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I do believed that being a teacher without being a student is not and will
never works, a good teacher cannot begin or continue to promote learning. A
competent teacher must keep up with what’s fresh in their field. In fact, a skilled
teacher frequently contributes to the creation of new information. To live up to
this conviction, so as a future educator I must constantly evaluate my teaching
methods and seek out new ones. To stay connected to my students, their lives,
and the schools where they will practice their professions, I must continue to
learn about society and the ever-changing settings in which they live. As they
learn with me, I eagerly and willingly learn from them. On the other hand, I am a
firm believer in the ability of questions and questioning tactics to elicit thought. I
aim to ask questions for which there are no “correct” answers on a regular basis.
I’m always trying to improve my “questioning” skills, because the effective use of
questions is the most potent method a teacher can employ to assist kids learn.
Despite the fact that I’ve written a teaching philosophy, I’d rather think
about learning and helping others learn than teaching. Many of us, I suppose,
have come to accept a working definition of teaching as “providing information,”
which is, in my opinion, merely the beginning of teaching and certainly only a
small portion of learning. When someone imparts information, it’s all too simple to
conflate learning with memory. Because learning needs thought, memorization is
not necessarily the same as learning. I’m starting to realize that the teacher’s
greatest gift to the student is assisting the student in becoming inspired to think
and then desire to learn more.
Finally, I feel that a teacher’s purpose in life is to help others. A teacher is
committed to learning, to his or her discipline, to his or her pupils, and to making
the future a better place to live for all of us. When I decided to become a teacher,
I knew I would be faced with these difficulties. I haven’t changed my mind. A
teacher, in my opinion, is the most powerful of all role models. I’m always mindful
of how important it is for me to “walk my talk” with my kids. If I expect children to
live out their values and beliefs, I must also do so. I always expect the best from
myself and others, and I generally get it. I try to treat everyone with dignity and
respect, and I expect the same from my pupils.
Embracing each learner's diversity, as ma'am Joy pointed out, can assist
each child learn in their own unique way. She also stated that children learn in a
variety of ways, with some preferring a more visual approach while others
preferring a more hands-on approach. You not only ensure that each student
comprehends the subject, but you also broaden students' abilities by
incorporating a variety of teaching methods to accommodate different learning
styles. When children are young, they should be taught about different cultures.
Many children only have a limited understanding of their own cultures, and
knowing about the cultures of their peers is critical for their future success.
Children must grow up in a non-biased environment.
And, as far as I understand it, teachers are required to modify their own
viewpoints as well as teach their kids about diversity and various cultures.
Teachers must treat all students equally. To accommodate the diversity of their
students, teachers may need to change their teaching approaches
October 18, 2021 was a webinar about the Classroom Management and
Instructional Strategies with the resource speaker Sir Steward Neil Gubac, he
discussed about the classroom management that it is the process by which
teachers and schools create and maintain appropriate behavior of students in
classroom stetting and most of the behavior problems in tue classroom are
caused by the failure of students to follow procedures and routines. Whereas,
effective teachers manage their classroom with precedures and routines, while
ineffective techers discipline their classroom with threats and punishments.
In addition, he also discussed the seven things students want to know on the
first day and share the classroom management techniques that have shown to
improve classroom behavior, build relationships for the better classroom
community and foster a positive classroom environment where student learning
is the number one collective goal. Effective classroom management requires
awareness, patience, good timing, boundaries, and instinct. There's nothing easy
about shepherding a large group of easily distractible young people with different
skills and temperaments along a meaningful learning journey.
On October 26, 2021 a webinr was conducted about the K-12 curriculum
and outcomes-based assessment with the resource speaker Joseph R. Bumaat
Jr., LPT, MAEd. He discussed about the designing performance tasks for
authentic assessment where were able to identify the importance on why
teachers should require performance task among the learners. A performance
task is any learning activity or assessment that asks students to perform to
demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and proficiency.
Sir Joseph also gave his perceptions upon giving performances to the
students that performances on open-ended task are evaluated with established
criteria and rubrics because rubrics enable teachers to evaluate students'
performance in situations that more closely replicate real life than an isolated test
and can also help teachers to focus their own attention to the key concepts and
standards that the students must obtain. In addition, effective rubrics show
students how they will know to what extent their performance passes muster on
each criterion of importance, and if used formatively can also show students what
their next steps should be to enhance the quality of their performance.
Moreover, Sir Joseph further discussed the authentic task where it is needed
to both develop and assess many of the most significant outcomes identified in
the current sets of academic standard as well as transdisciplinary 21st Century
Skills. Also, the test are not designed to gauge how well students apply what they
know to new situations or evaluate how students must use technologies to solve
problems or communicate ideas. In todays situation, quizzes or assessment
become unreliable unlike before when it's face to face classes.
Finally, he added that students need more complex and open-ended tests
that demand real thinking and a deeper understanding of concept. This webinar
is a big help for us as a future educator because it gives us additional knowledge
most especially on giving critic to the student’s performances.
DepEd Forms
The Learner Information System (LIS) is the national registry of all learners in
basic education that provides for the registration of learners enrolled in school
run and it is licensed by the Department of Education in the Philippines. On
October 18, 2021, a webinar about the DepEd School Forms with the resource
speaker Ma'am Zenellien Hermano was held.
In addition, ma'am Hermano spoke about the Learner Reference Number, which
is a permanent twelve (12) digit number that the pupil student or learner must
keep while completing the basic education program. This Learner Reference
Number is important because it allows students who have dropped out of private
schools to enroll in public schools without having to produce any documents. She
also talked about the interim standards for preparing, submitting, and inspecting
school forms for the 2020-2021 school year.
During the webinar, I discovered how important DepEd School Forms are in
every teacher's daily routine, particularly in the teaching profession. Teachers
must submit reports in order to perform their profession, and individuals must
submit specific reports. These reports contain information on the school and, in
particular, about the pupils. As a result, depending on the teacher, DepEd School
Forms can be accessed online or offline. The teachers will be able to complete
their required reports without having to worry about writing them. Everything will
be a lot easier for them as a result of this; the only problem is that they will have
to search the internet for these forms right away.
Finally, all prospective educators will benefit from this webinar since we will be
better educated and informed about the many school forms available, as well as
what should be included in the school form in the field of teaching.
• Yes, because they are all a college graduate of BEED course that
education schools, who are generalists and who can teach across the
Dep Ed as the primary reference for all schools, Schools Division Offices
approaches that are suited to the local context and diversity of learners
knowledge before dealing with the text, and developing this habit is good
between old and new knowledge. Drill and review as part of a lesson plan
help activates learner's prior knowledge.
learners. Aside from the SLM or Self Learning Modules that we provide to
numeracy and literacy skills remediation for slow learners and enrichment
exercises for fast learners. Utilizing multimedia and technology is also one
curriculum guide or the competencies in the MELCs that we are using now
and the budget of work for each subject area. Most importantly I consider
training workshop
I still used deductive way because since I'm a kinder teacher its
➢ Yes
➢ Yes
➢ No
Direction: Check the box that corresponds to your class online observation.
Write your remarks in the rightmost column.
Other comments: The teacher is entertaining. She’s really had the guts
to catch the attention and interest of her students as she gave praise
words. The lesson is well delivered and understood.
Direction: From the given copy of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers,
provide a summary of each article. Write down your answer on the left column in
the given table.
Article II: The Teacher and The The teacher and the State. The teacher is
State believed to be responsible for instilling in
each student a sense of national morality and
a love for the country to the extent that they
are conscious of their surroundings and
follow the country’s laws. It is widely
assumed that schools serve as the state’s
nurseries. Furthermore, every teacher must
maintain the highest possible standards of
educational quality, make the finest
preparations for a teaching career, and be at
his best at all times and in the practice of his
Article III: The Teacher and The Teachers must be able to create an
Community environment that encourages youngsters to
study and grow. They are the youth’s
mentors as they strive to become better and
more successful individuals in the future.
Their assistance isn’t confined to the
classroom. It does, however, extend to the
community. This means that they must take
an active role in the community as a leader
and be interested in issues that impact the
welfare of the people.
Article IV: A Teacher and The Teaching as a profession is a significant
Profession undertaking. They must be completely
devoted to and enthusiastic about their work.
They must also be dedicated because it is a
source of pride for them. Every teacher must
have an open mind while also being
conscious of the need for constant
Article V: The Teachers and The teachers and the profession. Here,
The Profession teachers in the role of professionals showed
and explained the concept of a professional
teacher, at its most basic level, relates to a
person who is paid to teach. It can also apply
to professors who represent the greatest in
their field and set the highest standard for
best practice on a higher level.
Article VI: The Teacher and Teachers must be trustworthy and courteous.
Higher Authorities in the They must also be educated with and
Professions comprehend the policies in place at the
school with which they are working. They are
not allowed to make false allegations until
they detect errors, injustice, or superiors, in
which case they must speak up or voice their
issues through the democratic process.
Article VII: School Officials, If teachers are the lights that shine on a
Teachers and Other Personnel student’s dark path, school authorities are
the teachers’ guides. They meet the
demands of instructors and ensure that their
professionalization is on track.
Article VIII: The Teachers and Teachers must treat their students fairly.
Learners They must place the learners’ interests and
wellbeing first and foremost in their minds,
and they must treat each learner fairly and
impartially. They must also ensure that
learners develop to their full potential. They
must provide required assistance as second
parents by preventing and resolving learners’
problems and challenges.
Article IX: The Teachers and Teachers must maintain contact with their
Parents students’ parents by cultivating a positive
relationship through dialogue. It will foster a
better understanding between them, which
will aid in the development of the students
and reduce unfair criticism.
Article X: The Teacher and Every teacher has the right to conduct
Business business as long as it does not interfere with
his or her teaching duties. They must also
keep a positive reputation in financial
Article XI. The Teacher as a Teachers must always seek to Almighty God
Person or Being as their personal destiny guide.
They should also be treated with respect.
They must also have a strong personality
and be an inspiration to everyone around
them as a prominent role model in the
Direction: Write an essay about the characteristics of an ideal teacher. The
composition must with a minimum of 200 words and in a maximum of 300 words.
Use the spaces provided below.
Rubric: Message/Content - 30points
Language Convention - 10points
Connectedness to the Topic - 10points
For anyone most especially for me, becoming a teacher can be both
exhilarating and challenging. Putting four years of knowledge into their teaching
and into a classroom environment might be difficult. While it may appear difficult
at first, it becomes simpler with practice. A teacher is the one who has the most
impact on a student’s growth. The qualities and passion of that teacher will
determine the future of those students. The teacher is the one who instills in
students a desire to learn and grow. The instructor is the one who assists
students in achieving whatever goals they set for themselves. A teacher is the
one who has the most impact on a student’s growth. The qualities and passion of
that teacher will determine the future of those students. The teacher is the one
who instills in students a desire to learn and grow. The instructor is the one who
assists students in achieving whatever goals they set for themselves.
GOALS Direction: Interview one public teacher who is teaching or handling the
same subject of your field of specialization and ask the following questions
below. Write their responses after each given question.
I find out what they wish for and let them know they are important.
Teaching social and emotional skills to students can also help them develop a
sense of belonging. Students can acquire and grow abilities that foster a sense of
belonging in themselves and others at school with these skills. Policies that
encourage inclusive school settings as places to belong should be implemented
in schools.
After you’ve set your goals, you’ll need to figure out who the best people
are to help you reach them. This is especially true when using closed
cooperation. Consider those with appropriate expertise, experience, and abilities,
as well as those who are effective at challenging assumptions and bringing
various viewpoints to the table. Although cooperation is about equal involvement,
electing someone to organize and lead the project to keep it on track might be
beneficial. Assign roles to the group as well.
Teachers are individuals who assist others in gaining information. They are
significant members of society because they assist in the transmission of wisdom
to others. This contributes to the society's fight against illiteracy. Teachers
contribute to the discipline of society's learners in addition to educating. This is
due to the fact that in the schools where they teach, teachers serve as rigorous
disciplinarians. They also assist in determining if students are capable of advising
their parents on their children's needs. Teachers serve as parents to their
students since they look after them while they are in class. A excellent teacher
possesses a number of features. These qualities demonstrate what qualifies
someone for the title of good teacher.
It is amazing how quickly time passes; it feels like I was moaning only
yesterday. Looking back, the reasons behind my desire to become a teacher
haven't changed. My goals for my pupils are to motivate, inspire, and mentor
them. I want to leave an indelible impression on each and every one of them.
Whether it's simply believing in them and assuring them that they can achieve
anything they set their minds to, or assisting them in getting through a difficult
period. My passion to become a teacher has grown stronger, and I am ready to
complete my study and begin my career as a teacher.
I have learned that being a good educator does not only imply to the children
you are teaching and interacting with, it also includes being willing to improve
oneself, Gaining self-confidence and developing my teaching abilities has been
a process. I have learned to regally evaluate my approaches and learning,
understand more about the positive impacts of high-quality care is on children’s
I have learned that being a good educator entails being willing to improve
oneself as well as the children you're teaching and interacting with. Gaining self-
confidence and developing my teaching abilities has been a process for me. I've
learnt to regularly assess my techniques and learning, and I've gained a better
understanding of the positive effects of high-quality care on children's learning.
I have realized that the strong bonds you build with your students are what
they will remember. There is no way they will remember all you have taught them
over the school year, but when kids reflect on the year, they will have either a
negative or positive overall emotion about it. Teachers have the power to
encourage students to do great things, and I hope that as a teacher, I will be able
to focus on these major things rather than being distracted by the minor details.
In addition, children mirror their classroom behavior after their peers and
teachers. As a future teacher, it will be my responsibility to set an example in the
classroom for how my pupils should behave both inside and outside of the
classroom. As a future educator, I aspire to be as fair regardless of their ethnicity,
gender, or economic status, I want to be as fair as possible to my prospective
students. I need to look for certain attributes inside myself.
Nickname: Jan
Birthdate: September 8, 1999
Home Address: Prk. 10 Mabantao, Kapalong, Davao del Norte
Age: 22
Civil Status: Single
Teaching Principle: "It takes a big heart to help shape little minds as well
as a lot of respect to the childrens capability and
foster reciprocity and collaboration among