Dmpa 11 - 5TH - Business

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"Year of the Bicentennial of Peru: 200 years of Independence"




Learning Activities Evidence

Activity #1 Look, reflect and In groups of 5 or 6 members perform
give your point of view. one stakeholder scene of a TV
Identify and distinguish Activity #2 Read and interview about its reason for
the relevant aspects of answer the Inquiring resistance to change in the
Questions. workplace:
leadership types and
Activity #3 Read and Assessment
apply it in a Sketch.
answer the TOK Question. rubrics
Activity #4 Read the texts.
Activity #5 Foster the

Concepts Contexts Contents

1. Management and Leadership

Change Hypothetic Cases 2. Leadership Styles

Activity #1 Look, reflect and give your point of view.

Activity #2 Answer these inquiring questions:

1. What do understand for Leadership?

2. ¿Do you think that Management is essential for the success of a business? Why?

"Year of the Bicentennial of Peru: 200 years of Independence"

Activity #3 Read and answer the TOK Question:

¿What types of knowledge, skills and attitudes might future business leaders and employees need?

Activity #4 Read the texts and highlight the key parts.

Leadership vs. Management

Management and Leadership are two sides of the same coin and, many times, the difficulty in
differentiating these concepts arises from the fact that they can be exercised by the same person, although
this does not mean that all leaders are managers or that all managers are leaders. Of course, both
complement each other.
Let's read the following definitions to better understand these concepts (Source: "The difference between
Leadership and Management”,

Understanding Leadership vs. Management

When it comes to understanding the difference between leadership and management, it may be helpful
to think of a map. A leader is responsible for choosing a destination and the overall direction, while a
manager shares the specific turns you need to make to get from Point A to Point B. Let’s explore this idea
more in depth.

As you may have deduced from the example above, leadership is about
providing a high-level vision for a team – with the goal of innovating in a way
that will help an organization in the long run by asking what needs to change
and why. From there, leaders guide people in the right direction by providing
support, inspiration, and motivation. Along the way, leaders check in to make
sure everyone is aligned and on the right track, but they rarely get involved in
the tactical decisions.
Management’s responsibility, on the other hand, is to execute on the leader’s vision.
Once the destination has been set, managers are the one who oversee the series of
tactics that will get them to where they need to be. This involves assigning tasks to team
members, making sure everyone is collaborating harmoniously, and ensuring they hit the
appropriate deadlines to reach their short-term goals.
In other words, Management refers to actions to carry out an initiative or project based on the
administration of resources and the direction of staff. Management in organizations is made up of the
people responsible for ensuring that the work, large or small, is carried out; they are people with a special
set of responsibilities who ensure that the work of the company is carried out.
Those who have a managerial function have a supervisory role. Senior management includes the CEO and
the various people in charge of each of the main business functions (human resources, accounting and
finance, marketing and operations management)
Key Management Functions: Henry Fayol outlined five main Management functions based on his
experiences as a manager at a large French coal mine:
1. Planning Set strategic objectives, tactical objectives, even operational objectives.
2. Organization Verify that you have sufficient resources to achieve your goals.

"Year of the Bicentennial of Peru: 200 years of Independence"

3. Direction Managers must ensure that all employees know what tasks they have to
perform and how they should perform them
4. Coordination Managers must pool the various resources to achieve the goals. Managers must
coordinate all activities, ensuring that they are carried out in the established
time and as appropriate.
5. Control Managers have the power over a given situation to achieve goals. If any process
does not meet quality standards, it can change them.

On the other hand, Leadership refers to a more emotional role, the art of inspiring and motivating people
to achieve common goals. A leader focuses on doing the right thing about people; it must show that it cares
for its workforce when circumstances require it and be willing to accept blame for poor results if it means
protecting its employees from excessive and unjustified criticism. Leaders guide organizations to an ethical
end and focus ethical considerations on people.

Leader Manager
Time: 24 hours Time: 09:00am – 5:00pm

● Its function is to answer what? and why? ● Your responsibility is to answer the how? and
● Inspires and motivates your followers through
action ● They give instructions and orders that must be
● They take risks many times challenging the
status quo of the organization ● They take risks by aligning them with the
organization's policies and standards
● Shine during moments of change
● They do very well when the business is in stable


LEADERSHIP Definition Characteristics Strengths Weaknesses

The leader Centralizes control It works well for Discourages contributors

maintains strict employees who want who want their opinions
One-way communication
control over clear and precise to be considered
decision- Control of information instructions.
Skilled and experienced
High control over Very useful in crisis workers may react badly
information and
employees situations
workers Loses the valuable
Useful for solving contribution of workers
Autocratic style problems that in decisions
demand quick
Not useful for long-term
strategic decisions

The leader has a Acts as the leader of a Encourage worker Demotivators of

controlling "large family" loyalty employees who wish to
presence that be part of decision-
Plaintiff but controlling Motivate employees
cares for and making
"Year of the Bicentennial of Peru: 200 years of Independence"

watches over Leader cares about Clear instructions are Lack of necessary
his employees. employees provided. guidance in difficult
Some decisions are
consulted and
communication is two-way

Employees are not

involved in the decision-
making process

The manager Well-structured Can be effective Likely to be

refers to the management when the operating counterproductive in a
rule book when environment is very situation when creativity
A formal hierarchical
making stable or very and rapid decision
decisions since definite procedures making is needed.
Bureaucratic procedures or need to be followed
Task oriented
style policy dictate because the
what should be consequences of a
done. mistake may be very

It involves There is greater employee Engaging employees Employee involvement

decentralized involvement in decision- increases motivation slows down the process
management making
Valuable contribution Not effective in difficult
Decentralized of employees to situations
management decision-making
receive Sharing information
decision-making Two-way communication Two-way widely can cause
positions. communication problems in sensitive
Democratic Employees very informed
facilitates the flow of situations
style of the management of the
company Some employees only
Suitable for long- want clear indications.
Employee empowerment.
term decisions

Approach Delegates most of the Effective when Companies can lose

involving decisions that are made employees need little control over employees
delegation of on a day-to-day basis supervision and work
Weak decisions can be
day-to-day independently
Freedom for employees to made because of lack of
work in the way they think Reduces consultation
is best management time
LAISSEZ-FAIRE Motivationis lost if
and cost.
Can be used with employees feel that they
style employees with are not being looked
experienced and after
developed skills

Leadership Leaders need to be Managers adopt the Demand for high

depends on the flexible. most appropriate activities and flexible
task, situation leadership style managers.
The style adapts to the
and according to the
various situations. May be inconsistent with
collaborators. situation they face.
Situational business management
It requires high skills of the
style It reflects the styles
leader to handle
dynamic nature of
situations. It can be difficult to
the business round.
"Year of the Bicentennial of Peru: 200 years of Independence"

Useful in companies
with cultural

Which leadership style is best?

It could not be said that one style of leadership is better

than another, as the results depend on many factors;
consequently, leaders must take into account these
factors and the goals they wish to achieve in order to
define an appropriate leadership style.

The effectiveness of the Leadership Style is likely to be

influenced by:

– Subordinates (skills, age, level of education, expectations and level of motivation).

– The decision (if it is urgent, important or as a result of an error).

– The Leader (character, values, experience and expectations).

– The Work Environment (creative, repressive, democratic or complicated)

– Culture and Ethics

– There are cultural norms that lead you to carry one style of leadership or another.

– This is based a lot on the ethics, values and morals of the leader.

Currently the leaders must take care of their actions since these are the ones that will help us to motivate
and improve the production of the company. Currently, leadership is tending to move from an autocratic to
a democratic one, with empowerment and being micro managers of our work more common.

Although leadership has progressively acquired great importance in business organizations, it is not
something new; throughout history, from Julius Cesar and Ghandi to Hitler, we can find multiple examples
of great leaders who have left their mark on history, sometimes commendable and sometimes deplorable.
The impact of the leader on his followers can transcend even the activity they perform or the objectives
they pursue; that is why it is important for organizations, and even to personal level, to define what
characteristics or qualities a leader must gather so that he can properly promote his followers to achieve
the objectives set. Leadership choice and leadership style has become an important part of Human Capital


Activity # 5 Answer the questions:

- Difference what is Management and what is Leadership

- What role does the leader play and what is his role in the organization?
- Are managers generally good leaders and can leaders be good managers?
- Can a person be a leader and manager at the same time? What problems or difficulties
might you face?
- Can cultural differences influence
5 leadership and management?
"Year of the Bicentennial of Peru: 200 years of Independence"


Activity # 6

The students are divided into 5 teams and each team will randomly receive a type of Leadership. In 5
minutes, they must represent a sketch that demonstrates the type of leadership they have had. To do so,
they will incorporate at least 5 characteristics of that leader (choose three of the characteristics that are in
bold): motivating the team, communication, evidence of emotional intelligence, ability to solve problems,
respect for others, prioritize personal and professional development, promote strategic thinking, team
development, drive growth, invest in people, active listening, passion, etc


1. ¿How did you feel with the today’s learning session?

2. ¿What did know before that you know now?
3. ¿Were the pedagogical resources useful for the comprehension of the worked concepts? ¿Why?


‐ International Baccalaureate Organization (2014). Business Management Guide. First evaluation

2016. Cardiff: IBO
‐ Lee, S. (2020) The difference between leadership and management. Retrieved on June 2, 2021 from
Torch website:
‐ Lominé, L., Muchena, M., and Pierce, R. (2014) Business Management. Oxford
‐ Stimpson, P. & Smit, A. (2015). Business and Management for the IB Diploma (2a Ed.). Polonia:

Alfonso Esteban Urteaga Gago, Silvia Amelia Allauca Donayre y Brigdist Zoila Angelo Moscoso (2024).
Methodological design for learning #11. Leadership and Management.

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