PM Vet

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Final revision

Cairo vets

Vet source 1

Vet source 2018

Bacterial disease causing Abortion
Some notes
1. Para-lobular necrosis of liver is cause by salmonella Ssp
2. Centri-lobular necrosis of liver, interstitial nephritis, nephrosis focal and diffused is cause by spirochetes in leptospirosis
3. Pre-hepatic and hepatic jaundice is caused by C.hemolyticum in bacillary hemoglobinuria – spirochetes in leptospirosis
4. Intra-nuclear inclusion bodies in these diseases IBR, RVFV, BMCF
5. Cowdry type A bodies in IBR, BMCF
6. Syncytial formation in PEST DE PESTIS, Rinder Pest
7. Zebra marking in the intestine in BVDV, while it’s in the abomasum, ileo-cecal, ceco-colic and rectum in Rinder pest
8. Sheep pox cell present in cow pox, sheep pox
9. Bacterial diseases causes abortion are listeriosis, brucellosis, vibriosis, salmonella
10. viral disease that has abortion form are BVDV, IBR, BTV
11.Etereotoxemia caued by C.perfirngens type D
12.Viral diseases that may induce abortion are RVFV, SHEEP POX
13.No viremia in ORF Virus infection
14.Lung is enlarged with local multiple nodules all over the surface in pulmonary adenomatosis
15.Lung is enlarged with diffuse lesions and rib impressions in MAEDI Virus infection
16.Affinity of brucella to the uterus specifically during last trimester = because high Conc. Of erythritol which is necessary for
bacterial growth
17.Cause of lameness in FMD is is due to secondary bacterial infection
18. Cause of death in Rinder Pest Virus is due to secondary bacterial or parasitic infection
19.Secondary bacterial infection in BVDV causing fatal bronchopneumonia
20.There is neutrophilic exocytosis in cow pox
21.There is focal lymphocytic interstitial nephritis in LSD
22. Chronic form of salmonella in cattle ch by pneumonia synovitis
23. Chronic form of salmonella in horse ch by Ulcerative typhlocolitis, S.abortus equi causes abortion n female
24.calf diphtheria in calves.
25.ulcerative enteritis in foals.
26.Fistulus withers in horses. Fusobacterium necrophorium
27.necrotic stomatitis, foot rot and liver necrosis in cattle and sheep.
The primary complex ➔ lesion in the organ, regional lymph node
Incomplete primary complex ➔ lesion only in regional lymph nodes
If Large number of M.T reach organ it forms ➔ milliary tuberculosis
If small number of M.T reach organ it forms➔ chronic nodular T.B.
Spleen is seldom affected in bovine or ovine species except in congenital tuberculosis
Cat are suspectable to the M.T.BOVIS only, while dogs are suspectable to human and bovine strains
Pigs which infected with the avian strain shows no caseation or calcification, while pigs infected with bovine strain shows caseation and calcification
Lymphangiectasia means dilatation of lymph vessels
Joins disease in cattle ➔ no caseation or calcification
Microorganisms that induce pyogranuloma in these diseases
✓ Epizootic lymphangitis
✓ Coccidioidomycosis
✓ Blastomycosis
✓ Ovine caseous lymphadenitis
✓ Ulcerative lymphangitis
✓ Actinomycosis
✓ Actinobacillosis
✓ Aspergillosis
✓ Infectious feline peritonitis
✓ Spirocercosis
Intranuclear inclusion bodies in the following diseases
o Rift valley fever ‘’sheep ‘’
o Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
o Malignant head Cattrall fever ‘’Cattle’’ Cowdry bodies type
o Equine herpes viruses ‘’ equine ‘’ A
o Infectious canine hepatitis ‘’amphoteric’’
o Infectious parvo-enteritis
o Feline panleukopenia
Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies in the following diseases
o Canine distemper may be I/N also
o Rabies negri bodies
o Rinder pest, lumpy skin, cow pox in ‘’cattle ‘’
o Sheep pox, ORF , meadi sheep diseases in ‘’sheep’’
Endotheliotropic viruses are African horse sickness and blue tongue
Neurotropic viruses are rabies and equine encephalitis
Pantropic viruses are bovine malignant catarrhal fever and canine distemper
Panleukopenia viruses are canine parvo-enteritis and feline panleukopenia
Predilection sites are lymphoid tissues and epithelial cell in peste des peste // rinder pest // canine distemper

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