Bpts Basic Productivity Tools Lesson Idea
Bpts Basic Productivity Tools Lesson Idea
Bpts Basic Productivity Tools Lesson Idea
Lesson Idea
☐ Teacher-directed: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by the
teacher's direction and expectations.
☐ Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic for
presentation and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. Products of
learning will be uniquely designed. Teacher simply facilitates the learning in a lesson like this.
☐ Project-based and/or Publishable: Students are completing projects to demonstrate their learning
and the projects can be shared outside of the classroom. This objective could be reached by
displaying the project on the school’s morning newscast, posting the project to the classroom
blog, presenting it to another class, or publishing it via an outside source.
presentation. Students will be aware of their goal by seeing the standard and including it in
their presentation introduction. Students will utilize PowerPoint or the tool of their
preference to demonstrate the different parts of the water cycle. Students will start off by
collecting data through the initial PowerPoint, then researching data on their own. The
teacher will observe and provide feedback throughout while also providing students a basic
template on what their presentation should include. The students’ presentation should
include the specific cycle they are presenting, how it works, an example of it happening, and
how it takes part in the water cycle. I will put students in groups of three and assigning them
one part of the water cycle. There will be more than one group with the same part of the
water cycle. Students will have a week of in class time to complete this project.
Managing the technology/engagement: Describe a way to use this technology in a way that
gets students actively involved in authentic tasks and contexts? How will you manage the
classroom behaviors on the technology:
Students will be actively involved in using this technology by doing research on their
computers to engage in the project’s standards. They will co-engage in their group to come
together and build their presentation. Students will actively engage in the eBook presented
by the teacher to follow along with how to do the presentation. Students will have a checklist
provided to make sure they are doing their task on time and efficiently with their group. I will
manage the classroom behaviors using technology by walking around and observing students
while they work on their projects.
This lesson will support all students by giving them a visual of the presentation as well as
allowing them to listen to the presentation. The presentation will be available for students to
see again at their own pace. This tool supports action and expression by allowing students to
create their project in any way that they would like. This includes drawing, visual, or through
a technological tool such as PowerPoint.
I feel as if this activity will be a great way to introduce students to a new tool and help them
explore new technological tools. I look forward to seeing students create and design
presentations because every student will express themselves in different ways.