Hospital Balance Sheet
Hospital Balance Sheet
Hospital Balance Sheet
Years ended June 30, 2003 and 2002 with Report of Independent Auditors
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
This section of the Hospital’s annual financial report presents background information
and management’s analysis of the Hospital’s financial performance during the fiscal year
that ended on June 30, 2003. Please read it in conjunction with the financial statements in
this report.
Financial Highlights
• During the year, the Hospital’s total operating revenues increased approximately
$11,853,000, or 9%, to $137,608,000 from the prior year while expenses
increased $11,696,000, or 10%, to $133,677,000. The Hospital had income from
operations of $3,931,000, which is approximately 3% of total operating revenue.
This compares to the prior fiscal year’s income from operations of approximately
$3,774,000 or 3% of operating revenue.
• The Hospital received approximately $1,977,000 and $384,600 in 2003 and 2002,
respectively, in intergovernmental transfer funds that were offset against
Medicaid contractual adjustments resulting in an increase in net patient service
• During the fiscal year, the Hospital made capital investments for a total of
approximately $11,027,000. The following is a list of significant items:
Capital Investments Cost
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
The source of the funding for these projects was derived from operations and assets
whose use is limited by bond indenture.
The basic financial statements of the Hospital report information about the Hospital using
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) accounting principles. These
statements offer short-term and long-term financial information about its activities. The
balance sheets include all of the Hospital’s assets and liabilities and provide information
about the nature and amounts of investments in resources (assets) and the obligations to
Hospital creditors (liabilities). It also provides the basis for computing rate of return,
evaluating the capital structure of the Hospital, and assessing the liquidity and financial
flexibility of the Hospital. All of the current year’s revenues and expenses are accounted
for in the statements of revenue, expenses, and changes in net assets. This statement
measures improvements in the Hospital’s operations over the past years and can be used
to determine whether the Hospital has been able to recover all of its costs through its
patient service revenue and other revenue sources. The final required financial statement
is the statement of cash flows. The primary purpose of this statement is to provide
information about the Hospital’s cash from operations, investing, and financing activities,
and to provide answers to questions such as where did cash come from, what was cash
used for, and what was the change in cash balance during the reporting period.
The balance sheets and the statements of revenue, expenses, and changes in net assets
report information about the Hospital’s activities. These two statements report the net
assets of the Hospital and changes in them. Increases or decreases in the Hospital’s net
assets are one indicator of whether its financial health is improving or deteriorating.
However, other nonfinancial factors, such as changes in the health care industry, changes
in Medicare and Medicaid regulations, and changes in managed care contracting, should
also be considered.
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Net Assets
Condensed Balance Sheets
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
The following table presents a summary of the Hospital’s historical revenues and
expenses for each of the fiscal years ended June 30, 2003 and 2002.
Condensed Statements of Revenue, Expenses, and
Changes in Net Assets
Salaries and employee benefits 83,355,005 75,559,824 7,795,181 10
Supplies, contract services,
equipment, and fees 30,197,246 26,699,873 3,497,373 13
Other operating expenses 7,308,230 6,688,988 619,242 9
Depreciation 9,240,647 9,335,282 (94,635) (1)
Interest 3,575,952 3,697,009 (121,057) (3)
Total operating expenses 133,677,080 121,980,976 11,696,104 10
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Sources of Revenue
Operating Revenue
During fiscal year 2003, the Hospital derived the majority, or approximately 98%, of its
total revenue from patient service revenue. Patient service revenue includes revenue from
the Medicare and Medicaid programs and patients, or their third-party payors.
Reimbursement for the Medicare and Medicaid programs and the third-party payors is
based upon established contracts. The difference between the covered charges and the
established contract is recognized as a contractual allowance. Other revenue includes
cafeteria sales, gift shop sales, rental income, and other miscellaneous services.
Table 3 presents the relative percentages of gross charges billed for patient services by
payor for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2003 and 2002.
Payor Mix by Percentage
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Other Revenue
Other revenue includes cafeteria sales, rental income, and other miscellaneous services.
Other Revenue
Investment Income
The Hospital holds designated and restricted funds that are invested primarily in money
market funds and securities issued by the U.S. Treasury and other federal agencies. These
investments earned $1,806,600 during fiscal year 2003.
The following summarizes the Hospital’s statements of revenue, expenses, and changes
in net assets between 2003 and 2002:
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Patient and Hospital Statistical Data
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Increases in net patient service revenue primarily were due to volume increases as
depicted on the proceeding page, Table 5, Patient and Hospital Statistical Data. While
gross patient revenue increased $49,931,000, or 17.5%, from prior year due to increased
volume and rate increases, net patient service revenue only increased $11,725,000 due to
increases in contractual allowances.
Allowance Summary
As a result of increase in revenues, days in accounts receivable increased from 57.7 days
to 63.6 days. Excluded from net patient service revenue are charges forgone for patient
services falling under the Hospital’s charity care policy. Based on established rates, gross
charges of $4,106,900 were forgone during 2003, compared to $1,405,300 in 2002, or a
192% increase from the prior fiscal year. During 2002, the Hospital adopted a new
charity care policy whereby only patients meeting specific criteria were classified as
charity care.
Employee benefit expense increased $683,500, or 5.56%, from prior year. Employee
benefit expense represented 18.44% and 19.43% of salary expenses in the current and
prior fiscal years, respectively.
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Contract services, equipment, and fees increased $1,029,100, or 11.27%, from prior year.
This increase was primarily a result of the costs associated with the termination of the
Hospital’s management contract.
Other operating expenses increased approximately $618,900 from prior year, which
represents 5% of operating revenue, consistent with the prior year percentage.
Depreciation and interest expense remained relatively flat compared to the prior year.
Total operating expenses increased by $11,695,700 for the year ended June 30, 2003 for
the reasons discussed above.
Capital Assets
During fiscal year 2002, the Hospital invested $11,027,000 in a broad range of capital
assets included in Table 7 below.
Capital Assets
Net property, plant, and equipment has increased as the Hospital has enhanced existing
facilities, equipment, and is in the process of building new space to accommodate
inpatient services.
In Table 8, the Hospital’s fiscal year 2004 capital budget projects spending up to
$17,780,800 for capital projects. These projects will be financed from operations. More
information about the Hospital’s capital assets is presented in the notes to the basic
financial statements.
Fiscal Year 2004 Capital Budget
At year end, the Hospital had $54,860,000 in short-term and long-term debt. The debt
amount is shown net in the balance sheet of the unamortized bond discount of $590,000.
Total debt has decreased by $1,310,000 in fiscal year 2003, which was the amount of
principal payments on outstanding debt for the fiscal year. More detailed information
about the Hospital’s long-term liabilities is presented in the notes to basic financial
statements. No new long-term debt was incurred in the current year. Total debt
outstanding represents approximately 30.27% of the Hospital’s total assets at June 30,
The Hospital issued bonds subsequent to June 30, 2003. In July, $70,000,000 of Hospital
Revenue and Refunding bonds were sold, and in August, an additional $20,000,000 of
bonds were sold. The net proceeds of these sales will be used to fund additions,
renovations, and improvements to the Hospital’s facilities. Additionally, approximately
$47,500,000 of the Series 1994 bonds were advance refunded.
This financial report is designed to provide our citizens, customers, and creditors with a
general overview of the Hospital’s finances and to demonstrate the Hospital’s
accountability for the money it receives. If you have questions about this report or need
additional financial information, contact Hospital administration.
!@# r Ernst & Young LLP
3900 One Shell Square
r Phone: (504) 581-4200
Fax: (504) 596-4233
701 Poydras Street
New Orleans
Louisiana 70139-9869
We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of Hospital Service District No. 1 of
the Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana as of June 30, 2003 and 2002, and the
related statements of revenue, expenses, and changes in net assets, and cash flows for the
years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Hospital’s
management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements
based on our audits.
We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the
United States and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government
Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those
standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material
respects, the financial position of the Hospital at June 30, 2003 and 2002, and the results
of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.
Management’s discussion and analysis on pages i through xi is not a required part of the
basic financial statements but is supplementary information required by the
Governmental Accounting Standards Board. We have applied certain limited procedures,
which consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of
measurement and presentation of the supplementary information. However, we did not
audit the information and express no opinion on it.
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Balance Sheets
June 30
2003 2002
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 3,792,319 $ 5,535,489
Short-term investments 700,000 3,800,000
Patient accounts receivable, net of estimated
uncollectibles of $8,091,000 in 2003 and
$8,772,000 in 2002 28,657,844 26,462,009
Current portion of assets whose use is limited 1,978,441 1,977,804
Inventories 2,185,332 1,503,230
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 1,734,631 1,789,317
Total current assets 39,048,567 41,067,849
June 30
2003 2002
Liabilities and net assets
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable $ 5,893,783 $ 8,697,894
Accrued salaries and payroll-related costs 5,755,111 5,189,196
Accrued interest payable 1,401,826 1,431,028
Accrued self-insurance claims 3,168,464 4,136,995
Estimated third-party payer settlements – Medicare and
Medicaid 1,544,733 7,033,540
Current portion of capital lease obligations 100,815 94,351
Current portion of long-term debt 1,375,000 1,310,000
Total current liabilities 19,239,732 27,893,004
Net assets:
Invested in capital assets, net of related debt 27,229,911 24,185,956
Restricted net assets 6,741,359 6,745,520
Unrestricted net assets 72,868,979 70,171,308
Total net assets 106,840,249 101,102,784
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Salaries 70,376,537 63,264,861
Employee benefits 12,978,468 12,294,963
Supplies 20,033,865 17,565,567
Contract services, equipment, and fees 10,163,381 9,134,306
Other operating expenses 7,308,230 6,688,988
Depreciation 9,240,647 9,335,282
Interest 3,575,952 3,697,009
Total operating expenses 133,677,080 121,980,976
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Investing activities
Investment income 1,806,568 3,336,055
Change in short-term investments 3,100,000 (2,500,000)
(Increase) decrease in assets whose use is limited:
Under bond indenture agreement 4,530 307,837
By board for plant and equipment 3,686,927 (2,234,230)
By board for self-insurance claims 230,978 (64,512)
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 8,829,003 (1,154,850)
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana (the
Hospital or the District) is a nonprofit public corporation organized under powers granted
to parish police juries or councils by Chapter 10, Title 46 of the Louisiana Revised
Statutes of 1950, as amended. The District is a political subdivision of the State of
Louisiana. All corporate powers are vested in the board of commissioners appointed by
the Tangipahoa Parish Council. The District owns and operates North Oaks Medical
Center, a 263-bed acute-care hospital, and North Oaks Rehabilitation Hospital, a 45-bed
hospital which provides rehabilitation and skilled nursing services. The Hospitals are
located on two campuses in the city of Hammond, Louisiana. As a political subdivision
of the State of Louisiana, the Hospital is exempt from federal income taxes under Section
115 of the Internal Revenue Code and from state income taxes.
Basis of Accounting
The Hospital reports in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the
United States as specified by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’
Audits of Providers of Health Care Services and, as a governmental entity, also provides
reports in accordance with accounting principles promulgated by the Governmental
Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
The Hospital uses the accrual basis of accounting for proprietary funds. Under GASB
Statement No. 20, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Proprietary Funds and Other
Governmental Activities That Use Proprietary Fund Accounting, the Hospital has elected
not to apply Financial Accounting Standards Board pronouncements issued after Novem-
ber 30, 1989.
Net Assets
The Hospital’s net assets are classified into three components — invested in capital
assets, net of related debt; restricted; and unrestricted. These classifications are defined as
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
• Invested in capital assets, net of related debt — This component of net assets
consists of capital assets, including restricted capital assets, net of accumulated
depreciation, and reduced by the outstanding balances of any bonds, mortgages,
notes, or other borrowings that are attributable to the acquisition, construction, or
improvement of those assets.
• Unrestricted — This component of net assets consists of net assets that do not
meet the definition of “restricted” or “invested in capital assets, net of related
Cash and cash equivalents include investments in highly liquid instruments with an
original maturity of three months or less, excluding amounts whose use is limited by
board designation or other arrangements under trust agreements.
All investments are stated at fair market value. Changes in the difference between the
cost and the fair market value of the investments are included in investment income.
Investment income is reported as nonoperating income.
Inventories are valued at the latest invoice price which approximates market.
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
The Hospital records all property, plant, and equipment acquisitions at cost except for
assets donated to the Hospital. Donated assets are recorded at appraised value at the date
of donation. The Hospital provides for depreciation of its plant and equipment using the
straight-line method based on the estimated useful lives of the assets as suggested by the
American Hospital Association. Equipment recorded under capital lease obligations is
included in buildings and equipment and the associated amortization of these assets is
included in depreciation expense.
The Hospital defers costs incurred in connection with the issuance of the bonds and
amortizes such costs using the effective interest method over the life of the bond issue.
The amortization is included in interest expense.
Self-Insurance Claims
Accrued self-insurance claims represent the Hospital’s best estimate of incurred but
unpaid expenses for professional liability, workers’ compensation, and employee health
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
The Hospital has entered into agreements with third-party payers, including government
programs, health insurance companies, and managed care health plans, under which the
Hospital is paid based upon established charges, the cost of providing services,
predetermined rates per diagnosis, fixed per diem rates, or discounts from established
Net patient service revenue is reported at the estimated amounts realizable from patients,
third-party payers, and others for services rendered. Settlements under reimbursement
agreements with third-party payers are estimated and recorded in the period the related
services are rendered and are adjusted in future periods as final settlements are
determined. The Hospital provides care to patients even though they are covered by
contractual payment arrangements that do not pay full charges or may lack adequate
insurance. As a result, the Hospital is exposed to certain credit risks. The Hospital
manages such risks by regularly reviewing its accounts and contracts and by providing
appropriate allowances.
The Hospital is reimbursed under the Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS)
which reimburses the Hospital a predetermined amount for Medicare inpatient acute
services rendered based, for the most part, on the Diagnosis Related Group (DRG)
assigned to the patient. Reimbursement is based on Resource Utilization Group (RUG)
categories for skilled nursing facilities and Tax Equity & Fiscal Responsibility Act of
1982 (TEFRA) target amounts for rehabilitation and geriatric psychiatric inpatient
services. Medicaid inpatient services are paid on a prospective per diem basis.
Medicare bad debts, and Medicaid outpatient services were reimbursed on a tentative
basis during the year, which is subject to a retroactive payment adjustment determined in
accordance with appropriate Medicare or Medicaid program regulations. Retroactive cost
settlements are accrued on an estimated basis in the period the related services are
rendered and adjusted as necessary in future periods as final settlements are determined.
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
The Hospital is reimbursed for Medicare outpatient services under the Ambulatory
Payment Classification (APC) based on fixed rates per outpatient procedure and is
reimbursed for home health services under the Prospective Payment System (PPS) based
on episodes of care adjusted by a case mix adjuster and the applicable geographic wage
Use of Estimates
The prior year financial statements have been reclassified to conform to their current year
The Hospital’s cash and investments are categorized below to give an indication of the
level of risk assumed at June 30, 2003 and 2002. Category (1) includes investments that
are insured or registered for which the securities are held by the Hospital or its agent in
the Hospital’s name. Category (2) includes uninsured or unregistered investments for
which the securities are held by the counterparty’s trust department or agent in the
Hospital’s name. Category (3) includes uninsured or unregistered investments for which
the securities are held by the counterparty or by its trust department or agent, but not in
the Hospital’s name. Category (2) investments are invested primarily in money market
funds that invest in U.S. Government securities. Balances at June 30 were as follows:
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Securities type:
Mutual funds and U.S. backed
government obligations $ – $ 6,103,168 $ – $ 6,103,168
Cash and cash equivalents,
certificates of deposit, and
accrued interest receivable 65,607,348 – – 65,607,348
$65,607,348 $ 6,103,168 $ – $71,710,516
Louisiana statutes authorize the Hospital to invest in obligations of the U.S. Treasury and
other federal agencies, time deposits with state banks and national banks having their
principal offices in the State of Louisiana, guaranteed investment contracts issued by
highly rated financial institutions, and certain investments with qualifying mutual or trust
fund institutions. During the years ended June 30, 2003 and 2002, the Hospital invested
primarily in money market funds and securities issued by the U.S. Treasury and other
federal agencies. The Hospital’s investments in U.S. Government obligations are
investments held by the Hospital or its agent in the Hospital’s name.
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
The Hospital grants credit without collateral to its patients, most of whom are local
residents and who are insured under third-party payer agreements. The mix of receivables
from patients and third-party payers at June 30, 2003 and 2002 was as follows:
2003 2002
Medicare 65 3% 2%
Medicare 19 20
Medicaid 10 7
Managed care payers 23 22
Other third-party payers 13 24
Patients 32 25
100% 100%
The terms of the Hospital’s 1994 Revenue Bonds (see Note 9) require funds to be
maintained on deposit in certain accounts with the trustee. The funds on deposit in the
accounts are required to be invested by the trustee in accordance with the terms of the
related Bond Resolution. As of June 30, 2003 and 2002, the funds were deposited as
2003 2002
Bond debt service accounts $ 1,978,441 $ 1,977,805
Reserve accounts 4,744,444 4,749,610
$ 6,722,885 $ 6,727,415
The Hospital’s board of commissioners has designated Hospital funds to be used for
future plant and equipment additions, separate and apart from the expansion program (see
Note 15), and to fund self-insurance claims. These funds, included in assets whose use is
limited, were invested in certificates of deposit, U.S. Government obligations, and money
market funds at June 30, 2003 and 2002.
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
5. Note Receivable
The Hospital entered into an agreement with the Cancer, Radiation, and Research
Foundation (the Foundation) for the purpose of constructing a facility that provides
radiation oncology treatments on an outpatient basis. Under the terms of the agreement,
the Hospital loaned funds to the Foundation to construct the facility on the Hospital
campus. The note receivable is payable over 30 years and bears an annual interest rate of
5.5%. The Hospital holds a mortgage on the facility (excluding equipment, furniture, and
fixtures) to collateralize the note receivable. In addition, the Hospital agreed to lease the
land upon which the facility is located to the Foundation for a nominal annual rental fee.
The initial lease term is for 30 years with 3 successive 10-year renewal options.
The Hospital’s investment in property, plant, and equipment consisted of the following as
of June 30, 2003:
Beginning Ending
Balance Additions Retirements Transfers Balance
(In Thousands)
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
The Hospital has a defined contribution plan which covers all full-time employees who
elect to participate after they have met certain eligibility requirements. Under the plan,
the Hospital is required to contribute a specified percentage of eligible employees’
salaries based on years of service. Participants may contribute up to the maximum level
allowed by the Internal Revenue Code or 25% of gross salary, whichever is less. The
participants vest immediately in all participant contributions and vest 100% over a five-
year cliff vesting schedule in all Hospital contributions. The retirement benefits received
by the participants will depend upon the accumulated value of their accounts at
distribution upon termination, attaining age 59½, severe financial hardship, or death.
The Hospital also sponsors two deferred compensation plans covering substantially all
employees. These plans were established under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue
Code. The Hospital reports the plan assets and a corresponding liability in the
accompanying financial statements. Accordingly, the Hospital has recorded an asset and
a corresponding liability of $2,748,800 and $2,247,400 for the fair market value of the
plans’ combined assets as of June 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively.
8. Risk Management
The Hospital participates in the State of Louisiana Patient Compensation Fund (the
Fund). The Fund provides malpractice coverage to the Hospital for claims in excess of
$100,000 up to $500,000. According to current state law, medical malpractice liability
(exclusive of future medical care awards) is limited to $500,000 per occurrence. Hospital
management has no reason to believe that the Hospital will be prevented from continuing
its participation in the Fund.
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
The Hospital is involved in litigation arising in the ordinary course of business. Claims
alleging general and malpractice liability have been asserted against the Hospital and are
currently in various states of litigation. The Hospital has accrued $1,149,000 and
$1,512,500 as of June 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively, for the estimated loss and
litigation expenses related to general and professional liability claims for which the
Hospital is self-insured. Claims have been filed alleging damages in excess of the amount
accrued for estimated malpractice costs. It is the opinion of management that estimated
malpractice costs accrued are adequate to provide for probable losses resulting from
pending or threatened litigation. Additional claims may be asserted against the Hospital
arising from services provided to patients. The Hospital is unable to determine the
ultimate cost of the resolution of such potential claims; however, an accrual has been
made based on estimates for these claims.
The Hospital has commercial insurance which provides coverage for workers’
compensation and employee health claims in excess of certain self-insured limits. The
Hospital had accrued $2,019,000 and $2,624,500 at June 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively,
for such claims.
Current Year
Beginning of Claims and Balance
Year Ended Fiscal Year Changes in Claim at Fiscal
June 30 Liability Estimates Payments Year End
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
9. Long-Term Debt
The Hospital’s long-term debt as of June 30, 2003 and 2002 consisted of bonds payable
as follows:
2003 2002
Only July 5, 1994, the District issued $61,535,000 of Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series
1994 (the Series 1994 Bonds). The Series 1994 Bonds originally consisted of
$16,190,000 of serial bonds and $45,345,000 of term bonds. The serial bonds mature
annually in amounts ranging from $1,375,000 in 2004 to $1,815,000 in 2009 and bear
interest at rates ranging from 3.80% to 5.95%. The term bonds consist of $10,855,000
due February 1, 2014 bearing interest at 6.125% and $34,490,000 due February 1, 2024
bearing interest at 6.40%. Portions of the 1994 bonds were refunded in 2003 (see
Note 15). Payments of the scheduled principal and interest on the 1994 Revenue Bonds
are insured by AMBAC Indemnity Corporation. Under the terms of the Bond Indenture,
the Hospital is required to maintain, among other provisions, a certain debt service
coverage ratio and minimum level of days cash on hand. The Hospital was in compliance
with these provisions of the Bond Indenture at June 30, 2003.
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
Principal Interest
The market value of the outstanding bonds was approximately $57,953,900 at June 30,
The Hospital has entered into capital lease obligations for certain equipment. Future
minimum lease payments, by year, under the capital lease obligation consisted of the
following at June 30, 2003:
2004 $ 111,998
2005 93,329
Total minimum lease payments 205,327
Less amount representing imputed interest 5,479
Present value of net minimum lease payments (including
$100,815 classified as current) $ 199,848
The cost of leased assets included in capital assets totaled $480,500 and related
accumulated amortization was $254,500. The related equipment collateralizes the capital
lease obligations.
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
The Hospital has entered into various cancelable operating leases for equipment.
Operating lease expense was approximately $527,100 and $360,200 for the years ended
June 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively.
Medicare and Medicaid settlements have been determined following the principles of
reimbursement applicable to each program and have been recorded in the accounts of the
Hospital. Estimated settlements for the years through June 30, 1999 for Medicare and
June 30, 1997 for Medicaid have been audited or reviewed by program representatives.
No significant differences are anticipated between the estimated settlements recorded and
the final settlements expected to be determined by program representatives.
During the years ended June 30, 2003 and 2002, the Hospital recorded $2,659,200 and
$2,700,000, respectively, as increases to net patient service revenue as a result of final
settlements of prior year cost reports.
The Hospital provides care to patients who meet certain criteria under its charity care
policy without charge or at amounts less than its established rates. Because the Hospital
does not pursue collection of amounts determined to qualify as charity care, such
amounts are not recorded as revenue. The Hospital maintains records to identify and
monitor the level of charity care it provides. These records reflect the amount of charges
foregone, ($4,106,900 in 2003 and $1,405,300 in 2002), for services and supplies
furnished under its charity care policy.
Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center)
The health care industry is subject to numerous laws and regulations of federal, state, and
local governments. These laws and regulations include, but are not necessarily limited to,
matters such as licensure, accreditation, government health care program participation
requirements, reimbursement for patient services, and Medicare and Medicaid fraud and
abuse. Government activity has increased with respect to investigations and allegations
concerning possible violations of fraud and abuse statutes and regulations by health care
providers in recent years. Violations of these laws and regulations could result in
expulsion from government health care programs together with the imposition of
significant fines and penalties, as well as significant repayments for patient services
previously billed. Management believes that the Hospital is in compliance with fraud and
abuse as well as other applicable government laws and regulations. Compliance with
such laws and regulations can be subject to future government review and interpretation
as well as regulatory actions unknown or unasserted at this time.
14. Commitments
The Hospital has various commitments totaling approximately $11,839,300 at June 30,
2003. These commitments include renovation of the main building’s fourth floor, various
computer system upgrades, and various capital equipment purchases.
The Hospital issued bonds subsequent to June 30, 2003. In July, $70,000,000 of Hospital
Revenue and Refunding Bonds were sold and, in August, an additional $20,000,000 of
bonds were sold. The net proceeds of these sales will be used to fund additions,
renovations, and improvement to the Hospital’s facilities, exclusive of the commitments
described in Note 14. Additionally, approximately $47,500,000 of the Series 1994 bonds
were advance refunded.
!@# r Ernst & Young LLP
3900 One Shell Square
r Phone: (504) 581-4200
Fax: (504) 596-4233
701 Poydras Street
New Orleans
Louisiana 70139-9869
We have audited the financial statements of Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish
of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana, (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center) (the Hospital) as
of and for the year ended June 30, 2003, and have issued our report thereon dated
September 26, 2003. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards
generally accepted in the United States and the standards applicable to financial audits
contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the
United States.
In planning and performing our audit, we considered the Hospital’s internal control over
financial reporting in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of
expressing our opinion on the financial statements and not to provide assurance on the
internal control over financial reporting. Our consideration of internal control over
financial reporting would not necessarily disclose all matters of the internal control over
financial reporting that might be material weaknesses. A material weakness is a condition
in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components does
not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that misstatements in amounts that would be
material in relation to the financial statements being audited may occur and not be
This report is intended solely for the information and use of the board of commissioners,
management, and the Office of Legislative Auditor, State of Louisiana, and is not
intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties.
However, this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited.
!@# r Ernst & Young LLP
3900 One Shell Square
r Phone: (504) 581-4200
Fax: (504) 596-4233
701 Poydras Street
New Orleans
Louisiana 70139-9869
We have audited, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United
States, the balance sheet of Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa,
State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical Center) (the Hospital) as of June 30, 2003,
and the related statements of revenue, expenses, and changes in net assets and cash flows
for the year then ended, and have issued our report thereon dated September 26, 2003.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the
United States and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government
Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States.
In connection with our audit, nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that
the Hospital failed to comply with the terms, covenants, provisions, or conditions of
Sections 208, 401, 402, 501, 504 through 507, 512, 601, 602, 711, 718, 802(a), 802(b),
and 1301 of the Composite Bond Resolution relating to the $13,000,000 Hospital
Revenue Bonds (Series 1990) and the $61,535,000 Hospital Revenue Bonds (Series
1994) reflecting the provisions of Resolutions adopted by Hospital Service District No. 1
of the Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana, on July 17, 1990, November 28, 1990,
May 18, 1994, and June 22, 1994, insofar as they relate to accounting matters. However,
our audit was not directed primarily toward obtaining knowledge of such noncompliance.
This report is intended solely for the information and use of the board of commissioners,
management, the bond trustee, and the Office of Legislative Auditor, State of Louisiana,
and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified
parties. However, this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited.
We have reviewed the accompanying Schedule of Debt Service Coverage Ratio, Cash on
Hand, and Average Daily Expense for the year ended June 30, 2003, of Hospital Service
District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa, State of Louisiana (d/b/a North Oaks Medical
Center) (the Hospital), in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and
Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. All
information included in this schedule is the representation of the management of the
A review is substantially less in scope than an audit in accordance with auditing standards
generally accepted in the United States, the objective of which is the expression of an
opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not
express such an opinion.
The Schedule of Debt Service Coverage Ratio, Cash on Hand, and Average Daily
Expense is prescribed by Sections 501, 711(e), and 718 of the Composite Bond
Resolution relating to the $13,000,000 Hospital Revenue Bonds (Series 1990) and the
$61,535,000 Hospital Revenue Bonds (Series 1994) reflecting the provisions of
resolutions adopted by Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa, State
of Louisiana, on July 17, 1990, November 28, 1990, May 18, 1994, and June 22, 1994.
Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made
to the accompanying Schedule of Debt Service Coverage Ratio, Cash on Hand, and
Average Daily Expense in order for them to be in conformity with the prescribed method
described in Note 1.
This report is intended solely for the information and use of the board of commissioners,
management, the bond trustee, and the Office of Legislative Auditor, State of Louisiana,
and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified
parties. However, this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited.
Minimum required debt service coverage ratio per Section 501 1.20
Cash on hand:
Cash on hand* $ 56,222,026
*Cash on hand, as defined per the Bond Resolution, includes unrestricted cash and
marketable securities (including board-designated funds but excluding the proceeds of
any indebtedness) as of the last day of the fiscal year.
1. Basis of Presentation
The computation in the Schedule of Debt Service Coverage Ratio, Cash on Hand, and
Average Daily Expense is prescribed by Sections 501, 711(e), and 718 of the Composite
Bond Resolution relating to the $13,000,000 Hospital Revenue Bonds (Series 1990) and
the $61,535,000 Hospital Revenue Bonds (Series 1994) reflecting the provisions of
Resolutions adopted by Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Tangipahoa, State
of Louisiana, on July 17, 1990, November 28, 1990, May 18, 1994, and June 22, 1994.