March 18
March 18
March 18
A Weather conditions
Notice that it is very common to form adjectives by adding -y.
C Temperature*
Language help
Cool can either mean slightly cold in a negative way, e.g. We’ve had a cool summer; or slightly cold in
a pleasant way, e.g. The water in the pool was lovely and cool.
Mild is o en used in a positive way to describe weather that is not as cold as usual, e.g. It’s been a
mild winter.
7.1 Match the words on the le with the words on the right.
1 a sunny e a with rain
2 heavy b fog
3 a strong c sky
4 a clear d and lightning
5 pour e day
6 thick f rain
7 thunder g wind
7.2 Write short sentences to describe the weather conditions in each picture.
1 It’s foggy. 3 5
2 4 6
parrot bull
Farms in the UK may have sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, chickens, goats and a bull.
B Wild animals
The pictures show a number of wild animals [animals that normally live in natural conditions]. If you
are lucky, you may see these animals in the wild [living free], but you will probably see them in a
zoo. Some of these animals, for example tigers, are now quite rare [not o en seen or found]. It is
important that we protect [keep safe] these endangered animals.
gira e
C Insects
D Sea creatures
Many di erent creatures [living things, e.g. animals] live in the sea.
whale octopus
8.2 Look at the underlined letters in each pair of words. Is the pronunciation the same or
di erent? Use the index to help you.
1 whale water different 6 goat gira e
2 cat camel same 7 spider wild
3 bear bee 8 camel snake
4 leopard mosquito 9 leopard shark
5 lion tiger 10 monkey frog
8.3 Complete the sentences.
1 Cats and dogs are the most common pets in the UK.
2 I’ve only seen animals in zoos or on TV.
3 I don’t like keeping birds in a ; they need more space.
4 I hate ants and mosquitos. In fact, I hate all .
5 It’s hard to see tigers in the wild because they are now .
6 Some animals are disappearing, so we must them.
8.4 Start each sentence with a suitable creature from the opposite page.
1 Sharks can swim very long distances.
2 are very clever and are similar to humans.
3 can travel through the desert for long distances without water.
4 can be 25 metres in length.
5 can eat leaves from tall trees when they are standing on the ground.
6 sometimes change their skin several times a year.
7 can pick things up with their trunk.
8 are kept as pets, usually in cages, and some can even talk!
lips neck shoulder
elbow breast
heel toe
C Common expressions