Chemfield Cellulose
Chemfield Cellulose
Chemfield Cellulose
Ref: 1. Existing renewal of consent accorded by Board vide No. Format 1.0
/AST/UAN No. 0000106516/CR- 2105001197, dated 28.05.2021 which is
valid up to 30.04.2023.
2. Consent to Establish (Expansion) accorded by the Board vide No.
Format1.0/CC/UAN No.MPCBCONSENT-0000123033/CE/2207000140, Dtd.
3. Circulation agenda Minutes dtd. 29.03.2023.
8. The Board reserves the right to review, amend, suspend, revoke this consent and the
same shall be binding on the industry.
9. This consent should not be construed as exemption from obtaining necessary NOC/
permission from any other Government authorities.
10. The industry shall obtain necessary permission from the Directorate of Industrial Safety
and Health (DISH).
11. Industry shall upgrade ZLD system by 31.05.2023 and shall submit the BG of Rs. 5. 0
Lakh towards compliance of the same.
12. The applicant shall not produce new products without Consent of the Board and
without Environmental Clearance wherever it applicable.
13. The applicant shall properly collect, transport & regularly dispose-off the Hazardous
Waste to CHWTSDF, in compliance of the Hazardous and other Waste (M & TH)
Rule-2016 through online manifest system.
14. Industry shall comply the Boards Circular dtd. 05.02.2020 for use of cleaner fuel.
15. Industry shall install online monitoring system i.e. IP Camera and flow meter to ensure
the Zero Liquid Discharge and it connectivity to the MPCB server.
B] The Applicant shall operate the effluent treatment plant (ETP) to treat the trade
effluent and recycle the entire treated effluent into the process for various
purposes such as for cooling, process & Scrubbing with metering system so as to
achieve Zero Liquid Discharge. There shall be no discharge on land or outside
factory premises.
C] The treated effluent shall be recycled /reused 100% in the process / utilities to
achieve Zero Liquid Discharge. In no case, at any time effluent shall find its way
to any water body directly or indirectly.
D] Industry shall install online monitoring system i.e. IP Camera and flow meter to
ensure the Zero Liquid Discharge and it connectivity to the MPCB server. Industry
shall also install separate energy meter to the pollution control devices.
2. A] As per your application, primary treated sewage connected to Effluent Treatment
Plant for further treatment & disposal.
B] Industry shall comply prescribed standards & disposal path as prescribed at Sr.
No. 1B of schedule I.
3. The Board reserves its rights to review plans, specifications or other data relating to
plant setup for the treatment of waterworks for the purification there of & the system
for the disposal of sewage or trade effluent or in connection with the grant of any
consent conditions. The Applicant shall obtain prior consent of the Board to take steps
to establish the unit or establish any treatment and disposal system or an extension or
addition thereto.
4. The industry shall ensure replacement of pollution control system or its parts after
expiry of its expected life as defined by manufacturer so as to ensure the compliance
of standards and safety of the operation thereof.
5. The Applicant shall comply with the provisions of the Water (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974 and as amended, by installing water meters and other provisions
as contained in the said act:
Water consumption quantity
Sr. No. Purpose for water consumed
Industrial Cooling, spraying in mine pits
1. 115.00
or boiler feed
2. Domestic purpose 30.00
Processing whereby water gets polluted
3. 285.00
& pollutants are easily biodegradable
6. The Applicant shall provide Specific Water Pollution control system as per the
conditions of EP Act, 1986 and rule made there under from time to time/
Environmental Clearance/ CREP guidelines.