Proposed House Rules For PPPI Market
Proposed House Rules For PPPI Market
Proposed House Rules For PPPI Market
1. It Shall be a basic policy of this local government unit that market and
their premises must at all times be kept clean and in sanitary condition to
safeguard the health and safety of buying public as well as the stall
owners, vendors and market personnel. Facilities for sanitation and
maintenance, such as cleaning and elimination of harborages of vermin
shall be provided.
3. Tenants must also train and orient their employees on the House Rules
and Regulations of the store and the Town Center and provide customer
service training.
NOTE: All penalties and charges are subject to change without prior
6. Employees are also required to comply with the House Rules and
Regulations. PPPI has the right to ban entry to the PUBLIC MARKET of
those tenant employees who are found violating the House Rules.
The PPPI maintenance personnel shall not be responsible for the upkeep, maintenance and
or repair of leased areas. This is the sole responsibility and expense of individual tenants.
1. The leased area should always be kept clean and free from foul odor. PPPI
reserves the right to conduct spot checks and request the tenants to further
clean their premises.
3. Garbage should be stored in areas not visible to the public. Garbage emitting
foul odor should be stored in covered trash receptacles.
5. Tenants are not allowed to dump loose garbage (those not placed in trash
bags) into the garbage depository.
6. The tenant (especially restaurants / Carinderia) must make sure that food
refuse and leftovers are stored in heavy duty trash bags which are free from
holes to avoid any spillage and emission of foul odor.
All garbage must be brought out during the required hours only.
10. PPPI reserves the right to impose penalties Php 500.00 for any violationsof
the above (impose penalties are subject to change without prior notice).
1. Since pest and rodent control are effectively performed on a town center-wide
unified basis, PPPI shall engage the services of its accredited Pest Control
Contractor both for leased and common areas, and shall charge tenants their
proportionate share based on leased area. Tenants shall be properly advised
of the monthly pest control through a monthly circular.
2. Restaurants may hire their own Pest Control Contractor provided that at least
two (2) days prior to the actual spraying, a permit is secured from the
Administration Office.
1. Each tenant is required to have a minimum of two (2) units 10 lb. ABC UL-
FM approved fire extinguishers which shall be strategically located within
their space. This requirement may vary depending on the size and
configuration of each store. The tenant should also ensure that their fire
extinguishers are in good condition at all times
2. To minimize the risk of the occurrence of fire, each tenant should observe the
following practices:
3. Attendance and participation in fire prevention and fire fighting seminars and
drills are required.
7. Tenants who forgot to shut-off their signage after mall operating hours, PPPI
is implementing the following guidelines for the protection and security of the
valuable lives and property within the town center;
8. PPPI has the right to close a store if the tenant continues to ignore fire safety
and if their space becomes a fire hazard.
2. No antennae of any kind or stringing wires shall be allowed outside the leased
6|Philippine Primark Properties Inc.
1. Internal (in-store) security shall be the responsibility of each tenant. The town
center security guards shall not be answerable for any untoward incidents
within the leased area, except in cases where gross negligence of the town
center guard is concerned.
2. The tenants are required to attend the regular Security Seminars being
conducted by PPPI.
5. Tenants are responsible for losses or any untoward incident inside their
respective shops or premises.
6. Carrying of firearms and deadly weapons are strictly prohibited inside the
town center
7. All private security guards/s shall be posted without prior approval from the
Market Administration Office.
8|Philippine Primark Properties Inc.
1. Each tenant's storefront and display are to be kept as clean and attractive at all
2. All store window displays must correspond to the needs and services sold
within the leased area.
3. Major revisions of the store window displays must be done during non-
operating hours only. Major revision is characterized by that which requires
rearrangement of fixtures (mannequins, stands, etc.)
4. Signs (sale, operation hour, OPEN, CLOSED, etc.) which are to be posted on
the storefront must be:
5. Display of credit card stickers, election campaign materials and job opening
announcements and the likes are strictly prohibited.igns (sale, et.) which are to
be posted on the storefront must be:
7. Stocking of inventory and the like must be kept as far away as possible from
the glass frontage.
8. For all tenants except those with door shutters or roll-up doors:
Installation and/or change of signage (s) require PPPI approval. Please provide
PPPI with four (4) sets of proposed signage plan.
PPPI shall have the discretion whether sign may be displayed, PPPI may include
conditions in allowing any sign to be exhibited.
All expenses arising from the fabrication and installation of signage shall be for
the Tenants account.
PPPI reserves the right to call the attention of the tenant for any violations of the
guidelines under this section. PPPI reserves the right to confiscate or remove
signge, stickers, posters, notices, or any similar device or inscription, displayed
or exhibited within or an outside the leased premises without any prior written
approval from PPPI.
3. All works to be done shall not cause damage to or exceed utility capacities of
the leased area or town center and shall comply with pertinent government
and safety regulations and in accordance with the PPPI House Rules and
Regulations and Construction Guidelines.
1. All repair works (civil, electrical, etc.) must be done during non-operating
hours with a prior written approval from the Administration Office.
a. Delay of repair will pose a threat to the life and the town center's
1. Tenants may sell and/or display merchandise within their leased premises
only those specifically allowed under the lease contract. Otherwise, prior
written approval from PPPI is required.
3. For kiosks and carts, the tenants are required to ensure that no merchandise or
any materials (pails, sacks, oil containers, rags, empty bottles,etc) needed for
their operations exceed their leased space.
4. Only goods, wares, merchandise to offer for sale or retail shall be stored /
stocked inside the leased premises. This shall not preclude bonifide transfer of
goods and merchandise between Tenants stores and warehouse in the
metropolitan area.
5. Tenants must ensure sufficient merchandise is kept and made available at all
times in the premises.
6. PPPI reserves the right to confiscate these items and charge the tenants with
storage fee prior to its release.
12 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
7. PPPI will be held free from any and all liabilities from damaged merchandise
and/or loss of income caused by fire, rain or any natural calamities that may
8. In the event that the tenant wishes to make claims for damages that he deems
should be shouldered by PPPI, the following procedures should be followed:
9. Tenants who cause damage to other tenants must immediately settle the
amount of damage with the affected tenant. The affected tenant must deal
with the erring tenant directly. PPPI will only assist.
1. Gambling in any form and/or games where sums of money are at stake, and
drinking of intoxicating liquor, are not allowed within the leased premises and
in common areas.
3. PPPI reserves the right to ban the entry of tenants and employees who violate
the above rules.
1. USE
1. The use of any common area for store/office activities requires prior written
approval from PPPI. The tenant is required to submit a sketch and/or layout
showing the exact location of the activity and arrangements of chairs, tables,
stage, etc.
2. For restaurant tenants who were allowed to put additional chairs and tables
immediately outside their store, the following shall be observed:
4. Tapping into common area utilities (electric, etc.) without the approval of the
Administration Office is strictly prohibited. Should this be allowed, the cost
5. Any damage resulting from the improper use of the common area shall be the
sole responsibility of the tenant. The original condition of the area must be
restored immediately within 24 hours. In the event that no repair is done
within 24 hours, PPPI shall hire the services of a qualified contractor to do the
said repair and charge the tenant the cost of the repair.
14 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
1. Obstruction, storage or selling of any kind is not permitted in the common
areas unless otherwise approved by PPPI.
2. PPPI reserves the right to haul out any material stored in the common
areas after the third written notice. Cost of the pullout, plus rental for the
area where the materials will be subsequently stored, shall be to the tenant's
3. Ensure that passge ways and common areas, particularly fire exits and
stairways are free of all debris, litter, or obstruction generated from any
construction wok or activity within their premises.
1. Tenants and their car drivers are obliged to follow traffic rules and regulations
and cooperate with PPPI in so far as enforcement of traffic regulations is
3. PPPI reserves the right to restrict or regulate the privilege of the Tenant and /
or its officer, employees, agents, customer and guests on the use of parking
facilities in the complex or other areas for common use.
4. PPPI is not responsible for vehicle as well as the properties found therein
while these are parked in any of the parking area.
5. Drivers of the vehicle shall take precaution to safeguard their vehicles while
they are parked therein.
6. PPPI may collect parking fee from the general public either by meter or some
reasonable basis.
7. Parking along the perimeter of the town center is strictly prohibited all
thoughout the day. The tenant shall be held liable for obstruction in case
an emergency occurs whereby preventing the emergency crew to respond
to the emergency.
8. PPPI shall impose sanction, fees, or penalties against tenants and its
employees for gross violations of the town center “NO PARKING AREA”
which adversely affects the common interest of the Town Center, its Tenants,
customers and / or general public.
15 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
1. Entry/exit points shall be secured by the security guards (as directed by the
Administration Office) and entry to the mall shall be limited during non-
operating hours.
3. Tenants and their employees shall not be allowed to enter the town center
more than one (1) hour before opening and after closing time without prior
written approval from the Administration Office but subject for security
inspection and checking.
4. Tenants and their employees shall not be allowed to enter the town
center without presenting their PPPI (ID).
5. Tenants and employees are required to get their PPPI ID from the
Administration Office subject to the Guidelines on the ID.
For Common areas (corridors, walls, washrooms, etc.), PPPI shall engage the services
of its accredited Housekeeping Services Contractor and shall charge the tenants their
proportionate share based on leased area.
1. PPPI shall engage the services of its accredited Safety Consultants both for
the common areas as well as each individual leased area and shall charge
tenants their proportionate share based on leased area.
2. Tenants shall promptly correct any hazards, safety deficiencies or other such
adverse situations as may be noted by PPPI's Safety Consultants.
3. Tenants shall provide at least one inspection manhole for the above-the-
ceiling inspections.
16 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
Pets/animals are prohibited from entering the Town Center. The tenant shall be
responsible for the removal of any stray found within the leased premises.
Any surface staining or dirtying of common area surfaces (such as delivery of dripping
food items, etc.) shall be cleaned at tenant’s own responsibility and expense. Should
there be a constant violation of this; the Administration Office shall have the right to
ban entry of tenant suppliers or deliverymen.
Shops with piped in music of their own must play the same at regulated and moderate
volume to avoid distracting other shops. PPPI reserves the right to
Regulate the volume that may interfere with the activities within the town center.
Speakers / Audio Visuals are not allowed to be installed outside the leased area
1. Telephone
a. Subject to the availability of cable lines and privately applied by the
b. Telephone bills shall be for the account of the tenants.
b. Distribution lines from tapping point will be for the account of the
c. Water, Electricity consumption including emergency power
consumption shall be billed at actual meter reading and at prevailing
market prices. This shall be billed monthly and will be reflected in
the statement of account.
1. Any promotional effort (banners, special events, etc.) that is carried out in
common areas should be approved by PPPI.
2. For other forms of advertising and promotional efforts, please refer to PPPI’s
Ad & Promo Guidelines.
18 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
2. Receipt of and compliance with any memorandum and all other
correspondences sent to a tenant shall be his responsibility. All
correspondences shall be sent directly to the store, it is the responsibility
of the officer-in-charge or representative of the tenant to give the
memorandum to the owner.
1. The work/activity permit form is required by PPPI to ensure the security and
safety of the town center and the tenant space.
19 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
4. All comments written by the Administration Office on the space provided
must be taken note of and complied with.
5. All workers must wear an identification card duly signed by the owner and
Administration Office before they can be allowed to enter the premises.
Their names must also be included in the list of workers previously
submitted to the Administration Office.
6. PPPI and its authorized representatives reserve the right to order work
stoppage for failure of the tenant to get the necessary permits. Work
stoppage shall also be issued by the Administration Office if the tenant’s
workers violate the House Rules and instructions of the Administration
Office. If the tenant’s workers continue to defy work stoppage or
orders from the Administration Office, PPPI / Administration Office has
the right to confiscate materials or equipment to affect the stoppage.
Proper documentation shall be done at all times.
1. The hot work permit form is required by PPPI to ensure fire safety of the
town center during work that will entail welding, electrical work & LPG.
2. No hot work shall be allowed without ensuring that a fire watch is available
in the area.
3. PPPI and its authorized representatives reserve the right to order work
stoppage for failure of the tenant to get the necessary permits. Work
stoppage shall also be issued by the Administration Office if the tenant’s
workers violate the House Rules and instructions of the Administration
Office. If the tenant’s workers continue to defy work stoppage or
orders from the Administration Office, PPPI / Administration Office has
the right to confiscate materials or equipment to affect the stoppage.
Proper documentation shall be done at all times
Violations of and/or non-compliance with the above guidelines and all other
guidelines set by PPPI shall be duly noted in the tenant's Performance Review,
and may constitute grounds for non-renewal of the tenant's lease contract.
Violation Penalty
1st written notice
2nd P 250.00
3rd P 550.00
4th P1, 050.00
Guidelines are set to effectively handle bomb threats that may be received through telephones,
letters or received face to face from another party. Bomb Information sheet is available at the
Administration Office to be filled up by the tenants.
By telephone
21 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
• Receiving party should be calm and courteous. Listen carefully and try to
get as much information and details by the caller before he hangs up. Exact
words of the caller would be of great help. Thus take notes during call.
• Let caller identify office / person being threatened, the floor location, and
the time the bomb is set to explode.
Written Communications
Personal Contact
Car/Package Bomb
22 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
Most injuries during earthquakes are caused by falling debris, flying broken glass, fire triggered
by ruptured LPG lines, damaged electrical lines or equipment and collapse of structure.
Before an earthquake
Building contents may pose a significant hazard in the event of an earthquake. As part of the
preventive planning, one must do the following:
• Large furniture such as book shelves, suspended light fixtures, ceiling fans
and storage cabinets shall be properly anchored to walls or ceilings so that
they shall not fall during an earthquake.
• Remain in the building during an earthquake since most injuries occur when
people try to leave or enter the building.
• People outside the building shall remain outside and move away from the
structure, power lines, streetlights and utility lines.
• People inside the building shall move away from glass windows or glass
partitions and seeks cover under sturdy object such as solid desk or table.
• People inside the elevator shall stop the car on the nearest floor, open the
door and get out of the elevator car.
• People caught inside the car shall stop the vehicle from moving and remain
inside and pull over until the shaking stops.
23 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
After an Earthquake
An earthquake is usually followed by a series of tremors (aftershocks) and people are advised to
do the following:
• Company/Building fire brigades shall assess the situation on their floor and
relay the information to the Security Office where Emergency Response
Team Leader can quickly size-up the situation and plan the priorities.
• Working telephone lines shall only be utilized for emergency use only.
Typhoons are severe tropical storms with heavy rains and intense wind that blows in a large circle
around an “eye”. Hurricanes may also produce tornadoes and cause strong storm surges or flash
flooding. The PAG-ASA has recently modified the Public Storms Warning Signals (PSWS) as
• PSWS #2 A tropical cyclone will affect the locality. Winds of greater than
60 kph up to 100 kph may be expected in at least 24 hours.
24 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
• PSWS #3 A tropical cyclone will affect the locality. Winds greater than 100
kph up to 185 kph may be expected in at least 18 hours.
• PSWS #4 A very intense typhoon will affect the locality. Very strong winds
of more than 185 kph may be expected in at least 12 hours.
During Typhoons:
Building occupants shall be prepared to take the following actions in the event of a strong
• Critical data or equipment shall be ready for removal and place in a safe
• Unless there is an assurance for safe travel, the occupants must stay in the
Service Desk
Every tenant can get in touch with the Administration Office at telephone number ( )
_________________ or by electronic mail address ____________________________ for
complaints on matters that may cause disruption on their operation or anything that can make their
working environment uncomfortable or unsafe. Tenants to take note of time of call, staff name
who answer call.
25 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
The Administrative Assistant has a schedule from 8:00 a.m. up to 6:00 p.m. from Mondays to
Saturdays, remaining time onwards and Sundays will be received by Security Department.
All necessary information pertaining to the service request shall be recorded in the service request
form (SDO FORM) and shall be forwarded to housekeeping, engineering, or security department
for implementation.
Management delegates with proper identification card, uniform and who are duly listed on the
service request forms are the only ones that may be allowed to work on the area that was
requested by the tenant. Any personnel without these can be verified and reported through
Administrative Assistant or can be out rightly be refused by the tenant.
Upon completion of work or request, the Administrative Assistant must solicit a feedback from
the requesting party to confirm completion at work and gauge the level of satisfaction.
Service requests and work orders are classified into two levels of urgencies;
Urgent maintenance / work orders are to be attended to immediately and to be completed as fast as
If for any reasons repair cannot be done, (spare parts not available, etc.). Requesting tenant or
person concerned will be informed as soon as possible to ensure that other remedies can be done.
Any items which require maintenance but does not cause inconvenience to the building occupants
such as, comfort room tile grouting, re-varnishing, repainting and minor repair works.
26 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
Maintenance / work order that are not urgent have to be attended to and completed within three
days. Should this not possible for any reason whatsoever, requesting tenant or person concerned
should be informed as soon as possible and an alternative date of completion should be
PPPI hereby issued the following parking guidelines and procedures which will be enforced by
our parking personnel for the safety of lives and properties.
1. Parking is not allowed in the driveway or in any other area which may obstruct
the smooth flow of traffic in and out of the town center.
2. Parking lessee or clients, guest, employee or driver shall observe traffic rules in
the parking areas and grounds. The lessee is responsible for informing their
guest, employee and driver to observe these parking rules and regulation.
3. Only one (1) car per slot is allowed. Double parking is not allowed.
4. The car owners shall always observe and maintain the cleanliness of the parking
slots at all times, free from mud, debris and oil drippings. The car owner should
furnish at their own expense a pan to collect drippings oils.
5. No one shall add or permit obstructions, restrictions or hindrances that may affect
the common use and ownership unless authorized by the Administration Office.
No part of these areas should be used as storage facility.
6. The owner shall not cause or permit the prolonged blowing or any horn from any
vehicles. No loud speaker or noisy contraption shall be allowed in any part of the
parking premises. Clients shall maintain the place in a peaceful and reasonably
quiet manner and shall refrain from any noise, boisterous or loud noise or acts
that would disturb or unreasonably interfere with the peace and quiet of the other
7. The vehicle cleaning is not allowed in the parking areas. Water from whatever
source is not allowed to pond in the parking area.
8. Administration Office / PPPI is not responsible for any damage or loss of the
vehicle, or any of its accessories or articles left therein. The parker/owner of
27 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
vehicle shall be held liable for any damage they may cause to the parking facility
or its accessories or to persons or any other property inside the Parking Area.
9. Smoking, sleeping and waiting inside the vehicle are strictly prohibited. Car
engine should be shut off while park in the parking area.
10. The Administration Office / PPPI has the right to file an injunction action to
enforce these rules and regulations and the party violating the rules and
regulation shall pay for all cost of injunction and reasonable Attorney’s Fee
which shall be not less than Php 5,000.00.
The HOUSE RULES & REGULATIONS must be returned to the Administration Office at least
seven (7) working days before you vacate or move out of the town center. Should additional
copies be required, same can be acquired at the Administration Office and reproduction cost will
be charged.
Guided by the rules and regulations set forth in this HOUSE RULES, it is the responsibility of the
Lessee to orient all staffs and employees and their frequent visitors to ensure convenience to
everyone and the uninterrupted administration of PRIMARK TOWN CENTER. Ignorance of the
rules and regulations set forth shall excuse no one from being penalised due to violation.
The Administration Office reserves the right to issue additional, rescind, alter, or waive any of the
rules contained in this document at anytime when, in its judgement, it is deemed necessary,
28 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .
desirable or proper for the best interest of the occupants. No rescission, alteration or waiver of any
rules or regulations shall be made in favour of any particular unit Lessee.
CONFORME : _______________________________
Company Name / Lessee : _______________________________
Authorized Representative: ______________________________
Position/Title : _______________________________
Date Received : _______________________________
29 | P h i l i p p i n e P r i m a r k P r o p e r t i e s I n c .