History SS7
History SS7
History SS7
SS7 Tutorial
Network History
Why SS7?
Copyright ADC
In the postwar period telephone industries around the world had attracted many of the best and brightest among those who had chosen to pursue careers in technology. Many of these now turned to thoughts of how telephone wires could be used more efficiently. The concept was both simple and obvious. If wires could become ten percent more efficient, each wire would carry ten percent more conversations. The need for new wiring would then decrease an equivalent amount.
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Once you have finished dialing, the telephone company compares your dialed digits with a routing table that provides the switch with the information allowing it to choose another switch in the network to which it makes a voice circuit connection. That next switch also receives the dialed digit information so that it can consult its own routing table to determine where the next connection will be made. In the end, the switch which is connected to the line of the phone you are calling is connected into the circuit. This switch now determines whether the call can be connected. If your party is talking, their line indicates an off hook condition. In the days before call waiting this always meant that you would be sent another signal that we call the busy signal. This signal was not the only problem associated with signalling in the voice circuitry; but it was a major problem which we can examine to help understand the reasons for wanting to eliminate voice circuit signalling. With all of the circuit connections in place, the busy signal was sent from the local switch serving the party being called. No matter how far away you were, all of the connections had to remain in place just to carry the busy signal back to the caller. This same circuitry could not be used for any other phone call. The circuitry was lost for as long as the caller hung on to the phone. Very often, the caller would hang up and place the call again immediately. The result would usually be another busy signal. This wasnt stupidity on the part of the caller. It was simply that they knew they may have dialed incorrectly and that it might not really be their party that was busy. Sometimes it was because the party who was calling felt an urgent need to contact the other party. Sometimes these dialing compulsions led to the call being placed again and again and again. The resultant inefficient use of circuitry was one of the reasons that the phone companies could not keep up to the demand for new wiring.
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The results of this Common Channel Signalling approach were almost immediately apparent. If the local switch could get the information back from the remote switch that the called partys line was busy, then the local switch could send the busy signal back to the caller. None of the circuitry between the local and remote switches would be required to carry the busy signal back. The only wiring being tied up would be the wire to the callers phone. Having a digital interface with the telephone network would evolve to a point where removing the signalling from the voice network would seem to be a minor advantage. Common Channel Signalling would pave the way for 800 numbers, 900 numbers, telephone credit cards, calling cards, the delivery of numerous services (such as short text messages) to cell phones, caller identification and a host of other intelligent (programmable) services available in the Common Channel network. Nevertheless, having the concept fifty years ago was a long way from experiencing the reality. Everyone in the industry understood that such a system would be almost useless unless a telephone call could be connected from any phone in the world to any other phone in the world. It was time to develop a standard which would set the guidelines for all the details of how the new system would handle every situation. The standards organization which would do the work was the CCITT (Consultative Committee on International Telephone and Telegraph)
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By 1927 there was a Consultative Committee for International Radio (CCIR), a Consultative Committee for International Telephone (CCIF), and a Consultative Committee for International Telegraph (CCIT). In 1932 the ITU decided to combine the Telegraph and Radiotelegraph Conventions and form the International Telecommunication Convention. In 1934 the ITU renamed itself as the International Telecommunication Union.
Why SS7?
The answer is simply that the time had come for the world to begin its move into the high-tech, highly communicative world of the latter part of the Twentieth Century.
Copyright ADC
These links will bring you more detailed information on the NewNet family of ADC network software solutions.
SMserver Short Message Service Center (SMSC) for GSM and IS-41 wireless networks. OTAserver Over-the-Air Service Provisioning (OTASP) for CDMA and TDMA wireless networks. CALEAserver ADC offers the solution that allows carriers to meet Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) requirements today. AccessMANAGER UNIX based real-time application development and deployment platform with full Signaling System No.7 (SS7) protocol suite. Distributed7 ADC's latest generation of SS7 platforms is designed for high availability carrier applications. The clustered multi-host architecture enables SS7 to run on multiple computers simultaneously under a single SS7 point code. Distributed7 takes SS7 reliability beyond fault tolerant platforms. Connect7 Host independent controller board embedded with full Signaling System No.7 (SS7) functionality. Internet Offload Solution SS7-IP interworking solution that diverts dialup traffic from PSTN to packet network. Allows for call control of the ISPs' NAS devices via Q.931 signaling.
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