Fimer Pvs980-Mvp en Rev A
Fimer Pvs980-Mvp en Rev A
Fimer Pvs980-Mvp en Rev A
The FIMER medium voltage pad mounted solution is a cost
efficient and robust solution designed for large-scale solar
power generation and to be compatible with the PVS980-58
outdoor inverters. It combines the medium voltage transformer
and the switchgear equipment needed to connect the inverters
to the medium voltage network of the photovoltaic plant.
Up to 4.6 MVA
Solar inverter - PVS980-MVP
All the components within this medium voltage pad meet the Compact and robust design for harsh environments
performance and quality standards required for solar This pad mounted solution is to be assembled on an onsite built
applications. concrete foundation. The design enables operation in harsh
temperature and humidity environments and is designed for at
Cost efficient solution for PV power plants least 25 years of operation.
The FIMER medium voltage pad mounted design capitalizes on The FIMER medium voltage pad mounted solution supports fast
FIMER’s long experience in developing and manufacturing on-site installation and it is easy to transport. Lifting of
components for utility scale solutions for major end-users world- components can be done with a standard truck crane, which
wide in conventional power transmission installations. simplifies the installation. The pre-configured layout options
The solution contains an optimized transformer, MV switchgear allow for a minimal footprint and optimum cabling.
and signaling interfaces for the PVS980-58 inverter. PVS980-58
inverter together with the PVS980 medium voltage pad mounted Highlights
solution ensure easy and rapid connection of the inverters to a • Reliability – proven components
plant’s medium voltage grid and its communication network. • Transportability – compact and robust design
• Plug-and-play – integrated signaling interfaces
• Increased uptime – modular and serviceable system
• Bankable solution – global life cycle services and support
Solution designed to meet the reliability, durability, and efficiency
The solution is the result of decades of experience in required in PV applications.
manufacturing and delivering compact solutions for demanding Transformers are available in standard sizes that are based on
customer projects all over the world. The solution is made to optimized power ratings to meet different climatic conditions
meet the safety and electrical installation standards of a wide and inverter station sizes. The transformers as well as the
range of markets. The components’ compatibility ensures highest general design provide excellent mechanical and short-circuit
standards of quality, performance and durability. characteristics. Transformers are manufactured in accordance
The transformer and switchgear are delivered separate as with the most demanding industry and international standards.
outdoor versions. The design is optimized to provide easy
transportation as well as fast and easy installation on site. Switchgear cabinet
The pre-designed pad type concrete foundation layouts for the The FIMER medium voltage pad mounted solution is equipped as
outdoor type transformer and switchgear optimize the footprint standard with widely proven SF6-insulated switchgear. A sealed
needed and also minimize the cost and on-site works needed. steel tank with constant atmospheric conditions ensures a high
The foundation serves also as a leakage reservoir for the level of reliability as well as personnel safety. The virtually
transformer oil. maintenance-free system comes in a compact and flexible
design that has a wide range of signaling and protection options.
Transformer The switchgear comes installed in an IP54 outdoor enclosure
The FIMER medium voltage pad mounted solution is available that is suitable for harsh environments. The outdoor housing
with an ONAN type oil transformer. The transformer is designed provides easy access for switch maneuvers and increased
and optimized for PVS980-58 central inverters and for serviceability. For humid conditions the switchgear can be
photovoltaic plant load profile to provide the best performance equipped with hygrostat and heater for removal of condensation.
throughout the lifetime of the plant. The transformer is also
Solar inverter - PVS980-MVP
FIMER medium voltage pad mounted solution connected to inverter station and grid
monitor Optional
AC distribution/
monitoring box
Optional 3-phase
PVS980-58, 2.0 - 2.3MVA aux supply
3 AC distribution/
monitoring box
Control Optional 3-phase
Control and aux supply
and monitor
MV switchgear standard configurations for FIMER medium voltage pad mounted solution
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