March 18

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7 Weather

A Weather conditions
Notice that it is very common to form adjectives by adding -y.

noun adjective noun adjective verb

fog foggy sun sunny the sun is shining
cloud cloudy wind windy the wind is blowing
the cold cold snow snowy it’s snowing
ice icy rain wet it’s raining

There are common word partners to describe weather conditions:

It was very cloudy this morning, but the sun came out a er lunch. [appeared]
The accident happened in thick fog [bad fog].
We had some heavy rain at the weekend. [a lot of rain; opp light rain]
There was a strong wind when we were on the boat. [a lot of wind]
The wind has blown all the apples o the tree.
It rained in the morning, but the sky was clear by lunchtime. [no clouds]
It’s been extremely cold today. [very; also extremely hot/windy]

B Rain and storms

For heavy rain we o en use the verb pour, e.g. pour with rain. For short periods of light or
heavy rain, we use the noun shower. A storm is heavy rain with strong winds.
It poured with rain this a ernoon.
Look, it’s really pouring (with rain) now.
We had a couple of heavy/light showers this morning.
A period of hot weather sometimes ends with a thunderstorm.
First it becomes very humid [the air feels very warm and wet],
then you hear thunder and see lightning, and it’s followed by heavy rain.

C Temperature*

40 degrees Celsius 10 degrees below zero

boiling hot warm not very warm cold freezing

[very hot] (also cool) (also chilly) [very cold]
* how hot or cold it is

Language help
Cool can either mean slightly cold in a negative way, e.g. We’ve had a cool summer; or slightly cold in
a pleasant way, e.g. The water in the pool was lovely and cool.
Mild is o en used in a positive way to describe weather that is not as cold as usual, e.g. It’s been a
mild winter.

20 English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and intermediate


7.1 Match the words on the le with the words on the right.
1 a sunny e a with rain
2 heavy b fog
3 a strong c sky
4 a clear d and lightning
5 pour e day
6 thick f rain
7 thunder g wind
7.2 Write short sentences to describe the weather conditions in each picture.

1 It’s foggy. 3 5

2 4 6

7.3 True or false? If a sentence is false, change it to make it true.

1 When it’s foggy, you need sunglasses. False. When it’s foggy you can’t see very well.
2 It’s nice to sit outside when it’s freezing.
3 If you’re boiling, you might enjoy a swim.
4 A shower is a type of wind.
5 If it’s chilly, you may want to put on a coat.
6 If it’s humid, the air will be very dry.
7 A mild winter means it is colder than usual.
8 If it rains, the road will be wet.
7.4 Complete the sentences.
1 We had really thick fog this morning.
2 I don’t mind wet weather if it stays quite mild. I just hate the .
3 We had a heavy this morning, but it only lasted a few minutes.
4 It was with rain when we le the house.
5 It was minus ten in New York yesterday. It is o en below here
in winter. It’s cold!
6 It’s getting very humid. We might have a later.
7 It was cloudy and grey this morning, but when the sun out it was quite hot.
8 What’s the today? It feels much colder than yesterday.
9 It was hot sitting in the sun, but under the beach umbrella it was nice and .

7.5 Over to you

Do you have these weather conditions in your country? When do you have them?
humid weather storms and thunderstorms strong winds
thick fog temperatures below zero showers

English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and intermediate 21

8 Animals and insects
A Pets and farm animals
In the UK, many people keep pets [animals that live with people]. The most common are
dogs and cats, but people also keep birds, e.g. parrots, that are usually in a cage. Children
sometimes keep mice (sing mouse) and rabbits. Some people keep more unusual animals as
pets, e.g. frogs, snakes and spiders.

parrot bull

Farms in the UK may have sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, chickens, goats and a bull.

B Wild animals
The pictures show a number of wild animals [animals that normally live in natural conditions]. If you
are lucky, you may see these animals in the wild [living free], but you will probably see them in a
zoo. Some of these animals, for example tigers, are now quite rare [not o en seen or found]. It is
important that we protect [keep safe] these endangered animals.


gira e

C Insects

bee ant mosquito fly butterfly

D Sea creatures
Many di erent creatures [living things, e.g. animals] live in the sea.

whale octopus



22 English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and intermediate


8.1 Put the words into the correct columns.

goat monkey goat fly bull bee elephant pig

mosquito tiger donkey camel ant leopard butterfly

farm animals wild animals insects


8.2 Look at the underlined letters in each pair of words. Is the pronunciation the same or
di erent? Use the index to help you.
1 whale water different 6 goat gira e
2 cat camel same 7 spider wild
3 bear bee 8 camel snake
4 leopard mosquito 9 leopard shark
5 lion tiger 10 monkey frog
8.3 Complete the sentences.
1 Cats and dogs are the most common pets in the UK.
2 I’ve only seen animals in zoos or on TV.
3 I don’t like keeping birds in a ; they need more space.
4 I hate ants and mosquitos. In fact, I hate all .
5 It’s hard to see tigers in the wild because they are now .
6 Some animals are disappearing, so we must them.
8.4 Start each sentence with a suitable creature from the opposite page.
1 Sharks can swim very long distances.
2 are very clever and are similar to humans.
3 can travel through the desert for long distances without water.
4 can be 25 metres in length.
5 can eat leaves from tall trees when they are standing on the ground.
6 sometimes change their skin several times a year.
7 can pick things up with their trunk.
8 are kept as pets, usually in cages, and some can even talk!

8.5 Over to you

Answer the questions. If possible, compare your answers with someone else.
1 Have you got any pets? What pets?
2 Have you ever seen animals in the wild? What did you see? Where?
3 How do you feel about birds in cages and wild animals in zoos?
4 Are you frightened of any creatures, e.g. mice?

English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and intermediate 23

9 The body and movement
A Parts of the body
The outer part of the body is covered in skin. Too much sun is bad for your skin.

lips neck shoulder

elbow breast


bottom hip wrist


heel toe

B Movements with your mouth, face and head

People breathe through their nose or mouth. You breathe in and out about 12–15 times a
People smile when they’re happy, and sometimes smile at people to be polite.
People laugh at things which are funny.
People sometimes cry if they’re very unhappy, or receive bad news.
People in some countries nod their head [move it up and down] to mean ‘yes’, and shake their
head [move it from side to side] for ‘no’.
People o en yawn when they’re tired, and sometimes when they’re bored.

C Common expressions

shake hands comb your blow your

with someone hair nose

fold your wave to

arms somebody

24 English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and intermediate

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