Critical Temperature Range in Standard and Ni-Bearing Spheroidal
Critical Temperature Range in Standard and Ni-Bearing Spheroidal
Critical Temperature Range in Standard and Ni-Bearing Spheroidal
Roxana Maria GHERGU,1) Jon SERTUCHA,2) Yannick THEBAULT1) and Jacques LACAZE1)*
Describing the conditions for reaustenitization of spheroidal graphite cast irons is of interest for their
heat-treatment after casting, e.g. for manufacturing austempered ductile irons. Differential thermal analy-
sis has been used to characterize the direct eutectoid transformation and the reverse transformation, i.e.
the reaustenitization. This has been applied to a standard and a Ni-bearing alloy, with a ferritic matrix for
the former, both a ferritic and a pearlitic matrix for the latter. The results are discussed in relation with the
stable and metastable three phase fields. While earlier description of the direct eutectoid transformation
is confirmed, the one for reverse eutectoid has been found more complex and is amended.
KEY WORDS: nodular cast irons; eutectoid transformation; austenitization; ferrite; pearlite.
Heating Cooling
Scanning Ferrite Ferrite Ferrite Pearlite Pearlite
rate start peak start start peak
2 785 828 778 736 724
5 804 835 764 730 712
10 816 845 757 717 698
15 826 853 746 708 686
20 833 856 741 701 678
Fig. 3. DTA records upon heating the standard material in the fer- two thermal arrests are clearly distinguished that relate to
ritized state (solid lines) and in the as-received condition the appearance of ferrite for the high temperature and the
(dotted line). formation of pearlite for the low temperature. As expected,
the relative amplitude of the former with respect to the latter
decreases as the cooling rate is increased. As indicated with
3. Results
the open arrows in Fig. 4, the characteristic temperatures
Figure 3 shows the five DTA records obtained upon heat- that could be evaluated, namely the start of ferrite precipi-
ing the ferritized standard alloy up to 950°C at different tation, the start of pearlite precipitation and the peak tem-
rates (solid lines) plus the record corresponding to the as- perature associated to pearlite, are listed in Table 2. As men-
received alloy with a 5 K/min heating rate (dotted line). tioned before, the start of the transformations is evaluated
Note that, in this figure and the following, the records have with a higher uncertainty than the peak temperature.
been shifted along the ordinate direction for clarity. Com- The set of characteristic temperatures have been plotted in
paring the two records at the heating rate of 5 K/min, it is Fig. 5 as function of the square root of the scanning rate during
seen that the as-received material shows three peaks while the DTA run. Looking first at the transformation temperature
the ferritized one shows only two peaks. It is thus easy to from austenite to ferrite upon cooling, it is seen that the data
associate the peak at intermediate temperature with pearlite extrapolates to Tα with the value for the lowest cooling rate
decomposition, while the peak at lower temperature relates slightly above the regression line as expected. The two series
to the magnetic transformation of ferrite and that at higher of data for pearlite formation upon cooling, namely the start
temperature to the transformation of ferrite to austenite. It and peak temperatures, may be extrapolated to nearly the same
could be noticed however that a small bump is still apparent temperature i.e. 20°C below Tp. That pearlite needs such an
at intermediate temperatures on all DTA records with the underccoling to appear is in agreement with previous
ferritized samples, indicating that a small amount of pearlite works.6,9,14) Summing up, the results obtained upon cooling the
was anyway present. standard alloy agree with those expected according to the pro-
The temperature for the beginning of austenite formation posed model for the eutectoid transformation.11)
and the peak temperature of the thermal arrest related to ferrite On the contrary, the data for ferrite transformation to aus-
decomposition were recorded as indicated by the open arrows tenite upon heating are at definite difference with respect to
in Fig. 3. While the latter is easily evaluated, the former is sub- those expected. The temperature associated with the start of
ject to a higher uncertainty. The obtained values for ferrite ferrite decomposition may be extrapolated to a temperature
transformation start and ferrite peak are listed in Table 2. close to Tα at zero scanning rate. This means that the trans-
The DTA records obtained on cooling the samples of the formation proceeds within the three phase field and thus that
standard alloy are shown in Fig. 4. On each of these records, austenite does not form halos around the graphite nodules as
5. Conclusion
The DTA results obtained in the present study upon cool-
ing from the austenite + graphite field are in full agreement
with previous reports and confirm the model proposed for
the eutectoid transformation. On the other hand, the DTA
results upon heating the materials and the few micrograph
observations performed show that the previously developed
model for reverse eutectoid transformation had to be chal-
lenged with new experiments. The following conclusions
could be drawn for reaustenitization of a ferritic matrix:
• in standard cast irons with very low levels of alloying
additions, segregation of Si is such that the predicted
Fig. 11. Example of composition profile in between two nodules
ferrite to austenite transformation temperature is lower
in the Ni-bearing alloy. at cell boundaries than at the nodule/ferrite interfaces.
Thus, austenite appears at cell boundaries and grows by
Table 4. Estimates of the Tα temperature at locations close to the
carbon diffusion along grain boundaries at a tempera-
graphite nodules and at cell boundaries. ture lower than the Tα0 temperature of the alloy. The ref-
erence temperature for ferrite decomposition is then Tα.
Standard alloy Ni-bearing alloy • Negative segregation of Ni leads to a predicted trans-
Nodule/ferrite interface 774.9 754.0 formation temperature for ferrite lower at the graphite/
Intercellular areas 769.8 758.8 ferrite interface than at cell boundaries, so that austenite
halos may form around the nodules before ferrite starts
transforming at cell boundaries. In that case, the refer-
pearlitized, a few line-scans between two neighbouring ence temperature for ferrite decomposition is Tα0 .
graphite nodules were recorded using an energy dispersive In the case of a pearlitic matrix, decomposition of pearlite
X-ray spectrometry (EDS) system on a scanning electron to austenite needs this latter to be stable which is possible
microscope (SEM). One of these line-scans is shown in Fig. if the Tα temperature of the alloy is lower than its Tp tem-
11 where it is seen that Si and Ni contents decrease as perature. In such a case, the reference temperature for the
expected from the graphite/matrix interface to the inter- start of pearlite decomposition is Tp while it will be Tα in
nodule areas, from 2.2 mass% to 1.9 mass% for Si and from the opposite case. The previous model for pearlite decompo-
1.05 mass% to 0.6 mass% for Ni. Because of the low Mn sition upon heating may be made more precise by stating that
content, this element appears more erratic when an increase the temperature at which it starts is the highest of Tα and Tp.
would have been expected, thus it will be considered as con-
stant at 0.14 mass% in the following. The Si profile in the REFERENCES
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