???????η Ssc General English Chapterwise Topicwise & Subtopicwise

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(Based on TCS PYQ)
Chapterwise & Sub-Topicwise

mee@uJ[ hesheme&
ØeOeeve mecheeokeâ
Deevevo kegâceej cenepeve
uesKeve SJeb mebkeâueve
hejer#ee efJeMes<e%e meefceefle
keâcÙetšj «eeefheâkeäme
yeeueke=â<Ce ef$ehee"er SJeb hebkeâpe kegâMeJeene
mecheeokeâerÙe keâeÙee&ueÙe
12, ÛeÛe& uesve, ØeÙeeiejepe-211002
cees. : 9415650134
Email : [email protected]
website : www.yctbooks.com/www.yctfastbook.com/www.yctbooksprime.com
 All Rights Reserved with Publisher
ØekeâeMeve Iees<eCee
ØeOeeve mecheeokeâ SJeb ØekeâeMekeâ Deevevo kegâceej cenepeve ves E:Book by APP YCT BOOKS, mes cegefõle keâjJeekeâj,
JeeF&.meer.šer. heefyuekesâMevme Øee. efue., 12, ÛeÛe& uesve, ØeÙeeiejepe-211002 kesâ efueS ØekeâeefMele efkeâÙee~
Fme hegmlekeâ keâes ØekeâeefMele keâjves ceW mecheeokeâ SJeb ØekeâeMekeâ Éeje hetCe& meeJeOeeveer yejleer ieF& nw
efHeâj Yeer efkeâmeer $egefš kesâ efueS mecheeokeâ SJeb ØekeâeMekeâ efpeccesoej veneR nesiee~
efkeâmeer Yeer efJeJeeo keâer efmLeefle ceW vÙeeefÙekeâ #es$e ØeÙeeiejepe nesiee~
SSC English Previous Year Exam Papers Analysis Chart....................................... 4
SSC English Previous Year Exam Papers Through Pie Chart and Bar Graph ......... 6

Section-I : Grammar
Spotting the Error......................................................................................................... 7-108
A. Question tag ....................................................................................................................10
B. Subject and Verb Agreement ..........................................................................................10
C. Form of Verb (Tense/number) ........................................................................................25
D. Preposition ......................................................................................................................45
E. Conjunction .....................................................................................................................59
F. Article .............................................................................................................................63
G. Correct use of Pronoun, Adjective and Adverb ..............................................................71
H. Conditional Sentence ......................................................................................................87
I. Noun (Case, Gender, Number) ......................................................................................91
J. Voice & Narration ..........................................................................................................96
K. Miscellaneous ..............................................................................................................101
Sentence Improvement ............................................................................................ 109-210
A. Form of verb (Tense, Number, Modal) ........................................................................112
B. Subject & Verb agreement ...........................................................................................140
C. Conditional Sentence ...................................................................................................148
D. Question tag .................................................................................................................153
E. Article ..........................................................................................................................155
F. Correct use of Pronoun, Adjective & Adverb ..............................................................156
G. Conjunction ..................................................................................................................168
H. Preposition ...................................................................................................................173
I. Voice and Narration ......................................................................................................186
J. Noun (Case, Gender, Number) ....................................................................................187
K. Miscellaneous ..............................................................................................................190
Fill in the blanks ................................................................................... 211-306
A. Subject and Verb Agreement ........................................................................................214
B. Form of Verb (Tense/number) ......................................................................................215
C. Preposition ....................................................................................................................229
D. Conjunction ...................................................................................................................235
E. Article ...........................................................................................................................237
F. Correct use of Pronoun, Adjective & Adverb ...............................................................238
G. Question Tag .................................................................................................................247
H. Interjection ...................................................................................................................247
I. Conditional Sentence ...................................................................................................248
J. Miscellaneous ...............................................................................................................249
Active/Passive Voice ................................................................................................ 307-360
Direct and Indirect Speech ...................................................................................... 361-404
A. Assertive Sentence .......................................................................................................363
B. Interrogative Sentence .................................................................................................386
C. Imperative Sentence .....................................................................................................397
D. Exclamatory Sentence ..................................................................................................403

Section-II : Vocabulary
Synonyms .................................................................................................................. 405-472
Antonyms .................................................................................................................. 473-541
Misspelt word .......................................................................................................... 542-597
One word substitution ............................................................................................. 598-671
Idiom & Phrases ....................................................................................................... 672-738

Section-III : Comprehension
Reading comprehension .......................................................................................... 739-775
Cloze test ................................................................................................................... 776-930
Parajumble/P.Q.R.S. ................................................................................................ 931-992

SSC Previous Exam Papers Analysis Chart
S.N. Exam. Year Total Question Total Question
1. SSC CGL (Tier-II) (October) 2023 1 1 × 45 = 45

2. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 2023 39 39 × 25 = 975

3. SSC CGL (Tier-II) (March) 2023 4 4 × 45 = 180

4. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) (March) 2023 36 36 × 25 = 900

5. SSC CHSL (Tier-II) 2023 1 1 × 40 = 40

6. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) (August) 2023 40 40 × 25 = 1000

7. SSC MTS (September) 2023 27 27 × 25 = 675

8. SSC MTS 2023 57 57 × 25 = 1425

9. SSC Selection Post Phase-XI 2023 12 12 × 25 = 300

10. SSC GD (Constable) 2023 76 76 × 20 = 1520

11. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 2022 40 40 × 25 = 1000

12. SSC CPO (Tier-I) 2022 9 9 × 50 = 450

13. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 2022 3 3 × 200 = 600

14. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 2022 21 21 × 25 = 525

15. SSC CHSL 2022 42 42 × 25 = 1050

16. SSC MTS 2022 48 48 × 25 = 1200

17. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 2021 21 21 × 25 = 525

18. SSC CHSL 2021 36 36 × 25 = 900

19. SSC CPO-SI 2020 6 6 × 50 = 300

20. SSC Selection Post Phase VIII 2020 4 4 × 25 = 100

(Graduate Level)

21. SSC Selection Post Phase VIII 2020 3 3 × 25 = 75

(H.S. Level)

22. SSC Selection Post Phase VIII 2020 5 5 × 25=125

(Matriculation Level)

23. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 2020 3 3 × 200 = 600

24. SSC CHSL 2020 36 36 × 25 = 900

25. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 2020 18 18 × 25 = 450

26. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 2019 1 1 × 200 = 200

27. SSC CPO-SI 2019 8 8 × 50 = 400

28. SSC Stenographer Grade C&D 2019 12 12 × 100 = 1200

29. SSC Selection Post Phase VII 2019 4 4 × 25 = 100

(Graduate Level)

30. SSC Selection Post Phase VII 2019 4 4 × 25 = 100

(H.S. Level)

31. SSC Selection Post Phase VII 2019 4 4 × 25 = 100

(Matriculation Level)

32. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 2019 3 3 × 200 = 600

33. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 2019 22 22 × 25 = 550

34. SSC MTS 2019 39 39 × 25 = 975

35. SSC CHSL 2019 25 25 × 25 = 625

36. SSC GD 2019 40 40 × 25 = 1000

37. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 2017 7 7 × 200 = 1400

38. SSC MTS 2017 17 17 × 25 = 425

Total 774 23,535

Note– After Detailed Analysis of the above 774 Question papers of SSC Exams related to English 23,535
questions have been presented chapterwise.
Questions of repetitive and similar nature have been included so that the technique of asking
question can benefit the competitors.

Trend Analysis of Previous Year SSC English Papers
Through Pie Chart and Bar Graph
Cloze test , 1250 Spotting the Error, 659 Sentence Improvement
, 665

Fill in the blanks, 673

Reading comprehension
, 193

Voice , 296

Idiom & Phrases , 594

One word substitution Direct and Indirect

, 565 Speech , 190

Misspelt word , 553 Antonyms, 595 Synonyms, 576


659 665 673

576 595 565 594

190 193

TCS hewšve& hej DeeOeeefjle (Based On TCS Pattern)
Chapterwise Exam Question No. Years
1 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
Question tag CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
2 CGL (Tier-1) 20
CGL (Tier-2) 7
CHSL (Tier-1) 15
Subject and Verb Agreement CHSL (Tier-2) 10
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5
3 CGL (Tier-1) 30
CGL (Tier-2) 10
CHSL (Tier-1) 35
Form of Verb (Tense/number) CHSL (Tier-2) 15
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 6
4 CGL (Tier-1) 25
CGL (Tier-2) 5
Preposition CHSL (Tier-1) 80
CHSL (Tier-2) 10
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 3
5 CGL (Tier-1) 5
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 10
Conjunction CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1

Spotting the Error 7 YCT

6 CGL (Tier-1) 10
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 12
CHSL (Tier-2) 8 (2017–2023)

Article Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -

7 CGL (Tier-1) 20
CGL (Tier-2) 7
CHSL (Tier-1) 25
CHSL (Tier-2) 6 (2017–2023)

Correct use of Pronoun, Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5

Adjective and Adverb SSC MTS 25
8 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 8
CHSL (Tier-2) 2 (2017–2023)

Conditional Sentence Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1

9 CGL (Tier-1) 9
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 7
CHSL (Tier-2) 3
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
Noun (Case, Gender, SSC MTS 4
Number) SSC GD 1
10 CGL (Tier-1) 11
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 6
CHSL (Tier-2) 3 (2017–2023)

Voice & Narration Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2

11 CGL (Tier-1) 11
CGL (Tier-2) 4
CHSL (Tier-1) 12
CHSL (Tier-2) 8
Miscellaneous Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5
Spotting the Error 8 YCT
Trend Analysis of Questions topicwise from CGL (Pre & Mains)
CHSL (Pre & Mains) Selection Post VII, VIII, XI, SSC MTS, SSC
GD & Other Exams (2017-2023)

140 132
120 105
95 94
51 56
32 29 33 27
20 5

Question tag, 5
Miscellaneous, 56 Subject and Verb
Agreement, 95

Voice & Narration Form of Verb

, 27 (Tense/number), 132
(Case, Gender, Num
ber) , 33

Sentence, 29

Correct use of Preposition, 94

Pronoun, Adjective
and Adverb, 105
Article, 51 Conjunction, 32

Spotting the Error 9 YCT

A. Question Tag Note - Will keâe Negative Question Tag 'Won't' neslee nw~
Correct Sentence–
1. Identify the segment in the sentence which There will probably be a lot of fish in their nets, won't
contains a grammatical error. If there is no there?
error, select 'No error'. 4. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Every Saturday, your mother prepares a contains a grammatical error.
pudding, isn't she ? I am suitably dressed for the occasion, am I?
(a) isn't she (a) for the occasion (b) am I
(b) Every Saturday, your mother (c) I am (d) suitably dressed
(c) Prepares a pudding SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(d) No error.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW am I kesâ mLeeve hej aren't I keâe
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ am keâe ØeÙeesie positive JeekeäÙe ceW nes
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Isn't she'' kesâ mLeeve hej
lees Gmekeâe negative question tag 'aren't' neslee nw~ positive
doesn't she keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe Present
sentence keâe question tag negative neslee nw~ Question
Indefinite tense keâe Affirmative sentence nw FmeceW
tag:- efkeâmeer JeekeäÙe kesâ Devle ceW comma ueieekeâj Gme JeekeäÙe kesâ ner
meneÙekeâ ef›eâÙee kesâ ™he does/do keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe
verb + sub. keâes efueKevee ner question tag keânueelee nw~
Positive nw FmeefueS Fmekeâe Question tag 'Negative' nesiee~
Correct Sentence :
Note : Positive Sentence keâe Question tag 'Negative' leLee I am suitably dressed for the occasion, aren't I?
Negative Sentence keâe Question tag 'Positive' neslee nw~
5. Ram never came again, did he?
Correct Sentence: Every Saturday, your mother (a) Ram never (b) Came
prepares a pudding, doesn't she? (c) did he (d) No error
2. The following sentence has been split into SSC GD-14/02/2019 (Shift – I)
four segments. Identify the segment that
Ans. (d) : No error.
contains a grammatical error.
Your eldest sister/ lives in / a big city,/ does Note:- Question tag keâe Positive Ùee Negative nesvee Fme yeele
she? hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Sense positive Ùee Negative
(a) a big city (b) lives in nw~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW never (keâYeer vener) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
(c) does she (d) Your eldest sister JeekeäÙe Negative sense os jne nw Deewj came (verb2) kesâ ØeÙeesie
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''does she'' kesâ mLeeve hej doesn't question tag positive Je Past Indefinite keâer helping verb
she keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Positive Sentence keâe Question ‘did’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Deewj Ram kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ Pronoun, he
tag 'Negative' leLee Negative Sentence keâe Question tag keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Dele: ‘did he’ keâe ØeÙeesie Megæ nw~
'Positive' neslee nw~
Correct Sentence: Your eldest sister lives in a big B. ( Subject Verb Agreement
city, doesn't she?
6. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
3. Identify the segment in the sentence which error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
contains a grammatical error. error'. To treat nightmare disorder, there is a
There will probably be a lot of fish in their number of medications and therapies.
nets, will there? (a) of medications and therapies
(a) probably be (b) in their nets (b) To treat nightmare disorder
(c) will there (d) a lot of fish (c) there is a number
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) (d) No error
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW will there kesâ mLeeve hej won't SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
there keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ positive sentence keâe Ans. (c) : Ghejes k eäle JeekeäÙ e ceW ''there is a number'' kesâ mLeeve hej
question tag negative leLee negative sentence keâe ''there are a number'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''there'' kesâ yeeo
question tag positive neslee nw~ Deeves Jeeueer verb keâe efveOee&jCe Gmekesâ yeeo Subject 'a number of
Spotting the Error 10 YCT
medications and therapies' kesâ Devegmeej neslee nw pees efkeâ Plural 10. Parts of the following sentence have been
nw~ Dele: ''is'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''are'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ underlined and given as options. Select the
Note – a number of ....... Plural verb option that contains an error.
The Number of ....... Singular verb Jiten and Hiru loves to eat french fries for
Correct Sentence– lunch.
To treat nightmare disorder there are a number of (a) French fries (b) Loves
medications and therapies. (c) Lunch (d) Eat
7. Find the part of the given sentence that has an SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III)
error in it. If there is no error, choose Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe loves (Singular verb) kesâ mLeeve hej
‘No error’. 'love' (Plural Verb) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye Subject kesâ
I am thirty-two years old and my sister are ™he ceW oes Noun/Pronoun Skeâ meeLe 'and' mes pegÌ[keâj ØeÙegkeäle nesles
nQ~ lees Fmekesâ efueS Plural Verb ØeÙegkeäle nesleer nw~
(a) I am thirty-two (b) years old and
(c) my sister are fifteen (d) No error Note– Present Indefinite tense ceW 'verb' kesâ Devle ceW "s/es''
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III) peesÌ[keâj Fmekeâes Singular yeveeÙee peelee nw~ peyeefkeâ Plural Verb
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''my sister are fifteen'' kesâ mLeeve efyevee "s/es'' kesâ ØeÙegkeäle nesleer nw~
hej ''My sister is fifteen'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Correct sentence –
subject ''My sister'' singular nw~ Jiten and Hiru love to eat French fries for lunch.
Dele: singular verb ''is'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 11. The following sentence has been split into four
Correct sentence – segments. Identify the segment that contains a
I am thirty two years old and my sister is fifteen. grammatical error.
I were/ writing/ this poem/ last evening.
8. Identify the segment that contains a
grammatical error. If there is no error, select (a) I were (b) writing
'No error'/Rapid climate warming in/the (c) This poem (d) Last evening
tundra biome have been linked/to increasing SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV)
shrub dominance. Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'were' kesâ mLeeve hej 'was' keâe ØeÙeesie
(a) Rapid climate warming in neslee nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Past Continuous tense ceW I kesâ meeLe 'was' keâe
(b) No error
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ I kesâ meeLe were keâe ØeÙeesie Hypothetical
(c) the tundra biome have been linked
(d) to increasing shrub dominance. sense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I) Correct Sentence–
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''the tundra biome have been I was writing this poem last evening.
linked'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''The tundra biome has been linked'' 12. The following sentence has been split into four
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject ''the tundra biome''
grammatical error.
Singular nw~ Dele: singular verb ''has been'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
One of these / boxes have / the portrait / of the
Correct Sentence– Rapid climate warming in the heiress.
tundra biome has been linked to increasing shrub
(a) of the heiress (b) One of these
(c) the portrait (d) boxes have
9. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)
error in it. If there is no error, choose ‘No error’.
India’s claim to be a world leader in Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''boxes have'' kesâ mLeeve hej
pharmaceuticals are heavily compromised. ''boxes has'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ one of kesâ yeeo Plural
(a) world leader in pharmaceuticals subject leLee singular verb keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(b) No error Note– One of + Plural Subject + Singular verb
(c) are heavily compromised. Correct Sentence–
(d) India’s claim to be a One of these boxes has the portrait of the heiress
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II)
13. The following sentence has been split into four
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''are heavily compromised'' kesâ segments. Identify the segment that contains an
mLeeve hej is heavily compromised keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ error.
JeekeäÙe keâe subject (India's claim) singular nw Dele: Singular Neetu have been/ waiting for me/ since 10
verb ''is'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ o’clock / in the morning.
Correct Sentence– (a) Neetu have been (b) in the morning
India's claim to be a world leader in pharmaceuticals is (c) since 10 o’clock (d) waiting for me
heavily compromised. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I)
Spotting the Error 11 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Neetu have been'' kesâ mLeeve hej Correct Sentence–
Neetu has been keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Subject Although people had been on watch and the
watchkeepers were very tired everyone was up and
''Neetu'' singular nw~ Dele: Singular verb ''has been'' keâe buzzing.
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 17. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
Correct Sentence– error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
Neetu has been waiting For me since 10 O’ clock in the error'.
morning. Plastic debris in the ocean can become coated
14. The following sentence has been split into four with algae and other marine microbes that
produces a chemical scent.
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
(a) coated with algae and other
grammatical error.
(b) marine microbes that produces a chemical
She always / invite me / to / dinner. scent.
(a) to (b) invite me (c) Plastic debris in the ocean can become
(c) She always (d) dinner (d) No error
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW invite me kesâ mLeeve hej ''invites Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Produces kesâ mLeeve ''produce'' keâe
me'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject ''she'' singular nw ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Relative pronoun ''that'' keâe ØeÙeesie Deheves
Dele: singular verb 'invites' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ "erkeâ henues ØeÙegkeäle Plural Noun ''Marine Microbes'' kesâ efueS
Correct Sentence– ngDee nw Dele: Plural Verb ''Produce'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
She always invites me to dinner. Note : Present Indefinite tense ceW verb keâes Singular yeveeves
Note– Present Indefinite tense ceW verb keâes singular yeveeves kesâ efueS GmeceW s/es keâes pees[Ì efoÙee peelee nw~
kesâ efueS Fmekesâ Devle ceW ''s/es'' peesÌ[les nQ~ Correct Sentence–
Plastic debris in the ocean can become coated with
15. Find the part of the given sentence that has an algae and other marine microbes that produce a
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No chemical scent.
error'. 18. The following sentence has been split into
Bushfire have created havoc and exacerbated segments. One of them may contain an error.
the conditions of animals in the forest. Identify the segment that contains a grammatical
(a) Bushfire have created havoc error. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
(b) and exacerbated the conditions error' as your answer.
(c) No error A shop nearby/sell all the goods/of daily use.
(d) of animals in the forest. (a) A shop nearby (b) No error
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV) (c) Of daily use (d) Sell all the goods
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW have created kesâ mLeeve hej ''has
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Sell all the goods'' kesâ mLeeve hej
created'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject ''Bushfire''
''Sells all the goods'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
singular nw~ Dele: Singular verb ''has'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Subject ''A shop'' singular nw Dele: Singular verb ''sells''
Correct Sentence– keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Bushfire has created havoc and exacerbated the
Correct Sentence–
conditions of animals in the forest.
A shop nearby/sells all the goods/of daily use.
16. Identify the segment in the sentence which
19. The following sentence has been split into four
contains a grammatical error. If there is no segments. Identify the segment that contains a
error, then select the option "No error". grammatical error.
Although people had been on watch and/ the The contrast between / Britain and other
watchkeepers were very tired/ everyone were countries / of Europe / are striking.
up and buzzing. (a) The contrast between
(a) No error (b) Britain and other countries
(b) the watchkeepers were very tired (c) of Europe
(c) everyone were up and buzzing. (d) are striking
(d) Although people had been on watch and SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III) Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''are striking'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''is
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''were'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''was'' keâe striking'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Subject ''The
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Everyone kesâ yeeo singular verb keâe ØeÙeesie contrast'' singular nw Dele: Singular verb ''is'' keâe ØeÙeesie
neslee nw~ nesiee~
Spotting the Error 12 YCT
Correct Sentence– Note– cegKÙe ef›eâÙee keâes Plural yeveeves kesâ efueS GmeceW s/es nše
The contrast between Britain and other countries of efoÙee peelee nw~
Europe is striking. Correct Sentence–
Note– peye efkeâmeer JeekeäÙe ceW Subject kesâ ™he ceW ''group of A significant number of students Volunteer each year
words'' keâe ØeÙeesie nes lees JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegkeäle preposition kesâ henues for environmental projects.
ØeÙegkeäle words keâes ner JeekeäÙe keâe cegKÙe Subject ceevee peelee nw~ Deewj 23. The following sentence has been divided into
Fmeer kesâ Devegmeej ner verb singular Ùee plural ØeÙegkeäle nesleer nw~ parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
20. The following sentence has been divided into the part that contains the error from the given
parts. One of them may contain an error. options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
Select the part that contains the error from the error' as your answer.
given options. If you don't find any error, mark People sometimes asks me / why carbon dioxide
‘No error’ as your answer. / is important for the climate.
Every Saturday, / the workers gets / their (a) is important for the climate
weekly wages.
(a) the workers gets (b) Every Saturday (b) why carbon dioxide
(c) No error (d) their weekly wages (c) No error
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I (d) People sometimes asks me
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''workers gets'' kesâ mLeeve hej SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II
''workers get'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Subject ''The Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW People sometimes asks me'' kesâ
workers'' plural nw Dele: Plural Verb ''get'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ mLeeve hej ''People sometimes ask me'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
Correct Sentence– JeekeäÙe keâe Subject ''people Plural'' nw Dele: Plural Verb efyevee
Every Saturday, the workers get their weekly wages. ''s/es'' kesâ ''ask'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
21. The following sentence has been divided into Correct Sentence–
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select People sometimes ask me why carbon dioxide is
the part that contains the error from the given important for the climate.
options. If you don’t find any error, mark ‘No
error’ as your answer. 24. The following sentence has been divided into
We ordered a Pizza/ which are one of/ my parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
favourite foods. the part that contains the error from the given
(a) No error (b) We ordered a Pizza options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
(c) my favourite foods (d) which are one of error' as your answer.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III Safety measures makes risky activities less
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''are'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''is'' keâe ØeÙeesie risky.
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Relative pronoun ''Which'' keâe ØeÙeesie Deheves "erkeâ (a) risky activities
henues ØeÙegkeäle noun ''a pizza'' kesâ efueS ngDee nw pees efkeâ Skeâ (b) No error
Singular Noun nw Dele: Singular verb ''is'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (c) Safety measures makes
Correct Sentence– (d) less risky
We ordered a Pizza which is one of my favourite foods. SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III
22. Parts of the following sentence have been given Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Safety measures makes'' kesâ
as options. One of them may contain an error. mLeeve hej Safety measures make'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe
Select the part that contains the error from the keâe Subject ''safety measures'' plural nw Dele: Plural verb
given options. If you don't find any error, mark
'No error' as your answer. ''make'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
A significant number of students volunteers Note : cegKÙe ef›eâÙee keâes singular yeveeves kesâ efueS GmeceW s/es peesÌ[
each year for environmental projects. efoÙee peelee nw leLee Plural yeveeves kesâ efueS GmeceW mes s/es nše efoÙee
(a) volunteers each year for peelee nw~
(b) No error Correct Sentence–
(c) A significant number of students
Safety measures make risky activities less risky.
(d) environmental projects
25. In the given sentence, identify the segment
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
which contains a grammatical error.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Volunteers each year for'' kesâ People has been warning in advance about the
mLeeve hej Volunteer each year for'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ coming economic crisis.
JeekeäÙe keâe Subject ''A significant number of student's (a) People (b) economic crisis
plural noun nw Dele: Plural Verb ''Volunteer'' keâe ØeÙeesie (c) in advance (d) has been warning
nesiee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Spotting the Error 13 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW people has been kesâ mLeeve hej Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ sentence ceW subejct kesâ mLeeve hej
people have been GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ people (Plural subjects keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'one of the' kesâ yeeo plural
subject) kesâ meeLe Plural verb (have) ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ noun keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct sentence– One of the + Plural Noun + Singular Verb
People have been warning in advance about the coming
economic crisis. Correct sentence- Economics is one of the subjects
26. Identify the segment in the sentence which which I have found very difficult since school.
contains a grammatical error. 30. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
Neither Sam nor I are interested in attending contains the grammatical error.
the meeting. Neither Amit nor Raju are staying with his
(a) are interested (b) in attending parents in Mumbai.
(c) Neither Sam nor I (d) the meeting (a) are staying (b) in Mumbai
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) with his parents (d) Neither Amit nor Raju
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'are' kessâ mLeeve hej 'am' keâe ØeÙeesie SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes subject – Neither ....... Nor, either Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ sentence ceW are staying kesâ mLeeve hej is
..... or mes peg[ Ì s nes lees verb keâe ØeÙeesie yeeo Jeeues subject kesâ staying keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeefo oes subject, either .... or
Devegmeej keâjles nQ~ neither ...... nor mes pegÌ[s neW lees verb yeeo Jeeues subject kesâ
Correct sentence- Neither Sam nor I am interested in Devegmeej ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
attending the meeting. Correct sentence- Neither Amit nor Raju is staying
27. Identify the segment in the sentence which with his parents in Mumbai.
contains a grammatical error. 31. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
The venue for the wedding have not yet been contains the grammatical error.
finalised The list of candidates to be called for the
(a) been finalised (b) have not yet interview were put up on the board.
(c) The venue (d) for the wedding (a) for the interview
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (b) The list of candidates
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW subject 'the venue' singular (c) were put up on the board
form keâe nw Dele: verb Yeer singular ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ Dele: 'have' (d) to be called
kesâ mLeeve hej 'has' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Correct sentence- The venue for the wedding has not Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW were kesâ mLeeve hej was keâe ØeÙeesie
yet been finalised. nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject 'The list' singular nw~ Dele:
28. Identify the segment in the sentence, which singular verb (was) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
contains the grammatical error.
Correct sentence- The list of candidates to be called
News of the calamity is reached the family
for the interview was put up on the board.
members the next day.
(a) the family members (b) News of the calamity 32. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
(c) is reached (d) the next day contains the grammatical error.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) One should be careful to re-read what they has
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Past Tense ceW nw~
(a) to re-read what (b) be careful
Dele: Past Indefinite tense (Sub + verb2 + object) keâe (c) One should (d) they has written
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Dele: is reached kesâ mLeeve hej reached (V2) keâe SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'They has written' kesâ mLeeve hej
Correct sentence- News of the calamity reached the
family members the next day. 'They have written' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Plural pronoun
(they) kesâ meeLe Plural verb (have) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
29. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
contains the grammatical error. Correct sentence- One should be careful to re-read
Economics is one of the subject which I have what they have written.
found very difficult since school. 33. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
(a) Economics is contains the grammatical error.
(b) which I have found The box of paper clips are kept in the drawer.
(c) very difficult since school (a) are kept (b) The box
(d) one of the subject (c) of paper clips (d) in the drawer
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Spotting the Error 14 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW subject 'the box' Skeâ singular (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
subject nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ yeeo singular verb (is) keâe ØeÙeesie SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
nesiee~ Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has kesâ mLeeve hej have keâe ØeÙeesie
Correct sentence- The box of paper clips is kept in the nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘Modern medicines’ ‘plural subject nw~ Dele:
drawer. plural Auxiliary verb 'have' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
34. Identify the segment in the sentence, which Correct sentence–
contains the grammatical error. Modern medicines have scored significant victories
Prema is the girl in my class who write against both infection and trauma the major causes of ill
beautiful poems. health and death.
(a) Prema is the girl (b) who write
38. Identify the segment in the sentence which
(c) beautiful poems (d) in my class
contains a grammatical error. If there is no
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) error, then select the option 'No error'.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'write' kesâ mLeeve hej 'writes' keâe All of us were a little nervous when we came
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subejct 'Prema' singular nw~ into this room today.
Dele: Fmekesâ efueS 'singular verb, writes (verb+s/es) keâe (a) a little nervous when
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (b) when we came into this room today.
Correct sentence- Prema is the girl in my class who (c) all of us were
writes beautiful poems. (d) No error
35. Identify the segment in the sentence which SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
contains the grammatical error. Ans. (d) : No error
Very few countries in the world is as big as
Note—(i) JeekeäÙe keâe subject 'All of us' plural nw Dele:
(a) is (b) Very few countries JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJeevegmeej' were keâe ØeÙeesie ner GefÛele nw~
(c) as big as (d) in the world (ii) little/a little keâe ØeÙeesie uncountable nouns kesâ meeLe keâjles nQ
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D leLee few/a few keâe ØeÙeesie countable nouns kesâ meeLe keâjles nQ~
05/02/2019 (3:5pm) 39. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'is' kesâ mLeeve hej 'are' keâe ØeÙeesie contains a grammatical error.
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subejct 'few countries' plural nw Dele: Either Ramesh or Reema have the keys to the
Fmekesâ meeLe plural verb (are) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ cupboard.
Correct sentence- Very few countries in the world are (a) to the cupboard (b) or Reema have
as big as India. (c) the keys (d) Either Ramesh
36. Identify the segment in the sentence which SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
contains the grammatical error. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have kesâ mLeeve hej has keâe ØeÙeesie
Neither Nita nor her sisters has applied for this GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ either.......or mes Ùeefo oes subject peg[ Ì W nes lees
or kesâ yeeo DeeS subject kesâ Devegmeej ner verb keâe efveOee&jCe neslee nw~
(a) nor her (b) has applied
(c) Neither Nita (d) for this job Dele: 'Reema' kesâ Devegmeej 'has' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D Correct sentence-
05/02/2019 (3:5pm) Either Ramesh or Reema has the keys to the cupboard.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'has' kesâ mLeeve hej 'have' keâe ØeÙeesie 40. Identify the segment in the sentence which
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ neither ..... nor kesâ meeLe Deiej oes subejct pegÌ[s contains a grammatical error.
nes lees verb yeeo Jeeues subject kesâ Devegmeej ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ He is over eighty and dare not read without
Correct sentence- Neither Nita nor her sisters have glasses.
applied for this job. (a) he is (b) over eighty and
37. In the following, some part of the sentence may (c) without glasses (d) dare not read
have errors. Find out which part of the SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
sentence has an error and select the Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'dare not' (meenme veneR keâj mekeâlee)
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from kesâ mLeeve hej can not [veneR mekeâlee (#ecelee)] keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
error, select No Error.
Dele: JeekeäÙe kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej 'can not' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
Modern medicines has scored significant
victories (1)/ against both infection and DeLe& oslee nw~
trauma- (2)/ the major causes of ill health and Correct sentence-
death. (3)/ No error (4) He is over eighty and can not read without glasses.
Spotting the Error 15 YCT
41. Identify the segment in the sentence which (a) look beautiful (b) from the top
contains a grammatical error. (c) at night (d) with all its lights
Our new secretary’s performance have been SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)
quite impressive. Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'The Doon Valley' Skeâ Singular
(a) secretary’s performance Subject nw, Dele: JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite Tense ceW nesves keâer
(b) quite impressive Jepen mes cegKÙe ef›eâÙee kesâ Deble ceW s/es peesÌ[keâj plural verb 'look'
(c) have been keâer singular verb 'looks' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(d) our new Correct Sentence
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) The Doon Valley with all its lights looks beautiful at
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have been kesâ mLeeve hej has night from the top of the mountain.
been keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Our new secretary’s 45. In the sentence identify the segment which
performance Skeâ singular subject nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ yeeo contains the grammatical error.
singular verb "has been" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ The match is about to begin since the captain
as well as the team are on the field.
Correct sentence- (a) are on the field
Our new secretary’s performance has been quite (b) The match is about to begin
impressive. (c) since the captain
42. In the sentence identify the segment which (d) as well as the team
contains the grammatical error. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Every employee of the company were given a Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW plural verb 'are' kesâ mLeeve hej is keâe
two bedroom flat as Diwali bonus.
ØeÙeesie nesiee GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes Subject (noun or
(a) a two bedroom flat (b) as Diwali bonus pronoun) as well as, like, with, besides, together with,
(c) Every employee (d) were given no less than Deeefo mes pegÌ[s nes lees verb ØeLece subject kesâ Devegmeej
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I) singular Ùee plural ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Every employee of the Correct Sentence
company ceW Every employee Singular Noun kesâ ™he ceW The match is about to begin since the captain as well as
ØeÙegòeâ nw, Dele: were kesâ mLeeve hej was keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ the team is on the field.
Every + Singular noun + Singular Verb 46. In the sentence identify the segment which
contains the grammatical error.
Correct Sentence : Cows are amongst the gentlest of animals; none
Every employee of the company was given a two shows more passionate tenderness towards
bedroom flat as Diwali bonus. their young.
43. In the sentence identify segment which contains (a) Cows are amongst
(b) towards their young
the grammatical error.
(c) none shows more
Each of the girls have given an impressive
(d) the gentlest of animals
dance performance.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) have given (b) Each of the girls
(c) an impressive Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW singular verb 'shows' keâer peien
(d) dance performance plural verb 'show' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ None kesâ yeeo Deeves
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III) Jeeueer verb, singular nesieer Ùee plural Ùen Fme yeele hej efveYe&j
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW plural verb 'have given' kesâ mLeeve
keâjlee nw efkeâ None efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ Subject kesâ efueÙes ØeÙegòeâ ngDee
nw~ Singular Subject kesâ nesves hej Singular verb leLee plural
hej singular verb 'has given' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ
subject kesâ nesves hej plural verb keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ ÙeneB hej
Distributive Pronouns Each of/Either of/Neither of kesâ
None, animals (plural subject) kesâ efueÙes ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw~ Dele:
yeeo Plural Noun/Pronoun keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ hejbleg auxiliary Deeves Jeeueer verb Yeer plural form ceW nesieer~
verb singular nesleer nw~ Correct Sentence
Each of / Neither of + Plural subject + Singular verb Cows are amongst the gentlest of animals; none show
more passionate tenderness towards their young.
Correct Sentence
47. In the sentence identify the segment which
Each of the girls has given an impressive dance
contains the grammatical error.
The cost of fruits and vegetables have risen
44. In the sentence identify the segment which abnormally this month.
contains the grammatical error. (a) have risen (b) The cost of
The Doon Valley with all its lights look (c) this month (d) abnormally
beautiful at night from the top of the mountain. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Spotting the Error 16 YCT
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have keâer peien has keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW artist keâer peien artists keâe ØeÙeesie
keäÙeeWefkeâ peye Yeer oes subject of mes peg[Ì s ngÙes nes, lees Deeves Jeeueer nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ one of keâe ØeÙeesie nesves hej Fmekesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeuee
verb of mes henues ØeÙegòeâ subject kesâ Devegmeej singular Ùee Subject, plural leLee Verb, singular nesleer nw~
plural nesieer~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW of mes henues The cost keâe ØeÙeesie Oneof the + Plural noun + Singular verb
ngDee nw~ pees efkeâ singular subject nw~ Dele: Deeves Jeeueer verb Correct Sentence-
Fmekesâ Devegmeej singular nesieer~ Dele: has keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Raja Ravi Varma was one of the first artists who tried to
Correct sentence - create a style that was both modern and traditional.
The cost of fruits and vegetables has risen abnormally 51. In the sentence identify the segment which
this month. contains the grammatical error.
48. In the sentence identify the segment which There is many modes of travel to go to Agra
contains the grammatical error. but I prefer road travel.
(a) to go to (b) prefer road travel
Friction reduce the efficiency of machines so
(c) Agra but I (d) There is many modes
their value also gets reduced.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Friction reduce
(b) also gets reduced. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe ceW Many modes of travel
(c) the efficiency of machines subject keâe keâece keâj jne nw pees efkeâ Plural subject nw, Dele:
(d) so their value Plural verb are keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III) Correct Sentence-
There are many modes of travel to go to Agra but I
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Friction reduce kesâ mLeeve hej prefer road travel.
Friction reduces keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ friction 52. In the Sentence identify the segment which
singular uncountable noun nw FmeefueÙes Verb Singular contains the grammatical error.
heÇÙegòeâ nesieer Dele: reduce (plural verb) kesâ mLeeve hej 'reduces' Ten kilometres are a long distance to cover on
(Singular verb) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ foot for a child.
(a) Ten kilometres are (b) for a child
Correct sentence -
(c) to cover on foot (d) a long distance
Friction reduces the efficiency of machines so their
value also gets reduced. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I)
49. In the sentence identify the segment which Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Ten kilometres are kesâ mLeeve hej
contains the grammatical error. Ten kilometres is keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ cordinal
I am sure that neither Juhi nor Jaya are adjective (one, two ....... ten) kesâ yeeo kilometres keâe ØeÙeesie
responsible for breaking the vase. nesves mes Ùen certain distance denote keâjlee nw leLee Fmekesâ meeLe
(a) neither Juhi nor Jaya (b) are responsible verb ncesMee singular form ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
(c) for breaking the vase (d) I am sure that Correct Sentence-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III) Ten kilometres is a long distance to cover on foot for a
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW are responsible kesâ mLeeve hej is child.
responsible keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ neither-------nor, 53. In the sentence identify the segment which
contains the grammatical error.
either---------or kesâ yeeo ceW Deeves Jeeueer verb nor, leLee or kesâ
The child along with his parents were waiting
legjvle yeeo DeeS noun/pronoun kesâ Devegmeej ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ Dele: for the programme to begin.
JeekeäÙe mes mhe° nw efkeâ Jaya kesâ Devegmeej ÙeneB are keâe veneR yeefukeâ (a) The child
is keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (b) along with his parents
Correct sentence - (c) programme to begin
I am sure that neither Juhi nor Jaya is responsible for (d) were waiting for the
breaking the vase. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
50. In the sentence identify the segment which Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW were waiting for the kesâ mLeeve
contains the grammatical error. hej was waiting for the keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peye
Raja Ravi Varma was one of the first artist efkeâmeer Sentence ceW oes Subject (noun/pronoun) as well as,
who tried to create a style that was both with, together with, along with mes pegÌ[e nes lees verb ncesMee
modern and traditional. Fvekesâ henues Subject (noun/pronoun) kesâ Devegmeej efveOee&efjle nesleer
(a) Raja Ravi Varma was nw~ pewmee efkeâ JeekeäÙe mes mhe° nw the child (Singular noun) kesâ
(b) both modern and traditional Devegmeej ner Ùeneb 'was' (Singular Verb) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(c) to create a style that was Correct Sentence-
(d) one of the first artist The child along with his parents was waiting for the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I) programme to begin.

Spotting the Error 17 YCT

54. In the sentence identify the segment which (a) in many parts of the country
contains the grammatical error. (b) soared up
Most disputes can be solved amicably unless (c) The prices of tomatoes has
one are not rigid. (d) No error
(a) unless one are SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(b) Most disputes Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'The prices of tomatoes has' kesâ
(c) not rigid mLeeve hej 'The price of tomatoes has' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ Ûetbefkeâ
(d) can be solved amicably 'tomatoes' efmehe&â Skeâ Jemleg nw, Dele: Plural subject 'prices' kesâ
SSC CGL (Tier-I)–10/06/2019 (Shift-I) mLeeve hej Singular subject 'price' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW not rigid kesâ mLeeve hej rigid GheÙegòeâ Correct Sentence-
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ subordinate clause ceW unless ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw pees The price of tomatoes has soared up to Rs. 65-70 per kg
efkeâ negative sense oslee nw~ Deewj Skeâ clause ceW oes negative in many parts of the country.
word keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~ 58. In the sentence identify the segment which
Correct sentence- contains the grammatical error.
Most disputes can be solved amicably unless one are Saurav Ganguly have emerged as the new
rigid. President of the BCCI after a night long
55. In the sentence identify the segment which (a) Saurav Ganguly have emerged
contains the grammatical error.
(b) as the new President
Cyclone ldai is regarded as one of the worst
(c) of the BCCI
tropical cyclone on record to affect Africa and
(d) after a night long discussion
the Southern Hemisphere as a whole.
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Cyclone ldai is regarded
(b) the worst tropical cyclone Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Plural verb 'have' kesâ mLeeve hej
(c) to affect Africa singular verb 'has' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
(d) as a whole Subject 'Saurav Ganguly' singular number ceW ØeÙegòeâ nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I) Correct sentence-
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW One of the kesâ yeeo Plural Noun Saurav Ganguly has emerged as the new President of
the BCCI after a night long discussion.
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Dele: 'Cyclone' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Cyclones' keâe
59. In the sentence identify the segment which
ØeÙeesie nesiee~
contains the grammatical error.
One of + Plural noun + Singular verb Her sister lives in Pune, one of the major city in
Correct Sentence- Maharashtra.
Cyclone ldai is regarded as one of the worst tropical (a) He sister lives
cyclones on record to affect Africa and the Southern (b) one of the major city
Hemisphere as a whole. (c) in Maharashtra
56. Identify the segment in the sentence which (d) in Pune
contains the grammatical error. SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Note down my phone number in case you needs Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW city kesâ mLeeve hej cities nesiee~
to ring me up. keäÙeeWefkeâ 'one of the' kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeuee Noun ncesMee plural
(a) Note down (b) to ring me up
form ceW neslee nw Dele: city keâe plural cities ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
(c) my phone number (d) in case you needs
Correct sentence-
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Her sister lives in Pune, one of the major cities in
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW needs (singular verb) kesâ mLeeve Maharashtra.
hej need (plural verb) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe 60. Identify the segment in the sentence which
subject 'you' plural number ceW nw~ contains the grammatical error. If there is no
Correct Sentence- error, select 'No error'.
Note down my phone number in case you need to ring The monsoon have, in the past five days,
me up. retreated from most parts of the country.
57. Identify the segment in the sentence which (a) No error
contains the grammatical error. If there is no (b) The monsoon have
error, then select option 'No error'. (c) retreated from most parts
The prices of tomatoes has soared up to Rs. 65- (d) in the past five days
70 per kg in many parts of the country. SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Spotting the Error 18 YCT
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW The monsoon have kesâ mLeeve hej Devegmeej singular Ùee plural form ceW ØeÙeesie nesleer nw~ JeekeäÙe keâe
The monsoon has keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Monsoon' ØeLece subject the members of the victorious football team
uncountable noun nw, Dele: Fmekesâ meeLe meowJe Singular Verb plural form ceW ØeÙeesie ngDee nw Dele: Deeves Jeeueer verb plural
(has) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
Correct sentence- Correct sentence-
The monsoon has, in the past five days, retreated from The members of the victorious football team as well as
most parts of the country. the captain were congratulated.
61. In the sentence identify the segment which 64. Identify the segment which contains the
contains the grammatical error. grammatical error.
Only one copy of the book, running into 1200 Each of the pictures have been signed by the
pages, on Gandhiji's visit to the State of football star.
Andhra Pradesh, remain now. (a) the pictures (b) Each of
(a) running into 1200 pages (c) have been (d) signed by
(b) remain now SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) only one copy of the book Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Each of kesâ yeeo plural subject
(d) on Gandhiji's visit to the State (pictures) kesâ yeeo singular verb (has been) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) keäÙeeWefkeâ each of kesâ yeeo plural subject leLee singular verb
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW plural verb 'Remain now' kesâ ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
mLeeve hej singular verb 'Remains now' GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Each of / Either Of / Neither of + Plural Noun + Singular verb
Fmekeâe subject 'only one copy' singular subject nw~ Correct Sentence-
Correct sentence- Each of the pictures has been signed by the football star.
Only one copy of the book, running into 1200 pages, 65. Identify the segment which contains the
on Gandhiji's visit to the State of Andhra Pradesh, grammatical error.
remains now. The number of visitors at the fair were much
62. Identify the segment in the sentence which larger than expected.
contains the grammatical error. (a) than expected (b) were much larger
The two states frequently has differences over (c) the number of (d) visitors at the fair
the use of the river water especially during the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
summer months. Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'were much larger' kesâ mLeeve hej
(a) has differences 'was much larger' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
(b) over the use of the river water Subject 'The number' singular nw, Dele: Fmekesâ meeLe singular
(c) especially during the summer months
verb (was) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
(d) The two states frequently
Note– A number of kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeuee "noun" ncesMee plural
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
form ceW neslee nw~ leLee verb Yeer plural ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has differences kesâ mLeeve have
Correct Sentence-
differences keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject 'Two The number of visitors at the fair was much larger than
states' plural nw~ Dele: Plural verb, 'have' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ expected.
Correct sentence- 66. In the sentence identify the segment which
The two states frequently have differences over the use contains the grammatical error.
of the river water especially during the summer months. The promoters of Med Hospitals has agreed to
63. Identify the segment which contains the sell their business to Pal Hospitals.
grammatical error. (a) The promoters of
The members of the victorious football team as (b) to sell their business
well as the captain was congratulated. (c) Med Hospitals has agreed
(a) was congratulated (d) to Pal Hospitals
(b) as well as the captain SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) The members of the Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has agreed kesâ mLeeve hej have
(d) victorious football team agreed keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekeâe subject
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II) (promoters) plural nw FmeefueS Ùeneb Plural verb (have) keâe
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW singular helping verb was keâer ØeÙeesie nesiee~
peien plural helping verb were keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye Correct Sentence-
efkeâmeer JeekeäÙe ceW as well as, with, like, besides keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ The promoters of Med Hospitals have agreed to sell
oes subject keâes peesÌ[e peeÙes lees Deeves Jeeueer Verb ØeLece subject kesâ their business to Pal Hospitals.

Spotting the Error 19 YCT

67. In the sentence identify the segment which 70. In the sentence identify the segment which
contains the grammatical error. contains a grammatical error.
Mrs. Sangeeta Malik is one of the favourite The environment protection policy need to
teacher of most children in our school. become stricter if we wish to combat climate
(a) Mr. Sangeeta Malik is change.
(b) of most children (a) The environment protection policy
(c) one of the favourite teacher (b) need to become stricter
(d) in our school (c) combat climate change
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III) (d) if we wish to
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW teacher keâer peien teachers keâe ØeÙeesie SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II)
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ One of kesâ yeeo plural noun keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'need to become stricter' kesâ mLeeve
One of + plural noun + singular verb hej 'needs to become stricter' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Øeoòe
sentence keâe subject - 'The environment protection
Correct sentence-
policy' singular number nw~ Dele: Main verb 'need' Yeer
Mrs. Sangeeta Malik is one of the favourite teachers of
most children in our school singular number (needs) ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
68. In the sentence identify the segment which Correct Sentence-
contains the grammatical error. The environment protection policy needs to become
Many of China's exports has been redirected to stricter if we wish to combat climate change.
the domestic market in view of the more 71. In the sentence identify the segment which
consumption-driven economy. contains the grammatical error.
(a) has been redirected One of the reason behind malnutrition is the
(b) Many of China's exports improper way of food intake.
(c) in view of the more consumption-driven (a) One of the reason (b) behind malnutrition
economy (c) of food intake (d) is the improper way
(d) to the domestic market SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW One of the reason kesâ mLeeve hej
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has been redirected kesâ mLeeve hej One of the reasons keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeesefkeâ One of
have been redirected keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekeâe the kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeuee noun plural form ceW ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
subject (exports) plural nw~
One of + Plural noun + Singular verb
Many of + Plural subject + Plural Verb
Correct Sentence-
Note- Many a kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeuee noun Deewj verb oesveeW One of the reasons behind malnutrition is the improper
singular nesles nQ~ way of food intake.
Correct Sentence- 72. Select the segment in the sentence, which
Many of China's exports have been redirected to the contains a grammatical error.
domestic market in view of the more consumption- Plenty of people likes to celebrate New Year's
driven economy. eve with their family and friends.
69. In the sentence identify the segment which (a) likes to celebrate
contains the grammatical error. (b) Plenty of people
The Cannes Film Festival attract some of the (c) New year's eve with
world's most famous people. (d) their family and friends
(a) The Cannes Film Festival SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
(b) most famous people Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW likes kesâ mLeeve hej like keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) attract some of GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeesefkeâ Plenty of kesâ yeeo ØeÙegòeâ noun plural nw
(d) the world's
lees verb Yeer Plural form ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'attract' kesâ mLeeve hej 'attracts' keâe Plenty of + Countable plural noun + Plural verb
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ The Cannes Film Festival singular Plently of + Uncountable noun + Singular verb
Subject nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ Devegmeej verb Yeer singular ("attracts") Note-Hate, stop, finish, enjoy, prefer, keep, like +
ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ present participle (–ing form of verb) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct Sentence- Correct Sentence-
The Cannes film festival attracts some of the world's Plenty of people like celebrating New Year's eve with
most famous people. their family and friends.
Spotting the Error 20 YCT
73. In the given sentence identify the segment Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW one of the channel kesâ mLeeve hej
which contains the grammatical error. one of the channels GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ one of the kesâ yeeo
Scientist have recently announced that a more
effective antidote for snake bite venom has Deeves Jeeuee subject plural Deewj verb singular ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
been made. Correct sentence-
(a) Scientist have Oh dear! the audio in one of the channels on television
(b) for snake bite venom has been made is not clear at all.
(c) recently announced 77. In the sentence identify the segment which
(d) that a more effective antidote contains the grammatical error.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I) Thomas is a man of word who have been
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have kesâ mLeeve hej has GheÙegòeâ paying back the borrowed money in
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Scientist Skeâ singular subject nw DeleŠ verb installments.
Yeer singular ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ (a) who have been paying back
(b) in installments
Correct Sentence-
"Scientist has recently announced that a more effective (c) Thomas is a man of word
antidote for snake bite venom has been made." (d) the borrowed money
74. In the sentence identify the segment which SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I)
contains the grammatical error. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'who have been paying back'
Everyone are very well equipped with his own kesâ mLeeve hej 'who has been paying back' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee,
weapons. keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject Thomas Skeâ singular subject nw~
(a) Everyone are (b) very well equipped
Dele: Fmekesâ efueS verb Yeer singular (has) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
(c) own weapons (d) with his
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I) Correct sentence-
Thomas is a man of word who has been paying back
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW everyone are kesâ mLeeve hej
the borrowed money in installments.
Everyone is keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ each, one,
78. In the given sentence identify the segment
everyone etc. keâe ØeÙeesie as a subject nes lees Fvekesâ efueS verb
which contains the grammatical error.
singular form ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
The neighbourhood were getting disturbed
Correct Sentence- with the loud music that was playing at the
Everyone is very well equipped with his own weapons. wedding party in the big bungalow.
75. In the sentence identify the segment which (a) at the wedding party
contains the grammatical error. (b) in the big bungalow
The simplest way to get proper recognition are (c) that was playing
through doing things with dedication and
(d) The neighbourhood were getting disturbed
(a) are through doing things SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(b) The simplest way Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'The neighbourhood' were
(c) to get proper recognition getting disturbed' kesâ mLeeve hej 'The neighbourhood was
(d) with dictation and sincerity getting disturbed' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III) 'neighbourhood' uncountable noun nw,Dele: Fmekesâ meeLe
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW subject 'The simplest way' singular verb ('was') keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
singular form ceW nw FmeefueS Deeies Deeves Jeeueer verb Yeer Correct sentence-
singular nesieer~ Dele: 'are through doing things' kesâ mLeeve The neighbourhood was getting disturbed with the
hej 'is through doing things.' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ loud music that was playing at the wedding party in the
Correct Sentence- big bungalow.
The simplest way to get proper recognition is through 79. In the given sentence identify the segment
doing things with dedication and sincerity. which contains the grammatical error.
76. Select the segment in the sentence, which My domestic help was taking ill the day I had a
contains the grammatical error. party in my house.
Oh dear! the audio in one of the channel on (a) My domestic help (b) the day I had a party
television is not clear at all. (c) was taking ill (d) in my house
(a) is not clear at all
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(b) Oh dear! The audio
(c) in one of the channel Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'was taking ill' kesâ mLeeve hej
(d) on television 'was taken ill' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II) ef ueS GheÙeg òeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
Spotting the Error 21 YCT
Be taken ill/sick - to suddenly fall ill (DeÛeevekeâ yeerceej nes Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Everyone are asking kesâ mLeeve
peevee)~ hej Everyone is asking keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeesefkeâ
Correct sentence- Each, Everyone, one, someone etc. keâe ØeÙeesie as a
My domestic help was taken ill the day I had a party in subject nes lees Fvekesâ efueS verb singular form ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer
my house. nw~
80. In the given sentence identify the segment Correct sentence-
which contains a grammatical error. Everyone is asking for passes to the music festival at
The publics are not satisfied with the new act. Nehru Park.
(a) not satisfied (b) The publics are 84. In the sentence identify the segment which
(c) new act (d) with the contains the grammatical error.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I) Some of the issues discussed on the media
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'The publics are' kesâ mLeeve hej nowadays has no relevance to the nation-
'The public are' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'public' plural sense building process.
oslee nw Deewj FmeceW 's' veneR ueieeÙee peelee nw Deewj Fmekesâ meeLe plural (a) on the media nowadays
verb keâe Yeer ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (b) to the nation-building process
Correct sentence- (c) some of the issues discussed
The public are not satisfied with the new act. (d) has no relevance
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
81. In the given sentence identify the segment
which contains a grammatical error. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has no relevance kesâ mLeeve hej
Someone have walked away with my umbrella. have no relevance keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
(a) away with (b) Someone subject (some of the issues) plural nw~ Dele: plural verb
(c) have walked (d) my umbrella "have" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III) Correct sentence-
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have walked kesâ mLeeve hej has Some of the issues discussed on the media nowadays
walked keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ, someone, each, one etc. have no relevance to the nation-building process.
keâe ØeÙeesie as a subject nes lees Fvekesâ meeLe singular verb ØeÙegòeâ 85. In the given sentence identify the segment
nesleer nw~ which contains the grammatical error.
Correct sentence- Your skill lie in cheering up people who are
Someone has walked away with my umbrella. stressed out, wound up or generally just
82. Identify the segment in the given sentence (a) Your skill lie
which contains the grammatical error.
(b) who are stressed out wound up
Soni take her daughter to the park in the
(c) or generally just annoyed
evening in a stroller.
(a) Soni take her daughter (d) in cheering up people
(b) to the park SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) in a stroller Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Your skill lie kesâ mLeeve hej your
(d) in the evening skill lies keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ your skill JeekeäÙe keâe subject
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II) nw pees singular noun nw Dele: singular verb 'lies' keâe ØeÙeesie
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Soni take her daughter kesâ GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Present indefinite tense kesâ assertive
mLeeve hej 'Soni takes her daughter ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ - sentence kesâ verb ceW 's/es' peesÌ[keâj Fmekeâes singular yeveeles nw~
'Soni' singular number nw Dele: verb Yeer singular ØeÙegòeâ Correct sentence-
nesieer~ ÛetBefkeâ JeekeäÙe present indefinite keâe nw Dele: verb kesâ Your skill lies in cheering up people who are stressed
Devle ceW s/es ueieekeâj Fmekeâes singular yeveeles nQ~ out, wound up or generally just annoyed.
Correct sentence- 86. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
Soni takes her daughter to the park in the evening in a error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
stroller. error'.
83. In the given sentences, identify the segment Sterling is only twenty four but have achieved
which contains a grammatical error. so much in his professional football career.
Everyone are asking for passes to the music (a) but have achieved so much
festival at Nehru Park. (b) in his professional football career
(a) at Nehru Park (b) for passes (c) No error
(c) to the music festival (d) Everyone are asking (d) Sterling is only twenty four
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II) SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Spotting the Error 22 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW but have achieved so much kesâ 90. Identify the segment in the sentence which
mLeeve hej but has achieved so much keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, contains the grammatical error.
keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekeâe subject (Sterling) 'singular' nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ I have no doubt/that Girish is/one of the most
intelligent student/in the entire district.
meeLe singular verb 'has' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (a) that Girish is
Correct sentence- (b) in the entire district
Sterling is only twenty four but has achieved so much
(c) I have no doubt
in his professional football career.
(d) one of the most intelligent student
87. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No error'.
The doctor with his interns are due to arrive Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ''Student'' kesâ mLeeve hej
here by noon./No error 'Students' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'One of the' kesâ yeeo ØeÙegòeâ
(a) interns are due Noun/Pronoun ncesMee Plural nesles nw~ leLee verb singular
(b) No error ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
(c) The doctor with his Correct Sentence-
(d) to arrive here by noon ''I have no doubt that Girish is one of the most
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II) intelligent students in the entire district.''
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'are' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is' keâe ØeÙeesie 91. Identify the segment in the sentence which
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekeâe subject (The doctor) singular contains the grammatical error.
nw~ Dele: verb Yeer singular ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ Each of these players have been warned not to
Rule– with, along with, etc mes oes subjects pegÌ[s nes lees repeat the silly mistakes.
verb ncesMee Antecedent (ØeLece subject) kesâ Devegmeej ØeÙegòeâ (a) Each of these players
nesleer nw~ (b) the silly mistakes
Correct sentence- (c) warned not to repeat
The doctor with his interns is due to arrive here by (d) have been
noon. SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
88. Identify the segment in the sentence which Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW plural verb 'have been' kesâ
contains the grammatical error. mLeeve hej singular verb 'has been' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
Virat Kohli is one of the best batsmen that keäÙeeWefkeâ "Each of" kesâ yeeo efvecve structure ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
world have seen.
(a) Virat Kohli is (b) one of the best Each of / Either of / Neither of + Plural noun + Singular verb
(c) world have seen (d) batsmen that the Correct sentence-
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I) Each of these players has been warned not to repeat the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW plural verb 'have seen' kesâ mLeeve silly mistakes.
hej singular verb 'has seen' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'That 92. Identify the segment in the sentence which
world' singular noun nw, Deewj Singular noun kesâ heMÛeele contains the grammatical error.
singular verb keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ A Superintendent of Police have the authority
Correct sentence- to suspend an inspector.
[Virat Kohli is one of the best batsmen that world has (a) authority to suspend
seen] (b) have the
89. Identify the segment in the sentence which (c) A Superintendent of Police
contains the grammatical error. (d) an inspector
One of the friends were doubtful that the plan SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
would work. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW A superintendent of police Skeâ
(a) that the plan (b) were doubtful singular subject nw~ Deewj singular subject kesâ meeLe meowJe
(c) would work (d) one of the friends singular verb keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw Dele: Plural verb 'have' kesâ
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
mLeeve hej singular verb 'has' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW plural verb 'were doubtful' keâs
Correct sentence-
mLeeve hej 'was doubtful' keâe ØeÙeessie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ one of kesâ A Superintendent of Police has the authority to
yeeo plural noun Deewj "singular verb" keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ suspend an inspector.
One of + Plural noun + Singular verb 93. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Correct sentence- contains the grammatical error.
''One of the friends was doubtful that the plan would The mother as well as her children were
work.'' brought to the police station for interrogation.
Spotting the Error 23 YCT
(a) her children were brought The constitutional order on which the Indian
(b) to the police station State run is that there shall be no
(c) for interrogation discrimination on the basis of religion.
(d) The mother as well as (a) There shall be (b) order on which
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II) (c) on the basis of (d) Indian State run
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW her children were brought kesâ
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Indian state run' kesâ mLeeve hej
mLeeve hej 'her children was brought' ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ
'Indian state runs' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
peye oes nouns keâes as well as mes peesÌ[e peelee nw, leye JeekeäÙe keâer
subject 'The constitutional order' singular nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ
verb henues 'noun' (ÙeneB 'mother') kesâ Devegmeej ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
meeLe singular verb (runs) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
peesefkeâ singular nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ Devegmeej singular verb (was) Correct sentence-
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ The constitutional order on which the Indian State runs
Correct sentence- is that there shall be no discrimination on the basis of
The mother as well as her children was brought to the religion.
police station for interrogation. 97. From the given options, identify the segment in
94. Find the part of the given sentence that has an the sentence which contains the grammatical
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No error.
error'. It makes us realize how unsuitable our
It take her a long time to get over her failure in education system are because it cannot help us
the examination./ No error deal with life's most basic issues.
(a) long time to get over (a) It makes us realise
(b) her failure in the examination (b) education system are
(c) No error (c) life's most basic issues
(d) it cannot help us
(d) It take her a
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'education system are' kesâ mLeeve
Ans. (d) : : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW plural verb 'take' kesâ mLeeve hej
hej 'education system is' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
singular 'takes' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'it' Skeâ singular
Fmekeâe subject (our education system) singular nw FmeefueS
pronoun nw~
verb Yeer singular (is) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
Rule- It kesâ meeLe ncesMee Singular verb ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ Correct sentence-
Correct sentence- It makes us realize how unsuitable our education
[It takes her a long time to get over her failure in the system is because it cannot help us deal with life's
examination]. most basic issues.
95. Find the part of the given sentence that has an 98. From the given options, identify the segment in
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No the sentence which contains the grammatical
error'. error.
The 91 year old lady have been a fan of cricket We must visit this ancient temple which are a
for decades./No error hundred years old.
(a) of cricket for decades (a) this ancient temple (b) a hundred years old
(b) No error (c) We must visit (d) which are
(c) The 91 year old lady SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
(d) have been a fan Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ 'this ancient temple'
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II) singular number ceW nw Dele: which kesâ yeeo plural verb
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'have been a fan' kesâ mLeeve hej 'are' kesâ mLeeve hej singular verb 'is' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
singular verb 'has been a fan' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ which, Relative pronoun nw pees efkeâ "this ancient
keäÙeeWefkeâ efoS ieS Sentence keâe Subject (The 91 year old temple" kesâ efueÙes ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw~
lady) Singular nw~ correct sentence -
We must visit this ancient temple which is a hundred
Dele: singular verb 'has been' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ years old.
Correct Sentence- 99. From the given options, identify the segment in
The 91 year old lady has been a fan of cricket for the sentence which contains the grammatical
decades. error.
96. From the given options, identify the segment in The researchers have found that all species
the sentence which contains the grammatical makes a constructive contribution to the
error. ecology of the earth.
Spotting the Error 24 YCT
(a) a construction contribution to Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ Yeeie (d) ceW ''She picks'' kesâ mLeeve
(b) that all species makes hej ''She picked'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Flourished (V2) kesâ
(c) the ecology of the earth ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past tense ceW nw Dele: Picked (V2)
(d) The researchers have found
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence–
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW that all species makes kesâ mLeeve Her bookstore flourished because She picked a good
hej that all species make keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ location.
plural subject (all species) kesâ Devegmeej verb Yeer plural 103. The given sentence is decided into three
(make) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ segments. Select the option that has the
Note—Present Indefinite Tense kesâ assertive sentence ceW segment with a grammatical error. If there is
verb kesâ Deble ceW 's/es' ueieekeâj singular yeveeÙee peelee nw~ no error, select 'no error' as your answer.
Correct sentence - It will take/5 minutes to/preparing a cup of tea.
The researchers have found that all species make a (a) No error (b) Preparing a cup of tea
constructive contribution to the ecology of the earth. (c) It will take (d) 5 minutes to
100. From the given options, identify the segment in SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I)
the sentence which contains the grammatical Ans. (b) :Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Preparing a cup of tea'' kesâ mLeeve
error. hej Prepare a cup of tea'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Infinitive
The population of Sri Lanka are less than that ''to'' kesâ yeeo V1 (prepare) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
of India.
Correct Sentence–
(a) than that (b) Sri Lanka are
It will take 5 minutes to Prepare a cup of tea.
(c) of India (d) The population
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II) 104. The following sentence has been split into four
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject, 'The population' grammatical error.
singular number ceW nw Dele: helping verb keâe ØeÙeesie Yeer My sister/is come for a short holiday/from the
singular ceW nesiee~ FmeefueS Plural verb 'are' kesâ mLeeve hej US.
singular verb 'is' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ (a) My sister (b) from the US
Correct sentence - (c) a short holiday (d) is come for
The population of Sri Lanka is less than that of India. SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''is'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''has'' keâe ØeÙeesie
C. Form of Verb (Tense/number) nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe Present perfect
101. Find the part of the given sentence that has an tense ceW nesiee~ efpemeceW has/have keâe ØeÙeesie helping verb kesâ
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No ™he ceW neslee nw~
error'. Correct Sentence–
There is no big deal if she didn't came to the My sister has come for a short holiday from the US.
(a) came to the party (b) No error 105. Parts of the following sentence have been
(c) There is no big (d) deal if she didn't underlined and given as options. Select the
option that contains an error.
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
The Dutta company has not being making new
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Came (V2) to the party kesâ mLeeve school bags since the lockdown commenced.
hej ''Come (V1) to party'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ do/did kesâ (a) commenced (b) has not
yeeo VIst (First form of verb) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (c) being (d) since
Correct sentence– SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
There is no big deal if she didn't come to the party.
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'being' kesâ mLeeve hej 'been' keâe
102. The following sentence has been split into four
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
ØeÙees ie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'since + time' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
grammatical error. efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Perfect Continuous tense ceW nw~ Deewj FmeceW
Her bookstore flourished/because/she picks/ a has/have + been + v1 + ing keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
good location. Correct Sentence–
(a) Her bookstore flourished The Dutta company has not been making new school
(b) Because bags since the lockdown commenced.
(c) A good location 106. The following sentence has been split into four
(d) She picks segments. Identify the segment that contains a
SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II) grammatical error.
Spotting the Error 25 YCT
Binay said that / he is coming / from / his Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'Play' kesâ mLeeve hej Played keâe
village, Jaygarh. ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej (My childhood kesâ
(a) from (b) his village, Jaygarh
(c) he is coming (d) Binary said that
ØeÙeesie nesves mes) JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense ceW nw~ Dele: V2
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II) (Played) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''he is coming'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''he Correct Sentence–
I played cricket in my childhood with my sister.
was coming'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Continuous
Tense keâe Indirect Narration nw~ 110. The following sentence has been split into four
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
Note : peye Reporting verb (Indirect speech ceW) Past
grammatical error.
tense ceW nes leye Reported speech Yeer Past tense nesleer nw~ When I was in 5th grade,/I use to / ride on my /
Correct Sentence– red bicycle.
Binay said that he was coming from his village, (a) When I was in 5th grade,
Jaygarh. (b) ride on my
107. The following sentence has been split into four (c) I use to
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
(d) red bicycle
grammatical error.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
The doctor came / after the patient / had / pass
away. Ans. (c) :Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''I use to'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''I used to''
(a) after the patient (b) pass away keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ used to keâe ØeÙeesie ‘‘Deleerle keâer Iešvee’’ keâes
(c) The doctor came (d) had yeleeves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw efpemekeâe DeLe& ‘‘keâjlee Lee’’ neslee nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV) Correct Sentence–
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Pass away'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''Passed When I was in 5th grade, I used to ride on my red
away'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'come' (V2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes bicycle.
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Perfect tense ceW nw Dele: had + V3 111. Parts of the following sentence have been given
(Passed) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ as options. One of them may contain an error.
Correct Sentence– Select the option that contains the error. If you
The doctor came after the patient had Passed away. don’t find any error, mark ‘No error’ as your
108. The following sentence has been divided into answer.
parts. One of them may contain an error. Nobody from the gathering of odd people could
Select the part that contains the error from the guess the accident occurring blast.
given options. If you don’t find any error, mark (a) Nobody from the gathering
‘No error’ as your answer. (b) the accident occurring blast
My students / had expect / guidance from my (c) No error
end. (d) of odd people could guess
(a) had expect SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II)
(b) My students Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''accident occurring blast'' kesâ
(c) guidance from my end mLeeve hej ''accident occurred (v2) blast'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
(d) No error keäÙeeWefkeâ peye Verb' (V3) keâe ØeÙeesie adjective kesâ ™he ceW efkeâÙee
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)
peeS lees Gmes Past Participle (accrued) keânles nQ~
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''had expect'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''had Correct Sentence–
expected'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'had' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes Nobody from the gathering of odd people could guess
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past perfect tense (S+had+V3 + othar the accident occurred blast.
words) ceW nw Dele: Had + V3 keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ 112. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
Correct Sentence– error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
My students / had expected / guidance from my end. error' .
109. The following sentence has been split into four Workers and companies in all sectors can
segments. Identify the segment that contains a contribute their skills to meet society new
grammatical error. needs.
I play / cricket in / my childhood / with my (a) sectors can contribute their skills
sister. (b) No error
(a) Play (b) With my sister (c) to meet society new needs.
(c) Cricket in (d) My childhood (d) Workers and companies in all
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II)
Spotting the Error 26 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''meet'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''meeting'' keâe Note : Ùeefo oes Clauses ''After/Before'' mes pegÌ[er nes lees pees
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Contribute kesâ yeeo verb keâe 'ing form' keâeÙe& henues mechevve ngDee nes lees Past Perfect leLee pees keâeÙe& yeeo ceW
(Gerund) ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw~ hetje ngDee nes Gmes Past Indefinite tense ceW jKeles nQ~
Correct Sentence– Correct sentence–
Workers and companies in all sectors can contribute She had resigned from the post before he apologised.
their skills to meeting society new needs. 116. The following sentence has been split into four
113. Parts of the following sentence are given as segments. Identify the segment that contains a
grammatical error.
option. Identify the part contains a
grammatical error. If there is no error, select My boss keeps telling me/all the time/ that
money/doesn't grows on trees.
‘No error’.
(a) My boss keeps telling me
Shyam, so good with weapons, fail to find the
(b) all the time
words / to tell him everything he’d done / so
far, all the compromises he’d made, had been (c) doesn't grows on trees
for love. (d) that money
(a) to tell him that everything he’d done SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I
(b) Shyam, so good with weapons, fail to find the Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''doesn't grows on trees'' kesâ
words mLeeve hej doesn't grow on trees keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
(c) so far, all the compromises he’d made, had present Indefinite tense kesâ negative sentence ceW ØeÙegkeäle nesves
been for love. Jeeueer verb 'does/do'' kesâ meeLe efyevee 's/es' ØeÙegkeäle nesleer nw~ peyeefkeâ
(d) No error Affirmative sentence ceW V1+s/es ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I) Correct sentence–
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Fail'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''failed'' keâe My boss keeps telling me all the time that money
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ sense kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite doesn't grow on trees.
tense ceW nw Dele: V2 (failed) ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 117. The following sentence has been split into four
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
Correct sentence–
grammatical error.
Shyam, so good with weapons, failed to find the words
I goes/to the school/every day/irrespective of
to tell him everything he’d dome so far, all the
the weather.
compromises he’d made, had been for love.
(a) to the school
114. Parts of the following sentence are given as (b) every day
option. Identify the part that contains a
(c) irrespective of the weather
grammatical error. If there is no error, select
(d) I goes
‘No error’.
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I
That will truly / been a milestone to / celebrate.
(a) No error (b) celebrate. Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Goes'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''go'' keâe
(c) been a milestone to (d) That will truly ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'I' kesâ meeLe Present Indefinite tense ceW ncesMee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I) verb keâe Plural form efyevee 's/es' kesâ (go) ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''been'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''be'' keâe Correct sentence–
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Simple Future tense ceW will be/shall be I go to the school every day irrespective of the weather.
keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ 118. The following sentence has been split into four
Correct sentence– segments. Identify the segment that contains a
grammatical error.
That will truly be a milestone to celebrate.
Elina is/travelling/since/yesterday.
115. The following sentence has been split into four
(a) yesterday (b) Elina is
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
(c) since (d) travelling
grammatical error.
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III
She had resign/from the/post before/he
apologised. Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''is'' kesâ mLeeve hej has been keâe
(a) he apologised (b) post before ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Since + time (yesterday) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
(c) she had resign (d) from the nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Perfect Continuous tense ceW nw FmeefueS
SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III Singular Subject ''Elina'' kesâ efueS helping verb kesâ ™he ceW
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'had resign' kesâ mLeeve hej ''had ''has been'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
resigned'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ had kesâ yeeo V3 (resigned) Correct sentence–
keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Elina has been travelling since yesterday.

Spotting the Error 27 YCT

119. The following sentence has been split into four Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''will'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''would keâe
segments. Identify the segment that contains a ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ formal sense ceW ''invitation/proposal'' kesâ
grammatical error.
There is many ways/to make/a stranger
efueS would keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
feel/welcome in the community. Correct sentence–
(a) welcome in the community Would you care for a cup of hot coffee.
(b) a stranger feel 123. The following sentence has been divided into
(c) to make parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
(d) there is many ways the part that contains the error from the given
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II options. If you don’t find any error, mark ‘No
error’ as your answer.
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''is'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''are'' keâe ØeÙeesie
Did you baked / the chocolate cake / yourself
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject ''Many ways'' plural nw Dele: this time?
Plural verb 'are'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (a) yourself this time (b) No error
Note : peye ''there'' keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe kesâ ØeejcYe nes lees verb keâe (c) Did you baked (d) the chocolate cake
efveOee&jCe Gmekesâ yeeo Jeeues subject kesâ Devegmeej neslee nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II
Correct sentence– Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW did you baked kesâ mLeeve hej did
There are many ways to make a stranger feel welcome you bake keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ do/does/did kesâ yeeo verb keâer
in the community.
first form (V1) ØeÙegkeäle nesleer nw~
120. Parts of the following sentence have been given
Correct sentence–
as options. One of them may contain an error.
Select the part that contains the error from the Did you bake the chocolate cake yourself this time?
given options. If you don't find any error, mark 124. The following sentence has been split into four
'No error' as your answer. segments. Identify the segment that contains a
The goons fled after kill a boy in the street. grammatical error.
(a) No error (b) boy in the street He allowed / his son to drive / but he warn him/
(c) after kill a (d) The goons fled of the danger.
SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I (a) his son to drive (b) of the danger
(c) but he warn him (d) He allowed
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''after kill a'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''after
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II
killing a'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ preposition (after) kesâ yeeo
V + ing (killing) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''but he warn him'' kesâ mLeeve hej
''but he warned him'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâer first
Correct sentence–
The goons fled after killing a boy in the street. clause ceW allowed (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ Ùen ''past
121. The following sentence has been split into tense'' ceW nw Dele: otmejer clause Yeer past ceW ØeÙegkeäle nesieer~
segments. Identify the segment that contains a Correct sentence–
grammatical error. He allowed his son to drive but he warned him of the
My guide / was blind / but he bring / me home danger.
safely. 125. The following sentence has been split into four
(a) but he bring (b) My guide segments. Identify the segment that contains a
(c) was blind (d) me home safely grammatical error.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III Did you / recall to meet / her at the party / last
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''but he bring'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''but night?
he brought'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° (a) last night (b) Do you
(c) recall to meet (d) her at the party
nw efkeâ first clause past ceW nw FmeefueS Subordinate clause (if
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II
clause) Yeer Past ceW nesieer~ Dele: Verb2 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''recall to meet'' kesâ mLeeve hej
Correct sentence–
My guide was blind but he brought me home safely. ''recall meeting'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ recall kesâ meeLe
Gerund (V1+ing) form ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw, infinitive (to + V1)
122. The following sentence has been split into four
segments. Identify the segment that contains a keâe veneR~
grammatical error. Correct sentence–
Will you / care for / a cup of / hot coffee? Did you recall meeting her at the party last night.
(a) a cup of (b) care for 126. The following sentence has been split into four
(c) Will you (d) hot coffee segments. Identify the segment that contains a
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III grammatical error.
Spotting the Error 28 YCT
We thought/there was a good idea/ to wear options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
snow boots/ before we stepped out. error' as your answer.
(a) before we stepped out Sometimes I act / like a fool, and she has / to
(b) there was a good idea step into save me.
(c) to wear snow boots (a) Sometimes I act
(d) We thought (b) like a fool and she has
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III (c) No error
(d) to step into save me
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''was a good Idea'' kesâ mLeeve hej
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III
''has been a good Idea'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes JeekeäÙe
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''to step into save me'' kesâ mLeeve
After/before mes pegÌ[W nes lees pees keâeÙe& henues ngDee nes Jees past
perfect tense ceW leLee pees keâeÙe& yeeo ceW ngDee nes Jees Past
hej ''to step to save me'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW
Noun form keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw FmeefueS Infinitive (to + V1)
Indefinite tense ceW ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw~
keâe ØeÙeesie Noun kesâ ™he ceW ngDee nw~
Correct sentence–
Correct sentence–
We thought there has been a good Idea to wear snow
boots before we stepped out. Sometimes I act like a fool, and she has to step to save me.
127. The following sentence has been split into four 130. The following sentence has been divided into
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
the part that contains the error from the given
grammatical error.
options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
you should / have respond / to my query / error' as your answer.
Frank has being making / the rounds,
(a) to my query (b) sooner advancing a theory ' that I believe is not
(c) have respond (d) you should without merit.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II (a) the rounds, advancing a theory
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''have respond'' kesâ mLeeve hej (b) No error
''have responded'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ should have kesâ yeeo (c) Frank has being making
(V3) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (d) that I believe is not without merit
Correct sentence– SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II
you should have responded to my query sooner. Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''frank has being making'' kesâ
128. The following sentence has been divided into mLeeve hej ''frank has been making'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
parts. One of them may contain a grammatical JeekeäÙe Present perfect Continuous tense ceW nw~ efpemeceW
error. Select the part that contains the error has/have + been + V1 + ing keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
from the given options. If you don’t find any
Correct sentence–
error, mark ‘No error’ as your answer.
Frank has been making the rounds, advancing a theory'
If the economy fails / this year it reflect badly /
that I believe is not without merit.
on the government.
(a) on the government 131. Parts of the following sentence have been given
(b) this year it reflect badly as options. One of them may contain an error.
Select the part that contains the error from the
(c) No error
given options. If you don't find any error, mark
(d) If the economy fails
'No error' as your answer.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
At Seven began the education that was to
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''This year it reflect badly'' kesâ making the young boy a citizen and a soldier.
mLeeve hej ''This year it reflects badly'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ (a) No error
JeekeäÙe keâe Subject 'It' singular nw Dele: singular verb 's/es' (b) At seven began he education
''reflects'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (c) boy a citizen and a soldier
Note : Verb keâes singular yeveeves kesâ efueS GmeceW s/es peesÌ[ osles nQ (d) that was to making the young
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II
Deewj Noun keâes Plural yeveeves kesâ efueS GmeceW s/es peesÌ[ efoÙee peelee
nw~ Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''that was to making the
young'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''that was to make the young'' keâe ØeÙeesie
Correct sentence–
If the economy fails this year it reflects badly on the nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ (to + V1) keâe ØeÙeesie Infinitive kesâ ™he ceW efkeâÙee ieÙee
government. nw pees efkeâ Noun keâe keâeÙe& keâj jne nw~
129. The following sentence has been divided into Correct sentence–
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select At Seven began the education that was to make the
the part that contains the error from the given young boy a citizen and a soldier.

Spotting the Error 29 YCT

132 . In the given sentence, identify the segment 135. The following sentence has been divided into
which contains the grammatical error. parts. One of them contains an error. Select the
My mother generally read the local newspaper part that contains the error from the given
to keep abreast of the local news. options.
(a) the local newspaper it have been only/through writing/that men
(b) of the local news have been able/to spread their ideas to
(c) My mother generally read mankind.
(d) to keep abreast (a) that men have been able
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I) (b) to spread their ideas to mankind
(c) it have been only
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Read' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Reads' keâe
(d) through writing
ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject singular nw Dele: SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
verb Yeer singular ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW It have been only kesâ mLeeve hej It
Note - Present indefinite tense kesâ assertive sentence ceW
has been only keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Subject ‘It’ (Singular
verb keâes singular yeveeves kesâ efueS GmeceW s/es peesÌ[les nw~
Pronoun) kesâ meeLe Singular verb (has been) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct Sentence-
Correct Sentence -
My mother generally reads the local newspaper to keep It has been only through writing that men has been able
abreast of the local news. to spread their ideas to mankind.
133. In the sentence identify the segment which 136. The following sentence has been divided into parts.
contains the grammatical error. One of them contains an error. Select the part that
Torrential rains and winds of upto 170 km per contains the error from the given options.
hour swept away roads, homes and bridges and Ranbir could not went/ to the award
knocking down power and communication ceremony/as he was busy/shooting/for a film/in
lines. Maldives.
(a) homes and bridges (b) knocking down (a) Ranbir could not went
(c) winds of upto (d) swept away roads (b) for a film
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III) (c) to the award ceremony
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'knocking down' kesâ mLeeve hej (d) as he was busy
'knocked down' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW simple SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
past tense keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw, Dele: 'knocking' kesâ mLeeve hej Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Ranbir could not went kesâ mLeeve hej
'knocked' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ Ranbir could not go keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Modal (could) kesâ
Correct Sentence- yeeo Deeves Jeeueer verb Deheves cetue ™he (VI form) ceW Deeleer nw~
Torrential rains and wind of upto 170 km per hour Correct Sentence -
swept away roads, homes and bridges and knocked Ranbir could not go to the award ceremony as he was
down power and communication lines. busy shooting for a film in Maldives.
134. The following sentence has been divided into 137. The following sentence has been divided into
parts. One of them contains an error. Select the parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
part that contains the error from the given the part that contains the error from the given
options. options. If there is no error, select 'No error'.
The Committee agreed/that small businesses/ Modern science have/broken many myths/
has been adversely affected/ by COVID-19. about our food and diet.
(a) has been adversely affected (a) No error
(b) the Committee agreed (b) broken many myths
(c) by COVID-19 (c) about our food and diet
(d) that small businesses (d) Modern science have
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has been adversely affected kesâ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Modern science have kesâ mLeeve
mLeeve hej have been adversely affected keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee hej Modern science has keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject, small businesses (plural) nw subject, 'Modern science' singular nw FmeefueS verb Yeer
FmeefueS verb Yeer plural (have) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ singular 'has' DeeSieer~
Correct Sentence - Correct Sentence -
The Committee agreed that small businesses have been Modern science has broken many myths about our food
adversely affected by COVID-19. and diet.

Spotting the Error 30 YCT

138. Identify the segment in the sentence which Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efoS ieS JeekeäÙe ceW 'sufficient evidences
contains a grammatical error. for' kesâ mLeeve hej 'sufficient evidence to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
The tired and vexed travellers waiting at the Dele: JeekeäÙe ceW (to + v1) 'to support' (infinitive) keâe ØeÙeesie
airport for a long time.
(a) vexed travellers (b) The tired and
nesiee~ 'Evidence' uncountable noun nw~ Dele: FmeceW s/es
(c) waiting at the airport (d) for a long time
ueieekeâj Fmes plural yevevee DeMegæ nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) Correct Sentence-
She was unable to produce sufficient evidence to
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'waiting' kesâ mLeeve hej 'have been support her accusations.
waiting' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'for a long time' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes 142. Identify the segment in the sentence which
mhe<š nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present perfect continuous tense ceW nw~ contains a grammatical error.
Dele: verb (has/have + been + verb+ing) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ I didn't knew you had gone to Goa for a
Correct sentence- The tired and vexed travellers have vacation.
been waiting at the airport for a long time. (a) you had gone (b) to Goa
139. Identify the segment in the sentence which (c) I didn't knew (d) for a vacation
contains a grammatical error. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Laws and rules are made to safeguarding our Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'did' Skeâ 'auxiliary verb' keâer
rights and protect us. lejn use ngDee nw, peye Yeer 'did auxiliaxy verb' keâer lejn ØeÙegòeâ
(a) are made to nesleer nw leye main verb 1st form ceW nesleer nw~ Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe
(b) safeguarding our rights past indefinite tense keâe negetive sentence nw efpemekeâe
(c) Laws and rules structure efvecve neslee nw – (did not + verb1)
(d) and protect us Correct sentence- I didn't know you had gone to Goa
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) for a vacation.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW infinitive (to+V1) keâe ØeÙeesie 143. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
contains the grammatical error.
incorrect ngDee nw~ 'to safeguarding' kesâ mLeeve hej 'to
The files you were look for are placed on the
safeguard' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Infinitive ceW to + verb1 table.
keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (a) are placed (b) you were look for
Correct sentence- Laws and rules are made to (c) The files (d) on the table
safeguard our rights and protect us. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
140. In the sentence identify the segment which Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'look for' kesâ mLeeve hej 'looking
contains the grammatical error. for' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'were' keâe ØeÙeesie past continuous
She forgot lock the door when she went out in a tense ceW neslee nw efpemeceW verb+ing keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
hurry. Correct sentence- The files you were looking for are
(a) in a hurry (b) She forgot lock placed on the table.
(c) the door when (d) she went out 144. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I) contains the grammatical error.
Sunita is senior to me in this office and know
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Option (b) ceW forgot kesâ mLeeve hej all the rules.
forgot to keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye JeekeäÙe ceW oes verb (a) Sunita is senior to me (b) all the rules
(forgot, Lock) heeme-heeme ØeÙegòeâ nes lees yeeo Jeeueer verb keâe (c) and know (d) in this office
noun form (Infinitive (to + verb1) keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ Dele: SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Lock kesâ henues to keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'know' kesâ mLeeve hej 'knows' keâe
Correct sentence - ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject (Sunita) third person
She forgot to lock the door when she went out in a singular number nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ meeLe singular verb knows
hurry. (verb + s/es) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
141. Identify the segment in the sentence which Correct sentence- Sunita is senior to me in this office
contains the grammatical error. and knows all the rules.
She was unable to produce sufficient evidences 145. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
for support her accusations. contains the grammatical error.
(a) to produce My father did never have an opportunity to go
(b) She was unable to a University.
(c) sufficient evidences for (a) an opportunity (b) a University
(d) support her accusations (c) to go to (d) did never have
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Spotting the Error 31 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'did never have' kesâ mLeeve hej Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'for' kesâ mLeeve hej 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie
'did not have' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence keâes keâjWies~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW infinitive (to + verb) – as a noun
negative yeveeves kesâ efueS 'not' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw peyeefkeâ never, keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~ Dele: 'to accept' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
adverb of time nw pees efkeâ verb keâes modify keâjlee nw~ Correct sentence- Rahul was ready to accept any job,
even a part-time one.
Correct sentence- My father did not have an
opportunity to go to a University. 149. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains a grammatical error. If there is no
146. Identify the segment in the given sentence error, then select the option 'No error'.
which contains the grammatical error. The sun rises at 6:35 yesterday morning.
You had better not to try and feed the animals (a) No error
in the zoo, it is forbidden. (b) The sun
(a) and feed the animals (c) yesterday morning
(b) it is forbidden (d) rises at 6:35
(c) in the zoo SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(d) You had better not to try Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW rises at 6 : 35 kesâ mLeeve hej rose
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III) at 6 : 35 keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW yesterday
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW to try kesâ mLeeve hej try keâe ØeÙeesie kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past tense ceW nw~ Dele: verb
GheÙegòeâ nesiee; keäÙeeWefkeâ had better kesâ yeeo infinitive 'to' keâe (rise) keâer second form (rose) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~ Correct sentence :-
Note - Needn't, darenot, would rather, rather than, had The sun rose at 6:35 a.m. yesterday morning.
better etc. bare infinitive (verb without to) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee 150 . In the following, some part of the sentence may
nw~ have errors. Find out which part of the
Correct sentence : sentence has an error and select the
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
You had better not try and feed the animals in the zoo,
error, select No Error.
it is forbidden.
This will explains the decision taken (1)/to
147. Identify the segment in the given sentence impose a blockade on the country in (2)/ the
which contains the grammatical error. midst of a crisis. (3)/ No error. (4)
We noticed that most of the shoppers in the (a) 1 (b) 2
mall looking for packets of ready to cook food. (c) 3 (d) 4
(a) We noticed that SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(b) most of the shoppers Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Simple future Tense ceW nw~ FmeceW
(c) packets of ready to cook food will kesâ yeeo verb keâe Ist form ØeÙeesie neslee nw, Dele: 'explains'
(d) in the mall looking for kesâ mLeeve hej ‘explain’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III) 'This will explain the decision taken to impose a
Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'in the mall looking for' kesâ mLeeve blockade on the country in the midst of a crisis.
hej 'in the mall were looking for' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ Ûetbefkeâ 151. In the following, some part of the sentence may
sub-ordinate clause past continuous tense ceW nw~ efpemekeâe have errors. Find out which part of the
subject 'shoppers' plural nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ meeLe plural helping sentence has an error and select the
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
verb (were) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ error, select No Error.
Correct Sentence :- As several studies shows over (1)/ the years, the
We noticed that most of the shoppers in the mall were annual data is useful in (2)/ reviewing trends of
looking for packets of ready to cook food. extreme events. (3)/ No error.
148. Identify the segment in the sentence, which (a) 1 (b) 2
contains the grammatical error. (c) 3 (d) 4
Rahul was ready for accept any job, even a SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
part-time one. Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Subject 'several studies' plural nQ
(a) Rahul was ready Dele: Fmekesâ meeLe ØeÙegòeâ Verb 'show' (efyevee s/es) Yeer plural
(b) even a part-time one ØeÙegòeâ nesieer keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence, simple present ceW nw~
(c) any job Correct sentence-
(d) for accept As several studies show over the years, the annual data
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) is useful in reviewing trends of extreme events.

Spotting the Error 32 YCT

152. In the following, some part of the sentence may 155. Identify the segment in the sentence which
have errors. Find out which part of the contains the grammatical error
sentence has an error and select the Nobody is allowed to entered the colony during
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from the lockdown.
error, select No Error. (a) Is allowed (b) Nobody
Service providers cannot stand in the way of a (c) During the lockdown (d) To entered
(1)/ consumer's access to content, it should SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I)
have being provided (2)/ without any Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘To entered’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘To
hindrance. (3)/ No error. (4) enter’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Infinitive 'to' kesâ yeeo verb1 keâe
(a) 1 (b) 2 ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(c) 3 (d) 4 Correct Sentence:-
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 Nobody is allowed to enter the colony during the
Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ Part (2) ceW 'being' kesâ mLeeve hej lockdown.
‘been’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe passive sense ceW nw leLee 156. In the following, some part of the sentence may
Passive voice yeveeves hej 'should have been' as a auxiliary have errors. Find out which part of the
sentence has an error and select the
verb-use efkeâÙee peelee nw~
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
Correct sentence- error, select No Error.
'Consumer's access to content. It should have been As with people, some monkeys are lazy, (1)/like
provided without any hindrance. those who sleep all day in the zoo, (2)/and some
153. In the following, some part of the sentence may were industrious. (3)/ No error (4)
have errors. Find out which part of the (a) 1 (b) 2
sentence has an error and select the (c) 3 (d) 4
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
error, select No Error. Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Main clause present tense ceW nw~
Many firms fail because when they begin Dele: Fmekesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeueer clause Yeer present tense ceW ner nesieer
(1)/exporting, they have not research the (2)/
FmeefueS were kesâ mLeeve hej 'are' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
target Markets or have not planned
enough.(3)/No error(4) Correct sentence-
(a) 1 (b) 2 As with people, some monkeys are lazy, like those who
sleep all day in the zoo, and some are industrious.
(c) 3 (d) 4
157. Identify the segment in the sentence which
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
contains a grammatical error.
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have keâe ØeÙeesie as an auxiliary She picked up the books lie on the table and
ngDee nw, Dele: Fmekesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeueer verb III form ceW nesieer Dele: put them on the shelf.
research kesâ mLeeve hej researched keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (a) on the shelf (b) she picked up
Correct sentence- (c) put them (d) lie on the table
Many firms fail because when they begin exporting, SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
they have not researched the target market or have not Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW lie on kesâ mLeeve hej lay on keâe
planned enough. ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense keâe nw~ Dele:
154. Identify the segment in the sentence which verb 'lie' keâer second form 'lay' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~
contains the grammatical error. Every boy and lie ⇒ lay ⇒ lain
every girl in this class pursue at least one
↓ ↓ ↓
hobby. Ist IInd IIIrd
(a) and every girl (b) in this class pursue v form v form v form
(c) at least one hobby (d) Every boy Correct sentence -
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II) She picked up the books lay on the table and put them
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Pursue kesâ mLeeve hej Pursues keâe on the shelf.
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ everykeâe ØeÙeesie subjecet kesâ mLeeve hej nesves 158. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains a grammatical error.
mes Fmes singular ceevee peelee nw~ Fmekesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeueer verb One of the proposals received by us seem very
singular ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ interesting.
Correct Sentence:- (a) the proposals (b) seem very interesting
Every boy and every girl in this class pursues at least (c) received by us (d) one of
one hobby. SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Spotting the Error 33 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW phrase 'seem very interesting' (a) before he replied (b) a little time
(DelÙevle ®efÛekeâj Øeleerle nesvee) ceW error nw, Gòeâ phrase ceW (c) Sam took (d) to thought
'seem' kesâ mLeeve hej 'seemed' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
past tense ceW nw~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'to thought' kesâ mLeeve hej 'to
Correct sentence - think' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ to + v1 (infinitive) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee
One of the proposals received by us seemed very nw~
interesting. Note—To kesâ yeeo verb keâer Ist form keâe ØeÙeesie infinitive
159. Identify the segment in the sentence which yeveeves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ pees efkeâ 'noun' kesâ ™he ceW keâeÙe&
contains a grammatical error. keâjlee nw~
I was sorry to be hearing of his misfortune. Correct sentence-
(a) I was (b) sorry to Sam took a little time to think before he replied.
(c) of his misfortune (d) be hearing
163. Identify the segment in the sentence which
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) contains a grammatical error.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "be hearing" kesâ mLeeve hej The two trains gave the illusion of been
"hear" keâe GheÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej stationary.
ÙeneB noun keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw Deewj (to + verb1) Infinitive as (a) The two (b) trains gave
a noun keâeÙe& keâjlee nw~ (c) of been stationary (d) the illusion
Note—meeceevÙele: Sorry kesâ yeeo Infinitive (to + verb1) keâe SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'of been stationary' kesâ mLeeve hej
Correct sentence : 'of being stationary' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ preposition kesâ
I was sorry to hear of his misfortune. yeeo meeceevÙele: Gerund (verb + ing) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
160. Identify the segment in the sentence which correct sentence-
contains a grammatical error. If there is no The two trains gave the illusion of being stationary.
error, then select the option 'No error'. 164. In the sentence identify the segment which
I am hearing a strange noise now. contains the grammatical error.
(a) a strange (b) noise now Due to the cyclone Idai vast areas of land have
(c) No error (d) I am hearing been flooded, roads destroyed and
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) communications disrupting in Zimbabwe and
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "am hearing" kesâ mLeeve hej
(a) vast areas of land have been flooded
"hear" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'now' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
(b) roads destroyed
Present Indefinite keâe YeeJe os jne nw~ Dele: Present Indefinite (c) Due to the cyclone Idai
keâer verb "hear" (verb1) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, ÛetBefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject, (d) and communications disrupting
I nw~ Dele: verb kesâ Devle ceW s/es keâe ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct sentence- Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ verb Disrupting kesâ mLeeve hej
I hear a strange noise now.
Disrupted keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes Clauses and mes
161. Identify the segment in the sentence which pegÌ[leer nw, lees oesveeW Clause Skeâ ner Tense ceW nesveer ÛeeefnS~
contains a grammatical error.
The jury are from different parts of the Ûebtefkeâ roads destroyed past form ceW nw, lees
country. Communications disrupting Yeer Past form ceW nesiee~
(a) are from (b) of the country Correct Sentence-
(c) the jury (d) cifferent parts Due to the cyclone Idai vast areas of land have been
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) flooded, roads destroyed and communications disrupted
in Zimbabwe and Mosambique.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'are' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is' keâe ØeÙeesie
165. In the sentence identify the segment which
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Jury' Skeâ collective noun nw~
contains the grammatical error.
Note—'Jury' member kesâ separation kesâ sense ceW 'plural Lodi Colony in Delhi is very different from
verb' Je union kesâ sense ceW 'singular verb' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ other places in the city that is crowded and
Correct sentence- noisy.
The jury is from different parts of the country. (a) is very different
162. Identify the segment in the sentence which (b) from other places
contains a grammatical error. (c) in the city
Sam took a little time to thought before he (d) that is crowded and noisy
replied. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Spotting the Error 34 YCT
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'that is crowded and noisy' kesâ ÛetBefkeâ 'to + buy' infinitive kesâ ™he ceW as a noun ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw~
mLeeve hej 'that are crowded and noisy' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ peyeefkeâ ÙeneB verb keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~
Ûetbefkeâ Fme phrase keâe subject 'other places' Plural nw, Dele: Correct sentence -
relative pronoun 'that' kesâ heMÛeele singular verb 'is' kesâ mLeeve Need you buy so many books?
hej plural verb 'are' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ 169. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Correct Sentence- contains the grammatical error. If there is no
Lodi Colony in Delhi is very different from other places error, select 'No error'
in the city that are crowded and noisy. Anita enjoyed to swim in the sea.
(a) to swim (b) Anita enjoyed
166. In the sentences identity the segment which
(c) in the sea (d) No error
contains the grammatical error.
You may left the class when you have SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
completed the test. Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW to swim kesâ mLeeve hej swimming
(a) You may left (b) completed the best keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Enjoy kesâ yeeo ØeÙegòeâ nesves Jeeueer verb,
(c) the class (d) when you have 'verb+ing' kesâ form ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II) Note- Admit, avoid, delay, deny, detest, enjoy, excuse,
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW left kesâ mLeeve hej leave keâe ØeÙeesie finish, forgive, mind, prevent, keep, resent, it is no use,
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ modal 'may' kesâ meeLe Verb keâer first it is no good, can't help, can't stand kesâ yeeo Ùeefo keâesF& verb
form keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ Dele: left kesâ mLeeve hej leave (V1) keâe Deeleer nw, lees '-ing' form ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Correct sentence :-
Anita enjoyed swimming in the sea.
Correct sentence-
You may leave the class when you have completed the 170. Identify the segment in the sentence which
test. contains the grammatical error. If there is no
error, select 'No error'.
167. In the sentence identify the segment which
He wouldn't let anyone to drive his new car.
contains the grammatical error.
(a) No error (b) his new car
'Plogging' is an international trend, in which
someone picking up trash while jogging or (c) anyone to drive (d) He wouldn't let
brisk walking. SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) while jogging or brisk walking Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW anyone to drive kesâ mLeeve hej
(b) picking up trash anyone drive keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ let, bid, watch,
(c) 'Plogging' is an international trend behold, see, make, feel kesâ yeeo bare infinitive (v1) keâe
(d) in which someone ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ, Ùeefo JeekeäÙe Active voice ceW nQ efkeâvleg Ùeefo
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) Passive ceW nQ lees to-infinitive (to + v1) keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW picking up trash kesâ mLeeve hej Correct sentence :-
'picks up trash' GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej He wouldn't let anyone drive his new car.
regular activitiy keâe yeesOe nes jne nw, FmeefueS JeekeäÙe simple 171. In the sentence identify the segment which
present ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ contains the grammatical error.
Correct sentence :- Are you having your own transport to go home
'Plogging' is an international trend, in which someone from work?
picks up trash while jogging or brisk walking. (a) from work (b) your own transport
(c) Are you having (d) to go home
168. Identify the segment that contains a
grammatical error. If there is no error, select SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
'No error' Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Are you having' kesâ mLeeve hej
Need you to buy so many books? do you have GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Interrogative ceW sub kesâ
(a) to buy (b) Need you heeme peye efkeâmeer Jemleg/Ûeerpe nesves (Possession) keâe YeeJe efceuelee nw
(c) so many books (d) No error lees Grammar kesâ efveÙece Devegmeej Do + plural subject + have
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) + obj + etc. keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Ans : (a) efoS ieÙes JeekeäÙe ceW 'to buy' kesâ mLeeve hej 'buy' keâe Correct sentence :-
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe ceW Semi-modal, 'Need' keâe ØeÙeesie Do you have your own transport to go home from
as a helping verb JeekeäÙe keâer Meg®Deele ceW efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ Fmemes work?
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Yes/No answer type question keâe 172. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe structure efvecve nesiee~ contains the grammatical error.
My grandmother has been lives in Shimla since
Helping verb + subject + verb + other words her childhood days.
Spotting the Error 35 YCT
(a) has been lives (b) her childhood days Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have arrived on time kesâ mLeeve hej
(c) My grandmother (d) in Shimla since had arrived on time keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâer otmejer
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III) clause mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past perfect tense ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "Lives" keâer peien "Living" keâe Correct sentence :-
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ Helping verb "has been" leLee The ambulance had arrived on time, the accident victim
since/for kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present perfect was taken to the hospital.
continuous tense ceW nw~ Fme tense keâe structure efvecve nw~ 176. In the sentence identify the segment which
Subject + has/have + been + verb + ing + since/for + contains the grammatical error.
time The Public Works Department has propose to
Correct sentence- construct an elevated corridor which will run
My grandmother has been living in Shimla since her parallel to the National highway.
childhood. (a) to the National highway
173. Identify the segment in the sentence which (b) The Public Works Department has propose
contains the grammatical error. (c) which will run parallel
When we went to Ramgarh we see the snow- (d) to construct an elevated corridor
capped mountains in the distance. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) in the distance
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ Helping verb Has kesâ
(b) to Ramgarh we see
(c) the snow-capped mountains
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present perfect tense ceW nw Deewj
(d) when we went Fmekeâe structure efvecve nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II) Subject + has / have + V III form + other words
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW see keâs mLeeve hej saw keâe ØeÙeesie
Dele: JeekeäÙe ceW Propose kesâ mLeeve hej verb keâer IIIrd form
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW went (verb IInd form) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes Proposed keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense ceW nw~ lees Fmekesâ meeLe
Correct Sentence-
Deeves Jeeueer otmejer verb Yeer IInd form ceW ner nesieer FmeefueÙes see keâer The Public Works Department has proposed to
IInd form saw keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ construct an elevated corridor which will run parallel
Correct sentence- to the National highway
When we went to Ramgarh we saw the snow-capped 177. In the sentence identify the segment which
mountains in the distance. contains the grammatical error.
174. Identify the segment which contains the I declined the lunch offer by Suresh, not
grammatical error. because I do not want to go, but because I had
It was windy autumn day and leaves were no time.
fallen rapidly from the trees. (a) by Suresh not because
(a) It was a (b) rapidly from trees (b) but because I had no time
(c) leaves were fallen (d) windy autumn day (c) I do not want to go
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III) (d) I declined the lunch offer
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Leaves were fallen kesâ mLeeve hej SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Leaves were falling keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'I do not' kesâ mLeeve hej 'I did
Ûetbefkeâ was/were, past continuous keâer Helping verb nw, not' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'I declined' (subject +
efpemekesâ yeeo main verb1 ceW ing peesÌ[ efoÙee peelee nw~ verb2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past tense ceW nw Dele:
ÙeÅeefhe was/were kesâ yeeo verbIIIrd keâe ØeÙeesie nes mekeâlee nw~ Deeves Jeeueer clause Yeer past tense ceW nesieer efpememes do kesâ mLeeve
uesefkeâve JeekeäÙe passive form ceW nesvee ÛeeefnÙes~ hej did keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Correct sentence- Correct sentence-
It was a windy autumn day and leaves were falling I declined the lunch offer by Suresh, not because I did
rapidly from the trees. not want to go, but because I had no time.
175. Identify the segment which contains the 178. Select the segment in the sentence, which
grammatical error. contains the grammatical error.
The ambulance have arrived on time, the Did you know whether we can exchange the
accident victim was taken to the hospital. dress if my sister doesn't like it?
(a) the accident victim (a) doesn't like it
(b) have arrived on time (b) we can exchange the dress
(c) The ambulance (c) Did you know whether
(d) was taken to the hospital (d) if my sister
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
Spotting the Error 36 YCT
Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW did you know whether kesâ mLeeve Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW verb3 'drawn' kesâ mLeeve hej verb2
hej Do you know whether keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'drew' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeesefkeâ Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite
YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe present tense ceW nw~ pewmee efkeâ keâe Affirmative Sentence nw Deewj FmeceW verb keâer second
Subordinate clause (doesn't like) mes mhe° nw~ form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct sentence- Note- Past Indefinite kesâ Negative Deewj Interrogative
Do you know whether we can exhange the dress if my Sentence ceW, helping verb, did kesâ meeLe verb keâer first
sister doesn't like it?
form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
179. In the given sentence, identify the segment
which contains the grammatical error. Correct Sentance
According to environment activitists, Samurai jack drew his sword to exact revenge on his
demolition of unauthorised apartment superiors,
complexes are became a lesson for land 182. In the sentence identify the segment which
encroachers. contains the grammatical error.
(a) demolition of unauthorised apartment complexes Often hailed as one of the greatest industry
(b) are became leaders of india, Ratan Tata take across the
(c) for land encroachers reins of the company, leading from the front.
(d) According to (a) leading from the front
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I) (b) Often hailed as one of
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'are became' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is (c) the greatest industry leaders from india,
becoming' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee sentence present (d) Ratan Tata take across the reins of the
continuous tense keâer jÛevee hej DeeOeeefjle nw Present company
continuous keâe structure Fme Øekeâej nw- subject + SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
is/am/are + v1 + ing + object + other. Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "take across" kesâ mLeeve hej "took
Subject 'demolition' singular nw, Dele: singular verb 'is' over' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeesefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Ùen
keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ Past Indefinite tense ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ Dele: JeekeäÙe ceW verb keâer
Correct Sentence- second form (took) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
According to environment activitists, demolition of Take over - an act of taking control of a company.
unauthorised apartment complexes is becoming a Correct Sentence
lesson for land encroachers. Often hailed as one of the greatest industry leaders of
180. In the given sentence, identify the segment india, Ratan Tata took over the reins of the company,
which contains the grammatical error. leading from the front.
A Delhi bound aircraft has to make an 183. In the sentence identify the segment which
emergency landing at Mumbai airport as a contains the grammatical error.
woman passenger suddenly developed a serious
Mani Kaul begun his career as an actor and a
breathing problem.
director of short films before doing his debut
(a) suddenly developed
feature film, 'Uski Roti,'
(b) as a woman passenger
(a) debut feature film, 'Uski Roti,'
(c) has to make
(b) begun his career as an actor
(d) a serious breathing problem
(c) a director of short films
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(d) before doing his
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'has to make' kesâ mLeeve hej 'had
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
to make' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâer otmejer clause mes mhe°
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ sentence ceW third form of verb
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past tense ceW nw~
"begun" kesâ mLeeve hej second form of verb "began" keâe
Correct Sentence-
A Delhi bound aircraft had to make an emergency ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeesefkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite ceW nw Deewj Fme
landing at Mumbai airport as a woman passenger tense ceW v IInd form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
suddenly developed a serious breathing problem.
181. In the sentence identify the segment which begin → began → begun
contains a grammatical error. Ist IInd IIIrd
Samurai jack drawn his sword to exact revenge
on his superiors. Correct sentence
(a) to exact revenge (b) on his superiors Mani Kaul began his career as an actor and a director
(c) Samurai jack drawn (d) his sword to of short films before doing his debut feature film, 'Uski
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I) Roti,

Spotting the Error 37 YCT

184. In the sentence identify the segment which (a) meaning the right
contains the grammatical error. (b) to express one's own
People with full time sedentary job who (c) Freedom of expression
commuting long distances, may have sleep (d) convictions and beliefs
problems due to lack of exercise. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) may have sleep problems Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "meaning the right" kesâ mLeeve hej
(b) people with full time sedentary jobs means the right keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe mes
(c) due to lack of exercise
present indefinite tense keâe yeesOe nes jne nw, Dele: singular
(d) who commuting long distances
subject kesâ efueS singular verb (verb + s/es) 'means' keâe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Sentence ceW "who commuting long
Correct Sentence :
distances" kesâ mLeeve hej "who commute long distance" keâe
Freedom of expression means the right to express one's
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeesefkeâ verb keâe ØeÙeesie Present Indefinite ceW own convictions and beliefs.
keâjves mes Ùen GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Subject 188. Identify the segment in the given sentence
plural nw Dele: Plural verb (efyevee s/es kesâ) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ which contains the grammatical error.
Correct Sentence : Have I ever told you what lovely pickles my
People with full time sedentary jobs who commute grandmother used to made when she was in
long distances may have sleep problem due to lack of Visakhapatnam?
exercise. (a) When she was in (b) have I ever told you
185. In the given sentences identify the segment (c) used to made (d) what lovely pickles
which contains a grammatical error. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I)
The Indian cricket team was done very well Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'used to made' kesâ mLeeve hej
this year and is ranked number one now. 'used to make' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ infinitive ceW to + v1 keâe
(a) was done very well
structure ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
(b) this year
Correct Sentence :
(c) and is ranked number one now
Have I ever told you what lovely pickles my
(d) The Indian cricket team
grandmother used to make when she was in
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) Visakhapatnam?
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'was' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has' ØeÙegòeâ 189. Identify the segment in the given sentence
nesieer, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej present perfect tense which contains the grammatical error.
keâe yeesOe nes jne nw, leLee third form of verb 'done' kesâ efueS Ayan told Sriram, "Don't worry I can be able
'has' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ to climb that tree to reach the fruit."
Correct Sentence : (a) Don't worry (b) I can be able to
The Indian cricket team has done very well this year (c) climb that tree (d) to reach the fruit
and is ranked number one now. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I)
186. In the given sentence, identify the segment Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW I can be able to kesâ mLeeve hej I
which contains a grammatical error. am able to keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ can kesâ meeLe able
The country has to struggled with the problems keâe ØeÙeesie superfluous nw~ Dele: 'am able' JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ
of child labour. Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
(a) child labour (b) the country has
Correct Sentence :
(c) to struggled with (d) the problems of
Ayan told Sriram, "Don't worry I am able to climb
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) that tree to reach the fruit."
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'To struggled' kesâ mLeeve hej 190. In the sentence identify the segment which
struggled' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ contains the grammatical error.
Subject + has / gave + V3 + Object Firecrackers have seized by the government
Correct Sentence : went off while being defused on the banks of
The country has struggled with the problems of child the river Ganga, in a town in West Bengal.
labour. (a) while being defused
187. In the given sentence identify the segment (b) on the banks of the river Ganga
which contains the grammatical error. (c) Firecrackers have seized by the government
Freedom of expression meaning the right to (d) in a town in West Bengal
express one's own convictions and beliefs. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Spotting the Error 38 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe passive form ceW nw Dele: Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW to rationalizes kesâ mLeeve hej to
'Firecrackers have seized by the government' kesâ mLeeve rationalize keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ to + VIst form keâe
hej 'Firecrackers have been seized by the government' ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Dele: Rationalize efyevee 's' kesâ ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ present perfect tense keâer passive voice Correct Sentence :
mebjÛevee efvecve nw- If revenues remain healthy, the government would, over
Object + has/have + been + vIII + by + subject + other. time, get the necessary fiscal room to rationalize
Correct Sentence : multiple GST rate.
Firecrackers have been seized by the government went 194. In the following question, some part of the
off while being defused on the banks of the river sentence may have errors. Find out which part
Ganga, in a town in West Bengal. of the sentence has an error and select the
191. In the sentence identify the segment which appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
contains the grammatical error. error, select 'No Error'.
A 12 year old archer was airlifted to Delhi In July, the government promulgate(1)/a law
when he met with an accident while practice that enables the banning (2)/of political
for the Khelo India Games in Guwahati. parties.(3)/ No error (4)
(a) was airlifted to Delhi (a) 1 (b) 2
(b) when he met with an accident (c) 3 (d) 4
(c) A 12 year old archer SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
(d) while practice for the Khelo India Games Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW promulgate kesâ mLeeve hej
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
promulgated keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe YeeJeevegmeej
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'while practice for the Khelo past indefinite ceW ØeÙegòeâ nw~ Dele: 'verb2' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
India Games' kesâ mLeeve hej 'while practicing for the
Correct Sentence :
Khelo India Games' GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ while kesâ meeLe In July, the government promulgated a law that enables
meeceevÙele: verb keâer ing form ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ the banning of political parties.
Correct Sentence : 195. In the following question, some of the sentences
A 12 year old archer was airlifted to Delhi when he
have been errors. Find out which part of the
met with an accident while practicing for the Khelo
India Games in Guwahati. sentence is an error and sefect the appropriate
option, If a sentence is free from error, select
192. In the sentence identify the segment which 'No Error'.
contains the grammatical error.
Mumbai was crawling at a (1) / snail's pace
When Harry come back home, he saw blood yesterday, is slowly (2) / returning to normalcy.
(3) / No Error (4)
(a) When Harry (b) blood everywhere
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) come back home (d) he saw
(c) 3 (d) 4
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'come back home' kesâ mLeeve hej
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'was crawling' kesâ mLeeve hej
'came back home' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence keâe main
'which was crawling' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ Pronoun
clause, simple past ceW nw Dele: when mes Meg™ subordinate
'which' is used to refer to something previously
clause Yeer simple past ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ Dele: come (v1) kesâ
mentioned when introducing a clause giving further
mLeeve hej came (v2) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ information.
Correct Sentence : Correct Sentence -
When Harry came back home, he saw blood Mumbai which was crawling at a snail's pace yesterday,
is slowly returning to normalcy.
193. In the following question, some part of the
196. In the following question, some part of the
sentence may have errors. Find out which part sentence may have errors. Find out which part
of the sentence has an error and select the of the sentence has an error and select the
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
error, select 'No Error'.
error, select 'No Error'.
If revenues remain healthy, the (1)/
government would, over time, get the necessary But migrant laborers who (a)/ are being
(2)/fiscal room to rationalizes multiple GST working inside the (b)/ premises for years. (c)/
rate. (3)/No error (4) No Error (d).
(a) 1 (b) 2 (a) a (b) b
(c) 3 (d) 4 (c) c (d) d
SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I) SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)
Spotting the Error 39 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW are being working kesâ mLeeve hej Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer otmejer Clause mes mhe° nw efkeâ
have been working keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Deeies JeekeäÙe ceW JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense ceW nw~ Dele: ØeLece Yeeie ceW
for + period of time efoÙee ngDee nw~ Dele: Present perfect prevail kesâ mLeeve hej verb IInd form (prevailed) keâe ØeÙeesie
continuous tense keâe structure ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
Correct Sentence :
Correct Sentence :
But migrant laborers who have been working inside
the premises for years. Tension prevailed late on Friday after angry protesters
pelted stones at the police, torched vehicles and
197. In the following question, Some part of
vandalized publics property.
sentence have errors. Find out which part of
the sentence has an error and select the 200. In the following question, some part of the
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from sentence may have errors. Find out which part
error, select "No Error". of the sentence has an error and select the
Since they got something (1)/ different each appropriate option.
month, (2)/they keep coming back to it. (3)/ No Over the years our trainers (1)/did helped
Error (4) students to clear the (2)/language tests for
(a) 1 (b) 2 various countries. (3)/ No Error (4).
(c) 3 (d) 4 (a) 1 (b) 2
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I)
(c) 3 (d) 4
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW got kesâ mLeeve hej get (verb1) keâe
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I)
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ yeeo Jeeueer clause ceW 'they keep' kesâ
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW did helped kesâ mLeeve hej helped
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present indefinite tense ceW nw~
Correct Sentence : nesiee~ past tense kesâ affirmative JeekeäÙe ceW main verb keâer
Since they get something different each month, they second form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
keep coming back to it. Note–S + VIInd form + Obj. (Assertive)
198. In the following question, some part of the Sub + did not + V1 + Obj. (Negative)
sentence may have errors. Find out which part Did + Sub + V1 + Obj. (Interrogative)
of the sentence has an error and select the Correct Sentence :
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
error, select 'No Error'. Over the years our trainers helped students to clear the
Even if we missed a day's work, (1)/ out language tests for various countries.
salaries are not cut and we (2) / were paid in 201. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
full. (3)/ No Error (4) error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
(a) 1 (b) 2 error'.
(c) 3 (d) 4 He went up to her and asks her why she had
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III) insulted him./No error
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'are' kesâ mLeeve hej 'were' keâe ØeÙeesie (a) and asks her why (b) she had insulted him
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe JeekeäÙe ceW we missed Deewj were paid kesâ (c) No error (d) He went up to her
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past tense ceW nw~ SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Note – efveÙecele: 'And' mes same part of speech keâe word Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'asks' kesâ mLeeve hej 'asked' keâe ØeÙeesie
pegÌ[lee nw~ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes verbs, 'and' mes pees[Ì er peeleer nw lees oesveeW meceeve
Correct Sentence : forms/tense ceW nesveer ÛeeefnÙes~ Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW went up, verb (II)
Even if we missed a day's work, out salaries were not
cut and we were paid in full. ceW nw, Dele: asks Yeer verb (II) ceW (asked) nessieer~
199. In the following question, some part of the Correct Sentence
sentence may have errors. Find out which part He went up to her and asked her why she had insulted
of the sentence has an error and select the him.
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from 202. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
error, select 'No Error'. error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
Tension prevail late on Friday after (a)/ angry error'.
protesters pelted stones at the police,
He has deposits all his money in banks./No
(b)/torched vehicles and vandalized publics
property (c)/ No Error (d) error
(a) a (b) b (a) He has deposits (b) money in banks
(c) c (d) d (c) up all his (d) No error
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II) SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Spotting the Error 40 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Deposits kesâ mLeeve hej (a) He started life (b) as a teacher
Deposited (verb3) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'has' kesâ (c) to journalism (d) before turn
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ Ùen present perfect tense ceW nw~ Dele: SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
FmeceW 'has/have + verb3' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct sentence : Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'before turn' kesâ mLeeve hej
He has deposited all his money in banks. 'before turning' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
203. Identify the segment which contains the Rule - Ùeefo Prepositions (pewmes- at, in, on, to, before,
grammatical error. after, for, from, about etc.) kesâ yeeo main verb Deeleer nw,
Kaira has upset with me since the accident.
(a) the accident (b) me since
lees ncesMee ing form ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
(c) upset with (d) Kaira has Correct sentence :-
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III) He started life as a teacher before turning to
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'has' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has been' keâe
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ since + point of time kesâ ØeÙeesie mes 207. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present perfect continuous tense ceW nw
Deewj FmeceW has been keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
The more he earned the more he want to
Correct Sentece :- earn./No error.
Kaira has been upset with me since the accident.
(a) the more he (b) No error
204. Identify the segment in the sentence which (c) want to earn (d) The more he earned
contains the grammatical error.
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Radha woke up early that morning so that she
should watch the beautiful sunrise. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘‘want’’ kesâ mLeeve hej wanted keâe
(a) so that she should watch ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Deiej JeekeäÙe keâer main clause past ceW nw lees
(b) Radha woke up DevÙe clause Yeer past ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
(c) early that morning Correct sentence :-
(d) the beautiful sunrise The more he earned the more he wanted to earn.
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
208. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'should' kesâ mLeeve hej 'could' keâe error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘osKe mekeâves’ kesâ sense ceW could was keâe error'.
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Either of the two books will met my
Correct sentence : requirement./No error
Radha woke up that morning so that she could watch (a) Either of the
the beautiful sunrise.
(b) No error
205. Identify the segment in the sentence which (c) will met my requirement
contains the grammatical error.
(d) two books
Harish is spending two hours every morning
reading newspapers in different languages. SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) two hours every morning Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Will met' kesâ mLeeve hej will meet
(b) in different languages GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ modal 'will' kesâ meeLe verb keâer Ist form
(c) reading newspapers keâe GheÙeesie neslee nw~
(d) Harish is spending
Correct sentence :-
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Either of the two books will meet my requirement.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'is spending' kesâ mLeeve hej
209. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
'spends' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Jele&ceeve keâer Deeole keâes yeleeves kesâ
error in it. If there is no error, choose No
efueÙes Present Indefinite tense keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ error'.
Correct Sentece :
She wanted to telling you who you could
Harish spends two hours every morning reading
approach for your problem./No error
newspapers in different languages.
(a) No error
206. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error from the given (b) who you could approach
options. (c) for your problem
He started life as a teacher before turn to (d) She wanted telling you
journalism. SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III)

Spotting the Error 41 YCT

Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW she wanted to telling you kesâ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘to reminds' kesâ mLeeve hej ‘to
mLeeve hej she wanted to tell you keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ remind keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB Infinitive keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee
keäÙeeWefkeâ FmeceW infinitive 'to' kesâ meeLe verb1 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ nw, efpemeceW (to +V1) 'to + remind' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
Note– Want, promise, learn, manage etc. kesâ yeeo (to Correct sentence :-
+V1) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Jaya asked Sushmita to remind her about the meeting.
Correct sentence :- 214. Identify the segment in the sentence which
She wanted to tell you who you could approach for contains the grammatical error.
your problem. Zainab was played with/her friends in the
210. Find the part of the given sentence that has an park/when she noticed Disha/walking away
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No with a stranger.
error'. (a) Zainab was played with
All the students/is done/better this year. (b) walking away with a stranger
(a) All the students (b) is done (c) when she noticed Disha
(c) No error (d) better this year (d) her friends in the park
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW is done kesâ mLeeve hej have done Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e ceW played kesâ mLeeve hej playing keâe
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej present ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee Sentence, Past Continuous
perfect tense ceW nw Dele: FmeceW has/have + verb3 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ tense keâe Active voice nw, Dele:, (was/were+verb+ing)
Correct sentence :- ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
All the students have done better this year. Correct sentence :
211. Find the part of the given sentence that has an ''Zainab was playing with her friends in the park when
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No She noticed Disha walking away with a stranger.''
error'. 215. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Rakesh is foolish/to said/such things. contains the grammatical error.
(a) to said (b) No error The priest request all the wealthy men to
(c) such things (d) Rakesh is foolish donate money for building a new temple.
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) (a) for building a new temple
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW to said kesâ mLeeve hej to say keâe (b) The priest request
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'to' kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeueer verb V Ist (c) to donate money
form ceW nesleer nw~ (d) all the wealthy men
Correct sentence :- SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Rakesh is foolish to say such things. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW request kesâ mLeeve hej requested
212. Find the part of the given sentence that has an keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No error'. Imperative sentence keâe indirect form nw~ Dele: verb past
I told the tailor/to made a new/dress for me./No indefinite ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
error. Correct sentence :
(a) dress for me (b) I told the tailor The priest requested all the wealthy men to donate
(c) No error (d) to made a new money for building a new temple.
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I) 216. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW To made a new kesâ mLeeve hej To contains the grammatical error.
make a new ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeesefkeâ To + v1 = (infinitive) keâe She misplaced her spectacles and now finding it
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ difficult to read.
(a) her spectacles (b) difficult to read
Correct sentence :-
(c) and now finding it (d) She misplaced
I told the tailor to make a new dress for me.
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
213. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'now finding' kesâ mLeeve hej
Jaya asked Sushmita to reminds her about the 'found' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâer henueer clause past
meeting. tense ceW nw~ Dele: yeeo Jeeueer clause Yeer past ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
(a) Sushmita to reminds (b) Jaya asked Correct sentence :
(c) the meeting (d) her about She misplaced her spectacles and found it difficult to
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II) read.
Spotting the Error 42 YCT
217. Indentify the segment in the sentence which Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer verb 'started' mes mhe° nw efkeâ
contains the grammatical error. If there is no
error, select 'no error' sentence 'past tense' ceW nw keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ef›eâÙee keâe V2 ™he
I don't think I meet him before ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw efpememes mhe° nw efkeâ Deieuee Yeeie Yeer past tense keâes
(a) No error (b) him before ØeoefMe&le keâjsiee efpememes verb2 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(c) I meet (d) I don't think Dele: but lack kesâ mLeeve hej 'but lacked' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct sentence-
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'I meet' kesâ mLeeve hej 'I met' keâe
When they started, they had great ideas but lacked the
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'before' Skeâ past business know-how.
action keâes yelee jne nw~ Dele: verb2 (Past Indefinite) keâe
221. Identify the segment in the sentence which
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ contains the grammatical error from the given
Correct sentence : options.
'I don't think I met him before'.
The government's proposal has been set alarm
218. Identify the segment in the sentence which bells ringing for people with low incomes.
contains the grammatical error from the given
options. (a) with low incomes
The company has invested a great deal of time (b) ringing for people
and effort to setting up new training schemes. (c) The government's proposal
(a) The company has (d) has been set alarm bells
(b) time and effort to setting up SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) invested a great deal of
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘has been’ kesâ mLeeve hej 'has' keâe
(d) new training schemes
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III) ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee Sentence Active voice ceW nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'to setting up' keâer peien 'to set Correct sentence -
up' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ infinitive 'to' kesâ yeeo verb Deheves The government's proposal has set alarm bells ringing
cetue mJe™he (first form) ceW ØeÙeesie keâer peeleer nw~ for people with low incomes.
Correct sentence- 222. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
The company has invested a great deal of time and error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
effort to set up new training schemes. error'.
219. Identify the segment in the sentence which Some people is always talking about
contains the grammatical error from the given themselves./ No error
options. (a) No error (b) about themselves
For most citizens today, liberty meant the (c) some people (d) is always talking
freedom to practise their religious or political
beliefs. SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) For most citizens today Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ''is always talking'' kesâ mLeeve hej
(b) practise their religious always talk keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe always
(c) liberty meant the freedom to habitual action keâe YeeJe os jne nw~ Habitual action kesâ meeLe
(d) or political beliefs.
simple present tense keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW today kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Correct Sentence -
present indefinite tense ceW nw~ Dele: JeekeäÙe ceW meant (past) kesâ Some people always talk about themselves.
mLeeve hej means (present) 'verb + s/es' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 223. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Correct sentence- contains the grammatical error. If there is no
For most citizens today, liberty means the freedom to error then select 'No error'.
practise their religious or political beliefs. I have got my Master's degree in 2005.
220. Identify the segment in the sentence which (a) I have got (b) my Master's degree
contains the grammatical error from the given (c) in 2005 (d) No error
options . SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
When they started, they had great ideas but
lack the business know-how. Ans. (a) : ef o S ieS JeekeäÙe ceW 'I' have got kesâ mLeeve hej 'I got'
(a) When they started (Simple past tense) keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW
(b) they had great ideas past keâe time (2005) efoÙee ieÙee nw~
(c) but lack
Correct Sentence -
(d) the business know-how
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II) I got my Master's degree in 2005.
Spotting the Error 43 YCT
224. Identify the segment in the sentence which Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Hackers can either tampers kesâ
contains the grammatical error from the given
mLeeve hej Hackers can either tamper keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
The use of new technology has bring down the keäÙeeWefkeâ modal, 'can' kesâ yeeo 'verb1 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Dele:
price of books. tampers kesâ mLeeve hej tamper (without s/es) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(a) of books (b) bring down Correct sentence-
(c) The use of (d) technology Hackers can either tamper with a random number
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III) generator of figure out the resultant number easily in
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW bring down kesâ mLeeve hej case of online gaming.
brought down keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ has kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw 228. From the given options, identify the segment in
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present perfect tense ceW nw~ efpemeceW 'has/have + the sentence which contains the grammatical
verb3' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ error.
Correct sentence- Computers everywhere use random numbers
The use of new technology has brought down the price as keys to locked or unlock encrypted
of books. information.
225. Identify the segment in the sentence which (a) use random numbers as
contains the grammatical error from the given (b) keys to locked or unlock
option. (c) encrypted information
For a long time the publishing market (d) computers everywhere
excluding the poor. SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) For a long (b) excluding
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'locked' kesâ mLeeve hej 'lock' keâe
(c) publishing (d) the poor
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III) ØeÙees ie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ infinitive ceW 'to' kesâ meeLe meeceevÙele:
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW excluding kesâ mLeeve hej has been verb keâer Ist form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
excluding keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keääÙeeWefkeâ meceÙe kesâ meeLe 'for' Correct Sentence :
keâe ØeÙeesie nesves hej perfect continuous keâe structure ØeÙegòeâ Computers everywhere use random numbers as keys to
lock or unlock encrypted information.
neslee nw~
Correct sentence- 229. From the given options identify the segment in
For a long time the publishing market has been the sentence which contains the grammatical
excluding the poor. error.
With the help of skill-based education offer in
226. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error from the given colleges, many students will become eligible for
options. various jobs.
The Supreme Court has the power to (a) With the help of
modification or cancel laws in the country. (b) many students will become
(a) the power (b) cancel laws (c) skill based education offer in
(c) to modification (d) The Supreme Court (d) eligible for various jobs
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III) SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW to modification kesâ mLeeve to Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW will become kesâ mLeeve hej will
modify keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ To + v1 = (infinitive) keâe be keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe simple future ceW nesves hej
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw Deewj FmeceW subject + will/shall + be +
Correct sentence- other word keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
The Supreme Court has the power to modify or cancel Correct Sentence :
laws in the country. With the help of skill-based education offer in
227. From the given options, identify the segment in colleges, many students will be eligible for various
the sentence which contains the grammatical jobs.
230. From the given options, identify the segment in
Hackers can either tampers with a random
the sentence which contains the grammatical
number generator of figure out the resultant
number easily in case of online gaming. error.
(a) figure out Dr. Rana is our teacher of English since this
(b) with a random number semester.
(c) in case of (a) our teacher (b) this semester
(d) Hackers can either tampers (c) Dr. Rana is (d) of English since
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
Spotting the Error 44 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW is kesâ mLeeve hej 'has been' keâe Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'too' kesâ mLeeve hej 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ since kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'too' (Adverb) kesâ mLeeve hej (to + V1) infinitive
JeekeäÙe present perfect continuous ceW nw~ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nw~
Sub + has/have + been + verb + ing + object + Correct sentence–
since/for + time Neither I nor my friends are going to walk down that
Correct sentence - 234. Identify the segment that contains a
Dr. Rana has been our teacher of English since this grammatical error. If there is no error, select
semester. 'No error'.
231. From the given options identify the segment in Never put of/until tomorrow what /you can do
the sentence which contains the grammatical today.
error. (a) Never put of (b) No error
Ram always tries to do things very carefully (c) you can do today (d) until tomorrow what
and made sure he does them correctly.
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III)
(a) to do things (b) Ram always tries
(c) does them (d) and made sure Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'put of' kesâ mLeeve hej put off keâes
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II) ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Phrasal verb ''put off'' to postpone
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW and made sure kesâ mLeeve hej and doing something keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJeevegmeej
makes sure keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence (JeekeäÙe) GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nw~
present indefinite ceW nw~ Deewj FmeceW singular verb kesâ efueÙes Correct sentence–
verb+s/es keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Correct sentence - 235. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
Ram always tries to do things very carefully and error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
makes sure he does them correctly. error'.
232. From the given options, identify the segment in Can you please help me to this project?
the sentence which contains the grammatical (a) Can you please (b) help me to
error. (c) No error (d) this project?
The man greeted his secretary and told her that SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
he need her help to complete the work Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'help me to' kesâ mLeeve hej ''help
me with'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''help with something'' keâe
(a) to complete the work
(b) told her that
ØeÙeesie Skeâ meeLe neslee nw~
(c) he need her help Correct sentence–
(d) greeted his secretary Can you please help me with this project.
SSC GD–14/02/2019 (Shift-I) 236. Parts of the following sentence have been given
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW main clause past tense ceW nw as options. One of them may contain an error.
Select the option that contains the error. If you
Dele: JeekeäÙe kesâ sub-ordinate clause ceW need kesâ mLeeve hej don’t find any error, mark ‘No error’ as your
verb keâer past form needed keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ answer.
Correct sentence - With reference of your letter, the organisation
The man greeted his secretary and told her that he wishes to hire you for the security services.
needed her help to complete the work immediately. (a) No error
(b) With reference of your letter
D. Preposition (c) for the security services
233 Find the part of the given sentence that has an (d) the organisation wishes to hire you
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I)
error'. Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW with reference of your letter
Neither I nor my friends are going too walk kesâ mLeeve hej ''with reference to your letter keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
down that street.
keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen Skeâ idiom nw efpemekeâe DeLe& concerning
(a) down that street
(b) Neither I nor my something/someone or in relation to neslee nw~
(c) friends are going too walk Correct sentence–
(d) No error With reference to your letter, the organisation wishes to
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I) hire you for the security services.

Spotting the Error 45 YCT

237. Parts of the following sentence have been given Correct sentence–
as options. Select the option that contains an The current state of the literature On the efficacy of
error. cognitive - behaviouval therapy for individuals with
This region was struck by unusual wave of generalised anxiety disorder suggests that it is a
violence last year. promising treatment option.
(a) was struck by unusual 240. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
(b) This region error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
(c) last year. error'.
(d) wave of violence You will never regret this wonderful experience
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I) with your life.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW was struck by unusual kesâ mLeeve (a) regret this wonderful
hej ''was struck with unusual'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Struck (b) experience with your life.
with keâe DeLe& to have something you do not want because (c) You will never
you can not get rid of it''' (hebâmes jnvee) neslee nw pees JeekeäÙe kesâ (d) No error
YeeJeevegmeej GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nw~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
Correct sentence– Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''experience with'' kesâ mLeeve hej
This region was struck with unusual wave of violence ''experience in'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ experience kesâ meeLe
last year. in'' proposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
238. Parts of the following sentence have been given Correct sentence–
as options. Select the option that contains an You will never regret this wonderful experience in your
error. life.
The government has been accused in not doing
241. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
enough to combat climate change.
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
(a) accused in (b) The government
(c) enough to combat (d) climate change.
No doubt, human minds are good on predicting
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III) the worst.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''accused in'' kesâ mLeeve hej (a) No error
''accused of'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ accused kesâ meeLe ncesMee (b) No doubt, human minds
''of'' preposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (c) predicting the worst
Correct sentence– (d) are good on
The government has been accused of not doing enough SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
to combat climate change. Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''good on'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''good
239. The following sentence has been divided into at'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ peye good keâe ØeÙeesie adjective kesâ ™he
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
the part that contains the error from the given ceW nes lees Gmekesâ meeLe ''at'' proposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
options. Correct sentence–
The current state of the literature / on the No doubt, human minds are good at predicting the
efficacy under cognitive-behavioural therapy / worst.
for individuals with generalised anxiety 242. The following sentence has been split into four
disorder / suggests that it is a promising segments. Identify the segment that contains a
treatment option. grammatical error.
(a) on the efficacy under cognitive-behavioural
She persisted / to doing / what she wanted /
despite opposition.
(b) for individuals with generalised anxiety
disorder (a) what she wanted (b) despite opposition
(c) The current state of the literature (c) to doing (d) She persisted
(d) suggests that it is a promising treatment SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II
option. Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''to doing'' kesâ mLeeve hej in doing
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ persist kesâ meeLe in preposition keâe ØeÙeesie
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''on the efficacy under neslee nw~
cognitive-behavioral therapy kesâ mLeeve hej On the efficacy Note– Persist in doing something.
of cognitive-behavioulral therapy keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Correct sentence–
Possession efoKeeves kesâ efueS 'of' proposition keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee She persisted in doing what she wanted despite
peelee nw~ opposition.

Spotting the Error 46 YCT

243. The following sentence has been split into four Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''point at'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''point to''
segments. Identify the segment that contains a keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''point kesâ meeLe ''to'' preposition keâe
grammatical error.
ØeÙeesie mJeerke=âefle (Acceptance) kesâ sense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Whenever he is/on a holiday,/he travels by
Correct sentence–
foot/to the temple nearby.
He conceded a very crucial point to his opponent.
(a) he travels by foot (b) On a holiday
(c) to the temple nearby (d) whenever he is 247. The following sentence has been split into four
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I
grammatical error.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''by foot'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''on foot'' I was angry/on myself/for making/such a silly
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ûeueves (walking) kesâ sense ceW On foot mistake.
keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (a) such a silly mistake (b) on myself
Correct sentence– (c) I was angry (d) for making
Whenever he is on a holiday, he travels on foot to the SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II
temple nearby. Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Angry on myself'' kesâ mLeeve hej
244. The following sentence has been split into four Angry with myself keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Angry kesâ meeLe
segments. Identify the segment that contains a with/at Deewj at preposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
grammatical error. Note– Angry with sb
The river / flowed besides / the hillock / in our Angry at 5th
village. Correct sentence–
(a) The river (b) In our village I was angry with myself for making such a silly
(c) flowed besides (d) the hillock mistake.
SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I 248. The following sentence has been divided into
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''besides'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''beside'' parts. One of them contains an error.
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ beside keâe ØeÙeesie 'to the side of'' (yeieue Select the part that contains the error form the
ceW) kesâ Sense ceW ngDee nw~ peyeefkeâ besides keâe ØeÙeesie in addition given options.
It has / been raining / since / two hours.
to kesâ Deefleefjkeäle kesâ DeLe& ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) It has (b) since
Correct sentence– (c) been raining (d) two hours
The river flowed beside the hillock in our village. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I
245. The following sentence has been split into Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''since'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''for'' keâe
segments. One of them may contain an error.
Identify the segment that contains a
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''for'' keâe ØeÙeesie specific period of time
grammatical error. If you don't find any error, kesâ efueS peyeefkeâ Since keâe ØeÙeesie Point of time kesâ efueS efkeâÙee
mark 'No error' as your answer. peelee nw~
He was formerly/a doctor of/the corporate Correct sentence–
hospital. It has been raining for two hours.
(a) a doctor of (b) No error 249. The following sentence has been split into four
(c) He was formerly (d) the corporate hospital segments. Identify the segment that
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III contains a grammatical error.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''of''' kesâ mLeeve hej ''at'' keâe ØeÙeesie As it has been raining heavily / since two hours,
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''at'' preposition keâe ØeÙeesie definite / the children are / at home.
Place/Location keâes efoKeeves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (a) the children are
(b) since two hours,
Correct sentence–
(c) at home
He was formerly a doctor at the corporate hospital.
(d) As it has been raining heavily
246. The following sentence has been divided into SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III
parts. One of them contains an error, select the
part that contains the error from the given Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Since'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''for'' keâe
options. ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''for'' keâe ØeÙeesie Period of time (Two
He conceded/ a very crucial / point at / his hour) kesâ efueS leLee since keâe ØeÙeesie Point of time kesâ efueS
opponent. efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) a very crucial (b) point at Correct sentence–
(c) his opponent (d) He conceded As it has been raining heavily for two hours, the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III children are at home.

Spotting the Error 47 YCT

250. The following sentence has been split into four (a) Concern above rising pollution
segments. Identity the segment that contains a (b) formulation of
grammatical error. (c) led to the
We have/not met/some of our friends/since six (d) various action plans
months. SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II
(a) not met (b) We have Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''concern above rising
(c) since six months (d) some of our friends pollution'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''concern about rising pollution'' keâe
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Concern kesâ meeLe ''about'' proposition keâe
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW since kesâ mLeeve hej ''for'' keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ for keâe ØeÙeesie period of time kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee Correct sentence–
nw~ Concern about rising pollution led to the formulation of
Note : Since – Point of time (9 'o' clock, 1 January) various action plans.
For – Period of time (six years/five minutes) 254. Parts of the following sentence have been given
Correct sentence– as options. One of them may contain an error.
We have not met some of our friends for six months. Select the part that contains the error from the
251. The following sentence has been split into four given options. If you don't find any error,
segments. Identify the segment that contains a mark 'No error' as your answer.
grammatical error. The reduced air pressure on airline flights can
Your name/precedes before mine/in lessen the amount of oxygen in passengers'
the/admission list. blood for twenty-five percent.
(a) The reduced air pressure on airline flights
(a) admission list (b) Your name
(b) No error
(c) in the (d) precedes before mine
(c) in passengers' blood for twenty-five percent
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III
(d) can lessen the amount of oxygen
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Precedes before mine'' kesâ SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I
mLeeve hej ''Precedes mine'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Precedes kesâ Ans. (c) :Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''for'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''to'' keâe ØeÙeesie
meeLe before keâe ØeÙeesie Superfluous nw~ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Lessen kesâ meeLe ''to'' preposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee
Correct sentence– nw~
Your name precedes mine in the admission list.
Correct sentence–
252. Parts of the following sentence have been given The reduced air pressure on airline flights can lessen the
as options. One of them may contain an error. amount of oxygen in passengers' blood to twenty-five
Select the part that contains the error from the percent.
given options. If you don't find any error, mark
255. The following sentence has been divided into
'No error' as your answer. parts. One of them may contain an error.
Aid workers have delivered vast quantities of Select the part that contains the error from the
food on the refugee camps. given options. If you don't find any error,
(a) No error mark 'No error' as your answer.
(b) vast quantities of food I was at a party / with some off my / friends in
(c) on the refugee camps Mumbai.
(d) Aid workers have delivered (a) friends in Mumbai (b) with some off my
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III (c) No error (d) I was at a party
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''On the refugee camps'' kesâ SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I
mLeeve hej ''to the refugee camps'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW with some off my kesâ mLeeve hej
delivered kesâ meeLe ''to'' preposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ ''with some of my'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ possession keâes
Note– Deliver something or Deliver something to oKeeves kesâ efueS ''of'' proposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
something/somebody. Correct sentence–
Correct sentence– I was at a party with some of my friends in Mumbai.
Aid workers have delivered vast quantities of food to 256. The following sentence has been divided into
the refugee camps. parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
253. The following sentence has been split into four the part that contains the error from the given
segments. Identify the segment that contains a options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
grammatical error. error' as your answer.
Concern above rising pollution / led to the / A probe has been ordered/ by the incident/ that
formulation of / various action plans. occurred at the celebrations.
Spotting the Error 48 YCT
(a) A probe has been ordered Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW on behalf of (keâer lejHeâ mes) kesâ
(b) that occurred at the celebrations mLeeve hej for (kesâ efueS) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ
(c) by the incident Devegmeej Ùen GefÛele DeLe& oslee nw~
(d) No error
Correct Sentence -
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Several prominent film stars have appeared on
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW by kesâ mLeeve hej 'for' preposition television for awareness about hand hygiene.
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ order kesâ meeLe efkeâmeer Ûeerpe (something) 260. The following sentence has been split into four
keâes oMee&ves kesâ efueS 'for' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ segments. Identify the segment that contains a
* Order for something. grammatical error.
* Order to somebody. Won't you/please come/to help me/along this
Correct Sentence - heavy box ?
A probe has been ordered for the incident that occurred (a) to help me (b) won't you
at the celebrations (c) please come (d) along this heavy box
257. The following sentence has been split into four SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
segments. Identify the segment that contains a Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW along this heavy box kesâ mLeeve
grammatical error. hej for this heavy box keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘kesâ efueS’ kesâ
The sports day events/ will be conducted/ from sense ceW 'for' preposition ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
3:30 pm and 5:30 pm/ on Saturday.
(a) The sports day events Correct Sentence -
(b) from 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm Won't you please come to help me for this heavy box.
(c) on Saturday 261. Identify the segment in the sentence which
(d) will be conducted contains a grammatical error.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I) I want you to complete this work by two days.
(a) this work (b) I want you
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW and kesâ mLeeve hej to keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) by two days (d) to complete
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ from .......... kesâ meeLe to ....., structure SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
keâe ØeÙeesie meceeÙeeJeefOe efoKeeves kesâ efueS neslee nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'by two days' kesâ mLeeve hej
Correct Sentence -
'within two days' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
The sports day events will be conducted from 3:30 pm
to 5:30 pm on Saturday. 'within two days' - Deepe mes oes efoveeW kesâ Devoj~
258. Identify the segment in the given sentence 'by two days' - oes efove lekeâ~
which contains the grammatical error. Correct sentence- I want you to complete this work
Employees were given incentives based at their within two days.
performance. 262. Identify the segment in the sentence which
(a) based at (b) given incentives contains a grammatical error.
(c) Employees were (d) their performance This jewellery box is made from silver and is
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I) an antique piece.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW based at kesâ mLeeve hej Based on (a) an antique piece (b) This jewellery box
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ based kesâ meeLe preposition 'on' keâe (c) and is (d) is made from silver
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Correct Sentence - Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'from' kesâ mLeeve hej 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie
Employees were given incentives based on their nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'from' keâe ØeÙeesie jemeeÙeefvekeâ heefjJele&ve kesâ efueS Je
performance. 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie Yeeweflekeâ heefjJele&ve kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ JeekeäÙe ceW
259. The following sentence has been divided into Ûeeboer kesâ yeekeäme keâes yeveeves keâer yeele nes jner nw~ Dele: 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie
parts. One of them contains an error. Select the
part that contains the error from the given GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
options. Correct sentence- This jewellery box is made of silver
Several prominent film stars/have appeared on and is an antique piece.
television/on behalf of awareness/about hand 263. Identify the segment in the sentence which
hygiene. contains a grammatical error:
(a) on behalf of awareness Poor people have run down of food supplies
(b) about hand hygiene during the lockdown.
(c) Several prominent film stars (a) Poor people have (b) during the lockdown
(d) have appeared on television (c) food supplies (d) run down of
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Spotting the Error 49 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'run down of' kesâ mLeeve hej 'run 267. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
out of' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ contains the grammatical error.
It is difficult to make out that they are twins
run down of - ceboe heÌ[vee
because they do not resemble to each other.
run out of - Kelce nesvee/keâj osvee (a) resemble to each other
Correct sentence - Poor people have run out of food (b) it is difficult to make out
supplies during the lockdown. (c) because they do not
264. Identify the segment in the sentence, which (d) that they are twins
contains the grammatical error. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II)
We reserved tickets for a journey on train for Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'resemble to kesâ mLeeve hej
the next morning for my sisters and me.
resemble keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ resemble kesâ meeLe
(a) for a journey on train
keâesF& preposition ØeÙegòeâ veneR neslee nw~
(b) for my sisters and me
(c) for the next morning Correct Sentence-
It is difficult to make out that they are twins because
(d) We reserved tickets
they do not resemble each other.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
268. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW preposition 'on' kesâ mLeeve hej contains the grammatical error.
'by' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Each student will have to carry his own lunch
On train journey - š^sve hej Ùee$ee~ on the picnic.
(a) Each student (b) his own lunch
by train journey - š^sve kesâ Éeje/mes keâer ieF& Ùee$ee~
(c) on the picnic (d) will have to carry
Correct sentence - We reserved tickets for a journey
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
by train for the next morning for my sisters and me.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'on' preposition
265. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
contains the grammatical error.
kes â mLeeve hej 'to' preposition keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~ keäÙeeWefkeâ
The Principal was extremely angry on the boys destination kesâ sense ceW 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
who threw the pieces of chalk at the teacher. Correct sentence- Each student will have to carry his
(a) at the teacher own lunch to the picnic.
(b) extremely angry on the boys 269. Identify the segment in the sentence which
(c) who threw the pieces of chalk contains the grammatical error.
(d) The Principal was I have been living in Delhi since many years
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) (a) since (b) have been living
(c) in Delhi (d) many years
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'angry on' kesâ mLeeve hej 'angry SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
at' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'since' kesâ mLeeve hej 'for' keâe
keäÙeeWefkeâ angry keâe ØeÙeesie efvecve ™he mes neslee nw~ ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
angry on something/material. since- used to show a point of time.
angry at somebody/someone. for- used to show a period of time.
Correct sentence- The Principal was extremely angry Correct sentence- I have been living in Delhi for
at the boys who threw the pieces of chalk at the many years.
270. Identify the segment in the sentence which
266. Identify the segment in the sentence, which contains the grammatical error.
contains the grammatical error. The children play on the park every evening.
The actor smiled to me when I entered the (a) on the park (b) The children
room as if she knew me. (c) every evening (d) play
(a) The actor smiled to me SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
(b) knew me Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW on kesâ mLeeve hej in keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies
(c) as if she keäÙeeWefkeâ
(d) when I entered the room In - used to show a situation when something is
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) enclosed (a park or ground) (Deboj)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'to' kesâ mLeeve hej 'at' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ On - used for a situation when something is positioned
keäÙeeWefkeâ Simile at someone/somebody keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ above something else. (hej)
Correct sentence- The actor smiled at me when I Correct sentence- The children play in the park every
entered the room as if she knew me. evening.

Spotting the Error 50 YCT

271. Identify the segment in the sentence which 275. In the following question, some part of the
contains the grammatical error. sentence may have errors. Find out which part
This beautiful ring is made from gold. of the sentence has an error and select the
(a) from gold (b) This appropriate option.
(c) beautiful ring (d) is made The information contained in this electronic
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) (1)/ message and any attachments to this
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'from' kesâ mLeeve hej 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie message (2)/ is intended for the exclusive use of
this recipient. (3)/ No error (4).
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ from keâe ØeÙeesie jemeeÙeefvekeâ heefjJele&ve leLee of keâe (a) 1 (b) 2
ØeÙeesie Yeeweflekeâ heefjJele&ve kesâ efueS neslee nw~ (c) 3 (d) 4
Correct sentence- This beautiful ring is made of gold. SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I)
272. Identify the segment in the sentence which Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW is intended for kesâ mLeeve hej is
contains the grammatical error.
intended to keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ intended to something
Despite of working hard he failed the test.
or intended to doing something ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
(a) the test (b) he failed
(c) Despite of (d) working hard Correct Sentence :
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
The information contained in this electronic message
and any attachments to this message is intended to the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Despite of' kesâ mLeeve hej exclusive use of this recipient.
'Despite' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘kesâ yeeJepeto’ kesâ DeLe& ceW 276. In the following, some part of the sentence may
'Despite' efyevee 'of' kesâ ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ inspite kesâ meeLe have errors. Find out which part of the
of keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ sentence has an error and select the
Correct sentence- Despite working hard he failed the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
test. error, select No Error.
273. In the sentence identify the segment which While provisions on equality and non-
contains the grammatical error. discrimination (1)/ would promote equal
Behavior modification techniques are often opportunity, (2)/ in the process, reservation at
used to the training of police dogs. jobs should not be denied. (3)/ No error. (4)
(a) Behavior modification techniques (a) 1 (b) 2
(b) of police dogs (c) 3 (d) 4
(c) to the training SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(d) are often used Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW at kesâ mLeeve kesâ hej in keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III) keäÙeesefkeâ Reservation kesâ yeeo (at) keâe veneR yeefukeâ preposition
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'to the training' kesâ mLeeve hej 'in' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
'for the training' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ Verb 'use' kesâ yeeo Reservation in jobs − jespeieej cesW Deej#eCe
preposition 'for' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Correct sentence-
Use something for something. While provisions on equality and non-discrimination
Correct Sentence :- would promote equal opportunity in the process
Behavior modification techniques are often used for reservation in jobs should not be denied.
training of police dogs. 277. In the following, some part of the sentence may
274. In the following, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the
have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the
sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select No Error.
error, select No Error. There is a barrier among the egghead and (1)/
He said that he thought off politics right when the hoipolloi and it would be lazy (2)/ idealism
(1)/he was studying Intermediate and that (2)/ to ignore it. (3)/ No error (4)
he had no fear of politics. (3)/ No error. (4) (a) 1 (b) 2
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
(c) 3 (d) 4 SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Among' kesâ mLeeve hej ‘between’
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW off kesâ mLeeve hej about keâe ØeÙeesie keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ oes JemlegDeeW ceW compare kesâ efueS
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Thought kesâ meeLe ‘about’ preposition keâe ØeÙeesie ‘between’ Je oes mes DeefOekeâ JemlegDeeW kesâ efueS Among keâe ØeÙeesie
keâjles nw~ 'off' keâe veneR~ neslee nw~
Correct sentence Correct sentence-
He said that he thought about politics right when..... There is a barrier between the egghead and….

Spotting the Error 51 YCT

278. Identify the segment in the sentence which Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW from colours kesâ mLeeve hej with
contains a grammatical error. colours keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ splash kesâ meeLe with
The bottle slipped with my hand and broke into (preposition) Deelee nw ve efkeâ from.
a thousand pieces.
Correct sentence -
(a) into a thousand pieces
The Japanese artist Yoh Nagao was busy splashing the
(b) with my hand
well with colours.
(c) the bottle slipped
282. In the sentence identify the segment which
(d) broke into
contains the grammatical error.
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) Although there are more than a hundred
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW preposition 'with my hand' kesâ known elements, they rarely occur at a pure
mLeeve hej 'from my hand' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ state.
Preposition 'from' keâe ØeÙeesie Skeâ Jemleg keâe otmejs mes Deueie nesves kesâ (a) more than a hundred (b) they rarely occur
efueS (Separation) efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (c) at a pure state (d) Although there are
Correct sentence - SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II)
The bottle slipped from my hand and broke into a Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW occur kesâ meeLe correct
thousand pieces. preposition 'in' nesiee~ Occur at keâe ØeÙeesie ØeeÙe: particular
279. Identify the segment in the sentence which time Ùee place kesâ mebyebOe ceW keâjles nQ~ Occur in- kegâÚ Ieefšle nesvee
contains a grammatical error. Ùee keâneR heeÙee peevee kesâ sense ceW neslee nw~
She has been working tirelessly since hours. Correct sentence -
(a) She has (b) since hours Although there are more than a hundred known
(c) tirelessly (d) been working elements, they rarely occur in a pure state.
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) 283. In the sentence identify the segment which
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW preposition 'since hours' kesâ contains the grammatical error.
mLeeve hej preposition 'for hours' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Not complying by any of the laws can land you
into serious trouble.
keäÙeeWefkeâ 'since' keâe ØeÙeesie Point of time kesâ efueÙes Je for keâe
(a) Not complying by (b) any of the laws
ØeÙeesie Period of time efueÙes efkeâÙee peelee nw~ ÙeneB Hours (IeCšeW (c) into senous trouble (d) can land you
lekeâ) DeefveefMÛele meceÙe keâes ØeoefMe&le keâj jne nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ henues SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I)
for keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "Complying by" kesâ mLeeve hej
since + point of time "Complying with" keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
for + period of time keäÙeeWefkeâ Verb "Comply- (heeueve keâjvee)’’ kesâ meeLe ncesMee
Correct sentence - Preposition 'with' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
She has been working tirelessly for hours. Correct Sentence-
280. Identify the segment in the sentence which Not complying with any of the laws can land you into
serious trouble.
contains a grammatical error.
I remember a friend to me buying several pairs 284. In the sentence identify the segment which
of shoes at a sale. contains the grammatical error.
(a) of shoes at a sale (b) a friend to me My father dissuaded me to try for a job as he
(c) I remember (d) buying several pairs wanted me to pursue higher studies.
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) (a) to try for a job
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'a friend to me' kesâ mLeeve hej 'a (b) to pursue higher studies
friend of mine' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ JeekeäÙe ceW possession (c) as he wanted me
(d) My father dissuaded me
efoKeeves kesâ efueS pronoun 'me' kesâ mLeeve hej possessive
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II)
pronoun 'mine' leLee preposition 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW to try for a job kesâ mLeeve hej
Correct sentence -
I remember a friend of mine buying several pairs of from trying for a job keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
shoes at a sale. dissuaded kesâ meeLe from (preposition) GheÙegòeâ neslee nw leLee
Fmekesâ yeeo verb keâer 'ing' form ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
281. In the sentence identify the segment which
contains the grammatical error. dissuade somebody from doing something to persuade
The Japanese artist Yoh Nagao was busy somebody not to do something (jeskeâvee, ve keâjves kesâ efueS
splashing the well from colours. mecePeevee)~
(a) splashing the well (b) was busy Correct Sentence-
(c) from colours (d) The Japanese artist My father dissuaded me from trying for a job as he
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II) wanted me to persue higher studies.
Spotting the Error 52 YCT
285. Identify the segment that contains a Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'smile' kesâ meeLe Preposition 'on'
grammatical error. If there is no error, select
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Phrasal verb 'Smile on/upon' keâe celeueye
'No error'
If he wants to recover, he must abstain for 'to make someone have good luck/success. (efkeâmeer keâe
alcohol. DeÛÚe meewYeeiÙe nesvee)
(a) No error (b) wants to recover Correct Sentence-
(c) he must (d) abstain for alcohol Fate smiled on him in all his business ventures.
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) 289. In the sentence identify the segment which
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW for kesâ mLeeve hej from keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ contains the grammatical error.
keäÙeeWefkeâ Abstain kesâ meeLe Preposition 'from' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw I will stop to refreshments at the next
efpemekeâe DeLe& nw-Abstain from - to give something up. restaurant on the highway.
Correct sentence- (a) I will stop
If he wants to recover, he must abstain from alcohol. (b) at the next restaurant
286. Identify the segment that contains a (c) on the highway
grammatical error. If there is no error, select (d) to refreshments
'No error' SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
These facts should not have been disclosed for Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Stop kesâ yeeo Refreshments kessâ
the public.
mebyebOe ceW 'for' preposition keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ (Refreshments-
(a) These facts should
(b) not have been disclosed peueheeve) keäÙeeWefkeâ stop kesâ meeLe for keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(c) No error Correct Sentence-
(d) for the public I will stop for refreshments at the next restaurant on the
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) highway.
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW for kesâ mLeeve hej to preposition keâe 290. Identify the segment which contains the
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ disclose kesâ meeLe meeceevÙele: 'to' grammatical error.
Preposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ 'Disclose to somebody by' Lack of formal education did not prevent
…. to give information about something. Lincoln to become a great leader.
Correct Sentence - (a) did not prevent (b) a great leader
These facts should not have been disclosed to the (c) to become (d) Lack of
public. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I)
287. In the sentence identify the segment which Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW to keâer peien form keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
contains the grammatical error. keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Prevent keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee ieÙee nw Deewj Ùen ncesMee
After two months the phone signals were back from + ing form kesâ meeLe ner ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ Prevent + sth/sb
at the valley.
+ from doing sth.
(a) were back (b) After two months
(c) at the valley (d) the phone signals Correct sentence-
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) Lack of formal education did not prevent Lincoln from
becoming a great leader.
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW preposition at kesâ mLeeve hej
291. In the sentence identify the segment which
preposition in keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ preposition at
contains the grammatical error.
keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâmeer efveefMÛele #es$e kesâ efueS Je in keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâmeer yeÌ[s
Darkness spilled like ink and began to spread
#es$e kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
at everything.
Correct Sentence-
(a) Darkness spilled
After two months the phone signals were back in the
valley. (b) spread at everything
(c) like ink
288. Identify the segment that contains a
grammatical error. If there is no error, select (d) and began to
'No error' SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Fate smiled above him in all his business Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Spread at kesâ mLeeve spread over
ventures. keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Spread kesâ meeLe preposition
(a) business ventures
over keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(b) in all his
(c) No error Correct sentence-
(d) Fate smiled above him Darkness spilled like ink and began to spread over
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) everything.
Spotting the Error 53 YCT
292. In the sentence identify the segment which next year (a)
contains the grammatical error. (b)
is evaluating the launch
Despite of his efforts he couldn't get a decent (c)
India's largest car maker
job. (d)
to a small electic car
(a) his efforts (b) Despite of SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) decent job Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW to kesâ mLeeve hej of (preposition)
(d) he couldn't get
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej launch
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Despite of' kesâ mLeeve hej despite
kesâ meeLe of keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ despite kesâ meeLe of keâe ØeÙeesie veneR
Correct Sentence-
neslee nw~ India's largest car maker is evaluating the launch of a
Note- Inspite of/Despite (kesâ yeeJepeto) small electric car next year.
Correct sentence- 296. In the sentence identify the segment which
Despite his efforts he couldn't get a decent job. contains the grammatical error.
I expect to return from Singapore during about
293. Identify the segment which contains the
a week's time.
grammatical error.
(a) I expect to return (b) during about
The Principal requested to the Chief Guest to
(c) a week's time (d) from Singapore
inaugurate the sports meet.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) The principal requested
(b) the sports meet Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW During- (kesâ oewjeve) keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) to the Chief Guest DeveeJeMÙekeâ nw~ peyeefkeâ About- (ueieYeie) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe kesâ
(d) to inaugurate DeLe& keâes hetje keâjlee nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III) Correct sentence-
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW to the Chief Guest kesâ mLeeve hej I expect to return from Singapore about a week's time.
the Chief Guest keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ request kesâ 297. In the sentence identify the segment which
contains the grammatical error.
meeLe Ùeneb to (preposition) keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen
I visited my friend to whom I had made an
Indirect sentence nw Deewj Indirect sentence ceW Reporting
verb Jeeues part ceW 'said to' kesâ mLeeve hej Imperative sentence (a) I visited my friend (b) I had made
nesves hej requested/advised/ordered/ suggested/warned (c) to whom (d) an appointment
FlÙeeefo MeyoeW keâe Fmlesceeue keâjles nQ~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence- Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW To whom (efpemekeâes) kesâ mLeeve hej
The Principal requested the Chief Guest to inaugurate 'with whom (efpemekesâ meeLe) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ ÙeneB With
the sports meet. (Prepostion) keâe object, whom nw~
294. In the sentence identify the segment which Correct sentence-
contains the grammatical error. I visited my friend with whom I had made an
The launch of the small electric car will depend appointment.
to the willingness of buyers to pay more for it.
298. In the sentence identify the segment which
(a) depend to the willingness contains the grammatical error.
(b) of buyers to pay more for it On September 11, 2001, two hijacked aircrafts
(c) The launch of the crashed to the World Trade Centre in New
(d) small electric car will York.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I) (a) two hijacked aircrafts
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW depend to the willingness kesâ (b) On September 11, 2001
mLeeve hej depend on the willingness keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, (c) crashed to the
keäÙeeWefkeâ depend kesâ meeLe on (preposition) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (d) World Trade Centre in New York
Correct Sentence- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II)
The launch of the small electric car will depend on Ans : (c) Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Crash kesâ meeLe Preposition 'into'
willingness of buyers to pay more for. keâe ØeÙeesie keâjsieW~
295. In the sentence identify the segment which Crash into something (of vehicle)
contains the grammatical error. Correct sentence-
India's largest car maker is evaluating the On September 11, 2001, two hijacked aircrafts crashed
launch to a small electric car next year. into the World Trade Centre in New York.
Spotting the Error 54 YCT
299. In the sentence identify the segment which Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have been accused for kesâ mLeeve
contains the grammatical error.
hej has been accused of keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe
Tilak rowed through the river and tied his boat
on the other side. keâe subject 'The man' singular nw, Dele: plural verb 'have'
(a) and tied his boat (b) on the other side keâer peien 'has' (singular) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ 'accused' kesâ
(c) Tilak rowed (d) through the river meeLe 'of' preposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III) Correct sentence :
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes sentence ceW row kesâ meeLe The man with a lost eye has been accused of murder of
Preposition 'across' (kesâ heeme) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee through (mes two girls in his neighbourhood.
neskeâj) keâe veneR~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ 303. In the sentence identify the segment which
DeLe& oslee nw~ contains the grammatical error.
Correct sentence- Though she was able to finish the work on time
Tilak rowed across the river and tied his boat on the she couldn't do that out in fear.
other side. (a) she couldn't do that
300. In the sentence identify the segment which (b) Though she was able to
contains the grammatical error. (c) finish the work on time
The country has the lowest per capita income (d) out in fear
and needs to create jobs to the youth. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) needs to create Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'out in fear' kesâ mLeeve hej 'out of
(b) the lowest per capita income
fear' ([j kesâ keâejCe Ùee [j mes) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ peesefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ
(c) the country has
sense kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
(d) jobs to the youth
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II) Correct sentence :
Though she was able to finish the work on time she
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'jobs to the youth' kesâ mLeeve hej
couldn't do that out of fear.
'jobs for the youth' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW
304. In the given sentence identify the segment
preposition 'for (kesâ efueS)' GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
which contains the grammatical error.
Correct sentence :
My hotel in Goa had a wonderful view of the
The country has the lowest per capita income and needs
sea in the window.
to create jobs for the youth.
(a) of the sea
301. In the sentence identify the segment which
(b) My hotel in Goa
contains the grammatical error.
The manager was referring about the previous (c) in the window
instances of loss to the employees during his (d) had a wonderful view
address. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) the previous instances Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW in the window (efKeÌ[keâer ceW) kesâ
(b) of loss to the employees mLeeve hej from the window (efKeÌ[keâer mes) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
(c) during his address nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
(d) The manager was referring about
Correct sentence :
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
My hotel in Goa had a wonderful view of the sea from
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW about kesâ mLeeve hej Preposition the window.
to ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ verb 'refer' kesâ meeLe preposition to keâe 305. Identify the segment in the given sentence,
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ which contains the grammatical error.
Correct sentence : Did you tell to your mother that you saw her
The manager was referring to the previous instances of friend at the theater?
loss to the employees during his address. (a) Did you tell to (b) at the theater
302 In the sentence identify the segment which (c) your mother that (d) you saw her friend
contains the grammatical error. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III)
The man with a lost eye have been accused for Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Did you tell to kesâ mLeeve Did
murder of two girls in his neighbourhood.
(a) have been accused for you tell keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ verb tell kesâ yeeo
(b) in his neighbourhood preposition 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~
(c) murder of two girls Correct sentence :
(d) The man with a lost eye Did you tell your mother that you saw her friend at the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III) theater?

Spotting the Error 55 YCT

306. In the given sentence, identify the segment Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'goes for sleep' kesâ mLeeve hej
which contains the grammatical error. 'Goes to sleep' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee Because 'Go to sleep' usually
A panel has been formed to look within the implies that the person is in a place designated for
security needs of college students. sleeping.
(a) of college students (b) to look within Correct sentence :
(c) has been formed (d) the security needs The child always goes to sleep with his teddy bear.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II) 310. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'to look within' kesâ mLeeve hej to contains the grammatical error.
look 'into' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ phrase 'look into' means - 'to Sakshi discussed about the problem with her
try discover the fact about something. (efvejer#eCe keâjvee) manager very briefly.
(a) with her manager (b) about the problem
Correct sentence :
(c) Sakshi discussed (d) very briefly
A panel has been formed to look into the security
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
needs of college students.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW discussed kesâ yeeo about keâe
307. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error from the given ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ discuss (kesâ yeejs ceW) kesâ yeeo about keâe
options. ØeÙeesie superfluous neslee nw~
In the evening he likes to read books and Correct sentence :
articles that have nothing to do of his work. Sakshi discussed the problem with her manager very
(a) do of his work briefly.
(b) In te evening he likes 311. Identify the segment in the sentence which
(c) that have nothing to contains the grammatical error.
(d) to read books and articles Pallavi was relaxing in the beach at this time
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) beach at this (b) Pallavi was
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'do of his work' kesâ mLeeve hej 'do (c) time yesterday (d) relaxing in the
with his work' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'do with' keâe ØeÙeesie SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
meceÙe iegpeejves kesâ sense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW relaxing in the kesâ mLeeve hej
Nothing to do with his work (keâece mes keâesF& uesvee osvee veneR nw) relaxing on the keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ on the beach - it means
Correct sentence : you are literally on top of the sandy area next to a body
In the evening he likes to read books and articles that of water.
have nothing to do with his work. Correct sentence :
308. Identify the segment in the sentence which Pallavi was relaxing on the beach at this time
contains the grammatical error from the given yesterday.
options. 312. Identify the segment in the sentence which
The city of Banaras is widely known from its contains the grammatical error.
ghats and temples. The travel agent is making the arrangements
(a) ghats and temples (b) The city of Banaras from my trips.
(c) from its (d) is widely known (a) the arrangements (b) is making
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III) (c) from my trips (d) The travel agent
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'from' (mes) kesâ mLeeve hej 'for' (kesâ
efueS) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ peesefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW from my trips kesâ mLeeve for my
trips keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Make for - (efkeâmeer Ûeerpe
known for something ceW meneÙekeâ nesvee, ceoo keâjvee, JÙeJemLee keâjvee), peyeefkeâ make
known to somebody from (mes GlheVe keâjvee) neslee nw~ Dele: make for JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes
Correct sentence : GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
The city of Banaras is widely known for its Ghats and Correct sentence :
Temples. The travel agent is making the arrangements for my
309. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No 313. Identify the segment in the sentence which
error'. contains the grammatical error.
The child always goes for sleep with his teddy Diksha has been in a grumpy mood from she
bear./No error got up.
(a) with his teddy bear (b) goes for sleep (a) from she got up (b) Diksha has
(c) No error (d) The child always (c) grumpy mood (d) been in a
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Spotting the Error 56 YCT
Ans : (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW from kesâ mLeeve hej since nesiee~ (a)the children ate their lunch
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has been kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe (b)till 2 o'clock
(c)after playing cricket
Present Perfect Continuous Tense ceW nw~ Dele: FmeceW point
(d)and left to home
of time (She got up) kesâ henues 'since' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Correct sentence :
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘left to home’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘‘left
Diksha has been in a grumpy mood since she got up.
for home’’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,keäÙeeWefkeâ Iej Jeeheme ueewšves kesâ sense
314. Identify the segment in the sentence which ceW left for keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 'left for home' keâe DeLe& nw- Iej
contains the grammatical error.
Jeeheme ueewšvee~
To escape floods, a tigress took refuge at a
vegetable garden Correct sentence :
''After playing cricket till 2 o'clock the children ate
(a) took refuge
their lunch and left for home.''
(b) at a vegetable garden
318. Identify the segment in the sentence which
(c) a tigress
contains the grammatical error.
(d) To escape floods
He sat in his stool and shut his eyes to recollect
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III) what work he had for the day.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'at' kesâ mLeeve hej 'in' preposition (a) he had for the day
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (b) to recollect what work
‘Take refuge in’ (heveen uesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie Idiomatic nw~ (c) He sat in his stool
(d) and shut his eyes
Correct sentence :
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
To escape floods, a tigress took refuge in a vegetable
garden Ans. (c) : Ghejes ò eâ JeekeäÙ e ceW ‘in’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘on’ keâe ØeÙeesie
315. Identify the segment in the sentence which nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ stool hej yew"ves kesâ sense ceW on keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
contains the grammatical error. keäÙeeWefkeâ GmeceW hand (nlLee) veneR neslee~ peyeefkeâ in the chair, in
The robbers broke in the house at night. the sofa, in the bed keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(a) at night (b) the house Correct sentence :
(c) the robbers (d) broke in ''He sat on his stool and shut his eyes to recollect what
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II) work he had for the day.''
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘broke in’ kesâ mLeeve hej 'broke 319. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error.
into' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ broke into (meWOe ueieevee/Ûeesjer mes
We have been staying at the hotel since the last
Iej ceW ØeJesMe keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie Megæ neslee nw~ peesefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueS ten days.
GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ (a) since the (b) we have been
Correct sentence : (c) last ten days (d) staying at the hotel
The robbers broke into the house at night. SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
316. Indentify the segment in the sentence which Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'since' kesâ mLeeve hej 'for' keâe ØeÙeesie
contains the grammatical error. GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'for' keâe ØeÙeesie DeefveefMÛele meceÙe keâes oMee&ves kesâ
She was the best singer/on the country/ who efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Deewj 'last ten days' Skeâ DeefveefMÛele meceÙe nw~
had sung/more than 5,000 songs. Correct sentence :
(a) who had sung We have been staying at the hotel for the last ten days.
(b) on the country 320. Identify the segment in the sentence which
(c) She was the best singer contains the grammatical error from the given
(d) more than 5,000 songs options.
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I) There is no point of arguing over something so
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘on the country' kesâ mLeeve hej unimportant.
(a) over something (b) there is no
'of the country' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ possession efoKeeves
(c) point of arguing (d) so unimportant
kesâ efueS of keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Correct sentence :
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'no point of' kesâ mLeeve hej 'no
She was the best singer of the country who had sung
more than 5,000 songs. point in' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'no point in' Skeâ
317. Identify the segment in the sentence which phrase nw, efpemekeâe DeLe& ‘‘keâesF& ueeYe veneR/keâesF& HeâeÙeoe veneR’’ neslee nw~
contains the grammatical error. Correct Sentence :
After playing cricket/ till 2 o'clock/the children There is no point in arguing over something so
ate their lunch/and left to home. unimportant.

Spotting the Error 57 YCT

321. Identify the segment in the sentence which 324. From the given option, identify the segment in
contains the grammatical error from the given the sentence which contains the grammatical
options. error.
A friend of mine is working as a photographer After finishing his tiring game, Rohan leaned
of the local newspaper. by the wall.
(a) A friend of mine (b) the local newspaper (a) his game
(c) is working as a (d) photographer of (b) Rahan leaned
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II) (c) After finishing
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW preposition 'of' (keâe) kesâ mLeeve hej (d) by the wall
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
preposition 'for' (kesâ efueS) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Preposition
'for' is used to show relation to someone or something. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW by the wall kesâ mLeeve hej against
peesefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ the wall keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Correct Sentence : Lean against something - to sit or stand with part of
''A friend of mine is working as a photographer for the your body touching something as a support. (kesâ menejs)
local newspaper.'' Correct Sentence :
After finishing his tiring game, Rohan leaned against
322. Identify the segment in the sentence which
the wall.
contains the grammatical error.
They have been living in Boston from ten years. 325. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error from the given
(a) in Boston (b) been living
(c) They have (d) from ten years
She complained about her weak eyes and
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I) lamented about the necessity from spectacles.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW From kesâ mLeeve hej for keâe ØeÙeesie (a) lamented about
nesiee~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe have been + verb + ing kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° (b) from spectacles
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present perfect continuous tense ceW nw Deewj (c) she complained
FmeceW since/for + time keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (d) her weak eyes
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III)
since – point of time (2 yepes, peveJejer, 1988) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW preposition 'from' kesâ mLeeve hej
for – period of time (2 IeCšs, 2 cenerves, 10 meeue) of (preposition) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ necessity
Correct sentence : of + something keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~
They have been living in Boston for ten years. Correct Sentence :
She complained about her weak eyes and lamented
323. From the given options, identify the segment in
about the necessity of spectacles.
the sentence which contains the grammatical
error. 326. From the given options, identify the segment in
the sentence which contains the grammatical
One could argue that these are the compulsions
of parliamentary democracy for smooth
Does he like to go for sightseeing when he is in
functioning for the State.
(a) of parliamentary democracy
(a) when he is (b) Does he like
(b) these are the compulsions
(c) in holiday (d) to go for sightseeing
(c) one could argue that SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) functioning for the State
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe ceW
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
ØeÙegòeâ Meyo 'holiday' kesâ henues preposition 'in' kesâ mLeeve hej
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW functioning for the state kesâ
'on' preposition keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘hej’ kesâ sense
mLeeve hej functioning of the State keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee ceW 'on' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
keäÙeeWefkeâ state kesâ possession keâes denote keâjves kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ Note— 'On' preposition of time nw Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie efvecve ™he
preposition 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ mes neslee nw~ On Diwali, On Holy, On Monday, On
Correct sentence : Holiday, On vacacation etc.
One could argue that these are the compulsions of Correct sentence : -
parliamentary democracy for smooth functioning of Does he like to go for sightseeing when he is on
the State. holiday?

Spotting the Error 58 YCT

330. In the given sentence, identify the segment
E. Conjunction which contains a grammatical error.
327. Find the part of the given sentence that has an If you rent a house near your office, it will save
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No you time as well as also money.
error'. Neither teachers or the principal (a) If you rent a house
revolted against the new education policy. (b) as well as also money
(a) Neither teacher or (c) near your office
(b) the principal revolted against (d) it will save you time
(c) the new education policy SSC CHSL (Tier-I)–06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(d) No error Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW as well as kesâ yeeo also keâe ØeÙeesie
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II) veneR nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ GheÙeg&òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW also keâe ØeÙeesie superfluous
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Neither teacher or'' kesâ mLeeve nw~
hej ''Neither teacher nor'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Neither Correct Sentence -
............... nor leLee Either ............... or keâe ØeÙeesie Skeâ meeLe If you rent a house near your office, it will save you
time as well as money.
neslee nw~
331. The following sentence has been split into four
Correct sentence– segments. Identify the segment which contains
Neither teacher nor the principal revolted against the a grammatical error.
new education policy. Notwithstanding we were / all busy that
328. The following sentences has been splite into weekend / we had to / cancel the outing.
four segments. Identify the segment that (a) cancel the outing
contains a grammatical error. (b) we had to
No sooner did/the child start crying/then the (c) Notwithstanding we were
mother/hugged him. (d) all busy that weekend
(a) hugged him (b) No sooner did SSC CHSL (Tier-I)–06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) the child start crying (d) then the mother Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Notwithstanding (kesâ yeeJepeto) kesâ
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III mLeeve hej because of (kesâ keâejCe) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''then the mother'' kesâ mLeeve hej JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
''than the mother keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ No sooner kesâ meeLe Note - Notwithstanding keâe ØeÙeesie yeeJepeto/Yeues ner kesâ sense
ncesMee 'than' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw, then keâe veneR~ ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
No sooner ................... than Correct Sentence -
Scarcely/hardly ........... when Because of we were all busy that weekend we had to
Correct sentence– cancel the outing.
No sooner did the child start crying than the mother 332. Identify the segment in the sentence which
hugged him. contains a grammatical error.
329. The following sentence has been split into four You must be careful about what you say as you
segments. Identify the segment which contains meet her.
a grammatical error. (a) meet her
Until I was/still a little weak, /I decided to walk (b) as you
home/from the metro station. (c) about what you say
(a) still a little weak (d) You must be careful
(b) I decided to walk home SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) from the metro station Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'as' kesâ mLeeve hej
(d) Until I was
'when' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Fvekeâe ØeÙeesie Ghejesòeâ DeLe& ceW
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I)
efkeâÙee peelee nw As - pewmee
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW until I was kesâ mLeeve hej although
When - peye~
I was keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ until (peye lekeâ) Skeâ time
Correct sentence- You must be careful about what
denoting conjunction nw peyeefkeâ although (ÙeÅeefhe) contrast you say when you meet her.
denoting conjunction nw pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ 333. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Correct Sentence - contains a grammatical error.
Although I was still a little weak I decided to walk We must plan how can we cope with the
home from the metro station. present situation.
Spotting the Error 59 YCT
(a) We must plan (b) present situation 337. Identify the segment in the sentence which
(c) how can we (d) cope with the contains a grammatical error.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) Miss Marple is neither a good singer or the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW how can we kesâ mLeeve hej how good stage artist.
we can keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'how' keâe ØeÙeesie Ùeneb as a (a) stage artist (b) Miss Marple is
conjuction ngDee nw ve efkeâ as a question word. Dele: Fmekesâ (c) neither a good singer (d) or the good
yeeo Affermative Sentence ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Correct sentence- We must plan how we can cope Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW or the good kesâ mLeeve hej nor the
with the present situation. good keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ neither keâe co-relative
334. In the following, some part of the sentence may conjunction 'nor' neslee nw~
have errors. Find out which part of the
sentence has an error and select the Neither..............Nor
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from Either................Or
error, select No Error.
The postman travelled by the cycle, often Correct sentence :-
wading through (1)/swamps of passed through Miss Marple is neither a good singer nor the good
jungles (2)/ in order to reach the villages (3)/ stage artist.
No error (4) 338. In the sentence identify the segment which
(a) 1 (b) 2
contains the grammatical error.
(c) 3 (d) 4
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 We had to decline several orders in case that
the production was held up due to labour
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ sentence ceW of kesâ mLeeve hej and keâe ØeÙeesie
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ oes noun Ùee clause keâes pees[Ì ves kesâ efueS and keâe (a) in case that
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (b) due to labour strike
Correct sentence-
(c) the production was held up
The postman travelled by the cycle, often wading
through swamps and passed through jungles in order to (d) we had to decline
reach the villages. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
335. Identify the segment in the sentence which Ans : (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'In case that' kesâ mLeeve hej
contains the grammatical error. conjunction 'because' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ
Preeti is absent from the meeting due to she is Conjunction 'because' keâe ØeÙeesie keâejCe oMee&ves (reason) kesâ
out of station.
efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
(a) Preeti is absent (b) due to she is
(c) from the meeting (d) out of station Correct sentence -
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I) We had to decline several orders because the production
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW due to kesâ mLeeve hej because keâe was held up due to labour strike.
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ reason kesâ sense ceW 'because' 339. In the sentence identify the segment which
(keäÙeeWefkeâ) conjunction keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ contains the grammatical error.
Correct sentence : She lost a big order from a known showroom in
Preeti is absent from the meeting because she is out of case of her own carelessness.
station. (a) She lost a big order
336. Identify the segment in the sentence which (b) her own carelessness
contains a grammatical error. (c) from a known showroom
Zoya won the first prize in the race unless she (d) in case of
stumbled and fell. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Zoya won the first (b) prize in the race Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'in case of' (Fme efmLeefle ceW efkeâ) kesâ
(c) unless she (d) stumbled and fell
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
mLeeve hej conjunction 'because' (keäÙeeWefkeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~
Conjunction 'because' keâe ØeÙeesie keâejCe yeleeves kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'unless' kesâ mLeeve hej 'inspite
of/despite keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Fmekeâe DeLe& ‘‘Fmekesâ yeeJepeto efkeâ’’ efkeâÙee peelee nw~ peesefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ DeLe& keâes hetCe& keâjlee nw~
neslee nw~ Dele: Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ Correct sentence :-
Correct sentence- Zoya won the first prize in the race She lost a big order from a known showroom because
inspite of she stumbled and fell. her own carelessness.

Spotting the Error 60 YCT

340. In the sentence identify the segment which (a) work collectively
contains the grammatical error. (b) but if we all
Cyclone ldai killed at least 157 people in (c) our nation can
Zimbabwe and Mozambique although it tore (d) make significant growth
across Southern Africa. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Although (b) It tore across
Ans : (b) GheÙeg&òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Conjunction 'but' (uesefkeâve) keâe
(c) At least 157 people (d) Cyclone ldai killed
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I) ØeÙeesie superfluous nw, FmeceW If (Ùeefo) keâe ØeÙeesie condition keâer
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Although kesâ mLeeve hej
Jepen mes efkeâÙee peeÙesiee~ pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ DeLe& keâes hetCe& keâjlee nw~
Correct Sentence :-
Conjunction 'because/as (keäÙeeWefkeâ/pewmee efkeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie Megæ nw~
Our nation can make significant growth if we all work
Rule- Because is used before another part of speech to
give the reason for something.
Correct sentence :- 344. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Cyclone ldai killed at least 157 people in Zimbabwe and contains the grammatical error.
Mozambique because/as it tore across Southern Africa. Inspite Smita had taken part in many television
serials earlier, this was the first time she was
341. In the sentence identify the segment which
going to host a live show.
contains the grammatical error.
(a) in many television serials earlier
She got two quick promotions in order that she
has good communication skills. (b) she was going to host
(a) two quick promotions (c) this was the first time
(b) in order that (d) Inspite Smita has taken part
(c) she has good communication skills SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(d) She got Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Inspite kesâ mLeeve hej Inspite of keâe
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Inspite kesâ meeLe preposition of keâe
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
ØeÙeesie ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ Fmekesâ yeeo noun keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "In order that (kesâ heefjCeece mJe™he)
kesâ mLeeve hej because (keäÙeeWefkeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ
Note- Despite kesâ yeeo of keâe ØeÙeesie ieuele ceevee peelee nw~
reason yeleeves kesâ sense ceW because keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~
Correct sentence :
Correct Sentence :- Inspite of Smita had taken part in many television
She got two quick promotions because she has good serials earlier, this was the first time she was going to
communication skills. host a live show.
342. In the sentence identify the segment which 345. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error. contains the grammatical error.
No sooner did the dark clouds gather in the sky No sooner did the rabbit come out of the bush
when the electricity was switched off. when the hunter killed it.
(a) No sooner did (a) killed it
(b) the dark clouds gather. (b) come out of the bush
(c) in the sky (c) when the hunter
(d) when the electricity was switched off (d) No sooner did the rabbit
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'when' kesâ mLeeve hej 'than' keâe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ÙeneB 'when the hunter' kesâ mLeeve
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'No sooner' kesâ meeLe efvecve structure ØeÙegòeâ
hej than 'the hunter GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ no sooner kesâ meeLe
neslee nw~ than conjunction keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
No sooner + did + sub + verb1 .........than Correct sentence :
No sooner + had + sub+verb3 .........than No sooner did the rabbit come out of the bush than the
Hardly / Scarcely + had + sub + verb.........when hunter killed it.
Correct Sentence :- 346. Identify the segment in the sentence which
No sooner did the dark clouds gather in the sky than contains the grammatical error.
the electricity was switched off. No sooner did I reach the station when the
343. In the sentence identify the segment which train left.
contains the grammatical error. (a) I reach the (b) the train left
Our nation can make significant growth but if (c) No sooner did (d) station when
we all work collectively. SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I)

Spotting the Error 61 YCT

Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW when kesâ mLeeve hej than keâe ØeÙeesie 350. Select the sentence identify the segment which
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ contains the grammatical error.
Different-coloured natural foods not only put a
Note- ÙeneB hej No sooner –––– than keâe ØeÙeesie Conjunction
smile on children's faces and also benefit their
kesâ ™he ceW nesiee~ overall growth.
Correct sentence : (a) Different-coloured natural foods
No sooner did I reach the station than the train left. (b) put a smile on children's faces
347. Identify the segment in the sentence which (c) and also benefit
contains the grammatical error. (d) benefit their overall growth
The lady listened carefully to my complaint but SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III)
I doubt she will do anything about it.
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW And also benefit kesâ mLeeve hej but
(a) but I doubt she
also benefit keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Co- relative
(b) will do anything about it
(c) to my complaint conjunction 'Not only' kesâ meeLe 'but also' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(d) The lady listened carefully Correct sentence :-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I) Different-coloured natural foods not only put a smile on
children's faces but also benefit their overall growth.
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW but (uesefkeâve) kesâ mLeeve hej yet (efHeâj
351. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
Yeer) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeebsefkeâ but keâe ØeÙeesie leye efkeâÙee peelee nw, peye
contains the grammatical error.
JeekeäÙe ceW efJejesOeeYeeme keâe YeeJe Øekeâš neslee nw leLee yet keâe ØeÙeesie Despite of her tiredness Meera went into the
mebosnemheo efmLeefle ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ kitchen to make some dinner for the children.
Correct sentence : (a) for the children
The lady listened carefully to my complaint yet I doubt (b) Meera went into the kitchen
she will do anything about it. (c) to make some dinner
348. Identify the segment in the sentence which (d) Despite of her tiredness
contains the grammatical error. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Even Sharat tried his best, he could not clear
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Despite of kesâ mLeeve hej Despite
all the examination papers in one attempt.
(a) he could not clear keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Despite kesâ meeLe preposition
(b) Even Sharat tried his best 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ 'inspite' kesâ meeLe 'of' keâe
(c) all the examination papers ØeÙees ie neslee nw~
(d) in one attempt Correct sentence :-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II) Despite her tiredness Meera went into the kitchen to
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW adverb Even (ÙeneB lekeâ efkeâ) kesâ make some dinner for the children.
mLeeve hej conjunction Even though keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ 352. Select the segment in the sentence, which
keäÙeeWefkeâ Even though (ÙeÅeefhe) keâe ØeÙeesie leye keâjles nQ peye nceejs contains the grammatical error.
No matter what that the mother did the baby
keâeÙe& kesâ Deveg™he heefjCeece ve Øeehle ngDee nes~ didn't stop crying.
Correct sentence :- (a) what that
Even though sharat tried his best, he could not clear all (b) the mother did
the examination papers in one attempt. (c) the baby didn't stop crying
349. Identify the segment in the sentence which (d) no matter
contains the grammatical error. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III)
As you know that I always like to have ice-
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'what that' kesâ mLeeve hej efmehe&â
cream after my dinner.
(a) As you know that (b) to have ice-cream 'what' (pees) conjunction kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peeÙesiee
(c) after my dinner (d) I always like keäÙeeWefkeâ no matter what Skeâ phrase nw, efpemekesâ yeeo noun
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I) Deelee nw~ Dele: 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie DeveeJeMÙekeâ ngDee nw~
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW As you know that kesâ mLeeve hej Correct sentence :-
'As you know keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye as keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe No matter what the mother did the baby didn't stop
kesâ Meg™ ceW keâjles nw lees conjunction kesâ ™he ceW that keâe ØeÙeesie veneR
353. In the following question, some part of the
keâjles nw peyeefkeâ Gmekesâ mLeeve hej (,) camma keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ sentence may have errors. Find out which part
Correct sentence :- of the sentence has as error and select the
As you know, I always like to have ice cream after my appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
dinner. error, select 'No Error'.
Spotting the Error 62 YCT
That was all they had to (1)/ pay, no water, Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW unless he does not give kesâ
electricity (2)/ nor other bills. (3)/ No Error (4) mLeeve hej unless he gives keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ
(a) 1 (b) 2 unless kesâ meeLe 'not' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~ 'unless' mJeÙeb
(c) 3 (d) 4 Skeâ Negative word [conjunction] nw efpemekeâe DeLe&- If
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) .......not, except if (Ùeefo.......veneR, leye lekeâ veneR peye lekeâ) nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW nor other bills kesâ mLeeve hej or Correct Sentence :-
other bills keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ water (N), electricity Ram cannot withdraw all his money unless he gives a
(N) kesâ henues vekeâejelcekeâ Meyo 'No' keâe ØeÙeesie adjective kesâ prior notice.
™he ceW efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ 'or' keâe ØeÙeesie ‘DeLeJee’ kesâ DeLe& ceW efkeâÙee 357. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error. If there is no
ieÙee nw~ error, select 'No Error'.
Note—'Neither' kesâ meeLe 'nor' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Sushmita's youngest sister is not only beautiful
Correct sentence :- but even intelligent also.
That was all they had to pay, no water, electricity or (a) but even intelligent also
other bills. (b) is not only beautiful
(c) No Error
354. Identify the segment in the sentence which (d) sushmita's youngest sister
contains the grammatical error from the given
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ''But even intelligent also'' kesâ
If they said nothing, she could sense their
disapproval of her suggestion. mLeeve hej '' But also intelligent'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(a) If they said nothing (b) her suggestion Rule-Not only------------but also'' keâe ØeÙeesie correlative
(c) their disapproval of (d) she could sense Conjunction keâs ™he ceW neslee nw, FmeefueÙes Fmekesâ meeLe same
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I) parts of speech' kesâ word pegÌ[les nQ~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW If they said nothing kesâ mLeeve hej Correct Sentence :-
Sushmita's youngest sister is not only beautiful but also
although they said nothing keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ intelligent.
although (ÙeÅeefhe) oes contrast JeekeäÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe connector keâe 358. Identify the segment in the sentence which
keâece keâjlee nw~ contains the grammatical error from the given
Correct sentence :- options.
Although they said nothing, she could sense their Put off the air conditioner unless you will catch
disapproval of her suggestion. a cold
(a) you will
355. Find the part of the given sentence that has an (b) Put off the air conditioner
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No (c) unless
error'. (d) catch a cold
Do not let the opportunity slip away and you SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
will repent./No error
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW unless (peye lekeâ veneR) kesâ mLeeve hej
(a) No error (b) and you will repent
Otherwise (DevÙeLee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee pees JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ
(c) Do not let the (d) opportunity slip away
Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct sentence :-
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'And' kesâ mLeeve hej 'or' keâe ØeÙeesie Put off the air conditioner otherwise you will catch a
nesiee~ 'Or' is used to say otherwise. It is used to cold
introduce the consequences of something not being
done not being the case. F. Article
Correct sentence :-
359. Identify the segment that contains a
Do not let the opportunity slip away or you will repent.
grammatical error. If there is no error, select
356. Identify the segment in the sentence which 'No error'
contains the grammatical error. In 79 A.D., the Mount Vesuvius blew/its top,
Ram cannot withdraw all his money unless he burying the ancient/ cities of Pompeii and
does not given a prior notice. Herculaneum.
(a) all his money (a) cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum
(b) Ram cannot withdraw (b) its top, burying the ancient
(c) a prior notice (c) In 79 A.D., the Mount Vesuvius blew
(d) unless he does not give (d) No Error
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Spotting the Error 63 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Mount Vesuvius kesâ henues Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''for a opportunity'' kesâ mLeeve hej
article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Mountain kesâ henues ''for an opportunity'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Indefinite
article keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~ article 'an' keâe ØeÙeesie singular countable Noun kesâ henues neslee
peyeefkeâ Mountain range kesâ veece kesâ henues the keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw nw efpemekeâer Meg™Deele Vowel sound mes nes~ peyeefkeâ 'A' keâe ØeÙeesie
consonant sound mes Meg™ nesves Jeeues noun mes henues neslee nw~
Correct sentence–
In 79 A.D., Mount Vesuvius blew its top, burying the Correct sentence–
ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. She was waiting for an opportunity to start her own
360. Identify the segment that contains a
363. The following sentence has been split into four
grammatical error. Ir there is no error, select
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
'No error'. grammatical error.
An appeasements policies/were all but a sham You should / see a oculist; / your eyes look /
to misdirect/the local groups. worse today.
(a) An appeasements policies (a) worse today (b) see a oculist;
(b) the local groups (c) your eyes look (d) You should
(c) were all but a sham to misdirect SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II)
(d) No error Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''See a oculist'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''see
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III) an oculist'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Indefinite article 'an' keâe
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''An appeasements policies'' kesâ ØeÙeesie Vowel sound (Oculist) kesâ henues neslee nw~
mLeeve hej ''the appeasements policies'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Correct sentence–
Article 'An' keâe ØeÙeesie 'Singular Countable Noun' kesâ henues You should see an oculist; your eyes look worse today.
neslee nw peyeefkeâ definite article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie singular/plural 364. Select the grammatically correct sentence.
countable Noun kesâ henues definite sense ceW neslee nw~ (a) It was the hectic day for Susan with a lot of
purchase and the couple of meetings.
Correct sentence–
(b) It was a hectic day for Susan with the lot of
The appeasements policies were all but a sham to purchase and a couple of meetings.
misdirect the local groups. (c) It was a hectic day for Susan with the lot of
361. Identify the segment that contains a purchase and an couple of meetings.
grammatical error. If there is no error, select (d) It was a hectic day for Susan with a lot of
'No error'. purchase and a couple of meetings.
Her evaluation will give/me a best indication SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
of/where I stand in the class. Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) ''It was a
(a) Her evaluation will give hectic day for Susan with a lot of purchase and a couple
(b) me a best indication of of meeting'' grammatically correct nw DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW
(c) where I stand in the class article (a/an/the) keâe ØeÙeesie DeMegæ nw~
(d) No error Correct sentence–
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I) It was a hectic day for Susan with a lot of purchase and
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''me a best indication of'' kesâ a couple of meetings.
mLeeve hej me the best indication of'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 365. The following sentence has been divided into
three segments, A, B, C. One of them may
superlative adjective ''best'' kesâ henues article ''the'' keâe ØeÙeesie
contain a grammatical error. Select the
neslee nw~ segment that contains the error, from the given
Correct sentence– options. If you don’t find any error, mark ‘No
Her evaluation will give me the best indication of where error’ as your answer.
I stand in the class. Aniket lives (A) / in the small apartment (B) / in
362. Parts of the following sentence have been given the suburbs (C).
as options. Select the option that contains an (a) No error (b) B
error. (c) C (d) A
She was waiting for a opportunity to start her SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
own business. Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW In the small apartment kesâ mLeeve
(a) to start her hej in a small apartment keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB hej efkeâmeer
(b) own business specific Ùee particular apartment keâer yeele veneR nes jner Dele:
(c) for a opportunity Fmekesâ henues definite article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie ieuele nw~
(d) She was waiting Correct sentence–
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II) Aniket lives in a small apartment in the suburbs.

Spotting the Error 64 YCT

366. Identify the sentence that correctly uses the Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''a place'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''the
indefinite article.
place'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB hej place keâe ØeÙeesie
(a) She is a Indian artist married to a European
engineer. definite sense ceW ngDee nw FmeefueS Fmekesâ henues definite article
(b) She is an Indian artist married to a European 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
engineer. Correct sentence–
(c) She is a Indian artist married to an European I brought an apple from the place you recommended me
engineer. earlier.
(d) She is an Indian artist married to an European
370. The following sentence has been split into four
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II)
grammatical error.
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) ceW Indefinite
I have read that/a Leaning Tower of Pisa is a/
article 'an' keâe ØeÙeesie Correctly ngDee nw~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW popular tourist attraction / in the world.
ceW Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie DeMegæ nw~ (a) in the world
Correct sentence– (b) popular tourist attraction
She is an Indian artist married to a European engineer. (c) I have read that
367. The following sentence has been split into four (d) a Leaning Tower of Pisa is a
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II)
grammatical error.
The historians / are a great / asset to the / field Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''A leaning Tower of Pisa is a''
of academia. kesâ mLeeve hej ''the leaning Tower of Pisa is a'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
(a) The historians (b) Are a great keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Leaning Tower of Pisa'' definite historical
(c) Field of academia (d) Asset to the monument nw FmeefueS Fmekesâ henues definite article 'the' keâe
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III)
ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''the Historians'' kesâ mLeeve hej
Correct Sentence–
Historians keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ definite article 'the' keâe
I have read that the Leaning Tower of Pisa is a Popular
ØeÙeesie definite sense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw Deewj ÙeneB JeekeäÙe tourist attraction in the world.
Historians keâe ØeÙeesie General sense ceW ngDee nw Dele: Fmekesâ
371. The following sentence has been divided into
henues article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee~ four parts. One of them contains an error.
Correct sentence– Select the part that contains the error from the
Historians are a great asset to the field of academia. given options.
368. The following sentence has been split into four Honesty / is / a best / policy.
segments. Identify the segment that contains a (a) a best (b) is
grammatical error. (c) Honesty (d) policy
Babbal is / a oldest member / in our / Black Ice
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III)
(a) Black Ice Club (b) a oldest member Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''a best'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''the best''
(c) in our (d) Babbal is keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Superlative degree Adjective 'best'
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I) kesâ henues keâe Article 'the' ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''a oldest member'' kesâ mLeeve hej Correct sentence–
''the oldest member'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ superlative Honesty is the best policy.
degree kesâ adjective ''oldest'' kesâ henues article the keâe ØeÙeseie 372. The following sentence has been split into four
neslee nw~ segments. Identify the segment that contains a
Correct sentence– grammatical error.
Babbal is the oldest member in our Black Ice Club. Ronaldo is/a famous/player of/the football.
369. The following sentence has been split into four (a) a famous (b) Ronaldo is
segments. Identify the segment that contains a (c) player of (d) the football
grammatical error. SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III
I brought / an apple from / a place you Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'The Football' kesâ mLeeve hej
recommended me earlier.
''Football'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ general sense ceW efkeâmeer
(a) a place you recommended
(b) an apple from Noun kesâ henues efkeâmeer article ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw peyeefkeâ 'the' keâe
(c) I brought ØeÙeesie definite sense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(d) me earlier Correct sentence–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV) Ronaldo is a famous player of football.
Spotting the Error 65 YCT
373. The following sentence has been split into four (a)for them to prepare
segments. Identify the segment that contains a (b)for the show
grammatical error. (c)There is a very little time
This is /too grave sin/to be/pardoned. (d)No error
(a) This is (b) too grave sin SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I
(c) pardoned (d) to be Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW There is a very little time kesâ
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II
mLeeve hej ''There is very little time keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''too grave sin'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''Time'' Uncountable Noun nw Dele: Fmekesâ henues article 'a' keâe
''too a grave sin'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sin (Noun) ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~
keâe ØeÙeesie Indefinite sense ceW ngDee nw~ Dele: Indefinite article Correct sentence–
'a' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ There is very little time for them to prepare for the
Correct sentence– show.
This is too a grave sin to be pardoned. 377. The following sentence has been divided into
374. The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them may contain an error.
parts. One of them may contain a grammatical Select the part that contains the error from the
error. Select the part that contains the error given options. If you don’t find any error, mark
from the given options. If you don’t find any ‘No error’ as your answer.
error, mark ‘No error’ as your answer. It was / the very well-directed film / and we
Antique diamond necklace / was stolen / from enjoyed it.
the museum. (a) and we enjoyed it
(a) was stolen (b) the very well-directed film
(b) No error (c) No error
(c) from the museum (d) It was
(d) Antique diamond necklace SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''The very well directed film''
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Antique'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''An kesâ mLeeve hej a very well directed film'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Antique'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Indefinite sense ceW keäÙeeWefkeâ 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie definite sense ceW peyeefkeâ 'a' keâe ØeÙeesie
Indefinite article 'an' keâe ØeÙeesie Vowel sound word kesâ henues Indefinite sense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Deewj JeekeäÙe ceW film keâe
neslee nw~ ØeÙeesie Indefinite sense ceW ngDee nw~
Correct sentence– Correct sentence–
An antique diamond necklace was stolen from the It was a very well-directed film and we enjoyed it.
378. The following sentence has been split into four
375. The following sentence has been into four segments. Identify the segment that contains a
segments. Identify the segment that contains grammatical error.
grammatical error. The earthy / fragrance of soil / after a first rain
Athens was/most luminous/ of all city-states/ / is always refreshing.
for ancient Greece. (a) is always refreshing
(a) of all city-states (b) of ancient Greece (b) fragrance of soil
(c) a most luminous (d) Athens was (c) The earthy
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III (d) after a first rain
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Most Luminous'' kesâ mLeeve hej SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I
''the most Luminous'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Superlative Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''after a first rain'' kesâ mLeeve hej
degree ''most'' kesâ henues definite article ''the'' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee ''after the first rain'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ordinal number
nw~ (first, second, third-etc) kesâ henues definite article 'the' keâe
Correct sentence– ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Athens was the most luminous of all city-states for
ancient Greece. Correct sentence–
The earthy fragrance of soil after the first rain is always
376. The following sentence has been divided into
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
the part that contains the error the given 379. Parts of the following sentence have been given
options. If you don't find any error, mark ' No as options. One of them may contain an error.
error' as your answer. Select the part that contains the error from the
There is a very little time/for them to given options. If you don't find any error, mark
prepare/for the show. 'No error' as your answer.

Spotting the Error 66 YCT

The telecom growth story is a important Ans. (d) : ' Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW selling of kesâ mLeeve hej 'the
component of the broader story of India. selling of' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes Noun 'of' mes pegÌ[s
(a) No error
(b) The telecom growth story is
nes lees henues Noun kesâ henues the keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(c) the broader story of India. Correct sentence- There was enough evidence to
convict him on the selling of fake medicines.
(d) a important component of
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I 383. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains a grammatical error.
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''a important Component'' kesâ
Although this is a narrowest street, many large
mLeeve hej ''an important component'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ trucks can enter it.
Vowel sound (important) kesâ henues indefinite article 'an' (a) many large trucks (b) can enter it
keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (c) Although this is (d) a narrowest street
Correct sentence– SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
The telecom growth story is an important component of Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'a narrowest' kesâ mLeeve hej 'The
the broader story of India.
narrowest' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Superlative form
380. The following sentence has been divided into
(narrowest) kesâ henues definite article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
the part that contains the error from the given Correct sentence- Although this is the narrowest
options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No street, many large trucks can enter it.
error' as your answer. 384. Identify the segment in the sentence which
He is / struggling to make / a honest living . contains a grammatical error :
(a) Struggling to make (b) No error Do you mind lending me your book for a hour?
(c) a honest living (d) He is (a) lending me (b) Do you mind
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I (c) for a hour (d) your book
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''a honest living'' kesâ mLeeve hej SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
''an honest living'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Vowel sound Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'a hour' kesâ mLeeve hej 'an hour' keâe
'Noun' [honest (Dee@vesmš)] kesâ henues Indefinite article 'an' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'hour' (Dee@j) Skeâ vowel sounding word
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ nw Deewj Fmekesâ henues article 'an' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct sentence– Correct sentence- Do you mind lending me your book
He is struggling to make an honest living. for an hour?
381. The following sentence has been divided into 385. Identify the segment in the sentence which
parts. One of them contains an error. Select the contains the grammatical error.
part that contains the error the given options. A Earth moves round the Sun.
The sea has become/an cheap dumping ground/ (a) moves (b) the Sun
for all kinds/of waste products. (c) A Earth (d) round
(a) an cheap dumping ground SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
(b) for all kinds
Ans. (c) : ' Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'A earth' kesâ mLeeve hej 'The
(c) of waste products
(d) the sea has become Earth' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ celestial bodies (earth, sun,
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I) moon etc.) kesâ meeLe definite article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'an' kesâ mLeeve hej 'a' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee Correct sentence- The Earth moves round the Sun.
keäÙeeWefkeâ 'cheap' keâe GÛÛeejCe ‘Ûeerhe’ (JÙebpeve OJeefve) mes nes jne nw~ 386. Select the segment in the sentence, which
Dele: Fmekesâ henues indefinite article 'a' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ peyeefkeâ contains the grammatical error.
an keâe ØeÙeesie ‘mJej OJeefve’ Jeeues JeekeäÙeeW kesâ henues neslee nw~ We were busy at the work and went for lunch
only at 2.30 pm.
Correct Sentence -
The sea has become a cheap dumping ground for all (a) We were busy (b) at the work
kind of waste products. (c) only at 2.30 pm (d) and went for lunch
382. Identify the segment in the sentence which SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III)
contains a grammatical error. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'at the work' kesâ mLeeve hej 'at
There was enough evidence to convict him on work' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ 'work' kesâ henues ØeeÙe: definite
selling of fake medicines. article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW work keâe
(a) There was enough evidence
(b) Fake medicines
ØeÙees ie indefinite sense ceW ngDee nw~
(c) to convict him Correct sentence :
(d) on selling of We were busy at work and went for lunch only at 2.30
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) pm.

Spotting the Error 67 YCT

387. Identify the segment in the sentence which Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW in so a low voice kesâ mLeeve hej in
contains a grammatical error.
such a low voice keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ 'Such' keâe ØeÙeesie
Rice of a best quality is available in the nearby
supermarket at eighty rupees per kilo. 'noun' Ùee 'noun phrase' hej pÙeeoe peesj (emphasis) keâjves kesâ
(a) a best quality (b) at eighty rupees efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(c) in the nearby (d) is available Correct sentence :-
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) My mother speaks in such a low voice that is difficult to
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW a best kesâ mLeeve hej the best keâe understand what she is saying.
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ superlative degree kesâ henues 391. Identify the segment that contains a
article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ grammatical error. If there is no error, select
Correct sentence :- 'No error'
Rice of the best quality is available in the nearby The day before yesterday he left for Europe by
supermarket at eighty rupees per kilo. the air.
388. Identify the segment in the sentence which (a) The day before yesterday
contains a grammatical error. (b) he left for Europe
Two elderly ladies narrated an rather (c) No error
improbable story to the police. (d) by the air
(a) to the police (b) improbable story SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) narrated an rather (d) Two elderly ladies
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW By the air kesâ mLeeve hej by air keâe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'an rather' keâe ØeÙeesie ieuele nw~ ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeeleeÙeele kesâ ceeOÙece kesâ hetJe& by keâe
Fmekesâ mLeeve hej 'rather an' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'an' keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙeesie neslee nw efkeâvleg Article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw pewmes-
JeekeäÙe kesâ ØeÙegòeâ improbable story kesâ efueS ngDee nw~ By air, By railway, By road, By water.
Note- Improbable ‘mJej OJeefve’ mes GÛÛeeefjle nes jne nw~ Dele: Correct sentence :-
The day before yesterday he left for Europe by air.
Fmekesâ henues Indefinite article ‘An’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Correct Sentence :- 392. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Two elderly ladies narrated rather an improbable story contains the grammatical error.
to the police. We will use enamel paint on this wall because it
389. In the sentence identify the segment which gives a best finish.
contains the grammatical error. (a) enamel paint on this wall
In the northern suburbs of Bengaluru, home to (b) We will use
the bulk of the information technology (c) a best finish
industry, the water crisis is even worst. (d) because it gives
(a) home to the bulk of SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(b) the water crisis
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW a best finish kesâ mLeeve hej the best
(c) is even worst
(d) In the northern suburbs finish keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Superlative degree kesâ
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I) henues definite article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW is even worst kesâ mLeeve hej is even Correct sentence :-
the worst keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ sentense ceW efoÙee We will use enamel paint on this wall because it gives
ieÙee "worst" peesefkeâ bad keâe superlative form nw Deewj the best finish.
superlative word kesâ henues "The" keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ 393. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error.
Correct sentence :-
In the northern suburbs of Bengaluru, home to the bulk With this heat wave on, we are having a
of the information technology industry, the water crisis terrible weather.
is even the worst. (a) heat wave on (b) a terrible weather
390. Identify the segment in the sentence which (c) with this (d) we are having
contains the grammatical error. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I)
My mother speaks in so a low voice that is Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW a terrible weather kesâ mLeeve hej
difficult to understand what she is saying. terrible weather keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ weather
(a) My mother speaks
uncountable noun nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ henues article (a, an) keâe
(b) that it is difficult to understand
(c) in so a low voice
ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~
(d) what she is saying Correct sentence :-
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) With this heat wave on we are having terrible weather.

Spotting the Error 68 YCT

394. Identify the segment in the sentence which (a) 1 (b) 2
contains the grammatical error. (c) 3 (d) 4
The young girl was helping her father to look SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II)
after shop. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'as non-teaching day' kesâ mLeeve
(a) her father (b) The young girl hej 'as a non-teaching day' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'day
(c) was helping (d) to look after shop countable noun nw Dele: Fmekesâ henues indefinite article 'a' keâe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II) ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe to look after shop kesâ mLeeve hej to Correct sentence :
look after the shop keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ghejesòeâ Teachers Day shall be observed as a non–teaching day
JeekeäÙe ceW shop Skeâ Definite noun kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw~ in our campus.
Dele: Fmekesâ henues the keâe ØeÙeesie nesvee ÛeeefnÙes~ 398. In the sentence identify the segment which
contains the grammatical error.
Note- Indefinite noun kesâ henues A/An keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee
According to a recent study, drinking green tea
nw~ thrice a week is associated with a longest and
Correct sentence :- healthy life.
The young girl was helping her father to look after the (a) a longest and healthy life
shop. (b) According to a recent study
395. Identify the segment which contains the (c) is associated with
grammatical error. (d) drinking green tea thrice a week
Climate change are a greatest threat facing our SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
planet which needs our immediate attention. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "a longest and healthy life" kesâ
(a) our immediate attention mLeeve hej "The longest and healthy life" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeesefkeâ
(b) are a greatest Superlative form kesâ henues ncesMee "The" keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Deewj
(c) which needs longest (meyemes uecyee) long keâe superlative form nw~
(d) facing planet Correct Sentence :-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III) According to a recent study, drinking green tea thrice a
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW a greatest keâer peien the greatest week is associated with the longest and healthy life.
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ superlative degree Jeeues Meyo kesâ henues 399. Identify the segment in the given sentence
which contains the grammatical error.
ncesMee definite article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Most of voters in Taiwan seem to have once
Correct sentence :- again voted for the democratic party and
Climate change are the greatest threat facing our planet President Tsai Ing-wen.
which needs our immediate attention. (a) once again voted for
396. In the given sentence, identify the segment (b) the democratic pary
which contains a grammatical error. (c) in Taiwan seem to have
I think Virat Kohli will remain the captain of (d) Most of voters
the Indian team in a year 2020. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(a) of the Indian team (b) in a year 2020 Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Most of voters' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Most
(c) will remain (d) the captain of the voters' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ most of kesâ meeLe efvecve
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III) structure ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'in a year 2020' kesâ mLeeve hej 'in most of + the + plural noun
the year 2020' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie
Correct Sentence :-
definite sense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw Deewj JeekeäÙe ceW 'year 2020'
Most of the voters in Taiwan seem to have once again
definite sense os jne nw~ voted for the democratic party and President Tsai Ing-
Correct sentence :- wen.
I think Virat Kohli will remain the captain of the 400. In the given sentence identify the segment
Indian team in the year 2020. which contains the grammatical error.
397. In the following question, some part of the When I met Akbar Padamsee, one of a pioneers
sentence may have errors. Find out which part of Indian art, he was 87 but still alert and
of the sentence has as error and select the active.
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from (a) he was 87
error, select 'No Error'. (b) when I met
Teachers Day shall be observed (1)/ as non– (c) one of a pioneers of Indian art
teaching day (2)/ in our campus (3)/ No Error (d) but still alert and active
(4) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Spotting the Error 69 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW one of a pioneers of Indian art Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW an kesâ mLeeve hej a keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
kesâ mLeeve hej one of the pioneers of Indian art keâe ØeÙeesie keäÙeeWefkeâ consonant sound (JÙebpeve OJeefve) kesâ henues Article 'a'
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ one of kesâ yeeo article 'the' Deewj efheâj keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw, peyeefkeâ Vowel sound (mJej OJeefve) kesâ henues
plural countable noun Deelee nw~ Dele: ÙeneB 'a' kesâ mLeeve hej Article 'an' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
'the' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Correct Sentence :-
Correct Sentence :- We look forward to a successful working relationship
When I met Akbar Padamsee, one of the pioneers of in the future.
Indian art, he was 87 but still alert and active. 404. In the following question, some part of the
401. In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part
sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the
of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.
error, select 'No Error'. A ethos of equality was one (1)/ of the major
An Country's Central News Agency (1)/said the reasons for their (2) / belief in 'satguru'. (3)/ No
launch was a (2)/''muscle-flexing''. (3)/ No Error (4)
Error (4) (a) 1 (b) 2
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
(c) 3 (d) 4 SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ethos of equality (collective
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'An' kesâ mLeeve hej 'A' keâe ØeÙeesie
noun) mecetnJeeÛekeâ meb%ee kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙeesie nes jne nw leLee ethos
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ consonant (JÙebpeve) kesâ henues Article 'A' keâe
keâe GÛÛeejCe vowel sound mes nesves kesâ keâejCe Fmekesâ henues
ØeÙeesie neslee nw peyeefkeâ vowel (mJej) kesâ henues Article 'An' keâe
Indefinite article ‘an’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Dele: A kesâ mLeeve hej
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
An keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
Note- Consonant keâe GÛÛeejCe Ùeefo, vowel (mJej) nes lees
Fmekesâ henues Article 'An' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Correct Sentence :-
An ethos of equality was one of the major reasons for
Correct Sentence :-
their belief in 'satguru'.
A Country's Central News Agency said the launch was
a ''muscle-flexing''. 405. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error.
402. In the following question, the sentence may
Patralekha finished the cake in the blink of a
have errors Find out which part of the sentence
is an error and select the appropriate option. If
a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'. (a) of a eye
However, the essential services (1) / and critical (b) in the blink
staff in a government (2) / will be on duty today (c) Patralekha finished
(3) / No Error (4) (d) the cake
(a) 1 (b) 2 SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) 3 (d) 4 Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe 'of a eye' kesâ mLeeve hej 'of an eye'
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ eye keâe GÛÛeejCe vowel sound pewmee
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW a government kesâ mLeeve hej the nes jne nw~ Dele: ‘article an' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
government keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB
Correct Sentece :-
Government keâe ØeÙeesie specific ™he ceW ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw~ Dele:
Patralekha finished the cake in the blink of an eye.
Fmekesâ henues definite article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
406. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Correct Sentence :-
contains the grammatical error.
However, the essential services and critical staff in the
government will be on duty today. Nisha rejected the job offer as a salary offered
was too low
403. In the following question, some part of the
sentence may have errors. Find out which part (a) as a salary offered
of the sentence has as error and select the (b) Nisha rejected
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from (c) was too low
error, select 'No Error'. (d) the job offer
We look forward to an (1)/ successful working SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
relationship (2)/ in the future (3)/ No Error (4)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ‘as a salary offered’ kesâ mLeeve hej
(a) 1 (b) 2
''as the salary offered keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW
(c) 3 (d) 4
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II) 'salary' keâe ØeÙeesie definite sense ceW ngDee nw~
Spotting the Error 70 YCT
Rule- efkeâmeer Ûeerpe keâes definite yeveeves kesâ efueÙes definite
Article 'The' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ G. Correct use of Pronoun,
Correct Sentence :- Adjective and Adverb
''Nisha rejected the job offer as the salary offered was 410. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
too low''.
error in it. If there is no error, choose
407. Identify the segment in the sentence which
‘No error’.
contains the grammatical error.
Can you please pass me that glittery pen black?
Due to a last minute snag, the mission on a
moon had to be cancelled. (a) pass me that (b) glittery pen black?
(a) on a moon (c) No error (d) Can you please
(b) Due to a last minute snag SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I)
(c) the mission Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''(glittery) pen black'' kesâ mLeeve
(d) had to be cancelled hej ''glittery black pen'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Adjective
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(Black) kesâ yeeo Noun (Pen) Deelee nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe 'on a Moon ' kesâ mLeeve hej ‘on the
Note – Adjective + Noun (Pen).
Moon’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ogefveÙee keâer kegâÚ Glke=â° JemlegDeeW pewmes,
Correct sentence–
Sun, Moon, Earth, Planet, North Pole, South Pole
Equator-etc kesâ henues definite Article 'The' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Can you please pass me that glittery black pen?
Correct sentence :- 411. The following sentences has been split into four
Due to a last minute snag, the mission on the moon had segments. Identify the segment that contains a
to be cancelled. grammatical error.
408. Identify the segment in the sentence which It can / get extreme cold / during / the winters.
contains the grammatical error from the given (a) get extreme cold (b) it can
options. (c) the winters (d) during
Outside the cinema hall, there was queue of SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III)
people waiting to see the movie.
(a) there was queue of Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW extreme (Adjective) kesâ mLeeve
(b) people waiting hej extremely (Adverb) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ cold
(c) to see the movie (Adjective) keâes modifies keâjves kesâ efueS extremely
(d) Outside the cinema hall (Adverb) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II) Correct sentence–
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'queue' kesâ henues Article 'a' keâe It can get extremely cold during the winters.
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Singular countable noun keâs henues 412. The following sentence has been divided into
Article a, an keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ parts. One of them may contain an error.
Correct sentence :- Select the part that contains the error from the
Outside the Cinema hall, there was a queue of people given options. If you don’t find any error, mark
waiting to see the movie. ‘No error’ as your answer.
409. Identify the segment in the sentence which The food container / is not enough big to meet /
contains the grammatical error from the given
the demands of the affected people.
(a) The food container
They visited the Qutub Minar, which is most
attractive spot in Delhi. (b) the demands of the affected people.
(a) Attractive spot (c) No error
(b) which is most (d) is not enough big to meet
(c) they visited SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III)
(d) in Delhi Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''is not enough big to meet'' kesâ
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III)
mLeeve hej ''is not big enough to meet'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW most kesâ mLeeve hej the most keâe
Adverb ''enough'' ncesMee Adjective ''big'' kesâ yeeo Deelee nw,
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ superlative degree kesâ henues
peyeefkeâ Noun kesâ henues Deelee nw~
article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct sentence–
Correct Sentence : -
They visited the Qutub Minar, which is the most The food container is not big enough to meet the
attractive spot in Delhi. demands of the affected people.

Spotting the Error 71 YCT

413. Select the sentence that has a grammatical Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'I' kesâ mLeeve hej 'me' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
error. keäÙeeWefkeâ verb/preposition (given to) kesâ yeeo objective case
(a) Don't talk so loudly.
(me) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(b) Rama can bowl fastly.
Correct sentence–
(c) Go back to your room.
The credit for organizing the successful event was
(d) Run quickly.
given to both Neha and me.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV)
417. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) ceW ''fastly'' kesâ error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
mLeeve hej 'fast' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''fast'' Adjective Deewj error'.
Adverb oesveeW keâes Yetefcekeâe efveYeelee nw~ A key institution is the judiciary, especially the
Correct sentence– Supreme Court, with a widely remit and a wise
Rama can bowl fastly. legacy.
(a) a widely remit and a wise legacy
414. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
(b) especially the Supreme Court, with
error in it. If there is no error, choose
(c) A key institution is the judiciary
‘No error’.
(d) No error
What is the price of this fancy dress pink?
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I)
(a) fancy dress pink? (b) No error
(c) price of this (d) what is the Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''a widely remit'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''a
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV) wide remission'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Article 'A' kesâ yeeo
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Fancy dress Pink'' kesâ mLeeve hej Adjective (wide) + Noun (Remission) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
''Pink fancy dress'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeefo Skeâ mes pÙeeoe Correct sentence–
A key institution is the judiciary, especially the
Adjective, Noun kesâ henues ØeÙeesie nes lees Gvekeâe ›eâce Clour +
Supreme Court, with a wide remission and a wise
origin + Material + Purpose'' neslee nw~ legacy.
Correct sentence– 418. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
What is the price of this pink fancy dress. error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
415. Find the part of the given sentence that has an error'.
error in it. If there is no error, choose India has turned 70 years older as a Republic.
‘No error’. (a) 70 years older
Its impossible to conduct truly causal research (b) as a Republic
on media consumption and suicide. (c) No error
(a) Its impossible to conduct (d) India has turned
(b) media consumption and suicide. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II)
(c) No error Ans. (a) :Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''older'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''old'' keâe
(d) truly causal research on ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Adjective ''old'' keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
leLee Old keâe ØeÙeesie Positive degree kesâ ™he ceW peyeefkeâ older keâe
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Its'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''It is'' keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙeesie Comparative degree kesâ ™he ceW than kesâ meeLe oes JemlegDeeW
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''Its'' (Possessive Adjective) nw Deewj JeekeäÙe ceW keâer leguevee keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
'Subject + Verb'' (It is) keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~ Correct sentence–
Correct sentence– India has turned 70 years old as a Republic.
It is impossible to conduct truly causal research on 419. Parts of the given sentence have been given as
media consumption and suicide. options. One of them may contain an error.
416. Identify the segment in the sentence which Select the part that contains the error from the
contains a grammatical error. If there is no given options. If you don't find any error, mark
error, then select the option "No error". 'No error' as your answer.
The credit for organizing/the successful event In many places, restoring mangrove forests can
was/ given to both Neha and I. be an extreme effective strategy
(a) the successful event was (a) forests can be an
(b) given to both Neha and I. (b) No error
(c) The credit for organizing (c) In many places, restoring mangrove
(d) No error (d) extreme effective strategy
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III) SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II

Spotting the Error 72 YCT

Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''extreme effective'' kesâ mLeeve hej 423. Identify the segment in the sentence which
''extremely effective'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ effective contains a grammatical error. If there is no
(Adjective) keâes Modify keâjves kesâ efueS Adverb (extremely) error, select 'No error'.
keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ If you are going downhill you can go much fast.
(a) No error
Correct sentence–
(b) If you are going downhill
In many places, restoring mangrove forests can be an
extremely effective strategy. (c) much fast
(d) you can go
420. Parts of the following sentence have been given
as options. One of them may contain an error. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
Select the part that contains the error from the Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW much kesâ mLeeve hej 'very' keâe
given options. If you don't find any error, mark ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ adverb 'fast' keâes Modify keâjves kesâ efueS
'No error' as your answer. Adverb 'very' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Educators must roll up their sleeves and do a
more best job of teaching critical thinking. Correct sentence–
(a) Educators must roll up their sleeves If you are going downhill you can go very fast.
(b) No error 424. Identify the segment in the sentence which
(c) and do a more best job contains a grammatical error. If there is no
(d) of teaching critical thinking error, select 'No error'.
SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III You should tell these children to complete their
projects himself.
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''and do a more best job'' kesâ
(a) You should tell
mLeeve hej ''and do the best job'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ (b) No error
Comparative degree (more) leLee Superlative degree (c) these children to complete
(best) keâe ØeÙeesie Skeâ meeLe veneR neslee nw~ (d) their projects himself.
Note : superlative degree (best) kesâ henues Article 'the' keâe SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'himself' kesâ mLeeve hej
Correct sentence– 'themselves' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject
Educators must roll up their sleeves and do the best job
''children'' plural nw FmeefueS Plural possessive adjective
of teaching critical thinking.
''their'' keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw Dele: plural reflexive pronoun
421. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains a grammatical error. If there is no ''themselves'' keâe ØeÙeesie Yeer nesiee~
eror, select 'No error'. Correct sentence–
At one time birds and animals lived peaceful You should tell these children to complete their projects
together. themselves.
(a) peaceful together (b) birds and animals lived 425. The following sentence has been split into four
(c) No error (d) At one time segments. Identify the segment that contains a
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II grammatical error.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Peaceful kesâ mLeeve hej peacefully The birds flew/fastly above/as we stood/on
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ verb (lived) keâes Modify keâjves kesâ efueS outterrace.
(a) The birds flew (b) On our terrace
adverb (peacefully) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(c) Fastly above (d) As we stood
Correct sentence–
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II
At one time birds and animals lived peacefully together.
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'fastly' kesâ mLeeve hej 'fast' keâe
422. Identify the segment that contains a
grammatical error. ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ verb ''flew'' keâes modify keâjves kesâ efueS
A misunderstanding has crept between he and Adverb 'fast' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
his sister. Note : Fastly keâe ØeÙeesie ieuele nw~
(a) and his sister (b) between he Correct sentence–
(c) has crept (d) A misunderstanding The birds flew fast above as we stood on outterrace.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II 426. The following sentence has been split into four
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'he' kesâ mLeeve hej 'him' keâe ØeÙeesie segments. Identify the segment that contains a
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ preposition between kesâ yeeo objective case grammatical error.
''him'' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ he keâe ØeÙeesie subjective case I am not sure/if the red car/ in the parking
kesâ ™he ceW neslee nw~ slot/is your.
Correct sentence– (a) if the red car (b) in the parking slot
A misunderstanding has crept between him and his (c) is your (d) I am not sure
sister. SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I

Spotting the Error 73 YCT

Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''your'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''yours'' keâe 430. The following sentence has been split into four
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Possessive segments. Identify the segment that contains a
pronoun ''yours'' keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw Possessive Adjective grammatical error.
(your) keâer veneR~ My friend / who's leg / was fractured, / has
Correct sentence– recovered.
I am not sure if the red car in the parking slot is yours. (a) who's leg (b) was fractured
427. Parts of the following sentence have been given (c) My friend (d) has recovered
as options. One of them may contain an error. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III
Select the part that contains the error from the Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''who's leg'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''whose
given options. if you don't find any error, mark leg'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''who'' keâe ØeÙeesie Subjective case
'No error' as your answer.
He sat down in a darkly corner and covered his ceW peyeefkeâ Whose keâe ØeÙeesie Possessive case ceW Adjective kesâ
face, and would not say a single word to anyone. ™he ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) No error Correct sentence–
(b) and covered his face, and would My friend whoes leg was fractured, has recovered.
(c) He sat down in a darkly corner 431. The following sentence has been split into four
(d) not say a single word to anyone segments. Identify the segment that contains a
SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I grammatical error.
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''He sat down in a darkly If he wants/ farther information,/ send him/ to
corner'' kesâ mLeeve hej He sat down in a dark corner keâe ØeÙeesie me.
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''corner'' noun nw Dele: Fmekesâ henues Adjective (a) to me (b) send him
'Dark' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Adverb ''darkly'' keâe veneR~ (c) If he wants (d) farther information
Correct sentence– SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I
He sat down in a dark corner and covered his face, and
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''farther Information'' kesâ mLeeve
would not say a single word to anyone.
428. The following sentence has been split into four
hej ''further information'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe
segments. identify the segment that contains a kesâ Devegmeej Ùes GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nw~
grammatical error. Note : Farther – DeefOekeâ otjer
I find that / I get myself tired / very easily / Further – Deeies keâer
these days.
(a) these days (b) I get myself tired Correct sentence–
(c) I find that (d) very easily If he wants further information, send him to me.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III 432. The following sentence has been divided into
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''I get myself tired'' kesâ mLeeve hej parts. One of them contains an error. Select the
'I get tired'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Reflexive part the contains the error from the given
pronoun ''myself'' keâe ØeÙeesie Superfluous nw~ option.
Correct sentence– This question / is quite too / simple for me / to
I find that I get tired very easily these days. answer.
(a) simple for me (b) is quite too
429. The following sentence has been divided into
parts. One of them may contain a grammatical (c) This question (d) to answer
error. Select the part that contains the error SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I
from the given options. if you don't find any Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''quite too'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''quite''
error, mark 'No error' as your answer.
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''too'' keâe ØeÙeesie superfluous nw~
They had hardly completed / half of the work /
than the boss called them. Correct sentence–
(a) than the boss called them This question is quite simple for me to answer.
(b) They had hardly completed 433. The following sentence has been split into four
(c) No error segments. Identify the segment that contains a
(d) half of the work grammatical error.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III The recently hike/in the price of petroleum
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''than'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''when'' keâe products/will hit/household budgets severely.
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ hardly/Scarcely kesâ meeLe ''when'' keâe ØeÙeesie (a) The recently hike
neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ 'than' keâe ØeÙeesie No sooner kesâ meeLe neslee nw~ (b) household budgets severely
Correct sentence– (c) will hit
They had hardly completed half of the work when the (d) in the price of petroleum products
boss called them. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III

Spotting the Error 74 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'The recently hike'' kesâ mLeeve hej 437. The following sentence has been divided into
''The recent hike'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'hike'' Noun nw parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
the part that contains the error from the given
FmeefueS Adjective ''recent'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, Adverb options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
''recently' keâe veneR~ error' as your answer.
DeLee&led Noun keâes Qualify keâjves kesâ efueS Adjective keâe ØeÙeesie Solar storms can / impact Earth-dwellers ' in
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ significantly ways.
Correct sentence– (a) Solar storms can
The recent hike in the price of petroleum products will (b) impact Earth-dwellers
hit household budgets severely (c) No error
434. The following sentence has been split into four (d) in significantly ways
segments. Identify the segment that contains a SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I
grammatical error. Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''significantly'' kesâ mLeeve hej
My older brother,/ which you’ll / meet later,/ is ''significant'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Adjective ''significant''
a dentist. keâe ØeÙeesie Noun (the way) keâes Qualify keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee
(a) which you’ll (b) My older brother peelee nQ Adverb ''significantly'' keâe veneR~
(c) is a dentist (d) meet later
Correct sentence–
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I Solar storms can impact Earth-dwellers' in significant
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Which'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''Whom'' ways.
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Relative pronoun ''Whom'' keâe ØeÙeesie 438. The following sentence has been split into four
JÙeefkeäle kesâ efueS Objective case ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw peyeefkeâ segments. Identify the segment that contains a
''Which'' keâe ØeÙeesie peeveJej Deewj JemlegDeeW kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ grammatical error.
Correct sentence– He had begun to dig / diligent along the / low
My older brother, whom you’ll meet later, is a dentist. tideline and had / captured two clams.
(a) captured two clams (b) low tideline and had
435. The following sentence has been split into four
(c) diligent along the (d) He had begun to dig
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
grammatical error. SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
My house / is more / spacious than / my sister. Ans. (c) : Ghejes k eäle JeekeäÙ e ceW diligent along the'' kes â mLeeve hej
(a) spacious than (b) My house ''diligently along the'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Adverb
(c) is more (d) my sister ''diligently'' keâe ØeÙeesie verb ''begun'' keâes modify keâjves kesâ efueS
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ peyeefkeâ diligent ''adjective'' keâe ØeÙeesie Noun keâes
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''my sister'' kesâ mLeeve hej that of Qualify keâjves keâs efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
my sister'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ''house'' keâer leguevee Correct sentence–
sister kesâ house mes keâer pee jner nw ve efkeâ sister mes~ FmeefueS He had begun to dig diligently along the low tideline
''that of'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee and had captured two clams.
Note : Comparison oes meceeve Noun kesâ ceOÙe neslee nw~ 439. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Correct sentence– there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
My house is more spacious than that of my sister. substitution required'.
436. Parts of the given sentence have been given as The playground was way large than I had
options. One of them may contain an error. imagined, and in cleaning it, my back began to
Select the part that contains the error from the ache.
given options. If you don't find any error, (a) larger than I had
mark 'No error' as your answer. (b) No substitution required
It feels greatly to be with you at this ceremony. (c) largest to what I have
(a) at this ceremony (b) to be with you (d) large than I have
(c) It feels greatly (d) No error SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'Large' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Larger' keâe
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Feels greatly kesâ mLeeve hej ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW oes ÛeerpeeW kesâ yeerÛe Comparison kesâ
''greatly feels'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ feels ''verb'' keâes sense ceW Comparative degree kesâ adjective keâe ØeÙeesie than
qualify keâjves kesâ efueS Adverb greatly'' keâe ØeÙeesie Fmekesâ henues kesâ meeLe neslee nw~
efkeâÙee peeÙesiee~ Correct sentence–
Correct sentence– The playground was way larger than I had imagined,
It greatly feels to be with you at this ceremony. and in cleaning it, my back began to ache.

Spotting the Error 75 YCT

440. The following sentence has been divided into Correct sentence–
parts. One of them may contain an error. Selec When you are under significant stress, it is hard to
the part that contains the error from the given process details and nuances.
options. If your don't find any error, mark 'No 443. The following sentence has been divided into
error' as your answer. parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
A man tends to one / of the horses after it's / the part that contains the error from the given
training at a stud farm. options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
(a) of the horses after it's error' as your answer.
(b) A man tends to one The mountain lion is / one of the slyest and
(c) No error more / elusive animals in the woods.
(d) training at a stud farm (a) one of the slyest and more
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II (b) No error
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''of the horses after it's kesâ mLeeve (c) The mountain lion is
(d) elusive animals in the woods.
hej ''of the horses after its'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
Possessive Adjective ''its'' keâe ØeÙeesie Noun (training) kesâ
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''One of the slyest and more''
henues neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ It's (It is) keâe short form nw~ pees efkeâ
kesâ mLeeve hej ''One of the slyest and the most'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
subject + verb keâe keâeÙe& keâjlee nw~
keäÙeeWefkeâ ''and'' kesâ meeLe same part of speech peg[Ì les nQ FmeefueS the
Correct sentence– slyest and the most (superlative degree) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
A man tends to one of the horses after its training at a
stud farm. Correct sentence–
The mountain lion is one of the slyest and the most
441. Select the options that will improve the elusive animals in the woods.
underlined part of the given sentence. In case
444. Select the option that will improve the
no improvement is needed, select 'No
underlined part of the sentence. In case no
improvement required'.
improvement is needed, select 'No
Many families are so poor to bear the cost of improvement required'.
educating all their children. Getting a good night's sleep has a positively
(a) No improvement required effect on our wellbeing.
(b) too poor (a) have a positively affect
(c) to poor (b) has a positive effect
(d) such poor (c) No improvement required
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I (d) has a positive affects
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'so' kesâ mLeeve hej 'too' keâe ØeÙeesie SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ negative sense ceW DeefOekeâ kesâ DeLe& ceW 'too' keâe Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'positively' kesâ mLeeve hej positive
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ 'so' keâe ØeÙeesie 'positive sense ceW efkeâÙee keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ effect (noun) keâes qualify keâjves kesâ efueS
peelee nw~ adjectival ''adverb'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ peyeefkeâ Positively
Correct sentence– 'adverb' kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw~
Many families are too poor to bear the cost of educating Correct sentence–
all their children. Getting a good night's sleep has a positive effect on our
442. Parts of the following sentence have been given wellbeing.
as options. One of them may contain an error. 445. The following sentence has been split into four
Select the part that contains the error from the segments. Identify the segment that contains a
given options. If you don't find any error, mark grammatical error.
'No error' as your answer. The brightest stars/can be 30,000 times/most
When you are under significant stress, it is luminous / than the Sun
hardly to process details and nuances. (a) The brightest stars (b) most luminous
(a) significant stress, it is hardly (c) can be 30,000 times (d) than the Sun
(b) to process details and nuances SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I
(c) When you are under Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''most luminous'' kesâ mLeeve hej
(d) No error ''more luminous'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''than'' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I comparison keâe YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw~ FmeefueS Comprative
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'Hardly' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Hard' keâe degree ''more'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ÙeneB adjective keâer Correct sentence–
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~ peyeefkeâ hardly keâe ØeÙeesie cegefMkeâue mes kesâ DeLe& ceW The brightest stars can be 30,000 times more luminous
neslee nw~ pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueS GheÙegkeäle veneR nw~ than the Sun

Spotting the Error 76 YCT

446. The following sentence has been split into four (a) is much best than (b) in the new eatery
segments. Identify the segment which contains (c) the one in RK Puram (d) The food
a grammatical error. SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Deepu's mother / has repeated asked him/ to
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW is much best than kesâ mLeeve hej is
lower the volume / of his mobile.
(a) has repeated asked him much better than keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ than kesâ meeLe
(b) to lower the volume comperative degree (better) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(c) of his mobile Correct Sentence -
(d) Deepu's mother The food in the new eatery is much better than the one
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I) in RK Puram.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has repeated kesâ mLeeve hej 450. The following sentence has been divided into
repeatedly keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Asked' kesâ ØeÙeesie kesâ Devegmeej parts. One of them contains an error. Select the
part that contains the error from the given
Fmemes henues Skeâ adverb keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ options.
Correct Sentence - The army/marched fearless/towards/the enemy
Deepu's mother repeatedly asked him to lower the cantonment.
volume of his mobile. (a) marched fearless (b) towards
447. In the given sentence, identify the segment (c) the enemy cantonment (d) the army
which contains the grammatical error. SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I)
The government has announced a gradual
reboot of air travel who was halted two months Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW fearless (Adjective) kesâ mLeeve hej
ago due to lockdown. fearlessly (Adverb) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ
(a) who was halted (Marched) verb keâes modify keâjves kesâ efueS Adverb
(b) due to lockdown (fearlessly) keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(c) The government has announced Correct Sentence-
(d) reboot of air travel The army marched fearlessly towards the enemy
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I) cantonment.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW who was halted kesâ mLeeve hej that 451. The following sentence has been divided into
was halted GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ who keâe ØeÙeesie living thing parts. One of them contains an error. Select the
kesâ efueS neslee nw peyeefkeâ that keâe ØeÙeesie mepeerJe/efvepeeaJe/Iešvee kesâ part that contains the error from the given
sense ceW as a pronoun neslee nw~ options.
Correct Sentence- We don't really / want a large house; / we are
The government has announced a gradual reboot of air looking for some comfort / and some
travel that was halted two months ago due to lockdown. convenience on a moderate price.
448. The following sentence has been split into four (a) We don't really
segments. Identify the segment that contains a (b) we are looking for some comfort
grammatical error. (c) want a large house
After a long gap,/ we went shopping/ last (d) and some convenience on a moderate price
sunday and bought/ that we wanted. SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) that we wanted Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW and some convenience on a
(b) last sunday and bought moderate price kesâ mLeeve hej and convenience on a
(c) we went shopping
moderate price keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeneb hej some keâe ØeÙeesie
(d) after a long gap
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I) superfluous nw keäÙeeWefkeâ and mes pegÌ[s ngS oes noun kesâ efueS ØelÙeskeâ
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW that we wanted kesâ mLeeve hej kesâ henues Skeâ ner adjective keâe ØeÙeesie oesveeW noun kesâ henues veneR
which we wanted keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ efvepeeaJe ÛeerpeeW kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
relative pronoun kesâ ™he ceW which keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Correct Sentence -
Correct Sentence - We don't really want a large house we are looking for
After a long gap we went shopping last sunday and some comfort and convenience on a moderate price.
bought which we wanted. 452. Identify the segment in the sentence which
449. The following sentence has been divided into contains a grammatical error.
parts. One of them contains an error. Select the The small cafe at the end of the road is her.
part that contains the error the given options. (a) of the road (b) is her
The food/in the new eatery/is much best (c) at the end (d) The small cafe
than/the one in RK Puram. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)

Spotting the Error 77 YCT

Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'her' kesâ mLeeve hej 'hers' keâe ØeÙeesie Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'more braver' kesâ mLeeve hej
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB Possession (DeefOekeâej) efoKeeves kesâ efueS ‘braver’ keâe use nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ more Deewj Braver oesveeW
possessive pronoun keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ comperative form ceW nw Deewj double comperative keâe
Correct sentence- ØeÙeesie Skeâ meeLe veneR neslee nw~
The small cafe at the end of the road is hers. Correct sentence- Nikhil is braver than Sushant who
453. Identify the segment in the sentence which is afraid of the dark.
contains a grammatical error. 457. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
No one of them came to the inauguration of our contains the grammatical error.
new factory. No matter he tries hard he cannot play the
(a) No one of them (b) inauguration of guitar.
(c) came to the (d) our new factory (a) No matter (b) he tries hard
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) he cannot (d) play the guitar
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'No one of them' kesâ mLeeve hej SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
'none of them' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekesâ yeeo 'of + Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW No matter kesâ yeeo how keâe
objective pronoun' keâs efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW 'none' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo verb/adverb keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ No matter + how+where/what+ verb/ adverb + subject
Correct Senctence– .........
None of them came to the inauguration of our new Correct sentence- No matter how hard he tries, he
factory. cannot play the guitar.
454. Identify the segment in the sentence which 458. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains a grammatical error. contains the grammatical error.
She has been a member of this club since it's My sister and myself are pleased to accept your
formation. invitation to dinner.
(a) this club (b) a member of (a) My sister and myself
(c) since it's formation (d) She has been (b) are pleased
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) to accept
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'it's' kesâ mLeeve hej 'its' keâe ØeÙeesie (d) your invitation to dinner
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ "It's → "It is" peyeefkeâ its keâe ØeÙeesie Possessive SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
adjective kesâ ™he ceW ngDee nw Deewj Fmekesâ yeeo Noun formation Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'myself' kesâ mLeeve hej 'I' keâe ØeÙeesie
keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~ nes iee keäÙeeWefkeâ Reflexive pronoun (myself) keâe ØeÙeesie
Correct sentence- She has been a member of this club subject kesâ ™he ceW veneR neslee nw~
since its formation. 'Myself' is a reflexive pronoun and is never used as a
455. Identify the segment in the sentence which subject.
contains a grammatical error. Correct sentence- My sister and I are plaeased to
The three of them shouted out to each another accept your invitation to dinner.
when the train started moving. 459. Identify the segment in the sentence which
(a) The three of them contains the grammatical error.
(b) shouted out to each another The cheetah can run more faster than any
(c) when the train other animal.
(d) started moving (a) any other animal (b) more faster
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) than (d) can run
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'each another' kesâ mLeeve hej 'one
another' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ oes ueesieeW kesâ efueS each other Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'more' Je 'faster' keâe ØeÙeesie Skeâ
Je oes mes DeefOekeâ ueesieeW kesâ efueS one another keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ meeLe veneR nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ oesveeW Comperative nw Deewj double
Correct sentence- The three of them shouted out to comperative keâe ØeÙeesie Skeâ meeLe veneR neslee nw~ Dele: more keâe
one another when the train started moving. ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee~
456. Identify the segment in the sentence, which Correct sentence- The cheetah can run faster than any
contains the grammatical error. other animal.
Nikhil is more braver than Sushant who is 460. In the following, some part of the sentence may
afraid of the dark. have errors. Find out which part of the
(a) more braver than (b) Nikhil is sentence has an error and select the
(c) who is afraid (d) of the dark appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) error, select No Error.

Spotting the Error 78 YCT

Government has reportedly made its peyeefkeâ enough (keâeHeâer) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe&
displeasure, (1)/ particularly on the speed and oslee nw~
stealth with which (2)/ the negotiations are
Correct Sentence : -
completed. (3)/ No error. (4)
Do you earn enough to make both ends meet?
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4 464. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains a grammatical error.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Nobody has ever listened to me so attentive.
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'which' (pees efkeâ) kesâ mLeeve hej that
(a) ever listened (b) so attentive
(efkeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GefÛele (c) to me (d) nobody me
DeLe& oslee nw~ SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Correct sentence–
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW so attentive kesâ mLeeve hej 'so
Government has reportedly made its displeasure,
particularly on the speed and stealth with that the attentively' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ JeekeäÙe ceW verb 'listened' kesâ efueS
negotiations are completed. adverb 'attentively' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw, ve efkeâ adjective
461. Identify the segment in the sentence which 'attentive' keâe~
contains a grammatical error. Correct Sentence : -
I had to hold on to the wall to steady itself or I Nobody has ever listened to me so attentively.
could have fallen.
465. In the sentence identify the segment which
(a) to the wall (b) I had to hold on
contains the grammatical error.
(c) to steady itself (d) could have fallen
The river Yamuna has many non-native species
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) like goldfish that is affecting its eco-system.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW to steady itself kesâ mLeeve hej to (a) its eco-system
steady myself keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Kego (b) The river Yamuna
keâes efmLej jKeves keâer yeele nes jner nw~ Dele: JeekeäÙe keâs subject 'I' keâe (c) that is affecting
reflexive pronoun 'myself' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (d) has many non-native species
Correct Sentence : - SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
I had to hold on to the wall to steady myself or I could Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW that is affecting kesâ mLeeve hej
have fallen.
that are affecting keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ
462. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains a grammatical error. subject species (plural) kesâ Devegmeej verb plural (are)
The information you are asking for is quite ØeÙeg òeâ nesieer~
irrelevance. Correct Sentence : -
(a) is quite irrelevance (b) you are The river Yamuna has many non-native species like
(c) asking for (d) The information goldfish that are affecting its eco-system.
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) 466. In the sentence identify the segment which
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW is quite irrelevance kesâ mLeeve hej contains the grammatical error.
is quite irrelevant keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ There isn't many rice left in the house so we
information (noun) keâer efJeMes<elee yeleeves kesâ efueS Skeâ must replenish our stock soon.
adjective keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw, efpemekesâ efueS irrelevant keâe (a) left in the house (b) our stock soon
ØeÙeesie ner GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ peyeefkeâ Irrelevance (Demebielelee) keâe (c) so we must replenish (d) There isn't many rice
ØeÙeesie as a noun ngDee nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct sentence :- Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW There isn't many rice kesâ mLeeve
hej There isn't much rice keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'rice'
The information you are asking for is quite irrelevant.
singular uncountable noun nw, efpemekesâ meeLe much keâe ØeÙeesie
463. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains a grammatical error. neslee nw peyeefkeâ countable noun kesâ meeLe many keâe ØeÙeesie neslee
Do you earn so much to make both ends meet? nw~
(a) make both (b) do you earn example- much rice, much milk, much bread
(c) so much to (d) ends meet (uncountable noun)
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) many students, many pens, many cats (countable noun)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'so much' kesâ mLeeve hej 'enough' Correct Sentence : -
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ so much (DeeJeMÙekeâlee mes There isn't much rice left in the house so we must
pÙeeoe) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ veneR nw~ replenish our stock soon.

Spotting the Error 79 YCT

467. In the sentence identify the segment which 470. In the sentence identify the segment which
contains the grammatical error. contains the grammatical error. If the sentence
He is more smarter than his brother though he has no error, then select 'No error'.
does not earn much money. How many money did Sudhir win in the
(a) though he does not earn lottery?
(b) much money (a) How many money (b) No error
(c) He is more smarter (c) in the lottery (d) did Sudhir win
(d) than his brother SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III) Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ How many money kesâ mLeeve hej
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW He is more smarter kesâ mLeeve hej how much money keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Money'
He is smarter keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ double uncountable noun nw~ Uncountable noun kesâ henues 'much'
comparative degree keâe ØeÙeesie Skeâ meeLe veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Correct Sentence : - Correct Sentence : -
He is smarter than his brother though he does not earn How much money did Sudhir win in the lottery?
much money. 471. In the sentence identify the segment which
contains the grammatical error.
468. In the sentence identify the segment which Vini bought two new dresses but either is
contains the grammatical error. suitable for the festival.
I know the cobbler which mends the shoes (a) but either is (b) Vini bought
outside the gate of our colony. (c) two new dresses (d) suitable for the festival
(a) I know the cobbler (b) the shoes SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) which mends (d) outside the gate Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW but either is kesâ mLeeve hej but
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II) neither is keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ vekeâejelcekeâ YeeJe kesâ
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW which mends kesâ mLeeve hej who keâejCe Neither keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
mends keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe ceW Neither- not one nor the other of two things or people.
cobbler (ceesÛeer) kesâ efueS which keâe ØeÙeesie ieuele nw~ cobbler Correct Sentence : -
(ceesÛeer) Skeâ mepeerJe JÙeefòeâ nw efpemekesâ efueS Relative pronoun Vini bought two new dresses but neither is suitable for
‘who’ keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ the festival.
Relative Pronouns (who/which/that) keâe ØeÙeesie 472. In the sentence identify the segment which
contains the grammatical error.
Subordinate clause kesâ Subject kesâ ™he ceW neslee nw~ ØeeÙe: who
They informed the teacher that all of they
keâe ØeÙeesie mepeerJe kesâ efueS which keâe ØeÙeesie efvepeeaJe kesâ efueS leLee family members would be going to
‘that’ keâe ØeÙeesie oesveeW kesâ efueS GefÛele mLeeve hej keâjles nQ~ Visakhapatnam.
Correct Sentence : - (a) would be going
I know the cobbler who mends the shoes outside the (b) all of they family members
gate of our colony. (c) to Visakhapatnam
(d) They informed the teacher that
469. In the sentence identify the segment which
contains the grammatical error. SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
With food granaries overflowing, the Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'all of they family' members kesâ
Government is looking to liquidate his grain mLeeve hej all of their family members keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
stock to prevent damage. keäÙeeWefkeâ They keâe Possesive adjective 'their' neslee nw~ pees efkeâ
(a) the Government is looking 'family members' keâes qualify keâj jne nw~
(b) to liquidate his grain stock Correct Sentence : -
(c) With food granaries overflowing They informed the teacher that all of their family
(d) to prevent damage members would be going to Visakhapatnam.
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) 473. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW His kesâ mLeeve hej its keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ contains the grammatical error.
keäÙeeWefkeâ The government kesâ efueÙes Possessive adjective kesâ The team began searching for reasons for their
poor performance in the tournament.
™he ceW its keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ his keâe ØeÙeesie pronoun (a) The team began
(he) Je Noun (masculine gender) kesâ efueS neslee nw~ (b) in the tournament
Correct Sentence- (c) searching for reasons
With food granaries overflowing, the Government is (d) for their poor performance
looking to liquidate its grain stock to prevent damage. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I)

Spotting the Error 80 YCT

Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW efoS ieS JeekeäÙe ceW 'for their poor pronoun kesâ "erkeâ henues DeeS noun/pronoun kesâ Devegmeej neslee
performance' kesâ mLeeve hej 'for its poor performance' keâe ØeÙeesie nw~ Dele: ÙeneB flowers (plural noun) kesâ Devegmeej Plural verb
efkeâÙee peeSiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'team' Skeâ collective noun nw~ meeceevÙele: ‘grow’ keâe Yeer ØeÙeesie nesvee ÛeeefnS~
efpemekeâe ØeÙeesie singular ceW neslee nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ meeLe third person Correct sentence :-
singular pronoun (its) keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee~ peyeefkeâ their keâe The blue lotus is one of the most beautiful flowers that
ØeÙeesie plural noun/they kesâ efueÙes efkeâÙee peelee nw~ grow in her garden.
Correct Sentence : - 477. In the sentence identify the segment which
The team began searching for reasons for its poor contains the grammatical error.
performance in the tournament. Billionaire Philip is the owner of the luxury
yacht Lionheart, which worth an estimated
474. Identify the segment in the sentence which
$150 million.
contains the grammatical error.
Deepak said he would pack few things he had (a) which worth
and vacate the hostel room the next day. (b) the owner of
(a) the next day (c) Billionaire Philip is
(b) Deepak said he would pack (d) an estimated $150 million
(c) pack few things he had SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) and vacate the hostel room Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW which worth kesâ mLeeve hej whose
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II) worth keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject mepeerJe nw Deewj
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW few kesâ mLeeve hej the few keâe ØeÙeesie mepeerJe kesâ efueS relative pronoun who/whose keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ few keâe ØeÙeesie efvecve Øekeâej mes neslee nw~ Correct sentence :-
Few- kegâÚ ‘‘ve kesâ yejeyej (vekeâejelcekeâ sense ceW)’’ Billionaire Philip is the owner of the luxury yacht
A few- kegâÚ ‘‘Lees[ Ì e yengle (mekeâejelcekeâ sense ceW)’’ Lionheart, whose worth an estimated $150 million.
The few- kegâÚ ‘‘pees kegâÚ Yeer LeesÌ[e yengle nw Jen meye’’ 478. In the given sentence, identify the segment
Correct Sentence : - which contains a grammatical error.
Deepak said he would pack the few things he had and We can see much changes in Government
vacate the hostel from the next day. schools these days.
475. Identify the segment in the sentence, which (a) in Government schools
contains the grammatical error. (b) We can see
Very little metals are as precious as gold. (c) much changes
(a) as precious (b) metals are (d) these days
(c) as gold (d) very little SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'much changes' kesâ mLeeve hej
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW very little kesâ mLeeve hej very few many changes keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Countable noun kesâ
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ little keâe ØeÙeesie cee$ee kesâ mevoYe& ceW meeLe many keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~
Uncountable noun kesâ efueS peyeefkeâ few keâe ØeÙeesie mebKÙee kesâ Correct sentence :-
mevoYe& cebs Countable noun kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ ÙeneB hej meesves We can see many changes in Government schools
keâer cee$ee veneR, OeelegDeeW keâer mebKÙee kesâ yeejs ceW yeele nes jner nw~ these days.
Correct sentence :- 479. In the sentence identify the segment which
Very few metals are as precious as gold. contains grammatical error.
476. In the sentence identify the segment which I learnt to adapt quickly to now schools
contains the grammatical error. because we moved to new places quite frequent.
The blue lotus is one of the most beautiful (a) I learnt to adapt quickly
flowers which grows in her garden. (b) we moved to new places
(a) is one of the most beautiful flowers (c) quite frequent
(b) in her garden (d) to new schools
(c) The blue lotus SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(d) which grows Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW frequent (adjective) kesâ mLeeve hej
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I) frequently (Adverb) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ verb, 'move'
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'which grows' kesâ mLeeve hej 'that keâes modify keâjves kesâ efueS adverb keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
grow' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ superlative degree kesâ Correct sentence :-
yeeo 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw ve efkeâ 'which, what, who' keâe~ I learnt to adapt quickly to now schools because we
efveÙecele: relative pronoun kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeuee verb relative moved to new places quite frequently.

Spotting the Error 81 YCT

480. In the sentence identify the segment which Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW his subscription yet kesâ mLeeve
contains the grammatical error. hej their subscription yet keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Fme
You must make a choice immediately because JeekeäÙe keâe subject 'some members' plural nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ
there is few time left.
(a) because there is (b) a choice immediately
efueÙes plural possessive adjective (their) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(c) You must make (d) few time left Correct Sentence :-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II) There are some members who haven't paid their
subscription yet.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Sentence ceW "few time" kesâ mLeeve hej
484. Identify the segment in the given sentence
'little time' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeesefkeâ 'few' keâe ØeÙeesie countable which contains the grammatical error.
noun kesâ meeLe neslee nw, peyeefkeâ 'little' keâe ØeÙeesie 'uncountable The wedding reception will be hosted in
noun' kesâ meeLe neslee nw~ Mumbai at a late date.
Correct Sentence (a) in Mumbai (b) the wedding reception
You must make a choice immediately because there is (c) at a late date (d) will be hosted
little time left. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II)
481. In the sentence identify the segment which Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'At a late date' kesâ mLeeve hej At a
contains a grammatical error. later date (yeeo keâer leejerKe hej) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ
Queen Elizabeth got marrying to Philip, efueS GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
former Prince of Greece and Denmark.
Correct Sentence :-
(a) marrying to Philip
The wedding reception will be hosted in Mumbai at a
(b) Greece and Denmark later date.
(c) Queen Elizabeth got (d) former Prince of
485. In the given sentence, identify the segment
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I) which contains a grammatical error.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "marrying" kesâ mLeeve hej All these boys have come to college without few
"married" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ efkeâmeer JeekeäÙe ceW verb kesâ yeeo knowledge of English.
Ùee lees noun keâe Ùee Adjective keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Dele: verb (a) All these boys
"got" kesâ yeeo Adjective "married" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (b) without few knowledge
Correct Sentence :- (c) have come to college
Queen Elizabeth got married to Philip, former Prince (d) of English
of Greece and Denmark. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II)
482. In the given sentence identify the segment Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW without few knowledge kesâ
which contains the grammatical error. mLeeve hej without little knowledge keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
The park was well lighted at night but it was Rule– few keâe ØeÙeesie countable noun leLee little ØeÙeesie
deserted, so it was a bit scared. uncountable noun kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw peyeefkeâ knowledge
(a) but it was deserted uncountable noun nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ henues Little keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
(b) The park was well lighted
Correct Sentence :-
(c) so it was a bit scared All these boys have come to college without little
(d) at night knowledge of English.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III)
486. In the sentence identify the segment which
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW so it was a bit scared' kesâ mLeeve contains the grammatical error.
hej 'so it was a bit scary ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Adjective Cats cannot be blamed for its behaviour to
'scared' ([je ngDee) keâe ØeÙeesie ceveg<Ùe leLee peeveJej (living their masters as they are tamed so.
things) kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Adjective 'scary' ([jeJevee) (a) to their masters
(something or someone that causes fear or terror). peesefkeâ (b) Cats cannot be blamed
(c) for its behaviour
JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
(d) as they are tamed so
Correct Sentence :-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
The park was well lighted at night but it was deserted,
so it was a bit scary. Ans. (c) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW for its behaviour kesâ mLeeve hej
for their behaviour keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ its keâe
483. In the given sentence identify the segment
which contains a grammatical error. ØeÙeesie non-living noun kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ JeekeäÙe
There are some members who haven't paid his keâe subject, cats (mepeerJe) nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ efueÙes possessive
subscription yet. adjective (their) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
(a) who haven't paid (b) his subscription yet Correct Sentence :-
(c) some members (d) There are Cats cannot be blamed for their behaviour to their
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III) master as they are tamed so.

Spotting the Error 82 YCT

487. In the given sentence, identify the segment Someone who used to follow (a)/ the Satguru
which contains the grammatical error. told me that I could (b)/ work where. (c)/ No
The performance of our players is worst than I Error (d)
had expected. (a) a (b) b
(a) The performance (b) our players (c) c (d) d
(c) I had (d) worst than SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW work where kesâ mLeeve hej work
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW worst than kesâ mLeeve hej worse here keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ adverb of place kesâ efueS
than keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ than kesâ hetJe& where kesâ mLeeve hej here keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
comparative degree keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Correct Sentence :-
Bad → Worse → Worst Someone who used to follow the Satguru told me that I
( positive ) ( comparative ) ( superlative ) could work here.
491. In the following question, Some part of
Correct Sentence :-
The performance of our players is worse than I had sentence have errors. Find out which part of
expected. the sentence has an error and select the
appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
488. Identify the segment in the sentence, which error, select "No Error".
contains the grammatical error.
These are super-interesting activities (1)/ keep
Yesterday I searched in every my cupboard for
your little one engaged. (2)/ thrilled and off
the shirt I couldn't find.
TV. (3)/ No Error (4)
(a) I couldn't find
(a) 1 (b) 2
(b) in every my cupboard
(c) 3 (d) 4
(c) for the shirt
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I)
(d) Yesterday I searched
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I) Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW keep your little one engaged kesâ
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'in every my cupboards kesâ
mLeeve hej keep your a few one engaged keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
mLeeve hej in every cupboards ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'My' nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB hej activities as a countable noun keâer lejn
Possessive Adjective keâe ØeÙeesie superfluous nw~ 'Every' kesâ
ØeÙeesie ngDee nw Deewj countable noun kesâ efueS few, a few, the
few keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
heMÛeele Plural noun keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct Sentence :-
Correct Sentence :-
These are super-interesting activities keep your a few
Yesterday I searched in every cupboards for the shirt I
one engaged thrilled and off TV.
couldn't find.
489. Identify the segment in the given sentence 492. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
which contains the grammatical error. error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
I don't recognise a none of the politicians who
have been invited to be the speakers today. I know that he wanted to go home earliest./ No
(a) invited to be
(a) go home earliest (b) I know that
(b) the speakers today
(c) I don't recognise none of (c) No error (d) he wanted to
(d) the politicians who nave been SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW earliest (adjective) kesâ mLeeve hej
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW I don't recognise none of kesâ mLeeve early keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ verb, go keâes modify keâjves kesâ
hej I don't recognise any of keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efueÙes adverb keâe ner ØeÙeesie nesiee~
don't kesâ keâejCe sentence negative nw Dele: none keâe ØeÙeesie veneR Correct sentence :-
nesiee yeefukeâ 'any' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ pees efkeâ negative sense oslee nw~ I know that he wanted to go home early.
Correct Sentence :- 493. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
I don't recognise any of the politicians who have been error in it. If thereis no error, choose 'No
invited to be the speakers today. error'.
490. In the following question, some part of the She ran so fastly that I could not overtake
sentence may have errors. Find out which part her./No error
of the sentence has an error and select the (a) She ran so fastly (b) not overtake her
appropriate option. If the sentence is free from (c) No error (d) that I could
error, select 'No Error'. SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)

Spotting the Error 83 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Fastly kesâ mLeeve hej fast keâe ØeÙeesie Note-Negative Je Interrogative sentences ceW negative kesâ
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ fast Deheves Deehe ceW ner Skeâ adverb nw, peesefkeâ ran sense ceW any keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(verb) keâes modify keâjlee nw~ Correct sentence :
Correct sentence : He did not have any hope when he contested the
She ran so fast that I could not overtake her. election.
494. Find the part of the given sentence that has an 497. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
error'. error'.
My brother brought a few rice while coming It was not possible/for we/to understand her/No
from the market./No error error.
(a) for we (b) to understand her
(a) No error
(c) It was not possible (d) No error
(b) My brother brought
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) a few rice while
(d) coming from the market Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW for we kesâ mLeeve hej for us keâe
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I) ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ preposition kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeuee pronoun
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'A few rice' kesâ mLeeve hej a little objective Ùee possessive adjective form ceW Deelee nw~ Dele:
rice keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'a few' keâe ØeÙeesie we keâe objective case 'us' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
countable noun leLee 'a little' keâe ØeÙeesie uncountable noun Correct sentence :
It was not possible for us to understand her.
kesâ henues neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ 'rice', uncountable noun nw~ Dele:
'little' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ 498. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error.
Correct sentence :
The recently announcement about various
My brother brought a little rice while coming from the government schemes impacted the society
market. positively.
495. Find the part of the given sentence that has an (a) about various government
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No (b) the society positively
(c) schemes impacted
Pallavi is the cleverest of the two sisters./No
(d) The recently announcement
(a) of the two sisters (b) Pallavi is SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) the cleverest (d) No error Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW the recently announcement kesâ
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I) mLeeve hej the recent announcement keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efoS ieS sentence ceW 'the cleverest' kesâ keäÙeesefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'announcement' noun nw efpemekesâ henues
mLeeve hej 'The Cleverer' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ oes JÙeefòeâÙeeW Ùee adjective 'recent' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee ve efkeâ recently
JemlegDeeW keâer leguevee kesâ efueS Comparative Degree keâe ØeÙeesie 'adverb' keâe~
efkeâÙee peelee nw Deewj Fmemes DeefOekeâ kesâ efueS Superlative Degree Correct sentence :
keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ The recent announcement about various government
Correct sentence : schemes impacted the society positively.
Pallavi is the cleverer of the two sisters. 499. Identify the segment in the sentence which
496. Find the part of the given sentence that has an contains the grammatical error.
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No After the match, every player of the team went
error'. back to its house.
He did not have few hopes when he contested (a) team went back (b) After the match
the election./No error (c) to its house (d) every player of the
(a) He did not have SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(b) few hopes when he Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'to its house' kesâ mLeeve hej 'to his
(c) contested the election house' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW subject
(d) No error 'every player of the team' nw pees efkeâ singular person keâes
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III) denote keâjlee nw~ FmeefueS singular person kesâ efueS
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'few' kesâ mLeeve hej 'any' keâe ØeÙeesie possessive adjective kesâ ™he ceW his keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ negative sense kesâ efueS any keâe ØeÙeesie Correct sentence :
GefÛele nesiee~ leLee hopes kesâ mLeeve hej hope keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele After the match, every player of the team went back to
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'hope' Skeâ uncountable noun nw~ his house.

Spotting the Error 84 YCT

500. Identify the segment in the sentence which Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'who' kesâ mLeeve hej 'which' keâe
contains the grammatical error. ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'which of the + plural noun/pronoun'
Rashmi and me are/ planning to go on/a road keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ ÙeneB which ‘keâewve mee’ kesâ DeLe& ceW ØeÙegòeâ
trip to Manali/next summer.
nesiee~ pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
(a) Rashmi and me are (b) planning to go on
(c) a road trip to Manali (d) next summer Correct sentence :-
The master did not know which of the servants had
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I)
broken the glass.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'me' (objective case) kesâ mLeeve
504. Identify the segment in the sentence which
hej 'I' (subjective case) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efkeâmeer contains the grammatical error from the given
Sentence keâe Subject keâYeer Yeer efkeâmeer Pronoun keâe options.
objective Case veneR neslee nw~ Deewj verb kesâ henues meYeer If you play your cards right, the job could be
pronoun, subjective case ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesles nQ~ your when she leaves.
Correct sentence : (a) the job could be your (b) If you play
Rashmi and I are planning to go on a road trip to (c) when she leaves (d) your cards right
Manali next summer. SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
501. Identify the segment in the sentence which Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'your' (adjective)kesâ mLeeve hej
contains the grammatical error. ‘yours’ (Pronoun) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee leLee 'could' kesâ mLeeve hej
Rita was a model so she would starve herself to
'can' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes clause efkeâmeer same tense
maintain their body weight.
(a) so she would starve herself ceW nes lees leermeje clause Yeer Gmeer tense ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS~ Fme ØeMve
(b) their body weight ceW leerve clause nw efpemeceW mes oes clause present tense ceW nw~
(c) Rita was a model Dele: leermejs clause keâes Yeer present ceW convert keâj uesieW, Deewj
(d) to maintain 'could' kesâ mLeeve hej 'can' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II) Correct sentence :
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Their' kesâ mLeeve hej kesâ 'her' If you play your cards right, the job can be yours when
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Rita (girl) kesâ efueÙes Possessive she leaves.
adjective 'her' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 505. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Note– Their, they keâe possession adjective neslee nw~ contains the grammatical error from the given
Correct sentence : options.
Rita was a model so she would starve herself to The essay is divided into five paragraphs and
maintain her body weight. every of these has seven sentences.
502. Identify the segment in the sentence which (a) has seven sentences (b) into five paragraphs
contains the grammatical error. (c) The essay is divided (d) and every of these
David and me are brothers but from different SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
mothers. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW every kesâ mLeeve hej each keâe
(a) but from (b) different mothers ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ pronoun kesâ ™he ceW each keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele
(c) David and me (d) are brothers
nw, peyeefkeâ every keâe ØeÙeesie efmehe&â Adjective kesâ ™he ceW efkeâÙee
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III)
peelee nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW me (objective case) kesâ mLeeve hej
Notes- every keâe ØeÙeesie kesâJeue adjective kesâ ™he ceW keâjles nQ,
'I' (subjetive case) ØeÙegkeäle nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ and kesâ meeLe same
part of speech pegÌ[lee nw~
peyeef keâ each keâe ØeÙeesie pronoun leLee adjective oesveeW lejn mes
Note–Main verb kesâ henues meYeer pronoun, subjective case
neslee nw~
Correct sentence :
ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesles nQ~
The essay is divided into five paragraphs and each of
Correct sentence :
these has seven sentences.
'David and I are brothers but from different mothers.'
506. Identify the segment in the sentence which
503. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error. contains the grammatical error :
The master did not know who of the servants Grandmother was knitting a sweater for his
had broken the glass. grand-daughter.
(a) the glass (b) who of the servants (a) sweater for his (b) Grandmother was
(c) had broken (d) The master did not know (c) grand-daughter (d) knitting a
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)

Spotting the Error 85 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'his' kesâ mLeeve hej 'her' keâe ØeÙeesie [Hard-earned money-cesnvele keâer keâceeF&]
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ female (Grand- mother) kesâ efueÙes Possessive Correct Sentence :-
adjective 'her' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ his keâe ØeÙeesie He lost all his hard earned money.
masculine gender kesâ efueS neslee nw~ 510. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
Correct sentence :- error in it. If there in no error, choose 'No
‘‘Grandmother was knitting a sweater for her grand- error'.
daugher.'' Don't worry, there is less time for the train to
arrive./No error
507. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error from the given (a) Don't worry (b) there is less time
options. (c) No error (d) for the train to arrive
It's important for media to be more responsibly SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III)
and careful. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes sentence kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
(a) It's important (b) for media to be 'less' kesâ mLeeve hej 'much' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'don't
(c) more responsibly (d) and careful worry' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ train Deeves ceW DeYeer DeefOekeâ
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
meceÙe nw~ Dele: "much" keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW more responsibly kesâ mLeeve hej Correct sentence :-
more responsible GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes Meyo and mes Don't worry, there is much time for the train to arrive.
pegÌ[les nw, lees oesveeW Meyo meceeve parts of speech ceW ØeÙeesie efkeâÙes 511. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
peeles nw~ JeekeäÙe ceW careful Skeâ adjective kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙegòeâ nw lees error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
responsibly (adverb) keâer peien Responsible (adjective) error'.
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ She loved herself so more that she thought of
Note- JeekeäÙe ceW media (noun) keâer efJeMes<elee yeleeves kesâ efueÙes no one else./No error
adjective keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee ve efkeâ adverb keâe~ (a) thought of no one else
Correct sentence :- (b) No error
It's important for media to be more responsible and (c) so more that she
careful. (d) She loved herself
508. Identify the segment in the sentence which SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
contains the grammatical error from the given Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'so more' kesâ mLeeve hej 'So
options. much' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeebsefkeâ ÙeneB more keâe ØeÙeesie countable
We couldn't understand they because they
sense ceW neslee nw peyeefkeâ much keâe ØeÙeesie uncountable sense
were talking in Chinese.
(a) We couldn't understand ceW neslee nw~ Deewj JeekeäÙe ceW love uncountable sense ceW nw~
(b) they were talking Correct sentence :-
(c) they because She loved herself so much that she thought of no one
(d) in Chinese else.
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II) 512. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘They’ kesâ mLeeve hej Them keâe error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ verb kesâ yeeo 'object' kesâ mLeeve hej error'.
pronoun keâe objective case ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ ve efkeâ It would take up few of my time to explain to
you the whole case./No error
subjective case ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
(a) few of my time to
Correct sentence :-
(b) No error
We couldn't understand them because they were
talking in Chinese. (c) explain to you the whole case
(d) It would take up
509. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
error in it. If there is no error choose 'No error. SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II)
He lost all his hardly earned money./ No error Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e ceW few of my time to kesâ mLeeve hej
(a) all his (b) hardly earned money A little of my time to keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
(c) No error (d) He lost Uncountable Noun kesâ efueS Adjective 'A little' keâe ØeÙeesie
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III) GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ a few keâe ØeÙeesie countable sense ceW
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Hardly (cegefMkeâue mes) kesâ mLeeve hej neslee nw~
'Hard' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Hardly Negative keâe sense Correct sentence :
oslee nw, peyeefkeâ hard Positive sense peesefkeâ ÙeneB GheÙegòeâ nw~ It would take up a little of my time to explain to you
efpemekeâe DeLe& (keâef"veeF& mes) neslee nw~ the whole case.

Spotting the Error 86 YCT

513. From the given options, identify the segment in (a) that it takes some (b) If you plant a seed
the sentence which contains the grammatical (c) you will be noticed (d) time to grow
error. SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
Nowadays spectacles are costly than they used
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''you will be noticed'' kesâ mLeeve
to be.
(a) Nowadays (b) they used to be hej you will notice keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Fme Øekeâej kesâ
(c) spectacles are (d) costly than Conditional sentence ceW If Jeeueer clause kesâ Present tense ceW
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III) nesves hej Main clause future Indefinite tense ceW nesleer nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ sentence ceW leguevee oMee&ves kesâ sense ceW Correct sentence–
'costly' kesâ mLeeve hej costlier keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ If you plant a seed, you will notice that it takes some
time to grow.
leguevee oMee&ves kesâ efueS ncesMee comparative degree keâe ØeÙeesie
efkeâÙee peelee nw~ pewmee efkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'than' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ 517. The following sentence has been divided into
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
JeekeäÙe ceW leguevee keâer ieÙeer nw~ the part that contains the error from the given
Correct sentence :- options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
Nowadays spectacles are costlier than they used to be. error' as your answer.
514. From the given options, identify the segment in If he had not dropped out, / he will most
the sentence which contains the grammatical certainly have completed / his education by
error. 2023.
She was known for her skills in dance and (a) his education by 2023
music; she is equal proficient in the allied art of (b) No error
painting. (c) If he had not dropped out
(a) skills in dance (b) allied art of painting (d) he will most certainly have completed
(c) was known (d) is equal proficient SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''He will most certainly have
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ sentence ceW 'equal' kesâ mLeeve hej adverb
completed'' kesâ mLeeve hej he would most certainly have
'equally' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Adjective
completed'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Fme Øekeâej kesâ Conditional
(proficient) keâer efJeMes<elee yeleeves kesâ efueS adverb keâe ØeÙeesie neslee
sentence ceW If Jeeuee Clause ceW ''had + V3'' nesves hej Main
Clause ceW Would have + V3 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee ns~
Correct sentence :-
She was known for her skills in dance and music, she Correct sentence–
is equally proficient in the allied art of painting. If he had not dropped out, he would most certainly
have completed his education by 2023.
H. Conditional Sentence 518. In the given sentence, identify the segment
which contains the grammatical error.
515. The following sentence has been split into four He wonder for a moment if he had mistaken
segments. Identify the segment that contains a the direction.
grammatical error. (a) if he had mistaken (b) He wonder
When Mayank came, / I shall go / with him to / (c) for a moment (d) the direction
the circus. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) When Mayank came (b) with him to
(c) the circus (d) I shall go Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW he wonder kesâ mLeeve hej he would
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II) have wondered GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ if Jeeueer clause ceW had +
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''When Mayank Came'' kesâ mLeeve v3 nes lees result clause ceW would have + v3 ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
hej When Mayank Comes keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen Note- If + sub + had + v3 ......would have + v3
Conditional sentence nw Deewj Fmekeâer Second clause Future Correct Sentence -
Tense ceW nesves hej First Clause, Present Indefinite tense ceW He would have wondered for a moment if he had
mistaken the direction.
nesleer nw~
Correct sentence– 519. Identify the segment in the sentence which
When Mayank Comes, I shall go with him to the circus. contains a grammatical error.
516. The following sentence has been split into four You cannot lead a healthy life although you
segments. Identify the segment that contains a stop smoking.
grammatical error. (a) although you (b) stop smoking
If you plant a seed, / you will be noticed / that it (c) You cannot lead (d) a healthy life
takes some / time to grow. SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)

Spotting the Error 87 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej although 523. In the sentence identify the segment which
(ÙeÅeefhe) kesâ mLeeve hej unless (peye lekeâ efkeâ ve) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ contains the grammatical error.
If so many catches had not being dropped, we
pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
would have won the match.
Correct sentence :- (a) If so many catches
You cannot lead a healthy life unless you stop (b) had not being dropped
(c) won the match
520. In the sentence identify the segment which (d) we whould have
contains the grammatical error.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
That man would have attacked you, if you went
that way. Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW being kesâ mLeeve hej been keâe ØeÙeesie
(a) That man would have (b) that way GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe conditional sentence
(c) if you went (d) attacked you type III nw, hejbleg 'If' clause ceW passive voice keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I) nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW if you went kesâ mLeeve hej if you A.V.– If ; had + V 3 , would have + V 3
had gone GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye principal clause ceW
would have nes lees subordinate clause (if) ceW had (V3) keâe P.V.— If : had + been + verb3 , would have + v3
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Correct sentence :-
Correct Sentence - If so many catches had not been dropped, we would
That man would have attacked you, if you had gone that have won the match.
way. 524. In the sentence identify the segment which
521. Identify the segment in the sentence which contains the grammatical error.
contains a grammatical error. If there is no No sooner did he see the tiger when he ran as
error, then select the option 'No error'. fast as he could.
When he goes on a business trip, he is usually (a) no sooner did (b) he see the tiger
taking his wife. (c) when he ran (d) as fast as he could
(a) on a business trip SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(b) No error Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW when kesâ mLeeve hej than keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) he is usually taking his wife
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ No sooner kesâ meeLe co-relative
(d) when he goes
conjunction than keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Rule- No sooner did → V1st........... than
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW taking kesâ mLeeve hej takes keâe
No sooner had → V3rd........... than
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ GheÙeg&òeâ JeekeäÙe condition efoKee jne
nw Ssmes JeekeäÙeeW ceW Ùeefo henueer clause present indefinite ceW nes
Hardly had → V3rd........... when
lees otmejer Yeer present indefinite ceW nesieer~
Scarcely had → V3rd........... when
Note–Present indefinite tense kesâ simple sentence ceW
As soon as → V3rd..........., (comma)
singular subject kesâ meeLe 'verb1 + s/es' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~
Fve meYeer Rules keâe ØeÙeesie meceeve DeLe& ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Correct sentence :-
Correct sentence :-
When he goes on a business trip, he usually takes his
wife. No sooner did he see the tiger than he ran as fast as he
522. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains a grammatical error. 525. In the sentence identify the segment which
She will come to work though it doesn't rain contains the grammatical error.
tomorrow. Entering the hall, the show had started.
(a) She will come (b) though it doesn’t (a) had started (b) the show
(c) to work (d) rain tomorrow (c) Entering (d) the hall
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW though (ÙeÅeefhe) kesâ mLeeve hej if Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Entering kesâ mLeeve hej entered keâe
(Ùeefo) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ condition denote keâjves ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efveÙecele: Past ceW oes keâeÙe& nesves keâe
kesâ efueS if (Ùeefo) keâe ØeÙeesie as a conjunction nesiee~ pees efkeâ yeesOe nes lees pees keâeÙe& henues nes Gmekesâ efueS verb past perfect leLee
JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ yeeo ceW nesves Jeeues keâeÙe& kesâ efueS verb past indefinite ceW neslee nw~
Correct sentence :- Correct sentence :-
She will come to work if it doesn't rain tomorrow. When he entered into the hall, the show had started.

Spotting the Error 88 YCT

526. Identify the segment in the sentence, which Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW when we will reach kesâ mLeeve hej
contains the grammatical error. when we reach keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes co-
"Unless you did not do your homework you related JeekeäÙe Future Tense ceW nes lees Subordinate Clause
will be punished," said the teacher. ncesMee Present Indefinite Tense ceW leLee Principal Clause
(a) do your homework (b) unless you did not
ncesMee Future Indefinite Tense ceW nesleer nw~
(c) said the teacher (d) you will be punished
Correct Sentence :-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II) We will rest for sometime when we reach the top.
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Unless you did not kesâ mLeeve hej 530. Identify the segment that contains a
unless you do keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ unless (use as grammatical error. If there is no error, select
conjunction) mJeÙeb Negative word nw, FmeefueS Fmekesâ yeeo not 'No error'
keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~ We will have to walk now since we had missed
the bus.
Correct sentence :- (a) No error (b) walk now
"Unless you do your homework you will be punished," (c) since we had (d) we will have to
said the teacher. SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
527. Identify the segment in the sentence which Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'since we had missed' kesâ mLeeve
contains the grammatical error. hej 'since we missed' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâer
If I knew about him before I will have otmejer clause mes past keâe YeeJe ØeoefMe&le nes jne nw~ Dele: yeeo Jeeueer
recommended him.
clause ceW past indefinite keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
(a) If I knew (b) recommended him
Correct Sentence :-
(c) about him before (d) I will have
We will have to walk now since we missed the bus.
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II)
531. In the sentence identify the segment which
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'I will have' kesâ mLeeve hej 'I contains the grammatical error.
would have' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe mixed If the growth of population had been controlled
contitional nw, efpemekeâer mebjÛevee efvecveJele nw- earlier, mankind wouldn't lived in a polluted
world now.
If + simple past, + would have + V III form (a) mankind wouldn't lived
Correct sentence :- (b) in a polluted world now
If I knew about him before, I would have (c) if the growth of population
recommended him. (d) had been controlled earlier
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
528. In the sentence identify the segment which
contains the grammatical error. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Mankind wouldn't lived' kesâ
Having just taking a heavy lunch, she was not mLeeve hej 'mankind wouldn't have lived' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
ready to have any fruit. nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'if' clause Skeâ conditional sentence nw efpemekeâe
(a) taking a heavy (b) she was not ready correct syntax efvecve nQ-
(c) to have any fruit (d) having just If + sub + had + ...., sub + would + have + v3 + ...
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III) Correct Sentence :-
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW taking kesâ mLeeve hej taken keâe If the growth of population had been controlled earlier,
mankind wouldn't have lived in a polluted world now.
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Perfect participle ceW efkeâmeer Skeâ keâece kesâ Kelce
532. Identify the segment in the sentence which
nesves kesâ yeeo otmejs keâece kesâ Meg™ nesves kesâ efmLeefle ceW- contains the grammatical error.
Having + verb IIIrd form + ....... keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ The little boy was so busy playing with his toy
Correct Sentence :- train that he do not even look up at us.
Having just taken a heavy lunch, she was not ready to (a) busy playing with (b) he do not even
have any fruit. (c) his toy train (d) look up at us
529. In the sentence identify the segment which SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II)
contains the grammatical error. Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW he do not even kesâ mLeeve hej he did
We will rest for sometime when we will reach not even keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Principal clause past
the top. tense ceW ØeÙegòeâ nw Dele: Subordinate clause Yeer past ceW ner nesieer~
(a) We will rest (b) when we will Correct Sentence :-
(c) reach the top (d) for sometime The little boy was so busy playing with his toy train that
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III) he did not even look up at us.

Spotting the Error 89 YCT

533. The following sentence has been split into four 536. Identify the segment in the given sentence
segments. Identify the segment that contains a which contains the grammatical error.
grammatical error. If India will win this match they will win the
Had you/not reached in time,/we will have/lost series.
our lives. (a) the series (b) they will win
(a) Had you (b) lost our lives (c) if India will win (d) this match
(c) not reached in time (d) we will have SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW If India will win kesâ mLeeve hej If
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW we will have kesâ mLeeve hej we India win keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ conjunction 'if' kesâ
would have keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe conditional yeeo will/shall modals keâe ØeÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw Deewj
sentence nw leLee conditional sentence ceW ØeLece clause ceW Fvekeâes simple present ceW change keâj efoÙee peelee nw~ 'If' Jeeues
Had + V3 nesves hej efÉleerÙe Clause ceW would have + V3 keâe JeekeäÙe kesâ clause keâe tense efvecve Øekeâej neslee nw~
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ If + simple present,......... simple future
Note- Had + Subject + V3 + Other word + Subject +
Would/Could/Might + have + V3 + Other word. Correct sentence :-
Correct Sentence - If India win this match, they will win the series.
Had you not reached in time we would have lost our 537. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
lives. contains the grammatical error.
534. Identify the segment which contains the If I join a software company I am getting a
grammatical error. good deal of experience.
No sooner did the comedian begin his act when (a) If I join
the audience roared with laughter. (b) a software company
(a) when the audience (b) roared with laughter (c) I am getting
(c) No sooner did (d) the comedian begin (d) a good deal of experience
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW when keâer peien than keâe ØeÙeesie Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'I am getting' kesâ mLeeve hej ' I
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW DeeÙes ngÙes No sooner keâe structure rule will get' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ conditional sentence ceW
Fme Øekeâej neslee nw~ Ùeefo if Jeeueer clause present indefinite ceW nes lees yeeo Jeeueer
No sooner did + V .......... than clause future indefinite ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
IIIrd Correct sentence- If I join ......... I will get a good deal
No sooner had + V .........than
Correct sentence :- of experience.
No sooner did the comedian begin his act than the 538. Identify the segment in the sentence which
audience roared with laughter. contains the grammatical error.
535. In the given sentence identify the segment Rakesh was studied when his friends called
which contains a grammatical error. him.
When the boys were playing the match, it (a) studied when (b) his friends
suddenly starts raining. (c) called him (d) Rakesh was
(a) When the boys SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(b) starts raining Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'studied' kesâ mLeeve hej ‘studying’
(c) were playing the match keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(d) it suddenly Rule - [Ùeefo Past ceW keâesF& keâece peejer nes leLee Gmeer yeerÛe keâesF&
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Iešvee (Deuhekeâeue kesâ efueÙes) Iešs lees peejer keâece keâes Past
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW starts raining kesâ mLeeve hej Continuous leLee yeerÛe ceW Iešer Iešvee keâes Past indefinite ceW
started raining keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ when ÙeneB hej jKeles nw]
conjunction nw~ Deewj subordinate clause keâes introduce keâj Correct sentence :
jne nw~ Fme oMee ceW main clause keâes simple past ceW jKeles nQ~ [Rakesh was studying when his friends called him.]
Dele: 'verb2' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 539. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Correct sentence :- contains the grammatical error.
When the boys were playing the match, it suddenly Had Rajani not taken/a cab to the station/she
started raining. would have definitely/miss the train.
Spotting the Error 90 YCT
(a) she would have definitely 542. Identify the segment in the sentence which
(b) Had Rajani not taken contains the grammatical error.
(c) miss the train If I had gone to the library I can have
(d) a cab to the station borrowed a book.
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III) (a) I can have (b) gone to the library
(c) borrowed a book (d) If I had
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'miss the train' kesâ mLeeve hej
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
'missed the train' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'can have' kesâ mLeeve hej 'could
Rule- IIIrd Conditional sentence struture
have' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe conditional type
efvecveefueefKele nw-
III nw, efpemekeâer mebjÛevee efvecve nw-
[If + subj + Had + v3-subj +would have + v3--]
or If + past perfect, would have / could have + V III form
[Had + subject + v , - subject + would have + v3] We use 'could have' to mean 'would have able to'.
Correct sentence : Correct sentence :
''Had Rajani not taken a cab to the station she would If I had gone to the library I could have borrowed a
have definitely missed the train.'' book.
540. From the given options, identify the segment in 543. From the given options identify the segment in
the sentence which contains the grammatical the sentence which contains the grammatical
error. error.
Having worked for the whole day, you shall If they had a playground here, they can play
have taken some rest and begun again. after their school is over.
(a) some rest and begun again (a) after their (b) If they had
(b) the whole day (c) school is over (d) they can play
(c) Having worked for SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) you should have taken Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW they can play kesâ mLeeve hej they
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II) could play keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen simple past
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'you shall have taken' kesâ mLeeve tense keâe conditional JeekeäÙe nw efpemekeâe structure nw~ If +
hej 'you should have taken' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ subject + simple past tense + subject +
Ùen past keâe conditional sentence efpemeceW should have + would/could/might + verb in base form ….
VIIIrd form keâe ØeÙeesie ner ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ If + simple past, would / could + V1
Correct sentence :- Correct sentence :-
Having worked for the whole day, you should have If they had a playground here, they could play after
taken some rest and begun again.
541. Identify the segment in the sentence which
their school is over. J.
contains the grammatical error from the given
options. I. Noun Case, Gender, Number
If children are treating with respect, they will
544. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
behave accordingly.
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
(a) behave accordingly (b) treating with respect error'.
(c) If children are (d) they will I just don't like the themes of todays music.
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II) (a) No error (b) I just don't
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'are treating' kesâ mLeeve hej 'are (c) like the themes of (d) todays music.
treated' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe conditional SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III)
sentence type-I nw, efpemeceW 'If' clause simple present Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''todays'' kesâ mLeeve hej today's keâe
tense leLee main clause 'Future indefinite tense' ceW ØeÙegòeâ ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Possession efoKeeves kesâ efueS mecyeefvOele Noun
nesleer nw~ ceW 's peesÌ[ efoÙee peelee nw~
If .simple present, will / shall + V form I Correct sentence–
I just don't like the themes of today's music.
Ûetbefkeâ 'If' Jeeueer Clause passive voice ceW nw, Dele: 'are' kesâ meeLe 545. The following sentence has been split into four
verb keâer third form keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ segments. Identify the segment that contains a
Correct sentence- grammatical error.
If children are treated with respect, they will behave We bought / two dozen's / mangoes from / the
accordingly. market.
Spotting the Error 91 YCT
(a) mangoes from (b) We bought Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW We advice (Noun) to do kesâ
(c) the market (d) two dozen's mLeeve hej We advise (verb) to do keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III
Subject ''We'' kesâ yeeo verb ''advise'' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw Noun
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''two dozen's kesâ mLeeve hej ''two advice) keâe veneR~
dozen'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''hundred thousand, billon,
Correct sentence–
dozen'' singular Deewj Plural oesveeW case ceW ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw
They finally did what we advise them to do before the
uesefkeâve Ùeefo Fvekesâ henues definite number (one, two, final match.
three.......) ØeÙeesie ngDee nes lees Fvekeâe Plural veneR yevelee nw~ 549. The following sentence has been split into four
Correct sentence– segments. Identify the segment that contains a
We bought two dozen mangoes from the market. grammatical error.
546. The following sentence has been divided into Human being are / the producers and the /
parts. One of them contain an error. Select the consumers of Earth's / resources.
part that contains the error from the given (a) Human being are
options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No (b) resources
error' as your answer.
(c) the producers and the
My neighbour's grandson / is only / five month
old. (d) consumers of Earth's
(a) No error SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III
(b) five month old Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Human being are'' kesâ mLeeve hej
(c) My neighbour's grandson ''Human beings are'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Human being
(d) is only ncesMee Plural number ceW neslee nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II Correct sentence–
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Month kesâ mLeeve hej 'Month's keâe Human beings are the producers and the consumers of
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Five (Plural Number) kesâ yeeo Plural Earth's resources.
Noun keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ 550. The following sentence has been divided into
Correct sentence– parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
My neighbour's grandson is only five month's old. the part that contains the error from the given
547. The following sentence has been divided into options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select error' as your answer.
the part that contains the error from the given Land revenue was one of the / major / source of
options. If you don’t find any error, mark ‘No income / for Britishers in India.
error’ as your answer. (a) No error
It was a surprising / to receive the gift/ from my (b) land revenue was one of the
brother. (c) major source of income
(a) from my brother (b) It was a surprising (d) for Britishers in India
(c) No error (d) to receive the gift SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Major source of Income'' kesâ
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''a surprising'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''a
mLeeve hej ''major sources of income'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
surprise'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej verb
one of the kesâ yeeo plural Noun (sources) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
'was' kesâ yeeo Skeâ object kesâ ™he ceW ''Noun'' keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~
Correct sentence–
Correct sentence–
Land revenue was one of the major sources of income
It was a surprise to receive the gift from my brother.
for Britishers in India.
548. The following sentence has been divided into
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select 551. The following sentence has been divided into
the part that contains the error from the given parts. One of them contains an error. Select the
options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No part that contains the error from the given
error' as your answer. options.
They finally did what / we advice them to do / The Principal requested/the teacher's/to
before the final match. monitor/and take care of the small children.
(a) we advice them to do (a) The Principal requested
(b) before the final match (b) the teacher's
(c) They finally did what (c) and take care of the small children
(d) No error (d) to monitor
SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Spotting the Error 92 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW The teacher's kesâ mLeeve hej The Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'form' kesâ mLeeve hej 'forms' keâe ØeÙeesie
teachers keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ apostrophe's keâe nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'one of the' kesâ yeeo plural noun ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
ØeÙeesie possessive case (keâe mecyevOe) efoKeeves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee Correct Sentence -
peelee nw pees efkeâ Ùeneb JeekeäÙe kesâ efueS DevegheÙegòeâ nw~ Public speaking is one of the most feared forms of
Note- JeekeäÙe ceW The teacher keâe ØeÙeesie Reporting verb, communication.
requested kesâ object kesâ ™he ceW efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ 556. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Correct Sentence- contains the grammatical error.
The Principal requested the teachers to monitor and The furnitures in this shop is very costly.
take care of the small children. (a) in this shop (b) The furnitures
552. Identify the segment in the sentence which (c) is (d) very costly
contains a grammatical error. SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
He loses his tempers on the slightest
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'furnitures' kesâ mLeeve hej
(a) provocation (b) He loses 'furniture' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'furniture' keâes ncesMee
(c) the slightest (d) his tempers on plural form ceW ner use efkeâÙee peelee nw~ singular/plural form
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) oesveeW ner 'furiture' ner ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'his tempers on' kesâ mLeeve hej Correct sentence-
'his temper on' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ temper The furniture in this shop is very costly.
uncountable noun nw Dele: Fmekeâe Plural veneR yevesiee~ 557. In the following, some part of the sentence may
Correct sentence- He loses his temper on the slightest have errors. Find out which part of the
provocation. sentence has an error and select the
553. Identify the segment in the sentence which appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
contains a grammatical error. error, select No Error.
The man played the flute and led all the mouse The most effective measure to keep (1)/our
out of the town. roads safe is enforcement of rules (2)/ with zero
(a) The man played (b) The flute and led tolerance to any violate rule. (3)/ No error. (4)
(c) all the mouse (d) out of the town (a) 1 (b) 2
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) 3 (d) 4
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Mouse kesâ mLeeve hej Mice keâe SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ all keâe ØeÙeesie nesves mes Fmekesâ meeLe Plural Ans. (c) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ Part (III) ceW violate kesâ mLeeve hej
Noun keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
violation keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Any kesâ yeeo Noun keâe
Correct sentence- The man played the flute and led
all the mice out of the town. Fmlesceeue nesiee, verb, violate keâe veneR Dele: correct noun
554. Identify the segment in the sentence, which word "violation of rules' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
contains the grammatical error. Correct sentence-
The chart papers were distributed among all The most effective measure to keep our roads safe is
the childrens. enforcement of rules with zero tolerance to any violate
(a) The chart papers (b) among all rule.
(c) were distributed (d) the childrens 558. In the sentence identify the segment which
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) contains the grammatical error.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'childrens' kesâ mLeeve hej The length of a male swallow's tail reveal his
'children' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'children' Skeâ plural attractiveness for a female swallow.
noun nw efpemekeâe singular child neslee nw~ (a) a female swallow
Correct sentence- (b) his attractiveness for
The chart papers were distributed among all the (c) a male swallow's tail reveal
children. (d) The length of
555. The following sentence has been split into four SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II)
segments. Identify the segment that contains a Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Part-C ceW plural verb 'reveal'
grammatical error.
Public speaking/is one of/ the most feared
kesâ mLeeve hej singular verb 'reveals' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw,
form/of communication. keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject 'The length' singular nw~
(a) the most feared form (b) is one of Correct Sentence :
(c) of communication (d) Public speaking The length of a male swallow's tail reveals his
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I) attractiveness for a female swallow.

Spotting the Error 93 YCT

559. Find the part of the given sentence that has an Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW for the luggages kesâ mLeeve hej for
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No the luggage keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ luggage keâe Plural s/es
peesÌ[keâj veneR yeveeÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
He always stood up for the rights of the
oppressed. No error Correct Sentence :
(a) No error (b) He always stood up The had to wait for the lugguage to be put into the cab
before they themselve got into it.
(c) of the oppressed (d) for the rights
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II) 563. In the sentence identify the segment which
contains the grammatical error.
Ans. (a) : No error
Subhash Gidwani is selling dolls, which are
560. Identify the segment in the sentence which type of Madhya Pradesh's village culture at the
contains the grammatical error. Annual Dastakar Bazaar, held in January
The childrens are fond of climbing the mango every year in Delhi.
tree in the garden. (a) Subhash Gidwani is selling dolls
(a) are fond of (b) held in january every year in Delhi
(b) in the garden (c) which are type of Madhya Pradesh's village
(c) The childrens culture
(d) climbing the mango tree (d) in the annual Dastakar Bazaar
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW the childrens kesâ mLeeve hej the Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "Madhya Pradesh's village
children keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Children mJeÙeb plural culture" kesâ mLeeve hej the Village culture of Madhya
nw, Fmekeâe singular, 'child' neslee nw~ Dele: FmeceW 's' ueieekeâj Pradesh" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeesefkeâ Possessive case yeveeves kesâ
plural yeveeves keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nw~ efueÙes apostrophe "s" keâe ØeÙeesie mepeerJe noun kesâ meeLe efkeâÙee
Correct Sentence :- peelee nw~ efvepeeaJe noun keâe Possesion yeveeves kesâ efueÙes of keâe
The children are fond of climbing the mango tree in the ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~
garden. Correct Sentence :-
561. Identify the segment which contains the Subhash Gidwani is selling dolls, which are type of the
grammatical error. village culture of Madhya Pradesh at the Annual
The picture of the king's is exactly like the king Dastakar Bazaar, held in January every year in Delhi.
himself. 564. Select the segment in the sentence, which
(a) The picture (b) is exactly like contains a grammatical error.
(c) the king himself (d) of the king's This furnitures has been taken on hire for the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II) function in the college.
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW of the king's kesâ mLeeve hej of the (a) This furnitures has (b) in the college
king keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ the king kesâ henues of (c) been taken (d) on hire for the
(preposition) keâe ØeÙeesie possession (DeefOekeâej) efoKeeves kesâ efueS
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
ngDee nw, FmeefueS king kesâ meeLe Appostrophe 's' ('s) keâe ØeÙeesie
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW this furnitures has kesâ mLeeve hej
veneR nesiee~
this furniture has keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeesefkeâ furniture,
Note- efveÙecele: non living things (efvepeeaJe JemlegDeeW) kesâ efueS of
keâe plural s/es ueieekeâj veneR yeveeÙee peelee nw~
leLee living things kesâ efueS Appostrophe 's' ('s) keâe ØeÙeesie
Correct Sentence :-
GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ This furniture has been taken on hire for the function
Correct Sentence : in the college.
The picture of the king is exactly like the king himself.
565. In the given sentence identify the segment
562. Select the segment in the sentence, which which contains the grammatical error.
contains the grammatical error. The Commonwealth Games had a grand
They had to wait for the luggages to be put into opening ceremony with spectacular cultural
the cab before they themselves got into it. performings.
(a) before they themselves got into it (a) a grand opening
(b) for the luggages (b) the commonwealth Games had
(c) They had to wait (c) cultural performings
(d) to be put into the cab (d) with spectacular
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Spotting the Error 94 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Cultural performings' kesâ mLeeve 569. Identify the segment in the sentence which
hej 'Cultural Performances'. ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ cultural contains the grammatical error.
Platinum is costlier than any other metals
(adjective) kesâ yeeo noun keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ efpemekeâer Jen efJeMes<elee
found on earth.
yeleeÙesiee~ Dele: performance (noun) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ (a) Costlier than (b) Platinum is
Correct Sentence :- (c) found on earth (d) any other metals
The Commonwealth Games had a grand opening SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
ceremony with spectacular cultural performances.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW metals kesâ mLeeve hej metal keâe ØeÙeesie
566. Find the part of the given sentence that has an nesiee, keäÙeesbefkeâ any other kesâ meeLe Singular noun ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
error'. Note- Ùeefo Comparative degree kesâ yeeo any other kesâ
Her relatives were presented at the station to yeoues all other keâe ØeÙeesie nes, lees metals (Plural noun) keâe
see her off./No error ØeÙeesie Megæ nesiee~
(a) to see her off Correct sentence :
(b) presented at the station ''Platinum is costlier than any other metal found on
(c) Her relatives were earth."
(d) No error 570. Identify the segment in the sentence which
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III) contains the grammatical error.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW presented (verb) kesâ mLeeve hej After a heated argument they went to their
respective place.
present (Noun) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW were kesâ
(a) they went
presented (verb3) keâe ØeÙeesie nesves hej JeekeäÙe passive voice ceW (b) after a heated argument
ness peeÙesiee~ pees efkeâ GheÙegòeâ DeLe& veneR osiee~ (c) respective place
Correct Sentence :- (d) to their
Her relatives were present at the station to see her off. SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
567. Identify the segment in the sentence which Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe 'respective place' kesâ mLeeve hej
contains the grammatical error. 'respective places' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW plural
It is not possible to discuss anything with her possessive adjective (their) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ Fmekesâ
because of her angry.
yeeo Deeves Jeeuee noun plural ner nesiee~ Dele: 'places' keâe ØeÙeesie
(a) possible to discuss (b) anything with her
(c) because of her angry (d) It is not
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III) Correct Sentence :-
''After a heated argument they went to their respective
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW because of her angry kesâ mLeeve Places.''
hej because of her anger keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 571. Identify the segment in the sentence which
'Angry' (veejepe) Skeâ Adjective nw, peyeefkeâ her, (possessive contains the grammatical error.
adjective) kesâ yeeo noun Deelee nw~ Dele: ÙeneB hej 'anger' This coffee is not available in any of the shop in
(›eâesOe/veejepeieer) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen Skeâ 'noun' nw~ the neighborhood market.
Correct sentence :- (a) not available in
It is not possible to discuss anything with her because (b) in the neighborhood market
of her anger. (c) any of the shop
568. Find the part of the given sentence that has an (d) this coffee is
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III)
error'. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW any of the shop kesâ mLeeve hej
My visiting to my family are few and far any of the shops keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ any of the
between. kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeuee noun/pronoun plural from ceW Deelee nw~
(a) No error (b) few and far between
Dele: shops (plural) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
(c) My visiting to (d) my family are
Correct Sentence :-
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III)
This coffee is not available in any of the shops in the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW my visiting to kesâ mLeeve hej my neighborhood market.
visits keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ My Skeâ determiner nw
572. Identify the segment in the sentence which
efpemekeâe ØeÙeessie meowJe noun mes hetJe& keâjless nw Dele: visits (noun) contains the grammatical error from the given
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ options.
Correct sentence :- Its a good idea to read up on a company before
My visits to my family are few and far between. going for an interview.

Spotting the Error 95 YCT

(a) before going for (b) its a good idea to Correct sentence :-
(c) an interview (d) read up on a company Animals experience feeling of love and they also
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II) protect their young ones from difficulties as human
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Its kesâ mLeeve hej It's ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, does.
keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Its' possessive case nw pees subject kesâ mLeeve ØeÙegòeâ 576. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
veneR nesiee~ It's—it is/it has keâe short form nw pees subject kesâ error'.
mLeeve hej ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ There is few to be said on both side./No error
Correct Sentence :- (a) to be said (b) There is few
It's a good idea to read up on a company before going (c) on both sides (d) No error
for an interview. SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
573. Identify the segment in the sentence which Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'There is few' kesâ mLeeve hej
contains the grammatical error from the given
options. 'There is little' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeesefkeâ few keâe ØeÙeesie
The sense of sight is one of the most important countable noun kesâ efueS peyeefkeâ little keâe ØeÙeesie uncountable
senses gift to us. noun kesâ efueS keâjles nQ~ keäÙeeWefkeâ "to be said" (keâne ieÙee) ÙeneB
(a) The sense (b) most important uncountable sense ceW ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw~ Dele: little keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) gift to us (d) is one of the GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II) Correct Sentence-
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW gift kesâ mLeeve hej gifts keâe ØeÙeesie There is little to be said on both sides.
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ one of + the superlative degree kesâ
yeeo Deeves Jeeuee noun plural form ceW Deelee nw~ J. Voice.and Narration
Correct sentence :- 577. Identify the segment in the sentence, which
The sense of sight is one of the most important senses contains the grammatical error.
gifts to us.
The author's new novel, which is about social
574. Identify the segment in the sentence which change, will launched soon.
contains the grammatical error from the given (a) The author’s new novel
(b) will launched soon
Some people lose their eye sights because of a
(c) which is
disease or injury.
(a) because of (b) disease or injury (d) about social change
(c) their eye sights (d) some people SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'will launched' kesâ mLeeve hej
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW their eye sights kesâ mLeeve hej 'will launch' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ future indefinite ceW
their eye sight keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ uncountable (will + verb1) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
noun ceW meeceevÙele: s/es peesÌ[keâj plural veneR yeveeÙee peelee nw~ Correct sentence- The author's new novel, which is
Ûetbefkeâ 'eye sight' uncountable noun nw Dele: sight ceW s/es keâe about social change, will launch soon.
ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee~ 578. In the sentence identify the segment which
Correct sentence :- contains the grammatical error.
Some people lose their eye sight because of a disease "I done a lot of work today," she said.
or injury. (a) a lot of (b) she said
575. From the given options, identify the segment in (c) I done (d) work today
the sentence which contains the grammatical SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'done' kesâ mLeeve hej 'have done' keâe
Animals experience feelings of love and they
also protect their young ones from difficulties ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ reporting verb kesâ past tense ceW nesves hej
as human does. reported speech Ùee lees past indefinite Ùee present perfect
(a) they also protect (b) Animals experience tense ceW nesiee~
(c) as human does (d) feelings of love Correct sentence :-
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II) She said, "I have done a lot of work today"
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW feelings of love kesâ mLeeve hej 579. In the sentence identify the segment which
feeling of love keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Abstract contains the grammatical error.
noun ceW s/es peesÌ[keâj plural veneR yeveeÙee peelee nw~ Dele: On the way he was bited on his toe by a
feeling keâe ØeÙeesie efyevee s/es kesâ nesiee~ poisonous snake.

Spotting the Error 96 YCT

(a) on the way (b) he was bited 582. Identify the segment which contains the
(c) on his toe (d) by a poisonous snake grammatical error
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III) Pleasure cannot derive from giving pain to
innocent people.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW he was bited kesâ mLeeve hej he
(a) pleasure cannot derive
was bitten keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe Passive (b) pain to
Voice nw~ Passive Voice ceW cegKÙe ef›eâÙee keâer third form keâe (c) innocent people
ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Dele: Bited kesâ mLeeve hej bitten keâe ØeÙeesie (d) from giving
nesiee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Bite − Bit − Bitten Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej sentence passive
ceW nesvee ÛeeefnÙes~ lees JeekeäÙe ceW Derive keâer peien be derived keâe
object − was / were + verb3 + by + subject
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Model 'can' keâer passive voice mebjÛevee efvecveJele
Correct sentence :- nw-
On the way he was bitten on his toe by a poisonous
Subject + can + be + V 3 + other word
580. In the sentence identify the segment which Correct sentence :-
contains the grammatical error. Pleasure cannot be derived from giving pain to innocent
Supriya asked Kiran that where had her people.
mother gone when the results of the contest 583. Identify the segment which contains the
were being declared. grammatical error.
(a) that where had her mother gone He asked from me if I was interested in a
(b) when the results of the contest career in modelling.
(a) from me if (b) in a career
(c) Supriya asked Kiran
(c) I was interested (d) He asked
(d) were being declared
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'asked from me' kesâ mLeeve hej 'asked
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW that where kesâ mLeeve hej where
me' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeebsefkeâ indirect yeveeles meceÙe told,
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ wh-word kesâ henues efkeâmeer otmejs
asked etc. kesâ meeLe efyevee efkeâmeer Preposition kesâ meerOes object keâe
conjunction keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~ Indirect speech ceW
ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Dele: 'from' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee~
interrogative sentence kesâ "Wh word" keâes as a
Correct sentence :-
conjunction ØeÙegòeâ keâjles nw~ Dele: 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie He asked me if I was interested in a career in modelling.
superfluous nw~ leLee JeekeäÙe keâes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ 584. In the sentence identify the segment which
Correct sentence :- contains the grammatical error.
Supriya asked Kiran where her mother had gone when Three more elevated roads have been propose
the results of the contest were being declared. in the new plan to unclog the traffic in Delhi.
581. Identify the segment in the sentence which (a) in the new plan
contains the grammatical error. If there is no (b) Three more elevated roads
error, select 'No error' (c) to unclog the traffic in Delhi
The letter was posting yesterday by my (d) have been propose
brother. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) by my brother Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have been propose kesâ mLeeve hej
(b) No error have been proposed keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee
(c) was posting yesterday JeekeäÙe passive voice ceW nw~ Deewj Passive voice ceW cegKÙe ef›eâÙee
(d) The letter ncesMee past participle DeLee&led third form ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
object + has / have + been + verb3 + by + subject
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Posting kesâ mLeeve hej Posted keâe
Correct sentence :-
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe Passive voice ceW nw~ Dele: Three more elevated roads have been proposed in the
verb keâer third form 'posted' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ new plan to unclog the traffic in Delhi.
object + was / were + verb3 + by + subject 585. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains a grammatical error. If there is no
Correct sentence :- error, then select the option 'No error'.
The letter was posted yesterday by my brother. Sh! Someone listens to our conversation.
Spotting the Error 97 YCT
(a) No error (b) listens to Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was poison kesâ mLeeve hej were
(c) Sh! Someone (d) our conversation poisoned keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keääÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe YeeJeevegmeej
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) Passive voice ceW ØeÙegòeâ nw Dele: Main verb keâer 3rd form keâe
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'listens to' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is ØeÙeesie nesiee Deewj poison kesâ mLeeve hej poisoned keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
listening to' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe continuous leLee subject (A Royal Bengal Tigress and her three
sense os jne nw~ Dele: present continuous tense keâe cubs) Plural nw lees singular verb 'was' kesâ mLeeve hej plural
structure ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ verb 'were' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
subject + is / am / are + verb1 + ing + object + other words Correct Sentence-
Note—Listen kesâ yeeo ØeeÙe: preposition 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ "A Royal Bengal Tigers and her three cubs were
poisoned and their carcasses left to rot in the wildlife
Correct sentence :- sanctuary in Goa."
Sh! someone is listening to our conversation
589. Identify the segment in the sentence which
586. Identify the segment in the sentence which contains the grammatical error.
contains the grammatical error. You are not expect to do the work alone.
Seema was sprinkled the cashews over the pie (a) not expect (b) to do
to garnish it. (c) work alone (d) You are
(a) over the pie (b) seema was sprinkled SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) the cashews (d) to garnish it
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'not expect' kesâ mLeeve hej 'not
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
expected' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was sprinkled (passive) ve
JeekeäÙe passive voice ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ efueÙes efvecve structure
neskeâj sprinkled (active) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
ieÙee JeekeäÙe, past indefinite kesâ Active voice ceW nw, Dele: ÙeneB
object+is/am/are+not+verb3 +other words (by subj.)
hej past indefinite keâe structure ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
subject + verb 2 + object + other words Note—Sense kesâ Devegmeej "by+subject" keâYeer-keâYeer Úes[
Ì osles nw~
Correct sentence :-
Correct sentence :- You are not expected to do the work alone.
Seema sprinkled the cashews over the pie to garnish it.
590. Identify the segment in the sentence which
587. Identify the segment in the sentence which contains the grammatical error from the given
contains the grammatical error. options
A soyabean processing unit is going to set up Many Indian languages can be reading using
soon in our village. the Braille system.
(a) A soyabean processing unit (a) using (b) many India
(b) is going (c) can be reading (d) the Braille
(c) to set up SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) soon in our village Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ sentence ceW 'reading' kesâ mLeeve hej 'read'
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III) keâer third form 'read' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe passive
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efoS ieS JeekeäÙe ceW 'to set up' kesâ mLeeve hej sense ceW nw~ efpemekeâe structure efvecve nesiee-
'to be set up' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej object+modal+be+verb3+other words (by+subject)
JeekeäÙe passive voice ceW yevesiee~ Dele: to be + verb3 keâe ØeÙeesie read - read - read
1st 2nd 3rd
Correct sentence :-
A soyabean processing unit is going to be set up soon (Modal+be+V3)
in our village. Correct sentence :-
588. In the given sentence identify the segment Many Indian languages can be read using the Braille
which contains the grammatical error. system.
A Royal Bengal tigress and her three cubs was 591. In the following question, some part of the
poison and their carcasses left to rot in the sentence may have errors. Find out which part
Wildlife Sanctuary in Goa. of the sentence has an error and select the
(a) A Royal Bengal tigress appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
(b) in the Wildlife Sanctuary in Goa error, select 'No Error'.
(c) and their carcasses left to rot A total of 300 economically backward
(d) and her three cubs was poison (1)/student would being awarded (2)/the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I) Narendra Modi Scholarship (3)/ No Error (4)

Spotting the Error 98 YCT

(a) 1 (b) 2 Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'will fined' kesâ mLeeve hej 'will be
(c) 3 (d) 4 fined' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe passive voice keâe sense
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I)
os jne nw~ Dele: Modal + be + verb3 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Would being awarded kesâ mLeeve
hej would be awarded keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe Passive Correct sentence -
Anybody who does not stop at the red light will be
Structure ceW nw~
Note- efveÙecele: Modal Auxiliary Verb (Can/Could,
595. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
Shall/Should, Will/Would) kesâ yeeo Passive Structure ceW error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
Modal A.V + be + VIIIrd from keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ error'.
Correct Sentence : The funding for the project will be entirely
A total of 300 economically backward student would be born on the centre./ No error
awarded the Narendra Modi Scholarship (a) No error
592. In the following question, some part of the (b) born on the centre
sentence may have errors. Find out which part (c) The funding for the project
of the sentence has an error and select the (d) will be entirely
appropritate option. If a sentence is free from SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
error, select 'No Error'. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Born on the centre kesâ mLeeve hej
It was also claim that the players (a)/ were born by the centre keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ will be + v3 kesâ
confused with drastic changes (b)/ in the ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe passive ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
strategy of every match (c)/ No Error (d)
Correct sentence :
(a) a (b) b
The funding for the project will he entirely born by the
(c) c (d) d
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
596. In the sentence identify the segment which
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe ceW claim kesâ mLeeve hej contains a grammatical error.
claimed keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe Passive Our twenty-first century society expects all
voice ceW nw FmeceW cegKÙe ef›eâÙee kesâ IIIrd Form keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee relevant information to simply be handing to us.
peelee nw~ (a) to simply be
Correct Sentence : (b) expects all relevant information
It was also claimed that the players were confused with (c) handing to us
drastic changes in the strategy of every match. (d) Out twenty-first century society
593. Identify the segment in the sentence which SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III)
contains the grammatical error from the given Ans. (c) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Part-C ceW handing to us kesâ mLeeve
options. hej handed to us keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB
The player was declare run-out as he failed to infinitive keâe passive form ØeÙegòeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS~
complete the run. Note-
(a) run-out as (b) he failed to
 to + V1 = inf initive(active cesW )
(c) complete the run (d) the player was declare 
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I)  to + be + V3 = inf initive(passive cesW )
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW As mes hetJe& sentence the player  to simply be handing(v1 ) = active
was declare run-out passive form ceW nw Deewj passive 
 to simply be handed(v3 ) = passive
form ceW verb keâes third form efueKeles nw, efpememes the player
Correct Sentence :
was declare kesâ mLeeve hej the player was declared keâe
Our twenty-first century society expects all relevant
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ information to simply be handed to us.
Correct sentence : 597. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
The player was declared run-out as he failed to error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
complete the run. error'.
594. Identify the segment in the sentence which The servant was beaten through his master
contains a grammatical error. with a stick./No error
Anybody who does not stop at the red light will (a) No error
fined. (b) with a stick
(a) will fined (b) at the red light (c) Through his is master
(c) does not stop (d) Anybody who (d) The servant was beaten
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)

Spotting the Error 99 YCT

Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Through his master' kesâ mLeeve Known for something
hej 'By his master' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence passive Known to somebody
voice ceW nw Deewj Passive voice keâe structure efvecve nw~
Correct Sentence :
Active structure-
'The old woman in our locality is known for her hot
Sub + VIInd form + Object. temper.
Passive structure-
601. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Object + was/were + VIIIrd from + by + Subject.
contains the grammatical error.
Correct sentence :
I was reading the newspaper when I heard the
The servant was beaten by his master with a stick. sound of bullets been fired.
598. Find the part of the given sentence that has an (a) when I heard
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No (b) the sound of bullets
error'. (c) been fired
Mukherjee is a famous politician who is love by (d) I was reading the newspaper
most people./No error
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Mukherjee is a
(b) famous politician who Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'been fired' kesâ mLeeve hej 'being
(c) No error fired' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ otmejer clause passive ceW
(d) is love by most people nw Dele: 'being + verb3' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II) Correct sentence :
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Is love by most people' kesâ I was reading the newspaper when I heard the sound of
bullets being fired.
mLeeve hej 'Is loved by most people keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee,
keäÙeeWefkeâ oer ieÙeer Clause (Adjective) Passive voice ceW nw Dele: 602. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains the grammatical error from the given
Is/am/are + V3 + by + Obj. keâe structure ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ options.
Correct sentence :- Jaipur, which is renown for its architecture,
'Mukherjee is a famous politician who is loved by most was founded about 300 years ago.
people.' (a) about 300 years ago
599. Identify the segment in the sentence, which (b) was founded
contains the grammatical error. (c) for its architecture
The reduction in the cost of education due to (d) Jaipur, which is renown
an increase in subsidies offer by the SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
government is also seen as a reason to get more SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) The reduction in the cost of education Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Renown' kesâ mLeeve hej
(b) offer by the government 'Renowned' (Øeefmeæ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe
(c) is also seen as a reason passive voice ceW nw~ Dele: V3 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(d) due to an increases in subsidies Correct sentence :
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II) Jaipur, which is renowned for its architecture, was
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW offer kesâ mLeeve hej offered keâe ØeÙeesie founded about 300 years ago.
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ by kesâ ØeÙeesie mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe passive sense ceW nw~ 603. From the given options identify the segment in
the sentence which contains the grammatical
Correct Sentence-
The reduction in the cost of education due to an increase
in subsidies offered by the government is also seen as a I said you to prepare the article yesterday but
reason to get more educated. you didn't.
(a) the article (b) I said you
600. Identify the segment which contains a
(c) you didn't (d) to prepare
grammatical error.
The old woman in our locality is knowing for SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
her hot temper. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW I said you kesâ mLeeve hej I told
(a) is knowing for (b) her hot temper you keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye reported speech keâe
(c) The old woman (d) in our locality JeekeäÙe assertive ceW nes lees indirect speech ceW 'sub+said
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) to+obj' keâes 'sub+told+object' ceW heefjJeefle&le keâj efoÙee peelee nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'is knowing for' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is Correct sentence :-
known for' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence passive form ceW nw I told you to prepare the article yesterday but you
Dele: main verb keâer IIIrd form keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee~ didn't.

Spotting the Error 100 YCT

K. Miscellaneous 607. Select the option that expresses the given
sentence in past tense form.
604. Find the part of the given sentence that has an The methods Arunima adopts for taming the
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No dogs create awe and wonder among them.
error'. (a) The methods Arunima adopted for taming the
I particular like that kitten because it has white dogs create awe and wonder among them.
feet. (b) The methods Arunima adopted for taming the
(a) that kitten because it (b) has white feet dogs created awe and wonder among them.
(c) No error (d) I particular like (c) The methods Arunima adopts for taming the
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II) dogs created awe and wonder among them.
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''particular'' kesâ mLeeve hej (d) The methods Arunima adopts for taming the
'particularly'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW verb (like) keâes dogs will create awe and wonder among
modify keâjves kesâ efueS adverb 'Particularly' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw them.
peyeefkeâ Particular keâe ØeÙeesie Adjective kesâ ™he ceW ngDee nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Correct sentence– Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) ceW ØeÙegkeäle JeekeäÙe
I particularly like that kitten because it has white feet. past tense ceW nw~ pewmee efkeâ main verbs created (v2) Deewj
605. Select the option that expresses the given adopted (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw~ efpevekeâe ØeÙeesie Past
sentence in past tense form. Indefinite tense ceW neslee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) correct answer
Aksa Thomas comes to attend the session so
(a) Aksa Thomas came to attend the session so Correct sentence–
early. The methods Arunima adopted for taming the dogs
(b) Aksa Thomas has come to attend the session create awe and wonder among them.
so early. 608. Select the grammatically correct version of the
(c) Aksa Thomas may come to attend the session following sentence.
so early. He was youngest than his brother.
(d) Aksa Thomas will come to attend the session (a) He was young to his brother.
so early. (b) He was youngest to his brother.
SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV) (c) He was too young than his brother.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) ceW ØeÙegkeäle JeekeäÙe (d) He was younger than his brother.
past tense ceW nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ FmeceW came (v2) keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw pees SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
efkeâ Past Indefinite tense ceW neslee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) correct Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) grammatically
answer nw~ correct nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ leguevee keâjves kesâ efueS adjective keâer
Correct sentence– comparative degree keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Deewj Fmekesâ yeeo than
Aksa Thomas come to attend the session so early.
keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
606. Choose the sentence that is in simple past tense:
Correct sentence–
A. I was giving some of the chocolates to my
younger sister. He was younger than his brother.
B. I had been giving some of the chocolate to 609. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
my younger sister. error in it. If there is no eroor, choose 'No
C. I had given some of the chocolates to my error' .
younger sister. We have more then 6 years of experience in
D. I gave some of the chocolates to my younger field hockey.
sister. (a) then 6 year of
(a) A (b) D (b) We have more
(c) B (d) C (c) experience in field hockey.
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II) (d) No error
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ketâš (d) ceW ØeÙegkeäle JeekeäÙe SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II)
simple past tense ceW nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ FmeceW gave (v2) keâe ØeÙeesie Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW more then kesâ mLeeve hej ''more
ngDee nw Deewj ketâš (d) efJekeâuhe (b) ceW efoÙee ieÙee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe than'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ comparison kesâ efueS more kesâ
(b) correct answer nw~ meeLe than keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw then keâe veneR~
Correct sentence– Correct sentence–
I gave some of the chocolates to my younger sister. We have more than 6 years experience in field hockey.

Spotting the Error 101 YCT

610. Find the part of the given sentence that has an (a) slept themselves peacefully
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No (b) after
error'. (c) a long and fun-filled day
Our hands have been crucial tools for finding (d) the children
and eat food, and helping us navigate the SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej themselves keâe
(a) tools for finding and eat food,
(b) Our hands have been crucial ØeÙeesie Superfluous nw Dele: Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee~
(c) No error Correct sentence–
(d) and helping us navigate the world. After a long and fun-filled day the children slept
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III) peacefully.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''eat'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''eating'' keâe 614. Parts of the following sentence have been given
as given as options. One of them may contain
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''and'' kesâ meeLe same part of speech keâe
an error. Select the part that contains the error
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ from the given options. If you don't find any
ÛetBefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW finding Deewj helping keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~ Dele: error, mark 'No error' as you answer.
same parts of speech (ground) keâe ØeÙeesie kesâ ™he ceW nesiee~ Both of my parents are dependent on my salary
Correct sentence– of their living.
Our hands have been crucial tool for finding and eating (a) are dependent on my (b) Both of my parents
food and helping us navigate the world. (c) salary of their living (d) No error
611. Parts of the following sentence are given as SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
options. Identify the part that contains a Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''salary of their living'' kesâ mLeeve
grammatical error. If there is no error, select
'No error'.
hej ''salary of their livelihood'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ noun
He has been/told many a times to/mind his kesâ ™he livelihood'' keâe DeLe& ‘‘DepeerefJekeâe’’ neslee nw Deewj 'for' (kesâ
manners. efueS) JeekeäÙe keâes GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nw~
(a) No error (b) He has been Correct sentence–
(c) told many a times to (d) mind his manners. Both of my parents are dependent on my salary of their
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III) livelihood.
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''many a times'' kesâ mLeeve hej 615. The following sentence has been divided
many a time keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ many a/an kesâ yeeo into parts. One of them may contain an error.
singular Noun (time) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Select the part that contains the error from the
Correct sentence– given options. If you don’t find any error, mark
He has been told many a time to mind his manners. ‘No error’ as your answer.
The team won/ very easily / at the recent sports
612. Identify the segment in the sentence which
contains a grammatical error. If there is no
error, then select the option "No error". (a) Very easily
Today, in fit of frenzied rage and / jealousy, (b) at the recent sports event
you would have / killed me, your brother. (c) The team won
(a) killed me, your brother (d) No error
(b) No error SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III
(c) jealousy, you would have Ans. (d) : No error
(d) Today, in fit of frenzied rage and 616. The following sentence has been divided into
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II) parts. One of them may contain a grammatical
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''frenzied'' Ùee ''rage'' oesveeW ceW mes error. Select the part that contains the error
efkeâmeer Skeâ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ oesveeW word Skeâ ner DeLe& osles nQ~ from the given options. If you don't find any
Dele: Fme oesveeW ØeÙeesie Skeâ meeLe superfluous nw~ error, mark 'No error' as your answer.
This park is/the largest bird sanctuary/in the
Correct sentence–
Today, in fit of frenzied and jealousy, you would have
(a) the largest bird sanctuary
killed me, your brother.
(b) in the State
613. The following sentences has been split into four
(c) This park is
segments. Identify the segment that contains a
(d) No error
grammatical error.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II
After/a long and fun-filled day,/the
children/slept themselves peacefully. Ans. (d) : No error.

Spotting the Error 102 YCT

617. The following sentence has been divided into 621. The following sentence has been divided into
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
the part that contains the error from the given the part that contains the error from the given
options. If you don’t find any error, mark ‘No options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
error’ as your answer. error' as your answer.
The unseasonal rain/ caused a lot of damage/ to He got afflicted with the disease / when he was /
the crops. a teenager.
(a) No error (b) The unseasonal rain (a) No error
(c) to the crops (d) caused a lot of damage (b) He got afflicted with the disease
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II (c) a teenager
Ans. (a) : No error. (d) when he was
618. The following sentence has been split into SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I
segments. One of them may contain an error. Ans. (a) : No error.
Identify the segment that contains a 622. Parts of the following sentence have been given
grammatical error. If you don't find any error, as options. One of them contains an error.
mark 'No error' as your answer. Select the part that contains the error from the
How many / eggs were put / into the basket? given options.
(a) No error (b) eggs were put Time and technology are two important factor
(c) into the basket (d) How many that change substances into resources.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III (a) Time and technology
Ans. (a) : No error (b) resources
619. The following sentence has been split into four (c) factor that
segments. Identify the segment that contains a (d) two important
grammatical error. SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
The manager said, "Could you please / confirm Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW factor that kesâ mLeeve hej factor in
me whether you / have received all the items / keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ''factor in'' keâe ØeÙeesie phrasal verb kesâ
that you had ordered?"
™he ceW neslee nw efpemekeâe DeLe& specialist neslee nw~
(a) have received all the items
Correct Sentence :
(b) that you had ordered
Time and technology are two important factor in change
(c) The manager said, "Could you please
substances into resources.
(d) Confirm me whether you
623. The following sentence has been divided into
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Confirm me whether you kesâ the part that contains the error from the given
mLeeve hej Confirm whether you keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
Pronoun 'me' keâe ØeÙeesie Superfluous nw Dele: Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie error' as your answer.
veneR nesiee~ Marine vertebrates are / valuable for / many
Correct sentence– reasons.
The manager said, "Could you please confirm whether (a) valuable for
you have received all the items that you had ordered?" (b) No error
(c) many reasons
620. The following sentence has been split into four
segments. Identify the segment that contains a (d) Marine vertebrates are
grammatical error. SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II
It is not worth/having the trouble/to write to Ans. (b) : No error
him/as he never replies. 624. The following sentence has been divided into
(a) To write to him (b) having the trouble parts. One of them may contain an error. Select
(c) as he never replies (d) It is not worth the part that contains the error from the given
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No
error' as your answer.
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''having the trouble'' kesâ mLeeve hej
Whatever a writer puts / into a story probably
''taking the trouble'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ taking the
comes with / his own life experience.
trouble Skeâ idiom nw efpemekeâe DeLe& ‘‘cegmeeryele ceesue uesvee’’ neslee (a) with his own life experience
nw~ (b) No error
Correct sentence– (c) into a story probably comes
It is not worth taking the trouble to write to him as he (d) whatever a writer puts
never replies. SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II
Spotting the Error 103 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''with his own life experience'' You must and avoid riding in crowded bus/or
kesâ mLeeve hej ''with own life experience'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ travelling in a metro/during rush hour/as both
are quiet unpleasant experiences.
JeekeäÙe ceW ''his'' keâe ØeÙeesie superfluous nw leLee ''with own life
(a) You must avoid riding in a crowded bus.
experience'' JeekeäÙe keâes GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nw~
(b) during rush hour
Correct Sentence :
(c) as both are quiet unpleasant experiences
Whatever a writer puts into a story probably comes with
(d) or travelling in a metro
own life experience.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I)
625. The following sentence has been divided into
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW as both are quiet unpleasant
the part that contains the error from the given experiences kesâ mLeeve hej as both are quite unpleasant
options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No experience keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ quiet (Meevle)
error' as your answer. kesâ mLeeve hej quite (efyeukegâue) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GefÛele DeLe&
Young scientists have fresh ideas; they are
oslee nw~
ambitious and highly productive.
(a) and highly productive Correct Sentence -
(b) Young scientists have fresh ideas You must and avoid riding in crowded bus or travelling
(c) No error in a metro during rush hour as both are quite unpleasant
(d) they are ambitious
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III 629. In the following, some part of the sentence may
Ans. (c) : No error have errors. Find out which part of the
sentence has an error and select the
626. In the given sentence, identify the segment
which contains a grammatical error. appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
error, select No Error.
Doctors say that home isolation is far more
effective than hospitalise in cases of mild The priest class took upon itself the monopoly
infection. (1)/ of scriptural knowledge and interpretation
(a) far more effective (b) than hospitalise (2)/ of the same to its own advantage. (3)/ No
error (4)
(c) isolation is (d) Doctors say that
(a) 1 (b) 2
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) 3 (d) 4
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Part (b) than hospitalise kesâ
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
mLeeve hej than hospitals GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ compare
Ans. (a) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe ceW itself keâe ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
meceeve parts of speech keâer leguevee keâer peeleer nw~
Correct Sentence -
Fmekesâ efyevee JeekeäÙe keâe structure complete Je grammatically
Doctors say that home isolation is far more effective Megæ nw~
than hospitals in cases of mild infection. Correct sentence-
627. The following sentence has been divided into The priest class took upon the monopoly of scriptural
parts. One of them may contain an error. Select knowledge and interpretation of the same to its own
the part that contains the error from the given advantage.
options. If you don't find any error, mark 'No 630. In the following, some part of the sentence may
error' as your answer. have errors. Find out which part of the
The need today is for both sides/to introspect sentence has an error and select the
and re-examine the issue carefully/ and resolve appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
it amicably. error, select No Error.
(a) to introspect and re-examine the issue He built the theatre as a tribute to his rootings
carefully (1)/ and the thought of it outlasting him, (2)/
(b) and resolve it amicably would surely have given him the greatest joy.
(c) No error (3)/ No error. (4).
(d) The need today is for both sides (a) 1 (b) 2
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I) (c) 3 (d) 4
Ans. (c) : No error. SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
628. The following sentence has been divided into Ans. (a) GheÙegòeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ngS JeekeäÙe ceW Rooting -
parts. One of them contains an error. Select the
(peÌ[) kesâ mLeeve hej Routing (Devegceeie&Ce, ›eâce) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
part that contains the error from the given
options. nesiee, pees sentence kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~

Spotting the Error 104 YCT

Correct sentence- 634. Identify the segment in the sentence which
He built the theatre as a tribute to his routings and the contains the grammatical error. If there is no
thought of it outlasting him, would surely have given error, select 'No error'
him the greatest joy. We watched the workmen to repair the tiles of
631. Identify the segment in the sentence which the kitchen.
contains a grammatical error. (a) of the kitchen
He wondered what was the reason for her (b) We watched the workmen
refusal to accompany him. (c) No error
(a) was the reason (d) to repair the tiles
(b) He wondered what
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) for her refusal
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'to repair' kesâ mLeeve hej 'repairing'
(d) to accompany him
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Watch kesâ yeeo gerund
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'was the reason' kesâ mLeeve hej the (verb+ing) keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
reason was keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe indirect Watch somebody doing something
speech nw~ Dele: reported speech kesâ interrogative Correct sentence :-
sentence keâes assertive ceW yeoue ueWies~ JeekeäÙe ceW 'what' We watched the workmen repairing the tiles of the
conjunction kesâ ™he ceW oesveeW clause keâes peesÌ[ves keâe keâeÙe& keâj kitchen.
jne nw~ 635. Identify the segment in the sentence which
Correct sentence :- contains the grammatical error. If there is no
He wondered what the reason was for her refusal to error, select 'No error'.
accompany him. Among the reasons cited by the employee for
632. In the sentence identify the segment which quitting the job were the pressure of work, the
contains the grammatical error. If the sentence outstation duties and desiring to pursue her
has no error, then select 'No error'. hobbies.
Whom did you give the packet to ? (a) Among the reasons cited by the employee
(a) Whom (b) did you give (b) were the pressure of work the outstation
(c) the packet to (d) No error duties
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) (c) and desiring to pursue her hobbies
Ans : (d) No error (d) No error
633. In the sentence identify the segment which SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
contains the grammatical error. Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW desiring to pursue kesâ mLeeve hej
The street artist Satish Munjal has been desire to pursue keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ and kesâ meeLe same
painting this wall since the past one week. part of speech keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Dele: duties (Noun) kesâ meeLe
(a) has been painting
desire (noun) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(b) the street artist
Correct sentence :-
(c) this wall
Among the reasons cited by the employee for quitting
(d) since the past one week
the job were the pressure of work, the outstation duties
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II)
and desire to pursue her hobbies.
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW since kesâ mLeeve hej for keâe ØeÙeesie
636. Identify the segment in the sentence which
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye Present Perfect Continuous Tense contains the grammatical error. If there is no
kesâ JeekeäÙe ceW Period of time keâe GuuesKe nes lees Gmekesâ henues ‘for’ error, select 'No error'.
keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ peyeefkeâ 'since' keâe ØeÙeesie point of time kesâ The detective compared the forged signature to
efueÙes neslee nw~ the original.
Rules– (a) to the original
Sub + has/have + been + V +ing + for + Period of time. (b) The detective compared
Correct sentence :- (c) No error
The street artist Satish Munjal has been painting this (d) the forged signature
wall for the past one week. SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)

Spotting the Error 105 YCT

Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW To kesâ mLeeve hej with keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 641. Identify the segment that contains a
keäÙeeWefkeâ compared kesâ meeLe preposition with keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ grammatical error. If there is no error, select
'No error'
Correct Sentence :-
I ordered his dismissal when he flouted the
The detective compared the forged signature with the
company rules.
(a) the company rules
637. Identify the segment in the sentence which
(b) when he flouted
contains the grammatical error. If there is no
error, select 'No error' (c) I ordered his dismissal
In about two weeks our holidays will start. (d) No error
(a) In about two weeks (b) No error SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) our holidays (d) will start Ans. (d) : No Error
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) 642. Identify the segment that contains a
Ans : (b) No error grammatical error. If there is no error, select
638. In the sentence identify the segment which the 'No error'
grammatical error. I wish I have worked harder than I did.
Shyam studied in Moscow since ten years when (a) I have worked (b) harder than I did
his father was posted there from 1976 to 1985. (c) I wish (d) No error
(a) when his father was posted there SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(b) from 1976 to 1985 Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW I have worked kesâ mLeeve hej I
(c) Shyam studied in Moscow had worked keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'I wish' kesâ yeeo
(d) Since ten years Jeeues sentence ceW Past perfect tense keâe use keâjles nw~
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence :-
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ''since ten years' kesâ mLeeve hej I wish I had worked harder than I did.
till/until ten years keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekesâ yeeo 643. Identify the segment which contains the
keâe sentence 'when' mes Meg® nw~ Dele: since (mes) kesâ mLeeve hej grammatical error.
till (lekeâ/peye lekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ Great many students who are good at other
DeLe& oslee nw~ subjects perform poorly in English.
Correct Sentence :- (a) perform poorly
Shyam studied in Moscow till ten years when his (b) in English
father was posted there from 1976 to 1985. (c) who are good at
639. Identify the segment that contains a (d) Great many students
grammatical error. If there is no error, select SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III)
'No error' Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Great many kesâ mLeeve hej A great
This document has signed by two persons. many keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie Idiomatic nw~ 'A
(a) has signed (b) by two persons
great many' - ' large number of things or persons'.
(c) No error (d) This document
A great many/A good many + plural noun
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence :-
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Has signed kesâ mLeeve hej has A Great many students who are good at other subjects
been signed keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ by kesâ ØeÙeesie mes perform poorly in English.
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Passive ceW nw~ efpemeceW has kesâ yeeo been keâe 644. Identify the segment in the sentence which
ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ contains the grammtical error. If there is no
object + has been + verb3 + by + subject error, select 'No error'.
If she left now, she would reach the station on
Correct Sentence :-
This document has been signed by two persons.
(a) the station on time
640. Find the part of the given sentence that has an (b) she would reach
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
(c) if she left now
My aunt/sold her boutique/ to a billionaire. (d) No error
(a) to a billionaire (b) sold her boutique SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) My aunt (d) No error Ans : (d) No error
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) Note—If + subject + verb2... subject + would + verb1 keâe
Ans. (d) : No error ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Spotting the Error 106 YCT
645. In the sentence identify the segment which Correct Sentence :-
contains the grammatical error. The invited guests preferred orange juice to hot coffee
On Saturday Rahul visited his professor to or chilled grapes.
whom he had an appointment. 649. In the following question, some part of the
(a) to whom he had sentence may have errors. Find out which part
(b) Rahul visited his professor of the sentence has as error and select the
(c) an appointment appropriate option. If a sentence is free from
(d) On Saturday error, select 'No Error'.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I) He added that his previous employee (1)/ in
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW to whom (efpememes) kesâ mLeeve hej Lucknow never paid him on time (2)/ or gave
with whom (efpemekesâ meeLe) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ ÙeneB whom, him his full dues. (3)/ No Error (4)
with (preposition) keâe object nw~ pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes (a) 1 (b) 2
GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ (c) 3 (d) 4
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence :-
On Saturday Rahul visited his professor with whom he Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Previous employee kesâ mLeeve hej
had an appointment. former employee (YetlehetJe& keâce&Ûeejer) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
646. Identify the segment which contains the keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
grammatical error. Correct Sentence :-
The soldiers had no choice when to obey the He added that his former employee in Lucknow never
commander. paid him on time or gave him his full dues.
(a) The soldiers
650. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
(b) had no choice
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
(c) when to obey
(d) the commander
I did not see anybody in the auditorium./No
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW when to obey kesâ mLeeve hej but to (a) No error (b) see anybody
obey keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'but as a conjunction' (c) I did not (d) in the auditorium
oes contrast JeekeäÙeeW keâes peesÌ[ves keâe keâeÙe& keâjlee nw~ SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence :- Ans. (a) : No error.
The soldiers had no choice but to obey the commander.
651. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
647. Find the part of the given sentence that has an error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
error in if. If there is no error, choose 'No error'.
It is easier to preach then to follow./No error
Their friendship will not last long./No error
(a) to preach (b) it is easier
(a) will not
(c) then to follow (d) No error
(b) last long
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) No error
(d) Their friendship Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW then to follow kesâ mLeeve hej than
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III) to follow keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ comparison (leguevee) kesâ
Ans. (c) : No error efueS preposition 'than' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw, ve efkeâ 'then'
648. In the sentence identify the segment which (leye) keâe~
contains the grammatical error. Correct Sentence :-
The invited guests preferred orange juice than It is easier to preach than to follow.
hot coffee or chilled grapes.
652. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
(a) preferred orange juice
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
(b) or chilled grapes
(c) than hot coffee
The people in my office are smarter than other
(d) the invited guests
offices./ No error
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) No error
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW than hot coffee kesâ mLeeve hej to (b) my office are
hot coffee keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ prefer kesâ meeLe (c) smarter than other offices
leguevee keâjves kesâ efueS preposition 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw, (d) The people in
ve efkeâ than keâe~ SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)

Spotting the Error 107 YCT

Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'smarter than other offices' kesâ (a) No error
mLeeve hej 'Smarter than those of other offices' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, (b) to bake a cake
(c) for both her brothers
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'People' keâer leguevee other offices kesâ 'people'
(d) She wanted
mes keâer ieÙeer nw, Dele: other offices kesâ hetJe& 'those (people) of' SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ Ans. (a) : No error
Correct Sentence :- 657. Identify the segment in the sentence which
'The people in my office are smarter than those of contains the grammatical error from the given
other offices.' options.
653. Find the part of the given sentence that has an I couldn't hear what was she saying due to the
error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No noise of the planes taking off.
error'. (a) planes taking off
Unless you prepare well, you will not get a first (b) what was she saying
class./No error (c) I couldn't hear
(a) No error (d) due to the noise of the
(b) a first class SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Unless you prepare well Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW What was she saying kesâ mLeeve
(d) you will not get hej what she was saying keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I) indirect speech ceW nw Deewj 'What' conjuction kessâ ™he ceW
Ans. (a) : No error. ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw leLee sentence assertive nw efpemeceW Sub. +
654. Identify the segment in the sentence which helping verb + main verb + object keâe structure follow
contains the grammatical error. If there is no neslee nw~
error, select 'no error'. Correct Sentence :
My friend usually wakes up late on Sunday I couldn't hear what she was saying due to the noise of
mornings. the planes taking off.
(a) usually wakes up
658. Identify the segmet in the sentence which
(b) No error contains the grammatical error.
(c) My friend Sakshi is as smarter as any other child in the
(d) late on Sunday mornings class.
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I) (a) in the class
Ans. (b) : No error. (b) as smarter as
655. Identify the segment in the sentence which (c) Sakshi is
contains the grammatical error. If there is no (d) any other child
error, select 'no error' SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
The climate of Dehradun is better than Meerut. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'as smarter as' kesâ mLeeve hej 'as
(a) is better smart as' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ ÛetBefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Sakshi' keâer
(b) The climate of Dehradun leguevee efkeâmeer otmejs JÙeefòeâ mes veneR keâer pee jner nw, Dele: adjective
(c) no error 'smart' keâer comparative degree keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele veneR nw~
(d) than Meerut as + adjective (positive degree) + as
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct sentence :
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Than Meerut' kesâ mLeeve hej than Sakashi is as smart as any other child in the class.
that of Meerut keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW JeneB
659. Find the part of the given sentence that has an
kesâ climate mes leguevee keâer pee jner nw ve efkeâ Meerut city mes~ error in it. If there is no error, choose 'No
Dele: that of (climate) kesâ efueÙes ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ error'.
Correct Sentence :- The lady/standing in the/corner is fat./No error.
'The climate of Dehradun is better than that of Meerut'. (a) corner is fat
656. Identify the segment in the sentence which (b) No error
contains the grammatical error. If no error (c) standing in the
then select 'No error'. (d) The lady
She wanted to bake a cake for both her SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
brothers. Ans. (b) : No error

Spotting the Error 108 YCT

TCS hewšve& hej DeeOeeefjle (Based On TCS Pattern)
Chapterwise Exam Question No. Years
1 CGL (Tier-1) 30
CGL (Tier-2) 20
Form of verb (Tense, CHSL (Tier-1) 40
Number, Modal) CHSL (Tier-2) 22
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 15
2 CGL (Tier-1) 15
CGL (Tier-2) 7
CHSL (Tier-1) 18
Subject & Verb agreement CHSL (Tier-2) 5
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2
3 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 6
Conditional Sentence CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
4 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 2
Question tag CHSL (Tier-1) 5
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
5 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
Article CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -

Sentence Improvement 109 YCT

6 CGL (Tier-1) 22
CGL (Tier-2) 8
CHSL (Tier-1) 5
CHSL (Tier-2) 25
Correct use of Pronoun,
Adjective & Adverb Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5
7 CGL (Tier-1) 11
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 6
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
8 CGL (Tier-1) 25
CGL (Tier-2) 10
CHSL (Tier-1) 5
CHSL (Tier-2) 30
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5
9 CGL (Tier-1) 4
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 8
CHSL (Tier-2) 2 (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4
Voice and Narration
10 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 5
CHSL (Tier-2)2 2
Noun (Case, Gender,
Number) Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
11 CGL (Tier-1) 35
CGL (Tier-2) 20
CHSL (Tier-1) 19
CHSL (Tier-2) 25
Miscellaneous (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 11

Sentence Improvement 110 YCT

Trend Analysis of Questions topicwise from CGL (Pre & Mains)
CHSL (Pre & Mains) Selection Post VII, VIII, XI, SSC MTS, SSC
GD & Other Exams (2017-2023)

200 188
180 159
120 88
100 69
80 48
60 26 35
40 17 19
9 7

Noun Miscellaneous
(Case, Gender, , 159 Form of verb
Number) , 19 (Tense, Number,
Modal) , 188

Voice and
Narration, 7

Preposition , 88 Subject & Verb

agreement , 48

Conjunction , 35 Sentence , 26
Correct use of
ronoun, Adjectiv Article , 9 Question tag , 17
e & Adverb , 69

Sentence Improvement 111 YCT

4. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
A. Form of Verb (Tense, number, Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
Modal) sentence is grammatically correct.
The day are warm, so the student ate their
1. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
lunch outside.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(a) was warm (b) was warming
no substitution is required, select No
improvement. (c) No improvement (d) is warm
The big farmers with deepest tubewells still SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
have water, but many others face a water crisis. Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'are warm' kesâ
(a) No improvement mLeeve hej 'was warm' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW verb
(b) in deep tubewells 'ate' (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° Fbefiele neslee nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past tense
(c) through deepest tubewells ceW nQ~ Dele: helping verb kesâ ™he ceW was keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(d) with deeper tubewells Correct sentence–
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II) The day was warm, so the student ate their lunch outside.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'with deepest 5. Select the option that will improve the
tubewells' kesâ mLeeve hej 'with deeper tubewells' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ (bracketed) part of the sentence. In case of no
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe legueveelcekeâ nw FmeefueS Ùeneb improvement select the option 'No improvement'.
deeper (comparative degree) keâe ØeÙeesie ner GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ When you ride a horse, (you sat on it and
Correct Sentence– control it's) movements.
The big farmers with deeper tubewells still have water, (a) you sit on it and afterwards control it's
but many others face a water crisis. (b) you seated on it and control it's
(c) you sit on it and control its
2. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
(d) No improvement
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
sentence is grammatically correct. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
Each passenger is allows one piece of carry-on Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW (you sat on it and control it's)
luggage. kesâ mLeeve hej (you sit on it and control its) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
(a) No improvement (b) is allowed keäÙeeWefkeâ verb 'ride' (V1) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present
(c) is allow (d) is allowing Indefinite tense ceW nw~ Dele: Verb1 (sit) keâe ØeÙeesie keâlee& 'you'
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I) kesâ yeeo GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'allows' kesâ mLeeve Note– Noun (movements) kesâ henues it's kesâ mLeeve hej
hej 'allowed' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe Sense kesâ Devegmeej possessive adjective 'its' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Passive Voice ceW nw~ is/am/are+verb3 Correct sentence–
Correct sentence– When you ride a horse, (you sit on it and control its)
Each passenger is allowed one piece of carry-on luggage. movements.
3. Improve the underlined part of the sentence. 6. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
sentence is grammatically correct. sentence is grammatically correct.
Don't try to force the window open, or you MLA is a representative electing by the voters
might broken it. of a constituency to the legislature.
(a) you might breaks (b) you have break (a) elected by a (b) elected by the
(c) No improvement (d) you might break (c) elects by a (d) No improvement
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II) SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'you might Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'electing by the'
broken' kesâ mLeeve hej 'you might break' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, kesâ mLeeve hej 'elected by the' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe
keäÙeeWefkeâ Modal (might) kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeueer Verb 'basic form' 'Passive voice' ceW nw~ FmeefueS Verb (is/am/are+v3) keâe ØeÙeesie
(V1) ceW Deeleer nw~ GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Note– Modal + V1 Correct sentence–
Correct sentence– MLA is a representative elected by the voters of a
Don't try to force the window open, or you might break it. constituency to the legislature.

Sentence Improvement 112 YCT

7. Improve the underlined part of the sentence. (a) roof collapsed (b) roof was collapse
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the (c) No correction required (d) roof have collapsed
sentence is grammatically correct. SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
That movie is so sad; the ending always makes Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ bracket ceW 'roof collapsing' kesâ
me bawling.
(a) made me bawl (b) No improvement
mLeeve hej 'roof collapsed' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ
(c) makes me bawl (d) makes me bawled Devegmeej JeekeäÙe Simple past tense ceW nw Dele: V2 (collapsed)
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'bawling' kesâ mLeeve hej 'bawl keâe ØeÙeesie Correct sentence–
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'make' keâe ØeÙeesie Causitive verb kesâ ™he ceW nesves hej The roof collapsed in a roar of rock and rubble.
Fmekesâ yeeo Infinitive (verb1) keâe ØeÙeesie efyevee ''to'' kesâ neslee nw~ 11. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence to
Correct sentence– make it a meaningful sentence. If no
That movie is so sad; the ending always makes me substitution is required, select 'No
bawl. substitution'.
8. Improve the underlined part of the sentence. The first step towards the prevention of
Choose ‘No improvement’ as an answer if the cybercrimes will obviously to promote
sentence is grammatically correct. awareness about criminal activities and tighten
She blew out the candle and gone to sleepy. up security.
(a) go to sleep (b) No improvement (a) Would obviously been to promote awareness
(c) went to sleeps (d) went to sleep about criminal activities
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I) (b) Would obviously be to promote awareness
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'gone to sleepy' about criminal activities
kesâ mLeeve hej 'went to sleep' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW (c) No substitution
'v2' (blew) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nQ efkeâ JeekeäÙe 'Past Indefinite (d) Would obviously be to promote awareness for
tense' ceW nw Dele: 'went' (v2) keâe ØeÙeesie 'gone' (V3) kesâ mLeeve criminal activates
SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I)
hej ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'will obviously
Note– Infinitive ceW 'to + V1' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw Dele: 'to
to promote awareness about criminal activities' kesâ mLeeve
+ sleepy' kesâ mLeeve hej 'to + sleep' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Correct sentence–
hej 'would obviously be to promote awareness about
She blew out the candle and went to sleep. criminal activities' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe Past tense
9. Improve the underlined part of the sentence. ceW nw Dele: will kesâ mLeeve hej 'would + V1 (be) keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle nesiee
Choose ‘No improvement’ as an answer if the Deewj JeekeäÙe kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej 'for' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle veneR nw~
sentence is grammatically correct. Correct sentence–
Though a foreigner, Mother Teresa settle in The first step towards the prevention of cybercrimes
Calcutta and made it her home. Would obviously be to promote awareness about
(a) settled in Calcutta and criminal activities and tighten up security.
(b) No improvement 12. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) settle over Calcutta as the underlined segment in the given sentence.
(d) settling in Calcutta or The manager have get hot under the collar
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II) when the workers demanded higher wages.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'settle in (a) Had get under the collar
Calcutta' kesâ mLeeve hej 'settled in Calcutta' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee (b) Got hot under the collar
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'made' (V2) mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Simple past (c) Get hot under the collar
(d) Will got under the collar
tense ceW nw Dele: settle (V1) kesâ mLeeve hej settled (V2) keâe
SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III)
ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW ''have get hot
Correct sentence–
Though a foreigner, Mother Teresa settled in under the collar'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''Got hot under the collar''
Calcutta and made it her home. keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW otmejs Clause keâe Verb
10. Select the word segment that substitutes 'demanded' (V2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Simple past
(replaces) the bracketed word segment tense ceW nw FmeefueS 'have get' kesâ mLeeve hej 'got' (V2) keâe ØeÙeesie
correctly and completes the sentence GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
meaningfully. Select the option 'no correction
Correct sentence–
required' if the sentence is correct as given.
The (roof collapsing) in a roar of rock and The manager Got hot under the collar when the workers
rubble. demanded higher wages.

Sentence Improvement 113 YCT

13. Select the most appropriate option that can Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'don't wear' kesâ
substitute the underlined segment in the given mLeeve hej 'I'm not wearing' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ phrase 'at
the moment' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present
Shubhda has not finished to paint the window.
(a) paining with (b) painting on continuous tense nw~
(c) painting (d) painting of Note : JeekeäÙe kesâ negative ceW nesves hej verb keâe short form
SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I) I'm not keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'to paint' kesâ Correct Sentence–
mLeeve hej 'painting' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ kegâÚ Verb (finish, I’m not wearing the sunglasses at the moment.
begin, avoid, keep, enjoy etc). Ssmeer nesleer nw efpevekesâ yeeo 17. Select the most appropriate option that can
Gerund (V1 + ing) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Dele: 'to paint' kesâ substitute the underlined segment in the given
mLeeve hej 'painting' (Gerund) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Polythelene terephthalate, one of the most often
Correct sentence– recycled plastics and the material used in the
Shubhda has not finished painting the window. majority of water and soda bottles, can be
14. Select the most appropriate options that can transformed into everything from polyester
substitute the underlined segment in the given fabric to automotive parts.
sentence. (a) may be converted (b) might be placed
Don't sit on this bench as it is just painted. (c) may be devaluated (d) might be evolved
(a) It was painted just SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III)
(b) It had been painted just
(c) It had painted just Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'can be
(d) It has just been painted transformed' kesâ mLeeve hej 'may be converted' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III) keäÙeeWefkeâ, 'May' mebYeeJevee keâes oMee&lee nw peyeefkeâ 'can' Meefkeäle SJeb
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'It is just ‘meeceLÙe&’ oMee&lee nw~
painted' kesâ mLeeve hej 'It has just been painted' keâe ØeÙeesie Note- 'May be + VIII' keâe ØeÙeesie 'passive voice' kesâ ™he ceW
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'just' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ jsKeebefkeâle ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~
Yeeie Present Perfect tense ceW nesiee, Deewj sense kesâ Devegmeej Correct Sentence–
JeekeäÙe Passive Voice ceW nesiee~ Dele: has + just + been + V3 Polythelene terephthalate, one of the most often
Correct Sentence– recycled plastics and the material used in the majority
Don't sit on this bench as it has just been painted. of water and soda bottles, may be converted into
15. Select the most appropriate option that can everything from polyester fabric to automotive parts.
substitute the underlined segment in the given 18. Select the most appropriate option that can
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, substitute the underlined segment in the given
select ‘No substitution’. My friend is owing an sentence. If there is no need to substitute it,
expensive cell phone. select 'No substitution'.
(a) own an expensive cell phone Delegates of the conflicting countries formally
(b) No substitution meet at a conference to ironing out their
(c) is own an expensive cell phone differences.
(d) owns an expensive cell phone. (a) To ironed (b) No substitution
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II) (c) To iron out (d) For iron in
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'is owing an SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III)
expensive cell phone' kesâ mLeeve hej 'owns an expensive Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'to ironing out'
kesâ mLeeve hej 'to iron out' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Infinitive 'to'
cell phone' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe
simple present tense ceW nw Deewj 'my friend' singular kesâ meeLe verb keâe base form (to + V1) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ~
subject nw~ Dele: singular verb kesâ ™he ceW 'owns' (V1 + s/s) Correct Sentence–
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ Delegates of the conflicting countries formally meet at a
Correct Sentence– conference to iron out their differences.
My friend owns an expensive cell phone. 19. Select the option that will improve the
16. Select the most appropriate option to substitute underlined part of the given sentence.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. Adyasha would have been looked gorgeous in
I don’t wear the sunglasses at the moment. ethnic apparel.
(a) I didn’t wear (b) I was wearing (a) would have looked (b) had looking
(c) I wore (d) I’m not wearing (c) would be looked (d) was looked
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I)

Sentence Improvement 114 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'would have Correct Sentence–
been looked' kesâ mLeeve hej ''would have looked' keâe ØeÙeesie No sooner did she shout, than the thieves ran away
leaving all the jewellery on the table.
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe sense active voice kesâ past tense ceW nw
23. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
Deewj FmeceW 'would have' + (V3) keâe ØeÙeesie active voice kesâ ™he Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
ceW neslee nw~ sentence is grammatically correct.
Correct Sentence– I try to travelling lightly, packing only the bare
Adyasha would have looked gorgeous in ethnic essentials.
apparel. (a) No improvement (b) travelled light
20. Select the most appropriate option that can (c) travels lightly (d) travel lightly
substitute the underlined words in the given SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I)
sentence. Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'travelling
No sooner did we arrived at the airport than
we got onto our flight to Atlanta. lightly' kesâ mLeeve hej 'travel lightly' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
(a) have we arrived at (b) can we arrive by 'Infinitive' 'to' kesâ meeLe ef›eâÙee (Verb) keâe base form ØeÙeesie
(c) had we arrive at (d) did we arrive at efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Dele: 'travelling' (v1 + ing) kesâ mLeeve hej
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV) 'travel' (v1) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'did we arrived Note– JeekeäÙe ceW 'lightly' Skeâ 'adverb' (ef›eâÙee-efJeMes<eCe) nw pees
at' kesâ mLeeve hej 'did we arrive at' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ef›eâÙee (try) keâes modify keâj jner nw~
ceW Verb 'did' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Simple Past ceW nw Correct Sentence–
Deewj FmeceW 'did' kesâ meeLe 'Verb1' (arrive) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ I try to travel lightly, packing only the bare essentials.
Correct Sentence– 24. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
No sooner did we arrive at the airport than we got onto Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
our flight to Atlanta. sentence is grammatically correct.
21. Select the most appropriate option that can The medieval knight was knew for his
substitute the underlined words in the horsemanship.
following sentence. (a) were known (b) was knows
It is raining a lot in April and May, but the
(c) No improvement (d) was known
summer is very dry.
(a) was raining a lot on (b) rains a lot in SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
(c) rain a lot at (d) will rains a lot of Ans. (d) : Ghejes k eäle JeekeäÙ e kes â js K eeb e f k eâle Yeeie ceW 'was knew' kesâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II) mLeeve hej 'was known' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe YeeJe
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'is raining a lot 'Passive voice' ceW nw FmeefueS 'Passive voice' ceW meneÙekeâ ef›eâÙee
in' kesâ mLeeve hej 'rains a lot in ' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'General 'was' kesâ meeLe cegKÙe ef›eâÙee keâe 'third form (v3) 'known' keâe
Truths, habitual actions, true events, near future etc keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Present Indefinite tense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Dele: 'is raining' kesâ Correct Sentence–
mLeeve hej 'rains' (V1) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ The medieval knight was known for his horsemanship.
Correct Sentence– 25. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
It rains a lot in April and May, but the summer is very Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
dry. sentence is grammatically correct.
22. Choose the best substitute for the bracketed He sharpened his pencil, but the lead broken as
segment in the following sentence to complete soon as he started writing.
the sentence meaningfully. (a) No improvement (b) lead broke
(No sooner did she shouted), than the thieves (c) lead breaking (d) led break
ran away leaving all the jewellery on the table. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
(a) No sooner had she shout
(b) No sooner did she shout Ans. (b) : Ghejes keäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'lead broken' kesâ
(c) No sooner does she shout mLeeve hej 'lead broke' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ØeLece JeekeäÙe ceW
(d) No sooner do she shouts ef›eâÙee kesâ second form 'sharpened' (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II) efkeâ JeekeäÙe simple past tense ceW nQ Dele: otmejs JeekeäÙe keâer Verb
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW No sooner did she shouted kesâ Yeer Simple Past tense ceW ØeÙegkeäle nesieer efpemeceW 'verb2' (broke)
mLeeve hej 'No sooner did she shout' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
'No sooner' kesâ yeeo 'inversion' SJeb meneÙekeâ ef›eâÙee 'did' kesâ yeeo Correct Sentence–
cegKÙe ef›eâÙee keâe base form (verb 1) ØeÙeesie neslee nw Dele: He sharpened his pencil, but the lead broke as soon as
'shouted' (V3) kesâ mLeeve hej 'Shout' (V1) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ he started writing.

Sentence Improvement 115 YCT

26. Improve the underlined part of the sentence. (a) No substitution required
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the (b) the sun will rise in the east
sentence is grammatically correct. (c) the sun rises at the east
The Government has been building more (d) the sun rises in the east
schools to provided education at the secondary SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II
level. Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW ''the sun raises
(a) provide education at in the east'' kesâ mLeeve hej ''the sun rises in the east'' keâe ØeÙeesie
(b) provided educationally on nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'raises' (G"evee) kesâ mLeeve
(c) providing education to
hej Subject 'the sun' kesâ efueS 'rises' (Gievee) ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~
(d) No improvement
Correct Sentence–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II)
The teacher said, “the sun rises in the east every day”.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'Provided
30. Select the option that will improve the
education at' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Provide education at' keâe ØeÙeesie underlined part of the sentence. In case no
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Infinitive 'to' kesâ yeeo ef›eâÙee keâer base form keâe improvement is needed, select 'No
ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw Dele: Provided (V3) kesâ mLeeve hej improvement required'.
'Provide' (V1) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ He blew out the candle and went to sleepy.
(a) went to sleep
Correct Sentence–
(b) go on sleep
The Government has been building more schools to
(c) No improvement required
provide education at the secondary level.
(d) gone to sleep
27. Select the option that will improve the SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
underlined part of the sentence. In case no
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'went to sleepy'
improvement is needed, select 'No
improvement'. kesâ mLeeve hej 'went to sleep' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Infinitive
The scientists are busy to explore new ideas. 'to' kesâ yeeo Verb keâer base form (V1) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw Dele:
(a) exploring (b) No improvement 'sleepy' kesâ mLeeve hej 'sleep' (V1) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
(c) for exploring (d) to be exploring Correct Sentence–
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II He blew out the candle and went to sleep.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yee<ee ceW 'to explore' kesâ 31. Select the option that will improve the
mLeeve hej 'exploring' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Verb (busy, underlined part of the given sentence. In case
no improvement is needed, select 'No
finish, begin, keep, enjoy etc) kesâ yeeo 'gerund' (V1 + ing) improvement required'.
keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw ve efkeâ Infinitive (to + V1), Dele: 'to Next month, she was going to the institute to
explore' kesâ mLeeve 'exploring' (Gerund) GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ study for a master's degree.
Correct Sentence– (a) went to
The scientists are busy exploring new ideas. (b) has gone to
(c) is going to
28. Select the option that will improve the
(d) No improvement required
underlined part of the given sentence.
SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
The children opens the door silently, yesterday.
(a) Will have opened the door Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'was going to' kesâ
(b) opened the door mLeeve hej 'is going to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ
(c) open the door Devegmeej 'immediate future plan' kesâ efueS 'present
(d) will open the door continuous tense' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Dele: meneÙekeâ ef›eâÙee
SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III 'was' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'Opens the Correct Sentence–
door' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Opened the door' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Next month, she is going to the institute to study for a
master's degree.
JeekeäÙe ceW 'yesterday kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe 'Simple
32. Select the option that will improve the
Past' ceW nw~ efpemeceW (opened) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ underlined part of the given sentence. In case
Correct Sentence– no improvement is needed, select ‘No
The children opened the door silently, yesterday. improvement required’.
29. Select the most appropriate option that can I don’t fancy to go out this evening.
substitute the underlined segment in the given (a) going out
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, (b) to be going out
select ‘No substitution required’. (c) No improvement required
The teacher said, “the sun raises in the east (d) to going outside
every day”. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III

Sentence Improvement 116 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'to go out' kesâ Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'knock at the
mLeeve hej 'going out' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Fancy' kesâ yeeo door' kesâ mLeeve hej 'knocked at the door' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
'Gerund form' (v1 + ing) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw Dele: 'to go' kesâ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegkeäle ef›eâÙee 'peeped' (V2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
mLeeve (Gerund form) 'going' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ efkeâ JeekeäÙe simple past tense ceW nw Dele: 'knock' (V1) kesâ mLeeve
Correct Sentence– hej 'knocked' (V2) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
I don’t fancy going out this evening. Correct Sentence–
33. Select the most appropriate option that can When Sirisha knocked at the door someone peeped
substitute the underlined segment in the given through the window.
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, 36. Select the most appropriate option that can
select ‘No substitution required’. substitute the underlined segment in the given
As it was getting late Lata leave the party sentence. If there is no need to substitute it,
midway. select ‘No substitution required’.
(a) left the party The authorities are assured the people that
(b) Leaving the party they will look into the matter.
(c) is left the party (a) No substitution required
(d) No substitution required (b) have been assured
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III (c) have assured
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'leave the party' (d) has assured
kesâ mLeeve hej 'left the party' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
first clause ceW verb kesâ past tense keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw Dele: Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'are assured' kesâ mLeeve hej 'have
second clause ceW Yeer 'Past tense' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Dele: leave assured' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe sense present
(V1) kesâ mLeeve hej Left (V2) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ perfect kesâ active voice ceW nw Dele: have + verb3 keâe ØeÙeesie
Correct Sentence– GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
As it was getting late Lata left the party midway. Correct Sentence–
34. Select the most appropriate option that can The authorities have assured the people that they will
substitute the underlined segment in the given look into the matter.
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, 37. Select the most appropriate option that can
select ‘No substitution required’. substitute the underlined segment in the given
The first meeting of the Standing Committee sentence. If there is no need to substitute it,
will be hold next week. select 'No substitution required'.
(a) No substitution required Computer crime have been in the news since
(b) Will be held next week the nineteen eighties.
(c) Will be holding next week (a) has been on the news since
(d) Will held next week (b) has been in the news since
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II (c) has been in the news from
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'will be hold (d) No substitution required
next week' kesâ mLeeve hej 'will be held next week' keâe ØeÙeesie SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe Future indefinite tense kesâ Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'have been in
passive voice ceW nesiee, efpemeceW 'will/shall + be' kesâ meeLe held the news since' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has been in the news since' keâe
(V3) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Singular subject (Computer crime)
Correct Sentence– kesâ meeLe Singular verb (has been) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
The first meeting of the Standing Committee will be Correct Sentence–
held next week. Computer crime has been in the news since the nineteen
35. Select the most appropriate option that can eighties.
substitute the underlined segment in the given 38. Select the option that will improve the
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, underlined part of the sentence. In case no
select ‘No substitution required’. improvement is needed, select 'No
When Sirisha knock at the door someone improvement required'.
peeped through the window Why doesn't you try calling your family again?
(a) knocked door (a) you don't tries
(b) knocked on door (b) doesn't you tries
(c) knocked at the door (c) don't you try
(d) No substitution requied (d) No improvement required
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I

Sentence Improvement 117 YCT

Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'doesn't you try' Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'trying to
kesâ mLeeve hej 'don't you try' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe finding' kesâ mLeeve hej 'trying to find' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
keâlee& (you) yengJeÛeve ™he ceW nQ Dele: yengJeÛeve keâlee& (you) kesâ meeLe Infinitive 'to' kesâ yeeo ef›eâÙee keâe base form (v1) Deelee nw~ Dele:
yengJeÛeve keâer ef›eâÙee (do) ØeÙegkeäle nesieer~ 'finding' kesâ mLeeve hej 'find' (v1) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Note– Singular Subject + Singular Verb (does) Correct Sentence–
Plural Subject + I/You + Plural Verb (do) I am trying to find an investor from abroad.
Correct Sentence– 42. Select the option that will improve the
Why don't you try calling your family again? underlined part of the given sentence. In case
39. Select the option that will improve the no improvement is needed, select 'No
underlined part of the given sentence. In case improvement required'.
no improvement is needed, select 'No The snowstorm in that region will effect
improvement required'. thousands of travellers.
It has been my great misfortune to follow a (a) would affecting thousand
speech more notable for its volume than for (b) will effect thousands
any sense. (c) No improvement required
(a) following a speech most notable (d) will affect thousands
(b) No improvement required SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II
(c) to follow a speech much notable
(d) to have being following a speech more Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'will effect
notable thousands' kesâ mLeeve hej 'will affect thousands' keâe ØeÙeesie
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'effect' (noun) keâe keâeÙe& keâjlee nw Deewj 'affect'
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'to follow a (verb) keâe keâeÙe& keâjlee nw FmeefueS Modal verb 'will' kesâ yeeo
speech more notable' kesâ mLeeve hej 'following a speech cegKÙe ef›eâÙee keâe base form (affect) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
most notable keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ to follow kesâ mLeeve hej Correct Sentence–
'following' SJeb 'more' kesâ mLeeve hej 'most' keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe kesâ The snowstorm in that region will affect thousands of
YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nw~ travellers.
Correct Sentence– 43. Select the option that will improve the
It has been my great misfortune following a speech underlined part of the given sentence. In case
most notable for its volume than for any sense. no improvement is needed, select 'No
40. Select the option that will improve the improvement required'.
underlined part of the sentence, in case no In India, processed foods becomes popular in
improvement is needed, select 'No the 20th century.
improvement required'. (a) became popular in
Shall you pass me that pasta bowl? (b) become popularity in
(a) Shall pass you (c) No improvement required
(b) Can you pass (d) become popular at
(c) Could passing you SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
(d) No improvement required Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'becomes
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I popular in' kesâ mLeeve hej 'became popular in' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'Shall you pass' keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW '20th century' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
kesâ mLeeve hej 'Can you pass' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Modal Simple Past tense ceW nw Dele: Simple Past tense keâer verb
verb 'can' keâe ØeÙeesie 'Polite request' (efJeveceü efveJesove) kesâ efueS 'became' (v2) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Interrogative sentence ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw Dele: JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe Correct Sentence–
kesâ Devegmeej 'shall' kesâ mLeeve hej 'can' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ In India, processed foods became popular in the 20th
Correct Sentence– century.
Can you pass me that pasta bowl? 44. Select the option that will improve the
41. Select the option that will improve the underlined part of the given sentence. In case
underlined part of the given sentence. Incase no no improvement is needed, select 'No
improvement is needed, select 'No improvement required'.
improvement required'. I work hardly too earn bread and butter for
I am trying to finding an investor from abroad. my family.
(a) trying too find (a) work hardest too
(b) trying to find (b) work hard to
(c) No improvement required (c) No improvement required
(d) try to find (d) works hardly to
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I
Sentence Improvement 118 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'I work hardly past tense ceW nw Dele: jsKeebefkeâle clause Yeer past tense (had +
too' kesâ mLeeve hej 'work hard to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe v3) ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'hardly' (adverb) kesâ mLeeve hej 'hard' Correct Sentence -
(adverb) SJeb 'too' (adverb) kesâ mLeeve hej 'to' (infinitive) keâe Lavanya was happy to see that the tree they had planted
the previous year had grown quite tall.
ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
48. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Correct Sentence–
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
I work hard to earn bread and butter for my family.
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
45. Select the option that will improve the substitution required'.
underlined part of the sentence. In case no Sometimes the family liking to play a game
improvement is needed, select 'No together after dinner.
improvement required'. (a) Sometimes the family likes
He sounded like he were to going cry. (b) Sometime the family likes
(a) No improvement required (c) No substitution required
(b) were going to (d) Sometimes the family are like
(c) going to SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(d) was going to Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Sometimes the
SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III
family liking' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Sometimes the family likes'
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'were to going' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'the family' singular subject nw FmeefueS
kesâ mLeeve hej 'was going to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ SkeâJeÛeve verb Yeer Singular (likes) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
keâlee& (singular subject) 'he' kesâ meeLe SkeâJeÛeve keâer ef›eâÙee Note- Verb ceW s/es peesÌ[keâj singular yeveeles nw~
(singular verb) 'was' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw SJeb 'to going' kesâ mLeeve Correct Sentence -
hej 'going to' keâe ØeÙeesie YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ Sometimes the family likes to play a game together
46. Select the most appropriate option to substitute after dinner.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If 49. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
substitution'. there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
If he doesn't reach the station, in time, he substitution'.
would sure miss the train. Had you not interfering in my affairs, I would
(a) would surely miss (b) No substitution have been in the US now.
(c) will sure missing (d) will surely miss (a) No substitution
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I) (b) Had you not interfered
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'would sure (c) Was you not interfere
(d) Have you not been interfering
miss' kesâ mLeeve hej will surely miss keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ùen Skeâ conditional sentence nw FmeceW if Jeeueer clause keâes
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Had you not
Present indefinite ceW leLee otmejer clause keâes future
interfering' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Had you not interfered' GheÙegòeâ
indefinite ceW ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Had kesâ yeeo Verb3 form ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
Correct Sentence -
Correct Sentence -
If he doesn't reach the station in time, he will surely
Had you not interfered in my affairs, I would have been
miss the train.
in the US now.
47. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If 50. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
substitution required'. no substitution is required, select 'No
Lavanya was happy to see that the tree they substitution'.
had planted the previous year has grow quite If you are not able to go out, did not worry.
taller. (a) don't worried (b) worrying not
(a) No substitution required (c) do not worry (d) No substitution
(b) had grown quite tall SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) had grow quite taller Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'did not worry' kesâ
(d) had grown quite tallest mLeeve hej 'do not worry' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ ØeLece
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I) clause ceW are kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present tense ceW
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'has grow quite nw~ Dele: 'do not' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
taller' kesâ mLeeve hej 'had grown quite tall' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee Correct Sentence -
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was Deewj had kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe If you are not able to go out, do not worry.

Sentence Improvement 119 YCT

51. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (a) Hear to
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (b) Listened to
no substitution is required, select 'No (c) No substitution required
substitution'. (d) Listen to
What were the examples that the writer gave to SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
proved his point ? Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Hears to' kesâ mLeeve
(a) No substitution
(b) given to prove his point
hej 'Listen to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Listen to keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) gave to prove his point (OÙeeve osvee Deewj megveves) kesâ sense ceW neslee nQ pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe
(d) give for proving his point kesâ Devegmeej GefÛele DeLe& os jne nw~ peyeefkeâ 'hear' keâe ØeÙeesie kesâJeue
SSC CGL (Tier-I)–23/08/2021 (Shift-I) ‘megveves’ kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'gave to proved his Correct Sentence -
point' kesâ mLeeve hej 'gave to prove his point' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, Listen to the news tonight at 9pm. as there will be an
keäÙeeWefkeâ infinitive ceW to + v1 keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ important announcement about the budget.
Correct Sentence - 55. Select the most appropriate option to improve
What were the examples that the writer gave to prove the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
his point. there is no need to improve it, select 'No
52. Select the option that will improve the improvement'.
underlined part of the sentence. In case no I have been working with children before, so I
improvement is needed, select 'No know that to expect.
improvement required'. (a) am working (b) have worked
I wish I have come an hour sooner. (c) work (d) No improvement
(a) has SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(b) will Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle JeekeäÙe 'have been working' kesâ
(c) had mLeeve hej 'have worked' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe
(d) No improvement required
ceW before (meceÙe) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ keâeÙe& kesâ hetCe& nesves keâe
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
YeeJe os jne nw Dele: JeekeäÙe present perfect tense ceW nesiee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'have' kesâ mLeeve hej
FmeefueS JeekeäÙe ceW 'have + V3' GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
'had' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ I wish kesâ yeeo Past kesâ ‘yeerles ngS meceÙe
Correct Sentence - I have worked with children
mes heÚleeJee efoKeeves’ kesâ sense ceW had keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ before, so I know that to expect.
Correct Sentence -
56. Select the most appropriate option to improve
I wish I had come an hour sooner.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
53. Select the option that will improve the there is no need to improve it, select 'No
underlined part of the sentence. In case no improvement'.
improvement is needed, select 'No
He has being put behind prison for life.
(a) No improvement
The teacher advised the children to not went
(b) being putting in
near the lake.
(a) No improvement (b) not to go (c) been put behind
(c) don't go (d) not to be going (d) been put in
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'to not went' kesâ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'being put behind'
mLeeve hej 'not to go' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ direct speech kesâ kesâ mLeeve hej 'been put in' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
Reported part kesâ imperative sentence ceW not keâe ØeÙeesie nesves have/ has kesâ meeLe verb keâer III from ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw Deewj
hej indirect speech keâes yeoueves hej not keâe ØeÙeesie conjunction prison ceW jKeves kesâ sense ceW put in (phrase) keâe ØeÙeesie
to kesâ henues keâjles nw Deewj to kesâ yeeo v1 keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~
Note- (to + vI) as an infinitive keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Correct Sentence - He has been put in prison for life
Correct Sentence - 57. Select the most appropriate option to improve
The teacher advised the children not to go near the lake. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
54. Select the most appropriate option to substitute there is no need to improve it, select 'No
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If improvement'.
no substitution is required, select 'No I am really looking forward to meet you.
substitution required'. (a) to have met you (b) to be meeting you
Hears to the news tonight at 9 pm. as there will be (c) to meeting you (d) No improvement
an important announcement about the budget. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Sentence Improvement 120 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'to meet you' kesâ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'suggest you' kesâ mLeeve hej
mLeeve hej 'to meeting you' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'suggest that you' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ suggest kesâ
look forword to kesâ yeeo verb keâer 'ing' form (gerund) keâe yeeo that keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Deewj Fmekesâ yeeo subject (you)
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Deewj (verb see) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Note- In addition to, addicted to, prone to, is/am/are + Correct Sentence - I suggest that you see a solicitor.
used to, etc. kesâ yeeo verb (-ing) form ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ 61. Select the most appropriate option to improve
Correct Sentence - I am really looking forward to the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
meeting you. there is no need to improve it, select 'No
58. Select the most appropriate option to improve improvement'.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If I am not use to drink coffee.
there is no need to improve it, select 'No (a) not use to drank (b) No improvement
improvement'. (c) not used to drink (d) not used to drinking
If you had asked me, I had told you not to SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
invest in that property. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'not use to drink' kesâ mLeeve
(a) No improvement hej 'not used to drinking' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
(b) I would have told you
used to kesâ yeeo verb (-ing form) ceW ØeÙeesie nesleer nw~
(c) I will tell you
(d) I would tell you Note- Is/am/are+used to+Ving
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm-5 pm) Correct Sentence - I am not used to drinking coffee.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'I had told you' kesâ 62. Select the most appropriate option to improve
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
mLeeve hej 'I would have told you' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ if Jeeues there is no need to improve it, select 'No
clause ceW 'had + VIII' nes lees principal clause ceW 'would improvement'.
have+VIII' ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ Why not you to be a good boy and sit down?
Note– (a) don't you be (b) you not be
If +present ............will + VI (c) you are not being (d) No improvement
If+had+VIII ........... would have + VIII SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
If+ (VII) ...........would +VI Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Not you to be' kesâ
Correct Sentence - If you had asked me, I would have mLeeve hej 'don't you be' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ wh-
told you not to invest in that property.
word kesâ yeeo helping verb keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
59. Select the most appropriate option to improve
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Correct Sentence - Why don't you be a good boy and
there is no need to improve it, select 'No sit down?
improvement'. 63. Select the most appropriate option to improve
There was an argument about if we shall move the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
to another city. there is no need to improve it, select 'No
(a) about if we should move improvement'.
(b) about whether we should move She are having two brothers and three sisters.
(c) on if we shall be moving (a) has (b) No improvement
(d) No improvement (c) is having (d) have
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "about if we shall move" kesâ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'are having' kesâ
mLeeve hej 'about whether we should move' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, mLeeve hej 'has' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
keäÙeeWefkeâ option choice kesâ sense ceW whether keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee subject singular nw FmeefueS verb Yeer singular ØeÙegòeâ nesieer Deewj
Deewj Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe past ceW nw~ Dele: shall kesâ mLeeve hej "should" possession kesâ sense ceW has keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Correct Sentence - She has two brothers and three
Correct Sentence - There was an argument about sisters.
whether we should move to another city. 64. Select the most appropriate option to improve
60. Select the most appropriate option to improve the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined statement in the given sentence. there is no need to improve it, select 'No
If there is no need to improve it, select 'No improvement'.
improvement'. You have not showed any improvement in your
I suggest you to see a solicitor. handwriting.
(a) No improvement (b) am suggesting you (a) had not showed (b) has not shown
(c) suggest you that (d) suggest that you (c) No improvement (d) have not shown
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)

Sentence Improvement 121 YCT

Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'have not showed' kesâ mLeeve 68. Select the alternative that will improve the
underlined part of the sentence in case there is
hej 'have not shown' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ no improvement select “No improvement”.
has/have kesâ yeeo verb keâer III form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Ajit has been played bridge since 2017.
I II III (a) is been playing bridge from 2017
Show Showed Shown (b) has been play bridge from 2017
Correct Sentence– You have not shown any (c) No improvement
improvement in your handwriting. (d) has been playing bridge since 2017
65. Select the alternative that will improve the SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
underlined part of the sentence in case there is Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'has been played
no improvement select “No improvement”. bridge since 2017' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has been playing bridge
The watchman prevent him from parking his since 2017' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ has been kesâ meeLe
car near the gate. verb (-ing form) ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe present
(a) prevents him for parking perfect continuous tense ceW nw~
(b) prevented him to park Correct Sentence - Ajit has been playing bridge since
(c) prevented him from parking 2017.
(d) No improvement 69. Select the alternative that will improve the
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) underlined part of the sentence in case there is
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'prevent him' kesâ no improvement select “No improvement”.
mLeeve hej 'prevented him' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ If I had been there I would surely solve the
problem for you.
Devegmeej JeekeäÙe past ceW nw Deewj past indefinite ceW subject + (a) I would surely have solved
verb2 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (b) I will surely solves
Correct Sentence– The watchman prevented him (c) I would surely solving
from parking his car near the gate. (d) No improvement
66. Select the alternative that will improve the SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
underlined part of the sentence in case there is Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'I would surely
no improvement select “No improvement”. solve' kesâ mLeeve hej 'I would surely have solved' GheÙegòeâ
'Did you brought your drawing books?’the nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeefo if Jeeueer clause ceW had + VIII neslee nw lees
teacher asked the students. main clause ceW would have+VIII ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
(a) Did you bring (b) Do you bringing Correct Sentence - If I had been there I would surely
(c) Do you brought (d) No improvement have solved the problem for you.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) 70. Select the alternative that will improve the
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle JeekeäÙe 'did you brought' kesâ mLeeve underlined part of the sentence in case there is
hej 'did you bring' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ no improvement select “No improvement”.
do/does/did kesâ yeeo ncesMee verb keâer first form keâe ØeÙeesie The floods this year cause a lot of damage to
the crops.
neslee nw~ (a) causing a lot of (b) cause lots of
Correct Sentence - 'Did you bring your drawing (c) have caused a lot of (d) No improvement
books?'the teacher SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
67. Select the alternative that will improve the Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'cause a lot of' kesâ
underlined part of the sentence in case there is mLeeve hej 'have caused a lot of' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen
no improvement select “No improvement". YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
The news reported that the police have catched Correct Sentence - The floods this year have caused a
the guilty person and are interrogating him. lot of damage to the crops.
(a) had catched the guilty
71. Select the alternative that will improve the
(b) No improvement underlined part of the sentence in case there is
(c) have caught the guilty no improvement select “No improvement”.
(d) are caught a guilty Some people like to watches television all day.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) (a) No improvement (b) likes to watch
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ jssKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'have catched the guilty' (c) like to watch (d) like to watching
kesâ mLeeve hej 'have caught the guilty' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
keäÙeeWefkeâ have kesâ yeeo verb keâer III form (caught) keâe ØeÙeesie Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'like to watches'
neslee nw~ kesâ mLeeve hej 'like to watch' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ infinitive
Correct Sentence - The news reported that the police 'to' kesâ yeeo base form of verb (V1) ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
have caught the guilty person and are interrogating Correct Sentence - Some people like to watch
him. television all day.

Sentence Improvement 122 YCT

72. Select the alternative that will improve the 76. Select the alternative that will improve the
underlined part of the sentence in case there is underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
no improvement select “No improvement”. no improvement select "No improvement".
The milk has boiled over and falling onto the Ravi tried to explained him the problem but he
stove. refused to listen.
(a) falls into the stove (a) No improvement
(b) fallen onto the stove (b) Explain the problem to him
(c) No improvement (c) explaining him the problem
(d) fall over in the stove (d) explain the problem
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'falling onto the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'explained him
stove' kesâ mLeeve hej 'fall over in the stove' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
the problem' kesâ mLeeve hej explain the problem to him
'over' keâe ØeÙeesie ‘‘Thej Ûeejes lejHeâ’’ kesâ sense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Correct sentence – The milk has boiled over and fall
GheÙeg òeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'to' kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeueer verb base form
over in the stove. (verb 1) ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~

73. Select the alternative that will improve the Correct Sentence - Ravi tried to explain the problem
underlined part of the sentence in case there is to him but he refused to listen.
no improvement select "No improvement". 77. Select the alternative that will improve the
Riya went into the shop because it has sale. underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
(a) No improvement (b) It is having sale no improvement select "No improvement".
(c) It having a sale (d) it had a sale No sooner did the bell rang than the children
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) ran out of the class.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'It has sale' kesâ (a) did the bell ring than (b) the bell ring
mLeeve hej 'it had a sale' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe past ceW (c) No improvement (d) when the bell range
nw~ Deewj 'a Sale' efye›eâer (DeeHeâjÙegòeâ) as a 'noun' ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw~ SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Correct Sentence - Riya went into the shop because it Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'did the bell rang
had a sale. than' kesâ mLeeve hej 'did the bell ring than' GheÙegòeâ nesiee,
74. Select the alternative that will improve the keäÙeeWefkeâ do/does/did kesâ yeeo verb keâer first form (Ring) keâe
underlined part of the sentence. In case there is ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
no improvement select "No improvement".
Correct Sentence - No sooner did the bell ring than
The manager could not able to understand the
problem the factory workers faced. the children ran out of the class.
(a) No improvement (b) could not to 78. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
(c) was not able to (d) never able to (They have hold), it is in the fitness of things
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) that the legislature should be taken into
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'could not able to' confidence on Brexit.
kesâ mLeeve hej 'was not able to' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ able kesâ (a) They have holding (b) They have held
meeLe could keâe ØeÙeesie superfluous neslee nw~ FmeefueS able kesâ (c) They has held (d) No improvement
meeLe could keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~ SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Correct Sentence - The manager was not able to Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes Bracket ceW (They have hold) kesâ mLeeve hej
understand the problem the factory workers faced. (They have held) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Present Perfect
75. Select the alternative that will improve the Tense keâe structure efvecve neslee nw~
underlined part of the sentence. In case there is Sub + has/have + VIIIrd + object + other words
no improvement select "No improvement". Dele: verbs (held) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Gita suggested that her daughter to open a
savings bank account. Correct Sentence -
(a) No improvement (They have held), it is in the fitness of things that the
(b) that her daughter open legislature should be taken into confidence on Brexit.
(c) her daughter opening 79. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
(d) her daughter to start It nuances the larger debate on whether such
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) votes should override the will of the legislature,
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'to open' kesâ mLeeve hej 'open' (or guided it further).
(Verb) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Noun (her daughter) kesâ yeeo (a) or guide it further
verb keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ ve efkeâ infinitive to + V1 keâe ØeÙeesie (b) or guide it to farther
neslee nw~ (c) or guidance further
Correct Sentence - Gita suggested that her daughter (d) No improvement
open a savings bank account. SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018

Sentence Improvement 123 YCT

Ans. (a) efoÙes ieÙes Bracket ceW (or guided it further) kesâ mLeeve Correct Sentence - It also indicates the caveats and
failure modes in the model need to be improved before
hej 'or guide it further' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ should kesâ yeeo
verb keâer 1st form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (being used independently).
83. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
Correct Sentence -
In nuances the larger debate on whether such votes We have made progress in our development
should override the will of the legislature or guide it journey, and people (came) out in large
further. numbers to vote for development.
(a) had come (b) coming
80. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
(c) will come (d) No improvement
A new chapter (may been put forth) that India SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
gained Independence only in the last one year
Ans. (c) efoÙes ieÙes Bracket ceW 'came' kesâ mLeeve hej 'will come'
and not in 1947.
(a) may have been putted forth keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence keâe main clause Present
(b) may be put forth Perfect Tense ceW nw~ Dele: co-ordinate clause Simple
(c) may be left forth Future Tense ceW nesiee~
(d) No improvement Correct Sentence -
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 We have made progress in our development journey,
Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes Bracket ceW (may been put forth) kesâ mLeeve and people (will come) out in large numbers to vote for
hej (may be put forth) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘may’ kesâ meeLe
84. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
ncesMee ‘be’ (verb) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Correct Sentence - A
new chapter (may be put forth) that India gained Internet providers would not block content
because it would (not to be make economic
Independence only in the last one year and not in 1947
sense) and consumers would not stand for it.
81. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. (a) not be making economical sense
The duo’s network was (made to learn identify) (b) not be make economical sense
true signals using previously vetted signals; (c) not make economic sense
they then studied the weaker signals. (d) No improvement
(a) made to learn to identify SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(b) made to learning to identify Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ Bracket part ceW 'to be' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee,
(c) made learning to identify
keäÙeeWefkeâ Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Active voice ceW nw~ Dele: (would + not
(d) No improvement
+ verb1) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Correct Sentence -
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Bracket ceW “made to learn Internet providers would not block content because it
identify” kesâ mLeeve hej 'made to learn to identify' keâe ØeÙeesie would not make economic sense and consumers would
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Skeâ JeekeäÙe ceW peye oes verb heeme-heeme jKeves keâer
not stand for it.
efmLeefle ceW yeeo Jeeueer verb keâe infinitive form (to + verb) keâe 85. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Correct Sentence– there is no need to substitute it, select 'no
The duo’s network was (made to learn to identify) true substitution'.
signals using previously vetted signals; they then I need someone very strong to lift this heavy
studied the weaker signals. bag.
(a) No substitution (b) Needs
82. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. (c) Am need (d) Am in need
It also indicates the caveats and failure modes SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I)
in the model need to be improved before (been Ans. (a) : No substitution.
used independently). 86. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(a) been using independently the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(b) being used independently there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
(c) been independently substitution required’.
(d) No improvement She is taking all kinds of medicine wherever
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 she goes.
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ Bracket ceW 'been used independently' kesâ (a) No substitution required
(b) was taking
mLeeve hej 'being used independently' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
(c) takes
(Need to be + IIIrd) part passive Voice form keâes denote (d) took
keâjsiee~ Dele: JeekeäÙe ceW (being + verb3) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)

Sentence Improvement 124 YCT

Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe cesb efkeâmeer keâeÙe& keâer Deeole keâes oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw, 90. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Dele: JeekeäÙe ceW Present indefinite tense keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ FmeefueS the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
verb, is taking kesâ mLeeve hej ‘takes’ keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
substitution required’.
Correct Sentence -
She takes all kinds of medicine wherever she goes. The young man lifts weights at the gym when
he pulled a muscle.
87. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (a) is lifting
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No (b) has lifting
substitution required’. (c) was lifting
The secretary talks over the phone right now. (d) No substitution required
(a) No substitution required SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(b) talked
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'lifts' kesâ mLeeve hej 'was lifting'
(c) was talking
(d) is talking keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ otmejer Clause keâer verb, pulled (V2)
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past tense ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'right now' keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw pees Correct Sentence - The young man was lifting
JeekeäÙe ceW present tense kesâ YeeJe keâes ØeoefMe&le keâj jne nw leLee weights at the gym when he pulled a muscle.
‘‘efkeâmeer Jele&ceeve keâer ueieeleej nes jner Iešvee’’ kesâ YeeJe keâes efoKeeves 91. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
kesâ efueS 'talks' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is talking' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Correct Sentence– there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
The secretary is talking over the phone right now. substitution required’.
88. Select the most appropriate option to substitute I want to learn yoga when I was in school.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (a) ought to
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No (b) No substitution required
substitution required’. (c) need to
I am certain Ashok has finished his work by (d) used to
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) had finished
(b) No substitution required Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ underlined segment ceW 'used
(c) will have finished to' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ Yetlekeâeue (Past) keâer Deeole keâes
(d) would have finish efoKeeves kesâ sense ceW used to keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ meYeer
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
subjects kesâ meeLe 'used to' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has finished kesâ mLeeve hej will
Correct Sentence - I used to learn yoga when I was in
have finished keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ YeefJe<Ùe ceW efkeâmeer
keâeÙe& kesâ meceehle nesves kesâ sense ceW 'will + have + vIIIrd form' ner
92. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
GheÙegòeâ nesleer nw pees sentence kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ Yeer nw~ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Correct sentence–I am certain Ashok will have there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
finished his work by tomorrow. substitution required’.
89. Select the most appropriate option to substitute She is being waited for you for two hours.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (a) has been waiting
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
(b) had wait
substitution required’.
Have taken permission, Shivam went horse (c) No substitution required
riding. (d) have been waited
(a) Having taking permission SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(b) No substitution required Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle phrase 'is being
(c) Have took permission waited' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has been waiting' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw,
(d) Having taken permission
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence present perfect continuous tense keâer
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'have taken permission' kesâ jÛevee hej DeeOeeefjle nw~ Dele: 'has/have + been + V1 + ing
mLeeve hej 'having taken permission' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, present perfect continuous tense ceW ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ 'being'
keäÙeeWefkeâ GheÙeg&òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Present participle keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~ can be used as gerund or in passive voice of present or
Present participle–[having + VIIIrd form] past continuous tenses.
Correct sentence–Having taken permission, Shivam Correct sentence– She has been waiting for you for
went horse riding. two hours.

Sentence Improvement 125 YCT

93. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (ii) jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW DeeÙee ngDee Meyo onwards Deheves henues
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If from kesâ meeLe use neslee nw- "from......onwards"
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No Correct sentense-
substitution required'. Though many European traders visited Puducherry from
Everybody who know him agree that he rarely the sixteenth century onwards, what remains today is a
loses his temper. relic of its French past.
(a) No substitution required
(b) who knows him agrees that 96. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) who knows him agrees if the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(d) whom know him agrees that no substitution is required, select No
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) improvement.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘who know him agree that’ kesâ The workers of this textile factory demand
higher wages for a long time.
mLeeve hej ‘who knows him agrees that’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ (a) has demanded higher wages
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ everybody, everyone etc. keâe ØeÙeesie as a (b) No improvement
subject nesves hej Fvekesâ efueS verb ncesMee singular ceW ØeÙegòeâ (c) demanded higher wages
nesleer nw~ (d) have been demanding higher wages
Correct sentence–Everybody who knows him agrees SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
that he rarely loses his temper.
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW- 'demand higher
94. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. wages' kesâ mLeeve hej 'have been demanding higher wages'
If no substitution is required, select No keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Since' Deewj 'For' kesâ yeeo meceÙe keâe
improvement. ØeÙeesie Perfect Continuous Tense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Present
The female ostrich guards the nest at night and Perfect Continuous Tense keâer mebjÛevee efvecve Øekeâej nw-
the male guard it in the day.
Sub + has/have + been + V1 + ing + since/for + time.
(a) guard it during the day
Correct sentence– The workers of this textile factory
(b) No improvement
(c) guarding it during day have been demanding higher wages for a long time.
(d) guards it during the day 97. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II) the underline segment in the given sentence. If
substitution is required, select No improvement.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW, JeekeäÙe keâer jÛevee Present
I look for a better job for the last two months,
Indefinite Tense ceW nw Dele: Deeies Deeves Jeeues JeekeäÙe keâer jÛevee but nothing is in sight.
Yeer Present Indefinite Tense ceW ner nesieer~ Dele: 'guard' kesâ (a) have looked for a better job
mLeeve hej 'guards' keâe ØeÙeesie Je ‘‘efove kesâ oewjeve’’ kesâ sense ceW (b) looked for a better job
“during” keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ (c) have been looking for a better job
Correct Sentence - The female ostrich guards the nest (d) No. improvement
at night and the male guards it during the day. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
95. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'for + time' keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If FmeefueÙes Ùen JeekeäÙe Perfect Continuous ceW nesvee ÛeeefnÙes~ Deeies
no substitution is required, select No keâer Clause ceW is efoÙee ngDee nw, pees efkeâ oMee&lee nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
improvement. Present ceW nw~
Though many European traders visit
Puducherry in the sixteenth century onwards,
Dele: JeekeäÙe kesâ Present Perfect Continuous ceW nesves kesâ keâejCe
what remains today is a relic of its French past. Fmeer tense keâer Helping Verb Je main verb keâe ØeÙeesie nesvee
(a) traders visited Puducherry from the sixteenth ÛeeefnS~ pees efkeâ- 'has/have + been + verb1 + ing + since/for
century onwards + time' nQ~
(b) traders visited Puducherry in a sixteenth Correct Sentence -
century onward I have been looking for a better job for the last two
(c) No improvement months, but nothing is in sight.
(d) trader visit Puducherry from the sixteenth
98. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
century onwards
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I) no substitution is required, select No
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Sense mes helee Ûeuelee nw efkeâ- efoÙee improvement.
ieÙee JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense ceW nw~ Dele: verb 'Visit' keâe She read that novel since she got up in the
IInd form ‘visited’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ morning.

Sentence Improvement 126 YCT

(a) No improvement (a) are keeping our luggage
(b) has been reading that novel (b) kept our luggages
(c) has read that novel (c) kept our luggage
(d) reads that novel (d) No substitution
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : peye since keâe ØeÙeesie Conjunction keâer lejn nes lees Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'Kept our
Ùen cegKÙe JeekeäÙe Deewj GheJeekeäÙe keâes peesÌ[lee nw~ peye Since luggage' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Past keâer Gòejesòej
GheJeekeäÙe kesâ ØeejcYe ceW Deelee nw~ Fme heefjefmLeefle ceW ØeOeeve JeekeäÙe IešveeDeeW keâes Past tense ceW jKeles nw leLee luggage keâe ØeÙeesie
Present Perfect Tense ceW neslee nw peyeefkeâ GheJeekeäÙe Past meeceevÙele: Singular ceW neslee nw~ Dele: Ùen efyevee “s” kesâ ØeÙegòeâ
Indefinite Tense ceW neslee nw~ nesiee~
Note- Ùeneb Perfect Tense mes DeeMeÙe Perfect leLee Perfect Correct sentence– When we arrived at Jhansi station,
Continuous oesveeW mes nw~ we kept our luggage in the cloak room.
Present perfect/Present Perfect continuous tense + 102. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Since + Past Indefinite Tense the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Correct Sentence- there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
She has been reading that novel since she got up in the substitution'
morning. He waits to you for about two hours.
99. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (a) has waiting for you
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (b) No substitution
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No (c) has been waiting you
substitution required'. (d) has been waiting for you
I made them cleaning the room thoroughly. SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) I make them cleaning
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'waits to you' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has
(b) No substitution required
(c) I making them clean been waiting for you' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peye keâesF& keâeÙe&
(d) I made them clean past ceW Meg™ neskeâj Jele&ceeve ceW peejer jnlee nw, lees Present Perfect
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) Continuous tense keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW for +
Ans : (d) Ùeneb 'I made them cleaning' kesâ mLeeve hej 'I made time kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe perfect continuous ceW nw~
them clean' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB ‘Causative Correct sentence– He has been waiting for you for
verb’ keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~ about two hours.
Causative use of verb– (i) sub + Make + Object + VI 103. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(ii) Sub + Cause + Object + To + VI the underlined segment. If no substitution is
(iii) Sub + Have/get + Object + VIII required select 'No substitution'.
Correct Sentence– I made them clean the room His employees were asking him for a raise for a
thoroughly. long time now.
100. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (a) are asking him of a raise
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (b) have been asking him for a raise
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No (c) No substitution
substitution'. (d) asked him for a rise
I enjoy to watch a good detective movie. SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) watching (b) watched Ans : (b) Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW “for + time” keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe kesâ Devle
(c) No substitution (d) watch ceW ngDee nw Deewj peye keâesF& keâeÙe& Past ceW Meg™ nes leLee Jele&ceeve ceW
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) peejer jns lees Present Perfect Continuous tense keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'to watch' kesâ mLeeve hej 'watching' nw~ efpemekeâe structure efvecve nw – (has/have + been + verb +
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ enjoy, hate, detest, mind, worth, etc ing) Dele: jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'have been asking him for' keâe
kesâ yeeo ncesMee gerund (v1 + ing) keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Correct sentence– I enjoy watching a good detective Correct Sentence– His employees have been asking
movie. him for a raise for a long time now.
101. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 104. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No there is no need to substitute it, select No
substitution'. improvement.
When we arrived at Jhansi station, we are The children trying hardly and learnt the
keeping our luggages in the cloak room. poems.

Sentence Improvement 127 YCT

(a) hardly tried (b) hardly trying Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘I has decided’ kesâ mLeeve hej I
(c) tried hard (d) No improvement decided keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Ùen
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
sentence past ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS~ Dele: (Subject + verb2) keâe
Ans. (c) : efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe Past Tense ceW nw, FmeefueS verb, ØeÙeesie nesiee~
past tense (tried) ceW ner nesvee ÛeeefnS~ 'Hardly' keâer peien 'Hard' Correct sentence -
Adverb keâe use nesiee~ pees verb (tried) keâes modify keâjsiee~ After going through their brochure I decided to make a
Correct Sentence - donation to help their campaign.
The children tried hard and learnt the poems. 108. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
105. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select No
there is no need to substitute it, select No improvement.
improvement. With each passing day he was going in more
Pedestrians is to be careful when crossing busy trouble.
roads. (a) he was getting into (b) he were going to
(a) need be caring when crossing (c) he are getting in (d) No improvement
(b) would care if they are crossing SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) No improvement
(d) must be careful when crossing Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'He was going in' kesâ mLeeve hej
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) 'He was getting into' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘‘Oeerjs-Oeerjs
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW ‘is to be efmLeefle kesâ yeolej Ùee hejsMeeveer kesâ yeÌ{ves’’ kesâ mebyebOe ceW 'get into' keâe
careful when crossing’ kesâ mLeeve hej 'must be careful ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe continuous ces nw Dele: verb + ing
when crossing' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ DeefveJeeÙe&lee Ùee keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
meueen kesâ YeeJe kesâ efueS Modal Verb 'Must' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Correct sentence–With each passing day he was
Correct sentence– Pedestrians must be careful when getting into more trouble.
crossing busy roads. 109. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
106. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select No
there is no need to Substitute it, select No improvement.
improvement. Women in traditional costumes welcoming a
The minister promise to looked into the matter foreign dignitaries.
of fuel emissions and air pollution. (a) welcome to foreign dignitanes
(a) promise to looks into (b) No improvement
(b) No improvement (c) welcomed the foreign dignitaries
(c) promised to look into (d) welcomes the foreigner dignitaries
(d) promises to looking at SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I) Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW ‘welcoming a
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ underlined word 'promise to foreign dignitaries’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘welcomed the foreign
looked into' kesâ mLeeve hej 'promised to look into keâe ØeÙeesie dignitaries’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ GheÙeg&òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ
nesiee, keäÙeesefkeâ JeekeäÙe past tense ceW nQ Deewj to kesâ yeeo verb keâer Devegmeej Past Tense ceW nesiee~ Dele: verb2 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee Deewj
Ist form (Infinitive kesâ ™he ceW) keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ definite article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, pees efkeâ specific noun
Infinitive = (to + v1) Look into – helee ueieevee/peebÛe keâjvee~ (singular/plural) kesâ henues neslee nw~
Correct sentence– The minister promised to look into Correct Sentence- Women in traditional costumes
the matter of fuel emissions and air pollution. welcomed the foreign dignitaries.
107. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 110. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No there is no need to substitute it, select No
After going through their brochure I has
"I'm afraid I must left now", said the guest
decided to make a donation to help their
after the inaugural function was over.
(a) I'm afraid I has to be leaving now
(a) I decided to make a donation to help
(b) No improvement (b) I'm afraid I can left now
(c) I decided to make a donation for helping (c) No improvement
(d) I decided for making a donation to help (d) I'm afraid I must leave now
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II)

Sentence Improvement 128 YCT

Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'left' keâer peien 'leave' keâe ØeÙeesie Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Have "main verb" kesâ ™he ceW
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Gmekesâ henues must keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw pees efkeâ modal DeeÙee nw lees Gmekesâ henues to keâe ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee~ "are going" keâe
verb nw Deewj modal kesâ yeeo ØeÙegòeâ nesves Jeeueer verb ncesMee first ØeÙeesie Superfluous nw~ Dele: have pleasure ner GheÙegòeâ DeLe&
form ceW jnleer nw~ oslee nw~
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence -
“I'am afraid I must leave now” said; the guest after the We have pleasure in accepting your kind invitation.
inaugural function was over. 114. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
111. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select No
there is no need to substitute it, select No improvement.
improvement. The government has ordered that all the
I'm afraid I am not knowing how to swim so I coaching centers without fire safety
can't join you all that day. arrangements housing above the fourth floor
(a) I'm afraid I do not know be shut down immediately.
(b) I are afraid I be not knowing (a) house up to the fourth floor
(c) I'm afraid I is not knowing (b) housed above the fourth floor
(d) No improvement (c) No improvement
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I) (d) housed over a fourth floor
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) peye JeekeäÙe ceW how + to + V1 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw, lees
how to mes henues ØeÙegòeâ Clause keâes Present indefinite Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘housing’ keâer peien ‘housed’ keâe
sentence ceW heefjJeefle&le keâj osles nw~
ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ housing ÙeneB hej as a noun keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee
Note– The verb 'know' keâe ØeÙeesie continuous from ceW veneR
nw~ peyeefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Fmekeâer verb form
(housed) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
neslee nw Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie ncesMee Simple Present tense ceW neslee nw~
Correct Sentence–
I am afraid I do not know how to swim so I can't join The government has ordered that all the coaching
↓ centers without fire safety arrangements housed above
Present Indefinite Tense the fourth floor be shut down immediately.
you all that day. 115. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
112. Identify the most appropriate option to the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
substitute the underlined segment. If no there is no need to substitute it, select No
substitution is required, select No substitution. improvement.
All the accident victims have been admitted The ceremony will following by tea and
and received attention. refreshments for the guests.
(a) and have received (a) No improvement
(b) but are receiving (b) will followed by
(c) No substitution (c) will be followed by
(d) so had received (d) will follow with
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘and received’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘and Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Passive voice ceW nw~ Dele: will
have received’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'and' mes same following by keâer peien will be followed by keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
part of speech kesâ tense pegÌ[les nw, P.V.S. subject + will/shall + be + verbIIIrd + by + object
Correct sentence– + other words.
All the accident victims have been admitted and have Correct sentence–The ceremony will be followed by
received attention. tea and refreshments for the guests.
113. Identify the most appropriate option to 116. Identify the most appropriate option to
substitute the underlined segment. If no substitute the underlined segment. If no
substitution is required, select No substitution. substitution is required, select No substitution.
We are going to have pleasure in accepting By next week I will have been made all the
your kind invitation. reservations for the trip to Europe.
(a) We will have a pleasure (a) will had make
(b) We have pleasure (b) will have been making
(c) We are having pleasure (c) will have made
(d) No substitution (d) No substitution.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III)

Sentence Improvement 129 YCT

Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'will have been made' kesâ mLeeve ÙeneB past keâer verb (verb2) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ pees efkeâ past
hej 'will have made' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ghejeskeäle indefinite ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
JeekeäÙe (sentence) future perfect keâe nw~ correct sentence–When the actress came to know that
she was declared winner of the best actress award, her
Structure- Sub. + shall/will + have + VIIIrd form + obj. joy knew no bounds.
Correct sentence– By next week I will have made all
120. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the reservations for the trip to Europe.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
117. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No
improvement. After walking a few steps in the forest, our
guide sensing some sort of movement in the
Oh, what a lovely necklace! You need no buy
such an expensive gift. foliage behind us.
(a) hadn't needed to buy (a) had been senses (b) sensed
(b) needn't have bought (c) No improvement (d) was sensed
(c) No improvement SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(d) didn't need to buying Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle word 'sensing' kesâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I) mLeeve hej GheÙegòeâ word - 'sensed' (cenmetme efkeâÙee) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee,
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘need no buy’ keâer peien keäÙeeWefkeâ 'V1 + ing' verb form kesâ meeLe H.V. DeJeMÙe nesveer
‘needn't have bought’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘Needn’t’ ÛeeefnS~ ÛetBefkeâ sentence simple past keâe nw Dele: sub kesâ meeLe
Skeâ Modal nw, pees negative sense ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ Ûetbefkeâ M.V 'sensed ' (V2) ner ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
JeekeäÙe kesâ sense mes helee Ûeuelee nw efkeâ Necklace Kejeroe pee Ûegkeâe Correct sentence–After walking a few steps in the
nw~ Dele: (DeeJeMÙekeâlee vener Leer/vener ÛeeefnÙes Lee) kesâ sense ceW forest, our guide sensed some sort of movement in the
JeekeäÙe ceW Modal need not kesâ meeLe have + V3 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ foliage behind us.
Correct Sentence– Oh, what a lovely necklace! you 121. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
needn't have bought such an expensive gift. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
118. Select the most appropriate option to substitute there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If improvement’.
there is no need to substitute it, select No The new product will be arrive on supermarket
improvement. shelves only next year.
I try to avoid travel in the rush hour. (a) No improvement
(a) to travel at (b) travelling in (b) will arrived on
(c) travelling on (d) No improvement (c) will arrive on
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III) (d) will arriving on
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Travel in' kesâ mLeeve hej SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III)
'travelling in' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'avoid' (verb) kesâ yeeo Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ underlined phrase - 'will
Deeves Jeeueer verb 'ing' form ceW nesleer nw~ Traveling in the rush be arrive on' kesâ mLeeve hej 'will arrive on’ keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw
hour keâe DeLe& nw, ‘Yeer[ ceW Ùee$ee keâjvee’~ keäÙeeWefkeâ simple future ceW 'will/shall + v1' keâes ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee
Correct sentence– I try to avoid travelling in the rush peelee nw Deewj future progressive ceW 'will/shall + be + v1 +
ing' keâes ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peeÙesiee~
119. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Correct sentence– The new product will arrive on
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If supermarket shelves only next year.
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
122. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
When the actress comes to know that she was
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
declared winner of the best actress award, her
joy knew no bounds.
For the last two years Shweta has being
(a) No improvement (b) came to know
diligently working with Rohingya refugees to
(c) was come to know (d) was knowing
create colourul table mats using their local
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
weaving techniques.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'comes to know' kesâ mLeeve hej (a) have (b) have being
'came to know' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was + (c) has been (d) No improvement
verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past tense ceW nw~ Dele: SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Sentence Improvement 130 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "has being" kesâ mLeeve hej "has (a) No improvement
been" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeesefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "for + time'' (the last (b) is likely for continuing
(c) is likely to continue
two years) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Perfect
(d) is likely to be continuing
Continuous Tense ceW nw~ Dele: Fme tense keâer helping verb SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(has been) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (c) : GheÙeg&òeâ sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle phrase - 'are likely
Correct Sentence
to continue' (peejer jnves keâer mecYeeJevee nw) kesâ mLeeve hej 'is
For the last two years Shweta has been diligently
working with Rohingya refugees to create colourul likely to continue' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence keâe
table mats using their local weaving techniques. subject (The trend) singular number ceW nw~
123. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Correct sentence– There is a double-digit growth in
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If salaries of vocational jobs now and the trend is likely
there is no need to substitute it, select "No to continue in the coming years.
improvement'. 126. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Swami Vivekanand's vast knowledge of the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Eastern and Western culture appealed to all there is no need to substitute it, select No,
those who come in contacts with him. improvement.
(a) No improvement Since it falls on the floor, her dog, a black
(b) who came in contact Labrador, gulped the biscuit down.
(c) that comes to contact (a) As it have fallen
(d) which contact (b) Because it is falling
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) (c) No improvement
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'who come in (d) Since it fell
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III)
contacts' kesâ mLeeve 'who came in contact' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee,
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe Past tense keâer mebjÛevee hej DeeOeeefjle nw~ efpemeceW Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ Sentence kesâ underlined phrase– 'Since it
subject + verb2 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ falls' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Since it fell' (peye Jen efieje) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele
Correct sentence– Swami Vivekanand's vast nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ Sentence Past tense kesâ Structure hej DeeOeeefjle nw~
knowledge of Eastern and Western culture appealed to Dele: “verb2” (fell) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
all those who came in contact with him. Correct sentence– Since it fell on the floor, her dog, a
124. Select the most appropriate option to substitute black Labrador, gulped the biscuit down.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If 127. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
there is no need to substitute it, select No the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
improvement. there is no need to substitute it, select No
''Did you tell your parents that you would improvement.
going for movie with me this evening?'' My There are too less space for Naveen to park his
friend asked me. car in front of the shop
(a) then you were being gone (a) was so few space (b) were too little space
(b) when you will going (c) No improvement (d) was too little space
(c) this that you was going SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(d) that you are going Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'are too less space' kesâ mLeeve hej
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III) 'was too little space' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ there
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Direct form of Sentence kesâ kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeuee verb Gme verb kesâ yeeo DeeS sub kesâ
jssKeebefkeâle Phrase 'That you would going' kesâ mLeeve hej 'That Devegmeej neslee nw~ leLee ÙeneB too (adverb) keâe ØeÙeesie adjective
you are going' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ Øeoòe sentence (little) keâes (qualify) keâj jne nQ~
direct form ceW nw~ Dele: would kesâ mLeeve hej 'Are' keâe ØeÙeesie Note– Uncountable noun (space) kesâ efueS 'less' kesâ mLeeve
GefÛele nesiee~ hej 'little' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Correct sentence–''Did you tell your parents that you Correct sentence– There was too little space for
are going for movie with me this evening?'' My friend Naveen to park his car in front of the shop.
asked me. 128. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
125. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select No
there is no need to substitute it, No improvement .
improvement It is evident from current research that young
There is a double-digit growth in salaries of adults is more like to develop an interest in
vocational jobs now and the trend are likely to spoken English if there is a change in
continue in the coming years. methodology.
Sentence Improvement 131 YCT
(a) are more likely (b) No Improvement (a)does not have
(c) are more like (d) is more likely (b)No improvement
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III) (c)did not have
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle phrase - 'is more (d)was not having
like' kesâ mLeeve hej 'are more likely' (DeefOekeâ meceeve nw) ØeÙegòeâ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I)
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence keâe subject 'plural' nw~ Dele: 'is' kesâ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Phrase- ‘did not had’ kesâ mLeeve hej 'did
mLeeve hej 'are' leLee 'like' kesâ mLeeve hej 'likely' adverb keâes not have' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'did not' keâe ØeÙeesie past
ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peeÙesiee~ indefinite ceW neslee nw Deewj Fmekesâ meeLe verb1 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct sentence– It is evident from current research Dele: 'Had' keâer first form-'Have' keâes ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peevee GefÛele
that young adults are more likely to develop an interest nesiee~
in spoken English if there is a change in methodology. Correct sentence–Gitanjali did not have school
129. Select the most appropriate option to substitute yesterday because it was a second Saturday.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If 132. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
there is no need to substitute it, select No the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
improvement. there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
I think you’d better paid online immediately as improvement'.
you may not get time to visit the bank later on It is reported that everyday India witnessing
during the day. the death of over 2000 babies aged less that one
(a) you’d better pay year.
(b) No Improvement (a) India witness the death
(c) you’d better paying (b) No improvement
(d) you’d have better pay (c) India will be witness the death
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III) (d) India witnesses the death
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle phrase - 'you'd SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
better paid' kesâ mLeeve hej 'you'd better pay.' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ underlined part ceW finite
keäÙeeWefkeâ had better kesâ yeeo bare infinitive (verb without verb veneR nw Dele: ÙeneB Skeâ finite verb 'witnesses' keâe ØeÙeesie
'to') keâe ØeÙeesie Deewj Fmekesâ yeeo verb1 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ GefÛele nesiee~ JeekeäÙe ceW adverb 'everyday' DeeÙee nw Dele: ÙeneB
Correct sentence– I think you’d better pay online simple present tense keâe ØeÙeesie nesvee ÛeeefnS~
immediately as you may not get time to visit the bank
Correct sentence–It is reported that everyday India
later on during the day.
witnesses the death of over 2000 babies aged less that
130. Select the most appropriate option to substitute one year.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
133. Select the alternative that will improve the
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
no improvement select ‘No improvement’.
All the shops and restaurants have been closed
during the bandh last Saturday. Carrots and sweet potatoes were airdrop for
(a) No improvement (b) are being closed animals starving during the tragic bushfires in
(c) were closed (d) has been closed Australia.
(a) were airdropped for animals starving
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(b) will be airdropping for animals starving
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘have been closed’ kesâ mLeeve hej (c) are airdropped for animals starved
'were closed' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ meeceevÙele: past (d) No improvement
metÛekeâ word pewmes yesterday, previous day, last day, last SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Saturday etc. keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nes lees Gme JeekeäÙe keâe ØeÙeesie Past Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle phrase - 'were
indefinite ceW neslee nw~ airdrop for animals starving' kesâ mLeeve hej 'were
Note– Past indefinte keâe Passive form airdropped for animals starving' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Øeoòe
'was/were+verbIII' mes yevelee nw~ JeekeäÙe passive voice keâer mebjÛevee hej DeeOeeefjle nw Dele: 'were'
Correct sentence–All the shope and restaurants were (H.V.) kesâ meeLe verb keâer IIIrd form keâes ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee peeÙesiee~
closed during the bandh last Saturday. Correct sentence–Carrots and sweet potatoes were
131. Select the most appropriate option to substitute airdropped for animals starving during the tragic
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If bushfires in Australia.
there is no need to substitute it, select No 134. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
improvement. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Gitanjali did not had school yesterday because there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
it was a second Saturday. improvement'.

Sentence Improvement 132 YCT

Many attempts has been made to climb the 138. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
Everest before Tenzing and Hillary succeeded. Yet, it would be a mistake to presume that ties
(a) have been made (b) had been made can so easily return to their pre-2015 strength,
(c) was made (d) No improvement as the ground (had) shifted in too many ways
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II) since then.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'has been made' kesâ mLeeve hej (a) have (b) has
'had been made' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeefo efkeâmeer (c) was (d) No improvement
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I)
JeekeäÙe ceW Past kesâ oes Action denote efkeâS ieS nes lees pees keâeÙe&
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'had' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has' keâe ØeÙeesie
henues ngDee nes Gmekesâ efueS verb 'past perfect' leLee pees keâeÙe&
nesiee,keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe present perfect tense ceW nQ~
yeeo ceW nes Gmekesâ efueS verb 'past indefinite' ceW nesleer nw~
Note- efveÙecele: yet Jeeues JeekeäÙe keâe verb 'present perfect
Correct sentence– Many attempts had been made to
climb the Everest before Tenzing and Hillary tense' ceW neslee nw~
succeeded. Correct Sentence– Yet, it would be a mistake to
presume that ties can so easily return to their pre-2015
135. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
strength, as the ground has shifted in too many ways
Now that the child rights commission has since then.
(register) the case, it will go to the police for 139. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
investigation, he said. But she (win more) hearts for her gallant
(a) registered (b) registering display of endurance.
(c) will register (d) No improvement (a) wined more (b) won more
SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I) (c) wan more (d) No improvement
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘register’ kesâ mLeeve hej registered SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)
(ope& nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Present Perfect tense ceW Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâes Megæ yeveeves kesâ efueÙes 'won more'
has/have + VIIIrd form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ keâe ØeÙeesie Megæ nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe YeeJe Past tense (Yetlekeâeue)
Correct sentence– Now that the child rights keâe nw Deewj Meyo 'win' keâe Past 'won' neslee nw~
commission has registered the case, it will go to the Correct sentence– But she won more hearts for her
police for investigation, he said. gallant display of endurance.
136. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. 140. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
It was a formidable challenge that they (offer) Last month (he makes news with his) "go
going into the Glasgow championships. whistle" comment to the leaders over
(a) offered (b) offering outstanding dues.
(c) will offering (d) No improvement (a) he will make news with him
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) (b) he made news with his
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Principal clause 'It was a (c) he makes news with him
(d) No improvement
formidable challenge' mes mhe<š nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past tense ceW nw
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II)
Dele: offer kesâ mLeeve hej offered keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'he makes news with his' kesâ
keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeefo principal clause ‘past tense’ ceW nes lees sub-
mLeeve hej 'he made news with his' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
ordinate clause Yeer past tense ceW ner nesiee~
JeekeäÙe ceW Last months kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past
Correct sentence– It was a formidable challenge that
Tense ceW nesiee~ Dele: Past Indefinite keâer Verb (Verb2) keâe
they offered going into the Glasgow championships.
ØeÙeesie nesiee~
137. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
Correct sentence– Last month he made news with his
This rivalry is (prove to) be extremely
"go whistle" comment to the leaders over outstanding
beneficial for Indian badminton.
(a) to prove to (b) proving to dues.
(c) proving by (d) No improvement 141. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) Prohibitory orders (will not) enforced, with the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'prove to' kesâ mLeeve hej 'proving government evidently viewing the looming
protests as pressure relief valves instead of as
to' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Helping verb (is/am/are)
trigger points for violence.
kesâ yeeo V4 (V1 + ing) form keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (a) were not (b) willingly
Correct sentence– This rivalry is proving to be (c) were be (d) no improvement
extremely beneficial for Indian badminton. SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I)

Sentence Improvement 133 YCT

Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'will not' kesâ mLeeve hej 'were not' (a) No Improvement (b) had been seen
keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ GheÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite (c) has seen (d) was seen
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
tense kesâ Passive sense ceW nw~ Dele: FmeceW was/were + verb3
Ans. (a) : No Improvement
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Note-Ghejessòeâ JeekeäÙe Passive voice ceW nw Dele: will be +
Correct sentence– Prohibitory orders were not
enforced, with the government evidently viewing the verb3 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
looming protests as pressure relief valves instead of as 146. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
trigger points for violence. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
142. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. there is no need to substitute it, select No
Sindhu's latest medal, to go with the Rio improvement.
Olympics silver last year, has clearly (took her Every book is wrote by Ruskin Bond is a
past) Nehwal. masterpiece.
(a) taking her past (b) takes her past (a) written (b) has wrote
(c) taken her past (d) No improvement (c) No improvement (d) have written
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III) SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Present Perfect Tense ceW nw Dele: Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'is wrote' kesâ mLeeve hej 'written'
'Took her Past' kesâ mLeeve hej 'taken her past keâe' ØeÙeesie nesiee, keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ by Ruskin (sub) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw~
keäÙeeWefkeâ has kesâ meeLe ncesMee ef›eâÙee keâer third form keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ GheÙeg&òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW passive voice keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw, Dele:
Correct Sentence– Sindhu's latest medal, to go with ‘write’ keâer third form ‘written’ keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~
the Rio Olympics silver last year, has clearly taken her Correct sentence will be -
past Nehwal. [Every book written by Ruskin Bond is a masterpiece.]
143. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. 147. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
For a change, performance and not political the underlined segment. If there is no need to
expedience, (seem to have) dictated the nature substitute it, select No improvement.
and extent of the shuffle in the Council of I would have definitely helped you if you had
Ministers. told me why you did need the money.
(a) seemingly has (b) seems to have (a) why did you need the money
(c) seemed to (d) No improvement (b) why you needed the money
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II) (c) why you needs the money
(d) No improvement.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Seem to have' kesâ mLeeve hej SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
'Seems to have' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe YeeJeevegmeej Present
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ''did need'' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Need'
indefinite tense cebs nw leLee JeekeäÙe keâe Subject Singular nw~ Dele: keâe IInd from needed' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Fme Øekeâej kesâ
Verb Yeer Singular (verb + s/es) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ Sentences ceW 'WH' word kesâ yeeo keâer Clause assertive ceW
Correct sentence– For a change, performance and not ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ Dele: sub + verb2 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
political expedience, seems to have dictated the nature
Correct sentence– I would have definitely helped you
and extent of the shuffle in the Council of Ministers.
if you had told me why you needed the money.
144. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
148. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Raman (has all along being) equated with best the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
shooter among his peers. there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
(a) had all along been (b) had all along being substitution required'.
(c) has all along been (d) No improvement They couldn't find what they wanted and
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I) decide to look elsewhere.
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ bracketed part ceW “has all along (a) No substitution required
being” kesâ mLeeve hej 'had all along been' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, (b) have decided to look
(c) had decided looking
keäÙeeWefkeâ GheÙeg&òeâ JeekeäÙe YeeJeevegmeej Past perfect kesâ passive sense
(d) decided to look
ceW nesiee~ SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct sentence–Raman had all along been equated
Ans. (d) : Ùeefo Skeâ sentence kesâ oes verb, 'and' mes pegÌ[s nQ lees
with best shooter among his peers.
oesveeW verb keâe ™he meceeve nesvee ÛeeefnS~ Fmekeâe efveOee&jCe 'and' mes
145. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
te underlined segment in the given sentence. If
hetJe& ØeÙegòeâ verb kesâ Devegmeej keâjles nw~ efpememes mhe° nw efkeâ 'decide
there is no need to substitute it, select No to look' kesâ mLeeve hej decided to look keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ
Improvement. Fmekesâ henues wanted (v2) keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~
In his coming film the Spider-Man will be seen Correct sentence– They couldn't find what they
in European cities. wanted and decided to look elsewhere.

Sentence Improvement 134 YCT

149. Select the most appropriate option to substitute The housing problem in Mumbai becomes
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If more serious day by day.
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No (a) No Improvement (b) become
substitution required'. (c) had become (d) is becoming
The government is set strict limits on public SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
spending this year.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘becomes’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘is
(a) had been set
(b) have set becoming’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ day by day mes
(c) No substitution required Continuity keâe yeesOe nes jne nw, Dele: ÙeneB present
(d) has set continuous keâer Verb (verb1+ing) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III) Correct Sentence– The housing problem in Mumbai
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'is set' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has set' keâe is becoming more serious day by day.
ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe Present perfect 153. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
tense ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS~ efpemeceW has/have keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Ûetbefkeâ
there is no need to substitute it, select No
efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe ceW The government Skeâ singular noun nw~ Improvement.
Dele: Fmekesâ efueS verb has keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ The wound on her hand is now heal completely.
Correct sentence–The government has set strict limits (a) has now healing (b) No Improvement
on public spending this year. (c) is now healed (d) is healing now
150. Select the most appropriate option to substitute SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Is now heal' kesâ
there is no need to substitute it, select No mLeeve hej 'Is now healed' (Deye "erkeâ nes ieÙee nw) ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee
He lives in this remote colony since 2001.
peeÙesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe passive voice keâe sense os jne nw~ Dele:
(a) has been living (b) continues to live Is + heald (v3) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(c) have been living (d) No improvement Correct sentence– The wound on her hand is now
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I) healed completely.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'lives' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has been 154. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
living' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Since kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
there is no need to substitute it, select No
JeekeäÙe Present perfect continuous tense ceW nesiee~ efpemeceW Improvement.
has/have + been + verb1 + ing + since/for + time keâe The doctor has reassure me that the operation
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ was a routine one.
Rule -peye keâesF& keâeÙe& Past ceW Meg™ neskeâj Jele&ceeve ceW Yeer peejer nes (a) No Improvement (b) had reassured me
lees Present Perfect Continuous tense keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (c) is reassured me (d) reassure me
Correct Sentence–He has been living in this remote SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II)
colony since 2001. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘has reassure me’ kesâ mLeeve hej
151. Select the most appropriate option to substitute ‘had reassured me’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If subordinate clause mes mhe° nw efkeâ principal clause past
there is no need to substitute it, select No perfect ceW ner ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
Correct sentence– The doctor had reassured me that
The train pass over the long dark tunnel. the operation was a routine one.
(a) passes into (b) pass across
155. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) No Improvement (d) passed through
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
there is no need to substitute it, select No
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'pass over' kesâ mLeeve hej 'passed improvement.
through' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ keâner mes neskeâj iegpejves The teacher expected the students had finishing
kesâ efueS pass through keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ the project on time.
Pass through (idiom) - to travel through something or (a) finishing (b) No improvement
someplace. (c) to finish (d) finish
Correct Sentence– The train passed through the long SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
dark tunnel. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'had finishing' kesâ mLeeve hej 'to
152. Select the most appropriate option to substitute finish' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ask, advise, allow,
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If command, force, forbid, invite, encourage, compel,
there is no need to substitute it, select No beg, order, instruct, permit, persuade, tell, require,
Improvement. remind, teach, imagine leLee expect, Deeefo kegâÚ Ssmeer verbs
Sentence Improvement 135 YCT
nw, efpevekesâ yeeo (Ùeefo JeekeäÙe Active voice nw lees) object + I had to reconsider my decision as going to
Infinitive (to + verb1) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (hejvleg Ùeefo Syria might been dangerous.
passive voice nw lees) meerOee Infinitive keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (a) had to be (b) might have been
(c) may have (d) No improvement
Correct sentence– The teacher expected the students
to finish the project on time. SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
156. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'might been' kesâ mLeeve hej
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If ‘might have been’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'modal + have'
there is no need to substitute it, select No kesâ meeLe 'VIII' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen Past time keâes
improvement. show keâj jne nw~
The student asked the teacher if he can come Correct sentence– '' I had to reconsider my decision
in. as going to Syria might have been dangerous.
(a) No improvement (b) could come
160. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) will come (d) can came
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III) there is no need to substitute it, select No
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW underlined word 'can come' kesâ improvement.
mLeeve hej 'could come' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe A little carefulness can have averted the
ceW Reporting verb 'past tense' ceW nw Dele: reported speech accident.
keâer verb Yeer past tense ceW nesieer~ (a) can averted (b) could have averted
Correct sentence–The student asked the teacher if he (c) could have avert (d) No improvement
could come in. SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
157. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ''Can' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Could' keâe
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeebsefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee Sentence 'Past' ceW nw~
there is no need to substitute it, select No (modal + have + V3) ‘Could have’ keâe ØeÙeesie past keâer
improvement. mebYeeJevee leLee #ecelee efoKeeves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Bhawna will visited the Eiffel Tower during Correct Sentence–''A little carefulness could have
her trip. averted the accident''.
(a) will visit (b) will visiting 161. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) would visiting (d) No improvement the underlined segment. If there is no need to
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I) substitute it, select No improvement.
Ans : (a) Modal kesâ meeLe meowJe verb keâer Ist form ØeÙegòeâ nesleer He is living in this house for the past fifteen
nw~ Dele: ÙeneB hej visited kesâ mLeeve hej visit keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ years before he shifted abroad.
Modals –Can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, (a) has been living (b) No improvement
might, must, used (to), ought (to), need, dare etc. (c) had been living (d) was lived
Correct sentence–Bhawna will visit the Eiffel Tower SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
during her trip. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'is living' kesâ mLeeve hej 'had been
158. Select the most appropriate option to substitute living' (past perfect continuous) keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee,
the underlined segment. If there is no need to keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ I action ceW 'time' efoÙee ieÙee nw Dele: Ùen

substitute it, select No improvement. past perfect continuous tense ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ Deewj JeekeäÙe keâe
Emperor Ashoka have conquered Kalinga IInd action 'simple past' ceW nw~
before he embraced Buddhism.
Rule - Past perfect continuous keâe ØeÙeesie Gme keâeÙe& kesâ efueS
(a) had conquered (b) was conquering
(c) No improvement (d) has conquered
neslee nw pees Yetlekeâeue ceW efveef§ele meceÙe mes henues ØeejbYe ngDee nes Deewj
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II) Gme meceÙe lekeâ Ûeuee nes~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'have Conquered' kesâ mLeeve hej Correct sentence– He had been living in this house
for the past fifteen years before he shifted abroad.
'had conquered' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Past kesâ oes
Action denote nes lees pees keâeÙe& henues nes Gmes Past Perfect ceW 162. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment. If there is no need to
leLee pees keâeÙe& yeeo ceW nes Gmes Past Indifinte ceW ØeÙegòeâ keâjles nQb~ substitute it, select No improvement
Correct Sentence –''Emperor Ashoka had conquered Sonia is learnt to play the guitar these days.
Kalinga before he embraced Buddhism.'' (a) was learning playing
159. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (b) was learning to play
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (c) is learning to play
there is no need to substitute it, select No (d) No improvement
improvement. SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Sentence Improvement 136 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'is learnt to play' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is 166. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
learning to play' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ these days the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
mes mhe° nw efkeâ verb present continuous ceW ner nesieer, keäÙeeWefkeâ substitution required'.
Ùeneb hej these days keâeÙe& kesâ Jele&ceeve ceW peejer nesves keâe sense os She has decided on to do a Chinese language
jne nw~ course.
Dele: (is + verb + ing) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (a) No substitution required (b) on doing
Correct sentence–Sonia is learning to play the guitar (c) on to doing (d) to doing
these days. SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
163. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘on to do’ kesâ mLeeve hej “on
the underlined segment. doing” keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ preposition phrase 'decide
The girl who paint this picture is my on' kesâ yeeo gerund (V4) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, ve efkeâ infinitive
neighbour. keâe~
(a) no substitution required Correct sentence–She has decided on doing a Chinese
(b) who painted language course.
(c) which paints 167. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(d) who are painting the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III) there is no need to substitute it, select option
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie– 'who paint' kesâ 'No substitution required'.
mLeeve hej 'who painted' ØeÙegkeäle nesiee, Past Tense ceW subject Despite spending six years in politics, he are
still regard by many as the new kid on the
+ V2 + obj. ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw~ block.
Dele: YeeJeevegmeej Gòeâ Clause kesâ Past Tense ceW nesves hej verb (a) he is still regard
keâer Past form (V2) ØeÙegkeäle nesieer~ (b) he are still regarding
Correct sentence– The girl who painted this picture is (c) No substitution required
my neighbour. (d) he is still regarded
164. Select the most appropriate option to substitute SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
the underlined segment. If there is no need to Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe mes mhe° nw efkeâ first JeekeäÙe kesâ
substitute it, select No improvement yeeo Jeeueer clause passive voice ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ efueÙes 'v3'
Have you ever being by New York? form keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Dele: JeekeäÙe ceW regard (V1) kesâ mLeeve hej
(a) No improvement (b) ever being at regarded (V3) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
(c) ever been to (d) never been with Note- Passive voice ceW ncesMee object keâer ØeOeevelee jnleer nw
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Deewj verb keâer 3rd form keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ underlined part– 'ever Correct Sentence -
being by' kesâ mLeeve hej 'ever been to' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw, Despite spending six years in politics, he is still
keäÙeeWefkeâ – Have kesâ yeeo 'Be' keâer third form 'been keâe ØeÙeesie regarded by many as the new kid on the block.
neslee nw~ leLee efkeâmeer mLeeve keâes denote keâjves kesâ efueS 168. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Preposition 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select option
Correct sentence–Have you ever been to New York?
'No substitution required'.
165. Select the most appropriate option to substitute The trainee hand a copy of his appointment
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If letter to the HR head.
there is no need to substitute it, select No (a) No substitution required
improvement. (b) handed over a copy
Do you mind to lending me your umbrella? (c) hand over the copy
(a) to lend me (b) lending me (d) handed of a copy
(c) No improvement (d) lend me SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Hand' keâer peien Phrasal verb
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'to lending me' kesâ Handed over - (meeQhee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
mLeeve hej Phrase–'lending me' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ– Note- JeekeäÙe ceW a keâe ØeÙeesie indefinite article kesâ ™he ceW efkeâÙee
Mind, Enjoy, Worth Deeefo Verb kesâ yeeo Gerund (V1 + ieÙee nw~ Dele: copy kesâ henues indefinite article keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
ing) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ ve efkeâ definite article (The) keâe~
Correct sentence–Do you mind lending me your Correct sentence–The trainee handed over a copy of
umbrella? his appointment letter to the HR head.

Sentence Improvement 137 YCT

169. Select the most appropriate option to substitute The inflation rate raised up 8% last month.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (a) rose to (b) No Improvement
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No (c) rise to (d) raise up
substitution required'. SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III)
For the past six months, she is searching for a Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'raised up' kesâ mLeeve hej 'rose to'
(a) had been searching keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW last month kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
(b) No substitution required nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past ceW nw Dele: raised keâe past form 'Rose' (v2)
(c) has searching keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(d) has been searching Correct sentence –The inflation rate rose to 8% last
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II) month.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe preposition 'for' mes Meg™ nw pees 173. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
period of time (Deefveef§ele meceÙe) keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~ Dele: JeekeäÙe the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Present Perfect countinuous ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ FmeefueS 'is there is no need to substitute it, select No
searching' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has been searching' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~
I will write to you when I will reach New Delhi.
Correct sentence– For the past six months, she has
(a) I reach (b) I will be reaching
been searching for a job.
(c) I am reached (d) No improvement
170. Select the most appropriate option to substitute SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘I will reach’ kesâ mLeeve hej 'I
substitution required'. reach' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe conditional sentence
The detectives searched the house from top to type-I nw, efpemekeâer mebjÛevee efvecveJele nw-
bottom, but find any sign of the stolen goods. If/When + Present Indefinite, Future Indefinite (main clause)
(a) No substitution required
(b) while finding no sign Correct Sentence -
(c) despite found any sign I will write to you when I reach new Delhi.
(d) but found no sign 174. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II) the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Sentence ceW 'verb' 'searched' keâe ØeÙeesie there is no need to substitute it, select No
ngDee nw efpememes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past tense ceW nw Fme Øekeâej Deieueer Improvement.
My car broke off on my way to home.
Clause Yeer Past tense ceW nesieer~ Dele: 'but found no sign' keâe
(a) down (b) out
ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ find keâe past form 'found' neslee nw~ (c) on (d) No improvement
Correct sentence–The detectives searched the house SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
from top to bottom, but found no sign of the stolen
goods. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jssKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW Phrasal verb,
171. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 'Break down' (efkeâmeer Jeenve Ùee ieeÌ[er keâe efyeieÌ[ peevee Ùee Kejeye
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If nes peevee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Dele: off kesâ mLeeve hej down keâe
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No ØeÙeesie nesiee~
substitution required'. Correct Sentence–My car broke down on my way to
This training has intended to give people the
skills they need for a particular job. 175. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(a) have intended to the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(b) is intend towards there is no need to substitute it, select No
(c) No substitution required Improvement.
(d) is intended to
He made multiple attempts at securing a
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II)
government job.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'has' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
(a) attempt in (b) No Improvement
keäÙeeWefkeâ Sentence kesâ Fme Part ceW Present indefinite kesâ Passive
(c) attempt for (d) attempts through
keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ efpemeceW is + verb3 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct sentence - Ans. (b) : No improvement
This training is intended to give people the skills they
176. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
need for a particular job. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
172. Select the most appropriate option to substitute there is no need to substitute it, select No
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Improvement.
there is no need to substitute it, select No You need have brought your umbrella as it is a
Improvement. cloudy day.
Sentence Improvement 138 YCT
(a) can have (b) could has 180. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) should have (d) No Improvement the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II) there is no need to substitute it, select No
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'need have' kesâ mLeeve hej 'should improvement.
have' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ meueen Ùee megPeeJe The newly- launched mobile phone application
(Advice Ùee Suggestion) Øekeâš keâjves kesâ efueS Modal Verb- has been a great support for people in remote
areas of the country.
'should' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(a) applications will been a great support
Correct sentence– You should have brought your
(b) applications has been a great support
umbrella as it is a cloudy day.
(c) No improvement
177. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(d) applications have been a great support
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
improvement. Ans. (c) : No improvement.
Permit me to speak the truth and I have say it 181. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
without any fear. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(a) No improvement there is no need to substitute it, select No
(b) I had say it without any fear improvement.
(c) I shall said it without any fear The convict was informed that the judge will
(d) I will say it without any fear heard the case tomorrow.
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II) (a) judge hears a case
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘I have say’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘I will (b) judge will hear the case
say’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ (c) judge will hearing a case
Devegmeej future indefinite tense keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~ (d) No improvement
Correct Sentence–Permit me to speak the truth and I SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
will say it without any fear. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'judge will heard the case' kesâ
178. Select the most appropriate option to substitute mLeeve hej 'judge will hear the case' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee,
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If keäÙeeWefkeâ will kesâ yeeo verbIst form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
there is no need to substitute it, select No
improvement. Correct Sentence
The family had been without food for four The convict was informed that the judge will hear the
days. case tomorrow.
(a) family are been (b) family is been 182. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) family is being (d) No improvement the underlined in the given sentence. If there is no
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II) need to substitute it, select 'No improvement.
Ans. (d) : No improvement As you can see from my resume, I am working
179. Select the most appropriate option to substitute in Mumbai since 2016.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (a) I have been working in Mumbai since 2016
there is no need to substitute it, select No (b) I am working in Mumbai since 2016
improvement. (c) No improvement
He is felt extremely unhappy yesterday because (d) I am work in Mumbai since 2016
of the inordinate delay of the messenger. SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) No improvement Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘I am working in Mumbai
(b) He has feeling extremely unhappy yesterday
(c) He have been feeling extremely unhappy since 2016’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘I have been working in
yesterday Mumbai since 2016’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ since
(d) He was feeling extremely unhappy yesterday + point of time keâe ØeÙeesie meeceevÙele: perfect continuous
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I) tense ceW neslee nw~ Dele: Fme tense keâer h.v. 'has/have + been'
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘He is felt extremely keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
unhappy’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘He was feeling extremely Correct Sentence–As you can see from my resume, I
unhappy’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have been working in Mumbai since 2016.
yesterday kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ Iešvee past keâer nw Dele: past 183. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
keâer verb 'was' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ the underlined in the given sentence. If there is no
Correct Sentence need to substitute it, select 'No improvement.
He was feeling extremely unhappy yesterday because In the interview held recently, I answer the
of the inordinate delay of the messenger. question as best as I could.

Sentence Improvement 139 YCT

(a) I answered the question as best as I can. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ sentence ceW past tense kesâ YeeJe kesâ
(b) I answer the question as best as I could. Devegmeej underline part ceW verb2, (gave) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele
(c) I answered the question as best as I could.
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Past Indefinite ceW verb2 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(d) No improvement
Correct sentence–She gave me everything I asked for.
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
187. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'I answer the question as best
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
as I could' kesâ mLeeve hej 'I answered the question as best there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
as I could' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'held substitution'
recently' mes mhe° nw efkeâ past action keâer yeele nes jner nw~ Dele: A study has shown that the use of mobile data
past keâer verb2 (answered) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ in India have increased 50 times over the last
Correct Sentence - three years
In the interview held recently, I answered the question (a) No improvement
as best as I could. (b) has increased 50 times
(c) has been increased to 50 times
184. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (d) Is increasing 50 times
there is no need to substitute it, select No SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
improvement. Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e keâe subject (The use of mobile
Tourists visiting Leh take home photos and data) singular number ceW nw Dele: helping verb keâe ØeÙeesie
memories but leave back a mountains of waste. Yeer singular ceW nesiee~ FmeefueS 'have' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has' keâe
(a) leave away (b) left back ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
(c) No improvement (d) leave behind
Correct sentence–A study has shown that the use of
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II) mobile data in India has increased 50 times over the
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'leave back' kesâ mLeeve hej 'leave last three years
behind' (heerÚs ÚesÌ[vee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ leave kesâ meeLe 188. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
'behind' preposition keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Correct Sentence–Tourists visiting Leh take home photos there is no need to substitute it, select No
and memories but leave behind a mountains of waste. substitution
185. Select the most appropriate option to substitute The football coach urged the team were give its
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If best to the final match.
there is no need to substitute it, select No (a) No Improvement (b) That it give its best
Improvement (c) Try to give it best (d) To give its best
When you go by rail, make sure taking the SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
express train that stops only at big stations. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ underline part ceW 'were give
(a) make sure to taking (b) No improvement its best' kesâ mLeeve hej 'to give its best' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee,
(c) make sure to take (d) making sure to take keäÙeeWefkeâ simple sentence ceW Skeâ finite verb ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ Dele:
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
infinitive (to+verb1) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ pees efkeâ noun keâe keâeÙe&
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ underline part ceW ‘make keâjlee nw~
sure taking’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘make sure to take’ keâe ØeÙeesie
Urge somebody to dosomething
GefÛele nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Make sure' kesâ yeeo meeceevÙele: Infinitive (to
Correct sentence–The football coach urged the team
+ VI) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
to give its best to the final match.
Correct Sentence–When you go by rail, make sure to
take the express train that stops only at big stations. B. Subject-Verb-Agreement
186. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If 189. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
substitution' sentence is grammatically correct.
She give me everything I asked for. They selling postage stamps at the corner store.
(a) Is giving me everything (a) sold postal stamped
(b) gave me everything (b) sell postage stamps
(c) No improvement (c) No improvement
(d) gave myself everything (d) sells postage stamps
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III)

Sentence Improvement 140 YCT

Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'selling postage Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'are required to
stamps' kesâ mLeeve hej 'sell postage stamps' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, succeed in life' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is required to succeed in life'
keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe 'simple present tense' ceW nQ Dele: keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peye JeekeäÙe ceW oes subject ('as well as',
plural subject 'they' kesâ meeLe plural verb 'sell' (v1) keâe ØeÙeesie 'with', 'along with' etc) mes pegÌ[s nes lees verb keâe ØeÙeesie henues
GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ subject kesâ Devegmeej neslee nQ Dele: singular subject (honestly)
Correct Sentence– kesâ meeLe Singular verb (is) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
They sell postage stamps at the corner store. Correct Sentence–
190. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Honesty as well as discipline is required to succeed in
the underlined segment in the given sentence. life.
The syllabus designers has tried to address the 193. Select the most appropriate option that can
problem of time available for teaching. substitute the underlined segment in the
(a) Have tried to address following sentence.
(b) Having tried to address The number of seats in the movie theatre were
(c) Has tried addressing reduced to comply with the new social
(d) has been tried to address distancing guidelines.
SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV) (a) of the movie theatre were reduced
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'has tried to (b) in the movie theatre are reduced
address kesâ mLeeve hej 'have tried to address' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (c) in the movie theatre was reduced
keäÙeeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Subject 'designers' plural number ceW nQ (d) in the movie theatre were being reduced
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III)
Dele: Plural verb 'have' keâe ØeÙeesie 'has' kesâ mLeeve hej ØeÙegkeäle
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'in the movie
theatre were reduced to' kesâ mLeeve hej 'in the movie theatre
Correct Sentence–
The syllabus designers have tried to address the was reduced to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'the number of' kesâ
problem of time available for teaching. meeLe plural 'subject' SJeb singular 'verb' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ
191. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Dele: JeekeäÙe ceW verb 'were' kesâ mLeeve hej 'was' keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle
the underlined segment in the given sentence. nesiee~
The monitor of the class don't know the Note– ⇒A number of + Plural subject + Plural verb.
answer. ⇒The number of + Plural Subject + Singular Verb
(a) The class doesn't knew Correct Sentence–
(b) The class doesn't know The number of seats in the movie theatre was reduced to
(c) The class didn't knew comply with the new social distancing guidelines.
(d) The class don't knew
194. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III)
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'the class don't sentence is grammatically correct.
know' kesâ mLeeve 'the class doesn't know' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, We keeps a horse, two cows, and six chickens.
keäÙeeWefkeâ peye 'of' mes oes 'noun' pegÌ[s ngSs nes, Deeves Jeeueer verb 'of' (a) has keeps a (b) keep a
mes henues ØeÙegkeäle 'noun' kesâ Devegmeej singular/plural ØeÙegkeäle nesleer (c) keeping a (d) No improvement
nw~ Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâe main Subject 'the monitor' singular SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II)
form ceW nQ Dele: Singular subject kesâ yeeo Singular verb Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'keeps a horse'
'doesn't' keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~ kesâ mLeeve hej 'keep a horse' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
Correct Sentence– Subject 'we' plural form ceW nQ Dele: Simple present tense ceW
The monitor of the class doesn't know the answer. Plural subject 'we' kesâ meeLe plural verb 'keep' (v1) keâe ØeÙeesie
192. Select the most appropriate option that can ØeÙeg keäle nesiee~
substitute the underlined segment in the given Correct Sentence–
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, We keep a horse, two cow, and six chickens.
select No substitution . 195. Select the option that will improve the
Honesty as well as discipline are required to underlined part of the sentence. In case no
succeed in life. improvement is needed, select 'No
(a) is required to succeed in life Improvement'.
(b) are requirement to succeed in life Many battle was fought on the soil of India.
(c) has required to succeed in life (a) Many a battle was (b) No Improvement
(d) No substitution (c) Much battle was (d) Many battle were
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II

Sentence Improvement 141 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'Many battle Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'were listening'
was' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Many a battle was' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ kesâ mLeeve hej 'had listened' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ
Subject kesâ ™he ceW 'Many' kesâ meeLe plural noun SJeb plural YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'I wish' kesâ yeeo past perfect tense (had
verb leLee 'many a/an' kesâ meeLe singular noun SJeb singular listened) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ~
verb keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Dele: singular noun 'battle' kesâ henues
Correct Sentence–
article 'a' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ I wish I had listened to my parents.
Note– Many a/an + singular noun + singular verb. 199. Select the option that will improve the
Many + Plural noun + Plural verb. underlined part of the given sentence. In case
Correct Sentence– no improvement is needed, select 'No
improvement required'.
Many a battle was fought on the soil of India.
Although the waters may have receded, the
196. Select the most appropriate option that can aftermath of one of the world's biggest natural
substitute the underlined segment in the given disaster had only just begun.
sentence. (a) the aftermath of one of the world's biggest
People was empty out of the malls and roads. natural disasters
(a) was emptying out of (b) No improvement required
(b) was emptying of (c) the aftermath of one of the worlds' biggest
(c) were emptying of natural disasters has
(d) were emptying out of (d) the aftermath of one the worlds' biggest
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I natural disaster
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'was empty out SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'the aftermath
of' kesâ mLeeve hej 'were emptying out of' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
of one of the world's biggest natural disaster kesâ mLeeve hej
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Subject 'people' plural form ceW nQ, Deewj
Past continuous tense ceW plural subject kesâ meeLe plural
'the aftermath of one of the world's biggest natural
disasters keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'one of the' kesâ yeeo plural
verb 'were' SJeb main verb keâe 'ing' form ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~
Correct Sentence– noun 'disasters' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
People were emptying out of the malls and reads. Correct Sentence–
197. Select the option that will improve the Although the waters may have receded, the aftermath of
one of the world's biggest natural disasters had only just
underlined part of the given sentence. In case
no improvement is needed, select 'No begun.
improvement required'. 200. Select the option that will improve the
Many a man has succumbed to his temptations. underlined part of the given sentence. In case
(a) No improvement required no improvement is needed, select 'No
(b) men has improvement required'.
(c) a men has Scientific discoveries is often result of hard
(d) man has work by many people.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II (a) No improvement required
Ans. (a) : No improvement required. (b) is often resulting
(c) are often resulted
Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'a man has' keâe ØeÙeesie mener
(d) are often the result
Form ceW nQ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'many a/an' kesâ meeLe singular noun SJeb
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II
singular verb keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ~
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'is often result'
⇒ Many a + singular noun + singular verb.
kesâ mLeeve hej 'are often the result' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
Correct Sentence–
Many a man has succumbed to his temptations. plural subject (discoveries) kesâ meeLe plural verb (are) keâe
ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle nesiee Deewj Ùeefo 'of' mes Ùeefo oes noun pegÌ[s nes lees
198. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
henues noun kesâ meeLe definite article 'the' (the result) keâe
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
substitution required’. Correct Sentence–
I wish I were listening to my parents. Scientific discoveries are often the result of hard work
(a) have listened by many people.
(b) had listened 201. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) No substitution required the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(d) am listening there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I substitution'.
Sentence Improvement 142 YCT
Neither the parents nor the child were happy Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'has a dream' kesâ
about the result.
mLeeve hej 'have a dream' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'all students'
(a) were happy with (b) was happy with
(c) No substitution (d) was happy for plural subject nw Fmekesâ Devegmeej plural verb 'have' ØeÙegòeâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I) nesiee~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'were happy about' Correct Sentence - All students have a dream to study
kesâ mLeeve hej 'was happy with' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peye in a good university.
neither ..... nor mes oes subject peg[ Ì s nes lees Deeves Jeeueer verb yeeo 205. Select the alternative that will improve the
underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
Jeeues subject (nor kesâ meeLe) kesâ Devegmeej singular Je plural
no improvement select "No improvement".
ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ Ûetbefkeâ nor kesâ heeme Jeeuee subject 'The child' Many of my friends come to school by bus.
singular nw Dele: verb Yeer singular (was) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer Deewj (a) Much of my friends
happy with something ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ (b) Many who are friends
Correct Sentence - (c) No improvement
Neither the parents nor the child was happy with the (d) Many of all my friends
result. SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
202. Select the most appropriate option to improve Ans. (c) : No improvement
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
206. Select the alternative that will improve the
there is no need to improve it, select 'No
underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
no improvement select "No improvement".
Many a person are unable of distinguish right
from wrong. Success and failure in life depends on how well
(a) are capable of (b) No improvement a person uses his time.
(c) are unable to (d) is unable to (a) depending upon (b) dependent on
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) No improvement (d) depend on
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'are unable of' kesâ
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'depends on' kesâ mLeeve hej
mLeeve hej 'is unable to' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ many
'depend on' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ success and failure oes
a kesâ yeeo Jeeueer verb 'singular' ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw leLee unable kesâ
meeLe preposition 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Deueie-Deueie ÛeerpeW nQ pees efkeâ plural subject nw~ FmeefueS verb
Correct Sentence - Many a person is unable to plural 'depend' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
distinguish right from wrong. Correct Sentence - Success and failure in life depend
203. Select the alternative that will improve the on how well a person uses his time.
207. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
underlined part of the sentence in case there is
no improvement select “No improvement”. The Centre’s bid to dispel the pall of gloom
You have to wear this uniform whether you over the economy (have been helped) in recent
likes it or not. weeks by a rating.
(a) whether you like it or not (a) had been help (b) has been helped
(b) whether you are liking it or not (c) have been helping (d) No improvement
(c) No improvement SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(d) Whether if you like it or not
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ Bracket part ceW 'have been helped' kesâ
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
mLeeve hej 'has been helped' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙes ieÙes
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'whether you likes it or
JeekeäÙe ceW ‘The centre's bid’ Skeâ singular subject nw Dele:
not' kesâ mLeeve hej 'whether you like it or not' GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
verb keâer singular form (has been) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
you (plural subject) kesâ yeeo plural verb ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
Correct Sentence–
Note- verb ceW s/es ueieekeâj singular yeveeles nQ~
The centre's bid to dispel the pall of gloom over the
Correct Sentence–You have to wear this uniform economy has been helped in recent weeks by a rating.
whether you like it or not.
208. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
204. Select the alternative that will improve the
underlined part of the sentence. In case there is Without any exaggeration, the provision will
no improvement select "No improvement". ensure that legislators (keep a voice) in
All students has a dream to study in a good finalizing the terms and conditions of the
university. agreement.
(a) have dream (b) No improvement (a) have a voice (b) head a voice
(c) has dream (d) have a dream (c) lost a voice (d) No improvement
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Sentence Improvement 143 YCT
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'keep a voice' kesâ mLeeve hej 'have a Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Each of the guests were' kesâ
voice' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ possession oMee&ves kesâ efueS mLeeve hej 'Each of the guests was' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee,
have keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ ‘that’ kesâ yeeo DeeÙee Subject keäÙeeWefkeâ Each of the + plural noun kesâ yeeo verb ncesMee
'legislators' plural form ceW nw Dele: auxiliary verb kesâ leewj hej singular form ceW nesleer nw~
plural verb (have) keâe Fmlesceeue nesiee~ Correct sentence– Each of the guests was given a
Correct Sentence - return gift.
Without any exaggeration the provision will ensure that 212. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
legislators have a voice in finalizing the terms and the underlined segment in the given sentence.
conditions of the agreement. If no substitution is required, select No
209. Select the most appropriate option to substitute improvement.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If How long you are living in this city?
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No (a) have you lived (b) are you been living
substitution required’ (c) are you live (d) No improvement
Have either of you been to the planetarium
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) No substitution required Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ØeMve JeeÛekeâ JeekeäÙe nw Dele: Auxiliary
(b) Have everyone Verb (have) keâe ØeÙeesie Subject (you) mes henues nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
(c) Has either JeekeäÙe ceW Present Perfect tense keâe YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw~
(d) Has both Correct sentence– How long have you lived in this
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) city?
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ underlined phrase 'have 213. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
either' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has either' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ 'Either' the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
means 'one' or the other of two things neslee nw~ efpememes no substitution is required, select No
Fmekeâes singular ceevee peelee nw~ Dele: Verb keâe ØeÙeesie Singular improvement.
number ceW nesiee~ The India consensus study highlight a benefits
Correct Sentence– Has either of you been to the by adding domestic violence prevention
planetarium before? approaches to current government policy.
210. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (a) highlights the benefits of adding
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (b) No improvement
no substitution is required, select No (c) highlight the benefits from added
improvement. (d) highlight a benefit in addition
Knowing the particular things that motivate SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
each person help you add power to their Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'highlight' kesâ mLeeve hej
(a) No improvement 'highlights' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Subject (The
(b) helps you add power India consensus study) singular number ceW nw Dele: Verb
(c) help you to add power Yeer Singular number ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
(d) help you adding power (i) Indefinite article 'a' kesâ mLeeve hej definite article 'the' keâe
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I) ØeÙeesie benefits (plural noun) kesâ henues nesiee~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW help you add power kesâ mLeeve (ii) Possessive case ceW "of" keâe ØeÙeesie ‘‘keâe’’ kesâ sense ceW
hej helps you add power keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Each' efkeâÙee peelee nw~
keâe ØeÙeesie subject keâer lejn ØeÙegòeâ nesves hej Fmes singular ceevee peelee Correct Sentence– The India consensus study
nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ meeLe singular verb keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ highlights the benefits of adding domestic violence
Correct sentence– Knowing the particular things that prevention approaches to current government policy.
motivate each person helps you add power to their
motivation. 214. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
211. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
no substitution is required, select No
the underlined segment in the given sentence.
If no substitution is required, select No
improvement. The world's agricultural land are in pressure to
Each of the guests were given a return gift. raising more and more crops.
(a) No improvement (a) land is under pressure to raise
(b) Each of the guests was given (b) land is under pressure so raising
(c) Each guests were given (c) No improvement
(d) Each and every guest were given (d) land is at pressure to raise
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Sentence Improvement 144 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'are' kesâ mLeeve hej (a) No improvement
'is' keâe ØeÙeesie Megæ nw~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Subject- (The world's (b) two of my father's friends
(c) two friends of my fathers
agricultural land) singular number nw Dele: singular verb
(d) two of my fathers friend
'is' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Note– Infinitive To kesâ yeeo V1 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Underlined Part ceW two keâe
Correct Sentence– ØeÙeesie ngDee nw pees friend kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie ngDee nw Dele: Friend kesâ
The world's agricultural land is under pressure to raise
more and more crops. mLeeve hej friends keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ two kesâ yeeo
215. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Deeves Jeeuee Meyo plural nesvee ÛeeefnS~
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Correct sentence–In the park I happened to meet two
of my father's friends who had known him for several
there is no need to substitute it, select No
218. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
The children has had their dinner but the
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
adults still have to eat.
there is no need to substitute it, select No
(a) No improvement improvement.
(b) have had their dinner If I does not pay my post-paid mobile bill by
(c) are have their dinner tomorrow I will probably have to pay a fine.
(d) is having the dinner (a) If I had not paid (b) If I do not pay
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) (c) No improvement (d) If I has not paid
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ Noun- The children, SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
'plural number' ceW nw~ Dele: Plural verb (have) keâe ØeÙeesie Ans : (b) peye efkeâmeer JeekeäÙe ceW oes clause efoÙee nes Deewj GmeceW mes
GefÛele nesiee~ otmejer clause Future Indefinite ceW nes lees henuee clause
Note – JeekeäÙe ceW had (v3) keâe ØeÙeesie as a main verb ngDee nw~ Present Indefinite ceW nesieer~ Ûetbefkeâ ØeLece clause ceW subject 'I'
Correct sentence– The children have had their dinner
keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw lees Gmekesâ meeLe plural helping verb 'do' keâe
but the adults still have to eat. ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
Correct Sentence–If I do not pay my post-paid mobile
216. Select the most appropriate option to
bill by tomorrow, I will probably have to pay a fine.
substitution the underlined segment. If no
substitution is required select 'No substitution'. 219. Identify the most appropriate option to
substitute the underlined segment. If no
This is one of the boldest economic reform that
substitution is required, select No substitution.
have ever been introduced.
The commander of the ship as well as the crew
(a) economic reforms that has ever are caught by the storm.
(b) economic reforms that have ever (a) are caught in (b) is caught in
(c) No substitution (c) No substitution (d) are being caught by
(d) economic reform that has ever SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'are caught by' kesâ
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Reform' kesâ mLeeve hej 'reforms' keâe mLeeve hej 'is caught in' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekeâe sub
ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ one of the kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeues singular (the commander of the ship) nw, FmeefueS Ùeneb are
Noun/Pronoun ncesMee Plural nesles nw, leLee ÙeneB hej That keâe kesâ mLeeve hej is keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
ØeÙeesie Relative Pronoun kesâ ™he ceW ngDee nw, efpemekesâ yeeo Deeves Rule- efveÙecele: as well as, with, along with FlÙeeefo mes oes
Jeeueer verb, That kesâ antecedent (reforms) kesâ Devegmeej ØeÙegòeâ subject pegÌ[s nes lees ØeLece subject kesâ Devegmeej ner Deeves Jeeueer
nesieer ÛetBefkeâ Reforms, Plural nw FmeefueÙes Plural verb 'Have Verb keâe efveOee&jCe neslee nw~ pewmes efkeâ Ùeneb the commander of
been' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ the ship kesâ Devegmeej is keâe ØeÙeesie ner GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
One of + plural noun + relative pronoun + plural verb Correct sentence–The commander of the ship as well
as the crew is caught in the storm.
Correct sentence– This is one of the boldest economic 220. Identify the most appropriate option to
reforms that have ever been introduced. substitute the underlined segment. If no
217. Select the most appropriate option to substitute substitution is required, select No substitution.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If He persisted to do that he thought was right.
there is no need to substitute it, select No (a) for doing this which he thought
improvement. (b) in doing what he thought
In the park I happened to meet two of my (c) No substitution
father's friend who had known him for several (d) to do what he thinks
years. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Sentence Improvement 145 YCT
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘to do that he Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW (times) kesâ mLeeve hej 'time' keâe
thought’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘in doing what he thought’ keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'many a' kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeueer Noun
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Persist kesâ meeLe meeceevÙele: ‘in’ preposition ØeÙegòeâ leLee Verbs oesveeW Singular number ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
neslee nw leLee Preposition kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeueer Verb gerund Note – Noun ceW s/es peesÌ[keâj plural Je verb ceW s/es peesÌ[keâj
form ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ singular yeveeles nQ~
Correct sentence– He persisted in doing what he Correct sentence–She is tender-hearted by nature and
thought was right. I have found her eyes moist many a time over the sad
221. Select the alternative that will improve the face of any children.
underlined part of the sentence. In case there is 224. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
no improvement select 'No improvement'. The Home Department (have issued) separate
Sidharth want to become a football player but guidelines on the participation of children in
needs to practice more rigorously. processions and public functions.
(a) No improvement (a) will issued (b) has issued
(b) wants to become (c) were issued (d) No improvement
(c) wanted becoming SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
(d) is wanting to become
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'have issued' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
issued' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Fme JeekeäÙe keâe subject (The
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'want to become' kesâ mLeeve hej
home department) singular form ceW nw, FmeefueS verb Yeer
'wants to become' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeesefkeâ Fmekeâe Sub
singular (has) ØeÙegkeäle nesieer~
(Sidharth) Singular nw FmeefueS Fmekesâ Devegmeej verb Yeer
Correct sentence– The Home Department has issued
Singular ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ separate guidelines on the participation of children in
Note – Verb1 ceW s/es keâes pees[ Ì keâj singular yeveeles nQ~ processions and public functions.
Correct sentence– Sidharth wants to become a 225. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
football player but needs to practice more rigorously. The Finance Minister has acknowledged that
222. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the challenge before the government now (are
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If to workout) both policy and investment
there is no need to substitute it, select No measures to boost momentum.
improvement. (a) were to workout (b) will to workout
The book's page seem to have been torn by (c) is to workout (d) No improvement
someone. SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
(a) No improvement
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'are to workout' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is
(b) The book's page seems
(c) The page of the book was seems to workout' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ GheÙegòeâ Clause keâe
(d) The page of the book has seem Subject (Challenge) Singular nw Dele: Verb Yeer Singular
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II) (is) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'The book's Correct sentence– The Finance Minister has
page seem' kesâ mLeeve hej 'the book's page seems' ØeÙegkeäle acknowledged that the challenge before the
government now is to workout both policy and
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject, 'The book's page' nw pees efkeâ investment measures to boost momentum.
singular number ceW nw Dele: Fmekesâ meeLe singular verb
226. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
'seems' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Note- Present indefinite ceW verb keâes singular yeveeves kesâ there is no need to substitute it, select No
efueS Gmekesâ Devle ceW s/es keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ improvement.
Correct Sentence- The book's page seems to have The city have not receive much rais for a week
been torn by someone. now.
223. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (a) have not received (b) has not received
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (c) No improvement (d) has not receive
there is no need to substitute it, select 'NO SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
improvement'. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'have not receive' kesâ
She is tender-hearted by nature and I have mLeeve hej 'has not received' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ The
found her eyes moist many a times over the sad
face of any children. city Skeâ singular subject nw Fmekesâ Devegmeej Verb Yeer singular
(a) many a time (b) No improvement (has) Deewj has/have kesâ yeeo verb3 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(c) many time (d) so many a times Correct sentence-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II) The city has not received much rais for a week now.

Sentence Improvement 146 YCT

227. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 230. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No there is no need to substitute it, select No
Improvement. Improvement.
The father with his children were expected to A study suggests that woman is good at
attend the function. handling emotions than men.
(a) are (b) have (a) women is better (b) No improvement
(c) No Improvement (d) was (c) woman are best (d) women are better
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes sentence ceW jsKeebefkeâle Meyo 'were' Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'woman is good'
kesâ mLeeve hej 'was' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes subject with, kesâ mLeeve 'women are better' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW
together with, as well as mes pegÌ[er nes lees Deeves Jeeueer verb ‘than men’ kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ women keâer leguevee men
ØeLece sub kesâ Devegmeej ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ mes keâer ieÙeer nw~ Ûetbefkeâ leguevee meceeve word ceW nesleer nw~ Dele: men
Correct Sentence - (plural) keâer leguevee women (plural) ceW nesveer ÛeeefnÙes~ Fmekesâ
The father with his children was expected to attend the
Deefleefjkeäle Comparative Degree ceW Positive adjective
(good) kesâ mLeeve hej Comparative adjective (better) keâe
228. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If ØeÙeesie neslee nQ~
there is no need to substitute it, select no Correct sentence -
substitution required A study suggests that women are better at handling
More than 60% of India's population live emotions than men.
under the poverty line. 231. Select the most appropriate to substitute the
(a) lives beside the poverty line underline segment. If there is no need to
(b) no substitution required substitute it, select No improvement.
(c) live by the poverty line One of the factor for her failure is the lack of
(d) lives below the poverty line concentration in studies.
SSC MTS–14/08/2019 (Shift-III) (a) one of the factors (b) each of the factors
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'live under the (c) one of a factor (d) No improvement
poverty line' kesâ mLeeve hej phrase– 'lives below the SSC MTS–14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
poverty line' ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe sub ‘India’s Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie one of the factor
population’ singular nw~ Dele: verb Yeer singular (verb1 + kesâ mLeeve hej one of the factors keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
s/es) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ keäÙeeWefkeâ one of kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeuee noun Deewj pronoun ncesMee
Correct Sentence– Plural form ceW neslee nw~ Deewj verb singular nesleer nw~
More than 60% of India's population lives below the One of + plural noun + singular verb
poverty line.
Correct sentence– One of the factors for her failure is
229. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the lack of concentration in studies.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No 232. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
improvement. the underlined in the given sentence. If there is
The new traffic signals is not clear visible from no need to substitute it, select 'No substitution
a distance required'.
(a) No improvement (b) are not clearly The novels of Jane Austen give us a glimpse of
(c) is not clearly (d) are not clear the world of women.
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I) (a) has given the
(b) No substitution required
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'is not clear' kesâ
(c) gave them the
mLeeve hej 'are not clearly' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeesbefkeâ ‘The new (d) gives us a
traffic signals’ plural subject nw, Dele: Plural Subject kesâ SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
meeLe Plural Verb (are) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ~ Fmekesâ Deefleefjòeâ Ans. (b) : No substitution required
Clear keâe adverb form, 'Clearly' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Gmekesâ Note- Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâe subject, The novels, plural nw
yeeo ØeÙegòeâ word visible (adjective) nw~ efpemekeâes clearly, Dele: Fmekesâ meeLe plural verb, 'give' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
modify keâj jne nw~ 233. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Correct sentence - the underlined in the given sentence. If there in
''The new traffic signals are not clearly visible from a no need to substitute it, select 'No substitution
distance.'' required'.
Sentence Improvement 147 YCT
Scientific discoveries is often result of hard (a) No improvement (b) is old and needs
work by many people. (c) is old and need (d) are old and needing
(a) are resulted SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III)
(b) is resulted Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'are old and need'
(c) are often a resulted
(d) No substitution required
kesâ mLeeve hej 'is old and needs' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II) Fme JeekeäÙe keâe subject (the furniture) singular nw FmeefueS
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘is often result’ kesâ verb Yeer singular (is) nesieer~
mLeeve hej ‘are often resulted’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Correct Sentence -
The furniture in this room is old and needs to be
subject plural (Scientific discoveries) nw FmeefueS verb Yeer
plural (are) nesiee~ Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Passive ceW nQ FmeefueS
'H.V + V3' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Correct Sentence– C. Conditional Sentence
Scientific discoveries are often resulted of hard work
by many people. 237. Select the most appropriate option that can
234. Select the most appropriate option to substitute substitute the underlined segment in the given
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If sentence.
there is no need to substitute it, select No Hardly we had boarded the train when it
substitution. started to move.
Regular exercise lead to fitness of the body. (a) we are boarded (b) had we boarded
(a) leads to fitness of the body (c) will we boarded (d) is we boarded
(b) will leads to fitness of the body SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II)
(c) leading to fitness of the body Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'we had
(d) No improvement
boarded' kesâ mLeeve hej 'had we bearded' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Lead to fitness of keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Meg®Deele ceW Ùeefo Hardly, Scarcely, No
the body' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Leads to fitness of body' keâe ØeÙeesie sooner kesâ ØeÙegkeäle nesves hej 'Inversion' keâe Method ueeiet neslee nw
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject (Regular exercise) FmeceW verb keâes subject keâs henues ØeÙegkeäle keâjles nQ~
singular nw~ Dele: verb Yeer singular (leads) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ Hardly + verb + Subject .................
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence–
Regular exercise leads to fitness of the body. Hardly had we boarded the train when it started to
235. Select the most appropriate option to substitute move.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If 238. Select the option that will improve the
there is no need to substitute it, select No underlined part of the given sentence. In case
improvement. no improvement is needed, select 'No
Yesterday eleven coaches of a train headed for improvement required'.
Delhi was derailed at Vaishali district of Bihar. In his memoir, Attenborough said that, "Lisa
(a) was derailed in (b) were derailed in would have been 11 if she was with us today."
(c) No improvement (d) were derail at (a) Attenborough said that, "Lisa will have been
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II) 11 if she were
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'was derailed at' (b) Attenborough said, "Lisa would have been 11
kesâ mLeeve hej 'were derailed in' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ if she were
sentence ceW subject (eleven coaches) plural nw FmeefueS (c) Attenborough said, "Lisa would have been 11
verb Yeer plural (were) nesiee, leLee at (preposition) kesâ mLeeve if she was
hej in keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ yeÌ[W MenjeW kesâ veece kesâ henues (d) No improvement required
preposition (in) GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III
Correct Sentence - Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'Attenborough
Yesterday eleven coaches of a train headed for Delhi said that, ''Lisa would have been 11 if she was' kesâ mLeeve
were derailed in Vaishali district of Bihar.
hej 'Attenborough said, ''Lisa would have been 11 if she
236. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If were' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe Conditional sentence kesâ
there is no need to substitute it, select No Direct form ceW nQ~ Dele: –
improvement. • Hypothetical Sentence ceW If kesâ yeeo Verb 'were keâe ØeÙeesie
The furniture in this room are old and need to
be replaced.
meYeer Øekeâej kesâ subject kesâ meeLe neslee nw~
Sentence Improvement 148 YCT
kesâ yeeo Ùeefo Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'I have reached the
• Direct narration ceW reporting verb 'said'
efkeâ 'that' keâe counter' kesâ mLeeve hej 'I reached the counter' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
object ve nes lees 'comma' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ ve
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Principal clause, past tense
Correct Sentence– ceW nw Dele: Deeies Deeves Jeeues meYeer Subordinate clause, past
In his memoir, Attenborough said, ''Lisa would have tense ceW ner nesiee~ Dele: verb2 (Past Indefinite) keâe ØeÙeesie
been 11 if she were with us today.'' nesiee~
239. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Correct Sentence -
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If There was a long queue at the post office and by the
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No time I reached the counter I was told the printer was not
substitution required’. working.
Had I a rich person, I would share my wealth. 242. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(a) were I the underlined segment in the given sentnce.
(b) No substitution required If no substitution is required, select No
(c) I am improvement.
(d) Had I been Scarcely had he gone out than a client came to
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) meet him.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeeefkebâle Yeeie 'had I' kesâ mLeeve hej (a) he had gone out than
'were I' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW keâuhevee keâer (b) No improvement
ieF& nw, Dele: Ùen JeekeäÙe conditional sentence type-II nw, (c) he had go out when
(d) had he gone out when
efpemekeâer mebjÛevee efvecveJele nw-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
If + were/V II from, would/could + V I from
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeeefkebâle Yeeie 'Had he gone out than'
Were + subject, would/could+V I form kesâ mLeeve hej 'Had he gone out when' keâe ØeÙeeWie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
Correct Sentence– keäÙeeWefkeâ Scarcely/Hardly kesâ meeLe When (Conjunction) keâe ØeÙeesie
Were I a rich person, I would share my wealth. neslee nw~
240. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Correct Sentence–
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Scarcely had he gone out when a client came to meet
there is no need to substitute it, select Nohim.
243. Selected the most appropriate option to
He has been solving this sum for a couple of
substitute the underlined segment in the given
hours but he did not solve it yet.
(a) No improvement (b) has not solved it
If no substitution is required, select No
(c) has not solve it (d) had not solved it
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II) When we went to the cinema yesterday, the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeeefkebâle Yeeie 'did not solve it'
film had already start.
kesâ mLeeve hej 'has not solved it' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
(a) the film had already started
JeekeäÙe mes Jele&ceevekeâeue keâe yeesOe nes jne nw~ Dele: present perfect
(b) the film have already start
keâer H.V. (has) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (c) No improvement
Correct sentence - (d) the film was already start
He has been solving this sum for a couple of hours but SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III)
he has not solved it yet. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeeefkebâle Yeeie 'The film had
241. Select the most appropriate option to substitute already start' kesâ mLeeve hej 'the film had already started' keâe
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If ØeÙees i e GheÙeg òeâ nes i ee, keäÙ eeW e f k eâ Had kes â meeLe V III
form keâe ØeÙeesie
there is no need to substitute it, select No neslee nQ~
improvement. Correct Sentence -
There was a long queue at the post office and When we went to the cinema yesterday, the film had
by the time I have reached the counter I was already started.
told the printer was not working. 244. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(a) I reached the counter the underlined segment in the given sentence.
(b) No improvement If no substitution is required, select No
(c) I reach the counter improvement.
(d) I am reaching the counter I am think that tomorrow I will take leave and
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I) stay at home.
Sentence Improvement 149 YCT
(a) No improvement 247. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(b) I was thinking that the next day I will be the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
taking no substitution is required, select No
(c) I think that tomorrow I will take improvement.
(d) I have thought that tomorrow I am taking If I have money, I purchase this house.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III) (a) I purchased (b) I will purchase
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'I am think that (c) No improvement (d) I have purchased
SSC CGL (Tier-I)–04/06/2019 (Shift-III)
tomorrow' kesâ mLeeve hej 'I think that tomorrow' keâe ØeÙeesie
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeeefkebâle Yeeie ceW 'I purchase' keâs
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peye Conditional Sentence ceW yeeo Jeeueer
Clause (subordinate clause) future Indefinite ceW nes lees
mLeeve hej 'I will purchase' keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
henueer Clause (Principal Clause), Present Indefinite ceW
nesveer ÛeeefnÙes~ Dele: verb1 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee Deewj sub singular (i) If + Present Tense - will + verb1
nesves hej verb kesâ Devle ceW s/es keâes peesÌ[ osles nQ~ (ii) If + Past Tense - would + verb1
Correct Sentence– (iii) If + Past Perfect - would have + VIII
I think that tomorrow I will take leave and stay at Correct Sentence -
home. If I have money, I will purchase this house.
245. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 248. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment. If no substitution is
no substitution is required, select No required select 'No substitution'
improvement. If I would have a degree from the university, I
If you park your car here, the traffic police has would get a good job.
fined you. (a) No substitution
(a) fine you (b) will fine you (b) If I had a degree
(c) fined you (d) No improvement (c) When I will have a degree
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I) (d) If I am having the degree
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Has fined you' kesâ SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
mLeeve hej 'will fine you' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'If I would have a
conditional sentence type-I ceW nw, efpemekeâer mebjÛevee efvecveJeled nw- degree' keâs mLeeve hej 'If I had a degree' keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle
If +Present Indefinite+ Future Indefinite nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe Skeâ conditional sentence type
Correct Sentence - II nw efpemekeâe structure -
If you park your car here, the traffic police will fine If +past(v 2 )+had+would+verb1
you. Correct sentence -
246. Select the most appropriate option to substitute If I had a degree from the university, I would get a good
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If job.
no substitution is required, select No 249. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
improvement. the underlined segment. If no substitution is
If you join this job now, it proves to be good in required select 'No substitution'.
the long run. If you will bring a letter of introduction, I will
(a) No improvement consider your request.
(b) it has proved to be good (a) If you bring
(c) it proves good (b) If you brings
(d) it will prove to be good (c) If you will be bringing
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II) (d) No substitution
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'It proves to be SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
good' keâs mLeeve hej 'It will prove to be good' keâe heÇÙeesie Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeeefkebâle Yeeie ‘If you will bring’
GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ keäÙeesbefkeâ JeekeäÙe conditional sentence type-I ceW kesâ mLeeve hej ‘if you bring’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe
nw, efpemekeâer mebjÛevee efvecveJeled nw– conditional sentence type-I ceW nw, efpemekeâer mebjÛevee efvecveJeled nw-
If +Present Indefinite+ Future Indefinite If +Present Indefinite+ Future Indefinite
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence–
If you join this job now, it will prove to be good in the If you bring a letter of introduction, I will consider your
long run. request.

Sentence Improvement 150 YCT

250. Identify the most appropriate option to 253. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
substitute the underlined segment. If no the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
substitution is required, select No substitution. there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
No sooner was his name called out when he was improvement’.
gone onto the stage to receive the award. My doctor knew that I would eventually
(a) and he was going (b) No substitution recover and do the kind of work I would be
(c) but he went (d) than he went doing before.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I)–08/07/2019 (Shift-I) (a) had been doing
(b) would have been doing
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'when he was gone'
(c) would have done
kesâ mLeeve hej 'than he went' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ No (d) No improvement
sooner kesâ meeLe Co-relation conjunction 'than' keâe ØeÙeesie SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I)
keâjles nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie phrase - 'would be
Note- doing' kesâ mLeeve hej 'had been doing' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
No sooner + Helping verb + subject + others words +
sentence keâe subordinate clause Skeâ conditional clause nw~
than + subject + verb2
Correct Sentence -
Correct Sentence–
My doctor knew that I would eventually recover and do
No sooner was his name called out than he went onto
the kind of work I had been doing before.
the stage to receive the award.
254. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
251. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
there is no need to substitute it, select No. improvement'.
improvement. While my parents talked to the visitor, I made
She has been writing this novel for a year but tea in the kitchen.
she did not finish it yet. (a) parents have talked
(a) had not finished it (b) has not finish it (b) No improvement
(c) No. improvement (d) has not finished it (c) parents were talking
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I) (d) parents are talking
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'did not finish it' kesâ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
mLeeve hej 'has not finished it' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'parents talked' kesâ
yet kesâ meeLe present perfect keâe Negative sentence use neslee mLeeve hej 'parents were talking' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
nw~ Rule- peye past kesâ oes action efkeâmeer JeekeäÙe ceW denote efkeâS
Correct Sentence - ieS nes, lees pees keâeÙe& henues mes peejer nes Gmekesâ efueS verb past
She has been writing this novel for a year but she has continuous leLee pees keâeÙe& yeeo ceW nes Gmekesâ efueS verb past
not finished it yet.
indefinite ceW nesleer nw~
252. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Correct Sentence -
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If While my parents were talking to the visitor, I made
there is no need to substitute it, select No tea in the kitchen.
improvement. 255. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Nowadays rent for a two-room house can run the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
as high to Rs. 40,000/ in Mumbai. there is no need to substitute it, select No
(a) so high so (b) so high to Improvement.
(c) No improvement (d) as high as When the little girl loses her doll, she began to
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III) cry.
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'as high to' kesâ mLeeve (a) loss her doll (b) No Improvement
hej 'as high as' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Subordinating (c) losing her doll (d) lost her doll
Conjunction as......as kesâ yeerÛe ncesMee Positive degree keâe SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ Ùeefo oes JÙeefòeâÙeeW Ùee JemlegDeeW kesâ iegCeeW kesâ yeerÛe Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Loses her doll' kesâ
leguevee keâer peeÙe Deewj iegCeeW ceW meceevelee keâe YeeJe heeÙee peeÙe lees As + mLeeve hej 'lost her doll' phrase ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ principal
positive degree keâe Adj. + As mes leguevee keâer peeleer nw~ clause kesâ past tense “began (v2)” ceW nesves hej subordinate
Correct Sentence– clause keâer ef›eâÙee Yeer past tense (Lost) ceW nesleer nw~
Nowadays rent for a two-room house can run as high as Correct Sentence–
Rs. 40,000/ in Mumbai. When the little girl lost her doll, she began to cry.

Sentence Improvement 151 YCT

256. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (a) No improvement (b) will be coming
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (c) has been coming (d) were coming
there is no need to substitute it, select No SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Improvement. Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'teacher have come'
If he would tried he would have succeeded.
(a) was tried (b) No Improvement
kesâ mLeeve hej 'teacher has been coming' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ
(c) had tried (d) is tried peye keâesF& keâeÙe& Past ceW Meg™ nes leLee Regular Deblejeue kesâ meeLe
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II) Jele&ceeve ceW peejer nes lees Ssmes JeekeäÙeeW keâes Present perfect
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'would tried' kesâ continuous tense ceW jKeles nw~
mLeeve hej 'had tried' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee Correct Sentence–
JeekeäÙe conditional sentence 'type III' nw, efpemekeâer mebjÛevee Her dance teacher has been coming twice a week but
there is no improvement in her dance.
efvecveJeled nw-
If + sub + past perfect, sub + would have + vIIIrd form 260. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment. If there is no need to
Correct Sentence - If he had tried he would have
substitute it select No improvement.
I will not be able to leave for home until my
257. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
boss arrived in the office.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(a) untill my boss arrives at the office
there is no need to substitute it, select No
Improvement. (b) No improvement
He did not like the novel, nor I did. (c) until my boss has arrive to the office
(a) nor did I (b) No Improvement (d) untill my boss is arrived in the office
(c) nor I like it (d) nor did I likes it SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘arrived’ kesâ mLeeve
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'nor I did' kesâ mLeeve hej 'arrives' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Future Indifinite tense
hej 'nor did I' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ nor kesâ meeLe meeceevÙele: kesâ Conditional sentence ceW Condition yeleeves Jeeuee Clause
inversion keâe efveÙece ueeiet neslee nw~ (pees efkeâ if, as if, until, unless mes Meg™ neslee nw~ ) Present
Inversion is - putting the verb before the subject. Indefinite tense ceW ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
Correct Sentence–I will not be able to leave for home
Correct Sentence– until my boss arrives in the office.
He did not like the novel, nor did I.
261. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
258. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If there is no need to
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
substitute it, select No improvement.
there is no need to substitute it, select No
Hardly he had entered the station, when the
train whistled.
The meeting will start when the manager is
(a) hardly he entered
(b) hardly had he entered
(a) arrives (b) No improvement
(c) arrived (d) was arrived (c) No improvement
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III) (d) he hardly had entered
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'is arriving' kesâ
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeeefkebâle Yeeie 'Hardly he had
mLeeve hej 'arrives' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee
entered' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Hardly had he entered' ØeÙeesie nesiee~
JeekeäÙe conditional sentence type I nw efpemeceW Ùeefo Main
clause 'simple future tense' keâe nes lees subordinate clause keäÙeeWefkeâ Hardly, Scarcely, No sooner kesâ sentence kesâ
simple present tense ceW neslee nw~ Fmekeâer mebjÛevee efvecveJeled nw- Meg™Deele ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesves hej 'Inversion' keâe method ueeiet neslee
nw~ FmeceW verb keâes sub kesâ henues ØeÙegòeâ keâjles nQ~
If/when+ present Indefinite tense+Future Indefinite
Correct Sentence–Hardly had he entered the station,
Correct Sentence– when the train whistled.
The meeting will start when the manager arrives. 262. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
259. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If there is no need to
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If substitute it, select No improvement.
there is no need to substitute it, select No If I was you I would not sign the document.
improvement. (a) No improvement (b) If I were you
Her dance teacher have come twice a week but (c) If I have been you (d) If I had been you
there is no improvement in her dance. SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Sentence Improvement 152 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'If I was' kesâ mLeeve Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'isn't it' kesâ mLeeve
hej 'if I were' ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Subject hej 'is she' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ question tag ceW Deiej
keâeuheefvekeâ eqmLeefle keâes Øeo&eefMele keâj jne nw Deewj Hypothetical sentence negative neslee nw lees question tag positive neslee
sentence ceW subject singular nes Ùee plural oesveeW efmLeefle ceW nw~ Deewj question tag keâe pronoun JeekeäÙe kesâ subject kesâ
‘were’ keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Fmekeâer mebjÛevee efvecveJeled nw- Devegmeej ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
If + were/II form of verb, would + V I form of verb Correct Sentence - She is not ready for marriage, is
Correct Sentence–
If I were you I would not sign the document. 266. Select the alternative that will improve the
underlined part of the sentence in case there is
no improvement select “No improvement".
D. Question Tag You have my mobile number, isn't it?
263. Select the most appropriate option that can (a) don’t you (b) No improvement
substitute the underlined segment in the given (c) do you (d) has you
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
select ' No substitution required.' Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'isn't it' kesâ mLeeve hej
I imagine you have learnt a valuble lesson from 'don't you' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ question tag JeekeäÙe kesâ
this experience, didn't you?
helping verb Deewj subject Devegmeej ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ Deewj JeekeäÙe
(a) Have you ?
(b) No substitution required present indefinite ceW nw efpemekeâer helping verb "do/does"
(c) did you? nesleer nw~
(d) Haven't you? Correct Sentence - You have my mobile number,
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I don't you?
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'didn't you?' kesâ 267. Select the alternative that will improve the
mLeeve hej 'Haven't you?' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeefo underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
sentence 'positive' neslee nw lees question tag Jeeuee part no improvement select "No improvement".
"Let's go for a movie this weekend, shall we?"
'Negative' neslee nw Deewj question tag keâe Pronoun SJeb verb
(a) can't we? (b) No improvement
JeekeäÙe kesâ Subject SJeb verb kesâ Devegmeej ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw~ (c) shan't we? (d) would we?
Correct Sentence– SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
I imagine you have learnt a voluble lesson from this Ans. (b) : No improvement
experience, haven't you?
Note- Let keâe question tag shall we neslee nw~
264. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If 268. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
substitution'. there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
You have locked the gate, isn't it? substitution required'.
(a) haven't you (b) did you She will have to go to another school when she
(c) No substitution (d) have you moves from here, has she?
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I) (a) hasn’t she (b) No substitution required
(c) will she (d) won't she
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'isn't it' kesâ mLeeve hej
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
'haven't you' GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ question tag kesâ verb keâe
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'has she' kesâ mLeeve
efveOee&jCe JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ verb (have) kesâ Devegmeej neslee nw~ hej 'won't she' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ positive
Note- Positive sentence keâe question tag negative neslee nw
sentence keâe question tag negative leLee negative
peyeefkeâ negative sentence keâe question tag positive neslee nw~ sentence keâe question tag positive neslee nw~ will + sub.
Correct Sentence -
You have locked the gate, haven't you.
keâe question tag 'won't + sub. ' neslee nw~
Correct sentence-
265. Select the most appropriate option to improve
She will have to go to another school when she moves
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
from here, won't she?
there is no need to improve it, select 'No
improvement'. 269. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
She is not ready for marriage, isn't it? the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(a) No improvement (b) is it no substitution is required, select No
(c) isn't she (d) is she improvement.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) He came late, wasn't it?

Sentence Improvement 153 YCT

(a) didn't he (b) did he 273. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) No improvement (d) isn't it the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I) there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'wasn't he' kesâ mLeeve
The tree was uprooted by the storm last
hej didn't he keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe Past evening, isn't it?
Indefinite Tense keâe Affirmative Sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe (a) didn't it (b) wasn't it
Question tag Yeer Past Indefinite Tense keâe Negative (c) was it (d) No substitution
Sentence form ceW nesiee~ SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence - Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'isn't it' kesâ mLeeve hej
He came late, didn’t he? 'wasn't it' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Positive Sentence keâe
270. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Question tag ncesMee Negative neslee nw~ Deewj meceeve tense keâer
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If verb ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâer verb (was) nw~ Dele: tag
no substitution is required, select No Yeer was mes yevesiee~
improvement. Correct Sentence–
We can't live without water, will we? The tree was uprooted by the storm last evening, wasn't
(a) won't we (b) can we it?
(c) do we (d) No improvement 274. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II) the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeeefkebâle Yeeie 'will we' kesâ mLeeve hej there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
'can we' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee Question Tag keâe substitution'
JeekeäÙe Modal Auxiliary Verb hej DeeOeeefjle Negative You have finished your work, have you?
(a) haven't you (b) didn't you
Sentence keâe JeekeäÙe nw Dele: Fmekeâe Question Tag, Positive (c) No substitution (d) did you
sentence nesiee~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâer verb 'can' nw lees question tag SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Yeer (can+subject) nesiee~ Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Have you' kesâ mLeeve
Correct Sentence– hej 'Haven't you' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
We can't live without water, can we? Rule - Affirmative sentence keâe Question tag, negative
271. Select the most appropriate option to substitute yevelee nw~
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Correct Sentence -
no substitution is required, select No You have finished your work, haven't you?
275. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
You won't tell the secret, won't you? the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(a) No improvement (b) would you there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
(c) will you (d) isn't it improvement’.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II) We've had a long day. We should rest now,
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'won't you' kesâ mLeeve hej shouldn't we?
'will you' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW “won’t” (negative) (a) hadn’t we (b) haven't we
ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw~ Dele: tag positive (will you) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ (c) No improvement (d) won't we
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence -
You won't tell the secret, will you? Ans. (c) : No improvement
276. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
272. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
no substitution is required, select No improvement'.
improvement. Avika understands French, does she?
They didn't see you, is it? (a) is she (b) No improvement
(a) no improvement (b) did they (c) doesn't she (d) isn't
(c) wasn't it (d) have they SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'does she' kesâ mLeeve
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'is it' kesâ mLeeve hej hej 'doesn't she' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ positive
'did they' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe SJeb Question Tag Skeâ sentence keâe question tag negative leLee Negative
ner Tense ceW nesles nw~ Deiej JeekeäÙe Positive nes lees 'Question sentence keâe question tag positive neslee nw~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe
Tag' Negative neslee nw Deewj JeekeäÙe Negative nes lees Question Present Indefinite ceW nw Dele: Indefinite keâer verb (does) keâe
Tag Positive neslee nw~ ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence–
They didn't see you, did they? Avika understands French, doesn't she?

Sentence Improvement 154 YCT

277. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (c) No substitution required
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (d) master's in developmental studies in the
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No Netherlands.
improvement'. SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III)
The house has a garden in front, is it? Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ Bracket ceW 'master's in
(a) No improvement (b) does it developmental studies in Netherlands kesâ mLeeve hej
(c) hasn't it (d) isn't it
'master's in developmental studies in the Netherlands' keâe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II)
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Netherlands ÉerheeW kesâ mecetn keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'is it' kesâ mLeeve hej
FmeefueS Article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie Netherlands kesâ henues ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~
'hasn't it' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Positive sentence
Correct Sentence–
keâe question Negative leLee Negative sentences keâe Chia is currently pursuing a (master's in developmental
question tag positive neslee nw~ studies in the Netherlands).
Correct Sentence– 281. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
The house has a garden in front, hasn't it. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
278. Select the most appropriate option to substitute there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If substitution'.
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No Clearing the entrance examination for
improvement'. universities abroad was the biggest challenge of
She is quite capable of looking after herself, my life.
aren't she? (a) had been the big (b) is the bigger
(a) wasn't she (b) No improvement (c) has been bigger (d) No substitution
(c) isn't she (d) won't she SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : No substitution.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "aren't she" kesâ mLeeve hej "isn't Note- Superlative Degree (biggest) kesâ henues the keâe ØeÙeesie
she" keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence kesâ subject Je neslee nw~
verb kesâ Devegmeej ner question tag yevelee nw~ efveÙecele: positive 282. Select the option that will improve the
sentence keâe question 'tag' negative leLee negative underlined part of the given sentences. In case
no improvement is needed select 'No
sentence keâe question tag positive ceW neslee nw~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe improvement required'.
keâer verb (is) nw~ Dele: tag ceW Yeer is keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ A need of an hour is to provide employment to
Correct Sentence - She is quite capable of looking the youth of the country.
after herself, isn't she? (a) The need in an
279. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (b) The need of an
the underlined segment. If there is no need to (c) The need of the
substitute it, select No improvement (d) No improvement required
He does not tell lies, doesn't he ? SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) does he (b) isn't he Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'A need of an' kesâ
(c) No improvement (d) didn't he mLeeve hej 'The need of the' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peye
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II) sentence keâe construction, Noun + Preposition + Noun
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'doesn't he' kesâ nes, lees first noun kesâ henues the keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw leLee JeekeäÙe ceW
mLeeve hej 'Does he' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe negative nw, efveef§ele meceÙe keâer yeele nes jner nw FmeefueS Indefinite article 'an'
Dele: Fmekeâe question tag positive nesiee~ kesâ mLeeve hej definite article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
Correct Sentence– Note- JeekeäÙe keâes emphasize (peesj osves kesâ efueS) keâjves kesâ efueS
He does not tell lies, does he ? definite article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw pewmee efkeâ hour kesâ henues
the keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
E. Article Correct Sentence -
The need of the hour is to provide employment to the
280. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
youth of the country.
the segment in the given sentence. If there is no
need to substitute it, select 'No substitution 283. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
required'. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Chia is currently pursuing a (master's in no substitution is required, select 'No
developmental studies in Netherlands). substitution'.
(a) master's in developmental studies in The apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Netherlands. (a) No substitution (b) The apples a day
(b) master's in developmental studies at (c) A apple a day (d) An apple a day
Netherlands SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Sentence Improvement 155 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'The apple a day' kesâ mLeeve Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'a principle' kesâ
hej 'An apple a day' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ indefinite noun mLeeve hej 'The principle' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes noun
mes henues efpemekeâe GÛÛeejCe mJej OJeefve nes Gmekesâ henues indefinite ‘of’ mes pegÌ[W nes lees henues noun kesâ henues the keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
article 'an' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Correct Sentence–
It implies an acceptance of (the principle) of free
Note- Article, a/an kesâ ØeÙeesie keâe efveOee&jCe Gmekesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeues
movement of people from the block
Meyo kesâ GÛÛeejCe (mJej/JÙebpeve OJeefve) kesâ Devegmeej ›eâceMe: neslee nw~ 287. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Correct Sentence - the underlined segment. If there is no need to
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. substitute it, select No improvement.
284. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Bulbul is honest girl but she is also very rude.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (a) Bulbul is an honest girl
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No (b) Bulbul is very honest girl
substitution'. (c) No improvement
Rahul thinks that this is quite the cheap (d) Bulbul is a honest girl
restaurant. SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) so a cheap (b) so the cheap Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Bulbul is honest
(c) No substitution (d) quite a cheap girl' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Bulbul is an honest girl' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) keäÙeeWefkeâ honest (vowel sound) kesâ henues article 'an' keâe ØeÙeesie
Ans : (d) jsKeebefkeâle JeekeäÙeebMe ceW Indefinit noun ‘restaurant’ neslee nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekesâ yeeo Indefinite noun (girl) keâe ØeÙeesie
kesâ efueS definite article ‘the’ kesâ mLeeve hej indefinite article ngDee nw~
‘a’ keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ Correct sentence–
"Bulbul is an honest girl but she is also very rude.''
Correct Sentence–
Rahul thinks that this is quite a cheap restaurant. 288. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
285. Select the most appropriate option to substitute there is no need to substitute it, select No
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If improvement.
there is no need to substitute it, select No Shakiba is a smallest of the two girls.
improvement. (a) the smaller (b) the small
Durga is now the Executive Vice-President of (c) more small (d) No improvement
the company with a responsibility to marketing SSC MTS–13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
for the entire northern zone. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'a smallest' kesâ
(a) with the responsibility of marketing mLeeve hej ''The smaller'' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeefo
(b) No improvement
Comparative degree kesâ yeeo of the two keâe ØeÙeesie nes lees
(c) with a responsibility by marketing
Comparative degree kesâ henues 'The' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(d) with responsibility from marketing
Correct sentence–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II)
‘Shakiba is the smaller of the two girls.’
Ans : (a) jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW article a keâer peien the Deewj
preposition to keâer peien 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ ÙeneB hej ‘‘efJeheCeve F. Correct use of Pronoun,
keâer efpeccesoejer’’ kesâ DeLe& kesâ efueÙes Responsibility of marketing Adjective & Adverb
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oesveeW noun of mes peg[Ì s ngÙes nes lees henues
noun kesâ henues the keâe ØeÙeesie neslee Deewj Possestion keâes efoKeeves kesâ 289. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the bracketed segment in the given sentence. If
efueS of keâe ØeÙeesie neslee ~ Dele: The responsibility of
there is no need to substitute it, select 'no
marketing GheÙegòeâ nw~ substitution required'.
Correct Sentence– (In fact, climbing fern is spreading so rapidly
Durga is now the Executive Vice-President of the that its) now the state's worst invasive weed.
company with the responsibility of marketing for the (a) No substitution required
entire northern zone. (b) In fact, climbing fern is spreading so rapidly
286. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence that it's
It implies an acceptance of (a principle) of free (c) In fact, climbing fern is spread so rapidly that
movement of people from the block is
(a) the principal (b) an principle (d) In fact, climbing fern is spreading so rapid
(c) the principle (d) No improvement that it's
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I) SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Sentence Improvement 156 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ 'Bracket' ceW 'Infact, Climbing 292. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
fern is spreading so rapidly that its' kesâ mLeeve hej 'In fact, Choose ‘No improvement’ as an answer if the
sentence is grammatically correct.
climbing fern is spreading so rapidly that it's keäÙeeWefkeâ that
The teacher let the students choose there essay
kesâ yeeo 'it is' (sub + verb) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Its Skeâ topics.
possessive adjective nw pees YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle veneR nw (a) has choose their
FmeefueS 'Its' kesâ mLeeve hej 'it's' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (b) No improvement
Correct Sentence– (c) choose their
In fact, climbing fern is spreading so rapidly that it's (d) chosen there
now the state's worst invasive weed. SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I)
290. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'choose there' kesâ
the bracketed segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'no mLeeve hej 'choose their' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW there
substitution required'. (adverb) kesâ mLeeve hej noun (essay) keâes qualify keâjves kesâ efueS
The unit twitched like a bird (preening it's Possessive adjective 'their' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
plumage and becomes motionless). Correct Sentence–
(a) No substitution required The teacher let the students choose their essay topics.
(b) preening its plumage and became motionless
293. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
(c) to preen it's plumage and becomes motionless
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
(d) preening it's plumage while becoming
motionless sentence is grammatically correct.
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I) The dessert was many sweet for my tastes.
(a) No improvement
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ bracket ceW 'preening it's
(b) too sweetly
plumage and became motionless' kesâ mLeeve hej 'preening
(c) too sweet
its plumage and become motionless' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ (d) more sweeter
JeekeäÙe ceW verb 'twitched' (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
Past Indefinite tense ceW nw~ Dele: Verb 'become' (v1) kesâ Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'many sweet' kesâ
mLeeve hej 'became' (v2) ØeÙegkeäle nesiee, SJeb Noun 'plumage' kesâ mLeeve hej 'too sweet' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Many' (yengle) keâe
henues 'it's' (pronoun + verb) kesâ mLeeve hej 'its' possessive ØeÙeesie Countable Noun kesâ meeLe neslee nw FmeefueS Uncountable
adjective keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
adjective 'sweet' keâes Modify keâjves kesâ efueS adverb 'too'
Correct Sentence–
The unit twitched like a bird (preening its plumage and (Glevee DeefOekeâ efpelevee veneR nesvee ÛeeefnS) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ pees efkeâ
became motionless). Negative sense oslee nw~
291. Select the word segment that substitutes Correct Sentence–
(replaces) the bracketed word segment The dessert was too sweet for my testes.
correctly and completes the sentence 294. Select the most appropriate option that can
meaningfully. Select the option 'no correction substitute the underlined segment in the given
required if the sentence is correct as given.
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it,
The dessert was not just extremely hot but (also
select 'No substitution'.
to sweet as well).
(a) No correction required The travelling gypsies wanted to display they're
(b) also being too sweet skilful antics to the crowd.
(c) also so sweet (a) their skilful antics
(d) besides too sweet as well (b) there skilful antics
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III) (c) No substitution
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ bracket ceW 'also to sweet as (d) dare skilful antics
SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I)
well' kesâ mLeeve hej 'also so sweet' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
'sweet' Skeâ adjective nw efpemekeâes modify keâjves kesâ efueS 'to' kesâ Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'they're skilful
mLeeve hej adverb 'so' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ positive antics' kesâ mLeeve hej 'their skilful antics' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
sense ceW DeefOekeâ kesâ DeLe& ceW 'So' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ 'too' keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW noun 'skilful antics' kesâ henues Possessive
keâe ØeÙeesie negative sense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ adjective 'their' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, Pronoun 'they're (they +
Note– 'Adverb' ⇒ Adjective, verb SJeb Adverb keâes are) keâe ØeÙeesie noun kesâ henues veneR neslee nw Ùen subject kesâ ™he
Modify keâjlee nw~ ceW ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw~
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence–
The dessert was not just extremely hot but (also so The travelling gypsies wanted to display (their skilful
sweet). antics) to the crowd.

Sentence Improvement 157 YCT

295. Select the most appropriate option that can 298. Select the option that will improve the
substitute the underlined segment in the given (bracketed) part of the sentence. In case of no
sentence. improvement select the option 'No
I don’t think he can dance as wellest Elena. improvement'.
(a) weller than (b) well than Check all radiators for (meagre leaks, special)
(c) as well as (d) wellest round pipework connections.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II) (a) small leaks, especially
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'as wellest' kesâ mLeeve (b) No improvement
hej 'as well as' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe (c) modest leaks, specially
'positive degree of comparison' ceW nw Dele: 'as wellest' kesâ mLeeve (d) cramped leaks, specially
hej Positive degree 'as well as' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
As + (base form of adjective/adverb) + as. Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ bracket ceW 'Meagre, leaks,
Correct Sentence– special' kesâ mLeeve hej 'small leaks, especially' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
I don't think he can dance as well as Elena. keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'meagre' kesâ mLeeve (small) SJeb
296. Improve the underlined part of the sentence. 'special' (adjective) kesâ mLeeve hej 'especially' (adverb) keâe
Choose ‘No improvement’ as an answer if
the sentence is grammatically correct. ØeÙeesie nesiee~ pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueS GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nw~
The number of women working outside homes Correct Sentence–
has been steady increasing. Check all radiators for (small leaks, especially) round
(a) has been steadily (b) had been steadier pipe work connections.
(c) No improvement (d) have been steady 299. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV) Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'has been sentence is grammatically correct.
steady' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has been steadily' keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle nesiee, Add more flour if the dough is too stickiest.
keäÙeeWefkeâ verb keâes modify keâjves keâe keâeÙe& 'adverb' keâjlee nw FmeefueS (a) too stickier (b) too sticky
JeekeäÙe ceW 'steady' (adjective) kesâ mLeeve hej 'steadily' (adverb), (c) No improvement (d) much stick
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III)
verb 'increasing' keâes modify keâjves kesâ efueS ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~
Note– Adjective 'Noun' keâes Modify keâjlee nw~ Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'too stickiest' kesâ mLeeve hej 'too
Correct Sentence– sticky' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ adverb 'too' kesâ yeeo Positive
The number of women working outside homes has been degree of adjective keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw FmeefueS Superlative
steadily increasing. degree 'stickiest' kesâ mLeeve hej Positive degree 'sticky' keâe
297. Select the option that will improve the ØeÙeesie nesiee~
underlined part of the sentence. In case no Correct Sentence–
improvement is needed, select 'No Add more flour if the dough is too sticky.
300. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
But what of the young people whom are part of
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
the cricket crowds, some of who are presumbly
sentence is grammatically correct.
born in England?
The Blue House is practising it's songs for the
(a) who are part of the cricket crowds, some of
who are presumably born in England?
(a) No improvement (b) practised it's
(b) No improvement
(c) practising its (d) practise its
(c) whom are part of he cricket crowds, some of
whom are presumably born in England? SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
(d) who are part of the cricket crowds, some of Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'practising it's' kesâ mLeeve hej
whom are presumably born in England? 'practising its' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'it's' (it + is) Skeâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II) Pronoun SJeb verb nw pees efkeâ subject kesâ mLeeve hej keâeÙe& keâjlee
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'Whom' kesâ mLeeve nw Deewj ÙeneB 'songs' noun keâes modify keâjves kesâ efueS its
hej 'who' Deewj 'who' kesâ mLeeve hej whom keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ (possessive adjective) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
'who' keâe ØeÙeesie subjective case kesâ ™he ceW, peyeefkeâ 'whom' keâe Correct Sentence–
ØeÙeesie objective case kesâ ™he ceW neslee nQ~ pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ The blue house is practicing its songs for the
sense kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nw~ competition.
Correct Sentence– 301. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
But what of the young people who are part of the the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
cricket crowds, some of whom are presumably born in no substitution is required, select 'No
England? substitution required'.
Sentence Improvement 158 YCT
The examination was more simpler than I 304. Select the most appropriate option that can
expected it to be. substitute the underlined segment in the given
(a) much simpler sentence.
(b) most simple Show me the better dress in the shop.
(c) very simple (a) a better (b) the best
(d) No substitution required (c) the good (d) a good
SSC Stenographer (Grade C & D) 12.11.2021 Shift-I SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'more simpler' Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'the better' kesâ
kesâ mLeeve hej 'much simpler' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ mLeeve hej 'the best' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ meJe&ßes‰/meyemes DeÛÚe
comparative degree kesâ JeekeäÙe ceW Skeâ meeLe double kesâ sense ceW Article 'the' kesâ yeeo Superlative adjective
comparative keâe ØeÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee peelee nQ FmeefueS 'more' kesâ 'best' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw FmeefueS 'better' (comparative
mLeeve hej 'much' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ degree) kesâ mLeeve hej 'best' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence–
The examination was much simpler than I expected it to Show me the best dress in the shop.
be. 305. Select the most appropriate option that can
302. Select the most appropriate option to improve substitute the underlined segment in the given
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If sentence.
there is no need to improve it, select 'No One should work hard than others to succeed.
improvement required'. (a) hardest that (b) harder than
Nobody was interested in the fish who Gopal (c) hard to (d) harder to
had catch from the river. SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II
(a) which Gopal had catch Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'hard than' kesâ
(b) no improvement required
mLeeve hej 'harder than' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Conjunction
(c) who Gopal had caught
(d) which Gopal had caught 'than' kesâ henues comparative degree keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw FmeefueS
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II 'hard' (positive degree) kesâ mLeeve hej 'harder' (comparative
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'who Gopal had degree) keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~
catch' kesâ mLeeve hej 'which Gopal had caught' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, Positive Comparative Superlative (Degree)
keäÙeeWefkeâ 'who' keâe ØeÙeesie JÙeefkeäle kesâ efueS SJeb 'which' keâe ØeÙeesie ↓ ↓ ↓
Jemleg (non living thing) kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw Deewj verb 'had' Hard Harder Hardest
kesâ meeLe cegKÙe ef›eâÙee keâe third form (v3) keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee Correct Sentence–
nw~ One should work harder than others to succeed.
Correct Sentence– 306. Select the option that will improve the
Nobody was interested in the fish which Gopal had underlined part of the given sentence.
caught from the riever. Robin has less marbles than George.
303. Select the most appropriate option that can (a) few marbles (b) lower marbles
substitute the underlined segment in the given (c) fewer marbles (d) enough marbles
sentence. SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II
In order to win the competition, one has to be Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'less marbles' kesâ
creative. mLeeve hej 'fewer marbles' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'countable
(a) more creative (b) most creative
nouns (marbles) kesâ efueS 'few' (keâce) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw efpemekeâer
(c) creativer (d) creativest
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III comparative degree 'fewer' nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'creative' kesâ Note : 'Uncountable nouns' kesâ meeLe 'little' (keâce) keâe ØeÙeesie
mLeeve hej 'more creative' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe neslee nQ efpemekeâer comparative degree 'less' nesleer nw~
kesâ Devegmeej ØeefleÙeesefielee (competition) keâes peerleves kesâ efueS keâesF& Correct Sentence–
Robin has fewer marbles than George.
JÙeefkeäle DeefOekeâ creative nesiee, keâe sense os jne nw FmeefueS
307. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
comparison kesâ sense ceW creative kesâ henues 'more' keâe ØeÙeesie
the underlined segment in the given sentence. if
GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ there is no need to substitute it, select option
Correct Sentence– 'No substitution required'.
In order to win the competition, one has to be more Often it makes one wonder at the sights you
creative. see.
Sentence Improvement 159 YCT
(a) one sees Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'up from their'
(b) No substitution required kesâ mLeeve hej 'up from his' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW
(c) one see
subject kesâ Devegmeej possessive adjective keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw
(d) you saw
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III Dele: Subject 'He' keâe Possessive adjective 'his' neslee nw
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'you see' kesâ mLeeve FmeefueS 'their' kesâ mLeeve hej 'His' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ pees efkeâ
hej 'One sees' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Chair (noun) keâes qualify keâjsiee~
'you' kesâ mLeeve hej indefinite pronoun 'one' keâe ØeÙeesie SJeb Correct Sentence–
He stood up from his chair to signal the end of the
singular verb 'sees' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe
Simple present tense ceW nQ~
311. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Correct Sentence– the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Often it makes one wonder at the shights one sees. there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
308. Select the option that will improve the substitution required'.
underlined part of the given sentence. In case Gel ingredients work well on waved, curled,
no improvement is needed, select 'No relax and texture hair in the long run.
improvement required'. (a) relaxed and textured
He’s not so friendly like she is. (b) No substitution textured
(a) so friendly that (b) No improvement required (c) relaxed and texturing
(c) so friendly as (d) as friendly like (d) relaxing and textured
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'so friendly
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'relax and
like' kesâ mLeeve hej 'so friendly as' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
texture' kesâ mLeeve hej 'relaxed and textured keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
Negative JeekeäÙe ceW 'So' kesâ meeLe Conjunction 'as' keâe ØeÙeesie
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'waved', 'curled' keâe ØeÙeesie past participle
neslee nw ve efkeâ 'like' ØeÙeesie neslee nQ~
(V3) kesâ ™he ceW ngDee nw~ FmeefueS 'relax' Deewj 'texture' keâe Yeer
'So.................as '  ØeÙeesie past participle (V3) kesâ ™he ceW nesiee, pees noun (hair)
Note :  Pair Conjunction
'As.................as ' keâes qualify keâjsiee~
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence–
He's not so friendly as she is. Gel ingredients work well on waved, curled, relaxed,
309. Select the most appropriate option to substitute and textured hair in the long sun.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If 312. Select the most appropriate option to
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No substitute the underlined segment in the given
substitution required'. sentence. If there is no need to substitute it,
The old lady needed love and care beyond select 'No substitution required.'
money. Abraham also had one sister, of who not much
(a) beside has been recorded.
(b) besides (a) of what
(c) No substitution required (b) of whose
(d) beneath (c) of whom
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I (d) No substitution required
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'beyond' kesâ mLeeve hej 'besides' SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ‘kesâ Deefleefjkeäle’ Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'of who' kesâ mLeeve
(besides) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ hej 'of whom' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ preposition kesâ yeeo
Correct Sentence– 'who' (subjective form) keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~ yeefukeâ Fmekesâ
The old lady needed love and care besides money.
mLeeve hej objective form (whom) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw FmeefueS
310. Select the options that will improve the
underlined part of the sentence. In case no 'who' kesâ mLeeve hej 'whom' keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~
improvement is needed, select 'No Correct Sentence–
improvement required'. Abraham also had one sister, of whom not much has
He stood up from their chair to signal the end been recorded.
of the meeting. 313. Select the option that will improve the
(a) up from his underlined part of the given sentence. In case
(b) upon of his no improvement is needed, select 'No
(c) No improvement required improvement required'.
(d) below in their These days, judging someone is easier then
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I respecting them.

Sentence Improvement 160 YCT

(a) is easier than (a)No substitution required
(b) is easiest than (b)a nasal vaccine
(c) is more easier then (c)an aural vaccine
(d) No improvement required (d)a sense-based vaccine
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'is easier then Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'a nose-based
respecting them' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is easier than respecting vaccine' kesâ mLeeve hej 'a nasal vaccine' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
them keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Comparative degree 'easier' kesâ vaccine Skeâ noun nw Fmemes henues adjective (nasal) keâe ØeÙeesie
yeeo 'than' keâe ØeÙeesie leguevee keâjves kesâ sense ceW neslee nw~ GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence - India has identified a nasal vaccine
These days, judging someone is easier than respecting against covid-19 that could be a 'game-changer.'
them. 317. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
314. Select the option that will improve the no substitution is required, select 'No
underlined part of the given sentence. In case substitution'.
no improvement is needed, select 'No The place is too much noisy.
improvement required'. (a) No substitution
While travelling, one comes across the larger (b) too noisy
number of people. (c) much noisy
(a) the large number off (d) much too much noisy
(b) No improvement required SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) an larger number of Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'too much noisy'
(d) a large number of kesâ mLeeve hej 'too noisy' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ much keâe ØeÙeesie
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I Ùeneb superfluous nw kesâJeue too (DeefOekeâ) keâe sense osves kesâ efueS
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'the larger heÙee&hle nw~
number of' kesâ mLeeve hej 'a large number of' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, Note- Too (DeefOekeâ) kesâ yeeo meeceevÙele: negative words keâe
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej comparative degree keâer ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
DeeJeMÙekeâlee vener nw FmeefueS 'a large number of keâe ØeÙeesie Correct Sentence -
ØeÙegkeäle nesiee Deewj article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie definite sense ceW neslee The place is too noisy.
nw~ peyeefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW indefinite sense kesâ efueS article 'a' keâe 318. Select the option that will substitute the
ØeÙeseie 'large number of people' kesâ henues nesiee~ underlined part of the given sentence. In case
no substitution is needed, select 'No
Correct Sentence– substitution required'.
While travelling, one comes across a large number of When I met the couple yesterday I noticed that
people. the wife was more taller than her husband.
315. Select the option that will improve the (a) No substitution required
underlined segment in the given sentence. In (b) much tallest
case no improvement is needed, select 'No (c) much tall
improvement' (d) taller
What a palace home! SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) pushy (b) palatial Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'more taller' kesâ
(c) palatable (d) No improvement mLeeve hej 'taller' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeneb hej more keâe ØeÙeesie
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I) superfluous nw keäÙeeWefkeâ pees Meyo mJeÙeb compretive degree
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'palace' kesâ mLeeve (taller) ceW nes Gmekesâ henues more keâe ØeÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw~
hej Adjective 'Palatial' (DeeueerMeeve) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Correct Sentence -
Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GefÛele DeLe& oslee nw~ When I met the couple yesterday I noticed that the wife
was taller than her husband.
Correct Sentence–What a palatial home!
319. Select the most appropriate option to improve
316. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to improve it, select 'No
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No improvement'.
substitution required.' A hole is in my pocket.
India has identified a nose-based vaccine (a) A hole are there (b) A hole there is
against covid-19 that could be a 'game- (c) No improvement (d) There is a hole
changer.' SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Sentence Improvement 161 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'a hole is' kesâ mLeeve 323. Select the alternative that will improve the
underlined part of the sentence in case there is
'there is a hole' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ there Skeâ
no improvement select “No improvement”.
(introductory) adverb nw~ Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie subject keâes Kalidasa was a greater classical Sanskrit poet
introduce keâjves ceW verb kesâ henues efkeâÙee peelee nw~ of India.
Correct Sentence - There is a hole in my pocket. (a) No improvement
320. Select the most appropriate option to improve (b) was a great classical
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (c) was the greater classic
there is no need to improve it, select 'No (d) was a greatest classical
improvement'. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
I will accept the responsibility while a time Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle JeekeäÙe 'was a greater classical'
comes : kesâ mLeeve hej 'was a great classical' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
(a) until a time (b) when the time Kalidas keâe compare efkeâmeer DevÙe poet mes veneR nes jne nw
(c) No improvement (d) whenever a time FmeefueS comparative degree keâe ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee~ Fmekesâ
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm-5 pm) mLeeve hej positive degree (great) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'while a time' kesâ Note- Superlative degree kesâ henues 'The' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
mLeeve hej 'when the time' GefÛele DeLe& oslee nw~ Correct Sentence– Kalidasa was a great classical
Correct Sentence– I will accept the responsibility Sanskrit poet of India.
when the time comes. 324. Select the alternative that will improve the
underlined part of the sentence in case there is
321. Select the alternative that will improve the
no improvement select “No improvement”.
underlined part of the sentence in case there is
Many people are becoming aware of the
no improvement select “No improvement”.
advantages of preventive health care nowadays.
Dinesh requested the lady at the counter to give (a) are become aware of
him a seat besides the window. (b) will be becoming aware to
(a) No improvement (c) have becoming aware for
(b) a seat beside the window (d) No improvement
(c) an seat beside a window SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(d) one seat besides the window Ans. (d) : No Improvement
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm-5 pm) 325. Select the alternative that will improve the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'a seat besides the underlined part of the sentence in case there is
window' kesâ mLeeve hej 'a seat beside the window' keâe ØeÙeesie no improvement select "No improvement".
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ besides keâe DeLe& (kesâ DeueeJee) peyeefkeâ Our cook puts too many salt in the food.
(a) No improvement (b) Putting too much
beside keâe DeLe& (yeieue) neslee nw~ efKeÌ[keâer kesâ yeieue yew"ves kesâ
(c) puts too much (d) puts very much
sense ceW beside keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Correct Sentence - Dinesh requested the lady at the Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'puts too many' kesâ
counter to give him a seat beside the window.
mLeeve hej 'puts too much' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
322. Select the alternative that will improve the
many keâe ØeÙeesie countable noun kesâ meeLe neslee nw peyeefkeâ
underlined part of the sentence in case there is
no improvement select “No improvement”. much keâe ØeÙeesie uncountable noun kesâ meeLe ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
It has been raining very hardly since morning. JeekeäÙe ceW salt, uncountable noun nw~ Note–'yengle' kesâ DeLe& ceW
(a) is been raining very hardly too, negative sense ceW ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw, peyeefkeâ very keâe ØeÙeesie
(b) No improvement positive sense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nQ
(c) have been raining very hardly Correct Sentence - Our cook puts too much salt in the
(d) has been raining very hard food.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) 326. Select the alternative that will improve the
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'has been raining underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
very hardly' kesâ mLeeve hej 'has been raining very hard' no improvement select "No improvement".
Mohan is a good actor but his brother is better
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ hardly keâe DeLe& (cegefMkeâue mes) neslee nw~ than him :
peyeefkeâ hard Skeâ Adverb keâe keâeÙe& keâj jne nw pees efkeâ verb (a) more better (b) quite better
(raining) keâes modify keâj jne nw~ (c) No improvement (d) very better
Correct Sentence - It has been raining very hard since SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
morning. Ans. (c) : No improvement
Sentence Improvement 162 YCT
327. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. (a) any less vital (b) more less vita l
The company hopes to eventually provide (c) no less vital (d) No improvement
Singapore with the second-biggest electric car- SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
sharing service in the world, (second to Paris Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'not less vital' kesâ mLeeve hej 'No
less vital' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ verb keâes modify keâjves kesâ
(a) second only to Paris
(b) second to only Paris efueS ‘Not’ Je adjective (Less) keâes modify keâjves kesâ efueS no
(c) only second to Paris keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(d) No improvement Correct Sentence–Whatever said and done, no less
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 vital is the future of the border separating Northern
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ bracket ceW 'Second to Paris only' Ireland from the Irish Republic.
kesâ mLeeve hej 'Second only to paris' keâe ØeÙeesie grammatically 331. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
correct nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ only (Adverb) keâe ØeÙeesie verb kesâ henues the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
Deewj noun kesâ yeeo efJeMes<elee yeleeves kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
substitution required'.
Note- Only keâe ØeÙeesie efpeme noun kesâ henues neslee nw~ Ùen Gmeer
That tree fell down yesterday narrowly miss
noun keâer efJeMes<elee Øekeâš keâjlee nw~ my car.
Correct Sentence– The company hopes to eventually (a) narrowed missing
provide Singapore with the second-biggest electric car- (b) narrowly missed
sharing service in the world, (second only to Paris).
(c) No substitution required
328. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. (d) narrowly missing
But understanding what constitutes such (a SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
miracle diet), and making sure that patients get
it, isn’t as straightforward as it seems. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'narrowly miss' kesâ mLeeve
(a) a miraculous diet (b) a miracling diet hej 'narrowly missing' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB my car
(c) an miracling diet (d) No improvement kesâ henues miss keâe adjective form, missing (V+ing) leLee
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 adjective keâer efJeMes<elee yeleeves kesâ efueS Skeâ adverb. (narrowly) keâer
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie "A miracle diet" kesâ DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~
mLeeve hej a miraculous diet' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ noun Correct Sentence–
(diet) kesâ henues Adjective (miraculous) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ That tree fell down yesterday narrowly missing my car.
Correct Sentence– 332. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
But understanding what constitutes such a miraculous the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
diet, and making sure that patients get it, isn’t as there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
straightforward as it seems.
substitution required’.
329. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. The large mansion was over his reaching .
Expensive oil could hit consumption and public (a) away from reaching
investment and dent private investment (what (b) beyond his reach
is not a path) to a sustained revival. (c) No substitution required
(a) who is not a path
(d) above his reaching
(b) whom is not a path
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) which is not a path
(d) No improvement Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'over his
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 reaching' kesâ mLeeve hej 'beyond his reach' ØeÙegòeâ efkeâÙee
Ans. (c) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ bracket ceW 'what' kesâ mLeeve hej peeÙesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe mes ‘hengbÛe mes yeenj/kesâ hejs keâe YeeJe ØeoefMe&le
‘which’ keâe ØeÙeesie as a relative pronoun nesiee~ nes jne nw~ Dele: beyond keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
Notes : mepeerJe JemlegDeeW kesâ efueS 'who', efvepeeaJe kesâ efueS which Note – Over keâe ØeÙeesie meeceevÙele: Thej kesâ sense ceW efkeâÙee
keâe ØeÙeesie as a relative pronoun efkeâÙee peelee nw~ peelee nw~
Correct Sentence - Correct Sentence–
Expensive oil could hit consumption and public The large mansion was beyond his reach.
investment and dent private investment which is not a 333. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
path to a sustained revival. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
330. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
Whatever said and done, (not less vital) is the substitution required’.
future of the border separating Northern India have a many all-rounders to match the
Ireland from the Irish Republic. talent and dedication of Kapil Dev.
Sentence Improvement 163 YCT
(a) has few He made a desperate but also partial successful
(b) is having little effort to change the ghastly topic.
(c) No substitution required (a) No improvement
(d) has much (b) but partially successful effort
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) (c) though part successful effort
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'have a many' kesâ (d) yet also partial successful effort
mLeeve hej 'has few' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ India Skeâ proper SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
noun nw pees singular subject kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~ a Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeeefkebâle Yeeie 'but also partial
many kesâ mLeeve hej few keâe ØeÙeesie nw~ Few keâe ØeÙeesie successful' kesâ mLeeve hej 'but partially successful' keâe ØeÙeesie
quantifier kesâ ™he ceW plural countable noun kesâ meeLe neslee GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeneb Adversative Conjunction (but)
nw~ Few keâe ØeÙeesie ‘ve kesâ yejeyej’ kesâ DeLe& ceW neslee nw~ leLee adj. (successful) keâer efJeMes<elee yeleeves kesâ efueS partially
Correct Sentence– (adv) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
India has few all rounders to match the talent and Note – but also keâe ØeÙeesie efvecve structure ceW neslee nw~
dedication of Kapil Dev.
not only ......... but also
334. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. Correct Sentence–
If no substitution is required, select No He made a desperate but partially successful effort to
improvement. change the ghastly topic.
Meera has a friend who parents live in Dubai. 337. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(a) have a friend whom parents live the underlined segment in the given sentences.
(b) No improvement If no substitution is required, select no
(c) has a friend whose parents live improvement.
(d) has a friend which parents live A reason why there are so much misconception
SSC CGL (Tier-I)–13/06/2019 (Shift-I) on dyslexia could be the sheer invisibility of the
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW ØeÙegòeâ "who"
(a) there are so much misconceptions against
ncesMee Subjective case ceW use neslee nw Deewj Fmekesâ yeeo verb dyslexia
keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Who kesâ legjvle yeeo noun efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle (b) there are so many misconceptions about
ceW who keâe Possesive case, 'whose' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, pees efkeâ dyslexia
Adjective keâe keâece keâjlee nw~ (c) there are so many misconception around
Correct Sentence - dyslexia
Meera has a friend whose parents live in Dubai. (d) No improvement
335. Select the most appropriate option to SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
substitution the underlined segment in the Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeeefkebâle Yeeie ‘there are so much
given sentence. If no substitution is required, misconception on dyslexia’ kesâ mLeeve hej 'there are so
select No improvement.
Some agitating miners allegation that there is many misconceptions about dyslexia' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
no emergency measures inside the mines. keäÙeeWefkeâ misconception ÙeneB hej countable noun keâer lejn
(a) miners allege that there is ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw, Dele: countable adjective (many) keâe ØeÙeesie
(b) miner's allegation that there are nesiee~
(c) miners alleged that there were ‘Many’ keâe ØeÙeesie countable noun leLee ‘much’ keâe ØeÙeesie
(d) No improvement
uncountable noun kesâ meeLe neslee nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence–
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'miner's A reason why there are so many misconceptions about
allegation that there is' kesâ mLeeve hej 'miners alleged that dyslexia could be the sheer invisibility of the disorder.
there were' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe past ceW nw~ 338. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Dele: verb Yeer past ceW (were) ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ leLee allegation the underlined segment. if no substitution is
(noun) kesâ mLeeve hej alleged (V2) keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~ required select 'No substitution'
Correct Sentence– The assignment was so difficult for Mohit to do
Some agitating miners alleged that there were no on his own.
emergency measures inside the mines. (a) was too difficult
336. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (b) was so much difficult
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (c) were so difficult
no substitution is required, select No (d) No substitution
improvement. SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Sentence Improvement 164 YCT
Ans. (a) :Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW The film by itself was good but the bit long.
than I had expected.
'difficult' (keâef"ve) Skeâ Negative adjective nw efpemekesâ henues
(a) a bit long (b) the bit longer
Adverb 'too' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ ‘so’ keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) a bit longer (d) No improvement
positive ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence–
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie "The bit
The assignment was too difficult for Mohit to do on his
own. long" kesâ mLeeve hej "a bit longer'' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
339. Select the most appropriate option to substitute JeekeäÙe ceW "bit" keâe ØeÙeesie Indefinite sense ceW ngDee nw Dele:
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Fmekesâ henues Indefinite article "A" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Deewj JeekeäÙe
there is no need to substitute it, select No ceW "than" kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Comparative
improvement. degree keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~ Dele: "Long" keâe Comparative
There is a lot of confusion among students due form 'Longer' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
to recent changes in the examination pattern.
Correct Sentence–
(a) allot of (b) a lots of
The film by itself was good but a bit longer than I had
(c) No improvement (d) the lots of
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
343. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Ans. (c) : No improvement
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
340. Select the most appropriate option to substitute there is no need to substitute it, select No
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If improvement.
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No I like the place which I live but it wonderful to
improvement’. live in the mountains.
The teacher said that all that students who did (a) where (b) No improvement
not complete the task in the given time should (c) who (d) when
attempt it again.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) No improvement (b) those
(c) this (d) them Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'which'
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I) (peesefkeâ) kesâ mLeeve hej 'Where' (peneB) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'that' kesâ mLeeve hej JeekeäÙe ceW efkeâmeer mLeeve hej jnves keâer yeele nes jner nw~ Dele: 'where'
'those' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ (peneB) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
students, plural number ceW nw Dele: Fmekesâ efueS plural Correct Sentence–
pronoun ‘those’ keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ I like the place where I live but it would be wonderful
Correct Sentence–The teacher said that all those to live in the mountains
students who did not complete the task in the given 344. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
time should attempt it again. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
341. Select the most appropriate option to substitute there is no need to substitute it, select No
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If improvement.
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No This is a class who is expected to do
improvement'. exceptionally well in the quiz next week.
The Arabian Sea region is very important for (a) which is expected to do
India as several major ports are locating there. (b) No improvement.
(a) have been locating (b) No improvement (c) that is expecting to done
(c) was locating (d) are located (d) which are expecting to be doing
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Who is
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘are
expected to do' kesâ mLeeve hej 'which is expected to do' keâe
locating’ kesâ mLeeve hej "are located'' (efmLele nw) keâe ØeÙeesie
ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ relative pronoun ‘Which’ keâe ØeÙeesie
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB Located, Past participle kesâ ™he ceW
ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw~ non-living (ÙeneB ‘class’) kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence–
The Arabian Sea region is very important for India as This is a class which is expected to do exceptionally
several major ports are located there. well in the quiz next week.
342. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 345. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitue it, select No there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
improvement. improvement'.
Sentence Improvement 165 YCT
Doctors at the AIIMS trauma Centre managed 348. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
to save the life of 12 year old archer Shivangini, the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
whose were struck by an arrow in the neck there is no need to substitute it, select No
during a practice session. improvement.
(a) No improvement (b) who was striked In a recession-hit economy, automobiles is the
(c) which was struck (d) who was struck mostly affected sector.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II) (a) is the most
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie "whose (b) are the mostly
were struck" kesâ mLeeve hej "who was struck" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, (c) No improvement
keäÙeeWefkeâ JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ efueS as a subject, relative pronoun 'who' (d) are the most
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ peyeefkeâ whose keâe ØeÙeesie objective case SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw leLee ‘Shivangini’ singular noun kesâ efueS Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'mostly'
‘were’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘was’ keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ (Adverb) kesâ mLeeve hej 'most' (Adjective) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
Correct Sentence - Doctors at the AIIMS trauma ÙeneB hej Superlative degree 'most' kesâ henues Article 'the' keâe
Centre managed to save the life of 12 year old archer ØeÙeesie ngDee nw FmeefueS 'mostly' kesâ mLeeve hej 'most' keâe ØeÙeesie
Shivangini who was struck by an arrow in the neck GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
during a practice session.
Correct Sentence -
346. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
In a recession-hit economy, automobiles is the most
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
affected sector.
there is no need to substitute it, select No
improvement. 349. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
As much as a hundred children gathered to the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
celebrate Independence Day. there is no need to substitute it, select No
(a) As long as (b) No improvement Improvement.
(c) As high as (d) As many as Only me can solve the problem.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III) (a) Only I can (b) Me can only
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'As much (c) No Improvement (d) Only me could
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
as' kesâ mLeeve hej 'as many as' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ØeMve ceW
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘Only me
plural countable noun ‘a hundred children’ DeeÙee nw Dele:
much kesâ mLeeve hej many keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee~ ‘Much’ can’ kesâ mLeeve ‘Only I can’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW
keâe ØeÙeesie Uncountable noun kesâ meeLe leLee ‘Many’ keâe ØeÙeesie Subject kesâ ™he ceW Subjective case kesâ pronoun keâe ØeÙeesie
Countable plural noun kesâ meeLe neslee nw~ neslee nw~ Dele: Objective case 'Me' kesâ mLeeve hej subjective
Correct Sentence– case 'I' nesiee~
As many as a hundred children gathered to celebrate Note – Verb (can, solve) kesâ henues subjective case keâe
Independence Day. ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
347. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Correct Sentence–
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Only I can solve the problem.
there is no need to substitute it, select No 350. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Improvement. the underlined segment. If there is no need to
Luckily we have got the few minutes to spare. substitute it, select No improvement.
(a) a little (b) No Improvement
Whom you think, will be selected as the Head
(c) a few (d) quite few
Boy of the school ?
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) which you thought
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'The few' (b) who do you think
kesâ mLeeve hej 'A few' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (c) whom you thinking
Few - (kegâÚ) (Negative sense)~ (d) No improvement
A few - (keâF&) (Affermative sense)~ SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
The few - (pees kegâÚ Yeer LeesÌ[e yengle nes) (Not much but Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘Whom
whole)~ you think’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘Who do you think’ ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Note- Countable sense ceW few, a few, the few keâe ØeÙeesie keäÙeeWefkeâ Sentence kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ÙeneB hej Skeâ Subject keâer
neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ uncountable sense ceW little, a little Je the pe™jle nw~
little keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Correct sentence -
Correct sentence - ‘Who do you think, will be selected as the Head Boy
Luckily we have got a few minutes to spare. of the school ?

Sentence Improvement 166 YCT

351. Select the most appropriate option to substitute The eighteenth century saw the middle classes
the underlined segment. If there is no need to becoming most prosperous.
substitute it, select No improvement (a) No substitution required
I had first gone to Srinagar with mine family in (b) being more than
1961. (c) become more
(a) along my family (d) became most
(b) with my family SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) along mine family Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie
(d) No improvement 'becoming most' kesâ mLeeve hej 'become more' keâe ØeÙeesie
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I) nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe comparative sense os jne nw Dele:
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie Mine kesâ comparative degree, 'more' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ ve efkeâ
mLeeve hej subject 'I' keâe Possessive adjective 'My' keâe superlative (most) keâe Deewj JeekeäÙe Past ceW nesves kesâ keâejCe
ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ family (noun) keâer efJeMes<elee yeleeves kesâ efueÙes 'becoming' kesâ mLeeve hej 'become' keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~
my (adjective) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Correct Sentence–
Correct Sentence– The eighteenth century saw the middle classes become
I had first gone to Srinagar with my family in 1961. more prosperous.
352. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 355. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined in the given sentence. If there is
there is no need to substitute it, select No no need to substitute it, select 'No substitution
improvement. required'.
The fire spread through the building very When a plastic comb is rubbed with dry hair,
quick but fortunately nobody was injured. they acquired a static charge.
(a) spreads through the building quickly (a) No substitution required
(b) spread through the building very quickly (b) it acquired
(c) spreading through building very quick (c) they acquire an
(d) No improvement (d) it acquires a
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'they acquired a'
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Very
quick' kesâ mLeeve hej ' very quickly' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeebsefkeâ
kesâ mLeeve hej it acquires a keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
ÙeneB hej Skeâ Adverb (quickly) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw, ve efkeâ JeekeäÙe present ceW nesvee ÛeeefnS leLee comb kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ
pronoun 'it' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe zero conditional
Adjective (quick) keâe, pees efkeâ verb 'spreads' keâer efJeMes<elee
sentence nw, efpemekeâer mebjÛevee efvecveJeled nw-
yelee jne nw~
If / when + Present Indefinite+Present Indefinite
Correct sentence -
The fire spread through the building very quickly but Correct Sentence–
fortunately nobody was injured. When a plastic comb is rubbed with dry hair, it
353. Select the most appropriate option to substitute acquires a static charge.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If 356. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
there is no need to substitute it, select No the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Improvement. there is no need to substitute it, select No
It is danger to cross the road unmindfully. Improvement
(a) It is dangerous Meeting my teacher after ten years was an
(b) It is full of dangerous unforgotten moment that I will always
(c) There is danger treasure.
(d) No Improvement (a) a forgotten moment
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II) (b) an unforgettable moment
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie It is (c) the unforgettable moment
(d) No improvement
danger kesâ mLeeve hej It is dangerous keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee,
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ÙeneB Adjective (dangerous) keâe ØeÙeesie
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie
GefÛele nw ve efkeâ noun (danger) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~
unforgotten moment kesâ meeLe hej unforgettable moment
Correct Sentence - It is dangerous to cross the road
unmindfully. keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ moment (noun) keâer efJeMes<elee yeleeves kesâ
354. Select the most appropriate option to substitute ef ueS unforgettable (adjective) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~
the underlined in the given sentence. If there is Correct Sentence–
no need to substitute it, select 'No substitution Meeting my teacher after ten years was an
required'. unforgettable moment that I will always treasure.

Sentence Improvement 167 YCT

357. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 360. Select the option that will improve the
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If underlined part of the sentence. In case no
there is no need to substitute it, select No improvement is needed, select 'No
improvement. improvement'.
The questions are so simple that a child can Keep him at arm's length lest you may not
understand it. repent in the long run.
(a) can understand them
(a) or you may no (b) No Improvement
(b) No improvement
(c) is understanding them (c) unless you may (d) lest you should
(d) can understand this SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'lest you may
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'can not' kesâ mLeeve hej 'lest you should' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
understand it' kesâ mLeeve hej 'can understand them' keâe ØeÙeesie 'lest' kesâ yeeo ncesMee Modal verb 'should' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw Deewj
GheÙegkeäle nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW the questions 'plural subject' nw Fmekesâ meeLe 'not' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen Skeâ
efpemekesâ efueS Plural object 'them' keâe ner ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ negative word nw~
Correct Sentence -
The questions are so simple that a child can understand Correct Sentence–
them. Keep him at arm's length lest you should repent in the
long run.
G. Conjunction 361. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
358. Select the most appropriate option that can there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
substitute the underlined segment in the given substitution required'.
sentence. Hardly had we get in but the train started.
I asked Rita that how far her school was. (a) We get in than
(a) How far her school is
(b) We got in before
(b) That how her school is
(c) Then how far her school was (c) No substitution required
(d) How far her school was (d) We got in when
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'that how far Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'We get in but'
her school was' kesâ mLeeve hej 'How far her school was' keâe kesâ mLeeve hej 'We got in when' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'hardly'
ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe Interrogative form 'scarcely' 'barely' kesâ yeeo Inversion keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw Deewj
(ØeMveJeeÛekeâ JeekeäÙe) kesâ Indirect speech ceW nQ FmeefueS Fmekesâ meeLe efvecve structure ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw~
‘ØeMveJeeÛekeâ JeekeäÙe’ kesâ Indirect speech ceW Conjunction 'that'
Hardly/Scarcely/Barely+had+Subject+V3+.......... when
kesâ mLeeve hej ØeMveJeeÛekeâ Meyo (how) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Correct Sentence–
Correct Sentence–
I asked Rita how far her school was. Hardly had we got in when the train started.
359. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 362. Select the option that will improve the
the underlined segment in the given sentence. underlined part of the given sentence. In case
The secretary to my boss is very efficient as he no improvement is needed, select 'No
not only gives him the required information improvement required'.
and also handles correspondence Banning food and beverages is not desirable
independently. nor feasible in a civilized society.
(a) but also hanldes (a) neither
(b) yet also handles (b) No improvement required
(c) along with also handles
(c) none
(d) not also hanldes
(d) nor
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'and also
handles' kesâ mLeeve hej 'but also handles' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'not' kesâ mLeeve hej
keäÙeeWefkeâ 'pair conjunction' kesâ ™he ceW not only kesâ meeLe but 'neither' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'neither ........ nor' pair
also keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw FmeefueS 'and' kesâ mLeeve hej 'but' keâe conjunction kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ Neither ..................................... nor
Correct Sentence– Either ..................................... or
The secretary to my boss is very efficient as he not only Correct Sentence–
gives his the required information but also handles Banning food and beverages is neither desirable nor
correspondence independently. feasible in a civilized society.

Sentence Improvement 168 YCT

363. Select the most appropriate option to substitute I will not go to the party lest you will promise
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If to accompany me.
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No (a) No improvement (b) unless you
substitution'. (c) if you will (d) until you should
No other place in India gets much rainfall as SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie lest you will kesâ
(a) more rainfall (b) No substitution
(c) as much rainfall (d) the most rainfall mLeeve hej unless you keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I) Mele& keâe yeesOe nes jne nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie much rainfall kesâ mLeeve hej as Note - If, until, unless kesâ meeLe modal keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee
much rainfall keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ as ......... as co- nw~
relative conjunction nQ efpemekeâe DeLe& (efpelevee efkeâ Glevee) neslee Correct Sentence - I will not go to the party unless
nw~ you promise to accompany me.
Correct Sentence - 367. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
No other place in India gets as much rainfall as (As soon after the players arrived) in decorated
Mawsynram. cars, the ceremony began with traditional
364. Select the most appropriate option to substitute African drummers and dancers blowing conch
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If shells.
there is no need to substitute, it select 'No
(a) Soon after the players arrive
substitution required'.
(b) Soon after the players arrived
I cannot help you if you tell me your problem.
(a) unless you don't tell me (c) As soon as the players arrived after
(b) unless you tell me (d) No improvement
(c) until you don't tell me SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(d) No substitution required Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW As soon after kesâ peien hej soon
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I) after keâe ØeÙeesie sentence kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW if you tell me kesâ Ghejesòeâ conjunction keâe ØeÙeesie efvecve DeLe& ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~
mLeeve hej unless you tell me keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ soon after – (LeesÌ[s ner osj yeeo)~
contrast kesâ sense ceW unless (peye lekeâ efkeâ veneR) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele As soon as – (pewmes ner ....... Jewmes ner)~
nesiee~ Correct Sentence -
Note- 'Unless' kesâ meeLe Jeeueer clause ceW not keâe ØeÙeesie veneR keâjles Soon after the players arrived in decorated cars, the
nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen mJeÙeb ‘peye lekeâ efkeâ veneR’ keâe sense oslee nw~ ceremony began with traditional African drummers and
Correct Sentence - dancers blowing conch shells.
I cannot help you unless you tell me your problem.
368. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
365. Select the most appropriate option to improve the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
there is no need to improve it, select 'No
substitution required’.
Because she didn’t love him, she had to marry
The place was not cold only and also damp.
(a) only cold not also him.
(b) No improvement (a) Despite (b) Although
(c) not only cold but also (c) Since (d) No substitution required
(d) not only cold and both SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) Ans. (b) : GheÙeg&òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW because kesâ mLeeve
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie not cold only and hej 'although' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ although
also kesâ mLeeve hej not only cold but also GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ (neueebefkeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie conjunction kesâ ™he ceW neslee nw~
keäÙeeWefkeâ not only kesâ meeLe corelative conjunction (but also) Although kesâ yeeo Pair conjunction kesâ ™he ceW yet Ùee
keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (Comma) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ~
Correct Sentence - The place was not only cold but Note- because keâe ØeÙeesie ØeeÙe: JeekeäÙe keâer Meg®Deele ceW veneR neslee nw
also damp. because, subordinating conjunction nw Ùen ØeeÙe: oes clauses
366. Select the most appropriate option to improve
the underlined segment in the given sentence.
keâes pees[Ì ves keâe keâece keâjlee nw~ peesefkeâ reason keâes efoKeelee nw~
IF there is no need to improve it, select 'No Correct Sentence–
improvement'. Although she didn't love him, she had to marry him.

Sentence Improvement 169 YCT

369. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW although (ÙeÅeefhe)
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If kesâ mLeeve hej suitable conjunction ‘while’ (kesâ oewjeve) keâe
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
substitution required’. ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
The exam was not so easy that we had Correct Sentence–
expected. Let us not neglect important aspects of life while
(a) such easy as (b) as easy as pursuing momentary pleasure.
(c) as easy so (d) No substitution required 373. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) the underlined segment. If no substitution is
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW so easy that kesâ required select 'No substitution'
mLeeve hej as easy as keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ as + adj. Even if he is an honest man, he has been
+ as keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ accused of theft.
Correct Sentence– (a) Although he is an honest man
The exam was not as easy as we had expected. (b) No substitution
(c) Since he are an honest man
370. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (d) Even though he is honest man
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
substitution required’. Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle JeekeäÙeebMe kesâ mLeeve hej mener Meyo
The train was delayed in order to an accident. 'Although he is an honest man' nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes efJejesOeer
(a) because (b) owing to clauses Skeâ meeLe ØeÙeesie nes lees Although (ÙeÅeefhe) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(c) since (d) No substitution required
Correct Sentence–
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Although he is an honest man, he has been accused of
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle phrase 'in theft.
order to' (kesâ ›eâce ceW) kesâ mLeeve hej 'owing to' (kesâ keâejCe) keâe 374. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Correct Sentence– there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
The train was delayed owing to an accident. improvement'.
371. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Prithvi likes baseball as long as she likes
the underlined segment in the given sentence. cricket.
If no substitution is required, select No (a) as many as (b) No improvement
improvement. (c) so long as (d) as much as
The Committee occupied itself with no other SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
important question only this.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW as long as kesâ
(a) with no other important question but this
(b) No improvement mLeeve hej as much as keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeebWefkeâ Ùen
(c) with one other important question either this quantity kesâ YeeJe keâes JÙeòeâ keâj jne nw~ as much as – efpelevee,
(d) with no other important question this efpeme lejn as many as – pÙeeoe mes pÙeeoe; as long as – peye,
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III) Deiej; So long as – peneb lekeâ~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW ‘with no other Correct Sentence–
important question only this’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘with no other Prithvi likes baseball as much as she likes cricket.
important question but this’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 375. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
ÙeneB adversative word 'but' (efmeJeeÙe/uesefkeâve) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
Correct Sentence– improvement'.
The committee occupied itself with no other important As long to funding is not made available, our
question but this. construction dreams have been deferred.
(a) As high as (b) In as much as
372. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (c) No improvement (d) So long as
no substitution is required, select No SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
improvement. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW as long to kesâ
Let us not neglect important aspects of life mLeeve So long as keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeebsefkeâ So long as
although pursue momentary-pleasures. (Deiej) keâe ØeÙeesie conjunction kesâ ™he ceW ngDee nw~ pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe
(a) by pursued moment pleasures.
(b) through pursued in momentary pleasures
kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
(c) while pursuing momentary pleasures. Correct Sentence–
(d) No improvement So long as funding is not made available, our
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III) construction dreams have been deferred.

Sentence Improvement 170 YCT

376. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie "as well also" kesâ
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If mLeeve hej "as well as" keâe ØeÙeesie neseiee, keäÙeesefkeâ "as well as"
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No Skeâ "co-ordinate conjunction" nw As well as- means In
improvement'. addition to somebody something (kesâ meeLe ceW)~ pees efkeâ
So much as you are their class teacher, you are
JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
responsible for their performance in the
Correct Sentence
The director wanted Aziz to play the role of the doctor
(a) In as much as (b) No improvement as well as that of the apprentice.
(c) As long as (d) As much to 380. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I) the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW ‘so much as’ kesâ there is no need to substitute it, select No
mLeeve hej ‘as long as’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeebsefkeâ as long improvement
The Dean said, "you can have neither jam nor
as – (peye-lekeâ peye) time keâes oMee&lee nw~ pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes butter but not both"
GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ (a) No improvement (b) jam and butter
Correct Sentence– (c) no jam or butter (d) either jam or butter
As long as you are their class teacher, you are SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III)
responsible for their performance in the examination. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle part 'neither jam nor butter' kesâ
377. Select the most appropriate option substitute mLeeve hej 'either jam or butter' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw keäÙeeWefkeâ
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If either ...... or (Ùee lees-Ùee) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe&
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No oslee nw~
improvement'. Correct Sentence–
As long as they are here, Hari won't attend the The Dean said, "you can have either jam or butter but
training. not both"
(a) So long so (b) As long that 381. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) No improvement (d) So far as the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III) there is no need to substitute it, select No
Ans. (c) : No improvement.
The firing of the missile not only killed
378. Select the most appropriate option to substitute innocent persons and also created political
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If furore.
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No (a) not only kill innocent persons and also
improvement'. (b) not only killed innocent persons but also
As of you are here with me, who cares about (c) No improvement
the outcome of the issue. (d) but killed innocent person and also
(a) So long (b) As long as SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) As long to (d) No improvement Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Not only killed
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I) innocent persons and also' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Not only killed
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW as of kesâ mLeeve hej innocent persons but also' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Not
as long as (peye lekeâ/peye) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ only _____ but also' keâe ØeÙeesie Skeâ meeLe conjunction kesâ
efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ ™he ceW neslee nw~
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence–
As long as you are here with me, who cares about the The firing of the missile not only killed innocent
outcome of the issue. persons but also created political furore.
382. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
379. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it select No
there is no need to substitute it, select No improvement.
improvement. So much as you behave like this, the decision of
The director wanted Aziz to play the role of the the management against you cannot as
doctor as well also that of the apprentice. revoked.
(a) and also of (b) No improvement. (a) As long to (b) As much to
(c) as well as (d) as well (c) As long as (d) No improvement
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Sentence Improvement 171 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeMve ceW oes clauses nw Dele: oesveeW 386. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
clause keâes peesÌ[ves kesâ efueS conjunction ‘So much as’ kesâ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No
mLeeve hej ‘As long as’ (peye lekeâ/peye) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ Improvement.
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe YeeJe time (meceÙe) keâes Øekeâš keâj jne nw~ He not only speaks Hindi fluently but English
Correct Sentence– as well as.
As long as you behave like this, the decision of the (a) No improvement
management against you cannot as revoked. (b) but also English
383. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (c) as well as English
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (d) but English too as well
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
improvement'. Ans. (b) : jsKeebefkeâle JeekeäÙeebMe ‘but English as well as’ kesâ
Lenovo has launched ThinkPad XI Fold, the mLeeve hej ‘but also english’ keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ not
world's first foldable laptop which is claimed to only kesâ meeLe But also keâe ØeÙeesie Pair of conjunction kesâ
be so durable as its other devices.
(a) to be as durable as
™he ceW neslee nw~
(b) to be most durable as Correct Sentence -
(c) to be very durable as He not only speaks Hindi fluently but also English.
(d) No improvement 387. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I) the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie to be so durable Improvement.
as kesâ mLeeve hej to be as durable as keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Not only the parents but also the children were
Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie ØeeÙe: comparison kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ sad at leaving the house.
“as ..... as” keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ (a) as also (b) so even
Correct Sentence– (c) and also (d) No Improvement
Lenovo has launched ThinkPad XI Fold, the world's SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
first foldable laptop which is claimed to be as durable Ans. (d) : No Improvement.
as its other devices. Rule - not only kesâ meeLe but also keâe ØeÙeesie as a correlative
384. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. conjunction kesâ ™he ceW GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~
To conform to a set of rules (a) Regulations 388. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
without a real voice in their formulation the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(a) and (b) to there is no need to sibstitute it, select No
(c) but (d) No improvement improvement.
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III) Pratham will not go the party if he is
Ans : (a) efoS ieS JeekeäÙe ceW a kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction 'and' personally invited.
(a) unless (b) No improvement
keâe ØeÙeesie (Deewj) kesâ DeLe& ceW nesiee pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ
(c) even (d) because
nw~ SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Correct Sentence–
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW ‘if’ kesâ mLeeve hej
To conform to a set of rules and Regulations without a
real voice in their formulation. ‘unless’ keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
'unless' peye lekeâ (Mele&metÛekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ ‘unless’
385. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If keâe ØeÙeesie vekeâejelcekeâ YeeJe ceW neslee nw~
there is no need to substitute it, select No Correct Sentence -
improvement. ''Pratham will not go the party unless he is personally
Until you remains calm, you cannot concentrate. invited.''
(a) Unless you remains (b) Unless you remain 389. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) No improvement (d) If you remain the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I) there is no need to substitute it, select No
Ans.(b): Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Until you remains' improvement.
Rashmi is not only smart but very beautiful.
(meceÙe metÛekeâ) kesâ mLeeve hej 'Unless you remain' keâe ØeÙeesie (a) but beautiful
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ until (meceÙe metÛekeâ) leLee unless (Mele&yeesOekeâ) keâe (b) No improvement
DeLe& oslee nw~ (c) very beautiful
Correct sentence will be - (d) but also very beautiful
unless you remain calm, you can not concentrate. SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Sentence Improvement 172 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKebeefkeâle Yeeie cebs ''But very Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW ‘unless’ kesâ mLeeve
beautiful’’ kesâ mLeeve hej ''But also very beautiful’’ keâe hej or keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeebsefkeâ or Skeâ distributive pronoun
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ nw~ Deewj ÙenB Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâes distribute keâj jne nw~
Rule - 'Not only -------but also' Co-relative conjunction Correct Sentence -
nw, efpevekeâe ØeÙeesie Skeâ meeLe neslee nw~ We must start now or it will be too late.
Correct Sentence -
Rashmi is not only smart but also very beautiful. H. Preposition
390. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 393. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment. If there is no need to the bracketed segment in the given sentence. If
substitute it, select No improvement. there is no need to substitute it, select 'no
The student stood up no sooner the Principal substitution required'.
entered the class. (Because he has been in custody from last
(a) no soon (b) as soon as July.) Pickard will now be released in four
(c) No improvement (d) soon months.
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I) (a) Because he had been under custody from last
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKebeefkeâle Yeeie ‘no sooner’ kesâ July,
mLeeve hej ‘as soon as’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeebsefkeâ ‘as soon as’ (b) No substitution required
(c) Because he had been in custody from last
keâe ØeÙeesie conjunction kesâ ™he ceW mekeâejelcekeâ DeLe& ceW efkeâÙee peelee
nw~ (d) Because he has been in custody since last
Correct Sentence– July,
The student stood up as soon as the Principal entered SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III)
the class.
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ bracket ceW (Because he has
391. Select the most appropriate option to substitute been in custody from last july) kesâ mLeeve hej 'because he
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
has been in custody since last July' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
there is no need to substitute it, select No
improvement. Preposition 'since' keâe ØeÙeesie Present Perfect continuous ceW
I asked two pedestrians the way to the station, point of time yeleeves kesâ efueS neslee nQ~ Dele: JeekeäÙe ceW
and neither of them couldn't help me. Preposition 'from' kesâ mLeeve hej 'since' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle
(a) and either them couldn't nesiee~
(b) No improvement Correct Sentence–
(c) but neither of them could ("Because he has been in custody since last July.)
(d) but none of they could Pickard will now be replased in four month.
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II) 394. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'Couldn't' kesâ the bracketed segment in the given sentence. If
mLeeve hej 'Could' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeebsefkeâ neither (negative) there is no need to substitute it, select 'no
substitution required'.
Meyo keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~ FmeefueS not keâe ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee~ JeekeäÙe
He has 33 years of professional experience (on
ceW Conjunction 'and' kesâ mLeeve hej 'but' keâe ØeÙeesie contrast the field of) Public Administration.
sense ceW nesiee~ JeekeäÙe ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej coordinating (a) in the field off
conjunction 'or' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ (b) over field of
Rule-Until, unless, neither, nor, lest kesâ meeLe (c) No substitution required
not/negative keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~ (d) in the field of
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence -
I asked two pedestrians the way to the station, but Ans. (d) : Ghejes k eäle JeekeäÙ e kes â bracket ceW (On the field of) kesâ
neither of them could help me. mLeeve hej 'in the field of' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe
392. Select the most appropriate option to substitute kesâ Devegmeej Preposition 'in' (ceW) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele DeLe& Øeoeve
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If keâjlee nQ~
there is no need to substitute it, select No Correct Sentence–
improvement. He has 33 years of processional experience (in the field
We must start now unless it will be too late. of) public Administration.
(a) but (b) or 395. Select the most appropriate option that can
(c) No improvement (d) until substitute the underlined segment in the given
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II) sentence.
Sentence Improvement 173 YCT
The pleasure created by the poet was primarily (a) among themselves
until his exaggerated descriptions. (b) between them
(a) Below his exaggerated descriptions (c) amongst their self
(b) Beside his exaggerated descriptions (d) between their selves
(c) Off his exaggerated descriptions SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II)
(d) Through his exaggerated descriptions Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'between
SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II) themselves' kesâ mLeeve hej 'among themselves' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'until his keäÙeeWefkeâ oes mes DeefOekeâ JÙeefkeäle/Jemleg kesâ efueS preposition 'among'
exaggerated descriptions' kesâ mLeeve hej 'through his keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
exaggerated descriptions' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Note– Preposition 'between' keâe ØeÙeesie kesâJeue oes JÙeefkeäle Ùee
YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Preposition 'Until' kesâ mLeeve hej through keâe Jemleg kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nQ~
ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~ Correct Sentence–
Note– Preposition 'Until' keâe ØeÙeesie meceÙe (time) yeleeves kesâ The players distributed the reward among themselves.
efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ peyeefkeâ 'through' keâe ØeÙeesie 'from the 399. Select the most appropriate option that can
beginning to the end of an activity, a situation or a substitute the underlined segment in the given
period of time' kesâ efueS neslee nQ~ sentence.
Correct Sentence– I have not seen you for last year.
The pleasure created by the poet was primarily through (a) you for last years (b) me for last year
his exaggerated descriptions. (c) you since last year (d) you about last year
396. Select the most appropriate option that can SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
substitute the underlined segment in the given Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'you for last
sentence. year' kesâ mLeeve hej 'you since last year' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
Their plan to action during that critical 'point of time' (last year, Sunday, March, 8 'O' clock,
situation was well appreciated by all. 1950) yeleeves kesâ efueS Preposition 'since' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ~
(a) Of action during that
peyeefkeâ 'For' keâe ØeÙeesie 'period of time' (two hours, three
(b) In action during that
(c) Of action off that months, five years) kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nQ~
(d) Of action about that Correct Sentence–
SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV) I have not seen you since last year.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'to action 400. Select the most appropriate option that can
substitute the underlined segment in the
during that' kesâ mLeeve hej of action during that keâe ØeÙeesie following sentence.
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Preposition 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie 'plan' kesâ meeLe ØeÙeesie I need to put out my clothes before I leave for
keâjves hej mener DeLe& Øeoeve keâjlee nw~ work this morning otherwise, I will be restless
Correct Sentence– when I return.
Their plan of action during that critical situation (a) need to put in (b) need to put away
was well appreciated by all. (c) need to put off (d) need for put out
397. Select the correct option substitute the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I)
underlined sement I the given sentence. If no Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'need to put out'
substitution is required, select 'No kesâ mLeeve hej 'need to put away' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe
substitution'. ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej preposition 'away' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
She is married with a doctor.
Note : 'Put out' SJeb 'put away' keâe ØeÙeesie phrasal verb kesâ
(a) No substitution (b) to a doctor
(c) a doctor (d) for a doctor
™he ceW neslee nw Put out keâe DeLe& nw ‘yegPeevee’ (to extinguish)
SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II) peyeefkeâ Put away keâe DeLe& nQ ‘‘otj jKevee’’ 'to put something
in it's correct place or clean up'.
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'with a
Correct Sentence–
doctor' kesâ mLeeve hej 'to a doctor' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ I need to put away my clothes before I leave for work
'married' kesâ meeLe preposition 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ this morning otherwise, I will be restless when I return.
Correct Sentence– 401. Select the most appropriate option that can
She is married to a doctor. replace the underlined part of the following
398. Select the most appropriate option that can sentence.
substitute the underlined segment in the given It has been raining from morning.
sentence. (a) for (b) till
The players distributed the reward between (c) though (d) since
themselves SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III)
Sentence Improvement 174 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle JeekeäÙe Yeeie ceW 'from' kesâ Correct Sentence–
mLeeve hej 'since' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'exact time'/'point of There's even a (picture of a witch riding) a broomstick
on the sides of the police cars.
time' (efveefMÛele meceÙe) yeleeves kesâ efueS 'since' (preposition) keâe
405. Select the option that will improve the
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ underlined part of the sentence. In case no
Correct Sentence– improvement is needed, select 'No
It has been raining since morning. improvement'.
402. Select the most appropriate option that can The apple tree was loaded of fruit.
substitute the underlined segment in the given (a) No improvement (b) loaded with
sentence. (c) loaded from (d) laden with
Amar is very good in mathematics. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
(a) good at (b) good about Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'loaded of' kesâ
(c) good on (d) good with
mLeeve hej 'loaded with' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'loaded' kesâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV)
meeLe Preposition 'with' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw Dele: 'of' kesâ mLeeve hej
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle JeekeäÙe Yeeie ceW 'good in'
'with' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
kesâ mLeeve hej 'good at' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'preposition' 'at' Correct Sentence–
keâe ØeÙeesie 'good' kesâ meeLe neslee nw~ efpemekeâe DeLe& nw ‘ceW me#ece’ The apple tree was loaded with fruit.
(good at).
406. Select the most approrpaite option that can
Correct Sentence– substitute the underlined segment in the given
Amar is very good at mathematics. sentence.
403. Select the most appropriate option that can I was waiting from two hours.
substitute the underlined segment in the (a) for (b) since
following sentence. (c) at (d) in
Can you please make sure that all the guest are SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I
gathered on the stage before the performance
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'From' kesâ mLeeve
(a) guests are gathered by hej 'for' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'period of time' (two hours)
(b) guest is gathered on yeleeves kesâ efueS preposition 'for' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ~ Dele: 'from'
(c) guests is gathered by kesâ mLeeve hej 'for' keâe ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~
(d) guests are gathered in Correct Sentence–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II) I was waiting for two hours.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'guest are 407. Select the most appropriate option that can
gathered on' kesâ mLeeve hej 'guests are gathered by' keâe ØeÙeesie substitute the underlined segment in the given
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it,
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'gathered' kesâ meeLe select 'No substitution required'.
Preposion 'on' kesâ mLeeve hej 'by' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 'Gathered
The investigation revealed that both of they
by the stage' keâe DeLe& nQ ‘cebÛe kesâ efkeâveejs Fkeâªe’ nesiee~ had given false information to obtain the
Correct Sentence– certificates.
Can you please make sure that all the guests are (a) No substitution required
gathered by the stage before the performance begins? (b) reveals that how they both
404. Select the option that will improve the (c) revealed that both of them
(bracketed) part of the sentence. In case of no (d) reveal that them both
improvement select the option 'No SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II
improvement'. Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'revealed that'
There's even a (picture by which a witch is both of they' kesâ mLeeve hej 'revealed that both of them' keâe
riding) a broomstick on the sides of the police
cars. ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Preposition (of) kesâ yeeo ncesMee objective
(a) No improvement case (them) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(b) picture that of a witch riding Correct Sentence–
(c) pictures of witch riding The investigation revealed that both of them had given
(d) picture of a witch riding false information to obtain the certification.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III) 408. Select the option that will improve the
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ bracket ceW (picture by which a underlined part of the given sentence. In case
no improvement is needed, select ‘No
witch is riding) kesâ mLeeve hej (picture of a witch riding) keâe
improvement required’.
ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Preposition 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe ceW YeeJe kesâ You are welcome to partake this light
Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle DeLe& Øeoeve keâjlee nw~ refreshment.

Sentence Improvement 175 YCT

(a) for partaking Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej jsKeebefkeâle Meyo on
(b) to partake of kesâ mLeeve hej preposition 'against' (kesâ efKeueeHeâ/Øeefle) keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) in partaken
(d) No improvement required
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III Correct Sentence -
It is wise to insure one's home against fire.
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'to partake' kesâ
412. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
mLeeve hej 'to partake of' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'partake' kesâ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
meeLe Preposition 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ~ there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
Correct Sentence– substitution.'
You are welcome to partake of this light refreshment. Small desert animals burrow underground
409. Select the most appropriate option that can across the days and come out only at night.
substitute the underlined segment in the given (a) within the days
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, (b) during the day
select ‘No substitution required’. (c) No substitution
The student apologised the teacher for the (d) between days
delay in submitting the assignment. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) is apologising the teacher
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW across the days kesâ
(b) No substitution required
(c) apologised to the teacher mLeeve hej 'during the day' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Period of
(d) has apologised the teacher time kesâ meceÙe keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjves kesâ efueS during (Preposition)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'apologised the Correct Sentence -
teacher' kesâ mLeeve hej 'apologized to the teacher' keâe ØeÙeesie Small desert animals burrow underground during the
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'apologies' kesâ meeLe preposition 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie day and come out only at night.
neslee nQ~ 413. Select the option that will substitute the
underlined part of the given sentence. In case
⇒ (Apologised to someone) efkeâmeer JÙeefkeäle mes #ecee ceebievee~
no substitution is needed, select 'No
Correct Sentence– substitution required'.
The student apologized to the teacher for the delay in Japan has made important and original
submitting the assignment. contributions inside some fields like photography
410. Select the option that will improve the and electronics.
underlined part of the sentence. In case no (a) for some field like
improvement is needed, select 'No (b) in some fieids like
improvement required'. (c) No substitution required
You are looking so pretty on these black outfit. (d) on some field like
(a) pretty in this SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(b) No improvement
(c) prettier in these Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie inside some fields
(d) prettiest with those like kesâ mLeeve hej in some fields like keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I inside (kesâ Yeerlej/Devoj) kesâ mLeeve hej in (ceW) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes JeekeäÙe
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'pretty on this' GefÛele DeLe& oslee nw DeLee&le efkeâmeer #es$e ceW Ùeesieoeve osves kesâ efueS 'in'
kesâ mLeeve hej 'pretty in this' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ preposition keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej proposition 'on' kesâ mLeeve 'in' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle Correct Sentence -
nesiee~ Japan has made important and original contributions in
(pretty in this outfit/Fme heesMeekeâ ceW megvoj) some fields like photography and electronics.
Correct Sentence– 414. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
You are looking so pretty in this black outfit. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
411. Select the option that will improve the no substitution is required, select 'No
underlined segment in the given sentence. In substitution'.
case no improvement is needed, select 'No After the old building was pulled out the
improvement' building contractor surveyed the progress of
It is wise to insure one's home on fire. the work.
(a) in (b) No improvement (a) was pulled up (b) was pulled over
(c) by (d) against (c) was pulled down (d) No substitution
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Sentence Improvement 176 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie was pulled out kesâ 418. Select the most appropriate option to improve
mLeeve hej was pulled down keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ YeJeve efiejeves the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
their is no need to improve it, select 'No
kesâ efueS phrasal verb 'pull down' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw DevÙe improvement'.
efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ veneR nw~ I bet you can't beat me by chess.
Pull out - nševee, Pull up - Leecevee Ùee jeskeâvee~ (a) on chess (b) in the chess
Correct Sentence - (c) No improvement (d) at chess
After the old building was pulled down the building SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
contractor surveyed the progress of the work. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie by chess kesâ mLeeve hej
415. Select the most appropriate option to improve at chess keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ beat somebody at
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
something keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
there is no need to improve it, select 'No
improvement'. Correct Sentence - I bet you can't beat me at chess.
We are coping the problems with the best of 419. Select the alternative that will improve the
our ability. underlined part of the sentence in case there is
(a) No improvement no improvement select “No improvement”.
(b) coping in the problems by Using seeds for grow more plants is an
(c) coping with the problems to exceptionally good way of gardening.
(d) coping the problems at (a) No improvement
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (b) to growing more plants
(c) to grow more plants
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle JeekeäÙe coping the problem with
(d) for grows more plants
kesâ mLeeve hej coping with the problems to GheÙegòeâ nesiee, SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
keäÙeeWefkeâ coping kesâ meeLe preposition 'with' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle JeekeäÙe for grow more plants kesâ
Correct Sentence - We are coping with the problems
mLeeve hej to grow more plants keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
to the best of our ability.
'for' preposition kesâ yeeo 'V2 + ing' form leLee to kesâ yeeo
416. Select the most appropriate option to improve
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If "verbI" ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
there is no need to improve it, select 'No Correct sentence - Using seeds to grow more plants
improvement'. is an exceptionally good way of gardening.
The child put a ladder on the wall and climbed 420. Select the alternative that will improve the
up. underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
(a) over a wall (b) above the wall no improvement select "No improvement".
(c) No improvement (d) against the wall My friend said, "Can you please suggest for me
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) a good school in the neighbourhood?"
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie on the wall kesâ (a) suggest to me (b) suggest
(c) suggesting me (d) No improvement
mLeeve hej against the wall GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peye keâesF& Ûeerpe SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
efkeâmeer menejs efškeâer nes lees 'against' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'suggest for me' kesâ
Correct Sentence - The child put a ladder against the
wall and climbed up.
mLeeve hej 'suggest to me' GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ suggest kesâ
417. Select the most appropriate option to improve
meeLe 'to' preposition ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ (suggest to
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If somebody)
there is no need to improve it, select 'No Correct Sentence - My friend said, "Can you please
improvement'. suggest to me a good school in the neighbourhood?"
This stain can be remove by lime juice. 421. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
(a) remove from According to an official spokesperson, polling was
(b) No improvement held amid tight security arrangements in 29
(c) removed with municipal councils and panchayats (over the State).
(d) removed through (a) besides the State (b) behind the State
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) across the State (d) No improvement
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle JeekeäÙe remove by kesâ mLeeve hej
removed with keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ remove kesâ Ans. (c) Ghejes k eäle JeekeäÙ e kes â bracket part (over the state) kesâ
meeLe preposition 'with' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ mLeeve hej (across the state) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
Correct Sentence - This stain can be removed with Preposition 'across' keâe ØeÙeesie 'from one side to the other
lime juice. side of something' kesâ sense ceW ØeÙeesie neslee nQ~

Sentence Improvement 177 YCT

422. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. 425. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Election was an ‘opinion minus democracy’ in the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
which the innocent and helpless (people were there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
substitution required’.
pitted among) government’s muscle power
Every year the family goes for a pilgrim to the
State machinery. temple at Tirupathi.
(a) people were pitted against (a) at the pilgrim
(b) people are pitted against (b) on a pilgrimage
(c) people would pitted again st (c) No substitution required
(d) No improvement (d) from the pilgrimage
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Bracket part (people were pitted Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes sentence kesâ underlined phrase - 'for
among) kesâ mLeeve hej correct preposition (against) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ a pilgrim' kesâ mLeeve hej 'on a pilgrimage' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee,
Note : Against keâe ØeÙeesie ‘kesâ efJe™æ’ kesâ efueS keâjles nQ~ peyeefkeâ keäÙeeWefkeâ Preposition 'for' kesâ mLeeve hej phrase ceW 'on'
Among - (oes mes DeefOekeâ ueesieeW kesâ yeerÛe) kesâ efueS neslee nw~ (preposition) suitable nw keäÙeeWefkeâ 'on is generally used
Correct Sentence - when we want to indicate a position above or a top a
space. 'For' is used to indicate reason and specify the
Election was an ‘opinion minus democracy’ in which
use of something.
the innocent and helpless people were pitted against
Correct Sentence –
government’s muscle power State machinery. Every year the family goes on a pilgrimage to the
423. Select the most appropriate option to substitute temple at Tirupathi.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If 426. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
substitution' there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
The lockdown prevented people to go out from substitution required’.
their homes. The police was accused to tamper with the
(a) to go outside from (b) No substitution evidence.
(c) of going out from (d) from going out of (a) accused of tampering
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II) (b) accusing to tamper
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'To go out from' kesâ mLeeve hej (c) No substitution required
(d) accused to tampered
'from going out of "keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ prevent (verb) SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
kesâ yeeo efvecve structure ØeÙegkeäle neslee nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW accused to
Prevent + possessive adjective + gerund tamper kesâ mLeeve hej accused of tampering keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Prevent + from + gerund keäÙeebsefkeâ accused kesâ yeeo preposition ‘of’ SJeb Fmekesâ yeeo verb
Correct sentence -
keâe ing form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
The lockdown prevented people from going out of
Correct Sentence–
their homes.
The police was accused of tampering with the
424. Select the most appropriate option to substitute evidence.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
427. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
substitution required’.
no substitution is required, select No
The mare hurt its hooves when running to the improvement.
forest. We must endeavour to increase women's access
(a) with running across for education also employment.
(b) No substitution required (a) access in education also employment
(c) while running through (b) excess to education or employment
(d) when running into (c) No improvement
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) (d) access to education and employment
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes sentence kesâ underlined phrase - SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
'when running to' kesâ mLeeve hej 'while running through' Ans : (d) Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW Access for keWâ
(pebieue mes oewÌ[les ngS) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ we use both 'when' mLeeve hej Access to keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Access kesâ yeeo
and ‘while’ as subordination conjunctions to introduce Gef Ûele Preposition ‘to’ ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
adverbial clauses to time. Access to- lekeâ henBgÛe
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence -
The mare hurt its hooves while running through the We must endeavour to increase women's access to
forest. education and employment.

Sentence Improvement 178 YCT

428. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 431. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. the underlined segment. If no substitution is
If no substitution is required, select No required select 'No substitution'
improvement. Employees refrain to indulge in underable
An old misunderstanding exists among the two activities if they are monitored.
families, so they are not friendly any more. (a) refrain against indulging
(a) has exist within the two families (b) refrain from indulging
(b) No improvement (c) refrain for indulgence
(c) exists between the two families (d) No substitution
(d) will exist among the two families SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Refrain to indulge' kesâ
Ans : (c) 'Among' keâe ØeÙeesie ncesMee oes mes DeefOekeâ kesâ efueS leLee mLeeve hej refrain from indulgining keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ
between keâe ØeÙeesie oes kesâ efueS keâjles nw~ Dele: ‘Two families’ refrain kesâ meeLe Preposition 'from' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
kesâ efueÙes between keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Correct Sentence–
Correct Sentence– Employees refrain from indulging in underable
An old misunderstanding exists between the two activities if they are monitored.
families, so they are not friendly any more. 432. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
429. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If no substitution is
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If required select 'No substitution'
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No The student, with his parents were asked for
substitution'. waiting outside the Principal's office.
(a) were asked to wait
The authorities are looked on the matter.
(b) was asked to wait
(a) No substitution
(c) were asked to be waiting
(b) are looked into the matter
(d) No substitution
(c) are looking into the matter
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(d) are looking on the matter
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (b) : JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘were asked for waiting’
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW are looked on kesâ mLeeve hej are
kesâ mLeeve hej was asked to wait GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Fme
looking into keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
JeekeäÙe keâe subject 'The student' nw pees efkeâ singular nw DeLee&led
peye oes subjects, with, along with, together with,
Look into – peebÛe keâjvee~
besides, in addition to, including, V3 + by mes pegÌ[s nes lees
Correct Sentence -
The authorities are looking into the matter. JeemleefJekeâ subject henues Jeeuee neslee nw~
430. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Note–Ask for (demand) keâe DeLe& (ceeBievee) kesâ DeLe& ceW neslee nw~
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If FmeefueS ÙeneB ask kesâ meeLe (to + v1) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
there is no need to substitute it, select No Correct Sentence–
improvement. The student, with his parents was asked to wait outside
Raman's discovery, made during the voyaging the Principal's office.
over the Mediterranean sea, that water 433. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
molecules could scatter light just like air the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
molecules, was very radical in those days. there is no need to substitute it, select No
(a) while an voyage across improvement.
(b) during a voyage across The government has adopted a tough stance
(c) No improvement with respect of terror and security.
(d) during the voyage above (a) in respect of
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) (b) about respect to
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW preposition ‘over’ kesâ (c) No improvement
(d) with respect to
mLeeve hej Preposition 'Across' keâe ØeÙeesie Megæ nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Across - from one side to other side of something.
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘with respect of’
Correct Sentence -
Raman's discovery, made during a voyage across the kesâ mLeeve hej ‘with respect to’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
Mediterranean sea, that water molecules could scatter respect kesâ meeLe to (preposition) Deelee nw~
light just like air molecules, was very radical in those Correct Sentence–The government has adopted a
days. tough stance with respect to terror and security.

Sentence Improvement 179 YCT

434. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 437. Identify the most appropriate option to
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If substitute the underlined segment. If no
there is no need to substitute it, select No substitution is required, select No substitution.
improvement. You must not prevent me to do what I want.
What a relief to sit down after walking in the (a) by doing what I wanted
park from a hour! (b) from doing what I want
(a) by an hour (b) No improvement (c) to do what I am wanting
(c) for an hour (d) in a hour (d) No substitution
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie to do kesâ mLeeve hej
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie from a hour keâer
for doing keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeebsefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW efoÙee ieÙee Verb
peien for an hour keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Period of time kesâ
Prevent ncesMee from kesâ meeLe ØeÙeesie neslee nw Deewj Fmekesâ yeeo Deeves
ØeÙeesie nesves hej for keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Deewj ‘‘hour- Dee@j’’ keâe Jeeueer Verb, 'ing' form ceW nesleer nw~
GÛÛeejCe Vowel sound mes neslee nw~ lees Fmekesâ henues Article kesâ Correct Sentence–
™he ceW An keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ You must not prevent me from doing what I want.
Correct Sentence–What a relief to sitdown after 438. Identify the most appropriate option to
walking in the park for an hour. substitute the underlined segment. If no
435. Identify the most appropriate option to substitution is required, select No substitution.
substitute the underlined segment. If no I have a terrible cold during several days now.
substitution is required, select No substitution. (a) had a terrible cold since
I was astonished on the ignorance in the (b) have had a terrible cold for
villagers. (c) No substitution
(a) over the ignorance between (d) am having a terrible cold during
(b) No substitution SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) on the ignorance by Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘have a terrible
(d) at the ignorance of cold during’ kesâ mLeeve hej have had a terrible cold for keâe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I) ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence ceW for + period of time denote
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW on keâer peien at efkeâÙee ieÙee nw, efpememes mhe° nw efkeâ sentence present perfect ceW
Deewj in keâer peien of keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ FmeceW have, Helping Verb keâer lejn, had, main verb
verb, Astonished ncesMee at kesâ meeLe ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ Deewj JeekeäÙe keâer lejn ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~ During- (kesâ oewjeve) keâer peien for (mes)
kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej- «eeceerCe keâer De%eevelee- Ignorance of the keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Ûetbefkeâ have, present perfect keâer helping verb
nw FmeefueÙes Fmekesâ yeeo verbIIIrd keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ FmeefueÙes had keâe
villagers keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~
Correct Sentence -
v1 v2 v3
I was astonished at the ignorance of the villagers. " "
has / have → had → had
436. Identify the most appropriate option to
Correct Sentence–
substitute the underlined segment. If no I have had a terrible cold for several days now.
substitution is required, select No substitution.
439. Identify the most appropriate option to
The manufacturer conformed with the
substitute the underlined segment. If no
specifications given from the client.
substitution is required, select No substitution.
(a) with the specifications given of The shoebill stork can be recognise from its
(b) No substitution long legs and broad wings.
(c) to the specifications given by (a) recognised by its (b) recognise through it's
(d) by the specifications given for (c) recognising from it's (d) No substitution
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c)Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe ceW Conformed kesâ meeLe Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie recognise from its kesâ
preposition ‘to’ keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ~ mLeeve hej recognised by its keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, peye JeekeäÙe Passive
Conform with- 'has the shape that is required by' form ceW nes, leye can be kesâ yeeo verbIIIrd keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Conform to- 'be/act in accordance with' Deewj from kesâ • from keâer peien by keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ- (recognised by
mLeeve hej By keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ somethings) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct Sentence - Correct Sentence -
The manufacturer conformed to the specifications given The shoebill stork can be recognised by its long legs
by the client. and broad wings.

Sentence Improvement 180 YCT

440. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie on the idea of kesâ
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If mLeeve hej at the idea of ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Delight kesâ meeLe
there is no need to substitute it, select No
GefÛele Preposition 'at' nesiee~
They dissuaded me of visiting the War Correct Sentence -
Memorial but I really wanted to see it. The boys were delighted at the idea of going to Goa.
(a) of visit (b) No improvement 444. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) from visiting (d) to visiting the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I) there is no need to substitute it, select No
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie of visiting kesâ mLeeve The children are too young to sit up a long
hej from visiting keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ dissuade lecture.
somebody + from + VIng form keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ (a) sit across (b) sit through
Correct Sentence - (c) No improvement (d) sit away
They dissuaded me from visiting the War Memorial but SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III)
I really wanted to see it. Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie sit up kesâ mLeeve hej sit
441. Select the most appropriate option to substitute through (Devle lekeâ ™keâvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Sit up- G"vee
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If ‘Sit through’ – To stay until the end of a performance,
there is no need to substitute it, select No speech, etc.
improvement. Note- too + adj + to keâe ØeÙeesie sentence keâes Negative yevee
Two senior officers have been entrusted with
the responsibility by organize the reception of
oslee nw~
the guest. Correct Sentence–
(a) No improvement (b) for organize The children are too young to sit through a long lecture.
(c) of organizing (d) to organizing 445. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II) the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'NO
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie by organize kesâ
mLeeve hej for organizing keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Sele, is a near extinct language, spoken for just
responsibility kesâ meeLe for (preposition) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ five villages in Nepal, which lie close to Tibet.
neslee nw~ (a) spoken out (b) spoken in
Correct Sentence - (c) No improvement (d) spoken of
Two senior officers have been entrusted with the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I)
responsibility for organize the reception of the guest. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'Spoken for' kesâ
442. Select the most appropriate option to substitute mLeeve hej 'spoken in' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, ÙeneB spoken for (kesâ
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If efueS yeesuee peelee nw~) kesâ mLeeve hej spoken in (ceW yeesuee peelee
there is no need to substitute it, select No
nw) mener nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ DeLe& ‘‘ieeBJe ceW Yee<ee yeesues peeves keâe’’ nw
He tried to prevent his friend to smoke. Correct Sentence–
(a) from smoking (b) No improvement Sele, is a near extinct language, spoken in just five
(c) smoking (d) to smoking villages in Nepal, which lie close to Tibet.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II) 446. Select the alternative that will improve the
underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe ceW Prevent kesâ meeLe GheÙegòeâ Preposition
no improvement select 'No improvement'.
'from' nesiee~ From kesâ yeeo verb keâe Gerund form (v + ing) keâe Priya has been working in this school from
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Prevent from- efkeâmeer Ûeerpe mes jeskeâvee~ June 2017.
Correct Sentence– (a) for June 2017 (b) No improvement
He tried to prevent his friend from smoking. (c) on June 2017 (d) since June 2017
443. Select the most appropriate option to substitute SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II)
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ sentence 'present perfect continuous
there is no need to substitute it, select No tense' keâe nw Deewj sentence kesâ underlined part ceW starting
point of action pees present ceW Yeer continue Yeer nw Dele:
The boys were delighted on the idea of going to
Goa. from June 2017 kesâ mLeeve hej since June 2017 keâe ØeÙeesie
(a) at the idea of (b) on an idea of GefÛele nw~
(c) at an idea of (d) No improvement Correct Sentence–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II) Priya has been working in this school since June 2017.

Sentence Improvement 181 YCT

447. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (a) across the top branch in the tree
the underlined segment in the given sentence. (b) No improvement
All the employees of the nationalized bank are (c) in a top branch of a tree
in strike. (d) on the top branch of the tree
(a) by (b) with SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) for (d) on Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie over the top
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I) branch of a tree kesâ mLeeve hej on the top branch of the tree
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie in kesâ mLeeve hej keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw ÙeneB preposition ‘over’ kesâ mLeeve hej 'on'
"on" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘on strike’ (nÌ[leeue hej) Skeâ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB DeLe& ‘Je=#e kesâ meyemes Thejer MeeKee hej’
Idiomatic use nw~ keâe DeLe& yeve jne nw~
Correct Sentence Correct Sentence–
All the employees of the nationalzed bank are on Finally, Ananya found her pet kitten on the top branch
strike. of the tree in their garden.
448. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 451. Select the option that will improve the
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If underlined part of the sentence. In case no
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No improvement is needed, select 'No
improvement'. improvement'.
The week-long Theatre Festival has begun with As we' ve been neighbours, I have known Mrs.
a wonderful lines of plays. Shashi Singh since more than 16 years.
(a) No imrovement (b) lined up (a) No improvement
(c) lines up (d) line up (b) for more than 16 years
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II) (c) from more than 16 years
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie "lines of kesâ (d) by more than 16 years
mLeeve hej "line up" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ subject plural SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(plays) nw FmeefueS verb Yeer plural (line up) nesieer~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie Since more than
Correct Sentence 16 years kesâ mLeeve hej 'for more than 16 years' keâe ØeÙeesie
The week-long Theatre Festival has begun with a nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ period of time keâes JÙeòeâ keâjves kesâ efueS for keâe
wonderful line up plays. ØeÙeesie nesvee ÛeeefnS~
449. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Correct Sentence -
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If As we have been neighbours, I have known Mrs.
there is no need to substitute it, select No Shashi Singh for more than 16 years.
improvement. 452. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
Lata told to her team leader that she would be No mention was made (to a) key amendment to
leaving office early as she had some urgent the Constitution to accommodate demands that
personal work. had been defeated just last Monday.
(a) Lata tell to her team leader (a) of a (b) in a
(b) Lata telling to her team leader (c) by a (d) No improvement
(c) Lata told her team leader SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I)
(d) No improvement
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ Meyo ‘to a’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘of a’ keâe ØeÙeesie
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III)
GheÙegòeâ nesiee,keäÙeesefkeâ make kesâ meeLe of (preposition) keâe ØeÙeesie
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie told to her kesâ
GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~
mLeeve hej told her keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ told verb Correct Sentence -
kesâ yeeo efkeâmeer preposition keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw Fmekesâ yeeo No mention was made of a key amendment to the
indirect object Deelee nw~ Constitution to accommodate demands that had been
Correct Sentence– defeated just last Monday.
Lata told her team leader that she would be leaving 453. It includes a (decision of the status) of British
office early as she had some urgent personal work. and EU migrants resident in their respective
450. Select the option that will improve the territories
underlined part of the sentence. In case no (a) decision to the status
improvement is needed, select 'No (b) decision on the status
improvement'. (c) decision of the status
Finally, Ananya found her pet kitten over the (d) No improvement
top branch of a tree in their garden. SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III)

Sentence Improvement 182 YCT

Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie decision of the We found out that our competitors were selling
status kesâ mLeeve hej decision on the status keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, product on a much higher price.
(a) No substitution required.
keäÙeeWefkeâ efkeâmeer yeele hej efveCe&Ùe uesves kesâ efueS decision kesâ meeLe (b) at a more high price.
ncesMee on keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (c) in highest price.
Correct Sentence– (d) at a much higher price.
It includes a decision on the status of British and EU SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I)
migrants resident in their respective territories
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie on a much higher
454. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
price kesâ mLeeve hej at a much higher price ØeÙeesie nesiee,
The terms of a future partnership would be
vastly (inferior on) comparison with the benefit keäÙeeWefkeâ 'At' keâe ØeÙeesie efJeefMe° efmLeefle Ùee meceÙe mes hejs kesâ
of full membership. condition ceW keâjles nw peneB sentence ceW much higher than a
(a) inferior by (b) inferior to specfic price keâe efpe›eâ nw~
(c) inferior in (d) No improvement Correct Sentence–
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II) We found out that our competitors were selling
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ Bracket part ceW inferior on kesâ product at a much higher price.
mLeeve hej inferior to keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ inferior 458. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
kesâ meeLe ncesMee preposition 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No
Correct Sentence–
The terms of a future partnership would be vastly
Eight people were injured after a tempo
inferior to comparison with the benefit of full
membership. rammed into a car on the highway.
(a) rammed with
455. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. (b) rammed by
Nothing (show on) the ineptness of the state (c) rams in
more than unpreparedness in the face of (d) No improvement
predictable events. SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Showa off (b) shows in
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie Rammed into keWâ
(c) shows up (d) No improvement
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I) mLeeve hej rams in keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ram (škeâjevee) kesâ
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ Meyo Show on kesâ mLeeve hej 'Shows up' keâe meeLe fixed preposition 'in' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
ØeÙeesie mener nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Shows up keâe DeLe& neslee nw, ‘efoKeeF& oslee Correct sentence -
Eight people were injured after a tempo rams in a car
nw~’ pees Sentence keâe mener DeLe& os jne nw~ on the highway.
DevÙe efJekeâuhe ›eâceMe: 459. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Shows off (efoKeeJee) the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Shows in (efoKeeJes ceW) there is no need to substitute it, select No
Correct Sentence– improvement.
Nothing shows up the ineptness of the state more than You must apologise with him for this.
unpreparedness in the face of predictable events. (a) No Improvement (b) from
456. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (c) of (d) to
the underlined segment in the given in the SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
given sentence. If there is no need to substitute Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'with' kesâ mLeeve hej
it, select No Improvement. 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Apologise kesâ meeLe Fixed
Friends stand by each other on time of need.
preposition 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(a) No Improvement (b) in times
(c) for time (d) of times Correct sentence–
You must apologise to him for this.
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
460. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
'in times' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ there is no need to substitute it, select No
Correct sentence - Improvement.
Friends stand by each other in times of need. Mr. Kansal has been living in Delhi since 10
457. Select the most appropriate option to substitute years.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (a) until (b) for
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No (c) No Improvement (d) from
substitution required'. SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Sentence Improvement 183 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'since' kesâ mLeeve hej (a) in (b) of
for keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ, Deefveef§ele meceÙe (Period of time) (c) No Improvement (d) on
efoKeeves kesâ efueS for keâe use efkeâÙee peelee nw ve efkeâ since keâe~ SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence– Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie within kesâ mLeeve hej
Mr. Kansal has been living in Delhi for 10 years. of (preposition) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ age ‘hetjs nesves kesâ’
461. Select the most appropriate option to substitute sense ceW 'of' leLee age ‘keâce nesves kesâ’ sense ceW 'within' keâe
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If ØeÙeesie preposition kesâ ™he ceW GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~
there is no need to substitute it, select No Correct Sentence–
Improvement. Who can prevent you from getting married now that
Applications are invited to eligible candidates you are of age ?
for the post of Vice Principal in a reputed
465. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(a) No Improvement (b) invited by
there is no need to substitute it, select No
(c) inviting from (d) invited from
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Garima live at the 25th floor.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie invited to kesâ mLeeve (a) is living in (b) live in
hej invited from keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ invited (c) lives on (d) No improvement
something + from + somebody keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence– Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'live at' kesâ mLeeve hej
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for 'lives on' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
the post of Vice Principal in a reputed school.
Correct sentence -
462. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Garima lives on the 25th floor.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No 466. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Improvement. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
She insisted to driving her kids to school. there is no need to substitute it, select No
(a) insist on (b) insisted on improvement.
(c) insist to (d) No Improvement Manish has not been attending the class for last
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III) month.
(a) since last (b) No improvement
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie insist kesâ meeLe
(c) from last (d) throughout later
Preposition 'on' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ efpemekeâe DeLe& neslee nw SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
‘Dee«en keâjvee Ùee ceebie keâjvee’~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ underlined word 'for last' kesâ mLeeve hej
Correct sentence-
'since last' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘last month’
She insisted on driving her kids to school.
point of time nw~
463. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Since+last/month/year/week/for+the last+month/year/week
there is no need to substitute it, select No Correct Sentence–
Improvement. Manish has not been attending the class since last
The government seems to have no interest for month.
the welfare of the common man.
467. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(a) any interest in (b) no interest to
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(c) No improvement (d) no interest in
there is no need to substitute it, select No
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie interest kesâ meeLe 'in' Tommy's eyes grew wide on a sight of the new
keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ Dele: no interest for kesâ mLeeve hej 'no bicycle.
interest in' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (a) at the sight of (b) at a sight of
Correct Sentence– (c) on the sight of (d) No improvement
The government seems to have no interest in the SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
welfare of the common man.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘on a sight of’ kesâ
464. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
efueÙes 'at the sight of' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No GheÙegòeâ nw~
Improvement. Correct Sentence–
Who can prevent you from getting married Tommy's eyes grew wide at the sight of the new
now that you are within age ? bicycle.
Sentence Improvement 184 YCT
468. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the 472. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
underlined segment in the given sentence. If there the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
is no need to substitute it, select No improvement. there is no need to substitute, it select No
The little girl fall off from the terrace. improvement.
(a) fell below from (b) fell under While the teacher was scrutinizing the sums,
(c) fell from (d) No improvement Swaminathan was gazing on his face.
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I) (a) gaze on (b) No improvement
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie fall off from kesâ (c) gazed at (d) gazing at
mLeeve hej fell from keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Yeeie Fall from (something)- to drop from something at Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie gazing 'on' kesâ
some height or to fall of someone or something. mLeeve hej gazing 'at' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeesbefkeâ ‘gaze’ kesâ meeLe
Correct Sentence– 'at' 'preposition' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
The little girl fell from the terrace. Correct Sentence -
469. Select the most appropriate option to substitute While the teacher was scrutinizing the sums,
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Swaminathan was gazing at his face.
there is no need to substitute it, select No 473. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
improvement. the underlined segment. If there is no need to
I'll be at the parlour near 5 pm. substitute it, select No Improvement.
(a) along (b) No improvement The child smile on her mother.
(c) till (d) unless (a) No Improvement (b) smiled at
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II) (c) is smiling over (d) smiles on
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie near kesâ mLeeve hej SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
till keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘till’ is used for a point of time. Ans. (b) : efoS ieS JeekeäÙe ceW smile kesâ efueS 'at' preposition
(efJeMes<e meceÙe lekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ 5 P.M. Skeâ keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee~
point of time keâes show keâjlee nw~ Smiled at (sb) means– 'the smile was caused by
Correct sentence - someone'.
I'll be at the parlour till 5 P.M. Correct Sentence–
470. Select the most appropriate option to substitute The child smile at her mother.
the underlined segment. If there is no need to 474. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
subsstitute it, select No improvement. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
She is extremely fond about chocolate and there is no need to substitute it, select No
cookies. improvement.
(a) No improvement The two thieves divided the loot among
(b) She is to fond of themselves.
(c) She is extreme fond of (a) between themselves (b) with them
(d) She is extremely fond of (c) No improvement (d) among them
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie fond about kesâ Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe ceW 'among themselves' kesâ mLeeve
mLeeve hej fond of keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'found' kesâ meeLe hej 'between themselves' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
fixed proposition 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie nessiee~ Rule - Among -Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie oes mes DeefOekeâ JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ efueÙes
Correct sentence– neslee nw~
She is extremely fond of chocolate and cookies.
Between - Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie oes JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ efueÙes neslee nw~
471. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Correct sentence -
the underlined segment. If there is no need to
The two thieves divided the loot between themselves.
substitute it, select No improvement.
I would be eternally indebted from you if you 475. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
could help me. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(a) indebted in you (b) indebted to you there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
substitution required'.
(c) indebted for you (d) No improvement
You can buy a plastic cover to put into your
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
computer if you're worried about dust.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'indebted from you' (a) put above
kesâ mLeeve hej 'indebted to you' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Indebted (b) No substitution required
($e+Ceer) kesâ meeLe 'Fixed Proposition' 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw (c) put onto
Correct sentence- (d) put over
''I would be eternally indebted to you if you could help me.'' SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Sentence Improvement 185 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ ØeMve ceW Computer keâes plastic cover mes My favourite novelist in all was Charles
Ì{bkeâves keâe DeLe& yeve jne nw~ Dele: ÙeneB 'put into' kesâ mLeeve hej Dickens, who really left his mark on me.
(a) No improvement
'put over' (Thej jKevee) nesvee ÛeeefnS~
(b) My favourite novelist of all
Correct Sentence -
(c) My favourite novelist between all
You can buy a plastic cover to put over your computer
(d) My favourite novelist at all
if you're worried about dust.
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
476. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie favourite novelist
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No in all kesâ mLeeve hej My favourite novelist of all keâe ØeÙeesie
substitution required'. nesiee~ pees efkeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
Suresh thought of a splendid idea to celebrate correct sentence–My favourite novelist of all was
his parent's anniversary. Charles Dickens, who really left his mark on me.
(a) think about a 480. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(b) No substitution required the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(c) thought of there is no need to substitute it, select No
(d) thought at the improvement.
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II) The movie Uri tells the story of a surgical strike
Ans. (b) : No Improvement. by the Indian army towards militants in POK.
Note- Think kesâ meeLe preposition 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee (a) for militants in POK
nw peye efkeâmeer Idea (efJeÛeej) kesâ yeejs ceW yeleevee neslee nw~ (b) No improvement.
477. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (c) against militants in POK
the underlined in the given sentence. If there is (d) over militants at POK
no need to substitute it, select 'No substitution SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III)
required'. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie towards militants
Charles Dickens writes for the terrible effects in POK kesâ mLeeve hej against militants in POK keâe ØeÙeesie
in industrialization on people's lives. GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ efJe®æ, efKeueeheâ, Meyo kesâ efueS against
(a) is writing with
preposition keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
(b) wrote about
(c) No substitution required Correct Sentence–
(d) was writing of The movie Uri tells the story of a surgical strike by the
Indian army against militants in POK.
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'writes
I. Voice and Narration
for' kesâ mLeeve hej 'wrote about' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence
ceW simple past tense keâe sense nw~ FmeefueS verb 'V2' 481. Select the most appropriate option to improve
(wrote) Deewj JeekeäÙe ceW wrote kesâ meeLe Preposition 'about' keâe the underlined segment in the given sentence.
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ IF there is no need to improve it, select 'No
Wrote about something/someone
He was considered a genius by his school
Correct Sentence–Charles Dickens wrote about the
terrible effects in industrialization on people's lives.
(a) was considering
478. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(b) No improvement
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(c) was to be considered
there is no need to substitute it, select. No
improvement (d) was been considered
The Indian forces are known for their bravery. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(a) force are known for (b) forces are know of Ans. (b) : No improvement
(c) No improvement (d) forces in known for 482. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III) (It is been seen) as a "prestige battle" for the
Ans. (c) : No improvement PM and a litmus test for the president of the
Note- * be known for something opposition party.
* be known to somebody (a) It have been seen
479. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (b) It is being seen
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (c) It had being seen
there is no need to substitute it, select No (d) No improvement
Improvement SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Sentence Improvement 186 YCT
Ans. (b) Bracket ceW efoÙes ieÙes MeyoeW (It is been seen) kesâ mLeeve Correct Sentence–
hej (It is being seen) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe I courteously asked her where she was going but she
did not reply.
present continuous tense keâe passive voice nw~ efpemekeâe
structure efvecve nw~ 486. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Subject +is/am/are + being + verb3 + others the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Correct Sentence - there is no need to substitute it, select no
It is being seen as a "Prestige battle" for the PM and a substitution required
litmus test for the president of the opposition party. The banquet hall is been renovate recently.
(a) is being renovated
483. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(b) has been renovated
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(c) no substitution required
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
improvement’. (d) are being renovate
Rohit Sharma have declared the best batsman SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III)
of 2019. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie is been renovate
(a) had declared (b) has been declared kesâ mLeeve hej has been renovated ØeÙegkeäle nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
(c) No improvement (d) is declaring sentence passive voice keâer jÛevee hej DeeOeeefjle nw~ efveÙecele:
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II) keâesF& keâeÙe& neue ner (recently) hetje ngDee nes lees Gmekesâ efueS verb
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie have declared kesâ present perfect ceW ner ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
mLeeve hej has been declared keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Øeoòe Correct Sentence–
JeekeäÙe passive form keâer jÛevee hej DeeOeeefjle nw~ Dele: have kesâ The banquet hall has been renovated recently.
mLeeve hej sSingular sub. kesâ meeLe 'has been' ØeÙegòeâ neskeâj 487. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
passive form yevesiee~ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Correct Sentence– there is no need to substitute it, select No
Rohit Sharma has been declared the best batsman of improvement.
2019. On inspection a hundred year old bridge was
being find too weak to take the load of lakhs of
484. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
vehicles every day.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(a) was being found (b) No improvement
there is no need to substitute it, select No
(c) was found to be (d) has to be found
It has been announcing that the bus will be late SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
by an hour. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie was being find kesâ
(a) No improvement mLeeve hej was being found keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe
(b) It is announcing passive voice keâe sense JÙeòeâ keâj jne nw Deewj being kesâ yeeo
(c) It has announced VIIIrd form keâe use neslee nw~
(d) It has been announced Correct Sentence–
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II) On inspection a hundred year old bridge was being
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie cebs it has been found too weak to take the load of lakhs of vehicles
announcing kesâ mLeeve hej it has been announced nesiee~ every day.
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe format passive voice ceW nw, FmeefueS It has
been announced keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (has been + V3) J. Noun (Case, Gender, Number)
Correct Sentence– It has been announced that the bus
will be late by an hour. 488. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
485. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the bracketed segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined segment. If there is no need to there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
substitute it, select No improvement. substitution required'.
I courteously asked her where was she going The Yoruba was (one of the west African city-
but she did not reply. state culture).
(a) she was going (b) was she gone (a) No substitution required
(c) No improvement (d) will she go (b) one of a west African city-state cultures
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II) (c) one of the west's African city-state culture
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘was she going’ (d) one of the west African city-state cultures
kesâ mLeeve hej ‘she was going’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Note - Indirect sentence ceW Conjunction (Wh-word) kesâ Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ bracket ceW (One of the west
yeeo Interrogative Sentence kesâ mLeeve hej Assertive African city– state culture) kesâ mLeeve hej (One of the west
Sentence ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ African city – State cultures) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ One of kesâ

Sentence Improvement 187 YCT

yeeo Plural noun keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ Dele: 'Culture' (singular noun) 492. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
kesâ mLeeve hej Plural Noun 'Cultures' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
sentence is grammatically correct.
One of + plural noun + singular verb None of the witnessed could identify the
Correct Sentence– suspect.
The yoruba was (one of the west african city state (a) No improvement
cultures). (b) witness had identify
489. Select the most appropriate option that can (c) witnessed could identified
substitute the underlined segment in the given (d) witnesses could identify
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
select 'No substitution'. Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'witnessed
Some passengers misplaced their luggages could identify' kesâ mLeeve hej 'witnesses could indentify' keâe
before boarding the train. ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'none of' kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeuee Noun 'plural
(a) No substitution
form' ceW neslee nQ~ Dele: 'witnessed' kesâ mLeeve 'witnesses' keâe
(b) misplaced his luggages
(c) misplaces their luggages ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
(d) misplaced their luggage Correct Sentence–
SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II) None of the witnesses could identify the suspect.
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'misplaced their 493. Select the word segment that substitutes
(replaces) the bracketed word segment
luggages' kesâ mLeeve hej 'misplaced their luggage' keâe ØeÙeesie correctly and completes the sentence
nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Uncountable noun (luggage, baggage, meaningfully. In case no improvement is
information, advice, furniture) kesâ meeLe s/es keâe ØeÙeesie veneR needed, select 'No improvement'.
neslee nw Fvekeâe ØeÙeesie ncesMee singular form ceW efkeâÙee peelee nQ~ To be ready for a conflict (is one of the most
Dele: 'luggages' kesâ mLeeve hej 'luggage' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ effectual mean of) preserving harmony.
(a) No improvement
Correct sentence–
(b) is one of most effectual means of
Some passengers misplaced thier luggage before (c) is one of the most effectual means of
boarding the train.
(d) is one of most effectual mean with
490. Select the most appropriate option that can SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III)
substitute the underlined words in the given
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'is one of the
She has gone to the stationary store to buy a most effectual mean of' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is one of the most
scissor. effectual means of' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'one of the' kesâ
(a) buy a pair of scissor yeeo 'plural noun' SJeb singular verb keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw Dele:
(b) buy a scissors singular noun (mean) kesâ mLeeve hej plural noun (means) keâe
(c) buying a pair of scissors ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle neslee nw~
(d) buy a pair of scissors Note – One of the + plural noun + singular verb.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III) Correct sentence–
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'buy a scissor' To be ready for a conflict (is one of most effectual
kesâ mLeeve hej 'by a pair of scissors' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ means of) preserving harmony.
'scissors' keâes Singular yeveeves kesâ efueS 'a pair of' keâes Fmekesâ 494. Select the word segment that substitutes
(replaces) the bracketed word segment
henues peesÌ[e peelee nQ~ correctly and completes the sentence
Correct Sentence– meaningfully. In case no improvement is
She has gone to the stationary store to buy a pair of needed, select 'No improvement'.
scissors. (That's one of the strongest swear word) in
491. Improve the underlined part of the sentence. Spanish.
Choose ‘No improvement’ as an answer if the (a) That is of the strongest swear words
sentence is grammatically correct. (b) That's the strongest swear words
I didn't have times to watch the whole movie. (c) That's one of the strongest swear words
(a) time to watch (b) timer to watched (d) No improvement
(c) time to watching (d) No improvement SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV) Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ bracket ceW (that's one of the
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'times to watch' kesâ strongest swear word) kesâ mLeeve hej (that's one of the
mLeeve hej 'time to watch' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'time' strongest swear words) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'one of the'
uncountable noun nw Dele: Fmekesâ meeLe 's/es' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw kesâ yeeo plural noun (words) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
FmeefueS 'times' kesâ mLeeve hej 'time' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ Note – One of the + plural noun + singular verb.
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence–
I didn't have time to watch the whole movie. (that's one of the strongest swear words) in Spanish.

Sentence Improvement 188 YCT

495. Improve the underlined part of the sentence. Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Regulative (Adj) Je new (Adj)
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the oesveeW Skeâ meeLe DeeÙes nw pees sentence structure kesâ Rules mes ieuele
sentence is grammatically correct.
She cuts her haired short in the summer.
nw~ New (Adj) kesâ yeeo ncesMee Noun keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Dele:
(a) hair short (b) hairy short regulative kesâ mLeeve hej regulation (noun) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(c) No improvement (d) hair shortest Correct Sentence–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II) The Centre would reconsider its draft and limit its scope
to just providing relief to women, instead of creating a
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'haired short' kesâ
new regulation.
mLeeve hej 'hair short' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ noun 'hair' keâes
499. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
Possessive pronoun 'her' modify keâj jne nw Dele: 'haired'
"An interview after the campaign ends (is the
(adjective) kesâ mLeeve hej 'hair' (noun) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
normal) for every candidate and every
Correct Sentence– campaigner in every election," he said.
She cuts her hair short in the summer. (a) is the norm (b) is the norm ally
496. Select the option that will improve the (c) is continuality (d) No improvement
underlined part of the given sentence. In case SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
no improvement is needed, select 'No
inprovement required'. Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Bracket part ceW
My company beliefs that no one should up late normal (meeOeejCe) kesâ mLeeve hej norm (keâmeewšer) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
for work. pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
(a) believing Correct Sentence–
(b) believes “An interview after the campaign ends is the norm for
(c) No improvement required every candidate and every campaigner in every
(d) belief election”, he said.
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III 500. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'beliefs' kesâ mLeeve The tribunal noted that the driver of the
hej 'believes' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Subject kesâ yeeo (offend) truck did not lead any evidence in
verb keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ Noun keâe veneR, FmeefueS 'beliefs' rebuttal of the claims.
(Plural noun) kesâ mLeeve hej Singular subject (my company) (a) offencing (b) offending
kesâ efueS Singular verb 'believes' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ (c) offence (d) No improvement
Correct Sentence– SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
My company believes that no one should up late for Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Bracket part ceW ‘offend’ kesâ mLeeve
work. hej 'offending' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ offending as an
497. Select the alternative that will improve the adjective ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Gmekesâ yeeo noun 'truck' keâe
underlined part of the sentence in case there is ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~
no improvement select “No improvement”.
In the major cities cost of life is very high. Correct Sentence -
(a) cost of life are (b) the cost of living are The tribunal noted that the driver of the offending truck
(c) No improvement (d) the cost of living is did not lead any evidence in rebuttal of the claims.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) 501. Select the alternative that will improve the
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "cost of life is" kesâ mLeeve hej underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
no improvement select 'No improvement'.
"the cost of living is" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peerefJekeâe kesâ
I had no informations about the bank strike so
sense ceW life kesâ mLeeve hej 'living' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Deewj cost I went there yesterday.
kesâ henues the keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes noun of mes pegÌ[W (a) not got informations about
neW lees ØeLece noun kesâ henues the keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (b) no informations concerning
Correct Sentence– In the major cities the cost of (c) no information about
living is very high. (d) No improvement
498. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
The Centre would reconsider its draft and limit Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie no informations
its scope to just providing relief to women, about kesâ mLeeve hej no information about keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
(instead of creating a new regulative).
(a) instead of creating a new regulatory nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ information, scenery, Luggage, etc keâe plural
(b) instead of making a new regulator form veneR neslee nw~ Dele: Fvekesâ Devle ceW s/es veneR ueielee nw~
(c) instead of creating a new regulation Correct Sentence–
(d) No improvement I had no information about the bank strike so I went
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 there yesterday.

Sentence Improvement 189 YCT

502. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 505. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No there is no need to substitute it, select No
improvement', improvement.
The Delhi Birla International School alumnus The student's knowing of the subject
occupy leading positions in different areas of astonished the teacher.
profession and service. (a) students knowing
(a) alummus occupies (b) alumni occupy (b) student's knowledge
(c) No improvement (d) alumnus occupying (c) students knowledge
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II) (d) No improvement
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW "alumnus occupy" kesâ mLeeve hej SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
"alumni occupy" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeesefkeâ "alumni" Skeâ Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'knowing' kesâ mLeeve
Plural noun nw~ Deewj JeekeäÙe ceW ''alumni'' (Plural noun) keâer hej knowledge keâe ØeÙees ie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Apostrophe ('s) kesâ
yeele nes jner nw~ yeeo noun keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Dele: JeekeäÙe ceW knowledge
Correct Sentence– (noun) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
The Delhi Birla International School alumni occupy Correct Sentence–
leading positions in different areas of profession and ''The student's knowledge of the subject astonished the
service. teacher.''
503. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 506. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No there is no need to substitute it, select No
improvement'. improvement.
India has lost a veteran actor with the deceased In case of actual requirement, there is a dearth
of Shriram Lagoo. of woman army officer in our state.
(a) No improvement (b) bereavement (a) women army officer
(c) expired (d) demise (b) woman army officers
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II) (c) no improvement
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'deceased' kesâ (d) women army officers
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II)
mLeeve hej 'Demise' – (ce=lÙeg/Fblekeâeue/osneJemeeve) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele
nesiee~ Ans. (d) : Ghejes ò eâ JeekeäÙ e kes â YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe ceW woman
ÙeneB deceased– (ce=le) kesâ mLeeve hej demise ce=lÙeg nesvee ÛeeefnS, army officer kesâ mLeeve hej women army officers keâe ØeÙeesie
keäÙeeWefkeâ Article the kesâ yeeo Noun DeeSiee ve efkeâ Adjective GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB plural noun keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~
Note – Woman officer keâe plural form yeveeves kesâ efueÙes oesveeW
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&–
MeyoeW keâe plural yeveeles nQ~ pewmes – Women officers
Bereavement – Meeskeâ/iece~
Correct Sentence
Expired – ce=le/JewOelee keâer meceeefhle~ In case of actual requirement, there is a dearth of
Correct Sentence - women army officers in our state.
India has lost a veteran actor with the demise of
Shriram Lagoo.
K. Miscellaneous
504. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. if 507. Select the word segment that substitutes
there is no need to substitute is, select No (replaces) the bracketed word segment
improvement. correctly and completes the sentence
Tons of sheep were grazing in the field. meaningfully. Select the option 'no correction
(a) Numerous sheeps required' if the sentence is correct as given.
(b) A flock of sheep He (returned back) Cambridge shortly before
(c) No improvement three o'clock.
(d) Many sheeps (a) appeared (b) showed
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) (c) No correction required (d) reached
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes sentence - 'Tons of sheep were SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I)
grazing in the field.' kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘ Tons of sheep’ kesâ Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ bracket ceW 'returned back' kesâ
mLeeve hej 'A flock of sheep' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ the word mLeeve hej 'reached' (verb3) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ
'flock' (Pegb[) peeveJejeW kesâ group kesâ efueÙes ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'reached' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence–
A flock of sheep were grazing in the field. He (reached) Cambridge shortly before three o'clock.
Sentence Improvement 190 YCT
508. Improve the underlined part of the sentence. 512. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the Choose ‘No improvement’ as an answer if the
sentence is grammatically correct. sentence is grammatically correct.
The most worrying aspect of climate change is She works for eight hours every weekday.
the effect it has on the world's food supply. (a) No improvement (b) for eighth hours
(a) No improvement (c) of eighth hour (d) for eight hourly
(b) A most worry aspect SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II)
(c) A worried aspects Ans. (a) : No improvement
(d) The most worrying aspect Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'for eight hours' ceW keâesF&
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III)
heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'for' 'duration of time' keâes yeleelee nQ
Ans. (a) : No improvement
Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'The most worrying aspect' pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW mener nQ~
ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe grammar keâer Âef° mes 513. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
hetCe&leÙe: mener nw~ Choose ‘No improvement’ as an answer if the
sentence is grammatically correct.
509. Improve the underlined part of the sentence. The Tagore House is rehearsing a skit for the
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the school’s Annual Day Function.
sentence is grammatically correct.
(a) was rehearse a skit
It is the most effective means of mass
communication. (b) No improvement
(a) the most effectively (b) a most effectives (c) is rehearsed an skit
(c) a most effecting (d) No improvement (d) has been rehearsing a skits
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I) SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : No Improvement Ans. (b) : No improvement
Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'the most effective ceW keâesF& Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'is rehearsing a skit' ceW keâesF&
heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Grammar keâer Âef° mes JeekeäÙe mener nQ~ heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ grammar keâer Âef° mes verb keâe
510. Improve the underlined part of the sentence. ØeÙeesie mener nw~
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the 514. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
sentence is grammatically correct. the bracketed segment in the given sentence. If
Drive two blocks and turn right at the traffic there is no need to substitute it, select 'no
lights. substitution required'. The query isn't
(a) turn right in (b) No improvement (whether he will admit it, but when).
(c) turns right at (d) turn rightly at (a) whether he will admit it or not, but when?
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III) (b) whether he will be admitting it or not, but
Ans. (b) : No improvement when?
Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'turn right at' ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve (c) No substitution required
veneR nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe 'grammar' keâer Âef° mes mener nQ~ (d) whether or nor he will admit it, but when?
511. Improve the underlined part of the sentence. SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
Choose ‘No improvement’ as an answer if the Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ bracket (whether he will admit it,
sentence is grammatically correct. but when) ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~ Dele: JeekeäÙe mener nw~
Cell phones keeps loved ones and those nearly
them well connected. 515. Select the most appropriate option that can
(a) keep loved ones and those near substitute the underlined segment in the given
(b) keeping loved and nearly sentence.
(c) kept love and near They took a while to establish the threat.
(d) No improvement (a) Recognise the threat
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I) (b) manifest the threat
(c) Negotiate the threat
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'keeps loved
(d) Move the threat
ones and those nearly' kesâ mLeeve hej 'keep loved ones and
SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II)
those near' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'cell phones' keâe ØeÙeesie
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW (establish the
Plural noun kesâ ™he ceW ngDee nw Dele: plural noun kesâ meeLe
plural verb (keep) keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle nesiee SJeb 'nearly' threat) kesâ mLeeve hej 'recognize the threat' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
(adverb) kesâ mLeeve hej 'near' (V1) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'threat' kesâ efueS 'establish' kesâ
Correct Sentence– mLeeve hej 'recognize' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
Call phones keep loved ones and those near them well Correct Sentence–
connected. They took a while to recognize the threat.

Sentence Improvement 191 YCT

516. Select the most appropriate option that can Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'introduces the
substitute the underlined segment in the given characteristics' kesâ mLeeve hej 'defines the personality' keâe
Dogs are the most adorable and lovable beings
ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'defines the
to tie. personality' GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nQ~
(a) Beings to see (b) animals to play Correct Sentence–
(c) organisms to watch (d) pets to keep The way someone talks and behaves defines the
SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV) personality of a person.
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'beings to tie' kesâ 520. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
mLeeve hej 'pets to keep' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe the underlined segment in the given sentence.
Purchasing furniture at a low cost could not
kesâ Devegmeej 'pets to keep' ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~
involve abandoning design or quality.
Correct Sentence– (a) should not entail sacrificing
Dogs are the most adorable and lovable pets to keep. (b) did not provoke compromising
517. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (c) have not done regretting
the underlined segment in the given sentence. (d) cannot force forgetting
The bufotoxin present on a toad's skin can SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I)
irritate you but touching a toad shall not cause
you warts. Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'could not
(a) Was not cause (b) Do not cause involve abandoning kesâ mLeeve hej 'should not entail
(c) Has not given (d) Won't give sacrificing' keâe ØeÙeesie, nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III) Ùen GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nQ~
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'shall not cause' Correct Sentence–
kesâ mLeeve hej 'won't give' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe Purchasing furniture at a low cost should not entail
kesâ Devegmeej 'won't give' keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~ sacrificing design or quality.
Correct Sentence– 521. Select the most appropriate option that can
The bufotoxin present on a toad's skin can irritate you substitute the underlined segment in the given
but touching a toad won't give you warts. sentence.
518. Select the most appropriate option that can I regarded my brother on passing his
substitute the underlined segment in the given graduation examination.
sentence. (a) congratulated (b) disparaged
We should also learn to trust what he says. (c) flattered (d) kowtowed
after all, he is a reformed person now. SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I)
(a) To give someone the benefit of the doubt Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'regarded' kesâ mLeeve
(b) To make matters worse hej 'congratulated' keâe ØeÙeesie nessiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
(c) No pain, no gain 'congratulated' (yeOeeF& efoÙee) GheÙegkeäle DeLe& Øeoeve keâjlee nw~
(d) To wrap our head around something
Correct Sentence–
SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III)
I congratulated my brother on passing his graduation
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'to trust what he examination.
says' kesâ mLeeve hej 'to give someone the benefit of the 522. Select the most appropriate option that can
doubt' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej nceW 'to substitute the underlined segment in the given
give someone the benefit of the dubt' keâes learn keâjvee sentence.
ÛeeefnS~ To enable women to become literate and
Correct Sentence– provide for themselves, education for girls
We should also learn to give someone the benefit of the must be done voluntary.
doubt after all, the is a reformed person now. (a) Made mandatory (b) Enabled extensively
519. Select the most appropriate option that can (c) Kept secret (d) done compulsory
substitute the underlined segment in the given SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV)
sentence. Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'done voluntary'
The way someone talks and behaves introduces kesâ mLeeve hej 'made mandatory' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ
the characteristics of a person. YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej (‘ueÌ[efkeâÙeeW keâer efMe#ee DeefveJeeÙe& (Mandatory)
(a) Symbolises the gestures
(b) Effects the aura nesveer ÛeeefnS, ve keâer mJewefÛÚkeâ Voluntary)~
(c) Defines the personality Correct Sentence–
(d) Postulates the personality To enable women to become literate and provide for the
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II) meelves, education for girls must be made mandatory.

Sentence Improvement 192 YCT

523. Select the most appropriate option that can 526. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
substitute the underlined segment in the given the underlined segment in the following
sentence. sentence.
Land with unoccupied possession is pretending With the harsh words of the boss, Srujan felt
to be more valuable. sad, but his colleague’s words created insult to
(a) are likely to be (b) was similarly to be injury.
(c) is likely to be (d) have likely to be (a) attached insult to injury
SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II) (b) provoked insult to injury
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'is (c) added insult to injury
(d) added injury to insult
pretending to be' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is likely to be' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee,
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I)
keäÙeeWefkeâ 'pretending' (yenevee keâjvee) kesâ mLeeve hej 'likely'
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'created insult
(mebYeeJevee) YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle DeLe& Øeoeve keâjlee nQ~
to injury' kesâ mLeeve hej 'added insult to injury' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
Correct Sentence–
Land with unoccupied possession is likely to be keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen Skeâ Idiom nQ efpemeceW 'created' kesâ mLeeve 'added' keâe
more valuable. ØeÙeesie nesiee, efpemekeâe DeLe& nQ ‘peues ceW vecekeâ efÚÌ[keâvee’ (added
524. Select the most appropriate option that can insult to injury).
substitute the underlined segment in the given Correct Sentence–
sentence. With the harsh words of the boss, srujan left sad, but his
From a recent research, evident is it that a lot collage's words added insult to injury.
more women have been opting for professional 527. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
courses. Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
(a) it is evident that more a lot women sentence is grammatically correct.
(b) it is evident that a lot more women Remember to close the windows before you
(c) it is evidence that a lot more women leave.
(d) it is evidently that a lot more women (a) you leave (b) No improvement
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II) (c) you leaves (d) you have leaving
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'evident is it SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
that a lot more women' kesâ mLeeve hej 'It is evident that a lot Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'you leave' ceW
more momen' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ meeOeejCe JeekeäÙe ceW efkeâmeer Yeer Øekeâej kesâ megOeej keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nQ Dele: JeekeäÙe mener
meJe&ØeLece Subject (It) SJeb Gmekesâ yeeo verb (is) Deewj otmejs Meyo DeLe& Øeoeve keâj jne nQ~
keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ 528. Select the word segment that substitutes
Correct Sentence– (replaces) the bracketed word segment
From a recent research, It is evident that a lot more correctly and complete the sentence
women have been opting for professional courses. meaningfully. Select the option 'no correction
required' if the sentence is correct as given.
525. Select the most appropriate option that can
Titanic (was sink) after midnight.
substitute the underlined segment in the
(a) was drown (b) sunked
following sentence.
As the storm raged outside, the children (c) No correction required (d) drowned
huddled together under blankets, listening to SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
the sound of the rain hitting the windows hard Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'was sink' kesâ
and hoping that the power wouldn’t go out. mLeeve hej 'drowned' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ
(a) climbing up to the windows Devegmeej sentence 'simple past tense SJeb verb 'drowned'
(b) beating off the windows (v2) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(c) setting off the windows
Note– 'Sink' ([gyevee) keâe ØeÙeesie efveefpe&Je Jemleg kesâ efueS efkeâÙee
(d) pounding against the windows
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I) peelee nw peyeefkeâ 'drown' keâe ØeÙeesie mebpeerJe kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'hitting the Correct Sentence–
Titanic drowned after midnight.
windows hard' kesâ mLeeve hej 'pounding against the
529. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
windows' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Ùen
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the
GheÙegkeäle DeLe& Øeoeve keâjlee nQ~ sentence is grammatically correct.
Correct Sentence– I can hear the band which is playing patriotic
As the storm raged outside, the children huddled tunes, in the playground.
together under blankets, listening to the sound of the (a) No improvement (b) patriot tunes
rain pounding against the windows and hoping that the (c) patriotic tuning (d) patriotically tuned
power wouldn't go out. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Sentence Improvement 193 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'patriotic tunes' (a) held out (b) hanged to
efkeâmeer Yeer Øekeâej kesâ megOeej keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR ner nQ DeLee&led (c) hanged in (d) get off
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III
Grammar keâer Âef° mes JeekeäÙe hetCe&leÙee mener nQ~
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'passed in' kesâ
530. Improve the underlined part of the sentence.
Choose 'No improvement' as an answer if the mLeeve hej 'held out' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ
sentence is grammatically correct. Devegmeej phrasal verb 'held out' (ØeeflejesOe keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie
The dog chased the ball into the neighbors' ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~
yard. Correct Sentence–
(a) chase the ball (b) No improvement The Ukranian soldier held out in for several week.
(c) chasing the ball (d) has chasing the ball 535. Select the most appropriate option that can
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III) substitute the underlined segment in the given
Ans. (b) : No improvement sentence.
531. Select the option that will improve the I told Pooja that she could have use my car to
underlined part of the sentence. In case no get around while she is in my hometown.
improvement is needed, select 'No (a) that she can use my car to get away with
improvement'. (b) that she could have use my car to get away
Herbalism had become an all but extinct skill (c) that she could have use my car to get around
in the Western world. with
(a) No improvement (d) that she can use my car to get around
(b) Herbalism has become but all an extinct skill SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III
(c) Herbalism become an extinct skill Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'that she could
(d) Herbalism has become but an extinct skill have use my car to get around' kesâ mLeeve hej 'that she can
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II)
use my car to get around' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'is'
Ans. (a) : No improvement
kesâ ØeÙeseie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe sense 'present tense' ceW nw~
532. Select the most appropriate option to improve
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Dele: could have kesâ mLeeve hej 'can' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
there is no need to improve it, select 'no Correct Sentence–
improvement required'. I told pooja that she can use my car to get around while
Learning a poem by heart is meaningless if you she is in my hometown.
do not understand it. 536. Select the most appropriate option that can
(a) To learning a poem at heart substitute the underlined segment in the given
(b) No improvement required sentence. If there is no need to substitute it,
(c) Learning a poem in heart select ‘No substitution required’. At the end of
(d) Learn a poem by heart our first two weeks on the island, we were
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II informed that our lawyers, Bram Fischer and
Ans. (b) : No. improvement required. Joel Joffe, were going to be visiting the
following day.
Note : Fme JeekeäÙe kesâ 'Learning' keâe ØeÙeesie Present participle
(a) we are informed
(V1 + ing) kesâ ™he ceW ngDee nQ~ (b) we were inform
533. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (c) No substitution required
the underline segment in the given sentence. (d) we get inform
The affection of her husband carried her up in SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I
the midst of all her problems. Ans. (c) : No substitution required.
(a) stood her up (b) tore her up
537. Select the option that will improve the
(c) drove her up (d) bore her up
underlined part of the given sentence.
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I
Life is hard, unpredictable, but though
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'carried her up' kesâ manageable.
mLeeve hej bore her up keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'carried' kesâ mLeeve hej (a) though achievable (b) although bearable
'bore' keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ (c) despite practicable (d) still controllable
Correct Sentence– SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II
The affection of her husband bore her up in the midst of Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'though
all her problem.
manageable kesâ mLeeve hej 'still controllable' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
534. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underline segment in the given sentence. keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Ùen GheÙegkeäle DeLe& Øeoeve keâjlee nQ~
The Ukranian soldiers passed in for several Correct Sentence–
weeks. Life is hard unpredictable but still controllable.

Sentence Improvement 194 YCT

538. Select the option that will improve the Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'were frolicking
underlined part of the given sentence. in the park' kesâ mLeeve hej were playing in the garden keâe
I would like to thank you for your coming out ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ frolicking (GÚue-ketâo keâjvee) kesâ mLeeve hej
(Kesuevee) SJeb park kesâ mLeeve hej garden (yeieerÛee) keâe ØeÙeesie YeeJe
(a) for your will come out
(b) for comes out kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
(c) for coming out Correct Sentence–
(d) for you came out Reema and Aasha were playing in the garden.
542. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I
the underlined segment in the given sentence.
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'your' keâe ØeÙeesie
I was carried by her rapturous song.
super loons nw~ peyeefkeâ 'for coming out' keâe ØeÙeesie hetCe& DeLe& os
(a) carried of (b) carried away
jne nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie mes henues 'you' keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~
(c) carried off (d) carried to
pees efkeâ meceeve DeLe& oslee nw~ SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II
Correct Sentence– Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'carried' by kesâ
I would like to thank you for coming out tonight. mLeeve hej carried away' keâe ØeÙeseie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ
539. Select the option that will improve the Devegmeej ‘cew Gmekesâ peesMeerues ieerle (rapturous song) kesâ Éeje
underlined part of the given sentence.
Gòesefpele (carried away) nes jne Lee keâe YeeJe Øeoeve nes jne nw~
In this scene, a close-up shot was taken by the
cameraman for display the emotions. FmeefueS correct sentence kesâ mLeeve hej 'carried away' (Gòesefpele
(a) in order of emotions nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
(b) in order to display the emotions Correct Sentence–
(c) for show of emotions I was carried away her rapturous song.
(d) to show emotions 543. Select the option that will improve the
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I underlined part of the given sentence. In case
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'for display the no improvement is needed, select 'No
improvement required'.
emotions' kesâ mLeeve hej 'in order to display the emotions keâe
Her forty-fourth birthday had just passed,
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'for' kesâ mLeeve hej 'in order unnoticed by all but herself.
to; keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~ (a) had just passed, unnoticed by but all herself
Correct Sentence– (b) has just passed, unnoticed by all herself
In this some, a class up shot was cameraman for in (c) has just passed, unnoticed by but all herself
order to display the emotion. (d) No improvement required
540. Select the most appropriate option to substitute SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
the underline segment in the given sentence. Ans. (d) : No improvement required.
I called of an explanation for his rude 544. Select the most appropriate option that can
behaviour. substitute the underlined segment in the given
(a) called in (b) called into sentence. If there is no need to substitute it,
(c) called out (d) called select 'No substitution required'.
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I I can't make out my mind about taking a
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'called of' kesâ vacation in winter.
mLeeve hej 'called out keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'called out' keâe (a) made out
(b) make up
DeLe& nQ 'to utter aloud' (peesj mes yeesuevee), pees JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ
(c) No substitution required
Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ (d) make on
Correct Sentence– SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III
I called out an explanation for his rude behaviour.
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'make out' kesâ
541. Select the option that will improve the
mLeeve hej 'make up' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'make out' keâe DeLe&
underlined part of the given sentence.
Reema and Aasha were frolicking in the park
nQ–‘mecePevee’ (to understand) Deewj make up keâe DeLe& nw ‘keâneveer
(a) were performing in the garden ieÌ{vee’ (to invert something)~ Dele: make up keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe
(b) were participating in the garden kesâ YeeJe kesâ efueS GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nQ~
(c) were enjoying in the garden Correct Sentence–
(d) were playing in the garden I can't make up my mind about talking a vacation in
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III winter.
Sentence Improvement 195 YCT
545. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 548. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No sentence. If there is no need to substitute it,
substitution required'. select ‘No substitution required’.
It is quite difficult to make on what this doctor Of the two plans submitted by the architect,
writes. this is the one more likely to be accepted.
(a) made on (a) most likely
(b) make out (b) most likelihood
(c) make in (c) No substitution required
(d) No substitution required (d) much likely
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'make on' kesâ Ans. (c) : No substitution required.
mLeeve hej 'make out' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'make out' keâe DeLe& 549. Select the most appropriate option that can
nQ ‘mecePevee’ pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nQ substitute the underlined segment in the given
peyeefkeâ 'make on' keâe DeLe& nQ ‘peejer jKevee’ (to continue) pees sentence. If there is no need to substitute it,
select ‘No substitution required’.
JeekeäÙe kesâ efueS GheÙegkeäle veneR nQ~ None of the boys was willing to admit that he
Correct Sentence– was in the wrong.
It is quite difficult to make out what take doctor writes. (a) admit
546. Select the most appropriate option that can (b) ready to admitting
substitute the underlined segment in the given (c) No substitution required
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, (d) willing to admitting
select 'No substitution required'. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III
The dress may pleasantly be delivered to us at
Ans. (c) : No substitution required
the earliest.
Note– Past continuous tense ceW was/were + V1 + ing
(a) may kindly (b) must pleasantly
(c) might kindly (d) No substitution required form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nQ Deewj Infinitive kesâ ™he ceW ''to + V1''
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II (admit) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'may pleasantly' 550. Select the option that will improve the
kesâ mLeeve hej 'may kindly' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe underlined part of the given sentence. In case
no improvement is needed, select 'No
kesâ Devegmeej 'pleasantly' (uegYeeJeves Ì{ie mes) kesâ mLeeve hej 'kindly'
improvement required'.
(meppeveleehetCe& {bie mes) keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegkeäle nesiee~ We might as well watch a film on TV as there’s
Correct Sentence– nothing much to do.
The dress may kindly be delivered to us at the earliest. (a) No improvement required
547. Select the most appropriate option that can (b) may as well as
substitute the underlined segment in the given (c) may as such
sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, (d) might well
select ‘No substitution required’. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III
In spite of my niece's dog Casper is very Ans. (a) : No improvement required
mischievous, he is lovable.
551. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(a) Nevertheless my niece
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(b) However my nieces
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
(c) No substitution required substitution required.’
(d) Although my niece's A tigress has given birth to a cub in the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I Ranthambore Tiger Reserve, taking the big cat
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'In spite of my population to 78.
niece's kesâ mLeeve hej 'Although my niece's keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee (a) was birthed
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'In spite of' (kesâ yeeJepeto) kesâ (b) No substitution required
mLeeve hej 'Although' (ÙeÅeefhe keâe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ (c) is given births
Correct Sentence– (d) has give birth
Although my niece's dag Casper is very mischievous, SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
he is lovable. Ans. (b) : No substitution required.

Sentence Improvement 196 YCT

552. Select the option that will improve the (a) was cooling and have
underlined part of the given sentence. In case (b) No improvement required
no improvement is needed, select 'No (c) were cool and have
improvement required'. (d) was coolest and has
Carrying an umbrella is not at all a good idea SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I
during thunderstorms.
Ans. (b) : No improvement required.
(a) Carried an umbrella
(b) Carry an umbrella 557. Select the option that will improve the
(c) No improvement required underlined part of the given sentence. In case
(d) Carrying a umbrella no improvement is needed, select 'No
SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I improvement required'.
I don't know why he is such secretly.
Ans. (c) : No improvement required.
(a) are so secretly
553. Select the option that will improve the (b) No improvement required
underlined part of the given sentence. In case
(c) is many secretive
no improvement is needed, select 'No
(d) is so secretive
improvement required'.
Shubham and I were watching football match SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II
in our bedroom. Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'is such
(a) I were watched secretly' kesâ mLeeve hej 'is so secretive' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
(b) I was watching JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'such secretly' kesâ mLeeve hej 'so
(c) me is watching secretive' (Flevee DeefOekeâ SkeâevleefØeÙe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~
(d) No improvement required
Note– 'So' (yengle DeefOekeâ) adverb nw pees adjective 'secretive'
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I
keâe modify keâj jne nw~
Ans. (d) : No improvement required.
Correct Sentence–
554. Select the option that will improve the I don't know why he is so secretive.
underlined part of the given sentence. In case
558. Select the options that will improve the
no improvement is needed, select 'No
underlined part of the given sentence. In case
improvement required'.
no improvement is needed, select 'No
I knew very little Spanish when I came here,
improvement required'.
but I have been learning and can now make
The eighteenth century saw the middle classes
myself understood.
becoming most prosperous.
(a) when I come here, however
(a) been more than
(b) upon arriving her, since
(b) No improvement required
(c) No improvement required
(c) become more
(d) as soon as I came here, but
(d) became most
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II
Ans. (c) : No improvement required
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'becoming
555. Select the option that will improve the
most' kesâ mLeeve hej 'become more' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe
underlined part of the given sentence. In case
no improvement is needed, select 'NO kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'becoming most' kesâ mLeeve hej 'become
improvement required'. more' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee, pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW middle classes
Please consult a doctor before you take any DeefOekeâ mece=æ (more prosperous) nes ieÙes Les keâe YeeJe JÙekeäle
medicine. keâjlee nQ~
(a) consulting Correct Sentence–
(b) consulted The eighteenth century saw the middle class become.
(c) No improvement required 559. Select the option that will improve the
(d) consults underlined part f the given sentence. Incase no
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II improvement is needed, select 'No
Ans. (c) : No improvement required. improvement required'.
556. Select the options that will improve the I am sorry of which my mother said.
underlined part of the given sentence. In case (a) for what
no improvement is needed, select 'No (b) for which
improvement required'. (c) off that
The water at her place was cool and had a (d) No improvement required
metallic taste. SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III
Sentence Improvement 197 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'of which' kesâ 564. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
mLeeve hej 'for what' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'for what' keâe DeLe& the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
nQ pees kegâÚ Yeer (what-ever) pees JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ efueS GheÙegkeäle improvement'.
DeLe& oslee nQ~ It was cloudy in the morning but the sun is
Correct Sentence– shining now.
I am sorry for what my mother said. (a) the sun has shone (b) No improvement
560. Select the option that will improve the (c) the sun were shining (d) a sun is shining
underlined part of the given sentence. In case SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I)
no improvement is needed, select 'No Ans. (b) : No improvement.
improvement required'. Note- JeekeäÙe keâe second clause present tense keâe YeeJe os jne
Why should we give up everything? nw Dele: (is + verb + ing) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(a) gives up
565. Select the option that will improve the underlined
(b) given off segment in the given sentence. In case no
(c) gave at improvement is needed, select 'No improvement'
(d) No improvement required I must have dropped one of my gloves in the car.
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III (a) any (b) No improvement
Ans. (d) : No improvement required. (c) an (d) the
561. Select the option that will improve the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
underlined part of the given sentence. In case Ans. (b) : No improvement.
no improvement is needed, select 'No 566. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
improvement required'. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
The courses provided by the training institute there is no need to substitute it select 'No
were more than enough. substitution required'.
(a) more then enough Fermented vegetables can be stored for about a
(b) more enough year without going bad.
(c) most enough (a) with going bad
(d) No improvement required (b) to go bad
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I (c) No substitution required
Ans. (d) : No improvement required. (d) without going worst
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I)
562. Select the option that will improve the Ans. (c) : No substitution required.
underlined part of the given sentence. In case
567. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
no improvement is needed, select 'No
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
improvement required'.
no substitution is required, select 'No
Grammar is just a natural function of substitution'.
children's brains, and they apply it to whatever Either the bears or the lion has escaped from
they find. the zoo.
(a) No improvement required (a) No substitution
(b) they applied them do (b) have escaped from the zoo
(c) they apply them for (c) are escaped from the zoo
(d) they apply that in (d) is escaped from the zoo
SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : No improvement required. Ans. (a) : No substitution.
563. Select the option that will improve the 568. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
underlined part of the given sentence. In case the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
no improvement is needed, select 'No no substitution is required, select 'No
improvement required'. substitution'.
He went to bed early to get up on time to attend While washing your hands, rub them together
his morning lecture. for 20 seconds to remove the microbes on them.
(a) get up over time (a) the microbes on their
(b) No improvement required (b) the microbes on those
(c) get up for time (c) No substitution
(d) get up at time (d) the microbes on they
SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : No improvement required. Ans. (c) : No substitution.

Sentence Improvement 198 YCT

569. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 574. Select the alternative that will improve the
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If underlined part of the sentence in case there is
no substitution is required, select 'No no improvement select “No improvement”.
substitution'. I had to go to Delhi, however, I changed my
The toy drummer plays the drum if you press mind and decided not to go.
the button at the back. (a) therefore I change my mind
(a) played the drum if you are pressing (b) nevertheless I change my mind
(b) No substitution (c) however I will change my mind
(c) will play the drum if you will press (d) No improvement
(d) playing the drum if you pressed SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I) Ans. (d) : No improvement
Ans. (b) : No substitution. 575. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
570. Select the most appropriate option to improve the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
there is no need to improve it, select 'No substitution required'.
improvement'. I cannot tell you now whether I will be able to
I was being depressed when you called : come or not.
(a) No improvement (b) being depressing (a) in case (b) unless
(c) feeling depressed (d) going depressed (c) because (d) No substitution required
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie being depressed Ans. (d) : No substitution required
kesâ mLeeve hej feeling depressed GefÛele DeLe& oslee nw~ pees efkeâ 576. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Correct Sentence - I was feeling depressed when you there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
called substitution required'.
One morning I went out with my cousin which
571. Select the alternative that will improve the
is the lawyer.
underlined part of the sentence in case there is
(a) who is the (b) which is a
no improvement select “No improvement”.
(c) No substitution required (d) who is a
The children’s cricket ball hit their neighbour’s
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
window and it broke.
(a) and it is broke (b) and it broken Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ ef o Ùes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie which is
(c) and it was breaking (d) No improvement the kesâ mLeeve hej who is a keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ who
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) keâe ØeÙeesie as a relative pronoun living things (my
Ans. (d) : No improvment. cousin) kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Deewj meeceevÙele: heo veece kesâ
572. Select the alternative that will improve the henues article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~
underlined part of the sentence in case there is Correct Sentence–
no improvement select “No improvement”. One morning I went out with my cousin who is lawyer.
Unless Arjun takes a taxi he will not reach the 577. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
airport in time. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(a) However Arjun takes a tax there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
(b) If Arjun take a taxi substitution required’.
(c) No improvement A large swarm of dogs was blocking the way.
(d) Unless Arjun take taxi (a) No substitution required (b) herd of
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) school of (d) pack of
Ans. (c) : No improvement SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
573. Select the alternative that will improve the Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘swarm
underlined part of the sentence in case there is of’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘pack of’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘swarm
no improvement select “No improvement”.
of’ (ceOegceefkeäKeÙeeW keâe Pegb[) leLee ‘Pack of’ (pebieueer kegâòeeW keâe
The only vacant seat in the bus was right in the
corner. Pegb[) keânles nQ~
(a) right on the corner (b) right into the corner Herd - Pegb[, (heMeg mecetn)
(c) right up to the corner (d) No improvement School – ceÚefueÙeeW keâe PegC[
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) Correct Sentence–
Ans. (d) : No improvement A large pack of dogs was blocking the way.

Sentence Improvement 199 YCT

578. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 582. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No there is no need to substitute it, select ’No
substitution required’ substitution required’.
The forecast predicts that there will be little When challenged, the man had no answer for
rain in the month of July. his actions.
(a) should be many rain (a) When in challenge
(b) No substitution required (b) When to be challenged
(c) would be few rain (c) No substitution required
(d) must be a little rain (d) While challenges
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : No improvement Ans. (c) : No substitution required.
583. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
579. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
here is no need to substitute it, select ‘No substitution required’.
substitution required’. She walked among me without greeting me.
When I left my house this morning, it was (a) No substitution required
raining. (b) about me
(a) rained (b) is raining (c) pass me
(c) rains (d) No substitution required (d) over me
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : No improvement Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘among me’ kessâ
580. Select the most appropriate option to substitute mLeeve hej ‘pass me’ (heej efkeâÙee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ peesefkeâ JeekeäÙe
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If kesâ YeeJe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
Correct Sentence–
substitution required'.
She walked pass me without greeting me.
I looked anywhere for my puppy but could not
find it. 584. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(a) somewhere (b) No substitution required the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
(c) everywhere (d) nowhere
substitution required’.
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) He decided not to take to heart the loss that he
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie anywhere had incurred in business.
(keâneR Yeer) kesâ mLeeve hej everywhere (nj peien, meYeer peien hej) keâe (a) be taking heart
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ peesefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ nw~ (b) take heart of
Correct Sentence– (c) No substitution required
I looked everywhere for my puppy but could not find (d) takes to heart
it. SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : No substitution required
581. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If 585. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
substitution required'. no substitution is required, select No
Suman performed at the festival well improvement.
yesterday. We had never seen so strong blizzard. The
(a) No substitution required wind speed was 130 km per hour.
(a) so strong the blizzard
(b) yesterday at the festival well
(b) such strong a blizzard
(c) at the festival yesterday well
(c) such a strong blizzard
(d) well at the festival yesterday
(d) no improvement
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie at the Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW ‘so strong’ kesâ
festival well yesterday kesâ mLeeve hej well at the festival mLeeve hej 'such a strong' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Blizzard
yesterday keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ adverb ‘well’ ÙeneB (yeheâe&veer letheâeve) kesâ efueS such a, (Fme Øekeâej keâe) keâe ØeÙeesie
hej performed (verb) keâer efJeMes<elee yelee jne nw~ DeLee&le adverb GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
Gme Meyo kesâ efvekeâš ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw efpemekeâer Ùes efJeMes<elee yeleelee nw~ Correct Sentence–
Correct Sentence - We had never seen such a strong blizzard. The wind
Suman performed well at the festival yesterday. speed was 130 km per hour.

Sentence Improvement 200 YCT

586. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Rather than- instead of, in place of.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Correct Sentence -
no substitution is required, select No Your coming home to dinner on time should be a rule
improvement. rather than the exception.
Biologists believe that increased human activity 590. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
means an accelerated rate of change in habitat the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
for all creatures of the world. no substitution is required, select No
(a) No improvement improvement.
(b) human activity meant a acelerated rate in
It is convey to all the residents by now that they
are required to apply for parking stickers.
(c) human activities mean an acelerated rate
(a) It will be conveyed to all the residents
form change
(b) It has been conveyed to all the residents
(d) human activity is meaning an acelerated rate
of change (c) It is conveyed to all the residents
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II) (d) No improvement
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (a) No improvement
587. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW ‘it is convey to
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If all the residents kesâ mLeeve hej it has been conveyed to all the
no substitution is required, select No residents keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Fme JeekeäÙe ceW by now keâe ØeÙeesie
improvement. present perfect tense kesâ YeeJe keâes JÙeòeâ keâj jne nw~ efoÙee ieÙee
She was so tired to work any longer.
JeekeäÙe passive voice kesâ sense ceW GefÛele JÙeKÙee keâjlee nw~
(a) No improvement (b) too tired to work
(c) so tired to not work (d) so tiring to work Correct Sentence–
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III) It has been conveyed to all the residents by now that
they are required to apply for parking stickers.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW so tired to
591. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
work kesâ mLeeve hej too tired to work keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee,
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeneb Negative Sense keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw efpemekesâ efueS no substitution is required, select No
too + adj + to keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ ‘so’ keâe ØeÙeesie improvement.
positive sense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Each dancer performed very well that it was
Correct Sentence– difficult to judge who the best was.
She was too tired to work any longer. (a) such well that (b) so well that
588. Select the most apropriate option to substitute (c) No improvement (d) such very well that
the underlined segment in the given sentence. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I)
If no substitution is required, select No Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKebeefkeâle Yeeie ceW very kesâ peien so
Application are to be sent to the Principal
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ that kesâ meeLe so keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
before 30th May. Correct Sentence -
(a) were being send to (b) No improvement Each dancer performed so well that it was difficult to
(c) will be send to (d) are sending to judge who the best was.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I) 592. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Ans : (b) No improvement the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
589. Select the most appropriate option to substitute no substitution is required, select No
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If improvement.
no substitution is required, select No His school was 7 km away his house. I
improvement. wondered how he covered so long distance
Your coming home to dinner on time Should be daily on foot.
a rule rather the exception. (a) so long the distance
(a) should be a rule rather being the exception (b) No improvement
(b) should be the rule rather than the exception (c) such long distance
(c) No improvement (d) such a long distance
(d) shall be a rule rather than a exception SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I) Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKebeefkeâle Yeeie ceW ‘so long
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW should be a distance’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘such a long distance’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
rule rather the exception kesâ mLeeve hej should be the rule keäÙeeWefkeâ so keâe ØeÙeesie Adjective or Adverb kesâ henues pees
rather than the exception keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ (without a noun) nes kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ pewmes- She was
rather kesâ meeLe than keâe ØeÙeesie nesvee DeeJeMÙekeâ nw~ so beautiful.

Sentence Improvement 201 YCT

Such keâe ØeÙeesie Noun kesâ henues Ùee an Adjective + a noun kesâ 596. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
henues efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Ùeefo JeekeäÙe ceW 'a' Ùee 'an' nes lees Jen such kesâ the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
yeeo ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Correct Sentence–
I couldn't got some sleep because the people in
His school was 7km. away from his house. I wondered
the next room were talking very loudly.
how he covered such a long distance daily on foot.
(a) couldn't get some sleep
593. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (b) couldn't get any sleep
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
no substitution is required, select No (c) couldn't got any sleep
improvement. (d) No substitution
I try to solve this problem at least for two hours. SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) have been trying to solve Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW couldn’t got
(b) tried to be solving some sleep kesâ mLeeve hej couldn’t got any sleep keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) No improvement
(d) am try to solve nesiee~ keäÙeebsefkeâ any keâe ØeÙeesie negative Ùee interrogative sentence
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I) ceW leLee some keâe ØeÙeesie positive sentence ceW neslee nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKebeefkeâle Yeeie try to solve thy Note – efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe ceW could keâe ØeÙeesie modal verb kesâ ™he
problem kesâ mLeeve hej have been trying to solve keâe ØeÙeesie ceW ngDee nw modal verb kesâ meeLe verb keâer first form keâe ØeÙeesie
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Period of Time keâe ØeÙeesie for kesâ meeLe neslee nw~
ngDee nw Dele: JeekeäÙe keâe Structure, Present Perfect Correct Sentence -
Continuous keâe nesiee, pees efvecve nw- I couldn't get any sleep because the people in the next
Sub + has been/have been + v + ing + object + room were talking very loudly.
for/since + period of time/ point of time 597. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Correct Sentence– the underlined segment. If no substitution is
I have been trying to solve this problem at least for two
required select 'No substitution'
He had barely spoken the words when he
594. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If realised his mistake.
no substitution is required, select No (a) barely speak the words that
improvement. (b) barely spoke the words when
The Head has been so busy to go through these (c) No substitution
files and resolve the matter. (d) barely spoken the words than
(a) such busy to go through SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(b) too busy to go through Ans : (c) No substitution.
(c) No improvement
(d) too so busy to go through 598. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II) the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKebeefkeâle Yeeie ceW so busy to kesâ
mLeeve hej too busy to keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB I tried to contact my dentist but her cell phone
sentence kesâ Devegmeej negative sense keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw efpemekesâ appeared to have been switched off.
efueS too keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ (a) appears to had been (b) appear to be
Note- so keâe ØeÙeesie positive sense ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (c) No improvement (d) appeared to been
Correct Sentence - SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
The Head has been too busy to go through these files Ans : (c) No improvement
and resolve the matter.
595. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 599. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No there is no need to substitute it, select No
substitution required'. improvement.
Tomatoes sown around July in the southern The World Health Organisation warned the
states are harvested in October. Government that even many people were likely
(a) Tomatoes sow around July to die of epidemics than of the tsunami.
(b) Tomatoes sowing around July (a) that even most people are going to be likely
(c) No substitution required (b) that so many people are likely
(d) Tomatoes sown under July (c) that more people were likely
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) (d) No improvement
Ans : (c) No substitution required SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Sentence Improvement 202 YCT
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie that even many 603. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
people were likely kesâ mLeeve hej efJekeâuhe that more people the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No
were likely keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Comparative
degree keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw comparative degree kesâ meeLe than Shailaja is prettier than either of her three
keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ cousins.
Correct Sentence - (a) prettier than any of
The World Health Organization warned the (b) most pretter than all of
Government that more people were likely to die of (c) pretty than either of
epidemics than of the tsunami. (d) No improvement
600. Select the most appropriate option to substitute SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘prettier than
there is no need to substitute it, select No
improvement. either of’ ceW either (oes ceW mes Skeâ) neslee nw peyeefkeâ
Be polite and courteous will greatly improve Comparison, three cousins ceW nes jne nw~ ÙeneB 'any of' keâe
your chances of making friends at your new ØeÙeesie nesiee pees Comparative degree kesâ meeLe oes mes DeefOekeâ ceW
office. leguevee keâj jne nw~
(a) For being polite and courteous Correct Sentence–
(b) Being polite and courteous Shailaja is prettier than any of her three cousins.
(c) No improvement
(d) By being polite and courteous 604. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No
Ans : (b) Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie Be polite and improvement.
courteous kesâ mLeeve hej Being polite and courteous keâe ØeÙeesie This college is not only equipped with the best
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Being keâe ØeÙeesie efvecve (Structure) ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ laboratories but also has the most competent
Being + Adjective Ùen structure ef›eâÙeekeâueehe SJeb JÙeJenej kesâ staff.
efJe<eÙe ceW yeleeleer nw~ efoS ieS JeekeäÙe ceW Polite Deewj Courteous (a) No improvement
adjective nw Fmekesâ henues Fme Structure keâe ØeÙeesie Megæ nw~ (b) and also had the most
Correct Sentence - (c) but has the very
Being polite and courteous will greatly improve your (d) but also have the most
chances of making friends at your new office. SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
601. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Ans. (a) : No improvement.
the underlined segment. If no substitution is 605. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
required select 'No substitution'. the underlined segment. If no substitution is
It would be wise to accept the company's offer required select 'No substitution'
lest you should regret later. Some people in the audience were asleep while
(a) lest you should not regret the chief guest was speaking.
(b) lest you would regret (a) while a chief guest is speaking
(c) lest you shall not regret (b) when the chief guest has spoken
(d) No substitution (c) whenever the chief guest spoke
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) (d) No substitution
Ans : (d) No substitution SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Note- lest kesâ meeLe should keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Ans. (d) : No substitution.
602. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 606. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment. If no substitution is the underlined segment. If no substitution is
required select. 'No substitution'. required select 'No substitution'
She has no other hobby but that of collecting The colour of her cheeks is like a rose.
(a) are just as a rose (b) are like a rose
(a) No substitution
(c) No substitution (d) is like that of a rose
(b) no another hobby but
(c) not other hobbies but SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(d) no other hobby than Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ kes â JeekeäÙe jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘is like a rose’ kesâ
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) mLeeve hej ‘is like that of a rose’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie no other hobby but keäÙeeWefkeâ jsKeebefkeâle Meyo iegueeye keâer leguevee Gmeves ieeuees kesâ jbie mes
kesâ mLeeve hej no other hobby than keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ ngDee nw~ FmeefueS similar type keâer JemlegDeeW keâer similar ÛeerpeeW mes
Rule - peye keâF& IešveeDees/Deeolees/efveCe&ÙeeW ceW mes efkeâmeer Skeâ hej ner keâer peeleer nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB leguevee Rose mes veneR Rose kesâ colour
peesj efoÙee peelee nw, lees no other than keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ mes nes jner nw~
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence–
She has no other hobby than that of collecting coins. The colour of her cheeks is like that of a rose.

Sentence Improvement 203 YCT

607. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 611. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No there is no need to substitute it, select No
improvement. improvement.
My professor gave me a lot of useful advices We have been waiting to watch this movie since
when I was writing my research paper. we first read its review.
(a) gave me a lots of useful advices (a) We are been waiting
(b) gave me a lot of useful advice (b) We has been waiting
(c) No improvement (c) We have being waiting
(d) give me lots of useful advices (d) No improvement
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW 'advices' kesâ mLeeve Ans : (d) No Improvement.
hej 'advice' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 612. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Rule:- kegâÚ Nouns pewmes- Scenery, furniture, advice, hair, the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
information, business, luggage, knowledge etc. keâe ØeÙeesie there is no need to substitute it, select No
kesâJeue singular form ceW ner efkeâÙee peelee nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùes Its always advisable put your car into neutral
uncountable nouns nw~ Fvekesâ meeLe Article A/An keâe Yeer gear when you stop at a traffic signal.
ØeÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (a) Its always advisable putting
Correct Sentence– My professor gave me a lot of (b) It's always advisable to put
useful advice when I was writing my research paper. (c) No improvement
608. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (d) It is always advisable for putting
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II)
there is no need to substitute it, select No Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie Its always
improvement. advisable put kesâ mLeeve hej It's always advisable to put keâe ØeÙeesie
A spokesperson of the company explained that
the media had misrepresented the facts about
nes iee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ kesâJeue put kesâ ØeÙeesie mes Ùen verb kesâ ™he ceW keâeÙe& keâjlee nw~
the accident in their building. ues efkeâve Infinitive (to+vIst) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes Ùen (to put- jKevee) Skeâ
(a) misrepresent the facts on the accident noun keâer lejn keâeÙe& keâjsiee, leLee ‘Its’ keâe ØeÙeesie possession kesâ DeLe& ceW
(b) misrepresenting the facts about the accident neslee nw leLee ‘It's’ keâe ØeÙeesie ‘It is’ kesâ DeLe& ceW neslee nw~
(c) No improvement Correct Sentence–
(d) misrepresents the facts for an accident It's always advisable to put your car into neutral......
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I) 613. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Ans : (c) No improvement. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
609. Select the alternative that will improve the there is no need to substitute it, select No
underlined part of the sentence in case there is improvement.
no improvement select No improvement The express bus generally stops at only the
The crowd wave feverishly when they saw their major towns on the route.
leader. (a) generally stopping on only the major towns
(a) waving hard (b) wave well (b) generally stop in only the major towns
(c) No improvement (d) waved frantically (c) generally stopped from only the major towns
(d) No improvement
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ceW wave kesâ mLeeve hej
Ans : (d) No improvement
waved keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Iešvee Yetlekeâeue keâer nw Dele: waved 614. Identify the most appropriate option to
(v2) keâe ØeÙeesie Megæ nesiee~ Feverishly keâe DeLe&- (Gòesefpele substitute segment. If no substitution is
DeJemLee) ceW peyeefkeâ Frantically keâe DeLe&- (JÙe«eleehetCe&, required, select No substitution.
DeelegjleehetJe&keâ, heeieueheve kesâ meeLe) keâe ØeÙeesie nw~ Those who have not received the invitation he
Correct Sentence– should leave.
(a) he should be leaving (b) they should leave
The crowd waved frantically when they saw their leader.
(c) should leave (d) No substitution
610. Select the alternative that will improve the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
underlined part of the sentence in case there is
no improvement select No improvement. Ans : (c) GheÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie he should leave kesâ
I experienced excruciating pain when the mLeeve hej should leave keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efoÙes ieÙes sentence
hammer fell on my foot. ceW pronoun 'he' keâe ØeÙeesie veneR nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekesâ henues pronoun
(a) exciting pain (b) affable paining 'those' keâe ØeÙeesie nes Ûegkeâe nw~ Dele: he keâe ØeÙeesie Superfluous nw~
(c) strong pains (d) No improvement Correct Sentence–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III) 'Those who have not received the invitation should
Ans : (d) No improvement. leave'

Sentence Improvement 204 YCT

615. Identify the most appropriate option to kesâ efueS Adjective (Such) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ ve efkeâ Adverb
substitute the underlined segment. If no (so) keâe~
substitution is required, select No substitution. Correct Sentence -
No other man in the city is as rich than he is. I hope never to have another such experience as I had
(a) so much rich as he (b) more richer than he in Puri during Cyclone Fani.
(c) No substitution (d) as rich as he
619. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II) the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Ans : (d) GheÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie as rich than he kesâ there is no need to substitute it, select No
mLeeve hej as rich as he keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeebsefkeâ Conjunction improvement.
'as....as' keâe ØeÙeesie comparison kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Lots of peoples visit this restaurant as its
Correct Sentence– biryani is famous.
No other man in the city is as rich as he is. (a) No improvement (b) A lot peoples
(c) A lot of people (d) Much of people
616. Identify the most appropriate option to
substitute the underlined segment. If no SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III)
substitution is required, select No substitution. Ans : (c) GheÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘Lots of peoples’ kesâ
Of Rama and Usha the later is the most mLeeve hej ‘A lot of’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Lots of
responsible. uncountable noun kesâ meeLe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ peyeefkeâ A lot of keâe
(a) the later is more (b) the latter is the more ØeÙeesie nce countable noun kesâ meeLe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~
(c) the latter is most (d) No substitution. Correct sentence–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III) A lot of people visit this restaurant as its biryani is
Ans : (b) GheÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie the later is the most kesâ famous.
mLeeve hej the latter is the more keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen 620. Select the most appropriate option to substiute
sentence comparative degree keâs ™he ceW ØeÙegòeâ ngDee nw~ Dele: the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
‘most’ keâer peien ‘more’ keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ there is no need to substitute it, select No
Later –yeeo ceW
Harry and Meghan have decided to work and
Latter – yeeo Jeeuee become financially independent.
Correct sentence - (a) No improvement
Of Rama and Usha the latter is the more responsible. (b) have decided to work and becam
617. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (c) have decide to work and become
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (d) has decided to work and become
there is no need to substitute it, select No SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
improvement. Ans. (a) No improvement.
The civic bodies in the capital have formed 621. Select the alternative that will improve the
teams to crack down on coaching centres found underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
violated a law. no improvement select 'NO improvement'.
(a) found to violated a law I have prepared well for the exam and am
(b) No improvement ready to answer any question.
(c) finding to violate the law (a) preparing (b) may prepare
(d) found violating the law (c) will prepared (d) No improvement
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : GheÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie found violated a Ans. (d) : No improvement
law kesâ mLeeve hej found violating the law keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 622. Select the alternative that will improve the
keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB gerund (verb + ing) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
Correct Sentence– no improvement select 'No improvement'.
The civic bodies in the capital have formed teams to The struggle for climate change must be
crack down on coaching centres found violating the prioritised given that out population is
law. increasing and not decreasing.
(a) is prioritising (b) No improvement
618. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (c) may have prioritised (d) could prioritise
the underlined in the given sentence. If there is SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II)
no need to substitue it, select No improvement.
Ans. (b) : No improvement.
I hope never to have another so experience as I
had in Puri during Cyclone Fani. 623. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(a) No improvement (b) such experience as the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(c) as experience as (d) same experience as there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Before it was modified, the Law provided with
Ans. (b) : GheÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie So keâer peien Such the owner could take possession of the goods at
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Experience (noun) keâer efJeMes<elee yeleeves any time.
Sentence Improvement 205 YCT
(a) provided that (b) provided on (a) is look trouble (b) No improvement
(c) No improvement (d) provided as (c) had been trouble (d) was troubling
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : GheÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘provided with’ kesâ Ans. (b) : No improvement.
mLeeve hej ‘provided that’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 628. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
provided that keâe ØeÙeesie Idiomatic neslee nw efpemekeâe DeLe& On the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
the condition that neslee nw~ there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
Correct Sentence–
Before it was modified, the Law provided that the Why did the teacher ask all four of you to stay
owner could take possession of the goods at any time. back in class in the break ?
(a) asking four of you
624. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(b) No improvement
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No (c) asked of four of you
improvement'. (d) ask you all four
Some people believe that 2020 is going to be a SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
very significant year in our history. Ans. (b) : No improvement.
(a) No improvement (b) will going 629. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) were going (d) are going the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II) there is not need to substitute it, select No
Ans. (a) : No improvement improvement.
625. Select the most appropriate option to substitute His uncle advised Naveen to keep away from
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If involving himself in the controversy.
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No (a) No improvement
improvement. (b) from keep away for
Over the past 20 years, there has been a (c) that he keeps away for
constant decline in the variety of vegetables (d) for keep away from
that we eat because the native varieties are no SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I)
longer available. Ans. (a) : No improvement.
(a) is being (b) No improvement 630. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) was been (d) had been the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) there is no need to substitute the underlined
Ans. (b) : No improvement. segment in the given sentence. If there is no
626. Select the most appropriate option to substitute need to substiute it, select 'No improvement'.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If After switching off the light, he went off to
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No sleep.
improvement'. (a) being switched off the light
The rising prices of essential food items have (b) he has switched off the light
placed an weighty burden on the poor. (c) No improvement
(a) lightest (b) trivial (d) switching off a light
(c) enormous (d) No improvement
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : No improvement.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie weighty kesâ mLeeve hej
‘enormous’ – (yengle yeÌ[e, yengle efJeMeeue) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, 631. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
keäÙeeWefkeâ Rising prices keâe enormous burden neslee nw ve efkeâ there is no need to substitute it, select No
weighty burden Ùeefo burden kesâ mLeeve hej volume Ùee tone improvement.
neslee lees weighty keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele neslee~ Have you got confirmation of the receipt of the
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& – donation?
lightest – meyemes nukeâe (a) Have you get confirmation
trivial – legÛÚ/ceecetueer/meeOeejCe (b) Did you got confirmation
Correct Sentence - (c) Has you got confirmations
The rising prices of essential food items have placed (d) No improvement
an enormous burden on the poor. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II)
627. Select the most appropriate option to substitute Ans. (d) : No improvement
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If 632. Select the alternative that will improve the
there is no need to substitute it, select No underlined part of the sentence. In case there is
improvement. no improvement select 'No improvement'.
She was looking troubled when the teacher There was no sign of recognition of his face
asked her to submit the homework. when they met after ten years.
Sentence Improvement 206 YCT
(a) no sign for recognition (a) everyone (b) each people
(b) no sign to recognise (c) every people (d) No improvement
(c) no improvement SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III)
(d) no any sign of recognition Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ bracketed work eachone kesâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III) mLeeve hej every one keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Each keâe YeeJeeLe&
Ans. (c) : No improvement. everyone kesâ meceeve neslee nw~ Dele: each kesâ meeLe one keâe ØeÙeesie veneR
633. Select the most appropriate option to substitute keâjles nw~ Dele: eachone kesâ mLeeve hej everyone keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Correct Sentence–
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
And makes it a point to remind everyone that her
recovery is still incomplete, and the she would be back
Lot of times she advised him for not being lazy after best in upcomind competitions.
for completing such a tough task.
(a) No improvement (b) Much of time 637. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) A lot of times (d) A lot of time the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III) there is no need to substitute it, select No
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie Lot of times kesâ mLeeve hej a
It is not for nothing that Mumbai is talked
lot of times keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'A lot of times' keâe about as the most cosmopolitan of Indian cities.
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ lot of time - means single time or (a) is talking (b) are talked
multiple time the task had been done peyeefkeâ A lot of (c) No improvement (d) was talking
times - mean the task has been done many/ multiple SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
occasions. Ans. (c) : No improvement.
Correct Sentence–
638. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
A lot of times she advised him for not being lazy for
the underlined segment. If there is no need to
completing such a tough task.
substitute it, select No improvement.
634. Select the most appropriate option to substitute If you do not vote, you do not have the right to
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If protest.
there is no need to substitute it, select No
(a) right in protest (b) right on protest
(c) right for protest (d) No improvement
As many as I care for her, I still have to
disagree with her on this topic. SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) As much as (b) As long to Ans. (d) : No improvement
(c) As high as (d) No improvement 639. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I) the underlined segment. If there is no need to
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie ‘as many as’ kesâ mLeeve substitute it, select No improvement.
‘as much as’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘as much as’ keâe The lack of green spaces has led to an increase
in pollution levels.
ØeÙeesie uncountable things kesâ efueS ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~ (a) an increasing in (b) No improvement
as much as - almost
(c) a increase on (d) a increase of
as long as - provided that
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence–
As much as I care for her, I still have to disagree with Ans. (b) : No improvement
her on this topic. 640. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
635. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
In doing so, she (farther) raised the profile of there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
badminton and of women's sport itself in India. substitution required'.
(a) far away (b) far off The study found that men who were married
(c) further (d) No improvement lived longer than those who were not.
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III) (a) that who were
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieS JeekeäÙe kesâ bracketed word farther kesâ (b) the one who were
mLeeve hej further keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ farther ‘otjer’ kesâ (c) No substitution required
(d) these who were
sense ceW leLee further ‘Deeies’ kesâ sense ces ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence–
In doing so, she ‘further’ raised the profile of Ans. (c) : No Improvement.
badminton and of women's sport itself in India. 641. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
636. Improve the bracketed part of the sentence. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
And makes it a point to remind (eachone) that there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
her recovery is still incomplete, and the she substitution required'.
would be back at her best in upcoming They won't commit themselves until they see
competitions. which way the wind is blowing.

Sentence Improvement 207 YCT

(a) their till 646. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(b) No substitution required the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(c) themself until there is no need to substitute it, select No
(d) them until Improvement.
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III) Please tell the story in a nutshell.
Ans. (b) : No substitution required. (a) at a nutshell
642. Select the most appropriate option is substitute (b) in the nutshell
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (c) in nutshells
there is no need to substitute it, select No (d) No Improvement
Improvement. SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
The terrorist was arrested for the first time in Ans. (d) : No Improvement.
December, 2001.
(a) for first timing (b) No Improvement Note - 'In a nutshell' (meb#eshe ceW) We use 'in a nutshell to
(c) in the first time (d) for one times indicate that we are saying something in a brief way.
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II) 647. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
Ans. (b) : No improvement the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Note- Ordinal adjective kesâ henues article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie there is no need to substitute it, select No
neslee nw~ improvement.
Shashi couldn't walk no more.
643. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (a) more father
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(b) any farther
there is no need to substitute it, select No
Improvement. (c) far more
For her, money is only the means to an end. (d) No improvement
(a) the means for an end SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(b) means to end Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie 'No more' kesâ mLeeve
(c) No Improvement hej Any farther keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB Deeies Ûeueves keâer
(d) a means to the end yeele nes jner nw~ Dele: Ùen GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I) Correct sentence–
Ans. (c) : No Improvement. Shashi couldn't walk any farther.
644. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 648. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No there is no need to substitute it, select No
Improvement. improvement.
Many accidents at the factory are caused of Greyhounds do not make good watchdogs but
workers who don't read warning signs. they are very gentle with children.
(a) are caused because of
(a) No improvement
(b) is the cause of
(b) very gentler with
(c) is caused by
(c) more gentle to
(d) No Improvement
(d) much gentle with
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle part - 'Are caused of'
Ans. (a) : No improvement.
(kesâ keâejCe nw) kesâ mLeeve hej 'Are caused because of' (kesâ Note- meeceevÙele: very keâe ØeÙeesie positive degree kesâ adj. mes
keâejCe nessles nw) ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ
henues keâjles nQ, ÛetBefkeâ gentle, positive degree keâe adj. nw,
DeLe& oslee nw~
FmeefueÙes ÙeneB hej very keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
Correct Sentence–
Many accidents at the factory are caused because of 649. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
workers who don't read warning signs. the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No
645. Select the most appropriate option to substitute improvement.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
Simran is more intelligent than any other girl
there is no need to substitute it, select No
in the class.
(a) No improvement
I don't think many people will be able to attend
to meeting tomorrow. (b) most intelligent
(a) is able (b) No Improvement (c) the more itelligent
(c) have able (d) are able (d) the more intelligent
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : No improvement Ans. (a) : No improvement

Sentence Improvement 208 YCT

650. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 654. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No there is no need to substitute it, select No
improvement. improvement.
Vivek was astonished at his failure in the exam. Rajesh didn't know my address.
(a) at his failing (a) didn't known
(b) in his failing (b) don't knew
(c) No improvement (c) No improvement
(d) in his failure (d) didn't knew
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : No improvement Ans. (c) : No improvement
651. Select the most approriate option to substitute Note – Past Indefinite kesâ Negative sentence ceW did not
the underlined segment. If there is no need to
+ v1 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
substitute it, select No improvement.
Patel played every game that was played in the 655. Select the mot appropriate option to substitute
school. the underlined segment. If there is no need to
(a) that has been playing substitute it, select No improvement
(b) that was playing My parents both are doctors.
(c) that is being played (a) My parents are both
(d) No improvement (b) Both my parents
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Both my parent
Ans. (d) : No improvement (d) No improvement
652. Select the most appropriate option to substitute SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
the underlined segment. If there is no need to Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie My parents both
substitute it, select No improvement. kesâ mLeeve hej both my parents keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Both'
She told the children not to stop the work. keâe ØeÙeesie meowJe oess kesâ DeLe& ceW subject mes hetJe& keâjles nw~
(a) don't stop
Correct Sentence–
(b) not stop
Both my parents are doctors.
(c) No improvement
(d) not stopping 656. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
Ans. (c) :No improvement.
substitution required'.
Note – (to + stop) keâe ØeÙeesie as a noun, infinitive ngDee nw~ It's fascinating to watch how a baby changes
653. Select the most appropriate option to substitute and develops over time.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (a) No substitution required
there is no need to substitute it, select No (b) change and develop
improvement. (c) changing and developing
I don't remember exactly when did I go to (d) changed and developed
Shimla last year. SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) when I was going
Ans. (a) : No substitution required
(b) when I went
657. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(c) when I go
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
(d) No improvement
there is no need to substitute it, select No
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie when did I go kesâ Robert told me about his new job, which he's
mLeeve hej when I went keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence enjoying very much.
interrogative veneR nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Deble ceW Question mark (?) veneR (a) No improvement
nw~ Dele: past indefinite tense Affermative keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (b) Which he enjoying
efpemeceW verb2 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (c) that which he's enjoyed
Correct Sentence– (d) which he had enjoy
I don't remember exactly when I went to Shimla last SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
year. Ans. (a) : No improvement

Sentence Improvement 209 YCT

658. Select the most appropriate option to substitute 662. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select No there is no need to substitute it, select No
improvement. Improvement.
Rashi hasn't eaten everything from yesterday. MS Dhoni has no immediate plans to retire.
(a) anything since (a) plan to retirement
(b) something for (b) plans retiring
(c) nothing along
(c) planning for retire
(d) No improvement
(d) No Improvement
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie everything from
Ans. (d) : No improvement
kesâ mLeeve hej anything since keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ
Note– to + retire keâe ØeÙeesie Infinitive (Noun) kesâ ™he ceW
Sentence kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Anything (kegâÚ Yeer veneR) keâe
ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe Negative nw leLee point of time ngDee nw~
'yesterday' efoÙee ngDee nw, FmeefueS from kesâ mLeeve hej since keâe 663. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ the underlined in the given sentence. If there in
no need to substitute it, select 'No substitution
Correct Sentence–
Rashi hasn't eaten anything since yesterday.
Carrying an umbrella is not at all a good idea
659. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
during thunderstorms.
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
there is no need to substitute it, select option (a) To carry the umbrella
'No substitution required'. (b) Carrying a umbrella
The interview was broadcast on the same day (c) No substitution required
he was sworn in as President. (d) Carry umbralla
(a) had broadcast SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II)
(b) broadcast Ans. (c) : No substitution required
(c) was broadcasted 664. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
(d) No substitution required the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III) there is no need to substitute it, select No
Ans. (d) : No substitution required Improvement
Note – Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe passive sense ceW nw Dele: was + v3 We should offer due respects to all elderly
(broadcast) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Broadcast keâer past form persons.
Broadcast oesveeW ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ (a) offer due respect to
660. Select the most appropriate option to substitute (b) offers due respects to
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If (c) offer due respects for
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No (d) No improvement
substitution required'. SSC GD–18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
Passengers were asked to identify their
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ underline part ceW offer
suitcases before they were loaded on the plane.
(a) they loaded on due respects to kesâ mLeeve hej offer due respect to keâe ØeÙeesie
(b) it was loaded on nes i ee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ due respect (respectfully) kesâ sense ceW ØeÙeesie
(c) they were loaded over neslee nw~
(d) No substitution required Correct Sentence -
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II) We should offer due respect to all elderly persons.
Ans. (d) : No substitution required.
665. Select the most appropriate option to substitute
661. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined in the given sentence. If there is
the underlined segment in the given sentence. If
no need to substitute it, select 'No
there is no need to substitute it, select 'No
substitute required'. improvement.
Vocational training should not be seen as less The river is flooded and it has over flown its
important than an academic education. banks.
(a) than a academic education (a) it overflow its banks.
(b) No substitution required (b) it has overflow its banks.
(c) than an academic educate (c) it overflowing its banks.
(d) then an academic education (d) No improvement
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : No substitution required Ans. (d) : No improvement

Sentence Improvement 210 YCT

TCS hewšve& hej DeeOeeefjle
(Based On TCS Pattern)
Chapterwise Exam Question No. Years
1 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
Subject and Verb Agreement CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
2 CGL (Tier-1) 15
CGL (Tier-2) 5
CHSL (Tier-1) 29
Form of Verb (Tense/number) CHSL (Tier-2) 15
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5
3 CGL (Tier-1) 9
CGL (Tier-2) 7
CHSL (Tier-1) 14
Preposition CHSL (Tier-2) 7
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 3
4 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 3
Conjunction CHSL (Tier-1) 5
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 3
5 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
Article CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
Fill in the Blanks 211 YCT
6 CGL (Tier-1) 20
CGL (Tier-2) 11
CHSL (Tier-1) 19
CHSL (Tier-2) 6
Correct use of Pronoun, Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4
Adjective & Adverb SSC MTS 5
7 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
Question Tag Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
8 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
Interjection Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
9 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
Conditional Sentence SSC MTS 1
10 CGL (Tier-1) 80
CGL (Tier-2) 51
CHSL (Tier-1) 99
CHSL (Tier-2) 70
Miscellaneous Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 19

Fill in the Blanks 212 YCT
Trend Analysis of Questions topicwise from CGL (Pre & Mains)
CHSL (Pre & Mains) Selection Post VII, VIII, XI, SSC MTS, SSC
GD & Other Exams (2017-2023)

450 406
150 101
47 62
100 11 21 8 10
50 4 3

Subject and Verb Form of Verb

Agreement, 11 (Tense/number), Preposition, 47

Conjunction, 21

Article, 8

Correct use of
Pronoun, Adjecti
ve & Adverb, 62

Miscellaneous, Question Tag, 4

406 Conditional
Sentence , 10 Interjection , 3

Fill in the Blanks 213 YCT

(a) cost (b) is costing
A. Subject and Verb Agreement (c) has cost (d) costs
1. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
blank : Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW cost keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
The children's Series .......... recommended for
young readers.
keäÙeeWefkeâ - These apples (plural noun) kesâ meeLe plural verb keâe
(a) have (b) is ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe Present indefinite tense ceW nw efpemeceW
(c) are (d) has verb1 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm-5 pm) Correct Sentence-– These apples cost Rs. 100 per kg.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'is' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee Do you think they are expensive?
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject 'The children's series singular 5. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
nw, Dele: Fmekesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeueer helping verb/main verb Yeer blank.
singular nesieer~ I who_____ your friend and wellwisher, should
Correct Sentence-– The children's series is have been informed about your decision.
recommended for young readers. (a) are (b) is
2. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate (c) am (d) be
word. SSC CPO-SI–11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Second-hand furniture __________ here at Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'am' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
reasonable prices. keäÙeeWefkeâ I kesâ meeLe auxiliary verb 'am' ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
(a) were selling (b) are sold
Correct Sentence- I who am your friend and
(c) is sold (d) has sold
wellwisher, should have been informed about your
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW is sold ØeÙegòeâ nesiee
6. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
keäÙeeWefkeâ furniture Skeâ singular noun nw leLee Fmekesâ meeLe blank.
singular verb ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ Plenty of information about the flora and fauna
Correct Sentence- of India _____ available in this book.
Second-hand furniture is sold here at reasonable prices. (a) are (b) is
3. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate (c) has (d) were
word. SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
This is one of the matters that ______ me the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'is' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
(a) has disturb (b) are disturbing keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe subject 'information' uncountable noun
(c) is disturbed (d) disturbs nw FmeefueS singular verb ceW 'is' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) Correct Sentence- Plenty of information about the
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘disturbs’ keâe ØeÙeesie flora and fauna of India is available in this book.
GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ one of kesâ yeeo plural noun Deewj 7. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
singular verb ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ blank.
Note : Present indefinite tense ceW verb ceW s/es peesÌ[keâj Our salaries –––––– increased over the years.
singular yeveeles nQ~ (a) have (b) are
(c) has (d) is
One of + Plural Noun + Singular Verb
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence- This is one of the matters that Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW plural verb 'have'
disturbs me the most.
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeebsefkeâ 'Our salaries' plural nw, leLee efoÙee
4. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
ieÙee sentence present perfect tense ceW nw~
These apples _____ Rs. 100 per kg. Do you Correct Sentence- Our salaries have increased over
think they are expensive? the years.

Fill in the Blanks 214 YCT

8. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. B. Form of Verb (Tense/number)
Man –––– a strong desire to accumulate wealth.
12. A sentence has been given with a blank to be
(a) have (b) had
filled with an appropriate option. Choose the
(c) is having (d) has correct alternative.
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I) I always try to .......... chocholates for you.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ mLeeve ceW has keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (a) brought (b) bought
keäÙeeWefkeâ- peye man (Deeoceer) keâe ØeÙeesie hetjer ceeveJe peeefle kesâ efueÙes (c) bring (d) bringing
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III)
efkeâÙee ieÙee nes lees Ùen singular ceevee peelee nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW (verb1) keâe ØeÙeesie
Correct Sentence- Man has a strong desire to
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Infinitive (to + vI) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
accumulate wealth.
Correct Sentence-
9. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the I always try to bring chocholates for you.
blank and make a grammatically Correct
13. A sentence has been given with a blank to be
Sentence-. filled with an appropriate option. Choose the
The recent lawsuit –––– put the firm in a tight correct alternative.
spot. Snow .......... lightly as everyone was leaving
(a) has (b) is church.
(c) have (d) are (a) fallen (b) falling
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I) (c) is falling (d) was falling
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'has' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘was falling’ keâe
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen sentence present prefect tense ceW ØeÙeesie ngDee nw
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeesefkeâ "Everyone was leaving" kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
efpemeceW singular subject kesâ meeLe has keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Continuous tense ceW nw~
Correct Sentence- The recent lawsuit has put the firm Correct Sentence–
in a tight spot. Snow ‘was falling’ lightly as everyone was leaving
10. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the church.
blank and make a grammatically Correct 14. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Sentence-. blank.
Timely alerts about floods in Bhutan –––––– a If she hadn't _______ her cell phone on the bed,
blessing go Indian villages. she could have called him.
(a) are proved (b) have proved (a) through (b) thrown
(c) is proved (d) has proved (c) throne (d) throng
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II)
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘have proved’ keâe ‘thrown’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeesefkeâ efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe Past Perfect
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW alerts Skeâ plural tense ceW nw Dele: V3 (thrown) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
subject nw FmeefueS verb Yeer plural ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ Correct Sentence-
Correct Sentence- Timely alerts about floods in If she hadn't 'thrown' her cell phone on the bed, she
Bhutan have proved a blessing go Indian villages. could have called him.
11. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 15. A sentence has been given with a blank to be
blank. filled with an appropriate option. Choose the
In the United States of America two dozen correct alternative.
people ______ due to the present cold wave. Meteorologists are still ______ to understand
(a) have been killed (b) are being killed sting jets.
(c) has killed (d) has been killed (a) works (b) on work
(c) worked (d) working
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘have been killed’
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘working’ keâe ØeÙeesie
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ two dozen people Skeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Continuous tense ceW nw Deewj FmeceW
plural noun nw FmeefueS verb Yeer plural ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ (V1 + ing) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct Sentence- In the United States of America Correct Sentence-
two dozen people have been killed due to the present Meteorologists are still 'working' to understand sting
cold wave. jets.

Fill in the Blanks 215 YCT

16. A sentence has been given with a blank to be 20. Fill in the blank with the most suitable word.
filled with an appropriate option. Choose the A haze of panic blurred my vision; something
correct alternative. terrible was close to ............
I bowed to him, but he ______ not to see me. (a) happened (b) happening
(a) seems (b) seeming (c) happens (d) has happened
(c) seemed (d) seemingly SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW "Happening" keâe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Seemed’ keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Noun form keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw Deewj
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Subordinate clause ceW bowed (V1) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes Gerund (V+ ing) Verbal noun kesâ ™he ceW keâeÙe& keâjlee nw~
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past tense ceW nw Dele: Principal clause Yeer DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ veneR nw~
Past tense ceW nesleer nw~
Note – preposition kesâ yeeo (verb1 + ing) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct Sentence–
I bowed to him, but he 'seemed' not to see me. Correct Sentence-
A haze of panic blurred my vision; something terrible
17. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
was close to happening
Stories of dolphins’ ’saving human lives 21. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
________ throughout history.
(a) have been said (b) have been told As soon as she opened the cages, the birds ––––
(c) told (d) had been said ––––.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV) (a) fly away (b) flies away
(c) flown away (d) flew away
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW have
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I
been told keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Passive voice ceW have
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW "flew away" keâe
been + V3 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ ØeejcYe ceW Opened (V2) keâs ØeÙeesie mes
Correct Sentence–
Stories of dolphins’ saving human lives 'have been mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indifinite ceW nw~ Dele: Deeves Jeeueer verb
told' throughout history. Yeer V2 flew ceW nesieer~
18. Select the most appropriate phrasal verb to fill Correct Sentence-
in the blank. As soon as she opened the cages, the birds flew away
The driver very subtly ________ the traffic 22. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
violation he committed. blank.
(a) ironed aside (b) ironed out Yesterday, after a nice walk, we _____ to sit on
(c) ironed in (d) ironed through the bench, watch the birds, and rest for a while.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III) (a) decided (b) decide
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW efjòeâ mLeeve "Ironed out" keâe (c) decides (d) deciding
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘ironed out’ Skeâ Phrasal verb nw efpemekeâe SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I
DeLe& issue or problems have been resolved neslee nw pees efkeâ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘decided’ keâe ØeÙeesie
JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ yesterday kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past
Correct Sentence– tense ceW nw efpemeceW decided (V2) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
The driver very subtly 'ironed out' the traffic violation Correct Sentence-
he committed.
Yesterday, after a nice walk, we 'decided' to sit on the
19. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the bench, watch the birds, and rest for a while.
Mosquitoes –––––– if there is no water logging. 23. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(a) Will breed blank.
(b) Will have been breeding His voice was ........... by the sound of the
(c) Breed helicopter.
(d) Will not breed (a) driven (b) drawn
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III) (c) dawned (d) drowned
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘will not breed’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'if' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Conditional Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Past indefinite keâe passive voice nw
sentence nw~ Deewj Ùeefo 'if' Jeeueer clause present tense is ceW Dele: efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ([tyeves/oyeves) kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej drowned
nes lees main clause future tense (will+ verb1) ceW nesieer~ (V3) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ was/were + verb3
Correct Sentence– Correct Sentence-
Mosquitoes 'Will not breed' if there is no water logging. His voice was drowned by the sound of the helicopter.

Fill in the Blanks 216 YCT

24. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘has’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
blank. keäÙeeWefkeâ more that half the drain, singular number ceW nw
....... you mind lending me your book for a day? FmeefueS verb Yeer singular DeeSieer~ Sentence keâer jÛevee
(a) Could (b) Would
passive voice hej DeeOeeefjle nw~
(c) Need (d) May
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) Correct Sentence-
More that half the drain has been desilted.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve hej efJekeâuhe would keâe
29. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Polite request kesâ efueS would keâe ØeÙeesie word.
neslee nw~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ~ The doctor often made his patients ______ for
Correct Sentence- Would you mind lending me your long.
book for a day? (a) waiting (b) to wait
25. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (c) waited (d) wait
blank. SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
The bus______before I reached the bus stand Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'wait' keâe ØeÙeesie
(a) Is leaving (b) Left GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Fme JeekeäÙe ceW made keâe ØeÙeesie casuative
(c) Had left (d) Leaves verb kesâ ™he ceW ngDee nw~ make kesâ meeLe bare infinitive keâe
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III) ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW had left keâe ØeÙeesie
makesomething do something
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeefo Yetlekeâeue ceW keâesF& oes keâeÙe& ngS neW SJeb efpevekeâe
Deeheme ceW keâesF& mebyebOe nes lees pees keâeÙe& henues ngDee nes Gmes Past Note- make Deewj let kesâ yeeo verb bare infinitive kesâ ™he
perfect tense ceW ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ leLee pees keâeÙe& yeeo ceW ngDee nes ceW ØeÙeesie nesleer nw~
Gmes Past Indefinite Tense ceW ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ Correct Sentence-
The doctor often made his patients wait for long.
Correct Sentence-
The bus had left before I reached the bus stand 30. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
26. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the We should never ––––– with the rules of
blank. driving.
I ________ something burning now. (a) temper (b) trifle
(a) smelt (b) smell (c) reckon (d) tamper
(c) have been smelling (d) have smelt SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘tamper’ (ÚsÌ[vee,
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJeevegmeej present indefinite nmle#eshe keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
tense keâe DeLe& os jne nw Dele: efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'smell' (V1) keâe temper- ceveesJe=efòe, triffle- ve° keâjvee, reckon- ieCevee keâjvee
ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ Tamper with (Phrasal Verb)- To change or touch
Correct Sentence- (something) especially in a way that causes damage or
I smell something burning now. harm.
27. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Correct Sentence-
blank. We should never tamper with the rules of driving.
I’m sure I ______ them at the party last night. 31. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(a) am seeing (b) saw blank.
(c) have seen (d) was seeing The National war memorial is____to our
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) Armed Forces.
Ans. (b) : GheÙeg&òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Devle ceW ‘last night’ keâe ØeÙeesie (a) inscribed (b) dedicated
ngDee nw Dele: JeekeäÙe past tense kesâ YeeJe keâes Øekeâš keâj jne nw (c) honoured (d) devoted
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
FmeefueS JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW verb 'see' kesâ past form 'saw'
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
efJekeâuhe dedicated (meceefhe&le keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
Correct Sentence-
I’m sure I saw them at the party last night. DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe&-
28. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate Devoted - Jeheâeoej
word. Inscribed - Debefkeâle
More that half the drain ............ been desilted. Honoured - mecceeefvele
(a) was (b) have Correct Sentence-–
(c) has (d) is The National war memorial is dedicated to our Armed
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) Forces.
Fill in the Blanks 217 YCT
32. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the (a) caring (b) negligent
blank. (c) affectionate (d) devoted
A painting competition was held in the colony SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II)
and Kavya was____winner in the age group 3-5 Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Negligent (yeshejJeen) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
(a) publicized (b) supposed
(c) described (d) declared DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe&-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III) Caring- hejJeen keâjves Jeeuee
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Affectionate- mvesner
declared (Ieesef<ele) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Devoted- meceefhe&le nesvee
Correct Sentence- A painting competition was held in Correct Sentence-
the colony and Kavya was declared winner in the age I am quite satisfied that I have not been negligent in
group 3-5 years. doing whatever was needful for building up their
DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe&- character.
Described - JeCe&ve keâjvee 36. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Publicized - efkeâmeer Jemleg keâes ØeÛeeefjle keâjvee
Colours, they say have the power to calm,
Supposed - ceevevee pacify and relax; they can energise, activate
33. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the and ______
blank. (a) invigorate (b) involve
In the wake of the recent cross-border tensions, (c) interest (d) enrage
forces have been _____ at strategic locations SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
for immediate action, if required. Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
(a) deport (b) deployed
invigorate (meyeue yevee osvee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe JeekeäÙe
(c) deposited (d) deported
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I)
kes â YeeJe Devegmeej DeLe& veneR osles nQ~
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW deployed (lewveeleer) keâe
DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe&-
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ forces (mesvee) keâes deploy efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Involve- Meeefceue nesvee
Correct Sentence-–In the wake of the recent cross- Interest- ™efÛe
border tensions, forces have been deployed at strategic Enrage- ›egâæ keâjvee
locations for immediate action, if required. Correct Sentence- Colours, they say have the power to
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- calm, pacify and relax; they can energise, activate and
Deport – efveJee&meve invigorate.
Deposit – efve#esefhele 37. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
34. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
In ancient Greece, women were not allowed to
______ in the Olympic Games.
I sat______my life as nothing seemed to be
(a) compete (b) collide
working for me.
(c) comply (d) cope
(a) blessing (b) cursing
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) tormenting (d) invoking
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I) Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Meyo
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ‘Cursing’ Compete (cegkeâeyeuee keâjvee, ØeeflemheOee& keâjvee) mener nesiee~
(DeefYeMeehe osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe&-
keâes hetje vener keâjles nw~ Collide- škeäkeâj, efYeÌ[ peevee
Blessing - DeeMeerJee&o/MegYekeâecevee osvee Comply- mJeerkeâej keâjvee
Tormenting - keâ° hengÛeevee/Ùeelevee osvee Cope- cegkeâeyeuee keâjvee
Invoking - Deeneve keâjvee/efJeveleer keâjvee Correct Sentence- In ancient Greece, women were not
allowed to compete in the Olympic Games.
Correct Sentence-
I sat cursing my life as nothing seemed to be working 38. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
for me. blank.
35. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the In order to _____ to a new place you may need
blank. to adjust to the ways of that culture.
I am quite satisfied that I have not been ____in (a) Avoid (b) Adopt
doing whatever was needful for building up (c) Adapt (d) Adhere
their character. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Fill in the Blanks 218 YCT
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Submit- mecehe&Ce keâjvee, hesMe keâjvee
‘Adapt’ (Devegketâue yevevee) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- Correct Sentence-
Avoid- šeuevee, yeÛevee, The accident victim succumbed to his injuries before
he could be taken to the hospital.
Adopt - Deheveevee,
42. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Adhere - heeueve keâjvee~
Adapt to- to change in order to be better suited to Technology can be ____ and people seem to be
something. more attached to screens than ever before.
Correct Sentence- In order to adapt to a new place you (a) Addictive (b) infatuated
may need to adjust to the ways of that culture.
(c) Incorrigible (d) contagious
39. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Following detailed deliberations, the meeting Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej addictive (uele) keâe
has been ........ till next week : ØeÙeesie efjòeâ mLeeve ceW nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) proposed (b) reviewed Infatuated - cegiOe
(c) cancelled (d) adjourned Incorrigible - DemebMeesOeveerÙe
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III) Contagious - meb›eâecekeâ
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW adjourned (mLeefiele) Correct Sentence- Technology can be addictive and
GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ meeting Deewj court keâes mLeefiele keâjves kesâ people seem to be more attached to screens than ever
efueS adjourn keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- before.
Proposed- ØemleeefJele 43. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Reviewed- meceer#ee keâjvee blank.
Cancelled- jö keâjvee People of the older generation _____ over the
good old school days.
Correct Sentence- Following detailed deliberations,
(a) remember (b) remind
the meeting has been adjourned till next week:
(c) retribute (d) reminisce
40. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Hima Das, the reigning world junior sprinter Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘reminisce’ (yeerles ngS
who ........ the national record, won the gold in KegMeer kesâ meceÙe kesâ yeejs ceW efueKevee, meesÛevee Je yeeleW keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie
the Federation Cup. GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeejer hegjeveer heerÌ{er kesâ
(a) holds (b) keeps ueesie Deheves school time keâes Ùeeo keâj jns nQ~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
(c) gets (d) plays
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III)
remember - Ùeeo keâjvee (keâesF& Yeer yeele)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW hold (OeejCe keâjvee/
DeefOekeâej) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- remind - Ùeeo efoueevee
keep- jKevee retribute - ßeæebpeefue osvee
get- heevee Correct Sentence
People of the older generation reminisce over the good
play- Kesuevee old school days.
Correct Sentence- Hima Das, the reigning world
44. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
junior sprinter who holds the national record, won the
gold in the Federation Cup.
I was frustated at not being able to____ of my
41. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the old car.
(a) devoid (b) depose
The accident victim –––––– to his injuries
(c) dispose (d) deal
before he could be taken to the hospital.
(a) succumbed (b) subscribed SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) surrendered (d) submitted Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘dispose’ (ef"keâeves
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III) ueieevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efvecve nQ-
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Devoid- jefnle
succumbed (cej peevee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Depose- DeheomLe keâjvee
Succumb- to die or suffer badly from an illness/injury. Deal- meewoe keâjvee
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- Correct Sentence-
Subscribe- mJeerkeâej keâjvee, «eenkeâ yevevee I was frustated at not being able to dispose of my old
Surrender- Deelcemecehe&Ce keâjvee car.

Fill in the Blanks 219 YCT

45. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate (a) scrutinizing (b) investigating
word. (c) inspecting (d) looking
The committee members were in ____over the SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
budget for the function. Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW investigating (peeBÛe
(a) difference (b) dissent
keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe mes Jew%eeefvekeâeW kesâ helee
(c) deference (d) descent
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
ueieeves keâe YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw~
Scrutinizing- osKevee Ùee leekeâvee (OÙeeve mes)
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
dissent (Demencele) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ Inspecting- efveiejeveer keâjvee
DeLe& efvecve nQ- Looking- osKevee
Deference - mecceeefvele keâjvee Correct Sentence-
Scientists at Cambridge University are investigating
Difference - efYeVelee
how plants can give us sustainable energy.
Descent - JebMe hejbheje
49. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Correct Sentence- blank.
The committee members were in dissent over the Many items made of ivory were –––– from a
budget for the function. dealer in antiques by the custom authorities at
46. The burning of the effigy of Ravana on the Delhi airport.
Dussehra –––– the burning of all evils. (a) annexed (b) confiscated
(a) epitomizes (b) symbolizes (c) hijacked (d) appropriated
(c) intensifies (d) personifies SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ mLeeve ceW confiscated (peyle
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW symbolizes (Øeleerkeâ keâjvee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW neLeer kesâ oeBle keâes ..... peyle
nesvee) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej keâjves keâer yeele keâer pee jner nw~
symbolizes keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee- Confiscate- to officially take something away from
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& efvecve nQ– someone, sometimes for a limited period, because they
Epitomizes - meekeâej ™he nesvee have done something illegal.
Intensifies - leer›e nesvee, ye{ peevee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
Personifies - mee#eele annexed - mebueive
Correct Sentence- appropriated - GefÛele
The burning of the effigy of Ravana on Dussehra hijacked - DehenjCe
symbolizes the burning of all evils. Correct Sentence-
47. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Many items made of ivory were confiscated from a
blank. dealer in antiques by the custom authorities at the
The state Government argued that it could not Delhi airport.
_____ the increase in the teachers' salaries as 50. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
awarded by the court. blank.
(a) spare (b) get You must apologize ––––– the punishment.
(c) stand (d) afford (a) escaping (b) to escape
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II) (c) escapes (d) escape
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
afford (meceLe& nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘to escape’ keâe ØeÙeesie
DeLe& nQ- GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ apologize (verb) kesâ yeeo DevÙe verb keâes
Spare - Deefleefjòeâ peesÌ[ves kesâ efueS infinitive (to escape) keâe ØeÙeesie nesvee DeeJeMÙekeâ
Get - Øeehle keâjvee nw~
Stand - KeÌ[e nesvee/meeLe KeÌ[e nesvee Correct Sentence-
Correct Sentence- You must apologize to escape the punishment.
The state Government argued that it could not afford the 51. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
increase in the teachers' salaries as awarded by the blank.
court. Due to shortage of time, I was unable ____ the
48. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the task satisfactorily.
blank. (a) in completing (b) for completing
Scientists at Cambridge University are ___ how (c) from complete (d) to complete
plants can give us sustainable energy. SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Fill in the Blanks 220 YCT
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘to complete’ keâe ØeÙeesie 55.
Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ unable kesâ meeLe 'to' preposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ blank.
As he crossed the desert he nearly _____ to
Unable to do something thirst when he was forced to go without water
Correct Sentence- for four days and five nights.
Due to shortage of time, I was unable to complete the (a) succumbed (b) subsisted
task satisfactorily. (c) survived (d) submerged
52. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I)
blank. Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
The first thing they did was to –––– the extent succumbed (oce leesÌ[ osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
of damage done by the rains. Succumb (past form- succumbed)- to stop fighting
(a) repair (b) search against something (oce lees[ osvee, nej ceeve uesvee)
(c) ascertain (d) circulate
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efvecve nQ-
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Subsist- peerefJele jnvee
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Survive- peerefJele jnvee
Ascertain (megefveef§ele keâjvee, helee ueieevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
Submerge- [gyekeâer ueieevee, peueceive
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
Correct Sentence- As he crossed the desert he nearly
Repair - cejccele keâjvee,
succumbed to thirst when he was forced to go without
Search - leueeMe, water for four days and five nights.
Circulate - Hewâueevee 56. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Correct Sentence - blank.
The first thing they did was to ascertain the extent of A fresh interest rate cut by the Reserve Bank
damage done by the rains. of India would largely ____ on how the
53. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the monsoon turns out in the months ahead.
blank. (a) depend (b) determine
The Chinese leader's formal Chinese suit ––––– (c) define (d) demonstrate
Changpao. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) will be called (b) is call Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW depend (efveYe&j) nesvee
(c) are called (d) is called ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej monsoon hej efveYe&j
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) nesves keâer yeele keâer pee jner nw~
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW is called keâe ØeÙeesie Depend on something- efkeâmeer hej efveYe&j nesvee
GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Chinese suit Skeâ singular noun DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
nw FmeefueS verb Yeer singular ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ JeekeäÙe keâer jÛevee Determine- efveOee&efjle keâjvee,
passive voice hej DeeOeeefjle nw~ Define- heefjYeeef<ele keâjvee, Demonstrate- ØeoefMe&le keâjvee
Note- Passive voice ceW Helping verb is kesâ yeeo verb keâer Demonstrate – ØeceeefCele keâjvee
VIII form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Correct Sentence- A fresh interest rate cut by the
Correct Sentence- Reserve Bank of India would largely depend on how the
The Chinese leader's formal Chinese suit is called monsoon turns out in the months ahead.
Changpao 57. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
54. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
blank. The hotel room ____ of odour of leftover food.
The majority –––––– that the country can (a) smoked (b) flavoured
progress under able leadership. (c) reeked (d) traced
(a) believes (b) is believing SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) believe (d) have believed Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW reeked (yeoyet) keâe
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW yeÛes ngS Keeves mes yeoyet Deeves
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW believes (efJeÕeeme keâer yeele keâer pee jner nw FmeefueS reeked keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw keäÙeeWefkeâ - The majority Skeâ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
collective noun nw, efpemekesâ efueÙes YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej singular Smoked – OetSb mes {keâe,
DeLeJee Plural verb ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~ ÛetBefkeâ ÙeneB hej unity keâe YeeJe Flavoured – mJeeefo<š Ùee megiebefOele,
nw, FmeefueÙes singular verb keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Traced- efÛeefÖle
Correct Sentence- The majority believes that the Correct Sentence- The hotel room reeked of odour of
country can progress under able leadership. leftover food.

Fill in the Blanks 221 YCT

58. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the 61. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. blank.
Necessary support to_____ the process of sale The airline had earlier____payment only to
is being extended by the banks in the those in the high-income bracket but now
consortium. salaries have dried up for everyone.
(a) felicitate (b) complicate (a) demanded (b) decided
(c) confuse (d) facilitate (c) deferred (d) deployed
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Meyo ‘deferred’
facilitate (megefJeOeepevekeâ) yeveevee GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ (šeuevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efvecve nQ-
DeLe& efYeVe nQ- demanded - oeJee keâjvee
Felicitate- DeefYevebove keâjvee deployed - lewveele keâjvee
Complicate- cegefMkeâue/hesÛeeroe decided - efveCe&Ùe uesvee
Confuse- Yeüefcele Correct Sentence-
The airline had earlier deferred payment only to those in
Correct Sentence- Necessary support to facilitate the the high-income bracket but now salaries have dried up
process of sale is being extended by the banks in the for everyone.
62. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
59. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
blank. The Chairman advised them to build a bridge
The Prime Minister was____ a ceremonial between the two companies using_____and
welcome. compromise.
(a) initiated (b) extended (a) strength (b) control
(c) expected (d) invited (c) competition (d) negotiation
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ‘‘Extended- Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
Øemeeefjle efkeâÙee’’ keâe ØeÙeesie efjòeâ mLeeve ceW GheÙegòeâ nw~ ‘negotiation’ (yeele-Ûeerle keâjvee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&– DeLe&-
Initiated- DeejcYe keâjvee Strength- cepeyetle
Expected- Dehes#ee keâjvee Control- efveÙebef$ele jKevee
Invited- Deecebef$ele keâjvee Competition- ØeeflemheOee&
Correct Sentence- The Prime Minister was extended a Correct Sentence-
ceremonial welcome. The Chairman advised them to build a bridge between
the two companies using negotiation and compromise.
60. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
63. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
She was____ with joy at winning the talent show.
The annual wholesale price index jumped to its
(a) overturned (b) overruled
highest level last month posing a fresh _____for
(c) overpowered (d) overwhelmed
policy makers to remain watchful on the price
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) chain (b) check Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘overwhelmed’
(c) challenge (d) choice (DeefYeYetle) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe mes ‘KegMeer mes
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I) DeefYeYetle’ nesves keâe YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Overturned- heueš peevee
challenge (Ûegveewleer osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW Overruled- Keeefjpe keâjvee
kesâ DeLe& nQ- Over powered- peyejomleer
check - peeBÛevee Correct Sentence- She was overwhelmed with joy at
winning the talent show.
choice - hemebo
chain - kewâo 64. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
Correct Sentence- The man _____ heavy losses in his investments.
The annual wholesale price index jumped to its highest (a) reaped (b) incurred
level last month posing a fresh challenge for policy (c) earned (d) raised
makers to remain watchful on the price front. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Fill in the Blanks 222 YCT
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ‘incurred’ (Pesuee Correct Sentence-
ngDee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- The soldiers planned to attack at a precise hour so they
synchronized their watches.
Reaped- keâeše (Deveepe)
68. Select the most appropriate words to fill in the
Earned- keâceeÙee
Raised- G"eÙee Leopards have learned to ____ to semi-urban
Correct Sentence- living near Mumbai and Gurugram.
The man incurred heavy losses in his investments. (a) adapt (b) adopt
65. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate (c) change (d) prepare
word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I)
During the curfew the army was____at
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
strategic locations.
(a) employed (b) supplied ‘adapt’ (Devegketâue yeveevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
(c) deployed (d) dispersed kesâ DeLe& nw-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I) Adopt- Deheveevee
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueS mLeeve ceW ‘deployed’ keâe ØeÙeesie Change- heefjJele&ve keâjvee
GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ mewefvekeâeW kesâ lewveeleer kesâ mecyevOe ceW deployed keâe Prepare- lewÙeej keâjvee
ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Correct Sentence-
Employed- keâeÙe&jle nesvee Leopards have learned to adapt to semi-urban living
Supplied- Deehetefle& nesvee near Mumbai and Gurugram.
Dispersed- eflelej-efyelej nesvee 69. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Correct Sentence- blank.
During the curfew the army was deployed at strategic Darkness ____ over the forest increasing the
locations. danger of wild animals.
66. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate (a) collapsed (b) descended
word. (c) grounded (d) declined
The old man was _____ at the hospital after a SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I)
long illness. Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
(a) recuperating (b) relenting efJekeâuheeW ‘Descended’ (Glejvee/veerÛes Deevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele
(c) rejoicing (d) relaxing
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II)
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW recuperating (mJemLe Collapsed- {n peevee~
nes peevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW yegpeie& Deeoceer kesâ Declined- DemJeerkeâej keâjvee/Fbkeâej keâjvee
mJeuhe nesves keâer yeele keâer pee jner nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Grounded- peceerve/mLeeefhele keâjvee
Relenting- keâesceue nesvee/ceevee peevee Correct Sentence-
Rejoicing- KegMeer/n<e& Darkness descended over the forest increasing the
danger of wild animals.
Relaxing- Deejece
70. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence-
The old man was recuperating at the hospital after a
Several environmentalists from city conducted
long illness.
a meet to discuss issues related to the _____
67. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate pollution levels created by the growing number
word. of pharmaceutical companies.
The soldiers planned to attack at a precise hour (a) rise in (b) raie in
so they_____their watches. (c) raising of (d) rising from
(a) assessed (b) exchanged SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) restored (d) synchronized
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘rise
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III)
in’ (yeÌ{vee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW pollution
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
levels yeÌ{ves keâe yeele keâer pee jner nw~
‘Synchronized’ (mecekeâeueerve yeveevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
Correct Sentence-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Several environmentalists from city conducted a meet a
Assessed - Deekeâueve efkeâÙee to discuss issues related to the rise in pollution levels
Exchanged- Deeoeve-Øeoeve keâjvee created by the growing number of pharmaceutical
Restored- yeneue keâjvee, megOeejvee companies.

Fill in the Blanks 223 YCT

71. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the 74. In the following question, the sentence given
blank. with blank to be filled in with an appropriate
Prince Harry and his wife, Megan Markle word. Select the correct alternative out of the
announced their decision to ______ from their four and indicate it by selecting the
role as senior royals by leaving United appropriate option.
Kingdom and limiting their royal Sohail was busy when we _______ to see him.
commitments. (a) went (b) go
(a) step up (b) step on (c) goes (d) gone
(c) step in (d) step back SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjkeäle mLeeve ceW efJekeâuhe (a) ‘went’
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW set keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeefo principal clause past
back (heerÚs nšvee) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee Mes<e efJekeâuhe Fme Øekeâej nQ- tense ceW nes lees sub-ordinate clause Yeer past tense (V2) ceW
step up - Deeies Deevee ner nesiee~
step on - keâoce Deeies yeÌ{eÙeW Correct Sentence- Sohail was busy when we went to
step in - Devoj DeeSb, see him.
Correct Sentence- 75. In the following question, the sentence given
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate
Prince Harry and his wife, Megan Markle announced
word. Select the correct alternative out of the
their decision to set back from their role as senior
four and indicate it by selecting the
royals by leaving United Kingdom and limiting their
appropriate option
royal commitments.
When we got home last night, we found that the
72. In the following question, the sentence given guest _______.
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate (a) had arrived (b) has arrived
word. Select the correct alternative out of the (c) is arrived (d) have arrived
four and indicate it by selecting the SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II)
appropriate option
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘had arrived’ keâe
He _______ office late that day.
(a) reached (b) was reached ØeÙeesie nesiee~ efveÙecele: past keâer oes IešveeSB efkeâmeer sentence ceW
(c) reaching (d) is reach denote keâer ieÙeer nes lees pees keâeÙe& henues mes nes Ûegkeâe nes Gmekesâ efueS
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) verb keâe form past perfect ceW nesiee, peyeefkeâ yeeo ceW nesves Jeeues
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘reached’ keâe keâeÙe& keâer verb past indefinite ceW nesieer~
GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW that day mes mhe° neslee nw efkeâ Correct Sentence- When we got home last night, we
JeekeäÙe past tense ceW nw~ FmeefueS reached (V2) keâe ØeÙeesie found that the guest had arrived.
nesiee~ 76. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence- He reached office late that day.
Raja ––––– the house before Hari got there.
73. In the following question, the sentence given (a) left (b) will leave
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate (c) leaves (d) had left
word. Select the correct alternative out of the SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
four and indicate it by selecting the
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'had left' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
appropriate option.
I asked her if I ––––– borrow her necklace for keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW oes clauses before mes pegÌ[s ngS nQ Deewj Before
a day. mes pegÌ[er ngF& oes clauses ceW henueer clause (pees keâeÙe& henues hetje
(a) could (b) would ngDee nw~) Past perfect Je otmejer clause (pees keâeÙe& yeeo ceW ngDee
(c) should (d) can nw~) Past Indefinite ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ Dele: efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Past
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I) perfect keâer verb 'had left had + verb3 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Could’ keâe ØeÙeesie Correct Sentence- Raja ‘had left’ the house before
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ efJeveceÇlee mes kegâÚ ceebieves kesâ sense ceW could Hari got there.
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ 77. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Could- used as a more polite from of 'can' when asking blank and make a grammatically Correct
for permission. Sentence-
Now a days, many home buyers –––––– interest
Note- Principal clause Deiej past ceW nes lees subordinate
in digital homes.
clause Yeer past ceW nesiee~ (a) shows (b) showed
Correct Sentence- I asked her if I could borrow her (c) had shown (d) are showing
necklace for a day. SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Fill in the Blanks 224 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘are showing’ 82. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ home buyers Skeâ plural subject nw blank.
I ––––– blood in the hospital tomorrow.
FmeefueS verb Yeer plural ØeÙeesie nesieer~ (a) have donated (b) was donating
Correct Sentence- Now a days, many home buyers (c) will donate (d) had donated
are showing interest in digital homes.
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
78. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘will donate’ keâe
blank and make a meaningful sentence.
The culprits should not be allowed to –––– ØeÙees ie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence ceW tomorrow (Deeves
easily. Jeeuee keâue) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ sentence future
(a) get in (b) get on Indifinite ceW ner nesiee~
(c) get away (d) get up Correct Sentence- I will donate blood in the hospital
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I) tomorrow.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘get 83. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
away’ (heâjej nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ blank.
DeLe& efvecve nQ- I am always –––– for good books.
(a) looking out (b) looking down
Get in - ØeJesMe keâjvee, Dee peevee
(c) looking after (d) looking into
Get on - Øeieefle keâjvee, DeÛÚe mebyebOe nesvee SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Get up - peeievee~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘looking out’ keâe
Correct Sentence- The culprits should not be allowed ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Looking out for (phrase) - To
to get away easily
be aware of one's surroundings in order to look for or
79. Select the most appropriate to fill in the blank. be aware of something (efkeâmeer Ûeerpe kesâ Øeefle meÛesle Ùee
The company ––––– its first all electric car in
the Indian market soon.
meeJeOeeve jnvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efvecve nQ-
(a) is launching (b) launched look after - osKeYeeue keâjvee
(c) launch (d) has launched looking down - efkeâmeer keâes legÛÚ mecePevee
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III) look into - peeBÛe heÌ[leeue keâjvee
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘is launching’ keâe Correct Sentence- I am always looking out for good
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ efvekeâš YeefJe<Ùe keâer efveefMÛele Iešvee keâes yeleeves books.
kesâ efueÙes Present Continuous tense keâe GheÙeesie neslee nw~ 84. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence- The company is launching its first blank.
all electric car in the Indian market soon. The little puppy was ––– by a speeding car.
(a) run away (b) run into
80. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(c) run over (d) run at
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)
When are you ––––– to write to your friend ?
(a) gone (b) going Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘run over’ keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) goes (d) go GheÙeg òeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ run over keâe DeLe& neslee nw- kegâÛeue osvee pees
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I) efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efvecve
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Present continuous tense nw, Dele: nQ–
efjòeâ mLeeve ceW, 'going' keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (is/am/are + V1 run away - keâneR mes efvekeâue Yeeievee
+ ing) run into - efJeMes<e mlej lekeâ hengBÛevee
Correct Sentence- When are you going to write to Correct Sentence- The little puppy was run over by a
your friend? speeding car.
81. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 85. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank.
He ––––– done it. Teachers would like –––– a long holiday.
(a) should have been (b) shouldn't have (a) having been (b) to have
(c) should had not (d) should not had (c) have (d) having for
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘shouldn't have’ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘to have’ keâe ØeÙeesie
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ shouldn't have keâe ØeÙeesie ‘ÛeeefnS Lee’ GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ would like kesâ meeLe infinitive keâe ØeÙeesie
kesâ DeLe& ceW neslee nw~ neslee nw~
Note- Model+hava+V3 Correct Sentence- Teachers would like to have a long
Correct Sentence- He shouldn't have done it. holiday.

Fill in the Blanks 225 YCT

86. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Note- Causative verb ceW let Je make kesâ meeLe bare
blank. infinitive keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
I –––– very busy lately. Correct Sentence- Shailesh finally decided to take a
(a) would be (b) have been back seat and let his son run the family business.
(c) will be (d) should be
91. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I) blank and make a grammatically Correct
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘have been’ keâe Sentence-.
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW lately (neue ceW) keâe YeeJe Rachna was angry with her father because he
Øekeâš keâj jne nw~ did not take her to the zoo as he ––––––.
Correct Sentence- I have been very busy lately. (a) promise (b) promises
(c) had promised (d) is promising
87. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I)
I watched him ––––. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘had promised’
(a) to falling (b) to fell keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Past tense ceW nw
(c) fell (d) fall leLee
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III) Past of Past kesâ efueS Past Perfect tense keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘fall’ ØeÙegòeâ nesiee Correct Sentence- ''Rachna was angry with her father
keäÙeeWefkeâ fall Skeâ intransitive verb nw Fmekesâ meeLe efkeâmeer because he did not take her to the zoo as he had
infinitive keâe ØeÙeesie veneR keâjles nw Deewj Deheves meeLe object veneR
92. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
uesles nw~ Dele: efjòeâ mLeeve hej fall keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ blank and make a grammatically Correct
Correct Sentence- I watched him fall. Sentence-.
88. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the The players returned to the dilapidated hotel
blank. that –––– them.
He ––––– his portrait in the main hall. (a) was been allocated to
(a) had hanged (b) hung (b) were allocated to
(c) hang (d) hanged (c) had allocated to
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) (d) was allocated to
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘hung’ (ueškeâe SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
efoÙee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeesefkeâ ‘lemJeerjs’ kesâ ‘šebieves’ kesâ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘was allocated’
sense ceW hung (VIInd form of hang) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ singular subject hotel kesâ
hang (heâeBmeer ueieevee) Devegmeej singular verb 'was' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
Correct Sentence- He hung his portrait in the main Correct Sentence- The players returned to the
hall. dilapidated hotel that was allocated to them.
89. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 93. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank and make a grammatically Correct
––––– you like some water? Sentence-.
Maryam –––––– to anyone as she was angry.
(a) Do (b) Would
(a) not spoke (b) did not spoken
(c) Shall (d) can
(c) did not spoke (d) did not speak
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Would’ keâe ØeÙeesie Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘did not speak’
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Polite request kesâ efueS meeceevÙele: would keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ past indifinite ceW did kesâ meeLe VI
keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct Sentence- Would you like some water?
Rule- Do, does, did keâs meeLe ncesMee verb keâer first form
90. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank and make a grammatically Correct
ØeÙegòeâ nesleer nw~
Sentence-. Correct Sentence- Maryam did not speak to anyone as
she was angry.''
Shailesh finally decided to take a back seat and
let his son ––––– the family business. 94. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(a) running (b) to run blank and make a meaningful sentence.
(c) will run (d) run Suman found a hundred-rupee note ––––– on
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III) the road.
(a) lied (b) laying
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘run’ keâe ØeÙeesie (c) lying (d) lies
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Fill in the Blanks 226 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ‘lying’ (heÌ[e ngDee) Robert and Rooney aren't very good friends
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW (meÌ[keâ hej heÌ[s veesš) keâe although they –––– each other for a long time.
(a) have known (b) are knowing
YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw~ (c) has known (d) knew
Correct Sentence- Suman found a hundred-rupee note SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
lying on the road.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
95. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
‘have known’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
blank and make a grammatically Correct
Sentence-. subject (they) plural nw Dele: present perfect kesâ Devegmeej
Our neighbours threatened to call the police if have + v3 keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
we ––––– stop the noise. Correct Sentence- Robert and Rooney aren't very good
(a) didn't (b) hasn't friends although they have known each other for a long time.
(c) doesn't (d) haven't 99. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II) blank and make a grammatically Correct
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘didn't’ keâe ØeÙeesie Sentence-.
The bodies –––– identified as those of two
GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâer henueer clause past tense ceW nw suspected drug dealers.
Dele: otmejer clause Yeer past tense ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ (a) were (b) had
Note– Past indefinte tense ceW Helping verb 'did' keâe ØeÙeesie (c) have (d) was
neslee nw~ SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Correct Sentence- Our neighbours threatened to call Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe mes helee Ûeuelee nw, efkeâ JeekeäÙe
the police if we did not stop the noise. Passive voice ceW nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW object keâer ØeOeevelee nw~
96. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW efjòeâ mLeeve kesâ yeeo verb keâer 3rd form keâe ØeÙeesie
blank and make a grammatically Correct ngDee nw~ leLee JeekeäÙe otmejer clause past tense ceW nw~ efjòeâ mLeeve
Sentence-. ceW 'were' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee
Although I had never seen her before, I –––– Correct Sentence- The bodies were identified as those
her from a photograph. of two suspected drug dealers.
(a) am recognizing (b) recongnize 100. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(c) recongnized (d) have recognized blank and make a grammatically Correct
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II) Sentence-.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'recongnized' keâe You are sure to ––––– if you don't keep to the
ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeefo JeekeäÙe mes past kesâ oes action path.
(a) get lose (b) got lost
(keâeÙe&) denote nes lees pees keâeÙe& henues nes Gmekesâ efueS past (c) get lost (d) got lose
perfect keâe ØeÙeesie leLee pees keâeÙe& yeeo ceW nes Gmekesâ efueS past SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
indefinite keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW get lost keâe ØeÙeesie
Correct Sentence- Although I had never seen her nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ to kesâ yeeo VI keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw leLee ØeeÙe: 'get
before, I recongnized her from a photograph. lost' keâe ØeÙeesie phrase kesâ ™he ceW keâjles nw~ It is used to tell
97. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the someone forcefully and quite rudely to go away.
blank and make a grammatically Correct get lost - oHeâe nes peeDees, ueghle nes peevee, Keess peevee
Correct Sentence- You are sure to get lost if you don't
The quality of public health care ––––– on the keep to the path.
amount of money allocated to it.
101. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(a) dependent (b) depending blank and make a meaningful sentence.
(c) depends (d) depend His old car ––––– on the highway.
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III) (a) broke up (b) broke out
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘depends’ keâe (c) broke in (d) broke down
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'The quality' Skeâ singular SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
uncountable noun nw~ Dele: present indefinite tense kesâ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW broke down (stop
efveÙeceevegmeej singular verb kesâ efueS verb ceW s/es keâe ØeÙeesie working) (keâece keâjvee yebo keâj osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
keâjles nQ~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw–
Correct Sentence- The quality of public health care broke up - Deueie nes peevee
depends on the amount of money allocated to it broke out - DeÛeevekeâ Hewâuevee
98. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the broke in - peyejomleer ØeJesMe keâjvee
blank and make a grammatically Correct Correct Sentence- His old car broke down on the
Sentence-. highway.
Fill in the Blanks 227 YCT
102. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
blank and make a grammatically Correct phrasal verb 'dug up' (Keesovee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
Correct Sentence- A twelve year old boy drowned in
The driver of the car probably holds the key to
a pit dug up for the coastal road project.
–––– the crime.
(a) solving (b) solves 106. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(c) solved (d) solution blank.
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II) Leading novelists of the nineteenth century
_____ for a cause.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘solving’ keâe ØeÙeesie (a) writes (b) has written
GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ key to +ving form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (c) are writing (d) wrote
Note- Key to + doing something SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
Correct Sentence- The driver of the car probably Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW wrote keâe ØeÙeesie
holds the key to solving the crime. GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ (nineteenth century) mes
103. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past tense ceW nesiee~ Dele: past indefine keâer
verb wrote (V2) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
He ––––– for a week when his father came.
(a) has been ill (b) had been ill Correct Sentence- Leading novelists of the nineteenth
century wrote for a cause.
(c) is being ill (d) is ill
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III) 107. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'Had been ill' keâe A major earthquake ______ in India on 8
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ for + a week (Time) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes October 2005 in Uri.
mhe° nw efkeâ efoÙee ieÙee 'Sentence past perfect countionous (a) occurs (b) has been occurring
tense' ceW nQ~ Dele: Fmekeâer Helping verb (had been) keâe ØeÙeesie (c) occurred (d) is occurring
nesiee– SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence- He had been ill for a weak when Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW occurred keâe ØeÙeesie
his father came. GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ghejesòeâ sentence ceW past keâer IešveeDeeW
Rule- efveÙecele: efkeâmeer sentence ceW past kesâ oes action denote keâe JeCe&ve ngDee nw~ Dele: past indefinte keâer verb occured
efkeâÙes ieÙes nes, lees pees keâeÙe& henues meceehle nes Gmekesâ efueS verb (V2) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
past perfect leLee yeeo ceW ngS keâeÙe& kesâ efueS verb past Correct Sentence-– A major earthquake occurred in
indefinite ceW neslee nw~ India on 8 October 2005 in Uri.
104. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 108. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank.
She returned the book after she ––––it. The earth _______ round the sun and not the
(a) reads (b) read vice-versa.
(c) had read (d) was read (a) revolving (b) revolves
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II) (c) revolve (d) has revolve
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'Had read' keâe
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW revolves (IetCe&ve)
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efveÙecele: efkeâmeer sentence ceW past kesâ oes
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ universal truth Jeeues JeekeäÙeeW keâes
action denote efkeâÙes ieÙes nes, lees pees keâeÙe& henues meceehle nes Gmekesâ
present indefinite tense ceW jKeles nQ Deewj FmeceW verb kesâ Deble
efueS verb past perfect leLee yeeo ceW ngS keâeÙe& kesâ efueS verb
ceW s/es keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ singular yeveeles nQ~
past indefinite ceW neslee nw~
Correct Sentence- The earth revolves round the sun
Rule- Past of past keâs efueÙes Past Perfect Tense keâe ØeÙeesie and not the vice-versa.
neslee nw~ 109. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Note- Subject + VII + object + after + subject + had + blank.
main verbIII A toddler's brain ______ pretty much fully
Correct Sentence- She returned the book after she developed by the age of three.
had read it (a) was (b) are
105. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (c) were (d) is
blank. SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
A twelve year old boy drowned in a pit –––– up Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve hej 'is' keâe ØeÙeesie
for the coastal road project. GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW universal truth keâer yeele keâer pee
(a) dig (b) digs
(c) digging (d) dug
jner nw~ leLee Fmekeâe subject (a toddler's brain) singular nw~
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II) Dele: singular verb (is) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Fill in the Blanks 228 YCT
Note- General Sense keâes efoKeeves kesâ efueS JeekeäÙe keâes present 114. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
tense ceW ØeÙegòeâ keâjles nQ~ blank.
I organised my dressing table by putting all the
Correct Sentence- A toddler's brain is pretty much
rubber bands ______ the drawer.
fully developed by the age of three.
(a) for (b) in
110. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (c) on (d) at
SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
Researchers say that about 33% of people with
diabetes may _______ a skin disorder in their Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'in' (ceW) keâe ØeÙeesie
lifetime. nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe
(a) have been (b) has been efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
(c) have (d) has Correct Sentence-
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I) I organised my dressing table by putting all the rubber
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'have' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ bands 'in' the drawer.
keäÙeeWefkeâ modal verb 'may' kesâ yeeo have keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ 115. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence- Researchers say that about 33% of blank.
people with diabetes may have a skin disorder in their The increasing concerns about climate change
lifetime. point to the need for enhanced efforts towards
111. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate ______ sustained growth.
word. (a) achieved (b) achieve
Shakespeare _______ this play. (c) achieving (d) to achieve
(a) write (b) is writing SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
(c) has been writing (d) wrote Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Achieving’ keâe
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III) ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ towards (preposition) kesâ yeeo Verb ‘ing’
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW wrote (efueKee) keâe form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ past keâer Iešvee keâe JeCe&ve keâjves kesâ Correct Sentence-
efueS ÙeneB simple past keâe ØeÙeesie ner ØeÙegòeâ nesiee Deewj past The increasing concerns about climate change point to
indefinite ceW V2 keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ the need for enhanced efforts towards achieving
Correct Sentence-– sustained growth.
Shakespeare wrote this play. 116. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
112. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.
blank. Tickets for the event are available ______ the
While in Rome we must do as Romans ______. door; there is no advance booking.
(a) is doing (b) was doing (a) at (b) in
(c) had done (d) do (c) of (d) to
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'do' Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘at’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ word 'Romans' keäÙeeWefkeâ specific place Deewj time keâes indicate keâjves kesâ efueS
plural number ceW nQ Dele: verb keâe ØeÙeesie Yeer plural ceW nesiee~ ‘at’ preposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct Sentence- Correct Sentence-
While in Rome we must do as Romans do. Tickets for the event are available 'at' the door; there is
no advance booking.
C. Preposition 117. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
113. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate blank.
option. Many people like playing cricket, but _____ my
This change is responsible for a recent ........... opinion, it is too chaotic.
the number of cases of cancer in this age group. (a) in (b) from
(a) rise at (b) rise in (c) for (d) with
(c) rise of (d) rise to SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘in’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘rise in’ keâe ØeÙeesie keäÙeeWefkeâ personel advice osves kesâ sense ceW My openinon kesâ
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ rise kesâ meeLe 'in' preposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ henues ‘in’ preposition keâes ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct Sentence- Correct Sentence-
This change is responsible for a recent 'rise in' the Many people like playing cricket, but ‘in’ my opinion,
number of cases of cancer in this age group. it is too chaotic.
Fill in the Blanks 229 YCT
118. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW to (preposition)
blank. keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ resemblance kesâ meeLe to keâe
He admonished his listeners ______ their
wicked ways.
ØeÙeesie meceevelee keâes denote keâjves kesâ efueS Deelee nw~
(a) changes (b) changed Correct Sentence- Vivek has a strong resemblance to
(c) to change (d) change his grandfather.
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II 123. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘to change’ keâe
Eggs are sold ______ the dozen.
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ admonish kesâ meeLe ‘to’ preposition keâe (a) by (b) in
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ (c) to (d) at
Correct Sentence- SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
He admonished his listeners ‘to change’ their wicked Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW by keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ dozen (measurement) kesâ YeeJe keâes JÙeòeâ keâjves kesâ
119. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
efueS by preposition keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~
The artists will arrive ........ an hour. Correct Sentence-
(a) between (b) along Eggs are sold by the dozen.
(c) within (d) before 124. Select the most appropriate words to fill in the
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) blanks.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Today computer viruses spread ______ a
dizzying speed ______ way of file downloads.
efJekeâuhe within kesâ Deboj (meceÙe/kesâ oewjeve) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe (a) by; by (b) at; from
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYevve nw~ (c) at; by (d) in; from
Correct Sentence- The artists will arrive within an SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
hour. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘JeeÙejme kesâ lespe ieefle mes yeÌ{ves’ kesâ
120. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the YeeJe kesâ efueS speed kesâ meeLe efjòeâ mLeeve (i) ceW at keâe ØeÙeesie
I ______ for forty minutes to see the doctor
GefÛele nesiee leLee efjòeâ mLeeve (ii) ceW YeeJeevegmeej by keâe ØeÙeesie
before my name was announced. GefÛele nesiee~
(a) am waiting (b) have been waiting Correct Sentence- Today computer viruses spread at;
(c) were waiting (d) had been waiting by a dizzying speed by way of file downloads.
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) 125. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'had beeen waiting' blank.
We respect you but we don’t agree ______ your
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâer otmejer past tense ceW nw ideas.
leLee henueer clause ceW time keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw Dele: henueer clause (a) to (b) for
past perfect tense ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ (c) by (d) with
Correct Sentence- I had been waiting for forty minutes SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
to see the doctor before my name was announced. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW agree kesâ meeLe with
121. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the preposition keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ veneR nw~
Note- (i) agree with someone or something.
You really need ______ some guidance in
(ii) agree on a topic or subject.
(iii) agree to do something.
(a) take (b) taking
Correct Sentence- We respect you but we don't agree
(c) to take (d) to be taking
‘with’ your ideas.
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
126. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘to take’ keâe ØeÙeesie
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ need + to kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeuee verb ncesMee It is not easy to distinguish a loyal friend
v form ceW neslee nw~
______ a flatterer.
Correct Sentence- You really need some to take (a) among (b) between
guidance in Chemistry. (c) and (d) from
122. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
blank. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘from’ keâe ØeÙeesie
Vivek has a strong resemblance _________ his
grandfather. GheÙeg òeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ distinguish kesâ meeLe from keâe ØeÙeesie
(a) about (b) to nes i ee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ veneR nw~
(c) with (d) from Correct Sentence- It is not easy to distinguish a loyal
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) friend from a flatterer.
Fill in the Blanks 230 YCT
127. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeveeW ceW
word. ›eâceMe: ‘with' leLee 'in' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
The fan was directly ______ my head.
(a) on (b) over
GefÛele DeLe& veneR osles nQ~
(c) at (d) below Correct Sentence- The boy was leaning against the
pillar with his hands in his pockets.
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
132. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Jeeòeâ kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘over’ keâe ØeÙeesie
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB ‘cesjs mej kesâ Thej’ kesâ sense ceW over The vibrations from wind instruments –––––
preposition keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ always positive and good –––– your breathing
Correct Sentence- The fan was directly over my head. and health.
128. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate (a) is, in (b) are; for
word. (c) were; to (d) was; in
______ Sunny, two others have qualified for the SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
final round of the quiz. Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ›eâceMe:
(a) Along (b) Besides 'are' leLee Preposition 'for' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Vibration
(c) Between (d) Apart
plural noun nw~ Fmekesâ meeLe plural verb 'are' keâe ØeÙeesie Megæ
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
nw~ Good for something or somebody ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ceW ‘besides’ (kesâ
Correct Sentence- The vibrations from wind
Deefleefjòeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWekf eâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘meveer kesâ Deefleefjòeâ instruments are always positive and good for your
keâe YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw’ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~ breathing and health.
Correct Sentence- Besides Sunny, two others have 133. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
qualified for the final round of the quiz. blank.
129. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate Please sign these documents ––––ink so that
word. they can be preserved.
She has inherited her fondness ______ tennis (a) with (b) in
from her parents. (c) from (d) by
(a) to (b) at SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) for (d) by Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘in’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
SSC CPO-SI–23/11/2020 (Shift-II) Ghejesòeâ YeeJe ceW sign kesâ meeLe 'in' Preposition keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ceW for Correct Sentence- Please sign these documents in ink
(preposition) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ Fondness kesâ meeLe for so that they can be preserved.
(preposition) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele neslee nw~ Fondness for 134. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(sb./sth.) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ blank.
Correct Sentence- She has inherited her fondness for It is said that children who learn to use their
tennis from her parents. body, mind and emotions for their own
130. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate wellbeing, work ______ the wellbeing of others.
word. (a) within (b) into
He was born in a business family and has a (c) forwards (d) towards
natural aptitude ______ business. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(a) on (b) at Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
(c) for (d) to 'towards' (keâer Deesj) Øeoeve efkeâÙee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen Skeâ
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) preposition nw Fmekeâe DeLe& nw- - 'in the direction of
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW preposition 'for' something'~ Mes<e DevÙe efJekeâuhe nQ- within - Devoj, into - ceW,
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ aptitude kesâ meeLe for forward - keâer Deesj, Deeies
preposition keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Correct Sentence- It is said that children who learn to
Correct Sentence- He was born in a business family use their body, mind and emotions for their own
and has a natural aptitude for business. wellbeing, work towards the wellbeing of others.
131. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the 135. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank in the given sentence.
The boy was leaning against the pillar_____ his The area is _____ close circuit television
hands_____his pockets. surveillance.
(a) with; from (b) with; in (a) about (b) over
(c) for; into (d) for; in (c) into (d) under
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Fill in the Blanks 231 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW since keâe ØeÙeesie
under (kesâ efveiejeveer ceW, DeOeerve) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe present perfect continuous
efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ veneR nw~ Tense keâe nw Dele: efveef§ele meceÙe kesâ efueS JeekeäÙe ceW since keâe
about– kesâ yeejs ceW, over– kesâ Thej, into– kesâ Devoj~ ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
Correct Sentence- The area is under close circuit Note–efkeâmeer Yeer perfect countinous tense ceW efveefMÛele meceÙe kesâ
television surveillance. efueS since leLee Deefveef§ele meceÙe kesâ efueS for keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~
136. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Correct Sentence- Mr. Jain has been in this college
blank. since 2000.
Madhuri is bringing ............... her sister's 140. In the following question, the sentence given
daughter after the death of the child's parents. with blank to be filled in with an appropriate
(a) over (b) out word. Select the correct alternative out of the
(c) up (d) in four and indicate it selecting the appropriate
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III) option.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Anita was musing _______ memories of the
'bring up' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ bring up keâe DeLe& past.
(a) on (b) off
(heeueve hees<eCe keâjvee) neslee nw~
(c) for (d) to
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&– SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
bring in - hewmee keâceevee Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej on
bring out - hesMe keâjvee (preposition) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Musing on memories -
Correct Sentence- Madhuri is bringing up her sister's ÙeeoeW keâes meesÛevee~
daughter after the death of the child's parents.
Correct Sentence- Anita was musing on memories of
137. Turn the AC _____before you leave the office. the past.
(a) out (b) off 141. Select the most approrpriate option to fill in the
(c) down (d) in blank.
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III) He is addicted to alcohol and exerts a bad
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘off’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee influence ––––– his family.
keäÙeeWefkeâ efkeâmeer Yeer Ùeb$e keâes yevo/Meg® keâjves kesâ efueS on/off keâe (a) in (b) about
ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ (c) for (d) on
Correct Sentence- Turn the AC off before you leave SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
the office. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'on' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
138. In the following question, the sentence given keäÙeeWefkeâ Influence kesâ meeLe ncesMee on/upon preposition keâe
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
word. Select the correct alternative out of the Correct Sentence- He is addicted to alcohol and
four and indicate it by selecting the exerts a bad influence on his family.
appropriate option 142. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Throw a stone _______ the fierce cat. blank and make a grammatically Correct
(a) above (b) on Sentence-.
(c) at (d) forward Planets do not have light ––––– their own.
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II) (a) on (b) by
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW at (preposition) (c) of (d) for
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'at' keâe ØeÙeesie point of place denote SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ on keâe ØeÙeesie meceÙe keâes denote Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'of' preposition keâe
keâjlee nw~ forward keâe DeLe& neslee nw efkeâ Deesj, pees efoMee denote ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW possession (Kego kesâ ØekeâeMe) keâe
keâjlee nw~ YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw~
Correct Sentence- Throw a stone at the fierce cat. Correct Sentence- Planets do not have light of their
139. In the following question, the sentence given own.
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate 143. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
word. Select the correct alternative out of the blank and make a grammatically Correct
four and indicate it by selecting the Sentence-.
appropriate option There is no information ––––– the company's
Mr. Jain has been in this college _______ 2000. profit in the report.
(a) for (b) since (a) about (b) along
(c) of (d) off (c) among (d) with
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III) SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Fill in the Blanks 232 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW (a) among (b) of
about keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ information kesâ meeLe (c) in (d) between
preposition 'about' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence- There is no information about the Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘between’ keâe
company's profit in the report. ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe keâer yeele nes
144. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the lees ‘between’ keâe ØeÙeesie Deewj peye oes mes DeefOekeâ JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ
blank. yeerÛe keâer yeele nes lees ‘Among’ keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
He is a descendant –––– the Mughal royalty. ex- 1. Father distributed the sweets between his two
(a) for (b) of sons.
(c) in (d) to
2. Father distributed the sweets among his three sons.
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence- There was a heated discussion
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Preposition 'of' keâe between two members of the club
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ descendant (JebMepe) kesâ meeLe 149. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
preposition of keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ blank and make a grammatically Correct
Correct Sentence- He is a descendant of the Mughal Sentence-.
royalty. People tend to turn a blind eye ––––– crime
145. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the against women.
blank. (a) to (b) at
I congratulated him –––– his promotion. (c) on (d) in
(a) because of (b) to SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) due of (d) on
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'To' keâe ØeÙeesie
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Turn a blind eye to (someone)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘on’ (preposition)
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ congratulated kesâ meeLe 'on' (Devemegvee keâj osvee, OÙeeve veneR osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele neslee nw~ Ùen
preposition ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
Skeâ idiomatic phrase nw~
Correct Sentence- I congratulated him on his Correct Sentence- People tend to turn a blind eye to
promotion. crime against women.
146. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 150. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. blank and make a meaningful sentence.
The origin of ice-cream dates back –––– nearly The children ––––– over the property of their
half-a-century. father.
(a) to (b) at (a) quarrelled
(c) from (d) into (b) approved
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I) (c) confiscated
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, (d) enjoyed
keäÙeeWefkeâ 'date back to' (hegjevee nesvee/henues keâe nesvee) phrase neslee SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
nw efpemekeâe DeLe& nw– 'to have originated at an earlier time'. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'quarrelled' keâe
Correct Sentence- The origin of ice-cream dates back ØeÙees ie efkeâÙee peeSiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ quarrel kesâ meeLe preposition over
to nearly half-a-century. keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQb~
147. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Quarrel over (idiom) :- to have an argument or dispute
blank. about something- PeieÌ[e/efJeJeeo keâjvee~
Though I am tall, I feel inferior ––––– others. approve - mJeerkeâej keâjvee, confiscated - peyle keâjvee, enjoy -
(a) to (b) than
(c) upon (d) from Deevevo uesvee~
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III) Correct Sentence- The children quarrelled over the
property of their father.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘to’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
keäÙeeWefkeâ inferior kesâ meeLe preposition 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nww~ 151. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence- Though I am tall, I feel inferior to blank and make a grammatically Correct
others. Sentence-.
148. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the A babysitter is somebody who looks –––––
blank and make a grammatically Correct other people's children.
Sentence-. (a) for (b) on
There was a heated discussion ––––– two (c) over (d) after
members of the club. SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Fill in the Blanks 233 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW after keâe ØeÙeesie Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'at
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ 'Look after' is a phrasal verb which means proposition' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe&
'take care of' (osKeYeeue keâjvee), DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQb~ osles nQ~
look for - {t{ BÌ vee, look on - mecePevee, look over - efvejer#eCe keâjvee~ Correct Sentence- She is highly skilled at dealing
Correct Sentence- A babysitter is somebody who with difficult customers.
looks after other people's children. 156. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
152. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
blank and make a grammatically Correct They were astonished ––––– his failure in the
Sentence-. competition.
It wasn't easy, but finally we succeeded ––––– (a) in (b) at
finding a solution to the problem. (c) on (d) from
(a) of (b) at
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) in (d) for
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'at' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'in' preposition keâe nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Astonished kesâ meeLe fixed Proposition 'at' keâe
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Succeed in (something) - to complete ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
or accomplish something as one desires hopes, or Correct Sentence- They were astonished at his failure
intends. in the competition.
Correct Sentence- It wasn't easy, but finally we 157. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
succeeded in finding a solution to the problem. blank.
153. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the The little girl protested _____ the hypocrisy of
blank and make a grammatically Correct her elders.
Sentence-. (a) against (b) apart
I'm short –––––– funds at the moment so can I (c) along (d) with
pay you back next week ? SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) of (b) in
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘against’ keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) off (d) at
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III) GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ protest kesâ meeLe preposition against keâe
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW of ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee Short of something (keâceer nesvee/keâes Correct Sentence- The little girl protested against the
ÚesÌ[keâj) hypocrisy of her elders.
Correct Sentence- I'm short of funds at the moment so 158. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
can I pay you back next week blank.
154. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Tin cans, used for storing food are made _____
blank and make a grammatically Correct electroplating tin onto iron.
Sentence-. (a) of (b) with
The vase broke ––––– pieces when Simran (c) by (d) to
dropped it . SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) from (b) in Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'of' preposition keâe
(c) among (d) into
ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ peye efkeâmeer Ûeerpe mes keâesF& Ûeerpe yeveeves ceW
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
kesâJeue Gmekesâ Deekeâej keâes heefjJeefle&le efkeâÙee peeÙes lees preposition
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘into’ keâe ØeÙeesie
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ ‘Break into’ (šgkeâÌ[esb ceW lees[Ì vee)~ JeekeäÙe kesâ 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct Sentence- Tin cans, used for storing food are
YeeJevegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~
made of electroplating tin onto iron.
Correct Sentence- ''The vase broke into pieces when
Simran dropped it.’’ 159. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
155. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.
blank. Disputes destroy your happiness and distract
She is highly skilled ––––– dealing with difficult you ______ your everyday tasks at work and
customers. home.
(a) of (b) into (a) off (b) from
(c) at (d) on (c) away (d) at
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II)
Fill in the Blanks 234 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW from (mes) keâe ØeÙeesie 163. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
as a proposition GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ distract from + blank.
The police will regard it as an accident........ any
something - efkeâmeer keâeÙe&/Jemleg/ue#Ùe mes ceve Yeškeâvee keâe ØeÙeesie
evidence to the contrary is found.
neslee nw~ (a) otherwise (b) unless
Correct Sentence- Disputes destroy your happiness (c) whenever (d) still
and distract you from your everyday tasks at work and
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
D. Conjunction efJekeâuhe unless (peye lekeâ efkeâ veneR) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee DevÙe
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYevve nQ~
160. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Correct Sentence – The Police will regard it as an
blank. accident unless any evidence to the contrary is found.
She was –––––– right nor wrong.
164. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(a) whether (b) not
(c) neither (d) either
Let us know _________ you change your mind.
SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III
(a) although (b) in case
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘neither’ keâe ØeÙeesie (c) suppose (d) however
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Correlative Conjunction ‘neither nor’ keâe SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
ØeÙeesie Skeâ meeLe neslee nw~ Ans. (b) : GheÙeg&òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJeevegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'in case'
Neither --------nor keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee
Either----------or Note- (i) 'in case' keâe ØeÙeesie ‘nce YeefJe<Ùe keâer heefjefmLeefleÙeeW kessâ
Correct Sentence-
She was ‘neither’ right nor wrong
ef ueS lewÙeej jnves kesâ efueS’ kesâ sense ceW keâjles nQ~
(ii) 'in case of' keâe ØeÙeesie 'if' kesâ sense ceW JeekeäÙe keâer Meg®Deele
161. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. ceW keâjles nQ~
_____ did she open her lunch box than Correct Sentence--
everyone gathered around her. Let us know in case you change your mind.
(a) As soon as (b) No sooner 165. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
(c) Just as (d) Hardly word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III We cannot delay the project ______ it is
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘No sooner’ keâe urgent.
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘than’ keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw Deewj Co- (a) than (b) although
(c) as if (d) because
relative Conjunction No sooner -----than Skeâ meeLe ØeÙeesie
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
neslee nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW conjunction
Correct Sentence-
'because' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ 'because' keâe ØeÙeesie
'No sooner' did she open her lunch box than everyone
gathered around her. keâejCe yeleeves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Correct Sentence- We cannot delay the project
162. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. because it is urgent.
_____or not you allow me. I am going to the 166. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
fair. word.
(a) If (b) Whether The wise try to improve themselves ______ the
(c) Until (d) Unless fools keep blaming their luck.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II (a) whether (b) still
(c) whereas (d) therefore
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Whether’ keâe ØeÙeesie
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ until/unless kesâ meeLe not keâe ØeÙeesie keâe ØeÙeesie veneR
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
neslee nw leLee 'Whether' keâe ØeÙeesie Sub-ordinating
conjunction kesâ ™he ceW oes ceW mes efkeâmeer Skeâ keâe ÛeÙeve keâjves kesâ where as (peyeefkeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe kesâ DeLe& nQ-
efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ still - efheâj Yeer
No sooner ------than whether - oesveeW ceW mes keâewve-mee
Hardly/Scarcly/Bearly------When therefore - FmeefueS
Correct Sentence- Correct Sentence- The wise try to improve
'Whether' or not you allow me. I am going to the fair themselves whereas the fools keep blaming their luck.

Fill in the Blanks 235 YCT

167. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the 171. In the following question, the sentence given
blank. with blank to be filled in with an appropriate
______ there were no buses, we had to take a word. Select the correct alternative out of the
taxi. four and indicate it by selecting the
(a) Even if (b) Hence appropriate option.
(c) Since (d) Although She doesn't know –––––– to accept or refuse
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) the proposal.
(a) if (b) that
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej since (c) whether (d) which
(Ûetbefkeâ/keäÙeeWefkeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I)
nQ~ Even if - Yeues ner, Hence- Dele: Although - ÙeÅeefhe Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW whether keâe ØeÙeesie
Correct Sentence- Since there were no buses, we had nesiee~ Whether DeLe& neslee nw- oesveeW ceW mes keâewve mee, meeOeejCele:
to take a taxi. Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie mevosn JÙeòeâ keâjves kesâ efueÙes efkeâÙee peelee nw~
168 Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Whether is used especially in reporting question and
blank. expressing doubts if, or not.
This is the reason _______ I don't attend Whether kesâ meeLe ncesMee or keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Ùen Skeâ Øekeâej keâe
parties. conjunction nw, efpemekeâe DeLe& Ùee....Ùee neslee nw~
(a) because (b) since Correct Sentence- She doesn't know whether to accept
(c) so (d) why or refuse the proposal.
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) 172. Both Sushant ______Rohit are handsome.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Conjunction (a) a well as (b) and
'why' GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ ÙeneB 'why' Skeâ relative pronoun nw, (c) or (d) neither
efpemekeâe ØeÙeesie subordinating clause ceW keâejCe yeleeves kesâ efueS SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I)
neslee nw~ Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'and' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
Correct Sentence- This is the reason why I don't keäÙeeWefkeâ peye nceW ‘oes meeceevÙe YeeJeeW Jeeues JeekeäÙeeW Ùee leLÙeeW keâes
attend parties. peesÌ[vee’ neslee nw lees nce ØecegKe correlative Conjunction - and,
169. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the both ----- and, not only ----- but also, also, not less than
blank. keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~
He had hardly gone a few kilometers ______ Correct Sentence- Both Sushant and Rohit are
his car broke down. handsome.
(a) when (b) where 173. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(c) that (d) than blank.
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) –––– they are twins, they are worlds apart in
their attitude to life.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'when' GefÛele nesiee
(a) Although (b) Despite
keäÙeeWefkeâ Hardly, scarcely Ùee Barely kesâ meeLe Pair (c) Whereas (d) However
conjunction, 'when' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ peyeefkeâ 'than' keâe SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
ØeÙeesie No sooner kesâ meeLe neslee nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
Correct Sentence- He had hardly gone a few Although (ÙeÅeefhe) keâes ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe mes
kilometers when his car broke down. ÙeÅeefhe keâe YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~
170. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Correct Sentence- Although they are twins, they are
blank. worlds apart in their attitude to life.
This fabric is ________ though cheaper than 174. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
other fabrics. blank.
(a) as good as (b) more good We must start now –––– it will be too late
(c) as good (d) so good as (a) until (b) unless
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) (c) or (d) but
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW as good as keâe SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW or (DeLeJee, Ùee) keâe
efJekeâuhe (b) ceW - more good (Comparative Deewj positive ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe mes DeLeJee keâe YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw~
degree Skeâ meeLe veneR Dee mekeâles nw) Mes<e efJekeâuhe Fme Øekeâej nw-
efJekeâuhe (c) ceW - as good (as positive degree ceW neslee nw) until - peye lekeâ efkeâ ve (meceÙe kesâ efueS)~
efJekeâuhe (d) ceW - so good as (negative sentence ceW mener ceevee unless - peye lekeâ efkeâ ve (Condition kesâ efueS)~
peelee nw)~ But - efkeâvleg, hejvleg~
Correct Sentence- This fabric is as good as though Correct Sentence- We must start now or it will be too
cheaper than other fabrics. late

Fill in the Blanks 236 YCT

175. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
blank. unless- peye lekeâ veneR (Mele& yeesOekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
The entry gates were closed ––––– we could Correct Sentence- Children are not allowed to use the
enter in. swimming pool unless they are accompanied by an
(a) till (b) before adult.
(c) after (d) until Note- 'until' keâe ØeÙeesie - ‘peye lekeâ veneR’ kesâ DeLe& ceW meceÙe yeleeves
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I) kesâ efueÙes neslee nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Before (henues) 179. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ The words before/after are time expression blank.
We cannot quote a price ––––– we are allowed
and these are used to indicate when something happens to examine the sample.
in the past, present or future. So, 'Before' is the correct (a) except (b) unless
Conjunction here. (c) because (d) whether
Mes<e efJekeâuhe Fme Øekeâej nw- SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Till - peye lekeâ, After - yeeo ceW, Until - peye lekeâ efkeâ ve~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Unless’ (peye lekeâ
Correct Sentence- The entry gates were closed before ve) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe conditional nw~
we could enter in. Except- kesâ efmeJeeÙe/Jeefpe&le keâjvee~
176. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Because- FmeefueS/keäÙeeWefkeâ~
blank and make a grammatically Correct Whether- Ùeefo~
Sentence-. Correct Sentence- We cannot quote a price unless we
Simran was reading a book ––––– waiting for are allowed to examine the sample.
the bus. 180. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(a) while (b) from blank.
(c) during (d) at Gita won't pass the examination and ______
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II) will Rita.
(a) nor (b) or
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW while (kesâ oewjeve) keâe (c) either (d) neither
ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
efveÙece- peye oes keâeÙe& meeLe-meeLe nes jns neW lees, Gvns pees[Ì ves kesâ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘neither’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
efueÙes while keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ keäÙeeWefkeâ neither keâe ØeÙeesie oes ceW mes keâesF& veneR kesâ efueS neslee nw
Correct Sentence- ''Simran was reading a book while Correct Sentence- Gita won't pass the examination
waiting for the bus. and neither will Rita.
177. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank and make a grammatically Correct E. Article
Sentence-. 181. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
––––––– he plays well he has not been selected blank.
in the team. Hardly had I called him ______ my mother
(a) Though (b) Because started screaming.
(c) Since (d) Unless (a) when (b) then
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I) (c) so (d) than
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'when' keâe ØeÙeesie
‘Though’ (ÙeÅeefhe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ 'Though' is used to
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Hardly/Scarcely kesâ meeLe 'when' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee
add a fact that makes the previous statement less
peelee nw~
Correct Sentence-
Correct Sentence- Though he plays well he has not
Hardly had I called him when my mother started
been selected in the team. screaming.
178. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 182. Select the most appropriate to fill in the blanks.
blank and make a grammatically Correct You can go to ________ national Art Gallery
Sentence-. but I want to visit _______ zoo first.
Children are not allowed to use the swimming (a) no word required; the
pool ––––– they are accompanied by an adult. (b) the; the
(a) unless (b) at least (c) the; no word required
(c) if only (d) in case (d) a; a
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Fill in the Blanks 237 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efueS efjòeâ mLeeveeW cesW ›eâceMe: 'the' Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW article kesâ ™he ceW 'a'
leLee 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB oesveeW noun keâe ØeÙeesie keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
specific (efJeMes<e) ™he ceW ngDee nw~ Use of 'a' – efpeme word keâe pronunciation efnvoer JÙebpeve mes
Correct Sentence- You can go to the national Art Meg™ neslee nw, Gmekesâ henues 'a' ueieeles nw~
Gallery but I want to visit the zoo first. ex- a university
183. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the use of an - efpeme word keâe pronunciation efnvoer mJej mes Meg™
neslee nw, Gmekesâ henues 'an' ueieeles nw~
Educators have ––––– unique responsibility
towards the empowerment of their students. ex- an hour
(a) a (b) few Correct Sentence- Anand Kumar is a unique teacher.
(c) an (d) some 187. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) blank and make a grammaticaly Correct
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Article 'a' keâe ØeÙeesie Sentence-.
London is ––––– European city.
consonant sound mes Meg® nesves Jeeues Meyo mes henues ØeÙegòeâ nesles nww~
(a) a (b) No article
Yeues ner Jes 'vowel' alphabet mes ØeejcYe nes~ 'Unique' (c) an (d) the
consonant sound (Ùet) mes ØeejcYe nw Dele: a keâe ØeÙeesie Megæ nw~ SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence- Educators have a unique
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'a' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
responsibility towards the empowerment of their
students. efpeve MeyoeW kesâ GÛÛeejCe keâe henuee De#ej efnboer JÙebpeve keâe Meyo nes,
184. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Gvekesâ henues ‘a’ keâe ØeÙeesie, leLee efpevekesâ GÛÛeejCe keâe henuee De#ej
blank and make a grammatically Correct efnboer JeCe&ceeuee kesâ mJej mes nes lees Gvekesâ meeLe article 'an' keâe
Sentence-. ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
His clothes were way over –––– top for a eg. An hour (DeeJej )
sombre occasion.
A university (ÙetefveJeefme&šer )
(a) the (b) no article
(c) an (d) a Correct Sentence- London is a European city.
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III) 188. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW definite article
You have to do ––––– intensive training to
'the' keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~
become a nurse.
Over the top - extremely or excessively flamboyant or (a) the (b) a
(c) an (d) one
Correct Sentence – His clothes were way over the top
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II)
for a sombre occasion.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Article 'an' keâe
185. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank and make a grammatically Correct ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ - peye efkeâmeer word kesâ Pronunciation keâe
Sentence-. henuee word efnboer vowel keâe word nes lees 'an' keâe ØeÙeesie Deewj
It was ––––– honour of seema to be selected as peye Hindi consonant keâe word nes lees 'a' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~
a teacher trainer. Correct Sentence- You have to do an intensive
(a) the (b) No article training to become a nurse.
(c) an (d) a
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II) F. Correct use of Pronoun,
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW An keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Adjective & Adverb
keäÙeeWefkeâ peye efkeâmeer Meyo keâe GÛÛeejCe (Pronunciation) efnboer mJej
mes neslee nw lees an keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~ ÙeneB hej honour (Dee@vej)
189. A sentence has been given with a blank to be
Meyo keâer Meg®Deele efnboer mJej ‘Dee’ mes ngF& nw~ filled with an appropriate option. Choose the
correct alternative.
Correct Sentence- It was an honour of seema to be
Farms are increasingly turning to automation
selected as a teacher trainer.
for ______ reasons.
186. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (a) much (b) most
blank and make a grammatically Correct (c) little (d) many
Sentence-. SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Anand Kumar is______unique teacher.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Many’ keâe ØeÙeesie
(a) no article (b) an
(c) the (d) a nes iee keäÙeeWefkeâ Countable Noun kesâ efueS many (Adjective)
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I) keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Fill in the Blanks 238 YCT
Note– Much keâe ØeÙeesie Uncountable Noun kesâ efueS efkeâÙee 194. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
peelee nw~ blank.
I have visited ______ coaching institutes in
Correct Sentence-
your region.
Farms are increasingly turning to automation for many
(a) many (b) mostly
(c) much (d) any
190. A sentence has been given with a blank to be
SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
filled with an appropriate option. Choose the
correct alternative. Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb 'Many' keâe heÇÙeesie
The school was _______ than a mile from their nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ Countable Noun (Coaching institutes) keâs
home. meeLe Many (Adjective) keâe heÇÙeesie neslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
(a) more (b) most GheÙegòeâ veneR nw~
(c) many (d) much
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II) Correct Sentence-
I have visited many coaching institutes in your region.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ ceW ‘More’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
195. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'than' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW blank.
Comperison keâe YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw FmeefueS Comprative Their idea of a holiday _______ at a luxury
degree ‘More’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee resort.
Correct Sentence- (a) is to relaxing (b) is relax
The school was more than a mile from their home. (c) is relaxed (d) is relaxing
191. Select the most appropritate option to fill in the SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘is relaxing’ keâes
She is _______ a peacock in the blue satin
saree. heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'as' kesâ yeeo verb1 + ing keâe ØeÙeesie
(a) So beautiful as (b) as beautiful as neslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegkeäle vener nw~
(c) beautiful like (d) very beautiful as Correct Sentence-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I) Their idea of a holiday is relaxing at a luxury resort
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ‘as beautiful as’ keâe 196. Select the most appropriate options to fill in the
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee blank.
nw~ as + Adjective (possitive degree) + as He claims to be the _______ kid in the school.
Correct Sentence- (a) smartness (b) smartest
She is as beautiful as a peacock in the blue satin saree (c) smarting (d) smarter
192. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I
blank. Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
The writer declares that –––––– children of ‘smartest’ keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ article ‘the’ keâs yeeo
their childhood is a criminal act.
(a) to rob (b) robbed abjective keâer superlative degree smartest keâe heÇÙeesie neslee nw~
(c) rob (d) robbing DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegkeäle veneR nw~
SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III Correct Sentence-
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Robbing’ keâe ØeÙeesie He claims to be the smartest kid in the school
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ participle Adjective (verb1 + ing) keâe ØeÙeesie 197. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Noun (Children) kesâ henues efkeâÙee peelee nw~ blank.
Correct Sentence- He is the patient ____ called you in the
The writer declares that robbing children of their morning.
childhood is a criminal act (a) which (b) whom
193. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (c) who (d) that
blank. SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
He was a ––––– stranger to me. Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘who’ keâe heÇÙeesie
(a) full (b) settled neslee nw keäÙeesbefkeâ Relative pronoun ‘who’ keâe heÇÙeesie
(c) entire (d) complete subjective case (He) keâs efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III
GheÙegòeâ veneR nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘Complete’ keâe
Correct Sentence-
heÇÙeesie nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ Noun (stranger) keâes qualify keâjves keâs efueS He is the patient who called you in the morning
Adjective Complete keâe heÇÙeesie nesiee pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs
198. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle DeLe& oslee nw blank.
Correct Sentence- About three years ago, an old man, ______
He was a complete stranger to me name was Paul, used to live in this house.
Fill in the Blanks 239 YCT
(a) whom (b) who 202. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(c) which (d) whose blank.
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II The ......... chair was discarded by the
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘Whose’ keâe heÇÙeesie tenAntonym
(a) broken (b) broking
nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ Ùene@b hej possessive adjective ‘whose’ keâer (c) break (d) broke
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekesâ yeeo noun 'Name' keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegkeäle venerb nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Borken’ (verb3)
Correct Sentence- keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe ceW as an adjective
About three years ago, an old man, whose name was ngDee nw Deewj Fmekesâ yeeo noun (chair) keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~
Paul, used to live in this house. Correct Sentence- The broken chair was discarded by
199. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the the tenAntonym
blank. 203. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
I am not going to buy ______ toys for you. blank.
(a) them (b) these The Jupiter is the ______ planet in our solar
(c) they (d) this system.
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II (a) most big (b) biggest
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb (c) bigger (d) big
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III)
‘these’ keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ Plural Noun ‘toys’ keâs
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Superlative
henues Plural demonstrative Adjective ‘these’ keâe heÇÙeesie
Degree 'Biggest' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ the kesâ yeeo
neslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegkeäle venerb nw~
superlative Degree keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
Correct Sentence-
Correct Sentence-
I am not going to buy these toys for you.
The Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.
200. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
204. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank in the given sentence.
He persuaded other towns near Amman to
The girl_____stood first in the class is a close
send _____ soldiers to help him. friend.
(a) its (b) there (a) Whose (b) Who
(c) their (d) they (c) Which (d) Whom
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâss efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘their’ keâe heÇÙeesie Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ JeekeäÙe efjòeâ mLeeve ceW who keâe
nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ Plural noun 'Soldiers' keâs efueS Plural ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ verb stood kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° Fmekesâ henues
Possessive adjective ‘their’ keâe GheÙeesie neslee nw~ subjective case kesâ pronoun (who) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Correct Sentence- Correct Sentence-
He persuaded other towns near Amman to send their The girl who stood first in the class is a close friend.
soldiers to help him 205. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
201. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
blank. When I solved the sum ______ I was very
The lack of regular academic sessions has happy.
meant that in 2020 the country has had the ––– (a) myself (b) itself
share of students who have attended (c) oneself (d) herself
educational institutions. SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) lower (b) low Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW efjòeâ ceW myself keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
(c) lowest (d) last nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ I keâe reflexive pronoun 'myself' neslee nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I) Correct Sentence- When I solved the sum myself I
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW lowest was very happy.
(efvecvelece/meyemes keâce) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ article 'the' 206. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
kesâ yeeo superlative degree (lowest) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ ______ of our success depends on our own
Correct Sentence- efforts.
The lack of regular academic sessions has meant that in (a) many (b) few
2020 the country has had the lowest share of students (c) less (d) much
who have attended educational institutions. SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Fill in the Blanks 240 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW much keâe ØeÙeesie 210. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ uncountable noun kesâ efueS 'much' keâe ØeÙeesie blank.
Today___society is literally poisoning the earth
neslee nw~ with acid rain.
Correct Sentence- Much of our success depends on (a) industrialised (b) developing
our own efforts. (c) growing (d) cosmopolitan
207. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
The man ______ book you are reading is my
industrialised (DeewÅeesefiekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
(a) that (b) whose DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) who (d) whom Developing- efJekeâemeMeerue
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) Growing- ØeieefleMeerue
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW whose keâe ØeÙeesie Cosmopolitan- mecemle mebmeej keâe
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB possessive case (ownership Correct Sentence- Today industrialised society is
denote) keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~ literally poisoning the earth with acid rain.
Correct Sentence- The man whose book you are 211. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
reading is my father. blank.
208. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the The roads at 15000 feet are not easily navigable
blank. and the air is____and freezing.
It is hard to conceive of a more_____route than (a) rarefied (b) intensified
the one that this determined traveller choose to (c) elevated (d) exalted
follow. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) stimulating (b) dashing Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ‘Rarefied’ efJejue
(c) daunting (d) provoking (keâce Ievee) keâe ØeÙeesie efjòeâ mLeeve ceW nesiee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Intensified - lespe
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ‘Daunting’ Elevated - GÛÛe/GVele
(keâef"ve, YeÙeYeerle keâjves Jeeuee) GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW Exalted - GÛÛe/GVele
kesâ DeLe& nQ– Correct Sentence- The roads at 15000 feet are not
Stimulating – ØesjCeeoeÙekeâ/Gòespekeâ easily navigable and the air is rarefied and freezing.
Dashing – meenmeer/GlmeenhetCe& 212. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Provoking - DeHeâmeesmepevekeâ/efÛeÌ{eves Jeeuee blank.
Correct Sentence- It is hard to conceive of a more When you want to expand your vocabulary the
daunting route than the one that this determined best thing to do is to relate a known word with
traveller choose to follow. an _____ one and guess the meaning from the
209. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(a) unclear (b) essential
(c) unnecessary (d) unfamiliar
Charlie Chaplin's rise to fame paralleled the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II)
___growth of Hollywood movies in the first
decades of the century. Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
(a) delayed (b) progressing ‘unfamiliar’ (DeheefjefÛele) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
(c) sluggish (d) explosive DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I) unclear - Demhe°,
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW essential - DeeJeMÙekeâ,
‘Explosive’ (Oeceekesâoej) GheÙegòeâ nw pees JeekeäÙe kesâ DeLe& keâes hetje unnecessary - DeveeJeMÙekeâ~
keâjlee nw DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Correct Sentence- When you want to expand your
delayed - efJeuebefyele/osjer mes vocabulary the best thing to do is to relate a known
word with an unfamiliar one and guess the meaning
Progressive - Øeieefle keâjvee/GVeefle
from the context.
Sluggish - megmle/Deeuemeer 213. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence- Charlie Chaplin's rise to fame blank.
paralleled the explosive growth of Hollywood movies She got a lucrative job of a translator because
in the first decades of the century. she was –––––– in French.
Fill in the Blanks 241 YCT
(a) deficient (b) proficient boisterous- ØeueÙekeâejer, Øeyeue,
(c) sufficient (d) efficient Tempestulous- ØeÛeC[, letHeâeveer,
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I) turbulent - DeMeebefle, G«elee~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Proficient’ (o#e, Correct Sentence- The ship sailed smoothly owing to
efvehegCe) Meyo keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùenebb øeWâÛe Yee<ee ceW favourable wind.
efvehegCe nesves keâer ÛeÛee& nw~ Deficient- Ieeše G"evee, keâceer, 217. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
sufficient- heÙee&hle, efficient- me#ece, ÙeesiÙe~ blank.
Note- Proficient leLee efficient keâer word meaning meceeve She performs different roles very convincingly
nesleer nw uesefkeâve efkeâmeer Yee<ee ceWb ‘o#e, efvehegCe’ kesâ efueS proficient as she is a very_______ actor.
(a) virtuous (b) versatile
leLee efkeâmeer keâeÙe& ces ‘o#e, efvehegCe’ kesâ efueS efficient keâe ØeÙeesie (c) verbose (d) voracious
GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence- She got a lucrative job of a Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
translator because she was proficient in French.
'Versatile' (yengcegKeer Ùee ØeefleYeeJeeve) keâe ØeÙeesie neseie~
214. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
DevÙe kesâ DeLe& nQ-
The committee reached ––––––– decision Virtuous - iegCeer, Ûeefj$eJeeve
regarding the appointment of the chairman. Verbose - JeeÛeeue
(a) a compatible (b) an exemplary Voracious - hesšt
(c) a unanimous (d) an agreeable Correct Sentence- She performs different roles very
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I) convincingly as she is a very versatile actor.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘a unanimous’ keâe 218. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ peye keâesFs & efveCe&Ùe ‘meJe&meccele’ mes efueÙee blank.
peelee nw lees Gmekesâ efueS unanimous decision keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ The owner of the house was____ at the
watchman for letting in a stranger.
neslee nw~ (a) impatient (b) indifferent
unanimous- (used about a decision etc.) agreed by (c) indignant (d) indulgent
everyone. (efveCe&Ùe etc.) meJe&meccele, Skeâcele~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Correct Sentence- The committee reached a Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
unanimous decision regarding the appointment of the
‘Indignant’ (™°, ›eâesOe mes) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuhe ›eâceMe: efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ–
215. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. Impatient- GleeJeuee
A –––––– speech is certainly more effective Indifferent- Goemeerve, lešmLe
than one which is verbose. Indulgent- DemebÙele, he#eheelehetCe&
(a) surly (b) sullen Correct Sentence-
(c) lengthy (d) laconic The owner of the house was indignant at the watchman
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II) for letting in a stranger.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW laconic (mebef#ehle) 'Let in' phrasal verb nw efpemekeâe DeLe&- To allow someone
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeneb laconic verbose mes leguevee to enter a place (efkeâmeer JÙeefòeâ keâes ØeJesMe keâjves keâer Devegceefle osvee)
nes jner nw~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 219. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
surly- DemeYÙe, keâke&âMe, sullen- Goeme, Oeercee, lengthy- word.
efJemle=le, uecyee~ The old man wished to donate his _____wealth
for the upliftment of the downtrodden.
Correct Sentence- A laconic speech is certainly more
(a) immense (b) elusive
effective than one which is verbose.
(c) intense (d) eminent
216. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
The ship sailed smoothly owing to ––––– winds. Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
(a) boisterous (b) tempestulous ‘immense’ (DelÙeefOekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙeg&òeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
(c) favourable (d) turbulent kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ–
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II) Intense - iebYeerj, leer›e
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘favourable’ Eminent - Øeefmeæ
(Devegketâue) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ penepe keâes nJee kesâ Elusive - og«ee&OÙe, OeesKee
keâejCe efoMee kesâ Devegketâue Deemeeveer mes peeves keâer yeele keâer ieÙeer nw~ Correct Sentence- The old man wished to donate his
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- immense wealth for the upliftment of the downtrodden.

Fill in the Blanks 242 YCT

220. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘many’ keâe ØeÙeesie
blank. GefÛele nesiee~
A number of Indian goods face a ––––––
Rule - Many – Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie Plural Countable noun kesâ henues
competition from Chinese goods in terms of
prices and looks. Adjective kesâ Positive degree kesâ sense ceW keâjles nw~
(a) fierce (b) bold More - many leLee much kesâ Adjective kesâ comparative
(c) angry (d) powerful degree kesâ leewj hej ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III) Much - Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie singular uncountable noun kesâ henues
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Adjective kesâ Positive degree kesâ sense ceW keâjles nw~
‘fierce’ (Yeejer, Yeer<eCe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ A fierce Most - Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie ‘DelÙeefOekeâ’ kesâ sense ceW keâjles nw, Fmekesâ
competition Skeâ Yeejer/Yeer<eCe Øeeflemheæe&~ Deefleefjòeâ Ùen many/much kesâ superlative degree kesâ leewj hej
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- keâeÙe& keâjlee nw~
Bold- yeneogj, efve[j, Correct Sentence- The company has appointed twice
as many women as men.
Angry- ›eâesefOele,
224. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Powerful- MeefòeâMeeueer~ blank.
Correct Sentence- A number of Indian goods face a Dozens of dogs in Norway have recently been
fierce competition from chinese good interm of prices hit by a mysterious and at times, _______
and looks. illness, raising concerns among dog owners.
221. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the (a) dreary (b) desperate
blank. (c) suspicious (d) fatal
Father didn't believe______I said. SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) that (b) which Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
(c) who (d) what ‘fatal’ (Ieelekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) Dreary - efvejeMeepevekeâ, Desperate - nleeMe, Suspicious -
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW mebosMeÙegòeâ
relative pronoun 'What' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe Correct Sentence- Dozens of dogs in Norway have
kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ recently been hit by a mysterious and at times, fatal
Correct Sentence- Father didn't believe what I said. illness, raising concerns among dog owners.
222. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 225. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank.
–––––– of these boys is doing anything Indian films have ____ added nature without
worthwhile. its fury into long romantic songs.
(a) Both (b) Each (a) fretfully (b) fussily
(c) None (d) Either (c) frequently (d) formerly
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘None’ keâe ØeÙeesie Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ ‘frequently’ (yeej-yeej ØeeÙe:) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ
Rule - Both – oes JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ efueÙes ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ JeekeäÙe mes ‘Dekeämej’ keâe YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw~
Correct Sentence- Indian films have frequently added
Each - oes Ùee oes mes DeefOekeâ JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ efueÙes, ØelÙeskeâ kesâ sense nature without its fury into long romantic songs.
ceW~ 226. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
None - oes mes DeefOekeâ JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ efueÙes, keâesF& veneR kesâ sense ceW~ blank.
Either - oes JÙeefòeâÙees kesâ efueÙes, efkeâmeer Skeâ kesâ sense ceW~ The crisis would______damage their
Correct Sentence- None of these boys is doing reputation.
anything worthwhile. (a) further (b) farther
(c) either (d) neither
223. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
The company has appointed twice as –––– Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
women as men. ‘further’ (Deeies keâe) heÇÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ Farther keâe DeLe& nw otj
(a) many (b) more (distance)~
(c) much (d) most Correct Sentence- The crisis would further damage
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) their reputation.
Fill in the Blanks 243 YCT
227. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
blank. ‘Cynical’ (efvebokeâ/kegâefšue) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
Any account of the reign of King Harsha would
remain ____ without a reference to Hiuen
kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Tsang. Optimistic- DeeMeeJeeoer
(a) incomplete Morose- efÛeÌ[efÛeÌ[e
(b) famous
(c) eminent Rational- GefÛele
(d) unknown
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence- The critics were cynical about his
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ‘Incomplete’
remarks on the efficiency of the government and gave
(DeOetje) GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
many examples to prove they didn't agree with him.
Famous- Øeefmeæ, efJeKÙeele 231. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
Eminent- Øeefmeæ, ØeKÙeele
I had ____ pain in the stomach after taking
Unknown- Devepeeve lunch.
Correct Sentence- Any account of the reign of King (a) strict (b) heavy
Harsha would remain incomplete without a reference to (c) huge (d) acute
Hiuen Tsang. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I)
228. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
‘Acute’ (leer›e) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
The employees of our company are not____of
their freedom. Strict- keâ"esj
(a) deployed Heavy- Yeejer
(b) denied
(c) dissipated Huge- efJeMeeue
(d) deprived
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Correct Sentence- I had acute pain in the stomach after
Ans :(d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
taking lunch.
‘deprived’ (JebefÛele) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
232. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
nQ– word.
Deployed- lewveele All organizations seek sincere and
Denied- Fvekeâej keâjvee/DemJeerke=âle
(a) industrious (b) industrial
Dissipated- ve° keâjvee, ieeÙeye nes peevee (c) inactive (d) inert
Correct Sentence- The employees of our company are SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I)
not deprived of their freedom.
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
229. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. ‘Industrious’ (heefjßeceer) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe mes
Government personnel on official trips are cesnveleer keâce&ÛeeefjÙeeW keâe YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
____ to claim reimbursement of their expenses. DeLe& nQ-
(a) entitled (b) incited Industrial - DeewÅeesefiekeâ
(c) indicted (d) invited Inactive - efveef<›eâÙe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Inert - Deef›eâÙe
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- All organizations seek sincere and
‘Entitled’ (nkeâoej) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- industrious employees.
Incited- Gkeâmeevee 233. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
Indicted- oes<eer heevee word.
Invited- Deecebef$ele keâjvee .........people are remembered even after death
Correct Sentence- Government personnel on official for their good deeds.
trips are entitled to claim reimbursement of their (a) Virtual (b) Violent
expenses. (c) Vicious (d) Virtuous
230. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II)
blank. Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Virtuous’ (Oecee&lcee,
The critics were_____about his remarks on the hegCÙeelcee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
efficiency of the government and gave many
examples to prove they didn't agree with him. Violent - efnbmeelcekeâ, Virtual- Demeueer, JeemleefJekeâ, Vicious-
(a) optimistic (b) morose oes<eer, efvevoveerÙe~
(c) rational (d) cynical Correct Sentence- Virtuous people are remembered
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II) even after death for their good deed.

Fill in the Blanks 244 YCT

234. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate Sub. + Who
word. Obj. + Whom
The landlord is very_____about cleanliness and Who – keâewve sub keâer leueeMe keâjlee nw~
finds fault with all his tenants. Who – Relative pronoun- pees, efpemeves, keâe DeLe& os lees Ùen oes
(a) fabulous (b) fastidious
sentence keâes pees[ Ì lee nw Fmekeâes Relative conjunction. Yeer keânles nw~
(c) pompous (d) ominous
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III) Who – Ùen Relative clause keâe Yeer keâece keâjsiee~
Correct Sentence- It was I who saw Rajesh in the
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
play-ground before school.
‘Fastidious’ (legvekeâ efcepeepe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe
238. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- blank and make a grammatically Correct
Fabulous- Meeveoej Sentence-.
Pompous- ieefJe&le/Dee[cyejhetCe& The passengers –––– left Paris airport at six
Ominous- Decebieue/DeMegYe arrived in Rome an hour later.
Correct Sentence- The landlord is very fastidious (a) which (b) whom
about cleanliness and finds fault with all his tenants. (c) who (d) whoever
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I)
235. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘who’ keâe ØeÙeesie
There should be _________ punishment for nesiee 'who' subjective pronoun nw keäÙeeWefkeâ 'whom' Skeâ
rule breakers. objective pronoun nw ÙeneB passengers Skeâ subjects nw
(a) too (b) many efpemekesâ efueS subjective pronoun 'who' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjsieW~
(c) severe (d) much Correct Sentence- The passengers who left Paris
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III) airport at six arrived in Rome an hour later.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘severe’ 239. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(iecYeerj) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- blank.
Many – yengle (Countable nouns kesâ efueS), Much –DeefOekeâ This is one of the ––––– remarkable cases I
(uncountable noun kesâ efueS) have handled.
(a) more (b) most
Correct Sentence- There should be severe punishment
for rule breakers. (c) much more (d) much
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
236. In the following question, the sentence given
with blank to fill a proper word. Choose the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘most’ keâe ØeÙeesie
correct option GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ one of the kesâ yeeo superlative degree
I dislike eating in a ______ restaurant. keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~
(a) Noiseful (b) Noising Correct Sentence- This is one of the most remarkable
(c) Noised (d) noisy cases I have handled.
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III) 240. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘noisy’ (Meesjiegue) keâe blank.
ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ MeesjÙegòeâ Ùee Meesj Mejeyes mes Yeje, kesâ efueS My mother is the ––––– inspiration in my life.
(a) big (b) bigger
noisy Meyo keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ Noisy Skeâ adjective nw Fmekeâe
(c) biggest (d) most biggest
ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe ceW restaurant (Noun) kesâ henues nesiee~ SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Correct Sentence- I dislike eating in a noisy restaurant Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘biggest’ keâe ØeÙeesie
nesiee~ GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Article 'The' keâe ØeÙeesie superlative
237. In the following question, the sentence given degree kesâ henues ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate
Note- efJekeâuhe (d) FmeefueS ieuele nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ double
word. Select the correct alternative out of the
and indicate appropriate option. superlative/comparative keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~
It was I –––––– saw Rajesh in the play-ground Correct Sentence- My mother is the biggest
before school. inspiration in my life.
(a) whose (b) whom 241. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(c) who (d) which blank.
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I) The businessman has ––––– connections in the
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeej ceW ‘who’ keâe ØeÙeesie
(a) respective (b) respectable
GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Relative pronoun-subject kesâ meeLe Who (c) receptive (d) responsible
leLee Object kesâ meeLe whom ueielee nw~ SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Fill in the Blanks 245 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'harder' keâe ØeÙeesie
‘respectable’ (DeeojhetCe&) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW GefÛele nesiee, pees keäÙeeWefkeâ Fme Øekeâej kesâ JeekeäÙeeW ceW oesveeW clauses
kesâ DeLe& nQ- comparetive degree mes Meg™ nesles nQ~
Respective - mebyebOeer, mebyebefOele Structure- The more --------, the more
Receptive - «enCeMeerue, meb«eenkeâ Correct Sentence- The more tired you are, the harder
Responsible - GòejoeÙeer, efpeccesoej~ it is to concentrate.
Correct Sentence- The businessman has respectable 246. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
connections in the industry. blank and make a meaningful sentence.
242. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the When I returned home from work I found my
blank. son weeping –––––.
My teacher is the ––––– of all. (a) sweetly (b) bitterly
(a) kindest (b) kind (c) calmly (d) gently
(c) kinder (d) kindly SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘kindest’ keâe ØeÙeesie ‘bitterly’ (hetâš-hetâš keâj) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ superlative degree kesâ henues Article DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
'the' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ sweetly - ceOegjlee mes~
Correct Sentence- My teacher is the kindest of all.
calmly - Meebefle mes, MeebeflehetJe&keâ~
243. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank and make a grammatically Correct gently - efMe°lee mes~
Sentence-. Correct Sentence- When I returned home from work I
One must keep____ promise. found my son weeping bitterly.
(a) ones (b) one's 247. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(c) its (d) the blank.
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I) Akbar had a ––––– reign than Babar.
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘one's’ keâe ØeÙeesie (a) more long (b) longer
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ one keâe ØeÙeesie as a subject neslee nw lees (c) longest (d) long
possessive adjective kesâ efueS one's keâe ner ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence- One must keep one's promise. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'longer' keâe ØeÙeesie
244. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the nes iee, keäÙeeWefkeâ ÙeneB Dekeâyej kesâ Meemeve keâeue keâer leguevee, yeeyej kesâ
blank and make a grammatically Correct Meemeve keâeue mes nes jner nw~ Dele: than kesâ henues comparative
Sentence-. degree kesâ adjective 'longer' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Your need is certainly greater than ––––. Correct Sentence- Akbar had a longer reign than
(a) I (b) my Babar.
(c) mine (d) me
248. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
blank and make a grammatically Correct
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve hej ‘mine’ keâe ØeÙeesie Sentence-.
GheÙegòeâ nw keäÙeeWefkeâ your need (Abstract noun) keâer leguevee If children spend too much time watching
mine (Possessive Pronoun) mes nes jner nw~ television, they can create health problems for
OÙeeve oW - 'My' Possessive adjective nw, peyeefkeâ 'mine' __________.
possessive Pronoun nw] efvecveefueefKele GoenjCeeW kesâ ceeOÙece mes (a) oneself (b) themselves
FveceW Deblej mecePes (c) himself (d) itself
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Goe. - This is my school
This school is mine. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve keâer ceW 'themselves' (Jes
Correct Sentence- Your need is certainly greater than mJeÙeb , Deheves Deehekeâes) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ The word-
mine. 'Themselves' is classified as a reflexive pronoun. It is
245. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the the third person plural reflexive pronoun and here is
blank and make a grammatically Correct third person plural subject children' is given.
Sentence-. Correct Sentence- If children spend too much time
The more tired you are, the ---------- it is to watching television, they can create health problems
concentrate. for themselves.
(a) harder (b) hardest 249. Select the most appropriate to fill in the blank.
(c) more harder (d) hard I think that childhood is a time when there are
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III) ........ways to make life enjoyable.
Fill in the Blanks 246 YCT
(a) many (b) less Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘aren’t I’ keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) little (d) more GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'am' keâe question tag aren't neslee nw~
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
Note- Positive sentence keâe question tag Negative neslee
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJeevegmeej ‘many’ nw
(yengle) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~
Correct Sentence- I am allowed to take photographs
Correct Sentence- I think that childhood is a time inside the church, aren’t I?
when there are many ways to make life enjoyable.
254. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
250. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate blank in the given sentence.
words. He is your brother _______?
_______ taught you such lessons as these? (a) isn't it (b) isn't he
(a) What (b) Which (c) is it (d) is he
(c) Who (d) Whom SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘question tag 'isn't
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘who’ keâe ØeÙeesie
he’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ positive sentence keâe question
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ as a pronoun living noun kesâ efueS
tag negative neslee nw~
(Subjective case relative pronoun) who keâe ØeÙeesie ØeÙegòeâ
Correct Sentence- He is your brother isn't he?
neslee nw~
Correct Sentence- Who taught you such lessons as
H. Interjection
255. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
G. Question Tag word.
______! What have you done to your hair? You
251. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
are looking so odd.
(a) Bravo (b) Goodness gracious
She hardly works on weekends, ______?
(c) Bother (d) Hurrah
(a) isn’t she (b) is she
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) doesn’t she (d) does she
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Goodness
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb “does she” keâe gracious’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Goodness gracious
heÇÙeesie nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ “Hardly” Negative sense oslee nw FmeefueS is an exclamation of excitement, surprise or
Question tag “Positive” nesiee Deewj Ûetbefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW works (V2
Correct Sentence-
+ s/es) keâe ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present indefinite Goodness gracious what have you done to your hair?
tense ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâer verb ner question tag ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesieer~ You are looking so odd.
Correct Sentence- 256. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
She hardly works on weekends, does she word.
252. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate ______! What a frightening experience it was!
word. (a) Hurray (b) Alas
You have memorised your speech, ______ you? (c) Bravo (d) Oh
(a) haven't (b) hasn't SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) didn't (d) couldn't Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘proper word oh!’
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) (Deesn) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ Mes<e efJekeâuhe nQ -
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘haven't’ keâe ØeÙeesie Hurray - used for expressing great pleasure.
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ positive sentence keâe question tag negative Alas - used for expressing sadness about something.
neslee nw~ Bravo - a word that people shout to show that they
Correct Sentence – have enjoyed something.
You have memorised your speech haven't you? Oh - used to express a feeling such as surprise, pain or
253. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate happiness etc.
option. Correct Sentence- Oh! What a frightening experience
I am allowed to take photographs inside the it was!
church, ______? 257. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(a) can’t I (b) shall I blank and make a meaningful sentence.
(c) am I (d) aren’t I The Middle-East job market has always been a
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) –––––– destination for Indians.
Fill in the Blanks 247 YCT
(a) lucrative (b) luxury 261. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(c) wealthy (d) costly blank.
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III) If you_____ your book, I'd like to borrow it.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW (a) finish (b) finished
‘lucrative’ (ueeYeØeo) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ (c) will finish (d) have finished
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
luxury - mece=efæ, Deevebo Ans : (d) Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kes â ef j òeâ mLeeve ceW 'have finished' keâe
wealthy - Oeveer ØeÙees i e nes i ee~ ÙeneB hej if clause keâeÙe& keâer hetCe&lee keâes efoKee jne nw
costly - cebniee FmeefueS have finished nesiee~
Correct Sentence- The Middle-East job market has Correct Sentence will be -
always been a lucrative destination for Indians. If you have finished, your book, I'd like to borrow it.
262. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
I. Conditional Sentence She had won the match when we ___ the venue.
258. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (a) had been reaching (b) are reaching
blank. (c) reached (d) reach
If you had consulted me, I would have ––––––– SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
you. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘reached’ keâe ØeÙeesie
(a) advised (b) advise nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'when as a subordinating conjunction kesâ
(c) advises (d) advising henues Ùeefo tense 'past' ceW nes lees when kesâ yeeo Yeer tense 'past'
SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I
ceW ner nesiee~
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘advised’ keâe heÇÙeesie Correct Sentence- She had won the match when we
nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ efjkeäle mLeeve keâs henues would have keâe heÇÙeesie ngDee nw reached the venue.
Deewj Fmekeâs yeeo V3 (advised) keâe heÇÙeesie neslee nw~ 263. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Note – If + Sub + had + V3 + obj, sub +would have + blank.
V3 + obj The pilgrims grew increasingly aware of the
Correct Sentence- ___ of sacred Buddhist texts in the Chinese
If you had consulted me, I would have advised you language and decided to travel to India in
259. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the search of them.
blank. (a) persistence (b) parity
I _______ your remaining project if you get (c) preference (d) paucity
groceries for me from the market. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) would do (b) will do Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Paucity’ (keâceer) keâe
(c) will have done (d) would have done ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& nQ- Persistence-
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
ÂÌ{lee, Parity- meceevelee, Preference- JejerÙelee, ØeeLeefcekeâlee
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb “will do” keâe Correct Sentence- The pilgrims grew increasingly
heÇÙeesie nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ Fme heÇkeâej keâs Conditional senternce cesb if aware of the paucity of sacred Buddhist texts in the
clause (sub-ordinate clause) Present tense cesb leLee Chinese language and decided to travel to India in
Principal clause “future tense” cesb heÇÙegkeäle nesleer nw~ search of them.
Correct Sentence- 264. In the following question, the sentence given
I will do your remaining project if you get groceries for with blank to be filled in with an appropriate
me from the market word. Select the correct alternative out of the
260. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the four and indicate it by selecting the
blank. appropriate option.
If I ______ a doctor, I would have treated you Karishma has not been able to recall where
all. _____.
(a) were (b) would (a) did she lived (b) does she lived
(c) am (d) could (c) lived her (d) she lived
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘were’ keâe heÇÙeesie Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘she lived’ keâe
nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ Conditional sentence cesb if keâs meeLe ‘were’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ where keâe ØeÙeesie ÙeneB conjunction
heÇÙeesie keâeuheefvekeâ efmLeefle (hypothetical satuation) keâes efoKeeves keâs (adverb of place) kesâ ™he ceW ngDee nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ yeeo simple
efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ sentence ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
Correct Sentence- Correct Sentence- Karishma has not been able to
If I were a doctor, I would have treated you all recall where she lived.
Fill in the Blanks 248 YCT
265. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘quiet’ (Meevle
blank and make a grammatically Correct jnvee) keâe heÇÙeesie nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle
Sentence-. DeLe& oslee nw DevÙe efJekeâuheesb keâs DeLe& efYevve nw~
If I ––––– that you were coming over, I would Quite :- hetCe& ™he cesb
have cancelled my programme.
Quit :- lÙeeie osvee
(a) know (b) knows
(c) had known (d) am knowing Quaint :- efJeefÛe$e
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) Correct Sentence-
My teacher asked me to keep quiet
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘had known’ keâe
269. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ blank.
Rule- IIIrd conditional sentence keâe structure efvecveefueefKele If she likes something, she'II buy it ______
nw~ much it costs.
[If + subject + had +v3--------,subject + would have + (a) however (b) whatever
(c) also (d) very
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I
Correct Sentence- 'If I had known that you were
coming over, I would have cancelled my programme.' Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
‘However’ (leLeeefhe/lees/Yeer) keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe
266. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank and make a grammatically Correct efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~
Sentence- Whatever – pees keâgÚ
The car-park was full, so we ––––– to look for Also – meeLe ner/Yeer
another place to park. Very – yengle
(a) having (b) had Correct Sentence-
(c) has (d) have If she likes something, she'II buy it however much it
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III) costs
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'had' keâe ØeÙeesie 270. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Principal clause keâe part past tense ceW This .......... piece of mischief by his brother
nw Dele: coordinate clause keâe part Yeer past tense ceW nesiee~ brought a quiet laugh from David.
Correct Sentence- The car-park was full, so we had to (a) vesical (b) classical
look for another place to park. (c) whimsical (d) nonsensical
267. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I)
blank and make a meaningful sentence. Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
As a goodwill –––––, I took some colleagues out ‘Whimsical’ (mevekeâer) keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
for a meal. efYevve nesles nw~
(a) gesture (b) reminder Vesical – cet$eeMeÙeer
(c) token (d) indication Classical – MeeŒeerÙe
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Nonsensical – Delekeâ& mebiele
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Correct Sentence-
‘Gesture’ (YeeJe ØeoMe&ve) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW This whimsical piece of mischief by his brother brought
kesâ DeLe& nQ- a quiet laugh from David
reminder - Devegmceejkeâ 271. in the blank with the most appropriate choice.
During treatment, patients lay ......... on the
token - efveMeeveer
treatment couch for around 3 hrs.
indication - mebkesâle (a) repine (b) alpine
Correct Sentence- As a goodwill gesture, I took some (c) supine (d) arsine
colleagues out for a meal. SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
J. Miscellaneous ‘Supine’ (ueehejJeen) keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve
DeLe& osles nw~
268. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. Repine – efJeueehe keâjvee
My teacher asked me to keep _____. Alpine – {ueeJe, DevegefÛele
(a) quiet (b) quite Correct Sentence-
(c) quit (d) quaint During treatment, patients lay supine on the treatment
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I couch for around 3 hrs
Fill in the Blanks 249 YCT
272. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
option. ‘enough’ (heÙee&hle) keâe heÇÙeesie nesiee, keäÙeesbefkeâ noun (to eat) keâes
For months, Drupad could not taste anything
Modify keâjves keâs efueS Adjective (enough) keâe heÇÙeesie neslee nw~
he ate as regret layered .......... mud.
(a) his mouth like Correct Sentence-
(b) his mouth comparable to When there is not enough to eat, people starve to death
(c) his mouth as though 276. A sentence has been given with a blank to be
(d) his mouth allied to filled with an appropriate option. Choose the
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I) correct alternative.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘his Satya Nadella completed his primary education
....... Hyderabad Public School, Begumpet.
mouth like’ keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe&
(a) from (b) over
osles nw~ (c) by (d) onto
Correct Sentence- SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
For months, Drupad could not taste anything he ate as
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘from’ (mes) keâe
regret layered his mouth like mud
273. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
heÇ Ùeesie nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ From keâe heÇÙeesie JeekeäÙe kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe&
blank. oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegkeäle venerb nw~
In enjoy finding ways to make the most of my Correct Sentence-
budget by being ....... Satya Nadella completed his primary education from
(a) frugal (b) miser Hyderabad Public School, Begumpet
(c) lethargic (d) gloomy 277. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III) blank.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb She was moving slowly and ......... yesterday
‘Frugal’ (efkeâHeâeÙeleer) keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve when she fell.
(a) firmly (b) vaguely
DeLe& osles nw~ (c) strongly (d) shakily
Miser – keâbpetme SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
Lethargic – megmle Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
Gloomy – Goemle ‘Shakily’ (DeefmLej ™he ces) keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
Correct Sentence- efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
In enjoy finding ways to make the most of my budget
by being frugal Firmly – o=Ì{lee mes
274. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Vaguely – DeefveMÛele ™he mes
blank. Strongly – cepeyetleer mes
In 1971, he was awarded the silver ........ of the Correct Sentence-
Society of Arts, London. She was moving slowly and shakily yesterday when she
(a) medieval (b) medal fell.
(c) meddle (d) metal 278. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III) blank.
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb What to do in the event of a gas .............
‘Medal’ (heokeâ) keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& (a) leak (b) leek
osles nw~ (c) lead (d) leer
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
Medieval – ceOÙekeâeueerve
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
Meddle – nmle#eshe keâjvee
‘Leak’ (efjmeeJe) keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe&
Metal – Oeeleg
Correct Sentence-
os les nw~
In 1971, he was awarded the silver medal of the Society Leek – nje hÙeepe
of Arts, London Lead – vesle=lJe
275. A sentence has been given with a blank to be Leer – keâhešhetCe&
filled with an appropriate option. Choose the Correct Sentence-
correct alternative. What to do in the event of a gas leak.
When there is not ....... to eat, people starve to 279. A sentence has been given with a blank to be
death. filled with an appropriate option. Choose the
(a) some (b) a few correct alternative.
(c) enough (d) any The person driving the car ......... control over
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III) the wheels and knocked her down.
Fill in the Blanks 250 YCT
(a) loose (b) losing Grilled – Yegvee ngDee
(c) lost (d) lose Correct Sentence-
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I) Wheat is widely grown but the output is not large.
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘Lost’ (V1) (Kees 283. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
ieÙee) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee keäÙeesbefkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite blank.
fense cesb nw DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegkeäle vener nw~ Since these people used tobacco to _______
Correct Sentence- their deities, the herb itself was one of the
The person driving the car lost control over the wheels instruments of godless, false religions.
and knocked her down (a) trace (b) propitiate
280. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (c) expatiate (d) militate
blank. SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III)
Police used ................ evidence to convict a Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
victim who was innocent. ‘Propitiate’ (mevleg<š keâjvee) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe
(a) stunted (b) authentic efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~
(c) hateful (d) fabricated
Trace – efveMeeve/vepej jKevee
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Expatiate – heÇÛeej keâjvee
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
Militate – Ùegæ cesb Yeeie uesvee
‘Fabricated’ (ceve mes ieÌ{e ngDee) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ DevÙe
Correct Sentence-
efJekeâuhe GheÙegkeäle vener nw~
Since these people used tobacco to propitiate their
Stunted – DeJe™æ deities, the herb itself was one of the instruments of
Authentic – efJeMJemeveerhe godless, false religions.
Hateful – Oe=Ceemheo 284. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence- blank. There's plenty here to trap the unwary
Police used fabricated evidence to convict a victim who and baffle even the _______ gambler!
was innocent. (a) exenterate (b) reiterate
281. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate (c) inveterate (d) alliterate
choice. SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III)
His intent was the become sole lord and to ........ Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
his tiny principality.
‘inveterate’ (keâój/efpeodoer) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe
(a) subsidize (b) jeopardize
(c) methodize (d) aggrandize efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I) Exenterate – Keeueer keâj osvee
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘aggrandize’ Reiterate – oesnjevee
(mebJeejvee/ye{evee) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& Alliterate – DevegheÇeme ueieevee
osles nw~ Correct Sentence-
Subsidize – meneÙelee osvee There's plenty here to trap the unwary and baffle even
the inveterate gambler!
Jeopardize – Kelejs ceW [euevee
285. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Methodize – efveÙeceyeæ keâjvee
blank. Her notoriety increased after she single -
Correct Sentence- _________ shot down a Rhodesian army
His intent was the become sole lord and to aggrandize helicopter.
his tiny principality (a) handedly (b) stranded
282. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (c) dose (d) plainly
blank. SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III)
Wheat is widely ........ but the output is not
large. Ans. (a) : Ghejes k eäle JeekeäÙ e keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
(a) gross (b) groan ‘handedly’ (ef y evee ef
k eâmeer keâer meneÙelee keâs) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle
(c) grown (d) grilled nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I) Stranded – DemeneÙe
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb Dose – Kegjekeâ/DebMe
‘grown’ (Gieevee/hewoe keâjvee) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe Plainly – mhe<š ™he mes
efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~ Correct Sentence- -
Gross – keâgue/mekeâue Her notoriety increased after she single handedly shot
Groan – keâjenvee down a Rhodesian army helicopter.

Fill in the Blanks 251 YCT

286. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
blank : ‘Consequences’ (heefjCeece) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe
Computers would replace the _______
technique of creating an image on paper,
efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~
transferring it to transparent cells and again Hazards – Kelejveekeâ
onto film. Copiousness – heÇÛegjlee
(a) audacious (b) austere Fractions – Yeeie/DebMe
(c) archaic (d) assuage Correct Sentence-
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III) Sometimes we wish for things, but we do not think
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb about their consequences.
‘Archaic’ (heÇeÛeerve/hegjevee) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
290. A sentence has been given with a blank to be
efYevve DeLe& osles nw~ filled with an appropriate option. Choose the
correct alternative. ________ from humans,
Audacious – meenmeer
lions are the key natural predators of
Austere – meerOee–meeoe elephants.
Assuage – Meevle keâjvee (a) Along (b) Rather
Correct Sentence- (c) Aside (d) Beside
Computers would replace the archaic technique of SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II)
creating an image on paper, transferring it to transparent Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
cells and again onto film. ‘Aside’ (keâs Deefleefjkeäle Skeâ Deesj) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe
287. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~
option. Sam knew who those people were; the
Along – meeLe cesb
figure in front was ______ his cousin.
(a) at mistake (b) unmistakably Rather – yeefukeâ/DeLeJee
(c) mistaken of (d) by mistake Beside – keâs yeieue cesb
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I) Correct Sentence-
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb Aside from humans, lions are the key natural predators
‘unmistakably’ (efveefMÛele ™he mes) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe of elephants.
efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~ 291. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence-
The researcher team took air ______ from the
Sam knew who those people were; the figure in front room every five minutes to rule out the
was unmistakably his cousin possibility of a virus.
288. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (a) samples (b) droops
blank. (c) slices (d) instances
Participate in a mock interview to prepare for SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I)
______ on your feet and formulating answers
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
under pressure.
(a) cursing (b) building ‘Samples’ (vecetvee) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve
(c) thinking (d) blocking DeLe& osles nw~
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I) Droops :- metKevee/{eue
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb Slices :- Yeeie, DebMe
‘thinking’ (meesÛe/efJeÛeej) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe Instances :- GoenjCe
efYevve DeLe& osles nw~ Correct Sentence- -
Cursing – DeefYeMeehe osvee The researcher team took air samples from the room
every five minutes to rule out the possibility of a virus.
Building – efvecee&Ce keâjvee
292. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Blocking – jeskeâvee blank. Disturbing emotions begin to build into
Correct Sentence fear, and then ______.
Participate in a mock interview to prepare for thinking (a) boldness (b) server
on your feet and formulating answers under pressure. (c) assurance (d) terror
289. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I)
blank. Sometimes we wish for things, but we do Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
not think about their ______. ‘terror’ (Deeblekeâ) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve
(a) hazards (b) copiousness
DeLe& osles nw~
(c) fractions (d) consequences
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II) Boldness :- meenme
Fill in the Blanks 252 YCT
Server :- mesJekeâ 296. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Assurance :- DeeMJeemeve blank.
This initiative has been sharply criticized as
Correct Sentence-
grossly inefficient and _______.
Disturbing emotions begin to build into fear, and then
(a) Capricious (b) Counterproductive
(c) Canonical (d) Calumny
293. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
blank. The duke had capacity, but his life was
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
so ______ that what influence he had upon the
king was for evil. ‘Counterproductive’ (Deveglheeokeâ/Guše) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle
(a) lewd (b) scrumptious nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~
(c) seditious (d) ambitious Capricious – ceveceewpeer
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III) Canonical – Oece&JewOeeefvekeâ
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb Calumny – Pet"e DeefYeÙeesie/DeefYeMeehe
‘Lewd’ (DeefMe<š/keâecegkeâ) keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe Correct Sentence-
efYevve DeLe& osles nw~ This initiative has been sharply criticized as grossly
inefficient and counterproductive.
Scrumptious – lespemJeer, Seditious – efJeoesnelcekeâ
297. Fill in the blanks with the correct homophone.
Ambitious – cenlJeebkeâe#eer
His eyes ______ up with fascination when he
Correct Sentence- saw his idol standing in front of him.
The duke had capacity, but his life was so lewd that (a) Lye (b) Lit
what influence he had upon the king was for evil. (c) Lite (d) Life
294. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II)
blank. They probably subsisted on insects and Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
other small _______ invertebrates and perhaps
Correct Homophone ‘Lit’ (pÙeeseflece&Ùe) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle
even on aquatic vertebrates.
(a) reverent (b) skittish nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~
(c) terrestrial (d) recluse Lay - jKevee/DeC[e osvee
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III) Lite - nukeâe
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb Life - DeefmlelJe
‘terrestrial’ (ueewefkeâkeâ) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe Correct Sentence-
efYevve DeLe& osles nw~ His eyes lit up with fascination when he saw his idol
standing in front of him.
Reverent – ßeæeueg , Skittish – DeefmLej, Recluse – Jewjeieer
298. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Correct Sentence- underlined word to fill in the blank.
They probably subsisted on insects and other small Welter was an honest worker, whereas
terrestrial invertebrates and perhaps even on aquatic Rodriguez was _____.
vertebrates. (a) Erupt (b) Timid
295. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (c) Corrupt (d) Candid
blank. SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II)
We cannot _______ a religion or a political
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘Corrupt’
party that ignores the rights of half the human
race. (yesFceeve/Yeü<š) keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~
(a) condemn (b) disseminate Erupt – efJemHeâesš nesvee
(c) forgive (d) desiccate Timid – [jheeskeâ
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III) Candid – mhe„Jeeoer
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb
Correct Sentence-
‘Forgive’ (#ecee keâjvee) keâe heÇÙeessie GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
Welter was an honest worker, whereas Rodriguez was
efYevve DeLe& osles nw~ corrupt.
Condemn – [ebšvee 299. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
word given in brackets to fill in the blank.
Disseminate – heÇmeej keâjvee
The supervisor is ______ (ruthless) in his
Desiccate – metKevee behavior with the workers.
Correct Sentence- (a) merciless (b) Senseless
We cannot forgive a religion or a political party that (c) Shameless (d) Careless
ignores the rights of half the human race. SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II)

Fill in the Blanks 253 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb ‘Ruthless’ 303. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(efveo&Ùeer) keâe synonym merciless (efveo&Ùeer) heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee blank.
DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~ Janaki remains _______ while talking about
her dark past.
Senseless – yegefænerve (a) Gracious (b) Cautious
Shameless – yesMece& (c) Dignified (d) Turbulent
Careless – ueehejJeen SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence- Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
The supervisor is merciless (ruthless) in his behavior ‘Coutious’ (meÛesle nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
with the workers.
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
300. Complete the sentence by choosing the most
appropriate synonym of the underlined word. Gracious - efJeveceü
When you want to leave, you ______ the Dignified - IeceC[er
building. Turbulent - DeefmLej
(a) Move in (b) Catch Correct Sentence-
(c) Jump (d) Exit Janaki remains cautious while talking about her dark
SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I) past.
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs efjkeäle mLeeve cesb jsKeebefkeâle Meyo 304. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
‘Leave’ (ÚesÌ[vee) keâe Synonym ‘Exit’ (efvekeâuevee) keâe heÇÙeesie blank.
nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ APJ Abdul Kalam was born in a middle class
Move in – Ûeues peevee family. He was a short boy _______ ordinary
Catch – hekeâÌ[vee
(a) with either (b) with a
jump – ketâovee (c) with rather (d) neither
Correct Sentence- SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV)
When you want to leave, you exit the building.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
301. Select the most appropriate homonym to fill in
the blank. ‘with a’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
These products __________ for a long time. Correct Sentence- –
(a) Lust (b) Last APJ Abdul kalam was born in a middle class family. he
(c) Lost (d) Least was a short boy with a ordinary looks.
SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I) 305. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb word given in the brackets to fill in the blank.
The increasing population of a country can be
Correct Homonym ‘Last’ (yeÛes jnvee/ve Kelce nesvee) keâe heÇÙeesie
a_______ (affliction) for the development of a
GheÙegkeäle nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYevve DeLe& osles nw~ country.
Lust - keâecegkeâ (a) boom (b) bane
Lost - Kees osvee (c) boon (d) brittleness
Least - keâce mes keâce SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV)
Correct Sentence- Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
These products last for a long time. ‘bane’ (Meehe) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee pees efkeâ brackted word
302. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the ‘affliction’ (og:Ke/heer[ Ì e) keâes synonym nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
blank. DeLe& osles nw~
The _____ of this beautiful garden is so
Boom - Göeue
(a) Site (b) Slight Boon - Jejoeve
(c) Cite (d) Sight Brittleness - Debiegjle
SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I) Correct Sentence-
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâs YeeJe keâs Devegmeej efjkeäle mLeeve cesb The increasing population of a country can be a bane
‘Sight’ (ÂMÙe) keâe heÇÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ (affliction) for the development of a country.
efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ 306. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Site - mLeeve He is usually calm but today he appears rather
Slight - LeesÌ[e/keâce/cee$ee ceW ______.
Cite - Dee£eve keâjvee/yegueevee (a) quiet (b) undisturbed
Correct Sentence- (c) disturbed (d) relaxed
The sight of this beautiful garden is so exciting. SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV)
Fill in the Blanks 254 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Stage (step)’
‘disturbed’ (JÙeekegâue/DeMeevle) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe (ÛejCe/DeJemLee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'At a particular stage
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ of life' phrase nw pees efkeâ JÙeefòeâ kesâ Specific period of life
quiet - Meevle/Ûeghe keâes Øekeâš keâjlee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ vener nw
Undisturbed - efyevee efkeâmeer yeeOee kesâ Plane - efJeceeve
Relaxed - Meevle Plain - cewoeve
Correct Sentence
Correct Sentence-
At a particular stage (step) of life, the body goes
He is usually calm but today he appears rather through some unnecessary changes.
310. Select the correct pair of homonyms to fill in
307. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the the blanks.
blank. What she ______ is that he is a _______ person.
The minister reached the venue of the (a) meant, mean (b) mean, meant
programme before time which __________ (c) growing, grown (d) grown, groaned
wonder and awe among the organisers. SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I)
(a) Strengthened (b) Draped Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe keâ Devegmeej GefÛele
(c) Created (d) Lagged ‘Homonym’ ›eâceMe: meant (verb) Deewj mean adjective keâe
SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III)
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesvee keäÙeeWefkeâ Pronoun, 'she' kesâ verb Je 'noun'
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'Person' kesâ henues adjective keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
‘Created’ (yeveeÙee ieÙee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ veneR nw~
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ Correct Sentence- –
Strenthened - cepeyetle keâjvee What she meant is that he is a mean person.
Draped - {ebkeâvee 311. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Lagged - Oeerjs Ûeuevee underlined word to fill in the blank.
Only one of his proposals was accepted in the
Correct Sentence-
meeting, while others were _____.
The minister reached the venue of the programme (a) agreed (b) rejected
before time which created wonder and awe among the (c) fulfilled (d) attended
organisers. SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I)
308. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘rejected’ (cevee
keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee pees efkeâ jsKeebefkeâle Meyo accepted (mJeerkeâej
His seat was the ______ in our row.
(a) Farthest (b) Near to
keâjvee) keâe Antonym nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(c) Further (d) Far Agreed – mencele nesvee
SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III) Fulfilled – heefjhetCe& keâjvee
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Attended – GheefmLele nesvee
Superlative degree kesâ adjective ‘Farthest’ (meyemes DeefOekeâ Correct Sentence-
Only one of his proposals was accepted in the meeting,
otj) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Fmekesâ henues definite article while others were rejected.
'the' keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ 312. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Near to - vepeoerkeâ blank.
Further - Deeies ______ is the scientific study of material remais
Far - otj like relics and monuments of past human life.
(a) Geology (b) Theology
Correct Sentence
(c) Biology (d) Archaeology
His seat was the farthest in our row.
SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I)
309. Fill in the blanks with appropriate homonym.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
At a particular ______ of life, the body goes
‘Archaeology’ (hegjeleòJe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
through some unnecessary changes.
(a) Stage (a raised platform) efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
(b) Plane Geology – YetefJe%eeve, Theology – Oece&MeeŒe
(c) Stage (Step) Biology – peerJe efJe%eeve
(d) Plain Archaeology is the scientific study of material remais
SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III) like relics and monuments of past human life.

Fill in the Blanks 255 YCT

313. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 316. Select the correct word for the blanks in the
blank. given sentence.
My mother was ______ at my negligence and Sivakashi is famous for its _________ box
scolded me. industry, and I am unable to find a _______ for
(a) Energetic (b) Furious my purple dress.
(c) Thrilled (d) Pleased (a) Sweat (b) match
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II) (c) Chatter (d) Bread
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I)
‘Furious’ (Deefle ›egâæ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
DeLe& osles nw~ 'Match' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
Energetic - Tpee&Jeeve Sweat - ceOegj
Thrilled - jesceebefÛele Chatter - yekeâJeeme keâjvee
Pleased - ØemeVe Bread - peerefJekeâe/jesšer
Correct Sentence- Correct Sentence-
My mother was furious at my negligence and scolded Sivakashi is famous for its match box industry, and I am
me. unable to find a mathc for my purple dress.
314. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 317. Select the most appropriate homophone to fill
word given in brackets to fill in the blank. in the blank.
Dishonest people always ______ (deceive) In many road accidents people break their
others. bones mainly because their vehicle _______
(a) Assist (b) Cheat fails.
(c) Gladden (d) Defend (a) Brake (b) Broke
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II) (c) Brow (d) Bleak
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I)
‘Cheat’ (OeesKee osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee pees efkeâ Bracked word Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kes â YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
"deceive" (OeesKesyeepe) keâe synonym nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& ‘Brake’ (jesOekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe&
osles nw~ osles nw~
Assist - meneÙelee keâjvee Broke – leesÌ[e
Gladden - ØemeVe Brow – YeeBn
Defend - j#ee keâjvee Bleak – efve<keâheš
Correct Sentence- Correct Sentence- -
Dishonest people always cheat (deceive) others. In many road accidents people break their bones mainly
because their vehicle brake fails.
315. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
318. Select the correct pair of homonyms to fill in
the blanks.
Truthfully speaking, the victories of peace and
The sales of _______, _______ by 20% on
harmony have a more _______ impact on
valentine's Day.
human civilisation than the so-called victories
(a) dates, dated (b) Pear, pair
of war.
(c) roses, rose (d) roll, rolled
(a) Superior (b) Transient
(c) Lasting (d) Greater SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV)
SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW roses
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW (Plural noun) and rose (V2) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee pees efkeâ Correct
‘Lasting’ (osj lekeâ ™keâves Jeeuee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe pair of Homonyms nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ veneR nw~
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ Correct Sentence-
The sales of roses, rose by 20% on valentines Day.
Superior - Jeefj‰
319. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Transient - #eefCekeâ
word given below to fill in the blank in the
Greater - meyemes ceneve following sentence.
Correct Sentence- - The car _____ into the truck.
Truthfully speaking, the victories of peace and harmony (a) Striped (b) bashed
have a more lasting impact on human civilisation than (c) bounded (d) decked
the so-called victories of war. SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV)
Fill in the Blanks 256 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Correct Sentence-
‘bashed’ (peesj mes škeäkeâj ceejvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe The operation is to be distinguished from of heat
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ surgery and, in particular, from the repair of openings
between the auricles.
Stripe – JebefÛele keâjvee/heóer
323. Fill in the blanks with the correct homophone.
Bounded –meerceeyeæ _______ of anything is destructive in nature.
Decked – leeMe kesâ heòes (a) Axes (b) Excess
Correct Sentence- (c) Axis (d) Access
The car bashed into the truck. SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II)
320. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Correct
Homophone ‘excess’ (DeefOekeâlee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ efjòeâmLeeve
The teacher ______ with laughter, pleased with
his joke, but then composed himself. ceW nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
(a) Brayed (b) Blade Axes – kegâuneÌ[er
(c) Braid (d) Bread Axis – De#ejsKee/DeeOeej
SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV) Access – hengBÛe/DeefYeieÙe
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Correct Sentence-
‘Brayed’ (keâke&âMe mJej ceW nbmevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe Excess of anything is destructive in nature.
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ 324. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Blade – Ûeeketâ blanks and make the sentence meaningful.
Braid – Heâerlee ueieevee She hurt her ______ and _______.
Bread – jesšer (a) heal; toe (b) heal; tow
(c) heel; tow (d) heel; toe
Correct Sentence-
The teacher brayed with laughter, pleased with his SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II)
joke, but then composed himself. Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kes â YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
321. Select the most appropriate options to fill in the ›eâceMe: ‘heel, toe’ (Ss[er, Debiet"e) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe
blank. efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ vener nw~
As l review the events of my past life, i realise Correct Sentence- –
how ______ are the influences that shape our She hort her heel and toe.
destinies. 325. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(a) Subtle (b) Artless blank.
(c) Crube (d) Trumpet
The doctor _________ two tablets per day.
SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III) (a) ordered (b) prescribed
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW (c) advised (d) proposed
‘Subtle’ (met#ce/leer#Ce) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
DeLe& osles nw~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Artless – DeveeÌ[er ‘Prescribed’ (efveOee&efjle keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe
Trumpet – legjner yepeevee efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
Correct Sentence- Ordered – Dee%ee osvee
As l review the events of my past life, i realise how
Advised – megPeeJe osvee
subtle are the influences that shape our destinies.
322. Select the most appropriate options to fill in the Proposed – ØemleeefJele
blank. Correct Sentence-
The operation is to be distinguished from of The doctor prescribed two tablets per day.
heat surgery and, in particular, from the repair 326. Select the most appropriate homonym to fill in
of openings between the ______. the blank.
(a) Oracle (b) Oculus Please ___________more sugar to the juice so
(c) Oracles (d) Auricles that it becomes sweeter
SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III) (a) add (b) aid
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW (c) ad (d) aide
‘Auricles’ (keâCe& heuueJe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II)
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Oracle – DeekeâeMeJeeCeer ‘add’ (peesÌ[vee/efceueevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
Oculus – DeebKe DeLe& osles nw~
Oracles – osJeJeeCeer Aid – meneÙelee

Fill in the Blanks 257 YCT

Ad – efJe%eeheve 330. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Aide – menÙeesieer blank.
There are rows of chairs on either side of the
Correct Sentence-
Please add more sugar to the juice so that it becomes
(a) aisle (b) isle
(c) I’ll (d) ail
327. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a): Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘aisle’
The actress is very ______ and takes pride in
her appearance all the time. (ieefueÙeeje) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
(a) vein (b) vain Isle – šehet
(c) vane (d) wane Ail – yeerceej/nesvee/keâjvee
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II) Correct Sentence-
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW There are rows of chairs on either side of the aisle.
‘Vain’ (DeLe&/yeskeâej) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe 331. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
word given in brackets to fill in the blank.
DeLe& osles nw~
The teacher could judge that his intentions
vein – veme/efMeje were ________, (nefarious) so he was not
vane – Heâuekeâ stopped from entering the hall.
Wane – heleve nesvee (a) traitorous (b) perfidious
Correct Sentence- (c) pious (d) envious
The actress is very vain and takes pride in her SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)
appearance all the time. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘pious’
328. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (Oeeefce&keâ/heefJe$e) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee pees efkeâ brackted word
blank. "Nefarious" (kegâefšue/veerÛe) keâe Antonym nw DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
_________ are words which have the same DeLe& efYeVe nw~
spelling or pronunciation but not the same Traitorous – vecekeânjece
Perfidious – õesn/ Pet"e
(a) Antonyms (b) Synonyms
(c) Acronyms (d) Homonyms Envious – És<eer/F&<Ùee&
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV) Correct Sentence-
The teacher could judge that his intentions were pious,
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW (nefarious) so he was not stopped from entering the hall.
‘Homonyms’ (meceeve GÛÛeeefjle Meyo) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee 332. Select the most appropriate homonym to fill in
DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ the blank.
Antonyms - efJeueesce Meyo The villagers kept the ________ out, to collect
Synonyms - meceeveeLe&keâ Meyo the rain water.
(a) crus (b) cruse
Acronyms - heefjJeCeea Meyo
(c) crews (d) cruise
Correct Sentence- SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)
Homonyms are words which have the same spelling or
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
pronunciation but not the same meaning.
‘Cruse’ (Úesšer keâšesjer) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe&
329. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. osles nw~
We _________ off old clothes and bought new Crus – šebie
ones for Diwali. Crews – keâceeaoue/Ûeeuekeâoue
(a) cost (b) coast Cruise – heÙe&šve
(c) cast (d) caste Correct Sentence-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV) The villagers kept the cruse out, to collect the rain
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Cast’ keâe ØeÙeesie water.
GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Cast off Skeâ Phrasal verb nw efpemekeâe DeLe& 333. Select the most appropriate option to fill in teh
‘efkeâmeer Ûeerpe mes Úgškeâeje heevee’ neslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& blank.
Keats and Shelly were poets of the same
osles nw~ peirod; in other words, they were ______.
Cost – ueeiele, Coast – efkeâveeje, Caste – peeefle (a) contemporaries (b) associates
Correct Sentence- (c) co-writers (d) colleagues
We cast off old clothes and bought new ones for Diwali. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Fill in the Blanks 258 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 337. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
‘Contemporaries’ (mecekeâ#e) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe blank.
The police were on high alert on account of the
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ _____ convict who had killed many people.
Associates - menkeâceea (a) run after (b) walk away
Co-writers - men-uesKekeâ (c) eloped (d) runaway
Colleagues - menÙeesieer SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence- Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘run
Keats and Shelly were poets of the same peirod; in away’ (Yeeie peevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
other words, they were contemporaries. DeLe& osles nw~
334. Select the most appropriate option to till in the walk away – Ûeues peevee
Eloped – efkeâmeer kesâ meeLe Yeeie peevee
She could easily eat the ................ biryani by
herself. Correct Sentence-
(a) hole (b) haul The police were on high alert on account of the runaway
(c) whole (d) hall convict who had killed many people.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III) 338. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
The princess firmly held the ––––– in her
‘whole’ (hetje keâe hetje) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe hands.
DeLe& osles nw~ (a) Ran (b) Rein
Hole- Keeueer mLeeve (c) Reign (d) Rain
Haul- KeerÛevee/{esvee SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Hall- meYee-YeJe Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- ‘Rein’ (ueieece/DeefOekeâej) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
She could easily eat the whole biryani by herself. efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
335. Select the most appropriate homonym to fill in Ran – Yeeie ieÙee
the blank. Reign - Meemeve keâeue
The hunter dogs followed the hyena’s ______. Rain - yeeefjMe
(a) cents (b) scent
Correct Sentence-
(c) cense (d) sense
The princess firmly held the rein in her hands.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I)
339. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Scent’ (metbIevee/iebOe) blank.
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙeg&òeâ DeLe& oslee Sarah just gave ________ to a baby boy.
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ (a) breath (b) broth
Cents – mesšdme (c) berth (d) birth
Chick – Oethe peueevee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Sense – efJeJeskeâ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW birth
Correct Sentence- (pevce osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
The hunter dogs followed the hyena’s scent. Breath – meebme uesvee
336. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Broth – MeesjCe/methe
blank. Berth – MeeefÙekeâe/meerš
Payments can be made by ____ or in cash. Correct Sentence-
(a) cheeky (b) cheque Sarah just gave birth to a baby boy.
(c) cheque (d) chick
340. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II) blank.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW I can’t _______ this heat anymore.
‘Cheque’ (OeveeosMe/Ûeskeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe (a) bier (b) bear
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ (c) bare (d) beer
Cheeky – cegKej/Oe=° SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I)
Chick – ueÌ[keâer/Ûet]pee Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- ‘bear’ (menve keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
Payments can be made by cheque or in cash. DeLe& osles nw~
Fill in the Blanks 259 YCT
Bier – leeyetle/DeLeea (a) nail: a thin, hard area that covers the upper
Bare – DeveeJe=le/vebiee side of the end of each finger and each toe
(b) nail: to catch someone, especially when they
Beer – Mejeye are doing something wrong, or guilty
Correct Sentence- (c) nail: to do something successfully
I can’t bear this heat anymore. (d) nail: a small metal spike, driven into wood to
341. Select the most appropriate homophone to fill join things together or to serve as a hook
in the blank. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Even animals find it difficult to ______ the loss Ans. (d) : : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
of their loved ones. ‘nail’ (efkeâuueer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe&
(a) bare (b) where
osles nw~
(c) bear (d) wear
Correct Sentence- –
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I)
The key was hanging on a nail by the door.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 345. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
‘bear’ (menve keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe blank.
DeLe& osles nw~ The ________ of the crime scene made it
Bare – DeveeJe=le/vebiee difficult for investigators to gather evidence.
(a) cite (b) set
Where – keâne/efkeâme peien
(c) site (d) sleight
wear – henvevee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III)
Correct Sentence- Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Site’
Even animals find it difficult to bear the loss of their
(mLeeve) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
loved ones.
Cite – Gæle keâjvee
342. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. Set – mecetn
The CEO's _____ disregard for his employees' Sleight – meHeâeF&/vepejyevoe
well-being led to high turnover and low morale Correct Sentence- -
in the company. The site of the crime scene made it difficult for
(a) calus (b) calous investigators to gather evidence.
(c) callus (d) callous 346. Fill in the blank with the most suitable word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV) The humour of the gods is cruel; or ______
they see more than we do.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
(a) unlikely (b) odds
‘Callous’ (keâ"esj/keâÌ[e) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhees keâer (c) perhaps (d) however
spelling DeMegæ nw~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
Correct Sentence- Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
The CEO's callous disregard for his employees' well- ‘perhaps’ (MeeÙeo/mebYeJele:) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
being led to high turnover and low morale in the
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
Unlikely – DemebYeeJÙe
343. Select the most appropriate homophones to fill
in the blanks. Odds – Demeeceve
I got ____ while replacing the ____. however – leLeeefhe
(a) tired, tyre (b) tired, tierCorrect Sentence- -
(c) tyred, tire (d) tyre, tire The humour of the gods is cruel; or perhaps they see
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV) more than we do.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
347. Fill in the blank with the most suitable word.
‘tired’ (Lekeâe ngDee), ‘tyre (noun)’ (šeÙej) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
The ______ heard that the relationship was
stormy and had broken up several times.
nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ vener nw~
(a) inquiry (b) impute
Correct Sentence-
(c) inordinate (d) impugn
I got tired while replacing the tyre
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
344. Select the most appropriate homonym in the Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
context of the following sentence to fill in the
‘inquiry’ (peebÛe keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
The key was hanging on a ________by the DeLe& osles nw~
door. Impute – Deejeshe ueieevee

Fill in the Blanks 260 YCT

Inordinate – DemeeceevÙe 351. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option
Impugn – yenme keâjvee Participants were _______ a meal of steak and
Correct Sentence- - French fries under dim light.
The inquiry heard that the relationship was stormy and (a) served (b) nerved
had broken up several times. (c) cured (d) calmed
348. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I)
Your ear has three main ______: outer, middle Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
and inner. ‘Served’ (mesJee keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
(a) parts (b) subjects
(c) plugs (d) events
DeLe& osles nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV) Nerved – leefv$ekeâe Ùegòeâ
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Cured – GheÛeej keâjvee
‘parts’ (Yeeie) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles Calmed – Meevle keâjvee
nw~ Correct Sentence- -
Plugs – ieguueer Participants were served a meal of steak and French
Subjects – efJe<eÙe fries under dim light.
Events – DeeÙeespeve 352. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence-
In the early autumn fierce fighting took place,
Your ear has three main parts: outer, middle and inner.
the __________ Serbians bearing a prominent
349. Fill in the bland with an appropriate option.
Taking a deep, ––––––– breath, I start again,
(a) cowardly (b) unabashed
successfully loading the filter and placing the
cup underneath. (c) gallant (d) bore
(a) penetrating (b) surrogating SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I)
(c) calming (d) jamming Ans. (c) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II) ‘gallant’ (Jeerj/yeneogj) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW DeLe& osles nw~
‘Calming’ (MeefvleoeÙekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe Cowardly – keâeÙej
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ Unabashed – DeÛeue/efmLej
Penetrating – YesovesJeeuee/leerKee Bore – Gyee osvee/yesOevee
Surrogating – ØeefleefveefOe Correct Sentence- -
Jamming – ™keâeJeš In the early autumn fierce fighting took place, the
Correct Sentence- - gallant Serbians bearing a prominent part.
Taking a deep, calming breath, I start again,
353. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option.
successfully loading the filter and placing the cup
underneath. We can usefully distinguish four types of claims
that have been traditionally made using the
350. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option. ............. "human nature".
_____ threats to elephants requires public and (a) collateral (b) application
political with to take action. (c) nuance (d) expression
(a) Dignifying (b) Addressing SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
(c) Perplexing (d) Stagnation
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I)
‘Expression’ (DeefYeJÙeefòeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
‘Addressing’ (mecyeesefOele keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ Collateral – DevegØeemebefiekeâ/Deefleefjòeâ
Dignifying – melkeâej keâjvee Application – DeeJesove
Perplexing – nwjeve keâjves Jeeuee Nuance – Deefle met#ce Devlej
Stagnation – efmLejlee Correct Sentence- -
Correct Sentence- We can usefully distinguish four types of claims that
Dignifying threats to elephants requires public and have been traditionally made using the expression
political with to take action. "human nature".

Fill in the Blanks 261 YCT

354. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
The oil in the diya symbolises the dirt in the ‘anything’ (kegâÚ Yeer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
human mind such as greed, ............, hate, etc. DeLe& osles nw~
(a) envy (b) slavery
everything – meyekegâÚ, Something – kegâÚ kegâÚ
(c) joy (d) merry
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV) A thing – keâesF& Ûeerpe
Correct Sentence- -
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
He made me think of an old time magician more than
‘envy’ (F&<Ùee&) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles
nw~ 358. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option.
Slavery – iegueeceer No matter how many times I try, I always end
Joy – Deevevo uesvee up in the same ..............
(a) sauce (b) meal
Merry – efJeveesohetCe&
(c) pickle (d) account
Correct Sentence- - SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I)
The oil in the diya symbolises the dirt in the human
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘pickle’
mind such as greed, envy hate, etc.
(DeeÛeej) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
355. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. sauce → Ûešveer, account → uesKee/JeCe&ve
Howard tried to speak but all that come out meal → Yeespeve
was an ............., squeaky gargle. Correct Sentence- -
(a) implausible (b) sincere No matter how many times I try, I always end up in the
(c) easy (d) inarticulate same pickle.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV) 359. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW AWS offers various storage services that can
............ data for your website.
‘Inarticulate’ (Oeerjs mes yeesuevee/cetkeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe (a) store (b) stack
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ (c) pour (d) barge
Implausible – DekeâuheveerÙe SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I)
Sincere – F&ceeveoej Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
easy – Deemeeve ‘Store’ (meb«en keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
Correct Sentence- - DeLe& osles nw~
Howard tried to speak but all that come out was an Pour – [b[suevee/yenevee, Stack – {sj ueieevee,
inarticulate, squeaky gargle. Barge – yepeje/veeJe
356. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option. Correct Sentence- -
David always kept his ............. open for AWS offers various storage services that can store data
anything that might put them at risk. for your website.
(a) black eye (b) starry eyes 360. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option.
(c) eagle eyes (d) sheep eyes In this engineering design project you will
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III) learn how to build an infinity mirror, with
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW built-in lights that make the mirror look like a
‘eagle eye’ (OÙeeve mes osKevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe deep ............ with no end.
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ (a) tunnel (b) lodge
(c) funeral (d) signal
Starry eyes - Ûecekeâleer DeebKes
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Sheep eyes - cetKe&leehetCe& {bie mes osKevee
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Black eye - yegjer vepej
‘tunnel’ (megjbie) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe&
Correct Sentence- -
osles nw~
David always kept his eagle eyes open for anything that
might put them at risk. Signal – mebkesâle
357. Fill in the blank with the most suitable word.
Lodge – jnvee, jKevee
He made me think of an old time magician Funeral – oen
more than ............. Correct Sentence- -
(a) a thing (b) everything In this engineering design project you will learn how to
(c) something (d) anything build an infinity mirror, with built-in lights that make
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III) the mirror look like a deep tunnel with no end.

Fill in the Blanks 262 YCT

361. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Forces’
In humans, lack of sleep leads to ............. (mesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
memory and reduced cognitive abilities.
Denizens - efveJeeme
(a) attended (b) impaired
(c) thankless (d) witnessed Personal - JÙeefòeâiele
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III) Correct Sentence- -
The U.S. has military forces in many Middle Eastern
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
‘Impaired’ (efyeieÌ[vee/Kejeye nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe
365. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option.
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ One of his rules was to always .............. and
Witnessed – osKee/ieJeener efoÙee await instruction to enter.
Attended – GheefmLele nesvee (a) knock (b) rub
Thankless – Deke=âle%e (c) blink (d) resist
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence- -
In humans, lack of sleep leads to impaired memory and Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
reduced cognitive abilities. ‘Knock’ (KešKeševee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
362. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option. DeLe& osles nw~
The social ............. is going to meet with all of Resist – efJejesOe keâjvee
us tomorrow with the plans so we can make a Blink – Pehekeâer
decision. Rub – jieÌ[vee
(a) army (b) worker
Correct Sentence- -
(c) toddler (d) labour
One of his rules was to always knock and await
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III) instruction to enter.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 366. Fill in the blank with the most suitable word.
‘worker’ (keâce&Ûeejer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe Remember that, little sister: wait for a man to
DeLe& osles nw~ ............ your honour, and you'll wait forever.
Toddler – yeÛÛee (yengle Úesše) (a) comfort (b) cheer
(c) repeal (d) avenge
Labour – ßeefcekeâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II)
Army – mesvee
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- -
‘avenge’ (yeouee uesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
The social worker is going to meet with all of us
tomorrow with the plans so we can make a decision. DeLe& osles nw~
363. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option. Comfort – DeejeceoeÙekeâ
Wash, rinse and drain water from quinoa and Repeal – KeC[ve/efvejmle keâjvee
............ Cheer – Glmeeefnle keâjvee
(a) set upon (b) set off Correct Sentence- -
(c) set aside (d) set in Remember that, little sister: wait for a man to avenge
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV) your honour, and you'll wait forever.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Set 367. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
aside’ (efveÙele keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe word.
DeLe& osles nw~ The boy ............ to take the money.
set off – cegDeeJepee (a) ordered (b) denied
(c) reminded (d) refused
set upon – ÂÌ{-efÛele
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
set in – Meg™ nesvee
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- -
‘refused’ (cevee keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
Wash, rinse and drain water from quinoa and set aside.
DeLe& osles nw~
364. Fill in the blank with an appropriate option.
Ordered :- DeeosMe osvee
The U.S. has military ............ in many Middle
Eastern countries. Denied :- DemJeerke=âle keâjvee
(a) forces (b) denizens Reminded :- Ùeeo efoueevee
(c) personal (d) townies Correct Sentence- -
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV) The boy refused to take the money.

Fill in the Blanks 263 YCT

368. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
word. ‘Cultivated’ (Kesleer keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
The annual meeting of our club has been ........
till next month.
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
(a) dragged (b) deferred Advanced – efJekeâefmele
(c) disrupted (d) deranged Grown – Gieevee
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II Cultured – megmebmke=âle
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Correct Sentence- -
‘deferred’ (mLeefiele keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe My grandfather was a farmer and he cultivated three
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ acres of land.
Dragged :- Iemeeršvee, Disrupted :- yeeefOele keâjvee 372. In the following passage, some word have been
deleted. Read the passage carefully and select
Deranged :- DeJÙeJeefmLele the most appropriate option to fill in each
Correct Sentence- - blank.
The annual meeting of our club has been deferred till Many times –––––– starts with the creative –––
next month. –––– and the enduring passion of a single
369. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the individual.
blank. (a) renovation, dullness
A note of ––––––––during the leader's meeting (b) innovation, spark
at the UN. (c) stagnation, determination
(a) discord surfaced (b) friction surfaced (d) tradition, lethargy
(c) strife surfaced (d) grievance surfaced SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III
SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘innovation’ (DeefYeveJe) leLee spark (peesMe/Glmeen)keâe ØeÙeesie
‘discord surfaced’ (celeYeso nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw Renovation, Dullness – veJeerkeâjCe, efve™lmeen
Friction surfaced – Ie<e&Ce melen Stagnation, Determination – efmLejlee, mebkeâuhe
Strife Surfaced – efJeJeeo hetCe& Tradition, Lethargy – hejcheje, Deeueme
Grievance surfaced – efMekeâeÙelehetCe& Correct Sentence- -
Correct Sentence- - Many times innovation starts with the creative spark
A note of discord surfaced during the leader's meeting and the enduring passion of a single individual.
at the UN. 373. Select the correctly spelt word to fill in the
370. Select the most appropriate option fill in the blank.
blank. The ––––– of the worksheets is not an easy job.
The death of her father had made her sullen (a) reconcilation (b) reconsilation
and –––––––. (c) reconsiliation (d) reconciliation
(a) melancholic (b) joyful SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I
(c) smug (d) jovial Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I ‘reconciliation’ (meguen/meceeOeeve) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
‘melancholic’ (Goeme/og:Keer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe
Correct Sentence-
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ The reconciliation of the worksheets is not an easy job.
Joyful :- DeevevohetCe&, Smug :- Deelcemevleg° 374. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Jovial :- GuueemehetCe& blank.
My success was complete and the delighted
Correct Sentence- -
directors ––––––– me the privilege of
The death of her father had made her sullen and developing automatic regulators which were
melancholic. much desired.
371. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (a) accorded (b) contrasted
blank. (c) disagreed (d) removed
My grandfather was a farmer and he –––––– SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I
three acres of land. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
(a) advanced (b) cultivated
‘Accorded’ (mJeerkeâej keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe
(c) grown (d) cultured
SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
Fill in the Blanks 264 YCT
Contrasted – efJehejerle 378. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Disagreed – Demenceefle blank.
We should ______ his outfit as he has put on
Removed – nšeÙee ngDee
Correct Sentence- (a) utter (b) alter
My success was complete and the delighted directors (c) altar (d) ultra
accorded me the privilege of developing automatic
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III
regulators which were much desired.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
375. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. ‘Alter’ (yeouevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe&
She was laughing from the –––––– exuberance osles nw~
of the performance. Utter – hetCe&
(a) total (b) sheer Altar – yeefueJesoer
(c) perfect (d) utter Ultra – DelÙeble
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I Correct Sentence-
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW We should alter his outfit as he has put on weight.
‘Sheer’ (JeemleefJekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe 379. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
DeLe& osles nw~ blank.
Total – mechetCe& Asha was ___________ made a fool by her
Perfect – Gòece (a) unknowingly (b) insistently
Utter – hetCe& (c) deliberately (d) innocently
Correct Sentence- SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I
She was laughing from the sheer exuberance of the Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
performance. ‘deliberately’ (peeve-yetPekeâj) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe
376. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
blank. Unknowingly – Devepeeves ceW
The beauty of our festivals lies in 'unity in ––––
Insistently – Dee«enhetJe&keâ
(a) belongingness (b) richness Innocently – ceemetefceÙele/veemecePeer mes
(c) inclusion (d) diversity Correct Sentence-
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I Asha was deliberately made a fool by her friend.
380. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
word given in the bracket to fill in the blank.
‘diversity’ (efJeefJeOelee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe The western side of the country has some –––––
DeLe& osles nw~ –––– (vacant) islands to explore.
Belongingness – Deheveeheve (a) unexplored (b) uninterested
Richness – ØeÛegjlee (c) uninhabited (d) undesired
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I
Inclusion – meceeJesMe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
The beauty of our festivals lies in 'unity in diversity'.
‘Uninhabited’ (efvepe&ve) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
377. Select the correct homonym from the given
options to fill in the blank.
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
The French perfume has a wonderful________ Unexplored – yesjespeieej
(a) scent (b) sent Uninterested – jmenerve
(c) send (d) cent Undesired – DeJeebefÚle
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III Correct Sentence- -
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW The western side of the country has some uninhabited
‘Scent’ (megiebOe/cenkeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe (vacant) islands to explore.
DeLe& osles nw~ 381. Select the correct homonym from the given
Sent – Yespe osvee options to fill in the blank.
Send – Yespevee The police returned to the –––––– of the crime.
(a) cene (b) seen
Cent – Mele/meskeâÌ[e/hewmes (c) scene (d) zen
The French perfume has a wonderful scent. SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I
Fill in the Blanks 265 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ
Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeveeW ceW
nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe ›eâceMe: ‘Compromising’ (mecePeewlee/meceeOeve) ‘Mediocrity’
‘Scene’ (mLeue/ÂMÙe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
DeLe& osles nw~ (ceOÙecelee) ‘Strive’ (mebIe<e&/ØeÙeeme keâjvee) Je ‘Ensure’ (megefveefMÛele
Correct Sentence- keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ efJekeâuheeW ceW efoÙes ieÙes DevÙe MeyoeW
The police returned to the scene of the crime. kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nes~
382. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 385. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank.
A student –––––– in ragging can be expelled _____ I learned that there was a gift for each
from the institution. child, I was delighted.
(a) curbing (b) avoiding (a) When (b) Though
(c) indulging (d) contrasting (c) While (d) Which
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
‘indulging’ (efuehle/Deemeòeâ nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe ‘when’ (keâye/peye) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ DeLe& osles nw~
Curbing – jeskeâvee/efveÙeb$eCe keâjvee Though – ÙeÅeefhe/neueebefkeâ
Avoiding – hejnspe keâjvee/šeuevee While – peyeefkeâ
Contrasting – efJe<ece nesvee Which – peesefkeâ/keâewve/pees
Correct Sentence- - Correct Sentence- -
A student indulging in ragging can be expelled from the When I learned that there was a gift for each child, I
institution. was delighted.
383. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 386. Select the most appropriate to fill in the blank.
blank. Most mainliners do not view modern culture as
Ramu went with his friends on a trip to ––––– inherently _____ to religious belief.
new paths. (a) inimical (b) inchoate
(a) explore (b) invent (c) inconclusive (d) inadvertent
(c) determine (d) deploy SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘inimical’ (neefvekeâejkeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
‘Explore’ (Keespe/DevJes<eCe keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ Inchoate – DeefJekeâefmele
Invent – DeefJe<keâej keâjvee Inconclusive – ogefJeOee ceW heÌ[e ngDee/DeOetje
Determine – efveOee&efjle keâjvee Inadvertent – yeshejJeen/DeefMe°
Deploy – Øemeeefjle keâjvee Correct Sentence–
Correct Sentence– Most mainliners do not view modern culture as
Ramu went with his friends on a trip to explore new inherently inimical to religious belief.
paths. 387. Select the most appropriate to fill in the blank.
384. In the following passage, some words have been That fellow pushed me so hard that my vision
deleted. Read the passage carefully and select got ______ for a second.
the most appropriate option to fill in each (a) simplified (b) illuminated
blank. (c) exposed (d) blurred
The minute you start ––––– and tolerating –––– SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
––––, it becomes the new norm and the slide Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
begins and therefore, we must constantly ––––– ‘blurred’ (Demhe°/OegbOeuee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
– to given our best and be recognised, not
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
simply aim to do just enough to –––––– that we
don't get found out. Simplified – mejueerke=âle
(a) contradicting, distinction, stink, endeavour Illuminate – ØekeâeefMele keâjvee
(b) compromising, mediocrity, strive, ensure Exposed – Gpeeiej keâjvee
(c) compelling, excellence, strike, encourage Correct Sentence-
(d) conjecturing, transcendence, strum, envision That fellow pushed me so hard that my vision got
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II blurred for a second.
Fill in the Blanks 266 YCT
388. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Penalty – pegcee&vee
blank. Punishment – mepee/oC[
She smashed a ____ of glass with the metal
Endanger – mebkeâš ceW [euevee
(a) pion (b) pawn Correct Sentence- -
(c) pane (d) pain Global warming or climate change has today become a
major punishment to mankind.
SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
392. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
‘pane’ (Heâuekeâ/keâebÛe keâer efKeÌ[keâer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe This app is a very ______ one for online
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw shopping.
Pawn – hÙeeoe (a) convenience (b) competency
Pain – oo&/heer[ Ì e (c) capable (d) convenient
Correct Sentence- - SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III
She smashed a pane of glass with the metal vase. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
389. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the ‘Convenient’ (megefJeOeepevekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
They called Mohan a ____ because he did not
want to go into the dark lane. Convenience – mentefueÙele
(a) brave (b) valiant Competence – #ecelee
(c) hero (d) coward Capable – me#ece
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III Correct Sentence- -
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW This app is a very convenient one for online shopping.
‘Coward’ (keâehej/[jheeskeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe 393. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ blank.
Brave – meenmeer Harish's voice ____ in the empty rooms of their
Valiant – yeneogj new house.
(a) reverted (b) resounded
Hero – veeÙekeâ
(c) relapsed (d) resorted
Correct Sentence–
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I
They called Mohan a coward because he did not want to
go into the dark lane. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
390. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the ‘resounded’ (ietbpeve/Meesj) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
blank. ef Y eVe DeLe& os les nw ~
You will find it difficult ______ but later you Reverted – ØelÙeeJeefle&le keâjvee
will get used to wearing a mask. Relapsed – efHeâj mes yeerceej nesvee
(a) at first (b) at the first
(c) firstly (d) on first Resort – meneje uesvee
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I Correct Sentence- -
Harish's voice resounded in the empty rooms of their
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘at
new house.
first’ (meJe&ØeLece/Meg™Deele mes) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
394. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ blank.
Correct Sentence- – The reality of the effects of rising aviation
you will find it difficult at first but later you will gel industry emissions on climate change has been
used to wearing a mask. known for decades, yet the industry and its
391. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the emissions has continued to grow without
blank. ______.
Global warming or climate change has today (a) easiness (b) neglect
become a major ______ to mankind. (c) constraint (d) comfort
(a) threat (b) penalty
SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I
(c) punishment (d) endanger
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Constraint’ (yee¢elee/efve<esOe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe
‘threat’ (Keleje/peeefKece) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ Easiness – megiecelee, Neglect – Ghes#ee, Comfort – Deejece

Fill in the Blanks 267 YCT

Correct Sentence- - 398. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
The reality of the effects of rising aviation industry blank.
emissions on climate change has been known for He has a high paying job, ______ he never
decades, yet the industry and its emissions has seems to have any money.
continued to grow without constraint. (a) yet (b) by
395. Select the most appropriate to fill in the blank. (c) from (d) so
Accuracy rates of facial recognition algorithms SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I
are _____ low in the case of minorities, women Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
and children, as demonstrated in multiple ‘Yet’ (efHeâj Yeer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe&
studies across the world.
(a) smoothly (b) Carelessly osles nw
(c) Particularly (d) Beautifully Correct Sentence–
SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I He has a high paying job, yet he never seems to have
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW any money.
‘particularly’ (efJeMe<e ™he mes) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe 399. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
The boys were tired, but not too tired to
Smoothly – metÛee™ ™he mes
examine the little hut ______.
Carelessly ueehejJeener mes (a) weirdly (b) weakly
Beautifully – Ketyemetjleer mes (c) thoroughly (d) sluggishly
Correct Sentence- SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I
Accuracy rates of facial recognition algorithms are Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Particularly low in the case of minorities, women and
children, as demonstrated in multiple studies across the ‘thoroughly’ (efyeukegâue) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
world. efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
396. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Weirdly – efJeefÛe$eleehetJe&keâ
blank. Weakly – ogye&uelee mes
I prefer to listen to relaxing and _____ music Sluggishly – megmleer mes
when meditating.
(a) soothing (b) abrading Correct Sentence- -
(c) fretting (d) tormenting The boys were tired, but not too tired to examine the
SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I little hut thoroughly.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 400. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
‘Soothing’ (megKeoeÙekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
It is better to be prompt and organised than to
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ be _____.
Abrading – ve° keâjvee (a) provident (b) meaningless
Fretting – #eesYekeâ (c) efficient (d) reckless
Tormenting – keâ° hengbÛevee SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I
Correct Sentence- Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
I prefer to listen to relaxing and soothing music when ‘reckless’ (ueehejJeen) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
DeLe& osles nw
397. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. Provident – otjoMeea/Ûeewkeâme
The ______ of directors will decide the penalty. Meaningless – JÙeLe&
(a) bowed (b) braid Efficient – kegâMeue
(c) bored (d) board Correct Sentence-
SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I It is better to be prompt and organised than to be
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW reckless.
‘board’ (ceC[ue) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& 401. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
osles nw blank.
The Lebanese army raided the boat and ____
Bowed – Pegkeâvee
dozens of water bottles, tuna cans, loaves of
Braid – Ûeesšer bread, boxes of Picon cheese and life jackets.
Board – Gyee ngDee (a) discovered (b) learnt
Correct Sentence- (c) created (d) invented
The board of directors will decide the penalty. SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
Fill in the Blanks 268 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Root – peÌ[/cetue
‘discovered’ (Keespe efkeâÙee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe Rote – jšvee/ognjeJe
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ Riot – GheõJe/obiee keâjvee
Learnt – meerKee Correct Sentence- -
Created – efvecee&Ce efkeâÙee Which route should I take to reach the railway station.
Invented – DeefJe<keâej efkeâÙee 405. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence- -
One of the children stood at the door to _____
The Lebanese army raided the boat and discovered if he saw the apparitor coming, who was an
dozens of water bottles, tuna cans, loaves of bread, officer of the spiritual court.
boxes of Picon cheese and life jackets. (a) give notice (b) give advice
402. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (c) give thought (d) give a hand
blank. SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III
I can't control my_____ these days because I
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘give
got selected for a job.
(a) casualness (b) nepotism notice’ (metÛevee osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
(c) pollution (d) excitement DeLe& osles nw~
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I Give Advice – meueen osvee
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Give thought – efJeÛeej osvee
‘excitement’ (Glmeen/GÉsie) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe Give a hand – meeLe osvee
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ Correct Sentence-
Casualness – ueehejJeener mes One of the children stood at the door to give notice if he
saw the apparitor coming, who was an officer of the
Nepotism – YeeF&-YeleerpeeJeeo spiritual court.
Pollution – Øeot<eCe 406. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence- - blank.
I can't control my excitement these days because I got In all cases, we have to ______ the facts from
selected for a job. the various reports and documents.
403. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (a) Instil (b) Repel
blank. (c) Standstill (d) Distil
Writing books about how to _____ on the SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II
internet seems like a great idea. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
(a) make a promise (b) make a fortune ‘Distil’ (mJeÛÚ/Megæ keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe
(c) make a habit (d) make a list
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
Instil – šhekeâvee, Repel – heerÚs nšvee
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Standstill – "njeJe/efJejece
‘make a fortune’ (YeefJe<Ùe yeveevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe
Correct Sentence- -
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ In all cases, we have to distil the facts from the various
Make a promise – Jeeoe keâjvee reports and documents.
Make a habit – Deeole yeveevee 407. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Make a list – metÛeer yeveevee blank.
Correct Sentence- Thus, _____ of their purpose, the three knights
Writing books about how to make a fortune on the tried another plan.
internet seems like a great idea. (a) involved (b) foiled
(c) toiled (d) failed
404. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II
Which ______ should I take to reach the Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ Jeekeä Ù e kes â YeeJe kes â Deveg meej ef o Ùes ieÙes ef j òeâ mLeeve
railway station? ceW ef Jekeâuhe 'foiled' (ef JeHeâue/veekeâece keâjvee) keâe ØeÙees i e GheÙeg òeâ DeLe&
(a) root (b) route oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(c) rote (d) riot Involved – Meefceue nesvee, Toil – keâef"ve heefjßece keâjvee
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I Failed – DemeHeâue nesvee
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Correct Sentence- -
‘route’ (ceeie&/jemlee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe Thus, foiled of their purpose, the three knights tried
DeLe& osles nw~ another plan.

Fill in the Blanks 269 YCT

408. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 411. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank.
If you want to save your money, start living an Many people may not find the rewards ______
_____ life. with the time and effort required.
(a) improper (b) economical (a) insignificant (b) gleeful
(c) extravagant (d) indulgent (c) cautious (d) commensurate
SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve
ceW efJekeâuhe 'Economical' (efkeâHeâeÙeleer/efceleJÙeÙeer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ ceW efJekeâuhe 'Commensurate' (Deveg™he/menieeceer) keâe ØeÙeesie
DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Improper – DevegefÛele/DeÙeesiÙe insignificant – cenlJenerve/efvejLe&keâ
Extravagant – DeheJÙeÙeer/efHeâpetue KeÛe& Gleeful – ØemeVe/DeevebohetCe&
Indulgent – oÙeeueg/veceü Cautious – meeJeOeeve
Correct Sentence- - Correct Sentence- -
If you want to save your money, start living an Many people may not find the rewards commensurate
economical life. with the time and effort required.
412. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
409. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
The ______ of the knife in his hand made her
This cruise ship _____ in November and
(a) site (b) sight
(a) sails (b) sells
(c) slight (d) cite
(c) sales (d) seals
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II
SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve
ceW efJekeâuhe 'Sight' (Âef°/vepej) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
ceW efJekeâuhe 'Sails' (peueÙee$ee keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Site – mLeeve/ef"keâevee
Sells – yesÛevee
Slight – Deuhe/heleuee
Sales – efye›eâer
Cite – GæejCe/nJeeuee osvee
Seals – peJeeve Correct Sentence-
Correct Sentence- - The sight of the knife in his hand made her sick.
This cruise ship sails in November and December. 413. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
410. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
blank. The ______ needs of the inhabitants seem to be
If we don't reverse course now, will anyone fruit, iced drinks, shiny boots and lottery
take anything we say about justice and tickets.
________ with any seriousness for decades to (a) amiable (b) principle
come? (c) invincible (d) principal
(a) righteousness SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II
(b) mediation Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve
(c) wickedness ceW efJekeâuhe 'Principal' (ØecegKe/ØeOeeve) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee
(d) dishonesty
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
amiable – megMeerue/meewiÙe
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve
principle – efmeæevle
ceW efJekeâuhe 'righteousness' (Oeeefce&keâlee/meÛÛeeF&) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
invincible – DepesÙe/ DehejepesÙe
DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Correct Sentence- -
Mediation – ceOÙemLelee
The principal needs of the inhabitants seem to be fruit,
Wickedness – og°lee/ogjeÛejCe iced drinks, shiny boots and lottery tickets.
Dishonesty – yesF&ceeveer 414. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence- - blank.
If we don't reverse course now, will anyone take There are good points to each side and we need
anything we say about justice and righteousness with more _____ people that are willing to look at
any seriousness for decades to come? them from all angles.

Fill in the Blanks 270 YCT

(a) ubiquitous (b) unbiased Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve
(c) undermined (d) unadorned ceW efJekeâuhe 'Vain' (JÙeLe&/efvejLe&keâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve Vein – veme/efMeje
ceW efJekeâuhe 'Unbiased' (efve<he#e) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ Van – yevoieeÌ[er
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Vane – Heâuekeâ
Ubiquitous – osMeJÙeeheer Correct Sentence- -
Undermined – ve°/ogye&ue keâjvee All of my efforts to save her life have gone in vain.
Unadouned – Deveuebke=âle 418. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence- - blank.
There are good points to each side and we need more The US has become far more _____ to people
unbiased people that are willing to look at them from all with all kinds of food sensitivities and diet
(a) deviated (b) lodging
415. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (c) selective (d) accommodating
blank. SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II
My niece is very kind and ______ to everyone
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve
in the family.
(a) callous (b) ruthless ceW efJekeâuhe 'Accommodating' (Devegketâue/efceuevemeej) keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) generous (d) stern GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II Deviated – Yeškeâvee
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve Lodging – DemLeeÙeer DeeJeeme
ceW efJekeâuhe 'Generous' (Goej/ØeÛetj) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee Selective – ÛeÙeveelcekeâ
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Correct Sentence- -
The US has become far more accommodating to people
Callous – efveo&Ùeer/keâ"esj with all kinds of food sensitivities and diet regimens.
Ruthless – ›etâj/efveo&Ùeer 419. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Stern – keâ"esj blank.
Correct Sentence- - My sister treats me well in the morning but at
My niece is very kind and generous to everyone in the night she becomes______.
family. (a) eloquent (b) awful
416. Select the most appropriate options to fill in the (c) exemplary (d) acceptable
blank. SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II
Thank you so _______ for helping me with this Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kes â YeeJe kes â Deveg meej ef o Ùes ieÙes ef j òeâ mLeeve
project. ceW efJekeâuhe 'awful' (YeÙeevekeâ/yegje) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
(a) too (b) many DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(c) most (d) much Eloquent :- megJeòeâe/Jeekeähešg
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II
Exemplary :- DevegkeâjCeerÙe
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve Acceptable :- mJeerkeâeÙe&
ceW efJekeâuhe 'Much' (DeefOekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe Correct Sentence- -
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ My sister treats me well in the morning but at night she
Too – DelÙeefOekeâ (Negative Sense) becomes awful.
Many – keâF&/Deveskeâ 420. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Most – ßes‰/meyemes DeefOekeâ blank.
The ocean waves swelled and reached _____
Correct Sentence- -
her head, and she started screaming.
Thank you so many for helping me with this project.
(a) among (b) upon
417. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (c) above (d) at
blank. SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III
All of my efforts to save her life have gone in Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve
(a) vain (b) vein
ceW efJekeâuhe 'Above' (mes Ghej) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
(c) van (d) vane DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II Among – kesâ yeerÛe ceW (oes mes DeefOekeâ ueesieeW kesâ)
Fill in the Blanks 271 YCT
Upon – kesâ Ghej 424. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
At – hej blank.
Could you spell your name ______, please?
Correct Sentence- -
(a) weakly (b) never
The ocean waves swelled and reached above her head,
and she started screaming. (c) again (d) forever
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I
421. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve
He said the cooperative will continue to invest ceW efJekeâuhe 'again' (ogyeeje/efHeâj mes) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
_____ per its usual yearly rate. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(a) that (b) so
Weakly – ogye&uelee mes
(c) such (d) as
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III Never – keâYeer vener
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve Forever – ncesMee
ceW efJekeâuhe 'As' (keâer lejn/pewmes) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ Correct Sentence- -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Could you spell your name again, please?
That – efkeâ/Jen 425. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
So – FmeefueÙes
The sudden death of our uncle was _____ for
Such – Fme Øekeâej
all of us.
Correct Sentence- - (a) tragic (b) fragile
He said the cooperative will continue to invest as per its
(c) gentle (d) dissuasive
usual yearly rate.
SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I
422. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve
Ms. Gupta expressed her ______ for my ceW efJekeâuhe 'Tragic' (ogKeo) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe
political understanding. efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(a) admiration (b) location Fragile – veepegkeâ/Yebiegj
(c) strength (d) compassion
Gently – meppeve/meewcÙe
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve Dissuasive – jeskeâves Jeeuee/nševes Jeeuee
ceW efJekeâuhe 'admiration' (ØeMebmee/Deeoj) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& Correct Sentence- -
The sudden death of our uncle was tragic for all of us.
oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
426. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Location – mLeeve/efmLeefle
Strength – Meefòeâ
It's ______ too late to start your own business.
Compassion – oÙee/ke=âhee (a) never (b) no
Correct Sentence- - (c) neither (d) nor
Ms. Gupta expressed her admiration for my political SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve
423. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. ceW efJekeâuhe 'Never' (keâYeer vener) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
Pilots must be _____ at all times to keep their DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw
passengers safe during the flight. no :- vener
(a) thirsty (b) distant Neither – ve-lees
(c) vigilant (d) forceful
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I Nor – ve-ner
Correct Sentence- -
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve
It's never too late to start your own business.
ceW efJekeâuhe ' vigilant ' (peeie™keâ/ÛeewkeâVee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe&
oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ 427. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Thirsty – hÙeemee
India continues to ______ the highest amount
Distant – otj/otjmLe of e-waste, more than China, the US, Japan
Forceful – meMeòeâ/G«e and Germany.
Correct Sentence- - (a) generate (b) remake
Pilots must be vigilant at all times to keep their (c) stake (d) select
passengers safe during the flight. SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III
Fill in the Blanks 272 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve 431. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
ceW efJekeâuhe 'Generate' (GlheVe keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee blank.
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ We _____ learn to meet adversity gracefully.
(a) have (b) ought
Remake – hegveefve&cee&Ce keâjvee
(c) had (d) must
Stake – oebJe/MesÙej SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III
Select – ÛeÙeve keâjvee
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Must’ keâe ØeÙeesie
India continues to generate the highest amount of e-
waste, more than China, the US, Japan and Germany. GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Modal verb keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâmeer Ûeerpe keâer
428. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the DeefveJeeÙe&lee keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
blank. efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
A _____ body will fight off the illness naturally Correct Sentence- -
without any medicine. We must learn to meet adversity gracefully.
(a) happy (b) healthy 432. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(c) flabby (d) fresh blank.
SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III It is claimed that if you take a certain
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve homeopathic medicine, it will .......... you
ceW efJekeâuhe 'healthy' (mJemLe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ against the coronovirus.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw (a) shelter (b) immune
Happy – KegMe (c) reinforce (d) fortify
Flabby – ce=og/keâesceue SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Fresh – leepee Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kes â ef j òeâ mLeeve ceW efJekeâuhe (d)
Correct Sentence- - ‘fortify’ (cepeyetle keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW
A healthy body will fight off the illness naturally ‘keâesjesvee JeeÙejme mes cepeyetle yeveeves’ keâe YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw~
without any medicine. Correct Sentence-
429. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the It is claimed that if you take a certain homeopathic
blank. medicine, it will fortify you against the coronovirus.
Can you please ______ this sauce over the 433. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
pasta? blank.
(a) pore (b) power Debjyoti's short animation film ..........
(c) pour (d) purr highlights the stark contrast between the rich
SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III and the poor in India.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve (a) poignantly (b) strictly
ceW efJekeâuhe 'pour' (yenvee/yenevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ (c) carelessly (d) sweetly
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I)
pore – efJeÛeej keâjvee/osKevee Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW efJekeâuhe (a)
power – Meefòeâ ‘Poignantly’ (lespeer mes/leer#Celee mes) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe
purr – IegjIejevee kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Ùen GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
Correct Sentence- - Correct Sentence-
Can you please pour this sauce over the pasta. Debjyoti's short animation film poignantly highlights
430. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the the stark contrast between the rich and the poor in India
blank. 434. Today you may not .......... what you hear, but
We deplore the use of ______ against innocent that is the truth and you have to accept it.
people. (a) answer (b) reply
(a) reduction (b) violence (c) enjoy (d) like
(c) gentleness (d) humour SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW efJekeâuhe (a) ‘like’ keâe
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe mes ‘hemebo keâjves’ keâe YeeJe ØeoefMe&le
ceW efJekeâuhe 'violence' (efnbmee/ØeÛeb[lee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nes jne nw~
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Correct Sentence-
Reduction – keâceer/Útš Today you may not like what you hear, but that is the
Gentleness – meewcÙelee truth and you have to accept it.
Humour – nemÙe/efJeveeso 435. Fill in the blank with most appropriate option.
Correct Sentence- - The craze for taking selfies has only increased
We deplore the use of violence against innocent people. our ____ with our own image.

Fill in the Blanks 273 YCT

(a) expression (b) possession Heavily - Yeejer, Publicly - meeJe&peefvekeâ ™he mes, Clearly - mhe°
(c) obsession (d) impression ™he mes~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I) Correct Sentence-
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
These days you can transfer money instantly from one
‘obsession’ (mevekeâ/pegvetve) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ account to another.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw- 439. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
possession - DeefOekeâej, expression - DeefYeJÙeefòeâ, impression option.
She made an ____ to break the record for long
- ØeYeeJe
Correct Sentence- (a) attack (b) intention
The craze for taking selfies has only increased our
(c) exercise (d) attempt
obsession with our own image.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I)
436. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘attempt’ (keâesefMeMe)
People have overcome poverty, drug addiction, GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe&
abuse, divorce, mental illness and virtually oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GefÛele DeLe& veneR osles nw~
every ____ known to man. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
(a) Defiance (b) Dispute
Exercise - JÙeeÙeece, Intention - Fjeoe, Attack - Dee›eâceCe~
(c) Objection (d) Challenge
Correct Sentence-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I)
She made an attempt to break the record for long jump.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
440. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
‘Challenge’ (Ûegveewleer) GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe blank.
GefÛele DeLe& veneR os jns nw~ As far as he is _____, he will love to attend the
Dispute - efJeJeeo, Objection - Deeheefòe, Defiance - DeJe%ee~ party.
Correct Sentence- - (a) interested (b) concerned
People have overcome poverty, drug addiction, abuse, (c) confined (d) anxious
divorce, mental illness and virtually every challenge SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I)
known to man. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
437. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the ‘Concerned’ (mecyeæ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW
as far as he is concerned (peneb lekeâ Gmekeâe mecyeæ nw) JeekeäÙe
The experience of having climbed to the Mt.
Everest changes you ____. kes â efueÙes GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GefÛele veneR osles nw~
(a) rarely (b) regularly Interested - ®efÛe, confined - efmeefcele, Anxious - Glmegkeâ
(c) completely (d) frequently Correct Sentence- -
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I) As far as he is concerned, he will love to attend the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘completely’ (hetCe& party.
™he mes) GheÙegòeâ DeLe& os jne nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GefÛele DeLe& veneR os 441. Fill in the blank with appropriate word.
jns nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&– This part of the sea ........ with sharks.
Rarely - MeeÙeo ner keâYeer, Regularly - efveÙeefcele ™he mes, (a) expands (b) crowds
Frequently - yeej-yeej (c) suffices (d) teems
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence- -
The experience of having climbed to the Mt. Everest Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW efJekeâuhe (d) ‘teems’
changes you completely. (DeefOekeâlee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe mes yenguelee keâe YeeJe Øekeâš
438. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the nes jne nw~
blank. Correct Sentence-
These days you can transfer money ____ from This part of the sea teems with sharks.
one account to another. 442. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(a) clearly (b) instantly blank.
(c) publicly (d) heavily It is ......... to see so many of our fellow Indian
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I) helps the migrants in their struggle to go home.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW (a) savouring (b) heartening
efJekeâuhe (b) ‘instantly’ (legjble) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe (c) reuniting (d) relishing
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I)

Fill in the Blanks 274 YCT

Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW efJekeâuhe (b) 446. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
‘heartening’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe mes KegMeer/ØemeVelee keâe blank.
Please complete the short questionnaire –––––
YeeJe Øekeâš nes jne nw~ and return it to us.
Correct Sentence- (a) excluded (b) attached
It is heartening to see so many of our fellow Indian (c) concluded (d) separated
helps the migrants in their struggle to go home. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I)
443. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘attached’ (pegÌ[e
Have you thought about the ............ of the
ngDee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
recent decision you took? Ùener GefÛele DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(a) conclusions (b) complexes Excluded - DeheJeefpe&le, Concluded - efve<keâ<e& efvekeâeuevee,
(c) consequences (d) concerns Separated - Deueie keâjvee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I) Correct Sentence-
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Please complete the short questionnaire attached and
return it to us.
‘Consequences’ (heefjCeece) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe
447. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
efJekeâuhe GefÛele DeLe& veneR osles nw~ blank.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - His –––––– of the topic was so good that
Concerns - efÛeblee, Complexes - heefjmej, Conclusions - students had few doubts at the end of the class.
efve<keâ<e& (a) exposition (b) picturisation
Correct Sentence- (c) exhibition (d) qualification
Have you thought about the consequences of the recent SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)
decision you took? Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
444. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the ‘exposition’ (JÙeeKÙee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
blank. efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
The headmaster .......... on the stage and gave a Picturisation - efÛeef$ele keâjvee, Exhibition - ØeoMe&veer,
short speech. Qualification - ÙeesiÙelee~
(a) prescribed (b) appeared Correct Sentence-
(c) delighted (d) remembered His exposition of the topic was so good that students
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I) had few doubts at the end of the class.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘appeared’ (Øekeâš 448. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
nesvee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Ùen GefÛele blank.
DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw- The government has hardened its –––––––
against the agitators and imposed a curfew in
Prescribed - efveOee&efjle, Remembered - Ùeeo DeeÙee,
the area.
Delighted - Deevebo~ (a) bearing (b) manner
Correct Sentence- (c) orientation (d) stance
The headmaster appeared on the stage and gave a short SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I)
speech. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
445. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the ‘stance’ (mJe™he) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
We admit students with ––––––academic
DeLe& osles nw~
backgrounds like life sciences, physical sciences Bearing - menveMeeruelee, Manner - leewj-lejerkeâe, Orientation -
and business and commerce. GvcegKeerkeâjCe~
(a) simple (b) similar Correct Sentence-
(c) same (d) diverse The government has hardened its stance against the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I) agitators and imposed a curfew in the area.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Diverse’ (efJeefYeVe) 449. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Ùen blank.
GefÛele DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ We are bewildered by the power which science
has suddenly placed in our laps, and we are –––
Simple - meeOeejCe, Similar - Skeâ meceeve/mece™he Same - meceeve~ by the realisation of our unpreparedness to
Correct Sentence- deal with a crisis.
We admit students with diverse academic backgrounds (a) condemned (b) demeaned
like life sciences, physical sciences and business and (c) humbled (d) proud
commerce. SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Fill in the Blanks 275 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 453. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
‘humbled’ (efJeveceü) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe blank.
Keats and Shelley were poets of the same
DeLe& osles nw~ period; they were ______.
Condemned - efvevoe keâjvee, Demeaned - Deheceeefvele keâjvee, (a) contemporaries (b) acquaintances
Proud - ieJe& keâjvee~ (c) colleagues (d) associates
Correct Sentence- SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I)
We are bewildered by the power which science has Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
suddenly placed in our laps, and we are humbled by the
‘Contemporaries’ (mecekeâeueerve) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe
realisation of our unpreparedness to deal with a crisis.
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
450. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. Acquaintances - heefjefÛele JÙeefòeâ, Colleagues - menÙeesefieÙeeW/meeLe
A ––––––– souvenir will be released on the keâece keâjves Jeeues, Associates - meeLeer
occasion of the World Meet. Correct Sentence-
(a) voluminous (b) considerable Keats and Shelley were poets of the same period; they
(c) generous (d) bountiful were contemporaries.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I) 454. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW blank.
‘voluminous’ (yeÌ[e/efJeMeeue) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe Credit card –––––– has increased in recent
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~ (a) fluke (b) freed
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- (c) fraud (d) flake
Considerable - heÙee&hle, Generous - oÙeeueg, Bountiful - SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
ØeÛegj/Yejhetj Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- - ‘fraud’ (OeesKee/Úue) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
A voluminous souvenir will be released on the occasion DeLe& osles nw~
of the World Meet. Fluke - Deekeâefmcekeâ ueeYe/heCe&ke=âefce
451. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Freed - Deepeeo/cegòeâ efkeâÙee ieÙee
You need not –––––– so much fuss about Flake - hejle/heheÌ[er
wearing a mask when you go out. Correct Sentence-
(a) generate (b) make Credit card fraud has increased in recent years.
(c) do (d) cause 455. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I) blank.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘make’ keâe ØeÙeesie My neighbour was admitted to the hospital
when he developed an allergic ______ to some
GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ need not Ùeneb hej Skeâ modal kesâ ™he ceW nw medicine he took.
Deewj modal kesâ yeeo Deeves Jeeueer verb (v1) ceW nesleer nw leLee Make (a) result (b) rejoinder
a fuss (yesÛewve nesvee) Skeâ Phrase kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ (c) reaction (d) retort
Note- (Need not do something) SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence- Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
You need not make so much fuss about wearing a mask
‘reaction’ (Øeefleef›eâÙee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
when you go out.
DeLe& osles nw~
452. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. Result - heefjCeece, Rejoinder - ØelÙegòej, peJeeye osvee, Retort -
Some people were tired of the long –––––– in keâjeje peJeeye osvee/yeouee uesvee
front of the mall and left without entering. Correct Sentence-
(a) waste (b) wait My neighbour was admitted to the hospital when he
(c) waist (d) weight developed an allergic reaction to some medicine he
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I) took.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW456. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
‘wait’ (Fvlepeej keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe blank.
Social isolation, overcrowding, the –––––– of
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ our society and several factors are responsible
waste - yeskeâej, waist - keâcej/efmekegâÌ[ peevee, weight - Jepeve/Yeej for stress.
Correct Sentence- (a) attractiveness (b) cheapness
Some people were tired of the long wait in front of the (c) affordability (d) competitiveness
mall and left without entering. SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Fill in the Blanks 276 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 460. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
‘Competitiveness’ (ØeeflemheOee&) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe blank.
Bonsai gardening was first practiced in China
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ but became _____ because of the Japanese.
Attractiveness - Deekeâ<e&Ce, Cheapness - memleeheve/IeefšÙeeheve, (a) frequent (b) prevailing
Affordability - meeceLÙe&~ (c) popular (d) customary
Correct Sentence- SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Social isolation, overcrowding, the competitiveness of Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW efJekeâuhe 'popular'
our society and several factors are responsible for stress.
(Øeefmeæ) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ~
457. Select the most appropriate option to till in the
Correct Sentence- Bonsai gardening was first
practiced in China but became popular because of the
Advertisers often use rhyme and ––––––––.
(a) alteration (b) alliteration
(c) denunciation (d) designation 461. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I) blank.
______ was present in the hall took part in the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW voting process.
‘alliteration’ (DevegØeeme) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe (a) Whoever (b) Whichever
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ (c) Wherever (d) Whatever
alteration - heefjJele&ve/Hesâjyeoue, denunciation - efvevoe keâjvee/ SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm-5 pm)
oes<eejesheCe, Designation - GheeefOe/heoveece Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'Whoever' (pees
Correct Sentence- keâesF& Yeer) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ–
Advertisers often use rhyme and alliteration. Correct Sentence- Whoever was present in the hall
458. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the took part in the voting process.
blank. 462. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Work and domestic –––––– made Kajal short blank.
tempered. During the night the express train picked up
(a) pressures (b) weights ______.
(c) gravities (d) forces (a) speed (b) distance
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I) (c) rate (d) quick
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
‘Pressures’ (oyeeJe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
DeLe& osles nw~ efJekeâuhe Speed (Ûeeue) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
Weights - Jepeve, Gravities - iecYeerjlee, Force - yeue~ efYevve nw~
Correct Sentence- Correct Sentence- During the night the express
Work and domestic pressures made Kajal short picked up speed.
463. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
459. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
blank. The committee’s suggestion was not acceptable to
India is formally moving ahead to –––––– 21 everyone as it was ______.
MIG-29 and 12 Sukhoi-30MKI fighters from (a) considerate (b) controversial
Russia along with upgrades of their existing (c) concrete (d) convenient
fleets. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm-5 pm)
(a) accomplish (b) achieve
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW efJekeâuhe
(c) advance (d) procure
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I) 'controversial' (efJeJeeoemheo) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW DeLe& efYeVe nQ~
Correct Sentence- The committee's suggestion was not
‘procure’ (Øeehle keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
acceptable to everyone as it was controversial.
efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
464. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Accomplish - mechetCe& keâjvee, achieve - neefmeue keâjvee, blank.
advance - Deef«ece Generally people use ______ oils for their
Correct Sentence - cooking.
India is formally moving ahead to procure 21 MIG-29 (a) cleared (b) refined
and 12 Sukhoi-30MKI fighters from Russia along with (c) improved (d) washed
upgrades of their existing fleets. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Fill in the Blanks 277 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
efJekeâuhe ‘Refined’ MeesefOele/efceueeJeš otj keâjvee" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ efJekeâuhe ‘Adapt’ (Devegketâue yeveevee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYevve nw~ kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Correct Sentence- Generally people use refined oils Correct Sentence- Movie makers generally adapt
for their cooking. historical facts to write their stories.
465. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 469. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank.
The nationalists followed a policy of non- The truck was .......... the traffic and the
violence to make their ______ successful. policeman asked the driver to move off.
(a) obstructing (b) hiding
(a) encounter (b) struggle
(c) closing (d) holding
(c) politics (d) speeches
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D–05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'obstructing'
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW efJekeâuhe 'struggle'
(efvejesOekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
(mebIe<e&) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYevve nQ- closing - yebo keâjvee~
encounter - Deecevee-meecevee, politics - jepeveerefle hiding - efÚheevee~
speeches - Yee<eCeeW holding - mJeeefcelJe
Correct Sentence-– The nationalists followed a policy Correct Sentence- The truck was obstructing the
of non-violence to make their struggle success. traffic and the policeman asked the driver to move off.
466. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 470. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank.
Bengaluru is a beautiful city which ______ the We can meet tomorrow to ........ the chief
modern with the traditional. guest's programme.
(a) breaks (b) blends (a) reveal (b) call
(c) grows (d) shares (c) confirm (d) declare
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)

Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
efJekeâuhe 'blends’ efceueevee keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& ef Jekeâuhe ‘confirm’ (hegef° keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
efYevve nw~
Reveal - GodIeeefšle keâjvee
breaks - ojej/štše, grows - yeÌ{vee, shares - meePee keâjvee
Call - hegkeâejvee
Correct Sentence- -
Bengaluru is a beautiful city which blends the modern Declare - Ieesef<ele keâjvee
with the traditional. Correct Sentence- We can meet tomorrow to confirm
the chief guest's programme.
467. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. 471. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
The pleasant ______ of the rain as it fell on the
dust made me feel nostalgic. The library expects you to return each and
(a) incense (b) balm every book that you have ........
(a) borrowed (b) kept
(c) aroma (d) perfume
(c) selected (d) lent
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
efJekeâuhe ‘Aroma’ (megbieOe) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ efJekeâuhe ‘borrowed’ (GOeej uesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe
DeLe& efYevve nw~ efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Correct Sentence – The pleasant aroma of the rain as Correct Sentence- The library expects you to return
it fell on the dust made me feel nostalgic. each and every book that you have borrowed.
468. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 472. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank.
Movie makers generally ______ historical facts You must .......... your goals with all seriousness
to write their stories. if you want to succeed in your life.
(a) explain (b) correct (a) realize (b) pursue
(c) account (d) adapt (c) chase (d) direct
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Fill in the Blanks 278 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW efJekeâuhe 'pursue' (ue#Ùe
Many national surveys _____ that malnutrition
is common in developed countries.
jKevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Correct Sentence- You must pursue your goals with (a) wheal (b) reveal
all seriousness if you want to succeed in your life. (c) sheal (d) vineal
473. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
blank. Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
These medicines will be ....... only if they are ‘reveal’ (Øekeâš keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe
taken regularly. efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(a) useful (b) efficient
Correct Sentence-
(c) affective (d) effective
Many national surveys reveal that malnutrition is
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
common in developed countries.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW efJekeâuhe (d)
477. In the following question, the sentence given
‘effective’ (ØeYeeJeer/ef›eâÙeeMeerue) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate
Correct Sentence- These medicines will be effective
only if they are taken regularly. word. Select the correct alternative out of the
four and indicate it by selecting the
474. In the following question, the sentence given appropriate option.
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate Operant conditioning can be described as a
word. Select the correct alternative out of the learning _____ that is used to modify or change
four and indicate it by selecting the a person's behavior through experiences and
appropriate option. consequences.
Time perception raises a number of ______ (a) method (b) object
puzzles, including what it means to say we (c) goal (d) suspect
perceive time.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(a) discriminating (b) intriguing
(c) boring (d) befooling Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 ‘method’ (lejerkeâe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
mLeeve ceW ‘intriguing’ (efoueÛemhe, ceveesnj) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ peesefkeâ Correct Sentence-
sentence ceW Adjective keâe Gerund form nw~ Operant conditioning can be described as a learning
method that is used to modify or change a person's
Correct Sentence-
behavior through experiences and consequences.
Time perception raises a number of intriguing puzzles,
including what it means to say we perceive time. 478. Select the alternative that is appropriate to fill
475. In the following question, the sentence given the blank.
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate The baby bird was _____ by its mother.
word. Select the correct alternative out of the (a) dissipated (b) discarded
four and indicate it by selecting the (c) abandoned (d) sidelined
appropriate option. SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I)
The theoretical framework is finished by Ans. (c) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kes â YeeJe kes â Deveg meej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
identifying indicators to be used in the ____ of ‘abandoned’ (DeveÛeener Jemleg keâes hetCe& ™he mes lÙeeiee Ùee ÚesÌ[e
the success of such policies. ngDee, heefjlÙeòeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nQ~
(a) evaluation (b) completion
(c) formation (d) rotation
Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ-
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 Discarded - yeenj efkeâÙee ngDee~
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efoÙes ieÙes efjòeâ mLeeve Sideline - nše osvee~
ceW ‘evaluation’ (cetuÙeebkeâve), as a noun keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Dissipated - JÙemle~
Correct Sentence- Correct Sentence-:
The theoretical framework is finished by identifying The baby bird was abandoned by its mother.
indicators to be used in the evaluation of the success of 479. Select the alternative that is appropriate to fill
such policies. the blank.
476. In the following question, the sentence given In case it rains, what______ arrangements have
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate been made?
word. Select the correct alternative out of the (a) alternate (b) substitute
four and indicate it by selecting the (c) alternative (d) optional
appropriate option. SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I)
Fill in the Blanks 279 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 483. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
‘Alternative’ (Jewkeâefuhekeâ, otmeje) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Mes<e word.
______ of living life on his own terms, he made
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ~ few compromises.
Substitute - efkeâmeer kesâ mLeeve hej jKevee~ (a) Desire (b) Desirous
Correct Sentence- (c) Desired (d) Desiring
In case it rains, what alternative arrangements have SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
been made. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
480. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the ‘Desire’ (FÛÚe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GefÛele
blank DeLe& veneR os jns nQ-
The doctors hope that the soldier’s wounds will
Desirous - (verb) (FÛÚgkeâ)
(a) recover (b) mend Desired - (v2) FÛÚe keâer
(c) restore (d) heal Desiring - (noun as a gerund) ueeuemee, Deekeâeb#ee
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II) Correct Sentence- Desire of living life on his own
terms, he made few compromises.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
484. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
‘Heal’ (hegve: mJemLe nesvee Ùee keâj osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nQ~ blank.
Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ~ They postponed ––––––– on vacation due to
Mend - efkeâmeer kesâ mLeeve hej jKevee~ adverse weather conditions.
Correct Sentence-– (a) going (b) for going
The doctors hope that the soldier's wounds will soon (c) to go (d) to be gone
heal. SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW going keâe ØeÙeesie
481. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Postpone Skeâ Transitive verb nw,
The family made _____ enquiries about his FmeefueÙes Fmekesâ yeeo Skeâ object keâer pe™jle nw, verb keâe gerund
background. form, Noun keâer lejn keâeÙe& keâjlee nw, efpemekeâe ØeÙeesie subject leLee
(a) disputed (b) disastrous object oesveeW ™heeW ceW neslee nw~
(c) discreet (d) discarded Correct Sentence- They postponed going on vacation
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II) due to adverse weather conditions.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 485. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
efJekeâuhe (c) ‘Discreet’ (efJeÛeejhetCe&/ienve) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ The child made____as he was getting late for
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ school.
Disputed - efJeJeeefnle~ (a) hurry (b) rapidity
Disastrous - efJeveeMekeâejer~ (c) haste (d) swiftness
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence-:-
The family made discreet enquiries about his Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW haste keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele
background. nesiee keäÙeebsefkeâ made haste Skeâ idiom/phrase nw~ efpemekeâe DeLe&
482. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate neslee nw peuoer keâjvee~
word. Correct Sentence- The child made haste as he was
______ you deserve credit for the success of the getting late for school.
show. 486. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate
(a) no less (b) such that word.
(c) only if (d) none but She kept her clothes neatly arranged in
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) the____
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW (a) godown (b) larder
(c) wardrobe (d) warehouse
‘none but’ (keâesF& veneR uesefkeâve) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Mes<e
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
efJekeâuhe Fme Øekeâej nQ- Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW wordrobe (keâheÌ[s
no less - keâce veneR (phrase of less) jKeves keâer Deeueceejer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
such that - Ssmee nw efkeâ DeLe& efvecve nQ-
only if - kesâJeue godown - ieesoece, larder - keâ"esj, warehouse - ieesoece
Correct Sentence- none but you deserve credit for the Correct Sentence- She kept her clothes neatly arranged
success of the show. in the wardrobe.

Fill in the Blanks 280 YCT

487. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate (a) favourable (b) affluent
word. (c) charmed (d) fortunate
The old man has lost his memory. He is SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I)
suffering from_____ Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘fortunate’
(a) anaesthesia (b) acacia
(YeeiÙeMeeueer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe&-
(c) ambrosia (d) amnesia
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II) Favourable- Devegketâue, ueeYeoeÙekeâ, Affluent- Oeveer, Deceerj,
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'amnesia' keâe ØeÙeesie Charm- Deekeâef<e&le/JeMeerYetle keâjvee
GefÛele nesiee~ efpemekeâe DeLe& mce=efle-ueeshe, 'memory loss' neslee nw~ Correct Sentence- She was fortunate to have worked
DevÙe MeyoeW keâer meaning Fme Øekeâej nw- Anaesthesia with some renowned scientists of the world.
DemebJesovelee, Acacia (yeyetue keâe hesÌ[), Ambrosia (Dece=le, megOee)~ 492. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Correct Sentence- The old man has lost his memory. blank.
He is suffering from amnesia. He once had a very frightening ––––– with a
488. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate wild bull.
word. (a) appointment (b) encounter
The_____appears to be rather rough today for (c) enterprise (d) commitment
the ships to sail. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) environment (b) climate Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Encounter’
(c) atmosphere (d) weather
(meecevee keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Appointment- efveÙegefòeâ, Enterprise- GÅece, GÅeesie,
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘weather’ (ceewmece),
Commitment- JeÛeveyeælee, Jeeoe~
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Environment-
heÙee&JejCe, Climate- peueJeeÙeg, Atmosphere- JeeleeJejCe~ Correct Sentence- He once had a very frightening
encounter with a wild bull.
Correct Sentence- The weather appears to be rather
rough today for the ships to sail. 493. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
489. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate blank.
word. During the elections political parties try to ––––
The archaeologist made a _____discovery. ––––– their rivals in order to gain advantage.
(a) senile (b) sensational (a) laud (b) covet
(c) sensible (d) sensitive (c) commend (d) vilify
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘sensational’ Ans. (d) : Ùeneb efjòeâ mLeeve hej ‘Vilify’ (yeoveece keâjvee) keâe
(Meeveoej, mebJesoveelcekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ ØeÙeesie GhegÙeòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Laud- ØeMebmee
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- keâjvee, Covet- ueesYe keâjvee, Commend- mejenvee keâjvee~
Senile- pejepeerCe&, Sensible- mecePeoej, Sensitive- YeeJegkeâ Correct Sentence- During the elections political
Correct Sentence- The archaeologist made a parties try to vilify their rivals in order to gain
sensational discovery. advantage.
490. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the 494. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. blank.
Adali Khal is such a ____ village in Garhwal
In view of his transfer to a far off place, he had
that hardly any tourist can reach there.
to ––––––– his promotion.
(a) lonesome (b) dreaming
(c) remote (d) lost (a) resign (b) claim
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I) (c) assert (d) forgo
Ans : (c) Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘remote’ (otjmLe, SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III)
otj) keâe ØeÙeesie as a adjective GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- ‘forgo’ lÙeeievee GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe
Lonesome- Dekesâuee, Lost- KeesÙee ngDee, Dream- mehevee osKevee nQ-
Correct Sentence- Adali Khal is such a remote village Resign- lÙeeiehe$e osvee
in Garhwal that hardly any tourist can reach there. Claim- oeJee keâjvee
491. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Assert- ÂÌ{lee mes keânvee
She was ____ to have worked with some Correct Sentence- In view of his transfer to a far off
renowned scientists of the world. place, he had to forgo his promotion.

Fill in the Blanks 281 YCT

495. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW GheÙegòeâ Meyo
blank. ‘manufacture’ (yeveevee, Glheeove) nesiee~ DevÙe Meyo GefÛele DeLe&
The prisoner held up his fist in a defiant ––––– veneR osles nw–
as he was led out of the courtroom.
(a) wave (b) gesture
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(c) salute (d) token Accomplish- hetje keâjvee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III) Compose- jÛevee keâjvee
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ‘Gesture’ Execute- mebÛeeueve keâjvee
(FMeeje/mebkesâle) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Correct Sentence- There were not enough tinsmiths in
Vienna to Manufacture the lanterns for street lighting.
Wave- uenj/lejbie
499. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Salute- DeefYeJeeove/meueece blank.
Token- efveMeeveer/Øeleerkeâ Municipal corporations have started to take
Correct Sentence- The prisoner held up his fist in a _____ of the problems of waste management.
defiant gesture as he was led out of the courtroom. (a) perception (b) cognizance
496. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the (c) knowledge (d) attention
blank. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II)
People's will and determination can help them Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
–––– most of the challenges of life. ‘cognizance’ (meb%eeve nesiee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
(a) overvalue (b) overdo DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe&-
(c) overview (d) overcome
Perception- DeJeOeejCee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Knowledge- %eeve
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kessâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej ‘Over come’
Attention- OÙeeve, meeJeOeeve
(peerlevee/keâeyet heevee)' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
Correct Sentence- Municipal corporations have started
nQ- to take cognizance of the problems of waste
Overvalue - DeefOekeâ cetuÙeebkeâve keâjvee, management.
Overdo Deefle keâjvee, 500. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Overview- DeJeueeskeâve blank.
Correct Sentence- People's will and determination can Financial institutions that had their premises in
help them overcome most of the challenges of life. the World Trade Centre were crippled by the
loss of ____ and hardware.
497. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(a) person (b) personnel
(c) individual (d) group
In spite of being born in an –––––– family, he
chose to fight all odds and emerged as a notable SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III)
statesman. Ans : (b) Ghejes ò eâ JeekeäÙ e kes â ef j òeâ mLeeve ceW ‘personnel’
(a) impeccable (b) immaculate (keâce&Ûeejer, keâceea, keâeefce&keâ efJeYeeie) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(c) intelligent (d) impoverished DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I) person (JÙeefòeâ),
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efJekeâuhe individual (JÙeefòeâiele),
‘impoverished’ (iejerye/meeOevenerve) GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe group (mecetn)~
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Correct Sentence- Financial institutions that had their
Impeccable- $egefšnerve/efveoex<e, Immaculate- efve<keâuebkeâ/Jesoeie, premises in the World Trade Centre were crippled by
intelligent- yegefæceeve the loss of personnel and hardware.
Correct Sentence- In spite of being born in an 501. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
impoverished family, he chose to fight all odds and blank.
emerged as a notable statesman. The thick smoke____out of the landfill site is
making the city's polluted air even more toxic.
498. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the (a) tossing (b) rocking
blank. (c) billowing (d) burning
There were not enough tinsmiths in Vienna
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III)
to_______the lanterns for street lighting.
(a) accomplish (b) compose Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘billowing’
(c) execute (d) manufacture (uenjevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II) DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ–
Fill in the Blanks 282 YCT
Tossing- heškeâvee, heWâkeâvee 505. Select the most appropriate option for blank.
Rocking- Oeerjs-Oeerjs [ewuevee, Pegueevee When I first met my neighbours I took an
_______ liking to them.
Burning- peueevee, onve (a) instant (b) instantly
Correct Sentence- The thick smoke billowing out of (c) instance (d) instaneously
the landfill site is making the city's polluted air even SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
more toxic.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
502. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. ‘instant ’ (legjvle/leelkeâeefuekeâ)’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe MeyoeW
I had a stroke at an early age, but what I kesâ DeLe& nQ- instantly - neLeeW-neLe/legjvle (Adverb), instance -
thought was a great____at that time changed GoenjCe/Iešvee
my life for the better. Correct Sentence- When I first met my neighbours I
(a) injustice (b) indent took an instant liking to them.
(c) indication (d) incentive 506. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III) blank.
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Astronomy enthusiasts and sky gazers will be
‘Injustice’ (DevÙeeÙe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ able to watch six eclipses in 2020, but only
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- three of them are expected to be _____ in India.
Indent- ceeBiehe$e, Indication- mebkesâle, Incentive- Øeeslmeenve (a) revealed (b) evident
(c) exposed (d) visible
Correct Sentence- I had a stroke at an early age, but
what I thought was a great injustice at that time changed SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
my life for the better. Ans. (d) Ghejes ò eâ JeekeäÙ e kes â ef j òeâ mLeeve ceW ‘visible’ (ÂMÙe) keâe
503. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the ØeÙees i e Gef Ûele nes i ee~ DevÙe ef JekeâuheeW kes â DeLe& nw - revealed–Kegueemee
blank. keâjvee, exposed–efoKeevee, Øekeâš keâjvee, Evident–ØelÙe#e, mhe°~
We have little choice early in life, but as we Correct Sentence- Astronomy enthusiasts and sky
grow older choices______ gazers will be able to watch six eclipses in 2020, but
(a) aggravate (b) adrift only three of them are expected to be visible in India.
(c) abound (d) afloat 507. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III) blank.
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘abound’ (Øekeâš) keâe Parents who are very ______ later repent
ØeÙeesie ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ ÛetBefkeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ DeLe& (Meg®Deele kesâ giving their children too much freedom.
peerJeve ceW nceejer FÛÚeS meerefcele nesleer nw uesefkeâve pewmes nce yeÌ[s nesles nw (a) strict (b) different
FÛÚeS ye{/DelÙeefOekeâ nes peeleer nw) kesâ Devegmeej abound Meyo keâe (c) overbearing (d) permissive
ØeÙeesie keâjsies~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Aggravate- iebYeerj nesvee, Ye[keâvee, Adrift- FOej-GOej Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘permissive’ (Dee%ee
Afloat- DeefmLej osves Jeeues) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ-
Correct Sentence- We have little choice early in life, strict - meKle, keâ"esj, different - efYeVe, Deueie, overbearing -
but as we grow older choices abound. oyebie, jesyeoej, ceveceeveer keâjves Jeeues
504. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Correct Sentence- Parents who are very permissive
blank. later repent giving their children too much freedom.
Even though we found ourselves in a ________ 508. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
situation during our climb, we decided not to blank.
give up the expedition. I had a stroke at an early age, but what I
(a) precarious (b) pleasant thought was a great ______ at that time
(c) permissive (d) plausible changed my life for the better.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II) (a) lowliness (b) significance
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ sentence kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW (c) setback (d) moodiness
‘precarious’ (Deefveef§ele/Demegjef#ele) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
pleasant - megKeo/megnevee, ‘setback’ (veekeâeceÙeyeer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Mes<e efJekeâuhe Fme
permissive - oÙeeueg/efmeheâeefjMe keâjves Jeeuee, Øekeâej nQ- lowliness - oervelee, efJevece, significance - cenòJe,
plausible - ØeMebmeveerÙe cenòee, moodiness - efÛeÌ[efÛeÌ[eheve, DeefmLej efÛeòelee
Correct Sentence- Even though we found ourselves in Correct Sentence- I had a stroke at an early age, but
a precarious situation during our climb, we decided not what I thought was a great setback at that time changed
to give up the expedition. my life for the better.

Fill in the Blanks 283 YCT

509. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the 513. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. blank.
There was a range of ______ that kept tourists The wall fell down with a big____
engaged during the International Film Festival
(a) bang (b) murmur
in Goa.
(a) moments (b) conversions (c) hiss (d) screech
(c) employments (d) activities SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘big bang’
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes sentence kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'activities' (ceneefJemheâesš) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(ieefleefJeefOeÙeeB) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence ceW Øeoòe Murmur – yeÌ[yeÌ[evee; hiss–hegâheâkeâejvee; Screech – efÛeKevee~
verb 'engaged' kesâ DeLe& keâes complete keâjlee nw~ Mes<e efJekeâuhe
Correct Sentence- The wall fell down with a big
Fme Øekeâej nQ- moments - #eCe, heue, conversions - heefjJele&ve, bang.
employments – jespeieej~
514. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Correct Sentence- There was a range of activities that
kept tourists engaged during the International Film blank.
Festival in Goa. Although they searched for an hour, they were
510. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the not able to find the____easliy.
blank. (a) location (b) whereabouts
You've cleared the ______ examination, (c) space (d) meeting
haven't you? SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
(a) frequent (b) ability
(c) conclusion (d) entrance Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘location’ (mLeeve)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I) keâe ØeÙeesie keâjvee GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘entrance’ Whereabouts – Delee-helee, ef"keâevee; Space – Devleefj#e
(ØeJesMe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Devlejeue; Meeting – yew"keâ~
frequent - yeejbyeej, ability - ÙeesiÙelee, conclusion - efve<keâ<e& Correct Sentence- Although they searched for an
Correct Sentence- You've cleared the entrance hour, they were not able to find the location easliy.
examination, haven't you?
515. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
511. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.
Ritu is an____reader, I always find her with a The minister said, "Anyone using drones will
book. have to register them on an____portal."
(a) irritated (b) avid (a) airport (b) airline
(c) erratic (d) inattentive (c) aeroplane (d) aviation
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘avid’ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Aviation’ (GñÙeve,
(Glmegkeâ/FÛÚgkeâ)’’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keäÙeesefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ JeeÙegÙeeve Ûeeuekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe&
Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
osles nQ~
irritated – Keerpee ngDee/kegâefhele, erratic – DeefveÙeefcele/DeefmLej
Correct Sentence- The minister said, "Anyone using
inattentive – yeshejJeen/DeefMe°
drones will have to register them on an aviation
Correct Sentence- Ritu is an avid reader, I always
find her with a book. portal."
512. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the 516. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank.
The police used tear gas to____the crowd. The strong Indian batting line-up will_____a
(a) attack (b) disperse big worry for the visiting cricket team.
(c) disburse (d) collect (a) put (b) place
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II) (c) pick (d) pose
Ans. (b) : JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Ghejesòeâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
‘disperse’ (eflelej-efyelej keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Pose’ (KeÌ[e keâj
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Put –
attack – Dee›eâceCe keâjvee, disburse – Yegkeâleeve keâjvee
collect – Fkeâúe keâjvee
jKevee; Place – mLeeve; Pick – mLeeve~
Correct Sentence- The police used tear gas to disperse Correct Sentence- – The strong Indian batting line-up
the crowd. will pose a big worry for the visiting cricket team.

Fill in the Blanks 284 YCT

517. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘funniest’ (meyemes
blank in the given sentence. cepesoej) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ superlative degree kesâ
This winter ______ weather conditions have led henues article 'the' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
people to remain indoors. efvecve nw-
(a) averse (b) inverse
major - yeÌ[e/cegKÙe, real - JeemleefJekeâ
(c) traverse (d) adverse
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I) primary - ØeeLeefcekeâ
Correct Sentence- The funniest part of the issue is that
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Adverse’ the investigation officer himself turned out to be the
(efJehejerle/Øeefleketâue/neefvekeâj) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ culprit.
keäÙeeWefkeâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ceewmece kesâ Kejeye nesves keâe DeLe& Øekeâš nes jne 521. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
nw~ Dele: ÙeneB Complete phrase "adverse weather blank.
conditions" mener nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâe DeLe& Fme Øekeâej nw– Success is the ________ of taking risks,
everybody knows.
Averse – DeefveÛÚgkeâ/Demeccele, Inverse – Øeefleueesce/efJehejerle
(a) by-product (b) burden
Traverse – hewâuee nesvee (c) tension (d) pressure
Correct Sentence- This winter adverse weather SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III)
conditions have led people to remain indoors. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘by-
518. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the product’ (heefjCeece) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
blank in the given sentence.
burden - yeesPe
Some people think that the credit card culture
encourages people to shop compulsively and tension - leveeJe
merely ______ debts. pressure - oyeeJe
(a) simulate (b) formulate Correct Sentence- success is the by-product of taking
(c) stimulate (d) accumulate risks, everybody knows.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I) 522. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Accumulate’ blank.
People readily accept any _______ of their
(Fkeâªe keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ keâpe& (debt) kesâ
leaders if supported by the media.
Fkeâóe nesves keâe DeLe& mener nw DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâe DeLe& Fme Øekeâej nw– (a) dispute (b) compromise
Simulate – efoKeeJee keâjvee/Deveg™helee yeveevee~ (c) argument (d) concession
Formulate – Øeefleheeefole keâjvee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Stimulate – Gòesefpele keâjvee~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'Argument' (leke&â,
Correct Sentence- Some people think that the credit efJeleke&â, yence) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
card culture encourages people to shop compulsively dispute - efJeJeeo, compromise - mecePeewlee
and merely accumulate debts. concession - Útš
519. Select the most appropriate work to fill in the Correct Sentence- People readily accepts any
blank. argument of their leaders if supported by the media.
There was a huge _________ in the stomach. 523. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(a) tumour (b) tuber blank.
(c) tremor (d) treasure Eqrthquake inspection _______ that the two
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I) ancient buildings that remained intact after the
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘tumour’ keâe ØeÙeesie Hiroshima bombing in Tokyo would not
GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ hesš (stomach) ceW šŸetcej (tumour) neslee withstand a strong tremor.
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- tremor - keâhekeâheer, treasure - (a) resumed (b) retracted
(c) redirected (d) revealed
megjef#ele jKevee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence- There was a huge tumour in the
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
‘revealed’ (Øekeâš keâjvee/ØekeâeefMele keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe
520. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. ef JekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
The _______ part of the issue is that the resumed - efheâj mes Meg™ keâjvee, retracted - heerÚs nšvee
investigation officer himself turned out to be redirected - hegve: Øesef<ele keâjvee
the culprit. Correct Sentence- Eqrthquake inspection revealed that
(a) major (b) real the two ancient buildings that remained intact after the
(c) funniest (d) primary Hiroshima bombing in Tokyo would not withstand a
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I) strong tremor.
Fill in the Blanks 285 YCT
524. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 527. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. blank.
The reporter asked the politician, "As a woman Janki burnt her boats with her previous
leader, what are some of the major _________ supervisor by___him in public.
that you face?" (a) flaunting (b) criticizing
(a) crunches (b) contests (c) applauding (d) appreciating
(c) crashes (d) challenges SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘criticizing’ (DeeueesÛevee keâjvee)" GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe
‘challenges’ (ÛegveewefleÙeeB, yeeOeeSB) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe ef JekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Flaunting - F"ueevee/DekeâÌ[vee~
Applauding - mejenvee keâjvee~
crunches – Ûejcejenš, oeble mes kegâÛeuevee
Appreciating - ØeMebmee keâjvee~
contests – ØeefleÙeesefielee
Correct Sentence- Janki burnt her boats with her
crashes – ogIe&šveeSB, Oeceekeâe previous supervisor by criticizing him in public.
Correct Sentence- The reporter asked the politician, 528. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
"As a woman leader, what are some of the major blank.
challenges that you face?" The sales team___the engineers for the
525. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the organization's failure to bag the mega deal.
blank. (a) liked (b) blamed
She has shown a great interest towards space (c) appreciated (d) praised
science, since her early children and a passion SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
to ______ the outer space. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
(a) elicit (b) entertain ‘blamed’ (oes<eer "njevee) GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
(c) explore (d) enlighten DeLe& nw-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I) Liked - hemebo keâjvee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Appreciated - mejenvee keâjvee~
‘explore’ (YeceüCe keâjvee DeLeJee Keespe Ùee$ee keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie Praised - ØeMebmee keâjvee~
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Correct Sentence- The sales team blamed the
Elicit - metÛevee leLÙe Deeefo efvekeâueJeevee engineers for the organization's failure to bag the mega
Entertain - ceveesjbpeve keâjvee
529. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Enlighten - mecePe yeÌ{evee, ØekeâeefMele keâjevee~ blank.
Correct Sentence- She has shown a great interest The politician was responsible for____violence
towards space science, since her early children and a in the university.
passion to explore the outer space. (a) inciting (b) winning
526. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the (c) losing (d) preparing
blank. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
I had a broken bone in the hand which the Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Fmekesâ efjòeâ mLeeve
doctor called a _______ and suggested ceW ‘Inciting’ (Gkeâmeevee/Gòesefpele keâjvee) GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
immediate surgery. efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
(a) contamination (b) infection winning – peerlevee/peerle~
(c) wound (d) fracture
Losing – nejvee/nej~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I)
Preparing – lewÙeej keâjvee~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- The politician was responsible for
‘fracture’ (nñer štšvee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& inciting violence in the university.
nQ- 530. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Contamination - mebot<eCe, otef<ele keâjves keâer ef›eâÙee blank.
Infection - meb›eâceCe, mheMe& jesie In our metro cities the contrast between the
high rise buildings with the slums behind
Wound - IeeJe, peKce is_____.
Correct Sentence- I had a broken bone in the hand (a) comforting (b) interesting
which the doctor called a fracture and suggested (c) laudable (d) appalling
immediate surgery. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Fill in the Blanks 286 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve
Resolution – ÂÌ{lee, mebkeâuheyeælee
Award – hegjmkeâej, F&veece
‘appalling’ (YeÙe GlheVe keâjves Jeeuee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nw~ DevÙe
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - Reward – ØeMebmee kesâ ™he ceW oer ieF& OevejeefMe
Comforting – meeblJevee osves Jeeuee~ Correct Sentence- In recognition of the great work he
Interesting – efoueÛemhe/jesÛekeâ~ is doing for economically weaker children, he has been
given a special award.
Laudable – mejenvee kesâ ÙeesiÙe/ØeMebmeveerÙe~
534. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Correct Sentence- In our metro cities the contrast
between the high rise buildings with the slums behind
We found it _____ to climb further due to bad
is appalling.
weather and decided to give up the expedition.
531. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the (a) boring (b) pleasant
blank. (c) impossible (d) exciting
Shivangini, the 12 year old archer who___an SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I)
injury has been successfully operated by a team
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘impossible’
of doctors at A.I.I.M.S.
(a) pertained (b) maintained (DemecYeJe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW (bad
(c) ordained (d) sustained weather kes â keâejCe Deeies keâer ÛeÌ{eF& DemecYeJe nw) keâe YeeJe Øekeâš
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I) nes jne nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Sustained’ (keâ° Boring – GyeeT, De®efÛekeâj, veerjme
G"evee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ keäÙeesefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Pleasant – megKeo, megneJevee
Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&– Exciting – Gòespekeâ
Pertained – mebyeefvOele nesvee Correct Sentence- We found it impossible to climb
further due to bad weather and decided to give up the
Maintained – yeveeÙes jKevee
Ordained – "njevee 535. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Correct Sentence- Shivangini, the 12 year old archer blank in the given sentence.
who sustained an injury has been successfully operated The teacher ______ the student for cheating.
by a team of doctors at A.I.I.M.S. (a) rebuked (b) refused
532. Select the most appropriate word (s) to fill in (c) praised (d) invoked
the blank: SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II)
My family is my priority but there were times Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
when I had to___because of work prssures.
‘rebuked’ ([ešvee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) pull away (b) look into
(c) put off (d) sit in refused – Fbkeâej keâjvee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I) praised – ØeMebmee keâjvee~
invoked – yegueeJee Yespevee/leueye ueievee
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘pull away’ (otj
Correct Sentence- The teacher rebuked the student for
jnvee/otj keâjvee) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeesefkeâ Ùen JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ cheating.
Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&– 536. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Look into – Úeveyeerve keâjvee blank in the given sentence.
put off – mLeefiele keâjvee Those earning less than Rs. 10000 are ______
Sit in – yeÛÛes keâer osKe Yeeue keâjvee/keâ#ee/yewÌ{keâ ceW GheefmLele nesvee from paying income tax.
Correct Sentence- My family is my priority but there (a) collected (b) exempted
were times when I had to pull away because of work (c) accepted (d) adjusted
preseures. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II)
533. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘exempted’ Útš
blanks Øeehle (DeeefOekeâeefjkeâ ™he mes Pay ve keâjves keâer Útš) keâe ØeÙeesie
In ______ of the great work he is doing for
economically weaker children, he has been
given a special award. keäÙeeWefkeâ exempted from something– efkeâmeer Ûeerpe mes Útš Øeehle
(a) resolution (b) award keâjvee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) reward (d) recognition Collected – Fkeâªe keâjvee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) Accepted – mJeerke=âle
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Adjusted – meceeÙeesefpele
‘recognition’ (henÛeeve) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& Correct Sentence- Those earning less than Rs. 10,000
nQ– are exempted from paying income tax.

Fill in the Blanks 287 YCT

537. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
blank in the given sentence.
‘emission’ (Glmepe&ve) JeekeäÙe keâer mener JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Mes<e
The flyover was closed in October last year for
repairs but its reopening has been –––– as it efJekeâuhe nQ - exclusion - yeenj jKevee
will be ready only in March this year. inclusion - meceeJesMe
(a) delayed (b) built omission - Meeefceue ve keâjves keâer Øeef›eâÙee~
(c) broken (d) repaired Correct Sentence- Over 7,50,000 people from 192
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III) countries have pledged to go vegan for a month which
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW efJekeâuhe (a) they say would reduce carbon emission by 450000
'Delayed' (osj ueieevee) Øeoeve efkeâÙee ieÙee nw pees sentence kesâ tons.
DeLe& kesâ efueS megmebiele nw~ Mes<e efJekeâuhe nw- Built - efvecee&Ce efkeâÙee, 541. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Broken - leesÌ[ efoÙee, Repaired - cejccele keâer~ blank in the given sentence.
Correct Sentence – The flyover was closed in October The performances of the notable dancers and
last year for repairs but its reopening has been delayed guest artists _____the audience.
as it will be ready only in March this year. (a) absorbed (b) enthralled
538. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the (c) immersed (d) occupied
blank in the given sentence. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Today's –––– are only interested in watching Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
movies with the stories they can relate to the ‘enthralled’ (ceesefnle efkeâÙee/ceb$ecegiOe efkeâÙee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(a) audiences (b) accountants DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(c) politics (d) personalities absorbed – leuueerve nes peevee, DeJeMeesef<ele
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III) immersed – hetCe& lejerkesâ mes [gyees osvee, leuueerve keâjvee
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW occupied – keâeÙe& ceW JÙemle
'Audience' (ßeesleeieCe, oMe&keâ ieCe) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Mes<e efJekeâuhe nw- Correct Sentence- The performances of the notable
Accountants-uesKeeefOekeâejer iegCe dancers and guest artists enthralled the audience.
Politics - jepeveerefle 542. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Personalities - JÙeefòeâlJe blank in the given sentence.
Correct Sentence- Today's audiences are only A____ of small stones is called a mosaic.
interested in watching movies with the stories they can (a) structure (b) pattern
relate to the cinema. (c) design (d) mound
539. Select the most appropriate words to fill in the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III)
blank in the given sentence. Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘pattern’ (Ì{ie) JeekeäÙe
I dislike people with –––– who say something keâer GefÛele JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
and do something else. Mes<e DevegheÙegòeâ efJekeâuhe nQ–
(a) double standards (b) many roles
(c) multiple relations (d) strange achievements Structure – yeveeJeš, jÛevee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II) design – Keekeâe, ef[peeFve
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ‘double standards’ mound – šeruee, Skeâ Úesšer heneÌ[er~
(oesÙece opex keâe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâe DeLe& Correct Sentence- 'A pattern of small stones is called a
543. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
many roles - keâF& YetefcekeâeSB
blank in the given sentence.
multiple relations - keâF& mebyebOe Students who are capable of understanding and
strange achievements - DeÆgle GheueefyOeÙeeB~ managing their 'emotional intelligence' do
Correct Sentence- I dislike people with double better at school in ____ to their peers who lack
standards who say something and do something else. the ability.
540. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (a) difference (b) similarity
blank in the given sentence. (c) resemblance (d) comparison
Over 7,50,000 people from 192 countries have SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III)
pledged to go vegan for a month which they say Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Comparison’
would reduce carbon ________ by 450000 tons.
(leguevee keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) exclusion (b) inclusion
(c) omission (d) emission Difference– efYeVelee, Smiliarity– meceevelee Resemblance–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I) Øeefle™he~
Fill in the Blanks 288 YCT
Correct Sentence- Students who are capable of 547. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
understanding and managing their 'emotional blank in the given sentence.
intelligence' do better at school in comparison to their He –––– his studies even after leaving college
peers who lack the ability. and finally got a Ph.D. degree.
544. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the (a) sought (b) persisted
blank: (c) pursued (d) carried
As part of the ________ Classical Indian Music SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Festival leading vocalists and instrumentalist Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘pursued’ (peejer
are taking the stage this evening. jKevee) mener JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) postponed (b) foregone Sought - leueeMe efkeâÙee
(c) on set (d) on going Persisted - efvejvlej ueiee jne
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Carried - meeLe ues ieÙee~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘on Correct Sentence- He pursued his studies even after
going’ (peejer jKevee) GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Mes<e efJekeâuhe Fme leaving college and finally got a Ph.D. degree.
Øekeâej nQ- postponed - mLeefiele efkeâÙee, foregone - lÙeeievee, on 548. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
set - Meg®Deele blank in the given sentence.
Correct Sentence- As part of the on going Classical Order was quickly ––––– in the area after the
Indian Music Festival leading vocalists and scuffle between the two groups.
instrumentalist are taking the stage this evening. (a) recovered (b) rebuilt
(c) repaired (d) restored
545. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
The Yoga instructor was _______at the Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
student's flexibility. ‘restored’ (yeneue) JeekeäÙe keâer GefÛele JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ DevÙe
(a) ridiculed (b) amazed efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) disturbed (d) angry Rebuilt - hegve:efvecee&Ce efkeâÙee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) Repaired - cejccele efkeâÙee~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘amazed’ (nwjeve, Correct Sentence- Order was quickly restored in the
mlebefYele) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee pees sentence kesâ meaning keâes area after the scuffle between the two groups.
complete keâjlee nw~ 549. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
DevÙe efJekeâuhe nQ- blank in the given sentence.
When he came back home safe that night,
ridiculed - efKeuueer GÌ[evee, cepeekeâ yeveevee
everybody ____ a sigh of relief.
disturbed - yeeefOele keâjvee (a) Inhaled (b) exhaled
angry - veejepe, ›eâesefOele (c) heaved (d) raised
Correct Sentence- The Yoga instructor was amazed at SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
the student's flexibility. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘heaved’ keâe ØeÙeesie
546. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ heaved a sigh of relief Skeâ phrase nw
blank. efpemekeâe DeLe& neslee nw- Ûewve/jenle keâer meebme uesvee~
The government enterprises were privatized as DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
they were ______ heavy losses on a daily basis.
Inhaled - meeBme uesvee
(a) containing (b) earning
(c) incurring (d) demanding exhaled - meeBme ÚesÌ[vee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) raised - G"e ngDee
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'incurring' (DeefØeÙe Correct Sentence- When he came back home safe that
night, everybody heaved a sigh of relief.
heefjCeeceeW keâes Yegielevee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
containing - meceeJesefMele nesvee 550. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank in the given sentence.
earning - Depe&ve, DeeÙe Our professor speaks English with a _____
demanding - ØeÛegj ØeÙeeme, meeJeOeeve, o#elee Oriya accent.
Correct Sentence- The government enterprises were (a) widespread (b) vague
privatized as they were incurring heavy losses on a (c) pronounced (d) remarkable
daily basis. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)

Fill in the Blanks 289 YCT

Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘pronounced’ 554. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(GÛÛeejCe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- blank.
Widespread– JÙeehekeâ, efJemle=le, Vague Demhe°, Several villages in Kashmir have been _____
due to heavy snowfall.
Remarkable– GuuesKeveerÙe~ (a) confined (b) isolated
Correct Sentence- Our professor speaks English with (c) engaged (d) divided
a pronounced Oriya accent. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II)
551. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘isolated’ (Deueie-
blank in the given sentence.
A literature festival on the beach: With waves Leueie nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
crashing on the beach, the Kerala Literature Confined– meerefcele, Engaged– JÙemle, mebueive, Divided–
Festival got _____ in Kozhikode with a range of efJeYeeefpele~
panel discussions in English and Malayalam. Correct Sentence- Several villages in Kashmir have
(a) apart (b) wayward been isolated due to heavy snowfall.
(c) underway (d) away 555. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II) blank.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Children need special care and ____ from the
'underway' (Øeef›eâÙee ceW, ›eâce ceW) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ Mes<e efJekeâuhe nQ– side of their parents for making them
Apart - Deueie/otj, Wayword - mJeÛÚbo/ceveceewpeer, emotionally strong.
Away - otj/efvejvlej~ (a) compromise (b) suspicion
(c) attention (d) reflection
Correct Sentence- A literature festival on the beach:
With waves crashing on the beach, the Kerala SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Literature Festival got underway in Kozhikode with a Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Attention’ (OÙeeve
range of panel discussions in English and Malayalam. osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
552. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Compromise– mecePeewlee keâjvee, Suspicion– mevosnpevekeâ,
blank in the given sentence. Reflection–hejeJele&ve~
We must not take the future for granted; Correct Sentence- Children need special care and
rather, we should enjoy the _____ joys of our attention from the side of their parents for making
humdrum lives. them emotionally strong.
(a) future (b) average 556. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(c) everyday (d) habitual blank.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II) Unnecessary suspicion and lack of trust against
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW the others are caused by ____.
'everyday' (Øeefleefove) JeekeäÙe keâer mener JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ (a) impartiality (b) contentment
'Everyday' is an adjective which is used to describe (c) prejudice (d) empathy
something that's seen or used every day. Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
DeLe& nQ– Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Prejudce’
Future – YeefJe<Ùe, Deeieeceer, Average – Deewmele, Deewmeleve (he#eheele) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Habitual – DeYÙemle, Deeoer Impartiality– efve<he#elee, contentment– meblegef°, empathy–
Correct Sentence- We must not take the future for menevegYetefle~
granted; rather, we should enjoy the everyday joys of Correct Sentence- Unnecessary suspicion and lack of
our humdrum lives. trust against the others are caused by prejudice.
553. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the 557. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. blank.
The important ____ is where to arrange the I found the scene of some people making fun of
funds from. a beggar quite ____.
(a) solution (b) issue (a) repulsive (b) destructive
(c) view (d) result (c) sociable (d) admirable
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Issue’ (cegöe) keâe Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Repulsive’
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (De®efÛekeâj/DeefØeÙe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
Solution– nue, efveJeejCe, View– vepeefjÙee, Result– heefjCeece kesâ DeLe& nQ- Destructive– neefvekeâejkeâ, efJeOJebMekeâejer; Sociable–
Correct Sentence-– meeceeefpekeâ; Admirable– ØeMebmeveerÙe, Glke=â°~
The important issue is where to arrange the funds Correct Sentence- I found the scene of some people
from. making fun of a beggar quite repulsive.

Fill in the Blanks 290 YCT

558. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the (a) glitches (b) illuminations
blank. (c) streamers (d) symbols
The scientist, who is known for his ____ ideas SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
on space travel, is much admired. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
(a) anarchist (b) revolutionary
‘glitches’ (Kejeyeer) JeekeäÙe keâer GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ DevÙe
(c) ridiculous (d) malicious
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II) efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Revolutionary’ illuminations - jesMeveer/mepeeJeš
(›eâeefvlekeâejer, heefjJele&veMeerue) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen streamers - jesMeveer keâer efkeâjCe
JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ symbols - Øeleerkeâ
DeLe& nQ- Anarchist–– DejepekeâleeJeeoer; Ridiculous– Correct Sentence- Timers at traffic signals, that help
nemÙeemheo, Malicious– ogYee&JeveehetCe&~ motorists save fuel by switching off their engines while
Correct Sentence- The scientist, who is known for his waiting, will soon be phased out due to technical
revolutionary ideas on space travel, is much admired. glitches.
559. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 562. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank in the given sentence.
According to experts, some sectors remain A ________ of small stones is called a mosaic.
_____ during these difficult times, including (a) Mound (b) Structure
banking and financial services, FMCG, food (c) Design (d) Pattern
and technology. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) repugnant (b) resilient Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Pattern’ (meeBÛee)
(c) redundant (d) repentant GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ helLejeW keâe Skeâ efveef§ele pattern
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(lejerkeâe) keâes mosaic (heÛÛeerkeâejer) keâne peelee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Fme Øekeâej nQ–
'Resilient' (heefjJele&ve Deeefo mes mebYeueves ceW meceLe&) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
mound - {sj ueieevee/šeruee
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Reference– difficult times JÙeòeâ keâjlee nw~
structure - vecetvee/mebjÛevee
Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
design - Deeke=âefle
Repugnant – De®efÛekeâj, veehemebo
Correct Sentence- A Pattern of small stones is called a
Redundant – yeskeâej, heâeuelet, Deefleefjòeâ
Repentant – he§eeleheer, heÚleeves Jeeuee
563. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Correct Sentence- According to experts, some sectors blank.
remain resilient during these difficult times, including
For thousands of years, humans have been
banking and financial services, FMCG, food and
________ the earth, making scars upon the
560. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the (a) redecorating (b) remaking
(c) damaging (d) distracting
Around one hundred _____ across the world
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III)
participated in the conference.
(a) delegates (b) talents Ans. (c) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘damaging’
(c) clever (d) intelligent (#eefle«emle keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I) Redecorating - efheâj mes mepeevee
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Remaking - efheâj mes yeveevee
‘delegates’ (ØeefleefveefOe) JeekeäÙe keâe GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw- Distracting - OÙeeve Yebie keâjvee
Talents– ØeefleYeeSB, ÙeesieÙeleeSB Correct Sentence- For thousands of years, humans
Clever– Ûelegj, o#e, efvehegCe have been damaging the earth, making scars upon the
Intelligent– yegefæceeve, Ûelegj, o#e land.
Correct Sentence- Around one hundred delegates 564. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
across the world participated in the conference. blank in the given sentence.
561. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Padamse worked like a mathematician and was
blank in the given sentence. a true _______ who experimented with
Timers at traffic signals, that help motorists numerous mediums.
save fuel by switching off their engines while (a) literary (b) visionary
waiting, will soon be phased out due to (c) adversary (d) voluntary
technical ________. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Fill in the Blanks 291 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘injured’ (IeeÙeue,
‘visionary’ (otjoMeea) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Ûeesefšue nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie ner ØeÙegòeâ nesiee, efveÙecele: had + VIIIrd
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- form keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw, Past perfect tense keâe Ùen efveÙece nw~
literary - meeefneflÙekeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
adversary - efJejesOeer browsed - yeÇeGpe efkeâS ieS
voluntary - SsefÛÚkeâ/DeJewleefvekeâ broke - štš peevee
Correct Sentence- Padamse worked like a grounded - peceerve
mathematician and was a true visionary who Correct Sentence- I had injured my right shoulder
experimented with numerous mediums. during the play.
565. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the 568. In the following question, the sentence given
blank in the given sentence. with blank to be filled in with an appropriate
word. Select the correct alternative out of the
If the video clip of the murder had not been
four and indicate it by selecting the
shared on social media, the world would likely appropriate option :
have remained _______ of the tragedy.
Police had .......... the driver.
(a) unconfirmed (b) renowned (a) obtained (b) detained
(c) unaware (d) recognised (c) sustained (d) objected
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I) SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘detained’ (efnjemele
‘unaware’ (DeveefYe%e) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& ceW uesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie ner ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
nQ- obtain - (Øeehle keâjvee)
unconfirmed - DemLeeÙeer sustained - (yeveeS jKevee)
renowned - Øeefmeæ objected - (efJejesOe keâjvee)
recognised - henÛeeve uesvee/ceevÙelee Øeehle Correct Sentence- Police had detained the driver.
Correct Sentence- If the video clip of the murder had 569. In the following question, the sentence given
not been shared on social media, the world would with blank to be filled in with an appropriate
likely have remained unaware of the tragedy. word. Select the correct alternative out of the
four and indicate it by selecting the
566. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
appropriate option
On the ________ occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi
By accelerating digitisation and leveraging next the Guptas bought a new house.
generation technologies, the life insurance (a) prosperous (b) auspicious
sector can double its ______ to Rupees 70 lakh (c) official (d) fortuitous
crores, a study said. SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II)
(a) assets (b) reports
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'auspicious'– (MegYe
(c) policies (d) finding
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III)
DeJemej) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- prosperous
– mece=æ, official –DeeefOekeâeefjkeâ, fortuitous – Deekeâefmcekeâ~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- On the auspicious occasion of
‘assets’ (mecheefòe) GheÙegòeâ DeLe& os jne nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& Ganesh Chaturthi the Guptas bought a new house.
nQ- reports - ØeefleJesove, efJeJejCe, policies - veerefleÙeeB, yeercee-he$e, 570. In the following question, the sentence given
finding - efJeòe hees<eCe, efveefOekeâjCe~ with blank to be filled in with an appropriate
Correct Sentence- By accelerating digitisation and word. Select the correct alternative out of the
leveraging next generation technologies, the life four and indicate it by selecting the
insurance sector can double its assets to Rupees 70 lakh appropriate option.
crores, a study said. My parents have given their ______ to the
567. In the following question, the sentence given
(a) refuse (b) accept
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate
(c) assent (d) expect
word. Select the correct alternative out of the
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)
four and indicate it by selecting the
appropriate option : Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjkeäle mLeeve ceW Meyo 'Assent' (Devegceefle
I had ........... my right shoulder during the play. osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Accept - mJeerkeâej
(a) browsed (b) broke keâjvee, Refuse - Fvkeâej keâjvee, Expect - Gcceero keâjvee
(c) grounded (d) injured Correct Sentence- My parents have given their assent
SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I) to the match.
Fill in the Blanks 292 YCT
571. In the following question, the sentence given 575. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate blank and make a meaningful sentence.
word. .........................indicate it by selecting the The method ––––– by the teacher is very
appropriate option. tedious.
He killed three __________ for dinner. (a) regarded (b) reminded
(a) forl (b) fowls (c) allowed (d) suggested
(c) fool (d) flour SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III) Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjkeäle mLeeve ceW ‘fowls’ (he#eer keâes 'suggested' (megPeeJe osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
ceejvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegkeäle nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
forl – #eerCe regarded - ÙeLeeefveefo&°, mecePevee, ceevee
fool – cetKe& reminded - Ùeeo efoueeÙee ieÙee
flour – Deeše allowed - Devegceefle Øeehle
Correct Sentence- He killed three fowls for dinner. Correct Sentence- The method suggested by the
572. In the following question, the sentence given teacher is very tedious.
with blank to be filled in with an appropriate 576. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
word. Select the correct alternative out of the blank and make a grammatically Correct
and indicate appropriate option. Sentence-.
He is younger ––––––– you are, isn't he? Jamuna found an old necklace and ––––– gold
(a) than (b) incase bangles in the cupboard.
(c) if (d) on condition (a) an pair of (b) pair of
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I) (c) a pair of (d) a pairs of
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘than’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
keäÙeeWefkeâ Comparative degree ceW Adjective leLee than keâe ØeÙeesie Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'a pair of' (Skeâ
neslee nw, peesÌ[er) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~
Correct Sentence- Jamuna found an old necklace and
Correct Sentence- He is younger than you are, isn't he?
a pair of bangles in the cupboard.
573. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 577. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. blank and make a meaningful sentence.
Your answer book will be –––– by a computer. The student –––––– for a refund of fees.
(a) replied (b) submitted (a) said (b) wanted
(c) evaluated (d) tested (c) requested (d) ordered
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve kesâ efueÙes efJekeâuhe Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'requested' (efJeveleer
‘evaluated’ (cetuÙeebkeâve keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - said - keânvee
Replied - Gòej osvee, Submitted - Øemlegle keâjvee, Tested - wanted - FÛÚe nesvee
hejer#eCe keâjvee ordered - DeeosMe osvee
Correct Sentence- Your answer book will be Correct Sentence- The student requested for a refund
evaluated by a computer. of fees.
574. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 578. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. blank and make a meaningful sentence.
The teacher was very ––––– in his subject. Raman exercises daily because he is preparing
(a) best (b) master for a –––––– in the armed forces.
(c) top (d) proficient (a) occupancy (b) carrier
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III) (c) postage (d) career
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve kesâ efueÙes efJekeâuhe SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
‘proficient’ (ØeJeerCe/DevegYeJeer) GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘career’ (hesMee) keâe
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- ØeÙeesie nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
best - DeÛÚe occupancy - DeefOeYeesie
top - GÛÛe/efMeKej postage - [ekeâ
master - ceeefnj carrier - Jeenkeâ
Correct Sentence- The teacher was very proficient in Correct Sentence- Raman exercises daily because he
his subject. is preparing for a career in the armed forces.

Fill in the Blanks 293 YCT

579. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Ephemeral-#eCe Yebiegj, DemLeeÙeer
blank and make a meaningful sentence. Seasonal - ceewmeceer
The customers ––––– the company with
Chronic - oerIe&keâeefuekeâ
complaints against the price increase.
(a) failed (b) criticized Correct Sentence- Perennial rivers have water
throughout the year.
(c) flooded (d) hoarded
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I) 583. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ‘flooded’ (mewueeye
The accident occurred in the ––––– of the road.
Deevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- (a) way (b) middle
failed - DevegòeerCe&, Hesâue, efJeHeâue (c) side (d) path
criticized - DeeueesÛevee keâjvee, efveboe keâjvee SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
hoarded - ÛeÌ{vee, meJeej nesvee Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- The customers flooded the
‘middle’ (yeerÛe ceW) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
company with complaints against the price increase.
580. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the nQ-
blank and make a meaningful sentence. way - jemlee
Conservative parents usually do not give their side - he#e
–––––– for uncommon career choices of their path - ceeie&
(a) consent (b) agreement Correct Sentence- The accident occurred in the
(c) allowance (d) dissent middle of the road.
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III) 584. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW blank.
‘consent’ (menceefle) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ I ––––him to use my bike to go to the office.
(a) granted (b) allowed
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
(c) admonished (d) sanctioned
Agreement - mecePeewlee
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Allowance - Yeòee
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Dissent - Demenceefle
‘Allow’ (Devegceefle osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
Correct Sentence- Conservative parents usually do
not give their consent for uncommon career choices of DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
their children. Grant - DeefOekeâej osvee
581. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the admonish - [eBšvee, heâškeâejvee
blank and make a meaningful sentence. Sanction - mebmJeerke=âefle osvee
He ––––– me up on his way to work.
(a) picked (b) raised Correct Sentence- I allowed him to use my bike to go
(c) lifted (d) dropped to the office.
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III) 585. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW blank.
‘picked’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Marconi ––––– the radio.
(a) discovered (b) invented
raised - G"vee uesvee
(c) built (d) assembled
lifted - G"evee
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
dropped -ÚesÌ[ osvee
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘invented’
Correct Sentence- He picked me up on his way to
work. (DeeefJe<keâej) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ peye keâesF& veF& Jemleg Keespeer
582. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the peeleer nw, (pees Fmemes henues ceewpeto ve jner nw) lees 'invent' keâe
blank. ØeÙeesie keâjles nw, Deewj peye keâesF& Ssmeer Jemleg Keespeer peeleer nw~ (pees
––––– rivers have water throughout the year. henues mes ceewpeto jner nes yeMelex meyekeâes helee ve nes) lees 'Discover'
(a) Ephemeral (b) Perennial
(c) Seasonal (d) Chronic
keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I) built - YeJeve efvecee&Ce
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW discovered - Keespevee
‘Perennial’ (efÛejmLeeÙeer, meoeyenej) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ assembled - meblegefuele keâjvee
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- Correct Sentence- Marconi invented the radio.

Fill in the Blanks 294 YCT

586. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the 590. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. blank.
There is no –––– in the container for the water Sarthak –––– everything that a leader should
to flow. be.
(a) link (b) outlet (a) epitomizes (b) adores
(c) room (d) escape (c) worships (d) clones
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ hej ‘Outlet’
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘epitomizes’
(efveie&ce ceeie&) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(Øeleerkeâ nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Mes<e efJekeâuhe Fme Øekeâej nw-
link - mebheke&â, room - keâ#e, mLeeve, escape - megjef#ele efvekeâue
Adores - hetpee keâjlee nw
Correct Sentence- There is no outlet in the container Worships - DeejeOevee keâjlee nw
for the water to flow. Clones - Øeefle™he oslee nw~
587. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Correct Sentence- Sarthak epitomizes everything that
blank. a leader should be.
The incident made a –––––– impression on 591. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Karan. blank.
(a) factual (b) rounded
The students are in great –––– of their
(c) perfect (d) deep
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) praise (b) awe
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW (c) respect (d) gusto
‘deep’ (ienje) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)
nQ- Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘awe’ (ßeæeÙegòeâ
Ans. (b) :
factual - JeemleefJekeâ Ùee leLeelcekeâ, rounded - Iesje, perfect -
YeÙe) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Praise - ØeMebmee, mejenvee
Correct Sentence- The incident made a deep
impression on Karan. Respect - Deeoj, ßeæe
588. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Gusto - DeeJesMe, Glmeen, KegMeer~
blank. Correct Sentence- The students are in great awe of
Young people from disadvantaged homes look their teachers.
for ––––– in government jobs. 592. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(a) utility (b) capability blank.
(c) ability (d) stability
It is quite tough to ––––– which candidate will
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
win the presidential elections.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘stability’ (efmLejlee) (a) pretend (b) elect
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) predict (d) argue
Utility - GheÙeesefielee SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Capability- meeceLÙe&, #ecelee Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Ability - ÙeesiÙelee~ ‘predict’ (Devegceeve ueieevee) keâe ØeÙeseie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe
Correct Sentence- Young people from disadvantaged efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
homes look for stability in government jobs.
Pretend - {esie keâjvee, yenevee keâjvee
589. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank. Elect - Ûegvevee, Ûegve uesvee
The wonderful performance of the maestro left Argue - yenme keâjvee~
the audience –––––– . Correct Sentence- It is quite tough to predict which
(a) puzzled (b) sleepy candidate will win the presidential elections.
(c) hungry (d) entranced 593. A sentence has been given with a blank to be
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II) filled with an appropriate word. Choose the
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘entranced’ (ceesefnle correct alternative.
nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- I am ––––– of winning the competition.
Puzzle - nwjeve keâjvee, Sleepy - efveõe«emle, Hungry - YetKee~ (a) resistent (b) confident
Correct Sentence- The wonderful performance of the (c) pertinent (d) reliant
maestro left the audience entranced. SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II)

Fill in the Blanks 295 YCT

Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘confident’ In the age of technology sending letters by
(efJeÕeeme) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ postal mail seems ––––– to me.
(a) superstition (b) surplus
resistent - ØeeflejesOe
(c) supercilious (d) superfluous
pertinent - GefÛele SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
reliant - efveYe&j nesvee Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- I am confident of winning the
‘superfluous’ (DeveeJeMÙekeâ efvejLe&keâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
594. A sentence has been given with a blank to be DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
filled with an appropriate word. Choose the superstition - DebOeefJeMJeeme
correct alternative. surplus - DeefOekeâlee
The bullet struck a wall and was ––––– from its supercilious - IeceC[er
Correct Sentence- In the age of technology, sending
(a) reflected (b) twisted
letters by postal mail seems superfluous to me
(c) deflected (d) crashed
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) 598. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank and make a grammatically Correct
Ans. (c) : JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘deflected’ (cegÌ[ peevee) keâe Sentence-.
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Tourism has been ––––– in India for a long
reflected - Øeefleefyeefcyele time.
twisted - IegceeÙee ngDee (a) postponed (b) declined
crashed - ogIee&švee«emle (c) decayed (d) neglected
Deflect - to change direction after hitting somebody. SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
efkeâmeer Jemleg mes škeâjekeâj efoMee yeouevee Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- The bullet struck a wall and was ‘neglected’ (Ghesef#ele, vepejDeboepe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
deflected from its course. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
595. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the postpone - mLeefiele keâjvee
Her parents always –––––– her in her studies. decline - Fbkeâej keâjvee
(a) encouraged (b) interested decay - #eÙe keâjvee/nesvee
(c) impressed (d) expected Correct Sentence- Tourism has been neglected in
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I) India for a long time.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘encouraged’ 599. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(Øeeslmeeefnle efkeâÙee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- blank and make a grammatically Correct
Interested - Deeke=â°, Impressed - ØeYeeefJele, Expected - Sentence-.
Surendra tries to –––––– his opponents in all
DeeMee keâer~ the matches.
Correct Sentence- Her parents always encouraged her (a) intimidate (b) impersonate
in her studies.
(c) intimate (d) initiate
596. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
blank and make a grammatically Correct
Sentence-. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Meena had a whale –––– a time in Mussorie ‘intimidate’ ([jevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
with her gang. DeLe& nQ-
(a) in (b) of Impersonate - ™he OeejCe keâjvee, intimate - megefÛele keâjvee,
(c) on (d) at initiate - ØeejcYe keâjvee~
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I) Correct Sentence- Surendra tries to intimidate his
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'of' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee opponents in all the matches.
keäÙeeWefkeâ 'a whale of a time' (megKeo DevegYeJe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ 600. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùen Skeâ idiomatic phrase nw leLee Ùen Skeâ meeLe blank and make a grammatically Correct
ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ veneR nQ- Sentence-.
Correct Sentence- Meena had a whale of a time in Megha is attending a teachers' ––––– in
Mussorie with her gang. London.
597. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the (a) connection (b) combination
blank and make a grammatically Correct (c) connotation (d) convention
Sentence-. SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Fill in the Blanks 296 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve hej ‘convention’ (a) reminisce (b) reproduce
(meccesueve) keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peeSiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) recreate (d) reminding
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Connection - mebyebOe, Combination - mebÙeesie, Connotation -
DeLe&, ue#ÙeeLe&~ Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘reminisce’ (Deleerle
Correct Sentence- Megha is attending a teachers' keâer megKeo yeeleeW keâer ÛeÛee& keâjvee, mcejCe keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
convention in London. nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- reproduce - GlheVe keâjvee, mebleeve
601. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the hewoe keâjvee, recreate - hegveefve&cee&Ce keâjvee, reminding - mcejCe
blank and make a meaningful sentence. keâjevee, Ùeeo efoueevee~
The ISRO team is working round the clock to – Correct Sentence- Working together gave us a chance
––––– Chandrayaan-2. to reminisce about old times.
(a) navigate (b) introduce 605. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
(c) launch (d) steer blank and make a grammatically Correct
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II) Sentence-.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Launch’ Øe#esefhele The blind man needed ––––– to cross the street.
keâjvee, keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) guards (b) assistance
Navigate - ceeie& efveoxMeve keâjvee, veewkeâeefyenej keâjvee, Introduce (c) cooperation (d) porters
- henÛeeve keâjevee, heefjÛeÙe keâjevee, ueeiet keâjvee, Steer - DevegkeâjCe SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
keâjvee, heefjÛeeueve~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- The ISRO team is working round ‘assistance’ (meneÙelee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
the clock to launch Chandrayaan-2. DevÙe ef Jekeâuheeb s kes
â DeLe& -
602. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the guards - j#ekeâ, Ûeewkeâeroej
blank and make a meaningful sentence. cooperation - menÙeesie, menkeâeefjlee
The diamond necklace is too –––– for me.
porters - Éejheeue, kegâueer
(a) luscious (b) insufficient
Correct Sentence- 'The blind man needed assistance
(c) extravagant (d) austere
to cross the street.'
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
606. A word can have a different –––––– in different
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Extravagant’
(cenbiee, KeÛeeauee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& (a) connotation (b) constellation
nQ- (c) contention (d) confrontation
Insufficient - DeheÙee&hle SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Luscious - mJeeefo°, ceOegj Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Austere - meKle, mebÙeceer, Dee[byej nerve~ ‘Connotation’ (mebkesâleeLe&, Deefleefjòeâ celeueye) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ
Correct Sentence- The diamond necklace is too nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
extravagant for me. Costellation - leejeceC[ue
603. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Contention - efJeJeeo, ØeeflemheOee&
blank and make a grammatically Correct
Confrontation - meecevee, mebIe<e&
The cost turned out to be higher than_____ Correct Sentence- A word can have a different
(a) excepted (b) anticipated connotation in different contexts.
(c) accepted (d) emancipated 607. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I) blank and make a grammatically Correct
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Seema gave her teacher a beautiful ––––– of
‘anticipated’ (hetJee&vegceeve) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ pink roses on Teachers' Day.
DeLe& nQ- excepted - keâes Úes[Ì keâj, accepted - mJeerke=âle, (a) grove (b) reed
emancipated - yebOevecegòeâ, Deepeeo~ (c) bouquet (d) wreath
Correct Sentence- The cost turned out to be higher SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II)
than anticipated. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘bouquet’ (hetâueeW
604. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the keâe iegueomlee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ sentence ceW 'pink
blank and make a grammatically Correct roses' (iegueeyeer iegueeye kesâ hetâue) osves keâer yeele nes jner nw, pees Skeâ
meeLe jKeves hej iegueomlee 'bouquet' yeveeles nQ~
Working together gave us a chance to ______
about old times. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
Fill in the Blanks 297 YCT
grove - GheJeve, yeeie~ 611. Select the mot appropriate word to fill in the
reed - kegâMe, vejkeâš~ blank and make a meaningful sentence.
The doctor advised him to consume –––––
wreath - hetâueeW keâe nej heg<heÛe›eâ~
water without any additive.
Correct Sentence- Seema gave her teacher a beautiful
(a) pleasant (b) plain
bouquet of pink roses on Teacher's Day.
(c) potent (d) precious
608. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
blank and make it grammatically Correct
Sentence-. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
For many, The Lion King is ––––– as a ‘plain’ (meeoe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
childhood memory. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
(a) invested (b) deposited pleasant - megKeo
(c) treasured (d) inherited
potent - MeefòeâMeeueer
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II)
precious - cetuÙeJeeve
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Treasured’
(mebpeesÙes jKevee, efveefOe megjef#ele jKevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ Correct Sentence- The doctor advised him to
consume plain water without any additive.
memories keâes mebpeesÙee/megjef#ele jKee peelee nw~ 'The Lion King'
612. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Skeâ keâneveer nw pees yeÛeheve keâer mce=efle (Memory) keâe efnmmee nw, blank and make a meaningful sentence.
efpemekeâes megjef#ele jKeves kesâ yeele sentence ceW JÙeòeâ nw~ He was physically strong and became a –––––
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- climber of high rocky cliffs.
invested - efveJesMe keâjvee, deposited - pecee keâjvee~ (a) timid (b) fearful
inherited - JemeerÙele/GòejeefOekeâej ceW Øeehle keâjvee~ (c) unwilling (d) daring
Correct Sentence- For many, The Lion King is SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
treasured as a childhood memory. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
609. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the ‘daring' (meenmeer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
blank and make a meaningful sentence. timid - keâeÙej~
Mahesh is very happy because the value of his
fearful - [je ngDee, YeÙeYeerle~
shares has –––.
(a) diminished (b) complimented unwilling - DeefveÛÚgkeâ~
(c) applauded (d) appreciated Correct Sentence- He was physically strong and
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I) became a daring climber of high rocky cliffs.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 613. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
‘appreciated’ (cegõemheâerefle keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ blank and make a meaningful sentence.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - He had his own line of thinking and would
defend his views with ––––.
diminish - keâce keâjvee,Ieševee
(a) conversion (b) conviction
compliment - ØeMebmee keâjvee, MegYekeâeveeÙeW (c) conversation (d) convention
applauded - mejenvee, ØeMebmee keâjvee~ SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence- Mahesh is very happy because the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
value of his shares has appreciated.
‘conviction’ (ÂÌ{ efJeMJeeme, oes<eefmeefæ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
610. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank and make a meaningful sentence. DevÙe efJekeâuheesb kesâ DeLe&-
The CEO went against the advisory committe's conversion - ®heeblejCe~
–––––. conversation - Jeelee&ueehe, yeele-Ûeerle~
(a) Introduction (b) Information convention - meccesueve, efjJeepe~
(c) Recommendation (d) Response Correct Sentence- He had his own line of thinking
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I) and would defend his views with conviction.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
614. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
‘Recommendation’ (DevegMebmee efmeheâeefjMe) keâe ØeÙeesie Ghegòeâ nw~
blank and make a meaningful sentence.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- It's a venue of every occasion and one that
Introduction - heefjÛeÙe, Information - metÛevee offers ––––– meals on special days.
Response - Øeefleef›eâÙee (a) offensive (b) amusing
Correct Sentence- The CEO went against the (c) thrilling (d) delightful
advisory committe's recommendation. SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)

Fill in the Blanks 298 YCT

Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 618. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
‘delightful’ (efoueÛemhe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ blank and make a meaningful sentence.
The two friends were too ––––– to admit that
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& they were wrong.
Offensive - DeefØeÙe, Deheceevepevekeâ~ (a) satisfied (b) stubborn
Amusing - ceveesjbpekeâ~ (c) voluntary (d) reasonable
Thrilling - jesceebÛekeâ~ SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence- It's a venue of every occasion and Ans.(b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
one that offers delightful meals on special days. 'stubborn' (efpeodoer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
615. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
blank and make a meaningful sentence. satisfied - mebleg°, voluntary - mJewefÛÚkeâ
Winning both the races has been a ––––– reasonable - leeefke&âkeâ, GefÛele~
surprise, but the success is well deserved.
Correct Sentence- The two friends were too stubborn
(a) satisfying (b) pleasant to admit that they were wrong.
(c) civilized (d) Charming
619. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
blank and make a grammatically Correct
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Sentence-.
'Pleasant' (megKeo) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ I would have forgotten my appointment if
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- Susan ––––– reminded me about it.
satisfying - meblees<epevekeâ~ (a) hadn't (b) wouldn't
(c) haven't (d) had
civilized - meYÙe~
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Charming - Deekeâ<e&keâ~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ‘hadn't’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
Correct Sentence- Winning both the races has been a
keäÙeeWefkeâ If + Past Perfect, Sub + Would + have + v3
pleasant surprise, but the success is well deserved.
Dele: GheÙegòeâ rule mes mhe° nw efkeâ If clause Jeeues sentence kesâ
616. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
blank and make a grammatically Correct Keeueer mLeeve hej hadn't keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Sentence-. Correct Sentence- I would have forgotten my
I wasn't feeling well yesterday, but I feel a little appointment if Susan hadn't reminded me about it.
––––– today. 620. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(a) more better (b) best blank and make a meaningful sentence.
(c) better (d) good Which –––– should we adopt to increase our
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) sales ?
(a) promotions (b) strategies
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘better’ keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) functions (d) intentions
nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeefo Comparative degree kesâ yeeo keâesF& 'Noun' SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
ueiee nes lees DeeJeMÙekeâleevegmeej Comparative degree kesâ henues
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ mLeeve ceW 'strategies' (jCeveerefle)
Article. A/an keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~
Meyo keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ex. Lata is a better singer than Asha]
Promotions - ØeÛeej, lejkeäkeâer
Correct Sentence- -
I wasn't feeling well yesterday, but I feel a little better Functions - keâece keâjvee, GlmeJe
today. Intentions - Fjeoe, ue#Ùe~
617. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Correct Sentence- Which strategies should we adopt
blank and make a meaningful sentence. to increase our sales ?
She gave important evidence and I found her to 621. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
be a sensible and ––––– witness. blank and make a meaningful sentence.
(a) credible (b) imposing We try to keep abreast of the new treatments,
(c) conclusive (d) unlikely but have gained little ––––– experience of using
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III) them.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'Credible' keâe ØeÙeesie (a) systematic (b) practical
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Credible - able to be believed; convincing (c) orderly (d) doable
(efJeÕemeveerÙe), DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Imposing - SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
ØeYeeJeMeeueer, conclusive- efveCee&Ùekeâ, unlikely - DeefJeÕemeveerÙe~ Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kes â ef j òeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Practical’
Correct Sentence- She gave important evidence and I (JÙeeJeneefjkeâ, ØeÙeesieelcekeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
found her to be a sensible and credible witness. nw-
Fill in the Blanks 299 YCT
Systematic - JÙeJeefmLele, ›eâceyeæ Depletion– #ejCe, Dehe#eÙe,
Orderly - megJÙeJeefmLele {bie mes, megMeerue Distaste– De®efÛe, veehemeboieer,
Doable - cegceefkeâve~ Liveliness–DeepeerefJekeâe~
Correct Sentence- We try to keep abreast of the new Correct Sentence- The common occurrences of
treatments, but have gained little practical experience fatigue and boredom decrease when we listen to music.
of using them. 625. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
622. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank and make a grammatically Correct
blank and make a grammatically Correct Sentence-.
Sentence-: Chris and I play tennis together regularly, but
I was walking along the street when suddenly ––––––––– of us can play very well.
I ----------- footsteps behind me. (a) both (b) either
(a) hear (b) hearing (c) none (d) neither
(c) heard (d) was hearing SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘neither’ keâe ØeÙeesie
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'Heard' (megvee) Meyo GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Neither' keâe ØeÙeesie (oeWveeW ceW mes keâesF& veneR)
GheÙegkeäle nw keäÙeeWefkeâ efveÙecele: efkeâmeer JeekeäÙe ceW past kesâ oes action kesâ efueS neslee nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'Neither' Skeâ distributive pronoun
denote efkeâÙes ieÙes nes, lees pees keâeÙe& henues mes peejer neslee nw Gmekesâ nw, Fme pronoun kesâ henues but nw, FmeefueS ÙeneB negative
efueS verb past continuous leLee pees keâeÙe& yeeo ceW nes Gmekesâ ideas keâes JÙeòeâ keâjves kesâ efueS 'Neither' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Mes<e
efueS verb past indefinite ceW nesleer nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe nQ–
Correct Sentence- I was walking along the street either– Ùee, none– (keâesF& veneR), both– oesveeW~
when suddenly I heard footsteps behind me.
Correct Sentence- Chris and I play tennis together
623. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the regularly, but neither of us can play very well.
blank and make a meaningful sentence.
626. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
A concerted effort has to be make in order to
blank and make a meaningful sentence.
use our mineral resources in a planned and -----
When we talk of 'globalization' we often refer
---------- manner.
to an economic system that has ––––––– in the
(a) reserved (b) collected
last 50 years or so.
(c) preserved (d) sustainable
(a) proceeded (b) emerged
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) derived (d) flowed
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'sustainable' SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(mebJenveerÙe, keâeÙece jnves Jeeuee) word GheÙegkeäle nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ Gkeäle Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘emerged’
word hetJe& ceW Øeoeve efkeâÙes ieÙes Meyo planned keâer mebiele keâjlee nw (GYejvee, efvekeâuevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
Deewj sentence kesâ DeeMeÙe keâes properly Øekeâš keâjlee nw~ Mes<e DeLe& nQ-
efJekeâuhe nQ– Proceeded– peejer jKee, Derived– JÙeglhevve ngDee, Flowed–
Reserved– Deejef#ele~ ØeJeeefnle ngDee~
Collected– Skeâ$e, Øeehle efkeâÙee~ Correct Sentence- When we talk of 'globalization' we
Preserved– efkeâmeer Jemleg keâes megjef#ele Ùee DeÛÚs neue ceW jKevee~ often refer to an economic system that has emerged in
Correct Sentence- A concerted effort has to be make the last 50 years or so.
in order to use our mineral resources in a planned and 627. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
sustainable manner. blank and make a meaningful sentence.
624. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the The idea of Satyagraha –––––– the power of
blank and make a meaningful sentence. truth.
The common occurrences of fatigue and ------- (a) impressed (b) emphasized
decrease when we listen to music. (c) created (d) insisted
(a) Depletion (b) distaste SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) boredom (d) liveliness Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘emphasized’
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III) (efJeMes<e yeue osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'Boredom' nQ- Impressed ØeYeeefJele efkeâÙee, created– efveefce&le efkeâÙee,
(veerjmelee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ Gkeäle word– Insisted– efJejesOe efkeâÙee~
'Fatigue (Lekeâeve) kesâ meeLe mebiele keâjles ngS GefÛele combination Correct Sentence- The idea of Satyagraha emphasized
ceW nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- the power of truth.

Fill in the Blanks 300 YCT

628. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘set aside’ (yeÛeekeâj
blank and make a grammatically Correct jKevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- set
up - yegefveÙeeo jKevee, keâeÙece jKevee, set out - ØemLeeve keâjvee, set
I tried to contact her two or three times but
................. time there was no reply. in - Meg® keâjvee~
(a) each (b) both Correct Sentence- Mother set aside some food for the
(c) all (d) any old beggar woman.
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II) 632. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank and make a meaningful sentence.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘each’ (ØelÙeskeâ) keâe Searching frantically to find all the hidden
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ– we use 'each' to refer to jewels and cash, the burglars proceeded to ––––
individual things in a group or a list of two or more the entire house.
things. It is normally followed by a singular verb. (a) pry (b) ransack
Mes<e efJekeâuhe Gòej kesâ efueS GheÙegkeäle veneR nQ pees Fme Øekeâej nQ– (c) seek (d) poach
Both–oesveeW, All–meYeer, Any–keâesF&~ SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Correct Sentence- I tried to contact her two or three Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
times but each time there was no reply. ‘ransack’ (uetšvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
629. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
blank and make a grammatically Correct Pry - leekeâ-PeeBkeâ keâjvee
Sentence- Seek - helee ueieevee
Susan finally arrived at the party at midnight, Poach - DeJewOe efMekeâej keâjvee
but by then, most of the guests _______. Correct Sentence- Searching frantically to find all the
(a) having left (b) have left hidden jewels and cash, the burglars proceeded to
(c) had left (d) left ransack the entire house.
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I) 633. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘had left’ keâe ØeÙeesie blank and make a meaningful sentence.
GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ peye oes keâeceeW ceW Skeâ keâece henues meceehle ngDee Nowadays, digital services have made our cash
nes Deewj otmeje keâece yeeo ceW, lees henues nesves Jeeues keâece keâes past transactions easier and –––––.
(a) softer (b) smoother
perfect tense ceW leLee yeeo Jeeues keâes past indefinite ceW efueKeles
(c) heavier (d) dearer
nQ~ SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence- Susan finally arrived at the party at Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
midnight, but by then, most of the guests had left.
'Smoother' (Deemeeve) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
630. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
DeLe& nQ-
blank and make a meaningful sentence.
There are some dates or periods of time in the softer - yengle vejce, heavier - yengle Yeejer
history of the world that are so ______that dearer - efØeÙe, yengle cenbiee
everyone knows and remembers them. Correct Sentence- Nowadays, digital services have
(a) trivial (b) representative made our cash transactions easier and smoother
(c) significant (d) momentary 634. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I) blank and make a meaningful sentence.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘significant’ The development of real estate has ––––––
impacted the environment.
(cenòJehetCe&) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- (a) narrowly (b) positively
Trivial - legÛÚ, Representative - ØeefleefveefOe, momentary - (c) conveniently (d) adversely
#eefCekeâ~ SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence- 'There are some dates or periods of Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
time in the history of the world that are so significant ‘adversely’ (Øeefleketâue) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
that everyone knows and remembers them.'
631. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the Narrowly - peje mee, mebkeâeaCeleehetJe&keâ~
blank and make a meaningful sentence.
positively - mekeâejelcekeâ ™he mes~
Mother__some food for the old beggar woman.
(a) set up (b) set out Conveniently - megefJeOeepevekeâ {bie mes~
(c) set aside (d) set in Correct Sentence- The development of real estate has
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I) adversely impacted the environment.

Fill in the Blanks 301 YCT

635. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the 639. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank and make a meaningful sentence. blank and make a meaningful sentence.
Be careful not to drop this glass case; it's very – Owing to all the recent negative turn of events
–––. in her life, strongly felt –––– forces must be at
(a) fragile (b) rigid work.
(c) smooth (d) hard (a) helpful (b) evil
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I) (c) angelic (d) haunting
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
‘fragile’ (keâcepeesj, peuoer štšves Jeeuee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘evil’ keâe ØeÙeesie
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- GheÙeg òeâ nesiee~ JeekeäÙe negative DeLe& ØeoefMe&le keâj jne nw leLee
Rigid - keâ"esj, Smooth - efÛekeâvee, Hard - keâ"esj, efve‰gj~ Keeueer mLeeve hej evil keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee haunting keâe veneR keäÙeeWefkeâ
Correct Sentence- Be careful not to drop this glass 'evil forces' Skeâ phrase kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
case; it's very fragile. Correct Sentence- Owing to all the recent negative
636. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the turn of events in her life, strongly felt evil forces must
blank and make a meaningful sentence. be at work.
The author touched the ––––– of her career 640. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
with her second novel which won the Pulitzer blank and make a meaningful sentence.
Prize. Twenty families were ––––– from an old
(a) peek (b) nadir building before the monsoons.
(c) base (d) peak (a) erased (b) evacuated
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III) (c) emptied (d) expelled
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve kesâ efueÙes SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II)
efJekeâuhe ‘Peak’ efMeKej, GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
DeLe& nQ- ‘evacuated’ (Kelejveekeâ peien mes efvekeâeuekeâj megjef#ele mLeeve hej
Peek - Peebkeâvee, Nadir - heleve, Base - DeeOeej~ hengBÛeevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
Correct Sentence- The author touched the peak of her DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
career with her second novel which won the Pulitzer Erase - efceševee
Empty - Keeueer keâjvee
637. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank and make a meaningful sentence. Expel - efve<keâeefmele keâjvee, yesoKeue keâjvee
She seemed ––––about the plan as she did not Correct Sentence- Twenty families were evacuated
react much. from an old building before the monsoons.
(a) uninterested (b) enthusiastic 641. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(c) excited (d) interested blank and make a meaningful sentence.
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III) In some disputes face-to-face talk can ––––– the
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW issue.
(a) restrict (b) refuse
Uninterested - yesmejeskeâej/iewj efoueÛemhe GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
(c) resolve (d) reduce
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- enthusiastic - Glmeener, excited - SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Glmeeefnle, interested - ®efÛe jKeves Jeeuee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘resolve’ (efveJeejCe
Correct Sentence- She seemed uninterested about the
plan as she did not react much. keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~
638. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
blank and make a grammatically Correct Restrict - meerefcele keâjvee
Sentence-. Refuse - Fbkeâej keâjvee
I was determined not to stay in hospital for any reduce - keâce keâjvee
longer –––– was strictly necessary.
Correct Sentence- In some disputes face-to-face talk
(a) when (b) than
can resolve the issue.
(c) then (d) that
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III) 642. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘than’ keâe ØeÙeesie
The air-conditioner has made ceiling fans a
GheÙegòeâ nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Comparative sense ceW ØeÙeesie nesves hej than little ––––– in today's world.
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DeLee&led longer comparative sense ceW nw~ (a) extinct (b) absurd
Correct Sentence- I was determined not to stay in (c) additional (d) redundant
hospital for any longer than was strictly necessary. SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Fill in the Blanks 302 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kessâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Wrapped’
'Redundant' (DeveeJeMÙekeâ, iewj pe™jer) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ (ueshešvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- Covered- {keâe ngDee, Twisted- IegceeÙee ngDee, Bound- Iesjvee~
extinct - efJeueghle Correct Sentence- She had a bandage wrapped round
absurd - nemÙeemheo her finger.
additional - Deefleefjkeäle~ 647. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Correct Sentence- The air-conditioner has made blank.
ceiling fans a little redundant in today's world. They sat by the river bank with their legs ––––
643. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the in the water.
blank. (a) remaining (b) swimming
My little cousin is ––––– a movie. (c) washing (d) dangling
(a) watching (b) looking
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) seeing (d) observing
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘dangling’
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘watching’ (osKevee) (Pegueevee, ueškeâevee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ movie. T.V., Serial etc. osKeves Remaining - yeÛee ngDee~
kesâ efueS 'watch' keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Swimming - lewÙeej nesvee~
Correct Sentence- My little cousin is watching a Washing - Oeguevee~
Correct Sentence- They sat by the river bank with
644. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
their legs dangling in the water.
The frightened convict –––––– for mercy. 648. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(a) shouted (b) whispered blank.
(c) mumbled (d) pleaded The speaker had not written his speech
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II) properly and went on _____ one point only.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW (a) Insisting (b) Decrying
‘pleaded’ (efJeveleer keâjvee, ÙeeÛevee keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ (c) Emphasising (d) Avoiding
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
shout - efÛeuueevee Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'Emphasising'
whisper - hegâmehegâmeevee (efkeâmeer hej efJeMes<e yeue osvee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
mumbled - yegoyegoevee, YegveYegveevee DeLe& nQ-
Correct Sentence- The frightened convict pleaded for Insisting - efkeâmeer yeele hej Dee«en keâjvee
mercy. Decrying - efveboe keâjvee
645. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Avoiding - kegâÚ keâjves mes yeÛevee
Correct Sentence- The speaker had not written his
The passengers were afraid, but the captain ––
––– them that there was no danger. speech properly and went on emphasising one point
(a) cautioned (b) assured only.
(c) claimed (d) confided 649. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II) blank.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW If you drink too much, it will ______ your
‘Assure’ (efJeÕeeme efoueevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ judgment.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- (a) Impel (b) Impede
(c) Impose (d) Improve
Caution - ÛesleeJeveer osvee, Keyejoej keâjvee
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
Claim - oeJee keâjvee
Confide - ieghle yeele yeleevee Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW 'impede' (yeeOee Ùee
Correct Sentence- The passengers were afraid, but the DeÌ[Ûeve [euevee/keâef"veeF& GheefmLele keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
captain assured them that there was no danger DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
646. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Impel - kegâÚ keâjves kesâ efueS yeeOÙe Ùee Øesefjle keâjvee~
blank. Impose - Leeshevee, Deejesefhele keâjvee~
She had a bandage –––– round her finger.
Improve - megOejvee Ùee megOeejvee
(a) covered (b) twisted
(c) wrapped (d) bound Correct Sentence- If you drink too much, it will
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II) impede your judgment.

Fill in the Blanks 303 YCT

650. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- representation - ØeefleefveefOelJe,
blank. appearance - efoKeeJeš, portrait - efÛe$e
The great advantage of early rising is the good Correct Sentence- When the bat pays attention to an
______ is given us to our day. object, the depiction of that object sharpens in its
(a) sense (b) kick brain.
(c) start (d) humour 654. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II) blank.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘start’ Meg®Deele The complexity of the current environment
(ØeejcYe nesvee) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- includes many challenges in general, but air
sense - YeeJevee pollution in _______.
(a) public (b) common
kick - "eskeâj ceejvee
(c) overall (d) particular
humour -heefjneme SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
Correct Sentence- Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
The great advantage of early rising is the good start is
given us to our day. ‘particular’ (efJeMes<e) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
651. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the DeLe& nQ- public - meeJe&peefvekeâ, overall - mechetCe&, common -
blank. meeceevÙe~
The new textile policy lays great emphasis on Correct Sentence- The complexity of the current
stabilizing cotton prices to ______ the interest environment includes many challenges in general, but
of cotton growers. air pollution in particular.
(a) improve (b) diversify 655. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(c) protect (d) raise blank.
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II) If you have a _______ for photography, you do
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘raise’ not have to wait for your big break.
(a) claim (b) passion
(yeÌ{evee/G"evee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) response (d) demand
improve - megOeejvee SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
diversify - efJeefJeOelee Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
protect - j#ee keâjvee ‘passion’ (leer›e FÛÚe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
Correct Sentence- The new textile policy lays great kesâ DeLe& nQ- claim - oeJee keâjvee, response - ØelÙegòej/peJeeye
emphasis on stabilizing cotton prices to raise the
interest of cotton growers.
osvee, demand - ceebie keâjvee
Correct Sentence- If you have a passion for
652. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the photography, you do not have to wait for your big
blank. break.
In order to cut down on errors, a keyboard that
can be ______ to suit individual typing style is 656. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
needed. blank.
(a) predicated (b) shared The baby bird was _______ by its mother.
(c) projected (d) adjusted (a) thrown (b) renounced
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II) (c) abandoned (d) sacrificed
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘adjusted’
‘meceeÙeesefpele’ keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJeevegmeej ‘abandoned’
predicate - YeefJe<ÙeJeeCeer keâjvee, share - efnmmee/ yee@švee, (Úes[Ì vee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
projected - ØemleeefJele thrown - heWâkeâ osvee, renounced - ÚesÌ[vee, sacrificed -
Correct Sentence- In order to cut down on errors, a yeefueoeve
keyboard that can be adjusted to suit individual typing Correct Sentence- The baby bird was abandoned by
style is needed. its mother.
653. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the 657. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. blank.
When the bat pays attention to an object, the Dinosaurs are an _______ species now.
______ of that object sharpens in its brain. (a) extinct (b) antique
(a) representation (b) depiction (c) ancient (d) ageold
(c) appearance (d) portrait SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kes â YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘extinct’ (ef Jeueg h le) keâe ØeÙees i e Gef Ûele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
‘depiction’ (JeCe&ve efÛe$eCe) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DeLe& nQ -
Fill in the Blanks 304 YCT
antique - hegjevee, ancient - ØeeÛeerve, ageold - yegÌ{ehee Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
Correct Sentence- Dinosaurs are an extinct species ‘except’ (efmeJeeÙe/Deefleefjòeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe
now. efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ-
658. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the access - hengBÛe, accept - mJeerkeâej keâjvee
except - DeeMee/Gcceero
Apart from cows, buffaloes are also ______ for
mass milk production for humans. Correct Sentence- We need not worry about anything
(a) developed (b) grown except his commitment to the work he is assigned.
(c) produced (d) reared 662. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III) blank.
India's Republic Day Parade had, among the
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW main______, an all-women's marching
‘reared’ (heeuevee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– contingent.
developed - efJekeâefmele keâjvee, grown - Gievee, (a) displays (b) spectacle
produced - Øemlegle keâjvee (c) demonstrations (d) attractions
Correct Sentence- SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Apart from cows, buffaloes are also reared for mass Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kes â YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
milk production for humans. ‘attraction’ (Deekeâ<e&Ce) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
659. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the kesâ DeLe& nQ-
blank. displays - ØeoMe&ve, spectacle - ØeoMe&veer
Scientists tried to find out the _____ behind the demonstrations - peguetme/ØeoMe&ve
occurrence of the phenomenon.
Correct Sentence- India's Republic Day Parade had,
(a) cause (b) clarification
among the main attractions an all-women's marching
(c) illustration (d) interpretation contingent.
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
663. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘cause’ blank.
(keâejCe) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Sometimes it is necessary for an author to
clarification - mhe°erkeâjCe, illustration - efÛe$eCe know what is going on in the minds of his
interpretation - JÙeeKÙee ______.
(a) audience (b) listeners
Correct Sentence-
(c) viewers (d) characters
Scientists tried to find out the cause behind the
occurrence of the phenomenon. SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
660. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e kes â YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
blank. ‘characters’ (plural noun) keâe ØeÙees ie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
If an individual keeps his fingers crossed he ÙeneB uesKekeâ kesâ mJeÙeb kesâ Ûeefj$e/mJeYeeJe keâes denote keâjves kesâ efueS
______ for the best. characters keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) hopes (b) responds audience - oMe&keâ, viewers - oMe&keâ, listeners - ßeeslee
(c) reacts (d) suspects Correct Sentence- Sometimes it is necessary for an
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II) author to know what is going on in the minds of his
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘hopes’ (DeeMee characters.
keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ keeps his fingers 664. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
crossed Skeâ phrase nw efpemekeâe DeLe& neslee nw- Gcceero/Yejesmee blank.
keâjvee~ efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe zero condition nw, efpemekeâer mebjÛevee nw- _______ are to be avoided; they lead to conflict.
(a) Question (b) Statements
If ,present Indefinite, Present Indefinite (c) Arguments (d) Decisions
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
responds - peJeeye osvee/Øeefleef›eâÙee osvee, reacts - Øeefleef›eâÙee Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘Arguments’ Jeeo-
suspects - mevosn keâjvee ef JeJeeo, leke&â keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Correct Sentence- If an individual keeps his fingers Question - ØeMve, Statements - keâLeve, Decisions - efveCe&Ùe~
crossed he hopes for the best. Correct Sentence- Arguments are to be avoided; they
661. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the lead to conflict.
blank. 665. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the
We need not worry about anything ______ his blank.
commitment to the work he is assigned. You can visit me on ............. at 4 o'clock.
(a) except (b) access (a) tomorrow (b) next month
(c) expect (d) accept (c) today (d) Sunday
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Fill in the Blanks 305 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ‘on’ (preposition) keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee Correct Sentence- The curator of the museum showed
nw, FmeefueS efjòeâ mLeeve ceW Sunday keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ efoveeW us some ancient coins.
kesâ veece kesâ henues preposition 'on' keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~ 670. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Correct Sentence- You can visit me on Sunday at 4
o'clock. The Prime Minister was as good as his ______.
(a) word (b) office
666. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
(c) sword (d) dress
Just are the _______ of God. SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) ways (b) deeds Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘word’
(c) plans (d) tricks (Jeeoe, JeÛeve) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ~
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II) office - keâeÙee&ueÙe, sword - leueJeej, dress - heesMeekeâ
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘ways’ (lejerkesâ) keâe Correct Sentence- The Prime Minister was as good as
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- deed - keâeÙe&, his word.
plan - Ùeespevee, trick - OeesKee ~ 671. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Correct Sentence- Just are the ways of God. blank.
667. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the They never ______ those who have done wrong.
blank. (a) condemn (b) outcast
Smoking is ______ to health (c) blame (d) forgive
(a) tedious (b) serious SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) anxious (d) injurious Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
‘forgive’ (#ecee keâjvee) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘injurious’ DeLe& nQ-
(neefvekeâejkeâ) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
condemn - efvevoe keâjvee, outcast - efveJee&efmele
tedious - Lekeâeve, serious - iecYeerj, anxious - efÛeefvlele
blame - oes<e ueieevee
Correct Sentence-
Correct Sentence- They never forgive those who have
Smoking is injurious to health.
done wrong.
668. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
blank. 672. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Let us_______our heads together to solve the blank.
problem. I make friends ______ I go.
(a) join (b) put (a) moreover (b) wherever
(c) bring (d) combine (c) however (d) whenever
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I) SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW YeeJeevegmeej ‘put’ keâe Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW
ØeÙeesie nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ 'put their heads together' Skeâ idiom nw ‘wherever’ (peneB keâneR Yeer) keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele nesiee~
efpemekeâe DeLe& ‘meeLe-meeLe keâece keâjvee’ neslee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Correct Sentence- Let us put our heads together to moreover - Deefleefjòeâ, however - leLeeefhe
solve the problem.
whenever - peye keâYeer
669. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
Correct Sentence- I make friends wherever I go
The ________ of the museum showed us some 673. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the
ancient coins. blank.
(a) controller (b) conservator They showed her the greatest.
(c) collector (d) curator (a) praise (b) tribute
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III) (c) honour (d) respect
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘curator’ SSC GD–11/02/2019 (Shift-III)
(meb«eneOÙe#e) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ keäÙeeWefkeâ museum keâer yeele Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ‘respect’ (mecceeve,
keâer ieÙeer nw~ Deeoj) keâe ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- praise-ØeMebmee, tribute-ßeæebpeefue, honour-mecceeve keâjvee~
controller - efveÙeb$ekeâ, conservator - mebj#ekeâ Correct Sentence- They showed her the greatest
collector - meb«enkeâòee& respect.

Fill in the Blanks 306 YCT

TCS hewšve& hej DeeOeeefjle (Based On TCS Pattern)
Chapterwise Exam Question No. Years
1 CGL (Tier-1) 70
CGL (Tier-2) 45
Active/Passive Voice CHSL (Tier-1) 90
CHSL (Tier-2) 35
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5

Trend Analysis of Questions topicwise from CGL (Pre & Mains)

CHSL (Pre & Mains) Selection Post VII, VIII, XI, SSC MTS, SSC
GD & Other Exams (2017-2023)

Voice , 296

Active / Passive Voice 307 YCT

1. Select the option that express the given A.V.- Subject + will/shall + Verb1 + Object.
sentence in active voice. P.V.- Object + will/shall + be + Verb3 + by + Subject.
The article had not been posted by Mr. Gupta. Correct Active Sentence-
(a) Mr. Gupta still had not posted the article. They will send wedding invitations.
(b) Mr. Gupta had not posted the article. 4. Select the option that expresses the given
(c) Mr. Gupta have not been posted the article. sentence in passive voice.
(d) Mr. Gupta has not posted the article. He has not committed the crime.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV) (a) The crime has not been committed by him.
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Perfect tense keâe Passive (b) The crime have not been committed by him.
(c) The crime was not committed by him.
voice nQ~ Dele: Fmekesâ Active Voice keâe structure efvecve efveÙece
(d) The crime have not being committed by him.
mes yevesiee– SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II)
A.V.- Sub. + had + not + Verb3 + Object.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Perfect Tense keâe
P.V.- Object + had + not + been + Verb3 + by + Sub.
Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ Passive Voice keâe Structure
Correct Active Voice-
Mr. Gupta had not posted the article. ef vecve nesiee~
2. Select the option that expresses the given A.V. – Subject + has/have + not + VIII + object.
sentence in passive voice. P.V. – Object + has/have + not + been + VIII + by +
The ruler of the community had already passed
a decree against that decision. Correct Passive Sentence-
(a) A decree had already passed by the ruler of The crime has not been committed by him.
the community against that decision. 5. Select the option that expresses the given
(b) A decree had already been passed by the ruler sentence in active voice.
of the community against that decision. Were the cakes being baked by them?
(c) A decree was already passed by the ruler of (a) Was cakes being baked by them?
the community against that decision. (b) Were they baking the cakes?
(d) A decree was already being passed by the (c) Were they baking the cake?
ruler of the community against that decision. (d) Did the cakes baked by them?
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Perfect tense keâe Active Ans. (b) : Ghejes keäle JeekeäÙe Past Continuous tense kesâ
Voice nQ~ Dele: Fmekesâ Passive Voice keâe Structure efvecve Interrogative Sentence keâe Passive voice nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ
efveÙece mes yevesiee~ Active Voice keâe Structure efvecve nesiee~
A.V.- Subject + had + V3 + Object. A.V.- was/were + sub. + V1 + ing + Obj+?
P.V.- Obj + had + been + V + by + Subject. P.V.- was/were + object + being + v3 + by + sub+?
Correct Passive Voice- Correct Active Voice
A decree had already been passed by the ruler of the Were they baking the cakes?
community against that decision. 6. Select the option that expresses the given
3. Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.
sentence in active voice. The tour guide always answers the visitors
Wedding invitations will be sent by them. questions.
(a) They will send wedding invitations. (a) The visitors’ questions are answered by the
(b) They will be sent wedding invitations. tour guide always.
(c) He will sent wedding invitations. (b) The visitors’ questions are always answered
(d) He will be send wedding invitations. by the tour guide.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II) (c) The visitors’ question was always answered
by the tour guide.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Future Indefinite tense keâe
(d) The visitors’ questions are answered always
'Passive Voice.' nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ 'Active Voice' keâe by the tour guide.
Structure efvecve nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Active / Passive Voice 308 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite tense keâe Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Active
Active voice nw Dele: Fmekesâ Passive Voice keâe structure voice nQ~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
efvecve nesiee~ A.V. – Sub + VerbII + Object.
A.V.- Subject + V1 + s/es + object. P.V. – Object + was/were + VerbIII + by + subject.
P. V.- Object + is/am/are + V3 + by + subject. Correct Passive Voice-
Correct Passive Sentence– The gate was opened by Mr. Akhil.
The visitors' questions are always answered by the tour 10. Describe how you will tell your friends that Mr.
guide. Ram uses multimedia for teaching the children
7. Select the option that expresses the given in passive voice.
sentence in passive voice. (a) Multimedia is used by Mr. Ram for teaching
You have adopted the plan. the children.
(a) The plan has being adopted by you. (b) Multimedia is used for teach the children by
(b) The plan should be adopted by you. Mr. Ram.
(c) The plan has been adopted by you. (c) Multimedia is using for teaching the children.
(d) The plan is adopted by you. (d) Mr. Ram use multimedia for teaching the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Perfect Tense keâe Active
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite tense keâe
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ Passive Voice keâe Structure efvecve
Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
nesiee~ A.V. – Subject + Verb1 + s/es + object + other words.
A.V– Subject + has/have + Verb3 + Object P.V. – Object + is/am/are + V3 + by + subject + other
P.V– Subject + has/have + been + VIII + by + Subject words
Correct Passive Sentence– Correct passive sentence-
'The plan has been adopted by you.' Multimedia is used by Mr. Ram for teaching the
8. Select the option that expresses the given children.
sentence in passive voice. 11. Select the option that expresses the given
Each member of the literary club submitted sentence in passive voice.
various literary works for the magazine. He didn’t eat a single morsel of food at his
(a) Various literary works were being submitted daughter’s wedding.
by each member of the literary club for the (a) A single morsel of food was not eaten by him
magazine. at his daughter’s wedding.
(b) Various literary works had been submitted by (b) A single morsel of food can not be eaten by
each member of the literary club for the him at his daughter’s wedding.
magazine. (c) A single morsel of food was not being eaten
(c) Various literary works were submitted by by him at his daughter’s wedding.
each member of the literary club for the (d) A single morsel of food is not eaten by him at
magazine. his daughter’s wedding.
(d) Various literary works are submitted by each SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)
member of the literary club for the magazine. Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense kesâ Negative
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV) Sentence keâe Active Voice nQ~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ Passive Voice keâe Structure efvecve A.V.- Subject + (did + not) + Verb1 + Object + other
nesiee~ words.
A.V.- Subject + VII + object. P.V.- Object + was/were + (not) + Verb3 + by +
P.V.- Object + was/were + VIII + by + Subject. Subject + other words.
Correct Passive Voice– Correct Passive sentence
Various literary works were submitted by each A single morsel of food was not eaten by him at his
daughter’s wedding.
member of the literary club for the magazine.
12. Select the option that expresses the given
9. Describe how you will tell everyone that Mr. sentence in passive voice.
Akhil opened the gate in passive voice. The workers had eaten all the pastries before
(a) Mr.Akhil open the gate. the day broke.
(b) The gate was opened by Mr.Akhil. (a) All the pastries are being eaten by the
(c) The gate opened by Mr.Akhil. workers before the day broke.
(d) The gate been open by Mr.Akhil. (b) All the pastries were being eaten by the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III) workers before the day broke.
Active / Passive Voice 309 YCT
(c) All the pastries had been eaten by the workers (c) The company’s board of directors announced
before the day broke. the financial results at the annual meeting
(d) All the pastries have been eaten by the tomorrow.
workers before the day broke. (d) The financial results will be announced by the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I) company’s board of directors at the annual
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past perfect tense keâe Active meeting tomorrow.
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I)
A.V.- Subject + had + verb3 + object + other words. Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Future Indefinite Tense keâe
P.V.- Object + had + been + Verb3 + by + Subject + Active Voice nw~
other words.
Dele: Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee~
Correct Passive Sentence
All the pastries had been eaten by the workers before A.V.– Subject + will/shall + verb1 + object + other
the day broke. words.
P.V – Object + will/shall + be + verb3 + by subject +
13. Select the option that expresses the given
other words.
sentences in passive voice.
We are organising the charity function Correct Passive Sentence –
tomorrow. The financial results will be announced by the
(a) The charity function is being organised company’s board of directors at the annual meeting
tomorrow. tomorrow.
(b) The charity function is being organise tomorrow. 16. Select the option that expresses the given
(c) The charity function is been organised tomorrow. sentence in passive voice.
(d) The charity function is organised tomorrow. He won’t receive any better choice than this
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III) from anywhere.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present continuous tense keâe (a) Any better choice won’t be received by him
Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ than this from anywhere.
A.V.- Subject + is/am/are + verb1 + ing + object. (b) Any better choice won’t have been be
P.V.- Object + is/am/are + being + Verb3 + by + received by him than this from any where.
Subject. (c) Any better choice wouldn’t have received by
Correct Passive sentence– him than this from anywhere.
The charity function is being organized tomorrow. (d) Any better choice shouldn’t be received by
him than this from anywhere.
14. Select the option that expresses the given
sentence in active voice. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I)
The deer was killed by the boar. Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Modal Verb (would/should) kesâ
(a) The boar was killing the deer. Negative sentence keâe Active Voice nQ~ Dele: Fmekeâe
(b) The boar was killed by the deer. passive structure efvecve nesiee~
(c) The boar killed the deer. A.V.– Subject + would/should + not + Verb1 + Object +
(d) The deer killed the boar. other words.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III) P.V.– Object + would/should + not + be + Verb3 + by +
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense keâe 'Passive subject + other words.
Voice' nQ~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~ Correct Sentence–
A.V.- Subject + Verb2 + object. Any better choice won’t be received by him than this
P.V.- Object + was/were + Verb3 + by + subject from anywhere.
Correct Active Sentence 17. Select the option that expresses the given
The boar killed the deer. sentence in passive voice
15. Select the option that expresses the given She might have completed her research by that
sentence in passive voice. time.
The company’s board of directors will (a) Her research might have completed by her by
announce the financial results at the annual that time.
meeting tomorrow. (b) Her research might had been completed by
(a) The financial results will have been her by that time.
announced by the company’s board of (c) Her research might have been completed by
directors at the annual meeting tomorrow. her by that time.
(b) The financial results are being announced by (d) Her research might be completed by her by
the company’s board of directors at the that time.
annual meeting tomorrow. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Active / Passive Voice 310 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Modal Verb kesâ Past form (Modal Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe 'Past Indefinite tense' keâe Passive
+ have) keâe Active voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~
efvecve nesiee~ A.V.- Subject + Verb2 + Object.
A.V. – Subject + modal + have + Verb3 + object + other P.V.- Object. + was/were + verb3 + by + subject.
words. Correct Active Sentence-
P.V. – Object + modal + have + been + Verb3 + by + I read the newspaper.
subject + other words. 21. Select the option that expresses the given
Correct Passive sentence – sentence in passive voice.
Her research might have been completed by her by that The students must complete the assignment by
time. Friday.
18. Select the option that expresses the given (a) The students will have completed the
sentence in active voice. assignment by Friday.
By whom was the coffee made? (b) The assignment will be completed by the
(a) Who had made the coffee? students by Friday.
(b) Who makes the coffee? (c) The assignment must be complete by Friday
(c) Who made the coffee? by the students.
(d) Who has made the coffee? (d) The assignment must be completed by the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II) students by Friday.
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense kesâ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Interrogative sentence keâe Passive Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''MUST'' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
Active structure efvecve nesiee– JeekeäÙe Modal Verb keâe Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ
A.V.– Who + Verb2 + object + ? Passive Voice keâe Structure efvecve nesiee~
P.V.– By whom + was/were + object + verb3 + ? Active voice – Subject + Modal + verb1 + object + other
Correct Active sentence – words.
Who made the coffee ? Passive voice – Object + Modal (must) + be + verb3 +
19. Select the option that expresses the given by + subject + other words.
sentence in passive voice. Correct Passive Sentence
One group of the club has raised an The assignment must be completed by the students by
undigestible criticism against the manager. Friday.
(a) An undigestible criticism had been raised by 22. Select the option that correctly expresses the
one group of the club against the manager. following sentence in active voice.
(b) An undigestible criticism would have been This was talked about in the meeting by the
raised by one group of the club against the officers.
manager. (a) The officers were talking about in the
(c) An undigestible criticism was being raised by meeting.
one group of the club against the manager. (b) The officers talked about this in the meeting.
(d) An undigestible criticism has been raised by (c) The officers in the meeting had talked about it.
one group of the club against the manager. (d) The officers talk about this in the meeting.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Perfect tense keâe Active
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense keâe Passive
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive Structure efvecve nesiee~
voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~
A.V.- Subject + has/have + verb3 + object + other
words. Active voice – Subject + verb2 + object.
P.V.- Object + has/have + been + verb3 + by + subject + Passive voice – object + was/were + verb3 + by +
other words. subject.
Correct Passive Sentence- Correct Active Structure –
An undigestible criticism has been raised by one group The officers talked about this in the meeting
of the club against the manager. 23. Select the option that expresses the given
20. Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.
sentence in active voice. The boy will bring the coffee.
The newspaper was read by me. (a) The coffee must have been brought by the
(a) I read the newspaper. boy.
(b) I will read the newspaper. (b) The coffee will have been brought by the boy.
(c) I had read the newspaper. (c) The coffee would have been brought by the boy.
(d) I was reading the newspaper. (d) The coffee will be brought by the boy.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I)
Active / Passive Voice 311 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Future Indefinite Tense keâe 27. Select the option that correctly expresses the
Active voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ following sentence in passive voice.
The child will recite the poem.
Active voice – Subject + will/shall + Verb1 + object.
(a) The poem will be recited by the child.
Passive voice – Object + will/shall + be + Verb3 + by + (b) The poem will recite by the child.
(c) By child poem will be recited.
Correct Passive structure – (d) The poem is recited by the child.
The coffee will be brought by the boy. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I)
24. Select the option that expresses the given Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Future Indefinite Tense keâe
sentence in active voice.
Active voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive Strurctue efvecve nesiee~
The dog was run over by a truck.
(a) A truck had run over the dog. A.V.– Subject + will/shall + VerbI + object + other
(b) A truck runs over the dog.
P.V.– Object + will/shall + be + VerbIII + by +
(c) A truck ran over the dog.
subject + other words.'
(d) A truck has run over the dog.
Correct Passive sentence–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I) The poem will be recited by the child.
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense keâe Passive 28. Select the option that expresses the given
voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~ sentence in active voice.
Active voice – Subject + Verb2 + Object. French is taught to us by Miss Glenn.
Passive voice – Object + was/were +Verb3 + by + (a) Miss Glenn is teaching us French.
Subject (b) Miss Glenn teaches us French.
Correct Active structure– (c) Miss Glenn teach us French.
A truck ran over the dog. (d) Miss Glenn taught us French.
25. Select the option that expresses the following SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I)
sentence in active voice. Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite Tense keâe
The tickets had already been booked by my Passive voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~
friend. A.V.– Subject + verb1 + s/es + object + other
(a) The tickets had already booked my friend. words.
(b) My friend has already booked the tickets. P.V.– Object + is/am/are +verb3 + others words +
(c) My friend already booked the tickets. by + subject.
(d) My friend had already booked the tickets. Correct Active Sentence –
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III) 'Mess Glenn teaches us French'.
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Perfect Tense keâe Passive 29. Select the option that expresses the given
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~ sentence in active voice.
The snake was killed by Shyam.
Active voice – Subject + had + Verb3 + Object.
(a) Shyam kills the snake.
Passive voice – Object + had + been + Verb3 + by +
(b) Shyam had killed the snake.
(c) Shyam killed the snake.
Correct Active Sentence–
(d) Shyam has killed the snake.
My friend had already booked the tickets.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV)
26. Select the option that expresses the given
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Passive
sentence in active voice.
Let the book be read by me. Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~
(a) Let me read the book. Active voice – Subject + Verb2 + object.
(b) Let me had read the book. Passive voice – Object + was/were + Verb3 + by +
(c) Let me please read the book. Subject.
(d) Let me have read the book. Correct Active Sentence–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III) Shyam killed the snake.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Let'' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ 30. Select the option that expresses the given
sentence in active voice.
JeekeäÙe Imperative Sentence keâe Passive Voice nQ~ Dele: Let the door be shut.
Fmekeâe Active Voice efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ (a) The door should be shut.
Active voice – Let + Object + Verb1 + object (b) You are requested to shut the door.
Passive voice – Let + object + be + V3 + by + object. (c) Let you shout the door.
Correct Active Sentence– (d) Shut the door.
Let me read the book. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV)
Active / Passive Voice 312 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ Meg®Deele ceW 'Let' + be + shut (c) The job could be applied for after the
(V3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Imperative sentence keâe deadline.
(d) You should be applying for the job before the
Passive Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~
deadline is.
Active voice – Verb1 + object. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III)
Passive voice – Let + object + be + Verb3.
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Should + apply (verb1) kesâ
Correct Active Sentence – Shut the door.
31. Select the most appropriate option that
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Modal Verb keâe Active Voice nQ~
expresses the given sentence in passive voice. Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
The director hired the new employee after the A.V. – Subject + Modal + VerbI + object. + other
interview. words.
(a) The new employee hired by the director after P.V. – Object. + Modal + be + VerbIII + subject + other
the interview. words
(b) The new employee was hired by the director Correct Passive Sentence –
after the interview. 'The job should be applied for before the deadline.'
(c) The new employee will be hired by the 34. Select the option that expresses the given
director after the interview. sentence in active voice.
(d) The new employee is being hired by the Was the painting stolen by the thief?
director after the interview. (a) Was the thief not stealing the painting?
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II) (b) Did the thief steal the painting?
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense keâe Active (c) Was the painting being stolen by the thief?
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive Structure efvecve nesiee~ (d) Did not the thief steal the painting?
A.V. – Subject + VerbII + object + other words. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III)
P.V. – Object + was/were + VerbIII + by + subject. + Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense kesâ
other words. Interrogative sentence keâe Passive Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe
Correct Passive Sentence – Active Voice efvecve nesiee~
The new employee was hired by the director after the A.V. – Did + Subject + Verb1 + object + ?
interview. P.V. – Was/were + object + VerbIII + by + Subject + ?
32. Select the option that expresses the given Correct Active Sentence–
sentence in passive voice. Did the thief steal the painting?
The speech of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam influences 35. Select the option that expresses the following
young minds. sentence in active voice.
(a) Young minds are influenced by the speech of A play is being staged by our group this
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. evening.
(b) Young minds get influenced by Dr. APJ (a) Our group stages a play this evening.
Abdul Kalam. (b) Our group staged a play this evening.
(c) Young minds were influenced by the speech
(c) Our group is staging a play this evening.
of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.
(d) A play staged our group this evening.
(d) The speech of Dr. APJ Adul Kalam is very
influencing. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II) Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Continuous Tense keâe
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite Tense keâe Passive voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~
Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive Structure efvecve nesiee~ A.V. – Subject + is/am/ are + verb1+ ing + object +
others words.
A.V. – Subject + VerbI + s/es +object + other words.
P.V. – Object + is/am/are + being + VerbIII + by +
P.V. – Object + is/am/are + VerbIII + by + subject +
subject + others words.
other words.
Correct Active sentence –
Correct Passive Sentence –
Young minds are influenced by the speech of Dr. APJ 'Our group is staging a play this evening.'
Abdul kalam. 36. Select the option that expresses the given
33. Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice. Mathematical
sentence in passive voice. problems are never solved daily by him.
You should apply for the job before the (a) He solves never mathematical problems daily.
deadline. (b) He has solved never mathematical problems
(a) The deadline should not be crossed for the job daily.
application. (c) He never solves mathematical problems daily.
(b) The job should be applied for before the (d) He solve never mathematical problems daily.
deadline. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Active / Passive Voice 313 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite Tense keâe 40. Select the correct passive form of the given
Passive voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~ sentence.
A.V. – 'Subject + (never) + VerbI + s/es + object + Picasso painted Guernica in 1937.
others words.' (a) Guernica was painting by Picasso in 1937.
P.V. – Object + is/am/are + (never) + VerbIII + by + (b) Guernica was been painted by Picasso in
subject + others words. 1937.
Correct Active Sentence – (c) Guernica was paint by Picasso in 1937.
'He never solves mathematical problems daily.' (d) Guernica was painted by Picasso in 1937.
37. Select the correct passive form of the given SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
sentence. Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Active
The child locked the shutters. Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive Structure efvecve nesiee~
(a) The shutters were locked by the child. A.V.- Subject + Verb2 + object + Other words
(b) The shutters are locked by the child. P.V.- Object + was/were + Verb3 + by + subject + Other
(c) The shutters would be locked by the child. words.
(d) The shutters had been locked by the child. Correct Active Sentence–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV) Guernica was painted by Picasso in 1937.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Active 41. Select the correct passive form of the given
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ sentence.
A.V – Subject + verb2 + object. The manager lost the letter.
P.V – Object + was/were + verb3 +by + Subject. (a) The letter was loss by the manager.
Correct Passive Voice: (b) The letter was loose by the manager.
The shutters were locked by the child. (c) The letter was lost by the manager.
38. Select the correct passive form of the given (d) The letter was lose by the manager.
sentence. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Susan writes recipes for the cookbook. Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Active
(a) Recipes are write by Susan for the cookbook. Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive Structure efvecve nesiee~
(b) Recipes were written by Susan for the A.V. - Subject + Verb2 + object + Other words.
P.V.- Object + was/were+Verb3+ by + Subject + other
(c) Recipes are written by Susan for the words.
cookbook. Correct Passive Sentence-
(d) Recipes are being written by Susan for the
The letter was lost by the manager.
42. Choose the option that is the correct passive
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II)
form of the sentence.
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite tense keâe Shivam does not play football.
Active voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ (a) Football will not played by Shivam.
A.V – Subject + Verb1 + s/es + object. (b) Football is not played by Shivam.
P.V – Object + is/am/are + verb3 + by + subject. (c) Football was not played by Shivam.
Correct Passive Sentence (d) Football has not played by Shivam.
Recipes are written by Susan for the cookbook. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III)
39. The given sentence is in active voice. Change Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite tense kesâ
the voice of the sentence. Select the Correct negative sentence keâe Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe
Option from the sentence given in options
Passive structure efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
Vasant has delivered the speech.
(a) Vasant delivers the speech on time. A.v- Subject + does/do + (not) + verb1 + object.
(b) The speech was timely delivered by Vasant. P.v - Object + is/am/are + (not) + verb3 + by + subject.
(c) The speech was timely delivered by Vasant. Correct Passive Sentence-
(d) The speech has been delivered by Vasant. Football is not played by Shivam.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I) 43. Select the correct passive form of the given
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Perfect Tense keâe Active
The tigress was trailing the stag.
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive Structure efvecve nesiee~ (a) The stag had been trailed by the tigress.
A.V.- Subject + has / have + verb3 + object. (b) The stag was trailed by the tigress.
P.V.- Object + has/have + been + verb3 + by + subject. (c) The stag was trailing by the tigress.
Correct Passive Sentence (d) The stag was being trailed by the tigress.
The Speech has been delivered by Vasant. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I)
Active / Passive Voice 314 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past continuous tense keâe Active Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past continuous tense keâe Active
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive Structure efvecve nesiee~ voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive voice efvecve nesiee~
A.v- Subject + was/were +Verb1 + ing + object. A.V– Subject + was/were + verb1 + ing + object.
P.v- Object + was/were + being +verb3 + by + Subject. P.V – Object + was/were + being + verb3 + (by +
Correct Passive sentence- Subject).
The Stag was being trailed by the tigress. Correct Passive Sentence :
44. The given sentence is in active voice. Change The meaning of the culture was being lost.
the voice of the sentence. Select the correct 47. Select the most appropriate active form of the
option from the sentences given in options. given sentence.
The story explores the conflicting range of Those who help themselves are helped by God.
human emotions. (a) God helps those who help themselves.
(a) The conflicting range of human emotions had (b) Help yourself and God will help you.
explored by the story. (c) God is helping those who are helping others
(b) The conflicting range of human emotions did (d) If you help yourself, God will help you.
explored by the story. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
(c) The conflicting range of human emotions is Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâer main clause ceW are + helped
explored by the story. (V3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite tense
(d) The conflicting range of human emotions has keâe Passive voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve
explored by the story. nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III)
A.V.– Subject + verb1 (s/es) + object (those who help
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite Tense keâe themselves).
Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive Structure efvecve nesiee~ P.V.– Object + is/am/are + verb3 + by + subject.
AV – Subject + Verb1 (s/es) + object. Correct Active Sentence-
PV – Object + is/am/are + Verb3 + by + Subject. God helps those who help themselves.
Correct Passive Sentence – 48. Select the most appropriate passive form of the
The conflicting range of human emotions is explored by given sentence.
the story. Please do not pluck any flowers from the
45. Select the correct passive form of the given temple compound.
sentence. (a) You are requested not to pluck any flowers
from the temple compound.
The maid washes the windows every week.
(b) No flowers can be plucked from the temple
(a) The windows are wash every week by the
(c) How can any flowers to plucked from the
(b) The windows were washed every week by the
temple compound ?
(d) Let any flowers not to be plucked from the
(c) The windows are washed every week by the temple compound.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
(d) The windows was washed every week by the
maid. Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Please + do (V1) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe keâer
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV) Meg®Deele ceW nesves mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Imperative sentence keâe
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite tense keâe Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
A.V.– (Please) + (Helping verb + not) + Verb1 + object
Active voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
+ Other words.
A.V – Subject + verb1 + (s/es) + object + other words. P.V. – You are requested/adviced/ordered + (not) + to
P.V– Object + is/am/are + verb3 + other words + by verb1 + object + other words.
+ Subject. Correct Passive Voice–
Correct Passive Sentence You are requested not to pluck any flowers from the
The windows are washed every week by the maid. temple compound.
46. Choose the option that is the correct passive 49. Select the option that expresses the given
form of the sentence. sentence in active voice.
The culture was losing its meaning. The money shall have been withdrawn from
(a) The culture lost it's meaning. the bank by tomorrow.
(b) The meaning of the culture was lost. (a) We are going to withdraw the money from
(c) The meaning of the culture was being lost. the bank by tomorrow.
(d) The meaning of the culture will lost. (b) We shall withdraw the money from the bank
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II) by tomorrow.
Active / Passive Voice 315 YCT
(c) We shall have withdrawn the money from the Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Had + given (V3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
bank by tomorrow. mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past perfect tense keâe Active voice nw~
(d) We shall be withdrawing the money from the
Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
bank by tomorrow.
A.V.– Subject + had + verb3 + object + other words.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
P.V.– Object + had been + verb3 + by + subject + other
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Future perfect tense keâe Passive words.
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nw~ Correct Passive Voice-
A.V.– Subject + will/shall + have + verb3 + object + Uncle Ken had been given a good lecture by Granny on
other words. how to be a responsible adult.
P.V.– Object + will/shall + have + been + verb3 + (by + 52. Select the most appropriate active form of the
subject) + other words. given sentence.
Note : keâYeer-keâYeer Passive Voice ceW (by + subject) keâes Rani's car is twelve years old but it has not
been used much.
Understood ceevekeâj Úes[ Ì efoÙee peelee nw~ (a) Rani's car is twelve years old but she isn't
Correct Active Sentence- using it much.
We shall have withdrawn the money from the bank by (b) Rani's car is twelve years old but she hasn't
tomorrow. used it much
50. Select the option that expresses the given (c) Rani's car is twelve years old but she didn't
sentence in active voice. use it much
Has Rahul been declared fit to play the next (d) Rani's car is twelve years old but it hasn't
match ? used her much.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
(a) Did they declare Rahul fit to play the next
match ? Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe kesâ Main Clause ceW Has + not +
(b) Has Rahul declared the next match fit to been + used kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Perfect
play? tense keâe Passive voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure
(c) Have they declared Rahul fit to play the next efvecve nesiee~
match ? AV – Subject + has/have + (not) + verb3 + object +
(d) Are they declaring Rahul fit to play the next other words.
match ? P.V. – Object + has/have + (not) + been + verb3 + (by +
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II subject) + Other words.
Note– JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej oes Clause efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâer Meg®Deele ceW Has (helping verb)
ceW Main clause keâe ner Voice yeouelee nw~ peyeefkeâ otmejer
+ Rahul (Subject) + been + declared (v3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
Clause keâes pÙeeW keâe lÙeeW jKe osles nQ~
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Perfect tense kesâ Interrogative Correct Active Voice-
sentence (Yes/No answer type question) keâe Passive Rani's car is twelve years old but she hasn't used it
voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~ much.
A.V.– Has/Have + subject + verb3 + object + other 53. Select the option that expresses the given
words + ? sentence in active voice.
P.V.– Has/Have + object + been + verb3 + other words. The utensils have been cleaned.
(by + subject) + ? (a) Someone was cleaning the utensils.
Correct Active Voice- (b) Someone has cleaned the utensils.
Have they declared Rahul fit to play the next match? (c) Someone cleaned the utensils.
(d) Someone is cleaning the utensils.
51. Select the most appropriate passive form of the SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I
given sentence.
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Have + been + Cleaned (V3)
Granny had given Uncle Ken a good lecture on
how to be a responsible adult.
kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Perfect tense keâe
(a) Uncle Ken was giving a good lecture to Passive voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~
Granny on how to be a responsible adult. A.V.– Subject + has/have + verb3 + object.
(b) Granny was given a good lecture by Uncle P.V.– Object + has/have + been + verb3 + (by +
Ken on how to be responsible adult. subject).
(c) Uncle Ken was being given a good lecture by Note– Passive Voice ceW Subject ve efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW
Grany on how to be a responsible. Active Voice ceW Subject kesâ mLeeve hej GheÙegkeäle Pronoun keâe
(d) Uncle Ken had been given a good lecture by ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~
Granny on how to be a responsible adult. Correct Active Voice–
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II Someone has cleaned the utensils.

Active / Passive Voice 316 YCT

54. Select the option that expresses the given Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW is + being + sent (V)3 kesâ ØeÙeesie
sentence in active voice. mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present continuous tense keâe Passive
The car was being washed by me.
voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~
(a) I was washing the car
(b) I washed the car A.V. – Subject + is/am/are + (verb1 + ing) + object +
(other words).
(c) I had been washing the car
P.V. – Object + is/am/are + being + verb3 + by + subject
(d) I did the washing car
+ (other word).
SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I
Correct Active Sentence–
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW was + being + washed (V3) kesâ Students are sending the flyer for the International
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Continuous tense keâe nw Dele: symposium to institutes all over the country.
Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~ 57. Select the option that expresses the given
A.V. – Subject + was/were + (verb1 + ing) + object + sentence in passive voice.
other words. Alfred's doctor treated Rohan for his fever.
P.V. – Object + was/were + being + verb3 + by + subject (a) Rohan was treats by Alfred's doctor for his
(objective case). fever.
Correct Active Voice- (b) Rohan will be treated by Alfred's doctor for
I was washing the car. his fever.
55. Select the option that expresses the given (c) Rohan has been treated by Alfred's doctor for
sentence in active voice. his fever.
All the electric poles in the suburbs were (d) Rohan was treated by Alfred's doctor for his
destroyed by the cyclone last year. fever.
(a) The cyclone destroyed all the electric poles in SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III
the suburbs last year. Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Active
(b) The cyclone destroyed all the suburbs by the voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
electric poles last year. A.V. – Subject + verb2 + object + other words.
(c) The cyclone was destroyed by the all the P.V.– Object + was/were + verb3 + by + subject + other
electric poles in the suburbs last year. words.
(d) The cyclone was being destroyed with all the Correct Passive Voice-
electric poles in the suburbs last year. Rohan was treated by Alfred's doctor for his fever.
SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I
58. Select the option that expresses the given
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW were + destroyed (V3) kesâ ØeÙeesie sentence in passive voice.
mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Passive voice You have lost your note book.
nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~ (a) Your note book got lost.
A.V. – Subject + verb2 + object + other words. (b) You note book is lost.
P.V.– Object + was/were + verb3 + by + subject + other (c) Your note book has been lost.
words. (d) Your note book have been lost.
Correct Active Voice- SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I
The cyclone distroyed all the electric poles in the Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Perfect tense keâe Active
suburbs last year. voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
56. Select the option that expresses the given A.V.– Subject + has/have + verb3 + object.
sentence in active voice. P.V.– Object + has/have + been + verb3 + (by +
The flyer for the international symposium is subject).
being sent by students to institutes all over the Correct Passive Voice–
country. Your note book has been lost.
(a) The flyer for the international symposium is 59. Select the option that expresses the given
sent by students to institutes all over the sentence in passive voice.
country. Siddharth is floating a grand plan by next
(b) Students are sending the flyer for the week.
international symposium to institutes all over (a) Next week is keeping afloat by Siddharth’s
the country. grand plan.
(c) The flyer is sending the students to institutes (b) Siddharth is being floated by a grand plan
all over the country for the international next week.
symposium. (c) A grand plan is being floating by Siddharth
(d) Students are being sent the flyer for the next week.
international symposium to institutes all over (d) A grand plan is being floated by Siddharth
the country. next week.
SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I
Active / Passive Voice 317 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present continuous tense keâe Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW To be admired (V3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Passive voice ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active
A.V. – Subject + is/am/are + verb1 + ing + object. structure efvecve nesiee~
P.V.– Object + is/am/are + being + verb3 + by + subject. A.V. – Subject (Phrase) + is/am/are going to + verb1 +
Correct Passive Voice– object (Phrase).
A grand plan is being floated by Siddharth next week. P.V.– Object (Phrase) + is/am/are going to + be +
60. Select the option that expresses the given Verb3 + by + subject (Phrase).
sentence in active voice. Correct Active Sentence–
The incident was narrated by somebody to Naresh. Everybody in the family is going to admire the new
(a) Somebody narrated the incident to Naresh. bride.
(b) Somebody was about to narrate the incident 63. Select the option that expresses the given
to Naresh. sentence in active voice.
(c) Somebody will narrate the incident to Naresh. Admittance was refused to him by the airport
(d) Somebody was narrating the incident to security.
(a) The airport security refused him admittance.
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I
(b) The airport security had refused him
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Was + narrated (V3) kesâ ØeÙeesie admittance .
mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Passive Voice (c) The airport security has refused him
nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~ admittance.
A.V.– Subject + verb2 + object + other words. (d) The airport security is refusing him
P.V.– Object + was/were + verb3 + by + subject + other admittance.
words. SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III
Correct Active Voice– Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW was + refused V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
Somebody narrated the incident to Naresh.
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Passive voice nw~
61. Select the option that expresses the given
sentence in passive voice. Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~
The government presented awards to eminent A.V.– Subject + verb2 + object.
people. P.V.– Object + was/ware + verb3 + by + subject.
(a) Eminent people were being presented awards Correct Active Sentence–
by the government. The airport security refused him admittance.
(b) Eminent people were presented awards by the 64. Select the option that expresses the given
government. sentence in passive voice.
(c) Eminent people are being presented awards You never hear of a happy billionaire.
by the government. (a) A happy billionaire never heard of.
(d) Eminent people are presented awards by the (b) A happy billionaire is never heard by you.
(c) No one hears a happy billionaire.
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III
(d) A happy billionaire is never heard of
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Active SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'Hear' (V1) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
A.V.– Subject + verb2 + object
P.V.– Object + was/were + verb3 + by + subject.
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite tense keâe Active Voice nw~
Correct Passive Voice– Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
Eminent people were presented awards by the A.V.– Subject + (never) + verb1 + (s/es) + object.
government. P.V.– Object + is/am/are+ never + verb3 + (by +
62. Select the option that expresses the given subject).
sentence in active voice. Correct Passive Sentence–
The new bride is going to be admired by A happy billionaire is never heard of.
everybody in the family.
65. Select the option that expresses the given
(a) Everybody in the family was going to admire
sentence in passive voice.
the new bride.
The most recent studies on the human body are
(b) Everybody in the family is going to admire
the new bride. likely to alter the face of health sciences.
(c) Everybody in the family has been going to (a) The face of health sciences is likely to be
admire the new bride. altered by the most recent studies on the
(d) Everybody in the family was admiring the human body.
new bride. (b) The face of health sciences will be altering
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III the most recent studies on the human body.

Active / Passive Voice 318 YCT

(c) The most face of health sciences is likely to (a) The mixture added four grams of sodium
alter the recent studies on the human body. chloride to the research team.
(d) The most recent studies on the human body (b) The research team added four grams of
are likely to be altered by the face of health sodium chloride to the mixture.
sciences. (c) The research team added the mixture to four
SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I grams of sodium chloride.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW to + alter (V1) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° (d) Four grams of sodium chloride added the
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure mixture to the research team.
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III
efvecve nesiee~
A.V.- Subject (Phrase) + to + verb1 + Object (phrase). Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Was + added (V3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
P.V.- Object ( Phrase) + to + be + Verb3 + subject mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Passive Voice
(Phrase). nw~ Dele: Active structure efvecve nesiee~
Correct Passive Voice– A.V. – Subject + verb2 + object + (other words)
The face of health sciences is likely to be altered by the P.V. – Object + was/were + verb3 + by + subject +
most recent studies on the human body. (other words).
66. Select the option that expresses the given Note- by + subject keâes JeekeäÙe kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej 'other
sentence in Passive voice. words' kesâ henues Ùee yeeo ceW jKee pee mekeâlee nw~
Tell her to finish the work. Correct Active Voice-
(a) The work is to be finished by her. The research team added four grams of sodium chloride
(b) To finish the work be told to her. to the mixture.
(c) Let she finish the work.
69. Select the option that expresses the given
(d) Let her be told to finish the work.
sentence in passive voice.
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II
My father teaches students.
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW ''Tell'' (Verb1) keâe ØeÙeesie Meg™Deele (a) Students are being taught by my father.
ceW nesves mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Imperative sentence keâe (b) Students are taught by my father.
Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ (c) A student is taught by my father.
A.V – Verb1 + Object + to + other words. (d) My father is teaching students.
P.V – Let + Object + to + be + Verb3 + other words. SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III
Correct Passive Voice- Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite tense keâe
Let her be told to finish the work. Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive Structure efvecve nesiee~
67. Select the option that expresses the given A.V.– Subject + Verb1 + (s/es) + Object.
sentence in passive voice. P.V.– Object + is/am/are + verb3 + by + Subject.
They will meet Freddy outside the airport. Correct Passive Voice -
(a) Freddy will meet them outside the airport. Students are taught by my father.
(b) They would be met by Freddy outside the
70. Select the option that expresses the given
sentence in active voice.
(c) Freddy would have been met outside the
Pygmalion was written by GB Shaw.
(a) GB Shaw was writing Pygmalion.
(d) Freddy will be met by them outside the
(b) Pygmalion wrote GB Shaw.
(c) GB Shaw wrote Pygmalion.
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II
(d) GB Shaw was written by Pygmalion.
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Future Indefinite Tense keâe SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II
Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'was + written (V3)' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
A.V.– Subject + will/shall + Verb1 + Object + other
mhe° nQ efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Passive Voice
P.V.– Object + will/shall + be + verb3 + by + subject + nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~
other words. P.V.– Object + was/were + verb3 + by + subject.
Correct passive Voice– A.V.– Subject + Verb2 + object.
Freddy will be met by them outside the airport. Correct Active Voice–
68. Select the option that expresses the given GB Shaw wrote Pygmalion.
sentence in active voice. 71. Select the correct active voice of the given
Four grams of sodium chloride was added to sentence.
the mixture by the research team. The watchman has been bitten by a stray dog.

Active / Passive Voice 319 YCT

(a) A stray dog bit the watchman. Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'Hold' (Verb1) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe
(b) A stray dog is biting the watchman. keâer Meg™Deele ceW nesves mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Imperative sentence keâe
(c) A watchman has bitten the stray dog.
Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
(d) A stray dog has bitten the watchman.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III A.V. → Verb1 + object + Others words.
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW has + been + bitten (v3) kesâ P.V. → Let + object + be + verb3 + other words.
Correct Passive Structure-
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Perfect tense keâe Passive Let the rope be held firmly.
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~
75. Select the option that expresses the given
A.V. - Subject + has/have + V3 + object + others. sentence in active voice.
P.V. - Obj. + has/have + been + V3 + by + Sub + others.
He is given proper guidance by his boss.
Correct Active voice- (a) His boss is giving him proper guidance.
A Stray dog has bitten the watchman.
(b) His boss gives him proper guidance.
72. Select the option that expresses the given (c) He gives proper guidance to his boss.
sentence in active voice. (d) His boss has been giving him proper
I have been informed of their decision. guidance.
(a) They are informing me of their decision. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III
(b) They had informed me of their decision.
(c) They informed me of their decision. Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW is + given (v3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
(d) They have informed me of their decision. nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite tense keâe Passive voice nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW have + been + informed kesâ A.V.– Subject + Verb1+(s/es) + object + others words.
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present perfect tense keâe Passive P.V.– Object + is/am/are + Verb3 + by + Subject +
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~ other words.
A.V.-Subject + has/have + V3 + object + others words. Note– JeekeäÙe kesâ sences kesâ Devegmeej by + subject keâes JeekeäÙe
P.V.- Object + has/have + been + Verb3 + (by + kesâ Devle ceW Ùee yeerÛe ceW jKe mekeâles nQ~
Subject) + other words. Correct Sentence–
Note : keâYeer-keâYeer Passive Voice ceW By + subject keâe ØeÙeesie His boss gives him proper guidance.
veneR ngDee neslee, Fme efmLeefle ceW JeekeäÙe kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle 76. Select the option that expresses the given
Pronoun keâe ØeÙeesie Active Voice kesâ mLeeve hej keâjles nQ~ sentence in passive voice.
Correct Active voice- Can you carry my bag upstairs?
They have informed me of their decision. (a) Can my bag be carried upstairs by you?
(b) Can your bag be carried upstairs by me?
73. Select the option that expresses the given
(c) Was my bag carried upstairs by you?
sentence in active voice.
(d) Could your bag be carried upstairs by me?
I was taught by shyam how to drive.
(a) Shyam has taught me how to drive. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II
(b) I taught Shyam how to drive. Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Modal verb (can) keâe ØeÙeesie
(c) Shyam is teaching me how to drive. JeekeäÙe keâer Meg™Deele ceW nesves mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Interrogative
(d) Shyam taught me how to drive. (yes/No) sentence keâe Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW 'was + taught' (v3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes A.V – Modal verb + subject + verb1 + object + other
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Past Indefinite tense keâe Passive voice words + ?
nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~ P.V- Modal verb + object + be + Verb3 + by + subject + other
A.V = Subject +verb2 + object + other words. words + ?
P. V = Object + was/were + verb3 + by + subject + other Correct Passive sentence–
words. Can my bag be carried upstairs by you?
Correct Active Voice– 77. Select the option that expresses the given
Shyam taught me how to drive. sentence in passive voice.
74. Select the correct passive voice of the given The judge found the prisoner guilty.
sentence. (a) The judge was found guilty by the prisoner.
Hold the rope firmly. (b) The prisoner had been found guilty by the
(a) Let the rope hold you firmly. judge.
(b) Let the rope firmly hold you. (c) The prisoner has been found guilty by the
(c) Let the rope be held firmly. judge.
(d) Let the rope be hold firmly. (d) The prisoner was found guilty by the judge.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I

Active / Passive Voice 320 YCT

Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW found (verb2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Active
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Active voice nw~ Dele: voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ A.V. – Subject + Verb2 + object + other words.
A.V.- Sub. + Verb2 + Object. P.V. – Object + was/were + VerbIII + by + subject +
P.V.- Object + was/were + Verb3 + by + subject. other words.
Correct Passive sentence– Correct Passive Sentence–
The prisoner was found guilty by the judge. The door was opened by him for his mother.
78. Select the option that expresses the given 81. Select the option that expresses the given
sentence in passive voice.
sentence in passive voice.
Who is creating this mess?
(a) By whom is this mess being created? She gifted me a beautiful handbag.
(b) Who has created this mess? (a) I am being gifted a beautiful handbag by her.
(c) By whom this mess being created? (b) I have been gifted a beautiful handbag by her.
(d) By whom has this mess been created? (c) I was gifted a beautiful handbag by her.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I (d) I am gifted a beautiful handbag by her.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Wh. word (who) + is + SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II
creating keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe keâer Meg™Deele ceW nesves mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Active
Present continuous tense kesâ Interrogative sentence keâe Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
Active Voice nw~ Dele; Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ A.V → Subject + Verb2 + Object + Other words.
A.V.- Wh. word (who) + is/am/are + (v1+ing) + object + ? P.V → Object + was/were + Verb3 + by + subject +
P.V.- By whom + is/am/are + object + being + V3 + ? other words.
Correct passive sentence– Note : by + subject keâes JeekeäÙe kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej 'other
By whom is this mess being created?
words' kesâ henues Ùee JeekeäÙe kesâ Devle ceW jKeles nQ~
79. Select the correct active voice of the given
sentence. Correct Passive Voice–
The poems of great English poets are being I was gifted a beautiful handbag by her.
translated into other languages. 82. Select the option that expresses the given
(a) They were translating the poems of great sentence in passive voice.
English poets into other languages. Give the child a nourishing diet.
(b) They translated the poems of great English (a) The child is given a nourishing diet.
poets into other languages. (b) The child must have given a nourishing diet.
(c) They are translating the poems of great
(c) The child should be given a nourishing diet.
English poets into other languages.
(d) The child was given a nourishing diet.
(d) They have translated the poems of great
English poets into other languages. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Give (Verb1) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe keâer
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW are + being + translated (V3) Meg®Deele ceW nesves mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Imperative sentence keâe
kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present continuous tense keâe Active voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
Passive voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~ A.V → V1+ object + other words.
A.V – Subject + is/am/are + (Verb1 + ing) + object + P.V → Object + Should +be + V3 + other words
others words.
Note : Imperative sentence keâe Passive yeveeles meceÙe JeekeäÙe
P.V. – Object + is/am/are + being + Verb3 + by +
Subject + others words. keâer Meg®Deele ceW You are requested/adviced/ordered Ùee
Correct Active Voice- Let.....be keâe Yeer ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
They are translating the poems of great English poets Correct Passive Voice–
into other languages. The child should be given a nourishing diet.
80. Select the option that expresses the given 83. Select the correct active voice from of the given
sentence in passive voice. sentence
He opened the door for his mother.
A cartoon film is being watched by Praveen.
(a) The door was open by him for his mother.
(a) Praveen had been watching cartoon film.
(b) The door had been opened by him for his
mother. (b) Praveen is watching a cartoon film.
(c) The door is opened by him for his mother. (c) Praveen would like to watch a cartoon film.
(d) The door was opened by him for his mother. (d) Praveen is watched a cartoon film.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III
Active / Passive Voice 321 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW is + being + watched (v3) kesâ 86. Select the correct active voice form of the given
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present continuous tense keâe sentence.
All the inmates were rescued from the building
Passive Structure nQ~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve
by the firemen.
nesiee~ (a) The firemen have been rescuing all the
A.V. – Subject + is/am/are + (verb1+ing) + object + inmates from the building.
others words. (b) The firemen are rescuing all the inmates from
P.V. – Object + is/am/are + being +Verb3 + by + the building.
Subject + others words. (c) The firemen rescued all the inmates from the
Correct Active Voice– building.
Praveen is watching a cartoon film. (d) The firemen have rescued all the inmates
84. Select the option that expresses the given from the building.
sentence in passive voice. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III
They catch whale sharks commercially in some
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Were + rescued + (V3) kesâ
places around the world.
(a) Whale sharks are caught commercially in ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Passive
some places around the world. voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~
(b) Whale sharks have been caught commercially A.V.- Subject + Verb2 + object.
in some places around the World. P.A.- Subject + was/were + Verb3 + by + object.
(c) Whale sharks were caught commercially in Correct Active Voice–
some places around the world. The firemen rescued all the inmates from the building.
(d) Whale sharks are being caught commercially 87. Select the correct passive voice of the given
in some places around the world. sentence.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III She is making a beautiful beaded curtain.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW catch (verb1) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw (a) A beautiful beaded curtain is made by her.
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite tense keâe Active voice nw~ Dele: (b) A beautiful beaded curtain was made by her.
Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ (c) A beautiful beaded curtain is being made by
A.V.- Subject +VerbI (s/es) + object. her.
P.V.- Object + is/am/are + Verb3 + by + Subject. (d) A beautiful beaded curtain was being made
Correct Passive sentence– by her.
Whale sharks are caught commercially in some places SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II
around the world. Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe Present continuous tense keâe
85. Select the correct active voice form of the given Active Voice nw~ Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
sentence. A.V. → Subject + is/am/are + (V1 + ing) + object.
All the prize winning books have been
P.V. → Object + is/am/are + being + Verb3 + by +
displayed on the tables.
(a) We have displayed all the prize winning
Correct Passive Voice–
books on the tables.
A beautiful beaded curtain is being made by her.
(b) We have to display all the prize winning
books on the tables. 88. Select the correct active voice of the given
(c) We will be displaying all the prize winning sentence. Rohan was pushed into the pool by
books on the tables. karan.
(d) We are displaying all the prize winning books (a) Rohan pushed karan into the pool.
on the tables. (b) Karan was pushing Rohan into the pool.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III (c) Karan pushed Rohan into the pool.
(d) Rohan had pushed Karan into the pool.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW have + been + displayed (V3)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II
kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present perfect tense keâe
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW was + pushed (v3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
Passive voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Passive Voice nw~
A.V.- Subject + has/have + Verb3 + object.
P.V.- Object + has/have + been + Verb3 + ( by + Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~
subject). A.V.- Subject + Verb2 + object.
Correct Passive Voice– P.V. - Object + was/were + Verb3 + by + subject.
We have displayed all the prize winning books on the Correct Active Sentence–
tables. Karan pushed Rohan into the pool.

Active / Passive Voice 322 YCT

89. Select the correct passive voice of the given 92. Select the option that expresses the given
sentence. sentence in active voice.
Preeti invited Ritu for a party. All weapons were surrendered by them.
(a) Preeti has been invited for a party by Ritu. (a) They had surrendered all weapons.
(b) Preeti was invited for a party by Ritu. (b) They have surrendered all weapons.
(c) Ritu was invited for a party by Preeti. (c) They are surrendering all weapons.
(d) Ritu is invited for a party by Preeti. (d) They surrendered all weapons.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW invited (V2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Were + surrendered (V3) kesâ
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Active Voice nw~ Dele: ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite tense keâe Passive
Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~
A.V.– Subject + Verb2 + object. A.V.→ Subject + verb2 + object + other words.
P.V. – Object + was/ were + verb3 + by + subject. P.V.→ Object + was/were + verb3 + by + subject +
Correct Passive Sentence– other words.
Ritu was invited for a party by Preeti. Correct Passive Voice–
90. Select the option that expresses the given They surrendered all weapons.
sentence in passive voice. 93. Select the option that expresses the given
The Smiths have put up a huge Christmas tree. sentence in active voice.
(a) A huge Christmas tree is being but up by the Trumpets are being blown by the soldiers to
Smiths. announce the victory.
(b) A huge Christmas tree was put up by the (a) The soldiers were blowing the trumpets to
Smiths. announce the victory.
(c) A huge Christmas tree is put up by the (b) The soldiers blew the trumpets to announce
Smiths. the victory.
(d) A huge Christmas tree has been put up by the (c) The soldiers below the trumpets to announce
Smiths. the victory.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I (d) The soldiers are blowing the trumpets to
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW have + put up (v3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes announce the victory.
mhe° nw efkeâ Present perfect tense keâe Active Voice nw~ Dele: SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III
Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW are + being + blown (v3) kesâ
A.V.- Subject + has/ have + verb3 + object. ØeÙeesie mes mhe° JeekeäÙe Present Continuous tense keâe Passive
P.V.- Object + has/have + been + verb3 + by + subject. voice nw~ Dele: Fmes Active structure efvecve nesiee~
Correct Passive sentence– A.V.→ Subject + is/am/ are + (Verb1+Ing) + object +
A huge Christmas tree has been put up by the Smiths. other words.
91. Select the option that expresses the given P.V.→ Object + is/am/are + being + verb3 + by +
sentence in passive voice. subject + other words.
She handles all tasks efficiently. Correct Active voice –
(a) All tasks were handled efficiently by her. The soldiers are blowing the trumpets to announce the
(b) All tasks are being handled efficiently by her. victory.
(c) All tasks have been handled efficiently by 94. Select the option that expresses the given
her. sentence in active voice.
(d) All tasks are handled efficiently by her. How many candidates had been interviewed by
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I him before lunch?
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW handles (verb1 + s/es) kesâ ØeÙeesie (a) How many candidates had he interviewed
mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite tense keâe Active before lunch?
(b) How many candidates was he interviewing
Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
before lunch?
A.V. → Subject + verb + s/es + object + Other words. (c) How many candidates did he interview before
P.V. → Object + is/am/are + verb3 + by + subject + lunch?
other words. (d) How many candidates has he interviewed
Correct Active Sentence– before lunch?
All tasks are handled efficiently by her. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III
Active / Passive Voice 323 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW Wh. Word (How many) keâe (c) A new helpline for students had been launched
ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe keâer Meg®Deele ceW Deewj had been + interviewed by the Central Board of Secondary Education
(d) A new helpline for students has been launched
(V3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Perfect tense kesâ by the Central Board of Secondary Education
Interrogative sentence keâe Passive Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Active structure efvecve nesiee~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Present perfect tense keâe Active
A.V.→ Wh. word (Phrase) + had + subject + verb3 + voice nw Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee~
other words? A.V. – Sub + has/have + V3 + Object + Others
P.V.→ Wh. word (Phrase) + had + been + V3 + by + P.V. – Object + has/have + been + V3 + by + Subject +
subject + other words? Others.
Correct Active Voice- Correct Passive form -
How many candidates had he interviewed before lunch? A new helpline for students has been launched by the
Central Board of Secondary Education.
95. Select the option that expresses the given
sentence in passive voice. 98. Select the option that expresses the given
Do you trust me? sentence in passive voice.
(a) Do I was trusted by you? Sai Kumari gave Akhila a bouquet of lillies on
her birthday.
(b) Am I trusted by you?
(a) Akhila was given a bouquet of lillies on her
(c) Do I am trusted by you?
birthday by Sai Kumari
(d) I am trusted by you. (b) Akhila was gave a bouquet of lillies on her
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I birthday by Sai Kumari
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe keâer Meg®Deele ceW 'Do' (Helping verb) (c) Akhila is given a bouquet of lillies on her
kesâ ØeÙeesie nesves mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present + Indefinite tense birthday by Sai Kumari
kesâ Interrogative sentence keâe Active Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe (d) Akhila gave a bouquet of lillies on her
birthday to Sai Kumari
Passive structure efvecve nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
A.V. - Do/Does + subject+Verb1 + object + ?
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Past indefinite tense keâe Active
P.V. - Am/is/are+object+Verb3+by + Subject. + others?
voice nw Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee~
Correct Passive Voice–
Am I trusted by you? A.V. – Sub + V2 + Object + Others
P.V. – Object + was/were + V3 + by + Sub + Others.
96. Select the option that expresses the given
Correct Sentence -
sentence in active voice.
Akhila was given a bouquet of lillies on her birthday by
Hatred can be overcome by love.
Sai Kumari.
(a) Love has overcome hatred.
(b) Love can overcame hatred. 99. Select the correct passive form of the given
(c) Love is overcoming hatred.
You can see vast valleys sloping into the
(d) Love can overcome hatred.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I (a) Vast valleys will be seen sloping into the
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle JeekeäÙe ceW can + be + overcome (v3) kesâ distance.
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Modal Verb keâe Passive voice (b) Vast valleys had been seen sloping into the
nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Active structure efvecve nesiee~ distance.
A.V. – Subject + Modals (can) + Verb1 + object. (c) Vast Valleys can be seen sloping into the
P.V. – Object + Modals + be + Verb3 + by + subject.
(d) Vast Valleys are seen sloping into the distance.
Correct Active Voice–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Love can overcome hatred.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Active sentence ceW can kesâ ØeÙeesie
97. Select the correct passive form of the given
sentence. mes mhe° nw efkeâ Fmekeâe Passive modal kesâ efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej
The Central Board of Secondary Education has yevesiee~
launched a new helpline for students. A.V. – Sub + modal (can) + V1 + Object + Other words
(a) A new helpline for students is launched by P.V. – Obj + modal (can) + be + V3 + by + Sub + Other
the Central Board of Secondary Education word
(b) A new helpline for students will be launched Correct Sentence -
by the Central Board of Secondary Education Vast Valleys can be seen sloping into the distance.

Active / Passive Voice 324 YCT

100. Select the correct passive form of the given Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
sentence. past indefinite keâe active voice nw Fmekeâe passive voice
The government is helping the states affected structure efvecve nesiee -
by the cyclone. A.V. – Sub + V2 + Object + Other words
(a) The states affected by the cyclone have been P.V. – Object + was/were + V3 + by + Subject + Other
helped by the government words
(b) The states affected by the cyclone will be Correct passive form -
helped by the government. The car was driven very carefully on the hilly terrain.
(c) The states affected by the cyclone are being 103. Select the option that expresses the given
helped by the govenment. sentence in passive voice.
(d) The government is going to help the states Adiya passed the driving quite easily.
affected by the cyclone. (a) The driving test had passed quite easily by
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I) Aditya
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Active voice ceW is + helping mes mhe° nw (b) The driving test have been passed quite easily
efkeâ sentence present continuous ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe passive by Aditya
voice efvecve structure mes yevesiee~ (c) The driving test could passed quite easily by
A.V.– Sub + is/am/are + verbI + ing + object + other (d) The driving test was passed quite easily by
words Aditya
P. V.– Object + is/are/are + being + v3 + by subject + SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
other words
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Passive Structure efvecve nw-
Correct Passive voice -
Subject + VII + Object + Other words (Active)
The states affected by the cyclone are being helped by
Subject + was/were + VIII + Object + Other words
the goverment.
101. Select the correct passive form of the given Correct Passive -
sentence. The driving test was passed quite easily by Aditya
A traffic policeman fined Taru for jumping the 104. Select the option that expresses the given
red light. sentences in the active or passive voice.
(a) A traffic policeman was fined by Taru for Celebrate the New Year with amazing offers.
jumping the red light. (a) The New Year will be celebrated with
(b) Taru was fined by a traffic policeman for amazing offers.
jumping the red light. (b) Amazing offers will be celebrate in the New
(c) Taru is fined by a traffic policeman for Year.
jumping the red light. (c) Let the New Year be celebrated with amazing
(d) Taru has been fined by a traffic policeman for offers.
jumping the red light. (d) The New Year should be celebrated with
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I) amazing offers.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Active voice ceW fined (VII) mes mhe° nw efkeâ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Tense simple past nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee- Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW V1 + obj kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
A.V. – Subject + V2 + Object + Other words Active sentence, Imperative nw Fmekeâe passive structure
P.V. – Object + was/were + VIII + by + Subject + Other efvecve Øekeâej nesiee~
words Active - VI + Object
Correct passive voice - Passive - Let + Object + be + vIIIrd or
Taru was fined by a traffic policeman for jumping the you are advised to + VI + Object
red light. Correct Passive form -
102. Select the correct passive form of the given Let the New Year be celebrated with amazing offers.
sentence. 105. Select the option that expresses the given
He drove the car very carefully on the hilly sentence in passive voice.
terrain. Richard wore a broad belt with shiny buckles.
(a) The car was driven very carefully on the hilly (a) A broad belt with shiny buckles had been
terrain worn by Richard.
(b) The car is being driven very carefully on the (b) A broad belt with shiny buckles was wear by
hilly terrain Richard.
(c) The car has been driven very carefully on the (c) A broad belt with shiny buckles wore
hilly terrain Richard.
(d) The car is driven very carefully on the hilly (d) A broad belt with shiny buckles was worn by
terrain Richard.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)

Active / Passive Voice 325 YCT

Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Active sentence ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw 108. Select the option that expresses the given
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past indefinite tense ceW nw Fmekeâe Passive structure sentence in passive voice.
Imran has found two good jobs in the
efvecve Øekeâej nesiee~ advertisements of the newspaper.
A.V. – Subject + V2 + Object (a) Two good jobs had found by Imran in the
P.V. – Object + was/were + V3 + by + Subject advertisements of the newspaper.
Correct Passive Sentence - (b) Two good jobs has found by Imran in the
A broad belt with shiny buckles was worn by Richard. advertisements of the newspaper.
106. Select the option that expresses the given (c) Two good jobs are being found by Imran in
sentence in passive voice. the advertisements of the newspaper.
He gave Kaveri a beautiful yellow dress. (d) Two good jobs have been found by Imran in
(a) Kaveri has been given a beautiful yellow the advertisements of the newspaper.
dress by him. SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(b) Kaveri was given a beautiful yellow dress by Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Active sentence ceW has + found (V3) kesâ
him. ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Perfect tense ceW nw Fmekeâe
(c) Kaveri is given a beautiful yellow dress by Passive Structure efvecve Øekeâej nesiee~
A.V. – Subject + has/have + V3 + Object
(d) Kaveri has given a beautiful yellow dress by
P.V. – Object + has/have + been + V3 + by + Subject
Correct Sentence -
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I) Two good jobs have been found by Imran in the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Active sentence ceW V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw advertisements of the newspaper.
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past indefinite tense ceW nw Fmekeâe passive structure 109. Select the option that expresses the given
efvecve Øekeâej nesiee~ sentence in passive voice.
A.V. – Subject + V2 + Object You can solve this problem.
P.V. – Object + was/were + V3 + by + Subject (a) This problem ought to be solved by you.
Correct Passive Sentence (b) This problem should be solved by you.
Kaveri was given a beautiful yellow dress by him. (c) This problem can be solved by you.
(d) This problem might be solved by you.
107. Select the option that expresses the given
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
sentence in passive voice.
Someone stole his traveller's cheques when he Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Active sentence ceW Modal (can) keâe ØeÙeesie
was travelling in Europe. ngDee nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve Øekeâej nesiee~
(a) Someone had been stole his traveller's A.V. – Subject + Can + V + Object
cheques when he was travelling in Europe. P.V. – Object + Can + be + VIII + by + Subject
(b) His traveller's cheques are stole when he was Correct Passive Sentence -
travelling in Europe. This problem can be solved by you.
(c) His traveller's cheques was stole when he was 110. Select the option that expresses the given
travelling in Europe. sentence in passive voice.
(d) His traveller's cheques were stolen when he The man bought a parrot that could speak five
was travelling in Europe. languages.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I) (a) A parrot that could spoke dive languages
Ans. (d) : peye sentence ceW oes clause oer ieÙeer nes lees passive bought the man.
voice efmeHe&â Principle clause keâe yevelee nw Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe (b) A parrot that spoken five languages was
Principle clause 'someone stole his traveller's cheques ceW bought by the man.
(c) A parrot that spoke five languages had been
stole (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite ceW nw bought by the man.
Dele: Fmekeâe Passive voice structure efvecve nesiee - (d) A parrot that spoke five languages was
A.V.– Subject + V2 + Object + Subordinate Clause bought by the man.
P.V.–Object + was/were + V3 + (by agent) + SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Subordinate Clause Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Active sentence ceW bought (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie
Note-Subject kesâ mLeeve hej someone, somebody etc efoS nesves mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past indefinite tense ceW nw, Fmekeâe
hej passive voice ceW (by + subject) keâes understood ceevekeâj passive structure efvecve Øekeâej nesiee-
ÚesÌ[ osles nw~ A.V. – Subject + V2 + Object
Correct Passive Sentence - P.V. – Object + Was/Were + V3 + by + Subject
His traveller's cheques were stolen when he was Correct Passive Sentence -
travelling in Europe. A parrot that spoke five languages was bought by the man.

Active / Passive Voice 326 YCT

111. Select the option that expresses the given 114. Select the correct active form of the given
sentence in passive voice. sentence.
The invigilator is advising the students not to The catch should not be dropped.
carry calculators into the examination hall. (a) Let the catch not be dropped
(a) The students have been advised not to carry (b) You would not drop the catch
calculators into the examination hall by the (c) Have you dropped the catch
invigilator. (d) Don't drop the catch
(b) The students were advised not to carry SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
calculators into the examination hall.
(c) The students were advised the invigilator not Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW should+be+V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
to carry calculators into the examination hall. nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe imperative sentence keâe passive nw efpemekeâe
(d) The students are being advised by the structure efvecve nw~
invigilator not to carry calculators into the A.V.- Do not+V1+Object
examination hall. P.V.- Object + should not+be+V3
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I) Correct Active sentence- Don't drop the catch.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Active sentence ceW (is + advising) kesâ 115. Select the correct passive form of the given
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present continuous tense ceW nw sentence.
Dele: Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve Øekeâej nesiee- They are making elaborate arrangements for
A.V. – Subject + is/am/are + V+ing + Object the party.
P.V. – Object + is/am/are + being + V3 + by + Subject (a) Elaborate arrangements have been made for
Correct Passive Sentence - the party
The students are being advised by the invigilator not to (b) Elaborate arrangements are made for the
carry calculators into the examination hall. party
112. Select the correct active form of the given (c) Elaborate arrangements were being made for
sentence. the party
Let the shops be opened. (d) Elaborate arrangements are being made for
(a) The shops should be opened the party
(b) Have the shops opened? SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) Open the shops Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW are+Ving kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
(d) The shops are open JeekeäÙe present continuous tense keâe active voice nw~ Fmekeâe
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) passive structure efvecve nesiee-
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Let+Sub+be+v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes A.V.- Sub+is/am/are+Ving+object+others
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Imperative sentence keâe passive voice P.V.- Object+ is/am/are+being+V3+subject+others
nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe structure efvecve nesiee~ Note: Passive voice ceW keâYeer-keâYeer by + subject keâes
Active voice- VI + subject + other words understood ceevekeâj Úes[ Ì efoÙee peelee nw~
Passive voice- Let+subject+be+V3+other words
Correct passive form- Elaborate arrangements are
Note- Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Deewj obj. being made for the party
keâes sub. ceW yeoue osles nQ~ 116. Select the correct passive form of the given
Correct active sentence- Open the shops. sentence.
113. Select the correct active form of the given He asked me to sing a song.
sentence. (a) I was being asked to sing a song
Was your bag left in the bus? (b) I was asked to sing a song
(a) Did you left your bag in the bus? (c) I am asked to sing a song
(b) Have you left your bag in the bus? (d) I had been asked to sing a song
(c) Was you leaving your bag in the bus? SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(d) Did you leave your bag in the bus?
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was+v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
JeekeäÙe past indefinite keâe active voice nw~ Fmekeâe passive
JeekeäÙe past indefinite keâe passive voice nw~ Fmekeâes active structure efvecve nesiee-
A.V.- Sub+V2+Object+others
ceW yeoueves keâe efveÙece efvecve nw~
P.V.- Object +was/were+V3+sub+others
P.V.- was+object+V3+other words.
A.V.- Did+sub+V1+obj+other words. Note- active mes passive yeveeles meceÙe sub. keâes obj. ceW leLee
Correct Active sentence- Did you leave your bag in obj. keâes sub. ceW yeoue osles nQ~
the bus? Correct passive form- I was asked to sing a song

Active / Passive Voice 327 YCT

117. Select the correct active form of the given 120. Select the correct active form of the given
sentence. sentence.
Your lunch box has been packed by mother. Only home-cooked food is eaten by us.
(a) Mother had packed your lunch box (a) We are eating only home-cooked food
(b) Mother is packing your lunch box (b) We ate only home-cooked food
(c) Mother has packed your lunch box (c) We eat only home-cooked food
(d) Mother will pack your lunch box (d) We have eaten only home-cooked food
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has been+V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW is+V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
efkeâ JeekeäÙe present perfect tense keâe passive voice nw Fmekeâe JeekeäÙe present indefinite keâe passive voice nw Fmekeâe
active structure efvecve nw- active structure efvecve nesiee-
P.V.- Obj+has+been+V3+by+sub. P.V.- Obj+is/am/are+V3+by+sub.
A.V.- Sub+has+V3+obj. A.V.- sub+V1+Object
Correct active form- Mother has packed your lunch Correct active structure- We eat only home-cooked
118. Select the correct passive form of the given
121. Select the correct passive form of the given
We all regard Liza as an expert.
We have looked at the plan carefully.
(a) Liza should be regarded as an expert by all of us.
(a) The plan is being looked at carefully
(b) Liza has been regarded as an expert by all of us
(b) The plan have been looked at carefully
(c) Liza is regarded as an expert by all of us
(c) The plan has been looked at carefully
(d) Liza was regarded as an expert by all of us
(d) The plan was looked at carefully
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+v1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have+V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
JeekeäÙe present indefinite ceW nw Fmekeâe passive structure
JeekeäÙe present perfect tense ceW nw Fmekeâe passive structure
efvecve nesiee-
efvecve nesiee-
A.V.- Sub.+V1+obj.+others
P.V.- Obj.+is/am/are+V3+by+sub.+others A.V.- Sub+has/have+V3+obj+others
Correct passive form- Liza is regarded as an expert P.V.- Obj+has/have+been+V3+by+sub+others
by all of us. Correct passive form- The plan has been looked at
119. Select the correct passive form of the given
sentence. 122. Select the correct passive form of the given
They will lay the foundation stone next week. sentence.
(a) The foundation stone will be laid by them Razia Sultana ruled over the northern part of
next week India.
(b) The foundation stone is being laid by them (a) The northem part of India was ruled over by
next week Razia Sultana.
(c) The foundation stone will be laying by next (b) The northem part of India had been ruled over
week by Razia Sultana.
(d) The foundation stone will have been laid by (c) The northem part of India was being ruled
them next week over by Razia Sultana.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm-5 pm) (d) The northem part of India is ruled over by
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+will+v1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw Razia Sultana.
efkeâ JeekeäÙe future indefinite ceW nw Fmekeâe passive structure SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
efvecve nesiee- Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
A.V.- Sub+will+V1+obj+others JeekeäÙe past indefinite ceW nw Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve
P.V.- Obj+will+be+V3+by+sub+other nesiee-
Note- Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sub. keâes obj. leLee A.V.- Subject+V2+obj+other words
obj. keâes sub. ceW yeoueles nQ~ P.V.- Object +was/were+V3+by+sub+other words.
Correct passive form- The foundation stone will be Correct passive form- The northern part of India was
laid by them next week. ruled over by Razia Sultana.

Active / Passive Voice 328 YCT

123. Select the correct active form of the given Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW were + V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
sentence. efkeâ JeekeäÙe past indefinite keâe passive voice nw Fmekeâe
You might be promoted this year. active voice structure efvecve nesiee-
(a) They might promote you this year Passive- By whom+was/were+subject+V3+others
(b) They will promote you this year Active- Who+V2+object+others
(c) They should have promoted you this year Note- peye keâesF& interrogative sentence 'who' mes start neslee
(d) You may promote them this year
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
nw lees Fmekeâe passive yeveeles meceÙe JeekeäÙe keâer Meg®Deele 'By
whom' mes keâjles nQ keäÙeeWefkeâ 'who' keâes by ueieekeâj object 'by
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW might+be+V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
whom' ceW yeoueles nQ SJeb obj. keâes passive voice keâe sub.
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe 'modals' keâe passive voice nw Fmekeâe active
yevee uesles nQ~
structure efvecve nesiee-
Correct active structure- Who pushed you into the
P.V.- obj+might+be+V3+by+sub+others.
A.V.- Sub+might+V1+object+others
127. Select the correct active form of the given
Correct active form-
sentence :
They might promote you this year.
Kites have been bought by many children.
124. Select the correct passive form of the given (a) Many children had bought kites
sentence. (b) Many children have bought kites
They are lifting the car with a crane. (c) Many children bought kites
(a) The car is being lifted with acrane. (d) Many children are buying kites
(b) The car is lifted with a crane.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) The car was being lifted with a crane.
(d) The car had lifted with a crane. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have been + V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) mhe° nw ef k eâ JeekeäÙe Present Perfect Tense keâe passive voice
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW are+Ving kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ nw~ Fmekeâe active structure efvecve nesiee-
JeekeäÙe present continuous tense ceW nw Fmekeâe passive P.V.- Object + have/has + been + V3 + by + sub.
A.C.- Sub + has/have + V3 + object.
structure efvecve nesiee-
Correct Active Sentence- Many children have bought
A.V.- Subject+is/am/are+Ving+|obj.+others kites.
P.V.- Obj.+is/am/are+being+V3+by+sub.+others
128. Select the correct passive form of the given
Correct passive form- The car is being lifted with a
sentence :
Hang the washing on the clothesline.
125. Select the correct passive form of the given
(a) Let the washing be hung on the clothesline
(b) Let the washing to be hung on the clothesline
My mother gave me an interesting book.
(c) Let the washing be hanged on the clothesline
(a) I was given an interesting book by my mother
(b) An interesting book is given to me by my (d) Let the washing hanging on the clothesline.
mother SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) I am given an interesting book by my mother Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer Meg™Deele ceW V1+sub. kesâ ØeÙeesie
(d) An interesting book has been given to my mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe imperative sentence ceW nw~ Fmekeâe
mother passive structure efvecve nesiee-
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) A.V.- V +sub+other words
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ P.V.- Let+Sub+be+V3+other words
JeekeäÙe past indefinite ceW nw~ Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve Correct passive form- Let the washing be hung on the
nesiee- clothesline
A.V.- Sub+V2+obj.+others 129. Select the correct passive form of the given
P.V.- Object+was/were+V3+by+sub+others sentence :
Correct passive form- I was given an interesting book Harsh has applied for leave
by my mother. (a) Leave is applied for by Harsh
126. Select the correct active form of the given (b) Leave had been applied by Harsh
sentence. (c) Leave has been applied for by Harsh
By whom were you pushed into the mud? (d) Leave was applied by Harsh
(a) Who was pushing you into the mud? SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(b) Whom did you push into the mud? Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has+V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
(c) Who has pushed you into the mud?
(d) Who pushed you into the mud?
JeekeäÙe present perfect tense ceW nw~ Fmekeâe passive structure
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) efvecve nesiee~
Active / Passive Voice 329 YCT
A.V.-Sub+has/have+V3+obj.+others 133. Choose the option that is the active form of the
P.V.- Object+has/have+been+V3+by+sub+others sentence.
Correct passive form- Leave has been applied for by I am sometimes puzzled by her actions.
Harsh. (a) Her actions are sometimes puzzled by me.
130. Select the correct active form of the given (b) Her actions sometimes puzzle me.
sentence : (c) She can sometimes puzzle me.
He was hit in the eye by an arrow : (d) Her actions were sometimes puzzling me.
(a) An arrow hit him in the eye SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(b) An arrow will hit him in the eye Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Am+V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
(c) An arrow was hitting him in the eye JeekeäÙe present indefinite tense keâe passive Voice nw~
(d) An arrow has hit him in the eye Fmekeâe active structure efvecve nesiee-
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) P.V.- Object+is/am/are+V3+by+sub.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was+V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ A.V.- Subject+V1+object
JeekeäÙe past indefinite keâe passive Voice nw Fmekeâe active Correct active form- Her actions sometimes puzzle
structure efvecve nesiee- me.
P.V.- Object+was/were+V3+by+sub. 134. Choose the option that is the passive form of
the sentence.
A.V.- Subject+V2+Object+others.
The first settlers displaced the original
Correct active form- An arrow hit him in the eye.
131. Select the correct active form of the given (a) The original inhabitants are displacing the
sentence : first settlers.
A new song is being composed by her : (b) The original inhabitants were displaced by the
(a) She is composing a new song first settlers.
(b) She has composed a new song (c) The original inhabitants will displace the first
(c) She has been composing a new song settlers.
(d) She composed a new song (d) The original inhabitants are being displace by
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) the first settlers.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW is+being+V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
efkeâ JeekeäÙe present continuous tense keâe passive Voice nw~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
Fmekeâe active structure efvecve nesiee- JeekeäÙe past indefinite ceW nw Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve
P.V.- object+is+being+V3+by+sub. nesiee-
A.V.- Sub+is+Ving+object. A.V.- Subject+V2+object.
Correct active form- She is composing a new song P.V.- Object+was/were+V3+by+subject
Correct passive form- The original inhabitants were
132. Choose the option that is the passive form of displaced by the first settlers.
the sentence.
135. Choose the option that is the passive form of
You have not yet responded to several of my
the sentence.
Avoid taking the flyover.
(a) Several of my complaints you have not been
(a) The flyover can be avoid take.
responded to yet.
(b) The flyover should be avoided.
(b) My complaints are not been responding yet
(c) The flyover should avoid taking.
by you.
(d) The flyover should be avoid.
(c) Several of my complaints are not being
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
responded yet.
(d) Several of my complaints have not been Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW V1+sub mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
responded to yet. imperative sentence ceW nw~ Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) nesiee-
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have+not+V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° A.V.- V1+sub+others.
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present perfect tense ceW nw Dele: Fmekeâe passive P.V.- Subject+should+be+V3
Correct passive form- The flyover should be avoided.
stucture efvecve nesiee-
136. Choose the option that is the active form of the
A.V.- Sub+has/have+not+V3+object sentence.
P.V.- Object+has/have+not+been+V3+by+sub. Has your message been despatched?
Correct passive form- Several of my complaints have (a) Has your message despatched?
not been responded to yet. (b) Have you despatched your message?
Active / Passive Voice 330 YCT
(c) Had you despatch your message? (c) The lost necklace founded by the detective.
(d) Is your message despatching? (d) The lost necklace had been find by the
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) detective.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has +subject + been+V3 kesâ SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present perfect tense kesâ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
Interrogative sentence keâe passive voice nw~ Fmekeâe active JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense ceW nw Fmekeâe passive structure
structure efvecve nesiee- efvecve nw-
P.V.- has/have+object+been+V3+by+subject A.V.- sub+V2+object+others
A.C.- Has/have+subject+V3+object P.V.- Obj+was/were+V3+by+sub+others
Correct active form- Have you despatched your Correct passive form- The lost necklace was found by
message? the detective.
137. Choose the option that is the passive form of 140. Choose the option that is the passive form of
the sentence. the sentence.
They need 104 more runs to win the match. The fisherman caught a large fish.
(a) 104 more runs are needed for them to win the (a) A large fish should be caught by the
match. fisherman.
(b) 104 more runs will need for them to win the (b) A large fish was catching the fisherman.
match. (c) A large fish was caught by the fisherman.
(c) They are needed 104 more runs to win the (d) A large fish had been catched by the
match. fisherman.
(d) 104 more runs can be needed by them to win SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
the match. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense ceW nw Fmekeâe passive structure
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+V1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ efvecve nesiee-
JeekeäÙe present indefinite tense ceW nw~ Fmekeâe passive A.V.- Sub+V2+object
structure efvecve nesiee- P.V.- object+was/were+V3+by+sub.
A.V.- Sub+V1+object+other words Correct passive form- A large fish was caught by the
P.V.- Object+is/am/are+V3+by+sub+other words. fisherman.
Correct passive form- 104 more runs are needed for 141. Choose the option that is the passive form of
them to win the match. the sentence.
138. Choose the option that is the passive form of They found her guilty of theft.
the sentence. (a) She found them guilty of theft.
The security guard opened the gate using his (b) She was found guilty of theft.
pass. (c) She had been find guilty of theft.
(a) The gate is open by the security guard by (d) She is find guilty of theft by them.
using his pass. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(b) The gate was opened by the security guard Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
using his pass. JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense ceW nw~ Fmekeâe passive structure
(c) The gate opened the security guard using his
efvecve nesiee-
(d) The gate was open by the security guard use A.V.- sub+V2+object
his pass. P.V.- object+was/were+V3+by+sub.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) Correct passive form- She was found guilty of theft.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub.+V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ 142. Choose the option that is the active form of the
JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense ceW nQ Fmekeâe passive structure By whom was this poem written?
efvecve nesiee- (a) Who wrote this poem?
A.V.- sub+V2+object+other words (b) Who is wrote this poem?
P.V.- Object+was/were+V3+by+sub+other words (c) Who write this poem?
Correct passive form- The gate was opened by the (d) This poem is wrote by whom?
security guard using his pass. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
139. Choose the option that is the passive form of Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was+V kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
the sentence.
The detective found the lost necklace.
JeekeäÙ e past indefinite kesâ Interrogative Sentence keâe
(a) The lost necklace should find the detective. Passive Voice nw Fmekeâe active structure efvecve nesiee~
(b) The lost necklace was found by the detective. P.V.- By whom + was/were + sub + V3 + others + ?
Active / Passive Voice 331 YCT
A.V.- Who + V2 + object + others + ? P.V.- Obj+was/were+V3+by+sub+other words
Correct Active Sentence- Correct passive form- The manhole covers were
Who wrote this poem? changed before the rainy season.
143. Choose the option that is the passive form of 146. Choose the option that is the passive form of
the sentence. the sentence.
The tennis ball hit Dhiraj on the head. Switch off the television.
(a) Dhiraj had been hit on the head by the tennis (a) Can you switch off the television?
ball. (b) May I switch off the television?
(b) Dhiraj was hit on the head by the tennis ball. (c) Let the television be switched off.
(c) The tennis ball was being hit by Dhiraj. (d) Let the television being switch off.
(d) Dhiraj was being hit on the head by the tennis SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm-5 pm)
ball Ans. (c) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙ e keâer Mge™Deele ceW verb1 kesâ nesves mes mhe°
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm-5 pm) nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe imperative sentence ceW nw Fmekeâe passive
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ structure efvecve nesiee-
JeekeäÙe past indefinite ceW nw Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve A.V.- V1+obj+others
nesiee- P.V.- Let+obj+be+V3+others
A.V.- Sub+V2+obj+other words. Correct passive form- Let the television be switched
P.V.- Obj+was/were+V3+by+sub.+other words
Correct passive form- Dhiraj was hit on the head by 147. Choose the option that is the passive form of
the tennis ball. the sentence.
I burnt my hand yesterday while cooking.
144. Choose the option that is the passive form of
(a) My hand was burning yesterday while
the sentence.
They considered it an impressive building. (b) My hand could be burnt yesterday while
(a) It was considered to be an impressive cooking.
building. (c) My hand was burnt yesterday while cooking.
(b) It can be consider to be an impressive (d) My hand will be burnt yesterday while
building. cooking.
(c) It was considering to being an impressive SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'I + verb2 (burnt)' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
(d) It is considered to be an impressive building.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past Indefinite tense ceW nw Dele: Fmekeâe
passive structure efvecve nesiee-
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense ceW nw Fmekeâe passive structure A.V.- Sub+V2+object+other words.
P.V.- Object+was/were+V3+by+sub+other words
efvecve nesiee- Correct passive form- My hand was burnt yesterday
A.V.- Sub+V2+obj+other words while cooking.
P.V.- Obj+was/were+V3+by+sub.+other words 148. Choose the option that is the active form of the
Correct passive form- It was considered to be an sentence.
impressive building. An award was given to the film Andhaa
145. Choose the option that is the passive form of Dhund.
the sentence. (a) The jury had given the film ‘Andhaa Dhund’
The Municipal Corporation changed the an award.
manhole covers before the rainy season. (b) The jury gave the film ‘Andhaa Dhund’ an
(a) The manhole covers is being changed before award.
the rainy season. (c) The jury was gave the film ‘Andhaa Dhund’
(b) The manhole covers are change before the an award.
rainy season. (d) The jury will give the award to the film
(c) The manhole covers were changed before the ‘Andhaa Dhund’.
rainy season. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(d) The manhole covers can be changed before Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'was + verb3' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
the rainy season. efkeâ JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense keâe passive voice nw Fmekeâe
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) active structure efvecve nesiee-
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ P.V.- object+was/were+V3+by+sub+others
JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense ceW nw Fmekeâe passive structure A.V.- Sub+V2+object+others
efvecve nesiee- Correct active form- The jury gave the film ‘Andhaa
A.V.- Sub+V2+obj+other words. Dhund’ an award.

Active / Passive Voice 332 YCT

149. Choose the option that is the passive form of 152. Choose the option that is the passive form of
the sentence. the sentence.
The class teacher was taking the children to the Shyam saw Abhishek starting the car.
zoo. (a) Abhishek has seen Shyam starting the car.
(a) The children will go to the zoo by their class (b) Abhishek can be seen starting the car by
teacher. Shyam.
(b) The children can be taking to the zoo by their (c) Abhishek was seen starting the car by Shyam.
class teacher.
(d) Abhishek was saw by Shyam starting the car.
(c) The children being taken to the zoo by their
class teacher. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(d) The children were being taken to the zoo by Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'sub+verb2 (saw)' kesâ ØeÙeesie mhe°
their class tea nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense keâe active voice nw Fmekeâe
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm-5 pm) passive structure efvecve nesiee-
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW (was + verb + ing) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes A.V.- Sub+V2+obj+other words
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past continuous tense keâe active voice nw P.V.- Obj+was/were+V3+by+sub+other words.
Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee~ Correct passive form- Abhishek was seen starting the
A.V.- Sub+was/were+Ving+object+others car by Shyam.
P.V. - Object+was/were+being+V3+by+sub+others
153. Choose the option that is the passive form of
Correct passive form- The children were being taken to
the sentence.
the zoo by their class teacher.
The little puppy chewed my new slippers.
150. Choose the option that is the passive form of
(a) My new slippers were chewing the little
the sentence.
The manager permitted women employees to
leave office early on that day. (b) My new slippers can be chewed by the little
(a) Women employees permitted the manager to puppy.
leave office early on that day. (c) My new slippers were chewed by the little
(b) Women employees had to leave office early puppy.
on that day. (d) My new slippers are being chew by the little
(c) Women employees should leave office early pupp
on that day. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(d) Women employees were permitted to leave
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW chewed (verb2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
office early on that day.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense keâe active voice nw Fmekeâe
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe cebW sub+verb2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw passive structure efvecve nesiee-
efkeâ JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense keâe active voice nw~ Fmekeâe A.V.- Sub+V2+obj+other words
passive structure efvecve nesiee~ P.V.- Obj+was/were+V3+by+sub+other words
A.V.- Sub+V2+object+other words Correct passive form- My new slippers were chewed
P.V.- Object+was/were+V3+by+sub+other words by the little puppy.
Correct passive form- Women employees were 154. Choose the option that is the passive form of
permitted to leave office early on that day. the sentence.
151. Choose the option that is the passive form of The child tore the page of the book.
the sentence. (a) The page of the book was torn by the child.
Give the command. (b) The page of the book tore by the child.
(a) Let the command be given. (c) The book’s page is torn by the child.
(b) You can give the command. (d) The page of the book is tearing by the child.
(c) The command can be given SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(d) The command should be give by you.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW tore (verb2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe verb1 mes start ngDee nw Dele: Ùen JeekeäÙe efkeâ JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense keâe active voice nw Fmekeâe
imperative sentence keâe active voice nw~ Fmekeâe passive passive voice structure efvecve nw-
structure efvecve nesiee- A.V.- Sub+V2+obj+other words
A.V.- V1+obj+others. P.V.- Obj+was/were+V3+by+sub+other words
P.V.- Let+obj+be+V3+others Correct passive form- The page of the book was torn
Correct passive form- Let the command be given. by the child.

Active / Passive Voice 333 YCT

155. Choose the option that is the active form of the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW will+v1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
sentence. JeekeäÙe future indefinite tense keâe active voice nw Fmekeâe
The politician's speech was loudly cheered.
passive structure efvecve nesiee-
(a) The audience cheer the politician’s loud
speech A.V.- Subject+will+V1+obj+others.
(b) The audience was loudly cheered by the P.V.- Object+will+be+V3+by+sub+others.
politician’s speech Correct passive form- A good teacher will never be
(c) The audience loudly cheered the politician’s forgotten by the students
speech. 158. Select the correct passive form of the given
(d) The audience had been loudly cheered by the sentence.
politician. Who broke the cup?
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) (a) By whom was the cup broken?
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'was+verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw (b) Was the cup broken by someone?
efkeâ past indefinite tense keâe passive voice nw Fmekeâe active (c) Who has broken the cup?
structure efvecve nesiee- (d) Was the cup broken by someone?
P.V.- Object+was/were+V3+by+sub. SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
A.V.- Sub+V2+object Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW broke (verb2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mhe° nw
Correct active structure- The audience loudly efkeâ JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense kesâ Interrogative keâe
cheered the politician’s speech.
active voice nw Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee~
156. Choose the option that is the active form of the
A.V.- Who+V2+obj+others
sentence :
By whom was this window broken? Five P.V.- By whom+was/were+obj+V3+other.
packets of milk were delivered by the milkman. Correct passive form- By whom was the cup broken?
(a) Who broke this window? The milkman 159. Select the correct passive form of the given
delivered five packets of milk sentence.
(b) Who had broke this window? The milkman Someone has stolen my watch
had delivered five packets of milk (a) My watch was stolen by someone
(c) Whom was break this window? The milkman (b) My watch has been stolen by someone
will deliver five packets of milk (c) Someone steals my watch
(d) Who is breaking this window? The milkman (d) Someone stole my watch
is delivering five packets of milk SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm-5 pm)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has+verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was+ broken (v3) Deewj
efkeâ JeekeäÙe present perfect tense keâe active voice nw Fmekeâe
Were+delivered kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past
passive voice structure efvecve nesiee-
indefinite tense kesâ Interrogative sentence keâe passive
A.V.- Sub+has/have+V3+obj.
voice nw Fmekeâe active structure efvecve nesiee-
P.V.- Object+has/have + been +V3+by+sub.
P.V.- By whom+was/were+obj+V3+others
Correct passive form- My watch has been stolen by
A.V.- Who+V2+obj+others
Note- active voice mes passive voice ceW yeoueles meceÙe 'who'
keâes 'By whom' ceW heefjJeefle&le keâj osles nQ~ 160. Select the correct passive form of the given
Correct active form- Who broke this window? The sentence.
milkman delivered five packets of milk. Open the door.
(a) The door is opened by me
157. Select the correct passive form of the given
(b) Let the door be opened.
(c) You should open the door
The students will never forget a good teacher.
(a) A good teacher has never been forgotten by (d) The door was opened by me
the students. SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
(b) A good teacher will never be forgotten by the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Meg™Deele ceW open (verb1) kesâ
students ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe imperative sentence keâe active
(c) Good teachers are never forgotten by the voice nw Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee-
A.V.- V1+Obj+others
(d) A good teacher is never forgotten by the
students P.V.- Let+Obj+be+V3+others
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) Correct passive form- Let the door be opened

Active / Passive Voice 334 YCT

161. Select the correct passive form of the given (a) In the inter-college drama competition my
sentence. brother won the Best Actor award.
His teachers have given him some books. (b) The Best Actor award is being won by my
(a) Some books are given him some books brother in the inter-college drama competition
(b) His teachers are giving him some books (c) The Best Actor award has been won by my
(c) He was given some books by his teachers brother in the inter-college drama
(d) Some books have been given to him by his competition.
teachers (d) The Best Actor award was won by my brother
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) in the inter-college drama competition
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D–05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have +given (v3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW won (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie kesâ mhe° nw efkeâ
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present perfect tense keâe active voice nw
JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense keâe active voice nw Fmekeâe
Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee-
passive structure efvecve nesiee~
A.V.- Sub+has/have+V3+obj+others
A.V.- Sub+V2+obj+other words
P.V.- Obj+has/have+been+V3+by+sub+others
P.V.- Object+was/were+V3+by+Sub.+other words.
Note:- passive voice ceW other words keâes sense kesâ Devegmeej
Correct passive form- The Best Actor award was won
'by+subject' kesâ henues Ùee yeeo ceW jKeles nw~ by my brother in the inter-college drama competition.
Correct passive form- Some books have been given to 165. Select the correct passive form of the given
him by his teachers. sentence.
162. Select the correct passive form of the given The doctor is treating the patient.
sentence. (a) The patient is treated by the doctor
My friend writes a letter to his father. (b) The patient is being treated by the doctor
(a) A letter is written by my friend to his father (c) The patient is being treating by the doctor
(b) My friend wrote a letter to his father (d) The patient has been treated by the doctor
(c) A letter was written by my friend to his father SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
(d) A letter is being written by my friend to his Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'is+treating (verb+ing) kesâ
father ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present continuous keâe active
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D–05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
voice nw Dele: Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW writes kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ A.V.- Sub+is/am/are + verb + ing + object
JeekeäÙe present indefinite tense keâe active voice nw Fmekeâe P.V.- Object + is/am/are + being + verb3 + by subject
passive structure efvecve nesiee- Correct passive form- The patient is being treated by
A.V.- Sub + V1 + s/es + object + others the doctor.
P.V.- Object + is/am/are + V3 + by + sub + others 166. Select the correct passive form of the given
Correct passive form- A letter is written by my friend sentence :
to his father. The children had plucked all the flowers.
163. Select the correct passive form of the given (a) All the flowers has been plucked by the
sentence. children
Can you read this book? (b) All the flowers were plucked by the children
(a) Can you have read this book? (c) All the flowers are plucked by the children
(b) Could this book have been read by you? (d) All the flowers had been plucked by the
(c) Can this book be read by you? children
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D–05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
(d) This book can be read by you.
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D–05/02/2019 (3:5pm) Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe cebs had+plucked (V3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW modal (can) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe keâer mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past perfect keâe active voice nw~ Dele:
Meg™Deele ceW ngDee nw Dele: Ùen Interrogative sentence nw~ Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee~
Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee- A.V.- Sub+had+verb3+object
P.V.-Object+had been+verb3+by+subject
A.V.- Can+sub+V1+obj+others?
Correct passive form- All the flowers had been
P.V.- Can+obj+be+V3+by+sub?
plucked by the children.
164. Select the correct passive form of the given 167. In the following question, a sentence has been
sentence. given in Active/Passive voice. Out of the four
My brother won the Best Actor award in the alternatives suggested, select the one which best
inter-college drama competition. expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active
Active / Passive Voice 335 YCT
You have to finish painting this fence by A.V.→ sub + V2 + object + other words.
Friday. P.V.→ obj + was/were +V3rd + by Sub + other words.
(a) This fence has to be finished painting by Dele: mener P.V. keâe sentence-
Friday. A negative feedback was given to her by the manager
(b) This fence is to be finishing painted by you during her performance appraisal.
by Friday.
(c) Painting of this fence has to be painted by 170. The General presented us a detailed battle plan.
you by Friday. (a) A detailed battle plan will be presented to us
(d) By Friday you will have finished painting the by the General.
fence. (b) The General presents us a detailed battle
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 plan.
Ans. (a) efoÙee ieÙee Active Voice (A.V) keâe Sentence. (c) A detailed battle plan was presented to us by
condition based nw Dele: Passive voice (P.V) ceW heefjJele&ve the General.
(d) Presenting of a detailed battle plan was being
efvecve Rule kesâ base hej nesiee~
done by the General to us.
A.V → sub + has to / have to + V1st + object + other SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
P.V → obj + have to / has to + be + V3rd + (by Sub) + Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW presented (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mh° nw
other words. efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense keâe nw Dele: P.V ceW heefjJele&ve
The correct P.V. sentence- kesâ efveÙece-
This fence has to be finished painting by Friday. A.V → sub + V2 + object + other word.
168. The dealer will service the scooter for free the P.V → obj + was/were +V3rd + by Sub + other word.
first three times. Correct passive sentence-
(a) The scooter will be serviced for free by the A detailed battle plan was presented to us by the
dealer for the first three times. general.
(b) The scooter was serviced for free by the 171. For how long will you keep neglecting your
dealer for the first three times.
(c) For the first three times, the dealer will
service the scooter for free. (a) For how long have you kept neglecting your
(d) Servicing of the scooter for free will be done duties.
by the dealer for the first three times. (b) For how long do your duties need to be
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 neglected by yourself.
(c) For how long will your duties be kept
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW will+service (v1) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
neglected by you.
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe simple future ceW nw Dele: P.V ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece (d) Neglecting of the duties by you have been
efvecve nw- going on since how long.
A.V → sub + will/shall + v1st + object + other word SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
P.V → obj + will be/shall be +V3rd + by Sub + other Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW (question word+will+you+keep
(V1) ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe simple Future Tense keâe nw
Corret passive sentence-
The scooter will be serviced for free by the dealer for Dele: P.V ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
the first three times. A.V → question word+will/shall+sub+verb1+object.
169. The manager gave her a negative feedback P.V → question word+will/shall+object+be verb3+by+
during her performance appraisal. subject.
(a) A negative feedback was given to her by the Correct passive sentence -
manager during her performance appraisal. For how long will your duties be kept neglected by you.
(b) The manager will give her negative feedback 172. The doctor has given me a very painful
during her performance appraisal. injection.
(c) A negative feedback is being given to her by (a) A very painful injection has been given to me
the manager during appraising her performance. by the doctor.
(d) Giving of a negative feedback to her during
(b) The doctor gives myself a very painful
her performance appraisal has been done by
the manager.
(c) A very painful injection is being given to me
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
by the doctor.
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe cebs gave (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ (d) Giving of a painful injection to me has been
JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense keâe Active voice nw Dele: P.V ceW done by the doctor.
heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece efvecve nw- SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018

Active / Passive Voice 336 YCT

Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has +given (v3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer main clause ceW will+like (v1) kesâ
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Perfect Tense keâe nw Dele: P.V ceW heefjJele&ve ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Future Indefinite Tense keâe nw
kesâ efveÙece Dele: P.V ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
A.V → sub + has/have + V3rd + object + other word. A.V → I am sure + Sub+ will/shall + verbIst + Object +
P.V → obj + has been/have been +V3rd + by Sub + other words.
otherword. P.V → I am sure + object + will be / shall be + VIIIrd +
Correct passive sentence- by + Sub + other words.
A very painful injection has been given to me by the Correct passive sentence-
doctor. I am sure you will be liked by her.
173. Uncle always welcomes us to his home with a 176. I rarely watch action movies.
big smile. (a) Action movies are rarely watched by myself.
(a) We are always welcomed by uncle to his (b) Action movies are rarely watched by me.
home with a big smile. (c) I had rarely watched action movies.
(b) Uncle is always welcoming us to his home (d) Watching of action movies is rarely d one by
with a big smile. me.
(c) A big smile is used by uncle always when he SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
is welcoming us. Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW watch (v1) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
(d) Welcoming by uncle with a big smile to us is JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite Tense ceW nw Dele: P.V ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ
always done. efveÙece-
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 A.V → Sub+ Verb (s + es) + Object + other words.
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW welcomes (v1+s/es) kesâ ØeÙeesie mhe° P.V → Obj + is/am/are + VIIIrd + by + Sub + other
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite Tense keâe nw Dele: P.V ceW words.
heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- Correct passive sentence-
A.V → sub + Verb(s/es) + object + other words. Action movies are rarely watched by me.
P.V→ obj + is/am/are +Verb3rd + by Sub + other words. 177. His behaviour embarrasses me.
Correct passive sentence- (a) His behaviour is embarrassing for me.
We are always welcomed by uncle to his home with a (b) I am embarrassed by his behaviour.
big smile. (c) I am myself embarrassed by his behaviour.
174. The speeding car knocked down the (d) Embarrassing of myself is done by his
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(a) The car which was speeding has knocked
down the pedestrian. Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ ceW embarrasses (v1+s/es) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
(b) The pedestrian was knocked down by the nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite Tense keâe nw Dele: P.V ceW
speeding car. heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
(c) The pedestrian was being knocked down by A.V → Sub+ Verb (s + es) + Object + other words.
the car which was speeding. P.V → Obj + is/am/are + VIIIrd + by + Sub + other
(d) Knocking down of the pedestrian has been words.
done by the speeding car. Correct passive sentence-
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018I am embarrassed by his behaviour.
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW knocked (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
178. She ate the sweets greedily.
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense keâe nw Dele: P.V ceW heefjJele&ve
(a) Greedily sweets are eaten by her.
kesâ efveÙece- (b) She herself ate the sweets greedily.
A.V → sub + VerbIInd + object + other words. (c) Eating of the sweets was done by her
P.V → obj + was/were +VIIIrd + by Sub + other words. greedily.
Correct passive sentence- (d) The sweets were eaten by her greedily.
The pedestrian was knocked down by the speeding car. SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
175. I am sure she will like you. Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ate(v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
(a) I am sure you were liked by her. Past Indefinite Tense keâe nw Dele: P.V ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
(b) She, I am sure shall like you. A.V → Sub+ VerbIInd + Object + other words.
(c) Liking of you by her is a surety by me. P.V→ Obj + was/were+ VIIIrd + by + Sub + other words.
(d) I am sure you will be liked by her. Correct Passive voice-
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 The sweets were eaten by her greedily.
Active / Passive Voice 337 YCT
179. She will never tell you the truth. (c) Your help is needed by mother in the kitchen.
(a) You will never be told the truth by her. (d) Needing of your help is done by mother in
(b) She shall never be telling you the truth. the kitchen.
(c) You were never be told the truth by her. SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(d) Telling of the truth to you be her will never Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW needs (verb1+s/es) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
be done. mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe simple present Tense ceW nw Dele: Fmekeâe
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 passive voice efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW will+tell(v1) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw Rules to convert into P.V.
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Future Indefinite Tense keâe nw~ A.V. → Sub + verb (s/es) + obj + other words.
Correct passive sentence- P.V. → obj + is/am/are + verb 3rd + by + sub + other
A.V→ Sub+ will/shall + verb1st + Object + other words. words.
P.V→ Obj + will be/shall be + VIIIrd + by + Sub + other Correct passive sentence-
words. Your help is needed by mother in the kitchen.
Correct passive sentence- 183. She always took her medicines on time.
You will never be told the truth by her. (a) The medicines was always took on time by
180. You need to offer them a better deal. her.
(a) They are in need of being offered a better (b) The medicines were always taken on time by
deal by yourself. her.
(b) They need to be offered a better deal by you. (c) On time medicines she always took.
(c) A better deal is needed by them and you have (d) Taking of the medicines on time was being
to offer it. done by her.
(d) The offering of a better deal has to be done SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
by you for their need. Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW took (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 JeekeäÙe simple past Tense keâe nw~ Dele: Gmekeâe P.V. efvecve efveÙece
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe cebs (need to + VIst) keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw mes yevesiee~
Dele: P.V ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- A.V. → Sub + verb (II form) + object + other words.
A.V → Sub+ need to + verb + Object + other words. P.V. → Object + was/were + verb III form + by +sub +
P.V → Obj + need to + be + VIIIrd + by + Sub + other other words.
words. Correct passive sentence-
Correct passive sentence- The medicines were always taken on time by her.
They need to be offered a better deal by you. 184. I have flown this plane for seven years.
181. You are making your life more difficult. (a) This plane is flying me for seven years.
(a) Your life is being made more difficult by (b) I am flying this plane for seven years.
you. (c) Seven years have happened since I have been
(b) You yourself make your life more difficult. flying this plane.
(c) Your life had been made more difficult by (d) This plane has been flown by me for seven
you yourself. years.
(d) Making of your life more difficult has been SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
done by yourself. Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have +flown (v3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present perfect tense keâe nw~
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW '(are + making)' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
A.V. → sub + has/have + verb (III form) + object +
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present continuous tense ceW nQ Dele: Fmekeâe
other words.
passive voice efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ P.V. → obj + has/have + been + verb (III form) + by +
A.V. → Sub + is/am/are + verb (ing) + obj + other sub + other words.
words. Correct passive sentence-
P.V. → Obj + is/am/are + being + v3rd + by + sub + This plane has been flown by me for seven years.
other words. 185. Who has composed this song?
Correct passive sentence-
(a) This song will be composed by whom?
Your life is being made more difficult by you.
(b) Who composes this song?
182. Mother needs your help in the kitchen. (c) Composing of this song ha s been done by
(a) In the kitchen mother needs help by yourself. who?
(b) Your helping is needed by mother in the (d) This song has been composed by whom?
kitchen. SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Active / Passive Voice 338 YCT
Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has+composed (v3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes 189. Select the correct active form of the given
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present perfect tense keâe nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe sentence.
P.V. efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ Perfection is sought by him in everything he
A.V. → Who + has/have + verb (III form) + object +
(a) He sought perfection in everything he did
other words.
(b) He has sought perfection in everything he does
P.V→Obj+has/have+been+verb (III form) + by whom?
(c) He seeks perfection in everything he does
Note:- keâYeer-keâYeer 'by whom' keâe ØeÙeesie passive voice JeekeäÙe
(d) He is seeking perfection in everything he
keâer Meg™Deele ceW Yeer keâjles nw~ does
Correct passive sentence- SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II)
This song has been composed by whom? Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'is sought' (v3) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
186. The organisers will give you a certificate. nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present Indefinite tense keâe passive form nw~
(a) A certificate will be given to you by the Dele: Fmekeâe active voice keâe structure efvecve nesiee~
organisers. P.V. - object + is/am/are + verb3 + by + subject + other
(b) The organisers had given you a certificate. words.
(c) You were given a certificate by the organisers. A.V.- subject + verb s/es + object + other words.
(d) Giving of certificate to you was done by Correct Active Sentence-
he seeks perfection in everything he does.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
190. Select the correct passive form of the given
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW will + given (v1) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° sentence.
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe simple future Tense keâe nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe passive The volunteers ensured that no one was hurt.
voice efvecve efveÙece mes yeveeles nw~ (a) It was ensured by the volunteers that no one
A.V. → Sub + will/shall + verb I + obj + other words. was hurt
P.V. → Obj + will / shall + be + verb III + by + sub + (b) It was to be ensured by the volunteers that no
other words. one was hurt
Correct passive sentence- (c) It was being ensured by the volunteers that no
A certificate will be given to you by the organizers. one was hurt
187. Select the option that is the correct passive (d) It had been ensured by the volunteers that no
from of the given sentence one was hurt
Our boss appreciates all our efforts. SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I)
(a) All our efforts were appreciated by our boss. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW (ensured) verb2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
(b) All our efforts will be appreciated by our boss nw keâer JeekeäÙe past indefinite keâe nw Fmekeâe passive structure
(c) All our efforts are appreciated by our boss efvecve nesiee~
(d) All our efforts are appreciated by us. A.V. - subject + verb2 + object + other words
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I)
P.V.- Object (it) + was/were + verb3 + by + subject +
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer verb (appreciates) ceW 's' kesâ ØeÙeesie other words
mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present Indefinite keâe active voice nw~ Note:- voice rule ceW JeekeäÙe kesâ princpal clause keâes ner
Dele: Fmekeâe passive voice keâe structure efvecve nesiee~ Active mes passive ceW yeoueles nw~ sub-ordinate clause keâes
A.V. - subject + verb+s/es + object + other words pÙees keâe lÙees efueKe osles nw~
P.V.-Object+is/am/are+verb3+by subject + other words Correct passive sentence-
Correct passive sentence- It was ensured by the volunteers that no one was hurt.
All our efforts are appreciated by our boss.
191. Select the correct passive form of the given
188. Select the correct passive form of the given
Follow all the steps accurately. I have completed the project.
(a) All the steps should be following accurately (a) The project is completed by me
(b) Let all the steps be follow accurately (b) The project was completed by me
(c) Let all the steps be followed accurately (c) The project has been completed by me
(d) All the steps should be follow accurately (d) The project is being completed by me
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II) SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer Meg™Deele ceW verb1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have + verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nww
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Imperative sentence ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe efkeâ JeekeäÙe present perfect keâe Active voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe
passive structure efvecve nesiee~ passive structure efvecve nesiee-
A.V. - Verb + object + other words. A.V.- Sub+has/have+v3+obj
P.V.- Let + object + be + verb3 + other words. P.V.- obj+has/have+be+v3+by+sub
Correct passive sentence– Correct Sentence will be-
Let all the steps be followed accurately. The project has been completed by me.

Active / Passive Voice 339 YCT

192. Select the correct passive form of the given 195. Select the correct active form of the given
sentence. sentence.
She did not accept the job of a clerk. The wall of this park is being painted by
(a) The job of a clerk has not accepted her children.
(b) The job of a clerk did not accept her (a) Children are painting the wall of the park.
(c) The job of a clerk was not accepted by her (b) The wall is painting children of this park.
(d) The job of a clerk is not accepted by her (c) Children have been painting the wall of this
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III) park.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'did not + verb1' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes (d) Children painted the wall of this park.
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past indefinite keâe active voice nw~ Dele: SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Fmekeâe passive voice efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW is+being+painted kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
A.V. - subject + did + not + verb1 + object + other mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present continuous keâe passive form nw
words. Fmekeâe active voice ceW heefjJele&ve keâjves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele
P.V. - Object + was/were + not + verb3 + by + subject
+ other words.
efveÙeceeW keâe DevegmejCe nesiee~
Correct passive sentence - Passive Structure- obj + is/am/are + being + VIIIrd form
The job of a clerk was not accepted by her. + by + sub
Active structure-sub + is/am/are + V1+ing + obj
193. Select the correct active form of the given
sentence. Correct Sentence-
The main gate of the building was being Children are painting the wall of the park.
guarded by gun-totting guards. 196. Select the correct passive form of the given
(a) The main gate of the building were guarding sentence.
gun-totting guards. Please take the guest to his room on the 6th
(b) Gun-totting guards were guarding the main floor.
gate of the building. (a) The guest should be took to his room on the
(c) Gun-totting guards have been guarding the T 6th floor.
(d) Gun-totting guards guarded the main gate of (b) You are requested to take the guest to his
the building. room on the 6th floor.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II) (c) You must take the guest to his room on the
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was+being+ VIII kesâ ØeÙeesie mes 6th floor
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past countinious Tense keâe Passive (d) Let the guest be taking to his room on the 6th
Voice nw~ DeleŠ Fmekeâe structure efvecve nesiee~ floor
A.V- sub + was/were + VI + ing + obj SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)
P.V- obj + was/were + being + V + by + sub III Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW please+take(verb1) keâe ØeÙeesie
Correct Active Sentence- JeekeäÙe keâer Meg™Deele ceW nesvess mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Imperative
Gun-totting guards were guarding the main gate of the Sentence keâe nw pees efveJesove keâes ØeoefMe&le keâj jne nw~ Dele: Fmes
building. Passive Voice ceW yeoueves keâe efveÙece-
194. Select the correct passive form of the given P.V- You are requested + to + V1st form + obj + other
sentence. words.
Show these visitors the butterfly farm. Correct Passive Sentence-
(a) These visitors should be showed the butterfly You are requested to take the guest to his room on the
farm 6th floor.
(b) Let these visitors be showing the butterfly farm
(c) You must show these visitors the butterfly 197. Select the correct active form of the given
farm sentence.
(d) Let these visitors be shown the butterfly farm One of the passengers was being thoroughly
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III) checked by the custom officers.
(a) The custom officers have been thoroughly
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe verb keâer first form (show) mes start
checking one of the passengers.
ngDee nw~ Dele: Fmemes mhe° nw efkeâ Active Voice keâe JeekeäÙe (b) The custom officers thoroughly checked one
Imperative Sentence keâe nw, Dele: Passive Voice ceW yeoueves of the passengers.
keâe efveÙece- (c) One of the passengers was thoroughly
A.V. - Verb1+obj+other words checking the custom officers.
P.V- Let + obj + be + v3 + other words (d) The custom officers were thoroughly
Correct Sentence- checking one of the passengers.
Let these visitors be shown the butterfly farm. SSC CGL (Tier-I)–07/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Active / Passive Voice 340 YCT
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was+being +checked (v3) kesâ (c) We are knowing the results by the end of the
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past continuous tense keâe Passive next month.
Voice nw, Dele: Active Voice ceW yeveeves keâe efveÙece- (d) We know the results by the end of the next
A.V.- Subject + was/were + (V + ing) + object
Correct Sentence- SSC CGL (Tier-I)–19/06/2019 (Shift-III)
The custom officers were thoroughly checking one of Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW will be+verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
the passengers. nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe future indefinite keâe passive sentence nw
198. Select the correct passive form of the given efpemekeâe structure Fme Øekeâej neslee nw-
sentences. Passive Structure
They opened a new mall nearby last month.
obj + shall/will + be + VIII form + by + sub
(a) A new mall can be open nearby last month
Active Structure
(b) A new mall was opened nearby last month
(c) A new mall will be opened nearby last month sub + shall/will + VIst form + obj
(d) Nearby a new mall is opened last month. Correct Passive Sentence-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III) We will know the results by the end of the next month.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW opened (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw 201. Select the correct active form of the given
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past indefinite ceW nw DeleŠ Fmekeâe Passive sentence.
Structure efvecve nesiee~ He was given a book for his birthday.
A.V.- Sub + V2 + object + other words (a) She gave him a Book for his birthday.
P.V- Object + was/were + V3 + by + sub + other words (b) She will be giving him a book for is birthday.
Note:- keâYeer-keâYeer by + subject keâes understood ceeve keâj Úes[ (c) She has gave him a book for his birthday.
efoÙee peelee nw~ (d) She give a book to him for his birthday
Correct Passive form- SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
A new mall was opened nearby last month. Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was +verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
199. Select the correct passive form of the given efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past indefinite keâe Passive Voice nw~ DeleŠ Fmekeâe
sentence. Active Voice keâe Structure efvecve nesiee~
Rub the glass table with a soft cloth to make it P.V- object + was/were + v3rd + subject + others
shine. A.V - Understood subject + v2 + obj + others
(a) The soft cloth should be rubbed with a glass Correct Active Structure-
table to makeit shine.
She gave him a book for his birthday.
(b) The glass table must rub with a soft cloth to
make it shine. 202. Select the correct passive form of the given
(c) The glass table should be rubbed with a soft sentence.
cloth to make it shine. The artist played the violin.
(d) The glass table have to be rubbed with a soft (a) The violin is being played by the artist.
cloth to make it shine. (b) The violin will be played be the artist.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III) (c) The violin had been played by the artist.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâs Mge™Deele ceW Rub (verb1) kesâ ØeÙeesie (d) The violin was played by the artist.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe imperative sentence keâe Active
structure nw Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nw~ Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Subject +Verb2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
P.V. - obj + should + be + V IIIrd + other word mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past indefinite Tense keâe Active
Note:- imperative sentence mes passive yeveeles meceÙe by + Sentence nw DeleŠ Fmekeâe Passive Structure efvecve nesiee~
sub keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~ Active - Subject + verbIInd form + object
Correct Passive Sentence- Passive - Object + was/were + vIIIrd form + by + subject
The glass table should be rubbed with a soft cloth to Correct passive sentence -
make it shine. The violin was played by the artist.
200. Select the correct active form of the given 203. Select the correct active form of the given
sentence. sentence.
The results will be known to us by the end of Rudra was laughed at by all his friends when
the next month. he wore his socks inside-out.
(a) We have known the results by the end of the (a) All his friends laughed at Rudra when he
next month. wore his socks inside-out.
(b) We will know the results by the end of the (b) All his friends will be laughing at Rudra for
next month. wearing his socks inside-out.

Active / Passive Voice 341 YCT

(c) If Rudra wears his socks inside-out his friends Active voice- sub + v2 + obj + other words
will laugh at him. Correct Active Sentence-
(d) When Rudra wore his socks inside-out all his Dinesh's grandmother looked after him when his parents
were laughing at him. went abroad.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II) 206. Select the correct passive form of the given
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe cesWb was +verb3kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw sentence.
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past indefinite keâe Passive Voice nw DeleŠ Fmekeâe Ananya plucks fresh flowers from the garden
Active Structure efvecve nesiee~ every day.
P.V.- object + was/were + VIIIrd + by + subject (a) Fresh flowers have been plucked by Ananya
A.V.- Subject + VIInd + object from the garden every day.
(b) Fresh flowers were plucked by Ananya from
Correct Active Sentence-
the garden every day.
All his friends laughed at Rudra when he wore his
socks inside-out. (c) Fresh garden is plucked by Ananya from the
flowers every day.
204. Select the correct passive form of the given
(d) Fresh flowers are plucked by Ananya from
the garden every day.
They will put away their woollens after the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
festival of Holi.
(a) Their woollens have been away after the Ans : (d) efoÙee ieÙee Active Voice keâe JeekeäÙe Present
festival of Holi. Indefinite Tense (subject+verb+s/es) ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekesâ
(b) Their woollens are being put away after the Passive Voice JeekeäÙe ceW heefjJele&ve efvecveefueefKele efveÙece kesâ DeeOeej
festival of Holi. hej nesiee~
(c) Their woollen will be put away after the
Active Voice- sub + vIst + s/es + obj
festival of Holi.
Passive Voice- obj + is/am/are + vIIIrd + by + sub
(d) Their woollens are put away after the festival
of Holi. Correct Sentence-
Fresh flowers are plucked by Ananya from the garden
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II)
every day.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Will +Verb1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
207. Select the correct passive form of the given
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Future Indefinite ceW nw DeleŠ Fmekeâe Passive
Structure efvecve nesiee~
Credit cards are replacing cash transactions.
Active Voice- sub + will/shall + VI + object (a) Cash trensactions had been replaced by credit
Passive Voice - object + will be/shall be + V3 + by + cards.
(b) Cash transactions have been replaced by
Correct Passive Sentence- credit cards.
Their woollens will be put away after the festival of (c) Cash transactions are being replaced by
Holi. credit cards.
205. Select the correct active form of the given (d) Cash transactions are replaced by credit
sentence. cards.
Dinesh was looked after by his grandmother SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I)
when his parents went abroad. Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW are+verb+ing kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
(a) Dinesh's grandmother looks after him when
his parents went abroad.
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Present Contineous Tense ceW nQ~ DeleŠ Fmekeâe
Passive Structure efvecve nesiee-
(b) Dinesh's grandmother looked after him when
his parents went abroad. Active- sub. + is/am/are + V1 + ing + obj.
Passive- obj + is/am/are + being + V3 + by + sub.
(c) Dinesh looked after his grandmother when
his parents went abroad. Passive Sentence-
(d) Dinesh's grandmother was looking after him
Cash transactions are being replaced by credit cards.
when his parents went abroad. 208. Select the correct active form of the given
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (b) efoÙee ieÙee Passive Voice keâe JeekeäÙe Past
We were given very little time to prepare the
Continuous Tense (was + verb3) ceW nw~ Dele: Active presentation.
voice, Past Indefinite Tense ceW nesiee~ (a) They have given us very little time to prepare
yeoueves keâe efveÙece- the presentation.
Passive voice- obj + was/were + v3 + by + sub+other (b) They gave us very little time to prepare the
words presentation.
Active / Passive Voice 342 YCT
(c) They will give us very little time to prepare Active Structure
the presentation. Subject + VIInd form + Object
(d) They give us very little time to prepare the Correct Sentence-
presentation. The members decided to place the report before the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I) Chairman for his comments.
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Were + V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
211. Select the correct active form of the given
JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense keâe Passive form nw DeleŠ Fmekeâe
By whom were you taught Mathematics ?
Active Structure efvecve nesiee~ (a) Who will teach you Mathematics?
Passive Voice- Object + was/were + V3rd + others. (b) Who taught you Mathematics?
Active Voice- Subject + V2 + Object + Other words (c) Who teaching you Mathematics?
Correct Active Sentence- (d) Whom are you teaching Mathematics?
They gave us very little time to prepare the presentation. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III)
209. Choose the option that is the passive form of Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ senetence ceW by whom+were+v3 kesâ
the sentence. ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past indefinite keâe passive voice
A campus fire in California caused the death of nw Fmekeâe active voice structure efvecve nesiee-
at least twenty-three persons. P.V.- By whom+was/were+ sub+ v3+ other words
(a) The death of at least twenty three persons A.V.- Who + v2+ obj + other words.
caused a campuse fire in California Correct Active Sentence -
(b) The death of at least twenty three persons Who taught you Mathematics.
will be caused in a campus fire in California.
212. Select the correct passive form of the given
(c) At least twenty-three persons' death was
caused in a campus fire in California.
The sailors had never encountered such a
(d) The death of at least twenty three persons rough sea.
was caused by a campus fire in California.
(a) Such a rough sea is never encountered by the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II) sailors.
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Subject+V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw (b) Such a rough sea had never been encountered
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past indefinite ceW nw DeleŠ Fmekeâe Passive Structure by the sailors.
efvecve nesiee~ (c) Such a rough sea has never been encountered
Active Structure:- by the sailors.
Subject + V form + Object (d) Such a rough sea was never encountered by
the sailors.
Passive Structure:-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Obj + was/were + VIIIrd form + by + sub .
Correct Sentence- The death of at least twenty three Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW had+v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
persons was caused by a campus fire in California. sentence past perfect keâe Active voice keâe sentence nw Fmes
210. Choose the option that is the active form of the passive ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele efveÙeceeW keâe
sentence. DevegmejCe nesiee-
It was decided by the members that the report Active structure
would be placed before the Chairman for his sub + had + vIIIrd form + obj
comments. passive structure
(a) The Chairman's comments were to be placed obj + had been + vIIIrd form + by + sub
on the report of the members. Note- Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes
(b) Did the members decide to place the report sub yevee efueÙee peelee nww~
before the Chairman?
Correct Sentence-
(c) The Chairman decided to place the report
before the members. Such a rough sea had never been encountered by the
(d) The members decided to place the report
before the Chairman for his comments. 213. Select the correct active form of the given
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II) sentence.
We will all be greatly benefitted by this scheme.
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Was+Verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
(a) This scheme will greatly benefit us all.
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Continous Tense keâe Passive voice nw DeleŠ (b) This scheme has greatly benefitted us all.
Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~ (c) This scheme is going to greatly benefit us all.
Passive Structure (d) This scheme would greatly benefit we all.
obj + was/were + VIIIrd form + by + sub SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I)

Active / Passive Voice 343 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW will+be+v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw 216. Select the correct passive form of the given
efkeâ sentence future indefinite keâe passive sentence nw sentence
Fmekeâe active voice ceW heefjJele&ve efvecveefueefKele efveÙeceevegmeej nesiee- It is time to serve dinner.
(a) It is time for dinner to be served.
Passive structure
(b) It is time that dinner is serve.
obj + shall/will + be + vIIIrd form + by + sub
Active structure (c) It is time so dinner should be served.
sub + shall/will + v form + obj (d) It is dinner serving time.
Note- Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~ Ans. (a) : ØeMve ceW efoÙee JeekeäÙe imperative sentence keâe
Correct Sentence- Active Sentence nw Fmes Passive yeveeles meceÙe It is time +
This scheme will greatly benefit us all. object (for dinner) + to + be + VIIIrd form (served) ceW
214. Select the correct passive form of the given heefjJeefle&le keâj efoÙee peeSiee~
sentence. Note- Imperative sentence ceW by+obj keâe ØeÙeesie veneR neslee nw~
She never trusted anyone. Correct Passive Sentence-
(a) Anyone is not trusted by her.
It is time for dinner to be served.
(b) She was never trusted by anyone.
(c) No one was ever trusted by her. 217. Select the correct active form of the given
(d) Her trust was never for anyone. sentence.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II) Superstitions are still believed in by people.
(a) People still believed in superstitions.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Subject +Verb2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
(b) People still believe in superstitions.
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past indefinite ceW nQ~ DeleŠ Fmekeâe Passive (c) People are still believing in superstitions.
Structure efvecve nesiee~ (d) People have still believed in superstitions.
Passive -subject+was/were+V3+ by+object SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Note-I : anyone keâes passive yeveeles meceÙe no one efueKee
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW are + v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
peeSiee leLee never keâes ever ceW yeoue efoÙee peeSiee~
Sentence Present Indefinite keâe passive form nw, Fmekesâ
Correct Passive Sentence-
active voice ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele Structure keâe
No one was ever trusted by her.
DevegmejCe nesiee
215. Select the correct active form of the given
Active Structure
sub + VIst form + s/es + obj
Heavy taxes have been imposed on luxury
items by the government. Passive Structure
(a) The government had imposed heavy taxes on obj + is/am/are + VIIIrd form + by + sub
luxury items. Note- Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes
(b) The government imposed heavy taxes on sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~
luxury items. Correct Sentence-
(c) The government is imposing heavy taxes on
People still believe in superstitions.
luxury items.
(d) The government has imposed heavy taxes on 218. Select the correct active form of the given
luxury items. sentence.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II) She was seen sitting in the last row.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have been + v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° (a) We see her sitting in the last row
nw efkeâ sentence present perfect keâe passive sentence nw, (b) We saw her sitting in the last row
(c) We had seen her sitting in the last row
Fmekeâe active structure efvecve nesiee~
(d) We have seen her sitting in the last row
Passive Structure
obj + has/have + been + vIIIrd form + by + sub SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Active Structure Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was+verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
sub + has/have + vIIIrd form + obj JeekeäÙe Past indefinite keâe Passive Voice nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe
Note- Active mes passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes Active Structure efvecve nesiee~
sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~ P.V. → obj + was/were + v3 + by + subject
Correct Sentence- A.V. → sub + v2 + object
The government has imposed heavy taxes on luxury Correct Active sentense-
items. We saw her sitting in the last row.

Active / Passive Voice 344 YCT

219. Select the correct passive form of the given 222. Select the correct passive form of the given
sentence. sentence.
The enemy will have seized the fort before Have they announced the world cup cricket
nightfall. team?
(a) The enemy will be seized by the fort before (a) Have the world cup cricket team announced?
nightfall (b) Have the world cup cricket team been
(b) The fort would have been seized by the announced?
enemy before nightfall (c) Has the world cup cricket team being
(c) The fort will have been seized by the enemy announced?
before nightfall (d) Has the world cup cricket team been
(d) The enemy will seize the fort before nightfall announced?
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Will have+Verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Have+Subject+Verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Future Perfect Tense keâe Active voice nw~ DeleŠ mes mhe° nw efkeâ efoÙee ieÙee Active Voice- Present Perfect
Fmekeâe Passive voice keâe structure efvecve nesiee~ Tense keâe Interrogative Sentence nw~ DeleŠ Fmekeâer Passive
Active – subject + will/shall + have + verbIIIrd + object mebjÛevee efvecve Øekeâej mes nesieer-
Passive – object + will/shall + have been + verbIIIrd + Passive- Has/have + obj + been + V3 + by + sub
by + subject Correct Passive Sentence
Correct Passive Sentence– Has the world cup cricket team been announced?
The fort will have been seized by the enemy before
223. Select the correct active form of the given
220. Select the correct active form of the given You will either be taken prisoner or shot by the
sentence. enemy.
Let the bell be rung every forty minutes. (a) The enemy will be either taking you prisoner
(a) The bell should be rung every forty minutes or shooting you.
(b) Ring the bell every forty minutes (b) The enemy would either take you prisoner or
(c) The bell ought to be rung every forty minutes shoot.
(d) Let the bell keep ringing every forty minutes (c) The enemy will either take you prisoner or
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II) shoot you.
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Let+obj+be+ v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° (d) The enemy either takes you prisoner or shoots
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe imperative sentence keâe passive nw Fmekeâe you.
Active structure efvecve nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III)
A.V.- v1 + object + others Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW will+be + verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
P.V.- Let + obj + be + v3 + others nw efkeâ efoÙee ieÙee Passive Voice- Future Indefinite Tense
Correct active sentence keâe nw~ Fme tense keâer Active mebjÛevee efvecve Øekeâej nw~
Ring the bell every forty minutes.
Active- sub + will/shall + v1 + object
221. Select the correct passive form of the given Passive- sub + will/shall + be + v3 + by + object
Active mes Passive Ùee Passive mes Active yeveeles meceÙe
He is clicking good pictures with his new
camera. Subject keâes object Deewj object keâes subject yevee osles nw~
(a) Good pictures were clicked with his new Correct Sentence-
camera. The enemy will either take you prisoner or shoot you.
(b) Good pictures have been clicked with his 224. Select the correct passive form of the given
new camera.
(c) Good pictures are being clicked with his new sentence.
camera. Please take these students round the biscuit
(d) Good pictures are clicked with his new camera. factory.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II) (a) These students should be taking round the
biscuit factory.
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW is+verb+ing kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
(b) You are requested to take these students
efkeâ JeekeäÙe present continous tense keâe Active voice nwb~ round the biscuit factory.
Fmekeâe Passive structure efvecve nesiee~ (c) Let these students to be taken round the
A.V- Sub + is/am/are + v1 + ing + obj biscuit factory.
P.V- Obj + is/am/are + being + v3 + by + sub (d) You must take these students round the
Correct passive sentence biscuit factory.
Good pictures are being clicked with his new camera. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Active / Passive Voice 345 YCT
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Please +Verb1 mes mhe° nw efkeâ (a) It is belief by some people that discipline
means blind submission to authority
JeekeäÙe Imperative ceW nw pees efkeâ request keâes ØeoefMe&le keâjlee nw~
(b) It was believed by some people that discipline
DeleŠ Fmekeâe structure efvecve nesiee~ meant blind submission to authority.
Active Structure - please + v1 + obj + others (c) It is believed by some people that discipline
Passive Structure- you are requested+to+verb1+ object means blind submission to authority.
+ other word (d) It has been believed by some people that
Correct Passive Sentence is- discipline means blind submission to.
You are requested to take these students round the SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
biscuit factory. Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub +Verb1 mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
225. Select the correct active form of the given Active Voice keâe JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite ceW nw, Dele: Fmekeâe
sentence. Passive Voice Present Continuous ceW nesiee, Dele: yeoueves keâe
The chairs were being arranged in the efveÙece-
examination hall by the staff. Active Voice- Sub + V1 + Object
(a) The chairs were arranging the staff in the Passive Voice- Obj. + is/am/are + V3 + by + Sub
examination hall. Correct Passive Voice-
(b) The staff was arranging the chairs in the It is believed by some people that discipline means
examination hall. blind submission to authority.
(c) The staff has been arranging the chairs in the 228. Select the correct passive form to the given
examination hall. sentence.
(d) The staff has arranged the chairs in the At night, lock the outer gate.
(a) The outer gate is requested to be locked at
examination hall.
SSC CGL (Tier-I)–07/06/2019 (Shift-II) (b) The outer gate is locked at night.
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW were +being + v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes (c) The outer gate be locked at night.
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past continuous keâe passive nw Dele: Fmekeâe (d) Let the outer gate be locked at night.
Active structure efvecve nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Passive Voice- obj + was/were + being + V3 + by + sub Ans. (d) : efoÙee ieÙee Active Voice keâe JeekeäÙe Imperative
Active Voice- sub + was/were + V1 + ing + obj Sentence keâe nw Dele: Fmekeâe Passive Voice efvecveefueefKele
Correct sentence– efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej yeouesiee-
The staff was arranging the chairs in the examination A.V. - V1 + obj
hall. P.V- Let + obj + be + V3rd + object
226. Select the correct active form of the given Correct Sentence-
Let the outer gate be locked at night.
229. Select the correct active form of the given
The hunchback was being laughed at by
Their children were brought up with great
(a) Everyone was laughing at the hunchback. care.
(b) Everyone is laughing at the hunchback. (a) They have been bringing up their children
(c) Everyone laughed at the hunchback. with great care.
(d) Everyone laughs at the hunchback. (b) They had brought up their children with great
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III) care.
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was+being+verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes (c) They brought up their children with great
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past continuous keâe Passive form nw~ DeleŠ (d) Their children brought them up with great
Fmekeâe Active voice keâe structure efvecve nesiee~ care.
Passive Voice- object + was/were + being + v3 + by + SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
sub Ans. (c) : efoS ieS Passive Voice kesâ JeekeäÙe ceW were + v3rd
Active Voice- Sub + was/were + v1 + ing + obj kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense keâe
Correct Active Voice- Passive Voice nw Dele: Fmekeâes Active Voice ceW yeoueves keâe
Everyone was laughing at the hunchback.
227. Select the correct passive form of the given P.V.- Object + was/were/+ VIIIrd + by + Subject
sentence. A.V.- Sub + VIInd + Object
Some people believe that discipline means blind Correct Sentence-
submission to authority. They brought up their children with great care.

Active / Passive Voice 346 YCT

230. Select the correct passive form of the given Note- Active mes Passive Ùee Passive mes Active yeveeles meceÙe
sentence. Subject keâes Object Deewj Object keâes Subject ceW yeoue osles nw~
Take this suitcase upstairs. Correct Sentence–
(a) You are requested to take this suitcase The guards were thoroughly checking every passing
upstairs. vehicle.
(b) You must be taking this suitcase upstairs. 233. Select the correct passive form of the given
(c) This suitcase should be taken upstairs.
(d) Let this suitcase been taken upstairs.
Do not buy medicines without the doctor's
SSC CGL (Tier-I)–06/06/2019 (Shift-II) prescription.
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer Meg™Deele verb1 mes ngF& nw~ DeleŠ (a) Medicines could not be bought without the
mhe° nw efkeâ Ùen Imperative Sentence nw~ Fmekeâe Passive doctor's prescription
efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ (b) Medicines need not be bought without the
A.V. - V1 + obj + others doctor's prescription
P.V. - Object + should be + verb (III) (c) Medicines should not be bought without the
Correct Passive Sentence- doctor's prescription
This suitcase should be taken upstairs. (d) Medicines might not be bought without the
doctor's prescription
231. Select the correct active form of the given
sentence. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
The injured were being removed to the hospital Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Do not + V1 mes Meg™ nw ÛetBefkeâ JeekeäÙe
by the police. Ùen Imperative sentence ces nQ Dele: Fmekeâer Passive mebjÛevee
(a) The police removed the injured to the efvecve Øekeâej nesieer~
hospital. A.V. - Do not + v1 + obj + others
(b) The injured was removing the police to the P.V. - obj + Auxiliary Verb + not + be + V3 + other
hospital. word.
(c) The police was removing the injured to the Correct Passive Sentence-
hospital. Medicines should not be bought without the doctors
(d) The police has been removing the injured to permission.
the hospital.
234. Select the correct passive form of the given
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : efoÙee ieÙee Passive Voice keâe JeekeäÙe was + being + Do not park your car in front of my house.
v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Continuous Tense keâe (a) My house should not be parked in front of
Passive nw~ Fmekeâes Active Voice ceW yeveeves keâe efveÙece efvecve nesiee- your car
P.V- obj + was/were + being + v3 + by + sub (b) Your car need not be parked in front of my
A.V- sub + was/were + v1 + ing + obj house.
Correct Sentence– (c) Your car could not be parked in front of my
The police was removing the injured to the hospital. house.
232. Select the correct active form of the given (d) Your car should not be parked in front of my
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Every passing vehicle was being thoroughly
checked by the guards. Ans : (d) Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe Do not + V1 mes Meg™ nw Dele: Ùen
(a) The guards have been thoroughly checking JeekeäÙe Imperative sentence ces nQ DeleŠ Fmekeâer Passive mebjÛevee
every passing vehicle. efvecve Øekeâej nesieer~
(b) Every passing vehicle were thoroughly A.V. - Do not + v + obj + others
checking the guards. P.V. - obj + Auxiliary Verb + not + be + V3 + other
(c) The guards have thoroughly checked every word.
passing vehicle.
Correct Passive Sentence-
(d) The guards were thoroughly checking every
Your car should not be parked in front of my house.
passing vehicle.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I) 235. Select the correct passive form of the given
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was+being+verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
Please show me my son's Mathematics
mhe° nw efkeâ Past Continuous tense keâe Passive voice nw~ notebook.
DeleŠ Fmekeâe Active Structure efvecve nesiee~ (a) I may please be shown my son's Mathematics
P.V. - obj + was/were + being + vIIIrd + by + sub notebook.
Active voice (b) My son may please be shown the
sub + was/were + vI + ing + object Mathematics notebook.

Active / Passive Voice 347 YCT

(c) I will please be shown my son's Mathematics 238. Select the correct passive form of the given
notebook. sentence.
(d) My son's Mathematics notebook was please The cyclone has damaged several crops.
shown to me. (a) Several crops are being damaged by the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III) cyclone.
Ans. (a) : Please mes Meg® ngS JeekeäÙe keâe passive yeveeles meceÙe (b) Several corps had been damaged by the
may please be + vIIIrd form (request kesâ sense ceW) keâe (c) Several crops have been damaged by the
ØeÙeesie GheÙegòeâ neslee nw~ cyclone.
Correct Passive Sentence- (d) Several crops have damaged the cyclone.
I may please be shown my son's Mathematics SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II)
notebook. Ans : (c) Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has+verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
236. Select the correct active form of the given JeekeäÙe Present Perfect Tense ceW nw DeleŠ Fmekeâe Passive
sentence. Voice efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
The crop was adversely affected by the Active structure- sub + has/have + VIIIrd form + obj
inadequate rainfall. Passive structure- obj + has/have + been + VIIIrd form +
(a) The inadequate rainfall adversely affected the by + sub
crop. Note- Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes
(b) The inadequate rainfall was adversely sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~
affecting the crop. Correct passive sentence-
(c) The inadequate crop adversely affected the Several crops have been damaged by the cyclone.
rainfall. 239. Select the correct passive form of the given
(d) The adversely rainfall has affected the sentence.
inadequate crop. Everyone should obey traffic regulations.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III) (a) Traffic regulation will be obeyed by
Ans. (a) :Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW was+verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ everyone.
(b) Traffic regulations should be obey by
JeekeäÙe Past indefinite keâe Passive voice nw DeleŠ Fmekeâe everyone.
Active structure efvecve nesiee- (c) Traffic regulations are obeyed by everyone.
Active structure - sub + VIInd form + obj (d) Traffic regulations should be obeyed by
Passive structure - sub + was/were + VIIIrd form + by + everyone.
obj SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Note- Active mes passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes Ans : (d) Modal should Jeeues JeekeäÙeeW keâe Passive form
sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~ yeveeles meceÙe should kesâ yeeo be keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw leLee subject
Correct Active Sentence- keâes object Deewj object keâes subject ceW yeoue osles nw~ Passive
The inadequate rainfall adversely affected the crop. form ceW verb keâe III form ueieeles nw Deewj Devle ceW subject mes
237. Select the correct passive form of the given henues by keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~
sentence. A.V. - Sub + should + V1 + obj
Someone gave him a new case for his credit P.V- obj + should + be + VIIIrd + by + sub
cards. Correct Passive Sentence-
(a) He is given a new case for his credit cards. Traffic regulations should be obeyed by everyone.
(b) He had given a new case for his credit cards. 240. Select the correct passive form of the given
(c) He was given a new case for his credit cards. sentence.
(d) He has given a new case for his credit cards. You have made a mistake in writing your
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) A mistake has been made by you in writing
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub+verb2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ your answer.
JeekeäÙe Active sentence 'past indefinite' tense keâe nw Dele: (b) A mistake have been made by you in writing
Fmekeâe passive ceW heefjJele&ve efvecve Øekeâej mes keâjWies- your answer.
Active structure- sub + v + object 2nd (c) A mistake is being made by you in writing
3rd your answer.
Passive structure- object+was/were + v + by + subject
(d) A mistake had been made by you in writing
Correct Passive Structure- your answer.
He was given a new suitcase for his credit cards. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Active / Passive Voice 348 YCT
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have+verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ 243. Select the correct passive form of the given
JeekeäÙe Present Perfect Tense ceW nw~ DeleŠ Fmekeâe Passive sentence.
Voice keâe Structure efvecve nesiee~ They will complete the painting in a week's
Active- subject + has/have + verb3rd form + object +
(a) The painting will be completed in a week's
Passive- object + has/have + been + verb3rd form + by +
(b) The painting was completed in a week's time.
subject + others
(c) The painting is completed in a week's time.
Correct passive sentence-
A mistake has been made by you in writing your (d) The painting had been completed in a week's
answer. time.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I)
241. Select the correct passive form of the given
sentence. Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW will + v1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
His mother gave him a note for his teacher. JeekeäÙe Future indefinite tense ceW nw efpemekeâes efvecve efveÙeceevegmeej
(a) He had been given a note for his teacher by Passive voice ceW yeouesieW~
his mother. Active- sub + shall/will + v1 + obj
(b) He is given a note for his teacher by his Passive- obj + shall/will + be + v3 + by + sub
mother. Note-keâYeer-keâYeer by + object keâes understanding ceevekeâj nše
(c) He was given a note for his teacher by his
mother. efoÙee peelee nw~
(d) His teacher was given a note for his mother. Correct Passive Sentence-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II) The painting will be completed in a week's time
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe V2 kesâ ØeÙeesie ceW mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past 244. Select the correct passive form of the given
Indefinite tense ceW nw~ DeleŠ Fmekeâe Passive voice keâe
They are going to open the shops at eleven
Structure efvecve nesiee~ o'clock.
Active- subject + verbIInd + object1 + object2 + others (a) The shops must be opened at eleven o'clock.
Passive- object (indirect) + was/were + verb IIIrd + (b) The shops were opened at eleven o'clock.
(mepeerJe) (c) The shops are going to be opened at eleven
object2 (direct) + others + by + subject o'clock.
(efvepeeaJe) (d) The shops have been opened at eleven
Note- keâYeer-keâYeer JeekeäÙe ceW oes objects kesâ efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW o'clock.
[Indirect object (mepeerJe) Deewj Direct object (efvepeeaJe)] SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II)
passive kesâ subject kesâ ™he ceW Indirect object (mepeerJe) keâes Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Present Continous Tense ceW nw DeleŠ
yesnlej ceevee peelee nw~ Fmekeâe Passive voice efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
Correct sentence- Active- subject + is/am/are + verb + ing + object +
He was given a note for his teacher by his mother. others
242. Choose the option that is the passive form of Passive- object + is/am/are + being + verbIIIrd form +
the sentence. by + object + others.
The chief guest gave prizes to the children. Note :- GheÙeg&òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Main Verb infinitive (to open)
(a) The children were being given prizes by the ØeÙegòeâ nw FmekeâeW passive ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjles meceÙe to +be + v3
chief guest. (opened) keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~
(b) The children are given prizes by the chief Correct Passive Sentence-
guest. The shops are going to be opend at eleven o'clock.
(c) The children were given prizes by the chief 245. Select the correct passive form of the given
guest. sentence.
(d) The children was given prizes by the chief They will not allow mobile phones in the
guest. examination hall.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III) (a) Mobile phones are not allowed in the
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW gave(verb2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw examination hall.
efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite keâe Active Voice nw~ DeleŠ Fmekeâe (b) Mobile phones are not being allowed in the
Passive Structure efvecve nesiee~ examination hall.
Active- subject + verb (2nd form) + object + others. (c) Mobile phones will not be allowed in the
Passive- object + was/were + verb(3rd form) + by + examination hall.
subject + others (d) Mobile phones were not allowed in the
Correct passive sentence- examination hall.
The children were given prizes by the chief guest. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)

Active / Passive Voice 349 YCT

Ans : (c) ØeMve ceW efoÙee JeekeäÙe Future Indefinite keâe Passive Structure- obj+was/were+VIIIrd form + by + sub
Negative JeekeäÙe nw Fmekeâe passive yeveeles meceÙe efvecveefueefKele Note- Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes
efveÙeceeW keâe DevegmejCe nesiee- sub. yevee efueÙee peelee nw~ keâYeer-keâYeer by + obj keâes Passive yeveeles
Active structure- meceÙe understood ceeve keâj Fmekeâe ØeÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw~
sub + shall/will + not + VIst form + obj Correct Passive Sentence–
Passive structure- The ball was thrown towards his little brother.
obj + will/shall + not + be + VIIIrd form + by + sub 248. Select the most appropriate passive form of the
Note-1: Active mes passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes given sentence.
sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~ Please lock the door.
2:keâYeerr-keâYeer Passive kesâ (by + object) keâes understood ceevekeâj (a) The door should kindly being locked.
ÚesÌ[ efoÙee peelee nw~ (b) You are requested to lock the door.
Correct Passive Sentence (c) You are being ordered to lock the door.
Mobile phones will not be allowed in the examination (d) Please let the door be lock.
hall. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III)
246. Select the most appropriate passive form of the Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Please + v1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
given sentence. efkeâ JeekeäÙe imperative sentence ceW nw Fmekeâe passive efvecve
The surgeon successfully operated upon the efveÙece mes yevesiee-
A.V. - please + V1 + obj
(a) The patient is being successfully operated
upon by the surgeon. P.V. - You are requested to + v1 + obj
(b) The patient is successfully operated upon by you are requested/adviced/ordered+Active Sentence
the surgeon. Note- Ùeefo Active sentence mes order keâe YeeJe Øekeâš neslee nw
(c) The patient was successfully operated upon Deewj GmeceW object Yeer efoÙee nes lees Fmekeâe Passive efvecve lejerkesâ mes
by the surgeon. Yeer yeveeÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(d) The surgeon has been successfully operated Let + obj + be + verb3rd form
upon by the patient.
Correct passive form-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I)
you are requested to lock the door.
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
249. Select the most appropriate passive form of the
Past indefinite Tense ceW nw DeleŠ Fmekeâe Passive Structure given sentence.
efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ She answered fifty questions in one hour.
Active- subject + vIInd form + object + others words. (a) Fifty questions were answered by her in one
Passive- object + was/were + vIIIrd form + by + subject + hour.
other words. (b) Fifty questions were being answered by her
Correct Passive Sentence- in one hour.
The patient was successfully operated upon by the (c) Fifty questions have been answered by her in
surgeon. one hour.
247. Select the most appropriate passive form of the (d) Fifty questions are answered by her in one
given sentence. hour.
He threw the ball towards his little brother. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) His little brother's ball was thrown at him. Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
(b) The ball was thrown towards his little
Sentence Past Indefinite keâe Active voice nw Fmekeâe
(c) The ball is thrown towards his little brother. Passive yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele efveÙece keâe DevegmejCe nesiee-
(d) The ball is being thrown towards his little Active structure
brother. sub + vIInd form + obj
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II) Passive structure
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ obj + was/were + vIII form + by + sub
JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite keâs Active Voice keâe Sentence nw Fmes Note- Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes
Passive Voice ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele efveÙeceeW keâe sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~
DevegmejCe nesiee- Correct Passive Sentence–
Active Structure- sub + V form + obj Fifty questions were answered by her in one hour.

Active / Passive Voice 350 YCT

250. Select the most appropriate passive form of the 252. Select the correct passive form of the given
given sentence. sentence.
They were distributing food grains among the The mechanic repaired my car quite
poor. satisfactorily.
(a) The poor will be distributed among food (a) My car repaired quite satisfactorily by the
grains. mechanic.
(b) Food grains were being distributed among (b) The mechanic was repaired quite
the poor. satisfactorily by my car.
(c) Food grains were distributed among the poor. (c) My car was repaired quite satisfactorily by
(d) Food grains will be distributed among the the mechanic.
poor. (d) My car is repaired quite satisfactorily by the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II) mechanic.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW were + VI + ing kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past continuous keâe Active Voice Sentence nw
JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense ceW nw DeleŠ Fmekeâe Passive
Fmes passive yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele efveÙeceeW keâe DevegmejCe
Structure efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
Active- subject + vIInd + object + others
Active Structure Passive- suject + was/were + vIIInd + by + object
sub + was / were + v + ing form + obj Correct passive form-
Passive Structure My car was repaired quite satisfactorily by the
obj + was / were + being + v IIIrd form + by + sub 253. Select the most appropriate passive form of the
Note : Active mes passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes given sentence.
sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~ keâYeer-keâYeer by + obj keâes understood How much monthly rent did you pay for the
ceevekeâj ÚesÌ[ efoÙee peelee nw~ (a) How much monthly rent is paid for the house?
Correct passive sentence- (b) How much monthly rent was being paid for the
Food grains were being distributed among the poor. house?
251. Select the most appropriate passive form of the (c) How much monthly rent was paid for the house?
given sentence. (d) How much monthly rent is being paid for the
The store manager caught the teenager house?
shoplifting. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) The teenager is caught shoplifting by the Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW did kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
store manager.
Past Indefinite keâe Interogative Sentence nw DeleŠ Fmekeâe
(b) The teenager was caught shoplifting by the
Passvie Structure efvecve nesiee~
store manager.
(c) The store manager is caught shoplifting by How much montly rent (question word)+was/were
+verb3 +other word +(by+subject)
the teenager
Correct Passive Sentence
(d) The teenager has been caught shoplifting by
How much monthly rent was paid for the house?
the store manager.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III) 254. Select the most appropriate passive form of the
given sentence.
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
Have you paid your outstanding bills?
Past Indefinite Tense keâe Active voice nw Fmekeâe Passive (a) Have your outstanding bills been paid?
yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele efveÙece keâe DevegmejCe keâjsieW~ (b) Are your outstanding bills being paid?
Active structure (c) Have your outstanding bills being paid?
sub + vII form + obj (d) Will your outstanding bills be paid?
Passive structure SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have + sub + v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
obj + was/were + vIII form + by + sub
Note- Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe present perfect keâe Interrogative sentence nw-
sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~ DeleŠ Fmekeâe Passive efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
Correct Passive Sentence- Active structure- has/have + sub + VIIIrd form + obj
The teenager was caught shoplifting by the store Passive structure- has/have + sub + been + VIIIrd form +
manager. by + obj
Active / Passive Voice 351 YCT
Note :- Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes 257. Select the correct passive form of the given
sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~ by + obj keâes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sentence.
The new gardener looks after the plants well.
understood nesves hej Hide efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
(a) The plants looked after well by the new
Correct Passive Sentence gardener
Have your outstanding bills been paid ? (b) The plants were looked after well by the new
255. Select the correct passive form of the given gardener.
sentence. (c) The plants are looked after well by the new
The merchant took out the dead parrot from gardener.
the cage. (d) The new gardener is looked after well by the
(a) The dead parrot took out from the cage by the plants.
merchant. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(b) The dead parrot is taken out from the cage by Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
the merchant.
JeekeäÙe Present Indefinite ceW nw DeleŠ Fmekeâe Passive
(c) The dead parrot was taking out from the cage
by the merchant. Structure efvecve nesiee~
(d) The dead parrot was taken out from the cage Active- subject + verb + s/es + object + others
by the merchant. Passive- object + is/am/are + verbIIIrd + by + subject +
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I) others
Correct Passive Sentence-
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
The plants are looked after well by the new gardener.
JeekeäÙe past Indefinite keâe Active voice sentence nw Fmes 258. Select the correct passive form of the given
passive yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele efveÙeceeW keâe DevegmejCe nesiee- sentence.
Active structure- sub + vIInd form + obj The gardener has mowed the lawn.
Passive structure- obj+was/were + vIIIrd form + by + sub (a) The lawn was mowed by the gardener.
Note- Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je obj keâes (b) The lawn has been mowed by the gardener.
sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~ (c) The lawn is mowed by the gardener.
Correct Passive Sentence– (d) The gardener has been mowed by the lawn.
The dead parrot was taken out from the cage by the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
merchant. Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has + verb3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
256. Select the correct passive form of the given efkeâ JeekeäÙe present perfect tense ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive
sentence. structure efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
The merchant brought many gifts for his Active- Subject + has/have + Verb form + Object +
family from India. Others.
(a) Many gifts were brought by the merchant for Passive- Object + has/have + been + Verb form +
his family from India. by + Subject + Others.
(b) His family were brought by the merchant for Correct passive form–
hi family from India. The lawn has been mowed by the gardener.
(c) Many gifts brought by the merchant for his 259. Select the correct passive form of the given
family from India. sentence.
(d) Many gifts are brought by the merchant for The Japanese Emperor Akihito abdicated the
his family from India. Chrysanthemum Throne in April, 2019.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II) (a) The Japanese Emperor Akihito was abdicated
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ by the Chrysanthemum Throne in April,
JeekeäÙe past indefinite keâe Active voice keâe sentence nw~ (b) The Chrysanthemum Throne was abdicated
Fmekeâe Passive Structure efvecve nesiee~ by the Japanese Emperor Akihito in April,
Active Structure 2019.
Sub. + VIInd form + Obj. (c) The Chrysanthemum Throne has abdicated
Passive Structure by the Japanese Emperor Akihito in April,
Obj. + was/were + VIIIrd form + by + Sub. 2019.
Correct Passive Sentence- (d) The Chrysanthemum Throne is abdicated by
Many gifts were brought by the merchant for his the Japanese Emperor Akihito in April, 2019.
family from India. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II)

Active / Passive Voice 352 YCT

Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ 262. Select the correct passive form of the given
JeekeäÙe Past Indefenite Tense ceW nw, Dele: Passive Voice ceW sentence.
Savita will deliver a speech on the occasion of
yeoueves keâe efveÙece-
Ambedkar Jayanti.
A.V.- sub + v2 + object (a) On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a
P.V.- object + was/were + V3rd + by + subject + other speech is being delivered by Savita.
words. (b) On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a
Correct passive form– speech was delivered by Savita.
The Chrysanthemum Throne was abdicated by the (c) On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a
Japanese Emperor Akihito in April, 2019. speech will be delivered by Savita.
260. Select the correct passive form of the given (d) On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a
sentence. speech is to be delivered by Savita.
Bill Gates has given away twenty seven percent SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
of his wealth in charity. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW will + v1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
(a) Twenty seven percent of his wealth had been
given away by Bill Gates in charity.
JeekeäÙe future indefinite tense ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe passive
(b) Twenty seven percent of his wealth has given structure efvecve ™he mes yevesiee~
away Bill Gates in charity. Active - subject + will/shall + verb1 + object + other
(c) Twenty seven percent of his wealth has been words.
given away by Bill Gates in charity. Passive - object + will/shall + be + verb3 + by +
(d) Bill Gates has been given away by twenty subject + other words.
seven percent of his wealth in charity. or
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III) other words + object + will/shall + be + verb3 + by +
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has + v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ subject.
Correct passive sentence :-
JeekeäÙe present perfect tense keâe nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive
On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a speech will be
structure efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ delivered by Savita.
A.V.- sub. + has/have + VIIIrd form + obj. 263. Select the option that is the passive form of the
P.V.- obj. + has/have + been + VIIIrd form + by + sub. sentence.
As- He has done his work The sub-committee is presenting its report in a
sub V3 ob. week's time.
Passive- His work has been done by him (a) The report of the sub-committee had been
Correct passive sentence– presented in a week's time.
Twenty seven percent of his wealth has been given (b) The report of the sub-committee is presenting
away by Bill Gates in charity. in a week's time.
261. Select the correct passive form of the given (c) The report of the sub-committee is being
sentence. presented in a week's time
The prisoners have made these paintings. (d) The report of the sub-committee has been
(a) These prisoners have been made by the presented in a week's time.
paintings. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(b) These paintings were made by the prisoners. Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW is + Ving kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
(c) These paintings are made by the prisoners. JeekeäÙe present continuous tense ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive
(d) These paintings have been made by the efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
prisoners. Active structure
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III) Sub + is/are + Ving from + obj
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have + v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ Passive Structure
JeekeäÙe present perfect tense ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive efvecve Obj + is/are + being + VIIIrd + sub
efveÙece mes yevesiee~ Note: Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj Je sub keâes
Active voice- (sub + has/ have + v3 + obj) Obj yevee efueÙee peelee nw~
Passive voice- (obj + has/have + been + v3 + by + sub) Correct passive sentence–
Correct passive sentence– The report of the sub-committee is being presented in a
These paintings have been made by the prisoners. week's time

Active / Passive Voice 353 YCT

264. Select the correct passive form of given sentence. (c) A very interesting story was narrated by my
My mother is watching a new serial about the friend at the International Storytelling
life of Dr. Ambedkar. Festival.
(a) A new serial about the life of Dr. Ambedkar (d) A very interesting story is being narrated by
is being watched by my mother. my friend at the International Storytelling
(b) A new serial about the life of Dr. Ambedkar Festival.
was being watched by my mother. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) A new serial about the life of Dr. Ambedkar Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
is watched by my mother. past indefinite tense keâe active voice nw~ Fmekeâe passive
(d) A new serial about the life of Dr. Ambedkar structure efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
will be watched by my mother.
A.V. – Subject + v2 + object+ other words.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III)
P.V. - Object + was/were + v3 + by + subject + other
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW is + ving kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ words
JeekeäÙe present continuous tense keâe active voice nw, DeleŠ Correct passive sentence–
Fmekeâe passive sentence efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ A very interesting story was narrated by my friend at
A.V.– Subject + is/am/are + verb1 + ing + object + the International Storytelling Festival.
other words 267. Select the correct passive form of the given
P.V. – Object + is/am/are + being + v3 + by + subject + sentence.
other words Chhattisgarh organised the first ever 'All India
Correct passive sentence– Folk Dance Festival' in January 2020.
A new serial about the life of Dr. Ambedkar is being (a) The first ever 'All India Folk Dance Festival'
watched by my mother. will be organised by the Chhaattisgarh State
265. Select the correct passive form of the given in January 2020.
sentence. (b) The first ever 'All India Folk Dance Festival'
We are arranging an exhibition of sarees from was being organised by the Chhaattisgarh
different states of India at Dilli Haat. State in January 2020.
(a) An exhibition of sarees from different states (c) The first ever 'All India Folk Dance Festival'
of India is being arranged by us at Dilli Haat. was organised by the Chhaattisgarh State in
(b) An exhibition of sarees from different states January 2020.
of India was arranged by us at Dilli Haat. (d) The first ever 'All India Folk Dance Festival'
(c) An exhibition of sarees from different states had been organised by the Chhaattisgarh State
of India has been arranged by us at Dilli Haat. in January 2020.
(d) An exhibition of sarees from different states SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II)
of India will be arranged by us at Dilli Haat. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II) Past Indefinite Tense ceW nw, Dele: Fmekeâes Passive form ceW
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe cebs are + ving kesâ ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe yeoueves kesâ efueÙes efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjves neWies~
present continuous tense keâe active structure nw~ Fmekeâe A.V.– Subject + v2 + object + others
passive voice efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ P.V.– Object + was/were + v3 + by + subject + others
A.V.– subject + is/am/are + v1 + ing + object + other Correct Passive voice
words The first ever 'All India Folk Dance Festival' was
P.V. –object + is/am/are + being + v3 + by + subject + organised by the Chhaattisgarh State in January 2020.
other words. 268. Select the correct Passive form of the given
Correct passive sentence– sentence.
An exhibition of sarees from different states of India is The Inspector had already proved the case
being arranged by us at Dilli Haat. before the investigation team took charge of it.
266. Select the correct passive form of the given (a) The case had already been proved by the
sentence. Inspector before the investigation team took
My friend narrated a very interesting story at charge of it.
the International Storytelling Festival. (b) The investigation team took chage of the case
(a) A very interesting story was being narrated by out the inspector had already proved before it.
my friend at the International Storytelling (c) The case was already proved by the Inspector
Festival. before the investigation team took charge of it.
(b) A very interesting story has been narrated by (d) The case had already proved by the Inspector
my friend at the International Storytelling before the investigation team took charge of it.
Festival. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Active / Passive Voice 354 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW had + V3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v2 mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
JeekeäÙe past perfect tense keâe active structure nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe past indefinite tense ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive structure
passive efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ efvecve nesiee~
Active Structure A.V.– Subject + v2 + object + others.
IIIrd P.V. - Object + was/were + v3 + by + subject + others.
Sub + had + V form + Obj
Correct passive voice :
Passive Structure Delhi was lashed by rains and the temperature was
obj + had + been + VIIIrd form + by + sub brought down by a few degrees.
Note– Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe Sub. keâes obj. Je obj. 271. Select the correct passive form of the given
keâes Sub. yevee efueÙee peelee nw~ sentence.
Correct passive sentence– The coach received the members of the team
with great excitement.
The case had already been proved by the Inspector
(a) The members of the team were received by
before the investigation team took charge of it. the coach with great excitement.
269. Select the option that is the passive form of the (b) The member of the team had been received
sentence. by the coach with great excitement.
We have chosen the colour of the new car we (c) The member of the team was received by the
want to buy. coach with great excitement.
(a) The colour of the new car we want to buy is (d) The member of the team could be received by
being chosen by us. the coach with great excitement.
(b) The colour of the new car we want to buy had SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I)
been chosen. Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
(c) The colour of the new car we want to buy has past indefinite ceW nw Fmekeâe passive yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecve
been chosen by us. structure ØeÙees i e nesiee–
(d) The colour of the new car we want to buy can active structure
be chosen by us. nd
sub + V II form + object
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have + v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ passive structure
JeekeäÙe Present Perfect ceW nQ Fmekeâe Passive yeveeves kesâ efueS obj + was / were + VIII form + by + sub
efvecve Structure keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Note:- active mes passive yeveeles meceÙe sub. keâes object Je
Active Structure object keâes sub. yevee efueÙee peelee nw~
Sub + has/have + VIIIrd form + Obj Correct passive sentence–
Passive Structure The members of the team were received by the coach
obj + has/have + been VIIIrd form + by + sub with great excitement.
Note : Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe Sub keâes Obj leLee 272. Select the correct passive form of the given
Obj keâes Sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~
Sheetal might have misplaced Mohan's wallet
Correct passive sentence : in their rush.
The colour of the new car we want to buy has been (a) Mohan's wallet may have been misplaced by
chosen by us. Sheetal in their rush.
270. Select the correct passive form of the given (b) Mohan's wallet might have been misplaced by
Sheetal in their rush.
(c) Mohan's wallet may be misplaced by Sheetal
Rains lashed Delhi and brought the in their rush.
temperature down by a few degrees. (d) Mohan's wallet might be misplaced by
(a) Delhi had been lashed by rain and the Sheetal in their rush.
temperature had been brought down by a few SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III)
(b) Delhi was being lashed by rain and the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW might + have kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
temperature was being brought down by a nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe modal keâe past form nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive
few degrees. efvecve structure mes yevesiee~
(c) Delhi was lashed by rains and the temperature A.V.– Subject + modal + have + v + object + others.
was brought down by a few degrees. P.V.– Object + modal + have + been + v3 + by +
(d) Delhi is being lashed by rain and the subject + others.
temperature was brought down by a few Correct passive sentence–
degrees. 'Mohan's wallet might have been misplaced by Sheetal
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I) in their rush.'

Active / Passive Voice 355 YCT

273. Select the option that is the passive form of the
Active − who + v IInd form + object ?
The batsman had hit the ball towards the Passive − by whom + was / were + subject + v IIIrd form + ?
(a) The ball is hit towards the boundary by the or
batsman. Who + was/were + Subject + M.V3 + by + ?
(b) The ball is being towards the boundary by the Note- peye keâesF& Interrogative Sentence who mes start neslee nw lees
batsman. Fmekeâe Passive yeveeles meceÙe JeekeäÙe keâer Meg™Deele ceW By whom mes keâjles
(c) The ball was hit towards the boundary by the nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ who(sub.) keâes by ueieekeâj object by whom ceW ØeÙeesie
batsman. keâjles nQ SJeb object keâes passive voice keâe subject yevee uesles nQ~
(d) The ball had been hit towards the boundary Correct Passive Sentence–
by the batsman. By whom was Ravana killed?
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II) 276. Select the correct passive form of the given
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW had + v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ sentence.
Did you inform him about the ticket
JeekeäÙe past perfect tense keâe active sentence nw, DeleŠ cancellation?
Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee~ (a) Was he informed about the ticket cancellation
A.V.– Subject + had + v3 + object + others. by you?
P.V.– Object + had + been + v3 + by + subject + others. (b) Will he be informed about the ticket
Correct passive form– cancellation by you?
(c) Is he being informed about the ticket
'The ball had been hit towards the boundary by the
cancellation by you?
(d) Was he being informed about the ticket
274. Select the correct passive form of the given cancellation by you?
sentence. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
The students have performed a new version of Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Did + sub + v1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'. nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Past Indefinite Tense keâe Interrogative
(a) Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' has been performed
Sentence nw~ Dele: efvecve Structure mes Fmekeâes Passive Voice
by the new version of the students.
(b) A new version of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'
ceW yeoue mekeâles nw~
have been performed by the students. Active − did + Subject + verb1 + object + other words + ?
(c) A new version of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' has Passive − was / were + object + verb3 + other words +
been performed by the students. by + Subject + ?
(d) Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' have been performed Correct Passive Sentence–
by the new version of the students. Was he informed about the ticket cancellation by you?
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I) 277. Select the correct passive form of the given
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW have + v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ sentence.
JeekeäÙe present perfect tense ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive Dr. Verma advised patients to try out a new
structure efvecve nesiee~ medicine for migraine.
(a) Patients were advised to try out a new
A.V.– Subject + has/have + v3 + object
medicine for migraine by Dr. Verma.
P.V.– Object + has/have + been + v3 + by + subject (b) Patients have been advised to try out a new
Correct passive sentence– medicine for migraine by Dr. Verma.
A new version of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' has been (c) The old patients had been advised to try out a
performed by the students. new medicine for migraine by Dr. Verma.
275. Select the correct passive form of the given (d) The patients were being advised to try out a
sentence? new medicine for migraine by Dr. Verma.
Who killed Ravana? SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) By whom was Ravana killed? Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
(b) Ravana is killed by whom? JeekeäÙe "Past Indefinite" ceW nw~ Fmekeâe Passive form efvecve
(c) By whom Ravana was killed? lejerkesâ mes yevesiee~
(d) Ravana was killed by whom?
A.V.– Subject + v2 + object + others
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
P.V.–Object + was/were + v3 + by + subject + others
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Correct passive sentence :-
Past Indefinite Tense keâe Interrogative Sentence nw~ Patients were advised to try out a new medicine for
Fmekeâe efvecve Structure mes Passive heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ migraine by Dr. Verma.

Active / Passive Voice 356 YCT

278. Select the correct passive form of the given Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW modal can kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
sentence. efkeâ Fmekeâe passive voice efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
They are laying new telephone cables our colony.
A.V. - Sub + modal (can) + v1 + others
(a) New telephone cables are being laid in our
P.V. - Subject + modal(can) + be + v3 + others
(b) New telephone cables were being laid in our Note – keâYeer-keâYeer by + subject keâes understood ceevekeâj ÚesÌ[
colony. efoÙee peelee nw~
(c) New telephone cables will be laid in our Correct passive sentence :
colony. Diamonds can be bought but sympathy cannot be
(d) New telephone cables were laid in our bought.
colony. 281. Select the correct passive form of the given
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) sentence.
Ans. (a): Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW are + ving kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ I use jaggery to sweeten my tea in winters.
JeekeäÙe present continuous tense keâe active sentence nw (a) In winters jaggery was used by me to sweeten
my tea.
Fmekeâe passive voice efvecve structure mes yevesiee~
(b) Jaggery is being used by me to sweeten my
A.V.– Subject + is/am/are + V1 + ing + object + other
tea in winters.
P.V.– Object + is/am/are + being + V3 + by + subject +
(c) I have been using jaggery to sweeten my tea
in winters.
Correct passive sentence :
(d) Jaggery is used by me to sweeten my tea in
New telephone cables are being laid in our colony.
279. Select the correct passive from of the sentence. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
The Delhi Police has shot an educational video
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
on Traffic Rules for school students.
(a) An educational video on Traffic Rules for school JeekeäÙe present indefinite keâe active voice keâe JeekeäÙe nw
students has been shot by the Delhi Police. Fmekeâe passive yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecveefueefKele efveÙece keâe ØeÙeesie
(b) An educational video on Traffic Rules for school nesiee–
students is being shot by the Delhi Police Active structure
(c) An educational video on Traffic Rules for school
students is being shot by the Delhi Police. Sub. + v Ist form + s / es + obj.
(d) An educational video on Traffic Rules for school Passive structure
students had been shot by the Delhi Police.
obj + is / am / are + v IIIrd form + by + sub
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW has + v3 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ Note:- active mes passive yeveeles meceÙe sub. keâes obj. Je obj.
JeekeäÙe present perfect tense ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive keâes sub. yevee efueÙee peelee nw~
voice efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ Correct passive sentence :-
A.V.– Subject + has/have + v3 + object + others Jaggery is used by me to sweeten my tea in winters.
P.V.– Object + has/have + been + v3 + by + object + 282. Select the option that is the passive form of the
others. given sentence.
Correct passive sentence :- The Principal gave her a warning about
An educational video on Traffic Rules for school coming late to school everyday.
students has been shot by the Delhi Police. (a) She was giving a warning be the Principal
280. Select the correct passive form of given about coming late to school everyday.
sentence. (b) She gives a warning to the Principal about
We can buy diamonds, but we cannot buy coming late to school everyday.
sympathy. (c) She was given a warning about coming late to
(a) Diamonds can be bought and sympathy school everyday by the Principal.
cannot be bought. (d) She has giving a warning by the Principal
(b) Diamonds can be bought but sympathy about coming late to school everyday.
cannot be bought. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) Diamonds can be bought but sympathy can be Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
past indefinite tense ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive structure
(d) Diamonds cannot be bought but sympathy
cannot be bought. efvecve nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III) A.V.– Subject + v2 + object + others
Active / Passive Voice 357 YCT
P.V.– Object + was/were + v3 + by + subject + others (d) I was being told by the vet to put eye drops
Correct passive sentence– and ointment in my pet’s eyes.
She was given a warning about coming late to school SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
everyday by the Principal. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe indirect speech ceW nw, Dele: Fmekeâe
283. Select the option that is the passvie form of the passive yeveeves kesâ efueS reporting verb kesâ part keâe passive
given sentence.
yeveekeâj yeekeâer part keâes pÙeeW keâe lÙeeW jKe osles nQ~
The police brought a search warrant when they
active voice -
raided his house.
(a) A search warrant was brought by the police subject + verb2 + object + other
when they raided his house. passive voice -
(b) The police had raided his house and brought object + was/were + v form + by + subject + other
a search warrant. Correct passive sentence–
(c) A search warrant had been brought when the I was told by the vet to put eye drops and ointment in
police raided his house. my pet’s eyes.
(d) A search warrant was brought when they 286. Select the correct passive form of the given
raided his house by police. sentence.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III) The police arrested the thieves yesterday.
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe (a) The thieves have been arrested yesterday by
past indefinite tense keâe active voice nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe the police.
(b) The thieves were arrested yesterday by the
passive structure efvecve nesiee~
A.V.– Subject + v2 + Object + others
(c) The thieves were being arrested yesterday by
P.V.– Object + was/were + v3 + by + subject + others the police.
Correct passive sentence– (d) The thieves had been arrested yesterday by
A search warrant was brought by the police when they the police.
raided his house. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III)
284. Select the correct passive form of the given
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
past indefinite keâe active voice nw, Dele: Fmekeâe passive
Please make a cup of coffee for me.
(a) Can you please make a cup of coffee for me? voice efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
(b) A cup of coffee can be made for me by you. A.V.– Subject + v2 + object + others.
(c) I request you to make a cup of coffee for me. P.V.– Object + was/were + v3 + by + subject + others.
(d) Let a cup of coffee be made for me. Correct passive sentence–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III) The thieves were arrested yesterday by the police.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW please + v1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw 287. Select the correct passive form of the given
efkeâ JeekeäÙe imperative sentence keâe nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive
Gulliver easily pulled all the warships of the
voice efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
enemy after him.
A.V.– Please + v1 + object + others (a) All the warships of the enemy had been easily
P.V.- Let + object + be + v3 + others pulled by Gulliver after him.
Correct passive sentence– (b) All the warships of Gulliver were easily
Let a cup of coffee be made for me. pulled by the enemy after him.
285. Select the correct passive form of the given (c) All the warships of the enemy were easily
sentence. pulled by Gulliver after him.
The vet told me to put eye drops and ointment (d) All the warships of the enemy were being
in my pet’s eyes. easily pulled by Gulliver after him.
(a) I had been told by the vet to put eye drops and SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
ointment in my pet’s eyes.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past
(b) I am being told by the vet to put eye drops
indefinite ceW nw~ DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
and ointment in my pet’s eyes.
(c) I was told by the vet to put eye drops and active structure
ointment in my pet’s eyes. Sub. + v IInd form + obj.

Active / Passive Voice 358 YCT

passive structure 290. Select the correct passive form of the given
obj. + was / were + v IIIrd form + by + obj.
He spent a lot of money on movies.
Correct passive form– (a) A lot of money is spent by him on movies.
All the warships of the enemy were easily pulled by (b) A lot of money had been spent by him on
Gulliver after him movies.
288. Select the correct passive form of the given (c) a lot of money was being spent by him on
sentence. movies.
For reaching the station, they hired an auto. (d) A lot of money was spent by him on movies
(a) For reaching the station, an auto had been SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II)
hired by them. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
(b) For reaching the station, an auto was hired by
Past Indefinite keâe Active voice keâe JeekeäÙe nw efpemes Passive
(c) For reaching the station, an auto is hired by ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve Structure keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee–
them. Active Structure
(d) For reaching the station, an auto was being Sub + V form + Obj.
hired by them. Passive Structure
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III) obj + was/were + VIIIrd form + by + sub
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Note– Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe Subject keâes Object
past indefinite ceW nw efpemekeâe passive yeveeves keâe structure Je Object keâes Subject yevee efueÙee peelee nw~
nw– Correct passive sentence–
Active structure A lot of money was spent by him on movies.
sub + VIInd form + obj 291. Select the correct passive form of the given
Passive Structure sentence.
obj + was/were + V form + by + sub This android can perform all the programmes
Note– Active mes Passive yeveeles meceÙe subject keâes object perfectly well.
Je object keâes subject yevee efueÙee peelee nw~ (a) All the programmes can have been performed
perfectly well by this android.
Correct passive sentence–
(b) All the programmes could have been
For reaching the station, an auto was hired by them.
performed perfectly well by this android
289. Select the option that is the passive form of the (c) All the programmes can be performed
given sentence. perfectly well by this android.
This book explores the secret of leading a long (d) All the programmes could be performed
and meaningful life. perfectly well by this android.
(a) The secret of leading a long and meaningful
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
life was being explored by this book.
(b) The secret of leading a long and meaningful Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW modal can keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~
life is explored in this book. DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive structure efvecve nesiee~
(c) The secret of leading a long and meaningful Active structure
have been explored by this book. Sub + modals + V1st form + Obj
(d) The secret of leading a long and meaningful Passive Structure
life had been explored by this book. obj + modals + be + V3rd from + by + sub
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II) Note– Active mes passive yeveeles meceÙe sub keâes obj. Je obj. keâes
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ sub yevee efueÙee peelee nw~
JeekeäÙe present indefinite tense ceW nw Dele: Fmekeâe passive Correct passive sentence–
voice efvecve structure mes yevesiee~ All the programmes can be performed perfectly well
Active − Sub. + verb + s/es + obj. + otherwords by this android.
Passive − Obj. + is/am/are + verb3 + by/in + sub. + other words. 292. Select the correct passive form of the given
Correct passive sentence– sentence.
The secret of leading a long and meaningful life is I use baking soda to remove stains from my
explored in this book. clothes.

Active / Passive Voice 359 YCT

(a) I have been using baking soda to remove Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW repaired (v2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
stains from my clothes. efkeâ JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive
(b) Baking soda was used by me to remove stains efvecve structure mes yevesiee~
from my clothes. A.V.– Subject + V2 + object + others.
(c) Baking soda is being used by me to remove P.V.– Object + was/were + V3 + by + subject + others.
stains from my clothes. Correct passive sentence–
(d) Baking soda is used by me to remove stains My bike was repaired by the mechanic
from my clothes. 295. Select the correct passive form of the given
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II) sentence.
The police beat a number of protestors last
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v1 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ night.
JeekeäÙe present indefinite kesâ Active voice ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe (a) A number of protestors has been beaten by
passive structure efvecve nesiee~ the police the night before
(b) A number of protestors were being beaten by
Active Structure the police last night
Sub. + V1st form + s/es + obj. (c) A number of protestors were beaten by the
Passive structure police the night before
obj + is/am/are + V form + by + sub (d) A number of protestors had been beaten by
the police last night.
Correct passive sentence– SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Baking soda is used by me to remove stains from my Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
past indefinite tense ceW nw, Dele: Fmekeâe passive structure
293. Select the option that expresses the given efvecve nesiee~
sentence in passive voice. A.V.–Subject + v2 + Object + other words
Sujata shared the results of her experiment P.V.–Object + was/were + v3 + by + subject + other
with her colleagues. words.
(a) The results of her experiment can be shared Correct passive sentence–
with her colleagues by Sujata. A number of protestors were beaten by the police the
night before
(b) The results of her experiment were shared
with her colleagues by Sujata. 296. Select the option is the passive form of the
(c) The results of her experiment are being
Jiya wrote the research paper with the help of
shared with her colleagues by Sujata.
her tutor.
(d) He colleagues shared the results of her (a) The research paper is being written by Jiya
experiment with Sujata. with the help of her tutor.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I) (b) The research paper was wrote by Jiya with
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ the help of the tutor.
(c) The research paper can be written by the tutor
JeekeäÙe past indefinite ceW nw, Dele: Fmekeâe passive efvecve with the help of Jiya.
structure mes yevesiee~ (d) The research paper was written by Jiya with
A.V.– Subject + v2 + object + others. the help of her tutor.
P.V.– Object + was/were + v3 + by + subject + others SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Correct passive sentence– Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW sub + v2 kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
The results of her experiment were shared with her JeekeäÙe past indefinite tense ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe passive
colleagues by Sujata. structure efvecve nesiee~
294. Select the correct passive form of the given Active structure
sentence. Sub. + vIInd form + obj.
Passive structure
The mechanic repaired my bike.
Obj + was/were + vIIIrd form + by + sub
(a) My bike has been repaired by the mechanic
Note:– active mes passive yeveeles meceÙe sub. keâes obj. Je obj.
(b) My bike was repaired by the mechanic
keâes sub. yevee efueÙee peelee nw~
(c) My bike was being repaired by my mechanic
Correct passive sentence–
(d) My bike is repaired by my mechanic The research paper was written by Jiya with the help of
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III) her tutor.

Active / Passive Voice 360 YCT

TCS hewšve& hej DeeOeeefjle
(Based On TCS Pattern)
Chapterwise Exam Question No. Years
1 CGL (Tier-1) 21
CGL (Tier-2) 9
Assertive Sentence CHSL (Tier-1) 23
CHSL (Tier-2) 7
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 6
2 CGL (Tier-1) 9
CGL (Tier-2) 5
CHSL (Tier-1) 6
Interrogative Sentence CHSL (Tier-2) 9
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
3 CGL (Tier-1) 4
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 8
Imperative Sentence CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
4 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
Exclamatory Sentence CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1

Direct and Indirect Speech 361 YCT

Trend Analysis of Questions topicwise from CGL (Pre & Mains)
CHSL (Pre & Mains) Selection Post VII, VIII, XI, SSC MTS, SSC
GD & Other Exams (2017-2023)
120 108




40 29

20 8

Assertive Sentence Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory
Sentence Sentence Sentence

Sentence , 8
Sentence , 29

Sentence , 45 Assertive
Sentence , 108

Direct and Indirect Speech 362 YCT

JeekeäÙe ceW Reporting verb kesâ object (her teacher) kesâ efoÙes
A. Assertive nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW Reporting verb "said to" kesâ mLeeve hej
1. Select the correct indirect form of the given 'told' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
sentence. (3) Narration rules ceW Number SJeb Person kesâ First Person
Lee said to his wife, “I am very happy today.” subject second person object Devegmeej Tense Je
(a) Lee told his wife that he was very happy Pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~
Correct indirect form–
(b) Lee told his wife that he has been very happy
Miranda told her teacher that she had been sick for a
that day. day.
(c) Lee told his wife he was very happy today.
3. Choose the option that is the correct direct
(d) Lee told his wife that he was very happy that
form of the sentence.
She said, since evening, she had go for a run.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
(a) She said, “It is evening I must ran”
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech ceW I + Am' (b) She said, “It is evening I might go for a run.”
(helping verb) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Simple present (c) She said, “ It is evening I should go for a
tense keâe Assertive sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect run.”
speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ (d) She said, “It is evening I must go for a run.”
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I)
(1) Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej Conjunction
that keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer second clause ceW Conjunction
(2) JeekeäÙe ceW Reporting verb kesâ object (his wife) kesâ efoÙes nesves
kesâ ™he ceW 'since' keâe ØeÙeesie Je Reporting verb kesâ ™he ceW
'said' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Skeâ Assertive sentence
keâer efmLeefle ceW Reporting verb "said to" kesâ mLeeve hej 'told'
nesiee~ Dele: Fmekeâe direct speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(1) Conjunction kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙegòeâ 'since' kesâ mLeeve hej comma
(3) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej Tense Je Pronoun ceW GheÙegòeâ
Je Inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
heefjJele&ve nesiee~ Deewj 'Today' kesâ mLeeve hej 'That day' keâe
(2) Reporting verb 'said' ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee, keäÙeeWefkeâ
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Object veneR nQ~ Narration rule ceW Number SJeb Person kesâ
Correct Indirect sentence
Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ pronoun Je structure heefjJele&ve nesiee~
Lee told his wife that he was very happy that day.
Correct direct sentence
2. Select the correct indirect form of the given She said, "It is evening I must go for a run."
4. Select the correct indirect form of the given
Miranda said to her teacher, "I was sick for a
Pritam said, "The prisoner had slept
(a) Miranda told her teacher that she had been
throughout the journey."
sick for a day.
(a) Pritam said that the prisoner had been
(b) Miranda told her teacher that she is sick for a sleeping throughout the journey.
day. (b) Pritam said that the prisoner had sleep
(c) Miranda told her teacher that she was sick for throughout the journey.
a day. (c) Pritam said that the prisoner had slept
(d) Miranda told her teacher that she has sick for throughout the journey.
a day. (d) Pritam said that the prisoner has slept
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II) throughout the journey.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported Speech ceW I + was " SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
(helping verb) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Simple past Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech ceW The
tense keâe Assertive sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect prisoner + had + slept + (V3) Je Reporting verb kesâ ™he ceW
speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ 'said' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe past perfect tense keâe
(1) Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej Conjunction assertive sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect tense efvecve efveÙece
that keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ mes yevesiee~

Direct and Indirect Speech 363 YCT

(1) Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Conjunction kesâ ™he ceW 'That' Je
™he cebs 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ verb kesâ ™he ceW 'said' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
(2) Reporting verb kesâ ™he ceW 'said' ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~ Reported speech (direct) Skeâ Assertive sentence nesiee~
(3) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ past perfect tense ceW Dele: Fmekeâes direct speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efueÙes efvecve heefjJele&ve
nesves mes FmeceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~ nesiee~
Correct Sentence- (1) Conjunction SJeb Reporting verb kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je
Pritam said that the prisoner had slept throughout the Inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(2) Reporting verb kesâ ™he 'said' ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~
5. Choose the option that is the correct direct
form of the sentence.
peyeefkeâ narration rules kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun
He said that he would be taking a leave of Deeefo ceW GheÙegòeâ heefjJele&ve nesiee~
absence for two weeks as there had been a Correct sentence-
death in his family. Shubham said, ''My father is playing cricket with me.''
(a) He said "I am going to take a leave for two 7 Select the correct indirect form of the given
weeks as there had been a death in my sentence.
family". Gloria said, "His relatives are landing
(b) He said "I would be taking a leave of absence tomorrow."
for 2 weeks as there been a death in my (a) Gloria said that his relatives are landing the
family". next day.
(c) He said "I will be taking a leave of absence (b) Gloria said that his relatives were landing the
for two weeks as there is a death in my previous day.
family". (c) Gloria said that his relatives were landing the
(d) He said "I will be taking a leave of absence next day.
for two weeks as there has been a death in my (d) Gloria said that his relatives have been
family". landing the next day.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Conjunction kesâ ™he ceW 'that' Je
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech ceW His
'verb' kesâ ™he ceW 'said' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
relatives + are + landing (v1 + ing) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
Reported speech (direct) Skeâ Assertive sentence nesiee~
JeekeäÙe simple present tense keâe Assertive sentence nw~
Dele: Fmekeâes direct speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efueÙes efvecve heefjJele&ve
Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
(1) comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ
(1) Conjunction 'that' kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je Inverted
™he ceW 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(2) Reperting verb 'said' Je object ve efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW
(2) Reporting object ve efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW Reporting
FmeceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~
verb 'said' ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~
(3) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe tense Je pronoun ceW
(3) Narration rules ceW Number SJeb Person kesâ Devegmeej
GheÙegòeâ heefjJele&ve nesiee~ 'Tomorrow' kesâ mLeeve hej 'The next
pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~
day' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Correct sentence-
He said "I will be taking a leave of absence for two Correct Sentence – Gloria said that his relatives were
weeks as there has been a death in my family." landing the next day.
6. Choose the option that is the correct direct 8. Select the correct indirect form of the given
form of the sentence. sentence.
Shubham said that his father was playing Aditi said, "I am not invested in the project
cricket with him. anymore."
(a) Shubham said, "My father played cricket with (a) Aditi said that she had not invested in the
me." project anymore.
(b) Shubham said, "My father is playing cricket (b) Aditi said that she is not invested in the
with me." project anymore.
(c) Shubham said, "My father was playing (c) Aditi said that she was not invested in the
cricket with me." project anymore.
(d) Shubham said, "My father had played cricket (d) Aditi said that she do not invested in the
with me." project anymore.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II)
Direct and Indirect Speech 364 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech ceW 'I + am kesâ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech ceW you +can
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe simple present tense keâe (modal verb) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Modal verb keâe
Assertive sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect speech efvecve Assertive sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect speech efvecve
efveÙece mes yevesiee~ efveÙece mes yevesiee~
(1) Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ (1) Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ
™he ceW 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ ™he ceW that keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(2) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej reporting verb 'said' ceW keâesF& (2) Reporting verb kesâ object (Diwakar) kesâ efoÙes nesves keâer
heefjJele&ve vener nesiee~ SJeb tense Je pronoun ceW Number SJeb efmLeefle ceW 'said to kesâ mLeeve hej 'told' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Person kesâ Devegmeej heefjJele&ve nesiee~ (3) Narration rules ceW Number SJeb Person kesâ Devegmeej
Correct Sentence : pronoun heefjJele&ve nesiee~
Aditi said that she was not invested in the project Correct Indirect sentence
anymore. Jayesh told Diwakar that he could top the class if he
9. Select the option that expresses the given wanted to.
sentence in indirect speech. 11. Select the option that expresses the given
She said, "Ruhi slipped when she was trying to sentence in direct speech.
board the bus." Your sister will say that she has lost her pen
(a) She said that Ruhi had slipped when she was again.
trying to board the bus. (a) Your sister said, "She has lost my pen again."
(b) She says that Ruhi slipped when she was (b) Your sister will say, "I have lost my pen
trying to board the bus. again."
(c) She said that Ruhi has slipped when she was (c) Your sister will say, "I lost my pen again."
trying to board the bus. (d) Your sister says, "I lost her pen again."
(d) She said that Ruhi slipped when she was SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
trying to board the bus Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Conjunction 'that' Je will say kesâ
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe reported speech Skeâ Assertive
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech 'Ruhi + sentence nesiee~ Deewj Fmekeâe direct speech efvecve efveÙece mes
slipped' (V2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ Past Indefinite tense yevesiee~
keâe Assertive sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect speech (1) Conjunction 'that' kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je Inverted
efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(1) Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ (2) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej will + say (future tense) keâe
™he ceW 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ ØeÙeesie nesves mes Reported speech kesâ tense ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR
(2) Narration rules kesâ Degvemeej Reporting verb 'said' ceW keâesF& nesiee~ uesefkeâve pronoun ceW have heefjJele&ve Number SJeb Person
heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~ kesâ Devegmeej nesiee~
Correct direct sentence
(3) Past Indefinite Tense change into past Perfect.
Your sister will say "I have lost my pen again"
(4) Number SJeb Person kesâ according Pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve
12. Select the most appropriate direct form of the
keâjWies~ given sentence.
Correct Indirect sentence The policeman told the boys that they could not
She said that Ruhi had slipped when she was trying to park their car there.
board the bus. (a) The policeman said to the boys, "You could
10. Select the most appropriate indirect form of not park their car there."
the given sentence. (b) The policeman said to the boys, "You cannot
Jayesh said to Diwakar, "You can top the class park your car here."
if you want to." (c) The policeman said to the boys, "How could
(a) Jayesh told Diwakar that he would top the you park your car here?"
class if he wants to. (d) The policeman told to the boys, "They could
(b) Jayesh told Diwakar that he could top the not park their car there."
class if he wanted to. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
(c) Jayesh told Diwakar that you could top the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Conjunction kesâ ™he ceW 'that' Je
class if you wanted to. Reporting verb 'told' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
(d) Jayesh told Diwakar that you can top the class
Reported speech Skeâ Assertive sentence nesiee~ Dele: Fmekeâes
if you want to.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II direct speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efueÙes efvecve heefjJele&ve nesiee~

Direct and Indirect Speech 365 YCT

(1) Conjunction 'that' kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je Inverted 15. Select the option that expresses the given
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ sentence in reported speech.
Mother said, “Abhinav slipped while trying to
(2) "Told" kesâ mLeeve hej Reporting verb kesâ ™he ceW 'said to' keâe
board a bus.”
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (a) Mother says that Abhinav slipped while
(3) Narration rules kesâ Deevegmeej Modal verb Je pronoun ceW trying to board a bus.
GheÙegòeâ heefjJele&ve nesiee~ 'there' kesâ mLeeve hej 'Here' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (b) Mother said that Abhinav slipped while trying
Correct direct sentence to board a bus.
The police man said to the boys, you cannot park your (c) Mother told that Abhinav slipped while trying
car here. to board a bus.
13. Select the option that expresses the given (d) Mother said that Abhinav had slipped while
sentence in direct speech. trying to board a bus.
Manan said that he had no work to do that day. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I
(a) Manan says, "I had no work to do that day." Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech cebs Abhinav +
(b) Manan said, "I have no work to do that day." slipped (sub. + verb2) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe fast
(c) Manan said, " I have no work to do today." Indefinite tense keâe Assertive sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe
(d) Manan said, "Have I no work to do today?" Indirect speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I
(1) Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Conjunction kesâ ™he ceW 'that' Je ™he ceW 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Reporting verb kesâ ™he ceW 'said' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ (2) Reporting verb 'said' keâe object ve efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW
Reported speech Skeâ Assertive sentence ceW nesiee~ Dele: FmeceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve vener nesiee~
Fmekeâe direct speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ (3) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej tense (Past Indefinite - Past
(1) Conjunction 'that' kesâ mLeeve hej Comma Je Inverted Perfect) ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Correct sentence
(2) Reporting verb kesâ ™he ceW 'said' ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve vener nesiee~ Mother said that Abhinav had slipped while trying to
(3) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej Tense Je pronoun ceW board a bus.
heefjJele&ve nesiee~ Deewj 'Thatday' kesâ mLeeve hej 'today' keâe ØeÙeesie 16. Select the correct indirect form of the given
nesiee~ sentence.
Correct direct sentence Anju said to Vijaya, "You can stay with us
Manan said, "I have no work to do today." whenever you are in Delhi."
(a) Anju told Vijaya that she could stay with
14. Select the option that expresses the given
them whenever she was in Delhi
sentence in indirect speech.
(b) Anju told Vijaya that she could stay with
She said, "The stars are shining brightly
them whenever you were in Delhi
(c) Anju told Vijaya that she can stay with us
(a) She said the stars were shining brightly whenever she is in Delhi
(d) Anju told Vijaya that you can stay with us
(b) She asked if the stars were shining brightly whenever you are in Delhi
that night. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) She said that the stars were shining brightly
that night. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Direct speech keâe Reported speech
(d) She said the stars are shining brightly tonight. assertive sentence ceW nw, Fmekeâes indirect ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves kesâ
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III efueS efvecve efveÙece ØeÙegòeâ nesiee–
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech ceWs The stars + (i) Comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
are kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe simple present tense keâe 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie~
Assertive sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect speech efvecve (ii) Reporting verb 'said to' keâes told ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
efveÙece mes yevesiee~ (iii) Narration Rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Je Pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve
(1) Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ keâjWies~
™he ceW 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Correct indirect from -
Anju told Vijaya that she could stay with them
(2) Reporting verb "said" ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve vener nesiee~ whenever she was in Delhi.
(3) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ "tense" ceW GheÙegòeâ heefjJele&ve 17. Select the correct indirect form of the given
nesiee~ Deewj 'to night' kesâ mLeeve hej 'that night' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ sentence.
Correct Indirect sentence "I am going to walk to the market to check
She said that the stars were shining brightly that night. which shops are open," said Anant.

Direct and Indirect Speech 366 YCT

(a) Anant said that he went for a walk to the (c) Deepu says to Reena that he loves Bollywood
market to check which shops were open. music
(b) Anant said that he will be going to walk to the (d) Deepu had told Reena that he loved
market to check which shops were open. Bollywood music
(c) Anant said that he is going to walk to the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
market to check which shops were open. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Reported speech, assertive
(d) Anant said that he was going to walk to the
sentence ceW nw, Fmekeâes indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve efveÙece
market to check which shops were open.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I) ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Direct sentence kesâ reported speech mes (i) Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe assertative nw~ Fmekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes that keâe ØeÙeesie leLee reporting verb 'said to' keâes told ceW
yevesiee~ heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
(i) Comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej that keâe ØeÙeesie (ii) Narration Rule kesâ Devegmeej tense leLee Pronoun ceW
nesiee~ heefjJele&ve keâjWies~
(ii) JeekeäÙe kesâ tense keâes present continuos mes past Correct indirect form–
continuous ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~ Deepu told Reena that he loved Bollywood music.
(iii) Narration Rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~ 20. Select the correct indirect form of the given
Correct indirect form -
My niece said, "I have decided to take coaching
Anant said that he was going to walk to the market to
in badminton."
check which shops were open.
(a) My niece told me that she had decided to take
18. Select the correct indirect form of the given coaching in badminton.
(b) My niece told that I have decided to take
Sam said, "pa, I am a big boy now and don't coaching in badminton
need to drink milk."
(c) My niece said she is deciding to take
(a) Sam told his father that he was a big boy then
coaching in badminton
and didn't need to drink milk.
(d) My niece said she will decide to take
(b) Sam told his father that he is a big boy now
coaching in badminton
and don't need to drink milk.
(c) Sam told his father that I am a big boy now SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
and don't need to drink milk. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Direct form kesâ Reported
(d) Sam told his father that I would be a big boy speech mes mhe° nw efkeâ sentence assertive nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe
now and won't need to drink milk. Indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I) (i) Comma Je Inverted Comma keâes nšekeâj Conjunction
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Direct speech kesâ reported speech mes 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
mhe° nw efkeâ sentence assertive nw Dele: Fmekeâe indirect efvecve (ii) Present Perfect keâe heefjJele&ve Past perfect ceW nesiee~
efveÙece mes yevesiee~ (iii) Narration Rule kesâ Devegmeej Pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~
(i) Reporting object efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW Reporting
Correct Indirect From–
verb, said keâe heefjJele&ve told ceW nesiee~ My niece told me that she had decided to take coaching
(ii) comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction in badminton.
'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 21. Select the option that expresses the given
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Deewj pronoun ceW sentence in reported speech.
heefjJele&ve nesiee~ 'I live in Mumbai', she said.
Correct Indirect form– (a) She said that she had been living in Mumbai.
Sam told his father that he was a big boy then and didn't (b) She said that she lived in Mumbai.
need to drink milk. (c) She says that she was living in Mumbai.
(d) She said that she has been living in Mumbai.
19. Select the correct indirect form of the given
sentence. SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)
"I love Bollywood music," Deepu said to Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ direct sentence keâe reported speech,
Reena. Assertive sentence nw Dele: Fmekeâes indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS
(a) Deepu told Reena that he loved Bollywood efvecve heefjJele&ve nesieW~
1. Comma (,) Je inverted comma ('' '') kesâ mLeeve hej
(b) Deepu will say to Reena that he loved
Bollywood music conjunction 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~

Direct and Indirect Speech 367 YCT

2. Reporting verb past tense ceW nesves hej Indirect speech 1. Comma (,) Je inverted comma '' '' kesâ mLeeve hej
ceW change keâjles meceÙe Reporting speech kesâ tense keâes conjunction that keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~
Narration kesâ efveÙeceevegmeej change keâj efoÙee peelee nw~ 2. Ùeefo Reporting verb Past tense ceW nes, lees Reported
3. Narration kesâ efveÙece kesâ Devegmeej Pronoun keâes Yeer change speech keâe tense change keâj efoÙee peelee nw~
keâj efoÙee peelee nw~ 3. Narration kesâ efveÙeceevegmeej pronoun keâes change keâj efoÙee
Correct Indirect Sentence– peelee nw~
She said that she lived in Mumbai. Correct Indirect Sentence–
22. Select the option that expresses the given The professor said to the media persons that from their
sentence in indirect speech. research they had come to the conclusion that there was
Sneha said to me, 'I was watching TV'. life on that planet.
(a) Sneha told me that I was watching TV. 24. Select the option that expresses the given
(b) Sneha said to me that I was watching TV. sentence in indirect speech.
(c) Sneha told me that she had been watching 'Everything is going to be alright,' said the
TV. doctor.
(d) Sneha told me that she was watching TV. (a) The doctor said that everything will be
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(b) The doctor said that everything was going to
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech keâe sentence be alright.
assertive ceW nw Dele: Fmekeâes indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve (c) The doctor said that everything is going to be
heefjJele&ve nesiee- alright.
1. peye Reporting verb ceW say/says/said jns Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo (d) The doctor said that everything are going to
be alright.
object jns lees indirect speech ceW FvnW ›eâceMe:
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I)
tell/tells/told ceW change keâj efoÙee peelee nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ reported speech keâe sentence
2. Comma (,) Je inverted ('' '') kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
assertive nw Dele: Fmekeâes indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve
that keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
heefjJele&ve neWies~
3. Narration kesâ efveÙeceevegmeej Pronoun Deewj tense keâes
1. Comma (,) Je inverted comma ('' '') kesâ mLeeve hej
change keâj efoÙee peelee nw~
conjunction that keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
4. Ùeefo Reporting verb past tense ceW nes lees Reported
2. Narration kesâ rule kesâ Devegmeej present continuous (is)
speech keâe tense Past Perfect Continuous ceW change keâes past continuous ceW change keâj osieW~
keâj efoÙee peelee nw~ Correct Sentence -
Correct Indirect Sentence– The doctor said that everything was going to be alright.
Sneha told me that she had been watching TV. 25. Select the correct indirect form of the given
23. Select the option that expresses the given sentence.
sentence in indirect speech. He said to his brother, "Pack your bags and
The professor said to the media persons, “From leave now."
our research we have come to the conclusion (a) He instructed his brother to pack his bags and
that there is life on that planet.” leave then
(a) The professor informed the media persons (b) He told his brother that pack your bags and
that from our research we have come to the leave now
conclusion that there had been life on that (c) He ordered his brother to pack your bags and
planet. leave now
(b) The professor said to the media persons from (d) He suggested his brother that he should pack
our research you had come to the conclusion his bags and leave then
that there was life on that planet. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) The professor said to the media persons that Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ reported speech keâe JeekeäÙe V1 (pack) mes
from their research they had come to the ØeejcYe ngDee nw, Dele: Ùen imperative sentence nw~ Fmekeâe
conclusion that there was life on that planet. indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
(d) The professor told to the media persons that
from your research you have come to the (i) reporting verb 'said' keâes JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej
conclusion that there is life on that planet. instructed ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I) (ii) comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech keâe sentence conjunction kesâ ™he ceW keâjWies~
assertive ceW nw Dele: Fmekeâes indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve (iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun Deeefo ceW heefjJele&ve
heefjJele&ve nesiee~ keâjWies~
Direct and Indirect Speech 368 YCT
(iv) now keâes then ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ (a) He told me that my father was waiting for me
Correct indirect sentence- He instructed his brother at the reception
to pack his bags and leave then. (b) He told to me my father was waiting for you
at the reception
26. Select the correct direct form of the given
(c) He told me that your father was waiting for
him at the reception
She asked her mother where her gold bracelet was
(d) He told me that his father was waiting for you
(a) She said to her mother, "Where was my gold at the reception
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(b) She said to her mother, "Where is my gold
bracelet?" Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe reported speech assertive ceW
(c) She asked to her mother, "Where my gold nw Dele: Fmekeâes indirect speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve
bracelet is? " heefjJele&ve nesiee~
(d) She said to her mother, "Where was her gold (i)reporting verb 'said to' keâes told ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
bracelet?" comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) conjunction that keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'where' keâe ØeÙeesie conjunction (iii) narration rule ceW Number SJeb Person kesâ Devegmeej
kesâ ™he ceW ngDee nw Dele: mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe 'wh' type keâe tense Je pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies
indirect speech nesiee~ Fmekeâes direct speech ceW heefjJeefle&le Correct indirect sentence- He told me that my father
keâjves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve nesiee~ was waiting for me at the reception
(i) reporting verb 'asked' keâes 'said to' ceW heefjJee|lele keâjWies~ 29. Select the correct indirect form of the given
(ii) 'wh' word mes interrogation sentence ceW JeekeäÙe keâes sentence.
heefjJeefle&le keâjWies leLee comma Je inverted comma keâe He said to Manoj, "I celebrated my birthday
two days ago."
ØeÙeesie keâjWies~ (a) He told Manoj that he celebrated his birthday
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Je pronoun ceW two days ago
heefjJele&ve keâjWies~ (b) He told Manoj that he had celebrated his
Correct direct sentence- She said to her mother, birthday two days before
"Where is my gold bracelet?" (c) He told Manoj that he celebrated my birthday
27. Select the correct indirect form of the given two days before
sentence. (d) He told Manoj that I celebrated by birthday
The teacher says, "Magnets attract objects two days ago
made of iron." SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(a) The teacher says magnets attracts objects Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe 'direct reported speech' assertive
made of iron. sentence ceW nw Fmekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
(b) The teacher said that magnets were attracting
(i) comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
objects made of iron
(c) The teacher says that magnets attract objects 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
made of iron (ii) Reporting verb 'said to' keâes told ceW yeoueWies~
(d) The teacher said that magnets attracted (iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Je pronoun ceW
objects made of iron Number SJeb Person heefjJele&ve keâjWies~
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) Correct indirect sentence- He told Manoj that he had
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech keâe sentence assertive celebrated his birthday two days before
sentence ceW nw~ Fmekeâes indirect ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves kesâ efueS 30. Select the correct indirect form of the given
efvecve heefjJele&ve nesiee- sentence.
(i) comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej The Principal says, "Hard work is the key to
conjunction 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(a) The Principal say that hard work is the key to
(ii) reporting verb (says) present tense ceW nw Dele: success.
reported speech kesâ tense ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee (b) The Principal said that hard work was the key
Correct indirect sentence- The teacher says that to success
magnets attract objects made of iron. (c) The Principal says that hard work is the key
28. Select the correct indirect form of the given to success.
sentence. (d) The Principal says that hard work was the key
He said to me, "Your father is waiting for you to success
at the reception." SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Direct and Indirect Speech 369 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reporting verb (says) 'present 33. Select the correct indirect form of the given
tense' ceW nw Dele: JeekeäÙe kesâ reported speech kesâ tense ceW keâesF&
The tailor said to him, "Your shirt will be
heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee kesâJeue comma Je inverted comma kesâ ready by tomorrow."
mLeeve hej conjunction 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (a) The tailor told him that your shirt would be
Corrct indirect sentence- The Principal says that ready by tomorrow.
(b) The tailor told him that his shirt will be ready
hard work is the key to success.
by tomorrow.
31. Select the correct indirect form of the given (c) The tailor told to him that your shirt will be
sentence. ready by the next day
The Prime Minister has said, "The government (d) The tailor told him that his shirt would be
will extend help to the unorganised sector." ready by the next day
(a) The Prime Minister said that the government SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
would extend help to the unorganised sector Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ direct sentence keâe reported speech
(b) The Prime Minister has said that the assertive sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâes indirect ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves
government will extend help to the kesâ efueS efvecve efveÙece ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~
unorganised sector (i) comma leLee inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej
(c) The Prime Minister said that the government conjunction 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
has extended help to the unorganised sector
(ii) Reporting object (him) efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW
(d) The Prime Minister has said that the
reporting verb 'said to' keâes told ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
government extended help to the unorganised
sector. (iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Je pronoun ceW
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) heefjJele&ve nesiee leLee 'tomorrow' keâes 'the next day' ceW
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reporting verb 'present tense'
heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Correct indirect sentence- The tailor told him that his
ceW nw Dele: reported speech kesâ tense ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR shirt would be ready by the next day.
nesiee~ comma leLee inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej 'that' 34. Select the correct direct form of the given
conjunction keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ sentence.
Correct indirect sentence- The Prime Minister has I told him that if he went around the park he
said that the government will extend help to the would see some rare flowers.
unorganised sector. (a) I said to him, "If you go around the park you
would saw some rare flowers."
32. Select the correct direct form of the given
(b) I said to him, "If he went around the park he
sentence. will see some rare flowers."
The boy requested his mother to give him a (c) I said to him, "If you go around the park you
mango. will see some rare flowers."
(a) The mother said to the boy, "Give him a (d) I said to him, "If you went around the park
mango". you would see some rare flowers."
(b) The boy said to his mother, "Will you give SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
me a mango?" Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâes direct speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS
(c) The boy said to his mother, "Give me a efvecve efveÙece ØeÙegòeâ neWies~
mango now."
(i) conjunction 'told' kesâ mLeeve hej comma leLee
(d) The boy said to his mother, "Please give me a
inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(ii) reportive verb 'that' keâes said to ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies~
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Je pronoun ceW
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe imperative sentence keâe indirect
form nw~ Fmekeâes direct speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve
Correct direct sentence- I said to him, "If you go
heefjJele&ve nesiee~ around the park you will see some rare flowers."
(i) conjunction 'to' kesâ mLeeve hej comma leLee inverted 35. Select the correct direct form of the given
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ sentence.
(ii) reporting verb 'requested' keâes 'said to' ceW heefjJeefle&le She told her brother that she was going to meet
her friend.
keâjWies~ (a) She said to her brother, "I am going to meet
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~ my friend".
Correct direct sentence- The boy said to his mother, (b) She said to her brother, "I was going to meet
"Please give me a mango." my friend".

Direct and Indirect Speech 370 YCT

(c) She said to her brother, "She will go to meet Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ direct sentence keâer reported speech
her friend. interrogative sentence (Yes/No Answer type) nw~ Fmekeâes
(d) She said to her brother, "I am gone to meet
her friend". indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjves neWies~
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (i) comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Asertive sentence keâe indirect conjunction 'if' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
speech nw Fmekeâes direct speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve (ii) reporting verb 'said to' keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~ (iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun
(i) conjunction 'that' kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je inverted ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies~
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Correct indirect sentence- The landlord asked me if I
(ii) reporting verb 'told' keâes 'said to' ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ had paid the water bill on time.
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Je pronoun ceW 38. Choose the option that is the indirect form of
heefjJele&ve number SJeb person kesâ Devegmeej keâjWies~ the sentence.
Correct direct sentence- She said to her brother, "I I am hungry said the child to his mother.
am going to meet my friend". (a) The child said his mother that he is hungry.
36. Select the correct indirect form of the given (b) The child said to his mother that I am hungry.
sentence. (c) The child told his mother that she was
The librarian said to her, "You can borrow hungry.
only two books at a time". (d) The child told his mother that he was hungry.
(a) The librarian told her that she could borrow SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
only two books at a time Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech assertive ceW nw
(b) The librarian told her that you can borrow Fmekeâes indirect ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee
only two books at a time
(c) The librarian told her that they could borrow
only two books at a time (i) comma leLee inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej
(d) The librarian told her that she can borrow conjunction 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
only two books at a time (ii) Reporting object (his mother) efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) reporting verb 'said to' keâes told ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe reported speech assertive
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun
sentence ceW nw Fmekeâes indirect speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve
ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee
heefjJele&ve keâjves neWies~ Correct indirect sentence - The child told his mother
(i) comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej that he was hungry.
conjunction 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 39. Choose the option that is the indirect form of
(ii) reporting object (her) kesâ efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW the sentence.
reporting verb 'said to' keâes told ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ Kishore said I’ ’ m leaving now.
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun (a) Kishore said that he was leaving then.
ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies~ (b) Kishore said that he left then.
Correct indirect sentence- The librarian told her that (c) Kishore says that I am leaving now.
she could borrow only two books at a time (d) Kishore said that he had to leaving then.
37. Select the correct indirect form of the given SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
sentence. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech 'assertive' ceW
The landlord said to me, "Did you pay the nw Fmekeâes indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~
water bill on time?"
(i) comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
(a) The landlord asked me if I had paid the water
bill on time 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
(b) The landlord asked me if I paid the water bill (ii) reporting verb said kesâ yeeo keâesF& object veneR DeeÙee nw
on time Dele: said keâes 'said' ceW ner jnves oWies~
(c) The landlord asked to me that did I pay the (iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun ceW
water bill on time
heefjJele&ve keâjWies leLee 'now' keâes 'then' ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
(d) The landlord asked me did I paid the water
bill on time Correct indirect sentence- Kishore said that he was
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) leaving then.

Direct and Indirect Speech 371 YCT

40. Choose the option that is the direct form of the 43. Choose the option that is the indirect form of
sentence. the sentence.
Abdul said that he had seen that film the day She said to him, I don’ ’t want to go there.
before. (a) She said he didn’t want to go there.
(a) Abdul said, “I had seen this film the day (b) She said to him that she didn’t want to go
before.” there.
(b) Abdul said, “I saw this film yesterday.” (c) He said to her that she didn’t want to go there.
(c) Abdul said, “I saw that film yesterday.” (d) She said to him that you do not want to go
(d) Abdul said, “I see this film on the previous there.
day.” SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe reported speech mes mhe° nw efkeâ
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW conjunction 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee assertive sentence ceW nw~ Fmekeâe indirect yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecve
nw Dele: mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe assertive sentence keâe indirect heefjJele&ve keâjves neWies–
speech nw~ Fmekeâes direct ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve efveÙece nw–
(i) inverted comma keâes that ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
(i) that kesâ mLeeve hej comma leLee inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie
(ii) present simple keâes past simple ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies
(iii) narration kesâ rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun keâe heefjJele&ve keâjWies
(ii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense leLee pronoun ceW
Correct indirect form - She said to him that she
heefjJele&ve nesiee leLee day before keâe yesterday ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee didn’t want to go there.
Correct direct sentence - Abdul said, “I saw this film 44. Choose the option that is the direct form of the
yesterday.” sentence.
41. Choose the option that is the direct form of the Vikas said to Navin that he hadn't met him
sentence. since February the previous year.
Devi replied that she was sorry but she could (a) Vikas told Navin, “You haven’t meeting me
not go. since February last year.”
(a) Devi replied, “ She was sorry I could not go.” (b) Vikas said to Navin, “I haven’t met you since
(b) Devi replied, “Sorry she could not go.” February last year.”
(c) Devi replied, “I’m sorry but I cannot go.” (c) Vikas told to Navin, “I haven’t met him since
(d) Devi replies, “I could not went but sorry.” February last year.”
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) (d) Vikas said, “Navin, I haven’t meet you since
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ indirect speech ceW that mes mhe° nw efkeâ February last year.”
JeekeäÙe assertive nw~ Fmekeâe direct efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(i) 'that' conjunction kesâ mLeeve hej inverted comma keâe Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ indirect speech mes mhe° nw efkeâ sentence
ØeÙeesie nesiee assertive nw~ Fmekeâe direct efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee
(ii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense leLee pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve (i) that kesâ mLeeve hej comma, inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
nesiee leLee could not keâe can not ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee (ii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Deewj pronoun ceW
Correct direct sentence - Devi replied, “I’m sorry but heefjJele&ve nesiee leLee previous year keâes last year ceW
I cannot go.” heefjJele&ve nesiee~
42. Choose the option that is the direct form of the Correct direct sentence- Vikas said to Navin, “I
sentence. haven’t met you since February last year.”
Jai said that he wanted to be a soldier. 45. Choose the option that is the indirect form of
(a) Jai said, “I wanted to be a soldier.” the sentence.
(b) Jai said that, “I wanted to become a soldier.” I have joined computer classes Rudra said.
(c) Jai said, “I want to be a soldier.” (a) Rudra said that he had joined computer
(d) Jai said, “He wants to become a soldier.” classes.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) (b) Rudra said that I am joining computer classes.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ indirect speech assertive sentence ceW nw (c) Rudra said that I joined computer classes.
Fmekeâe direct form yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjves neWies– (d) Rudra said that I join computer classes.
(i) wanted verb2 mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe simple past ceW nw lees SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Fmekeâes present simple ceW heefjJeefle&le keâj ueWies~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe reported speech assertive
sentence ceW Fmekeâes indirect yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjves
(ii) that keâes nšekeâj inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
(iii) narration kesâ rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun 'he' keâes 'I' ceW
(i) inverted comma keâes nšekeâj that keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies
heefjJele&ve keâjWies
Correct direct sentence- Jai said, “I want to be a (ii) Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej reported speech keâe
soldier.” helping verb 'have' kesâ mLeeve hej had ØeÙegòeâ nesiee

Direct and Indirect Speech 372 YCT

(iii) narration kesâ rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun 'I' keâes He ceW 48. Choose the option that is the indirect form of
heefjJele&ve keâjWies the sentence.
Correct indirect sentence- Rudra said that he had We are going to Tirupati next week, Deepa
joined computer classes. told her friends.
(a) Deepa told her friends that they will go to
46. Choose the option that is the indirect form of
Tirupati next week.
the sentence.
(b) Deepa told to her friends that she is going to
Please bring me a cup of coffee, Shakila said
Tirupati following week.
to the waiter.
(c) Deepa told her friends that we were going to
(a) Shakila told the waiter to bring her a cup of
Tirupati the following week.
(d) Deepa told her friends that they were going to
(b) Shakila said to the waiter he should bring her
Tirupati the following week.
a cup of coffee.
(c) Shakila told to the waiter that he should SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
brought her a cup of coffee. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech keâe reported speech
(d) Shakila said to the waiter you bring me a cup assertive sentence ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe indirect yeveeves kesâ efueS
of coffee. efvecve efveÙece keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) (i) inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction that keâe
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech ceW please mes mhe° nw efkeâ ØeÙeesie nesiee
imperative sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâes indirect speech ceW (ii) Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee
efvecve efveÙece mes yeoueWies Dele: are going kesâ mLeeve hej were going keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
(i) said to keâes told ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies
(iii) narration kesâ rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies leLee
(ii) inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej to keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies
next week keâes the following week ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
(iii) reported speech kesâ pronoun ceW DeeJeMÙekeâleevegmeej Correct indirect sentence- Deepa told her friends that
heefjJele&ve keâjles nQ they were going to Tirupati the following week.
Kindly please pewmes DeeojmetÛekeâ MeyoeW keâes nše osles nQ 49. Choose the option that is the indirect form of
Correct indirect sentence- Shakila told the waiter to the sentence.
bring her a cup of coffee. Lokesh said, I am very busy this week .
47. Choose the option that is the direct form of the (a) Lokesh said that I am very busy this week.
sentence. (b) Lokesh said that I am very busy that week.
The Principal said to them that he did not want (c) Lokesh said that he was very busy that week.
to see any one to return with a complaint (d) Lokesh said that he are very busy this week.
against them. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(a) The Principal said to them, “I did not want to
saw any one to return with a complaint Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Reported speech assertive
against them.” sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe indirect speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
(b) The Principal said to them, “I do not want to (i) inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej that keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
see any one to return with a complaint against (ii) JeekeäÙe kesâ tense ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee Dele: am kesâ mLeeve hej
was keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
(c) The Principal said to them, “I do not wanted
to see any of them to be returning with a (iii) narration kesâ rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve keâjles
complaint.” nQ leLee this kesâ mLeeve hej that keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(d) The Principal said to them, “I do not want to Correct indirect sentence- Lokesh said that he was
see any one to returns with a complaint very busy that week.
against you.” 50. Choose the option that is the indirect form of
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) the sentence.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Reported speech Assertive Jaya told me I’’ve been waiting for you
sentence ceW nw indirect speech keâes direct speech ceW heefjJele&ve since 4 pm.
efvecve efveÙece mes yeoueWies~ (a) Jaya told me that she had been waiting for me
(i) that kesâ mLeeve hej inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~ since 4 pm.
(b) Jaya told me that she will be waiting for me
(ii) Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense ceW heefjJeefle&le
since 4 pm.
keâjles nQ Dele: did not keâes do not ceW heefjJele&ve keâj ueWies (c) Jaya told me she was waiting for you since 4
(iii) narration kesâ rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies pm.
Correct direrct sentence- The Principal said to them, (d) Jaya said me that she has been waiting for me
“I do not want to see any one to returns with a since 4 pm.
complaint against you.” SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)

Direct and Indirect Speech 373 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech keâe Reported part assertive 53. Select the correct indirect form of the given
sentence ceW nw~ Fmekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ sentence.
The boy said, "I am happy to receive the
(i) inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction 'that' keâe
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (a) The boy said that he is happy to receive the
(ii) JeekeäÙe kesâ tense ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee Dele: have been keâes prize
had been ceW heefjJeefle&le keâj ueWies~ (b) The boy said that he was happy receiving the
(iii) narration kesâ rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies prize
Correct indirect sentence - Jaya told me that she had (c) The boy said that he was happy to receive the
been waiting for me since 4 pm. prize
(d) The boy said that he was happy to have
51. Choose the option that is the indirect form of
received the prize
the sentence.
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Akshay said, I am making biryani today.
(a) Akshay said that he made biryani today. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech kesâ Reported speech mes
(b) Akshay said that he would be making biryani mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe assertive sentence nw~ Dele: indirect
on the next day. speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
(c) Akshay said that he is making biryani today. (i) inverted comma keâes nšekeâj conjunction that keâe
(d) Akshay said that he was making biryani on ØeÙeesie nesiee~
that day. (ii) narration kesâ rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Deewj pronoun ceW
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
heefjJele&ve keâjWies~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech kesâ Reported speech mes Correct indirect sentence- The boy said that he was
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe assertive sentence ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe happy to receive the prize
indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee 54. Select the correct indirect form of the given
(i) inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction 'that' keâe sentence.
ØeÙeesie nesiee Raju said to his friend, "I lost my book
(ii) JeekeäÙe kesâ tense ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee Dele: am keâes was ceW yesterday".
(a) Raju told his friend that he had lost his book
heefjJeefle&le keâj ueWies
the previous day
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve keâj ueWies (b) Raju told his friend that his book may have
leLee today keâes that day ceW heefjJeefle&le keâj ueWies been lost the previous day
Correct indirect sentence- Akshay said that he was (c) Raju said to his friend that he lost his book
making biryani on that day. the previous day
52. Choose the option that is the indirect form of (d) Raju said to his friend that his book had been
the sentence. lost the previous day
Vandana said, "I'm being dropped to office SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
today". Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech kesâ Reported speech mes
(a) Vandana said that she should be dropped to mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe assertive sentence ceW nw~ Fmekeâe indirect
office today speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee
(b) Vandana said that I am being dropped to
(i) Reporting object efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW said to keâes
office on that day
(c) Vandana said that she was being dropped to told ceW heefjJeefle&le keâj ueWies~
office that day (ii) inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction that keâe
(d) Vandana said she was dropped to office today ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) (iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Deewj pronoun ceW
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech kesâ Reported speech mes heefjJele&ve nesiee~
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe assertive sentence ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Correct indirect sentence - Raju told his friend that
indirect speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ he had lost his book the previous day
(i) inverted comma keâes nšekeâj conjuntion that keâe 55. Select the correct indirect form of the given
ØeÙeesie nesiee sentence.
Raj said, "I may buy a new mobile phone
(ii) narration kesâ rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Deewj pronoun ceW
heefjJele&ve keâjWies~ (a) Raj said that he may be buying a new mobile
(iii) today keâes that day ceW heefjJeefle&le keâj ueWies phone the next day
Correct indirect sentence - Vandana said that she was (b) Raj said that he might buy a new mobile
being dropped to office that day phone the next day

Direct and Indirect Speech 374 YCT

(c) Raj told me that he might buy a new mobile Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech kesâ reported speech mes
phone tomorrow mhe° nw efkeâ sentence assertive nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe indirect efvecve
(d) Raj told me that he would buy a new mobile
phone the next day
efveÙece mes yevesiee~
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) (i) said to keâes told ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech keâe Reported speech (ii) Inverted comma keâes nšekeâj conjunction 'that' keâe
assertive sentence ceW nw Fmekeâe indirect speech efvecve efveÙece ØeÙeesie nesiee~
mes yevesiee~ (iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Deewj pronoun keâe
(i) inverted comma keâes nšekeâj conjunction 'that' keâe heefjJele&ve nesiee~
ØeÙeesie nesiee Correct indirect sentence- Sahil told Rohit that he did
(ii) may keâes might ceW heefjJeefle&le keâj ueWies leLee tomorrow keâes not have the car key
next day ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies 58. Select the correct indirect form of the given
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies
They teacher says, "The Sun rises in the East."
Correct indirect sentence- Raj said that he might buy
(a) The teacher says that the Sun rises in the East
a new mobile phone the next day
(b) The teacher said that the Sun rises in the East
56. Select the correct indirect form of the given
(c) The teacher says that the Sun rose in the East
(d) The teacher told that the Sun rose in the East
The manager said to his assistant, "You will get
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
a bonous next month."
(a) The manager tells his assistant that he will get Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Reported speech Skeâ Universal
a bonus the following month truth nw Dele: Fmekeâess direct mes indirect yeoueves kesâ efveÙece efvecve nw~
(b) The manager told his assistant that he will be (i) peye keâesF& universal truth keâer yeele nes lees sentence kesâ
getting a bonus the following month tense ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR neslee nw~
(c) The manager told his assistant that he would
(ii) inverted comma keâes nšekeâj conjunction 'that' keâe
get a bonus the following month
(d) The manager told his assistant that he should ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ
get a bonus the following month Correct indirect sentence - The teacher says that the
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) Sun rises in the East
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech kesâ reported speech mes 59. Select the correct indirect form of the given
mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe assertive sentence keâe nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe sentence.
indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee The students said to the teacher, "We have
completed our work."
(i) Reporting verb said to keâe told ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee
(a) The students told the teacher that they have
(ii) Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej completed the work.
conjunction 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee (b) The students asked the teacher if they had to
(iii) tense Deewj pronoun keâes Number SJeb Person kesâ complete the work
According heefjJeefle&le keâjWieW~ leLee next month keâes (c) The students told the teacher that they are
following month ceW heefjJeefle&le keâj ueWies completing the work
(d) The students told the teacher that they had
Correct indirect sentence- The manager told his
assistant that he would get a bonus the following completed the work
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech kesâ reported speech mes
57. Select the correct indirect form of the given
mhe° nw efkeâ sentence assertive nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe indirect efvecve
Sahil said to Rohit, "I don't have the car key" ef v eÙece mes yevesiee~
(a) Sahil told Rohit that he did not have the car (i) inverted comma keâes nšekeâj 'that' conjunction keâe
key ØeÙeesie nesiee
(b) Sahil told Rohit that he was not having the (ii) Reporting object efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW said to keâe
car key told ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee
(c) Sahil told Rohit that he was not having the
(iii) tense Deewj pronoun keâes narration kesâ rule Devegmeej
car key
(d) Sahil told Rohit that he is not having the car heefjJeefle&le keâjWies
key Correct indirect sentence - The students told the
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) teacher that they had completed the work

Direct and Indirect Speech 375 YCT

60. In the following question, a sentence has been 62. The old man said to me, "Life has taught me
given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the four some hard lessons."
alternatives suggested, select the one which best (a) The old man tells me that life has taught him
expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct some hard lessons.
speech. (b) The old man told me this that life has had
The guide said to the tourists, "This will be the taught him some hard lessons.
best day of your life." (c) The old man tells me that life is teaching him
(a) The guide told the tourists that this would be some hard lessons.
the best day of their lives. (d) The old man told me that life had taught him
(b) The guide told the tourists that that would be some hard lessons.
the best day of their lives. SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(c) The guide told the tourists that that will be Ans. (d) efoÙee ieÙee Reporting verb' Past Tense ceW nw, Deewj
the best day of their lives.
reported speech keâe sentence assertive nw Dele: Reported
(d) The guide told the tourists that this will be
the best day of their lives. speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 1. 'said to' keâes ‘Told’ Je comma & Inverted comma kesâ
Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb past Tense ceW nw mLeeve hej ‘that’ keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
Deewj reported speech Skeâ assertive sentence nw~ Dele: 2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej 'has' keâes ‘had’ ceW leLee me keâes
Reported speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece efvecve nw~ 'old man' kesâ according 'him' ceW heefjJele&ve keâj osies~
1. 'said to' keâes 'Told' leLee comma & Inverted comma kesâ Correct Indirect sentence-
The old man told me that life had taught him some hard
mLeeve hej ‘that’ keâe ØeÙeesie~
2. ‘This’ keâes ‘that’ leLee your keâes Reporting verb kesâ
63. The groom said to the bride, "I will take good
object kesâ Devegmeej ‘Their’ ceW heefjJele&ve
care of you."
3. Auxiliary verb 'will be' keâes ‘would be’ ceW heefjJele&ve (a) The groom promised the bride that he would
nesiee~ take good care of her.
Correct Indirect sentence- (b) The groom has promised the bride that he
The guide told the tourists that that would be the best will be taking good care of her.
day of their lives. (c) The groom had promised the bride that he
61. The jeweler said to us, "These diamonds are would have taken good care of her.
polished here." (d) The groom promises the bride that he would
(a) The jeweler informed us that these diamonds take good care of her.
were polished there. SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(b) The jeweler informed us that those diamonds Ans. (a) efoÙee ieÙee Reporting verb 'Past Tense' ceW nQ Deewj
were polished there. reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nQ~ Dele: Indirect
(c) The jeweler informed us that those diamonds sentence ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
were polished here. 1. ‘said to’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘promised’ Je comma &
(d) The jeweler informed us that these diamonds
Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej ‘that’ keâe ØeÙeesie~
were polished here.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej 'Will' kesâ mLeeve hej ‘would’
Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb, past Tense ceW
leLee ‘I’ keâes he SJeb ‘you’ keâes ‘Her’ ceW yeoue oWies~
Correct Indirect sentence-
nw Deewj reported speech Skeâ assertive sentence ceW nw Dele: The groom promised the bride that he would take good
Reported speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- care of her.
1. Reporting verb ‘said to’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘Informed’ keâe 64. He said to his partner, "I will not be
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ responsible if the project fails."
2. Comma & Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej ‘That’ keâe (a) He has told his partner that he will not be
ØeÙeesie Je ‘These’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘Those’ keâe ØeÙeesie leLee responsible if the project fails.
mLeevemetÛekeâ Meyo 'Here kesâ mLeeve hej ‘There’ keâe ØeÙeesie~ (b) He told his partner that he would not be
responsible if the project failed.
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej Simple Present Tense keâer
(c) He tells his partner that he would not be
helping verb 'Are' kesâ peien were keâe ØeÙeesie~ responsible if the project fails.
Correct Indirect sentence- (d) He told his partner that I will not be
'The jeweler informed us that those diamonds were responsible if the project failed.
polished there. SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Direct and Indirect Speech 376 YCT
Ans. (b) efoÙee ieÙee Reporting verb, Past Tense ceW nQ~ Deewj 2. meceÙe metÛekeâ ‘Tomorrow’ keâes ‘The following day’ ceW
Reported speech keâe sentence assertive nQ~ heefjJeefle&le keâj osieW~
Dele: Indirect speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efveÙece- Correct indirect sentence-
1. ‘Said to’ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘told’ Je comma & Inverted The manager said that Vivek must go the following
comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction ‘that' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWiee~ day to meet the client.
2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej 'I' keâes ‘He’ ceW Je ‘will be’ keâes 67. Aunt said to mother, "I will be in Surat on
‘would be’ ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ Friday."
correct Indirect sentence - (a) Aunt told mother that she will be in Surat on
He told his partner that he would not be responsible Friday.
if the project failed. (b) Aunt told mother she would be in Surat on
65. I said to my father, "I want to build a raft Friday.
(c) Aunt told mother she will be in Surat on
which can hold four people ."
(a) I told m y father that I am wanting to build a Friday.
raft which could hold four people. (d) Aunt told mother that she would be in Surat
(b) I told my father that that I wanted to build a on Friday.
raft which could hold four people. SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(c) I told my father that that I am wanting to Ans. (d) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb, past Tense ceW
build a raft which could hold four people. nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nw~ Dele:
(d) I told my father that I wanted to build a raft
Indirect speech ceW change keâjves kesâ efveÙece-
which could hold four people.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 1. 'Said to' keâes ‘told’ ceW leLee comma & Inverted comma
Ans. (d) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb Past tense ceW nw kesâ mLeeve hej ‘that’ keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
Deewj Reported speech keâe sentence assertive nw~ Dele: 2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun 'I' keâes Aunt kesâ
Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- Devegmeej ‘She’ ceW leLee ‘will be’ keâes ‘would be’ ceW
1. 'Said to' kesâ mLeeve hej ‘told’ leLee comma Je Inverted heefjJeefle&le keâj oWies~
comma kesâ mLeeve hej ‘that’ keâe ØeÙeesie Correct indirect sentence
2. Reported speech Present Indefinite Tense kesâ Aunt told mother that she would be in Surat on Friday.
affirmative Sentence ceW nw Dele: Past Indefinite ceW 68. My brother said, "I can climb this hill in less
want keâeW ‘wanted’ leLee ‘can’ keâes ‘could’ ceW heefjJeefle&le than an hour."
keâj oWies~ (a) My brother claimed that he can climb that
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej Pronoun 'I' keâes Reporting hill in less than an hour.
(b) My brother claimed that he could climb this
subject (I) kesâ Devegmeej ‘I’ ner jnves oWies~
hill in less than an hour .
Correct Indirect Sentence-
(c) My brother claimed that he can climb this hill
I told my father that I wanted to build a raft which
in less than an hour.
could hold four people.
(d) My brother claimed that he could climb that
66. The manager said "Vivek must go tomorrow to
hill in less than an hour.
meet the client". SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(a) The manager said that Vivek must have to go
the following day to meet the client. Ans. (d) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting Verb, past Tense ceW
(b) The manager said that Vivek will have to go nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nw~ Dele:
tomorrow to meet the client. Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
(c) The manager said that Vivek must go the 1. Reported speech keâe JeekeäÙe Claim (oeJee keâjvee) kesâ sense
following day to meet the client .
(d) The manager said that Vivek must be going
ceW nw Dele: 'said' kesâ mLeeve hej ‘Claimed’ keâe ØeÙeesie leLee
tomorrow to meet the client. comma & Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej ‘that’ keâe ØeÙeesie
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 keâjWieW~
Ans. (c) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting Verb Past Tense ceW 2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun 'I' keâes My brother
nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nw~ Dele: kesâ meeLe ‘He’ leLee ‘can’ keâes ‘could’ ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
indirect ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- Correct indirect sentence-
1. 'Said ' kesâ mLeeve hej ‘said’ ner Je comma & Inverted My brother claimed that he could climb that hill in
comma keâes ‘that’ ceW heefjJele&ve~ less than an hour.

Direct and Indirect Speech 377 YCT

69. My son said to me, "I will not disappoint you." 72. "The taxi is here," said the watchman.
(a) My son tells me that he will not disappoint (a) The watchman said that the taxi is there.
me. (b) The watchman said that the taxi was here .
(b) My son tells me that he will not be (c) The watchman said that the taxi is here.
disappointing me. (d) The watchman said that the taxi was there.
(c) My son told me that he would not disappoint SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(d) My son had told me that he would not be Ans. (d) efoÙes ieÙes Reporting verb keâe JeekeäÙe Past Tense ceW nw
disappointing me. Dele: Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive Dele:
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
Ans. (c) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb, Past Tense ceW 1. Comma & Inverted Comma kesâ mLeeve hej ‘that’ keâe
nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nw~ Dele: ØeÙeesie~
Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- 2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej simple present keâes simple past ceW
1. 'Said to' keâes 'told' ceW leLee comma & Inverted comma leLee mLeeve metÛekeâ Meyo ‘Here’ keâes ‘There’ efueKe ueWies~
kesâ mLeeve hej 'that' conjunction keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~ Correct indirect sentence-
2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun 'I' keâes ‘My son’ kesâ The watchman said that the taxi was there.
Devegmeej ‘He’ Je you keâes ‘me’ kesâ Devegmeej ‘me’ ner efueKeWies~ 73. The student said, "I must study hard."
leLee ‘will’ keâes ‘would’ efueKeWies~ (a) The student said that he had to study hard.
Correct indirect sentence-
(b) The student says that he had to study hard.
My son told me that he would not disappoint me.
(c) The student says that he must study hard.
70. The officer said, "I am very busy now". (d) The student say that he had to study hard.
(a) The officer said that he was very busy now. SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(b) The officer said that he is very busy then.
Ans. (a) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting Verb, Past Tense ceW
(c) The officer said that he is very busy now.
(d) The officer said that he was very busy then. nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nw Dele:
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
Ans. (d) efoÙee ieÙee Reporting Verb, Past Tense ceW nw Deewj 1. Comma & Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej that keâe ØeÙeesie~
reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nw~ Dele: Indirect 2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun 'I' keâes ‘The student’
speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- kesâ meehes#e ‘He’ leLee 'must' keâes ‘had to’ ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
1. Comma & Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej ‘that’ keâe Correct indirect sentence-
ØeÙeesie The student said that he had to study hard.
2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun 'I' keâes 'He', simple 74. Preeti said to her friend, "I am like my
Present keâes Simple Past leLee meceÙe metÛekeâ now keâes then mother."
ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ (a) Preeti told her friend that she was like her
Correct indirect sentence- mother.
The officer said that he was very busy then. (b) Preeti told her friend that I was like her mother.
71. "I am proud of you," father said to me. (c) Preeti tells her friend that she is like her mother.
(a) Father told me that he is proud of me. (d) Preeti tells her friend that she was like her m
(b) Father told me that he was proud of me. other.
(c) Father told me this that he was proud of me. SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(d) Father told me that that he is proud of me.
Ans. (a) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb, Past Tense ceW
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nw Dele:
Ans. (b) efoÙee ieÙee JeekeäÙe Reporting Verb. Past Tense ceW nw
Dele: Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nQ~ Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- 1. 'said to' keâes ‘told’ ceW leLee comma & Inverted comma
1. 'said to' keâes ‘told’ leLee comma & Inverted comma kesâ kesâ mLeeve hej ‘that’ keâe ØeÙeesie~
mLeeve hej ‘that’ keâe ØeÙeesie~ 2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun 'I' keâes ‘Preeti’ kesâ
2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun 'I' keâes Father kesâ Devegmeej ‘She’ ceW leLee ‘my’ keâes Yeer Preeti kesâ Devegmeej ‘her’
meehes#e ‘He’ leLee ‘you’ keâes ‘me’ kesâ meehes#e ‘me’ efueKe ueWies ceW heefjJele&ve keâj oWies~ Deewj Simple present tense keâes
Je simple present keâes simple past ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ simple Past tense ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Correct indirect sentence- Correct indirect sentence-
Father told me that he was proud of me. Preeti told her friend that she was like her mother.

Direct and Indirect Speech 378 YCT

75. My brother said to me, "I was upset, but now I Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb, Past Tense ceW
am fine." nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive nw Dele:
(a) My brother told me that he was upset, but Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
now he was fine.
1. 'said to' keâes told ceW leLee comma & Inverted comma kesâ
(b) My brother told me that he had been upset,
but then he will be fine. mLeeve hej 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
(c) My brother told me that he had been upset, 2. Narration rule keWâ Devegmeej pronoun 'you' keâes 'He' leLee
but then he was fine. must be keâes 'had to be' ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
(d) My brother told me that he has been upset, Correct indirect sentence-
but then he is fine. I told the taxi driver that he had to be crazy to drive
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 so fast.
Ans. (c) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb, Past Tense ceW 78. The teacher said to me, "Stand here next to the
nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nw, Dele: podium."
Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- (a) The teacher tells to me to stand there next to
1. 'Said to' keâes told ceW leLee comma & Inverted comma kesâ the podium.
mLeeve hej that keâe ØeÙeesie~ meceÙe metÛekeâ ‘now’ keâes ‘then’ ceW (b) The teacher told to me to have stood there
heefjJeefle&le keâjsieW~ next to the podium.
(c) The teacher told me to stand there next to the
2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun 'I' keâes ‘he’ ceW leLee
simple past (was) keâes had been Je Simple present keâes (d) The teacher had told to me to have stood
simple past ceW yeoueWies~ there next to the podium.
Correct indirect sentence- SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
My brother told me that he had been upset, but then Ans. (c) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting Verb Past Tense ceW
he was fine.
nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence imperative nw Dele:
76. My friend said to me, "For me running is like
Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
1. 'said to' keâes 'told' ceW leLee Reported speech Imperative
(a) My friend told me this that for her running is
like therapy. Sentence ceW nw Dele: comma & Inverted comma kesâ
(b) My friend told me that for her running was mLeeve hej 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
like therapy. 2. mLeeve metÛekeâ ‘Here’ keâes ‘There’ ceW yeoue oWies~
(c) My friend told me that for her having ran was Correct indirect sentence-
like therapy. The teacher told me to stand there next to the
(d) My friend tells me that for her running is like podium.
79. He said to her, "I will meet you here
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb, past Tense ceW (a) He told her this that he will meet her there
nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive nw Dele: the following day.
Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- (b) He told her that he would meet her there the
1. 'said to' keâes ‘told’ ceW leLee comma & Inverted comma following day.
kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie~ (c) He told her that he would meet her here
2. Pronoun 'me' keâes ‘my’ kesâ meehes#e ceW ‘her’ leLee simple tomorrow.
(d) He told her that he will meet her there
present keâes simple past ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Correct indirect sentence- SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
My friend told me that for her running was like
therapy. Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting Verb past Tense ceW
77. I said to the taxi driver, "You must be crazy to nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nw Dele:
drive so fast." Indirect speech yeveeves kesâ efveÙece-
(a) I said to the taxi driver that he has to be crazy 1. 'said to' kesâ mLeeve hej ‘told’ leLee comma & Inverted
to drive so fast. comma kesâ mLeeve hej ‘that’ keâe ØeÙeesie~
(b) I told the taxi driver that he had to be crazy to 2. Pronoun 'I' keâes ‘He’ leLee ‘Tomorrow’ keâes ‘the
drive so fast. following day’ Je 'Here' keâes ‘There’ ceW yeoueWies~
(c) I had told the taxi driver that he has to be
crazy to drive so fast. 3. Pronoun 'You' keâes 'her' leLee ‘will’ keâes ‘would’ efueKeWies~
(d) I had said to the taxi driver that he has to be Correct indirect sentence-
crazy to be driving so fast. He told her that he would meet her there the
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 following day.

Direct and Indirect Speech 379 YCT

80. Manoj said to his friend, "I am very angry with Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb, Past Tense ceW
you." nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nw~ Dele:
(a) Manoj told his friend that he was very angry Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
with him.
1. 'said to' kesâ mLeeve hej ‘told’ leLee comma & Inverted
(b) Manoj told his friend that he is very angry
comma kesâ peien hej conjuction 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
with him.
(c) Manoj told his friend that he was very 2. 'These' keâes 'Those' leLee Simple Present tense keâes
angered by him. Simple past 'looked' ceW yeoue oWies~
(d) Manoj told his friend that he is very angered Correct indirect sentence-
by him. I told my wife that those showpieces looked nice.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 83. Select the option that is the correct indirect
Ans. (a) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb past Tense ceW nw form of the given sentence.
My grandmother said to me. "Do you want me
Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nw, Dele: to teach you knitting"
Indirect speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efveÙece- (a) My grandmother asks me if I wanted her to
1. 'said to' keâes ‘told’ leLee comma & Inverted comma kesâ teach me knitting
mLeeve hej that keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~ (b) My grandmother asked me if she wanted me
to teach her knitting
2. Pronoun 'I' keâes Manoj kesâ Devegmeej He leLee object 'you'
(c) My grandmother asked me if I want her to
keâes his friend kesâ Devegmeej ‘him’ ceW yeoue oWies~ teach me knitting.
3. Simple Present tense keâes simple past tense ceW heefjJeefle&le (d) My grandmother asked me if I wanted her to
keâjsies~ teach me knitting
Correct indirect sentence- SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I)
Manoj told his friend that he was very angry with Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ direct sentence keâe reported speech
him. interrogative (yes/no answer type) sentence nw~ Dele:
81. "My train will reach by noon," he explained. Fmekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
(a) He explained that his train will reach by 1. Said to’ keâes ‘asked’ ceW yeoueWies~
noon. 2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej ‘you’ keâes I, ceW ‘want’ keâes
(b) He explained that his train would reach by ‘wanted’, ‘me’ keâes ‘her’ ceW yeoues~
noon. Correct indirect sentence-
(c) He explained that his train will have reached My grandmother asked me if I wanted her to teach me
by noon. knitting
(d) He explained that his train would have had 84. Select the correct indirect form of the given
reached by noon. sentence.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 The captain said, "The winds are turning
Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb, Past Tense ceW unfavourable."
(a) The captain said that the winds are going to
nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence assertive ceW nw Dele:
turn unfavourable
Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- (b) The captain said that the winds will be
1. Comma & Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej ‘that’ keâe turning unfavourable
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (c) The captain said that the winds were turning
2. 'will' keâes ‘would’ ceW Je my keâes his ceW yeoue oWies~ unfavourable
(d) The captain said that the winds had turned
Correct indirect sentence- unfavourable
He explained that his train would reach by noon. SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II)
82. I said to my wife, "These showpieces look Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ direct sentence keâe reported speech
nice." assertive sentence nQ Dele: Fmekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes
(a) I told my wife that these showpieces looked yevesiee~
1. Comma & Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej that keâe
(b) I told my wife that those showpieces looked
nice. ØeÙeesie keâjWieW~
(c) I told my wife that those showpieces look 2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense ceW heefjJele&ve
nice. keâjW ies~
(d) I told my wife that these showpieces look Correct indirect sentence-
nice. The captain said that the winds were turning
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 unfavourable.
Direct and Indirect Speech 380 YCT
85. Select the correct indirect form of the given 87. Select the correct indirect form of the given
sentence. sentence.
The children said, "We are bored of sitting at Mahesh said to the interviewer, "Sir, I was in
home." charge of the production unit at my previous
(a) The children said they were getting bored of office."
sitting at home (a) Mahesh told the interviewer that Sir was in
charge of the production unit at my previous
(b) The children said that they were bored of
sitting at home (b) Mahesh told the interviewer I was in charge
(c) The children say that they are bored of sitting of the production unit at his previous office.
at home (c) Mahesh told the interviewer you were in
(d) The children are saying that they are bored of charge of the production unit at my previous
sitting at home office.
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I) (d) Mahesh told the interviewer that he had been
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech keâe sentence in charge of the production unit at his
previous office.
assertive ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâes indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ efueÙes efvecve
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II)
heefjJele&ve nesiee~ Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ Direct sentence keâer reported speech
1. Reported speech kesâ assertive Je reporting object ve assertive sentence ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâes indirect speech ceW
efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW reporting verb, 'said' ceW keâesF& yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~
heefjJele&ve vener nesiee~ 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
2. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction that keâe ØeÙeesie~
'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 2. Reporting speech keâer verb said to kesâ mLeeve hej told keâe
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej (pronoun Je tense ceW heefjJele&ve ØeÙeesie~
nesves hej we, are keâes ›eâceMe: they, were ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ 3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej reported speech kesâ tense Je
Correct Indieret Sentence- pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve~
The children said that they were bored of sitting at Correct Indirect Sentence–
home. Mahesh told the interviewer that he had been in charge
of the production unit at his previous office.
86. Select the correct indirect form of the given
88. Select the correct indirect form of the given
sentence sentence.
The policeman said, "We are stopping the The boss said to his employee, "I will be happy
defaulters of the lock down." if you finish this project by evening."
(a) The policeman said that we are stopping the (a) The boss told his employee that he would be
defaulters of the lock down happy if he will finish this project by
(b) The policeman says that they are stopping the evening.
defaulters of the lock down (b) The boss told his employee he will be happy
(c) The policeman said that they were stopping if he finished this project by evening.
the defaulters of the lock down (c) The boss told his employee that he could be
(d) The policeman told that he was stopping the happy if he finishes that project by evening.
defaulters of the lock down (d) The boss told his employee that he would be
happy if he finished that project by evening.
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe reported speech assertive ceW nw Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ Direct sentence keâer reported speech
Dele: FmekeâeW indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee assertive sentence ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâes indirect speech ceW
nesiee~ yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~
1. Said keâes said ner jnves osieW~
1. Comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
2. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
that keâe ØeÙeesie~
that keâe ØeÙeesie keâjsieW~ 2. Reporting speech keâer verb said to kesâ mLeeve hej told keâe
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej (Pronoun Je tense ceW ØeÙeesie~
heefjJele&ve nesves hej) we, are keâes ›eâceMe: they, were ceW 3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej reported speech kesâ tense Je
heefjJeefle&le keâjsieW~ pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve~
Correct indirect sentence- Correct Indirect Sentence–
The policeman said that they were stopping the The boss told his employee that he would be happy if he
defaulters of the lock down. finished that project by evening.

Direct and Indirect Speech 381 YCT

89. Select the most appropriate indirect form of (a) She told you that she has a thousand rupees
the given sentence. in my purse now.
Father said to his daughter, "I will attend your (b) She told you that she had a thousand rupees
convocation tomorrow". in her purse then.
(a) Father told his daughter that he would attend (c) She said you that she have a thousand rupees
her convocation the next day. in my purse then.
(b) Father told his daughter I will attend her (d) She told me that she had a thousand rupees in
convocation tomorrow. her purse now.
(c) Father told his daughter that he will attend SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III)
her convocation tomorrow. Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ Direct sentence keâer reported speech
(d) Father told his daughter that he will be assertive sentence ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâes indirect speech ceW
attending her convocation the next day. yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I) 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ Direct sentence keâer reported speech that keâe ØeÙeesie~
assertive sentence ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâes indirect speech ceW 2. Reporting speech keâer verb said kesâ mLeeve hej told keâe ØeÙeesie~
yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~ 3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej reported speech kesâ tense Je
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies~
that keâe ØeÙeesie~ Correct Indirect form–
2. Reporting speech keâer verb 'said to' kesâ mLeeve hej told She told you that she had a thousand rupees in her purse
keâe ØeÙeesie~
92. Select the most appropriate indirect form of
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej reported speech kesâ tense Je the given sentence.
pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies~ My grandmother said, "I bore six children."
Correct Indirect sentence– (a) My grandmother told that she had bore six
Father told his daughter that he would attend her children.
convocation the next day. (b) My grandmother said that she has born six
90. Select the most appropriate indirect form of children.
the given sentence. (c) My grandmother said that she had borne six
She says, "I go for a walk every morning." children.
(a) She says that she goes for a walk every (d) My grandmother said she borne six children.
morning. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(b) She said that she goes for a walk every Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ indirect sentence keâer reported speech
morning. assertive sentence ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâes indirect speech cebW
(c) She says that I go for a walk every morning. yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~
(d) She said that she went for a walk every 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
morning. that keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II) 2. Reporting speech ceW object ve efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ direct sentence keâer reported speech reporting verb said ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~
assertive sentence ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâes indirect speech ceW 3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej reported speech kesâ tense Je
yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve nesiee~ pronoun keâe heefjJele&ve nesiee~
1. Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction Correct Indirect form–
that keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~ My grandmother said that she had borne six children.
2. Reporting speech ceW object ve efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW 93. Select the most appropriate indirect form of
says ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve ve nesiee~ the given sentence.
3. ÛetBefkeâ reporting speech keâer verb (says) present She said, "Deepak slipped when he was trying
to skate."
indefinite tense ceW nw, DeleŠ reported speech keâe tense
(a) She said that Deepak slipped when he was
present indefinite Je pronoun I keâes reporting speech trying to skate.
kesâ subject (she) kesâ Devegmeej 'she' ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ (b) She said that Deepak has slipped when he
Correct indirect sentence– was trying to skate.
She says that she goes for a walk every morning. (c) She said that Deepak was slipping when he
91. Select the most appropriate indirect form of was trying to skate.
the given sentence. (d) She said that Deepak had slipped when he
She said to you, "I have a thousand rupees in was trying to skate.
my purse now." SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Direct and Indirect Speech 382 YCT
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ indirect sentence keâer reported speech Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ direct sentence keâe reported speech
assertive ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâes indirect speech cebW yeoueves kesâ efueS simple sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâes indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS
efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~ efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjWies–
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction 1. Reporting verb "said to" keâes told ceW heefjJele&ve keâj oWies~
that keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~ 2. Comma Je inverted commas kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
2. Reporting speech ceW object ve efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
reporting verb 'said' ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~ 3. Reported speech kesâ tense Je person keâes narration
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej reported speech kesâ tense Je rules kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
pronoun keâe heefjJele&ve nesiee~ Correct Indirect Sentence–
Rama told me that she needed my help for her new
Correct Indirect Form– assignment.
She said that Deepak had slipped when he was trying to
96. Select the correct indirect form of the given
94. Select the option that is the direct form of the The manager said, “I want you to attend the
given sentence. conference.”
Brinda told her doctor that she was leaving for (a) The manager said that she wanted me to
Boston the next day. attend the conference.
(a) Brinda told her doctor, "I was leaving for (b) The manager said that she want me to attend
Boston tomorrow". the conference.
(b) Brinda told to her doctor, "I will be leaving (c) The manager told to me I am to go to attend
for Boston the next day". the conference.
(c) Brinda said to her doctor, "I am leaving for (d) The manager said I am wanting you to attend
Boston tomorrow". the conference.
(d) Brinda had told her doctor, "She was leaving SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I)
for Boston tomorrow the next day". Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ indirect sentence keâer reported speech
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II) assertive sentence ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâes indirect speech cebW
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe indirect speech ceW nw efpemeceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~
conjunction that keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâer reported 1. Comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
speech assertive ceW nesieer~ efpemekeâes direct speech ceW heefjJeefle&le that keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
keâjves kesâ efueS efvecve efveÙece nQ- 2. Reporting speech ceW object ve efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW
1. Conjunction that kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je inverted reporting verb said ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej reported speech kesâ tense Je
2. JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ verb told keâes reporting speech keâer verb pronoun keâe heefjJele&ve nesiee~
said ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ Correct Indirect Form–
The manager said that she wanted me to attend the
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ Tense Je pronoun
keâes heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
97. Select the option that is the direct form of the
Correct Sentence–
Brinda said to her doctor, "I am leaving for Boston
Dhiraj said that he had been to Goa the
tomorrow". previous year also.
95. Select the correct indirect form of the given (a) Dhiraj said, "He has been to Goa the previous
sentence. year also
Rama said to me, "I need your help for my new (b) Dhiraj said, "I have been to Goa last year
assignment." also."
(a) Rama says to me that she needs my helps for (c) Dhiraj told, "I went to Goa the last year also."
her new assignment. (d) Dhiraj said, "I had been to Goa the previous
(b) Rama said to me that she is needing my helps year also."
for her new assignment. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) Rama said to me she needs your help for the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe indirect speech ceW nw efpemeceW
new assignment.
conjunction that keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâer reported
(d) Rama told me that she needed my help for her
new assignment. speech assertive ceW nesieer~ efpemekeâes direct speech ceW heefjJeefle&le
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II) keâjves kesâ efueS efvecve efveÙece nQ-
Direct and Indirect Speech 383 YCT
1. Conjunction that kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je inverted 2. Reported speech keâe Sentence Skeâ universal truth
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ nw, Dele: Fmekesâ Pronoun, tense Deewj reporting speech
2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ Tense Je pronoun keâer verb (said) ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve vener nesiee~
keâes heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ Correct Sentence–
The researcher said that it is a fact that kids model
Correct Sentence– parental behaviour.
Dhiraj said, "I have been to Goa last year also."
100. Select the correct indirect form of the given
98. Select the correct Indirect form of the given sentence.
sentence. Neeta said, ''Let me see how Pragya performs
The minister said, "It is tragic that the in her preboard examinations.''
Australian bush fires have claimed the lives of (a) Neeta said that she wanted to see how Pragya
so many helpless animals." performed in her preboard examinations.
(a) The minister said that it was tragic that the (b) Neeta said I would see how Pragya performed
Australian bush fires had claimed the lives of in her preboard examinations.
so many helpless animals. (c) Neeta wanted to see how Pragya would
(b) The minister said that it was tragic that the perform in her preboard examinations.
Australian bush fires claimed the lives of so (d) Neeta wants to see Pragya's performance in
many helpless animals. her preboard examinations.
(c) The minister said that it was tragic that the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Australian bush fires were claiming the lives Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe reported speech assertive sentence
of so many helpless animals. ceW nw, DeleŠ FmeceW efvecve efveÙece mes indirect ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~
(d) The minister said that it was tragic that the
Australian bush fires have been claiming the 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
lives of so many helpless animals. that keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II) 2. Let keâes Úes[ Ì keâj me kesâ subject form I keâes reporting speech
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ direct sentence keâe Reported speech kesâ subject (Neeta) kesâ Devegmeej she ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Skeâ assertive sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâes Indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ 3. Reported speech keâer verb see keâes sense kesâ Devegmeej
efueÙes efvecve heefjJele&ve nesieW~ wanted to see ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
1. Reporting verb (said) ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~ Correct indirect sentence–
Neeta said that she wanted to see how Pragya
2. Comma Je Inverted Comma kesâ mLeeve hej performed in her preboard examinations.
Conjunction "that" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 101. Select the correct indirect form of the given
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej Reported speech kesâ tense sentence.
keâes simple past ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ Roshan said to me, ''Sandeep made a new year
Correct Indirect Sentence– greeting card for his teacher''.
The minister said that it was tragic that the Australian (a) Roshan said Sandeep had made a year
bush fires had claimed the lives of so many helpless greeting card for his teacher.
animals. (b) Roshan was saying that Sandeep made a new
year greeting card for his teacher.
99. Select the correct Indirect form of the given
(c) Roshan told me that Sandeep had made a new
greeting card for his teacher.
"It is a fact kids model parental behaviour," (d) Sandeep made a new year greeting card for
said the researcher. his teacher said Roshan.
(a) The researcher said that it is a fact that kids SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
model parental behaviour
(b) The researcher has been saying that kids Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Direct sentence keâer reported speech
model parental behaviour. assertive sentence ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâes indirect speech ceW
(c) The researcher has said that it is a fact that yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~
kids have modeled parental behaviour. 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
(d) The researcher says that it is a fact that kids that keâe ØeÙeesie~
model parental behaviour. 2. Reporting object efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW Reporting
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I) speech keâer verb 'said' kesâ mLeeve hej 'told' keâe ØeÙeesie~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Direct Sentence keâe Reported speech 3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej reported speech kesâ tense
assertive sentence ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâes Indirect Sentence ceW Je pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve~
yeoueves kesâ efueÙes efvecve heefjJele&ve nesiee~ Correct Indirect Sentence–
1. Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej Roshan told me that Sandeep had made a new greeting
Conjunction "that" keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ card for his teacher.

Direct and Indirect Speech 384 YCT

102. Select the correct direct form of the given (c) I told Kirti that those plants would take about
sentence. two months to flower.
Balaji said that he had already paid the (d) I told Kirti that those plants take about two
installment when the notice came to him. months to flower.
(a) Balaji said, "He has already paid the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
installment when the notice came to him." Ans. (c) : : Ghejesòeâ Direct sentence keâer reported speech
(b) Balaji said, "I had already paid the installment assertive sentence ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâes indirect speech ceW
when the notice came to me." yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~
(c) Balaji said, "I have already paid the
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej
installment when the notice will come to me."
(d) Balalji said, "already paid the installment conjunction that keâe ØeÙeesie~
when the notice had come to me." 2. Reporting object (Kirti) efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW Reporting
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III) speech keâer verb said kesâ mLeeve hej told keâe ØeÙeesie~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe indirect speech ceW nw efpemeceW 3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej reported speech kesâ tense
conjunction that keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâer reported Je pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve~
speech assertive ceW nesieer~ efpemekeâes direct speech ceW heefjJeefle&le Correct indirect sentence–
keâjves kesâ efueS efvecve efveÙece nQ- I told Kirti that those plants would take about two
months to flower.
1. Conjunction that kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je inverted
105. Select the option that is the direct form of the
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ given sentence.
2. JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ verb told keâes reporting speech keâer verb Explaining her work she said that she made
said ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ films for posterity to remember.
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ Tense Je pronoun (a) Explaining her work, she said, "I will make
keâes heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ the films that will remember posterity."
(b) Explaining her work, she said, "She makes
Correct sentence– films for posterity to remember."
Balaji said, "I had already paid the installment when (c) Explaining her work, she said, "She made
the notice came to me." films for posterity to remember."
103. Select the correct indirect form of the given (d) Explaining her work, she said, "I make films
sentence. for posterity to remember."
Peter said, "He broke his glasses." SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) Peter said that he break his glasses. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ indirect sentence ceW said Je that kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
(b) Peter said that he had broken his glasses.
(c) Peter said that he is breaking his glasses.
mhe° nw efkeâ direct speech keâe reported speech Skeâ assertive
(d) Peter said that he is going to break his sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe direct sentence efvecve efveÙeceeW mes yevesiee~
glasses. 1. conjunction 'that' kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je inverted
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ indirect sentence keâer reported speech 2. JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ second clause ceW ØeÙegòeâ tense Je
assertive sentence ceW nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâes indirect speech cebW pronouns keâe narration rule kesâ Devegmeej heefjJele&ve nesiee~
yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~ 3. ÛetBefkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe second part simple sentence nw~ Dele:
1. Comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction first part ceW ØeÙegòeâ verb, said ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~
that keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~ Correct direct sentence–
2. Reporting speech ceW object ve efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW Explaining her work, she said, "I make films for
posterity to remember."
reporting verb said ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~
106. Select the correct indirect form of the given
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej reported speech kesâ tense Je sentence.
pronoun keâe heefjJele&ve nesiee~ Aanya said, "I've made a rose and honey
Correct Indirect form– vanilla dessert for you".
Peter said that he had broken his glasses. (a) Aanya told me that she would make a rose
104. Select the correct indirect form of the given and honey vanilla dessert for her.
sentence. (b) Aanya told me that she is making a rose and
I said to Kirti,''These plants will take about honey vanilla dessert for me.
two months to flower.'' (c) Aanya told me that she had made a rose and
(a) I told Kirti that those plants will be taking honey vanilla dessert for me.
about two months to flower. (d) Aanya said to me that she was making a rose
(b) I told Kirti that these plants will take about and honey vanilla dessert for me.
two months to flower. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II)

Direct and Indirect Speech 385 YCT

Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ direct sentence keâe reported speech Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe indirect speech ceW nw efpemeceW
assertive sentence ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâes indirect speech ceW conjunction that keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw, Dele: Fmekeâer reported
yeoueves kesâ efueS efveÙece heefjJele&ve nesiee~ speech assertive ceW nesieer~ efpemekeâes direct speech ceW heefjJeefle&le
1. comma Deewj inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej keâjves kesâ efueS efvecve efveÙece nQ-
conjunction, that keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 1. Conjunction that kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je inverted
2. reported speech kesâ tense Je GmeceW ØeÙegòeâ pronouns comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
keâe narration rules kesâ Devegmeej heefjJele&ve nesiee~ 2. JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ verb 'told' keâes reporting speech keâer verb
Correct indirect sentence– said ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Aanya told me that she had made a rose and honey 3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ Tense Je pronoun
vanilla dessert for me. keâes heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
107. Select the correct indirect form of the given Correct Sentence–
sentence. Experts said, “Several steps are being taken to promote
Vishnu said, "I am going to the theater this foreign trade as it constitutes 45% of the country’s economy”.
(a) Vishnu said that he would go to theater that B. Interrogative
(b) Vishnu said that I am going to the theater this 109. She said to her friend, "What can I do to help
evening. you?"
(c) Vishnu said that he was going to the theater (a) She asked her friend that what she can do to
this evening. help her.
(d) Vishnu said that he was going to the theater (b) She asked her friend what she could do to
that evening. help her.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III) (c) She asks her friend what is that she could do
to help her.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ direct sentence keâe reported speech (d) She asks her friend what she can do for
assertive sentence ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâes indirect speech ceW helping her.
yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve nesiee~ SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
1. comma Deewj inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb; Past Tense ceW
conjunction, that keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ nw leLee reported speech, Interrogative sentence nw Dele:
2. reported speech kesâ tense Je GmeceW ØeÙegòeâ pronouns Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece-
keâe narration rules kesâ Devegmeej heefjJele&ve nesiee~ 1. 'said to' keâes asked ceW leLee comma & Inverted comma
3. ÛetBefkeâ reported speech Skeâ assertive sentence nw Dele: kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ ¤he ceW ‘what’ keâes efueKekeâj
reporting verb, said ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~ Mes<e JeekeäÙe keâes assertive yevee oWies~
Correct direct sentence– 2. Pronoun 'I' keâes she ceW leLee ‘you’ keâes ‘her’ ceW yeoueWies~
Vishnu said that he was going to the theater that 3. Can keâes could ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
evening. Correct indirect sentence-
108. Select the option that is the direct form of the She asked her friend what she could do to help her.
sentence. 110. Select the correct direct form of the given
Experts said that several steps were being sentence.
taken to promote foreign trade as it constituted I asked him where he had gone in his car the
45% of the country’s economy. previous day.
(a) Experts are saying, “Several steps were taken (a) I said to him, "Where did you go in your car
to promote foreign trade as it constituted 45% yesterday?"
of the country’s economy.” (b) I said to him, "Where were you going in your
(b) Experts said, “Several steps should be taken car yesterday?"
to promote foreign trade as they constitute (c) I said to him, "Where you went in your car
45% of the country’s economy.” yesterday?"
(c) Experts said, “Several steps are being taken to (d) I said to him, "Where have you gone in your
promote foreign trade as it constitutes 45% of car the previous day?"
the country’s economy.” SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II)
(d) Experts said, “Several steps had been taken Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'asked' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
for promoting foreign trade as it constitute
45% of the country’s economy.” interrogative sentence keâe indirect speech nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III) direct speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~

Direct and Indirect Speech 386 YCT

1. Asked kesâ mLeeve hej 'said to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 113. Choose the option that is the indirect form of
2. Conjunction kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙegòeâ interrogative word the sentence.
where keâs mLeeve hej comma Je inverted comma keâe Have you got a blue scarf ? the customer
asked the assist
ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(a) The customer asked the assistant if he have a
3. 'Where' Jeeueer clause keâes affirmative kesâ mLeeve hej blue scarf.
interrogative sentence ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ (b) The customer asked the assistant he has a
Correct indirect sentence- blue scarf.
I said to him, "Where did you go in your car (c) The customer asking the assistant if he is
yesterday?" having a blue scarf.
111. He said to the doctor, "How soon will I be able (d) The customer asked the assistant if he had a
to walk again?" blue scarf.
(a) He asks s the doctor how soon would I be SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
able to walk again. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech keâe sentence
(b) He asked the doctor how soon would he be interrogative nw~ Fmekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee–
able to walk again.
(i) Ùeefo reported speech ceW yes/no question nes lees
(c) He is asking the doctor how soon would I be
able to walk again . reported speech kesâ henues if/whether keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ~
(d) He asks the doctor how soon will he be able (ii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense leLee pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve
to walk again. nesiee~
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 Correct indirect sentence- The customer asked the
Ans. (b) efoÙee ieÙee Reporting verb, past Tense ceW nw, Deewj assistant if he had a blue scarf.
Reported speech 'Interrogative sentence nw Dele: Indirect 114. Choose the option that is the direct form of the
sentence ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- sentence.
1. 'Said to' keâes Reported speech kesâ Devegmeej ‘asked’ ceW The policeman enquired where his helmet was.
leLee comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej (a) The policeman asked him, “Where is your
Questioned word 'How soon' keâe ner ØeÙeesie keâjWies Gmekesâ
(b) The policeman enquired, “Where his helmet
yeeo sentence affirmative form ceW nesiee~ was?”
2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun 'I' keâes ‘He’ ceW leLee (c) The policeman enquired, “Where your helmet
will keâes ‘would’ ceW change keâj ueWies~ is?”
Correct Indirect sentence- (d) The policeman asked him, “Where his helmet
He asked the doctor how soon would he be able to walk is?”
again. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
112. Select the correct indirect form of the given Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ indirect speech ceW 'where' mes mhe° nw efkeâ
sentence. sentence interrogative nw~ Fmekeâes direct yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecve
My friend said, "Can I buy some sweets?"
(a) My friend asked if he could buy some sweets.
heefjJele&ve keâjves neWies~
(b) My friend said that he wanted to buy some (i) enquired keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjvee nesiee~
sweets (ii) JeekeäÙe kesâ tense mes past continuous keâes present
(c) My friend requested me to buy some sweets continuous ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
(d) My friend said that he wanted to buy some (iii) reported speech ceW wh-word (pees who/what /how/
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) where/why Deeefo mes Meg™ nesles nQ) nes lees reported speech
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech ceW question mark mes mhe° kes
â henues DeLee&led interrogative word kesâ henues efkeâmeer
nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe interrogation sentence ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe conjunction keâe ØeÙeesie veneR efkeâÙee peelee nw~
indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee Correct direct sentence- The policeman asked him,
“Where is your helmet?”
(i) inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej if/whether keâe ØeÙeesie
keâjles nQ~ 115. Select the correct indirect form of the given
(ii) said keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâj ueWies~ sentence.
The supervisor said to the worker, "How long
(iii) can keâes could ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies
have you been working for this company?"
(iv) tense Deewj pronoun keâes narration rule kesâ Devegmeej (a) The supervisor asked the worker how long
heefjJeefle&le keâjWies had he being working for that company
Correct Indirect sentence- My friend asked if he (b) The supervisor asked the worker that how
could buy some sweets. long you had been working for that company
Direct and Indirect Speech 387 YCT
(c) The supervisor asked the worker how long he Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'if' conjunction keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw
had been working for that company Dele: mhe° nw efkeâ Indirect speech keâe reported part
(d) The supervisor asked the worker for how long interrogative ceW jne nesiee~ Fmekeâes direct speech ceW yeoueves kesâ
had he been working for this company
efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(i) if kesâ mLeeve hej comma, inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe reported speech interrogative
sentence nw~ Fmekeâes indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve efveÙece
(ii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Je pronoun ceW
ØeÙegòeâ nesiee heefjJele&ve keâjWies~
(i) comma leLee inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej question
(iii) Reporting verb 'asked' keâes 'said to' ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies
word (how long) keâe ØeÙeesie as a conjunction nesiee~ Correct direct sentence- He said to me, "Would you
(ii) reporting verb 'said to' keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ like to learn French?"
(iii) narration rule kesâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Devegmeej keâjWies tense Je 118. Select the correct direct form of the given
pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies~ sentence.
The doctor asked her what medicine she had
Correct indirect sentence- The supervisor asked the
taken then.
worker how long he had been working for that
(a) The doctor said to her, "What were medicine
you have taken then?"
116. Select the correct indirect form of the given (b) The doctor said to her, "What medicine have
sentence. you taken now?"
Mahesh said to Priya, "How will you pay off (c) The doctor said to her, "What medicine you
your debts?" have taken then?"
(a) Mahesh asked Priya how will she pay off her (d) The doctor said to her, "What medicine you
debts. are taking now?"
(b) Mahesh asked Priya that how you will pay off SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
your debts Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'wh' word (what) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes
(c) Mahesh asked Priya how she would pay off mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe reported speech interrogative ceW jne
your debts. nesiee~ Fmekeâes direct speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve
(d) Mahesh asked Priya how she would pay off
keâjvee nesiee~
her debts.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (i) reporting verb 'asked' keâes 'said to' ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
(ii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun ceW
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ reported speech keâe JeekeäÙe 'wh type' keâe
heefjJele&ve keâjWies leLee JeekeäÙe keâes interrogative ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
sentence nw Fmekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
Correct direct sentence- The doctor said to her,
(i) comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej question "What medicine have you taken now?"
word keâe conjunction kesâ ¤he ceW ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 119. Select the correct indirect form of the given
(ii) reporting verb said keâes asked ceW yeoueWies~ sentence.
(iii) narration rule ceW Number SJeb Person kesâ Devegmeej She said to me, "Have you ever flown a kite?"
(a) She asked me if I had ever flown a kite
tense Je pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve
(b) She asked me that had I ever flown a kite
(iv) JeekeäÙe kesâ reported speech kesâ Interrogative keâes (c) She asked me if you have ever flown a kite
assertive ceW yeoueWies~ (d) She asked me if I ever flew a kite
Correct sentence sentence- Mahesh asked Priya how SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
she would pay off her debts. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ direct sentence interrogative (Yes/No
117. Select the correct direct form of the given Answer type) Sentence nw Dele: Fmekeâess indirect sentence
sentence. ceW heefjJele&ve keâjves kesâ efueS efvecve efveÙece ØeÙegòeâ nesiee-
He asked me if I would like to learn French. (i) comma leLee inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej
(a) He said to me, "You would like to learn
conjunction 'if' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(b) He said to me, "I would like to learn French." (ii) reporting verb 'said to' keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
(c) He said to me, "Do you like to learn French?" (iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Je pronoun ceW
(d) He said to me, "Would you like to learn heefjJele&ve keâjWies~
French?" Correct indirect sentence- She asked me if I had ever
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) flown a kite.
Direct and Indirect Speech 388 YCT
120. Select the correct indirect form of the given Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'asked Je 'conjunction' kesâ ™he
sentence. ceW 'If' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Reported speech Skeâ
He said, "I will never hurt you." Interrogative sentence (yes/No answer type) nesiee~ Dele:
(a) He said he should never hurt me.
(b) He said that he would never hurt me. Fmekeâe direct speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
(c) He says that he will never hurt me. (1) Conjunction 'if' kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je Inverted comma
(d) He said that he will never hurt me. keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV) (2) Reporting verb kesâ ™he ceW 'asked' kesâ mLeeve hej 'said to' keâe
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech ceW I + will + ØeÙeesie nesiee~
hurt + V1) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe future tense (3) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ Tense pronoun Deeefo ceW
(Modal) keâe Assertive sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect heefjJele&ve nesiee~ Je JeekeäÙe keâes Assertive mes Interrogative (Helping
speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ verb + subject) ceW heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~ Deewj Full stop kesâ mLeeve
(1) Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction hej Question mark keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Correct sentence
(2) Reporting verb 'said' ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~uesefkeâve The driver said to a passerby, "Can you tell me the way
narration rules kesâ Devegmeej tense Je pronoun Deeefo ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~ to the market?"
Correct Sentence: 123. Select the option that expresses the given
He said that he would never hurt me. sentence in direct speech.
121. Choose the option that is the correct indirect She asked me what my favorite cuisine was.
form of the sentence. (a) She said to me, ''What your favourite cuisine
Rahul asked me, "Are we going to New York is?"
next year?" (b) She said to me. "What my favourite cuisine
(a) Rahul asked that we are going to New York is?"
next year. (c) She said to me, "What is my favourite
(b) Rahul asked me that were we going to New cuisine?"
York next year. (d) She said to me, "What is your favourite
(c) Rahul asked me that would we go to New cuisine?"
York next year? SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II
(d) Rahul asked me if we were going to New Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Conjunction kesâ ™he ceW 'what' Je
York next year. 'asked' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe 'wh. type
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III) Interrogative sentence" nesiee~ Dele: Fmekeâe direct speech
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech ceW 'Are' efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
(Helping verb) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe keâer Meg™Deele ceW nesves mes mhe° nw (1) Conjunction "what" kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je Inverted
efkeâ JeekeäÙe yes/No answer type Interrogative sentence nw~ comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ (2) Reporting verb kesâ ™he ceW 'asked' kesâ mLeeve hej 'said to'
(1) Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej ‘If/whether' keâe keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
ØeÙeesie conjunction kesâ ™he ceW nesiee~ (3) Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun
(2) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej reporting verb 'asked' ceW keâesF& Deeefo ceW GheÙegòeâ heefjJele&ve nesiee~ Je JeekeäÙe kesâ Assertive part keâes
heefjJele&ve veneR nesiee~ Deewj JeekeäÙe kesâ Tense Je pronoun ceW GheÙegòeâ Interrogative ceW Je full stop kesâ mLeeve hej Question mark keâe
heefjJele&ve nesiee~ ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Correct indirect form Correct sentence
Rahul asked me if we were going to New York Next She said to me, "What is your favorite cuisine?"
124. Select the option that expresses the given
122. Select the most appropriate direct form of the
sentence in direct speech.
given sentence.
The driver asked a passerby if he could tell him He asked me when I had booked the flight
the way to the market. tickets.
(a) The driver said to a passerby, "Tell me the (a) He said to me, "When did you book the flight
way to the market, will you?" tickets ?"
(b) The driver said to a passerby, "Please, will (b) He said to me, "When do you book the flight
you tell me the way to the market?" tickets?"
(c) The driver said to a passerby, "Can you tell (c) He said to me, "When are you booking the
me the way to the market?" flight tickets?"
(d) The driver said to a passerby, "Could he tell (d) He said to me, "When you had book the flight
him the way to the market?" tickets ?"
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
Direct and Indirect Speech 389 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW When (conjunction) Je 'Asked' Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW asked kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ
kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe Reported speech Skeâ JeekeäÙe Interrogative sentence ceW nw Dele: Fmekeâes indirect ceW
Interrogative sentence (wh. word type) nesiee~ Dele: Fmekeâe heefjJeefle&le keâjves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve nesiee~
direct speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ 1. Inverted comma keâes nše efoÙee peelee nw efkeâvleg keâner-keâner
(1) Conjunction kesâ ™he ceW ØeÙegòeâ 'when' kesâ mLeeve hej comma sense kesâ Devegmeej as to keâe ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~
Je Inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 2. Interrogative sentence keâes indirect ceW change keâjles
(2) Reporting verb kesâ ™he ceW 'asked' meceÙe Reported speech keâes assertive sentence ceW
kesâ mLeeve hej 'said to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ change keâj efoÙee peelee nw~
(3) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun ceW 3. Mark of interrogation (?) kesâ mLeeve hej full stop (.) keâe
GheÙegkeäle heefjJele&ve nesiee~ ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(4) JeekeäÙe keâe Assertive structure mes Interrogative structure Correct Indirect Sentence–
ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee Je full stop kesâ mLeeve hej question mark keâe The counter clerk asked the visitor his name.
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 127. Select the option that expresses the given
sentence in reported speech.
Correct sentence
"Whom did you see at the shopping mall
He said to me, "When did you book the flight tickets?" today?" I asked my daughter.
125. Select the option that expresses the given (a) I asked my daughter that whom did she saw at
sentence in direct speech. the shopping mall they day.
The students asked the teacher where they (b) I asked my daughter who she has seen at the
could find the information for their project. shopping mall today.
(a) The students said to the teacher, "Where can (c) I asked my daughter that whom she saw at the
you find the information for our project?" shopping mall on that day.
(b) The students asked the teacher, "Where can (d) I asked my daughter whom she had seen at
we find the information for our project?" the shopping mall that day.
(c) The teacher said to the student, "Where can SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
you find the information for your project?" Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ direct sentence keâe reported speech
(d) The teacher said to the student, "I will tell you Interrogative sentence nw, Dele: Fmekeâes Indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ
where you can find the information for your
efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve nesies~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I) 1. Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej question word (whom)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW conjunction 'where' mes mhe° nw keâes as a conjunction ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~
efkeâ JeekeäÙe interrogative sentence keâe indirect nw~ Fmekeâes 2. Interrogative sentence keâes change keâj assertive yevee
direct ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves kesâ efueS efvecve efveÙece ØeÙegòeâ nesiee~ efoÙee peelee nw~
(i) Conjunction 'where' keâes nšekeâj Comma Je inverted 3. Narration kesâ efveÙeceevegmeej tense Je pronoun keâes change
comma keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~ keâj efoÙee peelee nw~
(ii) Narration Rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Je Pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve 4. Mark of Interrogation (?) kesâ mLeeve hej full stope (.) keâe
keâjWies leLee JeekeäÙe keâes Assertive mes interrogative ceW ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Correct Indirect Sentence–
heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
I asked my daughter whom she had seen at the shopping
Correct direct form– mall that day.
The students asked the teacher, "Where can we find the
128. Select the correct indirect form of the given
information for our project?"
126. Select the option that expresses the given The interviewer asked Ramesh, "Do you have
sentence in indirect speech. any idea about our products?"
The counter clerk asked the visitor, 'What is (a) The interviewer asked Ramesh that if he had
your name' ? any idea about the products.
(a) The counter clerk asked the visitor his name. (b) The interviewer asked Ramesh if he have any
(b) The counter clerk asks the visitor your name. idea about their products.
(c) The counter clerk is asking the visitor your (c) The interviewer asked Ramesh if he had any
name. idea about their products.
(d) The counter clerk has asked the visitor his (d) The interviewer asked Ramesh if they had
name. any idea about his products.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Direct and Indirect Speech 390 YCT
Ans : (c) Direct sentence kesâ ØeMveJeeÛekeâ JeekeäÙe keâes Indirect Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech Wh type keâe
sentence ceW efvecveefueefKele efveÙece keâe ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ yeoueles nQ- interrogative sentence nw, DeleŠ Fvekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes
• Ùeefo reported speech keâer Meg®Deele yes/no type yevesiee~
interrogative mes nes lees conjunction kesâ ™he ceW 1. Comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ
if/whether keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ ™he ceW question word (why) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
• Reporting verb cebs DeeÙes 'said to' keâes asked ceW yeoueles nw~ 2. Reporting verb said keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
3. Reported speech kesâ tense Je pronoun keâes narration
• Reported speech ceW ØeÙegòeâ IInd person pronoun keâes
rule kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Reporting verb kesâ object kesâ Devegmeej yeoueWies~
4. Reported speech kesâ sentence keâes interrogative mes
• Reporting verb past tense nes lees reported speech ceW DeeÙes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Present Indefinite keâe heefjJele&ve Past Indefinite ceW keâjles nw~ Correct Indirect Sentence–
Correct Indirect Sentence– The interviewer asked Ashok why he had left that job
The interviewer asked Ramesh if he had any idea about the previous month.
their products. 131. Select the correct indirect form of the given
129. Choose the option that is the indirect form of sentence.
the sentence. Uma asked me, "How's your brother?"
A new student said to me, "Where is the (a) Uma asked me how was my brother.
Principal's office?" (b) Uma asked me how your brother was.
(a) A new student asked me where the (c) Uma asked me how my brother was.
Principal's office is. (d) Uma asked me how is my brother.
(b) A new student asked me where is the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Principal's office.
(c) A new student said to me where the Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech WH type keâe
Principal's office was. interrogative sentence nw, DeleŠ Fvekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes
(d) A new student asked me where the yevesiee~
Principal's office was. 1. Comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III) ™he ceW question word (how) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech Wh type keâe 2. Reporting verb said keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
interrogative sentence nw, DeleŠ Fvekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes 3. Reported speech kesâ tense Je pronoun keâes narration
yevesiee~ rule kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction 4. Reported speech kesâ sentence keâes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le
kesâ ™he ceW question word keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ keâjWies~ question mark kesâ mLeeve hej full stop keâe ØeÙeesie
2. Reporting verb said to keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ nesiee~
3. Reported speech kesâ tense Je pronoun keâes narration Correct indirect sentence–
rule kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ Uma asked me how my brother was.
4. Reported speech kesâ sentence keâes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le 132. Select the most appropriate indirect form of
keâjWies~ question mark kesâ mLeeve hej full stop keâe ØeÙeesie the given sentence.
keâjWies~ He said to the grocer, "What is the price of
Correct Indirect Sentence– tomatoes?"
A new student asked me where the Principal's office (a) He asked the grocer what was the price of
was. tomatoes.
130. Select the correct indirect form of the given (b) He asked the grocer what the price of
sentence. tomatoes was.
The interviewer asked Ashok, "Why did you (c) He asked the grocer what is the price of
leave that job last month?" tomatoes.
(a) The interviewer asked Ashok that why he (d) He asked the grocer that what was the price
leave that job the last month. of tomatoes.
(b) The interviewer asked Ashok that why did he SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II)
leave that job the previous month. Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech Wh type keâe
(c) The interviewer asked Ashok why he had left interrogative sentence nw, DeleŠ Fvekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes
that job the previous month. yevesiee~
(d) The interviewer asked Ashok why you have
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
left that job the previous month.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I)–09/07/2019 (Shift-I) kesâ ™he ceW question word (what) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Direct and Indirect Speech 391 YCT
2. Reporting verb said keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ Reporting verb said keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
3. Reported speech kesâ tense Je pronoun keâes narration Reported speech kesâ tense Je pronoun keâes narration
rule kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ rule kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
4. 4. Reported speech kesâ sentence keâes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le
Reported speech kesâ sentence keâes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le
keâjWies~ keâjWies~ question mark kesâ mLeeve hej full stop keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
Correct Indirect Form– Correct Indirect Sentence–
He asked the grocer what the price of tomatoes was. The lawyer asked the burglar where he was at the time
133. Select the correct indirect from of the given of burglary.
sentence. 135. Select the correct indirect form of the given
The stranger said to me, "Can you tell me the sentence.
way to the River Bank Colony?" Bhola said to his mother, "Why is this charcoal
(a) The stranger asked me can you tell me the so black?"
way to the River Bank Colony. (a) Bhola asked his mother why was that
(b) The stranger asked me if you could tell him charcoal so black.
the way to the River Bank Colony. (b) Bhola told his mother why that charcoal was
(c) The stranger asked me if I could tell him the so black.
way to the River Bank Colony. (c) Bhola asked his mother why that charcoal
(d) The stranger told me that I could tell him the was so black.
way to the River Bank Colony. (d) Bhola asked his mother why this charcoal is
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I) so black.
Ans : (c) Direct sentence kesâ ØeMveJeeÛekeâ JeekeäÙe keâes (yes/no SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I)
answer type) Indirect sentence ceW efvecveefueefKele efveÙece keâe Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech WH type keâe
ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ yeoueles nQ- interrogative sentence nw, DeleŠ Fvekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes
• Ùeefo reported speech keâer Meg®Deele yes/no type interrogative yevesiee~
mes nes lees comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej 1. Comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ
conjunction ¤he ceW if/whether keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ ™he ceW question word (why) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
• Reporting verb cebs DeeÙes 'said to' keâes asked ceW yeoueles nw~ 2. Reporting verb said keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
• Reported speech ceW ØeÙegòeâ IInd person pronoun keâes 3. Reported speech kesâ tense Je pronoun keâes narration
Reporting verb kesâ object kesâ Devegmeej yeoueWies~ rule kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
• Reporting verb past nes lees reported speech ceW DeeÙes 4. Reported speech kesâ sentence keâes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le
Present Indefinite keâe heefjJele&ve Past Indefinite ceW keâjles nw~ keâjWies~ question mark kesâ mLeeve hej full stop keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Correct Indirect form- Correct indirect sentence–
The stranger asked me if I could tell him the way to the Bhola asked his mother why that charcoal was so black.
River Bank Colony. 136. Select the correct indirect form of the given
134. Select the most appropriate indirect form of sentence.
the given sentence. Bhola said to his friend, ''How can I make this
The lawyer said to the accused, "Where were charcoal white''?
you at the time of the burglary?" (a) Bhola asked his friend how he could make
(a) The lawyer asked the burglar where he was at that charcoal white.
the time of burglary. (b) Bhola told his friend how he could make that
(b) The lawyer asked the burglar that where was charcoal white.
he at the time of burglary. (c) Bhola asked his friend how can I make this
(c) The lawyer asked the burglar if he was there charcoal white.
at the time of burglary. (d) Bhola asked his friend how could he make
(d) The lawyer asked the burglar where were you that charcoal white.
at the time of burglary. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech Wh type keâe
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech Wh type keâe interrogative sentence nw, DeleŠ Fvekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes
interrogative sentence nw, DeleŠ Fvekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
yevesiee~ 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ ™he ceW question word (how) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
kesâ ™he ceW question word (where) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 2. Reporting verb said keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Direct and Indirect Speech 392 YCT
3. Reported speech kesâ tense Je pronoun keâes narration 3. Reported speech kesâ tense Je pronoun keâes narration
rule kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ rule kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
4. Reported speech kesâ sentence keâes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le 4. Reported speech kesâ sentence keâes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le
keâjWies~ question mark kesâ mLeeve hej full stop keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
nesiee~ Correct Indirect form–
Correct indirect sentence– Mrs. Gupta asked me why those boys were standing in
Bhola asked his friend how he could make that charcoal the sun.
white. 139. Select the correct indirect form of the given
137. Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.
sentence. The shopkeeper asked me, "Where is your
Father said to me, ''Are you going to keep me car?"
waiting all night?'' (a) The shopkeeper asked me where my car was.
(a) Father asked me if you were going to keep (b) The shopkeeper asked me where my car is.
him waiting all night. (c) The shopkeeper asked me where was my car.
(b) Father told me that you are going to keep me (d) The shopkeeper asked me where is your car.
waiting all night. SSC CHSL (Tier-I)–02/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Father asked me are you going to keep me
waiting all night. Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes Direct sentence ceW Reported speech.
(d) Father asked me if I was going to keep him Interrogative sentence (wh-type) keâe nw Dele: Indirect
waiting all night. Sentence efvecve efveÙeceeW mes yevesiee-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III) 1. Reporting verb kesâ 'asked' keâes Jewmes ner efueKe osieW~
Ans. (d) : Direct sentence kesâ ØeMveJeeÛekeâ JeekeäÙe keâes (yes/no 2. oesveeW JeekeäÙeeW keâes peesÌ[ves kesâ efueS Conjunction kesâ leewj hej
answer type_Indirect sentence ceW efvecveefueefKele efveÙece keâe Question word (where) keâe ØeÙeesie keâjsieW~
ØeÙeesie keâjkesâ yeoueles nQ-
3. 'where' kesâ yeeo sentence. Assertive sentence kesâ efveÙece
• Ùeefo reported speech keâer Meg®Deele yes/no type mes yevesiee~
interrogative mes nes lees comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve
4. Question mark kesâ mLeeve hej Full stop keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
hej conjunction kesâ ™he ceW if/whether keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~
Correct Indirect form–
• Reporting verb cebs DeeÙes 'said to' keâes asked ceW yeoueles nw~ The shopkeeper asked me where my car was.
• Reported speech ceW ØeÙegòeâ IInd person pronoun keâes 140. Select the correct indirect form of the given
Reporting verb kesâ object kesâ Devegmeej yeoueWies~ sentence.
• Reporting verb past nes lees reported speech ceW DeeÙes I asked the shopkeeper, "What is the price of
this bike?"
Present Indefinite keâe heefjJele&ve Past Indefinite ceW keâjles nw~
(a) I asked the shopkeeper what the price of that
Correct Indirect form-
bike was.
Father asked me if I was going to keep him waiting all
night. (b) I asked the shopkeeper that what the price of
this bike was.
138. Select the correct indirect of the given sentence.
(c) I asked the shopkeeper what is the price of
Mrs. Gupta said to me, ''Why are these boys
this bike.
standing in the sun?''
(a) Mrs. Gupta told me why those boys are (d) I asked the shopkeeper what was the price of
standing in the sun. that bike.
(b) Mrs. Gupta asked me why those boys were SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III)
standing in the sun. Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes Direct sentence ceW Reported speech
(c) Mrs. Gupta said to me that why are these interrogative sentence (wh-type) keâe nw Dele: Indirect
boys standing in the sun.
Sentence efvecve efveÙeceeW mes yevesiee-
(d) Mrs. Gupta asked me why were these boys
standing in the sun. 1. Reporting verb kesâ 'asked' keâes Jewmes ner efueKe osieW~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I) 2. oesveeW JeekeäÙeeW keâes peesÌ[ves kesâ efueS Conjunction kesâ leewj hej
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech 'Wh' type keâe Question word 'where' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjsieW~
interrogative sentence nw, Dele: Fvekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes 3. 'what' kesâ yeeo sentence Assertive sentence kesâ efveÙece mes
yevesiee~ yevesiee~
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction 4. Question mark kesâ mLeeve hej Full stop keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
kesâ ™he ceW question word (why) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Correct Indirect form–
2. Reporting verb said keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ I asked the shopkeeper what the price of that bike was.

Direct and Indirect Speech 393 YCT

141. Select the correct indirect form of the given 143. Select the correct indirect form of the given
sentence. sentence.
Mr. Puri said to me. "Why are you taking The lion asked the lioness, "Where will you
down this fence?" hide yourself, until I return?"
(a) Mr. Puri asked me why was I taking down (a) The lion asked the lioness where she would
this fence. hide herself, until he returned.
(b) Mr. Puri said to me why you were taking (b) The lion asked the lioness where she will hide
herself, until he returns.
down that fence.
(c) The lion asked the lioness where would she
(c) Mr. Puri asked me why I was taking down
hide herself, until he returned.
that fence.
(d) The lion asked the lioness whether she would
(d) Mr. Puri said to me that why are you taking hide herself, until he returned.
down this fence. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech 'Wh' type keâe
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech Wh type keâe interrogative sentence nw, DeleŠ Fvekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes
interrogative sentence nw, DeleŠ Fvekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
yevesiee~ 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ ™he ceW question word (where) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
kesâ ™he ceW question word (why) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 2. Reporting verb said keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
2. Reporting verb said keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ 3. Reported speech kesâ tense Je pronoun keâes narration
3. Reported speech kesâ tense Je pronoun keâes narration rule kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
rule kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ 4. Reported speech kesâ sentence keâes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le
4. Reported speech kesâ sentence keâes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
keâjWies~ Correct sentence–
The lion asked the lioness where she would hide herself,
Correct indirect sentence–
until he returned.
Mr. Puri asked me why I was taking down that fence.
144. Select the correct indirect form of the given
142. Select the correct indirect form of given sentence.
sentence. Ravi asked, "Ritu, how many sets of class 12
The foreigner said to the farmer, "Can you tell practice papers have you finished?"
me the way to the nearest hotel?" (a) Ravi asked Ritu how many sets of class 12
(a) The foreigner suggested the farmer if he practice papers she had finished.
could tell him the way to the nearest hotel. (b) Ravi asked Ritu how many sets of class 12
(b) The foreigner exclaimed with the farmer if he practice papers had she been finishing.
could tell him the way to the nearest hotel. (c) Ravi asked Ritu how many sets of class 12
(c) The foreigner told the farmer if he could tell practice papers was she finishing.
him the way to the nearest hotel. (d) Ravi asked Ritu how many sets of class 12
(d) The foreigner enquired of the farmer if he practice papers was she finishing.
could tell him the way to the nearest hotel. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech present
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Direct Sentence keâe Reported Speech, perfect tense keâe interrogative sentence nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe
Interrogative Sentence nw Dele: Fmekeâes Indirect Sentence ceW indirect speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee -
yeoueves kesâ efueÙes efvecve heefjJele&ve nesiee~ 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej JeekeäÙe kesâ
Question word (How) keâe ØeÙeesie conjunction kesâ ™he
1. Reporting Speech keâer verb said to keâes enquired of ceW
ceW keâjWies~
heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
2. Reported speech ceW ØeÙegòeâ Ritu keâes reporting speech
2. Comma Je Inverted Comma kesâ mLeeve hej if/whether
keâe object yevee oWies Deewj reporting verb asked ceW keâesF&
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ heefjJele&ve veneR keâjWies~
3. Reported speech kesâ Pronoun Je tense keâes Reporting 3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej reported speech kesâ tense Je
Speech kesâ Object kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjles nw~ pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies~
4. Question mark kesâ mLeeve hej Full stop keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw 4. Reported speech kesâ interrogative sentence keâes
keäÙeeWefkeâ JeekeäÙe Assertive yevelee nw~ assertive sentence ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Correct Indirect Sentence– Correct Indirect Sentence–
The foreigner enquired of the farmer if he could tell Ravi asked Ritu how many sets of class 12 practice
him the way to the nearest hotel. papers she had finished.
Direct and Indirect Speech 394 YCT
145. Select the correct indirect form of the given 147. Select the option that is the direct form of the
sentence. sentence.
The traveller inquired, "Will there be a shelter Kirti asked me if I had watched the movie on
for strangers?" television the previous night.
(a) The traveller inquired if would there be a (a) Kirti asked me, "Had you watched the movie
shelter for strangers. on television last night?"
(b) The traveller inquired whether will there be a (b) Kirti asked me, "Did I watched the movie on
shelter for strangers. television last night?"
(c) The traveller inquired if there would be a (c) Kirti asked me, "Did you watch the movie on
shelter for strangers. television last night?"
(d) The traveller inquired if there will be a shelter (d) Kirti asked me, "You had watched the movie
for strangers. on television last night?"
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ reported speech keâe JeekeäÙe yes/no Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW conjunction kesâ ™he ceW if keâe
answer type keâe interrogative sentence nw, Fmekeâe indirect ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~ Dele: Fmemes mhe° nw efkeâ direct speech ceW
efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ reported part interrogative (yes/no answer type) ceW jne
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej if/whether nesiee~ DeleŠ Fmekeâes direct speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ heefjJele&ve nesiee -
2. ÛetBefkeâ reported speech Skeâ interrogative sentence nw, 1. If kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie
Dele: verb (inquired) ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR keâjWies~ nesiee~
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ Tense ceW keâesF& 2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun ceW
heefjJele&ve veneR keâjWies~ heefjJele&ve keâjWies~ The previous night kesâ mLeeve hej the last
night keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
4. Reported speech kesâ sentence keâes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le
3. JeekeäÙe keâes Interrogative kesâ mLeeve hej assertive sentence
ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Correct indirect sentence–
The traveller inquired if there would be a shelter for Correct Direct sentence :
strangers. Kirti asked me, "Did you watch the movie on television
last night?"
146. Select the correct indirect form of the given
148. Select the correct indirect form of the given
The storekeeper asked the security, "Did you
Shanti asked me, "Why did you keep this
see the torch I kept here?"
smart phone in the bin?"
(a) The storekeeper asked the security whether he (a) Shanti asked me why I was keeping that
had seen the torch he had kept there. smart phone in the bin.
(b) The storekeeper asked the security whether he (b) Shanti asked me why I had been keeping that
saw the torch he kept there. smart phone in the bin.
(c) The storekeeper asked the security if he saw (c) Shanti asked me why I kept that smart phone
the torch he kept there. in the bin.
(d) The storekeeper asked the security if had he (d) Shanti asked me why I had kept that smart
seen the torch he kept there. phone in the bin.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Direct Sentence keâe Reported Speech, Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer reported speech Wh type keâe
Interrogative Sentence (yes/no answer type) nw Dele: Fmekeâes interrogative sentence nw, DeleŠ Fvekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes
Indirect Sentence ceW yeoueves kesâ efueÙes efvecve heefjJele&ve nesiee~ yevesiee~
1. Reporting Speech keâer verb asked ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
nesiee~ kesâ ™he ceW question word (why) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
2. Comma Je Inverted Comma kesâ mLeeve hej if/whether 2. Reporting verb said keâes asked ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ 3. Reported speech kesâ tense Je pronoun keâes narration
3. Reported speech kesâ Pronoun Je tense keâes Reporting rule kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Speech kesâ Object kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjles nw~ 4. Reported speech kesâ sentence keâes assertive ceW heefjJeefle&le
4. Question mark kesâ mLeeve hej Full stop keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~ keâjWies~
Correct Indirect Sentence– Correct indirect sentence–
'The storekeeper asked the security whether he had Shanti asked me why I had kept that smart phone in the
seen the torch he had kept there.' bin.

Direct and Indirect Speech 395 YCT

149. Select the correct indirect form of the given 151. Select the option that is the direct form of the
sentence. given sentence.
Ravina asked her little brother, "Where are The child asked his mother if he could swim in
you going to play"? the pool there.
(a) Ravina asked her little brother where he (a) The child said to his mother, "Will swim in
would like to go to play. the pool here"?
(b) Ravina said to her little brother where he was (b) The child asked to his mother, "May I swim
going to play. in the pool here"?
(c) Ravina asked her little brother where he was (c) The child asked to his mother, "Can he swim
going to play in the pool there"?
(d) Ravina asked her little brother where will he (d) The child asked his mother, "Could he swim
be going to play. in the pool there"?
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Direct form of sentence ceW Reported Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW conjunction kesâ ™he ceW if keâe
speech Interrogative sentence (wh-type) keâe nw Dele: ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~ Dele: Fmemes mhe° nw efkeâ Indirect speech keâe
reported part interrogative (yes/no answer type) ceW jne
Indirect Sentence efvecve efveÙeceeW mes yevesiee-
nesiee~ DeleŠ Fmekeâes direct speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve
1. Reporting verb kesâ 'asked' keâes Jewmes ner efueKe osieW~
heefjJele&ve nesiee -
2. oesveeW JeekeäÙeeW keâes peesÌ[ves kesâ efueS Conjunction kesâ leewj hej
1. If kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie
Question word 'where' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjsies~
3. 'where' kesâ yeeo sentence Assertive sentence kesâ efveÙece
2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun ceW
mes yevesiee~ heefjJele&ve keâjWies~
4. Question mark kesâ mLeeve hej Full stop keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
3. JeekeäÙe keâes assertive sentence ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Correct indirect form– Note– Seeing 'can' we lend to mark option 'c' but it
Ravina asked her little brother where he was going to would be wrong because the subject used here is
play. incorrect. Therefore, option (2) is the correct answer.
150. Select the correct indirect form of the given Correct direct form–
sentence. The child asked to his mother, "May I swim in the pool
Sitab asked his mother, "Has it been snowing here?"
all night?" 152. Select the correct indirect form of the given
(a) Sitab asked his mother if it is snowing all sentence.
night. Nakul asked her, "How do you know that
(b) Sitab asked his mother if it had been snowing Rahul has told it to him?"
all night. (a) Nakul asked her how she knew that Rahul
(c) Sitab asked his mother if it has snowed all had told that to him.
night. (b) Nakul asked her how she knew that Rahul
(d) Sitab asked his mother if it was snowing all had told that to him.
night. (c) Nakul asked her that how she knows that
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II) Rahul had told to him.
(d) Nakul asked her that how she has known that
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Direct Sentence keâe Reported Speech,
Rahul has told that to him.
Interrogative Sentence (yes/no answer type) nw Dele: SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Fmekeâes Indirect Sentence ceW yeoueves kesâ efueÙes efvecve heefjJele&ve Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Direct sentence keâe Reported speech
nesiee~ Interrogative sentence (wh-type) keâe nw Dele: Indirect
1. Reporting Speech keâer verb 'asked' ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve Sentence efvecve efveÙeceeW mes yevesiee-
veneR nesiee~ 1. Reporting verb kesâ 'asked' keâes Jewmes ner efueKe osies~
2. Comma Je Inverted Comma kesâ mLeeve hej if/whether 2. oesveeW JeekeäÙeeW keâes peesÌ[ves kesâ efueS Conjunction kesâ leewj hej
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Question word 'how' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjsies~
3. Reported speech kesâ Pronoun Je tense keâes Reporting 3. 'what' kesâ yeeo sentence Assertive sentence kesâ efveÙece mes
Speech kesâ Object kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjles nw~ yevesiee~
4. Question mark kesâ mLeeve hej Full stop keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles 4. Question mark kesâ mLeeve hej Full stop keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
nw~ Correct Indirect form–
Correct Indirect Sentence– Nakul asked her how she knew that Rahul had told that
Sitab asked his mother if it had been snowing all night. to him.

Direct and Indirect Speech 396 YCT

153. Select the correct indirect form of the given 155. Select the correct indirect form of the given
sentence. sentence.
"Do you attend the film festival at Goa every The manager said to the staff, "Please work
year?" he asked. with dedication. You will be paid overtime
(a) He asks me if I attend the film festival at Goa whenever you work late."
every year. (a) The manager requests the staff to work with
dedication and ensures them that they would
(b) He asked me if I attended the film festival at
be paid overtime whenever they work late
Goa every year.
(b) The manager begged the staff to work with
(c) He asks me if I was attending the film festival dedication. He said you will be paid overtime
at Goa every year. whenever you work late
(d) He is asking me if I attend the film festival at (c) The manager requested the staff to work with
Goa every year. dedication and ensured them that they would
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I) be paid overtime whenever they worked late
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Direct Sentence keâe Reported Speech, (d) The manager said to the staff they will please
work with dedication and will be paid
Interrogative Sentence (yes/no answer type) nw Dele:
overtime whenever they work late
Fmekeâes Indirect Sentence ceW yeoueves kesâ efueÙes efvecve heefjJele&ve SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I)
nesiee~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ direct sentence, keâe reported speech
1. Reporting Speech keâer verb asked ceW keâesF& heefjJele&ve veneR imperative sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâes indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ
nesiee~ efueÙes efvecve heefjJele&ve nesieW~
2. Comma Je Inverted Comma kesâ mLeeve hej if/whether Reported speech ceW 'please' efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW
keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ reporting verb 'requested' ceW heefjJeefle&le nes peeÙesieer~
3. Reported speech kesâ Pronoun keâes Reporting Speech 2. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
kesâ Object kesâ Devegmeej heefjJeefle&le keâjles nw~ kesâ ™he ceW 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun, you keâes they Deewj
4. Question mark kesâ mLeeve hej Full stop keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw~
will be keâes would be ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
5. JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Present Indefinite keâes past Indefinite
Correct Indirect sentence-
ceW yeoue osieW~ The manager requested the staff to work with
Correct Indirect Sentence– dedication and ensured them that they would be paid
He asked me if I attended the film festival at Goa overtime whenever they worked late.
every year. 156. My father said to me, "Don't talk to your
mother like that."
C. Imperative Sentence (a) My father warns me not to talk to my mother
like that.
154. “Hurry up, get in the bus” the conductor said (b) My father warned me not to talk to my
to us. mother like that.
(a) The conductor told us to hurry up and get in (c) My father warned me not to have talked to
the bus. my mother like that.
(b) The conductor tells us to hurry up and get in (d) My father warns me not to have talked to my
mother like that.
the bus.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(c) The conductor told us to hurry up and got in
the bus. Ans. (b) efoÙee ieÙee Reporting verb 'Past tense' ceW nw Je
(d) The conductor tells us to hurry up and got in Reported speech, 'Imperative sentence' ceW nw, Dele: heefjJele&ve
the bus. kesâ efveÙece-
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 1. 'said to' kesâ mLeeve hej ‘warned’ Je comma & Inverted
Ans. (a) efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙe keâe Reporting verb, Past Tense ceW comma kesâ peien hej ‘not to’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
nw Deewj reported speech keâe sentence imperative ceW nw~ Dele: 2. ‘Your’ keâe heefjJele&ve ‘me’ kesâ Devegmeej ‘my’ ceW keâj oWies~
Indirect speech ceW heefjJele&ve kesâ efveÙece- Correct Indirect Sentence–
My father warned me not to talk to my mother like that.
1. 'said to' kesâ mLeeve hej told Deewj comma & Inverted
157. Select the correct indirect form of the given
comma kesâ mLeeve hej ‘to’ keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Correct indirect sentence- Mohan said to Radha, "Please give the books to
The conductor told us to hurry up and get in the bus. the manager."

Direct and Indirect Speech 397 YCT

(a) Mohan requested Radha to give the books to Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW conjunction if kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
the manager nw efkeâ Ùen interrogative sentence nw~ Fmekeâes direct speech
(b) Mohan is requesting Radha to give the books
to the manager
ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjves neWies~
(c) Mohan tells Radha to give the books to the (i) if keâes nšekeâj inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies
manager (ii) Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej had keâes have ceW heefjJeefle&le
(d) Mohan told Radha that she must give the keâj ueWies
books to the manager (iii) narration kesâ rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun they keâes you ceW
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
heefjJele&ve keâjWies
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ indirect speech ceW please + verb1 keâe ØeÙeesie Correct direct sentence- The teacher asked the
JeekeäÙe keâer Meg®Deele ceW nesves mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe imperative nw~ Dele: students, “Have you understood my question?”
Fmekeâe indirect speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ 160. Choose the option that is the direct form of the
(i) comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej to keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee sentence.
(ii) reported speech ceW kindly/please keâes nše osles nQ My neighbour enquired how my father was.
(iii) said to keâes requested ceW heefjJeefle&le keâj ueWies (a) My neighbour asked, “What about your
Correct indirect sentence- Mohan requested Radha to father’s welfare?”
give the books to the manager (b) My neighbour enquired, “How is your
158. Choose the option that is the direct form of the
(c) My neighbour asked, “ How my father was?”
(d) My neighbour enquired, “How is my father?”
The counter clerk asked me what my mobile
number was. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(a) The counter clerk asked to me, “What was Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ indirect speech ceW enquired mes mhe° nw
your mobile number?” efkeâ JeekeäÙe interrogative sentence keâe nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe direct
(b) The counter clerk asked me, “What is your speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee
mobile number?” (i) connecting word wh-word kesâ mLeeve hej inverted
(c) The counter clerk enquired me, “What is your
comma keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nQ
mobile number?”
(d) The counter clerk asks me, “What is your (ii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun
mobile number?” ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies leLee JeekeäÙe keâes interrogative ceW
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) heefjJele&ve keâjWies full stop kesâ mLeeve hej question mark keâe
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ indirect speech ceW conjunction what ØeÙeesie nesiee~
kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe interrogative nw~ Fmekeâe direct Correct direct sentence- My neighbour enquired,
form efvecve efveÙece mes nesiee~ “How is your father?”
(i) direct speech ceW wh-word kesâ henues inverted comma 161. Choose the option that is the indirect form of
the sentence.
keâe ØeÙeesie keâjles nw wh-word Jeeues reported speech ceW
"Get out of this room", the officer shouted at
keâesF& conjunction ØeÙegòeâ neslee nw~ the cadet.
(ii) past continuous keâe present continuous ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee (a) The officer shouted at the cadet and asked
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee leLee him to get out of that room.
full stop keâes question mark ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~ (b) The officer shouted at the cadet and asked
Correct direct sentence The counter clerk asked me, him to get out of this room.
“What is your mobile number?” (c) The officer shouts at the cadet and asks him
to go out of that room.
159. Choose the option that is the direct form of the
sentence. (d) The officer shouting at the cadet and asking
him to go out of the room.
The teacher asked the students if they had
understood her question. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(a) The teacher asked the students, “Have you Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ reported speech kesâ 'get out' verb1 keâe
understood her question? ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe keâer Meg®Deele ceW nesves mes mhe° nw efkeâ sentence
(b) The teacher asking the students, “If you have imperative nw~ Fmekeâe indirect ceW heefjJele&ve efvecve nw-
understood my question?” (i) inverted comma keâes nšekeâj main verb kesâ henues to keâe
(c) The teacher asked the students, “Have you
understood my question?”
ØeÙees ie keâjles nQ~
(d) The teacher asks the students, “whether you (ii) reported speech kesâ pronoun 'this' keâes that ceW yeoue oWies
understand my question Correct indirect sentence- The officer shouted at the
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) cadet and asked him to get out of that room.
Direct and Indirect Speech 398 YCT
162. Choose the option that is the direct form of the Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ indirect speech ceW conjunction
sentence. 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw Dele: mhe° nw efkeâ direct speech ceW
He asked me to wait there until I got my turn.
reported speech imperative sentence ceW nesiee~ Fmes direct
(a) He said to me, “Wait here until you get your
turn.” speech ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve nesiee~
(b) He told to me “Wait here until you get your (i) conjunction 'to' kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je inverted
turn.” comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(c) He said to me, “You are wait here until you (ii) reporting verb 'told' keâes 'said to' ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
get your turn.”
(d) He asked me to “wait there until you get my (iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun keâes heefjJeefle&le keâjkesâ
turn.” 'not' kesâ mLeeve hej 'don't' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) Correct direct sentence- I said to my parents, "Don't
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ indirect speech conjunction 'to' kesâ worry about me."
ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe imperative ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe 165. Select the correct direct form of the given
direct efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee
The policeman warned us not to block the
(i) conjunction 'to' keâes nšekeâj inverted comma keâe ØeÙeesie traffic.
nesiee (a) The policeman said to us, "We should not
(ii) asked keâes said to ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee block the traffic"
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej tense leLee pronoun ceW (b) The policeman said to us, "Do not block the
heefjJele&ve nesiee traffic."
Correct direct sentence- He said to me, “Wait here (c) The policeman said to us, "Let us not block
until you get your turn.” the traffic."
163. Choose the option that is the indirect form of (d) The policeman said to us, "You did not block
the sentence. the traffic".
The judge said to Jia, Stand in the witness SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
box. Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ indirect speech ceW 'to' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw
(a) The judge told Jia you are standing in the efkeâ direct speech imperative sentence ceW nesieer~ Fmekeâes
witness box. direct speech ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjves
(b) The judge told Jia to stand in the witness box. neWies~
(c) The judge told to Jia stand in the witness box. (i) conjunction 'to' kesâ mLeeve hej comma leLee inverted
(d) The judge told Jia you will stand in the
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
witness box.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) (ii) reporting verb 'warned' kesâ mLeeve hej 'said to' keâe
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ reported speech ceW verb1 keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe ØeÙees ie nesiee
keâer Meg®Deele ceW nesves mes mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe imperative (iii) 'not' keâes 'do not' ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies keäÙeeWefkeâ Imperative
sentence nw~ Fmekeâes indirect yeveeves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve sentence verb1 mes start neslee nw~
keâjves neWies Correct direct sentence- The policeman said to us,
(i) reported verb 'said' keâes to ceW yeoue ueWies "Do not block the traffic."
(ii) inverted comma keâes nšekeâj to keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee 166. Select the correct direct form of the given
sentence :
(iii) narration kesâ rule kesâ Devegmeej tense Deewj pronoun keâe The young man prayed to God to help him
heefjJele&ve keâjWies clear that interview :
Correct indirect sentence - The judge told Jia to (a) The young man said, "O God! Help him to
stand in the witness box. clear that interview".
164. Select the correct direct form of the given (b) The young man said, "O God! Help me clear
sentence. this interview".
I told my parents not to worry about me. (c) The young man said to God, "You have to
(a) I said to my parents, "You don't be worried help me clear that interview".
about me". (d) The young man said to God, "Will you help
(b) I said to my parents, "You don't have to me clear that interview"?
worry about me". SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) I said to my parents, "Nothing to worry about
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW conjunction 'to' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe°
(d) I said to my parents, "Don't worry about me." nw efkeâ imperative sentence keâe direct speech nesiee~ Fmekeâes
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) direct ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee~

Direct and Indirect Speech 399 YCT

(i) conjunction 'to' kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je inverted Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech ceW I + can
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (modal) kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ Ùen Skeâ Assertive sentence
(ii) reporting verb 'prayed' keâes 'said' ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
leLee exclamation word 'O God' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~ (1) Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve keâjkesâ ™he ceW 'that' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
'that' keâes 'this' ceW yeoueWies~ (2) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej Reporting verb 'said' ceW keâesF&
Correct direct sentence- The young man said, "O heefjJele&ve vener nesiee keäÙeeWefkeâ Object keâe ØeÙeesie veneR nw~ uesefkeâve
God! Help me clear this interview". modal (can) keâes Could ceW SJeb Number SJeb Person kesâ
167. Select the correct indirect form of the given according Pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~
sentence. Correct Indirect sentence
Mother said to her, "Paint the river blue." She said that she could play the guitar pretty will.
(a) Mother told her to paint the river blue 170. Select the option that expresses the given
(b) Mother asked her paint the river blue sentence in indirect speech.
(c) Mother told to her paint the river blue. She said to me, "Don't worry about me."
(d) Mother said her to paint the river blue (a) She told me don't worry about her.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (b) She told me to not be worried about her.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe keâe reported speech VI (paint) mes (c) She told me to not to worry about me.
Meg™ ngF& nw Dele: Ùen imperative sentence nw Fmekeâe indirect (d) She told me not to worry about her.
efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
(i) comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe Reported speech ceW Don't (Do +
'to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ not) keâe ØeÙeesie JeekeäÙe keâer Meg™Deele ceW nesves mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
'Imperative' ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect speech efvecve efveÙece mes
(ii) reporting verb 'said to' keâes told ceW yeoueWies~
Correct indirect sentence- Mother told her to paint
heefjJele&ve nesiee~
the river blue. (1) Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej Conjunction kesâ
168. Select the correct direct form of the given ™he ceW 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ JeekeäÙe kesâ negative ceW nesves mes 'to' kesâ
sentence. henues 'not' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
The commander ordered the soliders to climb (2) Reported speech kesâ sense kesâ Devegmeej Je Reporting
the hill. object (me) kesâ efoÙes nesves keâer efmLeefle ceW 'said to' kesâ mLeeve hej
(a) The commander said to the soldiers, "Start 'told' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
climbing the hill."
(3) Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej Pronoun Deeefo ceW GheÙegòeâ
(b) The commander ordered to the soldiers, "Go
and climb the hill". heefjJele&ve nesiee~
(c) The commander said to the soldiers, "Please Correct Indirect Speech
climb the hill". She told me not to worry about her.
(d) The commander said to the soldiers, "Climb 171. Select the option that expresses the given
the hill". sentence in reported speech.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) The teacher said, “Asif, go and wash your
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe imperative sentence keâe indirect hands.”
(a) The teacher told to Asif to go and wash his
speech nw Fmekeâes direct speech ceW heefjJee|lele keâjves kesâ efueS hands.
efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjves neWies~ (b) The teacher told Asif go and wash your
(i) conjunction 'to' kesâ mLeeve hej comma leLee inverted hands.
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (c) The teacher told Asif go and wash his hands.
(ii) reporting verb 'ordered' kesâ mLeeve hej 'said to' keâe (d) The teacher told Asif to go and wash his
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III
Correct direct sentence- The commander said to the
soldiers, "Climb the hill". Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Reported speech keâer Meg™Deele ceW
169. Select the option that expresses the given 'go' (verb 1 ) kes â ØeÙees ie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe Imperative ceW nw~
sentence in indirect speech. Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
She said, ''I can play the guitar pretty well.'' (1) Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ
(a) She said that she would play the guitar pretty ™he ceW 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
well. (2) JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ 'word' Asif' keâes Reporting verb keâe object
(b) She said that she could play the guitar pretty yeveekeâj 'said' kesâ mLeeve hej 'told' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(c) She said that she plays the guitar pretty well. (3) Narration rules kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ pronoun ceW GheÙegòeâ
(d) She said that she can play the guitar pretty heef jJele&ve nesiee~
well. Correct Indirect Speech
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II The teacher told Asif to go and wash his hands.

Direct and Indirect Speech 400 YCT

172. Select the correct indirect form of the given (c) Hemant said to the hotel receptionist to
sentence. please tell Bharat that I will come to see him
Mother said to Megha, "Leave for your office tomorrow at 10 am.
now." (d) Hemant requested the hotel receptionist to
(a) Mother said to Megha leave for her office inform Bharat that he would come to see him
then. the next day at 10 am.
(b) Mother told to Megha to leave for her office SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I)
now. Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW please + verb1 keâe ØeÙeesie reported
(c) Mother told Megha to leave for her office speech kesâ Meg®Deele ceW ngDee nw, DeleŠ mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe
imperative nw~ efpemekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee-
(d) Mother told Megha to leave for your office
now. 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I) 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech kesâ sentence kesâ reported 2. Reporting verb said keâes reported speech kesâ YeeJe kesâ
speech mes mhe° nw efkeâ DeeosMe keâer yeele nes jner nw~ FmeefueS Ùen Devegmeej requested ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
imperative sentence nesiee~ Dele: Fmekeâe Indirect efvecve efveÙece 3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun ceW
mes yevesiee~ heefjJele&ve leLee tommorrow kesâ mLeeve hej the next day keâe
(i) Reporting verb, said keâes told/ordered ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies~ ØeÙeesie nesiee~
(ii) Comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Correct Indirect Sentence–
(iii) Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee Hemant requested the hotel receptionist to inform
Bharat that he would come to see him the next day at 10
leLee now keâes then ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~ am.
Correct Indirect Form– 175. Select the correct indirect form of the given
Mother told Megha to leave for her office then. sentence.
173. Select the option that expresses the given "Don't park here," the policeman said to them.
sentence in reported speech. (a) The policeman ordered them not to park here.
He said to his sister, ''Please help me with my (b) The policeman said to them not to park here.
homework'. (c) Don't park here he said to the policeman.
(a) He told his sister that she should help him (d) The policeman ordered them not to park
with his homework. there.
(b) His sister was asked by her brother that she SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II)
should help him with his homework.
(c) His sister told him that he should help her Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ reported speech keâe JeekeäÙe don't mes Meg®
with her homework. ngDee nw, Dele: Ùen imperative sentence nw~ Fmekeâe indirect
(d) He requested his sister to help him with his efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee -
homework. 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I) kesâ ™he ceW to keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech kesâ reported speech ceW 2. Reporting verb said keâes reported speech kesâ YeeJe kesâ
please kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ sentence imperative nw~ Dele: Devegmeej ordered ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
Fmekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes nesiee~ 3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun Deeefo ceW heefjJele&ve
(i) Reporting verb, said to keâes requested ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
keâjWies~ 4. Sentence kesâ negative nesves kesâ keâejCe conjunction to mes
(ii) comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej to keâe ØeÙeesie henues not keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~
nesiee~ Correct Indirect Sentence–
(iii) please, kindly etc keâes nše oWies~ The policeman ordered them not to park there.
(iv) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun ceW heefjJele&ve nesiee~ 176. Select the correct indirect form of the given
Correct Indirect speech– sentence.
He requested his sister to help him with his homework. The doctor told his patient, "Continue the
174. Select the correct indirect form of the given same course of medicines for the next week."
sentence. (a) The doctor told his patient that he may
continue the same course of medicines in the
Hemant said to the hotel receptionist, "Please following week.
tell Bharat I will come to see him tomorrow at (b) The doctor told his patient to continued the
10 am." same course of medicines in the next week.
(a) Hemant said to the hotel receptionist please (c) The doctor told his patient for continuing the
to tell Bharat he will come to see me same course of medicines for the next week.
tomorrow at 10 am. (d) The doctor told his patient to continue the
(b) Hemant requested to the hotel receptionist same course of medicines for the following
please inform Bharat I will come to see him week.
tomorrow at 10 am. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Direct and Indirect Speech 401 YCT
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ reported speech keâe JeekeäÙe continue (V1) 179. Select the correct Indirect form of the given
mes Meg® ngDee nw, DeleŠ Ùen imperative sentence nw~ Fmekeâe sentence.
indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee - “Let’s sit out in the sun,” Anya said.
(a) Anya is suggesting that we sit out in the sun.
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction (b) Anya had suggested that we sit out in the sun.
kesâ ™he ceW to keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ (c) Anya suggested that we sit out in the sun.
2. Reported speech ceW ØeÙegòeâ the next week keâes the (d) Anya was suggesting that we sit out in the
following week ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ sun.
3. yeekeâer part keâes pÙeeW keâe lÙeeW jKe oWies~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Correct Indirect Sentence– Ans. (c) : Ghejes òeâ JeekeäÙe keâe reported speech let's mes Meg® ngDee
The doctor told his patient to continue the same course nw, DeleŠ Fmekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
of medicines for the following week. 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction kesâ
177. Select the most appropriate indirect form of ™he ceW that keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
the given sentence.
Seema said to her daughter, "Don't go near the
2. Let kesâ ØeÙeesie kesâ keâejCe reporting verb said keâes
well." suggested Ùee proposed ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
(a) Seema requested to her daughter to go near 3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun Deeefo ceW heefjJele&ve
the well. keâjWies~
(b) Seema told her daughter that don't go near Correct indirect sentence–
the well. Anya suggested that we sit out in the sun.
(c) Seema said her daughter you shouldn't go 180. Select the correct indirect form of the given
near the well. sentence.
(d) Seema warned her daughter not to go near
Mother said to Avika, "Finish these sums
the well.
before you go to the park."
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I) (a) Mother told Avika to finish those sums before
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ reported speech keâe JeekeäÙe don't mes Meg® she went to the park.
ngDee nw~ Dele: Ùen imperative sentence nw~ Fmekeâe indirect (b) Mother told Avika to finish these sums before
efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ you go to the park.
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction (c) Mother told Avika to finish those sums before
kesâ ™he ceW to keâe ØeÙeesie Je sentence kesâ negative ceW nesves kesâ she goes to the park.
(d) Mother told Avika to finish those sums before
keâejCe to mes henues not keâe ØeÙeessie nesiee~ not to + verb1 she was going to the park.
2. Reporting verb said keâes YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej warned ceW SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ reported speech keâe JeekeäÙe finish (Verb1)
Correct Indirect form– mes Meg® ngDee nw, DeleŠ Ùen imperative sentence nw~ Fmekeâe
Seema warned her daughter not to go near the well. indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee -
178. Select the correct indirect form of the given 1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
sentence. kesâ ™he ceW to keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Roopa said to me, "Please accompany me to 2. JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Reporting verb said keâes told ceW
the market." heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
(a) Roopa said please accompany me to the
market. 3. Reported speech ceW ØeÙegòeâ these keâes those ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~
(b) Roopa said to me that you must accompany Correct indirect sentence–
me to the market. Mother told Avika to finish those sums before she went
(c) Roopa requested me to accompany her to the to the park.
market. 181. Select the correct indirect form of the given
(d) Roopa is requesting me to accompany her to sentence.
the market. Mother said to Kavya, "Switch off the light
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II) before you go to sleep."
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW please + verb1 keâe ØeÙeesie (a) Mother told Kavya to switch off the light
reported speech kesâ Meg®Deele ceW ngDee nw, DeleŠ mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe before she went to sleep.
imperative nw~ efpemekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee- (b) Mother told Kavya to switch off the light
before she goes to sleep.
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction (c) Mother told Kavya to switch off the light
'to' keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWies~ before you go to sleep.
2. Reporting verb said keâes reported speech kesâ YeeJe kesâ (d) Mother told Kavya to switch off the light
Devegmeej requested ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ before she is going to sleep.
3. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun ceW SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II)
heefjJele&ve Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ reported speech keâe JeekeäÙe switch off
Correct Indirect Sentence– (Verb1) mes Meg® ngDee nw, DeleŠ Ùen imperative sentence nw~
Roopa requested me to accompany her to the market. Fmekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee–
Direct and Indirect Speech 402 YCT
1. Comma Je inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction Correct Indirect Sentence–
kesâ ™he ceW 'to' keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ Gary exclaimed that he had finally cleared his exams
with distinction.
2. JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej Reporting verb said keâes 'told'
184. Select the correct indirect form of the given
ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ sentence.
3. yeekeâer part keâes pÙeeW keâe lÙeeW jKe oWies~ Meena said "What a beautiful flower!"
Correct Indirect Sentence– (a) Meena exclaimed how beautiful the flower
Mother told Kavya to switch off the light before she was
went to sleep. (b) Meena said that she had a beautifyl flower
182. Select the option that expresses the given (c) Meena exclaimed what a beautiful flower it
sentence in direct speech. was
Bharati told Rakesh to call her when he (d) Meena exclaimed that it was a very beautiful
reached there. flower
(a) "Call me when you reach there", Bharati told SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Rakesh. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ direct speech keâe Reported speech
(b) "Call her when you have reached here", exclamatory sentence ceW nw~ Fmekeâe indirect efvecve efveÙece mes
Bharati told Rakesh.
(c) "Call me when you reached there", Bharati
says to Rakesh. (i) comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
(d) "Call him when you are reaching there", that keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
Bharati told Rakesh. (ii) reported speech ceW 'what ..... a' keâes nše efoÙee peelee nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I) (iii) exclamatory mark kesâ mLeeve hej full stop keâe ØeÙeesie
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ indirect sentence ceW conjunction kesâ ™he ceW neslee nw~
to keâe ØeÙeesie ngDee nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe reported speech imperative Correct indirect sentence - Meena exclaimed that it
sentence ceW nesiee~ Dele: FmeceW efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjvee nesiee- was a very beautiful flower
1. Conjunction to kesâ mLeeve hej comma Je inverted 185. Choose the option that is the direct form of the
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ sentence.
2. Narration rule kesâ Devegmeej pronoun Deeefo ceW heefjJele&ve He exclaimed sadly that it was a pity that so
many lives had been lost in the floods.
keâjWies~ (a) He said sadly, “It is a pity that so many lives
3. yeekeâer part keâes pÙeeW keâe lÙeeW jKe oWies~ had been lost in the floods.”
Correct indirect sentence– (b) He said sadly, “What a pity that so many lives
"Call me when you reach there", Bharati told Rakesh. are being lost in the floods!”
(c) He said sadly, “What a pity that so many lives
have been lost in the floods.”
D. Exclamatory Sentence (d) He said sadly, “It was a pity that so many
lives were loss in the floods.”
183. Select the correct indirect form of the given SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Gary said, "I have finally cleared my exams Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ indirect speech ceW exclaimed mes mhe° nw
with distinction!" efkeâ sentence exclamatory sentence ceW nesiee~ Dele: Fmekeâe
(a) Gary told that he have cleared his exams with direct speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
distinction. (i) conjunction 'that' kesâ mLeeve hej comma, inverted
(b) Gary said that he has finally cleared his comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
exams with distinction.
(ii) exclamatory sentence kesâ efueS that Jeeueer clause mes
(c) Gary exclaimed that he cleared his exams
with distinction. henues "what a ..........." Yeer pees[Ì efoÙee peelee nw~
(d) Gary exclaimed that he had finally cleared his (iii) full stop kesâ mLeeve hej exclamation mark (!) keâe ØeÙeesie
exams with ditinction. nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I) Correct direct sentence- He said sadly, “What a pity
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Direct sentence keâe Reported speech that so many lives have been lost in the floods!”
Exclamatory sentence nw~ Dele: Fmekeâes efvecve efveÙeceeW mes 186. Select the correct indirect form of the given
Indirect speech ceW yeoueWies~ sentence.
1. Reporting verb "said" keâes exclaimed ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ He exclaimed, "What a fine piece of
architecture it is !"
2. Comma Je Inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction
(a) He exclaimed what a fine piece of
"that" keâe ØeÙeesie keâjWie~
architecture is it
3. Reported speech kesâ tense Je Pronoun keâes Narration (b) He exclaimed was it a fine piece of
kesâ efveÙeceevegmeej heefjJeleb&ve keâjWies~ architecture
4. Exclamation mark kesâ mLeeve hej Full stop keâe ØeÙeesie (c) He exclaimed that what a fine piece of
keâjWies~ architecture it was
Direct and Indirect Speech 403 YCT
(d) He exclaimed that it was a fine piece of 189. Select the option that expresses the given
architecture sentence in indirect speech.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) "How beautiful she is!" said Betty.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW exclaimed kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw (a) Betty exclaimed with joy that she was very
efkeâ JeekeäÙe exclamatory sentence ceW nw~ Dele: Fmekeâe indirect beautiful.
speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ (b) Betty exclaimed with joy she is very
(i) comma, inverted comma kesâ mLeeve hej conjunction beautiful.
'that' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee (c) Betty exclaimed with joy how beautiful she
(ii) exclamatory sentence kesâ efueS 'what a .............' was.
Jeeueer clause kesâ efueS 'it was.......' peesÌ[ efoÙee peelee nw~ (d) Betty exclaimed with joy how beautiful she
(iii) exclamation mark (!) kesâ mLeeve hej full stop keâe ØeÙeesie is.
nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Correct indirect sentence- He exclaimed that it was a Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Direct sentence keâe reported speech
fine piece of architecture.
Exclamatory sentence nw Fmekeâes Indirect ceW yeoueves kesâ efueS
187. Select the correct direct form of the given
sentence. efvecve heefjJele&ve neWies~
Neha exclaimed that it was a very pleasant 1. Comma (,) Je inverted comma ('' '') kesâ mLeeve hej that
(conjunction) keâe ØeÙeesie neslee nw~
(a) Neha said, "Is it a very pleasant surprise?"
(b) Neha said, "It is a very pleasant surprise?" 2. Reporting verb keâes Exclaimed with joy/Surprise
(c) Neha said, "What a pleasant surprise!" FlÙeeefo ceW change keâj efoÙee peelee nw~
(d) Neha said, "How a pleasant surprise!"
3. Exclamatory sentence keâes assertive ceW change keâj
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW exclaimed kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efueÙee peelee nw Ùeeefve How, What, Such Ùee so keâes
efkeâ JeekeäÙe exclamatory sentence ceW nesiee~ Dele: Fmekeâe direct DeeJeMÙekeâlee Devegmeej Very Ùee Great ceW change keâj efoÙee
speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~ peelee nw~
(i) conjunction 'that' kesâ mLeeve hej comma, inverted 4. mark of exclamation (!) kesâ mLeeve hej full stop (.) keâe
comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ ØeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw~
(ii) exclamatory sentence kesâ efueS that Jeeueer clause mes Correct Indirect Sentence–
henues "what a ........." Yeer pees[Ì efoÙee peelee nw~ Betty exclaimed with joy that she was very beautiful.
(iii) full stop kesâ mLeeve hej exclamation mark (!) keâe
190. Select the option that is the direct form of the
ØeÙeesie nesiee~ given sentence.
Correct direct sentence- Neha said, "What a pleasant
Nidhi exclaimed that it was a beautiful
188. Select the correct indirect form of the given (a) Nidhi said to the artist in surprise, "How
sentence. beautiful you made that painting!"
My neighbour said to me, "Hellow! How are (b) Nidhi told him in wouder. "How beautiful!"
(a) My neighbour greeted me and asked how was I. (c) Nidhi said to the artist, "That looks like a
(b) My neighbour said hellow and asked how are beautiful painting!"
you (d) Nidhi exclaimed, "What a beautiful
(c) My neighbour said hellow and asked how painting!"
were I SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(d) My neighbour greeted me and asked how I was
Ans. (d) JeekeäÙe ceW exclaimed kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ JeekeäÙe keâe
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Hellow!' kesâ ØeÙeesie mes mhe° nw efkeâ Reported speech exclamatory sentence ceW nesiee~ DeleŠ
JeekeäÙe exclamatory nw Fmekeâes indirect ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjves kesâ Fmekeâe direct speech efvecve efveÙece mes yevesiee~
efueS efvecve heefjJele&ve keâjves neWies~ 1. Conjunction that kesâ mLeeve hej Comma Je inverted
(i) exclamation word 'hellow' keâes nšekeâj reporting comma keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~
verb 'said to' keâes greeted ceW heefjJeefle&le keâjWies~ 2. Exclamatory sentence kesâ efueS that Jeeueer clause mes
(ii) JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ Meyo 'how' keâe ØeÙeesie conjunction kesâ henues "what a ........" keâes peesÌ[ efoÙee peelee nw~
™he ceW keâjWies~
3. Full stop kesâ mLeeve hej exclamation mark (!) keâe ØeÙeesie
(iii) narration rule kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ tense Je pronoun
ceW heefjJele&ve keâjWies leLee JeekeäÙe keâes assertive ceW yeoueWies~ neslee nw~
Correct indirect sentence- My neighbour greeted me Correct direct sentence–
and asked how I was. Nidhi exclaimed, "What a beautiful painting!"

Direct and Indirect Speech 404 YCT

TCS hewšve& hej DeeOeeefjle (Based On TCS Pattern)
Chapterwise Exam Question No. Years
1 CGL (Tier-1) 15
CGL (Tier-2) 5
A CHSL (Tier-1) 20
CHSL (Tier-2) 10
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 9 (2017–2023)
2 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
B CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
3 CGL (Tier-1) 10
CGL (Tier-2) 8
CHSL (Tier-1) 12
C CHSL (Tier-2) 6
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4 (2017–2023)
4 CGL (Tier-1) 10
CGL (Tier-2) 3
D CHSL (Tier-1) 17
CHSL (Tier-2) 5
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
5 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 10
E CHSL (Tier-2) 5
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
6 CGL (Tier-1) 8
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 7
CHSL (Tier-2) 3 (2017–2023)
F Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4

Synonyms 405 YCT

7 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 3
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
G Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
8 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
H Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
9 CGL (Tier-1) 9
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 10
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 8 (2017–2023)
10 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) - (2017–2023)
J Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
11 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
K Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
12 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
L CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
13 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 5
M CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 3 (2017–2023)

Synonyms 406 YCT

14 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
N CHSL (Tier-2) -
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
15 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
O CHSL (Tier-1) 5
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
16 CGL (Tier-1) 8
CGL (Tier-2) 2
P CHSL (Tier-1) 12
CHSL (Tier-2) 8
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
17 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
Q CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
18 CGL (Tier-1) 8
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 12
CHSL (Tier-2) 5 (2017–2023)
R Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 10
19 CGL (Tier-1) 10
CGL (Tier-2) 8
CHSL (Tier-1) 22
CHSL (Tier-2) 5 (2017–2023)
S Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
20 CGL (Tier-1) 5
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 6
CHSL (Tier-2) 6
T Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
Synonyms 407 YCT
21 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
22 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
V Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)
23 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
W Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
24 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
X Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)
25 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) - (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
26 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Z Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)

Synonyms 408 YCT

Trend Analysis of Questions topicwise from CGL (Pre & Mains)
CHSL (Pre & Mains) Selection Post VII, VIII, XI, SSC MTS, SSC
GD & Other Exams (2017-2023)

V, 10 W, 9 Y, 3
U, 7 X, 2
Z, 6
T, 25 A, 62
B, 18
S, 49
C, 59
R, 35
Q, 6
P, 25
D, 42
O, 21
N, 10 E, 42

M, 27 F, 30
L, 14 G, 9
K, 5 I, 45 H, 11
J, 4

Synonyms 409 YCT

A Ans. (b) : 'Absorbed'– (Meesef<ele), Synonym– 'Soaked'
(Yeeriee ngDee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
1. Select the word from the options which is
similar in meaning to the bracketed word given Preoccupied - Restless, Nervous, (yesÛewve, JÙemle)~
in the sentence below. Well, you want an Replaced - Fungible (ØeeflemLeeefhele)~
(argument), "he added, "come on then." Restored - Render, Improve (megOeejvee, ueewševee)~
(a) enhancement (b) capability
5. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) explanation (d) agreement
given word. Announced
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III) (a) Secret (b) Declared
Ans. (c) : 'Argument'– (leke&â, yenme), Synonym– (c) Hid (d) Estrange
'Explanation'– (JÙeeKÙee)~ DevÙeMeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Enhancement – Increase (Je=efæ)~ Ans. (b) : 'Announced' (Iees<eCee keâjvee), Synonym–
Capability – Potency (#ecelee)~ 'Declared'– (Iees<eCee)~
Agreement – Annexure (DevegyebOe, mecePeewlee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
2. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Secret - Confidential (ieghle)~
given word. Hid - Conceal (efÚheevee)~
Estrange - Alienate (nševee)~
(a) Entertain (b) Sample
(c) Temple (d) Sufficient 6. Select the word that is the closest meaning
SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV) (synonym) to the word given below.
Ans. (d) : 'Ample'– (heÙee&hle), Synonym - 'Sufficient'– Attune
(ØeÛegj)~ (a) Assimilate (b) Skew
(c) Estrange (d) Disrupt
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Entertain - Amuse, Recreate (ceveesjbpeve)~
Ans. (a) : 'Attune' - (Devegketâue keâjvee), Synonym -
Sample - Pattern, Model (vecetvee)~
'Assimilate' – (Deheveevee, Deelcemeeled keâjvee)~
Temple - Holy Place (cebefoj)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
3. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Disrupt - Break (Yebie keâjvee)~
given word.
Awkward Estrange - Delete (nševee)~
(a) Dormant (b) Asleep Skew - Inclined (eflejÚe)~
(c) Clever (d) Unskillful
7. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II)
given word.
Ans. (d) : 'Awkward'– (Yeodoe), Synonym - 'Unskillful' August
(DeveeÌ[er)~ (a) Imminent (b) Eminent
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (c) Permanent (d) Illicit
Dormant - Inactive (efveef<›eâÙe, meghle)~ SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III
Asleep - Dormant (meghle, efveõeieceve)~ Ans. (b): 'August'– (Øeefmeæ), Synonym- 'Eminent'–
4. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (Famous) (efJeKÙeele)~
given word. DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Absorbed Imminent – Adjacent (efvekeâšmLe)~
(a) Preoccupied (b) Soaked
Permanent – Stable, Lasting (mLeeÙeer)~
(c) Replaced (d) Restored
Illicit – Illegal, Unlawful (DeJewOe)~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Synonyms 410 YCT
8. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 12. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Avert Arraign
(a) Prevent (b) Confront (a) Prosecute (b) Arrive
(c) Face (d) Permit (c) Persecute (d) Arrange
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III
Ans. (a): 'Avert' – (jeskeâ osvee), Synonym – 'Prevent' – Ans. (a) : 'Arraign' – (Deejeshe/oes<e ueieevee), Synonym-
(yeeOee [euevee)~ 'Prosecute' – (DeefYeÙeesie Ûeueevee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Confront –Face (meecevee keâjvee)~ Arrive - Reach (hengBÛevee)~
Face – Encounter (meecevee keâjvee)~ Persecute - Torture, Afflict (meleevee)~
Permit – Allow (Devegceefle)~ Arrange - Organize (JÙeJemLee keâjvee)~
9. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 13. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Arid Admire
(a) Fertile (b) Lively (a) Neglect (b) Appreciate
(c) Dry (d) Damp (c) Forget (d) Admonish
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III
Ans. (c): 'Arid' – (yebpej), Synonym- 'Dry' – (metKee)~ Ans. (b): 'Admire' – (ØeMebmee), Synonym - 'Appreciate'
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Fertile - Fecund (GhepeeT)~
Neglect - Disregard (Dehes#ee)~
Lively - Active, Energetic (peerJeble, meef›eâÙe)~
Forget - Bewilder (Yetuevee)~
Damp - Wet, Moist (vece, ieeruee)~
Admonish - Reprimand, Rebuke, Scold ([eBšvee)~
10. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. 14. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined word in the given sentence.
Police fear that terrorists may try to
(a) Retain (b) Possess
assassinate the president during his appearance
(c) Quit (d) Rescue at the summit.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08/08/2022 Shift-II (a) Rebuke (b) Deceive
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II (c) Murder (d) Distress
Ans. (c): 'Abandon' – (lÙeeie keâjvee), Synonym- 'Quit'– SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II
(ÚesÌ[ osvee)~ Ans. (c): 'Assassinate' – (nlÙee) Synonym– 'Murder'
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (nlÙee)~
Retain – Sustain (yeveeS jKevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Possess – Hold, Own (keâypee)~ Rebuke - Reprimand ([eBšvee)~
Rescue – Save (yeÛeeJe, cegefkeäle)~ Deceive - Hoodwink (OeesKee osvee)~
11. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Distress - Danger, Risk (mebkeâš)~
given word. 15. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Audacity underlined word in the given sentence.
(a) Kindness (b) Daring Simon had always been an ardent follower.
(c) Caution (d) Meekness (a) averse (b) objective
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III (c) casual (d) passionate
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 Shift-IV SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (b): 'Audacity'– (meenme), Synonym – 'Daring' Ans. (d): 'Ardent' – (Glmeener), Synonym – 'Passionate'
(meenme)~ (DeeJesMehetCe&)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Kindness - Compassion, Generosity (oÙeeueglee)~ Averse – Unfavourable (Øeefleketâue)~
Caution - Warning (meeJeOeeve, ÛesleeJeveer)~ Objective – Aim (GösMÙe)~
Meekness - Modesty (veceülee)~ Casual – Accidental (Deekeâefmcekeâ)~

Synonyms 411 YCT

16. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 21. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word :
(a) Obtuse (b) Faithful (a) plentiful (b) available
(c) Chronic (d) Dire (c) necessary (d) latest
SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Ans. (d): 'Acute' – (leer›e), Synonym – 'Dire' – (YeÙeevekeâ, leer›e)~ Ans. (a) : 'Abundant' (ØeÛegj/ØeYetle), Synonym- 'plentiful'
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (ØeÛegjlee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Obtuse – Dull, Slow (megmle)~ necessary - pe™jer~
Faithful – Credible, Authentic (efJeMJemeveerÙe)~ latest - veJeerve~
Chronic – Old (hegjevee)~ available - GheueyOe~
17. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 22. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) Annex (b) Habituation (a) suspicious (b) playful
(c) Dwelling (d) Aboard (c) favourable (d) hapless
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : 'Abode' - (efveJeeme), Synonym – 'Dwelling' - Ans. (c) : 'Auspicious'- (MegYe), synonym- 'favourable'-
(efveJeeme, mLeeve)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - (efnlekeâejer, MegYe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – suspicious -
Annex - GheYeJeve, Habituation - Deeoer nesvee, Aboard - meceerhe~ mebosnemheo, playful - ÛebÛeue, hapless - DeYeeiee~
18. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 23. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Absolve ABSURD
(a) Condemn (b) Attack (a) meaningful (b) ridiculous
(c) Pardon (d) Accuse (c) important (d) rational
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : 'Absolve' - (oes<ecegòeâ keâjvee), Synonym– 'Pardon' Ans. (b) : 'Absurd' - (nemÙeemheo/Demebiele), synonym -
- (#ecee keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- 'ridiculous'– (nemÙeemheo)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Condemn - efvevoe keâjvee, Attack - Dee›eâceCe keâjvee, Accuse - meaningful - DeLe&hetCe&/YeeJeJeenkeâ, important - cenòJehetCe&,
Deejeshe ueieevee~ rational - leke&âmebiele, mecePeoej
19. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 24. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) Introduce (b) Eliminate (a) incredible (b) counterfeit
(c) Continue (d) Establish (c) dubious (d) genuine
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : 'Abolish' - (meceehle keâjvee), synonym – Ans. (d) : 'Authentic'- (ØeceeefCekeâ, cetue), synonym -
'Eliminate' - (Kelce keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- 'genuine' (JeemleefJekeâ) ~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Introduce - heefjÛeÙe keâjvee, Continue - ueieeleej/peejer jKevee, Incredible– DeefJeMJemeveerÙe~
Establish - mLeeefhele keâjvee~ Counterfeit–peeueer~
20. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Dubious –mebosnemheo~
given word. 25. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
APPLAUSE given word.
(a) approval (b) condemnation Accurate
(c) attack (d) blame (a) sincere (b) complete
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) correct (d) appropriate
Ans. (a) : Applause - (Meeyeemeer/JeenJeener) Synonym - SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
'approval' - (Devegceesove)~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC CHSL (Tier-I)– 11/07/2019 (Shift-I)
attack - Dee›eâceCe~ Ans. (c) : 'Accurate'– (mener), Synonym - 'Correct' (mener)~
condemnation - efveboe~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw– sincere - efve‰eJeeve/F&ceeveoej,
blame - Deejeshe~ complete - hetCe&, appropriate - GheÙegòeâ/ÙeLeesefÛele~

Synonyms 412 YCT

26. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 31. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) careless (b) strict (a) meagre (b) sufficient
(c) generous (d) unwilling (c) inept (d) unfit
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : 'AUSTERE'- (keâ"esj, cepeyetle), Synonym - Ans : (b) 'Adequate' - (heÙee&hle, DeefOekeâlee), Synonym -
‘Strict’ (keâ"esj)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -Careless- ueehejJeen, 'sufficient' - (heÙee&hle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - meagre -
Generous- Goej, Unwilling- DeefveÛÚgkeâ, DeØemeVe~ Deuhe, inept - DekegâMeue, unfit - De#ece~
27. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 32. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) respect (b) speech (a) protected (b) steady
(c) praise (d) quality (c) detached (d) rocky
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) Aloof - (Deueie, he=Lekeâ), Synonym - Detached
Ans : (d) 'Attribute'- (efJeMes<elee), Synonym - ‘quality’
(he=Lekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
(iegCeJeòee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Protected - mebjef#ele, Steady - efmLej, Rocky - Ûeóeve
Respect- mecceeve~
33. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Praise- ØeMebmee~
given word.
Speech- Yee<eCe~ ANOMALOUS
28. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) unhealthy (b) indirect
given word. (c) peculiar (d) common
ASSIST SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Help (b) Mend Ans : (c) 'Anomalous'- (DeefveÙeefcele, Demebiele), Synonym-
(c) Change (d) Create 'peculiar' (Depeerye)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ -
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II) Unhealthy - DemJemLe
Ans : (a) 'Assist'- (meneje osvee/meneÙelee keâjvee), synonym- Indirect - DeØelÙe#e
‘Help’ (meneÙelee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Common - meeOeejCe
Mend- mebMeesOeve keâjvee, Change- heefjJele&ve/heefjJeefle&le keâjvee,
34. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Create - yeveevee~ given word.
29. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Avenge
given word. (a) Punish (b) Cheer
ADEPT (c) Encourage (d) Comfort
(a) alone (b) skilled SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) unknown (d) kind-hearted Ans : (a) 'Avenge'- (oC[ osvee, yeouee uesvee), Synonym -
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III) 'punish' (ob[ osvee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (b) : 'ADEPT'– (o#e/efvehegCe), Synonym - ‘Skilled Cheer- Øeeslmeenve/peÙekeâej~
(kegâMeue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nbw- Comfort- Deejece/megefJeOee~
Alone- Dekesâuee Encourage- Øeeslmeeefnle keâjvee~
Unknown- Devepeeve 35. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Kind-hearted- oÙeeueg given word.
30. Select the most appropriate synonym of the ADHERE
given word. (a) comply (b) ignore
APPARENT (c) release (d) detach
(a) dubious (b) obvious SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) obscure (d) doubtful Ans : (a) 'Adhere'- ( heeueve keâjvee), Synonym- 'Comply'
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) (heeueve keâjvee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (b) 'Apparent' - (mhe°/ØelÙe#e), Synonym - 'Obvious' Ignore- Ghes#ee keâjvee~
(mhe°)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Dubious - mevosnelcekeâ, Release- efvekeâuevee~
Obscure-Demhe°, Doubtful - mebosnhetCe&~ Detach- Deueie nesvee~

Synonyms 413 YCT

36. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (b) : 'Altruist'- (hejeshekeâejer), synonym -
given word. 'Philanthropist' (hejeshekeâejkeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
(a) helper (b) assistant Individualist - JÙeefòeâJeeoer, Nutritionist - hees<eCeefJeod,
(c) rival (d) supporter Impressionist - ØeYeeJeJeeoer~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III) 41. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans : (c) 'ADVERSARY'- (efJejesOeer), synonyms - 'Rival given word.
(efJejesOeer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nw- AFFLUENT
helper- meneÙekeâ, Ghekeâejkeâ~ (a) Destitute (b) Proficient
(c) Wealthy (d) Impoverished
assistant- meneÙekeâ (efkeâmeer keâece ceW)~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II)
supporter- meceLe&keâ~
Ans. (c) : 'Affluent'– (Deceerj, Oeveer), Synonym -
37. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
'Wealthy' (mecheVe/Oeveer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
given word.
ANODYNE Destitute – yesmenje, Proficient – o#e, efvehegCe,
(a) harmful (b) Benign Impoverished – DeeefLe&keâ ™he mes ve°~
(c) Gigantic (d) Hostile 42. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II) given word.
Ans. (b) : 'Anodyne'- (heerÌ[eveeMekeâ), synonym - 'benign' AURA
(meewcÙe/DeÛÚe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- (a) Colour (b) Shriek
Harmful - vegkeâmeeve hengBÛeeves Jeeuee~ (c) Halo (d) Noise
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Gigantic - efJeMeeue~
Ans. (c) : 'Aura'- (ØeYee ceb[ue), synonym - 'Halo' (ØeYee
Hostile - Me$egleehetCe&~
ceb[ue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
38. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. Colour – jbie, Shriek – ÛeerKe ceejvee, Noise – Meesj~
Assemble 43. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) Disband (b) Detach given word.
(c) Address (d) Amass Assertion
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I) (a) Continuation (b) Rejection
Ans. (d) : 'Assemble' - (Fkeâ"d"e nesvee/Skeâ$e keâjvee), (c) Discussion (d) Declaration
synonym - "Amass" (Skeâ$e keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Disband - GKeeÌ[vee~ Ans. (d) : 'Assertion' - (DeefYekeâLeve), synonym -
Detach - Deueie keâjvee~ 'Declaration' (Iees<eCee he$e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Address - mebyeesefOele keâjvee~ Continuation - peejer jnvee/efmeueefmeuee~
39. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Rejection - DemJeerke=âle/veecebpetjer~
given word. Discussion - ÛeÛee&-heefjÛeÛee&~
AGILE 44. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) Nimble (b) Visible given word.
(c) Docile (d) Guile ACCRUE
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II) (a) Spread (b) Variety
Ans. (a) : 'Agile'– (hegâleer&uee/Ûegmle/lespe), synonym - (c) Collect (d) Range
'Nimble' (hegâleeauee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Visible – ÂMÙe/ØelÙe#e~ Ans. (c) : 'Accrue'- (Gheeefpele nesvee/Je==efæ nesvee), synomym -
Docile – efJeveerle/DeOeerve~ 'Collect'– (pecee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQw- Spread –
Guile – Úue/keâheš/OeesKee~ hewâueevee, Variety – efJeefYeVelee, Range – #es$e/ßesCeer~
40. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 45. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word: given word.
(a) Individualist (b) Philanthropist (a) Cooperating (b) Balancing
(c) Nutritionist (d) Impressionist (c) Compromising (d) Coordinating
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I)
Synonyms 414 YCT
Ans. (b) : 'Adjustment' - (meblegueve/leeuecesue), synonym - Yeodoe, synonym - 'Clumsy'
Ans. (b) : 'Awkward'-
Balancing (meblegueve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQw- Cooperating -
(Yeöe)/kegâ™he)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
menÙeesie keâjvee, Compromising - mecePeewlee/meceeOeeve keâjvee,
Likable - Deekeâ<e&keâ~
Coordinating - meceeÙeespeve keâjvee~ Worthy - ÙeesiÙe~
46. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Scared - [je ngDee, YeÙeYeerle~
given word.
ALLURING 51. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) Deceitful (b) Distracting given word.
(c) Attractive (d) Cheating Agile
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I) (a) Dull (b) Stiff
(c) Quick (d) Rigid
Ans. (c) 'Alluring'– (Deekeâ<e&keâ, ceesnkeâ), synonym -
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
'Attractive' (Deekeâ<e&keâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (c) : 'Agile'- (lespe, hegâefle&uee), synonym - 'Quick'
Distracting–OÙeeve Yebie keâjves Jeeuee; Cheating– OeesKesyeepe,
(lespe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Deceitful - keâhešer/Yeücekeâejer~
Dull - heâerkeâe, veerjme~
47. In the following question, out of the given four
alternatives, select the one which best expresses Stiff - keâÌ[e, keâ"esj~
the meaning of the given word. Rigid - meKle~
Abrupt 52. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) Deliberate (b) Gradual given word.
(c) Sudden (d) Regular Accountable
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) (a) Blameless (b) Slack
Ans. (c) : 'Abrupt' - (Deekeâefmcekeâ, DeÛeevekeâ), synonym - (c) Unreliable (d) Answerable
'Sudden' (DeÛeevekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Deliberate–peeveyetPekeâj, Gradual–›eâefcekeâ, Regular– Øeefleefove~ Ans. (d) : 'Accountable' - (efpeccesoej/GòejoeÙeer nesvee),
48. Select the most appropriate synonym of the synonym - 'Answerable' (efpeccesoej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ
given word. -Blameless-efveoex<e, Slack-efveye&ue, megmle, Unreliable-
(a) Elegant (b) Determined
53. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) Nervous (d) Bored
given word.
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : 'Anxious'- (Glmegkeâ, efÛebeflele), synonym - (a) Artistic (b) Naive
'Nervous' (DeOeerj/hejsMeeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Crafty (d) Creative
Elegant - megvoj, Deekeâ<e&keâ~ SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Determined - ÂÌ{, ÂÌ{mebkeâuheer~ Ans. (c) : 'Artful'- (Ûeeueekeâ,Oetle&), synonym - 'Crafty'
Bored - Tyee ngDee~ (Ûeeueekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
49. Select the synonym of the given word. Artistic - keâueelcekeâ~
Aroma Naive - mejue, Yeesuee~
(a) Sneeze (b) Stench Creative - jÛeveelcekeâ~
(c) Stink (d) Scent
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I) 54. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
Ans. (d) : 'Aroma' - (megiebOe, KegMeyet) synonym - 'Scent'
(KegMeyet)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) scolded (b) Pardoned
sneeze - ÚeRkeâvee, Úerkeâ (Sternutation)~ (c) Punished (d) Boycotted
stench - yeoyet (smell)~ SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
stink - yeoyet Deevee, ogie&vOe (fetor)~ Ans. (b) : 'Absolved'- (#ecee keâjvee, oes<e cegòeâ keâjvee),
50. Select the synonym of the given word. synonym - 'Pardoned' (#ecee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Awkward Scold - [ebšvee~
(a) Likable (b) Clumsy Punish - oC[ osvee~
(c) Worthy (d) Scared
Boycott - yeefn<keâej keâjvee~
SSC MTS–08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Synonyms 415 YCT
55. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (b) : 'Acclaim'- (ØeMebmee, peÙekeâej), synonym –
given word. 'Praise' (ØeMebmee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Censure– Yelme&vee keâjvee, Blame– oes<eer "njevee, Criticism–
(a) Inheritance (b) Collection
(c) Legacy (d) Currency
DeeueesÛevee, oes<evJes<eCe~
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II) 60. Select the synonym of the given word.
Ans. (b) : 'Anthology'- (mebkeâueve), synonym -
(a) Aggressive (b) Active
'Collection' (mebÛeÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
(c) Dull (d) Lazy
Inheritance - efJejemele~ SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
legacy - JemeerÙele, efJejemele~ Ans. (b) : 'Agile' - (hegâleeauee), synonym - 'Active'
Currency - cegõe~ (hegâleeauee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Aggressive - Dee›eâecekeâ,
56. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Dull - veerjme, Lazy - Deeuemeer~
given word. 61. Select the synonym of the given word.
(a) Unlucky (b) Adverse (a) Considerable (b) Doubtful
(c) Favorable (d) Crucial (c) Obvious (d) Questionable
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : 'Advantageous'- (ueeYeØeo), synonym - SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
'Favorable' (ueeYeoeÙekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Ans. (c) : 'Apparent' - (mhe°), synonym - 'Obvious'
unlucky - ogYee&iÙeMeeueer~ (mhe°)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Adverse - Øeefleketâue~ Considerable - cenòJehetCe&~
Crucial - cenlJehetCe&, efveCee&Ùekeâ~ Doubtful - mebefoiOe~
57. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Questionable - mebosnÙegòeâ~
given word. 62. Select the synonym of the given word.
(a) Continued (b) Adopted (a) create (b) produce
(c) Initiated (d) Deserted (c) generate (d) decorate
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : 'Abandoned'- (heefjlÙeòeâ, ÚesÌ[e ngDee), synonym Ans. (d) : 'Adorn' - (mepeevee), synonym - 'decorate'
- 'Deserted' (lÙeeiee ngDee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (mepeevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Continued - peejer jKevee~ create - yeveevee, produce - efvecee&Ce keâjvee, Glheeove keâjvee,
Adopted - ieeso uesvee~ generate - GlheVe keâjvee~
Initiate - Meg™Deele~
58. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
63. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) Hardship (b) Poverty (a) Cheerful (b) Dull
(c) Wealth (d) Bankruptcy (c) Valiant (d) Sharp
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : 'Affluence'- (mece=efæ, Deceerjer), synonym - Ans. (b) : 'Blunt' (ceboyegefæ), Synonym - 'Dull' (cetKe&)~
‘Wealth’ - (Oeve, mebheefòe, oewuele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Hardship - keâef"veeF&, efJeheefòe~ Cheerful - Hilarious, Glad (Øemevve)~
Poverty - efveOe&velee, iejeryeer~ Valiant - Brave, Gallant (yeneogj)~
Bankruptcy - efoJeeefueÙee~ Sharp - Intense, fast (lespe)~
59. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 64. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) Censure (b) Praise (a) Amaze (b) Enlighten
(c) Blame (d) Criticism (c) Clear (d) Comprehend
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I)
Synonyms 416 YCT
Ans. (a) : 'Baffle'– (Ûekeâje osvee), synonym 'Amaze' (Ûeewkeâe Ans. (b): 'Bafflement'– (GuePeve), Synonym- Confusion
osvee)~ (Yeüce keâer efmLeefle)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Enlighten :- make understand (mecePevee)~ Clarity - Lucidity (mhe°lee)~
Clear :- distinct (mhe°)~ Pleasure - Amusement (Deevevo)~
Comprehend :- Perceive (mecePevee)~ Cleanliness - Neatness (mJeÛÚlee)~
65. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 69. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Blast Bull-Headed
(a) Blow up (b) Recall (a) Headstrong (b) Clear-headed
(c) Plead (d) Share (c) Muddle-headed (d) Weak-minded
SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : 'Blast'– (efJemheâesš), Synonym - 'Blow up' Ans. (a) : 'Bull-Headed' - (cepeyetle), Synonym,
(efJemheâesš)~ 'Headstrong' - (keâ"esj)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw–
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Muddle-headed - yesJeketâHeâ, Weak-minded - vee mecePe,
Recall - Memorize (Ùeeo keâjvee)~ Clear-headed - mecePeoej
Plead - Appeal, Peition (efveJesove)~ 70. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
Share - Part, Portion (efnmmee, DebMe)~
66. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) limited (b) complete
word ‘Bleak’ from the given sentence. (c) partial (d) conditional
He looked gloomy, frail, broken and slow after
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
the sudden demise of his brother.
(a) slow (b) sudden Ans. (b) : 'Absolute' - (hetCe&), Synonym– 'Complete' -
(c) gloomy (d) frail (hetCe&)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II) Limited - meerefcele, Conditional - efveÙeceyeæ, Partial - DeebefMekeâ~
Ans. (c) : 'Bleak'– (Goeme) Synonym– 'Gloomy'– (Goeme)~ 71. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– given word.
Slow – Doggo (Oeerjs)~
(a) March (b) Protest
Sudden – Unexpected (DeÛeevekeâ)~ (c) Poster (d) Rally
Frail – Immoral (Deveweflekeâ)~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I)
67. Select the most appropriate synonym for the Ans. (c) : 'Banner' - (yewvej, heleekeâe), Synonym– 'Poster' -
underlined word in the following sentence. (heesmšj, efJe%eeheve ueieevee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
She’s so benevolent that she can’t even harm a
March - peguetme, ØeoMe&ve, Protest - efJejesOe keâjvee, Rally– Skeâ$e
fly, let alone hurting someone.
(a) Gloomy (b) Unfortunate keâjvee/meceeieceve~
(c) Compassionate (d) Grudging 72. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I) given word.
Ans. (c) : 'Benevolent'– (Goej, oÙeeuet), Synonym–
(a) favourable (b) malignant
'Compassionate– (oÙeeuet)~ (c) harsh (d) severe
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Gloomy – Sullen (Goeme)~ Ans. (a) : 'Benign'- kind/gentle (meewcÙe/ efnlekeâejer),
Unfortunate – Unlucky (ogYee&iÙe)~ synonym– 'favourable' – (Ghekeâejer/meneÙekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ
Grudging – Hang back (DeefveÛÚe Øekeâš keâjvee)~ DeLe& nQ– malignant - neefvekeâejkeâ/Ieelekeâ, harsh - keâ"esj/ keâke&âMe,
68. Select the most appropriate synonym of the severe - iecYeerj~
given word. 73. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Bafflement given word.
(a) Clarity (b) Confusion BEGUILE
(c) Pleasure (d) Cleanliness (a) Disenchant (b) Hasten
SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III (c) Repulse (d) Deceive
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II) SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Synonyms 417 YCT
Ans. (d) : 'Beguile' - ("ievee), Synonym - 'Deceive' Ans. (c) : 'Beneficial' - (ueeYeØeo), synonym -
(OeesKee osvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 'Advantageous' – (ueeYeoeÙekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Disenchant - peeot-šesves kesâ ØeYeeJe mes ÚgÌ[evee, Hasten - peuoer worthless - yeskeâej, Harmful - neefvekeâejkeâ, Adverse - Øeefleketâue~
keâjvee, Repulse - KeosÌ[vee, nševee~ 79. Select the synonym of the given word.
74. Select the most appropriate synonym of the BOUNTIFUL
given word. (a) Pretty (b) Religious
BARREN (c) Spiritual (d) Generous
(a) Fertile (b) Bountiful SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Desolate (d) Fruitful Ans. (d) : 'Bountiful' - (ØeÛegj/Yejhetj), Synonym -
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II) 'Generous' – (ØeÛegj)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Pretty - megvoj,
Ans. (c) : 'Barren'- (yebpej, Deveglheeokeâ, efvepe&j), synonym - Religious - Oeeefce&keâ, Spiritual - DeeOÙeeeflcekeâ~
'desolate' (Jeerjeve/Deveglheeokeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- 80. Select the synonym of the given word.
Fertile - GhepeeT, Bountiful - ØeÛegj, Yejhetj, Fruitful - heâueoeÙekeâ~ BRITTLE
(a) Coarse (b) Enduring
75. In the following question, out of the given four
(c) Delicate (d) Durable
alternatives, select the one which best expresses
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II)
the meaning of the given word:
Bewitched Ans. (c) : 'Brittle' - (veepegkeâ, štšves ÙeesiÙe), Synonym -
(a) Disgusting (b) Captivated 'Delicate' (keâesceue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Coarse -
(c) Turn of (d) Prevent Keg j og j e, Enduring - efÛejmLeeF&, Durable - efškeâeT~
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : 'Bewitched'- (ceesefnle keâjvee), synonym–
81. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
'Captivated' – (ceesefnle/cegiOe keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
given word.
Disgusting– (DeYeõ, yegje, Ie=Ceemheo), Turn of– (cegÌ[eJe Ùee Console
PgekeâeJe), Prevent– (jeskeâvee, ØeefleyeefvOele keâjvee)~ (a) Solace (b) Arteriole
76. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (c) Fret (d) Torment
given word. SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Brisk Ans. (a) : 'Console'– (meeblJevee osvee), Synonym– 'Solace'
(a) Frugal (b) Languid (meeblJevee osvee)~
(c) Quick (d) Sluggish DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Arteriole - capillary (Oeceefvekeâe)~
Ans. (c) : 'Brisk'- (hegâleeauee, lespe), synonym - 'Quick' Fret - worry (Peuueenš, efÛeblee)~
(lespe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Torment - Agony (keâ°)~
Frugal - efceleJÙeÙeer~
82. Choose the word that means the same as the
languid - efMeefLeue, {eruee~ given word.
sluggish - Deeuemeer, megmle~ Confirm
77. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) Corrosion (b) Corroborate
given word. (c) Collision (d) Collaborate
Benevolent SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
(a) Miser (b) Cruel Ans. (b) : 'Confirm' – (hegef° keâjvee), Synonym–
(c) Malevolent (d) Generous 'Corroborate' (hegef° keâjvee)~
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II) DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Ans. (d) : 'Benevolent'- (hejeshekeâejer), synonym - Corrosion - erosion (Dehe#ejCe)~
'Generous' (oeveMeerue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Collision - Conflict (škeâjeJe)~
Miser- kebâpetme, Cruel- efveo&Ùeer, Malevolent- õesner, Dehekeâejer~ Collaborate - Cooperate (menÙeesie)~
78. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 83. Select the appropriate synonym for the
given word. underlined word.
BENEFICIAL Make sure that you always challenge yourself.
(a) Worthless (b) Harmful (a) Approve (b) Carry
(c) Advantageous (d) Adverse (c) Place (d) Question
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Synonyms 418 YCT
Ans. (d) : 'Challenge' (Ûegveewleer
osvee), Synonym– 'Question' Ans. (b) : 'Colloquial'– (yeesueÛeeue keâer Yee<ee), Synonym -
(meJeeue keâjvee)~ 'Conversational' (yeesue-Ûeeue keâe)~
Approve - accept (Devegceesove, cebpeto keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Carry – Take away (ues peevee)~ Lexical - Dictionary (Meyo-YeC[ej keâe)~
Place – Spot (mLeeve)~ Prosodic - Poetic rhythm (ÚboMeeŒe)~
84. Choose the word that means the same as the Linguistic - Polyglot (yengYee<ee-mebyebOeer)~
given word. 88.
Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Consecutive given word.
(a) Executive (b) Important Confuse
(c) Organized (d) Successive (a) Puzzle (b) Disunion
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I) (c) Compose (d) Admit
Ans. (d) : 'Consecutive' – (ueieeleej), 'Successive'– SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III)
(efvejvlej)~ Ans. (a) : 'Confuse'– (Yeüefcele), Synonym– 'Puzzle'–
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (hensueer)~
Executive :- Managerial (keâeÙe&keâejer, Meemeveelcekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Important :- Vital (cenlJehetCe&)~ Disunion – Separation (Skeâlee keâe DeYeeJe)~
Organized :- Unified (mebieef"le)~ Compose – Collect/Write (Fkeäkeâšd"e keâjvee/efueKevee)~
85. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Admit – accept (mJeerkeâej keâjvee)~
given word. 89. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Commerce given word.
(a) Stream (b) Trade Competent
(c) Class (d) Bank (a) Unfit (b) Capable
SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I) (c) Overqualified (d) Unskilled
Ans. (b) : 'Commerce'– (JÙeeheej), Synonym- 'Trade' SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II)
(JÙeeheej)~ Ans. (b) : 'Competent'– (me#ece), Synonym–
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– 'Capable' (me#ece)~
Stream - Current (Oeeje)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Class - Category (Jeie&)~ Unfit – unsuitable (DevegheÙegkeäle)~
Bank - Edge (efkeâveeje)~ Overqualified – (DelÙeefOekeâ ÙeesiÙe) ~
86. Select the most appropriate option that can Unskilled – incompetent (DekegâMeue)~
substitute the underlined segment in the given 90. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
sentence. given word.
The collision was witnessed by the pedestrians Consequence
(a) Powerful blast (b) Funeral procession (a) Outcome (b) Begin
(c) Violent accident (d) Protest march (c) Origin (d) Start
SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : 'Collision' – (škeâjeJe), Synonym– 'Violent Ans. (a) : 'Consequence' – (heefjCeece), Synonym–
accident' (efnmebkeâ ogIe&švee)~ 'Outcome'– (heefjCeece)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Powerful blast – MeefkeäleMeeueer efJemheâesš~ Begin - Induct – (ØeejbYe keâjvee)~
Funeral procession – ‘oen mebmkeâej’~ Origin - Basic (cetue, GodYeJe)~
Protest march – efJejesOe ØeoMe&ve~ Start - begin (ØeejcYe keâjvee)~
87. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 91. Select the most appropriate synonym to
given word. substitute the underlined word.
Colloquial The weather forecast mentioned that there
(a) Lexical (b) Conversational would be a cloud burst this afternoon.
(c) Prosodic (d) Linguistic (a) sandstorm (b) snowfall
SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I) (c) rainstorm (d) famine
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Synonyms 419 YCT
Ans. (c) : 'Cloud burst'– (cetmeueeOeej yeeefjMe), Synonym– 95. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
'rain-storm (legheâeveer yeeefjMe)~ given word.
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Colleague
(a) Distend (b) Co-worker
Sandstorm– yeeuet keâe letheâeve~
(c) Consult (d) Exempt
Snowfall– yehe&âyeejer~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Famine– Dekeâeue~
Ans. (b) : 'Colleague'– (menkeâceea), Synonym– 'Co-worker'
92. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (meeLe keâece keâjves Jeeuee)~
given word. Crooked
(a) Twisted (b) Taken DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(c) Admirable (d) Toasted Distend – Expand (Hewâueevee)~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III) Consult – Discuss (hejeceMe& keâjvee)~
Ans. (a) : 'Crooked' – (šsÌ{e cegÌ[e ngDee), Synonym– Exempt – Loose (cegkeäle, ceeheâer osvee)~
'Twisted' (cegÌ[e ngDee)~ 96.
Choose the word that means the same as the
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– given word.
Taken - Contracted (efueÙee ngDee)~ Calibrate
Admirable - Plausible (ØeMebmeveerÙe)~ (a) Gauze (b) Assail
Toasted - Baked (meWkeâe ngDee)~ (c) Gauge (d) Affront
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III)
93. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
underlined word. Ans. (c) : 'Calibrate' - (peebÛe keâjvee), Synonym - 'Gauge'
In order to support countries with a concerted (ceehevee, Devegceeve ueieevee)~
approach for an inclusive, and government-led DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
assessment of post-disaster damaes, losses, and
Assail – Attack (Dee›eâceCe)~
recovery needs, as well as the development of a
comprehensive recovery plan, the European Affront – Insult (Deheceeve)~
Commission, the World Bank, and the United Gauze – Smoke (OegbOe)~
Nation adopted the Post Disaster Needs 97. Select the most appropriate SYNONYM of the
Assessment (PDNA) process in 2008.
given word.
(a) Clear (b) Sustainable
(c) Restricted (d) Complete
(a) Collect (b) Cuddle
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III)
(c) Confuse (d) Clutch
Ans. (d) : 'Comprehensive' – (JÙeehekeâ), Synonym– SSC Constable GD-30/11/2021 Shift-III
'Complete'– (hetCe&, efmeæ keâjvee)~
Ans. (a): 'Compose'– (jÛevee, Fkeäšd"e keâjvee), Synonym -
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– 'Collect' – (Fkeâªe keâjvee)~
Sustainable - Continual (melele, efškeâeT)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Restricted - Limited (meerefcele)~
Cuddle - Embrace (Deeefuebieve keâjvee)~
Clear - Apparent (mhe°)~
Confuse - Baffle (Yeüefcele, ceele osvee)~
94. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Clutch - Grip (hekeâÌ[)~
underlined word in the given sentence.
His conceit prevented him from accepting any 98. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
criticism, even if it was meant to be given word.
constructive. Clandestine
(a) modesty (b) cowardice (a) Blatant (b) Omate
(c) egotism (d) prejudice (c) Open (d) Undercover
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III) SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (c) : 'Conceit'– (obYe, efceLÙeeefYeceeve), Synonym– Ans. (d): 'Clandestine'– (ieghle), Synonym- 'Undercover'
Egotism'– (Denbkeâej, DeefYeceeve)~ (ieghle)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Modesty – ''Meekness'' (veceülee)~ Blatant – Dominant (Øeyeue)~
Cowardice – Timid (keâeÙej)~ Ornate – Adorn (mepeevee)~
Prejudice – Bias (he#eheele, hetJe& OeejCee)~ Open – Unclosed (Keguee ngDee)~
Synonyms 420 YCT
99. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 103. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
underlined word in the given sentence. given word.
He was critically injured in the accident. Challenge
(a) Favourably (b) severely (a) Answer (b) Acceptance
(c) trivially (d) Confidently (c) Objection (d) Peace
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II
Ans. (c) : 'Challenge' - (Ûegveewleer), Synonym– 'Objection' -
Ans. (b): 'Critically' (iecYeerj ™he mes), Synonym -
(Deeheefòe)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
'Severely' (efveo&ÙeleehetJe&keâ, keâ"esjlee mes)~
Peace - Meebefle, Answer - Gòej, Acceptance - mJeerke=âefle~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
104. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Favourably – Graciously (ke=âhee hetJe&keâ)~ given word.
Trivially – Frivolous (legÛÚlee mes)~ CALLOUS
Confidently – Expectantly (efJeMJeeme kesâ meeLe)~ (a) inaccurate (b) insensitive
(c) incredible (d) inexperienced
100. Select the most appropriate synonym of the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
given word.
Ans. (b) : 'Callous' - (keâ"esj), Synonym– 'insensitive' -
(a) Acidic (b) Photogenic
(DemebJesoveMeerue)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
(c) Basic (d) Soothing incredible - DeefJeÕemeveerÙe, inexperienced - DevegYeJenerve,
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I inaccurate - ieuele~
105. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans. (a): 'Caustic'– (meb#eejkeâ, Keóe), Synonym - 'Acidic'
given word.
(DecueerÙe Keóe)~ CONCEITED
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (a) arrogant (b) diffident
Photogenic –efÛe$eCe ÙeesiÙe, ØekeâeMepeefvele~ (c) inferior (d) tentative
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Basic – Fundamental (DeeOeejYetle)~
Ans. (a) : 'Conceited' - (Denbkeâejer, Ieceb[er), synonym–
Soothing – Calming (MeebefleoeÙekeâ)~
'arrogant' (DeefYeceeveer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ:
101. Select the most appropriate synonym of the diffident - (DeelceefJeÕeemenerve)~
given word.
inferior - (IeefšÙee, efveke=â°)~
(a) Brutal (b) Problematic tentative - (Deefveef§ele/mebYeeefJele)~
(c) large (d) Humane 106. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (a) : 'Callous'– (efveo&Ùeer), Synonym- 'Brutal'– (a) cold (b) rude
(efveo&Ùeer)~ (c) friendly (d) aloof
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Problematic – Troublesome (mecemÙeelcekeâ)~ Ans. (c) : 'Cordial'- (meew¢eo&hetCe&/cew$eerhetCe&), synonym -
Large – Huge (efJeMeeue)~ 'friendly' (efce$eJele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
cold - vÙetve leeheceeve Jeeuee~
Humane – Kind (oÙeeuet)~
rude - DemeYÙe/®Kee~
102. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
aloof - he=Lekeâ/hejs~
given word.
Confront 107. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
(a) Mingle (b) Challenge
(c) Scheme (d) Conceal
(a) impose (b) prevent
SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III (c) forgive (d) forbid
Ans. (b): 'Confront'– (meecevee keâjvee, cegkeâeyeuee keâjvee), SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Synonym- 'Challenge' (Ûegveewleer osvee)~ Ans. (c) : 'Condone' - (ceeheâ keâjvee), synonym - forgive
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (#ecee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Mingle - Conspire (efceueevee)~ Impose - Deejesefhele keâjvee~
Scheme - Plan (Ùeespevee)~ Prevent - (jeskeâvee)~
Conceal - Hide (Úgheevee)~ Forbid - (cevee keâjvee)~

Synonyms 421 YCT

108. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 113. Select the synonym of the given word.
given word. CHRONIC
COVETED (a) persistent (b) common
(a) despised (b) desired (c) ordinary (d) temporary
(c) covered (d) renounced SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) Ans : (a) 'Chronic' - (oerIe& mLeeÙeer/ efÛejkeâeefuekeâ), Synonym -
Ans. (b) : 'Coveted'- (ueeueÛe, ueesYe keâjvee), synonym 'persistent' (ÂÌ{/ueiee ngDee)~
'desired' (JeebefÚle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
despised - DelÙeefOekeâ Ie=Cee keâjvee~ Common- meeOeejCe~
covered - {keâe ngDee~ Ordinary- meeceevÙe, meeOeejCe~
renounced - lÙeeievee~ Temporary- DemLeeÙeer~
109. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 114. Select the synonym of the given word.
given word. COERCE
CATASTROPHE (a) pressurize (b) cajole
(a) expansion (b) calamity (c) leave (d) enchant
(c) restraint (d) prosperity SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans : (a) 'Coerce'- (oyeeJe [euevee/cepeyetj keâjvee), Synonym-
Ans. (b) : 'Catastrophe' - (Deeheoe), synonym -
'pressurize' (oyeeJe [euevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ–
'Calamity' (keâ"esj efJeheefòe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Cajole- KegMeeceo keâjvee/Hegâmeueevee~
Expansion - (hewâueeJe, efJemleej)~
Leave- ÚesÌ[vee~
Restraint - (mebÙece)~
Enchant- mecceesnve, JeMeerkeâjCe~
Prosperity - (mece=efæ)~
115. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
110. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
given word. CONDEMN
CHASTE (a) denounce (b) commend
(a) divine (b) defiled (c) compliment (d) approve
(c) pure (d) liberated SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) 'Condemn'- (efveboe keâjvee), Synonym - 'denounce'
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(efveboe keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Commend- mejenvee keâjvee,
Ans. (c) : 'Chaste'- (heefJe$e, Øeebpeue), Synonym - 'pure'
Compliment - ØeMebmee keâjvee, Approve - mencele nesvee~
(heefJe$e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- divine - YeefJe<ÙeJeeCeer, defiled
- DeMegæ, liberated - efjne, cegòeâ~ 116. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
111. Select the most appropriate synonym of the CONTAMINATE
given word.
(a) sanctify (b) cleanse
(c) purify (d) pollute
(a) talk (b) display
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) oppose (d) agree
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III) Ans : (d) 'Contaminate'- (otef<ele keâjvee), Synonym -
Ans. (a) : 'CONVERSE'- (yeeleÛeerle keâjvee), Synonym- 'pollute' (ieboe keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Sanctify -
'Talk' – (yeele keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Display- heefJe$elee, cleanse - meeHeâ keâjvee, purify - meeHeâ keâjvee, mJeÛÚ
ØeoMe&ve keâjvee, Oppose- efJejesOe keâjvee, Agree- mencele nesvee~ keâjvee~
112. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 117. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) lengthy (b) detailed (a) discontent (b) aggressive
(c) brief (d) complex (c) amicable (d) smug
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : 'Concise' - (Deuhe, ueIeg, mebef#ehle), Synonym - Ans : (d) 'Complacent' - (Deelcemebleg°), synonym - 'smug'
‘brief’ (mebef#ehle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- lengthy- efJemle=le, (Deelcemebleg°)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
yengle uecyee, detailed- efJemle=le ™he ceW JeCe&ve efkeâÙee ngDee, Discontent-Demebleg°, Aggressive - Dee›eâecekeâ, Amicable -
Complex- peefšue, hesefÛeoe~ efce$eJele~
Synonyms 422 YCT
118. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 123. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Camouflage CONGENIAL
(a) Exhibit (b) Disguise (a) Aloof (b) Bombastic
(c) Divulge (d) Expose (c) Compatible (d) Servile
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans : (b) 'Camouflage'- (ÚueeJejCe), Synonym - Ans. (c) : 'Congenial'- (Devegketâue/meewneo&hetCe&), Synonym -
'Disguise' (Úodce JesMe yeveevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 'Compatible' (Devegketâue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Exhibit- ØeoMe&ve keâjvee, Divulge- Øekeâš keâjvee, Expose-
Aloof – Deueie/he=Lekeâ~
Gpeeiej keâjvee ~
Bombastic – Dee[byejhetCe&~
119. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. Servile – oemeJe=efòe/KegMeeceoer~
Climax 124. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) Preface (b) Epilogue given word.
(c) Culmination (d) Prologue CONSTRAINT
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III) (a) Concern (b) Control
Ans : (c) 'Climax'- (hejekeâe‰e, Ûejceeslkeâ<e&), synonym– (c) Hazard (d) Burden
'culmination' – (hejekeâe<"e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Preface SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(ØemleeJevee), Epilouge (Ghemebnej), Prologue (ØemleeJevee Ùee Yetefcekeâe) Ans. (b) : 'Constraint'- (yeeefOele keâjvee), synonym- 'control'
120. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (efveÙebef$ele keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
given word. Concern - efÛeblee keâjvee~
Hazard - Keleje~
(a) cruel (b) frank
(c) arrogant (d) sweet Burden - yeesPe~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II) 125. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans : (b) 'Candid'- (efve<keâheš mhe°Jeeoer), Synonym- 'frank' given word.
(mhe<šJeeoer)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ- COVE
Cruel (oÙeejefnle, efveo&Ùeer), Arrogant (Ieceb[er) leLee sweet (ceer"e (a) Crater (b) Pit
(c) Hollow (d) Bay
Ùee ceOegj)~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
121. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. Ans. (d) : 'Cove' – (KeeÌ[er),synonym - Bay (KeeÌ[er)~ DevÙe
CURRENT MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
(a) antiquated (b) uncommon Crater – pJeeueecegKeer; Pit – Kebokeâ; Hollow – KeeF&~
(c) old (d) present 126. In the following question, out of the given four
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II) alternatives, select the one which best expresses
Ans : (d) 'Current'- (Jele&ceeve), Synonym- 'Present' the meaning of the given word.
(Jele&ceeve)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ- Concession.
Antiquated- hegjevee~ (a) Denial (b) Protest
Uncommon- DemeeceevÙe~ (c) Retrograde (d) Allowance
Old- hegjevee~ SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I)
122. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans : (d) 'Concession' - (Devegoeve, efjÙeeÙele), synonym-
given word. 'Allowance' (Útš)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
COMBUSTIBLE Denial– DemJeerkeâej, KeC[ve, Protest– efJejesOe, ØeefleJeeo,
(a) unbreakable (b) nonexplosive
Retrograde– heleve nesvee, heerÚs nšvee~
(c) fragile (d) inflammable
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III) 127. In the following question, out of the given four
alternatives, select the one which best expresses
Ans : (d) 'Combustible'- (peueves ÙeesiÙe, pJeueveMeerue), synonym
the meaning of the given word.
- 'Inflammable' (pJeueveMeerue)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
unbreakable- DeYeepeveerÙe~ (a) Nobleman (b) Gentleman
nonexplosive - iewj efJemheâesškeâ~ (c) Rude boy (d) Patrician
fragile - keâcepeesj~ SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III)

Synonyms 423 YCT

Ans. (b) : 'Cavalier' – (efJeveceü Ùee meppeve JÙeefkeäle), synonym- Ans. (d) : 'Chide'- ([eBšvee, Heâškeâejvee), Synonym -
'Gentleman' (efMe° Ùee efJeveceü)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- 'Rebuke' – ([ebšvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Nobleman – ceneve JÙeefòeâlJe~ Flatter - Ûeešgkeâejer keâjvee, Ûeeheuetmeer keâjvee~
Rude boy – efpeöer, Ùee mJesÛÚeÛeejer ueÌ[keâe~ Commend - mejenvee, ØeMebmee keâjvee~
Patrician – GÛÛe Jeie& keâe meomÙe~ Approve - efmJekeâeÙe& keâjvee, mebleg° nesvee~
128. In the following question, out of the given four 133. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
alternatives, select the one which best expresses
given word.
the meaning of the given word.
Commotion Capable
(a) Fuss (b) Calm (a) Competent (b) Conceited
(c) Silence (d) Quiet (c) Complacent (d) Consistent
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II) SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : 'Commotion' - (Meesjiegue nesvee), synonym- Ans. (a) : 'Capable' - (me#ece, meceLe&), synonym -
'Fuss' (keâesueenue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Calm - Meevle, 'Competent' (me#ece)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Silence - Meevle, Quite - ÛegheÛeehe, Meevle~ Conceited - DeefYeceeveer, Denbkeâejer, Complacent - Deelcemebleg°,
129. In the following question, out of the given four Consistent - Deveg®he, meceeve~
alternatives, select the one which best expresses 134. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
the meaning of the given word.
given word.
(a) Embarrassment (b) Delight
(a) Meekness (b) Valour
(c) Pleasure (d) Happiness
(c) Humility (d) Timidity
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : 'Chagrin' – (Ieyejenš, mebkeâš), synonym-
Embarrassment (hejsMeeveer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Delight Ans. (b) : 'Courage' - (meenme), Synonym - 'valour'
– ØemeVelee, KegMeer, Pleasure-Meeefvle, megketâve, Happiness-KegMeer~ (meenme)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
130. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Meekness - veceülee, efJeveÙe~
given word. Humility - efJeveceülee, oervelee~
CONTROL Timidity - keâeÙejlee, Yeer®lee~
(a) Reduce (b) Relieve
135. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) Resign (d) Regulate
given word.
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : 'Control'- (efveÙebef$ele keâjvee), synonym -
(a) violent (b) peaceful
'Regulate' (efveÙebef$ele keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
(c) windy (d) stormy
Reduce-keâce keâjvee~ SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Relieve- Yeej/heo cegòeâ keâjvee~
Ans. (b) : 'Calm' - (Meeble), synonym - 'peaceful' (Meeble)~
Resign-Fmleerheâe osvee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
131. Select the most appropriate synonym of the violent - efnbmekeâ~
given word.
Courteous windy - nJeeoej~
(a) Optional (b) Arrogant stormy - letheâeveer~
(c) Polite (d) Meritorious 136. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III) given word :
Ans. (c) : 'Courteous'- (efJeveceü, Goej), synonym - 'Polite' Contempt
(efJeveceü)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (a) Respect (b) Approve
Optional - Jewkeâefuhekeâ, Arrogant - IeceC[er, DeefYeceeveer, (c) Permit (d) Hatred
Meritorious - mejenveerÙe, iegCeJeeve~ SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
132. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (d) : 'Contempt'- (eflejmkeâej, Ie=Cee), synonym -
given word. 'Hatred' (Ie=Cee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Chide Respect - mecceeve keâjvee~
(a) Flatter (b) Commend
Approve - cebpetjer osvee~
(c) Approve (d) Rebuke
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III) Permit - Devegceefle osvee~
Synonyms 424 YCT
137. Select the synonym of the given word. Ans. (a) : 'Debased'– (Yeü° keâjvee), Synonym – 'corrupted'
Confine (Yeü° keâjvee)~
(a) Liberate (b) Restrict
(c) Rescue (d) Release DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III) Unamenable – Incurable (megOeej kesâ DeÙeesiÙe)~
Ans. (b) : 'Confine'- (kewâo keâjvee/heefj®æ keâjvee), synonym Aggrandize – Increase (Meefkeäle Ùee heo ceW Je=efæ keâjvee)~
- 'restrict' (jeskeâvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Amenable – curable (megOeej kesâ ÙeesiÙe)~
Liberate - Deepeeo keâjvee~ 142. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Rescue - yeÛeevee/yeÛeeJe keâjvee~ given word.
Release - cegòeâ keâjvee~ Deficient
138. Select the synonym of the given word. (a) Insufficient (b) Sufficient
CONTRARY (c) Distinct (d) Abundant
(a) Affiliated (b) Opposite SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III)
(c) Similar (d) Linked Ans. (a) : 'Deficient' (keâce, vÙetve), synonym–
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III) 'Insufficient' (DeØeÙee&hle)~
Ans. (b) : 'Contrary'- (hetCe&le: efYeVe, efJehejerle), synonym - DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
'Opposite' (efJehejerle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Distinct :- separate (Deueie keâjvee)~
Affiliated - mecyeæ~
Abundant :- copious (ØeÛegj)~
Similar - meceeve~
143. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Linked - pegÌ[e ngDee, Meeefceue~
underlined word.
139. Select the synonym of the given word. During the summer of 1893, Miss Sullivan and
CURATIVE I visited the World's Fair with Dr. Alexander
(a) Trembling (b) Damaging Graham Bell. I recall with unmixed delight
(c) Feeding (d) Healing those days when a thousand childish fancies
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II) became beautiful realities.
Ans. (d) : 'Curative' - (jesie efveJeejkeâ), synonym - (a) dismay (b) memory
'Healing' (GheÛeejelcekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (c) enchant (d) emotion
Trembling - efmenjve~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Damaging - neefvekeâejkeâ~ Ans. (c) : 'Delight' – (Deevebo keâjvee, Øemevve keâjvee),
Feeding - heeueves Jeeuee~ Synonym– 'Enchant' (Øemevve keâjvee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Dismay - Discomfort (yesÛewveer)~
140. Select the appropriate synonym for the
Memory - Souvenir (mce=efle)~
underlined word.
It was a distraction. Emotion - Sensation (ceveesYeeJe, mebJesie)~
(a) faith (b) conviction 144. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) confusion (d) assurance given word from the sentence. Dangerous
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III) The traffic police have released a safe advisory
Ans. (c) : 'Distraction' – (efJekeâ<e&Ce, JÙeekegâuelee), Synonym– that driving without seat belts is risky,
'Confusion' (mecYeüce, efJeYeüeefvle)~ beneficial, and fearful for human life.
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (a) Risky (b) Beneficial
(c) Safe (d) Released
Faith – Confidence (efJeMJeeme)~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Conviction – Reliance (DeemLee, efJeMJeeme)~
Ans. (a) : 'Dangerous'– (]Kelejveekeâ), Synonym– (Risky)–
Assurance – Guarantee (DeeMJeemeve osvee)~
141. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Debased Beneficial - Profitable (ueeYekeâejer)~
(a) Corrupted (b) Unamenable Safe - Secure (megjef#ele)~
(c) Aggrandize (d) Amenable
Released - Liberated (cegkeäle)~
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
Synonyms 425 YCT
145. Select the word that is closest in meaning 149. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(SYNONYM) to the word given below. given word.
'Decimate' Decipher
(a) mend (b) wreck (a) Calculate (b) Create
(c) harbour (d) establish (c) Interpret (d) Interrogate
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV) SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I
Ans. (b) : 'Decimate' (yeyee&o keâjvee) - Synonym - 'wreck' Ans. (c): 'Decipher'– (JÙeeKÙee keâjvee), Synonym- 'Interpret'
(efJeveeMe, ceueyee)~ (JÙeeKÙee keâjvee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Establish – Founded (mLeeefhele keâjvee)~
Calculate - Estimate (efnmeeye ueieevee)~
Harbour – Refuge (DeeßeÙe/yebojieen)~
Create - Build (efvecee&Ce)~
Mend – Improvement (megOeejvee)~
Interrogate - Inquire (hetÚleeÚ keâjvee)~
146. Select the word that is closest in meaning
(SYNONYM) to the word given below. 150. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
DEPRESSED given word.
(a) DOLEFUL (b) DYNAMIC Disrupt
(c) STURDY (d) NOISY (a) Arrange (b) Injure
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I) (c) Organise (d) Breach
Ans. (a) : 'Depressed' - (Goeme) Synonym - "Doleful" SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II
(Goeme)~ Ans. (d): 'Disrupt'– (yeeefOele, veekeâece keâjvee), Synonym-
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– 'Breach' (Deefle›eâceCe, GuuebIeve keâjvee)~
Noisy- Cheeky (keâesueenue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Sturdy- Strong (cepeyetle)~ Arrange - Organize (JÙeJemLee keâjvee)~
Dynamic- Mobile (ieefleMeerue)~ Injure - Hurt (IeeÙeue)~
147. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Organise - Manage (JÙeJemLee, mebieef"le keâjvee)~
underlined word in the given sentence.
The plan is to demolish the kitchen area and 151. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
build a new room. given word.
(a) curtail (b) forge Disseminate
(c) raze (d) refurbish (a) Facilitate (b) Merge
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I (c) Circulate (d) Implement
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I
Ans. (c): 'Demolish' (OJemle keâjvee), Synonym – 'Raze' Ans. (c): 'Disseminate'– (Øemeej keâjvee), Synonym-
({nevee, ve° keâjvee)~ Circulate (Øemeeefjle nesvee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Curtail – Mitigate (Ieševee, keâce keâjvee)~
Facilitate - Ease (megefJeOeepevekeâ yeveevee)~
Forge – Counterfeit (peeueer yeveevee)~
Merge - Meet (efceueevee)~
Refurbish – Renovate (veJeerkeâjCe)~
Implement - Execute (ueeiet keâjvee)~
148. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. 152. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
DUO given word.
(a) Loan (b) Bond Despicable
(c) Pair (d) Debt (a) Commendable (b) Laudable
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I (c) Contemptible (d) Desirable
Ans. (c): 'Duo' (peesÌ[e), Synonym - 'Pair' (peesÌ[e)~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Ans. (c) : 'Despicable' - (Ie=efCele), Synonym–
Loan - Debt ($e+Ce)~ 'Contemptible' - (efIeveewvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Bond - Restriction (yebOeve)~ Desirable - JeebÚveerÙe/Deekeâ<e&Ce, Commendable - mejenveerÙe,
Debt - Due ($e+Ce)~ Laudable - ØeMebmeveerÙe~

Synonyms 426 YCT

153. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Harmony - meecebpemÙe~
given word. Peace - Meebeflbe~
Agreement- menceefle~
(a) Confidence (b) Boldness
(c) Meekness (d) Courage 158. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : 'Diffidence' - (efJeveÙe), Synonym– 'Meekness' -
(a) protected (b) bleak
(veceülee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-Courage - meenme, Confidence (c) inhabited (d) cultivated
- DeelceefJeÕeeme, Boldness - meenmeer~
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
154. Select the most appopriate synonym of the Ans. (b) : 'Desolate' - (Goeme nesvee), synonym - 'bleak' –
given word.
(Goeme/metvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– protected - mebjef#ele,
(a) Harmful (b) Friendly inhabited - yemee ngDee, cultivated - meYÙe/peeslee ngDee~
(c) Smart (d) Intellectual 159. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I) given word.
Ans. (a) : 'Detrimental' - (neefvekeâejkeâ), Synonym– DESPISE
'Harmful'- (neefvekeâejkeâ)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- (a) adore (b) admire
Friendly - efce$eJele, Smart - nesefMeÙeej, Intellectual - yeewefækeâ~ (c) abhor (d) approve
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
155. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. Ans. (c) : 'despise'- (DelÙeefOekeâ Ie=Cee keâjvee), synonym -
DECEIVE 'abhor' (Ie=Cee keâjvee)~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- adore - mvesn
(a) cheat (b) withdraw Deewj Deeoj keâer YeeJevee mes osKevee, admire - ØeMebmee keâe YeeJe
(c) provide (d) guide jKevee, approve - mebleg° nesvee, mJeerkeâej keâjvee~
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
160. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans. (a) : 'Deceive' - (OeesKee osvee), Synonym - 'Cheat' – given word.
(OeesKee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DEVOUT
provide - Øeoeve keâjvee~ (a) 'revered' (b) loyal
withdraw - efvekeâeuevee~ (c) pious (d) respectable
guide - ceeie&oMe&keâ~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I)
156. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans : (c) 'Devout'- (Oeeefce&keâ/Yeòeâ), Synonym - ‘pious’
given word. (Oeeefce&keâ)~
DISCONTENT DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
(a) disobedience (b) dissatisfaction
Revered - ßeæsÙe/hetpeveerÙe/ßeæemheo~
(c) dismissal (d) disconnect
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II) Loyal - efve‰eJeeve/Jeheâeoej~
Ans. (b) : 'Discontent' - (Demeblees<e), synonym Respectable - mecceeveveerÙe~
'Dissatisfaction'- (Demeblees<e)~ 161. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- given word.
Disobedience - DeJe%ee~ DEFER
(a) delay (b) despair
Dismissal – mesJeecegòeâ~
(c) dictate (d) dread
Disconnect - Deueie keâjvee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I)
157. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans. (a) : 'Defer' - (šeuevee, osj keâjvee), Synonym -
given word.
DISPUTE ‘delay’ (efJeuebye)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nbw-
(a) harmony (b) peace Despair- efvejeMe nesvee, Dictate-ngkeäce osvee, Dread-YeÙe, [jvee~
(c) quarrel (d) agreement 162. Select the synonym of the given word.
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III) DUBIOUS
Ans. (c) : 'Dispute' - (efJeJeeo/celeYeso), synonym - (a) certain (b) fishy
'quarrel' (PeieÌ[e)~ (c) loyal (d) steady
Mes<e efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nQ - SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II)

Synonyms 427 YCT

Ans : (b) 'Dubious' - (Demhe°, mebefoiOe), Synonym - 'Fishy' Ans : (d) 'Dedication'- (mecehe&Ce), Synonym - Commitment
(mebefoiOe ueieves Jeeuee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nw- (Øeefleyeælee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Contentment- mevlees<e,
Loyal - Jeheâeoej, F&ceeveoej~ Trepidation- Ieyejenš, Determination- ÂÌ{ mebkeâuhe~
Steady - iebYeerj, DeefJeÛeue~ 168. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
Certain - efveef§ele~
163. Select the synonym of the given word. (a) neglect (b) find
DRAG (c) hide (d) ignore
(a) rush (b) pull SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) push (d) rest Ans : (b) 'Discover'- (helee ueieevee, Keespe keâjvee), Synonym-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III) 'find' (helee ueieevee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (b) : 'Drag' - (KeeRÛevee), Synonym - ' pull ' (KeeRÛevee)~ Neglect - Ghes#ee keâjvee~
DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nw- Hide - efÚheevee~
Rest - Deejece~ Ignore - DeveosKee keâjvee~
Rush - lespeer mes Yeeievee~ 169. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Push - Oekesâuevee~ given word.
164. Select the most appropriate synonym of the DEFIANCE
given word. (a) deference (b) assistance
(c) resistance (d) pretence
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Daunt (b) Perceive
(c) Neglect (d) Disregard Ans : (c) 'Defiance'- (Dee%ee ve ceevevee), Synonym -
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) 'Resistance' (ØeeflejesOekeâ/efJejesOe)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (b) 'Discern' - (efJeÛeej keâjvee, yeesOe nesvee), Synonym - Deference- mecceeve keâjvee~
Perceive (yeesOe nesvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Daunt - Assistance- meneÙelee keâjvee~
Pretence- efoKeeJee keâjvee~
Oecekeâevee, Neglect-Ghes#ee keâjvee, Disregard - Deveeoj, Deheceeve~
170. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
165. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
given word.
DISASTROUS (a) Favourable (b) Appreciative
(a) noisy (b) wicked (c) Sarcastic (d) Lethargic
(c) calamitous (d) impressive SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : 'Derogatory' - (Deheceevepevekeâ), synonym -
Ans.(c) : 'Disastrous' - (DeeheoeÙegòeâ/mebkeâšÙegòeâ), Synonym - 'Sarcastic' (efvevoehetCe&)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
'Calamitous' - (DeeheoeÙegòeâ/mebkeâš«emle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Favourable - Devegketâue, MegYe, Appreciative - mejenvee,
Noisy - DeMeebefle, Meesjiegue, keâesueenue, GheõJe, Wicked - og°, Lethargic - megmle~
heeheer, Impressive - ØeYeeJeMeeueer, iebYeerj~ 171. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
166. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
given word. DETERIORATE
DEFERENCE (a) Enliven (b) Worsen
(a) Obeisance (b) Ignorance (c) Fasten (d) Improve
(c) Contrast (d) Delay SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI–13/12/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (b) : 'Deteriorate' – (efyeieeÌ[vee/ve° nesvee), Synonym -
Ans. (a) : 'Deference'- (mecceeve, Deeoj, Fppele), Synonym - 'worsen' (Kejeye)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
'Obeisance' (Deeoj/mecceeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Enliven – Gòesefpele keâjvee/mepeerJe keâjvee~
Ignorance - De%eeve, DeefJeÅee, Contrast - efJejesOe, efJe<ecelee, Fasten – pekeâÌ[vee/yeeBOevee~
Delay - efJeuecye, osjer~ Improve – megOeej keâjvee~
167. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 172. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) Contentment (b) Trepidation (a) Energetic (b) Neutral
(c) Determination (d) Commitment (c) Cheerful (d) Depressed
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Synonyms 428 YCT
Ans. (d) : 'Despondent'- (nleeme/Goeme), synonym - Ans. (d) : 'Dedicate'- (meceefhe&le keâjvee), synonym -
‘Depressed' (Goeme)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- 'Devote' (meceefhe&le)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Energetic – Gpee&Jeeve/MeefòeâMeeueer~ Decide - efveMÛeÙe keâjvee~
Neutral – lešmLe/Goemeerve~ Design - vekeäMee~
Cheerful – nmecegKe/ØemeVe~ Denounce-efveboe keâjvee~
173. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 178. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Diligent Deepen
(a) Inattentive (b) Lethargic (a) Soothe (b) Neutralize
(c) Weary (d) Untiring (c) Relieve (d) Intensify
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III) SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : 'Diligent'- (GÅeceer, heefjßeceer), synonym - Ans. (d) : 'Deepen' - (leer›e nes peevee), Synonym -
'untiring' (DeLekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- 'Intensify' (leer›e keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
inattentive - DemeeJeOeeve~ Soothe - Meevle keâjvee, ØemeVe keâjvee~
Lethargic - megmle~ Neutralize - yesDemej keâjvee, lešmLe yeveevee~
weary - Lekeâe ngDee~ Relieve - jenle ossvee, meneÙelee keâjvee~
174. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 179. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) Rewarding (b) Despairing
(a) Assist (b) Preserve (c) Restore (d) Ruin
(c) Charming (d) Offending
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : 'Destroy'-(ve° keâjvee), synonym - 'Ruin' (veeMe
Ans. (d) : 'Delinquent'- (DehejeOeer), synonym -
keâjvee, ve<š keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
'Offending' (DehejeOeer/nceueeJeej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQw-
Rewarding - meblees<eØeo, DeeveboØeo, Despairing - efvejeMeehetCe&,
Assist - meneÙelee osvee
Charming - jesÛekeâ, Deekeâ<e&keâ Preserve - megjef#ele jKevee
175. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Restore - cejccele keâjvee, yeneue keâjvee
given word. 180. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
DEPLETE given word.
(a) Reduce (b) Complete Detain
(c) Raise (d) Increase (a) Delay (b) Advance (c) Permit (d) Allow
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : 'deplete' - (efjòeâ keâjvee), synonym - 'Reduce' Ans. (a) : 'Detain'- (jeskeâ jKevee, osj keâjevee), synonym-
(keâce keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-Complete - hetje keâjvee, 'Delay' (jeskeâvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Raise - G"vee, G"evee, Increase - Je=efæ keâjvee, yeÌ{evee~ Advance - lejkeäkeâer keâjvee~
176. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Permit - cebpetjer osvee~
given word : Allow - Devegceefle osvee~
181. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) Lively (b) Alert
given word.
(c) Sleepy (d) Active
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Certain (b) Doubtful (c) Definite (d) Sure
Ans. (c) : 'Drowsy' (TBIelee ngDee, efveõeueg), synonym - SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
'Sleepy' (efveõeueg)~
Ans. (b) : 'Dubious' - (mebosnemheo), Synonym - 'Doubtful'
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (mebefoiOe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Lively - efpeboeefoue~
Certain - efveef§ele, Definite - efveefÕele, mhe°, Sure - efveef§ele~
Active - meef›eâÙe~
Alert - meeJeOeeve~ E
177. Select the synonym of the given word. 182. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Dedicate given word/Enervate
(a) Decide (b) Design (a) Devitalize (b) Arouse
(c) Denounce (d) Devote (c) Boost (d) Invigorate
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III)
Synonyms 429 YCT
Ans. (a) : ‘Enervate’ – (keâcepeesj), synonym– ‘Devitalize’ Ans. (d) : 'Espoused' – (ieeso uesvee)~ synonym 'Adopted'
(Meefkeälenerve keâjvee)~ (ieeso uesvee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Arouse – Wake up (peieevee)~ Adapted – Devegketâue~
Boost – (Stimulus) (yeÌ{eJee)~ Adepted– efvehegCe~
Invigorate – Fortify (ceyepetle keâjvee)~ Accepted – mJeerkeâej keâjvee~
183. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 187. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. underlined word in the following sentence.
Esteem They put in their sincere efforts and were
(a) Excuse (b) Abuse lauded for their endeavours.
(c) Ridicule (d) Respect (a) drop (b) efforts
SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II) (c) passivity (d) fun
Ans. (d) : 'Esteem'– (mecceeve), Synonym- 'Respect' SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I)
(mecceeve)~ Ans. (b) : 'Endeavours'– (ØeÙeeme), Synonym– 'Effort'
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (ØeÙeeme)~
Excuse - Pardon (#ecee keâjvee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Abuse - Rebuke (DeheMeyo keânvee)~
Drop – Malt (yetbo)~
Ridicule - Derision (Gheneme)~
Passivity – Tolerance (menveMeeruelee)~
184. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Fun– Comic (ceveesjbpeve)~
given word.
Eligible 188. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) Efficient (b) Qualified given word.
(c) Sufficient (d) Disinterested Extinct
SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV) (a) Vanished (b) Living
Ans. (b) : 'Eligible'– (ÙeesiÙe) Synonym - 'Qualified' (c) Active (d) Vibrant
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Ans. (a) : 'Extinct' – (efJeueghle), Synonym–
'Vanished'– (ieeÙeye)~
Efficient - Adept (kegâMeue)~
Sufficient - Adequate (heÙee&hle)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Living - Existing (peerefJele)~
Disinterested - Indifferent (Goemeerve)~
Active - Deedful (meef›eâÙe)~
185. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
underlined word in the given sentence. Vibrant - Doddering (keâebhevesJeeuee)~
No one can exterminate poverty from this 189. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
world. underlined word.
(a) Plant (b) endure The committee wanted us to explain this in
(c) Secure (d) Eradicate detail.
SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III) (a) Collect (b) Elaborate
Ans. (d) : 'Exterminate' (ve° keâjvee, efceše osvee), Synonym- (c) Keen (d) Trouble
'Eradicate'– (peÌ[ mes efceševee)~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Ans. (b) : 'Explain'– (JÙeeKÙee keâjvee), Synonym –
Plant - Tree (heewOee)~ 'Elaborate' (efJemleej keâjvee)~
Endure - Suffer (menve keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Secure - Safe (megjef#ele)~ Collect – Gather (Fkeâšd"e keâjvee)~
186. Select the most appropriate option that can Keen – Eager (Glmegkeâ)~
substitute the underlined word in the given
190. Select the most appropriate synonym
of the given word.
Mr. Saxena has espoused a child from an
orphanage. Earnestly
(a) Adapted (b) Adepted (a) Sincerely (b) Wordily
(c) Accepted (d) Adopted (c) Verbosely (d) Ambiguously
SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III)

Synonyms 430 YCT

Ans. (a) : 'Earnestly'– (Devegjeie mes), Synonym – Ans. (a): 'Erring' – (Deveweflekeâ), Synonym – 'Blundering'
'Sincerely'– (F&ceeveoejer mes)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (Deveweflekeâ)~
Wordily - expansively (Meyoe[byejhetCe&lee mesW)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Verbosely - Mouthy (JeeÛeeue)~ Tidy – Clean (meeheâ)~
Ambiguously - Unclearly (Demhe° ™he mes)~ Sloppy – Muddy (ieboe)~
Flawless – Faultless (oes<e jefnle)~
191. Choose the word that means the same as the
given word. 195. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
(a) Literate (b) Grumpy
(a) Ultimately (b) Primarily
(c) Illiterate (d) Mysterious (c) Originally (d) Initially
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III
Ans. (d) : 'Enigmatic' - (jnmÙehetCe&), Synonym - Ans. (a): 'Eventually' (Deble ceW), Synonym- 'Ultimately'–
'Mysterious' (jnmÙeceÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (Deble ceW)~
Grumpy – Crabby (›eâesOeer, efÛeÌ[efÛeÌ[e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Literate – Educated (mee#ej)~ Primarily - Mainly (cegKÙele:)~
Illiterate – Uneducated (efvej#ej)~ Originally - Radically (cetuele:)~
192. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Initially - In the beginning (ØeejcYe ceW)~
underlined word. 196. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
All branded shoes are priced extravagantly. given word.
(a) Modestly (b) Economically Ecstasy
(c) Expensively (d) Meagerly (a) Mourning (b) Appreciation
SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I (c) Bliss (d) Fantacy
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I
Ans. (c): 'Extravagantly' (DeefleJÙeÙe mes), Synonym -
Ans. (c): 'Ecstasy' (hejceevebo, Glmeen), Synonym- 'Bliss'–
Expensively (yengle KeÛe& mes)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Modestly - Politely (veceülee mes)~ Mourning - Grief (Meeskeâ)~
Economically - Meagerly (efceleJÙeÙelee mes)~ Appreciation - Admiration (ØeMebmee)~
Meagerly - Scantily (efkeâheâeÙele mes)~ Fantasy - Imagination (keâuhevee)~
193. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 197. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
underlined word. underlined word.
I don't know why she wears these eccentric We expended most of our savings on this tour.
outfits. (a) encashed (b) enjoyed
(a) Expensive (b) Elegant (c) exhausted (d) earned
(c) Bizarre (d) Lavish SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III Ans. (c): 'Expended'– (KeÛe&, JÙeÙe efkeâÙee ieÙee), Synonym–
'Exhausted' (Meefkeälenerve, keâcepeesj)~
Ans. (c): 'Eccentric' (efJeefÛe$e); Synonym - 'Bizzare'–
Encased - Inset (yebo keâjvee, yew"evee)~
(Depeeryeesiejerye, efJeefÛe$e)~
Enjoyed - Delighted (Deevebo G"evee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Earned - Acquired (Øeehle keâjvee)~
Expensive – Costly (cenbiee)~
198. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Elegant – Delightful (megvoj)~ given word.
Lavish – Extravagant (KeÛeeauee)~ EMERGE
(a) Aspire (b) Appear
194. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) Admire (d) Acquire
given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) Blundering (b) Tidy Ans. (b) : 'Emerge' - (Øekeâš nesvee), Synonym– 'Appear' -
(c) Sloppy (d) Flawless (Øekeâš nesvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I Aspire-Deekeâeb#ee keâjvee, Acquire-DeefOe«enCe, Admire - ØeMebmee~

Synonyms 431 YCT

199. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (c) : 'Exalt' - (ØeMebmee keâjvee, Gvvele keâjvee) Synonym -
given word : ‘praise’ (ØeMebmee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw- Condemn–
(a) Fluency (b) Capability
efvevoe keâjvee, Deheceeefvele keâjvee~ Extract- KeeRÛevee, efvekeâeuevee,
(c) Tendency (d) Disability Challenge- Ûegveewleer osvee~
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) 204. Select the synonym of the given word.
Ans. (b) : 'Efficiency' – (o#elee/#ecelee)~ Synonym - EXEMPT
Capability – (#ecelee)~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ~ (a) hinder (b) exclude
(c) reduce (d) prevent
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (b) 'Exempt' - (cegòeâ, Útš Øeehle), Synonym -
'exclude'- (oeÙejs mes yeenj)~
200. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
EMPHASIZE Hinder - yeeOee~
(a) repeat (b) draw Reduce - keâce keâjvee~
(c) stress (d) show Prevent - jeskeâ ueieevee~
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
205. Select the synonym of the given word.
Ans. (c) : 'Emphasize' – (peesj osvee), Synonym - 'stress'
– (leveeJe/peesj osvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) ensue (b) entail
repeat - oesnjevee~ (c) enrage (d) entrap
draw - jsKeebefkeâle keâjvee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II)
show - ØeoefMe&le keâjvee~ Ans : (d) 'Entice' - (uegYeevee/ueueÛeevee), Synonym - 'entrap'
201. In the following question, out of the given four (yenkeâevee)~
alternatives, select the one which best expresses DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nw-
the meaning of the given word. Ensue - heefjceeCemJe™he nesvee~
(a) Barrier (b) Prescribe Enrage - ›egâæ keâjvee~
(c) Comfort (d) Justify Entail - DeheefjneÙe& nesvee, DeeJeMÙekeâ yevee osvee~
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 206. Select the synonym of the given word.
Ans. (a) 'Embargo' –(ØeefleyebbOe/jeskeâ), synonym - 'Barrier' - ENGULF
(ØeefleyebOe)~ (a) encroach (b) enshrine
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (c) entangle (d) envelop
Prescribe – efveOee&efjle keâjvee~ SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Comfort – megKe, Deejece~
Ans. (d) 'Engulf' - (efveieue uesvee, Iesj uesvee), Synonym -
Justify – GefÛele efmeæ keâjvee ~
'envelop'- (Iesj uesvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nwb-
202. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. Encroach - Deefle›eâceCe keâjvee~
ENDEAVOUR Enshrine - mLeeef hele keâjvee~
(a) attempt (b) achievement Entangle - hebâmeevee, GuePeevee~
(c) result (d) success 207. Select the most appropriate synonyms of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I) given word.
Ans : (a) 'Endeavour' – (ØeÙeeme], ØeÙelve), Synonym - EFFICACIOUS
‘Attempt’ (ØeÙeeme)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nwb - (a) Effective (b) Impotent
achievement– GheueefyOe/meheâuelee~ (c) Voracious (d) Audacious
result–heefjCeece/ØeefleHeâue~ SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
success–meheâuelee~ Ans. (a) : 'Efficacious' - (ØeYeeJeer, ØeYeeJeMeeueer), Synonym -
203. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Effective (ØeYeeJeer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
given word. Impotent - Meefòeânerve, ogye&ue, Voracious - hesšt, Audacious -
EXALT meenmeer~
(a) challenge (b) condemn 208. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) praise (d) extract given word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III) EXASPERATE
Synonyms 432 YCT
(a) Imitate (b) Desperate 213. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) infuriate (d) Appreciate given word.
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) EXPOSE
Ans. (c) : 'Exasperate' - (efÛeÌ{evee, YeÌ[keâevee), synonym - (a) hide (b) bury
(c) reveal (d) protect
'Infuriate' (›egâæ keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Imitate - (vekeâue keâjvee), Desperate - (efvejeMe keâjvee),
Ans : (c) 'Expose'- [Øekeâš keâjvee (jnmÙe)], synonyms -
Appreciate - mejenvee~
'Reveal' (Øekeâš keâjvee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
209. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Bury- ieeÌ[ osvee, oheâveevee~
given word.
Enthrall Hide- ieghle jKevee~
(a) Disgust (b) Free Protect- j#ee keâjvee, megjef#ele jKevee~
(c) Mesmerize (d) Repel 214. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I) given word.
Ans : (c) 'Enthrall'- (ceesefnle keâjvee, ceb$ecegiOe keâjvee), Synonym- ENRAGE
'Mesmerize' (mecceesefnle keâjvee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) Infuriate (b) Alleviate
(c) Placate (d) Moderate
Disgust- Ie=Cee keâjvee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Free- cegòeâ keâjvee~
Ans. (a) : 'Enrage'– (›eâesefOele keâjvee), synonym- 'Infuriate'
Repel- ØeeflejesOe keâjvee~
(›eâesefOele keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
210. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Alleviate – keâce keâjvee~
given word.
Placate – ceveevee/Meeble keâjvee~
(a) fix (b) disintegrate Moderate – Deewmele/Oeerceekeâjvee/keâce nesvee~
(c) preserve (d) build 215. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II) given word.
Ans. (b) : 'Erode'–(Ieš peevee, ve° nesvee), Synonym - EXPLICIT
'disintegrate' (efJeIešve keâjvee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) Lucid (b) Compatible
(c) Unintelligible (d) Equivocal
Fix- efve§eÙe keâjvee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Preserve- megjef#ele nesvee, yeveeS jKevee~
Ans. (a) : ''EXPLICIT'' - (cegKej, Øekeâš, mhe°), synonym -
Build- efvecee&Ce keâjvee~
'Lucid' (mhe<š)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
211. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Compatible - Devegketâue, mebiele~
given word.
Unintelligible - Demhe°~
(a) exclude (b) clarify Equivocal - ieesueceesue, Demhe°eLe&~
(c) implicate (d) release 216. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II) given word.
Ans. (c) : 'Entangle'- (Hebâmeevee), Synonym- 'Implicate' Enunciate
(a) Confine (b) Create
(hebâmeevee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Articulate (d) Engage
Exclude- efvekeâeuevee, ÚesÌ[ osvee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Clarify- mhe° keâjvee~
Ans. (c) : 'Enunciate' - (GÛÛeeefjle keâjvee), Synonym-
Release- ÚesÌ[ osvee, cegòeâ keâjvee~ 'Articulate' (meeheâ-meeheâ yeesuevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
212. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Confine - meerefcele keâjvee~
given word.
Create - efvecee&Ce keâjvee~
(a) pull (b) bury Engage - mebueive nesvee~
(c) dig up (d) rise 217. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III) given word.
Ans : (b) 'Embed'- (ieeÌ[vee, peÌ[vee), synonyms - 'bury' Enormous
(a) Puny (b) Tiny
(oheâveevee/ieeÌ[vee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Huge (d) Petty
pull (KeeRÛevee), dig up (Keesovee), rise (G"vee, G"evee) nw~ SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Synonyms 433 YCT
Ans. (c) : 'Enormous' (efJeMeeue, yeÌ[e), synonym - 'Huge' 222. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(efJeMeeue)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- given word.
Puny - keâcepeesj, Úesše~
(a) Satisfied (b) Active
Tiny - Úesše~ (c) Keen (d) Alert
Petty - legÛÚ, veieCÙe~ SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
218. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (c) : 'Eager'- (FÛÚgkeâ, Glmegkeâ), synonym– 'Keen'–
given word.
(Glmegkeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
(a) Extraordinary (b) Usual Satisfied - mebleg<š~
(c) Mundane (d) Common Active - meef›eâÙe~
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I) Alert - meÛesle~
Ans. (a) : 'Exceptional'- (DeheJeeoelcekeâ, DemeeOeejCe), 223. Select the synonym of the given word.
synonym– ‘Extraordinary’ (DemeeOeejCe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ ELAPSED
DeLe& nQ- (a) Persuaded (b) Ceased
Usual - meeOeejCe, Deeceleewj hej~ (c) Prolonged (d) Connected
Mundane - meeOeejCe, veerjme~ SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
Common - meeJe&peefvekeâ, meeOeejCe~ Ans. (b) : 'Elapsed' - ( ieg p ejvee, JÙeleer le nesvee), synonym -
'Ceased' (meceehle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Persuaded - jepeer
219. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word : keâjvee, Prolonged - uecyee keâjvee, Connected - peg[ Ì e ngDee~
(a) Destroy (b) Despair
(c) Obstacle (d) Stimulant 224. Choose the word that means the same as the
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II) given word.
Ans. (c) : 'Encumbrance'- (yeeOee,Yeej), synonym - Fabulously
(a) Nominally (b) Fantastically
'obstacle' (yeeOee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
(c) Scantily (d) Scarcely
Destroy - ve° keâjvee~
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II)
Despair - efvejeMe nesvee~
Ans. (b) : 'Fabulously'– (Meeveoej lejerkesâ mes), Synonym–
Stimulant - Gòespekeâ heoeLe&~ 'Fantastically' (DeeMÛeÙe& pevekeâ {bie mes)~
220. Select the most appropriate synonym of the DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
given word.
Nominally- (veece cee$e)~
(a) Dismiss (b) Settle Scantily- Meager (DeheÙee&hle ™he mes)~
(c) Occupy (d) Release Scarcely- Hardly (cegefMkeâue mes)~
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I) 225. Select the most appropriate word which is
Ans. (c) : 'Engage'- (Iesjvee/JeÛeveyeæ keâjvee), synonym - nearest in meaning to the underlined word.
'occupy' (ÚWkeâvee/DeefOekeâej keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - One should follow the role models in life.
(a) Emulate (b) Cherish
Dismiss - Keeefjpe, mesJee mes nševee~
(c) Admire (d) Reward
Settle - yemevee, efveÙegòeâ keâjvee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
Release - cegefòeâ, efjneF&~ Ans. (a) : 'Follow' (DevegmejCe keâjvee), Synonym,–
221. Select the synonym of the given word. 'Emulate' (DevegmejCe keâjvee)~
Enhance DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(a) Reduce (b) Frighten
Cherish - Embelish (mebpeesvee, heeuevee)~
(c) Shrink (d) Improve
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II) Admire - Praise (ØeMebmee)~
Ans. (d) : 'Enhance' - (Je=efæ keâjvee, megOeej nesvee), Reward - Bounty (hegjmkeâej)~
synonym- 'Improve' (megOeej keâjvee/yeÌ{evee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ 226. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
DeLe& nQ - given word.
Reduce - keâce keâjvee~
(a) Unheedful (b) Weak
frighten - [jevee~ (c) Strong (d) Baneful
shrink - efmekegâÌ[vee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I)
Synonyms 434 YCT
Ans. (b) : 'Feeble' –(keâcepeesj), Synonym– 'Weak' 231. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(keâcepeesj)~ given word.
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(a) fantasy (b) fact
Unheedful – Neglected (Ghesef#ele efkeâÙee ngDee)~
(c) truth (d) literature
Strong – Powerful (MeefkeäleMeeueer, cepeyetle)~ SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Baneful – Calamitous (DeefYeMehle)~ Ans. (a) : 'Fiction' - (keâuhevee), synonym - 'Fantasy'
227. Choose the word that means of same as the (keâuhevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- fact - leLÙe, truth - melÙe,
given word. Faddish
literature - meeefnlÙe~
(a) Unpopular (b) Phony
(c) Barge (d) Fashionable 232. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I) given word.
Ans. (d) : 'Faddish' (mevekeâer, Pekeäkeâer), Synonym - FOUNDATION
(a) base (b) top
"Fashionable" – (mepeeruee, Meewkeâerve efcepeepe)~
(c) structure (d) building
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Phony- Wrong (ieuele)~
Ans. (a) : 'Foundation' - (DeeOeej/yegefveÙeeo), synonym -
Barge- Hoy (Úesšer veeJe)~
base (DeeOeej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - top - efMeKej,
Unpopular- Unknown (DeØeefmeæ)~
structure - mebjÛevee, building - Fceejle
228. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. 233. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
(a) Allowed (b) Forbidden FLABBERGASTED
(c) former (d) Concluding (a) astonished (b) motivated
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I (c) disturbed (d) terrified
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d): 'Final' – (Debeflece), Synonym- 'Concluding'
(efve<keâ<e&)~ Ans. (a) : 'Flabbergasted'- (YeeQÛekeäkeâe, nwjle ceW [euee ngDee),
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– synonym - 'astonished' – (Dee§eÙe&Ûeefkeâle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe&
Allowed - Permit (Devegceefle)~ nQ - motivated - GlØesefjle, disturbed - efJe#egyOe, JÙeekegâue,
terrified - YeÙeYeerle~
Forbidden - Taboo (efveef<eæ)~
Former - Erstwhile, Prior (YetlehetJe&)~ 234. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
229. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
(a) halt (b) allow
(c) affix (d) hurry
(a) Contract (b) Chance
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) Policy (d) Plan
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II Ans. (c) : 'Fasten'- (yeeBOevee, efJeMes<e leewj hej Oeeies kesâ efueS),
synonym - 'affix' (mecyeæ keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (b): 'Fluke' (mebÙeesie), Synonym - 'Chance' (DeJemej)~
halt - ueIeg efJejece Ùee ®keâeJe, allow - Devegceefle osvee, hurry -
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
MeerIeÇlee keâjvee~
Contract - Agreement (DevegyebOe)~
235. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Policy - Scheme (Ùeespevee)~ given word.
Plan - Project (GheeÙe, Ùeespevee)~ FUSE (verb)
230. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) correct (b) unused
given word. (c) break (d) combine
Forbid SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Close (b) Prohibit
Ans : (d) 'Fuse'- (pegÌ[vee), Synonym - ‘combine’(mebÙeespeve
(c) Adieu (d) Encourage
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : 'Forbid' - cevee keâjvee, Synonym– 'Prohibit' - DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
efve<esOe keâjvee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- Correct- mener keâjvee~
Encourage - Øeeslmeeefnle keâjvee, Close - yebo keâjvee, Adieu - Unused- DeØeÙegòeâ/yeskeâej~
efJeoeF&~ Break- leesÌ[vee~

Synonyms 435 YCT

236. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (b) : 'Feign'- (yenevee keâjvee), Synonym - 'Pretend'
given word. (yenevee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Foretell - YeefJe<ÙeJeeCeer keâjvee~
(a) sorrow (b) anger
(c) cruelty (d) fright Hinder - yeeBOee [euevee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III) Instruct - efveoxMe osvee~
Ans : (b) 'Fury' - (leer›e/›eâesOe/DeeJesMe), Synonym - 'anger'- 241. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nw- (a) lasting (b) ready
Sorrow - og:Ke~ (c) momentary (d) complete
Cruelty - efveo&Ùeer~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Fright - [j, YeÙe~ Ans : (c) 'Fleeting'- (DemLeeÙeer, #eefCekeâ), Synonym -
237. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 'momentary' (#eefCekeâ)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
given word. lasting - cepeyetle, mLeeÙeer~
FASCINATING ready - lelhejlee~
(a) appealing (b) boring complete - mecetÛee, hetCe&~
(c) stupid (d) tiring
242. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
given word.
Ans : (a) 'Fascinating' - (Deekeâ<e&keâ), Synonym - Fortify
'appealing' - (Deekeâ<e&keâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ - (a) Secure (b) Harm
boring - (GyeeT), stupid - (cetKe&), tiring - (LekeâeT)~ (c) Loosen (d) Neglect
238. Select the most appropriate synonym of the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I)
given word. Ans : (a) 'Fortify'- (meMeòeâ keâjvee, megÂÌ{ keâjvee), Synonym-
FLOURISH 'Secure' (megÂÌ{)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-Harm- #eefle hengBÛeevee,
(a) Thrive (b) Shrivel Loosen- Ì{eruee keâjvee,
(c) Wither (d) Languish Neglect- Ghes#ee keâjvee~
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
243. Select the most appopriate synonym of the
Ans : (a) 'Flourish' - (GVeefle keâjvee), synonym- 'Thrive'
given word:
(heâuevee-hetâuevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Fraudulent
Shrivel - Pegjea heÌ[vee, Wither - cegjPeevee, Languish-efove (a) Repellent (b) Deceitful
keâešvee~ (c) Prevalent (d) Genuine
239. Select the most appropriate synonym of the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
given word. Ans. (b) : 'Fraudulent'- (OeesKeeOeÌ[er/yesF&ceeveer), Synonym -
FATIGUE 'Deceitful' (OeesKesyeepe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQw-
(a) liveliness (b) weariness
Repellent – Ie=Ceemheo/efJekeâ<e&keâ~
(c) earnestness (d) freshness
Prevalent – ØeÛeefuele/Ûeeuet~
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) Genuine – JeemleefJekeâ~
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) 244. Select most appropriate synonym of the given
Ans : (b) 'Fatigue'- (Lekeâeve), Synonym - 'weariness' word.
(LekeâeJeš)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
(a) Positive (b) Secretive
liveliness-mepeerJelee, earnestness- F&ceeveoejer~ (c) Adhesive (d) Abortive
freshness- leepeieer~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II)
240. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (b) : 'Furtive'– (jnmÙeceÙe/ieghle/Ì{keâe ngDee), synonym -
given word. 'Secretive' (jnmÙeceÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Positive – mekeâejelcekeâ~
(a) Foretell (b) Pretend
Adhesive –efÛeheefÛehee/Deemebpekeâ/ieeso~
(c) Hinder (d) Instruct
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) Abortive – Demeheâue/DeOetje~
Synonyms 436 YCT
245. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Inferior - Deheke=â°, ieewCe~
given word. Superior - yesnlej, Jeefj‰~
Regular - efveÙeefcele, ueieeleej~
(a) Greenery (b) Firmness
(c) Urgency (d) Foolishness 250. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : 'Foliage' - (heCe&mecetn), synonym - 'greenery' (a) Gentle (b) Domesticated
(nefjÙeeueer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Tame (d) Fierce
Firmness - cepeyetleer/ÂÌ{lee~ SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Urgency - DelÙeeJeMÙekeâlee~ Ans. (d) : 'Ferocious' - (KetBKeej), synonym - 'Fierce'
Foolishness - yesJeketâheâer~ (›etâj/G«e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
246. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Gentle - meYÙe~
given word. Domesticated - heeuelet~
FESTIVITY Tame - JeMe ceW keâjvee, heeuelet yeveevee~
(a) Celebration (b) Foundation 251. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) Calibration (d) Botheration given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III) Fundamental
Ans. (a) : 'Festivity'- (GlmeJe), synonym - 'Celebration' (a) Trivial (b) Extra
(GlmeJe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQw- Foundation – mLeehevee, (c) secondary (d) Basic
efvecee&Ce; Calibration – "erkeâ keâjvee, peeBÛe keâjvee; Botheration SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
– hejsMeeveer~ Ans. (d) : 'Fundamental'- (cetueYetle), synonym - 'Basic'
247. In the following question, out of the given four (yegefveÙeeoer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
alternatives, select the one which best expresses Trivial - legÛÚ~
the meaning of the given word. Extra - Deefleefjkeäle~
Fickle. Secondary - efÉleerÙekeâ~
(a) Cognizant (b) Unstable
252. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) Accidental (d) Steadfast
given word.
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans : (b) 'Fickle' - (DeefmLej), synonym- 'Unstable' (a) Useless (b) productive
(DeefmLej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Cognizant– DeJeiele,peevekeâej, (c) Barren (d) Juicy
Accidental– Deekeâefmcekeâ, Steadfast– Dešue, efmLej~ SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III)
248. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (b) : 'Fruitful' - (GhepeeT, heâueoeÙekeâ), synonym.
given word. 'productive' – (GhepeeT)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Forgive Useless - yeskeâej, Barren - yebpej, Juicy - jmeoej~
(a) Forget (b) Accuse
253. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) Pardon (d) Compel given word.
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I) Foyer
Ans. (c) : 'Forgive'- (ceeheâ keâjvee), synonym - 'Pardon' (a) Kitchen (b) Verandah
(#ecee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (c) Bedroom (d) Lobby
Forget - Yetue peevee~ SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III)
Accuse - Deejeshe ueieevee~ Ans. (d) : 'Foyer' - (Ghekeâ#e), Synonym - Lobby –
Compel - oyeeJe [euevee, yeeOÙe keâjvee~ (Øekeâes ‰ )~ DevÙe MeyoeW kes â DeLe& nQ - Kitchen - jmeesF&Iej,
Verandah - yejeceoe, Bedroom - MeÙevekeâ#e~
249. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. G
(a) Inferior (b) superior 254. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
(c) Regular (d) Previous
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Strengthen (b) Stupefy
Ans. (d) : 'Former'- (henuee, hetJe&Jeleea), synonym - (c) Simplify (d) Praise
'Previous' (efheÚuee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV)

Synonyms 437 YCT

Ans. (d) : 'Glorify'– (Deeoj keâjvee),Synonym– 'Praise'– Ans. (c) : 'Gradual' - (Gòejesòej, ›eâefcekeâ), synonym-
(ØeMebmee)~ 'continuous' - (ueieeleej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& efYevve nQ– abrupt - DeÛeevekeâ, Deekeâefmcekeâ, uneven - DeefveÙeefcele, hasty -
Strengthen - Sanction (cepeyetle yeveevee)~ peuoyeepeer, GleeJeuee~
Stupefy - Astound (Ûeefkeâle keâjvee)~ 259. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Simplify - clarify (mhe° keâjvee)~ given word.
255. Select the most appropriate synonym of the GAUDY
given word. (a) proper (b) simple
Gloomy (c) flashy (d) plain
(a) Deperssing (b) Comfortable
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) Bright (d) Intrepid
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II Ans. (c) : 'gaudy'- (YeÌ[keâeruee), synonym- 'flashy'
Ans. (a): 'Gloomy' (Goeme), Synonym - 'Depressing' (Ûecekeâeruee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
(Goeme, efvejeMe)~ proper - GefÛele, GhegÙeòeâ, mener~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– simple - Deemeeve, meeOeejCe~
Comfortable – Convenient (DeejeceoeÙekeâ)~ plain - meeoe, Deemeeve, mhe°~
Bright – Shiny (GppJeue)~ 260. Select the synonym of the given word.
Intrepid – Bold (efve[j)~ GARRULOUS
256. Select the most appropriates synonym of the (a) Talkative (b) Concise
underlined word. (c) Throaty (d) Guttural
Medicines should be ordered by the generic SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
name, not by the proprietary or trade
(a) Exclusive (b) General Ans : (a) 'Garrulous' - (yeeletveer), Synonym - 'talkative'
(c) Individual (d) Specific (JeeÛeeue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I Concise- mebef#ehle~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I) Throaty- ceesšs/Yeejer ieues keâe~
Ans. (b) : 'Generic'– (meeceevÙe), Synonym - 'General'
(meeceevÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
261. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Exclusive – Particular (efJeMes<e)~
given word.
Individual – Personal (JÙeefkeäleiele)~
Specific – Special (efJeefMe°)~ (a) Afraid (b) Dismal
257. In the following question, out of the given four (c) Bright (d) Nervous
alternatives, select the one which best expresses SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
the meaning of the given word. Ans. (b) : 'Glum'–(Goeme, DeØemeVe), synonym - 'Dismal'
(Goeme)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
(a) Sip (b) Imbibe
(c) Starve (d) Release Afraid– YeÙeYeerle, [j, Bright – Ûecekeâeruee, Nervous–
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 Ieyejevee~
Ans. (b) 'Guzzle' – (ieškeâvee, heervee), synonym– 'Imbibe' – 262. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(heervee)~ given word.
DevÙe Meyoes keâs DeLe& nQ - GUILE
Sip – Ûegmekeâer~ (a) Intuition (b) Surfeit
Starve – YetKee nesvee~ (c) Deceit (d) Sincerity
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Release – efveJeejCe~
Ans. (c) : 'Guile' - (Úue, keâheš, OeesKee), synonym -
258. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. 'Deceit' (OeesKee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
GRADUAL Intuition - DebleyeexOe/Devle%ee&ve~
(a) abrupt (b) uneven Surfeit - DeefleYeespeve keâjvee~
(c) continuous (d) hasty
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) Sincerity - F&ceeveoejer~
Synonyms 438 YCT
267. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
H given word.
263. Select the most appropriate synonym of the HANDY
given word. (a) hard (b) convenient
Humble (c) useless (d) clumsy
(a) Bold (b) Assertive SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Modest (d) Inactive SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II Ans. (b) : 'Handy'- (megefJeOeepevekeâ, o#e, efvehegCe), Synonym-
Ans. (c): 'Humble' (veceü), Synonym – 'Modest' (efJeveerle, "Convenient" (megefJeOeepevekeâ)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
veceü)~ Hard- keâef"ve/keâ"esj~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Useless- yeskeâej/JÙeLe&~
Bold – Courageous (meenme)~
Clumsy- DeveeÌ[er/Gob[~
Assertive – Confident (mJeerkeâejelcekeâ, oyebie)~
268. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Inactive – Dormant (efveef<›eâÙe)~ given word.
264. Select the most appropriate synonym of the HIND
given word. (a) near (b) rear
Hasty (c) first (d) front
(a) Expeditious (b) Restricted SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Laidback (d) Locked
Ans. (b) : 'Hind'- (efheÚuee), Synonym- 'rear' (efheÚuee
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I
Yeeie)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (a): 'Hasty' (peuoer, Deelegj), Synonym - Expeditious
Near- vepeoerkeâ, First- ØeLece, Front- meeceves~
(MeerIeÇ, peuo)~
269. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– given word:
Restricted – Banned (Jeefpe&le)~ HAUGHTY
Laidback – Relaxed, Calm ({erue osvee)~ (a) Humble (b) Talkative
Locked – Closed, Sealed (yebo)~ (c) Arrogant (d) Quiet
265. In the following question, out of the given four SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
alternatives, select the one which best expresses Ans. (c) : 'Haughty'- (IeceC[er, DeefYeceeveer), synonym -
the meaning of the given word. 'Arrogant' (IeceC[er)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Hound humble - efJeveerle, efJeveceü, talkative - yeeletveer, yengYee<eer, quiet -
(a) Critic (b) Migrate Meeble~
(c) Beagle (d) Variable
270. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
given word.
Ans. (c) 'Hound' – (efMekeâejer keâglòee), Synonym– 'Beagle' HOLISTIC
(Úesše efMekeâejer keâglòee)~ (a) dissimilar (b) superficial
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (c) sketchy (d) comprehensive
Critic – DeeueesÛekeâ~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Migrate – heÇJeeme keâjvee~ Ans. (d) : 'Holistic'- (mece«e ™he mes, DeKeb[), synonym -
Variable – heefjJele&veMeerue~ 'comprehensive' (JÙeehekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
266. Select the most appropriate synonyms of the dissimilar - Demeceeve, superficial - efÚÚuee, GLeuee, sketchy
given word. - ™hejsKeelcekeâ~
HOSTILITY 271. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) sympathy (b) friendship given word.
(c) goodwill (d) enmity Harass
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II) (a) Molest (b) Assist
Ans. (d) : 'Hostility' – (ogMceveer), Synonym - ‘Enmity’ (c) Comfort (d) Scare
(Me$eglee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Sympathy- menevegYetefle~ Ans. (a) : 'Harass'- ( hejs Meeve keâjvee), synonym - 'Molest'
Friendship- efce$elee~ (lebie keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Good-will- meodYeeJevee~ Assist- meneÙelee keâjvee, Comfort- Deejece, Scare- [jevee~

Synonyms 439 YCT

272. Select the synonym of the given word. 276. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Hate underlined word.
(a) Deny (b) Defer The outcome document of the Rio+20
(c) Detest (d) Defile Conference, the Future We Want, underscores
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II) climate change as “an inevitable and urgent
Ans. (c) : 'Hate'- (Ie=Cee keâjvee), synonym - 'Detest'– global challenge with long-term implications
for the sustainable development of all
(Ie=Cee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw- countries”. Through the document, Member
Deny - Fbkeâej keâjvee~ States express their concern about the
Defer - efJeuecye keâjvee, šeuevee~ continuous rising of emissions of greenhouse
Defile- mebkegâefÛele ceeie&, otef<ele keâjvee~ gases and the vulnerability of all countries,
particularly developing countries, to the
273. Select the most appropriate synonym of the adverse impacts of climate change.
given word.
(a) escapable (b) immemorable
(c) undeniable (d) adventurous
(a) Synchronic (b) Musical
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
(c) Monotonous (d) Noisy
Ans. (c) : 'Inevitable' – (DeheefjneÙe&), Synonym–
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I)
'Undeniable'– (DeKeb[veerÙe/efveefJe&Jeeo)~
Ans. (c) : 'Humdrum'- (veerjme), synonym -
'Monotonous' (veerjme)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Synchronic - mecekeâeefuekeâ~ Escapable– Unnecessary (efJekeâeme, megjef#ele efvekeâue peevee)~
Noisy - Meesjiegue Yeje~ Immemorable– mcejCe ve keâjves ÙeesiÙe~
Musical - mebieerleceÙe~ Adventurous–Daring (meenmeer)~
277. Select the most appropriate option that can
I substitute the underlined segment in the given
274. Choose the word that means the same as the sentence.
given word. We must remember that what we teach our
Impede children is what we inculcate in them.
(a) Stalwart (b) Stampede (a) endanger (b) import
(c) Sore (d) Thwart (c) inspire (d) instill
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : 'Impede'– (yeeOee [euevee), Synonym– 'Thwart' Ans. (d) : 'Inculcate' – (ceve ceW yew"evee), synonym– 'Instill'
(vekeâece yeveevee, jeskeâvee)~ (šhekeâevee, pecee osvee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Stalwart – loyal (efve‰eJeeve)~ Endanger – Imperial (Kelejs ceW [euevee)~
Stampede – Rush (YeieoÌ[)~ Import – Coming-in (DeeÙeele)~
Sore – Bitter (heer[ Ì eoeÙekeâ)~ Inspire - Induce (ØesjCee)~
275. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 278. Choose the word that means the same as the
given word. given word.
(a) Bold (b) Shy (a) Deterrence (b) Settle
(c) Forward (d) Outgoing (c) Raise (d) Complaisance
SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : 'Introvert' – (Debleceg&Keer), Synonym– 'shy' Ans. (c) : 'Instigate' (YeÌ[keâevee), Synonym - 'Raise'
(mebkeâesÛeer)~ (yeÌ{evee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Bold :- fearless. (meenefmekeâ)~ Complaisance – Politeness (efMe°lee, efJeveÙe)~
Forward :- ahead (Deeies, meeceves)~ Deterrence – Redressal (efveJeejCe)~
Outgoing :- Begone (yeenj peeves Jeeuee)~ Settle – Pause/Stop ("njevee, ®keâvee)~

Synonyms 440 YCT

279. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 283. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Intricate ISOLATED
(a) Basic (b) Complicated (a) Open (b) Mingling
(c) Painted (d) Developed (c) Secluded (d) Included
SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b): 'Intricate' (peefšue), Synonym - 'Complicated' Ans. (c) : 'Isolated' - (Dekesâuee), Synonym– 'Secluded' -
(keâef"ve, peefšue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (Skeâeble/Dekesâuee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Basic – Fundamental (yegefveÙeeoer)~ Included - Meeefceue, Mingling - Ieguevee efceuevee, Open -
Painted – Tinted (jbiee ngDee)~ Keesuevee~
Developed – Advanced (efJekeâefmele)~ 284. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
280. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Integrate
given word.
(a) Assimilate (b) Disburse
Imminent (c) Distribute (d) Separate
(a) Impending (b) Ignorant
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) Distant (d) Unyielding
Ans. (a) : 'Integrate' - (Skeâerke=âle keâjvee), synonym,
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III
'Assimilate' - (Deelcemeeled keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (a): 'Imminent'– (efvekeâš), Synonym- 'Impending'
Disburse - JÙeÙe keâjvee, Distribute - yeebšvee, Separate - Deueie
(efvekeâš)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Ignorant - Unaware (Devepeeve)~
285. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Distant - Afar (otj)~ given word.
Unyielding - Firm (Dešue, efpeöer)~ INTRIGUING
281. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) monotonous (b) investigating
given word. (c) simultaneous (d) gripping
Inscrutable SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) Inevitable (b) Indelible Ans. (d) : 'Intriguing'- (uegYeeJevee), synonym – 'gripping'
(c) Inexplicable (d) Incredible (ceveesjbpekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nw–
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II monotonous - veerjme~
Ans. (c): 'Inscrutable' (ietÌ{, jnmÙeceÙe), Synonym - investigating - Úeveyeerve, lenkeâerkeâele, leheâleerMe~
'Inexplicable' (DekeâLeveerÙe, ietÌ{)~ simultaneous - menkeâeefuekeâ, mece#eefCekeâ, Skeâ ner meceÙe ceW Ieefšle
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– nesvee~
Inevitable - Indispensable (DeheefjneÙe&)~ 286. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Indelible - Ineradicable (Deefceš)~ given word.
Incredible - Unbelievable (DeefJeMmeveerÙe)~ IMITATION
(a) fake (b) genuine
282. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (c) real (d) original
highlighted word
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
He is inclined to stay with the present
organisation. Ans. (a) : 'Imitation'–(vekeâueer), Synonym - 'fake' (peeueer)~
(a) declined (b) motivated DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(c) struggled (d) mystified Genuine – JeemleefJekeâ~
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II Real – JeemleefJekeâ~
Ans. (b): 'Inclined' (FÛÚe, PegkeâeJe), Synonym- 'Motivated' Original – cetue ™he~
(ØesjCee osvee)~ 287. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– given word.
Declined – Refuse (DemJeerkeâej keâjvee)~ INSULT
(a) apply (b) offend
Struggled – Clash (mebIe<e& keâjvee)~
(c) offer (d) remove
Mystified – Baffled (jnmÙeceÙe, ietÌ{)~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Synonyms 441 YCT
Ans. (b) : 'Insult'- (Deheceeve keâjvee), Synonym - 292. Select the synonym of the given word.
‘offend’(Deheceeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - INARTICULATE
(a) eloquent (b) incoherent
Apply- ueeiet keâjvee, DeeJesove keâjvee~ (c) inevitable (d) fluent
Offer- ØemleeJe~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Remove- nševee~ Ans. (b) : 'Inarticulate' - (DeJÙeòeâ/cetkeâ), Synonym -
288. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 'incoherent' (Demecyeæ/yeslegkeâe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
given word. Eloquent- megJeòeâe~
INTRICATE Inevitable- DeefveJeeÙe&~
(a) Connected (b) Complete Fluent- Jeekeähešg~
(c) Complex (d) Colorful 293. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II) given word.
Ans : (c) 'Intricate' – (peefšue), Synonym - ‘Complex’ INIMICAL
(peefšue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) Deliberate (b) Comparable
(c) Hostile (d) Influential
Connected - ueiee ngDee, mebyebefOele, Complete - hetje, mechetCe&,
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Colorful - jbieefyejbiee~
Ans : (c) 'Inimical' - (efJeÉsMehetCe&), Synonym- 'Hostile'
289. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (ogMceve/efJejesOeer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
given word.
Deliberate-peeve-yetPe keâj, Comparable-legueveerÙe, Influential-
(a) show (b) start
(c) sign (d) slow 294. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : 'Initiate'- (DeejcYe keâjvee), Synonym - ‘Start’ (a) unnoticed (b) unwilling
(MegYeejbYe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nbw- (c) disturbing (d) unbelievable
Show- ØeoMe&ve keâjvee~ SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Sign- mebkesâle efÛevn~ Ans : (d) 'Incredible'- (DeefJeÕemeveerÙe), synonym -
Slow- Oeercee keâjvee~ 'unbelievable' – (DeefJeÕemeveerÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
unnoticed-DeieesÛej, Unwilling-DeefveÛÚe, Disturbing-hejsMeeve
290. Select the synonym of the given word.
295. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
INDELIBLE given word.
(a) illegible (b) inerasable INTENSIFY
(c) ineffective (d) illegal (a) destroy (b) strengthen
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I) (c) eliminate (d) terminate
Ans. (b) : 'Indelible' - (mLeeÙeer), Synonym - 'inerasable'- SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(Deefceš)~ Ans : (b) 'Intensify' - (meMeòeâ keâjvee), synonym -
DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nw- 'strengthen' (cepeyetle keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Illegible - Demhe°, Dehe"veerÙe~ Destroy - ve° keâjvee, Eliminate - nševee, Terminate - veewkeâjer
Ineffective - ØeYeeJenerve~ mes efvekeâeue osvee~
Illegal - DeJewOe, iewjkeâevetveer~ 296. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
291. Select the synonym of the given word. IGNOMINY
INEPT (a) morality (b) virtue
(a) Clumsy (b) fit (c) disgrace (d) esteem
(c) strong (d) capable SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III) Ans : (c) 'Ignominy' - (eflejmkeâej, yeoveeceer), Synonym -
Ans. (a) : 'Inept' - (DekegâMeue/DeÙeesiÙe), Synonym - 'clumsy' 'disgrace' (DeheÙeMe)~
(yes{biee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ - morality - veweflekeâlee~
Strong- cepeyetle, Capable- ÙeesiÙe, meceLe&, me#ece, Fit- GheÙegòeâ virtue - iegCe~
GefÛele~ esteem - mecceeve~

Synonyms 442 YCT

297. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans : (b) 'Ignominious'- (yeoveece, ueppeekeâej), Synonym -
given word. 'disgraceful' (ueppeepevekeâ)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
INCESSANT Wonderful- Dee§eÙe&pevekeâ~
(a) inconstant (b) intermittent
Innocuous- neefve ve keâjves Jeeuee~
(c) persistent (d) transient
Generous- oÙeeueg~
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
302. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans : (c) 'Incessant'- (efvejblej, ueieeleej), Synonym -
given word.
'persistent' (ueieeleej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - INNUENDO
Inconstant - DeefmLej~ (a) implication (b) evidence
Intermittent - yeerÛe-yeerÛe ceW nesves Jeeuee~ (c) verification (d) proof
Transient - #eefCekeâ~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
298. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans (a) : 'INNUENDO'- (JÙebiÙe/leevee/Je›eâesefle), Synonym-
given word. 'Implication' (efveefnleeLe&)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
IDENTICAL Evidence-meyetle/mee#Ùe, Verification- melÙeeheve, Proof- ØeceeCe
(a) similar (b) legible 303. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) detailed (d) perfect given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I) Idleness
Ans : (a) 'Identical'- (meceeve/mecejme), synonym – 'Similar' (a) Energy (b) Industry
(c) Cheerfulness (d) Lethargy
(meceeve)~ DevÙe Meyoes kesâ DeLe& nQ - SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Legible- heÌ{ves ÙeesiÙe~
Ans. (d) : 'Idleness' - (DeeuemÙe), synonym- 'lethargy'
Detailed- efJemle=le~ (DeeuemÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Perfect- hetCe&~ energy - Tpee&~
299. Select the most appropriate synonym of the industry - GÅeesie/heefjßece~
given word. cheerfulness - Glmeen/Deevevo~
304. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) contract (b) belief given word:
(c) mark (d) recognition Indomitable
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II) (a) Accessible (b) Invincible
Ans : (b) 'Ideology'- (efJeÛeejOeeje), Synonym - 'belief' (c) Justifiable (d) Changeable
(OeejCee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Contract- mebefJeoe/"skeâe~ Ans. (b) : 'Indomitable' - (DeocÙe/keâYeer ve nejves Jeeuee),
Mark- efveMeeve~ Synonym- 'Invincible' (DepesÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Recognition- ceevÙelee/henÛeeve~ Accessible – megueYe~
Justifiable – vÙeeÙeesefÛele/leke&âmebiele~
300. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. Changeable – DemLeeÙeer/heefjJele&veMeerue~
INTREPID 305. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) gallant (b) cowardly given word.
(c) insecure (d) invisible INTERSPERSED
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I) (a) Scattered (b) Met
(c) Collected (d) Wore
Ans : (a) 'Intrepid'- (efve[j/meenmeer), Synonym- "Gallant"
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(meenmeer)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (a) : 'Interspersed'- (Devle: ØekeâerCe& keâjvee, efÚlejevee),
Cowardly- keâeÙej~ Insecure- Demegjef#ele~ synonym - 'Scattered' (efyeKeje ngDee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Invisible- DeÂMÙe~ Met - efceuee, Collected - Skeâ$e efkeâÙee, Wore - henvee~
301. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 306. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) wonderful (b) disgraceful (a) Disappear (b) Unite
(c) innocuous (d) generous (c) Increase (d) Divide
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Synonyms 443 YCT
Ans. (b) : 'Integrate' - (DeKeb[, Skeâerke=âle keâjvee), synonym Ans. (d) : 'Immense'- (yeÌ[e, efJeMeeue), Synonym -
- 'unite' (Skeâ nesvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- 'Massive' (efJeMeeue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Insignificant -
Disappear - ieeÙeye nesvee, Increase - Je=efæ keâjvee, Divide - cenlJenerve, Dull - veerjme, Minute - met#ce~
yeeBšvee~ 312. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
307. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
given word. INTRICATE
Insidious (a) Complicated (b) Simple
(a) Callous (b) Benevolent (c) Plain (d) Straightforward
(c) Crafty (d) Sincere SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III) Ans. (a) : 'Intricate'- (peefšue, hesefÛeoe), synonym -
Ans. (c) : 'Insidious' - (Úueer, Oetle&), synonym- 'Crafty' 'Complicated' (peefšue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
(Ûeeueekeâ/Ûelegj)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Simple - meeOeejCe~
Callous - keâ"esj/mebJesovenerve~ Plain - meeoe~
Benevolent - hejeshekeâejer~ Straightforward - F&ceeveoej~
Sincere - F&ceeveoej/meÛÛee~ 313. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
308. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
given word. INTEGRATION
INSTIGATE (a) Separation (b) Unification
(a) Instill (b) Stagnate (c) Segregation (d) Division
(c) Kindle (d) Imbibe SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : 'Integration' - (Skeâlee, DeKeC[lee), synonym –
Ans. (c) : 'Instigate'- (yenkeâevee, Gòesefpele keâjvee), synonym
'Unification' (SkeâerkeâjCe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
- 'kindle' (Gòesefpele keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Instill -
Separation–DeueieeJe, Segregation–efJeÙeesie, he=LekeäkeâjCe,
Stagnate - yenvee~
314. Select the synonym of the given word.
Imbibe - heer uesvee, meesKevee~
309. In the following question, out of given four (a) Intelligent (b) Brave
alternatives, select the one which best expresses
the meaning of the given word. (c) Rude (d) Irrelevant
Invade SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Abuse (b) Ravage Ans. (c) : 'Impolite' - (DemeYÙe, DeefMe°), synonym -
(c) Trash (d) Shred 'Rude' (DemeYÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I) Intelligent - yegefæceeve~
Ans : (b) 'Invade'- (Dee›eâceCe keâjvee), synonym- 'Ravage' Brave - yeneogj~
(uetšvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Irrelevant - JÙeLe&, cenlJenerve~
Abuse (ieeueer osvee), Trash (keâÛeje), Shred (šgkeâÌ[e)
315. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
310. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word
given word.
(a) Aptitude (b) Indifference
(a) Endow (b) Enhance
(c) Repulsion (d) Aversion
(c) Enrage (d) Engage
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : 'Infuriate'- (›egâæ keâjvee), synonym - 'Enrage' Ans : (a) 'Inclination' - (ØeJe=efòe, PegkeâeJe, DeefYe®efÛe),
(›eâesefOele keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - synonym - Aptitude (keâewMeue/™Peeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Endow - oeve osvee, Enhance - yeÌ{evee, Engage- efveÙegòeâ keâjvee Indifference - Goemeervelee, Repulsion - Ie=Cee, Aversion -
Ùee ueieevee~ efJecegKelee, Ie=Cee~
311. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 316. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Immense Impious
(a) Insignificant (b) Dull (a) Irreligious (b) Devout
(c) Minute (d) Massive (c) Skilled (d) Loyal
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)

Synonyms 444 YCT

Ans. (a) : 'Impious' - (veeefmlekeâ, DeOeceea), Synonym - Ans. (b) : 'Jovial'- (ØemeVe Deewj efce$eJele), synonym -
'Irreligious' (veeefmlekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - 'Joyous' (nbmecegKe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Devout - osJeYeòeâ, heefJe$e, Skilled - kegâMeue, keâewMeuehetCe&, loyal Jeering - Gheneme keâjvee~
– JeHeâeoej, F&ceeveoej, efve‰eJeeve~ Judgemental - efveCee&Ùekeâ~
317. Select the synonym of the given word. Jealous - F&<Ùee&ueg~
INDUSTRIOUS 322. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) Fruitful (b) Practical given word.
(c) Prompt (d) Diligent Judicious
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II) (a) Prudent (b) Dull
Ans. (d) : 'Industrious' - (cesnveleer, heefjßeceer), synonym - (c) Foolish (d) Unfair
'Diligent' (heefjßeceer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Fruitful - SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
GhepeeT, Prompt - legjvle, Practical - JÙeJeneefjkeâ~ Ans. (a) : 'Judicious' - (efJeJeskeâhetCe&), synonym - 'prudent'
318. Select the synonym of the given word. (yegefæceeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
IMPECCABLE Dull - ceboyegefæ, Deeuemeer, Foolish - yesJeketâHeâ, Unfair - DevegefÛele
(a) Imperfect (b) Flawless ieuele~
(c) Smooth (d) Clean
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I) K
Ans. (b) : 'Impeccable' - ($egefšnerve), synonym - 323. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
'flawless' (oes<e jefnle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - given word.
Imperfect - DehetCe&~ KIT
Smooth - efÛekeâvee~ (a) Equipment (b) Information
(c) Particle (d) Element
Clean - meeHeâ~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II)
J Ans. (a) : 'Kit'- (GhekeâjCe), synonym - 'equipment'
319. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (GhekeâjCe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
given word. Information - peevekeâejer~
JUST Particle - keâCe~
(a) fair (b) favouring Element - lelJe~
(c) courtly (d) partial
324. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
given word.
Ans. (a) : 'Just'– (vÙeeÙeesefÛele/vÙeeÙemebiele), Synonym - 'fair' Knotty
(efve<he#e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (a) Simple (b) Complex
Favouring – he#e uesvee~ (c) Visible (d) Shriek
Courtly – meYÙe, megMeerue~ SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Partial – DeebefMekeâ~ Ans. (b) : Knotty - peefšue, Synonym – Complex - peefšue~
320. Select the most appropriate synonym of the DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
given word. Simple - meeoe, Visible - peeefnj, Shriek - ÛeerKevee~
JEOPARDY 325. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) prevention (b) protection given word.
(c) peril (d) promotion Keen
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) (a) Dull (b) Blunt
Ans : (c) 'Jeopardy' - (Keleje, Kelejs ceW [euevee), Synonym - (c) Eager (d) Adept
'peril' (Deeheoe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Prevention - jeskeâLeece, efveJeejCe~ Ans. (c) : 'Keen' - Glmegkeâ, Synonym– 'Eager' -
Protection - megj#ee~ Glmeg keâ/FÛÚgkeâ~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Promotion - heoesVeefle~ Dull - kegbâef"le, Blunt - kegbâo, Adept - efvehegCe~
321. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 326. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) Jeering (b) Joyous (a) Mundane (b) Common
(c) Judgmental (d) Jealous (c) Rogue (d) Equivocal
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Synonyms 445 YCT
Ans. (c) : 'Knave' - Oetle&/og°, Synonym– 'Rogue' - og°~ 331. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Mundane - meeOeejCe, Common - meeJe&peefvekeâ, Equivocal - (a) Calm (b) Noise
Demhe°eLe&~ (c) Activity (d) Disturbance
327. Select the most appropriate synonym of the SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III
given word. Ans. (a): 'Lull' – (Meeble), Synonym- 'Calm' (Meeble)~
(a) Lucid (b) Kit
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(c) Weave (d) Tremble Noise - Cacophony (Meesjiegue)~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III) Activity - Action (ieefleefJeefOe)~
Ans. (c) : 'Knit' - yegvevee, Synonym – 'Weave' - yegvevee~ Disturbance - Disorder (DeMeebefle)~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– 332. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Lucid - mhe°, Kit - GhekeâjCe, Tremble - keâebhevee~ given word.
L (a) Abhor (b) Meddle
328. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (c) Abjure (d) Entrench
given word. SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I
Leap Ans. (a): 'Loathe'– (Ie= Cee) , Synonym - ‘Abhor’ (Ie=Cee
(a) Run (b) Pile keâjvee)~
(c) Peek (d) Hop DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV) Meddle – Interfere (nmle#eshe keâjvee)~
Ans. (d) : 'Leap'– (ketâo, Úueebie), Synonym– 'Hop'– (ketâo)~ Abjure – Abdicate (lÙeeievee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Entrench – Settle (Kebokeâ mes Iesjvee)~
Run :- Drive (Ûeueevee, oewÌ[vee)~
333. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Pile :- Heap ({sj)~ given word.
Peek :- glance (Peebkeâvee)~ LIVID
329. Choose the word that means the same as the (a) furious (b) timid
given word. (c) mild (d) lively
Laggard SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) Prompt (b) Hustler Ans. (a) : 'Livid' - (G«e/›eâesOeer), Synonym– 'Furious' -
(c) Dawdling (d) Expeditious (G«e)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II)
Mild - nukeâe, Timid - [jheeskeâ, Lively - peerJeble~
Ans. (c) : 'Laggard'– (megmle, Deeuemeer), Synonym–
334. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
'Dawdling' (megmleer ceW meceÙe efyeleevee)~ given word.
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Leverage
Prompt – Expedite (Øesefjle keâjvee)~ (a) Suggestion (b) Weakness
Hustler – (GÅeesieer)~ (c) Conclusion (d) Influence
Expeditious– Fast (MeerIeÇ, peuo)~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)
330. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (d) : 'Leverage' - (Meefòeâ), synonym– 'Influence' -
given word. (Meefòeâ)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Lacuna Suggestion - megPeeJe, Weakness - keâcepeesjer, Conclusion -
(a) Apathy (b) Misfortune efve<keâ<e&~
(c) Languor (d) Hiatus
335. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I
given word.
Ans. (d): 'Lacuna'– (keâceer, DeYeeJe), Synonym- 'Hiatus' LOFTY
(keâceer, DeYeeJe)~ (a) towering (b) humble
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (c) silent (d) plain
Apathy – Indifference (Goemeervelee)~ SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Misfortune – Adversity (ogYee&iÙe)~ Ans. (a) : 'Lofty'- (yengle GBâÛee, ØeYeeJeMeeueer), synonym -
Languor – Fatigue (Lekeâeve)~ 'towering' (TBÛee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ–

Synonyms 446 YCT

humble - efJeveceü, efJeveerle~ Ans. (b) : 'Lavish' - (efHeâpetue KeÛe&, KeÛeeauee), synonym -
silent - Meevle, Ûeghe, ceewve~ 'Bountiful' (ØeÛegj cee$ee ceW)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Scarce -
plain - meeoe, mhe°, Deemeeve~ keâceer, Simple - meeOeejCe, Austere - mebÙeceer, meeOeejCe~
336. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 341. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) afflict (b) mourn (a) Confusing (b) Clear
(c) torment (d) distress (c) Ambiguous (d) Unclear
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III) SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : 'Lament' - (efJeueehe keâjvee), Synonym - 'Mourn' Ans. (b) : 'Lucid'- (mhe<š, Ûecekeâoej), synonym - 'clear'
(Meeskeâ keâjvee)~ (mhe°)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Confusing– Yeüecekeâ, Ambiguous– Demhe<š, DeveskeâeLeea,
Afflict- og:Keer nesvee~ Unclear– Demhe<š, DeMegæ~
Torment- GlheerÌ[ve, Ùeelevee osvee~
Distress- og:Ke nesvee~
342. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
337. Select the synonym of the given word. given word.
LETHAL Manifest
(a) harmless (b) healthy (a) Apparent (b) Cryptic
(c) fatal (d) strong (c) Natural (d) Concealed
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I) SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) 'Lethal'- (Ieelekeâ), Synonym - 'fatal' (Ieelekeâ)~ Ans. (a) : 'Manifest' (Øekeâš nesvee), Synonym- 'Apparent'
DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nw- (Øekeâš nesvee)~
Harmless - neefvekeâejkeâ, efveoex<e~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Healthy - mJemLe~ Cryptic - Hidden (ieghle)~
Strong - cepeyetle~ Natural - Original (cetue~
338. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Concealed - Covered (ieghle)~
given word.
343. Select the most appropriate synonym for the
highlighted word.
(a) routine (b) devoted
His modest nature made all the difference.
(c) varied (d) legal
(a) dry (b) courageous
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) horrific (d) shy
Ans : (b) 'Loyal'- (Yeòeâ/efve‰eJeeve), synonym - 'Devoted' - SSC MTS 06/07/2022 (Shift-I)
(Yeòeâ/efve‰eJeeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Routine - efveÙeefcele keâeÙe&›eâce, Varied - efJeefYeVe, legal - keâevetveer~ Ans. (d) : 'Modest'– (ueppeeJeeve) Synonym– 'Shy'–
339. Select the most appropriate SYNONYM of the (Meceeauee)~
given word. DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Dry– Arid (metKee)~
(a) sing (b) prowl
(c) vibrate (d) tremble Courageous – Impudent (meenefmekeâ)~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I) Horrific –Grueling (Yeer<eCe)~
Ans. (b) : 'Lurk'- (keâneR efÚhekeâj yew"vee nceuee keâjves kesâ efueS),
344. Select the word that is similar in meaning
(synonym) to the given below
synonym- 'prowl' (Ieele ueieevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
'sing' - ieevee ieevee, 'vibrate' - oesueeÙeceeve nesvee, mebef#ehle ieefle
(a) Nihilistic (b) Insurgent
keâjvee 'tremble' – keâeBhevee (YeÙe mes)~
(c) Baleful (d) Radical
340. Select the most appropriate synonym of the SSC MTS 05/07/2022 (Shift-III)
given word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : 'Malign' - (og°, neefvekeâejkeâ), Synonym -
(a) Scarce (b) Bountiful
'Baleful' (neefvekeâejkeâ), Besmirch (ieboe keâjvee)~
(c) Simple (d) Austere
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II) DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Synonyms 447 YCT
Insurgent → Rebel (efJeõesner)~ 349. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
Radical → Fiery (G«e)~
Nihilistic → veeMeJeeve mebyebOeer~ (a) Unnecessary (b) Optional
345. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (c) Imperative (d) Impervious
given word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Maintain SSC Sel. Post Phase VII (M.L.) 15/10/2019 (Shift*I)
(a) Neglect (b) Ignore Ans. (c) : 'Mandatory' - (DeefveJeeÙe&), Synonym–
(c) Care (d) Release 'Imperative', Compulsory (DeefveJeeÙe&)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
SSC Constable GD-30/11/2021 Shift-III nQ-
Ans. (c): 'Maintain' (yeveeS jKevee), Synonym - 'Care' Unnecessary-DeveeJeMÙekeâ, Optional - Jewkeâefuhekeâ, Impervious
(osKeYeeue, mebj#eCe)~ - Øeyeue
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– 350. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Neglect - Disregard (Ghes#ee)~ given word.
Ignore - Avoid (OÙeeve ve osvee)~ Munch
(a) Drew (b) Flew
Release - Discharge (efjneF&Ë)~
(c) Chew (d) Burp
346. Select the most appropriate synonym of the SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
given word.
Ans. (c) : 'Munch' - (Ûeyeevee), synonym– 'Chew' (Ûeyeevee)~
(a) Question (b) Request DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
(c) Enquire (d) Command Drew-efÛe$ekeâejer keâjvee, Flew-GÌ[eve Yejvee, Burp - [keâej uesvee~
SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III 351. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans. (d): 'Mandate' (DeeosMe), Synonym – 'Command' given word.
(DeeosMe)~ (a) enlarge (b) withdraw
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (c) shrink (d) decrease
Question – Query (ØeMve)~ SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Request – Urge (efveJesove)~ Ans. (a) : 'Magnify' - (DeeJeOe&keâ), Synonym - 'enlarge' -
Enquire – Investigation (hetÚleeÚ)~ (efJemleej)~
347. Select the most appropriate synonym of the DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
given word. withdraw - efvekeâeuevee~
Monotonous shrink - efmekeâesÌ[vee~
(a) Eventful (b) Boring decrease - keâceer~
(c) Momentous (d) Compulsory
352. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II
given word.
Ans. (b): 'Monotonous'– (veerjme), Synonym- 'Boring' MASSIVE
(GyeeT)~ (a) honour (b) majority
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (c) muscular (d) huge
Eventful - Occurring (Ieefšle nesves Jeeuee)~ SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Momentous - Significant (ØeYeeJeMeeueer)~
Ans. (d) : 'Massive' (efJeMeeue/JÙeehekeâ), Synonym - 'huge'
Compulsory - Mandatory (DeefveJeeÙe&)~
(efJeMeeue)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
348. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
honour - mecceeve~
given word.
MALIGNANT majority - yengcele~
(a) vicious (b) beneficial muscular - MeefòeâhetCe&/ceebmeue~
(c) loving (d) healthy 353. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I) given word.
Ans. (a) : 'Malignant' - (og°/Meeeflej), Synonym– Vicious- MAMMOTH
(og°)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) magnificent (b) miniscule
(c) perilous (d) gigantic
Beneficial - ueeYeoeÙekeâ, Loving - hÙeeje, Healthy - mJemLe~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Synonyms 448 YCT
Ans. (d) : 'Mammoth'–(efJeMeeuekeâeÙe, yengle yeÌ[e), Ans. (c) : 'Masqueraded'- (Ì{eWie keâjvee), synonym -
Synonym - ‘gigantic’ (efJeMeeue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw- 'Acted' (veeškeâ keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ -
Magnificent- DeeueerMeeve, YeJÙe, miniscule- ceecetueer, Managed - JÙeJemLee keâer, Dropped-efiejevee, efiejves osvee,
perilous- Kelejveekeâ~ Disappeared - DeÂMÙe nes ieÙee~
354. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 359. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) mischief (b) disturbance (a) Creation (b) Reason
(c) wickedness (d) illness (c) Purpose (d) Design
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : 'Malady'- (yeerceejer), Synonym - 'illness' Ans. (d) : 'Motif'- (cetue YeeJe/vecetvee), synonym - 'Design'
(yeerceejer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (vecetvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQw- Creation – efvecee&Ce, Reason
mischief - vegkeâmeeve, Mejejle, disturbance - yeeOee, GheõJe, – keâejCe, Purpose – GösMÙe~
wickedness - og°lee, heehe~ 360. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
355. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
given word. MOROSE
Miniature (a) Sullen (b) Cheerful
(a) Diminutive (b) Mammoth (c) Optimistic (d) Friendly
(c) Colossal (d) Gigantic SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : 'Morose'– (og:Keer, Goeme), synonym - 'Sullen'
Ans : (a) 'Miniature'- (ueIeg, ueIeg™he), Synonym - (Goeme)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
'Diminutive' – (Úesšs Deekeâej keâe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Cheerful– KegMe, ØemeVe, Optimistic– DeeMeeJeeoer, Friendly–
Mammoth- efJeMeeuekeâeÙe, Colossal- efJeMeeue, Gigantic- efce$eJele~
efJeMeeue, yeÌ[e 361. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
356. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
given word. MANDIBLE
MANUAL (a) Human (b) Praise
(a) thesaurus (b) handbook (c) Glory (d) Jaw
(c) directory (d) dictionary SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (d) : 'Mandible'- (ceveg<Ùe keâe peyeÌ[e), synonym -
Ans : (b) 'Manual'- (nmleÛeefuele), synonym - 'hand book' 'Jaw' (peyeÌ[e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
(nmleÛeefuele)~ DevÙe Meyoesb kesâ DeLe& nQ- Thesaurus Meyo-keâesMe, Human – ceeveJe Ùee ceveg<Ùe mes mecyeefvOele, Praise– ØeMebmee,
dictionary - keâesMe, MeyokeâesMe, directory-efveoxefMekeâe~ Glory – ÙeMe~
357. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 362. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) manage (b) interfere (a) Official order (b) Last trip
(c) repair (d) elaborate (c) Broken promise (d) Man-made
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans : (b) 'Meddle'- (nmle#eshe keâjvee/oKeue osvee), Synonym- Ans. (a) : 'Mandate'- (GheosMe osvee, DeefOekeâej he$e),
'Interfere' (oKeue osvee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ - synonym - Official-order (MeemeveeosMe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs
Manage- ØeyebOeve~ DeLe& nQ- Last trip– Deefvlece/efheÚueer Ùee$ee, Broken promise–
Repair- cejccele~ Jeeoe leesÌ[vee, Man-made ceeveJe-efveefce&le~
Elaborate- efJemle=le~ 363. In the following question, out of the given four
358. Select the most appropriate synonym of the alternatives, select the one which best expresses
given word. the meaning of the given word.
(a) Managed (b) Dropped (a) Reveal (b) Enlarge
(c) Acted (d) Disappeared (c) Crumble (d) Maximize
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III) SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Synonyms 449 YCT
Ans : (c) 'Mince'- (Úesše-Úesše keâešvee, Ûeyeekeâj Keevee), N
synonym- 'Crumble' (šgkeâÌ[e keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
369. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Reveal: (v) Gpeeiej keâjvee, Øekeâš keâj osvee, ØekeâeefMele keâjvee underlined word.
Enlarge - yeÌ{ peevee, Maximize: (v) Ûejce meercee lekeâ yeÌ{evee~ We had to move slowly through the narrow
364. Select the most appropriate synonym of the alley.
given word. (a) Imminent (b) Dreary
Misfortune (c) Maximum (d) Cramped
(a) Benefit (b) Calamity SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III)
(c) Support (d) Miracle Ans. (d) : 'Narrow' (mebkeâerCe&), Synonym- 'Cramped' (lebie,
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) mebkeâerCe&)~
Ans. (b) : 'Misfortune' - (ogYee&iÙe), synonym - Calamity DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(efJeheefòe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Imminent - Adjacent (efvekeâšmLe)~
Benefit - ueeYe, Support - menÙeesie, Miracle - Ûecelkeâej~
Dreary - Dull, Forlorn (Goeme)~
365. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Maximum - Most, Utmost (DeefOekeâlece)~
given word.
Morbid 370. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) Nasty (b) Prompt given word.
(c) Pretty (d) Lively Numerous
(a) Numbered (b) Few
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Totalled (d) Several
Ans. (a) : 'Morbid' - (jesie«emle, ieboe), synonym - 'Nasty'
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(efIeveewvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (d) : 'Numerous' - (yengle), synonym– 'Several' -
Prompt - lelkeâeue, legjble~
(Deveskeâ)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
Pretty - megboj~
Numbered - ›eâceebefkeâle, Few - kegâÚ/Deuhe, Totalled - kegâue
Lively - efpeboeefoue, hegâleeauee~
371. Select the synonym of the given word.
366. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Nebulous
given word. (a) Stable (b) Faith
Mock (c) Vague (d) Dearly
(a) Cheer (b) Taunt SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(c) Praise (d) Amuse
Ans. (c) 'Nebulous'- (Demhe<š, OeggbOeuee), synonym - 'Vague'
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(Demhe°)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (b) : 'Mock'- (cepeekeâ GÌ[evee), synonym - 'Taunt'
Stable = efmLej, cepeyetle, Faith = efJeÕeeme,
(Gheneme)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Dearly = vejceer mes, Øesce mes~
Cheer - ØemeVe nesvee~
Praise - ØeMebmee keâjvee~ 372. In the following question out of the given four
alternatives, select the one which best expresses
Amuse-ceveesjbpeve keâjvee~ the meaning of the given word
367. Select the synonym of the given word. Nudge
MITIGATE (a) Allow (b) Leave alone
(a) Excuse (b) Improve (c) Poke (d) Withdraw
(c) Moderate (d) Lessen SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III)
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (c) 'Nudge'- (kegânveer mes Útvee), synonym- 'Poke'
Ans. (d) : 'Mitigate' - (keâce keâjvee), synonym - 'Lessen'
(Ì{kesâuevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
(keâce keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Excuse - yenevee,
Allow- Devegceefle osvee~
Improve - megOeej, Moderate - ceOÙece, efveÙebef$ele~
Leave alone- Dekesâuee ÚesÌ[ osvee, Dekesâues jnves osvee~
368. Select the synonym of the given word.
Withdraw- meceeefhle, Kelce nesvee, Devle~
(a) Rhythmic (b) Rattling 373. In the following question, out of the given four
(c) Tuneful (d) Doleful alternatives, select the one which best expresses
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II) the meaning of the given word.
Ans. (c) : 'Melodious' - (ceOegj, megjeruee, keâesceue), synonym
(a) Disreputable (b) Ethical
- 'Tuneful' (megjeruee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Rhythmic - (c) Honorable (d) Glorious
ueÙeyeæ, Doleful - Goeme, Rattling - MeesYeeÙeceeve ~ SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II)
Synonyms 450 YCT
Ans. (a) : 'Notorious'–(kegâKÙeele), synonym- O
'Disreputable' (yesFppele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Ethical –
379. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
veerefle mebyebOeer, Honorable – mecceeveveerÙe, Glorious – Meeveoej~
given word.
374. Select the synonym of the given word. Omnipresent
NOMADIC (a) Powerful (b) Unique
(a) Barbaric (b) Brave (c) Contemporary (d) Universal
(c) Wild (d) Roving SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II)
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (d) : 'Omnipresent'– (meJe&JÙeeheer), Synonym -
Ans. (d) : 'Nomadic' - (Iegceblet), synonym - 'roving' 'Universal' (meJe&JÙeeheer)~
(Ietcevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Barbaric - DemeYÙe~ Powerful - Strong (MeeefkeäleMeeueer)~
Brave - yeneogj~ Unique - Peerless (DeefÉleerÙe)~
Wild - pebieueer~ Contemporary - (mecekeâeueerve)~
375. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 380. Choose the word that means the same as the
given word. given word.
Nexus 'Oblate'
(a) Aloof (b) apparent (a) Mendicant (b) Heathen
(c) Cohesion (d) Adhere (c) Layperson (d) Secular
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (c) : 'Nexus' - yebOeve/ueieeJe, Synonym– 'Cohesion' - Ans. (a) : 'Oblate' - (meceefhe&le JÙeefkeäle) Synonym -
ueieeJe~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 'mendicant' (efYe#egkeâ)~
Apparent - mhe°, Aloof - Deueie, Adhere - heeueve keâjvee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
376. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Heathen - Gentile (DemeYÙe)~
given word.
Layperson– (ueeskeâOeceea)~
(a) Lively (b) Reduce Secular - Temporal (ueewefkeâkeâ) (Oece&efvejhes#e)~
(c) Migrant (d) Weary 381. Choose the word that means the same as the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I) given word.
Ans. (c) : 'Nomad' - Ietceblet, Synonym– 'Migrant' - Obligation
(a) Imperative (b) Loophole
Ietceblet/ØeJeemeer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Discharge (d) Quietus
Lively - efpeboeefoue, Reduce - keâce keâjvee, Weary - Lekeâe ngDee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
377. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (a) : 'Obligation' - (keâle&JÙe), Synonym - 'imperative'
given word.
(DeefveJeeÙe&, DeeosMeelcekeâ)~
(a) Honorable (b) Ethical DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(c) Nightly (d) Glurious Discharge - Release (efjneF&)~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III) Loophole - Orifice (yeÛeeJe keâe jemlee, efÚõ)~
Ans. (c) : 'Nocturnal' - jeef$e mebyebOeer, Synonym– 'Nightly' - Quietus - Death (ce=lÙeg)~
jele keâe~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 382. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Honorable - mecceeveveerÙe, Ethical - veerefle mebyebOeer, Glurious - given word.
Meeveoej~ Obstruct
(a) Replace (b) Curb
378. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) Release (d) Unclog
given word.
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III
(a) Barbaric (b) Stoic Ans. (b): 'Obstruct' (jeskeâvee, yeeOee [euevee), Synonym -
(c) Concerned (d) Distinct 'Curb'- (jeskeâ, efveÙeb$eCe keâjvee)~
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I) DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Ans. (b) : 'Nonchalant' - Goemeerve, Synonym– 'Stoic' - Replace – Substitute (ØeeflemLeeefhele keâjvee)~
Goemeerve~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Release – Discharge (efjneF&)~
Barbaric - DemeYÙe, Concerned - efÛebeflele, Distinct - efJeefMe°~ Unclog – Open (Keguee nesvee)~

Synonyms 451 YCT

383. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 387. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) facilitate (b) promote (a) ignorant (b) attentive
(c) Abstain (d) Obstruct (c) obvious (d) sensitive
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d): 'Occlude'– (jeskeâvee), Synonym - 'Obstruct' Ans. (a) : 'Oblivious' - (Devepeeve), synonym - 'ignorant'
(jeskeâvee)~ (Devepeeve, DeveefYe%e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– attentive - meleke&â,
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– obvious - megmhe°, sensitive - mebJesoveMeerue~
Facilitate – Simplify (megiece yeveevee)~ 388. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Promote – Encourage (yeÌ{eJee osvee)~ given word.
Abstain – Evade (yeÛevee)~
(a) benefit. (b) clearance
384. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (c) accessory (d) barrier
given word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (d) 'Obstacle'– (yeeOee/™keâeJeš), Synonym -‘Barrier’
(a) Pervasive (b) Exclusive
(c) Prominent (d) Modest (DeJejes
Oe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II benefit–ueeYe/efnle~
Ans. (c): 'Obtrusive'– (ØecegKe, yeeOekeâ), Synonym- clearance–Yegieleeve/efvekeâemeer~
'Prominent' (ØeOeeve, cegKÙe)~ Accessory–meneÙekeâ/mebueive~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– 389. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Pervasive – Comprehensive (JÙeehekeâ)~ given word.
Exclusive – Special (efJeMes<e)~
(a) aid (b) annoy
Modest – Humble (veceü)~
(c) assist (d) assuage
385. Select the most appropriate synonym of the SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
given word.
Ans : (b) 'Offend'- (veejepe keâjvee), Synonym - 'Annoy'
(hejsMeeve keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Aid- meneÙelee keâjvee,
(a) showy (b) tasteful
(c) sudden (d) quick Assist- ceoo/meneÙelee keâjvee, Assuage- keâce keâjvee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I 390. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
Ans. (a): 'Ostentatious' – (efoKeeJešer), Synonym – 'Showy'
(efoKeeJešer)~ (a) view (b) wisdom
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (c) chance (d) sense
Tasteful – Delicious (mJeeefo°)~ SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Sudden – Unexpected (DeÛeevekeâ)~ Ans : (a) 'Opinion' - (jeÙe, mecceefle), Synonym - 'view'
Quick – Fast (MeerIeÇ, legjble)~ (jeÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
386. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Wisdom - yegefæceòee, Chance - DeJemej, Sense - YeeJe~
given word. 391. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Overture given word.
(a) Slander (b) Plunk OSTENTATIOUS
(c) Preamble (d) Conclusion (a) distinct (b) complete
SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I (c) flashy (d) trusted
Ans. (c): 'Overture' (ØemleeJe), Synonym- 'Preamble' SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(ØemleeJevee, Yetefcekeâe)~ Ans : (c) 'Ostentatious'- (efoKeeJešer/YeÌ[keâeruee), synonym -
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw– 'flashy' (YeÌ[keâeruee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Slander - Infamy (yeoveeceer)~ Distinct- Deueie/efJeefMe°~
Plunk - Throw (heWâkeâvee)~ Complete- hetCe&/cegkeâcceue~
Conclusion - Inference (efve<keâ<e&)~ Trusted- Yejesmee jKevee/Yejesmee~
Synonyms 452 YCT
392. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (c) : 'Obligation' – (keâevetveer yeeOÙelee Ùee JeÛeveyeælee),
given word. synonym - 'commitment' (JeÛeveyeælee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe&
nQ- Denial – KeC[ve, JebÛeve, Refusal – Fvkeâej keâjvee,
(a) civilized (b) habitual
veekeâejvee, Declination – DemJeerkeâej keâjvee~
(c) traditional (d) deliberate
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I) 397. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
Ans : (c) 'Orthodox' - (™Ì{erJeeoer, hejchejeiele), Synonym -
'traditional' (hejchejeiele)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ - (a) Vague (b) Various
civilized - efMe°eÛeej efmeKeueevee~ (c) Flexible (d) Evident
habitual - mJeYeeefJekeâ~ SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
deliberate - efJeÛeej keâjvee~ Ans. (d) : 'Obvious' - (peeefnj), synonym - 'Evident'
393. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (peeefnj/ØelÙe#e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
given word. Vague-Demhe°, Various-efJeefYeVe, Flexible - ueÛeeruee,
OPPORTUNE cegueeÙece~
(a) rarely (b) likely
398. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) timely (d) barely
given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) 'Opportune'- (meeceefÙekeâ, meceeÙeesefpele), Synonym - (a) Critic (b) Distinct
'Timely' (meeceefÙekeâ)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Pessimist (d) Idealist
Rarely- keâYeer-keâYeej, Likely- mebYeeJeveerÙe, SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Barely- cegefMkeâue mes, Ans. (d) : 'Optimist' - (DeeMeeJeeoer), synonym - 'Idealist'
394. Select the most appropriate synonym of the DeeoMe&Jeeoer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
given word. Critic - DeeueesÛekeâ, Distinct - Deueie, efJeefMe°, Pessimist -
OPULENT efvejeMeeJeeoer~
(a) Virulent (b) Distant
399. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) Luxurious (d) Shabby given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I) OBTAIN
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III) (a) Achieve (b) Suppress
Ans. (c) : 'Opulent' –(Oeveer/mece=æ), synonym- (c) Inspire (d) Lessen
'Luxurious' (efJeueemeer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Virulent – G«e/meb›eâecekeâ/leerKee~ Ans. (a) : 'Obtain'- (Øeehle keâjvee), synonym - 'Achieve'
Distant – otj/heâemeues hej~ (Øeehle keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Shabby – heâšsneue/DevegefÛele~ Suppress - oyeevee, oceve keâjvee~
395. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Inspire - Øesefjle keâjvee~
given word. lessen - keâce keâjvee~
(a) Hinder (b) Hasten P
(c) Happen (d) Hamper 400. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III) given word.
Ans. (c) : 'Occur'- (Ieefšle nesvee, heeÙee peevee), synonym - Paranoid
'happen' (Ieefšle nesvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- (a) Impeccable (b) Suspicious
(c) Insignificant (d) Patronising
Hinder - yeeOee [euevee, Hasten - MeerIeÇlee keâjvee, Hamper -
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
DeJe™æ nesvee/®keâvee~
Ans. (b) : 'Paranoid' - (heeieue), Synonym– 'Suspicious' -
396. In the following question, out of the given four
(mebefoiOe)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
alternatives, select the one which best expresses
the meaning of the given word. Patronising - mebj#eCe, Impeccable - $egefšnerve, Insignificant
Obligation - legÛÚ~
(a) Denial (b) Refusal 401. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) Commitment (d) Declination given word.
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II) PRODIGAL

Synonyms 453 YCT

(a) talented (b) modest 406. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) intelligent (d) wasteful given word.
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) PARSIMONY
Ans. (d) : 'Prodigal'- (KeÛeeauee, DeheJÙeÙeer), Synonym – (a) readiness (b) bounty
'wasteful' – (DeheJÙeÙeer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- talented - (c) generosity (d) frugality
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
ØeefleYeeJeeve, modest - efJeveceülee, intelligent - yegefæceeve~
Ans : (d) 'Parsimony'- (kebâpetme/efceleJÙeÙeer), Synonym -
402. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. 'frugality' (efceleJÙeefÙelee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Readiness-
PERPLEX Glmeg keâlee, Bounty- Goejlee, Generosity- Goejlee, oeveMeeruelee~
(a) deceive (b) bewilder 407. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) complex (d) surprise given word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I) PERPETUATE
Ans. (b) : 'Perplex' - (GuePeevee/JÙeekegâue keâjvee), Synonym– (a) Release (b) Prevent
(c) Cease (d) Preserve
‘bewilder’- (GuePeve ceW [euevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nw-
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
deceive- OeesKee osvee, complex- peefšue, surprise- Dee§eÙe&,
Ans : (d) 'Perpetuate'- (efmLej jKevee, peejer jKevee),
Synonym - 'Preserve' (yeveeÙes jKevee)~
403. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
PRECARIOUS Release- efveJeejCe, Úgškeâeje, Prevent- jeskeâvee, Cease - yevo
(a) dangerous (b) abundant keâjvee~
(c) valuable (d) premature 408. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I) given word.
Ans : (a) "Precarious"- (Deefveef§ele/mebefoiOe/Kelejveekeâ), PITFALL
Synonym - 'Dangerous' (Kelejveekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw- (a) haven (b) retreat
(c) hazard (d) refuge
Abundant - ØeÛegj~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Valuable - cetuÙeJeeve~
Ans : (c) 'Pitfall' - (Keleje), Synonym - "hazard" (Keleje)~
Premature - DemeeceefÙekeâ~
DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nw-
404. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
haven- MejCe, yevojieen~
given word.
PENSIVE Element- lelJe, cetuelelJe~
(a) Spotaneous (b) Spiteful Refuge- DeeßeÙe, mLeeve~
(c) Reflective (d) Tragic 409. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II) given word.
Ans : (c) 'Pensive' - (efÛevlee«emle), Synonym - 'Reflective' PATHETIC
(efÛebleveMeerue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Spotaneous - mJeeYeeefJekeâ, (a) powerful (b) plentiful
Spiteful - És<ehetCe&, Tragic -og:Keo~ (c) purposeful (d) pitiful
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III)
405. Select the synonym of the given word.
PREVALENT Ans : (d) 'Pathetic' - (oÙeveerÙe, efvejeMe), Synonym- 'pitiful'
(a) unusual (b) common (oÙeveerÙe)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) rare (d) different powerful- MeefòeâMeeueer~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I) plentiful- ØeÛegj~
Ans : (b) 'Prevalent' - (ØeÛeefuele/JÙeehle), Synonym- purposeful- GösMÙehetCe&~
'Common'- (meeOeejCe)~ 410. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nw- given word.
Unusual - DemeeceevÙe, DeveesKee~ PEDIGREE
Different - efJeefYeVe, Deueie-Deueie~ (a) Mongrel (b) IIIegitimate
(c) Lineage (d) Forbidden
Rare - ogue&Ye, efvejeuee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Synonyms 454 YCT
Ans. (c) : 'Pedigree' - (JebMeeJeueer), Synonym - 'Lineage' 415. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(JebMeeJeueer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- given word.
Mongrel – mebkeâj peeefle keâe/oesieuee~
(a) Tedious (b) Tiresome
Illegitimate – DeJewOe/iewjkeâevetveer~ (c) Refreshing (d) Exasperating
Forbidden – Jeefpe&le/efveef<eæ~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
411. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (c) : 'Pleasant'– (megKeo, megneJevee), synonym –
given word. 'Refreshing' (leepeieer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
PENURY Tedious– GyeeT, Exasperating– lebie keâjves Jeeuee, Gòespekeâ,
(a) Poverty (b) Compatibility Tiresome– GyeeT~
(c) Temporality (d) Readability
416. In the following question, out of the given four
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
alternatives, select the one which best expresses
Ans. (a) : 'Penury' - (iejeryeer), synonym - 'Poverty' the meaning of the given word.
(iejeryeer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ - Proscribe
compatibility : Devegketâuelee ; Temporality – meeceefÙekeâ Øeke=âefle, (a) Admit (b) Ban
Readability – he"veerÙelee~ (c) Praise (d) Include
SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
412. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. Ans. (b) : 'Proscribe'– (jeskeâ osvee), synonym - 'Ban'
Prodigious (ØeefleyebOe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
(a) immense (b) unimportant Praise–ØeMebmee keâjvee, Include-Meeefceue keâjvee], Admit- Dee%ee
(c) proud (d) exciting osvee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) 417. In the following question out of the given four
Ans. (a) : 'Prodigious'- (efJeue#eCe/DemJeeYeeefJekeâ/yengle yeÌ[e), alternatives, select the one which best expresses
synonym - 'immense' (DelÙeefOekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- the meaning of the given word
unimportant - cenòJenerve, legÛÚ~
(a) Energize (b) Revive
proud - Debnkeâejer, DeefYeceeveer~ (c) Refresh (d) Decease
exciting - Gòespekeâ, jesceebÛekeâ~ SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III)
413. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans : (d) 'Perish' - (ieeÙeye nes peevee, cej peevee), synonym-
given word. 'Decease' (cej peevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
PERSECUTION Energize- mhetâefle& hejkeâ, meef›eâÙe (hetCe&)~
(a) Oppression (b) Perfection
Revive-hegve: peerefJele nesvee/hegvepe&vce~
(c) Stimulation (d) Affliction
Refresh- leepee, mJeÛÚvo~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II)
418. In the following question out of the given four
Ans. (a) : 'Persecution' –(GlheerÌ[ve/ DelÙeeÛeej), Synonym
alternatives, select the one which best expresses
- 'Oppression' (GlheerÌ[ve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- the meaning of the given word
'Perfection' – Glke=â°lee, 'Stimulation'– Gòespeve, Gkeâmeevee, Panic
'Affliction - heerÌ[e, keâ°~ (a) Calm (b) Contentment
414. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (c) Confidence (d) Frenzy
given word. SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III)
PREJUDICE Ans : (d) 'Panic'- ([jeJeveer efmLeefle, YeÙe), synonym-
(a) Tolerance (b) Advantage 'Frenzy' (DeeJesMe/Gvceeo)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
(c) Bias (d) Justice Calm- Meevle, Contentment- meblees<e Ùee Deelcemevlegef°, ØemeVelee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II) keâer efmLeefle, Confidence- DeelceefJeÕeeme~
Ans. (c) : 'Prejudice'– (he#eheele/hetJee&«en), synonym - 'Bias' 419. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(hetJee&«en)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- given word.
Tolerance – meefn<Ceglee~ POPULAR
Advantage– heâeÙeoe~ (a) Particular (b) untidy
(c) specific (d) favourite
Justice– vÙeeÙekeâlee&~
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Synonyms 455 YCT
Ans. (d) : 'Popular'- (ueeskeâefØeÙe, ØeÛeefuele), synonym- Ans. (c) : 'Precise' - (mešerkeâ, "erkeâ), Synonym -
'favourite' (Devegketâue/ceveYeeJeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - 'Accurate' ("erkeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Ambiguous -
Particular - Keeme, efJeMes<e~ Demhe°, Inaccurate - DeMegæ, Erroneous - DeMegæ~
untidy - ieboe, cewuee, DeJÙeJeefmLele~
specific - efJeefMe°~
425. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
420. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
given word.
(a) Oppose (b) Produce (a) Strange (b) Expedite
(c) Declare (d) Conceal (c) Ordinary (d) Valid
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : 'Proclaim' - (Ieesef<ele keâjvee), synonym - Ans. (a) : 'Queer'– (efJeefÛe$e), Synonym– 'Strange'–
'Declare' (Ieesef<ele keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (efJeefÛe$e)~
oppose - efJejesOe keâjvee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Produce - GlheVe keâjvee~ Expedite – Hasten (MeerIeÇ)~
Conceal - efÚheevee~ Ordinary – Common (meeceevÙe)~
421. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Valid – Legitimate (JewOe)~
given word
426. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) Halt (b) Deplete given word.
(c) Coax (d) Impose QUEST
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I) (a) search (b) path
Ans : (c) 'Persuade' - (ceveevee, jepeer keâjvee), synonym - (c) destination (d) route
'Coax' (yenueevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Halt - heÌ[eJe, ™keâvee, jeskeâ ueieevee~ Ans : (a) 'Quest'- (Keespe, leueeMe), Synonym - 'Search'
Deplete - keâce (Keespe)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
keâj osvee, Keeueer keâj osvee~
Impose - Leeshe osvee, DeejesheCe keâjvee~ destination- Debefvlece ue#Ùe~
422. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Route- ceeie&~
given word. Path- jen~
427. Select the synonym of the given word.
(a) Anger (b) Tranquil
(c) Genius (d) Plight
(a) Pragmatic (b) Querulous
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Ambiguous (d) Opaque
Ans. (c) : 'Prodigy' - (efJeue#eCelee), Synonym - 'Genius'
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(ØeefleYeeJeeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Anger - ›eâesefOele nesvee,
Ans. (b) : 'Quarrelsome' - (keâuenefØeÙe/PeieÌ[euet), synonym -
Tranquil - Meeble, Plight - ogo&Mee~
'Querulous' (PeieÌ[euet)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
423. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. Pragmatic - JÙeeJeneefjkeâ, Ambiguous - Demhe°, Opaque -
Profuse OegbOeuee~
(a) Thrifty (b) Scarce
428. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) Plenty (d) Sparse given word.
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III) Quell
Ans. (c) : 'Profuse' - (ØeÛegj), synonym - 'plenty' (ØeÛegjlee)~ (a) Incite (b) Aggravate
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (c) Soothe (d) Raze
Thrifty - efceleJÙeÙeer, Scarce - ogue&Ye, Sparse - efJejue SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
424. Select the synonym of the given word. Ans. (c) : 'Quell' - Meeble keâjvee, Synonym– 'Soothe' - Meeble
PRECISE keâjvee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Ambiguous (b) Inaccurate Incite - Gkeâmeevee, Aggravate - Gòesefpele keâjvee, Raze - ve°
(c) Accurate (d) Erroneous
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II)

Synonyms 456 YCT

429. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 433. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Quench Resentment
(a) Quell (b) Review (a) Happiness (b) Calmness
(c) Persuade (d) Extinguish (c) Relaxation (d) Anger
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : 'Quench' - yegPeevee, Synonym– 'Extinguish' - Ans. (d) : 'Resentment'– (veejepeieer, ›eâesOe), Synonym–
yegPeevee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 'Anger' (›eâesOe)~
Quell - Meeble keâjvee, Review - meceer#ee, Persuade - ceveevee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
430. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Happiness – Delight (Øemevvelee)~
given word. Calmness – Peace (Meeefvle)~
Quotidian Relaxation – Rest (Deejece)~
(a) Unsure (b) reprimand 434. Choose the word that means the same as the
(c) Ordinary (d) Query given word.
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III) 'Ridicule'
Ans. (c) : 'Quotidian' - (meeOeejCe), Synonym– 'Ordinary' - (a) Pathology (b) Resolute
(meeOeejCe)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Derision (d) Derivation
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
Unsure - Deefveef§ele, Reprimand - [ebšvee, Query - meJeeue~
Ans. (c) : 'Ridicule' – (Gheneme), Synonym– 'Derision'–
R (Gheneme)~
431. Select the most appropriate synonym to DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
substitute the bracketed word in the given Pathology – (efJeke=âle efJe%eeve)~
sentence. Resolute – Firm (ÂÌ{)~
In the twentieth century, many (radical)
Derivation – Origination (JÙeglheefòe)~
intellectuals embraced the mass media.
(a) sabbatical (b) egotistical 435. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) sceptical (d) fanatical given word.
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I) Random
(a) Definite (b) Continuous
Ans. (d) : 'Radical' – (G«e, ceewefuekeâ) Synonym– 'Fanatical'
(c) Systematic (d) Chance
– (keâój, Oecee&vOe)~ SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Ans. (d): 'Random'– (SkeâeSkeâ, efyevee/meesÛes mecePes)
Sabbatical – vacation (DeJekeâeMe keâeue)~ Synonym–'Chance' (DeJemej, mebÙeesie)~
Egotistical – self centred (Denbkeâejer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Sceptical – dubious (mebMeÙeer, veeefmlekeâ)~ Definite – Certain (efveefMÛele)~
432. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Continuous – Uninterrupted (ueieeleej)~
underlined word. Systematic – Orderly (›eâce mes, JÙeJeefmLele)~
Demand for water is also rapidly rising due to 436. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
population growth, urbanisation and given word.
increasing pressures from the agriculture and Retaliate
energy sector. (a) Facilitate (b) react
(a) leisurely (b) hopefully (c) Rotate (d) Clap
(c) promptly (d) luxuriously SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (c) : 'Rapidly'– (legjble), Synonym– 'Promptly' – Ans. (b): 'Retaliate'– (Øeeflekeâej keâjvee), Synonym – 'React'
(legjble)~ (Øeeflekeâej keâjvee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Leisurely – Lightly (Oeerjs mes, Deejece mes)~ Facilitate – Ease (megefJeOeepevekeâ yeveevee)~
Hopefully – DeeMeehetJe&keâ~ Rotate – Revolve (Iegceevee)~
Luxuriously – Joyfully (megKe Yeesieer, efJeueemeer)~ Clap – Applaud (leeueer yepeevee)~

Synonyms 457 YCT

437. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (c) : 'Revive' – (hegvepeeaefJele keâjvee), synonym -
given word. 'Restore', Recover (ueewševee, yeneue keâjvee)~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ
Redundant DeLe& nQ-
(a) Superfluous (b) Ignorant
Review - meceer#ee~
(c) Essential (d) Arrogant
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III Depress - keâce keâjvee~
Ans. (a): 'Redundant'– (efvejLe&keâ), Synonym - Damage - vegkeâmeeve~
'Superfluous' (DeveeJeMÙekeâ)~ 442. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– RAMIFICATION
Ignorant- Unaware (Devepeeve)~ (a) Source (b) Consequence
Essential- Necessary (DeeJeMÙekeâ)~ (c) Satisfaction (d) Inception
Arrogant - Conceited (Iebce[er)~ SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
438. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (b) : 'Ramification' (peefšuelee/Demej/ØeefleMeeKee)
given word. synonym - 'Consequence' (veleerpee)~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
Ravenous nQ-
(a) Satiated (b) Starved Source - meeOeve~
(c) Full (d) Content Satisfaction - mebleg°er~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III
Inception - DeejcYe~
Ans. (b): 'Ravenous'– (efnbmekeâ, uetš-heeš keâjves Jeeuee)
443. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Synonym – 'Starved' (YetKeeW cejvee, Úervevee)~ given word.
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Robust
Satiated – Satisfy (meblegef°)~ (a) fragile (b) healthy
Full – Brimming (hetCe&)~ (c) incapable (d) delicable
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I)
Content – Gratified (mebleg°)~
Ans. (b) : 'Robust' - (cepeyetle), synonym- 'Healthy' –
439. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
Resplendent Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Dazzling (b) Withered Fragile - veepegkeâ~
(c) Dull (d) Unattractive Incapable - De#ece~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I) Delicable - ceveesjce~
Ans. (a) : 'Resplendent' - (Ûecekeâeruee), Synonym– 444. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
'Dazzling' - (Ûecekeâeruee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– given word.
Withered - cegjPeeÙee ngDee, Dull - megmle/veerjme, Unattractive - ROUGH
yeometjle~ (a) Coarse (b) Soft
(c) Foul (d) Feathery
440. Select the most appropriate synonym of the SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I)
given word.
Ans. (a) : 'Rough' - (keâ"esj/Kegjoje), Synonym– 'Coarse'
(a) Space (b) Country – Kegjoje~
(c) Rule (d) Territory Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I) Soft - cegueeÙece~
Ans. (c) : 'Regime' - Meemeve, Synonym – 'Rule' - Foul - yesF&ceeveer mes~
Meemeve/efveÙece~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Feathery - hejoej, hej mes {bkeâe ngDee~
Space - Debleefj#e, Country - osMe, Territory - #es$e~ 445. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
441. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
given word : RECEIVE
REVIVE (a) Drop (b) Pass
(a) Review (b) Depress (c) Get (d) Lose
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III)
(c) Restore (d) Damage
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : 'Receive' – (Øeehle keâjvee), synonym - 'get' (Øeehle
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) keâjvee)~
Synonyms 458 YCT
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - 450. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Drop - efiejvee~ given word.
Pass - iegpejvee~
(a) rebuke (b) complete
Lose - Keesvee~
(c) command (d) repeat
446. Select the most appropriate synonym of the SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
given word. Ans. (a) : 'Reprimand'- (Oecekeâevee, [ebšvee), synonym -
RENOWN 'Rebuke' ([ebšvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
(a) obscurity (b) fame
Complete (hetCe&), Command (Dee%ee/DeeosMe), Repeat =
(c) wisdom (d) conceit
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (b) 'Renown' - (KÙeeefle/ÙeMe), Synonym - 'fame' 451. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
(Øeefmeefæ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- RADIANCE
Obscurity - DebOekeâej~ (a) depth (b) dryness
Wisdom - yegefæceòee~ (c) sparkle (d) redness
Conceit - obYe/iegceeve~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II)
447. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans : (c) 'Radiance'- (Ûecekeâ/ØekeâeMe), synonym - 'sparkle'
given word. (Ûecekeâ)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
RETICENT Depth- ienjeF&~
(a) silent (b) garrulous Dryness- Meg<keâlee~
(c) extrovert (d) confident Redness- ueeefuecee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
452. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans : (a) 'Reticent'- (keâce yeesueves Jeeuee/Ûeghhee), synonym - given word.
'silent' (ceewve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- RECAPITULATION
Garrulous – iehheer, yeeletveer~ (a) summary (b) movement
Extrovert – yeefnceg&Keer~ (c) prominence (d) readiness
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Confident – DeelceefJeMJeemeer~
Ans : (a) 'Recapitulation'- (mebef#ehle, DeeJe=efòe), synonym -
448. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. 'summary' (meb#eshe)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-Movement-
REPUDIATE ieefle/Deevoesueve~
(a) enforce (b) sanction Prominence- Meesnjle/KÙeeefle~
(c) regret (d) renounce Readiness- lelhejlee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III) 453. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans. (d) : 'Repudiate' - (heefjlÙeeie keâjvee), Synonym - given word.
'Renounce' (lÙeeievee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw- RECEDE
Enforce- ueeiet keâjvee~ (a) increase (b) intensify
(c) waver (d) wane
Sanction- ØeefleyebOe/cebpetjer~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Regret- Keso, heÚleeJee keâjvee~ Ans : (d) 'Recede'- (keâce nesvee, nšvee, otj peevee), synonym
449. Select the most appropriate synonym of the - 'wane' (SnefleÙeeleer)~ DevÙe Meyoesb kesâ DeLe& nQ -
given word.
Increase- yeÌ{evee~
(a) uninterested (b) unsuitable Intensify- lespe keâjvee~
(c) unnecessary (d) unparalleled Waver- uenjvee~
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) 454. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans : (c) 'Redundant' - (iewj-pe™jer), Synonym - given word.
'unnecessary' (DeveeJeMÙekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - RESOLUTE
(a) unsure (b) determined
Uninterested- ™efÛenerve, Unsuitable- DevegheÙegòeâ,
(c) uncertain (d) hesitant
Unparalleled - Deveghece, DeefÉleerÙe~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Synonyms 459 YCT
Ans : (b) 'Resolute'- (ÂÌ{mebkeâuhe), Synonym - 459. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
'determined' (ÂÌ{-mebkeâuhe)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ- given word.
Unsure- Deefveef§ele~ (a) Baseless (b) Lazy
Uncertain- mebosn Ùegòeâ~ (c) Furious (d) Supple
Hesitant- mebkeâesÛeer~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III)
455. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Ans. (d) : 'Resilient'- (ueÛeeruee), synonym - 'supple'
given word. (ueÛeeruee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
REPRIMAND Baseless - DeeOeejnerve, Lazy - megmle, Deeuemeer, Furious -
(a) eradicate (b) reproach ›eâesefOele~
(c) applaud (d) reward 460. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III) given word.
Ans : (b) 'Reprimand'- ([eBšvee), Synonym - 'Reproach' ROTUND
(efOekeäkeâejvee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) Range (b) Rolled
Eradicate- peÌ[ mes efceševee~ (c) Rocky (d) Round
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Applaud- mejenvee keâjvee~
Ans. (d) : 'Rotund'- (ieesue), synonym - 'Round' (ieesue)~
Reward- Fveece osvee~
DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Range– #es$e, Rocky– Ûeóeveer,
456. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Rolled - Ietcee ngDee~
given word.
461. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
(a) Indulge (b) Berate
(c) Supervise (d) Train (a) Charming (b) Boisterous
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II) (c) Calm (d) Amenable
Ans. (b) : 'Reproach' - (efvevoe keâjvee/ieeueer osvee), SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II)
synonym- 'berate' (ieeueer osvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Ans. (b) : 'Rowdy'- (GheõJeer, keâesueenuehetCe&), synonym -
Indulge - efuehle/Deemeòeâ nesvee, Supervise - efvejer#eCe keâjvee, 'Boisterous' (keâesueenuehetCe&)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQw-
Train - lewÙeej keâjvee~ Charming - Deekeâ<e&keâ, ceveesnejer, Calm - Meevle, efyevee Meesjiegue
457. Select the most appropriate synonym of the â, Amenable - menpe Devegieeceer~
given word. 462. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
REMORSE given word.
(a) Reproach (b) Affection Recently
(c) Regret (d) Indifference (a) Lately (b) Normally
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) (c) Immediately (d) Usually
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : 'Remorse'- (iueeefve, Devegleehe), synonym -
Ans. (a) : 'Recently'- (neue ner ceW), synonym- 'lately'
'Regret' (heÚleeJee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
(neue ner ceW)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Reproach – efkeâmeer keâes efOekeäkeâejvee~
Normally - meeceevÙele:~
Affection – Devegjeie, mvesn~
Immediately - legjble~
Indifference – ™efÛe Ùee YeeJevee ceW keâceer, Goemeervelee~ usually - Deece leewj hej~
458. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 463. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) Shade (b) Peel (a) Unconnected (b) Applicable
(c) Petal (d) Leaf (c) Inapplicable (d) Unrelated
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III) SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) 'Rind'- (efÚuekeâe), Synonym - 'Peel' (efÚuekeâe)~ Ans. (b) : 'Relevant'- (GheÙegòeâ, mebiele), synonym -
DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQw- Applicable (GheÙegòeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Shade – ÚeÙee~ Unconnected - Demebyeæ~
Petal – hebKegÌ[er~ Inapplicable - DevegheÙegòeâ~
Leaf – heòeer~ Unrelated - Demebyeæ~

Synonyms 460 YCT

464. Select the synonym of the given word. Ans. (c) : 'Slick' – (efÛekeâvee), Synonym – 'Slippery' –
Remember (efÛekeâvee)~
(a) Recall (b) Retell DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(c) Review (d) Reign
Novice - veewefmeefKeÙee
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
New – Fresh (veÙee)
Ans. (a) : 'Remember' - (Ùeeo keâjvee), synonym - 'Recall'
Fractions – Postage (DebMe)~
(Ùeeo keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
469. Select the appropriate synonym for the
Retell - hegve: keânvee~
underlined word.
Review - meceer#ee keâjvee, hegveefJe&Ûeej keâjvee~ In the absence of miracles, my frustration
Reign - jepÙekeâeue, Meevemevekeâeue~ spikes.
465. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) Increases (b) Falls
given word. (c) Losses (d) Digs
Rectify SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
(a) Folly (b) Amend Ans. (a) : 'Spikes' (ØeJeen ceW #eefCekeâ heefjJele&ve), Synonym–
(c) Raid (d) Bend 'Increases' (Je=efæ)~
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III) DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Ans. (b) : 'Rectify' - (megOeejvee), Synonym - 'Amend' Falls– ieuele~
(megOeej keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Digs– Keesovee~
Folly - cetKe&lee, Raid - Úehee, Bend - Pegkeâvee~ Losses– Keesvee~
S 470. Select the appropriate synonym for the
underlined word.
466. Choose the word that means the same as the The story shows the importance of self-esteem.
given word. (a) pride (b) humility
Soar (c) disgrace (d) shyness
(a) Sweet (b) Fly SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I)
(c) Bitter (d) Sour
Ans. (a) : 'Self-esteem' – (Deelce-mecceeve, ieJe&) Synonym–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II)
'Pride' (ieJe&, IeceC[)~
Ans. (b) : 'Soar' – (TBÛee GÌ[vee), Synonym - 'Fly' (GÌ[vee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Humility – Delicacy (veceülee)~
Bitter – Pungent (leerKee, keâÌ[Jee)~ Disgrace – Offence (Deheceeve)~
Sour – Acid (Keóe)~
Shyness – Shame (ueppee, mebkeâesÛe)~
Sweet – Lovely (ceer"e)~ Thus, the correct option is (a).
467. Choose the word that means the same as the 471. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. underlined word.
Sacrilege The investment scheme had been a scam all
(a) Blasphemy (b) Modification along.
(c) Consecration (d) Reverence (a) Plain (b) Successful
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II) (c) Failure (d) Swindle
Ans. (a) : 'Sacrilege'– (DeheefJe$eerkeâjCe), Synonym– SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)
'Blasphemy' (F&Me-efveboe)~ Ans. (d) : ‘Scam’– (OeesKee, Ieesšeuee), Synonym–
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– ‘Swindle’ ("ie, OeesKee)~
Consecration – Purification (heefJe$eerkeâjCe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Modification – Customize (mebMeesOeve)~ Plain – apparent (meeheâ-megLeje)~
Reverence – Faith (ßeæe, Deeoj)~ Successful – Prosperous (meheâue)~
468. Choose the word that means the same as the Failure – Foil (efJeheâuelee, Demeheâuelee)~
given word. 472. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Slick underlined word.
(a) Novice (b) Fractions The hunter drew his bow, but only managed to
(c) Slippery (d) New sever the paw of the wolf before the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II) wolf ran off.
Synonyms 461 YCT
(a) join (b) ramify Ans. (b): 'Segregate'– (Deueie keâjvee), Synonym - 'Isolate'
(c) bind (d) mix (he=Lekeâ keâjvee)~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Ans. (b) : ‘Sever’– (keâeškeâj Deueie keâjvee), Synonym–
Submerge – Sink ([tyevee)~
'Ramify' – (he=Lekeâ, Deueie keâjvee)~
Nullify – Invalidate (DeceevÙe "njevee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Integrate – Join (Skeâerke=âle)~
Join – Unite (efceueevee)~
477. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Bind – Attach (yeebOevee)~
given word.
Mix – Intermingle (efceueevee)~
473. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) Dignified (b) Frivolous
given word.
(c) Excited (d) Trivial
(a) Flat (b) Rough SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I
(c) Uneven (d) Broken Ans. (a): 'Solemn' (iebYeerj), Synonym- 'Dignified'–
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III (Øeefleef‰le)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Ans. (a): 'Smooth'– (efÛekeâvee), Synonym – 'Flat' – Frivolous –Insignificant (legÛÚ)~
(meceleue)~ Excited – Agitated (Gòesefpele)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Trivial – Insignificant (legÛÚ)~
Rough – Coarse – (Yeodoe)~
478. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Uneven – Irregular (DeefveÙeefcele)~
given word.
Broken – Split (štše ngDee)~
474. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) Suggest (b) Explore
given word.
(c) Scream (d) Connote
(a) Juicy (b) Foul SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I
(c) Decent (d) Coarse Ans. (c): ‘Squawk’– (ÛeerKe, efÛeuueenš), Synonym–
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II 'Scream'– (efÛeuueevee)~
Ans. (a): 'Succulent'– (jmeoej); Synonym - 'Juicy' DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(jmeoej)~ Suggest - Advice (meueen)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Explore - Discover (Keespe)~
Foul - Stench (ievoe keâjvee)~
Connote - Declare (DeLe& mhe° keâjvee)~
Decent - Civilized (meYÙe)~
Coarse - Rough (Yeöe)~ 479. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
475. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
Sacred (a) Delicious (b) Precious
(a) Consecrated (b) Submissive (c) Judicious (d) Malicious
(c) Passionate (d) Adamant SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I Ans. (c): 'Sagacious' – (yegefæceeve), Synonym – 'Judicious'
Ans. (a): 'Sacred' – (heefJe$e), Synonym - Consecrated (vÙeeÙemebiele, yegefæceeve)~
(heefJe$e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Delicious – Tasty (mJeeefo°)~
Submissive – Humble (efJeveerle, veceü)~
Precious – Valuable (keâerceleer)~
Passionate – Enthusiastic (DeeJesMehetCe&)~
Malicious – Spiteful (És<eer)~
Adamant – Firm (Dešue, ÂÌ{)~
480. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
476. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Segregate Startle
(a) Submerge (b) Isolate (a) Scare (b) Humiliate
(c) Nullify (d) Integrate (c) Shame (d) Surprise
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I
Synonyms 462 YCT
Ans. (a): 'Startle'– ([jevee), Synonym - 'Scare' ([jevee)~ Ans. (a) : 'Spontaneous' - done naturally without being
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– forced (mJeeYeeefJekeâ/mJele: mhetâle&), synonym - 'impulsive'
(DeeJesieMeerue/DeeJesie) nw~
Surprise (DeeMÛeÙe&Ûeefkeâle keâjvee)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Humiliate - Embarrassed (Deheceeefvele keâjvee)~
prejudiced - he#eheele, he#eheelehetCe&, intended - YeeJeer/DeYeer°,
Shame - Bashful– (ueppee, Mece&)~ planned - efveÙeesefpele/DeeÙeesefpele~
481. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 485. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Scared SHOVE
(a) Sacred (b) Afraid (a) pull (b) halt
(c) Tranquil (d) Solemn (c) shout (d) poke
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b): 'Scared'– (YeÙeYeerle), Synonym- 'Afraid' – Ans. (d) : 'shove'- (Oekeäkeâe, jsuee, Øenej), synonym -poke
(YeÙeYeerle)~ (Øenej, Oekeäkeâe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ–
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– pull - KeeRÛevee~
Sacred - Pious (heefJe$e)~ halt - ®keâvee~
shout - efÛeuueevee, Meesj keâjvee~
Tranquil - Quiet (Meeefvle)~
486. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Solemn - Serious (iecYeerj)~
given word.
482. Select the most appropriate synonym of the SUMPTUOUS
given word. (a) opulent (b) stingy
Sanguinity (c) meager (d) bereft
(a) Despondence (b) Distrust SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) Acrimony (d) Optimism Ans. (a) : 'sumptuous'- (JewYeJeMeeueer), synonym-
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III 'opulent' (mece=æ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- stingy - kebâpetme,
Ans. (d): 'Sanguinity'– (DeeMeeJeeoer), Synonym- veerÛe, meager - Deuhe, legÛÚ, bereft - oerJeevee~
'Optimism' (DeeMeeJeeoer)~ 487. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Despondence – Hopeless (ceeÙetmeer)~ (a) productive (b) barren
Distrust – Doubt (mevosn)~ (c) sordid (d) pure
Acrimony – Bitterness (leerKeeheve)~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (b) 'STERILE' - (yebpej/Tmej), Synonym - 'barren'
483. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. (yebpej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Serendipity Productive - GhepeeT~
(a) Godsend (b) Surreptitious Sordid - efIeveewvee~
(c) Catastrophe (d) Sibilance Pure - Megæ~
SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I 488. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans. (a): 'Serendipity' (Deekeâefmcekeâ ueeYe), Synonym- given word.
'Godsend' – (Deekeâefmcekeâ ueeYe)~ SUBSEQUENT
(a) consecutive (b) preceding
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (c) antecedent (d) prior
Surreptitious – Larcenous (Úue mes efkeâÙee ngDee)~ SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Catastrophe –Calamity (efJeveeMe)~ Ans : (a) 'Subsequent' - (yeeo ceW/DevegJeleea), Synonym-
Sibilance– Hoot (hegâmekeâej, efmemekeâejer)~ 'Consecutive' (ueieeleej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe&& nQ - preceding -
484. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
keâeÙe&Jeener, antecedent - hetJe&Jeleea, prior - hetJe&~
given word. 489. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SPONTANEOUS given word.
(a) impulsive (b) prejudiced SCANTY
(a) adequate (b) meager
(c) planned (d) intended
(c) plentiful (d) enough
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Synonyms 463 YCT
(keâceer)~ Ans : (d) 'Scrap'- (efvekeâeue osvee, heWâkeâvee), Synonym -
Ans : (b) 'Scanty' - (Deuhe), Synonym - 'meager'
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - 'Reject' (DemJeerkeâej keâjvee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Hoard- {sj/efveefOe~
Adequate-heÙee&hle, Plentiful - ØeÛegj, Enough - heÙee&hle~
490. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Save- yeÛeevee/mebÛeÙe~
given word. Store- ieesoece/Yeb[ej~
SANCTION 495. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) grace (b) mercy given word.
(c) denial (d) approval SANE
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) (a) sensible (b) crazy
Ans : (d) 'Sanction' - (menceefle, cebpetjer), Synonym - (c) sensitive (d) foolish
'approval' (menceefle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Grace - MeesYee, MeesYee yeÌ{evee~ Ans : (a) 'Sane'- (mecePeoej), Synonym - 'Sensible'
Mercy - oÙee~ (mecePeoej)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Denial - Fbkeâej~ Crazy- heeieue~
Sensitive- mebJesoveMeerue~
491. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Foolish- cetKe&leehetCe&~
given word.
496. Select the most appropriate of the given word.
(a) spacious (b) adventurous
(a) pithy (b) terse
(c) secretive (d) aggressive
(c) lengthy (d) curt
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : 'Surreptitious' - (ieghle), Synonym - 'secretive'
Ans. (b) : 'SUCCINCT'- (mebef#ehle), Synonym- 'Terse'
(ieghle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (mebef#ehle)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
aggressive - Dee›eâecekeâ, spacious - efJeMeeue, adventurous -
Pithy- DeLe&hetCe&, Curt- ™Kee, lengthy - efJemle=le~
meenefmekeâ, Glmeener~
497. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
492. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
given word. SURGE
STERN (a) Rush (b) Smooth
(a) strict (b) mellow (c) Hygienic (d) Clean
(c) proud (d) shrewd SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (a) : 'Surge' - (lespeer mes yeÌ{vee), synonym- 'rush' (lespeer
Ans : (a) 'STERN'- (keâ"esj), Synonym - "strict" (keâ"esj)~ mes ues peevee)~ MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe Meyoebs keâe DeLe& nQ- Smooth - cegueeÙece~
Mellow- ceOegj, Proud- ieJe&, Shrewd- Ûeeueekeâ~
Hygienic - mJeemLÙekeâj~
493. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Clean - mJeÛÚ~
given word.
SORDID 498. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) pure (b) solid given word.
(c) clean (d) dirty SALVAGE
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III) (a) Lose (b) Hurt
(c) Waste (d) Save
Ans : (d) 'Sordid'- (ieboe, DemJeÛÚ), Synonym -'Dirty'
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(ieboe)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (d) : 'Salvage'- (veeMe j#eCe, jef#ele mecheefle),
Pure- Megæ~
synonym- 'save' (j#ee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ~ Lose
Solid- "esme~
- Keesvee, Hurt - Ûeesš hengBÛeevee, Waste - yeyee&o keâjvee~
Clean- mJeÛÚ~
499. In the following question, out of the given four
494. Select the most appropriate synonym of the alternatives, select the one which best expresses
given word. the meaning of the given word.
Scrap Scion
(a) Hoard (b) Save (a) Root (b) Cause
(c) Store (d) Reject (c) Heir (d) Source
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I) SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Synonyms 464 YCT
Ans : (c) 'Scion' – (Jeeefjme, JebMepe), synonym - 'Heir' Ans. (b) : 'Savage' – (DemeYÙe ceveg<Ùe, yenMeer), synonym-
(Jeeefjme)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- 'Brutal' (efveo&Ùeer, DemeYÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- civilized –
Root–peÌ[, DeeOeej, Source–œeesle, Cause–keâejCe~ meYÙe, Tame – heeuelet, Domesticated –heeuelet, heeuee ngDee~
500. In the following question, out of the given four 505. In the following question, out of the given four
alternatives, select the one which best expresses alternatives, select the one which best expresses
the meaning of the given word. the meaning of the given word.
Shriek Subside
(a) Peep (b) Toot (a) Descend (b) Enlarge
(c) Yell (d) Whisper (c) Prolong (d) Ascend
SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I) SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans : (c) 'Shriek' – (efÛeuueenš, ÛeerKe), synonym - 'yell' Ans : (a) 'Subside' – (keâce nesvee, Meevle nesvee, Glej peevee),
(efÛeuueevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- synonym - 'Descend' (heeflele nesvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
Peep–Peebkeâvee, Toot–meeršer, neve&, Whisper–hegâmehegâmeenš~ Enlarge-yeÌ{e ngDee, Prolong-uebyee, Ascend-Thej ÛeÌ{vee, yeÌ{vee~
501. In the following question, out of the given four 506. In the following question, out of given four
alternatives, select the one which best expresses alternatives, select the one which best expresses
the meaning of the given word. the meaning of the given word.
Scream Steady
(a) Cry (b) Whisper (a) Vulnerable (b) Flexible
(c) Hum (d) Murmur (c) Abiding (d) Wobbly
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : 'Scream' - (ÛeerKevee, efÛeuueevee), synonym- 'Cry' Ans : (c) 'Steady'- (efveÙeefcele), synonym- 'Abiding'
(efÛeuueevee/jesvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- (mLeeÙeer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Vulnerable- Ûehesš ceW,
Whisper –YegveYegveevee, Hum –iegveiegveevee, Murmur – Flexible-ueÛeeruee, Wobbly-DeefmLej, pepe&j~
yeÌ[yeÌ[evee~ 507. In the following question, out of the given four
502. In the following question, out of the given alternatives, select the one which best expresses
alternatives, select the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
the meaning of the given word. Sneer
Smear (a) Mock (b) Compliment
(a) Discolor (b) Honor (c) Praise (d) Applaud
(c) Laud (d) Upgrade SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I) Ans. (a) : 'Sneer'- (Gheneme keâjvee Ùee nBmeer GÌ[evee),
Ans : (a) 'Smear' - (Oeyyee, oeie), synonym- 'Discolor' (jbie synonym- 'Mock' (nbmeer GÌ[evee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
efyeieeÌ[vee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Compliment – ØeMebmee~
Honor mecceeve, Upgrade ØeMebmee, ÛeÌ{eF&, lejkeäkeâer~ Laud–ØeMebmee Praise – ØeMebmee keâjvee~
keâjvee~ Applaud – meceLe&ve keâe ØeoMe&ve keâjvee Ùee ØeMebmee keâjvee~
503. In the following question, out of the given four 508. In the following question, out of the given four
alternatives select the one which best expresses alternatives, select the one which best expresses
the meaning of the given word. the meaning of the given word.
Smudge Solemn
(a) Clean (b) Sanitary (a) Funny (b) Pensive
(c) Pure (d) Stain (c) Laughing (d) Light
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III) SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : 'Smudge'- (Oeyyee [euevee), synonym - 'Stain'
Ans. (b) : 'Solemn' – (iebYeerj), synonym- 'Pensive'
(Oeyyee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Clean - meeheâ, Sanitary -
(efÛeblee«emle/OÙeeveehejeÙeCe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
meheâeF&, DeejesiÙekeâj, Pure - Megæ~
Funny – efJeefÛe$e~
504. In the following question, out of the given four
alternatives, select the one which best expresses Laughing – nbmevee~
the meaning of the given word. Light – ØekeâeMe~
Savage 509. In the following question, out of the given four
(a) Civilized (b) Brutal alternatives, select the one which best expresses
(c) Tame (d) Domesticated the meaning of the given word.
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II) Scorn
Synonyms 465 YCT
(a) Mockery (b) Approval Ans. (c) : 'Slender' - (heleuee), synonym - 'slim' (heleuee)~
(c) Delight (d) Pleasure DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Narrow - mebkeâerCe&~
Ans : (a) 'Scorn' - (cepeekeâ), synonym- 'Mockery'
Wide - ÛeewÌ[e~
(cepeekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Approval (noun) : Devegceesove
Weak - keâcepeesj~
hemeboieer mJeerke=âefle, delight : (noun) : Deevebo, KegMeer, ØemeVelee~
510. In the following question, out of the given four T
alternatives, select the one which best expresses 515. Select the appropriate synonym for the
the meaning of the given word. underlined word. “Little Red Riding Hood” is a
Sarcastic fairy tale.
(a) Kind (b) Nice (a) story (b) fact
(c) Approved (d) Arrogant (c) tail (d) document
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I) SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans : (d) 'Sarcastic' - (JÙebiÙeelcekeâ, DeefYeceeveer, Ieceb[er), Ans. (a) : 'Tale' – (keâneveer), Synonym– 'Story', (keâneveer)~
synonym- 'Arrogant' (DeefYeceeveer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Nice - ceveceesnkeâ jceCeerÙe, Deeflemet#ce, megKeo, kind - Øeke=âefle, Yeebefle, Fact- Data (leLÙe)~
Approve - Devegceesove, mJeerke=âefle~
Tail- Rump (hetbÚ)~
511. Select the synonym of the given word. Document- Deed (omleeJespe)~
(a) Slow (b) Harsh 516. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
underlined word.
(c) Quick (d) Turn
It was due to treacherous leaders that he
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
decided to leave the party.
Ans. (c) : 'Swift'- (lespe, ogÇleieeceer), synonym - 'Quick' (a) Devoted (b) Transient
(lespe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (c) Ravenous (d) Disloyal
Slow - Oeercee, megmle~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
Harsh - keâ"esj,keâšg~ Ans. (d) : 'Treacherous' – (keâhešer, Úueer), Synonym –
Turn - heuešvee~ 'Disloyal' (DeefJeMJeemeer, keâhešer)~
512. Select the synonym of the given word. DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Slender Devoted – Dedicated (efve‰eJeeve, F&ceeveoej)~
(a) Sturdy (b) Slippery Transient – Temporary (#eefCekeâ)~
(c) Slim (d) Strong
Ravenous – Famished (efnbmekeâ)~
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
517. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans. (c) : 'Slender' - (heleuee) keâe synonym - 'Slim' underlined word.
(heleuee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - The transient rains have caused harm to the
Sturdy - leieÌ[e/oyebie, Slippery - efÛekeâvee/DeÂÌ{,Strong - cepeyetle~ crops in the north.
513. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) Long (b) Perpetual
given word. (c) Stable (d) Fleeting
Strange SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III)
(a) Despair (b) Abnormal Ans. (d) : 'Transient' – (DemLeeÙeer), 'Fleeting' – (ieefleMeerue,
(c) Conventional (d) Natural DemLeeÙeer)~
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II) DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Ans. (b) : 'Strange'- (efJeefÛe$e, DemeeOeejCe), synonym - Long – Tall (uecyee)~
'Abnormal' (DemeeOeejCe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Perpetual – Sustained (ueieeleej)~
Despair - efvejeMee~
Stable – Fixed (ÂÌ{)~
Conventional - hejbhejeiele~
518. Select the word that is closest in meaning
Natural - Øeeke=âeflekeâ~ (SYNONYM) to the word given below.
514. Select the synonym of the given word. THRIFTY
(a) Narrow (b) Wide (c) GENEROUS (d) EXTRAVAGANT
(c) Slim (d) Weak SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I)
Synonyms 466 YCT
Ans. (a) : 'Thrifty' - (efceleJÙeÙeer), Synonym - 'Prudent', 523. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Frugal (efceleJÙeÙeer)~ given word.
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(a) Disprove (b) Affirm
Generous- Liberal (Goej)~ (c) Oppose (d) Invalidate
Wasteful- Profligate (DeheJÙeÙeer)~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Extravagant- Squander – (DeheJÙeÙeer, efheâpetue KeÛe&)~ Ans. (b) : 'Testify' - (ieJeener osvee), Synonym– 'Affirm' -
519. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (ÂÌ{lee kesâ meeLe keânvee)~
given word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(a) Verbose (b) Reserved Disprove - KeC[ve keâjvee, Oppose - efJejesOe keâjvee, Invalidate
(c) Lively (d) Noisy - DeceevÙe nesvee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II 524. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans. (b) : 'Taciturn' (DeuheYee<eer), Synonym– 'Reserved' given word.
(DeelcemebÙeceer, mebkeâesÛeer)~ Tag (n)
(a) Syphon (b) Drain
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(c) Pump (d) Label
Verbose – Talktive (yeeletveer),
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Lively– Interesting (®efÛekeâj)~
Ans. (d) : 'Tag' (n) - (keâepe, efÛehheer), synonym– 'Label' (n)
Noisy – Clamorous (Meesjiegue)~
(veece-he$e/efÛehheer)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
520. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Syphon - veefuekeâe Ùeb$e~
given word.
Trendy Drain (N) - DeheJeeefnkeâe/ievoer veeueer~
(a) Foreign (b) Common Pump (N) - heeveer KeerÛeves keâe Ùeb$e~
(c) Popular (d) Familiar 525. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III given word.
Ans. (c): 'Trendy' – (ØeÛeueve ceW), Synonym- 'Popular' Termination
(ØeÛeefuele, Øeefmeæ)~ (a) Conviction (b) Conclusion
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (c) Consolation (d) Conduction
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Foreign - Alien (efJeosMeer)~
Common - General (meeceevÙe)~ Ans. (b) : 'Termination' - (meceeefhle), Synonym,
'Conclusion' (efve<keâ<e&/Devle)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Familiar - Well-known (heefjefÛele)~
Conviction - oes<eefmeefæ, Consolation - meeblJevee, Conduction
521. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given
word. - mebJeenve/leehe Ûeeueve~
Tranquil 526. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) Aware (b) Dazed given word.
(c) Alert (d) Calm TUMULT
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III (a) clarity (b) peace
Ans. (d): 'Tranquil' – (Meeble), Synonym- 'Calm' (Meeble)~ (c) uproar (d) surprise
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Aware - Conscious (meÛesle), Ans. (c) : 'Tumult'- (keâesueenue), synonym - 'uproar'
Dazed - Baffled (IeyeÌ[eÙee ngDee)~
(Meesjiegue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ–
Alert - Warning (ÛesleeJeveer)~ clarity - mhe°lee~
peace - Meeefvle~
522. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. surprise - Dee§eÙe&~
Transmit 527. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(a) Accept (b) Receive given word.
(c) Convey (d) Catch TACITURN
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I) (a) reticent (b) talkative
Ans. (c) : 'Transmit' - (mebÛeeefjle keâjvee), synonym– (c) phlegmatic (d) placid
'Convey' - (mebØesef<ele keâjvee)~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (a) : 'Taciturn' - (DeuheYee<eer), Synonym - ‘Reticent’
Accept - mJeerkeâej keâjvee, Receive - Øeehle keâjvee, Catch - (keâce yeesueves Jeeuee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- talkative-yeeletveer
hekeâÌ[vee~ phlegmatic- efveef<›eâÙe placid- meewcÙe~

Synonyms 467 YCT

528. Select the synonym of the given word. Ans. (a) : 'Thwart'- (jeskeâvee, n" keâjvee), Synonym-
TRIUMPH "impede" (yeeOee [euevee)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) victory (b) fight
(c) attack (d) peace Aid- meneÙelee, Support- meceLe&ve, Face- Ûesnje/meecevee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I) 534. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans. (a) : 'Triumph' - (peerlevee), Synonym - 'victory' given word.
(efJepeÙe)~ TRUST (n)
(a) Safety (b) Ability
DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nw-
(c) Belief (d) Welfare
Fight - PeieÌ[e~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
Attack - Dee›eâceCe keâjvee~
Ans. (c) 'Trust' - (efJeMJeeme, Yejesmee), synonym- 'Belief'
Peace - Meebefle~
(efJeÕeeme)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
529. Select the synonym of the given word.
Safety - kegâMeue~
(a) Support (b) Cross Ability - #ecelee, DeefOekeâej~
(c) Straighten (d) Slant Welfare - meewYeeiÙe~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II) 535. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans : (d) 'TILT' - (PegkeâeJe), Synonym - 'slant' (efleÙe&keâ)~ given word.
DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- TIMID
Support- meceLe&ve, Cross- heej keâjvee, Straighten- meerOee (a) Strong (b) Willful
keâjvee~ (c) Kind (d) Shy
530. Select the most appropriate synonym of the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I)
given word. Ans. (d) : 'Timid'- ([jheeskeâ, mebkeâesÛeer), synonym - 'Shy'
TRANQUIL (Meceeauee/mebkeâesÛeer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
(a) nervous (b) agitated
(c) calm (d) wild Strong – MeefòeâMeeueer, Willful – efpeöer, n"er,
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) Kind – oÙeeueg, efJeveceü~
Ans : (c) 'Tranquil'- (Meeble), Synonym - 'Calm' (Meeble)~ 536. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Nervous- efÛebeflele/hejsMeeve, Agitated - given word.
Gkeâmeevee, Wild - pebieueer~ TOLERANCE
531. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) Aggression (b) Endurance
given word. (c) Oppression (d) Impatience
TRIVIAL SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) essential (b) meaningful Ans. (b) : 'Tolerance'- (meefn<Ceglee), synonym-
(c) warm (d) superficial 'Endurance' (menve-Meefòeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) Aggression - De›eâecekeâ YeeJeveeSB, Oppression - DelÙeeÛeej,
Ans : (d) 'Trivial'- (legÛÚ, veieCÙe), Synonym - Impatience - GlheerÌ[ve, DeOewÙe&lee~
'superficial' (melener/DeiebYeerj)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
537. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
essential - DelÙeeJeMÙekeâ, meaningful - meeLe&keâ, warm- iece&~ given word.
532. Select the most appropriate synonym of the TARNISH
given word. (a) Heighten (b) Decorate
TEMPERATE (c) Damage (d) Appease
(a) moderate (b) temporary SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) tentative (d) extreme
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (c) : 'Tarnish'– (oeie/Oeyyee) keâe Synonym -
Ans : (a) 'Temperate'- (Meerlees<Ce/mebÙeceer), Synonym- 'Damage' (#eefle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
'moderate' (ceÙee&efole/meerefcele)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ - Heighten– yeÌ{e osvee, Decorate– mepeevee, Appease– Meevle
Temporary- DemLeeÙeer, Tentative- Deefveef§ele, Extreme- hejce, keâjvee~
DelÙevle~ 538. In the following question, out of the given four
533. Select the most appropriate synonym of the alternatives, select the one which best expresses
given word. the meaning of the given word.
(a) impede (b) aid (a) Avoid (b) Forget
(c) support (d) face (c) Neglect (d) Deal
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)

Synonyms 468 YCT

Ans. (d) : 'Tackle'– (meecevee keâjvee), synonym - 'Deal' 543. In the following question, out of the given four
(mecePeewlee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Avoid - lÙeeie keâjvee, otj alternatives, select the one which best expresses
jnvee, Forget - Yetuevee, efÛeòe mes Gleejvee, Neglect - OÙeeve ve the meaning of the given word.
osvee, Yetue peevee~ Unanimous
(a) Split (b) Undisputed
539. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (c) Cleaved (d) Separate
given word.
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)
(a) Orderly (b) Regulated Ans. (b) : 'Unanimous'- (Skeâcele, meJe&-meccele), synonym
(c) Knotted (d) Organized - 'Undisputed' (efveefJe&Jeeo)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ- Split -
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III) ojej, efJeKeb[ve, Cleaved - Deueie, leesÌ[vee Separate - efJeYeòeâ,
Ans. (c) : 'Tangled' - (GuePee ngDee, hesefÛeoe), synonym - Deueie~
Knotted (GuePee/hejsMeeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - 544. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Orderly - megJÙeJeefmLele~ given word.
Regulated - efveÙebef$ele~ Uncanny
Organized - mebieef"le, megefveÙeesefpele~ (a) Strange (b) Unruly
(c) Accurate (d) Harmful
U SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
540. Select the most appropriate synonym for the Ans. (a) : 'Uncanny' - efJeefÛe$e, Synonym– 'Strange' -
highlighted word. The government’s utilitarian efJeefÛe$e~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
stance was appreciated by all. Unruly - DeefveÙebef$ele, Accurate - mener, Harmful - neefvekeâejkeâ~
(a) fanciful (b) useful
(c) thrust (d) distasteful 545. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : (a) Vague (b) Veil
'Utilitarian' – (GheÙeesieer), Synonym– Useful (GheÙeesieer)~ (c) Timid (d) Clamor
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
Fanciful - Imaginart (keâeuheefvekeâ)~ Ans. (d) : 'Uproar' - Meesjiegue, Synonym– 'Clamor' -
Thrust - Push (Oeceekeâe)~ keâesueenue~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Distasteful - Unpleasant (De®efÛekeâj)~ Vague - Demhe°, Veil - IetbIeš/vekeâeye, Timid - [jheeskeâ~
541. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 546. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Unbiased Upbeat
(a) Definitive (b) Objective (a) Adhere (b) Cheerful
(c) Subjective (d) Organisational (c) Ignore (d) Detach
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : 'Unbiased' (efve<he#e), Synonym– 'Objective'– Ans. (b) : 'Upbeat' - Glmeeefnle, Synonym– 'Cheerful' -
(efve<he#e)~ Glmeeefnle~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Adhere - heeueve keâjvee, Ignore - Ghes#ee keâjvee, Detach - Deueie
Definitive - Certain (efveefMÛele)~ keâjvee~
Subjective - Personal (JÙeefkeäleiele)~
Organisational - Combinational (mebie"veelcekeâ)~ V
542. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 547. Select the most appropriate synonym to
given word. substitute the bracketed word in the given
Urge sentence. Confession had always rested on a
(a) Refuse (b) Protest clear distinction between and (venial) sins.
(c) Appeal (d) Reply (a) Intolerable (b) Major
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) (c) Pardonable (d) Genial
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : 'Urge' (DevegjesOe keâjvee), Synonym-'Appeal' Ans. (c) : ‘Venial’ – (#ecÙe), Synonym– 'Pardonable'
(ØeeLe&vee, DevegjesOe keâjvee)~ (#ecÙe)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Refuse- Deny (Fvekeâej)~ Intolerable – Unbearable (DemenveerÙe)~
Protest- Resist (efJejesOe)~ Major – Main (cegKÙe, yeÌ[e)~
Reply- Answer (Gòej)~ Genial – Gregorian (efceuevemeej)~

Synonyms 469 YCT

548. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 552. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
underlined word. given word.
After my first visit to Boston, I spent almost VINDICTIVE
every winter in the North. Once I went on a (a) Watchful (b) Revengeful
visit to a New England village with its frozen (c) Forceful (d) Helpful
lakes and vast snow fields. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) solid (b) minimal
(c) extensive (d) shallow Ans : (b) ‘‘Vindictive” – (ØeefleMeesOeer), Synonym-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II) ‘Revengeful' (Øeefleefnbmekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Watchful
Ans. (c) : 'Vast' (efJeMeeue), Synonym– 'Extensive' - ÛeewkeâVee, Forceful - meMeòeâ, Helpful - GheÙeesieer~
(efJeMeeue)~ 553. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– given word.
Solid - Firm (cepeyetle)~
(a) Valuable (b) Reliable
Minimal - Least (vÙetvelece)~ (c) Redeemed (d) Esteemed
Shallow - Undipped (efÚÚuee)~ SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
549. Select the word that is closest in meaning Ans : (d) 'Venerable' - (DeeojCeerÙe), Synonym-
(synonym) to the word given below.
'Esteemed' (mecceeefvele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
(a) Ration (b) Crypt Reliable - efJeÕemeveerÙe, Redeemed - cegefòeâ efoueevee, Valuable -
(c) Raisins (d) Monarch cetuÙeJeeve~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I) 554. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Ans. (b) : 'Vault' - (cesnjeye, lenKeevee), Synonym - ('Crypt'- given word.
(lenKeevee, Yetefce«en)~ VITAL
(a) needless (b) insignificant
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
(c) trivial (d) essential
Monarch → Emperor (meceüeš)~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Ration → Dietary (jeMeve/Yeespeve meecee«eer)~
Ans : (d) 'Vital'- (DeeJeMÙekeâ, cenlJehetCe&), Synonym-
Raisins → Dried fruit (efkeâMeefceMe)~
"essential" (DeeJeMÙekeâ)~ DevÙe Meyoebs kesâ DeLe& nQ-
550. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
needless- DeveeJeMÙekeâ~
given word.
Vertical insignificant- legÛÚ, veieCÙe~
(a) Upright (b) Parallel trivial- DeOece, Úesše~
(c) Equal (d) Shaky 555. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II given word.
Ans. (a): 'Vertical' – (meerOee), Synonym – (Upright) VIGILANT
(meerOee)~ (a) Negligent (b) Inattentive
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (c) Watchful (d) Careless
Parallel – Similar (mece™he, meceeveeblej)~ SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Equal – Identical (meceeve)~ Ans. (c) : 'Vigilant'- (meleke&â, meeJeOeeve), synonym -
Shaky – Unstable (DeefmLej)~ 'watchful' (meleke&â)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
551. Select the most appropriate synonym of the Negligent– Ghes#eeMeerue, ueehejJeen~
given word : Inattentive– DemeeJeOeeve~
Careless– ueehejJeen, DemeeJeOeeve~
(a) defeat (b) attack
(c) victory (d) loss 556. Select the synonym of the given word.
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) VAGUE
Ans. (a) : 'Vanquish' – (mheOee& Ùee Ùegæ ceW hejemle keâjvee), (a) Precise (b) Unclear
Synonym - defeat – (hejemle keâjvee)~ (c) Incomplete (d) Definite
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II)
victory - peerle~ Ans. (b) : 'Vague' (Demhe°, OegBOeuee), synonym – 'Unclear'
attack - Dee›eâceCe keâjvee~ (Demhe°)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
loss - neefve~ Precise - "erkeâ, Skeâoce mener, Incomplete - DeOetje~

Synonyms 470 YCT

(a) supply (b) wrest
W (c) reject (d) deter
557. Select the most appropriate synonym to SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
substitute the bracketed word in the given Ans. (b) : 'wrench'-to pull or twist something
sentence. It broke Eleanora's heart to see her (KeeRÛevee/cejesÌ[vee), synonym - 'wrest' (KeeRÛevee/cejesÌ[/Peškesâ
daughter become that (wraith) of her former self. mes Úerve uesvee)~
(a) Yore (b) Spirit
(c) Being (d) Wail
Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III) supply - Deehetefle&, jmeo, Yeb[ej, reject - DemJeerkeâej keâjvee, cevee
keâjvee, deter – jeskeâvee/ØeeflejesOe keâjvee~
Ans. (b) : ‘Wraith’ – (Deelcee), Synonym– ‘spirit’– (Deelcee)~
562. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Yore – Antiquity– (ØeeÛeerve meceÙe ceW)~ given word.
Being –Entity (DeefmlelJe)~ WARY
Wail – Lament (efJeueehe keâjvee)~ (a) rash (b) inattentive
558. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (c) lax (d) alert
underlined word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III)
I have thus far sketched the events of my life, Ans : (d) 'Wary'- (meeJeOeeve/nesefMeÙeej), synonym - 'alert'
but I have not shown how much I have (ÛeewkeâVee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
depended on books not only for pleasure and Rash- peuoyeepe/GleeJeuee~
for the wisdom they bring to all who read, but Inattentive- DemeeJeOeeve/ueehejJeen~
also for that knowledge which comes to others
through their eyes and their ears. Lax- Ì{eruee/efMeefLeue~
(a) clarity (b) insight 563. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
(c) folly (d) emotion given word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III) Wizard
(a) Vow (b) Magician
Ans. (b) : 'Wisdom' (yegefæceeveer), Synonym– 'insight'
(c) Wan (d) Vague
(DevleÂ&ef°)~ SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Ans. (b) : 'Wizard' - peeotiej, Synonym– 'Magician' -
Clarity - Lucidity (mhe°lee)~ peeotiej~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Folly - Stupidity (cetKe&lee)~ Vow - keâmece, Wan - keâcepeesj, Vague - Demhe°~
Emotion - Sensation (mebJesie)~ 564. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
559. Select the word that is closest in meaning given word.
(synonym) to the word given below. Woe
WHIMSICAL (a) Yearn (b) Vie
(a) WEAK (b) RESPECTFUL (c) Sorrow (d) Vigorous
(c) HUMILIATED (d) FUNNY SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III) Ans. (c) : 'Woe' - Meeskeâ, Synonym– 'Sorrow'- og:Ke~
Ans. (d) : 'Whimsical' (mevekeâer), Synonym - 'Funny' DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(cepeeefkeâÙee, efJeefÛe$e)~ Yearn - leer›e FÛÚe, Vie - ØeeflemheOee& keâjvee, Vigorous - Tpee&Jeeve~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– 565. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Weak – Feeble (keâcepeesj)~ given word.
Humiliated – Disgraced (Deheceeefvele)~
(a) Wan (b) Sagacious
Respectful – Faithful (mecceeefvele)~ (c) Volatile (d) Vicious
560. Select the most appropriate synonym of the SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II)
given word. Ans. (b) : 'Witty' - leer#Ce yegefæ, Synonym– Sagacious -
WRY leer#Ce yegefæ~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) straight (b) frank
Wan - keâcepeesj, Volatile - #eefCekeâ, Vicious - og°~
(c) forthright (d) crooked
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I) X
Ans. (d) : 'Wry' - (šsÌ{e), Synonym– 'Crooked' - (Je›eâ/cegÌ[e 566. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
ngDee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- given word.
Straight - meerOee, Forthright - efve<keâheš, Frank - mhe°Jeòeâe~ Xenial
561. Select the most appropriate synonym of the (a) Adept (b) Hospitable
given word. (c) Ridiculous (d) Mend
WRENCH SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Synonyms 471 YCT
Ans. (b) : 'Xenial' - DeeefleLÙe, Synonym– 'Hospitable' - Apathetic – Neutral (Goemeerve)~
cesnceeveveJeepeer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Indifferent – Nostalgic (Goemeerve)~
Adept - efvehegCe, Ridiculous - nemÙeemheo, Mend - mebMeesOeve Detached – Disgruntled (he=Lekeâ, Deueie)~
keâjvee~ 572. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
567. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
given word. ZEST
Xanthic (a) Indifference (b) Detachment
(a) Applause (b) Plentiful (c) Unconcern (d) Enthusiasm
(c) Yellowish (d) Generous SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (d) : 'Zest'- (Glmeen, peesMe), synonym -
Ans. (c) : 'Xanthic' - heerues jbie keâe, Synonym– 'Yellowish' 'Enthusiasm' (Glmeen)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
- heerues jbie keâe~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Indifference - Goemeervelee, yeshejJeener (apathy)~
Applause - Meeyeemeer, Plentiful - ØeÛegjlee, Generous - Goej~ Detachment - šgkeâ[er, DeueieeJe (squad)~
Y Unconcern - Goemeervelee (indifference)~
568. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 573. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Yearn Zenith
(a) Deny (b) Sadden (a) Explicit (b) Impediment
(c) Vow (d) Wan (c) Climax (d) Nadir
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : 'Yearn' - Goeme nesvee, Synonym– 'Sadden' - Ans. (c) : 'Zenith' - Meer<e& efyebog, Synonym– 'Climax' - Ûejce
Goeme nesvee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- efyebog~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Deny - cevee keâjvee, Vow - keâmece, Wan - keâcepeesj~ Explicit - mhe°, Impediment - yeeOee, Nadir - heleve~
569. Select the most appropriate synonym of the 574. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. given word.
Yawn Zealot
(a) Nap (b) Volatile (a) Adverse (b) Pausity
(c) Gape (d) Vicious
(c) Sectarian (d) Knave
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : 'Yawn' - pebYeeF&, Synonym– 'Gape' - pebYeeF&~
Ans. (c) : 'Zealot' - keâójhebLeer, Synonym– 'Sectarian' -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
meecØeoeefÙekeâ~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Nap - Pehekeâer, Volatile - #eefCekeâ, Vicious - og°~
Adverse - efJehejerle, Pausity - keâceer, Knave - Oetle&~
570. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word. 575. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
Yield given word.
(a) Diligent (b) Blame Zeal
(c) Assume (d) Weary (a) Apathy (b) Enthusiasm
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) (c) Impeccable (d) Forego
Ans. (c) : 'Yield' - ceeve uesvee, Synonym– 'Assume' - ceeve SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
uesvee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (b) : 'Zeal' - Glmeen, Synonym– 'Enthusiasm' -
Diligent - cesnveleer, Blame - Deejeshe, Weary - Lekeâe ngDee~ Glmeen~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Apathy-Goemeervelee, Impeccable - oes<ejefnle, Forego - ÚesÌ[vee~
576. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
571. Select the most appropriate synonym of the
given word.
given word.
(a) Enthusiastic (b) Apathetic (a) Simple (b) Straight
(c) Indifferent (d) Detached (c) Curve (d) Frank
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : 'Zealous' – (Glmeener), Synonym– 'Enthusiastic' Ans. (c) : 'Zigzag' - ef lejÚe, Synonym – 'Curve' - eflejÚe~
– (Glmeener)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Simple - meeoe, Frank - efve<keâheš, Straight - meerOee~

Synonyms 472 YCT

TCS hewšve& hej DeeOeeefjle
(Based On TCS Pattern)
Chapterwise Exam Question No. Years
1 CGL (Tier-1) 15
CGL (Tier-2) 5
A CHSL (Tier-1) 20
CHSL (Tier-2) 10
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 9 (2017–2023)
2 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
B CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
3 CGL (Tier-1) 10
CGL (Tier-2) 8
CHSL (Tier-1) 12
C CHSL (Tier-2) 6
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4 (2017–2023)
4 CGL (Tier-1) 10
CGL (Tier-2) 3
D CHSL (Tier-1) 17
CHSL (Tier-2) 5
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
5 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 10
E CHSL (Tier-2) 5
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
6 CGL (Tier-1) 8
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 7
CHSL (Tier-2) 3 (2017–2023)
Antonyms 473 YCT
F Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4
7 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 3
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
G Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
8 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
H Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
9 CGL (Tier-1) 9
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 10
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 8 (2017–2023)
10 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) - (2017–2023)
J Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
11 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
K Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
12 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
L CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
13 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 5

Antonyms 474 YCT

M CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 3 (2017–2023)
14 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
N CHSL (Tier-2) -
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
15 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
O CHSL (Tier-1) 5
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
16 CGL (Tier-1) 8
CGL (Tier-2) 2
P CHSL (Tier-1) 12
CHSL (Tier-2) 8
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
17 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
Q CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
18 CGL (Tier-1) 8
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 12
CHSL (Tier-2) 5 (2017–2023)
R Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 10
19 CGL (Tier-1) 10
CGL (Tier-2) 8
CHSL (Tier-1) 22
CHSL (Tier-2) 5 (2017–2023)
S Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1

Antonyms 475 YCT

20 CGL (Tier-1) 5
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 6
CHSL (Tier-2) 6
T Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
21 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
22 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
V Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)
23 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
W Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
24 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
X Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)
25 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) - (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
26 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Z Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)
Antonyms 476 YCT
Trend Analysis of Questions Topicwise from CGL (Pre & Mains)
CHSL (Pre & Mains) Selection Post VII, VIII, XI, SSC MTS, SSC
GD & Other Exams (2017-2023)

70 66
52 52
40 35 34 33

30 23
20 16 15 15
13 14 12
8 10
10 6 5 5 5
4 2 3

U, 10 V, 12 W, 5 X, 2 Y, 3 Z, 5 A, 66
T, 23
B, 16
S, 52
R, 33 C, 60

Q, 5

D, 52
P, 37

O, 15
E, 35
N, 8
M, 22 F, 34
L, 15
K, 4 G, 13
J, 6 I, 48 H, 14

Antonyms 477 YCT

DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
A Haughty - Iebce[er/Ie=Cee
1. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to Superior - ßes‰/yesnlej
the given word. Scornful -eflejmkeâej hetCe&
5. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(a) Dissimilar (b) Puzzle
given word.
(c) Straight (d) Matching
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III) (a) Incriminate (b) Defend
Ans. (a) : 'Analogous' (Deveg™he/meÂMe) Antonym, (c) Charge (d) Allege
''Dissimilar'' (efYeVe/Demeceeve) SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Ans. (b) : Accuse (Deejeshe ueieevee) Antonym ''Defend''
Puzzle - hensueer/mecemÙee (yeÛeeJe/Jekeâeuele keâjvee)
Straight - meerOee/"erkeâ Incriminate - oes<eer "njevee
Matching - cesue/Devegketâue Charge - oes<e osvee/ oeefÙelJe [euevee
2. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to Allege - DeefYeÙeesie ueieevee leLee keâefLele
the given word. 6. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Abolish given word.
(a) Efface (b) Formalize Alienate
(c) Deface (d) Jettison (a) Alternate (b) Alter
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II) (c) Reconcile (d) Renounce
Ans. (b) : Abolish (meceehle keâjvee) Antonym ''Formalize'' SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV)
(Deekeâej osvee/mepeevee) Ans. (c) : Alienate (he=Lekeâ keâjvee/nševee) Antonym
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ ''Reconcile'' ( cesue keâjvee)
Efface - efceševee/ve° keâjvee DeLe& efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ~
Deface - yeoveece keâjvee/vegkeâmeeve hengÛeevee Alternate - Jewkeâefuhekeâ
Jettison - yeenj Hesâkeâvee/yeesPe efiejevee Alter - yeouevee
3. Choose the world that is opposite in meaning to Renounce - lÙeeievee
the given word. "Abort" 7. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(a) Commence (b) Collision given word.
(c) Commode (d) Command Accurate
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II) (a) Heist (b) Proficient
Ans. (a) : Abort (efJekeâeme ™keâ peevee) Antonym (c) Unreliable (d) Fiesta
SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III)
"Commence (DeejcYe nesvee)
Ans. (c) : Accurate (Megæ/ÙeLeeLe&) antonym 'Unreliable
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Collision - škeäkeâj / mebIe<e&
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Commode - MeewÛeemeve/ojepeÙegòeâ Deeueceejer
Heist - [kewâleer
Command - DeeosMe/efveÙeb$eCe
Proficient - kegâMeue/DevegYeJeer
4. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Fiesta - meceejesn
given word.
Arrogant 8. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(a) Humble (b) Haughty underlined word.
(c) Superior (d) Scornful To abate her listlessness, she went for a long
walk in the country.
SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II)
(a) subside (b) lessen
Ans. (a) : Arrogant (DeefYeceeveer/n"er) Antonym 'Humble' (c) sustain (d) increase
(veceü/efJeveerle)~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
Antonyms 478 YCT
Ans. (d) : Abate (jeskeâLeece keâjvee) Antonym 'Increase' (Je=efæ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Underlined word 'Amateur'
keâjvee/Hewâueevee) (Meewkeâerve/DeJÙeJemeeÙeer) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym 'expert'
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ (efJeMes<e%e/Øeefleef‰le) nesiee~
Subside - keâce nesvee/ OeBmevee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Sustain - yeveeÙes jKevee Boring - GyeeT
Lessen - keâce keâjvee Decent - meYÙe/GefÛele
9. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Freelancing - mJeleb$e
given word. 13. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Absurd given word.
(a) Tolerable (b) Adorable Affliction
(c) Lovable (d) Sensible (a) Jeopardy (b) Mortgage
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV) (c) Predicament (d) Consolation
Ans. (d) : 'Absurd' (yeslegkeâe/efJeJeskeânerve) Antonym 'Sensible' SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III)
(mecePeoej/ØelÙe#e) Ans. (d) :Affliction (Ùeelevee/Meeskeâ) Antonym 'Consolation'
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - (meeblJevee/lemeuueer)
Tolerable - menveerÙe/ meblees<epevekeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Adorable - hetpeveerÙe Jeopardy - Keleje/mebosn
Lovable - hÙeeje Mortgage - yebOekeâ/efiejJeer
10. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Predicament -efmLeefle/oMee
underlined word in the following sentence.
The old port was abandoned a long ago. 14. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word.
(a) Quit (b) Kept
(c) Shortened (d) Rashed Awkward
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I) (a) Innocent (b) Meaningful
(c) Huge (d) Graceful
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Underlined word 'Abandoned'
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)
(heefjlÙeòeâ/lÙeeiee ngDee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym 'Kept' (jKee ngDee)
Ans. (d) :Awkward (Yeöe/DeveeÌ[er) Antonym 'Graceful'
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Quit - ÚesÌ[vee/lÙeeievee
Innocent - ceemetce/yeskeâmetj
Shortened - Úesše keâjvee
Meaningful - DeLe&hetCe& / meeLe&keâ
Rashed - peuoeryeepeer keâjvee
Huge - efJeMeeue/yeÌ[e
11. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
underlined word. 15. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to
My teacher accepted my excuse for being late. the given word.
(a) Rejected (b) Believed Algid
(c) Trusted (d) Agreed (a) Algae (b) Gelid
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I) (c) lgneous (d) Clean
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Underlined word 'Accepted' SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II)
(mJeerke=âle/ceevÙe) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym 'Rejected' (DemJeerke=âle/jö) Ans. (c) : Algid ("bÌ[e/Meerleue) Antonym 'Igneous
nesvee~ (DeefiveceÙe/DeeivesÙe)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Believed - ceevevee/Yejesmee jKevee~ Algae - MewJeeue
Trusted - Yejesmee jKevee Gelid - efnce-meÂMe/"bÌ[e
Agreed - mencele nesvee Clean - meeHeâ-megLeje
12. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 16. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to
underlined word. My niece is an amateur the given word.
artist. I hope she becomes famous one day. Abduct
(a) Boring (b) Decent (a) Redeem (b) Impress
(c) Freelancing (d) Expert (c) Sociable (d) Hijack
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I)

Antonyms 479 YCT

Ans. (a) : Abduct (DehenjCe/Yeiee ues peevee) Antonym Ans. (b) : Abundant (ØeÛegj/pÙeeoe) Antonym 'Scarce
'Redeem' (cegòeâ keâjvee/Úg[
Ì evee) (ogue&Ye/keâce) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Surplus - Deefleefjòeâ/yeÛele
Impress - ØeYeeefJele keâjvee/Úehevee Brilliant - ØeefleYeeMeeueer
Sociable - efceuevemeej/meeceeefpekeâ Rich - ØeÛegj/Oeveer
Hijack - DehenjCe keâjvee (Jeenve/penepe) 21.
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word.
17. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to Ascent
the given word. (a) Present (b) Resent
'Anomalous' (c) Descent (d) Patent
(a) Endemic (b) Outlandish SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I
(c) Customary (d) Alien SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/06/2019 Shift-I
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/07/2019 Shift-I
Ans. (c) : Anomalous (efveÙece efJe™æ/Demebiele) Antonym Ans. (c) : 'Ascent (DeejesnCe/ÛeÌ{eJe) Antonym 'Descent'
'Customary' (ØeLeeiele/™Ì{) (DeJelejCe/Ì{ueeve)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Outlandish - efJeosMeer/yeenjer Present - Jele&ceeve/Øemlegle
Resent - veejepe nesvee/hegve: Yespevee
Endemic - mLeeefvekeâ
Patent - DeefJe<keâej/ ueeFmeWme uesvee
Alien -efJeosMeer/Depeveyeer
22. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
18. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to given word.
the given word. Astound
Accessory (a) Clarify (b) Stun
(a) Substitute (b) Surplus (c) Confuse (d) Shock
(c) Essential (d) Option SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : Astound (YeÙeYeerle keâjvee) Antonym 'Clarify'
Ans. (c) : Accessory (meneÙekeâ/ieewCe), Antonym, (mhe° keâjvee)
''Essential'' DeefveJeeÙe&/ceewefuekeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYevve nw– Stun - DeÛesle keâjvee/Ieyeje osvee~
Substitute – efJekeâuhe/SJepe Confuse - Yeüefcele keâjvee~
Option – efJekeâuhe Shock - Peškeâe osvee/meocee hengBÛevee~
Surplus – Deefleefjòeâ 23. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
19. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Assiduous
given word. (a) Anxious (b) Destitute
Appal (c) Unique (d) Idle
(a) Assure (b) Astound SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II
(c) Amaze (d) Alarm Ans. (d) : Assiduous (heefjßeceer/lelhej) Antonym 'Idle
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I (efveef<›eâÙe/yeskeâej)
Ans. (a) : Appal ([jevee/JÙeekegâue keâjvee) Antonym 'Assure' DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(DeeÕemle keâjvee) Anxious - efÛebeflele/yesÛewve
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Destitute - efve:meneÙe/ efJenerve
Astound - Ûeefkeâle keâjvee Unique -DeefÉleerÙe
Amaze - efJeefmcele keâjvee/ÛeeQkeâevee 24. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Alarm - ÛesleeJeveer osvee/mebkesâle given word.
20. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(a) Terrific (b) Fabulous
given word. (c) Ordinary (d) Unusual
Abundant SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) Surplus (b) Scarce
Ans. (d) : Accustomed - (DeYÙemle), Antonym, 'Unusual' -
(c) Brilliant (d) Rich
SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I
(DeveYÙemle)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
SSC MTS-19/08/2019 Shift-II Terrific - YeÙeevekeâ, Fabulous - Meeveoej, Ordinary - meeOeejCe~
Antonyms 480 YCT
25. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 30. Select the antonym of the given word.
given word. AGONY
AFFINITY (a) anxiety (b) distress
(a) aversion (b) weakness (c) comfort (d) misery
(c) inclination (d) attraction SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : 'Agony' - (keâ°), antonym - Comfort (Deejece,
Ans. (a) : Affinity - (DeelceerÙelee), Antonym, ''Aversion'' - megefJeOee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(És<e)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - Anxiety - efÛeblee, og:Keer
Attraction - Deekeâ<e&Ce, Inclination - PegkeâeJe, Weakness - Distress - efJeheefòe, mebkeâš
keâcepeesjer~ Miser - kebâpetme
26. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 31. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. given word.
Anxiety ABSURD
(a) Certainty (b) Restlessness (a) Sensitive (b) Sentimental
(c) Nervousness (d) Panic (c) Selfish (d) Sensible
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Anxiety - (efÛevlee/Glkebâ"e), Antonym, Certainty Ans : (d) Absurd - (efJeJeskeânerve), antonym Sensible -
- (efveef§elelee/efvemevosn)~ (mecePeoej, leke&âMeerue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- Sensitive - mebJesoveMeerue, YeeJegkeâ, Sentimental - YeeJeveelcekeâ,
Restlessness - yesÛewveer/DeOeerjlee, Nervousness - efJekeâuelee, Selfish - mJeeLeea~
Panic - Oeyejenš 32. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
27. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
given word. ACQUIT
AMBIGUOUS (a) Evict (b) Forgive
(a) ambitious (b) rare (c) Convict (d) Clear
(c) vague (d) clear SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) Ans : (c) Acquit- (oes<e cegòeâ keâjvee), antonym - Convict-
Ans. (d) : 'Ambiguous' - Demhe°, Antonym - clear - mhe° (oes<ee jesheCe, Deejeshe ueieevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Forgive - #ecee keâjvee, Clear - mhe° keâjvee, Evict - yesoKeue
ambitious - cenòJeekeâeb#eer keâjvee, efve<keâemeve keâjvee~
rare - ogue&Ye 33. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
vague - Demhe° given word.
28. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the ARROGANCE
given word. (a) superiority (b) sweetness
ADMONISH (c) humility (d) vanity
(a) warn (b) scold SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) chide (d) applaud Ans. (c) : Arrogance - (IeceC[, DeefYeceeve), antonym -
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) humility (veceülee, efJeveceülee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Ans. (d) : admonish - (efOekeäkeâejvee, [ešvee), Antonym - superiority- Jeefj‰lee, ØeOeevelee, sweetness- ceOegjlee, efce"eme,
applaud (ØeMebmee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- warn - vanity - IeceC[
ÛesleeJeveer osvee, scold - [eBšvee, chide - Oecekeâevee, [eBšvee 34. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
29. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
given word. ACCEPT
ALIVE (a) Reject (b) Acquire
(a) active (b) life (c) Obtain (d) Release
(c) dead (d) living SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) Ans : (a) Accept - (mJeerkeâej keâjvee), antonym - Reject
Ans. (c) : alive - (peerefJele), antonym - dead (ce=le)~ DevÙe (DemJeerkeâej keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- active - meef›eâÙe, life - peerJeve, living - Acquire - DeefOe«enCe keâjvee, Obtain - Øeehle keâjvee, Release -
peerefJekeâe efjneF&
Antonyms 481 YCT
35. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Ans : (b) Abstract- (efJeÛeej Ùee keâuhevee cee$e ceW ve efkeâ keâesF&
given word. Yeeweflekeâ Jemleg; Decetle&), Antonym - concrete (ÙeLeeLe&hetCe&) cetle&
(a) Aversion (b) Attraction (keâeuheefvekeâ veneR)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Empathy (d) Preference Elusive- og«ee&¢e, Vague- Demhe°, OegBOeuee, Intangible- Demhe°,
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II) DemheMeea~
Ans : (a) Affinity - (DeelceerÙelee), antonym- Aversion 41. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(Ie=Cee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw- given word.
Attraction - Deekeâ<e&Ce, Empathy - menevegYetefle, Preference-hemebo AMASS
36. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (a) collect (b) horde
given word. (c) heap (d) distribute
APPLAUD SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) denounce (b) magnify Ans : (d) Amass- (Skeâ$e keâjvee/meb«en keâjvee) antonym-
(c) commend (d) approve Distribute (yeebšvee/efJelejCe keâjvee) ~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) Collect- Fkeâªe keâjvee, Horde- YeerÌ[/PegC[,
Ans : (a) Applaud - (mejenvee keâjvee), antonym -
Heap- {sj/meb«en
Denounce - (Deejeshe ueieevee/efveboe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
42. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Magnify - yeÌ{evee, Commend - mejenvee, Approve - Devegceefle~
given word.
37. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the ADVANCE
given word. (a) shift (b) move
AWARE (c) progress (d) retreat
(a) impervious (b) ignorant
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) robust (d) resilient
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) Ans : (d) Advance- (Deeies yeÌ{vee) antonym- Retreat (heerÚs
Ans : (b) Aware - (DeJeiele, peeie®keâ), antonym - Ignorant nšvee) ~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
- (DeveefYe%e, Devepeeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Impervious - Shift- mLeeveevleefjle nesvee, Move- efnuevee-[guevee,
Øeyeue, DeYesÅe, Robust - cepeyetle, Resilient - ueÛeeruee~ Progress- efJekeâeme keâjvee
38. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 43. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) proficient (b) deft (a) humble (b) rough
(c) expert (d) inept (c) bold (d) uncouth
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (d) Adept – (o#e, keggâMeue), antonym - inept (DeÙeesiÙe/ Ans : (a) Arrogant- (Ieceb[er) antonym- humble (efJeveceü)
DekegâMeue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Proficient - ØeJeerCe, kegâMeue Uncouth- DemeYÙe, bold- meenefmekeâ, Rough- Yeöe
deft - o#e 44. Select the most appropriate Antonym of the
expert - keâMgeue, efJeMes<e%e given word.
39. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Accessible
given word. (a) Reachable (b) Stressed
ADORN (c) Attainable (d) Restricted
(a) Subdue (b) Disfigure SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Enrich (d) Grace
Ans : (d) Accessible- (megueYe/megiece), antonym -
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Restricted (ØeefleyebefOele/Jeefpe&le)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (b) : Adorn - (mepeevee, efJeYetef<ele keâjvee), Antonym -
Stressed- peesj osvee/ ØeYeeJe [euevee
Disfigure (yeometjle yeveevee, kegâ®he yeveevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Subdue - JeMe ceW keâjvee, peerlevee, Enrich - mece=æ yeveevee, Oeveer Attainable- ØeehÙe/Øeehle keâjves ÙeesiÙe
yeveevee, Grace - Deveg«en, ke=âhee, oÙee Reachable- hengBÛeves ÙeesiÙe
40. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 45. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. given word.
(a) Elusive (b) Concrete (a) Expand (b) Dispute
(c) Intangible (d) Vague (c) Oppose (d) Challenge
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
Antonyms 482 YCT
Ans. (a) Abbreviate– (keâce keâjvee, Úesše keâjvee), antonym - 51. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Expand (efJemleej keâjvee, yeÌ{evee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- given word.
Dispute–efJeJeeo keâjvee, yenme keâjvee; Oppose–efJejesOe keâjvee,
(a) Outstanding (b) Selfish
Challenge–Ûegveewleer osvee~ (c) Serene (d) Soft-spoken
46. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
given word. Ans. (b) : Altruistic– (efvemJeeLeea), Antonym - 'Selfish'
(a) Applaud (b) Belittle
(mJeeLeea)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Harden (d) Attack Outstanding - DemeeOeejCe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II) Serene - efvece&ue/Meeble
Ans. (a) : 'Admonish' - (efOekeäkeâejvee, Ûesleeveer), antonym - Soft-spoken - ce=ogYee<eer
Applaud (ØeMebmee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- 52. In the following question, out of the given four
Belittle - Úesše nes peevee, Harden - keâ"esj nesvee, Attack - alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
nceuee keâjvee meaning of the given word.
47. Select the antonym of the given word.
(a) Surprise (b) Shock
(c) Startle (d) Calm
(a) Rise (b) Climb
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II)
(c) Descend (d) Fall
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I) Ans. (d) : Astonish- (Ûeefkeâle keâjvee), antonym - Calm
Ans. (c) : Ascend - (ÛeÌ{vee/Gâhej peevee), antonym - (Meevle keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Surprise -
Descend (Glejvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- ‘Dee§eÙe&Ûeefkeâle keâjvee’ Shock Je Startle ‘Ûeewkeâ peevee’~
Rise - efvekeâuevee/G"vee~ 53. In the following Question, Out of the given four
Climb - ÛeÌ{vee~ alternatives, select the one in which is opposite
the given word.
Fall - efiejvee~
48. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (a) Bright (b) Happy
given word. (c) Unlucky (d) Timely
AGITATE SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III)
(a) Argue (b) Clam
(c) Excite (d) Impress Ans : (c) Auspicious- (megvenjs YeefJe<Ùe keâe metÛekeâ, MegYe),
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I) antonym - Unlucky (ogYee&iÙehetCe&)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (b) : 'Agitate'- (Deevoesueve keâjvee, Gòesefpele), antonym - Bright- megvenje, Ûecekeâeruee, ØekeâeMeceÙe
calm (Meeble, ÛegheÛeehe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 'Argue' - yenme Happy- KegMe
keâjvee, 'Excite' - YeeJeesòespeve, 'Impress' - ØeYeeefJele keâjvee Timely- meceÙe hej, ÙeLeemeceÙe
49. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 54. In the following question, out of the given four
given word. alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
ARROGANCE meaning of the given word.
(a) Familiarity (b) Humility Arid
(c) Honesty (d) Ignorance (a) Fertile (b) Desert
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III) (c) Thirsty (d) Dusty
Ans. (b) : Arrogance– (IeceC[er, Denbkeâejer), antonym - SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
Humility (veceülee, oÙeeueg)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (a) : Arid- (metKee, efvepe&ve), antonym - Fertile
Familiarity– DeÛÚer peevekeâejer, Honesty- F&ceeveoejer, (GhepeeT, nje-Yeje)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ignorance– De%eevelee~ Desert - yebpej, Tmej,
50. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Thirsty - hÙeemee,
given word. Dusty – Oetue, Oetmeefjle~
(a) Asset (b) Base 55. In the following question, out of the given four
(c) Force (d) Pinnacle alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II) meaning of the given word.
Ans. (b) : 'Apex'- (meJeexÛÛe), antonym - 'Base' Apposite
(a) Suitable (b) Inappropriate
(cetue/DeeOeej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Asset - mecheefòe, Force (c) Timely (d) Relevant
- yeue/Meefòeâ/ØeYeeJe, Pinnacle - efMeKej/Ûejce meercee SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
Antonyms 483 YCT
Ans. (b) : Apposite - (GheÙegòeâ, GefÛele), antonym - Ans. (b) : APPLAUD- (ØeMebmee keâjvee), antonym -
Inappropriate - (DemegefJeOeepevekeâ, DemeeceevÙe, ieuele)~ DevÙe Criticize (DeeueesÛevee keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nQ -
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Suitable - megueYe, megefJeOeepevekeâ, Timely - Cheer - ØemeVe nesvee
mener meceÙe, GheÙegòeâ meceÙe, Relevant - megmebiele~ Praise - ØeMebmee keâjvee
56. Select the antonym of the given word. Clap - leeueer yepeevee
Adept 61. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(a) Competent (b) Inept word.
(c) Skilled (d) Efficient AFFLUENCE
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I) (a) Prosperity (b) Luxury
Ans. (b) : Adept- (kegâMeue, efvehegCe), antonym - Inept (c) Poverty (d) Richness
(DeÙeesiÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Competent - me#ece, meceLe& (capable, efficient) Ans. (c) : Affluence - (mece=efæ), antonym - Poverty
Skilled - efvehegCe, o#elee-Øeehle (expert) ( iejeryeer, DeYeeJe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Luxury - Deevevo,
Richness - OeveJeevelee, DeefOekeâlee Prosperity - mece=efæ~
Efficient - kegâMeue, o#e (skilled)
62. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
57. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
(a) Strange (b) Uncertain
(a) Agree (b) Reject
(c) Clear (d) Indefinite
(c) Appeal (d) Confirm
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : 'Ambiguous'- (Demhe<š), antonym - 'clear'
Ans. (b) : Approve- (mJeerke=âefle osvee), antonym - Reject
(mhe°)~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe nQ–
(DemJeerkeâej keâjvee)~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Strange– DepeerJe, DeveesKee, uncertain– mebefoiOe, heefjJele&veMeerue,
Agree - mencele nesvee
Indefinite– DeefveefMÛele, Demhe<š~
Appeal - DeeJesove keâjvee
63. Select the antonym of the given word.
Confirm - hegef° keâjvee Attract
58. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (a) Lure (b) Allure
given word. (c) Repel (d) Invite
Acute SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Dark (b) Clever Ans. (c) Attract - (Deekeâef<e&le keâjvee), antonym- Repel (Ie=Cee
(c) Grave (d) Blunt GlheVe keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Lure - Ûeeje/ØeueesYeve, Allure - Hegâmeueevee, Invite -Deecebef$ele
Ans. (d) : Acute- (leer›e), antonym - Blunt (kegbâo, cebo
yegefæ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 64. Select the antonym of the give word.
Dark - DeBOesje, keâeuee, ieghle, Adamant
Clever - Ûelegj, Ûeeueekeâ (a) Coherent (b) Stubborn
Grave - iecYeerj, Yeejer~ (c) Stupid (d) Flexible
59. Select the most appropriate antonym of the SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
word. Ans. (d) : Adamant - (efpeöer, n"er), antonym - Flexible
Attract (ueÛeeruee, vecÙe)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
(a) Charm (b) Repel Coherent - mhe°, mecePeves ceW mejue
(c) Praise (d) Lure
Stubborn - efpeöer, n"er (obstinate)
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Stupid - yesJeketâHeâ, cetKe& (naive, foolish)
Ans. (b) : Attract (Deekeâef<e&le keâjvee), Antonym - Repel
65. Select the antonym of the given word.
(Øeeflekeâef<e&le keâjvee)~ DevÙe Meyo keâe DeLe& nQ-Praise - ØeMebmee keâjvee,
Lure - uegYeevee, Charm - Deekeâ<e&Ce (a) Defend (b) Offend
60. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (c) Strike (d) Agree
word. SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
APPLAUD Ans. (a) : Assault - (Dee›eâceCe keâjvee), antonym - Defend
(a) Cheer (b) Criticize
(c) Praise (d) Clap
(j#ee keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Offend Deheceeefvele
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) keâjvee, Strike - nÌ[leeue keâjvee, Agree - mencele nesvee~
Antonyms 484 YCT
66. Select the antonym of the given word. 70. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
ABOLISH underlined word in the following sentence.
(a) Build (b) Affirm The fields remained barren despite the efforts
(c) Cancel (d) Finish of the local administration and agricultural
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II) scientists.
(a) Damp (b) Fertile
Ans. (a) : Abolish - (meceehle keâjvee), antonym - build (c) Sterile (d) Unforgiving
(yeveevee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Affirm - ÂÌ{lee mes keânvee, Cancel - jö keâjvee Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word , Barren, (ybepej/DevegJe&j)
Finish - meceehle keâjvee keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym 'Fertile' (GhepeeT/GJe&j) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
B Damp - vece/ieeruee, Sterile - yebpej/DevegJe&j
67. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
71. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
underlined word. given word.
As a boy, Charles was a boor who bullied other BABBLE
kids in his neighbourhood. (a) DRIVEL (b) SENSE
(a) creep (b) scum (c) JARGON (d) GIBBERISH
(c) blighter (d) gentleman SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II) Ans. (b) : 'Babble' (Øeueehe/yekeâJeeme) Antonym "Sense"
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word 'Boor' (iebJeej/DeefMe°) (mecePe/%eeve)
keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym 'Gentleman' (meppeve/efMe°) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Drivel - yekeâJeeme/yekeâJeeme keâjvee
Creep - jWievee/mejkeâvee, Scum - cewue Jargon -Meyopeeue/efvejLe&keâ yeele
Blighter - neefve keâjves Jeeuee JÙeefòeâ Gibberish -Demhe° GÛÛeejCe/yeÌ[ye[enš
68. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 72. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
capitalised word in the given sentence. given word.
Taking a BRISK walk can often induce a BLUNT
feeling of well-being. (a) Dull (b) Sharp
(a) Slow (b) Late night (c) Round (d) Pointless
(c) Dusky (d) Quick SSC CPO SI –12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV) Ans. (b) : Blunt - kegbâo/ceesše, Antonym, Sharp - lespe/vegkeâeruee
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Capitalized word 'BRISK' (lespe/Ûeeueekeâ) nesvee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Slow" ( Oeercee/cebo) nesiee~ Dull - megmle, Round - ieesue, Pointless - efvejLe&keâ
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ 73. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Late night - osj jele, Dusky - OegbOeuee/ceefueve given word.
Quick - MeerIeÇ/lJeefjle
(a) heroism (b) strength
69. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) cowardice (d) courage
underlined word in the following sentence. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
The doctor assured the patient that the tumour Ans. (c) : Bravery - (yeneogjer), Antonym, Cowardice -
was benign and could be easily removed
(keâeÙejlee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
(a) Sterile (b) Kind
Strength - Meefòeâ, Courage - meenme, Heroism - meenme
(c) Favourable (d) Malignant
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II) 74. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II) given word.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Benign"
(a) Perfection (b) Stain
(meewcÙe/DeÛÚe) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Malignant" (Wicked) (c) Damage (d) Discolouration
(keâhešer/ neefvekeâejkeâ) nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Ans. (a) : Blemish - (efJeke=âefle/oes<e), Antonym, Perfection -
Sterile - yebpej/DevegJe&j (hetCe&lee/efmeefæ)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
Kind - oÙeeueg Stain - oeie, Oeyyee, Damage - #eefle, vegkeâmeeve keâjvee,
Favorable - Devegketâue Discolouration - efJeJeCe& keâjvee, jbie efyeieeÌ[vee~

Antonyms 485 YCT

75. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 80. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. word.
BOLD Better
(a) confident (b) cheeky (a) Worse (b) Worst
(c) brave (d) timid (c) Bad (d) Good
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : 'Bold' - Jeerj/meenmeer, Antonym - timid ([jheeskeâ) Ans. (a) : Better- (yesnlej, DeefOekeâ DeÛÚe), antonym -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Worse (yeodlej, yengle Kejeye)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
confident - efJeÕeeme Worst - meyemes yegje (Lowest)
cheeky - cegKej Bad - Kejeye, yegje (Poor)
brave - yeneogj Good - "erkeâ, DeÛÚe (fine)
76. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
81. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
(a) fierce (b) sane
(c) savage (d) humane (a) Stormy (b) Loud
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III) (c) Noisy (d) Peaceful
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Brutal - (efveo&Ùeer), antonym - humane (oÙeeueg)~
Ans. (d) : 'Boisterous'- (GheõJeer, keâuenkeâejer), antonym -
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Fierce- Yeer<eCe, ØeÛeC[, savage- DemeYÙe, pebieueer~ 'Peaceful'- (MeevleefØeÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Sane- mecePeoej~ Stormy - letheâeveer~
77. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Loud - ØeMebmee, mlegefle~
given word. Noisy - Meesjiegue Ùegòeâ~
BESEECH 82. Select the antonym of the given word.
(a) Command (b) Exhort BLESS
(c) Invoke (d) Implore (a) Purify (b) Sanctify
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Wish (d) Curse
Ans. (a) : Beseech - (ØeeLe&vee keâjvee, efJeveleer/efveJesove keâjvee), SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Antonym 'Command' (DeeosMe osvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (d) : Bless - (DeeMeerJee&o), antonym - Curse
Invoke - (efJeveleer keâjvee), Implore - (ØeeLe&vee/efJeveleer/ÙeeÛevee (DeefYeMeehe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Purify - Megæ keâjvee,
keâjvee), Exhort - (mecePeevee, Øesefjle keâjvee) nw~ Sanctify - heefJe$eerkeâjCe, Wish - FÛÚe~
78. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word: C
BUOYANT 83. Select the appropriate antonym for the
(a) Neutral (b) Bouncy underlined word.
(c) Gloomy (d) Cheerful The arms and legs lay in a careless way.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I) (a) Forgetful (b) Unsafe
Ans. (c) : Buoyant- (ØemeVeefÛele), Antonym - Gloomy (c) Neglectful (d) Vigilant
(Goeme/efJe<eeohetCe&)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&– SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Neutral – lešmLe/Goemeerve Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Careless" (ueehejJeen)
Bouncy – GÚeueYejer keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Vigilant" (peeie™keâ/meeJeOeeve) nesiee~
Cheerful – nbmecegKe DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
79. Selection the most appropriate ANTONYM of Forgetful - YetuekeäkeâÌ[/ueehejJeen
the given word. Unsafe - Demegjef#ele
(a) Friendly (b) Generous Neglectful - yeshejJeen
(c) Liberal (d) Stingy 84. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) underlined word.
Ans. (d) : Benevolent - (oÙeeueg, efce$eJele Deewj hejeshekeâejer), She chided her son for being impatient with the
Antonym - Stingy (kebâpetme, veerÛe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) applauded (b) scolded
Friendly– efce$eJele, Generous– Goej, Liberal– Goej,
(c) rebuked (d) reproved
meefn<Ceg~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Antonyms 486 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Chided" 88. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to
([eBšvee/Oecekeâevee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym ‘applauded’ (ØeMebmee the given word.
keâjvee) nesiee~
(a) Largesse (b) Hatred
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ (c) Greed (d) Avarice
Scolded - [eBšvee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Rebuked - [eBšvee Ans. (a) : Cupidity (ueeuemee/le=<Cee) Antonym "Largesse"
Reproved - efveboe keâjvee / efOekeäkeâejvee (oeveMeeruelee/Goejlee)
85. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
underlined word in the given sentence. Avarice - ueeueÛe
Many confessed after the physical torture by
Greed - ueeueÛe/le=<Cee
the cops.
(a) Revealed (b) Acknowledged Hatred - Ie=Cee/És<e
(c) Denied (d) Recognised 89. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III) underlined word in the given sentence.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Confessed" (DehejeOe We had hundreds of courageous scientists.
(a) diffident (b) gutsy
mJeerkeâej keâjvee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Denied" (Fvekeâej/cevee
(c) audacious (d) valiant
keâjvee) nesiee~ SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Courageous"
Revealed - Øekeâš keâjvee (meenmeer/efve[j) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Diffident"
Acknowledged - mJeerkeâej/mJeerke=âle keâjvee (mebkeâesÛeer/Meceeauee) nesiee~
Recognized - henÛeeve keâjvee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
86. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Gutsy - meenmeer
underlined word.
Audacious - meenmeer /DekeäKeÌ[
Wealthier countries are obligated to fulfil a
commitment made in the Paris Agreement to Valiant -yeneogj
provide $100 billion a year in international 90. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
climate finance. given word.
(a) hale (b) feeble Criticise
(c) drape (d) breach (a) Prevent (b) Forgive
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I) (c) Disappoint (d) Praise
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Commitment " SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III
(Øeefleyeælee/Øes<eCe) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Breach" Ans. (d) : "Criticize" (DeeueesÛevee keâjvee) Antonym "Praise"
(GuuebIeve/efJeÛÚso) nesiee~ (ØeMebmee keâjvee)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Hale - mJemLe/levog™mle Prevent - jeskeâvee
Feeble - keâcepeesj Forgive - #ecee keâjvee
Drape - šebievee/ mepeevee Disappoint - efvejeMee
87. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to 91. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
the given word. given word.
'Contempt' Camaraderie
(a) Approbation (b) Opprobrium (a) Friendship (b) Companionship
(c) Odium (d) Obloquy (c) Amity (d) Dislike
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III
Ans. (a) : 'Contempt' (efveboe/eflejmkeâej) Antonym Ans. (d) : Camaraderie (meewneo&/YeeF&-Ûeeje) Antonym
"Approbation" (ØeMebmee/mJeerke=âefle) "Dislike" (ve]Heâjle/És<e)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Opprobrium - Deheceeve/eflejmkeâej Friendship -efce$elee
Odium - És<e/eflejmkeâej Companionship - YeeF&-Ûeeje
Obloquy- Deheceeve/keâuebkeâ Amity - cesuepeesue

Antonyms 487 YCT

92. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (a) blunt (b) sincere
given word. (c) deceitful (d) unconventional
CENTRE SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I
(a) Periphery (b) Definite Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Candid" (mhe°/mejue)
(c) Mainstream (d) Clear keâe Ghejesòeâ Antonym ‘deceitful’ (keâhešer/Yeücekeâejer) nesiee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Ans. (a) : "Centre" (kesâvõ/ceOÙe efyevog) Antonym " Blunt - kegbâo/cebo
Periphery " (heefjefOe/Iesje) Sincere - F&ceeveoej/meÛÛee
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Unconventional - Dehejbhejeiele
Definite - efveef§ele/mhe° 97. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Mainstream - cegKÙeOeeje/mhe° given word.
Clear - meeHeâ-mhe° CONGENIAL
93. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (a) Merciful (b) Mellow
given word. (c) Mild (d) Mean
CLENCH SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08/08/2022 (Shift-II)
(a) Relax (b) Clasp Ans. (d) : Congenial (Devegketâue/meewneo&hetCe&) Antonym "Mean
(c) Tighten (d) Hold " (legÛÚ/efIeveewvee)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Ans. (a) : Clench (oyeevee/hekeâÌ[vee) Antonym "Relax" Merciful - oÙeeuet/Deveg«eener
(Deejece keâjvee/ efMeefLeue nesvee) Mellow -ceOegj/keâesceue
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Mild - meescÙe/keâesceue
Clasp - hekeâÌ[/Deeefuebieve 98. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Tighten - oyeevee/leevevee given word.
Hold - Leecevee/hekeâÌ[vee (a) Heavy (b) Honest
94. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) Dressed (d) Opaque
given word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Constrict Ans. (b) : Clandestine - (ieghle/DeJewOe), Antonym, Honest -
(a) Choke (b) Cramp (F&ceeveoej)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
(c) Smite (d) Stretch
Heavy - Yeejer, Opaque - DeheejoMeea, Dressed - keâheÌ[s henvevee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II
99. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Ans. (d) : "Constrict" (keâmevee/pekeâÌ[vee) Antonym given word.
"Stretch" (leveeJe/efJemleej) CRUCIAL
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ (a) Essential (b) Trivial
Choke - ieuee IeeWšvee~ (c) Urgent (d) Stable
Cramp - SW"ve/leveeJe ~ SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (b) : 'Crucial' - cenòJehetCe&, Antonym - Trivial - ceecetueer~
Smite - njevee/ keâ° osvee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
95. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. Essential - pe™jer
Comely Urgent - DelÙeeJeMÙekeâ
(a) Grandiloquent (b) Grotesque Stable - efmLej
(c) Gregarious (d) Gorgeous 100. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III given word.
Ans. (b) : Comely (ceveesnj/megvoj) Antonym "Grotesque" Compassion
(efJeefÛe$e/efJeke=âle) (a) concern (b) meanness
(c) sympathy (d) kindness
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I)
Grandiloquent - Dee[bjhetCe& Ans. (b) : Compassion - menevegYetefle, mebJesovee, antonym -
Gregarious - PegC[ ceW jnves Jeeuee Meanness - oefjõlee/DeYeeJe~
Gorgeous - YeJÙe/YeÌ[keâeruee Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
96. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Concern - efÛeblee/ceeceuee~
word in bold in the following sentence. Sympathy- menevegYetefle~
Her candid remarks impressed the Board of
members. Kindness - oÙeeueglee~

Antonyms 488 YCT

101. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 106. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) Still (b) Excited (a) save (b) absorb
(c) Restful (d) Cool (c) exhaust (d) devour
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III)
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Calm - Meeble, antonym - excited Gòesefpele
Ans : (a) Consume- (yeyee&o keâjvee, JÙeÙe keâjvee), antonym-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
'Save' (yeÛele keâjvee, megjef#ele jKevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Still - efmLej
Absorb- «enCe keâjvee, Exhaust- Lekeâevee, Devour - yeyee&o
Restful - MeebefleØeo
keâjvee, ve° keâjvee~
Cool - Meeble
107. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
102. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) mercenary (b) avaricious (a) offensive (b) innocent
(c) acquisitive (d) benevolent (c) reserved (d) disagreeable
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Covetous - (ueeueÛeer, ueesYeer), antonym - Ans. (b) : Culpable - (oes<eer, iegveenieej), antonym -
benevolent (hejeshekeâejer, oÙeeueg)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- innocent (efveoex<e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
mercenary- efkeâjeÙes keâe mewefvekeâ, Jesleve-Yeesieer offensive - DeefØeÙe, reserved - Deejef#ele, disagreeable -
avaricious- kebâpetme Demenceefle
acquisitive- Depe&veMeerue 108. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
103. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
given word. CHIVALROUS
CRUCIAL (a) annoyed (b) valiant
(a) imperative (b) trivial (c) indignant (d) cowardly
(c) pivotal (d) critical SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Chivalrous- (heje›eâceer yeneogj), Antonym -
Ans. (b) : Crucial- ("erkeâ, ØeeceeefCekeâ, DelÙevle cenlJehetCe&),
cowardly (keâeÙej, [jheeskeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
antonym -trivial (legÛÚ, cenlJenerve, veieCÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe
Annoyed- ›eâesOeer, Valiant- Jeerj yeneogj, Indignant- ›eâesOeer~
DeLe& nw-
imperative - DeefveJeeÙe&lee 109. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
pivotal - DeeOeejYetle
critical - veepegkeâ
(a) Defer (b) Adhere
104. Select the antonym of the given word. (c) Consent (d) Oppose
COMIC SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) amusing (b) tragic
(c) awkward (d) absurd Ans. (d) : Comply- (heeueve keâjvee), Antonym - Oppose
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III) (DeJe%ee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Defer - šeuevee, Deueie
Ans. (b) : 'Comic' - (nemÙeemheo, DeevebohetCe&), antonym- jKevee, Adhere - heeueve keâjvee, DevegmejCe keâjvee, Consent -
'Tragic' (og:Keo)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- menceefle, cepeea~
Absurd - yeslegkeâe, DeLe&nerve 110. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Amusing - efJeveesoer, ceveesjbpekeâ given word.
Awkward - yes{biee Conclusive
(a) Ambiguous (b) Clear
105. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(c) Undeniable (d) Decisive
given word.
CONTIGUOUS SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) separated (b) contactual Ans : (a) Conclusive- (efveCee&Ùekeâ Ùee efve§eeÙekeâ), Antonyms -
(c) neighbouring (d) adjoining Ambiguous (DeveskeâeLeea)~ DevÙe Meyoes kesâ DeLe& nQ- Clear (meeheâ
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) Ùee mhe°), decisive (efveCee&Ùekeâ Ùee Debeflece), Undeniable
Ans : (a) 'Contiguous'- (mebueive, efceuee ngDee), antonym - (DekeâešŸe Ùee efpemes vekeâeje ve pee mekesâ) nw~
'separated' (Deueie/he=Lekeâ keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- 111. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Contactual- mebheke&â keâeÙe&, Neighbouring -heÌ[esmeer, given word.
Adjoining- mebueive~ COMPLACENT

Antonyms 489 YCT

(a) humble (b) satisfied 116. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(c) confident (d) trusted given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I) CASUAL
Ans : (a) Complacent- (Deelcemebleg°/Deeflemebleg°/ ØemeVe), (a) Planned (b) Immature
Antonyms - Humble- (meeOeejCe/oervenerve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& (c) Inspirational (d) Informal
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Casual - (DeÛeevekeâ, mebÙeesie mes), antonym -
Satisfied- mebleg°
Planned (Ùeespeveeyeæ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Confident- DeeÕemle/DeelceefJeMJeemeer
Immature - DeheefjhekeäJe, Inspirational - GlØesjCee, Informal -
Trusted- efJeÕeeme/Ùekeâerve/DeemLee DeveewheÛeeefjkeâ
112. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 117. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. given word.
(a) continuing (b) infrequent (a) Transparent (b) Indefinite
(c) routine (d) regular (c) Murky (d) Vague
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans : (b) Chronic- (mLeeÙeer, yengkeâeueerve, hegjevee, ueieeleej) Ans. (a) : Cloudy - (OegbOeuee, Oetefceue), antonym -
antonym- infrequent (Ùeoe-keâoe, DemeeceevÙe) ~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ 'transparent' (heejoMe&keâ, heejoMeea)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
DeLe& nQ- Indefinite - Deefveef§elekeâeueerve
Continuing- efvejblej Murky - heâerkeâe, DebOesje
routine- efoveÛeÙee& Vague - Demhe°
regular- mLeeÙeer 118. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
113. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
given word. COMPATRIOT
CENSURE (a) Brethren (b) Countryman
(a) distrust (b) criticism (c) Outsider (d) Insider
(c) praise (d) shame SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : Compatriot –(mJeosMeJeemeer), antonym -
Ans : (c) Censure- (efveboe), antonym- praise (ØeMebmee)~ DevÙe Outsider (hejeÙee/DepeveJeer)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Brethren – YeeF&
Distrust- Mekeâ Countryman – osMeJeemeer/«eeceJeemeer
Criticism- DeeueesÛevee Insider – Debo™veer~
Shame- Mece& 119. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
114. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word:
given word. CAUSTIC
CORROBORATE (a) Sarcastic (b) Kind
(a) confirm (b) contradict (c) Scary (d) Bitter
(c) approve (d) verify SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (b) : CAUSTIC- (meKle/leerKee), Antonym - Kind
Ans : (b) Corroborate- (veÙes ØeceeCe Éeje efkeâmeer efJeÛeej Ùee keâLeve (oÙeeuet/ke=âheeuet)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
keâer hegef° keâjvee/meceLe&ve keâjvee), antonym - contradict (efJejesOe Sarcastic – JÙebiÙehetCe&/keâšg, Scary – [jeJevee/YeÙeevekeâ
keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- approve (mencele nesvee), verify Bitter – keâÌ[Jee
(ØeceeefCele keâjvee), confirm (hegef° keâjvee) 120. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
115. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
given word. CONSPICUOUS
CONCEALED (a) Noticeable (b) Distinct
(a) Masked (b) Revealed (c) Apparent (d) Obscure
(c) Discussed (d) Hidden SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : 'Conspicuous' - (megmhe° Øekeâš, meeheâ, ØelÙe#e),
Ans. (b) : 'Concealed' - (ieghle, DeØekeâš), antonym- antonym - obscure (OegBOeuee, ogyeexOe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
'Revealed' (Øekeâš, ØekeâeefMele)~ Mes<e efJekeâuhe Fme Øekeâej nQ- Noticeable– OÙeeveekeâ<e&keâ,
Masked - efÚheeÙee ngDee, DeØelÙe#e, Discussed - ÛeÛee& keâer, Distinct– mhe°, megJÙeòeâ
efJeJeeo efkeâÙee, Hidden - efÚheeÙee ngDee, DeØekeâš Apparent– DeeYeemeer, JeemleefJekeâ

Antonyms 490 YCT

121. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (a) Pause (b) Desist
given word: (c) Terminate (d) Continue
CONTEMPLATE SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III)
(a) Deify (b) Conceive Ans. (d) : Cease - (jeskeâ, ØeefleyebOe), antonym - Continue
(c) Ignore (d) Meditate (efvejblej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Pause – ™keâeJeš
Ans. (c) : 'Contemplate' - (ceveve keâjvee, Fjeoe
Desist –DeJejesOe
keâjvee),antonym - 'Ignore' (vepejDeboepe keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ
Terminate – Kelce nesvee
DeLe& nQ- Deify - osJelee, Conceive - ieYe&OeejCe keâjvee, efJeÛeej
keâjvee, Meditate - efÛebleve keâjvee~ 127. In the following question, out of the given four
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
122. Select the most appropriate antonym of the meaning of the given word.
given word: Circuitous
COARSE (a) Circular (b) Direct
(a) Common (b) Colourful
(c) Long way (d) Roundabout
(c) Refined (d) Vulgar
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Circuitous - (Ûekeäkeâjoej, IegceeJeoej), antonym -
Ans. (c) : 'Coarse' – (Deheefj<ke=âle/DeMegæ), antonym
Direct - (ØelÙe#e)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Circular -
'refined' (heefj<ke=âle, Megæ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Common -
Ûe›eâer Ùe, IegceeJeoej, Long way - uecyee jemlee, yeÌ{e-ÛeÌ{e kesâ,
meeceevÙe, Colourful - jbie-efyejbiee, Vulgar - DeefMe° DeYeõ~
Round about - ÛeejeW Deesj Ùee Ûe›eâerÙe~
123. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. 128. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
CONVENIENCE given word.
(a) Enjoyment (b) Satisfaction Crooked
(c) Assistance (d) Hindrance (a) Curved (b) Straight
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I) (c) Spiral (d) Bent
Ans. (d) : 'Convenience'- (megefJeOee), antonym - SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
'Hindrance' (JÙeJeOeeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (b) : Crooked- (šs Ì{e, Oet le& ) , antonym - Straight
Enjoyment - ceveesjbpeve, Satisfaction - meblegef°, Assistance - (meerOee, F&ceeveoej)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
meneÙelee~ Curved - Je›eâ, šsÌ{e
124. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Spiral - meefhe&ue
given word. Bent - PegkeâeJe, ceg[ Ì e ngDee
CANDID 129. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(a) Genuine (b) Frank given word.
(c) Truthful (d) Devious Captivity
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I) (a) Liberty (b) Imprisonment
Ans. (d) : Candid - (mhe°Jeeoer), antonym - Devious (c) Cheer (d) Offense
(kegâefšue, Ûeeueyeepe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Genuine- SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
JeemleefJekeâ, ceewefuekeâ, Frank-mhe°keâejer, Truthful - melÙeefve‰, Ans. (a) : 'Captivity'- (kewâo, keâejeJeeme), antonym -
F&ceeveoej~ Liberty (Deepeeoer)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
125. In the following question, out of the given four Imprisonment - kewâo
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in Cheer - ØemeVe nesvee
meaning of the given word.
Offense - Deheceeve, DehejeOe
(a) Cheap (b) Common 130. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(c) Foul (d) Gentle given word.
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) Cautious
(a) Discreet (b) Negligent
Ans. (d) : Coarse- (DeMueerue, DemeYÙe), antonym - Gentle
(c) Prudent (d) Alert
(megMeerue Ùee meewcÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
cheap – memlee, common – meeOeejCe, Foul – GuePe peevee~
Ans. (b) : Cautious - (meleke&â, meeJeOeeve), antonym -
126. In the following question, out of the given four Negligent (megmle yeshejJeen)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Discreet -
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
meaning of the given word. mecePeoej, efJeJeskeâer, Prudent - efJeJeskeâer, yegefæceeve, Alert -
Cease meeJeOeeve
Antonyms 491 YCT
131. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Ans. (c) : Coarse- (Kegjogje), antonym - Smooth
given word. (efÛekeâvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) General (b) Modern Ragged - Deheefj<ke=âle, efJe<ece
(c) Past (d) Present Attractive - Deekeâ<e&keâ
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III) Shiny - Ûecekeâlee ngDee
Ans. (c) : Current- (Jele&ceeve), antonym - past (yeerlee ngDee, 137. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
YetlehetJe&)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- General - meeceevÙe, Modern word.
- DeeOegefvekeâ, Present - Jele&ceeve~ Confront
(a) Avoid (b) Oppose
132. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. (c) Encounter (d) Meet
Comic SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Tickle (b) Happy Ans. (a) : Confront- (cegkeâeyeuee/meecevee keâjvee), antonym -
(c) Tragic (d) Jubilant Avoid (šeuevee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) Oppose - efJejesOe keâjvee~
Ans. (c) : Comic - (nemÙeØeo), antonym -Tragic (og:Keo)~ Encounter-meecevee keâjvee, ceg"YesÌ[ keâjvee~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Tickle - efjPeevee, Happy - KegMeer, Meet -efceuevee~
Jubilant - ØeHegâefuuele 138. Select the antonym of the given word.
133. Select the most appropriate antonym of the CREATE
word. (a) Develop (b) Deploy
Congested (c) Derive (d) Destroy
(a) Cleared (b) Crowded SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Choked (d) Crammed
Ans. (d) : Create- (yeveevee, efvecee&Ce keâjvee), antonym -
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
destroy (ve° keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (a) : 'Congested'- (YeerÌ[ Yeje), antonym - cleared
Develop - efJekeâeme keâjvee
(meeheâ efkeâÙee ngDee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nwb-
Crowded - YeerÌ[ Yeje~ Deploy - lewveele keâjvee
Choked - DeJe®æ~ Derive - JÙeglheVe nesvee
Crammed - "mee"me Yeje ngDee~ 139. Select the antonym of the given word.
134. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(a) Disagreement (b) Consent
(c) Agreement (d) Harmony
(a) Disagreement (b) Agreement SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Consent (d) Harmony Ans. (a) : 'Consensus'- (Deece menceefle/ meJe&mecceefle),
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III) antonym - Disagreement (Demenceefle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe&
Ans. (a) : Consensus - (Deece menceefle), antonym - nQ-
'Disagreement- (Demenceefle)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- Consent - mJeerke=âefle Ùee Devegceefle osvee
Agreement– mecePeewlee, Consent– menceefle, Deveg%ee, Agreement - menceefle
Harmony– meecebpemÙe, Skeâlee~ Harmony - meecebpemÙe, leeue-cesue~
135. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 140. Select the antonym of the given word.
(a) Impartial (b) Rude
(a) Reduce (b) Decrease
(c) Enlarge (d) lessen (c) Detached (d) Independent
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : 'Curtail'- (Ieševee, keâce keâjvee), antonym - Ans. (b) : Courteous - (efJeveüce, efJeveerle), antonym - Rude
'enlarge' (efJemleej keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Reduce– ( DeefMe°)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Impartial - efve<he#e,
keâce keâjvee, Decrease– Ieševee, Lessen– Úesše keâjvee~ Detached - Deueie-Deueie, Independent - mJeleb$e
136. Select the antonym of the given word. 141. Select the antonym of the given word
(a) Ragged (b) Attractive (a) Neutral (b) Balanced
(c) Smooth (d) Shiny (c) Agreeable (d) Predetermined
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Antonyms 492 YCT
Ans. (c) : Contrary - (Øeefleketâue), antonym - Agreeable 146. Select the appropriate antonym for the
(Devegketâue, mencele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- underlined word. I stare out into the really
amazingly dark night.
Neutral - efve<he#e, Balanced - meblegefuele, Predetermined - (a) unusually (b) obviously
hetJe&efveef§ele~ (c) shockingly (d) astonishingly
142. Select the most appropriate antonym of the SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I)
given word. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Dark" (DebOesje/ieghle)
keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Obviously" (ØelÙe#e/mhe°le:) nesiee~
(a) Opaque (b) Dense
(c) Concave (d) Transparent DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III) Unusually- DemeeceevÙe ™he mes
Ans. (c) : Convex - (Gòeue), Antonym - Concave Shockingly - DevegefÛele
(DeJeleue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Astonishingly - Dee§eÙe&pevekeâ {bie mes
Opaque - Demhe°, Dense - meIeve, Transparent - heejoMe&keâ 147. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to
the given word.
D Doze
143. Select the most appropriate antonym to (a) Wake (b) Cold
substitute the (bracketed) word in the given (c) Snooze (d) Neglect
sentence. SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
It would effectively rouse people's ardour to Ans. (a) : Doze (Pehekeâer/Ì{nevee) Antonym "Wake"
invest, and help to (discourage) the transfer of (peeievee/G"evee)
capital abroad. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(a) Intolerable (b) Persuade
(c) Industrious (d) Construe Cold -"C[e / Meerleue
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I) Snooze - Pehekeâer
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Bracketed word " Discourage" Neglect - Ghes#ee/DeJe%ee
(nleeslmeeefnle keâjvee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Persuade" 148. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(Gkeâmeevee/ceveevee) nesiee given word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ (a) Scatter (b) Remove
Intolerable - DemenveerÙe (c) Disburse (d) Integrate
Industrious - cesnveleer/heefjßeceer SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II)
Construe - efšhheCeer/meceer#ee keâjvee Ans. (d) : Dispel (nševee/efÚlejevee) Antonym "Integrate"
144. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to (Skeâerke=âle/DeKeC[)
the given word. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Scatter - efJeKejeJe/HewâueeJe
(a) Bereft (b) Forlorn
(c) Migrate (d) Populate Remove - nševee/Deueie keâjvee
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III) Disburse - Ûegkeâevee/keâercele osvee
Ans. (d) : Desert (efvepe&ve/lÙeeievee) Antonym "Populate" 149. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(pevemebKÙeeÙegòeâ / yemeevee) given word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ (a) Repudiation (b) Confirmation
Bereft - oerJeevee, Forlorn -DeveeLe/efvejeMe, Migrate -efJemLeeefhele (c) Revelation (d) Assertion
145. Select the most appropriate antonym of the SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I)
given word- ‘Discreet’ Ans. (a) : Divulgence (ØekeâšerkeâjCe/Gæešve) Antonym
(a) Open (b) Release
"Repudiation" (heefjlÙeeie/eflejmkeâej)
(c) Lose (d) Zenith
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Ans. (a) : "Discreet" (efJeÛeejMeerue/Devle&cegKeer) Antonym Confirmation - heg°erkeâjCe
"Open" (Keguee) Revelation - jnmÙeesæešve
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Assertion - DeefYekeâLeve
Release - efjneF&/ØeoMe&ve 150. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
underlined word.
Lose - Keesvee/ÚesÌ[vee
The musician gave a dismal performance of a
Zenith - Meer<e&efyebog few old melodies at last night’ ’s concert.
Antonyms 493 YCT
(a) exhausting (b) lively 154. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(c) melancholy (d) smart given word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II) Despicable
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Dismal" (a) Rational (b) Deplorable
(efvejeMeepevekeâ/Goeme) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Lively" (c) Admirable (d) Offensive
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III)
(peerJeble/jesÛekeâ) nesiee~
Ans. (c) :Despicable (efIeveewvee/DeOece) keâe Antonym
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
"Admirable" (ØeMebmeveerÙe) nesiee~
Exhausting - LekeâeT
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Melancholy - Goemeer/DeJemeeo
Rational - leke&â mebiele
Smart - Ûeeueekeâ/Hegâleeauee
Deplorable - Kesopevekeâ/efJeHeâue
151. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of
the underlined words in the given sentence. Offensive - Deheceevepevekeâ
Developed countries are at a disadvantage to 155. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
modern science and technologies. given word.
(a) privileged (b) useless Decay
(c) powered (d) unhappy (a) Disintegrate (b) Growth
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II) (c) Spoilage (d) Breakdown
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Disadvantage" SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III
(vegkeâmeeve/Kejeyeer) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Privileged" Ans. (b) : Decay ( heleve/#eer Ce nesvee) keâe Antonym "Growth"
(efJeMes<eeefOekeâej) nesiee~ ( Je= e f æ/Glheeove) nw ~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Useless - efvekeâccee/yeskeâej Disintegrate - he=Lekeâ keâjvee/HeâeÌ[vee
Powered - mebÛeeefuele/Meefòeâ osvee Spoilage - jöer meeceeve/veg]keâmeeve
Unhappy - DeØemeVe Breakdown - JÙeJeOeeve/efJeMues<eCe
152. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 156. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word from the following sentence. given word.
‘Decent’ Detrimental
(a) ethical (b) downfall (a) Baseless (b) Senseless
(c) true (d) dishonesty (c) Harmless (d) Meaningless
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ word "Decent" (meYÙe/GefÛele) keâe Ans. (c) : Detrimental (neefvekeâejkeâ) nw~ Antonym
Antonym "Dishonesty" (yesFceeveer/keâheš) nw~ "Harmless" (Deneefvekeâejkeâ/efveoex<e)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Ethical - veweflekeâ / veereflehejkeâ Baseless - efvejeOeej
Downfall - heleve/Ghekeâ<e& Senseless - cetKe&leehetCe&
True- ÙeLeeLe&/melÙe Meaningless - DeLe&nerve
153. Select the appropriate ANTONYM of the 157. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
underlined word to fill in the blank.
I wanted to ask if you have an/a _____ bank
(a) Medium (b) Giant
account. Mine has been dormant for a year.
(c) Measurable (d) Tiny
(a) inert (b) side
SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III
(c) active (d) quick
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III) Ans. (b) : Dwarf (yeewvee/Úesše) keâe Antonym "Giant"
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Underlined word "Dormant" (efJeMeeue/cenekeâeÙe) nw
(efveef<›eâÙe) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Active" (meef›eâÙe) nesiee, pees DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesves hej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& os jne nw~ Medium - ceeOÙece
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw– Measurable - veeheves ÙeesiÙe
Inert - efveef<›eâÙe/efmLej Tiny - Úesše
Side - he#e/hentue 158. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
Quick - MeerIeÇ
Antonyms 494 YCT
(a) Deceitful (b) shrewd Ans. (c) : Dishearten- (efve®lmeen keâjvee), Antonym-
(c) straight (d) calculating
'encourage' (Øeeslmeeefnle keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe&-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I)
humble - (efJeveceü), indispose - (DemJemLe keâjvee), dampen -
Ans. (c) : Devious - (Je›eâ/šsÌ{e), Antonym, Straight -
(meerOee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- (efkeâmeer keâer Meefòeâ #eerCe keâjvee)
Deceitful - OeesKesyeepe, Shrewd - Ûeeueekeâ, Calculating - 164. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
heefjkeâueve~ given word.
159. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(a) stray (b) divide
given word.
Disheveled (c) branch (d) collect
(a) Untidy (b) Cluttered SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) Ordered (d) Unkempt Ans. (d) : 'Diverge' - (efJeIešve keâjvee), antonym - 'collect'
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I) (Skeâ$e keâjvee, efceueevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Ans. (c) : Disheveled - (efyeKeje ngDee) keâe, Antonym, stray - Yeškeâ peevee, efJe<eÙe mes nšvee
Ordered - (›eâce ceW) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- divide - yeeBšvee, Deueie keâjvee
Untidy-ueehejJeen ieboe, Unkempt-ieboe, Cluttered- branch - MeeKee, šnveer efkeâmeer mebmLee keâe Debie
165. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
160. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
given word.
(a) Distressed (b) Successful (a) degrade (b) debase
(c) Disappointed (d) Cheerful (c) evade (d) elevate
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Downcast - (ceeÙetme nesvee), Antonym, Cheerful Ans. (d) : 'Defile'- (DeMegæ keâjvee, efiejevee), antonym -
- (ØemeVe nesvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- 'elevate' (lejkeäkeâer keâjvee, G"evee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Distressed - DemJemLe/JÙeefLele, Successful - meHeâue nesvee, degrade - efkeâmeer kesâ mecceeve keâes Ieševee
Disappointed - efvejeMe nesvee~ debase - iegCeJeòee Ùee cenòJe keâce keâj osvee
161. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the evade - yeÛe efvekeâuevee, efkeâveeje keâjvee~
given word.
166. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word.
(a) construction (b) pillage
(c) plunder (d) devastation DEFICIENCY
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) (a) excess (b) glitch
Ans. (a) : 'Depredation' - (efJeOJebme, efJeveeMe), antonym (c) dearth (d) snag
construction - (mebjÛevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- pillage - SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
efnbmekeâ lejerkesâ mes uetšheeš keâjvee, plunder - uetš keâe meeceeve, Ans. (a) : 'Deficiency'- (keâceer, DeYeeJe), antonym
devastation - meJe&veeMe, leyeener 'excess' ( DeefOekeâlee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
162. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the glitch - ieÌ[yeÌ[, efJeOeejer
given word. dearth - keâceer, Dekeâeue
snag - jesÌ[e, keâef"veeF&
(a) beguile (b) divert
(c) clarify (d) perplex 167. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) given word.
Ans. (c) : 'Distract' - (efJeÛeefuele keâjvee), antonym - DEFICIT
'clarify' (mhe° keâjvee, mhe°erkeâjCe osvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) adhere (b) credit
beguile - "ievee, Úuevee, divert - heefjJele&ve keâjvee, perplex - (c) surplus (d) remove
GuePeevee, nwjeveer SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
163. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Ans : (c) Deficit- (Ieeše, keâceer), antonym - Surplus
given word. (DeefOeMes<e DeeJeMÙekeâlee mes DeefOekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
DISHEARTEN Remove- nševee
(a) humble (b) indispose
Adhere- heeueve keâjvee
(c) encourage (d) dampen
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) Credit- ßesÙe uesvee

Antonyms 495 YCT

168. Select the antonym of the given word. (a) Criticise (b) Applaud
DENSE (c) Vilify (d) Blame
(a) sparse (b) thick SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) condensed (d) opaque Ans : (b) Denounce- (efveboe keâjvee, Dejeshe ueieevee), antonym
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I) - Applaud- (ØeMebmee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (a) 'Dense' - (Ievee, meIeve), antonym- Sparse - Criticise- DeeueesÛevee keâjvee
(efJejue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Vilify- eflejmkeâej keâjvee, efveobe keâjvee
Opaque - DeheejoMeea Blame- Deejeshe ueieevee~
Condensed - meIeve, ieeÌ{e keâjvee
174. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Thick - (ceesše) given word.
169. Select the most appropriate antonym of the DENSE
given word. (a) sparse (b) jammed
DEMEAN (c) crammed (d) piled
(a) Debase (b) Admire SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Belittle (d) Ignore Ans. (a) : Dense- (meIeve, Ievee), antonym - sparse
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) (efJejue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (b) Demean - (veerÛee efoKeevee), antonym - Admire - Jammed- Heâmee ngDee, Piled- vegkeâeruee, Crammed- jšvee
(ØeMebmee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
175. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Debase - otef<ele keâjvee, Belittle - Úesše keâjvee, Ignore - given word.
DeveosKee keâjvee~ Deport
170. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (a) Transport (b) Permit
given word. (c) Expel (d) Conduct
DUBIOUS SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) Likely (b) Fishy Ans. (b) : Deport- (efvekeâeuevee), antonym - permit
(c) Shady (d) Dusky (Devegceefle osvee/ ceevevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- transport -
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ì{esvee/heefjJenve, expel - efve<keâeefmele keâjvee, conduct - DeeÛejCe
Ans : (a) Dubious - (mebosnelcekeâ, Deefveef§ele/Demhe°), antonym
- 'Likely' (GheÙegòeâ/mebYeeefJele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
176. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Fishy - mebMeÙeÙegòeâ, Shady - iewjkeâevetveer, Dusky - OebgOeuee given word.
171. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the DIVERSE
given word. (a) Practical (b) Farcical
DISCARD (c) Identical (d) Parallel
(a) share (b) distribute SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) adopt (d) waste Ans. (c) : Diverse – (efYevve, efJeefJeOe), antonym - Identical
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(efyeukegâue Jener/Skeâ™he)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (c) Discard - (ÚesÌ[vee, pegoe keâjvee), antonym - Adopt
Practical – JÙeeJeneefjkeâ
(Deheveevee, «enCe keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Share - Yeeie,
Farcical – nemÙeemheo
Ùeesieoeve, Distribute - efJelejCe, Waste - yeskeâej~
Parallel – meceeveeblej
172. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. 177. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
DESPAIR given word.
(a) pride (b) calm DISABLE
(c) hope (d) dearth (a) Permit (b) Refuse
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Disapprove (d) Disallow
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans : (c) Despair- (efvejeMee), antonym - Hope (DeeMee)~
Ans. (a) : 'Disable'- (efkeâmeer keâe efJekeâueebie nes peevee, DeÙeesiÙe
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Pride- ieewjJe
yeveevee), antonym - 'permit' (mebYeJe yeveevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ
DeLe& nQ- Refuse - cevee keâjvee, Disapprove - DevegefÛele mecePevee,
Calm- Meeble
Disallow - mJeerke=âefle ve osvee~
Dearth- Dekeâeue
173. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 178. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. given word.
Denounce DECAY

Antonyms 496 YCT

(a) Decline (b) Rotting Ans. (b) : Demolish – (efJeOJebme keâjvee), Antonym -
(c) Corrosion (d) Growth Construct (efvecee&Ce keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Abolish - Gvcetueve keâjvee
Ans. (d) : Decay– (#eÙe nesvee, efJeIešve nesvee), antonym -
Cherish - mebpeesvee/ceve ceW ueevee/OÙeeve keâjvee
Growth (mebJe=efæ, efJekeâeme)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Decline –
Obstruct - ™keâeJeš
heleve nesvee, Corrosion – #eÙe, efJeveeMe, Rotting-meÌ[e nesvee~
184. In the following question, out of the given four
179. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
given word. meaning of the given word.
(a) Concede (b) Quarrel (a) Stretch (b) Develop
(c) Strengthen (d) Impute (c) Compress (d) Enlarge
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II) SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Dispute – (celeYeso, efJeJeeo), antonym - concede Ans : (c) Dilate– (hewâueevee, yeÌ{evee), antonym - compress
(ceeve uesvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Quarrel – PeieÌ[e, (Úesše keâjvee, oyeevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Strengthen– cepeyetle, Impute– DeefYeÙeesie ueieevee~ Stretch–hewâueevee, Develop–Deeies yeÌ{evee, efJekeâefmele nesvee,
180. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Enlarge–yeÌ[e keâjvee~
given word.
DISAPPROVE 185. In the following question, out of the given four
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
(a) Oppose (b) Commend
meaning of the given word.
(c) Refuse (d) Neglect
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) Brave (b) Yield
Ans. (b) : Disapprove– (DemJeerkeâej keâjvee), antonym- (c) Defeat (d) Ignore
Commend (efmeheâeefjMe keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)
Oppose– efJejesOe keâjvee, Refuse– DemJeerkeâej keâjvee, Neglect– Ans. (b) : ‘Defy'- (ueuekeâejvee, DeJensuevee keâjvee),
DeveosKee keâjvee~ antonym- 'Yield' (mecehe&Ce keâjvee) nw~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
181. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Brave - Ûegveewleer osvee, meecevee keâjvee, Defeat - hejemle keâjvee,
given word. efyeheâue keâj osvee, Ignore - Ghes#ee keâjvee, OÙeeve ve osvee~
186. In the following question, out of the given four
(a) Disguise (b) Complete
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
(c) Disrupt (d) Conceal
the meaning of the given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Disclose– (jnmÙe yeleevee), Antonym - Conceal (a) Honour (b) Spot
(jnmÙe Úgheevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Blur (d) Stain
Disguise - ™he yeouevee SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Complete - hetCe& keâjvee Ans : (a) Disgrace - (Deveeoj, efvejeoj), antonym -
Disrupt - Yebie keâjvee Honour (mecceeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Spot - oeie, Blur -
182. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Oeyyee, Stain - keâuebkeâ, Oeyyee~
given word. 187. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Disillusioned given word.
(a) Soured (b) Embittered DETER
(c) Disappointed (d) Enthusiastic (a) Generalise (b) Dissuade
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III) (c) Occupy (d) Incite
Ans. (d) : Disillusioned – (efvejeMe/ceesnYebie), Antonym - SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Enthusiastic (GlmeenhetCe&)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (d) : 'Deter'- ([je keâj jeskeâvee), (ØeeflejesOe keâjvee) antonym -
Soured – Keóer 'Incite' (Gkeâmeevee, YeÌ[keâevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Embittered – keâÌ[Jeenš mes Yeje Generalise - JÙeehekeâ Devegceeve ueieevee
Disappointed – efvejeMee/nleeMe Dissuade - jeskeâvee
183. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Occupy - keâypee keâjvee
given word. 188. Select the antonym of the given word.
DEMOLISH Delicious
(a) Abolish (b) Construct (a) Insipid (b) Tepid
(c) Cherish (d) Obstruct (c) Salty (d) Gross
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Antonyms 497 YCT
Ans. (a) : Delicious - (mJeeefo°, ceer"e), antonym - Ans. (d) : Delicate - (veepegkeâ, keâesceue), antonym - Firm
Insipid (yesmJeeo)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- (cepeyetle, ÂÌ{)~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
Tepid - nukeâe iejce, iegveiegvee (warm) Flimsy - keâcepeesj (weak)
Salty - vecekeâerve, Keeje (saline) Feeble - #eerCe, ogye&ue (fragile)
Gross - Yeejer, "esme, iebYeerj (Coarse, serious) Fragile - veepegkeâ (delicate)
189. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 194. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. given word.
Disperse Destroy
(a) Gather (b) Neglect (a) Obliterate (b) Abolish
(c) Send (d) Hold (c) Preserve (d) Shine
Ans. (a) : Disperse- (efJemeefpe&le keâjvee, efyeKesjvee), antonym - SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Gather– (pecee keâjvee)~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- Ans. (c) : Destroy- (ve° keâjvee), Antonym - Preserve
Neglect - Ghes#ee keâjvee, Deveeoj keâjvee (overlook) ( yeÛeevee, megjef#ele jKevee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Send - Yespevee, Øesef<ele keâjvee obliterate - efceševee
Hold - hekeâÌ[vee~ Abolish - Gvcetueve keâjvee, peÌ[ mes efceše osvee~
190. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Shine - Ûecekeâvee
given word.
(a) Scarcity (b) Manifold 195. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(c) Abundance (d) Shortage word given in the bracket to fill in the blank.
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I) My stomach is so ______ (empty) I couldn't
Ans. (c) : Deficit- (keâceer), Antonym - Abundance possibly eat more.
(a) overfed (b) drained
(ØeÛegjlee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) flush (d) teeming
Scarcity - DeYeeJe keâceer SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II)
manifold - efJeefJeOe Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ bracketed word "Empty"
Shortage - keâceer (Keeueer) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Overfed" (Yeje/hesšYej) nesiee~
191. Select the most appropriate antonym of the pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve ceW ØeÙegòeâ nesves hej GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
word. Drained - metKee / Heâerkeâe
Flush - ueeefuecee/Ûecekeâvee
(a) Close (b) Faraway
(c) Beyond (d) Remote Teeming -heefjhetCe&/Yeje ngDee
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I) 196. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Ans. (a) : Distant- (otj, Heâemeues hej), antonym - close given word.
(Deemeheeme, vepeoerkeâ)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- Elusive
(a) Rigid (b) Explosive
Faraway - megotj yengle otj (outlying) (c) Affordable (d) Definite
Beyond - hejs mes yeenj (outside) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Remote - otj (distant) Ans. (c) : Elusive' (neLe ve Deeves Jeeuee) Antonym
192. Select the most appropriate antonym of the "Affordable" ( memlee/Deemeeveer mes efceueves Jeeuee)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(a) Increase (b) Decrease Rigid - keâ"esj/keâÌ[e
(c) Shrink (d) Decline Explosive - efJemHeâesškeâ
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II) Definite - efveef§ele/mhe°
Ans. (a) : Diminish - (keâce keâjvee), antonym - Increase 197. Select the most appropriate ANTONOYM of
(Je=efæ keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- the underlined word in the given sentence.
Decrease - Ieševee~ We were very much enthusiastic about our
Shrink - efmekegâÌ[vee~ tour to Agra.
(a) anxious (b) obsessed
Decline - Fbkeâej keâjvee, keâce nesvee~
(c) inclined (d) casual
193. Select the antonym of the given word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Delicate Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Enthusiastic"
(a) Flimsy (b) Feeble
(Glmeener/ØemeVe) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Anxious"
(c) Fragile (d) Firm
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II) (efÛebeflele/yesÛewve) nesiee~
Antonyms 498 YCT
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Ans. (b) : Evident (ØelÙe#e/mhe°) Antonym "Indistinct"
Obsessed - ™efÛehetCe&/mevekeâ (Demhe°/DeJÙeòeâ)
Inclined - FÛÚgkeâ/ØeJe=òe DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Casual - Deekeâefmcekeâ Obvious - peeefnj/mhe°
198. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Stubborn - efpeöer/n"er
underlined word in the given sentence. Irritable - efÛeÌ[efÛeÌ[e/legvekeâ efcepeepe
She was in a state of ecstasy when she came to 202. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
know that her son received a visa on his first underlined word.
attempt. The more enlightened employers offer better
(a) Abash (b) Inspiration terms.
(c) Agony (d) Joyfulness (a) Civilized (b) Educated
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III) (c) Confounded (d) Reasonable
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Ecstasy" SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I
(hejceevebo/Glmeen) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Agony" (Ùeelevee/heerÌ[e) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Enlightened"
nesiee~ (Øeyegæ/efMeef#ele) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Confounded"
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - (Yeüefcele/Yeüeble) nesiee~
Abash - ueefppele nesvee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Inspiration - ØesjCee ~ Civilized - meYÙe
Joyfulness - ØemeVelee~ Educated - efMeef#ele
199. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to Reasonable - leeefke&âkeâ
the given word. 203. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
'Elucidate' given word.
(a) Obfuscate (b) Dilate Exonerate
(c) Magnify (d) Outdate (a) Exempt (b) Engage
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I) (c) Absolve (d) Acquit
Ans. (a) : "Elucidate" – (mhe° keâjvee) Antonym SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I
"Obfuscate" (Demhe°/DebOesje keâjvee) Ans. (b) : ‘Exonerate’ (oes<ecegòeâ/Deueie keâjvee) Antonym
"Engage" (mebueive/yeÛeveJeæ keâjvee)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Dilate - ÛeewÌ[e keâjvee
Exempt - cegòeâ/ ceeHeâer osvee
Magnify - yeÌ{evee/Je=efæ keâjvee
Absolve - oes<ecegòeâ keâjvee
Outdate - DeØeÛeefuele nesvee~
Acquit - Deejeshe cegòeâ keâjvee
200. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
204. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
underlined word in the given sentence.
given word.
He learned to endure hunger and cold.
(a) Reconcile (b) Persist
(a) Ripe (b) Flow
(c) Resist (d) Sustain
(c) Moisture (d) Stiff
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Endure" (menve
Ans. (b) : Ebb - (DeJeveefle/#eÙe) Antonym "Flow"
keâjvee/Yeesievee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Resist" (efJejesOe keâjvee / (ØeJeen/DeefOekeâlee)
jeskeâvee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Ripe - heefjhekeäJe/ÙeesiÙe
Reconcile - meceeOeeve keâjvee
Moisture - veceer/ieerueeheve
Persist - ÂÌ{ keâjvee
Stiff - keâ"esj/keâef"ve
Sustain - yeveeÙes jKevee/mebYeeuevee
205. Which word in the given sentence is the
201. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the antonym of ‘exonerate’ ?
given word. It was difficult to convict him of the falsity of
Evident his beliefs.
(a) Obvious (b) Indistinct (a) beliefs (b) falsity
(c) Stubborn (d) Irritable (c) difficult (d) convict
SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III
Antonyms 499 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙee ieÙee word "Exonerate" (Deejeshecegòeâ 210. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
keâjvee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Convict" (oes<eer "njevee) nesiee~ given word.
pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ nw~ (a) remove (b) erupt
DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ (c) absorb (d) leave
Beliefs - OeejCee/DeemLee~ SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Falsity - DemelÙelee ~ Ans. (c) : 'expel'- (osMe, mketâue Deeefo mes efvekeâeue yeenj keâjvee),
Difficult -keâef"ve ~ antonym - 'absorb' (Deelcemeele keâjvee, DeJeMeesef<ele keâjvee)~
206. Select the most appropriate antonym of the DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
given word. remove - nševee, Deueie keâjvee
ENDORSE erupt - hetâš heÌ[vee
(a) Affirm (b) Renounce leave - ÚesÌ[vee
(c) Support (d) Advocate 211. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) given word.
Ans. (b) : 'Endorse' - meceLe&ve, Antonym - Renounce EXTRAVAGANT
(lÙeeievee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) pauper (b) generous
Affirm - ÂÌ{lee kesâ meeLe keânvee~ (c) thrifty (d) deficit
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Support - menÙeesie~
Ans. (c) : Extravagant- recklessly wasteful (KeÛeeauee,
Advocate - Jekeâerue/meceLe&keâ
DeefleJÙeÙeer), antonym - thrifty (DeuheJÙeÙeer, efkeâheâeÙeleer)~ DevÙe
207. Select the most appropriate antonym of the MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
given word.
Pauper- iejerye, Generous- Goej, Deficit- keâceer, Ieeše
(a) lean (b) fat 212. Select the antonym of the given word.
(c) thin (d) shrunken EMINENT
(a) exalted (b) impressive
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) inconspicuous (d) distinguished
Ans. (b) : 'Emaciated' - #eerCe, Antonym - fat - ceesše~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (c) : 'Eminent' - (efJeefMe°, Øeefmeæ), antonym-
shrunken - efmekegâÌ[e inconspicuous (Demhe<š, DeefJeefMe°)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
thin - heleuee Exalted - yeguebo, GVele
lean - ogyeuee Impressive - ØeYeeJeMeeueer
208. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Distinguish - efJeue#eCe
given word. 213. Select the antonym of the given word.
(a) vindicate (b) acquit (a) extension (b) inflation
(c) sentence (d) absolve (c) compression (d) augmentation
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Exonerate - (efJecegòeâ keâjvee, efveoex<eer {njevee), Ans : (c) Expansion- (efJemleej, Øemeej), antonym-
Antonym - sentence (pesue ceW [euevee, mepee osvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW Compression (meebef#ehleerkeâjCe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
kesâ DeLe& nQ- vindicate - efveoex<e keâjej osvee, acquit - oes<ecegòeâ Extension- efJemleej
keâjvee, absolve - #ecee keâjvee Inflation- cegõeØemeej
209. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Augmentation- Je=efæ
given word. 214. Select the antonym of the given word.
(a) enjoyment (b) pique (a) Raise (b) Enlarge
(c) resentment (d) wrath (c) Reduce (d) heighten
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Exasperation- (#eesYe/iegmmee), Antonym- Ans : (c) Escalate- (yeÌ{evee/pÙeeoe keâjvee), antonym-
'enjoyment' (Deevevo)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Reduce (keâce keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Pique - cevecegšeJe Raise- G"evee
resentment - Deheceeve, És<e Enlarge- efJemleej keâjvee
Wrath - ›eâesOe, veejepeieer Heighten- TbÛee keâjvee

Antonyms 500 YCT

215. Select the antonym of the given word. 220. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
EXCEPTIONAL given word.
(a) uncommon (b) Unimaginable EXCEPTIONAL
(c) unthinkable (d) unremarkable (a) ordinary (b) optional
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III) (c) rare (d) unique
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Exceptional- (efJeefMe°, DeheJeeo), antonym -
Ans : (a) Exceptional- (DemeeOeejCe), antonym - Ordinary-
Unremarkable (ceecetueer, meeOeejCe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
(meeOeejCe/meeceevÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Uncommon- DemeeOeejCe, DemeeceevÙe, Unimaginable-
Optional- Jewkeâefuhekeâ
DekeâuheveerÙe, Unthinkable- DeefJeÛeejCeerÙe
Rare- ogue&Ye
216. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Unique- DeefÉleerÙe, DeveesKee
given word.
ENRAGED 221. Select the appropriate antonym of the given
(a) pleased (b) livid word.
(c) aggravated (d) infuriated EXAGGERATE
(a) heighten (b) amplify
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) compress (d) overdo
Ans : (a) Enraged - (KeHeâe/iegmmes ceW), antonym - pleased - SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(KegMeer mes)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Ans. (c) : Exaggerate- (yeÌ{e ÛeÌ{ekeâj keânvee), antonym -
livid - Heâerkeâe, aggravated - Gòesefpele keâjvee, infuriated - compress (mebef#ehle keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
›eâesefOele keâjvee~ Heighten- yeÌ{e osvee, Amplify- efJemle=le keâjvee, yeÌ{evee,
217. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Overdo- Deefle keâjvee~
given word. 222. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
ERUDITE given word.
(a) scholarly (b) high-brow Exotic
(c) savvy (d) ignorant (a) alien (b) ordinary
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) (c) colourful (d) curious
Ans : (d) Erudite- (efJeÉeve), antonym - ignorant (DeveefYe%e, SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
DeveheÌ{)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (b) : Exotic- (Depeerye/DeveesKee), antonym - Ordinary-
Scholarly- efJeÉleehetCe&, High brow- GÛÛe JeieeaÙe, yegefæceeve, (meeOeejCe/meeceevÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Alien-
Savvy - peevekeâej Depeerye/Depeveyeer, Colourful- jbieerve/Meeveoej, Curious- efpe%eemeg
218. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 223. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. given word.
(a) tolerance (b) indolence (a) Intricate (b) Intensive
(c) Elaborate (d) Length
(c) persistence (d) patience
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) Extensive – (efJemle=le, JÙeehekeâ), antonym -
Ans : (b) Endurance - (menveMeeruelee), antonym -
Intensive (meIeve, ienve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Intricate –
Indolence (DeeuemÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
peefšue, keâef"ve; Elaborate – JÙeehekeâ, Deuebke=âle; Length –
Tolerance - meefn<Ceglee, menveMeefòeâ
Persistence - ÂÌ{lee, efpeo
224. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Patience - Oeerjpe, OewÙe& given word.
219. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the EARTHLY
given word. (a) Temporal (b) Celestial
EXULTANT (c) Temperamental (d) Peripheral
(a) wounded (b) delighted SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) energetic (d) depressed Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Meyo 'Earthly'- (meebmeeefjkeâ) keâe antonym
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) - 'celestial' (KeieesueerÙe, DeekeâeMeerÙe) nesiee~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
Ans. (d) : Exultant - (ØemeVe, KegMe, nef<e&le), Antonym - nQ-
Depressed (ogKeer, efvejeMe, DeØemeVe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Temporal - meebmeeefjkeâ, ueewefkeâkeâ
Delighted - (KegMeer, ØemeVe, nef<e&le), energetic - (Tpee&Jeeve), Temperamental - DeefmLej efÛeòe, legvekeâ efcepeepe
wounded - (IeeÙeue) Peripheral - keâce cenòJehetCe&, ieewCe

Antonyms 501 YCT

225. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. F
ENIGMA 230. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM to
(a) Make-believe (b) Clarity substitute the underlined word in the given
(c) Mystery (d) Charade sentence.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II) This certainly was a feeble attempt to capture
the culprit.
Ans. (b) : 'Enigma' - (hensueer, jnmÙeceÙe), Antonym - (a) enviable (b) refraining
Clarity (mhe<šlee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) powerful (d) treble
Make believe – efJeÕeeme efoueevee SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 (Shift-III)
Charade – Meyo hensueer SSC CPO SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Mystery – jnmÙeceÙeer SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Feeble" (keâcepeesj) keâe
226. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. GheÙegòeâ Antonym- powerful (Strong) (MeefòeâMeeueer) nesiee~
EXPUNGE DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(a) Deplete (b) Exhaust Enviable - mhe=nCeerÙe/ueesYe, ienjer
(c) Insert (d) Remove Refraining - hejnspe/Deueie nesvee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II) Treble - efleiegvee, GÛÛe mJej mes ieeves Jeeuee ueÌ[keâe
Ans. (c) : Expunge - (efceševee/nševee), antonym - 'Insert' 231. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(jKevee, [euevee, yew"evee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- given word.
Deplete – Dehe#eÙe keâjvee/JÙeÙe keâjvee~ Follow
Exhaust – Lekeâvee/Lekeâe osvee~ (a) Trail (b) Lead
(c) Show (d) Heed
Remove – nševee/efvekeâeuevee
SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV)
227. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Ans. (b) : Follow (heerÚe keâjvee) Antonym "Lead" (vesle=lJe
given word.
(a) Respite (b) Inspire DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(c) Inhale (d) Expel Trail - heie[b[er/jemlee efvekeâeuevee, efÛeÖ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III) Show - efoKeevee
Ans. (c) : 'Exhale'- (meeBme ÚesÌ[vee), antonym - 'inhale' Heed - meeJeOeeveer/OÙeeve ueieevee
(meeBme uesvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Respite - ceesnuele, 232. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
efJejece, Inspire - Øesefjle keâjvee, Glmeen osvee, Expel - efve<keâeefmele underlined word.
keâjvee, efvekeâeue osvee Her parents forbade her to marry her lover.
(a) refused (b) allowed
228. In the following question, out of the given four (c) declined (d) prevented
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
the meaning of the given word.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Forbade" (cevee
(a) Disinterested (b) Desire keâjvee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Allowed" (Devegceefle osvee) nesiee~
(c) Restless (d) Zealous DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I) Refused - Fvkeâej keâjvee
Ans : (a) Eager - (Glmegkeâ), antonym - Disinterested Declined - heleve nesvee
(Goemeerve, efve®lmeen)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Restless - yesÛewve, Prevented - jeskeâLeece keâjvee
Desire - FÛÚe, Zealous - Glmeener~ 233. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
229. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
word : Fundamental
Entrance (a) Neutral (b) Link
(a) End (b) Closing (c) Impact (d) Least
(c) Exit (d) Opening SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (d) : Fundamental (DeeOeejYetle/cetue) Antonym
Ans. (c) : 'Entrance'- (ØeJesMe), antonym - ‘Exit’ "Least" (vÙegvelece/keâce mes keâce)
(efvekeâeme)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
End - GösMÙe meceehle nesvee~ Neutral - lešmLe/efve<he#e
Closing - Debeflece/meceeheve~ Link - mebheke&â/efceueevee
opening - MegYeejcYe, Meg®Deele~ Impact - ØeYeeJe/škeäkeâj

Antonyms 502 YCT

234. Select the word that is opposite in meaning (a) Volatile (b) Starved
(ANTONYM) to the word given below. (c) Satiated (d) Hesitant
'Fret' SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III
(a) Anxious (b) Anguish Ans. (c) : "Famished" (YetKee) Antonym "Satiated" (le=hle)
(c) Relax (d) Pine DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
Volatile - heefjJele&veMeerue
Ans. (c) : Fret (›eâesOe/efÛeÌ[efÛeÌ[enš) Antonym "Relax" Starved - YetKe mes cejvee/YetKee
(Deejece) Hesitant - DeefmLejefÛeòe/mebMeÙeMeerue
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ 239. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Anxious - yesÛewve underlined word in the following sentence.
Anguish - heerÌ[e/ceveeslÙeLee The uneducated man was flummoxed by the
Pine - efJeueehe keâjvee, osJeoej, ceveeslÙeLee legal document.
(a) happy (b) annoyed
235. Select the word that is opposite in meaning
(c) comfortable (d) scared
(ANTONYM) to the word given below.
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III
(a) Militant (b) Moderate Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Flummoxed"
(c) Sectarian (d) Zealot (Ieyejevee/yesÛewve) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Comfortable"
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II) (DeejeceoeÙekeâ/megKeo) nesiee~
Ans. (b) : 'Fanatic' (keâój/n"erOeceea) Antonym "Moderate" DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(GoejJeeoer/meerefcele) Happy - ØemeVe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Annoyed - hejsMeeve/lebie
Militant - G«eJeeoer/ÙegæefØeÙe Scared - YeÙeYeerle
Sectarian - meebØeoeefÙekeâ 240. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
Zealot -keâójhebLeer
236. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (a) Additional (b) Featured
given word. (c) Latter (d) External
Frivolous SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I
(a) Quiet (b) Petty Ans. (c) : "Former" (hetJe&/henuee) Antonym "Latter" (yeeo
(c) Wise (d) Idle
keâe efheÚuee)
SSC Constable GD-25/11/2021 Shift-III
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Ans. (c) : Frivolous (legÛÚ/#egõ) Antonym "Wise"
Additional - Deefleefjòeâ/Dehej
Featured - efJeMes<e ™he mes ØeoefMe&le efkeâÙee ieÙee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheesb kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
External - yeenjer
Quiet - Meeble/veerjJe
241. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Petty- Deuhe/legÛÚ given word.
Idle - efveef<›eâÙe/JÙeLe& FRIGID
237. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (a) Chilly (b) Warm
given word. (c) Frosty (d) Salty
Flabby SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) Long (b) Plump Ans. (b) : Frigid - ("b[e), Antonym, Warm - (iejce)~ DevÙe
(c) Firm (d) Stretched efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III Salty - vecekeâerve, Chilly - meo&, Frosty - "b[e
Ans. (c) : "Flabby" (keâesceue/Ì{eruee), ce=og, Antonym "Firm" 242. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(keâ"esj/ÂÌ{) given word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Fecund
Long - uecyee (a) Barren (b) Polite
(c) Genial (d) Rude
Plump- ceesše/mLetue
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Stretched - levee ngDee Ans. (a) : Fecund - (GhepeeT), Antonym, Barren - (yebpej)~
238. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
given word.
Polite - efJeveceü/meYÙe, Genial - efceuevemeej, Rude - DeefMe°
Antonyms 503 YCT
243. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 248. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word given word.
(a) solitary (b) elated (a) rigid (b) ductile
(c) desperate (d) bereft (c) elastic (d) pliable
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Forlorn - (DeveeLe/Goeme), Antonym - Elated - SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(Gòesefpele/Guueefmele) Ans. (a) : Flexible - (ueÛeeruee), Antonym - rigid (Stiff)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- (keâ"esj)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Bereft - oerJeevee~ ductile - keâesceue, elastic - ueÛeeruee pliable - vejce, ueÛeeruee
Desperate - nleeMe~ 249. Select the antonym of the given word.
Solitary - Dekesâuee~ FINITE
244. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (a) finished (b) limited
given word. (c) bound (d) endless
Freed SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Imprisoned (b) Released Ans : (d) 'Finite' - (efveÙele,meerefcele), antonym - endless
(c) Discharged (d) Liberated
(Demeerefcele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : Freed - mJeleb$e efkeâÙee ieÙee, Antonym -
Finished - meceehle
Imprisoned (kewâo efkeâÙee ieÙee) Bound - meerefcele keâjvee, efJeJeMe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- Limited - meerefcele
Released - ÚesÌ[vee 250. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Discharged - mesJee cegòeâ nesvee given word.
Liberated - cegòeâ
(a) rustic (b) rural
245. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) Indian (d) native
given word. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (d) Foreign - (efJeosMe/hejosMe), antonym - "Native -
(a) defect (b) weakness
(c) perfection (d) feature (osMepe/mJeosMeer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) Rustic - osneleer
Ans. (c) : flaw - (keâceer/oes<e), antonym - perfection Rural - «eeceerCe
(hetCe&lee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - defect - keâceer-Kejeyeer, Indian - YeejleerÙe
weakness - keâcepeesjer, feature - megefJeOee 251. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
246. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
given word. FUTILE
FERTILE (a) hollow (b) worthless
(a) productive (b) barren (c) barren (d) productive
(c) strong (d) fruitful SSC GD 02/03/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans : (d) Futile - (JÙeLe&), antonym - Productive
Ans. (b) : fertile - (GhepeeT), antonym - barren (yebpej)~
(Fruitfull) (Glheeokeâ, GheÙeesieer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw- productive - Glheeokeâ, strong - Hollow- KeesKeuee, Worthless-cetuÙenerve, yeskeâej, Barren - yebpej
cepeyetle, fruitful - heâueoeÙekeâ/ueeYekeâj
252. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
247. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word.
given word.
(a) brutal (b) ruthless (a) fancy (b) elaborate
(c) gentle (d) fearless (c) weak (d) robust
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 05/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : Frail- (ogye&ue), Antonym - Robust (cepeyetle)~
Ans. (c) : Ferocious - (De›eâecekeâ, pebieueer), antonym - DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
gentle (efJeveceülee, keâesceue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- brutal - Fancy - (keâuhevee, keâeuheefvekeâ), Elaborate - (efJemle=le, peefšue),
›etâj, DemeYÙe, ruthless - efvece&ce, ›etâj, fearless - efve[j Weak - (keâcepeesj)

Antonyms 504 YCT

253. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 258. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word given word.
FRAGILE Friendly
(a) Strong (b) Fancy (a) Felicity (b) Insanity
(c) Slow (d) Fast (c) Hostility (d) Facility
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III) Ans. (c) : Friendly - (efce$eJele), antonym - Hostility
Ans. (a) : Fragile - (menpe štš peeves Jeeuee), Antonym - (Me$egleehetCe&, ogMceveer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Insanity - mevekeâer,
'Strong' (Tough) (cepeyetle, MeefòeâMeeueer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& heeieueheve, Facility - megefJeOee, megiecelee~
nQ- Fancy - ceveesvegketâue keâuhevee keâjvee, Slow - Oeercee, efvemlespe 259. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
Fast - lespe, leer›eieeceer Fluctuate
254. Select the correct antonym for the given word. (a) Stabilize (b) Mobilize
Formidable (c) Waver (d) Stumble
(a) Appalling (b) Dangerous SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Trivial (d) Scary Ans. (a) : Fluctuate- (Gleej-ÛeÌ{eJe), antonym - Stabilize
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) (efmLej keâjvee, efmLej)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
Ans. (c) : 'formidable'- ([j hewoe keâjves Jeeuee, efJekeâš), Mobilize - mebieef"le nesvee, pegševee (assemble)
antonym - 'trivial' (legÛÚ, veieCÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Waver - uenjevee (hesitate)
appaling - YeÙe GlheVe keâjves Jeeuee, [jeJevee, Stumble - "eskeâj Keevee (shuffle)
dangerous - Kelejveekeâ, 260. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
scary - [jeJevee, YeÙeevekeâ~ word
255. In the following question, out of the given four (a) Constant (b) Hasty
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in (c) Feeble (d) Mild
meaning of the given word. SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Fickle- (ÛebÛeue, DeefmLej), antonym - Constant
(a) Ancient (b) Above
(c) Departed (d) After
(efmLej)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I) Hasty - peuoyeepeer, GleeJeuee~
feeble - ogye&ue~
Ans. (d) : Former– (hetJe&, henues), antonym - After (yeeo
mild - nukeâe~
ceW)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
261. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Ancient–ØeeÛeerve, Above–Thej, Depart– ØemLeeve~
256. In the following question, out of given four FACILITATE
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in (a) Ease (b) Encourage
meaning of the given word. (c) Aid (d) Hinder
Forsake SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Desert (b) Forgo Ans. (d) : Facilitate- (megiece yeveevee), antonym - 'Hinder'
(c) Give up (d) Revert (yeeOee [euevee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I) Ease - Deemeeve yeveevee
Ans : (d) Forsake - (lÙeeievee), antonym - Revert (Jeeheme Encourage - Øeeslmeeefnle keâjvee
Deevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Desert - lÙeeievee, forgo- Aid - meneÙelee keâjvee
lÙeeievee, Give up- nej ceeve uesvee, lÙeeievee~
262. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
257. Select the most appropriate antonym of the word.
given word. FEASIBLE
Familiar (a) Profitable (b) Implausible
(a) Usual (b) Common (c) Attainable (d) Achievable
(c) Known (d) Strange SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (b) : 'Feasible'- (megmebiele, mebYeeJÙe), antonym -
Ans. (d) : Familiar - (heefjefÛele, peeve-henÛeeve), antonym - 'Implausible' (DekeâuheveerÙe, DemebYeJe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
strange (efJeefÛe$e, DeheefjefÛele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Usual - Profitable - ueeYekeâejer
meeceevÙe, ceecetueer, Common - meeceevÙe, Known - peevevee, Attainable - Øeehle keâjves ÙeesiÙe, ØeehÙe
efJeefole~ Achievable - efpemes Øeehle efkeâÙee pee mekesâ, ØeehÙe

Antonyms 505 YCT

263. Select the antonym of the given word. (a) Innocent (b) Jive
Fatigued (c) Haunt (d) Sad
(a) Energized (b) Tired SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)
(c) Exhausted (d) Deprived Ans. (d) : "Glad" (ØemeVe) Antonym "Sad" (Goeme)
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Ans. (a) : 'Fatigued'- (Lekeâe ngDee/Lekeâeve Ùegòeâ), antonym - Innocent - efveoex<e
'Energized' (Glmeeefnle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Jive - ieheMehe/yekeâJeeme
Tired - Lekeâe ngDee Haunt - DeeßeÙe/ceb[jevee
Exhausted - yengle Lekeâe ngDee 268. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Deprived - peerJeve keâer cetueYetle megefJeOeeDeeW mes JebefÛele given word.
G (a) Frivolous (b) Serious
264. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) Native (d) Foreign
given word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Grumble Ans. (a) : Grave (iebYeerj/Yeejer) Antonym "Frivolous"
(a) Navigate (b) Stray (legÛÚ/#egõ)
(c) Raise (d) Praise
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I)
Serious - iebYeerj
Ans. (d) : "Grumble" (yeÌ[yeÌ[evee/Demebleg° nesvee) Antonym
Native - osMeer/pevcepe
"Praise" (ØemebMee keâjvee)
Foreign - efJeosMeer
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
269. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Navigate - mebÛeeueve keâjvee (heefjJenve) given word.
Stray - heLeYeü°/ Deueie keâjvee, ceškeâe ngDee Gradual
Raise - G"evee/yeÌ{evee (a) Abrupt (b) Regular
265. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) Gentle (d) Slow
given word. SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Gratification SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) Growth (b) Pleasure Ans. (a) : Gradual - ›eâefcekeâ, Antonym, Abrupt (Rapid)-
(c) Dissatisfaction (d) Blessing efJe<ece/SkeâeSkeâ~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I) Regular - efveÙeefcele, Gentle - meppeve, Slow - Oeerjs~
Ans. (c) : "Gratification" (meblegef°/megKe) Antonym 270. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
"Dissatisfaction" (Demeblegef°) given word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ - GRADUALLY
Growth - efJekeâeme/Je=efæ (a) Constantly (b) Abruptly
(c) Steadily (d) Readily
Pleasure - ØemeVelee/Deevevo
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Blessing - DeeMeerJee&o
Ans. (b) : 'Gradually' (›eâce mes/›eâceMe:), Antonym -
266. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Abruptly (SkeâeSkeâ) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
given word.
Gratitude Constantly - efvejblej
(a) Appreciation (b) Mercy Steadily - efveÙeefcele
(c) Thanklessness (d) Care Readily - Deemeeveer mes
SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III) 271. Select the antonym of the given word.
Ans. (c) : "Gratitude" (ke=âle%elee/DeeYeej) Antonym GATHER
"Thanklessness" (ke=âleOvelee) (a) display (b) dispute
.DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ (c) distract (d) disperse
Appreciation - ØeMebmee/DeefYecetuÙeve SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Mercy - oÙee/keâ™Cee Ans. (d) : Gather - (Fkeâªe nesvee, Skeâ$e nesvee), antonym-
Disperse (eflelej-efyelej keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Care - osKeYeeue
Dispute - efJeJeeo
267. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. Distract - OÙeeve Yebie keâjvee
Glad Display - efoKeevee

Antonyms 506 YCT

272. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. H
GAUNT 277. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(a) Lean (b) Bent given word.
(c) Plump (d) Old Hideous
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II) (a) Disgusting (b) Shocking
Ans : (c) Gaunt- (heleuee, ogye&ue), antonym- Plump (ceesše, (c) Attractive (d) Ghastly
SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III
mLetue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Lean- ogyeuee Ans. (c) : Hideous (Ie=efCele/YeÙebkeâj) Antonym "Attractive"
Bent- PegkeâeJe (Deekeâ<e&keâ)
Old- hegjevee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
273. In the following question, out of the given four Disgusting - Ie=Ceemheo
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in Shocking - YeÙeevekeâ/yegje
meaning of the given word. Ghastly - YebÙekeâj/efJekeâjeue
Grudge. 278. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(a) Spite (b) Averse given word.
(c) Dislike (d) Goodwill Hilarious
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I) (a) Ridiculous (b) Pretentious
Ans : (d) Grudge - (F&<Ùee& jKevee, DeefveÛÚe Øekeâš keâjvee), (c) Usual (d) Humorless
antonym - Goodwill (meodYeeJevee, efce$e YeeJe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
DeLe& nQ- Spite Ie=Cee keâjvee, Deheceeve keâjvee, Dislike veehemevo Ans. (d) : Hilarious (GuueemehetCe&/ØemeVe) Antonym
keâjvee~ "Humorless" (nemÙejefnle)
274. In the following question, out of the given four DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
Ridiculous - nemÙeemheo/Yeöe
meaning of the given word.
Gather Pretentious - efceLÙeeefYeceeveer/keâhešer
(a) Choose (b) Unite Usual - JÙeeJeneefjkeâ/ØeeefÙekeâ
(c) Crowd (d) Divide 279. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II) given word.
Ans. (d) : Gather – (Skeâef$ele nesvee), antonym - divide HARMONY
(Deueie nesvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- choose – Ûegvevee, unite (a) Peace (b) Discord
– Skeâ$e nesvee, crowed – YeerÌ[ (c) Tranquility (d) Good will
275. Select the most appropriate antonym of the SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II
given word. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 23/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Gloomy Ans. (b) : "Harmony" (meecebpemÙe/Skeâlee) Antonym
(a) Cloudy (b) Bright "Discord" (Hatred) (celeYeso/efJemebieefle)
(c) Dull (d) Greedy DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I) Peace - Meeefvle/mebefvOe
Ans. (b) : 'Gloomy'- (DevOekeâejceÙe, DeJemeeo), antonym - Tranquility - Meeefvle/Oeerjpe
Bright (Ûecekeâeruee, ØeHegâefuuele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Goodwill - KÙeeefle/meeKe neefõkeâlee
Cloudy - Oetefceue, cesIeeÛÚeefole
280. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Dull - veerjme given word.
Greedy - ueeueÛeer HUMILITY
276. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (a) modesty (b) timidity
word. (c) vanity (d) servility
Glee SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) Joy (b) Woe Ans. (c) : Humility - (efJeveceülee), Antonym – vanity
(c) Fun (d) Mirth (IeceC[)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw- modesty - veceülee, timidity
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
- [jheeskeâ, servility - Ûeeheuetmeer~
Ans. (b) : Glee - (ØemeVelee, ØeHegâuuelee, Deevebo), Antonym -
281. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
woe (Meeskeâ, efJe<eeo)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- given word.
Fun - ceveesjbpekeâ, cepesoej, Mirth - KegMeer, Deevebo~ Hope

Antonyms 507 YCT

(a) Daring (b) Courage 286. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(c) Despair (d) Confidence given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I) Hidden
Ans : (c) Hope- (DeeMee keâjvee), Antonym - Despair (a) Concealed
(b) Covered
(efvejeMee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Veiled
Daring- heg™<eeLe&, Courage- meenme, Confidence- DeelceefJeÕeeme (d) Apparent
282. Select the most appropriate antonym of the SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)
given word. Ans. (d) : Hidden - (efÚheeÙee ngDee), antonym - apparent
Hasty (mhe° heejoMeea)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Covered - {keâe ngDee,
(a) Sudden (b) Cautious
Veiled - efÚhee ngDee~
(c) Reckless (d) Urgent
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I) 287. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Ans : (b) Hasty- (GleeJeuee/peuoyeepeer), antonym - Cautious HARMONY
(meeJeOeeve/meleke&â)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) Strife (b) Accord
Urgent- Deefle DeeJeMÙekeâ (c) Consensus (d) Agreement
Sudden- DeÛeevekeâ SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Reckless- ueehejJeen Ans. (a) : 'Harmony'- (meecebpemÙe), antonym - strife
283. Select the correct antonym for the given word. (efJeJeeo)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Harsh Accord - kesâ Deveg™he nesvee, mJesÛÚe
(a) Tough (b) Grave Consensus - menceefle, meJe&mecceefle
(c) Gentle (d) Bitter Agreement - mecePeewlee~
SSC MTS 20/08/2019 (Shift-III) 288. Select the antonym of the given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III) Hopeful
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I) (a) Optimistic
Ans. (c) : Harsh - (keâ"esj/efve‰gj), antonym - Gentle (b) Pessimistic
(veceü/meppeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Cheerful
Tough - keâ"esj/meKle~ (d) Healthy
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Grave - iebYeerj/meceeefOe~
Ans. (b) : Hopeful - (DeeMeeJeeve), antonym - Pessimistic
Bitter- keâÌ[Jee/heer[
Ì eoeÙekeâ~
(efvejeMeeJeeoer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Optimistic - DeeMeeJeeoer,
284. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Cheerful - ØemeVe, nbmecegKe, Healthy - mJemLe~
given word.
HEINOUS 289. Select the antonym of the given word.
(a) Biased (b) Unhealthy HIDEOUS
(c) Unwilling (d) Agreeable (a) Beautiful (b) Secretive
(c) Detestable (d) Ugly
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Heinous - (peIevÙe), antonym - 'Agreeable'
Ans. (a) : Hideous - (Ie=efCele, YeÙebkeâj), antonym -
(®efÛekeâj, megKeo, ceveesnj)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Beautiful (megvoj)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Secretive -
'Biased' - he#eheelehetCe&, 'Unhealthy' - DemJeemLÙehetCe&,
mebkeâesÛeer, ieghle, Detestable - efIeveewvee, Ugly - kegâ™he~
'Unwilling' - DeefveÛÚgkeâ
285. In the following question, out of the given four 290. Select the antonym of the given word.
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in HORIZONTAL
meaning of the given word. (a) Parallel (b) Financial
Hail. (c) Official (d) Vertical
(a) Rain (b) Storm SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Greet (d) Dribble Ans. (d) : Horizontal - (#eweflepe), Antonym - Vertical
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I) (GOJee&Oej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (d) Hail - (Deesuee heÌ[vee, helLej heÌ[vee, yeewÚeÌ[), Parallel - meceeveeblej
antonym -Dribble (yetBo-yetBo keâj šhekeâvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& Financial - efJeòeerÙe
nw- Rain Je<ee&, Storm letHeâeve, Greet DeefYeJeeove keâjvee~ Official - DeeefOekeâeefjkeâ

Antonyms 508 YCT

I DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Exasperating - lebie keâjves Jeeuee
291. Select the appropriate antonym for the
underlined word. Startling - ÛecelkeâejhetCe&
Amenorrhea can cause a range of issues, Contaminating -ot<eCekeâejer/ieboe keâjves Jeeuee
including infertility. 295. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to
(a) sterile (b) barrenness the given word.
(c) stance (d) fecund Ignominy
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III) (a) Esteem (b) Disrepute
Ans. (d) : Infertility (DevegJe&jlee/yeebPeheve) Antonym (c) Stigma (d) Infamy
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
"Fecund" (GJe&jkeâ/Glheeokeâ)
Ans. (a) : Ignominy- (yeoveeceer/keâuebkeâ) Antonym-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
"Esteem" (Deeoj/keâerefle&)
Sterile - yebpej/Tmej
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Barrenness - yeebPeheve/oefjõlee
Disrepute - yeoveeceer/DeheÙeMe
Stance - cegõe/mJe™he/Deemeve
Stigma - keâuebkeâ/Oeyyee
292. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM to Infamy -yeoveeceer/Ghekeâerefle&
substitute the underlined word in the given
sentence. 296. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
The goods being sold are of inferior quality.
(a) Superior (b) Anterior
(c) Exterior (d) Ulterior
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Underlined word "Inferior" Ans. (c) : Indispensable- (DeheefjneÙe& /DeefveJeeÙe&) Antonym
(efvecve/IeefšÙee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym 'Superior' (yesnlej/GÛÛe) "Inessential"- (legÛÚ/veieCÙe)
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Fundamental - ceewefuekeâ/DeeOeejYetle
Anterior - De«eieeceer/hegJe&keâeueerve Crucial - cenlJehetCe&
Exterior - yeenjer/Deekeâej Basic - cetueYetle/ceewefuekeâ
Ulterior - ieghle/hejes#e 297. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to
293. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the the given word.
given word. Inchoate
Indolent (a) Artless (b) Refined
(a) Unskilled (b) Sluggish (c) Articulate (d) Formless
(c) Lazy (d) Active SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II) Ans. (b) : "Inchoate"- (Dehet Ce& / Deef Jekeâefmele) Antonym-
Ans. (d) : Indolent- (Dekeâce&CÙe/efveef<›eâÙe) Antonym- "Refined" (heefj<ke=âle/Megæ)
"Active" (meef›eâÙe/JÙemle) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Artless - DeveeÌ[er/ DekegâMeue
Unskilled - DekegâMeue Articulate - mhe° / JÙeòeâ
Sluggish - megmle/Deeuemeer Formless -Deekeâejnerve / yes[ewue
Lazy – Deeuemeer/cebo 298. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to
the given word.
294. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM to Inept
substitute the underlined word in the following (a) Wanting (b) Competent
sentence. (c) Barred (d) Callow
They realised that the ghost was SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Inept- (DeÙeesiÙe/DeveeÌ[er) Antonym 'Competent'-
(a) exasperating (b) startling
(c) excitable (d) contaminating (me#ece/efvehetCe&)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Imperturbable" Wanting - DeYeeJe«emle/oefjõ
(DeefJeÛeefuele/efmLej) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym- "Excitable" Barred - yeeefOele/yebo
(GòespeveerÙe/DeefmLej) nesiee~ Callow - DevegYeJenerve/DeveeÌ[er

Antonyms 509 YCT

299. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 303. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
bracketed word in the given sentence. highlighted word.
It is irrelevance, at least to me, whether the It was an impetuous decision to buy a car when
grant was (improvident) or no. he didn't have a job.
(a) tardy (b) thrifty (a) sensible (b) dense
(c) cautious (d) hungry (c) arguable (d) tangible
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Bracketed word "Improvident" Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Impetuous"
(KeÛeeauee/yeshejJeen) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Thrifty" (efceleJÙeÙeer/ (DeefJeJeskeâer/peuoyeepe) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Sensible"
efkeâHeâeÙeleer) nesiee~ (mecePeoej/ØelÙe#e) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ~
Tardy - ceboe/megmle Dense - meIeve/Ieefve°
Cautious -meleke&â/SnefleÙeeleer Arguable - leke&â/efJeJeeo-ÙeesiÙe
Hungry -YetKee Tangible - JeemleefJekeâ/mheMe&ÙeesiÙe
300. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 304. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) energetic (b) listless
(a) Contaminated (b) Segregated
(c) torpid (d) languid
(c) Sterile (d) Concentrated
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (a) : Indolent (efveef<›eâÙe/Deeuemeer) Antonym
Ans. (c) : Impure (DeMegæ/DeheefJe$e) Antonym "Sterile"
"Energetic" (Tpee&Jeeve/MeefòeâMeeueer)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Listless - Goemeerve/yeshejJeen
Contaminated - otef<ele/cewuee
Torpid - Goemeerve/cetKe&
Segregated - Deueie /he=Lekeâ
Languid - megmle/efvemlespe
Concentrated - keWâefõle/ Skeâe«e
305. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
301. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
given word. IMPECCABLE
Industrious (a) Blemished (b) Unsullied
(a) Persistent (b) Zealous (c) Flawless (d) Exquisite
(c) Diligent (d) Indolent SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III Ans. (a) : Impeccable (efveoex<e/efve<keâuebkeâ) Antonym
Ans. (d) : Industrious (cesnveleer/GÅeceer) Antonym "Blemished" (keâuegef<ele/oes<e ueieevee)
"Indolent" (Deeuemeer/efveef<›eâÙe) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Unsullied - meeHeâ-megLeje
Persistent - ÂÌ{ / n"er Flawless - efve<keâuebkeâ/$egefšjefnle
Zealous - Glmeener/mejiece& Exquisite- Glke=â°/ met#ce
Diligent - heefjßeceer/meeJeOeeve 306. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
302. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
highlighted word. Infirm
Hari's intimate nature has earned him many (a) Feeble (b) Frail
friends. (c) Strong (d) Weak
(a) timely (b) unfriendly SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) passionate (d) affectionate Ans. (c) : Infirm - (keâcepeesj), Antonym, Strong - (cepeyetle)~
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- ogye&ue
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Intimate" Feeble - keâcepeesj, Frail - Deveweflekeâ, Yebiegj, Weak - keâcepeesj,
(heefjefÛele/Deblejbie) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "unfriendly" ogye&ue
(DeheefjefÛele/™Kee) nesiee~ 307. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - given word.
Timely - meeceefÙekeâ/ÙeLeemeceÙe Invade
(a) Surrender (b) Seize
Passionate - DeeJesMehetCe&/leer#Ce (c) Attack (d) Assault
Affectionate - mvesner/hÙeeje SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Antonyms 510 YCT
Ans. (a) : Invade - (Dee›eâceCe keâjvee), Antonym– 313. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Surrender - (Deelcemecehe&Ce)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- given word.
Seize - peyle keâjvee, Attack - Dee›eâceCe keâjvee, Assault - nceuee (a) add (b) erase
keâjvee~ (c) light (d) darken
308. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
given word. Ans : (d) Illuminate- (Gpeeuee keâjvee), antonym - Darken
IRRELEVANT (DeBOesje keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
(a) consequential (b) trivial Add- efceuevee, pegÌ[vee
(c) pointless (d) immaterial Erase- otj keâjvee, efceševee
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Light- Gpeeuee
Ans. (a) : Irrelevant - (Demebiele, efyevee heefjCeece kesâ),
314. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Antonym – consequential (heefjCeeceer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& given word.
nQ- trivial - legÛÚ, pointless - JÙeLe&, immaterial - INITIATE
DeveeJeMÙekeâ (a) finish (b) begin
309. Select the most appropriate ANTONYMN of (c) trigger (d) commence
the given word. SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
IGNITE Ans : (a) Initiate- ( Meg ™ Deele), antonym- Finish- (meceehle
(a) light (b) burn nesvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw- Begin- Meg™Deele keâjvee,
(c) kindle (d) extinguish Trigger- meef›eâÙe/Meg™ keâjvee, Commence- DeejcYe nesvee~
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) 315. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Ans. (d) : Ignite - (Deeie ueieevee, peueevee), Antonym - given word.
extinguish (yegPeevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- light - ØekeâeMe, INFINITE
(a) boundless (b) etemal
Gpeeuee, burn - peueevee, kindle - YeÌ[keâevee~
(c) vast (d) limited
310. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
given word.
Ans : (d) Infinite - (Deveble), antonym- limited (efpemekeâer Skeâ
(a) indolent (b) assiduous
ef veef§ele meercee nes)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- boundless -
(c) diligent (d) productive (yesno/Deheej), vast - efJeMeeue
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) 316. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word.
Ans. (a) : Industrious - (cesnveleer, heefjßeceer), Antonym -
indolent - (Deeuemeer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- assiduous - (a) designed (b) voluntary
heefjßeceer, diligent - cesnveleer, productive - Glheeokeâ (c) calculated (d) accidental
311. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
given word. Ans : (d) Intentional- (peeveyetPe keâj, Fjeoleve), antonym -
IGNOBLE accidental-(Deekeâefmcekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
(a) abject (b) corrupt designed- yeveeÙee ieÙee, voluntary- mJewefÛÚkeâ, calculated-
(c) craven (d) dignified ieCevee
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
317. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Ans. (d) : Ignoble - (DeOece, veerÛe), Antonym - dignified given word.
(DeefYeceeveer/TBÛee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- IMPEDE
abject - oÙeveerÙe, YeÙeevekeâ, corrupt - Yeü°Ûeejer, craven - keâeÙej (a) Thwart (b) Retard
312. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) Hamper (d) Expedite
given word. SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
IMPUDENT Ans : (d) Impede - ( yeeOee [euevee, jeskeâvee), antonym -
(a) modest (b) arrant Expedite ( Meer I eÇ Yes p evee nes i ee) ~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) brazen (d) blatant Thwart - efyeieeÌ[vee, Retard - Oeercee nesvee, Hamper - lebie keâjvee
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) 318. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Ans. (a) : Impudent- (yesngoe veceülee mes jefnle), Antonym - given word.
modest (Meeueerve/megMeerue)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw - arrant INNATE
(IeefšÙeeheve), brazen - (efveue&pe), blatant - (Keguuece-Keguuee) (a) basic (b) unassuming
(c) simple (d) acquired
peyejomle SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Antonyms 511 YCT
Ans : (d) Innate - (pevcepeele), antonym - Acquired 323. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(Deefpe&le)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- given word.
Basic - cetueYetle
(a) Secure (b) Supreme
Unassuming - meeoe, veceü (c) Unstoppable (d) Vulnerable
Simple - meeOeejCe SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
319. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Ans. (d) : Invincible - (DepesÙe), antonym - vulnerable
given word. (pees menpe ceW IeeÙeue nes mekesâ/YesÅe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
secure - megjef#ele, supreme - meJeexÛÛe, unstoppable - DepesÙe
(a) treacherous (b) stealthy
(c) sincere (d) astute 324. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) given word.
Ans : (c) Insidious - (Ieelekeâ, ØeÚVe), antonym - sincere
(a) Intelligible (b) Puzzling
(efve<keâheš)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Delightful (d) Inconsistent
Treacherous - Ieelekeâ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Stealthy - Ûeesjer-efÚhes efkeâÙee ieÙee Ans. (a) : incoherent- (yeslegkeâe, Demebyeæ), antonym -
Astute - Ûelegj, Oetle& 'Intelligible' (megiece, megyeesOe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
320. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Puzzling - hesÛeeroe, Delightful - DeevevooeÙekeâ, Inconsistent
given word. - Demebiele~
325. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(a) ulterior (b) exterior
given word
(c) interior (d) superior
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Planned (b) Fast
Ans : (d) Inferior- (IeefšÙee, legÛÚ), antonym - Superior (c) Unplanned (d) Appropriate
(Glke=â°, meJeexÛÛe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ulterior- DeØelÙe#e, efÚhee ngDee Ans. (a) : 'Impromptu' - (efyevee lewÙeej kesâ, lelkeâeue),
Exterior- yeenjer Antonym - 'Planned' (JÙeJeefmLele, Ùeespeveeyeæ yeveevee)~ DevÙe
Interior- Yeerlejer MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Fast- lespe, Unplanned - DeefveÙeesefpele,
321. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Appropriate - GheÙegòeâ~
given word. 326. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
INSTANT given word.
(a) immediate (b) current INCITE
(c) quick (d) delayed (a) Instigate (b) Appeal
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III) (c) Provoke (d) Restrain
Ans. (d) : Instant- (legjvle/lelkeâeue), antonym - Delayed SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(osjer mes/efJeuebefyele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (d) : 'Incite'- (YeÌ[keâevee, Gkeâmeevee), Antonym -
Immediate- legjvle/lelkeâeue 'Restrain' (efveÙeb$eCe ceW jKevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Current- Jele&ceeve Instigate - Gkeâmeevee, YeÌ[keâevee, Appeal - DevegjessOe keâjvee,
Quick- MeerIeÇ Provoke - Øeefleef›eâÙee keâjvee, Gkeâmeevee~
322. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 327. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. given word.
(a) undue (b) extreme (a) Diverse (b) Similar
(c) exorbitant (d) reasonable (c) Gradual (d) Prompt
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans : (d) Inordinate- (DemeeceevÙe, ›eâce nerve), antonym - Ans. (c) 'Instant'- (leelkeâeefuekeâ, legjvle), Antonym -
Reasonable (Ùegefòeâ mebiele, GefÛele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 'Gradual' (Oeerjs-Oeerjs)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Undue- DeveeJeMÙekeâ Diverse – efJeefJeOe, Deueie
Exorbitant- DelÙeefOekeâ, no mes pÙeeoe Similar – meceeve, efkeâmeer kesâ pewmee
Extreme- DeefOekeâlece, yengle Prompt – DelÙeeJeMÙekeâ leelkeâeefuekeâ

Antonyms 512 YCT

328. Select the correct antonym for the given word. 333. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Identical given word.
(a) corresponding (b) different Impartial
(c) similar (d) indistinguishable (a) Biased (b) Judicious
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) (c) Involved (d) Impractical
Ans. (b) : 'Identical'- (Skeâ meceeve), antonym - 'different' SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(he=Ledkeâ, Deueie)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- corresponding - he$e Ans. (a) : 'Impartial'- (efve<he#e, Dehe#eheeleer), antonym -
JÙeJenej keâjvee, similar-meceeve, Skeâ pewmee, indistinguishable 'Biased' (he#eheele hetCe&)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Judicious -
- he=Lekeâ efJeÛeej, ve keâjves Ùeesie vÙeeÙemebiele, efJeJeskeâ meccele, Involved - Meeefceue, efuehle,
Impractical - DeJÙeeJeneefjkeâ~
329. In the following question, out of the given four
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in 334. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
meaning of the given word. given word.
Incite. Inexpensive
(a) Encourage (b) Arouse (a) Dear (b) Reasonable
(c) Drive (d) Prohibit (c) Popular (d) Liberal
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (d) Incite - (Gkeâmeevee, Øesefjle keâjvee), antonym - Ans. (a) : Inexpensive - (memlee), antonym - Dear (cenBiee,
Prohibit (yeeOee [euevee, jeskeâvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- keâerceleer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ Reasonable - efJeÛeejhetCe&,
Arouse Gkeâmeevee, Encourage Gòesefpele keâjvee~ GefÛele, Popular - ueeskeâefØeÙe, Liberal - Goej~
330. In the following question, out of the given four 335. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
meaning of the given word. INFALLIBLE
(a) Notorious (b) Flawless
(c) Imperfect (d) Dependable
(a) Convince (b) Activate
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Impel (d) Prevent
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II) Ans. (c) : Infallible- (DeÛetkeâ, keâYeer ieueleer ve keâjves Jeeuee),
Ans. (d) : Induce – (Øesefjle keâjvee), antonym - prevent antonym - Imperfect ($egefšhetCe&)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(jeskeâvee, nmle#eshe keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Convince Notorious - kegâKÙeele
– ceveJeevee, jepeer keâjvee , Activate – meef›eâÙe keâjvee, Impel – Flawless - $egefšnerve, oes<ejefnle
Øesefjle keâjvee~ Dependable- Yejesmescebo
331. In the following question, out of given four 336. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in word.
meaning of the given word. ILLICIT
Immaculate (a) Prohibited (b) Lawful
(a) Clean (b) Bright (c) lllegal (d) Illegible
(c) Pure (d) Foul SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I) Ans. (b) : Illicit - (DeJewOe, iewjkeâevetveer), antonym - lawful
Ans : (d) Immaculate - (efvece&ue, mJeÛÚ, meeheâ), antonym - (JewOe, keâevetveer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Foul (ievoe, otef<ele keâjvee nQ)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Clean - Prohibited-efve<esOe, lllegal-iewj keâevetveer, Illegible - Dehe"veerÙe~
mJeÛÚ, Bright - GppeJeue, Ûecekeâeruee~ 337. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
332. In the following question, out of given four word.
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in ILLUSION
meaning of the given word. (a) Fantasy (b) Hallucination
Impute (c) Mirage (d) Reality
(a) Defend (b) Accuse SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Assign (d) Blame Ans. (d) : Illusion ( Yeü c e, Âef °Yeü c e ), antonym - Reality
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I) (JeemleefJekeâlee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Ans : (a) Impute - (oes<e ueieevee, ueebÚve ueieevee), antonym - Fantasy - keâesjer keâuhevee~
Defend (meceLe&ve keâjvee, meeLe osvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Hallucination - ceefleYeüce (Âef°Yeüce)~
Accuse-Deejeshe ueieevee, Assign -meeQhevee, Blame -oes<e ueieevee Mirage - ce=iele=<Cee, vepej keâe OeesKee~

Antonyms 513 YCT

338. Select the antonym of the given word. 343. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
INDOLENT given word.
(a) Lively (b) Sluggish Jubilant
(c) Inert (d) Lifeless (a) Loyal (b) Sluggish
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Disappointed (d) Treason
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Meyo Indolent - (efveef<›eâÙe, Deeuemeer) keâe SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)
antonym - Lively (mepeerJe, hegâleeauee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ Ans. (c) : Jubilant - Guueefmele, Antonym, Disappointed -
DeLe& nQ- Sluggish - efveef<›eâÙe, Inert - Deef›eâÙe, heuešvee, efvejeMe~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
Lifeless - efvepeeaJe Loyal - efve‰ehetCe&, Sluggish - efveef<›eâÙe, Treason - jepeõesn~
344. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
J given word.
339. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Jealous
underlined word in the given sentence. On the (a) Envious (b) Trusting
day of independence, a jubilant crowd from all (c) Lively (d) Inert
over the country cheered and wept.
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) Triumphant (b) Gloomy
(c) Cryptic (d) Elated Ans. (b) : Jealous - F&<ee&ueg/És<eer, Antonym, Trusting - F&ceeve
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II) jKevee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Jubilant" Envious - És<eer, Lively - mepeerJe, Inert - Deef›eâÙe~
(Guueeefmele/ØemeVe) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Gloomy" (Goemeer
hetCe&/Goemeer) nesiee~
345. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ the given word.
Triumphant - efJepeslee, Cryptic - ieghle/DeØekeâš 'Knack'
Elated - Guueeefmele/ ieefJe&le (a) Vile (b) Process
340. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (c) Lesson (d) Inability
given word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/07/2019 (Shift-II)
JEOPARDIZE SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
(a) threaten (b) imperil Ans. (d) : knack (Deeole/keâewMeue) Antonym "Inability"
(c) protect (d) hazard (De#ecelee/DeÙeesiÙelee)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Ans : (c) Jeopardize- (efJeheefòe ceW [euevee), antonym -
Vile - veerÛe/efIeveewvee
Protect (j#ee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Lesson - GheosMe/oC[/hee"
Threaten- Oecekeâer osvee, Imperil- peesefKece ceW [euevee
Process - Øeef›eâÙee/Øeieefle
Hazard- Kelejs ceW [euevee
346. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
341. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
given word.
(a) Hesitant (b) Gloomy (a) Lax (b) Stop
(c) Cheerful (d) Tired (c) Simple (d) Complex
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Jovial- (GuueemehetCe&), antonym - Gloomy Ans. (c) : Knotty - peefšue, Antonym, Simple - mejue~
(Goeme)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Hesitant- ogefJeOee ceW heÌ[e ngDee, DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
Cheerful- nmecegKe, ØemeVe, Tired- efMeefLeue~ Lax - ueehejJeen, Stop - ®keâvee, Complex - peefšue~
342. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 347. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. given word.
Jest Keen
(a) Happy (b) Deride (a) Eager (b) Adept
(c) Sadden (d) Joke (c) Jovial (d) Dull
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Jest - nbmeer keâjvee, Antonym, Sadden - og:Keer Ans. (d) : Keen - Glmeg keâ, Antonym, Dull - kegbâef"le~
keâjvee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
Happy - KegMe, Deride - nbmeer GÌ[evee, Joke - cepeekeâ keâjvee~ Eager - Glmegkeâ, Adept - efvehegCe, Jovial - nmecegKe~

Antonyms 514 YCT

348. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 352. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. given word.
Knave Liable
(a) Rogue (b) Cheerful (a) Peaceful (b) Invulnerable
(c) Civilized (d) Blunt (c) Tending (d) Responsible
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : Knave - Oetle&/ot°, Antonym, Civilized - meYÙe~ Ans. (b) : Liable (GòejoeÙeer/mebYeeefJele) Antonym
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - "Invulnerable" (DeYesÅe/Dekeâeš)
Rogue - og°, Cheerful - nmecegKe, Blunt - kegbâo~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw~
L Peaceful- MeebefleefØeÙe/ce=og
349. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Tending - osKejsKe/jKejKeeJe
given word. Responsible- efpeccesoej
353. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to
(a) Resource (b) Responsibility
the given word.
(c) Asset (d) Strike
SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I)
(a) Retire (b) Worship
Ans. (c) : Liability (osveoejer/oeefÙelJe) Antonym "Asset" (c) Work (d) Play
(mecheefòe) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Ans. (c) : Leisure (Hegâme&le/DeJekeâeMe) Antonym "Work"
Resource - mebmeeOeve / GheeÙe (keâeÙe&/keâece keâjvee)
Responsibility -efpeccesoejer/peyeeJeosner
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw-
Strike - nÌ[leeue/Øenej
Retire - mesJee-efveJe=òe nesvee
350. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Worship - hetpee keâjvee
underlined word.
Lucy presented a lucid account of her Play- Kesuevee
achievements before the committee. 354. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(a) intelligible (b) transparent underlined word in the given sentence.
(c) ambiguous (d) orderly I do not feel it is a laudable plan.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II) (a) noticeable (b) precious
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Lucid" (c) commendable (d) disrespected
(mhe°/Ûecekeâoej) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Ambiguous" SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III
(Demhe°/DeveskeâeLeea) nesiee~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "laudable" (ØebMemeveerÙe)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Disrespected (Deheceeefvele) nesiee~
Intelligible - megiece/mhe° DevÙe efJekeâuhe kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Transparent - heejoMeea/mhe° Noticeable - OÙeeve osves ÙeesiÙe
Orderly -JÙeJeefmLele/›eâceyeæ Precious - keâerceleer /Glke=â°
351. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Commendable - mejenveerÙe
underlined word in the given sentence.
The loyal nature of the princess was one of the 355. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
reasons that the king trusted her very much. given word.
(a) unyielding (b) livid Linger
(c) treacherous (d) infamous (a) Annoy (b) Leave
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV) (c) Entertain (d) Choose
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Loyal" SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III
(efve‰eJeeve/Je]Heâeoej) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Treacherous" Ans. (b) : "Linger" ("njevee/efJeuecye keâjvee) Antonym
(keâhešer/efJeÕeemeIeeleer) nesiee~ "Leave" (ÚesÌ[vee/DeJekeâeMe)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Unyielding - efpeöer/n"er Annoy - meleevee-iegmmee efoueevee
Livid - yeojbie/ Heâerkeâe Entertain - ceveesjbpeve keâjvee
Infamous -yeoveece /kegâeflmele Choose - Ûegvevee

Antonyms 515 YCT

356. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 361. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. given word.
(a) excessive (b) luxurious (a) Quicken (b) Stop
(c) tiny (d) frugal (c) Wait (d) Defer
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Lavish - (KeÛeeauee), Antonym – Frugal Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Meyo Linger- (oerIe& keâeue lekeâ jnvee) keâe
(efceleJÙeÙeer)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - antonym - Quicken (MeerIeÇ keâjvee) nesiee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe&
Luxurious - efJeueemeer, Excessive - DelÙeefOekeâ, Tiny - Úesšs~ nQ - Stop- "njvee, ™keâvee, Wait- Øeleer#ee keâjvee, Defer- šeuevee,
357. Select the antonym of the given word. efJeuebye keâjvee DemLeefiele keâjvee~
Liberty 362. Select the antonym of the given word.
(a) slavery (b) freedoms LATENT
(c) autonomy (d) reservation (a) Forbidding (b) Hidden
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III) (c) Artificial (d) Obvious
Ans : (a) 'Liberty' - (Deepeeoer), antonym- Slavery SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
(iegueeceer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Ans. (d) : Latent - (ieghle), antonym - Obvious
Autonomy - mJeMeemeve (ØelÙe#e/peeefnj)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Forbidding - kegâ™he, Ie=Cee Glhevve keâjves Jeeuee
Reservation - Deej#eCe
Hidden - ieghle
Freedom - mJeleb$elee
Artificial - ke=âef$ece~
358. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. 363. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
LAMENT given word.
(a) bleed (b) bemoan LENIENT
(c) appeal (d) celebrate (a) Generous (b) Helpful
(c) Strict (d) Defensive
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (d) Lament - (efJeueehe keâjvee), antonym - celebrate -
Ans. (c) : Lenient - (Goej, keâesceue), antonym - Strict
(KegMeer ceveevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Bleed - Ketve yenevee,
(keâ"esj, meKle)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Bemoan - Meeskeâ keâjvee, Appeal - ØeeLe&vee keâjvee~
Generous - Goej, Helpful - meneÙekeâ, Defensive -
359. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
j#eelcekeâ, yeÛeeJe~
given word.
(a) faith (b) treason
364. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to
(c) trust (d) fidelity the given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III) Malign
Ans : (b) Loyalty- (efve‰e/mJeeefceYeefòeâ/jepeYeefòeâ), antonym- (a) Align (b) Cheerful
Treason (jepeõesn)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Harangue (d) Praise
Faith- DeemLee/efJeÕeeme SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Trust- Yejesmee/vÙeeme Ans. (b) : Malign– (og°/neefvekeâejkeâ), Antonym– cheerful
Fidelity- efve‰e/Jeheâeoejer ( nbmecegKe/Deeveefvole)
360. Select the most appropriate antonym of the DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
given word. Align- mebjsefKele, ßesCeer yeæ keâjvee
Loiter Harangue- Gòespekeâ Yee<eCe
(a) Loaf (b) Hasten Praise - ØeMebmee keâjvee
(c) Dawdle (d) Repel 365. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III) given word.
Ans. (b) : Loiter- (cešjieMleer keâjvee, meceÙe iebJeevee), Meagre
antonym - Hasten (peuoer keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) Generous (b) Racial
Loaf - jesšer keâe šgkeâÌ[e (c) Stupid (d) Regional
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Dawdle - osjer keâjvee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Repel - Øeeflekeâef<e&le keâjvee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I)
Antonyms 516 YCT
Ans. (a) :"Meagre"– (Deuhe/legÛÚ), Antonym– Ans. (b) : "Multiple"– (efJeefYeVe/iegCepe), Antonym–
"Generous", Plentiful (ØeÛegj/Goej) "Single" (Fkeâueewlee/he=Lekeâ)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Racial - ØepeeleerÙe Double - oesiegvee/Øeefle™he/keâhešer
Stupid - cegKe&/megmle Triple - eflenje/ef$ehe#eerÙe
Regional - #es$eerÙe/ØeeosefMekeâ Many - keâF&/yengpeve
366. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 370. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
underlined word in the given sentence. given word.
It is a misconception that the more you learn,
(a) Cowardice (b) Caution
the more likely you are to succeed.
(c) Stamina (d) Attention
(a) Fallacy (b) Illusion
SSC Constable GD-02/12/2021 Shift-I
(c) Certainty (d) Hallucination
Ans. (a) : Mettle– (Glmeen/lespe) Antonym– "Cowardice"
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Underlined word
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
"Misconception" (ieuele Heânceer/Jence) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym
Caution - meeJeOeeve/ÛesleeJeveer
"Certainty" (efveef§elelelee) nesiee~
Stamina - menve Meefòeâ
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Attention - OÙeeve/DeJeOeeve
Fallacy - Yeüce/leke&â oes<e
371. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Illusion - Yeüce/ceeÙee given word.
Hallucination - ceeÙee/Âef°Yeüce Malicious
367. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (a) Culpable (b) Biased
given word. (c) Perverted (d) Decent
Moil SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) Cultivate (b) Grow Ans. (d) : Malicious - (ogYee&JeveehetCe&), Antonym, Decent -
(c) Discourage (d) Work (meYÙe)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I Culpable - DehejeefOekeâ, Biased - Pegkeâe ngDee, Perverted -
Ans. (c) : Moil– (keâef"ve keâeÙe&/ieÌ[ye[ keâjvee), Antonym– efJeke=âle~
"Discourage" (nleeslmeeefnle keâjvee/ efnccele ÚesÌ[vee) 372. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - given word.
Cultivate - efJekeâefmele keâjvee
(a) balance (b) peril
Grow - yeÌ{vee (c) threat (d) comfort
Work - keâeÙe&/efvecee&Ce SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
368. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Ans. (d) : 'Menace'- (Keleje), antonym - 'comfort'
given word. (megefJeOee, Deejece, meeblJevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw- balance -
Modest meblegueve, peril - Keleje, mebkeâš, threat - Oecekeâer osvee
(a) Conceited (b) Glum 373. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(c) Unhappy (d) Sullen given word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I MUSTER
Ans. (a) : Modest– (Dee[byejnerve/ceecetueer) Antonym– (a) convene (b) mobilize
'conceited'– (DeefYeceeveer/obYeer) (c) disperse (d) assemble
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Ans. (c) : 'Muster' - (Fkeâªe keâjvee, Skeâef$ele nesvee), antonym
Glum - Goeme/yeoefce]peepe
- 'Disperse' (hewâueevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Unhappy - DeØemeVe
Convene - yegueevee, DeeÙeesefpele keâjvee, Mobilize - ueeceyebo
Sullen - Goeme keâjvee, Assemble - Skeâ$e keâjvee~
369. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 374. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. given word.
multiple MORTALITY
(a) double (b) single (a) death (b) birth
(c) triple (d) many (c) lethality (d) fatality
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Antonyms 517 YCT
Ans : (b) Mortality - (ce=lÙeg), antonym - Birth (pevce)~ DevÙe 379. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of
MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- given word.
Death - ceewle (a) Teacher (b) Connoisseur
Lethality - Ieelekeâlee (c) Enthusiast (d) Amateur
Fatality - ØeeCeIeelekeâ, efJeheefòe SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
375. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Ans. (d) : Maestro – (efJeMes<e%e, keâueekeâej), antonym -
given word. Amateur (veewefmeefKeÙee, DevegYeJenerve Meewkeâerve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe
MENTAL DeLe& nw-
(a) strength (b) physical Connoisseur – hejer#ekeâ, efJeMes<e%e; Enthusiast – Glmeener~
(c) ability (d) brainy
380. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
given word.
Ans : (b) Mental- (ceeveefmekeâ, efoceeieer) antonym- Physical MEDDLE
(Meejerefjkeâ, Yeeweflekeâ) DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) Fortify (b) Prize
Ability- ÙeesiÙelee, #ecelee (c) Support (d) Ignore
Strength- cepeyetleer SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Brainy- mecePeoej/Dekeäuecebo Ans. (d) : Meddle – (nmle#eshe keâjvee), antonym - Ignore
376. Select the most appropriate antonym of the DeveosKee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
given word. Fortify cepeyetle keâjvee; Prize – hegjmkeâej; Support –meceLe&ve
MISERY osvee~
(a) bliss (b) poverty 381. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(c) censure (d) dearth given word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III) MALIGNANT
Ans : (a) Misery- (keâ°), antonym- Bliss (hejceevebo)~ DevÙe (a) Indignant (b) Hesitant
MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Benign (d) Fatal
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Poverty- oefjõlee
Ans. (c) : Malignant – (Deefnlekeâj), antonym - 'Benign'
Censure- efveboe
(ke=âheeueg/oÙeeueg)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Dearth- Deekeâeue, keâceer
Indignant – ™°
377. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Hesitant – mebkeâesÛeer,
given word.
Fatal – Ieelekeâ
(a) sullen (b) cheerful Malignant – Deefnlekeâj
(c) unsatisfied (d) mournful 382. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III) given word.
Ans : (b) Morose- (Goeme), Antonyms - cheerful (n<e&, METROPOLITAN
(a) Provincial (b) Federal
KegMeer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- (c) Insular (d) National
mournful – (Meeskeâ«emle, og:Keer), SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III)
unsatisfied – (Demebleg°), Ans. (a) Metropolitan- (ceneveiejerÙe, ceneveiej efJe<eÙekeâ),
sullen – (efKeVe, efÛe[efÛeÌ[e Deewj Goemeer) Antonym - Provincial (ØeevleerÙe, ØeeosefMekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ
378. Select the most appropriate antonym of the DeLe& nQ-
given word. Federal – mebIeelcekeâ, Insular – mebkeâerCe& ceveesJe=efòe
Minuscule National– je°^erÙe, je°^ efJeMes<e keâe ØeefleefveefOekeâ~
(a) dwarf (b) small
383. Select the antonym of the given word.
(c) gigantic (d) meagre
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Vain (b) Furious
Ans : (c) Minuscule- (yengle Úesše, met#ce) Antonym - (c) Dishonest (d) Simple
'gigantic' – (efJeMeeue, DelÙeefOekeâ yeÌ[e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Dwarf- yeewvee Ans. (a) : 'Modest'- (veceü, efJeveceü), antonym - Vain
Small- Úesše (Denbkeâejer) yeskeâej JÙeLe&~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Meagre- yengle keâce furious - ›egâæ, Dishonest - yesF&ceeve, Simple - meeOeejCe

Antonyms 518 YCT

384. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 388. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to
given word. the given word.
Morose Nadir
(a) Cranky (b) Cheerful (a) Climax (b) Base
(c) Prudent (d) Solemn (c) Bottom (d) Docile
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (b) : Morose- (yeoefcepeepe, DemeewcÙe), antonym - Ans. (a) : "Nadir" – (heleve/DeOeesieefle) Antonym – "Climax"
Cheerful (nBmecegKe)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (efMeKej/Glkeâ<e&)
Cranky - efÛeÌ[efÛeÌ[e DeLe& efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Prudent - yegefæceeve, otjoMeea~ Bottom - leue/DeeOeej
Solemn - DeewheÛeeefjkeâ, iebYeerj~ Base - DeeOeej/cetue
385. Select the antonym of the given word. Docile - efJeveceü/meerOee
389. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(a) Kind (b) Positive
given word.
(c) Cruel (d) Well-mannered
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Careful (b) Indifferent
Ans. (a) : Malevolent - (og°/õesner), antonym - Kind (c) Strange (d) Faithful
(oÙeeueg)~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (a) : Negligent– (ueehejJeen/megmle) Antonym–
Positive - mekeâejelcekeâ "Careful" (meeJeOeeve/Ûeewkeâme)
Cruel - efveo&Ùeer DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Well-mannered - megmebmkeâej~ Indifferent - Goemeerve/lešmLe
N Strange - Depeerye/DeheefjefÛele
Faithful - JeHeâeoej
386. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM for
the underlined word in the following sentence. 390. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
He neglected his duties and was dismissed from given word.
his job. NOTORIOUS
(a) Succeeded (b) Ignored (a) vicious (b) infamous
(c) Attended (d) Scorned (c) famous (d) disgraceful
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II) SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Neglected" SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(Ghesef#ele/vepejDeboepe keâj osvee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym Ans : (c) NOTORIOUS- (kegâKÙeele), antonym - famous,
"Attended" (OÙeeve osvee) nesiee~ Popular (Øeefmeæ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw- Vicious - ›etâjleehetCe&, ogjeÛeejer
Succeeded - meHeâue nesvee Infamous - yeoveece
Ignored - Ghesef#ele/DeJensuevee keâjvee Disgraceful - Mece&veekeâ
Scorned - Ie=efCele/Deheceeefvele 391. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
387. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
word 'Naive' from the given sentence. NOVEL
After years of working in politics, she had (a) fresh (b) old
become cynical and jaded, convinced that all (c) original (d) new
politicians were corrupt and that the system SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II)
was rigged against the people.
(a) Jaded (b) Corrupt Ans : (b) Novel- (veÙee, DeveesKee), antonym - Old (hegjevee)~
(c) Convinced (d) Cynical DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III) Fresh- leepee
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Word "Naive" (efve<keâheš/meerOee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Original- cetue™he
Antonym "Cynical" (efvebokeâ/kegâefšue) nesiee pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW New- veÙee
efoÙee ieÙee nw~ 392. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ given word.
Jaded - LekeâeÙee ngDee NEBULOUS
Corrupt - Yeü°/otef<ele (a) Common (b) Clear
(c) Mutual (d) Familiar
Convinced - DeeÕele/ØelÙeefÙele, Ùekeâerve keâjves Jeeuee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Antonyms 519 YCT
Ans. (b) : 'Nebulous'- (Demhe°), antonym - 'clear' 397. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(mhe°)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– given word.
common - meeceevÙe
(a) Rigid (b) Amenable
Mutual - Deehemeer (c) Callous (d) Secure
Familiar - heefjefÛele SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III
393. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Ans. (b) : Obdurate– (n"er/keâ"esj) Antonym–
given word. "Amenable" (JeMÙe/efpeccesoej)
NEAT DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
(a) Messy (b) Clear
(c) Sharp (d) Strong Rigid- keâ"esj/ÂÌ{
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I) Callous - keâ"esj/efveo&Ùeer
Ans. (a) : Neat– (meeheâ megLeje, megJÙeJeefmLele), Antonym - Secure - megjef#ele/megÂÌ{
'Messy' (ieboe, cewuee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 398. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Clear– mJeÛÚ, Sharp– lesspe, Strong– MeefòeâMeeueer~ given word.
O (a) Elective (b) Arbitrary
394. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) Compulsory (d) Voluntary
given word. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II
Obedient Ans. (c) : "Optional"– (SsefÛÚkeâ/Jewkeâefuhekeâ) Antonym–
(a) Compliant (b) Submissive "Compulsory " (DeefveJeeÙe&)
(c) Cheery (d) Resistant DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I Elective - efveJee&efÛele
Ans. (d) : Obedient– (Dee%eekeâejer) Antonym– "Resistant" Arbitrary - Skeâ he#eerÙe/ceveceevee
Voluntary - mJewefÛÚkeâ
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
399. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Compliant - efMekeâeÙele/Dee%eekeâejer given word.
Submissive - efJeveceü Outstanding
Cheery -ØemeVe/ceive (a) Astounding (b) Ordinary
395. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) Remarkable (d) Honest
given word. SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
Overrun Ans. (b) : Outstanding– (yekeâeÙee/ØeÛeb[) Antonym
(a) Surrender (b) Inundate "Ordinary" (meeceevÙe)
(c) Storm (d) Invade DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
Astounding - DeÆgle/Ûecelkeâeefjkeâ
Ans. (a) : 'Overrun' – (heooefuele keâjvee) Antonym–
Remarkable - DemeeOeejCe/efJeue#eCe
"Surrender"– (Úes[ Ì osvee/Deelcemecehe&Ce keâjvee)
Honest - F&ceeveoej
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
400. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Inundate - peuehueeefJele keâjvee/heešvee
given word
Storm - letHeâeve Obese
Invade - Dee›eâceCe keâjvee (a) fat (b) overweight
396. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) thin (d) plump
given word. SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I)
Obscure Ans. (c) : Obese – ceesše, Antonym - thin - heleuee
(a) Veiled (b) Cloudy
Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
(c) Apparent (d) Blurred
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I) Fat - ceesše~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I Overweight - DeefOekeâ Yeej~
Ans. (c) : "Obscure"– (Demhe°/OegbOeuee) Antonym– Plump - mLetue~
"Apparent", Clear (mhe°/ØelÙe#e) 401. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - given word.
Veiled - DeØelÙe#e OFFBEAT
(a) conventional (b) weird
Cloudy - OegOeuee/yeeoueÙegòeâ
(c) unique (d) freaky
Blurred - OegbOeuee/ieÌ[yeÌ[keâjvee
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Antonyms 520 YCT
Ans : (a) Offbeat- (DemeeceevÙe, Deheejbheefjkeâ), antonym - Ans. (d) : 'Obligate'- (cepeyetj keâjvee, yeebOevee), antonym-
Conventional (heejbheefjkeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 'Let off' (#ecee keâjvee Ùee cegkeäle keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Weird-Devet"e, unique-DeefÉleerÙe, freaky-[jeJevee, efJeefÛe$e Force - Meefòeâ ueieevee, ueeÛeej keâjvee, Indebt – keâpe& ceW,
402. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Restrict - jeskeâvee, meerefcele keâjvee~
given word. 407. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(a) foreboding (b) threatening Obstinate
(c) auspicious (d) baleful (a) Stern (b) Stubborn
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Flexible (d) Adamant
Ans : (c) Ominous - (DeMegYe, Decebieue), antonym- SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
auspicious (MegYe, ceebieefuekeâ, mecheVe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (c) : Obstinate- ( ef p eöer , Deef [ ie ), antonym - Flexible
Foreboding- YeefJe<Ùe- %eeve, hetJee&Yeeme, Threatening- Oecekeâeves
(ueÛeer uee)~ DevÙe ef JekeâuheeW kes â DeLe& nQ-
Stern - meKle
Jeeuee, Oecekeâer Yeje, Baleful- mebkeâšhetCe&, Deefve°keâj~
Stubborn - efpeodoer,
403. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. Adamant - efpeodoer, DeefÌ[Ùeue
Opaque 408. Select the antonym of the given word.
(a) Dull (b) Clear OPAQUE
(c) Frosty (d) Hazy (a) Turbid (b) Transparent
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Fogged (d) Murky
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (b) Opaque- (Demhe°, DeheejoMeea), antonym - Clear
Ans. (b) : Opaque - (DeheejoMeea), antonym - transparent
(mhe°, heejoMe&keâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(heejoMeea)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Dull- megmle, Deeuemeer
Turbid - hejsMeeve
Frosty- yengle "C[e
Fogged - kegânjs mes {ebkeâvee
Hazy- OegBOeuee
Murky - yeoueer keâe/OegbOeuee
404. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. P
OPTIONAL 409. Select the appropriate antonym for the
(a) Elective (b) Fanciful underlined word.
(c) Original (d) Compulsory The peach-tree is most productive when the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I) roots are kept near the surface.
Ans. (d) : Optional- (SsefÛÚkeâ), antonym - Compulsory (a) potent (b) lush
(DeefveJeeÙe&)~ Mes<e efJekeâuhe nQ- Elective - efveJee&efÛele, Fanciful - (c) futile (d) fertile
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I)
keâeuheefvekeâ, Original - Demeueer, cetue Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Productive"
405. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (Glheeokeâ/GhepeeT) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Futile"
given word. (JÙeLe&/efve<Heâue) nesiee~
(a) Ambivalent (b) Candid
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
(c) Equivocal (d) Secretive Potent - Øeyeue/MeefòeâMeeueer
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II) Lush - ØeÛegj/jmeeruee
Ans. (d) : Outspoken - (mhe°Jeeoer/cegKej), antonym - Fertile - GhepeeT/GJe&j
Secretive (mebkeâesÛeer)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 410. Select the appropriate antonym for the
underlined word. He says we are poor now.
Ambivalent - GYeÙeYeeJeer/ÉwOeJe=efòekeâ~
(a) baren (b) indigent
Candid - mhe°Jeeoer/meÛÛee~ (c) ruined (d) opulent
Equivocal - mebefoiOe/ieesueceesue~ SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II)
406. In the following question, out of the given four Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word ‘Poor’ (iejerye/oerve) keâe
alternatives select the one which is opposite in GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Opulent" (Oeveer/hetje) nesiee~
meaning of the given word. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Obligate Barren - yebpej/JÙeLe&
(a) Force (b) Indebt
Indigent - efveOe&ve/yesÛeeje
(c) Restrict (d) Let off
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III) Ruined - yeyee&o~
Antonyms 521 YCT
411. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (a) Unbiased (b) Unjust
given word. (c) Prejudiced (d) Doubtful
Ponderous SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
(a) Obligated (b) Graceful Ans. (a) : Partial– (he#eheelehetCe&/DehetCe&) Antonym–
(c) Swollen (d) Adverse "Unbiased" (efve<he#e/efvejeOeej)
SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Ans. (b) : Ponderous– (keâ°keâejkeâ/Yeejer) Antonym– Unjust - DevÙeeÙehetCe&
"Graceful" (megKeo/jceCeerÙe)
Prejudiced - he#eheelehetCe&
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Doubtful - mebefoiOe/Mebkeâeueg
Obligated - yeeOÙe/cepeyetj keâjvee
416. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Swollen - IeceC[er/Hetâuee ngDee underlined word.
Adverse - efJehejerle/Øeefleketâue He regards himself as a Patriot.
412. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (a) dutiful (b) traitor
given word. (c) nationalist (d) loyal
Put forth SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II)
(a) Stop (b) Against Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Patriot" (osMeYeòeâ) keâe
(c) Apply (d) Conceal GheÙegòeâ Antonym " Traitor" (osMeõesner) nesiee~
SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Ans. (d) : Put forth– (Deeies jKevee/Keesuevee) Antonym Dutiful - keâle&JÙehejeÙeCe
"Conceal" (efÚheevee/Ì{keâvee) Nationalist- je°^Jeeoer
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Loyal - Je]Heâeoej
Stop - jeskeâvee 417. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Against - efJe™æ/kesâ Øeefleketâue underlined word in the given sentence.
Apply - ueeiet keâjvee Everyone feels that he us pompous, but I know
the underlying truth that he is a man of great
413. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the understanding and love.
given word. (a) Lofty (b) Haughty
Presumale (c) Grandiose (d) Modest
(a) Reasonable (b) Credible SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
(c) Improbable (d) Forgetful
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Pompous"
SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III)
(Dee[cyejhetCe&/ieefJe&le) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Modest" (
Ans. (c) : Presumable– (mebYeeJÙe/DevegcesÙe) Antonym–
Dee[cyejnerve/ceecetueer) nesiee~
"Improbable" (DemebYeJe)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Lofty - yeguebo/TBÛee
Reasonable - GefÛele/leke&âmebiele
Haughty - DeefYeceeveer/Ie=°
Credible - efJeÕemeveerÙe
Grandiose - efoKeeJešer/Meeveoej
Forgetful - ueehejJeen/YeuekeäkeâÌ[
418. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
414. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
given word. Perilous
Perplex (a) Verbose (b) Unstable
(a) Complex (b) Simplify (c) cruel (d) Safe
(c) Comprehensive (d) Classify SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I
SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : Perilous– (peesefKece/Kelejveekeâ) Antonym "Safe"–
Ans. (b) : "Perplex"– (GuePeevee/Ieyejevee) Antonym– (megjef#ele)
"Simplify" (mejue keâjvee/mhe° keâjvee) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Verbose - JeeÛeeue/Dee[cyejer
Complex- peefšue/efceefßele Unstable - DeefmLej
Comprehensive - JÙeehekeâ/efJemle=le Cruel - efveo&Ùeer
Classify - Jeieeake=âle 419. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
415. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the underlined word in the given sentence.
given word The kids have been pestering me to buy them
Partial new toys.
Antonyms 522 YCT
(a) pacifying (b) perturbing Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Penchant" (PegkeâeJe/™efÛe)
(c) bugging (d) tormenting keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Hatred" (Ie=Cee/Deelebkeâ) nesiee~
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Pestering"
Anxiety- yesÛewveer
(lebiekeâjvee/ceÛeuevee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym Pacifying (Meeble Fear - YeÙe
keâjvee/oyeevee) nesiee~
Joy - KegMeer
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
424. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Perturbing - JÙeekegâue keâjvee
given word.
Bugging - iegmmee efoueevee PUNGENT
Tormenting - keâ° hengÛeevee (a) Sharp (b) Sour
420. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) Mild (d) Biting
given word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Prey Ans. (c) : Pungent - (leerKee), Antonym, Mild - (nukeâe)~
(a) Loot (b) Sufferer DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
(c) Game (d) Predator
Sharp - lespe, Sour - Keóe, Biting - keâešvee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II
Ans. (d) : Prey– (efMekeâej/heerefÌ[le) Antonym "Predator"– 425. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - (a) renown (b) disregard
Loot - uetšvee (c) dignity (d) repute
Sufferer - heerefÌ[le SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Game - Kesue Ans. (b) : Prestige - (Øeefle‰e/KÙeeefle), Antonym-disregard
421. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (Deveeoj/Goemeervelee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
highlighted word. renown - (Øeefmeefæ Deewj Deeoj), dignity - (ieewjJe, Øeefleef‰le),
The boss persists with his loyalists even now. repute - (Øeefleef‰le, KÙeeefle)
(a) discontinues (b) continues
(c) formulates (d) retinues 426. Select the antonym of the given word.
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II PARDON
(a) mercy (b) punish
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Persists" (ÂÌ{jnvee) keâe
(c) grace (d) kindness
GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Discontinues" (ÚesÌ[ osvee) nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Ans. (b) : Pardon- (#ecee keâjvee), antonym - punish- (oC[
Continues - peejer jKevee
osvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw–
Formulates - efve™efhele keâjvee
mercy- oÙee keâjvee, grace- mepeevee, ke=âhee keâjvee, kindness-
Retinues - heefjÛeeÙekeâ/veewkeâj
keâ™Cee, ke=âhee~
422. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. 427. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Pseudo given word.
(a) Genuine (b) Artificial PRUDENT
(c) Flawed (d) Corrupt (a) indiscreet (b) judicious
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II (c) tactful (d) practical
Ans. (a) : Pseudo (Ú©e/peeueer), Antonym - Genuine - SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(JeemleefJekeâ/Demeueer) Ans. (a) : Prudent - (yegefæceòeehetCe&), Antonyms-Indiscreet
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - (DeefJeJeskeâhetCe&)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Artificial - ke=âef$ece/peeueer Judicious- yegefæceeve
Flawed - $egefšhetCe& Tactful- JÙeJenej kegâMeue
Corrupt - Yeü°/otef<ele Practical- ØeÙeesieelcekeâ
423. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 428. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
highlighted word. given word.
She has a penchant for art and craft. PUBLIC
(a) anxiety (b) hatred (a) private (b) ready
(c) fear (d) joy (c) common (d) resticated
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II)

Antonyms 523 YCT

Ans. (a) : Public - (meeJe&peefvekeâ), antonym - Private 433. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(JÙeefòeâiele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– given word.
Ready- lewÙeej (a) ahead (b) recede
Common- meeOeejCe, ceecetueer (c) forward (d) continue
Resti- ob[mJe™he efve<keâeefmele SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II)
429. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Ans : (b) Proceed- (Deeies yeÌ{evee) antonym- Recede- (heerÚs
given word. nšvee) DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
PROGRESSIVE Ahead- Deeies keâer Deesj
(a) moving (b) conservative
(c) repeated (d) aristocratic Forward- Deeies keâjvee
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II) Continue- peejer jKevee
Ans. (b) : Progressive - (ØeieefleMeerue), antonym - 434. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Conservative- (™efÌ{Jeeoer)~ given word.
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) nobility (b) affinity
Moving- ieefleMeerue
(c) simplicity (d) adversity
Repeated- hegvejeJeleea, oesnje ieÙee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Aristocratic- kegâueerve Ans : (d) Prosperity- (mece=efæ), antonym- Adversity
430. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (efJeheefòe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
given word.
Nobility- kegâueervelee
(a) prevent (b) allow Affinity- Deheveeheve, yebOeglJe
(c) increase (d) shorten Simplicity- meeoieer
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III) 435. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Meyo PROLONG- (yeÌ{evee/uecyee keâjvee) given word.
keâe antonym - 'Shorten'- (Ieševee/Úesše keâjvee) nw~ DevÙe PERPETRATE
MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- (a) execute (b) prevent
Prevent- jeskeâvee (c) perform (d) commit
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Allow- Devegceefle osvee
Ans : (b) Perpetrate - (DehejeOe keâjvee/heehe keâjvee), antonym
Increase- yeÌ{evee
- Prevent (jeskeâvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
431. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. Execute- heâeBmeer/ce=lÙegoC[
PERTURB Perform- Øemlegle keâjvee
(a) Fluster (b) Soothe Commit- Øeefle%ee keâjvee
(c) Confound (d) Commend
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) 436. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word.
Ans : (b) Perturb - (JÙeekegâue keâjvee), antonym - Soothe -
(Meeble keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (a) Abundant (b) Unproductive
Fluster- JÙeekegâue keâjvee, Confound- ieuele meeefyele keâjvee, (c) Several (d) Rich
Commend - mejenvee keâjvee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II)
432. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Ans. (b) : Prolific- (GhepeeT/GJe&j), antonym -
given word. Unproductive– (DeveghepeeT)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Abundant – ØeÛegj/yengue
(a) spongy (b) permeable
(c) impermeable (d) absorbent Several – keâF&/efJeefJeOe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III) Rich – ØeÛegj/Oeveer/GhepeeT
Ans : (c) Porous- (KeKeje/efÚõhetCe&) antonym- 437. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Impermeable- (DeYesÅe/DehejeiecÙe) ~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– given word.
Spongy- efÛeceÌ[e/KeebKej PACIFIST
(a) Orator (b) Peace-maker
Permeable- hejeiecÙe/YesÅe
(c) Warmonger (d) Nihilist
Absorbent- Mees<ekeâ/ØeÛet<ekeâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Antonyms 524 YCT
Ans. (c) : Pacifist- (ÙegæefJejesOeer/MeeefvleJeeo), Antonym - Ans. (c) : 'Prim'- (efMe°lee efØeÙe, DeewheÛeeefjkeâ), antonym -
Warmonger (pebieyeepe/Ùegæ keâes YeÌ[keâeves Jeeuee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW Dishevelled (Demle JÙemle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Mature -
kesâ DeLe& nQ- hetCe&leÙee efJekeâefmele, Principle - DeÛÚs DeeÛejCe keâe efveÙece,
Orator – Jeòeâe 'Intellectual' - yegefæceòee hetCe&
Peace-maker – Meeefvle keâeÙece keâjves Jeeuee 443. In the following question, out of the given four
Nihilist – MetvÙe Jeeoer/veeefmleJeeoer alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
438. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the meaning of the given word.
given word. Persuade
PLAUSIBLE (a) Advise (b) Affect
(a) Unlikely (b) Feasible (c) Assure (d) Prevent
(c) Unmanageable (d) Unlikely SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : Plausible - (ØeMebmeveerÙe, mebYeeJÙe), antonym - Ans. (d) : Persuade- (ceveevee, efJeÕeeme efoueevee), antonym -
unlikely (DemebYeeJÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Feasible - Prevent (jeskeâvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ Advise – meueen
keâcepeesj, Unmanageable - efyeKeje ngDee, Feasible - efJeue#eCe, osvee, Affect – ØeYeeJe, Assure – efveef§ele nesvee~
mebYeJe DemeeOeejCe~ 444. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
439. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
given word. Progress
PLACATE (a) Advancement (b) Growth
(a) Appease (b) Conciliate
(c) Betterment (d) Decline
(c) Propitiate (d) Enrage
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : Progress- (Øeieefle), antonym - Decline (#eefle,
Ans. (d) : 'Placate'- (lemeuueer osvee, efoueemee, meeblJevee osvee),
antonym - Enrage (›egâæ keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– heleve)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Appease - KegMe keâjvee Advancement - Øeieefle, GVeefle
Conciliate - cepeyetle keâjvee Growth - Je=efæ
Propitiate - mebleg° keâjvee Betterment - megOeej
440. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 445. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. word.
PERISH Pompous
(a) Vanish (b) Wither (a) Arrogant (b) Calm
(c) Grow (d) Crumble (c) Impatient (d) Humble
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II) SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : Perish– (meceehle nesvee, ve° nesvee), antonym - Ans. (d) : Pompous - (Dee[cyej, DeefleØeleeheer), antonym -
Grow (yeÌ{evee, Deeies yeÌ{vee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Vanish– Humble (meerOee meeoe, efJeveerle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
meceehle nesvee, Wither– cegPee&vee, #eerCe nesvee, Crumble– keâcepeesj Arrogant - Ieceb[er, Denbkeâejer, Calm - Meevle, Impatient -
nesvee~ Glmegkeâ, DeOeerj~
441. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. Q
PROVOKE 446. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(a) Stimulate (b) Encourage word.
(c) Appease (d) Beckon Quell
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II) (a) Agitate (b) Deny
Ans. (c) : Provoke– (Gkeâmeevee/YeÌ[keâevee), antonym - (c) Reduce (d) Entire
Appease– (Meeble/mebleg° keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Stimulate– Gkeâmeevee, Encourage– meenmeer, Beckon– mebkesâle keâjvee~ SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
442. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Ans. (a) : Quell (Meeble keâjvee, oceve keâjvee), antonym -
given word. Agitate (Gkeâmeevee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Deny - Fbkeâej keâjvee~
(a) Mature (b) Principle
(c) Dishevelled (d) Intellectual Reduce - Ieševee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III) Entire - mebhetCe&~

Antonyms 525 YCT

447. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 452. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. given word.
Quarrel ‘Rancid’
(a) Strife (b) Feud (a) Rotten (b) Urgent
(c) Harmony (d) Bias (c) Fresh (d) Rough
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Quarrel- (PeieÌ[e, ueÌ[eF&), antonym - Ans. (c) : "Rancid" (yeemeer/efJeke=âle), Antonym - Fresh (leepee)
Harmony – (meecebpemÙe)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Strife - efJeJeeo Rotten - meÌ[e ngDee
Feud - hegMlewveer jbefpeMe Urgent - Deefle-DeeJeMÙekeâ
Bias - PegkeâeJe, he#eheele Rough - Deefve°/Kegjogje
448. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 453. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. given word.
Quench Rustic
(a) Extinguish (b) Ignite (a) Depressed (b) Natural
(c) Soothe (d) Quiet (c) Shallow (d) Urbane
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (b) : Quench - yegPeevee, Antonym, ignite - Deeie
Ans. (d) : Rustic– (osneleer/DemeYÙe) Antonym "Urbane"–
ueieevee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - (efMe°/meYÙe)
Extinguish - yegPeevee, Soothe - Meeble keâjvee, Quiet - Meeble~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
449. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Depressed :- Goeme/efKeVe
given word.
Query Natural :- Øeeke=âeflekeâ
(a) Nibble (b) Doubt Shallow :- efÚÚuee/legÛÚ
(c) Answer (d) Oust 454. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II) given word.
Ans. (c) : Query - meJeeue keâjvee, Antonym, Answer - Gòej Repeal
osvee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - (a) Separation (b) Expense
Nibble kegâlejvee, mebosn keâjvee, Doubt - Mekeâ keâjvee, Oust - yeenj (c) Approval (d) Adversity
efvekeâeuevee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Repeal– (efvejmlekeâjvee/Yebie) Antonym "Approval"
450. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. (Devegceesove/hemevo)
Quotidian DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
(a) Ordinary (b) Reckless Separation - he=LekeäkeâjCe/efJeYeepeve
(c) Extraordinary (d) Pious Expense - JÙeÙe/ueeiele
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Adversity - efJeheefòe/ogYee&iÙe
Ans. (c) : Quotidian - meeOeejCe, Antonym, Extraordinary
455. Select the most appropriate antonym for
- DemeeOeejCe~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
'refuse' in the given sentence.
Ordinary - meeOeejCe, Reckless - ueehejJeen, Pious - Oeeefce&keâ~ Shama was allowed to visit the accommodation
places for the devotees of the shrine.
R (a) Allowed (b) Shrine
451. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) Visit (d) Accommodation
given word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV)
Retain Ans. (a) :Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes Word "Refuse" (Fvekeâej/cevee
(a) Maintain (b) Forget
(c) Restore (d) Attain
keâjvee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Allowed" (Devegceefle/Devegceefle
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II) osvee) nesiee pees efkeâ Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ nw~
Ans. (b) : Retain (OeejCe keâjvee/ceve ceW jKevee), Antonym -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Forget (Yetue peevee) Shrine - heefJe$e mLeeve/Meevle
Visit - Ùee$ee keâjvee
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Maintain - yeveeS jKevee Accommodation - DeeJeeme/megefJeOee
Restore - yeneue keâjvee/megOeejvee 456. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
Attain - Øeehle keâjvee Raciness
Antonyms 526 YCT
(a) Obscenity (b) Lewdness Ans. (a) : Refute (KeC[ve keâjvee), Antonym, "Endorse"–
(c) Filth (d) Perfection (meceLe&ve keâjvee)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Ans. (d) : Raciness– (DeefMe°lee/peeefleJeeo) Antonym Acknowledge – mJeerkeâej keâjvee
"Perfection"– (hetCe&lee/ØeJeerCelee) Deny – Fvekeâej keâjvee
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Dispute – efJeJeeo/mebosn keâjvee
Obscenity - Jesntoeheve/DeMueeruelee 461. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Lewdness - DeefMe°lee given word.
Filth - ieboe/DeMueerue ROUGH
457. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to (a) Smooth (b) Coarse
the given word. (c) Thick (d) Crude
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II
(a) Abstruse (b) Phlegm Ans. (a) : Rough (keâ"esj/Kegjoje ), Antonym – Smooth –
(c) Clear (d) Abstrct (cegueeÙece / efÛekeâvee)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Ans. (c) : Recondite - (iebYeerj/OÙeevehetCe&) Antonym "Clear"– Coarse – ceesše/DeefMe°
(mhe°/meeHeâ-megOeje) Thick – ceesše/Ievee
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Crude – keâÛÛee/Deheefj<ke=âle
Abstruse - DeJÙeòeâ/ietÌ{ 462. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Phlegm - keâHeâ/Goemeervelee given word.
Abstruct - DeJÙeòeâ/iet{ (a) Seize (b) Protect
458. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) Pilfer (d) Raid
given word. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III
Rely Ans. (b) : Ransack– (uetšvee), Antonym - Protect (j#ee
(a) Await (b) Move keâjvee)
(c) Distrust (d) Depend
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I
Seize - hekeâÌ[vee/peyle keâjvee, Pilfer - Ûegjevee
Ans. (c) : Rely– (Yejesmee keâjvee) Antonym 'Distrust'–
Raid - Úehee [euevee/OeeJee Keesuevee
463. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Await - Fblepeej keâjvee
given word.
Move - nševee/efKemekeâvee Rectify
Depend - efveYe&j/DeOeerve nesvee (a) Correct (b) Corrupt
459. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) Select (d) Assist
given word. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II
Raze Ans. (b) : "Rectify"– (Megæ keâjvee), Antonym - corrupt
(a) Comfort (b) Ruin
(otef<ele/Yeü° keâjvee )
(c) Ease (d) Build
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Ans. (d) : "Raze"– (ve°keâjvee/Ì{nevee) Antonym "Build"– Correct - megOeejvee/mener, Select - Ûegvevee, Assist - menÙeesie keâjvee
(efvecee&Ce keâjvee) 464. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
DeLe& efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - given word.
Comfort - Deejece hengÛeevee/meeblJevee osvee
(a) Validate (b) Diverge
Ruin - Jeyee&o nesvee/efJeveeMe (c) Determine (d) Weaken
Ease- Deejece/megiecelee SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III
460. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Ans. (d) : Reinforce - (Meefòeâ yeÌ{evee), Antonym - Weaken
given word. - (keâcepeesj keâjvee/nesvee)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
(a) Endorse (b) Acknowledge
(c) Deny (d) Dispute Validate - hegef° keâjvee, Diverge - nševee/Pegkeâvee,
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I Determine - efveOee&efjle keâjvee
Antonyms 527 YCT
465. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 470. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. given word.
(a) Sign (b) Join (a) heedless (b) daring
(c) Accept (d) Reject (c) brash (d) cautious
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Resign - (lÙeeie he$e osvee), Antonym, Join - (pegÌ[ Ans : (d) Reckless - (ueehejJeen, DemeeJeOeeve), antonym -
peevee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - cautious - (meleke&â, meeJeOeeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Sign-mebkesâle, Accept-mJeerkeâej keâjvee, Reject - DemJeerkeâej keâjvee~ Heedless - DemeeJeOeeve
466. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Daring - meenmeer
given word. Brash - Oe=°, {er", efveue&ppe
Revel 471. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(a) Mourn (b) Rejoice given word.
(c) Enjoy (d) Appreciate RANDOM
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I) (a) formal (b) specific
Ans. (a) : Revel - (Deevebo uesvee), Antonym, Mourn - (c) irregular (d) casual
(efJeueehe keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Rejoice - ØemeVe nesvee, Enjoy - Deevevo uesvee, Appreciate - Ans : (b) Random- (efyevee meesÛes mecePes/yeslejleerye/ DeefveÙeefcele)
mejenvee~ antonym- Specific (efJeefMe°/efJeue#eCe) DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Formal- DeewheÛeeefjkeâ
467. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. Irregular- DeefveÙeefcele
REVIVE Casual- Deekeâefmcekeâ/mebÙeesie keâe
(a) arouse (b) renew 472. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(c) console (d) ruin given word.
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) RETALIATION
Ans. (d) : 'revive'- (hegvepeeaefJele, DeLeJee efheâj mes peerefJele keâjvee), (a) reconciliation (b) retribution
antonym - 'ruin' (yeyee&oer Ùee efJeveeMe)~ (c) retrospection (d) regression
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III)
arouse - peieevee, Gkeâmeevee, renew - efkeâmeer keâeÙe& keâes efheâj mes Ans : (a) Retaliation- (ØeefleMeesOe), antonym-
Meg™ keâjvee~ console - meeblJevee osvee~ Reconciliation- ( meg uen/meb e f O e ) ~ DevÙe MeyoeW kes â DeLe& nQ -
Retribution- Øeeflekeâej/yeouee
468. Select the antonym of the given word.
REPRIMAND Retrospection- efmebneJeueeskeâve
(a) apprehend (b) reproach Regression- Jeehemeer
(c) compliment (d) blame 473. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
SSC CPO SI 13/12/2019 (Shift-I given word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II) RESERVED
Ans : (c) 'Reprimand' - (heâškeâej ueieevee, [ebš ueieevee), (a) placid (b) communicative
antonym- compliment (ØeMebmee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- (c) quiet (d) modest
Reproach - Gueenvee, Yelme&vee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Apprehend - mecePevee Ans. (b) : Reserved- ( Deejef #ele/meg jef#ele/Deueie jKee ngDee),
Blame - efveboe keâjvee, efpeccesoej "njevee antonym - Communicative (efceuevemeej/ Øes<eCeMeerue)~ DevÙe
469. Select the most appropriate antonym of the MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
given word. Placid- meewcÙe/Meevle
REPUGNANT Quiet- Ûeghe/Meevle
(a) Austere (b) Sombre Modest- ceecetueer/Dee[byejnerve
(c) Pleasant (d) Odious
474. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
given word.
Ans : (c) Repugnant- (Ie=Ceemheo), antonym - Pleasant RUEFUL
(megneJevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- (a) Regretful (b) Joyful
Austere - Deefle meeOeejCe, keâój, Sombre - efvejeMeepevekeâ, (c) Spicy (d) Fragrant
Odious - Ie=efCele, kegâeflmele SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)

Antonyms 528 YCT

Ans. (b) : Rueful – (Goeme), antonym - Joyful (KegMeer)~ (Ì{erue/Deejece), antonym - Tense -
Ans. (d) : Relaxed -
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (meKle/leveeJe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Peaceful - MeeefvlehetCe&, Calm - Meevle, Arrogant -
Regretful – Goeme ; Spicy – cemeeuesoej ; Fragrant – megiebefOele~
475. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the DeefYeceeveer/n"er
given word. 480. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(a) Forgiving (b) Reticent Reluctant
(c) Cowardly (d) Friendly (a) Hesitant (b) Uncertain
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II) (c) Unwilling (d) Eager
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III) SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : 'Reserved' - (Deefceuevemeej/mebkeâesÛeer), Antonym - Ans. (d) : 'Reluctant'- (DeefveÛÚgkeâ), antonym - Eager
Friendly (efceuevemeej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (Glmegkeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Forgiving – #eceeMeerue Hesitant - mebkeâesÛeer
Reticent – keâce yeesueves Jeeuee Uncertain - DeefveefMÛele
Cowardly – keâeÙejleehetCe& Unwilling - DeefveÛÚgkeâ
476. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 481. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. word.
(a) irresponsible (b) illresponsible (a) Cruel (b) Crude
(c) disresponsible (d) unresponsible (c) Fierce (d) Smooth
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : Responsible- (GòejoeÙeer, efpeccesoej), antonym - Ans. (b) : Refined - (Megæ), Antonym - Crude -
'Irresponsible' (iewj efpeccesoej, cetKe&)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (DeMeesefOele/Deheefj<ke=âle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Disresponsible – GòejoeÙeer ve nesvee, Unresponsible – Cruel - efveo&Ùeer, Fierce - Yeer<eCe, G«e, Smooth - efÛekeâvee ~
DevegòejoeÙeer~ 482. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
477. In the following question, out of the given four given word.
alternatives, select the one in which is opposite REWARD
the given word. (a) Punish (b) Produce
Remarkable (c) Present (d) Praise
(a) Famous (b) Odd SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Race (d) Normal Ans. (a) : 'Reward'- (F&veece osvee), antonym - 'Punish'
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III) (oC[ osvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (d) Remarkable- (DemeeceevÙe, Dee§eÙe&pevekeâ), antonym Produce - Glheeove keâjvee
- Normal (meeceevÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Present - Øemlegle keâjvee
Famous- Øeefmeæ, Odd- efJe<ece, DemeeceevÙe, Rare- DemeeceevÙe, Praise - ØeMebmee keâjvee
ogue&Ye~ 483. Select the antonym of the given word.
478. In the following question, out of the given four REVEAL
alternatives, select the one which is opposite in (a) Show (b) Praise
meaning of the given word. (c) Hide (d) Disclose
Repulsive SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Creepy (b) Hateful Ans. (c) : Reveal - (ØekeâeefMele keâjvee, efoKeevee), Antonym
(c) Ugly (d) Pleasing
Hide (ieghle, efÚheevee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Show -
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III)
efoKeevee, Praise - ØeMebmee keâjvee, Disclose - Kegueemee keâjvee~
Ans. (d) : Repulsive- (Ie=Ceemheo, [jeJevee), antonym -
Pleasing (jceCeerÙe,ceveesnj)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- S
Creepy– efJeefÛe$e, Hateful – Ie=efCele, Ugly – yeometjle, ievoe 484. Select the appropriate antonym for the
479. Select the most appropriate antonym of the underlined word.
given word. They must have been more than just suspicious
Relaxed of you.
(a) Peaceful (b) Calm (a) Queer (b) Doubtful
(c) Arrogant (d) Tense (c) Ambiguous (d) Definitive
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)

Antonyms 529 YCT

Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Suspicious" (mebosn Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Servile"
Ans. (b) :
pevekeâ) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Definitive" (efveef§ele/mhe°) nesiee~ (Ûeeheuetme/oemeYeeJe)
keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Arrogant"
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - (DeefYeceeveer/n"er) nesiee~
Queer - efJeefÛe$e DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Doubtful - mebosnpevekeâ Sheepish - oyyet/Meceeauee
Ambiguous - Demhe° Cunning - Oetle&/cekeäkeâej
485. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to Bickering - keâuen keâue-keâue kesâ meeLe yenvee
the given word. 489. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Surrender given word.
(a) Waive (b) Stay Serendipity
(c) Withstand (d) Calm (a) Tranquillity (b) Permanency
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I) (c) Tangibility (d) Misfortune
Ans. (c) : "Surrender" (Deelcemecehe&Ce) Antonym SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)
"Withstand" (menve keâjvee) Ans. (d) : Serendipity/ (vemeerye/YeeiÙe) Antonym
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - "Misfortune" (ogYee&iÙe)
Waive - ÚesÌ[ osvee/ Fvekeâej keâjvee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Stay - "njvee/jnvee Tranquillity - Meeefvle/Oeerjpe
Calm - Meevle /efmLejlee Permanency - mLeeefÙelJe/ÂÌ{lee
486. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM for Tangibility - JeemleefJekeâlee/mheMe&veerÙelee
the underlined word in the following sentence.
490. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
He is a spendthrift and spends money lavishly. given word.
(a) Careful (b) Wicked
(c) Miser (d) Mean
(a) Spell (b) Reality
SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I) (c) Devilry (d) Dismiss
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Spendthrift" SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III)
GÌ[eT/DeheJÙeÙeer) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Miser" (keâbpetme/ueesYeer) Ans. (b) : 'Sorcery' (peeot-šesvee) Antonym "Reality"
nesiee~ (JeemleefJekeâlee)
DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Careful - meeJeOeeve Spell - peeot/ceb$e
Wicked - og° /vešKeš Devilry - És<e/keâewlegkeâ
Mean - Deewmele/ceeOÙe Dismiss - Keeefjpe/meceehle keâjvee
487. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 491. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word.
given word.
(a) Meagre (b) Buoyant
(a) Chief (b) Remarkable
(c) Abundant (d) Divine
(c) Insignificant (d) Eminent
SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II
Ans. (c) : "Scanty" (Deuhe/legÛÚ) Antonym "Abundant"
Ans. (c) : Salient (cegKÙe/efJeMes<elee-metÛekeâ) Antonym
‘Insignificant’ (legÛÚ/cenlJenerve)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Meagre - Deuhe/MeerCe&
Chief - cegKÙe
Buoyant - ØemeVeefÛevle
Remarkable - DemeeOeejCe
Divine - efoJÙe/heefJe$e
Eminent - ØeKÙeele/ßes°
488. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
underlined word in the given sentence. 492. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Henry is so servile that other people take given word.
advantage of him. Steady
(a) Sheepish (b) Arrogant (a) Tabular (b) Shaky
(c) Cunning (d) Bickering (c) Dedicate (d) Constant
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I) SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II

Antonyms 530 YCT

Ans. (b) : Steady (efveÙeefcele/efmLej) Antonym "Shaky" Ans. (a) : Savage (DemeYÙe/yeJe&j) Antonym 'Civilized'
(DeefmLej/ÛebÛeue) (meYÙe/efMe°)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ -
Tabular - meejCeeryeæ Adequate - heÙee&hle/GefÛele
Dedicate - meceefhe&le keâjvee Impartial - efve<he#e/lešmLe
Constant - efmLej/melele Brutal - Ieelekeâ/›etâj
493. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the 497. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. highlighted word.
Sagacious They drank some spurious drink and fainted.
(a) Dull (b) Profound (a) genuine (b) nefarious
(c) keen (d) Intelligent (c) curious (d) artificial
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I
Ans. (a) : Sagacious (cesOeeJeer/yegefæceeve), Antonym - Dull Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ Underlined word "Spurious" (
vekeâueer/yeveeJešer) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Genuine"
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ (JeemleefJekeâ/Megæ) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Profound – iecYeerj/DeieeOe
Nefarious- kegâefšue/og°
Keen – Glmegkeâ/lespe
Curious - Glmegkeâ/efJeue#eCe
Intelligent – yegefæceeve
Artificial - ke=âef$ece/yeveeJešer
494. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
498. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
underlined word in the following sentence.
given word.
Eventually the patient succumbed to her
(a) refreshment (b) livelihood
(a) surrendered (b) overcame
(c) starvation (d) nourishment
(c) died (d) advanced
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I
Ans. (c) : Sustenance - (peerefJekeâe/YejCe hees<eCe), Antonym,
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Succumbed" (DeOeerve
Starvation - (YegKecejer/Dekeâeue)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
nesvee/cej peevee) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Overcame" (JeMe ceW
Nourishment-hees<eCe, Livelihood-peerefJekeâe, Refreshment-leepeieer
keâjvee/peerlevee) nesiee~
499. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - given word.
Surrendered - Deelcemecehe&Ce keâjvee STRETCH
Died - cejvee (a) Extend (b) Elongate
Advanced - GVele/De«eJeleea (c) Compress (d) Lengthen
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I)
495. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Ans. (c) : Stretch - (efKebÛeeJe), Antonym - Compress -
given word.
Sceptic (mebkegâÛeve)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
(a) Receiver (b) Doubter Lengthen - uebyee, Extend - efJemleej, Elongate - leevevee/yeÌ{evee~
(c) Disbeliever (d) Believer 500. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III given word
Ans. (d) : Sceptic - (mebMeÙeelcekeâ/veeefmlekeâ) Antonym Sprightly
(a) Lively (b) Lethargic
"Believer" (efJeÕeJeeme keâjves Jeeuee Deeefmlekeâ)
(c) Active (d) Energetic
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Receiver - Øeehle keâjves Jeeuee Ans. (b) : Sprightly - (Hegâleeauee, Øecegefole) Antonym,
Doubter - mebosn keâjves Jeeuee Lethargic - (Deeuemeer)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
Disbeliever - DeefJeÕeemeer Lively - peerJeble, Active - meef›eâÙe, Energetic - Tpee&Jeeve
496. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 501. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. given word.
Savage Slur
(a) Civilized (b) Adequate (a) Insult (b) Compliment
(c) Impartial (d) Brutal (c) Assortment (d) Mixture
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)

Antonyms 531 YCT

Ans. (b) : Slur - (Ghes#ee/yeoveeceer), Antonym, Compliment durable - efškeâeT
- (ØeMebmee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- delicate - veepegkeâ
Insult - Deheceeve, Assortment - JeieeakeâjCe, Mixture - efceßeCe unknown - Devepeeve
502. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 507. In the following question, out of the given four
given word. alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
Stalwart meaning of the given word.
(a) Cowardly (b) Robust Swindle
(c) Firm (d) Stout (a) Insert (b) Dupe
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I) (c) Ample (d) Honesty
Ans. (a) : Stalwart - (meenmeer/efve‰eJeeve), antonym, SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Cowardly - keâeÙej~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- Ans. (d) Swindle – (OeesKee osvee), Antonym - Honesty –
Robust - cepeyetle, Firm - ÂÌ{/"esme, Stout - yeueJeeve/ceesše~ (Fceeveoejer)~
503. Select the most appropriate antonym of the DevÙe MeyoeW ceW DeLe&-
given word. Insert – ØeefJe° keâjvee/jKevee~
Seize Dupe – yesJeketâheâ yeveevee~
(a) Snatch (b) Catch Ample – ØeÛegj~
(c) Grab (d) Loosen
508. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I)
given word.
Ans. (d) : Seize - peyle keâjvee, Antonym, Loosen - efjne SPIRITUAL
keâjvee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe&- (a) material (b) ethereal
Snatch - Úervevee, Catch - hekeâÌ[vee, Grab - hekeâÌ[ uesvee~ (c) sacred (d) divine
504. Select the most appropriate antonym of the SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
given word. Ans. (a) : Spiritual- (DeeOÙeeeflcekeâ), Antonym- material
SPARSE (Yeeweflekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
(a) thin (b) scant ethereal - (heejueewefkeâkeâ), sacred - (heefJe$e, efkeâmeer osJelee Ùee Oece&
(c) abundant (d) meagre mes mebyebefOele), divine - (osJeer, F&ÕejerÙe)
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
509. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Ans. (c) : 'Sparse' - efJejue, Antonym - abundant - ØeÛegj given word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SUAVE
scant - Deuhe (a) rude (b) brisk
thin - heleuee (c) charming (d) polite
meagre - Deuhe SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
505. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Ans. (a) : 'suave'- (ef M e°, meg ®ef Ûe mecheVe), antonym - 'rude'
given word. (DeefMe° DeMueerue, Yeöe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
SHALLOW brisk - hegâleeauee, lespe, JÙemle
(a) dry (b) deep charming - Deekeâ<e&keâ, megvoj
(c) close (d) clean polite - efJeveceü, efMe°
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
510. Select the antonym of the given word.
Ans. (b) : 'Shallow' – GLeuee, Antonym - deep - ienje SWERVE
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) droop (b) lurch
dry - metKee (c) deviate (d) straighten
close - yebo/yebo nesvee SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)
clean - meeheâ Ans : (d) 'Swerve' - (Yeškeâvee ceesÌ[vee), antonym -
506. Select the most appropriate antonym of the straighten (meerOee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
given word : Droop - Pegkeâvee, kegâcnueevee
STRANGE Lurch - Peškeâe, Peškeâe Keevee
(a) durable (b) delicate Deviate - yeÛevee, efJeÛeefuele nesvee
(c) unknown (d) familiar
511. Select the antonym of the given word.
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Ans. (d) : 'Strange' - (Devepeeve, DeveesKee, DemeeceevÙe) (a) nervous (b) agitated
Antonym - familiar - (heefjefÛele) (c) serious (d) calm
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)

Antonyms 532 YCT

Ans : (b) 'Sober' - (mebÙece mecePeoej, meeoe), antonym - Ans : (d) Scarce- (Deuhe/keâceer), antonym- plentiful (ØeÛegj,
agitated (DeMeeble, JÙeefLele)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- yengle)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Nervous - yesÛewve, Seldom- keâYeer-keâYeer
Serious - iebYeerj Scanty- LeesÌ[e, Deuhe
Calm - Meeble Few- DelÙeuhe
512. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 517. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given word. given word.
(a) profuse (b) small (a) abate (b) ease
(c) precise (d) concise (c) diminish (d) enlarge
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Scanty- (Deuhe), antonym - Profuse - Ans : (d) Subside- (Ieš peevee, keâce nesvee), antonym-
(efJehegue/ØeÛegj)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Enlarge- (yeÌ{evee, Je=efæ nesvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Abate-
Small- Úesše keâce keâjvee, Ease- Meevle keâjvee, Diminish- keâce keâjvee~
Precise- "erkeâ ÙeLeeLe& 518. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Concise- mebef#ehle given word.
513. Select the most appropriate antonym of the STABLE
given word. (a) shaky (b) tough
STATIONARY (c) reliable (d) even
(a) tired (b) still SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) shifting (d) motionless Ans : (a) Stable- (efmLej), antonym- Shaky- (DeefmLej)~ DevÙe
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III) MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw–Tough- keâef"ve, Reliable- efJeÕemeveerÙe,
Ans. (c) : STATIONARY- (efmLej), antonym - shifting, Yejesmescebo, Even- yejeyej, Skeâmee~
(DeefmLej, mLeeveevlejCe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw- 519. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Tired - Lekeâe ngDee given word.
Still - efheâj Yeer SOGGY
Motionless - efmLej (a) gloomy (b) unfit
514. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (c) dry (d) broken
given word. SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
SEVERE Ans. (c) : Soggy - (ieeruee), antonym - dry (metKee)~ DevÙe
(a) mediocre (b) meticulous MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) morose (d) mild Gloomy - og:Keer, Unfit - DevegheÙegòeâ, Broken - štše
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III) 520. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Ans. (d) : Severe–(iebYeerj, keâ"esj), antonym- Mild (meewcÙe, given word.
vejce)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw– SAGACIOUS
Mediocre- meeOeejCe (a) Ingenious (b) Prudent
(c) Astute (d) Ignorant
Meticulous- DeeflemeeJeOeeve
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Morose- efÛeÌ[efÛeÌ[e
Ans. (d) : Sagacious - (cesOeeJeer, mecePeoej), Antonym-
515. Select the antonym of the given word. Ignorant (Devepeeve, De%eeveer, DeveefYe%e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) flat (b) fresh Ingenious - mejue, Megæ, ØeJeerCe, Prudent - efJeJeskeâer, Ûelegj,
(c) dry (d) sour Astute - Ûelegj, o#e, ØeJeerCe
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I) 521. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Ans : (b) 'Stale' - (yeemeer, yesmJeeo, hegjevee), antonym- fresh given word.
(leepee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- SALIENT
(a) negligible (b) prominent
Flat - meceleue
(c) striking (d) clear
Dry - metKee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Sour - Keóe Ans : (a) Salient- (cegKÙe/Keeme), Antonyms - Negligible-
516. Select the antonym of the given word. (veieCÙe/Ghes#eCeerÙe/leg#Ùe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
Prominent- Øeefmeæ/efJeefMe°
(a) seldom (b) scanty
(c) few (d) plentiful Striking- efJeefÛe$e
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I) Clear- mhe°
Antonyms 533 YCT
522. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 527. In the following Question, Out of the given four
given word. alternatives, select the one in which is opposite
SHALLOW the given word.
(a) deep (b) narrow Spare
(c) crooked (d) slight (a) Necessary (b) Free
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Option (d) Surplus
Ans : (a) Shallow- (GLeuee/efÚÚuee) antonym- Deep (ienje) SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III)
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– Ans : (a) Spare- (Keeueer Ùee DeveeJeMÙekeâ), antonym -
Narrow- mebkeâje Necessary-DeeJeMÙekeâ~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Free- mJeleb$e,
Crooked- šsÌ{e-cesÌ{e Option- efJekeâuhe, Surplus- Deefleefjòeâ
Slight- LeesÌ[e/keâcepeesj 528. In the following question, out of the given four
523. Select the most appropriate antonym of the alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
given word. meaning of the given word.
(a) dense (b) strong (a) Bitter (b) Cruel
(c) thin (d) weak (c) Light (d) Grim
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)
Ans : (a) Sparse- (efJejue, eflelej-efyelej), antonym - Dense- Ans. (c) : 'Stern'- (meKle, keâ"esj, efveo&Ùe), antonym-'Light'
(Ievee, meIeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– (mejue, nukeâe, vece&) nw~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Bitter - keâšg,
Strong- cepeyetle keâÌ[Jee, ogKeo, Cruel - efveo&Ùeer, Grim - efveo&Ùe, keâ"esj~
Thin- heleuee 529. In the following question, out of the given four
Weak- keâcepeesj alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
524. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the meaning of the given word.
given word. Solace
SPIRITUAL (a) Pity (b) Disharmony
(a) Righteous (b) Physical (c) Relief (d) Cheer
(c) Ghostly (d) Pious SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III) Ans. (b) : Solace– (Meevle keâjvee, mebleg° keâjvee), antonym -
Ans. (b) : 'Spiritual'- (YeeJeelcekeâ), Antonym - Physical Disharmony (DemeecebpemÙe)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Pity–
(Yeeweflekeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Righteous - veweflekeâ ™he mes oÙee, jnce, Relief– jenle, Cheer– ØemeVelee~
ceevÙe, Ghostly - DelÙevle DeefØeÙe, Pious - heefJe$e, Oece&hejeÙeCe 530. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
525. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
give word. Steep
SACRED (a) Narrow (b) Rough
(a) Pious (b) Profane (c) Shallow (d) Flat
(c) Solemn (d) Divine SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Steep- (KeÌ[e/Ì{euet), antonym - Flat (Ûeheše/
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II)
›eâefcekeâ)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
Ans. (b) : Sacred– (heefJe$e), antonym - Profane
Narrow - mekeâje/mebkeâerCe&, Rough - keâ"esj, Shallow -
(DeheefJe$e)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Pious– Oece&efve‰, Solemn–
iecYeerj, Divine– heefJe$e, owJeerÙe~
531. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
526. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
given below word
(a) Neglect (b) Attack (a) Tragedy (b) Warmth
(c) Vigilance (d) Endurance (c) Cruelty (d) Enthusiasm
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Surveillance – (efveiejeveer), Antonym - Neglect Ans. (c) : 'Sympathy'- (menevegYetefle), antonym - 'Cruelty'
(DeveosKee keâjvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Attack - Dee›eâceCe (efveo&Ùelee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
keâjvee Tragedy - ogKeeble
Vigilance - meleke&âlee Warmth - ieceea, peesMe
Endurance - menveMeeruelee Enthusiasm - Glmeen

Antonyms 534 YCT

532. Select the most appropriate antonym of the DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
word : Rendezvous - efceueve mLeue
Engagement - meieeF& /yeÛeve
(a) Appeal (b) Malign
(c) Admire (d) Defame Date - efleefLe/YeWš
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I) 537. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Ans. (c) : 'Slander'- (efveboe/DeeueesÛevee keâjvee) keâe antonym - given word.
admire (ØeMebmee keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
(a) Diffident (b) Shy
Appeal - ÙeeÛevee/efJeveleer keâjvee (c) Bold (d) Fearful
Malign - yeoveece keâjvee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Defame - ceeveneefve keâjvee~ SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I)
533. Select the most appropriate antonym of the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I)
word. Ans. (c) : Timid ([jheeskeâ/keâeÙej), Antonym "Bold"
Startle (meenmeer/efve[j)
(a) Shock (b) Soothe DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
(c) Amaze (d) Agitate
Different - mebkeâesÛeer/Meceeauee
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Shy - Meceeauee
Ans : (b) Startle - (Ûeewkeâe osvee, Ûeewkeâ peevee), antonym -
Fearful - YeÙeYeerle
Soothe (hejsMeeveer/efJe#eesYe keâce keâjvee)~ DevÙe Meyo kesâ DeLe& nQ-
538. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Shock - Ûeefkeâle nes peevee, Amaze - Ûeefkeâle keâj osvee, Agitate -
underlined word.
Gòesefpele keâj osvee, Deeboesueve keâjvee~ Trivial issues have always interested our boss.
534. Select the antonym of the given word. (a) Hopeful (b) Fierce
SERENE (c) Common (d) Significant
(a) Superb (b) Splendid SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
(c) Showy (d) Stressed Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Trivial" (legÛÚ/ceecetueer)
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Significant" (cenlJehetCe&) nesiee~
Ans. (d) : Serene - (Meevle/efmLej), antonym - stressed
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
(leveeJe«emle, DeefmLej)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Superb -
Hopeful -DeeMeeefvJele
Meeveoej, YeJÙe, Splendid - Meeveoej, Showy - Dee[cyejer~
Fierce - YeÙebkeâj/G«e
535. Select the antonym of the given word.
Common - meeceevÙe
(a) Generous (b) Skinny 539. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(c) Cheap (d) Mean given word in the following sentence.
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I) ‘Traitor’
Ans. (a) : Stingy- (kebâpetme), antonym - Generous People should vote for honest and loyal leaders
not for betrayer and defender.
(Goej)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) Loyal (b) Honest
Skinny - heleuee (c) Betrayer (d) Defender
Cheap - memlee SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Mean - celeueye Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes Word "Traitor" (õesner/ieöej) keâe
T GheÙegòeâ Antonym Loyal (Je]Heâeoej) nesiee~ pees efkeâ GheÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe
ceW ØeÙegòeâ nw~
536. Select the most appropriate antonym to
substitute the bracketed word in the given DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
sentence. She ventured to go back to the tree of Honest - F&ceeveoej
the (tryst), the mulberry with the shining white Betrayer - efJeÕeemeIeeleer
fruit. Defender - j#ekeâ /hees<ekeâ
(a) Separation (b) Rendezvous
540. Select the word that is opposite in meaning
(c) Engagement (d) Date
(antonym) to the word given below
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Bracketed word "Tryst" (ieghle Yesš / (a) Brazen (b) Scared
efceueve) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Separation" DeueieeJe/efJeÙeesie) (c) Gutless (d) Reserved
nesiee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I)
Antonyms 535 YCT
Ans. (a) : Timorous (keâeÙej/[jheeskeâ) Antonym "Brazen" Ans. (a) : Transparent - (heejoMeea), Antonym, Opaque -
(efve&Yeerkeâ/Ì{er") (DeheejoMeea)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Clean - meeHeâ megLeje, Shining - Ûecekeâ, Beautiful - megvoj~
Scared - YeÙeYeerle 545. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Gutless - keâeÙej given word.
Reserved - Deejef#ele Toxic
(a) Lethal (b) Venomous
541. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
(c) Harmful (d) Healthy
underlined word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
He carries that sorrow with him now, just
under the surface, almost tangible. Ans. (d) : Toxic - (penjeruee), Antonym, Healthy- (mJemLe)~
(a) Detectable (b) Abstract DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
(c) Actual (d) Distinct Lethal - Ieelekeâ, Venomous - efJe<ewuee, Harmful - neefvekeâejkeâ
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III 546. In the following question, out of the given four
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Tangible" alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
(JeemleefJekeâ/cetle&) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Abstract" meaning of the given word.
(Decetle&/YeeJeelcekeâ) nesiee~ Tempestuous
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ (a) Stress (b) Toil
(c) Calm (d) Examine
Detectable - helee keâjves ÙeesiÙe
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Actual - JeemleefJekeâ
Ans. (c) Tempestuous – (DeMeeble), Antonym - calm Meeble~
Distinct - Deueie/efJeefMe°
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
542. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Stress – leveeJe
given word.
Tenacious Examine – hejer#eCe keâjvee
(a) Relentless (b) Persistent Toil - heefjßece keâjvee
(c) Yielding (d) Steadfast 547. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II given word.
Ans. (c) : "Tenacious" (ÂÌ{/meKle) Antonym "Yielding" TYRANT
(yeele hej Je GÌ[ves Jeeuee) (a) rival (b) benefactor
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ (c) patron (d) champion
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Relentless - oÙeenerve/efve‰gj
Ans : (b) Tyrant- (leeveeMeen/efvejbkegâMe Meemeve), antonym -
Persistent - ÂÌ{/n"er
Benefactor - (Ghekeâejer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Steadfast - ÂbÌ{ /efmLej
Rival- ØeefleÉboer
543. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Patron- mebj#ekeâ/DeeßeÙeoelee
given word.
Taut Champion- Gòece opex keâe efJepeslee
(a) Slack (b) Solid 548. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(c) Tight (d) Strong given word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II TRANSIENT
Ans. (a) : Taut (levee ngDee/ueÛeeruee), Antonym - "Slack" (a) stationary (b) temporal
(Ì{eruee/megmle) (c) celestial (d) permanent
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
Ans : (d) 'Transient' - (DeefmLej, #eefCekeâ), antonym-
Solid – "esme/ÂÌ{
Permanent (mLeeÙeer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Tight – lebie/keâef"ve
Stationary - efmLej, DeheefjJeefle&le
Strong – yeueJeeve/cepeyetle
Temporal - ueewefkeâkeâ
544. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Celestial - KeieesueerÙe
given word.
Transparent 549. Select the antonym of the given word.
(a) Opaque (b) Beautiful TENDER
(c) Clean (d) Shining (a) Rough (b) Warm
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I) (c) Gentle (d) Soft
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Antonyms 536 YCT
Ans : (a) Tender- (keâesceue/vejce), antonym- Ans. (b) : Tame– (heeuelet, Meevle), antonym - upset
Rough- (keâ"esj/™Kee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (hejsMeeve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Control– efveÙeb$eCe,
Warm- iejce Restrain– jeskeâvee, sanctify– heefJe$e keâjvee~
Gentle- megMeerue 555. In the following question, out of the given four
Soft- cegueeÙece alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
meaning of the given word.
550. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Taciturn
given word. (a) Silent (b) Talkative
TENSE (c) Reticent (d) Reserved
(a) stiff (b) strained SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III)
(c) close (d) relaxed
Ans. (b) : 'Taciturn - (Meeble nesvee, DeJeekeâ), antonym -
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Talktive (yeeletveer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
Ans : (d) Tense- (leveeJehetCe&), antonym - Relaxed
Reticent – keâce yeesueves Jeeuee
(leveeJecegòeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Reserved – Deejef#ele
Stiff-keâÌ[e, DekeâÌ[ve, keâ"esj, Strained - leveeJehetCe&, ke=âef$ece,
Silent– Meeble
Close - yebo, Ieefve‰
556. In the following question, out of the given four
551. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
given word. the meaning of the given word.
(a) clear (b) confused (a) Arrive (b) Fail
(c) mixed (d) varied (c) Develop (d) Shine
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) Turbid - (ieboe), antonym - Clear - (mJeÛÚ, Ans : (b) Thrive - (heâuevee, hetâuevee), antonym - 'Fail'
meeHeâ)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (efJeheâue, heleve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Arive - hengbÛevee,
Confused - YeÇefcele, Mixed - efceefßele, Varied- efJeefJeOe Øekeâej keâe Develop - Gvveefle keâjvee, Shine - Ûecekeâvee
552. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 557. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. given word.
TACIT Tranquil
(a) inaudible (b) silent (a) Calm (b) Peaceful
(c) mute (d) explicit (c) Cool (d) Stormy
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (d) Tacit- (ceewve) antonym- ‘‘Explicit- (cegKej/JÙeòeâ) Ans. (d) : Tranquil - (Meeble), antonym - Stormy (letHeâeveer)~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Calm - Meeble, Peaceful - MeebeflehetCe&,
Inaudible- DeßeJÙe Cool - "b[e
Silent- Meevle 558. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Mute- ceewve word.
553. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (a) Deceitful (b) Disloyal
given word. (c) Faithful (d) Dangerous
TESTIMONY SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Approval (b) Difficulty
Ans. (c) : Treacherous- (efJeMJeemeIeeleer), antonym -
(c) Witness (d) Disproof
Faithful (F&ceeveoej, efJeMJemeveerÙelee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nQ-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Deceitful - Úueer, keâhešer~
Ans. (d) : Testimony- (ieJeener, mee#Ùe), antonym -
Disloyal - OeesKesyeepe~
'Disproof' (Keb[ve)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- Approval -
Dangerous - Kelejveekeâ~
Devegceesove, Difficulty - keâef"veeF&, Witness - mee#Ùe, ieJeener
554. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the U
given word. 559. Select the most appropriate antonym to
TAME substitute the bracketed word in the given
(a) Control (b) Upset sentence. They are virtually unimpeachable in
(c) Restrain (d) Sanctify the (unbiased), invariably correct reading of a
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II) race.
Antonyms 537 YCT
(a) prejudiced (b) ceasing Casual- Deekeâefmcekeâ
(c) captivity (d) stranger Modern- DeeOegefvekeâ
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
564. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ Bracketed word "Unbiased" given word.
(efve<he#e) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym 'Prejudiced' (he#eheelehetCe&) nesiee~ UNWORTHY
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - (a) Trustworthy (b) Helpful
Ceasing - mLeefiele/jeskeâvee (c) Unskilled (d) Deserving
Captivity - kewâo/DeOeervelee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Stranger - Depeveyeer Ans. (d) : Unworthy – (veeueeÙekeâ, DeÙeesiÙe), antonym -
Deserving (iegCe, ÙeesiÙe)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
560. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
underlined word. Helpful – Ghekeâejer; Trustworthy –efJeÕemeveerÙe Unskilled –
Her dog can climb under the fence. DekegâMeue~
(a) Over (b) Sink 565. In the following question, out of the given four
(c) Beneath (d) Behind alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I) meaning of the given word.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Under" (veerÛes) keâe Unitary
GheÙegòeâ antonym "Over" (Thej) nesiee~ (a) Whole (b) Incomplete
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - (c) Integral (d) Entire
SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Sink - [tyevee/#eerCe nesvee
Beneath - veerÛes Ans : (b) Unitary- (mebieef"le), antonym - Incomplete
Behind - heerÚs (DeOetje)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
561. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Whole–mebhetCe&, mecemle, Integral–mecemle, SkeâerkeâjCe, Entire–
given word. hetje, mebhetCe&~
Upgrade 566. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(a) Advance (b) Lean given word.
(c) Demote (d) Elevate Unanimous
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III (a) Identical (b) Vague
Ans. (c) : Upgrade (GVeefle/ÛeÌ{eJe) Antonym "Demote" (c) Terse (d) Individual
(DeJeveefle/GlejeJe) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Ans. (d) : Unanimous - Skeâ cele, Antonym, Individual -
Advance - Deef«ece/GVele JÙeefòeâiele~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
Lean - ogyeuee/Pegkeâvee Identical - meceeve, Vague - Demhe°, Terse - mebef#ehle~
Elevate -Thej G"vee/ÛeÌ{vee 567. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
562. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
given word. Unruly
USURP (a) Rampant (b) Rogue
(a) wrest (b) annex (c) Timid (d) Well-behaved
(c) release (d) assume SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Unruly - DeefveÙebef$ele/GheõJeer, Antonym, Well-
Ans. (c) : usurp - (nÌ[hevee, Úerve uesvee), antonym - release
behaved - efMe°~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
(ÚesÌ[ osvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâe DeLe& nw- wrest - Úerve uesvee, annex
Rampant - DeefveÙebef$ele, Rogue - og°, Timid - [jheeskeâ~
- nÌ[he uesvee, assume - mecePevee, ceevevee
563. Select the most appropriate antonym of the 568. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word. given word.
URBAN Uproar
(a) rural (b) alien (a) Clamor (b) Calm
(c) casual (d) modern (c) Vague (d) Jovial
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) Urban- (veiej, Menjer)], antonym - Rural («eeceerCe)~ Ans. (b) : Uproar - keâesueenue, Antonym, Calm - Meebefle~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
Alien- DepeveJeer, efJeosMeer Clamor - keâesueenue, Vague - Demhe°, Jovial - nmecegKe~

Antonyms 538 YCT

573. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
V given word.
569. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Variance
given word. (a) Harmony (b) Intellectual
Viscous (c) Convention (d) Equal
(a) Watery (b) Grim SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II
(c) Brutal (d) Thick Ans. (a) : Variance (celeYeso/Hetâš), Antonym - "Harmony"
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I) (meecebpemÙe)
Ans. (a) : Viscous (efÛeheefÛehee/uemeoej) Antonym "watery" DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
(Heâerkeâe/heeveer Jeeuee) Intellectual – yegefæpeerJeer
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Convention – meccesueve/hejbheje
Grim - efJekeâš/YebÙekeâj Equal – meceeve
Brutal - Ieelekeâ/›etâj 574. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Thick - ceesše/Ievee given word.
570. Select the most appropriate antonym of the VACATE
underlined word. (a) holiday (b) occupy
This novelist is known for his verbosity. (c) discharge (d) abandon
(a) Succinctness (b) Candour SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
(c) Vengeance (d) Humility Ans. (b) : 'Vacate' - Keeueer, Antonym - occupy - keâypee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV) keâjvee~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word "Verbosity" DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ
(MeyoyeenguÙe) keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym "Succinctness" (meef#ehlelee) holiday - Úgóer
nesiee~ discharge - cegefòeâ
DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - abandon - ÚesÌ[vee
Candour - mhe°Jeeefolee/efvece&uelee 575. In the following question, out of the given four
Vengeance - ØeefleMeesOe/yeouee alternatives, select the one which is opposite in
Humility - efJeveceülee/oervelee meaning of the given word.
571. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to
(a) Confront (b) Contour
the given word.
(c) Blindness (d) Outlook
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(a) Sap (b) Vim
(c) Lush (d) Apathy Ans. (c) Vista –(ÂMÙe), Antonym, Blindness – Âef°nervelee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV) DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& -
Ans. (d) : "Vivacity" (Glmeen/mepeerJelee) Antonym Comfornt – meecevee~
"Apathy" ( Goemeervelee) Contour – ™he jsKee, meceesÛÙe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Outlook – Âef°keâesCe~
Sap - megjbie/meesKevee 576. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Vim - Meefòeâ given word.
Lush - jmeeruee/ØeÛegj
(a) visible (b) elusive
572. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the (c) careful (d) careless
given word. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : Vigilant (meeJeOeeve, ÛeewkeâVee),antonym - careless
(a) Disappear (b) Depart
(c) conquer (d) Emerge (ueehejJeen) nesiee~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I Elusive- ceeÙeeJeer, Yeüebeflepevekeâ
Ans. (d) : Vanish (ieeÙeye nesvee), Antonym – Emerge (Øekeâš Careful- meeJeOeeve
nesvee/GYejvee) 577. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - given word.
Disappear - ieeÙeye nesvee (a) Dangerous (b) Amicable
Depart - efJeoe keâjvee/ jJeevee nesvee (c) Lethal (d) Powerful
Conquer- peerlevee/njevee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Antonyms 539 YCT
Ans : (b) Virulent- (meb›eâecekeâ, penjeruee), antonym- 582. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Amicable- (efce$eJele, cew$eerhetCe&)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nw- given word.
Dangerous- Kelejveekeâ
(a) Leave (b) Disappear
Lethal- Ieelekeâ (c) Command (d) Improve
Powerful- MeefòeâMeeueer SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I)
578. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the Ans. (d) : Worsen - (Kejeye keâjvee), Antonym - Improve
given word.
- megOeej keâjvee~
(a) Insincere (b) Truthful Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
(c) Honest (d) Inflexible Leave - otj nesvee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II) Disappear - ieeÙeye nesvee~
Ans. (d) : 'Versatile'- (Deveskeâ iegCeeW keâe ueÛeerues mJeYeeJe keâe), Command - DeeosMe~
antonym - 'Inflexible' (keâÌ[e/ÂÌ{)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
583. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
nQ– given word.
Insincere - efve‰enerve WARM
Truthful - F&ceeveoej (a) hot (b) cool
Honest - meÛÛee, F&ceeveoej (c) springy (d) spongy
579. Select the most appropriate antonym of the SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
word Ans. (b) : Warm - (iejce), antonym, cool (Meerleue)~ DevÙe
(a) Nobility (b) Honour
MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - hot - iece&, springy - ueÛeeruee, spongy -
(c) Conceit (d) Modesty efÛeceÌ[e/oueouee
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I) 584. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Ans : (d) Vanity - (IeceC[), antonym - Modesty given word.
(efJeveceülee/ Meeueervelee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- WEAKNESS
Nobility - kegâueervelee, Honour - mecceeve, Conceit - IeceC[~ (a) illness (b) strength
580. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (c) disability (d) bravery
word. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Vile Ans : (b) Weakness– (ogye&uelee/keâcepeesjer), antonym -
(a) Crafty (b) decent Strength - (Meefòeâ/cepeyetleer)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Horrid (d) Evil
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Vile- (efIeveewvee), antonym - decent (Meeueerve,
Yeõ)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Bravery –Jeerjlee/meenme
Crafty - Ûeeueekeâ/Oetle&~ 585. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Horrid - YeÙeeJen peIevÙe~ given word.
evil - og° WANE
(a) dwindle (b) abate
W (c) increase (d) fall
581. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
given word. Ans : (c) Wane- (keâce nesvee), antonym - increase (yeÌ{evee)~
Wicked DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Evil (b) Sinful
(c) Errant (d) Moral dwindle- #eerCe nesvee, fall- efiejvee, abate- keâce nesvee~
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (d) : Wicked (og°/neefvekeâejkeâ), Antonym, "Moral"
586. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
given word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - Xenial
Evil – yegjeF& (a) Abuse (b) Yearn
Sinful – heeheer/DeOeceea (c) Inhospitable (d) Vie
Errant – Yeškeâves Jeeuee SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
Antonyms 540 YCT
Ans. (c) : Xenial - DeeefleLÙe, Antonym, Inhospitable - Z
DemelkeâejMeerue~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - 591. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the
Abuse - DeheMeyo keânvee, Yearn - leer›e FÛÚe, Vie - ØeeflemheOee& underlined word.
keâjvee~ Their reverence reaches its zenith here at the
587. Select the most appropriate antonym of the birthplace of the country's founder.
given word. (a) crest (b) Nadir
Xenophile (c) horizon (d) pinnacle
(a) Veteran SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I
(b) Xenophobia Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Underlined word 'Zenith' (Meer<e& efyebog )
(c) Commotion keâe GheÙegòeâ Antonym 'Nadir' (DeOeesieefle/heleve) nesiee~
(d) Adorn DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw -
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I) Crest - efMe#ee/Ûeesšer
Ans. (b) : Xenophile - efJeosMeer ueesieeW mes Øesce, Antonym, Horizon - ef#eeflepe
Xenophobia - efJeosMeer ueesieeW keâes ve hemevo keâjvee~ Pinnacle - efMeKej/keâueMe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - 592. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Veteran - DevegYeJeer, Commotion - nueÛeue, Adorn - mepeevee~ given word.
Y (a) Climax (b) Nadir
588. Select the most appropriate antonym of the (c) Deny (d) Adorn
word : SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I)
Yell Ans. (b) : Zenith - Meer<e&, Antonym, Nadir - heleve~
(a) Shout DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
(b) Whisper Climax - Meer<e&, Deny - cevee keâjvee, Adorn - mepeevee~
(c) Scream
593. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
(d) Shriek
given word.
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Yell- (efÛeuueevee, ÛeerKevee), antonym - (a) Vicious (b) Nonpartisan
whishper (hegâmehegâmeevee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Yearn (d) Abuse
Shout - efÛeuueevee SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Scream- ÛeerKevee Ans. (b) : Zealot - keâójhebLeer, Antonym, Nonpartisan-
Shriek - efÛeuueevee, ÛeerKevee efve<he#eerÙe~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
589. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Vicious - og°, Yearn - ueeuemee keâjvee, Abuse - ieeueer osvee~
given word. 594. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Yearn given word.
(a) Wan (b) Victimize Zeal
(c) Loathe (d) Veteran (a) Forego (b) Paucity
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Adverse (d) Apathy
Ans. (c) : Yearn - leer›e FÛÚe keâjvee, Antonym, Loathe - SSC MTS–14/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ie=Cee keâjvee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - Glmeen, Antonym, Apathy - Goemeervelee~
Ans. (d) : Zeal -
Wan - keâcepeesj, Victimize - meleevee, Veteran - DevegYeJeer~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&–
590. Select the most appropriate antonym of the Forego - ÚesÌ[vee, Paucity - keâceer, Adverse - efJehejerle~
given word. 595. Select the most appropriate antonym of the
Yield given word.
(a) Woes (b) Produce Zigzag
(c) Resist (d) Abuse (a) Curved (b) Volatile
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Straight (d) Deny
Ans. (c) : Yield - ceeve uesvee, Antonym, Resist - efJejesOe SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I)
keâjvee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - Ans. (c) : Zigzag - šsÌ{e-cesÌ{e, Antonym, Straight - meerOee~
Woes - og:Ke, Produce - GlheVe keâjvee, Abuse - DeheMeyo DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
keânvee~ Curved - Je›eâ, Volatile - #eefCekeâ, Deny - cevee keâjvee~

Antonyms 541 YCT

TCS hewšve& hej DeeOeeefjle (Based On TCS Pattern)
Chapterwise Exam Question No. Years
1 CGL (Tier-1) 15
CGL (Tier-2) 5
A CHSL (Tier-1) 17
CHSL (Tier-2) 10
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 9 (2017–2023)
2 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
B CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
3 CGL (Tier-1) 10
CGL (Tier-2) 8
CHSL (Tier-1) 12
C CHSL (Tier-2) 6
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4 (2017–2023)
4 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 3
D CHSL (Tier-1) 17
CHSL (Tier-2) 5
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
5 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 7
E CHSL (Tier-2) 5
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
6 CGL (Tier-1) 8
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 7
CHSL (Tier-2) 3 (2017–2023)

Misspelt word 542 YCT

F Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4
7 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 3
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
G Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
8 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
H Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
9 CGL (Tier-1) 5
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 7
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 8 (2017–2023)
10 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) - (2017–2023)
J Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
11 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
K Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
12 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
L CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
13 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 5

Misspelt word 543 YCT

M CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 3 (2017–2023)
14 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
N CHSL (Tier-2) -
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
15 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
O CHSL (Tier-1) 3
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
16 CGL (Tier-1) 4
CGL (Tier-2) 2
P CHSL (Tier-1) 12
CHSL (Tier-2) 8
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
17 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
Q CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
18 CGL (Tier-1) 8
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 6
CHSL (Tier-2) 5 (2017–2023)
R Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 7
19 CGL (Tier-1) 6
CGL (Tier-2) 8
CHSL (Tier-1) 11
CHSL (Tier-2) 5 (2017–2023)
S Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1

Misspelt word 544 YCT

20 CGL (Tier-1) 5
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 3
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
T Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
21 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
22 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
V Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)
23 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
W Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
24 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
X Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)
25 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) - (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
26 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Z Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)
Misspelt word 545 YCT
Trend Analysis of Questions topicwise from CGL (Pre & Mains)
CHSL (Pre & Mains) Selection Post VII, VIII, XI, SSC MTS, SSC
GD & Other Exams (2017-2023)

50 50
30 31

20 21 22
18 17 19 19
14 14
10 9
5 4 6 6
4 2 3 2
0 1

U, 4 V, 6 W, 9 X, 2 Y, 3 Z, 2 A, 65
T, 19 B, 21
S, 45 C, 56
R, 28
D, 33
Q, 6

P, 47

O, 14
E, 50
N, 19

M, 22 F, 18
L, 14 G, 17
K, 4 J, 5 I, 31 H, 1

Misspelt word 546 YCT

A Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Allmost', keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Almost' (ueieYeie/ØeeÙe:) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ
1. Select the correctly spelt word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(a) Aposire (b) Apositte
(c) Apposite (d) Aposite Treble - efleiegvee
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III) Nozzle - veekeâ/veeskeâ
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe ‘Apposite’ Moisture - veceer/ieerueeheve
(GefÛele/ÙeesiÙe) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer 6. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
DeMegæ nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener Gòej nw~ (a) Aristocrate (b) Preference
2. Select the wrongly spelt word. (c) Occurrence (d) Advertise
(a) Unconventional (b) Alturistic SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
(c) Ethical (d) Unsavoury Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Aristocrate' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III) nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Aristocrat' (kegâueerve/Deceerj) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe ‘Alturistic’ keâer Jele&veer DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Altruistic' (hejeshekeâejer) nesieer~ Preference - hemevo/lenpeern
peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Occurrence - Iešvee/Ieefšle nesvee
Unconventional - Dehejbhejeiele Advertise - efJe%eeheve keâjvee/metÛevee osvee
Ethical - veweflekeâ 7. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Unsavoury - veerjme/Heâerkeâe (a) Sufficiant (b) Syrup
3. The sentence given below has one misspell (c) Superior (d) Shubbery
word. Spot the INCORRECTLY spelt word SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III)
and select its correct spelling. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Sufficiant' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Abreviation's are not understood by everyone.
(a) Abreviashions (b) Abbriviations
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Sufficient' (heÙee&hle/ÙeesiÙe) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ
(c) Abbreviations (d) Abriviations DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC GD 16/01/2023 (Shift-III) Syrup - Mejyele/Meerje
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'abreviation's keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Superior - yesnlej/Jeefj‰
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Abbreviations (mebef#ehleerkeâjCe) nesieer~ efJekeâuheeW Shubbery - Pegjcegš/PeeefÌ[ÙeeB
ceW oer ieÙeer DevÙe Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ 8. Select the INCORRECTLY splet word.
Currect Sentence- (a) Dearth (b) Corrupt
Abbreviations are not understood by everyone. (c) Barely (d) Accepttible
4. Select the correct spelling of the underlined SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III)
word in the following sentence. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Acceptible' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
The architectre of the building is worth seeing. nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Acceptable' (mJeerkeâeÙe&/«ee¢e) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ
(a) Arckitecture (b) Architecture DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(c) Architecher (d) Architecter
Dearth - Deekeâeue/ogue&Yelee
SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ 'Architectre' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Corrupt - Yeü°/otef<ele
Megæ Jele&veer 'Architecture' (Jeemlegkeâuee) nesieer~ efJekeâuheeW ceW oer ieÙeer Barely - cegefMkeâue mes
DevÙe Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ 9. Select the correct spelling of the underline
Correct Sentence- word.
The architecture of the building is worth seeing. They denied having any associasion with the
5. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. terrorists.
(a) Allmost (b) Treble (a) association (b) assocciation
(c) Nozzle (d) Moisture (c) assosiation (d) asociation
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I)

Misspelt word 547 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW kesâ underlined word Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Agravate' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
‘associasion’ keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer efJekeâuhe nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer "Aggravate" (YeÌ[keâevee/efyeieeÌ[vee) nesieer
(A) 'Association' (mebieefle/mebIe) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Cramp - leveeJe/SW"ve
Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener Gòej nw~ Damp - vece/ieeruee
10. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. Stamp - [ekeâ efškeâš/ceesnj
(a) Architecture (b) Ambassador 15. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(c) Awful (d) Accomodate (a) Deliceous (b) Progress
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III) (c) Present (d) Approve
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Accomodate' keâer Jele&veer SSC Constable GD-06/12/2021 Shift-III
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Accommodate' (meceeÙeesefpele/ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Deliceous' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Devegketâue yeveevee) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Delicious' (mJeeefo°/ceOegj) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ
Architecture – Jeemlegkeâuee/mLeehelÙe keâuee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ambassador – jepeotle Progress - Øeieefle/Je=efæ
Awful – YeÙebkeâj/Ieesj Present - Jele&ceeve
11. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the Approve - Devegceesove keâjvee
following sentence. 16. Select the correctly spelt word.
Staying healthy and exercising daily enhances (a) Assembly (b) Asembly
an athelet’s ability.
(c) Asemmbly (d) Assemmbly
(a) athelet’s (b) healthy
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III
(c) exercising (d) enhances
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (A) ceW oer ieÙeer
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'athelet's ' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ 'Assembly' (meYee/pevemecetn) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'athlete's (efKeueeÌ[er keâer) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (A) mener Gòej nw~
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ 17. Select the correctly spelt word.
Correct Sentence- (a) Suddenly (b) Sudenly
Staying healthy and exercising daily enhances an (c) Sudenlly (d) Suddenlly
athlete’s ability. SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II
12. Select the wrongly spelt word. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'suddenly' (DeÛeevekeâ/SkeâeSkeâ)
(a) Aesthetic (b) Affectation keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) Abase (d) Arei Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener Gòej nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III) 18. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ''Arei'' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (a) Aisle (b) Altar
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer ''Airy'' (nJeeoej/nJeeF&) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe (c) Attick (d) Adorn
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I
Aesthetic - meeQoÙe&/meg®efÛehetCe& Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Attick' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Affectation - efoKeeJee/ke=âeflecelee Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Attic' (Dešejer) nw~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer
Abase - Deheceeefvele keâjvee Jele&veer Megæ nw~
13. Select the wrongly spelt word. Aisle - ieefueÙeeje
(a) Articulate (b) Arduous Altar - Jesoer
(c) Arrogate (d) Artefect
Adorn - mepeevee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III)
19. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ''Artefect'' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(a) Announcement (b) Anonymous
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer ''Artifact'' (efJe™heCe mee#Ùe) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ (c) Annivarsary (d) Anguish
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III
Articulate - mhe°/JÙeòeâ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Annivarsary' keâer Jele&veer
Arduous - keâef"ve/keâce&" DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Anniversary' (meeueefiejn/yejmeer)
Arrogate - nÌ[hevee nesieer~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
14. Choose the incorrectly spelt word. Announcement - Iees<eCee/efveJesove
(a) Cramp (b) Damp
Anonymous - iegceveece/De%eele
(c) Agravate (d) Stamp
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV) Anguish - heerÌ[e/Jesovee
Misspelt word 548 YCT
20. Select the incorrectly spelt word. 25. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Extrovert (b) Appology (a) Eligibility (b) Acheivmant
(c) Lugubrious (d) Collaborate (c) Relevant (d) Adamant
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Appology' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) Acheivmant keâer
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Apology' (#ecee ÙeeÛevee) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Achievement' (GheueefyOe)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Extrovert - yeefnceg&Keer Eligibility - ÙeesiÙelee
Lugubrious - Meeskeâekegâue Relevant - Deveg®he
Collaborate - menÙeesie/efceuepegue keâj keâece keâjvee Adamant - meKle~
21. Select the incorrectly spelt word. 26. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Secretary (b) Performance (a) Bouquet (b) Abridge
(c) Valuable (d) Arguement (c) Pledge (d) Acquarium
SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Arguement' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) acquarium keâer
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Argument' (yenme/leke&â) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ Jele&veer DeMegæ nw, Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'aquarium' (ceÚueerIej) nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Secretary - meefÛeJe Bouquet - iegueomlee
Performance - efve<heeove/ØeoMe&ve Pledge - mebkeâuhe
Valuable - cetuÙeJeeve Abridge - mebef#ehleerkeâjCe
22. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 27. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Changeable (b) Acidentaly (a) pupil (b) capacity
(c) Tomorrow (d) Possession (c) teacher (d) abilty
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) acidentaly keâer Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'abilty' keâerr Jele&veer
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'accidentally' (Dekeâmceele) DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'ability' (ÙeesiÙelee) nesieer~ DevÙe
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Possession - DeefOekeâej pupil - efMe<Ùe, capacity - #ecelee, teacher - DeOÙeehekeâ
Tomorrow - Deeves Jeeuee keâue 28. Select the misspelt word.
Changeable - DemLeeÙeer (a) adjourn (b) afiliate
(c) etiquette (d) inimical
23. Select the misspelt word.
(a) applause (b) modern SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) arrivel (d) serious Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) afiliate keâerr
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I) Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'affiliate' (mebyeæ) nesieer,
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) arrivel keâer Jele&veer DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'arrival' (hengbÛevee) nesieer~ DevÙe adjourn - vÙeeefÙekeâ keâeÙe&Jeener Deeefo keâes kegâÚ meceÙe kesâ efueS jeskeâ
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ osvee~
Applause - Meeyeemeer etiquette - efMe°eÛeej
Modern - DeeOegefvekeâ inimical - neefvekeâejkeâ DeefmlelJe keâes mebkeâš ceW [euevee
Serious - iebYeerj~ 29. Select the correctly spelt word.
24. Select the incorrectly spelt word. (a) advertizment (b) adversery
(a) assimilate (b) readable (c) advantegious (d) adventurous
(c) acquire (d) acknowlege SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I) Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'adventurous'
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'Acknowlege' keâer (meenefmekeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'acknowledge' (mJeerkeâej nw~
keâjvee) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheebs keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
Assimilate - Deheveevee Advertizement- efJe%eeheve,
Readable - he"veerÙe Adversary- efJejesOeer
Acquire - Øeehle keâjvee~ Advantageous- ueeYeoeÙekeâ~

Misspelt word 549 YCT

30. Select the correctly spelt word. Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) Avertion keâerr
(a) accomplish (b) hieghten Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'aversion' (Ie=Cee keâjvee)
(c) repitition (d) aggrravate
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Evasion - yenevee, Aviation - nJeeyeepeer, Omission - ueeshe
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) accomplish (hetje
keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ 37. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) Audible (b) Audiance
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- (c) Austere (d) Authority
Heighten- TBÛee keâjvee SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Repetition- oesnjevee Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) audiance keâerr
Aggravate- YeÌ[keâevee/ÚsÌ[vee Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'audience' (ßeesleeieCe) nesieer~
31. Select the correctly spelt word. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
(a) arguement (b) argument Audible - ßeJÙe, Austere- meeoe, Dee[byejnerve, Authority-
(c) argeument (d) arguemant
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
38. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'argument'
(a) Amateur (b) Audience
(yenme keâjvee/leke&â efJeleke&â keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW (c) Acheivement (d) Audacity
keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
32. Select the correctly spelt word. Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) acheivement keâerr
(a) adolescence (b) adolescance Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'achievement' (GheueeqyOe)
(c) adolescense (d) adolesense
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
amateur - DevegYeJenerve
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'adolescence'
audience - oMe&keâ
(efkeâMeesjeJemLee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
audacity - meenme
33. Select the correct spelt word.
(a) acommodation (b) accomodation 39. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(c) accommodation (d) acomodation (a) Argyu (b) Tongue
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III) (c) Vague (d) Vogue
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
accommodation (DeeJeeme) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) argyu keâerr Jele&veer
keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'argue' (leke&â) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
34. Select the correctly spelt word. keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
(a) attendence (b) abundance vague - Demhe°
(c) arrogence (d) apearance vogue - ØeÛeueve
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III) 40. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) abundance (a) incremental (b) ferocious
(DeefOekeâlee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (c) alignement (d) amenable
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Arrogance - (Ieceb[) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) alignement keâerr
Attendance - (GheefmLeefle) Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer alignment (mebjsKeCe/ceeie&
Appearance - (GheefmLeefle) jsKee) nesieer~
35. Select the wrongly spelt word. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(a) Article (b) Precious Incremental - Je=efæ
(c) Audibal (d) Conceal ferocious - ›etâj
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
amenable - GòejoeÙeer
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Audibal keâerr Jele&veer
41. Select the correctly spelt word.
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'audible' (megveves ÙeesiÙe) nesieer~ DevÙe (a) Acquasition (b) Acquision
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (c) Acquesition (d) Acquisition
Article - DevegÛÚso, Precious - Deveceesue, Conceal - efÚhevee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
36. Select the wrongly spelt word. Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'acquisition'
(a) Evasion (b) Aviation (Dee|pele keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(c) Omission (d) Avertion
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Misspelt word 550 YCT
42. Select the correctly spelt word. 47. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) achievement (b) acknoledgement (a) assurence (b) assurable
(c) accreditted (d) accoustomed (c) assure (d) assuredly
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) achievement Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) assurence keâerr
(GheueefyOe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Jele&veer
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'assurance' (DeeÕeemeve)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- nesieer~
Acknowledgement- mJeerkeâeÙe& DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Accredited- ceevÙe Assurable- efJeÕemeveerÙe
accustomed - DeYÙemle Assure- DeeÕemle/efJeÕeeme
43. Select the wrongly spelt word. Assuredly- efJeÕeemehetJe&keâ/efve:mebosn
(a) acheive (b) receive 48. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(c) believe (d) grieve (a) Advisible (b) Invisible
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Capable (d) Irritable
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) acheive keâerr Jele&veer SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'achieve' (hengBÛe) nesieer~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) Advisible keâerr
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw- Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'advisable' (GefÛele) nesieer~
Receive- Øeehle keâjvee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Believe- efJeÕeeme keâjvee Invisible - DeÂMÙe, Capable - me#ece/ÙeesiÙe, Irritable -
Grieve- og:Ke osvee, Meeskeâ ceveevee efÛeÌ[efÛeÌ[e/legvekeâefcepeepe
44. Select the wrongly spelt word. 49. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) accumulate (b) accommodate (a) Distance (b) Arguement
(c) accelarate (d) accomplice (c) Commitment (d) Existence
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) accelarate keâerr Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) arguement keâerr
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'accelerate' (ieefle yeÌ{evee) Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer argument (leke&â) nesieer~
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Accumulate- pecee keâjvee Distance - otjer, Devlejeue, Commitment - Øeefleyeælee,
Accommodate- meceeÙeesefpele keâjvee DeefmlelJe, Existence - DeefmlelJe~
Accomplice- DehejeOe keâe meeLeer 50. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
45. Select the wrongly spelt word. (a) Acceptable (b) Beginning
(a) attendance (b) alliance (c) Accomodate (d) Quizzes
(c) affilate (d) affluence SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe Accomodate keâer
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) affilate keâerr Jele&veer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Accommodate' ("njvee)
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'affiliate' (mebyeæ) nesieer~ DevÙe nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Acceptable – mJeerkeâej keâjves ÙeesiÙe
Attendance- GheefmLeefle Beginning – ØeejefcYekeâ DeJemLee
Alliance- mebefOe Quizzes – hensefueÙeeB
Affluence- mece=efæ 51. Select the wrongly spelt word.
46. Select the wrongly spelt word. (a) Appreciate (b) Judiciary
(a) aggrassive (b) agriculture (c) Virtual (d) Ambasador
(c) agitation (d) agreement SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) ambasador keâerr
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) aggrassive keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'ambassador' (jepeotle)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer aggressive (Dee›eâecekeâ) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Appreciate – ØeMebmee keâjvee~
Agriculture- ke=âef<e, Agitation- Gkeâmeevee, Agreement- Judiciary – vÙeeÙeheeefuekeâe
DevegyebOe, mecePeewlee~ Virtual – DeeYeemeer

Misspelt word 551 YCT

52. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) anniversary
(a) Ambiteous (b) Gorgeous (meeueefiejn) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) Serious (d) Curious
58. Select the correctly spelt word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Adrress (b) Address
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) ambiteous keâerr (c) Addres (d) Adress
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'ambitious' (cenlJeekeâeb#eer) SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II)
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) address (helee)
Gorgeous - Deekeâ<e&keâ, YeJÙe keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Serious - efÛebleepevekeâ 59. Select the correctly spelt word.
Curious - efpe%eemeg, meerKeves keâe FÛÚgkeâ~ (a) Agression (b) Appearence
53. Select the correctly spelt word. (c) Assasination (d) Assimilate
(a) Exquiste (b) Recquirement SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Acquaintance (d) Squirrell Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) assimilate
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II) (meefcceefuele keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) acquaintance DeMegæ nw peyeefkeâ Fvekeâer Megæ Jele&veer–
(heefjefÛele) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Aggression - Dee›eâceCe, Dee›eâceCelee
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw- Appearance - Øekeâšve, efoKeeJeš
Exquisite – DelÙevle megvoj, Assassination - nlÙee~
Requirement – pe™jle/Dehes#ee 60. Select the correctly spelt word.
Squirrel – efieuenjer (a) Asthetic (b) Already
54. Select the wrongly spelt word. (c) Outragous (d) Orignal
(a) Tolerate (b) Temperate SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Accomodate (d) Promulgate Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) already (henues
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II) mes) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fvekeâer
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) accomodate keâerr Megæ Jele&veer–
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'accommodate' Aesthetic– meewvoÙe&hejkeâ,
(meceeÙeesefpele) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Outrageous– Deheceevepevekeâ
Tolerate–menve keâjvee, Temperate–meceMeerlees<Ce, Original– cetue, ceewefuekeâ~
Promulgate– Iees<eCee keâjvee~ 61. Select the correctly spelt word.
55. In the following question, a word has been (a) Administrater (b) Administrator
written in four different ways out of which only (c) Administratur (d) Administretor
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
word. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) administrator
(a) Accedent (b) Akcident (ØeMeemekeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) Accident (d) Acciant
62. Select the wrongly spelt word.
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
(a) Quote (b) Require
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) accident (c) Queue (d) Accquire
(ogIe&švee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II)
56. In the following question, a word has been Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) accquire keâerr
written in four different ways out of which only Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer acquire (Øeehle keâjvee) nesieer~
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
word. Quote - GodOele keâjvee
(a) Acomplish (b) Accomplish
Require - pe™jle nesvee
(c) Akcomplish (d) Accomplesh
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II) Queue - hebefkeäle
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) accomplish 63. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(hetje keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ (a) Disccusion (b) Suspition
(c) Adjourn (d) Procedings
nw~ SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
57. Select the correctly spelt wod.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) adjourn (mLeefiele
(a) Anniversery (b) Anniversary
(c) Anniversiry (d) Aniversary
keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I) DevÙe efJekeâuheesW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
Misspelt word 552 YCT
Discussion - Jeeo efJeJeeo Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Borowing' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Suspicion - mebosn nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Borrowing' (GOeej uesvee) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ
Proceedings- keâeÙe&Jeener DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
64. Select the correctly spelt word. Swimming - lewjvee
(a) Acommodate (b) Accmmadate Sovereign - Meemekeâ/meJe&ßes‰
(c) Accomodate (d) Accommodate Preserve - j#ee keâjvee
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III) 70 Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) accommodate (a) Mathematician (b) Musician
(meceeÙeesefpele) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (c) Technician (d) Beautycian
SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I
65. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Acheive (b) Achieve Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Beautycian' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(c) Acheeve (d) Achiev nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Beautician' (meewvoÙe& MeeŒeer) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) achieve (Øeehle Mathematician - ieefCele%e
keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Musician - mebieerlekeâej
Technician - lekeâveerkeâerkeâej
B 71. Select the wrongly spelt word.
66. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. (a) Geometry (b) Scenery
(a) Drifter (b) Haughty (c) Primary (d) Boundary
(c) Hinterland (d) Bellweather SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Boundry' ieuele Jele&veer Jeeuee
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Bellweather' keâer Jele&veer Meyo nw~ Fmekeâe mener Meyo 'Boundary' (meercee jsKee) nesieer~
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Bellwether' (jenvegcee/veslee (YesÌ[e)) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Geometry - pÙeeefceefle
Drifter - DeeJeeje/heÙe&škeâ Scenery - ÂMÙe
Haughty - Ieceb[er/{er" Primary - ØeeLeefcekeâ
Hinterland - he=‰ ØeosMe/he§eYetefce 72. Select the misspelt word.
(a) beguile (b) bemoan
67. Identify the sentence with correct spellings. (c) bereave (d) beseige
(a) Rahul was ashamed of beehaving so badly. SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(b) Rahul was ashamed of behaving so badly.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) beseige keâerr
(c) Rahul was ashamed of bihaving so badly.
(d) Rahul was ashamed of biheving so badly. Jele& veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'besiege' (Iesje yeboer keâjvee)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I) nes i eer , DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) ceW ØeÙegòeâ beguile - ceesnvee
sentence ceW behaving (JÙeJenej keâjvee) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ bemoan - jesvee
peyeefkeâ DevÙe sentence ceW Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ bereave - og:Keo, DeHeâmeesme pevekeâ~
Correct Sentence- 73. Select the correctly spelt word.
Rahul was ashamed of behaving so badly. (a) bouckey (b) bookay
68. Choose the incorrectly spelt word. (c) bowquet (d) bouquet
(a) Morning (b) Washing SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) Calling (d) Burnig Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ ef JekeâuheeW ceW mes ef Jekeâuhe (d) bouquet
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV) (ieg u eomlee) keâer
r Jele&
v eer Meg æ nw~ DevÙe ef JekeâuheeW keâer Jele&
v eer DeMeg æ nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'burnig' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ 74. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'burning' (peuevee/peueevee) nesieer peyeefkeâ DevÙe (a) bridle (b) brisk
(c) bristel (d) brittle
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Morning - megyen
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) bristel keâerr Jele&veer
Washing - Oeesvee
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'bristle' (meerOee KeÌ[e nesvee) nesieer
Calling - hegkeâejvee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
69. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. Bridle - ueieece osvee
(a) Swimming (b) Borowing
Brisk - Ûeeueekeâ
(c) Sovereign (d) Preserve
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II Brittle - Deemeeveer mes štšves Jeeuee

Misspelt word 553 YCT

75. Select the wrongly spelt word. 81. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) benethe (b) behold (a) booty (b) brood
(c) bench (d) begin (c) blosom (d) boast
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) benethe keâerr Jele&veer Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) blosom keâerr Jele&veer
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'beneath' (veerÛes/veerÛes keâer Deesj) DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'blossom' (hegef<hele) nesieer~ DevÙe
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
behold- efvenejvee, bench-leKle/vÙeeÙeeueÙe, begin-Meg™Deele booty (uetš keâe ceeue, uetš), brood (efÛebeflele nesvee, Goeme neskeâj
keâjvee~ yew"vee), boast (MesKeer yeIeejvee, yeÌ[er - yeÌ[er yeeles keâjvee, [eRie
76. Select the wrongly spelt word. neBkeâvee)
(a) Burglery (b) Treasury 82. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(c) Aviary (d) Nursery (a) Balloon (b) Adulteration
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Irritant (d) Bunglaw
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) Burglery keâerr SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Burglary' (Ûeesjer) nesieer~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) bunglaw keâerr
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'bunglow' (Iej, yebieuee)
Treasury - Kepeevee, Aviary - he#eerÙeeW kesâ jnves keâe mLeeve, nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Nursery - heewOee Iej Balloon - iegyyeeje, Adulteration - efceueeJeš, Irritant -
77. Select the correctly spelt word. Gòespekeâ
(a) Benigne (b) Benine
83. Select the correctly spelt word.
(c) Benign (d) Bennine
(a) Bouquet (b) Secquence
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Acquirum (d) Frequensy
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) benign
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(oÙeeuet/meewcÙe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) bouquet
DeMegæ nw~
(iegueomlee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW Megæ Jele&veer Fme
78. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Øekeâej nw~
(a) fomentation (b) bureaucrecy
(c) plateau (d) horizontal 'Sequence' - efmeueefmeuee, ›eâce 'Aquarium' - peuepeerJeMeeuee,
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II) 'Frequency' - DeeJe=efòe mebKÙee
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) bureaucrecy keâerr 84. Select the correctly spelt word.
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'bureaucracy' (veewkeâjMeener) (a) Memor (b) Studiuous
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (c) Restaurent (d) Business
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Fomentation- Gòespevee/peesMe
Plateau- he"ej/DeefOelÙekeâe Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) business
Horizontal- #eweflepe/DevegØemLe (JÙeeheej) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Memoir – Je=leeble, efÛe$eesheeKÙeeve
79. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Bliss (b) Behaive Studious – DeOÙeÙeveMeerue
(c) board (d) better Restaurant – jsmlejeB, YeespeveeueÙe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I) 85. Select the correctly spelt word.
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) behaive keâerr (a) Beautifuli (b) Beautifuly
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'behave' (JÙeJenej) nesieer~ (c) Beautifully (d) Beautefully
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Bliss- Deevebo, n<e&, Board- "njvee, ceb[ue, Better- yesnlej, Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'beautifully'
DeÛÚe (megvojleehetJe&keâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
80. Select the wrongly spelt word. DeMegæ nw~
(a) berry (b) barren 86. Select the correctly spelt word.
(c) barel (d) barrier (a) Buraucracy (b) Bureaucracy
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Bureaucrasy (d) Bureucracy
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) barel keâerr Jele&veer SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'barrel' (heerhee) nesieer~ DevÙe Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) 'bureaucracy'
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (DeefOekeâejer Jeie&) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
Berry- yesj, Barren- yebpej/Gmej, Barrier- DeJejesOe/ØeefleyevOe DeMegæ nw~
Misspelt word 554 YCT
91. Select the correct spelling from the given
C options to fill in the blank.
87. Select the correctly spelt word. Mihika was one of the _______ in the Master
(a) Concensus (b) Concencus Chef competition held in our society last year.
(c) Consencus (d) Consensus (a) contestents (b) contestants
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I) (c) kontestants (d) contextants
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) ceW ØeÙegòeâ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
'consensus' (Deece menceefle/cesue) keâer Jeleveer Megæ nw~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Contestants' (ØeefleÙeesefieÙeeW) keâer
efJekeâuheeW ceW Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Megæ Jele&veer efJekeâuhe (b) ceW oer ieF& nw pees efkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ mLeeve
Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) mener Gòej nw~ kesâ efueÙes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
88. Select the correct spelling of the underlined Correct sentence–
word from the given options to make the Mihika was one of the contestants in the Master chef
sentence meaningfully correct. competition held in our society last year.
I am very confidant of my positive result of the 92. The following sentence has been spilt into four
examination. segments. Identify the segment that contains a
(a) confident (b) confidence spelling error.
(c) confidance (d) confiedent You cannot/ compensate for the/ wrongdoings
SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I) you have/ comitted in the past.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ underline word 'confidant' (a) wrongdoings you have
(noun) kesâ mLeeve hej 'confident' (adjective) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee, (b) comitted in the past.
keäÙeeWefkeâ 'very' kesâ yeeo sense kesâ Devegmeej Fmekesâ yeeo adjective keâer (c) You cannot
(d) compensate for the
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw efpemekeâe DeLe& ‘DeeÕemle’ nesiee~ noun 'confidant'
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV)
keâe ØeÙeesie ‘efJeÕemeveerÙe JÙeefòeâ’ kesâ DeLe& ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Dele:
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW 'comitted' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
adjective kesâ ™he ceW Megæ Jele&veer 'confident' nesieer~
Correct Sentence-
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'committed' (Øeefleyeæ/meghego&) nesieer~ JeekeäÙe kesâ
I am very confident of my positive result of the DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
examination. Correct Sentence-
89. Identify the correctly spelt sentence. you can not compensate for the wrongdoings you have
(a) The events arranged or organised in order of committed in the past.
time are known as chronoligal order. 93. Parts of the following sentence have been given
(b) The events arranged or organised in order of as options. Select the option that contains an
time are known as chronological order. error.
(c) The events arranged or organised in order of My colleages have lacked the conscience needed
time are known as chronologikal order. to be morally correct on this grave issue.
(d) The events arranged or organised in order of (a) morally (b) conscience
time are known as chronoloigal order. (c) grave (d) colleages
SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙeeW ceW efJekeâuhe (b) ceW ØeÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW 'Colleages' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
'Chronological' (keâeue›eâceevegmeej) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ peyeefkeâ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Colleagues' (menÙeesefieÙeeW) nesieer~ JeekeäÙe kesâ
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Correct Sentence- Correct Sentence-
The events arranged or organised in order of time are My colleagues have lacked the conscience needed to be
known as chronological order. morally correct on this grave issue.
90. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 94. Choose the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Announce (b) Cotarminous (a) Clovver (b) Sharpen
(c) Ambient (d) Felicitate (c) Sunrise (d) Happen
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'cotarminous' keâer Jele&veer Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes "Clovver" keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'coterminous' (men-meerceeJeleea) nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer "Clever" (Ûeeueekeâ) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe
nesieer~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Announce - Iees<eCee keâjvee Sharpen - vegkeâeruee/Oeejoej
Ambient - JÙeehekeâ Sunrise - metÙeexoÙe
Felicitate - Deefle ØemeVe nesvee Happen - Ieefšle nesvee

Misspelt word 555 YCT

95. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. Opportunity - DeJemej/megefJeOee
(a) Absence (b) Conferense Conversation - Jeelee&ueehe
(c) Expense (d) Entrance
Warrant - DeefOekeâej/peceevele osvee
SSC Constable GD-10/12/2021 Shift-III
100. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'conferense' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(a) Frigidity (b) Corteous
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Conference' (meccesueve/meYee) nesieer~ (c) Mandatory (d) Amnesia
peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II
Absence - DevegheefmLeefle Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Corteous' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Expense - JÙeÙe/ueeiele nw, Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Courteous' (efJeveceü/efMe°) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ
Entrance - ØeJesMe/mecceesefnle keâjvee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
96. Select the correctly spelt word. Frigidity - Meerleuelee
(a) Imigrant (b) Chauvinist
Mandatory - DeefveJeeÙe&lee
(c) Contemperary (d) Cosmopolition
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III Amnesia - Meyomce=efleueeshe
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'chauvinist' (DebOeje„^Jeeoer) keâer 101. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Jele&veer Megæ nw peyeefkeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW efoÙes ieÙes DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer (a) Elegant (b) Cavalier
(c) Charishma (d) Dominate
DeMegæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw-
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III
Immigrant - DeØeJeemeer/hejosMeer
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Charishma' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Contemporary - mecekeâeueerve
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Charisma' (ØeefleYee) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe
Cosmopolitan - efJeÕeJeeoer/meeJe&ueewefkeâkeâ
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
97. Select the correctly spelt word.
Elegant - efMe°/megvoj
(a) Convect (b) Conect
(c) Convert (d) Concent Cavalier - IegÌ[meJeej/DeefYeceeveer
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I Dominate - Øeyeue nesvee/ØeYeglJe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ‘convert’ keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw 102. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
peyeefkeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW efoÙes ieÙes DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (a) Customary (b) Domicile
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer efvecve nw- (c) Tactile (d) Concentratte
Convict - oes<eer "njevee/DehejeOeer SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III
Connect - peesÌ[vee/pegÌ[vee Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Concentratte' keâer Jele&veer
Consent - menceefle/menceefle osvee DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'concentrate' (OÙeeve ueieevee) nesieer
98. Select the sentence which has no spelling error. peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(a) Neeta represented Global School in the state Customary - ØeLeeiele/™Ì{
level debate competition. Domicile - DeefOeJeeme/mLeeÙeer efveJeeme
(b) Gupta empire posed a competetoin to the Tactile - mheMe&veerÙe
invaders in ancient India.
(c) The cooking compitition was judged by the 103. From among the words given in bold, select the
head chef of Garland Hotels. incorrectly spelt word in the following
(d) There is a high market compettion due to the sentence.
advent of online shopping. Small drops trickled down the red and yellow
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II tassels of cannopies and dampened the heads of
little boys.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙeeW kesâ efJekeâuhe (a) ceW ØeÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW (a) trickled (b) tassels
'competition' (ØeefleÙeesefielee) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe (c) cannopies (d) dampened
efJekeâuheeW ceW Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III
Correct Sentence- Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'cannopies' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Neeta represented Global School in the state level
debate competition.
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'canopies' (lebyet/ceb[he) nesieer~ JeekeäÙe ceW
99. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
ØeÙegòeâ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(a) Opportunity (b) Conversation Correct Sentence-
(c) Warrant (d) Collaegue Small drops trickled down the red and yellow tassels of
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II canopies and dampened the heads of little boys.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Collaegue' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ 104. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Concensus (b) Articulate
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'colleague' (menkeâceea) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe (c) Colossal (d) Magnificent
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Misspelt word 556 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe concensus keâer Jele&veer 110. Select the correctly spelt word.
DeMegæ nw, Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'consensus' (Deece menceefle) nw, (a) comosion (b) cammosion
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (c) commotion (d) camotion
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Articulate - mhe°
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) commotion
Colossal - ØeÛeb[/efJeMeeue
(Meesjiegue) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Magnificent - Meeveoej
111. Select the correctly spelt word.
105. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) cartificate (b) sertificate
(a) Calender (b) Cadre
(c) certificate (d) sartifikate
(c) Commit (d) Carnivorous
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe calender keâer Jele&veer Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) certificate
DeMegæ nw Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'calendar' (hebÛeebie) nesieer~ DevÙe (ØeceeCe he$e) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ 112. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) chooze (b) chooj
Cadre - kebâkeâeue, Commit - Øeefleyeæ, Carnivorous - ceebmeenejer
(c) chuse (d) choose
106. In the following question, four words have been SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
given out of which one word is incorrectly Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) choose (Ûegvevee,
spelt. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Acquaintance (b) Ascendance
hemebo keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) Clairvoyance (d) Countenance 113. Select the correctly spelt word.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 (a) Challeng (b) Challange
Ans. (c) Claervoyance keâer spelling incorrect nw, Fmekeâer (c) Chalenge (d) Challenge
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
mener spelling 'clairvoyance' (efoJÙe-Âef°) nesieer~
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) challenge
DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw-
(Ûegveewleer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Acquaintance – peeve henÛeeve~
114. Select the correctly spelt word.
Ascendance – DeejesnCe, Glkeâ<e&Ce~
(a) Concentious (b) Conscentious
Countenance – meceLe&ve/Ûes°e (c) Conscientious (d) Consenteous
107. Select the option which is correctly spelt. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) contageous (b) contegious Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'conscientious'
(c) contagious (d) countagious
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I)
(F&ceeveoej) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW meW efJekeâuhe (c) 'contagious'– 115. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) concious (b) corigible
(meb›eâecekeâ) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW keâer spelling DeMegæ nw~ (c) complascent (d) contemptible
108. Select the misspelt word SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Credulous (b) Contagious
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) contemptible
(c) Consensus (d) Contemptous
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II) (veerÛe/Ie=efCele) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) contemptous DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw Dele: Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'contemptuous' Conscious - Ûesleve
(eflejmkeâejhetCe&) nesieer~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Complacent - Deelcemevleg°
Credulous- efJeßebYeer/efJeÕeeme ØeJeCelee Corrigible - mebMeesOeveerÙe
Consensus- Deece menceefle~ 116. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Contagious- meb›eâecekeâ~ (a) controversial (b) conquer
109. Select the wrongly spelt word. (c) contamporary (d) cooperation
(a) custody (b) curtesy SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) custom (d) cursory Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) contamporary
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'contemporary'
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) curtesy keâerr (mecekeâeueerve) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'courtesy' (veceülee/efMe°eÛeej) Controversial - efJeJeeefole
nesieer, DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Conquer - hejeefpele keâjvee
custody - efnjemele, custom - ØeLee, Deeole, cursory - melener, Cooperation - menÙeesie
Misspelt word 557 YCT
117. Select the wrongly spelt word. Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'counterfeit'
(a) callous (b) career (peeueer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) calander (d) carriage
123. Select the correctly spelt word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) commemorete (b) comemorate
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) calander keâerr Jele&veer (c) commemmorate (d) commemorate
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'calendar' (hebÛeeie) nesieer~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw - Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) commemorate
Callous - keâ"esj (mcejCeeslmeJe ceveevee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
Carriage - ieÌ[er DeMegæ nw~
118. Select the wrongly spelt word. 124. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Comparison (b) Communication (a) contrapsion (b) cunstruction
(c) Compitition (d) Comparable (c) controversy (d) controdiction
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) compitition keâerr Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'controversy'
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'competition' (ØeefleÙeesefielee) (efJeJeeo) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw - Contraption- keâece ÛeueeT GheeÙe
Comparison- leguevee Construction- efvecee&Ce
Communication- mebÛeej Contradiction- DebleefJe&jesOe
Comparable- legueveerÙe 125. Select the wrongly spelt word.
119. Select the wrongly spelt word. (a) comencement (b) resentment
(a) comparable (b) committee (c) continuation (d) triangulation
(c) consceince (d) commission SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III) Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) comencement keâerr
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) consceince keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'commencement'
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'conscience' (efJeJeskeâ, (Meg™Deele) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Devlejelcee) nesieer~ Resentment- DeØemeVelee, Continuation- efvejblejlee,
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw- Tringulation- ef$eYegpeve
Comparable- legueveerÙe 126. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Committee- meYee, meefceefle (a) particle (b) consize
Commission- DeeÙeesie~ (c) discern (d) nurture
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
120. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) ambitious (b) fictitious Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) consize keâerr Jele&veer
(c) capritious (d) nutritious DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'concise' (ueIeg) nesieer~ DevÙe
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) capritious keâerr Particle- keâCe
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'capricious' (mevekeâer/ Discern- henÛeevevee
ceveceewpeer) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw Nurture- heeueve hees<eCe keâjvee
Ambitious- Demhe°/DeveskeâeLeea, Fictitious -keâeuheefvekeâ/Pet"e, 127. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Nutritious - hees<ekeâ/heewef°keâ~ (a) curious (b) curse
(c) curry (d) cursore
121. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Credibel (b) Creddible Ans : (d) Ghejes òeâ ef JekeâuheeW ceW mes ef Jekeâuhe (d) cursore keâerr Jele&veer
(c) Credible (d) Credibal DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'cursor' (metÛekeâ) nesieer~ DevÙe
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) credible Curious- Glmegkeâ, efpe%eemeg
(efJeÕemeveerÙe keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Curse- keâesmevee, Meehe osvee
DeMegæ nw~ Curry- meeueve, keâjerheòee
122. Select the correctly spelt word. 128. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) counterfiet (b) countorfelt (a) celebrity (b) celebrate
(c) counterfeit (d) counterfate (c) celeberation (d) celebrant
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Misspelt word 558 YCT
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) celeberation keâerr Courteous – efJeveceü/efMe°
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'celebration' (GlmeJe) nesieer~Momentous – ØeYeeJeMeeueer
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Delicious – mJeeefo°
129. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 134. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Changable (b) Mileage (a) Attacked (b) Clearify
(c) Arrangement (d) Practice (c) Provision (d) Promote
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) changabel keâerr Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) clearify keâerr
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer changeable (heefjJele&ve Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'clarify' (mhe°) nesieer~ DevÙe
ÙeesiÙe) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Mileage - ueeYe, ceerueeW keâer mebKÙee, Arrangement - JÙeJemLee, Attacked - Dee›eâceCe efkeâÙee, Provision - DeefYehetefle&, Promote
Practice - DeYÙeeme - Deeies yeÌ{ves ceW meneÙelee keâjvee~
130. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 135. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Resultant (b) Constraint (a) Changeable (b) Insigneficant
(c) Expanse (d) Conscentious
(c) Immpending (d) Unsustanable
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) conscentious
Ans. (a): Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) changeable
keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'conscientious'
(heefjJe&leve ÙeesiÙe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
(F&ceeveoej) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
DeMegæ nw~ Fvekeâerr Megæ Jele&veer Fme Øekeâej nw-
Resultant – heefjCeece mJe™he
Insignificant–veieCÙe, cenlJenerve, Impending – DeemeVe,
Constraint – yeeOee/efJeJeMelee
Expanse – efJemleej/ØemeejCe
Unsustainable – Dej#eCeerÙe
131. Select the word with the correct spelling.
(a) Inseckts (b) Contemptuous 136. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(c) Aggresive (d) Biscits (a) conveyance (b) conviencing
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II) (c) commemorate (d) commensurate
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) 'contemptuous' SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(eflejmkeâejhetCe&) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ ef JekeâuheeW ceW mes ef Jekeâuhe (b) conviencing keâerr
nw~ Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'convincing' (DeeÕemle keâjves
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- Jeeuee) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Insects– keâer[s-cekeâes[s conveyance - heefjJenve, commemorate - mcejCeeslmeJe ceveevee,
Aggressive–Dee›eâcekeâ commensurate - Deveg™he
Biscuit–efyemkegâš~ 137. Select the wrongly spelt word.
132. Select the wrongly spelt word. (a) Compromize (b) Sympathize
(a) Conjugate (b) Corporate (c) Scrutinize (d) Colonize
(c) Collaborate (d) Comemorate SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'compromize'
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) comemorate keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'compromise' (mecePeewlee
keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer commemorate keâjvee) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(mcejCeeslmeJe ceveevee) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Sympathize– menevegYetefle jKevee, scrutinize– peeBÛevee,
conjugate - mebÙegòeâ, mecyeæ Colonize– GheefveJesMe yemeevee~
corporate - meecetefnkeâ ™he mes 138. Select the word the correct spelling.
collaborate - me=peve Ùee Glheeove keâeÙe& (a) Capricious (b) Ecstacy
(c) Complasent (d) Avalaunche
133. Select the wrongly spelt word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III)
(a) Courteous (b) Circueteous
(c) Momentous (d) Delicious Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'Capricious'
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I) (mevekeâer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) circueteous keâerr Fvekeâer Megæ Jele&veer Fme Øekeâej nw-
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'circuitous' (Ûekeäkeâjoej) Ecstasy - n<eexvceeo, Complacent - Deheveer GVeefle mes mebleg°,
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Avalanche - efncemKeueve

Misspelt word 559 YCT

139. In the following question, a word has been 145. Select the wrongly spelt word.
written in four different ways out of which only (a) Malleable (b) Nascent
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt (c) Obsequious (d) Dissiminate
word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I)
(a) Conservative (b) Conservetive Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Dissiminate' keâer Jele&veer
(c) Concervative (d) Conservrative DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer "Disseminate" (Øemeej/Hewâueevee)
SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) conservative Malleable - ueÛeeruee/vecÙe
(™efÌ{Jeeoer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Nascent - veJepeele/GlheVe
140. Select the correctly spelt word. Obsequious - Ûeeheuetme/DelÙevegJeleea
(a) Comittee (b) Commite
(c) Committee (d) Commitee 146. Choose the sentence with no spelling error.
(a) The joy definitely lies in cooking for others.
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(b) The joy definitely lyes in cooking for others.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) committee (c) The joy defintely lies in cooking for others.
(meYee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (d) The joy definitely lies in cokking for others.
141. Choose the correctly spelt word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III)
(a) Convenience (b) Konvenience Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙeeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) ceW ØeÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW
(c) Convinience (d) Conveniense meYeer words keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ Mes<e JeekeäÙeeW ceW
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
'definitely', 'lies' 'cooking' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'convenience' Correct Sentence–
(megefJeOee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ The joy definitely lies in cooking for others.
142. Select the correctly spelt word. 147. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) Changeble (b) Changable (a) Nascent (b) Malleable
(c) Chageable (d) Changeable (c) Dissiminate (d) Obsequious
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) changeable Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Dissiminate' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(heefjJele&veerÙe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Disseminate' (Øemeej/Hewâueevee) nesieer,
peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Nascent - veJepeele/GlheVe
143. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. Malleable - ueÛeeruee/vejce
(a) Thankful (b) Dutyful Obsequious - Ûeeheuetme/KegMeeceoer
(c) Merciful (d) Plentiful
148. Select the correctly spelt word.
SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV)
(a) Disstract (b) Destarct
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Dutyful' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (c) Distract (d) Distarct
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Dutiful' (keâòe&JÙehejeÙeCe) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Distract' (efJeÛeefuele) keâer Jele&veer
Thankful - ke=âle%e Megæ nw~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Dele:
Merciful - oÙeeuet efJekeâuhe (c) mener Gòej nw~
Plentiful - ØeÛegj/ØeYegle 149. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
144. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word from (a) Conscious (b) Opportunity
the given sentence. (c) Disturbence (d) Genius
Drunkeness, riot and brawling were the order, SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II
there, every night. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Disturbence' keâer Jele&veer
(a) Order (b) Drunkeness DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Disturbance' (DeMeebefle/yeeOee) nesieer,
(c) Brawling (d) Riot peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II) Conscious - meÛesle/peeie™keâ
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Drunkeness' keâer Jele&veer Opportunity - DeJemej/megefJeOee
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Drunkenness' (ceeokeâlee/Kegceej) Genius - ØeefleYee/mJeYeeJe
nesieer~ peyeefkeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW efoÙes ieÙes DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ 150. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
Correct Sentence- (a) Neutron (b) Decieve
Drunkenness, riot and brawling were the order, there, (c) Gothic (d) Frosty
every night. SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III
Misspelt word 560 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Decieve' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) devine keâerr Jele&veer
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'deceive' (OeesKee/yenkeâevee) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'divine' (owJeerÙe) nesieer~
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer keâer Megæ nw-
Neutron - vÙegš^esve (DeCeg) Dive- [gyekeâer ueieevee
Gothic - yeye&j Deviate- efJeÛeefuele nesvee
Frosty - "b[e/MeerleÙegòeâ Divide- efJeYeeefpele keâjvee~
151. Select the incorrectly spelt word. 157. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Discipline (b) Delicious (a) describe (b) descern
(c) Desparate (d) Dependence (c) descent (d) desert
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW efJekeâuhe (c) Desparate keâer Jele&veer Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) descern keâerr Jele&veer
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer Desperate (efvejeMe) nesieer~ DevÙe DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'discern' (peevevee/helee ueieevee)
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ nesieer~
Dependence - efveYe&jlee, Discipline - DevegMeemeve, Delicious - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw -
mJeeefo° Describe- JeCe&ve/yeÙeeve keâjvee
152. Select the option which is correctly spelt. Descent- JebMepe
(a) discpline (b) discipiline
(c) discipline (d) descripline Desert - jsefiemleeve~
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I) 158. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) discipline – (a) despise (b) describe
(c) desire (d) designe
(DevegMeemeve) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) designe keâerr Jele&veer
153. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) decease (b) decibel DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'design' (Øee™he) nesieer~ DevÙe
(c) decieve (d) decency efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) despise - Ie=Cee keâjvee, describe - JeCe&ve keâjvee, desire- FÛÚe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) decieve keâer keâjvee
Jele&veer DeMegæ nQ~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'deceive' (OeesKee osvee) nesieer, 159. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (a) illumination (b) discrimnation
decease - cele=keâ, decibel - lejbieeW keâer leer›elee keâe ceehe, decency (c) hallucination (d) intimation
- efMe°eÛeej SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
154. Select the correctly spelt word. Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) discrimnation
(a) desperete (b) disparat keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'discrimination' (Yeso-
(c) desperate (d) desparate YeeJe) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II) illumination - ØekeâeMe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'desperate'
hallucination - Yeüecekeâ
(nleeMe/efvejeMe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
intimation - metÛevee
DeMegæ nw~
160. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
155. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) orientation (b) disappointment
(a) definate (b) define
(c) corroborate (d) disapprooval
(c) deform (d) deflate
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) definate keâerr Jele&veer Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) disapprooval
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer definite (efve§ele) nesieer~ keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'disapproval'
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (Demenceefle) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Deflate - keâce nesvee/Keb[ve keâjvee Orientation - veerefle, efoMeeefveoxMe
Deform - efJeke=âle keâjvee/™he efyeieeÌ[vee Disappointment - Goeme
Define - heefjYeeef<ele keâjvee/mhe° keâjvee Corroborate - heg° keâjvee
156. Select the wrongly spelt word. 161. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) devine (b) dive (a) Dimention (b) Jostle
(c) deviate (d) divide (c) Ideology (d) Illiterate
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Misspelt word 561 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) Dimention keâerr Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) Discriminition
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer Dimension (DeeÙeece/hewceevee) keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Discrimination'
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (YesoYeeJe) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Jostle - Peškeâe, Ideology - efJeÛeejOeeje, Illiterate - efvej#ej~ 'Corruption' - Yeü°eÛeej
162. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 'Embodiment' - vecetvee, cetle&™he
(a) Fattening (b) Decieve 'Identification' - heefjÛeÙe
(c) Dessert (d) Business 167. Select the wrongly spelt word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I) (a) Diferently (b) Accidentally
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) decieve keâerr (c) Evidently (d) Prudently
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer deceive (OeesKee osvee) nesieer~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) diferently keâerr
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'differently' (Deueie-Deueie)
Fattening – ceesše keâjves Jeeuee nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Dessert – Yeespeve kesâ yeeo ceer"e Accidentally - ogIe&švee«emle
Business – JÙeeheej Evidently - mhe°le:
163. Select the wrongly spelt word. Prudently - mecePeoejer mes
(a) Valediction (b) Selection 168. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(c) Conviction (d) Defenition (a) Vicious (b) Obvious
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I) (c) Deliceous (d) Courageous
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) defenition keâerr SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Definition' (heefjYee<ee) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) deliceous keâerr
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'delicious' (mJeeefo°) nesieer~
Valediction- efJeoeF& Yee<eCe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw-
Obvious– mhe°
Selection- ÛeÙeve, Ûegvee peevee
Vicious– Yeü°, Deveweflekeâ
Conviction- oes<e efmeefæ
Courageous– meenmeer~
164. Select the wrongly spelt word. 169. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Transparent (b) Deterent (a) Definitly (b) Definitely
(c) Different (d) Irreverent (c) Definetely (d) Definately
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) deterent keâerr Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) definitely
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Deterrent' (efveJeejkeâ nesieer~ (ef veef§ele ™he mes) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DeMegæ nw~
Transparent – heejoMeea/ mhe° 170. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Dilema (b) Dilemma
Different – efYeVe/he=Lekeâ
(c) Dillema (d) Dielema
Irreverent – JesDeoye/Deheceevepevekeâ SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)
165. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) dilemma
(a) Harass (b) Heavenly (ogefJeOee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) Advisable (d) Disposeable 171. Choose the correctly spelt word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) (a) Dominent (b) Disiase
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) disposeable keâerr (c) Deminish (d) Dependent
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Disposable' (HeWâkeâves ÙeesiÙe) SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III)
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ ef JekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) dependent
(efveYe&j) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Harass – Glheer[ve keâjvee
Dominant - Øeyeue, neJeer
Heavenly – mJeie& mes mecyeefvOele,
Disease - yeerceejer, jesie
Advisable – GheÙegòeâ, efJeJeskeâer~ Diminish - #eerCe keâjvee, keâce keâjvee~
166. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 172. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Corruption (b) Discriminition (a) Surrander (b) Priviledge
(c) Embodiment (d) Identification (c) Fasinate (d) Desperate
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Misspelt word 562 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'Desperate' 177. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(yeskeâjej/ceeÙetme) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer (a) Erode (b) Eraser
(c) Erosion (d) Eratic
Fme Øekeâej nw-
SSC Constable GD-16/11/2021 Shift-III
Surrender - Deelcemecehe&Ce keâjvee
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe 'Eratic' keâer Jele&veer
Privilege - efJeMes<eeefOekeâej
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Erratic' (DeefveÙeefcele/DeefmLej)
Fascinate - ceesefnle keâjvee
nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
173. Select the wrongly spelt word. Erode - Kelce/ve° keâjvee
(a) Journey (b) Condemn
(c) Anxiety (d) Dimond Eraser - jyej/KegjÛeveer
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II) Erosion - keâšeJe/Dehe#ejCe
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) dimond keâerr 178. Select the correctly spelt word.
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Diamond' (nerje) nw~ DevÙe (a) Exploitation (b) Conversatian
(c) Reveneue (d) Pashion
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
Journey– Ùee$ee, Condemn– efvevoe keâjvee, Anxiety– efÛeblee~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'Exploitation' keâer
174. Select the correctly spelt word.
Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fvekeâer
(a) Discipline (b) Disatraus
(c) Diractory (d) Dormitery Megæ Jele&veer efvecve nesieer-
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II) Conversation - yeeleÛeerle
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'Discipline' Revenue - jepemJe/DeeÙe
(DevegMeemeve) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Passion - pegvetve/Glmeen
nw~ 179. Select the correctly spelt word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheesW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- (a) Entirely (b) Entierely
(c) Entierly (d) Entyrely
Disastrous - efJeOJebmekeâejer~
SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I
Directory - veece-helee Jeeueer hegmlekeâ~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Entirely' (hetjer lejn mes) keâer
Dormitory - MeÙevekeâ#e~
Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
175. Select the correctly spelt word.
Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener Gòej nw~
(a) Devlop (b) Diffrence
(c) Discribe (d) Disappear 180. Select the correctly spelt word.
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II) (a) Unrravel (b) Equilibrium
(c) Compeling (d) Esctasy
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) disappear
SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I
(DeÂMÙe nesvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Equilibrium' (meblegueve/meecÙe)
DeMegæ nw~
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW efoÙes ieÙes MeyoeW keâer
DevÙe efJekeâuheesW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fvekeâer Megæ Jele&veer efvecve nw-
Develop - efJekeâeme keâjvee~
Unravel - meguePeevee/Keesuevee
Difference - efYeVelee Deblej~
Compiling - mebkeâueve
Describe - JeCe&ve keâjvee~
Ecstasy - hejceevebo/Glmeen
E 181. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
176. Identify the sentence with correct spellings. (a) Miscellaneous (b) Disciplinarian
(a) There was not enough food in the beggar's (c) Exclaimation (d) Correspondence
house. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II
(b) There was not enouf food in the beggar's house. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Exclaimation' keâer Jele&veer
(c) There was not enauf food in the beggar's house. DeMegæ nw, peyeefkeâ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Exclamation'
(d) There was not enoufh food in the beggar's (efJemceÙeeefoyeesOekeâ) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Miscellaneous - efJeefJeOe/efceefßele
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Disciplinarian - DevegMeemeveelcekeâ/DevegMeemekeâ
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙeeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) ceW ØeÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW
Correspondence - meecebpemÙe/he$e-JÙeJenej
'enough' (keâeHeâer) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW ceW
182. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (a) Environment (b) Encouregement
Correct Sentence- (c) Achievement (d) Advertisement
There was not enough food in the beggar's house. SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II
Misspelt word 563 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Encouregement' keâer Jele&veer 188. Select the wrongly spelt word.
DeMegæ nw, peyeefkeâ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Encouragement' (a) exprimant (b) occurring
(c) sediment (d) umbrella
(Øeeslmeenve/ØesjCee) nesieer~
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Environment - JeeleeJejCe/heefjJesMe
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) exprimant keâerr
Achievement - GheueefyOe
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer experiment (ØeÙeesie) nesieer,
Advertisement - ØeÛeej/efJe%eeheve
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
183. Select the incorrectly spelt word. occurring - Ieefšle nesves Jeeuee, sediment - leueÚš, umbrella
(a) Equine (b) Equilateral
(c) Equilebrium (d) Equanimity - Úlejer
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II 189. Select the misspelled word.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Equilebrium' keâer Jele&veer (a) cautions (b) carriage
(c) explotion (d) descent
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Equilibrium' (meblegueve/meecÙe)
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer MeÏæ nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) explotion keâerr
Practical - JÙeeJeneefjkeâ/JeemleefJekeâ
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'explosion' (efJemHeâesš)
Glowing - heefjlehle/leer›e
nesieer, DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Released - ØekeâeefMele/efjne
cautions - meeJeOeeveer, carriage - ieeÌ[er, descent - DeJejesnCe
184. Select the misspelt word.
(a) Endevour (b) Acknowledge 190. Select the misspelled word.
(c) Individual (d) Auspicious (a) separate (b) existance
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I) (c) proceed (d) dependent
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe endevour keâer Jele&veer
DeMegæ nw~ Dele: Gmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'endeavour' (ØeÙeeme) nesieer~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) existance keâerr
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'existence' (DeeqmlelJe) nesieer,
Individual - efJeefMe°/JÙeefòeâiele, Acknowledge - mJeerkeâej keâjvee, DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Auspicious - MegYe separate - Deueie/he=Lekeâ
185. Select the incorrectly spelt word. proceed - keâeÙe&Jeener keâjvee~
(a) Esscalator (b) Sanctity 191. Select the correctly spelt word.
(c) Automated (d) Refurbish (a) exilarate (b) exhilerate
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I) (c) exilerate (d) exhilarate
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuhe ceW mes efJekeâuhe Esscalator keâer Jele&veer SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I)
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Escalator' (Ûeueleer meerÌ{er) nw~ Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) exhilarate (KegMe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Sanctity - heefJe$elee, Automated - mJeÛeeefuele~ 192. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) afliction (b) tuetion
186. Select the option which is correctly spelt.
(c) exhibition (d) voilation
(a) exserssive (b) excesive
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) excessive (d) exsesiv
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) exhibition
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW meW efJekeâuhe (c) excessive – (ØeoMe&veer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(DelÙeefOekeâ) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ affliction- keâ°/og:Ke, Tuition- DeOÙeeheve violation- GuuebIeve~
187. Select the wrongly spelt word 193. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Expect (b) Exact (a) expire (b) explain
(c) Excess (d) Exept (c) expereince (d) except
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe 'Exept' ieuele Jele&veer Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) expereince keâerr
Jeeuee Meyo nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Except' (kesâ efmeJeeÙe) nesieer~ Jele& veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'experience' (DevegYeJe)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ nesieer~DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
Expect - Gcceero jKevee Expire - meceehle nesvee
Exact - Skeâoce mener nesiee Explain - JÙeeKÙee keâjvee
Excess - DeefOekeâlee Except - DeueeJee

Misspelt word 564 YCT

194. Select the wrongly spelt word. 199. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) exploite (b) explode (a) diagnosis (b) accumulate
(c) explicit (d) expire (c) ecstacy (d) athlete
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) exploite keâerr Jele&veer Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) ecstacy keâerr Jele&veer
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'exploit' (Mees<eCe keâjvee) nesieer~ DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'ecstasy' (hejce Deevebo) nesieer~ DevÙe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
explicit - mhe° Diagnosis - jesie efveoeve
explode - efJemHeâesš Accumulate - mebefÛele keâjvee
expire - meceehle nesvee Athlete - efKeueeÌ[er, JÙeeÙeeceer
195. Select the wrongly spelt word. 200. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) Examplify (b) Example (a) acquaintance (b) acquisition
(c) Exhale (d) Exempt (c) aggregate (d) explaination
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) Examplify keâerr Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) explaination keâerr
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Exemplify' (GoenjCe osvee) Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'explanation' (JÙeeKÙee)
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Example- GoenjCe Acquaintance - heefjefÛele, LeesÌ[er-yengle peevekeâejer
Exhale- meeBme ÚesÌ[vee Acquisition - DeefOe«enCe
Exempt- cegòeâ Aggregate - Skeâ$e keâjvee, hetCe& Ùeesie
196. Select the wrongly spelt word. 201. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) exchange (b) exercise (a) Embarrass (b) Embelish
(c) exclaim (d) exite (c) Embody (d) Embrace
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) exite keâerr Jele&veer Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) embelish keâerr
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'exit' (efvekeâeme Éej) nesieer~ DevÙe Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'embellish' (meJeebjvee)
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Exchange- Deouee-yeoueer Embarrass - (mebkeâš/yeeBOee/cegmeeryele ceW [euevee), Embody-
Exercise- JÙeeÙeece (DeJeleej uesvee- Incarnate-Personify), Embrace - (Deeefuebieve,
Exclaim- hegkeâejvee, efÛeuueekeâj keânvee~ Øesceeefuebieve, ieues efceuevee)
197. Select the wrongly spelt word. 202. Select the correctly spelt word
(a) effigy (b) effort (a) execption (b) ecseption
(c) effect (d) effecient (c) exception (d) ecxeption
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) effecient keâerr Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) exception
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'efficient' (me#ece) nesieer~ (DeheJeeo) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ 203. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Effigy- hegleuee (a) extract (b) eligible
Effort- ØeÙeeme (c) extension (d) explaination
Effect - ØeYeeJe~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I)
198. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) explaination keâerr
(a) economy (b) eclipse Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Explanation' (mhe°rkeâjCe)
(c) echelon (d) ecsentricity nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) Extract- GæjCe osvee~
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) ecsentricity keâerr Eligible- ÙeesiÙe nesvee
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'eccentricity' (mevekeâ) nesieer~ Extension- efJemleej/Øemeej keâjvee
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
204. Select the wrongly spelt word.
economy - DeLe&JÙeJemLee (a) missionary (b) jewellery
eclipse - «enCe ueievee (c) elementery (d) hereditary
echelon - keâleejyeboer~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Misspelt word 565 YCT
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) elementery keâerr 210. In the following question, a word has been
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer elementary (ØeeLeefcekeâ) written in four different ways out of which only
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ word.
Missionary- efceMeve mebyebOeer (a) Eighth (b) Eaight
Jewellery- DeeYet<eCe (c) Aight (d) Eihght
Hereditary- DeevegJeebefMekeâ, hejbhejeiele SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I)
205. Select the wrongly spelt word. Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) eighth (Dee"Jeeb)
(a) emphasis (b) emolument keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) emporium (d) emmision 211. Select the correctly spelt word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III) (a) Engineer (b) Ingineer
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) emmision keâerr (c) Injineer (d) Enginere
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'emission' (Glmepe&ve) nesieer~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) engineer
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (DeefYeÙeblee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
emphasis - ‘peesj osvee’, emolument - ‘heeefjßeefcekeâ’, nw~
emporium - ‘efye›eâer YeC[ej/Yeb[ej’ nw~ 212. Choose the correctly spelt word.
206. Select the wrongly spelt word. (a) Axhilarate (b) Exhilarate
(a) earn (b) eerie (c) Axilarate (d) Exilarate
(c) early (d) eagel SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) exhilarate
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) eagel keâerr Jele&veer (KegMeer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'eagle' (ie™Ì[) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW 213. Choose the correctly spelt word.
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (a) Peirce (b) Indevidual
(c) Extract (d) Luxeuries
207. Select the wrongly spelt word. SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Experiment (b) Extinct
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) extract (GæjCe
(c) Extempore (d) Expidition
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I) meej) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Pierce - ØeJesMe keâjvee, Individual - JÙeefòeâiele, Luxuries -
Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) expidition keâerr
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'expedition' (DeefYeÙeeve) efJeueeefmeleehetCe&
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ 214. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Extravagant (b) Extrawagant
Experiment–hejer#eCe, Extinct–efyeueghle, DeØeÛeefuele, (c) Extravagent (d) Extrevagant
Extempore – efyevee lewÙeejer kesâ, leelkeâeefuekeâ SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
208. Select the wrongly spelt word. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) extravagant
(a) Envioronment (b) Solvent (Heâeuelet) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw
(c) Residual (d) Pollutant 215. Choose the correctly spelt word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III) (a) Allert (b) Excead
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) envioronment (c) Emphasize (d) Equipped
keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Environment' SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(JeeleeJejCe) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) equipped
(™efÌ{Jeeoer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
209. Select the wrongly spelt word.
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer
(a) Embarassment (b) Announcement
Alert - ÛeewkeâVee, Exceed - DeefOekeâ nesvee, Emphasize - cenlJe
(c) Resettlement (d) Undergarment
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II) os vee~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) embarassment 216. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) Bachelar (b) Existence
keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'embarrassment' (c) Calender (d) Antedote
(GuePeve/Ieyejenš) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Announcement – metÛevee/Ssueeve/Iees<eCee Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) existence
Resettlement – hegveJee&me (DeefmlelJe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Undergarment – Deboj kesâ keâheÌ[s DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
Misspelt word 566 YCT
Bachelor - DeefJeJeeefnle, kegbâJeeje Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) emergency
Calendar - hebÛeeie, metÛeer (Deeheelekeâeue) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Antidote - efJe<enj, Øeeflekeâejkeâ~ nw~
217. Choose the correctly spelt word. 224. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Anthusiasm (b) Enthusiesm (a) Exaggeration (b) Exageration
(c) Enthusiasm (d) Entheusiasm (c) Exeggeration (d) Exaggaration
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) enthusiasm Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) exaggeration
(Glmeen) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (DeefleMeÙeesefòeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
218. Select the correctly spelt word. nw~
(a) Ettiquete (b) Etiquete 225. Select the correctly spelt word.
(c) Etiquette (d) Ettiquette (a) Embarrasment
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III) (b) Mebassassmment
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) etiquette (c) Embarrassment
(efMe°Ûeej) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ (d) Embarassment
nw~ SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III)
219. Select the correctly spelt word. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) embarrassment
(a) Exhoustive (b) Exaustive (Ieyejenš) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) Exhostive (d) Exhaustive
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I) F
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) exhaustive 226. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(meJee&ieeRCe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ (a) Philosophy (b) Horrendous
nw~ (c) Passive (d) Farmaceutical
SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III)
220. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Essentail (b) Essencial Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Farmaceutical' keâer Jele&veer
(c) Essential (d) Essensial DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Pharmaceutical' (oJee) nesieer,
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I) peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) essential Philosophy - oMe&veMeeŒe
(DeeJeMÙekeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Horrendous :- pevce kegâC[ueer
nw~ Passive :- efveef<›eâÙe/Goemeerve
221. Select the correctly spelt word. 227. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Elimantry (b) Elementary (a) Invulnerable (b) Intrepid
(c) Elemantry (d) Elimentary (c) Litigation (d) Fortuous
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) elementary Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ''Fortuous'' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(ØeeLeefcekeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Fortes' (ØeOeeve/efJeefMe°-iegCe) nesieer, peyeefkeâ
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
222. Choose the correctly spelt word. Invulnerable - DeYeso/DeKeC[veerÙe
(a) Explanation (b) Submision Intrepid - efve[j/meenmeer
(c) Conquor (d) Confidense
Litigation - cegkeâocesyeepeer
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
228. Choose the incorrectly spelt word.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) explanation
(a) Practical (b) Glowing
(JÙeeKÙee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (c) Released (d) Fraighter
DevÙe efJekeâuheesW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Submission - mecehe&Ce, DeOeervelee-mJeerkeâjCe Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes "Fraighter" keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Conquer - peerlevee, hejemle keâjvee nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer "Fighter" (Ùeesæe/ueÌ[ekeâe) nesieer, peyeefkeâ
Confidence - DeelceefJeMJeeme DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
223. Select the correctly spelt word. 229. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Energancy (b) Emergency (a) Segregation (b) Jingoistic
(c) Emeregency (d) Emargency (c) Fecilitation (d) Resplendent
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I
Misspelt word 567 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Fecilitation' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) fallicious keâerr
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Facilitation' nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'fallacious' (oes<e Ùegòeâ )
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
Segregation - DeueieeJe/he=LekeäkeâjCe generous - Goej
Jingoistic - je„^Jeeoer/keâój osMeYeòeâ malicious - ogYee&Jevee hetCe&
Resplendent - Ûecekeâeruee/oerefhleceeve 236. Select the wrongly spelt word.
230. Select the misspelt word : (a) Fourtieth (b) Seventeenth
(a) intrigue (b) foreiner (c) Fifteenth (d) Fourteenth
(c) summon (d) conjure SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) fourtieth keâerr
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) foreiner keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'fortieth' (ÛeeueermeJeeB) nesieer~
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer foreigner (efJeosMeer) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ 237. Select the correctly spelt word.
Intrigue - meeefpeMe (a) February (b) Janury
Summon - yegueevee/Yespevee (c) Octuber (d) Novamber
Conjure - peeot-šesvee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
231. Select the misspelt word. Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) February keâerr
(a) florish (b) approach Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) partner (d) slander DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer -
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) January- peveJejer
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) florish keâer Jele&veer October- Dekeäštyej
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer flourish (Heâuevee-Hetâuevee) nesieer~ November- veJecyej
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ 238. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Approach - Âef°keâesCe/hengBÛe (a) Flower (b) Flour
Partner - menYeeieer (c) Flevor (d) Floor
Slander - yeoveeceer SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
232. Select the word with the correct spelling. Ans. (c) : Ghejes ò eâ ef JekeâuheeW ceW mes ef
J ekeâuhe (c) flevor keâerr Jele&veer
(a) favouret (b) favourite DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'flavour' (mJeeo) nesieer~ DevÙe
(c) favourate (d) favoirite efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) Flower - hetâue~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) favourite Flour - Deeše~
(hemeboeroe) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Floor - heâMe&~
233. Select the wrongly spelt word. 239. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) fascination (b) fashion (a) Awfully (b) Unduly
(c) fascism (d) fastedious (c) Faithfuly (d) Unruly
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) fastedious keâerr Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) faithfuly keâerr
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'fastidious' (legvekeâefcepeepe), Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'faithfully' (efJeÕemeveerÙe)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
fascism - meceepeJeeo efJejesOeer cele, fashion - JesMeYet<ee keâer Mewueer Awfully - Kejeye lejerkesâ mes
fascination - Deekeâ<e&keâ Unduly - DeveeJeMÙekeâ ™he mes/DeÙeesiÙe jerefle mes
234. Select the correctly spelt word. Unruly - yesueieece/efvejbkegâMe
(a) fourtyeth (b) fourtieth
240. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(c) fortieth
(a) Foreign (b) Eddition
(d) fortyth
(c) Forrward (d) Enfluence
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) fortieth
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) foreign (efJeosMeer)
(ÛeeueermeJeeb) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
235. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
(a) generous (b) malicious
Edition- mebmkeâjCe, forward- Deeies yeÌ{evee,
(c) victorious (d) fallicious
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) Influence - ØeYeeJe~

Misspelt word 568 YCT

241. Choose the correctly spelt word. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Geilty' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(a) Financialy (b) Financially Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Guilty' (oes<eer/DehejeOeer) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe
(c) Finantially (d) Finencially
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Guide - ceeie&oMe&keâ
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) financially
Guard - keâ#ekeâ/yeÛeeJe
(DeeefLe&keâ ™he mes) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
Global - JewefÕekeâ
DeMegæ nw~
247. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
242. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Ground (b) Grind
(a) Feudal (b) Feudel
(c) Greive (d) Groan
(c) Fuedal (d) Fudal
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Greive keâer Jele&veer
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) feudal (meecebleer)
keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Grieve' (ogKe/Meeskeâ) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
243. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Foriegn (b) Foaurth Ground - Yetefce, Grind - heermevee, Groan - keâjenvee~
(c) February (d) Foward 248. Select the wrongly spelt word.
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) (a) Reliant (b) Eliminate
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) february keâerr (c) Gluton (d) Allergy
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Gluton keâerr Jele&veer
Foreign - efJeosMe~
Fourth - ÛeewLee~
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'glutton' (hesšt) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Forward - Deeies Yespevee~
Reliant - efveYe&j, Eliminate - efvekeâeuevee, Allergy - efÛeÌ{
G 249. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
244. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the (a) gadget (b) galaxy
given sentence. (c) gaiety (d) gallary
the gathering of glitterring dignitaries, sat in SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
their assigned rows and joked with vegetarian Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) gallary keâerr Jele&veer
Brahmin apprentices. DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'gallery' (JeerLeer/ieefueÙeeje) nesieer~
(a) glitterring (b) assigned DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
(c) apprentices (d) beggars
Gadget - Ùeb$e, Galaxy - DeekeâeMe iebiee, Gaiety - ØemeVelee
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I)
250. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ‘glitterring’ keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(a) miscellaneous (b) gregerious
nw~ Fmeer Megæ Jele&veer 'glittering' (Ûecekeâvee) nesieer, peyeefkeâ JeekeäÙe ceW (c) hilarious (d) multifarious
ØeÙegòeâ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Correct Sentence- Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) gregerious keâerr
the gathering of glittering dignitaries, sat in their Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'gregarious' (efceuevemeej)
assigned rows and joked with vegetarian Brahmin
apprentices. nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
245. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. hilarious - Guueeefmele
(a) Giant (b) Girdle multifarious - efJeefJeOe
(c) Gingar (d) Giggle 251. Select the correctly spelt word.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III (a) genuine (b) genwin
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Gingar' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (c) genuin (d) genune
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Ginger' (Deojkeâ/YeÌ[keâeruee) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III)
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) genuine
Giant - efJeMeeue/cenekeâeÙe (JeemleefJekeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Girdle - keâjOeveer/keâcejyebo 252. Select the correct spelt word.
Giggle - efKeefmeÙeevee (a) gayety (b) gaiety
(c) gaity (d) gaeity
246. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Guide (b) Guard Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) gaiety (KegMeer) keâerr
(c) Geilty (d) Global
Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw
SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I
Misspelt word 569 YCT
253. Select the correctly spelt word. 259. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) genuine (b) genaral (a) Genuine (b) Geniune
(c) guillty (d) generus (c) Ganuine (d) Jenuine
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) genuine Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) genuine
(JeemleefJekeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw (Demeueer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
254. Select the wrongly spelt word. 260. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) glory (b) goggles (a) Gratefull (b) Greatfull
(c) gobbel (d) global (c) Greatful (d) Grateful
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) gobbel keâerr Jele&veer Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) grateful
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'gobble' (Yekeâesmevee/nÌ[hevee) nesieer~ (DeeYeejer ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ H
Global- meeJe&Yeewefcekeâ, Glory- JewYeJe, keâerefle&, Goggles- ÛeMces
261. Select the wrongly spelt word
255. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. (a) gauche (b) fallacious
(a) Gallop (b) Gallary (c) erudite (d) harange
(c) Galley (d) Gallant SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I) Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'harange' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) gallary keâerr Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'harangue' (DeeJesMehetCe& Yee<eCe) nesieer, peyeefkeâ
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'gallery' (efJeefLekeâe) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Gauche - Yeöe/HetânÌ[
Gallop- mejheš oewÌ[, Galley - uebyeer veeJe, Gallant - Jeerj, Fallacious - ieuele/Yeüecekeâ
yeneogj~ Erudite - efJeÉeve/yengßegle
256. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 262. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Allegation (b) Disapprove (a) Horror (b) Hostil
(c) Permanent (d) Grammer (c) Hospital (d) Huddle
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) grammer keâerr Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Hostil' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'grammar' (JÙeekeâjCe) Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Hostile' (Me$egleehetCe&/efJe®æ) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Allegation– Deejeshe, Disapprove– DemJeerkeâej keâjvee, Horror - [jeJevee/Deelebkeâ
Permanent– mLeeÙeer~ Hospital - efÛeefkeâlmeeueÙe
257. In the following question, a word has been Huddle - YeerÌ[-YeeÌ[/{sj ueieevee
written in four different ways out of which only 263. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt (a) Resolute (b) Hautily
word. (c) Discussion (d) Evidence
(a) Grammatoical (b) Grammatical SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) Grammetical (d) Garammatical
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) Hautily keâer
SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw, Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Haughtily' (Denbkeâej mes)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) 'grammatical'
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(JÙeekeâjCe mebyebOeer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
Resolute - ÂÌ{, Evidence - mee#Ùe, Discussion - yenme
DeMegæ nw~
264. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
258. In the following question, a word has been (a) Seasonal (b) Hygeinic
written in four different ways out of which only (c) Gymnastic (d) Celestial
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) Grammar (b) Grammer Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe Hygeinic keâer Jele&veer
(c) Grammured (d) Grammor DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Hygienic' (mJeÛÚ) nw~ DevÙe
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I) efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) grammar Seasonal - ceewmeceer/meceÙeevegketâue, Gymnastic - JÙeeÙeece,
(JÙeekeâjCe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Celestial - efÉJÙe
Misspelt word 570 YCT
265. Select the wrongly spelt word. Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) heinous (peIevÙe)
(a) hazard (b) hazy keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) hasitate (d) hasty
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III) 271. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Hijean (b) Higiene
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) hasitate keâerr
(c) Hygene (d) Hygiene
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'hesitate' (mebkeâesÛe) nesieer~ SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) Hygiene
Hasty - GleeJeuee
mJeÛÚlee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Hazard - Keleje, peesefKece
272. Choose the correctly spelt word.
Hazy - Demhe°
(a) Hotiness (b) Haughtyness
266. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. (c) Haughtiness (d) Hautiness
(a) humour (b) homage
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) hoarse (d) hinderence
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'Haughtiness'
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) hinderence keâerr (Denbkeâej) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Hindrance' (yeeOee) nesieer~ 273. Select the correctly spelt word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw (a) Hiearchy (b) Hierarky
(c) Hierarchy (d) Hirarchy
Humour - nemÙe, Homage- ßeæebpeueer, Hoarse - keâke&âMe, Yeejer
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Hierarchy
267. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) humillated (b) humilated (Deveg›eâce) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) humelated (d) humiliated
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
274. Choose the incorrectly spelt word.
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) humiliated
(a) insigt (b) Supply
(Deheceeefvele) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw
(c) Optical (d) Cares
268. Select the wrongly spelt word. SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I)
(a) Tranquility (b) Conscientious
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ‘insigt’ keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) Hinderance (d) Quarrelled
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer ‘insight’ (Devleo&=ef„) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) hinderance keâerr efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer Hindrance (yeeBOee) nesieer~ Supply – Deehetefle&/Yeb[ej
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Optical – ØekeâeMeerÙe
Tranquility - (Meebefle, Oeerjpe, ØeMeebefle), Conscientious - Cares – efÛeblee/hejJeefjMe
(F&ceeveoej, Oece&Meerue), Quarrelled - (PeieÌ[e, keâesueenue) 275. Parts of the following sentence have been
269. Select the wrongly spelt word. underlined and given as options. Select the
(a) Homoepathy (b) Naturopathy option that contains a spelling error.
(c) Allopathy (d) Telepathy If more is desired than the instantanious
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III) impact on the mind, the advertising value of
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) Homoepathy the poster falls sharply, within limits of outdoor
keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Homeopathy' publicity, however it is at present unchallenged.
(a) unchallenged (b) instantanious
(nescÙeeshewLeer) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(c) advertising (d) desired
naturopathy - Øeeke=âeflekeâ efÛeefkeâlmee SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Allopathy - SueeshewLeer
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ underlined word ceW mes
Telepathy - ceeveefmekeâ otjmebÛeej
'instantanious' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer
270. In the following question, a word has been 'instantaneous' (leelkeâeefuekeâ/Skeâoce) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe MeyoeW
written in four different ways out of which only
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
word. Unchallenged - Ûegveewleer
(a) Heinious (b) Heinies Advertising - efJe%eeheve
(c) Heinous (d) Hienous Desired - JeebefÚle/DeYeer°
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Misspelt word 571 YCT
276. Select the correct spelling of the underlined 280. Choose the sentence with no spelling error.
word in the given sentence. (a) I take this issue very serisly
Incidently, I happened to bump into my (b) I take this issue vary seriusly
childhood friend at the airport yesterday. (c) I take this issue very seriously
(a) Incidentaly (b) Incidentally (d) I take this isue very seriously
(c) Incidantly (d) Incidantally SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙeeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'I take
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ underline word 'Incidently' keâer this issue very seriously' ceW meYeer MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw,
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Incidentally' (mebÙeesie mes) peyeefkeâ Mes<e JeekeäÙeeW ceW 'Seriously' (iebYeerjleehetJe&keâ) keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
nesieer~ nw~
Correct Sentence- Correct Sentence-
Incidentally, I happened to bump into my childhood I take this issue very seriously.
friend at the airport yesterday. 281. Select the correctly spelt word.
277. Parts of the following sentence have been given (a) Innability (b) Inabilty
as options. Select the option that contains an (c) Inability (d) Inablity
error. SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I
You need to acknowledge the itinary and Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) ceW ØeÙegòeâ
accommodation details of your journey as per 'Inability' (DemeceLe&lee/DeÙeesiÙelee) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ Mes<e
the given calendar. efJekeâuheeW ceW Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener Gòej
(a) acknowledge (b) itinary
(c) calendar (d) accommodation
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I) 282. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Institute (b) Insitute
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ 'itinary' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (c) Instute (d) Insetute
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Itinerary' (Ùee$ee keâeÙe&›eâce) nesieer, peyeefkeâ JeekeäÙe SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I
kesâ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) ceW ØeÙegòeâ
Acknowledge - mJeerkeâej keâjvee 'Institute' (mebmLeeve) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW ceW
Calendar - hebÛeebie Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Accommodation - DeeJeeme megefJeOee Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener Gòej nw~
278. Select the incorrectly spelt word form the given 283. Select the correctly spelt word.
sentence. (a) Influnce (b) Influence
The city had a hundred thousand inhabitents- (c) Influance (d) Influennce
some think double as many. SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I
(a) Thousand (b) Hundred Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) ceW ØeÙegòeâ
(c) Double (d) Inhabitents 'Influence' (ØeYeeJe/Øeefle…e) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV)
Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener Gòej nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ 'Inhabitents' keâer Jele&veer
284. From among the words given in bold, select the
DeMegæ nw~ Fmeer Megæ Jele&veer 'Inhabitants' (efveJeemeer ueesie) nesieer, incorrectly spelt word in the following
peyeefkeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ sentence.
Thousand - npeej And more than the muggings, the waiting to be
Hundred - mewkeâÌ[e muggged, fearing the dark that transformed
shoddy innocous side streets into giant fangs
Double - ogievee
crouching, springing to demolish this one last
279. Select the wrongly spelt word reminder.
(a) Innocuous (b) Ingenous (a) shoddy (b) innocous
(c) Inimical (d) Invulnerable (c) demolish (d) crouching
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Ingenous' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW 'Innocous' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw,
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Ingenious' (mejue/ØeJeerCe) nesieer, peyeefkeâ peyeefkeâ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Innocuous' (Deneefvekeâj) nesieer~ JeekeäÙe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ ceW ØeÙegòeâ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Innocuous - Deneefvekeâj Shoddy - legÛÚ/vekeâueer
Inimical - efJejesOeer/Øeefleketâue Demolish - OJemle keâjvee
Invulnerable - DeYesÅe/DeKeb[veerÙe Crouching - Pegkeâvee

Misspelt word 572 YCT

285. In the following question, four words have been 290. Select the wrongly spelt word.
given out of which one word is incorrectly (a) Inefficent (b) Independence
spelt. Select the incorrectly spelt word. (c) Influence (d) Inequality
(a) Irreprassible (b) Irrefutable SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Irrevocable (d) Irresistible Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) inefficent keâerr
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer inefficient
Ans. (a) 'Irreprassible' keâer spelling incorrect nw, Fmekeâer (DeÙeesiÙe/DeØeYeeJeer) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Correct spelling 'Irrepressible' – (efmLej, DeocÙe) nesieer~ Independence- mJeleb$elee, Influence- ØeYeeefJele nesvee,
DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw- Inequality- Demeceevelee
Irrefutable – DeKeb[veerÙe~ 291. Select the word with the correct spelling.
Irrevocable – efmLej/meoe Skeâ mee~ (a) Impresionable (b) Propencity
Irresistible – DeØeeflejesOÙe~ (c) Impeccable (d) Suceptible
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II)
286. Identify the word that is misspell.
(a) Immediate (b) Inosense Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) impeccable
(c) Special (d) Irrelevant ($e+ef šnerve) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes efJekeâuheeW ceW The misspell word is (b) Impressionable - ØeYeeefJele
inosense nw peyeefkeâ Fvekeâer mener Spelling – Innocence – Propensity - PegkeâeJe
(mejuelee/yesiegveener) nesieer~ Susceptible - DeeflemebJesoveMeerue
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer spelling correct nw- 292. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Immediate - legjvle (a) Inadvertent (b) Imigration
Irrelevant - Demebiele (c) Unsurpassable (d) Equivalent
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Special - efJeMes<e
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) imigration keâerr
287. Select the misspelled word.
(a) irritible (b) enmity Jele& veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Immigration' (DeØeJeemeve)
(c) gallery (d) earnest nes i eer ~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) Inadvertent – DemeeJeOeeveer Devepeeves ceW
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) irritible keâerr Unsurpassable – meJeexlke=â°
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'irritable' (efÛeÌ[efÛeÌ[e) nesieer, Equivalent – meceeve
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ 293. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
enmity - Me$eglee gallery - ieefueÙeeje earnest - F&ceeveoej (a) Appreciation (b) Escalation
(c) Irritable (d) Irational
288. Select the misspelled word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(a) immediately (b) virtually
(c) infinitly (d) eventually Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) irational keâerr
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer irrational (leke&ânerve) nesieer~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) infinitly keâerr DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'infinitely' (Demeerce) nesieer, Appreciation - iegCe oes<e efJeJesÛevee, Escalation - Je=efæ keâjvee,
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Irritable - peuoer ›egâæ nesves Jeeuee, efÛeÌ[efÛeÌ[e~
immediately - (legjvle) 294. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) implicatted (b) pressurised
virtually - (ueieYeie/lekeâjeryeve), DeeYeemeer ™he mes (c) coercion (d) suppression
eventually - (Deble ceW) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III)
289. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) implicatted keâerr
(a) equipment (b) paraphernalia Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'implicated' (Hebâmeevee)
(c) apparatus (d) impliments nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Pressurised - oyeeJe [euevee, Coercion - peyejomleer,
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) impliments keâerr
Suppression - oceve~
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'implements' (Deceue ceW
295. Select the wrongly spelt word.
ueevee) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (a) Interfear (b) Electorate
Equipment - meece«eer, GhekeâjCe, Paraphernalia - efvepeer (c) Acrimony (d) Selection
meece«eer, Apparatus - GhekeâjCe, meece«eer SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)

Misspelt word 573 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) interfear keâerr Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) 'intelligent'
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'interfere' (nmle#eshe keâjvee) (Øeyegæ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
Electorate-celeoelee, Acrimony - keâšg YeeJeveeSB, Selection - Exhausted - yengle Lekeâe ngDee
ÛeÙeve~ Equally - meceeve ™he mes
296. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. Emigrate- GlØeJeeme keâjvee, mJeosMe ÚesÌ[keâj efJeosMe ceW pee yemevee~
(a) Irregular (b) Irradicate
302. Select the correctly spelt word.
(c) Irreverent (d) Irrational
(a) Inqusitive (b) Inqustive
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(c) Inqisitive (d) Inquisitive
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) irradicate keâerr
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'eradicate' (Gvcetueve) nesieer~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'inquisitive'
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(efpe%eemeg) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Irregular – DeefveÙeefcele, Irreverent – DeveeojÙegòeâ,
Irrational – De%eeveer~ 303. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Individual (b) Indivisual
297. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. (c) Indevidual (d) Indeviduel
(a) Irritable (b) Irrilegious
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Irrigate (d) Irrelevant
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II) Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) individual
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) irrilegious keâerr (JÙeefòeâiele) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'irreligious' (DeOeeefce&keâ) 304. Select the correctly spelt word.
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (a) Infrastracture (b) Infrastructure
Irritable – efÛeÌ[efÛeÌ[e, Irrigate – efmebÛeeF& keâjvee, Irrelevant– (c) Imfrastructure (d) Infrastructur
Demebiele~ SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
298. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) 'infrastructure'
(a) Separate (b) Symphony (DeeOeeefjle mebjÛevee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
(c) Marriage (d) Intriging DeMegæ nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'intriging' keâerr J
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer intriguing (hesÛeeroe) nesieer~ 305. Choose the incorrectly spelt word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (a) Helpful (b) Energetic
Separate - Deueie keâjvee, Symphony - mJej keâer mecelee, (c) Juorney (d) Possible
Marriage - Meeoer-efJeJeen~ SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III)
299. Select the correctly spelt word. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Juorney' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(a) Intention (b) Transishion Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Journey' (Ùee$ee) nesieer, peyeefkeâ efJekeâuhe ceW efoÙes
(c) Fassion (d) Injecshun ieÙes DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II) Helpful - ueeYeoeÙekeâ
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) intention (Fjeoe) Energetic - Tpee&Jeeve
keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Possible - mecYeJe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer -
306. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Transition - heefjJele&ve nesvee (a) jumble (b) junior
Fashion - ™he osvee/Deeke=âefle osvee (c) journy (d) jovial
Injection - FbpeskeäMeve SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
300. Select the correctly spelt word. Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) journy keâerr Jele&veer
(a) Independent (b) Independant DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer Journey (Ùee$ee) nesieer~ DevÙe
(c) Indipendent (d) Indepindent
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
jumble - ie[yeÌ[er
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) independent
(mJeleb$e) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ jovial - KegMe
301. Choose the correctly spelt word. 307. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Exausted (b) Intelligent (a) Luxury (b) Jugler
(c) Equaly (d) Amigrate (c) Boundary (d) Elementary
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018

Misspelt word 574 YCT

Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) Jugler keâer Jele&veer Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
DeMegæ nw Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Juggler' (peeotiej) nesieer~ DevÙe nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Knack' (kegâMeuelee) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw- keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Luxury - efJeueeefmelee, Boundary - meercee, Elementary - Rogue - og°, Blunt - kegbâo, Dull - veerjme
308. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Jelous (b) Labour 314. Parts of the following sentence have been
underlined and given as options. Select the
(c) Leisure (d) Measure
option that contains a spelling error.
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) Most hobbies are to some extent constructive,
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) Jelous keâer Jele&veer but that they may be useful is of secondary
DeMegæ nw Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Jealous' (F&<Ùee&) nesieer~ DevÙe significance, and that they may be lucreative is
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ a minor consideration.
(a) constructive (b) consideration
Labour - ßece, Leisure - Keeueer meceÙe, Measure - ceehe~ (c) significance (d) lucreative
309. Select the incorrectly spelt word. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
(a) Endurance (b) Elite Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ underlined words ceW mes
(c) Juniar (d) Tolerance 'Lucreative' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Lucrative'
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II) (ueeYeoeÙekeâ) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Juniar keâer Jele&veer constructive - jÛeveelcekeâ/efvecee&Cekeâejer
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Junior' (keâefve‰) nesieer~ DevÙe consideration - efJeÛeej/OÙeeve
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ significance - cenlJe/Øeefle…e
Endurance - OewÙe&, Elite - DeefYepeele Jeie&, Tolerance - 315. Select the option with the correct spelling that
menveMeeruelee~ can replace the underlined word in the given
K Kasturi acts as a liason between patients and
310. Choose the correctly spelt word. staff.
(a) knowledge (b) Patner (a) liaisan (b) laision
(c) liaison (d) liaision
(c) Lisence (d) Neice
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ underlined word 'liason' keâer
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'knowledge'
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmeer Megæ Jele&veer 'liaison' (cesuepeesue/mebheke&â)
(%eeve) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ nesieer, peesefkeâ efJekeâuhe (c) ceW efoÙee ieÙee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW Fmekeâer
DevÙe efJekeâuheesW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Licence - DeefOekeâej, Niece- Yeebpeer, Partner - mebieer/meeLeer~ Correct Sentence-
311. Select the correctly spelt word. Kasturi acts as a liaison between patients and staff.
(a) Knowlege (b) Knowledge 316. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(c) Knoledge (d) Knowdedg (a) Judicial (b) Zealous
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I) (c) laxuryous (d) Innocent
SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) knowledge
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Laxuryous' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(peevekeâejer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Luxurious' (efJeueeefmeleehetCe&) nesieer, peyeefkeâ
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
312. Select the incorrectly spelt word. Judicial – vÙeeefÙekeâ/vÙeeÙeeueÙe-mecyevOeer
(a) Knav (b) Stop Zealous – Glmeener
(c) Eager (d) Leisure Innocent – ceemetce/yeskeâmetj
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
317. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) Knav keâer Jele&veer (a) Licenced (b) Aesthetic
DeMegæ nw Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Knave' (og°) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW (c) Haphazard (d) Chandelier
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Stop - jeskeâvee, Eager - Glmegkeâ, Leisure - Keeueer meceÙe~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) Licenced keâer
313. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Licensed' (Dee%ee
(a) Rogue (b) Blunt Jeeuee/DeefOekeâej Jeeuee) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(c) Knak (d) Dull Haphazard - DeJÙeJeefmLele, Aesthetic - meeQoÙe&, Chandelier -
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) Petcej~
Misspelt word 575 YCT
318. Select the wrongly spelt word. Syllabi – meejebMe/hee"dÙe›eâce~
(a) boundary (b) olfactory Aggravate – YeÌ[keâevee/Gòesefpele keâjvee~
(c) elementary (d) laboratary
Zoologist – peerJe efJe%eeveer~
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
324. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) laboratary keâerr
(a) Liason (b) Magisterial
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'laboratory' (ØeÙeesieMeeuee) (c) Maintain (d) Jurist
nesieer, DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
boundary - meercee, olfactory - metbIevesJeeuee, elementary - Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) liason keâerr Jele&veer
ØeejefcYekeâ,ØeeLeefcekeâ DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'liaison' (cesue-peesue) nesieer~ DevÙe
319. Select the correctly spelt word. efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(a) Roberry (b) Leisure
Magisterial - Deoeueleer/ieewjJehetCe&~
(c) Restaurent (d) Meazure
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II) Maintain -mebYeeuevee/yeveeÙes jKevee~
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) 'Leisure' Jurist - efJeefOeJesòee/keâevetveefJeo~
(DeJekeâeMe, Keeueer meceÙe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer 325. In the following question, a word has been
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ written in four different ways out of which only
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- word.
Robbery - uetš-heeš, Restaurant - nesšue, Measure - ceehe, (a) Livaeble (b) Lieivable
hewceevee~ (c) Livable (d) Liveble
320. Select the correctly spelt word. SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II)
(a) luxery (b) luxry Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) livable (jnves
(c) lugzury (d) luxury ueeÙekeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III)
326. Select the correctly spelt word.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) Luxury (a) Luminescent (b) Luminscent
(efJeueeefmelee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ (c) Luminscent (d) Luminascent
nw~ SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
321. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) luminescent
(a) laboratery (b) labour (leeheoerefhle) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(c) lantern (d) literature
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
327. Select the correctly spelt word.
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) laboratery keâerr
(a) Lubrisent (b) Lubricant
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'laboratory' (ØeÙeesieMeeuee) (c) Bubrecant (d) Lubricent
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Lantern - ueeue šWve Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) lubricant
literature - meeefnlÙe (mvessnkeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
labour - ßece
322. Select the wrongly spelt word. M
(a) Palliative (b) Representative 328. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(c) Lucretive (d) Productive (a) Spiteful (b) Rotational
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III) (c) Magnificient (d) Debatable
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Lucretive keâerr SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'lucrative' (ueeYeØeo) nesieer~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ‘Magnificient’ keâer Jele&veer
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Magnificent' (Meeveoej/DeeueerMeeve)
Palliative: Meceve keâjves Jeeuee; Productive : GhepeeT~ nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
323. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. Spiteful - És<ehetCe&/õesner
(a) Syllabi (b) Aggravate Rotational - IetCee&keâej/DeeJele&veMeerue
(c) Zoologist (d) Luxurient Debatable - efJeJeeoemheo
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
329. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'luxurient' keâerr (a) Anticipate (b) Calculate
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'luxuriant' (efJeueemeer) nesieer~ (c) Menipulate (d) Instigate
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III)

Misspelt word 576 YCT

Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Menipulate' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'mention'
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Manipulate' (peesÌ[leesÌ[/nsjHesâj keâjvee) (GuuesKe keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DeMegæ nw~
Anticipate - DeeMee jKevee 335. Select the correctly spelt word.
Calculate - ieCevee keâjvee (a) manipulate (b) menipulate
Instigate - YeÌ[keâevee (c) manepulate (d) manipulete
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
330. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt world.
(a) Naturally (b) Laundry Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'manipulate' (nsjHesâj
(c) Maintainance (d) Jeweller keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II) 336. Select the correctly spelt word.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Maintainance' keâer Jele&veer (a) maintainence (b) maintenence
(c) maintenance (d) mentainance
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Maintenance' (jKe-jKeeJe/mebj#eCe) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) maintenance
Naturally :- menpe ™he mes/Øeeke=âeflekeâ ™he mes
(jKejKeeJe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Laundry :- OegueeF& Iej
337. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Jeweller :- peewnjer (a) megre (b) meadow
331. Select the option that corrects the misspelt (c) matter (d) measure
words in the given sentence. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Surely, he now has earned the repsect 'mastr'. Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) megre keâerr Jele&veer
(a) Surely, he now has earned the respect 'muster'. DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'meagre' (keâceer) nesieer~ DevÙe
(b) Surely, he now has earned the respect 'masterr'. efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
(c) Surely, he now has earned the respect 'masteer'.
338. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(d) Surely, he now has earned the respect 'master'. (a) ridiculous (b) mischivious
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I (c) humorous (d) mysterious
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) ceW ØeÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe keâer SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
meYeer Jele&veer Megæ nw peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW 'master' Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) 'mischivious' keâerr
(ceeefuekeâ/kegâMeue) keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) correct Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'mischievous' (Mejejleer)
answer nw~ nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
Correct Sentence– ridiculous - nemÙeemheo
Surely, he now has earned the respect 'master'. humorous - nemÙehetCe&
332. Select the correctly spelt word. mysterious - jnmÙeceÙe
(a) momentery (b) mommentary
339. Select the correctly spelt word.
(c) momentory (d) momentary
(a) Manegeable (b) Managable
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) Manageble (d) Manageable
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) momentary SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(#eefCekeâ) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) manageable
333. Select the misspelled word. (efveÙev$eCeerÙe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(a) magnificient (b) mediocre
340. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(c) millionaire (d) miraculous
(a) Immediate (b) Amass
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) (c) Messanger (d) Massage
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) magnificient SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I)
keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'magnificent' (Meeveoej) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) messanger keâerr
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'messenger' (mebosMe Jeenkeâ)
mediocre - Deewmele opex keâe meeOeejCe nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
millionaire - ueKeheefle Immediate - lelkeâeue, Amass - Skeâ$e keâjvee, Massage -
miraculous - ÛecelkeâejhetCe& ceeefueMe
334. Select the correctly spelt word. 341. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) mantion (b) mentoin (a) Eradication (b) Manipulation
(c) mension (d) mention (c) Menifestation (d) Regularization
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Misspelt word 577 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) menifestation 347. Select the correctly spelt word.
keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'manifestation' (a) Modern (b) Moddern
(Iees<eCee) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (c) Modrran (d) Modren
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Eradication – Gvcetueve; Regularization – efveÙeceve~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) modern
342. Select the word with the INCORRECT
spelling. (DeeOeg efvekeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(a) Medetative (b) Appended 348. Select the correctly spelt word.
(c) Apprehansive (d) Pensive (a) Mathmetics (b) Mathamatics
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II) (c) Mathametics (d) Mathematics
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) medetative keâerr SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'meditative' (OÙesÙe) nesieer~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) mathematics
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (ieefCele) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Appended - mebueive, Apprehensive - YeÙeYeerle 349. Select the correctly spelt word.
Pensive - efÛeblee«emle (a) Milennium (b) Millenium
343. In the following question, a word has been (c) Millenniumm (d) Millennium
written in four different ways out of which only SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) millennium
word. (npeej Je<e& ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(a) Micsellaneous (b) Miscelaneous nw~
(c) Miscelanious (d) Miscellaneous
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III) N
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'miscellaneous' 350. Choose the incorrectly spelt word.
(efJeefJeOe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (a) Neweset (b) Drape
344. In the following question, a word has been (c) Vibe (d) Surround
written in four different ways out of which only SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Neweset' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Newest' (veJeervelece/Deveghetjkeâ) nesieer, peyeefkeâ
(a) Maintane (b) Maintain
(c) Muntain (d) Maintein
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III) Drape - šeBievee/{eBkeâvee
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) maintain Vibe - DevegYetefle
(cejccele keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Surround - Iesjvee/heefjJe=òe keâjvee
DeMegæ nw~ 351. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
345. Choose the correctly spelt word. (a) Niece (b) Father
(a) Jelousy (b) Corupt (c) Nefew (d) Uncle
(c) Intrest (d) Miniature SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II)
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : Ghejes òeâ ef JekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Nefew' keâer Jele& v eer DeMegæ nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'miniature' Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'nephew' (Yeleerpee/Yeebpee) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe
(ueIeg,Úesše) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
nw~ Niece - Yeleerpeer/Yeebpeer
Jealousy - F&<Ùee&, peueve, Corrupt - Yeü°, Interest - yÙeepe, Father - efhelee
®efÛe~ Uncle - ÛeeÛee
346. Select the correctly spelt word. 352. From among the words given in bold, select the
(a) Maintnance (b) Medieval incorrectly spelt word in the following
(c) Millenium (d) Moustache sentence.
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III) The Imitations of Horace raise issues of
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'moustache' political nautrality, partisanship and moral
(cetBÚ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ satire and as such are key texts of the Augustan
DevÙe efJekeâuheesW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- (a) satire (b) partisanship
Maintenance– jKe-jKeeJe, Medieval– ceOÙekeâeue, (c) Augustan (d) nautrality
Millennium– menœeeyoer SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III
Misspelt word 578 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Nautrality' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) negociation keâerr
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Neutrality' (lešmLelee/efve<he#elee) nesieer~ Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Negotiation' (mecePeewlee)
DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ nesieer~
satire - JÙebiÙe/Gheneme DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Partisanship - he#eheele/YesoYeeJe Negligence - ueehejJeener
Augustan - meJe&ßes‰/(Deb«espeer meeefnlÙe keâe Skeâ keâeue) Necessity - DeeJeMÙekeâlee
353. Select the most appropriate spelling that can Notification - DeefOemetÛevee
substitute the underlined word in the given 358. Select the wrongly spelt word.
sentence. (a) negligible (b) nuisance
We love to play with our neighboar's children
(c) noticable (d) neighbouring
(a) neighbours (b) naighbour's
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) neighboars (d) neighbour's
SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) noticable keâerr
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'neighboars' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'noticeable' (GuuesKeveerÙe)
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Neighbour's' (heÌ[esmeer kesâ) nesieer, peyeefkeâ nesieer DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW oer ieÙeer Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Negligible - veieCÙe/legÛÚ
Correct Sentence- Nuisance - hejsMeeveer
'We love to play with our neighbour's children. Neighbouring - heÌ[esmeer
354. Select the wrongly spelt word. 359. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Nervous (b) Never (a) necassery (b) nesessary
(c) Nature (d) Nuetral (c) necessary (d) necessery
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'Nuetral' keâer Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) necessary
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw, Dele: Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'neutral' (lešmLe) (DeeJeMÙekeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ nw~
Nervous- yesÛewve 360. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Never- keâYeer veneR (a) Neither (b) Nibble
Nature- mJeYeeJe (c) Nightingale (d) Ninteenth
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I)
355. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) militant (b) migraine Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) ninteenth keâerr
(c) midget (d) migrent Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'nineteenth' (GVeermeJeeb)
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) migrent keâerr Nightingale- yegueyegue, Neither- ve lees, Nibble- kegâlejvee
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'migrant' (ØeJeemeer) nesieer, 361. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) nerve (b) neglect
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (c) negative (d) nerveous
militant - G«eJeeoer, migraine - DeOekeâheejer, midget - ueIeg, SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III)
yeewvee Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) nerveous keâerr
356. Select the misspelt word. Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'nervous' (yesÛewve) nesieer~
(a) ingenuity (b) committee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(c) jeopardy (d) neglegible Nerve- veme
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) Neglect- Ghes#ee
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) neglegible keâerr Negative- vekeâejelcekeâ
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'negligible' (veieCÙe, yengle 362. Select the wrongly spelt word.
keâce) nesieer, DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (a) Molestation (b) Combination
ingenuity - mejuelee (c) Navigetion (d) Condonation
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I)
committee - keâcesšer/mebie"ve
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) navigetion keâerr
jeopardy - Keleje/mebosn
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Navigation' (heLe ØeoMe&ve
357. Select the wrongly spelt word. nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(a) notification (b) necessity
Molestation - GlheerÌ[ve, Combination - cesue-efceueehe,
(c) negociation (d) negligence
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I) Condonation - #eceeoeve
Misspelt word 579 YCT
363. Choose the correctly spelt word. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'obssess' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(a) Noticable (b) Nauticable Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'obsess' (Demekeäle, efoceeie ceW Iej keâj uesvee/Jence
(c) Noticeable (d) Noteceable
yevee uesvee) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Sieve - Ûeueveer/Úevevee
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'noticeable'
Heave - GYeeÌ[/Gòeesueve
(GuuesKeveer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Weave - yegvevee/efnueevee
364. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Newclear (b) Nuclere 370. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(c) Neuclear (d) Nuclear (a) Persistent (b) Repetition
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III) (c) Overwelming (d) Audacious
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'nuclear' (veeefYekeâerÙe)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Overwelming' keâer Jele&veer
keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Overwhelming' (DeheefjneÙe&/oyeeves
365. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Ninetteen (b) Nineteen
Jeeuee) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(c) Ninteen (d) Ninneteen Persistent - ÂÌ{/n"er
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II) Repetition - DeeJe=efòe/ognjeJe
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) 'nineteen' keâerr Audacious - meenmeer/{er"
Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ 371. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
366. Select the correctly spelt word. (a) Ascetic (b) Boasting
(a) Nocturenal (b) Nocturnal (c) Overide (d) Evidence
(c) Nocternal (d) Nocturnel SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (c) : Ghejes òeâ ef JekeâuheeW ceW mes ef Jekeâuhe (c) overide keâer Jele&veer
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) nocturnal DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'override' (kegâÛeue osvee/jö keâjvee)
(efveMeeÛej) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ nw DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
367. Select the correctly spelt word. Boasting - [eRie ceejvee, Evidence - ØeceeCe, Ascetic - lehemJeer
(a) Priorety (b) Jelous 372. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(c) Disgise (d) Nourish (a) difficult (b) supporting
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I) (c) optsion (d) easier
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) nourish (heeueve SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
hees<eCe keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) optsion keâerr
DevÙe efJekeâuheesW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- Jele&veer
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'option' (efJekeâuhe) nesieer,
Priority - JejerÙelee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
Jealous - F&<Ùee&ueg, hejsMeeve Ùee ›egâæ~ difficult - keâef"ve, supporting - meneÙekeâ, easier - Deemeeve
Disguise - Ú©eJesMe, mJeeBie~ 373. Select the misspelled word.
368. Choose the correctly spelt word. (a) ommission (b) occurred
(a) Peirce (b) Necessary (c) accommodate (d) oppressed
(c) Noticeing (d) Permmit SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) ommission keâerr
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) necessary Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer omission (efJeueesheve) nesieer,
(DeeJeMÙekeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
nw~ occurred - Ieeefšle ngDee, accommodate - meceeÙeesefpele,
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- oppressed - oyee ngDee
Pierce - ØeJesMe keâjvee 374. Select the correctly spelt word.
Noticing - OÙeeve osvee (a) omelette (b) omelete
(c) omelate (d) omlate
Permit - ØeJesMe
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
O Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'omelette' keâerr
Ans : (a)
369. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word from Jele& v eer Meg æ nw ~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
the given options. 375. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) Sieve (b) Heave (a) violence (b) fierce
(c) Weave (d) Obssess (c) resemblance (d) occassion
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Misspelt word 580 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) occassion keâerr knowledge - %eeve
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'occasion' (DeJemej) nesieer~ Jealousy - F&<Ùee&/peueve
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ language - Yee<ee~
violence - efnbmee, fierce - G«e, Yeer<eCe, resemblance-meceevelee 382. Select the correctly spelt word.
376. Select the wrongly spelt word. (a) Occation (b) Occassion
(a) Opulence (b) Oppression (c) Occasion (d) Ocassion
(c) Oppurtunity (d) Opposition SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) occasion
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) oppurtunity keâerr (DeJemej) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'opportunity' (DeJemej)
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
383. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Opulence- mece=efæ, Oppression- oceve, Opposition- efJehejerle
(a) Activity (b) Protesion
377. Select the correctly spelt word. (c) Inactivity (d) Unshielded
(a) oppertunity (b) opportunity SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III)
(c) oppurtunity (d) oportunity Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ‘protesion’keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I)
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'protection' (megj#ee/mebj#eCe) nesieer, peyeefkeâ
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) opportunity DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(DeJemej) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Activity – ieefleefJeefOe/meef›eâÙelee
378. Choose the correctly spelt word. Inactivity – efveef<›eâÙelee
(a) obbstacle (b) Obctacle
Unshielded – j#eenerve
(c) Obstacal (d) Obstacle
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I) 384. Choose the INCORRECTLY Spelt word.
(a) Falcon (b) Tailor
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) obstacle
(c) Talon (d) Palour
(DeJejesOe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II)
379. Select the correctly spelt word. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Palour' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(a) Occassion (b) Ommision Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'parlor' (oMe&ve-ie=n) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe
(c) Occurrence (d) Occupasion
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Falcon - yee]pe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'occurrence'
Tailor - opeea/efmeueeF& keâjvee
(Iešvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Talon - veeKetve/efškeâš
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
Occasion - DeJemej~ 385. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) Passage (b) Pancake
Omission - ueeshe, efceševee~ (c) Pasion (d) Modern
Occupation - JÙeJemeeÙe~ SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II)
380. Select the correctly spelt word. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Pasion' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(a) Godess (b) Villian Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Passion' (pegvetve/Glmeen) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe
(c) Obedient (d) Truely
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'obedient' Passage - ceeie&/ieefueÙeeje
(Dee%eekeâejer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Pancake - efšefkeâÙee/hetjer
nw~ efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- Modern - DeeOegefvekeâ/veJeerve
Goddess - osJeer 386. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Villain - KeueveeÙekeâ (a) Maladjusted (b) Stakeholder
Truly - meÛecegÛe (c) Permenent (d) Longitude
SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I)
381. Choose the correctly spelt word.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'permenent' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(a) Knoledge (b) Jealusy
(c) Odour (d) Langauge nw ~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Permanent' (mLeeÙeer) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III) efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'odour' (iebOe) keâerr Maladjusted - Demeceeve
Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Stakeholder - efnleOeejkeâ/oeJesoejer
DevÙe efJekeâuheesW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- Longitude - osMeevlej

Misspelt word 581 YCT

387. Identity the correct spelling of the underlined 392. Select the correctly spelt word.
word. (a) Envisaige (b) Psychologist
It is considered a great phenamina in the field (c) Emergense (d) Trancition
of economics. SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
(a) phynamena (b) fenomena
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Psychologist' (ceveesefJe%eeveer)
(c) phinomina (d) phenomena
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ underlined word 'phenamena'
Fvekeâer Megæ Jele&veer efvecve nw-
keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'phenomena' Envisage - heefjkeâuhevee keâjvee
(ØeefleYeeme/ØelÙe#e Jemleg) nesieer, peesefkeâ efJekeâuhe (d) ceW oer ieÙeer nw~ Emergence - GodYeJe/yeefnie&ceve
Correct Sentence- Transition - meb›eâceCe/heefjJele&ve keâeue
It is considered a great phenomena in the field of 393. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
economics. (a) Perterb (b) Perceive
388. Choose the correctly spelt word. (c) Pigeon (d) Passive
(a) TEMPORERY (b) CAMOFLAGUE SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I
(c) PSEUDONYM (d) TABBOO Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'perterb' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I) Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'perturb' (yesÛewve keâjvee) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes "Pseudonym" (Úodce veece) efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ efJekeâuhe ceW efoÙes ieÙes DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Perceive - mecePevee/cenmetme keâjvee
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fvekeâer Megæ Jele&veer efvecve nw- Pigeon - keâyetlej/Yeesuee Deeoceer/keâvÙee
Temporary - DemLeeÙeer
Passive - efveef<›eâÙe
Camouflage - ÚueeJejCe
394. Select the correctly spelt word.
Taboo - efve<esOe/cevee keâjvee (a) Bezarre (b) Infatuaition
389. Choose the incorrectly spelt word. (c) Fortiunate (d) Perfection
(a) Prepaer (b) Mushy SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III
(c) Busiest (d) Matter Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'perfection' (hetCe&lee/ØeJeerCelee)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Prepaer' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Fvekeâer Megæ Jele&veer efvecve nw-
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Prepare' (lewÙeej keâjvee/lewÙeej) nesieer, peyeefkeâ
Bizarre - efJeefÛe$e
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Infatuation - Deemeefòeâ/cegiOelee
Mushy - YeeJegkeâ/efheueefheuee
Fortunate - YeeiÙeMeeueer/MegYe
Busiest - meyemes DeefOekeâ JÙemle (Busy keâe Superlative degree)
395. Select the sentence which has no spelling error.
Matter - ceeceuee/heoeLe&
(a) Dusty is a prodegious novelist of the present
390. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. era.
(a) Palace (b) Peddle (b) His business gives him cash in prodigeous
(c) Pecket (d) Paint amounts.
SSC Constable GD-01/12/2021 Shift-I (c) Beethoven is known to be a prodigious
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW 'Pecket' keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Fmekeâer musician of all times.
Megæ Jele&veer 'Packet' (heesšueer) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW efoÙes ieÙes (d) Ashley caught the spectators by his
MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ prodigiuous tricks.
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III
Palace - cenue/jepeYeJeve
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙeeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c)
Peddle - lebie keâjvee/Hesâjer ueieevee
Paint - jbie/ueshe
ceW ØeÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe meYeer MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW
ceW 'prodigious' (efJeue#eCe/efJeefÛe$e) keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
391. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Promenant (b) Prominent Correct Sentence-
(c) Promneant (d) Prominant Beethoven is known to be a prodigious musician of all
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II times.
396. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'prominent' (Øeefmeæ/cenòJehetCe&)
(a) Believe (b) Conscious
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ (c) Previlege (d) Discipline
nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener Gòej nw~ SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III
Misspelt word 582 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Previlege' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) Possesions keâer
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'privilege' (efJeMes<eeefOekeâej/megefJeOee) nesieer, Jele&veer DeMegæ nw, Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Possessions' (mebheefòe) nesieer~
peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Believe - efJeÕeeme keâjvee Invitation - efveceb$eCe, Protection - megj#ee, Irritation - efÛeÌ{~
Conscious - meÛesle/peeie™keâ 401. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
Discipline - DevegMeemeve/DeelcemebÙece (a) Endurance (b) Tolerance
397. From among the words given in bold, select the (c) Insistence (d) Persistance
INCORRECTLY spelt word in the following SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
sentence. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) Persistance keâer
Almost all the governors of Bengal strongly Jele&veer DeMegæ nw, Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Persistence' (ueieeleej)
resented the special privileges enjoyed by nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
English company as it meant a huge loss to the
provinciel exchequer. Endurance - OewÙe&, Tolerance - menveMeeruelee, Insistence -
(a) provinciel (b) privileges DevegjesOe
(c) exchequer (d) resented 402. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III (a) Concrete (b) Elite
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ underlined word ceW mes (c) Petete (d) Secrete
'provinciel' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I)
'provincial' (ØeeosefMekeâ/mLeeveerÙe) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Petete keâer Jele&veer
Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Petite' (Ketyemetjle) nw~ DevÙe
Privileges - efJeMes<eeefOekeâej/megefJeOee efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Exchequer - jepekeâes<e/Kepeevee Concrete - "esme, Elite - DeefYepeele Jeie&, Secrete - m$eeefhele
Resented - efJejesOe/›eâesOe keâjvee keâjvee~
398. Select the sentence which has no spelling error. 403. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) The pharmaetuical company develops and (a) Specified (b) Decrease
market drugs. (c) Creature (d) Pieceful
(b) Many phramaeutical companies supplied SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I)
vaccines in pandemic. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe pieceful keâer Jele&veer
(c) My elder brother works in a pharmaceutical DeMegæ nw, Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Peaceful' (MeeefvlehetCe&) nw~ DevÙe
company. efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(d) Geet runs a pharmasutical chemist shop at
New Delhi. Specified - efveefo&°, Decrease - keâceer, Creature - peerJe pevleg~
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I 404. Select the word with the correct spelling.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW efoÙes ieÙes JeekeäÙeeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) (a) permmited (b) plesent
ceW ØeÙegòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ meYeer Meyo keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ Mes<e (c) pungant (d) punctuation
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
efJekeâuheeW ceW 'Pharmaceutical' (oJee-mecyevOeer) keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
nw~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) punctuation keâer
Correct Sentence- Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
My elder brother works in a pharmaceutical company. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
399. Select the wrongly spelt word. pungent- keâšg, permitted- Devegceefle, pleasant- megneveer
(a) Plantain (b) Platinum 405. In the following question, four words have been
(c) Plataue (d) Plaque
given out of which one word is incorrectly
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
spelt. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ' Plataue' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (a) Declension (b) Labyrinth
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'plateau' (he"ej/GÛÛeYetefce) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe (c) Quintessence (d) Pandemonious
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Plantain - kesâuee (hesÌ[) efoÙes Ans. (d) ieÙes efJekeâuheeW ceW Pandemonious keâer spelling
Platinum - huewefšvece (Oeeleg) nw, incorrect correct spelling, Pandemonium (vejkeâ Ùee
Plaque - heóer/Heâuekeâ efJehueJe) nesieer~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
400. Select the incorrectly spelt word. Declension – DeJeveefle, Üeme~
(a) Possessions (b) Irritation Labyrinth – GuePeve/Yetue YeguewÙee
(c) Invitation (d) Protection
Quintessence – meej/cece&
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Misspelt word 583 YCT
406. Select the wrongly spelt word. Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) pursue (heerÚe
(a) central (b) electric keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) presure (d) irrigation
413. Select the wrongly spelt word.
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Migrant (b) Precedent
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) presure keâerr (c) Permanant (d) Adamant
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'pressure' (oyeeJe) nesieer, SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) permanant keâerr
central - kesâvõerÙe, electric - efyepeueer keâe , irrigation - efmebÛeeF& Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'permanent' (mLeeÙeer) nesieer~
407. Select the correct spelt word. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(a) propotion (b) proportion migrant - ØeJeemeer
(c) preportion (d) proporsion
precedent - efcemeeue/vepeerj
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I)
adamant - Dešue/meKle
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) proportion
(Devegheele/meceevegheele) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer 414. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) Alligator (b) Privilage
DeMegæ nw~
(c) Alimony (d) Judicious
408. Select the correctly spelt word. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(a) peivailege (b) previledge
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) privilage keâerr
(c) previllage (d) privilege
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I) Jele& veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer privilege (efJeMes<eeefOekeâej)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'privilege' nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(efJeMes<eeefOekeâej) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Alligator - ceiej, IeefÌ[Ùeeue, Alimony - iegpeeje-Yeòee,
DeMegæ nw~ Judicious - efJeJeskeâ meccele
409. Select the correct spelt word. 415. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) perticular (b) particuler (a) Preamble (b) Miscellaneous
(c) particular (d) perticuler (c) Deviation (d) Pnemonia
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'Particular' Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ ef JekeâuheeW ceW mes ef Jekeâuhe (d) pnemonia keâerr
(efJeefMe°) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Jele& v eer DeMeg æ nw ~ Fmekeâer Meg æ Jele& veer 'pneumonia' (HesâHeâÌ[s keâer
410. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. yeerceejer) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(a) puddel (b) pigeon Preamble – ØemleeJevee/Yetefcekeâe
(c) pillion (d) pioneer Miscellaneous – efJeefJeOe
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) Deviation – efJeÛeueve/PegkeâeJe
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) puddel keâerr Jele&veer 416. Select the word with the correct spelling.
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'puddle' (leeueeye) nesieer~ DevÙe (a) Vizibility (b) Certanity
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (c) Piety (d) Notoreity
Pillion - heerÚs keâer meerš SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
pigeon - keâyetlej Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) piety (Oece&efve‰lee)
pioneer - ØeLece DevJesMekeâ keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
411. Select the wrongly spelt word DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
(a) presidential (b) preferential Visibility – ÂMÙelee; Certainty–efveefMÛelelee; Notoriety :
(c) profeslonal (d) proverbial kegâKÙeeefle, yeoveeceer~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II)
417. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) profeslonal keâerr (a) Profuse (b) Protrude
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'professional' (hesMesJej) (c) Profesional (d) Professor
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Presidential- DeOÙe#eerÙe/meYeeheefle keâe Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) profesional keâerr
Ans. (c) :
Preferential- yesnlej/lejpeerner Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'professional' (hesMesJej)
Proverbial- ueewefkeâkeâ/keâneJeleer/meJe&efJeefole nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
412. Select the correctly spelt word. Profuse - ØeÛegj/efJehegue~
(a) persue (b) persoue Protrude - hewâueevee/yeÌ{evee~
(c) pursue (d) purseue
Professor - ØeeOÙeehekeâ~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Misspelt word 584 YCT
418. Select the wrongly spelt word. Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) proceed (Deeies
(a) Privilige (b) Mileage peevee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(c) Gait (d) Truism
424. Choose the correctly spelt word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(a) Passengger (b) Pasenger
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) privilige keâerr (c) Passenger (d) Passinger
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer privilege (efJeMes<e DeefOekeâej) SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) passenger
Mileage - ceerue otjer, Gait - Ûeeue, Ûeueves keâe lejerkeâe, Truism - (Ùee$eerr) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
meeceevÙe melÙe
425. Choose the correctly spelt word.
419. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. (a) Philosophy (b) Phelosophy
(a) Boutique (b) Lacquer (c) Philosophie (d) Filosophy
(c) Placque (d) Rouge
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) philosophy
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) placque keâerr
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'plaque' (heefókeâe) nesieer~ (oMe&veMeeŒe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ 426. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Vessel (b) Kettle
Boutique - JeŒeeueÙe
(c) Brittle (d) Parellel
Lacquer - jesieve ueieevee
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Rouge - DeeJeeje/Mejejleer
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) parellel keâerr
420. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Consequence (b) Fixation
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'parallel' (meceeblej) nesieer~
(c) Musician (d) Providance DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III) Vessel - yele&ve, penepe
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) providance keâerr Kettle - kesâleueer
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'providence' (efJeefOe) nesieer~ Brittle - Yebiegj, keâcepeesj
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ 427. Select the correctly spelt word.
Consequence - heefjCeece/veleerpee (a) posibilty (b) pompus
Fixation - «emelee/ÙeewefiekeâerkeâjCe (c) potantial (d) possession
Musician - mebieerlekeâej SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
421. In the following question, a word has been Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'possession'
written in four different ways out of which only (DeefOekeâej) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt
Possibility - mebYeeJevee~
(a) Procedger (b) Procedure Pompous - Dee[cyejhetCe&~
(c) Proceadure (d) Proceger Potential - meeceLÙe&, JÙeeÙeeceer~
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) 428. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) procedure (a) Perseverence (b) Probable
(Øeef›eâÙee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (c) Politician (d) possession
422. In the following question, a word has been SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
written in four different ways out of which only Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes efJekeâuheeW ceW efJekeâuhe (a) 'Perseverence'
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Perseverance' (ÂÌ{lee)
(a) Parllel (b) Paralell
(c) Parallel (d) Parralel DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I) Probable - mebYeeJeveerÙe
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) parallel (meceeblej) Politician - jepeveweflekeâ/veslee
keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Possession - DeefOekeâej/mJeeefcelJe
423. In the following question, a word has been 429. Select the correctly spelt word.
written in four different ways out of which only (a) Permanant (b) Permanent
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt (c) Pirmenent (d) Perminent
word. SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Proceed (b) Proced
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) permanent
(c) Prroceed (d) Procede
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I) (mLeeÙeer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Misspelt word 585 YCT
435. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
Q (a) Vague (b) Qoutidian
430. Select the incorrectly spelt word. (c) Doubt (d) Identical
(a) Rascal (b) Antibodies SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Brag (d) Quear Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Quotidian' (meeOeejCe) nesieer~ DevÙe
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Quear' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Queer' (efJeefÛe$e) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW Vague - Demhe°
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Doubt - mebosn
Rascal - og°/heeheer Identical - meceeve~
Antibodies - Sbšeryee@[er
Brag - [eRie ceejvee R
431. Select the correctly spelt word. 436. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Qiete (b) Queit (a) resind (b) rescind
(c) Quiet (d) Quiete (c) recsind (d) recind
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Quiet (Meevle) keâerr Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) ceW ØeÙegòeâ
Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ 'Rescind' (jö keâj osvee/jeskeâvee) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ Mes<e
432. Select the correctly spelt word. efJekeâuheeW ceW Fmekeâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(a) queiten (b) questionnaire Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener Gòej nw~
(c) quallification (d) quantify 437. Select the correctly spelt word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I) (a) Ricipit (b) Reicipit
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) questionnaire (c) Reciept (d) Receipt
(ØeMveeJeueer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV)
nw~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) ceW 'Receipt'
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer (jmeero/Øeeefhle) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW Fmekeâer Jele&veer
Quatrain- Ûeleg<heoer DeMegæ nw~
Qualification- ÙeesiÙelee Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) mener Gòej nw~
Quantify- ceehevee 438. Select the correctly spelt word.
433. Select the word with the incorrect spelling. (a) Recemmend (b) Reccommend
(a) Quantity (b) Argumet (c) Reccomend (d) Recommend
(c) Aisle (d) Quarrell SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I) Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ ef JekeâuheeW ceW mes ef Jekeâuhe (d) ceW 'Recommend'
Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) quarrell keâerr Jele&veer (efmeHeâeefjMe keâjvee) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW Fmekeâer
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'quarrel' (PeieÌ[e) nesieer~ DevÙe Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) mener Gòej nw~
Quantity – heefjCeece, 439. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Rudimentory (b) Concious
Argumet – leke&â
(c) Coalece (d) Reliant
Aisle – ieefueÙeeje SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III
434. Select the incorrectly spelt word. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) ceW ØeÙegòeâ 'Reliant'
(a) Pious (b) Reckless (efveYe&j) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW ceW ØeÙegòeâ MeyoeW
(c) Quary (d) Nibble
keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer efvecve nw-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Rudimentary - ceewefuekeâ/cetue
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Quary keâer Jele&veer
DeMegæ nw Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Query' (meJeeue) nesieer~ DevÙe Conscious - meÛesle/peeie™keâ
Coalesce - meefcceefuele/mebÙegòeâ nesvee
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Pious - Oeeefce&keâ 440. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) Retrieve (b) Return
Reckless - ueehejJeen
(c) Retort (d) Revange
Nibble - mebosn keâjvee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II
Misspelt word 586 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Revange' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'righteous'
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Revenge' (ØeefleMeesOe/yeouee) nesieer, peyeefkeâ (iegCeer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ 446. Select the correctly spelt word.
Retrieve - Yetue-megOeejvee/hegve: Øeefle‰eheve keâjvee (a) recommend (b) reccommend
Return - Jeehemeer/ØeefleHeâue (c) recommened (d) recomend
Retort - ØelÙegòej/cegBnleesÌ[ peJeeye osvee SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
441. From among the words given in bold, select the Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) recommend
INCORRECTLY spelt word in the following (efmeHeâeefjMe keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
sentence. DeMegæ nw~
The popular ridikule of Puritanism in 447. Select the wrongly spelt word.
burlesque and doggerel is best exemplified in (a) rendezvous (b) renassaince
Butler’s Hudibras.
(c) remuneration (d) remonstrate
(a) burlesque (b) doggerel
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) exemplified (d) ridikule
SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) renassaince keâerr
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ underlined word ceW mes Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'renaissance' (hegvepee&iejCe)
'Ridikule' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Ridicule' nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
(Gheneme/nemÙeemheo) nesieer~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Remuneration - heeefjßeefcekeâ
Burlesque - nemÙe Remonstrate - efJejesOe keâjvee
Doggerel - yesntoe/DeveLe&keâ Rendezvous - hetJe&efveef§ele meceÙe Deewj mLeeve hej efceuevee
Exemplified - GoenjCe osvee 448. Select the wrongly spelt word.
442. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. (a) remembrance (b) reminascant
(a) Rifel (b) Ride (c) remnant (d) remittance
(c) Right (d) Ridge SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) reminascant
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) rifel keâer Jele&veer keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'reminiscent' (Ùeeo
DeMegæ nw~ Dele: Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'refill' (efHeâj mes Yejvee) nesieer~ efoueeves Jeeuee) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Remittance- Yespeer ngF& jkeâce
Ridge - Ûeesšer, Right - meerOee, Ride - meJeejer~ Remembrance- efveMeeveer, mcejCe
443. Select the wrongly spelt word. Remnant- yeÛee ngDee, DeJeMes<e
(a) solution (b) beaker 449. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(c) brakes (d) refrence (a) reliable (b) realm
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) (c) resemble (d) redius
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) refrence keâerr SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'reference' (meboYe&) nesieer, Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) redius keâerr Jele&veer
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'radius' (ef$epÙee) nesieer~ DevÙe
solution - GheeÙe, beaker - keâebÛe keâe hee$e, brakes - yeÇskeâ efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw
444. Select the misspelled word. reliable - efJeÕeveerÙe
(a) pierce (b) riegn resemble - cesue Keevee
(c) relieve (d) deceive realm - #es$e
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
450. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) riegn keâerr Jele&veer
(a) Relagate (b) Residue
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'reign' (jepÙe keâeue) nesieer, DevÙe (c) Refurbish (d) Retrospect
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
pierce - Iegmeevee/Yesovee, relieve - meneÙelee keâjvee, deceive - Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) relagate keâerr
OeesKee osvee~ Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'relegate' (nše osvee) nesieer~
445. Select the correctly spelt word. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(a) richeous (b) riteous
Residue - DeJeefMe°, ÚeÚ, DeJeMes<e, Refurbish - mepeeJeš
(c) righteous (d) rightious
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) keâjvee, veJeerveerkeâjCe, Retrospect - hegvejeJeueeskeâve, peeBÛe
Misspelt word 587 YCT
451. Select the correctly spelt word. 456. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Tantative (b) Substentive (a) Esteem (b) Respectfull
(c) Remunerative (d) Speculetive (c) Subtle (d) Mimic
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) remunerative Ans. Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) respectfull keâerr
(b) :
(heeefjßeefcekeâ mebyebOeer) (ueeYekeâejer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'respectful' (DeeojhetCe&)
keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer Esteem - mecceeve keâjvee
Tentative- peebÛe keâj, hejKe keâj, Substantive- JeemleefJekeâ, Subtle - peefšue/met#ce
mLeeÙeer, Speculative- ØelÙeeefMele, GlmegkeâleehetCe&, keâeuheefvekeâ Mimic - vekeâue keâjvee
452. Select the correctly spelt word 457. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) reeciet (b) reciept (a) Rupangence (b) Repugnance
(c) receipt (d) reiceit (c) Repungance (d) Repungence
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) receipt Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) 'repugnance'
(jmeero/Øeeefhle) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ (Ie=Cee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
nw~ 458. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Restaurant (b) Restorant
453. Select the correctly spelt word.
(c) Restaurent (d) Restorent
(a) compitition (b) distruction
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) contruction (d) repetition
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'restaurant'
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) repetition (YeespeveeueÙe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(oesnjeJe/hegvejeJe=efle) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer nw~
DeMegæ nw 459. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Reverence (b) Reverense
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- (c) Revernce (d) Revernece
Competition- ØeeflemheOee&, Destruction- efJeveeMe, SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Construction- efvecee&Ce Ans. (a): Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) reverence
454. Select the wrongly spelt word. (ßeæe/mecceeve) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
(a) reproduce (b) reverse DeMegæ nw~
(c) require (d) resembel
460. Select the correctly spelt word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III) (a) Revenue (b) Ravanue
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) resembel keâerr (c) Ravenue (d) Reveanu
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'resemble' (cesue Keevee) SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) revenue
Reproduce- GlheVe keâjvee/lewÙeej keâjvee (jepemJe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Reverse- Guše/Øeefleueesce 461. Select the correctly spelt word.
Require- Ûeenvee/Dehes#ee keâjvee (a) Recommend (b) Repitition
455. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. (c) Referance (d) Reciept
(a) Advantageous (b) Tedious SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Victorious (d) Rebelleous Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) recommend
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II) (efmeHeâeefjMe keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) rebelleous keâerr DeMegæ nw~
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'rebellious' (efJeõesnerr) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheesW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Repetition - oesnjevee~
Advantageous– ueeYeoeÙekeâ, Tedious– LekeâeT, Reference - Øemebie~
Victorious– efJepeslee, efJepeÙeer~ Receipt - Øeeefhle, jmeero~

Misspelt word 588 YCT

462. Select the wrongly spelt word. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'seperate' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(a) Resistence (b) Independent Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'separate' (Deueie/Deueie keâjvee) nesieer~
(c) Characteristic (d) Beneficial
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw-
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes efJekeâuhe (a) Resistence keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Nutrient - hegef°keâj/hees<ekeâ
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Resistance' (ØeeflejesOe) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW Suitable - GheÙegòeâ/megefJeOeepevekeâ
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Permanent - mLeeÙeer/efmLej
Independent - mJeleb$e/Deepeeo 467. Identify and correct the INCORRECTLY spelt
Characteristic - efJeMes<elee word in the given sentence.
Beneficial - ueeYekeâejer Sometimes failure is the steping stone to
463. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) Reception (b) Recommend (a) Succes (b) Steping
(c) Ridicullous (d) Representative (c) Failuire (d) Stone
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Ridicullous keâer Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ 'Steping' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Dele: Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Ridiculous' nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Stepping' (keâoce yeÌ{evee) nesieer~ JeekeäÙe ceW
(nemÙeeheo) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ ØeÙegòeâ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Reception - DeefYevevove, mJeeiele, Recommend - megPeeJe, Dele: efJekeâuhe (B) mener Gòej nw~
Representative - ØeefleefveefOe Correct Sentence-
Sometimes failure is the stepping stone to success.
468. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the
464. Choose the incorrectly spelt word.
given sentence.
(a) Structurere (b) Havoc
To achieve somthing gigantic, you have to
(c) Recently (d) Brush
grind for a considerable amount of time.
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II)
(a) considerable (b) gigantic
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Structrure' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ (c) achieve (d) somthing
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'structure' (mebjÛevee/yeveeJeš) nesieer~ DevÙe SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II)
MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ 'Somthing' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Havoc - veeMe/leyeener
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'something' (kegâÚ/keâesF& Ûeerpe) nesieer~ JeekeäÙe
Recently - neue ner ceW/DeYeer-DeYeer
ceW ØeÙegòeâ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Brush - ketbâÛee/yeÇMe keâjvee
Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) mener Gòej nw~
465. Identify the MISSPELT word in the following
sentence. Correct Sentence-
In some regions of the world, child poverty To achieve something gigantic, you have to grind for a
remains a serious issue, significently in relation considerable amount of time.
of the geospatial and living standards in which 469. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
children grow up. (a) Anxiety (b) Stetionery
(a) Issue (b) Significently (c) Preparation (d) Voluntary
(c) Geospatial (d) Regions SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Stetionery' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ underlined word 'significently' keâer Jele&veer
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'stationary' (DeheefjJeefle&le/efmLej) nesieer~
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Significantly' (cenlJe kesâ
meeLe/DeLe&hetCe&lee mes) nesieer~ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Issue - cegöe/efJeJeeo Anxiety - efÛeblee/JÙe«elee
Geospatial - Yeewieesefuekeâ ™he mes Preparation - lewÙeejer/Ghe›eâce
Regions - #es$e Voluntary - mJewefÛÚkeâ
466. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 470. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) Nutrient (b) Suitable (a) Souvenir (b) Suseptible
(c) Seperate (d) Permanent (c) Symbolise (d) Sympathetic
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Misspelt word 589 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Suseptible' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Majestic - Meeveoej
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'susceptible' (DeeflemebJesoveMeerue/YeeJegkeâ) Flexible - ueÛeeruee
nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Faltering - nervelee/ogye&uelee
Souvenir – Ùeeoieej/efveMeeveer 475. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Symbolise – Øeleerkeâ nesiee (a) Symtoms (b) Pilgrim
Sympathetic – menevegYeteflehetCe& (c) Progress (d) Mystery
471. Parts of the following sentence have been given SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I
as options. Select the option that contains an Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'symtoms' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
error. Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'symptoms' [ue#eCe (jesie)] nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe
The lack of mutual bonding was conspicuous efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
from their shody body language in the
Pilgrim - leerLe&Ùee$eer
marriage party.
(a) marriage (b) conspicuous Progress - Øeieefle/Je=efæ
(c) shody (d) mutual Mystery - jnmÙe/cece&
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III) 476. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ Meyo 'shody' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ (a) Stationery (b) Stratagy
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Shoddy' (legÛÚ/vekeâueer) nesieer, peyeefkeâ (c) Statutory (d) Stationary
JeekeäÙe ceW ØeÙegòeâ DevÙe MeyoeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III
Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener Gòej nw~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ
efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'stratagy' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Correct Sentence- Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Strategy' (jCeveerefle/Ùegækeâuee) nesieer, peyeefkeâ
The lack of mutual bunding was conspicuous from their DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
shoddy body language in the marriage party
Stationery - uesKeve-meece«eer
472. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Statutory - JewOeeefvekeâ/keâevetveer
(a) Drastic (b) Surrugocy
(c) Cryptic (d) Obdurate Stationary - mLeeÙeer/efmLej
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II) 477. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'surrugocy' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ (a) Tongue (b) Heartbeat
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'surrogacy' (efkeâjeÙes keâer keâesKe) nessieer, (c) Secratariat (d) Performance
peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III
Drastic - Yeer<eCe/leer#Ce Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Secratariat' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Cryptic - ieghle/DeØekeâš nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Secretariat' (meefÛeJeeueÙe) nesieer, peyeefkeâ
Obdurate - n"er/keâ"esj DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Performance – ØeoMe&ve/keâeÙe& efve<heeove
473. Choose the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Cream (b) Sleam Heartbeat – ùoÙe keâer OeÌ[keâve
(c) Beam (d) Steam Tongue – peerYe/Yee<ee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II) 478. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'sleam' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (a) Chauffeur (b) Specielist
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'slim' (heleuee/Oetle&) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW (c) Anchor (d) Compere
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
Cream - ceueeF& Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Specielist' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Beam - efkeâjCe nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'specialist' (efJeMes<e%e) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe
Steam - Yeehe/Glmeen efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
474. Select the correctly spelt word. Chauffeur - ceesšj Ûeeuekeâ
(a) Magestic (b) Flexibal Anchor - meneje/uebiej
(c) Stringent (d) Faltering Compere - heefjÛeeÙekeâ
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
479. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'stringent' (keâ"esj/ÂÌ{) keâer (a) Autopsy (b) Anonymous
Jele&veer Megæ nw, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fvekeâer (c) Indefatigable (d) Supercede
Megæ Jele&veer efvecve nw- SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I

Misspelt word 590 YCT

Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Supercede' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) succint keâerr
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'supersede' (efJe<eÙe-Jemleg/Deueie keâjvee) Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'succinct' (mebef#ehle) nesieer,
nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Autopsy - MeJe-hejer#eCe lustrous - (Ûecekeâeruee/jesMeve)
Anonymous - iegceveece/De%eele dilemma - ogefJeOee
Indefatigable - DeLekeâ enigmatic - hensueervegcee, hesÛeeroe~

480. Select the incorrectly spelt word. 485. Select the misspelled word.
(a) acquaint (b) spectacles
(a) superior (b) superstition
(c) superceed (d) restaurant
(c) superflous (d) supreme
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) superceed keâerr
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) superflous keâer
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'supercedes' (DeefOejsefKele)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer Superfluous (Deefleefjòeâ) nesieer, DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ acquaint - (efkeâmeer Jemleg Ùee yeele mes heefjefÛele nesvee Ùee keâjJeevee)
Superstition - DebOeefJeÕeeme, Supreme - GÛÛelece, Superior - spectacles (ÛeMcee)
yesnlej restaurant- (peueheeve ie=n)
481. Select the incorrectly spelt word. 486. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Suspicion (b) Saspence (a) taelant (b) cleaver
(c) Suppress (d) Secrecy (c) centiment (d) serenity
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) saspence keâer Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) serenity
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'suspense' (Glmegkeâlee) nesieer~ (iebYeerjlee/Meebefle) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DeMegæ nw~
Suspicion - mebosn, Suppress - oyeevee, Secrecy - ieesheveerÙelee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
482. Select the incorrectly spelt word. (a) Talent – ØeefleYee/ÙeeesiÙelee
(a) Chameleon (b) Caterpillar (b) Clever–Ûelegj/Ûeeueekeâ
(c) Lizard (d) Scorpeon (c) Sentiment – YeeJe/efJeÛeej
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I) 487. Select the correctly spelt word.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) Scorpeon keâer (a) scissors (b) sweatter
(c) clattering (d) teribble
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Scorpion' (efyeÛÚt) nesieer~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'scissors'
Chameleon - efiejefieš, Caterpillar - Fuueer (pevleg) Lizard - (keQâÛeer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
efÚhekeâueer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
483. Select the misspelt word. Sweater- mJesšj, pemeea
(a) strech (b) swallow Cluttering- Skeâ JeeCeer oes<e efpemeceW yeesueles ngS De#ej ueghle nes peeles nQ
(c) sense (d) survey Terrible- YeÙe
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
488. Select the correctly spelt word.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) strech keâer Jele&veer (a) jewlry (b) defnition
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'stretch' (eEKeÛeeJe) nesieer~ DevÙe (c) scramble (d) acceptence
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Swallow - efveieuevee Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'scramble' (Úervee
Sense- YeeJevee/yeesOe Pehešer keâjvee, mebIe<e& keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer
Survey - meJex#eCe
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeWs keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
484. Select the misspelled word.
Jewellery- pesJej/DeeYet<eCe
(a) lustrous (b) succint
(c) dilemma (d) enigmatic Definition- heefjYee<ee
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) Acceptance- mJeerkeâej

Misspelt word 591 YCT

489. Select the wrongly spelt word. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) simultaneoues
(a) Sacrelegious (b) Millennium keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'simultaneous' (Skeâ
(c) Connoisseur (d) Manoeuvre meeLe/mecekeâeefuekeâ) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
simulation - DevegkeâjCe, vekeâue, Synthetic - peeueer, Stylistics
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) sacrelegious keâerr
- Mewueerieerle~
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer Sacrilegious (DeheefJe$e)
495. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ (a) Excess (b) Supportors
Millennium - menm$eeyoer, Connoisseur- heejKeer, Manoeuvre (c) Inclusion (d) Discriminatory
- kegâMeueleehetJe&keâ mebÛeeefuele keâjvee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III)
490. Select the wrongly spelt word. Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) 'supportors' keâerr
(a) whimsical (b) contiguous Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'supporters' (meceLe&keâ)
(c) spectaculer (d) adjacent nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Excess – DelÙeefOekeâ
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) spectaculer keâerr
Discriminatory – Yeso–YeeJe hetCe&
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'spectacular' (Meeveoej)
Inclusion – meceeJesMe
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
496. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Whimsical- mevekeâer
(a) Succumb (b) Success
Contiguous- meefVeefnle/efceuee ngDee (c) Surender (d) Succulent
Adjacent- DeemeVe/meše ngDee SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III)
491. Select the correctly spelt word. Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) surender keâerr
(a) saprate (b) separete Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'surrender' (Deelcemecehe&Ce)
(c) saperate (d) separate nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Succumb– oyeevee, Success– meheâuelee, succulent– jmeoej~
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) separate (Deueie)
497. Select the wrongly spelt word.
keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (a) Popularly (b) Sincearly
492. Select the wrongly spelt word. (c) Beggarly (d) Jocularly
(a) Scenary (b) Scarce SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) Scheme (d) Scanty
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) sincearly keâerr
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'sincerely' (F&ceeveoejer)
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) scenary keâerr Jele&veer
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'scenery' (ÂMÙe) nesieer~ DevÙe nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Popularly - Øepeeleebef$ekeâ ™he mes/meeceevÙele:/Deeceleewj hej
Scheme- Ùeespevee/GheeÙe Beggarly - YeerKe keâer lejn
Scanty- Deuhe/keâce Jocularly - nBmeer cepeekeâ ceW
Scarce- ogue&Ye 498. Select the word with the incorrect spelling
493. Select the wrongly spelt word. (a) Ascertain (b) Denounce
(a) settle (b) satallite (c) Systemetic (d) Combination
(c) satiate (d) session SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) systemetic keâerr
Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) satallite keâerr Jele&veer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'systematic' (JÙeJeefmLele)
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'satellite' (Ghe«en) nesieer~ DevÙe nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Ascertain - megefveef§ele keâjvee, Denounce - efveboe keâjvee,
Settle- mLeeefhele keâjvee Combination - cesue, Ùeesie~
Satiate- meble=hle keâjvee 499. In the following question, a word has been written
Session- DeefOeJesMeve, yew"keâ in four different ways out of which only one is
494. Select the wrongly spelt word. correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Simulation (b) Synthetic (a) Secratary (b) Secretery
(c) Simultaneoues (d) Stylistics (c) Secratery (d) Secretary
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I) SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Misspelt word 592 YCT
Ans : (d) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'secretary' Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) separate (he=Lekeâ
(meefÛeJe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ keâjvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
500. In the following Question, a word has been DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
written in four different ways out of which only Successful - keâeceÙeeye, meHeâue~
one is correctly spelled. Select the correct Siege - Iesje, DeJejesOe~
spelled word Superficial - yeenjer, melener~
(a) Sicondary (b) Secondiry
506. Select the correctly spelt word.
(c) Secondary (d) Secondory
(a) Scienctific (b) scientific
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III)
(c) Scientefic (d) Sceintific
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'secondary' SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(ceeOÙeefcekeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) scientific
501. In the following Question, a word has been (efJe%eeve mebyebefOele) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
written in four different ways out of which only DeMegæ nw~
one is correctly spelled. Select the correct 507. Select the correctly spelt word.
spelled word (a) Supplimantry (b) Supplimentry
(a) Strength (b) Strenth (c) Supplementary (d) Supplemantry
(c) Stringth (d) Strentgh SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) supplementary
Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'strength' (Deveghetjkeâ) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
(cepeyetleer) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ 508. Select the wrongly spelt word.
502. In the following question, a word has been (a) Secretary (b) Suspicous
written in four different ways out of which only (c) Sustain (d) Schedule
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II)
word. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) 'Suspicous' keâer
(a) Sukceed (b) Succed
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer Suspicious (mebosnpevekeâ)
(c) Sucede (d) Succeed
nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)
Sustain - yeveeS jKevee, Secretary - meefÛeJe, Schedule -
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) succeed (meHeâue
metÛeer, keâeÙe&›eâce~
nesvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
503. In the following question, a word has been T
written in four different ways out of which only 509. Choose the incorrectly spelt word.
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt (a) Locker (b) Rift
word. (c) Tihgt (d) Stock
(a) Sponsor (b) Esponsor SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I)
(c) Sponser (d) Sponcer
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Tihgt' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II)
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Tight' (lebie/keâef"ve/Ieefve‰) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) sponsor (DeeefLe&keâ efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
mebj#eCe osvee) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Locker - Úesše Deeueceejer (leeueeÙegòeâ)
504. In the following question, a word has been Rift - ojej/cevecegšeJe
written in four different ways out of which only
Stock - YeC[ej/hetBpeer
one is correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt
word. 510. Choose the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Satelite (b) Sattelite (a) Molest (b) Called
(c) Satellite (d) Sattellite (c) Reflect (d) Temparory
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II) SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) satellite (ke=âef$ece Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Temparory' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
Ghe«en) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Temporary' (DemLeeÙeer/Deuhekeâeefuekeâ)
nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
505. Select the correctly spelt word.
Molest - ÚsÌ[ÚeÌ[
(a) Separate (b) Succesful
(c) Seige (d) Superfisial Called - yegueeÙee
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I) Reflect - Øeefleefyebefyele/Øeefleefyebye [euevee
Misspelt word 593 YCT
511. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. 516. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Sentence (b) Artificial (a) aggravate (b) titilate
(c) Tendancy (d) Matrimony (c) mediate (d) initiate
SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Tendancy' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) titilate keâer Jele&veer
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Tendency' (ØeJe=efòe/™Peeve) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DeMegæ nw Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer titillate (menueevee) nesieer~ DevÙe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Sentence : JeekeäÙe/mepee Mediate - ceOÙemLe, initiate - DeejbYe, aggravate - YeÌ[keâevee~
Artificial : ke=âef$ece 517. Select the misspelt word.
Matrimony : efJeJeen-mebmkeâej (a) tyrrany (b) vicious
(c) resistance (d) pursue
512. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Tution (b) Manners
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) tyrrany keâerr Jele&veer
(c) Circuit (d) Genuine
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'tyranny' (DelÙeeÛeej) nesieer, DevÙe
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Tution' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
vicious - Meeeflej Yeü°, oes<eer
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Tuition' nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer
resistance - ØeeflejesOe, yeeOee
Megæ nw~
pursue - Deeies jKevee, heerÚe keâjvee, ue#Ùe jKevee
Manners - efMe°eÛeej/efjJeepe
518. Select the correctly spelt word.
Circuit - heefjheLe/heefjefOe
(a) tuetion (b) tuttion
Genuine - JeemleefJekeâ/meÛÛee (c) tuition (d) tution
513. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Longitude (b) Manners Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) tuition (DeOÙeeheve)
(c) Contrary (d) Terribal keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II 519. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Terribal' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ (a) trenquility (b) schedule
Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Terrible' (YeÙeevekeâ/[jeJevee) nesieer, peyeefkeâ (c) acceleration (d) vacuum
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Longitude - osMeevlej Ans : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) trenquility keâerr
Manners - efMe°eÛeej/Deeole Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'tranquility' (Meebefle) nesieer~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Contrary - efJejesOe/efJehejerle
Schedule - DevegmetÛeer/meceÙe-meejCeer
514. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt work.
Acceleration - lJejCe/ieefleJeOe&ve
(a) Temprate (b) Cooperate
(c) Syndicate (d) Contemplate Vacuum - efveJee&le
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III 520. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) turbulance (b) 'turbulense'
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'Temprate' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ
(c) turbulence (d) terbulence
nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Temperate' (mebÙeceer/mebkeâesÛeer) nesieer, peyeefkeâ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'turbulence'
Cooperate - menÙeesie/menÙeesie osvee (DeMeebefle) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Syndicate - mebIe/meYee 521. Select the wrongly spelt word.
Contemplate - efJeÛeej keâjvee (a) trivial (b) tution
515. Select the incorrectly spelt word. (c) tyranny (d) typical
(a) disappear (b) until SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) twelth (d) temperature Ans : (b) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) tution keâerr Jele&veer
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I) DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'tuition' (DeOÙeeheve) nesieer~ DevÙe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) twelth keâer Jele&veer efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
DeMegæ nw efpemekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'twelfth' (yeejnJeeB) nesieer~ DevÙe Trivial- legÛÚ, Tyranny- GlheerÌ[ve, DelÙeeÛeej
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Typical- vecetves keâe

Misspelt word 594 YCT

522. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
(a) Tumulttous (b) Trousseau
(c) Belligerent (d) Pharmaceutical 528. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I) (a) Incriminating (b) Embodiment
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) Tumulttous keâerr (c) Unpretensious (d) Cancellation
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'tumultuous' SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(keâesueenuehetCe&) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Unpretensious
Trousseau– ogunve keâe meepe meeceeve, Belligerent– ueÌ[eketâ, keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw Fmeer Megæ Jele&veer 'Unpretentious' (mejue) nw~
Me$egleehetCe&, Dee›eâecekeâ, Pharmaceutical – Deew<eefOeÙeeW Deewj DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
oJeeFÙeeW kesâ efvecee&Ce mes mecyeefvOele~ Incriminating - yejeceo, Embodiment - DeJeleej,
523. Select the correctly spelt word. Cancellation - jö keâjvee~
(a) Tution (b) Tuition 529. Select the misspelled word.
(c) Tiution (d) Tuetion (a) userp (b) unique
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II) (c) impeach (d) implore
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) tuition (efMe#eCe) SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) userp keâerr Jele&veer
524. Select the correctly spelt word. DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'usurp' (nÌ[hevee) nesieer, DevÙe
(a) Tendency (b) Tyeranny efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
(c) Twelth (d) Tommorow unique - DeefÉleerÙe
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
impeach - ceneefYeÙeesie ueieevee
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) tendency
implore - ÙeeÛevee keâjvee
(ØeJe=efle) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
530. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
525. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Recurrent (b) Unpretensious
(a) Temparary (b) Threshold
(c) Temparature (d) Tachnique (c) Dilemma (d) Excellence
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) threshold Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) unpretensious
(ÛeewKeš) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ keâerr Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'unpretentious' (mejue)
DevÙe efJekeâuheesW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Temporary– DemLeeÙeer~ Recurrent – DeeJele&keâ
Temperature– leeheceeve~ Dilemma – ogefJeOee/Demecebpeme
Technique– lekeâveerkeâ, ØeefJeefOe~ Excellence – ßes‰lee/Glke=â°lee
526. Select the wrongly spelt word. 531. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Rogue (b) Argue (a) Undoutedly
(c) Toungue (d) Vague (b) Uniique
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Unforgatable
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Toungue keâer (d) Unfortunately
Jele&veer ieuele nw, Fmekeâer mener Jele&veer, 'Tongue' (peerYe) nw~ SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Rogue - yeoceeMe/Oetle& Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) unfortunately
Argue - efJeJeeo/yenme keâjvee (og Yee&iÙe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Vague - OegbOeuee, Demhe° DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer-
527. Choose the correctly spelt word. undoubtedly - efvemebosn, yesMekeâ
(a) lgnorence (b) Interupt unique - Skeâcee$e, Devet"e
(c) Thriller (d) Colaborate unforgettable - DeefJemcejCeerÙe~
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) 'Thriller' V
(mevemeveerKespe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
532. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
DevÙe efJekeâuheesW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- (a) Consonant (b) Similar
Ignorance- De%eevelee, Interrupt- yeeOee, Collaborate- (c) Treasure (d) Vaccenation
menÙeesie~ SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I)

Misspelt word 595 YCT

Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'vaccenation' keâer Jele&veer W
DeMegæ nw~ Megæ Jele&veer ‘vaccination’ (šerkeâekeâjCe/mebjesheCe) nesieer, 538. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the
peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ given sentence.
Consonant :- JÙebpeve/Deveg™he It is wierd to overreact on the consequences like
Similar :- meceeve/meÂMe this, it didn’t even matter at the end of the day.
(a) Matter (b) Wierd
Treasure :- Kepeevee/efveefOe
(c) Consequences (d) Overreact
533. Select the incorrectly spelt word. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
(a) Anxious (b) Moisture Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ underlined word ceW mes 'Wierd'.
(c) Mimic (d) Vishious
keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'worried' (efÛebeflele nesvee)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) Vishious keâer Matter - ceeceuee/heoeLe&
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Vicious' - (Meeeflej/Yeü°) nw~ Consequences - heefjCeece/cenlJe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Overreact - DeefOekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee keâjvee
Anxious - efÛebeflele, Mimic - vekeâue Gleejvee, Moisture - veceer~
539. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
534. Select the correctly spelt word. (a) Cradle (b) Fruitful
(a) wengence (b) vengance (c) Wilfull (d) Unction
(c) wengeance (d) vengeance SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'wilfull' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'vengeance' Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'willful' (peeve-yetPekeâj) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe
(ØeefleMeesOe) keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
nw~ Cradle - heeuevee, Fruitful - ueeYeoeÙekeâ,
535. Select the wrongly spelt word. Unction - iece&peesMeer/cejnce
(a) eager (b) beggar 540. Choose the incorrently spelt word.
(c) vehical (d) value (a) WAISE (b) FITTER
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III) (c) COURIER (d) COURSE
Ans : (c) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) vehical keâerr Jele&veer SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I)
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'vehicle' (Jeenve) nesieer~ DevÙe Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes 'WAISE' keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'wise' (yegefæceeve) nesieer, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
Eager- Glmegkeâ, Beggar- efYeKeejer, Value- keâercele keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Fitter - efceŒeer, Courier - mebosMeJeenkeâ
536. Select the wrongly spelt word.
(a) video (b) voluntary Course - keâeÙe&ØeCeeueer
(c) voracous (d) valour 541. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) (a) governor (b) conductor
(c) inspector (d) waitor
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) voracous keâerr
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'voracious' (ueeueÛeer) nesieer~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) waitor keâer Jele&veer
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DeMegæ nw~ Dele: Gmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer waiter (hejesmeves Jeeuee) nesieer~
video - Jeeref[Ùees, ÛeueefÛe$e, 'voluntary' - mJewefÛÚkeâ, valour - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
yeneogjer, Jeerjlee Inspector-efvejer#ekeâ, Governor-jepÙeheeue,
537. Select the incorrectly spelt word. Conductor-heefjÛeeuekeâ
(a) Exterminated (b) Voilence 542. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(c) Unmangeable (d) wildernesses (a) Cerebral (b) Scrutinize
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I) (c) Withdrawl (d) Arbitrary
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe voilence keâer Jele&veer SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
DeMegæ nw Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'violence' (efnbmee) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Withdrawl keâer
keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'withdrawal' (Jeehemeer) nw~
Exterminated - efJeveeme keâjvee, Unmangeable - ve JÙeJeefmLele DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
keâjves ÙeesiÙe, Wildernesses - efvepe&ve ØeosMe Arbitrary - ceveceevee, Scrutinize - peebÛevee, Cerebral - efoceeieer~

Misspelt word 596 YCT

543. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Witness (b) Wisdum
(c) Wimper (d) Welth 549. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I) (a) ceiling (b) grief
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) witness (mee#eer) (c) yeild (d) niece
keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer Fme Øekeâej nw- Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) yeild keâerr Jele&veer
Ans. (c) :
Wisdom–yegefæceeveer, Whimper–ef"veef"veenš, Wealth– Oeve
DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'yield' (cegveeHeâe) nesieer~ DevÙe
544. In the following question, a word has been written
in four different ways out of which only one is efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
correctly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word. ceiling - TBÛeeF&, grief - og:Ke, niece - Yeleerpeer
(a) Woolen (b) Woollen
550. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(c) Wollen (d) Wolen
(a) Victimize (b) Veteran
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)
(c) Commotion (d) Yern
Ans. (b) : GhejesòeâefJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) woollen (Tveer
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
keâheÌ[s) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
545. Select the correctly spelt word.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) yern keâer Jele&veer
(a) Welfare (b) Wellfare DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'yearn' (leer›e FÛÚe) nesieer~ DevÙe
(c) Wellfair (d) Welfair efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I) Victimize - meleevee, Veteran - DevegYeJeer, Commotion -
Ans. : (a) Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (a) 'Welfare' Meesjiegue
(keâuÙeeCe) keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~
551. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
546. Select the correctly spelt word.
(a) Arena (b) Journal
(a) Wadnesday (b) Worthwile
(c) Wayther (d) Weird (c) Yall (d) Visual
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (d) 'weird' (efJeefÛe$e) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) yall keâer Jele&veer
keâerr Jele&veer Megæ nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ DeMegæ nw, Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'yell' (efÛeuueevee) nesieer~ DevÙe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Megæ Jele&veer- efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Wednesday – yegOeJeej~ Arena - DeKeeÌ[e, Journal - heef$ekeâe, Visual - ÂMÙe
Worthwhile – GheÙegòeâ, ueeYeØeo~
Weather – ceewmece~ Z
552. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(a) Clutch (b) Zelot
547. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
(c) Precise (d) Cause
(a) Wan (b) Veteran
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Xanial (d) Vie
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) Zelot keâer Jele&veer
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Xanial keâer Jele&veer DeMegæ nw Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Zealot' (Deefle Glmeener) nesieer~ DevÙe
DeMegæ nw Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Xenial' (DeeefleLÙe) nesieer~ efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ Clutch - keâypee keâjvee, Precise - mešerkeâ, Cause - keâejCe~
Veteran - DevegYeJeer, Wan - keâcepeesj, Vie - ØeeflemheOee& keâjvee~ 553. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
548. Select the incorrectly spelt word. (a) Kudos (b) Zeast
(a) Climax (b) Vicious (c) Acute (d) Rare
(c) Xanophobia (d) Adorn
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (b) Zeast keâer Jele&veer
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW mes efJekeâuhe (c) Xanophobia keâer
Jele&veer DeMegæ nw~ Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer 'Xenophobia' (efJeosefMeÙeeW mes DeMegæ nw, Fmekeâer Megæ Jele&veer Zest (efoueÛemheer) nesieer~ DevÙe
[j) nesieer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~ efJekeâuheeW keâer Jele&veer Megæ nw~
Climax - Ûejceefyevog, Vicious - og°, Adorn - mepeevee~ Kudos - ØeMebmee, Acute - leer›e, Rare - ogue&Ye~

Misspelt word 597 YCT

TCS hewšve& hej DeeOeeefjle
(Based On TCS Pattern)
Chapterwise Exam Question No. Years
1 CGL (Tier-1) 12
CGL (Tier-2) 5
A CHSL (Tier-1) 17
CHSL (Tier-2) 8
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 6 (2017–2023)
2 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
B CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
3 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 5
CHSL (Tier-1) 8
C CHSL (Tier-2) 6
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4 (2017–2023)
4 CGL (Tier-1) 4
CGL (Tier-2) 3
D CHSL (Tier-1) 8
CHSL (Tier-2) 5
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
5 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 4
E CHSL (Tier-2) 5
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
6 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 3 (2017–2023)

One Word Substitution 598 YCT

F Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4
7 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 3
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
G Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
8 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
H Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
9 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 4
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4 (2017–2023)
10 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) - (2017–2023)
J Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
11 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
K Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
12 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
L CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
13 CGL (Tier-1) 4
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 2

One Word Substitution 599 YCT

M CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 3 (2017–2023)
14 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
N CHSL (Tier-2) -
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
15 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
O CHSL (Tier-1) 3
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
16 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
P CHSL (Tier-1) 4
CHSL (Tier-2) 8
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
17 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
Q CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
18 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 3
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
R Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 3
19 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 8
CHSL (Tier-1) 13
CHSL (Tier-2) 5 (2017–2023)
S Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
20 CGL (Tier-1) 2

One Word Substitution 600 YCT

CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 3
T Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
21 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
22 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
V Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)
23 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
W Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
24 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
X Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)
25 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) - (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
26 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Z Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)

One Word Substitution 601 YCT

Analysis of Questions topicwise from CGL (Pre & Mains) CHSL
(Pre & Mains) Selection Post VII, VIII, XI, SSC MTS, SSC GD &
Other Exams (2017-2023)

90 83

70 65

44 46
40 34 35
30 22
19 17 18 19 18
14 16
20 12
6 5 8 5 4
10 2 3

T, 16 U, 4 V, 18 W, 8 X, 2 Y, 3 Z, 5
A, 83
S, 35 B, 19
R, 14
C, 65
Q, 5

P, 46
D, 22

O, 19 E, 34
N, 18
F, 17
M, 30
L, 8 G, 12
K, 5 J, 6 I, 44 H, 27

One Word Substitution 602 YCT

Choose the word that can substitute the given
A group of words.
1. Choose the word that can substitute the given A person who does not believe in God
group of word. (a) Iconoclast (b) Highbrow
(c) Atheist (d) Lecher
A person appointed by two parties to solve a
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I)
(a) Jury (b) Advocate Ans. (c) : ef o Ùes ieÙes Group of words, ‘A person who does
(c) Judge (d) Arbitrator not believe in God’ kes â ef ueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Atheist’ (veeefmlekeâ)
SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III) nesiee~
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A person appointed DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Iconoclast – cetefle&hetpee keâe efJejesOe keâjves Jeeuee~
by two parties to solve a problem.’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Highbrow – Iebce[er~
‘Arbitrator’ (ceOÙemLelee keâjves Jeeuee) nesiee~
Lecher – keâecegkeâ JÙeefòeâ~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
5. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Jury- efveCee&Ùekeâ meefceefle~ group of words.
Advocate- DeefOeJekeälee~ Open to more than one interpretation, not
Judge- vÙeeÙeeOeerMe~ having one obvious meaning
(a) Altercation (b) Ambiguous
2. Select the most appropriate word for the given (c) Alchemy (d) Amateur
group of words. SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
Extreme physical or mental sufferings
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Open to more than
(a) Aviary (b) Autonomy
one interpretation, not having one obvious meaning’ kesâ
(c) Autocracy (d) Agony
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
ef ueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Ambiguous’ (DeveskeâeLe&keâ) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Extreme physical or
Altercation- efJeJeeo, PeieÌ[e~
mental sufferings.’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Agony’ (heerÌ[e,
Alchemy – jme–efJeOee~
Ùeelevee) nesiee~ Amateur – DevegYeJenerve Ùee MeewefkeâÙee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – 6. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Aviary – he#eerMeeuee- word substitute for the given group of words.
Autocracy – Skeâleb$e Ùee efvejbkegâMe Meemeve~ Life history written by oneself.
Autonomy- mJebÙe keâe Meemeve Ùee mJejepÙe~ (a) Autobiography (b) Autocracy
(c) Autography (d) Autophagy
3. Choose the word that can substitute the given SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II)
group of words. Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘life history written
A government run by a single person
by oneself’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Autobiography’ (DeelcekeâLee)
(a) Anocracy (b) Gerontocracy
(c) Bureaucracy (d) Autocracy
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw –
Autocracy- efvejbkegâMelee, Skeâleb$e Meemeve~
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A government run
Autography – mJenmle uesKeve~
by a single person’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Autocracy’ (Skeâleb$e
Autophagy – mJeeÙeòe peerJeer, mJehees<eer~
Ùee efvejbkegâMelee) nesiee~
7. Select the option that can be used as a one-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- word substitute for the given group of words.
Anocracy – Ssmeer mejkeâej pees ueeskeâleb$e Deewj efvejbkegâMelee keâe efceßeCe A large cage, building, or enclosure to keep
nes~ birds
(a) Apiary (b) Burrow
Gerontocracy – Je=æ ueesieeW keâe Meemeve~
(c) Aviary (d) Dormitory
Bureaucracy – veewkeâjMeener~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)

One Word Substitution 603 YCT

Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘ A large cage, Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A remedy to
building’ or enclosure to keep birds’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo counteract the effects of poison’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
‘Aviary’ (he#eerMeeuee) nesiee~ ‘Antidote’ (penjkeâeš, Øeeflekeâejkeâ) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Apiary – ceOegceefkeäKeÙeeW kesâ heeueves keâe mLeeve~ Antibody – Øeeflej#eer~
Burrow – ceebo, efyeue~ Antiseptic – meÌ[ve jeskeâvesJeeueer oJee, jesieeCegjesOekeâ~
Dormitory – Úe$eeJeeme~ Antibiotic - peerJeeCegveeMekeâ oJee~
8. Choose the word that can substitute the given 12. Select the option that can be used as a one-
group of words. word substitute for the given group of words.
A person who given up their beliefs A fictional being from another world
(a) Misanthrope (b) Versatile (a) Foreigner (b) Alien
(c) Apostate (d) Crusade (c) Stranger (d) Native
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A person who given Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A fictional being
up their beliefs’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Apostate’ (mJeOe&celÙeeieer) from another world’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Alien’ (efJeosMeer)
nesiee~ nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Misanthrope – Jen JÙeefòeâ pees ceeveJe peeefle mes Ie=Cee keâjlee nw~ Foreigner – hejosmeer, ØeJeemeer ceveg<Ùe~
Versatile – yengcegKeer ØeefleYeeJeeve~ Stranger – Depeveyeer~
Crusade – Oece& Ùegæ ~ Native – mJeosMeer~
9. Select the most appropriate 'one word' for the 13. Select the option that can be used as a one-
expression given below. word substitute for the given group of words.
Study of human being and their ancestors Sharpness and accuracy of judgment
through time. (a) Experience (b) Estimation
(a) Anthropology (b) Physiology (c) Knowledge (d) Acumen
(c) Biology (d) Ethnology SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I) Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘sharpness and
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘study of human accuracy of judgment’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Acumen’
being and their ancestors through time’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo (kegâMee«e yegefæ) nesiee~
‘Anthropology’ (ØeeCeer efJe%eeve) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- Experience – DevegYeJe~
Physiology- Mejerj ef›eâÙee efJe%eeve~
Estimation – Devegceeve Ùee Deekeâueve keâjvee~
Biology – peerJe efJe%eeve~
Knowledge – peevekeâejer Ùee %eeve~
Ethnology – peerJe heefjefmLeeflekeâer efJe%eeve~
14. Select the option that can be used as a one-
10. Select the option that can be used as a one- word substitute for the given group of words.
word substitute for the given group of words.
To walk aimlessly
A tank for fish or water plants
(a) Slither (b) Amble
(a) Aquarium (b) Museum
(c) Crawl (d) Sprint
(c) Reservoir (d) Aviary
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘To walk aimlessly’
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A tank for fish or water
plants’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Aquarium’ (ceÚueerIej) nesiee~ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Amble’ (Oeerjs-Oeerjs Ûeuevee) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Museum – meb«eneueÙe ~ Slither – uegÌ{keâvee~
Reservoir – peueeMeÙe~ Crawl – efIemešvee~
Aviary – he#eerMeeuee~ Sprint – yengle lespeer mes oewÌ[vee, hetjs Jesie mes oewÌ[vee~
11. Select the option that can be used as a one- 15. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words. word substitute for the given group of words.
A remedy to counteract the effects of poison A glass container to keep fish
(a) Antibody (b) Antidote (a) Atrium (b) Vase
(c) Antiseptic (d) Antibiotic (c) Aquarium (d) Beaker
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III
One Word Substitution 604 YCT
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A glass container to 19. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words.
keep fish’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Aquarium’ (celmÙeeueÙe) nesiee~
Formally put an end to a system, practice, or
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- institution
Atrium – heefjkeâes‰, Deefuebo ~ (a) Kill (b) Destroy
Vase - Hetâueoeve, keâueMe~ (c) Abolish (d) Stop
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I
Beaker – keâeBÛe keâe hee$e, šesšeroej hee$e~
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Formally put an end
16. Select the option that can be used as a one- to a system, practice, or institution, kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
word substitute for the given group of words.
'Abolish' (meceehle keâjvee) nesiee~
One who is not sure about God's existence
(a) Agnostic (b) Anchor
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Pantheist (d) Haggard Kill – ceej [euevee~
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II Destroy – ve° keâjvee~
Stop - ™keâvee Ùee jeskeâvee~
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘One who is not sure
about God’s existence’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo (Agnostic) 20. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words.
(DeefveÕejJeeoer) nesiee~ Deliberately and maliciously set something
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (buildings usually) on fire
Anchor – uebiej [euevee~ (a) Agrarian (b) Arson
(c) Ambush (d) Apex
Pantheist – meYeer osJeleeDeeW keâes ceeveves Jeeuee~
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I
Haggard – pebieueer Ùee ogyeuee-heleuee~ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Deliberately and
17. Select the option that can be used as a one- maliciously set something (buildings usually) on fire’ kesâ
word substitute for the given group of words. efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Arson’ (Deeiepeveer) nesiee~
A person who believes in or tries to bring about DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
a state of lawlessness
Agrarian – ke=âef<e – mebyebOeer~
(a) Ephemeral (b) Deluge
Ambush – Ieele ueieevee~
(c) Gazette (d) Anarchist
SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I Apex – Ûeesšer ~
Ans. (d): efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A person who 21. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words.
believes in or tries to bring about a state of lawlessness’ One who is hostile and violent
kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Anarchist’ (DejepekeâleeJeeoer) nesiee~ (a) Idle (b) Aggressive
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Legendary (d) Agreeable
Ephemeral – Deuhekeâeefuekeâ~ SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
Deluge – yeeÌ{~ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘One who is hostile
and violent’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo aggressive’ (Dee›eâecekeâ) nesiee~
Gazette – jepe-he$e~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
18. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Idle – Deeuemeer~
word substitute for the underlined group of
words. Legendary – keâeuheefvekeâ~
Several literary pieces of the Old English Agreeable – mencele nesvee~
period are written by authors whose names are 22. Select the option that can be used as a one-
not known. word substitute for the given group of words.
(a) Anonymous (b) Undercover A place where government records are kept
(c) Anomalies (d) Renowned (a) Cloakroom (b) Cache
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I (c) Hangar (d) Archive
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle Group of words ‘whose
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A place where
names are not known’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Anonymous’
government records are kept’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Archive’
(iegceveece) nesiee~ (uesKeeieej) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Undercover – ieghleÛej ~ Cloakroom – meceeve jKeves keâe mLeeve ~
Anomalies – Demebieefle ~ Cache – ieghle YeC[ej~
Renowned – megØeefmeæ, cementj ~ Hanger – efJeceeveMeeuee~

One Word Substitution 605 YCT

23. Select the option that can be used as a one- 27. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words. word substitute for the given group of words.
The branch of physics concerned with the One who does not believe in the existence of
properties of sound God.
(a) Optics (b) Photonics (a) Atheist (b) Cynic
(c) Mechanics (d) Acoustics (c) Anarchist (d) Egotist
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'The branch of physics Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Group of word, one who does not
concerned with the properties of sound' kesâ efueS GefÛele believe in the existence of God kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'Atheist'
one word efJekeâuhe (d) 'Acoustics' (OJeefve efJe%eeve) nesiee~ DevÙe (veeefmlekeâ) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Cynic - ceeveJeÉs<eer, Anarchist - DejepekeâleeJeeoer, Egotist -
Mechanics - Ùeebef$ekeâer, Photonics - Heâesšesefvekeäme, Optics - Denbkeâejer/mJeeLeea~
ØekeâeefMekeâer~ 28. Select the most appropriate one-word
substitution for the given words.
24. Select the option which means the same as the
A government by the nobles
group of words given.
(a) Democracy (b) Oligarchy
Animal that can live both on land and in water
(c) Aristocracy (d) Monarchy
(a) Arboreal (b) Amphibian
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) Vertebrate (d) Mammal
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A government by the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words ' Animal that can live nobles' kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe (c) 'Aristocracy' (kegâueerve
both on land and in water' kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) Amphibian
leb$e) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Democracy - ueeskeâleb$e
(GYeÙeÛej) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
Oligarchy - Deuheleb$e
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Monarchy - jepeleb$e
Vertebrate - keâMes¤keâer, ces¤ob[er
29. Select the most appropriate one-word
Arboreal - Je=#e hej jnves Jeeues, Jeevemheeflekeâ~
substitution for the given words.
Mammal - mleveOeejer~ A partner in crime
25. Select the word which means the same as the (a) Accomplice (b) Alibi
group of words given. (c) Amateur (d) Agent
A person who presents and acts as a link in a SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
radio or news programme Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A partner in crime' kesâ
(a) programmer (b) disc jockey
efueS one word efJekeâuhe (a) 'Accomplice' (menDehejeOeer) GheÙegòeâ
(c) anchor (d) actor
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I)
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ-
Amateur - veewefmeefKeÙee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ group of words ' A person who
presents and acts as a link in a radio or news Alibi - DevegheefmLeefle Ùee yenevee~
programme' kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) Anchor (ØeoMe&keâ) nesiee~ Agent - ØeefleefveefOe~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 30. Select the word which means the same as the
Disc Jockey - JÙeefòeâ pees ueeskeâefØeÙe mebieerle Øemlegle keâjs, group of words given.
A person who does not believe in God
Actor - DeefYeveslee,
(a) spiritualist (b) atheist
Programmer - mebieCekeâ ›eâce efueKeves Jeeuee~ (c) hypocrite (d) sceptic
26. Select the option that can be used as a one- SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
word substitute for the given group of words. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A person who does
A person who presents a radio/television not believe in God' kesâ efueS one word 'atheist' (veeefmlekeâ)
programme. GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ~
(a) Idol (b) Anchor
spiritualist - DeOÙeelceJeeoer~
(c) Speaker (d) Star
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I) hypocrite - heeKeÌ[er~
sceptic - mebosnJeeoer~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Group of words 'A person who
presents a radio/television programme' kesâ efueS one word 31. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given.
'Anchor' (ØeoMe&keâ) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Branch of physics dealing with the properties
Star - efmeleeje, Idol - Øeeflecee, Speaker - Jeòeâe~ of sound
One Word Substitution 606 YCT
(a) mechanics (b) radiation 35. Select the word which means the same as the
(c) acoustics (d) audition group of words given.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) A person appointed by two parties to resolve a
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'Branch of physics
(a) broker (b) valuer
dealing with the properties of sound' kesâ efueS one word (c) auditor (d) arbitrator
'acoustics' (OJeefvekeâ) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
mechanics - Ùeebef$ekeâer~ Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person appointed
radiation - Ûecekeâ~ by two parties to resolve a dispute' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
audition - ßeJeCe~ 'Arbitrator' (ceOÙemLelee keâjves Jeeuee) nesiee~
32. In the following question, out of the four DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
alternative, select the alternative which is the Valuer - cenlJe osves Jeeuee~
best substitute of the phrase. Auditor - uesKee peesKee jKeves Jeeuee~
Killing of birds Broker - oueeue~
(a) Herbicide (b) Avicide
Select the word which means the same as the
(c) Vulpicide (d) Matricide group of words given.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 A place for storing guns and military
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ group of words, Killing of birds kesâ efueS equipment
efJekeâuhe (b) 'Avicide' (efÛeefÌ[ÙeeW keâes ceejves Jeeuee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
(a) apiary (b) arsenal
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) archive (d) aviary
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Herbicide – MeekeâveeMekeâ~
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a place for storing
Vulpicide – efieæes keâes ceejves Jeeuee, ueesceÌ[er keâer nlÙee~
guns and military equipment' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Arsenal'
Matricide – ceele=nlÙee~
(Mem$eeieej, Ùegæ meece«eer keâe YeC[ej) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
33. Select the most appropriate one-word
Apiary- ceOegJeeefškeâe, ceOegcekeäKeerMeeuee~
substitution for the given group of words.
A person who is trained for travelling into Archive- hegjeuesKe, Ssefleneefmekeâ DeefYeuesKe~
space Aviary- he#eerMeeuee~
(a) scientist (b) physicist 37. Select one word substitution for the given
(c) astronaut (d) pilot words.
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) To give up the throne
Ans. (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person who is (a) bequeath (b) usurp
(c) consign (d) abdicate
trained for travelling into space' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
'astronaut' (Devleefj#e Ùee$eer) nesiee~
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'To give up the throne'
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Abdicate' (lÙeeievee) nesiee~
scientist - Jew%eeefvekeâ~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
physicist - Yeeweflekeâ efJe%eeveer~ Consign - Yespevee~
pilot - JeeÙegÙeeve Ûeeuekeâ~ Usurp - nÌ[hevee~
34. Select the most appropriate word which means Bequeath - JemeerÙele keâjvee~
the same as the group of words given.
38. Select the word which means the same as the
Extreme mental or physical suffering
group the given.
(a) agony (b) acute
an enclosure to keep the birds in
(c) rapture (d) ecstasy (a) stable (b) apiary
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) (c) sanctuary (d) aviary
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'extreme mental or SSC CGL (Tier-I)–06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
physical suffering' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'agony' (JÙeLee/keâ°) Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'An enclosure to keep
nesiee~ the birds in' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Aviary' (efÛeef[
Ì ÙeeIej) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
acute - leer›e Stable - Demleyeue/IegÌ[meeue~
rapture - Glmeen Apiary - ceOegcekeäKeerIej~
ecstasy - Deevevo Sanctuary - DeYÙeejCÙe~

One Word Substitution 607 YCT

39. Select the most appropriate word which means (a) topics (b) programme
the same as the group of words given. (c) agenda (d) timetable
A word formed from the initial letter of other SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
words. Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A list of items to be
(a) acronym (b) homonym discussed at a formal meeting' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Agenda'
(c) toponym (d) pseudonym (keâeÙe&metÛeer) nesiee~
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Topics - efJe<eÙe, Programme -
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A word formed from
keâeÙe&›eâce, Time table - meceÙe meejCeer~
the initial letter of other words' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
44. Select the most appropriate option that can be
'acronym' (mebef#ehle ™he) nesiee~ used as a one-word substitute for the given
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- group of words.
Homonym- meceveece, Pseudonym - Úodceveece~ A sea or stretch of water having many islands.
40. Select the option which is the most appropriate (a) ocean (b) harbour
one word substitution for the given group of (c) bay (d) archipelago
words. SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
One who devotes one's life to the welfare of Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A sea or stretch of
other people. water having many islands' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
(a) alchemist (b) altruist 'Archipelago' (Éerhe mecetn) nesiee~
(c) ambassador (d) martyr DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ocean - cenemeeiej, Harbour - yebojieen, Bay - KeeÌ[er
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who devotes one's
45. Select the option which is the most appropriate
life to the welfare of other people' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Altruist' one word substitution for the given group of
(hejeshekeâejer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Alchemist-jemeeÙeve efJeö, words.
Ambassador-jepeotle, Martyr-Menero~ Statement open to more than one
41. Select the option which is the most appropriate interpretation.
one word substitution for the given group of (a) ambidextrous (b) ambushed
words. (c) ambiguous (d) ambrosial
One who denies oneself ordinary bodily SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
pleasures. Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Statement open to
(a) ascetic (b) aesthetic more than one interpretation.' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
(c) atheist (d) theist 'Ambiguous' (DeveskeâeLe&keâ) nesiee~
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who denies Ambidextrous - oesvees neLeeW mes meceeve ™he mes keâeÙe& keâjves Jeeuee~
oneself ordinary bodily pleasures' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo - Ambushed - Ieele ueieekeâj nceuee keâjvee~
'Ascetic' (mevÙeemeer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ambrosial - effoJÙe/mJeeefo°~
Aesthetic - meeQoÙe& Øesceer, Atheist - veeefmlekeâ, Theist - Deeefmlekeâ~ 46. Select the option which is the most appropriate
42. Select the option which is the most appropriate one word substitution for the given group of
one word substitution for the given group of words.
words. A place where weapones and ammunitions are
A shortened form of a word or phrase stored
(a) abbreviation (b) pseudonym (a) Godown (b) Museum
(c) precis (d) summary (c) Arsenal (d) Hangar
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A place where
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A shortened form of a
weapones and ammunitions are stored ' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
word or phrase' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Abbreviation' (efkeâmeer
'Arsenal' (Mem$eeieej) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efvecve nQ-
Meyo keâe mebef#ehle ™he) nesiee~
Godown (ieesoece, keâes‰eieej), Museum - (meb«eneueÙe,
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DepeeÙeyeIej), Hangar - (efJeceeveIej)~
Pseudonym - Úoceveece, Precis- ÙeLeeLe&/efJeefOehetJe&keâ, Summary
47. Select the option which is the most appropriate
- meejebMe one word substitution for the given group of
43. Select the most appropriate option that can be words.
used as a one-word substitute for the given Giving up one's authority or throne
group of words. (a) Abdication (b) Abjection
A list of items to be discussed at a formal (c) Abduction (d) Abjuration
meeting. SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
One Word Substitution 608 YCT
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Giving up one's Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'An official pardon' kesâ
authority or throne' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Abdication' (lÙeeie, efueS Skeâ Meyo "Amnesty" (jepe#ecee) nesiee~
jepelÙeeie, heolÙeeie) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Regicide- jepe-nlÙee~
Abjection - veerÛelee/nervelee, Abduction - DehenjCe, Redemption- cegefòeâ~
Abjuration - MeheLehetJe&keâ lÙeeie~ Amnesia- Yetueves keâer yeerceejer~
48. Select the word which means the same as the 52. Select the most appropriate word for the group
group of words given. of words.
Willing to be guided or controlled
One who can use both hands efficiently.
(a) abominable (b) amenable
(a) Ambidextrous (b) Skillful (c) adamant (d) adorable
(c) Genius (d) Ambivalent SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words – Willing to be guided
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who can use or controlled' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'amenable'
both hands efficiently' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Ambidextrous' (Dee%eekeâejer/GòejoeÙeer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(GYeÙenmle/efÉnlLeer) nesiee~ Abominable- yengle yegje~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Adamant- Dešue/ÂÌ{~
skillful - kegâMeue, efvehegCe~ Adorable- yengle ner Deekeâ<e&keâ, hÙeeje~
genius - ceneve~ 53. Select the word which means the same as the
Ambivalent - GYeÙecegKe~ group of words given.
Living in air
49. Select the word which means the same as the
(a) heavenly (b) feathery
group of words given.
(c) aerial (d) visual
The original inhabitants of a country
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) slaves (b) immigrants
(c) aborigines (d) residents Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Living in air' kesâ efueS
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III) Skeâ Meyo 'aerial' (nJeeF&/DeekeâeMeerÙe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
DeLe& nQ- Heavenly- KeieesueerÙe, efoJÙe, Feathery- yengle nukeâe,
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The original
Visual- Âef° mebyebOeer, ÂMÙe~
inhabitants of a country' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'aborigines'-
54. Select the word which means the same as the
(cetueefveJeemeer) nesiee~ group of words given.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- The study of human history and prehistory
Slaves- oeme/iegueece~ through the excavation of sites
Immigrants- ØeJeemeer veeieefjkeâ~ (a) archaeology (b) psephology
(c) anthropology (d) geology
Residents- efveJeemeer~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III)
50. Select the most appropriate word for the given Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The study of human
group of words.
history and prehistory through the excavation of sites'
A word formed from the initial letters of other
words and pronounced as a word
kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Archaeology' (hegjelelJe-MeeŒe) nesiee~ DevÙe
(a) ellipsis (b) precise efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) epitome (d) acronym Psephology- ÛegveeJe-efJeMues<eCe~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I) Anthropology- ceveg<Ùe peeefle keâe efJe%eeve~
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A word formed from Geology- Yet-efJe%eeve~
the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a 55. Select the word which means the same as the
word' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'acronym' (mebef#ehle) nesiee~ group of words given.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ– A person belonging to a foreign country
ellipsis- Deb[ekeâej~ (a) native (b) resident
(c) alien (d) inhabitant
precise- mešerkeâ~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III)
epitome- efve<keâ<e&~
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person belonging to
51. Select the most appropriate word for the group a foreign country' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'alien' (efJeosMeer) nesiee~
of words.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
An official pardon
(a) regicide (b) redemption Resident- efveJeemeer (Skeâ efJeMes<e mLeeve hej jnves Jeeuee)~
(c) amnesty (d) amnesia Native- (mLeeve efJeMes<e ceW pevcee JÙeefòeâ) pevce mLeeve~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I) Inhabitant- (efkeâmeer mLeeve hej jnves Jeeuee) efveJeemeer~
One Word Substitution 609 YCT
56. Select the word which means the same as the 60. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given. group of words given.
A person who is neither well experienced nor Using right and left hand equally well
professional (a) Inexpert (b) Left-handed
(a) Veteran (b) Expert (c) Ambidextrous (d) Unskilled
(c) Amateur (d) Proficient SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'using right and left
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person who is hand equally well' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Ambidextrous'
neither well experienced nor professional' kesâ efueS Skeâ (meJÙemeebÛeer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Meyo 'Amateur' (MeewefkeâÙee/DeJÙeJemeeÙeer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ Inexpert – DekegâMeue/DeØeJeerCe~
DeLe& nQ- Left-handed – yeeSB neLeeW Jeeuee~
Veteran - DevegYeJeer Unskilled – DekegâMeue, DeØeefMeef#ele~
Expert - efJeMes<e%e 61. Select the most appropriate segment to
proficient - Gmleeo, kegâMeue substitute the underlined segment of the given
57. Select the word which means the same as the sentence.
groups of words given. In the jungle, I saw a group of lions.
(a) a pride (b) a school
The life history of a person written by himself.
(c) a herd (d) a flock
(a) Travelogue (b) Essay
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) Biography (d) Autobiography
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I) Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes sentence kesâ jsKeebefkeâle Phrase - ' A
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The life history of a group of lions' kesâ mLeeve hej efJekeâuhe- 'A pride' ØeÙegòeâ nesiee
person written by himself' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo keäÙeeWefkeâ The group of lions is called 'A pride', DevÙe
'Autobiography' (DeelcekeâLee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
Herd - a herd of cows, a herd of cattle, a herd of deer.
Travelogue - Ùee$eeJe=leeble~
School - A place where children go to be educated.
Essay - efveyebOe~ Flock- a flock of sheep/bird.
Biography - peerJeve Je=leeble/peerJeveer~ 62. Select the word which means the same as the
58. Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.
group of words given. One who tells future form the stars
One who examines accounts officially (a) Miser (b) Personification
(a) Collector (b) Radiator (c) Astrologer (d) Philanthropist
(c) Auditor (d) Aviator SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who tells future
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words– 'one who examines form the stars' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Astrologer'
accounts officially' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Auditor' (uesKee (pÙeesefle<eMeeœeer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Miser – kebâpetme;
hejer#ekeâ, Debkesâ#ekeâ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Personification – ceeveJeerkeâjCe; Philanthropist– hejeshekeâejer,
Collector– meb«enkeâòee&, efpeueeOeerMe~ ceeveJeØesceer~
Radiator – efJeefkeâjkeâ, leehe efJeefkeâjkeâ keâce&~ 63. Select the word which means the same as the
Aviator – efJeceeve Ûeeuekeâ~ group of words given.
59. Select the word which means the same as the Act of giving up the throne
group of words given. (a) Abdication (b) Renunciation
Repetition of an initial sound in two or more (c) Resignation (d) Abandonment
words of a line. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Rhyme (b) Assonance Ans. (a) : ef o Ùes ieÙes group of words 'Act of giving up the
(c) Alliteration (d) Rhythm thrones' (efmebnemeve lÙeeievee) kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'abdication'
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) (jepe lÙeeie) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Renunciation –
Ans. (c) : efoS ieS Group of words 'Repetition of an heefjlÙeeie, Resignation – lÙeeie he$e, Abandonment –
initial sound in two or more words of a line.' kesâ efueS Skeâ heefjlÙeeie, mebvÙeeme~
Meyo 'Alliteration' (DevegØeeme Deuebkeâej) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ 64. Select the word which means the same as the
DeLe& nQ- group of words given.
Assonance– mJejeJe=efòe, mJejmeecÙe~ Something that is genuine
Rhyme– Meyoiele OJeefveÙeeW keâer meceevelee~ (a) Authentic (b) Unreal
(c) Academic (d) Majestic
Rhythm– ueÙe, leeue, DeeJe=efòe keâe hewšve&~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
One Word Substitution 610 YCT
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'something that is Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Words which are
genuine' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Authentic' (ØeeceeefCekeâ/efJeÕemeveerÙe) opposite in meaning.' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Antonym'
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (efJehejerle DeLe& Jeeuee Meyo) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Unreal - DeJeemleefJekeâ Synonym - meceeveeLeea, Skeâ meceeve DeLe& Jeeuee~
Academic - mewæebeflekeâ Homonym - meceeve GÛÛeejCe~
Majestic - DeeueerMeeve/jepemeer Pseudonym - Gheveece, Pet"e veece~
65. In the following question, out of the four given 69. Select the most appropriate word for the given
alternatives, select the alternative which is the group of words.
best substitute of the phrase. The study of stars and planets
A person whose profession is to keep accounts. (a) Archeology (b) Astrology
(a) Secretary (b) Treasurer (c) Anatomy (d) Astronomy
(c) Accountant (d) Office boy SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : efoS ieS Group of words 'The study of stars
Ans. (c) : efoS ieS group of words 'A person whose and planets' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Astronomy' (Keieesue efJe%eeve)
profession is to keep accounts' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
'Accountant' (uesKeekeâej) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Archeology - hegjelelJe efJe%eeve~
Secretary - DeOÙe#e~ Astrology - pÙeesefle<e efJe%eeve~
Treasurer - keâes<eeOÙe#e~ Anatomy - ØeeCeer jÛevee efJe%eeve~
Office boy - Ûehejemeer~ 70. Select the most appropriate word for the given
66. In the following question, out of the four given group of words.
alternatives, select the alternatives which is the The lack of government control or rule of law
best substitute of the phrase. (a) Monarchy (b) Autocracy
A diplomatic representative in another (c) Anarchy (d) Dictatorship
country. SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Spy (b) Spinster Ans. (c) : efoS ieS Group of words 'The lack of
(c) Bureaucrat (d) Ambassador
government control or rule of law' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I)
'anarchy' (Dejepekeâlee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A diplomatic
Monarchy - jepÙe lev$e~
representative in another country' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Autocracy - efvejbkegâMelee, leeveeMeener
ambassador' (jepeotle) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Dictatorship - efvejbkegâMelee, leeveeMeener
Spy-peemetmeer keâjvee, Spinster-DeefJeJeeefnlee, Bureaucrat-
71. Choose the most appropriate word that can
substitute the given group of words.
67. In the following question, out of the four given Medicine given to counteract a poison.
alternatives, select the alternative which is the (a) Antibiotic (b) Antiseptic
best substitute of the phrase. (c) Antigen (d) Antidote
A place where arms are kept. SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Auditory (b) Armoury
Ans. (d) : efoS ieS Group of words 'Medicine given to
(c) Apiary (d) Actuary
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I) counteract a poision.' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'antidote' (jesie
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A Place where arms
Øeeflekeâejkeâ oJee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
are kept' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Armoury' (Mem$eeieej) nesiee~ DevÙe Antibiotic - ØeeflepewefJekeâ~
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Antiseptic - jesieeCegjesOekeâ~
Apiary (ceOegcekeäKeer heeueve)~ Antigen - Øeeflepeve/meefvšpeve
Actuary (cegbMeer)~ 72. Choose the most appropriate word that can
substitute the given group of words.
Auditory (ßeJeCe mecyevOeer)~
Yearly celebration of a date or an event
68. In the following question out of the four given (a) Gala (b) Anniversary
alternatives, select the alternative which is the (c) Carnival (d) Bash
best substitute of the phrase. SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Words which are opposite in meaning
Ans. (b) : efoS ieS Group of words 'Yearly celebration
(a) Synonym (b) Antonym
(c) Homonym (d) Pseudonym of a date or an event' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'anniversary'
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II) (meeueefiejn/Jeeef<e&keâer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
One Word Substitution 611 YCT
Gala - meceejesn~ 77. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Carnival - lÙeewnej~ group of words.
Policy of racial discrimination
Bash - peesj mes škeâje peevee~ (a) Inequality (b) Segregation
73. Choose the word that can substitute the given (c) Apartheid (d) Supremacy
sentence. SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
A building where an audience sits
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group words 'Policy of racial
(a) Aisle (b) Hanger
(c) Gymnasium (d) Auditorium discrimination' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Apartheid'
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) (jbieYeso/MJesleJeeo) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (d) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A building where Inequality - Demecelee, DevÙeeÙe~
an audience sits' or 'A large public building where Segregation - Dekesâueeheve, DeueieeJe~
meetings, concerts, are held' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo Supremacy - DeeefOehelÙe, ØeYeglJe~
'auditorium' (meYeeieej) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 78. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Aisle - heLe, ieefueÙeeje, Hangar - efJeceeveMeeuee, Gymnasium - group of words.
JÙeeÙeeceMeeuee~ The stage of growth between boyhood and
74. Select the most appropriate word for the given youth
group of words. (a) Infancy (b) Childhood
A person who rules without consulting the (c) Adulthood (d) Adolescence
opinion of others. SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Aristocrat (b) Arbitrator Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The stage of growth
(c) Atheist (d) Autocrat between boyhood and youth' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
'Adolescence' (efkeâMeesjeJemLee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (d) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A person who rules
Infancy– MewMeJeemLee, Childhood– yeÛeheve, Adulthood–
without consulting the opinion of others.' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ
Meyo 'autocrat' (mJesÛÚeÛeejer Meemekeâ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
DeLe& nQ- 79. Select the most appropriate word for the given
group of words.
Aristocrat - DeefYepeele Jeie& keâe JÙeefòeâ, Arbitrator - ceOÙemLelee The branch of science concerned with the
keâjves Jeeuee, Atheist - veeefmlekeâ~ bodily structure of humans, animals, animals,
75. Select the most appropriate word for the given and other living organisms
group of words. (a) Anatomy (b) Astronomy
An institution for the care of people who are (c) Botany (d) Gastronomy
mentally ill SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Aviary (b) Apiary
Ans. (a) : efoS ieS group of words- 'The branch of
(c) Arsenal (d) Asylum
science concerned with the bodily structure of humans,
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
animals, and other living organisms'. kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Ans. (d) : efoS ieS Group of words 'An institution for
Anatomy'- (Mejerj jÛevee efJe%eeve) nesiee~
the care of people who are mentally ill' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo
'Asylum' (heeieueKeevee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Astronomy - Keieesue efJeÅee
Aviary - he#eerMeeuee~
Apiary - ceOegcekeäKeerMeeuee~ Botany - Jevemheefle efJe%eeve
Arsenal - MeŒeeieej~ Gastronomy - heewef°keâ Yeespeve yeveeves keâer keâuee Ùee efJe%eeve~
76. Select the most appropriate word for the given 80. Select the most appropriate word for the given
group of words : group of words.
An account of a person's life written by self One who studies the evolution of mankind
(a) Autobiography (b) cartography (a) Sociologist (b) Archaeologist
(c) Biography (d) Calligraphy (c) Dermatologist (d) Anthropologist
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words 'An account of a Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'One who studies
person's life written by self' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo the evolution of mankind' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Anthropologist'
'Autobiography' (DeelcekeâLee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (ceeveJeefJe%eeveer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Cartography - ceeveefÛe$ekeâejer~ Sociologist - meceepeMeeŒeer~
Biography - peerJeveer~ Archaeologist - hegjelelJe efJeMes<e%e~
Calligraphy - meguesKeve~ Dermatologist - Ûece&jesie efJeMes<e%e~

One Word Substitution 612 YCT

81. Choose the most appropriate word that can 85. Select the word which means the same as the
substitute the given group of words. group of words given.
The state of growing to maturity. a large single detached house with single or
(a) Immigrant (b) Innocence double story
(c) Adolescence (d) Apartheid (a) Suite (b) Apartment
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III) (c) Bungalow (d) Penthouse
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'The state of SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
growing to maturity ' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Adolescence' Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A large single
(efkeâMeesjeJemLee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- detached house with single or double story’ kesâ efueS Skeâ
Immigrant - DeØeJeemeer~ Meyo ‘Bungalow’ (keâes"er, yebieuee) nesiee~
Innocence - efveoexef<elee, yesiegveener~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Apartheid - jbieYesoer veerefle~ Suite – JeeÅe mebieerle-jÛevee~
82. Select the word which means the same as the Apartment – Heäuewš Ùee keâceje~
group of words given. Penthouse – Deesmeeje, DeejeceoeÙekeâ yeÌ[s-yeÌ[s keâcejeW keâe Heäuewš~
A person who presents a radio/television
86. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words.
(a) Reporter (b) Anchor
An arrangement of flowers that is usually given
(c) Alchemist (d) Anarchist
as a present.
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Boutique (b) Bracket
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes groups of words 'A person who (c) Basket (d) Bouquet
presents a radio/television programme' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
'Anchor' (meceeÛeej GOÙees<ekeâ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Group of words, An arrangement of
Reporter - mebJeeooelee~ flowers that is usually given as a present kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe
Alchemist - jmeeÙeve yeveeves Jeeuee~ 'Bouquet' (iegueomlee) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
Anarchist - DejepekeâleeJeeoer~ efYeVe nw~
83. Select the word which means the same as the Boutique - heejer, Bracket - keâes‰keâ, Basket - šeskeâjer~
group of words given.
87. Select the word which means the same as the
A place where fights take place
group of words given.
(a) Arsenal (b) Arena
An underground hole dug by a small animal as
(c) Asylum (d) Aquarium
a dwelling
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) drain (b) pit
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes groups of words 'A place where (c) cave (d) burrow
fights take place' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Arena' SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(DeKeeÌ[e/jCeYetefce) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'An underground hole
Arsenal - MeŒeeieej~ dug by a small animal as a dwelling' kesâ efueS one word
Asylum - MejCe mLeeve~ efJekeâuhe (d) 'burrow' (efyeue) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
Aquarium - peue-peerJeMeeuee~ DeLe& efYeVe nQ-
B drain - veeueer~
pit - Kebokeâ~
84. Select the options that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words. cave - iegheâe~
A group of guns or missile launchers operated 88. Select the word means the same as the group of
together at one place words given.
(a) Psaltery (b) Skitter a family of young animals
(c) Cemetery (d) Battery (a) nest (b) clutch
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I (c) brood (d) offspring
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A group of guns or SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
missile launchers operated together at one place’ kesâ Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A family of young
efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Battery’ (leesheKeevee) nesiee~ animals' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'brood' (veewpeJeeve peeveJejeW keâe Skeâ
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – heefjJeej) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Psaltery – ŒeesleeW keâe meb«en~ Nest - IeeWmeuee~
Skitter – peuoer mes Ûeuevee~ Clutch - hekeâÌ[vee~
Cemetery – keâefyeÇmleeve~ Offspring - heefjCeece, mevleeve~

One Word Substitution 613 YCT

89. Select the word which means the same as the 93. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given. group of words given.
one who speaks two languages fluently A cylindrical container bulging out in the
(a) bilingual (b) lexicologist middle, traditionally made of wooden staves for
(c) linguist (d) monolingual keeping oil, beer etc.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III) (a) bushel (b) bale
(c) barrel (d) bin
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who speaks two
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III)
languages fluently' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'bilingual' (efÉYee<eer)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a cylindrical
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- container bulging out in the middle, traditionally made
Lexicologist- Meyokeâes<e efvecee&lee~ of wooden staves for keeping oil, beer etc kesâ efueS Skeâ
Linguist- yengYee<eer~ Meyo 'barrel' (heerhee) nesiee~
Monolingual- SkeâYee<eer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
90. Select the word which means the same as the Bale- heesšueer, ie"jer, Bushel- yeòeerme mesj keâe leewue, Bin-
group or words given. ef[yyee~
An instrument for measuring the atmospheric 94. Select the most appropriate word which means
pressure the same as the group of words given.
(a) thermometer (b) altometer A list of the books referred to in a scholarly
(c) barometer (d) ammeter work
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III) (a) bibliography (b) calligraphy
(c) holography (d) bibliophile
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'An instrument for
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
measuring the atmospheric pressure' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A list of the books
'Barometer' (JeeÙegoeyeceeheer) nesiee~ referred to in a scholarly work' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 'bibliography' (hegmlekeâ metÛeer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Thermometer- leeheceeheer~ Calligraphy- meguesKeve~
Altimeter- TBÛeeF& veeheves keâe Ùeb$e~ Holography- 3D Heâesšes keâe DeOÙeÙeve~
Ammeter- Oeejeceeheer~ Bibliophile - hegmlekeâ Øesceer~
91. Select the word which means the same as the 95. Select the most appropriate option that can be
group of words given. used as a one-word substitute for the given
One who is a great lover of books group of words.
(a) bibliophile (b) pedophile A large building or group of buildings used to
(c) xenophile (d) hemophile house soldiers
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I) (a) fort (b) dormitory
(c) quarters (d) barracks
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'one who is a great SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
lover of books' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'bibliophile' (hegmlekeâ Øesceer) Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A large building or
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw- group of buildings used to house soldiers' kesâ efueS Skeâ
Pedophile- yeeue Ùeewve Mees<eCe keâer uele~ Meyo ' barracks' (mewvÙe efveJeeme) nesiee~
xenophile- efJeosMeer JemlegDeeW keâer uele~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Hemophile- Deefleefjòeâ ŒeeJe jesieer~ Fort - efkeâuee, dormitory- MeÙeveMeeuee, quarters - keâcejs~
92. Select the word which means the same as the 96. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given. group of words given.
An arrangement of flowers that is usually given A person who can speak only two languages.
as a present (a) Monolingual (b) Multilingual
(a) bouquet (b) wreath (c) Linguist (d) Bilingual
(c) garland (d) bundle SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I) Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person who can
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'An arrangement of speak only two languages' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Bilingual'
flowers that is usually given as a present' kesâ efueS Skeâ (efÉYeeef<ekeâ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Meyo 'Bouquet' (hetâueeW keâe iegueomlee) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& Linguist- Yee<eeefJeo~
osles nQ~ Multilingual- yengYee<eer~
Wreath– ceeuee Garland– ceeuee, Bundle– ie"jer Monolingual- Skeâue Yee<eer~

One Word Substitution 614 YCT

97. Select the word which means the same as the (a) Orator (b) Altruist
group of words given (c) Librarian (d) Bibliophile
A rabbit's dwelling. SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) lair (b) burrow Ans. (d) : efoS ieS Group of words 'One who loves
(c) sty (d) den books' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Bibliophile' (hegmlekeâ Øesceer)~ nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words, a rabbit's dwelling'
Orator – meeJe&peefvekeâ Jeòeâe, Altruist– hejeshekeâejer, Librarian–
kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'burrow' efyeue nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- hegmlekeâeueÙe DeOÙe#e~
Lair- ceeBo~
102. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Sty- ieboe keâceje~ group of words.
Den- (ceeBo/iegHeâe)~ A large bundle bound for storage or transport
98. Select the word which means the same as the (a) Bunch (b) Bale
group of word given. (c) Bevy (d) Barrel
An instrument used for measuring atmospheric SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
pressure Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'A large bundle
(a) thermometer (b) voltmeter bound for storage or transport' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Bale'
(c) altimeter (d) barometer
(ieªj, hegefueboe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Bunch - iegÛÚe~
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'An instrument used
Bevy - PegC[~
for measuring atmospheric pressure' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Barrel - heerhee, yewjue~
'Barometer' (JeeÙegoeyeceeheer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Thermometer- leeheceeheer~ C
Voltmeter- Jeesušceehekeâ Ùeb$e~ 103. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Altimeter- TBÛeeF&ceehekeâ~ group of words.
99. Select the word that means the same as the A local meeting of party members to select
given group of words. candidates, elect convention delegates, etc
Happening every two years (a) Claque (b) Caravan
(a) Biannual (b) Centennial (c) Clique (d) Caucus
(c) Biennial (d) Triennial SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A local meeting of
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Happening every party members to select candidates, elect convention
two year' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Biennial' (efÉJeeef<e&keâ) nesiee~ DevÙe delegates, etc, kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Caucus’ (yew"keâ, oue)
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- nesiee~
Biannual –Deæ&Jeeef<e&keâ/Úceener DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Centennial – MeleJe<eeaÙe/meewmeeue keâe Claque – ie"yebOeve, mecePeewlee~
Triennial – $ewJeeef<e&keâ Caravan – keâeefHeâuee~
100. In the following question, out of the given Clique – efiejesn, iegš ~
alternatives, the alternative is the best 104. Choose the word that can substitute the given
substitute of the phrase. group of words.
A man who remains unmarried Someone who knows a lot about the arts, food,
(a) Vidoved (b) Councilor drink, or some other subject
(c) Bachelor (d) Propeller (a) Connoisseur (b) Gourmand
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III) (c) Cynic (d) Pacifist
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A man who remains SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I)
unmarried' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Bachelor ' (kegBâJeeje Ùee Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Someone who
DeefJeJeeefnle heg®<e) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- knows a lot about the arts, food, drink or some other
subject’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Connoisseur’ (mebieerle SJeb keâuee ceW
Widowed - efJeOeJee~
heejKeer) nesiee~
Councilor - hee<e&o~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Propeller - Øesjkeâ Meefòeâ~
Gourmand – hesšt, Keeves keâe Meewkeâerve~
101. Select the most appropriate word for the given
group of words. Cynic – ceeveJeÉs<eer ~
One who loves books Pacifist – MeebefleJeeoer~

One Word Substitution 615 YCT

105. Select the option that can be used as a one- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
word substitute for the given group of words. Reactant - DeefYekeâejkeâ~
A person who draws or produces maps
Enzyme – efkeâCJekeâ~
(a) Chauffeur (b) Choreographer
(c) Calligrapher (d) Cartographer Solute – Ieguee ngDee heoeLe& ~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III) 109. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A person who draws word substitute for the given group of words.
or produces maps’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Cartographer’ A person who conforms to accepted behaviour
or established practices.
(ceeveefÛe$ekeâej) nesiee~ (a) Psychologist (b) Rebelist
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Socialist (d) Conformist
Chauffeur – Ûeeuekeâ~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Choreographer-ve=lÙe jÛeveekeâej~ Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A person who
Calligrapher – meguesKeve~ conforms to accepted behavior or established practices’
106. Select the option that can be used as a one- kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Conformist’ (mebiele JÙeJenej) nesiee~
word substitute for the given phrase. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Gradual recovery of health and strength Psychologist - ceveesefJe%eeveer~
(a) Potency (b) Rejuvenation Rebelist – efJeõesner~
(c) Convalescence (d) Benefaction
Socialist –meceepeJeeoer~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)
110. Choose the word that can substitute the given
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Gradual recovery of
group of words.
health and strength’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Convalescence’ A fall of water from a great height
(mJeemLÙe ueeYe) nesiee~ (a) River (b) Stream
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- (c) typhoon (d) Cascade
Potency – Meefòeâ~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II)
Rejuvenation – keâeÙeekeâuhe~ Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A fall of water from
Benefaction – Oece&oeve~ a great height’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Cascade’ (Pejvee) nesiee~
107. Select the option that can be used as a one- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
word substitute for the given group of words. River – veoer~
Collection of written or spoken texts Stream – Oeeje~
(a) Data bank (b) Dictionary Typhoon – DeebOeer, letHeâeve~
(c) Circa (d) Corpus
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II) 111. Choose the word that can substitute the given
group of words.
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Collection of
Compulsory enlistment for military service
written or spoken texts’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Corpus’ (hegmlekeâ (a) Militaristic (b) Conscription
meb«en) nesiee~ (c) Armament (d) Abdication
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II)
Data bank – DeekeâÌ[e keâes<e Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Compulsory
Dictionary – Meyo keâes<e enlistment for military service’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Circa – ueieYeie ~ ‘Conscription’ (DeefveJeeÙe& mewefvekeâ mesJee) nesiee~
108. Select the option that can be used as a one- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
word substitute for the underlined group of Militaristic – mewvÙeJeeoer~
Armament – Ùegæ-meece«eer~
Kidney beans were boiled quickly when Nisha
added a substance that speeds up a chemical Abdication – heolÙeeie~
reaction without being consumed by the 112. Select the most appropriate one-word
reaction itself. substitution for the given group of words.
(a) catalyst (b) reactant One who is a center of attraction
(c) enzyme (d) solute (a) Exposure (b) Cynosure
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II) (c) Commissure (d) Censure
Ans. (a) :efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle Group of words ‘a substance SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
that speeds up a chemical reaction without being Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘One who is a center
consumed by the reaction itself’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo of attraction’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Cynosure’ (Deekeâ<e&Ce efyevog)
‘Catalyst’ (GlØesjkeâ) nesiee~ nesiee~
One Word Substitution 616 YCT
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A person who makes
Censure – efveboe keâjvee~ maps’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Cartographer’ (ceeveefÛe$ekeâej) nesiee~
Commissural –mebÙeesie~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Exposure – DeveeJejCe~ Sinecure – Skeâ Ssmee heo efpemeceW Jesleve efceues hejvleg kegâÚ keâece ve
113. Select the option that can be used as a one- keâjvee heÌ[s~
word substitute for the given group of words. Anarchist – DejepekeâleeJeeoer~
A style of cooking food, characteristic of a Polyglot – yengYee<eer~
particular country of region 117. Select the option that can be used as a one-
(a) Antique (b) Cuisine word substitute for the given group of words.
(c) Menu (d) Creche One who feeds on human flesh
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II (a) Cannibal (b) Hedonist
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A style of cooking (c) Stoic (d) Samaritan
food, characteristic of a particular country of region’ kesâ SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I
efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Cuisine’ (jmeesF& mebyebOeer JÙeJemLee) nesiee~ Ans. (a) : ef o Ùes ieÙes Group of words ‘ one who feeds on
human flesh’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Cannibal’ (vejYe#ekeâ) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Antique – hegjevee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Hedonist – megKeJeeoer ~
Menu – Yeespeve metÛeer~
Stoic – Goemeerve~
Creche – efMeMeg-ie=n~
Samaritan – Oeeefce&keâ~
114. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words. 118. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given.
Made in imitation so as to be passed off
a doctor who specializes in heart diseases
fraudulently as genuine
(a) Urologist (b) Cardiologist
(a) Counterfeit (b) Staunch
(c) Nephrologist (d) Dermatologist
(c) Authentic (d) Deliberate SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘a doctor who
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Made in imitation
specializes in heart diseases’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
so as to be passed off fraudulently as genuine’ kesâ efueS 'Cardiologist' ( ÜoÙejesie efJeMes<e%e) nesiee~
Skeâ Meyo ‘Counterfeit’ (vekeâueer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – Urologist – cet$e jesie efJeMes<e%e ~
Staunch – efve‰eJeeve~ Nephrologists– efkeâ[veer jesie efJeMe<e%e~
Authentic – efJeÕemeveerÙe~ Dermatologist –lJeÛee jesie efJeMes<e%e~
Deliberate – peeveyetPekeâj~ 119. Select the word which means the same as the
115. Select the option that can be used as a one- group of words given.
word substitute for the given group of words. A person who draws or produces maps
An outlook that is influenced by people from all (a) Chauffer (b) Cartographer
over the world (c) Calligrapher (d) Choreographer
(a) Unrefined (b) Epitome SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) Cantonment (d) Cosmopolitan Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, 'A person who draws
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III or produces maps' kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) 'cartographer'
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘An outlook that is (ceeveefÛe$ekeâej) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw-
influenced by people from all over the world’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Chauffeur - ceesšj-Ûeeuekeâ, Choreographer - ve=lÙejÛeveekeâej,
Meyo ‘Cosmopolitan’ (meeJe&ueewefkeâkeâ) nesiee~ Calligrapher - meguesKekeâ~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 120. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Unrefined – Deheefj<ke=âle ~ word substitute for the given group of words.
Epitome – Øeleerkeâ~ Relating to the present time
(a) Preceding (b) Ancient
Cantonment –ÚeJeveer~ (c) Corollary (d) Contemporary
116. Select the option that can be used as one-word SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I)
substitute for the given group of words. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ group of word, 'Relating to the present
A Person who makes maps time' (mecekeâeueerve) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'Contemporary' GheÙegòeâ
(a) Sinecure (b) Anarchist
(c) Cartographer (d) Polyglot
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I Preceding - hetJe&Jeleea, Ancient - ØeeÛeerve, Corollary - heefjCeece~
One Word Substitution 617 YCT
121. Select the option that can be used as a one- 125. Select the word which means the same as the
word substitute for the given group of words. group of words given.
A corporation made up of a number of An arrangement of events or dates in the order
different companies that operate in diversified of their occurrence
fields. (a) chronometry (b) charter
(a) Agreement (b) Association (c) chronology (d) calendar
(c) Correlation (d) Conglomerate SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'An arrangement of
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Group of word, A corporation made events or dates in the order of their occurrence' kesâ efueS
up of a number of different companies that operate in one word efJekeâuhe 'chronology' (keâeue›eâce) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
diversified fields kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) 'conglomerate' DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ-
(JÙeeheej mecetn) GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& chronometry - meceÙeceeheve~
efYeVe nw~ charter - Iees<eCeehe$e~
Agreement - mecePeewlee, Association - mebieefle, mebIe, calendar - hebÛeebie~
Correlation - men-mecyevOe 126. Select the word which means the same as the
122. Select the most appropriate one-word group of words given.
substitution for the given words. One who plans the steps and moves in a dance
A group of stars that make a pattern (a) composer (b) choreographer
(a) Planet (b) Constellation (c) producer (d) director
(c) Horizon (d) Comet SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'One who plans the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A group of stars that steps and moves in a dance' kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe
make a pattern' kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) 'Constellation' (ve#e$e) (b) 'choreographer' (ve=lÙe jÛeveekeâej) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ-
Planet - «en~ composer - mebieerlekeâej~
Comet - Oetcekesâleg~ producer - efvecee&lee~
Horizon - ef#eeflepe~ director - efveoxMekeâ~
123. Select the most appropriate one-word 127. In the following question, out of the four
substitution for the given words. alternative, select the alternative which is the
best substitute of the phrase.
A place where gambling games are played
Love for dogs
(a) Casino (b) Gymnasium
(a) Pedophilia (b) Sinophobe
(c) Arena (d) Stadium
(c) Canophilia (d) Zoophilia
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A place where Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ group of words, Love for dogs kesâ efueS
gambling games are played' kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe efJekeâuhe (c) canophilia (kegâòeeW keâes hÙeej keâjves Jeeuee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
(a) 'Casino' GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw- DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe&-
Arena - jCeYetefce~ Paedophilia – yeÌ[eW keâe Úesšes kesâ Øeefle Deekeâ<e&Ce~
Gymnasium - JÙeeÙeeceMeeuee~ zoophilia – efÛeefÌ[ÙeeIej kesâ Øeefle Deekeâ<e&Ce~
Stadium - (›eâer[emLeue)~ 128. In the following question, out of the four
124. Select the word which means the same as the alternative, select the alternative which is the
group of words given. best substitute of the phrase.
Extreme fear of confined places Mutual discourse
(a) cellophobia (b) claustrophobia (a) Soliloquy (b) Obloquy
(c) chronophobia (d) centrophobia (c) Colloquy (d) Eloquence
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'Extreme fear of Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ group of words, Mutual discours kesâ efueÙes
confined places' kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe (b) efJekeâuhe (c) 'Colloquy' (Jeelee&ueehe, mebJeeo) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~
'claustrophobia' (meerefcele mLeeveeW keâe [j) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
DeLe& efYeVe nQ~ Soliloquy – mJeYee<eCe~
chronophobia - fear of time Obloquy – yeoveeceer~
centrophobia - A dislike of being in the centre. Eloquence – Jeekeâhešglee~

One Word Substitution 618 YCT

129. Select the most appropriate word for the given 133. Select the most appropriate word which means
group of words. the same as the group of words given.
A disease which spreads with contact A place where games are played for money
(a) Poisonous (b) Contagious (a) casino (b) church
(c) Endemic (d) Contractual (c) university (d) gymnasium
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III)
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, a disease which
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A place where
spreads with contact kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe (b)
games are played for money' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'casino'
'contagious' (meb›eâecekeâ/ÚgDee-Útle) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
(pegDeeIej) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
Poisonous - efJe<ewuee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- church (efiejpeeIej), university
Endemic - mLeeefvekeâ jesie~
(efJeÕeefJeÅeeueÙe), gymnasium (JÙeeÙeeceMeeuee)~
Contractual - mebefJeoelcekeâ~ 134. Select the most appropriate one word
substitution for the given group of words.
130. Select the most appropriate word for the given
group of word. A person who believes everything easily.
A factual written account of important or (a) plaussible (b) creditor
historical events in the order of their (c) reliable (d) credulous
occurrence. SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) chronology (b) journal Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person who
(c) chronicle (d) register believes everything easily' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'credulous'
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(efJeMJeeme heÇJeCelee/menpe efJeMJeemeer) nesiee~
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a factual written
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
account of important or historical events in the order of
their occurrence' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'chronicle' (Ssefleneefmekeâ plaussible - efJeÕeJemeveerÙe/leke&âmebiele~
IešveeDeeW keâe efueefKele yÙeewje) nesiee~ creditor - $e+Ceoelee, uesveoej~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- reliable - efJeÕemeveerÙe, Yejesmescebo~
chronology (keâeueeveg›eâce), journal - heef$ekeâe, register - 135. Select the word which means the same as the
hebpeerkeâjCe group of words given.
131. Select the most appropriate one-word A person who draws or produces maps
substitution for the given group of words. (a) calligrapher (b) cartographer
Arrangement of events according to the dates (c) lexicographer (d) choreographer
of occurrence SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) analogy (b) chronology Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a person who draws
(c) theology (d) trilogy
or produces maps' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'cartographer'
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(ceeveefÛe$ekeâej) nesiee~
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'arrangement of
events according to the dates of occurrence' kesâ efueS Skeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw- calligrapher- meguesKekeâ,
Meyo 'chronology' (keâeue›eâce) nesiee~ lexicographer- keâesMekeâej, choreographer- ve=lÙe-efveoxMekeâ~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 136. Select the word which means the same as the
analogy - meceevelee~ group of words given.
A large, deep, metal pot used for cooking over
theology - Oece&MeeŒe, F&Õej ceerceebmee~
open fire
trilogy - GhevÙeeme$eÙeer~ (a) barrel (b) kettle
132. Select the most appropriate one-word (c) skillet (d) cauldron
substitution for the given group of words. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Harsh or discordant sound Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words ' A large, deep, metal
(a) monotony (b) harmony
pot used for cooking over open fire' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
(c) symphony (d) cacophony
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) 'cauldron' (keâÌ[ener) nesiee~
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Harsh or discordant DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
sound' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'cacophony' (keâesueenue) nesiee~ Barrel - heerhee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- monotony - veerjmelee, harmony - Kettle - kesâleueer~
leeuecesue, meecebpemÙe, symphony - menevegYetefle~ Skillet - leJee~

One Word Substitution 619 YCT

137. Select the word which means the same as the 141. Select the most appropriate option that can be
group of words given. used as a one-word substitute for the given
A large, deep pot used both in the oven and as group of words.
a serving vessel. A person who draws or produces maps
(a) sauce-pan (b) casserole (a) calligrapher (b) curator
(c) skillet (d) cauldron (c) choreographer (d) cartographer
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A large, deep pot used Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person who draws
both in the oven and as a serving vessel' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo or produces maps' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Cartographer'
'Casserole' (ne@[er) nesiee~ (vekeäMeekeâej, vekeäMeeveJeerme) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Sauce-pan - mee@me hesve~ calligrapher- meguesKekeâ, Curator - efvejer#ekeâ, Choreographer
Skillet - leJee~ - ve=lÙejÛeveekeâej~
Cauldron - keâÌ[ener~ 142. Select the word which means the same as the
138. Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.
group of words given. People living at the same time
Persons living at the same time (a) comrades (b) cosmopolitans
(a) cosmopolitans (b) compatriots (c) friends (d) contemporaries
(c) colleagues (d) contemporaries SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II) Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'People living at the
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Persons living at the same time' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Contemporaries' (mecekeâeueerve)
same time' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Contemporaries' (mecekeâeueerve) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ–
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw- 'Comrades' (meeLeer), friend (efce$e), cosmopolitans
cosmopolitans - efJeMJe Øesceer~ (meJe&osMeerÙe, efJeefJeOeleeJeeoer)~
compatriots - meceosMeer~
143. Select the most appropriate word for the given
colleagues - menkeâceea~ group of words
139. Select the option that can be used as a one- a group of stars found close together
word substitute for the given group of words. (a) concoction (b) conflagration
A small building or room used for Christian (c) confederation (d) constellation
worship in a school, prison, hospital or large SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I)
private house.
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A group of stars
(a) church (b) cathedral
(c) chapel (d) congregation found close together' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'constellation'
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) (ve#e$e/leejeceC[ue) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A small building or Concoction- ceveieÌ{le keâneveer~
room used for Christian worship in a school, prison, Conflagration- DeefivekeâeC[~
hospital or large private house' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'chapel' - Confederation- mebIe Ùee jepÙemebIe~
(Úesše efieefjpeeIej) nesiee~ 144. Select the most appropriate word for the given
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- group of words.
Cathedral - yeÌ[e efieefjpeeIej, Church - (ÛeÛe&), Congregation One who makes and sells sweets and pastries
- (Oeeefce&keâ meYee) (a) grocer (b) confectioner
(c) cobbler (d) barber
140. Select the word which means the same as the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II)
group of words given.
The sound of a crow Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who makes and
(a) cackle (b) creak sells sweets and pastries' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Confectioner'
(c) caw (d) cluck (nueJeeF&) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) Grocer- yeefveÙee/hebmeejer~
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The sound of a crow' Cobbler- ceesÛeer~
kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo (keâewJes keâer DeeJeepe) (caw) nesiee~ Barber- veeF&~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 'cackle' (cegieea keâer DeeJeepe), 'creak' 145. Select the most appropriate word for the given
(ojJeepes Ùee efKeÌ[keâer kesâ Keesueves Ùee yevo keâjves keâer DeeJeepe), group of words
'cluck' (cegefie&ÙeeW keâer DeeJeepe)~ A person who is skilled at writing beautifully
One Word Substitution 620 YCT
(a) calligrapher (b) artist (a) Geology (b) Chronology
(c) painter (d) cartoonist (c) Archaeology (d) Ecology
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a person who is Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Arrangement of
skilled at writing beautifully' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo events or dates in the order in which they happen.' kesâ
'calligrapher' (meguesKekeâ) nesiee~ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Chronology' (keâeue›eâce/Iešvee›eâce) nesiee~ DevÙe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 'Geology' - YetieYe&MeeŒe, 'Archaeology' -
Artist- keâueeke=âefle efvecee&lee~ hegjelelJe, 'Ecology' - heefjefmLeefle efJe%eeve~
Painter- efÛe$ekeâej~ 150. Select the word which means the same as the
Cartoonist- nemÙeefÛe$ekeâej~ group of words given.
Persons or thing that is the centre of attention
146. Select the most appropriate word for the group
(a) Organiser (b) Cynosure
of words.
(c) Politician (d) Leader
The state of remaining unmarried
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) monogamy (b) polygamy
(c) feminism (d) celibacy Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Persons or thing
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II) that is the centre of attention' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo nw
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The state of remaining 'cynosure' (Deekeâ<e&Ce-efyevog) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
unmarried' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Celibacy' (DeefJeJeeefnle Organiser – JÙeJemLeehekeâ~
peerJeve/yeÇÿeÛeÙe&) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Politician – jepeveerefle%e~
monogamy- Skeâue efJeJeen~ Leader – veslee, vesle=lJe keâjves Jeeuee~
Polygamy- yeng efJeJeen~ 151. Select the word which means the same as the
Feminism- Œeer DeefOekeâejJeeo, veejerJeeo~ group of words given.
Something which is considered to be very
147. Select the most appropriate word for the group
of words.
(a) Scanty (b) Cardinal
One who is in charge of a museum or art
(c) Supplementary (d) Meagre
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) monitor (b) curator
(c) instructor (d) collector Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'Something which is
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III) considered to be very important' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who is in charge 'Cardinal' – (ØecegKe, cegKÙe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
of a museum or art gallery' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'curator' Scanty - DelÙeuhe~
(meb«eneueÙe keâer osKeYeeue keâjves Jeeuee efvejer#ekeâ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW Supplementary - Deveghetjkeâ~
kesâ DeLe& nQ- Meagre - yengle keâce, mJeuhe~
Monitor- efvejer#eCe keâjvee, oMee&vee~ 152. Select the word which mean the same as the
Instructor- GheosMekeâ~ group of words given:
Collector- meb«enkeâlee&~ To make perfect or complete
(a) Deportment (b) Attainment
148. Select the word which means the same as the (c) Impediment (d) Complement
group of words given.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
A group of singers in a church
(a) choir (b) band Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'To make perfect or
(c) host (d) troop complete' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Complement' (hetjkeâ) nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A group of singers Deportment – Ûeeue–Ûeueve/JÙeJenej~
in a church' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Choir' (ieeÙeveceC[ueer) nesiee~ Attainment – Øeeefhle/efmeefæ~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Impediment – yeeOee/™keâeJeš~
Band- ceC[ueer/mecetn, Host- cespeyeeve, Troop- šesueer/šgkeâÌ[er
153. Select the which means the same as the group
(mesvee) of words given:
149. Select the word which means the same as the Satisfied, with no desire to change or improve
given group of words. (a) Adolescent (b) Complacent
Arrangement of events or dates in the order in (c) Beneficent (d) Innocent
which they happen SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
One Word Substitution 621 YCT
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Satisfied with no 158. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given.
desire to change or improve' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
A person living in the same age with another
"Complacent" (Deelcemebleg° nesvee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) Confidant (b) Collaborator
Adolescent – efkeâMeesj~ (c) Partner (d) Contemporary
Beneficent – Goej/hejeshekeâejer~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Innocent – ceemetce/Yeesuee–Yeeuee~ Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a person living in
154. Select the word which means the same as the the same age with another' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
group of words given. 'Contemporary' (mecekeâeueerve) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
A group of people who have come together in a
confidant– efJeÕemeveerÙe, Collaborator- menkeâceea, Partner-
religious building for worship and prayer
(a) Throng (b) Crowd meePes
(c) Multitude (d) Congregation 159. Choose the most appropriate word that can
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I) substitute the given group of words.
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words - 'A group of people The art of creating and arranging dances
who have come together in a religious building for (a) Geology (b) Choreography
worship and prayer' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'congregation' (c) Seismology (d) Calligraphy
(meYee, peceeJe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 'Throng' - ueesieeW SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
keâer Yeejer YeerÌ[, peve mecegoeÙe, 'Crowd' - YeerÌ[, Deece pevelee Ans. (b) : ef o S ieS Group of words 'The art of creating
'Multitude' - ueesieeW keâe peceIeš, JemlegDeeW keâe {sj~ and arranging dances' kes â ef ueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Choreography'
155. Select the word which means the same as the (ve=lÙekeâuee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
group of words given. Geology- Yet-efJe%eeve, Seismology- Yetkeâche efJe%eeve,
Flesh eating animal Calligraphy - meguesKeve~
(a) Insectivore (b) Herbivore
160. Choose the most appropriate word that can
(c) Carnivore (d) Omnivore substitute the given group of words.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Group of singers
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Flesh eating animal' (a) Jury (b) Choir
kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'carnivore' (ceebmeenejer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW (c) Orchestra (d) Council
kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Insectivore - keâeršYe#eer ØeeCeer~ Ans. (b) : efoS ieS Group of words 'Group of singers' kesâ efueÙes
Herbivore - Meekeâenejer~ Skeâ Meyo 'Choir' (ieeÙekeâ ceb[ueer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Omnivore - meJee&nejer~ Jury - efveCee&Ùekeâ meefceefle, Orchestra - Jeeokeâ mecetn, Council - heefj<eo~
156. Select the word which means the same as the 161. Choose the most appropriate word that can
group of words given. substitute the given group of words.
A small compartment in an aircraft for the A place where nuns live and work
pilot (a) Convent (b) Dormitory
(a) Canopy (b) Chassis (c) Hostel (d) Quarter
(c) Cockpit (d) Fuselage SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) efoS ieS Group of words 'A place where nuns
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a small compartment
live and work' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Convent' (ce") nesiee~
in an aircraft for the pilot' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Cockpit'
(Ûeeuekeâ mLeeve, nJeeF& penepe keâe Deieuee efnmmee) nesiee~ DevÙe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Dormitory - MeÙeveeieej, Hostel - Úe$eeJeeme, Quarter -
Canopy ceb[he, Chassis– Ì{eBÛee, Fuselage–JeeÙegÙeeve keâe yeerÛe Úe$eeJeeme~
keâe efnmmee~ 162. Select the most appropriate word for the given
group of words.
157. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given. A critical judge of any art and craft
A deep fissure in the earth's surface (a) Connoisseur (b) Curator
(a) Chasm (b) Earthquake (c) Crusader (d) Cynic
(c) Tremor (d) Valcano SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II) Ans : (a) efoS ieS Group of words 'A critical judge of
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A deep fissure in the any art and craft' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Connoisseur' (keâuee-
earth's surface' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Chasm' (KeeF&/ojej) efveCee&Ùekeâ, keâuee heejKeer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Earthquake – Yetkeâche, Curator - meb«eneueÙeeOÙe#e, Crusader - Oece&Ùeesæe, Cynic -
Tremor – keâcheve/Yetkeâche kesâ Peškesâ, Volcano – pJeeueecegKeer~ ceeveJeÉs<eer~
One Word Substitution 622 YCT
163. Select the most appropriate word for the given 167. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words. group of words given.
A person who is recovering after an illness or The dead body of an animal
medical treatment. (a) Skull (b) Skeleton
(a) Athlete (b) Convalescent (c) Vesper (d) Carcass
(c) Senile (d) Altruist SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The dead body of an
Ans. (b) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A person who is
animal' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Carcass' (MeJe/ueeMe) nesiee~ DevÙe
recovering after an illness or medical treatment' kesâ efueÙes
efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
Skeâ Meyo 'Convalescent' (hegve: mJeemLÙe Øeehle keâjvee) nesiee~
Skull - KeesheÌ[er~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Athlete - efKeueeÌ[er, JÙeeÙeeceer~ Skeleton - kebâkeâeue~
Senile - yegÌ{ehes kesâ keâejCe YeguekeäkeâÌ[, meef"ÙeeÙee ngDee~ Vesper - mebOÙee keâe leeje~
Altruist - hejeshekeâejer~ D
164. Select the most appropriate word for the given 168. Select the option that can be used as a one-
group of words.
word substitute for the given group of words.
The fear of being enclosed in a small space or
A person who enjoys doing dangerous things,
in a way that other people may think is stupid.
(a) Hydrophobia (b) Acrophobia
(a) Cavalier (b) Lunatic
(c) Claustrophobia (d) Aerophobia
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Gallant (d) Daredevil
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (c) : efoS ieS Group of words 'The fear of being
enclosed in a small space or room' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A person who enjoys
doing dangerous things, in a way that other people may
'claustrophobia' (yebo peien keâe YeÙe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
think is stupid’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Daredevil’ (meenmeer) nesiee~
DeLe& nQ-
Hydrophobia - heeveer keâe YeÙe~
DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Acrophobia - TBÛeeF& keâe YeÙe~ Cavalier – IegÌ[meJeej, yeneogj~
Aerophobia - JeeÙeg keâe YeÙe~ Lunatic – heeieue ceveg<Ùe~
165. Select the most appropriate word for the given Gallant - yeneogj~
group of words. 169. Select the option that can be used as a one-
A list of names or things in a special order word substitute for the given group of words.
(a) Atlas (b) Catalogue The place that a person treats as his permanent
(c) Dictionary (d) Directory home, or lives in and has a substantial
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I) connection with
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'A list of names or (a) Domicile (b) Embankment
things in a special order.' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Catalogue'- (c) Oasis (d) Resort
(metÛeer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Atlas - ceeveefÛe$e keâer hegmlekeâ~ Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The place that a
Dictionary - Meyo keâesMe~ person treats as his permanent home, lives in and has a
Directory - efveoxefMekeâe~ substantial connection with’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Domicile’
166. Select the word which means the same as the (mLeeÙeer efveJeeme) nesiee~
group of word given. DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Persons living at the same time Embankment-penepe hej ÛeÌ{vee Ùee ÛeÌ{evee~
(a) Colleagues (b) Contemporaries
Oasis - ce™Éerhe~
(c) Comrades (d) Companions
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II) Resort – Deeßece uesvee~
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'Persons living at 170. Select the option that can be used as a one-
the same time' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Contemporaries' word substitute for the given group of words.
(mecekeâeueerve) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Capable of being bent or pulled into different
Colleagues - menkeâceea~ (a) Lissome (b) Lithe
Comrades - menÙeesæe~ (c) Willowy (d) Ductile
Companions - meeLeer~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)
One Word Substitution 623 YCT
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘capable of being (a) Throng (b) Cluster
bent or pulled into different shapes’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo (c) Crowd (d) Drove
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I)
‘Ductile’ (ueÛeeruee Je keâesceue) nesiee~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Group of words, 'A herd or flock of
DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& nQ –
animals being driven in a body' kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ one word
Lissome – lespe~
'drove' (PegC[) nw DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Lithe – Hegâleeauee~
Throng - YeerÌ[/cesuee, Cluster - mecetn/iegÛÚe, Crowd - YeerÌ[~
Willowy – keâcepeesj~
175. Select the most appropriate one-word
171. Select the option that can be used as a one- substitution for the given words.
word substitute for the given group of words. A doctor who treats skin diseases
The study of different skin diseases (a) Ophthalmologist (b) Orthodontist
(a) Neurology (b) Dermatology (c) Dermatologist (d) Cardiologist
(c) Psychology (d) Radiology SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A doctor who treats
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The study of
skin diseases' kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe (c)
different skin disease kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Dermatology’–
'Dermatologist' (lJeÛee efJeMes<e%e) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
lJeÛee jesie efJeMes<e%e) nesiee~ kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ~
DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& nQ – Ophthalmologist - ves$e efJeMes<e%e~
Neurology – lebef$ekeâe efJe%eeve~ Orthodontist - oble efJeMes<e%e~
Psychology – ceveesefJe%eeve~ Cardiologist - ùoÙe jesie efJeMes<e%e~
Radiology – efJeefkeâjCe-efÛeefkeâlmee efJe%eeve~
176. Select the most appropriate word for the given
172. Select the option that can be used as a one- group of words.
word substitute for the given group of words. A particular form of a language which is
Something that is strong and lasts a long time peculiar to a specific region
without breaking or becoming weaker. (a) dialect (b) lingo
(a) Durable (b) Harsh (c) jargon (d) slang
(c) Secure (d) Pliable SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a particular form of a
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘something that is
language which is peculiar to a specific region' kesâ efueS
strong and lasts a long time without breaking or
Skeâ Meyo 'dialect' (GheYee<ee, Øeeke=âle Yee<ee) nesiee~
becoming weaker, kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Durable’ (efškeâeT)
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- lingo - MeyoeJeueer, jargon - efJeefMe°,
MeyoeJeueer, slang - Keeme yeesueer~
DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& nQ –
177. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Harsh – keâ"esj ~
group of words.
Secure – megjef#ele A young person tending to commit crime,
Pliable –ueÛeeruee~ particularly minor crime.
173. Select the option that can be used as a one- (a) crime (b) derelict
word substitute for the given group of words. (c) delinquent (d) convict
To throw an event into confusion or disorder SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Detonate (b) Disrupt Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words a 'young person
(c) Explode (d) Erupt tending to commit crime, particularly minor crime' kesâ
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I) efueS Skeâ Meyo 'delinquent' (peeveyetPekeâj DehejeOe keâjves
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, 'to throw an event into Jeeuee/Fjeoe jKeves Jeeuee) nesiee~
confusion or disorder kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'Disrupt' (ieÌ[yeÌ[ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
keâjvee/eflelej-efyelej keâjvee) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~ Crime (DehejeOe) derelict (DeeJeeje),convict (DehejeOeer)~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
178. Select the most appropriate one-word
Detonate - efJemHeâesš/oeievee, Explode - efJemHeâesš nesvee, Erupt - substitution for the given group of words.
Hetâšvee/ØemHegâefšle nesvee~ A large bedroom for a number of people in an
174. Select the option that can be used as a one- institution
word substitute for the given group of words. (a) chamber (b) apartment
A herd or flock of animals being driven in a (c) auditorium (d) dormitory
body SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
One Word Substitution 624 YCT
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A large bedroom for DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
a number of people in an institution' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo Anthropology- ceeveJeMeeŒe~
'dormitory' (Úe$eeJeeme) nesiee~ Sociology- meceepeMeeŒe~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Psychology- ceveesefJe%eeve~
chamber - Jen keâ#e Ùee YeJeve peneB mebie"ve keâer yew"keâ nesleer nw~ 183. Select the word that means the same as the
apartment - DeJekeâeMe ceeveeves kesâ efueS efkeâjeÙes hej GheueyOe keâcejs~ given group of words.
Unable to think clearly because of a mental
auditorium - meYeeieej~
179. Select the word which means the same as the (a) Deranged (b) Eccentric
group of words given. (c) Whimsical (d) Balanced
A person, animal or plant much below the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
usual height Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'unable to think
(a) creature (b) witch
clearly because of a mental illness' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
(c) wizard (d) dwarf
'Deranged' (efJeef#ehle/Demle-JÙemle) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
nQ- Eccentric – mevekeâer/Pekeäkeâer, Whimsical – mevekeâer,
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person, animal or
Balanced – meblegefuele~
plant much below the usual height' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo
184. Select the word which means the same as the
'dwarf' (yeewvee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Creature
group of words given.
(ØeeCeer), Witch (ÛegÌ[wue), Wizard (peeotiej)~ To laugh at something in a cruel way
180. Select the word which means the same as the (a) Deprive (b) Decide
group of words given. (c) Defy (d) Deride
That which can be drawn into a thin wire SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) brittle (b) ductile Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'to laugh at
(c) flexible (d) smooth something in a cruel way' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'deride'
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I) (cepeekeâ GÌ[evee, efkeâmeer keâe keâ"esjlee mes Gheneme keâjvee) nesiee~ DevÙe
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'That which can be efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
drawn into a thin wire' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Ductile' Deprive - JebefÛele keâjvee, Decide - efveef§ele keâjvee, Defy -
(veceveerÙe, Oeeleg levÙelee) nesiee~ DeJe%ee keâjvee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 185. Select the word which means the same as the
brittle - veepegkeâ~ group of words given.
Flexible - ueÛeeruee~ A ruler with total power over a country,
typically one who has obtained control by force
Smooth - efÛekeâvee~
(a) Traitor (b) Dictator
181. Select the most appropriate word for the given (c) Democrat (d) Protector
group of words. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
A game in which no one wins Ans. (b) : efoÙess ieÙes group of words 'A ruler with total
(a) Conquest (b) Draw power over a country, typically one who has obtained
(c) Triumph (d) Feat control by force' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Dictator' (leeveeMeen)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II)
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A game in which no Traitor - osMeõesner, Democrat - ueeskeâleb$eJeeoer, Protector -
one wins' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'draw' (DeefveCeeale) nesiee~ j#ekeâ, mebj#ekeâ~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 186. Select the word which means the same as the
Conquest- efJepeÙe, peerle, Triumph- efJepeÙe Øeehle keâjvee, Feat- group of words given.
kegâMeue~ A situation requiring a choice between equally
182. Select the most appropriate word for the given undesirable alternatives or confusions
group of words (a) Sophistication (b) Complication
The statistical study of the population (c) Instability (d) Dilemma
(a) anthropology (b) demography SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) sociology (d) psychology Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a situation requiring
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III) a choice between equally undesirable alternatives or
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The statistical study confusions' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'dilemma' (ogefJeOee) nesiee~ DevÙe
of the population' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'demography' efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Sophistication– efJeMes<elee, Instability–
(pevemeebefKÙekeâerÙe) nesiee~ DeefmLejlee, complication– peefšuelee~

One Word Substitution 625 YCT

187. Choose the most appropriate word that can 191. Select the option that can be used as a one-
substitute the given group of words. word substitute for the given group of words.
One who can't speak A thing fit to eat.
(a) Bevy (b) Quiet (a) Digestible (b) Edible
(c) Orphan (d) Dumb (c) Eligible (d) Curable
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : efoS ieS Group of words 'One who can't Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle group of words ‘A thing fit to
speak' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'dumb' (ietbiee) nesiee~ eat’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Edible’ (Keeves ÙeesiÙe) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Bevy - Pegb[, Quiet - Meevle, Orphan - DeveeLe~ Digestible – heeÛeve ÙeesiÙe~
188. Choose the word that can substitute the given Eligible – ÙeesiÙe~
sentence. Curable – megmeeOÙe~
A book of names and addresses 192. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined
(a) Diary (b) Directory word in the given sentence. When I was in
(c) Dictionary (d) Journal Class 5, I won the first prize in extempore at
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) my school.
(a) A speech delivered without prior preparation
Ans. (b) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A book of names
or rehearsal
and addresses' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Directory' (efveoxefMekeâe) (b) A dramatic performance on stage
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) A sports event
Diary - hee@kesâš yegkeâ, Dictionary - MeyokeâesMe, Journal - (d) A short piece of writing on a subject
heef$ekeâe~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I)
189. Select the word which means the same as the Ans. (a) : ef o Ùes ieÙes group of words kesâ efueS Meyo
group of words given. ‘Extempore’ efpemekeâer Meaning ‘A speech delivered
A contest between two people to settle a point without prior preparation or rehearsal’ (efyevee lewÙeejer kesâ efoÙee
of honour peeves Jeeuee Yee<eCe) nesiee~
(a) dual (b) duel 193. Choose the word that can substitute the given
(c) duo (d) duet group of words. A speech made without
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II) preparation
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'A contest between (a) Parable (b) Eulogy
(c) Extempore (d) Chronicle
two people to settle a point of honour' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
'Duel' (Ébo Ùegæ, ceuueÙegæ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A speech made
Dual -oesnje~
without preparation’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Extempore’ (efyevee
Duo - peessÌ[er~ henues mes lewÙeejer kesâ efoÙee peeves Jeeuee Yee<eCe) nesiee~
Duet - Ùegieue~ DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& nQ –
E Parable- veerefle keâLee~
Eulogy- ØeMebmee Yee<eCe~
190. Choose the word that can substitute the given Chronicle-keâeue›eâce mes DeefYeuesKeve keâjvee~
group of words. A person who believes in the
equality of all people. 194. Choose the word that can substitute the given
group of words.
(a) Philodendron (b) Philologist
A lover of oneself, of one's advancement
(c) Philander (d) Egalitarian
(a) Philistine (b) Mercenary
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III) (c) Cynic (d) Egoist
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A person who SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III)
believes in the equality of all people’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A lover of oneself,
‘Egalitarian’ (meceleeJeeoer) nesiee~ of one’s advancement’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Egoist’
DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ DeLe& nQ – (DenbceJeeoer) nesiee~
Philodendron – house plant kesâ ™he ceW GieeÙee peeves Jeeuee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
heewOee~ Mercenary – Jesleve-Yeesieer Ùee efkeâjeÙes keâe~
Philologist- Yee<eeefJeo~ Cynic – ceeveJeÉs<eer~
Philander –Yeü°eÛeej keâjvee, Øesceeueehe keâjves Jeeuee~ Philistine – DeefMeef#ele~

One Word Substitution 626 YCT

195. Choose the word that can substitute the given DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
group of words. Capitalist – hetbpeerJeeoer~
Book giving information about everything
Businessman –JÙeJemeeÙeer~
(a) Dictionary (b) Encyclopedia
(c) Phonebook (d) Thesis Consumer – GheYeesòeâe~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III) 199. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Book giving word substitute for the given group of words.
Study of insects
information about everything’ kesâ efueS SkeâMeyo
(a) Entomology (b) Biology
‘Encyclopedia’ (veece Je helee keâer efkeâleeye) nesiee~ (c) Geology (d) Ecology
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I
Dictionary – MeyokeâesMe~ Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘ study of insects’ kesâ
Thesis –MeesOe ØebyeOe~ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Entomology’ (keâeršefJe%eeve) nesiee~
Phonebook – šsueerHeâesve efveoxefMekeâe~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
196. Select the most appropriate one word Biology- peerJeefJe%eeve~
substitution for the given group of words. Geology- YetefJe%eeve~
A man who is womanish in his habits
Ecology- heeefjefmLeeflekeâer efJe%eeve~
(a) Effeminate (b) Indictment
(c) Hooch (d) Infidel 200. Select the word which means the same as the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III) group of words given.
a book or set of books giving information on
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A man who is
many subjects or on many aspects of one
womanish in his habits’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Effeminate’ subject and typically arranged alphabetically.
(ŒeerJele) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – (a) Glossary (b) Dictionary
Indictment – DeefYeÙeesie ueieevee~ (c) Encyclopedia (d) Thesaurus
Hooch – Mejeye~ SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
Infidel - veeefmlekeâ Ùee DeefJeÕeemeer~ Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A book or set of
197. Select the options that can be used as a one- books giving information on many subjects of one
word substitute for the given group of words. subjects and typically arranged alphabetically’ kesâ efueS
A book that contains information on various Skeâ Meyo ‘Encyclopedia’ (%eevekeâesMe) nesiee~
subjects DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw –
(a) Encyclopedia (b) Manuscript Glossary- Meyo meb«en ~
(c) Thesaurus (d) Dictionary Dictionary- Meyo keâesMe~
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I
Thesaurus- Yeb[ej, MeyokeâesMe~
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A book that contains
201. Select the option that can be used as a one-
information on various subjects’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
word substitute for the given group of words.
‘Encyclopedia ‘ (%eevekeâesMe) nesiee~ A person who listens to someone's private
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – conversation without them knwoing.
Manuscript- nmleefueefhe~ (a) Secret agent (b) Spy
Thesaurus – MeyokeâesMe, YebC[ej~ (c) Eavesdropper (d) Infiltrator
Dictionary – Meyo-meb«en~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Group of words, A person who listens
198. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the underlined group of to someone's private conversation without them
words. knowing kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe Eavesdropper (efÚhekeâj yeeles megveves
Mohan frequently wastes his money on Jeeuee) GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
luxurious objects such as cars and digital DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
devices. Secret agent - ieghleÛej, Spy - peemetme, Infiltrator - Iegmehewef"Ùee
(a) Capitalist (b) Extravagant
202. Select the most appropriate one-word
(c) Businessman (d) Consumer
substitution for the given words.
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III
Speech made without preparation
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘wastes his money on (a) Extempore (b) Statement
luxurious objects’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Extravagant’ (efHeâpetue (c) Speech (d) Debate
KeÛe&) nesiee~ SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I)

One Word Substitution 627 YCT

Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, speech made without 207. Select the option that can be used as a one-
preparation kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe ‘Extempore’ (efyevee word substitute for the given group of words.
lewÙeejer) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~ Words written on a tombstone in the memory
of the person who has died
203. Select the most appropriate one-word (a) prologue (b) epilogue
substitution for the given group of words. (c) stela (d) epitaph
The dates when days and nights are of equal
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) equinox (b) solstice Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Words written on a
(c) stellar (d) eclipse tombstone in the memory of the person who has died' kesâ
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Epitaph' - (keâyeÇ uesKe) nesiee~
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes 'group of words 'The dates when DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Prologue - ØemleeJevee, Epilogue -
days and nights are of equal length' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo heefjefMe° Yeeie~
'equinox' (efJe<egJe) nesiee~ 208. Select the most appropriate word which means
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- the same as the group of words given.
solstice - DeÙeveeble, GÛÛelece efMeKej, stellar - leejkeâerÙe, ve#e$eerÙe, To prepare written material for publication by
eclipse - «enCe, «emle~ correcting or modifying it
(a) summarise (b) abridge
204. Select the most appropriate one-word
substitution for the given group of words. (c) edit (d) crop
Study of environment SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) radiology (b) pathology Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'To prepare written
(c) ecology (d) cosmology material for publication by correcting or modifying it' kesâ
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Edit' (mebheeove keâjvee) nesiee~
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'study of DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
environment' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'ecology' (heÙee&JejCe keâe Summarise- meej Øemlegle keâjvee, Abridge- mebef#ehle keâjvee,
DeOÙeÙeve, heÙee&JejCe efJe%eeve) nesiee~ Ieševee, Crop - keâebšvee/Úebšvee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 209. Select the most appropriate option that can be
radiology - Skeäme-js, efÛeefkeâlmee efJe%eeve~ used as a one-word substitute for the given
pathology - jesieefJe%eeve~ group of words.
cosmology - yeÇÿeeC[ efJe%eeve~ All the people in a country or area who are
205. Select the word which means the same as the entitled to vote in an election.
group of words given. (a) electorate (b) inhabitants
Something which is fit to be eaten. (c) residents (d) settlers
(a) Unpalatable (b) Delicious SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Edible (d) Tasty Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'All the people in a
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II) country or area who are entitled to vote in an election' kesâ
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Something which is fit efueS Skeâ Meyo 'electorate' (efveJee&Ûekeâ Jeie&) nesiee~
to be eaten' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Edible' (Keeves ÙeesiÙe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Inhabitants - efveJeemeer, Residents -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DeeJeemeer, Settlers - DeefOeJeemeer~
Unpalatable- keâÌ[e, DemJeeefo°, Delicious -mJeeefo°, Tasty - 210. Select the word which means the same as the
mJeeefo°~ group of words given.
206. Select the word which means the same as the Soon passing out or of a short duration
group of words given. (a) Frostbite (b) Evanescent
An inscription on a tombstone written in (c) Extempore (d) Fluke
memory of the deceased SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) slab (b) basilica Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Soon passing out or
(c) epitaph (d) pillar
of a short duration' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Evanescent '
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'An inscription on a
(#eCeYebiegj, DemLeeÙeer) nesiee~
tombstone written in memory of the deceased' kesâ efueS Skeâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Frostbite - MeerleobMe, Extempore -
Meyo 'Epitaph' (mce=efle uesKe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw- efyevee lewÙeejer kesâ, Fluke - Deekeâefmcekeâ ueeYe, heCe&ke=âefce~
Slab - Keb[~ 211. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given.
Basilica - efJeMeeue meYee YeJeve, meceeefOeceb[he~
Painless death given to patients to relieve
Pillar - KecYee~ suffering.
One Word Substitution 628 YCT
(a) Euphemism (b) Euthanasia Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'steal or
(c) Euphoria (d) Euphorbia misappropriate' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'embezzle' (Oeve Ûegjevee Ùee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III) ieyeve keâjvee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Painless death given Overcharge - DeefOekeâ oece uesvee~
to patients to relieve suffering.' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo Raid - Úehee ceejvee~
'Euthanasia' (FÛÚece=lÙeg) nesiee~ Manipulate - nsjhesâj keâjvee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-Euphemism - cebieueYee<eer, Euphoria 216. Choose the most appropriate word that can
- Glmeen, Euphorbia - Je»ekeâCškeâe substitute the given group of words.
212. Select the word which means the same as the Something which lasts forever
group of words given. (a) Eternal (b) Temporal
A person who speaks always in praise of (c) Annual (d) Peripheral
himself SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Conventionalist (b) Evangelist Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words 'Something which
(c) Egotist (d) Nationalist lasts forever' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'eternal' (MeeMJele/Decej)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person who Temporal - YeeweflekeâleeJeeoer, ueewefkeâkeâ~
speaks always in praise of himself' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo Annual - meeueevee~
'Egotist' (DenbJeeoer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Peripheral - heefjOeerÙe, ieewCe~
Conventionalist – efveÙeceJeeoer~ 217. Select the word which means the same as the
Evangelist – F&meeF&cele ØeÛeejkeâ~ group of words given.
Nationalist – je°^Jeeoer~ A person who wastes his money on luxury
(a) Monarch (b) Expensive
213. Select the word which means the same as the
(c) Frugal (d) Extravagant
group of words given.
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
A situation in which many people leave a place
at the same time Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'A person who
(a) Navigation (b) Immigration wastes his money on luxury' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo
(c) Mitigation (d) Exodus 'Extravagant' (DeheJÙeÙeer/efHeâpetue KeÛe& keâjves Jeeuee) nesiee~ DevÙe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II) efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A situation in which Monarch - meceüeš, Expensive - yengcetuÙe, Frugal - efceleJÙeÙeer~
many people leave a place at the same time' kesâ efueS Skeâ 218. Select the word which means the same as the
Meyo 'Exodus' (efveie&ceve/ketâÛe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- group of words given.
Navigation - heLe ØeoMe&ve, Immigration-DeeØeJeemeve, A poem of serious reflection, typically a lament
Mitigation - Meceve, DeuheerkeâjCe~ for the dead.
(a) Hymn (b) Elegy
214. Select the word which means the same as the
(c) Ballad (d) Sonnet
group of words given.
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II)
Lasting for a very short time
(a) Ephemeral (b) Endless Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A poem of serious
(c) Illusory (d) Infinite reflection, typically a lament for the dead' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III) Meyo 'Elegy' (Meeskeâieerle) nesiee~
Ans. (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Lasting for a very short DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Hymn - mlegefle ieerle, Ballad -
Time' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Ephermeral' (Deuhekeâeefuekeâ) nesiee~ ieeLeeieerle, Sonnet - ieerle~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 219. Select the word which means the same as the
Endless – Deveble, yengle DeefOekeâ~ group of words given.
Illusory – Yeüecekeâ, efceLÙee~ Someone who leaves one's country to settle in
another country.
Infinite – Demeerce, Deheej~ (a) Tourist (b) Emigrant
215. Select the word which means the same as the (c) Foreigner (d) Explorer
group of words given. SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Steal or misappropriate money Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes groups of words 'Someone who
(a) Overcharge (b) Raid
leaves one's country to settle in another country' kesâ efueS
(c) Embezzle (d) Manipulate
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Skeâ Meyo 'Emigrant' (ØeJeemeer) nesiee~

One Word Substitution 629 YCT

DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- F
Tourist - heÙe&škeâ, Foreigner - efJeosMeer, Explorer - Keespe
224. Choose the word that can substitute the given
keâjves Jeeuee~ group of words.
220. Select the word which means the same as the The flowers of a particular region
group of words given. (a) Bryophyte (b) Flora
A poem that expresses lament for the dead (c) Fauna (d) Bovine
(a) Lyric (b) Ode SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I)
(c) Elegy (d) Sonnet Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The flowers of a
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I) particular region’ kesâ efueS SkeâMeyo ‘Flora’ (hesÌ[-heewOes) nesiee~
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A poem that DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
expresses lament for the dead' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'elegy' Bryophyte- Jevemheefle peiele kesâ heewOees keâe Skeâ yeÌ[e Jeie& ~
(Meeskeâieerle) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Fauna- heMegheef#eÙeeW keâe mecetn~
Lyric - ieerefle-keâeJÙe Bovine- ieespeeleerÙe ~
Ode - mebyeesOeve ieerle 225. Choose the word that can substitute the given
Sonnet - Ûeewon hebefòeâÙeeW keâe ueIegkeâeJÙe group of words. Destruction of a fetus
221. Select the word which means the same as the (a) Ellipse (b) Abhor
group of words given. (c) Fratricide (d) Feticide
A short speech at the end of a play. SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I)
(a) Eulogy (b) Prologue Ans. (d) : ef o Ùes ieÙes group of words ‘Destruction of a
(c) Epilogue (d) Chorus fetus’ kes â ef ueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Feticide’ (Yet Ç CenlÙee) nesiee~
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A short speech at Ellipse- Deb[ekeâej Je=òe~
the end of a play' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Epilogue' (Ghemebnej) Abhor- Ie=Cee keâjvee~
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Fratricide-YeeF& keâer nlÙee~
Eulogy - ØeMebmee Yee<eCe, Prologue - ØemleeJevee, Chorus - 226. Select the option that can be used as a one-
ieeÙekeâeW keâe mecetn~ word substitute for the given group of words.
Being careful that every detail of something is
222. Select the word which means the same as the correct
group of words given. (a) Squeamish (b) Fastidious
A disease that is prevalent in a particular area. (c) Impregnable (d) Stubborn
(a) Genetic (b) Contagious SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
(c) Endemic (d) Viral Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Being careful that
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II) every detail of something is correct’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A disease that is ‘Fastidious’ (ogjeOÙe) nesiee~
prevalent in a particular area' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'endemic' DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
(mLeeefvekeâ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Squeamish- vekeâÛeÌ{e~
Genetic - DeevegJeebebfMekeâ~ Impregnable- DepesÙe~
Contagious - meb›eâecekeâ~ Stubborn-efpeöer~
Viral - efJe<eòeâ meb›eâecekeâ heoeLe& keâe~ 227. Select the option that can be used as a one-
223. Select the word which means the same as the word substitute for the given group of words.
group of words given. The constitutional right to vote
One who studies and cares about environment (a) Voting (b) Buttoning
(a) Archeologist (b) Ecologist (c) Polling (d) Franchise
(c) Anthropologist (d) Biologist SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The constitutional
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'one who studies and right to vote’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Franchise’ (celeeefOekeâej)
cares about environment' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Ecologist' nesiee~
(heeefjefmLeefle efJe%eeveMeeŒeer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ~
Archeologist - hegjelelJeJesòee~ Voting – celeoeve~
Anthropologist - ceeveJe efJe%eeveer~ Buttoning – Skeâ Úesšer ieesueekeâej kegbâ[er~
Biologist - peerJe efJe%eeveer~ Polling – celeoeve ~

One Word Substitution 630 YCT

228. Select the most appropriate one word Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Someone who
substitution for the given words. believes that people cannot change the way events will
a period of two weeks happen' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Fatalist' (YeeiÙeJeeoer) nesiee~
(a) month (b) century DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw- Prophet- YeefJe<ÙeJekeälee, Fanatic-
(c) decade (d) fortnight
Oecee&vOe, Seer - YeefJe<Ùeõ<Ùe/efmeæ heg®<e~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
233. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A period of two group of words.
weeks' kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ one word efJekeâuhe (b) 'fortnight' A person who sells and arranges cut flowers.
(heKeJeeÌ[e) nesiee~ (a) Nutritionist (b) Agriculturist
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Florist (d) Botanist
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Century - Meleeyoer, Decade - oMekeâ, Month - ceen~
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person who sells
229. Select the option that can be used as a one-
and arranges cut flowers' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'florist'
word substitute for the given group of words.
Something that is to your advantage but (heg<heefJe›esâlee) nesiee~
happened by chance DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Deliberate (b) Fortuitous Nutritionist - (Deenej efJeMes<e%e), Agriculturist - (ke=â<ekeâ),
(c) Occidental (d) Purposeful Botanist - (JevemheefleMeem$e)~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I) 234. Select the most appropriate word for the group
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, something that is to of words.
your advantage but happened by chance kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe One who is difficult to please
(a) fastidious (b) fanatic
'Fortuitous' (Deekeâefmcekeâ/DeØelÙeeefMele) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~
(c) fatalist (d) feminist
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Deliberate - peeveyetPekeâj, Occidental - heÛÚceJeemeer/heef§eceer, Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'one who is difficult to
Purposeful - GösMÙehetCe&~ please' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Fastidious' (legvekeâ efcepeepe) nesiee~
230. Select the most appropriate word for the given DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
group of words. Fanatic- keâój~
A group of birds of one kind Fatalist- YeeiÙeJeeoer~
(a) Crowd (b) Bevy
Feminist- veejerJeeoer~
(c) Band (d) Flock
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III) 235. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given.
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, a group of birds of A group of ships sailing together
one kind kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) 'flock' (PegC[) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~ (a) Fleet (b) Vessels
231. Select the word which means the same as the (c) Navy (d) Cruisers
group of words given. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
easily broken Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A group of ships
(a) fragile (b) pliable sailing together' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Fleet' (veewmesvee/penepeer
(c) malleable (d) ductile yesÌ[e) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III) Vessels - heeveer keâe penepe/peueÙeeve~
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'easily broken' kesâ efueÙes Navy - veewmesvee~
Skeâ Meyo 'fragile' (veepegkeâ/Yebiegj) nesiee~ Cruisers - Ùegæheesle~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw - 236. Choose the most appropriate word that can
Pliable- ueÛeeruee, vecÙe~ substitute the given group of words.
Malleable- DeeIeeleJeOe&veerÙe, ueÛeeruee~ A group of ships
Ductile- (veceveerÙe, levÙe)~ (a) Fleet (b) Suite
(c) Army (d) Bevy
232. Select the word which means the same as the SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
group of words given. Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A group of ships' kesâ
Someone who believes that people cannot efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Fleet' (penepeeW keâe yesÌ[e) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
change the way events will happen
DeLe& nQ-
(a) prophet (b) fatalist
Suite - keâcejeW keâe mecetn, Army - mewwefvekeâeW keâe mecetn, Bevy -
(c) fanatic (d) seer
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II) m$eÙeeW keâe mecetn
One Word Substitution 631 YCT
237. Select the most appropriate word of the given
group of words.
An act of murdering one's brother 241. Select the most appropriate word for the given
(a) Fratricide (b) Regicide group of words.
(c) Genocide (d) Patricide Tending to associate with others of one's kind
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II) (a) Pungent (b) Venial
(c) Gregarious (d) Pedantic
Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words 'An act of murdering
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I)
one's brother' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Fratricide' (YeeF& keâer nlÙee)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘ Tending to associate
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
with other’s of one’s kind’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Gregarious’
Regicide - jepee keâer nlÙee~
(PegC[ ceW jnves Jeeuee) nesiee~
Genocide - efkeâmeer Skeâ peeefle keâe meecetefnkeâ mebnej~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Patricide - efhelee keâer nlÙee~
Pungent – keâšg, leerKee~
238. Select the most appropriate word for the given Venial – Decej~
group of words.
Pedantic - ™efÌ{Jeeoer~
Something which leads to death
(a) Fatal (b) Trial 242. Select the option that can be used as a one-
(c) Penal (d) Vital word substitute for the given group of words.
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III) The murder of a large number of people from a
particular nation or ethnic group.
Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words 'Something which
(a) Genocide (b) Honour killing
leads to death' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Fatal' (Ieelekeâ, peeveuesJee) (c) Geronticide (d) Mariticide
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Trial - hejKe~ Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The murder of a
Penal - oC[, keâ"esj~ large number of people from a particular nation or
Vital - cenlJehetCe&~ ethnic group’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Genocide’ (peve-mebnej)
239. Select the most appropriate word for the given nesiee~
group of words : DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
A person motivated by irrational enthusiasm Honour killing –mecceeve j#ee nsleg nlÙee~
(a) Infidel (b) Fanatic Geronticide - yegpegieeX keâer nlÙee~
(c) Atheist (d) Polytheist
Marticide – heefle keâer nlÙee~
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I)
243. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Ans. (b) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A person motivated
word substitute for the given group of words.
by irrational enthusiasm' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'fanatic' (keâój)
Drawings or writing on a wall in a public place
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) Graffiti (b) Caricature
Infidel - veeefmlekeâ, DeefJeMJeemeer~ (c) Collage (d) Portrait
Atheist - veeefmlekeâ~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I
Polytheist - keâF& F&MJej ceW efJeMJeeme jKeves Jeeuee~ Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Drawings or writing
on a wall in a public place ‘ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Graffiti’
240. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given. (efYeefòe efÛe$e) nesiee~
A period of two weeks bDevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Quarter (b) Decade Caricature – JÙebiÙe-efÛe$e~
(c) Fortnight (d) Weekend Collage – mketâue ~
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Portrait –efÛe$e ~
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'A period of two
244. Select the word which means the same as the
weeks' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'fortnight' (oes mehleen keâer DeJeefOe, group of words given.
heKeJeeÌ[e) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- A room or building with equipment for doing
Quarter - ÛeewLeeF&~ physical exercise
Decade - oMekeâ~ (a) dormitory (b) convent
(c) infirmary (d) gymnasium
Weekend - mehleen keâe Debeflece efove~
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
One Word Substitution 632 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A room or building Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who eats too
with equipment for doing physical exercise' kesâ efueS one much' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Glutton' (hesšt/YegkeäKeÌ[) nesiee~ DevÙe
word 'gymnasium' (JÙeeÙeeceMeeuee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nwb- Over weight- DeefOekeâ Jepeve Jeeuee~
dormitory - Úe$eeJeeme Corpulent- ÛeyeeaÙegòeâ~
infirmary - ogye&uelee Obese- ceesše/mLetue~
convent - ce" 249. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given.
245. Select the most appropriate word which means A person who studies the structure of the earth
the same as the group of words given. (a) Geographer (b) Gemologist
One who is easily deceived (c) Gynaecologist (d) Geologist
(a) delible (b) gullible SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
(c) incorrigible (d) infallible Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a Person who
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) studies the Structure of the earth' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who is easily 'Geologist ' (Yet-efJe%eeveer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
deceived' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'gullible' (Yeesuee-Yeeuee) nesiee~ Geographer - Yetieesefuekeâ, Gemologist – jlveefJe%eeveer~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw- Incorrigible-DemegOeeÙe&, Infallible - Gynaecologist– Œeerjesie efJeMes<e%e~
DeÛetkeâ, keâYeer ieueleer ve keâjves Jeeuee~ 250. Select the word which means the same as the
246. Select the option which is the most appropriate group of words given.
one word substitution for the given group of Tending to associate with others of ones kind
words. (a) Congruous (b) Harmounious
(c) Gregarious (d) Genial
Animals living in flocks
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(a) gregarious (b) bohemian
(c) social (d) herbivorous Ans. (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Tending to associate
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) with others of ones kind' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Gregarious'
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Animals living in
(efceuevemeej/megmeeceeefpekeâ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Congruous – kesâ cegleeefyekeâ, ÙeLeeÙeesiÙe~
flocks' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Gregarious' (PegC[ ceW jnves Jeeues)
Harmonious – MeebefleoeÙekeâ, ceOegj YeeJe GlheVe keâjves Jeeuee~
Genial – ØemeVeefÛele, efce$eJele~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 251. Select the word which means the same as the
Bohemian - pees Deheveer keâuee keâes veJeerve jbie mes Øemlegle keâjlee nw~ group of words given:
Social - meeceeefpekeâ~ A part of the city especially the slum area
Herbivorous - Meekeâenejer~ (a) Ghetto (b) Metropolis
(c) Suburb (d) Colony
247. Select the most appropriate word for the group SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
of words.
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A part of the city
people who enjoy social company
especially the slum area' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Ghetto' (Ùentoer
(a) gregarious (b) unanimous
(c) gorgeous (d) herbivorous yemleer/ceefueve yemleer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Metropolis -
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III) jepeOeeveer, Suburb - Gheveiej, Colony - keâeueesveer, GheefveJesMe yemleer~
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'people who enjoy 252. Select the most appropriate word for the given
group of words.
social company' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'gregarious' (mecetn ceW jnves An extremely large mass of ice which moves
Jeeuee) nesiee~ very slowly, often down a mountain valley
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) Mirage (b) Glacier
Unanimous- Skeâcele/meJe&meccele~ (c) Island (d) Ocean
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Gorgeous- YeJÙe/Meeveoej~
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'An extremely large
Herbivorous- Meekeâenejer~ mass of ice which moves very slowly, often down a
248. Select the most appropriate word for the group mountain valley' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'glacier' (efnceeveer) nesiee~
of words. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
One who eats too much Mirage - ce=iele=<Cee, vepej keâe OeesKee
(a) overweight (b) glutton
Island - Éerhe
(c) corpulent (d) obese
Ocean - cenemeeiej
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III)
One Word Substitution 633 YCT
H Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A cage for small
253. Select the optionthat can be used as a one-word animals’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Hutch’ (efhebpeje) nesiee~
substitute for the given group of words. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
A place where airplanes are kept for Cave – iegHeâe~
Shed – Úeove, Deesmeeje~
(a) Scullery (b) Hangar
(c) Hanger (d) Aviary Hut- PeesheÌ[er, keggâefšÙee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III) 257. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A place where word substitute for the given group of words.
airplanes are kept for maintenance’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo A person exhibiting excessive worry about
‘Hangar’ (efJeceeveMeeuee) nesiee~ one's health
(a) Intellectual (b) Hypochondriac
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
(c) Megalomaniac (d) Expert
Scullery- yejleve meHeâeF& mLeeve~
SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I
Hanger- šebievesJeeuee~
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A person exhibiting
Aviary- he#eerMeeuee~
excessive worry about one’s health’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
254. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the underlined segment. ‘Hypochondriac’ (DeefleefÛeblee) nesiee~
The company was known for its deserving DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
respect or admiration business practices and Intellectual - yeewefækeâ~
honest and fair ethical standards.
Megalomaniac – Denbkeâejesvceeoer~
(a) honourable (b) decent
(c) respectable (d) trustworthy Expert – efJeMes<e%e~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III) 258. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle group of words ‘ known for word substitute for the given group of words.
its deserving respect or admiration business practices A large building with an extensive floor area,
and honest and fair ethical standards’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo typically for housing aircraft
‘Honourable’ (Øeefleef‰le) nesiee~ (a) Barn (b) Hangar
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – (c) Shed (d) Airport
Decent – meYÙe~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Respectable- mecceeefvele~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, 'A large building with
Trustworthy - Yejesmescebo~ an extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft' kesâ
255. Choose the word that can substitute the given ueS GheÙegòeâ one word efJekeâuhe (b) 'Hangar' (efJeceeve Iej) nw~
group of words. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw-
Exaggerated claims, not meant to be taken Barn - Keefueneve, Shed- ceesšjKeevee/Meeefuekeâe, Airport -
(a) Hyperpyrexia (b) Hyperbole
(c) Hypergamy (d) Hyperreal 259. In the following question, out of the four
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV) alternative, select the alternative which is the
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Exaggerated claims, best substitute of the phrase.
not meant to be taken seriously’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo Preferring or attracted to sunlight
‘hyperbole’ (yeÌ[ÛeÌ{e kesâ keânvee) nesiee~ (a) Lithophilous (b) Heliophilous
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Topophilia (d) Homophile
Hyperpyrexia – lespe yegKeej SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Hypergamy – GÛÛe Jeie& ceW efJeJeen Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ group of words, 'Preferring or attracted
Hyperreal – DeefleÙeLeeLe&Jeeoer~ to sunlight' kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) 'Heliophilous' (metÙee&efYecegKe)
256. Select the most appropriate word for the given GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
group of words. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
A cage for small animals Lithophilous – pees helLejeW hej peeveJej Ùee heewOes efceueles nQ~
(a) Cave (b) Hutch
Topophilia – pees Øeke=âefle mes hÙeej keâjlee nes~
(c) Shed (d) Hut
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II Homophile – meceueQefiekeâ~

One Word Substitution 634 YCT

260. Select the correct one – word substitution for Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The therapeutic use
the given words. of sunlight' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'heliotherapy' (metÙe& kesâ ØekeâeMe
Work for which no salary is paid
(a) Optional (b) Honorary
keâe GheÛeejelcekeâ ØeÙeesie) nesiee~
(c) Mandatory (d) Bonus DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II) psephology - ÛegveeJe efJeMues<eCe, dactylology - DebiegefueÙeeW Éeje
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, 'work for which no JÙeefòeâÙeeW keâe ÛegveeJe keâjvee, Genealogy - JebMeefJe%eeve, JebMeeJeueer~
salary is paid' kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe ‘Honorary’ 265. Select the most appropriate word for the given
(DeJewleefvekeâ) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw– group of words
Optional – Jewkeâefuhekeâ Place for collection of dried plant specimens
(a) green house (b) nursery
Mandatory – DeefveJeeÙe&
(c) warehouse (d) herbarium
Bonus – ueeYeebMe SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I)
261. Select the most appropriate word which means Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Place for collection of
the same as the group of words given.
dried plant specimens' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Herbarium' (peÌ[er-
One who holds a post without any salary
(a) volunteer (b) samaritan yetšer meb«eneueÙe) nesiee~
(c) honorary (d) highbrow DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) Green house- nefjle ie=n~
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who holds a post Nursery- heewOeMeeuee~
without any salary' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'honorary' Warehouse- ieesoece/Yeb[eieej~
(DeJewleefvekeâ/ceeveo) nesiee~ 266. Select the word which means the same as the
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- group of words given.
Volunteer- mJeÙebmesJeer, Samaritan- cegmeeryele ceW ceoo keâjves Jeeuee, Condition of sleep certain parts of the year
Highbrow- Ieceb[er~ (a) Somnambulism (b) Constipation
(c) Dehydration (d) Hibernation
262. Select the most appropriate word which means
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
the same as the group of words given.
To spend winter in a dormant state Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Condition of sleep
(a) hoist (b) hibernate during certain parts of the year' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
(c) convalesce (d) connote 'Hibernation ' (Meerle efveõe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) Somnambulism - veeRo ceW Ûeuevee~
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'To spend winter in a Constipation - keâype~
dormant state' kesâ efueS Skeâ 'Hibernate' - (Meerleefveõe ceW Dehydration - efvepe&ueerkeâjCe~
nesvee/efveef<›eâÙe DeJemLee ceW nesvee) nesiee~ 267. Select the word which means the same as the
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- group of words given.
Convalesce - mJeemLÙe ueeYe keâjvee, Connote - mebkesâle nesvee, DeLe& A song or music in praise of God
metefÛele keâjvee~ (a) Hymn (b) Epic
(c) Elegy (d) Ode
263. Select the word which means the same as the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I)
group of words given.
A box or cage for rabbits or small animals Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A song or music in
(a) lair (b) hutch praise of God' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Hymn' (mlegefle ieerle) nesiee~
(c) menagerie (d) kennel DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) Epic - cenekeâeJÙe, Elegy - Meeskeâieerle, Ode - mecyeesOe-ieerle
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A box or cage for 268. Select the word which means the same as the
rabbits or small animals' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Hutch' group of words given.
(efhepeÌ[e) nesiee~ Things which are of the same kind and of the
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Lair - ceebo, pebieueer peeveJej kesâ jnves same dimensions.
(a) Homogenous (b) Homophony
keâer peien, Menagerie - pebieueer heMegDeeW keâe meb«en Ùee JevÙe (c) Homosexual (d) Homonymous
heMegMeeuee, Kennel - kegâòeeIej ~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I)
264. Select the word which means the same as the Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Things which are of
group of words given.
the same kind and of the same dimensions.' kesâ efueS Skeâ
The therapeutic use of sunlight
(a) psephology (b) heliotherapy Meyo 'Homogenous' (mece™he) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) dactylology (d) genealogy Homophony - meceOJeefvekeâ Meyo, Homosexual - meceueQefiekeâ,
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) Homonymous - efYeVeeLe&keâ Meyo~

One Word Substitution 635 YCT

269. Select the word which means the same as the Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words ' That which eats
group of words given. grass' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Herbivore' (Meekeâenejer) nesiee~ DevÙe
Come in the way of
(a) Indulge (b) Deprive
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Hamper (d) Facilitate Carnivore - (ceeBmeenejer)~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III) Omnivore - (meJe&Ye#eer)~
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'come in the way of' 274. Choose the most appropriate word that can
kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Hamper' (DeJe™æ nesvee, ™keâvee) nesiee~ substitute the given group of words.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- One who pretends to be what he is not
(a) Director (b) Hypocrite
Indulge - efuehle nesvee, ceewpe cemleer keâjvee
(c) Creator (d) Acrobat
Deprive - JebefÛele keâjvee, Úerve uesvee SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Facilitate - mebYeJe Ùee Deemeeve yeveevee~ Ans. (b) : efoS ieS Group of words 'One who pretends
270. Select the word which means the same as the to be what he is not' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'hypocrite' nesiee~
group of words given: DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Making one feel very sad
Director - efveosMekeâ, Creator - jÛeveekeâej, Acrobat - veš,
(a) Heart-to-heart (b) Heart-searching
(c) Heart-stopping (d) Heart-wrenching keâueeyeepe~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III) 275. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Making one feel group of words.
An abnormal fear of water
very sad' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Heart-wrenching' (efoue onueeves
(a) Cacophobia (b) Hydrophobia
Jeeuee) nesiee~ Mes<e efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ answer veneR nw~ (c) Algophobia (d) Pyrophobia
271. Select the word which means the same as the SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
group of words given. Ans. (b) : efoS ieS Group of words 'An abnormal fear
Something that is extremely unpleasant of water' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Hydrophobia' (heeveer mes [j)
(a) Heightened (b) Humane
(c) Humorous (d) Horrendous
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) Cacophobia - yeometjleer mes YeÙe~
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Something that is Algophobia - oo& mes YeÙe~
extremely unpleasant' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Horrendous' Pyrophobia - Deeie mes YeÙe~
(yengle yegje/DeefØeÙe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 276. Select the most appropriate word for the given
group of words.
Heightened - GBâÛee efkeâÙee, yeÌ[e keâj efoKeeÙee~
Friendly and welcoming to visitors.
Humane - oÙeeueg, oÙeeMeerue~ (a) Hostile (b) Hostel
Humorous - efJeveesoer, nemÙehetCe&~ (c) Hospital (d) Hospitable
272. In the following question, out of the four given SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II)
alternatives, select the alternative which is the Ans. (d) : efoS ieS Group of words 'Friendly and
best substitute of the phrase. welcoming to visitors' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Hospitable'
A woman who entertains guests. (melkeâej keâjves Jeeuee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Nurse (b) Waiter
Hostile - Me$egleehetCe&~
(c) Hostess (d) Maid
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II) Hostel - Úe$eeJeeme~
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A woman who Hospital -Demheleeue~
entertains guests' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Hostess' (heefjÛeeefjkeâe, 277. Select the word which means the same as the
mJeeefceveer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- group of words given.
One who loses temper very soon
Nurse - DeeÙee, heefjÛeejkeâ~ (a) Temporal (b) Argumentative
Waiter - hejesmeves Jeeuee~ (c) Tampered (d) Hot-headed
Maid - veewkeâjeveer~ SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
273. In the following question, out of the four given Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'One who loses
alternatives, select the alternative which is the temper very soon' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Hot-headed'- (MeerIeÇ
best substitute of the Phrase. ›eâesefOele nesves Jeeuee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
That which eats grass. Temporal - YeeweflekeâJeeoer, ueewefkeâkeâ~
(a) Carnivore (b) Omnivore
Argumentative - efJeJeeohetCe&~
(c) Herbivore (d) Photovore
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I) Tampered - ÚsÌ[ÚeÌ[, nmle#eshe keâjvee~

One Word Substitution 636 YCT

278. Choose the most appropriate word that can 282. Select the option that can be used as a one-
substitute the given group of words. word substitute for the given group of words.
A person pretending to be somebody he isn't. Done without conscious control; unintentional
(a) Aristocrat (b) Hypocrite (a) Invincible (b) Involuntary
(c) Conservative (d) Bureaucrat (c) Invitro (d) Invoke
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Done without
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'A person
conscious’ control; unintentional’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
pretending to be somebody he isn't' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
‘Involuntary’ (DevewefÛÚkeâ) nesiee~
'Hypocrite' (JeemleefJekeâlee kesâ efJehejerle/heeKeb[er) nesiee~ DevÙe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Invincible – DepesÙe~
Aristocrat- jF&me, kegâueerve~ Invitro – yeveeJešer ieYee&Oeeve keâjvee~
Conservative- ™efÌ{Jeeoer~ Invoke- ØeeLe&vee Ùee mcejCe keâjvee~
Bureaucrat- veewkeâjMeen ~ 283. Choose the word that can substitute the given
279. Select the word which means the same as the group of word.
group of words given. One who does not express oneself freely
A song written in the praise of God (a) Skeptic (b) Erudite
(a) Hymn (b) Elegy (c) Introvert (d) Pessimist
(c) Ode (d) Epic SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I)
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who does not
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes groups of words 'A song written in express oneself freely’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Introvert’
the praise of God' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'hymn' (Yepeve, (Debleceg&Keer) nesiee~
mlegefleieerle) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Skeptic- mebosnJeeoer~
Elegy - Meeskeâieerle, Ode - mebyeesOeieerle, Epic - cenekeâeJÙe~
Erudite-efJeæeve, %eeveer~
I Pessimist- efvejeMeeJeeoer~
280. Select the option that can be used as a one- 284. Choose the word that can substitute the given
word substitute for the given group of words. group of words.
Too strong to be defeated or changed Travelling from place to place
(a) Invincible (b) Sovereign (a) Recluse (b) Arcane
(c) Reverent (d) Itinerant
(c) Vigorous (d) Headstrong
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Travelling form
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Too strong to be
place to place’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Itinerant’ (YeüceCekeâejer)
defeated or changed’ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Invincible’ ‘DepesÙe’ nesiee~
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
DevÙe efJekeâuheesW kesâ DeLe& nQ – Recluse – mebvÙeemeer~
Sovereign – Meemeve Arcane – jnmÙe keâe~
Vigorous – Hegâleeauee~ Reverent – Deeoj Ùee mecceeve keâjves Jeeuee~
Headstrong – efpeöer~ 285. Select the option that can be used as a one-
281. Select the option that can be used as a one- word substitute for the given group of words.
word substitute for the given group of words. Someone who attacks cherished ideas or
Certain to happen traditional institutions
(a) Believer (b) Iconoclast
(a) Inevitable (b) Convertible
(c) Humanitarian (d) Misanthrope
(c) Indispensable (d) Justifiable
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Someone who
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘certain to happen’ kesâ attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions’ kesâ efueS
efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Ineviatble’ ( efpemes šeuee ve pee mekesâ) nesiee~ Skeâ Meyo ‘Iconoclast’ (cetefle&Yebpekeâ) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW DeLe& Fme Øekeâej nQ – DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Convertible –heefjJele&veerÙe, yeouevesJeeuee~ Believer – efJeÕeeme keâjves Jeeuee~
Indispensable – DeefleDeeJeMÙekeâ~ Humanitarian – ceveg<Ùe – peeefle mecyevOeer~
Justifiable –vÙeeÙemebiele~ Misanthrope – ceeveJeæs<eer~

One Word Substitution 637 YCT

286. Select the options that can be used as a one- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
word substitute for the given group of words. Inspection – cegDeeÙevee, efvejer#eCe~
A thing or substance that is liable to catch fire
Valuation – ceguÙeebkeâve~
(a) Inaudible (b) Inflammable Assessment – cetuÙe efveOee&jCe~
(c) Incombustible (d) Extinguishable 290. Select the option that can be used as a one-
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I word substitute for the given group of words.
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘ A thing or substance A sound that cannot be heard
(a) Inedible (b) Audible
that is liable to catch fire easily’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
(c) Indelible (d) Inaudible
‘Inflammable’ (MeerIeÇ peuevesJeeuee) nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A sound that cannot
Inaudible- ve megveeF& heÌ[ves Jeeuee~ be heard’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Inaudible’ (ve megveeF& heÌ[ves Jeeuee)
Incombustible- ve peueves ÙeesiÙe~ nesiee~
Extinguishable- yegPee osves ÙeesiÙe~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
287. Select the option that can be used as a one- Inedible – ve Keeves ÙeesiÙe ~
word substitute for the given group of words.
Audible –megveeF& osves ÙeesiÙe~
One who supervises students in an examination
hall Indelible – pees efceš ve mekesâ~
(a) Inspector (b) Examinee 291. Select the option that can be used as a one-
(c) Invigilator (d) Teacher word substitute for the given group of words.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II Unable to express feeling clearly
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'one who supervises (a) Inarticulate (b) Eloquent
(c) Affluent (d) Verbose
students in a examination hall' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II
‘Invigilator’ (heÙe&Jes#ekeâ) nesiee~
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Unable to express
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
feeling clearly’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Inarticulate’ (Demhe°) nesiee~
Inspector – efvejer#ekeâ~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Examinee – hejer#eeLeea~
Eloquent – Jeekeähešg, Affluent – mece=æ Ùee Oeveer,
Teacher – DeOÙeehekeâ~
Verbose – JeeÛeeue~
288. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words. 292. Select the word which means the same as the
An image of a God used for worship group of words given.
(a) Temple (b) Model That which is incapable of being read or
(c) Icon (d) Idol understood
(a) Indelible (b) Illegible
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III
(c) Illegal (d) Intelligible
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘An image of a God SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I)
used for worship’ kesâ efueS kesâ Skeâ Meyo ‘Idol’ (Øeeflecee Ùee
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'That which is
cetefle&) nesiee~ incapable of being read or understood' kesâ efueS GefÛele one
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- word efJekeâuhe (b) 'Illegible' (Dehe"veerÙe) nesiee~
Temple – cebefoj~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
Model – vecetvee Ùee Øeefle™he~ Intelligible - megiece, Indelible - Deefceš, Illegal - DeJewOe~
Icon-ÚefJe Ùee efÛe$e ~
293. Select the option that can be used as a one-
289. Select the option that can be used as a one- word substitute for the given group of words.
word substitute for the given group of words. Having no boundaries or limits
The examination or observation of one's own (a) Infinite (b) Colossal
mental and emotional processes (c) Enormous (d) Tremendous
(a) Inspection (b) Valuation SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) Introspection (d) Assessment
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ Group of words, 'Having no
boundaries or limits' kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'Infinite'
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The examination or
observation of one’s own mental and emotional (Devevle/Demeerce) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
processes’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Introspection’ (Deelcee- Colossal - ØeÛeC[/efJeMeeue, Enormous - efJeMeeue/DemeeOeejCe,
efJeMues<eCe) nesiee~ Tremendous - YeÙeevekeâ~

One Word Substitution 638 YCT

294. In the following question, out of the four 298. Select the word which means the same as the
alternative, select the alternative which is the group of words given.
best substitute of the phrase. One who does not tire easily
(a) indelible (b) indefatigable
Lack of civic-mindness or of patriotism
(c) inflatable (d) indestructible
(a) Iconomachy (b) Incivism
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Shag (d) Clergy
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who does not
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
tire easily' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Indefatigable' (DeLekeâ) nesiee~
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ group of words, 'Lack of civil-mindness
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
or of patriotism' kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) 'Incivism' (osMeõesn)
Indelible- (Deefceš) hekeäkeâe~
GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ Inflatable- nJee Jeeueer Jemleg (hewâueves Jeeueer)~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- Indestructible- De#eÙe~
Iconomachy – cetefle&efJe%eeve~ 299. Select the word which means the same as the
Shag – iegÛÚsoej yeeue~ group of words given.
Clergy – heeojer~ Incapable of being read
(a) vague (b) eligible
295. Select the most appropriate one-word (c) unseen (d) illegible
substitution for the given words. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III)
A quiet person who prefers to spend time alone Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Incapable of being
(a) Introvert (b) Narcissist
read' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Illegible' (Dehe"veerÙe) nesiee~
(c) Extrovert (d) Braggart
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Vague- Deefveef§ele~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, a quiet person who
Eligible- ÙeesiÙe~
prefers to spend time alone kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe (a)
Unseen- DeieesÛej/De°~
‘Introvert’ (Debleceg&Keer) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~ Mes<e efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
300. Select the word which means the same as the
efYeVe nw~ group of words given.
Extravert – yeefnceg&Keer, Narcissist – Deelceceesn, Braggart – That which cannot be satisfied.
[eRieceej~ (a) incredible (b) insatiable
(c) improbable (d) impossible
296. Select the most appropriate one-word
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
substitution for the given group of words.
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'that which cannot be
Travelling under a name other than one's own
(a) incredible (b) invisible satisfied' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'insatiable' (Delees<eCeerÙe,
(c) incognito (d) impromptu DeefleueesYeer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) Incredible- DeefJeÕemeveerÙe, 'impossible' - DemebYeJe~
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Travelling under a Improbable- DemebYeJe~
name other than one's own' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'incognito' 301. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given.
(De%eele, De%eele ™he mes) nesiee~ Something which cannot be understood.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- incredible - DeJeefÕemeveerÙe, invisible (a) illegible (b) incomprehensible
- DeÂMÙe, impromptu - efyevee lewÙeejer kesâ~ (c) inexplicable (d) infallible
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
297. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given. Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Something which
Impossible to satisfy cannot be understood' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
(a) contented (b) satisfiable 'Incomprehensible' (mecePe mes yeenj) nesiee~
(c) satisfactory (d) insatiable DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II) Illegible- Demhe°, Inexplicable - DekeâLeveerÙe, Infallible -
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Impossible to DeÛetkeâ~
satisfy' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Insatiable' (ueeueÛeer/Dele=hÙe) nesiee~ 302 Select one word substitution for the given
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw~ words.
A trade that is prohibited by law
Contented- mebleg° keâjvee~
(a) incredible (b) illusive
Satisfiable- mebleg° keâjves ÙeesiÙe~ (c) inapt (d) illicit
Satisfactory- meblees<epevekeâ~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)

One Word Substitution 639 YCT

Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A trade that is Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'something that
prohibited by law' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Illicit' (DeJewOe, catches fire easily' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Inflammable'
iewjkeâevetveer) nesiee~ (pJeueveMeerue) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw- Infallible- DeÛetkeâ~
incredible - DeefJeMJemeveerÙe~ Inflatable- nJee Jeeueer Jemleg~
illusive - Yeüecekeâ~ Incredible- DeefJeÕemeveerÙe~
inapt - DekegâMeue~ 307. Select the most appropriate word for the group
303. Select the most appropriate word which means of words.
the same as the group of words given. That which cannot be heard
That cannot be approached easily (a) inaudible (b) invisible
(a) inevitable (b) invincible (c) incorrigible (d) incredible
(c) inaudible (d) inaccessible SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'That which cannot be
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'That cannot be approached
heard' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Inaudible' (DeßeJÙe) nesiee~ DevÙe
easily' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Inaccessible' (ogie&ce) nesiee~
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
Invisible - DeÂMÙe~
Inevitable- Dešue/Deef[ie, Invincible- DepesÙe, Inaudible-
Incorrigible - DemegOeeÙe&~
Incredible - DeefJeÕemeveerÙe~
304. Select the option which is the most appropriate
one word substitution for the given group of 308. Select the word which means the same as the
words. group of words given.
A detailed plan for a journey especially a list of One who does not tire easily
places to visit. (a) infallible (b) indefatigable
(a) inventory (b) directory (c) inevitable (d) indelibe
(c) trajectory (d) itinerary SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who does not
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A detailed plan for a tire easily' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'indefatigable' (DeLekeâ) nesiee~
journey especially a list of places to visit' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
'Itinerary' (Ùee$ee, keâeÙe&›eâce) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Infallible- DeÛetkeâ/DeceesIe, Inevitable- DeheefjneÙe&/DeefveJeeÙe&,
Inventory - DeefJe<keâej keâjvee, trajectory - Øe#eshe heLe,
Indelible- Deefceš/hekeäkeâe~
Directory - efveoxefMekeâe~
309. Select the word which means the same as the
305. Select the option which is the most appropriate group of words given.
one word substitution for the given group of Impossible or extremely difficult to understand
words. (a) inaudible (b) incomprehensible
A decision which cannot be taken back (c) incompatible (d) inevitable
(a) indelible (b) irrational
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) irrevocable (d) infallible
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Impossible or
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A decision which extremely difficult to understand' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
cannot be taken back' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'irrevocable' 'Incomprehensible' (ve mecePeves ÙeesiÙe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
(Dešue, DeheefjJele&veerÙe) nesiee~ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Inaudible- ve megveves ÙeesiÙe~
Indelible - Deefceš~ Inevitable- DeheefjneÙe&, efveef§ele~
Irrational - Deleeefke&âkeâ~ Incompatible- Demebiele, yescesue~
Infallible - DeÛetkeâ~ 310. Select the word which means the same as the
306. Select the most appropriate word for the group group of words given.
of words. A type of dome-shaped shelter built from
Something that catches fire easily blocks of solid snow
(a) infallible (b) inflammable (a) chalet (b) wigwam
(c) inflatable (d) incredible (c) hut (d) igloo
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II)
One Word Substitution 640 YCT
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A type of dome- Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Something that is
shaped shelter built from blocks of solid snow' kesâ efueS expressed in a confusing way' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
'incoherent' (yeslegkeâe/Demebiele) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Skeâ Meyo 'Igloo' (SefmkeâceeW keâer PeesheÌ[er, Fiuet) nesiee~ DevÙe
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- Eccentric - mevekeâer/efJeue#eCe~
Chalet – uekeâÌ[er kesâ Iej Inaudible - DeßeJÙe/ve megveeF& heÌ[ves Jeeuee~
Wigwam – kegâefšÙee Gullible - Yeesuee/meerOee-meeOee~
hut – PeesheÌ[er~ 315. Select the word which means the same as the
311. Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.
group of words given. Incapable of making mistakes
That which cannot be taken by force (a) Ineligible (b) Negligible
(a) Impregnable (b) inapprehensible (c) Inevitable (d) Infallible
(c) inaccessible (d) immutable SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (d) : ef o Ùes ieÙes group of words 'Incapable of making
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'That which cannot be mistakes' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Infallible' (pees keâYeer Yetue ve keâjs)
taken by force' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'impregnable' (DepesÙe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ineligible - DevegefÛele, DeÙeesiÙe,
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Negligible - veieCÙe, Ghes#eCeerÙe Inevitable - DeefveJeeÙe&,
Inapprehensible- (mecePe mes yeenj), Inaccessible - (DeiecÙe) DeheefjneÙe&~
Immutable -(DeÛeue, Deef[ie)~ 316. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given.
312. Select the word which means the same as the One whom it is impossible to defeat
group of words given. (a) Dissatisfied (b) Cowardly
Something that cannot be avoided (c) Invincible (d) Inimitable
(a) indelible (b) infallible SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) inevitable (d) invincible
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One whom it is
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III)
impossible to defeat' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Invincible' (DepesÙe)
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Something that can
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Dissatisfied - Demebleg°,
not be avoided' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'inevitable' (Dešue,
Cowardly - keâeÙejlee mes, Inimitable - Deveghece, DeefÉleerÙe~
DeefveJeeÙe&) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
317. Select the word that means the same as the
Indelible- Deefceš~
given group of words.
Infallible- DeÛetkeâ keâYeer ieueleer ve keâjves Jeeuee~ A person weak and disabled by illness
Invincible- DepesÙe, DehejepesÙe~ (a) Invalid (b) Petitioner
313. Select the word which the same as the group of (c) Activist (d) Athlete
words given. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Covered with a material or substance in order Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person weak and
to stop heat, sound etc. From entering or disabled by illness' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Invalid'
escaping (ogye&ue/Deheeefnpe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Hydrated (b) Insulated
Petitioner – ÙeeefÛekeâe keâlee&~
(c) Assimilated (d) Calibrated
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II) Activist – keâce&" keâeÙe&keâlee&~
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Covered with a Athlete – efKeueeÌ[er/henueJeeve~
material or substance in order to stop heat, sound etc. 318. Select the word which means the same as the
From entering or escaping' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'insulated' group of words given.
(jesOekeâ/mebJeen jeskeâves Jeeuee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Combine to form a whole
(a) Scatter (b) Create
hydrated - heeveer DeJeMeesef<ele keâjves Jeeuee~
(c) Integrate (d) Disjoin
Assimilated - Deelcemeele keâjves Jeeuee/heÛeeves Jeeuee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Calibrated - peeBÛe keâjves Jeeuee~ Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'combine to form a
314. Select the word which means the same as the whole' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'integrate' (mebneefjle keâjvee) nesiee~
group of words given. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Something that is expressed in a confusing way
scatter - efÚlejevee~
(a) Eccentric (b) Inaudible
(c) Gullible (d) Incoherent create - efvecee&Ce keâjvee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II) disjoin - mebyebOe leesÌ[vee~
One Word Substitution 641 YCT
319. Select the most appropriate word of the given Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A place in a large
group of words. institution for the care of those who are ill' kesâ efueS Skeâ
One who does not express himself freely
(a) Extrovert (b) Introvert
Meyo 'infirmary' (DeMeòeâeueÙe) nesiee~
(c) Narcissist (d) Lunatic DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- camp - [sje ueieevee, shelter - MejCe
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III) uesvee, clinic - efÛeefkeâlmeeueÙe~
Ans. (b) : efoS ieS Group of words 'One who does not
express himself freely' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Introvrt' (keâce
324. Select the option that can be used as a one-
yeesueves Jeeuee/Debleceg&Keer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- word substitute for the underlined segment.
Extrovert - yeefnbceg&Keer, efceuevemeej~ The music filled the room with a lot of
Narcissist - DeelceØeMebmekeâ~ happiness, expressing joyful melodies that
Lunatic - heeieue~ brought smiles to everyone's faces.
320. Select the word which means the same as the (a) fear (b) excitement
group of words given. (c) joy (d) surprise
Resistant to a particular infection SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)
(a) Innocent (b) Immune Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle group of words ‘ A lot of
(c) Immortal (d) Innocuous happiness’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘joy’ Deevevo Ùee KegMeer) nesiee~
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Ans. (b) : efoS ieS Group of words 'Resistant to a Fear – YeÙe
particular infection' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Immune' (jesie cegòeâ,
Excitement – Gòespevee~
megjef#ele) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Surprise – Dee§e&ÙeÛeefkeâle keâjvee~
Innocent - efveoex<e~
325. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Immortal - Decej~ word substitute for the given group of words.
Innocuous - vegkeâmeevejefnle~ Merry, convivial, hearty and good humoured
321. Choose the most appropriate word that can (a) Jowl (b) Jovial
substitute the given group of words. (c) Jubilee (d) Joyous
One who is unable to read or write. SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I
(a) Illiterate (b) Incomprehensible Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Merry, convivial’
(c) Frugal (d) Illegible
hearty and good humoured’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Jovial’
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(GuueemehetCe&) nesiee~
Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words 'One who is unable
to read or write.' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Illiterate' (efvej#ej)
DevÙe efJekeâuhe kesâ DeLe& nQ –
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Jowl – peyeÌ[e~
Incomprehensible - mecePe mes hejs, DeyeesOÙe~ Jubilee- DeeveboeslmeJe keâe DeJemej~
Frugal - kebâpetme, efceleJÙeÙeer~ Joyous – DeevebohetCe&~
Illegible - Dehe"veerÙe~ 326. Select the most appropriate one-word
substitution for the given group of words.
322. Select the word which means the same as the
To cross streets on foot carelessly
group of words given.
(a) stroll (b) wander
One who works very hard
(c) jaywalk (d) catwalk
(a) Labourer (b) Industrious
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) Exploited (d) Exhausted
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'To cross streets on
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'One who works foot carelessly' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'jaywalk' (jemlee heej keâjves
very hard' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Industrious' (heefjßeceer) nesiee~ ceW ueehejJeener keâjvee) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- stroll - šnuevee, wander - YeüceCe
Labourer - cepeotj, Exploited - Meesef<ele, Exhausted - Meefòeânerve~ keâjvee, catwalk - meBkeâje heLe~
323. Select the word which means the same as the 327. Select the word which means the some as the
group of words given. group of words given.
A place in a large institution for the care of The part of a country's government responsible
those who are ill. for its legal system
(a) camp (b) shelter (a) judiciary (b) legislature
(c) infirmary (d) clinic (c) police (d) executive
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)

One Word Substitution 642 YCT

Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The part of a country's Snack – Deuheenej keâjvee~
government responsible for its legal system' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Stack – Debyeej ueieevee/Ì{sj ueieevee~
Meyo 'Judiciary' (vÙeeÙeheeefuekeâe) nesiee~ Quack – veerce nkeâerce/vekeâueer [e@keäšj~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 332. Select the most appropriate one word
Legislature- efJeOeeveceb[ue~ substitution for the given group of words.
Police- Deej#ekeâ~ The sounds of funeral bell is called -
Executive- ØeyebOekeâeefjCeer~ (a) acute (b) acoustics
(c) knell (d) mechanics
328. Select the word which means the same as the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III)
group of words given.
The science or philosophy of law Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'the sounds of funeral
(a) justice (b) archive bell' kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ one word 'Knell' (Meeskeâ metÛekeâ OJeefve)
(c) infirmary (d) jurisprudence nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) Acute - leer›e, Acoustics - OJeefvekeâ, Mechanics - Ùeebef$ekeâer~
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The science or 333 Select the most appropriate one word
philosophy of law' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Jurisprudence' (efJeefOe substitution for the given group of words.
Meem$e, vÙeeÙe Meem$e) nesiee~ A small open fronted shop where things are
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- sold-
Justice - vÙeeÙe, Archive - uesKeeieej, Infirmary - ogye&uelee~ (a) Kiosk (b) Precis
(c) Godown (d) Museum
329. Select the most appropriate word for the given
group of words. SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I)
A person who rides in horse races, especially as Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A small open fronted
a profession shop where things are sold' kesâ efueS GefÛele one word efJekeâuhe
(a) Jockey (b) Chauffer (a) Kiosk - (Úesšer ogkeâeve) nesiee~
(c) Champion (d) Cowboy
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Precis - meb#eshe, Godown - ieesoece, Museum - meb«eneueÙe
Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words 'a person who rides
in horse races. especially as a profession' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ 334. Select the most appropriate one word
substitution for the given group of words.
Meyo 'Jockey' [IegÌ[meJeej, (hesMesJej IegÌ[meJeej)] nesiee~
Praise given for achievement
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) Kudos (b) Acute
Chauffer - DeBieer"er, Champion - efJepeslee, ØeJeerCe, Cowboy - (c) Anxiety (d) Rare
ieesheeue~ SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
K Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'Praise given for
330. Select the most appropriate one-word achievement' kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ one word efJekeâuhe (a) 'kudos'
substitution for the given group of words. (ØeMebmee) nesiee~
Irresistible impulse to steal DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
(a) plunder (b) megalomania Acute - leer›e, Anxiety - efÛeblee, Rare - ogue&Ye~
(c) kleptomania (d) sabotage
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) L
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Irresistible impulse
335. Choose the word that can substitute the given
to steal' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘kleptomania’ (Ûeesjer keâjves keâer group of words.
yeerceejer) nesiee~ The editor for dictionary
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- plunder - uetšvee, megalomania - (a) Stenographer (b) Hagiographer
cenlJeekeâeb#ee, sabotage - vegkeâmeeve hengBÛevee~ (c) Lexicographer (d) Scenographer
331. Select the word which means the same as the SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III)
group of words given. Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The editor for
A natural skill at doing something dictonary’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Lexicographer’ (keâesMekeâej :
(a) Snack (b) Stack
(c) Knack (d) Quack
MeyokeâesMe keâe uesKeve keâjves Jeeuee JÙeefòeâ) nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A natural skill at Stenographer – DeeMegefueefhekeâ~
doing something' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Knack' (keâewMeue) nesiee~ Hagiographer – Oece&«evLe jÛeefÙelee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Scenograher – hešefÛe$ekeâej~

One Word Substitution 643 YCT

336. Choose the word that can substitute the given 340. In the following question, out of the four given
group of words. alternatives, select the alternative which is the
A unit to measure light best substitute of the phrase.
(a) Watt (b) Lumen A Place where clothes are washed and pressed.
(c) Horse-power (d) Ampere (a) Foundry (b) Sundry
SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I) (c) Husbandry (d) Laundry
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A unit to measure SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II)
light’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Lumen’ (ØekeâeMe keâer Ûecekeâ keâes ceeheves Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A place where
keâer mener nw)~ clothes are washed and pressed' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – 'Laundry' (OegueeF&Iej) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Watt – efJeÅegle–Meefòeâ keâer FkeâeF& ~ foundry – Yeªer, sundry – efJeefJeOe, Husbandry – efkeâHeâeÙeleer
Ampere – efJeÅegle-Oeeje keâer FkeâeF&~ 341. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Horse –Power – Fbpeve Meefòeâ keâer ceehe~ group of words.
337. Select the option that can be used as a one- A gentle song to put a child to sleep.
word substitute for the given group of words. (a) Lullaby (b) Lyre
One who can read and write (c) Lyric (d) Laurel
(a) Illiterate (b) Eligible SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Illegible (d) Literate Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A gentle song to put
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I a child to sleep' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Lullaby' (ueesjer) nesiee~
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who can read DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
and write’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Literate’ (mee#ej) nesiee~ Lyre - meejbieer~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – lyric - ieerle kesâ yeesue/ieerle~
Illiterate – efvej#ej~
Laurel - Øeefle‰e~
Eligible – ÙeesiÙe~
342. Select the word which means the same as the
Illegible – Demhe° Ùee Dehe"veerÙe group of words given.
338. In the following question, out of the four One who speaks many languages.
alternative, select the alternative which is the (a) Multilingual (b) Monolingual
best substitute of the phrase. (c) Bilingual (d) Linguist
Eating mud SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Equivorous (b) Limivorous Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes groups of words, 'One who speaks
(c) Calciverous (d) Fructivorous
many languages' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Linguist' (yengYee<eer)
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ group of words, 'Eating mud' kesâ efueS
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Monolingual - SkeâueYee<eer~
efJekeâuhe (b) 'Limivorous' (keâerÛeÌ[ Keeves Jeeuee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Bilingual - efÉYee<eer~
Equivorous – meblegefuele~ M
Calciverous – ÛetefCe&keâeÙe Keeves Jeeuee~ 343. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Eructivorous – heâue Keeves Jeeuee~ word substitute for the given group of words.
339. Select the most appropriate word which means Any female animal which feeds its young on
the same as the group of words given. milk from her own body
Two lengths of rope, bamboo or wood with (a) Vertebrate (b) Fauna
rungs used for climbing up and down walls, (c) Parasite (d) Mammal
sides of ships etc. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II)
(a) bridge (b) steps Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Any female animal
(c) staircase (d) ladder
which feeds its young on milk from her own body’ kesâ
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Two lengths of rope,
efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Mammal’ (mleveheeÙeer ØeeCeer) nesiee~
bamboo or wood with rungs used for climbing up and DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
down walls, sides of ships etc.' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'ladder' Vertebrate – jerÌ{Oeejer peerJe, ces¤ob[er, keâMes¤keâer~
(yeebme Ùee Oeeleg keâer meerÌ{er) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Fauna – peerJepebleg mecyevOeer
Bridge- mesleg/hegue, Step - keâoce, Staircase - jsefuebie Jeeuee peervee~ Parasite –hejpeerJeer~

One Word Substitution 644 YCT

344. Select the option that can be used as a one- 348. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words. word substitute for the given group of words.
A book or paper written by hand Lacking interest or excitement
(a) Edition (b) Periodical (a) Hostile (b) Mundane
(c) Manuscript (d) Paperback (c) Miserly (d) Despot
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A book or paper Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Locking interest or
written by hand’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Manuscript’ (nmleefueefhe) excitement’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Mundane’ (veerjme) nesiee~
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – Hostile – Me$egleehetCe&
Edition – mebmkeâjCe~ Miserly – DeefleueesYeer
Periodical – efveÙelekeâeueerve~ Despot – efvejkebgâMe Meemekeâ~
Paperback – hegefmlekeâe~ 349. Select the word which means the same as the
345. Select the option that can be used as a one- group of words given.
word substitute for the given group of words. person who move from one place to another,
One who dies for a noble cause with intentions of finding work and settling,
(a) Martyr (b) Heretic permanently or temporarily, at a new location.
(c) Butcher (d) Narcissist (a) Nomad (b) Migrant
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III (c) Tramp (d) Vagrant
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who dies for a SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
noble cause’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Martyr’ (Menero) nesiee~ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Person who move
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – from one place to another, with intentions of finding
Heretic – hee<eb[er~ work and settling, permanently or temporarily, at a new
Butcher –keâmeeF&~ location, kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Migrant’ (ØeJeemeer) nesiee~
Narcissist – DeelcecegiOe~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
Nomad – KeeveeyeoesMe (yebpeeje)~
346. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words. Tramp – DeeJeeje~
One who hates mankind Vagrant – mJesÛÚeÛeejer (DeeJeeje)~
(a) Altruist (b) Compere 350. Select the word which means the same as the
(c) Malevolent (d) Misanthrope group of words given.
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II Killing of one's mother
Ans. (d) :efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who hates (a) infanticide (b) patricide
mankind kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Misanthrope’ (ceeveJeÉs<eer) nesiee~ (c) regicide (d) matricide
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Altruist – hejeshekeâejer~ Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'Killing of one's
Compare – keâeÙe&›eâce – Gæes<ekeâ ~ mother' kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ one word efJekeâuhe (d) 'Matricide'-
Malevolent- õesner, og°~ (ceele=nlÙee) nesiee~
347. Select the option that can be used as a one- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
word substitute for the given group of words. Regicide - jepe-nlÙee, Infanticide - efMeMeg-nlÙee, Patricide -
Place where objects of importance are efhele=nlÙee~
exhibited 351. Select the option that can be used as a one-
(a) Museum (b) Treasury word substitute for the given group of words.
(c) Fair (d) Exhibition The state of being subject to death
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III (a) Morbidity (b) Immortality
Ans. (a) :efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Place where objects (c) Mortality (d) Deadly
of important are exhibited’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Museum’ SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(meb«eneueÙe) ~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, the state of being
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - subject to death kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) 'Mortality' (ce=lÙeg oj)
Treasury – efveefOe, Kepeevee~ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Fair –F&ceeveoej~ Morbidity - jesieeW keâer mebKÙee, Immortality - Decejlee, Deadly
Exhibition – ØeoMe&veer~ - Ieelekeâ~

One Word Substitution 645 YCT

352. Select the option that can be used as a one- 356. Select the word which means the same as the
word substitute for the given of words. group of words given.
A musical composition made up of a series of One who embraces voluntary death for the
songs or short pieces. sake of one’s country
(a) Orchestra (b) Lyric (a) martyr (b) diplomat
(c) Medley (d) Band (c) fanatic (d) patriot
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Group of words, A musical Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who embraces
composition made up of a series of songs or short pieces voluntary death for the sake of one’s country' kesâ efueS Skeâ
kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) 'Medley' (efceßeCe) GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Meyo 'martyr' (Menero) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
Orchestra - JeeÅe Je=bo/Deejkesâmš^e, Lyric - ieerlekeâeJÙe/efueefjkeâ, Diplomat - jepeveefÙekeâ~
Band - heóe/yewC[ Fanatic - keâój~
353. Select the most appropriate one-word Patriot - osMe Yeòeâ~
substitution for the given words.
357. Select the most appropriate word which means
A very large impressive residence the same as the group of words given.
(a) Igloo (b) Mansion
A government run by a king or a queen
(c) Cabin (d) Cottage (a) oligarchy (b) aristocracy
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) monarchy (d) plutocracy
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A very large SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
impressive residence' kesâ efueS one word 'mansion' Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A government run by
(nJesueer) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- a king or a queen' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'monarchy' (jepeleb$e)
Igloo - yehe&â kesâ Iej~ nesiee~
Cottage - kegâefšÙee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw- Oligarchy- Deuheleb$e, aristocracy-
354. Select the most appropriate one-word kegâueerve leb$e, plutocracy- Oeefvekeâleb$e~~
substitution for the given words. 358. Select the most appropriate word for the given
The state of being married to one person at a group of words.
time a short statement of a general truth or rule of
(a) Bigamy (b) Homogamy conduct
(c) Polygamy (d) Monogamy
(a) instance (b) illustration
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) maxim (d) parable
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'The state of being SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I)
married to one person at a time' kesâ efueS one word Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a short statement of a
'monogamy' (Skeâ ner yeej efJeJeen keâjves keâer ØeLee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ general truth or rule of conduct' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Maxim'
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- (veerefle JeÛeve) nesiee~
Bigamy - efÉefJeJeen keâer ØeLee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Polygamy - yengefJeJeen~ Parable - veereflekeâLee~
Homogamy - meceueQefiekeâ efJeJeen~ Illustration- GoenjCe~
355. Select the word which means the same as the Instance- GoenjCe, DeJemej~
group of words given.
Sound of horses 359. Select the word which means the same as the
(a) grunt (b) screech group of words given.
(c) squeak (d) neigh A large impressive house
(a) mansion (b) shack
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm-5 pm)
(c) cabin (d) fort
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'Sound of horses' kesâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III)
efueS one word 'neigh' (efnveefnveevee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A large impressive
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw- house' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'mansion' (yeÌ[e YeJeve, keâes"er Ùee
grunt - sound of pigs.
nJesueer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Shack (PeesheÌ[er), Cabin
squeak - make a short strill cry or noise
screech - sound of bats. (Úesše keâ#e), Fort (efkeâuee) nw~

One Word Substitution 646 YCT

360. Select the word which means the same as the Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'movement of people
group of words given. or animals from one area to another' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Government by a king or a queen
(a) Oligarchy (b) Monarchy 'Migration' (ØeJeeme, mLeeveeblejCe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
(c) Plutocracy (d) Aristocracy nQ- Diversification– efJeefJeOelee; Acclimatisation–
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II) JebMeevegketâueve Ùee heefjefmLeefleÙeeW keâe Devegketâueve; Population–
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Government by a pevemebKÙee~
king or a queen' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Monarchy (jepeleb$e) 365. Select the word which means the same as the
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- group of words given.
Oligarchy – Deuheleb$e~ A place where wild animals live
Plutocracy – Oeefvekeâleb$e~ (a) Lair (b) Hutch
(c) Kennel (d) Cage
Aristocracy– kegâueerveleb$e~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III)
361. Select the word which means the same as the
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A place where wild
group of words given.
Very careful and precise animals live.' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Lair' (ceebo, efÚheves keâer peien)
(a) Tremulous (b) Tumultuous nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Hutch - efhebpeje, Kennel -
(c) Meticulous (d) Garrulous (kegâòeeIej), Cage - heMeg Ùee he#eer keâe efhebpeÌ[e~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I) 366. In the following question, out of the given
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'very careful and alternatives, the alternative is the best
precise' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Meticulous' (meleke&â/DeeflemeeJeOeeve) substitute of the phrase.
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- A supreme ruler
Tremulous – keâebhelee ngDee~ (a) Patriarch (b) Anarchic
(c) Monarch (d) Matriarch
Tumultuous – DeMeeble~
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III)
Garrulous – yeeletveer~
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A supreme ruler' kesâ
362. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given. efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Monarch' (SkeâeefOekeâej, efkeâmeer Skeâ JÙeefòeâ keâer
An unforeseen happening which creates some meJeexÛÛelee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
damage Patriarch- efhele=meòeelcekeâ, efhelee keâe Meemeve~
(a) Magical (b) Mishap Anarchic- efvejbkegâMe Meemeve~
(c) Menace (d) Mystery Matriarch- ceele=meòeelcekeâ, ceeB keâe Meemeve~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III)
367. In the following question, out of the four given
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'An unforeseen
alternatives, select the alternative which is the
happening which creates some damage' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo best substitute of the phrase.
'Mishap' (ogIe&švee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- A reminder of something.
Magical - peeogF&, Gòespekeâ, jesceebÛekeâ~ (a) Information (b) letter
Menace - Keleje Ùee Kelejs keâer DeebMekeâe~ (c) Brochure (d) Memento
Mystery - jnmÙe, Yeso keâer yeele~ SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II)
363. Select the word which means the same as the Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A reminder of
group of words given. something' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Memento' (Ùeeo efoueevee,
A period of one thousand years DeefYe%eeve) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Decade (b) Millennium Information - metÛevee, Jeelee&~
(c) Centenary (d) Century
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II) Letter - he$e~
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A period of one Brochure – efJeJejefCekeâe, hegefmlekeâe~
thousand years' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Millennium' (menœeeyoer) 368. In the following question, out of the four given
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Decade– oMekeâ, Century– alternatives, select the alternatives which is the
best substitute of the phrase.
Meleeyoer, Centenary– meoer, Meleeyoer~ Something that serves as a reminder.
364. Select the word which means the same as the (a) Moderato (b) Obbligato
group of words given. (c) Memento (d) Crypto
Movement of people or animals from one area SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III)
to another
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Something that
(a) Migration (b) Diversification
(c) Acclimatisation (d) Population serves as a reminder.' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Memento' (mce=efle
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II) efÛeÖ, YeWš) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
One Word Substitution 647 YCT
Moderato- mebieerle ceW efoMee efveoxMe keâe ceevekeâ~ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'A person who
Obbligato- efveÙeceve DeeJeMÙekeâ, heefjefÛele, efJeefole~ loves money and hates spending it' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Crypto – ieesheveerÙe, DeÂMÙe~ 'Miser'- (kebâpetme) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
369. In the following question, out of the four given Investor - efveJesMekeâ~
alternatives, select the alternative which is the Banker - meentkeâej, yeQkeâ mebÛeeuekeâ~
best substitute of the phrase. Lender - GOeejoelee~
A building which is constructed to keep alive
one's memory. N
(a) Monument (b) Fort 373. Choose the word that can substitute the given
(c) Kingdom (d) Statue group of words.
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III) Beginning to exist; recently formed or
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A building which is developed
constructed to keep alive one's memory' kesâ efueS Skeâ (a) Herald (b) Blasphemy
(c) Knave (d) Nascent
Meyo 'Monument' (mce=efle YeJeve, mce=efleMeeuee) nesiee~ DevÙe
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II)
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Beginning to exist;
Fort- efkeâuee~
recently formed or developed, kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Kingdom- jepÙe~
‘Nascent’ (veJepeele) nesiee~
Statue- cetefle&~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
370. Choose the word that can substitute the given Herald – De«eotle~
Blasphemy – F&Õej-efveboe~
An area of grassland where animals graze
(a) Forest (b) Park Knave – og°, iegueece~
(c) Meadow (d) Garden 374. Select the most appropriate option that can be
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I) used as a one-word substitute for the
Ans. (c) : efoS ieS Group of words 'An area of underlined segment in the following sentence.
As I walked through the old town, I couldn’t
grassland where animals graze' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo
help but feel a sentimental longing for the
'Meadow' (Ûejeieen) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- simpler times of my childhood.
Forest - Jeve, pebieue~ (a) homesickness (b) nostalgia
Park - meeJe&peefvekeâ GÅeeve, heeke&â~ (c) affection (d) inertia
Garden - GÅeeve, yeieerÛee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
371. Select the most appropriate word for the given Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle group of words ‘A
group of words. sentimental longing’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Nostalgia’ (yeerleer
A large crowd of people intent on causing IešveeDeeW keâes Ùeeo keâjvee) nesiee~
trouble or violence DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
(a) Mob (b) Procession Homesickness – ie=n efJeÙeesie~
(c) Spectators (d) Audience
Affection – efoKeeJee~
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Inertia – efveef<›eâcelee~
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A large crowd of
375 Select the option that can be used as a one-
people intent on causing trouble or violence' kesâ efueS Skeâ
word substitute for the given group of words.
Meyo 'Mob' (G«e ueesieeW keâer YeerÌ[) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& One who is new to some trade or profession
nQ- (a) Novice (b) Martyr
Procession - peguetme~ (c) Omnipresent (d) Philistine
Spectators - oMe&keâ~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I)
Audience - œeeslee~ Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who is new to
372. Select the word which means the same as the some trade or profession’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Novice’
group of words given. (veewefmeefKeÙee) nesiee~
A person who loves money and hates spending DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ –
it Martyr – Menero~
(a) Investor (b) Miser
Omnipresent –pees nj peien JÙeehle nes (meJe&JÙeeheer)~
(c) Banker (d) Lender
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III) Philistine –DeefMeef#ele~
One Word Substitution 648 YCT
376. Choose the word that can substitute the given Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Group of words, One who studies the
group of words. occult meanings of numbers and their supposed
A specialist of kidney influence on human life kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe Numerologist
(a) Obstetrician (b) Nephrologist (Debkeâ efJeMes<e%e) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~
(c) Pathologist (d) Primatologist DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw-
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II) Astrologer - pÙeesefle<eer, Prophet - YeefJe<ÙeJeòeâe, Astronomer -
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A specialist of Keieesue efJe%eeveer~
kidney’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘nephrologist’ (efkeâ[veer jesie 380. Select the word which means the same as the
efJeMes<e%e) nesiee~ group of words given.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – A person having the same name as the other.
(a) sibling (b) surname
Obstetrician – Øemetefle efJe%eeveer~
(c) namesake (d) pseudonym
Pathologist – jesieefJe%eeveer~ SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I)
Primatologist –Jeevej Deewj ceveg<ÙeeW meefnle yegefæceeve mleveOeeefjÙeeW keâe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, 'a person having the
DeOÙeÙeve~ same name as the other' kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe (c)
377. Select the option that can be used as a one- ‘namesake’ (nce veece) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
word substitute for the underlined group of efYeVe nw~
words : Sibling – meies YeeF&-yenve~
Geeta is doubtful about getting hired as she is Surname – Gheveece~
inexperienced at this job.
Pseudonym – Gheveece~
(a) Ace (b) Expert
(c) Novice (d) Professional 381. Select the most appropriate one-word
substitution for the given group of words.
SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III
Downfall that satisfies natural justice
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle group of words ‘ (a) paradox (b) climax
Inexperienced at this job’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Novice’ (c) nemesis (d) catharsis
(veewefmeefKeÙee) nesiee~ SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Downfall that
satisfies natural justice' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'nemesis'
Ace – FkeâeF&~
(DeheefjneÙe& oC[) nesiee~
Expert – efJeMes<e%e~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- paradox - efJejesOeeYee<e, efceLÙeeYeeme~
Professional – hesMesJej~
climax - Meer<e&, Ûeesšer~ catharsis - YeeJeefJejsÛeve/MegæerkeâjCe~
378. Select the option which means the same as the 382. Select the most appropriate one-word
group of words given. substitution for the given group of words.
So small or unimportant as to be not worth A person with the same name as another
considering (a) imposter (b) namesake
(a) Feasible (b) Negligible (c) ancestor (d) alias
(c) Invincible (d) Plausible SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I) Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a person with the
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'So small or same name as another' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'namesake' (Skeâ
unimportant as to be not worth considering kesâ efueS one ner veece keâe Deeoceer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
word 'Negligible' (veieCÙe) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~ imposter - {eWieer~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw - ancestor - hetJe&pe~
Feasible - mebYeJe, Invincible - ve peerleves ÙeesiÙe, Plausible - alias - ØeeÙe: DehejeefOeÙeeW Éeje ØeÙegòeâ heâpeea veece~
ØeMebmeveerÙe~ 383. Select the most appropriate one-word
substitution for the given group of words.
379. Select the option that can be used as a one-
A person of evil reputation.
word substitute for the given group of words.
(a) notorious (b) famous
One who studies the occult meanings of
(c) icon (d) renowned
numbers and their supposed influence on
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
human life
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person of evil
(a) Numerologist (b) Astrologer
(c) Prophet (d) Astronomer reputation' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'notorious' (kegâKÙeele) nesiee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
One Word Substitution 649 YCT
famous - efJeKÙeele/Øeefmeæ~ Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A specialist who
icon - efÛe$e, Øeeflecee~ treats diseases of the nervous system' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo
renowned - Øeefmeæ, KÙeeefle Øeehle~ 'neurologist' (mveeÙeg efJeMes<e%e) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
384. Select the word which means the same as the Orthopaedic - efJekeâueebie Ùee nñer efÛeefkeâlmee mebyebOeer~
group of words given. Gynaecologist - Œeer jesie efJeMes<e%e~
A person, animal or plant belonging originally Paediatrician - yeeue jesie efJeMes<e%e~
to a place 388. Select the most appropriate word for the given
(a) occupant (b) alien group of words.
(c) native (d) resident A hollow space in a wall for a statue or
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II) ornament
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person, animal or (a) Niche (b) Cornice
plant belonging originally to a place' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo (c) Nook (d) Slot
'native' (hewoeFMeer/pevce mes) nesiee~ SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw- Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words ' A hollow space in
Occupant - efveJeemeer, efkeâjeÙesoej~ a wall for a statue or ornament' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Niche'
Alien - efJeosMeer~ (leeKee, PejesKee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Resident - efveJeemeer~ Cornice - oerJeeue keâe keâesvee~
385. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Nook - Skeâeble mLeeve, keâesvee~
group of words. Slot - ojej, efÚõ~
A person or thing that has the same name as 389. Select the most appropriate word for the given
another group of words.
(a) pseudonym (b) namesake A sentimental longing or wistful affection for a
(c) relative (d) successor period in the past
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II) (a) Nostalgia (b) Paradise
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person or thing that (c) Recollection (d) Harmony
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
has the same name as another' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
'Namesake' - (nceveece/veecejeMeer) nesiee~ Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A sentimental
longing or wistful affection for a period in the past' kesâ
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Nostalgia' (hegjeveer Ùeeos) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
Pseudonym- Gheveece/Úodceveece~
DeLe& nQ-
Relative- efjMlesoej~
Paradise - (a perfect place) mJeie&~
Successor- GòejeefOekeâejer, Jeeefjme~
Recollection - (the ability to remember) DevegmcejCe~
386. Select the word which means the same as the
Harmony - (a state of a agreement) leeuecesue meecebpemÙe~
group of words given.
Guide the course of a ship especially by using 390. Choose the most appropriate word that can
instruments or maps. substitute the given group of words.
(a) anchor (b) sail Person with no fixed abode
(c) travel (d) navigate (a) Artist (b) Crusader
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Nomad (d) Tourist
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Guide the course of a
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'Person with no
ship especially by using instruments or maps' kesâ efueS Skeâ
fixed abode' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'nomad' (IegcekeäkeâÌ[,
Meyo 'Navigate' (ceeie& efveoxMeve keâjvee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
KeeveeyeeoesMe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DeLe& nQ-
Artist - keâueekeâej~
Sail- heeue/peueÙee$ee~
Crusader - Oece&Ùeesæe~
Travel- Ùee$ee/meheâj~
Tourist - heÙe&škeâ~
Anchor- uebiej (penepe)~
387. Select the most appropriate word for the given O
group of words. 391. Select the word from the options which is
A specialist who treats diseases of the nervous similar in meaning to the bracketed part given
system in the sentence below.
(a) Neurologist (b) Orthopaedic I suppose I was looking for (a work that would
(c) Gynaecologist (d) Paediatrician give me income) and that was going to be an
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II) adventure.
One Word Substitution 650 YCT
(a) Calling (b) Activity 395. Select the word which means the same as the
(c) Occupation (d) Pursuit group of words given.
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I) One who has the power to do anything
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘ I suppose I was (a) omnipresent (b) multifaceted
looking for (a work that would give me income) and (c) omnipotent (d) multilingual
that was going to be an adventure’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
‘Occupation’ (JÙeJemeeÙe) nesiee~ Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Group of words 'one who has the
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ – power to do anything' kesâ efueS one word, 'Omnipotent'
Calling – DeepeerefJekeâe~ (meJe&Meefòeâceeve) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Activity- ieefleefJeefOe~ Omnipresent - meJe&JÙeeheer, Multifaceted - yengcegKeer,
Pursuit – ue#Ùe, heerÚe~ Multilingual - yengYee<eer~
392. Choose the word that can substitute the given 396. Select the most appropriate one-word
group of words. A person holding substitution for the given words.
conversational belief especially in matter of A word or law no longer in use
religion. (a) Absolute (b) Obsolete
(a) Prudent (b) Orthodox (c) Vintage (d) Venerable
(c) Compare (d) Arsonist SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A word or law no
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A person holding longer in use' kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) 'Obsolete' (DeØeÛeefuele)
conversational belief especially in matter of religion’ kesâ GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ-
efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Orthodox’ (™efÌ{Jeeoer) nesiee~ Absolute - hetCe&~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Venerable - mecceeefvele~
Prudent – efJeJeskeâhetCe&~ Vintage - hegjevee Deewj ßes‰~
Compare – leguevee keâjvee~ 397. In the following question, out of the four
Arsonist – Deeiepeveer keâjves Jeeuee~ alternatives, select the alternative which is the
393. Select the option that can be used as a one- best substitute of the phrase.
word substitute for the given group of words. Obsession for wine
One who knows all (a) Ethnomania (b) Oenomania
(a) Topper (b) Bully (c) Egomania (d) Idolomania
(c) Anarchist (d) Omniscient SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ group of words, 'obsession for wine' kesâ
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who knows all' efueS one word efJekeâuhe (b) 'Oenomania' (Mejeye keâer leer›e FÛÚe
kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Omniscient (meJe&%eeveer) nesiee~ Jeeuee) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Topper - GÛÛelece, ßes‰~ Ethnomania – Excessive desire about Religion (Oeeefce&keâ
Bully - [jevee- Oecekeâevee~ ef›eâÙeekeâueehe keâer leer›e FÛÚe/meef›eâÙelee)~
Anarchist - DejepekeâleeJeeoer~ Egomania – Denbkeâej~
394. Select the option that can be used as a one- Idolomania – cetefle&ÙeeW kesâ Øeefle meceefhe&le jnves Jeeuee~
word substitute for the underlined group of 398. In the following question, out of the four
Human beings are usually ones who are alternative, select the alternative which is the
naturally able to eat both, plants and flesh. best substitute of the phrase.
(a) Herbivorous (b) Cannibals Study of snakes
(c) Omnivorous (d) Carnivorous (a) Philology (b) Phrenology
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I (c) Ophilogy (d) Apology
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle group of words 'naturally able SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
to eat both, plants and flesh' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ group of words, Study of snakes kesâ efueS
'Omnivorous' (meJee&nejer) nesiee~ efJekeâuhe (c) 'ophilogy' (mee@heeW keâe DeOÙeÙeve keâjves Jeeuee) GheÙegòeâ
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Herbivorous - Meekeâenejer~ Philology – Yee<eeMeeŒe Ùee Yee<ee efJe%eeve~
Carnivorous - ceebmeenejer~ Phrenology – ceefmle<keâ efJe%eeve~
Cannibals - vejYe#ekeâ~ Apology – #ecee-ÙeeÛevee~

One Word Substitution 651 YCT

399. Select the most appropriate word which means 403. Select the option which is the most appropriate
the same as the group of words given. one word substitution for the given group of
Be more successful than someone words.
(a) succeed (b) beat That which cannot be seen through
(c) win (d) outdo (a) transparent (b) opaque
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) (c) impervious (d) translucent
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'be more successful SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
than someone' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'outdo' (DevÙe mes DeefOekeâ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'That which cannot
meheâue nesvee) nesiee~ be seen through' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'opaque' (DeheejoMeea)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- nesiee~
succeed (meheâue nesvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efvecve nQ-
beat (nje osvee)~ Transparent - heejoMeea, Impervious - Øeyeue/DeYesIe,
win (peerlevee)~ Translucent - heejoMeea, mJeÛÚ~
400. Select the most appropriate word for the given 404. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words. group of words given.
Government run by a small group of people Something like an opening, particularly one in
(a) aristocracy (b) monarchy the body such as a nostril
(c) plutocracy (d) oligarchy (a) obscure (b) oblique
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) (c) orifice (d) obtuse
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Government run by a SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III)
small group of people' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'oligarchy' Ans. (c) : ef oÙes ieÙes group of words 'Something like an
(Deuheleb$e) nesiee~ opening, particularly one in the body such as a nostril'
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw- monarchy (jepeleb$e), plutocracy - â efueS Skeâ Meyo 'orifice' (efÚõ/cegnevee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
Oeveer Jeie& keâe Meemeve, Oeefvekeâ leb$e, aristocracy - GÛÛeJeie&, DeLe& nQ-
kegâueerveleb$e obscure - Demhe°, DeBOesje~
oblique - hejes#e, eflejÚe~
401. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given. obtuse - kebgâef"le, megmle~
A place where fruit trees are grown 405. Select the word which means the same as the
(a) garden (b) plantation group of words given.
(c) orchard (d) farm A garden with fruit trees
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II) (a) Vineyard (b) Orchard
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a place where fruit (c) Grove (d) Nursery
tree are grown' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Orchard' (HeâueesÅeeve) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
nesiee~ Ans. (b) : ef o Ùes ieÙes group of words 'a garden with fruit
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- trees' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Orchard' (heâueesÅeeve) nesiee~ DevÙe
plantation- Je=#eejesheCe, farm- ke=âef<e #es$e garden- yeeie, yeieerÛee~
ef JekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Vineyard– Debietj keâe yeieerÛee, Grove–
GheJeve, Nursery– heewOee Iej, GÅeeve-ie=n~
402. Select the option which is the most appropriate
one word substitution for the given group of 406 . In the following question, out of the four given
words. alternatives, select the alternative which is the
One who holds established opinions best substitute of the phrase.
(a) missionary (b) orthodox One who see bright side of things.
(c) monotheist (d) atheist (a) Optimist (b) Superspecialist
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Conventionalist (d) Educationalist
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who holds SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
established opinions' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'orthodox' Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who see bright
(®efÌ{Jeeoer) nesiee~ side of things.' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Optimist' (DeeMeeJeeoer)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
missionary - F&meeF& Oece& ØeÛeejkeâ~ Superspecialist - a highly skilled specialist~
monotheist - SkesâÕejJeeoer~ Conventionalist - efveÙeceJeeoer~
atheist - veeefmlekeâ~ Educationalist - efMe#eeefJeod~

One Word Substitution 652 YCT

407. Select the most appropriate word for the given 411. Select the option that can be used as a one-
group of words. word substitute for the given group of words.
Something no longer in use. A formal agreement between two or more
(a) Obdurate (b) Odious nations or peoples
(c) Obsolete (d) Ominous (a) Bond (b) Charter
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III) (c) Pact (d) Concord
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : efoS ieS Group of words 'Something no
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A formal agreement
longer in use' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Obsolete' (hegjevee,
between two or more nations or peoples’ kesâ efueS Skeâ
DeØeÛeefuele) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Meyo ‘pact’ (mecePeewlee) nesiee~
Obdurate - efpeöerr, n"er~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Odious - efIeveewvee~ Bond - yebOeve,~
Ominous - DeMegYe~ Charter - Iees<eCeehe$e~
408. Choose the most appropriate word that can Concord - Skeâlee, menÙeesie~
substitute the given group of words. 412. Select the option that can be used as a one-
A polygon with eight sides and eight angles. word substitute for the underlined group of
(a) Triangle (b) Hexagon words in the following sentence.
(c) Octagon (d) Pentagon Denmark has a type of government where
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II) power is held by the wealthiest members of
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'A polygon with society.
(a) democracy (b) plutocracy
eight sides and eight angles' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Octagon' (c) monarchy (d) oligarchy
(De°Yegpe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III)
Triangle - ef$eYegpe~ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle group of words ‘type of
Hexagon - <ešdYegpe~ government where power is held by the wealthiest
Pentagon - hebÛeYegpe~ members of society’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Plutocracy’ (Oeveer
409. Select the word which means the same as the Jeie& keâe Meemeve) nesiee~
group of words given. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
One who is present everywhere Democracy - ueeskeâ-leb$e~
(a) Omnipotent (b) Omniscient Monarchy - jepe-leb$e~
(c) Omnipresent (d) Omnivorous Oligarchy - kegâueerve-leb$e~
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II) 413. Select the most appropriate ‘one word’ for the
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes groups of words 'One who is present expression given below.
everywhere' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Omnipresent' (meJe&JÙeeheer) A person who can speak multiple languages.
(a) Minaret (b) Polyglot
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Spire (d) Intestate
Omnipotent - meJe&Meefòeâceeve, Omnivorous - meJe&Ye#eer, SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I)
Omniscient - meJe&%e~ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A person who can
P speak multiple languages’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Polyglot’
(yengYee<eer) nesiee~
410. Choose the word that can substitute the given
group of words. A living organism that steals DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
nourishment from other living beings Minaret - ceerveej~
(a) Insect (b) Co - Dependent Spire - efMeKej~
(c) Vector (d) Parasite Intestate - efyevee JemeerÙeleveecee kesâ ceje ngDee~
SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II) 414. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A living organism word substitute for the given group of words.
that steals nourishment from other living beings’ kesâ efueS The love of man or mankind
(a) Philology (b) Philanthropy
Skeâ Meyo ‘Parasite’ (hejpeerJeer) nesiee~ (c) Philosophy (d) Phylactery
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III
Insect - keâerÌ[s - cekeâewÌ[s~ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The love of man or
Co-Dependent- menefJeYeeie~ mankind’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Philonthropy’ (ceeveJe-Øesce)
Vector - mebÛeeueve keâjvee~ nesiee~
One Word Substitution 653 YCT
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Philology - Yee<ee MeeŒe~ Nomenclature - veeceheæefle~
Philosophy - oMe&ve MeeŒe~ Almanac - hebÛeebie~
Phylactery - efoKeeJešer Oece&efve‰e~ Platonic - DeeoMe&Jeeoer~
415. Select the option that can be used as a one- 419. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words. word substitute for the underlined group of
One who collects stamps words.
(a) Numismatist (b) narcissist Ravi got the job easily because he speaks many
(c) Philatelist (d) Collector languages.
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II (a) Polynomial (b) Polyglot
(c) Polycenric (d) Polysyllabic
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who collects
SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I
stamps’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Philatelist’ (efškeâš keâe meb«enkeâ)
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Underlined group of word ‘speaks
many languages’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Polyglot' (yengYee<eer)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Numismatist- cegõe MeeŒeer~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Narcissist- Deelce Øesce~
Polynomial - yengheoerÙe~
Collector - meb«enkeâlee&~
Polycentric - yengkeWâõer~
416. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words. Polysyllabic - Deveskeâe#ej~
The state of being full or complete 420. Select the option that can be used as a one-
(a) Plebiscite (b) Plunder word substitute for the given group of words.
(c) Pliability (d) Plenitude Showing great attention to detail and correct
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II behaviour
(a) Disciplined (b) Punctilious
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The state of being
(c) Punctual (d) Zealous
full or complete’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Plenitude’ (ØeÛegjlee)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II
nesiee~ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘showing great
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - attention’ to detail and correct behavior’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Plebiscite - pevecele meb«en~ ‘Punctilious’ (yeejerefkeâÙeeW hej OÙeeve osves Jeeuee) nesiee~
Plunder - uetšceej~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Pliability - ueÛeerueeheve~ Disciplined - DevegMeemeve efØeÙe~
417. Select the options that can be used as a one- Punctual - meceÙeefve‰~
word substitute for the given group of words.
Zealous - Glmeener~
The science or art of political government
(a) Politics (b) Sociology 421. Select the option that can be used as a one-
(c) Economics (d) Theology word substitute for the given group of words.
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II Eternal; lasting forever or indefinitely
(a) Perplex (b) Permissive
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The science or art of
(c) Peristyle (d) Perpetual
political government’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Politics’ (jepeveerefle) nesiee~ SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Eternal; lasting
Sociology - meceepeMeeŒe~ forever or indefinitely’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Perpetual
Economics - DeLe&MeeŒe~ (ueieeleej) nesiee~
Theology - Oece&MeeŒe~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
418. Select the option that can be used as a one- Perplex - JÙeekegâue keâjvee~
word substitute for the given group of words. Permissive - Devegceesokeâ~
An imaginary name assumed by an author
(a) Nomenclature (b) Almanac Peristyle - KebYeeW kesâ ßesCeer
(c) Pseudonym (d) Platonic 422. Select the option which means the same as the
SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III group of words given.
A government runs by the wealthy people
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘An imaginary name
(a) oligarchy (b) monarchy
assumed by an author’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Pseudonym’
(c) plutocracy (d) aristocracy
(yeouee ngDee veece) nesiee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I)

One Word Substitution 654 YCT

Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A government runs by medication - oJeeF&~
the wealthy people' kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ efJekeâuhe (c) 'Plutocracy' treatment - GheÛeej~
(Oeefvekeâ leb$e) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&- remedy - GheÛeej~
Monarchy - jepe-leb$e, Oligarchy - kegâueerve leb$e, Aristocracy - 427. Select the most appropriate one-word
efMe° peve~ substitution for the given group of words.
To go around an area to keep a watch
423. Select the most appropriate one-word (a) patrol (b) cruise
substitution for the given words. (c) campaign (d) explore
Safe to drink SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) Feasible (b) Delectable
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'To go around an
(c) Potable (d) Edible
area to keep a watch' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'patrol' (henje/ieMle
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
ueieevee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'Safe to drink' kesâ efueS
cruise - mecegõ heÙe&šve, heÙe&šve~
one word efJekeâuhe (c) 'Potable' (heerves ÙeesiÙe) GheÙegòeâ
campaign - DeefYeÙeeve~
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYevve nQ~
explore - DevJes<eCe keâjvee~
Feasible - mebYeJe~
428. Select the word which means the same as the
Delectable - ceveesjce~ group of words given.
Edible - Keeves ÙeesiÙe~ A fictitious name used by an author
424. Select the most appropriate one-word (a) homonym (b) alibi
substitution for the given words. (c) pesudonym (d) anonymous
A group of lions SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Pride (b) Pack Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a fictitious name
(c) Colony (d) Herd used by an author' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Pesudonym' (Gheveece,
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) Úodceveece) nesiee~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A group of lions' kesâ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
efueS one word efJekeâuhe (a) 'Pride' GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe Homonym- efYeVeeLe&keâ Meyo~
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- Alibi- DevÙe$e GheefmLeefle~
pack - group of dogs~ anonymous- iegceveece/yesveece~
colony - group of ants~ 429. Select the word which means the same as the
herd - group of cattle~ group of words given.
One who is indifferent to art and culture
425. Select the most appropriate one-word
(a) philanderer (b) cynic
substitution for the given words : (c) philistine (d) scientist
One who does not care for art or literature SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Philatelist (b) Plagiarist
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who is indifferent
(c) Pessimist (d) Philistine
to art and culture' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'philistine' (DeefMeef#ele Ùee
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
DemeYÙe) nesiee~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'One who does not
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
care for art or literature' kesâ efueS one word 'Philistine'
Philanderer - efÚÚesje~
(DeefMeef#ele) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ– Cynic - efvebokeâ~
Pessimist - efvejeMeJeeoer~ Scientist - Jew%eeefvekeâ~
Philatelist - [ekeâ efškeâš meb«enkeâ~ 430. Select the word which means the same as the
Plagiarist - meeefneflÙekeâ Ûeesjer~ group of words given.
426. Select the word which means the same as the Sole right to make and sell some invention
group of words given. (a) copyright (b) inheritance
A solution for all difficulties or diseases : (c) patent (d) heirloom
(a) medication (b) treatment SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) remedy (d) panacea Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Sole right to make
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) and sell some invention' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'patent' (SkeâmJe
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A solution for all DeefOekeâej/ueeFmeWme uesvee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
difficulties or diseases' kesâ efueS one word 'panacea' Inheritance- GòejeefOekeâejer~
(jeceyeeCe, meJe&jesienejer,) nesiee~ Copyright- ØekeâeMeveeefOekeâej~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- Heirloom- hewle=keâ mecheefòe~

One Word Substitution 655 YCT

431. Select the option that can be used as a one- 435. Select the most appropriate word for the group
word substitute for the given group of of words.
words. A previous case that might serve as an example
A person who believes that war and violence or guide in subsequent situations
are unjustifiable (a) president (b) predecessor
(a) pessimist (b) anarchist (c) precursor (d) precedent
(c) optimist (d) pacifist SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A previous case that
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person who might serve as an example or guide in subsequent
believes that war and violence are unjustifiable' kesâ efueS situations' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'precedent' (hetJe& efveCe&Ùe, efcemeeue)
Skeâ Meyo 'Pacifist' (MeeefvleefØeÙe) nesiee~ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
President- je°^heefle~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-Pessimist- efvejeMeeJeeoer, Anarchist -
DejepekeâleeJeeoer, Optimist - DeeMeeJeeoer~ Predecessor- hetJe&pe~
Precursor- De«eieeceer, hetJe&Jeleea~
432. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words. 436. Select the most appropriate word for the group
A person who held a job or office before the of words.
current holder A remedy for all diseases
(a) successor (b) ancestor (a) panacea (b) antibiotic
(c) descendant (d) predecessor (c) antidote (d) patent
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person who held a Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A remedy for all
job or office before the current holder' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo diseases' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Panacea' (jeceyeeCe) nesiee~
'predecessor' (hetJee&efOekeâejer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- successor- (GòejeefOekeâejer), ancestor Antibiotic - ØeeflepewefJekeâer~
- (hetJe&pe), descendant - (mebleeve)~ Antidote - efJe<e veeMekeâ~
433. Select the option which is the most appropriate Patent - mhe<š, meeheâ~
one word substitution for the given group of 437. Select the most appropriate word for the group
words. of words.
One who travels by foot One whose hobby is stamp collection.
(a) propagandist (b) paediatrician (a) phonologist (b) philanthropist
(c) pedestrian (d) protagonist (c) philatelist (d) panegyrist
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who travels by Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'one whose hobby is
foot' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ' pedestrian ' (heoÙee$eer) nesiee~ stamp collection' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'philatelist' (efškeâš
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- meb«ener) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Propagandist – ØeÛeejJeeoer~ Phonologist- mJej-MeeŒeer~
Paediatrician - yeeue jesie efJeMes<e%e Philanthropist- hejeshekeâejer~
Protagonist - ØeOeeve veeÙekeâ~ Panegyrist- mlegeflehee"keâ~
434. Select the option which is the most appropriate 438. Select the word which means the same as the
one word substitution for the given group of group of words given.
words. Rapid increase in the number or amount of
Careful in performing duties something
(a) Sincere (b) Punctual (a) proliferation (b) promotion
(c) Obedient (d) Punctilious (c) propensity (d) paucity
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Careful in Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'rapid increase in the
performing duties' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'punctilious' (pe™jle number or amount of something' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
mes pÙeeoe heefjMegæ) nesiee~ 'proliferation' (Øemeej Ùee leer›e Je=efæ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DeLe& nQ-
Sincere - (F&ceeveoej, meÛÛee), Punctual - (meceÙeefve‰), Promotion- mece=efæ/lejkeäkeâer, Propensity- ØeJe=efòe/PegkeâeJe,
Obedient - (Dee%eekeâejer)~ Paucity- keâceer~

One Word Substitution 656 YCT

439. Select the word which means the same as the Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A collection of
given group of words. drawings, documents, etc. That represent a person's.
Someone who freely gives money and help to especially an artist's work' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'portfolio'
people who need it
(heâeFue, efJeYeeie) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Philologist (b) Philanthropist
(c) Impressionist (d) Receptionist dossier - heâeFue (ØeeÙe: mee#ÙeeW keâer)~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II) profile - ueeskeâ ÚefJe/™he jsKee~
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Someone who freely sketch - jsKee efÛe$e~
gives money and help to people who need it' kesâ efueS Skeâ 444. In the following question, out of the four given
Meyo 'Philanthropist' (ueeskeâeshekeâejkeâ peveefnlew<eer, hejeshekeâejkeâ) alternatives, select the alternative which is the
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Philologist - Yee<eeefJeod, best substitute of the phrase.
One who loves own country
Impressionist - ØeYeeJeJeeoer, Receptionist - mJeeielekeâòee&~
(a) Chariot (b) Adroit
440. Select the word that means the same as the (c) Idiot (d) Patriot
given group of words. SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
A person working on a trial period
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who loves own
(a) Probationer (b) Petitioner
(c) Practitioner (d) Professional country' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Patriot' (osMeYeòeâ) nesiee~ DevÙe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II) efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person working Chariot– jLe, Adroit– Ûelegj, Idiot– yesJeketâheâ JÙeefòeâ~
on a trial period' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Probationer' (keâece 445. In the following question, out of the four given
meerKeves kesâ efueÙes efveÙegòeâ JÙeefòeâ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- alternatives, select the alternative which is the
best substitute of the phrase.
Petitioner – ÙeeefÛekeâekeâlee&~
A medical examination of a dead body.
Practitioner – JÙeJemeeÙeer~ (a) Premortem (b) Postmortem
Professional – hesMesJej/JÙeJemeeÙeer~ (c) Prenatal (d) Postnatal
441. Select the word which means the same as the SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I)
groups of words given. Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A medical
A remedy for all diseases examination of a dead body' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
(a) Tablet (b) Syrup 'Postmortem' (MeJe hejer#eCe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Panacea (d) Nectar
Premortem - Deefvlece heLe, Prenatal - pevcehetJe&, Postnatal -
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A remedy for all
446. Choose the most appropriate word that can
diseases' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Panacea' (jeceyeeCe/meJe&jesienejer)
substitute the given group of words.
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Killing of pests
Tablet - efšefkeâÙee/ieesueer~ (a) Patricide (b) Herbicide
Syrup - oJee pees õJe ™he ceW nes~ (c) Pesticide (d) Suicide
Nectar - Dece=le~ SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
442. Select the word which means the same as the Ans. (c) : efoS ieS group of words 'killing of pests' kesâ
group of words given. efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Pesticide' (keâeršveeMekeâ) nesiee~
One who studies the elections and voting trends DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Reviewer (b) Sociologist Patricide - efhele=nlÙee, Herbicide- le=Ceceejkeâ (MeekeâveeMekeâ),
(c) Psephogist (d) Reseacher
Suicide - DeelcenlÙee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III)
447. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'one who studies the group of words.
elections and voting trends' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Psephogist' A set of 52 playing cards
(ÛegveeJe efJeMes<e%e) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Review– (a) Bundle (b) Parcel
meceer#ekeâ~ Sociologist– meceepeMeeœeer, Researcher- MeesOeeLeea~ (c) Pack (d) Packet
443. Select the word which means the same as the SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
group of words given. Ans. (c) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A set of 52 playing
A collection of drawings, documents, etc. That cards' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Pack' (leeMe keâer ieñer) nesiee~ DevÙe
represent a person's. especially an artist's work efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Dossier (b) Profile
Bundle - ie"jer, Parcel - heeme&ue, KeC[, Packet -
(c) Portfolio (d) Sketch
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
One Word Substitution 657 YCT
448. Select the most appropriate word for the given 452. Choose the most appropriate word that can
group of words. substitute the given group of words.
One who collects stamps A group of Lions
(a) Curator (b) Geologist (a) Pack (b) Pride
(c) Philatelist (d) Conjurer
(c) Herd (d) Flock
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : efoS ieS Group of words 'One who collects
stamps' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Philatelist' (efškeâš meb«ener) nesiee~ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'A group of Lions' kesâ
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Pride' (MesjeW keâe Skeâ mecetn) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Curator - meb«eneueÙeeOÙe#e, Geologist - YetefJe%eeveer, Conjurer -
peeotiej~ Pack- leeMe keâer ieñer, Herd- PegC[, flock- PegC[, he#eer keâe
449. Select the most appropriate word for the given PegC[~
group of words :
An introduction to a literary work 453. Select the word which means the same as the
(a) prologue (b) Blurb group of words given.
(c) Epilogue (d) Sequel An animal that lives by killing and eating other
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I) animal
Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words 'An introduction to a (a) Predator (b) Amphibian
literary work' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Prologue' (ØemleeJevee) nesiee~ (c) Biped (d) Quadruped
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II)
Blurb - hegmlekeâ keâe heefjÛeÙe, efJe%eeheve~ Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'An animal that lives
Epilogue - Ghemebnej~ by killing and eating other animal' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Sequel - heefjCeece, Gòej-ke=âefle~ 'Predator' - (hejYe#eer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
450. Select the most appropriate word for the given Amphibian - GYeÙeÛej, Biped - oes hewjeW Jeeuee peeveJej,
group of words.
An animal that lives by killing and eating other Quadruped - ÛeewheeÙee~
animals 454. Select the word which means the same as the
(a) Amphibian (b) Prey group of words given.
(c) Predator (d) Quadruped An introduction made by the dramatist at the
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) beginning of the play
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group words 'An animal that lives by (a) Dialogue (b) Epilogue
killing and eating other animals' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo (c) Monologue (d) Prologue
'Predator' (hejpeerJe Ye#eer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II)
Amphibian - peue leLee mLeue oesveesb ceW jnves Jeeuee ‘GYeÙeÛej’~ Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'An introduction
Prey - efMekeâej~
made by the dramatist at the beginning of the play' kesâ
Quadruped - ÛeewheeÙee, Ûeej hewjes Jeeuee~
efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Prologue' (ØemleeJevee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
451. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given. DeLe& nQ- Dialogue - meJeebo, Epilogue - Ghemebnej,
An introduction to a book usually stating its Monologue - Deelce-Yee<eCe~
purpose 455. Select the word which means the same as the
(a) Bibliography (b) Preface group of words given.
(c) Epilogue (d) Acknowledgment
The method and practice of teaching
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Methodology (b) Psychology
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'An introduction to
(c) Pedagogy (d) Philosophy
a book usually stating its purpose' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
'Preface' (efkeâleeye keâe heefjÛeÙe, ØemleeJevee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The method and
Bibliography - (a list of the book referred to in a practice of teaching' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Pedagogy' -
scholarly work) - «ebLe metÛeer~ (efMe#eCe MeeŒe) nesiee~
Epilogue - (a short passage added at the end of a work) Methodology - keâeÙe& heæefle, Øeef›eâÙee~
- Ghemebnej~
Psychology - ceveesefJe%eeve~
Acknowledgement - (the state of being recognized)
mJeerke=âefle~ Philosophy - oMe&veMeeŒe~

One Word Substitution 658 YCT

Q Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'stop something,
especially by using force' kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ one word 'Quell'
456. Select the option that can be used as a one-
(JeMe ceW keâjvee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
Word substitute for the given group of words.
A four- footed animal Soothe - Meeble keâjvee, Extinguish - yegPeevee, Obtain - Øeehle
(a) Reptile (b) Mammal keâjvee~
(c) Biped (d) Quadruped
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III
Ans. (d) :efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘A four - footed 461 substitute for the given group of words.
The murder of a king
animal’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Quadruped’ (ÛeewheeÙee) nesiee~
(a) Regicide (b) Sacrilege
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (c) Reticule (d) Rebel
Reptile - meeBhe, mejerme=he~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I)
Mammal - mleveheeÙeer ØeeCeer Ùee pevleg~ Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The murder of a
Biped - oes hewjeW Jeeuee~ king’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Regicide’ (jepee keâer nlÙee) nesiee~
457. Select the option that can be used as a one- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
word substitute for the given group of words. Sacrilege - DeheefJe$eerkeâjCe, Reticule - efŒeÙeeW keâe yešgJee,
Reject as invalid, especially by legal procedure
Rebel -efJeõesner~
(a) Reiterate (b) Putrid
(c) Quash (d) Putrefy 462. Select the most appropriate option that can be
SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I used as a one-word substitute for the
underlined segment in the following sentence.
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Reject as invalid’
The king’s coronation ceremony was a grand
especially by legal procedure’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Quash’ affair, with all the nobles and dignitaries
(meceehle Ùee jö keâjvee) nesiee~ dressed in their finest insignia of royalty.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - (a) spectres (b) regals
Reiterate - yeej-yeej ognjevee, Putrid - meÌ[e ngDee, (c) regalia (d) ornaments
Putrefy - meÌ[vee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle Group of words ‘insignia of
458. Select the most appropriate one word
substitution for the given group of words. royalty’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Regalia’ (jepeefÛevn) nesiee~
One who pretends to be a medical practitioner. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
(a) Culprit (b) Quack Spectres - keâeueer ÚeÙee, Regals - jepekeâerÙe, Ornaments -
(c) Adept (d) Vanity DeeYet<eCe~
SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
463. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'one who pretends to substitute for the given group of word.
be a medical practitioner' kesâ efueS GefÛele one word 'Quack' Able to be happy, successful, etc. again after
(Peesuee Úehe [e@keäšj) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - something difficult or bad has happened
Culprit - DehejeOeer, Adept - efvehegCe, Vanity - Ieceb[~ (a) Resilient (b) Remnant
(c) Reluctant (d) Resistant
459. Select the most appropriate one word
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III
substitution for the given group of words.
Divided into four equal or corresponding parts. Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Able to be happy’
(a) Tripod (b) Quarter successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad
(c) Half (d) Concrete has happened kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Resilient’ (kegâÚ yegje nesves kesâ
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) yeeo efHeâj mes Øemevve nesvee)~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'Divided into four DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
equal or corresponding parts' kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ one-word Remnant - DeJeMes<e~
'quarter' (ÛeewLeeF&) nesiee~ Reluctant -DeefveÛÚgkeâ~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - Resistant -DeJejesOe keâjves Jeeuee~
Tripod - ef$eheeo, Half - DeeOee, Concrete - "esme~ 464. Select the most appropriate one word to
460. Select the most appropriate one word substitute the given group of words.
substitution for the given group of words. Symbols of royalty
Stop something especially by using force (a) sceptre (b) relic
(a) Soothe (b) Quell (c) emblem (d) regalia
(c) Extinguish (d) Obtain SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
One Word Substitution 659 YCT
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘symbols of royalty’ 469. Select the word which means the same as the
kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘regalia’ (jepeefÛevn) nesiee~ group of words given.
The act of looking back on past time
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a) retrospection (b) inspection
Sceptre - jepeeefOekeâej, Relic - DeJeMes<e, Emblem - Øeleerkeâ~ (c) introspection (d) circumspection
465. Select the most appropriate one-word SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
substitution for the given group of words. Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The act of looking
The act of thinking now about something in the back on past time' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'retrospection'
(a) Retrospection (b) Circumspection
(heMÛeeJeueeskeâve) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
(c) Introspection (d) Inspection Inspection- peebÛe keâjvee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I) Introspection- Deelce hejer#eCe/efJeMues<eCe keâjvee~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Group of words, 'The act of thinking Circumspection- Ûeewkeâmeer, meeJeOeeveer~
now about something in the past' kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) 470. Select the most appropriate word which means
'Retrospection' (Deleerle mes pegÌ[er yeeles) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~ the same as the group of words given.
No revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - (a) forthright (b) evaluative
Introspection - DeelceefJeMues<eCe, Circumspection - meeJeOeeveer, (c) reticent (d) communicative
Inspection - efvejer#eCe~ SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
466. Select the option that can be used as a one- Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'No revealing one's
word substitute for the given group of words. thoughts or feelings readily' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'reticent'
Withdraw from a forward position in battle (keâce yeesueves Jeeuee) nesiee~
(a) Retreat (b) Resort DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Restore (d) Relocate
Forthright- mhe°Jeeoer~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Evaluative- cetuÙeebkeâve mebyebOeer~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, 'withdraw from a
Communicative - yeeleÛeerle keâjves SJeb mebheke&â jKeves keâe FÛÚgkeâ~
forward position in battle' kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ one word
471. Select the word which means the same as the
'retreat' (heerÚs nšvee) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
group of words given.
Resort - meneje uesvee, Restore - yeneue keâjvee, Relocate - A large natural or artificial lake as a source of
mLeeveebleefjle keâjvee~ water supply
467. Select the most appropriate word which means (a) Pool (b) Pond
the same as the group of words given. (c) Creek (d) Reservoir
An exact or a very close copy (of something) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) substitute (b) artificial Ans. (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a large natural or artifical
(c) replica (d) forgery lake used as a source of water supply' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) 'Reservoir' (peueeMeÙe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'An exact or a very Pond–leeueeye; Greek–mebkeâjer KeeÌ[er, Úesšer veoer
close copy' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'replica' (Øeefleke=âefle) nesiee~ Pool–yeeJeÌ[er
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- substitute - efJekeâuhe, artificial - 472. Select the word which means the same as the
ke=âef$ece, forgery - peeuemeepeer~ group of words given.
468. Select the most appropriate one-word That which is no longer useful
substitution for the given group of words. (a) Redundant (b) Abundant
A deceased holy person’s remains or (c) Reluctant (d) Dominant
belongings kept for reverence SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) trophy (b) souvenir Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'That which is no
(c) memento (d) relic
longer useful' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'redundant' (DeveeJeMÙekeâ)
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A deceased holy
Abundant - heÙee&hle cee$ee ceW~
person’s remains or belongings kept for reverence' kesâ
Reluctant - DeefveÛÚgkeâ~
efueS Skeâ Meyo 'relic' (DeJeMes<e/efveMeeveer, mceejkeâ efÛeÖ) nesiee~
Dominant - ØeYeeJeer/Øeyeue~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
473. In the following question, out of the four given
trophy - š^eheâer, JewpeÙebleer~
alternatives, select the alternatives which is the
souvenir - Ùeeoieej, mceeefjkeâe~
best substitute of the phrase.
momento - heue, mcejCeeLe&keâ Jemleg~ Amount paid to a man for his labour.
One Word Substitution 660 YCT
(a) Incentive (b) Remuneration 477. Select the most appropriate one word
(c) Gratuity (d) Honorarium substitution for the given group of words.
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I) The violation or profanation of anything sacred
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Amount paid to a or held sacred
man for his labour' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Remuneration' (a) Pious (b) Sacramental
(heeefjßeefcekeâ, ØeefleHeâue) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Holy (d) Sacrilege
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Incentive (n)- ØeueesYeve~
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The violation or
Gratuity (n)- heeefjleesef<ekeâ~
profanation of anything sacred or held sacred’ kesâ efueS
Honorarium (n)- ceeveosÙe~
Skeâ Meyo ‘Sacrilege’ (DeheefJe$eerkeâjCe) nesiee~
474. In the following question, out of the four given
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
alternatives, select the alternative which is the
best substitute of the Phrase. Pious - heefJe$e~
One who receives something. Sacramental - meebmkeâeefjkeâ~
(a) Gradient (b) Patient Holy - heefJe$e~
(c) Recipient (d) Lenient
478. Choose the word that can substitute the given
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I) group of words.
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words ' One who receives One who helps the needy and the helpless
something' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'recipient' (Øeehle keâjves Jeeuee, (a) Novice (b) Egotist
Øeehekeâ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Samaritan (d) Highbrow
Gradient - PegkeâeJe~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Patient - jesieer~ Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who helps the
lenient - Goej/oÙeeuet~ needy and the helpless’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Samaritan’
(cegmeeryele ceW ceoo keâjves Jeeuee) nesiee~
S DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
475. Select the word which means the same as the
Novice - veewefmeefKeÙee~
group of words underlined in the sentence.
Only the artists who make sculptures are Egotist - DenbJeeoer~
allowed to take part in exhibitions. Highbrow - Ieceb[er~
(a) Sculptor (b) Painter 479. Select the option that can be used as a one-
(c) Potter (d) Artisan word substitute for the given group of words.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II) The study of earthquakes
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Only the artists who (a) Seismology (b) Geography
make sculptures are allowed to take part in exhibitions’ (c) Topography (d) Geology
kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Sculptor’ (cetefle&keâej) nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The study of
Painter - efÛe$ekeâej, Potter - kegâcnej, Artisan - efMeuhekeâej~ earthquakes’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Seismology’(Yetkeâche
476. Select the option that can be used as a one- efJe%eeve) nesiee~
word substitute for the given group of DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Geography - Yetieesue MeeŒe~
A person whose age is between 70 and 79 years
old Topography - mLeueeke=âefle~
(a) Aged (b) Septuagenarian Geology - YetefJe%eeve~
(c) Oldie (d) Pensioner 480. Select the option that can be used as a one-
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III) word substitute for the given group of words.
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘A person whose age Indifferent to pleasure and pain
is between 70 to 79 years old’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo (a) Lusty (b) Stoic
‘Septuagenarion’ [(70 Deewj 79) kesâ yeerÛe keâer Gceü keâe JÙeefòeâ] (c) Cynic (d) Prudent
nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Indifferent to
Aged - Je=æ~ pleasure and pain’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Stoic’ (Goemeerve) nesiee~
Oldie - hegjevee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Pensioner -heWMeveheevesJeeuee JÙeefòeâ~ Lusty - keâecegkeâ, Cynic - ceeveJeÉs<eer, Prudent - yegefæceeve~

One Word Substitution 661 YCT

481. Select the most appropriate one word to 485. Select the most appropriate one-word
substitute the given group of words. substitution for the given words.
One who speaks for others A close-fitting cover for a sword
(a) spokesperson (b) orator (a) Quiver (b) Shank
(c) verbose (d) talkative (c) Sheath (d) Dagger
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who speaks for Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A close-fitting cover
other’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Spokesperson’ (ØeJeòeâe) nesiee~ for a sword' kesâ efueS one word 'sheath' (cÙeeve) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ-
Orator - Jeòeâe~ Quiver - lejkeâMe~
Verbose - JeeÛeeue~ Shank - šeBie~
Dagger - keâšej~
Talkative - yeeletveer~
486. Select the word which means the same as the
482. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given.
group of words given.
A large number of fish swimming together
One who talks to oneself
(a) herd (b) shoal
(a) Soliloquist (b) Ventriloquist (c) brood (d) cache
(c) Colloquist (d) Somniloquist SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A large number of fish
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who talk to swimming together' kesâ efueS one word 'shoal' (ceÚefueÙeeW keâe
oneself’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Soliloquiest’ (Deheves Deehe mes yeele PegC[) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ~
keâjves Jeeuee) nesiee~ herd - heMegDeeW keâe PegC[~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - brood - Group of fatching~
Ventriloquist - lejn -lejn keâer DeeJeepe efvekeâeue mekeâves Jeeuee~ cache - ieghle peien~
Colloquist - yeesueÛeeue keâe efJeMes<e%e~ 486. In the following question, out of the four
Somniloquist - veeRo ceW yeesueves Jeeuee~ alternatives, select the alternative which is the
483. Select the most appropriate one word to best substitute of the phrase.
substitute the given group of words. A government by the military class
a case for keeping a sword. (a) Kratocracy (b) Pantisocray
(a) sleeve (b) sheath (c) Stratocracy (d) Monocracy
(c) quiver (d) wrapper SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II Ans. (c) Ghejes òeâ group of words, 'a government by the
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘a case for keeping a military class' kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe (c) 'Stratocracy'
sword’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Sheath’ (cÙeeve) nesiee~ (mesvee kesâ Éeje Meeefmele mejkeâej) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Kratocracy – Meefkeäle lev$e~
Sleeve - Deemleerve~
Pantisocracy – meJe&leb$e~
Quiver - keâeBhevee~
Monocracy – Skeâ lev$e~
Wrapper - DeeJejCe~
488. In the following, out of the four alternatives,
484. Select the option that can be used as a one- select the alternative which is the best
word substitute for the given group of words. substitute of the phrase.
A short rest or sleep taken after lunch A person's last performance
(a) Doze (b) Leisure (a) Prognosis (b) Elegy
(c) Slumber (d) Siesta (c) Memoir (d) Swan song
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Group of words, A short rest or sleep Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ group of words, a person's last
taken after lunch kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) 'Siesta' - oeshenj kesâ performance kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe (d) 'Swan Song'
meceÙe Pehekeâer uesvee/nukeâer veeRo uesvee nesiee~ (efkeâmeer JÙeefòeâ keâe Deefvlece DeefYeveÙe) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw– DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
Doze - nukeâer veeRo~ Prognosis – hetJee&vegceeve~
Leisure - Hegâme&le, Keeueer meceÙe~ Elegy – Meeskeâ ieerle~
Slumber - Pehekeâer/veeRo uesvee~ Memoir – mebmcejCe~

One Word Substitution 662 YCT

489. Select the most appropriate word for the given 493. Select the option which is the most appropriate
group of words. one word substitution for the given group of
A nature reserve for birds of animals words.
(a) retreat (b) asylum One who is sixty years old
(c) oasis (d) sanctuary (a) Nonagenarian (b) Sexagenarian
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) (c) Octogenarian (d) Septuagenarian
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A nature reserve for
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who is sixty
birds of animals' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'sanctuary'
years old' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Sexagenarian' (pees mee" Je<eeaÙe
(DeYÙeejCÙe/heMegefJenej) nesiee~ nes) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efvecve nQ-
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Nonagenarian (90-99 years old)~
retreat (Jeehemeer/ DeeßeÙemLeue), asylum (heeieueKeevee), oasis - Octogenarian (80-89 years old)~
ce®GÅeeve~ Septuagenarian (70-79 years old)~
490. Select the word which means the same as the 494. Select the most appropriate word for the group
group of words given. of words.
One who helps a person in need An office with high salary but no work
(a) mercenary (b) veteran (a) honorary (b) sinecure
(c) samaritan (d) collaborator (c) autocracy (d) bureaucracy
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'One who helps a Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'An office with high
person in need' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Samaritan' (veskeâ Deeoceer) salary but no work' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Sinecure' (keâeÙe&Yeej
nesiee~ jefnle veewkeâjer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Honorary- ceeveveerÙe/DeJewleefvekeâ~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Autocracy- Skeâleb$e/efvejbkegâMelee~
Mercenary- efkeâjeÙes keâe mewefvekeâ~
Bureaucracy- veewkeâjMeener~
Veteran- DevegYeJeer~
495. Select the most appropriate word for the group
Collaborator- menÙeesieer~ of words.
491. Select the option that can be used as a one- One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain
word substitute for the given group of words. (a) wise (b) temperate
A person who can endure pain or hardship (c) brave (d) stoic
without showing his feelings or complaining SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) stoic (b) agnostic Ans : (d) ef o Ùes ieÙes group of words 'One who is indifferent
(c) ascetic (d) pedant to pleasure or pain' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'stoic' (Goemeerve,
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) Jewjeieer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person who can wise- yegefæceeve~
endure pain or hardship without showing his feelings or temperate- mebÙeceer~
complaining' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'stoic' - (YeeJenerve) nesiee~ brave- yeneogj~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- agnostic - veeefmlekeâ, ascetic - lehemJeer, 496. Select the word which means the same as the
pedant - ™efÌ{Jeeoer group of words given.
Close fitting cover for a sword or knife
492. Select the option which is the most appropriate (a) Shield (b) Guard
one word substitution for the given group of (c) Screen (d) Sheath
words. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
A protected place for birds and animals Ans. (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'closed fitting cover for
(a) bunker (b) island
a sword or knife' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Sheath' (cÙeeve) nesiee~
(c) sanctuary (d) estuary
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Shield–keâJeÛe; Guard – henjsoej; Screen–hešue, efÛe$eheš
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A protected place for
497. Select the word which means the same as the
birds and animals' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Sanctuary' (DeYÙeejCÙe) group of words given.
nesiee~ A vertical passageway into a mine
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw- (a) Lobby (b) Shaft
(c) Canal (d) Aisle
Bunker - mesveeJeeme, Island - Éerhe, Estuary - veoer keâe cegnevee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
One Word Substitution 663 YCT
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a vertical Neurons - lebef$ekeâe keâesefMekeâe~
passageway into a mine' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Shaft' (Keeve ceW Arteries - Oeceveer, jòeâ Jeeefnveer, pees jòeâ keâes ùoÙe mes Mejerj ceW ues
keâe jemlee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- peeleer nw~
Lobby – Øeleer#eeie=n; Canal – venj; Aisle – ieefueÙeeje~ 502. Select the word which means the same as the
498. Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.
group of words given. A speech made to oneself
Small room where dishes are washed. (a) Soliloquy (b) Solitary
(a) Larder (b) Scullery (c) Eloquent (d) Dialogue
(c) Pantry (d) Ante-room SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A speech made to
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Small room where oneself' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Soliloquy' (mJeYee<eCe, DeelceYee<eCe)
dishes are washed' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'scullery' (yele&ve meheâeF& nes iee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
keâjves keâer peien) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Solitary - SkeâebleJeemeer~
Larder – keâes"ej, ieesoece~ Eloquent - megJeòeâe~
Pantry – jmeesF& YeC[ej~ Dialogue - mebJeeo, yeeleÛeerle~
Ante-room – hetJe& keâ#e, ieefueÙeeje~ 503. Choose the most appropriate word that can
499. Select the word which means the same as the substitute the given group of words.
group of words given. Full of criticism and mockery
A type of magic in which sprits, especially evil (a) Cliche (b) Praise
ones, are used to make things happen (c) Satire (d) Eulogy
(a) Chemistry (b) Alchemy SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Mimicry (d) Sorcery Ans. (c) : efoS ieS Group of words 'Full of criticism and
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II) mockery' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Satire' (efveboe keâLeve, JÙebie ØeOeeve
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ' A type of magic in jÛevee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Praise - ØeMebmee,
which sprits, especially evil ones, are used to make Eulogy - ØeMebmee ieeve~
things happen' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'sorcery (šesvee, peeot, 504. Choose the word that can substitute the given
Fvõpeeue) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- sentence.
Chemistry – jmeeÙeveMeeœe~ An internal or external framework of bones
Alchemy – jme-efJeOee/jmeeÙeve efJe%eeve~ (a) Spine (b) Skull
Mimicry – vekeâue/DevegkeâjCe~ (c) Skeleton (d) Skin
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)
500. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given. Ans. (c) : efoS ieS Group of words 'An internal or
A person who is blamed for something that external framework of bones' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo
someone else has done 'Skeleton' (kebâkeâeue) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Competitor (b) Enemy Spine - jerÌ{ keâer nñer, Skull - KeesheÌ[er, keâheeue,
(c) Opponent (d) Scapegoat Skin - lJeÛee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I)
505. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'A person who is group of words.
blamed for something that someone else has' done kesâ A set of twenty
efueS Skeâ Meyo 'scapegoat' (otmejeW keâer ieueleer kesâ efueS obef[le) (a) Dozen (b) Score
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Competitor– ØeefleÙeesieer, (c) Quarter (d) Decade
Enemy– Me$eg, Opponent– ØeefleÉvÉer (mheOee& cesb)~ SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A set of twenty' kesâ
501. In the following question, out of the four given
alternatives, select the alternative which is the efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Score' (yeerme keâe mesš) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
best substitute of the phrase. DeLe& nQ-
The bony framework of the body. Dozen - a set of twelve.
(a) Respiratory system (b) Skeleton Quarter - each of four equal parts.
(c) Neurons (d) Arteries Decade - a period of ten years.
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III) 506. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The bony group of words.
A large number of fish swimming together
framework of the body' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Skeleton' (a) Pack (b) Shoal
(kebâkeâeue) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Horde (d) Herd
Respiratory system - MJemeve leb$e SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)

One Word Substitution 664 YCT

Ans. (b) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A large number of Antelope - ce=ie Ùee efnjCe
fish swimming together' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'shoal' Pup - kegâòes keâe Úesše yeÛÛee~
(ceÚefueÙeeW keâe mecegoeÙe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 511. Select the most appropriate word for the given
Pack - leeMe keâer ieñer, Horde - KeeveeyeoesMe peeefle, Herd - group of words. Quiet and peaceful.
heMegDeeW keâe PegC[~ (a) Inundate (b) Incessant
(c) Introvert (d) Tranquil
507. Select the most appropriate word for the given
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III)
group of words.
Government not connected with religious or Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Quiet and peaceful’
spiritual matters. kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Tranquil’ (MeebleefÛeòe) nesiee~
(a) Socialist (b) Republic DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ~
(c) Sovereign (d) Secular Inundate - yeeÌ{~
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I) Incessant - efvejblej~
Ans : (d) efoS ieS Group of words 'Government not Introvert - Debleceg&Keer~
connected with religious or spiritual matters' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ
512. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Meyo 'Secular' (Oece& efvejhes#e) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- word substitute for the given group of words.
Socialist - meceepeJeeoer, Republic - ieCeleb$e, ueeskeâleb$e, An agreement between enemies or opponents to
Sovereign - ØeYeglJe mebheVe~ stop fighting, arguing, etc., for a certain period
508. Select the word which means the same as the of time
group of words given. (a) Unanimous (b) Graft
A building in which Jewish people worship and (c) Truce (d) Surplus
study their religion SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I
(a) Mosque (b) Temple Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘An agreement
(c) Church (d) Synagogue between enemies or opponents to stop fighting, arguing,
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III) etc, for a certain period of time’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Truce’
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words 'A building in which (ÙegæefJejece mebefOe) nesiee~
Jewish people worship and study their religion' kesâ efueS DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Skeâ Meyo 'Synagogue' (DeejeOeveeueÙe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ Unanimous - Skeâcele~
DeLe& nQ- Graft - Ietme uesvee~
Temple - cebefoj~ Surplus - DeJeMes<e, yeÛele~
Church - efiejpeeIej~ 513. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Monastery - DeKeeÌ[e~ word substitute for the given group of words.
509. Select the word which means the same as the Connected with the sense of touch
group of words given. (a) Visual (b) Auditory
Not connected with religious or spiritual (c) Tactile (d) Olfactory
matters. SSC Constable GD-13/12/2021 Shift-III
(a) Secular (b) Veteran
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘Connected with the
(c) Communal (d) Atheist
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II) sense of touch’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Tactile’ (mheMe&veerÙe) nesiee~
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ' Not connected with DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
religious or spiritual matters' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'secular' - Visual - efoKeeÙeer osves Jeeuee~
(Oece&efvejhes#e) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Veteran - Auditory - ßeJeCe-mebyebOeer~
DevegYeJeer, Communal - meecØeoeefÙekeâ, Atheist - veeefmlekeâ~ Olfactory - iebOe-mebyebOeer~
T 514. Select the option that can be used as a one-
word substitute for the given group of words.
510. Choose the word that can substitute the given
group of words. A group of three novels or plays, each complete
The young of a frog in itself.
(a) Tadpole (b) Kitten (a) Triplet (b) Triumvir
(c) Antelope (d) Pup (c) Trilogy (d) Trivet
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘The young of a frog’ Ans. (c) : Ghejes òeâ group of word, A group of three novels
kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Tadpole’ (cesÌ{keâ keâe yeÛÛee) nesiee~ or plays, each complete in itself kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ one word
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - 'Trilogy' (GhevÙeeme-$eÙeer/ef$elJe) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
Kitten - efyeuueer keâe yeÛÛee~ Triplet - ef$ekeâ, Triumvir - ef$eMeemekeâ, Trivet - ueesns keâe efleheeÙee~

One Word Substitution 665 YCT

515. In the following question, out of the four 519. Select the most appropriate word for the given
alternatives, select the alternative which is the group of words
best substitute of the phrase. A strong and fast moving stream of water
A person who preserves skin of animals (a) rivulet (b) creek
(a) Biloquist (b) Philologist (c) torrent (d) trickle
(c) Taxidermist (d) Oculist SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 Ans : (c) ef o Ùes ieÙes group of words 'A strong and fast
Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ group of words, a person who preserves moving stream of water' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Torrent' (ØeÛeb[
skin of animals kesâ efueS one word efJekeâuhe (c) 'Taxidermist' Oeeje, lespe Oeeje) nesiee~
(JÙeefòeâ pees peeveJejeW keâer lJeÛee mebjef#ele keâjW) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Rivulet- Úesšer veoer, Creek- meBkeâjer KeeÌ[er, Trickle- šhekeâvee,
Biloquist – JÙeefòeâ pees oes DeeJeepeeW ceW yeesue mekeâlee nes~ efjmevee~
Philologist – Yee<eeefJeo~ 520. Select the most appropriate word for the given
group of words.
Oculist – Specialist of eyes (DeeBKeeW keâe efJeMes<e%e)~ The art of cleaning and preserving animal
516. Select the most appropriate one-word skins
substitution for the given group of words. (a) etymology (b) taxonomy
One who changes sides (c) dermatology (d) taxidermy
(a) novice (b) amateur SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) invader (d) turncoat Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'The art of cleaning
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) and preserving animal skins' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'taxidermy'
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'one who changes (Ûece& ØemeeOeve) nesiee~
sides' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'turncoat' (he#e yeoueves DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Jeeuee/oueyeouet) nesiee~ Etymology- Meyo meeOeve/Meyo JÙeglheefòe~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâe DeLe& nw- Taxonomy- JeieeakeâjCe~
novice - veewefmeefKeÙee~ Dermatology- lJeÛee efJe%eeve (DeOÙeÙeve)~
amateur - MeewefkeâÙee/DeJÙeJemeeÙeer~ 521. Select the word which means the same as the
invader - Dee›eâceCekeâejer/nceueeJe~ group of words given.
Relating to the healing of diseases
517. Select the word which means the same as the
(a) Preventive (b) Immunity
group of words given.
(c) Inoculation (d) Therapeutic
Too unimportant to consider SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) diminutive (b) trivial
(c) nothing (d) noticeable Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of word 'Relating to the healing
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I) of diseases' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Therapeutic' (leveeJe Ùegòeâ yesnlej
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Too unimportant to
cenmetme keâjves Jeeuee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 'Immunity' -
Øeeflej#eCe, 'Inoculation' - šerkeâe, 'Preventive' - yeÛeeJe~
consider' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'trivial' (legÛÚ/cenlJenerve) nesiee~
522. In the following question, out of the four given
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- alternatives, select the alternative which is the
Diminutive - DeuheeLe&keâ~ best substitute of the phrase.
Nothing - kegâÚ veneR~ A portable radio set.
(a) transistor (b) transcription
Noticeable- OÙeeve osves ÙeesiÙe~
(c) Transposition (d) Transaction
518. Select the most appropriate option that can be SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)
used as a one-word substitute for the given Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A portable radio set'
group of words.
kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'transistor' (š^ebefpemšj) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
A cup or other decorative object awarded as a
prize for a victory or success
keâs DeLe& nw-
(a) gift (b) crown Transcription - Øeefleefueefhe~
(c) present (n) (d) trophy Transposition - mLeeveeblejCe~
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) Transaction - uesve-osve~
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A cup or other 523. Select the word which means the same as the
decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or group of words given.
success' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'trophy' (š^eheâer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW A young child just beginning to walk
(a) Toddler (b) Cub
kesâ DeLe& nQ- (c) Joey (d) Kid
Gift - Ghenej, Crown - leepe, Present - hegjmkeâej~ SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
One Word Substitution 666 YCT
Ans. (a) : efoS ieS Group of words, 'A young child just 528. Select the word which means the same as the
beginning to walk' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Toddler' (vevne yeÛÛee) group of words given.
nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- An imagined society where everything is
perfect and everyone is happy
Cub - Mesj keâe yeÛÛee~
(a) Responsible (b) Hypocrite
Joey - kebâiee® keâe yeÛÛee~ (c) Utopia (d) Evangelist
Kid - yeÛÛee, cepeekeâ keâjvee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III)
524. Choose the most appropriate word that can Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'An imagined society
substitute the given group of words. where everything is perfect and everyone is happy' kesâ
A violent windstorm
(a) Temperate (b) Drought ef ueS Skeâ Meyo 'utopia' (DeeoMe&ueeskeâ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
(c) Draught (d) Tempest DeLe& nQ- Responsible - efpeccesoej, Hypocrite - heeKeC[er,
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III) Evangelist - megmeceeÛeej, uesKekeâ, F&meeF&cele keâe ØeÛeejkeâ~
Ans. (d) : efoS ieS Group of words 'A violent 529. Select the word which means the same as the
windstorm' kesâ efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'tempest' (DeebOeer letheâeve) nesiee~ group of words given.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Having no moral principles
Drought - metKee, Draught - Øee™he lewÙeej keâjvee, Kegjekeâ, (a) Unaware (b) Mischievous
Temperate - Meerlees<Ce, meblegefuele~ (c) Ethical (d) Unscrupulous
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II)
525. Select the most appropriate word for the given
group of words. Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Having no moral
One who abstains from alcoholic drinks principles' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Unscrupulous' (Deveweflekeâ)
(a) Vegetarian (b) Non-vegetarian nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Drunkard (d) Teetotaller Unaware – Devepeeve/yesKeyej~
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Mischievous – vešKeš~
Ans. (d) : efoS ieS Group of words 'one who abstains
Ethical – veweflekeâ~
from alcoholic drinks' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo Teetotallor
(ceÅelÙeeieer) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- V
Vegetarian - Meekeâenejer~ 530. Select the option that can be used as a one-
Non-Vegetarian - ceebmeenejer~ word substitute for the given group of words.
Drunkard - efheÙekeäkeâ[, Mejeyeer~ One who possesses outstanding technical ability
in a particular art or field
U (a) Virtuoso (b) Amateur
(c) Gourmand (d) Virtuous
526. Select the word which means the same as the
group of words given. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II)
An imaginary, perfect state or place Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who possesses
(a) Utopia (b) Dystopia outstanding technical ability in a particular art or field’
(c) Nostalgia (d) Arcadia kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Virtuoso’(keâueeØeJeerCe JÙeefòeâ) nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'An imaginary, perfect Amateur - MeewefkeâÙee Ùee DevegYeJenerve JÙeefòeâ~
state or place kesâ efueS one word 'utopia' (keâeuheefvekeâ jepÙe) Gourmand - hesšt Ùee Keeves-heerves keâe Meewkeâerve~
GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw- Virtuous -Oeeefce&keâ Ùee heefJe$e~
Arcadia - keâeuheefvekeâ, Dystopia - leyeen osMe, Nostalgia - 531. Select the option that can be used as a one-
efJe<eeo/GoeMeer~ word substitute for the given group of words.
527. Select the most appropriate one-word In exactly the same words as the original
substitution for the given words. (a) Verbatim (b) Copy
An imaginary ideal society (c) Imitation (d) Duplicate
(a) Model (b) Flawless SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III
(c) Ultimate (d) Utopia Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ‘In exactly the same
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) words as the original’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Verbatim’
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'An imaginary ideal (De#ejMe:) nesiee~
society' kesâ efueS one word 'utopia' (keâeuheefvekeâ) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- Copy - vekeâue keâjvee, Imitation - DevegkeâjCe Ùee vekeâue,
Model - vecetvee, Ultimate - Deefvlece, Flawless - efveoex<e~ Duplicate - Øeefleefueefhe Ùee otmejer Øeefle~

One Word Substitution 667 YCT

532. Select the option that can be used as a one- DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
word substitute for the underlined group of Gardener - ceeueer~
Vegetarian - Meekeâenejer~
Samantha keeps herself occupied by helping
other people willingly without expecting any Florist - HetâueeW keâe efJeMes<e%e~
payment for her services. 536. Select the option that can be used as a one-word
(a) Mercenary (b) Opportunist substitute for the given group of words.
(c) Volunteer (d) Iconoclast An animal with a spinal cord
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II (a) Vertebrate (b) Invertebrate
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Samantha keeps (c) Mammal (d) Amphibian
herself occupied by helping other people willingly SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III
without expecting any payment for her services’ kesâ efueS Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘An animal with a spinal
Skeâ Meyo ‘Volunteer’(mJesÛÚehetCe& mesJee) nesiee~ cord’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Vertebreate’(jer{
Ì oej ØeeCeer) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Invertebrate - DekesâMe™keâer ØeeCeer~
Mercenary - efkeâjeÙes kesâ mewefvekeâ, Opportunist- DeJemejJeeoer~
Iconoclast - cetefle& Yebpekeâ~ Mammal - mleveheeÙeer ØeeCeer~
533. Select the option that can be used as a one- Amphibian - heeveer Deewj Yetefce oesveeW hej jnves Jeeues peerJe~
word substitute for the given group of words. 537. Select the option that can be used as a one-
One who gives money or help to another person word substitute for the underlined group of
or cause words.
(a) Agnostic (b) Amateur Nisha participates in almost every activity and
(c) Benefactor (d) Anarchist in all functions held in the school as she has
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III many skills.
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who gives (a) Innovative (b) Vulnerable
money or help to another person or cause’ kesâ efueS Skeâ (c) Versatile (d) Fragile
Meyo ‘Benefactor’(Ghekeâejer) nesiee~ SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Underlined group of words ‘has many
Agnostic - mebMeÙeJeeoer~ skills’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Versatile’ (yengcegKeer ØeefleYeeJeeve) nesiee~
Amateur - Meewkeâerve Ùee DevegYeJenerve~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Anarchist - DejepekeâleeJeeoer~ Innovative - veJeerve Ùee veJeheefjJele&Meerue~
534. Select the option that can be used as a one- Vulnerable - pees menpe ceW IeeÙeue nes mekesâ~
word substitute for the given group of words. Fragile - efpemes Deemeeveer mes leesÌ[e pee mekesâ~
One who has a long experience of any 538. Select the option that can be used as a one-
occupation word substitute for the given group of words.
(a) Reverent (b) Practitioner A new project or business activity involving
(c) Staunch (d) Veteran some risk.
SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I (a) Entrepreneur (b) Venture (n)
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who has a long (c) Experiment (d) Taboo
experience of any occupation’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo (Veteran) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(kegâMeue Ùee DevegYeJeer) nesiee~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A new project or
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& : - busines activity involving some risk' kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ one
Reverent - ßeæeueg~ word 'Venture' (peesefKece keâe keâece) nesiee~
Practitioner - JÙeJemeeÙeer~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
Staunch - keâój Ùee ÂÌ{~ Experiment - ØeÙeesie, Entrepreneur - GÅeceer, Taboo - efve<esOe~
535. Select the option that can be used as a one- 539. In the following question, out of the four
word substitute for the given group of words. alternatives, select the alternative which is the
One who is well-versed in the knowledge of best substitute of the phrase.
plants Killer of prophet
(a) Gardener (b) Vegetarian (a) Mariticide (b) Vaticide
(c) Botanist (d) Florist (c) Patricide (d) Sororicide
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘One who is well - Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ phrase 'killer of prophet' kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe
Versed in the knowledge of plants’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo (b) 'Vaticide' (hewiecyej keâer nlÙee keâjves Jeeuee) GheÙegòeâ Meyo nw~
‘Botanist’ (Jevemheefle-efJe%eeefvekeâ) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~

One Word Substitution 668 YCT

540. Select the word which means the same as the 544. Select the most appropriate word for the given
group of words given group of words.
A long sea journey Able to adapt to many different functions or
(a) trip (b) voyage activities
(c) excursion (d) expedition (a) expert (b) versatile
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I) (c) surrogate (d) deputy
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words, a long sea journey kesâ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II)
efueS one word efJekeâuhe ‘voyage’ (peueÙee$ee) GefÛele Meyo nw~ Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Able to adapt to many
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&-
different functions or activities' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
Trip - Ùee$ee~
'Versatile' (yengcegKeer/efJeefYeVe ØeefleYeeDeeW keâe Oeveer) nesiee~
Excursion - mewj~
Expedition - DeefYeÙeeve~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
541. Select the most appropriate word which means Expert- efJeMes<e%e~
the same as the group of words given. Surrogate- ØeefleefveefOe~
Something done because one wants to, not by Deputy- meneÙekeâ/Ghe~
(a) threatened (b) voluntary 545. Select the word which means the same as the
(c) subjected (d) coered group of words given.
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) A plantation of grapes
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Something done (a) Nursery (b) Orchard
because one wants to, not by force' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo (c) Vineyard (d) Grove
'voluntary' (mJewefÛÚkeâ) nesiee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- threatened - Oecekeâer, coered - Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a plantation of
cepeyetj, subjected - DeOeerve~ grapes' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Vineyard' (Debietj keâe yeeie) nesiee~
542. Select the most appropriate one-word DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Nursery – heewOeeIej, Orchard–
substitution for the given group of words. heâueesÅeeve, Grove– GheJeve~
A person who is unduly anxious about his/her
health 546. Select the most appropriate word for the given
(a) disciplinarian (b) egalitarian of words.
(c) valetudinarian (d) antiquarian A person who has long experience in a
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) particular field
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'a person who is (a) Veteran (b) Amateur
unduly anxious about his/her health' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo (c) Cosmopolitan (d) Stoic
'valetudinarian' (Deheveer yeerceejer SJeb keâcepeesjer keâer DelÙeefOekeâ SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III)
efÛeblee keâjves Jeeuee) nesiee~ Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words–'A person who has
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- disciplinarian - DevegMeemekeâ~ long experience in a particular field' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo
egalitarian - meceeveleeJeeoer~ 'veteran' (o#e JÙeefkeäle) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
antiquarian - hegjelelJeJesòee~ Amateur– MeewefkeâÙee, Cosmopolitan– meJe&osMeerÙe,
543. Select the word which means the same as the Stoic– efJejkeäle, Goemeerve~
group of words given.
A person without a settled home or regular 547. Select the most appropriate word for the given
work who wanders from place to place and group of words.
lives by begging. The decision that is given by the jury or judge
(a) Vagrant (b) Truant at the end of a trial
(c) Itinerant (d) Migrant (a) Accusation (b) Punishment
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Allegation (d) Verdict
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'A person without a SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
settled home or regular work who wanders from place
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Group of words ' The decision that
to place and lives by begging' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Vagrant'
(KeeveeyeoesMe/IegcekeäkeâÌ[) nesiee~ is given by the jury or judge at the end of a trial' kesâ efueS
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Skeâ Meyo 'Verdict' (efveCe&Ùe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Truant- efJeÅeeueÙe mes DevegheefmLele jnves Jeeuee~ Accusation - Deejeshe~
Itinerant- YeüceCekeâejer~ Punishment - mepee~
Migrant- ØeJeemeer~ Allegation - leLeekeâefLele Deejeshe~

One Word Substitution 669 YCT

552. Select the word which means the same as the
W group of words given.
548. Select the option that can be used as a one- Flowers or leaves woven together in a circle for
word substitute for the given phrase. placing on a coffin or a grave
Forsaken or neglected child who has no home (a) garland (b) wreath
and spends most of his/her time on the streets (c) bunch (d) bouquet
(a) Waif (b) Fugitive SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Vulnerable (d) Miscreant Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'Flowers or leaves
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV) woven together in a circle for placing on a coffin or a
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘Forsaken or grave' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Wreath' (heg<heebpeefue/heg<henej) nesiee~
neglected child who has has no home and spends most DevÙe efJekeâuheeW keâs DeLe& nw-
of his/her time on the streets’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘waif’ garland - iepeje, ceeuee, bunch - iegÛÚe, bouquet - iegueomlee~
(ueeJeeefjme yeeuekeâ) nesiee~ 553. Select the most appropriate one word
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - substitution for the given group of words.
A man who has magical powers or skills
Fugitive - YeieesÌ[e~ (a) Amateur (b) Wizard
Vulnerable - pees menpe mes IeeÙeue nes mekesâb~ (c) Agent (d) Scientist
Miscreant - yeoceeMe~ SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
549. Select the most appropriate option that can Ans. (b) : Ghejes ò eâ group of words 'A man who has
substitute the underlined words in the given magical powers or skills' kesâ efueS GefÛele one word efJekeâuhe
sentence. (b) 'Wizard' (peeotiej) nesiee~
All his bones could be counted because his body DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
was totally shrivelled and wrinkled with age. Amateur - veewefmeefKeÙee, Agent - ØeefleefveefOe, Scientist - Jew%eeefvekeâ
(a) bony (b) shrunken
554. Select the most appropriate one word
(c) wizened (d) dried substitution for the given group of words.
SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I Very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Underlined group of words Shrivelled natural
and wrinkled with age’ kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Wizened’ (a) weird (b) wizard
(Pegjeaoej) nesiee~ (c) altruist (d) atheist
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ -
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'Very strange and
Bony - ogyeuee-heleuee, Shrunken - efmekegâÌ[e ngDee,
unusual, unexpected or not natural' kesâ efueS GefÛele one
Dried - Meg<keâ Ùee metKee~
word 'Weird' (Depeerye) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
550. Select the option that can be used as a one- Wizard - peeotiej, Altruist - hejeshekeâejer, Atheist - veeefmlekeâ~
word substitute for the given group of words.
555. Select the most appropriate one word
To dispute angrily substitution for the given group of words.
(a) Wrench (b) Wrangle Feeling or Showing caution about possible
(c) Wrack (d) Wreck dangers.
SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III (a) ambiguous (b) wary
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words ‘To dispute angrily’ (c) genius (d) museum
kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo ‘Wrangle’ (ueÌ[eF&) nesiee~ SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ - Ans. (b) : Ghejes ò eâ group of words 'feeling or showing
Wrench - SW"ve~ caution about possible dangers' kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ one word
Wrack - mecegõer Ieeme pees Keeo kesâ keâece Deeleer nQ~ 'wary' (meeJeOeeve/Ûeew k eâVee) nes i ee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
Wreck - penepe keâe ceueyee~ ambiguous - Deves k eâeLe& k eâ, genius - ceneve, museum - meb«eneueÙe
551. Select the most appropriate one-word X
substitution for the given group of words. 556. Select the most appropriate one word
To separate husk from the grain substitution for the given group of words.
(a) whisk (b) willow Dislike or prejudice against people from other
(c) whip (d) winnow countries -
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) (a) xenophile (b) xenophobia
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes group of words 'To separate husk (c) ambivalent (d) skillfull
from the grain' kesâ efueS Skeâ Meyo 'Winnow' (Ûegvevee,heâškeâvee) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
nesiee~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'Dislike or prejudice
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- willow - Skeâ Øekeâej keâe Je=#e, whip - against people from other countries' kesâ efueS GefÛele one
lespeer mes Yeeievee, Whisk – PeeÌ[Ò word ef Jekeâuhe 'xenophobia' (efJeosefMeÙeeW mes [j) nesiee~

One Word Substitution 670 YCT

DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - Ans. (c) : efoS ieS Group of words 'The highest point' kesâ
xenophile - efJeosefMeÙeeW mes Øesce, ambivalent - GYeÙecegKe, efueÙes Skeâ Meyo 'Zenith' (Meer<e& efyebog) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ
skillful - kegâMeue~ DeLe& nQ- Horizon - ef#eeflepe, Paradise - mJeie&, Nadir - heleve
557 Select the most appropriate one word 562. Select the most appropriate one word
substitution for the given group of words.
substitution for the given group of words.
of the relation between a host and guest,
friendly Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a
(a) xenial (b) harbour cause
(c) agenda (d) summary (a) chronology (b) journal
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I) (c) zeal (d) jealous
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'of the relation between SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
a host and guest, friendly' kesâ efueS GefÛele one word 'xenial' Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'Great energy or
(melkeâej Meerue) nesiee~ enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause' kesâ efueS GefÛele one word
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - 'zeal' (Glmeen) nesiee~
harbour - yebojieen, agenda - keâeÙe&metÛeer, summary - meejebMe~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
Y chronology - keâeueeveg›eâce, journal - heef$ekeâe, jealous - F&<Ùee&ueg~
558. Select the most appropriate one word 563. Select the most appropriate one word
substitution for the given group of words. substitution for the given group of words.
Have an intense feeling for something A person who is fanatical
(a) yearn (b) Proficient
(a) zealot (b) director
(c) adamant (d) adorable
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I) (c) composer (d) charter
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'have an intense feeling
for something' kesâ efueS GefÛele one word efJekeâuhe (a) 'yearn' Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A person who is
(leer›e FÛÚe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - fanatical' kesâ efueS GefÛele one word efJekeâuhe (a) 'zealot' (keâój)
Proficient - kegâMeue, Adamant - Dešue, Adorable - hÙeeje~ nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
559. Select the most appropriate one word Director - efveoxMekeâ, Composer - mebieerlekeâej, Charter -
substitution for the given group of words. Iees<eCeehe$e
An amount produced of an agricultural or
industrial product 564. Select the most appropriate one word
(a) precise (b) yield substitution for the given group of words.
(c) native (d) visual A line or course having abrupt right and left
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) turns
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'An amount produced (a) reliable (b) zigzag
of an agricultural or industrial product' kesâ efueS GefÛele one (c) barrel (d) analogy
word 'yield' (Ghepe) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Precise - mešerkeâ, Native - pevce mLeeve, Visual - ÂMÙe~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'A line or course
560. Select the most appropriate one word having abrupt right and left turns' kesâ efueS GefÛele one word
substitution for the given group of words.
Shout in a loud, shard way.
efJekeâuhe (b) 'Zigzag' (šsÌ{e-cesÌ{e) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
(a) clutch (b) yell Reliable - efJeÕemeveerÙe, Barrel - heerhee, Analogy - meceevelee~
(c) arena (d) charter 565. Select the most appropriate one word
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III)
substitution for the given group of words.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'shout in a loud, sharp Love for foreign people, manners or cultures
way' kesâ efueS GefÛele one word 'yell' (efÛeuueevee) nesiee~ (a) xenophobia (b) xenophilia
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& - (c) analogy (d) theology
Clutch - keâypee keâjvee, Arena - DeKeeÌ[e, Charter - Iees<eCeehe$e~ SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Z Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ group of words 'Love for foreign
561. Choose the most appropriate word that can people, manners or cultures kesâ efueS GefÛele one word
substitute the given group of words. 'xenophilia' (efJeosMeer ueesieeW mes Øesce) nesiee~
The highest point DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& -
(a) Horizon (b) Paradise
(c) Zenith (d) Nadir xenophobia - efJeosMeer ueesieeW mes [j, analogy - meceevelee,
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I) theology - Oece&Meem$e~
One Word Substitution 671 YCT
TCS hewšve& hej DeeOeeefjle
(Based On TCS Pattern)
Chapterwise Exam Question No. Years
1 CGL (Tier-1) 12
CGL (Tier-2) 5
A CHSL (Tier-1) 14
CHSL (Tier-2) 8
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 7 (2017–2023)
2 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
B CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
3 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 8
CHSL (Tier-1) 6
C CHSL (Tier-2) 6
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4 (2017–2023)
4 CGL (Tier-1) 5
CGL (Tier-2) 3
D CHSL (Tier-1) 9
CHSL (Tier-2) 5
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
5 CGL (Tier-1) 7
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 6
E CHSL (Tier-2) 5
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
6 CGL (Tier-1) 4
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 3
CHSL (Tier-2) 3 (2017–2023)
Idoms & Phrases 672 YCT
F Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 4
7 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 3
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
G Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
8 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
H Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
9 CGL (Tier-1) 5
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 6
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 8 (2017–2023)
10 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) - (2017–2023)
J Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
11 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
K Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
12 CGL (Tier-1) 2
CGL (Tier-2) 1
L CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
13 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 5

Idoms & Phrases 673 YCT

M CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 3 (2017–2023)
14 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
N CHSL (Tier-2) -
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1 (2017–2023)
15 CGL (Tier-1) 3
CGL (Tier-2) 2
O CHSL (Tier-1) 5
CHSL (Tier-2) 2
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
16 CGL (Tier-1) 8
CGL (Tier-2) 2
P CHSL (Tier-1) 6
CHSL (Tier-2) 8
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5 (2017–2023)
17 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
Q CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
18 CGL (Tier-1) 4
CGL (Tier-2) 2
CHSL (Tier-1) 6
CHSL (Tier-2) 5 (2017–2023)
R Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 5
19 CGL (Tier-1) 10
CGL (Tier-2) 8
CHSL (Tier-1) 14
CHSL (Tier-2) 5 (2017–2023)
S Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1

Idoms & Phrases 674 YCT

20 CGL (Tier-1) 5
CGL (Tier-2) 3
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 3
T Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 2 (2017–2023)
21 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 2
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 1
22 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
V Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)
23 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1 (2017–2023)
W Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
24 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) -
X Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)
25 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) -
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) - (2017–2023)
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI -
26 CGL (Tier-1) 1
CGL (Tier-2) 1
CHSL (Tier-1) 1
CHSL (Tier-2) 1
Z Selection Post VII, VIII, XI - (2017–2023)

Idoms & Phrases 675 YCT

Trend Analysis of Questions topicwise from CGL (Pre & Mains)
CHSL (Pre & Mains) Selection Post VII, VIII, XI, SSC MTS, SSC
GD & Other Exams (2017-2023)

70 63
60 54

50 44
40 35 35

27 27 28
30 24 25
19 18 19
20 13
8 7 9
10 4 4 4
2 2 3

V, 4 W, 25 Y, 3 A, 63
X, 2 Z, 4
U, 9
B, 59
T, 54
C, 44
S, 35
R, 21

Q, 2 D, 13
P, 28
E, 8
O, 27
F, 27
N, 7
M, 19 G, 40
L, 35 K, 18 H, 24
J, 4 I, 19

Idoms & Phrases 676 YCT

(a) Whatever is needed to achieve something
A (b) An expensive purchase
1. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (c) Not to be trifled with
given idiom. (d) To be master of
against the clock SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I)
(a) To take on a task that is a way to big Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “At all costs” (efkeâmeer Yeer keâercele
(b) On the point of achievement hej)kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) ‘Whatever is needed to achieve
(c) Rushed and short on time
something’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nww ~
(d) To avoid talking
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II) 5. Select the correct idiom that can substitute the
italicized group of words in the given sentence.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Against the clock” (MeerIeÇlee mes
My mother ensures every corner of our home is
keâece keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) ‘Rushed and short on time’ clean and organized before my grandmother
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ arrives.
Thus, the correct answer is option (c). (a) spick and span (b) root and branch
2. In the following question, out of the given four (c) a queer fish (d) a rainy day
alternatives, select the alternative which best SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I)
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Word “Clean and organized” kesâ
A blast from the past efueS GheÙegòeâ Idiom “spick and span” (meeHeâ-megLeje leLee
(a) Something powerfully nostalgic
JÙeJeefmLele) nesiee~
(b) A competition where the outcome is difficult
to judge or predict 6. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) An unresolved argument given idiom.
(d) Punishment for the crime committed in the A night owl
past (a) Someone who has good eyesight
SSC MTS 04/05/2023 (Shift-II) (b) Someone who works very hard
(c) Someone who never works
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “A blast from the past” (Deleerle
(d) A person who prefers to be awake late at
keâer Iešvee Ùeeo keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) ‘something night
powerfully nostalgic’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I)
Thus, the correct answer is option (a). Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “A night owl” (osj jele lekeâ peeieves
3. In the following question, out of the given four Jeeuee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘A person who prefers to be awake
alternatives, select the alternative which best
late at night’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
A blind spot 7. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) A person who is blind given idiom.
(b) A situation where no progress is made At your beck and call
(c) A person with no emotional feelings (a) To have absolute control over someone
(d) An area in your range of vision that your (b) To call someone respectfully
cannot see properly (c) To have no control over someone
SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I) (d) To call someone and then deny
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “A blind spot” (DevOeefyevog/keâcepeesj SSC GD 10/01/2023 (Shift-I)
efJe<eÙe) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) ‘An area in your range of vision Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “At your beck and call” (efkeâmeer
that your cannot see properly’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ hej hetje efveÙev$eCe keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'To have absolute
control over someone' GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
4. In the following question, out of the given four
alternatives, select the alternative which best 8. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. given idiom.
At all costs A perfect storm
Idoms & Phrases 677 YCT
(a) Appropriate for all occasions (a) To be stubborn
(b) The worst possible situation (b) To feel no pain
(c) Healing from trauma (c) Physically or mentally tough
(d) Pretty good judgment (d) Hard working
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “A perfect storm” (yengle Kejeye Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “As hard as nails” (yengle keâ"esj Ùee
efmLeefle) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘The worst possible situation’ DemebJesoveMeerue nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) ‘Physically or
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nww~ mentally tough’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
9. Identify the option that can be substituted as 13. In the following question, out of the given four
the correct idiom for the underlined part of the alternatives, select the alternative which best
given sentence. expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
My cousin sister Neetu had an aerial view of A bite at the cherry
the trade fair from the top of the giant wheel. (a) A wrong move
(a) A bird inteh gilded cage (b) An attempt or opportunity to do something
(b) Bird brain (c) to have a leverage over someone
(c) Birds of same feather (d) A dog bite
(d) Bird's eye view SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III) Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ Idiom, “A bite at the cherry” (kegâÚ keâjves
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Meyo, “Aerial view” kesâ efueS keâe ØeÙeeme keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘An attempt or
GheÙegòeâ Idiom “Bird’s eye view” (efJenbiece Âef°) nesiee~ DevÙe opportunity to do something’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ 14. In the following question; out of the given four
alternatives, select the alternative which best
10. Select the sentence that uses the given idiom expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
correctly. Appeal to Caesar
A dime a dozen (a) An authority given to a foolish person
(a) Her ideas were worth a dime a dozen and (b) To expect good from a wrong person
didn't impress the boss. (c) To live in a false reality
(b) The restaurant had some delicious desserts (d) Appeal to the highest possible authority
that were a dime a dozen. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
(c) The antique store had some rare finds, but
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Appeal to Caesar” (DevegjesOe
they were a dime a dozen.
(d) The concert tickets were a dime a dozen and
keâjvee/ÙeeÛevee keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Appeal to the highest
sold out quickly. possible authority’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II) 15. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “A dime a dozen” (Leeskeâ kesâ YeeJe) kesâ given idiom.
All bark and no bite
efueS GheÙegòeâ efJekeâuhe (a) ‘Her ideas were worth, a dime a (a) Someone who sticks to his words
dozen and didn’t impress the boss’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ (b) Actions are stronger than mere words
11. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (c) Not being able to understand anything
given idiom. (d) Full of talk, but low on action
a narrow escape SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
(a) Likely to fall in the near futher Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “All bark and no bite” (pees iejpeles
(b) Do something very risky
nw Jees yejmeles vener) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) ‘full of talk, but low
(c) Just manage to avoid danger or trouble
on action’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
(d) Only just succeed in doing something
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV) 16. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “A narrow escape” (cegefMkeâue mes given idiom.
Ace in the hole
yeÛe efvekeâuevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) ‘Just manage to avoid
(a) To create noisy disturbances so that
danger or trouble’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ competitors are unable to work.
12. In the following question, out of the given four (b) A major advantage that one keeps hidden
alternatives, select the alternative until an ideal time
which best expresses the meaning of the (c) To attempt to do the impossible
Idiom/Phrase. (d) To suffer an injury on the lower body
'As hard as nails' SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III)
Idoms & Phrases 678 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Ace in the hole” (leg™he keâe Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “A hair in the butter” (ÛegveewleerhetCe&
Fkeäkeâe/Fkeäkeâe ogheeSs jKevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘A major efmLeefle) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe A challenging situation GheÙegòeâ
advantage that one keeps hidden until an ideal time’ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ 22. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
17. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
underlined idiom. A snake in the grass
When those thugs come near you, run at the (a) An unfortunate accident
drop of a hat. (b) A hidden enemy
(a) Be dressed for a party (c) A sudden death
(b) With all your belongings (d) A good fortune
(c) Go on a shot trip SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III
(d) Without delay Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “A snake in the grass” (Deemleerve
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I keâe meebhe/efÚhee ngDee Me$eg) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘A hidden
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “at the drop of a hat” (efyevee osj enemy’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
efkeâS, efyevee efkeâmeer efnÛeefkeâÛeenš) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Without 23. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
delay’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ given idiom.
18. Select the most appropriate meaning of the A snake in the grass
(a) A deceitful person (b) A waealthy person
given idiom.
(c) A timid person (d) A talkative person
An eye wash
SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I
(a) In writing (b) A pretence
(c) Avoid talking (d) A rare event Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “A snake in the grass” (OeesKesyeepe
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II JÙeefòeâ) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'A deceitful person' GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee
Ans. (b) :Ghejesòeâ idiom, “An eye wash” ({keâesmeuee/OeesKee keâjlee nw~
osvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘A pretence’ (efoKeeJee) GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee 24. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
keâjlee nw~ At one's elbow
19. Select the option that gives the most (a) Next to someone (b) Strong grip
appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom. (c) Far away (d) Strong bond
You have put me in a tight corner by telling SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III
me to keep quiet. Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “At one’s elbow” (efkeâmeer JÙeefòeâ kesâ
(a) An embarrassing situation yeieue) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) ‘Next to someone’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee
(b) A secret place
keâjlee nw~
(c) A comfortable situation
(d) A difficult situation 25. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III
To add insult to injury
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “A tight corner” (keâef"ve heefjefmLeefle) kesâ (a) to make fun of someone
efueS efJekeâuhe ‘a difficult situation’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ (b) to work hard on making up
20. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (c) to make something worse
given idiom. (d) to wound physically
A long shot SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) A perfect aim (b) Little chance of success Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom 'add insult to injury' (efmLeefle keâes
(c) Very profitable (d) A correct prediction yeolej yeveevee) keâer GefÛele JÙeeKÙee efJekeâuhe (c) 'to make
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II something worse' keâjlee nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “A long shot” (JÙeLe& cebs ØeÙeeme 26. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
keâjvee, meguePeves keâe ØeÙeeme) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Little chance of given idiom.
success’ (meheâuelee keâer keâce mecYeeJevee) GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ A bad egg
21. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) Someone who regularly makes mistakes
given idiom. (b) Someone who is dishonest and unreliable
(c) Someone who doesn't like eggs
A hair in the butter
(d) Someone who likes to break eggs
(a) A slippery road
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(b) Easy to handle
(c) Sinking in debt Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ Idiom, 'a bad egg' (DeefJeÕemeveerÙe JÙeefòeâ) kesâ
(d) A challenging situation efueS efJekeâuhe 'Someone who is dishonest and unreliable'
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Idoms & Phrases 679 YCT
27. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Apple of discord' keâe
underlined idiom in the given sentence.] DeLe& nw- 'something that causes friction' (PeieÌ[s keâe keâejCe)
Her success as a singer was a nine days'
wonder. mener nw~
(a) a proud achievement 32. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(b) eternal fame underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(c) an impossible feat Throughout his speech the crowd was all ears.
(d) a short-lived sensation (a) making a lot of noise (b) covering their ears
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) very attentive (d) talking loudly
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'a nine days' wonder' (Ûeej efove SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II)
keâer ÛeeBoveer) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) 'a short-lived sensation' Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'All ears' keâe DeLe& nw- 'very
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ attentive' (OÙeeve hetJe&keâ megvevee) mener DeLe& nesiee~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c)
28. Select the most appropriate meaning of the mener nw~
underlined idiom in the given sentence. 33. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
She felt like a fish out of water at her new job. underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(a) happy and free Coming from an affluent family, she found
(b) uncomfortable and restless herself a square peg in a round hole when she
(c) angry and hurt married a poor farmer and moved to a small
(d) comfortable and relaxed village.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (a) in a favourable altuation
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'like a fish out of water' (keâ°Øeo (b) unhappy and regretful
DeJemLee ceW) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) uncomfortable and restless (c) a misfit in the environment
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ (d) in a financial crisis
29. Select the most appropriate meaning of the SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
underlined idiom in the given sentence. Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'a square peg in a round
The apple of discord among the brothers was hole' keâe DeLe& nw- 'a misfit in the environment' (efkeâmeer
their father's mansion in the country.
(a) reason for quarrel (b) hopeful attention
JÙeJemLee ceW DevegheÙegòeâ) mener nw~
(c) Sincere affection (d) Fruitful discussion 34. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) given idiom.
Ans. (a) : GheÙeg&òeâ Idiom, The apple of discord (PeieÌ[s keâer At daggers drawn
peÌ[) kesâ efueÙes efJekeâuhe (a) 'reason for quarrel' GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee (a) deceiving somebody
keâjlee nw~ (b) bitterly hostile
30. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (c) friendly with each other
given idiom. (d) without hope
A bird's eye view SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) a cursory look (b) a detailed study Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'At daggers drawn' (keâÌ[er
(c) a prejudiced view (d) a personal view ogMceveer) keâe DeLe& nw- 'bitterly hostile' (keâšg Me$egleehetCe&) mener
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'A bird's eye view' keâe
35. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
DeLe&– 'a cursory look' (mejmejer vepej mes osKevee) mener nw~ given idiom.
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw- Actions speak louder than words
a detailed study - JÙeeKÙeelcekeâ DeOÙeÙeve, (a) what you do is more important than what you
a prejudiced view - efve<he#e efJeÛeej, say
a personal view - JÙeefòeâiele efJeÛeej (b) take up a task that you cannot finish
31. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (c) look for solutions in the wrong place
given idiom. (d) do something without planning
Apple of discord SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) something very special Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Actions speak louder
(b) something that causes friction than words' keâe DeLe& nw- 'What you do is more important
(c) a tempting offer
(d) a good opportunity than what you say' (keâjveer, keâLeveer mes pÙeeoe leekeâleJej nesleer nw)
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) nesiee~
Idoms & Phrases 680 YCT
36. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 40. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the given sentence. given idiom.
As the flood waters hit the coastal village, Be an open book
several families had a close shave. (a) one about whom it is easy to know everything
(a) a narrow escape (b) one who advises others to be frank and
(b) to have no livelihood unsecretive
(c) to loss all possessions (c) one who is fond of reading even when
(d) nothing to eat travelling
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) (d) one who has written an examination without
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'A close shave' keâe DeLe& nw- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II)
'A narrow escape' (yeeue-yeeue yeÛe peevee) mener nw~ Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Be an open book' keâe
37. Select the most appropriate meaning of the DeLe& nw- 'one about whom it is easy to know everything'
underlined idiom in the given sentence. (Kegueer efkeâleeye nesvee) mener nw~
He is completely at sea about where to invest
41. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
his hard-earned money.
given idiom
(a) confused (b) sure
At snail's pace
(c) in shock (d) committed (a) do something very carefully
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) (b) be very persistent
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'at sea' keâe DeLe& nw- (c) do something very slowly
'confused' (Demecebpeme) nesiee DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw– (d) keep your moves secret
sure - efveefMÛele SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II)
in shock - meocee ceW/onMele ceW Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'At snail's pace' keâe DeLe&
committed - Øeefleyeæ nw - ' do something very slowly (Oeerceer ieefle mes) mener nw~
42. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
38. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
at arm's length
Unless you are above board in your dealings,
(a) checking the length of fabric
you will not be able to win the trust of your
(b) as close as one can touch
(c) avoiding too much closeness
(a) smart and deceptive
(d) using one's arm to measure length
(b) bold and reckless
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) honest and frank
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'At arm's length' (otj mes
(d) exceptionally talented
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) meueece keâjvee) keâe DeLe& nw- 'avoiding too much closeness' (otj
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Above board'- keâe DeLe& nw-
jKevee ) nesiee~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~
'Honest and Frank' (F&ceeveoej Je mhe°Jeeoer)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ 43. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom
DeLe& nw– acid test
smart and deceptive – Ûelegj Deewj OeesKesyeepe (a) a malicious way of taking revenge
bold and reckless – meenmeer Deewj ueehejJeen (b) a test that shows how to harm someone
exceptionally talented – DemeeOejCe ™he mes ØeefleYeeMeeueer nesiee~ (c) proof that an attack has been made
Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~ (d) definitive proof of truth or falsehood
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I)
39. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. Ans : (d) ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'acid test' keâe DeLe& nw-
At the drop of a hat 'definitive proof of truth or falsehood' (efveCee&Ùekeâ hejer#ee)
(a) Instantly (b) Usually mener nw~
(c) Frequently (d) Normally 44. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) given idiom.
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'At the drop of a hat' keâe As the crow flies
DeLe& nw- 'Instantly' (legjble) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw- (a) to be uncertain
Usually - Dekeämej (b) a long winding path
(c) the shortest route
Frequently - efvelÙe
(d) to be directionless
Normally - meeceevÙele: SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Idoms & Phrases 681 YCT
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'As the crow flies' keâe DeLe& 49. In the following question, out of the four given
nw- 'the shortest route' (Deuhekeâeueerve ceeie&) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe options, select the alternative which means the
efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ idiom / phrase.
A child's play
45. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) Very innocent
given idiom. (b) Very annoying
As clear as mud (c) Something that is very easy
(a) impossible to understand (d) Very irritating
(b) extremely dirty SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III)
(c) honest and legal
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'A child's play' keâe DeLe& nw-
(d) completely suitable for someone
'something that is very easy' (yengle ner Deemeeve keâeÙe&)~ DevÙe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III)
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'As clear as mud' keâe DeLe&
nw- 'impossible to understand' (pees mecePeves ceW yengle keâef"ve very innocent - yengle ceemetce
very annoying - yengle keâ<šØeo
nes)~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~
very irritating - yengle lekeâueerheâosn
46. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. 50. In the following question, out of the four given
A piece of cake alternatives, select the alternatives which best
(a) Something amusing (b) Something serious express the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
(c) Something difficult (d) Something easy A burning question
(a) A lengthy question
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(b) An important question
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'A piece of cake' keâe (c) A useless question
DeLe& nw- 'Something easy' (yengle Deemeeve)~ (d) An easy question
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw– SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II)
Something amusing – kegâÚ ceveesjbpekeâ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'A burning question'
Something serious – kegâÚ Dence, iebYeerj (pJeuele ØeMve) keâe mener DeLe& nw- 'An important question'
Something difficult – kegâÚ peefšue, keâef"ve (cenòJehetCe& ØeMve) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
47. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 51. Select the meaning of the given idiom.
given idiom. Be at your wits' end
Add insult to injury (a) To be overjoyed
(a) Hurt someone physically (b) Careful thinking
(b) Say words that are very offensive (c) Be overwhelmed with problems
(c) Play a prank on someone (d) Do something confidently
(d) Make a bad situation even worse. SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Be at your wits's end'
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Add insult to injury' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Be overwhelmed with problems' (mecemÙee mes
keâe DeLe& nw- 'make a bad situation even worse' (efmLeefle Deewj DeefYeYetle nesvee/Ieyeje peevee)~
yeolej keâjvee) nesiee~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) DeYeer° Gòej nw~ 52. Select the meaning of the given idiom.
48. In the following question, out of the given four Apples and oranges.
(a) Same things (b) Different things
alternatives, select the alternative which best (c) Fresh (d) Nutritious
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
A bone of contention.
(a) Strong and healthy bones Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Apples and oranges'
(b) Tough man keâe DeLe& nw- 'Different things’ (Deueie-Deueie Jemleg) mener nw~
(c) Cause of dispute 53. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(d) Peaceful thing given idiom.
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I) As a matter of fact
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'A bone of contention' (a) Actually as it happens
(b) To seize a good opportunity
(PeieÌ[s keâer peÌ[) keâe DeLe& nw- 'cause of dispute' (PeieÌ[s keâe (c) To forgive and forget
keâejCe)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (d) just at the last moment
Strong and healthy bones - cepeyetle Deewj mJemLe nñer SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Tough man - GheõJeer JÙeefòeâ Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'As a matter of fact' keâe
Peaceful thing - MeebeflehetCe& efJe<eÙe DeLe& nw- 'Actually as it happens' (ÙeLeeLe&, JeemleefJekeâ) mener nw~
Idoms & Phrases 682 YCT
54. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 59. Select the meaning of the given idiom.
given idiom. All and sundry
Above one's head (a) By all means (b) All eager
(a) Intimate and personal (c) All included (d) All in agreement
(b) Beyond one's understanding SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) To be very tall
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'All and sundry' keâe DeLe&
(d) Overhead expenses
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II) nw- 'All included' (meYeer ueesie Meeefceue) nesiee, peyeefkeâ DevÙe
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Above one's head' keâe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
DeLe& nw- 'Beyond one's understanding' (mecePe mes hejs nesvee)~ 60. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
55. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
given idiom. As clear as a bell
A penny for your thoughts (a) To have a tinkling sound
(a) Start something all over again (b) At a very low price
(b) Be glad to see someone leave (c) To get fooled
(c) Way of asking what someone is thinking (d) Readily understood
(d) To make a bad situation worse SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'As clear as a bell' keâe
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'A penny for your DeLe& nw- ‘Readily understood’ (yengle ner mhe<š) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ
thoughts' keâe DeLe& nw- 'way of asking what someone is DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
thinking' (keäÙee meesÛe jne nesvee) mener nesiee~
61. Select the meaning of the given idiom.
56. Select the most appropriate meaning of the At the drop of a hat.
given idiom. (a) Facing difficulties (b) Completely
A bull in a china shop (c) Immediately (d) Losing a hat
(a) An extremely awkward, clumsy person
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(b) A very disciplined and systematic person
(c) A brave person in a group of cowards Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'At the drop of a hat'
(d) To be a rude and aggressive person keâe DeLe& nw- 'Immediately' (legjble) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I) Demebiele nw~
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'A bull in china shop' 62. Select the meaning of the given idiom.
keâe DeLe& nw- An extremely awkward, clumsy person' A man of spirit is
(DeveheÙegòeâ, Yeöe) mener nesiee~ (a) A spiritual person
57. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) A unique person
given idiom. (c) A very talented man
A change of heart (d) A very courageous man
(a) To have a heart transplant SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-II)
(b) To fail to fulfill a promise Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'A man of spirit is' keâe
(c) To have a second opinion
DeLe& nw- 'A very courageous man' (yeneogj/meenmeer JÙeefòeâ)
(d) A change in one's opinion
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II) nesiee, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'A change of heart' keâe 63. Select the option that means the same as the
DeLe& nw- 'A change in one's opinion’ (efJeÛeejeW ceW yeoueeJe) given idiom.
nesiee peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ A stone's throw away
(a) Very far off (b) At a short distance
58. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) Many miles away (d) At a remote location
given idiom.
A needle in a haystack SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) To be of minor importance Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'A stone's throw away'
(b) To be involved in unnecessary activity keâe DeLe& nw- 'At a short distance (met#ce otjer/LeesÌ[er otj hej)
(c) To create a state of confusion mener nesiee~
(d) Something that is very difficult to locate
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I) B
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Idiom/Phrase 'A needle in a 64. In the following question, out of the given four
haystack' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Some thing that is very difficult to alternatives, select the alternative which best
locate' (kegâÚ Ssmee pees DemebYeJe Ùee yesno cegefMkeâue nw) nesiee~ Dele: expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
efJekeâuhe (d) mener nw~ blessing in disguise

Idoms & Phrases 683 YCT

(a) Hear a good news after a long time Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Bad blood” (Me$eglee keâer YeeJevee)
(b) A misfortune that unexpectedly turns into kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘The gangster had some bitter
good fortune relations with a local activist so he warned him to stay
(c) To have a dispute with someone out of his business’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
(d) To go from being very poor to being very
68. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III) It turns out to be a blessing in disguise.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “blessing in disguise” (og:Ke kesâ (a) When things get better and better when least
Yes<e ceW megKe) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘A misfortune that expecting it
unexpectedly turns into good fortune’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee (b) Has a very good effect on a situation or a
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~
(c) When a simple solution solves a problem very
65. Select the most appropriate meaning of the well
given idiom. (d) Has a good effect even though at first it
Bear a grudge seemed it would be bad
(a) To consider people with kindness and care SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
(b) To feel angry against somebody for a past Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “a blessing in disguise” (efÚhee
ngDee Jejoeve/og:Ke kesâ Yes<e ceW megKe) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Has a good
(c) To entertain the guests will utmost happiness
effect even though at first it seemed it would be bad’.
(d) To feel satisfied with the achievements
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV)
69. Select the most appropriate idiom that can
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Bear a grudge” (Deleerle keâer Iešvee substitute the underlined segment in the given
keâes ueskeâj ›eâesefOele nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To feel angry against sentence.
somebody for a past incident’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Vinay missed his flight but good luck came to
66. Select the most appropriate meaning of the him from bad circumstances as the flight
crashed in the sea.
given idiom.
(a) It was a tinker's curse
Better the devil you know than the devil you
(b) It was a blessing and a curse
(c) It was counting his blessings
(a) Being cruel is better with known people.
(d) It was a blessing in disguise
(b) It is easier to be in a known bad situation that
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III)
being in an unkown worse situation.
(c) Do not trust unknown ans known devils. Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ jsKeebefkeâle Meyo “good luck came to him
(d) Being good is better with evil people. from bad circumstances” kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ idiom ‘It was a
SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III) blessing in disguise’ (efÚhee ngDee Jejoeve) mener nesiee~ DevÙe
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Better the devil you know efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
than the devil you don’t” (Devepeeves Kelejs mes peevee henÛeevee 70. Select the most appropriate idiom for the
following statement.
Keleje DeÛÚe nw) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘It is easier to be in a
The manager was punished for his negligence
known bad situation that being in an unknown worse
in work.
situation’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles (a) Bid defiance (b) Bring to book
nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~ (c) Burn one’s boats (d) Bolt from the blue
67. Select the sentence that has the most SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
appropriate meaning of the given idiom. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Statement, “The manager was
Bad blood punished for his negligence in work” kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ
(a) Sushant always gets in trouble for telling lies idiom, ‘Bring to book’ (Deheves efkeâS keâer mepee Yegielevee/oefC[le
but he never learns anything.
(b) The gangster had some bitter relations with a
keâjvee) nesiee~
local activist so he warned him to stay out of 71. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
his business. given idiom.
(c) The doctor dropped the bad news to Ravi as Bite the bullet
he was suffering from a serious disease. (a) To take a risk
(d) She is so scared of cockroaches that she (b) To endure a painful situation
fainted when she saw them crawling near her (c) To criticise someone harshly
foot. (d) To enjoy something immensely
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/07/2023 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II)

Idoms & Phrases 684 YCT

Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Bite the bullet” (keâef"ve heefjefmLeefle 76. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
keâes yeoe&Mle keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘to endure a painful given idiom.
Be hard up
situation’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
(a) Find it very difficult to wake up early
72. Select the most appropriate meaning of given (b) Have very little money
idiom. (c) Unable to calculate
Burn your bridges (d) Have difficulty in climbing stairs
(a) To have a fight SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
(b) To disclose a a secret
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Be hard up” (OeveeYeeJe
(c) To be puzzle
(d) To eliminate the possibility of return or nes vee/lebieneue) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Have very little money’
retreat GheÙeg òeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I) 77. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Burn your bridges” (heerÚs ueewšves given idiom.
kesâ meejs jemles yevo keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To eliminate the Back out
(a) To throw (b) To withdraw
possibility of return or retreat’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
(c) To explode (d) To enquire
DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III
73. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Back out” (Jeeheme uesvee) kesâ efueS
given idiom.
'Blessing is disguise'
efJekeâuhe ‘to withdraw’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe
(a) A good deed rewards as a blessing (b) mener nw~
(b) Bad thing that turns out to be good 78. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) A good thing introduced into your life as a given idiom.
blessing Blow your own trumpet
(d) Something that happens very rarely (a) Boast about one's own qualities
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III) (b) Play on your instrument
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Blessing is disguise” (og:Ke kesâ (c) Keep away the dust from your instruments
Yes<e ceW megKe) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘bad thing that turns out to be (d) Practise playing music
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-III
good’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Blow your own trumpet” (mJeÙeb
74. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
keâer leejerHeâ keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Boast about one’s own
Back on one's feet qualities’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~
(a) To support the losing side 79. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(b) Relive previous moments given idiom.
(c) Well or successful again Below the belt
(d) Forced to begin something again (a) Without any effort (b) Very quickly
SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I (c) Cruel and unfair (d) Suspiciously
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Back on one’s feet” (yeerceejer kesâ SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
yeeo efHeâj mes mJemLe nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Well or successful Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Below the belt” (DeveereflehetCe&) kesâ
again’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘cruel and unfair’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele:
75. Select the option that gives the most efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~
appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom. 80. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
I am working on too many projects. I think highlighted idiom.
I have bitten off more than I can chew. The youth involved in the accident escaped by
(a) To take on more than one can handle the skin of his teeth.
(b) To be happy to multitask (a) Always taking calculated decisions
(c) To find work dull (b) Barely managed to escape
(d) Not able to finish work (c) Deficiency of funds
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III (d) Very arrogant
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Bitten off more than I can SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II
chew” (Deheveer #ecelee mes DeefOekeâ keâeÙe& keâjves keâe ØeÙeeme keâjvee) kesâ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “By the skin of his teeth”
efueS efJekeâuhe ‘to take on more than one can handle’ GheÙegòeâ (cegefMkeâue mes yeÛe efvekeâuevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Barely managed
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~ to escaped’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~

Idoms & Phrases 685 YCT

81. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 86. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
Beat around the bush A bolt from the blue
(a) To search for a lost thing in vain (a) something that happens suddenly
(b) To avoid talking about what is important (b) a strange dream that wakes one up suddenly
(c) To discuss minute details of something (c) something that is hotly debated
(d) To hope for something that is unattainable (d) something causing a head injury
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Beat around the bush” (Iegcee- Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'bolt from the blue' (keâesF& Iešvee
efHeâje kesâ yeele keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To avoid talking about pees DeÛeevekeâ Deewj Deveehesef#ele nes) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b)
what is important’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) 'something that happens suddenly' GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
mener nw~ 87. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
82. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Bang of the buck
given idiom.
(a) A sorrowful heart
Break a leg (b) Dash against something
(a) Work long hours (c) Less value for money
(b) Wish someone bad luck (d) More value for money
(c) Speak directly SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(d) Wish someone good luck
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, Bang of the buck (hewmes keâes DeefOekeâ
SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III
cenlJe osvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'More value for money' GheÙegòeâ
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Break a leg” (meHeâuelee/DeÛÚs
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) mener nw~
YeeiÙe keâer keâecevee keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Wish someone good
88. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
luck’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) mener nw~ underlined idiom in the given sentence.
83. Select the most appropriate meaning of the If the audit report shows anomalies, the finance
given idiom. manager will be brought to book.
Blow up (a) given a promotion (b) held accountable
(a) To stand upright (c) supported fully (d) rewarded suitably
(b) To destroy by an explosion SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) To suffice Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'brought to book' (mepee osvee) kesâ
(d) To live up greatly efueS efJekeâuhe (b) 'held accountable' GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Blow up” (efJemHeâesš mes ve° nesvee) 89. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To destroy by an explosion’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee underlined idiom in the given sentence.
keâjlee nw~ Information technology has developed by leaps
and bounds.
84. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) at a rapid pace (b) in far off places
given idiom.
(c) very gradually (d) through unfair means
bad blood
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(a) ill feeling (b) poor quality
(c) low status (d) hard luck Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'by leaps and bounds' (yengle lespeer
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II mes yeÌ{vee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) 'at a rapid pace' GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Bad blood” (Me$eglee keâer YeeJevee) kesâ keâjlee nw~
efueS efJekeâuhe ‘ill feeling’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe 90. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(a) mener nw~
There was no one in the team who could bell
85. Select the most appropriate meaning of the the cat and tell the producer the truth.
given idiom. (a) tame some animals
bury the hatchet (b) warn the owners
(a) dig a grave (b) hide a treasure (c) do the impossible task
(c) forget past quarrels (d) sow the seeds (d) ring the bells regularly
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Bury the Hatchet” (ogMceveer Kelce Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'bell the cat' (DemebYeJe keâeÙe& keâjvee)
keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Forget past quarrels’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) 'do the impossible task' GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee
keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~ keâjlee nw~
Idoms & Phrases 686 YCT
91. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Blow his top' keâe Deehes
underlined idiom in the given sentence. mes yeenj DeLe& nw- 'be very angry' (DelÙeefOekeâ ›eâesefOele nesvee)
My blood boils when I hear people abuse
(a) to be very controlled 96. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(b) to be very concerned underlined Idiom in the given sentence.
(c) to be very angry The heavy losses in business came like a bolt
(d) to be very sensitive from the blue.
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I) (a) a thunderstorm
Ans. (c) : Blood boils (DelÙeefOekeâ ›eâesefOele nesvee) kesâ efueS (b) an unexpected disaster
(c) a windfall
efJekeâuhe (c) 'To be very angry' GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ Dele: (d) an ominous warning
efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
92. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'bolt from the blue' keâe
following idiom. DeLe& nw- An unexpected disaster (Skeâ DeØelÙeeefMele cegmeeryele)~
Be in the eye of a storm
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) Be in the middle of a difficult situation
(b) Be very worried due to something a thunderstorm - efyepeueer keâÌ[keâves Jeeuee letheâeve
(c) Be caught in heavy rain a windfall - Skeâ nJee keâe PeeWkeâe
(d) Be in conflict with many people an ominous warning - DeMegYe ÛesleeJeveer
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I) 97. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (a) : 'Be in the eye of a storm' (cegmeeryele ceW heÌ[ peevee) given idiom.
kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) Be in the middle of a difficult butterflies in the stomach
situation GheÙegòeâ DeLe& osles nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~ (a) being excited (b) being nervous
(c) being angry (d) being hungry
93. Select the most appropriate meaning of the SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
given idiom.
Bear the brunt of Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Butterflies in the
(a) bear the maximum fury stomach' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Being Nervous' (yesÛewve nesvee)~
(b) bear discrimination DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) breed jealousy being excited - Glmeeefnle nesvee
(d) assume an identity being angry - iegmmee nesvee
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
being hungry - YetKee jnvee
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'bear the brunt of' keâe
98. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
DeLe& nw- 'bear the maximum fury' (KeeefceÙeepee Yegielevee)~ given idiom.
94. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Bed of roses
underlined idiom in the given sentence. (a) An enjoyable state
Let us have all the regulations in black and (b) A difficult situation
white. (c) An unforgettable moment
(a) painted in colour (d) A state of perplexity
(b) printed in coloured ink SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) written on the black board
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Bed of roses' keâe DeLe& nw-
(d) in writing
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II) 'an enjoyable state' (hetâueeW keâer mespe/DeejeceoeÙekeâ efmLeefle)~
Ans. (d) : efoS ieS jsKeebefkeâle Idiom/Phrase 'In black and 99. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
White. keâe DeLe& nw- 'In writing, (especially an agreement, given idiom.
Be left in the lurch
contract or other formal document') (efueefKele ™he mes) nesiee
(a) be sent to do work which one doesn't enjoy
peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ (b) keep repeating something till it is accepted
95. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (c) be tired of doing the same thing over and over
underlined idiom in the given sentence. again
The boss is going to blow his top when he (d) be deserted when one is in trouble
discovers the blatant mistake in the balance SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Be left in the lurch' keâe
(a) attack fiercely (b) dismiss from job
(c) be very embarrassed (d) be very angry DeLe& nw- 'be deserted when one is in trouble' (DeOej ceW
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II) ÚesÌ[ osvee) nesiee~
Idoms & Phrases 687 YCT
100. Select the most appropriate of the given idiom. 105. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
To blaze a trail given idiom.
(a) to initiate something new bite your tongue
(b) to complete a project (a) talk for a long time
(c) to act impulsively (b) be impossible to be understood
(d) to set fire to something (c) get bruises in the mouth
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) (d) stop yourself from saying something
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To blaze a trail' keâe DeLe& SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II)
nw- 'to initiate something new' (kegâÚ veÙee efJekeâefmele keâjvee, Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Bite your tongue' keâe DeLe&
ØeppeJeefuele keâjvee) nesiee, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ nw- 'stop yourself from saying something' (efkeâmeer yeele keâes
101. Select the most appropriate meaning of the keânves mes Deheves Deehe keâes jeskeâvee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
given idiom Demebiele nw~
bolt from the blue 106. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) winning after losing a game many times underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(b) something sudden that happens unexpectedly A lot of work has gone on behind the scenes for
(c) someone who runs fast and wins a race the special event which is being planned next
(d) locking the doors' to keep the rain out week.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I) (a) To complete the arrangements
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Bolt from the blue' keâe (b) In the theatre
DeLe& nw- 'something sudden that happens unexpectedly' (c) For spreading the news
(d) Unknown to everyone
(Deekeâefmcekeâ Iešvee) nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
102. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Behind the scenes' keâe
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
Please come to the point, don't beat around the DeLe& nw- 'Unknown to everyone or not seen by the public'
bush. (heox kesâ heerÚs Ieefšle nesvee) mener nesiee~
(a) avoid the topic (b) hide behind a bush 107. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) make excuses (d) accept defeat given idiom.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III) Bite off more than one can chew
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Beat around the bush' keâe (a) To taste something while cooking
DeLe& nw- 'Avoid the topic' (cegös mes Yeškeâ peevee)~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) To eat quickly and run away
(c) mener nw~ (c) To take on more than one can deal with
(d) To cheat someone and get away
103. Select the most appropriate meaning of the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I)
given idiom.
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase ' Bite off more than
Be an old hat
(a) Be superstitious (b) Be outdated one can chew' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To take on more than one can
(c) Be crazy (d) Be foolish deal with' (#ecelee mes DeefOekeâ efpeccesoejer ues uesvee) mener nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I) 108. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Be an old hat' keâe DeLe& underlined idiom in the given sentence.
nw- 'Be outdated' (DeØeÛeefuele nesvee/efIemee-efheše) mener nw~ The police was able to find the guilty but the
big fish escaped.
104. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) main leaders (b) large-sized ones
given idiom. (c) tall people (d) plum men
To bark up the wrong tree SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) to be wrong about the reason for something
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'big fish' (yeÌ[er ceÚueer) keâe
(b) to bury money under a tree and forget the
place DeLe& nw- 'main leaders' (cegKÙe JÙeefòeâ/veslee) nesiee~
(c) to be mistaken about the name of a tree 109. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(d) to eat an unpalateble fruit by mistake given idiom.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III) In the blink of an eye
(a) Something that is not real
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To bark up the wrong
(b) Within a very short period of time
tree' keâe DeLe& nw- 'to be wrong about the reason for
(c) Within a very long period of time
something' (ieueleheânceer ceW nesvee) mener nesiee~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) (d) Something that is unavoidable
mener nw~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Idoms & Phrases 688 YCT
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase "In the blink of an 115. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
eye" keâe DeLe& nw- "within a very short period of time" given idiom.
Bend over backwards
(heuekeâ Pehekeâles ner) mener nesiee~ (a) To express sudden shock
110. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) To exert a lot of effort towards some end
given Idiom. (c) To end all activities
Be behind the times (d) to confess to a crime
(a) Be old fashioned (b) Always dreaming SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Be very old (d) Not be alert Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Idiom/phrase 'Bend over backwards'
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I)
keâe DeLe& nw- 'to exert a lot of effort towards some end'
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Be behind the times' keâe (ÙeLee mebYeJe ØeÙeeme keâjvee) mener nesiee~
DeLe& nw- 'Be old fashioned' (hegjeves peceeves keâe nesvee) mener nw~ 116. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
111. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom
idiom. Best thing since sliced bread
Back in saddle (a) To take on a task that is way too big
(a) Learn how to ride (b) Resume duty (b) To present a counter argument
(c) Teach someone riding (d) Put a new saddle (c) To perform satisfactorily
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III) (d) Most useful innovation in a long time
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Back in saddle' keâe DeLe& SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I)
nw- 'Resume duty' ([Ÿetšer efheâj mes Meg™ keâjvee) nesiee~ Ans. : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Best thing since sliced
112. In the following question, out of the four given bread' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Most useful innovation in a long time' (veF&
options, select the option which means the best SJeb GÛÛe iegCe Jeeueer Jemleg/meesÛe) mener nw~
of the idiom / phrase. 117. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Between the devil and the deep sea given idiom.
(a) Go fishing and cause trouble By and large
(b) Between two great difficulties (a) All inclusive (b) By choice
(c) Speaking sharply (c) In general (d) In short
(d) To begin working seriously SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III) Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'By and large' keâe DeLe&
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Between the devil and nw- in general (meeceevÙe ™he mes)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nw-
the deep sea' keâe DeLe& nw- 'between two great difficulties' All inclusive - heefjJÙeehekeâ, By choice - peeve yetPe keâj, In
(oes keâef"ve mecemÙeeDeeW ceW nesvee) mener nw~ short - meb#eshe ceW~
113. In the following question, out of the four given 118. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
alternatives, select the alternatives which best given idiom.
express the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. Butterflies in one's stomach
By hook or by crook (a) T be angry at something
(a) Causing trouble to (b) By all means (b) To be hungry
(c) To flight against (d) To bear patiently (c) To be feeling unwell
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II) (d) A feeling of nervousness
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'By hook or by crook' SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
keâe DeLe& nw- 'By all means' (efkeâmeer Yeer keâercele hej) mener nesiee~ Ans. (d) : ef o Ùes ieÙes Idiom/phrase 'Butterflies in one's
peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ stomach' keâe DeLe& nw - 'A feeling of nervousness' (Ieyejenš
114. In the following question, out of the given four keâer YeeJevee) mener nw~
alternatives, select the alternative which best 119. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. given idiom.
Birds of the same feather Be on cloud nine
(a) People with a generous heart (a) To be in a state of extreme happiness
(b) To get into trouble together (b) To be able to climb higher
(c) To be in a totally helpless condition (c) To dream of clouds
(d) People with similar character (d) To think about something unrealistically
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes Idiom/phrase 'Birds of the same Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Idiom/phrase 'Be on cloud nine' keâe
feather' keâe DeLe& nw- 'People with similar character' (Skeâ DeLe& nw- 'To be in a state of extreme happiness'. (Ûejce
ner Lewueer kesâ Ûeós-yeós) nesiee~ Deevevo keâer efmLeefle ceW nesvee) mener nesiee~
Idoms & Phrases 689 YCT
120. Select the option that means the same as the Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Sentence kesâ Devegmeej GheÙegkeäle Idiom
given idiom. “catching a tartar” (Deheves mes cepeyetle Me$eg mes Ùegæ keâjvee) nesiee~
To bell the cat DevÙe efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~
(a) To catch a cat and bell it first
(b) To be alert to danger anywhere 125. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
(c) To take a lead in difficult situations
Crocodile tears
(d) To tie a bell for a cat at home
(a) Hopeless situation (b) Totally different
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II) (c) False tears (d) Of less worth
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'bell the cat' keâe DeLe& nw- SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I
'To take a lead in difficult situations' (keâef"ve keâeÙeeX ceW Ans. (c) :Ghejesòeâ idiom, “Crocodile tears” (efoKeeJešer Deebmet)
DeiegJee nesvee) mener nesiee~ kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘False tears’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
121. select the option that means the same as the 126. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
To bury the hatchet Change of heart
(a) To bury old utensils (a) To narrowly escape disaster
(b) To bury an axe (b) An unfair attack
(c) To make someone happy (c) Different opinion about someone or
(d) To make peace something
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I) (d) Very similar in appearance
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-II
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'bury the hatchet' keâe
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “change of heart” (ceve yeouevee)
DeLe& nw- 'To make peace' (Meebefle mLeeefhele keâjvee) mener nesiee~
kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Different opinion about someone or
Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) mener nw~ something’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~
122. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 127. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
A blessing in disguise Chew the scenery
(a) A hidden misfortune (b) An apparent fortune (a) To understate
(c) An apparent blessing (d) A hidden favour (b) To act overly emotional
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III) (c) To beautify
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'blessing in disguise keâe (d) To mismanage
mener DeLe& nesiee- 'A hidden favour' (og:Ke kesâ Yess<e ceW megKe)~ SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I
peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ Ans. (b) :Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Chew the scenery” (veeškeâerÙe {bie
mes keâeÙe& keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To act overly emotional’
C GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~
123. Select the most appropriate option that can 128. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
substitute the underlined words in the given given idiom.
sentence. Cake walk
The company is planning to cut back few (a) Something tasty (b) Something sweet
employees. (c) Something easy (d) Something enjoyable
(a) lay off some (b) reduce some SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II
(c) lay down some (d) refuse some Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “cake walk” (Deemeeve keâeÙe&) kesâ efueS
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV) efJekeâuhe ‘Something easy’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ peyeefkeâ
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Meyo “cut back few” kesâ efueS DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
GheÙegòeâ Phrase ‘lay off some’ (keâce keâjvee/nše osvee) nesiee~ 129. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ given idiom.
Cool as a cucumber
124. Select the most appropriate idiom for the given
(a) Calm and composed
(b) Irritated and annoyed
Aurangzeb, the famous Mughal ruler, found
(c) Happy and excited
that he had caught someone more powerful
(d) Nervous and fidgety
than him in the form of the brave Maratha,
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 Shift-I
(a) Catching a tartar (b) Changing the hands Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ Idiom, “cool as a cucumber” (Meeble
(c) Blazing the trail (d) Nipping in the bud jnvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Calm and composed’ GheÙegòeâ
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 03/08/2023 (Shift-II) JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~
Idoms & Phrases 690 YCT
130. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom 'Cook the book' (yener-KeeleeW ceW
given idiom. ieÌ[yeÌ[er keâj osvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) To falsify financial
cat’s paw
records nesiee~
(a) A person used as a tool by another
(b) To attack someone 135. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) Move at a fast pace given idiom .
(d) The most important attribute To cut a long story short
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III (a) Tell something briefly
(b) Like to tell long stories
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Cat’s paw” (efvepeer mJeeLe& kesâ efueS
(c) Like to tell short stories
efkeâmeer JÙeefòeâ keâe ØeÙeesie keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘a person used (d) Tell something in a roundabout way
as a tool by another’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) mener nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'to cut a long story short' (mebef#ehle
131. Select the most appropriate meaning of the keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) 'Tell something briefly' nesiee~
highlighted idiom. 136. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
It was a Catch 22 situation for the manager. underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(a) A positive outcome in a tough situation His comments cast a slur upon the integrity of
(b) Hailed as the ultimate champion his manager.
(c) Worthy successor to the throne (a) praised (b) redeemed
(d) A difficult situation in which the solution to a (c) damaged (d) improved
problem is impossible. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'cast a slur upon' (lees[ Ì vee, efyeieÌ[vee)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Catch 22 situation” (yengle keâef"ve
kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) 'damaged' Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~
heefjefmLeefle efpememes yeenj efvekeâuevee DemecYeJe nes/Deeies kegbâDee, heerÚs
137. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
KeeF&) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) ‘A difficult situation in which underlined idiom in the given sentence.
the solution to a problem is impossible’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee The threat of the pandemic is not just a cry in
keâjlee nw~ the wilderness.
132. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) spreading rumours
given idiom. (b) tears of sorrow
cut a sorry figure (c) an unheeded warning
(a) render an apology (d) mourning for the loss
(b) make a sculpture SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) create a poor impression Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'cry in the wilderness' (ÛesleeJeveer keâes
(d) break a record OÙeeve osvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) 'an unheeded warning' nesiee~
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II 138. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (c) : GheÙegòeâ Idiom, “Cut a sorry figure” (yegje ØeYeeJe underlined idiom in the given sentence.
efoKevee/heÌ[vee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Create a poor impressionֹ’ You must have a concrete project and not build
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ castles in the air if you want to submit an
application for a loan.
133. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) make unfaithful friends
given idiom
Cost an arm and a leg (b) talk irresponsibly
(a) Be worthy of the cost (c) have unrealistic ideas
(b) Be rather cheap (d) make unplanned buildings
(c) Be extremely expensive SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(d) Be easily available Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'castles in the air' (nJeeF& efkeâues
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –16/04/2021 (Shift-I) yeveevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) 'have unrealistic ideas' nesiee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'cost an arm and a leg' (yengle 139. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
cenbiee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) 'Be extremely expensive' GheÙegòeâ underlined idiom in the given sentence.
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ In our office it is the Chief Accountant who
134. Select the most appropriate meaning of the calls the shots.
given idiom. (a) to be in control
Cook the book. (b) one who keeps the secrets
(a) To falsify financial records (c) to be rational
(b) To be a good writer (d) to be aggressive
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VII (M.L.) 15.10.2019 (Shift-I)
(c) To write books on cooking
(d) To be a good editor Ans. (a) : 'Calls the shots' (DeefOekeâej jKevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I) (a) to be in control mener nw~

Idoms & Phrases 691 YCT

140. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 145. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. underlined idiom in the sentence.
Call on All those who carried the day in reality shows
(a) step out (b) telephone failed to make a mark later.
(c) announce (d) visit (a) won a victory
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) (b) made a guest appearance
(c) participated
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Call on' keâe DeLe& nw
(d) acted as hosts
'visit' (cegueekeâele keâjvee) nesiee~ SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'carry the day' keâe DeLe& nw-
step out - yeenj efvekeâuevee, announce - Iees<eCee keâjvee 'won a victory' (meheâue/efJepeÙeer) mener nesiee~
141. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 146. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the given sentence. given idiom.
The loyal watchman was cut to the quick when To make castles in the air
he was accused of theft. (a) to accomplish difficult tasks
(a) dismissed (b) imprisoned (b) to be very ambitious
(c) severely punished (d) hurt intensely (c) to create impossible dreams or hopes
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I) (d) to show signs of cowardice
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'cut to the quick' keâe DeLe& SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
nw- 'Hurt intensely' (efoue keâes Ûeesš hengÛevee Ùee henBgÛeevee) mener nw~ Ans. (c) : ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'castles in the air' keâe
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- DeLe& nw- 'to create impossible dreams or hopes' (KÙeeueer
hegueeJe hekeâevee, nJee ceW cenue yeveevee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
Dismissed- yeKee&mle keâjvee
Demebiele nw~
Imprisoned- kewâo keâj uesvee
147. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Severely punished- efveo&Ùelee mes oefC[le keâjvee given idiom.
142. Select the most appropriate meaning of the The crux of the matter
given idiom. (a) The unknown point (b) The lesser issue
Couch potato (c) The critical point (d) The interesting thing
(a) a person who sleeps all day SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(b) a person who watches too much television Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'crux of the matter' keâe
(c) a person who remains relaxed and calm DeLe& nw- 'the critical point' (mebkeâšhetCe&) mener nesiee~
(d) a person who is simple in nature 148. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II) given idiom.
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'couch potato' keâe DeLe& nw- Come hell or high water.
'a person who watches too much television' (Ssmee JÙeefòeâ (a) Not ready to go on adventures
pees DeefOekeâ šer.Jeer. osKelee nes)~ (b) Tired of all kinds of dangers
(c) In spite of any obstacles
143. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (d) Afraid of the challenges
given idiom. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
costs an arm and a leg
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Come hell of high
(a) rarely available (b) easy to obtain
(c) nothing to lose (d) very expensive water' keâe DeLe& nw- 'In spite of any obstacles' (Ûeens pees nes
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II) peeS) nes i ee~
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Costs an arm and a leg' 149. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
keâe DeLe& nw-- 'Very expensive' (yengle cebniee) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
Call a spade a spade
(d) mener nw~ (a) Say things that are untrue and painful
144. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) Say the truth about something, even if it is not
given idiom. pleasant
Come rain or shine (c) Plan to attack someone with rude words
(a) in bad weather (b) in the monsoon (d) Lash out unkindly at someone for no reason
(c) when it does not rain (d) whatever happens SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Call a spade a spade' keâe
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Come rain and shine' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Say the truth about something even if it is not
DeLe& nw- 'Whatever happens' (Ûeens pees Yeer nes) mener nesiee~ pleasant' (Kejer Kejer keânvee) nesiee~

Idoms & Phrases 692 YCT

150. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 155. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. underlined idiom in the given sentence.
To cost an arm and a leg When they read about the proposed strike of
(a) Not readily available buses they said, “We’ll cross that bridge when
(b) To give away an arm and a leg we come to it.”
(c) very expensive (a) Prevent them (b) Call them for talks
(d) easily affordable (c) Solve the problem (d) Cancel our plans
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'cost an arm and a leg' Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'cross the bridge' keâe DeLe&
keâe DeLe& nw- 'very expensive' (yengle cenbiee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe nw- 'Solve the problem' (mecemÙee nue keâjvee) mener nesiee~
efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ 156. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
151. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
given idiom. Cut to the chase
Cool it (a) Talking about the important point and leaving
out the detail
(a) To be angry (b) To be nervous
(b) Sleeping long hours and spoiling the health
(c) To relax (d) To wait
(c) Cutting long pieces and spoiling the dish cooked
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(d) Stopping unexpectedly and missing the chase
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'cool it' keâe DeLe& nw- 'to SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III)
relax' (Deejece keâjvee) Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~ Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Cut to the chase' keâe
152. Select the most appropriate meaning of the DeLe& nw- 'Talking about the important point and leaving
given idiom. out the detail' (cenòJehetCe& efyevogDeeW kesâ yeejs ceW yeele keâjvee Deewj
Chill out
(a) To calm down (b) To be angry
ef Jemle=le efyevogDeeW keâes Úes[Ì osvee)~
(c) To be nervous (d) To fight 157. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II) given idiom.
Come rain or shine
Ans. (a) : efoS ieS idiom, Chill out keâe DeLe& nw 'to calm
(a) under any circumstances
down' (Meevle nesvee) nesiee~ (b) in favorable conditions
153. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (c) in difficult situations
underlined idiom in the given sentence. (d) during bad weather
To restart his cash-strapped company he SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II)
decided to apply for a bank loan. Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Come rain or shine' keâe
(a) expanding (b) impoverished DeLe& nw- 'under any circumstances' (nj heefjefmLeefle ceW) mener
(c) improving (d) expensive
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I)
158. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Cash-strapped' keâe DeLe&
given idiom.
nw- 'Impoverished' (efveOe&ve yeveevee, iegCeJeòee efieje osvee) nw~ Cup of tea
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (a)
something that pleases one
Expanding– hewâuevee, hewâueevee, (b)
A feeling of elation
Improving– megOejvee, megOeejvee, (c)
A useless search
Expensive– KeÛeeaueer, yengle cenBiee, keâerceleer~ (d)
Something refreshing
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
154. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Cup of tea' keâe DeLe& nw-
given idiom.
Couch Potato 'Something that pleases one' (hemebo keâer Ûeerpe) mener nw~
(a) skinny (b) overweight 159. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) Hyperactive (d) lazy person given idiom.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-III) Cut one short
(a) To chop something
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Couch Potato' keâe DeLe&
(b) To interrupt someone
nw- 'Lazy person' (Deeuemeer JÙeefòeâ/šerJeer osKekeâj meceÙe efyeleeves (c) To act quickly
Jeeuee) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (d) To be rude
Skinny - kebâpetme SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Overweight - DeefOeYeej Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Cut one short' keâe DeLe&
Hyperactive - Deeflemeef›eâÙe nw- 'To interrupt someone' (šeskeâvee/oKeue osvee) mener nw~
Idoms & Phrases 693 YCT
160. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Chip off the old block'
given idiom.
keâe DeLe& nw- 'Resembling parents' (ceelee-efhelee kesâ meceeve
Come to light
(a) To be well lit-up (b) To be obscure nesvee/efoKeeF& osvee) mener nesiee~
(c) To be known publicly (d) To pry a secret 166. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-II) given idiom.
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Come to light' keâe DeLe& nw- Cutting corners
'to be known publicly' (Øekeâš nesvee/Kegueemee nesvee) mener nw~ (a) Spending too much money
161. In the following question, out of the given four (b) Saving money
alternatives, select the alternative which best (c) Making money
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. (d) Lending money
Cat's whiskers SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) A very easy matter
(b) To be highly impressive Ans. (b) : ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Cutting corners' keâe
(c) To be very determined DeLe& nw- 'saving money' (hewmes yeÛeeves kesâ efueS ieuele lejerkesâ
(d) Difficult to understand Deheveevee)~
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'cat's whiskers' keâe DeLe& D
nw- 'to be highly impressive' (DelÙeefOekeâ ØeYeeefJele) mener nw~ 167. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
162. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
given idiom Devil’s advocate
Cut the mustard (a) One who is very precise and accurate
(a) To be pessimistic (b) To succeed (b) One who presents very logical arguments
(c) To take shortcuts (d) To be angry
(c) One who never argues
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(d) One who takes an opposing position for the
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Cut the mustard' keâe
sake of argument
DeLe& nw- 'to succeed' (meheâue nesvee) mener nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II)
efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Devil’s advocate”
163. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. (efÚvõevJes<eer/efmLeefle kesâ efJe™æ leke&â keâjves Jeeuee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe
Child's play ‘One who takes an opposing position for the sake of’
(a) Something delightful (b) Something amusing argument mener nesiee~
(c) Something easy (d) Something risky
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III) 168. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Child's pay' keâe DeLe& nw-
Draw the line
'Something easy' (mejue keâeÙe&) mener nesiee~
(a) To accept someone's idea
164. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) To give a second chance
given idiom.
Cry over spilt milk (c) To move on from a past relationship
(a) cry too much over a petty issue (d) To set a limit on something
(b) regret about something that happened and SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I
cannot be changed Ans. (d): Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Draw the line” (meercee efveOee&efjle
(c) unnecessarily worry about the future
(d) complain about being forced to drink milk
keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To set a limit on something’ GheÙegòeâ
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I) JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Cry over spilt milk' keâe 169. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
DeLe& nw- 'regret about something that happened and given idiom.
cannot be changed' (JÙeLe& heÚleevee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe Dark horse
efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ (a) A mean person
165. Select the meaning of the given idiom. (b) A slow runner
Chip off the old block (c) An unexpected winner
(a) Resembling parents (d) An honest fellow
(b) Having interest in antique furniture SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I
(c) Having old fashioned values
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Dark horse” (DeØelÙeeefMele peerle) kesâ
(d) Looking after parents
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-II) efueS efJekeâuhe ‘An unexpected winner’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Idoms & Phrases 694 YCT
170. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 175. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
Donkey's years A dark horse
(a) Leisure time (b) Bad time (a) a well kept secret
(c) Long time (d) Good time (b) an unknown genius
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-I (c) a horse of a fine breed
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Donkey’s year” (yengle uecyee (d) an expected outcome
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
meceÙe) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Long time’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/Phrase 'dark horse' keâe DeLe& nw- 'An
DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
unknown genius' (DeØelÙeeefMele efJepeslee/Úghee ®mlece) mener nesiee~
171. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
176. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
given idiom
To drag one's feet draw a blank
(a) to walk unsteadily (a) be lucky in a game
(b) To walk with a limp (b) be unable to sketch
(c) To delay taking a decision (c) be happy about something
(d) to pull someone's legs (d) be unsuccessful
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom 'drag one's feet' (efveCe&Ùe ceW osjer Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Draw a blank' keâe DeLe& nw-
keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) To delay taking a decision mener 'be unsuccessful' (Demeheâue nesvee) mener nesiee~
nesiee~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~ 177. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
172. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
given idiom. dance to someone's tune
(a) argue with others on petty matters
Draw the line at something
(b) delay in making a decision
(a) Coming to a conclusion
(c) do what others want you to do
(b) Agreeing to an idea
(d) be engaged in an energetic activity
(c) Making pencil sketches
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(d) Accept something up to particular point
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'dance to someone's
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I)
tune' keâe DeLe& nw - 'do what others want you to do' (efkeâmeer
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'Draw the line at something'
kesâ FMeejs hej veeÛevee) mener nw~
(meercee efveOee&efjle keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'Accept something up
178. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
to particular point' mener nesiee~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) mener nw~ underlined idiom in the given sentence.
173. Select the most appropriate meaning of the We enjoyed watching the film, because it was
given idiom. down-to-earth depiction of modern life.
A dry run (a) pleasing and entertaining
(a) a poor harvest (b) a rehearsal (b) practical and direct
(c) a slow run (d) a run on dry ground (c) fanciful and dreamlike
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) (d) short and meaningful
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'dry run' keâe DeLe& nw- 'a
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Down-to-earth' keâe DeLe&
rehearsal' (hetJee&YÙeeme)~
nw- Practical and direct (JÙeJeneefjkeâ) mener nesiee~
174. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
179. In the following question out of the four given
underlined idiom in the sentence.
alternatives select the alternative which best
The aged man preferred to die in harness than expresses the meaning of the Idiom/phrase.
lead a rusted life. To doctor the accounts
(a) to keep one's belongings safe (a) Very costly treatment
(b) to lead a life of comfort (b) To manipulate the accounts
(c) to live in prepetual slavery (c) High class treatment
(d) to continue occupation till death (d) Auditing of accounts
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Die in harness' keâe DeLe& Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'doctor the accounts' keâe
nw- 'to continue occupation till death' (keâeÙe& keâjles ngS cejvee) DeLe& nw- 'To manipulate the accounts' (KeeleeW ceW nsjhesâj keâjvee)
mener nw~ mener nesiee~
Idoms & Phrases 695 YCT
(c) Something interesting is there in any
E colourful situation
180. Select the most appropriate idiom for the given (d) Something promising is there in any joyous
statement. situation
One who hurries up always gets the best. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Brevity is the soul of wit.
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Every cloud has a
(b) Forewarned is forearmed.
(c) early bird catches the worm. silver lining' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Something promising is there in
(d) His bark is worse than his bite. any joyous situation' (nj cegefMkeâue heefjefmLeefle ceW Yeer DeeMee Ùee
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III) meblees<e keâer efkeâjCe nesleer nw) mener nesiee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Statement, “one who hurries up always 185. In the following question, out of the given four
gets the best” kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ Idiom, ‘early bird catches the alternatives, select the alternative which best
worm’ (henues efvekeâueves Jeeuee ner cebefpeue neefmeue keâjlee nw) nesiee~ expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
To end in smoke.
181. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) To do one's duty well
given idiom.
(b) To not agree to something
Egg on
(c) To be the cause of a quarrel
(a) continue (b) agree
(c) encourage (d) quarrel (d) To come to nothing
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Egg on' keâe DeLe& nw- Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'end in smoke' keâe DeLe&
'encourage' (Øeeslmeeefnle keâjvee) mener nesiee~ nw- 'to come to nothing' (keâesF& heefjCeece ve efvekeâuevee)~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- 186. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
continue - ueieeleej, agree - mencele, quarrel - PeieÌ[euet
Eye wash
182. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) A problem (b) A fact
underlined idiom in the given sentence. (c) A solution (d) A deception
The ambitious project to impart free books to
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II)
all students ended in smoke.
(a) yielded no result Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Eye wash' keâe DeLe& nw-
(b) was delayed 'A deception' ({keâesmeuee/yenevesyeepeer)~
(c) exceeded the budget 187. Select the option that means the same as the
(d) was successfully completed given idiom.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III) To eat humble pie
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/Phrase 'Ended in smoke' keâe (a) To deny desperately
DeLe& nw- 'yielded no result' (keâesF& heefjCeece veneR efvekeâuevee) mener (b) To defend oneself
nesiee~ (c) To accept error
(d) To be aggressive
183. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
given idiom.
Eat humble pie Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'eat humble pie' keâe DeLe&
(a) Make noise while eating nw- 'To accept error' (Deheveer ieueleer mJeerkeâej keâjvee)~
(b) Eat something which is not tasty
(c) Eat less food F
(d) Admit that you are wrong 188. Select the most appreciate meaning of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III) idiom in bold in the given sentence.
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Eat humble pie' keâe DeLe& Because the shop is closing down, most of the
nw- 'Admit that you are wrong' (ieueleer mJeerkeâej keâjvee) mener stock is going for a song.
(a) Incredibly expensive
nesiee~ (b) Incredibly inexpensive
184. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (c) Something that is soothing to your ears
given idiom. (d) Receive punishment
Every cloud has a silver lining SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II)
(a) Something irritating is there in any joyous Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “For a song” (keâeHeâer keâce keâercele
(b) Something disheartening is there in any
hej) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Incredibly inexpensive’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee
happy situation keâjlee nw~
Idoms & Phrases 696 YCT
189. Selec the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (a) :Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Eat like a horse” (yengle DeefOekeâ
given idiom. cee$ee ceW Keevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) ‘Eat a lot of food’ mener nw~
Face the music
(a) Music for peace and health 194. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom :
(b) to face the unpleasant consequences of one's
actions fight shy of
(c) Listening to melodies from music albums (a) to invite (b) to avoid
(d) Dance according to the tune (c) to challenge (d) to perform
SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “face the music” (hejsMeeefveÙeeW keâe Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Fight shy of ” (vepejDevoepe
meecevee keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To face the unpleasant keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘to avoid’ mener nw~
consequences of one’s actions’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ 195. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
190. In the following question, out of the given four
forty winks
alternatives, select the alternative which best
(a) a worthless object (b) a hot day
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
(c) a short nap (d) a brief statement
fish out of water
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
(a) A person out of accustomed environment
(b) To kill somebody Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Forty winks” (Pehekeâer uesvee) kesâ
(c) To criticize someone efueS efJekeâuhe (c) ‘A short nap’ mener nesiee~
(d) A dead person 196. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV) given idiom.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “fish out of water” (Demenpe efmLele Feel at sea
ceW nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘A person out of accustomed (a) Feel angry
(b) Feel comfortable while travelling by water
Environment’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
(c) Feel seasick
191. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (d) Feel lost or confused
underlined idiom in the given sentence. SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I)
He is foaming at the mouth about the
committee's decision. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, Feel at sea (Yeüefcele nesvee) kesâ efueS
(a) To be enraged and show it efJekeâuhe (d) feel lost or confused mener nesiee~
(b) to cause damage to someone 197. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) to not recognize something good given idiom.
(d) to be upset about something that happened in Full of beans
the past (a) Full of energy
SSC MTS-13/07/2022 Shift-I (b) A dish made of French beans
Ans. (a) :Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Foaming at the mouth” (yengle (c) Full of cowardice
›eâesefOele nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To be enraged and show it’ (d) A storeroom full of vegetables
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –16/08/2021 (Shift-I)
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, Full of beans (Tpee&Jeeve) kesâ efueS
192. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. efJekeâuhe (a) 'Full of energy' mener nesiee~
Foul play 198. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) Unfair or dishonest behavior underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(b) A drama which is badly produced It was quite a shock for Raju to have to foot the
(c) Unpleasant weather for playing bill for all his friends.
(d) A bad smelling theatre or playground (a) prepare everything they wanted
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I (b) kick away the paper bill
(c) pay for everything
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Foul play” (yesF&ceeveer keâjvee) kesâ (d) pick up the bill from the floor
efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Unfair or dishonest behaviour’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III)
keâjlee nww~ Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle idiom/phrase 'Foot the bill'
193. Select the most appropriate meaning of the keâe DeLe& nw- 'pay for everything' (hewmee Ûegkeâevee) mener nw~
given idiom.
199. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Eat like a horse
(a) Eat a lot of food (b) Dislike food underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(c) Eat making sound (d) Eat food while running Many people join politics to feather their own
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II
Idoms & Phrases 697 YCT
(a) make others' life comfortable 204. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(b) promote their own interest given idiom.
(c) utilize black money Four corners of the earth
(d) serve their country (a) from the very beginning
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I) (b) from morning till night
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle idiom/phrase 'feather their (c) from all parts of the world
(d) from beginning to end
own nest' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Promote their own interest' (efmehe&â SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Dehevee efnle osKevee) nesiee~ Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Four corners of the
200. Select the most appropriate meaning of the earth' keâe DeLe& nw- 'from all parts of the world' (meJe&JÙeeheer,
underlined idiom in the sentence. efJeÕe kesâ meYeer mLeeve hej JÙeehle) mener nesiee~
My brother has decided to settle in Mumbai for
205. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
(a) forever
Full of sound and fury
(b) for new opportunities (a) Merely loud end angry words but ineffective
(c) for a while (b) A fiery and effective speaker
(d) for better income (c) Someone who gets angry very quickly
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) (d) An angry and unruly mob
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'for good' keâe DeLe& nw- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II)
forever (meoe kesâ efueÙes) mener nesiee~ Ans. (a) : ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Full of sound and fury'
201. Select the most appropriate meaning of the keâe DeLe& nw- 'Merely loud end angry words but
underlined idiom in the sentence. ineffective' (OJeefve Deewj jes<e mes Yeje ngDee) mener nesiee~
In spite of the high sounding words, his speech 206. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
fell flat on the audience. given idiom.
(a) could not be heard clearly To fall on deaf ears
(b) appealed to the sentiments of the audience (a) To be paid attention
(c) failed to make an impact (b) To be ignored
(d) impressed a lot (c) To be aware of what is going on
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) (d) To be listened carefully
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'fell flat' keâe DeLe& nw-'failed
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes Idiom 'fall on deaf ears' keâe GefÛele DeLe&
to make an impact' (keâesF& ØeYeeJe veneR [euevee) mener nesiee~
efJekeâuhe (b) ceW 'To be ignored' (vepej Deboepe keâjvee) nesiee~
202. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 207. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
Face the music Flying off the handle
(a) face the enemy (a) suddenly becoming enraged
(b) get appreciation (b) day dreaming
(c) face the criticism (c) having ideas
(d) enjoy the harmony (d) flying away being launched from a handle
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Face the music' keâe DeLe& Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Flying off the handle'
nw- 'face the criticism' (efkeâÙes keâe heefjCeece Yegielevee, efkeâmeer yegjs keâe DeLe& nw- 'suddenly becoming enraged' (DeÛeevekeâ ›eâesefOele
DevegYeJeeW mes iegpejvee) mener nesiee~ nesvee) mener nesiee~
203. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 208. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
given idiom.
Falling head over heels
Feather your own nest
(a) Feeling deep sympathy to the needy
(a) make money unfairly (b) Finding fault with others
(b) win a competition (c) Falling deeply in love with someone
(c) be in a comfortable position (d) Fixing models without proper analysis
(d) disturb others in their work SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Falling head over
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Feather your own nest' heels' keâe DeLe& nw- 'falling deeply in love with someone'
keâe DeLe& nw- 'Make money unfairly'. (DevegefÛele lejerkesâ mes hewmes (efkeâmeer kesâ meeLe ienjs hÙeej ceW heÌ[vee) mener nesiee peyeefkeâ DevÙe
keâceevee) nesiee~ efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
Idoms & Phrases 698 YCT
209. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 214. Select the meaning of the given idiom.
given idiom. Fair's fair
Fit as a fiddle (a) Fair complexion (b) Just treatment
(a) Playing a musical instrument (c) Disappointed (d) White supremacy
(b) Healthy and strong SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Of the right size Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Fair's fair' keâe DeLe& nw-
(d) Singing happily 'Just treatment' (vÙeeÙe hetCe& JÙeJenej) nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Fit as a fiddlie' keâe DeLe& G
nw- 'Healthy and strong' (mJemLe SJeb cepeyetle) nesiee peyeefkeâ DevÙe 215. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ given idiom.
210. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Get down to brass tacks
given idiom. (a) Compromise, cooperation between people
To feel at home (b) To become serious about something
(a) To feel comfortable (b) To miss one's home (c) Get fired from the job
(c) To feel out of place (d) To be rarely at home (d) To be ready
SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III) SSC MTS 02/05/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'feel at home' keâe DeLe& nw- Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Get down to brass tacks” (efkeâmeer
'To feel very comfortable in a particular group, setting Ûeerpe keâes ueskeâj iecYeerj nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘To become
or place (DeejeceoeÙekeâ cenmetme keâjvee) mener nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe serious about something’ nesiee~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~
efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ 216. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
211. Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.
given idiom. It is hard to believe that many smokers did't go
Feel a bit under the weather cold turkey even after they got lung cancer.
(a) To be unappreciated (a) Losing sensory inputs
(b) To feel sick or unhealthy (b) Dead
(c) To be happy (c) Quite addictive or dangerous behavior
(d) To be calm and patient (d) Withered
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Feel a bit under the Ans. (c) : Ghejes òeâ js K eeb e f k eâle Idiom, “go cold turkey” veMes mes
weather' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To feel sick or unhealthy' hetjer lejn Úgškeâeje heevee/Kelejveekeâ JÙeJenej) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘quite
(yeerceej/DemJemLe cenmetme keâjvee) nesiee~ addictive or dangerous behavior’ nesiee~
212. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 217. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
Forty winks Gate-crasher
(a) Thick grass
(a) A short nap during the day
(b) A person who enters an event without any
(b) To blink repeatedly
(c) To keep awake
(c) A blind person
(d) A sound sleep at night
(d) A cobra that lives in gardens
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD 23/01/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Forty winks' keâe DeLe& nw- Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Gate-crasher” (efyevee Devegceefle kesâ
'A short nap during the day' (LeesÌ[er osj kesâ efueS Pehekeâer uesvee) ØeJesMe keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘A person who enters an event
mener nesiee~ without any invitation’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
213. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 218. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
Far cry from Go back to the drawing board
(a) To be very different from (a) Start over
(b) To be sad about past things (b) Mediate a task
(c) To be away from dear ones (c) Accomplish a task
(d) To cry over small things (d) Leave a work unfinished
SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Far cry from' keâe DeLe& Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Go back to the drawing board”
nw- 'To be very different from' (Skeâoce Deueie) mener nesiee~ (efHeâj mes Meg™Deele keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Start over’ nesiee~

Idoms & Phrases 699 YCT

219. Choose the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, The gift of the gab (yeesueves keâer
underlined phrase. kegâMeuelee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) 'Talks well and persuasively'
His voice gets on my nerves.
(a) Makes me ill (b) Makes me sad
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
(c) Irritates me (d) Pierces my eardrums 225. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II) underlined idiom in the given sentence.
My neighbour's son is very mischievous and
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Phrase, “gets on my nerves”
always getting in everyone's hair.
(hejsMeeve keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) ‘Irritates me’ mener nw~ (a) Throwing things at them
220. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) Pulling their hair
given idiom. (c) Entertaining them
Get up on the wrong side of the bed (d) Annoying them
(a) Someone who is having a good day SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(b) Go to bed or go to sleep Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'getting in everyone's hair'
(c) Destroy or ruin a plan
(hejsMeeve keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) 'Annoying them' GheÙegòeâ
(d) Someone who is having a horrible day
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 27/07/2023 (Shift-III) JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “get up on the wrong side of 226. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
the bed” (megyen mes ner efce]peepe Kejeye nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d)
My aunt has the gift of the gab and can
‘Someone who is having a horrible day’ mener nw~ Dele: socialize in any group.
efJekeâuhe (d) mener nw~ (a) ability to cook well
221. Select the most appropriate idiom for the (b) ability to criticize anyone
underlined segment in the following sentence. (c) ability to spend time anywhere
Meera is not qualified much but has the art of (d) ability to speak eloquently
speaking. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(a) Gift of the gab (b) Hope against hope Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'gift of the gab' (yeesueves ceW kegâMeue)
(c) An acid tongue (d) A lick of paint kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ efJekeâuhe (d) 'ability to speak eloquently'
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a): Ghejesòeâ Underlined segment, “the art of
227. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
speaking” kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ Idiom ‘gift of gab’ (yeesueves keâer
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
kegâMeuelee) nesiee~ I told you not to play the prank but you
222. Select the most appropriate meaning of the didn t listen, now face the music.
given idiom. (a) accept the blame (b) put on earphones
Get the axe (c) listen to the songs (d) sing popular songs
(a) Relaxed job (b) Lose the job SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(c) Get the job (d) Burdened job
SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'face the music' (hejsMeeveer keâe
Ans. (b) :Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Get the axe” (veewkeâjer mes efvekeâeue meecevee keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) accept the blame mener nw~
osvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘Lose the job’ mener nw~ 228. In the following question, out of the given four
223. Select the most appropriate meaning of the alternatives, select the alternative which best
given diom. expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
A good turn Give it a whirl
(a) A lucky chance (b) A great opportunity (a) To be engaged in cheating
(c) A helpful act (d) A pleasant experience (b) To completely destroy something
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I) (c) Attach or criticize someone
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'A good turn' (meneÙekeâ keâeÙe&) kesâ (d) To try out something
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
efueS efJekeâuhe (c) 'A helpful act' mener nw~
Ans. (d) 'Give it a whirl' (keâesefMeMe keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d)
224. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. 'To try out something' mener nw~
The gift of the gab 229. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) Loves to give gifts given idiom.
(b) Talks well and persuasively Give a hand
(c) Writes very well (a) assist (b) encourage
(d) Used to grabbing others' gifts (c) donate an organ (d) clap hands
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –24/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Idoms & Phrases 700 YCT
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Give a hand' keâe DeLe& (c) Got the work started
nw- 'assist' (meneÙelee keâjvee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe kesâ DeLe& nw– (d) Got energy and motivation to do something
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
encourage - Øeeslmeenve osvee, clap hands - ØeMebmee keâjvee
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'get the Green light' keâe
230. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. DeLe& nw- 'Got permission to go ahead with something'
Grin from ear to ear (kegâÚ Deeies keâjves Devegceefle efceuevee) mener nw~
(a) to make funny faces 235. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(b) to have very sharp ears underlined idiom in the sentence.
(c) to ridicule someone 'The situation is getting out of hand' the
(d) to smile a lot because of happiness manager said to us.
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) (a) going to be handled soon
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Grin from ear to ear' (b) not in control anymore
keâe DeLe& nw- 'to smile a lot because of happiness' ("nekeâe (c) can be passed on to someone else
(d) not growing fast enough
ueieevee) nesiee~ SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
231. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'getting out of hand' keâe
given idiom.
Get your money's worth DeLe& nw- 'not in control anymore' (efveÙeb$eCe ceW ve nesvee) mener nw~
(a) to get something of poor quality for free 236. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(b) to be cheated in a purchase given idiom.
(c) to buy something very expensive Go down in flames
(d) to pay and get something of good value (a) crash land an aeroplane
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) (b) fail completely
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Get your money's (c) get completely burnt
(d) get hit by a burning cracker
worth' keâe DeLe& nw- 'to pay and get something of good
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
value (hetje-hetje heâeÙeoe G"evee) nesiee~
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Go down in flames' keâe
232. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
DeLe& nw- crash land an aeroplane (hetjer lejn mes ve° nes peevee)~
give someone the cold shoulder 237. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) pamper someone given idiom.
(b) do something pointless Gift of the gab
(c) ignore someone (a) receive a precious gift
(d) give away a secret (b) achieve sudden greatness
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I) (c) have the talent to speak well
(d) have the ability to adapt
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'give someone the cold
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
shoulder' keâe DeLe& nw- 'ignore someone' (DeveosKee keâjvee)~
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Gift of the gab' keâe DeLe&
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- nw- 'have the talent to speak well' (DeÛÚer lejn yeele keâjves keâer
pamper someone - efkeâmeer keâes yengle hÙeej keâjvee ØeefleYee jKevee) nesiee~
do something pointless - JÙeLe& kegâÚ keâjvee 238. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
233. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
given idiom. GREEN THUMB
Get out of hand (a) to have talent in gardening
(a) Get upset (b) Give up something (b) to have talent in painting
(c) Get out of control (d) To complete a task (c) to be angry
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II) (d) to be envious
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'get out of hand' keâe DeLe& SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
nw- 'get out of control' (efveÙeb$eCe ceW ve nesvee) nesiee~ Ans : (a) ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'green thumb' keâe DeLe& nw-
234. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 'to have talent in gardening' (yeebieJeeveer ceW kegâMeue) nesiee~
underlined idiom in the given sentence. 239. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Mrs. Arora has got the green light from the given idiom.
principal to organise a science conference in To grease the palm
the college. (a) to give support (b) to bribe someone
(a) Got fired for doing something (c) to cheat someone (d) to give a massage
(b) Got permission to go ahead with something SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Idoms & Phrases 701 YCT
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To grease the palm' keâe 244. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
DeLe& nw- 'to bribe someone' (Ietme osvee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe underlined Idiom in the given sentence.
Have you heard the news that Hema is looking
efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ for greener pastures?
240. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) has been transferred
given idiom. (b) exploring new opportunities
Going over one's head (c) was feeling rejected
(a) unable to take a decision (d) has been fired
(b) beyond one's capacity to understand SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) unable to function as one used to
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'greener pastures' keâe
(d) something one didn't expect
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III)
DeLe& nw- 'exploring new opportunities (veÙes DeJemejeW keâer
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Going over one's head'
Kees p e) nesiee~
keâe DeLe& nw- 'Beyond one's capacity to understand' (efmejs mes 245. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
iegpejvee/ve mecePe ceW Deevee) nesiee~ It took Rohan a long time to get the hang of the
241. Select the most appropriate meaning of the machine in the new factory.
given idiom. (a) Clear and dry
Get something off your chest (b) Bring someone to run
(a) Remove something from you as it is troubling (c) Learn how to use
you a lot (d) Put up safely
(b) Have difficulty in doing something that is SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
quite easy
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'get the hang of' keâe DeLe&
(c) Express something that has been worrying
you, and you want to say nw - 'Learn how to use' (Ùen meerKevee efkeâ kewâmes keâeÙe& keâjW) nesiee~
(d) Tell people some good news that you know 246. In the following question, out of the given four
and you want to share alternatives, select the one which best expresses
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III) the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Get something off your To get into hot waters
(a) To influence
chest' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Express something that has been
(b) To get into difficulties
worrying you, and you want to say' (meerves mes yeesPe nukeâe
(c) To became too excited
keâjvee) mener nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~ (d) To give a correct decision
242. Select the most appropriate meaning of the SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I)
idiom. Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom 'get into hot waters' keâe DeLe& To
To have a gut feeling
get into difficulties (cegmeeryele ceW heÌ[vee) nesiee~
(a) To suffer from inflammation
(b) To have pain in the abdomen 247. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) To experience discomfort given idiom.
(d) To feel an instinct or ontuition Be glad to see the back of
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III) (a) To avoid someone
(b) To be happy when a person leaves
Ans. (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To have a gut feeling'
(c) To be happy to receive guests
(peer ceÛeuevee) keâe DeLe& nw- 'To feel an instinct ar intuition (d) To support someone
(Skeâ Je=efòe Ùee Devle%ee&ve cenmetme keâjvee)~ SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
243. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Be glad to see the
given idiom. back of ' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To be happy when a person leaves'
Go off at a tangent
(a) go on at great length
(efkeâmeer kesâ Ûeues peeves hej KegMe nesvee) nesiee~
(b) Change the subject immediately 248. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) Become boisterous given idiom.
(d) Forget things in between Go getter
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-III) (a) A real achiever
(b) One who does the right thing
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Go off at a tangent' keâe
(c) One who runs away
DeLe& nw- 'Change the subject immediately' (Yeškeâvee, (d) A greedy person
Demecyeæ yeeles keâjvee) mener nw~ SSC MTS – 05/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Idoms & Phrases 702 YCT
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Go getter' keâe DeLe& nw- 'a Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'The grass is greener
real achiever or someone who is energetic and works on the other side' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Things appear better for
hard to succeed' (lespeer mes lejkeäkeâer keâjves Jeeuee, Deefle others' (otmejs keâe cekeâeve ncesMee DeÛÚe ueielee nw)~
cenlJeekeâeb#eer JÙeefòeâ) nesiee~ 254. Select the option that means the same as the
249. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
given idiom. To have the gift of the gab
Get someone's goat (a) To be eloquent (b) To be intelligent
(a) To cheat someone (b) To hurt someone (c) To be boastful (d) To be gifted
(c) To irritate someone (d) To abuse someone SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'gift of the gab' keâe DeLe&
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Get someone's goat' keâe nw- 'To be eloquent' (megJeòeâe) nesiee~
DeLe& nw- 'to upset or irritate someone' (DelÙeefOekeâ efÛeÌ{evee)~
250. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. 255. In the following question, out of the given four
Get the ball rolling alternatives, select the alternative which best
(a) To spin the ball expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
(b) To cheer someone up have the heart of stone.
(a) To be fearless
(c) To start doing something
(b) No being able to make a decision
(d) To have an active lifestyle
(c) To feel no pity
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) To have a hidden agenda
Ans. (c): efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Get the ball rolling' keâe SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III)
DeLe& nw- 'To start doing something' (Meg™ keâjvee) nesiee~ Dele: Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Have the heart of stone” (helLej
efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~ efoue/keâ™Cee keâer keâceer nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To feel no pity’ nesiee~
251. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 256. In the following question, out of the given four
given idiom. alternatives, select the alternative which best
Get a foot in the door expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
(a) To have a chance to do something have a foot in the grave
(b) To block the path (a) To trip somebody over
(c) To be injured (b) To take risks
(d) To be lucky (c) To be near death
SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-III) (d) To hire a contract killer
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Get a foot in the door' SSC MTS 08/05/2023 (Shift-III)
keâe DeLe& nw- 'To have a chance to do something' (kegâÚ keâjves Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Have a foot in the grave” (ce=lÙeg
keâe ceewkeâe efceuevee)~ kesâ keâjerye nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To be near death’ nesiee~
252. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 257. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
Give someone the cold shoulder Head over heels
(a) To display superiority (a) To be very angry
(b) To serve cold food (b) To have immense Patience
(c) To involve in a verbal dispute (c) To be madly in love
(d) To ignore someone (d) To have dispute
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Give someone the Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Head over heels” (efkeâmeer kesâ hÙeej
cold shoulder' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To ignore someone' (efkeâmeer keâer ceW heeieue nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To be madly in love’ GheÙegòeâ
Ghes#ee keâjvee) nesiee~ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
253. Select the option that means the same as the 258. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
The grass is greener on the other side Have your heart in your mouth
(a) Things appear better for others (a) Feeling extremely nervous
(b) Many things looks like green grass (b) Doing immediately
(c) Green grass grows everywhere (c) Not being of your kind
(d) Only green grass grows well (d) Accusing someone of faults which you have
SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-III) SSC GD 08/02/2023 (Shift-IV)
Idoms & Phrases 703 YCT
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Have your heart in your 264. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
mouth” (yengle hejsMeeve/yesÛewve nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Feeling given idiom.
extremely nervous’ mener nw~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ hold your horses
(a) not get upset (b) aim high
259. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (c) fight trouble (d) slow down
given idiom. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
Have a bash
(a) to spoil a moment Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Hold your horses” (OewÙe&
(b) to betray a close friend jKevee/Oeercee keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Slow down’ nesiee~ peyeefkeâ
(c) to make an attempt DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
(d) to put something on hold 265. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III) given idiom.
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Have a bash” (ØeÙeeme keâjvee) kesâ To have eggs on one's face
efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To make an attempt’ nesiee~ (a) To be embarrassed because of one's action
260. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) To apply egg yolk on one's face for making it
given idiom. look beautiful
have a whale of a time (c) To throw eggs on a speaker's face
(a) Be extremely busy with work (d) To buy eggs and break them
(b) A good thing that seems bad at first SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) Have an exceptionally fun or exciting Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom 'have eggs on one's face (MeefceËoe
experience nesvee) keâe GheÙegòeâ DeLe& efJekeâuhe (c) 'to be embarrassed
(d) Immediate involvement of everyone present because of one's action' nw~
SSC MTS-12/07/2022 Shift-I
266. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Have a whale of a time” given idiom.
(cepesuetšvee/Deevebo uesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Have an Herculean task
exceptionally fun or exciting experience’ nesiee~ (a) A job that requires a lot of talking and
261. Select the most appropriate meaning of the information
given idiom. (b) A job that requires a large amount of physical
Hold the key strength
(a) To own a property (c) A job that only weak people are assigned
(b) To have the right of succession (d) A job that makes everyone feel proud
(c) To keep a secret SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(d) To have control of something Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, Herculean task (keâef"ve keâece) kesâ
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II efueS efJekeâuhe 'A job that requires a large amount of
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Hold the key” (efveÙebef$ele keâjvee) kesâ physical strength' nesiee~
efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To have control of something’ mener nw~ 267. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
262. Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence:
given idiom. If we lay our heads together, we will surely find
Have a change of heart a solution.
(a) Fall in love with someone (a) work in consultation (b) work in isolation
(b) Change one's opinion (c) take a break (d) rest for a while
(c) Express happiness about something SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(d) Undergo a surgery Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'heads together' (efceuekeâj keâjvee)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 Shift-III kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) 'work in consultation' nQ~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Have a change of heart” 268. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(Decetue –Ûetue yeoueeJe/ceve yeouevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) underlined idiom in the given sentence.
‘Change one’s opinion’ mener nw~ This problem is a hard nut to crack, it will take
263. Select the most appropriate meaning of the longer than they imagined.
given idiom. (a) involves breaking nuts
Hard and fast (b) is not interesting enough
(a) Strict (b) Badly affected (c) is difficult to solve
(c) Quick witted (d) Urgent (d) needs a lot of work
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-I SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Hard and fast” (keâ"esj Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'hard nut to crack' (cegefMkeâue keâeÙe&
nesvee/DeheefjJele&veerÙe) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) ‘Strict’ mener nw~ keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) 'is difficult to solve' nesiee~
Idoms & Phrases 704 YCT
269. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 274. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the given sentence. given idiom.
Pradeep was so tired that he hit the sack as HEAD IN THE CLOUDS
soon as possible. (a) to be very tall
(a) Left work (b) Went to bed (b) to feel giddy
(c) Accepted defeat (d) Kicked the sack (c) to be very lazy
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) (d) to daydream
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'hit the sack' (meesves peevee) kesâ efueS SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/07/2019 (Shift-II)
efJekeâuhe (b) 'went to bed' mener nesiee~ Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To have one's head in
270. Select the most appropriate meaning of the the clouds' keâe DeLe& nw- 'to daydream' (keâuheveeMeerue nesvee)
given idiom. nesiee~
High time 275. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) past the appropriate time given idiom.
(b) time to celebrate something Hanging by a thread
(c) well in time for something (a) in a sorry or humble state
(d) time to fly high (b) be extremely weak
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) (c) unable to act as desired
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'High time' keâe DeLe& nw- (d) be in a dangerous situation
'appropriate time' (mener/GefÛele DeJemej nesvee) nesiee, peyeefkeâ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II)
DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ Ans. (d) : ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Hanging by a thread'
271. Select the most appropriate meaning of the keâe DeLe& nw- 'be in a dangerous situation' (keâef"ve, Kelejveekeâ
given idiom. heefjefmLeefle) nesiee~
Handle with kid gloves 276. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) to treat someone with extreme care underlined idiom.
(b) to accomplish something too ambitious Hats off to someone
(c) to show someone your creativity (a) Given hats to
(d) to remove all hurdles to start something (b) Make new hats for
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Announce a prize for
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Handle with kid gloves' (d) Congratulations to
keâe DeLe& nw- 'to treat someone with extreme care' (meeJeOeeveer SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)
hetCe&/DelÙeefOekeâ hejJeen keâjvee) nesiee~ Ans. (d) ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Hats off to' keâe DeLe& nw-
272. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 'Congratulations to someone' (efkeâmeer keâes yeOeeF& osvee) nesiee~
given idiom peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
hand in glove 277. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) working together in the same office given idiom.
(b) wearing gloves while working Hang up your boots
(c) in partnership for something dishonest (a) to be rejected
(d) doing work in the garden (b) To take retirement
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II) (c) To dry your shoes
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Hand in glove' keâe DeLe& (d) To hang upside down
nw- 'In partnership for something dishonest' (Ieefve‰ SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-I)
mecyevOe) nesiee~ Ans. (b) : ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Hang up your boots'
(efjšeÙej nesvee) keâe DeLe& nw- 'To take retirement' (mebvÙeeme ues
273. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
ues vee)~
Have one's hands full 278. Select the meaning of the given idiom.
(a) to be very clumsy Hang one's head
(b) to be very busy (a) To be ashamed (b) To be proud
(c) to be very rich (c) To punish (d) To be greedy
(d) to be very generous SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Hang one's head' keâe
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Have one's hands full' DeLe& nw- 'To be ashamed' (MeefceËoe/ueefppele nesvee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ
keâe DeLe& nw- 'to be very busy' (yengle JÙemle nesvee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
Idoms & Phrases 705 YCT
(a) in writing (b) quickly
I (c) in the morning (d) at night
279. Select the most appropriate meaning of the SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II
bracketed idiom in the given sentence. That Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Idiom, “in black and white”
were remarks made (in the heat of the
(efueefKele ™he ceW) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘In writing’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee
(a) To be dismissed from your job keâjlee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
(b) To exert all efforts 284. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) At time when you cannot think carefully given idiom.
(d) To present a counter argument In a nutshell
SSC MTS 19/05/2023 (Shift-III) (a) Extremely pale (b) Very briefly
(c) Under protection (d) Without delay
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Bracketed idiom, “in the heat of the
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III
moment” (›eâesOe Ùee Gòespevee ceW efyevee meesÛes mecePes kegâÚ
Ans. (b) :Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “in a nutshell” (meb#eshe ceW) kesâ efueS
keânvee/keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘At time when you cannot efJekeâuhe ‘Very briefly’ mener nw~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
think carefully’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
285. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
280. Identify the idiom/phrase that can best highlighted idiom.
substitute the underlined segment. My mother is in raptures over her new stove.
I’m going to be in trouble if I don’t submit my (a) completely dissatisfied with
homework to the teacher. (b) extremely delighted
(a) off base (b) up the creek (c) extremely angry
(c) the lion’s share (d) a devil’s advocate (d) working vigorously
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/07/2023 (Shift-IV) SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Idiom, “in trouble” (hejsMeeveer ceW Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Idiom, “in raptures” (yengle KegMe
nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘up the creek’ mener nw~ nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘Extremely delighted’ mener nw~
281. Select the most appropriate option that can peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
substitute the underlined words in the given 286. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
sentence. given idiom.
Our former minister Mr. Sikhar is in the In the same breath
running from Shrinet Nagar for the post of (a) Try and hold your breath
Member of Legislative Assembly. (b) Practice breathing exercise
(a) giving speeches (b) making laws (c) Say two contradictory things at the same time
(c) teaching students (d) contesting the elections (d) Able to get a foul smell
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/08/2023 (Shift-III) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Idiom, “in the running” (ÛegveeJe Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “in the same breath” (Skeâ ner
ceW Yeeie uesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) ‘Contesting the elections’ meceÙe ceW oes efJehejerle keâeÙe& keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) ‘say two
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ contradictory thing at the same time’ mener nw~
282. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 287. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
In the heat of the moment In the limelight
(a) Saying or doing something without thinking (a) A well kept secret
due to anger (b) In a well lit up room
(b) keep something away from everyone (c) The centre of attraction
(c) To share information that was previously (d) About to be successful
concealed SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 Shift-III
(d) In a confused or befuddled state of mind Ans. (c) :Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “in the limelight” (Deekeâ<e&Ce keâe
SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III kesâvõ) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) ‘The centre of attraction’ nesiee,
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “in the heat of the moment” peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
(›eâesOe kesâ keâejCe efyevee meesÛes mecePes kegâÚ keânvee/keâjvee) kesâ efueS 288. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
efJekeâuhe ‘Saying or doing something without thinking due given idiom:
In the nick of time
to anger’ mener nw~
(a) The beginning of a month
283. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) A special occasion
underlined idiom in the given sentence. (c) At the last possible moment
I want you to give me this contract in black and (d) A long delay
white. SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Idoms & Phrases 706 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'In the nick of time' (Deefvlece 294. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
meceÙe hej) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) 'At the last possible given idiom.
In a fog
moment' mener nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~
(a) Trapped in foggy weather
289. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) Confused and dazed
underlined idiom in the given sentence. (c) Disturbed and unhappy
We now have an ex-Minister in the running (d) Sightless and blind
from our constituency for the post of Member SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
of Parliament.
(a) jogging everyday (b) giving speeches Ans. (b) : ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'In a fog' keâe DeLe& nw-
(c) contesting the seat (d) teaching yoga 'Confused and dazed' (Yeüce ceW jnvee) nesiee~
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I) 295. In the following question, out of the four given
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle idiom/phrase 'in the running' alternatives, select the alternatives which best
express the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
keâe DeLe& nw- 'contesting the seat' (ØeefleÙeesefielee ceW Yeeie uesvee) In deep water
nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ (a) In great difficulties
290. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) With strength and fury
given idiom. (c) Using unfair means
in the pink (d) Struck by thunder
(a) in pink dress (b) in the limelight SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II)
(c) in a happy mood (d) in good health Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Idioms/phrase 'In deep water' keâe DeLe&
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I) nw- 'In great difficulties' (yengle cegefMkeâue ceW) nesiee~
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'In the pink' keâe DeLe& nw-
296. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
'In good health' (DeÛÚe mJeemLÙe) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe given idiom.
Demebiele nw~ In the nick of time
291. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) After the deadline
underlined idiom in the given sentence. (b) Much in advance
The abrogation of article 370 was achieved in (c) At the last possible moment
the teeth of tough resistance. (d) In the middle of things
(a) in direct opposition to SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(b) in a short span of time Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'In the nick of time' keâe
(c) in a state of uncertainty DeLe& nw- 'At the last possible moment' (Debeflece meceÙe hej)~
(d) in collaboration with
297. Select the option that means the same as the
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) given idiom.
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'In the teeth of' kesâ efueS In a nutshell
efJekeâuhe (a) 'In direct opposition to' (kesâ efJejesOe ceW) mener nw~ (a) In discussion (b) In writing
292. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (c) In detail (d) In brief
given idiom SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
In a nutshell Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'In a nutshell' keâe DeLe&
(a) Add nuts into something nw- 'In brief' (meb#eshe ceW) nesiee~
(b) Put everything in a shell in discussion - ÛeÛee& ceW
(c) Packed verytightly
in writing - efueefKele ™he ceW
(d) Express very briefly
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II) in detail - efJemleej mes
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'In a nutshell' keâe DeLe&– J
'express very briefly' (meb#eshe ceW) efJekeâuhe (d) mener nQ~ peyeefkeâ 298. Select the most appropriate idiom for the given
DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ situation.
293. Select the most appropriate meaning of the I was very excited about my new assignment. I
given idiom. sent the email without the required attachment.
In a pickle What have I done?
(a) in jubiliation (b) in deep sorrow (a) As swift as an eagle (b) Jumped the gun
(c) in trouble (d) in great pain (c) Tested the waters (d) Shook a leg
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'In a pickle' keâe DeLe& nw- Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Statement/Action kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ Idiom,
'in trouble or in a difficult situation' (mecemÙee ceW nesvee Ùee ‘jumped the Gun’ (peuoyeepeer keâjvee/yesmeyeÇer mes keâece keâjvee)
keâef"ve heefjefmLeefle) nesiee~ nesiee~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~
Idoms & Phrases 707 YCT
299. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) The weak point in a person
underlined idiom in the given sentence. (b) To accidentally hurt someone's feelings
Any jumped the gun and announced their (c) To achieves two things with a single effort
plans at the dinner table. (d) A work which needs tremendous efforts
(a) ate quickly (b) started shooting SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
(c) acted hastily (d) shouted loudly Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “kill two birds with one stone”
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-I) (Skeâ leerj mes oes efMekeâej keâjvee/Skeâ hebLe oes keâepe) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Jumped the gun' keâe (c) ‘To achieves two things with a single effort’ nesiee~
DeLe& nw- 'acted hastily' (MeerIeÇlee mes keâeÙe& keâjvee)~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
300. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 304. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. underlined idiom in the following sentence.
Jump on the bandwagon Keep an eye on the situation around, and take
(a) Do an activity that is fun your decision accordingly.
(b) Get engaged in an activity that is very (a) Ignore
important (b) Observe continually and carefully
(c) Do something because circumstances forces (c) Cries over spilt milk
you to (d) Be aggressive with red eyes
(d) Get involved in an activity because it is likely SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I)
to succeed Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “keep an eye” (meeJeOeeveerhetJe&keâ vepej
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-II) jKevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘Observe continually and
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes efJekeâuhe (d) idiom/phrase 'Jump on carefully’ mener nw, peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
the bandwagon' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Get involved in an activity 305. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
because it is likely to succeed' (yenleer iebiee ceW neLe Oeesvee) given idiom.
nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ Keep body and soul together
301. Select the meaning of the given idiom. (a) Live happily
To have a jaundiced eye (b) Live as long as possible
(a) To be very pleased (c) Be mentally and physically fit
(b) To have yellowish eyes (d) Stay alive during hard times
(c) To be prejudiced SSC MTS-18/07/2022 Shift-I
(d) To have sore eyes Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ Idiom, “keep body and soul together”
SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II) (keâef"ve heefjefmLeefle ceW Yeer Meevle keânvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Stay
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To have a jaundiced alive during hard times’ mener nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) mener nw~
eye' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To be prejudiced' (he#eheeleer nesvee) nesiee~ 306. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ given idiom .......................... knock down.
(a) To succeed (b) To accept
K (c) To demolish (d) To re do
302. In the following question, out of the given four SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-II
alternatives, select the alternative which best Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “knock down” (efiejevee/ve° keâjvee)
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. kesâ efueS ‘To demolish’ mener nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~
'Know the ropes' 307. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) To reveal a secret given idiom.
(b) To fight without any reason A kick in the teeth
(c) To understand the details (a) A grave setback
(d) To break the rules (b) Severe toothache
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I) (c) Removing tooth cavities
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “know the ropes” (TbÛe-veerÛe (d) Hitting someone hard
mecePevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) ‘To understand the details’ SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I)
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejes ò eâ Idiom, a kick in the teeth (yegjer lejn mes
303. In the following question, out of the given four nejvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'A grave setback' mener nw~
alternatives, select the alternative which best 308. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/phrase. kill given idiom.
two birds with one stone. Kith and kin
Idoms & Phrases 708 YCT
(a) family relations (b) distant enemies 313. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) neighbours (d) colleagues given idiom.
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) Keep a civil tongue
(a) maintain silence when needed
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Kith and kin' keâe DeLe&
(b) Argue with soft words
nw- 'family relations' (heeefjJeeefjkeâ efjMles)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ (c) Express dissent mildly
DeLe& mener nw– (d) Speak with great politeness
distant enemies - otj kesâ ogMceve SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-III)
neighbours - heÌ[esmeer Ans. (d) : ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Keep a civil tongue'
colleagues - menkeâceea keâe DeLe& nw - 'Speak with great politeness' (yeÌ[er efJeveceülee kesâ
meeLe yeesuevee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
309. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. 314. Select the most appropriate of the given idiom.
Know like the back of one’s hand Keep up appearances
(a) To pretend to be happier or richer so as to
(a) to hit someone with the back of one’s hand
conceal the real situation
(b) to be unaware of the situation (b) To spend a lot of time on appearances so as to
(c) to copy another’s trade secrets lead the fashion world
(d) to have detailed knowledge of something (c) To deliberately appear shabby and not care to
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) impress people
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Know like the back of (d) To waste a lot of money on mindless
one's hand' keâe DeLe& nw- (Ûehhee-Ûehhee peevevee kesâ efueS) efJekeâuhe shopping and not bother about the
(d) 'to have detailed knowledge of something or to SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
know something completely' (mebhetCe& peevekeâejer nesvee) nesiee~
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase "Keep up appearances"
310. Select the most appropriate meaning of the keâe DeLe& nw- "to pretend to be happier or richer so as to
given idiom. conceal the real situation" (efoKeeJee keâjvee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ
Kick up a row
DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
(a) hit someone angrily (b) cause a disturbance
(c) break a queue (d) arrange in rows 315. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom:
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Keep your shirt on
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'kick up a row' keâe DeLe& (a) To remain cool (b) To celebrate
nw- 'cause a disturbance' (yeeOee [euevee/DeJÙeJemLee Hewâueevee)~ (c) To keep busy (d) To work hard
311. Select the most appropriate meaning of the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
underlined idiom in the given sentence. Ans. (a) : ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase "Keep your shirt on"
Extreme poverty made the poor woman how keâe DeLe& nw - "To remain cool" (ieg mmee ve keâjvee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ
long she could keep the wolf from the door. DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
(a) live on charity 316. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(b) keep wild animals away underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(c) avoid starvation Ashutosh kept a stiff upper lip even when he
(d) be safe in her house was reprimanded in the presence of clients.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III) (a) behaved insolently
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Idiom/Phrase 'keep the wolf from the (b) started sniggering
(c) kept shouting
door' keâe DeLe& nw- Avoid starvation (YetKecejer keâes Yeieevee) (d) remained expressionless
nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-II)
312. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'kept a stiff upper lip'
underlined idiom in the given sentence. keâe DeLe& nw- 'Remained expressionless' (DeefYeJÙeefòeâ
He kicked up a row when he was denied entry jefnle/YeeJe MetvÙe nesvee) mener nw~
to the amusement park. 317. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) cried with sorrow (b) waited in a queue given idiom.
(c) kicked the guard (d) created a fuss Know something inside out
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III) (a) To know something from a distance
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'kicked up a row' keâe DeLe& (b) To know something superficially
(c) To have only a slight idea about something
nw- 'created a fuss' (efÛeuueevee/PeieÌ[vee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe
(d) To know everything about something
efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Idoms & Phrases 709 YCT
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Know something 322. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
inside out' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To know everything about given idiom.
something' (jie-jie mes Jeeefkeâheâ nesvee) mener nw~ (a) Naughty (b) Comical
318. Select the option that means the same as the (c) Not brave (d) Brave
given idiom. SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I)
To kill two birds with one stone Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Lily-Livered” (keâeÙej/[jheeskeâ) kesâ
(a) To shoo away birds efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Not brave’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe
(b) To shout at two individuals at a time
(c) mener nw~
(c) To achieve two aims simultaneously
(d) To do many jobs at different places 323. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-II) underlined idiom in the given sentence.
I accidentally let the cat out of the bag about
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'kill two birds with one your promotion.
stone' keâe DeLe& nw- 'to achieve two aims simultaneously' (a) To state the wrong facts
(Skeâ hebLe oes keâepe/ Skeâ leerj mes oes efveMeevee) nesiee~ (b) To reveal a secret
319. Select the option that means the same as the (c) To say something unrealistic
given idiom. (d) To discourage someone
To keep an eye on SSC MTS-14/07/2022 Shift-III
(a) To keep a watch (b) To be cautious Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ Idiom, “Let the cat out of the bag”
(c) To follow (d) To stare (jnmÙe Gpeeiej keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To reveal a secret’
SSC GD – 11/02/2019 (Shift-II) GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'keep an eye on' keâe DeLe& 324. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
nw- 'To keep a watch' (vepej yeveeÙes jKevee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe underlined idiom in the given sentence.
efJekeâuhe kesâ DeLe& nQ– The eldest sister received the lion's share of her
father's property.
To be cautious - meeJeOeeve nesvee
(a) the largest portion (b) the entire amount
To follow - heerÚe keâjvee (c) the smallest part (d) no portion at all
To stare - Ietjvee SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Lion’s share” (yeÌ[e efnmmee) kesâ
L efueS efJekeâuhe ‘the largest portion’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
320. In the following question, out of the given four Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~
alternatives, select the alternative which best
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. 325. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
The life and soul of the party given idiom.
(a) Person who brings lots of energy to the party Long in the tooth
(a) Too uncomfortable for words
(b) A person who brings lots of gifts
(b) Too old to do something
(c) The only person who dances in the party
(c) Too wise for people
(d) Chief guest of the party
(d) Extremely dangerous
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-II
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “life and sound” (Tpee& mes Yeje Ans. (b) :Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Long in the tooth” (yengle ner
nesvee/Tpee&Jeeve) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Person who brings lots of hegjevee, yetÌ{e) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Too old to do something’
energy to the party’ mener nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
321. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 326. Select the option that gives the most
given idiom. appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom.
Light at the end of tunnel My friends succeeded because they left no stone
(a) Something that signals the end of a difficult unturned in their search for an answer to the
situation problem.
(b) An opening at the end of a matter (a) depended on many people
(c) New light coming out from darkness (b) looked in different places
(d) Preparing for examinations (c) made every possible effort
SSC GD 12/01/2023 (Shift-II) (d) proposed good plans
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “light at the end of tunnel” SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-II
(keâef"ve heefjßece kesâ yeeo DeeMee keâer efkeâjCe) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe Ans. (c) :Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “left no stone unturned” (nj
‘Something that signals the end of a difficult situation’ mecYeJe ØeÙeeme keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Made every possible
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ effort’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~

Idoms & Phrases 710 YCT

327. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) be careful (b) locate
given idiom. (c) find out (d) search
Lie low SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Try not to be noticed Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Look out' (Ûeewkeâmeer
(b) Fly a plane at a low altitude
(c) Lie down and relax after a tiring day
keâjvee) keâe DeLe& nw- 'be careful' (meeJeOeeve jnvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW
(d) Sit on a low chair kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- locate - mLeeefhele keâjvee, search - Keespe
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III 333. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “lie low” (efÚhekeâj jnvee) kesâ efueS given idiom.
efJekeâuhe ‘Try not to be noticed’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: Little by little
efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~ (a) Not much (b) a few
(c) gradually (d) only once
328. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Let down Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Little by little' keâe DeLe&
(a) To fail (b) To care about nw- 'gradually' (Oeerjs-Oeerjs)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ-
(c) To nurse (d) To hire not much - yengle pÙeeoe veneR, a few - kegâÚ, only once -
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III
kesâJeue Skeâyeej
Ans. (a) :Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “let down” (DemeHeâue nesvee) kesâ efueS
334. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
efJekeâuhe ‘To fail’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a)
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
mener nw~
It is unfortunate that most people in the
329. Select the most appropriate meaning of the country are still living from hand to mouth.
given idiom. (a) saving for the future generations
Lose your touch (b) earning wealth by selfish means
(a) To be passed from one person to another
(c) consuming daily what little is earned
something being very difficult to find
(d) doing manual labour
(b) Something being very difficult to find
(c) Not being as successful as previously SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(d) Doing someone a favour in hopes that the Ans : (c) ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Living from hand to
favour will be returned mouth' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Consuming daily what little is earned'
SSC CHSL 24.05.2022 Shift-III (efkeâmeer lejn peerJeve-efveJee&n keâjvee) nesiee~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “lose your touch” (hekeâÌ[ keâcepeesj 335. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
nesvee/ henues keâer lejn meHeâue ve nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Not being given idiom.
as successful as previously’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Lock, stock and barrel
330. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) immediately (b) partly
given idiom. (c) rarely (d) completely
Lion's share SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Largest share (b) Animal's share
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Lock, stock and barrel'
(c) Forceful share (d) Limited share
SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I keâe DeLe& nw- 'completely' (hetCe&leÙee) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “lion's share” (yeÌ[e efnmmee/yeÌ[e efYeVe nQ-
Yeeie) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Largest share’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Partly- DeebefMekeâ ™he ceW
Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~ rarely- MeeÙeo ner keâYeer
331. Select the most appropriate meaning of the immediately- legjble
given idiom. 336. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
To look after
given idiom.
(a) To anticipate (b) to remove
Lend an ear
(c) To search for (d) To take care
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III) (a) to pay attention to
(b) to not make trouble
Ans. (d) : 'To look after (osKeYeeue keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe
(c) to force someone to listen
(d) to take care GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
(d) to not tell someone something
Demebiele nw~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)
332. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Lend an ear' keâe DeLe& nw-
given idiom.
Look out 'pay attention to' (yengle OÙeeve mes megvevee) mener nw~

Idoms & Phrases 711 YCT

337. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Left-handed
given idiom. compliment' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Insulting remark appearing as
Lead someone by the nose praise' (ØeMebmee keâjles ngÙes JÙebiÙe keâjvee) nesiee~
(a) to do the right thing
342. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(b) to force someone to take the blame
given idiom
(c) to dominate someone
late in the day
(d) to quarrel with someone (a) too old to work
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II) (b) too dark to see anything
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Lead someone by the (c) too delayed to be of any use
nose' keâe DeLe& nw- 'to dominate someone' (efkeâmeer hej neJeer nesvee (d) too ripe to eat
Ùee efkeâmeer hej OeesKes mes hetCe&le: ØeYeglJe pecee uesvee) nesiee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
338. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Late in the day' keâe DeLe&
given idiom. nw- 'too delayed to be of any use (DeefOekeâ osj keâjvee) nesiee~
Left out in cold 343. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) to be indecisive (b) to stand out given idiom.
(c) to be criticised (d) to be ignored leave no stone unturned
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) (a) leave the path halfway
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Left out in cold' keâe DeLe& (b) not make enough efforts
nw- 'to be ignored' (DeveosKee/vepej Deboepe keâj osvee) nesiee~ (c) turn everything upside down
(d) try everything possible
339. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –01/07/2019 (Shift-III)
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
Trying to find my lost ring in the college is like Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'leave no stone unturned'
looking for a needle in a haystack. keâe DeLe& nw- 'try everything possible' (nj mebYeJe ØeÙeeme keâjvee)
(a) Doing something impossible nesiee~
(b) Doing something unimportant 344. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) Making a big deal of a small thing given idiom.
(d) Doing something secretly To leave someone in the lurch.
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) (a) To put someone at ease
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'looking for a needle in a (b) To come to compromise with someone
haystack' keâe DeLe& nw- Doing something impossible (kegâÚ (c) Constant source of annoyance to someone
DemebYeJe keâjves keâe ØeÙeeme keâjvee) nesiee~ (d) To desert someone in his difficulties
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II)
340. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the sentence. Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'leave someone in the
If was the last straw; she decided to quit the job lurch' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To desert someone in his difficulties'
when she was blamed without reason. (efkeâmeer keâes cegmeeryele kesâ meceÙe ceW Úes[Ì osvee) nesiee~
(a) last straw available for anyone to pick up 345. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(b) only one straw was available for drinking the given idiom.
juice Let off the hook
(c) final irritant that made the situation unbearable (a) Not made to wait for a long time
(d) she picked the last option available for her (b) Not allowed to take part in an activity
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Allowed to escape from blame
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'last straw' keâe DeLe& nw- (d) Made to pay for one's actions
'Final irritant that made the situation unbearable' (yeoe&Mle SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I)
mes yeenj) nesiee~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~ Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Let off the hook' keâe
341. Select the most appropriate meaning of the DeLe& nw- 'Allowed to escape from blame' (Deejeshe mes
given idiom Úgškeâeje osvee, mebkeâš mes Gyeejvee) nesiee~
left- handed compliment 346. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) praise that is given directly given idiom.
(b) insulting someone in front of others Like talking to a brick wall
(c) insulting remark appearing as praise (a) Fascinated (b) Frightened
(d) making fun of someone to tease them (c) Curious (d) Inattentive
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Idoms & Phrases 712 YCT
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Like talking to a brick Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'lose one's head' keâe
wall' keâe DeLe& nw- 'inattentive' (DemeeJeOeeve/ueehejJeen) nesiee~ DeLe& nw- 'To lose self control' (nesMe Kees osvee) nesiee~
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- 352. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Fascinated – ceb$ecegiOe given idiom.
Frightened – Deelebefkeâle/YeÙeYeerle To lead by the nose
Curious – Glmegkeâ (a) To hit someone on the nose
(b) To completely control someone
347. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (c) To burden someone with work
given idiom.
(d) To depend totally on someone
She declared that it was the last straw and fled.
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) the situation had become unbearable
(b) it was the last time she would use a straw Ans. (b) : ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'lead by the nose' keâe
(c) the situation was improving DeLe& nw- 'To completely control someone' (efkeâmeer keâes hetjer
(d) it was last time she would hold a straw lejn mes efveÙebef$ele keâjvee) nesiee~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I) 353. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase "last straw" keâe DeLe& nw- given idiom.
"The situation had become unbearable" (yeoe&Mle mes yeenj) Let bygones be bygones
nesiee~ (a) Neat and tidy
(b) Just at the last moment
348. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. (c) To remember the past
Look after (d) To forgive and forget
(a) Take care of (b) Resemble SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Search for (d) Scold Ans. (d) : ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Let bygones be
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I) bygones' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To forgive and forget' (yeerleer yeeleeW
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Look after' (osKeYeeue keâjvee) keâes Yeguee osvee) nesiee~
keâe DeLe& nw- 'Take care of' nesiee~ 354. Select the meaning of the given idiom in the
349. Select the most appropriate meaning of the sentence.
given idiom. The detective left no stone unturned to trace
Look before you leap the culprit.
(a) Prepare yourself before jumping (a) Took no pains
(b) Think carefully of the consequences (b) Resorted to unfair practices
(c) Pull someone out from a disaster (c) Used all available means
(d) Caution others before taking a step (d) Did irrelevant things
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-II) SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Look before you leap' keâe Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'left no stone unturned'
DeLe& nw- 'think carefully of the consequences' (kegâÚ keâjves mes keâe DeLe& nw- 'used all available means' (GheueyOe meYeer meeOeveeW
henues DeÛÚer lejn meesÛe uesvee) nesiee~ keâe GheÙeesie) mener nesiee~
350. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
Last straw 355. Select the most appropriate idiom for the
(a) Final problem in the series underlined words in the given sentence.
(b) Last cookie on the plate Playing fantasy games on internet is an easy
(c) Last person in the queue way to make money quickly but it’s risky.
(d) Final decision (a) in for a penny in for a pound
(b) not fair and square
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) making a quick buck
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Last straw' keâe DeLe& nw-
(d) bigger fish to fry
'final problem in the series' (Debeflece mecemÙee) mener nesiee~ SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I)
351. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Meyo “an easy way to make
given idiom.
money quickly” kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ idiom, ‘making a quick
To lose one's head
(a) To be beheaded for disloyalty buck’ (Deemeeveer Deewj lespeer mes hewmee keâceevee) mener nesiee~
(b) To lose self control 356. In the following question, out of the given four
(c) To die valiantly in a war alternatives, select the alternative whichbest
(d) To lose one's position expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III) miss the bus
Idoms & Phrases 713 YCT
(a) Short lived glory 361. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(b) lose an opportunity following idiom.
(c) Escape by a thin margin Make both ends meet
(d) A problem in a situation (a) Manage expenses with just enough funds
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II) (b) Manage to reach two solutions
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “miss the bus” (DeJemej Kees osvee) kesâ (c) Make two people patch up
efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Lose an opportunity’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ (d) Be able to travel to two places
357. Select the most appropriate meaning of the SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (H.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-I)
underlined idiom in the given sentence. Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes Idiom 'Make both ends meet' (LeesÌ[s
When I asked for an expensive dress for my hewmeeW mes iegpeeje keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) manage expenses
friend’s wedding, my mother reminded me
with just enough funds GheÙegòeâ DeLe& osles nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe
that money does not grow on trees.
(a) Money is hard earned and limited (a) mener nw~
(b) Money grows on shrubs and there’s plenty 362. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) Money is like leaves of a tree and freely given idiom.
available Make one’s mark
(d) Money is freely available to spend (a) leave a clue (b) claim a right
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-III (c) sign a deal (d) attain recognition
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “money does not grow on SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
trees” (hewmee cegefMkeâue mes keâceeÙee peelee nw) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Make one’s mark' keâe
‘Money is hard earned and limited’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee
DeLe& nw- 'attain recognition' (henÛeeve yeveevee) mener nw~
nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~
363. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
358. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
given idiom.
Make up one's mind
Miss the boat
(a) Miss the person (b) Miss an opportunity (a) to decide (b) to lie
(c) Miss the journey (d) Miss the goal of life (c) to pretend (d) to achieve
SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “miss the boat” (DeJemej Keesvee) kesâ Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Make up one's mind'
efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Miss an opportunity’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ keâe DeLe& nw- to decide (efveCe&Ùe keâj uesvee)~ DevÙe MeyoeW kesâ DeLe&
DevÙe efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~ nQ- to lie - Pet" yeesuevee, to pretend - {eWie keâjvee, to achieve -
359. Select the most appropriate meaning of the neefmeue keâjvee
given idiom. 364. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
To make both ends meet underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(a) To have just enough money to live
The thieves made off with all the case and
(b) To try to do two different things at the same
jewellery in the house.
(c) To try do bring two parties together (a) discovered (b) squandered
(d) To try to solve a problem between friends (c) ran away with (d) transferred
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –19/04/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, To make both ends meet Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'made off with' keâe DeLe&
(cegefMkeâue mes peerJeve-Ùeeheve keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'To have just nw- 'Ran away with' (Yeeie peevee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe&
enough money to live' GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ nQ– DeeefJe<keâej efkeâÙee ngDee, Discovered - DeefJe<keâej efkeâÙee ngDee,
360. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Squandered - GÌ[eÙee ieÙee, Transferred - Debleefjle, leyeeouee
given idiom : 365. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Move heaven and earth given idiom.
(a) Pay for something Make a beeline for
(b) Make every effort to achieve something
(a) Go for freebies (b) Go straight to
(c) Start something new
(c) Stand in a queue (d) Make a line for honey
(d) Make difficult choices
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'Move heaven and earth' (nj Ans : (b) ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Make a beeline for' keâe
mecYeJe ØeÙeeme keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) 'Make every effort DeLe& nw- 'Go straight to' (meerOes efkeâmeer keâer lejheâ Ûeues peevee)~ Dele:
to achieve something' GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~
Idoms & Phrases 714 YCT
366. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 371. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the sentence. given idiom.
The suspect made a clean breast of it during Made out of whole cloth
the enquiry . (a) Entirely false and fabricated
(a) blamed his companion (b) Entirely fabricated though believable
(b) asked for a fresh shirt (c) Entirely true and convincing
(c) confessed his crime (d) Entirely false though convincing
(d) took off his shirt SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Made out of whole
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'make a clean breast of' cloth' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Entirely false and fabricated' (hetjer lejn
keâe DeLe& nw- 'confessed his crime' (Deheves DehejeOe keâes mJeerkeâej ieuele leLee ceveieÌ{ble) nesiee~
keâj uesvee) nesiee~ 372. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
367. Select the most appropriate idiom to fill in the given idiom.
blank. Make a beeline
The festival expenses are bound to –––– in my (a) Be crazy (b) Go straight to
pocket. (c) Remain busy (d) Stand in a queue
(a) be upfront (b) be out of the blue SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) make a dent (d) give a clean chit Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Make a beeline' keâe
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) DeLe& nw- 'Go straight to' (meerOes peevee) nesiee~
Ans : (c) efjòeâ mLeeve ceW idom 'make a dent' keâe ØeÙeesie GefÛele
373. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
nw, efpemekeâe DeLe& nw- 'to reduce the amount of something given idiom.
(keâce keâjvee)~ Miss the boat
368. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) To miss someone you love
given idiom (b) To lose something important
Make no headway (c) To forget something at home
(a) check if the head can pass through (d) To miss an opportunity
(b) unable to progress ahead SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) unable to overtake anyone Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Miss the boat' keâe DeLe&
(d) forced to fix a new goal nw- 'To miss an opportunity' (DeJemej Kees osvee)~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Make no headway' keâe N
DeLe& nw- 'unable to progress ahead' (Deeies yeÌ{ves ceW DemeceLe&) 374. Select the most appropriate meaning of
nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ following idiom.
369. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Nip in the bud
given idiom (a) To cut the buds (b) To destroy late
Make short work of something (c) Not to destroy (d) To destroy early
(a) Reduce the size (b) Dispose of quickly SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-III
(c) Edit carefully (d) Shorten some dress Ans. (d) : Ghejes
ò eâ Idiom, “Nip in the bud” (mecemÙee keâes Meg™ ceW
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I) meceehle keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To destroy early’ mener nesiee~
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Make short work of 375. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
something' keâe DeLe& nw- 'dispose of quickly' (peuoer meceehle given idiom.
keâjvee) nesiee~ Neither fish nor fowl
(a) Something which can neither be purchased
370. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
nor be grown
given idiom.
(b) Something which can neither be supplied
Mad as a hatter
easily nor be made available readily
(a) superstitious (b) very upset
(c) Something which can neither be supplied
(c) eccentric (d) old fashioned easily nor be accepted befittingly
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-III) (d) Something which can neither be eaten nor be
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Mad as a hatter' keâe DeLe& preserved
nw- "Eccentric"- (efmejefheâje/mevekeâer) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-III)
efYeVe nw- Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Neither fish nor fowl'
Superstitious- DebOe efJeÕeemeer/Jenceer keâe DeLe& nw- 'Something which can neither be categorized
Very upset- yengle hejsMeeve easily nor be accepted befittingly' (efyeKeje ngDee, DeeOee
Old fashioned- hegjeves peceeves keâe ef lelej DeeOee yešsj) mener nesiee~
Idoms & Phrases 715 YCT
376. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
Not mince (your) words 381. In the following question, out of the given four
(a) State your opinion clearly alternatives, select the alternative which best
(b) No to have clarity expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. On
(c) Eat a lot clumsily account of
(a) To mark one’s territory
(d) Say words that are confusing
(b) Because of
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) To make excuses
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Not mince (your) (d) To settle dues
words' keâe DeLe& nw- 'state your opinion clearly' (Deheves SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II)
efJeÛeejeW keâes mhe° ™he mes keânvee/JÙeòeâ keâjvee) nesiee~ Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “on account of” (kesâ keâejCe/uesefkeâve)
377. In the following question, out of the four given kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Because of’ mener nw~
alternatives, select the alternatives which best 382. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
express the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. given idiom.
No ifs and buts On the fence
(a) Jubilant (b) Low spirited (a) Under all conditions
(c) No doubts (d) Screaming (b) Undaunted by anything
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) (c) Halting between two options
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes Idioms/phrase 'No ifs and buts' keâe (d) On very intimate terms
DeLe& nw- 'No doubts' (efyevee Mebkeâe kesâ) Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~ SSC GD 13/02/2023 (Shift-I)
378. In the following question, out of the given four Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “on the fence” (ogefJeOee ceW Heâbmevee)
alternatives, select the alternative which best kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ efJekeâuhe ‘Halting between two options’
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~
Nail-biting 383. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) Suspenseful (b) Plentiful given idiom.
(c) Peaceful (d) Joyful Out of the blue
SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-III) (a) Unconcerned (b) Undoubtedly
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Nail-biting' keâe DeLe& nw- (c) Unexpectedly (d) Unbelievably
'Suspenseful' (Deefveef§eleleehetCe&/jesceebÛekeâ efmLeefle) nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “out of the blue” (DeØelÙeeefMele) kesâ
379. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. efueS efJekeâuhe (c) ‘Unexpectedly’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
No strings attached 384. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) Without conditions to restrictions given idiom.
(b) Forced to do something On the ball
(c) Involving a choice to be made (a) Playing with a ball
(d) Lacking clarity (b) Exercising using a ball
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Doing a job in a slow and incorrect manner
(d) Doing a job in a quick and competent manner
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'No strings attached' keâe
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)
DeLe& nw- 'Without conditions to restrictions' (efyevee Mele& kesâ)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “on the ball” (JÙeJeefmLele ™he ceW
nesiee~ keâeÙe& keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Doing a job in a quick and
380. Select the most appropriate meaning of the competent manner’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
underlined idiom in the given sentence. 385. In the following question, out of the given four
The idea of making a children's park has been alternatives, select the alternative which best
nipped in the bud by the local council. expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
(a) encouraged strongly Over and above
(b) included somewhere else (a) Above all
(c) changed completely (b) To sum up the conversation
(d) dropped at an early stage (c) In addition to
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I) (d) Highest rank
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle idiom/phrase 'Nipped in the SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/03/2023 (Shift-III)
bud' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Dropped at an early stage' (efkeâmeer cegös keâes Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “over and above” (kesâ Deefleefjòeâ/kesâ
Meg™Deeleer DeJemLee ceW Úes[Ì osvee)~ keâejCe) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘In addition to’ nesiee~
Idoms & Phrases 716 YCT
386. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) Extremely happy
given idiom. (b) Frequently flying by air
One's cup of tea (c) Flying with a parachute
(a) One's perception about someone (d) Extremely sad
(b) One's general principle SSC CGL (Tier-I) –23/08/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) One's hard-earned money Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'On cloud nine' (meeleJeW Deemeceeve
(d) One's chosen or preferred thing hej/yengle KegMe nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'Extremely happy' GheÙegòeâ
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-I JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “one’s cup of tea” (hemevo keâer 392. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ûeerpe) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘one’s chosen or preferred thing’ given idiom.
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Once in a blue moon
(a) Always
387. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) Rarely and infrequently
given idiom. (c) At regular intervals
Out for the count (d) A natural occurrence
(a) Very expensive SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
(b) Prepared for battle Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ idiom 'Once in a blue moon' (F&o keâe
(c) In a deep, insensible sleep
ÛeeBo nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'rarely and infrequently' GheÙegòeâ
(d) Ready for scrutiny
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-I
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
393. In the following question, out of the given four
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Out for the count” (ienjer veero ceW
alternatives, select the alternative which best
nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ceW DeLe& ‘In a deep, insensible sleep’ expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
nesiee~ Of the first water
388. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) Leading a comfortable life.
given idiom. (b) Acting contrary to the one's interests
On the wane (c) Critically important
(a) On the rise (b) On the way (d) Of the best quality
(c) On the top (d) On the decline SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-II Ans. (d) Ghejes òeâ idiom, 'of the first water' (meJe&ßes‰ iegCe) kesâ
Ans. (d) :Ghejesòeâ Idiom “on the wane” (Jeyee&oer kesâ keâieej hej) efueS efJekeâuhe (d) 'of the best quality' GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe On the decline’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ 394. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the given sentence. On the
peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ face of it, nothing seems to be fishy about the
389. Select the most appropriate meaning of the matter.
given idiom. (a) On deeper scrutiny
On cloud nine (b) From facial expressions
(a) Extremely happy (b) Good number (c) What appears on the surface
(c) Travel by airplane (d) Heavy rain (d) In comparison
SSC CHSL 31.05.2022 Shift-III SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (G.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “on cloud nine” (yengle KegMe Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'On the face of it' (melen hej
nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘extremely happy’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee efoKeeF& osvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) 'What appears on the
surface' GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
395. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
390. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
given idiom. Once bitten twice shy
On tenterhooks (a) an insect bite that leaves a permanent mark
(a) Very sad (b) Very tense (b) a bitter experience making one cautious for
(c) Very happy (d) Very angry future
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I) (c) a person with no self confidence
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom 'On tenterhooks' (ogefJeOee ceW) keâe (d) to be shy of meeting strangers
GefÛele DeLe& efJekeâuhe (b) very tense nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
osles nw~ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Once bitten twice shy'
keâe DeLe& nw- 'a bitter experience making one cautious for
391. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. future' (otOe keâe peuee ÚeÚ Yeer hetBâkeâ-heBtâkeâ keâj heerlee nw) mener
On cloud nine nesiee~
Idoms & Phrases 717 YCT
396. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 401. In the following question, out of the four given
underlined idiom in the given sentence. alternatives, select the alternative which best
The man heaved a sigh of relief when he was expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
sure he was out of the woods. On account of
(a) discharged from hospital (a) Instead of (b) Despite
(b) released from prison (c) Because of (d) Rejecting something
(c) out of danger SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III)
(d) out of the forest Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom 'on account of' keâe DeLe&
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Because of (keâer Jepen mes) nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Out of the woods' - keâe
402. In the following question, out of the four given
DeLe& nw- 'out of danger' (Kelejs mes yeenj nesvee) mener nw~ alternatives which best expresses the meaning
397. Select the most appropriate meaning of the of the Idiom/Phrase.
given below. On the wrong side of sixty
Out of bounds (a) To be inexperienced
(a) Forbidden (b) Within limits (b) To be older than sixty
(c) Tied up (d) Limitless (c) To be able to convince
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-II) (d) To be unsuitable
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Out of bounds' keâe DeLe& SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
nw- 'forbidden' (meercee kesâ yeenj/efveef<eæ) nesiee~ Dele: efJekeâuhe Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom 'on the wrong side of sixty' keâe
(a) mener nw~ GheÙegòeâ DeLe& 'To be older than sixty' (60 Je<e& mes Thej keâer
398. Select the most appropriate meaning of the DeeÙeg) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ efYeVe DeLe& nQ–
given idiom.
To be inexperienced – DevegYeJenerve nesiee~
Once in a blue moon
(a) An incident that is scary To be able to convince – mecePeeves ceW me#ece nesves kesâ efueS
(b) Happening only once in a lifetime To be unsuitable – DevegheÙegkeäle nesvee
(c) Happening only rarely 403. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(d) An unforgettable experience given idiom.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-II) On the tip of my tongue
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Once in a blue moon' (a) Feeling extremely joyful
keâe DeLe& nw- 'Happening only rarely' (keâYeer-keâYeer Ieefšle nesves (b) Readily available in my memory
Jeeuee) mener nw~ (c) Excessively costly
399. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (d) At full speed
underlined idiom in the given sentence. If SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)
someone is an old hand, then he/she is: Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'On the tip of my
(a) experienced (b) weak tongue' (pegyeeve keâer veeWkeâ hej) keâe DeLe& nw- 'readily available
(c) aged (d) forgetful in my memory' (pegyeeve hej nesvee, Yeueer-YeeBefle Ùeeo nesvee)~ DevÙe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III)
efJekeâuheeW kesâ efYeVe DeLe& nQ–
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Old hand' keâe DeLe& nw-
Feeling extremely joyful – nef<e&le, Øehegâefuuele
'experienced' (DevegYeJeer)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ-
weak– keâcepeesj, Aged– JeÙeesJe=æ Forgetful– YeguekeäkeâÌ[~ Excessively costly – DelÙeefOekeâ cenbiee
400. In the following question out of the four given 404. In the following question, out of the given four
alternatives, select the alternatives which best
alternatives select the alternative which best
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/phrase.
On the brink of disaster Over my dead body
(a) Something still in hand (a) Opposing something fiercely
(b) Natural destruction (b) Inheriting of fortune
(c) To die (c) Erecting a grave stone
(d) Very close to failure (d) Threatening to kill oneself
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I) SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (d) eqoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'on the brink of disaster' Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Over my dead body'
keâe DeLe& 'very close to failure' (DemeHeâuelee keâs keâieej hej) mener keâe DeLe& nw- 'opposing something fiercely' (efkeâmeer keâer yeele
nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ efYeVe DeLe& nQ– keâe Øeyeuelee hetJe&keâ efJejesOe keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW efYeVe DeLe& nQ–
Something still in hand – DeYeer Yeer kegâÚ neLe ceW nw~ Inheriting of fortune – YeeiÙe keâer efJejemele
Natural destruction – Øeeke=âeflekeâ efJeveeMe Erecting a grave stone – meceeefOe keâe helLej KeÌ[e keâjvee
To die – oce štšvee Threatening to kill oneself – Kego keâes ceejves keâer Oecekeâer osvee

Idoms & Phrases 718 YCT

405. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 409. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. bracketed idiom in the given sentence. Sure,
Off the cuff fixing a flubbed decision isn't always a (piece of
(a) To be in a hurry (b) To be lazy cake), but it's rarely impossible.
(c) Without preparation (d) Without any loss (a) A task that can be accomplished very easily
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-I) (b) Having no stand, shows favour at one time
Ans. : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'off the cuff' keâe DeLe& nw- and unfavour at another
'without preparation' (efyevee hetJe& lewÙeejer kesâ) mener nesiee~ DevÙe (c) A rare event or occurrence
efJekeâuheeW kesâ efYeVe DeLe& nQ– (d) The family bond is closer than anything else
SSC MTS 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
To be in a hurry – peuoer ceW
To be lazy – Deeueme Ans. (a ) : Ghejesòeâ bracketed Idiom, “piece of cake” (yengle
Without any loss – efyevee efkeâmeer neefve kesâ Deemeeve keâeÙe&) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘A task that can be
accomplished very easily’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
406. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. 410. Select the most appropriate option that can
Out of date substitute the underlined segment in the given
(a) Being careless sentence.
(b) Something old fashioned My mother asked my father to increase her
(c) A worthless fellow personal use allowance.
(d) A date seed (a) rank and file (b) pell mell
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-I) (c) pin money (d) pins and needles
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Out of date' keâe DeLe& nw- SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/08/2023 (Shift-II)
'something old fashioned' (DeØeÛeefuele, hegjevee)~ DevÙe Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Meyo “Personal use allowance”
efJekeâuheeW kesâ efYeVe DeLe& nQ– kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ ‘Idiom, pin money’ (pesye KeÛe&) GheÙegòeâ nesiee~
Being careless – ueehejJeen nesvee 411. Select the most appropriate idiom for the
A worthless fellow – Skeâ yeskeâej Deeoceer underlined words in the given sentence.
The childhood days are peaceful days of our
407. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
(a) hard and fast days (b) halcyon days
Once bitten, twice shy
(a) Someone who doesn't learn from his previous (c) live wire days (d) all years
experiences SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV)
(b) An unpleasant experience induces caution Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Peaceful days” (Meebefle kesâ efove) kesâ
(c) Someone who is afraid of taking challenges efueS efJekeâuhe ‘halcyon days’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele:
(d) To keep something precious safely efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-III)
412. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Once bitten, twice shy'
given idiom
keâe DeLe& nw- 'An unpleasant experience induces caution' 'Pedal to the metal'
(otOe keâe peuee ÚeBÚ Yeer hetBâkeâ-hetBâkeâ heerlee nw) mener nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) To enjoy yourself by going out.
(b) mener nw~ (b) To go full speed, especially while driving a
P (c) Avoid responsibility by giving it to someone
408. Select the most appropriate meaning of the else
bracketed idiom in the given sentence. (d) Very excessive
Later, Brooks' brother aleged that racism SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-III)
helped put the (pedal to the metal).
(a) Very excessive Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “pedal to the metal” (yengle lespe
(b) To go full speed, especially while driving a ieef le mes Jeenve Ûeueevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To go full speed
vehicle especially while driving a vehicle’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
(c) Avoid responsibility by giving it to someone 413. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
(d) To enjoy yourself by going out
Play with fire
SSC MTS 10/05/2023 (Shift-I)
(a) To play a game honestly
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ bracketed Idiom, “pedal to the
(b) To do something risky
Metal” (yengles lespeer mes Jeenve Ûeueevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To go (c) To please someone
full speed, especially while driving a vehicle’ GheÙegòeâ (d) To waste time on worthless things
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III
Idoms & Phrases 719 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Play with fire” (Kelejveekeâ keâece Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Playing with fire' keâe
keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To do something risky’ GheÙegòeâ DeLe& nw- 'taking a grave risk' (Keleje ceesue uesvee/ peesefKece
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~ G"evee) mener nesiee~
414. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 419. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. underlined idiom in the given sentence.
Play with fire
One must learn to prioritize in life. It never
(a) To be courageous
pays to put the cart before the horse.
(b) To fight an opponent
(c) To do something dangerous (a) postpone till the last moment
(d) To spread knowledge (b) perform many tasks simultaneously
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II (c) do things spontaneously
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “play with fire” ( Kelejveekeâ keâece (d) do last things first
keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘to do something dangerous’ GheÙegòeâ SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Put the cart before the
415. Select the most appropriate meaning of the horse' keâe DeLe& nw- 'do last things first' (DeJÙeJeefmLele keâjvee Ùee
given idiom. JemlegDeeW keâes Gušs meerOes ›eâce ceW jKevee) mener nw~
Pipe dream 420. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) A dream or idea that is loudly proclaimed given idiom.
(b) A dream or idea that is nearly accomplished
pull yourself together
(c) A dream or idea that is unlikely to happen
(a) go to sleep (b) try to understand
(d) A dream or idea that keeps getting repeated
(c) calm down (d) do a good job
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –17/08/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, Pipe dream (keâuhevee/ceesn) kesâ efueS
A dream or idea that is unlikely to happen efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ Ans. (c) : ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'pull yourself together'
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ keâe DeLe& nw- 'Calm down' (Meeble jnvee) mener nw~
416. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 421. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the given sentence. given idiom.
The sad part of the agitation is that most of the pull someone's leg
leaders are only paying lip-service to the issue. (a) joke with someone
(a) saying they agree although they do not (b) get upset with someone
support it (c) tell someone a secret
(b) partially impressing the crowds (d) trust someone
(c) making long speeches for the cause
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(d) growing angry and restless with the
organisers Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Pull someone's leg' keâe DeLe&
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) nw- 'Joke with someone' (efkeâmeer keâe cepeekeâ GÌ[evee) mener nw~
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'paying lip-service' (KegMeeceo 422. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) 'saying they agree although given idiom
they do not support it' GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Put your best foot forward
417. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) take care to dress well
given idiom. (b) walk very cautiously
Pocket an insult (c) try as hard as one can
(a) bear an insult quietly (b) plan a revenge (d) check every step
(c) express true feelings (d) resent an affront SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Put your best foot
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Pocket an insult' keâe
forward' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Try as hard as one can' (DeÛÚe ØeYeeJe
DeLe& nw- 'bear an insult quietly' (Deheceeve keâes ÛegheÛeehe menvee)
mener nesiee~ [eueves keâe ØeÙelve) mener nw~
423. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
418. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
Raju was playing with fire when he made My aunt who orders every one around is a pain
speeches against the management. in the neck.
(a) taking a grave risk (b) smoking a cigarette (a) irritating (b) short tempered
(c) provoking the crowd (d) lighting candles (c) curious (d) argumentative
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III)

Idoms & Phrases 720 YCT

Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'pain in the neck' keâe DeLe& 428. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
nw- 'Irritating' (iegmmee efoueeves Jeeuee) nesiee~ idiom.
Pull yourself together
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- (a) Talk about fitness
Short tempered- peuo iegmmee nesves Jeeuee (JÙeefòeâ) (b) Be friendly with everyone
Curious- efpe%eemeg (c) Use a rope ladder
Argumentative- efJeJeeohetCe& (d) Regain composure
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-I)
424. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Pull yourself together'
given idiom.
(efveÙeb$eCe keâjvee) keâe DeLe& nw- 'Regain composure' (hegve: Øeehle
Pass the hat
(a) to sell something (b) to collect money
keâjvee) nesiee~
(c) to play a game (d) to avoid work 429 . In the following question, out of the four given
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I) alternatives, select the alternative which best
expresses the meaning of the idiom/Phrase.
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Pass the hat' keâe DeLe& nw- Pull strings
'to collect money' (Oeve Fkeâó"e keâjvee) nesiee~ (a) Fixed the issue (b) In a dilemma
425. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (c) To use influence (d) Losing hope
given idiom. SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Plain as day Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Pull strings' (ØeYeeJe
(a) Very simple and easy to do [euevee) keâe DeLe& nw- ' to use influence' (JÙeefòeâiele ØeYeeJe keâe
(b) Visible only in broad daylight ØeÙeesie keâjvee) nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ–
(c) Very obvious and easy to understand Fixed the issue – efmLej keâer ngF&
(d) Very interesting to know In a dilemma – efÉefJeOee ceW
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-III) Losing hope – Gcceero Kees osvee
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Plain as day' keâe DeLe& nw- 430. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
'Very obvious and easy to understand' (mecePeves kesâ efueS yengle given idiom.
To pick up the threads
mhe° SJeb Deemeeve) mener nw~ (a) To examine as issue seriously
426. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) Being received very warmly
given idiom. (c) To restart from the previous closing point
Parthian shot (d) At a short distance
(a) Parting hit (b) Victory SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Praise (d) Say goodbye Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase ''pick up the threads'' (efheâj
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 16/10/2020 (Shift-I) mes mebYeuevee) keâe DeLe& nw- ''To restart from the previous closing
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Parthian shot' (DeeefKejer point'' (efheâj mes mebYeuevee) DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ–
oeBJe) keâe DeLe& nw- 'Parting hit' (Dehe=Lekeâve, efJeoeF& kesâ meceÙe To examine as issue seriously – JeemleJe ceW
keâe)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- Victory - efJepeÙe, Praise Being received very warmly– iece& peesMeer mes mJeeiele keâjvee
- ØeMebmee, Say goodbye - efJeoe kesâ meceÙe keâe ØeCeece At a short distance – LeesÌ[er otjer hej
431. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
427. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
Put the cart before the horse
His guide asked him to pull up his socks if he (a) To do last things first
wanted a good rank. (b) To lie about a situation
(a) dress more carefully and neatly (c) To follow the logical order
(b) make a greater effort to improve (d) To do impractical things
(c) take care to be more formal SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(d) give attention to his appearance also
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Put the cart before the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
horse' (JemlegDeeW keâes Gušs-meerOes ›eâce ceW jKevee) keâe DeLe& nw- 'to
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Pull up someone's do last things first' (ieuele {bie mes keâeÙe& keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe
socks' Deheves ceW megOeej ueevee keâe DeLe& nw- 'make a greater efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ–
effort to improve' (DelÙeefOekeâ megOeej keâe ØeÙeeme keâjvee) mener To do last things first – DeeefKejer keâece henues keâjvee
nesiee~ To lie about a situation – efmLeefle kesâ yeejs ceW Pet" yeesuevee
Idoms & Phrases 721 YCT
432. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) caused fear
given idiom. (b) wasting a vast treasure
To pull someone's legs (c) an activity in motion
(a) of a kind and sympathetic nature (d) a person who seems strange or unusual
(b) To use all possible methods SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) To play a joke on someone Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ Idiom, 'Queer fish' (mevekeâer JÙeefòeâ) keâe DeLe&
(d) Not a serious information efJekeâuhe (d) 'A person who seems strange or unusual nw~
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-III) DevÙe efJekeâuhees kesâ efYeVe DeLe& osles nw–
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase ‘To pull someone's caused fear – YeÙe keâe keâejCe
legs’ (heerÚs keâjvee) keâe DeLe& nw-'To play a joke on Someone' wasting a vast treasure – Skeâ efJeMeeue Kepeevee yeyee&o
(šebie KeerÛevee, cepeekeâ keâjvee) mener nw~ an activity in motion – ieefleceeve Skeâ ieefleefJeefOe
433. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 437. Select the most appropriate meaning of given
given idiom. idiom.
Pull up your socks A question of time
(a) To lose one's temper (a) Something that is sure to happen
(b) To put in extra effort (b) Caused damage
(c) To play a joke on someone (c) Spread rapidly
(d) To suspect some foul play (d) Spread slowly
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ idiom 'A question of time' (ØeMveeJeefOe) keâer
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Pull up your socks' keâe
GefÛele JÙeeKÙee efJekeâuhe (a) Something that is sure to happen
DeLe& nw- 'to put in extra effort' (Deefleefjòeâ ØeÙeeme keâjvee/megOeej
(YeefJe<Ùe ceW Ieefšle) keâjlee nw~
ueevee) Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener nw~
434. Select the meaning of the given idiom. R
To pour oil in troubled water 438. In the following question, out of the given four
(a) To calm a dispute alternatives, select the alternative which best
(b) To create tension expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
(c) To light a fire Rolling in cash
(d) To raise a controversy (a) Have a large quantity of money
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-III) (b) A business magnate
(c) To borrow a costly attire
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'pour oil in troubled
(d) Buying things on interest
water' (PeieÌ[e efceševee) keâe DeLe& nw- 'To calm a dispute' SSC MTS 18/05/2023 (Shift-I)
(PeieÌ[e Kelce keâjvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ–
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Rolling in cash” (yengle DeefOekeâ hewmee
To create tension – leveeJe hewoe keâjvee nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Have a large quantity of money’ GheÙegòeâ
To light a fire – Deeie peueevee JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ efYeVe DeLe& nw–
To raise a controversy – efJeJeeo KeÌ[e keâjvee A business magnate – JÙeeheej kesâ efueS JÙeeheej
435. Select the meaning of the given idiom in the To borrow a costly attire – Skeâ cenBieer heesMeekeâ GOeej uesvee
sentence. Buying things on interest – yÙeepe hej ÛeerpeW Kejerovee
Harassed by repeated acts of injustice, he 439. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
decided to put his foot down. given idiom.
(a) Resign (b) Not to yield Royal road
(c) Withdraw (d) Change his mind (a) Achieving something by birth
SSC GD – 08/03/2019 (Shift-III) (b) Achieving something by truth
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'put his foot down' (efkeâmeer (c) Achieving something by false means
Ûeerpe keâes jeskeâves kesâ efueS Deheves DeefOekeâej keâe ØeÙeesie keâjvee) keâe DeLe& nw- (d) Achieving something trouble free
'Not to yield' ([š peevee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nQ- SSC GD 01/02/2023 (Shift-II)
Resign - heo keâe heefjlÙeeie Ans. (d) : Ghejes ò eâ Idiom, “Royal road” (kegâÚ neefmeue keâjves
Withdraw - efvekeâeuevee, nševee
keâe Deemeeve lejer k eâe) kes â ef ueS efJekeâuhe (d) ‘Achieving
something trouble free’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ DevÙe
Change his mind - Fjeoe yeouevee
efJekeâuheeW kesâ efYeVe DeLe& nw–
Q Achieving something by birth – pevce mes ner Øeehle keâj uesvee
Achieving something by truth – melÙe mes Øeehle keâj uesvee
436. Select the most appropriate meaning of given
idiom. Achieving something by false means – ieuele lejerkesâ mes
Queer fish Øeehle keâjvee
Idoms & Phrases 722 YCT
440. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 444. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined phrase. given idiom.
Though very rich, Alexander always saves for a Read between the lines
rainy day. (a) Be afraid of doing something again
(a) Lives like a miser (b) Speak the truth even if it is unpleasant
(b) Spends too much (c) Understand something that is not said outright
(c) Saves money for later
(d) Harm someone who trusts you
(d) Accumulates less wealth
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 26/07/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Phrase, “save for a rainy day” Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Read between the line” (ietÌ{
(YeefJe<Ùe kesâ efueS yeÛele keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Saves money DeLe& efvekeâeuevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) ‘Understand something
for later’ (yeeo kesâ efueS yeÛeevee) GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ DevÙe that is not said outright’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele:
efJekeâuheeW kesâ efYeVe DeLe& nQ– efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~
Lives like a miser – kebâpetme keâer lejn jnlee nw~ 445. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Spends too much – yengle KeÛe& keâjvee given idiom.
Accumulates less wealth – keâce Oeve mebÛeÙe keâjvee Read between the lines
(a) understand what is implied but not stated
441. Select the most appropriate option that can
substitute the underlined segment in the given
sentence. (b) read very slowly enjoying each line
Disability was viewed as God's retribution for (c) read loudly each and every word given in the
wickedness in the past. sentence
(a) payback for doing help (d) read carefully each and every word written
(b) punishment for wrongdoing SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –15/04/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) revenge for legal works Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, Read between the lines (ietÌ{ DeLe&
(d) fine for misbehaviour efvekeâeuevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) understand what is implied
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/07/2023 (Shift-I)
but not stated directly GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Idiom, “retribution for
446. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
wickedness” (Deheves efkeâÙes keâe heefjCeece Yegieleeve) efkeâ efueS efJekeâuhe
given idiom.
(b) ‘Punishment for wrong doing’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Raise the bar
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ efYeVe DeLe& nQ– (a) To raise the price
payback for doing help – ceoo kesâ efueS Yegieleeve (b) To win a competition
revenge for legal works – keâevetveer keâecees kesâ efueS yeouee (c) To grow taller
fine for misbehaviour – ogJÙe&Jenej kesâ efueS pegcee&vee (d) To set higher goals
442. Select the option that gives the most SSC CGL (Tier-I) –13/08/2021 (Shift-I)
appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, Raise the bar (yeÌ[e ue#Ùe efveOee&efjle
The Chairman of our company takes care of keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) To set higher goals GheÙegòeâ
the rank and file in the company.
(a) Ordinary people JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
(b) Documents and files 447. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) Only the top rank people underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(d) Officers Their relationship has run into rough weather
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-II ever since they fell in love with the same girl.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Idiom, “rank and file” (meeOeejCe (a) experienced difficulties
ueesie/Deece Deeoceer) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Ordinary people’ mener nw~ (b) brought cool breeze and rains
Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~ (c) become stronger and firmer
(d) become pleasant and cordial
443. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
given idiom.
Red letter day Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'run into rough weather'
(a) Memorable day (b) Holiday (hejsMeeveer ceW nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) experienced
(c) Birthday (d) Rose day difficulties GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
SSC CHSL 27.05.2022 Shift-III 448. In the following question, out of the given four
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Red letter day” (cenlJehetCe& efove)
alternatives, select the alternative which best
kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Memorable day’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~ Reap the whirlwind
Idoms & Phrases 723 YCT
(a) Providing that other factors or circumstance Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Red letter day' keâe DeLe&
remain the same nw- 'a very special day or a very important or significant
(b) Suffer negative consequences as a result of day' (efJeMes<e/cenlJehetCe& efove)~
one's actions
453. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) An indication that something is accepted or
given idiom.
regarded favorably
Rule the roost
(d) Believing that moderation is more satisfying
(a) to make all the decisions
than excess
(b) to be prosperous but generous
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 (c) to frequently pick a quarrel
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'Reap the whirlwind' (efkeâmeer keâeÙe& (d) to blindly follow others
keâe vekeâejelcekeâ heefjCeece efceuevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) suffer SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-III)
negative consequences as a result of one's actions. mener Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Rule the roost' keâe DeLe&
nw~ nw- 'To make all the decisions' (Skeâ Ú$e DeefOekeâej) mener nw~
449. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 454. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
Rise to the occasion Rub the wrong way
(a) show you can deal with a situation successfully (a) Rub incorrectly (b) Rub well without oil
(b) assess a critical situation carefully (c) Annoy someone (d) Please someone
(c) challenge an opponent who is strong SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(d) take a big risk in order to succeed Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Rub the wrong way' keâe
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) DeLe& nw- 'Annoy someone' (efkeâmeer keâes veejepe keâjvee)~
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Rise to the occasion' 455. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
keâe DeLe& nw- 'show you can deal with a situation given idiom.
Reinventing the wheel
successfully' (Kego keâes ÙeesiÙe meeefyele keâjvee) mener nw~ (a) Disturbing the system which has already been
450. Select the most appropriate meaning of the in use
given idiom. (b) Examining circumstances that have already
Run around in circles been understood
(a) to work excessively hard by keeping two jobs (c) Wasting one's time for things that have
(b) to remain busy with your work already been satisfactorily done
(c) to keep running to set a record (d) Analysing various factors of happenings
(d) to keep doing something without achieving SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/03/2020 (Shift-II)
much Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Reinventing the wheel'
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) keâe DeLe& nw- 'wasting one's twine for things that have
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Run around in circles' already been satisfactorily done' (heeveer nesles ngS kegâDeeB
keâe DeLe& nw- 'to keep doing something without achieving Keesovee Gve ÛeerpeeW kesâ efueS meceÙe ve° keâjvee pees meblees<epevekeâ {bie mes
much' (yengle kegâÚ neefmeue efkeâS efyevee kegâÚ keâjles jnvee) nesiee~ keâer pee Ûegkeâer nw) mener nw~
451. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 456. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
To read between the lines It's raining cats and dogs
(a) To rain very heavily
(a) to understand the implied meaning
(b) To rain continuously
(b) to completely misunderstand the meaning
(c) To rain mildly
(c) to critically analysis a piece of writing (d) To rain at regular intervals
(d) to read with great difficulty SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Raining cats and
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'read between the lines' dogs' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To rain very heavily' (cetmeueeOeej Je<ee&
keâe DeLe& nw- 'to understand the implied meaning' (efÚhes ngS nesvee) mener nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~
DeLe& keâes mecePevee) nesiee~ 457. Select the meaning of the given idiom.
452. Select the most appropriate meaning of the To run amok
given idiom. (a) To compete in race
Red letter day (b) To participate in a marathon
(a) a very hot day (b) a frightful day (c) To outrun someone
(c) a very special day (d) a very cold day (d) To run about in a frenzy
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-II) SSC MTS – 08/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Idoms & Phrases 724 YCT
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'run amok' (efmej hej Ketve 462. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
meJeej nesvee) keâe DeLe& nw- 'To run about in a frenzy' (Gvcele given idiom.
Spill the beans
neskeâj otOe GOeej ceebievee) mener nesiee~ (a) Open the flow of the stopped water
458. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) Disclose the secrets accidentally
given sentence. (c) Liberate the controlled emotions
Sandeep received a new lease of life after (d) Distribute food grains freely
moving to Pune. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 08/08/2023 (Shift-II)
(a) became energetic again
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “spill the beans” (jnmÙe Gpeeiej keâjvee)
(b) started taking healthy food
(c) looked for a group of friends kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) 'Disclose the secrets accidentally’ GheÙegòeâ
(d) started looking for a job JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 14/10/2020 (Shift-III) 463. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom, 'Receive a new lease of life' given idiom.
(keâeÙee keâuhe) keâe DeLe& nw- 'became energetic again' (veÙee Save your breath
(a) To make an effort that will be futile
peerJeve heevee) mener nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~
(b) To hold one’s anger
S (c) To work hard
(d) To be resentful
459. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 20/03/2023 (Shift-I)
given idiom.
A shot in the dark. Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ Idiom, “save your breath” (efkeâmeer Ûeerpe hej
(a) Shooting in the night meceÙe Deewj Tpee& JÙeLe& KeÛe& keâjves mes yeÛevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To
(b) Randomly doing something, the outcome of make an effort that will be futile’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
which is unknown 464. In the following question, out of the given four
(c) A blind man's cane alternatives, select the alternative which best
(d) Looking at the stars expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II) shake in one's shoes
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “A shot in the dark” (DevOesjs ceW leerj (a) To be afraid
Ûeueevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Randomly doing something the (b) To leave no remark
outcome of which is unknown’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ (c) An unpleasant scenario
(d) To fail to understand
460. In the following question, out of the given four
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
alternatives, select the alternative which best
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ Idiom, “shake in one’s shoes” (YeÙeYeerle
To scratch one’s head nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To be afraid’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
(a) To come up with an idea Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener nw~
(b) To think hard in a puzzled way 465. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) To lose all the wealth underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(d) To think about good days My elder brother is so innocent that winning an
SSC MTS 15/05/2023 (Shift-I) argument against him is like shooting fish in a
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “To scratch one’s head” (efoceeie barrel.
Keheevee)/peesj oskeâj meesÛevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To think hard in a (a) Indulge in an illegal activity
puzzled way’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ (b) Exceptionally easy to do
(c) Asking for charity
461. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (d) Making someone uneasy
given idiom.
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I
Scrape the barrel
(a) To be forced to use one's last and weakest Ans. (b) : Ghejes òeâ js K eeb e f k eâle Idiom, “Shooting fish in a
resource barrel” ( Deemeeve keâeÙe& ) kes
â ef ueS efJekeâuhe ‘Exceptionally easy
(b) Trying to find something to do’ nes i ee~
(c) Using all the ways to achieve the desired 466. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
result given idiom.
(d) Hiding something Stone's throw
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 17/07/2023 (Shift-II) (a) Hurt slightly (b) Large hurdle
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “scrape the barrel” (efkeâmeer lejn (c) Shot distance (d) Difficult problem
keâece Ûeueevee) kesâ efueS ‘To be forced to use one’s last and SSC CGL (Tier-I) 13/04/2022 Shift-I
weakest resource’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “stone’s throw” (yengle keâce otjer) kesâ
mener nw~ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Short distance’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Idoms & Phrases 725 YCT
467. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'Smell a rat' (Mekeâ nesvee) kesâ efueS
given idiom. efJekeâuhe (d) Have a reason to suspect something GheÙegòeâ
Safe pair of hands
(a) Miss an opportunity
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
(b) Speak rashly without thinking carefully 472. In the following question, out of the given four
(c) A person who can be trusted to do something alternatives, select the alternative which best
efficiently expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
(d) A secret or hidden advantage Spin your wheels
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-III (a) Set an activity in motion
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Safe pair of hands” (b) waste your time or efforts
(c) A firmly held belief
(efJeÕeemehee$e/efpeme hej Yejesmee efkeâmee pee mekesâ) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘A
(d) With great affection or enthusiasm
person who can be trusted to do something efficiently’
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'Spin your wheels' (Dehevee meceÙe
468. Select the most appropriate meaning of the peeÙee keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) 'waste your time or efforts'
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
Newton's work in the field of physics speaks
GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
volumes about his genius. 473. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) advertises his work given idiom.
(b) claims fame and honour Snake in the grass
(c) does not gives a detailed report (a) a deceitful person (b) a mean person
(d) conveys a great deal (c) a slippery person (d) a suspicious person
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'speaks volume' (yengle kegâÚ yeleevee) Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'snake in the grass'
kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) conveys a great deal GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee (Deemleerve keâe meebhe) keâe DeLe& nw- 'a deceitful person' (OeesKesyeepe,
keâjlee nw~ Ûeeueyeepe JÙeefòeâ) mener nw~
469. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 474. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
Sitting on a gold mine
A stumbling block
(a) wasting a vast treasure
(a) An obstacle to progress
(b) secretly hunting for something precious
(b) Removing stones on the way
(c) to own something potentially valuable
(c) Skipping over a hurdle
(d) not availing of an opportunity
(d) Putting stones along the way
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) –18/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Sitting on a gold mine'
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'A stumbling block' (meHeâuelee ceW
keâe DeLe& nw- 'to own something potentially valuable'
yeeOee [euevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'An obstacle to progress' (efkeâmeer cenòJehetCe& Jemleg keâe ceefuekeâevee nkeâ nesvee) mener nw~
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
475. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
470. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
underlined idiom in the given sentence. Speak one’s mind
The new of a leopard in the city spread like (a) to put one’s thoughts in writing
wild fire: (b) to speak without thinking
(a) caused fear (b) caused damage (c) to speak in an assembly
(c) spread rapidly (d) spread slowly (d) to voice one’s thoughts plainly
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'spread like wild fire' (yengle lespeer Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Speak one’s mind' keâe
mes hewâuevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) 'spread rapidly' GheÙegòeâ DeLe& nw- 'to voice one’s thoughts plainly' (ceve keâer yeele
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ keânvee) mener nw~
471. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 476. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom: given idiom.
Smell a rat Strike when the iron is hot
(a) Have no doubts about something (a) torture someone with a hot iron
(b) Feel that there is a loss in business (b) wait patiently for the results
(c) Think that there is a dead animal (c) grab a favourable opportunity promptly
(d) Have a reason to suspect something (d) sort out differences promptly
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Idoms & Phrases 726 YCT
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Strike when the iron is (a) to denounce (b) to get rid of
hot' keâe DeLe& nw- 'grab a favourable opportunity (c) to recollect (d) to pass off
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –03/07/2019 (Shift-II)
promptly' (Devegketâue DeJemej keâes legjvle Øeehle keâjvee) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To shake off' keâe DeLe&
DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~
nw- 'to get rid of' (Úgškeâeje heevee, cegòeâ nesvee) mener nw~
477. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
To denounce- meeJe&peefvekeâ ™he mes efvevoe keâjvee, To recollect-
underlined idiom in the given sentence.
efkeâmeer yeele keâes Ùeeo keâjvee, To pass off- iegpejvee
"These glasses suit you to a T," said Ria to
Vandana. 482. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) look very good on your face given idiom.
(b) are not suitable for your work Spill the beans
(c) make you look weird (a) frighten someone (b) make an excuse
(d) need to be won with a suit (c) reveal a secret (d) create difficulty
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle idiom/phrase 'suit you to a T' Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Spill the beans' keâe DeLe&
(GheÙegkeäle nesvee) keâe DeLe& nw- 'look very good on your face'
nw- 'reveal a secret' (Yeso Keesuevee)~
(Devegketâue nesvee/DeÛÚe ueievee)~ 483. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom:
478. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Sleep on it
underlined idiom in the given sentence. (a) To make a wrong decision
Since he secured the first rank Sudhir has (b) To prefer to sleep than take action
become swollen-headed. (c) To wait before making a decision
(a) famous (b) unwell (d) To make a decision immediately
(c) conceited (d) well-connected SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase "Sleep on it" keâe DeLe& nw-
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Swollen-headed' keâe DeLe&
to wait before making a decision" (osj lekeâ meesÛevee)~
nw- 'conceited' (IeceC[er nesvee) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Famous - Øeefmeæ, Unwell - DemJemLe, Well - Connected - 484. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom:
DeÛÚe mebheke&â nesvee~ The straw that broke the camel’s back
479. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) To show strength and continue without a fuss
underlined idiom in the given sentence. (b) To be the last in a series of events leading one
His success at such a young age speaks volumes to feel that it is intolerable
for his talent. (c) To undertake a difficult journey across a
(a) publically announces (b) boasts a lot desert
(c) gives enough proof (d) showers praise (d) To make a wish for an escape from existing
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III) conditions
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Speaks Volumes' keâe SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
DeLe& nw- 'give enough proof' ("esme meyetle nesvee, ØeeceeefCekeâ Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'The straw that broke
mee#Ùe) mener nw~ the camel’s back' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To be the last in a series
480. Select the most appropriate meaning of the of events leading one to feel that it is intolerable' (Deye
underlined idiom in the given sentence. Deewj veneR men heevee)~
When his envious competitor extended a hand 485. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
of friendship, he smelt a rat. given idiom.
(a) detected something wrong Stir up a hornet's nest
(b) felt very pleased (a) Provoke trouble (b) Lear a revolt
(c) became complaisant (c) Destroy a nest (d) Call for dialogue
(d) behaved arrogantly SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Stir up a hornet's nest'
Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'smelt a rat' keâe DeLe& nw-
keâe DeLe& nw- 'Provoke trouble' (mecemÙee keâes Deewj yeÌ{evee)~ DevÙe
'detected something wrong' (ieueleer Yeebhe uesvee, oeue ceW keâeuee
efJekeâuheeW keâe DeLe& nw-
Lear a revolt - Deevoesueve keâe vesle=lJe keâjvee
481. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Destroy a nest - Skeâ IeeWmeues keâes yeyee&o keâjvee
given idiom.
To shake off Call for dialogue - Jeelee& kesâ efueS yegueevee

Idoms & Phrases 727 YCT

486. In the following question, out of the four given Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To spill the beans' keâe
alternatives, select the alternative which best DeLe& nw- 'To give away a secret' (jnmÙe Gpeeiej keâj osvee)~
expresses the meaning of the meaning of the 491. Select the option that means the same as the
Idiom/Phrase. given idiom.
Snake in the grass To set aside
(a) Very clear (a) to reject an offer (b) to stop temporarily
(b) Something mandatory (c) to move sideways (d) to finish a work
(c) A hidden enemy SSC GD – 18/02/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) An exciting moment Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To set aside' (jö keâjvee)
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III) keâe DeLe& nw- 'to reject an offer' (DemJeerkeâej keâjvee) nesiee~
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Snake In the grass' keâe 492. Select the option that means the same as the
DeLe& nw- 'A hidden enemy' (Úghee ngDee Me$eg DeLee&led efJeMJeemeIeeleer given idiom.
JÙeefkeäle)~ To see eye to eye
487. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) To agree with another
given idiom. (b) To love another
sail in the same boat (c) To threaten another
(a) go for a boat ride (d) To flight with another
SSC GD – 14/02/2019 (Shift-I)
(b) be in heavy debt
(c) be in the same situation as others Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To see eye to eye' keâe
(d) pay a very low price for something DeLe& nw- 'To agree with another' (mencele nesvee) mener nw~
SSC MTS – 06/08/2019 (Shift-III) 493. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom 'sail in te same boat' (Skeâ ner underlined idiom in the given sentence.
It is a wonder how some people manage to sit
pewmeer cegmeeryele ceW nesvee) kessâ efueÙes efJekeâuhe 'be in the same on the fence without committing themselves.
situation as others' GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ (a) to sit lazily and not do anything
488. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) relax when others are working
given idiom : (c) remain undecided and unsure
Shot in the dark (d) build fences and walls for sitting on
(a) To shoot someone at night SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(b) To guess something Ans. (c) ef o Ùes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle idiom/phrase 'to sit on the
(c) To be unaware fence' (DeJemej leekeâvee) keâe DeLe& nw- 'remain undecided and
(d) To lie about something unsure' (ogefJeOee ceW nesvee) mener nw~
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Shot in the dark' keâe T
DeLe& nw- 'To guess something' (DebOesjs ceW leerj Ûeueevee)~ 494. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom that can be substitute in the
489. Select the most appropriate meaning of the following sentence.
given idiom My son was disappointed with his failure, but
Strike while the iron is hot he took heart and tried again.
(a) To wait for someone (a) Felt encouraged (b) Loved dearly
(b) To act at the right time (c) Was deeply affected (d) Cried miserably
(c) To do something unimportant SSC GD 27/01/2023 (Shift-I)
(d) To cry all the time Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Idiom, “took heart” (efnccele ve nejvee)
SSC MTS – 20/08/2019 (Shift-II) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Felt encouraged’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Strike while the iron is 495. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
hot' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To act at the right time' (ceewkesâ keâe ueeYe given idiom.
G"evee) mener nw~ Through thick and thin
(a) Hope during trying times
490. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) Only assist during good times
given idiom. (c) Weak and lonely
To spill the beans (d) In good times and in bad times
(a) To give away a secret SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/07/2023 (Shift-III)
(b) To waste food items
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “through thick and thin” (megKe-
(c) To plan a strategy
(d) To drop some food
og :Ke kesâ efove) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) ‘In good times and bad
SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-III) times’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Idoms & Phrases 728 YCT
496. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 500. In the following question, out of the given four
underlined idiom in the given sentence. alternatives, select the alternative which best
Pooja tried to explain the problem, but soon expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
she tied herself up in knots. To burn one's finger
(a) Make no progress in an argument or (a) To suffer a loss by acting rashly
discussion (b) To accidentally touch a hot utensil
(b) Become very confused when you are trying to (c) A question without any agreed answer
explain something (d) To have one's finger chopped
(c) Won’t modify an opinion or agree to even SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 09/02/2023 (Shift-II)
small changes that another person wants Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “To burn one’s finger” (peeve-
(d) Be forced to explain your actions and
(probably) punished
yetPekeâj cegmeeryele ceesue uesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) ‘To suffer a
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 14/07/2023 (Shift-I) loss by acting rashly’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe
(a) mener nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ jWKeeefkebâle Idiom, “tied herself up in
knots” (Yeüefcele nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘Become very 501. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
confused when you are trying to explain something’
To walk the tight rope
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ (a) Be an expert (b) Be very cautious
497. In the following question, out of he given four (c) Be well trained (d) Be very nervous
alternatives, select the alternative which best SSC MTS-08/07/2022 Shift-I
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “To walk the tight rope” (yengle
To have a nodding acqaintance
(a) To have a great experience
meeJeOeeve nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘be very cautious’ mener nw~
(b) To neglect all the parameters 502. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(c) Know somebody/something slightly given idiom.
(d) To have nothing in common Through thick and thin
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-II) (a) In good and bad times
(b) With great pride
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “To have a nodding (c) To work hard to the point of exhaustion
acquaintance” (efkeâmeer mes LeesÌ[e mee heefjefÛele nesvee) kesâ efueS (d) In every possible way
efJekeâuhe (c) ‘know somebody/something slightly’ GheÙegòeâ SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-II
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Through thick and thin” (megKe
498. In the following question, out of the given four og:Ke kesâ efove) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘In good time and bad times’
alternatives, select the alternative which best mener nw~
expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
503. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
To make a mountain of a mole hill given idiom.
(a) To violate the rules To lead one by the nose
(b) To make unnecessary comments (a) To try again after failing at something
(c) To give great importance to trifles (b) To control someone completely
(d) To achieve big success (c) To have the freedom to choose
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 17/03/2023 (Shift-IV) (d) To be anxious to start something
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “To make a mountain of a mole SSC MTS-06/07/2022 Shift-III
hill” (efleue keâe leej yeveevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To give great Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “To lead one by the nose” (efkeâmeer
importance to trifles’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ keâes hetjer lejn efveÙeefv$ele keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To control
499. In the following question, out of the given four someone completely’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
alternatives, select the alternative which best 504. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase. given idiom.
To bridge the gap That ship has sailed
(a) To reduce differences and reconcile (a) To arrive early
(b) To push people apart (b) To reach safely
(c) To mend a broken bridge (c) Too late to do something
(d) To slander someone (d) Too extreme to follow
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I) SSC MTS-15/07/2022 Shift-I
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “To bridge the gap” (otjer keâce Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “that ship has sailed” (kegâÚ keâjves
keâjvee/cesue-efceueehe keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To reduce kesâ efueS yengle osj nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Too late to do
differences and reconcile’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ something’ mener nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~

Idoms & Phrases 729 YCT

505. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 510. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
to foot the bill Tit for tat
(a) To reveal a secret (b) To be friendly (a) A wild guess (b) Prepare to leave
(c) To hold grudges (d) To make payment (c) Counter attack (d) Go smoothly
SSC MTS-07/07/2022 Shift-I SSC CHSL 25.05.2022 Shift-I
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “To foot the bill” (Yegieleeve keâjvee) Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Tit for tat” (pewmes keâes lewmee) kesâ efueS
kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d) ‘To make payment’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee efJekeâuhe ‘counter attack’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
nw~ 511. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
506. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
given idiom. Thick as thieves
Tricks of the trade (a) Having a close friendship
(a) A particular profession (b) Being very dishonest
(b) A trick to deceive (c) Never helping anyone
(c) Special skills or knowledge (d) Telling lies all the time
(d) An easy task SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/08/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS-05/07/2022 Shift-III Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom 'Thick as thieves' (Ieefve‰ efce$e) keâer
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Tricks of the trade” (efJeMes<e GefÛele JÙeeKÙee efJekeâuhe (b) 'Having a close friendship' keâjlee
keâewMeue Ùee %eeve nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Special skills or nw~
knowledge’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ 512. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
507. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
given idiom. To cut corners
To take after (a) cut something easily without spoiling it
(a) To mock someone (b) cut something into pieces
(b) To be similar in appearance (c) be able to do a job effortlessly
(c) To chase someone (d) not do a thing well in order to save money or
(d) To change sides often effort
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 12/04/2022 Shift-I SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “to take after” (kesâ pewmee Øeleerle Ans. (d) : Ghejes òeâ Idiom, To cut corners (pewmes lewmes keâjvee) kesâ
nesvee/kesâ pewmee efoKevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To be similar in ef ueS ef Jekeâuhe (d) not do a thing well in order to save
appearance’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& money or effort GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
osles nw~ 513. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
508. Select the option that gives the most given idiom.
appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom. Tide someone over
(a) Get a boat ready to cross a river or water
It is good to take into account all the important
factors before making a decision.
(b) Ask someone for financial assistance
(a) control (b) leave
(c) Complete a voyage successfully
(c) consider (d) select
(d) Give temporary help, usually financial
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 Shift-III SSC CGL (Tier-I) –20/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Idiom, “take into account” Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'Tide someone over' (DemLeeÙeer
(efJeÛeej keâjvee/OÙeeve jKevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) ‘Consider’ meneÙelee keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe 'Give temporary help,
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ usually financial' GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
509. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 514. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. given idiom.
To hold water To turn over a new leaf
(a) To be unsteady and unsure (a) To change your behaviour in a positive way
(b) To be sad and depressed (b) To become famous
(c) To be valid and reasonable (c) To buy new things
(d) To be large and deep (d) To understand others' problems
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 Shift-II SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “To hold water” (efJeÕeeme ÙeesiÙe Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ idiom 'turn over a new leaf' (peerJeveMewueer
nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To be valid and reasonable’ GheÙegòeâ yeouevee) kesâ efJekeâuhe (a) To change your behaviour in a
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ positive way GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~

Idoms & Phrases 730 YCT

515. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 520. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. underlined idiom in the given sentence.
Through and through The dog played in the pond to his heart's
(a) partially (b) eventually content.
(c) completely (d) gradually (a) only upto his legs
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-I) (b) till he was completely sick
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'through and through' keâe (c) as much as he wanted to
DeLe& nw- 'completely' (hetje, mechetCe&)~ (d) avoiding getting too wet
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
partially - DebMele:, gradually - Oeerjs-Oeerjs, eventually - Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle idiom/phrase 'To his heart's
Devlele: DeeefKejkeâej~ content' keâe DeLe& nw- 'as much as he wanted to' (efpeleveer Yeer
516. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Gmekeâer FÛÚe nes, peer Yej kesâ)~
given idiom. 521. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
To take stock of underlined idiom in the given sentence.
(a) to busy stocks (b) to check the accounts The authorities have turned a deaf ear to all
(c) to store goods (d) to assess a situation our requests.
SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II) (a) acknowledged (b) accepted
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To take stock of' keâe (c) presented (d) neglected
DeLe& nw- 'to assess a situation' (efkeâmeer efmLeefle keâe cetuÙeebkeâve SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III)
keâjvee)~ Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Turned a deaf ear' keâe
517. Select the most appropriate meaning of the DeLe& nw- Neglected (vepej Deboepe keâj efoÙee, Devemegveekeâj efoÙee)~
given idiom. DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Through thick and thin Acknowledge- mJeerkeâej keâjvee
(a) going through pain Accepted- mJeerkeâej efkeâÙee
(b) under all circumstances Presented- Øemlegle efkeâÙee
(c) by unfair means
(d) under extreme pressure 522. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) given idiom.
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'through thick and thin' To play ducks and drakes
(a) to use recklessly (b) to change places
keâe DeLe& nw- 'under all circumstances' (nj neue ceW) mener nw~ (c) to act cleverly (d) to be friendly
518. Select the most appropriate meaning of the SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
given idiom.
Ans : (a) efoS ieS idiom/phrase 'to play ducks drakes' keâe
Tide over
(a) to jump over (b) to change sides DeLe& nw- 'to use recklessly' (ueehejJeener mes, efyevee efJeÛeejs)~
(c) to deceive (d) to overcome 523. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) underlined idiom in the given sentence.
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'tide over' keâe DeLe& nw- In spite of her severe accident she took heart
and moved forward.
'to over come' (keâeyet heevee)~
(a) Gathered courage
DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (b) Overcame problems
to jump over - ketâovee (c) Felt depressed
to change sides - oue/efoMee yeouevee (d) Acted promptly
to deceive - OeesKee osvee SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
519. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'take heart and moved'
given idiom. keâe DeLe& nw- 'Gathered courage' (meenme, pegševee) mener nw~
The sword of Damocles 524. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) a poignant weapon (b) an authentic sword given idiom.
(c) an impending threat (d) a rare artifact Till the cows come home
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) (a) For a small part
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'the sword of damocles' (b) Till the work is finished
keâe DeLe& nw- 'an impending threat' (DeemeVe, Keleje)~ DevÙe (c) For a long, long time
efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (d) In the evening
a poignant weapon - Skeâ ceeefce&keâ nefLeÙeej SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
an authentic sword - Skeâ ØeceeefCekeâ leueJeej Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Till the cows come
a rare artifact - Skeâ ogue&Ye keâueeke=âefle home' keâe DeLe& nw- 'for a long, long time' (yengle uebyee meceÙe)~

Idoms & Phrases 731 YCT

525. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (a) : jsKeebefkeâle idiom ' to steal someone's thunder' keâe
given idiom. DeLe& nw- 'to get more recognition than someone for their
Touch and go
success' (otmejs keâe ßesÙe Úervevee) mener nw~
(a) Unimportant (b) Unchanging
(c) Uncertain (d) Undoubted 530. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) given idiom.
Of the first water
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Touch and go' keâe DeLe& nw-
(a) of ancient origin
'uncertain' (DeefveefMÛele) nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ- (b) of favorable opinion
unimportant - cenlJenerve (c) of no significance
unchanging - efmLej (d) of the best quality
undoubted - yesMekeâ SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
526. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'of the first water' keâe
given idiom. DeLe& nw- 'of the best quality' (GÛÛe keâesefš keâe) mener nw~
To be thrown in at the deep end 531. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) need to do one thing at a time given idiom.
(b) unable to do the given work To take the bull by the horns
(c) try to do too many things at the same time (a) to escape unhurt
(d) learn to do the difficult things too soon (b) to act foolishly
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) (c) to enjoy risky sports
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To be thrown in at the (d) to face danger boldly
deep end' keâe DeLe& nw- 'learn to do the difficult things too SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-I)
soon' (MeerIeÇ ner keâef"ve keâeÙe& keâjvee meerKevee) mener nesiee~ Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To take the bull by the
527. Select the most appropriate meaning of the horns' keâe DeLe& nw- 'to face danger boldly' (efkeâÙes keâe heefjCeece
underlined idiom in the sentence. Yegielevee)~
Simran was under tremendous stress because 532. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
she had too many irons in the fire. given idiom.
(a) She had too many clothes to iron Turn a deaf ear
(b) She was suffering from many ailments (a) to make someone deaf
(c) She was involved in many activities (b) to pay attention
(d) She had made a lot of risky investments (c) to pay no heed
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) (d) to listen carefully
Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Have too many irons in SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II)
the fire' keâe DeLe& nw- ' involved in many activities' (yengle Ans : (c) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Turn a deaf ear' keâe DeLe&
meejs keâeÙeeX ceW GuePee nesvee) mener nw~ nw- 'to pay no heed' (OÙeeve ve osvee) mener nw~
528. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 533. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the sentence. given idiom.
His family has supported him through thick Take to task
and thin. (a) to assign work (b) to give an award
(a) on occasions when he had a lot of money (c) to praise (d) to rebuke
(b) even though he has put on weight SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) when there was a lot of work to be done
Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Take to task' keâe DeLe& nw-
(d) in times of good and bad fortune
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) 'To rebuke' (heâškeâej ueieevee Ùee [e@švee) mener nesiee~
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'through thick and thin' 534. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
keâe DeLe& nw- 'In times of good and bad fortune' (meYeer given idiom.
to air dirty linen in public
heefjefmLeefleÙeeW ceW) nesiee~ (a) to discuss private affairs in public
529. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (b) to hang out clothes in the open
underlined idiom in the sentence. (c) to continue to complain
Rai has tried hard not to steal her brother's (d) to stand up and fight
thunder but it was inevitable. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) get more recognition than brother for their
success Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To air dirty linen in
(b) get a big reward from her brother for her public' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To discuss private affairs in public'
achievement (Deehemeer ceeceueeW keâes meeJe&peefvekeâ keâjvee) mener nesiee~
(c) pick up her brother's lucky charms to win prizes 535. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(d) take away her brother's opportunities for jobs given idiom.
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) throw in the towel
Idoms & Phrases 732 YCT
(a) face the situation (b) think of a solution Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Take something with a
(c) admit defeat (d) drop something pinch of salt' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To believe only part of
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-I)
something' (DebMele: efJeMJeeme keâjvee) mener nw~
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Throw in the towel' keâe
541. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
DeLe& nw- 'Admit defeat' (nej mJeerkeâej keâjvee)~ given idiom.
536. Select the most appropriate meaning of the To take one's hat off
given idiom. (a) To fool someone
tit for tat (b) To feel hot
(a) to reward people for the good done (c) To please someone
(b) to do harm as done to you (d) To admire someone
(c) to make someone engry
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(d) to take advantage of someone
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –02/07/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase To take one's hat off
Ans : (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Tit for Tat' keâe DeLe& nw- (ØeMebmee keâe DeeYeej JÙekeäle keâjvee) keâe DeLe& nw- ‘To admire
'To do harm as done to you' (pewmes keâes lewmee)~ someone’ (mecceeve/ØeMebmee keâjvee) mener nw~
537. Select the most appropriate meaning of the 542. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
idiom. given idiom.
Touch all bases The ball is in (one's) court
(a) Imagine you are flying (a) To be responsible for further action
(b) Force someone to do something (b) To pass the responsibility to another
(c) Include everything (c) To be fearful of taking any action
(d) Stretch your hands high (d) To risk everything in one venture
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-II) SSC MTS – 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Touch all bases keâe DeLe& Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'The ball is in (one's)
nw- 'Include everything' (meye kegâÚ Meeefceue keâjvee) nesiee~ court' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To be someone's responsibility (efkeâmeer
538. Select the most appropriate meaning of the keâer efpeccesoejer nesvee) mener nw~
given idiom. 543. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
Take one's hat off to someone given idiom.
(a) Show admiration
Too close to call
(b) Indicate disapproval
(a) A very narrow margin
(c) Express anger
(d) Display humility (b) Huddled together
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 18/03/2020 (Shift-I) (c) very close to heart
(d) Winning a competition
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Take one's hat off to
SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
someone' (ØeMebmee keâe DeeYeej JÙekeäle keâjvee) keâe DeLe& nw- 'show
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Too close to call' keâe
admiration' (ØeMebmee efoKeevee) DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
Indicate disapproval - DemJeerke=âefle keâe mebkesâle osvee
DeLe& nw- 'A very narrow margin (yengle keâce Deblej nesvee) mener
Express anger - veejepeer JÙeòeâ keâjvee
Display humility - efJeveceülee ØeoefMe&le keâjvee~ 544. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
539. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Throw in the towel
underlined in the given sentence.
(a) To take a shower
Akshay is likely to take the heart for having
miscalculated the expenses. (b) To decide firmly
(a) enjoy warm climate (c) To provoke someone
(b) receive criticism (d) To admit defeat or failure
(c) feel very hot SSC MTS – 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) scold everyone Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Throw in the towel' keâe
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 13/10/2020 (Shift-III) DeLe& nw- 'To admit defeat or failure' (nej ceeve uesvee)~
Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Take the heart' keâe DeLe& nw- 545. Select the meaning of the given idiom.
'Receive criticism' (DeeueesÛevee Øeehle keâjvee)~ To be tight-lipped
540. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) To keep quiet
given idiom. (b) To keep records
Take something with a pinch of salt (c) To keep up the spirit
(a) To take long to understand what is being said (d) To keep a fast
(b) To believe only part of something SSC MTS – 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) To consider everyone a liar
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To be tight-lipped' keâe
(d) To think of oneself as always right
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-II) DeLe& nw- ‘To keep quiet’ (Ûeghe jnvee/DeuheYee<eer) mener nw~
Idoms & Phrases 733 YCT
546. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) To take care of themselves and their own
given idiom. interests and safety
To take the bull by its horns (b) In a disorderly fashion
(a) To deal with a difficult situation directly (c) In an inextricable situation
(b) To accept defeat before a strong adversary (d) Performing well in a difficult or competitive
(c) To invest money in an inflationary market situation
(d) To go on a hunting expedition SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (c) Ghejes òeâ idiom 'Up against the wall' (efkeâmeer yegjer
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To take the bull by its DeJemLee ceW hebâme peevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) In an inextricable
horns' keâe DeLe& nw- 'To deal with a difficult situation situation ' GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~
directly' (meenmehetJe&keâ cegmeeryele keâe meecevee keâjvee)~ 551. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined idiom in the given sentences.
547. Select the option that means the same as the The invigilator did not know that the two boys
given idiom. were exchanging notes under his nose.
To turn over a new leaf (a) rolled into small pellets
(a) To be always careful about one's behaviour (b) written in small letters
(b) To change one's behavior for better (c) wrapped in handkerchief's
(c) to make new things happen (d) right in front of him
(d) To turn over the page of a book SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC GD – 02/03/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle Idiom/Phrase 'under his
Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'To turn over a new nose' keâe DeLe& nw- 'Right in front of him' (efkeâmeer kesâ Skeâoce
leaf' keâe DeLe& nw- 'to change one's behavior for better' meeceves mes) mener nw~
(veÙee peerJeve Meg™ keâjvee) nesiee~ 552. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
U Up in arms
(a) to be angry (b) to be defensive
548. Select the most appropriate idiom for the
(c) to be nervous (d) to be rude
following statement.
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
We should be together to fight any danger.
Otherwise, separately, we won’t be able to Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Up in arms' (efJejesOe ceW) keâe
fight. DeLe& nw- 'to be angry' (›eâesefOele nesvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(a) United we stand, divided we fall. to be defensive - j#eelcekeâ nesvee
(b) A full purse makes the mouth speak. to be nervous - yesÛewve nesvee
(c) Nothing ventured, nothing gained. to be rude - DeefMe<š nesvee
(d) Well begun is half done. 553. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 10/08/2023 (Shift-I) given idiom.
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Statement kesâ efueS, GheÙegòeâ Idiom, Upset someone's applecart
“united we stand, divided we fall” (mebie"ve ceW Meefòeâ nw, (a) Upsetting someone by dropping the apples
DeueieeJe ceW heleve) nesiee~ peyeefkeâ DevÙe efJekeâuhe Demebiele nw~ (b) Making someone angry by ruining business
(c) Doing something that fails someone's plan
549. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (d) Spoiling the apples in someone's cart
underlined idiom in the given sentence. SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
His probation was extended because his Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Upset someone's
performance was not up to the mark.
applecart' (IeyeÌ[e osvee) keâe DeLe& nw- 'Doing something that
(a) more than expected
(b) up to the required standard fails someone's plan' (Kesue efyeieeÌ[ osvee)~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe
(c) of the desired height DeLe& osles nQ~
(d) lacking in maturity 554. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) given idiom:
Under the weather
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'up to the mark' (meblees<eØeo) kesâ
(a) To face bad weather conditions
efueS efJekeâuhe (b) 'up to the required standard' GheÙegòeâ (b) To feel wronged by friends
JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ (c) Feel strong and energetic
550. In the following question, out of the given four (d) To be in low spirits
alternatives, select the alternative which best SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. Ans. (d) : ef o Ùes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Under the weather' keâe
Up against the wall DeLe& nw- 'To be in low spirits' (efJeheefòe ces/og:Ke ceW)~
Idoms & Phrases 734 YCT
555. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'In vain' (JÙeLe& ceW) keâer GefÛele JÙeeKÙee
given idiom. efJekeâuhe (a) 'to no purpose' nw~
Up in arms
(a) Angry about something W
(b) Throw up arms in joy
561. In the following question, out of the given four
(c) Given up fighting and surrender
alternatives, select the alternative which best
(d) Divide into armed group
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 12/10/2020 (Shift-I)
work against the clocks
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Up in arms' keâe DeLe& nw- (a) To fill one with terror
'Angry about something' (efkeâmeer efJe<eÙe hej ›eâesefOele nesvee)~ (b) To work fast
DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~ (c) To die while still working
556. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (d) To move anti-clockwise
given idiom. SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Shift-II)
Under wraps Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “work against the clock” (meceÙe
(a) under estimate (b) double layered
(c) secretly (d) underhand
kes â efJehejerle keâeÙe& keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) ‘To work fast’
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –04/08/2021 (Shift-I) GheÙeg òeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'Under wraps' (Ûeghekesâ mes) keâe GefÛele 562. Select the most appropriate idiom for the
DeLe& efJekeâuhe (c) 'secretly' nw~ underlined segment in the given sentence.
Without any question, Naresh is my good
V friend.
557. Select the most appropriate meaning of the (a) A good deal of (b) Care a hang
given idiom. (c) Account for (d) Beyond a doubt
Vanish into thin air SSC GD 31/01/2023 (Shift-II)
(a) To completely disappear Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Meyo “Without any Question” kesâ
(b) To remove suddenly efueS GheÙegòeâ Idiom, ‘beyond a doubt’ (efyevee efkeâmeer mevosn kesâ)
(c) To postpone something mener nw~
(d) To begin suddenly
SSC Sel. Post Phase-VIII (M.L.) 09.11.2020 (Shift-III)
563. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom.
Ans. (a) : 'Vanish into thin air means' (DeÛeevekeâ ieeÙeye
nesvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) 'To completely disappear' (a) A splendid dream
GheÙegòeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ (b) An unrealistic or unattainable goal
558. Select the most appropriate meaning of given (c) Having a strong will
idiom. (d) Being greedy for money
Vim and Vigor SSC GD 06/02/2023 (Shift-III)
(a) Near to perfection Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “will-o-the wisp” (hekeâÌ[ ceW ve
(b) Energy and enthusiasm Deeves Jeeuee JÙeefkeäle/hengbÛe kesâ yeenj keâer Ûeerpe) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b)
(c) Remove suddenly
(d) Begin something ‘An unrealistic or unattainable goal (keâeuheefvekeâ ue#Ùe)
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) mener nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'Vim and Vigor' (Tpee& Je Glmeen) keâer 564. Choose the most appropriate meaning of the
GefÛele JÙeeKÙee efJekeâuhe (b) 'energy and enthusiasm' mener nw~ underlined phrase.
Many analysts are tipping stable, blue-chip
559. Select the most appropriate meaning of given
companies to weather the storm.
(a) To deal with a simple situation without being
Vale of tears
(a) full of enthusiasm (b) full of troubles
(b) To deal with a situation without thinking
(c) wild and wooly (d) walking carefully
(c) To deal with a simple situation without
SSC MTS – 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
harming anyone else
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'vale of tears' (keâef"veeFÙeeW mes Yeje) (d) To deal with a difficult situation without
efJekeâuhe (b) 'full of troubles' mener nw~ being harmed
560. Select the most appropriate meaning of given SSC CGL (Tier-I) 24/07/2023 (Shift-III)
idiom. Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Idiom, “Weather the storm”
In Vain (efyevee efkeâmeer neefve kesâ /cegefMkeâue heefjefmLeefle keâe meecevee keâjvee) kesâ
(a) to no purpose (b) near to perfection
(c) totally dilute (d) remove suddenly
efueS efJekeâuhe (d) ‘To deal with a difficult situation
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –05/07/2019 (Shift-II) without being harmed’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~

Idoms & Phrases 735 YCT

565. Select the most appropriate idiom for the 570. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
underlined segment in the following sentence. given idiom.
Brave people never hide at the moment of Wash your dirty linen in public
decision. (a) Fight with everyone unnecessarily
(a) Turn back the hands of time (b) Discuss private matters in front of others
(b) Beat the clock (c) Complain about everything
(c) A hell of time (d) Hangclothes outside
(d) When the crunch comes
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –13/04/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 02/08/2023 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom 'wash your dirty linen in public
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ jsKeebefkeâle Yeeie “at the moment of
decision” kesâ efueS GheÙegòeâ Idiom, ‘when the crunch comes’ (efvepeer ceeceuees keâes meeJe&peefvekeâ keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (d)
(keâef"ve meceÙe ceW efveCe&Ùe uesvee) nesiee~ 'Discuss private matters in front of others' mener nw~
566. Select the most appropriate idiom to fill in the 571. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
blank. underlined idiom in the given sentence.
When I was in Italy for a tour, the tourist guide He is very impulsive and does things without
provided by Azim was ________. Because of rhyme or reason.
him, the whole tour was successful. (a) without proper planning
(a) worth his weight in gold (b) without a reasonable explanation
(b) armed to the teeth (c) without any resources
(c) burning the midnight oil (d) without anyone's help
(d) looking for a needle in a haystack SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 04/08/2023 (Shift-III) Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom 'without rhyme or reason' (efyevee
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ JeekeäÙe kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efjòeâ mLeeve ceW leke&â kesâ) keâer GefÛele JÙeeKÙee efJekeâuhe (b) 'without a reasonable
GheÙegòeâ Idiom, “worth his weight in gold” (yengle ner cetuÙeJeeve explanation' keâjlee nw~
Deewj GheÙeesieer) keâe ØeÙeesie nesiee~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& ossles nw~
572. In the following question, out of the given four
Armed to the teeth – yengle nefLeÙeej ues peevee
alternatives, select the alternative which best
Burning the midnight oil – osj jele lekeâ heÌ{vee
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
Looking for a needle in a haystack – yengle keâef"ve keâeÙe& Whoop it up
567. In the following question, out of the given four (a) Be continually reminded of an unpleasant
alternatives, select the alternative which best topic
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. (b) Enjoying in a noisy way, usually in a group
The whys and wherefores (c) Be totally ignorant or incompetent
(a) References (b) Circumstances (d) Used as an exhortation to overcome or be rid
(c) Requirements (d) Reasons of something
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 21/03/2023 (Shift-IV)
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “The whys and wherefores”
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'Whoop it up' (cemleer keâjvee) kesâ efueS
(keâejCe/efkeâmeer Ûeerpe keâe keâejCe) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘Reasons’
efJekeâuhe (b) Enjoying in a noisy way, usually in a group
GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~
mener nw~
568. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. 573. In the following question, out of the given four
Win laurels alternatives, select the alternative which best
(a) To gain honour (b) To punish expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
(c) To be decisive (d) To change 'With a vengeance'
SSC CHSL 26.05.2022 Shift-II (a) A complete disaster
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “win laurels” (yeneogjer keâe hegjmkeâej) (b) Having similar views or attitude to something
kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘To gain honur’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ (c) To look out for something without particular
569. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(d) Used to emphasize the degree to which
given idiom.
something occurs
Wipe the floor with someone
(a) To defeat someone SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(b) To cheat someone Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ idiom 'With a vengeance' (hetCe&leÙee) kesâ
(c) To criticise someone efueS efJekeâuhe (d) 'used to emphasize the degree to which
(d) To help someone something occurs' mener nw~
SSC CHSL 30.05.2022 Shift-I
574. In the following question, out of the given four
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “wipe the floor with someone”
alternative, select the alternative which best
(efkeâmeer keâes yegjer lejn njevee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) ‘To defeat expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
someone’ GheÙegòeâ JÙeeKÙee keâjlee nw~ Weather the storm
Idoms & Phrases 736 YCT
(a) Be absolutely unwilling to operate (c) work with concentration
(b) Fall over in sudden or dramatic way (d) work in great hurry
(c) Survive a period of difficulty SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) Dispute a decision or choice already made Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Work against the clock'
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 keâe DeLe& nw- 'work in great hurry' (yengle peuoyeepeer ceW keâece
Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ Idiom Weather the storm (keâef"ve meceÙe keâe keâjvee)~
meecevee keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (c) 'Survive a period of 580. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
difficulty' mener nw~ underlined idiom in the given sentence.
575. In the following question, out of the given four Our PM is received with open arms wherever
alternatives, select the alternative which best he goes.
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. (a) Harmoniously (b) Promptly
Wear the green willow (c) Honourably (d) Warmly
(a) To do something for someone as an act of SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
kindness Ans : (d) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'with open arms' keâe DeLe&
(b) Suffer unrequited love nw- 'warmly' (efoue mes) mener nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
(c) Cause someone to be very frightened harmoniously - efceuepeguekeâj
(d) Producing a lavish celebrating feast
promptly - peuoer, legjble
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
honourably - YeeiÙehetJe&keâ
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ Idiom Wear the green willow (Skeâ lejHeâe hÙeej
keâjvee) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (b) 'Suffer unrequited love' mener nw~ 581. In the following question, out of the four given
alternatives, select the alternative which best
576. In the following question, out of the given
expresses the meaning of the idiom/Phrase.
alternatives, select the alternative which best Word of mouth
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. (a) Give money for talking a lot about nothing
Wild and woolly (b) Through the verbal sharing of information
(a) Uncouth in appearance or behavior (c) Bring order and discipline in the company
(b) Either too much of something or too little (d) To leave someone in the time of difficulty
(c) Near to perfection SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)
(d) Ignoring all obligations
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 Ans. (b) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Word of mouth' keâe DeLe&
Ans. (a) Ghejesòeâ Idiom 'Wild and woolly'
nw- 'Through the verbal sharing of information' (ceewefKekeâ
(DemeYÙe/DeefveÙebef$ele) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe (a) 'Uncouth in
™he mes yeeleeW keâe mebÛeej) mener nw~
appearance or behavior' mener nw~ 582. In the following question, out of the given four
alternatives, select the alternative which best
577. Select the most appropriate meaning of the expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
given idiom. With open arms
Walking on thin ice (a) Cordially (b) Often
(a) walking carefully (c) Seldom (d) Frequently
(b) performing a ballet SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I)
(c) slipping on ice
(d) doing something risky Ans : (a) efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'With open arms' keâe DeLe&
SSC CPO-SI – 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) nw- 'cordially' (ØemeVeleehetJe&keâ, Glmeen kesâ meeLe) mener nw~ DevÙe
Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Walking on thin ice' efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& nQ-
keâe DeLe& nw- doing something risky which may have often - ØeeÙe:
serious or unpleasant' (Keleje ceesue uesvee) nesiee~ Seldom - keâYeer-keâYeej
578. Select the most appropriate meaning of the Frequently - efvelÙe, Dekeâmej
underlined idiom the given sentence. 583. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
A mountaineer has to walk the tight rope as a given idiom.
small slip can prove to be fatal. When pigs fly
(a) be an expert (b) be very nervous (a) A difficult situation
(c) be very cautious (d) be well trained (b) An argument between two people
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II) (c) A practical idea
Ans. (c) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'walk the tight rope' keâe (d) A time that will never come
DeLe& nw- 'be very cautious' (veepegkeâ heefjefmLeefle mes iegpejvee, SSC MTS – 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
DelÙeefOekeâ meeJeOeeveer yejlevee)~ Ans. (d) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'When Pigs fly' keâe DeLe&
579. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
nw- 'A time that will never Come' (DemebYeJe heefjefmLeefle) mener
given idiom. nw~
Work against the clock 584. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
(a) work late in the night given idiom.
(b) work against all problems Work like a charm
Idoms & Phrases 737 YCT
(a) To do something faster (a) excellent work (b) happy and free
(b) To delay a task (c) hopeful attention (d) sincere affection
(c) To work very well SSC MTS – 21/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) To do a magic trick Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, Yeoman's services (Glke=â° keâeÙe&)
SSC MTS – 14/08/2019 (Shift-III) keâe DeLe& nesiee~ efJekeâuhe (a) 'excellent work' nesiee~
Ans. (c) :– efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'Work like a charm' 590. Select the most appropriate meaning of given
keâe DeLe& nw- 'To work very well or To be very effective, idiom.
possibly in a surprising way' (yengle DeÛÚer lejn keâeÙe& Young blood
keâjvee)~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) mener nw~ (a) young person (b) inexperienced person
585. Select the meaning of the given idiom. (c) very attentive (d) angry and hurt
A wild-goose chase SSC CPO-SI – 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) Useless search (b) Timely action Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'young blood' keâe DeLe& efJekeâuhe (b)
(c) Wise decision (d) Delayed action 'inexperienced person' (DevegYeJenerve JÙeefòeâ) nesiee~
SSC MTS – 09/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes idiom/phrase 'A wild-goose chase' keâe Z
DeLe& nw- 'Useless search' (efvejLe&keâ ØeÙeeme keâjvee, yeskeâej keâe 591. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
ØeÙeeme keâjvee) mener nw~ given idiom.
Zero tolerance
X (a) To detect someone in the group is betraying
586. Select the most appropriate meaning of given the others
idiom. (b) Riding in the front passenger seat of a car
X-factor (c) To escape and not have to pay
(a) a special talent or quality (d) A policy of not allowing any violations of a
(b) bad quality rule or law
(c) unhappy SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 15/03/2023 (Shift-I)
(d) without hope Ans. (d) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “Zero tolerance” (MetvÙe meefn<Ceglee)
SSC CPO-SI – 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘A policy of not allowing any violation of
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'X-factor' (efJeefMe° iegCe) keâe DeLe& a rule or law’ mener nw~
efJekeâuhe (a) 'a special talent or quality' mener nw~ 592. Select the most appropriate meaning of given
587. Select the most appropriate meaning of given idiom.
idiom. Zip your lip
X-rated (a) start talking (b) to stay calm
(a) angry and hurt (c) a tempting offer (d) cursory look
(b) Pornographic or indecent SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) eternal fame Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'Zip your lip' (Meevle nesvee) keâer
(d) very attentive
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) GefÛele JÙeeKÙee efJekeâuhe (b) 'to stay calm' mener nw~
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'X-rated' (DeMueerue/DeYeõ) keâe DeLe& 593. Select the most appropriate meaning of given
efJekeâuhe (b) Pornographic or indecent mener nw~
Zonk out
Y (a) to fall asleep (b) angry and hurt
(c) eternal fame (d) without hope
588. Select the most appropriate meaning of the
given idiom. SSC MTS – 22/08/2019 (Shift-I)
You snooze, you lose Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, 'Zonk out' (yesmegOe neskeâj mees peevee)
(a) If you are not alert, you are likely to miss keâe DeLe& efJekeâuhe (a) 'to fall asleep' mener nw~
opportunities. 594. Select the most appropriate meaning of given
(b) You may lose your money if snoozing is not
(c) Laziness is not good Zenith of life
(d) If you oversleep, you are likely to lose a job (a) Important for life
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 25/07/2023 (Shift-IV) (b) happy and free
(c) highest pinnacle of someone's life
Ans. (a) : Ghejesòeâ Idiom, “you snooze, you lose” (pees
(d) unhappy and regretful
meesJele nw, Jees KeesJele nw) kesâ efueS efJekeâuhe ‘If you are not alert, SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
you are likely to miss opportunities’ mener nw~
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ idiom, 'zenith of life' (Ûejceeslkeâ<e& hej) keâer
589. Select the most appropriate meaning of given
idiom. GefÛele JÙeeKÙee efJekeâuhe (c) highest pinnacle of someone's
Yeoman's services life keâjlee nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw~

Idoms & Phrases 738 YCT

TCS hewšve& hej DeeOeeefjle (Based On TCS Pattern)
Chapterwise Exam Question No. Years
1 CGL (Tier-1) 48
CGL (Tier-2) 22
Reading comprehension CHSL (Tier-1) 35
CHSL (Tier-2) 15
Selection Post VII, VIII, XI 20

Trend Analysis of Questions topicwise from CGL (Pre & Mains)
CHSL (Pre & Mains) Selection Post VII, VIII, XI, SSC MTS, SSC
GD & Other Exams (2017-2023)

Reading Comprehension


Reading Comprehension 739 YCT

Comprehension : with great speed to run away from the savage flesh-eaters
Read the passage and answer the questions given after it. that are always after them. The leaf and grass-eating
The savanna landscape is typified by tall grass and short animals include the zebra, antelope, giraffe, deer,
trees. It is rather misleading to call the savanna ‘tropical gazelle, elephant and okapi. Many are well camouflaged
grassland’, because trees are always present with the species and their presence amongst the tall greenish-
luxuriant tall grass. The terms ‘parkland’ or ‘bush-veld’ brown grass cannot be easily detected. The giraffe with
perhaps describe the landscape better. such a long neck can locate its enemies a great distance
Trees grow best towards the equatorial humid latitudes away, while the elephant is so huge and strong that few
or along river banks but decrease in height and density animals will venture to come near it. It is well equipped
away from the equator. They occur in clumps or as with tusks and trunk for defence. The carnivorous
scattered individuals. animals like the lion, tiger, leopard, hyena, panther,
The trees are deciduous, shedding their leaves in the jaguar, jackal, lynx and puina have powerful jaws and
cool, dry season to prevent excessive loss of water teeth for attacking other animals. Their natural colorings
through transpiration, e.g. acacias. Others have broad of light yellowish-brown, often with stripes like the tiger
trunks, with water-storing devices to survive through the or spots like the leopard, match perfectly with the tawny
prolonged drought such as baobabs and bottle trees. background of the savanna. They often hide themselves
Trees are mostly hard, gnarled and thorny and may in shady spots up in the branches or amidst the tall
exude gum like gum arable. Many trees are umbrella bushes, and many wild animals, as well as hunters
shaped, exposing only a narrow edge to the strong winds. themselves, are caught unawares in this manner.
Palms which cannot withstand the drought are confined 1. Why is Savanna in Africa called the "Big Game
to the wettest areas or along rivers. Vegetative luxuriance Country"?
reaches its peak in the rainy season, when trees renew (a) There are both carnivores and herbivores.
their foliage and flower. In true savanna lands, the grass (b) Thousands of animals are hunted here.
is tall and coarse, growing 6 to 12 feet high. The elephant (c) Animal movies are particularly shot here.
grass may attain a height of even 15 feet! The grass tends (d) It is home to many wild animals.
to grow in compact tufts and has long roots which reach
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
down in search of water. It appears greenish and well-
nourished in the rainy season but turns yellow and dies Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ passage kesâ Devegmeej, ‘Deøeâerkeâe ceW meJeevee keâes
down in the dry season that follows. The grass lies ''Big Game Country'' keâne peelee nQ keäÙeeWefkeâ Ùeneb npeejes peeveJejeW
dormant throughout the long, rainless period and springs keâe efMekeâej efkeâÙee peelee nw’ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) mener Gòej nesiee~
up again in the next rainy season.
2. The main theme of the passage is :
In between the tall grass are scattered short trees and low
(a) Life in Savnna grassland
bushes. As the rainfall diminishes towards the deserts the
(b) Grasses of the grassland Savanna
savanna merges into thorny scrub. In Australia, this
scrubland is particularly well represented by a number of (c) Vegetation and animal life in Savanna
species: mallee, mulga, spinifex grass and other bushes. (d) Wealth of animal life in Africa
The savanna, particularly in Africa, is the home of wild SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
animals. It is known as the ‘big game country’ and Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ passage kesâ Devegmeej, passage keâe cegKÙe
thousands of animals are trapped or killed each year by efJe<eÙe ‘meJeevee ceW Jevemheefle Deewj heMeg peerJeve’ (vegetation and
people from all over the world. Some of the animals are animal life in Savanna) nQ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) ØeMve keâe DeYeer°
tracked down for their skins, horns, tusks, bones or hair,
others are captured alive and sent out of Africa as zoo
Gòej nesiee~
animals, laboratory specimens or pets. There is such a 3. What kind of a passage is it ?
wealth of animal life in Africa that many of the animal (a) Analytical (b) Informative
films that we see at the cinema are actually taken in the (c) Narrative (d) Literary
savanna. There are, in fact, two main groups of animals SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
in the savanna, the grass-eating herbivorous animals and Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ passage kesâ Devegmeej, ieÅeebMe (passage)
the fleshing-eating carnivorous animals. The herbivorous
'Informative' (%eeveJeOe&keâ) Øekeâej keâe nw Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) ØeMve
animals are often very alert and move swiftly from place
to place insearch of green pastures. They are endowed keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~

Reading Comprehension 740 YCT

DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ - 9. Select the carnivorous animal from the
Analytical - efJeMues<eCeelcekeâ~ following :
(a) zebra (b) lynx
Narrative - keâLee~
(c) okapi (d) gazelle
Literary - meeefneflÙekeâ~ SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
4. Match the words with their meanings. Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ efJekeâuheeW ceW 'Lynx' (Jeve efyeueeJe) ceebmeenejer
Words - a. luxurian, b. dormant, c. prolonged
peeveJej (Carnivorous animal) nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) ØeMve keâe
Meanings - 1. continued, 2. lush, 3. sleeping
(a) a-3, b-2, c-1 (b) a-2, b-1, c-3 DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
(c) a-2, b-3, c-1 (d) a-1, b-3, c-2 DevÙe meYeer efJekeâuhe Meekeâenejer peeveJej nw~
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II 10. What is the main feature of Savanna
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ ØeMve kesâ efueS mener efceueeve 'a – 2, b – 3, c – landscape?
1' nesiee~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ (a) tall grass and short trees
Words (Meyo) Their meanings (Gvekeâe DeLe&) (b) dense forests with tall trees
(a) Luxurian (efJeueeefmeleehetCe&) 2- Lush (jmeeruee)~ (c) dry grass and low bushes
(b) Dormant (meg<eghle, efveef<›eâÙe) 3- Sleeping (meg<eghle)~ (d) tall trees and short grass
(c) Prolonged (uebyee efkeâÙee ngDee) 1- Continued (efvejblej)~ SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
5. What helps an elephant fight its enemies ? Ans. (a) : Ghejes òeâ passage kesâ Devegmeej, meJeevee Yet#es$e keâer cegKÙe
(a) its legs and ears (b) its tusks and trunk efJeMes<elee ‘uebyeer Ieeme Deewj Úesšs hesÌ[’ (tall grass and short trees)
(c) its size and strength (d) is neck and tail nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II Comprehension:
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ passage kesâ Devegmeej, neLeer Deheves Me$egDeeW mes Read the given passage and answer the
‘Deheves oeBleeW Deewj metbÌ[’ (its tusks and trunk) mes ueÌ[lee nQ Dele: questions that follow.
efJekeâuhe (b) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ Plato is the earliest important educational thinker,
6. Which of the following trees has water storing and education is an essential element in ‘The
capacity in is broad trunk ? Republic’ (his most important work on philosophy
(a) Acacia (b) Baobab and political theory, written around 360B.C.). In
(c) Palm (d) Gum arable it, he advocates some rather extreme methods:
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II removing children from their mothers' care and
Ans. (b) : Ghejesòeâ passage kesâ Devegmeej, 'Baobab' (yeeDeesyeeye) raising them as wards of the state, and
Skeâ hesÌ[ nQ efpemekesâ ÛeewÌ[s leves ceW peue mebÛeÙeve keâer #ecelee nw~ Dele: differentiating children suitable to the various
efJekeâuhe (b) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ castes, the highest receiving the most education,
so that they could act as guardians of the city and
7. Which species of vegetation is NOT found in care for the less able. He believed that education
Australian Savanna ?
should be holistic, including facts, skills, physical
(a) mallee (b) mulga
discipline, music and art. Plato believed that talent
(c) elephant grass (d) spinifex grass
and intelligence is not distributed genetically and
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II
thus is be found in children born to all classes,
Ans. (c) : Ghejesòeâ passage kesâ Devegmeej, Dee@mš^sefueÙeeF& meJeevee ceW although his proposed system of selective public
'elephant grass' (SefueHeWâš «eeme) keâer Øepeeefle keâer Jevemheefle veneR education for an educated minority of the
heeÙeer peeleer nw~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ population does not really follow a democratic
8. Select the most appropriate meaning of the model. Aristotle considered human nature, habit
underlined words as it is used in the text. and reason to be equally important forces to be
Palms which cannot withsand the drought are cultivated in education, the ultimate aim of which
confined to the wettest areas or along rivers. should be to produce good and virtuous citizens.
(a) Endure (b) Convert He proposed that teachers lead their students
(c) Undergo (d) Suffer systematically, and that repetition be used as a key
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 08.08.2022 Shift-II tool to develop good habits, unlike Socrates'
Ans. (a) : efoÙes ieÙes jsKeebefkeâle MeyoeW 'withsand' (menve keâjvee) kesâ emphasis on questioning his listeners to bring out
efueS meyemes GheÙegòeâ DeLe& 'Endure' (menve) nesiee~ Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) their own ideas. He emphasized the balancing of
ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ the theoretical and practical aspects of subjects
DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nw- taught, among which he explicitly mentions
reading, writing, mathematics, music, physical
Convert - heefjJele&ve keâjvee~
education, literature, history, and a wide range of
Unergo - iegpejvee~ sciences, as well as play, which he also considered
Suffer - keâ° menvee~ import Antonym

Reading Comprehension 741 YCT

11. Which of these methods is NOT advocated in Comprehension:
'The Republic'? Read the given passage and answer the
(a) Imparting similar education to all children questions that follow.
(b) Bringing up children under state guardianship Chanhudaro was a tiny settlement (less than 7
(c) Keeping children away from mothers hectares) as compared to Mohenjodaro (125
(d) Differentiating children based on castes hectares), almost exclusively devoted to craft
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) production, including bead-making, shell-cutting,
metal-working, seal-making and weight-making.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, option (a) The variety of materials used to make beads is
"Imparting similar education to all children" is not remarkable: stones like carnelian (of a beautiful
advocated in ''The Republic''. red colour), jasper, crystal, quartz and steatite;
Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw ~ metals like copper, bronze and gold; and shell,
12. Which of these statements is NOT true? faience and terracotta or burnt clay. Some beads
(a) Socrates encouraged the listeners to come up were made of two or more stones, cemented
with original ideas together, some of stone with gold caps. The
shapes were numerous – disc shaped, cylindrical,
(b) Socrates considered music and physical
spherical, barrel-shaped, segmented. Some were
education as important aspects of learning decorated by incising or painting, and some had
(c) The Republic was written around 360 A.D designs etched onto them. Techniques for making
(d) Plato's methods of education can be called beads differed according to the material. Steatite,
'extreme'. a very soft stone, was easily worked. Some beads
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) were moulded out of a paste made with steatite
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "The Republic powder. This permitted making a variety of
was written around 360 A.D" is not True. shapes, unlike the geometrical forms made out of
harder stones. How the steatite micro bead was
Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~ made remains a puzzle for archaeologists studying
13. Aristotle believed that virtuous citizens could ancient technology. Archaeologists’ experiments
be produced by cultivating : have revealed that the red colour of carnelian was
(a) habit and reason obtained by firing the yellowish raw material and
(b) theoretical aspects of education beads at various stages ofproduction. Nodules
(c) art and music were chipped into rough shapes, and then finely
(d) mathematics and science flaked into the final form. Grinding, polishing and
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) finally drilling completed the process. Specialised
drills have been found at Chanhudaro, Lothal and
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, 'habit and reason' more recently at Dholavira. Nageshwar and
could be produced good and virtuous citizen. Balakot, both settlements are near the coast. These
Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~ were specialised centres for making shell objects –
14. Children who are imparted highest education, including bangles, ladles and inlay – which were
would be responsible for : taken to other settlements. Similarly, it is likely
(a) teaching the illiterate that finished products (such as beads) from
Chanhudaro and Lothal were taken to the large
(b) developing talent and skills
urban centres such as Mohenjodaro and Harappa.
(c) inculcating good habits
16. Which is the final process in the production of
(d) guarding the city beads?
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (a) Polishing (b) Grinding
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, children who are (c) Chipping (d) Drilling
imparted highest education would be responsible for SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
guarding the city. They could act as gurdians of the Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle passage kesâ Devegmeej option (d)
city and care for the less able. Dele: efJekeâuehe (b) mener Gòej "Drilling" is the final process in the production of
nesiee~ beads DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
15. What tool does Aristotle advocate to teachers Polishing - Ie<e&Ce~
to develop good habits in students? Grinding - efhemeeF&~
(a) Repetition (b) Questioning
Chipping - leesÌ[vee~
(c) Reading (d) Writing
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) 17. Which of these stones is very soft and easy to
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "repetition" a key
(a) Quartz (b) Steatite
tool to develop good habits in students. Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) (c) Crystal (d) Jasper
mener Gòej nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Reading Comprehension 742 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, option (b) "Steatite" made fun of her and mimicked her. As a result,
(meeyegve keâe helLej) stone is very soft and easy to mould. she talked very little. Ramlal had seven children
three sons and four daughters, and the youngest of
DevÙe efJekeâuhe GheÙegòeâ veneR nw~ them was Bholi. It was a prosperous farmer’s
18. According to the text, which of these crafts was household and there was plenty to eat and drink.
Not practised in Chanhudaro? All the children except Bholi were healthy and
(a) Paper making (b) Metal cutting strong. The sons had been sent to the city to study
(c) Weight making (d) Seal making in schools and later in colleges. Of the daughters,
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) Radha, the eldest, had already been married. The
second daughter Mangla’s marriage had also been
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, option (a) "Paper settled, and when that was done, Ramlal would
making" crafts was not practised in Chanhudaro. think of the third, Champa. They were good-
DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~ looking, healthy girls, and it was not difficult to
19. Shell objects were mostly made at Nageshwar find bridegrooms for them. But Ramlal was
and Balakot because : worried about Bholi. She had neither good looks
(a) specialised drills were found here nor intelligence. From her very childhood Bholi
(b) shells were transported here from Lothal was neglected at home. She was seven years old
(c) shells were readily available in these coastal when Mangla was married. The same year a
areas primary school for girls was opened in their
village. The Tehsildarsahib came to perform its
(d) the women loved to wear bangles made of
opening ceremony. He said to Ramlal, “As a
revenue official youare the representative of the
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) government in the village and so you must set an
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Shell objects were example to the villagers. You must send your
mostly made at Nageshwar and Balakot because shells daughters to school.” That night when Ramlal
were readily available in these coastal areas. Dele: consulted his wife, she cried, “Are you crazy? If
efJekeâuhe (c) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ girls go to school, who will marry them?” But
Ramlal had not the courage to disobey the
20. Which of these statements is NOT true? Tehsildar. At last his wife said, “I will tell you
(a) Harappa and Mohenjodaro were large urban what to do. Send Bholi to school. As it is, there is
centres little chance of her getting married, with her ugly
(b) Chanhudaro was exclusively devoted to craft face and lack of sense. Let the teachers at school
production worry about her.”
(c) Beads were made in numerous shapes and 21. 'Backward child' in the passage means :
sizes (a) belonging to an underprivileged community
(d) Carnelian is a beautiful bluish stone (b) physically challenged
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) belonging to a poor family
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, option (d) (d) mentally challenged
"Carnelian is a beautiful bluish stone" is not true. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Dele: Ghejeskeäle ØeMve DeYeer° Gòej efJekeâuhe (d) nesiee~ Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Backward child
Comprehension: means "mentally challenged" Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe
Read the given passage and answer the mener Gòej nesiee~
questions that follow.
22. Bholi's mother agreed to send her to school
Her name was Sulekha, but since her childhood
because :
everyone had been calling her Bholi, the
(a) she wanted to wash her hands off Bholi
simpleton. She was the fourth daughter of Ramlal.
When she was ten months old, she had fallen off (b) Bholi was neglected at home
the cot on her head and perhaps it had damaged (c) she wanted to educate Bholi
some part of her brain. That was why she (d) she cared for Bholi's well-being
remained a backward child and came to be known SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
as Bholi, the simpleton. At birth, the child was Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Bholi's mother
very fair and pretty. But when she was two years agreed to send her to school because "She wanted to
old, she had an attack of small-pox. Only the eyes wash her hands off Bholi." Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener Gòej
were saved, but the entire body was permanently
disfigured by deep black pockmarks. Little nesiee~
Sulekha could not speak till she was five as she 23. Why was Ramlal worried about Bholi?
was a slow learner, and when at last she learnt to (a) It would be difficult to arrange her marriage
speak, she stammered. The other children often (b) She was too old to get married
Reading Comprehension 743 YCT
(c) It was difficult to comprehend her speech 29. What did the small pox attack do to Sulekha?
(d) She was not willing to get educated (a) It made her dull
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (b) It made her look ugly
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Ramlal worried (c) It damaged her speech
about Bholi because "It would be difficult to arrange (d) It damaged her eyes
her marriage". Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) ØeMve keâe mener Gòej nesiee~ SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
24. Which of these statements is NOT true about Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "The small pox
Bholi? attack sulekha and make her look ugly." Dele: efJekeâuhe (b)
(a) She was a simpleton
(b) She was neglected by her family
ØeMve keâe mener Gòej nesiee~.
(c) She was seven when her eldest sister got 30. Who was invited to inaugurate the girls'
married school?
(d) She was healthy and strong (a) Village head (b) Revenue official
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) School Headmaster (d) Tehsildar
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "She was healthy SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
and strong". This statement is not true about Bholi. Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "Tehsildar" was
Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~ invited to inaugurate the girl's school.
25. Sulekha came to be called Bholi because she Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~
was: Comprehension:
(a) fair and pretty (b) not very intelligent Read the given passage and answer the
(c) healthy and strong (d) the youngest daughter questions that follow.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) Santiniketan embodies Rabindranath Tagore’s
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Sulekha came to vision of a place of learning that is unfettered by
be called Bholi because she was "not very intelligent." religious and regional barriers. Established in
Hence option (b) will be correct answer. 1863 with the aim of helping education go beyond
26. The word 'disfigured' suggests that Bholi's the confines of the classroom, Santiniketan grew
looks were : into the Visva Bharati University in1921,
(a) preserved (b) improved attracting some of the most creative minds in the
(c) impaired (d) enhanced country.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) He developed a curriculum that was a unique
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, option (c) blend of art, human values and cultural
'disfigured' - (efJeke=âle) suggest that Bholi's looks were interchange. Even today, in every step, in every
brick and in every tree at Santiniketan, one can
impaired (Kejeye/efyeieÌ[e ngDee), DevÙe efJekeâuheeW kesâ DeLe& efYeVe nw~
still feel his presence, his passion, his dedication
preserved - mebjef#ele~ and his pride in the institution.
improved - GVele/DeÛÚe~ In 1862, Maharishi Debendranath Tagore, father
enhanced - yeÌ{e ngDee~ of Rabindranath, was taking a boat ride through
27. At what age did Sulekha damage her brain? Birbhum, the westernmost corner of Bengal, when
(a) Five years (b) Seven years he came across a landscape that struck him as the
(c) Two years (d) Ten months perfect place for meditation. He bought the large
tract of land and built a small house and planted
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
some saplings around it. Debendranath Tagore
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "Sulekha damage" decided to call the place Santiniketan, or the
her brain in the age of Ten months. Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve ‘abode of peace’, because of the serenity it
keâe mener Gòej nesiee~ brought to his soul. In1863, he turned it into a
28. How was Ramlal expected to set an example for spiritual centre where people from all religions,
the villagers? castes and creeds came and participated in
(a) By sending his daughters to school meditation.
(b) By marrying off his daughters at an early age In the years that followed, Debendranath’s son
(c) By sending his sons to school Rabindranath went on to become one of the most
(d) By treating Bholi as an equal formidable literary forces India has ever produced.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) He wrote in all literary genres but he was first and
foremost a poet. As one of the earliest educators
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "By sending his to think in terms of the global village, he
daughters to school" Ramlal expected to set an envisioned an education that was deeply rooted in
example for the villagers. Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) ØeMve keâe mener one’s immediate surroundings but connected to
Gòej nesiee~ the cultures of the wider world.
Reading Comprehension 744 YCT
Located in the heart of nature, the school aimed to Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, The curriculum
combine education with a sense of obligation designed for Santiniketan was a blend of "human values
towards the larger civic community. Blending the art and culture". Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) ØeMve keâe mener Gòej nesiee~
best of western and traditional eastern systems of
education, the curriculum revolved organically 35. The word 'unfettered' in the text suggest :
around nature with classes being held in the open (a) restricted by regional differences
air. Tagore wanted his students to feel free despite (b) bound by religious beliefs
being in the formal learning environment of a (c) free from barriers
school, because he himself had dropped out of (d) outside the classroom
school when he found himself unable to think and SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
felt claustrophobic within the four walls of a
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the word
"unfettered" in the text suggest that 'free from barriers.'
Nature walks and excursions were a part of the
curriculum, special attention was paid to natural Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) ØeMve keâe mener Gòej nesiee~
phenomena and students were encouraged to 36. When did Santiniketan grow into a university?
follow the life cycles of insects, birds and plants. (a) In 1921 (b) In 1862
The rural paradise of Santiniketan, Tagore’s (c) In 1922 (d) In 1863
erstwhile home, has become a thriving centre of SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
art, education and internationalism over the years.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Santiniketan grow
31. Which of these statements about Santiniketan
is NOT true? into a university in 1921. Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) ØeMve keâe mener
(a) Santiniketan is located in the western most Gòej nesiee~
part of Bengal 37.
Why did Rabindranath drop out of school?
(b) Santiniketan grew into Visva Bharati (a) He wanted a formal learning environment
university (b) He felt stifled within the classroom
(c) At Santiniketan, classes were held in the open (c) He found the curriculum too tough
(d) He was not interested in studies
(d) Santiniketan was set up by Rabindranath
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Rabindranath drop
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, option (d) out of school because he felt stifled within the
"Santiniketan was set up by Rabindranath Tagore" is classroom. Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) ØeMve keâe mener Gòej nesiee~
NOT ture. 38. Rabindranath was a 'formidable' literary force.
DevÙe efJekeâuhe Passage kesâ Devegmeej melÙe nw Dele: efJekeâuhe (d)
This implies he was :
GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~ (a) an avid reader of books
(b) an orthodox educationist
32. What did Santiniketan initially serve as?
(a) A spiritual centre (b) A summer house (c) a wealthy landowner
(c) A holiday resort (d) A classroom (d) a powerful writer
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Santiniketan Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Rabindranath was
intially serve as "A spiritual centre". Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) a 'formidable' literary force. This implies he was "a
ØeMve keâe mener Gòej nesiee~ powerful writer." Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe mener Gòej nesiee~
33. What does the name Santiniketan mean? 39. With what aim was Santiniketan established?
(a) Abode of culture (b) Abode of learning (a) To make it the perfect place for meditation
(c) Abode of peace (d) Abode of love (b) To attract the most creative minds
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) To encourage education outside the
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Santiniketan
(d) To nurture plants, birds and insects
means 'Abode of peace'. Hence option (c) will be
correct. SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
34. The curriculum designed for Santiniketan was Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the aim was
a blend of : Santiniketan established "To encourage education outside
(a) science and religion the classroom." Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) ØeMve keâe mener Gòej nesiee~
(b) human values art and culture 40. Tagore's 'erstwhile' home means:
(c) westerm education and village practices (a) rural retreat (b) magnificent house
(d) spiritual and religious exchange (c) serene abode (d) former home
SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC CGL (Tier-II) 16/11/2020 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Reading Comprehension 745 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Tagore's erstwhile 43. What made Nicholas so sure about what he
home means "former home." Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe said?
(a) He noticed it jumping in
mener Gòej nesiee~
(b) He saw someone putting it in
Comprehension: (c) His cousins had told him about it
Read the passage and answer the questions (d) He himself had put it in
given below it. SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
The children were to be driven, as a special treat,
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Nicholas made so
to the sands at Jagborough. Nicholas was not to be
of the party; he was in disgrace. Only that sure about what he said that he himself had put it in.
morning he had refused to eat his wholesome Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
bread-and-milk on the seemingly frivolous ground 44. Why did Nicholas consider his aunt had been
that there was a frog in it. Older and wiser and proved to be wrong?
better people(his aunt), had told him that there (a) She was forcing him to eat the bread and
could not possibly be a frog in his bread-and-milk milk.
and that he was not to talk nonsense; he continued, (b) She had said there was no frog in the bowl
nevertheless, to talk what seemed complete (c) She never listened to him
nonsense, and described with much detail the (d) She always scolded him
coloration and markings of the alleged frog. The SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
dramatic part of the incident was that there really
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Nicholas consider
was a frog in Nicholas's basin of bread-and-milk;
he had put it there himself, so he felt entitled to his aunt had been proved to be wrong because "She
know something about it. The sin of taking a frog had said there was no frog in the bowl." Dele: efJekeâuhe (b)
from the garden and putting it into a bowl of ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
wholesome bread-and-milk was enlarged on at 45. The children were being taken on a special
great length, but the fact that stood out clearest in treat to:
the whole affair, as it presented itself to the mind (a) The circus (b) The zoo
of Nicholas, was that the older, wiser, and better (c) A garden (d) The beach
people had been proved to be profoundly in error SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
in matters about which they had expressed the
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, The children were
utmost assurance. "You said there couldn't
possibly be a frog in my bread-and-milk; there being taken on a special treat to "The beach." Dele:
was a frog in my breadand- milk," he repeated, efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
with the insistence of a skilled tactician who does Comprehension:
not intend to shift from favourable ground. Read the passage and answer the questions
41. What was the aunt trying to tell Nicholas? given below it
(a) That he should play with his cousins Our civilization is more secure because it is much
(b) That he would be punished if he misbehaved more widely spread. Most of the previous
(c) That he should have eaten the bread and milk civilizations came to an end because uncivilized
(d) That he could choose to stay back if he peoples broke in and destroyed them. This was the
wished fate of Babylon, Assyria, India, China, Greece and
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) Rome. Previous civilizations were specialized and
limited like an oasis in a surrounding desert of
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, The aunt was trying savagery. Eventually, the desert closed in and the
to tell Nicholas "That he would be punished if he oasis was no more. But to-day, it is the oasis
misbehaved." Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ which is spreading over the desert. Practically no
42. What excuse did Nicholas give for not eating part of the world is untouched by it.
his bread and milk? For the first time, the world has now a chance of
(a) there was a frog in it becoming a single whole, a unity. To-day, the
food we eat comes from all over the world. The
(b) he did not like it things in a grocer’s shop are from the ends of the
(c) there was no sugar in it earth. There are oranges from Brazil, grapes from
(d) it was too cold to eat Africa, rice from India, tea from china, sugar from
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) Columbia etc.
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the excuse was To-day the world is beginning to look more like
given by Nicholas for not eating his bread and milk so one enormous box. Therefore, there is little danger
"there was a frog in it" Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° upon our civilization from outside. The danger
comes only from within; it is a danger from
Gòej nesiee~ among us.
Reading Comprehension 746 YCT
To-day, the sharing-out of money – the sharing- Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle passage kesâ Devegmeej the desert that
out of food, clothing, houses and books, is still surrounding the oasis was "Savagery." Dele: efJekeâuhe (d)
very unfair. In England alone, in sharing out of the
National Income, we find that one half is divided ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
among every sixteen people and the seventeenth 50. Which of the following statements is NOT true
person gets the other half. So while according to the facts given in the passage.
some few people live in luxury, many have not (a) Goods are transported from far- off places.
even enough to eat and drink and wear. Again, in (b) Some ancient civilizations have been
England to-day, thousands of people live in destroyed.
dreadful surroundings. There are many families of (c) Most people share their money equally.
five or six persons who live in a single room; in (d) Some people do not have adequate space to
this same room they are born and in this live.
same room they die, because, they are too poor to SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
afford another room. Until everyone gets his
proper share of necessary and delightful things, Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "Most people share
our civilization will not be perfect. their money equally." This statement is NOT true.
46. This in the third sentence refers to: Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) Ghejeskeäle ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
(a) Spread of civilizations Comprehension:
(b) Destruction of civilizations Read the passage and answer the questions
(c) Increase in security given below it
(d) Rise of education No one can look back on his schooldays and say
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) with truth that they were altogether unhappy. I
have good memories of St Cyprian's, among a
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, 'This' in the third
horde of bad ones. Sometimes on summer
sentence refers to "Destruction of civilizations" Dele: afternoons there were wonderful expeditions
efJekeâuhe (b) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ across the Downs to a village called Birling Gap,
47. What is one of the greatest disadvantages of the or to Beachy Head, where one bathed dangerously
present times? among the boulders and came home covered with
(a) We are at risk of attack from outsiders cuts. And there were still more wonderful mid-
(b) We have an internal threat from our own summer evenings when, as a special treat, we
kind. were not driven off to bed as usual but allowed to
(c) We need to bring things from other parts of wander about the grounds
the world. in the long twilight, ending up with a plunge into
(d) We cannot grow our own produce the swimming bathe at about nine o'clock. There
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) was the joy of waking early on summer mornings
and getting in an hour's undisturbed reading (Ian
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the greatest Hay, Thackeray, Kipling and H. G. Wells were
disadvantages of the present times is "We have an the favourite authors of my boyhood) in the sunlit,
internal threat from our own kind." Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) ØeMve sleeping dormitory. There was also cricket, which
keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ I was no good at but with which I conducted a sort
48. Which important feature of modern life of hopeless love affair up to the age of about
troubles the writer most? eighteen. And there was the pleasure of keeping
(a) There is inequality in the distribution of caterpillars — the silky green and purple puss-
things. moth, the
(b) People do not care for their fellow beings. ghostly green poplar-hawk, the privet-hawk, large
(c) Civilizations have become dependent. as one's third finger, specimens of which could be
illicitly purchased for sixpence at a shop in the
(d) Older civilizations do not exist anymore.
town — and, when one could escape long enough
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) from the master who was ‘taking the walk’, there
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the important was the excitement of dredging the dew-ponds on
feature of modern life trouble the writer most "There is the Downs for enormous newts with orange-
inequality in the distribution of things." Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) coloured bellies. This business of being out for a
ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ walk, coming across something of fascinating
interest and then being dragged away from it by a
49. What according to the writer was the desert
yell from the master, like a dog jerked onwards by
that surrounded the oasis?
the leash, is an important feature of school life,
(a) The poorer people (b) Some rich countries and helps to build up the conviction, so strong in
(c) Civilization (d) Savagery many children, that the things you most want to
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) do are always unattainable.
Reading Comprehension 747 YCT
51. We can infer that the writer was a : hotel, not a bed, not a corner. She was extremely
(a) disobedient student (b) lonely child friendly and seemed to find a fund of secret
(c) mischievous boy (d) studious boy amusement in the fact; she looked at me as though
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) expecting me to break into
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, we can infer that delighted laughter. “To-morrow,” she said, “there
may be. I am expecting a young gentleman who is
the writer was a "mischievous boy." Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) suddenly taken ill to move from number eleven.
ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ He is at present at the chemist's perhaps you
52. Why does the writer call cricket a hopeless love would care to see the room?”
affair? “Not at all,” said I. “Neither shall I wish tomorrow
(a) He was forced to give it up to sleep in the bedroom of an indisposed young
(b) He did not play it at all
“But he will be gone,” cried Madame, opening her
(c) He played it secretly blue eyes wide and laughing with that French
(d) He tried hard to learn it cordiality so enchanting to English hearing. I was
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) too tired and hungry to feel either appreciative or
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the writter call argumentative. “Perhaps you can recommend me
cricket a hopeless love affair because "he tried hard to another hotel?”
“Impossible!” She shook her head and turned up
learn it." Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe DeefYe° Gòej nesiee~
her eyes, mentally counting over the blue bows
53. "Where one bathed dangerously" . Why does painted on the ceiling. “You see, it is the season in
the writer call the bathing dangerous? Bruges, and people do not care to let their rooms
(a) they were punished later for a very short time” not a glance at my little suit
(b) there were snakes in the water case lying between us, but I looked at it gloomily,
(c) the boulders gave them bruises and it seemed to dwindle before my desperate
gaze become small enough to hold nothing but a
(d) the water was too deep collapsible folding tooth-brush.
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) “My large box is at the station,” I said coldly,
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the writer call the buttoning my gloves.
bathing dangerous because "the boulders gave them Madame started. “You have more luggage. Then
bruises." Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ you intend to make a long stay in Bruges,
54. What is the moral the boy draws from his “At least a fortnight perhaps a month.” I shrugged
childhood experiences? my shoulders.
(a) Things you enjoy doing are always “One moment,” said Madame. “I shall see what I
unreachable can do.” She disappeared, I am sure not further
(b) Only do the things your masters tell you to. than the other side of the door, for she reappeared
(c) Do not walk alone in the grounds. immediately and old me I might have a room at
(d) Do not collect insects like caterpillars her private house “just round the corner and kept
by an old servant who, although she has a wall
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) eye, has been in our family for fifteen years. The
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the 'moral' is porter will take you there, and you can have
"Things you enjoy doing are always unreachable. supper before you go.”
which the boy draws from his childhood experiences. I was the only guest in the dining-room. A tired
Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ waiter provided me with an omelet and a pot of
coffee, then leaned against a sideboard and
55. Which of the following did the boys not do on watched me while I ate, the limp table napkin over
summer mornings? his arm seeming to symbolise the very man.
(a) Read in bed (b) Sleep until late “Are you ready, Madame?” asked the waiter. “It is
(c) play cricket (d) Collect caterpillars I who carry your luggage.”
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) “Quite ready.”
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the boys did not 56. Which sentence tells us that Madame changed
sleep until late on summer mornings. Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) her mind suddenly and decided to give
accomodation to the writer?
ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ (a) I was the only guest in the dining-room.
Comprehension: (b) people do not care to let their rooms for a
Read the passage and answer the questions very short time.
given below it. (c) My large box is at the station
While I waited expectantly, Madame came in and (d) she reappeared immediately
told me that there was no room at all for me in the SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Reading Comprehension 748 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "she reappeared sequel, Around The Moon – by Jules Verne, The
immediately." This sentence tells us that Madame First Men In The Moon by HG Wells, Prelude To
changed her mind suddenly and decided to give Space by Arthur C Clarke… are only a few of the
accomodation to the writer. many fictionalised accounts that have, for centuries,
reflected this aspiration. In the 1954 Explorers On
Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~ The Moon, iconic comic book character, Tintin,
57. How long does the narrator plan to stay in that reaches the moon. While some writers imagined the
place? moon’s surface to be barren and uninhabited, others
(a) Two days (b) One week have written about it being populated with lunar
(c) Four days (d) A month beings. Even when Apollo 11 mission was being
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) planned and worked on, in 1963, Apollo At Go by
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the narrator plan Jeff Sutton, presented a realistic fictionalised
portrayal of the upcoming landing.
to stay in that place "A month." Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe
The successful landing of Apollo 11 and Neil
DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin’s walk on the moon,
58. Who looks after the private house? opened up another exciting possibility – could the
(a) The waiter (b) The porter common man or non-space-scientist reach for the
(c) Madame (d) An old servant moon? Literally? What had hitherto been in the
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) realm of speculation was now a reality and we
weren’t satisfied with just second-hand
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "An old servant"
information any more. Between 1969 and 1972,
Looks after the private house. Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe the US sent six successful manned missions to the
DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ moon, and with each victory, the lunar destination
59. Madame says impossible when the seemed a little closer within the reach of the
narrator asks her ______. common man.
(a) to recommend another hotel 61. When did the US send first successful manned
(b) for a porter to carry her bag trip to the moon?
(c) for space in the hotel from the next day (a) 1972 (b) 1963
(d) for some supper (c) 1969 (d) 1954
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Madame says Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, The US send the
"impossible" when the narrator asks her "to first successful manned trip to the moon in 1969. Dele:
recommend another hotel." Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) ØeMve keâe ef Jekeâuhe (c) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ 62. Who was the first person to speak of travel to
60. Madame is probably ______ the moon?
(a) Nurse at the clinic (a) Munchausen (b) Armstrong
(b) A saleswoman at the shop (c) Sutton (d) Branson
(c) Another guest like the narrator SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
(d) A Manager of the hotel Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "Munchausen"
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) was the first person to speak of travel to the moon. Dele:
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Madame is efJekeâuhe (a) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
probably "A manager of the hotel." Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve 63. Which of the following statements is not true
keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ according to the passage?
(a) Man’s walk on the moon inspired scientists to
plan more expeditions.
Read the passage and answer the questions
given below it. (b) All the writers wrote about the moon being
inhabited by weird creatures.
In 18th-century Germany, Baron Munchausen
regales his friends, over drinks, with stories of his (c) Someday the common man could make a trip
many adventures. These include his supposed to the moon.
travel to the moon. Long before Neil Armstrong (d) Man has always been attracted to the moon.
and Edwin Aldrin stepped out of Apollo 11 onto SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
the surface of the moon 50 years ago, on July 20, Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "All the writers
1969, the aspiration to travel to this shiny orb in wrote about the moon being inhabited by weird
the sky has fired human imagination. A Flight To creatures." is NOT true.
The Moon by George Fowler, From The Earth To
The Moon – and its
Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~
Reading Comprehension 749 YCT
64. The writer uses the expression literally 66. ITPO stands for :
because___ (a) Indian Trade and Promotion Order
(a) it has been an idiom for desiring something (b) India Trade Promotion Organisation
unlikely (c) India Trade Promotion Authority
(b) no one can ever go to the moon (d) India Traders and Products and Organisation
(c) it is wrong to build up stories SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
(d) people only dream of doing it
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, ITPO stands for
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm)
"India Trade Promotion Organisation." Dele: efJekeâuhe (b)
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the writer uses the
expression 'literally' because "It has been an idiom for
ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
desiring something unlikely". Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) ØeMve keâe 67. What are some of the regular features of such
DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ trade fairs?
(a) Programmes for launching new products and
65. How many fictional books written about
showcasing skills and talent
travelling to the moon are referred to here?
(a) Seven (b) Six (b) Conferences, seminars, live product
(c) Eight (d) Five demonstrations and meetings
SSC CPO-SI (Tier-II) 27/09/2019 (3 pm - 5 pm) (c) Programmes for launching new products and
bringing together manufacturers
Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "seven" fictional
(d) Conferences, seminars, live product
books written about travelling to the moon are referred
demonstrations and presentations
to here. Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
Comprehension : Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "Conferences,
Read the following passage and answer the
seminars, live product demonstrations and
presentations" are the regular features of such trade
Trade fairs are among the most memorable events
that take place periodically with the purpose of fairs. Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
promoting sales, launching new products, bringing 68. How is the trade fair an effective way of
together manufacturers of a particular line of promoting products?
products and educating the public. They are held (a) It brings together the maximum number of
at all levels –international, national, state and manufacturers, suppliers and buyers in a
district. The most prominent among them are the single place
India International Trade Fair, World Book Fair, (b) It brings together the maximum number of
Information Technology fair, Electronic Trade and
buyers to a single place
Technology Fair, Textile Fair, Auto Expo, state
level book fairs, district level exhibitions etc. (c) It is conducted by The Trade Fair Authority
India Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO), of India
which was incorporated in 1992 by the merger of (d) It has seminars, conferences and film shows
Trade Development Authority (TDA) with the on the various products
Trade Fair Authority of India (TFAI), has been SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
playing a commendable role in this respect. Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the trade fair an
It can be said without a doubt that sales promotion effective way of promoting products is "It brings
is the most important purpose of these fairs. together the maximum number of manufacturers,
Bringing together the largest possible number of
manufacturers, suppliers, existing and potential suppliers and buyers in a single place." Dele: efJekeâuhe (a)
buyers under the same roof helps to promote the ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
products in an effective way. All these people 69. Under the same roof means:
come together on a single platform for a fixed (a) In an open area (b) In a big building
period of time. This offers a unique opportunity to
(c) at one place (d) at different places
manufacturers and suppliers to display their best
products and services and the buyers get a chance SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
to see a wide range of products and services. Ans. (c) : Ghejes k eäle Passage kes â Deveg meej, 'Under the same
Conferences, seminars, live product roof' is an idiom which means "at one place." Dele:
demonstrations and presentations are regular efJekeâuhe (c) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
features of these fairs and exhibitions. Besides
these, colourful cultural programmes are also 70. What is the main purpose of organizing trade
important features of such fairs. These fairs give a fairs?
good opportunity to the artists to showcase their (a) Informing people about the activities of
skills and talent at such specially organized traders
programmes. (b) Launching international products
Reading Comprehension 750 YCT
(c) Bringing the manufacturers and suppliers 72. What does the passage talk about?
together (a) Cartoons and their purpose
(d) Sales promotion (b) Cartoons in different language papers
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) (c) Humorous cartoons
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the main purpose (d) Cartoonists in India
of organizing trade fairs is "sales promotion." Dele: SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, The passage talk
Comprehension : about "Cartoons and their purpose". Dele: efJekeâuhe (a)
Read the following passage and answer the ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
questions. 73. Why does the cartoonist use humour?
The general reader enjoys cartoons for two (a) To influence public opinion
reasons. First, these cartoons make him smile (b) To help people have ideas about their society
because they draw his attention to something that (c) To make people understand their duties
is unusual and unexpected. The cartoonist
(d) To change the political issues in the country
highlights some aspects of a well-known
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
personality in the field of politics, social work,
cinema, sports, business etc. and criticises the Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the cartoonist aim
person involved. is to use humour to not only criticize but also correct
Here, the purpose is not to offend but to make him the wrong practice. In other words we can say the
understand that there is something funny about his Cartoonist use humour "To influence public opinion."
actions or behaviour. Secondly, the cartoonist may Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
target some wrong practices or situations from 74. Cartoons make the general reader smile
different walks of life. Here, his aim is to use because they make him notice something that
humour to not only criticize but also correct the is:
wrong practices. In other words, correction (a) general and unexpected
through entertainment. The cartoonist can never (b) curious and unusual
beat around the bush because he needs to make his (c) beautiful and unusual
point with just a few strokes of his pen.
(d) uncommon and unexpected
Political cartoons, that is, cartoons making
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
humorous comments on curent political situations
and events are a regular feature of both English Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Cartoons make
newspapers and regional language newspapers. the general reader smile because they make him notice
They can be found in the editorial pages of a daily something that is "uncommon and unexpected." Dele:
newspaper, in news magazines and on political efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
websites. Political cartoons can be very funny,
especially if people can understand the message in 75. To beat around the bush means:
the cartoon. Their main purpose, though, is not (a) to talk about a lot of unimportant things
only to amuse him but also make him think about (b) to give an example
current events and influence his opinion about the (c) to highlight unique features
events. The best political cartoonist uses humour (d) to say what is most important
so skilfully that the reader's own opinions on SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
various political issues are formed even without Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, "To beat around
him even realizing how it happened. the bush" is an idiom which means "to talk about a lot
71. What are the aims of the? of unimportant things." Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) ØeMve keâe DeYeer°
(a) To criticize people and all their practices Gòej nesiee~
(b) To be humorous and offend people.
(c) To make positive criticism about people and Comprehension :
change wrong practices. Read the following passage and answer the
(d) To show the people funny things and criticize questions.
them. The founder of the Bhoodan Yagna or the Land
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) Gifts Mission was Acharya Vinoba Bhave, a close
associate and follower of Mahatma Gandhi. This
Ans. (c) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the aims of the
movement, which was one of the greatest land
cartoonist are "To make positive criticism about people
reform movements in Independent India, was
and change wrong practices." Dele: efJekeâuhe (c) ØeMve keâe started in the year 1951 in Pochampalli,
DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ Telangana.

Reading Comprehension 751 YCT

In the spring of 1951 there was a meeting of rural (c) By 1969, he had collected 12,000 acres for
workers in Hyderabad. Since Vinoba Bhave never redistribution
used money, he decided to walk to this meeting (d) In 1951, he had walked 300 miles to attend a
which was some 300 miles away from where he meeting.
lived. On the way, in every village through which SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
he passed, he came face to face with the misery of Ans. (a) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Vinoba Bhave's
the poor, landless farmers. He realized that he
movement was successful because "by 1969, he had
should leave no stone unturned in his mission to
seek justice and land for his poor countrymen. collected 4 million acres for redistribution." Dele: efJekeâuhe
When he reached Hyderabad he went straight to a (a) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
village and in one of the prayer meetings he 79. Read the passage and answer the questions by
appealed to the landlords. He said, "If you had choosing the correct option for each.
five sons and a sixth were born to you, wouldn't What type of a movement was the Bhoodan
you give him a portion of your estate? Treatme as Yagna?
your sixth son and give me one-sixth of your land (a) It was a Spring movement
for redistribution to the poor." His words struck a (b) It was a land reforms movement
chord among the landlords. (c) It was a village movement
Land was voluntarily donated and within the two (d) It was a land movement
months that he spent in Hyderabad, Vinoba
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
received nearly 12,000 acres in trust for the
landless. Encouraged by this success, he travelled Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, the Bhoodan
across india to convince the wealthy landlords to Yagna "was a land reform movement." Dele: efJekeâuhe (b)
share a small area of their land with their poor, ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
landless neighbours. By 1969, the Bhoodan 80. To leave no stone unturned means :
movement had collected over 4 million acres of
(a) To find a new path
land for redistribution.
(b) To try and do new things
76. When and where was the Bhoodan movement
started? (c) To walk carefully on a road full of stones
(a) 1951, Hyderabad (d) To do everything possible to achieve a good
(b) 1951, Pochampalli, Telangana
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm)
(c) 1969, Pochampalli, telangana
(d) 1969, Hyderabad Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, 'To leave no stone
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) unturned' (nj mecYeJe ØeÙeeme keâjvee) is an idiom which
Ans. (b) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Bhoodan means "To do everything possible to achieve a good
movement started' in 1951, Pochampalli, Telangana. result." Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~
Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) ØeMve keâe DeefYe° Gòej nesiee~ Comprehension :
77. How did Vinoba make an appeal to the Read the passage carefully and choose the best
landlords? answer to each question out of the four
(a) He asked them to think of the villagers as alternatives.
their sons and give one-sixth of their land Doing an internship at the University of Lille in
(b) He insisted that all the land belonged to the France, I almost always found myself stuck
poor whenever I had to speak to non-Indians about
(c) He asked them to give the land to all their six India or on anything 'Indian'. This was more
sons because of the subtle differences in the way the
(d) He asked them to consider him as their sixth French understood India in comparison to what I
son and give him one-sixth of their land. thought was 'Indian'. For instance, when I, or any
SSC Stenographer Grade C&D –05/02/2019 (3:5pm) Indian for that matter, say 'Hindi' is an Indian
language, what it means is that it is one of the
Ans. (d) : Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Vinoba make an
languages widely spoken in India. This need not
appeal to the landlords, "He asked them to consider be similar to the understanding that the French
him as their sixth son and give him one-sixth of their would have when they hear of 'Hindi' as an Indian
land." Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) ØeMve keâe DeYeer° Gòej nesiee~ language. Because for them Hindi then becomes
78. How can it be said that Vinoba Bhave's the only language spoken in India. This is a
movement was successful? natural inference that the French, Germans,
(a) By 1969, he had collected 4 million acres for Italians and many other European nationals would
redistribution. tend to make, because that is generally how it is in
(b) By 1951, he had persuaded the wealthy their own respective countries. The risk of such
landlords to donate their land inappropriate generalisations made about 'Indian'

Reading Comprehension 752 YCT

is not restricted to language alone but also for 85. According to the writer the responsibility of
India's landscape, cuisine, movies, music, climate, explaining the facts about India to Europeans
economic development and even political rests with?
ideologies. The magnitude of diversity of one (a) Europeans (b) Indians
European country can be easily compared to that (c) Rest of the world (d) Indian Government
of one of the Indian State, isn't it? Can they SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
imagine that India is one country whose diversity Ans. (b) Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, option (b) 'Indioms'
can be equated to that of the entire European
is correct answer.
continent? The onus is upon us to go ahead and
clarify the nuances in 'Indianness' while we DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe Gòej osles nQ~
converse. But why should one do so? How does it Comprehension :
even matter to clarify? Read the passage carefully and choose the best
81. Why do some French people think that Hindi is answer to each question out of the four
the only Indian language? alternatives.
(a) Because that is the way in most European It was a bittersweet moment for me when I found
countries out that I had been selected for the Sakura Science
(b) That is what is being taught to them Exchange Programme, a Robotics and IoT
(c) They know India is also called as Hindustan workshop in Japan. A fully-funded opportunity of
so people there must speak only Hindi a lifetime. Fly off to Saitama without a care on the
world, and all I had to do was put into practice
(d) As most Indians they meet speak Hindi
what I love to do – computer science. The bitter
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 part of the episode – that I would lose two weeks
Ans. (a) Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, Some French people of IB education, an almost literal mountain to
think that Hindi is the only Indian language because that cover when I got back – was quickly forgotten
is the way in most European countries, GheÙegòeâ answer nw~ when I envisioned myself programming robots in
Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) mener Gòej nesiee~ the country that gave us Anime and sushi! It was
with the eagerness to have an extended vacation in
82. The writer was working at a university in an un-visited land, and the opportunity to learn
which country? more about a subject that I am passionate about,
(a) France (b) Germany that I headed to the Kempegowda International
(c) Italy (d) India Airport outside Bengaluru. Little did I know this
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 would be the experience of a lifetime, more for
Ans. (a) Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, The writer was the endearing values of the Japanese culture that
made their mark on me than anything else. The
working at a university in 'France'. Dele: efJekeâuhe (a) GheÙegòeâ first feature of Japanese society that called out to
Gòej nw~ me was the Discipline. Walking into the Narita
83. What wrong with respect to India are the International Airport, used as I was to the noisy
Europeans responsible for? crowds back in India, I quite literally lost my
(a) Their hatred towards Indian culture breath to the sight that awaited me. Be it the
(b) Their complete lack of knowledge regarding security check or baggage claim, somehow there
India's past was a silence that felt right. Everyone went about
their activities without any confusion. And,
(c) That India is economically decades behind
contrary to the bharatiya custom of lazy pot-
the developed world bellied officials, every guard and all counter
(d) Their inappropriate generalizations personnel did what they were supposed to do to
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 ensure this flow was maintained.
Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ passage kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej with respect to 86. What was it that the writer did not like about
India are the Europeans responsible for their inappropriate his trip to Japan?
generalizations. Dele: efJekeâuhe (d) GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~ (a) That the trip was so short
84. The writer compares diversity of one European (b) That he would be compelled to eat sushi
country to the diversity of ____________. (c) That he would miss a fortnight worth of I B
(a) One major city in India education
(b) One Indian State (d) That Japanese people are too disciplined
(c) The whole continent of Asia SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
(d) The whole world Ans. (c) Ghejesòeâ Passage kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej, efJekeâuhe (c)
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 ‘That he would miss a fortnight worth of IB education’
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ passage kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej JeekeäÙe kesâ efjòeâ GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~
mLeeve kesâ efueÙes efJekeâuhe (b) one 'Indian state' GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~
Reading Comprehension 753 YCT
87. What did the writer notice when he arrived at Perhaps the biggest threat to WTO’s efficacy
Narita International Airport? today is the attitude of the US. The world’s largest
(a) The bags arriving on time in baggage claim economy appears to have lost faith in the
(b) The cleanliness organisation and has begun to undermine one of
(c) That there was no security check its most successful segments, the dispute redressal
(d) The silence mechanism. This is significant as the US has been
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 directly involved in nearly half of
all cases brought to WTO. Separately, large
Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ passage kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej, efJekeâuhe (d)
groups of countries decided to pursue negotiations
‘The silence GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& nQ~ on e-commerce, investment facilitation and
88. Why was the writer travelling to Japan? removal of trade obstacles for medium and small
(a) On a holiday scale industries. By itself this should not weaken
(b) For two weeks of IB education WTO. But it comes at a time when there is
(c) For employment growing frustration with gridlock at WTO.
(d) To attend a robotics workshop India did well to defend its position on its food
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 security programme. The envisaged reform
package which will see a greater use of direct cash
Ans. (d) Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, efJekeâuhe (d) ‘To
transfers to beneficiaries will be in sync with what
attend a robotics workshop’. GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~ DevÙe efJekeâuhe developed countries do. But it’s important for
efYevve DeLe& osles nQ~ India to enhance its efforts to reinvigorate WTO.
89. What aspect of Japanese culture left a mark on In this context, India’s plan to organise a meeting
the writer? of some countries early next year is a step in the
(a) Their cuisine right direction. WTO represents the best available
(b) Their unity platform to accommodate interests of adiverse set
(c) Their health consciousness of nations. Therefore, India should be at the
(d) Their values forefront of moves to fortify it.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 91. Why was the WTO’s 11th binennial ministerial
conference worrisome?
Ans. (d) Ghejesòeâ passage kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej efJekeâuhe (d)
(a) Denial of states quo.
Their Values of Japanese culture left a mark on the
(b) Inability of negotiator to reach to substantive
writer. GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~
outcome for the problems.
90. Which country is credited for producing (c) Rift in the policies suggested by WTO on
Anime? IPR.
(a) India (b) Japan (d) Non-cooperation from Indian government on
(c) America (d) England various matters.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Ans. (b) Ghejesòeâ passage kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej, Japan is Ans. (b) efoÙes ieÙes passage kesâ YeeJe kesâ Devegmeej 'Inability of
credited for producing Anime and Sushi. negotiators to reach to substantive outcome for the
Dele: efJekeâuhe (b) Japan GheÙegòeâ Gòej nw~ problems' mener answer nw~
Comprehension : DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~
Read the passage carefully and select the best 92. What is the biggest threat to WTO’s efficacy
answer to each question out of the given four today?
alternatives. (a) India being not working in its best interest.
The conclusion of World Trade Organization’s (b) Lost of faith in WTO by US.
11th biennial ministerial conference at Buenos (c) Negotiators of WTO are not decision takers.
Aires was worrisome. From an Indian standpoint, (d) WTO’s lame attitude towards global trade.
there was no loss as status quo continues in the
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
most important issue: the right to continue the
food security programme by using support prices. Ans. (b) Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, efJekeâuhe (b) Lost of
But the inability of the negotiators to reach even faith in WTO by US. GhegÙeòeâ answer nw~
one substantive outcome suggests that WTO’s DevÙe efJekeâuhe efYeVe DeLe& osles nQ~
efficacy is under question. As a 164-country
multilateral organisation dedicated to crafting 93. Which of the following nation is keen to fortify
rules of trade its interest on WTO platform?
through consensus, WTO represents the optimal (a) USA (b) Japan
bet for developing countries such as India. (c) Russia (d) India
Strengthening WTO is in India’s best interest. SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018
Reading Comprehension 754 YCT
Ans. (a) Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, option (a) 'USA' is The good news is that simple, everyday activities
keen to fortify its interest on WTO platform mener nw~ DevÙe can also nutrify the soul — like spending time in the
midst of nature, dancing in the rain or just putting
efJekeâuhe efYeVe osles nQ~ thoughts on paper. Do whatever is calming
94. Which of the following is the most successful and pleases you. Creative pursuits are particularly
segments of the WTO mentioned in the appealing as inside each one of us, there is an artist
passage? craving for release and awaiting an opportunity for
(a) Dispute redressal mechanism expression. One of the ways to indulge the artist
within is to get started with the practice of any one or
(b) Intellectual Property Rights
more of the creative art form such as music, singing,
(c) Reviewer of government’s t rade policies. dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry,
(d) Agreement on trade in services. fiction or essay writing.
SSC CGL (Phase-II) 17/02/2018 When you engage in such soul nourishing
Ans. (a) Ghejeskeäle Passage kesâ Devegmeej, option(a) 'Dispute activities, all thought and energy gets focused
redressal mechanism' is the most successful segment of toward goal accomplishment. At this point, you
the WTO mentioned in the passage GheÙegòeâ answer nw~ will find that even unknown forces of the universe

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