Blkout Digital Rule Book

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BLKOUT Print Second Edition

[2.0] MOVEMENT 9
[3.0] COMBAT 11
[4.0] GAME SETUP 13
[5.0] GAME ROUNDS 15
[7.0] REACTIONS 17
BLKOUT immerses Players in a high-lethality Step into the year 2110, where conflict has evolved into a relentless, multi-
tactical environment, where every decision can dimensional struggle. It’s a world where warfare transcends the physical realm
be a matter of life and death. In this unforgiving and extends into cyberspace, delivering blows as impactful as any rifle round. In this
setting, you’ll find yourself faced with the era, success hinges on mastering multi-domain operations, requiring impeccable
toughest choices at the most inopportune coordination and communication at every level to achieve objectives.
moments. Success will depend on your mastery BLKOUT wholeheartedly embraces this reality with Data Attacks, Combat AI,
of positioning, clever use of cover, and the ability and massive armored units called Dusters.
to outmaneuver and outfight your opponents.
BLKOUT is set on the colony planet of ABOL,
a place of profound significance as humanity’s
first and last colony planet. ABOL is a world
teetering on the brink, struggling under
the weight of oppressive state powers and
splintered factions. It represents the last
Dive deeper into the BLKOUT universe!
flicker of hope for countless colonists seeking
Visit to
a better future.
explore a wealth of scenarios, access
digital force downloads, and uncover
the backstory of ABOL.
Join our Discord and Social Media
Groups to dig deeper into the
community and find other players.

1 2
The following items are not a comprehensive Tokens represent the status of individual TOKENS Line of Sight is used to determine when a
need to know list, but may be different from Models. They must “follow” or be placed The BLKOUT Team offers Token packs Model can “see” another Model, or how much
other wargames you have played in the past. alongside the Model so Players can tell what for gameplay. Our provided Token Pack of that Model can be seen.
it is. Markers are used to mark the status of contains green and red chevrons. Typically, A Model has Line of Sight to another Model
[1.1] MODEL entire Units. Sometimes, Markers are used we use the green chevron for ‘Ready’ and or Marker when an imaginary, unobstructed
BLKOUT utilizes 32mm or 1/48th scale to represent Smoke or Explosives and must the red chevron for ‘Engaged’. For color straight line can be drawn from any point on
miniatures called Models. Models are either be 1” in diameter. blind players, a chevron pointed towards the Model or its Base to any point on the other
Infantry or Vehicles. Infantry are any human- the Model can indicate ‘Engaged’, while one Model or its Base, or Marker.
[1.5] D10 pointed away can represent ‘Ready’.
sized miniature mounted on a 25mm or 1”
A D10 is a 10-sided die that generates a [1.7.1] COVER
base. Vehicles are larger Models that may not
require a base. number from 1-10. A Model has Cover from another Model if
Terrain blocks the view of more than half of
A Model is in Base-to-Base when its Base is In BLKOUT, distances are measured in inches. [1.7.2] VERTICAL COMBAT
touching another Model or its Base. Bases may Players can measure distances at anytime. For
a Model on a Base, measure from the Base’s Models placed on Terrain that is at least 3” tall
never overlap or sit on top of one another.
edge. For a Vehicle Model, measure from the will gain Cover from Models below them. It’s
[1.3] TERRAIN edge of the Model or its Weapons. important that Players communicate about
vertical Terrain and how it will impact the Game.
Terrain in BLKOUT is depicted by 2D or 3D scenery
pieces. Before starting a Game, Players should
agree on the nature and effects of the Terrain.
More rules for Terrain are found at [10.4].

3 4
[1.8] UNIT CARDS 7. Armor: The Armor of the Unit, used to block [1.9] FORCE DOCUMENT
Unit Cards contain all of the following information
about a Unit and the Models that are in it:
incoming Damage.
8. Number of Grunts in the Unit: How many Grunt
HFR-6771 DH93745
A Force Document contains all of the following
information about a Force.
Models are in the Unit. Force Special Rule
1. Unit Name: This is the Name of the Unit.
9. Weapon: The Primary Weapon all Models in Force Armory: The selection of Weapons and abilities
2. Unit Special Rules: This section lists any Special
the Unit, including Specialists, are equipped available to Grunts in the Force. Grunts in a Unit
Rules the Unit has. If a Special Rule has white Boxes
with. This includes the Weapon’s Range, One Unit may be Activated after this
2 may spend a Combat Load to use them.
next to it, it is a limited use Special Rule. The Player Unit without spending a Control Point.
Damage, and any Special Rules.
must mark a box when the Unit uses that Rule. Force Battle Drills: Special abilities Units from the
Data Spike
3. Specialist: The number of Specialist Models Force may use.
the Unit has. Grunts are Models that only use the SPECIALIST 2: Grenade Launcher
information available on the Unit Card.
4. Combat Loads: Triangles in the corner of a Unit Blast (1)

Card represent how many special abilities or Specialists are additional Models in a Unit that Stims: Models in this Unit gain +2 Movement for their Activation. Cyclic: This Model may make one Shoot or Ready
Action after Shooting.
Assaulters: Models in this Unit cannot be Targeted by Overwatch


when making a Full Move. Heavy: +1 Shot if this Model did not Move

Weapons from their Armory a Grunt from the will have their own equipment, special rules, and Chaff: Place a Smoke Token (Chaff) within 6” of a Model in this Unit
before Activating. Chaff Smoke Tokens Dissipate on a 10+
Sustained (X): Target must roll X Armor D10
after marking Damage. Each Failed D10 applies

Unit may use. Players should mark one of these sometimes Skill or Movement. Players must use
the Weapons Damage to the Target.
CQB: This Weapon ignores Cover when Targeting
Models in half of its Range.
Combat Loads each time the Unit uses the different-looking Models for each Specialist. FOR UNIT UPDATES
Armory to show that it has been spent. 4
Harlow First Reaction Force Units gain +2 Movement

4 5
when Sprinting.
5. Skill: This represents each Model’s level of ARMORY
HEAD | 16”/4
Blast (1)

training. Players will compare D10 rolled in a Skill This example Unit will have three Models 6 MICRO LAUNCHER | 4-16”/2
Blast (1), Heavy

Check [2.3] to this number. total. One Grunt and two Specialists. With FRAG LAUNCHER | 24”/1

Sustained (2), CQB

one Specialist having a Data Spike and one 1 BOOST JUMP

Model gains Jump (4)

6. Movement Value: Every Model in the Unit uses


with a Grenade Launcher.

this number to determine how far it may Move 8
in inches. FAL-32C | 24”/1

5 6
Models will often be required to make Skill • Skill Checks may never roll less than one D10.
Checks. To do so, roll 2D10 and compare the • When a Skill Check is Hard, it may never roll
result to the Model’s Skill. more than 1D10.
Each D10 that rolls equal to or higher than the
Model’s Skill is a Success. If at least one D10
is a Success, the Skill Check has Passed.
Any D10 that rolls less than the Model’s Skill
is a Failure and if no Successes are rolled, the
Skill Check is Failed.

ACED! EXAMPLE: Skill 6 Roll

Any D10 that rolls equal to a 10 in a Skill
Check is considered an Ace and will count
as two Successes.

7 8
To move a Model, measure the intended distance A Model may use half its Movement to Lean LEANING OUT
from its Base. Then, move the Model, ensuring it Out after a Move. If a Model only Leans Out
doesn’t exceed the measured distance or pass instead of Moving, it does not count as Moving
through enemy Models or Terrain. for Special Rules. Place a 25mm Lean Out
Marker next to the Model’s Base. The Marker
[2.1] OBSTACLES can be used for the Model’s Line of Sight and
Terrain that is 1” tall or shorter is called measurements. Enemy Models must treat the B
an Obstacle. Marker as the Leaning Out Model if they do not A
have Line of Sight to the Model itself.
An Infantry Model may Move over an Obstacle by
reducing their total Movement by 2”. Models that are Leaning Out have cover from
any Model that can only see the Marker and
[2.2] GOING UP OR DOWN not the actual Model.
Infantry Models can Move up or down using things Remove the Marker before the Model moves.
like stairs or ladders. The Model must end its
Movement with their Base fully flat on a surface. [2.4] JUMP (X)
Models with Jump(X) can Jump as a • Model B chooses to Lean Out instead of Moving.
Movement. The Model may be placed • A Lean Out Marker is placed next to the Models Base.
anywhere within (X)” horizontally, and (X)”
vertically without passing through Terrain. • Model A only has Line of Sight to the Lean Out Marker and
not Model B. Model B will have Cover from Model A.

9 10
When a Model fails to prevent Damage, it Explosive Weapons, like grenades, include the
must mark a number of Damage on its Card Blast(X) Special Rule. Explosive Weapons may not
1. Pick a Model that your Shooting Model has Line equal to the Damage it suffered. When the be used to Target Infantry Models. Instead they
of Sight to and is within its Weapon’s Range. Damage Track is filled, the Model is Destroyed will follow these rules:
2. Confirm if the Target Model is in Cover. and removed from the Game. Models without a
Damage Track are Destroyed when they suffer
3. Roll a Skill Check (2D10), rolling an additional at least one Damage. 1. Place a Blast Marker (25mm) where your
D10 if the Target is not in Cover and Model has Line of Sight to it. This Marker must
subtracting a D10 if the Target is in Cover. (D10 [3.3] CQC 1 be flat and stable on the Table or Terrain, so it
in a Shooting Skill Check are called Shots.) shouldn’t be hanging off an edge or floating.
After making an Action, an Infantry Model in
4. For each Success, the Target suffers Damage Base-to-Base with an Enemy Infantry Model will 3 2. After placing the Blast Marker the Shooting
equal to the Weapon’s Damage. (Yes! Shots engage in Close Quarters Combat (CQC). Model must make a Skill Check.
that Ace by rolling a 10 apply double the
Both Models will make a Skill Check. Each 3. Infantry within X” of the Mark must make an
Weapons Damage!)
Success inflicts one Damage to the other Armor Check, rolling a number of D10 equal to
5. The Target must make an Armor Check, rolling Model in CQC, ignoring Armor Checks. the number of Successes the Shooting Model
a number of D10 equal to the first number in made. Models must mark a point of Damage
The Model with more Successes applies their
their Armor, and preventing a point of Damage for each D10 that rolls under their Armor.
Damage first. If this would Destroy the other
for each D10 that rolls equal to or higher than
Model, the winning Model does not suffer any Damage caused by an Explosive Weapon is
the second number.
Damage. If Players roll an equal number of considered Blast Damage.
Successes, the Player with the highest roll on
a D10 wins; If Players roll the same number,
they will roll again.
ARMOR Players may agree that it would make
When a Model is Destroyed in CQC, the CQC
If a Model suffers more Damage than it has sense for a Model to place the Marker for
ends, and Players proceed to the next CQC.
Armor (D10), it cannot stop that Damage and an Explosive Weapon outside of a Models
11 mark it. Line of Sight. 12
1. Pick a Game size: When starting a Game, you and A Deployment Edge is a straight side of the
your opponent will first decide on the size of the Each Group consists of a Force Card and three Table, going from one corner to the one next to
Game. The size of the Game is determined by the Unit Cards from that Force. it. If the Scenario doesn’t include Deployment
number of Groups each Player will control. Edges, Players can roll a D10 each, re-rolling
Example Force ties. The Player who rolls the highest number
1 Group: This is for a small Game, played on a
HARLOW 1ST REACTION FORCE CARD picks their Deployment Edge first, and the other
2x2ft to 3x3ft table.
Player takes the opposite side.
1. Harlow Control Team Unit Card
2 Groups: A medium-sized Game on a 3x3ft table.
• 1 Grunt Model, 2 Specialist Models
3 Groups: A large-scale battle on a 4x4ft table.
When Models do not start the Game on the
2. Harlow Assault Team Unit Card
Once Players have decided on a Game Size they Table, they must “Insert” by using their first
will build their Groups. • 2 Grunt Models, 2 Specialist Models Movement to Move onto the Table from their
2. Pick a Scenario: Players need to choose a 3. Harlow Springbok Unit Card Deployment Edge, measuring the Movement
Scenario. There are several Scenarios beginning from the edge of the Table.
• 2 Grunt Models
on page 26.
9 Models are in this Group.
Scenarios will tell Players how to set up the Game
and any Special Rules.
3. Arrange the Terrain: Players will place their
Terrain on the Table. Creating a thematic and
balanced battlefield.

After setting up Terrain, Players will enter

the first Round of the Game.

13 14
In BLKOUT, a game is made of Rounds, each with Activating a Unit allows a Player to Move their Shoot: The Model may Shoot a target. [3.1]
two parts: Operations and Execution. Players follow Models and Destroy the Enemy! Ready: The Model gets a Ready Token.
these steps in order, starting with the Operations. (Ready Tokens allow the Model to make a
• Units with an Activation Marker
cannot Activate. Reaction [7.0])
[5.1] OPERATIONS Sprint: The Model may Move.
• Units with no remaining Models
1. Pick Up: Players will pick up all Activation cannot Activate. When making Actions, Enemy Models may
Markers, Ready Tokens, and Engaged Tokens React! Reactions are covered under [7.0].
Follow these steps to Activate a Unit:
from their Models and Units.
1. Reposition: During the Reposition step every
2. Determine Initiative: To determine who will
Model in the Unit may Move. 3. Activation Marker: After all Active Models have
go first in a Round, both Players will roll a
D10, rerolling if they roll the same number. 2. Actions: Once every Model has Moved, each finished their Actions, place an Activation Marker
The Player that rolls the higher number will Model must make one Action each. Resolve on the Unit to show it has Activated for this Round.
Activate a Unit in the Execution first. them one at a time.
Models with an Engaged Token cannot
[5.3] EXECUTION make an Action.
3. Activations: Players will take turns
Activating Units, starting with the Player
who won the Initiative.
4. Ending a Round: The Execution ends once both
Players have Activated all of their Units. After
the Execution ends, a new Round will begin.

15 16
Any Model may make the Overwatch Reaction to COMBAT EXAMPLE
Shoot an Enemy Model when it ends an Action,
A Model in a Unit that has not Activated or ends a Movement that placed it farther than 1. Model A begins a Shoot Action Targeting
yet and Models with a Ready Token may half its Movement Value in their Line of Sight. Model B.
make Reactions. 2. Model C gains an Engaged Token to make the
When Models make a Reaction, they gain an EXAMPLE Return Fire Reaction and Shoot Model A.
Engaged Token, replacing any Ready Tokens A Model with a Movement Value of 4” Moves 3. Model A and C roll their Skill Check at the
they have. 3”. Enemies could React with Overwatch to this same time.
Models with an Engaged Token cannot make Movement since it is farther than half the Models 4. Model A rolls two Successes, while Model
Reactions or Actions. Movement Value. C rolls one. Since Model A rolled more
Successes than Model C, they apply their
[7.2] RETURN FIRE REACTION Damage to Model B first.
A single Model may Return Fire and Shoot an 5. Model B only has Armor 1/6, so it can only
Enemy Model when it makes a Shooting Action. prevent one point of Damage total. With two
Both Models will roll their Skill Check at the same B
Damage, it will be Destroyed.
time, with the Model that rolls more Successes [7.4] JUKE REACTION
applying their Damage first. If a Model is Destroyed, 6. After Destroying Model B, Model C’s Success
When Targeted by Shooting, an Infantry Model now hits Model A. Causing them to make an
its Shooting will not apply Damage. If Players roll an may gain an Engaged Token to gain Cover from
equal number of Successes, the Player that rolls Armor Check due to the one Damage. They
the Shooting Model. A have Armor 1/6 so must roll 1D10, being
the highest number on a D10 will win. If Players roll
the same number, they will roll again. Destroyed on a five or less.
A D10 that rolls a 10 in a Skill Check is an Ace
and counts as two Successes!

17 18
When Moving, a Vehicle may only Move in a If a Vehicle is Destroyed by a Weapon with
straight line. A Vehicle may spend 2” of its the “Blast” special rule, it Explodes. The
Models equipped with a Data Spike can make a Data • When Vehicles Shoot, their Line of Sight is Movement to rotate in place up to 90 degrees. Vehicle is removed from the Table, and all
Attack Action. This Action requires a Skill Check. determined from the Weapon locations on Embarked Units are Destroyed.
the Model.
If Successful, the Player has the choice to either: [8.2.3] TRANSPORT
Vehicles may Move through Enemy Infantry
• When making a Shoot Action, a Vehicle can
Give an Enemy Unit on the Table a Pinned Marker. Models but not end their Movement on them. Vehicles with the Special Rule Transport(X)
Shoot each of its Weapons once in separate
Remove a Pinned Marker from a Unit. When doing so, the Infantry Model must Pass may have up to (X) number of Infantry Models
Shoot Actions. These will be resolved one
a Skill Check or be Destroyed. If the Infantry Embarked inside of them.
after another.
Model is Destroyed it may be removed and [8.2.4] EMBARKING
• Vehicles can’t make Reactions. the Vehicle may be placed where the Model
PINNED MARKER A Unit may Embark inside of a Vehicle when
used to be.
A Unit with a Pinned Marker must remove their all of its Models begin their Activation within
Designer’s Note [8.2.2] DESTROYING VEHICLES
Pinned Marker instead of Moving any of their 2” of the Vehicle. When Embarking they
Models during the Reposition Step. Vehicle Movement is significantly influenced Vehicles have two Damage Tracks: Chassis are removed from the Game and count as
by Terrain. Since we don’t have a visual of and Mobility. When Targeted, the shooter can Embarked inside the Vehicle, their Activation
your Terrain, a lot of the decision-making choose which Track they are Targeting. will end.
is left to you and your opponent. For
If a Vehicle’s Mobility is Destroyed, it can’t Move. [8.2.5] DISEMBARKING
instance, whether your truck can drive
If its Chassis Damage Track fills up, the Vehicle A Unit may Disembark from a Vehicle
over a barricade or fit through a gap is for
is Destroyed. Though Destroyed, Players can by beginning their Activation Embarked
you both to decide. The key aspect with
opt to keep the Vehicle on the Table as Terrain. inside a Vehicle and using their Reposition
Vehicles is to ensure clear understanding
among all players. If a Unit is Embarked when a Vehicle is Movement to place all Models in the Unit
Destroyed they must be placed within 2” of it within 2” of the Vehicle.
and gain a Pinned Marker.

19 20
Dusters are the universal nickname for the Fight!: Dusters can enter into CQC with BLKOUT offers rules for Structures and Before each Game, Players will gain three Control
massive armored combat Units deployed by other Dusters. suggests Players openly discuss other Terrain Points. They may spend one Control Point to:
nation states in times of war. Dusters are an Juke!: Dusters may make the Juke Reaction. and how it might impact the Game. 1. Roll an additional D10 during Initiative.
incredibly rare resource on ABOL but perfect for Structures: Structures are buildings or areas with 2. Allow a Unit to benefit from a Battle Drill during
its environment. Where developed roads are few, Weak Points: Dusters have a front and rear Arc.
Weapons gain +1 Damage when shooting a clear boundaries that Models might enter into. its Activation.
and Terrain is treacherous.
Duster in the rear Arc. Cover: Models inside a Structure have Cover 3. Activate another Unit after finishing
Dusters combine the combat prowess of a main when targeted by Models outside the Structure.
battle tank with the maneuverability of an infantry [8.3.3] DESTROYING DUSTERS an Activation.
platoon. They are oftentimes attached to Units Line of Sight: Models outside of a Structure
on a mission by mission basis and only in the Dusters have two Damage tracks: Mobility cannot draw Line of Sight through the [8.7] BURN CARDS
largest of Conflicts. and Chassis. Structure to Models outside of the Structure. BURN CARDS are fun additions to BLKOUT,
When Shooting at a Duster, the Shooting allowing Players to use powerful one-time
[8.3.1] DUSTER RULES Models Player can Target either the Mobility [8.5] POINTS OF INTEREST abilities. Before playing a Game, both Players
or the Chassis. The Mobility is always Hard to AND HARDPOINTS will draw 3 cards each from a shared deck of
Dusters are Vehicles that when rotating in place
may rotate up to 360 degrees. Shoot (Roll one D10). In certain Game Scenarios, Players must place 8 BURN CARDS. Players may follow the rules
A Duster is considered Destroyed when their 25mm Markers labeled as Points of Interest on the BURN CARDS and play them at any time
Damage Track in either the Mobility or Chassis or Hardpoints on the Table. These Markers will during the Game.
DUSTER ARCS track is full. not impact Line of Sight in the Game unless
Players agree that they will.
Models are not allowed to end their
FRONT Movement with any part of their Base on
top of these Markers.


Smoke is represented by a Smoke, or a Light Skirmish offers a smaller, more intimate form For larger games, Players can use these Rules to
Smoke Token. of BLKOUT. make the Game faster:
Line of Sight and Smoke: Models cannot draw Force Limitation: Players can only use one Infantry Activation: Instead of Activating each Unit, a Player
Line of Sight through the area within 3” of Unit for their Group. will Move every Model under their control. After
the Smoke Token. doing so, they will then make one Action for each
Model Activation: Instead of Activating an entire
Model. Afterwards, the other Player may do so. The
Models within 3” of the Smoke Token are Unit, Players Activate individual Models.
Round ends after both Players have done this.
considered in Cover and treat their Targets Special rules that typically apply to Models within
as in Cover. Battle Drills: Players may activate multiple Battle
a Unit now apply to each Model on its own.
Drills. Units may never benefit from more than one
Smoke Dissipation: Before determining
Battle Drill at a time.
Initiative, a Player rolls one D10 for each
3” Smoke Token on the Table. Reactions: Models may only make Reactions when
they have a Ready Token. Players may give Ready
On a roll of 6 or higher, the respective Smoke
Tokens to any of their Models after rolling for
Token is removed from the Game.
Initiative, starting with the Player who won Initiative.
Light Smoke: If the Smoke Token is not removed, Ready Tokens are removed before a Model moves.
the Player who originally placed it must replace
it with a Light Smoke Token. This Light Smoke
Token may be placed within 1” of the original
Smoke Token’s location before the Smoke
Token is removed.
All Light Smoke Tokens are removed from the
Game before determining Initiative with no
roll required.

HX-72.6, HY+18.4, HZ-63.0

Players gain an Overrun Point for: KEY TERRAIN

• Destroying an Enemy Unit Models may Secure a Hardpoint by spending
their Action while in Base-to-Base with it. The
• Locking Down more Points of Interest than
Player should remove it from the Game.
their opponent.
A Player with one or more Hardpoints Secured
- A Player has a Point of Interest Locked
may roll an additional D10 for Initiative.
Down when a Model under their Control has
Line of Sight to it and is within 4” of it with INSIDE JOB
Table Size: 2’x2’ SETTING UP THE no Enemy Models within 6” of it. The Attacker may choose to spend a Control
Hardpoints: 2 SCENARIO After rolling for Initiative in a Round, Players Point when placing a Unit to place the Unit up to
Points of Interest: 2 Place 2x Points of Interest 6” from the non should check their number of Overrun Points. 4” onto the Table.
Deployment Edge Table edges, and 12” from a If a Player has 2 or more Overrun Points
DETERMINING Deployment Edge. than their opponent they immediately win and
DEPLOYMENT EDGES the Game ends. The Game will end after five
If playing on a Table larger than 2x2ft add 6”
Rounds. The Player with the most Overrun
Before playing the Game, Players will roll a D10 for each additional foot past 2x2ft.
Points wins.
each, re-rolling ties. The Player who rolls the Players will alternate placing one Hardpoint A shipment of military hardware and luxury
higher number may choose a Deployment Edge each. They must be at least 6” from a Point of goods is being transported from high orbit, and
first and becomes the Attacker. Their opponent Interest, Table Edge, and the other Hardpoint. opposition forces have decided they’re taking it for
gets the opposite Deployment Edge and
themselves. A bundle of cash and veiled threats
becomes the Defender. The Attacker may place
mean that not every supply container has what
their Models up to 2” onto the Table from their
the manifest claims. When the shipment arrives,
Deployment Edge. Afterward, the Defender may
hidden forces strike, throwing the dockyards into
do so. The Attacker will always Activate First in
disarray, moving quickly to secure their prize.
the first Round.
Authority forces scramble to engage, but will they
27 react in time to stop the hijacking of the delivery? 28
Players gain an Overrun Point for: KEY TERRAIN

• Destroying an Enemy Unit Models may Secure a Hardpoint by spending
their Action while in Base-to-Base with it. The
• A Player will gain an Overrun Point per
Player should remove it from the Game.
Round they have a Point of Interest Locked
Down. Players will keep Overrun Points A Player with one or more Hardpoints Secured
earned this way between Rounds. may roll an additional D10 for Initiative, or spend
the Hardpoint to ignore one Enemy Model that
- A Player has a Point of Interest Locked
Table Size: 2’x2’ would be preventing them from Locking Down a
SETTING UP THE Down when a Model under their Control has
Point of Interest when measuring Overrun Points.
Hardpoints: 2 SCENARIO Line of Sight to it and is within 4” of it with
no Enemy Models within 6” of it. ALERTED
Points of Interest: 3 Place 3x Points of Interest 6” from the non
Deployment Edge Table edge, and each other, - Players may Destroy a Point of Interest The Defender may choose to spend a Control
DETERMINING and 12” from a Deployment Edge. by applying 3 Successes to it in one Shoot Point when placing a Unit to place the Unit up to
DEPLOYMENT EDGES Action. Destroyed Points of Interest cannot 4” onto the Table before.
If playing on a Table larger than 2x2ft add 6”
be Locked Down.
Before playing the Game, Players will roll a D10 for each additional foot past 2x2ft.
each, re-rolling ties. The Player who rolls the After rolling for Initiative in a Round, Players
Players will alternate placing one Hardpoint Data Warfare has become a staple on Abol, with
higher number may choose a Deployment Edge should check their number of Overrun Points.
each. They must be at least 6” from a Point of combat hackers and infiltration protocols becoming
first and becomes the Attacker. Their opponent If a Player has 3 or more Overrun Points
Interest, Table Edge, and the other Hardpoint. valuable assets for any force to have. Inexperienced
gets the opposite Deployment Edge and than their opponent they immediately win and
the Game ends. The Game will end after five cyber warriors often run afoul of the advanced
becomes the Defender. The Attacker may place
Rounds. The Player with the most Overrun security systems set up by major powers, and
their Models up to 2” onto the Table from their
Points wins. even veteran hackers sometimes find themselves
Deployment Edge. Afterward, the Defender may
alerting an enemy before the assault begins.
do so. The Attacker will always Activate First in
Unfortunately for these assaulters, their specialist
the first Round.
isn’t as talented as they claimed, making this
29 smash and grab a bit more difficult. 30
Players gain an Overrun Point for: COME WITH ME!
• Destroying an Enemy Unit After measuring Overrun Points an Infantry Model
in Base-to-Base with a Point of Interest may gain
• Locking down more Points of Interest than
an Engaged Token to move both the Model and the
their opponent
Point of Interest up to 2”. A Point of Interest may
- A Player has a Point of Interest Locked only be Moved once per Operations.
Down when a Model under their Control has
Line of Sight to it and is within 4” of it with
Table Size: 2’x2’ SETTING UP THE no Enemy Models within 6” of it. Models may Secure a Hardpoint by spending
Hardpoints: 2 SCENARIO After rolling for Initiative in a Round, Players their Action while in Base-to-Base with it. The
Player should remove it from the Game.
Points of Interest: 4 Place 4x Points of Interest, one in the center should check their number of Overrun Points.
of each quadrant of the Table. If a Player has 2 or more Overrun Points A Player may spend a Secured Hardpoint to
DETERMINING than their opponent they immediately win and place a 25mm Token anywhere on the Table. All
Players will alternate placing one Hardpoint
DEPLOYMENT EDGES the Game ends. The Game will end after five Infantry within 2” must make an Armor Check,
each. They must be at least 6” from a Point of
Rounds. The Player with the most Overrun suffering a point of Damage per D10 that rolls
Before playing the Game, Players will roll a Interest, Table Edge, and the other Hardpoint.
Points wins. under their Armor.
D10 each, re-rolling ties. The Player who rolls
the higher number may choose a Deployment
A group of executives decided to go planetside to
Edge first and place their Models within 2” of it.
see local assets in person, with grave consequences.
Afterwards the other Player may do so.
The locals, fed up with the authoritarian boot on their
The winner will always Activate First in necks, took out the luxury aircar and now there is a
the first Round. scramble to recover them before opposing forces
capture them and extract any useful data they can.
The circling drones overhead promise that someone,
somewhere, is watching, though whether the drones
31 are just for reconnaissance remains to be seen. 32
Players gain an Overrun Point for: JACKED IN
• Destroying an Enemy Unit Only a Model with a Data Spike may Secure a Point
of Interest. A Grunt may Secure a Point of Interest
• Securing more Points of Interest
but must use one of their Units Combat Loads.
- Models may secure a Point of Interest
by spending their Action while in Base-to- DROP IN
Base with it. A Player who has Secured two Points of Interest
may, instead of Activating, spend 3 Control Points
- A Player may Secure a Point of Interest
Table Size: 3’x3’ SETTING UP THE to place a Duster Unit of their choice within 4
another Player has already Secured. This
Hardpoints: 0 SCENARIO will cause it to become unsecured for the inches of their Deployment Edge. This Duster Unit
other Player. will receive an Activation Marker, be added to their
Points of Interest: 4 Place 4x Points of Interest, one in the center
Group, and come under their control.
of each quadrant of the Table. After rolling for Initiative in a Round, Players
DETERMINING should check their number of Overrun Points.
DEPLOYMENT EDGES If a Player has 2 or more Overrun Points
Before playing the Game, Players will roll a than their opponent they immediately win and Some more enterprising individuals have realized
D10 each, re-rolling ties. The Player who rolls the Game ends. The Game will end after five that data attacks and remote breaching is a
the higher number may choose a Deployment Rounds. The Player with the most Overrun real threat to the security of their assets. These
Edge first and place their Models within 2” of it. Points wins. operatives keep their information and security
Afterwards the other Player may do so. protocols analog, requiring an operator to
The winner will always Activate First in physically jack into a hardpoint to access the files.
the first Round. While this deters many of the low level gangs,
sometimes it’s worth the effort to physically obtain
the information, and a ‘Data Recovery’ team has
been dispatched to extract the information their
patron desires.
33 34
1. Operations 3. Activation

• Remove all Ready, and Engaged Tokens. • Choose Battle Drill
Remove Activation Markers. • All Models in the Unit may Move.
• Initiative: Players will roll one D10 each • All Models in the Unit must make one Action.
rerolling ties. The highest rolling Player
may Activate a Unit first. Players may - Shoot: Target Enemy and Shoot them.
spend a control point to add a D10 to - Ready: Gain a Ready Token.
this roll.
- Sprint: Move the Model.
2. Execution
• Unit gains Activation Marker
• Active Player Activates a Unit.
GAME SETUP CONTROL POINTS - Player may spend Control point to Activate
• Execution ends and a new Round begins another Unit.
1. Choose Game Size, build Force Players begin each Game with three
after both Players have activated all of
Control Points. - If they don’t, the other Player Activates.
2. Pick Scenario their Units.
Control Points are spent on:
3. Setup Table
• Activating Battle Drills.
4. Choose Deployment Edges
• Rolling an additional D10 for Initiative.
5. Begin first Round
• Activating another Unit after finishing
an Activation.

35 36
1. Pick Target and Weapon to use. Target must be Models that haven’t Activated yet, or Models 1. Pinned Marker • A Model or Token has Cover from another
in Line of sight and Weapons Range. with a Ready Token may gain an Engaged Token Model if Terrain or a Vehicle blocks the view of
• A Unit with a Pinned Marker must remove
to make a Reaction. more than half of the Model or Token.
2. Determine if the Model is in Cover. their Pinned Marker instead of Moving any
• Overwatch: Shoot an Enemy Model when it of their Models during the Reposition Step.
3. Roll a Skill Check, adding a D10 if the Target is
ends an Action, or ends a Movement that
not in Cover and subtracting a D10 if the Target 2. Ready Token
was farther than half its Movement Value in
is in Cover. (D10 in a Shooting Skill Check are
their Line of Sight. • Models with a Ready Token may make
called Shots.) Reactions even if they already Activated.
• Return Fire: One Model may Shoot an Enemy
4. Each Success applies the Weapons Damage.
Model when it makes a Shooting Action in its 3. Engaged Tokens
5. Target must make Armor Check. Line of Sight Both models roll their Shooting • Models with an Engaged Token cannot make
• Roll # of D10 equal to the first number at the same time with the Model that rolls Actions or Reactions.
in Armor, each D10 that rolls equal to or more Successes applying their Damage first.
higher than the second number reduces If this Destroys the Enemy Model they apply
Damage by one. no Damage.
- If Models roll an equal number of
Successes the Player with the highest roll 2 3
wins. Still tied? Reroll the dice.
• Juke: When Targeted by Shooting, a Model
may gain an Engaged Token count as in Cover
from the Shooting Model.

37 38
We want to express heartfelt gratitude to everyone
who contributed to bringing this universe to life.
What initially began as a pure passion project has
gradually transformed into a fully-fledged storyline
and universe, complete with its own characters,
inside jokes, and fan favorites.
We’d like to extend a special thank you to our
dedicated playtesting groups. Despite the evolving
rules in the background, you persevered, grinding
through game after game. Your input, expertise,
and time were invaluable in shaping our project.
A huge shoutout goes to the entire ESS Team (and
Randy), covering everything from packing to product
design and warehouse management. Without your
exceptional work and collaborative efforts, this
game wouldn’t exist, let alone be available in places
like Australia and Europe. Our growth has been
remarkable, and we’re committed to continuing this
journey. Thank you all!


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