Chapter-1: 1.1 Introduction To Cost Accounting
Chapter-1: 1.1 Introduction To Cost Accounting
Chapter-1: 1.1 Introduction To Cost Accounting
Costing was previously described as a methodology and method for determining the value of
a particular item. Value accounting was redefined in the 1960’s to refer to the application of
costing and cost accounting concepts, methodologies, and strategies to the sciences, the art,
and practice of cost management, as well as the determination of the profitability of goods and
services. It also covers the presentation of data that was obtained with managerial decision-
making in mind. It really emphasizes the value of cost accounting as attained during the course
of the term by applying pricing standards in seven additional areas and assisting management
in making the best possible business decisions. The scope of price accounting has expanded to
the point where it now encompasses all types of information that helps executives to achieve
organizational objectives. Since managers are the main consumers of accounting data and
increasingly use the information offered by accounts to set goals and manage corporate
operations, modern price accounting is sometimes referred to as management accounting.
The field of accounting has a long history. The use of financial accounting should have existed
in early culture. As counting and math were introduced, the barter system was altered by the
introduction of money, and some form of economic accounting emerged. Cost accounting, on
the other hand, may be traced to the latter part of the seventeenth century. Robert Loader's Farm
Money Owed 1610–20 has the earliest mention of value accounting. However, the 18th-century
industrial revolution brought about a significant mechanization of production equipment,
which led to large-scale production.
There have been occasional attempts to implement factory value systems in the UK and the
USA going back to 1805.
But the idea of top price was once used around 1875 with the aid of some industrialists.
Between 1885 and 1901, a range of publications from London and New York explained the
value of manufacture, the distribution of establishment’s charges, the business organization of
the factories, factory money owed –their standards and practices, and ultimately entire text
book on value accounting principle and practice was once published by using J.L. Nicholson
from New York in 1913. The fee accounting ideas advanced similarly with the opening of the
1st world war. The ‘cost-plus’ thought used to be delivered at some stage in the fighting time
in order to keep away from prolong in executing pressing supplies.
The contract s has been entered on the basis that the dealer would be reimbursed the ‘cost-plus’
a constant proportion to cover administration and other overhead costs and profit. Immediately,
two things happened. One, a demand for qualified persons to calculate value and two,
deliberation of value accountancy obtained a boost-up. More and greater human beings
obtained interested in the profession. In 1919, the institute of fee and works accountants used
to be set up in U.K, which is recognized as the chartered institute of administration accountants
(CIMA) at London. Simultaneously, in USA the countrywide association of value accountants,
which is now known as the countrywide association of accountants, was once also hooked up
at New York? Under the leadership of these two institutes, the occupation and the ideas of cost
accounting developed significantly. Before the 2ND world hostilities, the mechanism of
preferred fee accounting, budgetary control, bendy budgeting and direct costing grew to
become recognized in USA AND UK. Before intendancy, there were a few price accountants
in India, and they were mostly qualified by ICWA (CIMA) London. The need to establish a
career in the United States became apparent during the Second World War, and some Calcutta-
based defaces services employees took the initiative to establish an Indian institute.
Career costing is still in its infancy at that point. The institute of value and works accountants
of India, however, was established in Calcutta after the fee and works accountants of India act
was passed in 1959.
The career counts on in addition significance hotel 1968, when the government of India
introduced selective fee audit beneath part 233-B of the Indian companies act 1956 and framed
cost. For this, we'll use the 1968 Accounting Record Rules.
Price audit is no longer required, but it is still selected for a few nominated industries. Despite
this, the profession has greatly profited, and more people are now interested in entering the
Due to the widespread usage of fee accounting techniques today, new concepts in information
technology, operational management, and performance measurement have emerged. Modern
value management is defined by concepts like ABC, strategic manipulate system, flexible
product ion machine, etc.
The term "cost shape" refers to the distribution of prices associated with the production of
goods or services across time. While some people mistakenly believe that a cost structure only
refers to the price range used in the manufacturing process, a true value shape will also take
into account the utilization of all types of resources along the route. This can include costs like
labor and utility bills as well as additional one-time costs like revenue and advertising costs.
When attempting to create a sensible photo of the price structure associated with the production
of any kind of excellent or service, the first step is to recognize each person step that occurs.
This begins with the development of the notion for the product, the acquisition of raw materials,
and the introduction of production amenities that are used to create the end product. At the
same time, a fee shape will tackle all labor expenses related with every step.
This will consist of solely the cost of wages and salaries, but also ancillary benefits provided
to employees, such variation, retirement, and health benefits. Essentially any rate that is
incurred to make sure all the imperative aspects for manufacturing is in vicinity will be section
of the fee structure. But once the top or supplier is created, the components of a great cost form
do not end. Nevertheless, there are the issues of storage, promotion, marketing, and sales, as
well as the delivery of the product to the customer.
This means that the price structure must also include any storage fees incurred while the
product is being prepared for sale, any costs associated with advertising and promoting the
product, and any transportation and transaction costs incurred when delivering the product to
a customer.
Analyzing all these elements as section of finding out the current value structure yield two
important advantages for the producer first, the modern-day circumstance of the cost structure
aids in assisting to decide the unit charge for every product produced obviously, the unit cost
have to exceed the genuine fee of producing the product, or the organization will soon be out
of business. second, evaluating the prices that make up the value structure can often help
perceive points alongside the method that can be subtle for larger efficiency or at least a more
responsible use of the sources on hand. This aspect can additionally have an impact on the last
unit cost, and possibly help to expand the earnings margin on each unit produced.
The costs that a business should consider when producing a good or providing a service.
Transaction costs, sunk costs, marginal expenses, and fixed costs are examples of charge
structure types. The ratio of fixed assets to variable costs determines the firm's price structure.
The types and quantities of fixed and variable expenses that a company incurs are referred to
as its cost structure. Smaller components of the idea, such as a product, service, product line,
client, division, or geographic area, can be detailed. If you are using a cost-based pricing
approach, cost shape is used as a tool to determine prices as well as to highlight areas in which
prices may perhaps be reduced or at least subjected to better management. The cost structure
idea is a management accounting concept, not a financial accounting concept.
There are differences between every business. Just consider it. You would need a lot of
ingredients to bake the cupcakes and a lot of containers to package them if you owned a cupcake
shop. However, if you had a pet store, you would need a lot of meals to feed all your animals.
Additionally, you would have to buy your animals while they were young, and you'd want a
lot of cleaning supplies to keep your shop tidy.
In order for you to be successful at your business, you may need to know just what kinds of
charges you may have so you can hold song of them. This list of the types of costs your
enterprise will have, or has, is called your & Nbsp; cost structure. In this lesson, you'll study
how a price shape is set up and how you can create one of your own.
The cost structure of a business refers to the composition and distribution of costs incurred in
its operations. Analysing and understanding the cost structure is important for several reasons
It helps in subdivision of costs; manage of materials and suppliers, wages, and different
overhead cost.
Cost shape evaluation helps to comprehend the institution of requirements for measuring
efficiency; budgeting; accumulation of statistics as a resource to fee determination,
curtailment of losses due to seasonal conditions.
Cost shape evaluation also exhibit the pin point of all manufacturing of every character
products in the organization.
Cost structure evaluation indicates the actual and honest view all activities associated in
the organization.
These costs do not increase or decrease when the volume of production changes; rather, they
remain constant in total amount over a wide variety of activities for a given length of time. As
an illustration, consider construction rent, manager pay, building insurance, and municipal
2. Variable Cost:
Total variable cost likewise falls as production volume drops, and full variable value increases
as output volume declines. Cost varies disproportionately to the quantity of goods or services.
For instance, direct materials, direct salaries, authority, royalties, salesman commissions, etc.
3. Economies of Scope:
Costs per unit output fails as output expands. Mining and manufacturing companies belong to
this category- typically to a positive level, when growing scales carry their personal
technological problems.
The dictionary meaning of cost is a of value is a “loss or sacrifice” or “an amount paid or
required in payment for a buy or for the manufacturing or maintenance of something. Regularly
measured in terms of effort two or time expended”.
Costing is an approach and process of ascertaining costs. this method consists of ideas and
regulations which govern the procedure of ascertaining the value of merchandise or services.
The system of costing consists of routines of ascertaining costs by means of historical or
traditional costing, fashionable costing or marginal costing.
ICMA London defines costing as “The technique of ascertaining the value of a given thing”
The term cost management is widely, used in business today. Unfortunately, there is no uniform
definition. we use value management to describe the methods and things to do of managers
short-run and long-run planning and control selections that will increase fee for customers and
to decrease expenses of product and services. Value management has an extensive focus. it is
not practiced in isolation. It’s an essential phase of accepted administration techniques and their
The information provided by contemporary cost accounting gives managers the data they need
to make decisions. It also provides an understanding of what managers and accountants do
within an organization.
For management accounting and financial accounting, price accounting offers records. Cost
accounting encompasses those aspects of management accounting and financial accounting in
which price facts are collected or analyzed. It monitors and examines economic and non-
financial information pertaining to the cost of purchasing or utilizing resources in the
The scope of cost accounting is very vast and consists of the following.
Cost Ascertainment:
This offers with the collection and evaluation of expenses, dimension of the manufacturing of
different merchandise at different degrees of manufacture and the linking up of production with
expenses. It deals with the different device of estimated costs, trendy prices etc. again the
various techniques for the size of manufacturing have resulted in different method of costing
(such as particular order costing operation costing etc.)
Cost Accounting:
It is the system of accounting for fee which begins with recording of expenditure and ends with
the coaching of statistical data. It is formal mechanism by way of means of which costs or
products or services are ascertained and controlled. Cost can be ascertained through both by
the following the historical or predetermined gadget of costing.
Cost Control:
Cost control is the guidance and legislation by way of government action of the costs of
operating an undertaking. The costs can be controlled can with the aid of standard costing,
budgetary control, applicable presentation and reporting of fee statistics and fee audit.
Cost Reduction
Cost Audit:
Cost Audit is the verification of the correctness of value accountants and a test on the adherence
to the cost accounting plan. Its purpose is now not solely to make sure that value accountants
and different data are arithmetically correct however additionally to see that the ideas and
guidelines have been utilized correctly.
To confirm the price per unit of the different merchandise manufactured through a
commercial enterprise concern.
To study the profit maximization by reducing profit.
To divulge sources of wastage whether of material, time or rate or in the use of machinery,
equipment and equipment and to put together such reports which may also be indispensable
to control such wastage.
To supply beneficial facts to management for taking a number of financial choices such as
introduction of new products, replacement of labor via computer etc.
The primary benefits of price accounting are as follows, it helps in most effective utilization
of men, fabric and machines.
It helps administration in making short-term decisions via use of techniques like marginal
costing etc.
The cost of idle capability can be easily worked out, when a difficulty is not working to full
Most of the cost accounting techniques are primarily based on some pre-assumed notions.
Cost varies with purpose; therefore, cost amassed for one reason will not be appropriate for
some other purpose.
There a giant range of conventions, estimates and bendy elements due to which it becomes
hard to genuine costs.
Cost accounting lacks uniform procedure. Itis perchance that two equally equipped
accountants may arrive at one of kind conclusions from the equal data.
The contribution of value accounting for handling futuristic situations has now not been a
whole lot for e.g. it has now not developed so far, for coping with inflationary situations.
When assisting management, the cost accountant should promote a reasonable charge structure
that generates data useful in managing the operations of the enterprise enterprises. The
optimum analysis, interpretation, and presentation of the data obtained utilizing value
approaches, along with supporting policy recommendations, is a task that is equally important.
Value accounting is a management tool that enables appropriate cost classification and sub-
division, control of materials and supplies, labor costs, and overhead costs. It also enables
budgeting, the collection of statistics that can be used to determine prices, the prevention of
losses brought on by seasonal fluctuations, and the determination of expansion and contraction
A machine for receiving, handling, and issuing substances and supplies is a crucial aspect of
control since all types of price accountant, materials, and materials should be accounted for in
terms of departments, processes, and devices of production or services. Materials in the
stockroom are controlled using the perpetual inventory method.
cost accounting activities encourage accounting for labor with the aid of jobs and through
operations. In many manufacturing concerns every day summary reports are prepared to exhibit
the range of hours and minutes labored and the wage price for each employee per job or
operation. Elaborate structures of incentives, such as piece prices or bonus plans, are in use as
a section of manufacturing fee accounting for that labor which can be recognized with
particular jobs operations. Cost accounting is benefit to the employer by using establishing
requirements to measure efficiency of labor, to help in the assignment of work to personnel
excellent fitted for it and to determine the unit price of labor springing up from every activity.
Control of overheads:
Costs are all very a good deal alike to the general or monetary accountant. He compares charges
of one length with those of another, but he seldom classifies them as to controllable and
uncontrollable items. The fee accountant first separates prices into direct and indirect items.
Direct prices consist of cloth and labor that can be in reality recognized with manufacturing
whilst oblique costs, generally termed as “overhead”.
Measuring efficiency:
For measuring efficiency, Cost Accounting department need to grant data about requirements
and authentic overall performance of the involved activity.
Now-a-days detailed estimates in phrases of quantities and quantities at drawn up earlier than
The begin of each activity. This is performed to make certain that a attainable course of motion
can be chalked out and the actual overall performance corresponds with the estimated or
budgeted performance. The instruction of the price range is the function of Costing
Price determination:
Cost money owed need to grant information, which enables the management to fix
remunerative promoting expenditures for various gadgets of products and offerings in distinct
Cost Accounting can additionally provide information, which may enable discount of
overhead, by using making use of idle ability at some stage in the off-season or by lengthening
the season.
Cost Accounts may provide estimates of manufacturing of more than a few degrees on the
foundation of which the administration may additionally be in a position to formulate its
strategy to expansion.
Arriving at decisions:
Most of the decisions in a commercial enterprise assignment contain correct statements of the
likely effect on profits. Cost Accounts are of integral assist in this respect. In fact, barring
acceptable fee accounting, decision would be like taking a soar in the dark, such as when
production of a product is stopped.
The essential features of, good Costing System will consist of the following characteristics
The costing system used by a given organization must be appropriate for its size, industry,
and information requirements.
The organization must be able to afford the costing system, and it should provide benefits
that outweigh the cost of setup and maintenance.
The system should be more flexible enough to take care of changing business situations and
information needs of the organization.
The system must to be simple to use and comprehend. Users of costing data need to be
persuaded that the costing system used to generate the data is reliable.
The Costing System should be devised with the coordinated efforts of all the concerned
departments and their staff. This will reduce the difficulty in implementation of Cost
The Costing System should ensure proper accounting for materials, labor and overheads and
proper classification of transactions should be done at the level of recording.
Adoption of Activity Based Costing System will increase the accuracy in allocation,
apportionment and absorption of overheads, which leads to correct ascertainment of cost per
unit of product or service.
Integration of Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting Systems will avoid duplication of
work. The financial and cost accounts should be interlocked together and should be
reconciled periodically.
The Costing System should clearly mention the details of records to be maintained and the
degree of accuracy of data required.
The purpose of a costing device is to achieve a specific goal at the lowest possible cost. It
consists of a system of procedures, rules, fee records, etc. It lays the groundwork for upcoming
operations. One single system cannot handle all problems. Depending on the circumstances,
each situation may also design and set up a unique device. Additionally, it can organize the
process for creating charge records and the workout.
A study of the costs and benefits should be used to support the need for installing a costing
device. The costs of building and operating the system are more than offset by the advantages
projected by the costing machine two.
The costing system should be simple and easy to operate. It must suit to the requirements of
the concern.
The system's advantages must outweigh the costs associated with its installation and
operation in the organization. In essence, the system ought to be very cost-effective.
The system should facilitate closer coordination among the various divisions in the
The system should not disturb the existing organizational set up and if necessary, it should
be introduced gradually.
The employees concerned should be able to understand the system without much difficulty.
The purpose of costing records and reports should be clear to all.
There should be promptness and regularity in the preparation and presentation of cost
It is important to carefully consider the size of the company, the type of business, the nature,
process, and levels of production, the variety of product types and volumes, and various
technological elements. It is necessary to analyze the systems for paying workers and for
Forms and original entry archives must be created with the least amount of clerical work and
expense possible. It should be possible to control the machine appropriately and implement an
effective reporting system. It is important to keep in mind the administrative requirements and
the policy that has been developed in response to fee manipulation.
To operate the system more successfully, formal actions such codification, classification, the
creation of charge centers, guidelines for the allocation of indirect costs, the introduction of
formats and monthly reports, and post-installation evaluation of the costing device must also
be implemented.
Practical difficulties, aside from technical costing problems which a price accountant has to
face in installing a costing system, are:
The cost accounting machine is typically introduced in all practical areas without the help of
the top management. Such a method is frequently introduced by even the managing director or
chairman without consulting the department heads.
The departmental managers view it as an intrusion on their time and effort by men and women
involved in a costing system. As a result, it raises questions in the minds of departmental
managers who deal with the gadget as a tool to test their operations.
Whenever a new machine is introduced resistance is natural, as the current body of workers
may sense that they would lose their importance and may additionally be not sure of their role
in the organization.
The foremen, supervisors, and other employees might also object to the additional paperwork
that the costing device may bring about. They might also refuse to work with other departments
to present the information that is unquestionably necessary for the effective and efficient
operation of any accounting system.
There may additionally be scarcity of value accountants to cope with the work of price analysis,
value manage and cost reduction. The work of costing branch cannot be treated without the
availability of educated staff.
The cost of operating a device could likewise be high unless the costing system is excellently
created to meet the unique requirements of each scenario. Additionally, the system might be
able to give information that is needed by all management levels. It might also require
additional paperwork. As a result, the equipment will be expensive to operate.
Before the installation or operation of a costing system, there must be association dedication to
the machine on the phase of the top management. This will create fee consciousness and
activity in cost improvement amongst technical, production and pinnacle management.
The current accounting group of workers must be impressed about the need to supplement the
existing economic accounting system.
It will broaden the job of an accountant and will create new possibilities for the accounting
The more than a few employees have to be properly skilled involving the advantages which
can be acquired from such a system. Workers’ self-assurance be gained in the gadget to get
their co-operation earlier than steps are taken to put the system in practice.
The present group of workers working in the money owed branch has to be proper, educated
in costing techniques and methods with the help of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants
of India, Calcutta.
The device ought to be installed and operated in accordance to the requirements of a unique
case, so that it may additionally no longer entail heavy value on the concern. It needs to avoid
additional needless work as far as possible. The system, when established and operated, will
provide many advantages to the challenge as in contrast to the price and prove really useful to
the concern.
Proper Supervision:
There ought to be suited supervision after set up and non-stop efforts on the part of the fee
accountant to make the device successful and to acquire the desired purpose of value
ascertainment, cost presentation and fee control.
Cost is a fundamental concept in economics and is the cost incurred by businesses when
manufacturing goods and services, obtaining resources, promoting, or hiring personnel.
To put it another way, cost is the financial expense incurred by a corporate company for a
particular task or activity.
Fee signifies "measurement in economic phrases of the quantity of resources used for the
purpose of producing goods or rendering services," according to Institute of Cost and Work
Accountants (ICWA). Charges, as used in manufacturing terminology, relate to the entire cost
of the resources utilized to produce or manufacture a good. These resources may consist of raw
materials, labor, and land.
Helps in producing or manufacturing goods. Material implies a substance from which a product
is made for example, a company requires materials, such as bricks and cement for establishing
a building.
Refer to prices that are incurred in the production of finished goods different than material
prices and labor costs.
There are different costs for different purposes and no single cost concept is relevant in all
Financial Cost;
This is financial sacrifices that do not involve cash outlays at the time when the cost is
These are those costs that are not directly traceable through a company's cash flow,
Direct Costs:
These are those which can be identified easily and indisputably with a unit of operation or
costing unit or cost center,
Indirect Cost:
Indirect cost cannot be allocated but which can be identified easily and indisputably with a unit
of operation or costing unit or cost center.
Production cost:
It refers to costs concerned with manufacturing activity which starts with supply of material
and ends with primary of the product.
Administration Cost:
It is incurred for carrying the administrative function of the organization. Selling and
Distribution cost:
The cost of activities relating to create and simulate demand for company's products and to
secure orders.
This cost is searching for new manufacturing process, improvement of existing products,
process or equipment. And the Development cost is the cost of putting research result on
commercial basis.
Uniform costing:
It is the use of same costing principles by several undertakings for common control or
comparison of costs.
Marginal costing:
It is the ascertainment of marginal cost by differentiating between fixed & variable cost. It is
used to ascertain the effect of changes in volume or type of output on profit.
Standard costing;
A comparison is made of the actual cost with a pre - arranged standard cost and the cost of any
deviation is analyzed by causes.
Historical costing:
It is ascertainment of costs after they have been incurred. It aims at ascertaining costs actually
incurred on work done in the past.
Absorption Costing:
It is the practice of charging all costs, both variable and fixed to operations, processes or
products. This differs from marginal costing where fixed costs are excluded.
Direct Costing:
It is the practice of changing all direct costs, variable and some fixed costs relating to
operations, processes or products leaving all other costs to be written off against profits in
which they arise.
Actual cost- Actual cost means the actual expenditure incurred on producing goods and
services. Value of raw material, wages, rent, salaries paid and interest of borrowed capital
etc. are some of the example of actual cost. Actual cost is also known as absolute cost or
out lay cost or money cost.
Opportunity Cost- The opportunity cost is measured in terms of the forgone benefits from
the next best alternative use of a given resource. For example, the inputs which are used to
manufacture a car may also be used in the productions of military equipment.
Explicit cost- An explicit cost is a cost that is directly incurred by the firm, company or
organization during the production. The explicit cost is kept on record by the accountant of
the firm. Salaries, wages, rent, raw material are few example of the explicit cost. The
explicit cost is also known as out- pocket cost. This cost is handy in calculating both
accounting and economic profit.
Implicit cost- The implicit cost is directly opposite to it, as it is the cost that is not directly
incurred by the firm or company. In implicit cost outflow of cash doesn’t take place. It is
not in the record and is heard to be traced back.
The interest on owner’s capital or the salary of the owner are the prominent example of the
implicit cost. The implicit cost is also known as imputed cost. Through implicit cost, only
the economic profit is calculated.
Incremental cost- Incremental costs are the added costs of a change in the level of
production or the nature of activity. It may be adding a new product or changing distribution
channel, or adding new machinery, etc. It appears to be similar to marginal cost, but it is
not managerial cost. Marginal cost refers to the cost on added unit of output.
Sunk Cost- Sunk costs are costs which cannot be altered in any way. Sunk costs are costs
which have already been uncured. For example, cost incurred in constructing a factory.
When the factory building is constructed cost have already been incurred. The building has
to be used for which originally envisaged. It cannot be altered when operation are increased
or decreased. Investment of machinery is an example of sunk cost.
Abandonment cost- Abandonment cost are those cost which are incurred for the complete
removal of the fixed asset from use. These may occur due to obsolesce or due to
improvisation of the firm. Abandonment costs thus involve problem of disposal of the asset.
Book cost – Book cost are those business cost which don’t involve any cash payment is
made but a provision is made in the books of accounts in order to include them in the profit
and loss account and take tax advantage.
Out of pocket cost- Out of pocket cost are those costs or expenses which are current
payments to the outsiders of the firm. All the explicit costs fall into the category of out of
pocket costs.
Direct Cost-Direct costs are related to a specific process or product. They are also called
traceable costs as we can directly trace them to a particular activity, product or process.
They can vary with changes in the activity or product. Examples of direct costs include
manufacturing costs relating to production, customer acquisition costs pertaining to sales,
Indirect costs- Indirect costs, or untraceable costs, are those which do not directly relate to
a specific activity or component of the business. For example, an increase in charges of
electricity or taxes payable on income. Although we cannot trace indirect costs, they are
important because they affect overall profitability.
A cost sheet is a statement that shows the various components of total cost for a product
and shows previous data for comparison. You can deduce the ideal selling price of a product
based on the cost sheet.
1. Determining cost: The main objective of the cost sheet is to obtain an accurate product
cost. It gives you both the total cost and cost per unit of a product.
2. Fixing selling price: In order to fix the selling price of a product, you need to create a cost
sheet so you can see the details of its production cost.
3. Cost comparison: It helps the management compare the current cost of a product with a
previous per unit cost for the same product. Comparing the costs helps management take
corrective measures if costs have increased.
4. Cost control: The cost sheet is an important document for a manufacturing unit, as it helps
in controlling production costs. Using an estimated cost sheet aids in monitoring labour,
material and overhead costs at each step of production.
5. Decision-making: Some of the most important decisions management makes are based on
the cost sheet. Whenever a business needs to produce or buy a component, or quote
prices for its goods on a tender, managers refer to the cost sheet.
Internal Users
Internal users, which use the cost and management accounting information may include the
(b) Operational level staffs- The operational level staffs like supervisors, foreman, team
(ii) To know product and service specifications like volume, quality and process etc.
(iii) To know the performance parameters against which their performance is measured and
(c) Employees- Employees are concerned with the information related with time and
attendance, incentives for work, performance standards etc. External Users External users,
which use the cost and management accounting information may include the followings:
Value Analysis: Value analysis is one of the major cost reduction techniques. It is an organized
method of identifying and eliminating unnecessary costs associated with product or service by
conducting an analysis of function of each component of the product.
It is an almost universal method used for analyzing existing products and services offered by
production companies with basic principle of offering value for the lowest or optimal
production costs. It is an approach to improving that focuses on improving the value of an item
or process by understanding its constituent’s components and their associated costs.
Budgetary control: The process by which future spending plans are compared with the actual
performance to find out variances is termed budgetary control. It alludes to how managers
effectively utilize budgets to screen and control costs within a given timeframe Budgetary
control guarantees that the targets of the budgetary plans are achieved.
Budgetary control systems cover all phases of business activity, sales, production,
administration and finance and serves as a yardstick for comparison. It is a strategy for reducing
cost that disengages issues by concentrating on those variances which serve as warning signals
to managers.
One of the first strategies to help in increasing profitability is to meet with members of
your team to establish common goals related to increasing profits.
If team members are all aware of the goals of the organization, it can help them make
decisions that assist in the completion of those goals and motivate them to increase their
Conducting market research can help you identify target audiences and understand their
motivations to purchase your product or services.
Financial statements provide quantitative data on revenue and expenses that you can
analyze to determine which processes you may adjust to increase profitability.
Developing budgets can help set strict limits on the amount that a business can spend on
certain areas, decreasing the overall expenses of the business.
The current chapter's objective is to give a survey of literature relevant to cement businesses'
cost analysis or research done on cost, cost management, and cost control approaches. Cost is
a vital component in the proper operation of business units; nevertheless, it has not piqued the
interest of academics in inventing innovative cost management and reduction approaches.
Whatever research have been undertaken, they have mostly focused on the knowledge of cost,
its components, and cost-control measures. A substantial number of studies with pioneering
work in this field have been undertaken abroad; in addition, Indian researchers have conducted
research studies on various elements of cost analysis. There is a wide variety of literature
written on cost analysis, cost control & cost-reduction some of these are listed below:
Author suggested leverage of the firm increases its get tax advantage and firm can repay its
debt in time. [3]
Mahima Bagga(2019):
The aim to determine the effect of capital structure on profitability an empirical panel data.
This paper scrutinizes the consequence of capital structure on execution of 50 companies of
National Stock Exchange of India from 2008-2017. The data was analyzed using descriptive
statistics, correlation, and multiple panel data regression models. Four different regression
models were used to analyze the relationship between capital structure and profitability. All
four versions were evaluated using a combination of pooled OLS, fixed effects, and random
effects. It was Chapter 3 Research Methodology 63 IIS (Deemed to be University) concluded
that a firm's capital structure has a significant positive impact on its profitability. [8]
Keng (2018):
Keng (An Exploration of Cost Overrun in Building Construction Projects, 2018) stated that
cost overrun in construction projects happen because of changes in design and delay of project.
In order to avoid the cost, overrun they should ensure the design of the project. It should not
be changing often. And they should acquire in depth knowledge about the key project parts.
And there should also a scheduled planning. The planning should be done according to the
important and scope of each work.
And it will avoid the chance for pre mature delivery of material to the project location. By
taking care of these thing we can control the cost overrun in the building construction projects.
Cost accounting is the science and practice of controlling costs and determining the profitability
of goods and services. The cost structure of a firm relates to the numerous types of expenses
that it incurs, and it is often made up of fixed and variable costs. The company's cost structure
is critical to its success.
It is critical to accomplish cost control and cost reduction. The procedure Cost systems
employed by the firm are emphasized in order to understand the company's cost structure.
The role of cost structure in cost control and cost reduction. This study focused on cost structure
analysis in order to optimize corporate profit.
Discussion with the staffs of the company to get real information about their activities.
Study of the annual reports and cost sheet for collecting data for 3years.
1. Primary data
The data is collected through discussing with the company personal, and specifically cost
department of the company.
2. Secondary data
The secondary data is collected by using books magazines, company annual reports, websites
and newspapers.
As a result of analysis and inputs will be recorded in the findings. The following analytical
tools will be used.
Pie chart
Bar chart
1. Introduction of the topic.
2. Meaning, definition and concepts of the topic.
India is quickly rising as an union and redistributing goal of choice for worldwide car
over worth chain with contact assembling of auto parts establishing a tremendous and
powerful income model of Aditya auto center skills lie in the design and assembly of a
wide range of items and essential parts for driving car brands over an enormous range
of vehicles, making structure models, designing turkey arrangements other than giving
testing and approval administrations, India’s quickly rising as a union and redistributing
goal of choice for worldwide car over the worth chain with contract the appear to be he
stretched out accomplice of choice to driving automaker with item advancement, cost
admiration, cutting, cutting-edge producing capabilities, procedure venture, and more
all client center.
To understand why the automobile business is capital intensive and cyclical in nature,
as well as how the government supports the transportation industry in Indi a through
the execution of various laws, a comprehensive understanding of the industry is
There is no major global vehicle manufacturer now that does not use parts obtained from India.
The auto part industry produces a wide range of segments that are needed by automobile
The phases in the evolution of the auto segment business can be summarized as follows before
1983-the Indian auto-part industry began in the late 1940s and by the mid1950s, auto-segment
organizations in the composed division had been established. In Bangalore, MICO established
its first production line for the assembly of diesel fuel infusion frameworks in1954.In1950,
Kirloskar oil motor ltd Began producing delicate walled heads. In1954Escorts opened a
cylinder ring facility, followed by a cylinder plant in 1959. In 1955, the Amalgamation group
opened a battery factory. Because there were few automobile companies and the volumes were
very small, the early pioneers in the auto-part sector had a difficult time obtaining business. Car
manufacturers imported auto sectors, and India auto-segment manufacturers believed it was
difficult to compete with imports in terms of both quality and cost. Until the late 1960s, the
concept of re-appropriation was not well known, and automobile manufacturers used to deliver
the vast majority of segments in-house. Automobile manufacturers have spent a lot of money
in the past several years to set up their own part manufacturing facilities.
Minds Industries
founded in 1989, and it was renamed Aditya Auto Products in 1999. It is a global tier-1 auto
supplies and a partner to the world’s largest auto makers and suppliers in India. To create,
develop, and distribute products and solutions around the world, the company collaborates
closely with its partners.
The key expertise of Aditya Auto is to design and manufacture a wide range of goods and
critical components for top vehicle brands. Automobile manufacturers from around the world
are flocking to India. People are vital ingredients for a company to provide the best service and
products by ensuring value for money and maintaining the highest quality level. Aditya Auto’s
mission is to expand development and provide the highest quality level. Aditya Auto’ emission
is to expand development and provide the highest quality leadership by increasing their own
proportion through product innovation. Manufacturing capabilities that are cutting-edge and
Aditya Auto’s major mission is to put the consume first. They want to establish themselves as
a long-term partner of choice for major automakers.
Aditya has an unblemished track record of providing global quality at cheap prices, as well as
a reputation for meeting its customer’s deadlines.
2. From the 1960s to the mid-1980s, the Hindustan am based or was the first car to
dominate the Indian automotive market.
3. India’s automotive industry began in 1940, with brands such as Hindustan motors
appearing in 1945.
4. The auto mobile industry a rose as a result of this.
Aditya is specialized automotive supplier of mechatronic systems, precision components and
motors with capabilities spanning right from concept to production. Headquartered in
Bangalore, India, it employs over 1500 associates spread across 8 locations. The company’s
operations are divided into four business sectors.
It began its operations Autarky Auto in1989 and established as Aditya Products in February
1999, headquarters in Bangalore, India. Aditya is well known as partner to leading auto makers
and global tier -auto supplier all over the world and in India. It works closely with them to
conceptualize, design and deliver its produced and solution across the globe. Aditya auto
products and engineering (India) Pvt. Ltd is a private incorporated on 5th July1996.
Aditya partners with the global automotive industry to deliver design solutions and products to
about 30 automotive manufacturers and more than 40 automotive suppliers with manufacturing
footprint in all the key automotive hubs of India and logistics facilities in strategic locations
globally, Aditya is positioned to leverage the manufacturing growth expected in the region.
Aditya is focused on enhancing its end-to-end design capability, cutting edge manufacturing
technology, first-time right program management and quality focus. With an objective to be
future ready, Aditya is also working on disruptive innovation projects in areas of energy efficient
motors& electronic controllers.
Primary products include door& access systems, driver control systems, motors with
integrated electronics, wiring harness assemblies, connectors; contract manufactured
me and plastic subassemblies, precision stamped and plastic parts and tooling.
J Ramachandran Chairman
Jayaraman is a self-made, first generation entrepreneur with a rich industrial experience of over
40 years in the Indian manufacturing industry. Under Jayaraman’s management, Aditya
evolved from a small-scale manufacturing start-up in 1996 to a respected supply chain partner
for supply of automotive components to Indian and global auto-OEMs.
Jayaraman started his career in 1965 with Rayala Corporation, one of India’s leading typewriter
manufacturing firms at the age of 16. He then joined Facit Asia Limited, a Tata Group company
in 1977 and was responsible for ancillary development within the purchasing function. In 1980,
Jayaraman was made responsible for Facit’s prestigious project of manufacturing and selling
vacuum cleaners in India in collaboration with Electrolux AB, Sweden. This was the first time
the product was introduced in India and as part of this role; Jayaraman established the
company’s green field facility in Hosur, Tamil Nadu. He launched the product ahead of
schedule making it a commercial and operational success. In 1985, he joined NTTF Industries,
one of South India’s premier tool rooms and precision stamping firm as Divisional Manager -
Operations and thereafter took over the Marketing function in the role of a General Manager.
During this period, Jayaraman’s effective steering helped NTTF significantly.
Jayaraman turned around Autarky over a span of five years by improving systems and processes
thereby gaining business traction in the product line of window regulators. This business was
then taken over by Rockwell LVS (Automotive Systems vertical which later become
ArvinMeritor) and Jayaraman continued as the Country Manager and Managing Director of the
entity’s India operations for three years. Keen to return to entrepreneurship, Jayaraman then left
ArvinMeritor to start Aditya Auto. During the period 1996 to 2015, Jayaraman piloted Aditya
from a 1 Million US$ startup to revenues in excess of 42 Million US$ supplying critical
automotive parts to over 40 clients. At the end of 2015, Jayaraman withdrew from operational
management and took on the vice-chairmanship of Aditya Auto.
Professor Ramachandran’s research has won multiple best paper proceedings and the IMD FDC
Award from the Academy of Management, USA. His teaching cases have been recognized with
the Best Case Awards from the European Foundation for Management Development, The
Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia, The Central and East
European Management Development Association, and The Association of Indian Management
Schools; and the Tata Steel-IIMB award. Over the years, he has won multiple best teacher
awards at IIM Bangalore.
Professor Ramachandran is the first Bain Fellow in India. A qualified Chartered and Cost
Accountant, and a Fellow of the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Professor
Ramachandran has been a Visiting Professor at INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France, the Wharton
School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA; and the Carlson School of Management,
University of Minnesota, USA.
Apart from Aditya, Professor Ramachandran serves on the boards of Redington (India) Limited,
Reliance Communications Limited, Sasken Technologies Limited, Redington Gulf FZE and
MVP International, USA.
Mrs. Uma Jayaraman is a Director at Aditya Auto and manages the CSR initiatives of the
A Master’s graduate in English and Sanskrit, Uma has a professional experience of over two
decades in the education industry as a teacher and administrator. Uma has multiple stints as a
high school teacher and Head of Department for Sanskrit at multiple institutions like National
Public School (NPS), Poorna Prajna Education Centre and National Hill View Public School.
Having a deep understanding of Indian culture and passionate about the propagation of the
Sanskrit language, Uma conducts online courses on global language platforms teaching written
and spoken Sanskrit.
At Aditya, Uma chairs the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee at Aditya Auto and
manages the deployment of the CSR funds to causes like girl child education, apprentice
skilling, mid-day meals for school children and other initiatives.
Starting his career at Caterpillar, Bill joined Rockwell International, a major American
manufacturing conglomerate as part of its automotive business division. Throughout his career
at Rockwell, Bill managed various functional and leadership roles in operations, business
development and sales. As Senior Vice President and General Manager of Rockwell Asia-
Pacific, Bill was responsible for the P&L and operations of multiple global sites and new
program rollouts for automotive OEMs like Ford, VW, GM and Mazda. Bill Byass has
developed an impressive international career in automotive supply, with a focus on
management and leadership, joint ventures and acquisitions, global sourcing, sales and
marketing, and entry to new geographic markets and customers.
Having worked extensively in Europe, Asia and the USA, Bill brings significant international
experience including roles as Managing Director of Rockwell’s automotive operations in
Australia, Director of Asia-Pacific for Rockwell Automotive and Meritor, followed by the role
of Vice President for the Door Systems Division of Meritor, based in Paris, France. Bill has a
strong understanding of the issues facing many businesses and how to plan and deliver growth
and improvements across many organizational cultures. As Vice President and General
Manager Door Systems, he strengthened product and advanced engineering and customer
service. As director Asia-Pacific, he increased sales by acquiring companies in India, Japan,
China and Korea. In addition, Bill established engineering design centers in Nagoya Japan and
Bangalore, India to serve Rockwell and Meritor globally.
Mihir is the Chief Executive Officer of Aditya. Mihir has over 14 years of leadership experience
in the automotive and power equipment sectors. He leads Aditya’s initiatives in business
planning, marketing, supply chain, commercial and controlling functions.
Starting his professional career at Alstom T&D (one of the world’s three largest players in
energy transmission and distribution); Mihir led the sales and operations planning function for
the company’s $120 million instrument transformer business division in India. During this
period, he was part of the core team that rolled out SAP ERP systems across multiple business
units of the company.
Joining Aditya in 2005, Mihir was part of the core team that managed the group's contract
manufacturing division that was established in the same year. This venture fueled the company's
expansion into overseas markets. After sustaining this unit through to bulk production, Mihir
went on to lead for the implementation of SAP enterprise systems at Aditya, thereby integrating
the company’s manufacturing facilities and logistics centers. He then went on to establish and
head Aditya’s manufacturing facilities in Delhi and Pune. Responsible for the P&L
management of these businesses, Mihir made a significant contribution to business
development and operational control to increase revenues thereby making these units serve as
strategic growth engines for the company.
Mihir has graduated with distinction in both his Master’s in Business Administration from
INSEAD, France and his Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from Visveswaraiya
Technological University, Bangalore.
Tejas is the Chief Technical Officer of Aditya and leads the firm’s forays into future products
and technologies. He is responsible for the R&D, engineering, tooling and program
management functions of the firm. As part of this role, Tejas manages the entire product
development cycle from contract review to production actively coordinating various cross
functional team members across the company, suppliers and customer management teams.
Tejas started his career as a graduate engineering trainee at Larsen & Toubro’s (L&T) process
valves division, Audco Valves Limited where he was one of lead engineers for the development
of Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves for Nuclear Reactor Feed Inputs.
At Aditya, Tejas has successfully rolled out programs for global auto OEMs and Tier-1 system
suppliers and in the process also established robust project management and product lifecycle
management systems, which have helped systematize the development to production cycle.
This has also helped Aditya gain traction and recognition of clients who are entrusting Aditya
with the development of products for multi-location platforms.
Suresh is Chief Financial Officer of Aditya and is responsible for planning, directing and
controlling all financial, human resources and administrative functions for the company. In his
20-year stint, Suresh grew concurrently with the organization while gaining hands on
experience in guiding the financial decision making of management. Over these years, he has
successfully established financial policies, procedures, controls and reporting systems including
ERP systems, treasury systems, payroll and expense management.
A registered chartered accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Suresh’s
educational qualifications include Bachelors degrees in Commerce and General Law and a
course in Company Secretary ship at the Institute of Company Secretaries. He started his career
at M/s Fraser & Ross Chartered Accountants (now part of Deloitte Haskins & Sells) where he
specialized in evaluation of accuracy of accounting systems and internal controls of
corporations, banks and taxation compliances. Suresh has been a key driver in the Aditya’s
growth strategies and continues to be active support to the Board of Directors for steering
various initiatives like mergers & acquisitions, alliance negotiations, corporate restructuring,
trade-union settlements, systems deployment and industry group representations.
By2040, we want to be one of the top100 auto motive suppliers in the world.
Quality Policy
Products Profile
1. Window Regulators
2. Door Latches and Sub-assemblies
3. Window regulator motors
4. Headrests
5. Parking brakes
6. Connecting cables
7. Retention plates and back plates
8. Strut assembly
9. Over mounded connectors
10. Drum and cable
11. Integrated harness
12. Power coos and
13. Other integrated products
A wire harness is an arrangement of wires and cables and further components (terminal,
pins, etc.)
The cables are bundled in a cable bundle, for example by clips, cable ties, etc. and are
combined in to wire harness and clamped together a special work bench or an ail board.
Energy into mechanical motion. In the electric, hydraulic, and prelatic sense, it is a form
of automation or automatic control. An actuator is mechanism by which a control
system acts upon to perform an operation or task.
A back plate is a plate that is positioned at or forms the rear of anything. Secure the
retention plate to the rear plate using the two supplied screws. When employing twin
cylinders, the cylinder bands are used to connect them, and the rear plate is secured to
the studying with wing nuts, which clamps the bands to the cylinders.
5) Cross arm
To drape one arm over the other in front of your torso, fasten it at right angles to an
upright so that each hand is on the opposite elbow. He stood in the doorway with his
arms crossed and a furious expression on his face. An arm or bracket that crosses a pole
or post and is used on poles to transport and divide wires.
6) Compact latch
All locks ensure that doors, panels, and or her surfaces are kept shut. They differ in term
so actuation –the mechanism that closes the latch-and holding type. You can also
acquire a door lock latch, which allows you to lock your latch for extra security.
7) Drum cable
A cable reel is a round, drum-shaped object such as spool used to carry various types of
electrical wires. Cable reels. Which can also be termed as drums, have been used form
many years to transport electronic cables, fiber optic cable and wire products?
8) Parking brakes
In road vehicles, the parking brake, also known as a handbrake or emergency brake (e-
brake), is a mechanism used to keep the vehicle securely motionless when parked. In
most vehicles, the parking brake operates only on the rear wheels, which have reduced
traction while braking.
9) Struts assembly
A complete strut is a combination of two main parts: a spring and a shock absorber. The term
structure refers to the shock absorber portion only, but other times the term issued to denote the
entire assembly including the spring.
The company creates and manufactures products that meet the needs of its consumers.
The manufacturing process of Aditya auto takes in principle production plans for door
access division, writing harness and integrated products division and contract
manufacturing division which is located in Bangalore, and the vertical integration
facility at Trichy, Tamil Nadu transportation.
INTEVA products
The company manufactures along with suppliers the auto parts to various companies.
The company is engaged during sale of motor vehicle parts as well as accessories to
various auto mobile companies.
3 .1 2 CO M PE T I T I VE A D V A N T AG E S
Seek and use customer feedback to consistently drive for increased responsiveness
to meet and antic.
Display insight into customer's unstated needs and competition's moves. Translate
business strategies into clear objectives and tactics.
Embrace care for detail as the primary mind set to develop, evaluate and
improve products and processes.
Focus on the big picture and solve problems despite incomplete and ambiguous
Sensitize the team to solve problems quickly and orchestrate the pace of change
to achieve the development needs.
Since 2002, Aditya has remained committed for the betterment of the community by
donating 5% of annual profits through social initiatives.Beyond just contributing
time and resources to worthwhile social causes, Aditya supports Project Nanhi Kali
in association with Mahindra to help provide primary education to underprivileged
girls in India to help them break the cycle of poverty and malnutrition. Aditya also
actively trains new potential hires through Skill India to embody life-changing
technical knowledge and an impeccable work ethic.
All facilities are internationally certified as per ISO-14001 as our properly managed
environmental managed systems to better ensure waste reduction and better quality
of the environment. In addition, Aditya follows RoHS standards to restrict the use
of hazardous materials.
Exceeding the best international benchmark for workplace safety to ensure very few
production delays and maintain a safe workplace environment, Aditya adheres diligently to
OHSAS 18001.
Launched in 2015 and supported by international allies, NEEM aims to train 400 million
people real, employed skills to escape poverty. As an active participant under the NEEM
initiative, Aditya provides much- needed training free transportation, and everything else
needed for the trainees to valuable skill in the field.
After spending 3 years being trained for the career, learning about the inner-workings of the
industry, and is implemented, trainees have the opportunity to be gainfully employed at
The Economic Times - India Manufacturing Excellence Awards 2012 (CMD Unit).
This corporation has a strong brand image with cutting-edge technologies which
makes the company differentiate
Aditya has a good working relation by effective HRD.
Low cost with a strong technological foundation Close proximity to the market.
There are no tools ignore production capabilities in-house.
Market potentials enormous, both domestically and internationally.
Aditya’ s product line is diverse enough to meet the needs of a wide spectrum
of customers.
Consumers so that it can take advantage of the chances in the face of a threat
from a competitor.
Demand is continuing to rise
An expending auto mobile market has the potential to generate new jobs.
The price of gasoline has risen.
With the changing needs of customers, Aditya auto wants to be the number one
solution for the automotive industry.
In the direction of designing products that meet the needs of clients as
technology and generation evolve.
It has eight manufacturing facilities, and the corporation I considering
expanding its facilities around the world.
To improve profit growth on tandem with the firm’s value.
To hold the market’s top spot in terms of quality while keeping costs and
technology in mind.
In this chapter the subject allows the cost structure analysis has been given in detail. The chapter
contains the study of the cost structure analysis at Aditya Auto products and engineering pvt.
Ltd. explained by using graphical and table representations of data. An analysis of revenue
receipts has also been along with the study of fare structure and fare revision.
The information is collected, summarized, classified, tabulated, edited, and finally analyzed
interpreted to get the end result as to know the performance of Aditya Auto products and
engineering pvt .ltd. Cost structure analysis is the cost of producing each individual product as
mentioned separately. This method of cost is applied to undertaking which provide services rather
than production of commodities. In this chapter contains the study of cost structure to determine
the profitability of a company. Study focused on misallocation of funds to control cost.
Meaning of data:
Data are the route of information which helps for the study and formulates the interpretation of
study to find a solution for the research problem. Data is the true indicator of research problem if
we studied it clearly, we must get the probable solution to the particular problem.
Meaning of analysis:
Analysis refers to the process of establishing the meaningful relationship between the item of two
financial statements with objective of identifying the financial and operational strength and
weakness of the firm.
Data analysis:
It is a process of verifying and modeling and transforming the data in a systematic way trying to
get the useful information from the data to arrive at proper conclusions.
Meaning of interpretation:
Interpretation refers to the combination of various components and definite conclusions may be
drawn about the earning capacity, profitability, liquidity, solvency, trend etc.
comparison of therefore it is much important for meaningful information.
Raw material consumed in the year 2020-21 Rs 12,04,60,319 in the year 2021-22
Rs39,72,57,443 in the year 2022-23 Rs 31,73,65,168. Comparison between 2020-21 and 2021-
22 raw material consumption shows clearly that the consumption increased by Rs 27,67,97,124
in the year 2021-22, and comparison between 2021-22 and 2022-23 raw material consumption
was decreased by Rs 7,98,92,275 because of reduction in the utilization of raw material.
250000000 2020-21
200000000 2021-22
From the above diagram it can be inferred that the raw materials consumption has increased
gradually from the year 2020-21 to 2021-22 but from 2021-22 to2022-23 it has reduced. There is
nearly 47.58% increase in 2021-22 when compared to 2020-21 and also there is 38%decrease in
raw material consumption in 2020-21 as compared to 2020-21. Raw materials have been
fluctuating because of sales during the year.
From the above table it can be analyzed that the factory overheads was Rs 18,81,432 in the year
2020-21, but in the year 2021-22 it was increased by Rs 6,96,899 and in the year 2022-213 it
was increased by Rs 32,73,689.5 as compare to the year 2021-22. Factory overhead has been
fluctuating on the basis of volume operation done during the year’s organization need to trouble
shoot the expenditure in order to control the factory overhead.
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
From the above diagram it can be inferred that the factory overhead are increased in the
year 2021-22 when compared to the year 2020-21 by 25% where as in the year 2022-23 it
has increased by 56.75% which has taken away the profits of the company and adding up
to selling price of the company. The company should concentrate on the factory overhead
otherwise it is necessary to increase the selling price of the company.
Salary and allowances in the year 2020-21was Rs 7,55,555 in the year 2021-22 Rs
65,42,315 in the year 2022-23 Rs 62,64,169. Comparison between 2020-21 salary and
worker’s bonus was increased by Rs 57,86,760 in the year 2021-22 and the amount was
decreased by Rs 2,78,146 in the year 2020-21 when compared to year 2020-21. Salary and
worker bonus has been increasing gradually organization should fixed the target spending
on the salary and bonus of employees in order to control the cost.
From the above diagram it is clearly inferred that the wages and worker bonus was increased in
the year 2021-22 by 48.24 % in the year 2022-23 the amount was decreased by 46.19 % when
compared to year 2021-22. The graph is indicating that the salary and allowances of a company
have been increasing based on volume of operations it is necessary expenditure at the same time
make sure about the cost control also.
From the above table it is indicating that the depreciation in the year 2020-21was Rs 23,58,729
and in the year 2021-22 it was increased Rs 2,86,414 and It was further increased to Rs 10,15,180
in the year 2021-22. It is clearly indicating that the organization is purchasing the maximum
number of machineries from year to year that's why the depreciation cost is in the increasing trend.
The organization should purchase required machineries in order to control cost and efficient
utilization of available resources.
3500000 TOTAL
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
The above graph shows that the depreciation expenses have gradually increased from year
to year. In the year 2021-22 it was raised by 30.53 % and in the year 2022-23 it was again
raised by 42.25 % when compared to year 2020-21. From this it can be indicated that there
was a purchase of fixed assets in both the years, And organization should ensuring that the
efficient utilization of available resources in order to control cost.
From the above table it can be analyzed that the overheads have been fluctuated gradually
from the year 2020-21 to 2021-22. In the year 2020-21 the total overheads were Rs
13,23,290 and in the year 2021-22 it was reduced to Rs 6,32,904 and in the year 2022-23
it was Rs 8,50,208 and the trend was clearly indicating that expenditure management of a
company at favorable condition to control cost. Utilize the available resources efficiently
and to achieve the cost control and reduction.
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
The above graph shows that the administrative overheads have been speculated gradually
from year to year in 2021-22 overheads reduced to 22.55 % compared to 2020-21. And in
the year 2022-23 it was reduced by 30.30% when compared to 2020-21 the above chart
clearly indicates that the company is in favorable position by managing efficiency in cost
control even though volume of sale increases.
The above graph shows that the current asset was increased in the year 2021-22 by 33.15
% when compared to 2020-21, this is because of operations incurred in that year. In the
year 22-23 the current assets were increased by 37.33%compared to 2021-22 due to low
operations incurred in the year. From the above table it is clearly indicating that the
organizations volume of operation is increasing year by year by maintaining good
liquidity position of a company.
The above graph shows that the current asset was increased in the year 2021-22 by
33.15% when compared to 2020-21, this is because of operations incurred in that year. In
the year 2022-23 the current assets were increased by 37.33 %compared to 2020-21 due
to low operations incurred in the year. From the above graph it is clearly depicting that
the organization liquidity position of a company very good.
It is clear from the above table shows that the total current liability was in the year 2020-
21 Rs 6,87,36,188.5. But is has increased to Rs 7,46,20,596.4 in the year in2021-22, again
it was a slight increase in the year 2022-23 that was Rs 8,76,69,082 From the above table
it is clearly depicting that the organization is maintaining short term obligations in a neat
and systematic way by maintaining the very good liquidity position in the company.
The above graph shows that the current liability was increased in the year 2021-22 by
32.30 % when compared to 2020-21, this is because of operations incurred in that year. In
the year 2022-23 the current liability was again increased by 37.95 % compared to 2020-
21 due to low operations incurred in the year. It is clearly indicating that the company is
maintaining efficiently by paying short term obligations neat and systematically.
From the above table it is clear that the total sales were in the year Rs 11,18,68,598 2020-21. but
is has increased to in the year Rs 20,52,53,110 in 2021-22, but there was a slight decrease in the
year 2022-23 that was Rs 8,03,27,789. From the analysis it is came know that the organization
should not maintaining the promotional advertisements in a consistent that's why organization
sales have been fluctuating from the year by year.
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Form the above graph shows that total sales was increased in the year 2021-22 by
51.64%when compared to 2020-21, this is because of heavy operations incurred in that
year. In the year 2020-21 the total sales decreased by 28.15% compared to 2020-21 due
to low operations incurred in the year. From the above graph it is Cleary depicting that
the sales have been speculating based on the promotional and publicity activities done by
the organization. So organization should maintain the promotional activities consistently
to increase the volume of sales in the company.
From the above table it is clear that the net profit were in the year Rs 3,88,06,623 2020-21. but is
has increased to in the year Rs 30,33,43,517 in 2021-22, but there was a slight decrease in the year
2022-23 that was Rs 21,83,41,419. From the analysis it is came know that the organization should
learn about financial strategies you can use in organization to improve profit and decrease costs
from the year by year.
150000000 NET PROFIT
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
The above graph shows that the total net profit increased in the year 2021-22 by Rs.
30,33,43,517 compared to 2020-21, this is because of heavy operations incurred in that
year. In the year 2020-23 the total net profit decreased by Rs 21,83,41,419 compared
2020-21 due to low operations incurred.
It is clear from the above table that the net profit was Rs 3,88,06,623 in the year2020-21
but it has been increased to Rs 30,33,43,517 in the year 2021-22 , the total net profit
increased to Rs 21,83,41,419 in the final year 2022-23.the table depicting that the net
profit has been increasing from to year .From the above table the net profit of a company
is increasing year by year in small volume at the same the volume of money is increasing
year by year small rise in profit volume will not positively impact to the organization , at
the same time sale of a company have been fluctuating year by year.
150000000 SALES
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
It has been showed from the above diagram that in the year 2020-21 to 2021-22 it is
increased at 37% % and in the year 2021-22 to 2022-23 it has slightly increased to 16%
% and this indicates net profit is in increasing trend from year to year gradually. From the
above table depicting that the net profit of a company is increasing year by year but sales
have been speculating because of low effective promotional measures done by the
1) The raw material consumption has speculative over the year has also increased sales. There
is an increase in the 2021-22 by 47.58% and by 38% decreased in the year 2022-23 when
compared to the year 2020-21 has sales increased, the consumption of raw material has
also increased has also increased has sales decreased consumption of raw materials has
decreased consumption of raw materials has also decreased proportionately.
2) The factory overhead was Rs 18,81,432 In the year but it was increased by 25 in the year
2021-22 and also increased in the year 2022-23 by 56.75% as compared to 2020-21.
3) The salary and allowances expenditure has increased 2021-22 and 2022-23 were compared
to 2020-21.
4) The depreciation expenses have increased in the year 2020-21 by 10.82% and again
increased in the year 2021-22 by 35.35% which can be understood that some machines
were purchased.
5) The administrative overheads changes from year to year. there is an increase in 2020-21
and decrease 30.50% in the year 2021-22 and increase 24% compared to 2020-21.
6) The company’s ability to pay it’s short –term obligations means current assets increasing
year to year.
7) Current liability of the company has been fluctuating due to variable cost operations
incurred in the company.
8) The net profit of the company has been increasing year to year.
9) The profitability of the company depends on cost and sales of the company.
1) It would maximize a company’s market value which minimizing its cost of capital, if
it maintains optimum cost structure.
3) The firm should accelerate the sales promotion and publicity activities in order to
increase the volume of sales.
4) The salary and allowances increasing over the year hence it is suggested to be
reasonable. Firm should be aware about the measures to reduce the machineries. Good
maintenance leads to effective working conditions of the machineries.
5) Company can also inculcate the quality standards technique in production in order to
produce a low-cost high-quality product with fewer defects.
6) It is suggested that the company should ensure that the reduction in costs improve
profitability position of the company.
7) The company should have effective and efficient control on cash inflows and cash
outflows in order to meet payment obligations.
8) The only way to maximize profit is either increase sale price or decrease cost of cost
In conclusion it can be said that the company is doing extremely well with regards to the
management of cost, as the authority and responsibility of each executive is well defined. The
cost incurred is collected from each area of responsibility and reporting and management has
drawn optionally good performance
It is gradually improved the overall performance by using application of costing methods and
techniques. This study is helpful to understand the cost structure analysis in a systematic way as
a whole. The management has found efficient and control over the company.
The company should ensure efficient control and measures over the overheads of the company.
The cost structure analysis is helping out the company by suggesting investment decisions and
giving the value for money for producing the products. This study was provided practical
knowledge about the applications of costing methods and techniques.
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