CS411 - Visual Programming Assignment No. 01 Semester: Spring 2024 Total Marks: 20
CS411 - Visual Programming Assignment No. 01 Semester: Spring 2024 Total Marks: 20
CS411 - Visual Programming Assignment No. 01 Semester: Spring 2024 Total Marks: 20
Total Marks: 20
Assignment No. 01
Semester: Spring 2024 Due Date: 29-April-2024
namespace BC200417729
CS411 – Visual Programming
Total Marks: 20
Assignment No. 01
Semester: Spring 2024 Due Date: 29-April-2024
Console.WriteLine("Manager Details:\n`````````````````");
Console.WriteLine("Name: " + sydobj.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Salary: " + sydobj.Salary);
Console.WriteLine("ID: " + sydobj.Id);
Console.WriteLine("Designation: " + sydobj.Designation );
Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
You need to use MS word document to prepare and submit the assignment on VU-LMS.
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
CS411 – Visual Programming
Total Marks: 20
Assignment No. 01
Semester: Spring 2024 Due Date: 29-April-2024
The objective of this assignment is to enhance the learning capabilities of the students about:
If you have any confusion, you can send your query at [email protected]
Lectures Covered: 1 to 12
Problem Statement:
Imagine you're tasked with building a program in C# using Visual Studio. First, you need to define an
`Employee` class. Each employee should have a `Name` and `Salary` property.
Next, you're asked to create a more specialized class called `Manager`, which should be inherited
from the `Employee` class. Manager has additional properties: `Id` and `Designation`.
CS411 – Visual Programming
Total Marks: 20
Assignment No. 01
Semester: Spring 2024 Due Date: 29-April-2024
Now, it's time to put your classes into action. You need to define a `Program` class and in its `Main`
method, instantiate a `Manager` class’s object. Set all the properties for this manager instance. Once
you've set the properties, print out the details of the manager object to the console.
Note: Utilize C# language’s features for creating properties with getters and setters to define the
properties of both the `Employee` and `Manager` classes.
In the Name property of Employee class, you will write your own name.
In the Id property of Manager class, you will write the numeric part of your VU I’d like 1234567.
If you didn’t use your own name and id, you will get zero marks.
Paste the screen shot of output at top of solution in word document, then paste code of program.
(Solution Template is given on page No 3 of this file)