BSBSTR601 Project Portfolio Section 1 Continuous Improvement and Innovation Review
BSBSTR601 Project Portfolio Section 1 Continuous Improvement and Innovation Review
BSBSTR601 Project Portfolio Section 1 Continuous Improvement and Innovation Review
First published 2021
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Student name: Mohit Kumar
Date: 17-11-2023
Review organisational
Which documents did you Strategic plan, Operational Plan, Organizational Structure,
Internal and External Communication policies and
read? procedures.
Which policies and
Both Internal and External policies and procedures will be
procedures will guide your
used as a guide.
approach to approvals, project
management and change Key innovation and continuous improvement approach Due
management? to global economic conditions, a wait and watch attitude is
being adopted while we brainstorm and provide cost
Attach the documents estimates for future business models. All policies and
(including the notes you made procedures should be reviewed and updated to represent best
as you read them) to this practices.
section of the portfolio.
Operational Activities
Attach the policy and
procedures (including the Review all policies and procedures and update as required –
notes you made as you read particularly need to focus on formal continuous improvement
and innovation systems and processes as this is lacking and
them) to this section of the
so needed in our organization.
Operational processes
Describe key operational Recently a decision has been made to start working on a
processes. cloud-based solution but continuing with the existing
business model.
Performance Improvement
Which strategies are currently Key strategies to monitor and evaluate performance and
used to monitor and evaluate sustainability of key systems and processes include team
the performance and meetings, staff surveys and the use of financial reports and
regular performance reports.
sustainability of key systems
and processes? To implement this new idea, you are required to notify sales
Discuss the current staff of the new product and schedule their training. This
continuous improvement should be done by creating a bulletin notice for the staff
systems, processes, and bulletin as well as a calendar invite for staff to attend
innovations being used. training.
Analyse supply chains and operational and service systems to identify changes, improvements, and
new ideas
Perform Gap Analysis using the table provided to describe the current state of the supply chain and
operational and service systems and the desired state of the supply chain and operational and service
systems. Also identify solutions to bridge any gaps and the cost-benefit calculations of the solutions.
You may identify more than one solution per issue
-Order products -Able to deliver goods from Cost per unit depending
Logistics delay
from other multiple locations. on the destination.
sources, such as - costumers will have more
the United option to choose Costumers get their
States or China. - increase costumer’s order on time.
-Provide update satisfaction.
information more
discount code in
case cannot
-Provide the new
product or
service to
Hire more staff Provide regularly survey to Fee
Overworked staff
by looking of the receive feedback from them Know the situation of
trend of sale. about how is going on the organization
Identify at
least two Lucas Lopez - CEO
members Jade Somers - Sale Manager
Who in the Hal Hyland - IT Manager
team do you
believe is Albert Biden - Operation Manager
to ensuring
Give your
rationale for
Describe Staff surveys
best practice Costumers surveys feedback from
ways of Enterprise social networks
working that Support application - Sasi, Signpro, Zoom etc.
teams can
use to
and to be
Give at least
Seek input
Insert a
screen shot
of your email
to the team
members or
attach it as
evidence to
this section
of your
Performance information ☐