PRUDENTIAL - Company Profile

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Prudential Uganda

Prudential: Established in 1848 in London,
United Kingdom

Since 1848, Prudential has stood as a cornerstone in the

insurance industry, founded in London, United Kingdom,
marking a legacy of excellence and reliability.
175+ Years of Global
Financial Security
With a legacy spanning over 175 years, Prudential
has offered peace and financial security to millions
worldwide. As one of the largest insurance companies
globally, Prudential plc’s market capitalization
solidifies its prominent position in the industry.

In Uganda, we stand as one of the most capitalized

insurers, assuring our customers of our unwavering
commitment to meeting financial obligations
punctually, reinforcing trust and reliability in every
Our African

Cote d’Ivoire Uganda



Prudential has a strong presence

across Africa, with offices in
Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Ghana,
Togo, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire,
and Nigeria.

Specifically in Uganda, you can

find us in Kampala, Mbale and
Mbarara, ensuring accessibility
and service in key locations for
our valued customers.
Our Commitment to
Trust: A Legacy of
Honoring Claims
We’ve upheld our promise to honour valid claims

Notably, after the Titanic tragedy in 1912, we

promptly paid £14,239 for 292 lives lost.

This commitment echoes across our global offices,

earning us trust by ensuring every valid claim is
settled promptly and reliably
At Prudential Uganda, we a stable financial future for your
specialize in an extensive array loved ones.
of life insurance products
meticulously crafted to offer Pru Farewell Plan:
unparalleled financial security An empathetic funeral insurance
and tranquility for our valued product meticulously designed
customers. to alleviate the financial strain
on families during challenging
Our product portfolio
encompasses: Pru Edusave:
Pru Edusave, a product
Prudent Life: denominated in shillings,
Not only offers robust financial combines the advantages of
protection but introduces an savings with robust life insurance
innovative refund feature for coverage, specifically tailored to
policyholders who complete their meet your needs.
plan period without making a
claim Experience peace of mind and
safeguard your future with
Pru Investor Plus: Prudential Uganda’s diverse and
A comprehensive life insurance reliable life insurance products
solution that seamlessly integrates
protection and savings, ensuring
Impactful CSR

At Prudential, our CSR initiatives riders in fundamental road

pioneer innovative solutions, safety and life-saving first aid
focusing on crucial challenges skills. This initiative aims to
like climate change, safety, and enhance safety awareness and
education. response in case of accidents.

• Cha-Ching Financial Literacy • Access to Safe Drinking

Program: Water in Schools:
In collaboration with Junior Our commitment to providing
Achievement, this program has safe and clean drinking water
empowered over 10,000 school in schools begins in Mbale.
children with essential financial Through collaboration with
literacy skills, equipping them Tusafishe, we’ve facilitated
to make informed financial access for over 15,000 pupils
decisions in their future. and students in 5 schools in
Mbale City, ensuring a healthier
• Safe Steps Road Safety learning environment.
Partnering with Uganda Red Prudential remains dedicated to
Cross Society, Uganda Police, pioneering initiatives that create a
and Ministry of Works and positive impact, addressing critical
Transport, this campaign has issues and fostering a better future
trained over 4,000 boda boda for communities.

Prudential’s innovation has been

recognized twice at the inaugural
Insurance Innovation Awards by
the Insurance Regulatory Authority.

Voted as the Most Innovative

Life Insurer and People’s Choice
Life Insurer for two years in a
row, this accolade reaffirms our
commitment to pioneering ground-
breaking solutions in the insurance

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