India Regulation For Preventing Plagiarism

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Print ISSN: 2589-8302

E-ISSN: 2589-8310

Medical Journal
Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth

Dr.DY Patil Vidyapeeth
(Deemed to be University)

Official Publication of Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth Society, Pune

Volume 15

Volume 15 / Issue 6 / November-December 2022

Issue 6

November-December 2022

Pages ***-***
Letter to the Editor

India’s Regulations for Preventing Plagiarism and Promoting Academic

Integrity in Higher Education
Academic advancement in higher education institutions over 60% (level 3), such students registration for the
is partly at the mercy of research and academic program would be cancelled and in the case of research
contributions made by the concerned faculty. “Publish papers, the faculty will be denied two successive annual
or Perish” has become a new dictum; hence, scientific increments and they are denied the opportunity to guide
research and publications are needed to earn one’s the research scholars for 3 years. The repeated instances
bread and butter. When something is obligatory to be of plagiarism by an individual would attract a higher
achieved, a person may resort to dishonest means to penalty.[3] The current regulations are not foolproof
do so. The individual can beg, borrow or steal, putting since the measuring index considered for plagiarism is
one’s academic integrity at stake. similarity alone.
Serious concerns were raised by a government‑appointed “Ignorantia Juris non‑excusat,” ignorance about the
committee about the quality of research in India’s existing laws and regulations is not bliss. It is very
academic institutes. Plagiarism and manipulation of essential to sensitize the researchers about the responsible
data were identified as the major threats harming the conduct of research, making them more vigilant in
credibility of such institutions.[1] avoiding both intentional and unintentional plagiarism.
Although there are no separate laws governing Financial support and sponsorship
plagiarism in India, these are most often dealt with as Nil.
copyright infringement falling under the purview of the
Conflicts of interest
Copyright Act.[2]
There are no conflicts of interest.
University Grant Commission, a statutory organization
to maintain the standard of higher education in India, Smitha Rani, Suraj S. Shetty1, Sandeep S2
formulated certain regulations to uphold academic Departments of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology and
Otorhinolaryngology, JSS Medical College, JSS Academy of
integrity. The regulation grades plagiarism into four
Higher Education and Research, Mysuru, Karnataka, 1Department
levels based on the amount of similarity, quantified of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, K S Hegde Medical
through plagiarism detection software. Facts of Academy, NITTE (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru,
common knowledge/coincidental terms, up to fourteen Karnataka, India
consecutive words do not fall under the purview of
Address for correspondence: Dr. Smitha Rani,
plagiarism. Plagiarism of level 0, i.e., similarities up to
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, J.S.S Medical
10%, attracts no penalty. When similarities are between College, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Sri
10% to 40% (Level 1 plagiarism), the students would Shivarathreeshwara Nagar, Bannimantap, Mysuru ‑ 570 015,
be asked to resubmit the revised script of their thesis Karnataka, India.
E‑mail: [email protected]
within a stipulated time not exceeding 6 months. If the
Submission: 14-08-2021, Decision: 21-04-2022,
document is academic/research publications, the authors Acceptance: 21-04-2022, Web Publication: 14-06-2022
would be asked to withdraw the manuscript. Punitive
action prescribed to level 2 plagiarism (>40%–60%) is References
debarring the student from submission for 1 year. Level 1. Pandey N. Plagiarism, Data Manipulation Hurting India’s
Research, Govt Panel Raises Alarm. The Print; 2019; News.
2 plagiarism in publications will lead to the loss of one
Available from:
annual increment and such faculty will not be allowed data-manipulation-hurting‑indias‑research-govt‑panel-
to supervise research scholars for 2 years in addition to raises‑alarm/260918/. [Last accessed 05 Jun 2021].
withdrawal of the said manuscript. When similarities are 2. Kadam D. Academic integrity and plagiarism: The new

© 2022 Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 943
Letter to the Editor

regulations in India. Indian J Plast Surg 2018;51:109‑10. This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative
3. University Grants Commission (Promotion of Academic Integrity Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to
and Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions) remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is
Regulations, 2018. Available from: given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
pdfnews/7771545_academic‑integrity‑Regulation2018.pdf. [Last
accessed on 2021 Jun 04]. Access this article online
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How to cite this article: Rani S, Shetty SS, Sandeep S. India's regulations
for preventing plagiarism and promoting academic integrity in higher
education. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2022;15:943-4.
© 2022 Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

944 Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth ¦ Volume 15 ¦ Issue 6 ¦ November-December 2022

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