Banking 2021

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4(Sem–5/CBCS) COM HE 4 (BNK)


(Held in 2022)


(Honours Elective)

Paper: COM-HE-5046


Full Marks: 80

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the


1. Choose the correct answer of the following:


a) In which year was the Imperial Bank of India


(i) 1920

(ii) 1921

(iii) 1930

(iv) 1935

b) Which one of the following is the first
universal bank in India?

(i) SBI

(ii) HDFC Bank

(iii) AXIS Bank

(iv) ICICI Bank

c) Garnishee order is issued by

(i) customer of the bank

(ii) the banker

(iii) the court

(iv) None of the above

d) Overdraft is granted

(i) for short duration

(ii) for medium duration

(iii) for long duration

(iv) All of the above

e) In case of negotiable instruments, which

person generally gets a good title?

4 (Sem - 5/CBCS) COM HE 4 (BNK)/G 2

(i) Holder of stolen instrument

(ii) Finder of the lost instrument

(iii) Holder in due course

(iv) None of the above

f) In which year was the Banking Regulation Act


(i) 1921

(ii) 1934

(iii) 1935

(iv) 1949

g) "A banker's lien is a particular lien." The

statement is

(i) Correct

(ii) Incorrect

h) "Advances of a bank represents its assets.

The statement is

(i) Correct

(ii) Incorrect

i) "A bill of exchange can be crossed." The

statement is

4 (Sem - 5/CBCS) COM HE 4 (BNK)/G 3 Contd.

(i) Correct

(ii) Incorrect

j) "Banks can carry on trading activities." The

statement is

(i) Correct

(ii) Incorrect

2. Answer the following questions: 2×5=10

a) Write the full form of RTGS and NEFT

b) What are 'banking' and 'banking company' as

per the Banking Regulation Act?

c) What is current account?

d) What is cash credit?

e) What is endorsement?

3. Answer any four questions of the following in

about 200 words each: 5x4=20

a) Distinguish between public sector and private

sector banks.

b) Briefly discuss the general relationship

between banker and customer.

c) What is pledge? State the essentials of a


4 (Sem - 5/CBCS) COM HE 4 (BNK)/G 4

d) State the characteristics of negotiable

e) Distinguish between cheque and bill of


f) State the requirements as to minimum paid-

up capital and reserves for banking
companies incorporated in India.

4. Answer the following questions in about 600

words each: 10×4=40

a) Describe the functions of a bank.


Discuss the structure of commercial banks in


b) State the procedure of opening a bank

account in the name of a minor and a
partnership firm.


Discuss the special features of banker-

customer relationship.

c) Explain with examples, various types of

crossing of cheques.


Discuss the principles of sound lending.

4 (Sem - 5/CBCS) COM HE 4 (BNK)/G 5 Contd.

d) Discuss the powers of the Reserve Bank of
India under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.


Describe the provisions of the Banking

Regulation Act, 1949 in regard to

(i) Licensing of banks, and

(ii) Inspection of banking companies.


4 (Sem - 5/CBCS) COM HE 4 (BNK)/G 6

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