Gardtec 370 Engineer

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Input: Nominal Temp Range:

The Gardtec 370 Control Panel is a seven zone microprocessor based unit that has been designed to be suitable for domestic and small commercial installations. All zones are fully programmable by the engineer. Upon completion of the installation the engineer may, if required, re-program several factory set options so as to tailor the Control Panel to suit the requirements of the system. It should be noted that if a new four digit engineer code starts with a 9 it will be locked into the system and may only be changed by using the code again (default to factory settings will have no effect). We recommend that this engineer manual and the user manual are read and fully understood before any installation of the system is carried out.

Output Terminal Descriptions

Speaker Terminals This pair of terminals provide connection for:Keypad Speaker(s) Optional 32 Ohm Panel Speaker Any Extension Speaker(s) A speaker is supplied in each keypad. If any additional speakers are fitted they should present a minimum impedance of 16 Ohm. PGM 1 Terminal This terminal provides the switch +ve (or set +ve) required by most types of latching detectors. The terminal is an open collector output held at 12V through an integral 1k resistor. Max current sink into this terminal is 50mA. This terminal is programmable for other uses if required. PGM Options Pulse On Bell Test Switch +ve Strobe Int Alarm Pulse Off Exit / Entry

The Gardtec 370 Range of Control Panels

Installation Instructions

AC230V +/-10% ~50Hz 200mA Max. 49W Max 0 - 50C Gardtec 370 Range Metal Versions For Indoor Use Only Gardtec 370 Range Plastic Versions For Indoor Use Only

This equipment is intended only for use as a Security Alarm Control Panel. Adequate ventilation away from heat and humidity must be provided. The unit must be fixed securely to a non-flammable surface using suitable fixings. All mains wiring must be to BS7671 (1992) IEEE wiring regulations (or appropriate international regulatory standards). See Mains Supply Connection section within this manual for more detailed instructions. All wiring must be protected from sharp or jagged edges. All Low voltage (alarm) wiring must be to the appropriate international regulatory standards and comply to good wiring practice. Replacement fuses should be of the same type and rating conforming to IEC 127.

Planning the Control Panel Location

Consideration in locating the fixing position of the Control Panel should be given to: Access for the routing of cables for the system from detection devices, sounders (internal and external), remote keypads, mains, etc. The fixing of a 3 amp unswitched fused spur. When fitting the RKP(s) consideration should be given to: Operation of the keypad. Readability of the display. The Position of the underside flap retaining screw.

A more detailed description is given in the programmable options description (page 12). Power Supply Rating It should be noted that the Gardtec 370 has 1 Amp available for the full system. Sounders, detectors and other auxiliary items should be included when calculating current drawn by the system. Any damage caused through overloading the Control Panel will not be covered by the warranty. AUX 12V Terminals This pair of terminals supply the + and - supply for the keypads and detectors. 1 Amp is available from these terminals (see power supply rating above). Strobe Terminals This pair of terminals are the output for the Strobe. The negative terminal is switched during an alarm period. A maximum of 1 Amp may be drawn from these terminals (see power supply rating above). Bell Terminals This pair of terminals are the output for the Bell or external sounder. The negative terminal is switched during an alarm period. A maximum of 1 Amp may be drawn from these terminals (see power supply rating above). Page 3

Gardiner Technology Ltd

Queensway, Rochdale, OL11 1TQ. United Kingdom Tel: 01706 510000 Fax: 01706 510100 Int Tel: +44 1706 510000 Fax: +44 1706 510150 Internet: e-mail: [email protected] Technical Support Tel: 01706 510200 Technical Support Fax: 01706 510204 (Mon - Fri 09:00-1730)

The maximum current draw from the unit for all output combinations must not exceed 1Amp. The unit is intended for use with a suitable re-chargeable lead acid battery permanently connected to the appropriate terminals. All documentation and manuals must be thoroughly read by suitably qualified installation personnel prior to installation. The unit has no user serviceable parts inside. Internal access should only be by suitably qualified personnel. Gardtec 370 Metal Versions The unit must be Earthed. It is the responsibility of the installation engineer to ensure that the earth connection to the unit lid is good on completion of the installation or after service. Gardtec 370 Plastic Versions Provision is provided for an earth connection within the mains input connector block, this connection is for protection of the wiring only and is not functional for the unit. Page 1 PR5032Rev1.0

The Panel should be fixed to the wall using appropriate wall plugs and No.8 screws at least 30mm long. Do not tighten the screws at this stage, wait until all your wiring is in place.

Mains Supply Connection

A 230V a.c supply should be taken directly from the consumer unit. In order to comply with the requirements of B.S 4737 this should be via a 3 Amp unswitched fused spur.

Page 2

Remote Keypads
Up to four remote keypads may be fitted to the GARDTEC 370 control panel. A four core connection will be required between the control panel data port and remote keypad(s), all keypads must be in a 'daisy chain' format as shown in Fig2. below. Note: All RKP models have an EOL jumper with the exception of the 370 model which is supplied with an EOL resistor. If only one RKP is used the jumper or resistor should be fitted in that RKP. If more than one RKP is used the jumper or resistor should only be fitted to the last RKP in the line. When using RKPs fitted with an Entry/Exit zone only one may be used irrespective of the number of RKPs fitted. This RKP zone will be Entry/Exit with Chime allocated and will be indicated on the display as r1.

ProDigi Communicator (Standard, AV & AV Serial)

It is possible to use a ProDigi Communicator with a Gardtec 370 Metal version. Connection details for the ProDigi are shown below. The ProDigi must be programmed via a Gardtec 800 Series control panel or a ProDigi Programmer. When programming the ProDigi the EOL jumper should be ON and the 580 SEL jumper OFF. When you have finished programming the EOL jumper should be taken OFF and the 580 SEL jumper should be put ON. Please refer to the ProDigi Installation manual for more details.

Fig4. Typical Novagard 1E Connections

Initial Power Up
When the Control Panel is powered up it will be either set or unset dependent on the state of the Control Panel when it was powered down. The factory default state will be unset.


As power is applied all segments of the twin seven segment display will be lit for approx six seconds. During this period press 4 6 YES NO to ensure that the Control Panel is at factory settings. The display will then show set or unset.

Reset to Default Modes

Method 1 To gain temporary access to the factory default settings remove the link marked LK2 R/S on the P.C.B (this will give temporary access to the default codes 5678 for user and 1234 for engineer). See note below. Method 2 Apply power to the panel and press 00 within the first 5 seconds. 1) 2) 3) Down power the panel again and leave for at least 10 seconds. Re-apply either the mains or battery supply. Press 4 6 YES NO within the first 5 seconds.

Fig2. ProDigi Connection

RKP 2 etc.


Note: ProDigi EOL jumper must be OFF ProDigi 580 SEL jumper must be ON ProDigi Communicator + AUX 12V

Novagard 1E

Gardtec 370

Fig1. RKP Connection

Note: Terminal position will differ dependant on RKP model used. Some models may also have dual terminal markings. RKP 2
TMP+ E/EE/E+ 12V 370 type RKP only 0V D IN D OUT

E/E+ 12V 0V D IN D OUT 12V 0V


Fig5. Input Connections



N/C Devices
N/O Device



N/C E/E Zone

The Control Panel is now back to factory defaults. Note: The two methods shown above will have no effect on the engineer code if it started with a '9'. If this is the case, only re-use of the programmed engineer code will allow it to be changed.

N/C Tamper



N/C Tamper Switches



12V 0V




Fig3. Control Panel Output Connections


N/C Devices
N/O Device





+ +

N/C Devices
N/O Device


System Programming
The system may be programmed by the engineer by use of the engineer code (1234 factory default). Other Engineer/User functions are also available to the engineer, these are as follows. Set Chime Unset Remove Test Log

N/C Devices
N/O Device


Note: EOL jumper should be fitted only to last RKP in chain.

Programmable terminal for latching detectors etc. Supply for Detectors RKPs Etc

Note: If 370 RKP is used 680 ohm resistor should be fitted between 12v & D IN terminals on last RKP

N/C Devices Speaker 12V Trig

N/O Device



ACE RX should be configured as 580.

16 Ohm Min

Strobe Light

0V Tamp Ret
N/O Device

N/C Devices

Note: Details of the above functions are given in the User Manual. Program Engineer Code Programming of the Engineer Code is only possible via the Engineer Code (e.g 1234). See Engineer Programming Flow Chart (overleaf). Page 7


Sounder/SAB Unit N/C Devices

N/O Device



Ensure only 1 keypad has a EOL jumper or resistor fitted.

Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

Fig5. Engineer Programming Flow Chart



OPTIONS AVAILABLE RIGHT DIGIT 0=Full Set 1=Part1 2=Part2 3=Part1&2 4=Full Set+Chime 5=Part1+Chime 6=Part2+Chime 7=Part 1&2+Chime


System is Unset
Enter Engineer Code Press 0 (Quit) Press NO Press YES Press NO Press 0 (Quit)

Do you wish to use Engineer Mode

Zone1 Attributes LEFT DIGIT 0=12Hr 1=E/E 2=Access 3=Panic 4=24Hr 5=Fire 6=Alert 7=Exit Term 8=Part E/E Zone 2 Attributes Zone 3 Attributes Zone 4 Attributes Zone 5 Attributes Zone 6 Attributes Zone 7 Attributes Sounder Level

MENU No 12


OPTIONS AVAILABLE PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT1 PGM1 RIGHT DIGIT 0=Pulse On 1=SW+ 2=Pulse Off 3=Bell 4=Strobe 5=Entry/Exit 6=Test 7=Int. Alarm


Resetting After an Alarm

Four reset modes are available after an alarm. These are as follows. Any Code The system will reset the next time Any Code is used to set the system. Master Code The system will only reset if the Master Code or Engineer code is used to set the system. Engineer Code The system will only reset if the Engineer Code is used to set the system. Anti-Code The system may only be reset by use of an Anti-Code. The engineer code may be used to override the Anti-Code Reset. To Reset System:1) Enter Code of correct type (see above). 2) Proceed to set the system. 3) If a set is not required re-enter the code to abort setting. To Reset by Anti-Code:1) Make a note of the Code given by the display. 2) Using the Gardiner Technology Anti-Code software on a P.C or an Anti-Code Generator enter the four digit source code given by the Panel. 3) Enter the resulting four digit Anti-Code into the Control Panel.

Part Set Sounders PART & Output 1 Mode SOUNDERS LEFT DIGIT 0=All Parts silent 1=Part 2 silent 2=Parts1&3 silent 3=All Parts Audible

2 3

As Zone1 Options As Zone1 Options As Zone1 Options As Zone1 Options As Zone1 Options As Zone 1 Options CHIME LEFT DIGIT 0-9 ENTRY/EXIT RIGHT DIGIT 0-9

80 13 00 14 Entry Time 2 Keypad 00 - 99seconds ALERT KEYS 1&3 LEFT DIGIT 0=Off 1=Panic 2=Fire 3=Alert 10 10 RIGHT DIGIT Always 0 01 15 02 00 30 55 16 17 18 Bell Re-Arms Bell Ring Time Bell Delay Bell Mode Entry Time 1 00 - 99seconds 30

This is Engineer Mode

4 5

Enter Option Number Then YES Press NO

6 7

This is the Existing Setting

Press NO Press NO

00 Re-Arms - 99 Re-Arms 00 minutes - 99 minutes 00 minutes - 99 minutes BELL TYPE LEFT DIGIT 0=SAB 1=SCB 00=Audible PA TAMPER RING RIGHT DIGIT 0=Off 1=On 10=Silent PA RESET MODE RIGHT DIGIT 0=Any Code 1=Master Code 2=Anti-Code 3=Engineer Code 99 = Off

99 20 00 00

Zone Type Terminology

The terminology used for the various zone types are explained in this section. 12 Hour Access 24 Hour Entry/Exit Zone active when Control Panel is Set Will allow to pass through on Exit. Will allow to pass through on entry only if entry/exit is opened first Internal sounder if Unset. Full alarm if Set. Zone used as last exit point or first entry point. As Access if Control Panel is Full Set As entry/exit if Control Panel is Part Set 24 Hour Personal Attack. Active if Control Panel is Set or Unset Internal sounder only. Recorded to Log Will give Fire alarm when activated (pulsed external sounders) with panel set or unset.

9 Press NO 10

Full Set Exit Time Part Set Exit Time Setting Modes FULL SET LEFT DIGIT 0=Exit Term 1=E/E Door 2=Time 3=Time+E/E

00 - 99seconds 00 - 99seconds PART SET RIGHT DIGIT 0=Exit Term 1=E/E Door 2=Time 3=Time+E/E

30 19 30 22 20 21 PA Mode Reset Modes LEFT DIGIT Always 0

Enter new Setting Here

Press NO Enter New Value Then Press YES


00 01

Part E/E P.A Alert Fire

Press YES Enter new Engineer Code Press YES Re-Enter Engineer Code Press YES Press 0 to return to Unset Page 8

Gardtec 370 Metal Page 9


Service Timer

00weeks - 98weeks. Page 10


Exit Terminator With Panel programmed to set with exit terminator the panel will only set when zone is activated during exit. Page 11

Programmable Options Description

This section will give a description of the programmable options that are available on the GARDTEC 370 Control Panel. For more details of the parameters available for each option please refer to the section Programming Charts. Zone 1-7 Attributes (Option No.1-7) This option allows the zone type, zone part set remove and zone chime features to be programmed for zone 1-7. Sounder Level (Option No.8) This option allows for the fine adjustment of the speaker volume for Entry/Exit tone and Chime to be programmed. Coarse adjustment is via the potentiometer situated to the edge of the PCB. Full Set Exit Time (Option No.9) Allows the Exit Time for full set to be programmed. Part Set Exit Time (Option No.10) Allows the Exit Time for Part set to be programmed. Setting Modes (Option No.11) Allows the setting modes for Full and Part-set to be programmed. Part-set Sounders & Output 1 Mode (Option No.12) Allows the Part-set exit sounder mode and the operating mode of the programmable output 1 terminal to be programmed. Entry Time 1 (Option No.13) Entry time may be looked at as three events. Entry time 1 will give the normal Entry tone. Entry time 2 will give a louder warning tone. After both times have expired the external sounders will sound. This option allows Entry Time 1 to be programmed. Entry Time 2 (Option No.14) Allows Entry Time 2 to be programmed. Keypad (Option No.15) Key numbers 1 & 3 when pressed together may be programmed using this function to give a particular response. Bell Re-Arms (Option No.16) This option is used to program the number of times the Bell will Re-Arm during a set period. Bell Ring Time (Option No.17) This option is used to program the Bell ring time.

Bell Mode (Option No.19) The Bell Mode Function allows the mode of the Bell to be programmed from SAB to SCB. In SAB mode the current for the sounder is supplied from the Control Panel unless the cable to the Bell box is cut. In SCB mode the current for the sounder is supplied by the sounder battery under all circumstances. The Bell Tamper mode if programmed ON will always trigger the external sounder from the control panel in the event of a Bell Tamper. Reset Modes (Option No.21) The reset modes are programmed using this function. Service Timer (Option No.22) The service timer period is programmed using this function. When service time expires the system will lock the user out. Extra service may be gained using the Anti-Code software. If the timer is set to 99 weeks the timer function is Off.

Display Messages (Log) Apart from the System and Status displays the following messages may also appear whilst viewing the Log. 'S 'S ' ' System Full Set System Part 2 Set Unset User 1 Unset User 3 Unset User 5 Unset User 7 Unset User 9 Alarm has occurred 'S 'S ' ' System Part 1 Set System Part 3 Set Unset User 2 Unset User 4 Unset User 6 Unset User 8 Unset User 0 (Engineer) Watchdog reset

Other Accessories
A complete range of accessories are available to complement your Gardtec 370 security system. Some of this range is shown below:-

Gardtec 370 Speaker Kit

A 32 Ohm speaker.


' o1 ' ' o3 ' ' o5 ' ' o7 ' ' o9 ' ' AL '

' o2 ' ' o4 ' ' o6 ' ' o8 ' ' o0 ' ' rE '

Rear Tamper The Gardtec Speech Dialler

(02-064) (04-069)

Display Messages
The Following System messages are possible.

The Gardtec Speech Dialler offers communications between your security system and any telephone or selected pagers. One Common message along with three Information messages may be programmed to be sent to up to four telephone numbers. The unit offers a full range of programmable features to ensure your message gets across.

' 1 to 7 ' (flashing) '1 to 7' 't' 'E 'E ' ' ' ' ' ' Represent zones 1 to 7 Tamper zone System Part 1 Setting System Part 3 Setting System Fully Set System Part 2 Set An Alarm has occurred Fuse Fail or Battery Fault Bell box Tamper Control Box Tamper Phone Line or Digi Fault Engineer Reset required (or Service Timer activated). 'E 'CA' 'E Un' ' ' 'Ac' 'Ct' 'Pc' 'r1' ' ' ' ' System Full Setting Alert keys activated System Part 2 Setting System is Unset System Part 1 Set System Part 3 Set Anti-Code reset required RKP Tamper Mains Power Cut Keypad Zone Complies with Number of Zones Display Type User Code Default Engineer Code Default Event Log Size No. of User Codes No. of Part Sets

Zone 1 to 7 was removed when system was set.

Gardtec 370 Specification

Power Input Max Loop Resistance Loop Delay Time Fuses Mains Aux Low Voltage Output Power Supply Rating Battery Sizes Construction 230V a.c +/- 10% @50Hz 2K Ohm 300 milliseconds 200mA Anti Surge 1A Quick Blow 13.8V (typical) Regulated 1A Metal Version 12V 1.2Ah, 2.0Ah, 3.0Ah, 7.0Ah Plastic Version 12V 1.2Ah, 2.0Ah Metal Version 1.2mm Mild Steel Plastic Version 3mm Polycarbonate B.S 4737 7 + Tamper (+RKP E/E Zone on 580 style RKPs) 2 x 7 segment LED(except ACE RX) 5678 1234 80 9 3 Page 14

ProDigi Communicator ProDigi AV Communicator ProDigi AV Serial Communicator Additional RKPs Gardtec 370 LED RKP Gardtec 370/580 LED RKP Gardtec 370/580 Contour LED RKP Gardtec 370/580 Profile LED RKP ACE RX ACE TX (Key Fob) *Include RKP Zone

(04-073) (04-072) (04-071)

'AL ' 'Fb' 'bb' 'Cb' 'PL' 'En'

(01-144) (01-113)* (01-147)* (01-114)* (01-136) (01-130)

Up to four RKPs may be fitted to the Gardtec 370 Control Panel. ACE offers Setting, Unsetting, Part Setting & Resetting via high security Infra-Red keyfobs. ACE is available as compact stand alone units which are fully compatible with the Gardtec 370 Control Panel. Page 15

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