takes the fleeing unit away
from both enemy units. If this is not possible for whatever
reason, flee directly away from the largest enemy unit.

Stand and shoot

If the target unit is armed with missile weapons, and the

charging enemy is more than half its charge move away
in distance, and the target unit can see the approaching
enemy, the target unit may fire its weapons before

receiving the charge with a -1 modifier on the to hit roll. MOVE CHARGES
Weapons are always assumed to be fired at short range
Unless a compulsory move has made it impossible for
so no need to add an additional modifier for long range.
the charging unit to reach its intended target, it is now
If the charging unit suffers at least 25 percent casualties time to move those units that declared a charge.
from missile fire it must take a panic test (LD). If this is
Move charging units one at a time in an order determined
failed the unit does not charge at all but flees directly
by the player whose turn it is.
away from its intended target instead. Flee from the spot
where the unit came within short range of the intended A charging regiment cannot change its formation while

target. charging. Also, charging units must move straight ahead.

The only manoeuvres allowed during a charge is one and
When shooting is done, the charged unit stands and
only one wheel (wheeling is explained later in this
receives the charge.

The maximum distance of a charge move is double

normal movement allowance (except for flyers and
Fleeing units that fled in the previous turn, and have at models with random movement, they move their normal
least 25 percent of its original number remaining, may movement allowance). If the target is found to be out of
attempt to rally by successfully passing a LD test. Rallied charge range or fled out of charge range, the charge
units may adopt any formation and facing they like. fails. In this case the charging unit only moves its normal

A unit can neither move or shoot during the turn it rallied, movement allowance towards its intended target.

nor can wizards cast spells (they may still perform dispel How do you know if the enemy got away? Easy. Before
attempts and use Dispel Magic Scrolls and similar items, rolling the flee move, measure the distance of the charge
however). by the shortest route possible. If this distance plus the
flee move is lower than your maximum charge move, the
COMPULSORY MOVES enemy is caught and destroyed. The exception to this
rule is if the enemy fled through terrain or another
Fleeing units must take a flee move towards the nearest
regiment, thus blocking pursuit.
table edge, avoiding enemies and impassable terrain. As
explained above, a flee move is 2D6” for units with a If the enemy got away, there is a chance that a new
movement allowance of 6 or less, or 3D6” for units with target, which you could not have charged before, is
a movement allowance of 7 or more. Fleeing troops revealed. If this is the case, you may re-direct your
ignore movement penalties for difficult terrain. charge towards this new target. It is only possible to do
this once per movement phase. A unit charged because
It is also in the compulsory sub-phase that you move
of a redirected charge cannot take any other charge
Night Goblin Fanatics and perform all other types of
reaction than hold (as they are too surprised to react).
movement that are beyond your control, such as moving
units obliged to get closer to the enemy. There may be other odd cases where a redirected
charge is permitted. If the charged enemy fled through
Some units have a random movement allowance (such
another enemy unit, and your charge move (whether
as 2D6 or 3D6). These units are also moved in the
failed or not) takes you into contact with said enemy unit,
compulsory move subphase.
you are permitted to redirect your charge against it (the
Note that units with random movement allowance cannot enemy can do nothing else than hold and receive the
double their movement when charging and cannot charge), or you may stop 1” in front of it. The choice is
march. yours.

When a charge move is blocked in this way, the fleeing a tangle of units scattered all over the place.
enemy is not destroyed even if you theoretically could Nevertheless, if you follow the below guidelines in the
have reached the enemy with your charge move. true spirit of the game, you ought to experience no real
If the target fled but is still within charge range and line
of sight, the target is caught and destroyed. Move the You must always endeavour to get as many models as
charging unit its full charge move towards (and beyond) possible from both sides into base contact when you
the target’s position. align for combat.

If the target did receive the charge, move the charging Usually, it is only the chargers that move to align, but if
unit into base contact with the enemy. interposing terrain or other units are in the way, you must
slightly alter the position of the charged unit (if it is not
You only need enough movement to be able to reach and
already engaged in combat) to get as many models into
touch an enemy. The remaining move needed to align
base contact as possible.
your unit towards the enemy is “free”.
Note that the table edges are not considered impassable
It is always the charging unit that aligns towards the
terrain. Be reasonable. If a unit needs to wheel a tiny bit
charged unit unless the charged unit consists of
out of the table edge in order to conduct a move, this is
skirmishers or is a single model on a base smaller than
acceptable as long as it does not end its move being
50x50 mm. In that case it is the charged unit that aligns
partially out of the table.
towards the charging unit.
It may happen that it is impossible within the general
If several units charge the same target you should
guidelines of the rules for a charging unit to engage an
endeavour to make an equal number of models from
enemy unit in any other way than corner to corner
both charging units come into base contact with the
contact (called “clipping” among Warhammer players).
enemy; but only if this does not contradict the first
priority, which is to get as many models as possible from Clipping may happen during a charge, if the units are far
both sides into base contact. apart, exactly at the maximum charge distance of the
chargers. This situation will make it impossible for the

COMMENTS ON ALIGNING UNITS chargers to wheel because any wheel would mean that

INTO COMBAT they fail the charge. Therefore, they will have to charge
directly forward.
“This is a game like real war, played against time, and
played under circumstances of considerable excitement, Funnily enough, a very similar situation can occur when

and it is remarkable how elastic the measurements of the units are too close, and the charging unit cannot

quite honest and honourable men can become.” physically wheel enough to bring the maximum number
of models into combat.
H.G. Wells (Little Wars, 1913)
The solution to the above situation is to slide the
chargers sideways in order to bring more models into
Take note that Warhammer Renaissance is a simulation melee combat. This is allowed if it is the only option in
game. The rules are designed to simulate a real battle. order to bring as many models as possible into combat.
Achieving this sometimes demands a measure of
However, if a charging regiment needs to slide more than
generosity and understanding from both players.
2” in order to get all models in its front rank into base
Moving chargers is perfectly straightforward in most contact, the charge has been overstretched and the unit
cases. However, a battle being what it is, fought over loses its charge bonuses (such as striking first, and the
infinitely variable terrain and subject to the strangest of strength bonus derived from charging with a lance).
circumstances, charging can sometimes degenerate into

Bear in mind what is really happening during a charge. Note that cavalry, monstrous regiments, flyers using
The two units have clashed and some warriors in ground move, and monsters, cannot be march blocked
advance of the rest have struck the enemy first, but the by infantry, swarms, and war machines. They can only
rest will pile in beside them and gradually both sides be blocked from marching by other cavalry, monstrous
come together into a wave that ebbs and flows as the regiments, flyers, monsters, and chariots. Infantry and
troops fight. This is what the rules are meant to simulate. swarms, however, are march blocked by all of the above
unit types (war machines cannot march).

GENERAL MOVEMENT RULES To prevent the enemy from marching, the enemy unit

Units that did not attempt a charge, did not take a must be visible (assume all units have 360-degree line of

compulsory move, and which are not locked in combat, sight for this purpose). Units completely hidden within

or are prohibited from moving by magic or other means, woods do not march block. The same applies to units

may either take a normal move, or a march move. A unit occupying a building (unless they shot out of the

can move forward its movement allowance in inches, windows in the previous turn).

double if marching. Note that in Warhammer Renaissance, only ethereal

Regiments without musicians can either (1) attempt a units and Wood Elf War Dancers cannot be march

complete reform (they must succeed a LD test to blocked, all other units including skirmishers and fast

accomplish this or they cannot move) or (2) pivot on the cavalry can potentially be march blocked.

spot once and expend their entire movement in doing so

(no LD test required), or (3) simply move forward.
Regiments containing a musician are far more Regiments moving forward can change direction by
manoeuvrable than regiments not containing a musician making a wheel: hold one front corner of the unit
as explained below. immobile while moving the other front corner forward as
shown on the picture. Measure the length of the straight
Single models can pivot on the spot at any time during
line, do not measure the arc.
their movement for free.

Troops with different movement allowance

A regiment may consist of models with different

movement allowances. In this case, the regiment moves
at the lowest movement allowance present.


Instead of taking a normal move, it is possible for all units

except chariots, flyers using their fly move, and war
machines, to take a march move. Note that no model may move more than its movement
allowance. Regiments which are very deep should have
A marching unit may move forward at double its
this in mind when they wheel.
movement allowance. A marching regiment may wheel
but can perform no other manoeuvres (nor may it shoot If you wheel with a regiment only three models wide or
in the shooting phase). less, you should measure carefully in order to secure that
the models in the rear rank does not move more than
March blocking their movement allowance when the regiment swings

A unit that begins its move within eight inches of an around.

enemy unit is prevented from marching.

MUSICIANS AND MANOEUVRES rank-and-file models within the regiment swap position in
order to minimize the movement allowance they spend
As explained, regiments without a musician are allowed
very few manoeuvres. Regiments including a musician,
however, are far more manoeuvrable.
Move backwards or sideways
If not marching, unengaged regiments including
A regiment with a musician can go backwards or step to
musicians may execute one of the following
the side, albeit only at half normal movement rate.
manoeuvres: (1) pivot on the spot before or after a
Regiments may wheel while performing this move.
normal move, (2) move sideways or backwards, (3) turn
each model to face a different direction, (4) add or deduct Turn to face another direction
one or two ranks, (5) make a complete reform (without
All models in a regiment including a musician may turn
LD test), or (6) snaking.
to face in another direction as shown on the picture by
As always, when executing any of these manoeuvres it surrendering half of its move. Rearrange the standard
is important to make sure that no model in the regiment bearer, musician, and characters into the new front rank.
moves beyond its movement allowance. Remember that the command group (and all characters
who have joined the regiment) must be placed in the front
Pivot on the spot
rank or this manoeuvre is not legal.
At the beginning or at the end of a normal move,
regiments including a musician may pivot on the spot to
face in any direction they like. Regiments without a
musician may also pivot, but if doing so they cannot
move further that turn.

To perform a pivot, hold the centre of the regiment

immobile and turn the regiment in any direction.

When performing this manoeuvre, you must make sure

that no single model moves more than its movement Add or deduct ranks
Unengaged regiments including musicians may spend
In other words, if your regiment is very wide or deep, you half their move in order to add or deduct one or two ranks
cannot expend your full movement allowance and then by reducing or expanding its frontage.
pivot, as this would take some models beyond their
movement allowance. Complete reform

In practical terms moving and then pivoting is easy: If you A rank-and-file regiment including a musician may forfeit
want to move directly forward with a wide regiment, and moving at all and take a complete reform instead.
then pivot, simply move the regiment forwards its full Replace the models around the centre of the regiment in
movement allowance. Put your finger down at the end of any way you see fit facing any direction you want.
the of the move. When you pivot your regiment, you If it does not include a musician, a regiment may attempt
make sure that no model moves beyond your finger. This a complete reform by taking a LD test. If successful, the
implies moving the regiment a little backwards in regiment makes a complete reform. If unsuccessful, the
proportion to how wide the regiment is. regiment does not move.
Always be as generous as possible when calculating
how long a single model actually moves. I.e. when you
pivot a regiment, it is acceptable to assume that ordinary

Snaking rate of 8”. Assume the unit wants to walk through a wood.
Let us say that the distance from the unit’s original
A regiment deployed in one long column, one model
position to the wood is 2”, the unit now has 6” remaining
behind the other, does not wheel as such but twist itself
movement rate. This is cut in half as the unit walks
around terrain like a snake without a reduction in
through the wood. In total, the unit can move 5”.
movement. Trailing models follow the lead of the front
model. Snaking may be combined with marching. Another example, assume a unit is standing in a wood
next to and facing open ground, the unit want to exit the
Adopting or giving up a snake formation requires a
wood. While leaving the wood the unit is still passing
complete reform manoeuvre. When reforming to or from
through the wood and will thus count as passing difficult
snaking formation, the regiment may reform around any
terrain while moving out of the wood. The unit must give
model, not necessarily the centre model (in this way the
up a proportion of its movement allowance matching the
regiment may actually move while taking two
depth of the unit. If the unit is 2” inches deep, and the unit
consecutive reform manoeuvres).
could march 8”, the unit can move 6” out to the wood in
Various types of terrain have various implications for Woods

manoeuvring. It may be a good idea to agree with your Woods are difficult terrain. You can only see 2” through
opponent how the various pieces of terrain on your a wood.
gaming table should be classified before the game
You cannot fly within a wood (flyers must use their
ground move). Woods are impassable to war machines

Impassable terrain and chariots. War machines and chariots accidentally

moving into woods are destroyed.
No unit can negotiate impassable terrain such as sheer
cliffs, lava pools, swamps and quicksand. Flying units Note that units classified as foresters may negotiate

may fly over impassable terrain, of course. Note that woods without movement reduction even though they

fleeing units moving into impassable terrain are are not skirmishers.


Difficult terrain Water features are impassable to chariots, war

Difficult terrain halves movement (but marching is machines, barded cavalry and all infantry. Water is

allowed). Note that fleeing and pursuing troops as well difficult terrain to all other units except aquatic models

as skirmishers ignore the effects of difficult terrain. (both on foot and mounted), and large monsters – who
treat water as open ground.
Difficult terrain includes growing crops, dense foliage,
brush, scrub, debris, wreckage, loose rocks and Obstacles
boulders, ruins, stairs, steps, ladders, hills with steep
Obstacles such as low walls and hedges cannot be
slopes (steeper than the average hill).
crossed by chariots or war machines. They can be
In addition, woods, and water features that have not passed at normal speed (i.e. no marching allowed,
been designated as impassable, are also difficult terrain. charge range at normal speed, not double speed). Large

The exact impact difficult terrain has on movement is targets with legs ignore obstacles. An obstacle blocks

best explained by examples: line of sight, unless you are standing next to it (or you are
a large target). A hedge will provide light cover against
First example, a unit with movement allowance 4” makes
shooting, while a low wall will provide hard cover.
a march move, and consequently gets a total movement

A unit positioned behind an obstacle is said to defend it in the same regiment can – again by definition – not block
(if you mean to defend an obstacle, tell your opponent to each other’s line of sight.
that you are doing so). Defending an obstacle is a good
When skirmishers charge or become charged, they align
idea, because the enemy suffers a -2 penalty to hit in
in regular formation (making sure as many models as
melee against those behind it. Large targets and flyers
possible can fight). In the case of multiple charges
ignore this penalty. When defending an obstacle, you do
against skirmishers, they align up against the first
not have to pursue - unless you are affected by frenzy or
charge. If this puts them out of reach of other charging
hate the enemy, of course.
units, these charges fail. As always, you only need to
able to charge with one model, and the rest will line up.
If you want any of your units with the skirmish special rule
Hills pose no difficulty to movement, but regiments
to operate in skirmish formation you must deploy in
positioned on a hill have the advantage that all ranks may
skirmish formation. It is not possible to switch between
fire missile weapons against units beneath them.
rank-and-file formation and skirmish formation during
Regiments on the ground have the advantage that they
play. When deploying in skirmish formation you forfeit
can shoot with all ranks against a unit positioned on a
any standard bearer the regiment might have had.
Replace the standard bearer with a normal trooper.
Hills with very steep slopes should be labelled as difficult
When deploying in skirmish formation you automatically
terrain before the battle begins. Steep slopes cannot be
receive a musician upgrade. Replace a normal trooper
negotiated by cavalry (except by Forest Goblin Spider
with a musician if the regiment did not already include
one. The musician has no function in rules terms, except
we assume that the skirmish formation could not function
SKIRMISHERS without it.
Some infantry and cavalry regiments, typically armed
Operating in skirmish formation have some advantages:
with missile weapons, may operate in skirmish formation.
(1) Enemies suffer a -1 to hit penalty when shooting at
Monstrous regiments never skirmish, except flying
skirmishers on foot (that’s right, skirmishing cavalry
monstrous regiments, which always skirmish.
models do not benefit from this rule). (2) They can pass
Skirmishers operate in a roughly coherent formation with over all kinds of terrain and obstacles, except impassable
no base contact and no more than 2” between each terrain, without a reduction in movement. Note, however,
model. This formation may be round, rectangular, that no models on foot, unless aquatic, can cross water.
quadrate, oval, a thin line. But a skirmish regiment may Mounted skirmishers treat water as difficult terrain (3)
not be shaped as an octopus or in an otherwise irregular They have no facing but can always see, and thus shoot
and odd formation. Gerrymandering is illegal in the and charge, in a 360-degree arch. They move freely in
Warhammer World as well as in our world. any direction and do not have to wheel.

It is advisable to place larger skirmish regiments on Operating in skirmish formation also has some
movement trays which also define the boundary disadvantages: (1) They cannot use the LD value of
rectangle of the regiment. other models, not even characters who have joined
them. Skirmishers always use their own basic LD value.
It is not possible to see through a skirmishing regiment,
(2) They never claim rank bonuses, nor can they negate
even though you may be able to trace a line through the
the rank bonuses of enemy units. (3) They align against
models. A regiment of skirmishers by definition blocks
enemies charging them rather than the other way around
line of sight, as is the case for all regiments. However, all
(4) They cannot claim objectives.
models in a skirmish unit can shoot. Skirmishing models

FAST CAVALRY charge may be redirected against this new
target (which may only choose to hold as a
Cavalry models which are not wearing other armour than
charge reaction).
light armour and shield (i.e. not heavy armour or barding)
5. Stand and shoot reactions are worked out.
– and which are not skirmishers – are classified as fast
Charging units must take a panic test if they
cavalry. It is always assumed that fast cavalry includes
suffer at least 25 percent casualties.
musicians, they simply get them for free regardless of
6. Attempt to rally troops that fled in the previous
turn. Rallied troops cannot move, shoot or cast
Fast cavalry can reform any number of times and still spells this turn. Troops that failed to rally flee
take a complete move, which may be a march move. In towards the nearest table edge avoiding
effect all models in a fast cavalry regiment can be enemies and impassable terrain.
repositioned exactly as you wish within a radius 7. Resolve all remaining compulsory movement in
equivalent to their movement allowance (double if the order you decide.
marching) Make sure that no individual model moves 8. Move all units that declared a charge one at a
more than its maximum movement allowance (twice if time (provided they are still able to charge). The
marching). maximum charge range is double the unit’s

Fast cavalry, as opposed to skirmishers, cannot see in a movement allowance. You decide which unit to

360-degree arc. On the other hand, fast cavalry can have move first.

a standard bearer, can gain and negate rank bonus, and 9. Any unit that made a flee move but is still found

can use the general’s leadership. to be within charge range is destroyed. Move
the charging unit double its normal movement
allowance (except for flyers and units with
random movement).
Mounted models may dismount. This may be done 10. A charging unit that failed to reach its target
before taking a normal move (not a march move). because it fled out of charge range makes a
Cavalry steeds as well as monster mounts are forfeit if failed charge which is equivalent to a normal
dismounting. Models must be supplied to represent the move (i.e. its full movement allowance) towards
dismounted riders. the target.
11. Charging units connect to their targets. Align
SEQUENCE SUMMARY the charging units so that as many models as
possible on both sides enter base contact.
1. Declare charges against all enemy units you
12. Remaining moves. All units except war
wish to charge (and presumably can charge).
machines and chariots may take a march move
Note that some units are obliged to charge due
(twice their normal movement allowance) if
to special rules (such as frenzy units, and units
there is no enemy unit with 8” at the beginning
that failed an unruly test in the start of the turn).
of their move. Move one unit at a time in the
2. When all charges have been declared, your
order you see fit.
opponent declares a charge reaction for each
13. Driven off flyers return to your table edge but
charged unit.
cannot move this turn.
3. Flee reactions are worked out. Move the fleeing
unit directly away from the charging unit. The
player whose turn it is decides in which order
fleeing units are moved.
4. If an enemy unit flees out of charge distance
and by doing so reveals a new viable target, the

WHO CAN SHOOT? The overall rule regarding line of sight is as follows: what
you see is what you get. Go down to the model’s point of
In the shooting phase, the player whose turn it is may
view and see what it can see.
shoot with all units able to shoot.
Nevertheless, the following rules for line of sight always
It is possible to fire some weapons while moving, but it is
apply: (1) Line of sight is – by definition – blocked by
not possible to shoot while marching or charging. The
interposing models and terrain (except water, rubble and
only exception is monsters which are allowed to use their
other ground level terrain features). (2) While obstacles
breath weapon when charging.
usually block line of sight, it is not the case if the obstacle
A model normally only fires one shot in the shooting in question is defended. When defending an obstacle,
phase (the number of attacks on a model’s profile the unit defending the obstacle can see across it and be
concerns melee combat only). seen itself (but benefits from being in cover). (3) Units

Models engaged in melee combat may not fire missiles. designated as large targets, or units positioned on a hill,
can see over other units, and can always be seen
All troopers within a regiment can shoot against one
themselves. For those units, only hills, woods, buildings
target only. A character within a regiment, however, may
or other large targets block line of sight to the enemy.
choose a different target.

If not all models in a regiment can see, not all models in RANGE
the regiment can shoot.
All missile weapons have a maximum range which is the
Normally only the first two ranks in a regiment are greatest distance they can shoot.
allowed to shoot; assume the first ranks kneels down or
If your declared target lies beyond this maximum range
that there is time for the first and second ranks to switch
because you have estimated the distance wrongly, then
places. However, a unit positioned on a hill may shoot
your shots automatically miss.
with all ranks against enemies beneath them, while units
on the ground may shoot with all ranks when targeting a This is why you must pick your target before measuring
unit positioned on a hill. The same advantage applies the range. If some of the models in a regiment firing their
when a regiment shoots at a large target or against missile weapons are found to be out of range, but not all
troops within the upper stories of a building. models within the regiment, only the models found to be
within range may shoot. The ranges given are the

LINE OF SIGHT maximum ranges. Note that if you shoot more than half
the maximum range, you suffer a -1 penalty to hit.
In order to pick a target, a model must have line of sight
and be within range of the intended target.

Range Strength Special rules

Short bow 18“ 3

Bow 24” 3

Longbow 30” 3 if a regiment on foot did not move, three ranks behind the
first are allowed to shoot, when shooting at long range

Wood Elf Longbow 36” 3 as normal longbow + armour piercing*

Crossbow 30” 4 cannot shoot the turn it moved

Dark Elf Repeating Crossbow 24” 3 may shoot twice at -1 penalty to hit

Hand Gun 24” 4 cannot shoot the turn it moved + amour piercing*

Pistol 6” 4 no penalty for shooting at long range + armour piercing*

+ may shoot twice with no penalty if equipped with two
pistols + may be used as a melee weapon

Sling 18” 3 may shoot twice at -1 to hit (at short range only)

Light Thrown Weapon 12” as user

Heavy Thrown Weapon 6” as user +1 no penalty for shooting at long range

*Attacks with the armour piercing rule inflict a -1 penalty to armour save.

Arrows may be poisoned. Troops armed with poisoned weapons have +1S against living targets.

HITTING THE TARGET -1 penalty for double shots (only some weapons, such as
the Dark Elf repeating crossbow, can fire twice).
If the shooter has a BS of 1, the chance to hit is 6+; if the
shooter has a BS of 2, the chance to hit is 5+; if the -1 penalty for shooting while moving (shooting is
shooter has a BS of 3, the chance to hit is 4+, and so impossible when marching).
forth. Various modifiers apply for regular shooting:
-1 penalty for the stand and shoot charge reaction.
-3 penalty for shooting at troops within a building (it is
-1 penalty for shooting at man sized single models and
only possible to hit models within a building if these
skirmishers. The term “a man sized model” covers an
models are standing at the window, themselves shooting
infantry model standing on a base measuring 20x20 mm
at models outside the building).
or 25x25 mm.
-2 penalty for hard cover (such as behind low stone
+1 bonus for shooting against a large target. All models
on bases of 50x50 mm or more are designated as large
-1 penalty for soft cover (such as behind a hedge or targets. War machines are only considered large targets
within a wood). if this is specifically mentioned in their description.

-1 penalty for shooting at long range (above half the Note that regardless of penalties, you will always hit on
maximum range). a roll of six, and miss on a roll of one.

CHARACTERS Some creatures and even some machines and magic
When you hit a lone character mounted on a small items can make a breath attack. Breath attacks can be
monster, you must randomise to see which of the two made when charging. However, it is not possible to make
models actually takes the hit. Roll a die, on a roll of five breath attacks when you have conducted a move more
or six, the character is hit. If the character is riding a than 10”, when you make a failed charge, when you have
chariot or a large monster, the character will only be hit marched, or when you have landed from flying high.
on a roll of six.
When you make breath attacks while engaged in melee
In case of cavalry there is no need to randomise, as it is combat, you can only target the units you are fighting.
always the rider who is hit. Casualties do not count toward combat resolution (as the
attack is made in the shooting phase) but can cause a


Units may wish to fire at enemy targets engaged in melee Use the teardrop shaped template. Place the thin end of

combat. This is possible, but not necessarily a good idea the template touching the front of the monster’s base and

as you are likely to hit your own troops. Troops in melee keep the template within the monster’s line of sight arc.

combat are taking part in a vast swirling melee, and

under the circumstances it is virtually impossible to tell TEMPLATES
friend from foe or get a clear view of your target.
Models may be hit if more than half covered by templates
All hits made with regular missile troops against a target representing, for example, a dragon’s breath, the impact
engaged in melee combat must be randomised in of a mortar shell, or a magic spell. The two most common
proportion to the number of models involved. templates are a round 3” diameter template, and an
approximately 8” long teardrop template.
Models on bases larger than 20x20 mm or 25x25 mm
have twice the chance of being hit, except large targets Templates are placed on top of the target. All models
which have four times the chance of being hit. more than half covered by a template or directly under
the centre of the template are automatically hit, while
An example: If player A has 10 models on bases of
models only graced by a template go free. In case of the
20x20 mm engaged with player B’s chariot, the odds that
teardrop template, a model is also hit if its base is
player A will hit his own troops if he is shooting into that
crossed by the template.
combat engagement are 10:4.
A consequence of the above rules is that large models
In case of template hits, magic or mundane missiles
are more difficult to hit with templates than small models,
travelling over models in a straight line, or cannonballs
as small models are more easily covered by templates
ploughing through a line of troops, there is no need to
than large models. This is not the intention of the rules.
randomise as long the models hit are not actually in base
Therefore, if large targets are hit by templates but not
contact with their enemy. If, however, a in base contact
found to be more than half covered or directly under the
is hit, there is 50 percent chance that the model’s
centre of the template, they are still hit on a 1D6 roll of
opponent (i.e., a model on the shooter’s own side) is hit
If a character standing within a regiment is hit by a
template, and if the regiment contains at least five
regimental troops including musician and standard
bearer, the character is allowed a “Look Out, Sir” roll, as
explained in the chapter regarding characters.

When it has been resolved which models have been hit, 1. Declare the ranges which all guess range
it is time to roll to wound these models and remove weapons are firing.
casualties. The rules for these procedures are explained 2. Fire all guess weapons in the order you see fit.
in the chapter regarding melee combat. 3. Resolve all other fire in the order you see fit.
4. The opposing player takes any panic tests
When all shooting has been resolved, enemy units that
lost at least 25 percent of its current number of models
during the shooting phase must take a panic test (LD),
as explained in the chapter regarding psychology.

War machines are independent units that cannot be A rule that applies to all war machines is that they pivot
joined by characters. A war machine consists of several freely towards the target (and must have sufficient room
models; the war machine itself and its crew members, around them to do so). Note that this pivot may not
who must be placed within 1” of the machine as if in suddenly bring the war machine within range of its target.
skirmish formation. Unless otherwise mentioned, war It is nothing but a cosmetic gesture.
machines are assumed to have T7 and W3. War
Occasionally players place a whole battery of war
machines are non-living structures and therefore
machines onto very little space on top of a hill or a
immune to poison.
parapet. This is against the rules. War machines must be
able to pivot in order to shoot in another direction. If there
Moving war machines
is no space for pivoting, I will insist that the war machines
War machines can never charge, march or move through cannot pivot and thus cannot target anything but what is
difficult terrain or cross obstacles. They cannot move exactly in front of them. Well, how much space does a
within buildings but can be deployed upon a flat roof or war machine need to pivot? At least as much space
behind a parapet on a fortress wall. around it as the war machine is long.

It is acceptable to assume that war machines without Shooting at war machines

wheels can be transported with the use of rafts or simply
Missile hits against war machines are randomized. Roll
carried, therefore all war machines can be moved using
1D6. On a roll of 5+ the crew is hit, otherwise the war
the movement allowance of the crew.
machine is hit. If the war machine is a large target, the
War machines with just one crew member left cannot crew is hit on a roll of 6+ instead. War machines are not
move. normally large targets, though some may be.

War machines in melee combat BOLT THROWERS
When charged, war machines may either flee or hold. A bolt thrower has range 48”, S6, allows no armour save,
War machines usually cannot stand and shoot. 1 wound = 1D3 wounds.

For purposes of combat war machines have a front (e.g. Use the crew’s BS when rolling to hit and apply the usual
the muzzle of the cannon). If holding against a charge, modifiers.
line up the crewmembers in front of the war machine (or
If shooting against a regiment with several ranks, the bolt
behind an obstacle if the war machine was covering
may penetrate these ranks. If the first target is killed, the
behind an obstacle).
model behind it suffers a S5 hit, if this target is killed the
If the war machine crew flees, the charging unit goes for model behind it suffers a S4 hit, and so forth.
the machine and does not run down the crew. War
A Dark Elf or High Elf repeating bolt thrower may opt to
machines are automatically destroyed in melee combat
shoot a volley of four shots instead of a single shot.
if there are no crew members to defend it. Crew
Volley shots are S4 and allow no armour save, but they
members of a war machine never pursue (unless
do not penetrate ranks, nor do they deal multiple
affected by hatred or frenzy).
Abandoned war machines are not removed but left on
When firing single shots against a rank-and-file regiment,
the table. Rallied crew members may join another war
you may declare that you aim for a character in the front
machine if they wish, or act as an independent unit (free
rank, who may take a “Look Out, Sir” roll if you hit him.
of the obligation of not being allowed to charge or
Aiming with war machines A small cannon has range 36”, S7, allows no armour

Like all other shooting, war machines require line of save, 1 wound = 1D3 wounds. A normal cannon has

sight. Is it sufficient if you can draw line of sight from a range 48”, S10, allows no armour save, 1 wound = 1D3

single crewman? No, you need to be able to draw line of wounds. A great cannon has range 60”, S10, allows no

sight from the war machine itself as well. armour save, 1 wound = 1D6 wounds.

Because the crew can see the enemy army advancing, Declare the distance you are aiming. You may not

they are perfectly entitled to lob shots towards the rear measure; you will have to guess.

regiments even though they can’t (strictly speaking) see Roll the artillery die and add the score to the distance
the target. What the crew can see is a dense mass of aimed. The cannonball travels forward this distance
troops, and they are choosing to target the back of the before striking the ground.
army. War machines that involve guessing range, such
The first time you roll a misfire, the cannon does not
as cannons and stone throwers (not bolt throwers which
shoot this turn nor the next (nor can it move the following
use BS), may deliberately overshoot a visible enemy unit
turn). The second time you roll a misfire, the cannon
to plant a shot into the troops behind, but you can’t shoot
blows up and the crew is slain.
into the wild blue yonder just because you know there is
an enemy character lurking about a house or wood; you If you did not roll a misfire, mark the point where the
must aim at an enemy model. cannonball strikes the ground, and roll the artillery die to
establish the bounce distance.
Missiles from bolt throwers as well as cannon balls and
certain spells may penetrate several ranks within a All models in the path of the bounce are hit. If you roll a
regiment. Note that only one model per rank can be hit misfire for the bounce, the cannonball is stuck in the
by any kind of penetration shots. ground and does not bounce, but models standing where
the cannonball landed are indeed hit. Misfire for

bouncing does not count as a misfire as such. The The first time you roll a misfire, the stone thrower does
cannon still shoots and does not lose a turn or risk not shoot this turn nor the next (nor can it move the
blowing up if you roll another misfire. following turn), the second time you roll a misfire the
stone thrower is torn apart and the crew is slain.
Note that a cannon ball will not bounce uphill or over
water, will not bounce more than 2” through woods, but If the scatter die is an arrow, the stone has landed a
it will smash right through an obstacle (destroying it). number of inches away as shown by the artillery die in
the direction shown by the arrow.

STONE THROWERS A hit on the scatter die indicates the stone lands where

A small stone thrower has range 12-48”, S7, 1 wound = the template was originally placed.

1D3 wounds. A large stone thrower has range 12- 60”, Templates are placed on top of the unit that have been
S10, 1 wound = 1D6 wounds. hit. All models more than half covered by a template (or

Declare the distance you are aiming (this must be at least at least directly under the centre of the template) are

12”). Measure the distance (after guessing range) and automatically hit, while models only grazed by the

place the 3” template on the spot and roll the artillery and template go free.

scatter dice close by.

WHICH MODELS FIGHT? To sum up: if you touch the boundary rectangle of a
regiment, you can always hit a trooper from said
All units locked together in base contact are part of the
same combat engagement.
Furthermore, wounds dealt to regimental troops carry
Resolve each combat engagement on the table in an
over, this means you can kill more regimental troops than
order determined by the player whose turn it is.
you are in actual base contact with.
Fleeing, pursuing, and panic tests caused by breaking
Models in corner-to-corner contact is also on base
units are taken after all combat engagements are
contact, i.e., if a six model wide regiment faces a four
model wide regiment with the same base size, all models
In the beginning of a combat engagement, impact hits in the front on both sides may strike.
from chariots are resolved, and then hidden assassins
are revealed and strike. Then it is time to issue and
accept challenges. The rules for assassins, chariots and
challenges are explained elsewhere. Regiments may fight in two ranks to the front even
though the second rank does not touch the enemy.
Next, individual models strike in initiative order.
The “fight with one extra rank” special rule does stack
Models which have charged strike before I10. You could
and can thus become “fight in several ranks” (with the
say that charging models gain I11. However, models with
help of spears, for example). However, the models
the always strike first rule strike before charging models.
behind the front rank can never make more than one
Models with the always strike last rule strike after I1, attack regardless of the number of attacks on their profile
even if charging. If a model is subject to both the always or whether equipped with an additional hand weapon.
strike first and the always strike last rules, the two rules When a cavalry model fights in ranks behind the first,
cancel each other. only riders may strike (and only with one attack as
everyone else).
If opposing models strike each other at the same interval,
they can potentially kill each other simultaneously.
As a rule, for one model to strike another model, these
models must be in base contact. However, you can Attacks made by one model may be divided against

always choose to strike against a regular regimental several targets but must be resolved simultaneously. I.e.,

trooper, even if you do not touch the base of such a you cannot allocate one attack against a regimental

model. This could happen for instance if you only were in champion and see if he survives before you declare

base contact with a character who had joined the another attack by your model against that enemy
regiment in question. champion.

Weapon Skill (WS) is used to calculate one model’s Attempts to hit will always succeed on a roll of six
chance to hit another model with melee attacks. regardless of modifiers, while attempts to wound may be
impossible (if T is four points or more higher than S).
Compare the attacker’s and the defender’s WS. If the
attacker has the highest WS, the chance to hit is 3+.
If the WS of the two combatants are equal the chance to
hit is 4+. Wounded models may take saving throws to negate
wounds. You make a successful saving throw when you
If the defender has the highest WS, the chance to hit
roll equal to or above your saving throw value. Make one
remains 4+ unless the defender has more than double
saving throw for each wound suffered. In case of special
the WS of the attacker.
rules and magic items that let one wound turn into
In this rare situation, the chance to hit becomes 5+. multiple wounds, always take saves before multiplying.
Differences in WS cannot alter the chance to hit further,
but magic items and special rules might. Armour saves

Strength (S) and Toughness (T) are used to calculate If a model wears armour, it may take an armour saving

one model’s chance to wound another model after it has throw. The armour saving throw is modified by the

been hit. strength of the blow that induced the wound. S4, reduce
armour save by one point, S5 reduce armour save by two
Compare the attacker’s S with the defender’s T.
points, S6 reduce armour save by three points, and so
If S and T are equal, the chance to wound is 4+. forth. Weapons with the “armour piercing” special rule
reduce armour save by one additional point.
If the attacker’s S is one point higher, the chance to
wound improves to 3+.
Unmodified saves
If the attacker’s S is two or more points higher, the
A very few models are entitled to an unmodified save in
chance to wound improves to 2+.
addition to the armour save. Note that a model can only
If the attacker’s S is one point lower, the chance to take one armour save, and only one unmodified save.
wound is 5+. If the attacker’s S is two points lower, the This is regardless of how many saves the model
chance to wound becomes 6+. possesses.

If the attacker’s S is three points lower, the chance to Two types of unmodified saves exist, ward save and
wound remains at 6+, but if the difference becomes regeneration save. Nothing cancels a ward save, but a
bigger than that, it becomes impossible to wound. regeneration save is cancelled by flaming attacks.
Furthermore, a regeneration save takes place after all
Each wound suffered deprives the wounded model of a
blows have been struck, but before break tests are taken.
wound on its profile (W).
This means that a model can in fact be slain in melee
Models with no W remaining are removed as casualties. combat, but then regenerate back to life (forfeiting its

Models with more than one W must suffer this number of attacks if it had not struck blows before being slain). If

wounds before they are removed as casualties. the model does not regenerate back to life, it is removed
as a casualty.
Models labelled flammable suffer two wounds per wound
dealt by fire-based attacks.

Note that attempts to hit and wound will always fail on a

roll of one regardless of modifiers.

TO HIT CHART Defender’s Weapon Skill

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attacker’s Weapon Skill 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+

2 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+

3 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+

4 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+

5 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+

6 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+

7 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+

8 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+

9 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+

10 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+

TO WOUND CHART Defender’s Toughness

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attacker’s 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ - - - - - -
2 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ - - - - -

3 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ - - - -

4 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ - - -

5 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ - -

6 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ -

7 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+

8 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+

9 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+

10 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+

Special rules and magic weapons can deal multiple
Hand weapons
wounds. As explained, you should apply this effect after
all saves are taken. The exception is regeneration, as All models are assumed to carry hand weapons. Hand

these saves are taken after combat is over. When trying weapons confer no special rules. Note that magic

to regenerate, roll for each wound suffered, even if the weapons are assumed to be hand weapons unless

model took more wounds than it had wounds on its otherwise noted.

Additional hand weapon
Imagine a hero with a magic sword successfully hits and
+1A. Requires two hands. Infantry only. You cannot
wounds four times against a regiment of Ogres. The
wield a magic hand weapon and use a mundane
magic sword makes each wound multiply into 1D6
additional hand weapon at the same time (some special
wounds. Each Ogre has 3W on its profile. The hero rolls
characters can, even when mounted, but that is because
the following results for multiplying wounds, 1, 2, 2, 6.
they are special). However, a magic weapon labelled as
The 6 is downgraded to 3, because no blow can do more
an additional hand weapon is a pair of magic weapons
than the 3 wounds on an Ogre’s profile. The hero inflicts
and therefore provides an additional attack on top of the
8 wounds on the Ogres. Two Ogres are slain, and one is
magical effect.
left wounded, rather than ending up with one slain and
three wounded Ogres, as wounds are always carried
over. Because of this, no more than one regimental
trooper in any regiment can have a reduced number of +2S in the first round of each combat engagement.

W at any time. Requires two hands. Cannot be used inside a building.

Double handed weapon

+2S. Always strikes last. Requires two hands. Cannot be
All models are assumed to carry a hand weapon.
used inside a building.
Besides carrying a hand weapon, a model may carry one
more melee weapon. If a weapon requires two hands, Halberd
the wielder cannot use that weapon and at the same time
+1S. Requires two hands. Infantry only. Cannot be used
use a shield in melee combat (the shield can only be
inside a building.
used against missile fire, and only when not engaged in
combat). A model can take one suit of armour, either light
armour or heavy armour. In addition, a model can carry
a shield. A cavalry model may take barding for the steed If mounted, +2S on the charge.

(not for a flying steed, though).

Normally you are not allowed to switch weapons during
If on foot, fight in two extra ranks to the front if the unit
combat but must use the weapon you decided to use in
did not move (i.e., if the unit did not charge this turn). If
the beginning of the combat engagement. However,
mounted, +1S on the charge. Cannot be used inside a
when delivering a mounted charge using a spear or a
building. Remember that models in the ranks behind the
lance, the rider reverts to his hand weapon in the ensuing
first may only make one attack (and this attack may be
melee round.
made to the front only).

Pike Heavy armour

A particularly long spear that enables the wielder to fight Armour save 5+. Note that Empire Full Plate armour,
in three extra ranks if the regiment did not move, or one Dwarf Gromril armour and Chaos Armour (all of which
extra rank if the regiment charged that turn. Pikemen confer an armour save of 4+) are also considered heavy
always strike first. Pikemen get +1 attack in the initial turn armour.
they fight against cavalry, and cavalry suffer -1 attack if
they charge a Pikemen regiment. A Pike cannot be used Shield

in conjunction with a shield, as it requires two hands to Improves armour save by +1.
use. Cannot be used inside a building. All the
aforementioned bonuses only apply when the Pikemen Being mounted on a steed with 1W on its profile
regiment is engaged to the front. Remember that models
Improves armour save by +1.
in the ranks behind the first may only make one attack
(and this attack may be made to the front only). Barding for steed

Pistol Improves armour save by +1, but also reduces the

mount’s movement allowance by one point. Note that
Pistols count as additional hand weapons. Wielding one
High Elf and Bretonnia barding are superior and do not
or more pistols requires two hands.
reduce movement allowance.
If the model wields one pistol and one hand weapon, the
pistol counts as an additional hand weapon, giving the REMOVE CASUALTIES
model +1 attack. If the model wields two pistols, the
Casualties are removed from the table. In case of
second pistol replaces the normal hand weapon. In other
regiments, casualties suffered are removed from the rear
words, no more than +1 attack is gained from using a
ranks. It is assumed that fresh troops rush up and take
pistol or pistols. On the first round of melee combat the
the places of their fallen comrades.
pistols may be fired. Each pistol allows one armour
piercing strength 4 hit. Roll to hit as normal using WS.
The “step-up” rule
Any remaining attacks the model may possess are taken
using the model’s normal characteristic profile. Casualties from the front rank of rank-and-file regiments
which are replaced by models from the rear are assumed
Example: A character with 3 attacks wields two pistols.
to be able to strike back at the enemy in the same combat
This character now has 4 attacks in melee, of which two
phase if their initiative step has not passed.
are conducted using the pistols as firearms. The
remaining two attacks are carried out using the When a regiment suffers casualties to the flank or rear,

character's normal profile, wielding the pistols as blunt the regiment becomes disorganised and the fresh troops

instruments or reverting to other hand weapons. that replace the fallen do not get to attack in this melee
phase. This means that the step-up rules are completely
Poison nullified when rank bonus is nullified because of a flank
or rear attack.
Troops armed with poisoned weapons have +1S against
living targets (i.e. not undead or daemons).
Separated models

It is not possible to get accidentally separated from

combat by slaying all enemies around you. If this

Light armour happens, move your model so that it enters base contact
with the nearest enemy model in the combat
Armour save 6+.

When all blows have been struck, calculate combat Broken units roll to flee. The distance of a flee move is
resolution for each combat engagement. Each wound 2D6” for units with a movement allowance of 6 or less, or
caused scores one combat resolution point. 3D6” for units with a movement allowance of 7 or more.
The fleeing unit moves this number of inches directly
Add +1 for each banner on your side of the combat
away from the enemy. Fleeing troops ignore movement
penalties for difficult terrain. Note that fleeing units are
Add +1 if your side has made a flank attack or +2 if your disorganised and cannot claim rank bonus, they have no
side has made a rear attack against an enemy unit. facing, and move in the compulsory movement phase. If
Bonuses for flank and rear attacks may be added they do not rally, they will always attempt to leave the
together but two flank attacks or two rear attacks are not table as fast as possible, avoiding impassable terrain and
cumulative in the same way as bonuses for wounds and enemy units.
banners are. To claim bonuses for flank and rear
Victorious units wishing to pursue roll to pursue. The
attacks, you must have a rank-and-file regiment of at
distance of a pursue move is 2D6” for units with a
least five infantry models, at least three cavalry or
movement allowance of 6 or less, or 3D6” for units with
monstrous regiment models, or a single large model,
a movement allowance of 7 or more. Just as in the case
engaged to the enemy’s flank or rear.
for fleeing troops, pursuing troops ignore movement
Add +1 for each complete rank of at least four models penalties for difficult terrain.
behind the first rank (to a maximum of +3). This bonus is
cancelled if the unit in question has been charged in the Restrain pursuit
flank or rear by a rank-and-file regiment of at least five
Units that do not wish to pursue must successfully test
infantry models, at least three cavalry or monstrous
against LD to restrain themselves from doing so (even
regiment models, or a single large model. Only count
unbreakable troops must take this test). This is done
rank bonus for one regiment on your side of the combat
before the enemy rolls his flee move. Note that units
engagement (the one with the highest rank bonus).
affected by frenzy and hatred cannot restrain themselves
Add +1 for higher ground. When fighting in elevated but must always pursue. Units defending an obstacle do
terrain it is more difficult to maintain formation, and thus not have to take this test. Units subject to hatred or frenzy
sheer numbers become more important than normal. To must always pursue even if defending an obstacle.
represent this, a regiment of at least five infantry models,
three cavalry models, or three monstrous models, Fleeing units caught are destroyed

entirely placed upon a hill can claim a +1 bonus to Enemy units caught (pursuers rolling a distance equal to
combat resolution if its side in the combat engagement or more than fleeing units) are destroyed. If a fleeing unit
has at least twice as many models on top of the hill than comes into contact with impassable terrain or enemy
the enemy has (do not count models which only partially units, the fleeing unit is destroyed. However, the enemy
touch the hill, only those whose entire base is placed on unit must be a rank-and-file regiment of at least five
top of the hill). As with rank bonus, the higher ground infantry models, at least three cavalry or monstrous
bonus can only be claimed once. regiment models, or a single large model in order for the

Unless the combat resolution score showed a tie, each fleeing unit to be destroyed, otherwise the fleeing unit

unit on the losing side must take a break test. A break runs through and past them unharmed.

test is a LD test modified by the difference in combat If the fleeing unit moves beyond the table edge (even if it
resolution score. All units on the losing side of a combat is only by a fraction of an inch) it is destroyed as well. All
engagement take a break test using the same negative pursuers will end up facing their prey, whether they
modifier. succeeded in destroying them or not.

Awkward pursuits Overrun moves

If a fleeing unit is engaged both to the flank and either to In the rare event where an enemy unit is wiped out before
the front or to the rear, it flees directly away from the combat resolution during the first turn of melee combat,
largest enemy. The lesser pursuing unit is assumed to the victorious unit is allowed an overrun move if it
pursue from the same spot as the larger pursuing unit for charged this turn, just as if it pursued a fleeing enemy.
purposes of measuring movement. In effect this means This may bring it into contact with an enemy unit. This
that no matter the positioning of units, the pursuers will counts as a new charge, to be resolved in the next melee
only catch the fleeing units if they roll equal to or more combat phase (the enemies are so surprised that they
than the pursuers on their pursue roll. can only hold as a charge reaction).

Note that pursuing units never get in the way of each

Pursuit off the table
If a pursuit move takes a unit out of the table, the unit
If a broken unit is engaged on two opposing sides (such
may return where it left the table in its following
as both to the front and the rear) by units which are either
movement phase. The unit cannot declare a charge (as
at least five infantry models, at least three cavalry or
it starts from outside the table and therefore cannot see
monstrous regiment models, or a single large model, the
the enemy) but may otherwise take a normal move, a
broken unit does not roll to flee, but is automatically
march move (or a fly high move if it can fly).
destroyed. Otherwise, the broken unit just flees past the
enemy unit, which may pursue as explained above.
Pursuing into enemy troops Melee combat sometimes gets messy, and it is possible

If a pursuit brings the pursuing unit into contact with an that the annihilation of a unit can physically separate one

enemy unit, it counts as charging. This combat is unit from the combat engagement it was a part of. In this

resolved in the next melee combat phase. The enemy situation it must be remembered that Warhammer

can take no charge reaction but hold. The pursuing Renaissance is simulating a real battle where the

regiment immediately takes any fear or terror tests participants are much more entangled with each other

necessary to complete the charge. than the neat rank-and-file regiments on the tabletop
suggest. Therefore, the separated unit is still a part of the
Moving into friendly troops and terrain combat engagement and takes break tests together with
all other regiments involved.
If pursuit brings a unit into contact with a friendly unit,
move the pursuing unit past that regiment (at least 1” When the melee combat phase is over, it may be
away). The same applies if fleeing or otherwise out of necessary to re-align models in combats continuing on
control movement brings a unit into contact with a the battlefield, as fleeing units and slain models may
friendly unit. have left some models disorganised or even out of base
contact with the enemy.
If pursuit brings a unit into contact with impassable
terrain, a building or similar, the pursuing unit stops in If a separated unit is a long distance away from any
front of it. enemy regiment, say 4” or more, or if it is impossible to
move the separated unit into combat, said unit must
If a fleeing unit fleeing directly away from a charge
leave the combat engagement and is free to move in its
encounters impassable terrain or buildings, it will destroy
next turn. Otherwise, you should endeavour to realign
the fleeing unit. If not fleeing from a charge, the fleeing
units within the confines of the following guidelines.
unit will move around the interposing terrain seeking the
nearest table edge. If you can move the position of a unit so that more models
come into base contact with the enemy, and no models

are actually leaving combat, you must do so. If there is a opposing models strike each other at the same
choice between which unit to move, it should preferably interval, they can potentially kill each other
be both, but if this is not possible, it is up to the winner of simultaneously.
the previous combat to realign the position of the units in 5. Roll to hit. If successful, roll to wound. If
question. successful, the opponent is granted an attempt
to save. If this save is failed, the opponent
This re-alignment should not have unintended impacts
suffers a wound.
on the game. Do not, for example, re-align in such a way
6. Calculate combat resolution for each combat
that the player whose turn is coming up is suddenly
prevented from making a charge in the flank of one of the
7. Each unit on the losing side (if any) of a combat
engaged regiments, because the models are slightly
engagement must take a break test. Broken
moved during re-alignment. In such cases either move
units flee directly away from the enemy.
the engaged regiments in such a way that it is still
8. Victorious units must pursue or pass a LD test
possible to charge as before, or if this is prone to cause
to restrain pursuit. Units subject to hatred or
further disruptions, simply allow the player whose turn is
frenzy must always pursue.
coming up to conduct the charge anyway.
9. Fleeing units that are caught are destroyed. If a
In order to bring more models into base contact with the fleeing unit encounters impassable terrain,
enemy, the winner of the combat is also allowed to enemy units (in the form a rank-and-file
expand or decrease the frontage of the winning units as regiment of at least five infantry models, three
long as this does not take any models out of combat. cavalry models, three monstrous models, or a

Victorious regiments engaged to the flank or rear are large model), or leaves the battlefield, the

also allowed to make a turn manoeuvre. As a fleeing unit is destroyed.

consequence of this rule, a unit charged in the flank or 10. All pursuers will end up facing their prey,

rear may turn and face the enemy directly, no longer whether they succeeded in destroying them or

counting as being engaged to the flank or rear. Just not.

remember that a unit can only do this if it won the 11. If a pursuit move brings the unit into contact with

previous combat. a new enemy unit, it counts as charging. This

combat is resolved in the next melee combat
phase. The enemy can take no other reaction
but hold.
1. Resolve impact hits from chariots. 12. In the rare event where an enemy unit is wiped
2. Hidden assassins are revealed and strike. out before combat resolution during the first turn
3. Issue and accept challenges. Fight challenges of melee combat, the victorious unit is allowed
after all other fighting in the combat an overrun move if it charged this turn (this is
engagement has been resolved. always optional).
4. Individual models strike in initiative order. 13. When all combat engagements on the
Models which have charged strike before I10. battlefield are resolved, unengaged units must
You could say that charging models gain I11. take panic tests for friends broken or destroyed
However, models with the always strike first rule within 8”. Remember that a unit only takes one
strike before charging models. Models with the panic test in each phase.
always strike last rule strike after I1, even if 14. If necessary, slightly realign units still locked in
charging. If a model is subject to both the melee combat if it makes more models come
always strike first and the always strike last into base contact.
rules, the two rules cancel each other. If

• Any unit (engaged as well as unengaged) tests
if friendly models flee through the unit.
All models on 25x50 mm bases or 40x40 mm bases, be However, the unit does not have to test if it
they cavalry models, monstrous models such as Ogres outnumbers the fleeing unit (or the combined
and Minotaurs, characters riding on small monsters, number if there is more than one fleeing unit).
swarms, etc. count as two models when counting for • Any unit (engaged as well as unengaged) tests
being outnumbered and cancelling rank bonus. Large if it sustains 25 % casualties from ranged
models count as five models. sources in the same phase.

This means that you are destroyed if you flee into an Those units failing their panic test flee directly away from
enemy regiment of three knights. You lose your rank the source of the panic avoiding enemy units and
bonus if you have a regiment of three Ogres engaged in impassable terrain. If more than one enemy unit caused
the flank of your rank-and-file regiment. You flee if you a panic test by inflicting casualties upon a regiment that
are a single model beaten in melee combat by a Goblin subsequently flees, the direction should be a reasonable
character riding a fear-causing Giant Spider (as per the alternative that takes the fleeing unit away from both
Fear rules described below). enemy units. If this is not possible, flee directly away from
the one that inflicted the most casualties (avoiding
PANIC impassable terrain etc.).

Units not already fleeing must take a panic test (a LD If the fleeing unit was engaged in melee combat, it flees
test) when the following incidents occur: directly away from the enemy with which it was engaged.
The enemy may pursue only if it won the previous
• Unengaged units test at the start of the turn if
combat round (and is otherwise unengaged).
there is a fleeing friendly unit within 8”.
However, the unit does not have to take the test You need only take one panic test in the same phase
if it outnumbers the fleeing unit (or the (movement phase, shooting phase, melee phase, or
combined number of fleeing models if there is magic phase).
more than one fleeing unit).
• Unengaged units test if a friendly unit is FRENZY
destroyed or breaks from melee within 8” (no
Frenzied models are subject to the following rules.
matter the size of the unit). Units fleeing from
combat, being caught and destroyed, are • Immune to psychology (i.e., immune to panic,
assumed to be cut down on the spot where the fear, terror and cannot flee voluntarily).
combat was fought. They were caught, and • Must always charge (measure to see if the unit
never took their flee move. is obliged to charge after charges have been

declared if the unit did not charge of its own TERROR
A creature that causes terror automatically causes fear
• Must always pursue.
as well. A unit that causes terror is not affected by terror
• Double the number of attacks (to a maximum of
itself. A unit that causes fear will fear a unit that causes
• Frenzied characters cannot decline a
challenge. You do not take both a fear and terror test; just take a
terror test (a LD test) when confronted with an enemy
A frenzied unit loses its frenzy if broken (not beaten) in
that causes terror.
melee combat.
A unit becomes immune to terror once it has passed a
When calculating the total number of attacks: First
terror test. When a terror test has been passed, terror
double the A on the model’s profile, then add extra A
causing monsters will simply count as fear causing
from additional hand weapons, magic items, spells, or
monsters to the unit in question.
other special rules.
Units not already fleeing must take a terror test when the
following incidents occur:
• If charged by or wishing to charge a terror-
When fighting a hated enemy, models may re-roll missed
causing enemy. Do not take this test before the
to hit rolls in the first round of each combat engagement.
charging unit is found to be within range.
In addition, they take all break tests unmodified (in effect,
• There is a terror-causing enemy within 8” of the
they are stubborn), and must always pursue their hated
unit at the start of the unit’s turn.
enemy. Characters cannot decline a challenge from an
enemy they hate. An unengaged unit that fails a terror test flees directly
away from the source of terror, avoiding enemy units and

FEAR impassable terrain.

Units must take a fear test (a LD test) when the following If the fleeing unit was engaged in melee combat, it flees

incidents occur: directly away from the enemy with which it was engaged.
The enemy may pursue only if it won the previous
• If charged by an enemy it fears. If the unit fails
combat round (and is otherwise unengaged).
the test, the unit must flee if the enemy
outnumbers it, otherwise the unit suffers a -2 to
hit penalty while attempting to stand and shoot
and fighting the first melee combat round. Do Units immune to psychology are immune to fear, terror
not take this test before the charging unit is and panic and will never flee as a charge reaction.
found to be within range.
• If wishing to charge an enemy it fears. If failed, RESOLUTE
the unit must remain stationary this turn. It can
Whenever a resolute unit is required to take a LD test
neither shoot nor cast spells.
whether it be a panic test, a break test, or some other
When a unit is beaten in combat resolution by an enemy test, it may roll an extra 1D6 and remove the highest dice.
it fears and is outnumbered by (remember that cavalry
Note that rolling an extra die is not a re-roll. If the resolute
and monstrous models count double), the unit is
unit is granted a re-roll on its LD test, it may once again
automatically broken and forced to flee (this applies even
an extra 1D6.
if the beaten unit passed its fear test).

A unit that causes fear is not affected by fear itself.

STUBBORN It is possible that a unit flees away from combat for other
reasons than failing a break test, it could – for example –
Stubborn units always take their break tests without
fail a terror test. In this case it flees directly away from
the enemy. The enemy is only allowed to pursue if it won
the previous round of melee combat and would normally
UNBREAKABLE be allowed to do so (it must – for example – be otherwise
Unbreakable units are immune to psychology and never unengaged). Only if the enemy does not pursue is the
break from combat. fleeing unit allowed to avoid enemy units and impassable

Fleeing from a charge
A unit that contains stupid creatures must take a stupidity
When a unit flees from a charge, it flees directly away
test (a LD test) at the start of every turn except when
from the enemy, and will be destroyed if it encounters
engaged in combat or fleeing.
impassable terrain or an enemy rank-and-file regiment of
This is what happens if the stupidity test is failed roll a at least infantry models, three cavalry models, three
1D6: monstrous models, or a large model (otherwise it runs

• On a roll of 1-3, the unit stumbles forward half straight through the enemy). The exact flee route is

its normal move (stopping if it reaches friendly measured from the centre of the charging unit through

troops impassable terrain, count as charging if the centre of the fleeing unit.

it comes upon an enemy).

Fleeing from multiple charges
• On a roll of 4-6, the unit simply does nothing,
and no one in the unit (stupid or not) can shoot If fleeing from multiple charges the direction should be a
or cast spells (wizards may still attempt to dispel reasonable alternative that takes the fleeing unit away
and use Dispel Magic Scrolls and the like). from both enemy units. If this is not possible, flee directly
away from the largest unit first. When calculating which
Units that contain stupid creatures that failed their
unit is largest, count cavalry and monstrous models as
stupidity test are immune to psychology (they simply
two models, and large targets as five models. Then move
don’t realise the danger they are in).
the second charge if it is still able to see the target.
The effects last for one player turn.
Unengaged units fleeing

FLEEING When an unengaged unit flees, it flees directly away from

the source that caused it to flee. The fleeing unit will,
Fleeing from melee combat
however, avoid impassable terrain and enemy units. The
When a unit engaged in melee combat flees, it flees exact flee route is measured from the centre of the unit
directly away from the enemy. If the fleeing unit was that caused the fleeing unit to flee, through the centre of
engaged with several enemy units, it flees away from the the fleeing unit itself.
largest one. When calculating which unit is largest, count
cavalry and monstrous models as two models, and large Several sources of panic

targets as five models. If the fleeing unit runs into If more than one enemy unit caused a panic test by
impassable terrain, it is destroyed. If the fleeing unit runs inflicting casualties upon a regiment that subsequently
into an enemy rank-and-file regiment of at least five flees, the direction should be a reasonable alternative
infantry models, three cavalry models, three monstrous that takes the fleeing unit away from both enemy units. If
models or a large model, it is destroyed (otherwise it runs this is not possible, flee directly away from the one that
straight through the enemy).

inflicted the most casualties (avoiding impassable terrain Note that fleeing units are disorganised and cannot claim
etc.). In case of fear and terror tests, the regiment flees rank bonus, they have no facing, and move in the
directly away the moment it fails its first test, and compulsory movement phase.
therefore flees directly away from the unit that provoked
the test. It is the player whose turn it is who decides in Distance of flee move

which order such tests are taken. The distance of a flee move is 2D6” for units with a
movement allowance of 6 or less, or 3D6” for units with
Fleeing units fleeing again
a movement allowance of 7 or more.
When a fleeing unit flees once more (if it failed to rally),
it will seek the nearest table edge but will avoid Fleeing off the table

impassable terrain and enemy units. Fleeing units ignore A fleeing unit touching any table edge is removed from
any LD test that may cause them to flee, as they are play as a casualty (forcing all friendly units within 8” to
already fleeing. Fleeing units being charged must take a take a panic test).
flee move if found to be within range.


TYPES OF CHARACTERS Independent characters

Characters are individuals far superior in their Those characters not designated as regimental
characteristics to ordinary troopers. In addition, they may champions are classified as independent characters.
carry magic items that further improve their abilities.
Characters are often described as lords or heroes.
Several concepts are used to distinguish various types
Whether you are a lord or hero makes no difference rules
of characters. First off, characters are either designated
wise, but lords are more powerful than other independent
as regimental champions or independent characters.
characters. If you think powerful characters do not
belong in your game (for example in small battles) the
Regimental champions
distinction can be used for purposes of army selection.
As the name suggests, regimental champions are You can simply decide to disallow lords in your armies.
attached to their regiments, which they may never leave.
Spell casting characters are universally referred to as
Only if all other members of the regiment fall is the
wizards. They usually have a magic level between one
regimental champion free to move independently (and
and four and have as many spells. Wizards may carry as
join other regiments if he so desires). If some special rule
many magic items as they initially have levels. i.e., levels
or magical effect separates the regimental champion
added by magic items do not increase the number of
from his regiment, he must endeavour to rejoin his
magic items they can carry. The most powerful wizards
comrades as fast as possible. Contrary to other
are also described as lords.
characters, regimental champions come with the same
special rules as the regiment they are a part of (e.g. can More unique types of characters exist, such as warrior
scout along with scouts and so on). priests and assassins. These are described in the army
Note that even though a regimental character is a
character, and their points cost does not count towards Independent characters may move around the battlefield
the minimum of points that must be spent on regiments, on their own, they may join regiments (see below), or
the regimental character is still considered part of the they may form units together.
regiment and counts towards the size of the regiment
Note that characters except regimental champions
when counting the minimum size of the regiment and the
cannot utilise the scout, vanguard, ambush, or fire and
number of models needed in the regiment to get the free
flee special rules.
standard bearer and musician upgrade.
Remember that single models which are on bases
Regimental champions may carry only one magic item.
smaller than 50x50 mm move exactly as skirmishers and
They cannot be the army general. They are fighters, not
thus have a 360-degree line of sight. Characters on
50x50 mm bases or larger may always pivot freely on the
spot but have a normal 90-degree line of sight.

CHARACTERS JOINING Characters may use their 360-degree line of sight,
REGIMENTS except of course they cannot see through other models
(i.e. characters standing at the corner of a regiment have
Independent characters may join and leave regiments
a 270-degree arc line of sight).
not engaged in melee combat. Characters joining
regiments must be placed in the front rank or they cannot The same line of sight rule for characters placed within
join at all (remember there should also be room for regiments applies to characters wishing to shoot
musicians and standard bearers). Characters may (remember that characters are allowed to pick a different
switch places with normal troopers or other characters target than the rest of the regiment), and to wizards
placed in the front rank during a normal move (i.e., not wishing to cast spells (as explained in the chapter
when marching). If the character has roughly the same concerning magic).
base size as the unit he joins, he gains protection from
enemy shooting (such as the “Look Out, Sir” roll as Regiments lending protection to characters

explained below). If the regiment enters melee combat, Characters positioned within a regiment with roughly the
and a character is not in base contact with an enemy, the same base size (as explained above), cannot be
character may always switch position with an ordinary targeted by ordinary missile fire using BS if there are at
trooper in order to join melee combat (characters may least five troopers present (including standard bearer
even leave the front rank to do so but must be replaced and musician). If the regiment in question is decimated
in the front rank when the combat is over). to less than five ordinary troopers, randomise to see
which model is hit.
Compatibility and incongruity of base sizes
If a character within a regiment of at least five ordinary
Characters on foot or riding a steed standing on bases of
troopers is hit with a cannon ball, template or any type of
20x20 mm or 25x25 mm can join regiments of troops with
unique targeting rules, the character is entitled a “Look
a base size of 20x20 mm or 25x25 mm, while characters
Out, Sir” roll. Roll a single die; unless you roll a one, the
with a base size of 25x50 mm or 40x40 mm can join
character goes free, and a normal trooper is hit instead.
regiments of troops with a base size of 25x50 mm or
40x40 mm. If these conditions are not met, the character Characters and regiment psychology
cannot benefit from protection from shooting, but can
When a character stays within a regiment, that regiment
always be targeted specifically, nor can the character
may benefit from the character’s LD value (and perhaps
switch places with ordinary troopers.
other special abilities the character may possess), but if
If a character’s base size is incongruent with that of the the unit flees or becomes subject to some other
regiment the character joins, the character may be compulsory move, the character must move along with
placed on the side of the regiment to the front. Note that it. Characters joining regiments that are immune to
characters mounted on chariots or monsters are not psychology, stubborn, or unbreakable will never flee
allowed to join regiments at all. unless their regiment flees.

Characters charging out of regiments The above means that a character who is immune to
psychology or even unbreakable must flee together with
Independent characters can charge out of regiments,
a regiment that panics or breaks. It also means that a
and when doing so they are not inhibited by the 90-
character within a regiment subject to frenzy must charge
degree line of sight that apply to regiments. It is not
along with the frenzied regiment, even if the character is
possible, however, that the character, and the regiment
not subject to frenzy himself.
he leaves, charge two different targets. If a character
charges out of a regiment, the regiment cannot charge in If the opposite is the case (the character is subject to
that turn. frenzy, but the regiment he has joined is not) the

character must charge enemies within his charge range, When fighting in a challenge, special effects from magic
but the regiment does not have to do so. This rule applies items and the like, carried by one of the characters
to all characters, even regimental champions normally fighting the challenge, which would normally affect
not allowed to leave their regiments. A frenzy regimental models touching the characters base, only affect the
champion who has left his regiment because he was challenged opponent. Imagine that the other troops
compelled to charge, but later in the battle finds himself make room for the combatants to fight their epic duel.
not within change range of an enemy, is compelled to
As long as one challenge is under way, no further
return to his regiment at the highest speed and the
challenges may be issued in this particular combat
fastest route possible.

Unable to rally Characters fighting in a challenge can only attack each

other, and no other models may strike at them. Character
Note that if a character has joined a regiment, and all
mounts (steeds, monsters, as well as chariots)
regimental models are removed as casualties, and only
participate in challenges as well. Note, however, that
the character remains, the character no longer counts as
impact hits are received before challenges are issued.
being part of that regiment. This is important if the
character needs to take a rally test. Remember that a Excess wounds (up to a maximum of +3) caused in a
regiment cannot rally if it is below 25 percent of its challenge count towards combat resolution. This is called
original size. an overkill bonus.

If a character is killed in a challenge and the opponent’s

CHALLENGES mount has yet to attack in this melee combat phase, work

A challenge is a duel between two characters of out the mount’s attack as part of the challenge, and then

opposing sides. Before melee combat is fought, the the challenge is over.

player whose turn it is may issue one challenge with one It is convenient to fight challenges after all other models
character in each combat engagement on the table. If the in the combat engagement have struck, as the space
player whose turn it is does not issue a challenge, the occupied by a character slain in a challenge should not
opposing player may do so. be occupied by a model that fights in the same round as

If the challenged player refuses, a character of that the challenge was fought.

player (opponent’s choice) must switch places with an

unengaged trooper within the character’s regiment. If this MAGIC ITEMS
is not possible, the challenge cannot be refused. This
Almost all characters may be given magic items. Magic
means that characters on their own cannot refuse a
items are unique. More than one character cannot carry
challenge, as they have nowhere to hide. Characters
the same magic items.
refusing a challenge cannot cast spells or make use of
their characteristics, magic items or special rules. They A character may only carry a magic item if the character

are in effect out the battle until the next melee phase could take the item’s mundane counterpart (i.e. a model

where they are returned to base contact with the enemy. may only take a magic shield if it could have taken a
mundane shield).
Any character can accept a challenge. If it is accepted,
the two characters meet. Ideally, this is done by moving As all characters are assumed to carry a hand weapon,

the challenged character within his/her regiment to meet all characters may take a magic hand weapon.

the challenger. If this is not possible, move the challenger All magic items retain their mundane property (i.e. a
within his/her regiment to meet the challenged character. magic double handed weapon confers a +2S bonus in
If neither is possible for odd reasons, randomize between addition to its magic properties).
the solutions that seem appropriate.

A character may hold only one magic weapon, and only THE GENERAL AND THE BATTLE
use one piece of magic armour. There is no limit to the STANDARD
number of enchanted items and arcane items a character
Choose your general from among the characters with the
may carry, except the total limit on magic items stipulated
highest LD value. Regimental champions and battle
in the respective army books. Only wizards may take
standard bearers cannot become generals. All units
arcane items and familiars.
within 12” of the general can use his/her leadership for
all LD tests.
Personal re-rolls
All armies have the option of including a battle standard
Some items and special abilities grant personal re-rolls
bearer as a type of character. The battle standard bearer
to characters. These include, for example. to-hit, to-
may not ride a monster, cannot carry a shield or wield a
wound, to-save and personal LD tests, but not LD tests
weapon that requires two hands (this includes all missile
for a whole regiment. It also includes a roll to see if a
weapons). All units within 12” of the battle standard
magic item in the possession of the character runs out of
bearer may re-roll any failed LD tests (not just break
power, attempts to dispel made by the character
personally, and so on.

CHARIOTS When a chariot is reduced to one wound, it is assumed
that a steed has been maimed, a wheel has broken, or
A chariot has separate characteristics for the chariot, the
something similar has happened. It can no longer move.
crewmen, and the steeds pulling it, nevertheless the
Note that units forced to flee but unable to move are
chariot is treated as a single model. Crewmen and
automatically destroyed.
steeds make their own separate attacks.
Chariots cannot march, but still double their movement
Note that steeds pulling a chariot can only attack models
when charging. Chariots need not wheel, they may pivot
right in front of them.
on the spot as many times as they like to. Just make sure
Hits against the chariot model are always made against the total distance travelled does not exceed the chariot’s
the crewmen’s WS and the chariot’s T and W. movement allowance.

Light chariot: S4, T4, W4 Chariots cannot pass through woods, water or over

Heavy chariot: S5, T5, W4 obstacles (and definitely not through buildings). A chariot
that enters woods, water (or slams into a building) due to
Large chariot S6, T6, W4
a compulsory move is destroyed.
Chariots always act as single models on their own, they
If passing through difficult terrain that is neither woods
do not form units with other chariots (the light skeleton
nor water (such as crumbled ruins and rubble), the
chariot regiment found in the Tomb Kings army being the
chariot suffers 1D3 wounds. The same applies when
only exception).
chariots charge into other chariots and war machines.
All chariots are mounted on 50x100 mm bases and are
thus always large targets. Shooting from chariots

Chariots are structures and therefore immune to poison During the shooting phase, the chariot crew may shoot if

as well as spells that only affect the living. armed with missile weapons. You do not suffer penalties
to hit for moving when riding a chariot.
A chariot’s armour save is determined by the armour
worn by its crew and steeds (e.g. a total of 3+ armour Models riding a chariot have a 360-degree line of sight

save if the crew members have heavy armour, shields for purposes of shooting and spell casting, but the chariot

and the steeds have barding). only has a 90-degree line of sight for purposes of
charging - the same way as regiments. This is because
Moving chariots it is much more difficult to turn the chariot around before
a charge than it is for a rider to turn around and let go of
The speed of a chariot equals that of the steeds pulling
a missile or a spell.
it. Note that barding reduces a chariot’s movement rate
by one point as with cavalry.

Impact hits from chariots MONSTERS
Charging, fleeing and pursuing chariots make impact hits Monsters are creatures with more than one wound which
against the unit they charge when they enter base can be used as mounts for characters or sometimes act
contact with the enemy (or flee through friendly models). independently. Monsters - ridden or not - always act as
single models on their own, they do not form units with
Impact hits are 1D6 hits (+2 if having scythed wheels).
other monsters. Most monsters, but not all, can fly. Large
Impact hits are inflicted in the beginning of the melee
monsters are mounted on bases of 50x50 mm or larger,
phase before normal fighting. Characters in regiments of
while smaller monsters are mounted on bases of 40x40
at least 5 models go unmolested, only normal troops are
hit. If the regiment is smaller, randomise to see which
models suffer the impact hits. As they are single models, monsters do not have to
wheel, they may pivot on the spot as many times as they
Chariots as mounts for characters like to. Just make sure the total distance travelled does

Chariots can be ridden by characters. The character not exceed the monster’s maximum move distance.

joins the chariot as an extra crewman. He may leave his Monsters with a breath attack may use this while
chariot following the rules for dismounting, but he cannot engaged in melee combat, but only against the unit they
join it again. are fighting. Casualties do not count toward combat

If the chariot is ridden by a character, melee attacks must resolution (as the attack is made in the shooting phase)

be directed against either the chariot or the character, but can cause a panic test.

while hits from shooting must be randomised. Roll a die:

Monsters carrying a howdah
on a roll of six, the character is hit.
Some particularly large monsters such as Stegadons
Note that spells which may target characters hiding in a
and Mammoths may carry a howdah with crewmembers.
regiment, may also target characters mounting a chariot,
Hits against the model are always made against the
so no need roll to randomise against these spells.
monster. If the monster dies, the crewmen die as well. In
Note also that even though the chariot is considered a effect, carrying a howdah just adds some extra special
structure and thus immune to poison and spells that only attacks to the model as whole. Models atop the howdah
affect the living, this does not apply to the character may use shooting weapons without penalties for moving
(unless of course if he is undead or daemonic). and may shoot (in a 360-degree arc) even if the monster

If the character is killed in melee combat but not the did march. If the crewmen are joined by a character, it

chariot, the chariot will fight on alone. works just as when a character rides a monster.

If the chariot is killed, but not the character, remove the Monsters as mounts for characters
chariot and place an appropriate character model on foot
Ridden monsters are combined models with separate
where the chariot stood.
characteristics. They move at the speed of the monster.
If the chariot is destroyed on the move (at all other times Note that riding a monster does not improve armour save
than in melee combat), the character will survive the as riding a steed with 1W on its profile does.
crash if he or she passes an initiative test (rolling equal
A model riding a large monster has a 360-degree line of
to or below, a roll of six always fails).
sight for purposes of shooting and spell casting, but only
The character’s armour save (and magic items that only has a 90-degree line of sight for purposes of charging -
benefit the bearer) has no effect on the chariot. the same way as regiments. This is because it is much
more difficult to goad the monster around before a

charge than it is for a rider to turn in the saddle and let If the monster is slain first, remove the model and place
go of a missile or a spell. a new model to represent the character on foot. If the
rider is slain first, roll on the monster reaction table to
Melee attacks must be made against either of the two
decide what the monster does next. The effect is
models, while hits from shooting is randomised. In case
resolved immediately the moment the rider dies. Note
of small monsters, roll a die, on a roll of five or six, the
that High Elf Dragons roll 3D6 on the monster reaction
character is hit. If the character is riding a large monster,
the character will only be hit on a roll of six.

Note that spells which may target characters hiding in a

regiment, may also target characters mounted on a
monster, so no need roll to randomise against these



2-3 The monster disengages from combat and moves off the table as fast as possible (flying high if it has
wings). Will fight only if charged. Will use its breath weapon only if shot at. In subsequent turns, if not
engaged in melee, the monster will continue its attempt to leave the battlefield.

4-5 Remains in combat. When disengaged, the monster attacks the nearest troops it can see (friend or enemy)
or, if it cannot charge, moves towards the closest unit at top speed. Will use its breath weapon against the
nearest unit. In subsequent turns, if it is not engaged in melee, it will again attempt to charge the nearest
troops or, if it is not able to charge, it will move towards the closest unit at top speed.

6-8 Remains in combat. When disengaged, the monster moves at top speed in a random direction and attacks
whatever it encounters (no need to declare a charge, the enemy may take reaction as normal). Will use its
breath weapon against the nearest unit. In subsequent turns, if it is not engaged in melee, it will again move
in a random direction and attack whatever it encounters.

9-10 Remains in combat. When disengaged, the monster attacks the nearest enemy or, if it cannot charge,
moves towards the closest enemy at top speed. Will use its breath weapon on enemies within reach. In
subsequent turns, if it is not engaged in melee, it will again attack the nearest enemy or, if it cannot charge,
move toward the closest enemy at top speed.

11-12 Remains where it is. Will attack only if attacked. Will use its breath weapon on enemies within reach.
Furthermore, the monster is unbreakable for the rest of the battle and will never abandon its position.

13+ No reaction, the monster remains under the control of the owning player.

AERIAL COMBAT While flying high the model cannot be shot at or be
targeted by spells cast by models on the table, nor can
Flying models may either use their ground move or their
the flyer target units on the ground. It is possible,
fly move. They cannot combine ground move and fly
however, to shoot, cast spells, and strike melee attacks
move in the same turn.
(add strength bonus for charging with spear and lance)
A fly move is 20”. A fly move is not doubled when against enemy models also flying high (against one
marching and charging. target only). Always assume the target is within (short)

When flying, the flyer can pass over all types of terrain range. Dispel attempts (including the use of Dispel Magic

but must be clear of woods and impassable terrain when Scrolls) can only be made against spells cast by other

they land. models flying high and vice versa. When flying high only
the player whose turn it is make attacks in melee combat,
No enemy can claim a bonus for defending obstacles
and there is no combat resolution.
against flying creatures (large target or not).
A flying unit never flees while flying high, nor does it take
Flying high panic tests or terror tests.

Models can take to the air (remove the model from the If a flying creature is shot away under its rider while flying
table or place a flying high counter beside the model) and high, the rider plummets to the ground and is squashed
descend anywhere on the table next turn. This is called (slain). No parachutes in the Warhammer World,
flying high. unfortunately.

It is not possible to start the battle flying high. In order to If the rider is slain while the monster is flying high, the
fly high, you must take off from the tabletop (or from just monster flies away (counts as slain).
outside the tabletop if you are about to enter the
battlefield from the table edge). Driven off

Models flying high may charge from flying high but must Models with the fly ability that are beaten in terms of

charge to the enemy unit’s front. If this is not possible, combat resolution score in melee combat take break

the flyer cannot charge from flying high tests as normal. If they fail, they flee as normal. However,
if beaten flyers succeed their break test they are driven
Note that skirmishers have no front, so when charging
off, which means they fly off the table and cannot be
skirmishing regiments the player whose turn it is (i.e., the
pursued (undead crumble as normal and are then driven
owner of the flying unit) decides where to engage the
off). In the end of the following movement phase of the
player to whom the flying unit belongs, the flying unit
If a regiment declares stand and shoot as a charge appears on that player’s table edge, but may not move
reaction against an enemy descending from flying high, further. In the following turn, the unit is free to move.
all ranks in the regiment may fire.
A flying unit can choose to voluntarily leave a melee
War machines cannot stand and shoot against charges combat it has won (unless fighting in a challenge) as if it
from flying high, it is impossible for them to shoot into the had been driven off. When fleeing from a charge, the
air. flyer may choose whether to flee normally using its
ground move, or whether the unit would rather be driven
When a unit flees from a charge made by an enemy flying
high, that unit will automatically get away.

When the flyer drops down in front of a unit, it has

expended its entire movement and has none left to
pursue the fleeing unit in the movement phase (it may
pursue in the melee phase, though).

A building is in part treated as impassable terrain. A unit enemy if the enemy comes within charge range of the
fleeing directly away from an enemy is destroyed if it runs building. The same applies to regiments and any other
into a building. However, buildings may be purposely troops compelled to close in on the enemy (such as units
entered, and melee may take place therein. A building is failing an animosity roll and subsequently rolling a six on the
also a very convenient place for missile troops or die to see what happens next).
spellcasters to position themselves.
When occupying a building, regiments become dispersed as
Only one unit can enter a building at any time except if two troopers position themselves within the building. The
units are fighting it out inside the building. Troops inside a standard is folded, and has no effect on the game, until the
building can only be seen and targeted if they fired in the regiment leaves the building and the regiment's standard is
previous turn. Only certain war machines and large yet again unfolded. This means that magic banners within
monsters can wound a building. buildings have no effect.

While within a building a regiment’s footprint is equal to the

Entering a building
edges of the building (the walls).
Only regiments on foot and single models on foot (on 20x20
A total of five models per floor can shoot out of a building (in
mm, 25x25 mm or 40x40 mm bases) may enter buildings.
any direction).
Swarms cannot occupy a building. Cavalry models and
other riders must dismount before entering a building. Only
Shooting at buildings
one unit may occupy a building at a time, though two
opposing units may fight inside the same building. Normal shooting with BS against a unit within a building is
at -3 to hit. All missed rolls to hit will hit the building instead
Regiments entering a building may not exceed 30 infantry
(it is, however, impossible for missile weapons employed by
models or 10 monstrous regiment models on foot (including
regiments to wound a building).
accompanying characters). In case of mixed models with
bases of varying size within the same regiment, bases of Note that you can only shoot at troops within a building if

40x40 mm count as three infantry models. these troops themselves shot (or attempted casting spells
that require line of sight) in the previous turn. Otherwise, you
A unit enters an unoccupied building by moving into it during
cannot see them. You may, however, target buildings with
a normal move (i.e., one cannot march or charge into
war machines without being able to see those within.
unoccupied buildings). When leaving a building, regiments
should be at least four models wide and be placed with their Cannonballs, stones from stone throwers, and similar

back against the building before taking a normal move (i.e. attacks (i.e., not attacks from war machines using BS), hit

one cannot march or charge out of a building). the building rather than its occupants. Nevertheless, if the
building suffers one (or more) wounds, all units within suffer
Even though troops subject to frenzy cannot charge out of a
1D6 wounds (no armour save allowed).
building, they must leave the building and move towards the

Buildings offer no protection from magic spells to those combat continues within the house, but the charging unit no
within. A spell that hits automatically also hits occupants longer suffers -1 to hit. This is the only situation that allows
within the building automatically. You still need to be able to more than one unit into the same building.
see the occupants to target them, however. So, if the
The following rules apply when fighting over a building: (1)
occupants of house did not shoot (or attempted casting
A total of 10 infantry (i.e. no more than 3 monstrous
spells requiring line of sight in the previous turn), you cannot
regiment) models on foot from each side can fight in melee
target them with spells.
combat. (2) No charge bonus applies. (3) Only hand
If a spell template covers a part of a building, the occupants weapons can be used within a building (i.e., you can use
are hit in proportion to how large a part of the building’s additional hand weapons, but not halberds etc.). (4) Banners
boundary rectangle is covered. I.e. if a spell template covers have no effect. (5) Only wounds count toward combat
80% of a building, 80 percent of the models inside are hit resolution.
(80 percent of the two sides, if a fight is going on in there).
If it becomes important exactly which models are in base
For game purposes, four different types of buildings exist. contact within the house, it may be convenient to line up the
two regiments in front of each other, each with a front of 10
Small shed or hut T7, W5
infantry (or up to 3 monstrous regiment) models. If the one
Solid wooden structure: T8, W6
side only has a few models and the other side has many, the
Brick or part brick building T9, W7
latter may overlap and surround the smaller side so more
Solid stone building T10, W8
models can strike.
Note that buildings are flammable and will continue to burn
If a unit defending a building breaks and flees, it flees away
if wounded by a flammable hit (suffering one wound per
from the charging unit. If the unit charging the building flees,
melee phase).
it flees back from where it came. The victorious regiment is
If a building is destroyed, those within are killed. never forced to pursue (unless subject to frenzy or hatred or
similar special rules).
Fighting in buildings
If the flat top of a tower is occupied by troops, it should be
To enter a building occupied by enemy troops, you must
treated as a building upon a building. I.e., the enemy must
declare a charge. You are not allowed to double your charge
take the inside of a building before they can attack the top
move when charging buildings, as you need spare
of a building. Even if the building is empty within, it takes one
movement allowance to force your way into the building.
turn to occupy the building before an attack against the top
You are always allowed to charge an occupied building even
can be launched. Troops standing on top of a building may
though you cannot see the enemy troops inside the building
unfold their banner and use its special properties.
(you can see the building, that will suffice).

Only one regiment per turn may charge an occupied Monsters attacking buildings

building. A stand and shoot reaction is allowed. If the Large monsters cannot enter buildings, but they are allowed
regiment within the building flees from the charge, it will to attack them (if not already engaged in melee). They do
automatically get away, and the charging regiment will now not need to declare a charge, just place the monster next to
occupy the building. the building and resolve melee attacks against the building

The turn a unit charges an occupied building it fights with -1 in the shooting phase (yes – the shooting phase). The

to hit in melee combat. If the charging unit loses the combat building is hit automatically, just roll to wound. Remember, if

but does not break, or if the combat was a draw, the the building is wounded, all units within suffer 1D6 wounds

charging unit is pushed back 1” from the building (facing the (no armour save allowed). Only large monsters (including

building). If the charging unit won the combat but the enemy characters who are also large models) are allowed to attack

does not break, the charging unit enters the house. The a building.



If you possess a copy of Warhammer Battle Magic During the magic phase, wizards on both sides get the
published by Games Workshop in 1992, Warhammer opportunity to cast their spells. These spells are powered
Armies Chaos published by Games Workshop in 1994, by the winds of magic which ebb and flow across the
and Warhammer Arcane Magic published by Games battlefield. Sometimes there is much power available and
Workshop in 1995, you may want to use the spell cards thus many spells can be cast. At other times there may
and templates contained therein. The Warhammer be very little power available. At any rate, whether the
Magic set from 1997 can also be used, but it does not winds of magic blow strong or not, there is only a finite
contain College Magic spell cards. amount of magic power available for your wizards to
share. Consequently, it will be a waste of points to bring
It is not necessary to have a copy of these supplements,
many powerful wizards to the battlefield, as you cannot
as the spells are summarized in this volume.
utilise all their spells.
Nevertheless, you may find it convenient to have spell
cards available for purposes of dealing spells, for Roll 2D6 for the winds of magic in the start of each magic
reference, and for placing them on the table in case of phase. The number rolled indicates how many winds of
spells that remain in play. magic cards are dealt for the players to share (start
dealing to the player whose turn it is). In very large battles
It is, however, strongly recommended that you refer to
you may want to roll 3D6 for the winds of magic. If you
the spell summaries in this volume whether you use the
do so it is advised that you increase the winds of magic
original spell cards or not, since the summaries include
deck with 12 power cards and 6 dispel cards.
the extra spell commentaries from the Warhammer
Battle Magic supplement, information not included on the Before explaining how these magic cards enable
spell cards (such as whether the spell can target spellcasting, it is explained how wizards obtain their
characters hiding in regiments). spells.

Furthermore, in Warhammer Renaissance virtually all

spells require line of sight. This supersedes the wording LORE OF MAGIC
on the original spell card. Note also that in Warhammer Spellcasters of all sorts are universally referred to as
Renaissance a model hit by a template must be more wizards. All spells belong to a spell deck, also called a
than half covered to be hit. This too supersedes the lore. Which lore a wizard from a specific army is entitled
wording on the original spell card. Finally, all teleporting to use is shown below.
spells have been changed significantly, so do not refer
The term College Magic refers to the eight lore of magic
the spell cards for teleporting spells at all.
taught at the Colleges of Magic in Altdorf: Celestial, Grey,
Bright, Gold, Jade, Light, Amber, and Amethyst.

Instead of using College Magic it is acceptable to use the this way the wizard ends up with as many spells as the
Battle Magic spells from the Warhammer Magic wizard has levels.
supplement produced by Games Workshop in 1997.
It is important to note that the same spell may only be
Note, however, that these spells are neither as powerful,
present once on the same side.
colourful, nor as fun as the original College Magic lore.
If several wizards (or bound items containing spells)
Army Lore within the same army use the same spell lore, they will
have to share its spells.
Empire College magic and Ice
magic The highest-level wizard is dealt first and when he has
returned those spells he does not want to use to the spell
Norse College magic and Ice
deck, the wizard with the next highest level chooses his
Bretonnia College magic
In case of wizards with the same level, the player
Dogs of War College magic controlling the wizards decides which one is dealt spells

Slann College magic and first.

High magic If there are not enough spells left for the last wizards,

High Elves College magic and these wizards do not receive the spells they were

High magic originally entitled to (you have obviously made an error

during army selection).
Wood Elves College magic and
High magic
Dark Elves College magic and
All spells that target a specific unit require line of sight.
Dark magic
Spells that target all regiments within a certain radius of
Orcs & Goblins Waaagh! magic the caster do not require line of sight.

Skaven Skaven magic The wizard is always considered to have line of sight to

Chaos Dwarfs Chaos Dwarf magic his own unit as well as melee combat opponents in base
contact. When using spells that travel in a straight line, it
Undead Dark magic and
is only necessary to have line of sight to the first target.
Necromancy magic
For the purposes of spell casting a wizard is assumed to
Chaos Dark magic and Own
have a 360-degree line of sight. This applies even if the
God’s magic
wizard is mounted on a large monster, a chariot, or within
a regiment.
Of course, other models in the regiment block the
All wizards have a magic level. Before deployment a wizard’s line of sight, but if an uninterrupted straight line
wizard randomly receives a number of spells (deal out can be drawn between the wizard and his target, then
cards from the spell deck or alternatively roll a die and there is line of sight. Of course, interposing models do
consult the spell table) from the same lore equivalent to not block line of sight to large models or models
that of his level plus three. positioned on hill, unless the interposing model itself is a

The wizard then selects as many spells as he has levels large model. This special rule for line of sight is for spell

and returns three spells of his choice to the spell deck. In casting (and missile fire) only, not for purposes of

Note that if the spell description mentions that the target Discard a dispel card (or one of the special magic cards
may be a single model, you may target a specific model, that works as a dispel card in addition to its other effect)
such as a character, hiding within a unit. No “Look Out, from your hand and roll 4+ on a 1D6.
Sir“ roll is allowed against such spells. When characters
Even if you have no wizards on the table, you succeed
may be singled out, it is always mentioned in the spell
on 4+ against remain in play spells. Ignore the special
summary in this rulebook.
effects of special magic cards when dispelling spells
If you target enemy units participating in melee combat already in play.
with spells that deal out a random number of hits or cover
Alternatively, remain in play spells can be dispelled by
the victim with a template, randomise to see if you hit
the use of a Dispel Magic Scroll or an item with a similar
your own troops as you would for shooting.
effect (but it must be done as an action during the magic
Note that in the original game spells in play take effect in
As explained earlier, when the magic phase begins, roll the beginning of the magic phase. In Warhammer
for the winds of magic and deal this number of magic Renaissance they take effect at the end of the magic
cards to the players, starting with the player whose turn phase, thus giving the players a chance to dispel them
it is. Special rules and magic items may grant further before they take effect.
magic cards, some of which can only be used by the
wizard holding the magic item in question. Casting and dispelling

If there are no spell casters at all present on the Any wizard may attempt to cast a spell.
battlefield, or the wizards and bearers of bound spells
Each spell can only be attempted cast once per magic
present are unable to cast spells (because they are
either fleeing, have rallied this turn, or are hiding from a
challenge etc.), there is no magic phase. Announce which spell you cast and the intended target.

The deck of magic cards holds 22 power cards, 8 dispel Discard as many power cards as required to power the

cards, and one of the following cards: Drain Magic, Total spell.

Power, Escape, Destroy Spell, Rebound, Mental Duel. If the spell has variable range (such as 3D6” or 4D6”),
The function of each card is explained later. Note that determine the exact range before the opponent decides
Destroy Spell, Rebound, and Mental Duel function as whether to attempt dispelling it or not.
dispel cards in addition to their special effect.
The spell is cast unless the opponent dispels it. It is
Used cards enter the discard pile. When all cards are possible to make several attempts to dispel the same
spent, re-shuffle the deck. spell.

During the magic phase, the players take turns taking an If the target unit of the spell has a magic item or special
action, starting with the player whose turn it is. An action rule that grants it a natural dispel, the spell is dispelled if
can be attempting to cast a spell or dispelling a spell that you can roll equal to or more than the given number (e.g.
remains in play. 4+) with a single die. Note that a natural dispel carried by
a character applies to any regiment he or she joins.
Dispelling “remain in play” spells
If all natural dispel attempts fail, each wizard in the army
You may attempt to dispel a spell already in play
may make one attempt against each spell cast by
anywhere on the table unless it has been cast in the
expending a dispel card. The chance of dispelling is
current magic phase.
usually 4+; 5+ if the dispelling wizard’s level is two levels

lower than the casting wizard; 3+ if the dispelling wizard’s range but not others (because these units made a
level is two levels higher than the casting wizard. successful natural dispel).

If you have no more wizards left for dispel attempts you This rule is quite intuitive to work out, natural dispels are
may attempt to dispel without the aid of a wizard by triggered when a spell hits the target in possession of a
expending dispel cards, but you must roll 5+ to dispel natural dispel.
regardless of the magic level of the caster. Ignore the
special effects of special magic cards when dispelling Measuring range of spells

spells without the aid of a wizard. You must use your own judgement to decide whether the

If all else fails, the last resort is using a Dispel Magic target of your spell is within range before casting. You

Scroll or items with a similar effect. Dispel Magic Scrolls may only measure if a spell has sufficient range to reach

are special because you may include two in the army. its target after you have decided to cast the spell and
spent your power cards, but do not measure until your
When are natural dispels triggered? opponent has made all his dispel attempts. Only if it is
strictly necessary to measure range to see if the spell
Normally you would attempt natural dispels before
triggers some special effect, is it allowed to measure
spending dispel cards or Dispel Magic Scrolls. There are
range before it has been settled whether the spell takes
exceptions to this rule, however.
effect or is dispelled.
Some spells, such as Fireball or Storm of Shemtek, may
send many magic missiles against several targets. In Bound spells
these odd cases you should attempt to dispel the spell
Wizards as well as other characters may be able to cast
with dispel cards or use a Dispel Magic Scroll first. If the
spells with the aid of magic items or some sort of special
spell is not dispelled, take a natural dispel against each
rule. Such spells are called bound spells, and such items
magic missile that hits a target with a natural dispel. As
are called bound items. You can only cast a bound spell
a consequence, the magic missiles may affect some of
if you would normally be allowed to cast spells, i.e. you
the targeted units but not others, or some magic missiles
cannot cast bound spells the turn you rallied and so forth.
directed against the same unit may be dispelled, but not
others. Bound spells are cast for free (i.e. no power cards are
expended), often with a limit to how many times they can
Other spells, such as The Burning Head and Gaze of
be used or a risk they will run out of power. Attempts to
Mork, may travel in a straight line across several targets.
dispel bound spells with dispel cards always succeed on
When such spells are cast you may take a natural dispel
4+ regardless of circumstances.
if the first target possesses any, then you can use dispel
cards and Dispel Magic Scrolls. If the spell is not Sometimes you are given a chance to destroy a spell, for

dispelled, the first target suffers the spell. The spell now example by rolling 4+ on a 1D6. Bound spells, however,

moves on to the second target, which is then allowed a are difficult to destroy, so you have to re-roll successful

natural dispel if it possesses any, and so forth. rolls to destroy bound items.

A third kind of spells, such as Waaagh and Banishment, Wizards unable to cast spells
affects all units within a certain radius (regardless of line
Sometimes a wizard is unable to cast spells. This could
of sight). In this case you should first attempt to dispel
be because he rallied this turn or because he is stuck
the spell with dispel cards or use a Dispel Magic Scroll.
with a unit that failed its animosity or unruly test. Being
If the spell is not dispelled, all affected units may try their
unable to cast spells does not mean you cannot attempt
natural dispel in order to go free of the spell. As a
to dispel or use and retain magic cards. It only means
consequence, the spell may affect only some units within

that you cannot cast spells (bound spells as well as In addition, on a roll of 4+ the wizard who used the Drain
normal spells). Magic card loses a magic level and a spell of his choice.
If this reduces his magic level below zero, the wizard is
At other times, however, a wizard may be completely
unable to participate in the magic phase. This happens
for example when a wizard is fleeing, if he has declined
Total power
a challenge, if he is caught by a magic spell that prevents
him from doing anything, or – in the case of Orcs & The Total Power card can power any spell by itself,

Goblins – if he has failed a Waaagh test. In such a counting as up to three power cards. A spell cast with

situation, the wizard can’t even use a scroll. Total Power cannot be stopped by the use of natural
dispels, dispel cards or the drain magic card. Only a
Dispel Magic Scroll or an item with a similar effect can
dispel spells cast with the Total Power card.
Use either the deck of winds of magic cards from
Warhammer Battle Magic published by Games Destroy spell
Workshop in 1992 or use the cards from Warhammer
Works as a dispel card. If the spell in question was
Magic published by Games Workshop in 1997. The
dispelled, roll a 1D6. On a roll of 4+ the spell is destroyed
names of the cards are identical, but the rules printed on
and removed from the game (re-roll successful rolls in
them are not entirely the same. Warhammer
the case of bound spells as these are more durable).
Renaissance uses the rules printed on the 5th edition
This does not reduce the wizard’s magic level.
magic cards but ignores the option of adding power cards
to attempts of casting and dispelling. Rebound

If you do not have a deck of magic cards, you may Works as a dispel card. If the spell in question was
substitute a normal deck of playing cards, where 22 dispelled, the dispelling wizard can immediately cast a
Hearts and Diamonds are used as power cards, while 8 spell of his own of up to the same power value without
Spades are used as dispel cards. Drain Magic would be spending power cards. This spell can be dispelled as
King of Spades, Total Power would be King of Hearts, normal.
Destroy Spell would be Queen of Spades, Rebound
would be Jack of Spades, Mental Duel would be King of Mental duel
Diamonds, and Escape would be Joker.
Works like a dispel card. In addition, whether successful
Besides power and dispel cards, the winds of magic deck at dispelling or not, the dispelling and casting wizard are
contains a number of special magic cards. If you have no drawn into a mental duel. Each wizard rolls a 1D6 and
wizards, you can only use the Rebound, Destroy Spell adds his (or her or its) magic level. The lowest scoring
and Mental Duel cards (and only the dispel effect, not the wizard (if any) suffers one wound with no armour save
additional effect). allowed.

Drain magic Escape

Drain Magic is a reaction to your opponent casting a spell This card can be played the instant the wizard keeping
and can only be used in this particular situation. Must be the card is killed. However, in Warhammer Renaissance,
used by a wizard. All spells are automatically dispelled the Escape card only works in the magic phase (i.e., the
including remain in play spells on both sides. All retained Escape card cannot save a wizard killed during
magic cards are discarded as well. The magic phase movement, shooting and melee combat). When played,
ends. the wizard is returned to life with one wound and may
deploy anywhere within 6” of the player’s own table edge.

You do not receive victory points for killing a wizard if he To take a Waaagh! test, roll a single die. On a roll of 1,
uses the Escape card, unless you kill him again (and this roll again (on a roll of 2-6 nothing happens). If you roll 1-
time for good). 5 the second time; the Shaman may do nothing at all
(cannot cast spells, use magic cards, use scrolls etc.) in

RETAINING CARDS this magic phase. Furthermore, the Shaman must take a
toughness test (roll equal to or below his T on a 1D6) or
When both players in turn have declined to take an
his head explodes in a spectacular and gory magical
action, remain in play spells take effect, and the magic
manifestation. On a roll of 6 the second time; the
phase ends.
Shaman may cast a spell without the use of power cards.
Each wizard may retain one magic card until the next
A Forest Goblin Shaman does not take a toughness test
magic phase. A wizard may retain a card even if he is
as a result of a roll of 1-5, but goes into a momentary
unable to cast spells, because he just rallied or his
trance (rendering him unable to do anything at all, such
regiment failed an unruly test, but if the wizard flees,
as casting spells, using magic cards, using scrolls etc, in
loses consciousness, or is killed, the card held by the
this magic phase). Move the Shaman (and his mount)
wizard is returned to the discard pile.
1D6” in a random direction (leaving his regiment if he
Each wizard can keep only one card and this card is was a part of one). If this takes him into base contact with
personal and can only be used by the wizard retaining a friendly unit, he is moved past that unit. If this takes him
the card. When a magic phase ends a wizard may into base contact with the enemy, he is slain. If this takes
discard any retained card he did not use and retain him into contact with a building, impassable terrain
another one instead. except water or quicksand, he stops. If this takes him into
water, he drowns (unless mounted). If this takes him into

WAAAGH MAGIC SPECIAL quicksand, he drowns (even if mounted).

The following rules apply to all Orc or Goblin Shamans
regardless of whether they use Waaagh! Magic or some If your army's wizards have at least one Dark magic spell,
other lore. then after magic cards have been dealt you may discard
however many dispel cards and special cards of those
It is the presence of other Orcs & Goblins on the
dealt to you this turn as you wish and draw that many
battlefield that enables the Shaman to cast spells. Only
replacement cards from the magic deck.
if there is a Goblin regiment of at least 20 infantry
models/10 cavalry models or an Orc regiment of at least
10 infantry models/5 cavalry models within 12” of the HIGH MAGIC SPECIAL RULES
Shaman, is the Shaman able to cast spells, and only if If your army's wizards have at least one High magic spell,
this condition is met does the Shaman need to take a then after magic cards have been dealt you may discard
Waaagh! test. Note that Shamans affected by animosity however many power cards of those dealt to you this turn
do not take Waaagh! tests either. as you wish and draw that many replacement cards from

Waaagh! magic is difficult to control. In the magic phase, the magic deck.

after magic cards have been dealt, but before spells are In addition; High magic users are dealt an extra spell to
cast, all Shamans in the army must take a Waaagh! test choose from (the wizard’s magic level + four rather than
to see if they can control the wild and dangerous three) when selecting spells.
Waaagh! magic. Each Shaman able to cast spells must
take the test each magic phase.

DWARFS AND MAGIC Travelling templates

Dwarf armies (with no wizard allies) will succeed at When measuring range for round templates, the range is
dispelling any spell at 4+ when using a dispel card measured from the wizard to the centre of the template.
regardless of the level of the caster. If the template travels across the table, place the
template on the table next to the wizard or the table edge
Dwarfs cannot use bound spells or take arcane magic
(wherever the spell begins its travel), and then measure
how far it travels.
Dwarf Runesmiths (see the Dwarf army book) may retain
and use the special magic cards as wizards (this includes Remain in play spells
the Escape card).
Remain in play spells cannot be cast again while they
Runesmiths may use the Drain Magic cards without risk remain in play or the turn they were ended. Remain in
of losing a magic level (as they have no magic level). play spells cannot be ended voluntarily in the magic
Runesmiths may use the Destroy Magic card to destroy phase in which they were cast but may be ended
spells. Runesmiths attempting a Mental Duel count as voluntarily by taking an action in any following magic
level 1 (ordinary Runesmith), or 2 (Master Runesmith), phases unless the spell description stipulates otherwise.
or 3 (Rune Lord), or 4 (any Runesmith operating an Anvil Remain in play spells end if the caster is slain, unless the
of Doom). description stipulates otherwise.

Finally, a Runesmith may even cast spells as a wizard if Characters leaving regiments affected by remain in play
he brings The Anvil of Doom (see the Dwarf army book spells still suffer or benefit from the spell effect.
for details). The Total Power and Rebound special
effects are of course only relevant if the Runesmith is Split units

operating an Anvil of Doom. If a unit is split up as a consequence of a spell, the

smaller part must attempt to join the larger part in
SPELL COMMENTARIES subsequent turns.

Shooting spells Wizards raised into the air

All spells with a range targeting an enemy is classified as Spells that raise the wizard high into the air, raise the
“shooting”. wizard’s mount or familiar as well. When raised up in the
air, the wizard can only be charged and attacked by
Spells and saves models with the fly ability standing on the ground in base

The original spell descriptions sometimes allow no contact with the wizard (exchanging glancing blows with

armour saves for normal armour, but allow armour saves creatures flying high is not possible). When the wizard

for magic armour. In Warhammer Renaissance this lands, he lands on the very same spot from where he

means no armour save at all. However, unmodified ascended. If this spot is occupied by enemies, place the

saves are always allowed against wounds caused by wizard 1” away from the enemy unit.

magic spells regardless of the wording on the spell card.

Must flee but cannot move
Take note, however, that spells that kill outright allow no
unmodified save, as saves are taken against wounds If a spell prevents a model or regiment from moving and
and not against outright death. another rule forces the same model or regiment to move,
such as being forced to flee due to a failed panic test, the
model or regiment in question is automatically destroyed.

Melee combat casualties TELEPORTATION SPELLS
Damage caused in melee combat during the magic Teleportation spells are spells such as Speed of Lykos
phase does not count toward combat resolution (but can or Hand of Gork which instantly transport one unit from
cause panic tests). one place to another. In the original game teleportation
spells were too powerful. Far too powerful. In
Summoned/raised units Warhammer Renaissance the effectiveness of

Models that are summoned by magic and forming a new teleportation has been capped, but teleportation is still

unit are never placed directly into combat. If they are very good. Note that the Celestial Spell Saphire Arch is

slain, they are worth victory points. not designated as a teleportation spell and therefore
does not suffer from the below constraints.
Regiments taking characteristic tests
In order to cast a teleport spell, the wizard must be able
When a regiment needs to take a characteristic test to see the unit he casts the spell upon, as well as the
(such as a strength test to resist the Wind Blast spell), spot where the unit is teleported to. The 18” range
always use the lowest characteristic present in the limitation for the three spells that can teleport regiments
regiment (unless otherwise noted in the spell summary). (Bridge of Shadows, Bridge of Ice, and Hand of Gork)
This rule does not apply to LD tests, as a high LD should be interpreted as “only regiments fully within 18”
character can lend his LD to any regiment he joins. of the wizard can be targeted by this spell and, and no
regiment can be moved further away than within fully 18”

CHANGED SPELLS of the wizard.”

In 4th edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle, victims of the Teleportation spells always include the mounts (and

Waaagh! spell Da Krunch were allowed an initiative test familiars) of models teleported. Only unengaged units

to avoid the Foot of Gork. This was not the case in 5th can be teleported. A unit can only be teleported from the

edition, and neither is it the case in Warhammer open to the open. I.e., you cannot teleport to or from

Renaissance. water, buildings, woods, lava pools or whatever. It is

impossible to charge using teleport spells. Teleported
The Bright spell Conflagration of Doom may plummet
units count as having moved in the following player turn
already in the turn it has been cast.
for purposes of shooting.
When a wizard who has cast the Jade spell Earth Blood
returns to the battlefield, he should personally receive the IS MAGIC TOO POWERFUL?
first 1D6 winds of magic cards dealt that turn. However,
Many spells are quite powerful and can be real
since the winds of magic were much higher in the edition
gamechangers. Powerful spells make the magic phase
for which Earth Blood was created, this number is
exiting and thus worth the time devoted to it. Powerful
reduced to 1D3 when playing Warhammer Renaissance.
spells also constitute a countervailing force to extremely
As described earlier. you cannot raise or summon new powerful characters tooled up with magic items, as many
units directly into combat. This is in effect a change to spells can target and kill characters. Many spells are
the various Raise Dead Necromancy spells. You may, even able to target characters hiding in regiments. In
however, add extra models to skeleton or zombie most games the most powerful spells will be dispelled by
regiments already engaged in combat. Dispel Magic Scrolls and similar items during the first
turns. When these resources are depleted, you must
have dealt effectively with enemy wizards or suffer the

However, if you prefer a game where magic is a bit less The Empire player uses two power cards in an attempt
influential, you can achieve that in a simple way without to cast Piercing Bolts of Burning against a unit of River
inventing a lot of tedious restrictions. Simply skip magic Trolls which he can see with his Bright Wizard. The Orcs
in the first turn (both players’ first turn). Assume that all & Goblins player uses a dispel card to attempt a dispel
wizards spend the first turn channelling and harnessing and rolls a four. This is a failure as you need to roll a five
the winds of magic which keeps them too busy to actually or more against a caster two levels higher than the
cast spells. Do not roll for winds of magic, simply skip the dispelling wizard. The Piercing Bolts of Burning eradicate
magic phase in the first turn. the Trolls (who cannot regenerate as the spell counts as
Another option is that only the player whose turn it is may
cast spells in the magic phase. The Orcs & Goblins player does not take an action, as
he has only one power card in his hand, and the only

AN EXAMPLE OF THE MAGIC spell he can cast requires two power cards.

PHASE The Empire player attempts to cast the spell Fireball with

Imagine a battle between Orcs & Goblins and The his Bright Wizard using two power cards, thus generating

Empire. The Orcs & Goblins player has two level one two fireballs, which, he declares, target two different

Night Goblin Shamans. The Empire player has one level regiments. The Orcs & Goblin player attempts to dispel it

three Bright Wizard and one level three Amethyst using a dispel card but fails by rolling a four.

Wizard. The observant reader will notice that The Empire player

It is the Orcs & Goblins player’s turn, and he rolls 2D6 for has now spent four power cards but was only dealt three

the winds of magic. The dice roll a total of seven which magic cards. How is that possible? Because the Bright

means seven winds of magic cards are dealt, four for the Wizard had retained a power card from the previous

Orcs & Goblins player (who is dealt first because it is his magic phase (which only he could use).

turn) and three for the Empire player. The Orcs & Goblins player has now spent all his dispel

One of the Night Goblin Shamans eats his mushroom cards and would like to use his Dispel Magic Scroll.

which gives him 1D6 extra magic cards for personal use Unfortunately, the Night Goblin Shaman carrying the

only. Next the two Night Goblin Shamans must take their army’s sole Dispel Magic Scroll failed his Waaagh test

Waaagh tests. The Night Goblin Shaman that ate the this turn and may do nothing, not even use scrolls. The

mushroom fails his test, but his head does not explode Fireball is cast. Each Fireball targets a Night Goblin

as he passed his toughness test. Failing the Waaagh test Shaman, which it can do even though the Night Goblin

means that he may do nothing this magic phase. He Shamans are placed within regiments. No “Look Out, Sir”

loses all his cards (which are put in the winds of magic roll is allowed against a Fireball spell. One of these

discard pile, which will be reshuffled when all cards have regiments possesses a natural dispel (The Amulet of

been spent). Fire) which will dispel the fireball targeting it on a roll of
four, unfortunately this fails, both Shamans are hit, both
It is now the Orcs & Goblins player’s turn to take an
are killed, and the Orcs & Goblin player is left without
action. He decides to use a dispel card attempting to
dispel The Purple Sun of Xereus, which is a remain in
play spell cast in the previous turn. He needs to roll a four Normally a natural dispel would be taken before dispel

or more (you always need a four or more when dispelling cards are spent, but since the Fireball can target several

spells already in play or bound spells). He rolls a three, units, the spell as a whole must be attempted dispelled

the Purple Sun of Xereus is not removed from the table. first, after which each Fireball can be dispelled by a

It will take effect at the end of the magic phase. natural dispel if it hits a unit with a natural dispel.

The Orcs & Goblin player again declines to take an turned to crystal. The Night Goblin Big Boss is denied his
action, but not the Empire player. The Empire player has ward save, as he technically speaking does not suffer a
spent all his magic cards, but still has a bound spell (The wound, but is killed instantly. The five casualties are just
Banner of Wrath) he can cast. The Orcs & Goblins player enough to provoke a panic test, which the regiment must
can do nothing to prevent this. The banner targets and take when the magic phase ends.
kills a single Night Goblin Fanatic – the Banner of Wrath
The magic phase ends and the Night Goblin regiment
is not allowed to target several units as the Fireball could.
that suffered casualties from the Purple Sun of Xereus
After this the Orcs & Goblins player still declines to take must take its panic test (which it fails).
an action, and so does the Empire player. This means
that remain in play spells take effect, after which each SEQUENCE SUMMARY
wizard on the battlefield may retain one winds of magic
1. Roll for winds of magic. Deal out the cards. Start
with the player whose turn it is.
In the previous magic phase, the spell Purple Sun of 2. Deal extra magic cards generated by magic
Xereus was cast by the Amethyst wizard. The spell is items and special circumstances.
represented on the table by a 3” template that moves 3. Dark magic and High magic wizards may swap
4D6” in a predetermined direction. The spell passes over magic cards.
a regiment of Night Goblins and hits five models 4. Orcs & Goblins take Waaagh! tests.
including a Night Goblin Big Boss. The text on the printed 5. Players take turns either casting a spell or
card says that all models touched are hit, but in dispelling a spell already in play cast in the
Warhammer Renaissance a model must be more than previous phase. Start with the player whose
half covered when hit by a template, therefore only five turn it is.
and not ten models are hit. The Night Goblin Big Boss is 6. When both players decline to take an action, the
allowed a “Look Out, Sir” roll as there are five or more magic phase ends.
rank-and-file models in the regiment. He rolls a one (a 7. Spells already in play take effect.
fail) and suffers the hit himself. According to the spell 8. Each wizard able to use winds of magic cards
description, models hit are turned to crystal (slain) on a may retain a winds of magic card.
roll of three or more. As it happens, all models hit are 9. Take panic tests where required.

is three models. Champions do count towards this
number, as they are an integrated part of the regiment.
Agree with your opponent on a points value for your
Note that a regiment may only include a champion if the
respective armies. The points value of your army may not
regiment entry in the army book offers one. Note also
exceed this limit, not even in the slightest (nor may your
that a regiment may only take one champion model
army be more than a few points less than the agreed
(unless otherwise specified).
All rank-and-file regiments of ten models or more are
Note that Warhammer Renaissance works best when
automatically given a standard bearer and a musician for
playing battles between 1000-4000 pts. The rules do not
free. Regimental champions do count towards this
really accommodate smaller battles. Larger battles can
number in the same way as they do count towards the
be great fun but will take a very long time to play.
minimum size of the regiment, because they are an
Agree with your opponent whether it should be decided integrated part of the regiment. Remember that any
what scenario to use before you make your armies. Note regiment with a standard bearer may take a magic
that most objectives are best taken with plenty of rank- banner.
and-file regiments.
If you want to include a standard bearer and/or a
Write down on an army roster everything that your army musician in a rank-and-file regiment so small it does not
includes, what lore your wizards use, and how much get an automatic upgrade, you can purchase them for 10
each unit costs in points. pts each (i.e. 20 pts for both standard bearer and
Limits and restrictions for army building
Remember that skirmishers cannot have standard
At least half of the total points value (50 %) of the army
bearers. If a regiment with a standard bearer deploys in
must be spent on regiments including magic banners for
skirmish formation the standard is forfeit, and the
the standard bearer, but not including regimental
standard bearer is replaced with a normal trooper.
Regimental champions, musicians and standard bearers
All regiments that include a standard bearer may take a
are equipped exactly as the other models in their
magic banner.
regiments (unless otherwise specified).
No regiment may include less than 50 pts worth of
When you get a standard bearer and a musician
models. This price is without regimental champions,
“upgrade” no new models are added to the regiment.
magic banners, and any models hidden within the
When you buy a champion, he “joins” the regiment, i.e.
regiment (such as Night Goblin Fanatics).
he is a brand-new model added to the regiment.
The minimum size of infantry and cavalry regiments is
However, the champion does count towards the
five models. The minimum size for monstrous regiments
minimum number of models in the regiment when

calculating if the regiment meets the minimum number may carry, except the total limit on magic items stipulated
required to form a regiment (three models for monstrous in the respective army books. Only wizards may take
regiments or five models for all other regiments), just as arcane items and familiars.
well as the champion does count towards the minimum
of ten models required to get the standard bearer and Special characters

musician upgrade for free. Special characters are allowed, but you are free to agree

It is done in this way because the champion is a with your opponent to ban them. Note that special

character, and his points cost should not count towards characters cannot be given additional magic items or any

regiments. You need to take at least 50 percent equipment at all unless it is specifically mentioned in their

regiments, and this does not include characters, not even description.

regimental champions. The given price of a special character includes all

Nominate which spell lore(s) your wizards will be using equipment and magic items listed. Only magic items

and put this on your army roster. The spells are dealt just unique to special characters are described in their entry,

before you deploy your army. the rest may be found in the magic items section.

Finally, appoint one character among those with the

highest LD to be the army general. Note that neither the
battle standard bearer nor regimental champions can be The ideal battlefield is 4’ wide and 8’ long, but a
the army general. battlefield 4’ wide and 6’ long is quite sufficient for most
Characters and magic items
You need to equip the battlefield with hills, buildings,
All magic items (as well as all other special entries that ruins, woods, lakes, rivers, and other types of terrain.
take up a magic item slot) are unique, your army may
Roll a die to see how many hills should be placed within
only include one of each.
each deployment zone (usually within 12” of the table
A character may only carry a magic item if the character edge and no closer than 12” to either side). On a roll of
could take the item’s mundane counterpart (i.e. a model 1-2: none. On a roll of 3-4: one. On a roll of 5-6: two or
may only take a magic shield if it could have taken a more.
mundane shield). As all characters are assumed to carry
Roll an additional die to determine the size and slope of
a hand weapon, all characters may take a magic hand
the hill: On a roll of 1-2: a steep hill (difficult terrain) no
longer 12” diameter. On a roll of 3-4: a gently sloping hill
All magic items retain their mundane property (i.e. a no longer than 12”. On a roll of 5-6 a very large gently
magic double handed weapon confers a +2S bonus in sloping hill.
addition to its magic properties).
The players place the remaining terrain on the battlefield
No model may take more than one missile weapon, no together. Do not place too many or too big terrain pieces
more than one melee weapon besides their hand in the middle of the battlefield. There should be a lot of
weapon, no more than one suit of armour, and no more open field or it will be difficult to manoeuvre the troops
than one shield. around. Too much terrain will be a disadvantage for large

Only regular steeds may be given barding, not monsters armies which need space to move around (such as Orcs

or flying steeds. & Goblins and Skaven), or fast armies (such as Elves)
which lose the ability to circle around the enemy if terrain
A character may hold only one magic weapon, and only
is in the way.
use one piece of magic armour. There is no limit to the
number of enchanted items and arcane items a character

As a general principle, the terrain should reflect the 4: Take the Centre
scenario and accompanying objective. Warhammer
Establish a 12” diameter zone with no terrain in the
Renaissance is designed for use with objectives. If you
centre of the battlefield. The player with the most
do not use an objective, defensive play becomes too
regiments of at least five rank-and-file infantry models,
good a strategy. This leads to predictable and boring
three cavalry models, or three monstrous models (not
including independent characters) touching the 12” zone
The objective is worth a number of victory points equal at the end of the battle is rewarded the objective.
to half of the points value of the armies involved. Since
there are many victory points to be gained by securing 5: Take the Hill

the objective it is advised that players be mindful of Place a hill near the centre of the table. There is a 1 in 6
achieving it. It often happens that no player gets the chance that the hill is forested. The player with the most
objective because they forgot about it in the heat of the regiments of at least five rank-and-file models, three
battle. cavalry models, or three monstrous models (not

It is great fun to create your own scenario with its own including independent characters) touching the hill at the

objective. You can also play some of the scenarios found end of the battle is rewarded the objective.

in White Dwarf from the 1990’s. Finally, you can use one
6: Take the Tower
of the official Warhammer Renaissance scenarios.
Choose or randomly select one of the ten scenarios Place a tower near the centre of the table. There is a 1
presented below. in 6 chance the tower is instead a ruined fortress, a
pyramid, or some other kind of fortification. The player
1: Dominate the Field who is the only player to have a rank-and-file regiment of

The player with the most rank-and-file regiments of at at least five infantry models, three cavalry models, or

least five infantry models, three cavalry models, or three three monstrous models (not including independent

monstrous models (not including independent characters) inside the tower (or whatever the objective

characters) on the battlefield (except his own deployment is) at the end of the battle is rewarded the objective.

zone) at the end of the battle is rewarded the objective.

7: Take the Village

2: Raid Enemy Camp Place 1D3+1 buildings on the table scattered around the

The player with the most rank-and-file regiments of at centre line (deduct one house if you play a small battle).

least five infantry models, three cavalry models, or three The player in possession of the most buildings at the end

monstrous models (not including independent of the battle is rewarded the objective. To possess a

characters) in the enemy’s deployment zone at the end building, you must be the only player to have a rank-and-

of the battle is rewarded the objective. file regiment of at least five infantry models, three cavalry
models, or three monstrous models (not including
3: Take the Field independent characters) within 2” of a building. A single
regiment, no matter how large it is, can only take
Divide the battlefield into four quarters. A player is
possession of one building.
rewarded a table quarter if he is the only player to have
at least one rank-and-file regiment of at least five infantry
8: Take the Relic
models, three cavalry models, or three monstrous
models (not including independent characters) in that Place an arcane landmark (such as a warding stone,

quarter. The player with most quarters is rewarded the ruined temple, statue, or burial mound) near the centre

objective. of the table. The player with the most rank-and-file

regiments of at least five infantry models, three cavalry

models, or three monstrous models (not including Each player may set up his army within 12” of his table
independent characters) within 2” of the arcane edge and no closer than 12” to either side. However, if
landmark at the end of the battle is rewarded the your army contains more than twice the number of
objective. The first wizard to touch the arcane landmark models than that of your opponent (not counting scout,
during the battle is rewarded 2D6 additional winds of ambush, and vanguard models), you may deploy next to
magic cards (for personal use only) in the following the outermost edge of either side.
magic phase (after which the arcane landmark is drained
If you play a small battle on a 4’ x 8’ table you should
for the rest of the battle).
normally not deploy any closer than 24” to either side,
(and not closer than 12” to either side if you outnumber
9: Take the Bridge
your opponent by having twice as many models as him
Place a river with a ford and a solid stone bridge or her).
(Toughness 10, Wounds 8) on the table. Randomise to
Deployment is done by each player drawing a map of his
see from which table edges the river enters and leaves
deployment, which are revealed simultaneously. After
the battlefield (not the same table edge). The bridge is
this it is time for special deployment, and finally – when
placed near the centre of the table. The player with most
all models are revealed – you roll off to see who gets the
rank-and-file regiments of at least five infantry models,
first turn. If you roll a tie on the roll to see who gets first
three cavalry models, or three monstrous models (not
turn, re-roll (and keep adding the bonus for not choosing
including independent characters) touching the bridge at
sides) until you get a winner. If you win the roll to get the
the end of the battle is rewarded the objective.
first turn but want your opponent to take the first turn, you

10: Two Objectives can force him to do that.

In this scenario there are two objectives, each worth a Note that Heroic Bretonnia armies praying for the

number of victory points equal to a quarter of the points blessing of the Lady never get the first turn no matter

value of the armies involved. Roll two dice to see which what. The Heroic Bretonnia player must decide whether

two objectives to use. If you come up with the same two to pray or not before deployment is written down.

objectives, re-roll until you get two different results. 1:

Raid Enemy Camp; 2: Take the Centre; 3: Take the Hill; VARIATION IN DEPLOYMENT
4: Take the Tower; 5: Take the Relic; 6: Kill Enemy
Once in a while you should try out different approaches
General (a player can claim the objective if his general is
to deployment. Below are some suggestions for
alive at the end of the battle while his opponent’s general
alternative deployment zones.
is slain).

Broad Deployment
Having established the objective, and the placement of
terrain, it is time to choose sides. Each player rolls a die
(re-roll ties). The winner determines which player may
choose sides.

It is an obvious advantage to pick the side with the most

favourable terrain, but you might want to let your
opponent choose because the player who did not choose
sides gets +1 to the dice roll to see who gets the first turn.

Displaced deployment Scouts

When ordinary deployment is finished, troops with this

special rule may deploy anywhere on the table providing
they are out of sight of enemy troops (assume 360-
degree lines of sight for all units for this purpose) and not
within the enemy deployment zone. Alternatively, they
may deploy in their own deployment zone.

Scouts are placed in the following order: The player who

chose sides places a scout unit from his army, if any,
after which the opposing player places one, and so on,
until all scouts have been deployed.
Oblique line deployment

When ordinary deployment has finished, and scouts

have been deployed, troops with this special rule may
take a march move, even if it leaves them standing
visible to the enemy. Vanguard troops are moved in the
following order: The player who chose sides moves one
vanguard unit from his army, if any, after which the
opposing player moves one, and so on, until all vanguard
troops have moved.

Drawing deployment on a map is essential to the

Warhammer Renaissance feeling. Your spies have given
you an indication about what troops you are going to face A battle lasts 5 turns. When the last turn is finished roll

(as you have seen the models your opponent has 1D6: on a roll of 1-3, the battle ends, on a roll of 4-6, play

brought to the game), but you do not know how the one final turn.

enemy deploys, and you must attempt to anticipate this It is important that you roll a die after five turns to see
When actual deployment is revealed you must adapt whether to play a final sixth turn. This is to ensure that no
your plan to any unforeseen circumstances. player can know exactly when the game ends. This way

For variation’s sake sometimes try this alternative you cannot hold back your charge to the last moment, as

approach to deployment. Each player deploys one unit you do not know exactly when the last moment will be.

at a time (placing all war machines at once, placing all You will have to commit your forces and risk being

characters at once as the last unit). Randomise to see counter-charged in the following turn.

which player deploys first. However, the sixth turn comes around nightfall.
Therefore, there can only be limited moving and
SPECIAL DEPLOYMENT RULES shooting. It has become impossible to see the enemy in
the distance. Subsequently, in the sixth turn you can only
Ambush see 12”. You cannot declare a charge against units more

Troops with this special rule may choose not to deploy than 12” away, you can only move 12” and you can only

but arrive at any table edge in their second turn. They target enemies with missile fire of any kind within 12” of

enter the table as if they had pursued out of the table (i.e. the firing unit.
they cannot charge but may otherwise move normally).

When the distance for shooting is measured, if the target To achieve a minor victory (5/4) you must beat your
is found to be more than 12” away the shot is considered opponent by a margin equal to at least 10 percent of the
an automatic miss, no matter if it was a longbow shot or points value of your opponent’s army.
a cannon shot. It is of course possible to hit targets
To achieve a normal victory (6/3) you must beat your
further away than 12” thanks to cannon balls bouncing
opponent by a margin equal to at least 25 percent of the
and stone throwers scattering, but if there was no valid
points value of your opponent’s army.
target within 12”, no models are hit, nevertheless.
To achieve a major victory (7/2) you must beat your
Furthermore, all the magic flowing around the battlefield
opponent by a margin equal to at least 50 percent of the
has been spent, so there can be no magic phase in the
points value of your opponent’s army.
sixth turn.
To achieve an ultimate victory (8/1) you must beat your
opponent by a margin equal to at least 100 percent of the
points value of your opponent’s army.
When the battle is over, count the points values of slain
To achieve an unbelievable incredible legendary victory
and fleeing enemy units (including regiments that have
(9/0) you must beat your opponent by a margin equal to
been raised or summoned by magic during the battle). A
at least 149 percent of the points value of your
regiment reduced to 25 percent or less of its original
opponent’s army.
number of troops (including regimental champions) is
worth half its point value. When calculating who has won, Otherwise, the result is a draw (4/4).
war machines with no crew or permanently unable to
shoot count as slain as well.

The objective is worth 50 percent of the points value of

the armies involved (largest army if using different
amounts of points). I.e. in a 2000 pts battle, the objective
is worth 1000 pts.


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